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It was a week after the funerals and Harry leaving. Kingsley had led the ceremony with the help of McGonagall. The mass had been disappointed in not hearing from Harry but the real focus of the whole thing was to say goodbye and thank you to those who had lost their lives. Fred had been buried in a field near the Burrow while Tonks and Lupin had been buried near Tonks' parents house with her father. All of the Weasleys had taken Fred's death hard, but George was still the hardest affected. In a way, they were also mourning Harry's departure, which had only added to their heartache. |
Hermione hated seeing such a loving and happy family so sad. They had welcomed her as one of their own much as they did with Harry and had even accepted her parents as muggles. She did all she could to help them, knowing that they did appreciate her support. |
Now back at Hogwarts, Hermione was staring at an old library book, trying to find the best way to fix it; the look on her face was such that had someone passed her table, they would have assumed she was reading it. Then with a few swishes of her wand the once unbounded book became whole again and let out a contented sigh. |
'That's the last one, Madam Pince.' |
The slight and cranky librarian rushed over to Hermione's table and grabbed up the book, running her hands over the cover seemingly to look for any problems. After making sure the book was indeed fixed, she nodded her head approvingly and set it on the table with the other books to be put away. |
'Thank you, Miss Granger. There are not many people I would trust with these, but I am very pleased with all you have done.' |
Hermione smiled tiredly and got her things to leave. As she walked down the hall, she heard heated voices and found the source as she came across Ron and Ginny trying to levitate and secure a very large restored portrait higher up on a tall Hogwarts wall. |
'Bring your side up a bit, Gin!.' |
'Bring yours down!' |
At that moment, the frame hit a brick that was sticking out and started to wobble precariously before starting to fall. |
Before either Weasley could gain control of the portrait, Hermione had added her own levitation charm to control its decent. When it landed roughly but safely on the ground, Hermione ran over to make sure the siblings were okay. Ginny was livid, a visible charge almost surrounding her. Ron was just as angry and stood nearly a foot over his sister. |
At this point, they were nose to nose and ready to throw hexes, and had Hermione not intervened at that moment, someone would have. |
Ron and Ginny gave one final glaring look and turned away from each other and putting their arms across their chests. Knowing this incident had little to do with the painting, Hermione cut right to the issue. |
'I miss him too, you know. We all miss him.' |
Both Weasleys deflated at this. But just as quickly, Ron stormed off down the hall without looking behind him. Ginny uncrossed her arms but continued to stare at the wall. |
'Ginny, will you be okay?' |
Hermione had spent much of the last week sleeping in the same room as the youngest Weasley and listening to her vent about Harry, whether it was in anger or sadness. She knew she was far from being okay with his leaving but she thought Ron needed her more right now. |
'No…but go get him.' |
Hermione went to her and gave her hand a quick squeeze before heading after Ron. Hermione had spent her time with Ron too. Right after Harry had apparated away, Ron came into the chamber to find Ginny crying into Hermione's lap. At first he wouldn't or couldn't believe he had left. He became even more cutoff from everyone. Hermione tried to get him to talk to her but he would just shrug her off and go flying. That was where Hermione figured he had gone to now. She finally caught up with him out on the Quidditch pitch, which was still growing new grass after being nearly destroyed by the giants. He was standing under the far posts, dazing off into the distance. Not wanting to scare him into dashing off again, Hermione called out to him. |
'Ron? Will you talk to me?' |
Before it was somewhat easy for Hermione to gauge his emotions (Ron did wear his feelings on his sleeve) but now, he was always guarded and she couldn't always be certain of how he would react to things. |
'I don't want to talk about it.' |
His voice was so emotionless, it almost scared Hermione more than if he were to start yelling at her. |
'Well you need to before you hex someone.' |
Ron glanced at her and she saw a flash of anger, almost like he was thinking about hexing her. But then he turned back around with slumping shoulders. Ron continued to stare off into the distance before taking a deep breath and turning around to face Hermione but looking at his feet. |
'He left without even saying goodbye…they both did.' |
He spoke barely above a whisper and Hermione would have missed it had she not been listening intently. |
'I know, luv. I wish I could fix that. I want them back too. It'll never be the same without them.' |
Hermione closed the distance between them and Ron looked into her eyes. The look on his face was so dejected that tears instantly sprang up in Hermione's eyes. What she would give to take that look away forever. |
'Why did Harry get to leave? Why did he get to run away?' |
