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孟加拉国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件二 | Annex II to the letter dated 20 November 2001 from the Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General |
纽约联合国总部通过的关于最不发达国家协调机制的决定 | Decision on a coordination mechanism for the least developed countries, adopted at United Nations Headquarters, New York, on 15 November 2001 |
第十一届最不发达国家年度会议于 2001 年 11 月 15 日在纽约举行, | The Eleventh Annual Meeting of the LDCs held on 15 November 2001 in New York, |
回顾第三次联合国最不发达国家问题会议在布鲁塞尔通过的2001-2010十年期《最不发达国家行动纲领》, | Recalling the Programme of Action of the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 adopted by the Third United Nations Conference on LDCs (LDC III) in Brussels, |
确认最不发达国家必须加强协调和多参加第三次联合国最不发达国家问题会议《行动纲领》的执行,并采取后续行动, | Recognizing the importance of strengthened coordination and greater participation of the Least Developed Countries in the implementation and follow-up of the LDC III Programme of Action, decides: |
1. 设立最不发达国家协调机制,名为最不发达国家协调局; | 1. To establish a coordination mechanism for the Least Developed Countries to be called the Coordination Bureau of the Least Developed Countries; |
2. 协调局应由下列成员组成:1 名主席和 4 名副主席; | 2. That the Coordination Bureau will be composed of the following members: a chairman and four vice-chairmen; |
3. 协调局成员按区域集团分配如下:3 名成员来自非洲集团(包括海地),2 名成员来自亚洲集团; | 3. That the representation of the regional groups in the Coordination Bureau will be as follows: three from the African Group including Haiti and two from the Asian Group; |
4. 协调局当选成员任期五年; | 4. That the Bureau will be elected for a term of five years; |
5. 协调局主席由非洲集团(包括海地)和亚洲集团轮流担任,但先从非洲集团挑选; | 5. That the chairmanship of the Bureau will rotate alternately between the African Group, including Haiti and the Asian Group, and will start with the African Group; |
大 会第七十五届会议 | Seventy-fifth session |
正式记录 | Official Records |
15 October 2020 | 15 October 2020 |
本记录可以更正。 | This record is subject to correction. |
更正请在记录文本上作出,由代表团成员一人署名,尽快送交文件管理科科长([email protected])。更正后的记录将以电子文本方式在联合国正式文件系统(http://documents.un.org)上重发。 | Corrections should be sent as soon as possible, under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned, to the Chief of the Documents Management Section ([email protected]), and incorporated in a copy of the record. Corrected records will be reissued electronically on the Official Document System of the United Nations (http://documents.un.org) |
20-12983 (C) | 20-12983 (E) |
*2012983* | *2012983* |
第 1 次会议简要记录 | Summary record of the 1st meeting |
2020 年 10 月 5 日星期一上午 10 时在纽约总部举行 | Held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 5 October 2020, at 10 a.m. |
主席: 拉伊先生...........................................................................................................(尼泊尔) | Chair: Mr. Rai ................................ ........................ (Nepal) |
工作安排 | Organization of work |
主席发言 | Statement by the Chair |
主旨发言 | Keynote address |
主管经济和社会事务副秘书长发言 | Statement by the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs |
一般性辩论 | General debate |
上午 10 时 05 分开会。 | The meeting was called to order at 10.05 a.m. |
工作安排(A/C.2/75/L.1) | Organization of work (A/C.2/75/L.1) |
1. 主席说,他认为委员会核准了工作安排(A/C.2/75/L.1),但有一项谅解,即将在本届会议期间视需要作出进一步调整。 | 1. The Chair said that he took it that the Committee approved its organization of work (A/C.2/75/L.1) on the understanding that further adjustments would be made, if necessary, in the course of the session. |
2. 就这样决定。 | 2. It was so decided. |
3. NayYal 先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)还代表古巴、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、俄罗斯联邦和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国发言说,联合国所有会员国平等和不受歧视地参与其工作的正当权利应该得到维护。东道国越来越系统地以歧视方式实行《联合国和美利坚合众国关于联合国总部的协定》的做法,正在损害某些会员国独立行使主权权利和特权的能力。东道国对会员国代表实施旅行和行动限制,坚持在 COVID-19 大流行期间要求某个常驻代表团的人员搬迁,从而违反了外交财产的不受侵犯权,对常驻代表团的成员实施非法、任意的驱逐,使之难以履行对联合国的财政承诺,其目的是阻止会员国充分行使其权利,包括投票权。 | 3. Mr. Nayyal (Syrian Arab Republic), speaking also on behalf of Cuba, Iran (Islamic Republic of), the Russian Federation and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), said that the legitimate right of all States Members of the United Nations to participate in its work on an equal footing and without discrimination should be upheld. The increasingly systematic application by the host country of the Agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations in a discriminatory fashion was undermining the independent exercise of the sovereign rights and privileges of certain Member States. By imposing travel and movement restrictions on representatives of Member States, insisting on the relocation of personnel of a mission amid the COVID-19 pandemic, breaching the inviolability of diplomatic property, engaging in the illegal and arbitrary expulsion of members of permanent missions and making it difficult to honour financial commitments to the United Nations, the host country aimed to prevent Member States from fully exercising their rights, including to vote. |
4. 美利坚合众国正在滥用其东道国地位,特别是延误甚至拒绝发放签证,从而阻止代表们进入联合国总部。未向一个会员国的 18 名代表发放签证是不可接受的,史无前例的拒绝向一国外交部长发放签证的决定也是不可接受的。同样不可接受的是发放使代表们在纽约执行任务期间无法旅行的签证。 | 4. The United States of America was abusing its status as host country, in particular by delaying or even denying the issuance of visas, thereby preventing delegates from gaining access to United Nations Headquarters. The failure to issue visas to the 18 delegates of a Member State was unacceptable, as was the unprecedented decision to deny a visa to a foreign minister. Equally unacceptable was the issuance of visas that prevented delegates from travelling in the course of their mission in New York. |
5. 东道国的做法违反了《联合国宪章》、《联合国总部协定》、特别是第 11、12、13 和 27 节以及《维也纳外交关系公约》和《联合国特权和豁免公约》的相关规范。受影响的会员国一再提出他们的关切,包括通过大会第 74/195 号决议这样做,但都无济于事。联合国法律顾问最近已经注意到与东道国代表的会谈缺乏进展。会员国必须确保联合国的工作不被政治动机挟持。秘书长应利用其权力,确保各国主权平等的原则得到尊重,并保证会员国平等和不受歧视地参与本组织的工作。为此,应触发《联合国总部协定》第 21节。委员会主席还应与联合国相关主管部门一道,就这一问题采取后续行动。 | 5. The practices of the host country were in violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the United Nations Headquarters Agreement, in particular sections 11, 12, 13 and 27, related norms of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. The affected Member States had repeatedly raised their concerns, including through General Assembly resolution 74/195, but to no avail. The United Nations Legal Counsel had recently noted the lack of progress in talks with representatives of the host country. Member States must ensure that the work of the United Nations was not held hostage to political agendas. The Secretary-General should use his powers to ensure that the principle of the sovereign equality of States was respected and to guarantee the equal and non-discriminatory participation of Member States in the work of the Organization. To that end, section 21 of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement should be triggered. The Chair of the Committee should also follow up on the issue in conjunction with the relevant United Nations authorities. Statement by the Chair |
6. 主席说,委员会一般性辩论的主题为“冠状病毒病之后重建得更好:确保更公平的全球经济、更加包容的社会和可持续的恢复”,表明了冠状病毒病(COVID-19)将对包括消除贫困、粮食安全和营养等优先领域在内的委员会工作,以及委员会将在本届会议上通过的各项决议产生的深远影响。委员会将讨论就秘书长提出的在 2021 年召开世界粮食体系峰会的倡议的筹备情况,并审议这一大流行病对宏观经济政策、发展筹资、贸易和债务可持续性以及各特殊处境国家组、特别是最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和内陆发展中国家的影响。在这方面,委员会还将审查《小岛屿发展中国家快速行动方式(萨摩亚途径)》执行方面的差距。 | 6. The Chair said that the theme of the Committee’s general debate, entitled “Building back better after COVID-19: ensuring a more equitable global economy, inclusive societies and sustainable recovery”, reflected the profound impact that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) would have on the Committee’s work, including such priority areas as the eradication of poverty, food security and nutrition, and on the resolutions that it would adopt in the current session. The Committee would discuss preparations for the initiative by the Secretary-General to convene a world food systems summit in 2021 and consider the implications of the pandemic for macroeconomic policy, financing for development, trade and debt sustainability and groups of countries in special situations, in particular the least developed countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries. In that regard, it would also review gaps in the implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway (Samoa Pathway). |
