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Debates of the Senate (Hansard)
| Debats du Senat (hansard)
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_1 |
1st Session, 36th Parliament,
| 1ere Session, 36 e Legislature,
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_2 |
Volume 137, Issue 139
| Volume 137, Numero 139
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_3 |
Wednesday, May 12, 1999
| Le mercredi 12 mai 1999
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_4 |
The Honourable Gildas L. Molgat, Speaker
| L'honorable Gildas L. Molgat, President
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_5 |
International Year of Older Persons
| L'Annee internationale des personnes agees
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_6 |
Proposal to Reduce Reserves
| La proposition de reduire l'armee de reserve
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_7 |
Canadian District of Moravian Church of America-Presentation of Petition
| La section canadienne de l'Eglise morave d'Amerique-Presentation de la petition
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_8 |
Declining State of Industry-Response of Government
| Le declin de l'industrie-La reponse du gouvernement
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_9 |
Budget Implementation Bill, 1999
| La Loi d'execution du budget de 1999
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_10 |
Second Reading-Debate Suspended
| Deuxieme lecture-Suspension du debat
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_11 |
Business of the Senate
| Les travaux du Senat
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_12 |
Budget Implementation Bill, 1999
| Projet de loi d'execution du budget de 1999
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_13 |
Bill to Amend-Second Reading-Debate Continued
| Projet de loi modificatif-Deuxieme lecture-Suite du debat
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_14 |
Second Reading-Debate Continued
| Deuxieme lecture-Suite du debat
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_15 |
Committee Authorized to Permit Electronic Coverage
| Autorisation au comite de permettre la diffusion electronique de ses deliberations
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_16 |
Business of the Senate
| Les travaux du senat
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_17 |
Wednesday, May 12, 1999
| Le mercredi 12 mai 1999
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_18 |
The Senate met at 1:30 p.m., the Speaker in the Chair.
| La seance est ouverte a 13 h 30 le President, etant au fauteuil.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_19 |
International Year of Older Persons
| L'Annee internationale des personnes agees
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_20 |
Hon. Marisa Ferretti Barth :
| L'honorable Marisa Ferretti Barth :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_21 |
The United Nations felt it was important to mark a demographic change of this magnitude.
| Les Nations Unies ont considere qu'il etait important de souligner un tel bouleversement demographique.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_22 |
Today's senior citizens have many more options.
| De nos jours, les personnes agees ont beaucoup plus de possibilites qu'auparavant.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_23 |
Let me give you an example of what I am talking about, honourable senators:
| Voici un exemple de ce dont je parle, honorables senateurs.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_24 |
The WTO is telling us that we must allow more access to foreign dairy products.
| L'OMC a demande au Canada de faciliter l'acces aux produits laitiers etrangers.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_25 |
I see this as a potential threat to our industry.
| J'y vois une menace possible pour notre industrie.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_26 |
People are questioning the survival of this system.
| Certaines personnes remettent en question la survie de ce systeme.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_27 |
We have a lot of family farms in Canada.
| Il existe encore beaucoup de fermes familiales au Canada.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_28 |
The average dairy farm in Canada has 52 cows.
| La ferme laitiere moyenne au Canada compte 52 vaches.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_29 |
Economists told us that this was a symptom of the "Asian flu."
| Les economistes nous avaient dit que c'etait un symptome de la grippe asiatique.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_30 |
However, the Canadian dairy industry was protected.
| Cependant, l'industrie laitiere du Canada etait protegee.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_31 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_32 |
Do honourable senators wish to grant an extension?
| Plait-il aux honorables senateurs d'accorder une prolongation?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_33 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_34 |
The Canadian dairy industry, as I said, was protected.
| Comme je le disais, l'industrie laitiere du Canada etait protegee.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_35 |
It was vaccinated against the Asian flu.
| Elle etait vaccinee contre la grippe asiatique.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_36 |
It was supply management.
| Par la gestion de l'offre.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_37 |
What did the OPEC countries do?
| Qu'ont fait les pays de l'OPEP?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_38 |
The American trade representative further stated that:
| La representante des Etats-Unis pour le commerce a ajoute que:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_39 |
We look forward to finally opening the border for commercial milk shipments.
| Nous sommes impatients de voir s'ouvrir finalement la frontiere aux envois commerciaux de lait.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_40 |
This is just a first step.
| C'est seulement une premiere etape.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_41 |
We could talk for a long time about the recent history of U.S. unilateralism.
