Patti: When you're done, come upstairs please. Adam: Er, okay. Why? Patti: Because I want you to straighten this filthy room! Adam: Aw, today? Patti: I'm sick of it! Adam: Does it have to be today? Patti: Yes. Today. Adam: Patti: Serious. Or no tv tonight. Adam: You're mean. Patti: Yep.
Patti wants Adam to tidy the room upstairs today.
Maria: recommend me some piano songs plz Julia: Do you know Joep Beving? Beatrice: i know him! Maria: nope Maria: i guess i should? Julia: Definitely give him a try! Start with Ab Ovo. Beatrice: ab ovo <3 <3 Maria: okay, thanks! Julia: I'm sure you'll love it! Beatrice: yeah it's awesome Maria: <3
Julia recommends Maria to listen to Joep Beving. Beatrice agrees he's great.
Dave: Whats up Ken: Just watching the show Ken: What about u Dave: Just went to subway Dave: With my mom Ken: Nice Dave: nothing much gotta read a book
Ken is watching the show. Dave went to Subway with his mom. He has to read a book.
Greta: I talked to Amanda Greta: She's devastated Lyocell: What happened? Greta: She had a miscarriage Ted: I'm sorry Ted: It must be really painful for her Greta: It is. I tried to cheer her up but she's really depressed.
Amanda feels depressed, because she had a miscarriage. Greta tried to cheer her up.
Amy: How about we go to Spoons later? Helen: I can't. I'm stuck with my First Year Report. Anne: OMG me too... Amy: Me too but I feel like chilling Oli: I'm in! Deborah: Count me in! Amy: Cool so there are 3 of us. Anyone else wants to join? Adrienne: Me... but later, I'm entering my supervision now. Amy: Good luck xxx Adrienne: Thanks, I'll text you when I'm done Amy: How about we meet at 5? Oli: 5:30? :) Amy: Ok Deborah: ok! see you later mates
Amy, Helen, Oli, Deborah and Anne want to go to Spoons at 5:30. Adrienne will join them later when she's done.
Don: do you have a minute? Joyce: Sure, go ahead. Don: I have a problem with my browser. It doesn't seem to load certain pages like fb for example. It's just a blank page. Joyce: That's pretty basic, but have you tried turning it off and on again? ;) Don: yes, but it hasn't helped. Joyce: And have you tried it with the whole computer? Don: yeah, that too, but the problem is still there. Joyce: It's Firefox you're using, right? Don: correct. Joyce: You can try clicking on the drop-down menu in top right corner. Then go to settings, then safety & privacy where there's a section called something like "cookies and web data". You can try clearing the web cache - that usually helps. Let me know, if it works. Don: ok, thanks a lot.
Joyce helps Don with his browser that does not load.
Mona: I've bought a dress for the party! Lisa: show us! Mona: <file_photo> Gioconda: Wow, you look gorgeous! Lisa: Red is your color Gioconda: definitely Mona: Thanks! Mona: Im thinking which shoes to wear Lisa: I guess black stilettos! They suit every opportunity Mona: I hope so :P
Mona has bought a dress for the party. Gioconda and Lisa think Mona looks great in red. Lisa suggests black stilettos as they suit every opportunity.
Justin: hey, how are you? Katie: hello <3 I'm drinking some beer and finally trying to do something with my earplugs. and you? Justin: Oooo sounds cool. I had a very busy day, just spent the entire morning in the fields, you know, preparing everything for the winter Katie: my poor :/ you must be really tired right now Justin: yeah. I am...but I have a beer too B-) Cheers! Katie: nice, I'm sure it'll cure you :D Justin: I hope so Katie: Love you <3 Justin: looove you <3 maybe we'll go to the cinema this week? Katie: Oh, sounds awesome :D But on which day? Justin: Don't know it yet. I'll check the programme first. Katie: Sure. We could also go to the restaurant, or for a coffee Justin: Of course, anywhere you want <3 Katie: Cool :D What are you doing now? Justin: Just resting in front of TV, I'm so tired I literally don't feel my hands and legs Katie: Very well, I hope you'll be sleeping well tonight Justin: for sure, I always fall asleep quickly after a tiring day Katie: Good to hear that. What time will you be home tomorrow? Justin: Not sure but I guess that somehow in the evening, as always. Katie: Ok, just let me know cause I'd like to go and do some shopping cause we need some food. Justin: Of course, we'll go together and buy everything we need. Food only? Katie: I guess that apart from food we have everything...but I'll think again. Justin: Cool. Ok I feel I need some shower. I'll call you soon after Katie: sure, have a nice shower :D love you <3 Justin: Love you, 15min and I'm back
Justin had a busy day in the fields preparing everything for the winter. Katie an Justin are resting drinking beer. Justin and Katie are going out this week. Justin and Katie are going grocery shopping tomorrow evening. Justin will call Katie after a shower.
Alliana: Can you suggest me some video games for my new pc? Damari: Resident Evil 7, Battle Field 5 Alliana: Thanks man
Damari suggests video games Resident Evil 7 and Battle Field 5 for Aliana's new pc.
Steve: Babe, could I pick you up at 1 instead of 2? Jane: Sure, why not. Steve: Perfect. Jane: How come you can leave early? Steve: Everyone has gone home, so I'm just finishing up and I can leave as well. Jane: Lucky! Any thoughts on what we're doing tonight? Steve: Don't really feel like doing anything, wanna just hang at home? Jane: I thought maybe we could invite Freddie and Lucy over? Steve: Again? Lucy is so high maintenance I don't know if I can deal with her tonight. Jane: C'mon, give her a break, she'll be with Freddie so you won't have to entertain that much xD Steve: OK, if you want to see them that much, but you owe me! Jane: Sure, what do you want? Steve: Will think of something... ;)
Steve will pick Jane up at 1 to hang at home. Jane wants to invite Freddie and Lucy over. Steve agrees.
Elisa: don't wanna cook tonight Elisa: maybe order sth? Maggie: ok, what do u want Elisa: no pizza 4 sure Elisa: KFC? Maggie: ok, what exactly? Elisa: the usuall Maggie: ok, I'll order
Maggie and Elisa are ordering KFC tonight.