7. 委员会将评估大会主席于 2020 年 9 月召开的生物多样性问题峰会,并审查 2021 年能源问题高级别对话和 2023 年 3 月关于 2018-2028“水促进可持续发展”国际行动十年各项目标落实情况中期全面审查会议的筹备情况。鉴于冠状病毒病对应对气候变化工作的影响,10 月 15 日会外活动的重点将是综合应灾问题。将在大会本届会议期间进行的联合国系统发展方面业务活动四年度全面政策审查,将为 2018 年启动的改革进程和有效执行《2030 年可持续发展议程》提供新的动力。 | 7. The Committee would take stock of the summit on biodiversity, convened by the President of the General Assembly in September 2020, and examine preparations for the High-level Dialogue on Energy in 2021 and for the conference in March 2023 on the midterm comprehensive review of the implementation of the objectives of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018–2028. In the light of the impact of COVID-19 on efforts to tackle climate change, the focus of a side event on 15 October would be on integrated disaster response. The quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system, which would be conducted during the current session of the General Assembly, would provide renewed impetus for the process of reform that had been launched in 2018 and for the efficient implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. |
主旨发言 | Keynote address |
8. 斯蒂格利茨先生(哥伦比亚大学教授)说,冠状病毒病暴露了世界经济、政治和社会的诸多弱点。即使在发达、富裕的国家,政府、私营部门和社会保障制度也证明能力不足,无法应对这种大流行病。在新兴市场和发展中国家,封城给劳动者带来了不必要的困难,导致许多人迁移,并在此过程中传播了疾病。用于应对大流行病的后果的大量资源不仅应该用于刺激经济,还应该用于解决社会不平等、应对气候变化和促进包容性。 | 8. Mr. Stiglitz (Professor, Columbia University) said that COVID-19 had exposed numerous weaknesses in the world’s economy, politics and societies. Even in advanced and wealthy countries, Governments, the private sector and social protection systems had proven ill-equipped to cope with such a pandemic. In emerging markets and developing countries, lockdowns had brought undue hardship to workers, leading many to migrate and, in the process, spread the disease. The significant resources being spent to deal with the aftermath of the pandemic should be used not only to stimulate the economy but also to tackle social inequity, address climate change and promote inclusivity. |
9. 然而,在重建得更好之前,大流行病必须得到遏制。需要国际合作来开发疫苗、治疗和测试手段,并向全世界提供。哥斯达黎加与世界卫生组织(世卫组织)一道提议建立一个汇集技术和分享知识的平台,这是一项值得欢迎的倡议。令人遗憾的是,某些公司和政府拒绝加入这一平台。这场大流行病打击一些区域的威力要大于其他区域,而且非常不可预测。不过很明显,对科学的依赖、公众对政府的信任以及人民之间的相互尊重是控制住这场大流行病的关键。 | 9. Before building back better, however, the pandemic must be contained. International cooperation was required to develop vaccines, treatments and tests and make them available to the entire world. The proposal by Costa Rica, in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO), to establish a platform to pool technology and share knowledge was a welcome initiative. That certain companies and Governments had declined to join it was regrettable. The pandemic had struck some regions with greater force than others and was highly unpredictable. It was clear, however, that reliance on science, a public trust in government and mutual respect by people for one another were key to bringing it under control. |
10. 大流行病导致的全球经济放缓正在打击新兴市场国家和发展中国家,特别是对那些依赖出口的国家的打击尤其沉重。另一场债务危机正在逼近。在大流行病之前,许多国家根据重债穷国倡议已经获得一个新的开始;而一些国家现在再次深陷债务泥潭。二十国集团(G20)的暂停偿债倡议值得欢迎,但还不够。私人债务问题也必须得到解决。收入直线下降的许多国家会发现自己无法偿还债务。 | 10. The global economic slowdown ensuing from the pandemic was hitting countries in emerging markets and the developing world, in particular those that depended on exports, especially hard. Another debt crisis was looming. Prior to the pandemic, many countries had been given a fresh start under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative; some had now once again fallen heavily into debt. The Group of 20 (G20) debt service suspension initiative was welcome but insufficient. The issue of private debt must also be tackled. Many countries where incomes were plummeting would find themselves unable to service their debt. |
11. 大会关于主权债务重组进程基本原则的第 69/319号决议遭到一些国家的反对,其中一些国家对大部分放贷承担责任,而其他国家则背负着一些最沉重的债务负担。因此,债务重组是在没有法律框架的情况下进行的。私人和半私人债权人表现出的合作意愿甚少,甚至在暂停偿还债务的问题上也是如此。阿根廷主权债务重组谈判凸显出其中涉及的困难。这场大流行病提醒人们,重组主权债务需要一个国际法律框架。希望联合国能再次接手处理这个问题。然而,制定这样一个框架的进展可能太慢,无助于解决发展中国家面临的紧迫问题。必须向债权国施压,鼓励私营部门进行债务重组。债务回购是另一个潜在的有效工具。然而,如果不进行适当的债务重组,新兴市场和发展中国家及其债权人将遭受巨大痛苦。 | 11. General Assembly resolution 69/319 on the basic principles of sovereign debt restructuring processes had been opposed by a number of countries, among them some responsible for much of the lending and others carrying some of the heaviest debt burdens. Debt restructuring was thus taking place with no legal framework. Private and semi-private creditors had shown little inclination to cooperate, even on the matter of suspending the repayment of debt. The negotiations on restructuring the sovereign debt of Argentina highlighted the difficulties involved. The pandemic was a reminder of the need for an international legal framework for restructuring sovereign debt. It was to be hoped that the United Nations would again take up that issue. Progress in developing such a framework would probably be too slow, however, to be of help in resolving the immediate problems facing developing countries. Pressure must be applied to creditor countries to encourage the private sector to engage in debt restructuring. Debt buy-backs were another potentially effective instrument. However, without adequate debt restructuring, emerging markets and developing countries, along with their creditors, would experience enormous suffering. |
12. 国际货币基金组织(基金组织)曾呼吁分配 5 000亿美元的特别提款权。发达国家可以将他们在这些权利中的份额借给或捐赠给短期内需要援助的新兴市场和发展中国家。不过,还有更多的事情可以做。美国国会面前的一项法案规定,支持基金组织发行 2 万亿美元的特别提款权,以应对这一大流行病带来的经济后果。 | 12. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) had called for the allocation of $500 billion in special drawing rights. Advanced countries could lend or donate their share of those rights to emerging markets and developing countries that needed assistance in the short term. More, however, could be done. A bill before the United States Congress provided for support for IMF to issue $2 trillion in special drawing rights in order to address the economic aftermath of the pandemic. |
13. 主席请委员会就主旨发言进行一般性讨论。 | 13. The Chair invited the Committee to engage in a general discussion on the keynote address. |
14. Ligoya 先生(马拉维)说,他想知道为什么某些国家反对大会第 69/319 号决议。货币基金组织最近未能在其理事会中获得赞成发行 5 000 亿美元特别提款权所需的三分之二多数。相反,它鼓励那些已经拥有但不需要这种权利的国家将这些权利借给或捐赠给有需要的国家。是否有理由相信货币基金组织可能会在未来发行新的特别提款权? | 14. Mr. Ligoya (Malawi) said that he would like to know why certain countries had opposed General Assembly resolution 69/319. IMF had recently failed to obtain a two-thirds majority on its Board of Governors in favour of issuing $500 billion in special drawing rights. Instead, it was encouraging countries that already had, but did not require, such rights to lend or donate them to countries in need. Was there reason to believe that IMF might make the new issuance in the future? |
15. 斯蒂格利茨先生(哥伦比亚大学教授)说,金融界认为,缺乏基于原则的主权债务重组制度更有可能确保债权国获得偿还款。此外,一些当事方赞成在债务协议中加入集体行动条款,以此作为促进更迅速、更公平的债务重组的一种手段。然而,使用这些条款并没有解决不同类别债权国之间出现的问题。集体行动条款没有用于解决单个国家内部的债务问题,这最好地说明了在主权债务重组过程中采用法律框架的重要性。而债务问题则由破产法加以规范。关于特别提款权,很难看到美国和印度提出任何有说服力的反对货币基金组织提议发行的理由,特别是鉴于国会正在就 2 万亿美元的发行问题进行讨论。希望 2021 年的美国新一届政府会支持此发行提议。 | 15. Mr. Stiglitz (Professor, Columbia University) said that it was the view of the financial sector that the absence of a principles-based system of sovereign debt restructuring was more likely to ensure that creditors obtained repayment. Moreover, some parties favoured the insertion of collective action clauses into debt agreements as a means to facilitate more rapid and equitable debt restructuring. The use of such clauses, however, did not resolve problems that arose between different classes of creditors. The importance of introducing a legal framework for sovereign debt restructuring was best illustrated by the fact that collective action clauses were not used to address debt within individual countries. Rather, the matter of debt was regulated by bankruptcy law. With regard to special drawing rights, it was difficult to see any persuasive reason for opposition by the United States and India to the issuance proposed by IMF, especially given the ongoing discussions in Congress on a $2 trillion issuance. It was to be hoped that a new administration in the United States in 2021 would back such an issuance. |
