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Pauline Smith is our new Executive Director. Pauline is an environmental health & safety engineer who specializes in the areas of hazardous materials management, risk assessment, and home safety. She has spent the last 35 years in the environmental health and safety field and has held various corporate and consulting positions. Her areas of expertise include environmental health and safety management, crisis management and corporate Training. She is currently advancing her studies and specialized experience in the fields of globally harmonized hazardous materials management, emergency & crisis management, and international code compliance. Originally from McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, Pauline currently resides in Royersford, PA with her husband, Harry, and their two dogs, Dee Dee and Angel. She has a 23 year old son who lives in Pittsburgh, PA and a 25 year old daughter who lives in Frederick, MD.
I guess now we’re all supposed to understand that Rush Limbaugh was “just making a joke” and the real misogynists are those nasty liberals. Michelle Malkin uses this point to castigate President Obama for calling Ms. Fluke, as a means of “inserting himself” into the fray, and then goes on to describe how nasty liberals have called her and other conservative women horrible names which she claims are worse than being called a slut, but actually aren’t, at least not in my nomenclature. Being called a “female impersonator” is petty and, I’m sure, hurtful, but it’s a different epithet hurled at somebody in a much more powerful position than Ms. Fluke. I think I’d be pretty safe in saying that Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer have been called horrible things by misguided people on the right. I don’t have time to assemble the litany Malkin does, as I don’t have a staff of assistants. But–my God, people–have you not seen what commenters have called both Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin alike? Let’s suffice to say that I’d prefer a political discourse where–let’s just get wild and crazy here for a second–we don’t use ad hominem at all, let alone the basest and most vulgar forms? As to Rush, if that was a joke, grow the hell up, dude. That stuff is unattractive at best and evil at worst in 16 year-old men, let alone old farts like us who ought to know better. What I find utterly shocking is the blatant racism directed at Malkin in the ad hominem attacks on her, and which she doesn’t seem to acknowledge as such. I pretty much have never agreed with her, but there is a lot in the vitriol directed at her that occurs because she hasn’t been everybody’s compliant little Asian doll. While she is a public figure, and those of us who put ourselves out there know that we’re going to get our licks, racism and sexism should named for what they are. She deserves to be able to express her ideas without having her humanity and identity degraded. And while Malkin wants to castigate Barack Obama, the truth is, he’s always been a complete gentlemen as far as I can tell. I was a Hilary voter until the end of the deal, and even so, I had to admit that even when he was criticizing her politics, he treated her with decency and respect. So, too, John McCain, even though his personal life hasn’t always been so nicey-nice.
Saygin H, Ay H, Guven K, Cetin D, Sahin N. Desertiactinospora gelatinilytica gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Streptosporangiaceae isolated from the Karakum Desert. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 2019; 112:409-423. Oren A, Garrity GM. Validation list no. 187. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2019; 69:1247-1250.
Sam was expelled from school! It was a very beautiful day, he was seen off to school by his father who was happy that his son was finally going to achieve more than he could. He had just gotten to class when he met the bully of the class bullying his friend. Sam was angry but he walked to his seat and sat down. Nobody really wanted to confront him because his father was a part of the school board. The bully continued his torture until Sam had had enough, he stood up to the boy and they ended up fighting. The board decided to expel Sam for starting the fight and creating a ruckus while the other boy was let off with a warning and suspension. Sam’s father wasn’t happy about the situation but there was only so much he could do. Sam moved on with his life until he got caught up in another trouble. A theft happened at his place of work, his master refused to believe he wasn’t the culprit since he was supposed to close the shop. He tried to prove his innocence to no avail. His master didn’t hesitate to have him jailed for theft and burglary. His father’s weak heart could not bear the tragedy the second time so it gave up and his father died. Throughout his time in jail, he blamed himself for the death of his father. Few years down the line, Sam was out of jail and he started his own business. He loved fashion and everything that came with it, he could also design too, so he started from scratch. It wasn’t easy and there was a lot of competition but he kept doing it. He met an old friend who asked him why he started a fashion business. He replied, “I want to be the best in the whole country.” His friend laughed hard and called him a dreamer. He reminded him that he had no proper education and worse, he was an ex-convict nobody would trust him. He refused to be discouraged. He took pride in the fact that he could do better with his life than remain idle. He didn’t allow what the people around him say to stop him from moving on. Because of his past, Sam lost a lot of investors and customers. His competitors used it against him to get his customers on their side. It affected business a lot and he had to start again. Sam kept learning from similar businesses around him, the more he grew, the more his dreams grew bigger. He kept seeing all the reasons why he could be whoever he wants to be. After a while, he regained lost customers, and much more, his hopeless business started to boom and people wondered what had happened. Five years after the start of his fashion business, he already had more branches in part of the country, he had been recommended to the influential people in society. He had left behind people who he met in the business and he was fishing in the international seas. People were shocked because they all expected him to have given up. During an interview, Sam was finally able to talk about his past and how he refused to let it drag him down, he mentioned how his father died untimely and how he couldn’t do anything about it. He encouraged people to never give up on their dreams because they have a horrible past or they are experiencing difficulties, he encouraged people to never be ashamed of their dreams and how big they are. A few years later, Sam achieved his dream of being the best in the country but by then he had a bigger dream, he would try and take over the world. Writer: Empress_Writes (Esther Ayoola)
A client of mine was recently admitted to the hospital for pneumonia and was in the intensive care ward receiving a course of strong antibiotics. A physician calling me to ask about my client said “well she’s 94”. My response to the physician was, “yes she is 94 and she deserves care and medical treatment.” How many medical providers see older adults as old and as disposable? The “Re-Hospitalization” act in the Affordable Care Act penalizes hospitals for re-admissions due to pneumonia, heart conditions and a number of other categories. In my opinion this part of the Act makes it more difficult for older adults to receive care and easier for physicians to deny care from a self-serving point of view – avoiding financial penalties for the hospitals by whom they are employed. This particular client had been healthy up until recently and I was confident that if she received treatment she would recover and be able to return to her assisted living community. The physician would just as soon as given a death sentence to my client. She even went to the point of arguing with me about my role as guardian and legal decision maker. Knowing more about my client than this physician, I was not about to bow, like many family members would, to a physician who saw herself as an authority on my 94 year old client. How many older adults lose their lives daily because they are viewed as disposable by physicians in hospitals or other professional settings? My guess is that the numbers are mounting each day. Family caregivers, intimidated by physicians and other professionals, fail to speak up or to advocate for loved ones. Family caregivers are uncertain about the questions that should be asked and due to a lack of experience are unaware of options. Healthcare advocacy is badly needed for our older adults and for all individuals with health conditions – whether simple or complicated. Admittedly we’ve become a society who would rather take a pill rather than exercise, lose weight or stop smoking. Physicians have become jaded and disappointed by individuals who will not make positive health changes. But this doesn’t mean that all patients fall into this classification and it doesn’t mean that just because someone is old and sick they can be written off as undeserving of healthcare. Family caregivers must learn to advocate for themselves and family members who need care. The Caring Generation website offers a free subscription to valuable articles, videos and podcasts in over 30 categories. Click here to visit the Advocacy Category and to become a subscriber to information that supports family caregivers. Professional advocates, like myself, exist to support families in situations where healthcare professionals seem to discount or ignore the desires of family. Many times difficulties arise because healthcare professionals are unable to explain issues in simple language or they assume family members understand. In other situations healthcare professionals are limited to their “world” whether this be a hospital or a nursing home and do not have expertise or experience of the outside world of services to support caregivers and older adults living at home. Information about services and assistance for families is available on my company website The Care Navigator. Also on this website are videos about common experiences of family caregivers and information about my upcoming book in 2015 called The Caregiving Trap. The role of caregiving is often unexpected – both caregivers and care recipients feel trapped at times by situations out of their control. Constraints of the healthcare system often result in care recipients feeling trapped because options seem limited. By becoming more educated about options and learning to advocate, caregivers and care recipients can reduce feelings of overwhelm and feeling trapped by situations that may feel out of control. It is important as a caregiver to realize that you know more about your loved one than anyone else (or hopefully you do). Do not allow others to sway your opinion when you doubt their recommendations. Be the squeaky wheel and ask questions. How many of you remember the old television series Columbo? Sometimes it takes a little investigative reporting to arrive at the right answers and solutions for a care situation. Be persistent.
Everything we saw at Absolution Fest in Ybor City Vancouver based post-punk and new wave band Actors made a little kids day over the weekend when Absolution Fest took over Orpheum and Crowbar in Ybor City, Florida. 10/05/2019 | Photos by Dave Decker View these other slideshows: « View the previous slideshow again!
Ralph Waldo Emerson once noted that “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn”. Often the simplest, everyday objects not only have the power to grow, reproduce, and transform in the cycle of the seasons, they also offer themselves as subjects for making art. Walking through the woods, a nearby park or even your own yard provides great inspiration and opportunity for developing your drawing skills. Through pencil, charcoal and other black and white media will we experience the subtle to not so subtle transitions from summer to fall. We will begin with projects to learn and strengthen our skills as observers and artists. We will review the elements of art that include line, value, shape, space and composition. Students are encouraged to use photos or actual items from your own yard or those that have already “surrendered” themselves to the ground. The more simple, ordinary and every day the better! We will also take inspiration from artwork by well known artists, past and present, that celebrate the many wonders of the natural world. Beginners as well as those of all levels of skills and/or experience are welcome! This will be an online class which will require familiarity with Zoom.
We view major challenges that cities struggle with as opportunities. We see densification, migration, logistics, vacancy, shrinkage, changing socio-economic profiles, food supply, new work environments and redevelopment as the breeding ground for new urban strategies and concepts. Strategies and concepts that go beyond bricks, and rather speak about the social and economic future of a piece of city and the intricate ecosystems that the spatial domain can facilitate. Our strategies and concepts start from a combination of social and economic perspectives and are developed at the intersection of different disciplines because urban development goes beyond only real estate development. In our concepts we combine social and economic perspectives and collaborate at the intersection of different disciplines to enable urban development that goes beyond only real estate development. Within Ravenkop we bring extensive experience in urban development together with strategic focus from strategy consulting, supplemented by a diverse network within and outside the real estate sector for a multidisciplinary perspective. We believe in a solid foundation. We therefore reduce matter to the core after which we creatively construct holistic, clear and well-founded strategies and concepts. We translate these strategies and concepts into workable implementation agendas that can be deployed from an organizational and real estate development perspective. The complexity of urban issues is our home turf; we work the full scope of scale levels ranging from regional to ground level. We develop our own concepts, provide advice, temporarily strengthen a team or transform an idea that has not yet flourished into a clear concept with a deliberate strategy.
Sales & Marketing Strategies Generate results from your Brand and Sales Proposition We will work with you to ensure alignment between your sales team, marketing team, and their respective objectives to create a centralised plan. The plan not only defines the process and responsibilities, but also measures for success. Whether you have an in-house centralised marketing function, or you outsource core activities, we’ll guide you on a journey to define the stage of your customer buying journey. Alongside this, we will guide you in creating a cohesive plan to define and document your target market and refine your solution and proposition overview. Also focusing on identifying and aligning sales and marketing objectives, defining the marketing strategy and creating an overarching marketing plan that both sales and marketing are invested in. WANT TO KNOW MORE? GET IN TOUCH Find out how we can help your business? Give us a call.
Accuracy and Interferences for Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay Tests for Atrazine Atrazine is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the United States, therefore it is a regulatory concern and is extensively monitored in the environment, especially in drinking water. Because of the higher costs of gas chromatography (GC) methods, utility managers and regulators are considering the increased use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods for monitoring atrazine. an ELISA test kit was recently approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency. the research in this article points out potential biases and inaccuracies that may occur with such test kits. ELISA test kits for atrazine are typically precise (repeatable) but often have a tendency for a positive bias from unknown interferences. Negative biases are also observed in some cases, which suggest a lower atrazine concentration than is actually present. the results of this research can help utilities and regulators to better determine the best use of ELISA versus GC methods for analyzing atrazine with respect to monitoring and/or process control. H. Jiang et al., "Accuracy and Interferences for Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay Tests for Atrazine," Journal (American Water Works Association), American Water Works Association, Jan 2004. Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering AWWA Research Foundation Keywords and Phrases Accuracy; Enzyme-Linked; Immunoassay Test; Atrazine Article - Journal © 2004 American Water Works Association, All rights reserved. 01 Jan 2004
By Katie Lyles, Special to CNN Editor's note: Katie Lyles, who teaches third graders in Colorado, was a student at Columbine during the massacre 14 years ago. (CNN) - At 16, my innocence was shattered when two gunmen murdered 13 people at my school and wounded countless others. Columbine High School promised to be a safe and secure place of learning. And that promise was broken on April 20, 1999. On that morning, I headed to school worried about my 10th grade math test and my upcoming track meet. Useless worries: The test was never given and we never held the meet. Scars remain from that day that no one can see. Scars that made my worries about math tests or track performance pale in comparison to whether my science partner would live or whether my classmate's speech would be impaired by the shrapnel lodged in his skull. Today, those mental scars throb in large crowds and force me to scan the room for exits. They make my heart beat faster when I hear the blades of a helicopter overhead. Now, as a teacher in my eighth year in the classroom, I consider every day that I go to work a privilege. I cherish my students' joy and enthusiasm, and most importantly, their innocence. I believe that it is our job, as a society, to protect these virtues in our young people. I want them to be worried about math tests and track meets and about science fairs and student council elections - the kind of normal school stuff that builds character. But our epidemic of gun violence is creating a culture of fear in our schools, where students are anxious about safety and intruders. These are worries no student should have. This becomes even more apparent when we conduct our monthly emergency drill at our school. It's a way to be prepared for the worst, so we practice lockdowns, fire drills and evacuations. The other day, I was explaining to my third graders that we were going to practice a lockdown just in case a bear happened to be on the playground - a real scenario for our Colorado school. I have used this example my entire teaching career because it's an easy and nonthreatening reason to practice a lockdown. One girl raised her hand and asked: "Is this what we would do if a bad guy came with a gun to hurt us?"
What is Senedd Home? A weekly magazine-style blog focused on Welsh politics and current affairs, the latest news and developments from the Welsh Government and the Senedd/Welsh Parliament. The author is Owen Donovan. Why was Senedd Home set up? For a full and detailed account of how the site is produced, read How Senedd Home Works. There’s a lack of coverage of domestic politics – a situation long been dubbed the “democratic deficit”. Like it or loathe it, the Senedd and Welsh Government spend £15billion of our money every year and are directly responsible for many key public services (outlined at Devolution Explained). On the old Oggy Bloggy Ogwr I developed a reputation for depth and detail, but on Senedd Home, this will shift to a breadth of coverage. That means a greater number of articles but they’ll be shorter and to the point with little to no commentary. People don’t really need depth, they need to be aware of what’s happening in the first place. Can you run through the post categories? - Best of the Blogs – Links to some of the best stories from the Welsh political blogosphere and our political journalists over the last week. - Brexit & External Affairs – Stories relating to Brexit and foreign policy matters including immigration, promoting Wales abroad, trade and major world events. - Communities & Housing – Here you’ll find the latest news and discussion on local government, regeneration and housing-related issues. - Criminal Justice & Public Safety – Policing, prisons and criminal justice are non-devolved, but when it is discussed you’ll find it here. This category also includes stories relating to the fire service/fire safety and things like crime prevention and the creation of new criminal offences within Welsh law. - Culture, Media & Sport – All articles relating to the Welsh language, heritage, sport, broadcasting policy and both the media and entertainment industry – some of which is devolved. - Democracy & Constitution – Articles about the future of the UK (including Welsh independence), devolution itself, technical matters relating to Welsh law as well as proposals for electoral reform. - Economy & Transport – Articles covering the road network, public transport, infrastructure, business, employment and economic development policy. - Editorial – Opinion pieces on major talking points in Welsh politics and society. - Education – Anything relating to schools, the curriculum, qualifications, apprenticeships/training and universities. - Environment, Energy & Rural Affairs – All articles relating to the environment, climate change, the use and stewardship of natural resources (i.e. forestry services), farming, fishing and energy. - Equality & Social Justice – Matters relating to minority, marginalised and protected groups (i.e. the disabled, the homeless, carers), human rights, campaigns against unjust decisions made by governments at all levels as well as efforts to reduce inequality in Wales. - Finance – Articles regarding budgets at Welsh and local level, spending decisions, tax and spending on devolved public services. - First Minister – All posts relating to the First Minister including First Minister’s Questions, debates and statements made by the First Minister and issues relating to the Cabinet and machinery of government in Wales (i.e. cabinet reshuffles). - Health & Social Services – Articles relating to public health, the NHS and social care. - Hot Button – Specially-selected articles and video clips which cover or discuss highly controversial or hotly-debated issues within Welsh politics and society. - Senedd Bites – A brief weekly roundup of assorted minor stories. - The Lobby – News relating to internal party political matters (leadership challenges etc.), political gossip, disciplinary matters and any story about the Senedd or UK Parliament as institutions. - Video – Clips of key moments from inside the Senedd chamber and its committees as well as other videos from the Welsh Government. When will new posts be published? Senedd Home will be updated throughout the week when the Senedd is in session – usually on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. There’ll be no updates during half term recesses, Christmas, Easter or summer recesses. Major breaking stories will be covered immediately wherever possible. How do I make sure I don’t miss an update? Follow Oggy Bloggy Ogwr on social media (more details here), or sign up by email for the newsletter (at the top of the left-hand sidebar). Newsletters will contain all posts from each update in one place and will be sent out to subscribers every Thursday during term time.
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line. Stryker Custom Designs 419a College Drive, Middleburg, FL 32068 Copyright © 2020 Stryker Custom Designs - All Rights Reserved. Powered by GoDaddy Website Builder
Once upon a time, about 2 weeks ago, a family moved from Philadelphia to the coastal town of Portland. Since the father’s new work would only pay for a U-Haul (*NOT MOVERS*), the family schlepped all their belongings the best they could in the back of a 26 Ft truck. The youngest daughter’s beloved goldfish were of course making the trip too, safely snuggled inside the *protective glass cocoon* of their aquarium. The family’s trip began swimmingly, fueled by gasoline and a dozen Dunkin Donuts. But round about Marlborough Massachusetts, the mother – driving behind the U-Haul in the family car – began to notice water dripping from the back of the truck. Frantically, she tried calling the father. But the deafening road noise of the uncomfortable U-Haul thwarted her attempts for MILES. By the time the father realized what had happened, the family was nearly to Maine. And soon they were there, opening the back of the truck and confirming their worst fears. The aquarium had indeed shattered and was completely devoid of water. The little girl was devastated. Until Goldfish #1 was found… ALIVE!!!!!!! After two hours without water, being jostled at the bottom of a glass-laden fish tank, Lil’ Blackie was still clinging to life! The father whisked him TOUT DE SUITE upstairs to the (relative) safety of the only bowl available in the apartment BESIDES THE TOILET. The dog’s food dish. Although shaken just this side of the pearly gates and visibly worse for the wear, miracle fish BLACKIE was still gulping for breath and rallying as each moment passed. BUT. what of the SECOND FISH>?? What about _SUNNY_?! Do not lose heart, friends. Despite the fact that Disney did NOT write this one, there still remains a happy ending. Although the initial search for Sunny proved fruitless, and the family believed they would stumble upon her lifeless body beneath one of the soggy boxes, that’s NOT WHAT HAPPENED>. No. B/c as the mother attempted to lift the shattered remains of the aquarium out of the truck, Sunny POPPED out of the inner workings of a DECORATIVE PAGODA!! Everyone GASPED! And the father squealed like a girl as he giddily ran the fish upstairs. Although Sunny appeared to have survived a blender cycle on Frappe, she was otherwise just fine. After being transferred to the red thermos cooler overnight, by the next afternoon, both fish were pronounced Stunned, but Swimming. And by the following day, they’d been upgraded to STABLE and safely relocated to their new home. Not so unlike the rest of the family.
December has no scarcity of reasons to drink and celebrate. At the Nosara Craft Beer Festival, the argument to drink beer carries weight because with each beverage purchased, you will be helping Nosara Animal Care, an organization that protects animals. Now in its second year, the festival takes place tomorrow, Dec. 10, from 4-10 p.m., and is organized by Nosara Animal Care and the sports bar Solo Bueno (Playa Guiones). According to board member Jennifer Simmons, last year’s fest helped raise more than $4,000 to fund animal-rescue programs, school awareness campaigns and spay and neuter programs. And the Beer? Five craft beer companies are participating this year: La Selva, Volcano Brewing Company, Angry Goats Brewery, Domingo 7 and Costa Rica’s Craft Brewing Company. Beers sold in 8-ounce glasses cost ¢1,500, and large, 16-ounce mugs cost ¢3,000. VIP tickets are sold out, but there are plenty of general admission tickets left at ¢10,000 each, which includes a festival cup and five raffle tickets. This year more than 25 prizes will be raffled off, ranging from dinners at restaurants to surf lessons. Admission tickets can be purchased the day of the event at the festival. The festival also will have live music provided by the band The Peladas Dog and guest DJs. Plus, Mexican restaurant El Chiva will be selling food, with profits donated to the cause.
|REACH registration record external link [echa.europa.eu] Intermediate Use Only Available in REACH-IT (you can access this info in REACH-IT if you have registered, pre-registered or inquired for this substance.) ||43 avenue marceau 75116 Paris France |MinAscent Leuna Production GmbH ||Am Haupttor Gebäude 4208 06237 Leuna Germany By adding any of the following substances to your watchlist, you would be monitoring this regulatory record and all possible new regulatory records related to that substance. Related regulatory records The following timeline shows when we detected changes of this regulatory record (the date might slightly differ from the date of the actual change). Additions between versions are hightlighted in green color, red color shows data removed between versions. Feb. 8, 2019 Related internal registration record ID: Registrants / Address: 43 avenue marceau 75116 Paris France Registrants / Registrant: Aceto France Add the related substance to your watchlist to monitor this regulatory record.
You can program many different workouts on your treadmill, whatever your objective may be: to stay healthy, lose weight, or work off some stress. To begin, you can choose a slow walk, a brisk walk, jogging, and running, alternating between them or changing the tilt angle. Before beginning, stand erect with your head high and your shoulders lined up with your hips. While walking, keep your arms soft and relaxed; bend them while jogging, as you do when running. Ready to go? Here are a few exercises you can do easily based on different requirements. To improve health and release stress Among its many advantages, approximately 30 minutes of light exercise 3 times a week improves heart function, helps mineralize the bones, helps metabolize sugars, and loosens muscle and psychological tension. – start with 5 minutes walking at an easy pace; – start walking briskly, at about 6-8 km/hr for 10-15 minutes; – continue walking briskly for another 5-10 minutes, slightly increasing the tilt of the treadmill (up to 5% maximum); – end with 5 minutes of easy walking. To lose weight and tone your muscles Your body begins to use fats after the first 15-20 minutes of aerobic exercise: 3 weekly sessions of 40 minutes will help you gradually lose excess weight and better maintain the results you achieve over time: – begin with a brisk walk at 5.5 km/hr for about 10 minutes; – move on to a gentle run at 6-8 km/hr for about 20-25 minutes; – end with 5-10 minutes walking at a slow pace to relax your muscles.
Driver's licenses for undocumented benefit citizens too: Nava When driving, the goal is to get to your destination safely. Nothing else matters. Everyone wants to get home without harm. And in the event of an accident, we want all parties involved to be insured. Legislation allowing New Jersey residents — regardless of immigration status — to be tested, trained, licensed, insured, and accountable for their driving record should be seen as an opportunity to improve road safety for all and not as an erroneous privilege for some. Think about it. When you are driving, does it matter where the person driving next to you was born? It shouldn’t, so long as they know how to drive and are adequately insured in case there’s an accident. But until undocumented drivers have an opportunity to be properly tested and licensed, we cannot make those assumptions. The May 14 column by Asbury Park Press editorial page editor Randy Bergmann, "Equity for undocumented inequitable for citizens," fails to realize that undocumented immigrants already drive alongside us on New Jersey’s roads and highways. Bergmann gives three reasons for opposing an expansion of driver’s license eligibility: security, fraud, and equity. It is for these same reasons that New Jersey should expand access to driver’s licenses, as it will make our roads more secure, protect against fraud, and ensure all drivers are treated fairly under the law. For New Jerseyans who care about safe and secure roads, denying undocumented immigrants proper identification is counterproductive. Unless all drivers have a license, how can law enforcement definitively identify drivers they pull over or come in contact with at the scene of an accident? And in the case of an accident, licensed drivers are more likely to cooperate with police, as there is less incentive for a driver to flee from the scene. These problems are less likely to exist in states where all who drive — regardless of status — have licenses, which is precisely why New Jersey should join 12 states and Washington, D.C., in expanding driver’s license eligibility. The Department of Motor Vehicle would require official documents to prove age, name and residence that would be verified to obtain a limited license for driving an identification purpose. These limited licenses would not be accepted as adequate ID to get on an airplane, obtain benefits or verify employment credentials. To insinuate that undocumented immigrants are being treated the same as citizens, when in fact they will be getting a different license, is inaccurate and dangerously misleading. To be clear, if this policy becomes law, undocumented immigrants would have to take the same written and driving test as U.S. citizens, but would only be issued a limited license. What about this is unfair to citizens? Finally, the column enforces an “us-versus-them” mentality that falsely presumes U.S. citizens must be losing their rights if undocumented immigrants are granted access to driver’s licenses. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The fear of the “other” is being used to further marginalize people who are already on the edges of American society. Bergmann is correct that being a U.S. citizen does mean something; it means we have values to treat others with dignity and respect. Undocumented immigrants are our neighbors, and they already share the road with us, like it or not. While we may not all agree on federal immigration policies, that should not stop us from coming together in supporting expanded access to driver’s licenses, as it will make our roads safer for us all. Erika J. Nava is policy analyst for New Jersey Policy Perspective.
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Search by Keyword The artist first sculpts in soft wax; then makes a rubber mold of the wax model. From the rubber mold he creates multiple wax impressions of the original. Each wax impression is encased in a ceramic shell and placed in an oven; with temperatures exceeding fifteen hundred degrees, the wax melts rapidly. The ceramic shell is packed in sand and molten bronze is poured into the shell. When the bronze cools, the ceramic shell is broken. The bronze casting is then finished with meticulous handwork to capture and enhance every detail of the original wax model. Bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) first appeared in the Near East toward the end of the fourth millennium B.C. There exists no definitive record of when the lost wax method of casting was invented. The earliest users of this method began with a clay core roughly in the shape of the subject to be sculpted. The core was then covered with wax, and the wax was sculpted into the finished form. When the wax hardened, it in turn was covered with clay. The entire object was fired, hardening the clay and melting the wax. The space vacated by the wax was then filled with molten bronze. When the bronze cooled and hardened, the clay was removed from outside and inside. The bronze object was then cleaned and polished by hand. The basic principle of the lost wax method of casting remains unchanged, although many new techniques and refinements have been developed. The most significant development was the introduction of an intermediate mold from which multiple wax models are made. Cast bronze is a permanent medium. Archaeologists have unearthed bronze artifacts buried thousands of years. On orders of $100.00 or more! This offer is not valid on Cold Cast Bald Eagle Sculptures. If ordering quantities of 10 or more please call for discounted prices and shipping rates. Offer valid on shipments within the U.S. only. Home · Eagle Award Recognitions · Bronze Eagle Awards · Hand Blown Crystal Eagle Awards · Elite Bronze Eagle Sculptures · Bald Eagle Sculptures by Starlite Originals · Cold Cast Bald Eagle Sculptures · Bronze Eagle Sculptures · American Bald Eagle Trophies · Glass Eagle Figurines · Black Hills Gold Eagle Rings · Black Hills Gold Eagle Jewelry · Bronze Eagle Sculptures & Awards · Popular Eagle Scout Awards · Soaring Eagle Statues · Patriotic Eagle Gifts · American Bald Eagle Jewelry · Customer Testimonials · Contact Us · Links Copyright 2007 - 2018 © MAKS Business Systems Cassopolis, MI
New Horizons of the Treasure Coast New Horizons of the Treasure Coast is an addiction treatment center based at 1600 SW 2nd Avenue in Okeechobee, FL. New Horizons of the Treasure Coast can be reached at 863-462-0040. The primary treatment approaches at this center include Individual Addiction Therapy, Family and Couples Counseling, Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy. The facility also provides its services in different settings, including Outpatient Rehabilitation. New Horizons of the Treasure Coast also offers a number of programs that are tailored to address the needs of specific people such as: Court-Ordered Outpatient Addiction Treatment. Finally, New Horizons of the Treasure Coast accepts different payment types, including Self-Pay, Medicaid Coverage, Medicare for Drug Rehab, Private Insurance Coverage. We can help you find the right treatment facility that best fits your overall needs and financial requirements.
Jerry was born in Pasadena, California. At nine years of age he and his family moved to Savannah Georgia where he spent the majority of his formative years. Being a high school football player offered him the opportunity to play at the college level at Trinity International in Deerfield, Illinois. After several injuries the Lord providentially took away the desire to play football and replaced it with a desire for ministry. After years of wrestling with whether or not he should pursue vocational ministry the Lord sent him to Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi to pursue a Masters of Divinity. During his four years of training he spent the summer of 2018 interning at Christ Presbyterian Church. This eventually, in God’s providence, turned into a call to serve as an Assistant Pastor as well as starting a college ministry at Southern Connecticut State University. Some of his passions are: traveling, spending time in nature such as hiking, kayaking and camping. Reading fiction and non-fiction, theology, philosophy, apologetics and science books are a joy and a delight to him. Using these various genres, along with sports and nature are tools he uses to disciple and point people to Jesus Christ.
You are supposed to brush your teeth twice a day everyday and visit your dentist at least once a year. You are also supposed to floss at least once a day and use mouth-wash before going to bed. Brushing your teeth only when you remember is not enough to keep your teeth and gums healthy. You must brush your teeth regularly and properly, no matter how lazy you are. There are several people around us who are habitual of skipping brushing and eventually ignore the importance of brushing. Here is what happens to your teeth if you do not brush properly. Germs start to thrive Bacteria and germs dwell in your mouth, when you do not brush regularly and properly. Remember, the sugar and food particles stuck between your teeth allow them to breed. Teeth become stained We all know that coffee, tea and cola drinks can stain the teeth, besides smoking. And if you do not brush your teeth, the stains will remain there and with time, they will get darker and hard to remove. Most people do not realize that gums start bleeding, when you do not brush and floss properly. If you have bleeding gums, it means you have some kind of gum disease. Gingivitis, when gums turn red, swollen and quick-to-bleed, is actually a response to the bacteria in the plaque that builds up between your teeth and gums. If not treated immediately, the plaque can destroy tissues and bones in the mouth. More bacteria in your mouth may create a breeding ground for more bacteria that will aid the build-up of plaque in your arteries. And arterial plaque increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Brush your teeth twice to reduce the chance. Cavities are Created Bacteria in the oral cavity slowly destroy the teeth by creating cavities in teeth, which can hollow your teeth and cause excessive pain. Resultantly, gums can also be infected and bleed. Now when you know major impacts of not brushing your teeth properly, you must take out time for your health, as it does not take much time. Start brushing now and make it your habit.
