on april 24 , 2014 , kilimanjaro issued $ 450000 thousand of notes ( 201cseries 2014-1 notes 201d ) . on november 18 , 2014 , kilimanjaro issued $ 500000 thousand of notes ( 201cseries 2014-2 notes 201d ) . on december 1 , 2015 , kilimanjaro issued $ 625000 thousand of notes ( 201cseries 2015-1 notes ) . on april 13 , 2017 , kilimanjaro issued $ 950000 thousand of notes ( 201cseries 2017-1 notes ) and $ 300000 thousand of notes ( 201cseries 2017-2 notes ) . Question: what is the total value of notes issued by kilimanjaro from 2014 to 2017 , in thousands?
the third-party sales of 2016 is $ 1802 ; the third-party sales of 2015 is $ 1882 ; the third-party sales of 2014 is $ 2021 ; third-party sales for the engineered products and solutions segment improved 7% ( 7 % ) in 2016 compared with 2015 , primarily attributable to higher third-party sales of the two acquired businesses ( $ 457 ) , primarily related to the aerospace end market , and increased demand from the industrial gas turbine end market , partially offset by lower volumes in the oil and gas end market and commercial transportation end market as well as pricing pressures in aerospace . transportation and construction solutions . Question: considering the years 2015-2016 , how bigger is the growth of the third-party sales for the engineered products and solutions segment in comparison with the transportation and construction solutions one?
cumulative-effect adjustment gross the tax of $ 65658 is -8346 ( 8346 ) ; Question: following the adoption of the new guidence on the other-than-temporary impairments on investment securities what was the tax rate on the gross cumulative-effect adjustment
december 31 ( in millions ) the foreign exchange of 2016 is 23271 ; the foreign exchange of 2015 is 17177 ; Question: based on the review of the net derivative receivables for the periods what was the ratio of the foreign exchange in 2016 to 2015
the income from continuing operations available to common stockholders of year ended december 31 2008 ( unaudited ) is 285.7 ; the income from continuing operations available to common stockholders of year ended december 31 2007 ( unaudited ) is 423.2 ; the basic earnings per share of year ended december 31 2008 ( unaudited ) is .76 ; the basic earnings per share of year ended december 31 2007 ( unaudited ) is 1.10 ; Question: as of year ended december 31 2008 what was the number of shares available for the basic earnings per share
2017 the 2019 of $ 4.5 is 4.0 ; 2017 the 2021 of $ 4.5 is 4.5 ; Question: what is the percent change of benefits expected to be paid between 2017 and 2018?
type of property the triple-net of net operating income ( noi ) ( 1 ) is $ 1208860 ; the triple-net of percentage of noi is 50.3% ( 50.3 % ) ; the triple-net of number of properties is 631 ; type of property the totals of net operating income ( noi ) ( 1 ) is $ 2403238 ; the totals of percentage of noi is 100.0% ( 100.0 % ) ; the totals of number of properties is 1313 ; Question: what portion of the total properties is related to triple-net?
the qualified defined benefit pension plans of 2019 is $ 2350 ; the qualified defined benefit pension plans of 2020 is $ 2390 ; the qualified defined benefit pension plans of 2021 is $ 2470 ; the qualified defined benefit pension plans of 2022 is $ 2550 ; the qualified defined benefit pension plans of 2023 is $ 2610 ; the qualified defined benefit pension plans of 2024 2013 2028 is $ 13670 ; Question: in 2018 what was the ratio of the qualified defined benefit pension plans for the period starting after 2024 compared to 2019
oil production we expect our oil production in 2005 to total 60 mmbbls . of this total , approximately 95% ( 95 % ) is estimated to be produced from reserves classified as 201cproved 201d at december 31 , 2004 . Question: how much of the oil production is estimated to be produced from unproved reserves at dec 31 , 2004 , in mmbbls?
( in millions ) the nonoperating income ( expense ) gaap basis of 2013 is $ 116 ; the nonoperating income ( expense ) gaap basis of 2012 is $ -54 ( 54 ) ; the nonoperating income ( expense ) gaap basis of 2011 is $ -114 ( 114 ) ; ( in millions ) 2013 2012 2011 nonoperating income ( expense ) , gaap basis $ 116 $ ( 54 ) $ ( 114 ) less : net income ( loss ) attributable to nci 19 ( 18 ) 2 . the 2013 results included a tax benefit of approximately $ 48 million recognized in connection with the charitable contribution . Question: what is the tax benefit as a percentage of nonoperating income ( expense ) on a gaap basis in 2013?
$ in billions the fixed income of average for theyear ended december 2016 is 578 ; the fixed income of average for theyear ended december 2015 is 530 ; the fixed income of average for theyear ended december 2014 is 499 ; $ in billions the total long-term assets under supervision of average for theyear ended december 2016 is 983 ; the total long-term assets under supervision of average for theyear ended december 2015 is 922 ; the total long-term assets under supervision of average for theyear ended december 2014 is 869 ; Question: what percentage of total long-term assets under supervision are comprised of fixed income in 2016?
