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根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请秘书长特别代表兼联合国阿富汗援助团团长山本忠通先生参加本次会议。 | In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Mr. Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, to participate in this meeting. |
根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请欧洲联盟驻联合国代表团团长乔安妮·亚当森女士阁下参加本次会议。 | In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Her Excellency Ms. Joanne Adamson, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, to participate in this meeting. |
我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2016/768,其中载有秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告。 | I wish to draw the attention of the members of the Council to document S/2016/768, which contains the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security. |
我现在请山本先生发言。 | I now give the floor to Mr. Yamamoto. |
山本先生(以英语发言):在我今天审视阿富汗局势时,我看到了机会和希望,但也看到了巨大挑战。阿富汗人民过去15年来所取得的进展为取得进一步进展提供了机会。有机会就有希望。 | Mr. Yamamoto: As I look at the situation in Afghanistan today, I see opportunity and hope, but also formidable challenges. The progress made by the Afghan people over the past 15 years provides opportunities for further advances. With opportunity comes hope. |
挑战源自将近40年的战争。尽管取得了切实进展,但阿富汗要充分满足其人民的需求,仍有很长的路要走。即将举行的布鲁塞尔会议可能为阿富汗政府向实现稳定和自力更生迈进提供时间和空间。政府应当抓住这一机会。为应对其各种挑战,政府必须能够切实采取行动。目前岌岌可危的政治局势,包括政府两位领导人之间的紧张状况,必须得到解决。必须找到一个途径来确保政府长期稳定。 | The challenges derive from almost 40 years of war. Despite very real progress, Afghanistan still has a long way to go to meet fully the needs of its people. The upcoming Brussels Conference could provide the time and space for the Afghan Government to move towards stability and seif-reliance. The Government should seize this opportunity. In order to meet its challenges, the Government must be able to act effectively. The current precarious political situation, including the tensions between the two leaders of the Government, must be brought to a resolution. A way must be found to ensure stability in the Government for the long-term. |
作为世界上对援助依赖性最强的国家之一,阿富汗只要有冲突,就难以实现自力更生。冲突占用资源,而这些资源本可更好地用于发展阿富汗和帮助阿富汗人民。因此,实现和平刻不容缓。当务之急是怀着极大的紧迫感认真探索实现和平的途径。我愿简要谈谈目前给人带来希望的积极努力。向阿富汗提供持续国际支助至关重要。华沙峰 | As one of the world’s most aid-dependent countries, it will be difficult for Afghanistan to achieve self-reliance as long as there is conflict. The conflict diverts resources that would be better spent on developing Afghanistan and helping its people. Peace is therefore a requirement. It is imperative that avenues for peace be explored with the utmost urgency and seriousness. Let me briefly talk about positive efforts under way that give cause for hope. |
向阿富汗提供持续国际支助至关重要。华沙峰会向阿富汗人民,包括反政府分子,发出了一个信息,即,国际社会将继续以目前的水平支持安全部门,直到2020年。阿富汗目前正在为布鲁塞尔会议做准备,该会议将审议为阿富汗发展提供支持这一同样至关重要的问题。在布鲁塞尔,阿富汗政府将有机会确保获得现有水平或接近现有水平的持续不断的发展援助,直到2020年。在9月4日协调和监察联合委员会会议上,阿富汗政府表明,其为布鲁塞尔会议所做的筹备工作进展顺利。 | Sustained international support to Afghanistan is vital. The Warsaw Summit sent a message to the Afghan people, including anti-Government elements, that the international community will continue to support the security sector at the current level until 2020. Afghanistan is now preparing for the Brussels Conference, at which the equally vital question of support for Afghan development will be considered. In Brussels, the Government will have an opportunity to secure ongoing development assistance at or near existing levels through 2020. At the meeting of the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board (JCMB) on 4 September, the Government demonstrated that its preparations for Brussels are well advanced. |
我欢迎加尼总统采取全面、长期办法来消除腐败,这种办法寻求建立必要的架构来预防腐败,并追究那些对腐败负有责任的人的责任。将首批案件移交反腐败刑事司法中心处理就显示了政府的决心。进行成功、公正的起诉将大大有助于增强公众的信心。 | I welcome President Ghani’s comprehensive, long-term approach to tackling corruption, which seeks to develop the architecture needed to prevent corruption, as well as hold those responsible for corruption to account. The referral of the first cases to the Anti-Corruption Criminal Justice Centre demonstrates the Government’s resolve. Successful, just prosecutions would go a long way towards boosting public confidence. |
我还要肯定政府就其他改革和相互问责承诺所取得的持续进展,特别是制定《阿富汗国家和平与发展框架》,以及在有工作人员监测的方案方面,包括税收,表现出色之后,成功谈判一项新的国际货币基金组织方案。 | I also wish to acknowledge the Government’s continued progress on other reform and mutual accountability commitments, in particular with regard to preparing the Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework and successfully negotiating a new International Monetary Fund programme, after a strong performance in the area of the staff-monitored programme, including with respect to revenue collection. |
这些成就为布鲁塞尔会议奠定了坚实基础。通过显示政府对发展、经济增长和稳定的承诺,这些成就能够建立信心,使人相信发展基金将被用于可信、有效的计划。我特别欢迎政府对布鲁塞尔会议的愿景具有包容性。在协调和监察联合委员会最近会议上,阿富汗政府关注减贫,受到各方广泛赞赏。 | These achievements establish a firm foundation for the Brussels Conference. By demonstrating the Government’s commitment to development, economic The situation in Afghanistan S/PV.7771 growth and stability, they can build confidence that development funds will used for credible, effective plans. I particularly welcome the inclusiveness of the Government’s vision for the Brussels Conference. The Government’s attention to poverty reduction at the recent JCMB meeting was widely appreciated. |
几十年冲突造成许多妇女丧夫守寡,处于弱势。正如加尼总统在协调和监察联合委员会会议上所指出的那样,阿富汗贫穷表现为妇女贫穷。因此,要认真关注减贫,就必须在建设和平与实现发展中着力增强妇女权能。政府在这些方面的规划正在取得进展。在布鲁塞尔举行的一次会边活动将为深入讨论这些计划提供宝贵机会。同样,我们期待着在布鲁塞尔进行的讨论注重促进区域合作,这对于该区域的稳定和繁荣至关重要。在布鲁塞尔取得 | Decades of conflict have left many women widowed and vulnerable, and as President Ghani noted at the JCMB, the face of Afghan poverty is female. Serious attention to poverty reduction therefore requires dedicated efforts to empower women in both peacebuilding and development. Government planning in those areas is progressing and a side event at Brussels will provide a valuable opportunity to discuss the plans in depth. Similarly, we look forward discussions in Brussels focused on promoting regional cooperation, which is key to the stability and prosperity of the region. |
于该区域的稳定和繁荣至关重要。在布鲁塞尔取得成功将标志着阿富汗实现自力更生的另一重要步骤。民族团结政府正面临一些根本挑战,这些挑战既来自外部,也来自内部。安全和政治稳定是其中最根本的挑战。在安全方面,今年对阿富汗来说又是艰难的一年。在全国各地热点地区,激烈战斗继续发生。喀布尔是一系列骇人听闻的自杀式袭击的目标,与此同时,有若干省会,包括拉什卡尔加、提林科特和昆都士市,也处于严重压力下,但无一陷落。阿富汗国防和安全部队同去年相比能够作出更有效的反应,加上采取战术行动,在多数情况下能够守住阵地。 | Success in Brussels would mark another important step for Afghanistan towards self-reliance. The National Unity Government faces fundamental challenges, both from outside and from within. Security and political stability are the most fundamental of those. On the security front, it has been another difficult year for Afghanistan. Intensive fighting continues in hotspots around the country. While Kabul has been the target of a series of horrendous suicide attacks, several provincial captials, including Lashkar Gah, Tirin Kot and Kunduz city, have been under serious pressure, but none has fallen. The Afghan National Defence and Security Forces have been able to display more effective responses compared to last year, and coupled with tactical operations, they have been able for the most part to hold their ground. |
然而,冲突给平民造成的影响仍然严重。我怀着沉重的心情必须报告说,年复一年,平民伤亡数字再次呈现上升趋势。这一趋势表现得最明显的莫过于儿童的伤亡,冲突造成的儿童伤亡率增加了18%,6个月里就有388名儿童惨遭杀害。7月23日在喀布尔发生了一起针对一次示威活动的袭击事件,伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国声称对该事件负责。那是一次特别令人痛心的事件,有85人遇难。政府承诺全面调查此事。联合国阿富汗援助团将向各相关利益攸关方介绍其自己调查的结果。 | The impact of the conflict on civilians remains severe, however. It is with a heavy heart that I must report that yet again, year on year, civilian casualty figures are trending upwards. Nowhere is this trend more apparent than for children, among whom there has been an 18 per cent increase in casualties, with 388 children killed in six months. The attack claimed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant against a demonstration in Kabul on 23 July was a particularly gruesom incident, with 85 civilians killed. The Government promised to investigate in full. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan will share the findings of its own investigation with relevant stakeholders. |
