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40. “Knowing about his presence in the country and his skills […] he was hired by the government to undertake a scientific journey throughout the territory «with the aim of studying the natural history of Chile, its geography, geology, statistics, and everything that contributes to making known the natural productions of the country, its industry, commerce, and administration, and to present to the government, within the term of four years, […] a sketch of what has been done in the respective matters»”. (Cristián Gazmuri, Chilean Historiography, 2012). The preceding text corresponds to the contract signed between the Government of Chile and the French naturalist Claudio Gay in 1830. In this regard, what need(s) of the Chilean State was this initiative seeking to address? I) Provide scientific reports on the reality of the country. II) Establish definitive territorial boundaries with neighboring countries. III) Explore the productive potentialities of the country. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | C | History Chile |
41. In Santiago de Chile in the year 1849, the Club de la Reforma was formed and a year later, in 1850, the Sociedad de la Igualdad was founded, both considered as new forms of political sociability. In the context of that time, what factor favored the creation of these entities in Chile? | history/2019 | [' A) The state promotion of compulsory primary education. ', ' B) The spread of liberal thought among the intellectuals. ', ' C) The increase in literacy rates among the population. ', ' D) The benefactor behavior of the conservative sectors of society. ', ' E) The pressure exerted by the Catholic Church on the freedom of education. '] | B | Chile History |
42. Since the mid-19th century, Chile initiated a plan aimed at definitively occupying the area of Araucanía, a process that culminated in the 1880s. Among other aspects, what did this process of incorporating this territory mean for the Chilean State? | history/2019 | ['A) The beginning of industrial activity in the country. ', 'B) The end of indigenous demands for ancestral lands. ', 'C) The development of a significant wheat-growing activity in the region. ', 'D) The colonization of the territory exclusively with population from Central Chile. ', 'E) The forced relocation of the Mapuche to the large cities by the Government. '] | C | History Chile |
43. In Chile, during the second half of the 19th century, the so-called Secular Laws were approved. In that context, what was one of the purposes of the implementation of these legal norms? | history/2019 | ['A) Incorporate freedom of worship.', 'B) Ensure freedom of education.', 'C) Nullify the influence of the Catholic Church in society.', 'D) Establish a definitive separation of Church and State.', 'E) Secularize functions that were under the Church's tutelage.'] | E | History Chile |
44. The exploitation of the nitrate wealth in Chile, following the War of the Pacific, stimulated various areas of the national economy. Among other aspects, what impact did this exploitation have on the State? | history/2019 | ['A) The nationalization of mining companies. ', 'B) The increase in the apparatus of the public administration. ', 'C) The decrease in dependency on external markets. ', 'D) The reduction of social conflicts related to the labor world. ', 'E) The implementation of the Import Substitution Industrialization model. '] | B | Chile History |
45. "If, following the example of Washington and the great Republic of the North, we prefer to consume national production [...] if we ennoble industrial work by increasing wages in proportion to the greater intelligence applied by the working class; if the State, maintaining the level of its income and expenses, dedicates a portion of its wealth to the protection of national industry, supporting and nourishing it in its initial trials; if we make the State participate in its capital and economic laws, and we all participate, individually or collectively, to produce more and better and to consume what we produce; a more fruitful sap will circulate through the industrial organism of the Republic, and a greater degree of wealth and well-being will grant us possession of this supreme good of a working and honest people: to live and dress by ourselves." (José Manuel Balmaceda, Speech, 1886). In the previous document, President Balmaceda expresses his political and economic proposals, which preceded the Civil War of 1891. In this context and based on this quote, what was a policy of said leader? | history/2019 | [' A) Promote the privatization of national industry. ', ' B) Disagree with free trade policies. ', ' C) Oppose State intervention in economic matters. ', ' D) Encourage the development of the national manufacturing industry. ', ' E) Reject the participation of private capital in the nitrate industry. '] | D | History Chile |
46. At the end of the 19th century in Chile, a civil war occurred that ended with the death of President José Manuel Balmaceda and the imposition of a parliamentary system in the country. What was one of the causes that triggered this war? | history/2019 | ['A) The aspirations of various national groups to seize the nitrate fields in the north of the country. ', 'B) Disputes between conservatives and liberals over the separation of Church and State. ', 'C) Differences among the political class regarding the stance on universal voting rights. ', 'D) The constant revolts of popular sectors to achieve better living conditions. ', 'E) Differences of interest between the Government and a sector of the national elite. '] | E | Chile History |
47.| “I toast, said a citizen rejecting the aristocratic for the Democratic Party, I will toast courteously. At this moment, I strive to toast for said party that has had the courage to defend the poor, wishing for them to have courage in defense of the impoverished.” | “Long live Chile, citizens! Lift your neck and your forehead, freedom has triumphed, the tyrants have fallen!” | (Adolfo Reyes, Toast to the Democratic Party, 1890) | (Rómulo Larrañaga, pseudonym “Rolak”, Triumph of the Revolution, 1891) The Civil War of 1891 encompasses a set of elements that characterize the history of Chile from that period. Based on the cited sources, which of the following options corresponds to a phenomenon of that period? | history/2019 | ['A) The nationalization of the nitrate industry.', 'B) The strong political polarization.', 'C) The prohibition on the functioning of leftist political parties.', 'D) The consolidation of the political predominance of the President of the Republic.', 'E) The marginalization of the military from the conflict.'] | B | History Chile |
48. The wealth generated by the exploitation of minerals in the north of Chile led, since the late 19th century, to the expansion of affluent neighborhoods in cities such as Santiago and Valparaíso. What is a common characteristic of this type of neighborhood? | history/2019 | ['A) They were built in the historic center of the cities. ', 'B) They maintained the colonial grid plan layout. ', 'C) They consisted of renovations of public buildings. ', 'D) They introduced European architectural models. ', 'E) They reflected the influence of the United States on the oligarchy. '] | D | History Chile |
49. “The process of industrialization, as mentioned, was slow, although it had two moments of rapid activation: between 1858 and 1870, when the number of establishments with industrial patents increased from 686 to 3,218, and then in the period 1886-1905, when the increase was from 3,188 to 9,436. It is worth noting that the industrial branches with the greatest productive development were those of food and beverages (especially between 1844 and 1870), clothing and textiles (great development after 1870), and wood and furniture (constant from 1850 until after 1914). In the case of the clothing and textiles branch, the expansion was expressed in the massive importation of sewing machines […] It was also expressed in the increase in the number of its workers." (Gabriel Salazar, Patriarcado mercantil y liberación femenina, 2010). The previous quote describes the economic transformations that developed in Chile during the 19th century. According to the analysis of the quote and its relation to the alluded historical period, what phenomenon(s) did the national economy experience? I) Diversification in its production areas. II) The introduction of changes in the modes of production. III) A reorientation based on the sale of its manufactures abroad. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I', 'B) Only II', 'C) Only I and II', 'D) Only II and III', 'E) I, II, and III'] | C | History of Chile |
