Landmarks in Humanities
Gloria Konig Fiero was born and raised in New York City. She earned her Masters degree in Art History at the University of California, Berkeley, and her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Humanities at the Florida State University. She has taught Humanities, World History, and Art History for more than twenty-five years. She has written and lectured extensively on medieval and renaissance topics and on the arts of both East and West as they reflect the human condition. She currently divides her time between New Orleans, Louisiana, and New York City. .--This text refers to an alternatePaperbackedition.
The Management of Sport: Its Foundation and Application with PowerWeb Bind-in Card
Dr. Parkhouse received a Ph.D. in Administration from the University of Minnesota. Previous faculty appointments include the University of Southern California and California State University, Fullerton. Over 15 of her studies have been published in distinguished research journals. Numerous articles she has written have appeared in trade and commercial publications, and she is the senior author of several textbooks.
Microbiology Lab Manual
John Harley teaches Anatomy & Physiology and General Biology at Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY and is also co-author of Prescott/Harley/Klein Microbiology and the ASM Microbial Telecourse Study Guide.
Computers in the Medical Office
Susan M. Sanderson, senior technical writer for Chestnut Hill Enterprises, Inc., has developed successful products for McGraw-Hill for more than 13 years. She has authored all Windows-based editions of Computers in the Medical Office. She has also written Patient Billing, Capstone Billing Simulation, and MediSoft simulations for other medical office/insurance programs. Susan has experience in working with instructors to site-test materials and has provided technical support to McGraw-Hill customers. Susan has experience in business training, instructional design, and computer-based presentations. She is a graduate of Drew University, with further study at Columbia University.
News Writing and Reporting for Today's Media
Bruce Itule has been awarded the 1999 Freedom Forum Teacher of the Year award. The Freedom Forum Teacher of the Year award is awarded to three instructors annually in recognition of outstanding classroom teaching in the core areas of print and broadcast journalism instruction.
Lab Manual to accompany Biology
Dr. Sylvia Mader is the best-selling author of introductory biology textbooks. Other books she has authored for WCB include: Inquiry Into Life, Human Biology, Introduction to Biology, and Understanding Human Anatomy & Physiology.
Biological Investigations Lab Manual
Warren Dolphin is Emeritus Professor of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology at Iowa State University. He earned his B.S. at West Chester State University and Ph.D. at the Ohio State University in Zoology (Cell Biology). He served as Coordinator of the Biology Program for 30 years and the Program in Biological Illustration for 10 years. For his service to undergraduate education at the Iowa State, he was awarded the honorary title University Professor. He has taught introductory biology for 37 years, including supervising the offering of labs to thousands of students each year. This lab manual, first published in 1980, is a result of his desire to have students do biological science, distilling the principles that provide the foundation for further studies and productive careers. For this edition, he asked former colleagues at Iowa State to help him achieve that goal.
Business, Government and Society: A Managerial Perspective
George A. Steiner is one of the leading pioneers in the development of university curriculums, research, and scholarly writings in the field of business, government, and society. In 1983 he was the recipient of the first Sumner Marcus Award for distinguised achievement in the field by the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management. In 1990 he received the Distinguished Educator Award, given for the second time by the Academy of Management. After receiving his B.S. in business administration at Temple University, he was awarded an M.A. in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Illinois. He is the author of many books and articles. Two of his books received "book-of-the-year" awards. In recognition of his writings, Temple Univesity awarded him a Litt.D. honorary degree. Professor Steiner has held top-level positions in the federal government and in industry, includuing corporate board directorships. Past president of the Academy of Management and co-founder of The California Management Review, he is Harry and Elsa Kunin Professor of Business and Society and Professor Management, Emeritus, Anderson School, UCLA.John F. Steiner is Professor of Management at California State University, Los Angeles. He received his B.S. from Southern Oregon State College and received an M.A. and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Arizona. He has coauthored two other books with George A. Steiner, Issues in Business and Society, and Casebook for Business, Government, and Society. He is also the author of Industry, Society, and Change: A Casebook. Professor Steiner is a former chair of the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management and former chair of the Department of Management at California State University, Los Angeles.