我必须再次提醒冲突各方严格遵守其依照国际人权和人道主义法所承担的义务,始终将保护人权置于任何其他考量之上,并以可衡量的方式落实其保护平民特别是妇女和儿童的承诺。为违反这些承诺的行为建立的问责制仍然软弱。各方必须加强这一问责制。 | I must once again remind all parties to the conflict to strictly abide by their obligation under international human right and humanitarian law to always place the preservation of human life above any other consideration and to give a measurable effect to their commitment to the protection of civilians, women and children in particular. Accountability for violations of these commitments remains weak and must be strengthened by all parties. |
冲突造成的新流离失所者人数最近有所增加,原因是自巴基斯坦返回的阿富汗家庭数量大幅增加。如果目前的趋势持续下去,阿富汗将必须满足至少100万流动人口的需求。那将需要提供远为更多的援助,并给已经过于吃紧的卫生和其他服务部门添加不堪承受的重压。除非很快采取措施,否则成千上万家庭将面临冬季没有适当住房或支助的前景。 | The numbers of people newly displaced by conflict have been swelled recently by a massive increase in the number of Afghan families returning from Pakistan. If current trends continue, Afghanistan will have to meet the needs of at least 1 million people on the move. That would require far greater amounts of assistance and would place an overwhelming strain on already overstretched health and other social services. Unless measures are taken soon, many thousands of families will face the prospect of winter with inadequate shelter or support. |
如果政府内部分裂,就不可能采取有效政策。政府内部的紧张关系已经浮现出来,阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉首席执行官公开批评说,他认为2014年政治协议未得到彻底执行。自那时以来,两位领导人已会晤若干次,力求查明问题和寻求解决办法。目前仍在作出努力,预计会举行进一步会晤。 | No effective policies are possible if the Government is internally divided. Tensions within the Government have surfaced, with public criticism by Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah about what he views as the incomplete implementation of political agreement of 2014. The two leaders have met several times since then to try to identify the issues and to seek solutions. Efforts are still under way and further meetings are expected. |
民族团结政府正处于一个决定性的时刻。必须作出现实和灵活的妥协,展现真正的政治家风范,以便找到前进的道路。两位领导人必须达成一项解决办法,以使政府在短期和长期都能有效运作。阿富汗经受不起政治动荡。两位领导人必须向阿富汗人民和国际社会显示,他们能够有效地治理国家。 | The National Unity Government is at a defining moment. A way forward must be found through a realistic and flexible compromise and a show of true statesmanship. The leaders need to come up with a solution that will allow for the effective functioning of the Government, in both the short and long terms. Afghanistan cannot afford political instability. The leaders must show the people of Afghanistan and to the international community that they are able to govern effectively. |
在建立民族团结政府的2014年政治协议两周年临近时,政治反对派已越来越多地挑战政府的合法性。政治议程必须取得建设性进展,必须维护政治稳定,必须举行选举。总统最近签署关于选举改革的法令,是这方面的一个建设性进展。国际社会坚定致力于支持民族团结政府,持续的稳定和卓有成效才会令国际社会放心。 | As the second anniversary draws near of the 2014 political agreement that established the National Unity Government, the political opposition has increasingly challenged the legitimacy of the Government. The political agenda must progress constructively, political stability must be maintained and elections must take place. The recent signing by the President of the legislative decree on electoral reform is a constructive development in that regard. The international community is deeply committed to supporting the National Unity Government and would be reassured by continued stability and its effectiveness. |
对阿富汗而言,和平是必不可少的。若无和平,阿富汗人就会继续遭受苦难,经济增长和繁荣就不可能实现。尽管加尼总统和国际社会多次表示了接触意愿,但塔利班尚未清楚显示对和平进程的明确承诺。今年夏季的激烈战斗表明,这场冲突没有止境,即便取得成果,却又得而复失,如此循环往复,造成破坏,阻碍发展,给阿富汗平民带来持续痛苦。我热切希望,随着冬季临近和冲突步伐放缓,塔利班将显示他们愿意同阿富汗政府进行谈判。 | Peace for Afghanistan is a necessity. Without peace, Afghans will continue to suffer and economic growth and prosperity will not materialize. The Taliban has still not demonstrated explicitly a clear commitment to a peace process, despite the many offers of engagement by President Ghani and the international community. The intensive fighting this summer has shown the conflict to be an endless cycle of gains and reversals, of destruction instead of development, and of continued suffering for Afghan civilians. It is my fervent hope that, as winter approaches and the tempo of the conflict slows, the Taliban will show their willingness to enter into talks with the Afghan Government. |
阿富汗政府与伊斯兰党之间正在谈判的协议显示,政府对谈判是真诚的。经验表明,和平进程可能会持续数月和数年时间。必须采取措施来建立政府与塔利班之间的信任,以便为进行实质性会谈铺平道路。这一进程启动得越早,阿富汗人遭受的痛苦就越少。因此,我要敦促双方走到一起,为阿富汗找到持久和平。 | The agreement being negotiated between the Afghan Government and Hezb-i-Islami shows that the Government is sincere about negotiations. Experience shows that peace processes can take months and years. Measures should be taken to build confidence between the Government and the Taliban in order to prepare the way for substantive talks. The sooner a process is started, the less Afghans will suffer. I would therefore urge both sides to come together to find lasting peace for Afghanistan. |
阿富汗现在有机会推进过去15年取得的成就,向实现稳定和自力更生迈进。如果有一个行之有效的政府,并得到国际社会的持续支助,阿富汗完全有机会取得成功。 | Afghanistan has an opportunity to build on the achievements of the past 15 years and to move towards stability and self-reliance. With an effective Government and the continued support of the international community, it has every chance of success. |
主席(以英语发言):我感谢山本先生的通报。 | The President: I thank Mr. Yamamoto for his briefing. |
在安全理事会成员磋商之后,我受权代表他们发表以下声明: | After consultations among Council members, I have been authorized to make the following statement on their behalf: |
“安全理事会重申对阿富汗政府的支持,促请国际社会在欧洲联盟和阿富汗政府于2016年10月5日共同主办的阿富汗问题布鲁塞尔会议召开前,继续开展民事和发展工作,采用通过相互问责框架实现自力更生和由阿富汗主导并享有自主权的方式,为阿富汗政府和人民提供援助。 | “The Security Council reaffirms its support to the Government of Afghanistan and, in advance of the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan to be held on 5 October 2016, co-hosted by the European Union and the Government of Afghanistan, calls on the international community to continue their civilian and development efforts to assist the Government and the people of Afghanistan in a manner consistent with the Self-reliance through Mutual Accountability Framework and with the Afghan leadership and ownership. |
“安全理事会着重指出阿富汗取得的进展十分重要,促请所有政治实体进行合作,为阿富汗人民创建和平繁荣的未来。 | “The Security Council underscores the importance of the progress attained by Afghanistan and calls on all political entities to work together to achieve a peaceful and prosperous future for the people of Afghanistan. |
“安全理事会再次对阿富汗的安全局势表示关切,再次谴责塔利班,包括哈卡尼网络,以及基地组织、伊黎伊斯兰国(达伊沙)所属组织及其他非法武装团体的恐怖活动,重申安理会支持阿富汗政府、特别是阿富汗国防军和安全部队保障国家安全,打击恐怖主义和暴力极端主义。 | “The Security Council reiterates its concern about the security situation in Afghanistan, its condemnation of the terrorist activities by the Taliban, including the Haqqani Network, as well as Al-Qaida, ISIL (Da’esh) affiliates and other illegal armed groups, and its support to the Government of Afghanistan and, in particular, to the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces, in their task of securing their country and in their fight against terrorism and violent extremism. |
“安全理事会还重申它支持由阿富汗主导并享有自主权的和平与和解进程,以便在阿富汗实现永久和平与稳定,促请所有国家、区域和国际行为体在这方面提供合作。 | “The Security Council also reaffirms its support to an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process with a view to achieving lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan and calls on all national, regional and international actors to cooperate in this regard. |
“安全理事会重申全面支持联合国阿富汗援助团开展工作,执行第2274(2016)号决议为其规定的任务,并重申全面支持秘书长特别代表。 | “The Security Council reiterates its full support to the work of United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan in the implementation of its mandate as per resolution 2274 (2016), and to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General. |
