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Subject: enron credit modeling discussions hi , this email is in reference to our plan for detailed discussions about enron credit ' s modeling strategy . several meetings have already been scheduled . please refer to the attached excel spreadsheet for further details . also , if you like , we can have more informal discussions over lunch , dinner , drinks , etc . thanks in advance for your time . regards , iris | 00
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Subject: understanding and applying financial mathematics hello - this email is a reconfirmation that you have received the speaker package i have sent you last month regarding the above titled training course . if you have not received it , please contact me asap and i will send you all the information needed for the training . also , please remember to hand in the following : your biographical details speaker checklist copy of your presentation for our documentation printed materials ( please keep in mind that you will need to bring your presentation with you at the training , as we will not have it pre - downloaded ) . please keep in mind the deadline of july 27 and please call or email me with any questions you have . ? regards , amy lamonsoff training coordinator ? t ( 212 ) 925 - 1864 xl 48 f ( 212 ) 925 - 7585 alamonsoff @ watersinfo . com ? risk waters group 270 lafayette street , suite 700 new york , ny 10012 | 00
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Subject: localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( german , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . aii iisted software is avaiiable for immediate download ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd delivery ! just few exampies : - norton internet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professional with sp 2 full version - $ 59 . 95 - corei draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 inciuding ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native ianquage ! best regards , chelsea | 11
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Subject: re : technical training at the houston energy expo ! vince : looks like an excellent value overall if they cover the same topics in these classes as in the enron internal classes . the website says that registering for one of the classes automatically registers you to the expo . i would like to recommend them to my team . did someone from our group already register for this ? thanks krishna . vince j kaminski 02 / 12 / 2001 01 : 50 pm to : pinnamaneni krishnarao / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : technical training at the houston energy expo ! krishna , please , take a look . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 02 / 12 / 2001 01 : 50 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lana moore on 02 / 07 / 2001 10 : 53 : 05 am to : nesa members cc : subject : technical training at the houston energy expo ! technical training in conjunction with the houston energy expo march 20 - 21 , 2001 hyatt regency hotel - downtown we are offering : fundamentals of electricity basics of risk management natural gas - wellhead to burnertip there are only 25 spots in each class , so sign up today ! go to www . nesanet . org , in educational programs each class is listed with details and a registration form . member price is $ 545 per person . non - member price is $ 745 per person . if you have any questions , please give me a call ! ! lana moore ( 713 ) 856 - 6525 | 00
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Subject: perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r " > thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - end - logo and visuai identity . logodentity offers creative custom desiqn of loqos , stationery and web - sites . under our careful hand these powerful marketing toois wiii brinq a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amonq the competitors . you are just a ciick away from your future success . click here to see the samples of our artwork , check our prices and hot offers | 11
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Subject: fw : mark boland - cv vince : tony vasut , another recruiter , is bringing mark boland in for a series of interviews on 3 / 20 and 3 / 21 , and asked if there was any chance that you or someone in your group would be able to interview him . his resume is attached , and i will also send you a list of his deals under separate cover . shirley has told me that you will be in and out for the next several weeks , so if you are unavailable would you please suggest someone else in your group who might be able to interview mark ? thanks , as always , molly - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vasut , tony sent : tuesday , march 13 , 2001 9 : 59 am to : magee , molly subject : fw : mark boland - cv molly : here is mark ' s resume as discussed . please let me know if anyone in research ( preferably vince ) is available to meet w / him on either 3 / 20 or 3 / 21 . thanks , tony - - - - - original message - - - - - from : port , david sent : monday , march 12 , 2001 10 : 46 am to : vasut , tony subject : fw : mark boland - cv - - - - - original message - - - - - from : mark . boland @ seb . se @ enron sent : monday , march 12 , 2001 8 : 10 am to : port , david subject : mark boland - cv > to summarize my situation : i ' m in charge of structuring equity linked , ir , > fx , commodity and other > linked bonds and investments for one of northern europe s leading banks . > i ' m 34 years old and married to lisa who is swedish . i have over 7 years > in the structured derivatives business in capital > markets , with a solid wall street foundation at bankers trust and overseas > at a more senior level > of sales , structuring and managing deals from conception to completion . > > > > > thanks and regards , > mark > > mark m . boland > seb merchant banking > 10640 stockholm , sweden > > telephone + 46 8 5062 3224 > cell + 46 70 772 3224 > > this e - mail is from seb , skandinaviska enskilda banken . it may contain > privileged and confidential information and is intended for the named > recipient ( s ) only . if you are not an intended recipient , please notify us > immediately by reply e - mail , delete this e - mail from your system and > destroy any copy hereof . > - boland . doc | 00
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Subject: all graphics software available , cheap oem versions . good morning , we we offer latest oem packages of all graphics and publishinq software from corel , macromedia , adobe and others . $ 80 adobe photoshop 8 . 0 / cs $ 140 macromedia studio mx 2004 $ 120 adobe acrobat 7 . 0 professional $ 150 adobe premiere pro 1 . 5 $ 90 corel designer 10 $ 90 quickbooks 2004 professional edition $ 75 adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ 70 xara x vl . 1 $ 75 adobe audition 1 . 5 $ 90 discreet 3 d studio max 7 $ 115 adobe golive cs $ 135 adobe after effects 6 . 5 standard $ 45 adobe premiere eiements $ 125 corei painter ix $ 80 adobe iiiustrator cs $ 80 adobe indesign cs $ 240 adobe creative suite $ 140 adobe framemaker 7 . 1 $ 50 uiead cool 3 d production studio 1 . 0 . 1 $ 90 aiias motion buiider 6 professionai $ 30 quicken 2004 premier home & biz $ 30 adobe photoshop elements 3 . 0 $ 110 adobe premiere pro 7 . 0 learn more . . . sincereiy , stephaine | 11
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Subject: re : petronas benchmarking visit khairuddin , yes , it ' s correct . we have experienced problems replying to a number of messages sent by your organization ( not just your e - mail address ) . i shall send you the list of people who will attend the meeting at a later day . we shall have representatives from the crude and lng trading desks , research and risk control . could you , please , resend me the list of your delegates . vince i have invited a number khairuddinbmjaafar @ petronas . com . my on 01 / 19 / 2001 02 : 53 : 53 am please respond to khairuddin _ mjaafar @ petronas . com . my to : vkamins @ ect . enron . com cc : subject : re : petronas benchmarking visit vince , it was brought to my attention that something was wrong with my ' reply to : ' function of my email resulting in difficulties to reply to my email . below is the e - mail that i ' ve sent to you earlier and i believe this time , i will receive your reply . thanks , regards , khairuddin to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : re : petronas benchmarking visit ( document link : khairuddin b m jaafar ) vince , thank you for your prompt reply . we have received your fax earlier this morning . fyi , we shall be sending you the questionaires by next week as we are going through the final draft this week . could you please tell me who will be joining the discussion during our visit ? thanks . regards , khairuddin disclaimer : this e - mail and any files transmitted with it ( " message " ) is intended only for the use of the recipient ( s ) named above and may contain confidential information . you are hereby notified that the taking of any action in reliance upon , or any review , retransmission , dissemination , distribution , printing or copying of this message or any part thereof by anyone other than the intended recipient ( s ) is strictly prohibited . if you have received this message in error , you should delete this message immediately and advise the sender by return e - mail . opinions , conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of petronas or its group of companies shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by petronas or any of the companies within the group . ( embedded image moved to file : pic 24393 . pcx ) - pic 24393 . pcx | 00
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Subject: re : interview with the enron research group - reply mark : while we are anxious to fill this position , we certainly understand scheduling conflicts ! please let us know as soon as you have a definate time . dr . kaminski will be out of the office the next two weeks also . maybe the week of the 30 th or the 6 th of november ? look forward to hearing from you . sincerely , shirley crenshaw mark . giancola @ do . treas . gov on 10 / 13 / 2000 08 : 47 : 57 am to : shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com cc : subject : interview with the enron research group - reply date : 10 / 13 / 2000 09 : 42 am ( friday ) from : mark giancola to : ex . mail ( " shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com " ) subject : interview with the enron research group - reply thanks for your message . our e - mail system was down all day yesterday so i was not able to respond until today . i am very interested in coming in for an interview . unfortunately , my schedule will make traveling on a weekday difficult for at least the next two weeks . i am travelling as part of the us delegation to the g - 20 on the 24 th and 25 th and will be busy until then in preparation . immediately following that trip i will be moving to a new office here in treasury and am not sure about my schedule . i would like to wait until next week when i have a better idea of my schedule to propose times to come to houston . please let me know if there are time constraints on your side . thanks , mark giancola > > > ex . mail . " shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com " 10 / 12 / 00 09 : 06 am > > > good morning mr . giancola : your resume was forwarded to vince kaminski , managing director and head of research with enron . we would like to bring you in for an informal interview at your convenience . this would be for a position of " economist " or " associate economist " , reporting to maureen raymond castaneda . please give me some dates and times that would be convenient with you and i will have our hr rep contact you to schedule your coming to houston . i look forward to hearing from you . sincerely , shirley crenshaw administrative coordinator enron research group 713 - 853 - 5290 | 00
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Subject: fwd : summer internship - - ph . d . in chicago celeste , i am a very good customer of your group . this is another student ( this time from chicago ) i would be glad to take into the group as an intern . the resume is attached at the bottom of this message . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 01 / 17 / 2001 03 : 51 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - li xiao on 01 / 13 / 2001 01 : 41 : 29 pm to : vkamins @ ect . enron . com cc : subject : fwd : summer internship - - ph . d . in chicago hi , vince , this is li , writing from u . of chicago . i am in the second quarter here . the study and social life is extremely busy at the school . but i enjoy connecting the knowledge i learn everyday here with the experience i had with enron . a schoolmate of mine , a chicago ph . d . candidate in finance , is looking for an internship for the coming summer . i recommend him to write to you to see if you are interested in or if there is a need . if so , you can contact with him directly . he is a really bright guy . if not , hope you don ' t mind that i sell enron at school so hard . again , thanks for all the help you gave me . have a good new year . li p . s . : cover letter below and resume attached . li xiao university of chicago graduate school of business , class of 2002 ( 773 ) 955 - 0710 dear dr . vince kaminski , i am a ph . d . student in finance at the university of chicago gsb who = hopes to find a summer internship at enron of 2001 ( between june and = september ) . i heard your group from my friend li , who worked at enron = for 3 year . she spoke highly of you . if it ' s okay , i am primarily = interested in risk management . at the university of chicago , i will have completed all the ph . d . = courses in the area of finance by the end of the first year . as normally = it takes two years to finish the required finance courses , i decided to = take all the finance courses in the first year . in the fall quarter , i = already took empirical asset pricing and theoretical asset pricing and = did very well . in the winter quarter , i will be taking corporate = finance , continuous time finance and behavioral finance . i am exposed to = all fields of finance . prior to coming to chicago , i received a master ' s = degree in economics at washington university in saint louis where i = acquired skills in economic analysis . i also have a strong background in = statistics and mathematics . this makes me believe that i have acquired = the ability to do financial research . prior to coming to the united state , i was an outstanding graduate from = beijing university , china . i was the founder and president of beijng = univeristy society of oceanology . i also organized a research jouney in = the round - the - bo - sea economic region . these experience helped to hone my = communication and interpersonal skills . as illustrated above , my skills and expertise are ideally suited for = financial research . my resume is enclosed . in the event that you think = an interview is in need , my time is very flexible . your assistance is = appreciated . sincerely yours , jason chen ( huafeng ) 6022 s . drexel ave , apt 612 chicago , il 60637 ( 773 ) 955 - 0348 - resume . doc | 00
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Subject: re : alex ' s paper comments : 1 . in the sentence between eqn . 3 and eqn . 4 , i think " annualized volatility " should replace " annualized standard deviation . " 2 . as to the comment , " immediately we see something quite counter - intuitive . " i would disagree . i think that its quite intuitive that this model should get closer to the black - scholes price as what is defined as the " jump " component becomes just part of the main price distribution , which happens if we define a jump to be only a 1 - sigma event . the table does show , however , that the results of using this model are very sensitive to exactly how you choose to define a " jump " ( i . e . 2 - sigma or 3 - sigma . . . events ) , and this is one difficulty in using the model in practice . 3 . in the paragraph after the table , i don ' t understand the argument about hedging the option . especially about buying a swap which would pay on the difference between the strike and fs . this seems non - sensical . 4 . i could not follow the logic of the last two sentences of the article , so this point should probably be explained more clearly . - - stinson vince j kaminski 08 / 18 / 2000 08 : 15 am to : grant masson / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , alex huang / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : alex ' s paper minor changes i made to alex ' s paper . vince | 00
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Subject: save 84 % on ce credits no hidden fees over 16 , 000 credits over 300 courses 90 % internet based high quality courses unlimited access complete this form for a free guest demo ! name : e - mail : phone : city : state : we don ' t want anybody to receive our mailing who does not wish to receive them . to be removed from this mailing list , do not reply to this message . instead , go here : http : / / www . insuranceiq . com / optout legal notice | 11
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Subject: panel session at 2001 pes summer meeting vince and vasant , i was asked by one of my advisors to be on a panel for the summer power engineering society . i stated that i couldn ' t divulge any information on modeling efforts at enron but could give a general overview and cover my dissertation work . he stated that he understood and other companies had expressed similar concerns . i guess that i need your ok to attend this presentation and present . thanks , lance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lance cunningham / na / enron on 03 / 27 / 2001 10 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " martin l . baughman " on 03 / 27 / 2001 08 : 59 : 35 am to : shams . siddiqi @ lcra . org , harry . singh @ neg . pge . com , lance . cunningham @ enron . com , rosenberg @ hotmail . com , " camporeale , robert " cc : baran @ eos . ncsu . edu , liu @ ee . washington . edu subject : panel session at 2001 pes summer meeting gentlemen : thank you for agreeing to participate on the panel . to comply with the quality control requirements of the society i must request from each of you the following : 1 . name , affiliation , and title of presentation as you want it listed in program . 2 . a 2 - 6 summary of the presentation . these summaries will appear in the proceedings . many speakers simply provide a few powerpoint slides that contain this information , or alternatively , a few paragraphs of text summarizing the points they intend to make in their presentations . please provide this information to me by april 2 . here is the status of the panel so far . title : power trading and asset management : tools of the trade requested day and time : wed july 18 morning session summary a number of sophisticated anlytical tools are used in support power trading and asset management activities . these include various time - series , stochastic , and physical models of quantities and prices , portfolio and risk analysis tools , and other risk management tools . in this panel , the analytical approaches are surveyed and discussed . panelists : lance cunningham / confirmed manager , research enron north america micahel rosenberg / confirmed txu shams siddiqi / confirmed lcra harry singh / confirmed director , market economics pg & e national energy group robert camporeale coned energy panel organizer and chair : martin l . baughman ece department the university of texas at austin remember , by april 2 . marty martin l . baughman ece dept . ens 348 the university of texas at austin austin , tx 78712 ph . ( 512 ) 471 - 5376 fax ( 512 ) 471 - 5532 | 00