51. In terms of foreign policy, the Chilean state has designed diplomatic actions aimed at establishing conditions of peace with those countries with which it faced conflicts in the 19th century. Concerning these confrontations, what repercussion(s) did these border agreements signed by Chile have? I) They ratified the incorporation of significant productive territories. II) They triggered armed conflicts in the 20th century due to the imprecision of their clauses. III) They established a solid immigration policy favoring the integration of the Southern Cone. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I', 'B) Only III', 'C) Only I and II', 'D) Only I and III', 'E) Only II and III'] | A | History Chile |
52. In Chile, during the first half of the 20th century and as a response to the capitalist crisis of 1929, a set of public policies was generated with the purpose of promoting state incentives for the production of goods. Among other reasons, why did this experience fail? | history/2019 | ['A) Due to the country's inability to achieve technological independence. ', 'B) Due to the lack of raw materials to feed the national industry. ', 'C) Due to high levels of corruption in public administration. ', 'D) Due to governments' inclination to implement neoliberal policies. ', 'E) Due to the loss of labor because of migration from the city to the countryside. '] | A | History Chile |
53. Between the years 1938 and 1952, Chile was governed by presidents who came from the Radical Party, at the same time a series of social changes occurred. From the following options, which corresponds to one of those changes? | history/2019 | ['A) The increase in the volume of the middle-class population. ', 'B) The emergence of the urban proletariat. ', 'C) The disappearance of the old capital aristocracy. ', 'D) The establishment of an egalitarian society. ', 'E) The entry of women into the labor market. '] | A | History of Chile |
54. Regarding the Chilean geographical space, what change did the development of the Great Copper Mining in the 20th century produce? | history/2019 | ['A) The construction of ports in all regions to export minerals. ', 'B) The creation of industrial hubs to produce consumer goods derived from this metal. ', 'C) The development of large agricultural areas in the desert to supply the mining camps. ', 'D) The establishment of urban centers near the deposits for the personnel of the operations. ', 'E) The installation of purification plants to desalinate seawater. '] | D | History Chile |
55. "In 1952, the First National Housing Census was conducted, which made it possible to gauge the magnitude of the housing problem by declaring that precarious or 'inappropriate' houses for habitation amounted to 374,306, representing 30% of the existing residences in the country. This situation worsened when using Santiago City as a reference, which recorded the existence of 119,163 precarious homes (both single-family and collective), accounting for 36.2% of the total." (Rafael Sagredo and Cristián Gazmuri, directors, History of Private Life in Chile, Vol. III, 2013). The reading of the text allows for an understanding of a part of the Chilean society's reality in the mid-20th century. Based on the situation described in the attached census information, which of the following options corresponds to a state initiative in this matter? | history/2019 | ['A) Promote the collective rental of old urban mansions.', 'B) Establish strategies to curb population growth.', 'C) Launch housing programs for construction and self-construction.', 'D) Provide subsidies to household heads for home purchases.', 'E) Relocate families to the country's far regions.'] | C | History Chile |
56. “It is expected that by 1954 there will be two units (60,000 kW in total) of the Cipreses plant that ENDESA is constructing in the province of Talca, power that will be transmitted to Santiago via a 154,000 volts line. Numerous works are necessary to receive this energy in the Santiago system. An immediate investment of US$ 3,500,000 and 430,000,000 Chilean pesos is required.” (Revista Panorama Económico, “Electrical Experience in 1953”). The preceding paragraph contains information provided by a Chilean economic magazine from the mid-20th century. Comparing the economic model that prevailed at the time of the article and the current model, which aspect(s) is (are) correct to infer regarding electrical energy? I) That in both models, the generation of energy is considered important as a driver of national economic growth. II) That in both eras, energy has been valued as a social good and as an industrial input. III) That currently, there is greater pressure to reduce the environmental impact of the growth of the energy matrix. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only III ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only I and III ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | E | Economic system |
57. "Christian Democracy formed the third ideological family by number of votes. Thus, conservatives and liberals decided to step aside and give their votes to the [Christian Democrat] candidate, Eduardo Frei, who thereby gained the presidency with a large majority [...] His government carried out quite profound transformations, especially in the area of agrarian reform and housing policy." (Torcuato Di Tella, History of Political Parties in Latin America, 1993 ). The previous quote describes an aspect of the correlation of political forces in Chile during the 1960s, highlighting the role played by Christian Democracy. From its analysis, and considering the period it refers to, which of the following options corresponds to an action of this political party? | history/2019 | ['A) Favored urban and rural elites in the short term by promoting structural transformations. ', 'B) Implemented major economic reforms that directly benefited the conservatives. ', 'C) Established a progressive government that addressed the social demands of the majority. ', 'D) Gained power by incorporating the program of traditional political forces. ', 'E) Moved away from the political center to capture the vote of left-wing sectors. '] | C | History Chile |
59. One of the main focuses of human rights organizations during the Military Dictatorship in Chile (1973-1990) was the clarification of the situation of the detained disappeared people. In that context, what was the basis for this demand? I) The inalienable nature of human rights. II) The application of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. III) The intrinsic value of individuals. | history/2019 | [' A) Only II ', ' B) Only III ', ' C) Only I and II ', ' D) Only I and III ', ' E) Only II and III'] | D | History Chile |
62. The 22 days of national protest, initiated in May 1983, was one of the processes used by multiple authors to mark the beginning of a gradual political opening of the Chilean Military Dictatorship. Among other reasons, this is explained because around the protests | history/2019 | ['A) the Armed Forces' support for the Dictatorship ended.', 'B) the social base supporting the regime was notably reduced.', 'C) a powerful insurgent force was deployed that destabilized the Government.', 'D) an extensive network of NGOs was generated that advised the Government.', 'E) a broad social movement opposing the regime was articulated.'] | E | History Chile |
63. In 1990, the democratic government system was reinstated in Chile after 17 years of military dictatorship. Since that decade, some reforms have been made to the Political Constitution. From the following options, which corresponds to one of these reforms? | history/2019 | [' A) The election of the entire National Congress by popular vote. ', 'B) The replacement of a presidential system with a parliamentary one. ', 'C) The appointment of judges by the Executive Power. ', 'D) The decriminalization of offenses classified as terrorist acts. ', 'E) The development of electoral processes for regional Intendancies. '] | A | History Chile |
64. At the end of the 20th century, the Chilean economy experienced an opening to the international market, leading to multiple repercussions in the country's productive areas. What was one of the consequences of this process in rural sectors? | history/2019 | ['A) The productive reconversion oriented towards non-traditional products. ', 'B) The end of temporary jobs in the agro-industry. ', 'C) The state redistribution of land with the aim of increasing its productivity. ', 'D) The massive replacement of national workers by foreign immigrants in agricultural tasks. ', 'E) The decrease in agricultural production due to the importation of agricultural products. '] | A | History Chile |
67. The international political order of Europe in the last third of the 19th century is one of the factors that explain the start of the First World War. Which of the following situations influenced the outbreak of this conflict? | history/2019 | ['A) The confrontation between monarchical and republican regimes. ', 'B) The expansion of revolutionary movements of a socialist nature. ', 'C) The lack of representative international institutions of the bourgeoisie. ', 'D) The conflicts between the major colonial empires. ', 'E) The weakening of national sentiment among the population. '] | D | World History |