“安全理事会再次坚定承诺维护阿富汗的主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一,重申阿富汗的未来取决于在实行法治、加强民主机构、保障和落实公民权利和义务的基础上建立一个稳定、安全、经济上可持续和没有恐怖主义与毒品的国家。” | “The Security Council reiterates its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan, and reaffirms that Afghanistan’s future lies in the building of a stable, secure, economically sustainable State, free of terrorism and narcotics, based on the rule of law, strengthened democratic institutions and the guarantee and enforcement of citizens’ rights and obligations.” |
本声明将作为安全理事会文件印发,文号为S/PRST/2016/14。 | This statement will be issued as a document of the Security Council under the symbol S/PRST/2016/14. |
我现在请阿富汗代表发言。 | I now give the floor to the representative of Afghanistan. |
赛卡尔先生(阿富汗)(以英语发言):首先,我要祝贺新西兰成功地领导本月安全理事会工作。我们感谢秘书长提交其关于我国局势的最近报告(S/2016/768)。我们欢迎山本忠通大使作为新任秘书长特别代表,并感谢他首次向安理会通报情况。我们期待着同他密切合作。我们祝他在其非常重要的任务中一切顺利。 | Mr. Saikal (Afghanistan): At the outset, let me congratulate New Zealand for its successful leadership of the Security Council this month. We express our gratitude to the Secretary-General for his recent report (S/2016/768) on the situation in my country. We welcome Ambassador Tadamichi Yamamoto as the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General and thank him for his first briefing to the Council. We look forward to working closely with him and wish him every success in his very important task. |
自安理会最近于6月21日审议阿富汗问题(见S/PV.7722)以来,我国经历的武装冲突和自杀式袭击有所增加,造成大量平民伤亡。这一情况使我国的抗御力受到了考验,使和平进程陷入了僵局。在同一时期,由于国际社会的持续支助,我们维持了稳步进展,以便提升阿富汗国防和安全部队的机能、能力、专业水平和可持续性。 | Since the Council’s latest deliberations on Afghanistan (see S/PV.7722), on June 21, the country has seen increased armed clashes and suicide attacks, with high civilian casualties, which has tested our resilience and brought the peace process to an impasse. During the same period, thanks to the continuing support of the international community, we have maintained steady progress to enhance the capacity, capability, professionalism and sustainability of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF). |
最近政治动态的一个主要特征是进行了富有活力的民主辩论,符合《2030年议程》的民族团结政府改革议程正在取得成果。阿富汗在区域贸易和基础设施连通性、反腐败措施、治理、法治与人权、法律改革、恢复财政可持续性和公共金融完整性、商业银行业、发展规划、社会包容和私营部门发展等方面取得了进展。 | In the midst of vibrant democratic debates as a key feature of recent political developments, the reform agenda of the National Unity Government, in line with Agenda 2030, is bearing fruit. Afghanistan has achieved progress in regional trade and infrastructure connectivity, anti-corruption measures, governance, the rule of law and human rights, legal reform, restoring fiscal sustainability and the integrity of public finance, commercial banking, development planning, social inclusion and private-sector development. |
今年夏季,世界目睹恐怖活动在全球各地疯狂蔓延,3个大洲近20个国家发生了重大袭击事件。从利比亚到阿富汗、索马里、伊拉克、也门、土耳其、叙利亚、孟加拉国、法国、利比亚、马里、德国、印度、安哥拉、刚果、巴基斯坦、尼日利亚和菲律宾,恐怖袭击夺走了许多无辜生命,并造成了巨大损失。显然,在恐怖主义团体的核心面临国际压力时,它们企图加强其共生网络,并在广大范围发动更多孤注一掷性的袭击。 | During this summer, the world witnessed terror spread wildly across the globe, with major attacks in nearly 20 countries in three continents. From Libya to Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey, Syria, Bangladesh, France, Libya, Mali, Germany, India, Angola, the Congo, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines, terrorist attacks took many innocent lives and inflicted huge damage. It is clear that, as terrorist groups face international pressure at the core, they attempt to strengthen their symbiotic networks and resort to more desperate attacks far and wide. |
阿富汗也经历了更多的大规模恐怖袭击事件。6月份,“达伊沙”附属组织对楠格哈尔省村民实施了恐怖行为。几天后,塔利班在喀布尔城外对新招募的警察实施袭击。7月份,“达伊沙”附属组织再次发动袭击,此次袭击对象是喀布尔和平的平民示威活动。8月份,塔利班在赫拉特对游客巴士实施袭击,后来又对喀布尔大学生实施袭击。9月份,它们在喀布尔袭击了平民、安全官员和一个援助团体。在这些袭击中,约180人——主要是平民——丧生,435人受伤,并造成基础设施大范围受损。受害者当中有几十名致力于国家恢复与发展的、有知识和才华的阿富汗青年。 | Afghanistan has also seen an increase in large scale terrorist attacks. In June, Da’esh affiliates terrorized villagers in Nangarhar. A few days later, the Taliban targeted new police recruits outside Kabul. In July, Da’esh affiliates struck again, this time against a peaceful civilian demonstration in Kabul. In August, the Taliban targeted tourist buses in Herat, followed by an attack on university students in Kabul. In September, they targeted civilians, security officials and an aid group in Kabul. Altogether, around 180 people, predominantly civilians, lost their lives and 435 were wounded in these attacks, with extensive damage to infrastructure. Among the victims were scores of our educated and talented youth who were committed to the rehabilitation and development of their country. |
阿什拉夫·加尼总统8月25日致电巴基斯坦总参谋长,要求对袭击喀布尔阿富汗美国大学的组织者采取严厉的实际措施。在人口密集的城市中心实施的这些野蛮袭击,表明了恐怖团体及其支持者的心虚胆怯,这种行为旨在弥补其所谓春季攻势的损失。 | President Ashraf Ghani on August 25 called Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff and asked for serious and practical measures against the organizers of the attack on the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul. These savage attacks in populated urban centres showcased the cowardly behaviour of the terrorist groups and their supporters, aimed at compensating for their so-called spring offensive losses. |
我们有证据表明这些袭击多数是在阿富汗境外策划的。单在上周,我们就缉获了从巴基斯坦进入阿富汗、载有35 700公斤氨硝酸盐的两辆卡车拖车。这一数量比1995年俄克拉荷马市爆炸事件中炸药用量多出20倍以上。我们可以想象一下,如果我们或我们的盟友遭受一次或数次袭击,会造成多么严重的破坏。 | We have evidence that most of these attacks were orchestrated outside Afghanistan. Last week alone we seized two trailer trucks entering Afghanistan from Pakistan with 35,700 kilograms of ammonium nitrate, an amount nearly 20 times larger than what was used in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Let us take a second to imagine the magnitude of the devastation had the attack, or attacks, been carried out against us or our allies. |
从以往经验来看,在临近大会届会、阿富汗民族团结政府成立两周年以及即将举行阿富汗问题布鲁塞尔会议之际,塔利班等恐怖团体可能会加剧袭击,为的是引起国际社会的注意。 | Judging from previous experience, as we approach the General Assembly session, the second anniversary of the National Unity Government of Afghanistan and the forthcoming Brussels Conference on Afghanistan, the Taliban and other terrorist groups may escalate their attacks to gain international visibility. |
全球范围暴力极端主义和恐怖现象的加剧证明,当前的反恐努力步伐与威胁的严重程度相比,顶多只能说是懈怠的。 | The growing violent extremism and terror worldwide is proof that the current pace of counter-terrorism efforts is at best lax compared to the magnitude of the threat. |
当前的努力依然散乱、缓慢且有时停滞不前。阿富汗的经验证明,这些努力与全球恐怖手法日益狡猾、策略不断变化的情况是不相称的,是无法最终打败恐怖主义的。我们在战略上绝不能光说不做,而必须处理助长恐怖主义的因素,其中包括国家因素在策划和助长恐怖加剧方面的作用。我们需要审查联合国反恐努力的现状,明确并处理执行方面的不足,评估联合国相关机构需要开展哪些工作,才能取得成效和切实履行其授权。 | Current efforts remain scattered, slow and at times static, and they have proved incapable of matching the sophistication and ever-changing tactics of global terror for its eventual defeat, as far as the experience of Afghanistan is concerned. As a strategic imperative, we must move beyond rhetoric and address the enablers of terrorism, including the role of State elements in orchestrating and facilitating the growth of terror. We need to review the state of United Nations counter-terrorism efforts to identify and address gaps in their implementation and assess what needs to be done by the relevant United Nations agencies to achieve results and effectively fulfil their mandates. |
塔利班继续在我国各地实施残暴袭击,其着重点是赫尔曼德省、昆都士省和帕克蒂亚省。它们企图在阿富汗境内为 “奎达舒拉”和“哈卡尼”领导层建立一块持久的政治地盘。 | The Taliban’s brutal attacks have continued in different parts of the country, with particular focus on the provinces of Helmand, Kunduz and Paktia. Their aim is to create a durable political geography inside Afghanistan for the Quetta Shura and Haggani leadership. |
