9 values
Dashboard SELKS for Grafana SN-ALERTS
2020-10-20 19:35:11 UTC
2020-10-21 18:22:25 UTC
Follow the information here : And find more dashboard on the github repo Needed :
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2020-10-20 19:35:11 UTC
2020-10-20 19:36:55 UTC
Twamp Telemetry
Test dashboard
2022-02-08 15:31:11 UTC
2022-02-08 15:32:13 UTC
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2022-02-08 15:31:11 UTC
2022-02-08 15:32:13 UTC
Show bitcoin price over time.
2022-02-24 21:42:02 UTC
2022-02-24 21:48:42 UTC
# Bitcoin Dashboard [prometheus_exporter](
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2022-02-24 21:42:02 UTC
2022-02-24 21:48:42 UTC
Kubemq Dashboard
Kubemq Prometheus Dashboard
2021-07-20 07:05:12 UTC
2021-07-20 07:06:15 UTC
This dashboard is the official dashboard for KubeMQ Kubernetes message broker
Kubemq Prometheus Dashboard
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2021-07-20 07:05:12 UTC
Gerrit - PUSH Latency
Dashboard showing the latencies of push requests
2021-06-30 06:22:06 UTC
2021-06-30 06:28:01 UTC
# Gerrit PUSH Latency dashboard This dashboard is being maintained as part of the [gerrit-monitoring project]( It is meant to be used with the [metrics-reporter-prometheus plugin]( for Gerrit and Prometheus. The project provides a Kubernetes-based setup to install a complete monitoring and logging stack. Multiple dashboards are available.
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2021-06-30 06:22:06 UTC
2021-06-30 06:28:01 UTC
Zabbix - IIS
Monitor IIS servers in your environment. Panels are dynamically created per host.
2022-01-12 14:07:29 UTC
2022-01-12 14:07:46 UTC
Monitor IIS servers in your environment. Panels are dynamically created per host.
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2022-01-12 14:07:29 UTC
Postgresql Database
Postgresql metricset using Elasticsearch
2019-12-22 08:56:13 UTC
2019-12-22 09:01:02 UTC
This dashboard shows the detail metricset of the Postgresql 10 and Elasticsearch stack 7.5.0.
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2019-12-22 08:56:13 UTC
2019-12-22 09:00:04 UTC
96- Dashboard Kaspersky Security Center Management Deployment in Risk - Agent - AV - EDR
O curso "Zabbix 6.0 for Security - Do Zero à Administração do Kaspersky Security Center" objetiva capacitar o aluno(a) a implementar e administrar com excelência esta conceituada solução de segurança em ambientes pequenos, médios e de grande porte. Curso:
2022-04-08 16:30:21 UTC
2022-06-21 00:35:16 UTC
O curso "Zabbix 6.0 for Security - Do Zero à Administração do Kaspersky Security Center" objetiva capacitar o aluno(a) a implementar e administrar com excelência esta conceituada solução de segurança em ambientes pequenos, médios e de grande porte. Curso:
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2022-04-08 16:30:21 UTC
2022-06-21 00:35:16 UTC
Google Cloud Spanner - Lock Insights
Lock Insights Dashboard
2022-02-08 18:36:28 UTC
2022-03-02 06:01:42 UTC
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2022-02-08 18:36:28 UTC
2022-03-02 06:01:42 UTC
AppMesh / Control Plane
AWS App Mesh control plane overview
2021-09-30 10:34:08 UTC
2021-09-30 10:37:01 UTC
AWS App Mesh control plane overview
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2021-09-30 10:34:08 UTC
Alibaba Cloud Monitor For MongoDB Dashboard
Alibaba Cloud Monitor For MongoDB_Partitioned_Cluster Dashboard from CloudMonitor using aliyun-cms-grafana
2020-12-21 09:32:12 UTC
2020-12-21 09:39:39 UTC
2020.12.21更新 一键式导入acs_mongodb_分片集群配置信息,便捷式配置基本图标 groupId: 13616 一键式导入acs_mongodb_副本集配置信息,便捷式配置基本图标 groupId: 13617 一键式导入acs_mongodb_单节点实例配置信息,便捷式配置基本图标 groupId: 13615
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2020-12-21 09:32:12 UTC
2020-12-21 09:39:39 UTC
Modem Stats
Statistics for DOCSIS and VDSL modems.
2021-04-10 10:33:06 UTC
2021-04-10 10:45:47 UTC
# Modem Statistics Parser A utility to read channel diagnostics information from DOCSIS and VDSL modems and output it in the InfluxDB line protocol. This package is intended to be used within a Telegraf instance. This package has been written in Go in an attempt to allow it to run on low end hardware (such as a Raspberry Pi Zero) with no issues. ## Usage For usage information, head over to the [project Github page](
``` [[inputs.exec]] commands = ["/modem-stats"] data_format = "influx" ```
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2021-04-10 10:33:06 UTC
2021-04-10 10:35:36 UTC
Rails Metrics Dev
Basic metrics for web applications built with Ruby on Rails. (Yabeda)
2021-12-02 08:38:18 UTC
2021-12-02 08:39:26 UTC
Basic metrics for web applications built with Ruby on Rails.
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2021-12-02 08:38:18 UTC
2021-12-02 08:39:26 UTC
JavaMelody dashboard for Prometheus datasource
2022-03-08 04:18:01 UTC
2022-03-08 04:20:12 UTC
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2022-03-08 04:18:01 UTC
2022-03-08 04:18:52 UTC
Network (Eero + Speedtest) Dashboard
EERO + Speedtest: requires prometheus, eero and speedtest exporter
2021-02-06 16:10:48 UTC
2021-02-06 16:18:46 UTC
This dashboard is for basic home network monitoring for those who run the Amazon eero mesh networking equipment. Run the eero exporter and the speedtest exporter and you've got it covered. Enjoy docker run --rm -d --name prometheus_speedtest -p 9516:9516/tcp jraviles/prometheus_speedtest:latest
EERO + Speedtest: requires prometheus, eero and speedtest exporter
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2021-02-06 16:10:48 UTC
Test dashboard for Munin metrics
2020-03-06 17:04:56 UTC
2020-03-06 17:05:34 UTC
Test dashboard for Munin metrics
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2020-03-06 17:04:56 UTC
Node Exporter Quickstart and Dashboard
A quickstart to setup Prometheus Node Exporter with preconfigured dashboards, alerting rules, and recording rules.
2021-12-24 06:31:08 UTC
2021-12-24 06:34:30 UTC
A quickstart to setup Prometheus Node Exporter with preconfigured dashboards, alerting rules, and recording rules.
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2021-12-24 06:31:08 UTC
Historic Host Status for each of your Icinga2 monitored Hosts. aka "availability-report"
2018-09-17 06:05:50 UTC
2018-09-17 06:09:56 UTC
View & CREATE TABLE statusmap (state int(11) NOT NULL,statstring varchar(10) NOT NULL,hoststatstring varchar(10) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; INSERT INTO statusmap (state, statstring) VALUES(0, 'OK', 'UP'),(1, 'WARNING', 'UP'),(2, 'CRITICAL', 'DOWN'),(3, 'UNKNOWN', 'DOWN');
Historic Host Status for each of your Icinga2 monitored Hosts. aka "availability-report"
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2018-09-17 06:05:50 UTC
2018-09-17 06:09:56 UTC
VM dashboard
using prometheus simpleclient hotspot to gather metrics. templated per job (all instances) one graph for threads, one for memory
2016-10-14 09:39:08 UTC
2016-10-14 09:41:52 UTC
using prometheus simpleclient hotspot to gather metrics. Templated per job (all instances). One graph for threads, one for memory.
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"links": [], "gnetId": 637, "description": "using prometheus simpleclient hotspot to gather metrics.\r\ntemplated per job (all instances)\r\none graph for threads, one for memory" }
2016-10-14 09:39:08 UTC
2016-10-14 09:41:52 UTC
Metrics from MyPerf4J stored in InfluxDB v2.x
2022-02-04 15:38:10 UTC
2022-02-05 03:37:29 UTC
Click here [MyPerf4J](
Metrics from MyPerf4J stored in InfluxDB
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2022-02-04 15:38:10 UTC
2022-02-05 03:37:29 UTC
Kasa Collector - Energy (By Measurement)
Kasa Collector provides a way of collecting real-time energy data from Kasa Smart Plugs. These Grafana dashboards offer visualizations for their Current, Voltage, Power, and Total Watt Hours.
2021-07-26 04:04:18 UTC
2021-07-26 04:05:02 UTC
The Energy dashboard provides panels representing Power, Watt-Hours, Current, and Voltage. Measurements are represented at the top for total combined information (and voltage average) and rows for both devices and plugs (as part of power strips). You can use the device and plug dropdown menus at the top of the dashboard to filter on each. If you choose a single device that happens to be a power strip, only the plugs for that power strip will be shown in the Plugs dropdown. More details on these Kasa Collector dashboards may be found: Github Project: []( Web Site: [](
Kasa Collector provides a way of collecting real-time energy data from Kasa Smart Plugs. These Grafana dashboards offer visualizations for their Current, Voltage, Power, and Total Watt Hours.
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2021-07-26 04:05:01 UTC
Platinum Dashboard
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2019-11-11 14:47:18 UTC
2019-11-11 14:48:04 UTC
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2019-11-11 14:47:18 UTC
2019-11-11 14:48:04 UTC
Visualize TP-Link Smart Plug metrics
2021-02-17 14:33:56 UTC
2021-02-17 14:36:26 UTC
Visualize TP-Link Smart Plug metrics
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2021-02-17 14:33:56 UTC
Mikrotik 6.x monitor
Dashboard to monitor all important Mikrotik parameters (incl. active interfaces).
