int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 4
| segmentation
stringlengths 4
0 | tryingtosleep | trying to sleep |
1 | mixture | mixture |
2 | runit | run it |
3 | whatadream | what a dream |
4 | keepitcoming | keep it coming |
5 | originalman | original man |
6 | sportsnews | sports news |
7 | onrepeat | on repeat |
8 | creative | creative |
9 | thegrandmaster | the grandmaster |
10 | nicee | nicee |
11 | photocontest | photo contest |
12 | linux | linux |
13 | exactwords | exact words |
14 | cursing | cursing |
15 | degeneratemedia | degenerate media |
16 | powercouple | power couple |
17 | factsoflife | facts of life |
18 | badatreferences | bad at references |
19 | awardshow | award show |
20 | cyclists | cyclists |
21 | season1episode2 | season 1 episode 2 |
22 | boxervsrain | boxer vs rain |
23 | lovewithouttragedy | love without tragedy |
24 | inmyopinion | in my opinion |
25 | thatsmydaddy | thats my daddy |
26 | whatelseisnew | what else is new |
27 | privateschoolprobz | private school probz |
28 | Deleanorrie | Deleanorrie |
29 | Batflack | Batflack |
30 | Mikey | Mikey |
31 | Copped | Copped |
32 | NextMicrosoftCEO | Next Microsoft CEO |
33 | longlive | long live |
34 | usairways | us airways |
35 | Hoodrat | Hood rat |
37 | heronrine | heronrine |
38 | TheDuo | The Duo |
39 | heartless | heartless |
40 | CastleonTNT | Castle on TNT |
41 | Espana | Espana |
42 | YouHitItFirst | You Hit It First |
43 | noideawhy | no idea why |
44 | 7thSeptember | 7 th September |
45 | SyawalJuga | Syawal Juga |
46 | RootyQ | Rooty Q |
47 | corn | corn |
48 | dingdingding | ding ding ding |
49 | BeatLA | Beat LA |
50 | ThatsAttractive | Thats Attractive |
51 | syrian | syrian |
52 | AmWriting | Am Writing |
53 | Have | Have |
54 | NSAplz | NSA plz |
55 | emblem3 | emblem3 |
57 | booktrailer | book trailer |
58 | DailyFantasy | Daily Fantasy |
59 | 21ReasonsWhyILoveDemi | 21 Reasons Why I Love Demi |
60 | WhenSnoopHostsBETHipHopAwards | When Snoop Hosts BET Hip Hop Awards |
61 | NewYorkGiants | New York Giants |
62 | keeppounding | keep pounding |
63 | Reporter | Reporter |
64 | Hillary2016 | Hillary 2016 |
65 | Falcons | Falcons |
66 | RobertDeNiro | Robert De Niro |
67 | Auspol | Auspol |
68 | Etsy | Etsy |
69 | LakeHouse | Lake House |
70 | everyoneknowsthis | everyone knows this |
71 | youcandefinitelyhearusroar | you can definitely hear us roar |
72 | Lumens | Lumens |
73 | MonaNelsonTrial | Mona Nelson Trial |
75 | TheFinalCut | The Final Cut |
76 | WhatALadYouAre | What A Lad You Are |
77 | AlwaysOn | Always On |
78 | sorrygirls | sorry girls |
79 | ThinkOutOfTgeBox | Think Out Of Tge Box |
80 | BetterCallSaul | Better Call Saul |
81 | TheFreshPrinceOfBelAir | The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air |
82 | GetDunkedon | Get Dunked on |
83 | waldoiscool | waldo is cool |
84 | joemacintosh | joe macintosh |
85 | pandoraonpointtho | pandora onpoint tho |
86 | workisdeath | work is death |
87 | jaimelovesstuff | jaime loves stuff |
88 | SmallBusiness | Small Business |
89 | AriantorsAreWorried | Ariantors Are Worried |
90 | Doggie | Doggie |
91 | ANTMBritshInvasion | ANTM Britsh Invasion |
92 | nano | nano |
93 | RosebarDayParty | Rosebar Day Party |
94 | willpower | willpower |
95 | favoritebook | favorite book |
96 | NoDaysOff | No Days Off |
97 | royalclubentertainment | royal club entertainment |
98 | Bruce2Wpg | Bruce 2 Wpg |
99 | GimmeGimmeGimme | Gimme Gimme Gimme |
Subsets and Splits