Fundamentals Of Corporate Finance (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate)
Stephen Ross is presently the Franco Modigliani Professor of Finance and Economics at the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. One of the most widely published authors in finance and economics, Professor Ross is recognized for his work in developing the Arbitrage Pricing Theory and his substantial contributions to the discipline through his research in signaling, agency theory, option pricing, and the theory of the term structure of interest rates, among other topics. A past president of the American Finance Association, he currently serves as an associate editor of several academic and practitioner journals. He is a trustee of CalTech, a director of the College Retirement Equity Fund (CREF), and Freddie Mac. He is also the co-chairman of Roll and Ross Asset Management Corporation. Randoloph W. Westerfield is Dean of the Marshall School of Business at University of Southern California and holder of the Robert R. Dockson Dean's Chair of Business Administration. From 1988 to 1993, Professor Westerfield served as the chairman of the School's finance and business economics department and the Charles B. Thornton Professor of Finance. He came to USC from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, where he was the chairman of the finance department and member of the finance faculty for 20 years. His areas of expertise include corporate financial policy, investment management and analysis, mergers and acquisitions, and stock market price behavior. Professor Westerfield has served as a member of the Continental Bank trust committee, supervising all activities of the trust department. He has been consultant to a number of corporations, including AT&T;, Mobil Oil and Pacific Enterprises, as well as to the United Nations, the U.S. Department of Justice and Labor, and the State of California. Bradford D. Jordan is Professor of Finance and Gatton Research Fellow in the Carol Martin Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky. He has a long-standing interest in both applied and theoretical issues in corporate finance, and has extensive experience teaching all levels of corporate finance and financial management policy. Professor Jordan has published numerous articles on issues such as cost of capital, capital structure, and the behavior of security prices.
Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology
Estelle Disch is professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts Boston where she has been active in curricular transformation, general education reform, and faculty development. She has written extensively on pedagogical issues in diverse classrooms. Her research focuses on the effects of sexual abuse by professionals and on assessing learning in university courses. She has served as a consultant and trainer related to creating more open and accepting campus climates and has run many workshops for professionals related to maintaining appropriate professional boundaries.
School Leadership and Administration: Important Concepts, Case Studies, and Simulations
Richard A. Gorton received his doctorate from Stanford University, majoring in school administration. His Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and his Master’s Degree in Counseling and Guidance were conferred by the University of Iowa. Dr. Gorton’s school experience includes teaching, counseling and guidance, and administration. He was Department Chairperson and Professor of Administrative Leadership and Supervision at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. He is currently a consultant with Gorton Associates in San Diego, California. A leader in state and national administrator orga-nizations, Dr. Gorton has collaborated on a national study of “the effective principal.” Because of his expertise and practical experience, he has frequently been called on as a consultant and workshop leader in the areas of teacher and administrator evaluation, in-service education, program evaluation, instructional supervision, student disciplinary problems, school-community relations, problem solving, and conflict resolution. Dr. Gorton has published two textbooks, two monographs, and over 100 articles, book reviews, and abstracts on a variety of topics related to educational administration and supervision, as well as education in general. Dr. Gorton’s other textbook for which he was senior author, School-Based Leadership. Challenges and Opportunities, is used in nu-merous university courses devoted to administrator preparation and by school districts for in-service education. He has also served as senior editor for The Ency-clopedia of School Administration and Supervision.Judy A. Alston received her Ph.D. at the Pennsylvania State University, two master's degrees at the University of South Carolina, and her bachelor's degree in English from Winthrop College in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Prior to teaching in the academy, she was a high school English teacher/teacher-leader in the public school system in South Carolina. Currently Dr. Alston holds the positions of Associate Dean and Director of the Center for Education at Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania. Prior to joining Widener, she served as the Chair of the Division of Educational Administration and Leadership Studies at Bowling Green State University. Her research foci include gender and educational leadership with a focus on black female school superintendents; urban education and educational leadership highlighting administrative reform in urban schools; diversity and educational leadership exploring how the intersections of class, race/ethnicity, gender, sexual diversity, and ability affect leaders, and spirituality and leadership. She is the author of numerous articles and book chapters in these areas of research, as well as the author of Multi-leadership in Urban Schools.Petra E. Snowden, received her Ph.D. in Urban Education/Educational Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she also earned a Master of Science degree in German Literature and a Bachelor of Science degree in French, German, and Secondary Education. At present, Dr. Snowden is Director of the Ph.D. in Urban Services/Urban Education Concentration at Old Dominion University in Norfolk VA. She is past coordinator of the alternative Norfolk Public Schools and Old Dominion University principal preparation program, Principal Leadership for Urban Schools, Co- director of the Danforth Tidewater Principal Preparation program, Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Services, and Associate Professor of Educational Administration at Old Dominion University. She founded the Principal Center at Old Dominion University and served as assessor, coach, and mentor for the Tidewater NASSP/Assessment Center. Her research and writing interests focus on linkages between schools, universities, and community service agencies, particularly as these structures affect the lives of vulnerable children, youth , and adults, non traditional principal preparation, and mentoring. She remains active presenting at national conferences and providing professional development seminars within school settings on topics such as school board and superintendent roles and responsibilities, program evaluation, and planning. In addition, Dr. Snowden served as president of the Hampton Roads YWCA and is an advocate for urban and women's issues. She is the author of numerous articles related to the improvement of school practices and has spoken on a variety of topics pertaining to educational training in community organizations, the "School as a Care Provider," and school leadership. She is completing a multilingual book on the identification of abused children in schools from a multicultural perspective, and the appropriate actions to be taken by principals, counselors, and teachers.