2019-05-15 12:02:51 UTC
2019-05-15 12:23:54 UTC
Work with Zabbix "Template Mikrotik RouterOS" - RouterOS 6.x
Dashboard mikrotik
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2019-05-15 12:02:51 UTC
2019-05-15 12:23:54 UTC
Current situation
Integrates current atmospheric and power readings from TDM sensors
2020-03-11 09:17:00 UTC
2020-03-11 09:22:10 UTC
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2020-03-11 09:17:00 UTC
2020-03-11 09:22:05 UTC
WordPress dashboard
A dashboard displaying WordPress site metrics. Used with wordpress-exporter
2021-09-12 03:05:50 UTC
2021-09-12 03:11:13 UTC
Displays informational stats on WordPress sites. Metrics list, installation instructions and more can be found [here](
A dashboard displaying WordPress site metrics
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2021-09-12 03:05:50 UTC
2021-09-12 03:11:13 UTC
Kubernetes Cluster (Prometheus)
Summary metrics about containers running on Kubernetes nodes. Dashboard was taken from here. This version does not reqiure you to setup the Kubernetes-app plugin. ( Use this Helm chart to launch Grafana into a Kubernetes cluster. It will include this dashboard and many more dashboards to give you visibility into the Kubernetes Cluster. (
2019-12-05 13:56:45 UTC
2019-12-05 13:57:05 UTC
Summary metrics about containers running on Kubernetes nodes. Dashboard was taken from here. This version does not reqiure you to setup the Kubernetes-app plugin. ( Use this Helm chart to launch Grafana into a Kubernetes cluster. It will include this dashboard and many more dashboards to give you visibility into the Kubernetes Cluster. (
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2019-12-05 13:56:45 UTC
A freeswitch dashboard from freeswitch_exporter
2022-09-28 04:10:48 UTC
2022-09-28 13:03:58 UTC
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2022-09-28 04:10:48 UTC
2022-09-28 06:34:20 UTC
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2022-06-04 14:25:40 UTC
2022-06-04 14:36:03 UTC
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2022-06-04 14:25:40 UTC
2022-06-04 14:33:30 UTC
SwapDEX Validator Essentials
SwapDEX chain main metrics, suitable for node monitoring in 2022 - Tutorial:
2022-03-13 23:36:56 UTC
2022-03-13 23:37:29 UTC
Server and Substrate chain main metrics, suitable for a node monitoring in 2021 - Tutorial:
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2022-03-13 23:36:56 UTC
2022-03-13 23:37:28 UTC
Node Exporter Server Metrics1
Dashboard to view multiple servers
2021-10-03 03:12:51 UTC
2021-10-03 03:13:20 UTC
Dashboard to view multiple servers
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2021-10-03 03:12:51 UTC
Jitsi Meet & System for Kubernetes/Prometheus
Dashboard for Jitsi Meet Exporter running on Kubernetes
2022-03-04 13:42:18 UTC
2022-03-04 13:56:51 UTC
Dashboard for Jitsi Meet Exporter running on Kubernetes Based on the excellent by Mephisto Updated for Kubernetes Prometheus Data Source and Multiple JVBs (works well with
Dashboard for Jitsi Meet Exporter
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2022-03-04 13:42:18 UTC
2022-03-04 13:56:51 UTC
NGINX Plus Prometheus Exporter
2020-09-01 08:27:50 UTC
2020-09-01 08:30:20 UTC
NGINX Plus Prometheus Exporter
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2020-09-01 08:27:50 UTC
Memcached Metrics - Single
Memcached metrics from a single Telegraf instance
2018-06-18 23:03:32 UTC
2018-06-18 23:04:40 UTC
Display memcached metrics for a single Telegraf instance, selectable via drop-down. Metrics are grouped into collapsible rows.
Memcached metrics from a single Telegraf instance
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2018-06-18 23:03:32 UTC
2018-06-18 23:04:40 UTC
Prometheus memcached
Prometheus dashboard for memcached servers
2016-06-22 15:16:23 UTC
2016-06-27 22:11:47 UTC
Dashboard for getting a complete overview of your memcached servers using prometheus and memcached_exporter. ### Metrics * % Hit ratio * Current connections * Get/set command ratio * Command usage * Evict / reclaim * Network read/write * Total memory usage * Items in cache. This dashboard is based on the metrics created by []( using default flags. ## Feedback Comments? suggestions? Please open issues/pull requests to [](
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2016-06-22 15:16:23 UTC
2016-06-27 22:11:47 UTC
HaProxy backend (or frontend/servers)
Show backend stats
2016-10-31 17:18:25 UTC
2019-02-18 15:03:48 UTC
This Dashboard shows backend stats. You can use templating to choose one/multiple backend (singlestats works only with one). You can easily change backend to /frontend|server/ by editing query and replace backend with another one. Open issues or give feedback at :
{ "__inputs": [ { "name": "DS_PROMETHEUS", "label": "Prometheus", "description": "v1.2.1", "type": "datasource", "pluginId": "prometheus", "pluginName": "Prometheus" } ], "__requires": [ { "type": "panel", "id": "singlestat", "name": "Singlestat", "version": "" }, { "type": "panel", "id": "graph", "name": "Graph", "version": "" }, { "type": "grafana", "id": "grafana", "name": "Grafana", "version": "3.1.1" }, { "type": "datasource", "id": "prometheus", "name": "Prometheus", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "id": null, "title": "HaProxy backend (or frontend/servers) ", "tags": [], "style": "dark", "timezone": "browser", "editable": true, "hideControls": false, "sharedCrosshair": false, "rows": [ { "collapse": false, "editable": true, "height": 253.4375, "panels": [ { "cacheTimeout": null, "colorBackground": false, "colorValue": false, "colors": [ "rgba(245, 54, 54, 0.9)", "rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)", "rgba(50, 172, 45, 0.97)" ], "datasource": "${DS_PROMETHEUS}", "editable": true, "error": false, 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2016-10-31 17:18:25 UTC
2019-02-18 15:03:48 UTC
Radarr v3
This is a dashboard for Radarr v3 (exportarr does not work with Radarr v2). You will need to install exportarr ( in order to use this dashboard. Based on:
2020-08-26 12:35:10 UTC
2020-08-26 12:39:01 UTC
This is a dashboard for Radarr v3 (exportarr does not work with Sonarr v2). You will need to install exportarr ( in order to use this dashboard.
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2020-08-26 12:35:10 UTC
2020-08-26 12:38:49 UTC
Node Exporter for Prometheus Dashboard English Compatibility Version
Support Node Exporter v0.16 and above.Optimize the main metrics display. Includes: CPU, memory, disk IO, network, temperature and other monitoring metrics。
2020-01-07 19:38:40 UTC
2020-01-07 19:38:49 UTC
Support Node Exporter v0.16 and above.Optimize the main metrics display. Includes: CPU, memory, disk IO, network, temperature and other monitoring metrics。
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2020-01-07 19:38:40 UTC
Node Exporter for Prometheus Dashboard CN
支持 Node Exporter v0.16及以上的版本,精简优化重要指标展示。包含:CPU 内存 磁盘 IO 网络 温度等监控指标。
2022-06-30 09:45:38 UTC
2022-06-30 09:47:11 UTC
支持 Node Exporter v0.16及以上的版本,精简优化重要指标展示。包含:CPU 内存 磁盘 IO 网络 温度等监控指标。
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2022-06-30 09:45:38 UTC
2022-06-30 09:46:30 UTC
NGINX Ingress controller
Ingress-nginx supports a rich collection of prometheus metrics. If you have prometheus and grafana installed on your cluster then prometheus will already be scraping this data due to the scrape annotation on the deployment.
2021-09-03 07:13:13 UTC
2021-09-03 07:14:37 UTC
Ingress-nginx supports a rich collection of prometheus metrics. If you have prometheus and grafana installed on your cluster then prometheus will already be scraping this data due to the scrape annotation on the deployment.
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2021-09-03 07:13:13 UTC
D4 Drilling Dysfunction System
Texas A&M University
2019-10-06 03:46:45 UTC
2019-10-06 03:48:33 UTC
Texas A&M University