Ken: Has anyone gone to the PhD submission seminar? Kelly: no... it was supposed to be 4 hours. I was too busy writing my project. Tom: I went. Chris: Me too. I guess you haven't missed much. The slides will be online. Ken: Really? Where? Chris: Intranet, I presume. Ken: True. I haven't looked there in a while. Tom: I need to look for slides from the fieldwork experience lecture. Kelly: These are already online. I checked them yesterday. Tom: Great! Chris: How's your project going, Kelly? Kelly: I'm almost done with it... Chris: Cool. I submitted mine yesterday.
Kelly hasn't finished her project yet but Chris has.
Matthew: I'm picking you up at 5 p.m. Lisa: Ok Mark: Thanks!
Matthew will pick up Lisa and Mark at 5 PM.
Diana: Tommy, please remember it's Dad's birthday tomorrow! Tommy: Ok mum, no problem. Diana: Did you and your brother get Dad a gift or something? Tommy: Jack said he would buy that new Beatles collection, I gave him my half of the money so I hope he didn't forget. :P Diana: Ok, I bought a set of four ties. Tommy: You're trying to appeal to Dad's manager side, while we're aiming at his rock and roll soul, heh. Diana: You got that right. When can you come over? Tommy: After work, around 5, maybe 5.30. Diana: Ok. Tommy: How's Grandma? Diana: Oh, she's getting stronger and stronger. It's been two months since the operation. Tommy: I know. Is Aunt Irene coming to Dad's birthday? Diana: Yes, she's doing the early shift at the hospital tomorrow. Tommy: Ok. Diana: Good night, my son! :) Tommy: Good night, Mother! :D
It's Dad's birthday tomorrow. Jack will buy the new Beatles collection from himself and Tommy. Diana bought a set of four ties. Tommy will come to Diana around 5.00-5.30. Grandma's getting better after the operation. Aunt Irene's coming do Dad's birthday.
Hannah: Hello, how many spares do you have? Tbh I'd need a few. I don't have anything in exchange sadly, but I could just pay :) :) :) Kate: I have one to give away, peace lilly. It is easy to split up. You can make 3 out of one easily, they grow fast. I don't need anything in exchange. Hannah: Aaww... that's sweet thank you Hannah: How can I get it? Where and when would be themost suitable? Kate: green street 15. I'm on maternal, at home, so it is fine anytime. Hannah: Is the plant in the pot already? I think I live pretty close - Grand Square Kate: yeah, it's in a plastic pot Hannah: (Y) Hannah: Could I come tomorrow at around 12:00? Kate: Sure, it's fine. Hannah: I will write to you :D Hannah: Hi, im a bit delayed, I will be in an hour Kate: OK Hannah: is it just 15, or A B C? Kate: just 15 next to the Green Smoothie Bar, flat 9 Hannah: Alright, im gonna look for it 8-)
Hannah will pick one peace lily from Kate at Green Street 15 flat 9 tomorrow at 12. Kate is on maternal and her place is located next to the Green Smoothie Bar.
Wendy: I feel bad for Miranda Magdalene: Yeah I couldn't stand such a humiliation Melanie: What happened? I missed the training Wendy: The coach was really tough on her today Magdalene: I would say he was nasty Magdalene: He picked at her looks, her body Magdalene: That was absolutely unnecessary Melanie: That sounds horrible Melanie: Did you do anything about it? Wendy: Nobody did Wendy: We were all shocked Melanie: It's not the first time when he acts out Melanie: But all the girls are always paralysed Melanie: I think we should complain to the school director
The coach was unkind for Miranda during today's training. He picked at her looks and her body, leaving all the girls shocked.
Danny: Hey... Hilary: :) ciao! Danny: Have you heard from Jake? Hilary: He's in a hospital... Danny: What??? Jason: I've just came back from the hospital. Hilary: ? Danny: Why did't you tell me?! Jason: Well, I figured out that something was wrong in the afternoon, he didn't texted me for few hours... Then, they called me from ER. Hilary: Poor thing... It must've been shocking for you! Jason: I was terrified. He fainted on his way home. Danny: Da fuck! What happened? Jason: Apparently, he had some kind of metabolic disorder... Hilary: Diabetes? Jason: Nope, I don't remember the name, something with sugar intake, but not diabetes. Danny: Is it serious? Hilary: When he can go home? Jason: Well, he just needs to follow a special diet and he can't skip the meals. Danny: He must be devastated, he lives off McDonalds and KFC. Hilary: I told him million times he needs to change his food habits. Danny: When he can go home? Jason: IDK, in a couple of days, he needs to get some other check-ups. Hilary: I hope not gastroscopy... I did it once and it was horrible. Hilary: <file_gif>
Jake fainted on his way home and he is in the hospital. Jason visited him after ER called him. Jake had some metabolic disorder related with sugar intake and he needs to change his food habits. He will go home in a couple of days after some other check-ups.
Cody: Could you tell me again which doll is Pearl's favorite? They com in like 6 different colors. Blake: Chelsea would know, I'll let her know you ask. Chelsea: Hey, Cody, her favorite is the purple one. Cody: The edgy one ;) Chelsea: That's the one Cody: Thanks a lot
Pearl's favorite doll is the purple one.
Daryl: Hey, as you know I just came to town and I'm looking for affordable Spanish classes. Can you recommend anything? Morgan: Hey, where do you live exactly? Daryl: Spring Hill. James: Hey, I know a good language school, but it's a bit far from your neighborhood <file_other> Daryl: thanks, I'll check it out Morgan: Hm, the one I know seem a bit closer <file_other> Daryl: oh cool. Has some nice prices as well. James: Are you interested in private tuition? I know an experienced native speaker and I think she has room for a couple more students. Daryl: I'm a bit constrained by my budget, but I will gladly check out her offer. Does she have a website? James: Give me a minute. Daryl: Sure James: <file_other> Morgan: oh, I think I know her too. My friend used to have classes with her and says they were great. Daryl: ok, I'll check all of it out. Thank you guys a lot. I owe you one ;) Morgan: no problem James: my pleasure
Daryl is looking for Spanish classes in a good price. Morgan and James send him some suggestions.
Dean: You OK man, how's life. Russell: Great! How's the missus? Dean: Very sore, but she's coming home tomorrow. Russell: Give her our love, looking forward to seeing the results LOL Dean: We all are, 5 grand it cost her! She was beautiful before imo. See you later? Mum can babysit tonight! Russell: Yep, few drinks, you won't be coming out for a bit, I expect. See you at 9ish, man.
