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Microsoft Isn’t Done w/ Windows Variants – Another Windows 10 Edition On Its Way.How to allow multiple rdp session – Microsoft Q&A Giving a backdoor to an unknown company with NO place of address anywhere on their site, with no indication whatsoever of who they are? Kubat October 2, – am Everyone, Thanks to the great work by the author and everyone who windwos posted to assist everyone. Users will find the following files contained within the RDPWrap-v1. NEL Windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free 14, – am Hi all. Werner Lieske July 26, – pm Did you ever find out if this is possible? Does anybody know What the termsrv. Enable Remote Desktop For Multiple Users on Windows 10/11 Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. This article answers frequently asked questions and explains best practices for Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session. Previously, only Windows Server could do this. For more information about licenses and pricing, see Azure Virtual Desktop pricing. How many interactive sessions that can be active at the same time relies on your system’s hardware resources vCPU, memory, disk, and vGPU , how your users use their apps while signed in to a session, and how heavy your system’s workload is. We suggest you validate your system’s performance to understand how many users you can have on Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session. To learn more, see Azure Virtual Desktop pricing. Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session is a virtual edition of Windows 10 Enterprise. One of the differences is that this operating system OS reports the ProductType as having a value of 3, the same value as Windows Server. Some application installers can block installation on Windows 10 multi-session depending on whether they detect the ProductType is set to Client. If your app won’t install, contact your application vendor for an updated version. Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session can’t run in on-premises production environments because it’s optimized for the Azure Virtual Desktop service for Azure. It’s against the licensing agreement to run Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session outside of Azure for production purposes. It’s not currently possible to upgrade an existing virtual machine VM that’s running Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise to Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session. Also, if you deploy a Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session VM and then update the product key to another edition, you won’t be able to switch the VM back to Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session and will need to redeploy the VM. Customize the image to your needs by installing LOB applications and sysprep the image. When you’re done customizing, upload the image to Azure with the VHD inside. After that, get Azure Virtual Desktop from the Azure Marketplace and use it to deploy a new host pool with the customized image. Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session can be Azure AD-joined. To get started, follow the steps to Deploy Azure AD-joined virtual machines. Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session is in the Azure gallery. To find it, navigate to the Azure portal and search for the Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops release. The Azure gallery has several releases, including Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, version , and Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, version We recommend using the latest version for improved performance and reliability. Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, versions and later are supported and are available in the Azure gallery. These releases follow the same support lifecycle policy as Windows 10 Enterprise, which means the March release is supported for 18 months and the September release for 30 months. We recommend you use FSLogix profile containers when you configure Windows 10 Enterprise in non-persistent environments or other scenarios that need a centrally stored profile. FSLogix ensures the user profile is available and up-to-date for every user session. We also recommend you use your FSLogix profile container to store a user profile in any SMB share with appropriate permissions, but you can store user profiles in Azure page blob storage if necessary. For a full list of applicable licenses, see Azure Virtual Desktop pricing. This happens because you’re using Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session with a profile management solution like FSLogix. Your admin or profile solution configured your system to delete user profiles when users sign out. This configuration means that when your system deletes your user profile after you sign out, it also removes any apps you installed during your session. If you want to keep the apps you installed, you’ll need to ask your admin to provision these apps for all users in your Azure Virtual Desktop environment. Most virtualized environments are configured by default to prevent users from installing additional apps to their profiles. If you want to make sure an app doesn’t disappear when your user signs out of Azure Virtual Desktop, you have to provision that app for all user profiles in your environment. For more information about provisioning apps, check out these resources:. You can disable the Microsoft Store app to make sure users don’t download extra apps beyond the apps you’ve already provisioned for them. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. To disable the Store app: Create a new Group Policy. Select Store. Select Store Application. Select Disabled , then select OK. Select Apply. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article. Windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free.Windows 10 Enterprise for Remote Sessions: Another new Windows variant on the way Due to we have a training to be conducted, we would like to allow 4 person different user id to rdp into the server. Currently, the server is only allowing 2 concurrent sessions. Attachments: Up to 10 attachments including images can be used with a maximum of 3. To follow-up, Please let us know if you have further query on this. Please be informed that there is no other way to achieve your requirement except installing remote desktop session host role on the server and purchasing RDS CAL per user for the remote connection. Страница role based installation process will be OK. Set sessionw 2 local group policies on the server. Thanks for the advise. Hi hendriyu These windws special licenses as they windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free to have software assurance attached to them since they are CALs for a VM running on Azure. This is a Microsoft requirement that you cannot get around. You can buy these in one year, two year, or three year options. Remote Desktop Services Installation. Setting up Remote Desktop Читать больше for my small business. Skip to main content. Find threads, tags, and users Since it is not a remote desktop server, is there any possible way to achieve this? Thanks H. Current Visibility: Visible to all users. Let us know windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free wundows required. Hi, Please be informed that there is источник other way to achieve your requirement except installing remote desktop session host role on the server and purchasing RDS CAL per user for the remote connection. Best Regards, H. I can share the screenshots. Hi hendriyu Please let us autodesk 2015 xforce free if you have any further question. If the Answer is helpful, please click “Accept Answer” and upvote it. Comment Show 0. Related Questions. Windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free NOTE: Our original article targeted Windows 10 users who need to implement multiple remote desktop connections. Fortunately, the entefprise we offer here will also work with Windows 11, the newest version windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free the popular operating system. Read on to learn how to get around the limitations of remote desktop on a Windows system. In all actuality, the Windows 10 multiple remote desktop sessions limitations are restricted per license and have nothing to do with technical limitations. From a technical perspective, adobe acrobat xi pro fillable forms tutorial free download version of Windows running enough RAM can enable concurrent remote desktop sessions for multiple users. An average of MB of memory is needed per user session without accounting for any apps launched during the session. Quite frankly, the only limitations surrounding remote desktop multiple users capabilities, in theory, are based entirely on computer resources. Please Note. System modifications described in this article are considered a violation of the Microsoft License Agreement, and with all the consequences that come with it. Perform them at your own risk. Meaning, RDPWrap will even work if the termsrv. According to the information on the developer page, all sdssions of Windows are supported Windows 10 support is available up to the build. Run the install. Run the RDPCheck. Muptiple the Windows 10 machine should permit multiple users to access different Узнать больше sessions simultaneously. All Windows editions Windows 7, Windows 8. Meaning that users can establish a terminal RDS server on any desktop instance of Windows. Using the Command Prompt is the simplest way to achieve this. Dending on the Windows 10 build installed on the machine, users will need to locate and replace the line. The final 4 pairs are unique to each version of Windows, so remember to replace the entire 12 pairs with the whole sesions. The windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free of the method of enabling multiple RDP sessions in Windows 10 by replacing the termsrv. The main drawback is that you will have to manually edit the termsrv. They also need to re-edit the file when updating the version of the termsrv. Can multiple users remote desktop at the same time? This article will uncover the answer. Do you want to sign in anyway? Alternatively, Windows Home users cannot receive incoming remote desktop connections and multille can only be enterrprise via the RDP Wrapper Library. If users work on a local computer temote, newly created RDP connections windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free terminate the console session RDP sessions can also be forcibly ended if users attempt to log in locally. Users will find the following files contained within the RDPWrap-v1. Once installation fdee complete, users should run the RDPConfig. Modifying Termsrv. Dending on the Windows 10 build installed on the machine, users will need to locate and replace the line 39 81 3C 06 00 00 0F 84 XX XX XX XX and replace it with B8 00 01 00 00 89 81 38 06 00 00 90 The final 4 pairs are unique to each version of Window, so zessions to replace the entire 12 pairs with the whole string. Run TermService after saving the edited windows 10 enterprise multiple remote sessions free.
App Lets You Track Your Favorite Boilermaker Runner The Boilermaker Road Race is making it easier for you to keep track of your favorite runners with a new GPS app. The Boilermaker Road Race has contracted with the RaceJoy mobile app to provide runner tracking in 2018. The free app will allow runners to be tracked and spectators to track the progress of up to twenty runners through their mobile devices. According to a press release, the mobile app also allows spectators to send custom cheers to the runners they're tracking throughout Utica's streets. The Boilermaker says it's probably a good idea to download and set up the app prior to race day, since it's likely that cellular signals will be overwhelmed at the start line - and make sure you follow the instructions exactly. In the same release, race organizers also remind runners that headphones are prohibited on the race course. Get more information about the app at boilermaker.com.
XXL 2.4 Ghz Guides LiteHawk XXL 2.4 Ghz Instruction Manual Helicopter will not turn on (no lights on) -Cause: Battery has not been re-inserted into the side of the helicopter after charging. -Fix: Re-insert battery plug into side of the helicopter after charging. The slot is located next to the on/off switch. Helicopter moves around or topples over during lift-off -Cause: Helicopters of all sizes are always most unstable/vulunerable during take-off as they must fight a force called "ground effect". The apparent effect occurs because the ground is pushing back on the air being forced down by the helicopter. As the helicopter moves higher the force pushing back become less. Anything above 8" is considered "safe". -Fix: Use more throttle/speed to get out of the "ground effect" zone. Doing this quickly will result in easy to control take-off behavior. Helicopter does not go forward fast OR moves forward & backwards by itself -Cause: "Coaxial" design helicopters are limited to how fast they move forward & reverse as they must rely on tail rotor speed to manipulate the pitch. The stability provided by this design limits their maneuverability greatly, but is what makes them perfect for beginners. -Fix: Add weight to the front or rear of the helicopter to change weight bias. Add weight to the front to create more forward momentum or add weight to the rear to create more rearwards momentum. Standard weight balance for all Litehawk models is 50/50. -Cause: Battery has moved forward or backwards inside the chassis causing weight balance to shift. -Fix: Remove Canopy and move battery forward or backwards to get desired effect. -Cause: Missing parts from front or rear of helicopter changing weight balance. -Fix: Add/replace parts that are damaged or missing. LiteHawk XXL 2.4 Ghz Canopy Removal The XXL Canopy is designed for quick removal and easy access to the ESC and battery. -To remove the Canopy, firmly grip the Canopy Corners and pull one side of the body posts at a time. -If replacing the canopy, gently push the Led out of its front housing. Do not pull the Led out by the wires. LiteHawk XXL 2.4 Ghz Landing Gear Removal -To remove the landing gear simply locate the four screws on the bottom of the helicopter holding it inplace. -Remove these screws - be careful not to lose them. Working on a towel will keep them from bouncing away. -Once removed, pull off the old landing gear and replace it with your new set. Insert the four screws and you are ready to fly again. LiteHawk XXL 2.4 Ghz Tail Boom Removal -To remove the tail boom, locate the two screws at the back of the helicopter where the tail boom enters the chassis. -Remove both of these screws . The next step is removing the side plate on the chassis. -To do this remove the body post and two screws as well as the remaining 4 screws holding the metal plate to the chasis . -Once this has been removed you can easily access the tail boom wiring. Disconnect it from the Board. -Then gently slide the wires out the back while removing the tail boom assembly. -To attach the new boom, simply reverse these steps.
Listen, I make fun of my kids as much as the next person...neither of them is going to get a spelling scholarship, if you know what I’m saying. But putting a sign out on the street telling the world they’re slow? That's just plain mean. Thanks for the warning, though - I'll be sure not to yell algebra problems out the window as I pass your house. Say, here’s a thought: maybe if you didn’t dress them in those creepy “See Dick” outfits they’d be a little more with it. Perhaps it's the lederhosen holding them back.
Welcome to the Course Caddy, a look at each and every hole in Golden Tee 2014. Over the next few months, we will spend each day looking at a different design, starting with Hole 1 on the first course and ending with the final hole on the final design. We want—no, NEED—your help in this process! How do you play a particular design? Share your thoughts on strategy and YouTube uploads in the comment section. Your feedback is integral in the complete understanding of the design. All holes will then be available for reference on the Course Caddy page—a bookmark must for the entire encyclopedia! Enjoy. Shady Acres Hole No. 9 The path to the green is pretty simple. Executing it is a different story. Before you make the turn, you gave a drivable par-4 to tend to, one that will vary greatly depending on the location of the pin. There are two obstacles you need to avoid, and they are connected in many ways. The trees guarding the left side of the fairway are the root of the challenge, and you’ll have to hit a substantial cut shot around them. The small river in front of the green—the same one you can find if you clip a tree branch—can do the most damage. How much cut you put on your tee shot will depend on a few factors. Wind and tee box looms large here, but so does the placement of the pin. If the pin is on the right side of the green, the shot becomes a lot easier. Your ball can land on the green, and the bite or backspin will propel it toward the cup. Or, perhaps a little closer. When the pin is tucked on the left side of the green—perhaps behind the perfectly placed bunker—the shot becomes a little more complicated. Obviously getting close will require a creative shot, and there are a variety of ways to do it. Like bouncing your ball near the top of the bunker. Or skipping the bunker entirely. If running into the pin doesn’t work out, hopefully you’re able to give yourself a putt or a makeable chip. Given some of the setups you’ll be dealt, this will be the ideal outcome. Birdie seems like a likely outcome if you play it safe, but eagle is anything but. What approach works for you here?
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Forms to Anyone’s Heart These Days: Buy Food, Make Food or Simply Be Food. Check Out the Review and Smoking Recipe of This Trending Dish! When asked about your relationship status do you also reply with, “happily committed to food”? Then you are at the right place, and this section is for you. Let’s jump straight into discussing dishes & recipes trending this month. The star ingredient of this year has to be mushroom. Hands down their versatility is what gets to us, by playing a key role in some of our favorite dishes – pizza, pasta, burgers, beverage, even desserts, and delivering wholesome flavor, they are indeed our favorite. For May, we have brought to you the ultimate comfort food – the creamy mushroom risotto recipe. Dive in to learn all about it! The star ingredient of this year has to be mushroom. Hands down their versatility is what gets to us, by playing a key role in some of our favorite dishes. Before we begin, it’s important to know that it takes patience to make mushroom risotto, but the joy of the first bite will make it all worth it. This creamy Italian rice dish is made with chicken broth and mushrooms. It takes about 25-30 minutes to prepare this dish. To begin, you have to first sauté the mushrooms in a pan. The key to note here is to let mushrooms cook in their own juices before adding oil or butter. Moving forward, add the risotto rice and white wine and let it boil for around 3 to 4 minutes. When the liquid is reduced by half, add 1/2 cup of stock. It’s important to know that it takes patience to make mushroom risotto, but the joy of the first bite will make it all worth it. Make sure to keep stirring here so that the rice doesn’t stick to the edges of the pan. When you stir the sloughs off the starch from the rice, it makes the sauce creamy, and trust us that’s how you want this to turn out. Before adding another 1/2 cup of stock make sure the last batch is absorbed. The process will have to continue till the rice is just cooked and slightly chewy. We’re almost there, just add parmesan cheese, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Lastly, garnish with chopped fresh parsley or chives, and voila! Garnish with chopped fresh parsley or chives, and voila! By just looking at this beauty we can tell you’ll adore this dish for its earthy, savory flavor. You can serve Mushroom Risotto as a side dish, a main dish, or a starter to a multi-course Italian menu and all your friends will turn head over heels for you. That’s about it for May, tune in next month for another mouthwatering dish! Please note: The amount of stock you take up is according to the number of people you’re preparing the meal for.