$ in millions the tier 1 capital of as of december 2013 is $ 72471 ; the tier 1 capital of as of december 2012 is $ 66977 ; Question: what was the percentage change in tier 1 capital between 2012 and 2013?
period the 2008 of rent obligations is $ 323.9 ; the 2008 of sublease rental income is $ -40.9 ( 40.9 ) ; the 2008 of net rent is $ 283.0 ; Question: what portion of the rent obligations will be paid-off through sublease rental income for 2008?
the 2009 net revenue of amount ( in millions ) is $ 485.1 ; the net wholesale revenue of amount ( in millions ) is 27.7 ; the 2010 net revenue of amount ( in millions ) is $ 540.2 ; Question: from the growth in revenue , what percentage is attributed to the change in net wholesale revenue?
the hum of 12/31/2013 is $ 100 ; the hum of 12/31/2014 is $ 140 ; the hum of 12/31/2015 is $ 176 ; the hum of 12/31/2016 is $ 202 ; the hum of 12/31/2017 is $ 247 ; the hum of 12/31/2018 is $ 287 ; the s&p 500 of 12/31/2013 is $ 100 ; the s&p 500 of 12/31/2014 is $ 114 ; the s&p 500 of 12/31/2015 is $ 115 ; the s&p 500 of 12/31/2016 is $ 129 ; the s&p 500 of 12/31/2017 is $ 157 ; the s&p 500 of 12/31/2018 is $ 150 ; the peer group of 12/31/2013 is $ 100 ; the peer group of 12/31/2014 is $ 128 ; the peer group of 12/31/2015 is $ 135 ; the peer group of 12/31/2016 is $ 137 ; the peer group of 12/31/2017 is $ 173 ; the peer group of 12/31/2018 is $ 191 ; Question: what is the highest return for the first year of the investment?
at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , the obligation for the mrrp totaled $ 22.7 million and $ 21.6 million , respectively . assets with a fair value of $ 18.4 million and $ 17.7 million have been allocated to this plan at december 31 , 2012 and 2011 , respectively , and are included in marketable securities and cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated balance sheets . Question: what was the ratio of the assets to the obligations of the mrrp in 2012
we recognized a net provision for interest and penalties of $ 38 million , $ 34 million and $ 20 million during the years ended december 31 , 2017 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively . Question: what was the average provision for interest and penalties for the period december 31 , 2015 to 2017 , in millions?
the fair value per option granted of 2016 is $ 15.01 ; the fair value per option granted of 2015 is $ 12.04 ; the fair value per option granted of 2014 is $ 11.03 ; Question: what is the percent change in fair value per option granted from 2015 to 2016?
period the october 1-31 2009 of total number of shares purchased ( 1 ) is 24980 ; the october 1-31 2009 of average price paid per share is $ 24.54 ; the october 1-31 2009 of total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program is - ; the october 1-31 2009 of approximate dollar value of shares remaining that may be purchased under the program is $ 122300000.00 ; period the december 1-31 2009 of total number of shares purchased ( 1 ) is 334 ; the december 1-31 2009 of average price paid per share is $ 32.03 ; the december 1-31 2009 of total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced program is - ; the december 1-31 2009 of approximate dollar value of shares remaining that may be purchased under the program is $ 122300000.00 ; Question: what os the growth rate in the average price of shares from october to december 2009?
interest expense interest expense of $ 298 million in 2011 increased by $ 91 million compared to 2010 primarily due to the $ 4.6 billion of long-term debt that schlumberger issued during 2011 . Question: what was the growth rate of the schlumberger interest expense from 2010 to 2011
type the preferred a units of units redeemed is 2200000 ; the preferred a units of par value redeemed ( in millions ) is $ 2.2 ; the preferred a units of redemption type is cash ; Question: what is the par value of the redeemed preferred a units , in millions?
juniperus and jchl had combined assets and liabilities of $ 121 million and $ 22 million , respectively , at december 31 , 2008 . Question: at december 2008 what was the combined debt to asset ration of both 5] : juniperus and jchl
the 2006 net revenue of amount ( in millions ) is $ 192.2 ; the fuel recovery of amount ( in millions ) is 42.6 ; the 2007 net revenue of amount ( in millions ) is $ 231.0 ; Question: what percent of the net change in revenue between 2006 and 2007 was due to fuel recovery?