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Subject: re : synfuel option valuation lenny , i believe that you must have done your home work on the the tax credit issue . however , it may make sense to create some kind of reserve in case the tax credit is removed in the future . i am glad that you like the way we treat the tax credit , which is built into the strike price for the digital option . with the tax credit , it is most likely the option will be exercised . paulo issler is the person who worked on this model initially . he will be back this wednesday . we can talk to him about the standard deviation he put into the model . zimin lenny hochschild @ enron 02 / 12 / 2001 08 : 15 am to : zimin lu / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : synfuel option valuation zimin , thanks for your e - mail . sorry for the late reply , i was travelling last week . i ' m under the impression that the with the new administration , there is a greater chance that section 29 will be extended beyond 2007 than repealed . if this happens , we contractually have the right to extend this contract . we have not valued the chance of this happening , so i don ' t think we should value the chance of this not happening . anyways , let me speak to my supervisor on this and revert . in the meantime , i looked over the amendment you made with regard to adding the second strike of the tax credit and think this is now reflective of the deal and am happy with it . i still do not understand a few things re : where did the st . deviations come from . i believe you said that someone who works for you put this together but was away last week . please revert with his / her name so that i can get together and understand this . thanks . lenny zimin lu @ ect 02 / 06 / 2001 01 : 09 pm to : lenny hochschild / na / enron @ enron cc : eric groves / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect subject : synfuel option valuation lenny , i think we had a good discussion about the deal valuation . one thing , i think you are prefectly aware of it , is that the economics of this deal is driven by the tax credit ( $ 25 . 03 ) . the risk on our side is that if the tax credit is removed , aig will not deliver the synfuel and pay $ 4 . 55 to us . vince mentioned that congress might act quickly enough to eliminate the tax benefit . i just want to remind you we should take this risk into consideration . zimin ps : i changed the results in sheetl slightly . the values in column a was shifted by 0 . 5 . use the attached model . | 00
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Subject: re : recruiting at cmu computational finance program rick , thanks for your message . i am familiar with the computational finance program and value its high quality . please , call me next week . the best time is between 7 : 00 and 8 : 30 a . m . cst . vince " rick bryant " on 07 / 26 / 2000 01 : 27 : 23 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : " kevin kindall " , " ken keeley " , " sanjay srivastava " subject : recruiting at cmu computational finance program vince , greetings ! i am the director of the ms in computational finance program at carnegie mellon . i am following up on a conversation i had with kevin kindall , a graduate of our program , who gave me your e - mail address and suggested i contact you as the individual making the recruiting decisions for the research group at enron . in speaking with the director of the career opportunity center at the business school , i am told that although an alison bailey from enron ( mary . alison . bailey @ enron . com ) has arranged for a sizable block of rooms in which to conduct interviews on campus on december 11 th , there is as yet no indication of whether the comp finance students will have opportunity to compete for these spaces . we are regarded by many in the industry as the top quantitative finance program in the country . focused on derivative pricing , econometrics , var and portfolio management , our graduates should be an excellent fit for your business . i would be happy to talk with you further about our rogram ( http : / / student . gsia . cmu . edu / mscf / ) as well as our students ' interest in enron ( the name comes up a lot ! ) . also , if you are interested , we run a " speaker series " on most friday ' s during the fall and spring that would give you ( or another in your group ) the opportunity to address our students in an area of interest . such a meeting would , i think , help you better understand the careers our students are preparing to pursue as well as give our students first hand knowledge of enron and its future . when might be a good time to contact you by telephone ? thank you for your time . rick richard l . bryant director , computational finance program carnegie mellon university graduate school of industrial administration pittsburgh , pa 15213 phone / fax ( 412 ) 268 - 4592 / ( 412 ) 268 - 6837 http : / / fastweb . gsia . cmu . edu / mscf | 00
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Subject: meetings with petronas on february 8 th good morning all : the petronas meetings and presentations will be in eb 3321 on the 8 th . thanks ! shirley - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 01 / 11 / 2001 09 : 11 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vince j kaminski 01 / 08 / 2001 12 : 06 pm to : rick buy / hou / ect @ ect , david port / market risk / corp / enron @ enron , john l nowlan / hou / ect @ ect , jeffrey a shankman / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : meeting on feb 8 , 2001 fyi . this is the list of the petronas executives visiting enron on feb 8 . i have invited them to lunch . would you like to join me for lunch . i would like to propose a short courtesy meeting at 10 with jeff / john ( 5 - 10 minutes ) , followed by rac / research presentation till 11 : 30 . vince p . s . i shall reserve a conference room for this meeting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 01 / 08 / 2001 10 : 02 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - azminab @ petronas . com . my on 01 / 07 / 2001 06 : 37 : 33 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com , shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com , khairuddinbmjaafar @ petronas . com . my cc : subject : re : meeting on feb 8 , 2001 dear kaminski 4 members from corporate risk management unit 1 . iqbal abdullah - general manager 2 . nur azmin abu bakar - head , risk assessment & controls 3 . zulkifli a rahim - head , risk measurement & systems 4 . adnan adams - head , special projects regards vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com on 03 / 01 / 2001 09 : 45 : 02 pm to : azminab @ petronas . com . my cc : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com , shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com subject : re : meeting on feb 8 , 2001 dear mr . nur azmin abu bakar , thanks for your prompt reply . please , let us know how many members of your team will visit enron . i look forward to our meeting on february 8 . vince kaminski azminab @ petronas . com . my on 01 / 02 / 2001 06 : 38 : 33 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com , khairuddinbmjaafar @ petronas . com . my , shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com cc : subject : re : meeting on feb 8 , 2001 dear kaminski , happy new year and thank you for the reply . we are honored to have lunch with you and your team however we have another appointment at 2 . 30 p . m . regards vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com on 03 / 01 / 2001 07 : 38 : 19 am to : azminab @ petronas . com . my cc : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com , shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com subject : meeting on feb 8 , 2001 dear sir , i would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your fax . i was on vacation for the last few days . i shall be honored to meet your delegation on thursday , february 8 at 10 : 00 a . m . please , let me know if you will be free for lunch after the meeting . vince kaminski | 00
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Subject: save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactly when you want . ciaiis has a iot of advantaqes over viaqra - the effect lasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with alcohol ! we ship to any country ! get it right now ! . | 11
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Subject: re : european energy 2000 , april , amsterdam angela , no problem . i shall be glad to do it . happy holidays if i don ' t hear from you . vince " angela adedeji " on 12 / 14 / 99 12 : 00 : 40 pm please respond to " angela adedeji " to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : european energy 2000 , april , amsterdam hi vince re : european energy 2000 , 3 & 4 april , amsterdam i hope all is well . i wondered whether or not you would be interested in chairing the stream of your talk ? i look forward to hearing from you soon . kind regards angela - attl . htm | 00
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Subject: greg , fyi - jeff asked me to forward this to you for your review . srs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sherri sera / corp / enron on 05 / 15 / 2000 04 : 25 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " joseph a . cherian " on 05 / 09 / 2000 08 : 10 : 19 am to : " jeffrey k . skilling " cc : vince j kaminski , " robert a . jarrow " , " robert c . merton " subject : mr . jeffrey k . skilling president and c . o . o . , enron corp . dear jeff , this email is from robert jarrow ( cornell ) and myself ( joe cherian ) . i hope you recall meeting / lunching with bob jarrow & me when you keynoted at my 1999 math finance day conference here at boston university . i wanted to introduce you to skg inc . , a startup that is focused on providing an innovative service to the electronic trading community . messers kuppuswamy seshadhri , sriketan mahanti , and gaurav mallik are the principal founders of skg , inc . bob jarrow and i represent the company ' s scientific advisory board . nobel laureate robert merton , who also sat on our table during your keynote address , very kindly serves as an ad hoc senior advisor to skg and has been an invaluable resource to skg , including putting us in touch with jp morgan . coincidentally , the c . o . o . of jp morgan capital corp . ed colloton , in an april 7 meeting told us he would introduce us to the c . f . o . of enron online , whom he knows and at which he felt skg would have huge value - adding opportunities . however , given ed ' s busy travel schedule , i don ' t believe he has been able to do that yet . hence this joint decision by bob jarrow and myself to send you this email . skg ' s solution is to provide dynamic pricing and value maximization in electronic trading of securities / commodities on ecns and atss ( alternative trading systems ) . it achieves this through a process of " strategic negotiation " using automated agents ( intelligent software manifestations ) . our system should not be viewed as an ecn , but rather as an enhancement to any extant trading system , be it an ecn , ats , clob , nasdaq , etc . our initial system design has been conducted for financial instruments trading , e . g . bonds / equities , but our strategy is as much applicable to energy / power instruments trading , high speed communications bandwidth trading , and other web - based commodities trading , which we believe is of interest to enron online . skg is superior to existing solutions in the following way : 1 ) it considers multiple attributes , e . g . , price , time , volatility , bandwidth . ( in high speed communication bandwidth scenarios , for example , the dimensions could be price , bandwidth size , time for which bandwidth available , continguity of the allocation , and such . ) 2 ) it involves dynamic matching as opposed to " static " matching . 3 ) it is multi - lateral . 4 ) it adapts itself dynamically to changing market conditions . 5 ) it allows traders to make important trade - offs , as they do in traditional markets . currently , skg is involved in discussions with the heads of trading at fidelity , putnam investments , lehman bros . , kpmg , meridien research , salomon smith barney , jp morgan , state street , banc of america , mckinsey , citizens power , and a host of other folks . we think we have a value - adding service to provide to enron online or any other enron subsidiary that the skg offering matches and that you deem fit . skg ' s founders and i will be very happy to provide you or your representative ( s ) with more details , including a demo of the prototype , in a meeting . we are therefore hopeful that you will be able to arrange something appropriate . thanks very much , jeff ! we look forward to hearing from you . with warm regards , joseph cherian and robert jarrow cc : professor robert c . merton joseph a . cherian associate professor of finance boston university school of management 595 commonwealth avenue , room 522 h boston , ma 02215 tel : 617 - 353 - 2679 ( o ) 617 - 353 - 6667 ( fax ) | 00
| 3,644 |
Subject: feeling great is not a luxury ! do you feel the strength ? buddy , deal with your problems supplies are limited ! http : / / buyonlinrmeds . com / ? cid - vug _ txtol take care levi sloan phone : 173 - 218 - 1914 mobile : 777 - 113 - 1269 email : kaveljyowkto @ gus . net e . n . 0 ^ u . g * h http : / / buyonlinrmeds . com / emover . php | 11
| 409 |
Subject: re : 1 . power 2000 ; 2 . my proposed 5 / 25 houston visit ehud , thanks fro your message . what about june 22 ? i have several trips in between may 25 and june 22 . vince " ehud i . ronn " on 05 / 16 / 2000 02 : 47 : 49 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : 1 . power 2000 ; 2 . my proposed 5 / 25 houston visit vince , greetings . 1 . thanks again for hosting the dinner at power 2000 . congratulations also on a thoughtful keynote address , a copy of which i picked up on the way out of the conference . 2 . my family and i are leaving on a family trip 5 / 25 thru 6 / 4 . thus , i would like to reschedule my proposed houston visit , and presentation of the " enterprise - wide risk management " model to enron ' s research dept . , to the next mutually - convenient date . best , ehud ehud i . ronn department of finance college and graduate school of business university of texas at austin austin , tx . 78712 - 1179 voice : ( 512 ) 471 - 5853 fax : ( 512 ) 471 - 5073 internet : eronn @ mail . utexas . edu | 00
| 4,313 |
Subject: all graphics software available , cheap oem versions . good morning , we we offer latest oem packages of all graphics and publishinq software from corel , macromedia , adobe and others . $ 80 adobe photoshop 8 . 0 / cs $ 140 macromedia studio mx 2004 $ 120 adobe acrobat 7 . 0 professional $ 150 adobe premiere pro 1 . 5 $ 90 corel desiqner 10 $ 90 quickbooks 2004 professional edition $ 75 adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ 70 xara x vl . 1 $ 75 adobe audition 1 . 5 $ 90 discreet 3 d studio max 7 $ 115 adobe golive cs $ 135 adobe after effects 6 . 5 standard $ 45 adobe premiere elements $ 125 corel painter lx $ 80 adobe liiustrator cs $ 80 adobe indesiqn cs $ 240 adobe creative suite $ 140 adobe framemaker 7 . 1 $ 50 uiead cooi 3 d production studio 1 . 0 . 1 $ 90 alias motion buiider 6 professionai $ 30 quicken 2004 premier home & biz $ 30 adobe photoshop elements 3 . 0 $ 110 adobe premiere pro 7 . 0 learn more . . . sincerely , florentina | 11
| 1,326 |
Subject: eol presentation thank you for meeting with the students from rice university ' s jesse h . jones graduate school of management in april . the students greatly appreciated the opportunity to talk with you . your perspective and insights into eol and its competitors helped the students gain much more useful information in their interviews with enymex , houstonstreet . com , ice , dynegydirect , and other energy e - commerce platforms . the students will present the results of their research next monday ( may 7 ) at 4 : 00 p . m . in room 49 cl . we would be delighted if you can attend their presentation . if you cannot attend but would like a copy of their final report , please feel free to let me know and i will make sure you get it . thanks again for your help . | 00
| 2,582 |
Subject: no more need for a lift or support bra ! 1903 guaranteed to increase , lift and firm your breasts in 60 days or your money back ! ! 100 % herbal and natural . proven formula since 1996 . increase your bust by 1 to 3 sizes within 30 - 60 days and be all natural . click here : absolutely no side effects ! be more self confident ! be more comfortable in bed ! no more need for a lift or support bra ! 100 % guaranteed and from a name you know and trust ! you are receiving this email as a double opt - in subscriber to the standard affiliates mailing list . to remove yourself from all related email lists , just click here : | 11
| 1,047 |
Subject: candidate to bring in for interviews with the research group hello toni : the research group would like to bring bruce r . james in for an exploratory interview sometime next week ( june 26 - 30 ) . the individuals who would be interviewing him are : vince kaminski managing director stinson gibner vice president grant masson vice president vasant shanbhogue vice president p . v . krishnarao director zimin lu director tanya tamarchenko manager please ask bruce to give you several dates within next week that would accommodate him and we can coordinate his dates with vince ' s schedule and the schedules of the rest of the group . just call me when you have some dates and times . his resume is attached . | 00
