int32 0
| identifier
stringlengths 3
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
| language
stringclasses 3
values | source
stringlengths 2
0 | ::CreateProcess | :: Create Process | cpp | mozilla-source-1.1 |
1 | ::DrawThemeTab | :: Draw Theme Tab | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
2 | ::GetFrontWindowOfClass | :: Get Front Window Of Class | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
3 | ::GetPrivateProfileSection | :: Get Private Profile Section | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
4 | ::GetScriptManagerVariable | :: Get Script Manager Variable | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
5 | ::GetTokenAt | :: Get Token At | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
6 | ::JS_DefineUCProperty | :: JS _ Define UCProperty | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
7 | ::SetMenuItemHierarchicalID | :: Set Menu Item Hierarchical ID | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
8 | ::SetResLoad | :: Set Res Load | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
9 | ::fread | :: fread | cpp | eMule0.46c-Sources |
10 | AAS_Error | AAS _ Error | c | quake3-1.32b |
11 | AAS_FreeAASLinkedEntities | AAS _ Free AASLinked Entities | c | quake3-1.32b |
12 | ACMButton | ACMButton | java | acmgr.acm_3_0_src |
13 | ACString2Double | ACString 2 Double | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
14 | AEGetParamDesc | AEGet Param Desc | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
15 | AF_DEFAULT_TRACK | AF _ DEFAULT _ TRACK | c | cinelerra-2.0-src |
16 | AIndexExpr | AIndex Expr | java | sablecc.sablecc-grammars-2.0.0-src |
17 | ALLOC | ALLOC | cpp | quake3-1.32b |
18 | AND_EXP_AST__LINE_START | AND _ EXP _ AST __ LINE _ START | java | |
21 | APR_POLLSET_THREADSAFE | APR _ POLLSET _ THREADSAFE | c | jakarta-tomcat-5.5.11-src |
22 | APR_WIN_CE_3 | APR _ WIN _ CE _ 3 | c | httpd-2.0.48 |
23 | APR_XML_ERROR_EXPAT | APR _ XML _ ERROR _ EXPAT | c | httpd-2.0.48 |
24 | ARB_shader_objects_glUniform3fARB_pointer | ARB _ shader _ objects _ gl Uniform 3 f ARB _ pointer | java | bp2k6.bolzplatz2006-1.0.3-src |
25 | ART_UTA_BBOX_Y0 | ART _ UTA _ BBOX _ Y 0 | c | mozilla-source-1.0 |
26 | ASENSITIVE_SYM | ASENSITIVE _ SYM | cpp | mysql-5.0.17 |
27 | ASE_KeyMESH_ANIMATION | ASE _ Key MESH _ ANIMATION | c | quake3-1.32b |
28 | ASTRewrite.TYPE | ASTRewrite . TYPE | java | eclipse-2.1 |
29 | ASTView | ASTView | java | dresden-ocl.dresden-ocl2-src-1.2 |
30 | AST_CDR_DOCUMENTATION | AST _ CDR _ DOCUMENTATION | c | asterisk_1.2.1.dfsg.orig |
31 | AST_FEATURE_DISCONNECT | AST _ FEATURE _ DISCONNECT | c | asterisk_1.2.1.dfsg.orig |
32 | AST_LOCK_FAILURE | AST _ LOCK _ FAILURE | c | asterisk_1.2.1.dfsg.orig |
33 | AST_RTP_MAX | AST _ RTP _ MAX | c | asterisk_1.2.1.dfsg.orig |
34 | ATK_ROLE_MENU | ATK _ ROLE _ MENU | cpp | mozilla-source-1.3 |
35 | AUTOMATIC_DATABASE_MEMORY_URL.equals | AUTOMATIC _ DATABASE _ MEMORY _ URL . equals | java | ivataopenportal.ivatagroupware-src-0.11.3 |
36 | AVI_ERR_OPEN | AVI _ ERR _ OPEN | c | cinelerra-2.0-src |
37 | A_RFC931 | A _ RFC 931 | c | wu-ftpd-2.5.0 |
38 | A_zimbraMessageIdDedupeCacheSize | A _ zimbra Message Id Dedupe Cache Size | java | zimbra.zcs-4.5.7_GA_1319-src |