Dean's wife is coming home tomorrow after a procedure that cost her $5000. Dean and Russel will see each other tonight around 9 for drinks.
Crista: Hi Kelly, just a question. Kelly: Yes, babes? Crista: Do we have coffee machine or cafetière for coffees tomorrow? Kelly: No need, love. We're a load of philistines, just the kettles and some instant, Gold Blend, Nescafe, Carte Noire if you want to push the boat out. Crista: OK, LOL. Forgot you Welsh have no taste! Kelly: 😆 See you!
Kelly doesn't have a coffee machine nor a cafetière to make coffees for tomorrow. Instead, she has a choice of instant coffee brands.
Agatha: have you seen this movie about the governess? Jane Eyre or something like that? Madge: JESUS CHRIST my favourite movie Lauren: nope...what genre is it? Agatha: really? what is it about? i don't know it either xD but i've seen the trailer on youtube and it looks interesting Madge: it's about a girl, whose parents are dead so she goes to the orphanage where the conditions are more than difficult, and when she grows up she is finally educated enough to find a position of a governess in one of the nearest mansions Madge: She meets an owner there, Mr. Rochester and I won't tell you the rest of the story, but the movie is perfect, the plot, the music, many surprises...maybe you'd like to see it with me? Agatha: sounds cool...I'm in!!!! Lauren: hm...actually now I'm curious enough to watch it too haha Lauren: so when? Madge: anytime you want, even now hahah Agatha: ok I'm coming, gimme 1hour xDDDD Lauren: I'll be in 40min :D
Jane Eyre is Madge's favorite movie. Agatha and Lauren want to watch it with Madge. Agatha is coming in an hour. Lauren will be there in 40 min.
Alex: I finally found the bank statements that you wanted. Kaz: ... and? Alex: Not much there to prove that she was lying or that she was hiding any funds. Kaz: So, what do we do now? Alex: Take them to the lawyer anyway and see what she says? Kaz: Hopefully she'll have some ideas. Fingers crossed. Alex: Fingers crossed indeed! :-) Alex: Chin up kiddo! We can do this! :-)
The bank statements attest that she was honest. Kaz will bring the documents to his lawyer. They will work on them.
Rob: Who’s going to the cinema to see Venom? Sam: I am. Wanna go together? Rob: Yeah, sure! Anyone else? Julie: Count me in! Emma: and me me! Xxx Toby: I wanna go too!
Rob, Sam, Julie, Emma and Toby will go to the cinema to see Venom together.
Mike: How are you, old mate? Paul: same old same old :-) Mike: good same old? Paul: comfy same old :-)
Paul is fine.
David: Will you be ready in about 30 min? David: I'm leaving work now and picking up mum Jess: Yes I'll be ready :) Jess: I'll meet you downstairs David: 👍
Jess will meet David downstairs in half an hour after he picks up mum on the way from work.
Tara: Hi, you ok? Siobhan: Hi girl, what you up to? Tara: Well, I'm up to my neck in Uni work, got a PowerPoint presentation tomorrow, 50 slides! Siobhan: Wow! That better be pretty fucking riveting or your audience will be dozing off!😴 Tara: Thanks! Well, I think it's good, as does Si! Siobhan: Well, surprise, surprise! Si loves everything you do! Tara: Well then, how about I read it to you over FaceTime? Siobhan: Sorry babe, having got the foggiest idea about industrial architecture. So I'd be useless! Tara: How convenient! Well, lots of the slides are diagrams and photos so it's not all me rabbiting on and on! Siobhan: I was just kidding before, you know your stuff, it'll go great!😀 Tara: Thanks love, I am a bit nervous, it's 25% of our grade this year. Siobhan: Just practise it again on your own or with Si, don't do it to death though, as you'll sound over-rehearsed! Tara: Fair enough, will do, thanks love. See you at work tomorrow. Have drinkies after? Siobhan: You bet, gin for me, as usual! Bye chick! Good luck!🤗
Tara has a PowerPoint presentation for 50 slides tomorrow. Siobhan jokes it can be boring for the audience, but is sure Tara will do great. They will go for drinks after work tomorrow.
Sara: Where can I find some painkillers, mom? Mom: In the kitchen, all the medicines are in the green box on the fridge Mom: What is it? Sara: Just a headache... Mom: Oh... be strong hon
The painkillers Sara needs are in the kitchen, in the green box on the fridge.
Cosima: Does anybody have a hairdryer? I forgot mine Charles: nope Nina: I have one, come to my room Cosima: thanks God!
Nina will lend a hairdryer to Cosima.
Terry: we have to discuss our presentation this week Kim: Coudn't we postpone it till Monday? We've so much work in our department right now Terry: there is nothing more important than this presentation Bill: I'm afraid Terry is right Kim: gosh, then we have to do it I guess Terry: Yes Kim, you should know that it can get the company the biggest investment in our history Terry: so nobody will remember the little tasks of the HR department in even a week, but this may get you a whole new position in the company Kim: sorry, I didn't know it's so important Terry: come over to my office today, I'll show you some unbelievable data Bill: hmm, I thought Kim was better informed about it than anybody Terry: no, they don't care about the HR people, which is super stupid of Jeffrey Bill: yes, he is fucking up everything now Terry: that's why we have to keep our own agenda and don't let him drag us down with him Kim: I'll be there in 10min, sounds too good
Kim will be in Terry's office in 10 minutes to discuss their presentation.
David: Are we taking any classes together next term? Gina: Idk Gina: I can probably take one class Gina: With you David: Wanna take ECON 232? Gina: ughh Gina: Sounds hard af David: SHouldn't be that bad Gina: Do we really have to take ECON though? David: Nahh Gina: Maybe GEO210 David: I took it already Gina: Whaaat? Gina: K we can go with Econ then David: Ye the prof is good David: He's not that harsh David: 2 midterms but still Gina: Ye I see Gina: I had Bruneau once David: K let's take ECON232 Gina: Nice Nice 😁
David and Gina will take ECON 232. There will be 2 midterms, but the professor is not that harsh.