阿富汗国防和安全部队作出了不同寻常的反应。它们击退了塔利班和 “达伊沙”在我国各地接连不断的袭击,这证明这些恐怖主义派别没有能力在阿富汗任何地方掌控领土。不过,我们正在制定措施,以期先发制人而不只是对其袭击作出反应。我要高兴地报告,根据我国政府五年期国家运动计划——其重点是和解、安全与稳定——我国安全部队的机动性和有效性进一步增强了阿富汗面对持续存在的安全挑战的抵御能力。今后,国际伙伴的继续支持仍至关重要。我们 | The response from the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces has been remarkable. Successive Taliban and Da’esh attacks were repulsed in different parts of the country, which proves that these extremist factions do not have the capacity to hold territory anywhere in Afghanistan. However, we are putting in place measures to pre-empt rather than react to their attacks. I am pleased to report that in line with my Government’s five-year national campaign plan, which focuses on reconciliation, security and stability, the mobility and effectiveness of our security forces have further improved Afghanistan’s resilience in the face of the the ongoing security challenges. |
今后,国际伙伴的继续支持仍至关重要。我们欢迎今年7月北约华沙峰会取得成果,会议将坚定支持特派团的任期延长至2016年后,重申各国直至2020年底将继续提供捐助,使阿富汗国防和安全部队获得资金维持,并加强了我们与北约的持久伙伴关系。我们承诺进一步加强我们的安全机构,确保在法治框架内提供服务。我们将继续增加对于阿富汗国防和安全部队的资金捐助。将继续在阿富汗社会各个方面开展妇女赋权工作,包括妇女在阿富汗国防和安全部队任职和参与政治进程方面,以及全面执行关于第1325(2000)号决议的阿富汗国家行动计划方面。我们已采取必要措施保护儿童不受武装冲突影响,这些措施已取得良好和显著成效。 | Moving forward, the continued support of our international partners remains critically important. We welcome the outcome of the NATO Warsaw Summit last July, which extended the Resolute Support Mission beyond 2016, reaffirmed continuing national contributions to the financial sustainment of the ANDSF until the end of 2020 and enhanced our enduring partnership with NATO. We have committed to further strengthening our security institutions and ensuring service delivery within the rule of law. We will continue to increase our financial contribution to the ANDSF. The empowerment of women will continue in all aspects of Afghan society, including service in the ANDSF and political processes, as well as the full implementation of Afghanistan’s national action plan on resolution 1325 (2000). We have already taken the necessary measures to protect children from the effects of armed conflict and have witnessed good, measurable results. |
尽管我们始终在阿富汗和平与和解进程四方协调小组内开展外联工作和努力,但巴基斯坦尚未抓住机会发挥真正的调解人作用。这一情况值得关注,因为基于该小组路线图,巴基斯坦方面必须针对顽固的塔利班分子采取必要措施,以便争取国际社会的适当认可,将其视为反恐斗争中严肃和真正的伙伴。 | Despite our constant outreach and efforts in the Quadrilateral Coordination Group on the Afghan Peace and Reconciliation Process, Pakistan has yet to utilize the opportunity to play genuine peacemaker. The fact is deserving of attention that based on the Group’s road map, they must take the necessary measures against irreconcilable Taliban elements to win the international community’s due recognition as a serious and genuine partner in the fight against terrorism. |
我们感谢伊斯兰合作组织再次重点关注促进阿富汗和平问题。我们欢迎即将在麦加和麦地那举行的乌里玛会议,该会议将使全球伊斯兰学者齐聚一堂,谴责阿富汗境内的暴力。 | We thank the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for its renewed focus on promoting peace in Afghanistan. We welcome the upcoming Ulema Conference in Mecca and Medina, which will bring together global Islamic scholars to denounce the violence in Afghanistan. |
9月21日,我们将庆祝成立阿富汗民族团结政府的协议签署两周年。我们承诺全面执行该协议。民族团结政府领导层正在讨论履行协议所规定的、早该履行的承诺问题。 | On 21 September we will celebrate the second anniversary of the signing of the agreement establishing the National Unity Government of Afghanistan. We are committed to the full implementation of the agreement. Discussions are ongoing among the leadership of the National Unity Government to address the overdue commitments stipulated in the agreement. |
我要向安理会保证,我国全部政治精英,无论其族裔和语言背景或政治立场如何,都致力于维护阿富汗国家利益,同时全力支持我国国家安全部队。被某些人视为民族团结政府内的“关系紧张”,而被政治反对团体视为“不断加大的压力”的一些情况,只是例行的民主辩论的组成部分,也是我国社会富有活力的标志。在我国社会,公民可根据其民主权利表达看法。在确保言论自由的风气方面,2016年世界新闻自由指数将阿富汗排在其所有邻国之前,在南亚和中亚13国当中名列第四。我们将努力通过就悬而未决的问题开展健康的对话,来加强政治稳定。 | Let me assure the Council that our entire political elite, irrespective of ethnic and linguistic background or political standing, is committed to preserving the national interest of Afghanistan, with its full support behind our national security forces. Developments, perceived by some as “tensions” in the National Unity Government, and “rising pressures” by political opposition groups, are part of a routine exercise of democratic debate and a hallmark of our vibrant society, where citizens express their views in accordance with their democratic rights. The 2016 World Press Freedom Index ranks Afghanistan higher than all its neighbours and fourth among 13 countries of South and Central Asia in terms of ensuring a culture of free speech. We will work to improve political stability through healthy dialogue over outstanding issues. |
我要高兴地介绍我们过去三个月所取得的主要成就。我国为遏制腐败、改进提供服务的质量和增强透明度所采取的广泛改革措施,正在推动阿富汗的发展需要。我们与区域伙伴的合作促成了一些项目,这些项目将改变本地区的经济面貌。我们已看到土库曼斯坦-阿富汗-巴基斯坦-印度天然气管道项目和CASA 1000电力项目的开工以及查赫巴尔港协议开始得到落实,所有这些都为开展空前规模的区域合作提供了机会。 | I am pleased to present the highlights of our achievements from the past three months. Afghanistan’s development needs are being driven by our extensive reform measures to curb corruption, improve service delivery and promote transparency. Our collaboration with regional partners has resulted in projects that will transform the economic landscape of our part of the world. We have already seen the inauguration of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India natural gas pipeline project, the CASA 1000 electricity project and the Chabahar Port agreement, all of which present opportunities for regional cooperation on an unprecedented scale. |
8月份,我们在喀布尔完成了含有2 015个住宅单位的大型住房项目。在中国和卡塔尔的支持下,其它项目也在进行之中,以提供11 000多个住房单元。 | In August, we completed a major housing project of 2,015 residential units in Kabul. Additional projects are under way to provide over 11,000 residential units, with support from China and Qatar. |
上周,阿富汗的海拉坦迎来了中国-阿富汗关系历史上的首辆特别货运列车。此外,作为哈夫-赫拉特铁路项目的一部分,一辆伊朗火车驶入阿富汗土地,从而为增加经济活动带来新机会。这些事态发展反映出本区域互惠互利的建设性合作精神。我们敦促其它邻国采取类似做法,避免破坏关系的措施,如关闭入境口岸、贸易封锁、炮击以及沿我国东南部领土开展非法建筑活动。 | Last week, for the first time in the history of Sino-Afghan relations, a special cargo train between the two countries was officially welcomed in Hairatan, Afghanistan. Additionally, as part of the Khaf-Herat railway project, an Iranian train entered Afghan soil, thereby offering new opportunities for increased economic activity. Such developments reflect a spirit of constructive cooperation for mutual benefit in our region. We urge other neighbours to adopt a similar approach and to avoid measures that undermine The situation in Afghanistan S/PV.7771 relations, such as the the closing of entry ports, trade blockades, shelling and illegal construction activities along our south-eastern territory. |
我们敦促巴基斯坦政府选择合作之路,以加强建设性关系和建立信任,这是实现我们两国和平与稳定的一个根本前提。在这方面,我们满意地注意到关于年底前完成阿富汗境内由巴基斯坦供资的保健项目的消息。我们相信,作为我们外交政策的一个重要组成部分,区域合作与多边主义是加快实现和平与繁荣的催化剂。在这方面,我们期待即将在大会第七十一届会议间隙召开的阿富汗-印度-美国三边会议。请允许我通知安理会,加尼总统现正在新德里进行正式访问,印度也刚刚宣布再提供10亿美元援助阿富汗的发展。我们感谢印度的认捐。 | We urge the Government of Pakistan to choose the path of cooperation to reinforce constructive relations and build trust, a fundamental precondition for peace and stability for both our countries. In that connection, we note with satisfaction the announcement on the completion of Pakistan-funded health projects in Afghanistan by year’s end. As a principal component of our foreign policy, we are convinced that regional cooperation and multilateralism are catalysts for peace and prosperity. In that respect, we look forward to the upcoming Afghanistan-India-United States trilateral meeting, to be held on the margins of the General Assembly at its seventy-first. Let me inform the Council that President Ghani is currently in New Delhi on an official visit, and India has just announced another $1 billion in aid towards the development of Afghanistan. We thank India for that pledge. |
