i noticed same thing with it recently and took a little bit to figure it out that what was causing it. seems since last update i think has caused the issue we are having.
sorted thanks. speedy fix would add another 5 stars for response time.
been using this ad block for years and it's the best. recently having issues with twitch tv though :(
my browser are auto start it bug me when i play online game,hope it work
you have/had a malware extension in chrome/another explorer. run malwarebytes and adwcleaner in that order, after that reinstall chrome and you will be able to install any kind of adblock.
nevermind. apparently one has to manually pin it to the bar ... it doesn't happen automatically like it did with firefox. (inconsistency ... *sigh*)
is there any way to let ublock origin for chrome handle this setting like you can disable it in firefox? relevant info on this: http://superuser.com/questions/639084/malicious-confirm-navigation-dialogs
it is the best. open source and with advanced user mode, you can block scripts and other trackers. plus it has a nice list of extra filters to choose from. way better than abp, which whitelists many ads from big companies, like google and microsoft
hey guys can i use this just to visualy disable ads but i dont want for them not to register at all since i want to support everyone on youtube
what's this trick? i've started had issues with youtube ads and i'm guessing it's similar.
i don't know what you mean by "pop-ups like 'google-analytic' one". can you make a screenshot to help me understand what you are referring to?
it used to work fine before but i doesn't block ads as of may 2021
does what it tells.and does it excellently so!
bravo tv has updated their player, ads and the episode can no longer be played.
this started happening recently with origin. it is now blocking images so certain images don't even show up on the webpage.
it seems twitch has found a way around the adblocker. please update
need an update on youtube ad blocking side. there are some ads in youtube that are not blocked.
for a week now i keep getting errors like these: this extension failed to redirect a network request to "data:application/javascript;base64,..." because another extension (privacy badger) redirected it to "data:application/javascript;base64,..."
i've been having trouble getting rid of one pesky ad that keeps coming back on yahoo mail. when i view my inbox there is an ad at the top that requires me to block the element every single time. it creates a blocking rule like ###yui_3_16_0_1_1433430560147_xxxx[href^="https://beap.gemini.yahoo.com/mbclk"] where xxxx is a random 4 digit number every time i reload the page. every other element on the inbox is also an element with a different random 3-4 digit number at the end. is there any way to block this ad?
yes it has not worked since july. i have not found a replacement, and am trying their development build as we speak. it started as white banners, and then changed to full on adds sometimes. even having youtube page ads that i couldn't right click and block. if you find a solution, post here please!
absolutely amazing. i dont know how i was able to browse the internet before. all ads are blocked, and nothing else. even youtube and crunchyroll ads!
ublock origin stopped me from clicking through to several tracking websites from email today and yesterday and showed me a great message about what was exactly wrong with the links and where they were sending me to. absolutely awesome, even better than adblock plus
i started using this one after i found a random youtube video on how to block annoying pink hair girl on a site which ad blocker is frowned upon i got this and now it never happended again(well i did have to add a filter to it),ad block sell out and, it not blocking add when i turn the program off, forced me to get this. also my computer feels faster with ublock origins
will this adblocker be blocked in the future? i've heard that google is going to block adblocker.
really great, best as blocker going
without support to unblock specific youtube/ect. channels i won't be using this
i had ublock but it just disappeared after a microsoft essentials update. now i keep getting a 'network error' message when i try to download it again. thanks
possibly a recent update to ublock is causing issues with microsoft outlook being tagged as malware which when disabled temporarily causes an error when attempting to sign into the outlook account.
apparently an easylist issue with twitch tv reportedly using a new html5 player for some users: https://adblockplus.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=39725
might want to do an update, getting adds and the filters are not blocking them.
this has to be addresses on a case per case basis, there is no generic solution for this. you need to report such instances to easylist forum: https://forums.lanik.us/viewforum.php?f=62
@raymond hill i completely forgot this setting (on my win7 machine i unchecked it ages ago and since then i came to consider it as off by default). chromium now closes all processes properly while chrome leaves some behind still. i didn't mean to high-jack your thread for general browser maintenance, but thank you for taking the time to answer. that's very cool of you.
i've used lots of different adblockers through the years and honestly i can't tell the difference. all i ask is that it doesn't suck, and it doesn't so five stars!
worked great for ages, then suddenly chrome wouldn't load pages and deactivating this extension was the only thing that fixed it.
i have been experiencing issues with ads served through http://rekoverr.com/ they link to scam and malware sites and i can't seem to be able to block them in any way.
best in terms of speed and memory. options provided are as useful as adblock. i just wonder if they provide some anti adblocker scripts feature, or not. please tell me if it does or not.
this ad blocker is the best that i've ever used! :)
bit sus? ublock is the only non sus ad blocker. there's always a battle between the advertisers and ad blockers, but i guarantee you, ublock updates more frequent, and is more ontop of the ads than any other extension.
