My country also believes that judicial cooperation among the countries of the former Yugoslavia is an indispensable tool for the search and arrest of perpetrators of war crimes who have found refuge in neighbouring States. We therefore urge national authorities to pool their efforts in the fight against impunity by taking measures to improve and strengthen judicial cooperation in the region.
In conclusion, my delegation reiterates its full support for the Mechanism in its search for methods and means to effectively accomplish its mission.
Mrs. Mele Colifa (Equatorial Guinea) (spoke in Spanish): I would like to thank the President of the International Residual Mechanism of the Criminal Tribunals, Judge Carmel Agius, and Prosecutor Serge Brammertz, for their enlightening and detailed briefings to the Security Council today.
Aware of the ongoing budgetary challenges faced by the Mechanism as a result of the budget reductions approved by the General Assembly in July 2018, we applaud the continued efforts made by the Mechanism to carefully fulfil its mandate in the most efficient and effective manner, bearing in mind the need to ensure respect for due process and the fundamental rights of accused and convicted persons subject to its jurisdiction.
The Republic of Equatorial Guinea takes strong note of the significant progress of the work of the Mechanism in relation to judicial activities, administration, enforcement of sentences, protection of victims and witnesses, and management of archives during the reporting period. We are encouraged by the innovative strategies presented in the report of the President of the Mechanism (S/2019/888, annex I), to increase efficiency and harmonize practices and procedures between branches, such as having launched a unified filing system and a judicial records and archives database for both branches, and the creation of a Judicial Records and Court Operations Unit in Arusha to operate alongside its existing counterpart of the branch in The Hague, among important initiatives.
Given the importance that we attach to these issues, we welcome the Mechanism’s adoption of the Code of Conduct to Prevent Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment, at United Nations System Events.
With regard to the Practice Direction on the Procedure for the Determination of Applications for Pardon, Commutation of Sentence and Early Release of Persons Convicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia or the Mechanism, we are pleased to learn that the President of the Mechanism is continuing consultations with other parties concerned and considering putting in place conditions on early release in accordance with resolution 2422 (2018). We hope that the work he is doing to introduce improvements to these procedures will be successful because of the relevance that these decisions have for the victims.
We also note the Prosecutor’s unstinting work with and ongoing support for national authorities, which is reflected in the large volume of requests for assistance that the Office receives, as well as its provision of assistance in specific cases and the intensive training that its judicial authorities continue to undertake. It is our hope that despite the challenges facing the Office of the Prosecutor, the remaining eight fugitives indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda will be located and arrested.
The successful work of the Mechanism and its ability to render justice to the victims depends to a large extent on the efforts and cooperation of States, especially with regard to operations for the location, apprehension and surrender of fugitives and the relocation of released persons. In this regard, we call for the full cooperation of the States Members of the United Nations to strengthen the much-needed assistance to the Mechanism, as mandated in resolution 2422 (2018). Providing the Mechanism with the resources that it requires is another way to ensure the success of its mandate, which is why we hope that its budget proposal for the coming year will be approved. We must not forget that the Mechanism stands among the international criminal justice institutions that combat impunity, which can contribute to deterring and preventing the most serious crimes of international significance and to maintaining the peace and security that we seek.
In conclusion, and bearing in mind that this will be our last statement on this issue, we wish to clearly reaffirm that the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, in its unwavering commitment to strengthening the rule of law and promoting justice, supports the Mechanism in all aspects of its work as an instrument mandated by the Security Council to administer justice and end impunity to achieve the international peace and security that we seek. We would also like to thank and commend the Mission of Peru for transparently, efficiently and dynamically chairing the Council’s Informal Working Group on International Tribunals.
The President: I shall now make a statement in my capacity as the representative of the United States.
I thank President Agius and Prosecutor Brammertz for their briefings. We are grateful for the unwavering commitment of the judges, attorneys and staff in Arusha, The Hague, Kigali and Sarajevo to pursuing justice for the victims in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia.
We welcome the efforts of President Agius aimed at improving efficiencies and harmonizing the operations of the two branches of the Mechanism as the remaining cases pending before the Tribunal draw to a close.
This focus is helping to achieve the lean operations envisioned by the Security Council when it established the Mechanism in 2010. We are looking forward to the Council’s review next year of the progress of the work of the Mechanism, pursuant to resolution 1966 (2010).
The report delivered by President Agius (S/2019/888, annex I) predicts that 2020 will mark an important year for the conclusion of the vast majority of the current judicial work of the Mechanism. The conclusion of appellate proceedings in the case of Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić will be a landmark in the history of international criminal law. Let us be very clear about exactly what kind of acts were committed that bring us to this meeting today.