the professional fees of 2013 is 199 ; the total reorganization items net of 2013 is $ 2640 ; Question: in 2013 what was the percent of the professional fees as part of the total re-organization costs
the call center of approximate number is 17 ; the call center of approximate size in square feet is 1300000 ; the warehouses of approximate number is 21 ; the warehouses of approximate size in square feet is 500000 ; Question: what is the ratio of the warehouse space to the switching centers in square feet
the backlog at year-end of 2013 is 15000 ; the backlog at year-end of 2012 is 14700 ; the backlog at year-end of 2011 is 14400 ; Question: what was the average backlog at year-end of mfc from 2011 to 2013
for the years ended december 31 2008 2007 and 2006 ( in millions of u.s . dollars ) the 2008 of direct amount is $ 16087 ; the 2008 of ceded to other companies is $ 6144 ; the 2008 of assumed from other companies is $ 3260 ; the 2008 of net amount is $ 13203 ; the 2008 of percentage of amount assumed to net is 25% ( 25 % ) ; Question: in 2008 what was the ratio of the direct amount to the amount ceded to other companies
location the europe of number of doors ( a ) is 4421 ; location the total of number of doors ( a ) is 8940 ; Question: what percentage of doors in the wholesale segment as of april 3 , 2010 where in the europe geography?
( dollars in millions ) contractual obligations the purchase obligations of ( dollars in millions ) total is 45.5 ; the purchase obligations of ( dollars in millions ) less than1 year is 45.5 ; the purchase obligations of ( dollars in millions ) 1 - 3years is - ; the purchase obligations of ( dollars in millions ) 3 - 5years is - ; the purchase obligations of more than5 years is - ; ( dollars in millions ) contractual obligations the total of ( dollars in millions ) total is $ 359.1 ; the total of ( dollars in millions ) less than1 year is $ 77.4 ; the total of ( dollars in millions ) 1 - 3years is $ 198.1 ; the total of ( dollars in millions ) 3 - 5years is $ 39.7 ; the total of more than5 years is $ 43.9 ; Question: what percentage of total aggregate contractual obligations is composed of ?
the gfs of 2017 is 4138 ; the gfs of 2016 is 4250 ; the gfs of 2015 is 2361 ; the total consolidated revenues of 2017 is $ 9123 ; the total consolidated revenues of 2016 is $ 9241 ; the total consolidated revenues of 2015 is $ 6596 ; Question: what percentage of total consolidated revenues was gfs segment in 2016?
millions the total of 2012 is $ 14181 ; the total of 2011 is $ 13833 ; the total of 2010 is $ 11984 ; the total of % ( % ) change 2012 v 2011 is 3% ( 3 % ) ; the total of % ( % ) change 2011 v 2010 is 15% ( 15 % ) ; millions the equipment and other rents of 2012 is 1197 ; the equipment and other rents of 2011 is 1167 ; the equipment and other rents of 2010 is 1142 ; the equipment and other rents of % ( % ) change 2012 v 2011 is 3 ; the equipment and other rents of % ( % ) change 2011 v 2010 is 2 ; Question: the 2011 to 2012 change in equipment and other rents is what percent of the total expense increase in 2012?
the united parcel service inc . of 12/31/2010 is $ 100.00 ; the united parcel service inc . of 12/31/2011 is $ 103.88 ; the united parcel service inc . of 12/31/2012 is $ 107.87 ; the united parcel service inc . of 12/31/2013 is $ 158.07 ; the united parcel service inc . of 12/31/2014 is $ 171.77 ; the united parcel service inc . of 12/31/2015 is $ 160.61 ; Question: what was the percentage total cumulative return on investment for united parcel service inc . for the five year period ending 12/31/2015?
restricted common stock and restricted stock units generally have a vesting period of two to four years . the fair value related to these grants was $ 58.7 million , which is recognized as compensation expense on an accelerated basis over the vesting period . Question: for the 2017 restricted common stock and restricted stock unit grants , assuming the average vesting period , what would annual compensation expense be in millions over the vesting period?
( in billions except ratios ) the assets of reported is $ 1562.1 ; the assets of pro forma is $ 1623.9 ; / 2007 annual report expected loss modeling in 2006 , the firm restructured four multi-seller conduits that it administers . Question: what is the average assets ( in billions ) for each of the firm's self sponsored conduits?
the royal caribbean cruises ltd . of 12/13 is 100.00 ; the royal caribbean cruises ltd . of 12/14 is 176.94 ; the royal caribbean cruises ltd . of 12/15 is 220.72 ; the royal caribbean cruises ltd . of 12/16 is 182.99 ; the royal caribbean cruises ltd . of 12/17 is 271.25 ; the royal caribbean cruises ltd . of 12/18 is 227.46 ; Question: what was the percentage change in the royal caribbean cruises ltd . performance from 2014 to 2015
years ended december 31 , the 2009 to 2013 of federal is 12234 ; the 2009 to 2013 of state is 66666 ; years ended december 31 , the total of federal is $ 926886 ; the total of state is $ 1513972 ; Question: at december 312003 what was the percent of the total company 2019s federal net operating loss carry forwards set to expire between 2009 to 2013
( square feet in millions ) the total facilities of unitedstates is 34.0 ; the total facilities of othercountries is 26.3 ; the total facilities of total is 60.3 ; Question: as of december 31 , 2016 what percentage by square feet of major facilities are located in the united states?