| Nous pourrions parler longtemps de l'histoire recente de l'unilateralisme americain.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_42 |
I will leave that for another day.
| Je laisse cela pour un autre jour.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_43 |
We should also be asking ourselves some serious questions about the WTO.
| Nous devrions aussi nous poser de serieuses questions sur l'OMC.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_44 |
Proposal to Reduce Reserves
| La proposition de reduire l'armee de reserve
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_45 |
Hon. J. Michael Forrestall :
| L'honorable J. Michael Forrestall :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_46 |
It was the backbone of the army sent to Korea.
| Elle a ete le fer de lance de l'armee envoyee en Coree.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_47 |
The militia is the only mobilization base left in this country.
| La milice est la seule base de mobilisation qui reste au Canada.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_48 |
Our regular army numbers only 20,000.
| Notre armee reguliere compte seulement20 000 membres.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_49 |
All of us have additional recollections.
| Nous en gardons tous des souvenirs.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_50 |
The bulk of the new reserve unit would be combat service support.
| La nouvelle unite de reserve se concentrerait surtout sur le soutien au combat.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_51 |
Russia is in crisis.
| La Russie est en crise.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_52 |
A ground war looks more likely at this point in time.
| Une guerre terrestre semble tres probable a ce point-ci.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_53 |
Where will they come from?
| D'ou viendront-ils?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_54 |
The regular army is somewhat at wits' end to answer this query.
| L'armee permanente ne sait plus trop que faire pour repondre a cette question.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_55 |
Resources have to come from the militia.
| Les ressources doivent venir des milices.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_56 |
Yet the government is making plans for a massive cut.
| Cependant, le gouvernement projette des compressions tres importantes.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_57 |
It is completely unacceptable and will be fought every step of the way.
| C'est totalement inacceptable et nous nous opposerons farouchement a cette mesure.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_58 |
Canadian District of Moravian Church of America-Presentation of Petition
| La section canadienne de l'Eglise morave d'Amerique-Presentation de la petition
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_59 |
Hon. Nicholas W. Taylor :
| L'honorable Nicholas W. Taylor :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_60 |
Declining State of Industry-Response of Government
| Le declin de l'industrie-La reponse du gouvernement
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_61 |
Hon. Leonard J. Gustafson :
| L'honorable Leonard J. Gustafson :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_62 |
We have been hearing words like "crisis," "bankruptcies," "farm sales."
| Il est question de crise, de faillites, de ventes d'exploitations agricoles.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_63 |
A very serious situation exists out there, especially in the grain sector.
| La situation est tres grave, surtout dans le secteur cerealier.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_64 |
Yesterday, the Minister of Agriculture appeared before the committee.
| Hier, le ministre de l'Agriculture a comparu devant le comite.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_65 |
Commodity prices are below 1930 values.
| Les prix des produits de base sont inferieurs a leurs niveaux de 1930.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_66 |
Yet it seems to me that the government is not really taking this situation seriously.
| Pourtant, il semble que le gouvernement ne prenne pas vraiment la situation au serieux.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_67 |
When we were in government, $6 billion went into the budget for agriculture.
| Lorsque nous formions le gouvernement, nous affections 6 milliards de dollars a l'agriculture.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_68 |
Today, that amount is less than $2 billion despite the budget surplus.
| Aujourd'hui, ce montant est inferieur a 2 milliards de dollars malgre l'excedent budgetaire.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_69 |
The Leader of the Government in the Senate has carried this message to the cabinet.
| Le leader du gouvernement au Senat a transmis ce message au Cabinet.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_70 |
Hon. B. Alasdair Graham (Leader of the Government) :
| L'honorable B. Alasdair Graham (leader du gouvernement) :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_71 |
He speaks eloquently about those problems.
| Il en parle de facon eloquente.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_72 |
I take those concerns very seriously.
| Je prends ces preoccupations tres au serieux.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_73 |
I have had consultations on a regular basis with the Minister of Agriculture.
| Je consulte regulierement le ministre de l'Agriculture.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_74 |
The program respects Canada's international trade rights and obligations.
| Le programme respecte les obligations internationales du Canada sur le plan commercial.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_75 |
I recognize it is a very serious problem.
| Le probleme est tres grave, je le reconnais.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_76 |
The former government poured billions into disaster relief for farmers.
| Le gouvernement precedent a verse aux agriculteurs des milliards de dollars en aide aux sinistres.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_77 |
They feel that the program was designed with some features that minimize the payouts.