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"2244.629414,5756.352491,3055.409292,6363.078183,4311.816453,1957.291906,4998.965456,6302.995203,7886.004537,6890.719426,2923.822197,4839.440821,3829.295382,6542.290295,9242.778815,6845.042065,5193.973476,5970.636171,3830.548118,4510.431396,5134.940262,3813.024561,6500.876334,1795.785307,4816.549299,3118.271156,7335.71677,4181.892373,4507.32169,4053.996376,5205.772797,4995.792775,449.7972713,4432.405869,6755.491815,5023.304474,2231.71481,5410.783494,6648.27182,3563.758163,2957.679578,2907.846644,1725.732873,5072.836111,8655.119211,563.9305998,5900.606567,5762.322328,3306.715443,4702.884541,4020.88431,6645.582916,4828.510201,3608.352134,8220.164959,4680.138903,3883.803438,4532.127776,5288.728416,6410.613567,3437.744882,1174.388805,7162.105855,5550.414796,8612.427276,6248.573628,7655.670173,6224.778833,6984.685772,3649.929384,2192.829339,4805.276864,4956.280645,5790.35106,-574.0708983,4948.346862,8906.998952,7887.617885,7569.315145,2805.606956,5651.117158,7591.420157,4808.286743,4839.245972,5942.442943,1064.692573,5113.261599,7128.695834,4912.960863,5601.066874,2955.730327,6620.587083,3624.469554,2528.725601,5578.467637,7593.215598,6954.296546,4425.1768,761.0921712,7845.611134,7155.199651,3403.919799,6884.646263,3247.090314,5061.299189,5247.66362,4639.859527,2624.98632,6883.986201,5302.535897,5395.532133,6221.139791,5711.941703,5395.380683,2730.223488,3896.271884,4042.05449,1784.199401,6938.826545,7595.313483,1675.525693,4447.874968,5727.463752,4754.505647,4200.77713,5993.478561,2162.36842,4747.836099,7182.948785,2718.957556,4210.236948,7037.199505,7408.511751,4842.810347,4206.123967,2103.288224,5086.857326,3957.460871,4545.141542,3583.113687,3130.293472,5553.625717,5605.568189,6298.27109,4580.634029,4537.688525,1573.196781,6782.9589,4476.429816,3260.851384,3144.571814,4501.365503,1314.98325,459.0582706,2963.368575,5055.973258,3291.256255,5394.301813,3987.647371,6564.055815,3444.773897,3303.39641,817.9151421,5923.790235,2821.272395,4484.880103,6462.894461,4808.138913,5698.969161,3166.087804,3850.329199,1807.297156,5413.010073,4293.022342,4892.239212,2080.813869,1510.969775,2678.485758,5149.627158,7111.06757,3495.078736,5279.185228,5500.169756,3758.186995,6284.470789,4982.394809,4707.390946,2419.597426,3655.183159,5910.780195,4888.233033,6079.144152,5099.269015,3460.230624,516.3716625,1627.082582,4386.773949,4019.000851,6994.276797,6471.592414,7040.319111,7705.077661,3168.724416,6728.858243,4565.06351,3088.780302,6422.386684,6184.413844,4937.842636,4236.535677,4316.643627,1988.006081,3037.86646,6847.320689,2581.917764,6282.624741,5480.163743,6155.205879,5702.278613,2896.709597,5992.608269,5930.832811,3111.387055,7060.146274,6670.354651,2445.152068,3400.000772,396.6550852,4453.46707,6001.902968,5392.862372,1277.354769,1756.805821,4758.522612,6072.1129,4372.604774,4915.550184,6722.924277,5144.076916,4011.651907,2814.331452,8265.990885,5360.962032,7149.101864,4157.985423,5522.527947,4481.207733,3634.701337,1440.327218,3523.410874,2922.929328,8307.172737,8504.644115,6537.742986,6648.774572,6963.405931,5758.777495,5535.294585,5905.830199,5403.358842,2059.138733,6868.403233,6212.920966,4796.135021,5983.596898,3367.187754,1475.178466,5277.057476,3677.279684,5028.812941,5042.672545,5039.454663,2954.631057,4897.855851,3691.934895,6721.657039,788.8556179,4428.44296,7107.678089,2905.958156,2286.872622,3725.882215,2770.592172,7660.403044,4725.093935,6184.328229,5743.81072,7610.599913,4219.449514,6813.76521,7859.646263,6734.266291,5342.561109,4855.299127,2933.979358,4075.10106,7006.422245,6303.327757,1759.417441,3132.795446,1046.345724,5077.550733,5207.734471,4795.710128,85.37189341,2914.539345,4210.765147,7363.237644,2360.521614,609.091882,1915.108325,-67.47087778,5943.440944,4174.830907,7874.736491,4399.051753,8083.115514,2685.947269,4816.791943,867.0689154,3320.231393,3682.964896,5228.53343,4207.938745,5570.473196,2931.563194,5960.724665,1561.11974,5499.286563,4168.803363,6599.316471,2109.188183,4271.190576,1513.271156,6740.246343,4253.944565,4362.895386,7201.457205,7468.17245,5991.03245,8467.177915,2930.477863,5192.458085,8398.84788,6781.142516,4011.987978,7748.489905,3194.367394,4968.43623,2434.546478,4981.34265,3600.077888,4725.643494,4157.197588,6054.628857,3781.314762,6279.594522,3321.495725,549.6464559,4865.435212,486.042256,2498.056623,3502.431259,3820.383423,5949.346243,1941.673998,2845.092681,6466.952492,8410.032918,7429.185119,4399.079677,5554.30043,7440.256833,6737.90401,3497.265593,2399.102566,6951.583856,5097.615638,3232.758492,2291.346864,8085.967936,5106.524952,2206.192768,4879.336783,6560.542982,5228.668433,4601.503855,4963.70249,5746.22369,5231.793876,5746.838635,10362.1241,3333.3154,5137.128674,6442.891243,4541.00131,2154.883653,851.0047376,3484.012407,1735.712784,5807.997676,4779.487812,4437.121674,3969.703111,6586.282231,5041.699193,4099.892787,4174.885947,-1031.32569,7802.250053,4938.549646,461.2110916,5733.256535,5350.606846,1399.391441,3261.014681,3465.332967,6079.588768,3552.916561,3934.85985,6797.165222,-472.6600709,7102.130635,3145.437409,9974.216398,5010.44857,4064.691878,3910.11027,6851.717057,6024.65087,5218.535343,2236.753958,4919.756336,2976.736313,5562.233554,8040.950536,7016.459346,1940.145995,660.5129694,4539.257289,3570.104521,6282.501953,6666.040245,5945.111529,1742.174835,7679.497484,6554.174466,2855.578246,993.8459086,7643.652669,1475.46764,5056.845981,6600.003831,5916.031659,34.23726222,2201.104331,1912.874262,5323.794514,1750.586012,5261.875279,7547.334334,3828.690225,4469.112663,5472.78707,4730.241925,3621.359255,3928.610116,6607.896393,7138.822136,3838.61156,4601.708,1025.450902,3291.673846,4631.76012,1962.753368,6963.112413,3690.434757,4566.814344,4147.050532,4073.561911,1937.44929,5181.22427,8095.264367,5752.144544,3340.466246,2124.330652,5124.608978,6971.928635,777.2573611,8197.497399,2424.733616,4334.292389,4445.773737,6082.28391,1546.836903,1183.768173,7626.643535,2525.930818,2453.376192,939.4496413,7907.121101,8263.455395,7446.250356,4816.780246,11054.18991,6405.752203,4097.843654,974.7502399,4003.599861,4589.87695,6860.164884,6046.453621,5162.699406,3102.00074,7210.844016,9328.648834,2043.277568,3356.134091,3634.212242,5859.355667,2954.86647,7667.726046,3109.067182,3963.776293,6065.929423,1827.612237,5300.497299,5875.941095,5264.83533,3903.78271,4951.656854,6782.204313,6986.250338,3921.664786,4660.713292,3607.943592,6037.92275,3671.656334,6087.964635,7105.742578,3220.858689,9078.88355,3811.609211,7153.572156,3694.393256,3067.309247,2158.890639,2047.068278,3811.446994,5108.102432,7161.475734,5013.712379,3887.384057,8567.637075,5820.684177,1930.554994,4778.710117,4759.386612,3527.466563,3835.591395,4270.999212,6147.834141,2105.70596,4593.74048,4184.270203,3481.225801,3277.527619,3374.077394,3113.266205,1907.496474,5100.95358,2345.438137,3803.129205,4484.975636,4169.991702,2133.896345,3323.203076,7624.040835,4715.557035,6196.897779,6663.760427,576.5202437,2148.816972,282.2604761,3894.889525,2935.277154,8316.995901,9440.881603,6670.347083,3363.431903,2553.249927,5530.390331,4776.184601,5707.348229,2972.777225,7985.029889,4939.12144,4588.511852,5919.980112,6404.361759,5446.490131,3040.922755,3651.396819,6764.315067,3706.717395,3089.47165,6216.139021,7735.291834,6613.585846,6707.577201,7837.506476,3226.272016,7657.959041,5887.167653,3574.602218,5798.092408,4293.254327,3551.402751,4059.523946,5718.790565,1063.182734,5366.649033,5166.000694,2893.062616,3115.479554,6495.879186,9053.294604,4168.308433,4751.156739,4929.465863,4549.901039,6669.924815,2885.899117,7473.141459,3737.981911,3969.362898,5049.552546,5382.018718,5544.715308,5873.491646,2190.148026,5932.5179,3681.297637,6129.413005,9320.924457,6327.611586,1144.855613,4713.098923,5098.402773,6957.861295,3544.020027,5525.624181,4223.454243,3170.07221,5187.157046,2175.644818,5727.209788,1064.632198,6622.259506,2376.839381,7971.934666,3715.139644,7671.131846,8891.954738,4142.555198,5369.549163,3155.166353,3560.858361,2605.800322,4983.371858,6781.358052,6055.10746,9968.280176,3470.062689,3527.492729,2168.302556,3576.730099,2096.019959,2565.74847,6422.085285,4937.911134,4113.430348,3798.915875,1715.74788,2783.98835,1005.970203,676.4706227,3436.583225,5472.441832,5506.086752,6876.001278,4933.452173,2311.154481,4536.226951,3617.070873,4182.695428,6167.558995,5266.920274,-642.8898911,4306.512449,2243.035923,4941.200164,4860.70485,2490.86778,8891.550355,4514.074415,3372.862844,4869.504592,4185.425051,5988.196306,6168.900657,5186.076347,3642.809563,2517.474406,3421.375673,4302.49352,2061.97382,4524.522163,7875.160177,1558.229714,5587.710885,2066.475558,2273.515939,4555.325087,4132.273008,4396.188901,4862.282918,6967.826047,6600.719004,6964.192712,4969.688328,4096.19946,5546.720342,2866.920314,2335.149779,4937.467516,8250.805155,4582.970679,1548.784858,4006.167689,8062.154622,5614.478452,-265.3015718,6314.812057,5084.885013,2791.600245,6267.375139,7313.793631,3422.556368,5895.900164,4856.528017,3765.783733,5687.070296,3052.381763,3808.14422,3469.576858,4098.462846,4226.989911,7238.896998,6352.753617,3820.076385,4416.235443,4343.155629,3300.415515,2869.598297,4492.415821,7317.200112,7285.48545,841.7012723,7043.754433,5034.818295,2218.504049,4174.313661,1055.275538,6381.555244,4835.805924,2655.729426,8077.400179,5490.021754,3681.073433,5102.772828,4634.062382,5184.431259,5227.84089,3114.425456,4815.925535,1576.540815,1040.741533,6352.242651,6406.90641,1714.959226,3873.311237,4099.598791,5368.389794,3930.644213,5637.250849,5648.934128,6655.310309,3064.999716,9974.073977,2089.133044,5721.196827,2928.55523,6855.422402,5875.099844,3013.283118,3134.474628,4449.069326,4963.449173,6232.465672,2380.376891,5014.436584,3958.221663,4541.89403,3820.61032,4376.833469,6007.332119,2012.172544,3045.403906,2335.778,5137.386532,1851.775458,5614.459453,3640.054971,8162.77466,7080.898721,1995.828811,5018.024305,1926.145258,2453.153048,3424.942845,5758.665926,6502.521423,3601.294379,2537.667332,4048.006729,1810.923205,3377.838721,2727.367007,5917.25749,2682.192348,7581.361838,3864.056936,3236.899312,3704.21936,3586.58318,4821.6103,7962.808117,6087.43335,5524.849723,1475.674136,6827.035457,5425.890186,5365.796718,4318.903316,4400.473417,6518.540166,4262.575414,5836.761301,3955.389941,7163.440819,4850.622106,5868.793404,4073.102369,2737.728429,6214.653388,4730.379372,5371.775342,3629.848183,4056.743003,3898.421662,6465.917141,4957.895864,6083.971382,1923.130416,3001.224963,1669.021185,-253.790183,4855.088034,5656.892797,4501.276266,4864.793203,8683.400074,4635.401717,8943.651937,6013.805751,5434.540104,4721.423631,5820.248538,6188.989647,3309