68. In England, as well as in other European countries, during World War I, women massively entered the industrial workforce. Regarding this process, what change(s) did it produce in the society of the time? I) The increase of the female consumer market due to the larger number of women who began to receive a salary for their work. II) The considerable reduction of the working day due to the need to give more time to women to fulfill their maternal role. III) The increase in collective female participation around demanding civil and political rights. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | C | World History |
69. "In the armies, there were millions of men and, behind them, entire populations organized to supply them, at the front, with food and ammunition. All useful men were taken to the land armies, the navy, or improvised factories to serve one or the other. Probably more than half of the citizens of the belligerent countries in Europe changed professions during that tremendous combat." (Herbert George Wells, A Short History of the World, 1935). The First World War was a conflict that generated profound alterations in humanity at the beginning of the 20th century, one of which is described in the previous fragment. According to the quote, what characteristic of this war is directly described in it? | history/2019 | [' A) The large number of military and civilian casualties. ', ' B) The global extent that the conflict acquired. ', ' C) The orientation of economies towards war production. ', ' D) The use of technology for mass destruction purposes. ', ' E) The incorporation of children in industrial work. '] | C | World History |
70. World War I caused significant repercussions in many countries worldwide, including Russia. Among the following options, which corresponds to one of the effects of this conflict in Russia? | history/2019 | ['A) Accentuated Russia's influence in Western Europe.', 'B) Influenced the Tsar's government to decree the dissolution of the Duma.', 'C) Consolidated the leadership of the military among the population.', 'D) Generated greater popular support for groups opposing Tsarism.', 'E) Promoted a defensive alliance among Eastern European countries.'] | D | World History |
71. The Economic Crisis of 1929 that started in the USA quickly spread to other countries around the world. In the case of Latin America, which of the following factors affected the economy of this region? | history/2019 | ['A) The scarcity and high cost of labor in the primary sector. ', 'B) The strong orientation of manufacturing industries towards exports. ', 'C) The significant investments owned by the States in the productive area. ', 'D) The great dependence of economic growth on foreign investment. ', 'E) The concentration of labor in mineral extraction. '] | D | History of America |
72. During the Interwar period, a series of processes occurred that contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War. Among these processes, it is correct to point out the rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe. In this context, which of the following factors was/were determinant(s) in the rise of these regimes? I) The Great Depression that spread worldwide in the 1930s. II) The deficient functioning of liberal parliamentary systems. III) The strengthening of nationalisms based on the idea of a glorious past. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I', 'B) Only II', 'C) Only I and II', 'D) Only I and III', 'E) I, II and III'] | E | World History |
73. “The only rule that everyone can be sure of in a totalitarian state is that the more visible the government bodies, the less power they have, and the less a institution is known, the more powerful it will ultimately be. According to this rule, the soviets, [...] have less power than the Bolshevik Party; [this] has less power than the Secret Police; real power starts where secrecy begins. In this respect, the Nazi and Bolshevik states were very similar. Their difference lay mainly in the monopolization and centralization of the secret police services under Hitler, on one hand, and, on the other hand, in the bundle of seemingly unrelated police activities in Russia.” (Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951). From the analysis of the previous text and taking into account the mentioned period, which aspect(s) of totalitarianism is (are) correct to infer? I) The political and ideological exercise conformed to the law. II) Power was consolidated through the Party and the secret services. III) In any of its versions, it lacked an ideology. | history/2019 | ['A) Only II ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | A | World History |
74. “History shows that there are no invincible armies, and they have never existed …. The same must be said today of Hitler's German fascist army. This army has not yet encountered serious resistance, and if as a result of this resistance the best divisions of Hitler's German fascist army have been defeated by our Red Army, it means that this army can also be crushed and will be crushed just like the armies of Napoleon and Wilhelm were." (Joseph Stalin, Radio Speech of July 3, 1941). From the analysis of Stalin's speech delivered during the development of the Second World War, what fact(s) correspond(s) to the period that encompassed this conflict? I) The breach of the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. II) The triumph of the Red Army over the military forces of the Third Reich. III) The advancement of the process that led the USSR to become a world power. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only III ', 'D) Only I and II ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | E | World History |
75. The Cold War is the period that begins almost immediately after the end of the Second World War and constitutes a historical stage defined by certain characteristics of a new world order. What was one of these characteristics? | history/2019 | ['A) The competition between powers for the formation of colonial empires. ', 'B) The supremacy achieved by the USA based on the exclusive possession of nuclear weapons. ', 'C) The common effort made by former allies against fascism to articulate the European reconstruction. ', 'D) The formation of zones of influence by the USA and the USSR established worldwide. ', 'E) The isolation of the USSR promoted by Western powers led by the USA. '] | D | World History |
76. “Nixon [...] had started his term with a surprising turn for everyone, especially as a champion of the Cold War, by offering to enter an era of negotiations. The reasons for this change he explained by saying that the policy of brinkmanship - of taking the nuclear threat to the extreme - was viable in the times of Eisenhower [...] when American superiority in the field of nuclear weapons was overwhelming, but after the experience of the Cuban missiles in 1962, «the Soviets hastened to catch up with us and in fact achieved nuclear parity with the United States»” . (Josep Fontana, For the Good of the Empire: A History of the World Since 1945, 2013). According to the quote and considering the characteristics of the period of the Cold War, what reason motivated the United States to initiate a policy of détente with the Soviet Union? | history/2019 | ['A) The acknowledgment of Soviet technological superiority. ', 'B) The urgency to secure its power in Central America. ', 'C) The support for the reactivation of the American economy. ', 'D) The fear of the effects of a large-scale atomic war. ', 'E) The necessity to placate the demands of peace movements. '] | D | World History |
77. "The domination of colonialism in these two continents has not yet ended, and the new colonizers are trying to replace their predecessors. Not a few Afro-Asian peoples still live a life of colonial slavery, suffering from racial discrimination and witnessing their human rights being violated [...] The Afro-Asian peoples have been victims of aggression and wars for a long time. Many of them were forced by colonizers to be cannon fodder in wars of aggression, so they can only hate them. They are aware that the threat of new wars not only endangers their independence and development but also reinforces their subjugation to colonialism. For this reason, the Afro-Asian peoples deeply understand the value of world peace and national independence." (Speech of Zhou Enlai, at the Bandung Conference, 1955).
The previous quote corresponds to a speech delivered at the Bandung Conference in 1955, which gave rise to the Non-Aligned Movement. According to the analysis of the quote and the political context of the time, which of the following statements correspond to the objectives of said movement?
I) Guarantee the economic and political autonomy of the African and Asian countries occupied by foreign powers.
II) Establish international relations based on equality of rights between countries.