16. Braquetti 先生(摩纳哥)说,他想知道全球北方是否会因这场大流行病而面临债务危机,以及说全世界没有汲取 2008 年金融危机的教训是否公平。他还询问,重建得更好的想法是否也应该适用于金融体系。 | 16. Mr. Braquetti (Monaco) said that he would like to know whether a debt crisis might ensue in the global North as a result of the pandemic and whether it was fair to say that the lessons of the 2008 financial crisis had not been learned. He also asked whether the idea of building back better should also apply to the financial system. |
17. Mamadou Soule Gueye 先生(塞内加尔)询问是否应考虑设法取消特殊处境国家的债务。 | 17. Mr. Mamadou Soule Gueye (Senegal) asked whether consideration should be given to working towards the cancellation of debt of countries in special situations. |
18. Makwe 先生(尼日利亚)在谈到发展筹资和税制改革时询问,是否也不能从其他来源调动资源,例如通过资产追回和打击非法资金流动来这样做。 | 18. Mr. Makwe (Nigeria), referring to financing for development and tax reform, asked whether resources could not also be mobilized from other sources, such as through asset recovery and by combating illicit financial flows. |
19. 斯蒂格利茨先生(哥伦比亚大学教授)说,美国和欧洲国家在不产生通货膨胀压力的情况下有相当大的消费能力。随后产生的任何通货膨胀上升问题都可以通过尚未利用的税收措施来抵消,这些措施包括碳税、数码税和财富税,以及货币政策工具。令人担忧的主要原因是,这些国家可能消费不足。2009 年,中国经济的强劲增长在 2008 年金融危机后重振世界经济方面发挥了关键作用。在目前的情况下,不太可能发挥这样的作用,这使得有能力这样做的发达国家更加需要为重建得更好而消费。自 2008 年以来,在打击严重损害发达国家收入基础的多国公司的避税和逃税以及秘密避税地问题等方面取得了一些进展,但还不够。 | 19. Mr. Stiglitz (Professor, Columbia University) said that the United States and European countries had considerable capacity to spend without inflationary pressure. Any subsequent rise in inflation could be counteracted with tax measures that had yet to be tapped, including carbon, digital and wealth taxes, and monetary policy tools. The main source of concern was that such countries might not spend enough. In 2009, strong economic growth in China had played a key role in resuscitating the world economy in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. It was unlikely to play such a role in the current situation, making it all the more important for advanced countries with the capacity to do so to spend on building back better. Some progress, but not enough, had been made since 2008 in combating tax avoidance and evasion by multinational corporations and the problem of secrecy havens, which had severely undermined the revenue bases of advanced countries. |
20. 同样,多国公司必须在发展中国家纳税,这将有助于发展筹资。由于通行的转让定价制度允许多国公司缴纳的税款低于其公平份额,实际上甚至低于当地的小企业,因此需要为全球公司设定一个 25%的最低税率,并建立一个跨越不同管辖区的公式化税收制度。此外,只有联合国在税制改革问题上发挥更突出的作用,发展中国家的利益才会得到考虑。全面取消债务的前景微乎其微。出于这个原因,有必要转而侧重于更公平的债务重组制度。 | 20. Similarly, multinational corporations must pay taxes in developing countries, which would contribute to financing for development. Because the prevailing transfer pricing system allowed multinational corporations to pay less than their fair share of taxes and, indeed, even less than small local businesses, there was a need for a global corporation tax at a minimum rate of 25 per cent and a formulaic system for taxation across various jurisdictions. Moreover, the interests of developing countries would be taken into account only if the United Nations took a more prominent role in matters of tax reform. There was little prospect of across-the-board cancellation of debt. For that reason, there was a need to focus on a fairer system of debt restructuring instead. |
21. 2008 年金融危机带来的机遇在很大程度上已经被浪费了。在金融部门改革不充分的同时,也未能建立主权债务重组机制或解决秘密避税地问题。 | 21. The opportunities presented by the 2008 financial crisis had largely been wasted. Inadequate financial sector reform had been accompanied by the failure to create a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism or tackle the issue of secrecy havens. |
22. Bailey 女士(牙买加)询问,反对大会第 69/319 号决议并主张以市场办法处理主权债务问题的债权国的态度是否有任何改变的迹象。 | 22. Ms. Bailey (Jamaica) asked whether there was any indication of a change in attitude by the creditor countries that had opposed General Assembly resolution 69/319 and had argued in favour of a market-based approach to the issue of sovereign debt. |
23. Hajilari 先生(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)说,在迫切需要开展国际合作以消除冠状病毒病之际,少数国家的单边和自私做法正在破坏多边主义。除了大流行病之外,单方面强制性措施不也对全球增长构成了最大威胁吗? | 23. Mr. Hajilari (Islamic Republic of Iran) said that the unilateral and self-serving approach of a few countries was undermining multilateralism at a time when international cooperation was imperative in order to combat COVID-19. In addition to the pandemic, was it not true that unilateral coercive measures posed the greatest threat to global growth? |
24. 斯蒂格利茨先生(哥伦比亚大学教授)说,全球合作对于应对这一大流行病和重建得更好至关重要。这种合作应该包括发行特别提款权、债务重组和投资,以使经济更环保和更加包容。关于主权债务,人们开始意识到,市场办法无法解决问题。爆发大流行病之后,新兴市场和发展中国家的长期债务积压将对全球经济复原构成威胁。 | 24. Mr. Stiglitz (Professor, Columbia University) said that global cooperation was essential to tackle the pandemic and to build back better. Such cooperation should include the issuance of special drawing rights, debt restructuring and investment in making economies greener and more inclusive. With regard to sovereign debt, the realization was dawning that a market-based approach would not solve the problem. An extended period of debt overhang in emerging markets and developing countries in the wake of the pandemic would pose a threat to global economic recovery. |
25. Dev Nath 先生(孟加拉国)指出,预计 2020 年全球侨汇将下降 20%,许多移民工人在回国过程中面临各种问题,他询问国际金融机构可以做些什么来帮助他们重新融入经济。 | 25. Mr. Dev Nath (Bangladesh), noting that a 20 per cent drop in global remittances was expected in 2020 and that many migrant workers faced a variety of problems in returning home, asked what international financial institutions could do to assist in their reintegration into the economy. |
26. 斯蒂格利茨先生(哥伦比亚大学教授)说,发展中国家不仅受到侨汇减少的影响,而且还受到出口和商品价格下降的影响。应解决金融部门对侨汇收取费用的问题,私营部门的侨汇手续费约占 15%;鉴于现有的技术,这种汇款应该几乎免费。货币基金组织和捐助国可以通过投资发展更环保、更具包容性和更加知识型的社会及创造就业机会来提供帮助。某些绿色支出领域,如安装太阳能电池板,是劳动密集型行业,可能会创造新的就业机会,从而吸收一些返回的劳动力。 | 26. Mr. Stiglitz (Professor, Columbia University) said that developing countries were being affected not only by diminishing remittances, but also by falling exports and commodity prices. The issue of financial sector charges on the transmission of remittances, which in the private sector amounted to around 15 per cent and, given the available technology, ought to be nearly free of charge, should be addressed. IMF and donor countries could assist by investing in greener, more inclusive and more knowledge-based societies and job creation. Certain areas of green spending, such as the installation of solar panels, were labour intensive and could generate new jobs, thereby absorbing some of the returning labour force. |
主管经济和社会事务副秘书长发言 | Statement by the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs |
27. 刘振民先生(主管经济和社会事务副秘书长)说,冠状病毒病的影响和为减轻其影响而采取的措施已经使世界各地的卫生系统不堪重负,多达 90%的学生失学,并导致企业和工厂关闭。该大流行病扰乱了全球价值链和产品供应。有数百万人失业。预计在 2020年,这场大流行病将使 7 000 多万人重新陷入极端贫困,并导致另外 1.32 亿人营养不足。世界上最贫穷和最脆弱的人遭受的痛苦最大,性别不平等正在加深。 | 27. Mr. Liu Zhenmin (Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs) said that the effects of COVID-19 and the measures taken to mitigate its impact had overwhelmed health systems around the world, kept up to 90 per cent of students out of school and caused businesses and factories to shut down. It had disrupted global value chains and the supply of products. Millions of jobs had been lost. It was expected that the pandemic would push more than 70 million people back into extreme poverty in 2020 and cause 132 million more to suffer from undernourishment. The world’s poorest and most vulnerable people were suffering the most and gender inequality was deepening. |