millions the receivables securitization facility [a] of 2010 is 400 ; the receivables securitization facility [a] of 2009 is 184 ; the receivables securitization facility [a] of 2008 is 16 ; millions the cash provided by operating activitiesadjusted for the receivables securitizationfacility of 2010 is 4505 ; the cash provided by operating activitiesadjusted for the receivables securitizationfacility of 2009 is 3388 ; the cash provided by operating activitiesadjusted for the receivables securitizationfacility of 2008 is 4060 ; Question: in 2010 what was the percent of the cash provided by operations that was from receivables securitization facility
project costs ( in millions ) the arcalyst ae of project costs 2009 is $ 67.7 ; the arcalyst ae of 2008 is $ 39.2 ; the arcalyst ae of ( decrease ) is $ 28.5 ; Question: what was the percentage change in research and development costs related to arcalyst ae from 2008 to 2009?
years ended december 31 , the revenue of 2010 is $ 2111 ; the revenue of 2009 is $ 1267 ; the revenue of 2008 is $ 1356 ; Question: what was the percentage change in the revenues from 2009 to 2010
the long-term debt of total is $ 4385.5 ; the long-term debt of less than 1 year is $ 153.9 ; the long-term debt of 1-3 years is $ 757.1 ; the long-term debt of 3-5 years is $ 2274.5 ; the long-term debt of more than 5 years is $ 1200.0 ; the total of total is $ 6097.1 ; the total of less than 1 year is $ 559.8 ; the total of 1-3 years is $ 1357.1 ; the total of 3-5 years is $ 2648.7 ; the total of more than 5 years is $ 1531.5 ; Question: what portion of the total contractual obligations are related to long-term debt?
in addition , at december 31 , 2011 , there was $ 19 million of unrecognized compensation expense associated with the 2011 rsrs , which will be recognized over a period of 2.2 years ; $ 10 million of unrecognized compensation expense associated with the rpsrs converted as part of the spin-off , which will be recognized over a weighted average period of one year ; and $ 18 million of unrecognized compensation expense associated with the 2011 rpsrs which will be recognized over a period of 2.0 years . Question: at december 312011 what was the ratio of the unrecognized compensation expense associated of rsrs to the rpsrs
the debt to capital of 2013 is 57.9% ( 57.9 % ) ; the debt to capital of 2012 is 58.7% ( 58.7 % ) ; Question: what is the percent change in debt to capital from 2012 to 2013?
the foreign currency translation adjustment of 2014 is -26074 ( 26074 ) ; the foreign currency translation adjustment of 2013 is 9246 ; intangible assets intangible assets are reported in other assets in our consolidated balance sheets and consist of the follow- ing ( in thousands ) : . Question: for 2013 and 2014 , what is the mathematical range for foreign currency translation adjustments?
( see the cash capital expenditures table in management 2019s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 2013 liquidity and capital resources 2013 financial condition , item 7. ) 2015 capital plan 2013 in 2015 , we expect our capital plan to be approximately $ 4.3 billion , which will include expenditures for ptc of approximately $ 450 million and may include non-cash investments . Question: how much of the 2015 capital plan is for ptc expenditures?
at december 31 , 2010 , the company had net federal and state operating loss carryforwards available to reduce future federal and state taxable income of approximately $ 1.2 billion , including losses related to employee stock options of $ 0.3 billion . Question: at december 2010 what was the percent of the losses related to employee stock options included in the net federal operating loss carry forwards
the 2007 of pension benefits is 143 ; the 2007 of other postretirement benefits is 31 ; Question: what is the expected payment for all benefits in 2007?
power plant the pilgrim of market is is0-ne ; the pilgrim of inserviceyear is 1972 ; the pilgrim of acquired is july 1999 ; the pilgrim of location is plymouth ma ; the pilgrim of capacity-reactor type is 688 mw - boiling water ; the pilgrim of licenseexpirationdate is 2012 ; Question: what is the length of the lease for pilgrim , ( in years ) ?
as of december 31 2011 ( in millions ) the total contractual cash obligations of payments due by period total is $ 11394 ; the total contractual cash obligations of payments due by period less than 1 year is $ 2278 ; the total contractual cash obligations of payments due by period 1-3 years is $ 1694 ; the total contractual cash obligations of payments due by period 4-5 years is $ 2310 ; the total contractual cash obligations of payments due by period over 5 years is $ 5112 ; Question: what percent of the total contractual cash obligations are due within the first year?
cash the accounts receivable of $ 116 is 278 ; cash the inventory of $ 116 is 124 ; cash the other current assets of $ 116 is 41 ; Question: what is the total in millions of current assets acquired?