Adam: What should I bring you? Mary: So nice of you to think of me! :) Mary: Where are you now? Adam: Bali :) But I'm going to Thailand in two days so I figured that Bali may be a cooler place to get you something. Mary: Good thinking <3 Are there any masks? Adam: Masks? Mary: Yeah, like ritual masks or something. Adam: I didn't know you're into this stuff. Mary: I'm collecting it. I've got a few from all over the world. Mary: Nothing from South Asia yet so it'll be really cool to have one from Bali :) Adam: Ok! I will have a look around, but I bet they have something. Mary: If they have something traditional or original, it'd be an amazing gift :) Adam: I'm on my way out now, mind if I send you pictures if I find something? Mary: Hm, can you make it a surprise?... :) Adam: Haha, ok, but no returns ;)
Adam went to Bali. He will bring a mask as a gift for Mary. She collects ritual masks from all over the world.
Marge: Hi, Frankie. Frankie: Hi, Marge. So, you're back already? Marge: Yes, I got back last night. Frankie: How was it? Marge: It was great. Marge: Everything I expected. And more:) Frankie: I told you, you would enjoy it. Marge: You were so right, Frankie. Frankie: Did you stay at the resort I told you about? Marge: Yes. Like you said. Excellent food, great swimming pool. Frankie: Well, great you could relax. You deserved it. Marge: I guess, I did. Why don't you come over for a coffee? Marge: We'll talk more. Frankie: Sure. Today afternoon all right? Marge: Fine. I've brought some great coffee:)
Marge returned yesterday. She enjoyed her stay at the resort Frankie recommended. Frankie will come over in the afternoon to try the new coffee Marge got.
Anita: Where RU??? Andy: Last Bulwell roundabout. Stuck in a jam. An accident on Molton Rd. Anita: Sh... Can't wait any longer. Driving on to hospital. Andy: Can't be helped. CU back home. Anita: CU
Anita won't wait any more for Andy and drive to a hospital. Andy is stuck in a traffic jam at the last Bulwell roundabout. They will meet at home.
Jeffrey: Hey Ryan can you recommend a good restaurant in Cambridge? Ryan: Hi. What kind of food? Jeffrey: English Ryan: The Eagle is ok or the Granta. Jeffrey: Thanks mate Ryan: When are you leaving? Jeffrey: Today in the evening. Ryan: It’s a pity I’m not there this time Ryan: We could hang out Jeffrey: Indeed Ryan: Maybe next time. Jeffrey: I’ll let you know when I’m around. Ryan: Ok. Cheers.
Ryan recommends restaurants in Cambridge for Jeffrey. Jeffrey is leaving today in the evening.
Lisa: did you go to the independence march? Pamela: I didnt Pamela: I decided to stay at home. Marie: I didnt either. Marie: did you? Lisa: I meant to, but changed my mind Marie: Why? Lisa: decided it could be too dangerous Lisa: so many people Lisa: possible riots Pamela: and they're not really about celebrating independence Pamela: but for political fight Marie: yes Marie: thats sad Lisa: :/
They didn't attend the march on Independence Day. The march celebrated right-wing ideas and could be dangerous.
Trevor: How is your vacation? Trevor: You haven’t posted anything on Instagram Anny: I prefer not to Trevor: You can share a story with close friends Anny: I didn’t know I could Anny: Maybe I’ll just send you some pictures through WhatsApp Trevor: Whatever you prefer Trevor: I can’t wait to see them :D Trevor: Are you enjoying yourself? Anny: Yes! A lot Anny: I did a one-week massage course Trevor: Thai massage? Anny: Yes ☺ Trevor: I can be your guinea pig if you want to practice ;-) Anny: I need to! Otherwise I will forget everything.
Anny is on holiday and hasn't posted anything on Instagram. She will send Trevor photos via Whatsapp. Anny completed a one-week Thai massage course and will practice on Trevor when she needs to.
Daniel: So are we going to have these extra classes? Daniel: <file_gif> Kimberly: Well, I don't know yet. I have to sleep on it. What do you think? Daniel: You know, for me it would be really great Daniel: Especially the once-a-month option was great Daniel: But I guess there'd be no point if it was just for me or 2 people Daniel: little steps, a third person got convinced last semester ;) Daniel: it's up to you, Ms Johnson. It's you who sacrifices her time. So if you feel like giving this time to us, it'd be amazing. Daniel: But if 3 people isn't enough, then I'll understand. Daniel: :) Kimberly: I don't really care how many people come. But the autorities are interested in that ;) Daniel: 10 people on the list Daniel: I know, I know Daniel: <file_gif> Kimberly: Yes, and at least 6 coming regularly. Daniel: I don't think it's possible that so many will come, being realistic. Kimberly: Exactly. And I wouldn't want to be in trouble because of that. Daniel: I see. Let me know then if you make a decision, please :) Kimberly: ok;)
There are 10 people on the list for extra classes with Ms Johnson and at least 6 of them come regularly. She still does not know whether she will offer the classes.
Chris: bue me a coffe on your way to office Amanda: 2 shots of espresso? Chris: yes, thanks, u know me so well :)
Amanda will buy a double espresso for Chris.
Nav: hey man john just met accident we have taken him to hospital David: Oh no.. which hospital is he serious Nav: i dont know doctors are seeing him looks serious we are at xyz hospital David: i am coming Nav: ok
John just had an accident. Nav took him to the xyz hospital. David is coming to the hospital.
Kate: We're about to leave Mary: Ok. Kate: We'll be at your place in 1 hour
Kate will be at Mary's place in 1 hour.
Chris: Hello Anne, there's no water in the flat Anne: Hi, have you called the administrator? Or a plumber? Chris: No...? I've thought you may help with this issue. Anne: Ok, I think we need to establish something first. I'm renting you the flat, yes, and thank you for choosing it, but I'm not your housekeeper or anything. Chris: I get it, but you rented me a fully functional flat and now I'm paying for a flat without water now? Anne: Sorry, but... what? It happens that you may be out of water, electricity, etc. It happens, I'm not responsible for that Chris: How come not? You're the owner Anne: Yes, but you're the tenant and I'm renting it to you so you're responsible for what happens and when something breaks you need to fix it Chris: Ok, I don't think it's fair, but ok
There is no water in the flat as Chris reports to Anne. Anne rents the flat to Chris.