General Ratko Mladić served as the commander of the Bosnian Serb Army, and his forces systematically murdered Muslim Bosnian men and boys in Srebrenica, raped women and girls, shelled the civilian population of Sarajevo and brutalized Muslim and Croat prisoners, all with the horrifying objective of permanently removing Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats from Bosnian Serb-claimed territory. We therefore welcome and celebrate the Tribunal’s work to rule on General Mladić’s responsibility for grave crimes committed during the war.
Similarly, we support the work of the Mechanism in the retrial of Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes for their alleged roles in the unlawful, forcible removal of non-Serbs from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We also support the contempt proceedings in the cases of Prosecutor v. Maximilien Turinabo et al. and Prosecutor v. Augustin Ngirabatware. Attempts to interfere with witnesses or otherwise undermine court proceedings are a grave threat to the rule of law and must be dealt with seriously.
We also commend the endeavours of the Mechanism to support national judicial efforts, from the Balkans to Rwanda. These proceedings remain vital to ensuring that the pursuit of justice will not end even as prosecutions at the Mechanism conclude. We note Rwanda’s progress in continuing to try cases related to the genocide and urge Balkan States to improve their cooperation across national systems.
We also continue to support the efforts of the Mechanism to apprehend the remaining eight Rwandans still wanted for their roles in the 1994 genocide. The United States continues to offer rewards of up to $5 million for information that leads to the arrest, transfer or conviction of any of the remaining fugitives. We strongly urge all countries to cooperate fully with the Mechanism and to bring these people, who are wanted for some of the worst crimes in history, to justice. To this end, it is absolutely essential that requests for cooperation be met by Member States with the swiftness and utmost seriousness that the victims and survivors deserve. When we do not cooperate with the Mechanism, fugitives remain at large and impunity reigns.
It is deeply troubling that the Prosecutor continues to report the ongoing challenge of genocide denial and the non-acceptance of historical truths in both Rwanda and the Balkans. We cannot bring back those whose lives were lost, but if we do not act forcefully when leaders seek to turn certain populations into scapegoats for society’s ills or deny historical facts, we will fail to ensure justice for the victims and their loved ones.
In her guilty plea to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, former Bosnian Serb leader Biljana Plavšić spoke from her own experience, warning that where leaders rely on stoking fear and prejudice, thereby become victimizers, the result is “graves, refugees, isolation and bitterness against the whole world”. We must recommit to protecting the welfare of civilians during armed conflict and holding those who do not to account. The Mechanism has been an important part of this work, and we continue to support its efforts on behalf of victims.
I now resume my functions as President of the Council.
I give the floor to the Assistant Minister of Justice of Serbia.
巴茨科维奇 先 生 (塞尔维亚)( 以英语发言):由于时间有限,我将谈谈有关塞尔维亚的两点看法。
Mr. Backović (Serbia): Due to time constraints, I will address two important points for Serbia.
First, I ask Security Council members to take a look at our written statement, in which they will find data and details supporting the fact that Serbia’s efforts and cooperation in the prosecution of war crimes are second to none.
Secondly, let me draw the attention of the Council to the issue of serving sentences. In its statement to the Council, my country argued that the decades-long practice regarding the conditions of serving the sentences pronounced by the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) should be somewhat changed. In the reports of the Mechanism, however, including in the most recent one, for the period of 16 May to 15 November (see S/2019/888, annex II), requests are bandied about to amend rule 151 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence relative to pardon, commutation of sentences and early release. Resolution 2422 (2018), in paragraph 10, “encourages the Mechanism to consider an appropriate solution, including by considering putting in place conditions on early release in appropriate cases”.
The IRMCT President, Judge Carmel Agius, it is reported, has already taken the encouragement into consideration, while the IRMCT Prosecutor, Mr. Serge Brammertz, is “seriously concerned” over the fact that the vast majority of the sentenced persons have been unconditionally released after serving only two-thirds of their sentences. The consideration and the concern indicate that, in all likelihood, unjustifiable changes will be made in the work of the IRMCT on this issue.
That worries me, for it is hard to believe that the consideration of this question comes at a time when the conditions have been met this year for several Serbian nationals to be released early, after having served two-thirds of their respective sentences, is only accidental. Most of them have filed early release applications to the IRMCT President. None of them have yet received a reply and no explanation has been provided. Let me point out that the sentenced persons are of an advanced age and in poor health so that, for reasons of humanity, a fair solution for these cases should be acted upon.
行政当局多次对塞尔维亚持沉默态度,对塞尔维亚司法部长就帕夫科维奇将军一案致余留机制的两封信也是如此。我们尚未收到对其中任何一封信的答复。司法部长就7月2日的事件写了一封信,当时所谓科索沃的战争罪检察官Drita Hajdari女士在收到调查委托书之后,试图以“国际”法律援助为借口,在芬兰的凯尔马库斯基监狱审问帕夫科维奇将军。
Serbia has faced the silence of the administration on a number of occasions, including regarding two letters that the Minister of Justice of Serbia sent to the Mechanism in the case of General Pavković. No reply to either of them has been received. The Minister had written with regard to the event of 2 July, when the war crimes Prosecutor of so-called Kosovo, Ms. Drita Hajdari, made an attempt to interrogate General Pavković in the Kylmakoski prison in Finland under cover of “international” legal assistance following a letter rogatory in connection with an order to conduct an investigation.