Lunar Light Crops With their loose fit and pull-on jersey ribbed waistband, Seasalt'sgarment-dyed Lunar Light Crops are some of the comfiest trousers around. They're woven from soft, pure linen to keep you cool in the heat and finished with handy front and back pockets. Fabric: 100% Linen Care: Machine wash, cold water and hang to dry This style is listed in UK sizes with the North American equivalent in brackets We can contact you when this item is available:
In 2022, generative AI has gone mainstream, but what many don’t know is that generative models can also have a dark side, they have given rise to a new breed of cyber attacks. These attacks exploit the defining property of generative models—their ability to generate… Read More »CTO Talk: ChatGPT vs GuardGPT. Generative AI in the context of cybersecurity. LogSentinel’s operational security platform (SIEM, XDR & SOAR) continuously optimizes the models of specialized threat systems and has created eight layers of anti-threat weapons. Based on the characteristics of user behavior and traffic analysis, the series of local anti-threat modules form an iron wall to… Read More »CTO Talk: Eight Built-in Layers of Threat-Fighting Weapons The LogSentinel reactive security operations platform continues to integrate new cyber defense capabilities, source tracking and combat. The system integrates AI, XDR (EDR, NDR, MDR), scouting, surveillance, traceability, protection, response and confrontation capabilities. The AI module for combat-oriented operations identifies risks before the attack, intercepts,… Read More »Cyber-Attacks – Monitoring, Prediction, and Confrontation Based on blockchain technology, LogSentinel designs and implements a zero-trust security system that stores data on-chain, uploads local log files to the blockchain for storage, and provides a visual interface for users to use security analysis functions. The system can provide safe and reliable storage… Read More »CTO-Talk: Defense Artifacts for Zero-Trust Security Most of the current SIEM, SOAR, and XDR solutions with integrated deep neural networks focus only on rough correlations that have no causal relationship, which often leads to testing of deep learning systems in real conditions that are significantly different from learning scenarios, and they… Read More »CTO Talk: From the Sandbox – LogSentinel’s Neural Network The Privacy Management (PMT), Privacy by design (PbD) and Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) tools, Integration of Data Management and Security, Integration of Extensible Key Management (EKM) and Cloud Key Management as a Service (KMaaS), Data Security as a Service (DSaaS), Data Security Platforms and Cloud… Read More »CTO Talk: Strategic guidelines for an intelligent cybersecurity system
Police investigating death on farm near St. Thomas Emergency crews were on the scene of a death investigation Sunday evening, northeast of St. Thomas. Crews were called to a farm property on Ron McNeil Line, west of Springwater Road about 4 p.m. An OPP spokesperson would only say that the death is not farm related and it is not believed to be suspicious. Initial reports say it is a middle-aged man. More details will be released after a coroner investigates.
22 Feb, 2024 18-19 March 2024 10 April 2024 Corsica, a remote island in the Mediterranean, is the one French wine region that perhaps owes as much to the Italian winemaking tradition as the French winemaking tradition. Part of that has to do with the island’s location – it is 90 kilometers west of Italy but 170 kilometers southeast of France. It was only in 1769 that the island finally came under French control. There are three grape varietals that are most popular in Corsica – Nielluccio (which is similar to Sangiovese and is sometimes called “the spice wine of France”), Sciacarello and Vermentino. Overall, there are more than 40 grapes that are grown on the island, with many of them reflecting Italian influences. Of these grape varietals, the most popular is Nielluccio. There are 9 different appellations (AOCs) for Corsica, including one that covers the entire island. The first one, Patrimonio, was established in 1968. Other important appellations include Muscat du Cap Corse, Ajaccio, Calvi, Sartene and Figari. The most popular wines from Corsica are simply known as “country wines from the Isle of beauty.” In terms of geography and climate, Corsica is a mountainous island that is warmer and drier than mainland France. The average elevation of the island’s vineyards is 300 meters above sea level. On Corsica, the use of irrigation is prohibited for vineyards. Ever since the 1950s, when Algeria gained its independence from France, the island has seen an influx of immigrants from Algeria who have planted vineyards. Currently, the vineyard density on Corsica is approximately 1,000 vines per acre. Here is a brief audio guide on Corsica wine region. Check it out.
Experience Serenity with Thoughtful Tuesdays at Hawkinge House Long Term Care We’re excited to introduce “Thoughtful Tuesday” – an exclusive initiative tailored for residents at Hawkinge House LTC, aimed at fostering well-being through purposeful and considerate activities. On Thoughtful Tuesdays, our dedicated staff engages residents in carefully chosen activities that encourage reflection, engagement, and connection. These activities, which may include meaningful conversations, creative pursuits, and sensory experiences, are designed to be accessible and enjoyable, catering to the unique needs and preferences of our residents. Thoughtful Tuesday is more than just a day; it’s an opportunity to enhance the overall quality of life for our residents. By participating in these thoughtful activities, we aim to encourage positive emotions, meaningful connections, and a sense of fulfilment. Your input is highly valued, and we encourage you to share any specific preferences or insights about your family member. This ensures that our Thoughtful Tuesday activities are personalised to meet individual needs. Your support and feedback are crucial as we work together to create a positive and enriching experience for our residents. Thank you for choosing Hawkinge House LTC for the care of your loved ones. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of support and creating an environment where residents can thrive. Welcome to the serenity of Thoughtful Tuesdays. Hawkinge House LTC – Where Care Meets Compassion
The IRD number in New Zealand is a unique identifier issued by Inland Revenue to individuals and non-individual entities like Companies, Partnerships, Trusts, and Charities. Typically utilized throughout a customer's lifetime, except in cases of bankruptcy, this number is crucial for both residents and non-residents engaging with New Zealand's tax system. It serves as a necessity for various taxes, encompassing Income Tax, Goods and Services Tax, as well as Employer taxes like Pay as You Earn and Fringe Benefit Tax. Additionally, the IRD number is essential for social policy entitlements managed by Inland Revenue, covering areas such as Working for Families Tax Credits, Child Support, Student Loans, Paid Parental Leave, and KiwiSaver. IRD Number Format The format of the IRD number in New Zealand varies based on its age, appearing as either an eight or nine-digit number, structured as 99-999-999 or 999-999-999. This identifier comprises a base number of seven or eight digits, accompanied by a trailing check digit. An emerging trend involves appending a 0 to eight-digit numbers to extend their length to nine digits, exemplified as 099-999-999. |IRD number on initial notification |IRD number on Tax return How Lookuptax can help you in VAT validation? Lookuptax VAT validation revolutionizes VAT number validation with its robust platform, empowering businesses to seamlessly verify VAT numbers across over 100 countries. Our cutting-edge technology ensures accurate and efficient validation, reducing errors and enhancing compliance.
As a performer, Lorin has played alongside artists such as Local H and Rusted Root frontman, Michael Glabicki. He has performed at multiple music festivals and parades, venues like the extravagant Art Institute of Chicago and the Double Door, and worked with avant-garde theatre giants, Collaboraction, as outsourced musical talent. Between originals and cover songs, he offers a wide variety of music styles and genres performed on guitar. Below is a sample performance of a cover song: • A unique performance for your party or special event • Booking times of up to 3 hours • An excellent quality portable sound system provided Please contact Lorin for pricing and scheduling, or if you’re just interested and want to chat with him about your ambitions.
Whether producing my own content or partnering with other creatives to produce theirs, I’m all about creating attention-grabbing, entertaining content through intriguing stories and vivid imagery. A producer’s life is a complicated, 24/7/365 job. Call me whacky, but that’s okay by me. I am a ninja producer and logistical queen (i.e., freakishly organized, strategic and effective communicator with a resource-rich network of awesome professionals – from crew to talent. I know ’em, I got ’em, I can make it happen for you). Between that and years of experience in marketing and film making, I can make digital content that sells. No one likes to feel like an island. Sometimes you just need a little extra help with the creative or logistics. Sometimes you need a LOT. I feel you. I consult and collaborate on: Pre-Production/Principal Photography/Post-Production Line Item Budgeting / Marketing Writing for Film, TV Pilots & Bibles, Concept Focus & Drill Down. When you need help I’ve got you covered.
Chris O’Dell completed a sweep of the first three derbies held at Los Alamitos in 2019 after Rosenthal Ranch LLC’s Powerful Favorite racked up his major win of the meet after outdueling Dunn Ranch’s Apollitical Pence in the Grade III, $211,000 El Primero Del Año Derby on Sunday night. It was the second derby win of the year for Powerful Favorite following his daylight victory in the Grade 1 Los Alamitos Winter Derby on February 9. O’Dell also won the La Primera Del Año Derby on Saturday night after Parsons Family Limited Partnership’s Terrific First Down won the Grade III, La Primera Del Año Derby for fillies. She had previously run an impressive third to Powerful Favorite in the Winter Derby. Jockey Eduardo Nicasio also completed a derby sweep, as he’s piloted both Powerful Favorite and Terrific First Down. “I can’t believe it,” Nicasio said. “Chris has some excellent horses. They were good 2-year-olds, but now as 3-year-olds they’ve grown and are even better racehorses. Terrific First Down surprised me on trial night to La Primera. She had accident as a 2-year-old when she flipped in the barn area. We didn’t know if she would be able to run again. She ran three races and then started getting better. In the trials, it felt like I was back on the Terrific First Down that I remembered from early in her 2-year-old campaign. Powerful Favorite is just like the name says - he’s always been my favorite. I won the Champion of Champions with a 3-year-old (Apollitical Jess) in 2010 and I think I can win it again with this horse. We’re going to try. He’s a great horse.” Powerful Favorite broke sharply from post number nine, but he trailed Apollitical Pence by neck. The two continued to battle with Powerful Favorite eventually moving past his rival while finishing in great fashion. The gelding by Favorite Cartel and out of the tremendous broodmare Remember Me Rose covered the distance in :19.733 while posting his seventh in 13 career starts. Also a winner of the Governor’s Cup Futurity last year, Powerful Favorite earned $88,620 for the win to take his career earnings to $496,835. “Apollitical Pence that’s a tough horse,” O’Dell said. “He can really run. We had to go catch him. (Jesus Rios Ayala) told Nicasio when they pulled up on the backside that he was in front and was looking for (Powerful Favorite. Ayala said ‘Where is he?’ We came and found him at the finish line. (Eduardo) has a lot of faith on this horse because he can run down the track, if he can step away from there. Tonight he broke in the clear and Powerful Favorite can really finish. He had to play a little catch-up, but he’s done that a few times and has come out successful. He’s learning where the finish line is and that’s a good thing.” Powerful Favorite had to catch Apollitical Pence in the trials to the El Primero on March 10. He stumbled out of the gate on that night, but was flying late to win with the fastest qualifying time. Bred by James Markum and Dr. Steve Burns, Powerful Favorite is now a perfect four-for-four this year. “What a stride – if you go back and watch the replay – what a stride he’s got,” O’Dell continued. “He’s got all the makings to be a nice horse. We’ll see how tough the crop of Champion of Champions are this year. He might do something in there. You never know. We have that dream. We are going to rest him a little bit at the barn. We’re not going to send him anywhere. He’ll stay here and rest. I’m thinking about three months. We’ve run him a few times with races close together. I almost skipped this, but I’ve learned the lesson that when the horse is sound you don’t want to pass up too many races.” It’s also been a little over a year since the passing of Robert Rosenthal, the patriarch of the Rosenthal Ranch. The longtime owner got a chance to enjoy Powerful Favorite as a yearling and early in his 2-year-old campaign, but his memory continues to be ever present whenever the sorrel gelding steps into the winner’s circle after one of this races. “We all wish he was here so bad,” O’Dell continued. “Bob started it all and we’re just riding along on the coattails that he started. He loved horses. If they had a 20-1 running here, they’d drive out to watch him. They could have stayed home and watched it on TV, but they loved their horses, every one of them, and wanted to see them. His wife, Connie, is the same way. She comes out and wants to watch and enjoy the horses. Naturally, Powerful Favorite has a big spot in the (family’s) heart. He has a big following from everywhere now. He might be up there in the AQHA National Racing Poll again. He’s a good horse. I can tell you that.” Led by Connie Rosenthal, the Rosenthal family was well represented in the winner’s circle on El Primero night while enjoying another victory thanks to their big star. “It gets more nerve-wracking each race,” Connie said. “I want to keep him safe. He’s a fabulous horse. It was a fair, clean race. We are happy.” “We get nervous because of the anticipation,” O’Dell added. “You want to win. The good thing is that they came out of the gate and in the first three jumps you didn’t see anybody bumping him. At least you know you have a chance. That makes it nice.” With Ayala aboard for trainer Monty Arrossa, Apollitical Pence earned $35,870 for his career best second place finish in a stakes race. The Apollitical Jess gelding finished third in the Golden State Million Futurity and Laico Breeders Stakes last year. He was also a part of the Ed Burke Million Futurity and Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity. Bred by Dunn Ranch and Womack Cavender Farms, Apollitical Pence, who is out of the Tres Seis mare Send City, has now earned $308,214 in 11 career starts. Martha Wells’ homebred Red Hawk Cartel earned $25,320 for his third place finish in the El Primero. Ridden by Erasmo Gasca for trainer Matt Fales, Red Hawk Cartel was eight at the start before flying late to earn the show money. Dexxter, Ali Babe Foose, Bail Czech, KR Hi Five, Teller Hez Famous, Tac Me Up and Jess Curlin completed the field.
NEW! Wooden It Be Nice | Cedar Sachet, Set of 2 | Wool Knit Care I LOVE my handknit woollens, especially those from local artisans like InfinKnitLove whose work is featured in the images below. It's important I protect my beautiful woollens so I created these cedar sachets to do just that. Cedar is a natural moth repellent. Adding these sachets to a drawer or a hanger alongside your woollens will not only protect them, but it will impart the beautiful aromatic and natural scent of cedar. - The outer pouch of the sachet is made from linen remnants, which helps to minimize textile waste - The inner bag is filled with 11 oz of fresh cedar shavings, sustainably sourced from Pestell Farms in New Hamburg, Ontario - The hanging loop allows the sachet to be hung from a coat hanger - Available in a set of two - Inner cedar-filled pouches are available in sets of 4 All fabrics have been pre-washed in biodegradable detergent, then air dried. 100% Linen--7 oz./yd (medium weight) 100% OEKO-Tex certified Linen-- 7 oz./yd (medium weight) Cotton Canvas--7 oz./yd (medium weight) Cotton Muslin--3 oz/yd (light weight)
Japanese media outlet reports that aespa’s Giselle and actor Park Hyung Sik are dating !! A dating rumor became a hot topic on Korean online community when a Japanese news outlet speculated about a possible romantic link between aespa’s Giselle and actor, as well as former ZE:A member, Park Hyung-sik. The rumor quickly became a hot topic and generated over 300,000 views on Nate Pann, leading to a wave of discussions among fans. Many netizens were quick to label the rumor as “fake news,” expressing strong doubts about the validity of the news from the Japanese online publication. Within the community, there was a notable division in opinions, with some comments outright rejecting the idea of the pairing. Some of the netizens went so far as to state Giselle should pay more taxes if the dating news was true, a common Korean idiom that suggests a mismatch in a relationship, implying that one person is seemingly too good for the other and thus has to pay more taxes. This particular sentiment implying that Park Hyung-sik was too much of a catch for the aespa rapper sparked a fierce defense of Giselle’s dating qualifications. These dating rumors remain unconfirmed.