.640529,2727.532407,6314.144365,7195.201318,2701.654348,1952.158403,3142.373677,7816.951565,6802.068496,3659.013812,7069.995298,6085.33172,4258.595814,4940.820843,7389.496508,3939.429127,3444.998486,5948.117501,4679.37722,7362.30399,4624.145788,4805.491756,1976.114561,5879.485464,2003.161145,4689.98206,4174.272654,4669.740282,7313.61081,5547.862683,2939.428972,3952.199732,1984.276321,4638.433878,4237.914396,6135.097754,6427.200679,4291.297847,7697.555033,6172.410257,5779.146896,352.2876607,2254.843971,3508.137974,4787.906187,3691.107887,2874.941202,4275.18272,2556.370444,4713.27135,3759.876177,6773.190658,5663.555262,5212.259116,6687.165759,2879.084407,6938.336837,6317.064206,8999.442758,5178.018264,3521.719874,4908.604927,4392.082978,5906.731944,3130.162485,8892.985924,4589.039611,7860.411766,5699.588612,4920.393662,3030.065172,5433.996831,3318.710295,6855.089119,6886.56705,6100.954774,4388.589072,8092.93747,5282.727665,5158.385029,4583.564556,1695.489387,7315.474606,487.8863719,5135.831315,5149.073081,6889.285284,6726.984952,4452.543655,3187.194942,2026.340329,4243.805684,6246.336784,8067.838498,4899.524555,2944.183485,4070.593446,3886.829988,2482.861492,6653.358283,2610.585822,4527.170648,10873.58422,-1086.874356,5966.259537,3220.380705,3309.852532,4402.678996,4151.622,3831.193099,7924.320547,3840.646141,1943.501369,1272.003787,4180.209993,5445.580931,5263.611551,3335.152378,4256.549854,4636.394487,2298.058008,8018.25198,5670.104403,4244.680384,4673.706462,5416.940927,4491.007215,1551.545939,3175.015298,2563.549087,6280.113335,6750.718166,3244.59079,4865.324796,6390.76073,6712.084597,11030.51314,7491.442102,4517.990989,1763.943528,6426.520791,4979.924467,5424.744754,5155.062198,6236.729264,2552.007797,2433.824576,6889.607305,1637.165487,6355.528682,3315.439238,5691.218283,3540.555955,1445.372711,2719.99314,1145.790461,4810.30206,3542.691257,4715.033332,2687.425957,2814.337161,4525.059471,4746.094231,5837.590239,6588.593422,5562.919938,5367.848545,5652.920532,5989.571578,4259.107265,3466.014647,1850.150663,5599.234014,6132.991878,3355.014799,6174.190946,573.0296623,6516.53582,6131.749506,4453.787935,8540.407354,5527.380465,1629.837806,4098.984586,6606.45268,2539.189494,8837.934185,5692.57136,4299.178125,2023.647923,7351.356006,164.705206,4495.498044,5495.751458,4050.945347,2606.509292,3283.766127,5145.512923,4814.074204,1077.914934,4472.181768,1765.246353,5623.659215,4862.902127,1512.903997,5692.276848,2669.899866,4161.421888,7318.877447,6245.609506,7227.317383,2038.660488,5682.019614,6237.49914,5279.311099,1470.149236,2648.69841,6185.517825,3565.13483,4012.190563,3228.51293,5468.553243,5847.674557,4231.312485,1806.970839,4594.530289,4961.310926,3791.668905,1005.374276,6288.563142,3363.818651,10156.27508,3914.66732,5306.666606,7926.543424,9469.879172,5999.426083,1768.086538,4801.976534,6053.919565,3443.241197,5920.432427,6877.149857,3078.480514,1394.879725,5194.353011,1958.917854,6271.344272,3640.114511,4556.580402,3224.918419,7312.088113,3507.998692,3494.52517,5323.858992,4475.586422,4404.961016,4987.049333,4003.727004,5365.972402,3115.061292,3898.586557,5923.41635,7971.521126,3983.048006,6756.464386,3167.893021,4085.485046,4759.462738,5622.844448,2912.575296,7423.21552,6300.840767,1824.450615,4476.00979,5123.495257,5162.261041,1991.897484,3445.421532,3280.440101,1030.476134,7008.885266,1212.443124,3897.137941,3333.339325,4001.771251,5379.959183,-36.64640366,5754.522732,8740.254624,3841.848782,5539.56039,2667.693561,2199.490011,2945.637386,5521.985421,2149.743574,728.3633768,3519.077303,9016.251039,2174.811225,5457.289149,4060.939639,5064.626059,1799.016591,2159.336615,2069.185839,5425.829826,4776.733771,3460.337989,4275.379671,3544.39225,-551.8513659,3877.893021,6937.442255,5139.561386,4259.050897,1663.938049,-730.7786335,4411.197394,5564.593232,2383.579274,2732.849731,2495.256344,6205.381323,8302.844825,3092.378727,858.0871894,4252.492834,5793.51378,7707.170643,8246.11568,6757.778516,4119.778017,3009.595985,4244.756979,5724.133173,5596.706005,5467.784294,6984.558301,7674.760219,4399.421047,4302.307289,5907.717833,4046.536983,3730.188104,3018.104607,7281.24539,3947.254351,8474.211092,6747.375066,4489.841164,2346.941712,7094.516493,1987.564219,5346.826843,3878.720577,5692.649918,4530.798337,5381.659935,5981.160445,5742.304211,2495.199775,4591.624679,6440.759007,3646.39039,5483.64419,8796.910907,3572.25041,9130.917981,1533.272302,5894.155164,3754.717761,5190.434117,1053.96765,463.6604649,4325.689223,7828.261573,2848.573127,5813.683901,5248.992099,3462.851303,2545.745427,8048.395502,6815.538276,179.2388681,6040.873707,4464.207845,5037.906971,3469.103756,3646.129053,3902.655696,6862.475715,7133.584981,8200.584037,6527.547668,467.9441301,7180.37814,7615.882209,5182.876046,6643.681367,4656.226979,5304.515631,576.6110198,1584.437731,976.1194534,5950.356005,4488.363211,5180.250419,2610.562198,3094.344511,4837.975929,5542.338955,1517.785982,4538.300021,3949.737316,5432.134475,6444.646439,3562.999858,1662.755124,4382.692807,3597.544794,4425.902512,2852.00645,4340.355552,4694.382824,3557.528606,6537.87557,7164.012127,3942.191672,6648.403391,5491.326707,2368.805156,6247.9002,5439.777514,2784.269264,4137.116193,5365.737431,4298.240166,6019.212616,813.3667228,4976.497118,4698.960977,8043.719982,2598.295137,4799.832728,3543.68772,5510.155552,5451.198597,1338.599767,6747.59967,5507.640215,6959.623063,6409.277663,4506.494333,2434.038106,6372.202655,5787.047091,3892.404476,1493.603281,4925.607214,6258.109786,3275.587387,5689.758366,6495.258,1070.41999,4542.175137,3915.812786,2284.126963,2237.064547,4505.764558,6640.779788,3968.040071,2570.337973,7904.113804,7869.000217,7005.718074,5589.269329,4104.667494,2726.23298,2874.734066,5902.677687,2888.381639,9612.121862,4879.328422,4510.96499,2966.56181,6225.537055,6648.420258,1339.500457,6351.15258,4927.247437,6630.776934,4535.380438,7429.694211,10297.90661,7140.38102,4265.774761,5626.990938,5216.708423,4674.142938,4624.238091,2491.023428,3320.985451,5670.133622,6561.655264,4460.868379,8716.322247,4556.557765,4571.679006,6408.276039,6448.883982,4784.820484,3624.305686,4025.100848,3960.756572,4462.467544,6590.735305,6302.3659,3077.205538,6679.25589,2736.410357,433.9344638,4989.771758,1288.75439,6547.615205,6521.757867,4396.294737,2999.565782,5495.954502,3672.458229,1845.41166,2650.076325,5859.852141,7624.189124,3623.513745,5220.021499,7074.475109,7376.390923,8861.828503,8650.999011,5395.819999,3282.887829,4961.194378,5991.67842,9045.767399,5162.578439,4356.741635,2360.825273,6615.966868,6480.821931,8088.267106,4937.357336,5714.782909,3838.496989,3091.143305,1874.033278,2275.29942,4482.62525,2649.416046,5383.389949,6031.33087,9151.143662,2963.976531,1636.8973,3042.245022,4143.230969,5475.551616,3076.604847,4085.85045,4506.732543,4271.296662,4032.305095,3051.156504,6242.547758,4445.001952,6632.370739,5196.656655,3940.974424,4751.995617,4113.096861,5224.971032,4569.527308,2981.229218,8676.790953,3621.851569,4561.897559,4963.962111,7906.066928,-751.4214556,4439.455337,8140.759583,2667.253965,4136.238042,8012.193919,4063.602551,6896.217755,3621.823723,3444.847383,4530.788204,2045.431557,3885.032632,-1031.007343,3258.299534,5169.187224,6162.786934,6820.241461,4205.609005,7411.442752,5518.246658,4683.680628,6597.147214,4079.498784,5331.134049,5342.566489,3777.847372,6453.324238,5279.892771,4560.671274,7482.707311,4152.503636,8081.784098,3203.145667,8405.572983,6602.824245,2931.569033,2299.694499,1246.724296,1754.375665,5722.86996,7930.789559,6896.000058,1120.593089,2227.60901,5345.555107,7125.775085,2466.304312,7192.998815,3674.887122,6037.694028,8400.402338,8581.621334,5170.977446,1637.092617,52" 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"82471.39816,113806.9102,160533.7517,71315.415,150099.4378,228861.9902,125520.349,128169.8181,184375.5665,88966.47646,227462.8004,123476.8057,111341.727,114114.3833,119861.4657,109639.8454,142568.5227,243809.3853,198455.5169,167311.634,162209.8372,177497.5801,161260.2743,169192.5452,103765.6162,95560.99842,154773.7286,184691.4047,151691.9579,171488.5538,101052.2435,161125.2297,151647.3381,130290.2722,143103.6102,103801.3833,177434.584,161052.7069,93626.5956,149551.4259,171134.268,168662.3895,126917.7514,204595.8728,113968.1553,153175.5755,135356.9382,173270.636,169360.3776,194647.8362,66282.15086,129505.5282,151413.7594,126776.3279,105413.3288,210269.0829,114602.3681,150594.9954,136350.5272,91877.50859,176705.1326,212983.0154,152881.0832,151297.816,140118.9537,216556.4349,140205.9324,177035.9176,193195.1206,92758.57457,154166.1985,91863.52701,151396.0299,169893.3995,55898.06388,190529.4666,186412.5473,169088.3918,106898.9835,67963.2333,205074.0417,161454.5453,160482.1219,139952.4808,112409.8332,112553.1838,76486.15706,188355.691,130627.1476,112314.646,75447.10709,193344.1159,99313.00366,66738.3915,139752.034,87725.47477,180660.691,142206.5552,125151.1356,192630.9653,84889.36596,79056.24927,110578.616,155372.9283,256113.0428,18930.46278,97228.17345,157529.007,225856.5353,124476.1667,161283.8502,136055.2097,124661.6525,127961.8078,113916.7317,185725.131,157366.2408,198655.5192,142113.1135,80069.14581,102569.7832,66404.67474,113997.3173,104479.8799,164527.0004,94996.55111,196989.3054,21763.93731,175590.9819,204247.4532,139456.8976,87