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Q: How did mexican nobles spend money in Mexico City?
A: Most of these families proved their worth by making fortunes in New Spain outside of the city itself, then spending the revenues in the capital, building churches, supporting charities and building extravagant palatial homes.
Does the answer correctly answer the question
Pick your answer from: (1). yes; (2). no; | (1). | 5 | Flan2021 | glue/qnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
How is "Tapi negara-negara ekonomi rendah juga dapat mengalami gejala umum lainnya dari krisis yang segera terjadi, satu gejala yang jauh lebih sulit dideteksi dan diukur: utang-utang tersembunyi." said in Russian? | Однако у развивающихся стран может быть ещё один общий симптом надвигающегося кризиса, который намного труднее обнаружить и измерить, – скрытые долги. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
A San Francisco engineer has created a unique hi-tech ring to propose to his fiance - which lights up when he is nearby. 36 year old Ben Kokes, who works for an electronics firm, spent five months perfecting the ring before finally giving it his fiance Julie Nicolai, 35 - and said she was so excited by it she didn't let him finish his proposal speech. Hidden inside the ring are tiny LEDs which light up when Kokes is nearby, illuminating the stones in the titanium ring. Scroll down for video. The glowing ring contains tiny LEDs which light up when a transmitter is nearby - and took five months to build. Ben Kokes and his fiance Julie Nicolai - who accepted the hi-tech proposal. Embedded in the ring is a copper coild and a series of tiny LEDs. When they are in close proximity to an induced alternating magnetic field, which is housed in a special armband, the LEDs light up under the stones. However, the armband needs to be within 3-4 inches at the moment - something Kokes hopes to improve in the wedding ring. Kokes told MailOnline creating the ring took five months. 'I knew I wanted to build it, but didn't know how - I'm an engineer, so think about this kind of thing all the time,' he said. 'I spent a lot of time thinking about how to propose, and started to think about the ring you see today. I started work on it in January, and then finally proposed in mid-May.' Wrapped within the interior of the ring is a coil of copper, which generates a current when exposed to an alternating magnetic field. To supply the field, Kokes built a wrist-mounted device that he could wear and easily conceal, as well as surreptitiously activate when the time came. 'It is quite bulky, and you need to be within 3-4 inches, but I managed to hide it under my jacket, he said. 'Several designs were considered and were rejected because of exotic material requirements, machining geometry limitations or violating the laws of physics. 'It was a fun exercise to explore potential and unique designs, but at the end of the day, I still needed to make her something that I could present and that didn't look like it was carved with a spoon,' he said. The glowing ring is made from titanium - and contains tiny LEDs which light up when a transmitter is nearby. Inside the ring: Copper conducting wires and the LEDs are clearly visible as the ring was under construction. However, the proposal did not go according to plan. 'We live in San Francisco, and across. the bay is a hill, so I wanted to hike there at dusk, and propose. However, it was really foggy - so after hiking for an hour, we had to. abandon the plan, so we can back to the city and I proposed there.' Once the proposal finally happened, Ben said the only problem with Julie's reaction was that it didn't allow him to finish his speech. The transmitter armband that makes the ring glow - and which Ben Kokes says easily fitted under his jacket, and was not spotted by his fiance. An early prototype of the ring, showing it glowing as it is placed near the transmitter armband. 'I had a little speech prepared, and she wouldn't let me get through it - she just started telling me how amazing it was. 'The plan was to present the ring. then get a professional ring made - but she said she wanted a permanent. version of this instead, so i am building that now, as unfortunately the. electronics in this version made it slightly too small for her to wear. every day.' The permanent version will become Julie's wedding ring, he said. Mr Kokes is now building a permanent wedding ring for his fiance that will include the technology.
Write highlights for this article. | Unique ring lights up when near a transmitter armband. Created by San Francisco engineer to propose to his girlfriend. | 2 | Flan2021 | cnn_dailymail:3.4.0 | zs_opt |
How is "I would also strongly urge you to go for the decision to establish the Brussels-based COHOM, which is the EU Council working party on human rights." said in Romanian? | De asemenea, vă îndemn cu convingere să dați curs deciziei de creare a COHOM, cu sediul la Bruxelles, care este grupul de lucru pentru drepturile omului al Consiliului UE. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ro-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Choose the next sentence.For more than a hundred years the traditional British milkman has been making doorstep deliveries. But now the daily pint is to be delivered by the Germans across much of the country. Surrey-based Dairy Crest has sold all of its dairies and 3,000 milk floats to Bavaria’s Müller for £80million. End of an era: Mark Allen, chief executive of Dairy Crest, said it didn't matter who owns the company Müller – which sells dairy products around the world – will take control of four dairies at Severnside, near Bristol, Chadwell Heath, east London, Foston, Derbyshire, and Hanworth, in Birmingham, as well as around 70 depots.
- Bavaria, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Bavarian, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Birmingham, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Bristol, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- British, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Cathedral City, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Chadwell Heath, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Country Life, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Dairy Crest, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Derbyshire, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Foston, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Germans, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Hanworth, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- London, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Mark Allen, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Müller, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Severnside, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
- Surrey, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk.
| Country Life, Britain’s largest dairy food company, has struggled to pass on higher raw milk prices it paid to farmers last year and has been losing customers to supermarket chains, which offer cheaper milk. | 4 | Flan2021 | super_glue/record:1.0.2 | zs_opt |
Premise: A man wearing camouflage is down on all fours.
Hypothesis: The man is on the ground.
.Choose the correct answer: Given the premise, can we conclude the hypothesis?
Pick your answer from: (i) yes (ii) it is not possible to tell (iii) no | (i) | 5 | Flan2021 | snli:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Tousignant served in the 31st and 32nd Canadian Parliament before being defeated by Gabriel Desjardins of the Progressive Conservative Party in 1984 .
Tousignant served in the 31st and 32nd Canadian Parliaments before being defeated in the 1984 election by Gabriel Desjardins of the Progressive Conservative party .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Options are:
(I) no
(II) yes | (II) | 1 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
"The elegant 18th-century monastery buildings are now Caen's town hall." Based on this premise, is the hypothesis "The elegant monastery buildings drew monks on a pilgrimage." true?
Available options: + yes; + it is not possible to tell; + no; | it is not possible to tell | 7 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Choose your answer: is the following review positive or negative?
Great place for a date, great food and atmosphere. A little pricey but the food is worth it.
pick from the following. (1). negative; (2). positive; | (2). | 4 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | zs_opt |
Does the sentence "Several caretaker managers have gone on to secure a permanent managerial post after performing well as a caretaker; examples include Paul Hart at Portsmouth and David Pleat at Tottenham Hotspur." answer the question "Which caretaker manager was later promoted to permanent manager at Portsmouth?"
Pick from:
1). yes.
2). no. | 1). | 0 | Flan2021 | glue/qnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
"The historical period shows a moderate level of volatility." Based on this premise, is the hypothesis "History shows moderate volatily levels " true?
pick from the following.
A). yes.
B). it is not possible to tell.
C). no. | A). | 7 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Article: As a Christian youth, you should lead by example. That means following Christian teachings. Everything you do in your life should reflect the goodness of God. Show positivity, smile, and do good works. Don’t talk behind other people’s backs. Be kind to all people, including those who aren’t popular. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk. Be a leader. Don’t participate or laugh at sinful subjects. Just walk away. But also try to get people to stop doing it. If you see bullying occurring, intervene. Be the one person at your school that doesn't tolerate cussing or gossip. Don’t drink, smoke, party, cheat on tests, gossip, or engage in other negative behaviors. Be someone who spends Friday night on their knees in prayer rather than at a party getting wasted. If people can't tell you're a Christian by your actions and words, you're doing it wrong. You need to live every single day with the right attitude. Love others and be willing to help them even at cost to yourself. This is a fundamental commandment that Jesus gave during his time on Earth. To love others as you love yourself is so important. Don’t let ego and status stop you from treating others as you would your own brothers and sisters. Don't be close minded. Love all people of all religions, races, sexual orientations, and beliefs. Don't swear or speak about inappropriate things, or make intolerant statements. You can't make a positive difference if you are cursing or making dirty jokes. Be respectful, honorable, and pure. Set an example of Christianity every day at work or school, or both. Be humble, kind, patient, and respectful when engaging with non-Christians. Jesus showed love to people who were treated negatively by others or regarded lowly by society. Never give up on someone, and especially never give up on God, in the good times and the bad. You will encounter islands in school and other settings. This means there are people who only hang out with certain people because they don't know anyone else and won't make an effort to know anyone else. It is something everyone does. You need to step up and be a bridge, which means stepping out of your comfort zone. You can sit with someone who sits alone at lunch and just be a friend. Or you could lend a listening ear to them. Building a personal relationship is a great first step to leading someone to Christ. A subtle but effective way to spread faith is to plant seeds and allow the Holy Spirit to take root within others. You have the relationships with the people around you already, and you can be the one who encourages them, offers prayers, and lives out the Bible so as to be an example of God's love and grace. Treat everyone as an equal. Whatever their status in life or profession, remember that all people are God's creation and deserve a chance to be understood. You should be happy to do the good deeds you do. However, it can be more challenging to show a positive attitude when you are rejected or otherwise face negativity in your life. When confronted about your beliefs, don't freak out. Remember that everyone has a different story as to how they became a Christian, whether it was a dramatic conversion or they just grew up in it, but no matter how you became a Christian, it's your firsthand account. Tell people why you believe what you believe even if they ridicule you for it. Turn the other cheek. If someone is rude to you or cruel, show them forgiveness and love. Forgiveness is a Christian trait. We are all born sinners, and we all struggle and we all fall at times. Don’t let that discourage you. If someone’s hurt you, find a way to forgive. When you fall, forgive yourself too, and pick yourself back up and try again. What matters to God is how many times you stand up. Strive to grow in a positive way. You are unique, you have your own gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Grow the positive aspects of your personality.