28. 世界经济已经进入1930年代以来最严重的衰退,预计 2020 年全球产出将下降 4%。虽然一些最大经济体的经济活动最近有所回升,预计 2021 年将出现一些反弹,但主要挑战是将冠状病毒病对实现可持续发展目标的影响降至最低,并重建经济,使其更具包容性、更有复原力,并且在环境上更可持续。 | 28. The world economy had entered its deepest recession since the 1930s and global output was forecast to decline by 4 per cent in 2020. While economic activity had recently picked up in some of the largest economies and some rebound was expected in 2021, the main challenge was to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and to rebuild the economy in a way that would render it more inclusive, resilient and environmentally sustainable. |
29. 所有可用的资源都必须用来减少贫困和不平等,现在是时候让全民社会保障成为现实了。政策的重点要放在保持和恢复就业以及扶持中小企业上。经济刺激一揽子计划的优先事项应该是促进投资发展绿色经济、气候缓解和适应以及数字基础设施。这样的投资还将有助于创造新的就业机会。需要在卫生、教育、技能和技术诀窍等方面进行大量投资,在大流行病期间采取的紧急措施应成为发展强大的全民保健系统的基础。 | 29. All available resources must be deployed to reduce poverty and inequality and it was time to make universal social protection a reality. Policy should be focused on preserving and restoring employment and supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Priority in economic stimulus packages should go to boosting investment in the green economy, climate mitigation and adaptation, and digital infrastructure. Such investment would also help to create new jobs. Significant investment was needed in health, education, skills and technical know-how and the emergency measures taken during the pandemic should form a basis for the development of robust universal health-care systems. |
30. 重要的是要避免发展中国家出现足以导致经济瘫痪的债务危机。二十国集团的暂停偿债倡议是不够的,许多国家将需要债务减免和重组。他将向二十国集团通报第二委员会成员的意见,并介绍国际金融问责、透明和廉洁以利实现 2030 年议程高级别小组以及冠状病毒病时代及其后发展筹资倡议下非法资金流动问题讨论小组提出的新想法。 | 30. It was vital to avoid a crippling debt crisis in developing countries. The G20 debt service suspension initiative would not be enough and many countries would need debt relief and restructuring. He would make known to the G20 the views of members of the Second Committee and present new ideas emerging from the High-level Panel on International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity for Achieving the 2030 Agenda and the discussion group on illicit financial flows under the Initiative on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond. |
31. 面对这场大流行病,私营部门需要转向能够整合可持续发展目标的商业模式。必须加强国际发展合作,包括南南和三方合作。这场危机已经刺激一些领域以前所未有的规模取得成就,诸如快速向数字技术迁移,创建新一代金融产品和基础设施,以及推出宏伟的社会保障计划。 | 31. In the face of the pandemic, the private sector needed to shift towards business models that integrated the Sustainable Development Goals. International development cooperation, including South-South and triangular cooperation, must be boosted. The crisis had already spurred achievements on an unprecedented scale in areas such as the rapid migration to digital technologies, the creation of a new generation of financial products and infrastructure, and the rollout of ambitious social protection programmes. |
32. 四年度全面政策审查将最终通过一项决议,指导联合国发展系统今后四年的工作,其重点不仅应放在该系统如何运作上,而且应放在发展系统应为实现可持续发展目标提供何种政策和方案支持上。联合国海洋会议、能源问题高级别对话和第二次全球可持续交通大会都将成为加快就可持续性采取行动的重要垫脚石。经济和社会事务部将支持技术促进机制、下一次科学、技术、创新促进可持续发展目标多利益攸关方论坛以及因特网治理论坛第 15 次会议,这次会议的主题将是“因特网促进人类复原力和团结”。 | 32. The quadrennial comprehensive policy review, which would culminate in a resolution guiding the United Nations development system for the coming four years, should be focused not only on how the system worked but on the kind of policy and programme support it should provide for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations Ocean Conference, the High-level Dialogue on Energy and the Second Global Conference on Sustainable Transport would all constitute important stepping stones for accelerating action on sustainability. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs would support the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, the next multi-stakeholder forum on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals and the 15th meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, the theme of which would be “Internet for human resilience and solidarity”. |
一般性辩论 | General debate |
33. 主席说,委员会核准了其工作安排,同时铭记在第七十五届会议期间开会的特殊情形,并在此过程中商定,一般性辩论中的发言可以当面发言,可以是虚拟的现场发言,也可以采用预先录制的形式。他还认为,在一般性辩论中所作的所有发言都应获得平等对待。在这方面,他谨提出以下口头决定草案:“第二委员会,考虑到委员会在冠状病毒病大流行造成的特殊情形下开会,决定在不给今后届会设定先例的情况下,在大会第七十五届会议本委员会一般性辩论期间所作的所有发言均应载入委员会简要记录。” | 33. The Chair said that the Committee, in approving its organization of work and bearing in mind the special circumstances under which it was meeting during the seventy-fifth session, had agreed that statements in the general debate could be delivered in person, as virtual live statements or in pre-recorded form. It was also his understanding that all statements delivered in the general debate should be treated on an equal basis. In that regard, he wished to propose the following oral draft decision: “The Second Committee, taking into account the particular circumstances under which the Committee is meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, decides, without setting a precedent for future sessions, that all statements delivered during the general debate of the Committee at the seventy-fifth session of the General Assembly should be reflected in the Committee’s summary records.” |
34. Varganov 先生(俄罗斯联邦)说,俄罗斯代表团不能支持该口头决定草案,因为它违反了大会议事规则,特别是就大会第七十五届会议一般性辩论通过的议事规则。为此,俄罗斯联邦代表团谨对该口头决定草案提出以下修正案,其中反映了大会第 74/562 号决定规定的方式:“……决定,除在一般性辩论期间口头作出的第二委员会一般性辩论摘要外,主席还将作为第二委员会的文件,分发会员国在第二委员会一般性辩论期间以预先录制的发言方式所作发言的汇编文件。” | 34. Mr. Varganov (Russian Federation) said that his delegation could not support the oral draft decision, as it contravened the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, in particular those adopted with regard to general debates at its seventy-fifth session. For that reason, his delegation wished to propose the following amendment to the oral draft decision, which reflected the modalities provided for in General Assembly decision 74/562: “… decides that, in addition to the summary of the general debate of the Second Committee, made orally during the general debate, the President will circulate, as a document of the Second Committee, a compilation document of the statements delivered by Member States by means of pre-recorded statements during the general debate of the Second Committee.” |
35. De La Mora Salcedo 先生(墨西哥)说,在一般性辩论中作出的所有发言,无论其格式如何,都应获得平等对待。此外,主席提议的口头决定草案符合大会议事规则第 58 条。墨西哥代表团认为没有理由歧视选择预先录制发言的会员国。 | 35. Mr. De La Mora Salcedo (Mexico) said that all statements made in the general debate, regardless of their format, should be treated equally. Moreover, the oral draft decision proposed by the Chair was consistent with rule 58 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly. His delegation could see no reason for discriminating against Member States that opted for pre-recorded statements. |
36. 主席说,主席团将进一步讨论此事,并再次向委员会汇报,以期达成协商一致意见。 | 36. The Chair said that the Bureau would further discuss the matter and revert to the Committee with a view to obtaining consensus. |
37. Pierre 先生(圭亚那)代表 77 国集团和中国发言说,几十年来取得的发展成果已经因冠状病毒病而遭到破坏。重要的是,委员会在本届会议期间要重点关注消除贫困以及以平衡、协调和综合的方式实现三个层面的可持续发展这一总体目标。即使在冠状病毒病的阴影下,应对气候变化的努力也不能有丝毫松懈,因为气候变化仍然是许多国家面临的生死存亡威胁。有必要在气候变化适应、减缓、灭失和损坏以及海平面上升等方面开展更多工作,同时考虑到发展中国家、尤其是那些特别容易受到气候变化和海平面上升不利影响的国家的具体需求和特殊情况。 | 37. Mr. Pierre (Guyana), speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, said that decades of development gains had been undermined by COVID-19. It was important that the Committee, during its current session, focus on the overarching objective of eradicating poverty and pursuing sustainable development in its three dimensions in a balanced, coordinated and integrated manner. Even in the shadow of COVID-19, there must be no slackening in efforts to tackle climate change, which remained an existential threat to many countries. There was a need to do more with regard to climate change adaptation, mitigation, loss and damage, and sea-level rise, taking into account the specific needs and special circumstances of developing countries, especially those that were particularly vulnerable to the adverse impact of climate change and sea-level rise. |