the 2002 net revenue of ( in millions ) is $ 4209.6 ; the 2003 net revenue of ( in millions ) is $ 4214.5 ; Question: what is the growth rate in net revenue in 2003 for entergy corporation?
the share-based compensation expense of 2016 is $ 30809 ; the share-based compensation expense of 2015 ( in thousands ) is $ 21056 ; the share-based compensation expense of 2014 is $ 29793 ; the income tax benefit of 2016 is $ 9879 ; the income tax benefit of 2015 ( in thousands ) is $ 6907 ; the income tax benefit of 2014 is $ 7126 ; Question: what is the estimated effective tax rate applied for share-based compensation expense in 2016?
in millions the fiscal 2021 of operating leases is 101.7 ; the fiscal 2021 of capital leases is 0.1 ; in millions the total noncancelable future lease commitments of operating leases is $ 482.6 ; the total noncancelable future lease commitments of capital leases is $ 0.3 ; Question: in 2019 what was the percent of the total noncancelable future lease commitments that was due in 2021
in millions of dollars the balance end of the year of 2009 is $ 482 ; the balance end of the year of 2008 is $ 75 ; Question: what was the net change in the repurchase reserve between 2008 and 2009 , in millions?
the total fair value of restricted stock and performance awards vested was $ 33.7 million for the year ended december 31 , 2017 , $ 20.0 million for the 2016 fiscal transition period and $ 17.4 million and $ 15.0 million , respectively , for the years ended may 31 , 2016 and 2015 . Question: what was the percentage chaning in the total fair value of restricted stock and performance awards vested from 2016 to 2017?
customer-related intangible assets the acquired technology of $ 977400 is 457000 ; Question: what is the yearly amortization expense related acquired technology?
cash the cash of $ 6406 is $ 6406 ; cash the total purchase price of $ 6406 is $ 42418 ; Question: of the aggregate consideration for the greenline acquisition , what percentage was in cash?
2007 the 2007 of $ 117 is $ 117 ; 2007 the 2008 of $ 117 is 140 ; 2007 the 2009 of $ 117 is 203 ; 2007 the 2010 of $ 117 is 263 ; 2007 the 2011 of $ 117 is 328 ; Question: from 2007 to 2011 what was the total expected benefits payments in thousands
the nonvested at december 31 2009 of shares ( thous . ) is 1060 ; the nonvested at december 31 2009 of weighted-averagegrant-date fair value is $ 50.88 ; at december 31 , 2009 , there was $ 22 million of total unrecognized compensation expense related to nonvested performance retention awards , which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.3 years . Question: at december 31 , 2009 , what was the remaining compensation expense per share for the unvested awards?
2006 the quarter ended december 31 of high is 38.74 ; the quarter ended december 31 of low is 35.21 ; on february 22 , 2007 , the closing price of our class a common stock was $ 40.38 per share as reported on the nyse . Question: what is the growth rate in the price of shares from the highest value during the quarter ended december 31 , 2006 and the closing price on february 22 , 2007?
new sites ( acquired or constructed ) the domestic of 2010 is 947 ; the domestic of 2009 is 528 ; the domestic of 2008 is 160 ; new sites ( acquired or constructed ) the international ( 1 ) of 2010 is 6865 ; the international ( 1 ) of 2009 is 3022 ; the international ( 1 ) of 2008 is 801 ; Question: what portion of the new sites acquired or constructed during 2010 is located in united states?
the 2006 net revenue of amount ( in millions ) is $ 466.1 ; the volume/weather of amount ( in millions ) is 4.5 ; the 2007 net revenue of amount ( in millions ) is $ 486.9 ; Question: what percent of the change in revenue was due to volume/weather?
calendar year : the 2017 of pre-tax catastrophe losses is $ 1472.6 ; calendar year : the 2016 of pre-tax catastrophe losses is 301.2 ; Question: what was the change pre-tax catastrophe losses from 2016 to 2017 in thousands
at december 31 , 2006 , we had cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities of $ 761.8 million , which was an increase of $ 354.2 million from $ 407.5 million at december 31 , 2005 . Question: what is the percent change in cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities between 2005 and 2006?
the dilutive share equivalents from share-based plans of 2016 is 4834 ; the dilutive share equivalents from share-based plans of 2015 is 4972 ; the dilutive share equivalents from share-based plans of 2014 is 4410 ; the average common and common equivalent shares outstanding 2014 assuming dilution of 2016 is 217536 ; the average common and common equivalent shares outstanding 2014 assuming dilution of 2015 is 207509 ; the average common and common equivalent shares outstanding 2014 assuming dilution of 2014 is 197709 ; Question: as of september 30 ,2014 what was the percent of the total average common and common equivalent shares outstanding 2014 assuming dilution that was dilute share equivalents from share-based plans
benchmark the wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl ) of 2012 is $ 94.15 ; the wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl ) of 2011 is $ 95.11 ; the wti crude oil ( dollars per bbl ) of 2010 is $ 79.61 ; Question: by what percentage did the average price of wti crude oil increase from 2010 to 2012?