| 3,653 |
Subject: darden case study on " the transformation of enron " sherri : vince kaminski is available from 2 : 00 pm - 5 : 00 pm on tuesday , april 18 . sherri : as a side note , professor bodily was visiting with vince yesterday and was impressed with the pictures that are in each of the elevators - showing enron ' s " vision and values " . he asked me if i could possibly find out how he could get copies of the prints . are they available anywhere , and to anyone ? did our graphics dept . do them ? if you have any information , please let me know . thanks ! shirley 3 - 5290 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 03 / 30 / 2000 02 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vince j kaminski 03 / 30 / 2000 02 : 33 pm to : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : darden case study on " the transformation of enron " shirley , please , provide this info . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 03 / 30 / 2000 02 : 33 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : sherri sera @ enron 03 / 30 / 2000 12 : 47 pm to : lou l pai / hou / ees @ ees , gene humphrey / hou / ect @ ect , ken rice / enron communications @ enron communications , andrew s fastow / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : karen owens / hou / ees @ ees , bert frazier / hou / ect @ ect , mercedes estrada / enron communications @ enron communications , bridget maronge / hou / ect @ ect , mark palmer / corp / enron @ enron , katherine brown / corp / enron @ enron , fabricio soares / hou / ect @ ect subject : darden case study on " the transformation of enron " gentlemen , jeff has asked that each of you make time to meet with professors bruner and bodily regardig the above referenced case ( i have attached a project overview for your review ) . they are scheduled to be in houston on tuesday , april 18 , to begin conducting interviews ( some of which may be videotaped ) . please let me know your availablility on that date . thanks for your help , and please don ' t hesitate to call me ( x 3 - 5984 ) should you need additional information . srs | 00
| 2,928 |
Subject: re : message from ken rice dorothy , no problem . please , cc - mail me tom ' s number . one of the members of the group has a phd in computer science and he will join me for the call . vince from : dorothy dalton @ enron communications on 05 / 01 / 2001 08 : 53 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : message from ken rice vince : ken rice received a call through a friend ' s referral from dr . tom limperis ( a professor at the university of michigan ) . dr . limperis has developed a statistical database management system he would like to show enron . ken would like you to return this call on his behalf . he feels that you are probably the only person who will understand and be able to determine if enron should have an interest . do you mind returning this call ? please let me know . thanks ! dorothy dalton office of the chairman enron broadband services 1400 smith street , eb 4505 houston , tx 77002 713 - 853 - 6724 - direct 713 - 853 - 9469 - fax | 00
| 3,067 |
Subject: charlie weldon charlene , thank you for accomodating our request to start charlie weldon in his rotation in the research group earlier than the incoming associate official start date of august 7 th . as we discussed , the business purpose for this request is related to the project we have earmarked for him , which is linked to the hurricane season , which starts in june . and you have my e - handshake that we will release him to participate in the regularly organized orientation activities scheduled for august . we expect he will report on wednesday , june 21 st . thanks again , - - mike roberts | 00
| 3,396 |
Subject: avistar users and allocated charges avistar has been installed globally to provide desktop conferencing . hardware and installation charges have been allocated by invoice to the relevant location . the schedule below lists by business unit and rc the number of units and charges allocated . it will assume the monthly charge - out process . the allocated dollars will be depreciated over a three year period to your respective cost center beginning february 2001 . if you have any questions please feel free to call or e - mail , sheila glover , 3 - 3210 , or paige cox , 3 - 5428 . thanks . sheila | 00
| 1,806 |
Subject: re : training courses shirley , no problem . vince shirley crenshaw 03 / 13 / 2000 12 : 08 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : training courses vince : kevin moore and jose marquez would like to take a course entitled " wellhead to burnertip " which is scheduled monthly . the first course available would be may 18 th and the cost would be $ 600 . 00 each . is this ok ? thanks ! | 00
| 3,423 |
Subject: year end 2000 performance feedback note : you will receive this message each time you are selected as a reviewer . you have been selected to participate in the year end 2000 performance management process by providing meaningful feedback on specific employee ( s ) . your feedback plays an important role in the process , and your participation is critical to the success of enron ' s performance management goals . to complete requests for feedback , access pep at http : / / pep . corp . enron . com and select perform review under performance review services . you may begin providing feedback immediately and are requested to have all feedback forms completed by friday , november 17 , 2000 . if you have any questions regarding pep or your responsibility in the process , please contact the pep help desk at : houston : 1 . 713 . 853 . 4777 , option 4 london : 44 . 207 . 783 . 4040 , option 4 email : perfmgmt @ enron . com thank you for your participation in this important process . the following is a cumulative list of employee feedback requests with a status of " open . " once you have submitted or declined an employee ' s request for feedback , their name will no longer appear on this list . review group : enron feedback due date : nov 17 , 2000 employee name supervisor name date selected - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - andrews , naveen c rudi c zipter oct 31 , 2000 baxter , ashley david davies nov 02 , 2000 campos , hector o peyton s gibner nov 06 , 2000 carson , richard l richard b buy oct 30 , 2000 crenshaw , shirley j wincenty j kaminski oct 26 , 2000 gandy , kristin h celeste c roberts nov 01 , 2000 gorny , vladimir theodore r murphy ii nov 02 , 2000 hewitt , kirstee l steven leppard nov 06 , 2000 kindall , kevin vasant shanbhogue oct 30 , 2000 lamas vieira pinto , rodrigo david port oct 31 , 2000 pham , bich anh t sarah brown nov 06 , 2000 raymond , maureen j wincenty j kaminski nov 02 , 2000 rosen , michael b christie a patrick nov 06 , 2000 sun , li kevin kindall nov 09 , 2000 supatgiat , chonawee peyton s gibner oct 27 , 2000 tamarchenko , tanya v vasant shanbhogue oct 26 , 2000 tawney , mark r jeffrey a shankman oct 26 , 2000 williams , matthew steven leppard nov 08 , 2000 yaman , sevil vasant shanbhogue oct 27 , 2000 yuan , ding richard l carson oct 31 , 2000 | 00
| 3,358 |
Subject: save your money by getting an oem software ! need in software for your pc ? just visit our site , we might have what you need . . . best regards , alvaro | 11
| 1,226 |
Subject: thanks vince : thanks for the time that you took today . it was very interesting to meet with you . i ' d like to continue the discussions sometime . thanks again . shawn | 00
| 1,690 |
Subject: re : trading ag prods . vince , just wanted to let you know that i have done some preliminary , high level , research into this commodity and would be glad to share it . please let me know if you would be interested in it . thank you . shalesh ganjoo vince j kaminski @ ect 05 / 01 / 01 10 : 20 am to : shalesh ganjoo / enron communications @ enron communications @ enron cc : elsa piekielniak / corp / enron @ enron subject : re : trading ag prods . shalesh , a good idea . i shall forward it to the ag traders . vince from : shalesh ganjoo @ enron communications on 05 / 01 / 2001 10 : 12 am to : nelson neale / na / enron @ enron cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : trading ag prods . nelson , i know you are focusing on agricultural products for trading , so i just wanted to know if we are looking at wool . i know that it ' s traded in australia and new zealand , so we might be able to look into it as well . please let me know . thank you . shalesh ganjoo | 00
| 4,175 |
Subject: ljm vince / stinson : the following is an update on ljm deal : 1 ) i participated on a conference call with aa ( jitendra and others ) and our accounting / credit group ( wes , bill bradford and others ) yesturday , in which we discussed the best approach for definining credit reserves at year - end for the puts we own . 2 ) a big chunck of the meeting was dedicated to explain aa the details of the deal . little progress was made on achieving the meeting ' s goal . 3 ) apparently , accounting did want to expose the calculation we made for puts value that considers credit risk - the two factor model we developed . that line of action was implied on a pre - meeting we had early that morning . from my understanding , accounting argues that we should not make any credit reserve because we could not liquidate our position by year - end . 4 ) at a certain point jintendra suggested me to use a two factor mc - simulation for calculating the position with credit risk . the approach is actually a more simplified version of the model we have . i and nobody mentioned the results we got from our 2 - factor model . 5 ) at that same afternoon i knew from accounting that we are in a process of unwinding our position . these are the main points . please let me know if need more details . paulo issler | 00
| 2,289 |
Subject: considered unsolicited bulk email from you your message to : - > distmatu @ agrocom . com . ar was considered unsolicited bulk e - mail ( ube ) . subject : just to her . . . return - path : delivery of the email was stopped ! | 11
| 797 |
Subject: harvard - - nyu itinerary hi ! attached please find the itinerary for the harvard - - - nyu trip ; please disregard any parts of the trip that don ' t apply to you . if i have not already done so , i ' ll try this morning to get you a copy of the enron online case being taught at harvard tomorrow ( thursday ) . otherwise , i ' ll give it to you on the plane - - it ' s fewer than 15 pages , so it ' s a quick read . please call me if you have any questions ( 3 - 6117 ) . otherwise , i ' ll see you at the corporate hangar at 6 pm . ( for anyone unfamiliar with the location of the corporate hangar , i believe you can get a map / address / directions from the enron aviation department . ) thanks ! - - christie . | 00
| 3,533 |
Subject: re : ( no subject ) jana , sounds perfect . look forward to meeting you on saturday . any suggestions regarding the movie ? vince jlpnymex @ aol . com on 04 / 07 / 2000 08 : 28 : 53 am to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : re : ( no subject ) vince you missed a really fun party last night . the turnout was even better than we had hoped - - about 250 people . how about saturday , april 15 for a 5 : 00 pm ( or so ) movie and then dinner ? have a good weekend , and i hope to see you tuesday evening at the hea / nymex crawfish boil ! jana | 00
| 2,334 |
Subject: re [ 4 ] : terra investigate blackouts i wonder what if . . . paint shopthere ' s also another one tupac sharuk | 11
| 732 |
Subject: over 80 % savings on all best - selling windows titles opt - in email special offer unsubscribe me search software top 10 new titles on sale now ! 1 office pro 20032 windows xp pro 3 adobe creative suite premium 4 norton antivirus 20055 flash mx 20046 corel draw 127 adobe acrobat 7 . 08 windows 2003 server 9 alias maya 6 wavefrtl 0 adobe premiere see more by this manufacturer microsoft apple software customers also bought these other items . . . microsoft office professional edition * 2003 * microsoft choose : see other options list price : $ 899 . 00 price : $ 69 . 99 you save : $ 830 . 01 ( 92 % ) availability : available for instant download ! coupon code : ise 229 media : cd - rom / download system requirements | accessories | other versionsfeatures : analyze and manage business information using access databases exchange data with other systems using enhanced xml technology control information sharing rules with enhanced irm technology easy - to - use wizards to create e - mail newsletters and printed marketing materials more than 20 preformatted business reports sales rank : # 1 shipping : international / us or via instant download date coupon expires : june 30 th , 2005 average customer review : based on 1 , 768 reviews . write a review . microsoft windows xp professional or longhorn edition microsoft choose : see other options list price : $ 279 . 00 price : $ 49 . 99 you save : $ 229 . 01 ( 85 % ) availability : available for instant download ! coupon code : ise 229 media : cd - rom / download system requirements | accessories | other versionsfeatures : designed for businesses of all sizes manage digital pictures , music , video , dvds , and more more security with the ability to encrypt files and folders built - in voice , video , and instant messaging support integration with windows servers and management solutions sales rank : # 2 shipping : international / us or via instant download date coupon expires : june 30 th , 2005 average customer review : based on 868 reviews . write a review . adobe photoshop cs 2 v 9 . 0 adobe choose : see other options list price : $ 599 . 00 price : $ 69 . 99 you save : $ 529 . 01 ( 90 % ) availability : available for instant download ! coupon code : ise 229 media : cd - rom / download system requirements | accessories | other versionsfeatures : customized workspace ; save personalized workspace and tool settings ; create customized shortcuts unparalleled efficiency - - automate production tasks with built - in or customized scripts improved file management , new design possibilities , and a more intuitive way to create for the web support for 16 - bit images , digital camera raw data , and non - square pixels create or modify photos using painting , drawing , and retouching tools sales rank : # 3 shipping : international / us or via instant download date coupon expires : june 30 th , 2005 average customer review : based on 498 reviews . write a review . | 11
| 76 |
Subject: re : thank you sevil . we are looking forward to having you here . if you want , you can stop by one day and i shall introduce you to grant masson with whom you will be working this summer . vince sevil yaman on 02 / 23 / 2000 10 : 09 : 30 am to : vkamins @ enron . com cc : subject : thank you hi dr . kaminski , yesterday , i learned from shannon rogers at the associate - analyst program that i was offered a summer associate / internship position in your group . i am already very excited about this position and look forward to working in your group . many thanks for your consideration . sevil yaman department of economics university of houston houston , tx 77204 - 5882 ( 713 ) 743 - 3814 / 3817 | 00
| 2,775 |
Subject: @ ect . enron . com email notification ! we are one @ enron . com ! please be aware of the following senders were automatically notified to ( a ) . stop sending internet mail to your @ ect . enron . com address and to ( b ) . send future internet communications to vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com : jim . dyer @ bus . utexas . edu , john @ sava . com reminder : your @ ect . enron . com address should not be used any longer and will be deactivated soon . so please make sure these contacts switch to your new @ enron . com address . if you have subscribed to mailing lists , please make sure to update your addresses there as well . and your shortname @ enron . com address ( i . e . jsmith @ enron . com ) will continue to work , even though your formal address is longname @ enron . com ( i . e . john . smith @ enron . com ) please do not reply to this message as it was automatically generated . | 00
| 4,961 |
Subject: more hedge effectiveness testing vince , have you seen the latest version of our article ? in a nutshell , it establishes both what ' s right and what ' s wrong with r - squared / regression . essentially , r - squared is fine provided that the amount of the derivative optimal , but otherwise it makes little sense . please let me know what you think about this . regards , andy andrew kalotay associates , inc . ( 212 ) 482 - 0900 andy @ kalotay . com visit our web - site http : / / www . kalotay . com - fasl 33 article . pdf | 00
| 4,778 |
Subject: mike ' s laptop vince , check it out ! thanks for your advice on strategic problem - solving thanks again - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mike a roberts / hou / ect on 05 / 24 / 2000 07 : 56 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - henry moreno 05 / 23 / 2000 06 : 00 pm to : mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect cc : grace e warren / hou / ect @ ect , kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect , david wile / hou / ect @ ect , chris bowling / hou / ect @ ect , john p tollefsen / hou / ect @ ect , bob hillier / na / enron @ enron , roberto deleon / corp / enron @ enron , mark hall / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : request for help mr . roberts , i am glad we were able to reach a practical solution for you without going too much against the grain of enron corp . ' s it policy and standards . thanks to david wile and mark hall in formulating a solution that addresses everyone ' s needs . in summary , your contingency and recovery machine ( laptop ) will be imaged for win 2000 applications will be evaluated for compatibility this will allow you to use the machine as a back - up to gather weather data off the internet ( via independent dial - out line ) in case the normal enron network architecture is unavailable . i will follow - up to make sure we capture the one exception to the policy and standard that surfaced ( local admin rights on the laptop for development activity ) . irm / roberto deleon will facilitate with a risk acceptance request form . thanks again , henry moreno information risk management ( irm ) from : mike a roberts 05 / 23 / 2000 10 : 29 am to : henry moreno / hou / ect @ ect cc : grace e warren / hou / ect @ ect , kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect subject : request for help what i have : a . i have an ibm thinkpad and a cd for windows 98 b . i got the ibm from richard weeks . i bought the windows 98 . c . i have a valid business need to get windows 98 on the ibm a . my job requires a totally independent backup to access data off the internet and process same for trader ' s report b . this must be done 7 days per week in the early am . c . i have new equipment that doesn ' t run on nt i . audio file generator ( nomad ) ii . video file generator ( intel ) d . i will also be loading office 2000 ( which i have ) the problem : a . when i travel , terminal server doesn ' t work ( last time i spent several $ hundred trying ) b . on the weekends , terminal server unacceptably slow ( requiring someone to come in sat & sun ) c . when we move internally , things go wrong ( this monday we got switched from 100 megabytes to 10 mega bytes ) - trader ' s report not ready on time d . i currently have no stand - alone backup for contingency purposes what i need : i need help putting windows 98 put on my thinkpad ( when i reformatted and loaded , it did not recognize the modem ) there should be no security risk because this system will be totally independent of enorn system ( just usinf the phone ) can you approve someone to help me load it up ? ? ? thank you . mike roberts vice president , research x 3 - 5701 | 00