Eira's Glitter Bands - Gold Eira's Glitter Bands are a collection of 10 individual crystal bands you can wear all together, on their own or mix and match with other jewellery. Sparkling and shiny they're the perfect evening accessory!! Our bracelets don't come in a presentation box as it means we can keep the price as low as possible for you. However, if you would like one you can find one here: https://lovely-eira.co.uk/collections/jewellery/Jewellery-Boxes
Manchester Airport Shuttles Manchester, New Hampshire, is considered one of the urban centers of New England, and one of the best cities to live in. Manchester combines history with new businesses, creating great sights both old and new. And Lakes Region Shuttle can provide car services both to or from this blossoming metropolis. We can provide shuttles to Manchester or Manchester airport transportation to Boston or New Hampshire. Book a Manchester shuttle today! If you're headed to the Lakes Region, we can provide shuttles from Manchester to Laconia, Meredith, Wolfeboro, and more. Whether you're looking for transportation from Manchester to Meredith, NH, or from Manchester to Boston, MA, Lakes Region Airport Shuttle has the ride for you. Manchester, NH, is home to Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, the fourth largest airport in New England. Our MHT shuttles are ready to provide transportation services to Manchester, Meredith, the Lakes Region, or even Boston. If you’re flying into Manchester Airport, our shuttles can help transport you to all parts of New Hampshire and Boston’s North Shore. We offer airport shuttles throughout parts of New Hampshire and Massachusetts to Manchester-Boston Regional Airport... reserve your MHT shuttle today! Looking for something to do in Manchester? Whether you want to take in muesems, a sports game, or enjoy Lake Massabesic, you can reserve a Manchester, NH, shuttle with us! Popular places to see include the Currier Museum of Art and Zimmerman House and Palace Theatre. Lakes Region Airport Shuttle provides transportation to popular Manchester locations including: - Currier Museum of Art and Zimmerman House - Verizon Wireless Arena - SEE Science Center - Palace Theatre - Lake Massabesic - Livingston Park - Mall of New Hampshire - Manchester-Boston Regional Airport (MHT) From business to a wedding, we offer hotel shuttles throughout Manchester. We have hotel shuttle service to all Manchester hotels: - Radisson Hotel, Manchester Downtown, Manchester, NH 03101 - Hilton Garden Inn, Manchester Downtown, Manchester, NH 03101 - La Quinta Inn & Suites, Manchester, NH 03102 - Courtyard, Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, Manchester, NH 03103 - Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Manchester Airport, Manchester, NH 03103 - Best Western Plus Executive Court Inn & Conference Center, Manchester, NH 03103 Lakes Region Airport Shuttle also provides special event transportation in Manchester for festivals, concerts, and more. Plan your next trip around annual events and festivals in the city: - The TD Bank Summer Fest - The Taste of Downtown Manchester - The Downtown Holiday Market - The Manchester Christmas Parade - Made In NH Expo Whether you're visiting Macnhester from Boston or flying through Manchester Airport, our shuttles can be with you every step of the way. We provide airport shuttles to surrounding areas including Nashua, Amherst, Bedford and Londonderry. If you’re ready for a superior shuttle service in Manchester, NH, look no further than Lakes Region Airport Shuttle. Contact us today to book your Manchester airport shuttle. And don't forget to check out our private charter services in Manchester, NH, for weddings, musems, special events, or concerts & sporting events. Lakes Region Airport shuttle, also, provides shuttle services from Boston Logan Airport and Manchester Airport. We offer shuttles from Manchester to the Lakes Region, Boston, and more! More Ways to Save Traveling to the Lakes Region? Click Here for travel info and savings! Vacation getaways from Boston to New Hampshire. - Student Discounts LR Lately Blog Click Here to learn about the latest deals and event specials on the Lakes Region Blog! Great Family Discounts! Click Here to Book Connect with us! Receive e-mail offers and updates or follow us on Facebook! Why Choose Us - Flexible Charter Services - Manchester to Boston Shuttles - Safe and Reliable - On-Time Guarantee - Convenient and Affordable - Book Secure Online Reservations 24/7
We would love to hear from you and work with you to develop a plan to help your child. Please reach out to us, you will get a professional and caring response quickly. If you want to speak with us immediately, just call us at 905.554.6191Little Treasures Learning Centre 5871 Highway #7, Suite 101 Markham, Ontario L3P 1A3
Underwood Horse Medicine Underwood Horse Medicine Instructions: - Apply Underwood Horse Medicine onto the wound and lightly dust with BAKING POWDER - Baking powder acts as an invisible bandage keeping the medicine inside the wound and corruption and infection out. Each application adds another layer of protection to the wound acting like a scab. - Never flush or wash the wound - Flushing or washing a wound while using Underwood Horse Medicine is counter productive to the healing process because you are washing any pre-existing medicine out of the wound and causing further irriation. Moisture also plays a key role in proud flesh formation. - Never wrap the wound while using Underwood Horse Medicine - Wrapping the wound does not allow fresh air access to the wound and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and proud flesh development. - Apply twice daily - We suggest applying the medicine as many times daily as possible to expedite the healing process. (twice minimum) Keep out of morning dew - Any moisture that collects on the baking powder formation will have adverse effects on the healing process. Keep the wound as dry as possible. Do not pack the baking powder into the wound, it only requires a light dusting When the baking powder dries on the wound it forms cracks that allow our medicine to seep into the wound, if you have packed the wound with baking powder these cracks will not form. Keep Away From Children. For Veterinary Use Only We Also Recommend Cattle Banders by Wadsworth Manufacturing Latex Bands for XL Bander (25 Pack) Regular price $185 $1.85
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In order to help develop table tennis in Luton and the surrounding areas myself and a few sponsors are in discussions to implement some new ideas. Amazing! Already have 3 local sponsors supporting this. Working with youths will be the key to all of this. When I came back to table tennis it was my utmost priority because of the lack of youth in the Luton & District Table Tennis League. I went on to form Luton Table Tennis Club and begun the painstaking task of bringing in youngsters. For more info:
One role of a criminal defence solicitor is to carefully peruse the evidence in a case and where appropriate negotiate with police on behalf of the client. Just because police make allegations against a person does not necessarily mean that there is sufficient evidence to prove the charge alleged in court or that the person has in fact been charged with the correct offence. In some instances the Brief of Evidence or Facts Sheet can have such deficiencies that the police can be compelled by written and verbal representations to either withdraw the charge or accept a plea of guilty to a lesser offence. Successful negotiations reduce costs for clients and save them the stress and uncertainty associated with defended hearings. Typically examples of charge negotiations include: - A solicitor making representations to police and the prosecution to withdraw the charges if it is clear that the prosecution evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction, - If a person is facing multiple charges, the solicitor can organise with the prosecution to have the client plead guilty to some charges on the basis some of the other charges are withdrawn, - If the charge is a serious charge, negotiations can result in the prosecution offering to withdraw a serious charge for a plea of guilty to less serious charge, - Persuading the prosecution not to elect to take a matter to the District Court but rather have it dealt in the Local Court, - Negotiations with the prosecution to agree on a set of agreed facts which are more favourable to the client before the facts are tendered to the court for sentencing. - Charges placed on a “Form 1”: These are a list of charges prepared by the prosecution, with which you have been charged, but not convicted. They can be taken into account when dealing with you for the principal offence. Plea bargaining and making representations to Police can be a complicated process. At LY Lawyers, our solicitors are experts in criminal law and will pursue every avenue available to us including entering into negotiations with the Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions to secure a better result for our client.
Polestar 2 Alcantara Center console Why settle for a piano black or foiled center console when you can have one in real Alcantara? The part is original at the bottom and has a perfect fit. This is not suede or foiled part. Choose if you want to submit your lists or if you want a new set of lists! If you want to send in your lists, you must pay for the shipping to us yourself. The lists can also be delivered to us in person. The center console fits all Polestar 2. Delivery time is about 1 week. Like all products from LZ-customs, this product comes with a 2-year warranty. See product description to see if this fits your car. If you are unsure, you are most welcome to contact us. All our products are handmade with carefully selected raw materials. Our carbon comes from Japan. Leather and alcantara are used from Italy. We do not use suede or other imitation materials.
XIV-XV century Jack Chains Historical lightweight arm protection XIV-XV century Jack Chains Historical, light, manoeuvrable arm protection “Jack chains” are an excellent example of the creative armor solutions that emerged in the transitional XIV-XV centuries. Common examples consist of a solid shoulder and elbow pieces, with smaller fragments of metal plates along the forearm and bicep. If you’re wondering who would wear this kind of armor, think of it like this: jack chains were an excellent way to provide decent armor at a relatively low cost to the armourer. Typically, those depicted wearing this type of armor were basic man-at-arms type people, likely clothed by their lords, though some do believe that armor spotted in earlier effigies can be interpreted as jack chains as well. Jack chains are significantly lighter than a full arm harness, giving the wearer much more manoeuvrability and less bulk to carry around with them. Our interpretation of jack chains manages to stick close to historical sources whilst still being practical and easy to wear. The elbow cop and pauldron part of these chains are made from 1.5mm steel, while the plates on the forearm and biceps are 2mm. The rings connecting each part are made of 3mm steel wire, with everything being held together with strong solid rivets. You can easily attach them to your armour with the help of holes at the top of the pauldron for lacing, as well as leather wrist and elbow straps. Jack chains were commonly worn two different ways: laced directly onto the gambeson (as we have done in the photoshoot), or worn over mail to enhance the amount of rigid protection and reinforce the most vital parts of your arms. This is the kind of armor that will protect the bones in your arm from breaking and slow down arrows. We have forged these jack chains with three different finishes, and it is up to you to decide what kind of look will best suit your character. The first finish is ArmStreet’s signature shiny stainless steel, which looks fantastic and valiant and is also easy to take care of due to stainless steel’s rust resistant nature. The second choice is also stainless steel, but with a satin-finish, which doesn’t catch the light quite as much and has a brushed, matte look to it. Both types of polishing are also available with mild steel. The third option is our current favorite, and is the result of many hours of experimentation. Some call it “weathered” or “pitted”, but we think it looks a lot like reptile skin. This has been achieved via chemical weathering on mild steel, creating a look that could conceivably fit into history or fantasy just as easily. Please note that weathered mild steel should be selected with "no polishing" option only! To check how to measure yourself please click here. Please contact us if you have any additional questions. Important note about measurements: please take into account that we need your measurements in gambeson, choses or other under-armour gear you are planning to use with this armor. The only exception is when you are ordering both armour and padding from our company — in this case you can send us your body measurements. - 1.5mm (16ga) stainless or mild steel; - 2mm (14ga) stainless or mild steel; - 3mm stainless or mild steel rings; - Natural leather straps. - Historically inspired; - A number of different surface finishes; - Light and manoeuvrable; - Easily laced to gambeson or mail;
ΑΛΛΕΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣThe new Honda 2018 PCX125 is here! Come down to see the fastest selling scooter all over the world right now. Eye-catching looks have always been key to the PCX125’s appeal, and for its 2018 upgrade natural contours and symmetrical sloping surface give an even stronger substance to its trademark ‘flowing’ style. But there’s function too; more freedom to move for the rider, increased under seat carrying capacity and crisp LCD instrumentation to match the LED head and tail-lights. Plus ABS, and an engine that produces more peak power while maintaining outstanding fuel efficiency. Do you want to buy, or upgrade your scooter? This is your only choice.
Maas Besa will be holding its Annual Meeting and everyone from the Albanian American Community is Welcomed. Please sign up at this link if you plan to come An Agenda will be developed before the meeting — the main purpose is to create a New Board of Directors and Advisory Board since it is two years since we changed them. If you would like to be on the Board of Directors or Advisory Board — or want to recommend/nominate some new people to be more involved with MAASBESA — please let us know. Only people who express an interest in being active will be considered for the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board.
The OS X 10.11.3 release notes are terse, but one note states: Fixes an issue that may prevent some Mac computers from waking from sleep when connected to certain 4K displays. I can now use three displays reliably (so far at least). But it comes with a new and very bad bug on a single-display system—the iMac 5K. iMac 5K black screen — display stays black I’ve been running the late 2015 iMac 5K since Dec 24—zero issues. Perfection until OS X 10.11.3. The night before last, my iMac 5K was updated to OS X 10.11.3. Since then, if the iMac 5K goes to sleep mode (blank/black screen), the screen never again wakes up. The OS doesn’t crash; it’s just that it is unusable since the screen stays black. The only fix is to cut power and reboot, e.g. by pulling the power plug. Yikes: disable sleep entirely, burning power and aging the display backlight, or effectively crash upon sleep? Clearly Apple has messed with the display code (see above 3-display discussion), introducing a new bug on a machine with only one display. There may be wrinkles affecting things here: - Choosing Sleep manually from the menu then waking-up the iMac 5K is fine, as is a short sleep period. - There might be a time factor involved (sleep longer than X). The problem seems to happen only after a good amount of time (e..g an hour or more). - The problem might involve a device on the Thunderbolt bus (using OWC Drive Dock and Thunderbolt Networking). In a 24-hour period, the “crash” has happened half a dozen times. Well, when developers at Apple change code, they might fix something, but there is a very high risk of new bugs (a fact established over some years now). Apple Core Rot is spreading. It should be an embarrassment to someone at Apple: this is the kind of thing that quality assurance test suites should catch before shipping. Fixing: who knows? I’m going to follow Windows protocol, which is now Apple OS X protocol: reinstall the OS. UPDATE: reinstalling the OS makes no difference; it seems to be a new bug with Thunderbolt devices: if no Thunderbolt device is attached, the iMac 5K wakes up properly. Jon M writes: I'm having the same sleep bug on the same iMac. I agree that time seems to be a factor. It only happens at longer intervals and I do think it could be tied into a device on the Thunderbolt bus. I have two Lacie 5Bigs and one Areca 8-bay raid, all connected via Thunderbolt. I haven't fully tested but sleep/wake does seem to work properly if I pull everything off of Thunderbolt. MPG: Good to see confirmation. JP M writes: I am a subscriber to two of your offerings and I am reaching out to you (out of desperation). I recently purchased an new iMac 27 " 5K, in part due to your recommendation. Soon after I started my new computer and left it idle for a few minutes I noticed it went in to sleep mode. I wasn't alarmed until it wouldn't wake! I called Apple support (useless) but they just had me unplug the computer, wait 20 seconds and power the computer back on. It booted as normal and I thought this would be the end of it, but the problem reoccurred. Bottom line I took my new computer back to the Apple Store, they ran a diagnostic program and found nothing wrong. At their recommendation I returned the computer and ordered another, just in case it was a hardware issue. While waiting on my new computer to arrive I started researching the issue and I am not alone in this issue, and there seems to be no consensus as to what the problem is and how to resolve it. I used the migration tool to set up my computer but others have done a clean install and having the same problem. Can you offer any possible insight possible insights or solutions to the problem? My configuration is 4 GHz quad core i7, 32GB RAM, 2TB Fusion Drive, AMD Radeon R9 M395. MPG: manifest incompetence at Apple. It’s an OS X bug but they don’t even have tech staff aware of it. Robert B writes: Got this bug just last week awhile after updating to El Capitan...... Model Name: iMac Model Identifier: iMac12,2 Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 2.7 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 4 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 6 MB Memory: 8 GB Boot ROM Version: IM121.0047.B23 SMC Version (system): 1.72f2 Had it dropped off at an Apple Authorized service depot after trying fruitlessly to solve the problem, was sure it was hardware related, backlight, video card etc. The no wake symptom occurred once at service and was fine after that until I got it back home. The problem then returned repeated just after a few minutes of use and not even completing a reboot to the login, rebooting into internet recovering the screen was stable but that would only allow reinstalling LION. The screen was also stable after several attempts trying to get to recovery mode and reinstall of 10.11.6 which was successful, hoping that had solved the Currently at at 10.11.6.... unfortunately the problem has returned but so far much less frequently, lowering the brightness with the F1 key caused it twice to go into the black screen requiring a reboot other than that it has been relatively stable but the bug continues to exist none the less. MPG: Sigh. 11 months later and Apple still has not fixed the problem. A friend of mine has a problem whereby Safari hangs and I don't know how to fix it (I reinsty
I wanted to share as many images of macrame pieces as I can, because I know that when you love macrame you want to see a lot of knotted work to be inspired and to develop your knowledge meanwhile. And then came the idea of ‘You made it gallery! :)’. What would be greater inspiration to macrame lovers than to see how other knotters make the projects published here. A huge thank you for the first images in this gallery to Enza and Renata! 🙂 They are the first who let me publish their beautiful photos of a completed project from one of macramotiv.com’s tutorials. 🙂 You can see how Enza made her lovely Angel and how Renata transformed an earring pattern to cute bracelets. This feels good to see how you complete the patterns and how you think further, transform and remodel them. Fantasy is infinite. 🙂 I believe in that two people who never saw each others work before, can make almost the same products with knotting technique, because there are many basic steps, which eventuate almost the same texture. Of course, in an advanced level, there is style. I publish simple pieces to stimulate the creator in yourself to understand the nature of knotting, to be brave to spend time on differ from patterns and discover your unique style. I hope many of you will send me pictures and let me publish it on the gallery page in the ‘You made it gallery! :)’ section. 🙂 I wish you many happy hours with creative knotting in the future! 🙂
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Samsung Galaxy A22 5G! This innovative smartphone has captured the attention of tech enthusiasts worldwide, and we’re here to dive into the details that set the Samsung Galaxy A22 5G apart from the competition. Introducing the samsung galaxy a22 5g The Samsung Galaxy A22 5G is a remarkable addition to the Galaxy lineup, offering users a blend of impressive features and 5G connectivity at an affordable price point. With a focus on performance, design, and cutting-edge technology, the A22 5G has quickly become a favorite choice for those seeking a powerful yet budget-friendly smartphone. Key Features and Specifications The Samsung Galaxy A22 5G boasts a range of features that make it stand out in the crowded smartphone market: - Fast 5G Connectivity: Stay connected with lightning-fast 5G speeds for seamless browsing, streaming, and more. - Large Display: Enjoy a vivid and immersive visual experience on the sizable display. - Impressive Cameras: Capture stunning photos and videos with the high-resolution camera system. - Ample Storage: Choose the 128GB variant for plenty of storage space for your apps, media, and files. - Long-lasting Battery: Keep up with your busy day thanks to the A22 5G’s reliable battery life. The samsung galaxy a22 5g 128gb variant If you’re in need of ample storage for your digital life, the Samsung Galaxy A22 5G 128GB variant is an excellent choice. This model offers enhanced storage capacity, ensuring you have space for all your photos, videos, apps, and more. Whether you’re a multimedia enthusiast or a professional on the go, the 128GB variant has you covered. The 128GB storage allows you to store a substantial amount of content without worrying about running out of space. Whether you’re capturing memories, downloading your favorite apps, or storing important documents, the A22 5G 128GB variant provides the flexibility you need. Samsung a22 5g 128gb: a versatile companion The Samsung A22 5G 128GB model is more than just a smartphone; it’s a versatile companion that caters to your entertainment, communication, and productivity needs. With its powerful hardware and user-friendly interface, this device is designed to make your daily tasks effortless and enjoyable. Equipped with capable hardware, the A22 5G 128GB variant ensures smooth multitasking. Seamlessly switch between apps, browse the web, and stream content without experiencing slowdowns. This multitasking prowess is particularly useful for those who need to juggle various tasks throughout the day. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q: Does the Samsung Galaxy A22 5G support expandable storage? A: Yes, the A22 5G offers a dedicated microSD card slot, allowing you to expand the storage even further. Q: Can I expect good camera performance from the A22 5G? A: Absolutely! The A22 5G features an impressive camera setup that delivers high-quality photos and videos. Q: Is the 5G connectivity of the A22 5G future-proof? A: Yes, the A22 5G’s 5G capabilities ensure compatibility with the evolving landscape of mobile networks. Q: What is the battery life like on the A22 5G? A: The A22 5G is equipped with a long-lasting battery that can easily get you through a full day of use on a single charge. With its exceptional features, impressive storage capacity, and competitive pricing, the Samsung Galaxy A22 5G 128GB variant is a standout choice for individuals seeking a powerful and versatile smartphone. Experience the future of connectivity and performance with the A22 5G.