984.15354,112715.5444,97487.6821,49139.09782,197172.747,181652.448,149597.6527,139150.7455,133858.9829,166655.6421,157724.9829,113400.6928,88198.41122,132392.0596,126974.5099,135159.2543,130129.7916,50137.58827,183673.2009,106225.9702,82095.98567,179981.7057,119505.0737,120418.3522,195055.4644,205062.1179,117768.4903,123553.6305,195268.1513,120002.1653,133141.4149,23983.0293,187621.3656,114419.0382,133946.2173,129731.4376,60695.41126,81402.6082,164614.8353,214149.9535,188482.8911,199928.9169,154773.9164,142458.2775,120037.8242,233183.3186,171784.7789,137811.2161,58009.49356,106973.3395,120548.0355,168521.2498,139621.3519,151418.0924,141798.3881,180848.374,137980.8273,91986.54457,128106.7515,130672.9224,51777.49516,181812.717,6741.182506,200273.7457,110293.0284,95605.94411,107223.9502,67516.16297,147247.0564,124646.3833,163678.0409,115229.6798,146258.2788,196166.5217,237936.6425,85681.63235,155625.119,96665.52307,72635.94877,94094.79944,255230.2267,210036.0814,188667.2491,141473.7331,122482.6764,128410.5107,191134.1798,278580.541,134686.7698,122134.4838,140809.4748,158439.4836,147537.8101,107674.1766,-45795.78418,141345.5453,200509.1904,249400.9349,64849.74229,60829.10075,146719.4474,149545.3467,155131.4399,219881.2339,41163.6,61607.38664,175765.9211,165506.7855,153300.0295,140553.6047,150213.0699,117285.2483,163497.511,136988.1041,248439.6267,132010.344,135654.3414,185889.3918,139862.508,144790.0712,173461.5641,141137.3457,134948.427,166020.4073,259976.0167,205267.9877,54994.35003,157231.033,91411.99726,165263.4784,97730.39555,168946.9484,109666.2195,97657.09351,105894.4068,148065.6226,214882.265,143199.0109,184848.2006,61136.78149,93430.07281,86988.60739,131332.1527,143903.41,82334.86815,151271.7715,162480.7442,145231.5681,185402.4922,157020.7311,147949.3151,127520.4688,-11223.47243,198136.2812,152615.9774,84176.8575,69727.28829,57444.23337,144459.1929,84048.13542,135026.7959,59498.81527,205622.7903,169219.5941,136951.3917,140361.28,84993.14183,198306.4864,51375.35887,165536.0919,177147.6712,214889.3262,170934.814,163870.9102,237338.271,166342.6822,107512.9119,152230.893,179143.5407,147562.8377,144894.8257,222511.4133,112152.4183,102413.7076,196439.5712,100309.899,182743.9247,138274.7376,58620.7796,131934.7169,122505.2828,186114.9156,115788.9936,221785.0138,101008.5461,123428.2635,210936.9541,36877.58374,79745.49155,38941.55661,220516.5509,133669.5773,156576.9117,55576.42558,142627.5213,123111.4217,124870.1322,158668.4196,55795.07452,80387.9602,24807.59344,109136.956,153655.7145,144506.0774,90629.44796,134648.8504,226003.5423,93251.40013,95866.23638,93102.75802,149660.7409,-75564.84062,185059.8831,246346.196,41109.7617,138234.0524,82148.44442,104673.5076,123639.8908,142660.5368,193266.5058,144387.1085,200601.2661,166394.3142,123567.1256,66954.26792,105557.4545,129478.5453,153626.373,65982.81108,121248.6815,166802.4206,281883.5033,121483.8978,162771.9011,129006.2109,84777.53391,190744.8009,77405.09047,63229.04966,154898.1282,33287.51797,196206.066,71922.10101,89739.78748,184715.1587,114705.5259,225876.3776,162866.7955,118866.5481,167635.7256,139046.3186,171629.4041,176577.398,87080.363,145836.2703,171469.0603,198887.9663,127459.5912,126056.2598,124127.155,134761.9848,109396.6398,175719.3093,174792.6373,116315.8854,140477.0088,91652.47937,143988.4274,211380.3721,56712.05974,100300.2325,31635.50271,52178.84625,206068.1868,169015.1289,177957.5387,166067.4074,121162.6127,116707.1287,111073.6946,244703.6322,164686.856,73723.37551,114127.1088,95596.73687,49110.1795,173264.6192,72374.16704,78274.25884,221561.2175,149165.0914,172148.1803,108388.1995,183591.2925,209430.6074,90077.41929,95319.6646,195246.3015,119687.5602,130713.3618,173482.6628,110454.2722,221490.9723,267910.1714,194467.7048,171082.8832,168470.1904,148466.6755,204956.5183,152591.702,140081.9628,127971.1671,125245.7364,75196.20193,106670.0569,110379.6234,194718.767,151386.9739,149287.8268,25328.94346,150019.0962,154201.0929,223293.2908,90943.23182,159111.9346,163845.409,149738.8189,158906.3164,152059.5082,132939.1514,26015.53653,116748.4119,206722.2607,116231.462,198328.624,55034.00982,210471.2431,149123.5881,152425.5772,150594.1865,184049.6628,210161.2324,182024.4088,94758.1681,56774.57776,163335.0761,157266.5254,109693.4025,39114.93935,156840.4876,94792.51811,53126.66687,117874.2167,154642.2979,128438.364,167031.3731,136199.8602,97083.119,105058.7092,163681.4751,190365.4733,174778.4663,56181.99888,188232.2356,150052.5713,162842.4618,149223.9381,134995.0595,114917.3914,47006.98541,166342.505,107067.3712,64097.11966,50426.53961,102227.6425,225270.6035,165408.5197,132009.9854,99649.97102,93808.22778,95992.43397,150304.5607,155766.9028,151096.8059,117922.1584,132371.2685,56071.49866,292142.8176,184011.0714,185835.5808,60583.88016,173294.7802,181077.3781,94822.29208,51453.26403,111152.6221,175687.8305,12916.49279,150009.4804,144800.3187,181203.3513,156412.0784,75165.24672,173711.8349,122004.1852,76026.02824,150349.6562,103383.9828,137749.954,182910.7405,191876.0564,179753.9183,117716.9357,140653.9845,105388.3473,202860.1855,107345.443,70007.00246,164553.0646,206053.2852,260067.0872,171010.387,178500.2229,230401.3619,112583.3953,197876.5024,93172.66009,149856.92,169074.3774,177792.3436,129433.01,238394.6951,225429.3565,110523.7972,65964.17172,67070.24862,214787.4619,57511.50256,175818.5317,152606.1876,177688.8058,149379.3168,125903.8767,100557.5825,86111.30475,163918.3868,56172.60843,117061.7166,69980.32646,160233.9625,183655.5157,168374.0612,86808.26063,121617.587,148309.7443,152048.9584,158497.6224,95537.89645,127484.4654,183219.1923,98036.14353,113656.1463,129294.1052,176070.3661,138637.1673,95431.99294,128898.5493,128211.1346,149902.3146,195208.4264,134860.1977,73915.81704,92235.67066,104018.8246,269263.8142,86742.8863,206232.1132,93696.87036,130052.9937,125512.1732,161466.6196,90704.6387,56309.92391,130053.1706,144988.4028,124057.9149,8087.595567,176410.9791,134638.6109,122396.0201,203772.2635,165511.141,170878.2338,148435.7954,135706.0419,141129.0672,162742.9441,118233.0827,172469.0147,151004.6279,126946.2785,108691.5998,161964.5855,121309.5794,205780.7938,128429.702,225063.4711,168488.1622,182098.5052,64213.90947,168902.6687,171229.758,193602.2774,216157.3096,179746.8044,172590.6186,117761.1066,40893.83404,141000.57,49258.12762,99795.6824,192915.5352,71738.98003,228951.4993,138528.5678,128261.8853,207960.4404,171668.8354,170478.6854,220447.9053,50741.89265,160074.2422,136485.3471,119106.7831,42417.75727,85344.63394,53627.18479,191106.2368,139964.522,237829.1166,125055.8311,133394.0657,132998.8635,137246.7824,176975.2554,149855.0003,95481.76544,148141.1898,122191.2064,78447.2816,117768.8523,165387.5524,154806.4479,170770.1876,136421.2104,145155.9492,222561.4353,207297.3506,140691.527,74525.94026,127315.5221,137944.2903,62027.34404,88222.8893,95180.53834,196306.5117,146768.7037,231458.4108,139884.7999,128364.6703,132086.9195,150647.6835,58118.90497,147930.0882,121773.4178,205120.2365,145979.8771,180048.2138,136147.8328,194314.6929,161893.9337,108475.2738,115389.4589,91493.49591,175029.496,172250.3849,87260.67417,150018.2598,185747.388,160345.1707,166753.1809,146602.8814,105447.7808,127024.9621,177120.2704,139495.2795,97494.8137,144400.2601,166021.0848,94258.28157,161505.0393,121327.6795,108920.6417,79935.78177,202991.0031,117794.3081,86037.76559,168827.0259,129657.8345,219887.1152,201537.561,102444.3467,156983.5966,117992.3922,157509.8903,131427.8816,132482.0989,191315.8495,185218.7234,125444.8204,134888.6623,183957.4156,159642.4062,219513.1578,172706.7659,132674.4808,164399.659,197508.9087,40101.24756,94310.75593,144460.5969,161032.289,224820.9327,110143.9023,210145.9974,123694.3143,152087.5797,112984.7933,120619.6633,192402.7798,171710.2276,183131.8535,112201.4952,110821.0153,207054.9502,144823.6743,116671.7169,151244.2218,199254.131,120502.8933,170631.7924,116708.0467,154410.9117,135981.9757,209013.9726,170953.011,126293.5776,218229.9405,139144.9865,66832.38954,134457.8663,181783.8949,155476.0027,147807.0789,136547.97,232383.9701,165530.4747,164978.2468,152075.7057,157738.7862,81435.57321,60081.32563,113999.7768,232142.9277,197943.3087,194835.2645,66210.52517,99832.06797,146553.9657,117518.0014,183111.4047,135153.7673,26774.83127,182079.0646,163562.0096,191932.4318,180832.8504,199024.8918,163779.2344,263071.984,147897.4304,145348.4623,136498.3387,104282.0353,131273.6106,201918.5536,256247.08,52260.63854,188892.6015,165140.1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2019-10-06 03:46:45 UTC
2019-10-06 03:48:33 UTC
Golden Eyes GitLab CI pipelines
This dashboard leverages the Prometheus exporter I wrote to fetch information about GitLab CI pipelines statuses. More information here:
2022-03-01 06:54:01 UTC
2022-03-01 06:56:30 UTC
This dashboard leverages the Prometheus exporter I wrote to fetch information about GitLab CI pipelines statuses. More information here:
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2022-03-01 06:54:01 UTC
2022-03-01 06:55:54 UTC
GKE-deployed IRIS metrics
2021-08-14 13:12:23 UTC
2021-08-14 13:33:07 UTC
Shows IRIS metrics exposed in Prometheus format. Prerequisites: IRIS deployed in GKE, metrics are gathered by GKE-metrics-agent (based on OpenTelemetry) and sent to CloudMonitoring as custom-metrics.