Susan: so your flyin 2moro? Patel: :( i have to Susan: what time is your flight? Patel: 5.30 in the morning Susan: I guess i better say goodbye now Patel: I miss you already. I'll be back in two weeks tho, <file_gif> Susan: it's gonna be very long two weeks. Patel: I know. but we haev to go through it somehow
Patel has a flight at 5:30 am tomorrow. It will be two weeks before Susan sees him again.
Charlotte: Have we got any plans for Friday evening? Ethan: I don't think so. Ethan: Let me check my diary. Ethan: Ah, right! I'm working late, till 20:00, but I have nothing planned afterwards. Ethan: Ideas? Charlotte: There this new movie I told you about. Charlotte: Would you like to see it? Ethan: Yeah, why not. Charlotte: Okey, I'll check in cinemas. :)
Charlotte and Ethan are planing to see this new movie on Friday evening.
Kate: good news Kate: <file_photo> Emma: $1000!!! Kate: yes Melanie: how much did you expect to get from them? Kate: I applied for 1500 but I knew they never give the maximum amount Kate: so 1000 is kinda fine Melanie: sure, you're pay the student house at least Kate: exactly Kate: and a chocolate bar hahaha Melanie: not much left after that? Kate: the college is almost 1000 per trimester Melanie: Bastards
Kate got her college funding.
Kate: Good morning. Kai: Hi! How official! Kate: I wrote it at 4am Kai: I've noticed. Why? Kate: I had to get up early to catch the bus to the airport Kai: Where are you flying? Kate: To Antwerp! I'm fed up with Cambridge Kai: poor thing. Why? Kate: Just a stupid, elitist place without a soul. Or with a soul made of money. Kai: Try to rest a bit in Belgium, do not work too much. Kate: I have to work, but at least not in this soulless place. Kai: When are you coming back? Kate: I have to see my supervisor on Monday 😖 Kai: not too long a break Kate: Still better than nothing.
Kate is flying to Antwerp and had to get up early to catch the bus to the airport. Kate is dissatisfied with Cambridge. Kate has to see her supervisor on Monday.
Missy: hey Missy: i was just thinking Clara: haha really? Missy: about that song that we heard in the radio Missy: hey not funny! Clara: sorry, what about this song? Missy: what was the name of it? Clara: it was Feel It Still Missy: found it! thanks
Clara reminds Missy that the name of the song they heard on the radio was "Feel It Still".
Robert: I'm so sorry for your loss Karen Karen: Thank you Robert Tom: I'm sorry Karen, Harry was an amazing man :( Michael: Are you planning on a memorial service? Karen: Yes, it's not easy at this stage to get my head around everything, but yes Karen: We reserved an Italian place, the one Harry loved - La Tomatina Tom: That's a lovely idea Robert: I've heard from Janet that the service will be in St. Thomas's Church Karen: Yes, at 11 am. I hope you will be able to come Robert: Of course we will! Tom: We sure will, Karen Michael: Is there anything you need love? Remember that we're all here for you Karen: Thank you, I really appreciate it
Tom and Robert send their condolences to Karen on the loss of Harry. The service will be in St. Thomas's Church at 11 am, followed by a memorial service in La Tomatina.
Helena: Hi Wanda, how is Uni going? Wanda: Pretty well, but the deadlines are doing my head in, so much fucking work! Helena: I see you've started swearing like a typical student! My language got really bad last year! Wanda: Yeah, I remember! I was shocked, but everyone does it here! Helena: Here too, only with Scottish accent as well, it did take me a few months to get used to it! Wanda: You're a lot braver than me, I only went about 15 miles to Leeds. Helena: Yep, you didn't move out of West Yorks even! Wanda: Well, I prefer it! I can even go and work in the petrol station till 10pm and pop home on the late train if I want to, saves me food money to have a day or two of home cooking, plus it's a lot nicer. Helena: I know what you mean! I can't be arsed to peel veg and stuff like that, I exist on take aways and convenience micro meals, not good! Wanda: Have you got I to the famous Scottish deep fried Mars bar craze? Helena: 🤣I have had one, but Edinburgh is a bit posher than Glasgow where it's more popular. Do like square sausage and cloutie dumpling, though! Wanda: You'll have to initiate me into these delicacies when I come visit. Helena: You bet! When can you make it? Wanda: Well, I have two days off lectures at the end of next week and I can swap my shifts around if I do it tomorrow. I reckon I can train it up next Thurs if that suits you. Helena: Should be fine! I have got lectures Friday mind, you could try a bit of sightseeing, perhaps? Wanda: I would love to see the Castle and the National Art Gallery, have a wee look round too, hen! Helena: Don't start trying to act all Scottish, you sassenach! Wanda: Not sure what that means, but you're a Yorkshire lass too and you do it! Helena: Yes, but I'm an adopted Scottish person now. I'd really like to stay on here, maybe do a PGCE. Wanda: You a teacher! You haven't got the bloody patience to deal with kids all day! Helena: Maybe, but it's an idea I've been toying with, convey my passion for history to the young! Wanda: Hopefully, the young will share your enthusiasm! Helena: Well, we'll see, still got over a year to decide! Wanda: Think about it carefully, my sister teaches Geography over in Brighouse, as you know. She's only been doing it 3 years and she feels burnt out at the end of term! Helena: Oh yeah, forgot about that! Anyway, keep me posted about next weekend, can't wait to see you if you can manage it! Wanda: Me too, bye Chuck! Helena: Bye 😗!
Helena's studying in Edinburgh, while Wanda's studying near Leeds and working at a petrol station. Wanda wants to visit Helena next Thursday as she has two days off. Wanda wants to stay in Scotland and become a teacher.
Ben: are you going to the edinburgh comedy festival this summer? Holly: of course :-D Holly: i never miss it Ben: can I tag along? i've never been Holly: are you serious? Holly: my whole year centers around it Ben: lol WOW, so it's THAT good? :-) Holly: YES!! Holly: and please tag along Holly: you are going to love it Ben: what are the highlights this year? Holly: there's a brother and a sister who tell jokes while juggling together Ben: mmm... ok -- not sure i'm gonna like that Holly: there's also this stand up comedian from denmark that everyone's raving about Ben: that's more like it Holly: lol, there's LOADS of things happening during the festival Ben: looking forward to it! :-D Ben: i'll call you later in the week to set up travel arrangements
Holly is going to the Edinburgh Comedy Festival this summer. Ben will tag along with Holly. Ben will call her later in the week to set up travel arrangements.