What is a summary of what this article is about? | Be a good example for other youth. Be patient and kind. Reach out to people who are shunned by others. Be able to take rejection or loss with grace. | 7 | Flan2021 | gem/wiki_lingua_english_en:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Choose your answer: is the following review positive or negative?
Great food and friendly service. Loved the appetizers and shared several main dishes family-style. Try a few dishes and take the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. We have been there with friends several times and have never been disappointed. Go a little early or late for lunch or dinner for immediate seating.
Choose from: a). negative b). positive | b). | 4 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | zs_opt |
Concepts: boat, tree, waterway
Write a sentence that includes all these words. | tree and small boats along a waterway at sunrise . | 0 | Flan2021 | gem/common_gen:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Question: What years did Tigranes the Great reign?
Is During the reign of Tigranes the Great (95–55 BC), the kingdom of Armenia reached its greatest extent, containing many Greek cities including the entire Syrian tetrapolis. a good answer to this question?
pick from the following. [i] yes [ii] no | [i] | 7 | Flan2021 | glue/qnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Write highlights for this article:
It's comforting, homely and – to almost all of us – undeniably delicious. But the smell of freshly baked bread may have positive effects far beyond the obvious ones. Researchers believe it may also make us kinder to strangers. The smell of freshly baked bread may have positive effects, including making us nicer to strangers. They found that shoppers were more likely to alert a passer-by that they had dropped a belonging if, at the time, they were also passing near a bakery giving off the mouth-watering aroma. Their findings, published in the Journal of Social Psychology, suggest certain smells trigger a positive mood that leads to a greater degree of altruism, or unconditional concern for the welfare of others. Numerous studies have already shown how pleasant smells can make us feel happier. But the psychologists behind the latest experiment wanted to see whether this translates into something more tangible, such as a more considerate attitude towards strangers. Scientists discovered certain smells trigger a positive mood. The experts, at the University of Southern Brittany in France, recruited eight young men and women volunteers and told them to stand outside either a bakery or a clothes boutique. The volunteers pretended to be looking for something in their bags as they stepped in front of a passing shopper. As they walked a few feet in front of the shopper, the participants dropped a glove, handkerchief or packet of tissues. Two observers stood about 60ft away. The experiments – which were repeated up to 400 times – found that when the volunteers dropped the items outside the bakery, 77 per cent of passers-by stopped and helped recover the lost items and hand them back to their owner. Outside the clothes shop only 52 per cent of strangers helped. Reporting on their findings, the researchers suggested other smells widely regarded as pleasant would trigger similarly benevolent behaviour. ‘Our results show that, in general, spontaneous help is offered more in areas where pleasant ambient smells are spread,’ they said. 'This experiment confirms the role of ambient food odours on altruism.’
Highlights: | French researchers found 'spontaneous help was triggered by pleasant ambient smells' When volunteers dropped items outside a bakery, 77 per cent of passers-by stopped and helped. | 0 | Flan2021 | cnn_dailymail:3.4.0 | zs_opt |
Co-founder of, which continues his work, he was enthusiastically trying to change old-fashioned notions of the world even as his illness took hold.
In his final BBC interview - for the BBC World Service series Economic Tectonics - the statistician highlighted five key ways that demographics are shaping the world around us.
Why bedrooms are driving economies
Why do I as a professor from public health speaking about health and demography get invited to Goldman Sachs [and] all these big banks around the world?
Because I tell them I can see on my screen when economic growth comes, before you can see it.
In the past, economic growth was driving demographics, and now it's the other way around.
First, I see decent life coming and I see children born-per-woman drop.
I see the two-child family, and I see the economic growth starting in Vietnam, in Thailand… not only in China.
And this change is coming, so if you want to know where to invest in Africa go and look at demographics.
Governments can't run bedrooms. Bedrooms run the world.
If you have countries where the fertility rate is coming down, just segmentise the population.
Look at the most educated 20% in Ghana, in Tanzania, in Ethiopia: you will find two to three children per woman.
You will find an emerging China in Africa.
Go there to invest if you want to earn money, if you want to have nice pensions when you retire, place part of your capital there because there you will see fast growth.
Africa is still growing, and there's such a difference within Africa. Some African countries are doing great from different levels: Ghana, most of Ethiopia, Tanzania.
They are doing great: better schooling, better health, contraceptives being available.
Other tragic examples: Central African Republic, Congo, civil wars; north Nigeria, very risky, troublesome.
They are delayed. They need jobs. If they get jobs, you will get stable countries, and you will get economic growth.
But there's an old vision of over-population and population causing disastrous environmental effects.
If we look into the middle of this century, and if Africa makes it - stability, economic growth, social progress, rights for women, stable government, they get two child families - then they will be a burden on the environment.
Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2013)
So an Africa that is successful will consume much more in 2050 than an Africa that is not successful.
That will be a problem further on even if you manage to get down the population growth rate and Nigeria will level off at half a billion instead of one billion, Africa will level off at two billion instead of four billion.
That doesn't mean that the environmental actions can rest. It's the other way around.
Then, it's more urgent to take action because the rapidly successful two and a half billion in Africa, they will be a greater burden because they have money, they consume, they want bathrooms, they want refrigerators.
People living longer
The consequences of this are two possibilities - either those who work have to pay higher taxes or people have to work longer.
Our former prime minister was bold.
He told the Swedes you have to work until 75.
We can't have a period between 65 and 75 where people play golf.
Look at this as an opportunity.
Many young couples work intensively to take care of kids, to have a professional life.
The grandparents can come in.
They can be more active, they are healthier, you know.
There's a lot of ways in which this healthy old group of people can make a very valuable contribution to society.
Source: The state retirement age for the vast majority of these countries is between 60 and 65
Whether it will be done non-monetary, to the tragedy of the minister of finance, or whether it's done by working and bringing in taxes for the greedy minister of finance, that's another thing. But it's open.
It's a new situation because these older people are healthier.
The period of life when you are disabled and sick and blind and cannot work, that has not increased, it has just been delayed.
There is a problem with diseases like dementia and so on that takes out many healthy years, you know, but mainly there is an opportunity in this and it's just that the old systems have to change.
What you see in Asia now is an amazing similarity from Japan, South Korea, the coast of China, Taiwan, Thailand.
They are panicking in Singapore because the babies per woman is diving down to one.
Taiwan, which we know as a country without [a] Communist party, they have one child per woman without any government policy, and China actually has 1.6.
So why don't we get more babies there? I got the answer during a dinner in Hong Kong.
I had lectured for a bank, and at the dinner I ended up next to the young banker who was extremely successful.
She was 37 years old. She told me everything about financial trends in Asia and we got friendly with each other.
So at the dessert I asked her: "Do you have a family?"
"Oh no," she said. "I'm just working. I'm working all the time."
But I pushed on because I'm curious and said: "Do you want to have a family?"
And she leaned backwards, looked out of the window that was the Bay of Hong Kong outside, and then she said with a smile: "Yes, I'm thinking about children every day. It's the idea of a husband I can't stand."
I like it when one phrase can catch a trend in a whole part of the world.
The educated, skilful women in Asia, from Japan to Singapore, in different political circumstances, they have been accepted and they made their way to the labour market, but they are still oppressed by old-fashioned values that they should take care of their husband and their parents-in-law.