Photo by Richard Howard After two years on campus bringing together Jewish students, staff, and faculty, Rabbi Audrey Berkman has accepted a position as associate rabbi at Temple Ohabei Shalom in Brookline, Mass., and will be leaving the College at the end of the academic year. “While we are happy that Rabbi Berkman has such a wonderful opportunity to offer her gifts as spiritual leader, cantor, pastoral caregiver, and educator to a lively, multi-generational Jewish community, we will truly miss her here at Wellesley,” wrote President Paula Johnson in announcing Berkman’s departure. Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life Tiffany Steinwert says the rabbi “crafted a vibrant Jewish community,” holding events ranging from biweekly “tea and Torah” study sessions to a visit by writer Anita Diamant to community Passover seders. She was also an active member of the Religious and Spiritual Life team, supporting students of all faiths. As a search was being planned in March, Steinwert said she hoped to have a new rabbi in place by the start of the 2017–18 academic year. “While we want to conduct the search without delay,” she says, “we want to make sure we do not rush the process. Our goal is to recruit the best leader for our Jewish community.”
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Once again due to the ongoing restrictions on international travel the 2021 AGM was held via ZOOM on the 28th of October. The members reported that despite the pandemic their businesses were flourishing and that employees were able to work from home and were in many cases preferring that arrangement. The board of Directors and Executive Committee members continue in their roles as do Danny Curran as Chairman and Geoffrey Odds as Company Secretary. Due to the pandemic many companies who were actively seeking IAPPR membership have held back until 2022 when we expect to welcome new members from across the world who fit the existing criteria for membership. Indeed, since the meeting UK company Blanchards Inheritance has become the latest IAPPR member. We look forward to meeting again in person at the Probate Research Awards on the 28th of April and the 2022 AGM scheduled for September in Henley on Thames UK.
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August 24, 2022 / Wedding at Lake Braies Hire us as your Wedding Planner at Lake Braies, we will arrange a stunning ceremony for your Elopement in the best season where no one is around you! Lake Braies is one of the most stunning alpine lakes in South Tyrol. Emerald waters circumscribed by towering peaks outline its contours: it is no accident that it is known as the Pearl of the Dolomites. This jewel set in the Braies Valley in the province of Bolzano, which was created after a landslide, attracts thousands of people all year round. If you are here, you have undoubtedly seen some pictures of this beautiful lake, multifaceted, with its incredible colors in autumn, then you are certainly wondering how to get married at Lake Braies in the Dolomites. Its spectral and ghostly backdrop scares with its size but inspires serenity and peace at the same time. Yes, this is a “dolomites effect.” Well, we can tell you that it is possible to have your elopement on lake Braies on the private dock right over the lake’s bank. The good news is that it is possible to privatize it only for you. As your wedding planner on lake Braies, we will talk with the property owner to book the dock and the boat only for you. Consider that renting two or more boats is possible so that a wedding photographer on lake Braies will be shooting you. At the same time, you row with your loved one on this enchanting lake. Our advice is to plan this for the fall season since, from the beginning of May until the end of September, this lake is crowded with people that want to admire and have a bathing experience. And what about those who want to have a civil wedding in lake braies? Well, we need to say that currently, the Major of the town hall has not authorized a legal civil marriage rite on the banks of the lake; hence you can get married in the offices of the town hall and then maybe have a shooting on the lake, privatizing your space over the shores of the lake braies. For those couples that want to have an actual destination wedding at Lake Braies, there is a hotel right close to the shore of the lake. The fascinating aspect of lake braies is that there are no buildings, which is why you will find only this hotel. And this should be much appreciated since the Province of Bolzano protects the territory’s beauty and enriches its value by carefully evaluating any initiative that may negatively impact the beautiful scenarios of the Dolomites UNESCO heritage.
Image Pexels CC0 License Have you ever noticed how Saturdays and Sundays are the days of the week that pass quickest? Many people live for the weekends and look forward to having those two days away from work all week long. But, when the weekend arrives, these two days seem to just pass in the blink of an eye. As weekdays are so busy, you may find that you spend the entire two days catching up on chores and running errands. When weekends go past this fast, that Sunday night/Monday morning feeling is the worse, especially if you have been busy all weekend long and have had no time to relax. While it may be impossible to relax every weekend, setting aside at least one weekend each month where you can relax and enjoy family time is a great idea. If you are keen to enjoy a weekend of family time every now and then, these ideas should help you to make the most of it: Clear Your Plans If your weekends are always a rush of running errands, dropping the kids at different clubs, playdates, and birthday parties, having a quiet weekend probably sounds like an impossible dream. But, setting a date for your quiet weekend and ensuring that the whole family keeps it free is a great way to ensure you can enjoy it to the max and get some well-deserved downtime. You may want everyone to make a family time weekend a regular commitment with no other plans scheduled across those two days. Depending on your schedule, this could be something you do once a month or even try to do every weekend. The more often you can enjoy a family weekend without distractions, the better, But even if you cannot manage it too often, the most important thing is to make it special when you do get the chance to enjoy a weekend together. Have a Lazy Breakfast Weekday mornings are often a rush as you try to get the kids ready for school, yourself prepared for work, and everyone out of the house on time. During the mad rush each morning, you may even be too busy to grab any breakfast before you go about your day. But, a family weekend is a perfect opportunity to enjoy a leisurely breakfast and to indulge in some tasty food that you would never have the time to eat on a weekday. Your family weekends are the ideal chance to introduce some new breakfast foods and to experiment with some new recipes. One recipe that is ideal for a lazy weekend breakfast is French toast; try this crock pot french toast recipe to enjoy a weekend treat that is easy to prepare but tastes delicious. Get Some Fresh Air After a stressful week, it can be hard to let go of all the tension you are carrying and simply relax. Getting a change of scenery is an excellent way to distance yourself from the stress of the working week and will give you the breathing space to focus your attention on your loved ones away from everyday distractions. Having the opportunity to get out into the fresh air and spend time outdoors has so many benefits for your health and wellbeing, so it is worth trying to get outside if you can. Whether you go for a bike ride or simply take a walk at the beach or local park, there are many ways to enjoy the benefits of being outside. Spending time outdoors is widely recognized as a great way to lower your stress levels and to calm your mind, so making some to get outdoors with your family over the weekend is really worthwhile, even if you simply sit out in the backyard and catch up with your loved ones. Time to Chill One of the most important parts of a family weekend spent together is having the time to relax and simply chill out in each other’s company. Relaxing together and planning a movie night at home with popcorn and snacks is an excellent way to enjoy each other’s company while chilling out. If you feel in a more competitive mood and want to have some fun while you relax, why not plan a family games night and challenge your fellow family members to take on some of your favorite games. Having the opportunity to unwind and enjoy yourself is the perfect way to spend a weekend and an excellent opportunity to recharge your energy ready for the new week.
This traditional painting of Green Tara with Amitabha Buddha is hand-painted on Cotton Canvas in Kathmandu, Nepal. It measures 87*62 cm (34*24 inch) and weighs 0.3 kg (0.66 lbs). Two goddesses are presented at the bottom left and top left of the painting. Amitabha Buddha is presented at the top right of Green Tara in the painting. |300 gm – 0.66 lbs |87*62 cm (34*24 inch) |Cotton Canvas & Natural Color Iconography of Green tara Green Tara is depicted in the middle of the painting, with a kind expression on her face. She is seated on a white moon disk, which is connected to a special healing elixir linked to the naval chakra. In Buddhism, the moon signifies the knowledge aspect, which when combined with compassion, leads to the enlightenment of Shakyamuni Buddha. Her right hand is elegantly lowered in Varda mudra, a gesture of granting blessings. Green Tara is depicted with a blue lotus, often referred to as the ‘night lotus’, in both hands. The Utpala flower on her left hand is represented by an open bloom and an unopened bud, with its bent lower stem symbolizing the root. The open flower symbolizes the present and the current Buddha, while the bud symbolizes the future and Buddhas yet to come. It also implies a secure destination and a prosperous future. Her right hand is in a gesture of providing shelter. The thumb and third finger come together to form a circle, symbolizing the union of wisdom and compassion, while the three extended fingers represent the Three Jewels of Buddhism – The Buddha State, The Body of teachings, and The Principles of the Universe. The same hand holds the stem of a blue lotus representing her willingness to assist. The closed blossom in her right hand represents the past and also the Buddhas of the past. Green Tara is shown in a place of paradise called Khadiravani where Tara dwells. Khadiravani is portrayed as a magnificent mountain kingdom, with lush vegetation and animals with rainbow-colored tails radiating from its outer aura. The crescent moon and sun signify the union of male and female energies which is a common theme in Tantric art. Mantra of Green Tara The mantra of Green Tara is om tare tuttare ture soha. Iconography of Amitabha Buddha Amitabha Buddha is depicted in the upper right corner of the painting of Green Tara. He is the leader of the Lotus Family, one of the oldest and most important of the Five Buddha Families, which symbolizes love, purity, compassion, and peace. Amitabha’s Pure land is a place of eternal bliss and endless radiance. Amitabha Buddha is one of the five Tathagatas, each representing the wisdom of discriminating awareness. He is depicted as red in color and riding on a peacock, symbolizing his power to take away the suffering of others just like the peacock eats poisonous plants without being affected. He is typically represented in the stupa facing west. Mantra of Amitabha Buddha The mantra of Amitabha Buddha is Om Ami dewa hr.
How To Build An Esthetics Clientele While starting your career in esthetics, finding clients can be one of the first challenges you face! At Mandalyn Academy, we know how vital it is for any esthetician to have a strong clientele. We also know how challenging it can be to attract and retain clients, which is why we’ve put together this blog! Keep reading to learn some tips and tricks to help you succeed as an esthetician. Build Relationships With Your Clients Your relationship with your client can go further than their skin, and it should! Follow up with them after their appointment and see how they’re liking the results. Personalized messages can go a long way and show that you care. When you establish a strong and personal relationship, they’re more likely to trust you and return for more appointments. You can even go a step further and become their friend! Take the time to really get to know them – what are their interests and passions? Once you build a friendship with them, they’ll be more inclined to use your services! People are loyal to their friends. Create A Referral Program Referrals are your best friend and are a great way to find new clients. Your clients can be your best marketing tool and it’s something you should take advantage of. By creating a referral program, you can build your clientele while rewarding current clients for the new business! Some ideas for a referral program could be: - A discount on a service - A free add-on for every referral - A free service after referring x number of people Be Active On Social Media The more active you are, the more exposure you can get. Use social media to post your work, what services you offer, and follow any potential clients! If potential clients have a need for your services and like the work you do, then this is a great way to grow your business. You can even collaborate with any local influencers to get your name out there. The more you can promote your business the better! Provide Excellent Customer Service Customer service is typically what makes or breaks a client’s experience with you. By providing excellent customer service, you’re ensuring your clients that you care about them and their needs. Some tips to provide excellent customer service: - Listen actively: Listen to their concerns, needs, and questions. Your clients want to feel heard and they’re trusting you with their face! Make sure they know you’re listening. - Be friendly and welcoming: Greet your clients with a smile and make them feel comfortable! - Be knowledgeable: Stay up to date with the latest trends and techniques. Your clients will appreciate your knowledge. - Be honest: Honesty goes a long way and you don’t want to over promise results. Skincare takes time and results don’t happen overnight. - Customize your services: Every client’s skin is different so take the time to understand their needs and personalize the service! - Show gratitude: Without your clients, you wouldn’t be doing your dream career. Be sure to show them that you appreciate them! Offer Promotions For New Clients Everyone loves a good deal. A discount or special deal might just be a powerful enough incentive for someone to try out your services. This can also help you stay competitive. If someone is looking for an esthetician, they’ll most likely go to someone who is offering a deal. Since the first service is usually a trial run for a customer, they’ll want to find a good deal. Ready To Pursue Your Dream Career? If you’re not an esthetician and you want to be, let’s turn your dreams into a reality! While building a strong clientele is essential for success in the industry, so is your education. At Mandalyn Academy, we strive to put our students first and want to see them succeed! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’re more than happy to walk you through the admissions process, program information, and financial resources. Don’t wait on your dream career and get started now!