Only the Mechanism has jurisdiction over this case. Under article 25, item 2, of its Statute, it has the power to supervise the enforcement of sentences, including the implementation of sentence enforcement agreements entered into by the United Nations with Member States, as well as other agreements with international and regional organizations and other appropriate organizations and bodies. It is not clear who allowed the attempt to conduct the interrogation just as a clarification is due as to whether the Mechanism gave a nod of approval to the representative of so-called Kosovo, a territory, a United Nations protectorate under resolution 1244 (1999) and neither a State nor a Member of the United Nations. How did it come about?
The indications that the early release provisions will be amended touch on Serbia’s initiative, launched 10 years ago, calling for serving, in Serbia, the sentences pronounced to its nationals by the ICTY. The initiative is motivated by the resolve of my country to take up the responsibility for the enforcement of the sentences. The purpose of punishment includes, inter alia, the resocialization of the punished persons. It is hard to expect that this purpose will ever be achieved if these persons serve their sentences in faraway countries whose language they do not understand and in which visits by friends and relatives are all but precluded.
I take this opportunity to draw the Council’s attention to the difficult situation of Milan Martić and Dragomir Milošević, two Serbian nationals sentenced by the ICTY and serving their sentences in Estonia. The respective former and current ICTY Presidents, Judge Meron and Judge Agius, have been advised of their situation by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the sentenced persons themselves on a number of occasions.
Let me emphasize the fact that Serbia is ready to accept international supervision of the enforcement of the sentences of these persons that is precisely defined and provides positive guarantees that these persons will not be released early except through appropriate decisions of the Mechanism or any other United Nations agency to be mandated with dealing with these issues in the future.
Once again, we call on the representatives of the IRMCT, and those of relevant institutions to be mandated by the Secretary-General, to visit Serbia, tour its prison facilities and see for themselves the situation in the prisons that would be used for this purpose.
At the time when the completion of the work of the Mechanism is in sight, it is of paramount importance for the Security Council to remain actively seized of all outstanding issues. Its decision-making should be transparent. My country expects answers soon, all the more so since Serbians’ cooperation with the IRMCT has once again been second to none and widely commended.
The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Mr. Vukobratović (Bosnia and Herzegovina): At the outset, let me congratulate you, Mr. President, on assuming the presidency of the Security Council for the month of December. I would also like to thank Judge Agius and Mr. Brammertz, the President and the Prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, for their respective reports and for today’s comprehensive briefings.
We note the continued progress by the Mechanism in fulfilling the residual activities of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). In addition, we would like to underline that the successful conclusion of the Mechanism’s mandate in an efficient manner and within a reasonable time frame is of crucial importance for justice and reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.
Throughout the years, the cooperation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the ICTY and its successor has been steadfast and full, as evidenced by the Tribunal’s reports. In the same vein, we remain committed to contributing actively to the Mechanism’s efforts to accomplish its mission.
Accountable, independent and impartial judicial institutions that enjoy public trust throughout the entire country are a precondition not only for bringing perpetrators to justice, but also for achieving reconciliation among the three constituent peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, namely, Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs. That is of crucial importance for long-term stability in the country and the region. We recognize that there is a need for the adoption of a revised national war crimes strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We would like to highlight our appreciation for the support of the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the United Nations Development Programme with regard to strengthening the human and material resources of the judicial institutions that are processing war crimes and general capacity-building. Bosnia and Herzegovina reiterates the importance of the consistent cooperation among the Prosecutors’ Offices and the relevant authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its neighbouring countries, Croatia and Serbia, in accordance with the principles of international justice and the rule of law, which is crucial to investigating and prosecuting war crimes.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that Bosnia and Herzegovina remains committed to investigating, prosecuting and punishing all persons responsible for war crimes. We will continue to work on strengthening the national judicial system. More justice means more trust and stability.
Mr. Šimonović (Croatia): I welcome the President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, Judge Agius, as well as Prosecutor Brammertz, and thank them for their comprehensive briefings today, as well as for their respective reports. Let me start by reiterating Croatia’s full support for the mission and work of the Mechanism. Croatia remains a strong supporter of international criminal justice. Croatia has done its part in ensuring accountability. Many trials have been completed to date, and some are still ongoing as our institutions continue to investigate and prosecute war crimes committed during the war in the 1990s.
When it comes to the Mechanism’s ongoing work, 2020 will be a significant year with the completion of important cases, in particular the appeal of the case Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić and the Prosecutor v. Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović trial case. They are of the utmost importance to the legacy of accountability for aggression against Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the last decade of the twentieth century, especially because the crucial case against former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević unfortunately did not end up with a verdict.