What has happened US fiscal stimulus has rapidly risen to one of the largest near-term risks for markets with President Trump taking the highly unorthodox, and possibly unconstitutional, act of issuing executive orders to provide substantial stimulus. With data relatively light this week we would expect Congress’s impasse, US/China tensions and European viral cases to set the tone for sentiment. Executive orders issued President Trump’s four executive orders included a temporary payroll tax deferral and an expansion of unemployment benefits. There are still just over 10% of the US workforce listed as unemployed and those filing for benefits saw a cliff edge reduction in their federal benefits supplement over a week ago. The executive measures include provisions for $400 a week to go to unemployed Americans with 75% funded by the federal government and the remainder being delivered at a state level. There are some question marks over whether the states can afford such measures given the pandemic (and their more restricted access to funding) but also whether these executive orders are legal given that funding decisions are traditionally the realm of Congress. These orders, if quashed by the courts, could create an even tougher backdrop for Democrat/White House talks but in the interim markets have welcomed the short-term support for US consumer confidence. European viral cases watched closely Whilst US viral new case growth continued to slow over the weekend, European data is picking up again. There have been some targeted measures to reduce the spread of the virus including mandatory face coverings in some busy sections of Paris however the continent is currently slowing easing measures rather than reversing them. Weekend data tends to be skewed by reporting irregularities but Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the UK have all seen an increase in the pace of viral growth compared to two weeks ago. What does Brooks Macdonald think This week we have US CPI and Retail Sales but otherwise is fairly quiet as is tradition for the post payrolls week, similarly earnings season is coming to an end after companies fairly consistently beat low expectations. Given the recent tit-for-tat sanctions and individual action between the US and China we expect this to be the tail risk to markets during the quieter weeks of August.
Parties, paparazzi, red-carpet catfights and shocking sex tapes—wild child Breanna Parker is always in the spotlight, except where her celebrity parents are concerned. Beautiful and talented in her own right, Bree has used her antics to gain attention from her R & B-diva mother and record-producer father. But now, as her whirlwind marriage to a struggling actor implodes, Bree is ready to live life on her own terms, and the results will take everyone—including Bree—by surprise. Abandoning her party-girl ways, Bree moves to Rome—where she meets Reuben, a charismatic, compassionate artist. They become partners—in and out of bed—and launch a sexy lingerie line, Naughty, that becomes an international success. But when they return to the U.S., Bree is confronted by a new and devastating scandal. And preserving everything she's worked so hard for will be the biggest challenge she's ever faced….
Choose one of the sides and enter the battle Regardless whether you will choose the United States Military or the famous Vietnamese resistance fighters, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam features a fantastic gameplay, which engages for long hours. Impersonate one of the infantry roles or join the marines, fighting either for the U.S. or the guerrilla forces of North Vietnam – NVA and Viet Cong respectively. The title focuses on a large-scale teamwork with realistic mechanics and combat. Explore era-specific weapons, such as a range of automatic and semi-automatic rifles, artillery, flamethrowers or massive machine guns. Develop aircraft steering skills, controlling one of the airborne vehicles, such as various attack, reconnaissance and transport helicopters. Of course don’t forget to set up your character. Additional uniforms and equipment earned during the play, including new headgear, clothing, tattoos, glasses and others will help you create your perfect alter ego. Being the child of Antimatter Games and Tripwire Interactive, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam offers an astonishingly realistic gameplay. The developers did their best to recreate the specific climate of Vietnam War as close as possible. Therefore you will find the whole arsenal or authentic weapons, like M16, M14, M60, M79 and M3 Grease Gun for the U.S.; standing opposite to the famous Type 56 Assault Rifle RPG-7, MAT-49, SKS Carbine and many, many more for the Vietcong. Explore the faithfully recreated maps, featuring famous Vietnamese jungles or rolling hills, as well as different cities, U.S. firebases or rice fields. Those who played previous Rising Storm titles will appreciate the similar battle mechanics, responsible for an engaging FPS gameplay. Analogically to the previous games, the core Rising Storm 2: Vietnam gameplay focuses on the multiplayer experience. An intense tactical action game for up to 64 players simply guarantees great fun! Choose your character and join the battlefield with a unique set of skills and tactical advantages such as artillery barrages, napalm strikes, constructing traps, ambushes and more. Find out the new unit management system, where the players can form units, while their leaders have a considerable military and administrative privileges, like summoning an artillery cannonade or deleting and inviting new team members respectively. Check out your statistics for the round at the end of the battle, as all the players are being summarized. Once you earn points, you will be able to customize your character’s appearance.
COVID-19’s toll on the elderly and older Americans’ growing desire to age in place at home have created far-reaching opportunities for home health. At the same time, pandemic restrictions coupled with a traditional home care mindset may prevent some agencies from fully benefiting from this moment. What follows are five key areas where forward-thinking home health agencies can pivot from pre-pandemic approaches to a more modern, efficient and profitable ‘new normal.’ Use these strategies to engage new prospects and caregivers AND strengthen connections with existing clients, patients and their families. Pivot 1: Diversify client base. Instead of relying on their usual clients and institutions, agencies should think outside the box. That requires preparing themselves for emerging models of home care. The good news is that home-based healthcare referrals are on the rise. In fact, a William Blair survey found that 81% of physicians responsible for discharge planning now prefer to refer patients to a home health agency versus a skilled nursing facility (SNF). In another example, the newly launched Mayo Clinic advanced care hospital-at-home model provides care for patients with advanced conditions previously managed in a hospital. Also, as elective surgeries resume, more patients will require rehabilitative home care in lieu of an SNF stay. And as businesses reopen, opportunities exist for home health agencies to staff COVID-19 screening and testing programs. Responsibilities include temperature screenings, disinfection and other tasks. Ultimately, client and industry diversity will create long-term prospects for agencies and improve revenue streams. Pivot 2: Embrace Digital Marketing. Even for home health agencies who swear by traditional marketing, the pandemic necessitates a shift to digital marketing. This applies to sales and recruiting as well as fostering client and patient connections. In fact, one Florida home health provider warned that “Agencies who don’t adopt digital marketing will fall behind. They will miss the thousands of potential leads from people electronically searching for ‘home care services near me.’” Here are a few examples of digital marketing: - Social media posts - Virtual video tours - E-mail newsletters and texting - Website refreshes to include blogs, COVID-19 resources, and health and wellness information Important: align all digital and sales channels with a common message: During a pandemic, a patient’s home is the safest place to be. Pivot 3: Inventory workforce skills. ‘Home-as-hospital’ models like the Mayo Clinic’s and the SNF-to-home diversion trend mentioned above raise critical questions for agencies. For example, do current caregivers possess the complex skill set to care for patients with advanced conditions? Patients who will likely need dialysis, wound care, and ostomies in the home? If not, agencies should expand longstanding recruitment criteria. This will help them to locate the most desirable candidates to fill those eventual referrals. Pivot 4: Accept the ‘virtual’ reality. Quarantine and social distancing have canceled face-to-face encounters for the moment. Consequently, agencies who haven’t added Zoom, Facetime, GrandPad, and iPads to their tech arsenal should do so STAT. Employ these virtual tools for team meetings, candidate pre-screening and onboarding, and client outreach. Consider conducting virtual sales visits with prospective clients and offering socially distanced family visits to patients. Also, at a time when infection fears are high, install software to remotely document caregivers’ and patients’ daily health and temperatures. Finally, don’t overlook telehealth as a safe, socially distanced alternative to some in-person home health visits. Physicians and other health professionals are now seeing 50 to 175 times the number of patients via telehealth than they did pre-pandemic, according to a McKinsey & Company survey. Assure caregivers that remote monitoring of patients doesn’t replace the caregiver but rather supports them. Pivot 5: Leverage relationships. Remember, we’re all in this together and have weathered challenging periods before. As home health plans its pandemic pivots, remember that Mobile Health is a trusted occupational health partner. Our electronic medical records, Client Portal, next-day appointments at 2,700+ clinic and urgent care locations nationwide, and rapid test results will help agencies recruit and retain the talent they’ll need to compete as a valued home healthcare player.
Discover many highlight scenics of Halong & Lanha bay. ERA LUXURY 5* vessel, one of Lan Ha Bay luxury cruises, accommodating elegant interior and spacious ensuite cabins. ERA luxury cruise, design with the utmost comfort, will definitely bring the most relaxing moment to any guest onboard. The bar and restaurant gives marvelous seaview, elegant space and a great sundeck of roof top will give you alot space for relax and sunbath. All room are equipped modern facilities, private ensuite bathroom, big windows, air-condition. This two days one night cruising excursion will take you discover the most beautiful scenics includes a kayaking exploration through stalagmite hidden caves. The cruise does not only take you through thousands of stunning sceneries but also offer many teasty seafood cuisines and a great sunset party. ERA Cruise will definitely makes you an impressing and unforgetable night of a lifetime. - Day 1: Bus pick up and drive to haiphong, west of the bay. Boarding the boat for a spectacularly cruise and experience a kayaking exploration. Experience a fabullous night aboard on the bay. - Day 2: Enjoy a ranquility sunrise exercise then cruise further to the south for a kayaking exploration discover some staglamite hidden caves. Back boat for lunch and heading back habour then drive back Hanoi ABOUT ERA VESSEL ERA LUXURY 5* vessel boasting state-of-the-art contemporary design features and equipped modern facilities, comfortable and spacious seaview room. Take a minutes to check out ERA's facilities and services available. The Era Fitness Center enables you to enjoy your leisure time using the latest facilities while you maintain and build your fitness. Relax, rejuvenate and enrich your mind, body and spirit with the most comprehensive fitness and wellness offerings at sea. Medical Care Service In the unfortunate event that you might require medical attention while aboard one of our vessels, Medical Center staff are available to assist 24 hours a day. Local medical facilities however may be limited in some ports of call. The comfortable cruise reception lounge is exclusively reserved for our customers. Era Cruise's reception is happy to provide you with all the information you need to truly experience the delights of Cat Ba and take advantage of all we have to offer on the cruise. All the members of our professional, attentive reception staff focus on making your stay a success. Feel free to ask the helpful and enthusiastic staff for any suggestions or tips. Galaxy Coffee Lounge Located on the Lower Deck with a spectacular and vast ocean view, the Galaxy Coffee Lounge is spacious and comfortable and the perfect spot to unwind or chat with friends. Designed with a stylish interior built with a stunning range of materials, the lounge staff with be happy to indulge you with cups of aromatic tea, gourmet coffee and conversation. Era Cruises Restaurant Era Restaurant provides our clients a uniquely personal style of dining. With seating for 45 diners, our upscale restaurant serves exceptional menus including a range of seasonal à la carte dishes, delicious BBQ and a wide ranging buffet. Era Restaurant is situated on the top deck and offers spectacular views of the ocean, while simultaneously boasting an intimate ambiance that allows for an exceptional gastronomic experience. You will be treated to flattering candlelight, exotic flowers and an incomparable view under the sparkling stars of Lan Ha Bay. Our restaurant provides a faultless setting for relaxed gatherings with friends, romantic meals, birthdays or anniversaries. Our team guarantee to deliver flawless customer service and impeccable meals prepared from only the freshness ingredients. Shop and Lobby Our Shop and Lobby boasts jaw-dropping interior design with high-end amenities to make you feel welcome and stimulate your more creative impulses. We invite our guests to indulge their artistic impulses and create amazing works of art or simply take a short break after a long day of sightseeing. Our Skyline bar is the ultimate venue for a bite to eat with a glass of wine or an exotic cocktail. You can enjoy your evening’s refreshment either on the stern of the cruise ship overlooking the beauty of peaceful Lan Ha Bay or at our inviting indoor bar. A vast assortment of cocktails, local and international beers, and wine will keep the conversation flowing late into the night. Try our Era cocktails for a fun and energizing spin on a classic or one of our wide range of delicious non-alcoholic beverages. Our attentive service staff will ensure a great night out is had by all. Starry Mini Cinema With a full length window offering an oceanic view of the starry sky, our entertainment center contains 30 soft plush luxury seats equipped with a the latest super-size LED screen so you can sit back and take in the latest releases in unrivaled comfort. This entertainment center also functions as an impressive convention space for meetings, events, and private parties. When you arrive at our luxurious Ocean Spa you will be met with the delicate scent of herbs and our accommodating staff. It is the perfect place to relax and revitalize your body and soul while receiving one of a range of massages from our fully trained team of technicians. We are proud to ensure the pinnacle of inner-peace as you explore the revitalizing steam rooms and saunas, and the tranquility of the massage center. Treatments available include body therapy, slimming massage, facial care, body wellness, foot care, and nail spa. The incredibly spacious Rooftop Sundeck covers 395sqm and is a favorite venue among our guests to witness unforgettable sunsets over the bay or lay back on the sun berths for stunning star-gazing. It provides a mini-golf course and sun lounge for guests to enjoy a book or a drink or to simply relax and sunbathe. It’s a peerless place to meet fellow passengers, share travel stories and witness the perfect panoramic views of the stunning bay. It is no exaggeration to say that Era Cruise is a modern masterpiece floating on the magnificent majesty of Halong Bay – the pride of North Vietnam. We are sure after your stay with us, you will agree with our slogan: “Sophisticated - Elegant – Luxury” All ERA’s cabins have big windows and well equipped modern facilities: Air Conditioning, Mini Bar, Refrigerator, Seating Area, Satellite/cable Tv, Safety Vault, Toiletries, Hair Dryer, Shower, Jacuzzi Bathtub, Balcony. - There are 6 room located on the first and second deck. This room is 47sqm and equipped 2 single beds or 1 double bed. Max capacity stay 2 adult and 1 childern with an extra mattress. OCEAN VIEW FAMILY SUITE - There are 2 room located on the third floor. This room is 38sqm and equipped 01 double bed and 1 single bed. Max capacity stay 3 adult and 1 childern with an extra mattress. KING TERRACE SUITE - There are 8 rooms located on the first and second deck. This room is 52sqm and equipped a king size double bed. Max capacity stay 2 adult and 1 childern with an extra mattress. GARDEN-SEA FAMILY SUITE - There are 2 rooms located on perfectly position in second floor. This room is 55sqm and equipped one double bed and one single bed. Max capacity stay 4 adult and 1 childern with an extra mattress. THE ERA SUITE - There are 2 rooms located on the best location of second deck. This room is 74sqm and equipped a king size double bed. Max capacity stay 2 adult and 1 childern with an extra mattress. - Ba Trai Dao DAY 1: HANOI - HAIPHONG Pickup at your hotel around 9.00 so please be ready at the lobby beacuse of the busy street. This 130km journey drive on express highway so you won’t be tired because we take a confortable modern deluxe vehicle but anyway we stop for a rest on the way. On arrival Got habour by 12:30 take a tander transfer to ERA Vessel. Welcome aboard and enjoy a complimentary drink before check in. Our cruise team set the itinerary as we will cruise on the thousand island journey among hundreds of marvelous scenics. A special lunch of fresh seafood and an assortment of appetizing delicacies is ready so just sit back and enjoy while the boat cruising deep inside the bay to the east then anchors in the middle of the bay where you can look over to halong and baitulong. Next, experience a kayaking excursion discover the three peaches laggon where you can take a rest on an isolated beach. Next, relax and enjoy the sightseeing as the vessel cruise on to the evening accommodation. Sea breeze and salt air will soon increase your taste for fun while sipping on an ice cool drink and enjoy the picturesque scenery as the sun slip away in hue of red and orange. Experience a special cooking demonstration skill as our chief prepare the delicious dinner which will make you an unforgettable. Next, teast them all and don't forget to vote for the chief. Evening, your choice to retire in your room or enjoy some entertaintment such as watch movies, try squid fishing DAY 2: MORE CRUISE - RETURN HANOI Early morning is the best time of the day to admir bay's beauty. You might like to head to the upper deck to participate a Tai Chi lession or sitback sipping a cup of tea, coffee to contemplate this stunning scenery. Enjoy a light breakfast of pastries, tea and coffee then prepare for a cave exploration. Next, we will take you discover an art masterpiece nature gift to this area. So, just sitback, inhale the sea breeze and experience the mysterious beauty while locals paddling the traditional sampan through several stalagmite caves and placid lagoons where you might see some different kind of corals and wild animals like monkey and langurs. Afterwards, back to the ship to continue the exploration so just sitback inhale the sea breeze as our crew set the itinerary cruise the similar yesterday route back to mainland. 9.30 check out and enjoy a tasty bruch lunch before heading back to habour. The cruise ends at 11.30 then take a tander transfer to habour where bus pick up drive back hanoi. Arrive early in Hanoi at around 3.00pm. - Cruise itinerary subject to change due to weather condition. - You must bring a valid passport for overnight registeration. - Vegetarian would be arranged requiring an andvance informed. - Please note that all alcohol bring onboard will be charged for service fee. - Pick up time will be about 9.00 around the Old Quater area only. Please be ready at your hotel lobby and wait for us because we can't come in time. - If you intent to visit Ninh Binh which considering as a must visit destination. We can arrange bus go direct from habour instep of going back hanoi.
There’s barely a handful of fully bespoke tailors left in Australia but, having polished his craft on London’s Savile Row, Rhys Twist is preserving the tradition. “Bespoke” has become one of the most misunderstood words in the English language. Today we’re offered “bespoke vacations”, “bespoke cocktails”, even “bespoke pornography” (a growth area in California apparently). Endlessly misappropriated, “bespoke” has turned into a marketing catch-all that’s wheeled out for the flimsiest degree of personal modification. Yet in its true context of tailoring, the promise of bespoke is a wondrous thing. Essentially, what it denotes is a garment that is constructed totally from scratch and made for you and you alone. Mercilessly labour-intensive and highly skilled, it reflects the pinnacle of the tailoring profession. As a bespoke tailor, Rhys Twist is therefore a rarity. The 31-year-old served apprenticeships at J.H Cutler and Valentini in Sydney, before a stint at Oscar Hunt and then heading over to Savile Row. Now back in Australia, operating under the name Twisty The Tailor, Rhys put down his shears to reflect on his craft. After Coronavirus, I think people are going to be a lot more cautious of where they’re spending their money. Hopefully that shifts people’s perception from quantity to quality and encourages them to invest in well-made garments that actually last. Perhaps there’ll be a little more appreciation for what actually goes into a garment as opposed to purchasing something mass-produced off the rack. That’s my hope anyway, but time will only tell. I also wonder if Covid-19 will make people start wanting to dress up a little bit more. Speaking in the middle of COVID, everyone’s working from home, they’re wearing sweatpants and casual gear most of the time. The TV host Jimmy Kimmel recently started this initiative called “Formal Fridays” that turns the idea of Casual Fridays on it’s head. Everyone dresses up in a suit to then go and work at their kitchen table. It’s certainly an interesting idea. My earliest inspiration for tailoring came from watching old tap-dancing films, particularly Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. It all grew from there. There’s a scene in Singin’ in the Rain, where Gene Kelly is wearing high-waisted, grey flannel trousers with a white collared shirt and a burgundy knitted jumper and he’s just walking around with such grace and elegance. I remember seeing it and thinking: ‘’That’s definitely where I want to be at.” It used to be the art and construction that I loved about tailoring, but now it’s more mathematical. I love seeing how we take the measurements of a three-dimensional figure and then calculate how to translate them into a 2-D pattern. That involves trigonometry, geometry, sometimes even a little bit of algebra. It’s highly technical, but that whole synthesis really inspires me now. I love watching that whole process unfold, from the client initially coming in to pick out his cloth to watching him try on the garment for the last time. That moment is the final tick at the very end of the journey that we all work towards. Every man should have at least three suits in his cupboard. I would definitely suggest a navy blue suit - you can wear that for business, casually or to weddings. A black suit is another all-rounder, a bit like a lady’s little black dress. After that a grey or charcoal suit can also be fairly versatile. From there, you can go into something a little bit more jazzy like, say, a Prince of Wales check. But my three top picks to start off a suit wardrobe would always be a blue, black and grey. I still remember the first sports coat I had made. I commissioned it from one of my old teachers. It’s quite a heavy Donegal tweed that’s navy blue herringbone. When I put it on, it was incomparable to anything I’d ever worn before. As it’s made for you, the drape is just so comfortable, the jacket moves along with you like it’s stuck to your back. It remains one of my most prized possessions and still fits remarkably well. When you’re seeing a tailor for a suit, it certainly helps if you have some sort of mental image of colour and shape from the outset. Have a Google, look through magazines, sniff about. Figure out if there’s a style or silhouette that you particularly like. Most of the technicalities - like pocket shape and lapels - you can talk them through with your tailor and they can guide you forward. But if you’ve got no idea about colour it can feel overwhelming. Your tailor will have access to thousands of cloths to choose from, so you could be rifling though the swatch books for literally hours. There’s generally three types of fit - slim fit, regular fit and classic fit – that relate to waist suppression and the general boxiness of the garment. But within those parameters, every tailor will have their own silhouette they’ve developed over the years. There are great variations in the way that garments are cut to exemplify and hide different features of the body. On Savile Row, for example, Huntsman has a wide shoulder with a broad lapel that cinches into a really narrow waist and then flairs back out. That’s completely different to other houses on Savile Row. If I’m going away, I always take a pair of grey pleated slacks and a blue blazer. The versatility of those two garments alone is endless. You can dress them up or down depending on the occasion. The pinnacle of menswear for me would be art deco from the mid ‘20 to the early 30s. Everybody dressed properly back then and wore a hat and a three-piece suit. For me, that’s definitely when men dressed best. If you’re considering bespoke, you need to be aware of the cost. Otherwise, people can feel a little bit shell-shocked. Bear in mind what’s going into the garment. You’re buying something that is made just for you with your specifications in mind from start to finish plus you also have complete creative control. What you’re investing in is that process, as well as the craftsmanship of the tailor and his years of experience. The specific cost really depends on who you go to, the different levels of construction and the quality of the cloth (it’ll be far superior to anything you’d find on the rack). But as a ballpark guide, you’re probably looking around $3000 for the jacket and anything north of $1200 for the trouser. What nationality of men are the best dressed? In my personal opinion, you can’t go past the English for cut, construction and silhouette. But when it comes to sheer panache, it’s got to be the Italians. If you would like to learn more about Rhys’ services or to book in a time with the man himself for a bespoke piece you can do this by contacting our showrooms.
Remuneration: R15000 per month Cost to company Location: Cape Town, Gardens, CBD Education level: Diploma Job level: Mid Own transport required: Yes Our small digital agency is looking for a social media and community manager. Do you have your finger on the pulse of what’s working in social media and what isn’t? Can you write excellently in a range of styles? Are you thoughtful, creative, meticulous and resourceful?
bigredmanny- At last year’s USA powerlifting Raw Nationals I had to leave early for a conference, which meant missing out on optimusprime_334 becoming the first man to squat over 1000 lbs I Equipped, en route to a higher total than anyone else regardless of federation or drug testing. I’m sure many were disappointed that no new records were broken today, but I finally got the chance to see a 1000+ lb Squat in person. This 467.5 kg/1030 lb Squat was 11.5 kg/25.3 lbs heavier than that milestone lift from Atlanta, and this was only a 2nd Attempt! And the 1082.5 kg/2386.4 lb Total he did today, while less than his best, was still more than that historic day in Atlanta. Second video 490Kg (1080lb) attempt. From Big Ray " I had this lift and failed will haunt me til March"
The City of Newport will resume a pavement project on KY 1892 (Carothers Road) starting Monday when utility barrier walls will be placed. The Covington City Commission unanimously passed a resolution on Tuesday night endorsing the passage of House Bill 171, a piece of legislation before the General Assembly that aims to protect gays The Newport Business Association held its annual meeting and awards presentation on Wednesday. Six awards were handed out. The six shark ray pups born at the Newport Aquarium have all died. Newport Mayor Jerry Peluso was getting in his pick-up truck when he saw a brown paper bag in the bed. The Black-n-Bluegrass Roller Girls will be back in action this spring for its seventh season. UPDATE (11:38 A.M.): Hollingsworth has been captured by Newport Police. Newport Aquarium announced Tuesday the addition of Turtle Canyon, a new exhibit set to open to the public on March 22. Three men are behind bars after police caught them allegedly stealing beer from the Kroger in Newport. It's Only Fair is moving from Newport's Monmouth Street to Covington's Mainstrasse Village. The Newport City Commission meets Monday for its regular caucus session. Three Newport firefighters were promoted last week. Real estate site Movoto has listed the fifteen best places to live in Kentucky using a formula based on total amenities, quality of life, total crimes, tax rates, unemployment rate, commute time, a
- Get Directions - (812) 425-1041 Want to know what’s happening at Riverwalk? View our calendars below to see the latest events, activities, and field trips! All the events at Riverwalk, at your fingertips.View Calendar See our daily activities, schedules and field trips.View Calendar If you really want to see why Riverwalk Communities is the best adult-care facility in the tri-state area, hear it from the people who know best. Read what our residents and their families have to say. Elderly and disabled adults can have daily independence [here]. Assisted Living offers 24-hour care, and Adult Day Care gets adults out of the house and socializing. No other facility in the tri-state area offers what we do. My husband was a very vibrant, active person. He had a major heart attack, multiple bypasses; a portion of the heart is no longer functioning. While he was recuperating he had a major stroke. He’s had two minor strokes since that time. It affected his short-term memory. It was our intention for him to go [to adult day care] a couple of days a week, just to get him interacting with other people and to give me a break. He now goes five days a week because he wants to go. It really has made a tremendous difference in him and it has freed up my days. You go some places and you find babysitting. And that isn’t the case at Riverwalk.
The independent voice of Newcastle United since 1988 Get your daily update and weekly newsletter by signing up today! The wheels continue to turn slowly but surely towards towards the Newcastle United takeover and the end of Mike Ashley at St James Park. With formal confirmation / approval set… Mike Ashley is now in his thirteenth season at Newcastle United. A generation of fans having now grown up knowing nothing else but this particular owner at the football club…. This favoured journalist is making it a habit of publishing leaked letters on behalf of Mike Ashley… Brighton fans comments – Confused about Newcastle United team, fans and Steve Bruce… Huge problems at Newcastle United and Steve Bruce is so limited but this is the main cause Steve Bruce reveals what his cunning plan was to combat Brighton threat Mike Ashley allows Steve Bruce £100m net spending on Newcastle United signings Steve Bruce says dubious Brighton penalty and bizarre explanation for Andy Carroll selection
03 settembre 2020 3 Successful Digital Transformation Lessons Pubblicato il 23.03.2020 Despite the hype around the term 'digital transformation', a 2017 survey revealed that only 50% of companies are successfully executing on their digital transformation strategies despite demonstrated efforts and investments. This alarming percentage of companies failing to meet their digital KPIs could be improved by considering some important factors when creating a digital transformation plan. For companies, ensuring a digital transformation effort produces successful results, including increased customer experience and engagement, improved operational efficiency and agility, reduction in costs, increased revenue margins and increased collaboration between teams and functions, here are three tips that proved to be imperative for Britam’s digital transformation success. 1. Understand Who Your Audience Is Knowing your audience and their behavior patterns is crucial before implementing any digital transformation plans. By carrying out this research when building your digital strategy, you can uncover invaluable insights about your target market. A 2017 BT survey revealed that 81% of consumers want organizations to offer a choice of channels to meet their needs. These findings only reinforce the necessity for companies to implement digital transformation strategies in 2020. In order to meet changing customer demands and expectations, companies need to incorporate an omnichannel strategy that features mobile accessibility as part of their larger digital transformation strategy. 2. Make User Experience a Priority According to PWC, providing a good customer experience literally pays off. Customers are willing to pay up to 16% more and are more likely to try additional services and products from businesses that provide exceptional customer experiences. Customers value convenience and self-service when interacting digitally with your business. For example, 70% of app users prefer user functionality over the “look and feel” of an app. If your business values customer service then good user experience (UX) is the key. By prioritizing user experience when setting out on your digital transformation journey, you can massively impact the adoption rate by your customers. Impressive UX designs mean customers can decide what they want on the spot and tailor products and services to fit their needs at the touch of a button. Thanks to this, customers make decisions quicker and sales close faster, which in turn generates revenue for businesses more efficiently. 73% of online customers liked the control that digital self-service tools gave them, but 92% experienced problems using these tools. 3. Future Proof Your Business In a time where change seems to be the only constant, is it actually possible for businesses to be future proof? Many organizations worldwide have followed trends pertaining to their respective industries. However, most of these companies fail to evolve on familiar formulas that have already been established. Flexibility, integration and scalability are crucial if your organization wants to strive in the ever-evolving business environment. Companies have realized early on that their customer expectations are being driven by digital experiences in non-digital industries. They adapted to the changing times in order to become and to remain competitive. By creating a strategy that prioritizes customer demands and overall customer experience, companies have been able to provide future-proof solutions to solve their digital transformation challenges.
One of the core benefits companies look to achieve with a strong combined CRM and BI solution is to optimize business processes. Business Process Optimization (BPO) is the discipline of systematically analyzing transactional processes in an end-to-end business cycle to improve overall efficiency and effectiveness of those processes. Here are the top 5 benefits of business process optimization: 1. Boosting Your Efficiency Efficiency can be crucial to the day to day routine of any employee. Having a process in place that can relieve stress with the automation of tasks will enable employees to be more productive with their time in a given business day. 2. Increased Access to Accurate Information Having a centralized data system where employees can access information at any given time during the day is extremely valuable. Real time accurate data can be the difference between winning and losing a deal. 3. Improved Flexibility Ramp time for a new employee or the reassignment of an existing employee can be long. Being able to act quickly while having a defined process in place can keep that ramp time to a minimum and help to get an employee up and running in a much more effective manner. 4. Producing High-Quality Results In today’s fast paced business world, results speak volumes and quality is of the utmost importance. Results lead to increased revenue, benefiting the employee as well as the business as a whole. 5. Holding Departments Accountable Accountability in the work place provides a structure for results. Proper monitoring and reporting tools can help reduce human error with double data entry as well as simple tasks that may be forgotten. If you’re looking for a strong combined CRM and BI solution which can be a key enabler to optimizing business processes while driving efficiency and effectiveness for your sales and marketing team, please Contact Us. We’d be glad to discuss a potential project with you.
How watching 'Suits' has changed, now that Meghan Markle is almost royal Wedding bells are ringing for Rachel Zane in the midseason premiere of Suits (Wednesday, 9 ET/PT), but I couldn't stop thinking about the royal ones ringing for Meghan Markle. The American actress has been playing Rachel on the legal drama for seven seasons now, but the latest crop of episodes is the first to air since she and Britain's Prince Harry announced in November that they are engaged, and the last to feature Markle and Patrick J. Adams. The royal wedding is set for May 19. Maybe it's because her character is engaged on the show, or because Markle has been stepping out quite a bit with her princely fiancé or that the drama on Suits has grown tired, but I couldn't stop thinking about the royal wedding every time she was on screen. I know this is problematic. Markle is a fine actress, and her worth is not limited to her engagement to a famous man. Still, it's not every day someone marries an honest-to-goodness prince, especially an American woman of color from one of my basic-cable guilty pleasures. So when Rachel discussed her vows with Mike Ross (Adams) and said, "The wedding: It’s going to be here before we know it," who can blame me for wondering about who will design her real-life dress? What celebrities will attend? Will the Suits cast pull up to the palace? Rachel doesn't have a huge role in the opener, which focuses on the fallout from Jessica's (Gina Torres) disbarment and the romantic tension between Donna (Sarah Rafferty) and Harvey (Gabriel Macht). But she sweeps in to save Mike from making a bad deal for his client, and affirms her commitment to their upcoming nuptials. Because she and Adams are ready to depart, the premiere seems to set up a path for them to leave the firm together to focus on each other, mirroring her real life. Although it's weird to see its main couple leave, Suits will go on. The Donna and Harvey drama is already more central than Rachel and Mike's. And USA has already made the high-profile move of casting Katherine Heigl for Season 8. Soon, I'll be able to obsess about Markle's royal ventures all on their own, but I'll never forget where I knew her first.