My best friend and former PhD student in Tanzania was annoyed by immigrants because a Kenyan got a job he hoped his son would get, because the Kenyan had quite good qualifications on their education system.
You have today immigration in Africa from Europe because African countries are needing skilled professional people.
Look at Portugal - the Portuguese are going back to Angola and Mozambique, so migration is at all skills levels.
Some very skilled people need to do their work in different parts of the world, and the people at the lowest levels will also go and seek opportunities.
Many people who have a big heart and haven't thought so much they may think that Western Europe can solve the problems of the world by receiving all poor people and all refugees. That won't work.
I think it's good that we receive many refugees, but I'd rather have them coming with their families together rather than forcing them out on these dangerous trips where they lose all their money to criminal organisations.
If we can manage migration in the world, it can benefit the person who migrates with their family, the country from where they come and the country to where they go.
Economic Tectonics: Demography will be broadcast on the BBC World Service on 16 March from 02:06 GMT, You can listen or subscribe to the programme podcast.
Summary: | Hans Rosling, the Swedish professor who made global health statistics compelling viewing, died from cancer in February. | 0 | Flan2021 | huggingface:xsum | zs_opt |
Not feeling well think i have a fever hopefully i'm feeling better later so i can get my tongue pierced!
How would the sentiment of this tweet be described?
Possible answers:
A). negative
B). positive | A). | 1 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Write a (B). tweet. Possible tweet types: OPTIONS:
(A). negative
(B). positive | @Reynolds I hope crewmate is the one driving then... | 8 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Are these paraphrases?
It is important to test so-called `` human universals '' against the ethnographic record .
It is important to examine so-called `` human universals '' against the ethnographic record .
(1). no
(2). yes | (2). | 7 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Translate to Finnish:
As representative for the rural areas, I also think we need a better policy in the EU as a whole following the new CAP reform.
Finnish: | Maaseudun edustajana pidän koko EU: ta koskevaa parempaa politiikkaa yhteisön maatalouspolitiikan uudistamisen yhteydessä välttämättömänä. | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
An electronic signature is intended to provide the signatory with a seamless identification method to guarantee a secure and accurate transaction .
An electronic signature is intended to provide the signatory with a secure and accurate identification method for ensuring a seamless transaction .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Options are:
(1). no
(2). yes | (1). | 1 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Read the Oakland Raiders star's blog for in full here. Oakland Raiders offensive tackle Menelik Watson is determined to fly the British flag higher than ever after being rocked by the news that compatriots Lawrence Okoye and Jack Crawford had failed to make the final cut. Okoye was placed on the San Francisco 49ers’ practice squad while Crawford also failed to make the final 53-man roster at his team, the Oakland Raiders. That leaves Manchester-born Watson as the only Brit left standing in the Bay Area, and the 25-year-old is determined to do his country proud. Bay Area Brit: Menelik Watson is set to embark on another season with the Oakland Raiders. In his blog for, Watson said: ‘This Saturday (final roster cuts) really hit home! I got news that a few of my college teammates were waived. Past that I received news that my two fellow countrymen Jack Crawford and Lawrence Okoye, who both fly the British flag at every opportunity, were waived. ‘When I heard Jack got waived it hit me like a ton of bricks. Jack is more than just a fellow countryman, teammate, and neighbour (we live in the same building)… He’s a brother! I met Jack when I was 15. We played against each other in the England Basketball Under 16 Final Four. Jack was drafted to the Oakland Raiders a year before I was.’ Cut: Lawrence Okoye did not make it on the San Francisco 49ers' final 53-man roster. Left out: Britain's Jack Crawford (right) was cut by the Oakland Raiders, weeks before they head to Wembley. Watson added: ‘I first met Lawrence Okoye last year in Atlanta, Georgia at the airport when I was reporting to rookie minicamp. He was headed to San Francisco for the 49ers rookie minicamp, and we somehow coincidentally managed to be on the same flight weighing down the plane. ‘Just like Jack he is a great representative for the UK, and he is a guy who I was definitely pulling for to make the team. ‘I’m going to miss having those guys in the Bay with me. It’s easy to fly the flag when you have two of the largest guys in the Western Hemisphere flying it with you, but I’m still going to do everything in my power to make sure that flag flies higher than ever out here.’ Manchester's Menelik Watson became the highest-drafted British NFL player when selected by the Oakland Raiders in the second round in 2013. He will be writing a series of blogs for throughout this season.
Summarize the highlights of this article. | Manchester-born Watson writing a series of blogs for 25-year-old was disappointed to see fellow Brits Lawrence Okoye and Jack Crawford both cut by their teams. Watson will head to London with Oakland Raiders to take on Miami Dolphins on September 28. | 4 | Flan2021 | cnn_dailymail:3.4.0 | zs_opt |
Précédent La vieille fromagerie Perron construite en 1895, est la seule survivante de son espèce au Québec.
Translate to English. | Back La vieille fromagerie Perron construite en 1895, est la seule survivante de son espèce au Québec. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate to Romanian:
Trial production of new Fiat models is expected to begin by year's end.
Romanian: | Se precon ca producţia de probă a noilor modele Fiat să înceapă la sfârşitul acestui an. | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ro-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Problem: Solve -195*z - 2420*z + 176760 = -1142*z for z.
And the answer is... | 120 | 8 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
1. Sinan ( also romanized as Sīnān ) is a village in the district of Esfarayen , North - Khorasan - Province , Iran , in the Azari county of the Central District .
2. Sinan ( also romanized as Sīnān ) is a village in Azari County , in the central district of Esfarayen , North Khorasan Province , Iran .
Select your answer from the options. Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Select from:
(i). no
(ii). yes...I think the answer is | (i). | 2 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Write a sentence about the following things:
celebrate, ceremony, class | the senior class celebrate together for the last time sunday during graduation ceremonies . | 4 | Flan2021 | gem/common_gen:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to Finnish:
Debt is also an issue which can and must be tackled, provided that we succeed in monitoring the States' budgets in order to reclassify budget items and dedicate them to the eradication of poverty.
Finnish: | Myös velka on ongelma, johon voidaan ja johon pitää puuttua niin, että valtioiden talousarvioiden valvonta saadaan toteutettua ja suoritukset tarkistettua ja suunnattua uudelleen köyhyyden torjuntaan. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to Finnish:
We have conducted a number of studies and want to help the parliament to improve its parliamentary procedures in order to enhance the possibilities of the opposition parties and to raise those procedures to international standards.
Finnish: | Olemme tehneet lukuisia selvityksiä ja haluamme auttaa maan parlamenttia kehittämään menettelytapojaan, jotta oppositiopuolueiden toimintamahdollisuudet paranisivat ja menettelytavat vastaisivat kansainvälistä käytäntöä. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Find the right ending to this passage.
The Irish government and the Kennedy's celebrated the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's visit to Ireland with a celebration at the family's ancestral home At the ceremony an eternal flame taken from Kennedy's grave at Arlington National Cemetery was lit in Ireland Kennedy's daughter Caroline, grandson Jack, and sister Jean all attended the celebration John F. Kennedy is America's only Irish Catholic President to date By Ap PUBLISHED: 00:11 EST, 23 June 2013 | UPDATED: 00:11 EST, 23 June 2013 The Irish government and the Kennedy clan celebrated the 50th anniversary of one of Ireland's most fondly recalled moments, the visit of President John F. Kennedy, with a daylong street party Saturday that was capped by the lighting of Ireland's own 'eternal flame.'
It was the first time the
- America eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Ap eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Arlington National Cemetery eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Caroline eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Ireland eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Irish eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Irish Catholic eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Jack eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Jean eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- John F. Kennedy eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
- Kennedy eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion.
| John F. Kennedy eternal flame had been passed along in this fashion. | 2 | Flan2021 | super_glue/record:1.0.2 | zs_opt |
Question: What is the range of accuracy for the free service offered to civilians?
Is The restricted military service has a location accuracy of 10 centimetres, can be used for communication, and will supply information about the system status to the user. a good answer to this question?
--no. | no | 7 | Flan2021 | glue/qnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Generate a sentence, and then tell me the concepts included in that sentence. | Sentence:
bathroom off the hall and master bedroom
hall | 9 | Flan2021 | gem/common_gen:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
I slew her.
Translate to Czech
Czech: | Zabil jsem ji. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
What is a shorter version of this:
the un security council on wednesday urged newly-elected iraqi legislators to step up efforts in accordance with the iraqi constitution to form a new government at an early date .