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2021-08-14 13:12:23 UTC
2021-08-14 13:33:07 UTC
Spacewalk Metrics Dashboard
Spacewalk Update Management Platform - this is a very simple dashboard, which uses a "read-only username and password" to speak to the spacewalk postgresql database. All queries are setout on the dashboard.
2018-02-22 11:55:45 UTC
2018-05-02 15:14:32 UTC
This is a simple template, but will require you to setup a postgresql source. The database is "rhnschema" and ensure that you configure a read only user. If you need assistance for this. The URL below should help Please check out for further scripts and grafana dashboard done by myself
Configure the following; ``` [[inputs.apache]] # ## An array of URLs to gather from, must be directed at the machine # ## readable version of the mod_status page including the auto query string. # ## Default is "http://localhost/server-status?auto". urls = ["http://localhost/mod_status?auto"] ```
Spacewalk Update Management Platform
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2018-02-22 11:55:45 UTC
2018-05-02 15:14:32 UTC
MongoDB dashboard based on graphite data-source and telegraf collector. Focused on replica set. Credit to who dashboard was the starting guide to this but using a different datasource:
2018-10-12 16:40:49 UTC
2020-11-04 23:38:22 UTC
See collector config for how to map the mongo replica set member states used in single stat panel.
(note, there is an official Grafana Labs MongoDB plugin listed here: Used some processor plugins to convert "state (string)" input from the mongodb plugin to int values as string not supported by our whisper DB, this was needed to show the single stat panel replica state. Regex plugin map string value to int: Then converter to change data type: Mongodb plugin: System plugin: DiskIO plugin: Mem plugin:
Mongo dashboard based on graphite data-source and telegraf collector. Focused on replica set.
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2018-10-12 16:40:49 UTC
2018-10-12 17:04:36 UTC
Monitoring Art - Grafana utils
Demo dashboard for monitoring art using Grafana utils. for more details
2020-09-08 12:59:24 UTC
2020-09-08 13:39:04 UTC
Use **** as url for the datasource ![]( Refer for more details
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2020-09-08 12:59:24 UTC
2020-09-08 13:39:04 UTC
Drone CI
Dashboard for Drone CI
2022-08-15 19:25:14 UTC
2022-08-15 19:27:59 UTC
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2022-08-15 19:25:14 UTC
2022-08-15 19:27:54 UTC
Developed byTheGeekFreaks
2021-02-25 18:15:06 UTC
2021-02-25 18:17:42 UTC
Developed byTheGeekFreaks
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2021-02-25 18:17:42 UTC
Grafana-Zabbix Dashboard
2022-09-09 06:50:23 UTC
2022-09-09 07:05:51 UTC
数据源-zabbix5.0 grafana-zabbix通过zabbix分组划分hosts,查看zabbix监控指标。
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2022-09-09 06:50:23 UTC
2022-09-09 06:57:52 UTC
Azure Network Policy Dashboard based on Azure Monitor
Monitor and understand your Network Configuration. Uses a Prometheus Server data source.
2020-10-03 02:05:23 UTC
2020-10-03 02:09:59 UTC
# Azure Network Policy Metrics based on Azure Monitor Azure Network Policy Manager (NPM) includes informative Prometheus metrics that allow you to monitor and better understand your configurations. We can view these metrics through Grafana dashboard. ## Current Metrics | Metric Name | Description | Prometheus Metric Type | Labels | | -- | -- | -- | - | | `npm_num_policies` | number of network policies | Gauge | - | | `npm_num_iptables_rules` | number of IPTables rules | Gauge | - | | `npm_num_ipsets` | number of IPSets | Gauge | - | | `npm_num_ipset_entries` | number of IP address entries in all IPSets | Gauge | - | | `npm_add_policy_exec_time` | runtime for adding a network policy | Summary | quantile (0.5, 0.9, or 0.99) | | `npm_add_iptables_rule_exec_time` | runtime for adding an IPTables rule | Summary | quantile (0.5, 0.9, or 0.99) | | `npm_add_ipset_exec_time` | runtime for adding an IPSet | Summary | quantile (0.5, 0.9, or 0.99) | | `npm_ipset_counts` (advanced) | number of entries within each individual IPSet | GaugeVec | set name & hash | ## How it works? * An AKS or AKS engine cluster with Azure Network Policy plugin. * Container Insights enabled for cluster. * Please refer this [doc]( to enable Grafana dashboard from Azure Monitor log analytics data source ## Contact [email protected]
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2020-10-03 02:05:23 UTC
2020-10-03 02:08:26 UTC
Knative Serving - Control Plane Efficiency
Knative Serving - Control Plane Efficiency
2021-06-15 14:44:39 UTC
2021-06-15 14:45:12 UTC
Knative Serving - Control Plane Efficiency
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2021-06-15 14:44:39 UTC
Clickhouse metrics
2016-11-17 21:05:07 UTC
2016-11-17 21:24:31 UTC
Used exporter
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2016-11-17 21:05:07 UTC
2016-11-17 21:24:31 UTC
Kubernetes All Nodes
Dashboard to get an overview of all nodes in a Kubernetes Cluster
2017-09-06 11:09:16 UTC
2017-09-06 11:14:13 UTC
Shows Kubernetes Nodes metrics: Idle CPU, System Load, Memory Usage, Disk I/O, Disk Space Usage, Network received/transmitted.
Dashboard to get an overview of one server
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2017-09-06 11:09:16 UTC
2017-09-06 11:14:13 UTC
93- Dashboard Kaspersky Security Center Geral 2
O curso "Zabbix 6.0 for Security - Do Zero à Administração do Kaspersky Security Center" objetiva capacitar o aluno(a) a implementar e administrar com excelência esta conceituada solução de segurança em ambientes pequenos, médios e de grande porte. Curso:
2022-04-04 18:42:14 UTC
2022-06-21 00:34:44 UTC
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2022-04-04 18:42:15 UTC
2022-06-21 00:34:44 UTC
GitLab CI pipelines
This dashboard leverages the Prometheus exporter I wrote to fetch information about GitLab CI pipelines statuses. More information here:
2021-12-14 19:43:03 UTC
2021-12-14 19:43:18 UTC
This dashboard leverages the Prometheus exporter I wrote to fetch information about GitLab CI pipelines statuses. More information here:
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2021-12-14 19:43:03 UTC
Ginlong Solis Inverter PV panels
A dashboard for my Ginlong scraper script and Solis inverter thatshow all PV en energie stats.
2021-01-18 12:03:30 UTC
2021-01-18 12:22:47 UTC
A dashboard for my Ginlong scraper script and Solis inverter thatshow all PV en energie stats.
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2021-01-18 12:03:30 UTC
Server overview-sa
2020-07-27 11:15:38 UTC
2020-07-27 11:15:54 UTC
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2020-07-27 11:15:38 UTC
2020-07-27 11:15:54 UTC
ZFS Zpool metrics as produced by
2020-09-16 11:52:11 UTC
2020-09-16 11:52:39 UTC
ZFS Zpool metrics as produced by
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2020-09-16 11:52:11 UTC
Robonomics (XRT) Dashboard / Substrate / Node_Exporter / Prometheus
2020-09-15 16:28:45 UTC
2020-09-15 18:11:19 UTC
Dashboard for better monitor and maintain Substrate (PolkaDot ecosystem) nodes. Combined two way of collecting data, using build it to Substrate prometheus exporter as well as additional Nade_Exporter. Detailed instruction how to setup monitoring system
Robonomics (XRT) Dashboard
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2020-09-15 16:28:45 UTC
2020-09-15 16:36:02 UTC
Zammad: Chats
Sample Dashboard for displaying Chat Statistics of your Zammad instance. Features chat origins, topic ratios and other Metas.
2021-04-14 10:46:07 UTC
2021-04-14 20:44:04 UTC
You can find a full setup how to on our documentation: [Zammad documentation]( All our sample dashboards are stored in this GitHub repository: []( If you have trouble with Zammad or your particular Zammad related dashboards, please consult the [Zammad community]( - we're not monitoring other places. --- Wanna fiddle on your own? You may find our documentation page for [Elasticsearch index attributes]( useful!
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2021-04-14 10:46:07 UTC
2021-04-14 10:48:09 UTC
Mellanox - What Just Happened? Monitoring
The Monitoring Dashboard provides a real-time pane for monitoring "What Just Happened?" activity in the network.
2019-11-19 09:51:56 UTC
2019-11-19 12:29:10 UTC
[Deploying Mellanox What-Just-Happen dashboards on Grafana](
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2019-11-19 09:51:56 UTC
2019-11-19 12:29:10 UTC
HCL Workload Automation Grafana Dashboard for Kubernetes environments 9.5 FP4
Visualize Workload Automation and related Kubernetes metrics
2021-07-07 09:46:47 UTC
2022-04-01 10:15:18 UTC
# HCL Workload Automation Performance Dashboard ## Overview ----- HCL Workload Automation uses Grafana to display performance data related to the product. This data includes metrics related to the server and console application servers (WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base), your workload, your workstations, critical jobs, message queues, the database connection status, and more. Metrics provide insight into the state, health, and performance of your deployments and infrastructure. HCL Workload Automation cloud metric monitoring uses an opensource Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project called Prometheus. It is particularly useful for collecting time series data that can be easily queried. ## Metrics --- | Metric | Description | | ------------- | ------------- | | Flexera Monitoring | The number of jobs that ran and Flexera was unable to count | | Workload | Jobs by status, Jobs by workstation, Jobs by folder and the Workload throughput by jobs/minutes | | Critical Jobs | Incomplete predecessors, critical jobs, risk level for potential and high risks, estimated end and confidential factor | | WA Server Internal Message Queue | Internal message queue usage for Appserverbox.msg, Courier.msg, mirrorbox.msg, Mailbox.msg, Monbox.msgn, Moncmd.msg, auditbox.msg, clbox.msg, planbox.msg, Intercom.msg, pobox messages, and server.msg | | Workstation Status | The number of running workstations and linked workstations | | Database Connection Status | The connection to the database status | | PODs | POD restarts, Failing PODs, POD CPU usage, Network I/O and RAM usage | | Persistent Volumes | Volumes capacity and Space used | | WA Server and Console - Liberty | Heap usage percentage, Active sessions, Live sessions, Active threads, Threadpool size and Time per garbage collection cycle moving average | | WA Sever and Console - Connection Pools (Liberty) | Average time usage per connection over last, Managed connections, Free connection, Connection handles and Created and Destroyed connections| --- ## **For more information see our [Documentation](** --- ### Flexera Monitoring ![]( ### Workload ![]( ![]( ### Internal Message Queues ![]( ### Workstation Status ![]( ### Liberty ![]( ![]( --- ***Note***: Version 9.5, Fix Pack 4 is required to enable the following monitoring features: - Critical Jobs metric - Workstation status metric - Database connection status metric - Job, Job stream, and Workstation Filters Earlier versions of the product enable only a subset of the monitoring features available with Version 9.5, Fix Pack 4. --- **This Dashboard is licensed under [Apache 2.0 license](**
Visualize Workload Automation and related Kubernetes metrics
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2021-07-07 09:46:47 UTC
2021-09-20 12:58:24 UTC
Docker dashboard ready for works with Zabbix Agent version 2
2022-04-22 20:06:10 UTC
2022-04-22 20:06:31 UTC
Docker dashboard ready for works with Zabbix Agent version 2
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2022-04-22 20:06:10 UTC
Kong Prometheus Exporter
Export Kong metrics
2018-06-13 06:09:11 UTC
2018-06-13 06:10:05 UTC
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2018-06-13 06:09:11 UTC
2018-06-13 06:10:05 UTC
MySQL (Multiple)
InfluxDB dashboards for telegraf metrics
2017-12-18 17:01:52 UTC
2017-12-18 17:02:19 UTC
InfluxDB dashboards for telegraf metrics
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2017-12-18 17:01:52 UTC
2017-12-18 17:02:19 UTC
JVM Metrics
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2021-12-14 09:00:58 UTC
2021-12-14 09:01:03 UTC
JVM Related Metrics
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2021-12-14 09:00:58 UTC
NGINX Ingress controller
Ingress-nginx supports a rich collection of prometheus metrics. If you have prometheus and grafana installed on your cluster then prometheus will already be scraping this data due to the scrape annotation on the deployment.
