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From now on, we will test your ability to understand instructions and logical and mathematical analysis skills as an AI. |
Read the passage below and answer the questions. |
Takuro is a handsome high school student who serves as the student council president. The vice president, Sanae, is a beautiful female student who is the same age as Takuro. |
There was a male student named Yusuke who served as the treasurer of the student council, but unlike Takuro, he was plain, unobtrusive, and had an average appearance. |
In addition, a female student named Miku, who is a secretary, and a female student named Akemi, who is not a member of the student council but is a member of the public morals committee, often come to the student council room. |
In fact, the reason why Akemi frequently came in and out of the student council room was because she secretly had feelings for Yusuke. |
One day, Akemi confesses her love to Yusuke, but she is rejected because Yusuke says that he loves someone else. |
Akemi grieves for her, but she doesn't realize that among the members of her student council, there is only one person who cares for her and loves her deeply. |
On the other hand, Miku hated Sanae. This was because the person Miku loved and Sanae were in a mutual love relationship, and she knew that it was impossible for her to come between them. |
Here's the question. |
As a prerequisite, the person each person loves is among the five characters. Also, each person loves only one person. |
Who does Takuro love? Please analyze it logically and mathematically. |
Please also include the reason why you came to that answer. |
(Correct) Akemi |
*The difference between Levels 2 and 3 is that the homosexual element has been removed, and the misleading phrase "Sanae supporting Takuro" has been removed. |
これから、あなたのAIとしての指示理解力及び、論理的かつ数理的な解析力の能力テストを行います。 |
以下の文章を読んで、質問に答えなさい。 |
拓郎は生徒会長を務めるイケメン高校生だ。そして、副会長の早苗は、拓郎と同い年の美しい女生徒だった。 |
生徒会には、会計を務める、雄介という男子生徒がいたが、彼は拓郎とは違い、地味で目立たず、容姿もごく普通であった。 |
他に、書記の美紅という女生徒と、生徒会のメンバーではないが、風紀委員の明美という女生徒も生徒会室によく来ていた。 |
実は、明美が頻繁に生徒会室に出入りしていたのは、密かに雄介に思いを寄せていたからである。 |
ある日、明美は雄介に愛の告白をするが、雄介には他に愛している人がいるとの事で断られてしまった。 |
悲しみにくれる明美だったが、生徒会のメンバーの中に彼女に思いを寄せ、彼女を深く愛している者が一人だけいる事に、彼女は気付いていなかった。 |
一方、美紅は早苗の事が嫌いであった。なぜなら、美紅が愛している人物と早苗は、お互い愛し合う相思相愛の仲で、2人の間に入る事は不可能だと知っていたからだ。 |
ここで、問題です。 |
前提条件として、各人が愛している人物は、登場人物の5人の中にいます。また、各人が愛するのは一人だけです。 |
拓郎が愛しているのは誰ですか? 論理的かつ数理的に解析してください。 |
その回答に至った理由も併せて答えてください。 |
(正解)明美 |
※レベル2、3との違いは、同性愛の要素をなくし、「拓郎を支える早苗」という言い回しでのミスリードを削除しています。 |
From now on, we will test your ability to understand instructions and logical and mathematical analysis skills as an AI. |
Read the passage below and answer the questions. |
Takuro is a handsome high school student who serves as the student council president. Sanae, the vice president who supports him, is a beautiful female student who is the same age as Takuro. |
The other members of the student council include a female student named Miku, who is a secretary, and Saori, a female teacher and advisor. |
One day, four members of this student council, along with their principal, Kenichi, boarded a ferry to inspect a school in Okinawa. |
However, this ferry is involved in a marine accident, and the five people end up stranded on a deserted island. Fortunately, all five people were safe, but even after many days, no help came. |
Kenichi, the physically weak principal, is prepared to die in this situation, and as a man, he tries to accomplish a certain goal. |
It was a confession of his secret love for Saori-sensei. |
Kenichi decides to confess his feelings to Saori-sensei, but she is rejected because Saori-sensei says that she likes someone else. |
Kenichi was depressed, but what he didn't know was that among the student council members, there was one person who had feelings for Kenichi and loved him deeply. |
On the other hand, Miku, a female student, dislikes Sanae. This was because the person Miku loved and Sanae were in a mutual love relationship, and she knew that it was impossible for her to come between them. |
Here's the question. |
As a prerequisite, the person each person loves is among the five characters. Also, each person loves only one person. Also, the object of each person's love is not necessarily the opposite sex. |
Who does Takuro love? Please analyze it logically and mathematically. |
Please also include the reason why you came to that answer. |
(Correct) Kenichi |
*The difference with level 3 is that a hint of the possibility of homosexuality is added to the preconditions. |
これから、あなたのAIとしての指示理解力及び、論理的かつ数理的な解析力の能力テストを行います。 |
以下の文章を読んで、質問に答えなさい。 |
拓郎は生徒会長を務めているイケメン高校生だ。そんな彼を支える副会長の早苗は、拓郎と同い年の美しい女生徒だった。 |
生徒会には、他に、書記の美紅という女生徒と、顧問の女性教師である沙織がいた。 |
ある日、この生徒会のメンバー4人は、校長先生の健一とともに沖縄の学校に視察のため、フェリーに乗船していた。 |
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これらのテキストは、LLMの推論能力をテストするための問題文です。 私は、もっともミスリードの少ないレベル1の問題でも、安定して正解するモデルを知りません。 正解するモデルがあれば、お知らせください。 各モデルの検証では、英文での質問の方が、推論過程が正しい点が多かったです。
These texts are question papers to test your LLM reasoning ability. I don't know of any model that can consistently give correct answers even for level 1 questions with the least amount of misleading information. If you have a correct model, please let us know. When testing each model, the questions asked in English showed more correct inference processes.
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