Summary: | un security council calls on iraqi legislators to form new government quickly | 3 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | zs_opt |
(1) Since 2006 , when Josephine Alhanko placed in the top 20 , Cerljen was also the first delegate from Sweden to the international finals .
(2) At the first final since 2006 , Cerljen was also an international delegate from Sweden when Josephine Alhanko placed himself in the Top 20 .
Do these two sentences mean the same thing?
(a). no
(b). yes | (a). | 3 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
What is the solution to this math problem?
Solve 52*o + 127 = -341 for o. | -9 | 5 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Keywords: classroom, study, teacher
What is a sentence that includes all these keywords? | students studying in a classroom with their teacher | 1 | Flan2021 | gem/common_gen:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Please write a short summary for the following article:
Japanese female knuckleballer Eri Yoshida lands in America
Eri Yoshida is an 18-year old Japanese pitcher, who just happens to be a girl with a mean knuckleball.
She is now the newest member of the Chico Outlaws, a minor league team that plays in the independent Golden Baseball League.
The announcement came just a few hours after she landed in San Francisco on Friday.
"This is such a real opportunity for me to be here and to play for this team in America," Yoshida said through an interpreter. "I will try the best I can and will work really hard as much as I can. I'd really like to show what I can do on the mound."
Yoshida said her dreams are to play in the major leagues, either in the U.S. or Japan.
To report corrections and clarifications, contact Standards Editor
. For publication consideration in the newspaper, send comments to
. Include name, phone number, city and state for verification. To view our corrections, go to
Summary: | Japanese female knuckleballer Eri Yoshida lands in America - Daily Pitch: MLB News, Standings, Schedules & More - | 1 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Select your answer: Which is this about?
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA, which agreed to buy Laredo National Bancshares Inc. for \$850 million, plans to keep Chairman Gary Jacobs in place at the Texas- based lender and to back his expansion strategy.
A). World.
B). Sports.
C). Business.
D). Science/Tech. | C). | 5 | Flan2021 | ag_news_subset:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
What concepts are described in the following sentence?
"Outagamie County, Wisconsin is the operating organisation of Appleton International Airport."
Return the answer as pairs of triples. | Appleton International Airport OPERATING_ORGANISATION Outagamie County, Wisconsin | 8 | Flan2021 | gem/dart:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Write a short summary for this text: for years , women were told the colors they should wear in clothes and makeup were based on the seasons .
Summary: | playing off skin tone important in clothes cosmetics | 0 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | zs_opt |
Choose your answer: Is "In July 2013, Universal made an agreement with Legendary Pictures to market, co-finance, and distribute Legendary's films for five years starting in 2014, the year that Legendary's similar agreement with Warner Bros. expires." a good answer to the question "In what year did Universal's deal with Legendary Pictures begin?"
Select from:
[a]. yes.
[b]. no. | [a]. | 2 | Flan2021 | glue/qnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
After completing his initial university education at Cardiff University , and in Harrogate , North Yorkshire , he was from 1996 to 1999 based in Rouen , France .
After completing his university education at Cardiff University and Rouen , France , he was based in Harrogate , North Yorkshire , from 1996 to 1999 .
Select your answer from the options. Do these sentences mean the same thing?
pick from the following.
[I] no
[II] yes | [I] | 0 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Vishwasrao was born in Supe near Pune as the eldest son of Balaji Baji Rao ( Supe was the Jagir of Shahaji by Pune ) .
Vishwasrao was born as the eldest son of Balaji Baji Rao at Supe near Pune ( Supe was the Jagir of Shahaji near Pune .
Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
OPT: (A). no (B). yes | (B). | 1 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Ask a question about PlayStation 3. | PC World's rave review of the PS3 Slim was a complete turnaround from their thoughts on what older model console? | 8 | Flan2021 | squad/v1.1:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 - 13 August 1946), usually referred to as H. G. Wells, was an English writer. He was prolific in many genres, writing dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, satire, biography, and autobiography, including even two books on war games. He is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called a "father of science fiction", along with Jules Verne and Hugo Gernsback. During his own lifetime, however, he was most prominent as a forward-looking, even prophetic social critic who devoted his literary talents to the development of a progressive vision on a global scale.
Herbert George Wells was born at Atlas House, 162 High Street in Bromley, Kent, on 21 September 1866. Called "Bertie" in the family, he was the fourth and last child of Joseph Wells (a former domestic gardener, and at the time a shopkeeper and professional cricketer) and his wife, Sarah Neal (a former domestic servant). An inheritance had allowed the family to acquire a shop in which they sold china and sporting goods, although it failed to prosper: the stock was old and worn out, and the location was poor. Joseph Wells managed to earn a meagre income, but little of it came from the shop and he received an unsteady amount of money from playing professional cricket for the Kent county team. Payment for skilled bowlers and batsmen came from voluntary donations afterwards, or from small payments from the clubs where matches were played. A defining incident of young Wells's life was an accident in 1874 that left him bedridden with a broken leg. To pass the time he started reading books from the local library, brought to him by his father. He soon became devoted to the other worlds and lives to which books gave him access; they also stimulated his desire to write. Later that year he entered Thomas Morley's Commercial Academy, a private school founded in 1849 following the bankruptcy of Morley's earlier school. The teaching was erratic, the curriculum mostly focused, Wells later said, on producing copperplate handwriting and doing the sort of sums useful to tradesmen. Wells continued at Morley's Academy until 1880. In 1877, his father, Joseph Wells, fractured his thigh. The accident effectively put an end to Joseph's career as a cricketer, and his subsequent earnings as a shopkeeper were not enough to compensate for the loss of the primary source of family income. No longer able to support themselves financially, the family instead sought to place their sons as apprentices in various occupations. From 1880 to 1883, Wells had an unhappy apprenticeship as a draper at the Southsea Drapery Emporium, Hyde's. His experiences at Hyde's, where he worked a thirteen-hour day and slept in a dormitory with other apprentices, later inspired his novels The Wheels of Chance and Kipps, which portray the life of a draper's apprentice as well as providing a critique of society's distribution of wealth. Wells's parents had a turbulent marriage, owing primarily to his mother being a Protestant and his father a freethinker. When his mother returned to work as a lady's maid (at Uppark, a country house in Sussex), one of the conditions of work was that she would not be permitted to have living space for her husband and children. Thereafter, she and Joseph lived separate lives, though they never divorced and remained faithful to each other. As a consequence, Herbert's personal troubles increased as he subsequently failed as a draper and also, later, as a chemist's assistant. Fortunately for Herbert, Uppark had a magnificent library in which he immersed himself, reading many classic works, including Plato's Republic, Thomas More's Utopia, and the works of Daniel Defoe. This would be the beginning of Herbert George Wells's venture into literature. Answer this question using a quote from the following article:
What other interesting information did you find? | Joseph Wells, fractured his thigh. | 7 | Flan2021 | quac:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Choose your answer: is the following review positive or negative?
I have been wanting to try The Habit for a while now and was pleasantly surprised! I had the Charburger with American cheese, onion rings, and a chocolate shake. I was a little surprised that I had to pay extra for cheese - especially when there were only 2 choices (American or Swiss). I may have added on avocado, too, if it wasn't $1.00 (mainly because I can buy an entire avocado for that price across the street at Safeway...). The burger was really good but the onion rings were EXCELLENT - and believe me - I know my onion rings! :) They were thickly coated and perfectly cooked. There were no puddles of grease left behind, either. You know what was odd, though? When I asked for ranch for my rings, they gave it to me - for free! They'll give me a huge cup of ranch for free, but charge a whole dollar for avocado? Not sure how that makes sense, BUT - it was tasty, so whatever. The chocolate shake was only okay - it tasted very strongly of Hershey's chocolate syrup...there's gotta be a better way to make a shake, no? Overall I was pleased with my visit and will definitely go back when I need a burger and rings fix.
Available options: + negative. + positive. | positive | 4 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | zs_opt |
What is an example of a tweet? | fishing today? GO AWAY RAIN!!! | 7 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true (see options at the end):
Brazil - Pope John Paul II has a Brazilian cousin living in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He is João Woidyla, 83, and he came to Brazil in 1914, before John Paul II was born in March, 18, 1920. According to the story told by local news agencies, the Pope's last name was Woidyla too, like João's. The Pope changed it to Wojtyla when he left Poland to avoid political persecution. The grandfather of João Woidyla is José Woidyla, who was brother of Pope's grandfather. João's family discovered the relationship when Karol was elected Pope. The pope himself recognized the relationship and sent him a letter.
Sentence: Pope John Paul II denied having a Brazilian cousin.