FREE Breakthrough Series I am so excited to make these incredible training sessions available to you for FREE in this Breakthrough Series. Inside You Will Receive These Powerful Training Sessions: - The Secret – What’s Really Holding You Back - How to be BRAVE and Get Going or Level Up in Your Business - The Expansion Squeeze - Playing it Safe in Your Business - How to Get Your Mind Right for Business.
A lot of employers use the Internet to gather information about their applicants. So be careful to leave a good image of yourself online. Make sure that you can use LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media well. Your visibility on the internet and the way you use those tools, can be a great help in your job search. Tips from Manpower Be observant: make sure that information, photographs and videos that appear on the internet about you do not show you in a negative light. Make sure that you are visible: presence on social networks is essential when applying for some positions (advertising, communication…). So use the professional social networks (LinkedIn…) to become a member of groups linked to your areas of experience. Today networking takes place virtually! Work on your e-reputation: your name appears in a sports competition? Former colleagues or employees speak highly of you? Share this type of thing: they radiate positive values, like competitive drive, dynamism and openness.
Marah is proud to have made a difference in the lives of marginalised people. Our experience and knowledge gives us the confidence and drive to extend our support to more people in the community who are in need. Provision of care and compassion Marah’s success in our current service provision is driven by the commitment of all involved to improve and enrich the lives of all those who access our services. Volunteers, trustees and paid staff work together to ensure an effective delivery of service partnered with a non-judgemental approach. Their dedication is informed by Marah’s Christian ethos of care, compassion and acceptance of everyone who comes to us for assistance whatever their circumstances. Provision of open access The Drop-in service is an ‘open door’ which means that people can come and go as they please during opening times and there is no need for an appointment to join us for a meal or to ask for advice and support. Assistance of broad group of guests Alongside the ‘open-door’ policy is our willingness and ability to work with people with a wide range of support needs. Marah does not have any specific criteria for people to access our services and as a result we tailor our support accordingly, which means some guests will receive intensive long-term advice and support while others will dip in, as and when they need help. The broad range of issues that people present with has been detailed above. Volunteers are key to Marah Trust and the services we provide. Our volunteers have a variety of skills and experience and each one makes a unique contribution. By giving their time, skills and energy for free, they help foster a welcoming feeling of family and community that most of our clients do not have in their daily lives. Marah provides access to advocacy services at our weekday dropins provided by our partner P3. Marah provides our own additional advocacy support when needed e.g. a volunteer may accompany a guest to appointments and help them access other services. Our volunteer will also maintain regular contact with advocacy guests who are struggling to cope, which gives them the reassurance and confidence needed for them to resolve the issue. For those with some form of accommodation, whether this is a private tenancy, bed and breakfast or council/housing association tenancy, access to our advocacy support assists in the maintenance of that accommodation. We have helped to resolve welfare benefits problems, such as housing benefit and rent arrears issues, including weekly top-up payments. This work is key to ensuring that people do not become homeless. It must also be noted that the relationships we build with our guests are instrumental in ensuring that people do not fall into a crisis situation that may result in them losing their home. They know they can talk to us regarding any concern and we can support them to resolve the issue.
Nov 30, 2022 In this Podcast episode, Max and Jo Ann Aita, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about Max squatting heavy everyday for 13 YEARS! We also discuss PEDs in Weightlifting and how it could potentially get removed from the Olympics. Follow Max on IG: https://www.instagram.com/max_aita/ Follow Jo Ann on IG:... Nov 29, 2022 In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how hard to you REALLY need to work in the gym. Nick Bare doesn't think most people are working hard enough, at least not as hard as they make it seem on their IG. Nick Bare and Zack Telander video referenced on... Nov 28, 2022 In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about what comedian Danny Brown said on JRE. He mentioned that if you want to play around and be a kid, you have to earn money to afford the freedom to do so. Today we dive into that idea. New Power Project Website: https://powerproject.live Nov 27, 2022 Thanksgiving 2022 Edition of Mark Bell's Saturday School! Quiet down class, today we're going to talk about that gut instinct. Mark some how some way seems to always be a few steps ahead of reality. Those of us who are close to him have seen it time and time again, NOT in his words, but Mark can almost see the future... Nov 23, 2022 In this Podcast Episode, Thomas Feegel, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how ibogaine can be the solution to substance addiction. Thomas also gave us the best explanation of what ibogiane is and how it works. Visit the Beond Website for more info: https://www.beond.us/ New Power Project Website:...
What does, Pending, Awaiting payment, Cancelled and Invoiced Orders - Pending: Unprocessed order. It's important to handle the order through your integration partner and manually in CDON Connect to send with a tracking number, otherwise, the order will not be paid from us. The tracking number is important for you to add so you have the right to take an NPU fee if the customer doesn't pick up the order. - Awaiting payment: The status when the order has been sent but hasn´t been paid yet - Cancelled: The order is interrupted. - Invoiced: The order is paid to you and delivered to the customer.
This is the ninth in a series presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Yip Man system. This video covers the Luk Dim Boon Gwan, the first weapon of the Yip Man system, and the secrets of the Luk Dim Boon (6½ Points). In this comprehensive volume, Master Benny Meng covers the history of the pole, basic exercises to prepare you to use the pole, fundamental movements such as stances & footwork, individual techniques, and the sequence of the form itself, and most importantly, the concepts behind the term Luk Dim Boon (6½ Points). Through the practice of Wing Chun Weapons, you will enhance your empty-hand skill, structure, and power, regardless of your martial arts background. This volume builds on the previous eight volumes, bringing you further into the advanced level of training and understanding, with a focus on Wing Chun as a concept based art containing only two weapons: the long pole and the double short knives. Within these two weapons are the concepts to understand and unlock the knowledge of all hand-to-hand weapons including: long, medium and short weapons, single and double weapons, blunt and sharp weapons, and light and heavy weapons. Payment & Security Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. - Opens in a new window.
We are deep diving into the programs that I use to create my client wedding albums from start to finish plus the program I use to prepare my blogging images. Album Stomp is the software I use to create my album spreads for my clients. They choose the images they want for their albums through a selection link I send them through their PASS galleries. Then I’m able to import their selected images into Album Stomp and start laying out the spreads. I start from the very beginning of the day with details and end with their grand exit to tell the story of the day as it happened. It’s a very user friendly software where all you do is CTRL+Select the images you want on a page then drag and drop. They have many layouts to choose from and you can easily crop your images if you choose to do so. You can set your borders, margins, page colors, etc. Then when you are ready, stomp your album by spread or entire album and save to your computer. Once I finish the first album draft, I use Album Prufr to send the album to my clients for their review. Album Prufr is linked to Album Stomp so it makes the process easy and simple. It send the clients an email with a link and log in info to view their album. They are able to make comments on each page and request changes to layouts, exchange images, etc. Once they submit their comments, I make changes to the album and then send back for more comments or final approval before I stomp the album and start the ordering process. My favorite professional print lab! For ordering albums, start by uploading the design that was created using Album Stomp spread by spread. Once the spreads are complete, then you choose the page material and cover design. They have so many cover materials to choose from like linen, leather, velvet, and more. My favorite page material is E-Surface, it’s classic and best reflects the true color and contrast of the images. For covers, I give my clients the opportunity to fully customize their cover by choosing their colors, text and materials. If they ask for guidance, then I like a classic off-white linen or choose based on their wedding colors. For fonts, my personal favorite is their Eye Catching font and of course, always go with the thick paper for albums. I also choose to not color correct the images to their printers. I’ve done both options in the past and the prints look most like my images when I select the “do not color correct” option. Millers has a wonderful turnaround time and has never disappointed on their prints, albums, wall art or books. Millers is a professional print lab for photographers only, but they do have a sister company called Mpix that is available to everyone. That being said, I highly recommend to order your prints through Mpix rather than using sites like Shutterfly or box stores such as Walmart, CVS, etc. I can guarantee the quality and color of your prints will not match your delivered images so please order from a reputable company. Stomp Software used to have a program called Blog Stomp along with their Album Stomp and Prufr softwares. They recently transitioned over to Storytailor and it makes the blog process so much easier. For curating the images that I use in my blogs, I drag and drop them into the collage section of Storytailor and essentially “press” together images. I usually stick with 1-3 images for a normal post, but I go up to 4-5 images for receptions. I love that they also have several collage layouts to choose from for those larger groups. I’m able to export the sets of images with a custom filename that helps with SEO in your blog post as well as borders, margins, quality and image width. Image width is the most important setting to properly size your images so that they will properly display on your blog on both mobile and desktop. Once all the images are exported, just upload the gallery to your blog site and start writing! Happy blogging! December 19, 2023
MASA is a natural blend of JAPANESE sensitivity & DUTCH pragmatism. We are specialists in the field of architecture, interior, and product design. MASA treats architecture as a part of the environment rather than an independent object. We orchestrate design as a synthesis of architecture, urbanism, and landscape to contribute to creating a sustainable society, environment, and culture. In 2015, the architecture department of Maxwan architects+urbanists (since 1994) became an independent company called MASA architects consist of two partners, Hiroki MAtsuura (JP) and René SAngers (NL), both belonged to Maxwan for 20 years. Hiroki was the partner at Maxwan for 14 years. Hiroki Matsuura was born, raised, and educated in Japan. Professionally he matured in the Netherlands. As an aesthetic engineer, Hiroki cooks eastern Zen and Dutch Pragmatism into innovative designs. In 2015, Hiroki together with Rene Sangers established MASA architects specialized in Architecture/Interior/Product design. And besides MASA in 2018, Hiroki established MADMA urbanism+landscape specialized in urban design and landscape design. Hiroki’s extensive track record and expertise range from large-scale urban design, landscape design to architecture that is based on 21 years (14 years as a partner) of professional practices across international fields at MAXWAN. With engineer precision, he reveals the complexity and turns this into smart simplicity. His approach results in contemporary, societal relevant design solutions our clients highly benefit from. Hiroki teaches and lectures at the Academy of Architecture Amsterdam, The Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design, and is a guest professor at MARCH (The Moscow School of Architecture) (his role stopped since the current war with Ukraine started). And he used to be a member of the Urban Council at the Skolkovo Foundation in Moscow (his role stopped since the current war with Ukraine started). Rene is a licensed Architect and Engineer and has been practicing architecture and structural engineering for more than 20 years. He has a Master's of Architecture and Architectural Engineering from Delft University of Technology. He served his architectural apprenticeship in the office of MAXWAN where he worked on numerous projects as an architect from 1997 to 2015. In 2015, the architecture department of Maxwan a+u (since 1994) became an independent agency called MASA architects which was founded by Rene Sangers together with Hiroki Matsuura In his versatile role as co-founder at MASA architects he oversees his multicultural team in the design and execution of a wide variety of projects.
Create Dynamic Marketing Campaigns with Industrial Videography As well as delivering exceptional industrial photos, Masoud Rauofi Photography provides professional industrial photography services in Dubai. Using creativity, technical expertise, experience, and cutting-edge technology, a talented videographer can create sleek presentations for a wide range of purposes. Create videos that showcase your industrial products in action. Highlight their features, functionality, and benefits — and give potential customers a close look at what they’re capable of. Produce explainer videos to simplify complex processes or technologies. These videos can help potential clients understand the value your products or services bring to their operations. Training and Education Develop video content for training purposes. Educate your workforce or customers on the proper use of equipment, safety procedures, and best practices. Offer virtual tours of your manufacturing facilities or industrial sites. This gives potential clients an inside look at your operations — cultivating transparency and trust. Capture video testimonials from satisfied clients. Hearing real success stories from your customers can be a powerful marketing tool. Create video case studies that illustrate how your products or services have solved specific challenges for other businesses. These can be persuasive for potential clients facing similar issues. Host live streaming events or webinars showcasing your products or processes. Engage with your audience in real time and answer their questions. Trade Shows and Exhibitions Use videos at trade shows and exhibitions to attract visitors to your booth. Eye-catching videos can draw attendees in and provide key information about your offerings. Social Media Marketing Share industrial videos on your social media platforms to reach a broader audience. Visual content is highly engaging and shareable on social networks. Showcasing Dubai’s Ship Loading Capabilities Here at Masoud Rauofi Photography, we’re helping Dubai’s highly successful ship-loading industry win new contracts and build respected brands. Ship loading is a highly-skilled, technical process that relies on a wide range of equipment, machinery, and technology. In many ways, our industrial photography and videography services chart the journey of the products that pass through Dubai’s vibrant port. We create images and videos that tell a compelling story. Showcasing a selection of loading and unloading machinery and processes, we instill confidence and trust among businesses in the UAE and around the world. Whether you’re running a factory or a shipping business in Dubai’s hugely successful port, we can provide the creativity and technical expertise needed to turbocharge your marketing campaigns. Contact us today to discuss your industrial photography needs with a talented professional.
PASADENA, CA – Members of the Armenian Council of America (ACA), civic leaders and guests gathered at the Armenian Educational Benevolent Union center (A.E.B.U.) in Pasadena to welcome long-time friend and advocate of the Armenian-American community, Los Angeles County Sheriff Leroy “Lee” Baca. ACA Executive Board Member and Master of Ceremonies Sevak Khatchadorian, provided a brief introduction on the event’s highlights and spoke about the important political and advocacy work that the ACA has undertaken since its inception in the United States and abroad. Tateos “Ted” Koroghlian, Chairman of the Pasadena Chapter of the ACA welcomed Sheriff Baca to the stage as he discussed the Sheriff’s long-standing bond with the Armenian-American community, sharing his personal experience with the Sheriff and detailing his relentless efforts to continuously improving the quality of life for all LA County residents. Reiterating his stance towards recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Turkish government as a historical fact, Sheriff Baca expressed the unique position he is in. Having a working relationship with Turkish government officials as the Sheriff of the largest county in the nation, with the highest concentration of residents of Armenian descent, creates an opportunity for the Sheriff to serve as an unofficial liaison between the Armenian community and Ankara, providing a vehicle to voice our concerns and issues via non-traditional channels not utilized by Armenian-American activists in the past. Sheriff Baca applauded the hard work of the Armenian-American community, particularly in the LA County, suggesting they are the strongest, most vocal and most organized advocates of the Armenian Cause. Sheriff Baca ended his speech by encouraging young Armenian-Americans to join the LA County Sheriff’s department and to serve their community in the areas of law enforcement and civic leadership. “It was a great honor to introduce Sheriff Baca to our membership tonight and we were delighted to have him at our center,” said Koroghlian. “His love for the Armenian culture and his interest in Armenian-related issues is highly admirable and as Armenian-Americans, we are fortunate to have such an important elected official as both a friend and a colleague. The event was a wonderful opportunity for us to exchange ideas, as well as discuss important issues that affect the lives of all those who reside in the County of LA,” Koroghlian added. The Armenian Council of America is dedicated to educating the Armenian-American community in local political affairs, as well as actively pursuing Armenian-American participation in their respective local governments, to support political candidates who share the values of the Armenian American community.