Enjoy peace of mind with flexible options to change or cancel your trip. If your check-in date is at least 30 days away, you can reschedule your trip, cancel and receive 100% of the cost as a Future Stay Credit, or cancel for a refund (minus the booking fee). Professional housekeepers clean and stock each home, using an EPA-approved disinfectant. Each trip is backed by 24/7 customer support and local teams everywhere we operate. Many Vacasa homes use smart locks or lockboxes for a smooth, contactless check-in. It's all about the view at this Gulf front rental on the Pandhandle! Prepare meals in your full kitchen, put your feet up and breathe in the salty sea air from your private, furnished balcony, or head downstairs and experience all the on-site, resort amenities including a large, heated pool, fitness room, outdoor grilling area, and convenient beach access. While the beach is just steps from your rental, you'll find even more opportunities for fun in the sun at places like the Track where you can hop in a go-kart, play mini-golf, or brave the SkyFlyer, located right across the road. Race down some incredible water slides at Big Kahuna's Water & Adventure Park, less than a mile west. Or head to Henderson Beach State Park, a mile-and-a-half east, where you can hike the nature trail, do a little fishing, or relax on the warm sands. Things to know: Full kitchen with a dishwasher Central air conditioning Elevator in the building Parking on-site (parking passes included) Snowbird-friendly! Please contact us for special rates. * You must be at least 25 years of age to book this property. A damage waiver, covering up to $2,000 of accidental damage to the property or its contents, is included in the cost of your reservation. You must be 25 years or older to rent this property.
The Wadden Sea is the world’s largest unbroken system of intertidal sand and mud flats in the world. A vast area along the coastline of three countries, it is best experienced one region at a time. This section gives you an introduction and an overview on the many features worth a visit in the Wadden Sea World Heritage. During your visit to the Wadden Sea take some time to learn more about the site’s secrets at one of the many visitor centres. Our interactive map shows where these centers can be found. Explore area by area Below you can explore the different sub-areas of the Wadden Sea: in Denmark, in the German Federal States Schleswig-Holstein as well as Lower Saxony and Hamburg, and in the Netherlands.
you stepped inside the house and closed the door, turning to face an angry gyuni standing with her arms crossed over sheer black lingerie. carefully you walked up to her, forcing a innocent smile while reaching over and pushing her glasses up on her nose. "honey I'm home." she rolled her eyes and pointed at the clock ticking on the wall. each second making a clicking sound that bounced off the walls. eventually you gave up the sweetness act."okay so I swear I wasn't working late. today wasn't even my fault. my car broke down and I had to get someone else to bring me back to my honey." you tried your best to switch on your loving voice, the one you used when you wanted to get out of trouble with your fiancé. smiling up at gyuni, you gave her an apologetic hug, squeezing until she started to laugh."alright bighead get off, I'm not mad anymore." pulling away you nodded."good." "just go upstairs and change, I'll warm up some food and bring it up." she waved you off upstairs. looking around, you were trying to find which door was the one you were supposed to go in, opening doors that would potentially scar you for life. still you found the bedroom with clothes laid out and you slip them on. nothing revealing like your friend but comfy in its own right. she brought you leggings and a tube top. once you were dressed you took a look around the room, it had a romantic vibe to it. everything had a low tint of red and you could smell rose. but that scent was quickly covered by the delicious smell of savory dinner approaching closer. gyuni appeared with two plates, walking over to you and offering you one. "sit on that side of the bed." she tells you while walking to the other side, setting her plate on the night stand and taking the time to collect her hair into a ponytail. you watch, mesmerized as it bounced."ish you have such long hair it's ridiculous. cut some off and give it to me." laughing, she shook her head, taking her plate in her lap."never. I only look good with glasses because of my hair." "you remind me of those teachers in shoujo animes." you took a fork of your kimchi and shoved it in your mouth. "ew the ones with the tight blouses that I know are not their size?" you shook your head, trying to keep from laughing so you wouldn't choke. "I've never met a teacher that looks like that, you're like the closest thing." "except I have a realistically proportioned body—you don't see me walking around like a stick with two coconuts shoved down my shirt with highlighter smeared on them." you shook your head, literally imagined two coconuts with highlighter and shimmering in the caribbean sun. slowly the joking died down and you both continued to eat. every now and then gyuni would get up and bring napkins or a drink. "It's been a while since I had a sleepover, kinda forgot how to do these things." she admits. moving her empty plate to the nightstand and wiping her face. "I know usually there's a bunch of snacking, movie watching, then we studied because our life goal was to try to get into the same college..then if we weren't asleep we'd talk about boys." it fell silent for a minute as you bit down on your fork, leaving teeth marks in it the harder you bit. then you felt a soft hand touch your shoulder and you stop."do you want to talk about boys?" her voice soft in your ear. you shook your head but didn't speak. you knew what would happen if you tried. "I don't have to talk..I can just listen." she offers, taking your plate away and turning you to face her. "I know it's hard..but things will improve. we can always look on the brightest side of the sun...we're spending more time together and making more memories. friendships last a long time you know?" she squeezed your fingers and you forced a tug on your lips. "you know we'd go blind looking at the sun." you tried to lighten the mood and she offered a sympathetic smile. carefully she reached over and started to run her fingers through your hair until you started to slump onto her shoulder. as you started to drift you heard her mumble. "I'll make sure you're happy again. that traitor will be nothing but a foggy memory...you'll question if he ever even existed or if it was just a dream."
Our skin care beauty spa offers a variety of services that include. Visit us https://t.co/sysNMTBCZi Book your appointment today - Call us at (619) 495-2904 or visit our website to book online! #waxingbyceleste #waxingspa #skincarespa #sugarwaxing #s Waxing and Skincare by Celeste We are a top rated waxing spa in San Diego County. Please visit our website to find out more.
I’ve been stuck in a conundrum about how to prepare for 2017. I wanted to enjoy the Christmas season and live in the moment. I also want to spend an appropriate amount of time reflecting on the past year, and an equally appropriate amount of time preparing for the new. The latter two activities definitely clash with the general “living in the moment” mindset that Christmas spirit requires. When am I supposed to do all of this? I debated spending the entire month of December focused on Christmas, and the entire month of January on New Year’s preparations. That would give me enough time to live into both holidays, but completely bypasses the emotional power of the turning of the calendar. We just can’t have that. Thus my current solution: I’ll dive wholeheartedly into Christmas through December 25th. Starting on the 26th, New Year’s prep is ON. I’ve got 6 total days before the new year hits to complete all of my traditional activities. Let’s go. Mandi’s Annual New Year’s Traditions Every single year, I go through a long process to prepare for January 1st. I spend days reflecting by rereading journals from the past year, going through planners, and reviewing my social media accounts. I love remembering the year as a whole, and these activities help me remember what I may have forgotten. After I’ve completed this sometimes-upsetting task (depending on the year), I start in on my analysis. I reflect on the past year as a whole and I put together the highlights in my journal in one long list. What big things happened in 2016 that really impacted me? I usually try to have this exercise be positive, if I can. Then I write a separate list of lessons I learned in the past year. Now comes the goal-setting time. I first brainstorm a list of 1, 3, and 5 year goals for myself. I tend to do this every year, but I’ve also wondered if I should only do it every 5? So that I have time to complete my goals? The thought was too meta, so I just decided to do it yearly. I also select three or fewer big resolutions that will help to guide my focus. I’ll take my resolutions and break them down into action items that can be easily crossed off. I’m a bit into setting goals. No judgment. Finally, I do some manifesting work. I’ve really loved keeping a mantra and/or word for each of the past years. My word of the year for 2014 was “Serendipity,” and living into that word brought me so much joy. My mantra for 2016 was “No mud, no lotus.” This saying played on repeat in my head and got me through graduation and into the real world. In 2017, I’d like to select a word and a mantra to stay focused on. I’ll be going crazy this week getting all of these activities completed in time for the New Year. Wish me luck! What are your New Year’s traditions? Do you set resolutions? I’d love to hear about any reflection practices you engage in– fill me in in the comments below. I’m wishing you all a happy New Year’s preparation week! “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard
Tech titan Lenovo is officially the first manufacturer to receive the new breed of AMD’s Ryzen Threadripper processors built for powering workstation PCs. The Lenovo ThinkStation P620 will carry the new processor, which boasts of 64 cores in a single CPU socket. The Threadripper Pro chip alone reveals that the P620 workstation is on the more expensive side of the price spectrum, retailing for $3,990 or around P196,846.65. In earlier statements, AMD also hinted that the processor is intended for video and content editors. Having 64 cores and 128 processor threads alone is a feat in itself, challenging the Xeon CPUs from Intel. The standard for a single-CPU system used to be maxed at 18 cores, while rare dual-processor systems support 56 cores. The P620 exceeds the core count seen in two-processor systems with just a single CPU socket. With this amount of raw power, users will be able to stream 8K quality content in real-time and achieve reduced render times, process simulation solving in an extremely short amount of time, quicken assembly rebuilds, and smoothen interactivity with 3D assets. This is made possible by the Threadripper Pro’s support system — two NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000 or four RTX 4000 graphics cards, up to 512GB DDR4 RAM at a frequency of 3200MHz by using eight 64GB DIMM units, a motherboard derived from the AMD 2019 Premium Chipset BXB-B, and six drives comprised of two 2TB M.2 PCIe SSDs and four HDDs. A 1000W power supply unit at 92% efficiency will be providing juice for all this muscle and the entire rig will be air-cooled, a cooling system that can be a hit or miss when used on such a demanding hardware compared to a liquid-cooling setup. The Lenovo ThinkStation P620 is scheduled to be released globally on September this year. The processors to be released include the Threadripper Pro 3995WX, Threadripper Pro 3975WX, Threadripper Pro 3955WX, and the Threadripper Pro 3945WX.
Professional Woodworker Router Bit Set (75-Piece). Professional Woodworker is a brand which features high end woodworking power tools and accessories including; power drills, cordless drills, routers, and woodworking accessories.The brand is widely recognized as a premium brand by carpenters, hobbyists, wood workers, and others who are serious about their woodworking tools and equipment. This set includes 75 bits. Comes in durable containment case. Perfect, economical, all-purpose set for your woodworking hobby. Anti-kickback design of this professional woodworker router bit set reduces over feeding and splintering. Blade of each bit is made of tungsten carbide steel and the body of each bit is made of high carbon steel. Amount and diversity of the bits in this set makes this item well equipped for a wide range of projects and repairs. California residents see Prop 65 WARNINGS. : 2.68 Product Height in.: 13.78 Bit Material: Other Individual/Set: Set Number of Pieces: 75 Returnable: 30-Day Router/planer type: Straight Self-Feeding: No Shank Style: Straight Tools Product Type: Power Tool. We will provide free return label if the item is defective. We will try to respond your every query. Our customer care is strong and very responsive. Our working hours are from GMT 03:00 to 12:00. Once you have received your item, please leave feedback for us as this will inform us that you have received your items. The item "Professional Woodworker Router Bit Set 75-Piece Shank Straight Power Tool" is in sale since Thursday, October 31, 2019. This item is in the category "Home & Garden\Tools & Workshop Equipment\Power Tool & Air Tool Accessories\Router Bits". The seller is "ace_kyproducts" and is located in Lexington, Kentucky. This item can be shipped worldwide.
Added by Edwin Posted on December 13, 2017 at 9:00pm — 49 Comments Join Time No Longer Well, someone DID warn him to this effect: Mueller should have just kept his mouth shut Ah, thanks Edwin i saw him following on both. Bahahahahahaha, how did i miss this wee gem? Buckley Wolfe. Q uite the likeness. Think [mirror] Happy Birthday, Edwin Aw ya friended me Edwin. Thanks. Picture=troubling, yea, that escalated quickly. Hope it's all good in the cloud. 45, stay alive. Then Lynn was like: View All Comments Welcome toTime No Longer Sign Upor Sign In © 2020 Created by Cyprium. Report an Issue | Terms of Service Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator.
Scarred Mind - Heavy Mental (Worship Records, 2012) - Damn, this ep is soooo good! Scarred Mind delivers some dope tracks on their debut 7” ep Heavy Mental. Crunchy and sharp hardcore with a slight metallic sound that moves forward while managing to stay true to its roots. They combine elements from different eras and styles hardcore, but most of all it’s about that rugged and raw style everyone loves. You can hear influences from classics like Leeway, Cro-Mags or Killing Time and where I come from, that ain’t no bad thing. What I like is that Scarred Mind do their thing with ease and they do it very well. The band keeps things sharp and on point most of the time, but there’s enough melodic leads or fat grooves in it to keep you listening over and over again. The hard-hitting vocals deserve a mention as well as they fit the music perfectly and add the the overall dopeness of the ep. Say what you want, but this is important for a hardcore band to have a vocalist who sounds like he wants to punch you in the face. I wonder why there wasn’t a bigger hype surrounding this record as it is every bit as good as many other acclaimed records of recent times. It has all the energy and depth you would expect from a good hardcore record, and the execution is flawless. Don’t eat for a week if you have to, but buy this record!
"I will make a point of it," said Don Quixote, "and I thank you for the pleasure you have given me by relating so interesting a tale." "Oh," said the goatherd, "I do not know even the half of what has happened to the lovers of Marcela, but perhaps to-morrow we may fall in with some shepherd on the road who can tell us; and now it will be well for you to go and sleep under cover, for the night air may hurt your wound, though with the remedy I have applied to you there is no fear of an untoward result." Sancho Panza, who was wishing the goatherd's loquacity at the devil, on his part begged his master to go into Pedro's hut to sleep. He did so, and passed all the rest of the night in thinking of his lady Dulcinea, in imitation of the lovers of Marcela. Sancho Panza settled himself between Rocinante and his ass, and slept, not like a lover who had been discarded, but like a man who had been soundly kicked. IN WHICH IS ENDED THE STORY OF THE SHEPHERDESS MARCELA, WITH OTHER INCIDENTS Bit hardly had day begun to show itself through the balconies of the east, when five of the six goatherds came to rouse Don Quixote and tell him that if he was still of a mind to go and see the famous burial of Chrysostom they would bear him company. Don Quixote, who desired nothing better, rose and ordered Sancho to saddle and pannel at once, which he did with all despatch, and with the same they all set out forthwith. They had not gone a quarter of a league when at the meeting of two paths they saw coming towards them some six shepherds dressed in black sheepskins and with their heads crowned with garlands of cypress and bitter oleander. Each of them carried a stout holly staff in his hand, and along with them there came two men of quality on horseback in handsome travelling dress, with three servants on foot accompanying them. Courteous salutations were exchanged on meeting, and inquiring one of the other which way each party was going, they learned that all were bound for the scene of the burial, so they went on all together. One of those on horseback addressing his companion said to him, "It seems to me, Senor Vivaldo, that we may reckon as well spent the delay we shall incur in seeing this remarkable funeral, for remarkable it cannot but be judging by the strange things these shepherds have told us, of both the dead shepherd and homicide shepherdess." "So I think too," replied Vivaldo, "and I would delay not to say a day, but four, for the sake of seeing it." Don Quixote asked them what it was they had heard of Marcela and Chrysostom. The traveller answered that the same morning they had met these shepherds, and seeing them dressed in this mournful fashion they had asked them the reason of their appearing in such a guise; which one of them gave, describing the strange behaviour and beauty of a shepherdess called Marcela, and the loves of many who courted her, together with the death of that Chrysostom to whose burial they were going. In short, he repeated all that Pedro had related to Don Quixote. This conversation dropped, and another was commenced by him who was called Vivaldo asking Don Quixote what was the reason that led him to go armed in that fashion in a country so peaceful. To which Don Quixote replied, "The pursuit of my calling does not allow or permit me to go in any other fashion; easy life, enjoyment, and repose were invented for soft courtiers, but toil, unrest, and arms were invented and made for those alone whom the world calls knights-errant, of whom I, though unworthy, am the least of all." The instant they heard this all set him down as mad, and the better to settle the point and discover what kind of madness his was, Vivaldo proceeded to ask him what knights-errant meant. "Have not your worships," replied Don Quixote, "read the annals and histories of England, in which are recorded the famous deeds of King Arthur, whom we in our popular Castilian invariably call King Artus, with regard to whom it is an ancient tradition, and commonly received all over that kingdom of Great Britain, that this king did not die, but was changed by magic art into a raven, and that in process of time he is to return to reign and recover his kingdom and sceptre; for which reason it cannot be proved that from that time to this any Englishman ever killed a raven? Well, then, in the time of this good king that famous order of chivalry of the Knights of the Round Table was instituted, and the amour of Don Lancelot of the Lake with the Queen Guinevere occurred, precisely as is there related, the go-between and confidante therein being the highly honourable dame Quintanona, whence came that ballad so well known and widely spread in our Spain— O never surely was there knight So served by hand of dame, As served was he Sir Lancelot hight When he from Britain came— with all the sweet and delectable course of his achievements in love and war. Handed down from that time, then, this order of chivalry went on extending and spreading itself over many and various parts of the world; and in it, famous and renowned for their deeds, were the mighty Amadis of Gaul with all his sons and descendants to the fifth generation, and the valiant Felixmarte of Hircania, and the never sufficiently praised Tirante el Blanco, and in our own days almost we have seen and heard and talked with the invincible knight Don Belianis of Greece. This, then, sirs, is to be a knight-errant, and what I have spoken of is the order of his chivalry, of which, as I have already said, I, though a sinner, have made profession, and what the aforesaid knights professed that same do I profess, and so I go through these solitudes and wilds seeking adventures, resolved in soul to oppose my arm and person to the most perilous that fortune may offer me in aid of the weak and needy." By these words of his the travellers were able to satisfy themselves of Don Quixote's being out of his senses and of the form of madness that overmastered him, at which they felt the same astonishment that all felt on first becoming acquainted with it; and Vivaldo, who was a person of great shrewdness and of a lively temperament, in order to beguile the short journey which they said was required to reach the mountain, the scene of the burial, sought to give him an opportunity of going on with his absurdities. So he said to him, "It seems to me, Senor Knight-errant, that your worship has made choice of one of the most austere professions in the world, and I imagine even that of the Carthusian monks is not so austere." "As austere it may perhaps be," replied our Don Quixote, "but so necessary for the world I am very much inclined to doubt. For, if the truth is to be told, the soldier who executes what his captain orders does no less than the captain himself who gives the order. My meaning, is, that churchmen in peace and quiet pray to Heaven for the welfare of the world, but we soldiers and knights carry into effect what they pray for, defending it with the might of our arms and the edge of our swords, not under shelter but in the open air, a target for the intolerable rays of the sun in summer and the piercing frosts of winter. Thus are we God's ministers on earth and the arms by which his justice is done therein. And as the business of war and all that relates and belongs to it cannot be conducted without exceeding great sweat, toil, and exertion, it follows that those who make it their profession have undoubtedly more labour than those who in tranquil peace and quiet are engaged in praying to God to help the weak. I do not mean to say, nor does it enter into my thoughts, that the knight-errant's calling is as good as that of the monk in his cell; I would merely infer from what I endure myself that it is beyond a doubt a more laborious and a more belaboured one, a hungrier and thirstier, a wretcheder, raggeder, and lousier; for there is no reason to doubt that the knights-errant of yore endured much hardship in the course of their lives. And if some of them by the might of their arms did rise to be emperors, in faith it cost them dear in the matter of blood and sweat; and if those who attained to that rank had not had magicians and sages to help them they would have been completely baulked in their ambition and disappointed in their hopes." "That is my own opinion," replied the traveller; "but one thing among many others seems to me very wrong in knights-errant, and that is that when they find themselves about to engage in some mighty and perilous adventure in which there is manifest danger of losing their lives, they never at the moment of engaging in it think of commending themselves to God, as is the duty of every good Christian in like peril; instead of which they commend themselves to their ladies with as much devotion as if these were their gods, a thing which seems to me to savour somewhat of heathenism." "Sir," answered Don Quixote, "that cannot be on any account omitted, and the knight-errant would be disgraced who acted otherwise: for it is usual and customary in knight-errantry that the knight-errant, who on engaging in any great feat of arms has his lady before him, should turn his eyes towards her softly and lovingly, as though with them entreating her to favour and protect him in the hazardous venture he is about to undertake, and even though no one hear him, he is bound to say certain words between his teeth, commending himself to her with all his heart, and of this we have innumerable instances in the histories. Nor is it to be supposed from this that they are to omit commending themselves to God, for there will be time and opportunity for doing so while they are engaged in their task." "For all that," answered the traveller, "I feel some doubt still, because often I have read how words will arise between two knights-errant, and from one thing to another it comes about that their anger kindles and they wheel their horses round and take a good stretch of field, and then without any more ado at the top of their speed they come to the charge, and in mid-career they are wont to commend themselves to their ladies; and what commonly comes of the encounter is that one falls over the haunches of his horse pierced through and through by his antagonist's lance, and as for the other, it is only by holding on to the mane of his horse that he can help falling to the ground; but I know not how the dead man had time to commend himself to God in the course of such rapid work as this; it would have been better if those words which he spent in commending himself to his lady in the midst of his career had been devoted to his duty and obligation as a Christian. Moreover, it is my belief that all knights-errant have not ladies to commend themselves to, for they are not all in love." "That is impossible," said Don Quixote: "I say it is impossible that there could be a knight-errant without a lady, because to such it is as natural and proper to be in love as to the heavens to have stars: most certainly no history has been seen in which there is to be found a knight-errant without an amour, and for the simple reason that without one he would be held no legitimate knight but a bastard, and one who had gained entrance into the stronghold of the said knighthood, not by the door, but over the wall like a thief and a robber." "Nevertheless," said the traveller, "if I remember rightly, I think I have read that Don Galaor, the brother of the valiant Amadis of Gaul, never had any special lady to whom he might commend himself, and yet he was not the less esteemed, and was a very stout and famous knight." To which our Don Quixote made answer, "Sir, one solitary swallow does not make summer; moreover, I know that knight was in secret very deeply in love; besides which, that way of falling in love with all that took his fancy was a natural propensity which he could not control. But, in short, it is very manifest that he had one alone whom he made mistress of his will, to whom he commended himself very frequently and very secretly, for he prided himself on being a reticent knight." "Then if it be essential that every knight-errant should be in love," said the traveller, "it may be fairly supposed that your worship is so, as you are of the order; and if you do not pride yourself on being as reticent as Don Galaor, I entreat you as earnestly as I can, in the name of all this company and in my own, to inform us of the name, country, rank, and beauty of your lady, for she will esteem herself fortunate if all the world knows that she is loved and served by such a knight as your worship seems to be." At this Don Quixote heaved a deep sigh and said, "I cannot say positively whether my sweet enemy is pleased or not that the world should know I serve her; I can only say in answer to what has been so courteously asked of me, that her name is Dulcinea, her country El Toboso, a village of La Mancha, her rank must be at least that of a princess, since she is my queen and lady, and her beauty superhuman, since all the impossible and fanciful attributes of beauty which the poets apply to their ladies are verified in her; for her hairs are gold, her forehead Elysian fields, her eyebrows rainbows, her eyes suns, her cheeks roses, her lips coral, her teeth pearls, her neck alabaster, her bosom marble, her hands ivory, her fairness snow, and what modesty conceals from sight such, I think and imagine, as rational reflection can only extol, not compare." "We should like to know her lineage, race, and ancestry," said Vivaldo. To which Don Quixote replied, "She is not of the ancient Roman Curtii, Caii, or Scipios, nor of the modern Colonnas or Orsini, nor of the Moncadas or Requesenes of Catalonia, nor yet of the Rebellas or Villanovas of Valencia; Palafoxes, Nuzas, Rocabertis, Corellas, Lunas, Alagones, Urreas, Foces, or Gurreas of Aragon; Cerdas, Manriques, Mendozas, or Guzmans of Castile; Alencastros, Pallas, or Meneses of Portugal; but she is of those of El Toboso of La Mancha, a lineage that though modern, may furnish a source of gentle blood for the most illustrious families of the ages that are to come, and this let none dispute with me save on the condition that Zerbino placed at the foot of the trophy of Orlando's arms, saying, 'These let none move Who dareth not his might with Roland prove.'" "Although mine is of the Cachopins of Laredo," said the traveller, "I will not venture to compare it with that of El Toboso of La Mancha, though, to tell the truth, no such surname has until now ever reached my ears." "What!" said Don Quixote, "has that never reached them?" The rest of the party went along listening with great attention to the conversation of the pair, and even the very goatherds and shepherds perceived how exceedingly out of his wits our Don Quixote was. Sancho Panza alone thought that what his master said was the truth, knowing who he was and having known him from his birth; and all that he felt any difficulty in believing was that about the fair Dulcinea del Toboso, because neither any such name nor any such princess had ever come to his knowledge though he lived so close to El Toboso. They were going along conversing in this way, when they saw descending a gap between two high mountains some twenty shepherds, all clad in sheepskins of black wool, and crowned with garlands which, as afterwards appeared, were, some of them of yew, some of cypress. Six of the number were carrying a bier covered with a great variety of flowers and branches, on seeing which one of the goatherds said, "Those who come there are the bearers of Chrysostom's body, and the foot of that mountain is the place where he ordered them to bury him." They therefore made haste to reach the spot, and did so by the time those who came had laid the bier upon the ground, and four of them with sharp pickaxes were digging a grave by the side of a hard rock. They greeted each other courteously, and then Don Quixote and those who accompanied him turned to examine the bier, and on it, covered with flowers, they saw a dead body in the dress of a shepherd, to all appearance of one thirty years of age, and showing even in death that in life he had been of comely features and gallant bearing. Around him on the bier itself were laid some books, and several papers open and folded; and those who were looking on as well as those who were opening the grave and all the others who were there preserved a strange silence, until one of those who had borne the body said to another, "Observe carefully, Ambrosia if this is the place Chrysostom spoke of, since you are anxious that what he directed in his will should be so strictly complied with." "This is the place," answered Ambrosia "for in it many a time did my poor friend tell me the story of his hard fortune. Here it was, he told me, that he saw for the first time that mortal enemy of the human race, and here, too, for the first time he declared to her his passion, as honourable as it was devoted, and here it was that at last Marcela ended by scorning and rejecting him so as to bring the tragedy of his wretched life to a close; here, in memory of misfortunes so great, he desired to be laid in the bowels of eternal oblivion." Then turning to Don Quixote and the travellers he went on to say, "That body, sirs, on which you are looking with compassionate eyes, was the abode of a soul on which Heaven bestowed a vast share of its riches. That is the body of Chrysostom, who was unrivalled in wit, unequalled in courtesy, unapproached in gentle bearing, a phoenix in friendship, generous without limit, grave without arrogance, gay without vulgarity, and, in short, first in all that constitutes goodness and second to none in all that makes up misfortune. He loved deeply, he was hated; he adored, he was scorned; he wooed a wild beast, he pleaded with marble, he pursued the wind, he cried to the wilderness, he served ingratitude, and for reward was made the prey of death in the mid-course of life, cut short by a shepherdess whom he sought to immortalise in the memory of man, as these papers which you see could fully prove, had he not commanded me to consign them to the fire after having consigned his body to the earth." "You would deal with them more harshly and cruelly than their owner himself," said Vivaldo, "for it is neither right nor proper to do the will of one who enjoins what is wholly unreasonable; it would not have been reasonable in Augustus Caesar had he permitted the directions left by the divine Mantuan in his will to be carried into effect. So that, Senor Ambrosia while you consign your friend's body to the earth, you should not consign his writings to oblivion, for if he gave the order in bitterness of heart, it is not right that you should irrationally obey it. On the contrary, by granting life to those papers, let the cruelty of Marcela live for ever, to serve as a warning in ages to come to all men to shun and avoid falling into like danger; or I and all of us who have come here know already the story of this your love-stricken and heart-broken friend, and we know, too, your friendship, and the cause of his death, and the directions he gave at the close of his life; from which sad story may be gathered how great was the cruelty of Marcela, the love of Chrysostom, and the loyalty of your friendship, together with the end awaiting those who pursue rashly the path that insane passion opens to their eyes. Last night we learned the death of Chrysostom and that he was to be buried here, and out of curiosity and pity we left our direct road and resolved to come and see with our eyes that which when heard of had so moved our compassion, and in consideration of that compassion and our desire to prove it if we might by condolence, we beg of you, excellent Ambrosia, or at least I on my own account entreat you, that instead of burning those papers you allow me to carry away some of them." And without waiting for the shepherd's answer, he stretched out his hand and took up some of those that were nearest to him; seeing which Ambrosio said, "Out of courtesy, senor, I will grant your request as to those you have taken, but it is idle to expect me to abstain from burning the remainder." Vivaldo, who was eager to see what the papers contained, opened one of them at once, and saw that its title was "Lay of Despair." Ambrosio hearing it said, "That is the last paper the unhappy man wrote; and that you may see, senor, to what an end his misfortunes brought him, read it so that you may be heard, for you will have time enough for that while we are waiting for the grave to be dug." "I will do so very willingly," said Vivaldo; and as all the bystanders were equally eager they gathered round him, and he, reading in a loud voice, found that it ran as follows. WHEREIN ARE INSERTED THE DESPAIRING VERSES OF THE DEAD SHEPHERD, TOGETHER WITH OTHER INCIDENTS NOT LOOKED FOR THE LAY OF CHRYSOSTOM Since thou dost in thy cruelty desire The ruthless rigour of thy tyranny From tongue to tongue, from land to land proclaimed, The very Hell will I constrain to lend This stricken breast of mine deep notes of woe To serve my need of fitting utterance. And as I strive to body forth the tale Of all I suffer, all that thou hast done, Forth shall the dread voice roll, and bear along Shreds from my vitals torn for greater pain. Then listen, not to dulcet harmony, But to a discord wrung by mad despair Out of this bosom's depths of bitterness, To ease my heart and plant a sting in thine. The lion's roar, the fierce wolf's savage howl, The horrid hissing of the scaly snake, The awesome cries of monsters yet unnamed, The crow's ill-boding croak, the hollow moan Of wild winds wrestling with the restless sea, The wrathful bellow of the vanquished bull, The plaintive sobbing of the widowed dove, The envied owl's sad note, the wail of woe That rises from the dreary choir of Hell, Commingled in one sound, confusing sense, Let all these come to aid my soul's complaint, For pain like mine demands new modes of song. No echoes of that discord shall be heard Where Father Tagus rolls, or on the banks Of olive-bordered Betis; to the rocks Or in deep caverns shall my plaint be told, And by a lifeless tongue in living words; Or in dark valleys or on lonely shores, Where neither foot of man nor sunbeam falls; Or in among the poison-breathing swarms Of monsters nourished by the sluggish Nile. For, though it be to solitudes remote The hoarse vague echoes of my sorrows sound Thy matchless cruelty, my dismal fate Shall carry them to all the spacious world. Disdain hath power to kill, and patience dies Slain by suspicion, be it false or true; And deadly is the force of jealousy; Long absence makes of life a dreary void; No hope of happiness can give repose To him that ever fears to be forgot; And death, inevitable, waits in hall. But I, by some strange miracle, live on A prey to absence, jealousy, disdain; Racked by suspicion as by certainty; Forgotten, left to feed my flame alone. And while I suffer thus, there comes no ray Of hope to gladden me athwart the gloom; Nor do I look for it in my despair; But rather clinging to a cureless woe, All hope do I abjure for evermore. Can there be hope where fear is? Were it well, When far more certain are the grounds of fear? Ought I to shut mine eyes to jealousy, If through a thousand heart-wounds it appears? Who would not give free access to distrust, Seeing disdain unveiled, and—bitter change!