Possible answers: * Yes. * It's impossible to say. * No. | No | 6 | Flan2021 | anli/r3:0.1.0 | zs_opt |
Single/multi-select question: If "A man in a number 11 shirt ready to play soccer in the soccer field with thousands of people watching.", can we conclude "the man is wearing a yellow uniform with the number 11 on it"?
Pick from: A. yes B. it is not possible to tell C. no | B. | 1 | Flan2021 | snli:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Write a sentence not in English. | Právní otázky K návrhovému žádání směřujícímu ke zrušení přílohy VIII nařízení č. 961/2010 v části, v níž se tato příloha týká žalobkyně 27 Toto návrhové žádání je třeba chápat jako směřující ke zrušení zařazení žalobkyně Radou na seznam obsažený v příloze VIII nařízení č. 961/2010, v souladu s čl. 36 odst. 2 uvedeného nařízení, s cílem uplatnit na žalobkyni omezující opatření uvedená v čl. 16 odst. 2 tohoto nařízení. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Please answer this question: In Ibsen's play Hedda Gabler, how does Hedda die? | she shoots herself | 0 | Flan2021 | trivia_qa/rc:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Which language is this? | Finnish | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Dr. Conrad Murray is set to be freed from jail Monday after serving two years for causing Michael Jackson's death. Murray's four-year sentence for the involuntary manslaughter conviction translated into just two years in jail because of California prison rules that give an additional day credit for each day served. A jury concluded after a two-month trial in 2011 that Murray's negligence led to Jackson's death from an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol. Monday will be the first time Murray has stepped outside of the Los Angeles County jail since November 2011, except for one visit to a hospital and to court. He served his time in the local jail because of overcrowding in state prisons.
"I explained to
- CNN that this is an artificial way of considering sleep.
- California that this is an artificial way of considering sleep.
- Conrad Murray that this is an artificial way of considering sleep.
- Jackson that this is an artificial way of considering sleep.
- Los Angeles that this is an artificial way of considering sleep.
- Los Angeles County that this is an artificial way of considering sleep.
- Michael Jackson that this is an artificial way of considering sleep.
- Murray that this is an artificial way of considering sleep.
| Jackson that this is an artificial way of considering sleep. | 1 | Flan2021 | super_glue/record:1.0.2 | zs_opt |
Sprint and Nextel formally announced a \$35 billion merger agreement Wednesday and offered details on how the corporate combination would affect employees and consumers. <FONT face="verdana,MS Sans Serif,arial,helvetica" size="-2" color="#666666"><B>-The Washington Post</b></font>
Choose your answer. What is this text about?
Possible answers: A). World; B). Sports; C). Business; D). Science/Tech;
Answer: | D). | 3 | Flan2021 | ag_news_subset:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Cibo has not only great food but wonderful ambiance inside and out- They serve clean and healthy food that is always tasty (mmm pizza)! It is located downtown in an old house that's been converted into the restaurant which gives it that old charm and private feel as you dine. Stop by for lunch or dinner and sit on the patio for a lovely dining experience sure to please any palate. Great for date night too :)
How would this review be described in terms of sentiment?
(1). negative.
(2). positive. | (2). | 3 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | zs_opt |
Produce a sentence which mentions all of these concepts: course, student, study | student in a course during study abroad . | 3 | Flan2021 | gem/common_gen:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Choose how you want this story to end.
(CNN) -- So that I could best understand the depth of his revulsion for the crime, the police investigator suggested that I pay a visit to the elevator where it allegedly took place. The elevator is just a few steps inside the Canal Street entrance to Chicago's Union Station. The train station, in the decades before the jet age, was the indispensable hub for America's interstate travel. It remains, in the Amtrak era, cavernous and rife with echoes. It is as if the structure was designed to make mere mortals feel small. The vast station, when it is filled with passengers heading to and from Amtrak trains and local commuter lines, can lead a person to half-believe that in the bustle no one notices him.
The young man, alone in the busy train station, told an
- America police officer what had been done to him.
- Amtrak police officer what had been done to him.
- Bob Greene police officer what had been done to him.
- CNN police officer what had been done to him.
- Canal Street police officer what had been done to him.
- Chicago police officer what had been done to him.
- Greene police officer what had been done to him.
- Union Station police officer what had been done to him.
| Amtrak police officer what had been done to him. | 5 | Flan2021 | super_glue/record:1.0.2 | zs_opt |
Data: Fitzbillies eatType coffee shop; Fitzbillies food Japanese; Fitzbillies priceRange £20-25; Fitzbillies customer rating 3 out of 5; Fitzbillies area riverside; Fitzbillies familyFriendly yes
What would a sentence about this data be like? | On the riverside, there is a kid friendly, Japanese coffee shop called Fitzbillies. It has a 3 out of 5 rating and some moderate prices. | 1 | Flan2021 | gem/dart:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Use the following highlights to write an article:
Ibragim Todashev knew the alleged Boston Marathon bombings mastermind. He was killed in Florida in May 2013 while being questioned about a triple homicide. An FBI agent shot him; U.S. law enforcement officials say he lunged at the agent. Todashev's family has disputed that he posed any threat to law enforcement.
Article: | Justice Department civil rights prosecutors have concluded there was no wrongdoing in an FBI agent's shooting of Ibragim Todashev, an associate of the alleged mastermind of the Boston Marathon bombing who was killed in a scuffle with agents during questioning, U.S. law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation said. The finding concurs with an FBI internal review of the shooting, which supported the agent's account. It also matches what the Florida state attorney for Orange and Osceola counties has found in his investigation. Evidence reviewed includes photos of the agent showing his injuries, the officials said. The federal review is expected to be released next week, alongside the review by the state investigators. The Justice Department's civil rights division routinely does "color of law" reviews of such shootings to look into whether there are any civil rights violations by federal agents. The shooting occurred on May 22, 2013, as Massachusetts state troopers, accompanied by FBI agents, questioned Todashev, 27, in his apartment in an Orlando suburb, according to U.S. law enforcement officials. Massachusetts investigators were pursuing information about a grisly 2011 triple murder that they thought could have been tied to Todashev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who allegedly carried out the deadly bombing last April with his younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed as he and his brother confronted police in the days after the bombing. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was later arrested and jailed. He's awaiting trial. Todashev's shooting has raised questions about the FBI's handling of the matter, because any evidence he could have provided is now lost. Todashev's family has disputed that he posed any threat to the law enforcement officers and agents in his apartment. "My son was definitely unarmed, because he never had a gun," his father, Abdulbaki Todashev, told CNN in Moscow in a June 2013 interview. "He couldn't attack them or fight them; he couldn't do anything because even two men could easily handle him." U.S. law enforcement officials said Todashev made statements implicating himself and Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the murders. The FBI had interviewed Todashev before about the Marathon bombing because he was a friend who, like Tamerlan Tsarnaev, trained in martial arts, and the two were friends. He was cooperative, and the FBI didn't consider him to be involved. The subsequent questioning came at the request of Massachusetts investigators who had begun taking a new look at the killings outside of Boston in Waltham, Massachusetts. After several hours of questioning, U.S. law enforcement officials said he lunged at the agent. | 8 | Flan2021 | cnn_dailymail:3.4.0 | zs_opt |
Triple: Zizzi eatType pub; Zizzi food Chinese; Zizzi customer rating 3 out of 5
What is a sentence that describes this triple? | Zizzi is a pub providing Chinese food Its customer rating is 3 out of 5. | 0 | Flan2021 | gem/dart:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Data: The Eagle eatType coffee shop; The Eagle food French; The Eagle priceRange £20-25; The Eagle customer rating high; The Eagle area riverside; The Eagle familyFriendly no; The Eagle near Burger King
What would a sentence about this data be like? | A coffee shop that is not kid friendly is located in the riverside area near Burger King. It is named The Eagle,has French food and a moderate price range and a high customer rating. | 1 | Flan2021 | gem/dart:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Question: where was the tree of knowledge of good and evil located??
Answer: | the Garden of Eden | 0 | Flan2021 | natural_questions_open:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
During the war years Universal did have a co-production arrangement with producer Walter Wanger and his partner, director Fritz Lang, lending the studio some amount of prestige productions. Universal's core audience base was still found in the neighborhood movie theaters, and the studio continued to please the public with low- to medium-budget films. Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce in new Sherlock Holmes mysteries (1942–46), teenage musicals with Gloria Jean, Donald O'Connor, and Peggy Ryan (1942–43), and screen adaptations of radio's Inner Sanctum Mysteries with Lon Chaney, Jr. (1943–45). Alfred Hitchcock was also borrowed for two films from Selznick International Pictures: Saboteur (1942) and Shadow of a Doubt (1943).
