int32 32
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
242,052 | SingaporeCBN | Singapore CBN |
11,520 | MadhyaPradeshElection2018 | Madhya Pradesh Election 2018 |
115,112 | WhoPays | Who Pays |
159,650 | NirupamKaka | Nirupam Kaka |
242,472 | PartnersOfCongress | Partners Of Congress |
28,532 | KRKVote | KRK Vote |
232,844 | MahaMichil | Maha Michil |
318,686 | AllRoadsClosed | All Roads Closed |
88,157 | vijayiTelangana | vijayi Telangana |
138,406 | HumLadenge | Hum Ladenge |
128,269 | LokSabhaElections2019Schedule | Lok Sabha Elections 2019 Schedule |
52,621 | CongSwineFluInsult | Cong Swine Flu Insult |
326,711 | #BiggBossTelugu4 | Bigg Boss Telugu 4 |
28,582 | MakeHerWin | Make Her Win |
244,791 | KoieOrBachaaBhiHaiKya | Koie Or Bachaa Bhi Hai Kya |
8,640 | WhyTheHellModiAgain | Why The Hell Modi Again |
260,400 | TeamNSUI | Team NSUI |
233,219 | 2024BJPsarkar | 2024 BJ Psarkar |
82,517 | HayatVacations | Hayat Vacations |
243,868 | UttarPradeshWithModi | Uttar Pradesh With Modi |
221,134 | greatIndianrealityshow | great Indianrealityshow |
26,152 | MILkDairy | MI Lk Dairy |
110,793 | nothingMPs | nothing M Ps |
29,763 | 7thPhaseElectionsStunts | 7 th Phase Elections Stunts |
232,488 | Bluewave2020Party | Bluewave 2020 Party |
279,453 | AnuragShukla | Anurag Shukla |
36,233 | DMKCandidatesForByElection | DMK Candidates For By Election |
38,817 | SeasonalConsciences | Seasonal Consciences |
23,992 | HeyGirl | Hey Girl |
221,726 | LordWynSpeaketh | Lord Wyn Speaketh |
44,755 | TrumpPolicy | Trump Policy |
149,464 | YoungstersFuture | Youngsters Future |
258,518 | CMReliefFund | CM Relief Fund |
248,160 | RoadToJournalism | Road To Journalism |
190,268 | BloodSugar | Blood Sugar |
285,386 | 3rdNDAGov | 3 rd NDA Gov |
223,989 | ConstantlyBattling | Constantly Battling |
133,913 | ISupportKarnavati | I Support Karnavati |
2,049 | DirectAction | Direct Action |
38,429 | LokSahbaElections2019 | Lok Sahba Elections 2019 |
197,964 | BQMutualFundShow | BQ Mutual Fund Show |
158,269 | NewsWeekly | News Weekly |
118,795 | YouthAreLeading | Youth Are Leading |
212,785 | KaliaforOdisha | Kaliafor Odisha |
94,373 | boycottKejriwal | boycott Kejriwal |
274,755 | AgainModiSarkar | Again Modi Sarkar |
15,354 | ManBookerInternationalPrize | Man Booker International Prize |
181,888 | HappyBirthdayNammavar | Happy Birthday Nammavar |
7,310 | RsumeConstNBCC | Rsume Const NBCC |
263,368 | HapurRapeCase | Hapur Rape Case |
207,378 | BhopalWithSadviPragya | Bhopal With Sadvi Pragya |
194,986 | WhyNow | Why Now |
134,866 | TrollTheTroll | Troll The Troll |
198,559 | StrangerThings3 | Stranger Things 3 |
41,285 | FellSeal | Fell Seal |
206,827 | ModiNehiToKuchNehi | Modi Nehi To Kuch Nehi |
65,783 | PrisidentsRule | Prisidents Rule |
30,621 | LokSabhaElectionWithNews1India | Lok Sabha Election With News 1 India |
97,440 | JetAirwaysLatestNews | Jet Airways Latest News |
101,856 | UTQSupportsTGPPartylist | UTQ Supports TGP Partylist |
306,576 | beimanChowkidar | beiman Chowkidar |
12,290 | KahoDilSeBabuldaPhirSe | Kaho Dil Se Babulda Phir Se |
303,919 | IndiaVote | India Vote |
7,047 | MalikarjunaKarge | Malikarjuna Karge |
141,040 | 12thPrimeMinisterOfIndia | 12 th Prime Minister Of India |
162,738 | BrexitRevenge | Brexit Revenge |
127,351 | RahulforyoungINDIA | Rahulforyoung INDIA |
317,043 | SpeciallyDisabled | Specially Disabled |
191,054 | HeartBurnt | Heart Burnt |
136,421 | RahulbinBehtarBharat | Rahulbin Behtar Bharat |
162,732 | PFelections2019 | P Felections 2019 |
77,327 | SanghvaadseAzaadi | Sanghvaadse Azaadi |
168,106 | 30April | 30 April |
205,208 | FreeNairaMarley | Free Naira Marley |
216,368 | BekuModi | Beku Modi |
9,812 | ET302Crash | ET 302 Crash |
257,883 | HolySermons | Holy Sermons |
57,861 | Pen4BJP | Pen 4 BJP |
120,562 | CharSoBees | Char So Bees |
28,538 | PoliticalCampaigningPolicy | Political Campaigning Policy |
327,864 | #Fighter | Fighter |
147,735 | MoorkhDiwas | Moorkh Diwas |
72,654 | CupcakeDay | Cupcake Day |
105,528 | ShiVbhakt | Shi Vbhakt |
277,224 | KJGeorgeSupporters | KJ George Supporters |
226,211 | TaiTaiPhoooos | Tai Tai Phoooos |
248,534 | IStandWithChowkidaar | I Stand With Chowkidaar |
79,999 | ChhotaHaiParKhotaHai | Chhota Hai Par Khota Hai |
237,155 | WIvsIND | W Ivs IND |
140,227 | VertexDOS19 | Vertex DOS 19 |
218,929 | MustabadPublicMeeting | Mustabad Public Meeting |
225,268 | ShowVsMovie | Show Vs Movie |
244,843 | PappuKiPappu | Pappu Ki Pappu |
29,528 | AnyoneButBevin | Anyone But Bevin |
107,341 | AfricanPeoplesConvention | African Peoples Convention |
100,573 | MissYouLala | Miss You Lala |
107,566 | StandAloneBill | Stand Alone Bill |
153,349 | PeriyarDMK | Periyar DMK |
118,581 | ObzJuniorSchool | Obz Junior School |
251,821 | RaleganSiddhi | Ralegan Siddhi |
Subsets and Splits