38. 冠状病毒病正在阻碍旨在停止全球生物多样性丧失的努力,从而损害了《2030 年议程》的实施工作。77 国集团和中国重申致力于保护生物多样性,可持续地利用其组成部分,并公平、公平地分享通过利用遗传资源所带来的利益。他们将努力推动生物多样性公约缔约方大会第 15 次会议取得成功,并欢迎秘书长以及牙买加和加拿大两国政府倡议召开一系列关于冠状病毒病时代及以后的发展筹资问题的会议,并最后于2020 年 9 月 29 日举行了国家元首和政府首脑会议。 | 38. COVID-19 was hindering efforts to halt global biodiversity loss and thereby undermining implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The Group of 77 and China reaffirmed their commitment to preserve biological diversity, use its components sustainably and share benefits arising from the use of genetic resources fairly and equitably. They would work for the success of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and welcomed the initiative of the Secretary-General and the Governments of Jamaica and Canada in convening a series of meetings on financing for development in the era of COVID-19 and beyond, which had culminated in a meeting of Heads of State and Government on 29 September 2020. |
39. 由于发展中国家所面临的发展瓶颈,他们因冠状病毒病所带来的经济、社会和环境冲击而受到了过大的影响。脆弱的卫生系统、资金不足和高额债务、在市场上难以买到足够的商品和服务、数字鸿沟不断扩大、获得必要药品和医疗用品的渠道受到限制以及旅游和出口收入下降,如此种种,只是他们面临的结构性困难的一部分。解决办法蕴含在以统一和团结两项原则为支撑的强化多边体系中。 | 39. Developing countries were being disproportionately affected by the economic, social and environmental impacts of COVID-19 owing to their development bottlenecks. Frail health systems, insufficient financing and high levels of debt, inadequate market access for goods and services, the expanding digital divide, restricted access to necessary pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, and declining revenue from tourism and exports, were only some of the structural difficulties they faced. The solution lay in a strengthened multilateral system underpinned by the principles of unity and solidarity. |
40. 2020 年全球经济萎缩 5%,这导致国际贸易放缓,而国际贸易是包容型经济增长和消除贫困的引擎。国际合作是恢复世界经济活力的关键,方法包括:加强国际金融安全网;维持稳定的全球供应链;加强金融部门的政策和监管,促进可持续发展;完善跨境支付服务;以及促进体制政策一致性和治理改革。在世界贸易组织(世贸组织)之下建立普遍、有章可循、公开、透明、可预测、包容、不歧视和公平的多边贸易体制至关重要。 | 40. A global economic contraction of 5 per cent in 2020 had slowed international trade, which was an engine for inclusive economic growth and poverty eradication. International cooperation was the key to reviving the global economy, including by strengthening the international financial safety net; maintaining a stable global supply chain; enhancing financial sector policies and regulation for sustainable development; improving cross-border payment services; and promoting institutional policy coherence and governance reform. A universal, rules-based, open, transparent, predictable, inclusive, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization (WTO) was crucial. |
41. 在这种前所未有的情形下,捐助国必须履行其官方发展援助承诺,将官方发展援助与发展中国家的国家优先事项和战略进行对接。南南合作可以补充而非取代南北合作。虽然南北合作仍然是发展合作的首要渠道,但南南合作必须由南方国家确定,以尊重国家主权、国家自主和独立、平等、无条件、不干涉内政和互惠互利等原则为指导。国际社会必须停止对发展中国家使用单方面强制性经济措施,这种措施损害《联合国宪章》规定的原则和国际法,并阻碍发展。在本届会议期间谈判达成四年度全面政策审查决议特别重要。 | 41. In such unprecedented circumstances, donor countries must honour their official development assistance (ODA) commitments and align ODA with the national priorities and strategies of developing countries. South-South cooperation was a complement to, rather than a substitute for, North-South cooperation. While the latter remained the primary channel for development cooperation, the former must be set by countries of the South, guided by the principles of respect for national sovereignty, national ownership and independence, equality, non-conditionality, non-interference in domestic affairs and mutual benefit. The international community must end the use of unilateral coercive economic measures against developing countries, which undermined the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and international law and impeded development. The quadrennial comprehensive policy review resolution that would be negotiated during the current session was especially significant. |
42. Manalo 先生(菲律宾)代表支持中等收入国家的观点一致国家集团发言说,该集团欢迎大会通过关于开展国际合作以确保全球获得应对冠状病毒病的药品、疫苗及医疗设备的第 74/274 号决议,并赞扬秘书长领导联合国系统全面应对这一大流行病。在改进和加强联合国发展系统方面也取得了实实在在的成果。各国政府应努力确保该系统有效支持各国应对这一大流行病并从中恢复,以及努力实现可持续发展目标。 | 42. Mr. Manalo (Philippines), speaking on behalf of the Like-minded Group of Supporters of Middle-Income Countries, said that the Group welcomed the adoption of General Assembly resolution 74/274 on international cooperation to ensure global access to medicines, vaccines and medical equipment to face COVID-19 and commended the Secretary-General for the comprehensive response of the United Nations system to the pandemic. Tangible gains had also been made in improving and strengthening the United Nations development system. Governments should work to ensure that the system supported countries effectively in their response to and recovery from the pandemic and in their efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. |
43. 冠状病毒病加剧了中等收入国家已经面临的挑战,并带来了新的脆弱性,这突出表明,仅仅把人均国内生产总值作为脆弱性的指标是不够的。一些国家收到的侨汇大幅下降、全职工作岗位和非正规部门工作岗位的丧失以及大流行病造成的债务风险上升,都将对中等收入国家产生重大影响。2020 年流向低收入和中等收入国家的侨汇预计将比前一年减少 1 090 亿美元(19.7%)。预计这些国家将是受工作岗位丧失打击最严重的国家,2020 年第二季度的工时数比前一年减少16.1%。预计到 2020 年底,这些国家将有 2.7 亿人面临严峻的粮食不安全问题。他们还首当其冲地承受着对公共卫生系统缺乏投资和卫生保健人员短缺的影响。 | 43. COVID-19 had exacerbated the challenges already facing middle-income countries and had brought with it new vulnerabilities, underlining that per capita gross domestic product (GDP) alone was insufficient as an indicator of vulnerability. The substantial drop in remittances for some countries, job losses, in full-time work and in the informal sector, and rising debt risk caused by the pandemic would have a major impact on middle-income countries. Remittance flows to low- and middle-income countries were expected to decline by $109 billion (19.7 per cent) in 2020 over the previous year. Those countries were expected to be the hardest hit by job losses, with working-hour losses of 16.1 per cent in the second quarter of 2020, compared with the previous year. It was expected that 270 million people in such countries would face acute food insecurity by the end of 2020. They were also bearing the brunt of the lack of investment in public health systems and shortages of health-care workers. |
44. 该集团成员国的部长们最近通过了一项宣言,他们在宣言中强调需要共同努力,尽可能保护迄今已经取得的发展成果,并重建得更好。他们的国家将继续敦促联合国系统解决中等收入国家的关切和具体挑战;这些国家有 100 多个,占世界人口的大部分和贫困人口的三分之二,占全球国内生产总值的三分之一以上及世界进出口总额的四分之一。中等收入国家是增长的引擎。如果他们无法实现可持续发展目标,将意味着全球无法实施《2030 年议程》。 | 44. Ministers from member countries of the Group had recently adopted a declaration in which they had underlined the need to work together to protect, as much as possible, the development gains achieved thus far and to build back better. Their countries would continue to urge the United Nations system to address the concerns and specific challenges of middle-income countries, of which there were more than 100, accounting for the majority of the world’s population and two thirds of its poor, more than a third of global GDP and a quarter of the world’s exports and imports. Middle-income countries were engines of growth. Their inability to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals would mean global failure to implement the 2030 Agenda. |
45. 他以国家代表的身份发言说,在冠状病毒病爆发之前,菲律宾已经做好了到 2020 年底成为中等偏上收入国家的准备。2019 年菲律宾财政状况雄厚,收入占国内生产总值的比例高,债务占国内生产总值的比例低,信用评级在 BBB+到 A-之间,2020 年 1 月的失业率和就业不足率很低,已经能够使600万人摆脱贫困。 | 45. Speaking in a national capacity, he said that, prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, his country had been poised to become an upper middle-income country by the end of 2020. With a strong fiscal position, a high rate of revenue to GDP and a low rate of debt to GDP in 2019, a credit rating ranging between BBB+ and A-grade, and low rates of unemployment and underemployment in January 2020, the Philippines had been able to lift 6 million people out of poverty. |