net tangible assets acquired as of july 13 2006 the goodwill of $ 800 is 145900 ; net tangible assets acquired as of july 13 2006 the estimated purchase price of $ 800 is $ 220600 ; Question: what percentage of the estimated purchase price is goodwill?
the risk-free interest rate of 2006 is 4.60 ; the risk-free interest rate of 2005 is 4.19 ; the risk-free interest rate of 2004 is 3.02 ; Question: what is the growth rate in the risk-free interest rate from 2004 to 2005?
gross operating revenues gross operating revenues decreased primarily due to : a decrease of $ 16.2 million in electric fuel cost recovery revenues due to lower fuel rates ; a decrease of $ 15.4 million in gross gas revenues primarily due to lower fuel cost recovery revenues as a result of lower fuel rates and the effect of milder weather ; and formula rate plan decreases effective october 2010 and october 2011 , as discussed above . Question: what was the amount of the sum of the factors that contributed to the decrease in the gross operating revenues
there were no options granted in excess of market value in 2011 , 2010 or 2009 . during 2011 , we issued 731336 shares from treasury stock in connection with stock option exercise activity . shares of common stock available during the next year for the granting of options and other awards under the incentive plans were 33775543 at december 31 , 2011 . Question: in 2011 , what percentage of common stocks were issued from treasury stock from stock option activity?
( millions ) the gross utb balance at january 1 2007 of federal state and foreign tax is $ 691 ; 48 , 201caccounting for uncertainty in income taxes , 201d on january 1 , 2007 . at january 1 , 2007 and december 31 , 2007 , accrued interest and penalties on a gross basis were $ 65 million and $ 69 million , respectively . Question: at january 12007 what was the percent of the interest and penalties included in the gross unrecognized tax benefits
the apple inc . of september 30 2006 is $ 100 ; the apple inc . of september 30 2007 is $ 199 ; the apple inc . of september 30 2008 is $ 148 ; the apple inc . of september 30 2009 is $ 241 ; the apple inc . of september 30 2010 is $ 369 ; the apple inc . of september 30 2011 is $ 495 ; Question: what was the cumulative percentage return for the five years ended september 30 , 2011 for apple inc.?
years ended december 31 the statutory tax rate of 2018 is 19.0% ( 19.0 % ) ; the statutory tax rate of 2017 is 19.3% ( 19.3 % ) ; the statutory tax rate of 2016 is 20.0% ( 20.0 % ) ; years ended december 31 the effective tax rate of 2018 is 11.7% ( 11.7 % ) ; the effective tax rate of 2017 is 36.5% ( 36.5 % ) ; the effective tax rate of 2016 is 10.6% ( 10.6 % ) ; Question: what is the difference between the statutory tax rate and the effective tax rate for international operations in 2018?
the cumulative foreign currency translation of 2008 is 59 ; the cumulative foreign currency translation of 2007 is 70 ; the cumulative foreign currency translation of 2006 is 19 ; table of contents notes to consolidated financial statements ( continued ) note 6 2014shareholders 2019 equity preferred stock the company has five million shares of authorized preferred stock , none of which is issued or outstanding . Question: what was the greatest annual amount in millions of cumulative foreign currency translation?
annual sales of printing papers and graphic arts supplies and equipment totaled $ 4.1 billion in 2009 compared with $ 5.2 billion in 2008 and $ 4.7 billion in 2007 , reflecting weak economic conditions in 2009 . Question: what was the percentage decrease in annual sales of printing papers and graphic arts supplies and equipment from 2008 to 2009?
( in millions ) the asset retirement obligations as of december 31 ( a ) of 2009 is $ 1102 ; the asset retirement obligations as of december 31 ( a ) of 2008 is $ 965 ; Question: by what percentage did asset retirement obligations increase from 2008 to 2009?
the beginning balance of 2017 is $ 383221 ; the beginning balance of 2016 is $ 506127 ; the beginning balance of 2015 is $ 463018 ; Question: considering the eog's roll forward of valuation allowances for deferred income tax assets during 2015-2017 , what was the highest value registered in the beginning balance?
balance at may 31 2014 the balance at may 31 2015 of $ -7199 ( 7199 ) is -3823 ( 3823 ) ; Question: what was the net change in the valuation allowance in thousands between 2014 and 2015?