it just keeps on saying checking when i try to redownload how do i fix this
used it for porn to watch with my nephew, very useful!
there is a color-blind mode you can enable in the settings pane: https://github.com/gorhill/ublock/wiki/dashboard:-settings
after struggling with other blockers that just didn't cut it, my son had me install this and it worked perfectly right off the bat! thank you!!!!
seems to have an issue with block yt ads nowadays. a white screen appears as an ad for most videos nowadays. there is a skip button but it seems that google is trying to fight against adblockers atm.
best ad blocker on chrome so far!
adblock and adblock plus stopped blocking a lot of video websites a while ago. this does the trick! :d
pandora and spotify (and likely other similar sites) are banning ad blockers and have a new policy in place to permanently ban people from the sites if they employ the new blockers to get around this issue - just a way to make us pay for their premium services
i came home today to find my pc (win10 x64) wasn't asleep. i checked powercfg -requests and saw chrome reporting "webrtc has active peerconnections". looking in chrome://webrtc-internals/ the only entry is for: chrome-extension://cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm/background.html, { servers: [], icetransporttype: all, bundlepolicy: balanced, rtcpmuxpolicy: negotiate }, which is this extension. what is ublock doing to keep webrtc hung up and thus prevent my pc from sleeping? i took a dump of the webrtc internals page if you'd like it for any other info.
it is a strong blocker, but it doesn't open a lot of pages you want opened either. so... kind of sucks.
i just uninstalled and reinstalled it and the problem seems gone
i agree. it appears ublocko development has been taken over by those from abp, meaning more google ads. a shame and time to look for a replacement. i wouldn't mind if the extension had an option for each site to allow google ads.
settings and other options isn't showing in kiwi browser what i'm getting is a half blank page
alberto - in chrome toolbar you should have an extensions icon (puzzle piece) next to user image (top right). when you click it, it expands the list of extensions installed and active. just click the greyed-out push-pin icon next to ublock origin and it will appear there. please note that extensions are disabled in incognito and icon is not there.
try it in incognito tab with idm extensions enabled
i have used for a while now and i have loved it. blocks a ton of unwanted ads, not a virus/rat, and is amazing overall.
if you visit https://www.sky.com/shop/mobile, it breaks the site, no phones are shown. i have tested adguard, abp and uo with default settings, up to date filters, and ub is the only one that breaks the site. thank you
this is an effective, and efficient adblock extension, and is my personal favorite.
hi, with ublock enable i cant click on any article link of this site http://www.tiramillas.net/
switched from abp due to ads
who came with alt+l as a shortcut for logger? i have to delete ublock because of that, i can't input "ł" on polish keyboard anymore.
has been very effective until recently, when i've started getting ads loading behind my chrome browser. have deleted and reloaded to see if that will do the job (and added a supplementary, ublock origin extra from the same developer).
this is the best ad-blocker extension, bar none. way more helpful and useful than any antivirus out there. really, all you need is this extension properly configured.
chrome for android does not support extensions. however, ublock origin works fine on firefox for android.
it uses less ram in comparison to the previous ad blocker that i used.
the extension should be auto inactive on goverment or education sites. for example you cannot see an add on gov.tr sites.
you should prob use the offical google browser for it to work :)
best adblocker extension on the planet. i`m using this for a long time, and really impressed with results. strongly recommended to anyone who wants to get rid of pesky ads :d
since today i get a blank youtube screen and a skip ad button at the bottom left when i select certain videos. before this never happened, please update if possible thank you.
here: http://arenabg.com/torrents/ ublock origin v0.9.6.0 slimjet browser portable (chromium 40.0.2214.93) srware iron 35.0.1900.0 windows xp i will give more info (screenshots, settings, ...) but lets first see if you, in your chromium, see the same - ads are blocked but some (4) of "placeholders of blocked elements" are not hidden.
good day. i have been using your adblocker for some time. what i also really liked is that i could watch tv on the internet on the website: nlziet.nl. so advertisements that you normally see on tv, that blocked ublock origin very well so that you could watch the entire broadcast without those annoying commercials. only recently he no longer blocks broadcasts, so you now have to wait and those annoying advertisements see more. they may have removed something in the broadcast, so that your ad blocker will no longer see advertisements. it still works well on youtube and other websites! hopefully you can make something for it so that it will be blocked again. i would like to hear from you. sincerely, stefan nieuwenhuijse
you program works great on the cw's site, but they have found a way to block you any way you can get back around them?
i have never used an extension as useful as this one. install and done. it works like a charm <3
great ad blocker!.... many thanks :-)
except for facebook ads, it blocks all ads. must have extension
just recently stopped working on twitch sadly
try if adding also "ublock origin websocket" fixes that: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin-websocket/pgdnlhfefecpicbbihgmbmffkjpaplco (i don't use "twitch" nor know what it is (some tv site i think))
good adblocker, however, doesnt seem to work on twitch at the moment
actually blocks things that are not ads etc. and forces me to turn it off in order to be able to use some features on some websites.