III) Form a military alliance for the liberation of the colonies. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only I and III ', 'E) Only II and III '] | C | World History |
78. One of the transformations that occurred in the second half of the 20th century was the greater presence of women in various areas of society such as cultural, political, and labor sectors. In the case of Chilean society, what was the main goal of women? | history/2019 | ['A) Achieving equal opportunities with men.', 'B) Leaving the role of domestic work.', 'C) Collaborating during financial crises.', 'D) Increasing the country's economic income.', 'E) Replacing men in their professional functions.'] | A | History of Chile |
79. "In the 20th century alone, around 110 million human beings worldwide died in armed conflicts of various kinds. It is estimated that from 1990 to the present, 90% of the mortal victims of these conflicts were civilians, and of these, 80% were women and children. As shocking as they are, these figures do not include non-mortal victims who now suffer disability, mutilations, diseases, and other sequelae. [...] They also do not say anything about the deep psychosocial and environmental impacts, as well as the immeasurable material losses, directly related to these conflicts. Thus, in addition to taking human lives, conflicts erode respect for human rights, delay progress, generate social disintegration and are, ultimately, the greatest scourge of humanity." (Marcela Rodríguez, The Construction of Central American Peace in the 21st Century, 2009). In the previous text, the author makes an evaluation of global 20th-century war conflicts. From the analysis of that text, what aspect(s) of these conflicts stand out? I) The efforts to eradicate them and build a world of peace were insufficient. II) The solution to them depended solely on the action of international organizations. III) The material costs were surpassed by the impact caused to humanity. | history/2019 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | C | World History |
80. At the beginning of the 1990s, there was a crisis in the global socialist system and the disintegration of the Soviet Union as a State. Which of the following statements constitutes an explanation for this process? | history/2019 | ['A) The implementation of a plan conceived by Europe to destabilize this system.', 'B) The rejection of Latin American socialist governments to adhere to the Soviet bloc.', 'C) The lack of response to the economic and political demands of its citizens.', 'D) The weakening of socialist countries due to the liberalization of the Chinese economy.', 'E) The political and military isolation of socialist States in relation to the Western bloc.'] | C | World History |
1. The Chilean state has the responsibility to guarantee the functioning of the market through the development and maintenance of an adequate regulatory framework, which aims to: I) oversee the monopolistic practices of companies. II) stimulate productive activity. III) protect consumer rights. | history/2017 | [' A) Only I ', ' B) Only II ', ' C) Only I and III ', ' D) Only II and III ', ' E) I, II, and III '] | E | Economic system |
2. The agricultural sector in Chile has experienced sustained growth thanks, among other factors, to the utilization of some comparative advantages, which has allowed the export of fruits to the markets of North America and the European Union. One of these advantages is the following: | history/2017 | [' A) the country's reverse seasonality compared to those markets. ', ' B) the definitive eradication of pests throughout the national agricultural sector. ', ' C) the country's distance relative to the location of those markets. ', ' D) the existence of an extensive railway network for transporting the fruit. ', ' E) the production of cutting-edge technology for the development of goods. '] | A | Chilean History |
3. The economic growth of Chile, based on an export-oriented economic policy, has had significant repercussions on the cities, turning them into entities with their own dynamics and in constant expansion. Regarding the impact of the urban expansion process in Chilean cities over the last 40 years, it is correct to affirm that | history/2017 | ['A) it has increased socio-spatial segregation, which is evidenced by the formation of "gated communities." ', 'B) it has generated a large number of jobs in the primary sector, to the detriment of the secondary and tertiary sectors. ', 'C) it has encouraged greater construction of green areas in the center of regional capitals. ', 'D) it has been accompanied by strict environmental policies that have managed to eliminate air pollution. ', 'E) it has brought with it a decrease in the value of urban properties close to central areas. '] | A | History of Chile |
4. Currently, in Chile, there are significant cultural and socio-economic differences within the population. In this regard, these differences arise, among other aspects, from I) the distribution of personal incomes. II) the economic activities performed. III) the type of education received. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only III ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | E | Citizenship education |
5. The productive transformations in Latin America are closely linked to the globalization of markets. In the case of Chile, its integration into the external market has been based on the exploitation of natural resources and the export of raw materials, which has impacted the sustainability of the territories. Based on the above, it is correct to state that Chile's insertion into the globalized economy has resulted in | history/2017 | ['A) the founding of new cities for the location of the workforce.', 'B) the reduction of pre-existing regional productive inequalities.', 'C) the increase of tariffs on the import of consumer goods.', 'D) the economic specialization of territories in relation to their natural resources.', 'E) the sustainable exploitation of the country's natural resources.'] | D | History Chile |
6. In 1798, Thomas Malthus announced in his work Essay on the Principle of Population that agricultural production would not be able to meet the food demand of a growing world population. However, since then humanity has sextupled and, contrary to his argument, agricultural production has also increased given that I) the use of technology associated with agriculture improved soil productivity. II) the increase in cultivated areas boosted food production. III) the competitiveness of the agricultural market made it possible to cultivate new products. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | E | Economic system |
7. Current society permanently faces a variety of problems that simultaneously entail a series of challenges to address them. In this context, in the existing relationship between problems and challenges in today's world, it is correct to point out I) the presence of political-territorial conflicts in some areas, against the challenge of maintaining peaceful coexistence. II) the existence of pandemics in the world, against the challenge of universal access to quality medical treatments. III) the existence of the inequality between rich and poor, against the challenge of enhancing equal opportunities. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only III ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | E | Citizenship education |
8. ―Poverty is a brutal denial of human rights, and this eliminates the erroneous notion that social welfare, education, health, and employment are favors or acts of governments and international organizations benefitting the poor. Poverty denies freedoms, capabilities, rights, and opportunities to people for a long, creative, and healthy life, acquiring knowledge, having freedom, dignity, and self-respect.‖ ( Based on the above text from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), it is correct to infer that currently the phenomenon of poverty, worldwide, | history/2017 | ['A) is concentrated in those countries with high percentages of immigrants. ', 'B) depends on the legislation in force in each country. ', 'C) presents a multidimensionality affecting areas wider than food or monetary deficiency. ', 'D) should be addressed based on market mechanisms over the social dimension. ', 'E) has a static nature despite the public policies implemented by governments. '] | C | World History |
9. In the current globalized world, access to information is very unequal, depending on social groups and countries, a phenomenon known as the Digital Divide. Among the aspects considered to determine this phenomenon, it is correct to point out I) the number of people who use information and communication technologies on a daily basis. II) the level of digital literacy of the population. III) the type and quality of available technological and communication infrastructure. | history/2017 | ['A) Only II ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | E | Citizenship education |
12. The process of rural-urban migration had various economic consequences in Latin America throughout the 20th century, which are linked, among other aspects, to the industrialization model and the public policies that have been promoted in the countries of the region. One of these consequences has been the progressive increase in informal employment over the past two decades, which is characterized by | history/2017 | ['A) having labor incentives for the senior sector. ', 'B) being an occupation that lacks social security. ', 'C) being governed by laws that ensure income stability. ', 'D) making a significant contribution to economic growth figures. ', 'E) being exclusively linked to the sale of imported goods. '] | B | History of America |
13. The population distribution in America responds to physical, economic factors and those related to the availability of services and connectivity. Regarding the population distribution in South America and its relation to physical factors, it is correct to point out that | history/2017 | ['A) the Andean valleys have a high population density. ', 'B) the Amazon basin has a high population density. ', 'C) the coastal areas concentrate most of the population. ', 'D) the South American highlands lack human settlements. ', 'E) the Atlantic coast of Brazil has the lowest population . '] | C | America History |