| 2,540 |
Subject: re : alp presentation for your information , the alp project presenation that vince kaminski invited you to will be held in the enron bldg . in conference room eb 49 cl . if you need any other information , please let me know . regards , shirley crenshaw administrative coordinator enron research group 713 - 853 - 5290 email : shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com | 00
| 3,093 |
Subject: software erequests for credit modeling hi lola , as per our recent conversation , today we had a conference call with the enron research and credit groups in the us and the uk . it was decided that we would require the folowing software to assist us in developing the private firm models : 1 . eviews statistical package 2 . spss statistical package ( the uk office already has an spss site license . ) 3 . tops software 4 . neural net software package ( george in the uk developed this package ) . please discuss submit these requests to craig chaney for his approval . thanks , iris | 00
| 2,802 |
Subject: restricted stock deferral opportunity - reminder this message is to remind you of your opportunity to defer restricted stock that may be released to you during 2001 into the enron corp . 1994 deferral plan ( or the enron expat . services , inc . deferral plan for expatriates ) . information concerning this opportunity was delivered to you earlier this week . if you want to participate in this program , please complete an election form at your earliest convenience . forms should be returned to my attention ( ebl 614 or via facsimile 713 - 646 - 4858 ) . i will be away from the office next week ; please do not hesitate to call renee ratcliff ( 713 - 345 - 7960 ) or mary mckendree ( 713 - 345 - 8085 ) with any questions . thank you ! kim bolton executive compensation 713 - 853 - 7084 | 00
| 1,871 |
Subject: new computers hi lyn : hope things are going better for you ! the research group is getting one new employee beginning february 21 , 2000 , that needs a computer . we also have an employee that needs a new computer because the one she has does not have enough memory . we need at least 64 meg memory with a large screen ( 17 " ) . names and locations : yana kristal ebl 947 ( replace computer she now has ) shalesh ganjoo ebl 951 ( new analyst rotating - 2 / 21 / 00 ) co . # : 0011 rc # : 100038 approver : vince kaminski , managing director , research if you need anything else , please let me know . thanks and have a great day ! shirley 3 - 5290 | 00
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Subject: re : valuation steve , please , let me know when you come back . i have detected a tendency to implement different approaches to valuation in the past . to some extent , it reflects the absence of formal rules for sign - off on the valuation techniques which , in turn , reflects , the turf wars and the desire by the originators to control the outcomes . vince stevestock @ pagenetips . com on 01 / 19 / 2001 06 : 53 : 14 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : valuation vince , i ' d like an opportunity to talk to you about valuation . i ' m hearing confusing messages about the way that the uk it team and the uk traders get their valuation code aparently signed off by research , while here . . . you provide it for our guys to wrap up . we have now a situation where the uk team are using a home grown valuation piece called dove , where results differ from those of the equivalent usa portcalc . i need to break through the pride barriers and the " not built here " syndrome , and try to do the right thing , but i don ' t beleive i can do that without you guidance . i ' m scared that if we diverge too much we will never work globally on these systems . steve - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tel : 713 - 345 - 8980 cell : 281 - 541 - 1862 page : stevestock @ pagenetips . com | 00
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Subject: erisk interview vince : you may inteersted in the following interview which appeared on erisk . com last friday . were rick buy ' s comments about real options taken out of context ? yann bonduelle leads a 25 - person team for in london that applies decision analytics and real options theory to dilemmas ranging from valuing a biotechnology product to deciding whether to kill off an internet financial services business . here he talks to rob jameson about whether this " theoretical " approach to risky decision - making really helps businesses in their day - to - day balancing of risk and reward . yann holds a ph . d degree from the engineering - economic systems department at stanford university , where he studied how to apply engineering decision and design analysis to wider economic , social and business issues . he then worked as a consultant applying his decision analysis methodologies to problems that included consumer decision making about innovative products such as electrical vehicles , before joining the team in 1998 where he is now a partner . he has written widely on the application of real options , particularly in fields of life sciences , technology , and e - business , and has a special interest in the relationship between risk assessment , validation of risk data and financial valuation . how would you sum up your approach to business decision analytics ? most of our projects are set up to help businesses that face massive uncertainties of some kind . decision analysis helps people explore problems , and redesign their decision - making process to increase the chance of them making the right choices . for example , imagine a biotechnology company that has to decide whether to put itself up for sale , enter a strategic relationship , or continue to go it alone . each of those options will lead on to other value - enhancing or value - destroying scenarios . we work with the client firstly to understand and challenge the assumptions associated with their most likely business development scenarios , and secondly to help them identify decisions that would help protect or increase the value of their technology or company . quantifying technical , regulatory or commercial risks can sometimes be a challenge . in technology - intensive fields , however , we have found that managers ( often scientists ) are quite willing to describe the main sources of risk and to assess the probability that a risky event may or may not occur . how does this kind of risky decision - making relate to real options valuation ? you can ' t say what the value of an asset is until you decide what you might use it for . this means that , to form an opinion about the value of an asset , you must explore the most important decisions that you are likely to face and that will have a significant impact on the value of the asset . so decision analysis helps to define the business problem and to uncover a stream of inter - related choices that are , in effect , " real options " . for example , if a company is trying to decide whether to invest in a risky project , does it have the option to pull the plug on the investment at an early stage if a pilot project gives a poor showing ? that " real " option reduces the riskiness , and increases the potential value , of the original business plan . so real options and decision analysis are really very close to one another . but you don ' t have to believe in real options valuations to find decision analysis useful . what do you mean ? often decision analysis can help managers to identify the key risks in a strategic decision , attach weights to these , and show clearly how they interact . for many companies this " risk discovery " is the most valuable part of the exercise . real options theory has been criticised recently for being , well , not very realistic . is it a practical approach to valuation ? it ' s important not to hold out unrealistic hopes for the real options approach to valuation . but it ' s an exciting methodology , and it ' s also sometimes the only reasonable way of tackling a very practical problem . for example , when a firm sells an asset , the firm might have to make an independent valuation of the asset for legal or corporate governance reasons . but in many businesses today there are assets that simply cannot be valued in traditional ways because they are difficult to link to cashflows . the cashflows might not exist because the business is so novel , or they might be hidden . in some respects , a real options analysis is much closer to reality than a traditional valuation . how , exactly ? the classic way of valuing a future business is to base the calculation on a single discounted cashflow that is projected from the activity . but this doesn ' t really take account of the way that scenarios can change , or the fact that managers can react to situations as they unfold . i mentioned earlier the option to kill a project or business at an early point . but the upside is that if a pilot project yields exciting results , it might allow you to invest more quickly and reach a revenue - generating position in a much shorter time than the original business plan allows . so to value a future business we really need to look at the cashflows that might arise in a number of scenarios . this is " realistic " in that , if the project gets the green light , you can bet that its managers will be taking that kind of decision on the ground all of the time . what ' s the most challenging part of mapping out a decision analysis tree ? modelling the links between the variables in the decision tree - - it ' s something we have particular strengths in . but it ' s also tricky to know when it ' s worthwhile to add on more detail , and when it ' s better to draw back . in a recent erisk interview , rick buy , chief risk officer of enron , said that over the two years that enron had experimented with the real options concept , it had found it of " limited , but not zero , use " . why is there a slight air of cynicism about real options in some businesses today ? it ' s strange that enron would profess this attitude . a few years ago , it was widely reported to have used real option valuation to support a very profitable purchase decision . they had apparently bought cheaply some older generators in the us that generated electricity at a very high cost . they knew that they could mothball them for most of the year , and switch them on only when the electricity prices were sufficiently high . nevertheless , from a customer ' s point of view , there might have been too much hype about the methodology . one problem in the application of real options technology is that there are , perhaps , too many people trying to tweak reality to conform to their " perfect " model . it ' s better to aim for something pragmatic that clearly improves decisions over time . in one pharmaceutical company we worked with recently , we worked together to improve their valuation analyses by moving from a single discounted cash - flow methodology to one that took into account a rather small set of business scenarios . it would have shocked some academics and consultants , but it was an undeniable improvement on the original approach . why do you think financial institutions are only just picking up on your field , when it ' s been applied in the energy industry for 15 years or more ? it might have something to do with the relative stability of the banking world until recently , and the relatively high margins that banking lines have enjoyed . also , industries such as energy and pharmaceuticals tend to have more people with an engineering and science background . the dynamic modelling of decisions is based on methodologies originally dreamed up to help engineers design electrical and electronic systems . this approach is quite distinct from the black - scholes options analyses that the banking world is familiar with : the black - scholes approach is difficult to apply in a real options context , because everything depends on the assumptions that you put into the black - scholes model . the real options approach , on the other hand , is in a sense a way of modelling those assumptions more explicitly . but banks are now adopting some of the thinking , particularly in terms of using decision analysis to pinpoint risks and identify value - enhancing decisions , and in using real options methodologies to sort the wheat from the chaff in their more speculative investments . you mean their internet investments ? we have recently worked with a major dutch bank that had arrived late in the internet game , and then made a considerable number of investments . now that even b 2 b business models have questions marks hanging over them , and many b 2 c businesses are already under water , they wanted to work out which investments might contain real value . in this situation , it ' s a case of ranking priorities and helping the bank make sense of what could turn into a decision - making chaos , rather than sophisticated valuation . it ' s not just a case of whether an internet investment should be killed off , but the problem of whether continued funding for it should take priority over budget demands for major it upgrades in existing businesses , and so on . these are very practical questions and they have to be answered somehow . are there other areas in financial institutions that seem accessible to this approach ? yes , for example , we think it can help work out the value associated with various approaches to marketing a new bank business line . at the moment , many banks are chasing high - net - worth individuals , but it ' s not always clear which kind of individual a particular bank should decide to pursue . the bank might have a regional or industry advantage already in one particular area , for example , music business people . but what is the churn rate associated with this kind of customer ? what is the profitability associated with the customer segment ? will the time and cost benefits of the advantages the bank has in the sector outweigh any disadvantages ? weighing up this kind of complex problem , where one thing leads to and depends on another , is what decision and real options analysis is good at . is there any way of rigorously backtesting or validating real options valuations ? in all honesty , not really . the problem is that by the time the option is exercised , many of the variables surrounding it will have changed , so it ' s difficult to compare our original analysis with how things turn out . however , the value of the analysis comes not only from the final number ( " the value of this asset is x " ) but also from providing a thorough process , an outsider ' s point of view , an understanding of the sources of value and , in short , a bit of clearer thinking . if real options are so important , why are they so rarely cited in communications to shareholders and equity analysts ? the battle is still to convince companies to use real option valuations as a significant part of their internal analysis . even in major companies in the oil & gas , and pharmaceutical sectors , where the ideas have taken some root internally , there seems to be a lot of reluctance to use them in external communication . we are working with analysts to understand better what they need to if we are to move things on to the next step . how does the riskiness of a business , in terms of the major strategic dilemmas it faces , relate to its share value , and its capital structure ? that ' s a big question . it ' s related to work my colleagues do on the optimal debt - to - equity capital structure and gearing of a corporation , which in turn arises out of the likely revenue and cost volatilities of the business . the more volatile the business , the less gearing it can sustain , and the higher the cost of capital . our work touches on this in the sense that exercising ( many ) specific real options can allow a firm to change its nature , and thus also its risk profile . one classic example is the pharmaceutical industry . a host of different kinds of companies service that industry from " big pharma " companies through to smaller biotechnology startups and run - of - the - mill contract research organisations . a contract research organisation is often operating within a very competitive environment with relatively few risks - - it does not invest in drug development itself - - but also very thin margins . but in fact , a few of these companies have used the skills and knowledge they have developed to become much more substantial and profitable healthcare companies of various kinds . it ' s an example of a company exercising the real options that lie within its skills and assets to transform its own identity . rob jameson , erisk | 00