Mimi: Hey there! We've just arrived! Who's up for a quick coffee? Eli: Me! Why don't you pop in this afternoon? Piero: I'll come as well if you do. Mimi: OK, what time? 5 pm? Eli: Great. Mimi: I'll bring some cookies! Piero: And I'll grab few beers for me and Damiano! Damiano: Sweet man. Eli: How long are you staying? Mimi: Until Xmas, then we're going back for few days to my parents' place. Damiano: We haven't decided about NY Eve. Maybe we can do something together? Piero: I'm free, why don't we talk about it tonight? Eli: OK, so happy to see you guys!
Mimi and Damiano have just arrived and will come over to Ellie's at 5 pm. Mimi will bring some cookies and Piero will fetch some beer. Mimi and Damiano are staying till Christmas. They will discuss their plans for New Year's Eve tonight.
Julia: <file_photo> Have u seen this? Gail: What is it? Julia: Read it. Gail: It says that we're addicted to smartphones. Julia: Well I'm not. Gail: Neither am I.
Julia and Gail are not addicted to smartphones.
Lilly: you're not returning my calls again Lilly: please let me know if everything is okay Michelle: everything is fine, don't worry Michelle: I told you that I will be on a training course this week Michelle: can't really talk on the phone while in here, I'll call you after it ends Lilly: oh, completely forgot about that, sorry
Lilly was worried about Michelle, because Michelle was not returning her calls. Lilly forgot that Michelle is on a training course this week. She will call Lilly after it ends.
Ella: <file_video> Chloe: <3 <3 <3 Phoebe: omg he's so cute <3 Chloe: the cutest! Phoebe: yes! Ella: :D
Ella sent Chloe and Phoebe a video of a man. He is cute.
Monica: Does anyone have Lisa's number? It's urgent! Dona: Yes. 047839898 Jess: I have also her WhatsApp: +44 7709873176 Monica: Thank you girls!
Monica will contact Lisa on 047839898 or will try her WhatsApp: +44 7709873176.
Luke: Hey, you coming to the movies with us tonight? Grace: Hey sorry for replying so late it was a busy day for me. Sure why not Luke: we're planning on meeting at my place at 7-ish. Carla told you we're dressing up right? Grace: yup, she told me all about it. I don't think I have anything to wear, though. Luke: I can lend you something, even just a long black cape would be alright, it's just for fun Grace: cool, thx. I don't know, I heard Jason's going as Darth Maul with the make-up and all Luke: Yeah, but he's a hardcore star wars nerd, he's always gonna do stuff like that when it comes to sw Luke: and he's gonna share gazillion fun facts with you so be prepared Grace: haha, yea, much like me and Game of Thrones Luke: exactly
Luke invites Grace to the movies with them tonight. She's been busy but agrees to join. There will be a fancy dress party at Luke and Carla's about 7-ish. Grace will come but has nothing special to wear. Luke gives her some advice and they discuss their friends who will dress up as e.g. Darth Maul.
Illa: hi man! wassup Trek: wassup man! Trek: wanna come? Illa: comin'
Illa is coming to Trek.
Isaac: it's white outside <3 Ivy: maybe where you are :< Isaac: yeah it is, but i think it's just hoarfrost and not snow Ivy: where's my snow :< Isaac: i checked the forecast and it no longer says that it's gonna be snowing ;< Isaac: buuut my friend from lublin just messaged me that it's actually snowing there right now Isaac: so maaaybe it will come! Ivy: XD Ivy: not really sure I'd like that XD Isaac: i hope it will! but it's so early this year
It's white outside Isaac's window. According to the forecast, it won't snow anymore. It is snowing in Lublin right now and Isaac hopes it will snow where he is.
Matt: I'll be there at 8:15pm or so. Matt: Waiting for you in the lobby. Jane: Cool. I'll come down. Jane: Let me know when you do get here. Matt: BTW any idea where we're going out to eat tonight? Jane: Nope. I asked the guys at reception but they reckon it is all dead expensive around here. Jane: Thought you might have some ideas. ;-) Matt: I was thinking of just going for a walk and see what we find. Jane: Kinda lovely idea but it's like minus 5 out there. Jane: Think we'll turn into icicles before we find dinner. LOL Matt: Fair point! Matt: I'll see what uncle Google has to say about eateries around here. Jane: :-)
Matt will be waiting for Jane in the lobby tonight at 8:15 p.m. or so. According to the hotel staff, the nearby restaurants are expensive, and it's cold outside, so Matt will use Google to look for a place to eat.
Gloria: Sean I need to take your car, I cannot start mine! Sean: Did you remember to buy petrol Honey? XD Gloria: Of course I did! There is something wrong! I Sean: Ok, drive safe then and be careful Gloria: I'll do my best, I wouldn't dare to hurt your baby :P Sean: Thanks a lot Honey! :*
Gloria's car won't start so she needs to take Sean's car.
Kenny: what time do you wanna meet the guys tm? Peter: hmm not sure Kenny: im free after 6 Peter: where we going Kenny: I just thought going downtown Peter: it may cost a lot Kenny: did you have a different idea? Peter: we could always go to my place Kenny: yeah we could do that Peter: may be boring but if we get a lot of people to come Kenny: yeah no could be fun lets do that a then Peter: ok ill send a text to everyone and see if they wanna come Kenny: sounds great Peter: ok johns in Kenny: do you want me to bring anything Peter: maybe just some drinks. ill have everyone bring maybe one thing should be fine Kenny: ok and maybe do pizza? Peter: sounds great to me Kenny: ok awesome see ya then
Peter is inviting to his place, Kenny and John are in. He'll text everyone and see if they want to come. Kenny will bring some drinks and they'll have pizza.
Dean: I feel sick Scott: hungover? Dean: no, like I ate something bad Scott: what did you eat yesterday? Dean: breakfast at Coffee Lovers' Scott: this is a rather safe place Dean: and Chinese from TaoTao for dinner Scott: now we have a suspect
Dean is feeling sick and the reason can be Chinese food from TaoTao that he had for dinner yesterday.