14. During the 1950s and 1960s, Latin America was the scene of rapid migration processes from the countryside to the main cities. In this context, shanty towns multiplied in Argentina, favelas in Brazil, young towns in Peru, and callampa settlements in Chile. Among other aspects, these forms of popular settlements contributed to | history/2017 | ['A) the exponential increase in infant mortality. ', 'B) the deficit of land available for cultivation. ', 'C) the reduction of population density in cities. ', 'D) the development of urban expansion processes. ', 'E) the decrease in housing in rural areas. '] | D | History Americas |
15. Cities can grow spatially in a horizontal direction towards the periphery, or vertically in the central area. The economic reason explaining vertical growth is associated with the following aspect(s): I) the high value of land. II) the need to have land available for service activities. III) the relative scarcity of land for construction. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only III ', 'D) Only I and II ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | E | Economic system |
16. Currently, the inhabitants of existing rural areas in Chile tend to live in small settlements usually close to their workplace. Among the characteristics of these settlements is | history/2017 | ['A) the predominance of tertiary sector activities. ', 'B) a higher population density compared to the surrounding area. ', 'C) a good supply of sanitary equipment. ', 'D) the diversity of entertainment and leisure spaces. ', 'E) the great concentration of capital. '] | B | History Chile |
17. In the Republic of Chile, the Rule of Law prevails, which implies that its institutions and authorities adhere to the current legislation and that the relationships between the branches of government are regulated by a Political Constitution. In Chile, according to the current Constitution, it is correct to state that | history/2017 | ['A) judicial rulings can be rejected by political or legislative authorities. ', 'B) the Courts of Justice can remove the President of the Republic from office. ', 'C) members of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals are appointed by the Legislative Branch. ', 'D) the President of the Republic can be tried by the Courts of Justice while in office. ', 'E) the Chamber of Deputies has the power to constitutionally accuse members of the Executive Branch. '] | E | History Chile |
18. In the realm of Chile's political institutions, one of the characteristics that defines contemporary national democracy is | history/2017 | ['A) the regulation of civic life based on the political ideas of the government in power.', 'B) the existence of total freedom in forms of community participation.', 'C) the acceptance of the political action of opposition groups.', 'D) the concentration of power in political parties.', 'E) the subordination of all social organizations to the needs of the state.'] | C | History Chile |
19. “The new Criminal Procedure Code [...] replaces the old inquisitorial system (in which the judge, prior to charging, conducts an investigation that is predominantly written and with little contact from the parties) with an accusatory system (the judge, in an oral hearing, listens to an investigative and prosecuting prosecutor and a defense attorney for the accused before rendering judgment). The idea is that this new justice follows existing models in other countries, where the administration of criminal justice is much quicker, accused persons and crime victims have explicit rights, and cases do not accumulate due to the nature of their proceedings.” ( The previous text refers to the Criminal Procedure Reform that began to operate in the year 2000. Among the basic principles that motivated the implementation of this Reform were: I) to speed up judicial processes by simplifying litigation mechanisms. II) to increase impartiality by separating the prosecutorial function from the sentencing function. III) to guarantee defense for the accused. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | E | Chilean History |
20. The Transparency and Probity Law regulates and democratizes access to information about the functioning of the State for any citizen. One of the expected effects of this law is to involve citizens in the dynamics of public management, which can contribute improvements to democratic life, such as I) creating new spaces for more active citizen participation. II) increasing trust in institutions. III) preventing corruption in State institutions. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | E | Civic education |
21. The Political Constitution of Chile enshrines constitutional rights and duties and ensures equality before the law, freedom of teaching, freedom to express opinions and to inform, the right of assembly, the right of association, and the right to unionization, among others. One of the objectives of these provisions is to promote social pluralism, since this primarily allows | history/2017 | [' A) the development of a politically organized civic culture through parties. ', ' B) the formation of a national identity that guarantees political consensus. ', ' C) the establishment of a government with high levels of electoral participation. ', ' D) the formulation of a national educational project based on secular values. ', ' E) the representation of the worldview and ideologies of various social groups. '] | E | Civic education |
22. Suffrage is a mechanism of political participation that allows for citizen expression. This right is established in the Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile. Currently, what is one of the functions that suffrage fulfills? | history/2017 | ['A) Legitimize the access of authorities to power. ', 'B) Enable people to acquire citizenship. ', 'C) Contribute militants to political parties. ', 'D) Establish political relationships between opposing parties. ', 'E) Oversee the functioning of the Executive during its mandate. '] | A | Civic education |
23. Currently, the indicators of party membership and interest in politics in Chile have gradually declined. The decline of these indicators is mainly explained by | history/2017 | ['A) the lack of information about citizen rights. ', 'B) the limited innovation of traditional politics. ', 'C) the difficulties in exercising the right to vote. ', 'D) the political multiparty system represented in Congress. ', 'E) the high complexity of the electoral system. '] | B | Civic education |
24. Human capital is of fundamental importance in the process of seeking economic development in any country. In this context, investment in human capital in Chile is mainly linked to | history/2017 | ['A) state-subsidized training for workers in various areas. ', 'B) the generalization of legal norms that prevent actions that may halt production. ', 'C) the application of state-regulated plans aimed at improving the country's existing birth rates. ', 'D) state subsidies for individuals wishing to acquire a technological asset. ', 'E) the implementation of a state-dependent free healthcare system. '] | A | History Chile |
25. In Chile, labor relations between employers and workers are governed by the Labor Code. It stipulates the rights and obligations of the parties that establish such a relationship, which are recorded in a contract. For this instrument to have legal validity, it must consider the following aspect(s):
I) the provision of services is personal and non-transferable.
II) remuneration is one of the main obligations of the employer.
III) the agreement must be made with the consent of both parties. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I', 'B) Only III', 'C) Only I and III', 'D) Only II and III', 'E) I, II, and III'] | E | History Chile |
26. In Chile, in recent years, various labor rights have been recognized with the aim of ensuring suitable conditions for workers. One of those rights is maternity leave, which establishes the protection that the law grants to pregnant women, consisting of the prohibition of terminating their employment contract without prior authorization from a competent judge. In this regard, it is correct to point out that this right aims to I) protect women of childbearing age within their jobs. II) encourage the hiring of women in various economic sectors. III) facilitate the incorporation of women into the workforce. | history/2017 | ['A) Only II ', 'B) Only III ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only I and III ', 'E) Only II and III '] | D | Chile History |
27. ―One of the most notable sociopolitical phenomena of the last decades of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century is the emergence and consolidation of indigenous movements as social actors, who - through their mobilizations - have managed to position in public debate the demands for respect for their rights as peoples, demanding new social pacts that promote the transition from homogeneous citizenships to multicultural and multiethnic democracies. The growing intensity of the demands of indigenous peoples has been related, on one hand, to new forms of exclusion, marginality, and vulnerability of their societies and territories, associated with the processes of structural adjustments, economic globalization, and free trade agreements, and to the new global standards of human rights, on the other. In the contemporary world, the rights of these peoples are no longer internal issues of each country, but norms of international public order to be progressively and locally implemented.‖ (CEPAL and ATM, Territorial inequalities and social exclusion of the Mapuche people in Chile, 2012). The above text alludes to problems faced by indigenous peoples in recent decades. Based on the information contained in the document, it is correct to infer that these movements in Chile, | history/2017 | [' A) demand to be considered as Chilean citizens. ', ' B) respond to the deterioration of living conditions of these groups in the global context. ', ' C) seek international organizations to resolve their conflicts. ', ' D) are temporary and associated with the social effervescence of the country. ', ' E) do not recognize the State as a valid interlocutor in resolving their problems.'] | B | History Chile |
28. In colonial Chile, the Catholic Church not only played an important role in cultural and value-related matters, but this institution was also notable for | history/2017 | ['A) holding high administrative positions.', 'B) replacing the Audiencia in judicial matters.', 'C) developing economic and financial activities.', 'D) leading militias during periods of crisis.', 'E) presiding over local councils in the territory of its diocese.'] | C | History Chile |
