int32 0
| identifier
stringlengths 1
| segmentation
stringlengths 1
20,300 | typesToCheck | types To Check |
20,301 | matchLength | match Length |
20,302 | MultipleGradientPaintContext | Multiple Gradient Paint Context |
20,303 | writeStubConstructors | write Stub Constructors |
20,304 | click_listener | click _ listener |
20,305 | fgNativeEnv | fg Native Env |
20,306 | noOfClassesChecked | no Of Classes Checked |
20,307 | CNCompoundName | CN Compound Name |
20,308 | errorseen | error seen |
20,309 | GroovyErrorRule | Groovy Error Rule |
20,310 | includesLine | includes Line |
20,311 | helper | helper |
20,312 | getAtIndex | get At Index |
20,313 | leftBoolean | left Boolean |
20,314 | trim2ParentResources | trim 2 Parent Resources |
20,315 | patternstok | patterns tok |
20,316 | CacheReference | Cache Reference |
20,317 | TabPanel | Tab Panel |
20,318 | slotstate | slot state |
20,319 | setAutoDiscoveryTTL | set Auto Discovery TTL |
20,320 | loadQueryInfluencers | load Query Influencers |
20,321 | InstanceType | Instance Type |
20,322 | addFileSaved | add File Saved |
20,323 | PluginSingleInstanceHandler | Plugin Single Instance Handler |
20,324 | base_id | base _ id |
20,325 | indexListener | index Listener |
20,326 | fakeproj | fake proj |
20,327 | fElementToNewName | f Element To New Name |
20,329 | pushNull | push Null |
20,330 | registerSupportForLayout | register Support For Layout |
20,331 | MIME_TYPE | MIME _ TYPE |
20,332 | setLine2 | set Line 2 |
20,333 | getname | get name |
20,334 | dirParent | dir Parent |
20,335 | getstats | get stats |
20,336 | NODE_fontFamily | NODE _ font Family |
20,337 | CreateContainerJob | Create Container Job |
20,338 | bindedComponent | binded Component |
20,339 | iobj | iobj |
20,340 | defaultbg | default bg |
20,341 | getMetaInfEntryNames | get Meta Inf Entry Names |
20,343 | FunctionMapperImpl | Function Mapper Impl |
20,345 | FilterTypeComboBoxModel | Filter Type Combo Box Model |
20,346 | WindbgX86ThreadContext | Windbg X86 Thread Context |
20,347 | titleString | title String |
20,348 | ListTableCellRenderer | List Table Cell Renderer |
20,349 | createAlphaMask | create Alpha Mask |
20,350 | printBaseLocation | print Base Location |
20,351 | activeclientremove | active client remove |
20,352 | WssSamlV10Token11Impl | Wss Saml V10 Token11 Impl |
20,353 | delegationConstructor | delegation Constructor |
20,354 | GB2312_FIRST_CHAR | GB2312 _ FIRST _ CHAR |
20,355 | binaries | binaries |
20,356 | flushLog | flush Log |
20,357 | onCertFileChange | on Cert File Change |
20,358 | AcceleratedImageCapabilities | Accelerated Image Capabilities |
20,359 | min_millis | min _ millis |
20,360 | restartPrepareTask | restart Prepare Task |
20,361 | clConsoleInput | cl Console Input |
20,362 | ChildBeanDefinition | Child Bean Definition |
20,363 | bytes2Chars | bytes 2 Chars |
20,365 | packagePrefix | package Prefix |
20,366 | collectionReturn | collection Return |
20,367 | NbiRadioButton | Nbi Radio Button |
20,368 | filemenu | file menu |
20,369 | mainrepo | main repo |
20,370 | rowstatus | row status |
20,371 | ganttbutton | gantt button |
20,372 | eI | e I |
20,373 | expenseType | expense Type |
20,374 | systemMenuManager | system Menu Manager |
20,375 | zz | zz |
20,376 | Mc | Mc |
20,377 | emulator | emulator |
20,378 | generated | generated |
20,379 | initialY | initial Y |
20,380 | seriesShapesFilled | series Shapes Filled |
20,381 | remainingrc | remaining rc |
20,382 | JspPaletteUtilities | Jsp Palette Utilities |
20,383 | FrameData | Frame Data |
20,384 | recording | recording |
20,385 | resourceMapping | resource Mapping |
20,386 | InnerPackage | Inner Package |
20,387 | resourceHint | resource Hint |
20,388 | nonPertinentRevisions | non Pertinent Revisions |
20,389 | AccumulativeRunnable | Accumulative Runnable |
20,390 | minLineNumber | min Line Number |
20,391 | RPNoObjectIDException | RP No Object ID Exception |
20,392 | activateMode | activate Mode |
20,393 | nr | nr |
20,394 | newFromClause | new From Clause |
20,395 | getUpdateEventListeners | get Update Event Listeners |
20,396 | TextMessages | Text Messages |
20,397 | clientBaseName | client Base Name |
20,398 | paneOrientation | pane Orientation |
20,399 | toklen | tok len |
Subsets and Splits