More than a quarter century after the establishment of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), thousands of victims and their loved ones are still waiting for justice to be served. We expect all cases to be completed within the planned deadlines and without any delays, and we encourage the Mechanism to maximize its efforts to that end. Also, we hope that the contempt of court proceedings in the Prosecutor v. Petar Jojić and Vjerica Radeta case will soon be resolved, and we once again underline the need for Serbia to fully cooperate with the Mechanism.
Croatia is committed to continuing constructive and effective judicial cooperation with other States of the region in war crimes matters. We recognize the increasingly urgent need to end impunity and overcome the legacy of the past, including through justice for all victims of past atrocities. As time passes, it becomes more and more difficult to hold perpetrators accountable for their crimes. But as we have said many times, meaningful cooperation is not a one-way process, and we expect other States to show their willingness to actively engage and contribute to improving relations.
Croatia is continuously undertaking activities towards Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, with the aim of improving cooperation in the prosecution of war crimes. In the past two years, the Ministers of Justice of Croatia and Serbia have met several times and two joint commissions have been established. One would work on a bilateral agreement on cooperation regarding the prosecution of war crimes and the other on the exchange of lists of persons accused or convicted of war crimes. The commissions have worked but have not made any recommendations yet. We express our hope that the commissions will resume their work shortly. Also, with respect to Bosnia and Herzegovina, we expect improvement in the transfer of cases from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia.
Last month, Croatia marked another mournful anniversary of the tragedies and atrocities of war in the autumn of 1991. Besieged for three long months and levelled to the ground, the city of Vukovar and its inhabitants suffered a fate unseen in Europe from the Second World War up until that point. White crosses at the Vukovar cemetery stand today as a reminder of the massacre and of the victims exhumed from mass graves in and around the city. A few days before the anniversary, a memorial plaque commemorating the commander of the Yugoslav People’s Army and the Serbian paramilitary forces during the attack on Vukovar was unveiled in a Serbian army complex in the city of Novi Sad. That is only one recent example that shows that Serbia is still, unfortunately, not willing to face its own past and its role in the war that it initiated in the 1990s. Such decisions and moves by Serbian authorities go against Croatia’s efforts to build good-neighbourly relations, and we call on Serbia to stop glorifying war crimes. Croatia stands ready to cooperate with its neighbours and assist them in overcoming the remaining obstacles to facing the past as a precondition for lasting peace and meaningful reconciliation.
The unresolved fate of missing persons is highly ranked on Croatia’s list of priorities. The suffering of the families of missing persons demands that of us, and we are pursuing all our efforts to trace and identify the fate of our missing nationals or their remains. To that end, Croatia is also holding dialogue with other States and international organizations in the hope of accomplishing results, and every year headway is made. Unfortunately, Serbia still shows no readiness to open all its archival records. Political will should be shown in Belgrade, and we call on the Serbian political leaders to focus on those efforts rather than on divisive political rhetoric, which only perpetuates antagonism.
Cooperation in addressing the issue of missing persons remains a key element of our dialogue and a part of the criteria that Serbia needs to meet under its European Union accession negotiations. We are ready to continue dialogue that will produce tangible progress on those issues.
Croatia remains firmly committed to the development of good relations and cooperation with neighbouring States, and we strongly support their aspirations towards European Union membership based on the full compliance with clear and well-known criteria, especially with regard to the rule of law, including full cooperation with the Mechanism. Our commitment to the European path of the whole Western Balkans region is visible in the priorities of the forthcoming Croatian presidency of the Council of the European Union during the first half of 2020. We will strive to keep the enlargement of the European Union as one of the key topics on our European agenda.
In conclusion, Croatia stands ready to continue to extend our full support to the Mechanism, expecting it to complete its mandate in time.
大 会 Distr.: General
General Assembly Distr.: General
21 August 2019
21 August 2019
21 August 2019ChineseOriginal: English(C) 090919 170919
19-14222 (E) 290819
Seventy-fourth session
临时议程* 项目 70(b)
Item 70 (b) of the provisional agenda*
Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action
Contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and racial intolerance
Note by the Secretary-General**
秘书处谨向大会转递当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为特别报告员滕达伊·阿奇乌美根据大会第 73/262 号决议编写的报告。
The Secretariat has the honour to transmit to the General Assembly the report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Tendayi Achiume, prepared pursuant to Gener al Assembly resolution 73/262.
* A/74/150。
* A/74/150.
** 本报告于截止日期之后提交,原因是提交的截止日期很接近特别报告员先前向人权理事会提交报告的截止日期,以及要求本特别报告员提交的报告数量多于其他特别程序任务负责人的报告。
** The present report was submitted after the deadline owing to the proximity of the deadline to earlier deadlines for the submission of the reports of the Special Rapporteur to the Human Rights Council, as well as the greater number of reports that the Special Rapporteur is required to submit relative to other special procedures mandate holders.
Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racialdiscrimination, xenophobia and racial intolerance
In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and racial intolerance addresses the human rights obligations of Member States in relation to reparations for racial discrimination rooted in slavery and colonialism.
一. 特别报告员的活动
I. Activities of the Special Rapporteur
1. 本报告系根据大会第 73/262 号决议提交,决议所涉议题是采取具体行动彻底消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为以及全面执行和后续落实《德班宣言和行动纲领》的全球呼吁。
1. The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 73/262 on a global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
A. 国家访问
A. Country visits
2. 特别报告员于 2018 年 4 月 30 日至 5 月 11 日对大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国进行了正式访问,1 并于 2018 年 12 月 13 日至 21 日对摩洛哥进行了正式访问。2她于 2019 年 7 月 8 日向人权理事会第四十一届会议提交了第一次国别访问报告。
2. The Special Rapporteur made an official visit to the United Kingdom of Grea t Britain and Northern Ireland from 30 April to 11 May 20181 and to Morocco from 13 to 21 December 2018.2 She presented her first country visit reports to the Human Rights Council at its forty-first session, on 8 July 2019.
3. 特别报告员谨感谢荷兰和卡塔尔政府邀请她分别于 2019 年 9 月 30 日至 10月 7 日、以及于 11 月 24 日至 12 月 1 日进行国家访问。她还希望感谢巴西、马来西亚和波兰政府接受了她进行国家访问的请求,并期待着这些国家政府在安排2020-2021 年的访问日期方面进行合作。
3. The Special Rapporteur would like to thank the Governments of the Netherlands and Qatar for inviting her to conduct country visits from 30 September to 7 October 2019, and from 24 November to 1 December 2019, respectively. She also wishes to thank the Governments of Brazil, Malaysia and Poland for accepting her country visit requests and looks forward to their cooperation in scheduling dates for those visits in 2020–2021.
B. 其他活动
B. Other activities
4. 特别报告员提交人权理事会第四十一届会议的关于全球极端主义和种族平等的报告载列了她于 2018 年 7 月至 2019 年 4 月期间的活动。3 特别报告员在报
4. The activities of the Special Rapporteur from July 2018 to April 2019 are listed in her report on global extractivism and racial equality presented to the Human Rights Council at its forty-first session.3
等的报告载列了她于 2018 年 7 月至 2019 年 4 月期间的活动。3 特别报告员在报告中强调了全球经济和自然资源开采工业中的种族歧视。她随后的活动、包括于2019 年 5 月 29 日在纽约大学迦勒汀个人学习学院召开了一次关于赔偿、种族正义和种族平等问题的专家组会议。2019 年 7 月,特别报告员在人权理事会第四十一届会议中间隙期间在日内瓦举行了一次民间社会间的协商,主题是“加强国际人权反种族主义议程,扩大民间社会组织的知识”。她还参加了一次专家圆桌会议,讨论专题是“为移民挺身而出:正视我们社会中的仇恨和重塑关于移民的言论”,以及一次题为“作为政治和实践的交叉性问题”的会外活动。
In the report, the Special Rapporteur highlighted racial discrimination in the global economy and natural resource extraction industries. Her subsequent activities included the convening of an expert group meeting on reparations, racial justice and racial equality on 29 May 2019 at the New York University Gallatin School of Individualized Study. In July 2019, the Special Rapporteur convened a civil society consultation in Geneva, in the margins of the forty-first session of the Human Rights Council, on the topic “Strengthening an international human rights anti-racism agenda, amplifying the knowledge of civil society organizations”. She also participated in an expert round table on the theme “Stand up for migrants: confronting hate in our societies and reshaping narratives on migration”, as well as a side event entitled “Intersectionality as politics and practice”.
5. 特别报告员收到了应她征求资料以资为本报告提供指针的呼吁而提交的 22 份呈件。她对这些材料表示感谢,并特别感谢专家组会议的与会者所作的宝贵贡献。
5. In response to her call for submissions, the Special Rapporteur received 22 submissions that helped to inform the present report. She expresses her gratitude for those submissions and thanks in particular the participants of the expert group meeting for their invaluable contributions.
二. 导言
II. Introduction
6. 本报告中,特别报告员探讨了会员国对奴隶制和殖民主义作出赔偿的义务,为此需要考虑的以下因素:
6. In the present report, the Special Rapporteur addresses the obliga tions of Member States in relation to reparations for slavery and colonialism, which requires the following factors to be taken into consideration:
(a) 奴隶制和殖民主义导致的历史性种族不公正今天大体上仍未得到追究,但是,其实需要对此作出复原、赔偿、满足、康复和关于不再发生的保证;
(a) The historic racial injustices of slavery and colonialism that remain largely unaccounted for today, but which nevertheless require restitution, compensation, satisfaction, rehabilitation and guarantees of non-repetition;
(b) 由于未能纠正伴随奴隶制和殖民主义的种族主义,造成了不平等和从属关系结构的当代种族歧视结果。
(b) The contemporary racially discriminatory effects of structures of inequality and subordination resulting from failures to redress the racism of slavery and colonialism.