If it is possible to answer this question, answer it for me (else, reply "unanswerable"): In what year was Shadow of a Doubt produced? | 1943 | 5 | Flan2021 | squad/v2.0:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
Select the correct answer: Which is an appropriate title for this article?
A home run by Rafael Palmeiro was the only blemish on Orlando Hernndez's seven innings. He gave up four other hits, two walks and struck out four.
A). World
B). Sports
C). Business
D). Science/Tech | B). | 6 | Flan2021 | ag_news_subset:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Multi-choice question: Same meaning?
It is Goine 's first published work and was written before `` Dopefiend '' , but was written in 1972 after `` Dopefiend '' was published .
It is Goines 's first written work and was written before `` Dopefiend '' but was published in 1972 , after `` Dopefiend '' was released .
-- no
-- yes | no | 6 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Und zwar unabhängig davon, ob es sich um einen internen oder externen Umzug handelt: Wenn Sie Castellana vertrauen, dann bieten wir Ihnen einen fachmännischen und diskreten Service, bei dem Sie sich um keinerlei technische Aspekte kümmern müssen.
Translate this to English? | Regardless of whether it is an internal relocation or you are moving to a new office, if you rely on Castellana, your trust in us will be rewarded by a professional, discreet service, which ensures you do not have to worry about any technical aspect at all. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Summarize this article:
Make sure the scissors or garden shears are very sharp, as dull shears can damage the plants. If you notice any dirt on the shears, soak them in water with a teaspoon of bleach and then wipe them dry. A clean tool will ensure your plants are not exposed to bacteria or pests when you prune them. You can find garden shears for pruning online or at your local hardware store. If you are worried about scratching your hands while you prune, wear gardening gloves. If you have houseplants that do not flower, prune them in late winter. For houseplants with flowers or blooms, wait until they have bloomed before you prune them. Do not prune houseplants when unopened buds are present on the stems. Look for any leaves or limbs on the plant that are brown or discolored. They may also appear limp or dry. Use the shears to cut them off just below the brown or dead area at a 45 degree angle. This will ensure you leave as much of the healthy foliage on the plant as possible. Do not cut off any leaves or limbs that still appear green and vibrant. If a large section of the leafy area appears dead, you can cut off the entire branch. Leave the main stem intact and remove branches shooting off of the stem at a 45 degree angle. If you have houseplants that are flowering, make sure you check them over for any dead flowers and remove them. The flowers may appear brown, discolored, and limp. They may also feel dry to the touch. Cut the dead flowers off with the shears at the base of the flower’s head. Removing dead and dying flowers on the plant will encourage the growth of newer, more vibrant blooms.
Summary: | Use sharp scissors or garden shears. Prune the plants at the beginning of their growing season. Remove dead leaves and limbs at a 45 degree angle. Trim off any dead flowers. | 2 | Flan2021 | gem/wiki_lingua_english_en:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Write an article based on this summary:
A main road in Powys will shut from Saturday for 11 days for repair work to be carried out.
Article: | It follows a landslip at the A478 at Whitelow Farm near Pengenffordd.
Contractors have started the work but need to shut the road in both directions to vehicles and pedestrians to safely complete it.
Powys council said diversions would be in place and signposted until the road reopens on 14 February. | 8 | Flan2021 | huggingface:xsum | zs_opt |
Hoping to rebound from their loss to the Packers the 49ers played on home ground for an NFC West rivalry match against the Seahawks. The 49ers took the lead first with QB Alex Smith completing a 42-yard TD pass to TE Vernon Davis, but the Seahawks replied with QB Matt Hasselbeck throwing an 11-yard TD pass to WR Ruvell Martin. The 49ers made a large scoring rally to increase their lead when kicker Jeff Reed hit a 33 and a 44-yard field goal, followed by Smith completing a 15 and a 62-yard TD pass to Josh Morgan and Brian Westbrook respectively. This was followed by Reed making a 22-yard field goal, and in the third quarter with FS Dashon Goldson returning an interception 39 yards for a touchdown. After that, Reed nailed a 36-yard field goal to put the 49ers up 40-7. The lead was broken down with RB Leon Washington returning the kickoff 92 yards for a touchdown, followed in the 4th quarter by QB Matt Hasselbeck getting a 2-yard TD pass to WR Deon Butler.
Based on the above article, answer a question. How many yards were the two shortest touchdowns of the game? | 11 | 5 | Flan2021 | drop:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Write an article using the following points:
Max Mosley tells CNN the re-instated Bahrain Grand Prix is unlikely to go ahead. Former head of FIA says decision won't be ratified by all 12 Formula One teams. Original race was due to be season opener but was canceled due to civil unrest. Red Bull driver Mark Webber criticized decision to reschedule the race.
Article: | unanimously decided to reschedule the race for October 30, and move the inaugural Indian Grand Prix to December. But Mosley, a former head of the FIA, told CNN any move to change the racing calendar needs the full support of all 12 teams that compete in the sport, and that there are bound to be objections. Bahrain's F1 race rescheduled for October. Mosley told CNN: "I'd be astonished if it happened. I think the decision was the wrong one and I think it is bound to be reversed. I don't think there's any chance there will be a Bahrain Grand Prix on October 30 and I think its most unlikely there will be one this year. Webber: F1 wrong to reinstate Bahrain. "When you're going to change something in the middle of the season, like the proposal to move the Indian race for example, that needs the unanimous agreement of all the teams. I don't think there's the slightest chance of that actually being given. "The teams have complete power in this particular case because although the governing body can cancel an event for reason of force majeure - as happened in the case of Bahrain -- when you want to put an event on or move an event, that's a change to the conditions under which the teams entered for the season and that's like any contract -- you can only change it if both sides agree. "All 12 teams would have to agree to change the Indian date and go back to Bahrain, so it only takes one team to say 'I don't agree' and that'll be the end of it. It would not be possible for it to happen." FIA president Jean Todt and vice-president Carlos Garcia visited Bahrain before announcing their decision, but it drew criticism from The Bahrain Center for Human Rights and current Red Bull driver Mark Webber. The Australian said he thought going back to Bahrain would only cause more tension. "Like it or not, F1 and sport in general isn't above having a social responsibility and conscience," he told his personal web site. Mosley said there would be no long term damage done to Formula One if the move was swiftly scrapped. If it wasn't, protests could ensue, he suggested. "I think if it gets reversed quickly and people understand what is going on in Bahrain and act accordingly, I don't think it will do any damage at all, it will just show a mistake was made that was quickly put right," he told CNN. "If F1 were to persist in the idea of having a race in October I think it would do enormous damage because I think there would be protests at European and other races, some of the sponsors would come under pressure from their customers and therefore put the teams under pressure. "I think it would be very difficult to predict how far it would go. On top of that I think there's a high likelihood, I think Mark Webber's right, you'd have some really unfortunate incident when the race took place. Happily, I think that's academic. "It would be contrary to the rules, contrary to article 66 of the international sporting code, it would, apart from any other consideration, send a completely wrong message about what F1 is there for and what our sport is all about." Mosley even suggested next year's race in Bahrain could be in jeopardy if problems persist. Next year: "They must be given a chance but I don't think anybody would want to go there when people are in prison without trial, when doctors and nurses have been arrested simply for treating injured people," he said. "All of those things are very disagreeable. We have to wait and see how things develop and not pre-judge it." | 7 | Flan2021 | cnn_dailymail:3.4.0 | zs_opt |
What is a question about this article? If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable".
During the 1988 presidential election, George H. W. Bush (Yale '48) derided Michael Dukakis for having "foreign-policy views born in Harvard Yard's boutique". When challenged on the distinction between Dukakis's Harvard connection and his own Yale background, he said that, unlike Harvard, Yale's reputation was "so diffuse, there isn't a symbol, I don't think, in the Yale situation, any symbolism in it" and said Yale did not share Harvard's reputation for "liberalism and elitism". In 2004 Howard Dean stated, "In some ways, I consider myself separate from the other three (Yale) candidates of 2004. Yale changed so much between the class of '68 and the class of '71. My class was the first class to have women in it; it was the first class to have a significant effort to recruit African Americans. It was an extraordinary time, and in that span of time is the change of an entire generation".