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Subject: re : financial engineering associates it is the special package for options with multiple assets and options on averages . - - stinson vince j kaminski 03 / 06 / 2000 03 : 31 pm to : stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : financial engineering associates stinson , what is spav ? is it the basket option model ? vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 03 / 06 / 2000 03 : 30 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : karla feldman 03 / 06 / 2000 01 : 50 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : financial engineering associates vince and stinson , i checked the file and the maintenance that automatically renews on 4 / 1 / 2000 is for the following products : all 4 of your @ global licenses spav swing i will go ahead and contact fea and see about getting the renewal invoice for these . i ' ll send it to shirley for payment once i have it . the products : @ interest , seapc , and seapp have not been on maintenance for a while . fea told us a couple of years ago i believe that they do not have maintenance available for these products any longer . so , you don ' t need to worry about cancelling @ interest . also , just fyi - your @ energy . 1 and @ energy . 2 licenses have maintenance through 10 / 20 / 2000 . if you have any questions , please let me know . otherwise , i will proceed with contacting fea about you renewal of the @ global , spav , and swing licenses . thanks , karla | 00
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Subject: mgmt 656 here are your latest rosters . let me know if you would like the spreadsheet with their e - mail addresses as well ! - pam ( 6223 ) - 656 . doc | 00
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Subject: draft from the editor with questions . i ' ll call vince , attached is the editor ' s latest edits on my draft . there are a couple of things i ' d like to discuss with you and will call right after lunch . john - 134 martin 2 . doc john d . martin carr p . collins chair in finance finance department baylor university po box 98004 waco , tx 76798 254 - 710 - 4473 ( office ) 254 - 710 - 1092 ( fax ) j _ martin @ baylor . edu web : http : / / hsb . baylor . edu / html / martinj / home . html | 00
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Subject: re : hi ! please delete this soon as per jeff ' s request . krishna . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by pinnamaneni krishnarao / hou / ect on 04 / 05 / 2001 03 : 06 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " jeff fleming " on 04 / 05 / 2001 01 : 46 : 26 pm please respond to to : cc : subject : re : hi ! good to hear from you . things are going pretty well hear , but busy with the end of the semester coming up . as for u of h , i guess there are several possibilities depending on what shane wants to do . the best researcher in their group by far , in my opinion , is bong - soo lee . but he does more general asset pricing stuff . minnesota econ phd , really smart . their main derivatives guy is rabon rabinovich . he ' s done some good work in the past but not very active in the last five or ten years . or , you could go with ron singer or art warga ( art ' s more respected and more active ) . these guys are more senior , more general , and do more research than ramon - - i would guess that they tend to be the workhorses in terms of advising phd students at u of h . in any case , please destroy this info as soon as you digest it . i would hate for my candidate assessments to ever get passed along to the good folks at u of h . jeff jeff fleming associate professor jones graduate school of management - - ms 531 rice university 6100 main street houston , tx 77005 713 / 348 - 4677 ( voice ) 713 / 348 - 5251 ( fax ) http : / / www . ruf . rice . edu / ~ jfleming | 00
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Subject: re : visit to houston allan , i shall be glad to meet you . i am planning to attend the energy symposium and we can meet on the location . if business keeps me at the office , feel free to contact me at 713 853 3848 and we can schedule a meeting during the day or in the evening . vince allan . roberts @ uk . arthurandersen . com on 11 / 22 / 2000 06 : 45 : 42 am to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : george . e . danner @ us . arthurandersen . com , david . b . duncan @ us . arthurandersen . com subject : visit to houston vince , i hope things are well with you and your family . the reason for contacting you today is to let you know i will be in houston next week between monday and wednesday inclusive . if there is an opportunity to meet up , probably informally , it would be useful to discuss our continuing activities in the areas of strategy , value and , increasingly , real options . if you are attending our energy symposium , or can meet up , please contact me at your convenience . if we do meet , i would also like to introduce you to one of our senior managers from houston : george e . danner . george is a member of our us national strategy team and part of our global network of specialists working on real option pricing . if i do not speak to you before tomorrow - happy thanksgiving . allan * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * internet email confidentiality footer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the uk firm of arthur andersen is authorised by the institute of chartered accountants in england and wales to carry on investment business . a list of partners is available at 1 surrey street , london , wc 2 r 2 ps ( principal place of business ) . privileged / confidential information may be contained in this message . if you are not the addressee indicated in this message ( or responsible for delivery of the message to such person ) , you may not copy or deliver this message to anyone . in such case , you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply email . please advise immediately if you or your employer do not consent to internet email for messages of this kind . opinions , conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to the official business of my firm shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by it . | 00
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Subject: visa status i want to keep you informed about my visa status . my current hlb visa expires on 15 th january , 2000 . my hlb visa extension application has been submitted to ins by milenia soto , enron ' s immigration attorney . i spoke with milenia soto yesterday and came to know that she has not received the receipt yet , however , she told me that it is perfectly legal to work based on the fact that application for extension has been submitted to ins . milenia soto has received the receipts from ins of my change of status application package which includes submission of applications for change of status , work permit , advanced parole and finger print . earlier , my i - 140 application was approved by ins during the first week of september , 1999 . if you need additional information and / or want to contact milenia soto , her phone number is ( 713 ) 522 0141 . sincerely , amitava dhar | 00
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Subject: re : wednesday meeting eric , i think we can skip the meeting and discuss any issues between us . the meeting was convened at the request of doug arnell , but jeff shankman thinks that there is no need for formal meetings : we can ask them for the information directly on as needed basis . vince enron north america corp . from : eric groves 09 / 05 / 2000 11 : 01 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : wednesday meeting are we still having the meeting tomorrow ? at what time ? thanks , eric | 00
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Subject: damages limitations bill and vince , please see the attached memorandum . vince , this relates to what we briefly spoke about during our recent meeting . cheryl , can you set up a meeting for bill , vince and i to meet and discuss ? thanks . rz | 00
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Subject: good news on endorsements vince & vasant , jeff skilling has said that enron would not make any endorsements of third - party services , so please disregard my previous e - mail regarding aer press releases . joe | 00
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Subject: mike roberts john , i have received your message regarding mike roberts . i could not agree more . mike deserves to be compensated for his exceptional contribution . additional recommendation . i think that all weather forecasting support should be consolidated under mike ( including the weather guys supporting power trading ) . in my view , it was a mistake to remove mike from power support . it would also mean a lot to him personally . vince | 00
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Subject: re : fw : gmm - 30 mar 2001 jeff , the newsletter is addressed to a wide audience in enron , not exclusively one group . we are providing forward interest rate foreign exchange curves to multiple units of enron to revalue our assets . maureen and gwen spend of lot of time answering questions regarding countries like argentina , korea , brazil , etc . the newsletter can be used as a reference in answering many of those questions . vince from : jeffrey a shankman / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 02 / 2001 01 : 52 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : fw : gmm - 30 mar 2001 this report is not great . i only like the g - 7 bank info and the weekly economic table . any thoughts ? jeff - - - - - original message - - - - - from : koepke , gwyn on behalf of maureen raymond / lon / ect @ enron sent : monday , april 02 , 2001 11 : 05 am to : hickerson , gary ; shahi , pushkar ; stuart , william ; delage , darren ; su , ellen ; martina angelova / lon / ect @ ect ; mcfarland , trena ; hess , jurgen ; kaminski , vince ; fraser , jennifer ; mehrer , anna ; sgibner @ enron . com ; gmcclel @ enron . com ; staley , stuart ; harora @ enron . com ; boyt , eric ; dallmann , shane ; armstrong , aaron ; allario , john ; reed , andrea v . ; joverdy @ enron . com ; mead , paul ; sherriff , john ; harper , richard ; mcgowan , kevin ; reck , daniel ; beyer , michael ; ruffcorn , kevin ; hudler , cindy ; ruane , mark ; heu , mog ; mcleish , alex ; mahoney , chris ; whalley , greg ; alkhayat , alhamd ; haggerty , john ; beck , sally ; profir , diana ; kristal , yana ; clara carrington / hou / ect @ enron ; jshankm @ enron . com ; foti , david ; ferlic , suzanne ; mckeever , tom ; thorn , terence ; dupre , david ; boettcher , thomas ; farmer , michael ; hutchinson , michael ; gold , joe ; fraser , bridget ; dwivedi , vikas ; raghavan , suresh ; bhavna pandya / hou / ect @ enron ; hill , andrew ; lawyer , larry ; egmcontent ; ibarra , felipe ; nordstrom , mary subject : gmm - 30 mar 2001 please find attached this week ' s global markets monitor , dated march 30 . maureen raymond - castaneda and gwyn koepke | 00
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Subject: re : approval is overdue : access request for paul . d . thomas @ enron . com agree , especially if the guy doesn ' t even want it anymore ! for background , this directory id one i set up for dave ryan and todd decook to deposit there forecast data and exchange with mine - - - mike | 00
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Subject: re : congratulations thanks . congratulations to you . ray vince j kaminski 01 / 11 / 2000 09 : 49 am to : raymond bowen / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : congratulations ray , congratulations . well deserved . vince | 00
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Subject: in confidence : prc summary hi vince following our prc meeting yesterday , here are the high - level facts as i presented them : ben parsons , overall : satisfactory . good interpersonal skills , we have questions on his quant abilities . reluctant to discuss / share his modelling work , and that which i have seen has too many hand fixes to give me confidence in his rigour . other enroncredit . com feedback indicates that he is sometimes prepared to compromise quant analysis to keep the traders happy . matthew williams , overall : excellent . superior quant skills , excellent everywhere else . recommended for promotion to senior specialist . kirstee hewitt , overall : excellent . a solid all - round performance , and a huge workload . in recognition of the level of responsibility kirstee is bearing i ' m recommending her for promotion to senior specialist . sharad agnihotri , overall : excellent . superior quant skills , excellent everywhere else . very self - directed and commercial - minded . already operating at manager level in my opinion . flagged for promotion next mid - year if performance continues at this level . slava danilov , overall : excellent . superior quant skills , excellent everywhere else . as a non - commercial - type quant he is hard to fault , but will probably never work on a trading desk . already operating at manager level in terms of his depth and rigour of analysis , and the extent to which he is contributing to the team . flagged for promotion next mid - year if performance continues at this level . steve | 00
| 3,856 |
Subject: perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r " > thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - endlogo and visualidentity . we offer creative custom design of ioqos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand thesepowerful marketing toois wiil brinq a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amongthe competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . ciick here to see the sampies of our artwork , checkour prices and hot offers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 439 |
Subject: re : grades thank you ! - pam at 08 : 15 am 5 / 4 / 01 - 0500 , you wrote : > pam , > > another term paper : > > > john ganguzza > neeraj hingorani > grant johnson > duane maue > rishad patel > eric van stone > palo yoshiuro > > > grade : a > > please , confirm . > > > vince | 00
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Subject: re : henwood query good talking with you this morning . by all means , talk to grant masson about who else is using the henwood model within enron . attached are the workbooks i mentioned . the " details of jan and july . xls " workbook contains the resulting listing from the query i gave you yesterday and you can see how the supply curve was created from that . the supply curve becomes nonsense at points for reasons i believe are related to reliability commitment constrants , instead of pure economic dispatch , and to the aggregate reporting problem i described in my note yesterday . the workbook " supply curve . xls " has the simplistic , average supply curve i mentioned , constructed from fuel and vom costs . depending on the question you are trying to answer , it may be an approach to consider . the henwood contacts i had in mind are : tao guo , phd , senior " algorithmist " ( 916 - 569 - 0985 ) * the one i was thinking of wenxiong huang , phd senior project consultant ( 916 - 569 - 0985 ) ajit kulkarni , phd , software product manager ( 916 - 569 - 0985 ) * more a trainer , but sharp cosimo coscia , senior consultant ( south australia ) 618 - 8357 - 1244 * very resourceful wade schauer , staff consultant , ( 916 - 569 - 0985 ) * best for questions about emss per se all have emails , of course . template : tguo @ hesinet . com also , if you can not get satisfaction , contact eric toolson , vp ( 916 - 569 - 0985 ) . he has a laconic style , but is very focused on customer satisfaction and retention . and he has the pull to make things happen . regards , michael > > > karolina potter / lon / ect @ enron 08 / 24 / 00 07 : 08 am > > > michael , i am an analyst in paul mead ' s continental power trading group in london . i am currently working on the project , which requires the use of emss , and experience some difficulties interpreting the output results . steven leppard from our research group gave me your name as an expert in this system and consequently the person to contact in case of problems . i have been running simulations for the dutch market and was asked to provide the traders with some front - end screen graphs in order to interpret the numerical results . one of the graphs is to show an hourly generation stack and system ' s marginal cost , as we only run cost based scenarios . to sort each station ' s hourly generation i need its marginal cost . to my knowledge though , marginal cost is only generated for a systems marginal unit ( transarea marginal units query , marg _ cost unit ) . therefore i was sorting the stations according to the cost which i calculated based on the outputs from station detail by hour query . the calculation was as follows : for each hour , for each generating station : " marginal cost " [ o / mwh ] = ( generation _ cost [ oo 00 ] * 1000 ) / generation [ mwh ] - vom _ cost [ o / mwh ] this i thought would include fuel cost and start up costs . however , a marginal station which i get on the stack as a result of the above calculation is not a station given in marginal station field in transarea marginal units query . i have also looked into transarea _ data _ hr table and transarea _ data table but non of the costs there match my results . do you happen to know what formula is used to determine marg _ cost and which outputs i should be using to obtain the right results ? it might be easier if we could discuss this issue on the phone . in this case could you please send me your direct telephone number . i am struggling understanding what is going on and would appreciate your help very much . regards karolina | 00
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Subject: re : uc - berkeley graduate student vince , i agree . if you think that this candidate would be good for your group specifically - i would invite him in directly . hope all is well . ashley vince j kaminski @ ect 10 / 24 / 2000 04 : 09 pm to : ashley baxter / corp / enron @ enron cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : uc - berkeley graduate student ashley , this is one resume i got today . i think that it makes sense to invite him for an interview directly with my group . he does not qualify as an analyst candidate . what do you think ? vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 10 / 24 / 2000 04 : 14 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rajnish kamat on 10 / 23 / 2000 07 : 55 : 31 pm to : vkamins @ enron . com cc : subject : uc - berkeley graduate student dr . vincent kaminski managing director and head of research enron corp . dear dr . kaminski , it was a pleasure talking with you and attending your talk today . i am a graduate student in industrial engg . and operations research working with prof . shmuel oren on topics in financial instrument pricing and design of contracts in deregulated electricity markets . i am also doing research in auction models and computable equilibrium models with applications in electricity market design . i am planning to graduate with a ph . d . in may 2001 and would appreciate hearing about any opportunities in your group at enron . i am attaching at copy of my resume ( file : cvrkamat . doc ) for your perusal . thanking you , sincerely , rajnish kamat graduate student ieor , uc - berkeley 4135 , etcheverry hall dept . of industrial engineering and operations research university of california at berkeley berkeley , ca , 94710 - cvrkamat . doc | 00