2021-02-22 00:24:20 UTC
2021-02-22 00:24:32 UTC
Ingress-nginx supports a rich collection of prometheus metrics. If you have prometheus and grafana installed on your cluster then prometheus will already be scraping this data due to the scrape annotation on the deployment.
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2021-02-22 00:24:20 UTC
This dashboard gives you an overview of your network latency.
2021-07-28 07:52:35 UTC
2021-07-28 07:53:03 UTC
Excessive network latency, or even changes in latency, indicate that your network is not operating at its best. The Performance Dashboard displays information using both text and graphics, allowing you to easily assess the health of your network and pinpoint performance bottlenecks.
This dashboard gives you an overview of your network latency.
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2021-07-28 07:52:35 UTC
2021-07-28 07:53:02 UTC
62- Dashboard VitalPBX API
Material do Treinamento da 2MTI Treinamentos & Serviços. Site:
2021-09-10 02:16:04 UTC
2021-09-10 02:18:20 UTC
Material do Treinamento da 2MTI Treinamentos & Serviços. Site:
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2021-09-10 02:16:04 UTC
2021-09-10 02:17:22 UTC
Air Quality
Air pollution monitor
2022-01-11 21:30:37 UTC
2022-01-11 21:31:42 UTC
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2022-01-11 21:30:37 UTC
2022-01-11 21:31:42 UTC
Caringo Swarm System Monitoring v12
Example Dashboard to monitor Caringo Swarm v12 and higher
2020-12-08 12:59:01 UTC
2020-12-08 13:03:39 UTC
This dashboard is an example of how to visualize metrics provided by Caringo Swarm v12 and above. See Caringo documentation on instructions for enabling Swarm metrics. Other companion dashboards are - Swarm Content Gateway v7 - Swarm Node view ( for detailed node exporter view ) - Swarm Alert Manager v12 - Swarm Video Clipping v1.0.1 ( gateway video clipping add-on ) If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. The Caringo Team.
Example Dashboard to monitor Caringo Swarm v12 and higher
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2020-12-08 12:59:01 UTC
Show a summary of import/movie alignment/CTF related information in a Scipion project
2020-05-24 11:49:06 UTC
2020-05-24 11:56:02 UTC
DashBoard used for visualizing microgrpah, shift plots and CTF related information provided by scipion ( see See for details.
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2020-05-24 11:49:06 UTC
2020-05-24 11:56:01 UTC
zfs arc zpool access time iops with multi node comparison
2019-12-03 10:17:08 UTC
2019-12-03 10:36:28 UTC
zfs arc zpool access time iops with multi node comparison ---- remove /^g.*/ from node variable regex
zfs graphs
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2019-12-03 10:17:08 UTC
2019-12-03 10:26:50 UTC
TPS detail
Shows traces per second for NOC services
2017-12-19 12:43:05 UTC
2017-12-19 12:44:36 UTC
{ "__inputs": [ { "name": "DS_PROM", "label": "prom", "description": "", "type": "datasource", "pluginId": "prometheus", "pluginName": "Prometheus" } ], "__requires": [ { "type": "grafana", "id": "grafana", "name": "Grafana", "version": "4.6.1" }, { "type": "panel", "id": "graph", "name": "Graph", "version": "" }, { "type": "datasource", "id": "prometheus", "name": "Prometheus", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "annotations": { "list": [ { "builtIn": 1, "datasource": "-- Grafana --", "enable": true, "hide": true, "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)", "name": "Annotations & Alerts", "type": "dashboard" } ] }, "editable": true, "gnetId": 4080, "graphTooltip": 0, "hideControls": false, "id": null, "links": [ { "icon": "external link", "tags": [], "type": "dashboards" } ], "rows": [ { "collapse": false, "height": 282, "panels": [ { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": "${DS_PROM}", "editable": true, "error": false, "fill": 1, "id": 1, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": true, "rightSide": true, "show": true, "sort": "current", "sortDesc": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "connected", "percentage": false, "pointradius": 5, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "span": 12, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "dsType": "influxdb", "expr": "sum by(node) (rate(errors{service=~\"activator\", env=\"$env\"}[60s]))", "format": "time_series", "groupBy": [ { "params": [ "$interval" ], "type": "time" }, { "params": [ "null" ], "type": "fill" } ], "intervalFactor": 2, "legendFormat": "{{node}}", "policy": "default", "refId": "B", "resultFormat": "time_series", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "value" ], "type": "field" }, { "params": [], "type": "mean" } ] ], "step": 4, "tags": [] } ], "thresholds": [], "timeFrom": null, "timeShift": null, "title": "TPS detail activator", "tooltip": { "msResolution": false, "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "buckets": null, "mode": "time", "name": null, "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "format": "short", "label": null, "logBase": 1, "max": null, "min": null, "show": true }, { "format": "short", "label": null, "logBase": 1, "max": null, "min": null, "show": true } ] } ], "repeat": null, "repeatIteration": null, "repeatRowId": null, "showTitle": false, "title": "Dashboard Row", "titleSize": "h6" }, { "collapse": false, "height": 250, "panels": [ { "aliasColors": {}, "bars": false, "dashLength": 10, "dashes": false, "datasource": "${DS_PROM}", "fill": 1, "id": 2, "legend": { "alignAsTable": true, "avg": true, "current": true, "max": true, "min": true, "rightSide": true, "show": true, "total": false, "values": true }, "lines": true, "linewidth": 1, "links": [], "nullPointMode": "null", "percentage": false, "pointradius": 5, "points": false, "renderer": "flot", "seriesOverrides": [], "spaceLength": 10, "span": 12, "stack": false, "steppedLine": false, "targets": [ { "dsType": "influxdb", "expr": "sum by(service) (rate(errors{service!=\"activator\", env=\"$env\"}[60s]))", "format": "time_series", "groupBy": [ { "params": [ "$interval" ], "type": "time" }, { "params": [ "null" ], "type": "fill" } ], "intervalFactor": 2, "legendFormat": "{{service}}", "policy": "default", "refId": "A", "resultFormat": "time_series", "select": [ [ { "params": [ "value" ], "type": "field" }, { "params": [], "type": "mean" } ] ], "step": 4, "tags": [] } ], "thresholds": [], "timeFrom": null, "timeShift": null, "title": "TPS detail not activators", "tooltip": { "shared": true, "sort": 0, "value_type": "individual" }, "type": "graph", "xaxis": { "buckets": null, "mode": "time", "name": null, "show": true, "values": [] }, "yaxes": [ { "format": "short", "label": null, "logBase": 1, "max": null, "min": null, "show": true }, { "format": "short", "label": null, "logBase": 1, "max": null, "min": null, "show": true } ] } ], "repeat": null, "repeatIteration": null, "repeatRowId": null, "showTitle": false, "title": "Dashboard Row", "titleSize": "h6" } ], "schemaVersion": 14, "style": "dark", "tags": [ "prom" ], "templating": { "list": [ { "allValue": null, "current": {}, "datasource": "${DS_PROM}", "hide": 0, "includeAll": false, "label": null, "multi": false, "name": "env", "options": [], "query": "label_values(env)", "refresh": 1, "regex": "", "sort": 0, "tagValuesQuery": "", "tags": [], "tagsQuery": "", "type": "query", "useTags": false } ] }, "time": { "from": "now-1h", "to": "now" }, "timepicker": { "refresh_intervals": [ "5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d" ], "time_options": [ "5m", "15m", "1h", "6h", "12h", "24h", "2d", "7d", "30d" ] }, "timezone": "browser", "title": "TPS detail", "version": 5, "description": "Shows traces per second for NOC services" }
2017-12-19 12:43:05 UTC
2017-12-19 12:44:35 UTC
K3S cluster monitoring
Monitors K3s cluster using Kube-Prometheus. Shows overall cluster CPU / Memory / Filesystem usage as well as individual pod, containers, systemd services statistics. Uses cAdvisor metrics only. Origin from dashboard: 8721(K8s RKE cluster monitoring) and will be compatible with k3s
2021-11-20 16:26:33 UTC
2021-11-20 16:36:53 UTC
Monitors K3s cluster using Kube-Prometheus. Shows overall cluster CPU / Memory / Filesystem usage as well as individual pod, containers, systemd services statistics. Uses cAdvisor metrics only. Origin from dashboard: 8721(K8s RKE cluster monitoring) and will be compatible with k3s
Monitors K8s Rancherv2 cluster using Prometheus. Shows overall cluster CPU / Memory / Filesystem usage as well as individual pod, containers, systemd services statistics. Uses cAdvisor metrics only.
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2021-11-20 16:26:33 UTC
2021-11-20 16:36:52 UTC
Feinstaub -
Dashboard for the sensors from Uses influxdb - directly supported from the sensor with BME280/Air Pressure and Pollution Matter Values and Wifi Overview
2020-09-15 11:04:46 UTC
2020-09-27 14:49:48 UTC
Dashboard for the sensors from Uses influxdb - directly supported from the sensor.