Audra Floral Embroidered Sheer Mesh Babydoll Audra's floral embroidered babydoll is the perfect combination of sexy and elegant. The intricate details of the delicate flowers add a certain je ne sais quoi to the piece, making it truly unique. Whether its for a special occasion or just to feel your best, this sexy babydoll and matching panty set will have you feeling confident and flirty all night long. - Unlined Underwire Cups With Hook And Eye Closure - Standard Adjustable Shoulder Straps - Embroidery And Mesh Body - Includes Matching G-String - 90% Nylon 10% Spandex
What is it like to get a vehicle through the Uber/Fair rental program? I’m going to share with you the six steps I went through to get a car through Fair, which is offered in partnership with Uber. And stick around because at the end of the video, I’m going to share with you my number one recommendation when you go through this process! Take a look at the video below, and scroll to the video transcript if you prefer to read. Fair is in California, and spreading to other states The program that I went through is offered right now in California and throughout the year it’s going to be spreading out to other parts of the country. It is a pretty dynamite program, and I was excited to give it a try. So let me break this down for you. Step 1: Find a car You can find a car by going onto the Fair app. I had a little bit of trouble finding a car cause they’re in a lot of demand, so it took me a few days. Fair has recently come up with a waitlist program. If you know you’re going to want a car in the next week, go to the app and indicate which station you want to pick up your car from. They will contact you to say when they have a car available for you, then you can go in and pick it up. Step 2: Pay a deposit It’s a $185 refundable deposit, and you can make that payment right on the app. It’s actually very simple. Find the car, then you make a deposit for the car, and then the next step you get the car. Our Top Tips for Drivers: Step 3: Travel to pick up your vehicle Step number three is pretty cool because since Fair is working in partnership with Uber. Here in California, you get a free ride to go get your car! You just contact Fair at their customer service number and ask to schedule a ride. A car will come, you’ll get contact information on your phone through a text, and then a driver will come and pick you up. I really liked that because I had a long ride from San Bruno all the way over to Oakland, and that would’ve been a $30 to $40 ride. And I will even say that when I brought the car back they gave me a ride back from Oakland to San Bruno. \ Step 4: Pick up your vehicle When I arrived at the Fair warehouse, there’s a sandwich board, so I knew I was in the right place. Tell the staff you’re scheduled to pick up a car, then they’ll show you the car. In my case, a woman went around with a video camera to show what condition the car was in. In my case, it was an excellent condition. It was a Hyundai Elantra and it only had about 35,000 miles on it, so it was pretty new. Pick your car and then then you got to head on out. Step 5: Add the vehicle to your Uber driver profile Before you head hunt out, make sure that they get your car added in the Uber app. In my case, I didn’t do that. Learn from my mistake! The car didn’t automatically get put on the app right away, and I had to wait a little bit before it got added. My recommendation to you is in this step is to make sure before you leave that that car is on your Uber app. If it’s not on the Uber app, you’re not going to be able to drive it! Step 6: Let Uber know you are using a Fair vehicle to access Fair bonuses You may be entitled to the Fair bonus structure, which is offered by Uber when you have a Fair vehicle. Ut is a pretty sweet bonus, only 70 rides and you get $185 so that essentially covers your payment for your car (This bonus is subject to change). The total payment for the car in my case was $185 plus tax, which came out to about $202. So just by doing 70 rides, your car is paid for. And when I rented the car, the bonus was that if you do 120 rides, you got a $305 bonus. So you want to make sure Uber knows you’ve got the Fair vehicle. I just sent them a message through the app to support to notify them that I had the car and then I was able to get those bonuses. You want to make sure and get those bonuses cause that’s a really sweetheart part of the deal. Be proactive! Make sure everything is right before you leave the Fair lot In summary, the biggest lesson is to be proactive. When you’re there at Fair, make sure you get the car put on your app, and make sure that Uber knows that you have the car so that you get the bonus. Now for those of you that think this is a pretty cool plan and you want to move forward, we’ve got a couple of links for you down below. This is Jay Cradeur with The Rideshare Guy wishing you a fantastic day. Peace! California drivers: Download the Fair app and join their incentive program Drives in other states: Download the Fair App and get $100 off your Fair car rental Ready to Maximize Your Ridesharing Profits? Maximum Ridesharing Profits is The Rideshare Guy's online video course. Enroll to learn how rideshare veterans earn more, spend less, and treat rideshare driving like a real business.
A recent court case has highlighted the difference between overturning a Will and challenging a Will under the Succession Act 2006 (NSW). Two sisters attempted to have their father’s Will overturned in the NSW Court of Appeal, claiming that he did not have the mental capacity to make a Will due to his being affected by dementia. The court rejected their claim, upholding the previous finding that although the father did suffer from dementia, it did not deprive him of the capacity to weigh the claims of his daughters. Read this Sydney Morning Herald article for more details about the case. As our principal, Greg Martin, says: Most people think that overturning a Will is about fairness, and about convincing the court to make the Will ‘fair’. Nothing doing. The basic rule in Wills is that a Testator, the person who makes the Will, can do what they like. They can leave things unequally between their children, cut children out, leave nothing to their spouse, or basically do whatever they like. The law will not overturn such a Will, except in special circumstances. This recent court case highlights the difficulties in trying to overturn a Will. There are only two ways to overturn a Will – either by proving testamentary incapacity or by proving undue influence. In order to prove testamentary incapacity, you will need expert medical evidence to show that the Testator did not understand what they were doing at the time they made the Will. In order to prove undue influence, you will need expert evidence to show that there was basically a gun to the head of the Testator when they signed the Will. Of course, forged Wills are entirely different and can be overturned, provided that there is evidence of the forgery. Instead of overturning a Will, there is also the option to challenge a Will by making a family provision claim under the Succession Act 2006 (NSW), formerly the Family Provision Act 1982 (NSW). The provisions in this act relate to the concept of ‘fairness’, but only in situations where there was a strong moral duty for the Testator to provide for somebody, that person has a need, and that need has not been fulfilled in the Will. This is an area of law where you need to see an expert to get it right. Come along and see Greg Martin or Jacqueline Wainwright from Martin Bullock Lawyers, who can answer all your questions about challenging a Will, provide you with the best advice, and run your case for you if you decide to go ahead with it.
Today 25 October 2019 is World Teacher’s Day – a day to show gratitude and celebrate the people who play one of the most important roles in societies and cultures across the world. Today is a great opportunity for everyone to recognise and appreciate teachers and the important role they play in shaping the next generation, the future of our country and the future of the world. From early childhood to near adulthood, and often beyond, we spend a significant portion of our lives under the guidance of teachers. Many children spend more time with their teachers than at home. Teachers become role models who shape the people we become through the values and ideas they impart on us. Our principal solicitor, Mr Greg Martin, lectures in Criminal and Contract Law at university, as well as Alternative Dispute Resolution and Advanced Torts. Some of the values he believes in and teaches at university are diversity, tolerance, justice and professionalism. The significance of the teacher’s role in our own personal lives and wider society and culture cannot be understated. In Australia, the last Friday of October every year is Teacher’s Day. If you want to know more about teachers, including meeting some of the aspiring and inspirational talent across Australia, or even downloading an app to help you if you are a teacher, then go to https://www.aitsl.edu.au/wtd. Martin Bullock Lawyers celebrates this Teacher’s Day by saying thank you to teachers, in Australia and beyond, for their efforts and dedication to educating, guiding and inspiring their students.
Transform Your House Into Your Dream Home in the South Austin, TX Area Update Your Kitchen with New Cabinets & Countertops Is your kitchen starting to feel dated or cramped? Maybe you’re running out of storage space for the array of cooking and baking gadgets you’ve collected over the years. If you’re ready to give your kitchen the face-lift it needs, get in touch with the licensed and insured contractors at McNabb Construction. We’re dedicated to providing the communities of Driftwood and Dripping Springs, TX, as well as the larger South Austin area, with expert kitchen remodeling services, including everything from the design process to putting the finishing touches on the completed project. Discover Your Home’s True Potential in South Austin, Tx Think your aging home could be a diamond in the rough? We’ll help you chip away the old exterior to reveal the beauty underneath with our comprehensive home remodeling solutions. Share your vision for your home with the professional team at McNabb Construction and work closely with us to create a design you love. We’ll do everything, including: McNabb Construction is here for you at every juncture of the design and construction process. If you need assistance with selecting colors, materials or layouts, our professional team is always available to answer your questions and help you make informed, intelligent decisions. To get started on your home remodel, contact the McNabb Construction office around South Austin to schedule your free design consultation.
A computer station is located on site and wireless Internet access is complimentary. This hotel offers access to a 24-hour business center. Guests can enjoy a complimentary breakfast each morning. A roundtrip airport shuttle is complimentary to guests (available 24 hours). This Romulus hotel also offers a vending machine, coffee/tea in a common area, and a fireplace in the lobby. Complimentary self parking is available on site. American Inn Suites Detroit Metro Airport has designated areas for smoking. American Inn Suites Detroit Metro Airport offers 62 accommodations with coffee/tea makers and irons/ironing boards. Accommodations offer separate sitting areas. Flat-screen televisions come with cable channels. Refrigerators and microwaves are provided. Bathrooms include shower/tub combinations and complimentary toiletries. This Romulus hotel provides complimentary wireless Internet access. Business-friendly amenities include phones along with free local calls (restrictions may apply). Housekeeping is offered daily and hair dryers can be requested. Long-term parking (surcharge) , Free self parking Available in all rooms: Free WiFi Available in some public areas: Free WiFi Guests are offered a complimentary continental breakfast each morning. If you have requests for specific accessibility needs, please contact the property using the information on the reservation confirmation received after booking. The above list may not be comprehensive. Fees and deposits may not include tax and are subject to change. Check-in time starts at 3:00 PM Check-in time ends at anytime Minimum check-in age is: 21 Check-out time is 11 AM Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on property policy Government-issued photo identification and a credit card, debit card, or cash deposit may be required at check-in for incidental charges Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges; special requests cannot be guaranteed This property accepts credit cards, debit cards, and cash Charges for extra guests may apply and vary according to property policy. A cash deposit, credit card, or debit card for incidental charges and government-issued photo identification may be required upon check-in. Special requests are subject to availability at the time of check-in. Special requests can't be guaranteed and may incur additional charges. This property is managed by a professional host. The provision of housing is linked to their trade, business, or profession. This property accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB International, debit cards, and cash. Contactless check-out is available. Service animals are allowed Service animals are exempt from fees/restrictions Staff temperature checks are conducted regularly Temperature checks are not available to guests Bed sheets and towels are washed at a temperature of at least 60°C/140°F Commonly-touched surfaces are cleaned with disinfectant Property confirms they are implementing guest safety measures Contactless check-out is available Property is cleaned with disinfectant Staff does not wear personal protective equipment Protective clothing is not available to guests Shield between guests and staff in main contact areas Guests are provided with free hand sanitizer Property does not follow sanitization practices of any association Staffed front desk Social distancing measures are in place Contactless check-in is not available No rollaway/extra beds available Property confirms they are implementing enhanced cleaning measures Individually-wrapped food options are not available No gap period between guest stays Contactless check-out is available.
Home security systems and security cameras, both indoors and out, provide you with peace of mind. These systems can deter potential intruders, let you check in on what’s happening while you’re away, and alert you when something malfunctions, such as a pipe bursting and flooding your basement. But in a market flooded with great options, which home security products should you choose? To get some definitive answers, we asked thousands of PCMag readers to rate their satisfaction with the security products they use. Read on to see which brands they recommend you use to keep safe. The Top Home Security Systems 2023 SimpliSafe has long been a leader in the home security system space, and it remains the system of choice for PCMag readers, winning our Readers’ Choice award yet again. It earns the highest ratings for security systems on nearly every measure of satisfaction. (Click any of the arrows to cycle through the categories, or bring up a menu of categories.) SimpliSafe has won this award every year since we started surveying readers about home security products in 2018. That’s an impressive streak. SimpliSafe’s leading competitor in the category, based on the number of responses, is Ring, which is owned by Amazon. Last year, Ring earned the same ratings as SimpliSafe on our two most important measures (overall satisfaction and likelihood to recommend), but this year a gap appears once again. While Ring’s ratings are generally very good this year, SimpliSafe rates better on every measure except satisfaction with the cost of monitoring. (Only respondents who pay for monitoring are asked to rate its cost.) Where SimpliSafe really sets itself apart from Ring is how pleased its users are with the company’s support. Although respondents rate Ring reasonably well for satisfaction with customer service and technical support, SimpliSafe’s ratings on these measures are exceptional, much like they were in 2022. And when your home security is at stake, getting the best support is paramount. The Top Indoor Security Cameras 2023 Since its inception (as Doorbot on Shark Tank a decade ago), Ring has used video, originally from digital video doorbells, to provide peace of mind by letting its customers check in on their homes from anywhere and alerting them when cameras pick up movement. The indoor security camera market is a competitive space, but Ring’s years of video surveillance expertise pays off this year. The company receives the top ratings in satisfaction on nearly every measure in our survey, earning Ring the Readers’ Choice award for indoor security cameras for the first time. In addition to top marks for overall satisfaction and likelihood to recommend, Ring receives the highest satisfaction ratings on several other questions that we asked. The company’s best ratings come in satisfaction with ease of use, setup, and mobile control. Ring earns the lowest ratings in the category on two measures: satisfaction with system cost and monitoring cost. Wyze provides affordable products, and scores high marks on these measures. But there's a tradeoff here. Despite offering competitively priced home security gear, Wyze finishes with by far the lowest ratings for customer service. SimpliSafe rates best for that, but Ring is not far behind. At the bottom of the pack for cameras is Blink, another Amazon-owned company, though it does outperform Wyze in a few areas. The Top Outdoor Security Cameras 2023 Video is at the center of how Ring provides home security. At the time of this writing, the company had more than a dozen outdoor camera configurations. SimpliSafe, on the other hand, has one outdoor camera. If it suits your needs, great. If not, you’ll have to go elsewhere for outdoor security cameras. Despite the different approaches to outdoor video security, the two companies tie for the highest ratings for their outdoor cameras for overall satisfaction and likelihood to recommend. Those are the two measures we consider first when picking a winner. For this reason, both Ring and SimpliSafe earn our Readers’ Choice award for outside surveillance. Ring also has the top satisfaction marks from respondents for its motion detection, mobile control, and smart assistant integration. (Smart assistants are tools like Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Alphabet's Google Assistant.) Three other companies—Arlo, Blink, and Wyze—also receive the requisite minimum of responses to include in our survey results. Blink performs slightly better here than it does with indoor cameras. While its overall satisfaction rating is in the middle of the pack, it has the top rating for satisfaction with setup, ease of use, and reliability; it ties Ring’s rating for satisfaction with mobile control. Arlo’s satisfaction ratings consistently bring up the rear. Wyze receives the highest rating on satisfaction with system cost, but it is still far behind our leaders for overall satisfaction. Clearly, price isn’t everything. The PCMag Readers' Choice survey for Home Security was in the field from July 24 to August 14, 2023. For more information on how we conduct surveys, read the survey methodology.