反腐刑事司法中心和治理、司法以及反腐高级委员会已经投入运作,并且正在审查政府腐败案件。我们正通过一系列大胆措施振兴我们的司法部门。已有600多名法官被替换,60名司法官员因腐败和渎职正受到起诉。我们还宣布新的任命,进行业绩审查,以便为我们的国家机构注入透明文化。 | The Anti-Corruption Criminal Justice Centre and the High Council on Governance, Justice and Anti-Corruption are already operational and reviewing Government corruption cases. Our judicial sector is being revitalized by a set of bold measures. More than 600 judges have been replaced, with 60 judicial officials being prosecuted for corruption and malpractice. We have also announced new appointments and conducted performance reviews to instil a culture of transparency in our State institutions. |
在经济上取得成果的同时,我们的社会部门也在达到新的高度,妇女越来越多地担任政府各级领导职务。现在,担任阿富汗政府高级职位的女性比阿富汗历史上任何其它时候都多,其中包括四位部长、九位副部长、一位省长,高级和平委员会的一位副主席以及若干领导一级的高级外交官。内政部在警察征聘中心开设了六个新的儿童保护小组,使其在全国的总数达到13个。我们致力于保护儿童,禁止安全部队把学校用于军事目的。我们正在努力制订减少平民伤亡的国家政策,它将被政府各机构采用,以便更好地保护我国民众。 | In tandem with our economic achievements, our social sector is reaching new heights, with women increasingly assuming leadership positions at different levels of Government. There are more women in senior Government positions now than at any other time in Afghan history. Among them there are four ministers, nine deputy ministers, one governor, one deputy head of the High Peace Council and a number of senior diplomats at a leadership level. The Ministry of the Interior has opened six new child-protection units in police recruitment centres, bringing the country total to 13. We are committed to the protection of children and have prohibited security forces from using schools for military purposes. We are working on the national policy on civilian casualty mitigation, which will be adopted across all Government institutions to better protect our citizens. |
然而,主要由于塔利班和其它恐怖团体的继续袭击,境内流离失所者人数有所增加,特别是在农村地区。粮食无保障和缺乏充分保健仍是该群体面临的一个挑战。政府正在集中资源集以减轻危机。通过自愿遣返方案返回的人员数目大幅增加。与2015年相比,前往欧洲的阿富汗移徙者人数也有所下降。我们感谢联合国和国际伙伴继续提供人道主义援助。 | However, mainly due to continual attacks by the Taliban and other terrorist groups, the number of internally displaced people has risen, especially in rural areas. Food insecurity and lack of adequate health care remain a challenge among that group, and the Government is focusing its resources to mitigate the crisis. Under the voluntary repatriation programme, the number of returnees has increased significantly. The number of Afghan migrants to Europe has also fallen, as compared to 2015. We are grateful to the United Nations and our international partners for the continued humanitarian assistance. |
在缉毒方面,尽管鸦片生产与种植有所增加,我们不顾安全挑战,侧重于继续缉毒。我们欣见前体问题区域情报工作组第九次会议取得成果,除其它问题外,该会议指明了在前体贩运问题上的下一批步骤。 | On counter-narcotics, despite some increase in the production and cultivation of opium, we are focused on continuing eradication efforts despite the security challenges. We are pleased with the outcome of the ninth session of the Regional Intelligence Working Group on Precursors, which, among other issues, identified next steps on the issue of precursor trafficking. |
即将召开的阿富汗问题布鲁塞尔会议将是一个向国际社会展示我们经过长期斗争来之不易的成果的机会,会议将侧重于国际社会与阿富汗作出了哪些共同努力,以提高国际社会的持续支助和阿富汗多项改革措施、包括公共财政管理与反腐措施的有效性,并侧重于区域为实现和平与经济繁荣所作的努力。该次会议的筹备工作正在进行之中,我们已向合作伙伴提出《阿富汗全国和平与发展框架》,供其提出最后意见。 | The forthcoming Brussels Conference on Afghanistan will be an opportunity to showcase to the global community our long-fought and hard-won achievements. The focus will be on the joint international and Afghan efforts to increase the effectiveness of sustained international support, multiple Afghan reform measures, including public finance management and anti-corruption, as well as regional efforts to achieve peace and economic prosperity. The preparations for the Conference are ongoing and we have presented the Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework to our partners for their final input. |
最后,全球安全格局正经历重大变化,阿富汗在打击恐怖主义方面的作用依然举足轻重。我们长期遭受极端分子之苦,在与他们的斗争中,我国人民用鲜血与牺牲付出了沉重的代价。由于多年的不稳定,无数阿富汗人被剥夺了对和平未来的希望。然而,在过去15年中,阿富汗政府与包括联合国在内的许多国际朋友一道,辛勤努力以恢复对我们所珍视的自由、民主、善政、法治以及人人享有人权等价值观的信念。我们期待看到国际社会成员在布鲁塞尔会议上重申支持阿富汗的承诺,再次聚焦于打击恐怖主义与暴力极端主义斗争的漫长道路。阿富汗在这方面取得的成功将是世界的成功,通过共同努力,我们将会更加安全、更加繁荣。 | In conclusion, the global security scenario is undergoing significant changes, and Afghanistan’s role in the fight against terrorism remains pivotal. We have long suffered at the hands of extremists and paid a very steep price through the blood and sacrifices of our people in standing up against it. Innumerable Afghans have been robbed of the promise of a peaceful future due to years of instability. However, in the past 15 years, the Government of Afghanistan, along with many of our international friends, including the United Nations, has worked hard to restore faith in the values we cherish — freedom, democracy, good governance, the rule of law and human rights for all. We look forward to seeing members of the international community at the Brussels Conference to reiterate pledges of support to Afghanistan and to refocus on the long road ahead in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism. A The situation in Afghanistan 14/09/2016 win for Afghanistan in that realmwould be a win for the world, and we would be safer and prosperous together. |
主席(以英语发言):现在我谨以新西兰外长的身份发言。 | The President: I shall now make a statement in my capacity as the Minister for Foreign Affairs of New Zealand. |
我感谢秘书长特别代表山本忠通的通报。山本先生是在一个对阿富汗至关重要的时刻担任该职的。 | I thank Special Representative of the Secretary-General Tadamichi Yamamoto for his briefing. Mr. Yamamoto has assumed his role at pivotal moment for Afghanistan. |
阿富汗深陷战争已经太久。实际上,大多数阿富汗人的记忆中除战争之外别无其它。今天,新西兰是作为一个自1989年苏军撤出后几十年来一直支持阿富汗寻求和平与稳定的国家发言的。2001年以来,有3 500多名新西兰人在阿富汗服务。有些人在那里献出了自己的生命。我们为支持阿富汗的经济发展和加强其安全部队投入了数百万美元。我们现在仍在这样做。 | Afghanistan has been at war for far too long. Indeed, most Afghan people have no memory of anything but war. New Zealand speaks today as a country that has supported Afghanistan in its pursuit of peace and stability over many decades, stretching back to the withdrawal of Soviet forces in 1989. Since 2001, more than 3,500 New Zealanders have served in Afghanistan. Some have lost their lives there. We have invested millions of dollars towards supporting Afghanistan’s economic development and strengthening its security forces. And we are still there. |
新西兰的贡献只是过去15年来国际社会对阿富汗未来巨大投入中的很小一部分。但是,我们今天听到,可持续和平依然遥不可及。塔利班和其它极端团体仍在威胁阿富汗国家的生存,并对平民发动可怕袭击。阿富汗人民将需要国际伙伴的支持,直到结束周而复始的战争与恐怖。正因为如此,7月份新西兰在华沙与其它国家一道重申,我们支持阿富汗的安全与稳定。我们继续为阿富汗国家军官学院 | New Zealand’s contribution is only a small part of the enormous investment made by the international community in Afghanistan’s future over the past 15 years. But as we have heard today, sustainable peace remains a distant prospect. The Taliban and other extremist groups continue to pose an existential threat to the Afghan State and to conduct horrific attacks against civilians. The people of Afghanistan will require the support of international partners until the cycle of war and terror is brought to an end. That is why New Zealand joined others in Warsaw in July to reaffirm our support for the security and stability of Afghanistan. |
汗的安全与稳定。我们继续为阿富汗国家军官学院提供军事教官,并为阿富汗国家安全与国防部队提供资金。走任何其它道路将无异于向恐怖分子低头和接受阿富汗国家的失败。 | We extended the provision of military mentors to the Afghan National Army Officer Academy and funding to the Afghan National Security and Defence Forces. To take any other course would be to concede to the terrorists and accept the failure of the Afghan State. |
与此同时,经验教导我们,再多的国际支助也无法自动给阿富汗带来和平。现在到了展开坦诚对话以搞清为什么和平被证明如此遥不可及以及需要改变什么的时候了。过去35年来,阿富汗一直为治理不善所困。该国领导人常常把团体和个人的利益置于人民的福祉之上,通过舞弊和使用武力来实现自己的目标。两年前建立的民族团结政府及其改革议程带来了新的希望。它为该国各位领导人提供了机会,搁置分析和建立一个没有私利及腐败的政府。但我们今天看到了什么? | At the same time, experience has also taught us that no amount of international support can by itself bring Afghanistan peace. It is time for an honest conversation about why peace is proving so elusive — and what needs to change. The future of Afghanistan ultimately lies in the hands of its Government and its people. Over the past 35 years, Afghanistan has been plagued by poor governance. Too often its leaders have prioritized group and personal interests over the welfare of their people, and resorted to graft and the use of force to achieve their goals. The formation of the National Unity Government, two years ago, with its reform agenda, was cause for new hope. It offered an opportunity for the country’s leaders to put aside their differences and to establish a Government free from self-interest and corruption. But what do we see today? |