39 | Ability.FLAG_AIRBASED | Ability . FLAG _ AIRBASED | java | coffeemud.CoffeeMud_5_3_0 |
40 | AccumulateCRC | Accumulate CRC | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
41 | AddBorderPaddingToMaxElementSize | Add Border Padding To Max Element Size | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
42 | AdminService.MAIL_QUEUE_ACTION_RESPONSE | Admin Service . MAIL _ QUEUE _ ACTION _ RESPONSE | java | zimbra.zcs-4.5.7_GA_1319-src |
43 | AdvancedQuickAssistProcessor_addParethesis_description | Advanced Quick Assist Processor _ add Parethesis _ description | java | eclipse-3.2m4 |
44 | AnsiToOem | Ansi To Oem | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
45 | ArrayToArrayInfoMap | Array To Array Info Map | java | trident.trident-0.7.1 |
46 | AtkCoordType | Atk Coord Type | cpp | mozilla-source-1.1 |
47 | AtkTextIface | Atk Text Iface | cpp | mozilla-source-1.1 |
48 | AttrInfoIterator | Attr Info Iterator | cpp | mysql-5.0.17 |
49 | B1unitLengthSidewallJctCap | B 1 unit Length Sidewall Jct Cap | c | spice3f4 |
50 | BARCODE_NO_ASCII | BARCODE _ NO _ ASCII | c | barcode-0.90 |
51 | BCCellData | BCCell Data | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
52 | BER_SetFilter | BER _ Set Filter | c | mozilla-source-1.0 |
53 | BIO_CB_RETURN | BIO _ CB _ RETURN | c | httpd-2.0.48 |
54 | BIT5_H | BIT 5 _ H | c | pacifi3d0.3-src |
55 | BMPEncodeLine | BMPEncode Line | cpp | quake3-1.32b |
56 | BOTLIB_AI_ALLOC_CHAT_STATE | BOTLIB _ AI _ ALLOC _ CHAT _ STATE | c | quake3-1.32b |
57 | BOTLIB_PC_LOAD_SOURCE | BOTLIB _ PC _ LOAD _ SOURCE | c | quake3-1.32b |
58 | BSD_REGEX | BSD _ REGEX | c | minux-2.0.src |
59 | BS_PUSHBUTTON | BS _ PUSHBUTTON | c | quake3-1.32b |
60 | BZipUncompress | BZip Uncompress | java | wolfpacksys.wolfpacksys-1.0.2 |
61 | BaseExc | Base Exc | cpp | cinelerra-2.0-src |
62 | BlastBin2Csv | Blast Bin 2 Csv | java | wattos.wattos_20070619-1406 |
63 | BlockRowPixels | Block Row Pixels | c | cinelerra-2.0-src |
64 | BooleanECD | Boolean ECD | java | theframework.tfw_src0.12 |
65 | BugBaseQuery.QUERY_UPDATE_BUGREPORTS | Bug Base Query . QUERY _ UPDATE _ BUGREPORTS | java | bugbase.bugbase-1.0.0-rc3-src |
66 | BulletinConstants.TAGSTATUS | Bulletin Constants . TAGSTATUS | java | martus.martus-client-3.1-src |
67 | CAInfo.SELFSIGNED | CAInfo . SELFSIGNED | java | ejbca.ejbca_3_5_1 |
68 | CBM_INIT | CBM _ INIT | cpp | eMule0.46c-Sources |
69 | CBuilderXProjectWriter | CBuilder XProject Writer | java | fit.CeeFIT-1.1.5-src |
70 | CCLASS_UPPER | CCLASS _ UPPER | c | mysql-5.0.17 |
71 | CCollectionViewDialog | CCollection View Dialog | cpp | eMule0.46c-Sources |
72 | CDSC_PSADOBE | CDSC _ PSADOBE | c | ghostscript-7.07 |
73 | CELLTYPE_BODY | CELLTYPE _ BODY | java | fermio.fermio-0.1-src |
74 | CERTAuthInfoAccess | CERTAuth Info Access | c | mozilla-source-1.0 |
75 | CERT_DecodeCertificatePoliciesExtension | CERT _ Decode Certificate Policies Extension | c | mozilla-source-1.0 |
76 | CERT_SaveSMimeProfile | CERT _ Save SMime Profile | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
77 | CEditor_SetPos | CEditor _ Set Pos | c | frasr193 |
78 | CFArrayCreateMutable | CFArray Create Mutable | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