46. 在大流行病的头三个月,菲律宾优先考虑拯救生命和提高其卫生系统的能力。经济已经陷入衰退,但自 2020 年 6 月放松限制以来已逐渐恢复。政府仍然对国内和外部风险因素保持警惕,并正在用分阶段和适应性的恢复办法加以应对,同时优先考虑医疗卫生和恢复消费者信心。 | 46. In the first three months of the pandemic, his country had prioritized the saving of lives and improving the capacity of its health system. The economy had gone into recession but had seen gradual recovery since the easing of restrictions in June 2020. The Government remained alert to domestic and external risk factors and was responding with a phased and adaptive recovery approach prioritizing health and the recovery of consumer confidence. |
47. 菲律宾赞扬世卫组织在应对冠状病毒病方面发挥领导作用和提供战略指导,正在参加其“团结”试验、包括用于治疗的临床试验,并与世卫组织其他成员国分享其经验。任何冠状病毒病疫苗都应该成为全球公益物。菲律宾已经通过冠状病毒病疫苗全球获取机制,加入了确保公平获取冠状病毒病疫苗的全球机制。 | 47. His country commended WHO for its leadership and strategic guidance in addressing COVID-19 and was taking part in its Solidarity Trial, including clinical trials for treatments, and sharing its experiences with other States members of WHO. Any COVID-19 vaccine should be a global public good. His country had joined the global mechanism to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines through the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX) Facility. |
48. 会员国之间需要加强合作和团结,以支持那些受大流行病影响最严重的国家,包括菲律宾等中等收入国家。会员国应促进和保护移民工人的人权,无论这些工人的地位如何。移民在应对大流行病的第一线发挥关键作用,并过多地暴露在相关的健康风险中。菲律宾的经济也将受到侨汇预计下降的影响,而侨汇占菲律宾国内生产总值的 10%以上。 | 48. Greater cooperation and solidarity among Member States was needed to support those most affected by the pandemic, including middle-income countries such as the Philippines. Member States should promote and protect the human rights of migrant workers, regardless of their status. Migrants were playing critical roles on the front lines of the pandemic and were disproportionately exposed to the related health risks. The economy of the Philippines would also be affected by the projected drop in remittances, which accounted for more than 10 per cent of GDP in his country. |
49. 许多菲律宾人依靠农业为生。冠状病毒病对小户农民和家庭农民产生了重大影响,而这些农民生产了全世界 80%的粮食,这一点应该列入世界粮食体系峰会的成果文件。菲律宾作为地球上 17 个生物多样性大国之一,致力于实现宏伟的 2020 年后全球生物多样性框架。 | 49. Many Filipinos depended for their livelihoods on agriculture. COVID-19 had had a major impact on smallholders and family farmers, who produced 80 per cent of the world’s food, and that should be reflected in the outcome of the world food systems summit. The Philippines, as one of the planet’s 17 megadiverse countries, was committed to achieving an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework. |
50. Ligoya 先生(马拉维)代表最不发达国家集团发言说,冠状病毒病大流行突出了原已存在的不平等。全球经济增长预计将萎缩 4.9%。这场大流行病引发并放大了国际金融体系的潜在风险,对脆弱的发展中国家而言更是如此。这场大流行病对可持续发展的三个层面产生了重大影响,并逆转了来之不易的发展成果。 | 50. Mr. Ligoya (Malawi), speaking on behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries, said that the COVID-19 pandemic had served to highlight pre-existing inequalities. Global economic growth was projected to contract by 4.9 per cent. The pandemic had triggered and amplified underlying risks in the international financial system, especially for vulnerable developing countries. The pandemic had had a major impact on the three dimensions of sustainable development and had reversed hard-won development gains. |
51. 对贸易、劳动力市场、金融和技术的扰乱正在加剧经济波动和社会动荡。在消除贫困、粮食生产、性别平等和增强妇女权能等方面取得的进展正在逆转,失业对妇女和青年的影响尤其严重。气候变化供资的放缓和对较贫穷国家的缺乏关注,使他们越来越容易受到未来气候事件的危害。 | 51. Disruptions to trade, labour markets, finance and technology were stoking economic volatility and social upheaval. Gains with regard to poverty, food production, gender equality and the empowerment of women were being reversed and unemployment was particularly affecting women and young people. A slowdown in climate change funding and the lack of focus on poorer countries was leaving them increasingly vulnerable to future climate events. |
52. 在伊斯坦布尔《2011-2020 十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》有效期内,对最不发达国家的官方发展援助一直在递增,但总体上没有达到国民总收入0.15%至 0.2%的目标。此外,由于越来越依赖优惠贷款,双边官方发展援助的优惠性质自 2020 年初以来有所下降。最不发达国家的外债存量为 3 580 亿美元,偿债占出口收入的比例已经从 2010 年的 5%增加到2019 年的 14.4%,几乎增加了两倍,而同期用于偿还政府担保债务的政府收入占比已经从 4.9%上升到17.2%。国际货币基金组织向 27 个最不发达国家提供与冠状病毒病有关的 2.31 亿美元债务减免,二十国集团和工业债权国巴黎俱乐部提出在 2020 年底之前暂停偿还 70 多个国家的债务,这些将提供一些喘息之机,但对最不发达国家来说还不够。根据世贸组织的数据,2019 年最不发达国家出口的商品和服务的价值下降了 1.6%,他们在全球出口中的总体份额降至0.91%,远低于《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》2%的目标。 | 52. Increases in ODA to least developed countries over the lifespanof the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011– 2020 had been incremental and, overall, had fallen short of the target of between 0.15 per cent and 0.2 per cent of gross national income (GNI). Moreover, the concessional nature of bilateral ODA had declined since the beginning of 2020, owing to a growing reliance on concessional loans. The least developed countries had an external debt stock of $358 billion and debt servicing as a share of export revenue had almost tripled from 5 per cent in 2010 to 14.4 per cent in 2019, while the share of government revenue dedicated to servicing publicly guaranteed debt had risen from 4.9 per cent to 17.2 per cent over the same period. The $231 million in COVID-19-related debt relief offered by IMF to 27 least developed countries and the suspension of debt payment until the end of 2020 for more than 70 countries offered by the G20 and the Paris Club of Industrial Country Creditors would offer some respite but did not go far enough for the least developed countries. According to WTO, the value of goods and services exported by the least developed countries had declined by 1.6 per cent in 2019 and their overall share of global exports had dropped to 0.91 per cent, well short of the Istanbul Programme of Action target of 2 per cent. |
53. 最不发达国家将长期受到冠状病毒病的严重影响,因为他们的卫生系统脆弱,社会保障覆盖面有限,资源有限,并且易受外部冲击。他提请注意最不发达国家集团关于冠状病毒病的声明(A/74/843)。该集团欢迎关于 2021 年在卡塔尔多哈召开第五次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的决定。 | 53. The least developed countries would be severely affected by COVID-19 in the long term owing to the fragility of their health systems, limited social protection coverage, limited resources and vulnerability to external shocks. He drew attention to a statement by the Group of Least Developed Countries on the coronavirus disease (A/74/843). The Group welcomed the decision to convene the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Doha, Qatar, in 2021. |
54. Young 女士(伯利兹)代表小岛屿国家联盟发言说,《2030 年议程》的实施已经因冠状病毒病而大大受挫,联合国的价值观正日益受到质疑。这场大流行病突显了本已陈腐的发展方法,以及发展中国家和特殊处境国家长期以来被迫接受一个局面,即他们只是从一场危机踉踉跄跄地走向另一场危机。他们被告知,他们发展迟缓是由于他们自己的无能造成的。然而,30 多年来,小岛屿发展中国家一直在要求采取具体的支持措施。人们的回应总是不冷不热地承认他们面临的结构性制约。 | 54. Ms. Young (Belize), speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States, said that implementation of the 2030 Agenda had been set back substantially as a result of COVID-19 and that the values of the United Nations were increasingly being called into question. The pandemic had underlined the already threadbare approach to development and the fact that developing countries and countries in special situations had long been obliged to accept a situation in which they simply lurched from one crisis to the next. They were told that their delayed development was caused by their own ineptitude. However, small island developing States had been demanding specific measures of support for more than 30 years. The response had always been little more than a lukewarm acknowledgement of the structural constraints facing them. |
55. 一些小岛屿发展中国家 2020 年的增长可能会下降 20%。他们的经济基础狭窄,高度开放,严重依赖少数几个大的发达国家,这使得他们极易受到全球经济冲击的危害。他们正在全力对付旅游收入暴跌、侨汇下降和偿债成本高昂等问题。有限的国家预算已经进行重组,以管理不完善的卫生系统,为创纪录的失业人数提供社会安全网,并偿还债务。如果不能为这些国家提供应对问题所需的财政空间,他们将面临持续的经济攻击。 | 55. Some small island developing States were likely to experience a 20 per cent decline in growth in 2020. Their narrow economic base, high degree of openness and significant dependence on a few large, developed countries made them extremely vulnerable to global economic shocks. They were contending with a collapse in tourism revenue, falling remittances and the high cost of debt servicing. Limited national budgets had been reorganized to manage inadequate health systems, provide social safety nets for the record numbers of unemployed and meet debt payments. Failure to provide those countries with the fiscal space they needed to cope would leave them open to a continued economic onslaught. |