今天我们看到,总统和首席执行官之间的关系不和,未能开展必要的选举改革,以举行议会选举,从而损害了当前政府的合法性,埋下今后出现选举争执和不稳定的种子。我们看到,一个政府存在两年之后尚未填补高级职位。我们看到,一系列承诺的改进治理和反腐改革措施甚至尚未得到认真讨论,更不要说落实。上述不足令人深感关切。民 | Today we see a President and Chief Executive Officer whose relationship is dysfunctional and a failure to undertake the necessary electoral reforms to enable parliamentary elections to be held, thereby undermining the legitimacy of the current Government and sowing the seeds of future electoral disputes and instability. We see a Government that, two years into its existence, has yet to fill senior positions. And we see a host of promised reforms for improving governance and tackling corruption that are yet to be even seriously discussed, let alone implemented. |
讨论,更不要说落实。上述不足令人深感关切。民族团结政府内的持续分裂和运作不力威胁到我们过去15年共同取得的进展。因此,在国际社会再次表示其对阿富汗的承诺之际,我们重申我们对该国政府的期望。 | Those failings are profoundly concerning. Continued division and dysfunction within the National Unity Government threatens the progress we have made together over the past 15 years. At a time when the international community is renewing its commitment to Afghanistan, we therefore reiterate our expectations of the Government in return. |
首先,我们期待加尼总统和阿卜杜拉首席执行官克服分歧,为他们人民的利益携手努力。一个自身不团结的政府如何去与其他方面举行和谈?我们期待承诺的改革得到落实,并认真努力反腐。我们期待为开展选举改革做出可信的努力,并及时举行选举。 | First, we expect President Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah to overcome their differences and to work together for the good of their people. How can a Government that does not talk to itself hold peace talks with others? We expect promised reforms to be implemented and serious efforts to be made to tackle corruption. We expect credible efforts to enact electoral reform, and elections to be held in a timely manner. |
虽然恢复和谈的前景短期受挫,但新西兰敦促政府准备与各方就和平与和解问题展开接触。或许不尽人意,但实现稳定和平的阿富汗最终取决于与武装反对力量达成某种形式的和解。 | While prospects for a resumption of peace talks may be constrained in the short-term, New Zealand urges the Government to prepare for engagement on peace and reconciliation with all parties. As unpalatable as it may be, achieving a stable and peaceful Afghanistan is ultimately dependent upon achieving some form of reconciliation with elements of the armed opposition. |
我们还吁请阿富汗各邻国和国际伙伴对该进程作出真正承诺。应当利用塔利班制裁制度来建立而非破坏可展开会谈的环境。阿富汗政府需对此进程享有更多自主权,该权若恰当使用可在政府与武装反对力量的谈判中发挥影响力。 | We also call on Afghanistan’s neighbours and international partners to display genuine commitment to the process. The Taliban sanctions regime should be used to create, not obstruct, an environment in which talks can take place. The Afghan Government needs to take on more ownership of this process, which, if properly used, could provide leverage in its negotiations with the armed opposition. |
对民族团结政府的这些期待是本着伙伴友谊的精神传达的,正是这一精神激励着新西兰过去35年来支持着阿富汗。我们依然决心恪守承诺,但只有当民族团结政府采取同样的行动时,才能真正惠及阿富汗人民。 | These expectations of the National Unity Government are conveyed in the spirit of friendship The situation in Afghanistan S/PV.7771 and partnership that has underpinned New Zealand’s support for Afghanistan over the past 35 years. We remain determined to honour our commitment, but that will truly benefit the people of Afghanistan only if the National Unity Government does the same. |
我现在继续行使安理会主席职能。 | I now resume my functions as President of the Council. |
我现在请其他安全理事会成员发言。 | I shall now give the floor to other members of the Security Council. |
奥亚尔顺·马切西先生(西班牙)(以西班牙语发言):麦卡利部长,我要首先感谢你同意主持 | Mr. Oyarzun Marchesi (Spain) (spoke in Spanish): |
语发言):麦卡利部长,我要首先感谢你同意主持安全理事会本次会议。我认为,这不仅反映出新西兰对本次辩论会的重视,而且反映了安理会各成员支持阿富汗的共同感受。 | I would like to begin by thanking you, Minister McCully, for agreeing to preside over this meeting of the Security Council. I believe that reflects not just just the importance that New Zealand attaches to this debate, but also the shared feeling among the members of the Council in our support of Afghanistan. |
我还要欢迎秘书长新任特别代表兼联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)团长山本中通先生首次出席安理会。特别代表可以指靠西班牙的支持,我确信,他可以指靠得到安全理事会的信任。 | I would also like to welcome the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Ambassador Tadamichi Yamamoto, on his first appearance in the Chamber. The Special Representative can count on Spain’s support, and I am sure he can count on the trust of the Security Council. |
还请允许我像我通常所作的那样——我不会有其它做法——表示我赞成欧洲联盟观察员稍后代表其成员国所作发言。 | Allow me as well, as I customarily do — and I would not have it any other way — to associate myself with the statement to be delivered later by the observer of the European Union on behalf of its member States. |
今天,我们通过了关于阿富汗问题的主席声明(S/PRST/2016/14)。或许这说起来容易,但其意义重大。首先是因为该文件的现实意义。我们应当指出,安理会2014年以来没有通过任何有关阿富汗问题的主席声明。其次是因为这再次强调了安全理事会在支持阿富汗、其政府及公民问题上的团结一致,这在此时是极其重要的。再则是因为其及时性。数周后,我们将迎来无疑是近年来阿富汗问题最为重要的国际事件。我指的是将于10月份举行的布鲁塞尔阿富汗问题会议。会上,阿富汗政府将向国际社会介绍其新制定的《国家和平与发展框架》,它是在过去数年取得的显著成功基础上继续其在该国经济、社会和制度发展方面的工作的战略。我们国际社会成员方面则将有机会重申我们对那些目前努力的政治及财政支持,从而惠及全体阿富汗人民。 | Today, we adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2016/14) on Afghanistan. That may be easy to say, but it is of great importance. First, that is because of the relevance of that instrument. We should point that the Council had not adopted a presidential statement on Afghanistan since 2014. Secondly, that is because this adoption underscores once again the unity of the Security Council in its support for Afghanistan, its Government and its citizens — something that is extremely important at this time. Thirdly, that is because of its timeliness. We are a few weeks away from what will undoubtedly be the most important international encounter for Afghanistan of recent years. I am referring to the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan to be held in October. At the Conference, the Government of Afghanistan will share with the international community its new National Peace and Development Framework, which is its strategy to continue its in-depth work on economic, social and institutional development in the country on the basis of the notable successes achieved in previous years. For our part, we members of the international community will have an opportunity to renew our political and financial support for those ongoing efforts for the benefit of all Afghans. |
我现在要谈一谈特别代表谈到也是秘书长报告(S/2016/768)主题的阿富汗的政治局势。西班牙支持秘书长呼吁阿富汗所有政治领导人负起责任并表现出合作精神,在努力寻找应对该国面临的挑战时永远把阿富汗公民的共同利益和福祉放在首位。即将举行的布鲁塞尔会议有助于凸显此种团结的必要性和重要性,不论是在通往该次会议的道路上还是在其之后的时期里都是如此。 | I would now like to refer to the political situation in Afghanistan, to which the Special Representative referred and which is the subject of the report (S/2016/768) of the Secretary-General. Spain supports the Secretary-General’s call to all political leaders in Afghanistan to demonstrate responsibility and a spirit of cooperation and to always give pride of place to the common interests and the well-being of the citizens of Afghanistan as they try to find answers to the challenges the country faces. The upcoming Brussels Conference serves to highlight the necessity and importnace of such unity, both along the path to the Conference itself as well as in the period immediately following it. |