79 | CFPAnalyser | CFPAnalyser | java | jdfa.jDFA_1.0_src |
80 | CFriendListCtrl | CFriend List Ctrl | cpp | eMule0.46c-Sources |
81 | CGConstants.MAX_CARDINALITY_COLOR | CGConstants . MAX _ CARDINALITY _ COLOR | java | toocom.TooCoM1.0_source |
82 | CG_CalcMuzzlePoint | CG _ Calc Muzzle Point | c | quake3-1.32b |
83 | CG_Printf | CG _ Printf | c | quake3-1.32b |
84 | CHANSPY_TRIGGER_READ | CHANSPY _ TRIGGER _ READ | c | asterisk_1.2.1.dfsg.orig |
85 | CHAR_DIAPRE_DECIMALE | CHAR _ DIAPRE _ DECIMALE | java | fudaa.fudaa-src-2006-09-03 |
86 | CHECK_SERVICE_USE_OK | CHECK _ SERVICE _ USE _ OK | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
87 | CHOICEHELP | CHOICEHELP | c | frasr193 |
88 | CHROME_DIR_NAME | CHROME _ DIR _ NAME | cpp | mozilla-source-1.0 |
89 | CHU_ERR_ERROR | CHU _ ERR _ ERROR | c | ntp-4.0.95 |
90 | CI_SIGNATURE | CI _ SIGNATURE | c | mozilla-source-1.0 |
91 | CKM_SHA384_HMAC | CKM _ SHA 384 _ HMAC | c | mozilla-source-1.4 |
92 | CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS | CK _ C _ INITIALIZE _ ARGS | c | mozilla-source-1.0 |
94 | CLIENT_SSL | CLIENT _ SSL | c | mysql-5.0.17 |
95 | CLIENT_THREADS_MIN | CLIENT _ THREADS _ MIN | java | tupi.tupi04-src |
96 | CLabelTab | CLabel Tab | java | lattu.lattu-1.0.00.beta1-src |
97 | CM_BoundBrush | CM _ Bound Brush | c | quake3-1.32b |
98 | CNumPad.FUNC_CLR | CNum Pad . FUNC _ CLR | java | |
99 | CODEC_MSZH | CODEC _ MSZH | c | cinelerra-2.0-src |
Dataset Card for The Loyola University of Delaware Identifier Splitting Oracle
Dataset Summary
In programming languages, identifiers are tokens (also called symbols) which name language entities. Some of the kinds of entities an identifier might denote include variables, types, labels, subroutines, and packages.
The Loyola University of Delaware Identifier Splitting Oracle is a dataset for identifier segmentation, i.e. the task of adding spaces between the words on a identifier.
- Java
- C
- C++
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
"index": 0,
"identifier": "::CreateProcess",
"segmentation": ":: Create Process",
"language": "cpp",
"source": "mozilla-source-1.1"
Data Fields
: a numerical index.identifier
: the original identifier.segmentation
: the gold segmentation for the identifier.language
: the programming language of the source.source
: the source of the identifier.
Dataset Creation
All hashtag segmentation and identifier splitting datasets on this profile have the same basic fields:
.The only difference between
or betweenidentifier
are the whitespace characters. Spell checking, expanding abbreviations or correcting characters to uppercase go into other fields.There is always whitespace between an alphanumeric character and a sequence of any special characters ( such as
).If there are any annotations for named entity recognition and other token classification tasks, they are given in a
Citation Information
title={An empirical study of identifier splitting techniques},
author={Hill, Emily and Binkley, David and Lawrie, Dawn and Pollock, Lori and Vijay-Shanker, K},
journal={Empirical Software Engineering},
This dataset was added by @ruanchaves while developing the hashformers library.
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