29. ―I affirm that I myself saw with my own eyes the Spaniards cut off the hands, noses, and ears of the Indians and Indian women, without purpose, but just because they felt like doing it, and in so many places and parts that it would be lengthy to recount‖. (Bartolomé de las Casas, A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies). The preceding text alludes to the statement made by the Dominican monk Bartolomé de las Casas during the process of the Conquest of America regarding the treatment the conquerors gave to the indigenous population in the colonies. Considering these antecedents, the stance assumed by the Spanish Crown consisted of | history/2017 | ['A) the establishment of slavery of the entrusted natives. ', 'B) the implementation of laws to protect the indigenous population. ', 'C) the establishment of a mandatory labor system. ', 'D) the disregard of the natives as subjects of the king. ', 'E) the liberation from tax payment for the Indian towns. '] | B | American History |
31. To organize its colonies in America, the Spanish Crown, during the 16th century, created an institutional system of organisms and authorities based in Spain and also in America. This system was characterized by | history/2017 | ['A) maintaining the political institutions of the indigenous peoples.', 'B) establishing Spanish institutions in the American colonies.', 'C) decentralizing government actions and public administration.', 'D) detaching the organisms in America from the King's authority.', 'E) granting the colonies the right to elect their main authorities.'] | B | American History |
33. ―In more than two centuries that we have been in possession of this Kingdom, my predecessors have had as their main and almost sole objective of their concerns the terrible Frontier of barbaric Indians that exist to the south of the Biobío river. To acknowledge it, and inform themselves of the state of their Strongholds, Garrisons, and Army Foot that defend it, almost all have departed this capital shortly after having entered it and taken possession of their command. As my long residency of nearly 20 years in that position has put me in a state of not having to acknowledge nor fear during this time, I have believed it necessary to change course and direct myself now towards the northern parts of the Kingdom to visit these rich lands that have so far made their cost and subsistence, with the aim of striving to improve the administration of their mines, regulate that of Justice, and advance in whatever way possible agriculture and its limited trade.‖ (Letter from the Prosecutor of the Royal Audience of Santiago to Governor Ambrosio O'Higgins, 1788). From the analysis of the fragment of the letter from the Prosecutor of Santiago to Governor Ambrosio O' Higgins in 1788, it is correct to infer the following aspect(s) of colonial Chile: I) the existence of a frontier between Spaniards and Mapuches. II) the administrative modernization driven by the Bourbon Reforms. III) the substantial economic resources that Chile reported to the Viceroyalty of Peru. | history/2017 | ['A) Only II ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | B | History Chile |
34. During the 18th century, various political, administrative, and economic reforms were implemented in America and Chile, driven by the Spanish State, which profoundly transformed the structure of colonial administration. This process contained elements that seemed contradictory to each other, which can be expressed in the following way(s): I) in a predominantly religious society, the separation between the State and the Church was established. II) in an absolutist state based on divine right, ideas from the Enlightenment were implemented. III) in a centralized administration, a decentralizing organization with broad citizen participation was established. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | B | History America |
35. The Creole elites in Hispanic America had adopted some enlightened ideas, which were important in the development of the Independence Revolutions. One of the decisive ways for the dissemination of the Enlightenment in the Hispanic colonies was constituted by | history/2017 | ['A) the travels of some Creoles to Paris or London. ', 'B) contact with the Spanish authorities at the time. ', 'C) the stay of political authorities in various parts of the Empire. ', 'D) the wide access to illustrated prints by the popular sectors. ', 'E) the example of Brazil after the English invasion.'] | A | American History |
36. In Chile, preferably in the first half of the 19th century, it was possible to distinguish a series of cultural, institutional, legislative, or economic traits inherited from the colonial period. Some of these inheritances were manifested in I) the continuation of the use of part of the colonial legislation until the creation of national codes. II) the retention of traditional labor practices in the agricultural world, such as tenant farming and seasonal peonage. III) the persistence of the hacienda as an expression of large landed property. | history/2017 | ['A) Only II ', 'B) Only III ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only I and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | E | Chilean History |
37. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Independence process had a series of common characteristics among the Spanish-American countries. Regarding the similarities that the political emancipation processes presented, it is correct to point out that they were | history/2017 | ['A) led by popular sectors. ', 'B) promoted by the Catholic Church. ', 'C) rejected by the entirety of the Creole bureaucracy. ', 'D) directly financed by England. ', 'E) stimulated by events occurring in the metropolis. '] | E | American History |
38. ―The Independence revolution has brought about the most radical of transformations in Spanish America. Half a century was enough to replace the old society, which seemed to rest on foundations of granite, with another essentially different in ideas, customs, enlightenment, industry, and institutions. Current Hispanic Americans need to make efforts of imagination to picture what their grandparents were like, perhaps what their parents were like‖. (Miguel Luis Amunátegui, The precursors of independence in Chile, 1870). The text of the 19th-century Chilean historian fits into the vision of numerous liberal intellectuals about the process of Independence. From this vision, it is correct to indicate that I) it highlights the fundamentally economic character of the consequences of the Independence process. II) it emphasizes the abandonment of authoritarian forms of government in the new Hispanic American countries. III) it values the modernization of society under a republican regime. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I', 'B) Only III', 'C) Only I and II', 'D) Only I and III', 'E) I, II, and III'] | B | History of America |
39. After Independence, Chile began to organize itself according to a liberal economic policy. However, situations such as the narrowness of the national treasury and the persistence of practices inherited from the Colony, explain the maintenance of economic measures that contradicted liberal practice, which is evidenced through I) the abolition of slavery. II) the auction of the tobacco monopoly by the company of Portales and Cea. III) the decree of free trade with allied nations. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | B | Chile History |
40. After Independence, Chile experienced changes and continuities in various areas of national affairs. In this regard, which of the following statements indicates a change between the colonial and post-Independence periods? | history/2017 | ['A) The presence of British capital in the control of foreign trade. ', 'B) The implementation of Parliaments in Araucanía. ', 'C) The concentration of economic power in the hands of the elite. ', 'D) The exportation of natural resources as the basis of the economy. ', 'E) The manifestation of the influence of the Catholic Church in society. '] | A | History Chile |
41. The Monroe Doctrine (1823) is considered one of the American policies that defines the relations between the United States and Latin America. The phrase pointed out by the U.S. President James Monroe "America for the Americans" comes to summarize this policy of the United States during a large part of the 19th century. Among the central goals pursued by this doctrine, the following stands out: | history/2017 | ['A) favor commercial relations among Latin American countries. ', 'B) protect the territories of American indigenous communities. ', 'C) establish a mutual defense military alliance between the United States and Latin America. ', 'D) prevent any attempt of colonization by European states. ', 'E) define the political organization of the emerging Latin American republics. '] | D | America History |
42. ―Aren't we free today? Haven't we shattered into a thousand pieces the ignominious ties of the Spanish monarchy? […] Then why in literature do we suffer an exotic yoke, and does this despotic vestige still persist among us? Let's go, let's go! Ultimately, it is necessary to be consistent; and make ourselves independent with the sword and with the pen." (Salvador Sanfuentes, Prologue to El Campanario, 1842). Salvador Sanfuentes was a Chilean lawyer, politician, and poet who belonged to the so-called Generation of '42. Based on the quoted text and the characteristics of this generation of thinkers, it is correct to mention that among their main intellectual motivations are: I) the dissemination of a liberal education. II) the development of national literature. III) the appreciation of the colonial legacy in republican educational institutions. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only III ', 'D) Only I and II ', 'E) Only II and III '] | D | History Chile |
43. In the mid-19th century, the Chilean State promoted a policy of European immigration, which gained relevance in various aspects of national life. What was the main objective of this immigration policy? | history/2017 | ['A) Hire personnel to occupy high positions in the Government. ', 'B) Incorporate technicians to industrialize the country. ', 'C) Implement educational plans originating from European powers. ', 'D) Colonize territories of some provinces in the south of the country. ', 'E) Incorporate soldiers into the army that faced the indigenous people. '] | D | Chile History |