As a widely used consumer product, plastic has become incredibly prevalent due to its immense usefulness, making life more convenient and, at times, safer in terms of the water footprint of single-use plastic packaging. However, the production of plastic carries a significant environmental burden, resulting in high costs. While essential human activities like agriculture, manufacturing, and power production require substantial water, plastic manufacturing stands out as one of the most unsustainable processes, demanding a vast amount of water. The growing resistance against plastic food and beverage packaging, including bottled water, arises from various factors. The primary concern is that plastic waste now pervades the planet, from birds and fish to the habitats of turtles. Additionally, the extensive carbon footprint of plastic raises alarm. Equally important, but less acknowledged, is the considerable water usage in plastic production, especially concerning regions facing water scarcity. The sheer quantity of plastic that has saturated our lives and the Earth’s ecosystems is staggering. From 1950 to 2015, approximately 8.3 billion metric tons of virgin plastic were produced globally. With around 6.3 billion metric tons wasted, much of plastic ended up polluting landfills and the natural environment. There are two aspects of plastic impact on water systems: The “blue water footprint” and the “grey water footprint.” The blue water footprint represents the water consumed in the production of raw materials, sourced from surface or groundwater. This includes water that evaporated or discharged into the immediate watershed. On the other hand, the grey water footprint accounts for the water needed to mitigate pollution associated with PET production, particularly thermal pollution. Thermal pollution is when water is heated during manufacturing and then discharged into waterways. There, necessitating of cooling the water to meet environmental standards. Plastic’s extensive water footprint of single-use plastic remains widely misunderstood. Considering all the water involved in its production highlights how plastic, especially single-use plastic like beverage bottles and food packaging, leads to wasteful water consumption. Every step in the plastic life cycle, from oil or natural gas extraction to the creation of resin and various plastic types, requires water. The water footprint encompasses the total volume of freshwater consumed throughout the entire production process. The truth is, we´d have to use each reusable bag 3 000 times to neutralize the carbon footprint of the single use plastic bag produced today. Plastic will remain a large part of our lives, so finding ways to improve water security and quality is the most effective risk mitigation measure for ever community and organization. Speak to us to help you optimize your water and wastewater treatment requirements. Only take a moment of your time to get going, so speak to one of our staff members today!
South Africa is ranked 19th in the world for its contribution to published research related to water and wastewater (Pouris, 2013). However, translating this world-class research into innovations that address the current and future socioeconomic challenges remains a challenge (Rose & Winter, 2015). Traditionally, managing water resources was modelled on supply rather than demand management and no holistic approach in overseeing natural resources. This fertilised a heightened focus on developing ‘hard infrastructure’, by way of constructing large dams, reservoirs, tunnels, pipelines, irrigation canals and other bulk supply solutions. However, with escalating water demands soon to surpass supply, the region is now faced with an urgent need for a comprehensive water management approach, that places equal emphasis on economic, cultural, ecological goals, as well as new infrastructure development, maintenance and operations. Building new infrastructure is our core business, coupled with our value-added benefits that reduce operational costs and maintenance budgets, we know that we have the recipe to success. We face the most complex water challenges head-on, knowing that we only supply the best solutions and have the operational capacity provide a world-class service.
- Describe how saturated fat and cholesterol intake can impact health. Because heart disease, cancer, and stroke are the three leading causes of death in the United States, it is critical to address dietary and lifestyle choices that will ultimately decrease risk factors for these diseases. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the following risk factors are controllable: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking, diabetes, poor diet, physical inactivity, being overweight, and obesity. In light of that, we present the following informational tips to help you define, evaluate, and implement healthy dietary choices to last a lifetime. The amount and the type of fat that composes a person’s dietary profile will have a profound effect upon the way fat and cholesterol is metabolized in the body. Watch Out for Saturated Fat and Cholesterol In proper amounts, cholesterol is a compound used by the body to sustain many important body functions. In excess, cholesterol is harmful if it accumulates in the structures of the body’s vast network of blood vessels. High blood LDL and low blood HDL are major indicators of blood cholesterol risk. The largest influence on blood cholesterol levels rests in the mix of saturated fat and trans fat in the diet. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, for every extra 2 percent of calories from trans fat consumed per day—about the amount found in a midsize order of French fries at a fast-food establishment—the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 23 percent.Harvard School of Public Health. “Fats and Cholesterol: Out with the Bad, In with the Good.” Section 2.02. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritio...hat-should-you -eat/fats-full-story/. A buildup of cholesterol in the blood can lead to brittle blood vessels and a blockage of blood flow to the affected area. How saturated is the fat in your diet? Is it really necessary to eat saturated fat when the body makes all the saturated fat that it needs? Saturated fats should fall into the “bad” category—the body does not demand this kind of fat and it is suggested to be a forerunner of cardiovascular disease. In the United States and other developed countries, populations acquire their saturated fat content mostly from meat, seafood, poultry (with skin consumed), and whole-milk dairy products (cheese, milk, and ice cream). Some plant foods are also high in saturated fats, including coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil. This being said, there are a growing number of physicians and nutrition experts who disagree that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol are "bad" at all. Because this is not the opinion of the American Heart Association, it will not be discussed further here but if you wish to read about the controversy, please click here: https://blog.virtahealth.com/the-sad...saturated-fat/ and read an article by Jeff Volek, PhD, RD Stephen Phinney, MD, PhD of Virta Health. Food Cholesterol’s Effect on Blood Cholesterol Dietary cholesterol does have a small impact on overall blood cholesterol levels, but not as much as some people may think. The average American female consumes 237 milligrams of dietary cholesterol per day and for males the figure is slightly higher—about 358 milligrams. The USDA dietary guidelines suggest a daily limit intake of cholesterol not to exceed 300 milligrams for healthy people and 200 milligrams for those who may be suffering from high cholesterol. Most people display little response to normal dietary cholesterol intake as the body responds by halting its own synthesis of the substance in favor of using the cholesterol obtained through food. Genetic factors may also influence the way a person’s body modifies cholesterol. A Prelude to Disease If left unchecked, improper dietary fat consumption can lead down a path to severe health problems. An increased level of lipids, triacylglycerols, and cholesterol in the blood is called hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia is inclusive of several conditions but more commonly refers to high cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels. When blood lipid levels are high, any number of adverse health problems may ensue. Consider the following: - Cardiovascular disease. According to the AHA, cardiovascular disease encompasses a variety of problems, many of which are related to the process of atherosclerosis. Over time the arteries thicken and harden with plaque buildup, causing restricted or at times low or no blood flow to selected areas of the body. - Heart attack. A heart attack happens when blood flow to a section of the heart is cut off due to a blood clot. Many have survived heart attacks and go on to return to their lives and enjoy many more years of life on this earth. However, dietary and lifestyle changes must be implemented to prevent further attacks. - Ischemic stroke. The most common type of stroke in the United States, ischemic stroke, occurs when a blood vessel in the brain or leading to the brain becomes blocked, again usually from a blood clot. If part of the brain suffers lack of blood flow and/or oxygen for three minutes or longer, brain cells will start to die. - Congestive heart failure. Sometimes referred to as heart failure, this condition indicates that the heart is not pumping blood as well as it should. The heart is still working but it is not meeting the body’s demand for blood and oxygen. If left unchecked, it can progress to further levels of malfunction. - Arrhythmia. This is an abnormal rhythm of the heart. The heart may beat above one hundred beats per minute (known as tachycardia) or below sixty beats per minute (known as bradychardia), or the beats are not regular. The heart may not be able to pump enough volume of blood to meet the body’s needs. - Heart valve problems. Stenosis is a condition wherein the heart valves become compromised in their ability to open wide enough to allow proper blood flow. When the heart valves do not close tightly and blood begins to leak between chambers, this is called regurgitation. When valves bulge or prolapse back into the upper chamber, this condition is called mitral valve prolapse. - Obesity. Obesity is defined as the excessive accumulation of body fat. According to US Surgeon General Richard Carmona, obesity is the fastest growing cause of death in America. The HHS reports that the number of adolescents who are overweight has tripled since 1980 and the prevalence of the disease among younger children has doubled.US Department of Health and Human Services. “Childhood Obesity.” Accessed October 5, 2012. http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/child_obesity/. Obesity has been linked to increased risks of developing diabetes and heart disease. To help combat this problem important dietary changes are necessary. Reducing the type and amount of carbohydrates and sugar consumed daily is critical. Limiting the intake of saturated fats and trans fats, increasing physical activity, and eating fewer calories are all equally important in this fight against obesity. What You Can Do Remember that saturated fats are found in large amounts in foods of animal origin. They should be limited within the diet. Polyunsaturated fats are generally obtained from nonanimal sources. While they are beneficial for lowering bad cholesterol they also lower good cholesterol. They are better for you than saturated fats but are not to be consumed in excess. Monounsaturated fats are of plant origin and are found in most nuts, seeds, seed oils, olive oil, canola oil, and legumes. Monounsaturated fats are excellent because they not only lower bad cholesterol, but also they elevate the good cholesterol. Replace current dietary fats with an increased intake of monounsaturated fats. Choose whole-grain and high-fiber foods. Reduced risk for cardiovascular disease has been associated with diets that are high in whole grains and fiber. Fiber also slows down cholesterol absorption. The AHA recommends that at least half of daily grain intake should originate from whole grains. The Adequate Intake value for fiber is 14 grams per 1,000 kilocalories. These amounts are based upon the amount of fiber that has been shown to reduce cardiovascular risk. Do not be sedentary. Get more exercise on a regular basis. Increasing your energy expenditure by just twenty minutes of physical activity at least three times per week will improve your overall health. Physical exercise can help you manage or prevent high blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. Regular activity raises HDL while at the same time decreases triacylglycerols and plaque buildup in the arteries. Calories are burned consistently, making it easier to lose and manage weight. Circulation will improve, the body will be better oxygenated, and the heart and blood vessels will function more efficiently. - Food cholesterol does not affect blood cholesterol as much as some people think. The main causes of unfavorable blood cholesterol values come from an overconsumption of saturated fats and trans fats. - An increased intake of lipids is associated with heart disease, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other problems. - Making dietary choices that limit the intake of saturated and trans fats to the recommended levels, replacing saturated and trans fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, increasing physical activity, and cessation of smoking can reduce the risk of developing heart disease and other ailments. - Explain why saturated fats and trans fats contribute to unfavorable blood cholesterol levels. - Discuss some of the diseases that can result from an unhealthy lipid profile for an extended period of time. - List the types of fat that will help you achieve a healthy blood lipid profile. List the sources of these fats. - Evaluate your personal dietary and lifestyle habits. Identify key areas where you need to improve. Construct an overall plan of diet and lifestyle choices that you implement to help you reach healthy goals.
© 2011 E.S. Piterskaya 2011 – № 2 (2) Key words: anthropology of health, interdisciplinary approach, health care Abstract: Present review continues the series of publications on university programs on Medical Anthropology in USA and Canada. It is devoted to the program “Anthropology of Health” at McMaster University in Canada. Based on problem based learning and interdisciplinary approach this program aims at training of highly professional anthropologists able to apply their knowledge and skills in various spheres. The faculty supports the use of research methods of social sciences and humanities, as well as natural sciences. Strong emphasis is made on the field work within the Native communities, NGOs and social organizations. Research topics of the faculty, MA and PhD students represent a wide spectrum including historical aspects of health and disease, study of ancient DNA and molecular processes, analysis of contemporary health policy of the Canadian government, mental health of children and youth, health of aboriginal populations, etc. Except conventional lectures and seminars each two weeks MA and PhD students attend the graduate methodological workshop where they acquire such practical skills as writing grant applications, making public presentations, writing analytical papers, etc. Also this workshop is used as a platform to discuss near anthropological topics that attracted students’ attention and interest. Faculty takes part in the whole variety of large scale research projects such as Indigenous Health Research Development Program and “From Knowledge to Practice: Vitamin D and New Canadian Mothers and Children”. Majority of such projects is developed in cooperation with other leading Canadian universities and research centers like the University of Toronto and the Institute of Aboriginal Peoples Health.
Made in the USA Steel abrasives are often measured in grit size indicating the number of particles in a specific area, whereas mesh sizes measure the particle size passing a woven wire screen. Non-steel abrasives larger than 40 grit also use the direct pressure delivery blasting cabinets to pneumatically push the larger and heavier abrasives. Media Blast & Abrasive recommends the PowerPeen for these larger sizes. Siphon abrasive blasting cabinets, i.e. the N-200 can also use steel type abrasives when the size is 80 grit and smaller. Normally a larger production gun is used to boost the siphon-feed of these larger/heavier abrasives. We offer additional information related to: (This chart is only a guideline. Consult abrasive manufacturer for model-specific information.)