perfect extension, it never has failed me, until now. i am pasting the output that i am getting on some websites, like in the chrome.google.com/webstore site and others: -!doctype html- -html id="ubo-popup-panel"- -head- -meta charset="utf-8"- -meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"- -link rel="stylesheet" href="css/themes/default.css"- -link rel="stylesheet" href="css/common.css"- -link rel="stylesheet" href="css/fa-icons.css"- -link rel="stylesheet" href="css/popup-fenix.css"- -title data-i18n="extname"-/title- -/head- -body class="loading" data-more="a b c d"- -div id="panes"- -div id="main"- -div id="sticky"- -div id="stickytools"- -div class="rulesettools"- -span id="saverules" class="fa-icon" data-i18n-title="popuptipsaverules"-lock-/span- -span id="revertrules" class="fa-icon" data-i18n-title="popuptiprevertrules"-eraser-/span- -/div- -div id="switch" role="button" aria-label tabindex="0" title- -span class="fa-icon"-!-- power button taken from font awesome v4.7.0 by dave gandy. unlike other fa icons, the power button is inlined here so that we can use a clip-path in order to ensure that the stroke does not "bleed" outside the fill area. ---svg viewbox="0 0 1536 (etc, etc).....when i click the ublock origin symbol on that website. tried removing, then reinstalling with the same results. a bug, or has there been a change that has not been updated on my end?
doesn't work, just shows a black screen until the ad is done playing then gives you a "skip ad" at the bottom right of the black screen.
as others are saying, sites are crippled with extension enabled. sadly browsing without it for now.
is there a method to whitelist specific youtube channels? without whitelist youtube as a whole
adblock for chrome (not plus) has the following options when i click its button: 1. pause adblock 2. remove ads on this site 3. create an exception for this site 4. disable adblock on domains of this site 5. show removable elements 6. reports ads on this site may i ask you to implement points 1-5? currently you just offer an option to disable ublock on a per-site basis. adblock on the other hand gives us easy options to block specific elements using a gui and disable it using wildcards and stuff. so i can block ads on www.domain.com, but can allow them on site.domain.com/user/* very useful.
i've used ublock for about a year now. it doesn't seem to be blocking ads on youtube any longer. any advice on how to fix this?
july 2017 and its still superb for me.
one single click will allow you to disable the wholesale blocking of a site, temporarily or permanently. see: https://github.com/gorhill/ublock/wiki/strict-blocking disabling strict blocking will just prevent the root page from being blocked, ads/trackers will still be blocked once strict blocking is disabled for a site.
type chrome://apps and right click youtube app - remove from chrome. the adblockers don't recognize youtube as a website cause it became an embedded app on chrome in a recent update.
first, off this is a great extension, made even greater by the open source license. thank you for putting so much effort into this extension. i've done a bit of research, and it seems like amazon prime video ads come from the same server, so the normal method of blocking the ads probably won't work. is there any way to block the amazon prime video ads? i find it profoundly stupid that i have to pay a subscription in order to see ads in my tv shows. thanks!
block's most ad's except on twitch.tv where i get an ad every time
already works well and blocks ads/elements before page load (i.e, faster, more secure). keep up the great work and looking forward to completed product.
certain website take action by embedding a pop-up command in javascript, or when you click on a link or a general mouse-click. have you investigated this to disable this behavior?
works better than adblock plus. the popups on dailymail.co.uk were getting really bad and ublock stopped all of them.
i appreciate the awesome work to make an efficient program for not for profit.
i've been using it for years, and it has made my life better. i recommend it completely to anyone and everyone.
don't fall for the imposters this is the best ad blocker you will ever need... i even removed my antivirus this is so efficient and useful.
for what purpose do you need to collect authentication data such as passwords, security questions, and pins? if it is for creating a ghostery account, then that should be specified. the way it is currently written seems to indicate this is for all web traffic.
honestly amazing, the best adblocker i have used on this site and also comes with even more anti-tracking features. keep it up!
i really like and have used ghostery for years, but i am very concerned about the new "smart blocking" "feature" which i recommend that you turn off. why? because while ghostery's intent may have been to offer better functionality and speedier browsing for users through "artificl intelligence", the "smart blocking" feature appears to completely override all of your current settings in a way that is non-transparent and very hostile to privacy. evidence? visit lastpass.com with all trackers blocked and smart blocking turned on. check out the detailed view for a long list of advertising and analytics trackers automatically and quietly "unblocked" - you will be shocked.
love it. i like that you see what each page was trying to do.
what will do without you ! :)
i loved it such a great app