44. During the 19th century, the State of Chile developed a series of territorial policies. These policies were mainly aimed at | history/2017 | ['A) establishing alliances with other countries to defend the national territory. ', 'B) creating a federal-type territorial institutionality. ', 'C) favoring public investment in the extreme regions of the country. ', 'D) expanding national sovereignty over various territories. ', 'E) decentralizing the bureaucratic administration. '] | D | History Chile |
45. The early insertion of Chile into the global capitalist economy helps to explain why, by the mid-19th century, the economic cycle known as the California Gold Rush had a profound impact on the Chilean economy and society. This was characterized mainly by | history/2017 | ['A) the mechanization of haciendas. ', 'B) the emergence of the cattle ranch. ', 'C) the beginning of the Social Question. ', 'D) the stimulus for cereal exports. ', 'E) the origin of rural tenancy. '] | D | Chilean History |
46. During a significant part of the 19th century, the state did not commit to solving the social problems that plagued the popular sectors. For this reason, some worker sectors organized their own forms of social protection, among which mutualism stood out. Among the main characteristics of mutualism, it is correct to point out the following: I) it was inspired by ideas of social regeneration, promoting literacy. II) they were predominantly urban initiatives. III) its objective was to provide protection against accidents, illness, or the death of one of its members. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | E | American History |
47. The 1891 Civil War generated a deep division in the Chilean ruling class. Among the different historiographical interpretations that explain the origin of this conflict, one can mention I) the excessive personalism and authoritarianism of President Balmaceda. II) the intervention of English businessmen who wished to impose their interests on the Chilean government. III) the political conflict between the Executive and the Legislative. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only III ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | E | Chilean History |
48. ―At a time when individualistic doctrines prevailed without any counterbalance, pushed from the university chair by Courcelle-Seneuil and Zorobabel Rodríguez, the young graduate boldly enunciates the doctrine that the problem of popular housing is not a matter of charity, left to private initiative, but an imperative duty of the State.‖ (Juvenal Hernández, Academic Discourses). In the preceding text, the author refers to Arturo Alessandri Palma's thesis: ―Housing for Workers‖ which was published in 1893. According to Hernández's speech, Alessandri stated that | history/2017 | ['A) the State should assume an active role in improving workers' quality of life. ', 'B) the issue of the social question was a priority for the governments of the 1890s. ', 'C) the Chilean society of the time was devoted to solving the housing problem. ', 'D) the solution to the social problem should be addressed through individual efforts. ', 'E) the issue of poverty dominated university lectures. '] | A | History Chile |
49. In Chilean society at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, an important renewal emerged from the intellectual world. Writers, journalists, among others, produced articles, essays, or novels related to Chilean society. This new generation of intellectuals differed from the previous period because, mainly | history/2017 | ['A) they revitalized the colonial past in their writings. ', 'B) they promoted reforms to the Political Constitution. ', 'C) they belonged to the middle sectors. ', 'D) they rejected foreign influences. ', 'E) they criticized the inequality of gender roles. '] | C | History Chile |
50. One of the most significant historical processes that occurred during the cycle of nitrate expansion in Chile is related to the increase in the proletarization of the workforce. This process of proletarization occurred, among other reasons, due to | history/2017 | ['A) the wide predominance of foreign employers, especially English.', 'B) the remoteness of the deposits in relation to Santiago.', 'C) the absence of workers' organizations in the Norte Grande.', 'D) the independence of nitrate prices from the global economy.', 'E) the great concentration of workers dependent on a salary.'] | E | History Chile |
51. Between 1880 and 1920, a period in Chile known by historians as the "nitrate republic" emerged due to the high level of connection between this sector of the economy and various aspects of national life. Parallel to the increased state income from nitrate export taxes, most direct taxes on individuals were eliminated. This, among other factors, led to | history/2017 | ['A) the strengthening of presidential power and attributions. ', 'B) a decrease in the state's capacity to carry out public works. ', 'C) the displacement of the elite from government participation. ', 'D) a gradual restriction on foreign capital investment. ', 'E) an accentuation of the plutocratic and oligarchic traits of the elite. '] | E | Chile History |
53. ―The so-called October 1905 meat strike, originally conceived as a civic demonstration against the tax imposed on Argentine cattle, turned into a popular uprising. The social issue then emerged as social violence primarily directed against the State (the Government House and other public buildings, symbols of power, and certainly the police), sectors of the aristocracy (their residences and banks), foreigners (who dominated the pawn shop business), and the major commerce in the city center‖. (Mario Garcés, Social Crisis and Popular Riots in the 1900s). According to the author's perspective in the cited text and concerning the Social Issue, it is correct to state that in this context, the actions of the popular sectors were characterized by | history/2017 | ['A) manifesting as a violent organization focused on national destabilization. ', 'B) constituting a response to the violent repression of the State's security apparatus. ', 'C) becoming visible as open and indiscriminate violence towards people and goods, without any distinction. ', 'D) expressing themselves as attacks towards the main representations of social exclusion that they were subjected to. ', 'E) relying solely and exclusively on the actions of foreign agitators operating within the labor movement. '] | D | History America |
54. ―We, who have long been convinced that we have nothing to do with this date called the anniversary of national independence, deem it necessary to point out to the people the true meaning of this date, which in our view only has reason to be commemorated by the bourgeoisie, because they, having risen up in 1810 against the crown of Spain, conquered this country to enjoy it themselves and to take advantage of all the benefits that independence provided them; but the people, the working class, who have always lived in misery, gain nothing, absolutely nothing, and have gained nothing from the independence of this land from Spanish domination‖. (Luis Emilio Recabarren, September 3, 1910). The observance of the Centennial of Chilean Independence opened up space for debate on the historical assessment of the republican experience in the country. One of the people who participated in that debate was Luis Emilio Recabarren, who in 1910 gave a lecture expressing his thoughts on the celebrations of this event. According to the fragment of the text presented, it is correct to conclude that the author I) evidences the adoption of socialist ideology to analyze social reality. II) questions the national unity purported by republican governments. III) establishes that workers suffered a deterioration in their living conditions compared to the Colony. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | B | History Chile |
55. In evaluating the main results of the implementation of the Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) model in Chile, it is correct to state that this I) was relevant in expanding and energizing the existing productive structure in the country. II) managed to decrease the agricultural sector's contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP). III) maintained the primary nature of the export structure. | history/2017 | ['A) Only II', 'B) Only III', 'C) Only I and II', 'D) Only II and III', 'E) I, II, and III'] | E | History Chile |
56. ―The radio not only implied a new communicational and technological medium, but also a vehicle for the dissemination of messages and the articulation of an expressive language that operated on a different register from that of the press, more attentive to the formation of public opinion than to massive entertainment […] Illiteracy (slightly above 15% of the population in 1960) or the absence of the free time necessary for the concentration required by reading, did not prevent the enjoyment of radio stations‖. (Sofía Correa and others, History of 20th-century Chilean ). The previous text refers to the cultural change that the massification of radio implied in Chilean society. Summarizing the text, it can be noted that the radio | history/2017 | ['A) contributed to the literacy of large sectors of the peasantry. ', 'B) broadened the dissemination of information to various sectors of the population. ', 'C) developed a sense of identity in the middle groups of society. ', 'D) slowly penetrated the more affluent social classes. ', 'E) went through a period of stagnation compared to the written press. '] | B | History Chile |
57. "We have denounced the 'Alliance for Progress' as a vehicle intended to separate the people of Cuba from the other peoples of Latin America, to sterilize the example of the Cuban Revolution, and, later, to domesticate the other peoples according to the indications of imperialism." (Ernesto Guevara, Speech in Punta del Este, 1961). The aforementioned fragment is part of a speech given by one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution, Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Given the historical context in which it was delivered, it is correct to infer that, for the Cuban position, the United States, through the Alliance for Progress, attempted in the region | history/2017 | ['A) disincentivize revolutionary processes.', 'B) compete against the economic aid of the Soviet Union.', 'C) form a free trade economic bloc.', 'D) finance agrarian reform processes.', 'E) implement a neoliberal economic model.'] | A | History America |