56. 小岛屿发展中国家不应对气候灾害造成的日益沉重的债务负担负责;相反,他们对温室气体排放起到的推动作用最小。公共部门作为一个整体,用于发展的资金来源正在缩小,使公共财政应对气候变化挑战的状况更加岌岌可危。此外,由于繁琐的程序和来自经济实力更强的其他国家的竞争,小岛屿发展中国家甚至难以获得这方面有限的可用资金。到 2020 年每年为发展中国家调集 1 000 亿美元气候融资的承诺必须兑现。 | 56. Small island developing States were not responsible for their increasing debt burden arising from climate-related disasters; on the contrary, they contributed the least to greenhouse gas emissions. Public sector sources of financing for development as a whole were dwindling, leaving public finance to meet climate change challenges in a still more precarious state. Moreover, small island developing States had difficulty in gaining access even to the limited available finance in that regard because of cumbersome processes and competition from other countries with more powerful economies. The commitment to mobilize $100 billion in climate finance for developing countries annually by 2020 must be honoured. |
57. 委员会的指导将是振兴发展工作的关键。最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家需要更有针对性的支持。他们的发展有赖于根据其脆弱性获得资源,并重建发展融资生态系统。为应对这一大流行病而采取的行动在很大程度上将决定他们处理未来危机的能力:必须正面应对气候紧急情况,各国必须履行他们的义务。此外,国际社会必须采取紧急和有效措施,杜绝采取单方面强制性经济措施。这类呼吁在早些时候已经发出了。拖延行动只会加深小岛屿发展中国家面临的挑战,强化陈旧的制度所造成的束缚。 | 57. The Committee’s guidance would be key to revitalizing development work. The least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States needed more targeted support. Their development depended on access to resources based on their vulnerabilities and a retooling of the development finance ecosystem. The action taken in response to the pandemic would largely determine their capacity to address future crises: the climate emergency must be met head on and countries must fulfil their obligations. Moreover, the international community must adopt urgent and effective measures to eliminate the use of unilateral coercive economic measures. Such calls had already been made on earlier occasions. Delaying action only served to deepen the challenges facing small island developing States and reinforced servitude to an archaic system. |
58. Carey 女士(巴哈马)代表加勒比共同体发言说,冠状病毒病的影响已经使加勒比和拉丁美洲的发展成果至少倒退了十年。根据世界银行的数据,至少有1 亿人将陷入极端贫困。由于资源被转用于应对大流行病,再加上收入下降,各国在实现可持续发展目标和具体目标方面将面临更大的困难。他们需要足够的财政空间和资金来应对大流行病造成的危机。在关于冠状病毒病时代及以后发展筹资问题的会议上,国家元首和政府首脑审议了以下问题:外来资金和侨汇、就业和包容性增长;更好地恢复以实现可持续性;全球流动性与金融稳定;债务脆弱性;私营部门债权人参与;以及非法资金流动。联合国应该侧重于这些专题领域。 | 58. Ms. Carey (Bahamas), speaking on behalf of the Caribbean Community, said that the impact of COVID-19 had reversed development gains in the Caribbean and in Latin America by at least a decade. According to the World Bank, at least 100 million people would fall into extreme poverty. With resources being diverted to tackle the pandemic and revenue declining, countries would have greater difficulty in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and targets. They needed adequate fiscal space and funding to respond to the crisis caused by the pandemic. At their meeting on financing for development in the era of COVID-19 and beyond, Heads of State and Government had examined the following issues: external finance and remittances, jobs and inclusive growth; recovering better for sustainability; global liquidity and financial stability; debt vulnerability; private sector creditors engagement; and illicit financial flows. The United Nations should focus on those thematic areas. |
59. 加勒比共同体支持小岛屿国家联盟发出的制定一项契约的呼吁;契约中要载有一些措施,以刺激这些国家的具体筹资解决办法,将二十国集团的暂停偿债倡议至少延长至 2021 年底,并扩大资格标准,将中等收入国家纳入其中。设立加勒比共同体复原力基金是刺激该区域可持续经济增长的关键,应考虑到经济及社会理事会主席和非洲联盟分别提出的设立投资基础设施机制和流动性机制的提议。拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会关于普遍基本收入的呼吁、建立关于冠状病毒病影响的国别看板式数据库的计划以及其债务换气候适应倡议都受到欢迎。大会关于 2020 年四年度全面政策审查的决议也将具有重大意义。 | 59. The Caribbean Community supported calls by the Alliance of Small Island States for a compact containing measures to stimulate specific financing solutions for those States, the extension of the G20 debt service suspension initiative to at least the end of 2021 and the broadening of eligibility criteria to include middle-income countries. The establishment of a Caribbean Community resilience fund was key to spurring sustainable economic growth in the region and consideration should be given to the proposals by the President of the Economic and Social Council and by the African Union, respectively, to set up an investment infrastructure facility and a liquidity facility. The call by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean for a universal basic income, its plan to create country-specific dashboard-style databases on the impact of COVID-l9 and its debt for climate adaptation swap initiative were all welcome. The General Assembly resolution on the 2020 quadrennial comprehensive policy review would also be significant. |
60. 联合国发展系统的所有会员国和实体都应为全面执行联合国供资契约作出贡献。需要资源来加强多国办事处。联合国发展系统应加强对南南和三方合作的支持。南南合作可以补充而非取代南北合作。此外,各国应履行承诺,实现官方发展援助占国民总收入0.7%的目标。 | 60. All States Members and entities of the United Nations development system should contribute to the full implementation of the United Nations funding compact. Resources were needed to strengthen the multi-country offices. The United Nations development system should enhance support for South-South and triangular cooperation. The former was a complement to, rather than a substitute for, North-South cooperation. In addition, countries should fulfil their commitment to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of GNI for ODA. |
61. 加勒比共同体响应秘书长的呼吁,要求将全球刺激基金资本化,以启动发展中国家的经济,因为大多数这样的国家正在经历零增长或负增长。国际金融机构对发展水平的评估需要采取多层面的方法,考虑到结构性差距、受外部冲击的风险以及从外部冲击中恢复的能力。因此,布雷顿森林机构需要进行改革。 | 61. The Caribbean Community echoed the call by the Secretary-General for the capitalization of a global stimulus fund to jump-start the economies of developing countries, most of which were experiencing zero or negative growth. The assessment of development levels by international financial institutions required a multidimensional approach that took into account structural gaps, exposure to external shocks and the ability to recover from them. The Bretton Woods institutions therefore required reform. |
62. 关于影响加勒比岛国的气候事件越来越频繁的问题,捐助界应兑现承诺,到 2020 年每年调集 1 000亿美元用于气候融资。需要采取紧急行动来遏制生物多样性丧失的加速步伐,并通过投资于低排放、气候适应型途径来控制全球温室气体排放。加勒比国家作为大洋国家,致力于在《联合国海洋法公约》之下就国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用问题拟订一项具有法律约束力的国际文书。需要开展更多工作来支持会员国的科学合作、创新和能力建设,包括技术的开发、转让和传播,以及提供可获得的融资和投资机会。 | 62. With regard to the increasing frequency of climate events affecting Caribbean island States, the donor community should honour its pledge to mobilize $100 billion annually for climate finance by 2020. Urgent action was needed to stem the quickening pace of biodiversity loss and rein in global greenhouse emissions through investment in low-emission, climate-resilient pathways. As great ocean States, Caribbean countries were committed to finalizing an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. More needed to be done to support Member States in scientific cooperation, innovation and capacity-building, including the development, transfer and dissemination of technology and the provision of accessible financing and investment opportunities. |
63. Rakhmetov 先生(哈萨克斯坦)代表内陆发展中国家集团发言说,冠状病毒病正在对人民福祉和经济发展产生破坏性影响,并进一步制约内陆发展中国家本已紧张的金融和财政空间,而这些国家特别容易受到此类危机的危害。随着商品价格暴跌,官方发展援助和外国直接投资减少,医疗保健和社会保障系统以及服务业正承受着越来越大的压力。总人口超过 5.2 亿的内陆发展中国家依赖邻国进入国际市场,与冠状病毒病有关的过境限制正在削弱他们的发展前景。全球供应链和交通网已经受到影响,这进一步限制了这些国家在世界贸易中本已很小的份额。即使在大流行病爆发之前,也未做出足够努力来实现《内陆发展中国家 2014-2024 年十年维也纳行动纲领》。这些国家的总体增长在 2020 年注定将转为负增长。 | 63. Mr. Rakhmetov (Kazakhstan), speaking on behalf of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries, said that COVID-19 was having a devastating impact on people’s well-being and on economic development and was further constraining the already tight financial and fiscal space in landlocked developing countries, which were especially vulnerable to such crises. Health-care and social protection systems and service industries were coming under increasing strain, as commodity prices collapsed and flows of ODA and foreign direct investment dwindled. Landlocked developing countries, the total population of which was more than 520 million, relied on neighbouring countries to access international markets and COVID-19-related transit restrictions were dampening their development prospects. Global supply chains and transport networks had been affected, further limiting those countries’ already small share in world trade. Even before the outbreak of the pandemic, not enough had been done to achieve the objectives of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014–2024. Overall growth in those countries was set to turn negative in 2020. |