此外,我不能不提该国普遍存在的微妙安全局势。西班牙坚决谴责一切恐怖行径,不论其理由为何。我们重申我们支持阿富汗政府打击这一祸患。此种行动不会削弱阿富汗人民建立一个稳定、繁荣的阿富汗的决心。无疑,阿富汗妇女将在此进程中被要求发挥重要作用。我感谢赛卡尔大使在其发言中提到这一点。 | Moreover, I cannot fail to mention the delicate security situation prevailing in the country. Spain adamantly condemns all acts of terrorism, irrespective of their justification, and we reiterate our support for the Government of Afghanistan in its fight against that scourge. Such actions will not succeed in dampening the determination of the Afghan people to bring about a stable and prosperous Afghanistan — a process in which Afghan women will undoubtedly be called upon to play an important role. I thank the Ambassador Saikal for referring to that issue in his statement. |
作为一个特别重视这一问题的代表团,我还要感谢山本特别代表重视妇女与和平与安全议程。7月份,他与其团队一道,向第2242(2015)号决议所设非正式专家小组通报了情况,向我们提供了有关该问题详细而宝贵的信息。我们还欢迎阿富汗政府近月来所开展的工作,特别是通过了该国有关第1325(2000)号决议的行动计划和关于消除暴力侵害妇女问题国家战略。我们鼓励该国政府努力切实落实它们。挑战是巨大的,许多工作有待去做,但这是正确的道路。 | As a delegation that is particularly committed to that issue, I would also like to thank Special Representative Yamamoto for his commitment to the women and peace and security agenda. In July, together with his team, he briefed the informal group of experts pursuant to resolution 2242 (2015) and gave us detailed and valuable information on the issue. We also welcome the commitments undertaken by the Government of Afghanistan in recent months, in particular the adoption of its national action plan on resolution 1325 (2000) and its national strategy on the elimination of violence against women. We encourage the Government to invest in effectively implementing them. The challenges are huge and much remains to be done, but this is the correct path. |
我们还欣见,为联阿援助团工作人员进行针对性别问题的培训得到加强,特派团领导层定期开会,制定和跟踪其妇女与和平与安全战略,作为其努力确保其阿富汗对话方更为重视妇女及女童在阿富汗的参与及对其保护的一部分。对于西班牙来说,这不是一个边缘问题;它是核心问题。因此,我们还认为,在向安理会的定期通报和在秘书长的定期报告中应当纳入有关这一问题的战略分类信息。将在西班牙担任主席国时举行的下次联阿援助团辩论会应当是处理这一问题的良好时机。 | We also welcome the fact that gender training for UNAMA personnel has been improved and that the leadership of the Mission meets regularly to develop and follow up on its women and peace and security The situation in Afghanistan 14/09/2016 strategy as part of its efforts to ensure that its Afghan interlocutors give greater importance to the participation and protection of women and girls in Afghanistan. For Spain, that is not a side issue; it is central. That is why we also believe it is important to include strategic and disaggregated information on the issue in the regular briefings to the Council and in the periodic reports of the Secretary-General. The next UNAMA debate, to be held under the Spanish presidency, should be a good time to address the issue. |
我想在结束发言前重申,西班牙支持为完成由阿富汗人主导并为阿富汗人开展的和平与和解进程而开展的各项努力。这是保障持久、稳定和平的唯一途径。为此目的,区域中所有利益攸关方必须进行合作与协调——最重要的是,除此之外别无他法。 | I do not want to conclude without reiterating Spain’s support for the efforts towards a peace and reconciliation process led by and for Afghans. That is the only way to guarantee lasting, stable peace. To those ends, cooperation and coordination by all stakeholders in the region is essential — above all, there is no substitute for it. |
叶利琴科先生(乌克兰)(以英语发言):首先,我谨感谢秘书长阿富汗问题特别代表山本忠通先生的通报,并对联合国阿富汗援助团和所有联合国机构按照第2274(2016)号决议的授权支助阿富汗和协调国际社会援助表示充分支持。 | Mr. Yelchenko (Ukraine): At the outset, I would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Mr. Tadamichi Yamamoto, for his briefing and to express our full support for the important role played by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan and all the United Nations agencies in supporting Afghanistan and coordinating the international community’s assistance, in accordance with the mandate set by resolution 2274 (2016). |
乌克兰赞同欧洲联盟观察员今天稍后将要进行的发言,但我要以本国代表身份提出几点看法。 | While Ukraine aligns itself with the statement to be delivered by the observer of the European Union later today, I would like to raise several points in my national capacity. |
在报告所述期间,阿富汗出现了一些令人鼓舞的进展迹象,特别是在解决该国面临的安全、经济和发展挑战方面。我们欢迎政府作出反腐败和反恐努力,并按照《通过相互问责框架实现自力更生计划》的规定解决财政缺口以及贫困和失业问题。但是,目前阿富汗高级官员之间对于缺乏有效改革、包括选举改革所产生的持续的政治紧张关系,体现了阿富汗民族团结政府不好的一面。这些紧张关系也可能影响到定于下月举行的期待已久的议会和地区委员会选举。我们呼吁阿富汗领导人团结起来,注重提倡善政、法治、反腐努力和人权,注重加强安全部队与执法机构之间的协调,以确保它们能够有效解决现存的安全威胁。确保开展一个由阿富汗人领导和阿富汗人自主的有意义的和平进程,应当仍然是在可持续地解决阿富汗境内数十年之久冲突方面的一个优先事项。 | There were some encouraging signs of progress in Afghanistan during the reporting period, in particular in addressing the security, economic and development challenges faced by the nation. We welcome the efforts of the authorities in countering corruption and terrorism, addressing the fiscal gap and poverty and unemployment, as stipulated in the Self-Reliance through Mutual Accountability Framework. However, the ongoing political tensions between Afghan senior officials over the lack of effective reforms, including in the electoral sphere, do not reflect well on the National Unity Government of Afghanistan. They can also affect the holding of long-awaited parliamentary and district council elections scheduled for next month. We call on the Afghan leaders to reunite and to focus on addressing the promotion of good governance, the rule of law, anti-corruption efforts and human rights, and on strengthening coordination between the security forces and law enforcement agencies to ensure that they can effectively tackle existing security threats. |
我们感到遗憾的是,在报告所述期间,负责为这一进程创造有利条件的阿富汗四方协调小组没有举行会议。同样,敌对行动没有减少,因为塔利班拒绝阿富汗政府关于参加和平与和解进程的所有呼吁。此外,有些惊人的迹象表明,民族团结政府与某些温和武装团体和派系进行的和平谈判陷于僵局。恐怖分子正在全国发动的攻势以及利用简易爆炸装置在大型城市中再三发动的自杀式攻击造成巨大伤亡,并对阿富汗的政治、经济和安全稳定造成不利影响。 | Promoting a meaningful, Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process should remain a priority to achieve a sustainable resolution of the decades-long conflict in Afghanistan. We regret that during the reporting period no meetings of the Quadrilateral Coordination Group of Afghanistan took place, which is tasked with creatomg a conducive environment for such a process. Likewise, no reduction of hostilities occurred, as the Taliban rejected all calls of the Afghan Government to join the peace and reconciliation process. Moreover, there are alarming signs about the stalemate in the peace negotiations of the National Unity Government with some moderate armed groups and factions. An ongoing offensive by the terrorists throughout the country and recurring suicide attacks with improvised explosive devices in major cities continue to claim a high death toll, and are having an adverse impact on Afghanistan’s political, economic and security stability. |
我们认为,如果其他区域行为体不准备抛弃分歧,对塔利班领导人施加压力,不让他们获得庇护,迫使这一运动放弃对阿富汗的侵略并真诚参加和平谈判,就不可能在稳定方面取得具体进展。区域合作也应当注重通过抑制麻醉品贸易和加强边境安全,以防止恐怖主义战士往返从冲突地区,来寻找有效掐断塔利班和其他恐怖团体资金来源的方 | As we see it, no tangible progress towards stabilization can occur without the readiness of other regional players to set aside differences and to exert influence on the Taliban leaders by depriving them of shelter and forcing this movement to renounce aggression against Afghanistan and earnestly participate in the peace negotiations. Regional cooperation should also be focused on finding ways to effectively disrupt the Taliban and other terrorist groups’ financing by suppressing the narcotics trade and strengthening border security to prevent terrorist fighters travelling to and from the conflict region. |
找有效掐断塔利班和其他恐怖团体资金来源的方法。鉴于平民特别是儿童与妇女的伤亡人数日益增加,被迫放弃家园和寻求逃避当前侵犯人权行为和特别是侵犯妇女与女童人权行为的流离失所者人数大增,阿富汗的人道主义局势继续值得我们关注。塔利班招募儿童也令人感到严重关切。尽管宣布了关于减少平民伤亡的国家政策,反政府团体和阿富汗国家军队在攻击平民的事件中几乎各占一半。 | The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan continues to warrant our attention in the light of the ever-growing numbers of civilian casualties, especially among women and children, and the high displacement rates of those forced to abandon their homes and to seek refuge from prevalent human rights abuses, in particular against women and girls. The Taliban’s recruitment of children is also a cause for great concern. Despite the announced national policy on civilian casualty mitigation, almost an equal number of the attacks on the civilian population are attributed to to anti-Government groups as to the Afghan national forces. |