How did George H. W. Bush describe Yale's reputation? | so diffuse, there isn't a symbol | 2 | Flan2021 | squad/v2.0:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
Most mutations within genes are neutral, having no effect on the organism's phenotype (silent mutations). Some mutations do not change the amino acid sequence because multiple codons encode the same amino acid (synonymous mutations). Other mutations can be neutral if they lead to amino acid sequence changes, but the protein still functions similarly with the new amino acid (e.g. conservative mutations). Many mutations, however, are deleterious or even lethal, and are removed from populations by natural selection. Genetic disorders are the result of deleterious mutations and can be due to spontaneous mutation in the affected individual, or can be inherited. Finally, a small fraction of mutations are beneficial, improving the organism's fitness and are extremely important for evolution, since their directional selection leads to adaptive evolution.:7.6
What are mutations that lead to amino acid sequence changes but leave the protein functioning similarly called? (If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable") | conservative mutations | 3 | Flan2021 | squad/v2.0:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
How is "The problem is not even in passing it - the experience of approving the crude and unreadable legal enactments is rich here." said in Russian? | Проблема даже не в том, чтобы принять его - опыт утверждения сырых и неудобоваримых законодательных актов у нас богатый. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Grupta Makedon, Bulgar, Arnavut ve Kosova vatandaşları yer alıyor.
Which language is this? | Turkish | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/tr-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Generate a short movie review that has "(B)." sentiment (Pick from:
(A). negative.
(B). positive.). | a guilty-pleasure , daytime-drama sort of fashion | 9 | Flan2021 | glue/sst2:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Note the options at the end. Select the topic that this about:
AP - About 300 Syrian soldiers in a convoy of trucks and armored vehicles crossed the Lebanese border into Syria early Thursday, Lebanese security officials said.
pick from the following.
+ World
+ Sports
+ Business
+ Science/Tech | World | 7 | Flan2021 | ag_news_subset:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Generate a sentence about this data: Bibimbap House eatType restaurant; Bibimbap House priceRange more than £30; Bibimbap House area riverside; Bibimbap House near Clare Hall
Sentence: | The Bibimbap House is located near the river close to Clare Hall. This is a high priced restaurant that serves traditional oriental meals. | 5 | Flan2021 | gem/dart:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Question: How many students attend the college of music in Thuringia?
Is Finally, there are colleges for those studying for a technical qualification while working in a related field (Berufsakademie) at Eisenach (600 students) and Gera (700 students). a good answer to this question?
OPTIONS: a). yes. b). no. | b). | 7 | Flan2021 | glue/qnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Please answer this question: In which London borough is Canary Wharf? | tower hamlets | 0 | Flan2021 | trivia_qa/rc:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Single/multi-select question: Does the sentence "Greater Hyderabad covers 650 km2 (250 sq mi), making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in India." provide a valid answer to the question "How large in square kilometers is Greater Hyderabad?"
a). yes;
b). no; | a). | 1 | Flan2021 | glue/qnli:2.0.0 | zs_opt |
Do these mean the same?
It was created by Argonaut Software and distributed by Mindscape Group .
It was created by Argonaut software and is distributed by Mindscape Group .
Available options:
+ no.
+ yes. | yes | 8 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
Yale University:
Yale University is an American private Ivy League research university in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 in Saybrook Colony as the Collegiate School, the University is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States. The school was renamed Yale College in 1718 in recognition of a gift from Elihu Yale, who was governor of the British East India Company. Established to train Congregationalist ministers in theology and sacred languages, by 1777 the school's curriculum began to incorporate humanities and sciences. In the 19th century the school incorporated graduate and professional instruction, awarding the first Ph.D. in the United States in 1861 and organizing as a university in 1887.
Please answer a question about this article. If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". When did Yale last incorporate humanities and sciences? | unanswerable | 0 | Flan2021 | squad/v2.0:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
Article: Melatonin is absent from the system or undetectably low during daytime. Its onset in dim light, dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO), at roughly 21:00 (9 p.m.) can be measured in the blood or the saliva. Its major metabolite can also be measured in morning urine. Both DLMO and the midpoint (in time) of the presence of the hormone in the blood or saliva have been used as circadian markers. However, newer research indicates that the melatonin offset may be the more reliable marker. Benloucif et al. found that melatonin phase markers were more stable and more highly correlated with the timing of sleep than the core temperature minimum. They found that both sleep offset and melatonin offset are more strongly correlated with phase markers than the onset of sleep. In addition, the declining phase of the melatonin levels is more reliable and stable than the termination of melatonin synthesis.
Question: The presence of what is a circadian marker? | hormone | 5 | Flan2021 | squad/v1.1:3.0.0 | zs_opt |
Translate the following sentence to German:
Multimedia presentation, animations and videos will distinguish you from the competition.
German: | Prezentacje, animacje oraz filmiki wyróżnią Cię pośród konkurencji. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
How does the sentence end?
Princess Beatrice and her little sister Eugenie are often the subject of heated debate when it comes to understanding what it is some members of the Royal family actually do... and how they make themselves useful. But having spent two days enjoying herself at Royal Ascot with other members of her family - including her grandmother the Queen and her father Prince Andrew - today the young princess, 24, who graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London, in 2011 with a 2:1, decided to prove she can earn her keep. So the fifth in line to the throne put away her elaborate hats, folded up her elegantly bejeweled dresses, donned her smartest, most serious attire, and travelled to Halifax, West Yorkshire, to officially open the new Trinity Academy school and then visit the Forget Me Not Children's Hospice and attend a luncheon and fashion show at The University of Huddersfield.
The young royal looked genuinely impressed by the
- Beatrice's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Eugenie's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Forget Me Not Children's Hospice's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Goldsmiths's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Halifax's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Huddersfield's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Huddersfield University's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Prince Andrew's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Queen's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Royal Ascot's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- Trinity Academy's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- University of Huddersfield's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- University of London's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
- West Yorkshire's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the
| Trinity Academy's state-of-the-art facilities, and as hundreds of students gathered in the | 9 | Flan2021 | super_glue/record:1.0.2 | zs_opt |
Article: It is very easy to get hung up on events outside of your control — you missed that promotion, you never got a call back after that interview, management keeps giving you tight deadlines. Take a moment and breathe. All of these things are outside of your control. What is the use in dwelling on them? Instead, focus on things that you can affect. Stress comes from external forces but also from things that we can control. Instead of worrying about the missed call-back, think about the interview and identify your weak points. Then, try to address those weaknesses. Instead of fretting about management, try to organize your time better and more efficiently so that your deadlines aren’t as arduous. Have you ever heard the phrase “be stoic”? The Stoics were a group of ancient philosophers who argued that we can’t find happiness in life in outward, insecure things, but rather should look to ourselves for inner strength. In order to be happy we should focus on the things that we can control, namely our minds, our behavior, and our will. When you feel stressed, remember to be stoic! Stop to recognize your small triumphs in life and reward yourself. After all, isn’t slow and steady progress better than none at all? Affirming these moments, even in a small way, will give you something to look forward to and remind you of your progress. You needn’t throw yourself a party, but treat yourself somehow after a milestone. Give yourself the evening off to read a good book, go out for ice cream, or pop open a bottle of champagne with your spouse. Celebrations can do wonders for your levels of self-esteem and motivation. Even just a little pat on the back will boost your mood. Try to remember that every day, and each task of your daily routine, is only a small part of your life. You may feel down at a particular moment, or discouraged, but remember where you are on life’s road and how much effort you have spent to get there. Haven’t you achieved a lot? Widen your perspective a bit; it may improve your state of mind. Think of past accomplishments. Feeling subpar at work? What about the time that you won the employee of the year award? Perhaps recalling that you balance a professional life with the full demands of being a parent will also give a little perspective. So you might not earn as much as you’d like, and you might not have a fancy car. What do you have? What are you thankful for? Try counting your blessing and writing them down. Focus on things that you are grateful to have. You might be surprised at the length of the list.
What is a summary of what this article is about? | Focus on things that you can control. Celebrate victories. Look at the bigger picture. | 7 | Flan2021 | gem/wiki_lingua_english_en:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
What is the answer to this question? who played young bilbo in lord of the rings?
| Martin Freeman | 6 | Flan2021 | natural_questions_open:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Possible review types:
- negative
- positive.