— All his suspicions turned to certainties, And the fair truth transformed into a lie? Oh, thou fierce tyrant of the realms of love, Oh, Jealousy! put chains upon these hands, And bind me with thy strongest cord, Disdain. But, woe is me! triumphant over all, My sufferings drown the memory of you. And now I die, and since there is no hope Of happiness for me in life or death, Still to my fantasy I'll fondly cling. I'll say that he is wise who loveth well, And that the soul most free is that most bound In thraldom to the ancient tyrant Love. I'll say that she who is mine enemy In that fair body hath as fair a mind, And that her coldness is but my desert, And that by virtue of the pain he sends Love rules his kingdom with a gentle sway. Thus, self-deluding, and in bondage sore, And wearing out the wretched shred of life To which I am reduced by her disdain, I'll give this soul and body to the winds, All hopeless of a crown of bliss in store. Thou whose injustice hath supplied the cause That makes me quit the weary life I loathe, As by this wounded bosom thou canst see How willingly thy victim I become, Let not my death, if haply worth a tear, Cloud the clear heaven that dwells in thy bright eyes; I would not have thee expiate in aught The crime of having made my heart thy prey; But rather let thy laughter gaily ring And prove my death to be thy festival. Fool that I am to bid thee! well I know Thy glory gains by my untimely end. And now it is the time; from Hell's abyss Come thirsting Tantalus, come Sisyphus Heaving the cruel stone, come Tityus With vulture, and with wheel Ixion come, And come the sisters of the ceaseless toil; And all into this breast transfer their pains, And (if such tribute to despair be due) Chant in their deepest tones a doleful dirge Over a corse unworthy of a shroud. Let the three-headed guardian of the gate, And all the monstrous progeny of hell, The doleful concert join: a lover dead Methinks can have no fitter obsequies. Lay of despair, grieve not when thou art gone Forth from this sorrowing heart: my misery Brings fortune to the cause that gave thee birth; Then banish sadness even in the tomb. The "Lay of Chrysostom" met with the approbation of the listeners, though the reader said it did not seem to him to agree with what he had heard of Marcela's reserve and propriety, for Chrysostom complained in it of jealousy, suspicion, and absence, all to the prejudice of the good name and fame of Marcela; to which Ambrosio replied as one who knew well his friend's most secret thoughts, "Senor, to remove that doubt I should tell you that when the unhappy man wrote this lay he was away from Marcela, from whom he had voluntarily separated himself, to try if absence would act with him as it is wont; and as everything distresses and every fear haunts the banished lover, so imaginary jealousies and suspicions, dreaded as if they were true, tormented Chrysostom; and thus the truth of what report declares of the virtue of Marcela remains unshaken, and with her envy itself should not and cannot find any fault save that of being cruel, somewhat haughty, and very scornful." "That is true," said Vivaldo; and as he was about to read another paper of those he had preserved from the fire, he was stopped by a marvellous vision (for such it seemed) that unexpectedly presented itself to their eyes; for on the summit of the rock where they were digging the grave there appeared the shepherdess Marcela, so beautiful that her beauty exceeded its reputation. Those who had never till then beheld her gazed upon her in wonder and silence, and those who were accustomed to see her were not less amazed than those who had never seen her before. But the instant Ambrosio saw her he addressed her, with manifest indignation: "Art thou come, by chance, cruel basilisk of these mountains, to see if in thy presence blood will flow from the wounds of this wretched being thy cruelty has robbed of life; or is it to exult over the cruel work of thy humours that thou art come; or like another pitiless Nero to look down from that height upon the ruin of his Rome in embers; or in thy arrogance to trample on this ill-fated corpse, as the ungrateful daughter trampled on her father Tarquin's? Tell us quickly for what thou art come, or what it is thou wouldst have, for, as I know the thoughts of Chrysostom never failed to obey thee in life, I will make all these who call themselves his friends obey thee, though he be dead." "I come not, Ambrosia for any of the purposes thou hast named," replied Marcela, "but to defend myself and to prove how unreasonable are all those who blame me for their sorrow and for Chrysostom's death; and therefore I ask all of you that are here to give me your attention, for will not take much time or many words to bring the truth home to persons of sense. Heaven has made me, so you say, beautiful, and so much so that in spite of yourselves my beauty leads you to love me; and for the love you show me you say, and even urge, that I am bound to love you. By that natural understanding which God has given me I know that everything beautiful attracts love, but I cannot see how, by reason of being loved, that which is loved for its beauty is bound to love that which loves it; besides, it may happen that the lover of that which is beautiful may be ugly, and ugliness being detestable, it is very absurd to say, "I love thee because thou art beautiful, thou must love me though I be ugly." But supposing the beauty equal on both sides, it does not follow that the inclinations must be therefore alike, for it is not every beauty that excites love, some but pleasing the eye without winning the affection; and if every sort of beauty excited love and won the heart, the will would wander vaguely to and fro unable to make choice of any; for as there is an infinity of beautiful objects there must be an infinity of inclinations, and true love, I have heard it said, is indivisible, and must be voluntary and not compelled. If this be so, as I believe it to be, why do you desire me to bend my will by force, for no other reason but that you say you love me? Nay—tell me—had Heaven made me ugly, as it has made me beautiful, could I with justice complain of you for not loving me? Moreover, you must remember that the beauty I possess was no choice of mine, for, be it what it may, Heaven of its bounty gave it me without my asking or choosing it; and as the viper, though it kills with it, does not deserve to be blamed for the poison it carries, as it is a gift of nature, neither do I deserve reproach for being beautiful; for beauty in a modest woman is like fire at a distance or a sharp sword; the one does not burn, the other does not cut, those who do not come too near. Honour and virtue are the ornaments of the mind, without which the body, though it be so, has no right to pass for beautiful; but if modesty is one of the virtues that specially lend a grace and charm to mind and body, why should she who is loved for her beauty part with it to gratify one who for his pleasure alone strives with all his might and energy to rob her of it? I was born free, and that I might live in freedom I chose the solitude of the fields; in the trees of the mountains I find society, the clear waters of the brooks are my mirrors, and to the trees and waters I make known my thoughts and charms. I am a fire afar off, a sword laid aside. Those whom I have inspired with love by letting them see me, I have by words undeceived, and if their longings live on hope—and I have given none to Chrysostom or to any other—it cannot justly be said that the death of any is my doing, for it was rather his own obstinacy than my cruelty that killed him; and if it be made a charge against me that his wishes were honourable, and that therefore I was bound to yield to them, I answer that when on this very spot where now his grave is made he declared to me his purity of purpose, I told him that mine was to live in perpetual solitude, and that the earth alone should enjoy the fruits of my retirement and the spoils of my beauty; and if, after this open avowal, he chose to persist against hope and steer against the wind, what wonder is it that he should sink in the depths of his infatuation? If I had encouraged him, I should be false; if I had gratified him, I should have acted against my own better resolution and purpose. He was persistent in spite of warning, he despaired without being hated. Bethink you now if it be reasonable that his suffering should be laid to my charge. Let him who has been deceived complain, let him give way to despair whose encouraged hopes have proved vain, let him flatter himself whom I shall entice, let him boast whom I shall receive; but let not him call me cruel or homicide to whom I make no promise, upon whom I practise no deception, whom I neither entice nor receive. It has not been so far the will of Heaven that I should love by fate, and to expect me to love by choice is idle. Let this general declaration serve for each of my suitors on his own account, and let it be understood from this time forth that if anyone dies for me it is not of jealousy or misery he dies, for she who loves no one can give no cause for jealousy to any, and candour is not to be confounded with scorn. Let him who calls me wild beast and basilisk, leave me alone as something noxious and evil; let him who calls me ungrateful, withhold his service; who calls me wayward, seek not my acquaintance; who calls me cruel, pursue me not; for this wild beast, this basilisk, this ungrateful, cruel, wayward being has no kind of desire to seek, serve, know, or follow them. If Chrysostom's impatience and violent passion killed him, why should my modest behaviour and circumspection be blamed? If I preserve my purity in the society of the trees, why should he who would have me preserve it among men, seek to rob me of it? I have, as you know, wealth of my own, and I covet not that of others; my taste is for freedom, and I have no relish for constraint; I neither love nor hate anyone; I do not deceive this one or court that, or trifle with one or play with another. The modest converse of the shepherd girls of these hamlets and the care of my goats are my recreations; my desires are bounded by these mountains, and if they ever wander hence it is to contemplate the beauty of the heavens, steps by which the soul travels to its primeval abode." With these words, and not waiting to hear a reply, she turned and passed into the thickest part of a wood that was hard by, leaving all who were there lost in admiration as much of her good sense as of her beauty. Some—those wounded by the irresistible shafts launched by her bright eyes—made as though they would follow her, heedless of the frank declaration they had heard; seeing which, and deeming this a fitting occasion for the exercise of his chivalry in aid of distressed damsels, Don Quixote, laying his hand on the hilt of his sword, exclaimed in a loud and distinct voice: "Let no one, whatever his rank or condition, dare to follow the beautiful Marcela, under pain of incurring my fierce indignation. She has shown by clear and satisfactory arguments that little or no fault is to be found with her for the death of Chrysostom, and also how far she is from yielding to the wishes of any of her lovers, for which reason, instead of being followed and persecuted, she should in justice be honoured and esteemed by all the good people of the world, for she shows that she is the only woman in it that holds to such a virtuous resolution." Whether it was because of the threats of Don Quixote, or because Ambrosio told them to fulfil their duty to their good friend, none of the shepherds moved or stirred from the spot until, having finished the grave and burned Chrysostom's papers, they laid his body in it, not without many tears from those who stood by. They closed the grave with a heavy stone until a slab was ready which Ambrosio said he meant to have prepared, with an epitaph which was to be to this effect: Beneath the stone before your eyes The body of a lover lies; In life he was a shepherd swain, In death a victim to disdain. Ungrateful, cruel, coy, and fair, Was she that drove him to despair, And Love hath made her his ally For spreading wide his tyranny. They then strewed upon the grave a profusion of flowers and branches, and all expressing their condolence with his friend ambrosio, took their Vivaldo and his companion did the same; and Don Quixote bade farewell to his hosts and to the travellers, who pressed him to come with them to Seville, as being such a convenient place for finding adventures, for they presented themselves in every street and round every corner oftener than anywhere else. Don Quixote thanked them for their advice and for the disposition they showed to do him a favour, and said that for the present he would not, and must not go to Seville until he had cleared all these mountains of highwaymen and robbers, of whom report said they were full. Seeing his good intention, the travellers were unwilling to press him further, and once more bidding him farewell, they left him and pursued their journey, in the course of which they did not fail to discuss the story of Marcela and Chrysostom as well as the madness of Don Quixote. He, on his part, resolved to go in quest of the shepherdess Marcela, and make offer to her of all the service he could render her; but things did not fall out with him as he expected, according to what is related in the course of this veracious history, of which the Second Part ends here. IN WHICH IS RELATED THE UNFORTUNATE ADVENTURE THAT DON QUIXOTE FELL IN WITH WHEN HE FELL OUT WITH CERTAIN HEARTLESS YANGUESANS The sage Cide Hamete Benengeli relates that as soon as Don Quixote took leave of his hosts and all who had been present at the burial of Chrysostom, he and his squire passed into the same wood which they had seen the shepherdess Marcela enter, and after having wandered for more than two hours in all directions in search of her without finding her, they came to a halt in a glade covered with tender grass, beside which ran a pleasant cool stream that invited and compelled them to pass there the hours of the noontide heat, which by this time was beginning to come on oppressively. Don Quixote and Sancho dismounted, and turning Rocinante and the ass loose to feed on the grass that was there in abundance, they ransacked the alforjas, and without any ceremony very peacefully and sociably master and man made their repast on what they found in them. Sancho had not thought it worth while to hobble Rocinante, feeling sure, from what he knew of his staidness and freedom from incontinence, that all the mares in the Cordova pastures would not lead him into an impropriety. Chance, however, and the devil, who is not always asleep, so ordained it that feeding in this valley there was a drove of Galician ponies belonging to certain Yanguesan carriers, whose way it is to take their midday rest with their teams in places and spots where grass and water abound; and that where Don Quixote chanced to be suited the Yanguesans' purpose very well. It so happened, then, that Rocinante took a fancy to disport himself with their ladyships the ponies, and abandoning his usual gait and demeanour as he scented them, he, without asking leave of his master, got up a briskish little trot and hastened to make known his wishes to them; they, however, it seemed, preferred their pasture to him, and received him with their heels and teeth to such effect that they soon broke his girths and left him naked without a saddle to cover him; but what must have been worse to him was that the carriers, seeing the violence he was offering to their mares, came running up armed with stakes, and so belaboured him that they brought him sorely battered to the ground. By this time Don Quixote and Sancho, who had witnessed the drubbing of Rocinante, came up panting, and said Don Quixote to Sancho: "So far as I can see, friend Sancho, these are not knights but base folk of low birth: I mention it because thou canst lawfully aid me in taking due vengeance for the insult offered to Rocinante before our eyes." "What the devil vengeance can we take," answered Sancho, "if they are more than twenty, and we no more than two, or, indeed, perhaps not more than one and a half?" "I count for a hundred," replied Don Quixote, and without more words he drew his sword and attacked the Yanguesans and excited and impelled by the example of his master, Sancho did the same; and to begin with, Don Quixote delivered a slash at one of them that laid open the leather jerkin he wore, together with a great portion of his shoulder. The Yanguesans, seeing themselves assaulted by only two men while they were so many, betook themselves to their stakes, and driving the two into the middle they began to lay on with great zeal and energy; in fact, at the second blow they brought Sancho to the ground, and Don Quixote fared the same way, all his skill and high mettle availing him nothing, and fate willed it that he should fall at the feet of Rocinante, who had not yet risen; whereby it may be seen how furiously stakes can pound in angry boorish hands. Then, seeing the mischief they had done, the Yanguesans with all the haste they could loaded their team and pursued their journey, leaving the two adventurers a sorry sight and in sorrier mood. Sancho was the first to come to, and finding himself close to his master he called to him in a weak and doleful voice, "Senor Don Quixote, ah, Senor Don Quixote!" "What wouldst thou, brother Sancho?" answered Don Quixote in the same feeble suffering tone as Sancho. "I would like, if it were possible," answered Sancho Panza, "your worship to give me a couple of sups of that potion of the fiery Blas, if it be that you have any to hand there; perhaps it will serve for broken bones as well as for wounds." "If I only had it here, wretch that I am, what more should we want?" said Don Quixote; "but I swear to thee, Sancho Panza, on the faith of a knight-errant, ere two days are over, unless fortune orders otherwise, I mean to have it in my possession, or my hand will have lost its cunning." "But in how many does your worship think we shall have the use of our feet?" answered Sancho Panza. "For myself I must say I cannot guess how many," said the battered knight Don Quixote; "but I take all the blame upon myself, for I had no business to put hand to sword against men who where not dubbed knights like myself, and so I believe that in punishment for having transgressed the laws of chivalry the God of battles has permitted this chastisement to be administered to me; for which reason, brother Sancho, it is well thou shouldst receive a hint on the matter which I am now about to mention to thee, for it is of much importance to the welfare of both of us. It is at when thou shalt see rabble of this sort offering us insult thou art not to wait till I draw sword against them, for I shall not do so at all; but do thou draw sword and chastise them to thy heart's content, and if any knights come to their aid and defence I will take care to defend thee and assail them with all my might; and thou hast already seen by a thousand signs and proofs what the might of this strong arm of mine is equal to"—so uplifted had the poor gentleman become through the victory over the stout Biscayan. But Sancho did not so fully approve of his master's admonition as to let it pass without saying in reply, "Senor, I am a man of peace, meek and quiet, and I can put up with any affront because I have a wife and children to support and bring up; so let it be likewise a hint to your worship, as it cannot be a mandate, that on no account will I draw sword either against clown or against knight, and that here before God I forgive the insults that have been offered me, whether they have been, are, or shall be offered me by high or low, rich or poor, noble or commoner, not excepting any rank or condition whatsoever." To all which his master said in reply, "I wish I had breath enough to speak somewhat easily, and that the pain I feel on this side would abate so as to let me explain to thee, Panza, the mistake thou makest. Come now, sinner, suppose the wind of fortune, hitherto so adverse, should turn in our favour, filling the sails of our desires so that safely and without impediment we put into port in some one of those islands I have promised thee, how would it be with thee if on winning it I made thee lord of it? Why, thou wilt make it well-nigh impossible through not being a knight nor having any desire to be one, nor possessing the courage nor the will to avenge insults or defend thy lordship; for thou must know that in newly conquered kingdoms and provinces the minds of the inhabitants are never so quiet nor so well disposed to the new lord that there is no fear of their making some move to change matters once more, and try, as they say, what chance may do for them; so it is essential that the new possessor should have good sense to enable him to govern, and valour to attack and defend himself, whatever may befall him." "In what has now befallen us," answered Sancho, "I'd have been well pleased to have that good sense and that valour your worship speaks of, but I swear on the faith of a poor man I am more fit for plasters than for arguments. See if your worship can get up, and let us help Rocinante, though he does not deserve it, for he was the main cause of all this thrashing. I never thought it of Rocinante, for I took him to be a virtuous person and as quiet as myself. After all, they say right that it takes a long time to come to know people, and that there is nothing sure in this life. Who would have said that, after such mighty slashes as your worship gave that unlucky knight-errant, there was coming, travelling post and at the very heels of them, such a great storm of sticks as has fallen upon our shoulders?" "And yet thine, Sancho," replied Don Quixote, "ought to be used to such squalls; but mine, reared in soft cloth and fine linen, it is plain they must feel more keenly the pain of this mishap, and if it were not that I imagine—why do I say imagine?—know of a certainty that all these annoyances are very necessary accompaniments of the calling of arms, I would lay me down here to die of pure vexation." To this the squire replied, "Senor, as these mishaps are what one reaps of chivalry, tell me if they happen very often, or if they have their own fixed times for coming to pass; because it seems to me that after two harvests we shall be no good for the third, unless God in his infinite mercy helps us." "Know, friend Sancho," answered Don Quixote, "that the life of knights-errant is subject to a thousand dangers and reverses, and neither more nor less is it within immediate possibility for knights-errant to become kings and emperors, as experience has shown in the case of many different knights with whose histories I am thoroughly acquainted; and I could tell thee now, if the pain would let me, of some who simply by might of arm have risen to the high stations I have mentioned; and those same, both before and after, experienced divers misfortunes and miseries; for the valiant Amadis of Gaul found himself in the power of his mortal enemy Arcalaus the magician, who, it is positively asserted, holding him captive, gave him more than two hundred lashes with the reins of his horse while tied to one of the pillars of a court; and moreover there is a certain recondite author of no small authority who says that the Knight of Phoebus, being caught in a certain pitfall, which opened under his feet in a certain castle, on falling found himself bound hand and foot in a deep pit underground, where they administered to him one of those things they call clysters, of sand and snow-water, that well-nigh finished him; and if he had not been succoured in that sore extremity by a sage, a great friend of his, it would have gone very hard with the poor knight; so I may well suffer in company with such worthy folk, for greater were the indignities which they had to suffer than those which we suffer. For I would have thee know, Sancho, that wounds caused by any instruments which happen by chance to be in hand inflict no indignity, and this is laid down in the law of the duel in express words: if, for instance, the cobbler strikes another with the last which he has in his hand, though it be in fact a piece of wood, it cannot be said for that reason that he whom he struck with it has been cudgelled. I say this lest thou shouldst imagine that because we have been drubbed in this affray we have therefore suffered any indignity; for the arms those men carried, with which they pounded us, were nothing more than their stakes, and not one of them, so far as I remember, carried rapier, sword, or dagger." "They gave me no time to see that much," answered Sancho, "for hardly had I laid hand on my tizona when they signed the cross on my shoulders with their sticks in such style that they took the sight out of my eyes and the strength out of my feet, stretching me where I now lie, and where thinking of whether all those stake-strokes were an indignity or not gives me no uneasiness, which the pain of the blows does, for they will remain as deeply impressed on my memory as on my shoulders." "For all that let me tell thee, brother Panza," said Don Quixote, "that there is no recollection which time does not put an end to, and no pain which death does not remove." "And what greater misfortune can there be," replied Panza, "than the one that waits for time to put an end to it and death to remove it? If our mishap were one of those that are cured with a couple of plasters, it would not be so bad; but I am beginning to think that all the plasters in a hospital almost won't be enough to put us right." "No more of that: pluck strength out of weakness, Sancho, as I mean to do," returned Don Quixote, "and let us see how Rocinante is, for it seems to me that not the least share of this mishap has fallen to the lot of the poor beast." "There is nothing wonderful in that," replied Sancho, "since he is a knight-errant too; what I wonder at is that my beast should have come off scot-free where we come out scotched." "Fortune always leaves a door open in adversity in order to bring relief to it," said Don Quixote; "I say so because this little beast may now supply the want of Rocinante, carrying me hence to some castle where I may be cured of my wounds. And moreover I shall not hold it any dishonour to be so mounted, for I remember having read how the good old Silenus, the tutor and instructor of the gay god of laughter, when he entered the city of the hundred gates, went very contentedly mounted on a handsome ass." "It may be true that he went mounted as your worship says," answered Sancho, "but there is a great difference between going mounted and going slung like a sack of manure." To which Don Quixote replied, "Wounds received in battle confer honour instead of taking it away; and so, friend Panza, say no more, but, as I told thee before, get up as well as thou canst and put me on top of thy beast in whatever fashion pleases thee best, and let us go hence ere night come on and surprise us in these wilds." "And yet I have heard your worship say," observed Panza, "that it is very meet for knights-errant to sleep in wastes and deserts, and that they esteem it very good fortune." "That is," said Don Quixote, "when they cannot help it, or when they are in love; and so true is this that there have been knights who have remained two years on rocks, in sunshine and shade and all the inclemencies of heaven, without their ladies knowing anything of it; and one of these was Amadis, when, under the name of Beltenebros, he took up his abode on the Pena Pobre for—I know not if it was eight years or eight months, for I am not very sure of the reckoning; at any rate he stayed there doing penance for I know not what pique the Princess Oriana had against him; but no more of this now, Sancho, and make haste before a mishap like Rocinante's befalls the ass." "The very devil would be in it in that case," said Sancho; and letting off thirty "ohs," and sixty sighs, and a hundred and twenty maledictions and execrations on whomsoever it was that had brought him there, he raised himself, stopping half-way bent like a Turkish bow without power to bring himself upright, but with all his pains he saddled his ass, who too had gone astray somewhat, yielding to the excessive licence of the day; he next raised up Rocinante, and as for him, had he possessed a tongue to complain with, most assuredly neither Sancho nor his master would have been behind him. To be brief, Sancho fixed Don Quixote on the ass and secured Rocinante with a leading rein, and taking the ass by the halter, he proceeded more or less in the direction in which it seemed to him the high road might be; and, as chance was conducting their affairs for them from good to better, he had not gone a short league when the road came in sight, and on it he perceived an inn, which to his annoyance and to the delight of Don Quixote must needs be a castle. Sancho insisted that it was an inn, and his master that it was not one, but a castle, and the dispute lasted so long that before the point was settled they had time to reach it, and into it Sancho entered with all his team without any further controversy. OF WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INGENIOUS GENTLEMAN IN THE INN WHICH HE TOOK TO BE A CASTLE The innkeeper, seeing Don Quixote slung across the ass, asked Sancho what was amiss with him. Sancho answered that it was nothing, only that he had fallen down from a rock and had his ribs a little bruised. The innkeeper had a wife whose disposition was not such as those of her calling commonly have, for she was by nature kind-hearted and felt for the sufferings of her neighbours, so she at once set about tending Don Quixote, and made her young daughter, a very comely girl, help her in taking care of her guest. There was besides in the inn, as servant, an Asturian lass with a broad face, flat poll, and snub nose, blind of one eye and not very sound in the other. The elegance of her shape, to be sure, made up for all her defects; she did not measure seven palms from head to foot, and her shoulders, which overweighted her somewhat, made her contemplate the ground more than she liked. This graceful lass, then, helped the young girl, and the two made up a very bad bed for Don Quixote in a garret that showed evident signs of having formerly served for many years as a straw-loft, in which there was also quartered a carrier whose bed was placed a little beyond our Don Quixote's, and, though only made of the pack-saddles and cloths of his mules, had much the advantage of it, as Don Quixote's consisted simply of four rough boards on two not very even trestles, a mattress, that for thinness might have passed for a quilt, full of pellets which, were they not seen through the rents to be wool, would to the touch have seemed pebbles in hardness, two sheets made of buckler leather, and a coverlet the threads of which anyone that chose might have counted without missing one in the reckoning. On this accursed bed Don Quixote stretched himself, and the hostess and her daughter soon covered him with plasters from top to toe, while Maritornes—for that was the name of the Asturian—held the light for them, and while plastering him, the hostess, observing how full of wheals Don Quixote was in some places, remarked that this had more the look of blows than of a fall. It was not blows, Sancho said, but that the rock had many points and projections, and that each of them had left its mark. "Pray, senora," he added, "manage to save some tow, as there will be no want of some one to use it, for my loins too are rather sore." "Then you must have fallen too," said the hostess. "I did not fall," said Sancho Panza, "but from the shock I got at seeing my master fall, my body aches so that I feel as if I had had a thousand thwacks." "That may well be," said the young girl, "for it has many a time happened to me to dream that I was falling down from a tower and never coming to the ground, and when I awoke from the dream to find myself as weak and shaken as if I had really fallen." "There is the point, senora," replied Sancho Panza, "that I without dreaming at all, but being more awake than I am now, find myself with scarcely less wheals than my master, Don Quixote." "How is the gentleman called?" asked Maritornes the Asturian. "Don Quixote of La Mancha," answered Sancho Panza, "and he is a knight-adventurer, and one of the best and stoutest that have been seen in the world this long time past." "What is a knight-adventurer?" said the lass. "Are you so new in the world as not to know?" answered Sancho Panza. "Well, then, you must know, sister, that a knight-adventurer is a thing that in two words is seen drubbed and emperor, that is to-day the most miserable and needy being in the world, and to-morrow will have two or three crowns of kingdoms to give his squire." "Then how is it," said the hostess, "that belonging to so good a master as this, you have not, to judge by appearances, even so much as a county?" "It is too soon yet," answered Sancho, "for we have only been a month going in quest of adventures, and so far we have met with nothing that can be called one, for it will happen that when one thing is looked for another thing is found; however, if my master Don Quixote gets well of this wound, or fall, and I am left none the worse of it, I would not change my hopes for the best title in Spain." To all this conversation Don Quixote was listening very attentively, and sitting up in bed as well as he could, and taking the hostess by the hand he said to her, "Believe me, fair lady, you may call yourself fortunate in having in this castle of yours sheltered my person, which is such that if I do not myself praise it, it is because of what is commonly said, that self-praise debaseth; but my squire will inform you who I am. I only tell you that I shall preserve for ever inscribed on my memory the service you have rendered me in order to tender you my gratitude while life shall last me; and would to Heaven love held me not so enthralled and subject to its laws and to the eyes of that fair ingrate whom I name between my teeth, but that those of this lovely damsel might be the masters of my liberty." The hostess, her daughter, and the worthy Maritornes listened in bewilderment to the words of the knight-errant; for they understood about as much of them as if he had been talking Greek, though they could perceive they were all meant for expressions of good-will and blandishments; and not being accustomed to this kind of language, they stared at him and wondered to themselves, for he seemed to them a man of a different sort from those they were used to, and thanking him in pothouse phrase for his civility they left him, while the Asturian gave her attention to Sancho, who needed it no less than his master. The carrier had made an arrangement with her for recreation that night, and she had given him her word that when the guests were quiet and the family asleep she would come in search of him and meet his wishes unreservedly. And it is said of this good lass that she never made promises of the kind without fulfilling them, even though she made them in a forest and without any witness present, for she plumed herself greatly on being a lady and held it no disgrace to be in such an employment as servant in an inn, because, she said, misfortunes and ill-luck had brought her to that position. The hard, narrow, wretched, rickety bed of Don Quixote stood first in the middle of this star-lit stable, and close beside it Sancho made his, which merely consisted of a rush mat and a blanket that looked as if it was of threadbare canvas rather than of wool. Next to these two beds was that of the carrier, made up, as has been said, of the pack-saddles and all the trappings of the two best mules he had, though there were twelve of them, sleek, plump, and in prime condition, for he was one of the rich carriers of Arevalo, according to the author of this history, who particularly mentions this carrier because he knew him very well, and they even say was in some degree a relation of his; besides which Cide Hamete Benengeli was a historian of great research and accuracy in all things, as is very evident since he would not pass over in silence those that have been already mentioned, however trifling and insignificant they might be, an example that might be followed by those grave historians who relate transactions so curtly and briefly that we hardly get a taste of them, all the substance of the work being left in the inkstand from carelessness, perverseness, or ignorance. A thousand blessings on the author of "Tablante de Ricamonte" and that of the other book in which the deeds of the Conde Tomillas are recounted; with what minuteness they describe everything! To proceed, then: after having paid a visit to his team and given them their second feed, the carrier stretched himself on his pack-saddles and lay waiting for his conscientious Maritornes. Sancho was by this time plastered and had lain down, and though he strove to sleep the pain of his ribs would not let him, while Don Quixote with the pain of his had his eyes as wide open as a hare's. The inn was all in silence, and in the whole of it there was no light except that given by a lantern that hung burning in the middle of the gateway. This strange stillness, and the thoughts, always present to our knight's mind, of the incidents described at every turn in the books that were the cause of his misfortune, conjured up to his imagination as extraordinary a delusion as can well be conceived, which was that he fancied himself to have reached a famous castle (for, as has been said, all the inns he lodged in were castles to his eyes), and that the daughter of the innkeeper was daughter of the lord of the castle, and that she, won by his high-bred bearing, had fallen in love with him, and had promised to come to his bed for a while that night without the knowledge of her parents; and holding all this fantasy that he had constructed as solid fact, he began to feel uneasy and to consider the perilous risk which his virtue was about to encounter, and he resolved in his heart to commit no treason to his lady Dulcinea del Toboso, even though the queen Guinevere herself and the dame Quintanona should present themselves before him. While he was taken up with these vagaries, then, the time and the hour—an unlucky one for him—arrived for the Asturian to come, who in her smock, with bare feet and her hair gathered into a fustian coif, with noiseless and cautious steps entered the chamber where the three were quartered, in quest of the carrier; but scarcely had she gained the door when Don Quixote perceived her, and sitting up in his bed in spite of his plasters and the pain of his ribs, he stretched out his arms to receive his beauteous damsel. The Asturian, who went all doubled up and in silence with her hands before her feeling for her lover, encountered the arms of Don Quixote, who grasped her tightly by the wrist, and drawing her towards him, while she dared not utter a word, made her sit down on the bed. He then felt her smock, and although it was of sackcloth it appeared to him to be of the finest and softest silk: on her wrists she wore some glass beads, but to him they had the sheen of precious Orient pearls: her hair, which in some measure resembled a horse's mane, he rated as threads of the brightest gold of