7. 面对这一情况,针对奴隶制和殖民主义的赔偿不仅包括对历史上的劣迹伸张正义并追究责任,而且还包括根除在奴隶制和殖民主义下为剥夺非白人的基本人权而建立的持久的种族不平等、从属关系和歧视结构。奴隶制和殖民主义以种族为依据剥夺了人在法律面前的平等保护。奴隶制和殖民主义余留的一个痼疾仍然是对于历史上受奴役和殖民人民后代不平等地实施法律。
7. In that context, reparations for slavery and colonialism include not only justice and accountability for historic wrongs, but also the eradication of persisting structures of racial inequality, subordination and discrimination that were built under slavery and colonialism to deprive non-whites of their fundamental human rights. Slavery and colonialism denied persons equal protection before the law on the basis of their race. One of the persisting legacies of slavery and colonialism remains the unequal application of the law to descendants of historically enslaved and colonized peoples.
8. 赔偿对我们的过去和现在同时有着关联性;《德班宣言》明确指出,跨大西洋奴隶制和殖民主义仍然是种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和针对非洲人和非洲人后裔、亚洲裔人和土著人民的相关不容忍行为的根源之一。4 美洲国家也承认存在“具有不同族裔和种族血统的混血人口,大多由美洲大陆的殖民和奴隶制历史所造成,而其中还参杂了种族和性别的不平等关系”。5 对奴隶制和殖民主义的赔
8. Reparations concern both our past and our present; the Durban Declaration clearly states that transatlantic slavery and colonialism remain among the root causes of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance against Africans and people of African descent, people of Asian descent and indigenous peoples. 4 States in the Americas have also recognized the existence of “a mestizo population of different ethnic and racial origins, to a large extent as the result of the history of colonization and slavery in the American continent, in which unequal relations of race and gender were joined”. 5
所造成,而其中还参杂了种族和性别的不平等关系”。5 对奴隶制和殖民主义的赔偿除了针对个人的不法行为之外,还针对了促成奴隶制和殖民主义且当今依然支撑着种族歧视和不平等的整个法律、经济、社会和政治结构。据此,对奴隶制和殖民主义作出赔偿的紧迫的计划要求各国不仅履行因特定历史上的不法行为而产生的补救义务,而且还需要改变当代种族不公正、不平等、歧视和从属关系的社会结构,因为这种结构是通过奴隶制和殖民主义所建立的长达几个世纪种族主义机制的产物。
In addition to implicating individual wrongful acts, reparations for slavery and colonialism implicate entire legal, economic, social and political structures that enabled slavery and colonialism, and which continue to sustain racial discrimination and inequality today. That means that the urgent project of providing reparations for slavery and colonialism requires States not only to fulfil remedial obligations resulting from specific historical wrongful acts, but also to transform contemporary structures of racial injustice, inequality, discrimination and subordination that are the product of the centuries of racial machinery built through slavery and colonialism.
9. 对奴隶制和殖民主义的赔偿需要承担起道德、经济、政治和法律责任。6 本报告概述了根据国际公法和国际人权法对奴隶制和殖民主义作出赔偿的体制结构性方式,根据这一方式,各国必须制定公正和公平的国际秩序,这是对奴隶制和殖民主义作出赔偿的一个紧迫的方面。此外还必须将全面执行《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》理解为实现对奴隶制和殖民主义作出赔偿的核心支柱。同时本报告提供了详细资料,阐述各国根据国际公法和国际人权法为种族歧视和不公正作出赔偿的义务。
9. Reparations for slavery and colonialism entail moral, economic, political and legal responsibilities.6 The present report outlines a structural approach to providing reparations for slavery and colonialism under public international law and international human rights law, according to which States must pursue a just and equitable international order as an urgent dimension of reparations for slavery and colonialism. Full implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination must also be understood as a central pillar to achieving reparations for slavery and colonialism. The present report also provides detailed information on the duties of States in providing reparations for racial discrimination and injustice under public international law and international human rights law.