And with that Ron broke down. All Hermione could do was embrace him and as they slumped on the ground, she held on to him as he cried into her shoulder. |
'I don't know. I just don't know…' |
3. Chapter Three |
Chapter Three |
After another week of work on Hogwarts, things were beginning to look normal. The army of helpers was beginning to go home and continue their lives. Hermione decided to go with the Weasleys back to the Burrow for a little while longer before going to her parents in Australia. |
The atmosphere was strained at the Burrow. The absence of Fred (and Harry) dulled the comforting ability of the welcoming home. George had been locked in his room for nearly 2 days and had only come out after Mrs. Weasley nearly broke down the door. He would now come down for at least one meal, but he would barely make eye contact with anyone and just as soon as he was finished he would go back up to his room. After a few days, he went back to his flat. |
After Ron's breakdown, he seemed to be recovering. There were still times when Hermione would steal a glance and see the same far-off look on his face. She hoped this was a sign that he was dealing with his feelings, but she wasn't sure; he had just become too hard to read. He was still guarded and wounded by Harry's departure and brother's death. Bill actually got him to play wizard's chess once; Ron lost in 5 moves. Hermione still tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't say much more than he had on the Quidditch pitch; most of the time she would simply sit with him, sometimes holding his hand. Their relationship hadn't gotten much further. Ron would usually give her a kiss goodnight and good morning but almost always on the cheek. Hermione wanted it to go further, slowly, but didn't want to push him. She wasn't sure how much longer she could wait, but for Ron, she would do about anything. |
Ginny was still grieving the loss of her brother and Harry and would wonder around the house almost on auto-pilot. She helped her mother when she asked, but would otherwise sit in her room or living room just staring off into space. Hermione would sometimes try to talk with her and carried on some small conversations but nothing of much importance. She no longer ranted to Hermione about Harry, but would still talk to her occasionally at night about Fred. Hermione's bed was set up beside Ginny's, instead of across the room like it usually was, so she was nearby when or if Ginny needed her. She had even slept in her bed for a couple nights when she was awoken by Ginny's crying. Ginny seemed to appreciate her presence and did seem to be healing, just slowly. |
The second week that the family was back at the burrow, Kingsley came to talk with Ron and Hermione. The Aurors had already talked with the trio before the funerals to get an understanding of what exactly happened, but after Harry disappeared they would sometimes come ask Ron and Hermione where he went. |
Kingsley smiled congenially as he sat in one of the comfortable chairs. |
'So Ron, Hermione how are you doing?' |
Hermione and Ron sat across from Kingsley holding hands on one of the comfortable sofas. The rest of the Weasleys had graciously left them to talk alone. Hermione tried to smile but couldn't keep it up. Ron simply frowned. |
'Ok, I suppose. Just trying to do what I can to help Mrs. Weasley.' |
'I'm fine.' |
Kingsley was slightly taken aback by Ron's abrupt response but recovered quickly and continued. |
'I know we've asked you a lot lately, but do you have any idea where Harry went?' |
Hermione glanced at Ron and saw him set his jaw. She squeezed his hand and he glanced at her, relaxing only slightly. |
'We haven't heard anything from him, but we promise that we will let you know if we do. And if he'll let us.' |
Kingsley gauged Hermione's response and when he decided he could believe her, he nodded his head. |
'Ok, Hermione. We're going to keep looking for him. I'll let you know as well if we find anything.' |
Hermione smiled thankfully. Ron didn't say anything. |
'Anyway, I'm here today to talk about an opportunity that has opened up.' |
Ron stiffened, looking interested in what he had to say for the first time that afternoon. Hermione, however, was wary about what it was. |
'Our Ministry of Magic has partnered with the Czech Ministry of Magic to form a new Auror training program. I thought with your backgrounds, you two may be interested in being part of the pilot program. We were planning on training witches and wizards in advanced defense magic originating from both countries. You would choose a certain area of expertise and have even more advanced training in that area; training from all over the world. We haven't decided on the length of the training period but the first part would be located in the Czech Republic.' |
Hermione stiffened. After all of their adventures, this did not sound like something she would want to voluntarily sign-up for. She was tired. She wanted to live a normal life. She glanced over at Ron to gauge his reaction to this offer but once again he was like a wall. This couldn't be good. |
'When do we have to decide?' |
Kingsley shrugged in thought. |
'Well, the Czechs wanted to get started next week. We hadn't really had time to find any candidates so I've been contacting possibilities personally. Unfortunately we need to get a ton of paperwork done for the international traveling and pre-training tests, so I'll need your answer in 2 days.' |