Araby, whose refulgence dimmed the sun himself: her breath, which no doubt smelt of yesterday's stale salad, seemed to him to diffuse a sweet aromatic fragrance from her mouth; and, in short, he drew her portrait in his imagination with the same features and in the same style as that which he had seen in his books of the other princesses who, smitten by love, came with all the adornments that are here set down, to see the sorely wounded knight; and so great was the poor gentleman's blindness that neither touch, nor smell, nor anything else about the good lass that would have made any but a carrier vomit, were enough to undeceive him; on the contrary, he was persuaded he had the goddess of beauty in his arms, and holding her firmly in his grasp he went on to say in low, tender voice: "Would that found myself, lovely and exalted lady, in a position to repay such a favour as that which you, by the sight of your great beauty, have granted me; but fortune, which is never weary of persecuting the good, has chosen to place me upon this bed, where I lie so bruised and broken that though my inclination would gladly comply with yours it is impossible; besides, to this impossibility another yet greater is to be added, which is the faith that I have pledged to the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso, sole lady of my most secret thoughts; and were it not that this stood in the way I should not be so insensible a knight as to miss the happy opportunity which your great goodness has offered me." Maritornes was fretting and sweating at finding herself held so fast by Don Quixote, and not understanding or heeding the words he addressed to her, she strove without speaking to free herself. The worthy carrier, whose unholy thoughts kept him awake, was aware of his doxy the moment she entered the door, and was listening attentively to all Don Quixote said; and jealous that the Asturian should have broken her word with him for another, drew nearer to Don Quixote's bed and stood still to see what would come of this talk which he could not understand; but when he perceived the wench struggling to get free and Don Quixote striving to hold her, not relishing the joke he raised his arm and delivered such a terrible cuff on the lank jaws of the amorous knight that he bathed all his mouth in blood, and not content with this he mounted on his ribs and with his feet tramped all over them at a pace rather smarter than a trot. The bed which was somewhat crazy and not very firm on its feet, unable to support the additional weight of the carrier, came to the ground, and at the mighty crash of this the innkeeper awoke and at once concluded that it must be some brawl of Maritornes', because after calling loudly to her he got no answer. With this suspicion he got up, and lighting a lamp hastened to the quarter where he had heard the disturbance. The wench, seeing that her master was coming and knowing that his temper was terrible, frightened and panic-stricken made for the bed of Sancho Panza, who still slept, and crouching upon it made a ball of herself. The innkeeper came in exclaiming, "Where art thou, strumpet? Of course this is some of thy work." At this Sancho awoke, and feeling this mass almost on top of him fancied he had the nightmare and began to distribute fisticuffs all round, of which a certain share fell upon Maritornes, who, irritated by the pain and flinging modesty aside, paid back so many in return to Sancho that she woke him up in spite of himself. He then, finding himself so handled, by whom he knew not, raising himself up as well as he could, grappled with Maritornes, and he and she between them began the bitterest and drollest scrimmage in the world. The carrier, however, perceiving by the light of the innkeeper candle how it fared with his ladylove, quitting Don Quixote, ran to bring her the help she needed; and the innkeeper did the same but with a different intention, for his was to chastise the lass, as he believed that beyond a doubt she alone was the cause of all the harmony. And so, as the saying is, cat to rat, rat to rope, rope to stick, the carrier pounded Sancho, Sancho the lass, she him, and the innkeeper her, and all worked away so briskly that they did not give themselves a moment's rest; and the best of it was that the innkeeper's lamp went out, and as they were left in the dark they all laid on one upon the other in a mass so unmercifully that there was not a sound spot left where a hand could light. It so happened that there was lodging that night in the inn a caudrillero of what they call the Old Holy Brotherhood of Toledo, who, also hearing the extraordinary noise of the conflict, seized his staff and the tin case with his warrants, and made his way in the dark into the room crying: "Hold! in the name of the Jurisdiction! Hold! in the name of the Holy Brotherhood!" The first that he came upon was the pummelled Don Quixote, who lay stretched senseless on his back upon his broken-down bed, and, his hand falling on the beard as he felt about, he continued to cry, "Help for the Jurisdiction!" but perceiving that he whom he had laid hold of did not move or stir, he concluded that he was dead and that those in the room were his murderers, and with this suspicion he raised his voice still higher, calling out, "Shut the inn gate; see that no one goes out; they have killed a man here!" This cry startled them all, and each dropped the contest at the point at which the voice reached him. The innkeeper retreated to his room, the carrier to his pack-saddles, the lass to her crib; the unlucky Don Quixote and Sancho alone were unable to move from where they were. The cuadrillero on this let go Don Quixote's beard, and went out to look for a light to search for and apprehend the culprits; but not finding one, as the innkeeper had purposely extinguished the lantern on retreating to his room, he was compelled to have recourse to the hearth, where after much time and trouble he lit another lamp. IN WHICH ARE CONTAINED THE INNUMERABLE TROUBLES WHICH THE BRAVE DON QUIXOTE AND HIS GOOD SQUIRE SANCHO PANZA ENDURED IN THE INN, WHICH TO HIS MISFORTUNE HE TOOK TO BE A CASTLE By this time Don Quixote had recovered from his swoon; and in the same tone of voice in which he had called to his squire the day before when he lay stretched "in the vale of the stakes," he began calling to him now, "Sancho, my friend, art thou asleep? sleepest thou, friend Sancho?" "How can I sleep, curses on it!" returned Sancho discontentedly and bitterly, "when it is plain that all the devils have been at me this night?" "Thou mayest well believe that," answered Don Quixote, "because, either I know little, or this castle is enchanted, for thou must know-but this that I am now about to tell thee thou must swear to keep secret until after my death." "I swear it," answered Sancho. "I say so," continued Don Quixote, "because I hate taking away anyone's good name." "I say," replied Sancho, "that I swear to hold my tongue about it till the end of your worship's days, and God grant I may be able to let it out tomorrow." "Do I do thee such injuries, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "that thou wouldst see me dead so soon?" "It is not for that," replied Sancho, "but because I hate keeping things long, and I don't want them to grow rotten with me from over-keeping." "At any rate," said Don Quixote, "I have more confidence in thy affection and good nature; and so I would have thee know that this night there befell me one of the strangest adventures that I could describe, and to relate it to thee briefly thou must know that a little while ago the daughter of the lord of this castle came to me, and that she is the most elegant and beautiful damsel that could be found in the wide world. What I could tell thee of the charms of her person! of her lively wit! of other secret matters which, to preserve the fealty I owe to my lady Dulcinea del Toboso, I shall pass over unnoticed and in silence! I will only tell thee that, either fate being envious of so great a boon placed in my hands by good fortune, or perhaps (and this is more probable) this castle being, as I have already said, enchanted, at the time when I was engaged in the sweetest and most amorous discourse with her, there came, without my seeing or knowing whence it came, a hand attached to some arm of some huge giant, that planted such a cuff on my jaws that I have them all bathed in blood, and then pummelled me in such a way that I am in a worse plight than yesterday when the carriers, on account of Rocinante's misbehaviour, inflicted on us the injury thou knowest of; whence conjecture that there must be some enchanted Moor guarding the treasure of this damsel's beauty, and that it is not for me." "Not for me either," said Sancho, "for more than four hundred Moors have so thrashed me that the drubbing of the stakes was cakes and fancy-bread to it. But tell me, senor, what do you call this excellent and rare adventure that has left us as we are left now? Though your worship was not so badly off, having in your arms that incomparable beauty you spoke of; but I, what did I have, except the heaviest whacks I think I had in all my life? Unlucky me and the mother that bore me! for I am not a knight-errant and never expect to be one, and of all the mishaps, the greater part falls to my share." "Then thou hast been thrashed too?" said Don Quixote. "Didn't I say so? worse luck to my line!" said Sancho. "Be not distressed, friend," said Don Quixote, "for I will now make the precious balsam with which we shall cure ourselves in the twinkling of an eye." By this time the cuadrillero had succeeded in lighting the lamp, and came in to see the man that he thought had been killed; and as Sancho caught sight of him at the door, seeing him coming in his shirt, with a cloth on his head, and a lamp in his hand, and a very forbidding countenance, he said to his master, "Senor, can it be that this is the enchanted Moor coming back to give us more castigation if there be anything still left in the ink-bottle?" "It cannot be the Moor," answered Don Quixote, "for those under enchantment do not let themselves be seen by anyone." "If they don't let themselves be seen, they let themselves be felt," said Sancho; "if not, let my shoulders speak to the point." "Mine could speak too," said Don Quixote, "but that is not a sufficient reason for believing that what we see is the enchanted Moor." The officer came up, and finding them engaged in such a peaceful conversation, stood amazed; though Don Quixote, to be sure, still lay on his back unable to move from pure pummelling and plasters. The officer turned to him and said, "Well, how goes it, good man?" "I would speak more politely if I were you," replied Don Quixote; "is it the way of this country to address knights-errant in that style, you booby?" The cuadrillero finding himself so disrespectfully treated by such a sorry-looking individual, lost his temper, and raising the lamp full of oil, smote Don Quixote such a blow with it on the head that he gave him a badly broken pate; then, all being in darkness, he went out, and Sancho Panza said, "That is certainly the enchanted Moor, Senor, and he keeps the treasure for others, and for us only the cuffs and lamp-whacks." "That is the truth," answered Don Quixote, "and there is no use in troubling oneself about these matters of enchantment or being angry or vexed at them, for as they are invisible and visionary we shall find no one on whom to avenge ourselves, do what we may; rise, Sancho, if thou canst, and call the alcaide of this fortress, and get him to give me a little oil, wine, salt, and rosemary to make the salutiferous balsam, for indeed I believe I have great need of it now, because I am losing much blood from the wound that phantom gave me." Sancho got up with pain enough in his bones, and went after the innkeeper in the dark, and meeting the officer, who was looking to see what had become of his enemy, he said to him, "Senor, whoever you are, do us the favour and kindness to give us a little rosemary, oil, salt, and wine, for it is wanted to cure one of the best knights-errant on earth, who lies on yonder bed wounded by the hands of the enchanted Moor that is in this inn." When the officer heard him talk in this way, he took him for a man out of his senses, and as day was now beginning to break, he opened the inn gate, and calling the host, he told him what this good man wanted. The host furnished him with what he required, and Sancho brought it to Don Quixote, who, with his hand to his head, was bewailing the pain of the blow of the lamp, which had done him no more harm than raising a couple of rather large lumps, and what he fancied blood was only the sweat that flowed from him in his sufferings during the late storm. To be brief, he took the materials, of which he made a compound, mixing them all and boiling them a good while until it seemed to him they had come to perfection. He then asked for some vial to pour it into, and as there was not one in the inn, he decided on putting it into a tin oil-bottle or flask of which the host made him a free gift; and over the flask he repeated more than eighty paternosters and as many more ave-marias, salves, and credos, accompanying each word with a cross by way of benediction, at all which there were present Sancho, the innkeeper, and the cuadrillero; for the carrier was now peacefully engaged in attending to the comfort of his mules. This being accomplished, he felt anxious to make trial himself, on the spot, of the virtue of this precious balsam, as he considered it, and so he drank near a quart of what could not be put into the flask and remained in the pigskin in which it had been boiled; but scarcely had he done drinking when he began to vomit in such a way that nothing was left in his stomach, and with the pangs and spasms of vomiting he broke into a profuse sweat, on account of which he bade them cover him up and leave him alone. They did so, and he lay sleeping more than three hours, at the end of which he awoke and felt very great bodily relief and so much ease from his bruises that he thought himself quite cured, and verily believed he had hit upon the balsam of Fierabras; and that with this remedy he might thenceforward, without any fear, face any kind of destruction, battle, or combat, however perilous it might be. Sancho Panza, who also regarded the amendment of his master as miraculous, begged him to give him what was left in the pigskin, which was no small quantity. Don Quixote consented, and he, taking it with both hands, in good faith and with a better will, gulped down and drained off very little less than his master. But the fact is, that the stomach of poor Sancho was of necessity not so delicate as that of his master, and so, before vomiting, he was seized with such gripings and retchings, and such sweats and faintness, that verily and truly be believed his last hour had come, and finding himself so racked and tormented he cursed the balsam and the thief that had given it to him. Don Quixote seeing him in this state said, "It is my belief, Sancho, that this mischief comes of thy not being dubbed a knight, for I am persuaded this liquor cannot be good for those who are not so." "If your worship knew that," returned Sancho—"woe betide me and all my kindred!—why did you let me taste it?" At this moment the draught took effect, and the poor squire began to discharge both ways at such a rate that the rush mat on which he had thrown himself and the canvas blanket he had covering him were fit for nothing afterwards. He sweated and perspired with such paroxysms and convulsions that not only he himself but all present thought his end had come. This tempest and tribulation lasted about two hours, at the end of which he was left, not like his master, but so weak and exhausted that he could not stand. Don Quixote, however, who, as has been said, felt himself relieved and well, was eager to take his departure at once in quest of adventures, as it seemed to him that all the time he loitered there was a fraud upon the world and those in it who stood in need of his help and protection, all the more when he had the security and confidence his balsam afforded him; and so, urged by this impulse, he saddled Rocinante himself and put the pack-saddle on his squire's beast, whom likewise he helped to dress and mount the ass; after which he mounted his horse and turning to a corner of the inn he laid hold of a pike that stood there, to serve him by way of a lance. All that were in the inn, who were more than twenty persons, stood watching him; the innkeeper's daughter was likewise observing him, and he too never took his eyes off her, and from time to time fetched a sigh that he seemed to pluck up from the depths of his bowels; but they all thought it must be from the pain he felt in his ribs; at any rate they who had seen him plastered the night before thought so. As soon as they were both mounted, at the gate of the inn, he called to the host and said in a very grave and measured voice, "Many and great are the favours, Senor Alcaide, that I have received in this castle of yours, and I remain under the deepest obligation to be grateful to you for them all the days of my life; if I can repay them in avenging you of any arrogant foe who may have wronged you, know that my calling is no other than to aid the weak, to avenge those who suffer wrong, and to chastise perfidy. Search your memory, and if you find anything of this kind you need only tell me of it, and I promise you by the order of knighthood which I have received to procure you satisfaction and reparation to the utmost of your desire." The innkeeper replied to him with equal calmness, "Sir Knight, I do not want your worship to avenge me of any wrong, because when any is done me I can take what vengeance seems good to me; the only thing I want is that you pay me the score that you have run up in the inn last night, as well for the straw and barley for your two beasts, as for supper and beds." "Then this is an inn?" said Don Quixote. "And a very respectable one," said the innkeeper. "I have been under a mistake all this time," answered Don Quixote, "for in truth I thought it was a castle, and not a bad one; but since it appears that it is not a castle but an inn, all that can be done now is that you should excuse the payment, for I cannot contravene the rule of knights-errant, of whom I know as a fact (and up to the present I have read nothing to the contrary) that they never paid for lodging or anything else in the inn where they might be; for any hospitality that might be offered them is their due by law and right in return for the insufferable toil they endure in seeking adventures by night and by day, in summer and in winter, on foot and on horseback, in hunger and thirst, cold and heat, exposed to all the inclemencies of heaven and all the hardships of earth." "I have little to do with that," replied the innkeeper; "pay me what you owe me, and let us have no more talk of chivalry, for all I care about is to get my money." "You are a stupid, scurvy innkeeper," said Don Quixote, and putting spurs to Rocinante and bringing his pike to the slope he rode out of the inn before anyone could stop him, and pushed on some distance without looking to see if his squire was following him. The innkeeper when he saw him go without paying him ran to get payment of Sancho, who said that as his master would not pay neither would he, because, being as he was squire to a knight-errant, the same rule and reason held good for him as for his master with regard to not paying anything in inns and hostelries. At this the innkeeper waxed very wroth, and threatened if he did not pay to compel him in a way that he would not like. To which Sancho made answer that by the law of chivalry his master had received he would not pay a rap, though it cost him his life; for the excellent and ancient usage of knights-errant was not going to be violated by him, nor should the squires of such as were yet to come into the world ever complain of him or reproach him with breaking so just a privilege. The ill-luck of the unfortunate Sancho so ordered it that among the company in the inn there were four woolcarders from Segovia, three needle-makers from the Colt of Cordova, and two lodgers from the Fair of Seville, lively fellows, tender-hearted, fond of a joke, and playful, who, almost as if instigated and moved by a common impulse, made up to Sancho and dismounted him from his ass, while one of them went in for the blanket of the host's bed; but on flinging him into it they looked up, and seeing that the ceiling was somewhat lower what they required for their work, they decided upon going out into the yard, which was bounded by the sky, and there, putting Sancho in the middle of the blanket, they began to raise him high, making sport with him as they would with a dog at Shrovetide. The cries of the poor blanketed wretch were so loud that they reached the ears of his master, who, halting to listen attentively, was persuaded that some new adventure was coming, until he clearly perceived that it was his squire who uttered them. Wheeling about he came up to the inn with a laborious gallop, and finding it shut went round it to see if he could find some way of getting in; but as soon as he came to the wall of the yard, which was not very high, he discovered the game that was being played with his squire. He saw him rising and falling in the air with such grace and nimbleness that, had his rage allowed him, it is my belief he would have laughed. He tried to climb from his horse on to the top of the wall, but he was so bruised and battered that he could not even dismount; and so from the back of his horse he began to utter such maledictions and objurgations against those who were blanketing Sancho as it would be impossible to write down accurately: they, however, did not stay their laughter or their work for this, nor did the flying Sancho cease his lamentations, mingled now with threats, now with entreaties but all to little purpose, or none at all, until from pure weariness they left off. They then brought him his ass, and mounting him on top of it they put his jacket round him; and the compassionate Maritornes, seeing him so exhausted, thought fit to refresh him with a jug of water, and that it might be all the cooler she fetched it from the well. Sancho took it, and as he was raising it to his mouth he was stopped by the cries of his master exclaiming, "Sancho, my son, drink not water; drink it not, my son, for it will kill thee; see, here I have the blessed balsam (and he held up the flask of liquor), and with drinking two drops of it thou wilt certainly be restored." At these words Sancho turned his eyes asquint, and in a still louder voice said, "Can it be your worship has forgotten that I am not a knight, or do you want me to end by vomiting up what bowels I have left after last night? Keep your liquor in the name of all the devils, and leave me to myself!" and at one and the same instant he left off talking and began drinking; but as at the first sup he perceived it was water he did not care to go on with it, and begged Maritornes to fetch him some wine, which she did with right good will, and paid for it with her own money; for indeed they say of her that, though she was in that line of life, there was some faint and distant resemblance to a Christian about her. When Sancho had done drinking he dug his heels into his ass, and the gate of the inn being thrown open he passed out very well pleased at having paid nothing and carried his point, though it had been at the expense of his usual sureties, his shoulders. It is true that the innkeeper detained his alforjas in payment of what was owing to him, but Sancho took his departure in such a flurry that he never missed them. The innkeeper, as soon as he saw him off, wanted to bar the gate close, but the blanketers would not agree to it, for they were fellows who would not have cared two farthings for Don Quixote, even had he been really one of the knights-errant of the Round Table. IN WHICH IS RELATED THE DISCOURSE SANCHO PANZA HELD WITH HIS MASTER, DON QUIXOTE, AND OTHER ADVENTURES WORTH RELATING Sancho reached his master so limp and faint that he could not urge on his beast. When Don Quixote saw the state he was in he said, "I have now come to the conclusion, good Sancho, that this castle or inn is beyond a doubt enchanted, because those who have so atrociously diverted themselves with thee, what can they be but phantoms or beings of another world? and I hold this confirmed by having noticed that when I was by the wall of the yard witnessing the acts of thy sad tragedy, it was out of my power to mount upon it, nor could I even dismount from Rocinante, because they no doubt had me enchanted; for I swear to thee by the faith of what I am that if I had been able to climb up or dismount, I would have avenged thee in such a way that those braggart thieves would have remembered their freak for ever, even though in so doing I knew that I contravened the laws of chivalry, which, as I have often told thee, do not permit a knight to lay hands on him who is not one, save in case of urgent and great necessity in defence of his own life and person." "I would have avenged myself too if I could," said Sancho, "whether I had been dubbed knight or not, but I could not; though for my part I am persuaded those who amused themselves with me were not phantoms or enchanted men, as your worship says, but men of flesh and bone like ourselves; and they all had their names, for I heard them name them when they were tossing me, and one was called Pedro Martinez, and another Tenorio Hernandez, and the innkeeper, I heard, was called Juan Palomeque the Left-handed; so that, senor, your not being able to leap over the wall of the yard or dismount from your horse came of something else besides enchantments; and what I make out clearly from all this is, that these adventures we go seeking will in the end lead us into such misadventures that we shall not know which is our right foot; and that the best and wisest thing, according to my small wits, would be for us to return home, now that it is harvest-time, and attend to our business, and give over wandering from Zeca to Mecca and from pail to bucket, as the saying is." "How little thou knowest about chivalry, Sancho," replied Don Quixote; "hold thy peace and have patience; the day will come when thou shalt see with thine own eyes what an honourable thing it is to wander in the pursuit of this calling; nay, tell me, what greater pleasure can there be in the world, or what delight can equal that of winning a battle, and triumphing over one's enemy? None, beyond all doubt." "Very likely," answered Sancho, "though I do not know it; all I know is that since we have been knights-errant, or since your worship has been one (for I have no right to reckon myself one of so honourable a number) we have never won any battle except the one with the Biscayan, and even out of that your worship came with half an ear and half a helmet the less; and from that till now it has been all cudgellings and more cudgellings, cuffs and more cuffs, I getting the blanketing over and above, and falling in with enchanted persons on whom I cannot avenge myself so as to know what the delight, as your worship calls it, of conquering an enemy is like." "That is what vexes me, and what ought to vex thee, Sancho," replied Don Quixote; "but henceforward I will endeavour to have at hand some sword made by such craft that no kind of enchantments can take effect upon him who carries it, and it is even possible that fortune may procure for me that which belonged to Amadis when he was called 'The Knight of the Burning Sword,' which was one of the best swords that ever knight in the world possessed, for, besides having the said virtue, it cut like a razor, and there was no armour, however strong and enchanted it might be, that could resist it." "Such is my luck," said Sancho, "that even if that happened and your worship found some such sword, it would, like the balsam, turn out serviceable and good for dubbed knights only, and as for the squires, they might sup sorrow." "Fear not that, Sancho," said Don Quixote: "Heaven will deal better by thee." Thus talking, Don Quixote and his squire were going along, when, on the road they were following, Don Quixote perceived approaching them a large and thick cloud of dust, on seeing which he turned to Sancho and said: "This is the day, Sancho, on which will be seen the boon my fortune is reserving for me; this, I say, is the day on which as much as on any other shall be displayed the might of my arm, and on which I shall do deeds that shall remain written in the book of fame for all ages to come. Seest thou that cloud of dust which rises yonder? Well, then, all that is churned up by a vast army composed of various and countless nations that comes marching there." "According to that there must be two," said Sancho, "for on this opposite side also there rises just such another cloud of dust." Don Quixote turned to look and found that it was true, and rejoicing exceedingly, he concluded that they were two armies about to engage and encounter in the midst of that broad plain; for at all times and seasons his fancy was full of the battles, enchantments, adventures, crazy feats, loves, and defiances that are recorded in the books of chivalry, and everything he said, thought, or did had reference to such things. Now the cloud of dust he had seen was raised by two great droves of sheep coming along the same road in opposite directions, which, because of the dust, did not become visible until they drew near, but Don Quixote asserted so positively that they were armies that Sancho was led to believe it and say, "Well, and what are we to do, senor?" "What?" said Don Quixote: "give aid and assistance to the weak and those who need it; and thou must know, Sancho, that this which comes opposite to us is conducted and led by the mighty emperor Alifanfaron, lord of the great isle of Trapobana; this other that marches behind me is that of his enemy the king of the Garamantas, Pentapolin of the Bare Arm, for he always goes into battle with his right arm bare." "But why are these two lords such enemies?" "They are at enmity," replied Don Quixote, "because this Alifanfaron is a furious pagan and is in love with the daughter of Pentapolin, who is a very beautiful and moreover gracious lady, and a Christian, and her father is unwilling to bestow her upon the pagan king unless he first abandons the religion of his false prophet Mahomet, and adopts his own." "By my beard," said Sancho, "but Pentapolin does quite right, and I will help him as much as I can." "In that thou wilt do what is thy duty, Sancho," said Don Quixote; "for to engage in battles of this sort it is not requisite to be a dubbed knight." "That I can well understand," answered Sancho; "but where shall we put this ass where we may be sure to find him after the fray is over? for I believe it has not been the custom so far to go into battle on a beast of this kind." "That is true," said Don Quixote, "and what you had best do with him is to leave him to take his chance whether he be lost or not, for the horses we shall have when we come out victors will be so many that even Rocinante will run a risk of being changed for another. But attend to me and observe, for I wish to give thee some account of the chief knights who accompany these two armies; and that thou mayest the better see and mark, let us withdraw to that hillock which rises yonder, whence both armies may be seen." They did so, and placed themselves on a rising ground from which the two droves that Don Quixote made armies of might have been plainly seen if the clouds of dust they raised had not obscured them and blinded the sight; nevertheless, seeing in his imagination what he did not see and what did not exist, he began thus in a loud voice: "That knight whom thou seest yonder in yellow armour, who bears upon his shield a lion crowned crouching at the feet of a damsel, is the valiant Laurcalco, lord of the Silver Bridge; that one in armour with flowers of gold, who bears on his shield three crowns argent on an azure field, is the dreaded Micocolembo, grand duke of Quirocia; that other of gigantic frame, on his right hand, is the ever dauntless Brandabarbaran de Boliche, lord of the three Arabias, who for armour wears that serpent skin, and has for shield a gate which, according to tradition, is one of those of the temple that Samson brought to the ground when by his death he revenged himself upon his enemies. But turn thine eyes to the other side, and thou shalt see in front and in the van of this other army the ever victorious and never vanquished Timonel of Carcajona, prince of New Biscay, who comes in armour with arms quartered azure, vert, white, and yellow, and bears on his shield a cat or on a field tawny with a motto which says Miau, which is the beginning of the name of his lady, who according to report is the peerless Miaulina, daughter of the duke Alfeniquen of the Algarve; the other, who burdens and presses the loins of that powerful charger and bears arms white as snow and a shield blank and without any device, is a novice knight, a Frenchman by birth, Pierres Papin by name, lord of the baronies of Utrique; that other, who with iron-shod heels strikes the flanks of that nimble parti-coloured zebra, and for arms bears azure vair, is the mighty duke of Nerbia, Espartafilardo del Bosque, who bears for device on his shield an asparagus plant with a motto in Castilian that says, Rastrea mi suerte." And so he went on naming a number of knights of one squadron or the other out of his imagination, and to all he assigned off-hand their arms, colours, devices, and mottoes, carried away by the illusions of his unheard-of craze; and without a pause, he continued, "People of divers nations compose this squadron in front; here are those that drink of the sweet waters of the famous Xanthus, those that scour the woody Massilian plains, those that sift the pure fine gold of Arabia Felix, those that enjoy the famed cool banks of the crystal Thermodon, those that in many and various ways divert the streams of the golden Pactolus, the Numidians, faithless in their promises, the Persians renowned in archery, the Parthians and the Medes that fight as they fly, the Arabs that ever shift their dwellings, the Scythians as cruel as they are fair, the Ethiopians with pierced lips, and an infinity of other nations whose features I recognise and descry, though I cannot recall their names. In this other squadron there come those that drink of the crystal streams of the olive-bearing Betis, those that make smooth their countenances with the water of the ever rich and golden Tagus, those that rejoice in the fertilising flow of the divine Genil, those that roam the Tartesian plains abounding in pasture, those that take their pleasure in the Elysian meadows of Jerez, the rich Manchegans crowned with ruddy ears of corn, the wearers of iron, old relics of the Gothic race, those that bathe in the Pisuerga renowned for its gentle current, those that feed their herds along the spreading pastures of the winding Guadiana famed for its hidden course, those that tremble with the cold of the pineclad Pyrenees or the dazzling snows of the lofty Apennine; in a word, as many as all Europe includes and contains."
The studio apartment is located in a quiet cobbled street in the mediaeval quarter of Blois with restricted traffic and consists of a large bedroom/sitting room/kitchen with separate bathroom and toilet all decorated in the style of the early 1800s but with all modern conveniences: large double bed, comfortable toile de jouy armchairs and small dining table, fully equipped kitchen (fridge, dishwasher, cooking top, microwave, washer/drier). All fittings and furnishings are of very high standard to give you an absolutely comfortable and carefree holiday. There is a shared private garden at the back of the apartment up one flight of stairs. Within a stone’s throw there are many restaurants and shops. Below the photos of the apartment are some photos of the street (Puits Chatel) and nearby attractions. Bed corner with large queen bed Sitting area with toile de jouy chairs and large wardrobe Coat and hat stand with bathroom door open The bathroom has a shower on the right and wash basin on the left with a separate toilet Bathroom with washbasin on left N° 32 rue Puits Chatel A little further down the street, the steps leading up to the cathedral Looking down the street towards the main centre of Blois A typical Renaissance mansion in rue Puits Chatel The square just to the left of the previous photo has three al fresco restaurants A handmade bird and animal shop in the next street The old salt storehouse next to the previous square The view from the shared garden The rose garden accessed via the steps leading up to the cathedral Another view of the rose garden showing the town hall on the left
The other week we blogged about growing with Innocent this spring and how at the moment until the end of April they are giving away free seeds in every box of Innocent kids’ smoothies or fruit tubes. There are six to collect – carrots, tomatoes, cress, basil, violets & sunflowers and Innocents aim is to get millions of children outside planting and harvesting their little gardens this spring/summer. We had our nephew around for tea, so I seized my chance of getting the help of two little toddlers to plant some seeds with me. The blog post I wrote about saving up our innocent cartons showed a little piccy of the seeds which are inside of the boxes; they’re little pop out seed packets which degrade in the soil. Means no getting seeds all over the place as the toddlers were able to just pop the little seed packets into their cartons full of soil. Of course, we got the soil all over the place, but I believe the more mess you create, the more the fun has been had. Once we had planted our seeds and covered them in soil and gave them a little water, we labelled what seeds we had planted with the little description labels we cut from the boxes. We didn’t have enough for all of them, so we re-used the part of the seed packets which we didn’t need which had the name of the seed on them to mark what our seeds were. We also re-used our empty boxes to use as holders for our plants while we wait for our little seeds to turn into seedlings, we had just as much fun making and decorating these boxes as we did planting our seeds. We’ve teamed up with the guys at Innocent for a competition where you can win your very own watering can kit for your little one. They’re even chucking in some Innocent vouchers so you can stock up on some cartons ready to plan your seeds. To be in with a chance of winning all you have to do is answer the following question: If one box of Innocent Kids’ Smoothies contains four cartons, then how many boxes did I buy to give me the number of cartons in the photo below? The competition is open to UK residents and ends a week today on the 2nd April 2012. Winner will be drawn at random. If you’re already growing some Innocent sends then why not tweet them a photo using the hashtag #innocentseedsor share one over on their facebook page.