the total of total ( in$ millions ) is 3437 ; the thereafter ( 1 ) of total ( in$ millions ) is 3163 ; Question: what is average of the debt maturities that will occur in the period from 2006 to 2010 in millions
( $ in millions ) the cash from operations of 2018 is $ 2357 ; the cash from operations of 2017 is $ 2227 ; the cash from operations of 2016 is $ 1619 ; ( $ in millions ) the non-cash items ( 1 ) of 2018 is 287 ; the non-cash items ( 1 ) of 2017 is 1397 ; the non-cash items ( 1 ) of 2016 is 514 ; Question: non cash items represent what percent of cash from operations in 2018?
the u.s . onshore of oil ( mmbbls ) is 17 ; the u.s . onshore of gas ( bcf ) is 736 ; the u.s . onshore of ngls ( mmbbls ) is 34 ; the u.s . onshore of total ( mmboe ) is 174 ; the canada of oil ( mmbbls ) is 28 ; the canada of gas ( bcf ) is 199 ; the canada of ngls ( mmbbls ) is 3 ; the canada of total ( mmboe ) is 64 ; the north america onshore of oil ( mmbbls ) is 45 ; the north america onshore of gas ( bcf ) is 935 ; the north america onshore of ngls ( mmbbls ) is 37 ; the north america onshore of total ( mmboe ) is 238 ; dollars using an estimated average 2011 exchange rate of $ 0.95 dollar to $ 1.00 canadian dollar . Question: what percentage of north america gas comes from us onshore?
the allowance for borrowed funds used during construction of 2015 is 8 ; the allowance for borrowed funds used during construction of 2014 is 6 ; the allowance for borrowed funds used during construction of 2013 is 6 ; the allowance for other funds used during construction of 2015 is $ 13 ; the allowance for other funds used during construction of 2014 is $ 9 ; the allowance for other funds used during construction of 2013 is $ 13 ; Question: what was the allowance for borrowed funds used during construction as a percentage of allowance for other funds used during construction during 2015?
the basic earnings ( losses ) per share of 2008 is $ -8.99 ( 8.99 ) ; the basic earnings ( losses ) per share of 2007 is $ 9.32 ; the basic earnings ( losses ) per share of 2006 is $ 8.89 ; the weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares ( diluted ) of 2008 is 306.7 ; the weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares ( diluted ) of 2007 is 319.1 ; the weighted average common shares outstanding and dilutive potential common shares ( diluted ) of 2006 is 315.9 ; actual results are likely to differ , and in the past have differed , materially from those forecast by the company , depending on the outcome of various factors , including , but not limited to , those set forth in each 201coutlook 201d section and in item 1a , risk factors . Question: what is the net income reported in 2008 , ( in millions ) ?
. we currently own our four containerboard mills and 44 of our corrugated manufacturing operations ( 37 corrugated plants and seven sheet plants ) . Question: what is the total number of containerboard mills and corrugated manufacturing operations?
period the 11/26/06 to 12/31/06 of ( a ) total number of shares purchased ( 1 ) ( 4 ) is 16430030 ; the 11/26/06 to 12/31/06 of ( b ) average price paid per share ( 1 ) ( 2 ) is $ 21.29 ; the 11/26/06 to 12/31/06 of ( c ) total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs ( 3 ) ( 4 ) is 16425602 ; the 11/26/06 to 12/31/06 of ( d ) maximum number ( or approximate dollar value ) of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs ( 5 ) is $ 3800689819 ; period the total of ( a ) total number of shares purchased ( 1 ) ( 4 ) is 32048472 ; the total of ( b ) average price paid per share ( 1 ) ( 2 ) is $ 21.83 ; the total of ( c ) total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs ( 3 ) ( 4 ) is 32038760 ; the total of ( d ) maximum number ( or approximate dollar value ) of shares that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs ( 5 ) is ; Question: in 2006 what was the percent of the total number of shares purchased as part of publicly announced plans or programs on or after 11/26/2006
reporting segment the food and ingredients of fiscal 2006 net sales is 3189 ; the food and ingredients of fiscal 2005 net sales is 2986 ; the food and ingredients of % ( % ) increase/ ( decrease ) is 7% ( 7 % ) ; reporting segment the total of fiscal 2006 net sales is $ 11482 ; the total of fiscal 2005 net sales is $ 11384 ; the total of % ( % ) increase/ ( decrease ) is 1% ( 1 % ) ; Question: what percentage of total net sales where comprised of food and ingredients in 2006?
the risk-free interest rate of 2006 is 4.60 ; the risk-free interest rate of 2005 is 4.19 ; the risk-free interest rate of 2004 is 3.02 ; as of december 31 , 2006 , 1305420 shares from the 1997 plan have been added to and may be awarded from the 2006 plan . Question: by what percent did the risk free interest rate increase between 2004 and 2006?
years ended december 31 , the total of federal is $ 1197607 ; the total of state is $ 1188003 ; the total of foreign is $ 98424 ; Question: what is the total net operating loss carryforwards?
type of property the triple-net of noi ( 1 ) is $ 967084 ; the triple-net of percentage of noi is 43.3% ( 43.3 % ) ; the triple-net of number of properties is 573 ; type of property the seniors housing operating of noi ( 1 ) is 880026 ; the seniors housing operating of percentage of noi is 39.5% ( 39.5 % ) ; the seniors housing operating of number of properties is 443 ; Question: what was total number of properties subject to triple-net leases and seniors housing operating housing?
for the years ended december 31 , 2016 and 2015 , respectively , 4.5 million and 5.3 million shares of restricted stock and restricted stock units and performance units and performance stock were excluded . Question: considering the years 2015-2016 , what is variation observed in the number of stocks that were excluded , in millions?