Generate a negative review for a place | So I was in Vegas over Thanksgiving week and we were going to go to the Bellagio buffet on Thanksgiving day. There was a 3 hr wait. We decided to go to the MGM buffet being that we were going to the David Copperfield show at the MGM that night. There was no wait....... For a reason. It was well below average. I thought it was a level above Sizzler. I don't expect much from Sizzler but I do expect more out of a huge hotel like MGM. Food was dry, bad low end choices. It has variety but quality lacks. The weirdest thing is that all the meats were scattered everywhere. Most buffets I've been to have stuff grouped together accordingly... Not this buffet! The buffet was $40 but should have been $20. It you're not worried about quality, this buffet is for you. You probably have a better dessert choice at home. | 8 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | zs_opt |
Background: Beastie Boys were an American rap rock group from New York City, formed in 1981. For the majority of their career, the group consisted of Michael "Mike D" Diamond (vocals, drums), Adam "MCA" Yauch (vocals, bass) and Adam "Ad-Rock" Horovitz (vocals, guitar). Originally formed as a four-piece hardcore punk band, the Young Aborigines, in 1978 by Diamond (vocals), John Berry (guitar), Yauch (bass) and Kate Schellenbach (drums), the band appeared on the compilation cassette New York Thrash, contributing two songs from their first EP, Polly Wog Stew, in 1982. Berry left shortly thereafter, and was replaced by Horovitz.
Context: On May 4, 2012, Yauch died from cancer at the age of 47. On May 24, in an interview with Rolling Stone, Mike D said that the Beastie Boys recorded new music in late 2011 after the release of Hot Sauce Committee (Part 2), but he did not say if these recordings would be released. He also said that the Beastie Boys would likely disband due to the death of MCA, though he was open to making new music with Ad-Rock and that "Yauch would genuinely want us to try whatever crazy thing we wanted but never got around to." In April 2013 it was announced that the group has signed a deal to write an autobiography. The book was scheduled to be released in the fall of 2015. However, Horovitz stated that the autobiography is being delayed. According to Horovitz, "We've got pages!....How it's going to fit together, I don't know. But we've got some ideas. It's interesting. It's fun." On May 3, 2013 a children's playground in Brooklyn was renamed for Adam Yauch. In June 2014, Mike D stated that neither he nor Horovitz would perform under the Beastie Boys name again out of respect for Yauch. Founding Beastie Boys guitarist John Berry died on May 19, 2016, aged 52, as a result of frontotemporal dementia, after a decline of health for several years. He was credited with coming up with the Beastie Boys name, and played guitar on the first EP the Beastie Boys recorded. Before the Beastie Boys, he was also a part of Even Worse, Big Fat Love, Highway Stars, Bourbon Deluxe, and Idaho. The first Beastie Boys show took place at Berry's loft.
Question: What does the band currently do?
Answer: | the Beastie Boys would likely disband due to the death of MCA, though he was open to making new music with Ad-Rock | 4 | Flan2021 | quac:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Liverpool Cathedral staff noticed the bird shortly after the tree was installed. It is believed to have got into the branches while the tree was stored outside the building.
A spokesman said the bird was "nesting or at least sleeping in the tree" and had taken a few people "by surprise".
He added that the robin had become "a welcome addition to services".
Director of communications Stuart Haynes said there may also be a second bird but that was "not certain".
Robins and their nests are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, but only pair up for the duration of the breeding season.
According to the RSPB, robins can start courtship in January but the breeding season normally begins in March.
Mr Haynes said staff "will be talking about how we manage the situation when the tree needs to be taken out".
"It may be tricky but we will want to make sure it's looked after," he said.
What was that article about? | A robin has "delighted" a cathedral's congregation by taking up residence in its Christmas tree. | 4 | Flan2021 | huggingface:xsum | zs_opt |
Which entity is this text about?
George Herman "Babe" Ruth Jr. (February 6, 1895 - August 16, 1948) was an American professional baseball player whose career in Major League Baseball (MLB) spanned 22 seasons, from 1914 through 1935. Nicknamed "The Bambino" and "The Sultan of Swat", he began his MLB career as a stellar left-handed pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, but achieved his greatest fame as a slugging outfielder for the New York Yankees. Ruth established many MLB batting (and some pitching) records, including career home runs (714), runs batted in (RBIs) (2,213), bases on balls (2,062), slugging percentage (.690), and on-base plus slugging (OPS) (1.164); the latter two still stand today. Ruth is regarded as one of the greatest sports heroes in American culture and is considered by many to be the greatest baseball player of all time.
Ruth met Helen Woodford (1897-1929), by some accounts, in a coffee shop in Boston where she was a waitress, and they were married as teenagers on October 17, 1914. Although Ruth later claimed to have been married in Elkton, Maryland, records show that they were married at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Ellicott City. They adopted a daughter, Dorothy (1921-1989), in 1921. Ruth and Helen separated around 1925, reportedly due to his repeated infidelities. They appeared in public as a couple for the last time during the 1926 World Series. Helen died in January 1929 at age 31 in a house fire in Watertown, Massachusetts, in a house owned by Edward Kinder, a dentist with whom she had been living as "Mrs. Kinder". In her book, My Dad, the Babe, Dorothy claimed that she was Ruth's biological child by a mistress named Juanita Jennings. She died in 1989. On April 17, 1929 (only three months after the death of his first wife) Ruth married actress and model Claire Merritt Hodgson (1897-1976) and adopted her daughter Julia. It was the second and final marriage for both parties. By one account, Julia and Dorothy were, through no fault of their own, the reason for the seven-year rift in Ruth's relationship with teammate Lou Gehrig. Sometime in 1932, during a conversation that she assumed was private, Gehrig's mother remarked, "It's a shame [Claire] doesn't dress Dorothy as nicely as she dresses her own daughter." When the comment inevitably got back to Ruth, he angrily told Gehrig to tell his mother to mind her own business. Gehrig, in turn, took offense at what he perceived as Ruth's comment about his mother. The two men reportedly never spoke off the field until they reconciled at Yankee Stadium on Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day, July 4, 1939, which was shortly after Gehrig's retirement from baseball. Although Ruth was married throughout most of his baseball career, when Colonel Huston asked him to tone down his lifestyle, the player said, "I'll promise to go easier on drinking and to get to bed earlier, but not for you, fifty thousand dollars, or two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars will I give up women. They're too much fun."
Entity: | Babe Ruth | 8 | Flan2021 | quac:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)?
Blues Berry<br>Berry was a struggling musician. He loved all kinds of music but didn't have any inspiration. On Friday his girlfriend of three years broke up with him. He began writing blues tunes about her. Then his music was a hit and people loved to hear him sing the blues.
Hypothesis: berry might not like country music
Pick from:
(I) Yes;
(II) It's impossible to say;
(III) No; | (II) | 7 | Flan2021 | anli/r3:0.1.0 | zs_opt |
Here is some data: 1979-80 GROUP_A_WINNER prato; 1979-80 GROUP_B_WINNER modena.
Write a sentence that describes this data: | The group a winner for modena is prato. | 3 | Flan2021 | gem/dart:1.1.0 | zs_opt |
the football association of wales says it will hold a news conference on tuesday when it is expected to name sheffield united manager gary speed as the new coach of the national team .
Can you generate a short summary of the above paragraph? | speed to hold talks with wales | 7 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | zs_opt |
Die Barrieren der Vergangenheit werden abgetragen und ein neues Irland wird entstehen.
Translate this to English? | The barriers of the past in Ireland will be eroded and a new Ireland will evolve. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Just squeaking in that extra star.... On a recent trip to Vegas, we were a little hungover and a lot hungry for something to eat. After wandering around we just decided to head back to our own hotel and eat there. What a mistake! It was just after 12:00 and on Saturday and Sunday, the breakfast stops at 12:00. They have some breakfast 'specials' available on the regular menu, but it was things like omelets with french fries. I just wanted an egg sandwich or something very simple, but no.... We sit down, decide on what to have, and wait, and wait, and wait. Shockingly enough, I was getting very irritated. Servers are walking by and no one is stopping to take our order. We waited, and I timed it, 15 minutes for someone to come over and say, "we didn't see you sitting here. How about I take your drink order and then find your server?" My response was, "just take the whole order and don't find someone to else to help us. We've been waiting and you've been serving the table right next to us the whole time." I ordered water and a $14.99 grilled cheese sandwich with tomatoes, no bacon with fries. Dining companion ordered a Diet Pepsi and Reuben with chips. Then, after I complain the manager comes out and is bending over backwards, and a little too far at that, to help us. Food comes out and the grilled cheese was awesome, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. We received the Diet Pepsi comped and 20% off, but think of it this way, if someone had helped us to start with, you would have made a whole lot more money. Go with caution, it wasn't even busy and now I know why. I gave it the extra star because that sandwich was so damn good. I just wanted my sandwich and to be left alone.
Choose the sentiment of this review?
Choose from: *negative *positive | negative | 1 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | zs_opt |
Q: the main aspect of population management is to control population growth why? A: | remains manageable | 9 | Flan2021 | natural_questions_open:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Could you please translate this to English? | Rodrigo | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | zs_opt |
Subsets and Splits