Business Ethics: People, Profits, and the Planet
Kevin Gibson is Associate Professor of Management and Philosophy at Marquette University and the Director of the its Center for Ethics Studies. He is a five-time winner of the Excellence in Executive Education Award from the Marquette Business School.
Ear Training w/Transcription CD
Bruce Benward has been widely regarded as one of the most gifted music theory pedagogues since his textbooks first appeared in the 1960s, and has exerted a wide influence on the teaching of music theory both through his writings and through the generation of teachers that he taught. He recently retired from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Applied Linear Regression Models- 4th Edition with Student CD (McGraw Hill/Irwin Series: Operations and Decision Sciences)
Michael H. Kutneris a professor at Emory University in Atlanta.Chris J. Nachtsheimis a professor at the University of Minnesota--Minneapolis.John Neteris a professor at the University of Georgia in Athens.
The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
Stephen L. Harris is Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Religious Studies at California State University, Sacramento, where he served ten years as department chair. A Woodrow Wilson Fellow, he received his M.A. and Ph.D. from Cornell University. A member of the Society of Biblical Literature, his publications includeUnderstanding the Bible(8th edition, 2011);The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible(with Robert Platzner);Classical Mythology: Images and Insights(with Gloria Platzner);Exploring the Bible; andFire Mountains of the West: The Cascade and Mono Lake Volcanoes, a survey of volcanic hazards on the U.S. Pacific Coast; and for National Geographic Books, Restless Earth, a study of global earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. He contributed the chapter on “Archaeology and Volcanism” to theEncyclopedia of Volcanoes(Academic Press, 2000).
Elementary Classroom Management: Lessons from Research and Practice
Carol S. Weinstein has recently retired from her position as Professor of Education at Rutgers Graduate School of Education, where she was Associate Dean of Teacher Education and Chair of the Department of Learning and Teaching. She received her doctorate from Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1975. A former public school teacher, she has authored dozens of journal articles and book chapters on topics ranging from the physical design of classrooms to prospective teachers' beliefs about classroom management. Her most recent work has focused on “culturally responsive classroom management,” and she served as the guest editor for a special issue of Theory Into Practice on “Managing Classrooms in a Diverse Society.” With Carolyn Evertson, she co-edited the first Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues (to be published by Erlbaum, 2006). She has also written a companion volume to this text on managing secondary classrooms (McGraw-Hill). In July 2000, she received a Contributing Researcher Award from the American Federation of Teachers for "Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice in Effective Classroom Management." Her special interests are classroom organization and management, violence prevention, and teacher education.Andrew J. Mignano Jr. is currently the principal of the Laura Donovan School in Freehold Township, New Jersey. He received his bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Rutgers College in 1974 and his master’s degree in educational psychology from Kean College in 1981. During his 15 years as a teacher, he taught at all levels from kindergarten to fifth grade, including one year teaching special education. His tenure as a principal has been characterized by the implementation of new programs in early literacy, technology integration and world languages. A firm believer in professional development and teacher preparation, Mr. Mignano has worked closely with the Rutgers Office of Teacher Education. As a staff developer, he has conducted workshops on the topics of writing workshops, early literacy, brain based learning, classroom management and cooperative learning.
Experiencing the World's Religions: Tradition, Challenge, and Change with PowerWeb: World Religions
Appreciation for religion was programmed into me when I was young--before I had any chance to resist its fascination. My grandmothers were my first teachers. When my mother's mother was 19 she went to Paris to study painting and to experience cultural life there. She stayed in Paris for two years, and it was a turning point in her life. She returned home to create paintings, which surrounded me as I grew up in Los Angeles. She also returned with hundreds of photographs of religious statues, paintings, and other objects, as well as a thirst to take her grandchildren to museums and churches. My other grandmother was a choir director, and I remember many hours spent in the choir loft, which vibrated from the pedal notes of the organ music. It was through art and music that I discovered the richness of religion. Early experiences like these led me to leave the country after college in order to see the world, and my travels made me recognize how much people and their cultures are shaped by religions. When I returned, I studied religion formally. My MA degree (at St. John's University) allowed me to study the images of darkness in Jewish and Christian mystical literature. I received a scholarship from the East-West Center in Hawai`i, and in Hawai`i my life began to be influenced by the thought of Asia. For my Ph.D. (at the University of Hawai`i) I wrote on the Hindu and Buddhist mysticism to be found in the writings of Aldous Huxley. I had the pleasure of meeting Huxley's wife Laura in Los Angeles, interviewing people who knew him, and reading his original manuscripts at UCLA. I did graduate work at Banaras Hindu University, and later studied traditional Japanese arts--including kendo, tea ceremony, ceramics, and calligraphy--in Kyoto. I have practiced meditation at Christian and Buddhist monasteries in Asia, Europe, and the United States. I am currently writing a book for McGraw-Hill on Christianity. I live in Honolulu.