尽管注意到在性别平等议程方面的积极发展,尤其是制订了重要的法律政策,但我们谨强调,必须确保充分执行关于妇女与和平与安全的国家政策,这是在创建国家稳定未来的努力中把妇女提升为充分和平等伙伴的一个关键步骤。这也是即将进行的选举中的一个挑战。 | While taking note of positive developments on the gender equality agenda, in particular the elaboration of important legal policies, we would like to underscore The situation in Afghanistan S/PV.7771 the need of ensuring the full implementation of the national action plan on women and peace and security as a critical step in elevating women as full and equal partners in creating a stable future for the country. That is also the challenge in the context of the upcoming elections. |
鉴于所有这些情况,必须向阿富汗提供适当的军事和财政援助,以便在应对恐怖主义、经济和人道主义威胁以及为阿富汗确保可行未来方面取得具体成果。北约华沙首脑会议保证一直到2020年向阿富汗国防和安全部队提供援助,在这次首脑会议之后,国际社会应该抓住10月阿富汗问题布鲁塞尔会议提供的机会,支持阿富汗的国家建设和社会经济发展,包括紧急扩大人道主义援助,满足100多万境内流离失所者和返回者的需求。 | Given all those circumstances, it is essential to provide Afghanistan with appropriate military and financial assistance to achieve palpable results in confronting terrorist, economic and humanitarian threats and to secure a viable future for Afghanistan. Following the NATO Summit in Warsaw, which pledged assistance to the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces through 2020, the international community should seize the opportunity offered by the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan in October to support State-building and socioeconomic development in Afghanistan, including to urgently scale-up humanitarian aid to address the needs of more than 1 million internally displaced persons and returnees. |
乌克兰确认联合国在促进阿富汗和平与稳定的国际努力中发挥的首要作用,以及积极参与协助阿富汗的相关国际组织和机构所作的宝贵贡献。对这些努力进行适当协调,避免重复,包括最好地利用现有协调机制,是极其重要的。 | Ukraine acknowledges the primary role of the United Nations in international efforts to promote peace and stability in Afghanistan and the valuable contribution of the relevant international organizations and institutions actively engaged in assisting Afghanistan. It is highly important to provide appropriate coordination for those efforts and to avoid duplication, including through making the best use of existing mechanisms for coordination. |
发挥各区域组织之间的协同作用,与欧洲安全与合作组织伙伴国进行进一步交往,特别是处理共同的安全威胁,包括来自阿富汗的威胁,具有重大意义。同阿富汗实地的这些组织结成更强大的伙伴关系,能够帮助我们更好地确定和评估我们的活动。为此目的,联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的宝贵支持及其针对阿富汗和区域邻国的区域方案,是非常重要的。有鉴于此,应当由一系列广泛的行为体进一步处理有关阿富汗的问题,同时调整中亚政策的方向,以更好地反映有关阿富汗的问题。 | Building synergies between regional organizations and further engagement with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe partner countries, particularly to tackle shared security threats, including those emanating from Afghanistan, is of high significance. A stronger partnership with those organizations present on the ground in Afghanistan can help us to better target and evaluate our activities. To that end, the valuable support of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and its regional programme for Afghanistan and neighbouring countries is of high relevance. With that in mind, Afghanistan-related issues should be further dealt with by a very broad spectrum of actors, while reorienting the policies in Central Asia to better reflect issues related to Afghanistan. |
我们今天通过的关于阿富汗的主席声明(S/PRST/2016/14)向阿富汗人民发出了一个明确的信号,即安全理事会全力支持阿富汗努力解决安全、经济和发展挑战。但是,阿富汗政府必须着手实际执行国家改革,而不是发表声明。这将有助于维护整个国际社会的信心和意愿,以协助该国奋力维护主权和领土完整,同时为阿富汗和更广大地区的和平、安全与繁荣奠定坚实基础。 | By adopting today’s presidential statement on Afghanistan (S/PRST/2016/14), we are sending a clear sign to the Afghan people about the Security Council’s full support of Afghanistan in its endeavours to address security, economic and development challenges. However, it is important that the Afghan Government proceed with the actual implementation of national reforms instead of issuing declarative statements. That will help to preserve the confidence of the whole international community and its readiness to assist this country in its struggle for sovereignty and territorial integrity, while creating a sound foundation for peace, security and prosperity both in Afghanistan and the wider region. |
丘尔金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):我们感谢秘书长阿富汗问题特别代表山本忠通先生就阿富汗局势所作的全面通报。我们祝愿他在新的重要职务上一切顺利。我们仔细听取了阿富汗伊斯兰共和国大使马哈茂德·塞卡尔先生的发言。 | Mr. Churkin (Russian Federation) (spoke in Russian): We are grateful to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Mr. Tadamichi Yamamoto, for his comprehensive briefing on the situation in Afghanistan. We wish him every success in his new important post. We carefully listened to the remarks of the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Mr. Mahmoud Saikal. |
尽管作出种种努力,但阿富汗局势无法令人乐观。我们注意到安全领域中的恶化趋势。该国各地的战斗已经加剧。消除塔利班领导人曼苏尔毛拉之举导致加强了不可妥协的激进分子、首先是哈卡尼网络的影响力,这只会加剧局势。 | The situation in Afghanistan, despite all the efforts invested, does not evoke optimism. We note the deteriorating trend in the area of security. Fighting has intensified in various parts of the country. The elimination of the Taliban leader, Mullah Mansoor, has led to a strengthening of the influence of the irreconcilable radicals, first and foremost the Haqqani Network, which has served only to exacerbate the situation. |
我们特别担心所谓伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国(伊黎伊斯兰国)影响力的扩大和人数的增加,以及它大力兼并主要是在该国北部的其他武装反对派团体。如果不挫败这一进程,那么,我们明年可能面临一支更可怕的力量。在这方面,我们对一个情况感到惊讶,在商定今天通过的关于阿富汗的主席声明(S/PRST/2016/14)时,我们的美国同事拒绝在案文中列入任何关于伊黎伊斯兰国日益增长威胁的文字。俄罗斯期待美国更积极地使用武力遏制该国的伊黎伊斯兰国战斗人员。 | We are particularly concerned by the spread in the influence and the growth in the numbers of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and its drive to gobble up other armed opposition groups, mainly in the north of the country. If that process is not thwarted, then by next year we could face an even more redoubtable force. In that regard, we were surprised by the fact that in agreeing to the presidential statement on Afghanistan (S/PRST/2016/14)adopted today, our American colleagues refused to include into the text any wording on the growing threat of ISIL. Russia expects a more active use of force by the United States to suppress ISIL fighters in this country. |
我们强烈谴责过去三个月里针对喀布尔和其他阿富汗城市反复发动的残暴恐怖袭击。我们期待这些罪行的组织者受到严厉惩罚,并且阿富汗政府当局将采取一切必要措施确保安全。我们向死者的家属和朋友表示衷心慰问,并希望受害者迅速康复。 | We strongly condemn the brutal terrorist attacks that have repeatedly struck Kabul and other Afghan cities during the past three months. We expect that the organizers of those crimes will be punished harshly, and that the Afghan authorities will undertake all the necessary measures to ensure security. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those killed and wish a speedy recovery to the victims. |
我们支持阿富汗政府旨在实现民族和解的政策。我们随时准备为推进谈判进程提供帮助,包括在可能放松安全理事会第1998(2011)号决议所设委员会对塔利班的制裁制度问题上采取灵活态度,只要这么做不会与阿富汗国家利益发生冲突。 | We support the policy of the Government of Afghanistan aimed at achieving national reconciliation. We stand ready to provide assistance in making progress in the negotiations process, including on our flexibly approaching the issue of possible easing of the sanctions regime of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011), on the Taliban, if this does not clash with the national interests of the Afghan State. |
和解进程的主要任务,即促使塔利班加入和平谈判,仍未完成。在喀布尔和塔利班之间组织直接谈判的四方联络小组模式至今未能展现任何积极的结果。与希克马蒂亚尔领导的阿富汗极端伊斯兰党的谈判也出现了同样的情况。塔利班和阿富汗当局今年底恢复直接谈判的可能性甚微。 | The main task in the reconciliation process, namely, to draw the Taliban into the peace negotiations, has not been achieved. The Quadrilateral Coordination Group format on organizing direct negotiations between Kabul and the Taliban has not been able demonstrate any positive results to date. A similar picture emerges in the negotiations with Hezb-i-Islami Gulbuddin, the Afghan extremist Islamic party headed by Hekmatyar. There is little likelihood of a resumption of direct negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghan authorities by the end of the year. |
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