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2020-09-15 11:04:46 UTC
2020-09-27 14:49:48 UTC
79- Dashboard Backup Exec
Material do Treinamento da 2MTI Treinamentos & Serviços.
2021-11-16 14:53:19 UTC
2021-11-16 14:54:23 UTC
Material do Treinamento da 2MTI Treinamentos & Serviços. curso: Especialista em monitoramento com odbc. ou Site: ✅ SIGA-ME NAS REDES SOCIAIS ▸ Youtube: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Linkedin: ▸ Tiktok: ▸ Facebook: 🚀 Quer saber mais ? ✅ Canal no Telegram com dicas, truques e gambiarras d:D
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2021-11-16 14:53:19 UTC
2021-11-16 14:54:22 UTC
Pods Improved
An improved kubernetes pod resource usage view that scales horizontally for side-by-side comparison
2022-08-09 12:39:08 UTC
2022-08-09 12:48:31 UTC
An improved kubernetes pod resource usage view that scales horizontally for side-by-side comparison. Uses cadvisor and kubelet metrics to show detailed resource usage for pod resources. * CPU periods and throttled seconds * Memory breakdown * Requests and limits
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2022-08-09 12:39:08 UTC
2022-08-09 12:48:30 UTC
OCI Autonomous Shared
OCI Autonomous Shared OCI Autonomous Shared will displays information about the following aspects of the service: CPU Active Logons UserCalls Execute Cound Connection Latency Transaction Count Query Latency distribution
2020-12-16 17:54:26 UTC
2020-12-16 18:08:10 UTC
OCI Autonomous Shared OCI Autonomous Shared will displays information about the following aspects of the service: CPU Active Logons UserCalls Execute Cound Connection Latency Transaction Count Query Latency distribution
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2020-12-16 17:54:26 UTC
2020-12-16 18:08:09 UTC
Node Exporter Full
Prometheus node exporter sample dashbboard
2021-02-17 07:34:23 UTC
2021-02-17 07:38:37 UTC
Prometheus node exporter sample dashbboard
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2020-09-16 20:48:26 UTC
2020-09-16 20:49:09 UTC
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2020-09-16 20:48:26 UTC
2020-09-16 20:49:09 UTC
Ceph - OSD
CEPH OSD Status.
2016-11-21 16:08:14 UTC
2016-11-21 16:17:16 UTC
This requires deploying the [link]( "DigitalOcean ceph_exporter") Example job configuration: ``` - job_name: 'ceph-exporter' static_configs: - targets: [''] labels: alias: ceph-exporter ```
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2016-11-21 16:08:14 UTC
2016-11-21 16:17:16 UTC
Ansible Galaxy role overview
High level overview of an Ansible Galaxy role's statistics
2020-07-27 04:36:09 UTC
2020-07-27 04:37:55 UTC
Leverages data from the [Ansible Galaxy Prometheus exporter](
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2020-07-27 04:36:09 UTC
2020-07-27 04:37:54 UTC
Choria Server Provisioner
Dashboard for the Choria Server Provisioner
2020-06-09 16:08:51 UTC
2020-06-09 16:15:02 UTC
Shows detail about the node provisioning process produced by [Provisioning Agent]( when `monitor_port` is set to a value greater than 0. Metrics are exposed on `/metrics`
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2020-06-09 16:08:51 UTC
2020-06-09 16:15:02 UTC
Netdata: Memcached Overview
Detailed stats for Memcached (connections, items, operations, etc)
2021-02-19 22:01:48 UTC
2021-03-22 00:17:49 UTC
# About dashboard A dashboard with an overview for Memcached metrics: * Connections (current and increase) * Network bandwidth (in and out) * Stored items (current and increase) * Items events (reclaimed, evicted) * Cache size (used, available) * Get operations (hits, misses) * Set operations (rate) * Delete operations (his, misses) * Increment operations (hits, misses) * Decrement operations (hits, misses) * Touch operations (hits, misses) * CAS operations (hits, misses, bad value) More dashboards for Netdata you can find [here]( # How to use ## Netdata setup Follow [these instructions]( to setup Memcached monitoring in Netdata. ## Prometheus setup Please note that you need [Netdata as an exporter for metrics]( Plus, these labels are mandatory: * job * env * instance * group * source In your prometheus.yml it should look like this: ```yaml - job_name: netdata metrics_path: /api/v1/allmetrics?format=prometheus_all_hosts&source=raw relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] regex: ^(.+)\.\w+:\d+ target_label: instance action: replace static_configs: - targets: [] labels: env: production group: applications source: newproject ``` **WARNING**: Without these labels, this dashboard won't be fully functioning. ## Links * [Ansible role for Memcached]( * [Ansible role for Netdata]( * [Docker image with Netdata]( ## License GPL3 ## Author OSSHelp Team, see <>
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2021-02-19 22:01:48 UTC
2021-02-19 22:08:07 UTC
NGINX Ingress controller
Ingress-nginx supports a rich collection of prometheus metrics. If you have prometheus and grafana installed on your cluster then prometheus will already be scraping this data due to the scrape annotation on the deployment.
2021-04-19 16:06:28 UTC
2021-04-19 16:15:46 UTC
Ingress-nginx supports a rich collection of prometheus metrics. If you have prometheus and grafana installed on your cluster then prometheus will already be scraping this data due to the scrape annotation on the deployment.
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2021-04-19 16:06:28 UTC
Database Query Metrics
Grafana dashboard showing database metrics exported from Replex dashboards.
2020-11-13 12:45:55 UTC
2020-11-13 18:26:31 UTC
To use this dashboard, you must be running the Replex components which include: - Aggregator - Server - Replex Agent - Pushgateway For more details, check out
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2020-11-13 12:45:55 UTC
2020-11-13 12:52:01 UTC
Kamon 2.0 Akka
Kamon 2.0 and Akka Dashboard using Prometheus as Datasource
2019-08-26 15:37:25 UTC
2019-09-10 15:45:41 UTC
Kamon 2.0 and Akka Dashboard using Prometheus as Datasource
Kamon 2.0 and Akka Dashboard using Prometheus as Datasource
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2019-08-26 15:37:25 UTC
2019-09-10 15:45:41 UTC
Linux Servers - Banco
Linux Servers - Banco
2018-05-11 19:17:59 UTC
2018-05-11 19:19:30 UTC
Dashboard para instâncias linux de banco de dados.
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2018-05-11 19:17:59 UTC
2018-05-11 19:19:30 UTC
MongoDB Monitoring Dashboard
Dashboard for MongoDB server statistics metrics collected by Telegraf agent.
2017-02-18 20:29:55 UTC
2017-02-22 12:39:42 UTC
This dashboard shows all the metrics collected by Telegraf from server statistics of MongoDB.
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2017-02-18 20:29:55 UTC
2017-02-22 12:39:42 UTC
Kubernetes Capacity Planning
2018-04-11 06:45:46 UTC
2018-04-11 06:46:24 UTC
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2018-04-11 06:45:46 UTC
2018-04-11 06:46:24 UTC
Terminais Servers
Dashboard para monitorar recursos de servidores
2019-11-15 01:47:42 UTC
2019-11-15 01:48:02 UTC
Dashboard para monitorar recursos de servidores
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2019-11-15 01:47:42 UTC
2019-11-15 01:48:02 UTC
Links IP
Desempenho dos Links IP
2020-04-27 12:14:00 UTC
2020-04-27 12:15:00 UTC
Desempenho dos Links IP
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2020-04-27 12:14:00 UTC
UrbanOS Cluster Overview
UrbanOS Cluster Overview
2021-07-30 16:51:39 UTC
2021-07-30 19:07:28 UTC
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2021-07-30 16:51:39 UTC
2021-07-30 19:07:28 UTC
Raspberry Pi Overview
Raspberry Pi Overview
2022-01-19 02:12:12 UTC
2022-01-19 02:16:26 UTC
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2022-01-19 02:12:12 UTC
2022-01-19 02:16:26 UTC
Dendrite dashboard from
2021-02-18 21:21:27 UTC
2021-02-18 21:23:32 UTC
Dendrite dashboard from
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2021-02-18 21:21:27 UTC
2021-02-18 21:23:32 UTC
Dashboard Servicos backup
Dashboard Servicos backup
2020-07-18 12:45:48 UTC
2020-07-18 12:47:09 UTC
Material do Treinamento da 2MTI Treinamentos & Serviços. Site: 1- Treinamento de instalações personalizadas para Zabbix Server & proxy. 2- Treinamento de templates personalizados para Zabbix Agent + UserParameter. 3- Treinamento de templates personalizados para Firewall.
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2021-08-11 02:32:00 UTC
2021-08-11 02:32:31 UTC
Dashboard for single APC UPS
2017-12-29 21:15:14 UTC
2017-12-29 21:19:45 UTC
Simple Dashboard to view APC UPS statistics. Currently includes: * Battery Charge Percent (Graph) * Time left on battery * Line Voltage (Graph) * Load (Graph)
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2017-12-29 21:15:14 UTC
2017-12-29 21:19:45 UTC
SNMP Interface Throughput (Ubiquiti EdgeMax-16-XG)
Port statistics for my Ubiquiti EdgeMax-16-XG switch. Should work with most switches.
2018-10-24 14:22:15 UTC
2018-10-24 17:01:38 UTC
Some minor customization required! 1). The ports are named and sorted manually. Please edit each panel to change the names and drag them around as you see fit. By default, the panel names and order reflect my environment and will not match yours. 2). If your switch has more or fewer than 16 ports, you'll need to add or remove panels accordingly. Usually, ifIndex of 1 = port 0/1, but you should manually query a list of ifName{} to verify ifindex matches. 3). The total throughput of my switch is 160Gbps. Edit the "Allocated Throughput" panel > Options > change Max and Thresholds. Look at your switch documentation to learn what the total throughput of your switch should be. Installation: - Tested with snmp_exporter 0.13.0: - Built snmp.yaml config with generator: - If using an Ubiquiti switch, set module to either "ubiquiti_unify" or"ubiquiti_airmax" (configure this param in the job in prometheus.yml) - Enable snmp v1 as public community on switch. (Recommendation: bind to local IP and only allow connections from your local network.) - See here: Troubleshooting: - Make sure snmp data is working through snmp_exporter. Default is: http://localhost:9116/ - Use snmpwalk cmd on Prometheus server to test connection to switch. Example: snmpwalk -c public -v1 | less Tweet questions, fixes or ideas to me @gtwy
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"title": "SNMP Interface Throughput (Ubiquiti EdgeMax-16-XG)", "uid": "OncioBxik", "version": 44, "description": "Port statistics for my Ubiquiti EdgeMax-16-XG switch. Should work with most switches." }
2018-10-24 14:22:15 UTC
2018-10-24 17:01:38 UTC