Megan: hey, did anyone see a stray pair of earphones in the room 306? i think i left them there after the class :( Derek: nope sorry Sally: me neither Megan: shit, i jut got em... serves me right for being such a mess i guess xd Derek: hahah it happens to me all the time Cher: where they blue? i found some :) Megan: yes! omg thank you so much! Cher: i didn't know who they belonged to tho Cher: i gave them to Prof. Johnson so you can pick them up on Monday ;) Megan: no prob :) Harry: wait I also can't find my earplugs Cher: are they blue? Harry: nah black Cher: can't help ya bro xd
Cher found Megan's earphones and gave them to Prof. Johnson. Megan will pick them on Monday. Harry can't find his earplugs but Cher can't help him.
Jane: When is the report due? Miriam: 2nd of August Augusto: And then there will be a control visit? Miriam: As usual Jane: I can take care of that Miriam: Ok Miriam: Show them all the projects and choose the right people they will talk to Jane: I'm on it
The report is due on 2nd of August. There will be a control visit then, as usual. Jane will show them all the projects and choose the right people they will talk to .
Henry: May I ask you for a favour? Mike: Sure, shoot. Henry: I need to go on a business trip for a couple of days and I don't have anyone to leave Betsy with. Henry: Could you stay at my place to keep her company? Mike: No problem. Just tell me what to do :D Henry: I'm sorry to bother you with this, but she's not exactly low maintenance, so I couldn't think of anyone reliable enough. Mike: Wow, I'm honoured man :D Henry: Don't make me regret this :P Mike: What do you mean by maintenance? Henry: Ok, so, the problem is that Betsy has pancreatitis. Mike: Oh my, what is that? Henry: Inflammation of the pancreas. Generally, she's fine, but she needs to take her medications every two days. Mike: What kind? I don't know how to give injections... Henry: No no! She needs to take one pill. All you need to do is to mix it with her wet food. Mike: Ok, what does she eat? Henry: I will prepare everything, but usually just wet food. She should eat at least two sachets a day. Mike: Roger that! Henry: Also, she'll beg for food, but don't give her any unless it's just chicken or turkey (no sauces, raw or cooked is fine). Mike: What if she won't eat the pill? Henry: I will leave you her vet's phone number. We're good friends, so if you're in trouble you can always call her and she should help you out :) Henry: <file_photo> Henry: Betsy says thank you :D
Mike will stay at Henry's place when he's on a business trip to keep Betsy company. She has pancreatitis and needs to take her medications every two days.
Peter: Is James with you? Sally: No, he's gone back to the office Peter: I tried to call him but he's not answering Sally: He told me the battery in his phone was almost down Peter: Ok
James is back in the office. He doesn't respond to Peter's calls. His phone battery was low, as Sally reports.
Fiona: <file_photo> Eliza: who's that hottie? <3 Fiona: <file_photo> Eliza: sweet! new hair? Fiona: yeah, got it done today ! Eliza: going blonde was the best decision you ever made hun! Fiona: i know :D but i miss being a brunette sometimes Eliza: don't even say that, never go back!! Fiona: but I seemed smarter as a brunette :D hahahah Eliza: well... only seemed hahah :D Fiona: you witch!!! I will get you!!! Eliza: just kidding sweetheart :* Fiona: you better be!!! Eliza: <file_gif> Fiona: hahahahh :* apology accepted
Fiona has changed her haircolor to blonde today.
Pauline: Can I reserve a table for 6 for tonight? Restaurant: Of course, what time? Pauline: 7 PM, if possible. Restaurant: No problem. It's done. Can I help with anything else? Pauline: No, thank you. Restaurant: We're looking forward to seeing you tonight.
Pauline reserves a table for six tonight at 7 PM at the Restaurant.
Alexa: how's your knitting? Alexandra: fine, slowly but surely ;) Alexa: great :) Alexandra: <file_photo> Alexa: that's really nice, you're getting really good at it!! Alexandra: thanks :)) Alexa: and i wouldn't say it's going slowly ;) quite the usual speed tbh Alexandra: really? seems like forever Alexa: well, that's the point in knitting ;P Alexandra: haha ok
Alexandra is knitting.
Penny: please let me know when you're at home Don: ok, I'm about to leave the hotel now Penny: I have to see my sis now but I'll be back before you arrive Don: ok Penny: drive safe :* Don: seeya at home
Don's leaving the hotel and heading home. Penny will be back from her sister's before he arrives.
Peter: hi grandpa!!! Peter: would you like to play scrabble with me? Grandpa: that sounds like fun Grandpa: when are you coming over? Grandpa: i'm free this afternoon Peter: no!! i meant online lol Peter: it's really easy Grandpa: i don't know peter, why don't you come over instead? Peter: i have a cold :-( Peter: i'm in bed and wanted to play scrabble with you :-) Grandpa: ok, teach me how to do it Peter: go to the app store Peter: look up scrabble Peter: sign up with facebook Peter: then look for me Peter: my username is peterthegreat714 Peter: then click start game Grandpa: that's a lot of information Grandpa: ha ha ha Grandpa: i don't even know what an app store is Grandpa: ? Peter: grandpa!!! it's really easy :-D Grandpa: set it up next time you are here Grandpa: and we can play in the future Peter: ok Peter: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Peter wants to play scrabble online with Grandpa. Grandpa needs Peter to set it up next time they see each other so they can play in the future.
Bob: Where are you?? I can't find a bloody parking spot anywhere! Rip: I managed to find one in Parking B, try there Bob: Ok, someone's leaving. Meet you in a sec. Rip: Ok
Bob can't find a parking spot. Rip found one in Parking B. They will meet in a moment.
Thomas: How’s preparation for the wedding? Olivia: Well, difficut question Thomas: What do you mean..? Olivia: We have the date and place, but thats all Thomas: And when is it? Olivia: 28 June Thomas: Still plenty of time:) Olivia: I hope so, we’ll see
Olivia's wedding is on 28 June. They have a place organised.
Bob: Hey man, wanna come to the GoT-premiere party? Tom: sure, but isn't that like 2 months from now? Bob: yeah, April 14th :) Tom: so basically sure, would be cool Tom: but I don't even know what I will be doing next week :) Bob: That is why I'm writing now - so that you can book the date :) Tom: ok, so I see you are super serious about that :) count me in in that case! Bob: great - good to hear that :) Bob: I will create a facebook event for that with the details later :) Tom: cool, the best way to remember :)
Bob and Tom are going to a Game of Thrones premiere party on April 14th. Bob will create a Facebook event so that they don't forget about it.