Hermione's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. She couldn't believe he wanted an answer in two days. Looking at Ron, she once again saw that far-off look on his face. Whether from complete shock or contemplation, she couldn't tell. Kingsley seemed to realize the amount of information he was giving them was slightly shocking so he continued in a slightly softer, reassuring voice. |
'Please take these two days and think about it. I know it's a rush decision but I thought you were great candidates. You've done more in your short lives than most wizards could even begin to think about, let alone survive. I know there was a lot of luck and unique magic involved but you still had to hone and depend on your own skills. Please owl me your responses so I can get you the first part of the paperwork.' |
With that, Kingsley said goodbye and left through the kitchen only after avoiding Mrs. Weasley's offers of dinner. Ron and Hermione were left sitting, still holding hands, on the sofa. Hermione knew this wasn't something she wanted to do. She had had enough adventures for 5 lifetimes. She wanted to live a normal life, get a normal job and have a normal family with Ron. |
But what would Ron think? |
She glanced at him now and saw the same far-off expression on his face. Not wanting to make this decision for him, she would give him a day to think about it. She didn't want to hold him back from something if he wanted to do it, but she really hoped that he would realize she needed him. She gave his hand a squeeze, and left him sitting on the couch. She really wanted to get his answer right away but knew that Ron needed time. |
For the next day, it seemed that all he did was think. He simply sat in the living room, staring off into space, occasionally shifting his position when his leg fell asleep. Hermione tried to stay as busy as she could. She didn't want to think about the possibility that Ron would go away for who-knows-how-long without her. She helped Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen and garden and even helped Ginny clean her room. |
Finally, some time in the next afternoon, she came to talk to Ron in the living room but found it empty. Unsure where he may have gone, Hermione decided to start with his bedroom. She wasn't sure whether he not being in the same place was a good or bad thing. She approached his room and heard rustling. Upon entering she was nearly struck in the head by a flying book. Surprised and slightly mad, she opened the door all the way to find Ron on his hands and knees looking under his bed. |
'Ron, what are you doing?' |
Ron continued rustling around without looking up. |
'I'm packing.' |
Hermione's stomach sunk. |
'For what?' |
Ron's head popped up from the side of his bed with a confused look on his face. He expected her to know why. |
'For training.' |
Hermione couldn't believe it; it was as she feared, Ron was going…without her. After recovering slightly from the shock, she got angry. |
'Weren't you going to tell me?! Weren't you going to talk to me about it?!' |
Ron was stricken. Still looking confused, he tried to figure out why she was so mad. |
'Aren't you coming?' |
Hermione stared at him, seething. He had expected her to come? After all they had done, didn't he know she was tired of it all? Looking into his blue eyes, she tried to control herself. |
'No, I am not.' |
Ron's face was further contorted into a questioning look. Then he dropped the sneaker he was holding and started walking toward Hermione. |
'I thought we would do this together. You and me. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?' |
Taken aback at his statement, Hermione let some of her anger leave her. That was what she wanted. She wanted to be with him, to live a life with him. |
'Yes, but why can't you and I be together here? Be together and live a normal life?' |
Ron's face darkened and the wall that he had been putting up came up again. He turned back away from Hermione and went back to his bed. |
'I can't stay here.' |
Hermione's anger came back instantly. She stepped closer so she was looking down her nose at his sitting figure. |
'Why?!' |
Ron slumped and continued in a whispered voice. |
'Because it just reminds me of who isn't here, of who left.' |
So that was it. Hermione couldn't believe him, couldn't believe he wouldn't stay with her because Harry had left. It wasn't like she had ever left him, she had stayed with him, had loved him. |
'So you're going to leave TOO!?!??' |
Hermione was livid. How could he do this to her when she needed him here? He wasn't the only one who missed Harry. It made no sense. They were supposed to be together… |
'I'm sorry, Hermione. I can't stand being around everyone and living a normal life knowing Harry's out there somewhere without me. How can you?' |
Hermione froze. She knew she had thought the same thing, especially when Harry first left. They had always done things together, Ron, Harry and her. They were always a trio. How could she stay behind knowing either one of them was out there alone? But Hermione didn't want to live her life on the edge. There weren't any more Dark Wizards after them, why couldn't they live a normal life? |
'He left and he's not in danger anymore. I can't live his life for him.' |
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