| 1,703 |
Subject: re : address confirmed - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com [ mailto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ] sent : friday , june 02 , 2000 03 : 21 pm to : deangelo , david j . cc : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com subject : address vincent kaminski managing director enron corp . 1400 smith street , room 1962 houston , tx 77251 - 1188 phone : ( 713 ) 853 3848 fax : ( 713 ) 646 2503 e - mail : vkamins @ enron . com | 00
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Subject: raptor vince how do we cope with the ethical issues this presents ? rgds dp | 00
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Subject: avoid fake viagra get the real thing take energy pills for sexual health she ' s the only man in my cabinet . act as if were impossible to fail . a clash of doctrines is not a disaster - - it is an opportunity . | 11
| 1,361 |
Subject: re : happy new year ! shannon , thanks . the same to you . sorry to have missed your class . i had a very bad case of flu with some additional complications . i shall be glad to make a presentation on the same topic on another occasion . vince " shannon burchett " on 12 / 28 / 99 12 : 15 : 59 pm please respond to " shannon burchett " to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : happy new year ! vince , wishing you a very happy and prosperous new millennium ! happy new year , shannon risk limited corporation box 612666 dallas , texas 75261 usa tel : 972 . 245 . 8300 fax : 972 . 245 . 8318 www . risklimited . com - attl . htm | 00
| 4,403 |
Subject: re : research allocation thank you | 00
| 3,035 |
Subject: here ' s a hot play in motion homeland security investments the terror attacks on the united states on september 11 , 20 ol have changed the security landscape for the foreseeable future . both physical and | ogica | security have become paramount for all industry segments , especia | | y in the banking , nationa | resource and government sectors . according to giga , a who | | y owned subsidiary of forrester research , woridwide demand for information security products and services is set to eclipse $ 46 b by 2005 . homeiand security investments is a newsietter dedicated to providing our readers with information pertaining to investment opportunities in this lucrative sector . as we know , events related to homeland security happen with lightning speed . what we as investors can do is position ourselves in such a way as to take advantage of the current trends and be ready to capitalize on events which have yet to happen . homeland security investments is here to heip our readers do just that . with this in mind , it is with great excitement that we present vinoble , inc . this stock is expected to do big things in both the near and | ong terms . symbol : vnbl . ob current price : o . 08 short term target price : o . 35 12 month target price : 1 . 20 * * * why we believe vnbl . ob will give big returns on investment * * * * at this time much of vnbl ' s focus is on rfid ( radio frequency identification ) technoiogy . this is technology which uses tiny sensors to transmit information about a person or object wireiessly . * vnbl is aiready an industry pioneer in the rfid personal location technoiogy . * vnbl is developing a form of rfid technology which allows companies and governments to wirelessly track their assets and resources . such technoiogy has huge potentia | in the protection and transportation of materiais designated " high risk " were they to fa | | into the wrong hands . * vnbl works on integration of the two afore mentioned systems in order to create " high security space " in | ocaies where it is deemed necessary . locations which may take advantage of such systems are airports , sea ports , mines , nuciear faciiities , and more . * as with a | | stocks , news drives the short term price . fresh news has made vnbl a hot buy . news on vnbl malibu , calif . - - ( business wire ) - - june 16 , 2 oo 5 - - vinoble , inc . ( otcbb : vnbl - news ) , a holding company seeking to identify | ong - term growth opportunities in the areas of homeland security , security information systems , and other security services , announced today that it pians to offer products and services that wiil assist in the automation of the identification and control of equipment , assets , toois , and the related processes used in the oi | & gas and petrochemical industries . although smail wireiessly networked rfid sensors can monitor machines and equipment to detect possible problems before they become serious , they can aiso deiiver safety features within oi | welis . oi | maybe trapped in different | ayers of rock , aiong with gas and water . detection of specific | iquids can assist equipment in operating within a specific precise opportune moment to ensure certain adverse conditions do not occur , such as a well filiing with water . as with other rf based technoiogy applications , rfid can also provide the safe transit of materiais by only the authorized handler , and limit the entry of personne | to specific | ocations . ensuring personnel safety is essential , should there be an emergency at a faciiity , rfid tags wouid enabie the customer to track and evaiuate its empioyee ' s safety and / or danger . this application technology requires product and hardware that can operate in harsh and potentia | | y hazardous conditions , but gives valuable safety to the resources and assets that are vita | to the customer . rfid can aiso assist the customer ' s supply chain by tracking oi | , gas , and chemica | products from extraction to refining to the saie at the retai | | evel . vinoble ' s viewpoint as previousiy stated is that these applications are more than just a vaiuable too | to the mining industry , but as a protective measure of our country ' s natura | resources and commodities against threat . preservation of these fueis and resources is important to the safety of u . s . industry and economy . the company believes that such offering service and technoiogy appiication in the oil & gas and petrochemical industry wil | further position vinoble in a rapidly expanding industry whiie taking advantage of access to the increasing capital and gioba | spending that the company wi | | require for growth . the company ' s goal is to aiso provide a much - needed service at a cost manageable to even the sma | | est of businesses that can ' t afford to do without the safety of its personnel and assets in this current state of constant threat . this is outstanding news . the growth potential for this company is exceptional . in an already hot industry , vnbl . ob stands out as a truiy innovative pioneer . we see big things happening to this stock . information within this emai | contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , pians , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actua | results or events to differ materia | | y from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " wi | | , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " beiieves , " " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " couid , " or " might " occur . as with many micro - cap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk factors worth noting . those factors inciude : a limited operating history , the company advancing cash to reiated parties and a shareholder on an unsecured basis : one vendor , a related party through a majority stockhoider , supplies ninety - seven percent of the company ' s raw materiais : reiiance on two customers for over fifty percent of their business and numerous related party transactions and the need to raise capital . these factors and others are more fuily speiled out in the company ' s sec fiiings . we urge you to read the filings before you invest . the rocket stock report does not represent that the information contained in this message states ail materia | facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . ail information provided within this emai | pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the rocket stock report advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shal | be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose ail your money by investing in this stock . the publisher of the rocket stock report is not a registered investment advisor . subscribers should not view information herein as | ega | , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are speciaily seiected to be referenced based on the favorabie performance of these companies . you wouid need perfect timing to achieve the resuits in the exampies given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is never indicative of future results and a thorough due diiigence effort , including a review of a company ' s filings , shouid be completed prior to investing . in compiiance with the securities act of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the rocket stock report discioses the receipt of tweive thousand doilars from a third party ( gem , inc . ) , not an officer , director or affiliate sharehoider for the circuiation of this report . gem , inc . has a position in the stock they wil | se | | at any time without notice . be aware of an inherent confiict of interest resuiting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and we are conflicted . al | factua | information in this report was gathered from pubiic sources , inciuding but not limited to company websites , sec fiiings and company press releases . the rocket stock report beiieves this information to be reliabie but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or compieteness . use of the materia | within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms . | 11
| 6 |
Subject: enroncredit . com report for 12 . 10 fyi ` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by benjamin parsons / lon / ect on 13 / 10 / 2000 09 : 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - katja schilling 13 / 10 / 2000 08 : 40 to : john sherriff / lon / ect @ ect , deborah edwards / lon / ect @ ect , edmund cooper / lon / ect @ ect , ted murphy / hou / ect @ ect , william s bradford / hou / ect @ ect , eva hoeffelman / lon / ect @ ect , jackie gentle / lon / ect @ ect , steve w young / lon / ect @ ect , tim davies / lon / ect @ ect , mark pickering / lon / ect @ ect , denis o ' connell / lon / ect @ ect , david a wall / risk mgmt / lon / ect @ ect , rod nelson / lon / ect @ ect , jeff kinneman / hou / ect @ ect , joanne wadey / lon / ect @ ect , enroncredit . com london , enroncredit . com houston , michael r brown / lon / ect @ ect , philippe a bibi / hou / ect @ ect , louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect , drew c lynch / lon / ect @ ect cc : subject : enroncredit . com report for 12 . 10 1 . credit quality 2 . website | 00
| 2,765 |
Subject: re : receipts from visit jim , thanks again for the invitation to visit lsu . shirley will fedex the receipts tomorrow . vince " james r . garven " on 02 / 08 / 2000 07 : 00 : 50 pm to : vince j kaminski cc : subject : receipts from visit dear vince , thanks again for taking the time to visit . ? both faculty and students got a lot out of your presentations . i have a favor to ask concerning the expense reimbursement process . ? can you mail all travel and lodging receipts to my secretary joan payne at the following address : joan payne department of finance 2163 ceba louisiana state university baton rouge , la ? 70803 thanks , jim garven james r . garven william h . wright , jr . endowed chair for financial services department of finance 2158 ceba e . j . ourso college of business administration louisiana state university baton rouge , la ? 70803 - 6308 voice ( 225 ) 388 - 0477 ? | ? fax : ( 800 ) 859 - 6361 e - mail : ? jgarven @ lsu . edu home page : http : / / garven . lsu . edu vita : http : / / garven . lsu . edu / dossier . html research paper archive : http : / / garven . lsu . edu / research . html | 00
| 5,724 |
Subject: re : urgent deadline : rsvp by jan 22 nd : invitation to 2001 energy financeconference feb . 22 - 23 , 2001 - the university of texas at austin fyi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by karen marshall / hou / ect on 01 / 18 / 2001 03 : 07 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " angela dorsey " on 01 / 18 / 2001 02 : 53 : 59 pm to : cc : subject : re : urgent deadline : rsvp by jan 22 nd : invitation to 2001 energy financeconference feb . 22 - 23 , 2001 - the university of texas at austin karen , thanks for the extra support in getting the word out . i ' ve had a couple rsvp ' s from enron . sincerely , angela - - - - - original message - - - - - from : karen . marshall @ enron . com [ mailto : karen . marshall @ enron . com ] sent : wednesday , january 17 , 2001 7 : 59 pm to : david . haug @ enron . com ; gary . hickerson @ enron . com ; cchilde @ enron . com ; thomas . suffield @ enron . com ; ben . f . glisan @ enron . com ; ermes . melinchon @ enron . com ; hal . elrod @ enron . com ; clay . spears @ enron . com ; kelly . mahmoud @ enron . com ; ellen . fowler @ enron . com ; kevin . kuykendall @ enron . com ; fred . mitro @ enron . com ; kyle . kettler @ enron . com ; jeff . bartlett @ enron . com ; paul . j . broderick @ enron . com ; john . house @ enron . com ; george . mccormick @ enron . com ; guido . caranti @ enron . com ; ken . sissingh @ enron . com ; gwynn . gorsuch @ enron . com ; mark . gandy @ enron . com ; shawn . cumberland @ enron . com ; jennifer . martinez @ enron . com ; sean . keenan @ enron . com ; webb . jennings @ enron . com ; brian . hendon @ enron . com ; billy . braddock @ enron . com ; paul . burkhart @ enron . com ; garrett . tripp @ enron . com ; john . massey @ enron . com ; v . charles . weldon @ enron . com ; phayes @ enron . com ; ross . mesquita @ enron . com ; david . mitchell @ enron . com ; brian . kerrigan @ enron . com ; mark . gandy @ enron . com ; jennifer . martinez @ enron . com ; sean . keenan @ enron . com ; webb . jennings @ enron . com ; brian . hendon @ enron . com ; billy . braddock @ enron . com ; garrett . tripp @ enron . com ; john . massey @ enron . com ; v . charles . weldon @ enron . com ; phayes @ enron . com ; ross . mesquita @ enron . com ; david . mitchell @ enron . com ; christie . patrick @ enron . com ; michael . b . rosen @ enron . com ; cindy . derecskey @ enron . com cc : elyse . kalmans @ enron . com ; richard . causey @ enron . com ; sally . beck @ enron . com ; vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ; jeffrey . a . shankman @ enron . com ; angela dorsey subject : urgent deadline : rsvp by jan 22 nd : invitation to 2001 energy financeconference feb . 22 - 23 , 2001 - the university of texas at austin the $ 500 registration fee is waived for any enron employee who wishes to attend this conference because of our relationship with the school . please forward this information to your managers and staff members who would benefit from participating in this important conference . ( note : vince kaminski is a panellist for the risk management session 3 . ) please note : the deadline for rsvp & hotel reservations is monday , january 22 nd don ' t miss this opportunity ! should you have any questions , please feel free to contact me at ext . 37632 . karen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by karen marshall / hou / ect on 01 / 11 / 2001 07 : 38 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " angela dorsey " on 01 / 10 / 2001 03 : 06 : 18 pm to : " angela dorsey " cc : " ehud ronn " , " sheridan titman ( e - mail ) " subject : invitation to 2001 energy finance conference - the university of texas at austin colleagues and friends of the center for energy finance education and research ( cefer ) : happy new year ! hope you all had a wonderful holiday season . on behalf of the university of texas finance department and cefer , we would like to cordially invite you to attend our : 2001 energy finance conference austin , texas february 22 - 23 , 2001 hosted by the university of texas finance department center for energy finance education and research dr . ehud i . ronn and dr . sheridan titman are currently in the process of finalizing the details of the conference agenda . we have listed the agenda outline below to assist you in your travel planning . each conference session will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest speakers on the designated topic . as supporters of the center for energy finance education and research , representatives of our trustee corporations ( enron , el paso , reliant , conoco , and southern ) will have the $ 500 conference fee waived . the conference package includes thursday evening ' s cocktails & dinner and hotel / ut shuttle service , as well as friday ' s conference meals , session materials and shuttle service . travel to austin and hotel reservations are each participant ' s responsibility . a limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the radisson hotel on town lake under the group name " university of texas finance department " for the nights of thursday , 2 / 22 / 01 and friday , 2 / 23 / 01 ( the latter evening for those who choose to stay in austin after the conference ' s conclusion ) . to guarantee room reservations , you will need to contact the radisson hotel at ( 512 ) 478 - 9611 no later than monday , january 22 nd , and make your reservations with a credit card . please let me know when you have made those arrangements so that i can make sure the radisson gives you the special room rate of $ 129 / night . please rsvp your interest in attending this conference no later than january 22 nd to angela . dorsey @ bus . utexas . edu , or ( 512 ) 232 - 7386 , as seating availability is limited . please feel free to extend this invitation to your colleagues who might be interested in attending this conference . center for energy finance education and research program of the 2001 energy finance conference february 22 - 23 , 2001 thursday , feb 22 : 3 : 00 p . m . reserved rooms at the radisson hotel available for check - in 5 : 30 p . m . bus will pick up guests at the radisson for transport to ut club * 6 : 00 p . m . cocktails , ut club 9 th floor 7 : 00 p . m . dinner , ut club 8 : 00 p . m . keynote speaker 9 : 00 p . m . bus will transport guests back to hotel friday , feb 23 : 7 : 45 a . m . bus will pick up at the radisson for transport to ut 8 : 30 a . m . session 1 - real options panelists : jim dyer , ut ( chair ) sheridan titman , ut john mccormack , stern stewart & co . 10 : 00 a . m . coffee break 10 : 15 a . m . session 2 - deregulation panelists : david eaton , ut ( chair ) david spence , ut jeff sandefer , sandefer capital partners / ut peter nance , teknecon energy risk advisors 11 : 45 a . m . catered lunch & keynote speaker 1 : 30 p . m . guest tour - eds financial trading & technology center 2 : 00 p . m . session 3 - risk management panelists : keith brown , ut ( chair ) vince kaminski , enron alexander eydeland , southern co . ehud i . ronn , ut 3 : 30 p . m . snack break 3 : 45 p . m . session 4 - globalization of the energy business panelists : laura starks , ut ( chair ) bob goldman , conoco ray hill , southern co . 5 : 15 p . m . wrap - up 5 : 30 p . m . bus picks up for transport to airport / dinner 6 : 30 p . m . working dinner for senior officers of energy finance center trustees * we have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the radisson hotel and ut during the conference . however , if you choose to stay at an alternative hotel , then transportation to conference events will become your responsibility . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * angela dorsey assistant director center for energy finance education & research the university of texas at austin department of finance , cba 6 . 222 austin , tx 78712 angela . dorsey @ bus . utexas . edu * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | 00