Mitch: Hi there, long time no speak! How're you doing on our favourite Valentine's Day? Caroline: Oh, come on, I skipped my gym time today on purpose. Mitch: How's that? Caroline: Because each class had "a love twist"! Mitch: Jesus, what's that?! Caroline: No idea, but sounds creepy enough to stay home and exercise on my own. Mitch: Yeah, totally, I'm staying home, too with some pizza, a glass of beer and lots of work. Caroline: Sounds romantic! :D Mitch: Oh, hell yeah. Anything spectacular that happened recently? Caroline: Last week I went to Malmö to their Dance Theatre. Mitch: And how was it? Did you like? Caroline: Guess what! I didn't have to buy a ticket! I watched it for free! Mitch: Did you smuggle in without been seen? Caroline: No, you morron! It's easier than you think! Mitch: Tell me then! Caroline: You can watch each rehearsal for free unless it's the dress rehearsal. Mitch: That's smart! Caroline: Exactly and you have completely different expectations when you know you didn't spend a single krona! Mitch: And, how was the show? Caroline: It was so good that I'm planning to go there again and pay for the ticket! ;)
Mitch and Caroline are staying home for Valentine's Day. Caroline enjoyed the Dance Theatre in Malmö.
Jenny: Can anybody lend me a necklace for a wedding? Margaret: I have just like 2 :P Aurelie: Sure, come over to my place, we will choose something for you Jenny: thanks!
Aurelie will lend Jenny a necklace for a wedding.
Justin: are you going to go to the renaissance festival? Max: not sure Max: it sounds really nerdy but it really could be fun :-D Justin: I know! let's go, come on! Max: ok, let's go, but let's not tell anyone hahaha Max: they'll make fun of us for the rest of our lives Justin: lol you're right Max: do we have to wear costumes? Justin: not sure Justin: let's just show up in normal people clothes lol
Justin and Mac are planning to go to the renaissance festival. They won't tell anybody not to be mocked. They won't wear costumes either.
Olive: Did you go to the bank? Paul: Not yet Olive: please do so Olive: it's very important Paul: I know Paul: we had this conversation last night Olive: Then get it fucking done Paul: I will for fucks sake Olive: watch your tone! Paul: Fine, I'm sorry Paul: but you don't have to nag me about it Paul: I know it's important Olive: ok just please get it done Olive: I don't really want to loose the house Paul: me either don't worry Paul: this is important for me too Olive: ok I'm sorry Paul: I'm just one person I need time to get this done Olive: ok sorry Olive: please let me know how it goes Paul: Ok I'll keep you posted Olive: love ya Paul: love you too
Olive is nagging Paul to go to the bank. Paul will go when he has the time and he will let Olive know how it went.
Eliana: Have you called me while sitting on the toilet? Declan: yeah Declan: is it weird for you? Eliana: Rather disgusting. :/ Eliana: Don't do it anymore, ok? Declan: ok, but i think you're overreacting a little bit Declan: it's normal Declan: everyone pees, farts and so on Eliana: Let's say that I'm just very old-fashioned about this kind of stuff. Eliana: I really don't want to hear any toilet noises. Declan: ok, whatever
Declan called Eliana when he was in the toilet.
Lior: How was Amsterdam? Yoav: <file_photo> Avner: Awesome Avner: <file_photo>
Yoav and Avner share photos of Amsterdam with Lior.
Samuel: hey, wanna watch a film tonight?:) Evie: heeey Evie: I can't tonight :< Samuel: damn ;/ it's a really nice day for some cool horror film Samuel: rainy, cold, gloomy... you sure? Evie: :< Samuel: okay ;/ i guess it's gonna be like this for the next few days, so... Samuel: tomorrow? sunday? Evie: sorry i can't this weekend :( Samuel: okay... :(
Samuel wants to watch a horror film with Evie. She's unavailable tonight and for the whole weekend.
Tim: Jen, I've seen your pics on Instagram! Jennifer: hahah, yeah, you like them, thanks! Tim: they are amazing, where are you? Jennifer: we're on Maldives Tim: we!?! Sam: yes, almost the whole group Matt: we asked you in March, but you didn't want to join Tim: right! Now I really regret, it's so horrible here
Tim saw Jennifer's pictures on Instagram. Jennifer is on Maldives. Tim did not want to go with her.
Tola: can you recommend a good and not expensive restaurant? Tola: my aunt is coming to visit for the weekend Tola: and I'd like to take her out Agata: Maybe Jas & Malgosia? Agata: its almost in the centre, good food and drinks, and not very expensive Pete: I've been there too! Nice place Pete: or you can try Pepperoni, this pizza house next to Plac Wilsona subway station Tola: oh thanks Tola: and what kind of food can you get in Jas & Malgosia? Not sure if auntie likes pizza ;) Agata: traditional Polish food Agata: also salads, burgers Agata: I imagine your aunt will like it Tola: Thanks so much! Tola: I will check them on FB Agata: you're welcome:) Bye! have fun! Tola: Bye! :*
Tola's aunt is coming for the weekend. Tola is looking for restaurant recommendations. Agata recommends Jas & Malgosia that serves traditional Polish food. Pete recommends a pizza house called Pepperoni.
Susan: Alex, do u wanna go out for a beer? Alexandra: 😊 I’d love to! I’m on a diet but fuck the diet. Susan: I’ve checked the calories of drinks for you and you know that 1.5-ounce shot of vodka, gin, rum or whiskey contains an average of 97 calories? Susan: It’s not that much 😉
Susan and Alexandra will go out for a beer even though Alexandra is on a diet.
Greta: what do u want 4 dinner? Mark: maybe some fish? Greta: with chips? Mark: and is there any fish without chips? Greta: right, forgot whom I talking with Greta: need a lemmon, buy some on your way home Mark: everything for my fish :D
Mark wants fish and chips for dinner. He will get some lemon for it on his way home.
Midge: gees I think I fucked it up Lisa: why? Midge: he got scared and ran away Lisa: shit Midge: yeah I know Lisa: give him time maybe he'll come back
Midge scared him and he escaped. Lisa advises her to wait.