( in millions ) the cash performance bonds of 2010 is $ 3717.0 ; the cash performance bonds of 2009 is $ 5834.6 ; ( in millions ) the cash guaranty fund contributions of 2010 is 231.8 ; the cash guaranty fund contributions of 2009 is 102.6 ; ( in millions ) the cross-margin arrangements of 2010 is 79.7 ; the cross-margin arrangements of 2009 is 10.6 ; ( in millions ) the total of 2010 is $ 4038.5 ; the total of 2009 is $ 5981.9 ; Question: what is the percentual amount represented by cash performance bonds and cash guaranty fund contributions in the total figure of 2010 , in millions?
the 2025-2029 of u.s . is 919.9 ; the 2025-2029 of international is 308.3 ; Question: considering the international projected benefit payments , what is the average yearly projection of the 2025-2029 period?
the cash cash equivalents and short-term investments of 2008 is $ 24490 ; the cash cash equivalents and short-term investments of 2007 is $ 15386 ; the cash cash equivalents and short-term investments of 2006 is $ 10110 ; Question: what was the increase in cash , cash equivalents , and short-term investments from 2007 to 2008 in millions?
( in millions ) the e&p of 2012 is $ 14084 ; the e&p of 2011 is $ 13029 ; ( in millions ) the total revenues of 2012 is $ 15688 ; the total revenues of 2011 is $ 14663 ; Question: what percentage of total revenues consited of e&p production in 2012?
the europe of 2008 is 57.0 ; the europe of 2007 is 60.7 ; the europe of 2006 is 46.5 ; the asia pacific of 2008 is 25.6 ; the asia pacific of 2007 is 22.7 ; the asia pacific of 2006 is 18.7 ; Question: in 2008 , america's total depreciation & amortization is what percent of europe and asia combined?
the dividends of preferred stock is 2014 ; the dividends of common stock is 2014 ; the dividends of paid-in capital is 2014 ; the dividends of retained earnings is -497 ( 497 ) ; the dividends of employee stock trust is 2014 ; the dividends of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) is 2014 ; the dividends of common stock held in treasury at cost is 2014 ; the dividends of common stock issued to employee trust is 2014 ; the dividends of non- redeemable non- controlling interests is 2014 ; the dividends of total equity is -497 ( 497 ) ; the repurchases of common stock of preferred stock is 2014 ; the repurchases of common stock of common stock is 2014 ; the repurchases of common stock of paid-in capital is 2014 ; the repurchases of common stock of retained earnings is 2014 ; the repurchases of common stock of employee stock trust is 2014 ; the repurchases of common stock of accumulated other comprehensive income ( loss ) is 2014 ; the repurchases of common stock of common stock held in treasury at cost is -227 ( 227 ) ; the repurchases of common stock of common stock issued to employee trust is 2014 ; the repurchases of common stock of non- redeemable non- controlling interests is 2014 ; the repurchases of common stock of total equity is -227 ( 227 ) ; Question: what was total cash retuned to shareholders in 2012?
( in millions except per share and conversion rate data ) the effective price per share ( 1 ) of fiscal 2012 july 2012 is $ 125.50 ; the effective price per share ( 1 ) of fiscal 2012 december 2011 is $ 101.75 ; Question: what is the percentage change in the effective price per share from december 2011 to july 2012?
floating rate due december 15 2015 the floating rate due december 15 2016 of $ 500 is 350 ; floating rate due december 15 2015 the net proceeds of $ 500 is $ 2248 ; the schedule below summarizes the key terms of these notes ( in millions ) . . Question: what percentage of the net proceeds came from the floating rates due in 2015 and 2016?
we had $ 1642.1 of cash , cash equivalents and marketable securities as of december 31 , 2013 that we generally invest in conservative , short-term bank deposits or securities . during 2013 and 2012 , we had interest income of $ 24.7 and $ 29.5 , respectively . Question: assuming that all the balance of cash and cash equivalents and marketable securities is invested to generate the given interest income , what would be the average return of these investments in 2013?
the balance as of january 3 2015 of gross carryingamount ( in thousands ) is $ 553767 ; the balance as of december 31 2016 of gross carryingamount ( in thousands ) is $ 572764 ; Question: what is the percentage increase in gross carrying amount from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2016?