| Ils estiment que le programme comporte certains elements visant a reduire les paiements au minimum.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_78 |
I do not think the public is aware of how bad it is.
| A mon avis, la population n'est pas consciente de la gravite de la situation.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_79 |
I recognize the tremendous work done by the Agriculture Committee.
| J'admets que le comite de l'agriculture a accompli un travail enorme.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_80 |
I shall bring to him again the concerns that have been properly expressed.
| Je lui ferai part encore une fois des preoccupations exprimees ici.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_81 |
I assure honourable senators that the government is taking this matter very seriously.
| Je puis assurer aux honorables senateurs que le gouvernement prend la situation tres au serieux.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_82 |
Hon. John Lynch-Staunton (Leader of the Opposition) :
| L'honorable John Lynch-Staunton (chef de l'opposition) :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_83 |
Honourable senators, I have a supplementary question.
| Honorables senateurs, j'ai une question complementaire.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_84 |
They call it a "crisis"; I call it an emergency.
| Ils parlent de crise, mais je parlerais plutot d'urgence.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_85 |
This is not something cyclical.
| Il ne s'agit pas d'un phenomene cyclique.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_86 |
Hon. A. Raynell Andreychuk :
| L'honorable A. Raynell Andreychuk :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_87 |
Honourable senators, I have a supplementary question.
| Honorables senateurs, j'ai une question complementaire a poser.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_88 |
Three senators have talked about this situation as an emergency.
| Trois senateurs ont parle de l'urgence de la situation.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_89 |
It is not cyclical, it is a crisis.
| Il ne s'agit pas d'un ralentissement cyclique, mais d'une crise.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_90 |
The farmers are leaving and they will not come back.
| Les agriculteurs abandonnent, et pour de bon.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_91 |
The families have been forced to move.
| Les familles ont du demenager.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_92 |
The issue of new programs is critical today.
| L'instauration de nouveaux programmes est maintenant critique.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_93 |
What are we doing on the international scene?
| Que faisons-nous sur la scene internationale?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_94 |
That shut-down will last for four months.
| L'arret d'exploitation durera quatre mois.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_95 |
It seems that the government is reacting to recommendations by the Senate Agriculture Committee.
| Il semble que le gouvernement reagit aux recommandations du comite senatorial de l'agriculture.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_96 |
You do not understand agriculture.
| Vous ne comprenez rien a l'agriculture.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_97 |
Honourable senators, Senator Tkachuk's comments are too extravagant really to be responsible.
| Honorables senateurs, les observations du senateur Tkachuk sont vraiment trop extravagantes pour etre responsables.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_98 |
I know the concerns.
| Je connais les problemes.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_99 |
I feel the concerns here and elsewhere.
| Je les sens ici et ailleurs.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_100 |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio
Pedagogical Machine Translation (Dialect) dataset: the filtered Canadian Hansard Dataset.
The Canadian [Hansard]( is an archive of parliamentary sessions in the two official languages in Canada - English and Franch.
π Table of Contents
- 𧩠Hansard Dataset
- π Table of Contents
- π Usage
- Downloading the dataset
- Dataset structure
- Loading the dataset
Loading the dataset
The three partitions can be loaded the same way as any other csv file. For example, using Python:
dataset = { "train": csv.load(open("./Hansard/train.csv", "r"))["dataset"], "test": csv.load(open("./Hansard/test.csv", "r"))["dataset"], }
However, it is likely easiest to work with the dataset using the HuggingFace Datasets library:
# pip install datasets from datasets import load_dataset # The dataset can be used like any other HuggingFace dataset dataset = load_dataset("raeidsaqur/hansard")
βοΈ Contributing
We welcome contributions to this repository (noticed a typo? a bug?). To propose a change:
git clone cd hansard git checkout -b my-branch pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -e .
Once your changes are made, make sure to lint and format the code (addressing any warnings or errors):
isort . black . flake8 .
Then, submit your change as a pull request.
π Citing
If you use the Canadian Hansarddataset in your work, please consider citing our paper:
@article{raeidsaqur2024Hansard, title = {The Canadian Hansard Dataset for Analyzing Dialect Efficiencies in Language Models}, author = {Raeid Saqur}, year = 2024, journal = {ArXiv}, url = }
π Acknowledgements
The entire CSC401/2511 teaching team at the Dept. of Computer Science at the University of Toronto.
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