10. 特别报告员在本报告中讨论了作出充分赔偿所面临的法律障碍,同时也强调了涉及各国当今完全有责任作出赔偿这一法律义务。此外,特别报告员强调指出,争取和实现对奴隶制和殖民主义的赔偿需要切实地对依然阻碍赔偿的国际法理论进行“去殖民化”。面对奴隶制和殖民主义的严重历史不公正及其余孽,会员国利用法律理论以阻碍补救是令人痛心的。特别报告员强调指出,国际法理论为殖民统治辩护和促成殖民统治的历史比保障所有人平等权利的历史要长。长期维持新殖民主义互动关系(包括未能根除奴隶制和殖民主义余孽)的法律本身必须被认识并谴责为新殖民主义法律。应该将推动力放在制定不分种族地确保所有人实现公正和平等的法律理论之上。殖民主义和奴隶制曾经是合法的,但现在都已废除了。这就提出了一个问题,即自由正义的捍卫者为什么并没有倾注全力关注实现法律改革,使全面赔偿与国际法两者相符合。
10. In the present report, the Special Rapporteur discusses legal hurdles to providing full reparations, while also highlighting legal obligations related to the provision of reparations for which States are fully liable today. In addition, the Special Rapporteur emphasizes that the pursuit and achievement of reparations for slavery and colonialism require a genuine “decolonization” of the doctrines of international law that remain barriers to reparations. In the face of the grave historic injustices of slavery and colonialism, as well as their continuing lega cies, the use of legal doctrine by Member States to impede redress is distressing. The Special Rapporteur stresses that international legal doctrine has a longer history of justifying and enabling colonial domination than it does of guaranteeing equal rights to all humanbeings. Law that perpetuates neocolonial dynamics – including the failure to eradicate the legacies of slavery and colonialism – must itself be recognized and condemned as neocolonial law. The impetus should be on developing legal doctrines that can ensure justice and equality for all, irrespective of race. Colonialism and slavery were legal once, but both were abolished. This then raises the question as to why defenders of liberal justice are not preoccupied with achieving the legal reform that would make comprehensive reparations compatible with international law.
11. 在国家采取行动对奴隶制和殖民主义作出赔偿的案例中,它们往往还是以种族歧视性的方式行事。历史上有一些值得注意的例子,如从传统奴隶制和殖民主义中获利最大的白人得到了现金补偿,而非白人及其国家仅得到部分补救或完全得不到补救,甚至被迫向前殖民者或奴役者付款。例如,1833 年在联合王国殖民地废除奴隶制后,约有 3000 个家庭因失去“财产”(即被奴役的非洲人)而获得2000 万英镑,现值超过 160 亿英镑。7 这些款项在当时占联合王国财政部年度支
11. In cases where States have pursued reparations for slavery and colonialism, the y have often done so in a racially discriminatory fashion. Notable historical examples exist where whites who profited and benefited the most from chattel slavery and colonialism received monetary compensation, while non-whites and their nations were partially or wholly left without redress or were forced to make payment to former colonizers or enslavers. For example, after slavery was abolished in the colonies of the United Kingdom in 1833, about 3,000 families received £20 million, valued at over £16 billion today, for their loss of “property”, in other words, enslaved Africans. 7
2000 万英镑,现值超过 160 亿英镑。7 这些款项在当时占联合王国财政部年度支出预算的 40%。8 1862 年,美利坚合众国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯签署了《特区有偿
At the time, those payments accounted for 40 per cent of the annual expenditure budget of the United Kingdom Treasury. 8
出预算的 40%。8 1862 年,美利坚合众国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯签署了《特区有偿解放奴隶法案》,要求立即解放被奴役的人,并对此向前奴隶主按每个获得自由者给付的 300 美元。9 在不到一年的时间里,930 份赔偿申请完全或部分获得了
In 1862, the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, signed the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act, requiring the immediate emancipation of enslaved people in exchange for US$ 300 for each freed person payable to former slave owners. 9
者给付的 300 美元。9 在不到一年的时间里,930 份赔偿申请完全或部分获得了批准,由此解放了近 3000 名被奴役的人。10 《有偿解放法》还授权向曾经被奴
In less than a year, 930 petitions for compensation were wholly or partially approved, resulting in the freedom of nearly 3,000 enslaved people. 10
批准,由此解放了近 3000 名被奴役的人。10 《有偿解放法》还授权向曾经被奴役的人支付 100 美元,但前提是他们必须愿意回归到非洲。11 1825 年,新独立的
The Compensated Emancipation Act also authorized the payment of US$ 100 to formerly enslaved people but only if they were willing to repatriate to Africa. 11
役的人支付 100 美元,但前提是他们必须愿意回归到非洲。11 1825 年,新独立的海地被迫签署协议向法国支付 1.5 亿金法郎,以补偿法国种植园主“财产损失”(土地及被奴役的人),这一数额远远超过种植园主的实际经济损失。12
In 1825, newly independent Haiti was forced into an agreement to pay 150 million gold francs to France in order to compensate French planters for “lost property” (land and enslaved people), an amount that was well in excess of the planters’ actual financial losses.12
In short, racial discrimination has historically pervaded the consideration and implementation of reparative justice; the discriminatory pursuit of reparations is itself a product of the cemented and continuing legacy of colonialism and slavery.