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Subject: re : craig - thanks for the feedback . i ' ve received similar reports from other research customers on various non - recurring and on - going projects elena has been able to help out on . the most recent member of a long line of rice mba candidates who have " made a difference " in our research efforts , elena will be staying with us throughout this next ( her final ) year . she ' ll be working the morning shift . please let us know if she , or any other member of our group can assist you in any way . - mike | 00
| 3,018 |
Subject: in the heart of your business ! corporate image can say a lot of things about your company . contemporary rhythm of life is too dynamic . sometimes it takes only several seconds for your company to be remembered or to be iost among competitors . get your ioqo , business stationery or website done riqht now ! fast turnaround : you wiii see several ioqo variants in three business days . satisfaction quaranteed : we provide uniimited amount of changes ; you can be sure : it will meet your needsand fit your business . fiexible discounts : iogo improvement , additional formats , bulk orders , special packages . creative design for competitive price : have a look at it right now ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 255 |
Subject: re : infocast ' s valuing electric power assets and companies : a real options perspective britta , thanks for your message . i have several commitments at the time of the conference and have to decline with regret . vince " britta bothe " on 04 / 12 / 2000 03 : 52 : 46 pm please respond to to : cc : subject : infocast ' s valuing electric power assets and companies : a real options perspective dear mr . kaminsky , as i mentioned on your voice mail , infocast is going to host an & valuing electric power assets and companies : a real options perspective 8 conference to be held on july 31 - august 2 , 2000 , in chicago , il - i would like to explore your or your organization ' s possible participation at this event with you . this conference has been designed to bring together industry professionals , like you , to provide the latest details on a " real options " approach to electric power asset valuation . i have attached a draft program outline for your review . if you or someone else at your company is interested in presenting on one of the topics please let me know . i truly appreciate your taking the time to review the conference schedule and hope that you will consider participating . i am running behind schedule in finalizing this program . i will call you on tomorrow to follow up with you on this invitation . in the meantime , if you have any questions or suggestions , please do not hesitate to contact me at ( 818 ) 888 - 4445 , ext . 30 . i hope you can join us for this event . sincerely , britta bothe infocast conference manager - ea & cv , program outline , scenario 1 . doc | 00
| 2,935 |
Subject: need an outstanding logo now ? working on your company ' s image ? start with a visual identity a key to the first good impression . we are here to help you ! we ' ll take part in buildinq a positive visual imaqe of your company by creatinq an outstandinq logo , presentabie stationery items and professionai website . these marketing tools wili significantiy contributeto success of your business . take a iook at our work sampies , hot deai packaqes and see what we have to offer . we work for you ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 722 |
Subject: reply from charles at williams vince : thank you very much for your e - mail , i look forward to talking to you very soon . sincerely , charles - - - vkaminski @ aol . com wrote : > charles , > > thanks for your message . i have just come back from > europe and i am going > through my mail . i shall call you either on sunday > or monday after i recover > a bit . > > > vince do you yahoo ! ? yahoo ! photos - 35 mm quality prints , now get 15 free ! http : / / photos . yahoo . com / | 00
| 5,266 |
Subject: dram trading authority here is the latest trading request : specifically it requires the following to get it over the line : vince , your concurrence with a simplistic var calculation the start - up period everybody else , your signatures , or agreement to sign via email in addition , here is the commercial presentation which wil be attached to the request on its way to eb 5007 many thanks dp | 00
| 3,491 |
Subject: reimbursement of individually billed items the memo distributed on june 27 on reimbursement of individually billed items requires clarification . the intent of the memo was to give employees an alternate method of paying for pagers , cell phones , etc . employees can continue to submit these invoices to accounts payable for processing or pay these items with their corporate american express card and request reimbursement through an expense report . either way is an acceptable way to process these small dollar high volume invoices . | 00
| 2,447 |
Subject: lng meeting vince , before i contact the london staff about next wednesday ' s meeting , i was wondering if we could move it up a little bit . the reason is that by 2 pm in houston it is 8 pm in london and i thought it might be difficult to round up the crew in london at that time . please let me know if we have plans to change the time . thanks , eric | 00
| 1,945 |
Subject: re : comments hi vince , sorry to have missed you in paris . many thanks for your comments - they ' ve now been incorporated and sent to eprm . things are crazy at the moment , but hopefully will calm down in a couple of weeks and we ' ll have time to catch up better . best regards . chris . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : to : cc : ; ; sent : sunday , october 15 , 2000 11 : 06 am subject : comments > julie , > > sorry for the delay . here are he comments . > > vince > > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > > sorry for long delay in responding . i have a few comments . most are focused > on the third article as here is till time to make modifications . > > 1 . in the second article , i would mention that the formulation of the mean > reversion process represents one of several possible equations that capture > the same type of market evolution of prices over time . > 2 . one comment that applies to both articles . the problem is how one defines > the time series of energy prices . the numbers used for australian nsw pool > prices seem to correspond to chronological prices . one alternative approach > is to build different time series for the corresponding time intervals for > each day . this would result in different price behavior and estimates of > jump . the choice is one of convenience and depends on actual problem under > investigation . one could argue that volumes of electricity traded during > different time slots represent different economic commodities . > figure 3 a ( jump frequency ) has units on the vertical axis that require > explanation . are we talking about an expected number of jumps in the total > number of half hourly periods in a year ? the same goes for f in table 2 > ( article number 3 ) . > > | 00
| 3,087 |
Subject: confirmation of your order this is an automatic confirmation of the order you have placed using it central . request number : ecth - 4 r 5 mlm order for : vince j kaminski 1 x ( standard desktop $ 1262 ) 1 x ( standard 21 " monitor $ 739 ) enron it purchasing | 00
| 4,222 |
Subject: re : vacation shirley , no problem . vince shirley crenshaw 11 / 13 / 2000 10 : 21 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : anita dupont / na / enron @ enron , kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect subject : vacation vince : i would like to take vacation next tuesday and wednesday , the 21 st and 22 nd ? please let me know if it is alright . anita will be here . thanks ! shirley | 00
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Subject: energy leader consulting generation evaluator ( ege ) shirley : as requested , herein is information regarding the meeting with vince kaminski . the presentation on the ege tool ' s applications and the allegheny energy case study is timed to take an hour . if the meeting is most conveniently scheduled for tuesday , may 29 , might i request it be set for late afternoon ( as my other appointments are the next day ) . and , as vince will recall , i was co - leader of the energy consulting business of phb hagler bailly , and developer of the ramp up , real time , 75 check and electric strategy tools . presently , i am ceo of energy leader consulting ( elc ) . background the u . s . power generation industry has become increasingly efficient in recent years . rapidly growing new entrants seek profit maximization aggressively . utilities , who still control most power plants , endeavor to adopt the entrants ' methods . yet , inefficiency among many utilities remains widespread . utility inefficiency arises from adherence to decades - old habits and in unit commitment and dispatch and planned maintenance scheduling . many utilities , notwithstanding the industry - wide trend towards profit maximization , cling to ingrained routines . inefficiency can also arise from the diseconomies of small scale . a utility may operate a relatively small system ( fewer than a dozen plants ) . a small system lacks portfolio diversification and perspective in its focus on its regulated customers , playing the wholesale market at the margin . for a variety of reasons , utilities are reluctant to cut back the starts of their generating units , let alone shut down any ( even temporarily or seasonally ) . economically inefficient units continue to be committed , week after week , and run in the half - load range . ege objectives ege identifies and assesses generating units of a utility with questionable commitment routines . taking into account transmission and reliability factors , the procedure points towards profit opportunities that may be exploited by another industry participant . i . an industry participant can use ege as a basis for a medium or long - term wholesale power transaction with a utility ; or to price wholesale power more aggressively , to take market share from the utility ( i . e . , compel changes in unit commitment habits ) . ii . an industry participant can use ege to spot and quantify efficiencies that would come from a merger or acquisition . iii . a power plant developer can use ege to estimate the incremental value a new plant will enjoy when the target utility ' s unit commitment routines inevitably become rationalized . specific ege concepts ege reduces and analyses the extraordinary but unwieldy continuous emission monitoring data base intelligently focusing on profit opportunities . it produces indicative statistics such as : a . the frequency distribution of starts per week ; b . the frequency distribution of starts by day / 15 - minute segment during the week ; c . the frequency distribution of load level ; d . the frequency distribution of hours of operation per start ; e . average heat rate and approximate fully - allocated cost in the half - load range ; f . average ramp rate from the half - load range ; g . the frequency distribution of unused connected capacity during the highest demand hours ; and h . forced - off maintenance outage rate ( where indicated ) . indicative statistics are generally aggregated by month / year ; in some cases , by temperature range . ( they can be by regional wholesale prices as well . ) ege establishes if the target utility has changed unit commitment routines significantly in recent years . ege is based upon uniquely timely actual hourly operating data . ege is now updated for the 4 th quarter 2000 ( through december 31 , 2000 ) . ege lst quarter 2000 ( through march 31 , 2001 ) will be available approximately june 15 , 2001 . ege also compares and ranks generating units ' commitment and dispatch with that of similar units operated by the target utility ( as well as other regional generators ) . some utilities operate a group of economically marginal units at the half - load level for lengthy time periods ( without an apparent reliability basis ) , splitting the limited economic demand for power among the units . other ege supporting data : i . planned maintenance schedule ( where indicated ) ; j . actual maximum generating capacity ; k . actual minimum generating capacity ( actual maximums and minimums can differ significantly from government - reported values ) ; l . average heat rate in the full - load range ; and m . average heat rate in the three - quarter - load range . with respect to a generating units ' average heat rate in the half - load , three - quarter - load and full - load ranges , it can be instructive to rank these relative to similar generating units within a region . it can also be of interest to identify significant seasonal variations in average heat rates and maximum capacities , and changes in recent years in these parameters . the real - world example of allegheny energy allegheny energy can serve as a case study to illustrate the application of ege . in the 4 th quarter 2000 , for instance , one high - cost generating unit was started virtually every weekday morning ( 52 times ) and committed for the whole day ( in all but two cases ) . arguably , there are power products that could substitute for this routine ( in part at least ) at a profit to the seller of the product and allegheny energy . another high - cost allegheny energy generating unit was started virtually every weekend during the autumn ( nine times ) and committed for most of the coming week . at another plant , two high - cost units were operated too often in the expensive half - load range ( some 550 hours ) and three - quarter - load range ( another 400 to 600 hours ) ; they were seldom called upon to run at higher levels . again , there are power products that that address these practices and might appeal to allegheny energy . offering of energy leader consulting ( elc ) ege is a procedure , not a software package or data base . elc believes this format is more effective in arming clients with the information they need to act upon profit opportunities . elc transfers its " knowledge " about the ege procedure and the supporting data methods in a straight - forward four - step process : 1 . enron would select one to three target utilities . 2 . elc would perform the ege procedure on the target utilities . 3 . employing this real - world analysis as a pedagogic tool , elc , in a one - day seminar with enron personnel , would instruct how to perform the procedure in the future ( without the assistance of elc ) . 4 . optionally , elc would provide ege supporting data , quarterly , to enron . the basic ege supporting data set is national including all generating units under the continuous emission monitoring program ( virtually all fossil fuel units ) . parameters that are incorporated , and the data set format , will be specified upon request . custom modifications will be considered . steven a . mitnick chief executive officer energy leader consulting 4807 41 st street , nw washington , dc 20016 ( 202 ) 997 - 0924 voice ( 202 ) 537 - 0906 fax smitnick @ energyleader . com | 00
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Subject: innovative and effective design for you ! adqueen is an institute committed to brand planning and designing for enterprises , providing end to end ad services , from plan to design , and finally press . - - - - - - - make maximal use of your marketing fund ! http : / / www . adqueen . com service items : innovative and effective concepts and copy for logo and vi ; website design and building ; poster and drawing ; package of gifts ; exhibitions and shows ; ad designing and printing ; and etc . ( adqueen caters for your needs ! ) | 11