Managing Product and Service Development: Text and Cases
Stefan H. Thomke is Associate Professor of technology and operations management at Harvard Business School.
The Physical Universe
Konrad B. Krauskopf was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin and earned a B.S. in chemistry from University of Wisconsin in 1931. He then earned a Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of California in Berkeley. When the Great Depression made jobs in chemistry scarce, Professor Krauskopf decided to study geology, which had long fascinated him. Through additional graduate work at Stanford University, he earned a second Ph.D. and eventually a position on the Stanford faculty. He remained at Stanford until his retirement in 1976. During his tenure, Professor Krauskopf also worked at various times with the U.S. Geological Survey, served with the U.S. army in occupied Japan, and traveled to Norway, France, and Germany on sabbatical leaves. His research interests included field work on granites and metamorphic rocks and laboratory study on applications of chemistry to geologic problems, especially the formation of ore deposits. In recent years, Professor Krauskopf had spent time working with various government agencies on the problem of radioactive waste disposal.McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide
Medical Terminology: Language for Health Care with Student CD-ROM and English Audio CD
Nina Thierer (B.S., CMA, CPC), teaches in the Medical Assisting program at Ivy Tech Community College, Fort Wayne, IN.--This text refers to an alternatePaperbackedition.
Interviewing: Principles and Practices
Charles J. Stewart received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 1963. He is currently a Professor of Communication at Purdue University.. .William B. Cash received his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 1972. He is currently an Associate Professor of Communication at National-Louis University in Evanston, Illinois.. .
Human Anatomy Atlas
McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide
Sharing and Responding
Peter Elbow is Professor of English at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Before writing A Community of Writers, he wrote two other books about writing: Writing Without Teachers and Writing with Power: Techniques for Mastering the Writing Process. He is author of a book of essays about learning and teaching: Embracing Contraries. He also wrote Oppositions in Chaucer, as well as numerous essays about writing and teaching. His most recent book, What Is English? explores current issues in the profession of English. He has taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Franconia College, Evergreen State College, and the State University of New York at Stony Brook—where for five years he directed the Writing Program. He served for four years on the Executive Council of the Modern Language Association and is now a member of the Executive Committee of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. He has given talks and workshops at many colleges and university. He attended Williams College and Harvard University and has an M.A. from Exeter College, Oxford University, and a Ph.D. from Brandeis University.Pat Belanoff is Director of Writing Programs at the State University of New York-Stony Brook. She is president of the SUNY Council on Writing and a member of the College Steering Committee of NCTE. Pat is a co-author (with Besty Rorschach and Mia Oberlink) of The Right Handbook, now in its second edition. She has also co-edited (with Marcia Dickson) Portfolios: Process and Product and (with Peter Elbow and Sheryl Fontaine) Nothing Begins With an N: New Investigations of Freewriting. Pat has a degree in medieval literature from New York University and continues to teach and publish in this area, too.
History of Western Art w/ Core Concepts CD-ROM V 2.5
Laurie Schneider Adams received a Ph.D. in Art History from Columbia University. She is Professor of Art History at John Jay College, City University of New York, where she teaches art survey, and at the Graduate Center, where she teaches courses on the Italian Renaissance and on Art and Psychoanalysis. She has published articles on iconography and on art and psychology. She is the editor ofGiotto in Perspectiveand of the journalSource: Notes in the History of Art; the author ofA History of Western Art,The Methodologies of Art,Art and Psychoanalysis, andArt on Trial; and co-author (with Maria Grazia Pernis) ofFederico da Montefeltro and Sigismondo Malatesta: The Eagle and the Elephantand of 5 children's books (with Allison Coudert).
Stephen Miller currently teaches courses in Zoology, Biology and Invertebrate Zoology at The College of the Ozarks, Lookout Point, MO (Branson). He is also the author of General Zoology Lab Manual, 3e.John Harley teaches Anatomy & Physiology and General Biology at Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY and is also co-author of Prescott/Harley/Klein Microbiology and the ASM Microbial Telecourse Study Guide.