NVDL: In my street we had our lights off, so did the people next door and the Slumlord downstairs. Across the road all the lights were burning, but diagonally across the windows were filled with soft candlelight. My girlfriend and I thought it might be something worth doing once a month. Say the middle Wednesday in each month... Once could even log off your computer during one lunch break each month; it's a start. Only with the lights off and the candles on do you realise how much noise is going on with the TV on and lights...and do you find yourself settling into The Now. Time zone by time zone, nearly 4,000 cities and towns in 88 countries joined the event sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund to dim nonessential lights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. "People want politicians to take action and solve the problem," said Kim Carstensen, director of the global climate initiative for WWF, speaking in a piano bar bathed by candlelight and lounge music.
We’ve finally been able to bring the band back together for another episode of the SEGA Nerdcast! This week we delve into all the crazy Kickstarter news about Elysian Shadows and Night Trap and then get into some fond memories of our time playing the SEGA Genesis as it turned 25 years old in North America this month. [powerpress] Duration – 1 hr, 36 min @ 46.4 MB Review us on iTunes | Subscribe to our RSS | Follow us on Twitter @seganerds | Like us on Facebook | Subscribe to us on YouTube Follow Chris on Twitter Follow Kopke on Twitter Follow Blake on Twitter
If you happen to watch my blog every day, you can see whether I hug the bed or not in the morning, depending on the position of the sun. Do we have high noon morning or not, and today the sun was almost saying get out of bed. Sometimes it is so good to do something completely different. Mr. Swiss reminds me today is a holiday, being Ascension Day, so there is no rush. What is a holiday? A day when all the shops are closed, but my golden oldie days are permanent holidays I suppose. So I eventually dragged myself out of bed, did the normal morning preparations and have now had breakfast and taken a few photos for the day. Our meadow bordering the garden is looking good, everything that nature does when it has a free range. I noticed yesterday afternoon that we have bees everywhere at the moment enjoying the sunny afternoons and doing whatever bees do. They are really very busy creatures and when I want to take a photo, they buzz off again. Luckily the telephone camera gives me a choice of moving photos to choose the one that looks best. I would love to catch one in full flight, but they are too quick. Yesterday was again a trip to the store, although I really did not have to get so much. Since I began to get two of everything, putting the second choice in the deep freeze or on my storage table in the nice cool laundry room, I really have no need to buy so much. I just keep my eye open for special offers, and put the extras in the cellar.. I made a note that this week the local supermarket had a special on the washing powder I use for my machine. One box has a little more than a month’s supply for me and they were offering two boxes for the price of one, so I naturally jumped at the chance and am now comfortable for two months washing. I know it sounds a bit silly, but what else does a golden oldie have to occupy itself with. I really missed by wheelie yesterday into town and to the local supermarket. It will be my new routine when the car is gone. I organised my annual subscription for having the goods picked up and brought home from the supermarket yesterday. Just choose the goods at the store, pay and give it to the customer service and go home. The rest is done for me: a new way of life. I will even have more time to pop into town and not stick to my normal routine. Today I will probably take a wheelie this afternoon. The weather is looking fine and and sunny and it will be just a trip, perhaps even to the outskirts of town. I have enough time. I only wish that Mr. Swiss would venture out more. I managed to persuade him to take a wheelie in his chair this week, but he only does the immediate surroundings. I am hoping to get him to the hill to the local castle. However he is also quite happy at home. It is a different life when both have their mobility problems. I notice that WordPress is constantly reminding me that their block system of blogging will soon no longer be such a choice, but a must, although I believe you can still stick the old system (which is actually also new, but no longer as new as it was). I suppose I will even conquer that, but ask why should I. And now to catch up with lost time, although I have no important appointments today, just a meeting with the kitchen stove to cook dinner and prepare an evening meal. My iris is really developing nicely in the garden, but I notice I should hurry for some photos. Suddenly they will also be gone for a year and the roses will be blooming. Since having a garden for the past 20 years life’s routine adapt’s to nature’s timetable.
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Time is the essence. Most, if not all the inventions and discoveries are aimed at us humans saving time. We want everything done quicker, faster and sooner. We live as though we just don’t have enough time – nevertheless we are all equally endowed with 24 hours to spend. Apps have come into existence to save time in diverse domains. House cleaning services App saves us time and energy in the upkeep of our homes and offices. Most machines were built to automate repetitive tasks. When a task becomes consistent and time consuming it becomes laborious to perform. Some of them being house cleaning, office cleaning, home cleaning, deep cleaning, yard cleaning, or snow clearing. We know that keeping our surroundings clean is a never ending chore. To live a healthy life you need clean ambiance. House cleaning revolves around mopping floors, vacuuming, dusting and changing bed linens. There are two options available, do-it-yourself or hiring a cleaning service. There are apps for both options. Here we shall concentrate on completing a cleaning service via professionals through an App. Software Solutions will assist cleaning services to operate efficiently, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on growing their business. These have been specifically crafted for the service industry and the software will connect your office with your field staff, schedule jobs, track field units, handle invoicing, and help track customer records on a PC, tablet, or smartphone. Apps help to reduce scheduling errors, take care of cancellations quickly, and complete jobs as per agenda. You can reduce office operations, notify field staff and customers of change in schedule via messages or email. Check inventory and technician check-in, check-out stats. Improve storing of records and reduce disputes as field technicians can endorse customer signatures, images, and videos to orders and invoices. Optimize travel time through GPS tracking. Enhance your billing cycle and increase cash flow through job-site invoicing. Eliminate data entry as customer records update automatically. House Cleaning Services Apps - Housecall Pro - Extra Cleaning App These software applications can save you a lot of time that could be utilized to catch up with other necessary engagements. With a smartphone you can find a house cleaner of your choice and requirement, then fix an appointment for the chores to be performed. It also enables you to take complete control of the services to be performed. You can save money by increasing the frequency of your cleaning service visits as the amount of hourly work to be done would reduce. Over and above your surroundings would be cleaner. Home cleaning service rates would depend on its location, the total area that needs to be cleaned and how often the cleaning service has been performed. Some firms charge at a fixed rate of 5 cents per square foot, with the minimum being $100. The national average costing for house cleaning services range between $110 and $150. But the prices could be lower in certain towns or higher in big cities and affluent regions. Locate your ideal contractor Some Apps are designed keeping landlords in mind. The app lets you list the job that needs to be done, when you want it done, and how much you’re willing to pay for it. The apps also suggests you a reasonable price range which keeps you in control of the final cost. A repeat customer would be aware of a fair price for the job to be done. Reasonable prices will get the best responses. Some apps protect you from inflated bids that some cleaners project. The Apps also screens cleaners near you who fit the bill and agree to work for your price. Just pick one to get the project started. Once the job is done, the crew will send you a picture of the completed work, and you can then pay for it through the app. The entire process is simple, saves you considerable time, and works perfectly even when you cannot get to personally supervise the job. Cleaning Services App Give all necessary details of the job to be done. Is it a basic clean-up job or a major project. Is it deep cleaning or surface cleaning? The number of bedrooms and other rooms to be cleaned. Be specific as it would leave no room for doubt. Then list the address where you want the service to be done. Finally, take pictures of the areas where work needs to be done and put-up the price range you’re willing to pay. After you enter all these info into the app the interested cleaners will send you bids. The app naturally assumes you want the nearest cleaners hence it recommends the closest firm/individual until and unless you change the setting. The person providing the service is motivated to do commendable job and garner good reviews in their local area so as to get regular work from the locals and those in his region of operation. House Cleaning Services While searching for a professional to in your home or rental property you can ensure to contract someone from your local area. But do ascertain that he is licensed and that the work being done is insured. Always ask for this information when you’re interviewing potential service providers for house cleaning services. ChoreRelief is one among the best app’s to find house cleaners. The mobile app will assist you to locate cleaning services, contractors, painters, and other service professionals. You will save time, money and patience by finding the service that is perfectly suited to your requirement. Handy is an interesting mobile app to seek professional house cleaning services. You can employ these services for repeated visits such as fortnightly, monthly, or weekly basis. You can change or postpone bookings as per your need. Option has been also provided to either cancel or reschedule a booking. The app allows you to keep in touch with your professional cleaner and you can tip via the app. Handy has a reputation for maintaining time with all its appointments. Download the app and apprise them on the size of your apartment, condominium, or home. Handy will connect you with the appropriate professional cleaning service and ensure that the work is completed as per schedule. Handy has affordable pricing options, a commendable customer service and professional cleaners who have been vetted. The app is available on both the App Store and Google Play. MaidsApp makes it possible to find professional cleaning services at the time and date you need them. You could be picky and choosy regarding contracting an ideal house cleaner, MaidsApp provides options for the same. Choose one among the three cleaning options – normal cleaning, deep cleaning or a professional cleaning. Rest assured they would arrive in time and complete the job as per your requirements and schedule. All professional cleaners available on the MaidsApp are background-checked and trained. They are pretty competent regarding the work to be done. The app is available on Google Play / App Store. Tidy assists you to book a trustworthy house cleaner from near your location. An App that can be recommended to anyone who owns a small home or a big size condo, the work is professionally carried out and is pretty much affordable. This app promises to get you a housecleaner to your location within the hour. For any issues, you can contact Tidy Concierge with your questions or concerns and they will resolve it to your satisfaction. Tidy Satisfaction Guarantee is an imperative part of every undertaken work. If you’re not satisfied with the cleaning services performed, you will receive credits that can be claimed during future cleanings. 5. Housecall Pro Housecall Pro is an all-in-one App similar to the ChoreRelief App that will connect you to the house cleaning community. You can schedule appointments, make payments, and check the work done through the images loaded. It’s an affordable and easy to use app. You have the option to start off with a free trial and later on you could opt for one of the many plans that is available. 6. Extra Cleaning App Booking for professional cleaning services is straightforward on a smartphone after the inception of Apps. The Extra Cleaning App is free to download and use. Contracting agencies for residential or office cleaning services is uncomplicated on this App. A professional cleaning team will arrive at your home/office within 60 to 90 minutes. You can also schedule regular cleaning services as per your need and availability. Subsequent to booking a cleaning service, the app will connect you with professional cleaning services in your vicinity. You are not coerced to accept contracts or commit to future appointments. Customer care representatives are available to respond to all your doubts and apprehensions. The App also provides you with tips on how you can take steps to ensure that the property is maintained in a picture perfect state.
Ok, I dont even really know where to start here…its kind of a long story, I’ll try to make it as short as possible. This girl and I have been talking for awhile. We’ve hung out a few times and she’s came over here a couple times and last week i took her out to the movies and met her parents and everything. Well, the first time she came over we just watched movies and laid on my futon and made out…etc and thats pretty much what we did the next 3 or 4 times she came, but getting ‘a little further’ each time, still no sex of any kind though. Well, I’m really starting to like this girl and she has been pretty open about liking me alot since day 1. So last night we had sex…kinda. This is where the TMI part comes in…it ummmmm, well, it wouldnt fit. She said it hurt worse than the first time. So she went home fairly quickly after that and we were talking on the internet and i asked her if she was coming over again tomorrow night (tonight). She said she didnt know (although she had been planning on coming over friday and saturday night all week) So i was like…‘ok, why?’ And she said “well, i shouldnt have done that” and i was like what? and she said…get this “well i didnt really want to but i thought it would make you happy” And now im totally wigging out, what the fuck is that shit?!! What the hell am i supposed to say to something like that? Should i stop talking to her? Should I even be as mad as i am? Am i over-reacting? If it matters im 19 and shes 17 (and NO, this isnt illegal in my state) Any advice would be very helpful, thank you. (More details available upon request)
It’s International Poetry Day And thus I just popped in to say That I used to write a lot of it Before realising it was mostly shit. Sometimes when you write for an audience you learn a few things about yourself. When I was doing my A-levels I wrote poetry as a way of expressing the angst of a lovesick teenager. Odes to girl-of-the-week (that’s a little harsh; there were only three or four) flowed off the tongue with all the usual mixed metaphors and ill-advised cliches; next week it would be someone else. It was like that Stevie Wonder album where each song is dedicated to a different girl, something The Beautiful South parodied in ‘Song For Whoever’. Rosalind? I have forgot that name, and that name’s woe. Of the substantial block I wrote over the next four or five years there is only one that I still like; everything else is garbage. The moment I realised this was the moment I started doing performance poetry, and adapting my writing style to suit the ageing beatniks who hung out in the local arts centre; they were a good crowd and one of them is a very talented published writer whom we always knew was destined for greatness. I got on with them, but found the poetry was suffering. It seemed a little more egocentric, more applause-orientated, than the other stuff I’d written – carefully laid-out free verse that was designed to be looked at, rather than heard. So I stopped. Years later I went back and realised the free verse was similarly dreadful. I make no apologies. Sometimes these things are like a bad curry; it’s simply a matter of getting it out of your system. So I have no idea what’s new in poetry or what people are listening to; I just go back to the old favourites: Duffy, Heaney, Hughes, Hart Crane, and e.e. cummings (a few feet away, on my pine bookshelf, sits his collected poems, the title scandalously capitalised). These days I stick to the prose. I don’t even write songs anymore. A little streamlining never hurt anyone. “You should stick to what you’re good at, and I’m good at being a priest.” My regular readers (both of you) will recall that a while back I did a crowd-sourced short story that involved people adding a sentence at a time until we had something tangible; I then added a couple of pictures and Brigadier’s your uncle. Today’s exercise is even more bizarre: I had the group submit random numbers. Any number they liked, as long as it came between 1 and 300. The thread swiftly exploded and I managed to get all the data I needed in a matter of minutes. And then, using a bizarre and convoluted system that only I understand (and will not explain) I mined the transcripts (thanks, Chrissy) and pulled out the corresponding dialogue. And here, for the benefit of the general public, is what may be the world’s first crowd-sourced Doctor Who poem. Also possibly the last. Here we go… Wilson’s dead. Inform the Emperor Dalek it slipped my memory. You see, I’m going for a little trip myself. Oh, yes, yes, indeed, yes. Is that you, Yates? Where are you? So they’re abandoning us. They’re not even going to try and seal the shaft. Deja Vu. You’re sure he’s still in bed? You are interrupting me. There’s nothing to forgive No doubt, I shall join them. Just get down here. Come to me. Where am I? Let me out! Of course I’m real. Do you know what I did for a job when they threw me out of school? Go along and see. Go along and see. – Well, possibly she’s taking a stroll in the garden. – What do you mean? – I mean, I suppose it’s time I should be going. – Yes, I know, but he was trying to help you. Hey hey! Mama mia! Bellissima. All right, I’ll take it. Greyhound to Trap One. We will survive. We will survive. Now you will help us.
There was an old Taiwanese woman who was bitter as a widow, bitter as a mother, bitter as a grandmother. She would have been bitter as a sister, too, but her brother was not in the picture and her bitterness could not be attributed to him. While on her death bed in the hospital, she asked for her only son. He was in Canada and had to be coerced by his wife to fly home. The old woman didn’t really love her son as she felt that he never loved her after he turned thirteen. He had turned out to be just like her dead husband, the high forehead among other things. She also had a way of bringing out her dead husband in her son. Both men were ill-tempered and liked to drink when she was around. Even her grandson, her son’s son, had turned out to embody this male prototype. She didn’t love any one of them and they naturally didn’t love her, and she was bitter about that. Still, the old woman was somewhat satisfied with the fact that she had married the first, birthed the second, contributed to the third. None of them would be who they were without her and she wanted to tell her son that before she died. She wanted to have one last dig at him by telling him that his family would suffer the same fate as hers, because of karma, and that his son and future grandson would not love him just as he did not love her. The old woman’s son held her hand for the first time in more than half a century. As she stared at the hospital room ceiling, he informed her that his son and his son’s wife were a practising child-free couple. They lived in New York with their dog. The mongrel’s name was Happy and he loved everyone including the doorman. After hearing this, the old woman lived to be a bitter person only for another day. Tiffany Hsieh is a Canadian writer living in Stouffville, Ontario. She used to play the piano and work as a reporter. She holds a master’s degree in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Gloucestershire. Her poetry is forthcoming in Ricepaper Magazine. Image via Pixabay
Having a good night’s rest is important to your health. With busy schedules and never quite enough time to go around, it can be difficult to set aside enough time to get the sleep that our bodies need. Coffee and energy drinks seem like good solutions to a lack of sleep but they cannot replace the role that sleep plays in your body’s wellbeing. While children are growing up and going through puberty, growth promoting hormones are released while they are sleeping, these help to repair tissue and cells and help to build muscle mass. It is very important for children and adolescents to receive adequate sleep to help the body develop. Sleep is no less important for adults, sleep deprivation can have very serious consequences. We know the signs that we haven’t gotten enough sleep, we are tired, irritable, and can’t stop yawning, but a lack of sleep has a more direct effect on your body’s ability to perform. Chronic sleep deprivation can disrupt your decision-making abilities, as well as coordination and balance. If you don’t get enough sleep your brain can’t function properly. Neurons rest while you are sleeping and your brain forms new pathways as well. If you don’t get enough sleep you may not be able to concentrate and you will have a harder time learning new things. Your short and long term memory will be affected because your brain consolidates memories while you are sleeping. You may also notice a negative impact your ability to be creative. A lack of sleep will put you at an increased risk for developing chronic illnesses like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Your immune system makes antibodies, that fight infections, while you are sleeping. These antibodies help to combat bacteria and viruses. If you aren’t getting the right amount of sleep you aren’t giving your immune system the ability to build the tools it needs. Sleep deprivation will leave you susceptible to illness as well as make it more difficult for you to recover from being sick. The list of health issues linked to sleep deprivation is quite long, including the following: High blood pressure, heart attack, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, strokes, depression, and obesity. Sleep deprivation is also a major factor in auto accidents. Fatigue may be the cause of 100,000 auto accidents each year. If you are driving and have not had a sufficient amount of sleep, your reaction time is almost the same as an intoxicated driver. Sleep is important. It may seem like the easiest thing to skimp on to finish everything necessary in our busy days, but a lack of sleep is actually making you less effective in your day to day life. Take a look at your schedule and see how you can start making positive changes to leave yourself enough time to rest and recuperate by getting enough sleep at night.
Hi there! My Ringo recently started to shut off and start again when someone would call me. I don’t know how to fix this and my SD card is completely fine. Any suggestions? Does it do this when it’s getting power via the USB cord, or only when its running on battery? That did not happen before? Did you change anything in the meantime (firmware version or something?) I was thinking that if the battery was reaching its end-of-life, it would not hold a charge for long and when a call came in (ramping up the power in the SIM and the amplifier driving the speaker to play the ringtone loudly), and thus causing the battery voltage to dip below the threshold to keep the phone up and running. If it doesn’t do this when plugged in, that would be a BIG clue that it is related to the wellness of the battery. Even if a computer thinks the card is fine, there could still be minor corruption on the SD card that Ringo just isn’t tolerating well. Perhaps you should reformat the card and put the original files back on it to be certain, which you can download from here: I don’t know. I’ll check. No, I did not change anything. I’ll try that. Thank you. Reformating worked! Thank you! Enjoy your phone. Always glad to help! Have fun and don’t hesitate to post again if you have any questions.
Does anyone know what the dark blue is on the radar I thought it was rain but it never seems to rain when that color comes over us. I know the green is rain but the dark blue what does that mean? What radar app/screen? I know that a few consumerized weather radar displays (like Windy.com) show radar ground clutter or very faint radar reflections and possibly virga as blue. There is usually a color key on the display… It really depends on what website you are looking at. Here in Australia we have a government organisation called the BOM (Bureau of Meteorology) and a private organisation that has lightning trackers all over the country called Weatherzone. They both use the same radar data but the images appear different from each other in terms of graphics and colours. There are a number of things that go into what you see as colors on a radar depictions. Different programs and apps display things differently, so, there really is no way to give a specific answer. Assuming you are talking about a depiction of radar reflectivity (as opposed to velocity, etc.) , if you see a dark blue it is representative of the intensity of the reflected radar beem detected at the radar site (specified in units of dbZ) when mapped to some color scale. So, an example of you are referring to (with the color scale) could help to provide a more detailed answer on the reflectivity intensity. To complicate matters further, the beam can/does reflect due to precipitation, birds, dust, bugs, smoke, tornado debris, etc., so, a given dbZ value by itself, does not guarantee that the any reflectivity value represents rain/precipitation. Newer radar units use a “dual pol” (dual polarity) scheme that can give a number of products in addition to reflectivity that can provide a much better idea of what the beam is impacting. But, for now, I guess the best answer is “it depends”.
I dislike talking about politics so why am I going to write about elections? I don’t know. I’ve got a few things to say so why not say them. We didn’t have a big ballot because it is an “off year”. Just the mayor and city council and a local school tax increase. I happen to live in the Midwest part of the US and the stereotype is that were are just “nice”. The South is polite but we are “nice”. I think that tends to reflect here where we basically get bland candidates for local offices. But I prefer middle of the road to the extremes so that doesn’t bother me. I’ll say something controversial here. There are a lot of people who want to make voting easier. Me, I want to make it harder. I mean a republic only survives when people make informed choices and I don’t really want people just stumbling into a polling place and checking a box for a party because that’s what they always do. The problem is that it becomes very hard to be an informed voter in local elections. Our local paper is one of many owned by the USA Today monopoly. They will do a few stories about issues but most of the paper is really just glorified click bait. They did a full investigation of parking garage accidents the other day. The opening was that people think of these as freak events but they had gone back 20 years and found somewhere around 40 some events (don’t quote me on that number). Seems to me that with all the parking garages around the country being used every day, something that happens twice a year is pretty much the definition of a freak event. But this is the job of the media these days. Not to inform but to alarm. There is always something wrong and something must be done to fix it. You aren’t safe out there unless someone writes a bunch of new rules and starts enforcing them. Not saying they aren’t always wrong but when everything is a crisis, then nothing is. And you could go the candidates websites and read about what they want to do although it is often long on promises and short on specifics. For example, I was handed a flier for one of the candidates today and he promised to stop the three year trend we’ve had in murders. I don’t know where we rank but I know its a problem. Of course he didn’t provide any details about how he was going to end it. Also, what is kind of funny about the wording is he’s focused on the last three years which just happens to overlap with the mayor from the other party. Go back another year or so and the last mayor was from his party so there couldn’t have been a problem then. At the end of the day, I voted for the challenger. And the only reason for doing so is that the roads around my house have been a complete mess for years. We live in an area with many freeze/thaw cycles and so many roads are always falling apart. I’m sure there are plenty of reasons why but to me one job of local government is to fix the local roads. You can’t do it, well lets try someone else. Yeah, I know that’s not much of a reason but all the other things they spouted were just bland promises that weren’t that different from each other. Remember, we like plain vanilla politicians around here. And there was a local school thing. All about how we need to pay more taxes to upgrade the schools because if we don’t have good schools, nobody will move in. First of all, I don’t trust school administrators to manage money and I suspect they’ll end up only getting half of what they promised done if they get the increase. Secondly, the young families who want better schools also want new houses and they are going to move to the surrounding suburban counties because they still have land to build lots of new cookie cutter houses. But I voted for it anyway. I’m not sure we are doing a great job of educating kids these days but it is probably harder to do with less money. I got a text message from our current mayor this morning telling me he had already voted and encouraging me to go vote. Not sure how the campaign got my cell number and tied it to my address because they gave me the right place to go vote. I wanted to text back and say I voted but not for him but I thought that would be mean. One thing about “off year” elections is that they are nice and quiet. When I was working, I would always vote when the polls opened. Now that I’m not working, I didn’t have to worry about that. So I went to the gym and then voted after that. I was in and out in less than 5 minutes and it only took time because we had a new system and they had to do some things to get it set up for me. Next year, the election is not going to be nice. I’m not looking forward to it. I really wish we had more than two political parties. Technically, we do and I’ve voted third party a lot but it really does come down to the two big parties. Its a big country with lots of opinions and we need more than two choices. And it feels like both parties exist to keep us apart. Their main goal is to turn out the people who are super dedicated to them. But they rarely do that by promoting what they stand for. It is more likely that they stoke fear in their base about all the nasty things that will happen if the other party gets into power. And both parties are equally guilty of using these “wedge issues”. Which is why political parties basically suck. It is like the whole crime thing that one candidate claimed he was going to solve without providing specifics. I happen to believe that the problems we face are complicated but the parties just want to provide simple solutions. The reality is we should accept solutions and ideas from everywhere. The answer isn’t blue or red but more than likely purple. I don’t entirely know how well other places function when you have minority parties that actually win seats but it seems like there is always talk of having to build coalitions. Here, the party that is in power in a particular place only pushes their own ideas which never go anywhere because the other party usually has enough seats to keep anything from happening. And then blaming the party in power for everything. Anyway, I shouldn’t go on too much more about this. I guess because I grew up in a politically active family, voting just becomes something I feel like I need to do. Even if the system kind of sucks, I just can’t see sitting out. And now that I’ve totally depressed myself, I’ll leave with a bit of music. Weird little song here. It was a Duran Duran side project when they got bored making music together and took a little break. Frankly, I liked the Power Station better but this song by Arcadia fits for obvious reasons.
One will expect that if even all students of various second cycle schools in the country will misconduct themselves, those from Missionary Schools by their training will be an exception and serve as role models for their peers by living exemplary lifestyles. But this is not the case as a video has emerged on social media revealing students of Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) Girls Senior High School (SHS) in the Volta Region on a boozing spree. In the video sighted by MyNewsGh.com, the students are seen holding plastic bottles of a local alcoholic beverage and mixing it with a soft drink while taking turns to serve themselves in a classroom with impunity. The less than one-minute video exposes the teenage student girls in their ‘check’ uniforms conducting themselves in a manner that is an affront to the training being instilled in them by the Catholic Church and a violation of the laws of the school. What is more shocking is how the drink found its way into the campus and later into the classroom where these girls considered to be innocent, were seen gulping it seeking to suggest it is not new to them. In the video, they are overheard saying “you guys are drunkards…pour only small for me. Where is the coke? Mix am give me, mix am give me. This worrying development comes at a time the Narcotics Control Board (NACOB) is lamenting about the consumption of marijuana by students of various SHSs in the country. According to the Public Relations Officer for NACOB, Nana Nkwanta Bisa, because marijuana is less expensive and accessible, it has become the most commonly abused drug by young people as students laced their shito with it. “We have realized that most students in the boarding school have resorted to adding wee in their shito as a result of the easy accessibility of the substance” he revealed on Thursday June 27, 2019.
Honshu Sleek Black Throwing Star - Large (SINGLE PIECE) By popular demand, Honshu has crafted a larger version of its signature Sleek Black Throwing Star! This 7” diameter throwing star is a perfectly balanced piece with the same sleek and modern feel as the original. It is constructed of 1065 high carbon steel with a black oxide coating and comes with a sturdy nylon sheath with a belt loop. Razor sharp and rock solid is the Honshu legacy. Trust no one else!