58. The Agrarian Reform was one of the most important structural transformations implemented in Chile during the 1960s and 1970s. In which of the following aspects was there a greater impact due to the development of this Reform? | history/2017 | ['A) The technology applied to agricultural production. ', 'B) The concentration of latifundist property. ', 'C) The rural poverty of peasants and farm workers. ', 'D) The urbanization of large cities. ', 'E) The centralization of land in the hands of the State. '] | B | History Chile |
59. "Perhaps the duties of the poet have always been the same throughout history. The honor of poetry was to step out into the street, to take part in this fight and in that one. The poet was not afraid when they were called insurgent. Poetry is an insurrection. The poet is not offended for being called subversive. Life exceeds structures and there are new codes for the soul. Seeds spring from everywhere, all ideas are exotic, we expect immense changes every day, we live with enthusiasm the transformation of the human order: spring is insurrectional." (Pablo Neruda, I Confess That I Have Lived). The literary testimony above allows us to appreciate some of the characteristics present in the 1960s and 1970s in Chile, being correct to highlight I) a close link between the world of culture and politics. II) the uniformity of artistic expressions. III) a favorable orientation towards profound societal transformation. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only III ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only I and III ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | D | History Chile |
60. ―Butterflies fly, crickets sing, my skin turns black and the sun shines, shines, and shines. And in the afternoons when I return, a star appearing in the sky, it is never late, she tells me, the dove will fly, will fly. Like the tight yoke, I have my fist hopeful because everything will change. (Víctor Jara, El Arado, 1965) The previous song is an example of the emergence of some themes in the Chilean music scene from the 1960s, which evidenced changes in cultural expressions. These new themes relate to I) the appreciation of the ways of life of the landlord aristocracy. II) the allusion to the structural transformations that were being proposed at the time. III) the inclusion of the link between the human being and their natural environment. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I', 'B) Only II', 'C) Only I and II', 'D) Only I and III', 'E) I, II and III'] | B | History of Chile |
61. Since the beginning of Salvador Allende's government, some sectors of the Chilean right proposed as a political argument the idea that the Government of the Popular Unity was paving the way for the establishment of a "Marxist dictatorship" in Chile. This idea provides an explanation for the outcome of Salvador Allende's government, since | history/2017 | ['A) it was used to justify the need for the 1973 coup d'état. ', 'B) it prompted the military to intervene in politics for the first time. ', 'C) it radicalized the reforms of the Popular Unity government. ', 'D) it put the Popular Unity at odds with the international community. ', 'E) it deprived the Popular Unity of the majority of its electoral support. '] | A | History Chile |
62. "In 1982 the GDP fell by 14.4%. Between 1981 and 1982 the terms of trade dropped by more than 20%, and the external debt service rose from 20% of the value of exports in 1978 to a little less than double in 1982. Inflation, which reached 9.5% in 1981, rose again above 20%. There was a wave of company bankruptcies (810 in 1982 and 381 in 1983) and, in the financial sector, the situation reached dramatic levels." (Sofía Correa et al., History of 20th Century Chilean ). The crisis that affected the Chilean economy described in the preceding text had a series of consequences, among which it is correct to mention | history/2017 | [' A) the articulation of political opposition to the military regime from social protests. ', ' B) the radical modification of the economic model by the Government, favoring greater state intervention. ', ' C) the approval of a new political constitution that ensured the transition to a democratic regime. ', ' D) the formation of a new transitional government formed by a broad coalition of political parties. ', ' E) the convening of a governing junta to fulfill legislative duties. '] | A | History Chile |
63. The Plebiscite of October 5, 1988, had a significant impact on the political world and the institutional framework of Chile. In this context, the result of this plebiscite led to | history/2017 | ['A) the approval of constitutional reforms to the 1980 Charter. ', 'B) the trial of those guilty of Human Rights violations. ', 'C) the rejection of General Augusto Pinochet's continued hold on power. ', 'D) the expansion of political attributions of the Armed Forces. ', 'E) the election of Patricio Aylwin as the first President of the transition to democracy. '] | C | History Chile |
64. ―The large malls [...] receive more than a million people every month, and they compete to attract customers by transforming shopping into a real family outing for the weekend. In parallel, credit cards [...] help finance thousands of families, a system that large commercial establishments are beginning to use —with their own credit cards‖. (Joaquín Lavín, Chile: Silent Revolution). ―It is certain that many readers will have experienced walking inside a mall. Every time I do it, I feel the same sensation: of being inside a maze [...], it seems to be the world of limitless variety, but deep down it is the place of repetition, where everything looks alike. The mall and massive credits are two main devices for facilitating consumption, [...]. The mall is a private space with the appearance of a public space, with seemingly free access, but subject to discreet control‖. (Tomás Moulian, Consumption Consumes Me). The previous texts correspond to statements about the economic-social reality of Chile, made by economist Joaquín Lavín and sociologist Tomás Moulian. Based on the analysis of these texts, it is correct to affirm that both authors I) account for social behaviors linked to the implementation of the neoliberal model. II) establish a positive assessment of shopping centers as a space for recreation and family gatherings. III) refer to the expansion of consumption mechanisms in contemporary society. | history/2017 | ['A) Only II ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | C | Economic system |
65. The concept of Imperialism referring to the period between the last third of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century has a double connotation. On one hand, it refers to the transformations of the capitalist system and the high level of economic concentration, and on the other, to the strategy of European powers to conquer world hegemony in economic and political terms. In this latter sense, it is correct to state that during that historical period | history/2017 | ['A) the British Empire had to start competing with new industrial countries. ', 'B) European expansion had Latin America as its main space for commercial operations and territorial occupation. ', 'C) the classic empires of Spain and Portugal regained their international political predominance. ', 'D) mass industrial production development in small African economies was prioritized. ', 'E) the classic exchange scheme between the Center and the Periphery was broken. '] | A | World History |
66. During the 19th century, various European nations developed processes of imperialist expansion, primarily over African territories. The delineation of the colonial territories on that continent was configured mainly with the objective of | history/2017 | ['A) securing access and exploitation of natural resources. ', 'B) maintaining the spatial distribution of the various ethnic groups. ', 'C) reestablishing the division of territories carried out in the 16th century. ', 'D) distributing the surface of the territories equitably. ', 'E) validating the distribution made by international organizations. '] | A | World History |
68. A series of factors enabled the armed conflict that began in Europe in 1914, known as the Great European War or World War I. Of the following historical phenomena, those considered as antecedents to the conflict are I) the dispute between the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires over the Balkans region. II) the rapid territorial expansion of the U.S. towards the west of its American territory. III) the existing economic and naval rivalry between Great Britain and the German Empire. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only I and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | D | World History |
70. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, formed after the Russian Revolution, was characterized, among other elements by I) establishing a system of government based on alliances between political parties. II) grouping a great diversity of peoples and cultures. III) implementing the liberal economic model in some Western European states. | history/2017 | ['A) Only II ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | A | World History |
71. "In Germany, in 1923, the value of the currency was reduced to a millionth of its value compared to 1913, which means that the currency lost all its value. Even in extreme cases, the consequences were truly dramatic. The author's grandfather, whose insurance policy matured during the period of Austrian inflation, recounted that he cashed in that large sum in devalued currency and it was only enough to pay for a drink at a bar he habitually visited." (Eric Hobsbawm, History of the 20th Century). To what global historical context does historian Eric Hobsbawm's text refer? | history/2017 | ['A) The Cold War. ', 'B) The Armed Peace. ', 'C) The Oil Crisis. ', 'D) The Crisis after World War I. ', 'E) The New York Stock Exchange Crash. '] | D | World History |
72. The Great Depression that began in 1929 practically marked the breakdown of the economic model that had developed in the Western world since the 19th century. In the case of Latin America, among the short- and medium-term reactions generated by this economic crisis are I) the development of an economy based on the export of raw materials. II) the drive for industrialization processes and the encouragement of private investment. III) the strengthening of the State's regulatory role in the economy. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only I and II ', 'C) Only I and III ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II, and III '] | D | History America |
Subsets and Splits