64. 内陆发展中国家需要国际社会的支持,以调动国内资源、官方发展援助、外国直接投资和贸易,以及私营部门、南南和三方合作。他们还需要国际社会在技术转让、能力建设和债务减免方面提供援助。为这些国家创建无缝交通、能源和数字连接需要大规模投资。他们需要更深入的区域和国际合作,以促进贸易和货物流动,使市场和产品多样化,创造附加值,发展生产能力,从而使其商品更具竞争力。还需要得到支持,以应对气候变化、荒漠化、环境退化、生物多样性丧失及其他与灾害有关的挑战,并促进粮食安全。必须充分利用技术的潜力,以便在所有这些领域取得进展,并应对冠状病毒病的影响。希望四年度全面政策审查将加强对所有脆弱国家的支持。 | 64. Landlocked developing countries needed the international community’s support to mobilize domestic resources, ODA, foreign direct investment and trade, as well as private sector, South-South and triangular cooperation. They also needed it to provide assistance with technology transfer, capacity-building and debt relief. Large-scale investment was required to create seamless transport, energy and digital connectivity for those countries. They needed deeper regional and international cooperation to facilitate trade and the flow of goods, diversify markets and products, create added value and develop productive capacity, and thereby make their goods more competitive. Support was also needed to address climate change, desertification, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and other disaster-related challenges and to promote food security. The full potential of technology must be harnessed in order to make progress in all those areas and to address the impact of COVID-19. It was to be hoped that the quadrennial comprehensive policy review would result in enhanced support for all vulnerable countries. |
65. 该集团最近通过了加速实施《维也纳行动纲领》的路线图,这对联合国各机构和其他国际组织、过境国、发展伙伴、私营部门和其他利益攸关方实现行动纲领各项目标的努力是一个宝贵的贡献。 | 65. The Group had recently adopted a road map for the accelerated implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action, which constituted a valuable contribution to efforts by United Nations agencies and other international organizations, transit countries, development partners, the private sector and other stakeholders to achieve the goals of the programme of action. |
66. Fifield 先生(澳大利亚)还代表加拿大和新西兰发言说,即使在冠状病毒病爆发之前,全世界就没有走上实现可持续发展目标的轨道。这项任务现在变得更具挑战性了。不应取消或重新谈判《2030 年议程》、《第三次发展筹资问题国际会议亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》、《巴黎协定》或《2015-2030 年仙台减少灾害风险框架》规定的现有承诺。 | 66. Mr. Fifield (Australia), speaking also on behalf of Canada and New Zealand, said that even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the world had not been on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The task had now become more challenging still. There should be no rolling back or renegotiation of existing commitments under the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the Paris Agreement or the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015– |
67. 四年度全面政策审查进程应产生一份成果文件,加强《2030 年议程》,使之成为联合国发展工作的组织框架,并为其实施工作提供明确、切合实际的指导。现在是全球社会加倍承诺实现可持续发展目标的时候了。过去四年在联合国改革方面取得了很大成就。在这方面取得更多进展,将为联合国发展系统应对冠状病毒病及以后提供基石。 | 67. The quadrennial comprehensive policy review process should lead to an outcome document that reinforced the 2030 Agenda as the organizing framework for the development work of the United Nations and provided clear, practical guidance on its implementation. The time had come to double down on the global community’s commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Much had been accomplished over the previous four years in terms of United Nations reform. Further progress in that regard would provide the bedrock for the response of the United Nations development system to COVID-19 and beyond. |
68. 多边体系正在受到压力。必须继续设定对联合国业绩和成果的期望,以加强会员国、联合国及其受益者之间的信任。这意味着支持惠及全民的发展,促进对残疾人、土著人民、妇女以及男女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者和间性者的包容。重建得更好是《仙台框架》的核心目标,委员会在本届会议期间的一次会外活动上适宜于重点讨论顾及灾害风险并具有复原力的冠状病毒病恢复问题。性别平等仍然是世界各地人权面临的最大挑战,气候变化和生物多样性的丧失对可持续发展构成最大威胁。只有共同努力,才能解决这些挑战。需要大规模采取新的办法来解决流动性短缺问题,避免潜在的债务危机,并帮助创造和保持就业机会,在最不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家更是如此。 | 68. The multilateral system was under strain. Expectations regarding the performance and results of the United Nations must continue to be set in order to strengthen trust between Member States, the United Nations and its beneficiaries. That meant supporting development for all and promoting inclusivity for persons with disabilities, indigenous people, women, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons. Building back better was a core objective of the Sendai Framework and it was fitting that the Committee would focus on disaster risk-informed and resilient COVID-19 recovery at a side event during the current session. Gender equality remained the greatest challenge to human rights around the world and climate change and biodiversity loss posed the greatest threat to sustainable development. Only by working together could those challenges be tackled. New approaches were required on a large scale to address liquidity shortages, avert a potential debt crisis and help to create and maintain jobs, particularly in the least developed countries and in small island developing States. |
69. Dang Dinh Quy 先生(越南)代表东南亚国家联盟(东盟)发言说,面对冠状病毒病大流行,当务之急是拯救生命。为此,需要加强国际合作,以确保公平、普遍和负担得起的获得冠状病毒病疫苗的机会,这些疫苗应被视为全球公益物。东盟已经设立了冠状病毒病应对基金,目前正在拟订一个全面恢复框架,以指导强劲和包容各方的恢复,并确保长期复原力和可持续性。应特别关注最脆弱的国家和社区。东盟成员国领导人最近商定继续努力,为面临风险的民众实施顾及风险并应对冲击的社会保障系统,以提高他们的复原力。 | 69. Mr. Dang Dinh Quy (Viet Nam), speaking on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), said that, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the priority was to save lives. To that end, there was a need for greater international cooperation to ensure equitable, universal and affordable access to COVID-19 vaccines, which should be treated as global public goods. ASEAN had established a COVID-19 response fund and a comprehensive recovery framework was being formulated to guide a robust and inclusive recovery and ensure long-term resilience and sustainability. Particular attention should be paid to the most fragile countries and communities. The leaders of the ASEAN member States had recently agreed to continue efforts to implement risk-informed and shock-responsive social protection systems for at-risk populations in order to improve their resilience. |
70. 实施手段,包括能力建设、技术转让和财政支持,是实现可持续发展目标的关键。应深化合作,以解决气候变化、海洋垃圾、生物多样性养护、跨界雾霾污染等贯穿各领域的问题。东盟仍然致力于促进《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《巴黎协定》的各项目标。东盟与亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会共同努力,已经确定了《2030 年议程》和《东盟共同体愿景 2025》在哪些领域可以相辅相成。《执行东盟与联合国全面伙伴关系联合宣言行动计划(2021-2025 年)》即将缔结,将有助于深化两个组织之间的合作。 | 70. The means of implementation, including capacity-building, technology transfer and financial support, were key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Cooperation should be deepened in order to tackle cross-cutting issues such as climate change, marine debris, biodiversity conservation, and transboundary haze pollution. ASEAN remained committed to contributing to the goals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. Working with the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, ASEAN had identified areas in which the 2030 Agenda and the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 complemented one another. A plan of action to Implement the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership between ASEAN and the United Nations (2021–2025) would be concluded soon and contribute to deepening cooperation between the two organizations. |
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