12. 在本报告中,特别报告员还探讨了对于赔偿的政治抵制与法律抵制两方面之间的相互关系。例如 20 世纪初,德国在纳米比亚对 Ovaherero 和 Nama 人实施了种族灭绝。13 根据非洲人后裔问题专家工作组的述说,德国当局杀害了 65 000 名
12. In the present report, the Special Rapporteur also considers the interplay between political and legal resistance to reparations. For example, in the early 1900s in Namibia, Germany committed genocide against the Ovaherero and Nama peoples. 13
种族灭绝。13 根据非洲人后裔问题专家工作组的述说,德国当局杀害了 65 000 名以上 OvaHerero 人和 10 000 名 Nama 人,14 包括数以千计的人被赶到沙漠中,因没有食物和水而死于饥饿和干渴。许多在自己的同胞遭到屠杀后幸存下来的 Ovaherero 和 Nama 人却死于臭名昭著的集中营内;这些人被斩首,他们的头骨应医学研究人员的要求被送往德国,用以证明白人对黑人的种族优越性。15
As recounted by the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, German authorities killed over 65,000 Ovaherero and 10,000 Nama,14 including thousands who died of starvation and thirst after being driven into the desert without food or water. Many Ovaherero and Nama who survived the initial slaughter of their people died in the notorious concentration camps; they were decapitated and their skulls were then sent to Germany at the request of medical researchers to help prove the racial superiority of white people over black people.
德国承认它对纳米比亚负有道义和历史责任,16 并开展了“有针对性的发展项目”。17 尽管德国现在将 Ovaherero 大屠杀称为种族灭绝,但据报道,该国是以非法律意义方式作出这一宣称的,而且拒绝承认对大屠杀负有法律义务。18 此外,工作组在其关于 2017 年对德国访问的报告中指出,德国迄今并未与这场种族灭绝的少数群体和土著受害者的合法代表进行认真协商,以讨论赔偿问题。19
Germany has acknowledged that it has a moral and historical responsibility to Namibia16 and has conducted “targeted development projects”.17 Although Germany now refers to the Ovaherero massacre as a genocide, it reportedly does so in a non-legal sense and refuses to acknowledge a legal obligation for the massacre. 18 Furthermore, the Working Group, in its report on its mission to Germany of 2017, noted that Germany had thus far not consulted seriously with the lawful representative s of the minority and indigenous victims of that genocide to discuss reparations. 19
13. OvaHerero 和 Nama 人有权对德国种族灭绝获得充分赔偿,而尽管发展援助可作为综合的赔偿办法中的一部分,但这不能取代对于种族灭绝造成的历史上的及持续至今的种族歧视性侵犯人权行为加以充分追究。必须允许 Ovaherero 和Nama 人本身来确定对其社区遭受的伤害进行的补偿进程。下文第五章确认和赞扬德国采取了大量措施,对大屠杀暴行作出赔偿。在这场大屠杀发生的同半个世纪内对 Ovaherero 和 Nama 人的种族灭绝案也有必要作出类似的赔偿承诺。
13. The Ovaherero and Nama are owed full reparations for the German genocide and, although development aid can be part of a comprehensive approach to reparations, it cannot be a substitute for a full accounting of the historic and ongoing racially discriminatory human rights violations resulting from the genocide. The Ovaherero and Nama must themselves be permitted to shape the process of repairing the harm their communities have endured. The extensive measures that Germany has taken to provide reparations for the atrocities of the Holocaust are acknowledged and commended in chapter V below. A similar commitment to reparations is necessary in the case of the Ovaherero and Nama genocide, which occurred in the same half-century as the Holocaust.
14. 仅仅作出赔偿并不能根除种族歧视。然而,要实现一个不分种族、族裔或民族出身,真诚承诺尊重所有人天赋尊严的全球秩序,则赔偿是一个重要的方面。实现赔偿方面重要的第一步是加深人们对奴隶制和殖民主义的种族歧视罪恶全部毒素的认识,这是世界历史上无法回避的事实,20 但在对这种恶行承担最大罪责的国家里,这段历史却常常从史书和的民族意识中被抹去。
14. Reparations alone cannot achieve the eradication of racial discrimination. Nevertheless, they are a vital aspect of a global order genuinely committed to the inherent dignity of all, irrespective of race, ethnicity or national origin. An important first step towards achieving reparations is raising awareness as to the full extent of the racially discriminatory evils of slavery and colonialism, which are an unavoidable reality of global history,20 but which are regularly erased from the history books and the national consciousness of the nations that bear the greatest guilt for perpetrating such evils.
15. 归根结底,令人难以接受的事实是,对殖民主义和奴隶制作出赔偿的最大障碍是,殖民主义和奴隶制的最大受益者缺乏作出赔偿的政治意愿和道德勇气。
15. Ultimately, the difficult truth is that the greatest barrier to reparations for colonialism and slavery is that the biggest beneficiaries of both lack the political will and moral courage to pursue such reparations.