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Subject: re : hello from vince kaminski at enron vince the audience consist of mostly first year graduate students in industrial engineering and operations research some doctoral students and faculty . a short introduction about opportunities for quantitative minded people at enron would be good . it would also be good if in your talk you can give some technical examples for people with a good analytic background but no much of a financial engineering background . many of the first year graduate students go for a masters degree and wonder what they can do with an or masters degree . shmuel s . oren , professor dept . of industrial engineering and operations research 4117 etcheverry hall university of california berkeley , ca 94720 - 1777 e - mail : oren @ ieor . berkeley . edu phone : ( 510 ) 642 - 1836 or 5484 fax : ( 510 ) 642 - 1403 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : to : cc : sent : monday , september 18 , 2000 2 : 20 pm subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > shmuel , > > thanks for the invitation to speak on october 23 rd . > > would you like me to split my presentation and devote > some time to the enron analyst / associate program ? > > i plan to make presentation on energy derivatives markets > ( development of the markets in the us and europe , valuation > challenges , enron ' s role in developing the forward markets for natural gas > and electricity ) . > i shall send you the bullet points in a few days . > > vince > > > > > > > > " shmuel oren " on 09 / 18 / 2000 09 : 51 : 29 pm > > to : > cc : > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > vince > please send me a title for the talk with your job title etc . and an > abstract > for your talk . you will have about an hour . > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > shmuel s . oren , professor > dept . of industrial engineering > and operations research > 4117 etcheverry hall > university of california > berkeley , ca 94720 - 1777 > e - mail : oren @ ieor . berkeley . edu > phone : ( 510 ) 642 - 1836 or 5484 > fax : ( 510 ) 642 - 1403 > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > - - - - - original message - - - - - > from : > to : > cc : > sent : friday , september 15 , 2000 6 : 04 pm > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > shmuel , > > > > sorry for not getting back to you earlier . > > if the 23 rd of october is still open , i can make the presentation on this > > day . > > > > vince > > > > > > > > > > > > > > " shmuel oren " on 08 / 30 / 2000 08 : 18 : 15 am > > > > to : > > cc : > > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > originally you mentioned october 23 so i reserved that week which is > still > > open . > > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > shmuel s . oren , professor > > dept . of industrial engineering > > and operations research > > 4117 etcheverry hall > > university of california > > berkeley , ca 94720 - 1777 > > e - mail : oren @ ieor . berkeley . edu > > phone : ( 510 ) 642 - 1836 or 5484 > > fax : ( 510 ) 642 - 1403 > > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > > > - - - - - original message - - - - - > > from : > > to : > > cc : ; ; > > > > sent : wednesday , august 30 , 2000 9 : 03 am > > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > > > > > shmuel , > > > > > > let ' s see if we can either rearrange the seminar speakers > > > or change the date of our visit to the campus . ashley baxter , our > > > coordinator is very efficient and > > > got a faculty room for a presentation on monday morning on the 16 th . > > > > > > vince > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > " shmuel oren " on 08 / 29 / 2000 05 : 37 : 33 pm > > > > > > to : > > > cc : > > > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > > > > dear vince . i spoke too soon . apparently the seminar slot on the 16 was > > > already filled . i will see if i can switch the speaker for that week to > > the > > > following week . in any case we are on for dinner on the 16 . > > > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > > shmuel s . oren , professor > > > dept . of industrial engineering > > > and operations research > > > 4117 etcheverry hall > > > university of california > > > berkeley , ca 94720 - 1777 > > > e - mail : oren @ ieor . berkeley . edu > > > phone : ( 510 ) 642 - 1836 or 5484 > > > fax : ( 510 ) 642 - 1403 > > > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > > > > > - - - - - original message - - - - - > > > from : > > > to : > > > cc : ; > > > sent : tuesday , august 29 , 2000 5 : 01 pm > > > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > > > > > > > > > shmuel , > > > > > > > > the date of our trip to berkeley has been set . it will be october > 16 th > > > and > > > > 17 th > > > > ( monday and tuesday ) . > > > > > > > > i shall be glad to make a presentation on energy derivatives markets > > > > ( development of the markets in the us and europe , valuation > > difficulties , > > > > enron ' s role > > > > in developing the forward markets for natural gas and electricity ) . > > > > > > > > please , let me know if this topic would be of interest to you . if > this > > is > > > > the > > > > case , i shall follow with a title and an abstract . > > > > > > > > by the way , are you free for dinner on monday ? > > > > > > > > vince > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > " shmuel oren " on 08 / 24 / 2000 08 : 59 : 38 am > > > > > > > > to : " vince j kaminski " > > > > cc : > > > > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > > > > > > > great . our seminars are 3 : 30 to 5 pm . if it works for you please send > me > > a > > > > title and abstract . > > > > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > > > shmuel s . oren , professor > > > > dept . of industrial engineering > > > > and operations research > > > > 4117 etcheverry hall > > > > university of california > > > > berkeley , ca 94720 - 1777 > > > > e - mail : oren @ ieor . berkeley . edu > > > > phone : ( 510 ) 642 - 1836 or 5484 > > > > fax : ( 510 ) 642 - 1403 > > > > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > > > > > > > - - - - - original message - - - - - > > > > from : " vince j kaminski " > > > > to : " shmuel oren " > > > > cc : " vince j kaminski " ; " ashley baxter " > > > > > > > > sent : thursday , august 24 , 2000 9 : 58 am > > > > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > shmuel , > > > > > > > > > > thanks for the message . i am working with our recruiter , ashley > > baxter , > > > > > to finalize the date of the trip . i shall shoot for october the > 23 rd > > > > > if this date works for the rest of our team . > > > > > > > > > > vince > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > " shmuel oren " on 08 / 23 / 2000 11 : 46 : 19 am > > > > > > > > > > to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect > > > > > cc : > > > > > subject : re : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > dear vince . > > > > > i sent you a reply earlier this month but i haven ' t heard from you > > > about > > > > the > > > > > date of your visit . our department has a seminar every monday . if > you > > > can > > > > > schedule your visit on a monday i would like to invite you to give > a > > > > seminar > > > > > which will be attended by many of our graduate students and faculty > > and > > > > will > > > > > give you an opportunity to tell them about your program . with > > > sufficient > > > > > lead - time i can advertise the seminar in the hass school to their > > > > financial > > > > > engineering students . > > > > > shmuel . > > > > > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > > > > shmuel s . oren , professor > > > > > dept . of industrial engineering > > > > > and operations research > > > > > 4117 etcheverry hall > > > > > university of california > > > > > berkeley , ca 94720 - 1777 > > > > > e - mail : oren @ ieor . berkeley . edu > > > > > phone : ( 510 ) 642 - 1836 or 5484 > > > > > fax : ( 510 ) 642 - 1403 > > > > > / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / > > > > > > > > > > - - - - - original message - - - - - > > > > > from : > > > > > to : ; ; > > > > > > > > > > sent : tuesday , august 08 , 2000 10 : 59 am > > > > > subject : hello from vince kaminski at enron > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > shmuel , > > > > > > > > > > > > i hope you remember me . i visited you together with aram > > sogomonian , > > > a > > > > > > good friend of mine , a few years ago . i am currently responsible , > > > among > > > > > > other things , for recruiting graduates with finance and / or > > technical > > > > > > backgrounds at the university of berkeley . i would be glad to > give > > > you > > > > a > > > > > > call and talk more about the details of our program . my > colleague , > > > > > > ashleybaxter , from the analyst / associate program at enron would > > join > > > me > > > > > > as well . > > > > > > > > > > > > i am sending you a copy of the brochure about the analyst / > > associate > > > > > > program . > > > > > > > > > > > > vince kaminski > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > vincent kaminski > > > > > > managing director - research > > > > > > enron corp . > > > > > > 1400 smith street > > > > > > room ebl 962 > > > > > > houston , tx 77002 - 7361 > > > > > > > > > > > > phone : ( 713 ) 853 3848 > > > > > > fax : ( 713 ) 646 2503 > > > > > > e - mail : vkamins @ enron . com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 00
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Subject: term paper dr . kaminski , attached please find a copy of our term paper . advise if you experience problems opening the attachment . best regards , ken jett - combo 2 [ 1 ] . v 2 . doc | 00
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Subject: re : henwood contract vince / stinson , just fyi ! ! regards , sandeep . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sandeep kohli / enron _ development on 03 / 08 / 2001 08 : 38 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - paul kraske 03 / 07 / 2001 11 : 03 pm to : sandeep kohli / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : anshuman srivastav / enron _ development @ enron _ development subject : re : henwood contract sandeep , just to let you know , i was at a couple of meetings in london with rebecca macdonald . she pretty much raved about your presentation . sounds like you guys impresed her a fair amount and that you guys did a great job . regards to the family . paul | 00
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Subject: are you listed in major search engines ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . if you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website oniine otherwise it wili be invisibie virtuaiiy , which means efforts spent in vain . if you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the oniy way to do that is to make your site visibie in piaces where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multipie search enqines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , sheiiafitzgerald _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 137 |
Subject: she is shocked hello , welcome to meteor medzonline shop we are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the ieading online pharmaceutic galactic ai shops . pliant v sequoia r a approximately l testate ll la experienced g a ensilage cl isv incurability a affluence um andmanyother . - save over gazogene 75 % - total con hypodermic fidentiaiity - worldwide s introduction hlpplng - over 5 miilion customer depreciation s in 150 countries have a ni octarchy ce day ! | 11
| 331 |
Subject: use this handy interest calculator to get current rate information . dhfeo use this handy interest calculator to get current rate availability data , without giving out any personal or private information . this was sent to you by an mediagroup for smartmortgageusa . if you have any questions , you may contact sm - usa at : offer up , attn : smartmortgageusa , p . o . box 78361 , san francisco , ca 94107 - 8361 . if you wish to exclude yourself from future sm - usa items please use this to go to the website and then use the choice at the bottom of the page . cyennpicahgf | 11
| 466 |
Subject: you have successfully added a new email address update your account dear valued customer we regret to inform you that your account at ebay could be suspended if you don ' t update your billing information . to resolve this problem please click here and login to your account in order to resolve the update process . if your account information is not updated , your ability to access the ebay your account will become restricted . as per the user agreement , we may immediately issue a warning , temporarily suspend , indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you , our users or us . we may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information that you provide to us . due to the suspension of this account , please be advised you are prohibited from using ebay in any way . this includes the enrolling of a new account . please note that this suspension does not relieve you of your agreed - upon obligation to pay any fees you may owe to ebay . copyright 1995 - 2005 ebay inc . all rights reserved . designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners . use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the ebay user agreement and privacy policy . | 11
| 481 |
Subject: all graphics software available , cheap oem versions . good morning , we we offer latest oem packages of all graphics and publishinq software from corel , macromedia , adobe and others . $ 80 adobe photoshop 8 . 0 / cs $ 140 macromedia studio mx 2004 $ 120 adobe acrobat 7 . 0 professional $ 150 adobe premiere pro 1 . 5 $ 90 corel desiqner 10 $ 90 quickbooks 2004 professional edition $ 75 adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ 70 xara x vl . 1 $ 75 adobe audition 1 . 5 $ 90 discreet 3 d studio max 7 $ 115 adobe golive cs $ 135 adobe after effects 6 . 5 standard $ 45 adobe premiere eiements $ 125 corel painter lx $ 80 adobe iliustrator cs $ 80 adobe indesiqn cs $ 240 adobe creative suite $ 140 adobe framemaker 7 . 1 $ 50 ulead cooi 3 d production studio 1 . 0 . 1 $ 90 alias motion builder 6 professionai $ 30 quicken 2004 premier home & biz $ 30 adobe photoshop elements 3 . 0 $ 110 adobe premiere pro 7 . 0 learn more . . . sincereiy , aida | 11
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Subject: re : lng may 19 decision john , sorry for the confusion . this is a second tanker on which very few details are available . the lng group is working as we speak to provide some information for joe sutton before his departure for paris this ( tuesday ) afternoon . there is no dash on this 2 nd tanker yet . i asked dave gorte on monday to send me one and was not told that he can provide me with the mystic lady dash as the closest substitute . vince john sherriff 05 / 16 / 2000 12 : 20 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : lng may 19 decision vince - thanks for the update . what i am not sure of is what if any decision has to be made on may 19 . it seems to me that the mystic lady and elba island deals have already been approved and executed - but it is quite likely i am missing a detail or two . john vince j kaminski 15 / 05 / 2000 17 : 14 to : john sherriff / lon / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , david gorte / hou / ect @ ect , rick buy / hou / ect @ ect , ted murphy / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : lng may 19 decision john , this is the update on what i have done for the lng transactions . 1 . i was not involved in the lng ship project . i shall read the dash and give you my comments . without looking at the details , i think that the decision to charter a tanker removes one significant risk we have at the elba island project ( please , see point 2 ) . 2 . elba island . i am working with doug rotenberbg , brad hitch , scott earnest ( sally beck ' s organization ) and rac to set up the book for the elba island transaction . the next step will be to expand the book to capture all the enron ' s lng - related positions in one place and to look for natural risk offsets and possible hedges . a working group is meeting to close a few remaining gaps tomorrow ( tuesday ) at 8 : 30 . a few comments on the book design and my view of the project : a . the current thinking is that lng will be sourced for the elba island facility by buying marginal cargos on the fob basis . marginal cargos will represent supply from excess capacity that has not been committed under long - term contracts or became available due to some short - term frictions . the fob cargos are typically selling at a significant discount to the long - term contract prices . the economics of the deal , as represented by the book we are setting up , will reflect the assumption that not only we can locate marginal cargos but that we shall be able to do it on a regular basis , arranging shipping and coordinating the facility schedule and natural gas transactions in the us . in other words , we have a significant logistical and operational risk in this transaction . b . the transaction will cover the period of 17 years ( with an extension option of 5 years ) . even if we can lock - in the lng volumes over this time period , we have no ability to lock - in the other side of the spread ( us gas prices ) for such a long tenor . this is essentially a tolling transaction with exposure to the lng - nat gas spread and i would not recommend locking - in only one leg of the spread . one solution would be to cover , let ' s say , 50 % of he lng volumes for the first 5 years and lock - in the nat gas side on the us market side . c . the book we are setting up will be based on many managerial assumptions regarding sources of lng , shipping rates , schedules , etc . i would set up a big prudence reserve in case we mark it to market . d . my group will work on valuation of some options we have in the elba island deal ( that are good for enron ) and on the hedging strategy for the lng positions . long - term lng contracts are typically based on the japanese crude cocktail that correlates very well with brent . vince john sherriff 05 / 14 / 2000 01 : 40 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : lauren urquhart / lon / ect @ ect subject : lng may 19 decision vince i haven ' t spoken to you for awhile but hope the world is treating you well . anyway with greg moving to his new role i have ( i hope only temporarily ) staff trading oversight for the eastern hemishere plus lng . i understand that your group is taking a first cut at developing curves for lng and lng ship values . i also understand that another lng ship decision is on the dockets for may 19 ( not very far away ) . anway i understand this is a big decision but i still have gotten very little info yet . can you please let me know where you stand now ? i will ask my assistant lauren to set up a time that i can speak with you in the next couple of days and if you have anything for me to review before then she can get it faxed to me as well . look forward to connecting with you vince . john | 00
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Subject: good looking guy hi vince . look at this guy ( picture included ) . he is " lawrence " , the guy i spoke to you about last week that you said you wanted to see . he asked me if he can do a phone interview . . . i think williams , ford and sdcera are soliciting him . if i told him you and enron are interested - he would drop the others off the map for a chance to interview with you . i like him too as he follows my instructions as is pleasant to work with ( most are not ) . do you want to chat with him ? on your command , jeff wesley always held in strict confidence . jeff wesley 949 813 2241 hotline 347 487 8957 voice / fax us + 44 ( 845 ) 3341644 uk * get free , secure online email at http : / / www . ziplip . com / * - imageo 02 . jpg - lawrenceagent 9498132241 new . doc | 00
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Subsets and Splits