White Feather Pendant Lampshades - Small (Shade Only) - Register for a first order discount to buy this for just £21.38, saving £1.12. - In stock and usually delivered within 3 - 5 days - Get it approx. Mon, 28 September - Mon, 28 September - CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: This item is still shipping and delivery times are currently accurate Got a taste for the unique and funky? If that's a "yes" we see in your face, then have we found something for you to love. These feather pendant lampshades are as unique as ever! This is similar to a paper lampshade but with one major difference: it's not made from rough paper, it's made from soft and textural goose feathers! You have to see this up close. When it's lit up, it looks like a stunning floating cloud in the middle of your home. Place this over your kitchen area or maybe your living room. It's perfect for contemporary space since it adds the perfect twist to the clear and crisp modern lines usually found in such interiors. There's no complicated wiring on here either. Just slip it over your existing fitting and attach the adaptor so it goes perfectly with a UK or Euro fitting. It uses a 30 watt bulb and is packaged in a strong and sturdy box to prevent damage. Definitely a one-of-a-kind piece you can't afford to miss! Feather Pendant Lampshades available in 3 sizes: Small: 35 x 35 x H20cm Medium: 45 x 45 x H30cm Large: 65 x 65 x H: 40cm Extra Large: 75 x 75 x H: 45cm |Colour tones:||white, black| Delivery and returns This item is sold and dispatched directly by Primrose & Plum. |Mainland UK - standard delivery||£5.95| |Highlands/Islands of Scotland||£16.01| |Other UK islands||£19.99| We offer a 14 day no-quibble money-back guarantee, so if you're not delighted with your purchase you can return it for a refund. Please note that some exclusions apply, e.g. made-to-order items. About the seller When Selina and Lisa created Primrose & Plum, they set about tracking down suppliers of fabulous home accessories to make a lovely addition to any home. More about Primrose & Plum... - View more pendant lights... Why shop at Furnish.co.uk? - 14 day no-quibble returns * - 100% safe and secure payments - Price promise - read more... - 'Excellent' independent service rating - Exclusive hand-picked designer brands
The open source PLM vendor has a new cloud-based file exchange system, updated support for Microsoft enterprise platform technology, and a variety of CAD-focused enhancements. Aras has released a major update to its Innovator PLM platform which includes a variety of CAD-focused enhancements. Additional new features include enabling of a new cloud-based file exchange, updated support for Microsoft platform technology, and a variety of performance, scalability, and usability enhancements. As an open source software vendor, Aras distributes Innovator as a free download with no usage restrictions, ready to use out of the box. The company then provides training, customization, and related services. Named customers include Motorola, Freudenberg, GE, Hitachi, Lockheed Martin, Textron, and TEVA Pharmaceuticals. Aras recently expanded its headquarters in upscale Andover, Massachusetts due to steady growth. As a PLM vendor that does not also sell a CAD system, Aras must support all CAD systems equally. In this release, Aras claims Innovator achieves a 10x increase in speed and a 10x reduction in memory usage for multi-CAD check-in and check-out. New capabilities in the check-in/check-out manager streamline the use of CAD assemblies, and a new metadata commit process uses a parallel asynchronous file check-in system for each level of the CAD structure. A new managed file transfer (MFT) service called TRUaras is also included in this update. The service is embedded inside Innovator by Trubiquity, a provider of secure cloud-based MFT services. TRUaras users can securely share and exchange large CAD assemblies, technical data packages, manufacturing data, inspection and test results and other intellectual property with full tracking and traceability. Included in every Aras download, TRUaras is a free service for companies that run Aras which provides unlimited transactions with no file size limitation. The new release of Innovator also updates support for Microsoft enterprise platform services. Aras Innovator is now enabled on Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10. Additional new features: • Silent installer for virtual machines, server farms and cloud environments • Check-in / Check-out Manager automated conflict detection • Feature activation for easy evaluation and enablement of new applications • Multi-language installer capabilities • New user personalization and configuration capabilities • Drag & drop files from browser to Windows folders • Expanded multi-level table of contents navigation • Improved one-click Excel and Word data export • Affected items impact matrix improvements • New visual indicators in the grid display • Ability to execute multiple “onSearchDialog” events • OnBefore / OnAfter passthrough Capabilities • API XML / AML Compression
The United States Medical Licensing Assessment (USMLE) will not provide a reduced-length test to some trainees taking Action 1 and Action 2 Medical Understanding (CK) tests. A representative for the National Board of Medical Inspectors (NBME) informed Medscape Medical News, “Recently, in order to make screening more quickly and extensively offered, the USMLE program revealed strategies to offer its tests at lowered length at specific test websites by omitting unscored concerns. “After hearing the issues of examinees about viewed injustices, we have actually chosen to administer basic length kinds that consist of unscored concerns at all evaluating websites. While we have proof to support ball game comparability and test fairness of the initial strategy, we do not wish to take an action that might trigger extra tension or confusion. We value the feedback and stay dedicated to supporting reasonable and basic screening conditions to every level possible while we deal with the scenario this pandemic has actually produced. “We acknowledge that lowered length screening for all examinees might be preferable, however we are not able to sustain the quality of the USMLE program on behalf of state medical boards without unscored concerns. Using unscored concerns is a standardized practice for expert licensure and other evaluations to preserve the quality and fairness of those evaluations.” The initial strategy was consulted with instant reaction on social networks. Last Thursday, the NBME revealed that a much shorter variation of the evaluations would be offered to those taking part in event-based screening held at medical schools in July and August. At those websites, the Action 1 occasion test would have 200 products (rather of as much as 280), whereas the Action 2 CK occasion test would have 240 products (rather of as much as 318). Those modifications would have cut roughly 2 hours from the overall 8-hour test time. This was to consist of the removal of speculative concerns, or concerns that are not scored however are utilized to identify whether they stand signs of a test-taker’s efficiency. Some critics argued that trainees taking much shorter tests would have a benefit on a test that can considerably affect their course as doctors. COVID-19 Continues to Create Chaos COVID-19 led to the closing of lots of websites by Prometric, the company that assists in USMLE screening, requiring trainees to overthrow strategies or hold-up actions. Although a steady resuming has actually started at Prometric, a stockpile stays. The USMLE has actually reacted with a “phased-in strategy.” The intent is to allow trainees to have the required screening finished prior to obtaining residency in the fall. Stage 1 consists of local screening at roughly 6 medical schools, utilizing Prometric devices. Stage 2 includes administering 1-day, big event-based tests for Action 1 and Action 2 CK at medical schools. Those were the tests slated to be much shorter, prior to the USMLE’s turnaround of its choice. The statement of much shorter tests and various test material triggered an outcry on social networks. Evan Keil, whose profile states he is a “recently minted M3” trainee, was amongst those releasing criticism of the statement on Twitter. He tweeted: “EQUITY?! Equity for test-takers would appear like absolutely nothing else however transferring to Pass/Fail. The ghosting, the cancellations, the indecisiveness, the development of 2 various length tests – everything requirements to stop.” EQUITY?! Equity for test-takers would look like nothing else but moving to Pass/Fail. The ghosting, the cancellations, the indecisiveness, the formation of two different length tests – it all needs to stop. — Evan Keil, M_ (@EvanKeil) June 5, 2020 Bryan Carmody, MD, Miles Per Hour, an assistant teacher at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, informed Medscape Medical News, “The test is a difficult test. Part of the screening experience is endurance, in doing these concerns in a high-pressure, high-stakes environment without any time to spare all day. Cutting that off by even a number of hours appears like it would provide the trainees who evaluate that method an unjust benefit.” The modification and subsequent quick turnaround is the current in a series of choices by the USMLE that has actually left trainees baffled and upset. Those impacted are still waiting on additional clearness and assistance on screening accessibility. Today’s declaration from the NBME shows that they know the issue. “We stay dedicated to broadening USMLE screening capability and keeping you notified of our strategies.” Marcia Frellick is an independent reporter based in Chicago. She has actually formerly composed for the Chicago Tribune and Nurse.com and was an editor at the Chicago Sun-Times, the Cincinnati Enquirer, and the St. Cloud (Minnesota) Times. Follow her on Twitter at @mfrellick. Carmody has actually revealed no appropriate monetary relationships. For more news, follow Medscape on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Youth on Course is a national non-profit, grow-the-game program implemented and subsidized in Michigan by the Golf Association of Michigan (GAM) Foundation, and 13-year-old Macomb golfer Lauren Timpf realizes she is an example of the program’s impact. The young golfer – who this summer has won her age group in the GAM Junior Invitational and the Michigan Junior Girls State Amateur and as the youngest player in the field reached the quarterfinals of the Michigan Women’s Amateur Championship – points out she is not alone. “I think it encourages a lot more people to just get out and play golf,” she said. “I see more youth coming to play all the time, not just the other kids who play in tournaments like me. For $5 you get to play golf. I practice and play a lot and it helps make that possible.” The daughter of Ryan and Amy Timpf first heard about Youth on Course through advertisements presented by the GAM and her involvement in the Southeast Michigan TGA golf program presented at her school. TGA Premier Sports and TGA of Southeast Michigan is a national for-profit after-school program she has been involved with since 2012 and the first grade. Soon to be a freshman at Lutheran North High School in Macomb, Timpf has become an assistant coach with the program, helping to introduce the younger kids to golf. TGA has endorsed Youth on Course as a way to transition golfers from their programs to the golf courses in an affordable manner. “After we heard about Youth on Course and learned more about it at TGA, we discussed it at home and it made sense to join,” Timpf said. “It’s really for everybody. You don’t have to play in tournaments. My dad is a very good golfer and my sister Kate comes with us to play. She is 10 and not into tournaments, but she likes to play with us. It makes golf for our family cheaper. Youth on Course works for everyone. You play golf for $5 and you are having fun. It’s a win-win.” Lauren is one of 5,500 members this year through the Golf Association of Michigan’s Youth on Course support program, which is up from the 4,261 members a year ago in the state. Over 15,000 rounds have been played this year at 108 participating golf courses in the state, up from 9,900 last year and the $65,000 in subsidies paid to those participating golf courses through June this year is already more than all of last year. Those 5,500 members are not as talented or as devoted to the game as Timpf, who next week will play in the GAM Women’s Championship at Muskegon Country Club. “For me, I learned a ton from TGA and then Youth on Course has made it possible for me to play and practice all that I’ve learned,” she said. “I can play all day if I want, and it’s just $5 each time I play.” Timpf said she tells friends about it, and the younger kids in TGA who are ready to move their new skills to the golf course. “It’s a great program all the way around,” she said. For more information on Youth on Course, visit GAM.org/YOC.
- Why do my lights dim when my subs hit? - Why does my stereo turn off when the bass hits? - Why is my amp in protect mode? - How do you know if you have a bad ground on your headlights? - Can I make my headlights brighter? - Why my car headlights are not bright enough? - Will a capacitor help my lights from dimming? - Do headlights get dim with age? - How do you fix dimming headlights? - Why do my headlights dim and brighten? - What are three warning signs of an overloaded electrical circuit? - Will a bad ground cause lights to dim? - Why does my amp go into protection mode when I turn it up? - Why does my amp keep cutting out? - Are dimming lights dangerous? - Is it dangerous if your lights flicker? - Does a capacitor help subwoofers? Why do my lights dim when my subs hit? Your amp is drawing more power than the alternator can supply, hence the voltage dip. A “Big 3” upgrade will help and along with a good capacitor may be enough to alleviate some, or all, of the light dimming issue.. Why does my stereo turn off when the bass hits? If the radio is decent enough and has pre-out rca’s on the back of it for front and rear, then use them. What’s happening is that when you crank up the volume, the radio is going into protection mode and that’s why it cuts on and off. Why is my amp in protect mode? Some amps will go into protect mode if they get too hot, which can prevent a more permanent failure. The most common cause of overheating is a lack of airflow. If your amp is located underneath the seats, or in another confined space, that may cause it to overheat. How do you know if you have a bad ground on your headlights? Remove the connector from the back of the headlight. The connector should contain three wires, although it could contain two or four wires. If it contains two or three wires, one wire is ground. If it contains four wires, two of the wires are ground. Can I make my headlights brighter? Retrofit your headlights & fog lights Another great way to improve the brightness of your vehicle’s headlight and fog light is to completely replace your existing halogen headlight assembly for either an LED or HID headlight assembly. This process is known as a retrofit. Why my car headlights are not bright enough? Hello. The most common reasons why headlights don’t get bright enough are that they either a lack of voltage in the circuit, the wrong size bulb, or the lens of the headlight is oxidized or faded. If this occurred right after the lights were replaced I would suspect that the wrong bulbs were used. Will a capacitor help my lights from dimming? Capacitors are devices that help regulate an electrical system. When voltage is too high, the extra power is stored in the capacitor. … A capacitor will not solve headlight-dimming issues if they are constant and major. Do headlights get dim with age? Most headlights will dim over time. Replacing them regularly will ensure the best lighting performance. … Consider replacing standard halogen headlights with high performance headlights that produce a light closer in color to natural daylight. These whiter, brighter bulbs help improve your visibility at night. How do you fix dimming headlights? Simply clean the ground connection or replace the bulb to quickly solve the problem. Simply clean the ground connection to restore the brightness of dim headlights. And apply a little dielectric grease. Or replace the bulb if you see a gray/brown film on the inside of the glass. Why do my headlights dim and brighten? Corroded Ground Wire: One of the most common causes of dim headlights is a corroded ground wire. … Bad Alternator: Another very common reason to see dim headlights is a failing alternator. If you notice that the lights brighten and dim as the engine revs up and down, the alternator should be checked immediately. What are three warning signs of an overloaded electrical circuit? Overloaded circuit warning signs:Flickering, blinking, or dimming lights.Frequently tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses.Warm or discolored wall plates.Cracking, sizzling, or buzzing from receptacles.Burning odor coming from receptacles or wall switches.Mild shock or tingle from appliances, receptacles, or switches. Will a bad ground cause lights to dim? A poor electrical ground can cause the lights in a home to dim. When this symptom is present, it is often made worse by turning on larger appliances, such as a stove or heater. This will usually cause the lights to dim even more or even turn off and the appliance likely will not have enough power to operate properly. Why does my amp go into protection mode when I turn it up? Solution: This can be caused by too low of an impedance from the way the speakers are wired, and sometimes a poor charging system (if the amp goes into protect when the volume is turned up). Otherwise, it’s likely that the output transistors failed. That’s the most common cause for an amplifier to go into protection. Why does my amp keep cutting out? There are several different reasons that an amplifier will get hot and shut down. Four of the most common are: Blown/grounded speaker(s), poor power and/or ground connections, too low an impedance (load), or Gain/Punch Bass control settings too high. Are dimming lights dangerous? Lights Dimming in One Room An overloaded circuit isn’t dangerous, but it becomes troublesome when the current draw exceeds the rating of the circuit breaker and the breaker trips. … The most effective fix is to add a new circuit for the appliance, which, if it’s a refrigerator, should be on a dedicated circuit anyway. Is it dangerous if your lights flicker? “This is not generally dangerous to the household, but can reduce the life of appliances and should be reported.” The most dangerous flickering indicates that “there is a loose connection in the house somewhere between where the electrical service enters the house and the light,” Orr says. Does a capacitor help subwoofers? Adding Capacitors Capacitors store electricity as instant power available for your amplifier. … The capacitor will smooth out the peaks in current draw from your amplifier during peaks in the music. The capacitor will help ensure your music does not go flat, but has the dynamic quality you love.
The National Open University of Nigeria is pleased to announce its 5th Convocation Ceremony holding on Friday, 15th and Saturday, 16th January, 2016 for the information of graduands, their parents/guardians, friends of the University and the general public. PROGRAMME OF EVENTS: Friday, 15th January, 2016 Convocation Lecture by: Professor Nuhu Omeiza Yaqub, Vice-Chancellor Sokoto State University,Sokoto. Theme: “Open and Distance Education and Socio-Economic Development” Chairman : Professor Suleiman Elias Bogoro Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) Venue : University Village, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Plot 91, Cadastral Zone, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway, Jabi, Abuja, FCT. Time : 10.00 a.m. Saturday, 16th January, 2016 i) Investiture of the Chancellor ii) Awards of Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelor Degrees, Post-Graduate Diplomas, Masters, Honorary Degree and Award of Prizes. Venue : University Village, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Plot 91, Cadastral Zone, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway, Jabi, Abuja, FCT. Time : 10.00 a.m. Information to Graduands A) All those who have completed their programmes and have been cleared for convocation are to sign for and receive academic gowns and guest invitation cards from their respective Study Centres with effect from Tuesday, 5th January, 2016. The accompanying hoods are to be collected from the NOUN Study Centre, Dutse-Alhaji Junction Kubwa Expressway, Abuja from 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 11th January, 2016. They are required to present the following for sighting at the points of collection of the items: i) the receipt of the payment of a fee of N10,000.00 for the use of Academic gowns. This is payable at their respective Study Centres. ii) an evidence of payment of Alumni fees of Five Thousand (N5,000.00) which is payable at any branch of Zenith Bank Plc.; Account No. 1014150406 iii) a duly completed and authenticated clearance form issued at the Study Centre. The sum of Three Thousand (N3, 000.00) Naira will be refunded on the return of the Academic gowns and hoods to the respective points of collection. Please note that both items must be returned not later than Tuesday, 19th January, 2016 from 9.00 a.m. Failure to return the gowns and hoods by the prescribed date shall attract a fine of N1, 000.00 per day. All Graduands are required to pay the sum of, Two Thousand Naira (N2, 000.00) only for the convocation programme at the venue on Saturday, 16th January, 2016. B) Graduands are requested to assemble at designated location(s) at the Convocation Arena on Saturday the 16th of January, 2016 between 6.30a.m. and 8.00 a.m. They must be fully robed and on a queue according to their Schools. NO ONE, INCLUDING GRADUANDS AND THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIANS, WILL BE ADMITTED INTO THE VENUE, AFTER 9:00A.M. C) Commercial Photographers/Video Operators will be charged, Five Thousand Naira (N5, 000.00) only to operate at the venue during the period. All those interested in functioning as Photographers/Video Operators are required to make payments to the Cash Officers in the following Locations between 9.00a.m. and 3.00p.m., from Monday, 11th January, 2016. Lagos: NOUN Headquarters 14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way Victoria Island, Lagos. Abuja: NOUN Planning Office No. 5 Dar-E-Salaam, Off Amino Kano Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja. D) I. All Graduating Students must wear the prescribed academic gowns. The Security Officers will strictly enforce the “No gown, No entry” policy II. No form of luggage or handbags will be allowed at the arena. Graduands are advised, without exception, to comply with this information. III. To access the Convocation Arena, each graduand is required to present a tally which bears his/her School name and a number. The tally will be distributed at the entrance on a “first-comefirst-served” basis IV. It is a breach of Security to find a graduand seated in the Arena without a tally assigned to him/her. All guests of the University (properly identified with their Invitation cards) are to be seated not later than 9.30 a.m. V. Three (3) parking lots have been provided for use at the Convocation Venue. Guests are to park their cars in areas indicated in their Invitation Cards. GRADUANDS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE CONVOCATION VENUE BEFORE THE END OF THE CEREMONY. GRADUANDS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO COMPLY WITH THESE ARRANGEMENTS. We congratulate all graduands and wish them journey mercies to and from their destinations.
Small business marketing doesn't have to be expensive or cost you anything at all. Don’t believe us? Well, watch this archived episode of Help! My Business Sucks, and our small business marketing guru will show you three free ways to advertise your business without spending a dime. All you need is a bit of creativity. What's more, you'll learn how you can take an idea that the In-N-Out fast food chain used to build a loyal following and apply it to your own business. It involves a simple word-of-mouth strategy. Go ahead and click on the video logo below to watch this week's episode. We love to hear your thoughts on Andrew's advice, so leave your comments, and feel free to share any small business marketing tips that you've used in your own business. Andrew Lock is a self-described maverick marketer and the creator and host of Help! My Business Sucks, a free, weekly Web TV show full of practical small business marketing tips, advice and resources to help small businesses "get more done and have more fun." Small Business Computing is on Facebook. Join us on Facebook and interact with the site's editors, post messages, share your small business challenges and successes, discuss technology and suggest topics you'd like covered on Small Business Computing. |Do you have a comment or question about this article or other small business topics in general? Speak out in the SmallBusinessComputing.com Forums. Join the discussion today!|
Placeable objects are non-moving models places into the game world. This may need a few subpages, there is a lot to talk about with them. If you're ever confused about flags, come here for more info! Placeable blueprints are GFF files encoded as UTP. They contain all relevant information about a placeable and how it operates. Usable Flag and Static Flag There are two key flags for placeables: Usable and Static. These are important to learn about for toolset usage especially in a MP / persistent world module. This is a table of the 3 main possible states with these flags: |Usable Flag||Static Flag||Can have inventory/trap/be locked in toolset?| |On||Off||Yes||Usable placeables players are meant to touch softly with hands (or possibly hard with weapons and spells)| Non-usable placeables which you still want to interact with explosions/scripts or be dynamically created using CreateObject |Off||On||No||Static "terrain", baked into the mesh and pathfinding (note can still be created see below, just harder to set it up in the toolset)| Note that the fact the toolset disables fields is more to help module designers cotton on to what each one means. Usable can be toggled later after all. See notes below but essentially: - CreateObject() will strip the Static flag when using it to create what would be a blueprint of a static placeable - This means it is unusable by default (usable flag is defaulted off) but retains other properties - It also means it can be made usable so you can get a usable placeable from a static blueprint, weirdly - CreateObject() otherwise respects the Usable flag, which can be also toggled via. scripts (see below) GFF editing may make having a static placeable with a trap on it, for instance, more easily doable. At their basic level all placeables have these properties: - Is findable with GetFirst/NextObjectInArea()/GetNearestObject() and GetObjectByTag() regardless of static or usable flag so be careful if you are looking for a particular object and you simply edit in the area a duplicate of other static ones - They always run scripts and script actions at the lowest possible priority (VERY_LOW - see GetAILevel) in spite of player proximity, which can delay things such as AssignComment(ActionCastSpell()) used from them or responding to SignalEvent or even ExecuteScript(). - Remove all placeable heartbeat scripts if they're not needed! Just because it's not usable or is static doesn't mean the heartbeat doesn't fire. - They have a valid HP, hardiness (damage resistance) and can be possible targets for VFX nodes (eg; cast a fireball in an area with placeables) - Have the plot flag, which needs to be disabled if DestroyObject() is used on them - Whether usable/static or not can have flags such as locked, and other aspects altered (then this might be applicable when using SetUsableFlag) - Can have animations toggled (eg torch coming on/off) using ActionPlayAnimation() and ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_DEACTIVATE or ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_ACTIVATE. Note lighting may need to be recompiled. The usable flag only alters one key thing - it makes the player able to see it using TAB and highlight it, and click on it. Without it some events are rendered near useless (eg; OnOpen, OnDisturbed, or OnUsed). Some that are more relevant however might be OnDamaged, OnDeath and OnSpellCastAt since AOE spells and abilities could affect them. You can toggle if a placeable is usable using SetUsableFlag script command. Some other relevant usable placeable specific notes: - The toolset requires the usable flag to be ticked to allow an inventory and some other aspects such as locked status and trap. If you want a non-usable placeable with an inventory for some reason (maybe a chest that isn't accessible now, but will be later) you must make the blueprint be usable and set the usable flag to off in a script when it is spawned, or resort to GFF editing. - NWN:EE now raises the AI priority if being interacted with so the scripts like OnUsed to signal starting a conversation run a lot more speedily on heavily used servers. On the server, static placeables are identical to dynamic ones. They can be found with scripts (such as GetFirst/NextObjectInArea, GetObjectByTag) and even run scripts/be affected by them to a degree, but because they're baked into a level cannot be created/destroyed easily (excepting NWNX see below). On the client, static placeables are part of the tile. During area load, it will load the tile models, it will load the static placeable models, and it will merge them into a single optimal static geometry mesh. This super-mesh is never updated afterwards. Static placeables have these specific properties, else they have the same properties of non-static placeables (see below): - They default to Plot (invincible). Use SetPlot(FALSE) if using DestroyObject() on them. This renders it immune to spell AOE damage. - Cannot play animations (eg; turning a flame on/off) since this requires it to be non-static - However can be have permanent animations such as danglymesh on the model itself - Cannot be created, sort of: - In NWNX you can create static placeables but it will only appear if a player re-enters the area for it to be "baked in" and graphically load. - Outside of NWNX CreateObject() will run a UTP file and strip the static flag off. This means it defaults to a non-usable placeable as per below properties. This means you don't necessarily have to have multiple blueprints for static versus non-static versions in a SP module. - Can be destroyed (use DestroyObject() if the plot flag is removed) however it will not be removed from the geometry until the player re-enters an area. Outside of NWNX this is not recommended unless you want to make permanent level changes. Placeables and the Toolset See this handy tutorial on the toolset pages for information about special ways placeables can be placed eg; outside the walkable area of the map. You can now in EE transform them to be bigger or smaller or rotate them (which can also be done in scripts on non-static placeables).
The Swiss Pfandbrief® is resistant to crises, because - it has an unique historical track record. Since the enactment of Pfandbrief Law in 1931 there has been no default. And since 1931 up to now there were different considerable financial crises to master. According to a study by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA Swiss banks had to cope with losses in the domestic credit business of CHF 42 billion between 1991 and 1996, while the Pfandbrief institutes were not touched by this crisis. - it is transparent. Pfandbrief Act consists of only 52 and the Pfandbrief regulation of 25 articles. The 89th annual report of Pfandbriefbank for the business year 2019 comprises 39 pages. It is still structured in the same way as the first annual report from 1931 but contains more information. - it provides legal certainty. Since 1931 the Pfandbrief Law has only seen a few revisions and marginal ones at that. - it is standardised. Every Swiss Pfandbrief® is exactly the same as the next one. Since 1931. The Swiss Pfandbrief® is a commodity. - it is issued by only two institutes with a restricted business segment. - it is stringently supervised. Swiss Federal Council enacts the valuation regulations, authorises the bylaws and nominates a representative into the board of directors. Up to the business year 2007 the Pfandbrief institutes were not only audited by their auditors, but directly by the FINMA as well. Since the coming into effect of the FINMAG, FINMA delegates its auditing to an audit firm. - the cover pool is of highest quality. The Pfandbrief institutes have a right of lien guaranteed by law. The member bank is obliged by law to increase cover if returns from the mortgages are lower than the expenses on the Pfandbrief loans. In addition the Pfandbrief Law requires the member bank to immediately replace non-performing cover assets, i.e. mortgages with value adjustments are not eligible for the cover pool of Pfandbriefbank. The cover pool consists of over 99 percent residential and less than 1 percent commercial properties. Single family homes and condominium ownership account for 86 percent of the total cover value. In principle, properties are feoffed to a maximum of two thirds of their market value. For commercial properties this portion is considerably lower. - there is no maturity mismatch, no interest rate risk and no currency risk in the balance sheet of Pfandbriefbank. The Pfandbrief loans on the assets side and the outstanding Pfandbrief on the liabilities side have the exact same duration. The interest rate on the assets side exceeds the one on the liabilities side by a slim margin of a few basis points. There is no foreign currency. All assets and liabilities are denominated in Swiss Francs only. Another strength of the Pfandbrief is its repo-eligibility. It is a seal of quality from the Swiss National Bank. For the sake of completeness Moody's Triple A Rating for Swiss Pfandbriefe® has to be mentioned. Such a rating simplifies communication. Who still understands the term gilt-edged (mündelsicher) nowadays? It used to be the terminus technicus for a Triple A paper like the Swiss Pfandbrief® before the appearance of rating agencies. Investors in Swiss Pfandbriefe® profit from a fourfold security. On the first level there are the assets of the Pfandbriefinstitutes themselves (1), followed by the assets of the member banks the loans are granted to (2), the assets (besides the property) of the house owners (3) and the market value of the property itself (4).
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Whistler Writers Festival has announced the lineup for its 2017 event, taking place at various venues across the B.C. town from Oct. 12–15. This edition’s theme is “risk-taking.” Among the 60 participants confirmed so far are Frances Itani, Barbara Gowdy, Lee Maracle, Terry Fallis, Drew Hayden Taylor, David Chariandy, Steven Heighton, and Helen Humphreys, children’s authors Susin Nielsen and Cary Fagan, and journalists Doug Saunders and Michael Harris. Along with author readings, talks, and panels, the festival will host a day-long publishing workshop led by TouchWood Editions publisher Taryn Boyd, McClelland & Stewart senior editor Anita Chong, Caitlin Press publisher Vici Johnstone, Suzanne Sutherland (HarperCollins), and others. The festival guide will be released online on Aug. 14.
Ebola disruption could spark fresh food crisis As Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone battle the deadly Ebola virus outbreak and the world mobilizes to contain it, high food prices have been reported as farmers abandon their fields in the affected countries. (Photo: Women harvesting rice in Carysburg, Liberia – Photo Panos – Aubrey Wade) Food prices skyrocket as farmers abandon farms The International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), a UN body that finances agriculture in poor countries, has warned that this could lead to a food crisis if adequate measures are not taken quickly to safeguard agricultural production. As early as September 2014, the Liberian government reported that large parts of the rice crop could not be harvested in the central, northern and western parts of the country because of shortages of labour. Yet, local communities were not allowing farm workers to be hired from outside the country for fear they would bring the Ebola virus. “In Sierra Leone, we have information that up to 40% of farms in the hardest-hit areas have been abandoned,” IFAD President Kanayo F. Nwanze told Africa Renewal. In Guinea, similar disruptions in population movements have had “devastating effects on food production and exports”. In the Fouta Jalon region of Guinea, for example, Mr. Nwanze pointed out that potato exports to Senegal dropped to 22 tonnes from 250 tonnes the previous year. As a result of these disruptions, including restrictions of movements in food production areas, wholesale prices on distribution markets have plummeted while retail prices have skyrocketed on local markets. “In August, the wholesale price of a kilogramme of potatoes fell from 3,500 to 200 Guinean francs,” Mr. Nwanze said. In Liberia, wholesale food prices started falling in mid-September in major markets in the capital Monrovia, according to the agriculture ministry, because farmers were concerned about produce spoilages from produce delays at checkpoints along the road to the city. At the same time, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) reported that initial results from quick assessments showed prices of commodities, including food, increased on average from 30% to 75% just over one month in Lofa County, the most affected rural county in Liberia. Empirical observation at the Red Light Market, one of the biggest market places in Monrovia, also revealed huge increases in the price of staple food and commodities such as cassava by (150%); palm oil (53%), gari (obtained from grated cassava) (100%), fresh pepper (133%) and plantains (66%) over a period of two weeks in August 2014. Agriculture, including small-scale farming, contributes to between 20% and 40% of the gross domestic product of the affected countries, according to Mr. Nwanze. The IFAD head is calling for contingency measures such as building food stockpiles in the affected countries or at the regional level “to be able to provide massive food assistance where and when needed.” If possible, he said, countries should intensify food production in non-affected areas. About $30 million would be needed to respond to those in need, including food relief for about 90,000 households in the three countries, says the FAO. A Regional Response Programme for West Africa, to be implemented by the FAO in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, will aim to boost income and agricultural production. By Franck Kuwonu, Courtesy of Africa Renewal Stay with Sierra Express Media, for your trusted place in news! © 2015, https:. All rights reserved.
- Primary Source: Whey Protein - 15 Gram Fiber - No Artificial Flavor Or Color - Zero Rice Syrup - Gluten Free - Premium Taste & Nutrition Grab a bar and enjoy it anytime! THE NEW! MISSION1 BAR EVERYTHING AND MORE What’s different with Mission1? We’ve kept everything that is good and upped the taste to decadent proportions! Simply put, it’s the better protein bar. PREMIUM PROTEIN, PREMIUM TASTE Hard-training athletes aren’t just looking for a bar with protein – they want taste and nutrition! With 21g of protein and 15g of fiber, Mission1 Baked Protein Bars contain no artificial flavors or colors, no inferior protein sources like collagen or gelatin, and zero rice syrup. Protein isolates plus peptides – zero artificial flavors and colors This incredible bar features ultra-filtered protein isolates plus peptides from whey and milk, with no inferior sources like gelatin or collagen. You also get 15g of fiber. You can trust that every delicious bite has no artificial flavors or colors – just clean, premium nutrition that never tasted so good! Muscletech emerged as the #1 bodybuilding supplement selling brand in 1995 and has exhibited unflinching commitment to science and research for producing the best supplements in the world. A proud legacy has been established by the top-tier of these supplements due to their unmatched quality.
Nothing creates a dresser crisis like transitioning seasons. It’s warm, warm, bloodless, cool, dry, moist, and humid all in sooner or later. So, what do you wear to ensure you’ll be heating but now not too heat? Cool but not too cool? Dry however in a cloth that breathes? Comfortable at the same time as searching for fashionable? We’ve were given you covered. Creating a trans-seasonal cloth cabinet is about making an investment in a few key pieces which can be styled for multiple exclusive activities in addition to specific seasons. It approaches you could have a wonderfully curated cloth cabinet to get you from summer to iciness without breaking a sweat… or getting a sit back for that remember. Here are our top five transeasonal cloth wardrobe saviors. AS SUMMER is winding down, winter style developments are beginning to dominate the street style. After a few thought on what to shop for the temperature drop? Arcade Fashions have the final guide to the wintry weather trends you want. This winter, leopard is taking center degree; oversized coats in leopard, fake fur and the teddy coat. Once you try one on you won’t want to take it off! Otherwise, pass conventional and purchase one in a conventional camel color. Also famous are chunky knits to preserve you heat. Don’t be shy to discover coloration, ditch your ordinary blacks and opt for something in leopard, mustard or burgundy. Since most of your wintry weather cloth cabinet is probably black, a pop of color can revitalize your fashion! For eveningwear, florals, soft pastel, velvet shades of inexperienced, feminine cocktail and complete-length night robes remain the top of the trends for 2019. And don’t overlook, Arcade Fashions inventory a huge variety of accessories, scarfs, and beanies that are on fashion and right here to stay. They also inventory hairpins, clips, scrunchies, bobby pins and lots, an awful lot greater.
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I think you can tell a lot about a pub/restaurant by its veggie burger. Vegetarian burgers can be tricky to make as they sometimes don’t hold their shape and the consistency in the ingredients are imbalanced and hence the flavours and textures don’t quite work. I’m on a quest to find the best veggie burger in Birmingham. Of course I’ll eat them anywhere, but that is where I live so why not. I like a challenge. The Jekyll and Hyde is one of my favourite pubs in Birmingham City Centre. Owned by independent Bitters n’ Twisted the people behind Birmingham venues Island, The Victoria, Bodega and Marmalade amongst others. Offering a wide range of drinks from G & T to cocktails, to real ales and mocktails. The cocktail menu is inventive and the G&T menu enticing. Plus with it’s Alice and Wonderland like courtyard is great in the Summer months. The upstairs bar, Dr Jekyll’s Gin Parlour. All dark wood, decadent drinking and a gin infused eat me drink me fusion menu in the latter part of the week is a bar of moral ill repute. See my review here. It has over 90 gins and offers gin flights and cocktail master classes. Downstairs, Mr Hyde’s Main Bar is more retro, quirky and Cosy. Turn up one evening for a quick half and you may stay all night. The bar with cask ales, ciders and cocktails is a jewel of design and for raucous shenanigans can’t be beaten. It is here that the main food menu is taken. The Flavours and textures of the burger were spot on. The hold of the burger was fine, stated firm, but soft. The chick pea falafel blended well with the sweet potato and with the sweetness of the chilli sauce for dipping made for a satisfying dinner. Where the dish fell down was with my fries which were sadly not so crisp and didn’t have much of a potato flavour. They weren’t the freshest and let the good quality burger down unfortunately. Ruth and I also ordered some onion rings on the side which were pleasantly the real deal and were superb. Yet the burger was a joy and certainly one of the best I’d had in Birmingham with good balanced flavours and was a fitting tribute to Mr Hyde. My burger was enjoyed with a pint of hobgoblin Gold and a pint of Sadlers Stout. Both superb beers, with the Gold in particular going well with the burger. In fact the pub is unique in Birmingham for its eclectic drinks list and inventive shenanigans. The dark realm of Mr Hyde’s bar is perfect for drinking in the potion of veggieness and the gourmet dining of cold beer, it’s a firm favourite of mine, but please leave out your chips from Dr Jekyll’s microwave. 28 Steelhouse lane, City Centre, Birmingham, B4 6BJ. With independent Birmingham membership you receive 20% off food from Monday-Thursday.
Voicify is proud to count the following agencies and brands as partners of the Voicify Conversation Experience Platform™. These agencies are deeply knowledgeable on voice and chatbot capabilities and how to create and execute the vision for your brand in the conversation experience channel leveraging the Voicify Platform. Each logo will take you to their detailed partner page. Feel free to contact us about any of them to get a better sense of how they can help you. Growing up you heard, 'It's not what you say, but how you say it.' We think it's both. Ready to Talk? Voicify | 33 Arch Street | Boston | MA | 888-910-6525 Copyright © Voicify, LLC. 2020. All rights reserved. Voicify Conversation Experience Platform™
Special Olympics Wisconsin’s Summer Games goes virtual For the City Times MADISON – Although the 2020 State Summer Games and the festivities surrounding them were cancelled due to COVID-19, the Special Olympics Wisconsin’s Summer Games, Opening Ceremony and Torch Run will continue in virtual formats. Virtual Summer Games The new Virtual Summer Games offers competitions in 11 events that are safe to compete in while practicing social distancing. Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes and supporters alike are invited to participate now through May 29 and submit their scores online. This event is designed to keep everyone active and connected from the comfort of their own home or neighborhood. Virtual Celebration Ceremony In addition to the competition, one of the highlights of the Summer Games every year is the Opening Ceremony. In lieu of an in-person ceremony, Special Olympics Wisconsin will hold a Virtual Celebration Ceremony, streamed via Facebook on June 4 at 7 p.m. Athletes and fans can tune in with family and friends for the awe-inspiring show that promises to deliver the spirit and joy of Special Olympics. Athletes and fans can also create their own “Be Brave” videos that could be included in the Celebration Ceremony. Virtual Torch Run This year, members of the community are invited to run, walk or bike in support of Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes as part of the Virtual Torch Run presented by the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Wisconsin. Participants can choose their own distance or time on May 30 or June 4. This fundraiser is a virtual version of the annual Torch Run. Every year, law enforcement officers, athletes, fans and community members run or bike in communities across Wisconsin to deliver the Flame of Hope to Stevens Point to kick off the Summer Games. For more information, visit www.specialolympicswisconsin.org.
But amid the mud-slinging, our players were not only found to be unfair. They displayed their vulnerability – something their hardened predecessors may have struggled with. They showed bravery fronting the media, particularly captain Steve Smith bearing his heart with a crackling voice and tears rolling down his cheek. Far from the stripped away bravado of Warner and Co. after their sliding performance in the second Test, watching Smith break down in yesterday’s press conference removed the 'superhero' element. We were witnesses to the real human side of this unfortunate ordeal. "What we learnt from [the saga] was that good people make mistakes," psychologist Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg told The TODAY Show on Friday. David Warner's family showed the effects of a heavy tour (Getty) The Australian cricket team were a polarising sports team to follow years before this now-controversial series against the Proteas. When you spend an entire summer watching Smith stack on century after century, or Mitchell Starc making a mess out of opposition stumps, it is easy to forget that these guys are indeed humans. That is the beauty of sport at its highest level; it allows the fans to watch humans achieve superhuman feats. Sometimes, the superhuman feats cause us to forget that they’re human. Carr-Gregg was unsurprised that seeing a man many hailed as a hero visibly broken immediately changed the public's perspective. Cameron Bancroft was banned for nine months (AAP) "I think he and the whole country has been grieving, and this might just be the thing that moves us from an angry response to one of more sadness and acceptance," he said. "I think forgiveness is such an important thing because if you just hang on to anger and fury, it’s such a negative emotion and it just drains you of energy." Former Australian captain Michael Clarke, perhaps understanding the daily pressures faced by an international cricketer, has been extremely vocal in urging the public to remember the mental side of what players face. Smith breaking down when talking about the impact of the saga on both his parents made him more relatable to the everyday person than any single innings he has ever played in his career. Steve Smith apologises over scandal Arguably the player who has borne the brunt of the fans ire so far, David Warner, appeared with his wife and two children, surely glad to be back home after a hellacious tour for his family. Carr-Gregg warned that even children as young as Warner’s would be able to understand the impact of the situation. "The children themselves will pick up on the psychological angst that their parents are feeling," he said. Former coach Darren Lehmann, a father to a potential test cricketer himself, also became most emotional when speaking about his family. Lehmann noticeably spent much of the press conference speaking about the highs of his tenure as Australian coach, and according to Carr-Gregg, Lehmann demonstrated the use of "good psychological strategies". Ultimately, the most profound impacts of the ball tampering incident have been for Australia’s children, many who have been left disappointed by their idols. Carr- Gregg said while the the ball tampering fiasco is extremely unfortunate, it could be a "great teachable moment" for our children. "I think this is great role modelling for children, to show them that a heartfelt apology is the start of moving on," he said. "These people aren’t saying I’m sorry I got caught. I think what they’re saying is I’m really sorry for what I’ve done to an institution in Australia, which is cricket." "Cricket will now be a better game as the result of this."
Bad Hand Coffee Cupping Classes Cupping is an industry standard method of tasting a range of coffees back to back, from hot to cold. This is a great class for discussion and learning about coffee flavours and how temperature can impact flavour. The class is rounded off with a selected coffee & brew method to highlight the desired characteristics in said coffee and a sample bag of coffee to take home and enjoy. £10 per head If you’d like to book send us an email with the course you’re interested in and dates (if you know) and we’ll get you booked in.
We carried out a prospectivity study on Iraq Sedimentary Basins: Zagros Fold Belt, Mesopotamian and Western and Southwestern Deserts. The study was designed to assess potential upsides in existing fields through assessing oil potential in non-drilled reservoir bearing horizons and potential field extensions. The study also assess prospective structures in each basin based on scouting information, third party regional interpretations and contour maps developed by Bayphase. We used Boston square analysis in order to rank the fields and prospects against a range of parameters. The analysis was used by the Client as part of his decision making process in developing an engagement strategy for Iraq. We carried out a preliminary and detailed reserves certification and valuation for a small oil field in Kazakhstan’s Pre-Caspian basin. We developed a seismic interpretation and used available well log and test data to develop a reserves determination to PRMS standards.The Certification was used as part of an investment funding process designed to establish funds for development of the field and to carryout further exploration of the license area. We also developed an exploration plan for further evaluation of the license area including deep pre-salt carbonate structures.
If enacted, H.B. 4015 would make significant and extremely problematic changes to the Michigan Condominium Act, it more difficult to approve budgets by requiring co-owner approval. This is bad for property values and would lead to increased lawsuits against condominiums if we do not have the financial ability to provide services associations lifeblood by allowing co-owners to withhold assessments. This would create a vicious cycle that would ultimately bankrupt your community. a bureaucratic mess by reviving a governmental administrator to sue Condominium Associations and Volunteer Directors. This would create a huge burden on taxpayers to pay for new administrative costs and greatly increase legal expenses of every condominium. The full text of HB 4015 can be found at http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2017-2018/billintroduced/House/pdf/2017-HIB-4015.pdf. Click here to contact your state representative and let them know that you oppose HB 4015, or you can call Del. Marcus Simon at (571) 327-0053. Please consider donating to CAI’s Michigan Legislative Action Committee. While all donation levels will be accepted, a donation of as little as a dollar a day, or $365 for the year, from every condominium association would greatly increase the ability of the MI-LAC to advocate on behalf of community associations. Checks can be made out to the MI-LAC and sent to Vicki Hancock at 2080 W US Highway 12, Clinton, Michigan 49236-9631 or go to www.caionline.org/LACdonate.
One staging myth we hear all the time? Staging is only for huge, expensive homes. Not the case! The truth is that ALL homes benefit from staging, and we would argue that small spaces may even need staging MORE than small spaces. The reason is that staging helps buyers visualize what they will be able to do with a space. Professional stagers, like the designers at Colorado Staging + Design, are experienced in choosing the right furniture and layout to maximize space, showcase a home’s possibility for potential buyers, and even overcome buyer objections by showing them how to work with potential problem areas. Here are some of our favorite staging tips for staging and designing small spaces. Staging Tip 1: Think Light & Airy Choose pieces that are neutral, light in color, and open in structure. In the picture above, you will notice that the sofa is a light neutral. The dining table, although darker in color, has is structured in a way which allows the eye to pass through the piece and gives the illusion of more space. Staging Tip 2: Choose Slim Furniture In the living space of this condo recently staged by Colorado Staging + Design, we opted for a slim console in lieu of a bulky media center. We wanted to place the grouping on this wall, but it was in the main flow of traffic for the home. Selecting a very narrow piece allowed us to set up a nice moment on this blank wall without sacrificing function. Staging Tip 3: Get Creative With Nightstands In a master bedroom, it is important to have his and hers nightstands. But when space is at a premium, fitting two traditional nightstands in a space can be a challenge. Look for unique solutions on a smaller scale to give the room some breathing space. Nix traditional boxy, bulky side tables and look for stools, wire baskets topped with trays (as seen above) and other options with less visual weight. Staging Tip 4: Break Up The Coffee Table Who says a coffee table has to be…. an actual table? Sometimes a big rectangular coffee table is just too much for a smaller living setup. We like grouping footstools, drum tables, and small ottomans in pairs in smaller living room arrangements. They open up the space, can serve as extra seating in a pinch, and are easy to move around to make a space function flexibly. Don’t forget to add a small tray if your stool or ottoman is made of fabric or a less solid material! Thanks for checking in with us today. We hope our small space staging tips give you some inspiration for your home. Colorado Staging + Design loves to help you love the home you’re in! All Photos By Christa Tippman Photography
Costa Rica News – Is this real or an illusion? This was real, very real and too close for comfort. When you’re on the plane, you might not feel a thing. Or you might. What did the passengers on Iberia Airlines flight 6313 experience on Sunday? I only ask because footage of the plane, which flew from Madrid to Juan Santamaria Airport in Costa Rica, suggests it came very close to some cars on a road and may have actually clipped a perimeter fence. Johnny Vega, who posted the video to YouTube, said that it reminded him of landing in Saint Maarten, long known for exciting and disturbing people on the beach adjacent to the runways. Rolando Richmond, head of the Costa Rica Civil Aviation Authority’s Aerial Navigation Office, told the Tico Time there was nothing out of the ordinary about the landing. “There’s no stated altitude that pilots need to cross that part of the security fence,” he told the paper. “It doesn’t exist, because the only condition pilots have at that time is to make sure they are able to land where the airport’s threshold is and to activate their tires in time.” Richmond did reveal that the plane had intended to land on another runway, but then went to one that doesn’t have electronic assistance for pilots in telling them when to lower their landing gear. This was, he said, the pilot’s judgment call. He did add, however: “We consider all of the landing zones to be high-risk at the airport. That’s why we tell people to avoid it as an attraction where they stop and watch planes.” In a recent Weather.com list of the world’s scariest airports, Jose Santamaria doesn’t appear in the top 20. (Saint-Maarten is No.1.) But perhaps some on seeing this video will wonder whether this Costa Rican airport has come to merit an inclusion. by Chris Matyszczyk, From CNET
Elk & Elk Presents 2020 Columbus Blue Jackets Military Appreciation Night Elk & Elk is proud to once again join Columbus Blue Jackets in saluting those who have served or are currently serving in the nation’s armed forces as the presenting sponsor of the team’s annual Military Appreciation Night. The 2020 event will take place on Thursday, January 16, when the Blue Jackets host the Carolina Hurricanes at Nationwide Arena. The game begins at 7 p.m. Active and retired personnel representing a variety of local military organizations will be honored at the game. The evening features a variety of themed activities, including a ceremonial puck drop, fundraisers, and tributes to show our support and gratitude. The first 10,000 fans will receive a Blue Jackets branded camouflage-style hat courtsey of Elk & Elk. Personal Care Items Collection for USO Lounges Donations of personal care items and snacks will be collected by USO volunteers on the Front St. and McConnell Blvd. plazas outside arena entrances before the game. The donations will help USO stock Support Lounges across Central Ohio. Fans who donate will receive a voucher for one free ticket to an upcoming home game. Visit CBJ’s Military Appreciation Night page to view the full list of qualifying donation items. Camouflage Jersey Raffle & Auction As a way to show support and gratitude for all active and retired service members, the Blue Jackets players will wear specially designed camouflage-style jerseys during pregame warmups on Military Appreciation Night. The complete set of authentic worn jerseys will be individually autographed by the respective players with select jerseys up for auction and all others available through raffle. Mobile bidding and raffle sales open January 18 and run through the second intermission of the January 22 game vs. Winnipeg. Fans may text CBJAUCTION to 76278 or visit cbjauction.givesmart.com to participate. Raffle tickets, priced at $10, may also be purchased in arena. All winners will be notified on January 23. Military Pride T-Shirt, Lapel Pins & Game Pucks Custom T-shirts and a limited quantity of Military Appreciation Night pucks from the evening’s warmups will be on sale at the Blue Jackets Foundation kiosk located near sections 110-111 on the main concourse.
Originally provided by one of the world leading servo manufacturers, this servo is made with plastic gears. It comes in either Digital or Analog mode. Please check the detailed technical parameter below. Additional servo arms are included. *** This is authentic servo made by Tower Pro and is highly accurate. There are many knock-offs available in the market that are cheap and low quality. Please be aware of this before you buy. *** * Weight: 9g * Dimension: 23×12.2x29mm * Stall torque: 1.8kg/cm(4.8v) * Operating speed: 0.1sec/60degree(4.8v) * Operating voltage: 4.8v * Temperature range: 0℃_ 55℃ * Dead band width: 1us
Abstract or Introduction The present text focuses on the start of life and consciousness based on factors such as matter, energy, information, space, time, and causality. Physics possesses four levels. The first level is the simplest physical level but offers the highest flexibility, since matter, energy, information, space, time, and causality are entirely decoupled. This sets the stage for the biological systems and processes defined by three stages: the chemical evolution, the self-organisation of molecules, and the biological evolution. We see that the higher physical level is, the stronger the couplings between matter, energy, information, space, time, and causality become. These couplings guarantee that the universe gets a stable structure and functionality by its elementary particles. Living systems perform evolution processes leading to constantly improving new living systems, as already depicted by Darwin in the evolution of the species. The action of a new living system, such that said living system is creating new causal relationships between the information pieces of itself and other living systems until death shall be defined as consciousness. Since biological processes are based on matter (as defined by momenta and angular momenta), energy, and information, the conservation laws for momenta, angular momenta, energy, and information also apply for biological systems. - Quote paper - Dr. Alexander Mircescu (Author), 2018, The Start of Life and Consciousness from Matter, Energy, Information, Space, Time, and Causality, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/456348
Opelika Criminal Law Attorneys Passionately Defend Your Rights Dedicated Alabama lawyers defend those accused of crimes Getting arrested can be an embarrassing and horrifying experience. It may affect every aspect of your life, including your bank account, your job and even the relationships you have within your family. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime in the Opelika area, the attorneys at Hand Law Firm are here to protect your legal rights and help you attain the best possible result for your case. Committed to providing results for Alabama clients For more than 25 years, we have provided guidance to our clients, helping you understand the charges against you and the legal options available to you. We are proud to always be there to lend a compassionate ear and ease your concerns by providing the highest quality legal representation available in Alabama . How we can help you We have represented hundreds of clients in state and federal courts on charges ranging from traffic offenses to serious felonies, including assault and battery, sexual offenses, theft, drug crimes, motor vehicle crimes, DWI/DUI, white collar crime, and more. In addition, our lawyers can help you clear your criminal record and get past criminal charges sealed or expunged. Whatever your legal dilemma may be, we have the experience and ability to provide a helping hand and extricate you from legal trouble. Let us fight for you. Contact our law firm today If you have been charged with a crime, don’t allow your fears and concerns to overwhelm you. Let the attorneys at Hand Law Firm help you successfully resolve your case and resume your life. Call us today at 334-203-7696 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. With offices conveniently located in Opelika, Alabama , we stand ready to represent you in your criminal matter.
|Photo by Wing-Chi Poon, Wikimedia Commons| In 1528, the land mass that includes modern day Arizona, came under Spanish rule, or conquest. Then in 1821, Mexico gained control of the territory including Arizona. That is the same time period when the first trappers and traders came west from the United States of America. |Lavender Pit: Bisbee| In 1854, copper was first discovered in Arizona. Copper has been a major industry of the State and continues to be important today. Copper is extracted and exported and is one of three major exports we are known for: copper, cattle, and cotton. There are several productive mines still active and viable, though not as many as there used to be. |Grand Canyon: by Murray Foubister, Wikimedia Commons| Interesting fact: There have been almost 700 deaths at the Grand Canyon. Some of them have been accidental falls from the rim of the canyon. Several have been men jumping from one rock to another to get the best spot for a picture. |Meteor Crater by Tsaiproject, Wikimedia Commons| Another legend of Arizona was the reign of Geronimo and the Chiricahua Apaches he led. They fought hard to maintain their way of life, but on September 4, 1868, Geronimo surrendered and the fighting ceased. In 1905, Geronimo published his autobiography. He also met with President Theodore Roosevelt and tried in vain to convince him to allow the Apaches to return to their land. He was an incredible warrior who grieved the loss of his land and way of life. |Geronimo (far right) and warriors| |Hoover Dam 1941 by Ansel Adams| The name of the dam was very controversial. After being named, Hoover Dam, after President Hoover, there was opposition. For years, the name was changed to Boulder Dam, until President Truman made the Hoover Dam the official name. There are so many unique features in Arizona. From the mountains in the north to the deserts in the south, Arizona is a beautiful State and a wonderful addition to our country. Happy Birthday, Arizona. Nancy J Farrier is an award-winning author who lives in Southern Arizona in the Sonoran Desert. She loves the Southwest with its interesting historical past. When Nancy isn’t writing, she loves to read, do needlecraft, play with her cats, and spend time with her family. You can read more about Nancy and her books on her website: nancyjfarrier.com.
CHERRY LANE THEATRE NYC German-Jew. Immigrant. Alien. Lucie Pohl: Hi, Hitler is the story of a German-Jew, who grows up in a wild family of artists, is fascinated by der Führer from age four and uprooted from Hamburg to NYC at eight. As Bertolt Brecht’s real-life-grand-niece, Lucie yearns for normalcy, but being different seems to run in her bloodline and escaping her inherited high-drama-destiny might just be impossible.
It is now official; Andy Thompson will not return to the Kootenay ICE and has requested a trade. For reasons that ran the gamut from being homesick, to a demanding girlfriend back home in North Delta, B.C. or parents that were breaking up, all grossly false in their nature, Andy Thompson left the ICE after the club’s 4-0 sweep of the Seattle Thunderbirds in the second round of the WHL Playoffs last spring. Struggling with clinical depression and recovered sufficiently to resume his once-hopeful hockey career, the 18-yr-old is now looking for a new beginning. “I think the main thing for Andy is that he wants a fresh start,” said ICE G.M. Jeff Chynoweth. “When he left in his situation, battling a form of depression which came to the forefront, the hockey club was behind him 110% to get his life in order. I think he’s got his life in order and he just feels now that with the situation, it would best for himself to go to a new city.” Thompson, a highly-touted defenceman when he was Kootenay’s first round Bantam pick, seventh overall out of North Delta as a Bantam in 1999, lived up to early billing in his first full year on the ICE blueline in 2000-01. The 6’3″, 200 lb blueliner had NHL scouts singing his praises as he entered his NHL Draft year at the beginning of the 2001-02 season. Even a season of inconsistency that saw his ice-time drastically reduced couldn’t prevent the Central Scouting Bureau, the NHL’s watchdog of young talent, from ranking Thompson 36th among North American skaters for the 2002 NHL Draft. Before Thompson left the club, the consensus opinion was that towering d-man was playing his best hockey of the season. It was then things ultimately fell apart for the affable Thompson who was a gentle giant off the ice but a formidable opponent on it. Seemingly lost among the fervor of the club’s Memorial Cup championship, Thompson’s departure, from a fan’s point at the very least, was almost forgotten. G.M. Chynoweth received a call from Thompson just weeks after the Memorial Cup win asking if he could have his equipment to resume skating. “It was a good sign,” Chynoweth said. Reports surfaced of Thompson’s return to the ice, another good sign, but it was after the scheduling meetings in Kelowna over the summer that talk emerged that Thompson didn’t intend to return. Culminating in the trade request announced this week, Chynoweth says there are no hard feelings whatsoever between the hockey club and Thompson. But trading him, specifically to Vancouver, and putting Thompson closer his North Delta home isn’t exactly going to happen either. “He’s asked for certain things,” offered Chynoweth. “But I’ll be perfectly blunt, we going to make the best trade possible for the Kootenay ICE. We’ll do our best to accommodate his request as quickly as possible but we’ll not make a trade unless we’re getting fair market value for Andy Thompson.” “We didn’t ask for a trade, Andy Thompson did and I respect that. I’m disappointed in it but I respect it and we’ll do our best.” Complicating things is the fact that Thompson will not attend Kootenay ICE training camp set to begin this weekend. With all teams getting a fresh start as the new season approaches and the fact that teams are cultivating their own stables of prospective players, fair market value isn’t near its peak, especially for a player a valuable as Thompson. Set to return possibly four of seven blueliners from the championship club in Brennan Evans (should return as an overage), Girard Dicaire (same situation), Steve Makway, Curtis Fransoo, Kootenay isn’t in a hurry to make a deal. Travis Featherstone, also a natural defenseman who saw duty on the fourth line towards the end of the year will also be in the mix in addition to training camp prospects looking to step into the lineup. Chynoweth reiterated the fact that a personality conflict was never part of the situation. “No, none whatsoever”, said Chynoweth. “Jerry Johansson (Thompson’s agent) has been completely up front with us through this whole thing. There’s no hard feelings over this at all and I’d like to get it done as soon as possible but the reality is that everybody is in first place right now and it’s tough to get fair market value.” “There are people saying that he left our hockey club last year after the second round of the playoffs and we won a Memorial Cup.” Quick Hits -Gerard Dicaire will not be attending Tampa Bay’s training camp. For unknown reasons the Lightning have decided to only invite older prospects that are already pencilled in on the club’s roster. Dicaire returns to the ICE as an overage player, of which the club’s overage situation won’t be resolved until all eligible players either return or sign pro contracts… Jarret Stoll is off to the Edmonton Oilers’ training camp, scheduled to open in two weeks but as of press time, remains unsigned… Kootenay’s annual training camp Blue-White game goes Labor Day Monday at 1:00pm. Proceeds will once again benefit the Cranbrook chapter of the United Way.
M talks about finding her bio-family in Columbia. All of the time she was growing up middle-class in California, her family has been living in poverty in Columbia. She’s had a much different life than they can even imagine. When you are pregnant and you NEED to know about what genetic issues but were part of a completely closed adoption, how do you track down your birthparents? H talks about her amazing reunion story, with several unexpected twists and characters along her journey.
Pitching your business to a group of investors is a great way to grow your business and potentially involve experienced entrepreneurs in your venture. Prizes can come in different forms: money; a combination of money and professional services (accounting help, marketing help, business coaching); and/or pure bragging rights. Whatever the prize is, knowing how to build and deliver a business pitch is a good skill to have as an entrepreneur. In this hands-on workshop, Karla Briones (https://karlabriones.com) will take you through the process of creating an outline for your business pitch deck. You will see examples of the good, the bad and the ugly and will be guided to prepare your own presentation.
$10 in benefits for every $1 invested – Minnesota estimates benefits of lead service line replacement Environmental Defense Fund See the original post. Last week, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) released a report estimating that investing $4 billion in virtually eliminating lead in drinking water over 20 years would provide societal benefits of more than $8 billion. The state agency only counted the societal benefits from avoiding the loss of IQ points due to children’s exposure to lead. Replacing lead service lines (LSLs) – the lead pipes that connect a building’s plumbing to the water main under the street – yielded the greatest benefit with an investment of $0.228 to $0.365 billion yielding $2.118 to $4.235 billion in benefits. Replacing lead fixtures and solder had a lower, but still significant, return on the investment. Based on this analysis, MDH recommended as high priority that the state conduct an inventory of LSLs and that LSLs be removed “at a measured pace” of 20 years. It also recommended undertaking as a medium priority an awareness campaign focused on the danger of lead in drinking water to formula-fed infants younger than nine months old and as a low priority a general public information campaign to prompt homeowners and renters to take action if they have an LSL. The agency, which includes both the state’s drinking water protection program and its lead poisoning prevention program, prepared the report in response to a provision in a state appropriations law passed in 2017. The report is important because it is the first state assessment we know of, and it reports an impressive return on the investment of more than $10 for every $1 invested in LSL replacement. For these reasons, we took a close look at the analysis and the underlying assumptions. $228 to $365 million cost estimate for LSL replacement The state agency estimated that there were 100,000 LSLs in the state, far fewer than the 260,000 estimated by Cornwell et al., 2016. It reached this number in two ways: From my perspective, MDH likely underestimated the number of LSLs in the state because it essentially assumed there were no LSLs outside of Duluth and the Twin Cities. However, the three utilities serving these cities have about 16% of all service connections in the state. While MDH may be right that the Cornwell et al. estimate of 260,000 was too high, a comparison of the comprehensive inventory results from the nearby states of Wisconsin and Illinois to their Cornwell estimates suggest that 160,000 may be more reasonable. In addition, the estimated cost to replace an LSL may be optimistic but is not too far out of line with what some utilities have reported when the replacement work is closely coordinated with other planned work. In short, MDH’s estimate for the cost of LSLs in Minnesota is likely low but not unreasonable. $2.118 to $4.235 billion in societal benefits from LSL replacement MDH estimated that lead exposure from all sources will cost the state $84.7 billion based on the value of the lost total productivity in wages and housework, the lost workplace productivity, and lost taxes expected from children born between 2013 to 2037 (the 20-year timeline for the program). The calculations were drawn from an estimate by MDH in 2014 that the overall lifetime costs of lead exposure to children born in the state in a single year was $1.94 billionand supported by an analysis conducted by Dr. Lucia Levers of University of Minnesota. The report indicates that it likely underestimated cost because it did not include societal benefits not related to IQ. These costs include: From my perspective, MDH’s societal cost of lead due to lost IQ is likely high but not unreasonable. In 2017, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s and the Pew Charitable Trusts’ RWJF/Pew Health Impact Project report estimated that the maximum potential future benefits of preventing all lead exposure for children born in the U.S. in 2018 “could reach $84 billion, not including the costs to achieve such total prevention.” Though Minnesota represents 1.7% of the U.S. population, the MDH analysis considered the impact on children born over 25 years and not just one year. How MDH’s estimated return on the investment compares to RWJF/Pew estimates In 2017, the RWJF/Pew Health Impact Project report, described above, estimated that “[r]emoving leaded drinking water service lines from the homes of children born in 2018 would protect more than 350,000 children and yield $2.7 billion in future benefits, or about $1.33 per dollar invested.” The differences appear to result from the report’s authors estimating greater costs of LSL replacement than MDH, primarily because they expected to replace LSLs for individual homes rather than the coordinated street-by-street approach anticipated by MDH. In addition, the RWJF/Pew Health Impact Project report estimated that LSL replacement would result in a smaller reduction in drinking water exposure. MDH’s report provides an excellent big-picture perspective on the importance of replacing LSLs. The report states the assumptions, adequately explains the analysis, and makes sound recommendations. While some may object to the estimated 10:1 return on the investment and disagree on how best to make such an estimate, a return of even half that rate would be impressive. Further, it is important that the state considered both the costs and the benefits of different approaches. Such an analysis provides an important backdrop for what is a very tough public policy discussion. We encourage other states to conduct a similar analysis and commit to a long-term program of eliminating its LSLs to better protect children. An important first step is to immediately require utilities to develop an inventory of known and potential LSLs, update it annually, and make that information available to the public. Based on my analysis of data for Minnesota’s active community water systems (CWSs) in EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). Illinois’ CWSs reported 414,895 LSLs compared to Cornwell’s estimate of 730,000 (76% more than reported). Wisconsin’s CWSs reported 158,725 LSLs compared to Cornwell’s estimate of 240,000 (51% more than reported). The analysis “kept the gender-based differences in expected lifetime earnings even though there should be an expectation of convergence between males and females over the next 20 years.” Have a suggestion for an article or blog to add? Let us know!
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Mc Nally’s add LG1750 to fleet Mc Nally’s have recently taken delivery of a new Liebherr LG1750. This crane has been delivered directly to a Repower windfarm project near Baudignecourt, France to erect Repower MM92 wind turbines to a hub height of 100m. The LG1750 is a unique high capcity mobile crane. It combines the flexibility of a 750-tonne crawler crane with the mobility of a fast-moving truck crane from the same load category. For the modular construction of the LG 1750, Liebherr uses the slewing crane platform and boom and jib systems from the LR 1750 crawler crane and a completely new compact 8-axle chassis. Four extremely rigid, folding arms of generous size make up the starpattern supports which have a base area of 16 x 16 m. They dominate the appearance of the special crane chassis. Some facts describe the size of the machine. The LG1750 can lift 750t at 7m radius, and the main boom can be a maximum length of 140m. The luffing jib can be a maximum of 105m. When travelling, the maximum speed of the carrier is 80km/h (50mph). A maximum of 650t of counterweight can be used.