Current guidelines for onsite research at Chesney Archives Mr. Johns Hopkins, in a letter to the trustees of the hospital on March 10, 1873, set forth a provision for establishing a school of nursing in conjunction with the hospital. On October 9, 1889, The Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School for Nurses opened as a hospital-based diploma school. Under the leadership of nursing superintendent Isabel Hampton Robb and her successor Mary Adelaide Nutting, the school was at the forefront of the professionalization of nursing and nursing education. Read More > Beginning in the 1920s, its alumni advocated for an affiliation with the Johns Hopkins University in order to offer degree-granting programs. By 1937, the name of the school changed to the Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing and its graduates earned 30 credits toward a bachelor of science degree at the university’s Teacher’s College. Despite several attempts, the alumni were unable to convince the hospital and university leadership to establish a fully accredited baccalaureate degree program. Because the school could not compete in an era in which university-based nursing schools were evolving, admissions gradually dropped and the school finally closed in 1973. In 1971, The Johns Hopkins University established the School of Health Services to help fill the need for primary care practitioners, especially in underserved areas. It incorporated a program in nursing that offered certificate programs for Pediatric and Adult Nurse Practitioners starting in 1973 and a BSN degree program, which opened in September, 1975. Although the school received a grant of $3 million from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 1973, it was not able to attract additional outside funding to sustain the program. Facing major operating deficits, the school closed in June, 1979. In 1983, the Maryland State Board of Examiners unanimously approved plans for the establishment of The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing as a degree-granting division, based on a feasibility study. After their hospital-based schools of nursing all closed in the 1970s, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Church Home and Hospital, and Sinai Hospital joined with The Johns Hopkins University to form the Consortium for Nursing Education to provide funding, administrative support, and sites for clinical practice. In September, 1984, the school admitted its first class of baccalaureate students. Within a remarkably short period, the school achieved accreditation for masters and then doctoral programs and re-established a tradition of excellence in nursing education at Johns Hopkins. The Anne M. Pinkard Building, dedicated on June 11, 1998, was the first new building dedicated solely to the school of nursing and serves as the main home of the school. Today, the school ranks consistently as a top graduate nursing school in the nation. Key areas of research include cardiovascular health, disease prevention and risk reduction, women’s health, aging, community and public health, and global health. < Read Less Records of Johns Hopkins Nursing document the evolution of nursing education and service at Hopkins over time, and the ways Hopkins nursing faculty, staff, students and alumni interacted with nursing leaders such as Florence Nightingale, the Red Cross, and military nursing. They also document still photos of buildings, groups and portrait photographs, oral histories, and moving image collections. Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School for Nurses Johns Hopkins Nurses Alumni Association Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesia Johns Hopkins University Evening College/School of Continuing Studies, Nursing Education Program Johns Hopkins University School of Health Services, Nursing Education Program Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Program for Nurse Midwives Make a Gift
Balancing Act: The Intersection of Medical Claims and Insurance Risk Analysis Imagine you’re standing at a bustling crossroads. On one side, there’s the world of medical claims, a whirlwind of paperwork and healthcare services. On the other, the meticulous realm of insurance risk analysis is a blend of predictions and calculations. It’s a unique intersection, alive with challenges and brimming with opportunities. Today, we’re going to take a stroll down this junction, shedding light on its complexities in a way that’s easy and fun to understand. Ready to unravel the mysteries of how healthcare services align with financial wisdom? Let’s dive in. Understanding the Basics of Medical Claims Think of medical claims as storytelling. Each claim tells a story of a doctor’s visit, a medical procedure, or a day in the hospital. It’s more than just paperwork; it’s a narrative of your health journey. First, let’s talk about the creation of a medical claim. It begins the moment you step into a doctor’s office or hospital. Every test, every consultation, and every treatment you receive is carefully recorded. But it’s not just about listing these services; it’s about translating them into a language that insurance companies understand. This translation is done through medical coding – a crucial part of the claims process. Coders turn each aspect of your healthcare experience into standardized codes. It’s like deciphering a secret language where every number and letter has a specific meaning related to your health care. Accuracy here is the name of the game. A single mistake in coding can lead to a claim being rejected. Imagine if you told a story where the characters’ names kept changing. Confusing, right? That’s exactly what happens when there are errors in a medical claim. Ensuring accuracy is vital, not just for the smooth processing of claims but also for maintaining the integrity of your healthcare record. Lastly, in this world of medical claims, timing is everything. Submitting claims promptly and following up is crucial. Think of it as keeping the rhythm of a dance. If one step is out of sync, the whole dance can falter. We’ll explore how this timely process plays a crucial role in both patient care and the financial health of medical practices. The Role of Insurance Risk Analysis Now, let’s shift our focus to the detective work of the healthcare world: insurance risk analysis. Imagine insurance companies as detectives, trying to solve a puzzle. They gather clues (data), analyze patterns, and make predictions. Risk analysis starts with a deep dive into the past. Insurers look at historical data to identify trends; like which diseases are most common in certain age groups, or how often people visit the doctors. This is like looking at a weather forecast to predict tomorrow’s rain. It’s all about patterns and probabilities. But it’s not just about the past; it’s also about the future. Insurers use sophisticated models to predict future risks. They consider factors like lifestyle changes, advancements in medicine, and even new diseases. It’s a bit like trying to predict the plot of a series based on its first few episodes. There’s a delicate balance in setting premiums and coverage. Set them too high, and insurance becomes unaffordable. Set them too low, and the insurance company might struggle financially. This balance is critical for ensuring that people can access the healthcare they need without breaking the bank. The Intersection of Medical Claims and Insurance Risk Analysis So, how do these two worlds (medical claims and insurance risk analysis) collide? It’s a fascinating synergy, where each element influences and informs the other. Every time a medical claim is processed, it’s not just a bill getting paid. It’s a piece of data that adds to the insurance company’s understanding of healthcare trends. It’s like adding a puzzle piece to a giant mosaic. Over time, these individual pieces reveal a bigger picture: trends in healthcare usage, cost of treatments, and even emerging health issues. On the flip side, the insights gained from insurance risk analysis directly impact how medical claims are managed. If an insurance company notices a surge in a particular type of claim, they might adjust their policies or focus on preventative measures. It’s a continuous feedback loop, where data from claims refines risk analysis, and risk analysis, in turn, shapes the handling of future claims. Challenges at the Crossroads Navigating the intersection of medical claims and insurance risk analysis is akin to a tightrope walk. At this junction, the challenge of discrepancies in medical claims looms large. Picture a scenario where every detail matters and even the slightest error can lead to claims being denied, causing both financial and administrative chaos. These errors not only affect healthcare providers but can also delay the treatment patients need. Predicting healthcare trends adds another layer of complexity. It’s a delicate task akin to forecasting a storm in an ever-changing climate. Factors like emerging diseases, evolving lifestyles, and advancements in medical technology constantly reshape the landscape, challenging even the most sophisticated predictive models. Fraud detection is another critical challenge. This unwelcome element in the healthcare and insurance sector is a significant concern, leading to distrust and financial strain. Combatting fraud requires a blend of vigilance and innovative strategies to ensure the integrity of the system. Innovations and Advancements Despite these challenges, the intersection is also a hub of innovation and technological advancement. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are transforming risk analysis and claims processing. These technologies act as powerful tools, for analyzing data, spotting trends, and predicting future risks with increased accuracy. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are revolutionizing the storage and sharing of medical data. This innovation streamlines the healthcare experience, making it more efficient and enhancing the accuracy of medical claims. It’s like having a comprehensive, easily accessible health diary at your fingertips. Telemedicine’s growth is another exciting development. This approach expands healthcare’s reach, making it more accessible, especially in remote areas. This not only changes the dynamics of healthcare delivery but also has significant implications for insurance risk analysis. The Human Element At the heart of the medical claims and insurance risk analysis intersection are people. Every claim filed and every risk assessed relates to an individual with unique health needs. It’s important to remember that behind every coded procedure and calculated risk is a person’s story. For patients, understanding and navigating the complex world of medical claims and insurance can be daunting. This journey must be as smooth and transparent as possible. Emphasizing clear communication, patient education, and supportive systems is key to making healthcare a more humane and compassionate journey. This human-centric approach ensures that healthcare is not just about treatment and costs but also about providing care, comfort, and understanding to each individual. It’s a reminder that at the center of all the data, predictions, and processes are real people with their own stories and healthcare journeys. There you have it. We’ve journeyed through the dynamic world where medical claims and insurance risk analysis intersect. It’s a complex dance, but understanding it is key to navigating the healthcare system. By appreciating both the technicalities and the human aspect, we can better grasp how our healthcare needs are met and financed. Remember, in this balancing act, every detail counts, and every person matters. Medical Billing Review
18 May LPA Gene Variants Linked To Cardiac Events Despite Statins MedicalResearch.com Interview with: Wei-Qi Wei, MD, PhD Department of Biomedical Informatics Nashville, TN 37203 MedicalResearch.com: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings? Response: The study was motived by the clinical observation that some patients develop coronary heart disease events despite taking statins, one of our most effective drugs to reduce cardiovascular risk. We collected data within the eMERGE network of people taking statins and monitored them for development of coronary heart disease events over time. We conducted a genome-wide association study of those with events compared to those without events. Our results showed that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the LPA gene were associated with a significantly increased risk of coronary heart disease events. Individuals with the variant were 50% more likely to have an event. More importantly, even among patients who achieved ideal on-treatment LDL cholesterol levels (<70 mg/dL), the association remained statistically significant. We then did a phenome-wide association study to see if other diseases or conditions were associated with these LPAvariants. The major associated conditions were all cardiovascular. This sort of study can highlight potential other indications for a drug targeting this pathway and suggest potential adverse events that might be experienced from targeting this pathway. Clearly, more and larger studies will be needed to truly understand the potential risks and benefits of a future drug targeting this pathway. MedicalResearch.com: What should readers take away from your report? Response: Lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a), has been shown to be an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The LPA gene encodes Lp(a). This study shows that variants in LPA add risk of cardiovascular disease independent of statin treatment. Thus, future strategies targeting Lp(a) might be helpful in lowering the residual cardiovascular risk of patients already treated with statins. MedicalResearch.com: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this work? Response: I would like to see the replication of this finding of the residual risk associated with Lp(a) in large clinical trials. In addition, it will be important to further explore the potential effects of lowering plasma Lp(a) in populations followed in clinical trials. MedicalResearch.com: Is there anything else you would like to add? Response: The study demonstrates the power of genetic-linked longitudinal electronic health records (EHRs) to find links between genetic variation and disease. As the data accumulated within large projects like the NIH’s All of Us Research Program, we should be able to discover more useful information to improve healthcare in a personalized way. Wei-Qi Wei, Xiaohui Li, Qiping Feng, Michiaki Kubo, Iftikhar J. Kullo, Peggy L. Peissig, Elizabeth W. Karlson, Gail P. Jarvik, Ming Ta Michael Lee, Ning Shang, Eric A. Larson, Todd Edwards, Christian Shaffer, Jonathan D. Mosley, Shiro Maeda, Momoko Horikoshi, Marylyn Ritchie, Marc S. Williams, Eric B. Larson, David R. Crosslin, Sarah T. Bland, Jennifer A. Pacheco, Laura J. Rasmussen-Torvik, David Cronkite, George Hripcsak, Nancy J. Cox, Russell A. Wilke, C. Michael Stein, Jerome I. Rotter, Yukihide Momozawa, Dan M. Roden, Ronald M. Krauss, Joshua C. Denny Originally published April 27, 2018 The information on MedicalResearch.com is provided for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical or other condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health and ask your doctor any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in this agreement, service provider and its third party providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content provided on this website. Last Updated on May 18, 2018 by Marie Benz MD FAAD
Recently, my life long best friend and business partner, Link Neal, and I made the decision to share publicly the stories of our journeys away from Evangelical Christianity. This wasn’t a decision either of us took lightly. We knew well the perils of wading into the polarizing waters of openly discussing faith. But, our podcast has grown more personal over the years as we have attempted to be honest and vulnerable in discussing how we’ve each dealt with the struggles of parenthood, the death of loved ones, and the harrowing adventure that is self-discovery. Given the fact that our Christian faith has played such an integral role not only in who we are today but also in what we do for a living, it was becoming somewhat unbearable (not to mention disingenuous) to keep it to ourselves. Despite publishing thousands of pieces of content on the Internet over the years, we could only speculate as to how people would react. Now, weeks later, our stories have circulated well beyond our podcast listeners to many who have never heard an episode or watched one of our highly sophisticated YouTube videos in which we do things like attempt to consume bovine bile cheesecake only to spit it into custom made barf buckets. Perhaps the most surprising aspect of these past weeks has been just how much time and emotional energy we and our wives have devoted to processing the response. This time has been heavy for the four of us. Together, we have digested a host of passionate reactions including unwavering encouragement, thoughtful rebuttals, and personal attacks. Honestly, we’ve struggled with knowing how to respond. All of this could easily devolve into what so much of public discourse in our country has become: a fruitless back and forth characterized by all sides hunkering further down in their trenches with no intention of truly listening. And so, we’ve decided to move forward in the same manner that got us to this point: with honesty and vulnerability. It’s our intention to be open about how we are processing, even if we have little idea where it will lead. This is my attempt to do just that. An overwhelming number of the responses to our stories come from those with similar experiences, whether they are struggling with doubting a long-held faith or have been through their own process of deconstruction. These stories have lodged themselves in my heart. I understand the anguish, sleepless nights, and countless tears that come with abandoning your orienting principle of life. It’s the most painful thing I’ve ever done. Still, I have been endlessly encouraged by the hope so many have found after picking up the pieces of a shattered faith and rebuilding a life grounded in love, service, and humility. Many Christians have offered gracious responses as well. I have received a multitude of messages, both public and private, that are saturated in Christ-like love and understanding. Some of these believers have confessed that they have found themselves gripped with the same sorts of doubts that eventually led to the unraveling of my faith, but many of them emerged on the other side of doubt with a deeper, more weatherproof belief system. While we may differ in our current conclusions, that recognition of our shared humanity has served my soul well. This extension of grace has made me yearn for the kind of community that Christians have done so well over the centuries, the love that has compelled many to cross the threshold of a church. Yet, there are those Christians who have penned articles, posts, and comments that are dismissive, dehumanizing, and presumptuous. Even though my story was intended to be a personal account of my process rather than a persuasive case against faith, I understand how it can be perceived as a calculated attack on traditional Christian belief. I knew many would passionately disagree with my conclusions, find fault in my process, and respond with detailed refutations, as is their right (if not obligation). And to be clear, being disagreed with doesn’t (or shouldn’t) hurt. However, being misrepresented and having your motives not only questioned but confidently assumed, does. Link and I have been accused of walking away from the faith in pursuit of cultural acceptance, never truly grasping the undeserved grace of God through Christ’s sacrifice, and never having had a sincere interest in seeking the truth. We’ve been reduced to convenient illustrations that can be nicely folded into twenty minute sermons, held up as examples of exactly what can go wrong with your children if they aren’t properly grounded in the faith, and cast as two more sad cases who followed the tired Hollywood script of putting fame and fortune before the pursuit of God. In most of these posts, our faith transition has been characterized as an absolute disaster for the many kids who look up to us. It’s been said that we’ve squandered our responsibility and led thousands astray. Candidly, this has probably been the most difficult criticism to take. Between our two families, we have five children ranging in age from ten to sixteen. We and our wives have worked hard to help root our kids in love and curiosity as they navigate a challenging and often chaotic world, and we try to embody those same values in our videos. Regrettably, many of these same articles and posts have been enthusiastically shared throughout the Evangelical community, being lauded as insightful, helpful takes. I understand that neatly condensing me and Link down to theological footnotes is the easiest way to deal with us. If we simply fell victim to the seductive ways of the world and our doubts were based on misunderstandings and false information, then the youth group faith-grounding curriculum pretty much writes itself. But if you take our stories at face value or recognize the sincere nature of our journeys, things get complicated and cumbersome. We become significantly more inconvenient if we went from having a rich and personal faith, and then, after a long and painful grappling with legitimate questions, made the excruciating decision to depart. I must say, though, that I’m empathetic to this way of thinking about our stories. I’m reminded of how Link and I exhibited this same sort of reaction toward a close friend who was deconstructing many years ago. And while I regret my actions and words, I honestly don’t know if I was capable of any other response at the time. For that reason, I am quick to forgive those who have disparaged us. But, more significantly, I’ve been thinking about those who have left the church before me. While I was a part of the fold, I never experienced any misrepresentation or dehumanization of any kind. Quite the contrary. For me, the more I asserted myself, the more I was rewarded and promoted within the Evangelical system. It was only after I publicly announced my departure that I got a small taste of what it might be like for those marginalized by the church. During my years as a Christian, as I stood idly by and benefited from the church, there were many who were being overlooked. There were women who wished to preach but knew they would be told they weren’t qualified to teach men if they indicated that desire. There were biracial believers looking to join a fellowship in their town only to realize they had to choose between a black church and a white church. There were undocumented Christian families who worshipped alongside those who fervently supported political candidates whose policies would increase their chances of being arrested and deported. There were gay couples who longed to marry but knew their church would turn them away. I regret that I too had to become an inconvenience to the church to more fully appreciate the plight of the forgotten and the rejected. My heart breaks for all those who have walked into a church in search of Jesus only to find that he was politely escorted out years ago. Despite the heartache that processing the harsher reactions to our stories has brought, I have hope. Hope that we can recognize our common humanity regardless of our beliefs. Hope that the church will grow in its compassion for those who are questioning the very foundations of their faith. Hope that those who make the agonizing decision to leave will know that there are more and more like them, former believers who want to be like Jesus even if they can no longer recite the creeds with conviction. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to listen to our stories. And despite the difficulty that sharing them has brought to us and our families, I trust that moving forward in authenticity will bring about the most good. Let’s keep leaning into the mystery.
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Exploring Antarctic research through ESRI StoryMap Collections - Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, United Kingdom ([email protected]) Antarctica is a continent distant for many, yet its continuous presence on news broadcasts and social media means the general public often have questions about the latest science, its relevance to individuals, and its uncertainties. However, scientific literature surrounding these questions is often not appropriate for a wider audience beyond academia due to the inaccessibility of journal articles and the complex jargon used. These limitations can hinder the research impact of a particular study. Finding a method of summarising complex, yet important research which may be of interest to a non-scientist is often challenging, however ESRI StoryMap Collections provide an opportunity to share science in an interactive and engaging format. The AntarcticGalciers.org website was set up in 2012 to promote public understanding of glaciers and climate change. This website is used as an educational resource by teachers, students, and the public globally. However, we noticed that there was a gap in the up-to-date resources available about Antarctica aimed at UK KS3 (ages 11-14) students, despite the curriculum including Antarctica as part of a polar biome module. The free AntarcticGlaciers StoryMap Series, funded by the Antarctic Science Bursary, is compiled of four StoryMap Collections which summarise the latest scientific research and concepts about Antarctica to a KS3 audience. These are divided into four themes: The Physical Geography of Antarctica, Wildlife of Antarctica, Climate Change and Antarctica and People and Antarctica. We used interactive GIS-based activities to contextualise aspects of the research and supplemented with a running commentary explaining what this research means in a plain language format. In addition to the GIS and written summaries of literature, we included other multimedia content, including talking head videos. This enables more complex research themes to be explored in more detail, without the user being overwhelmed with the written information. Despite this project being aimed at a KS3 audience, the resources have been manufactured in a way which is accessible for any non-specialist with an interest in learning about up-to-date science of Antarctica. How to cite: Boyall, L., Davies, B., and Thornton, J.: Exploring Antarctic research through ESRI StoryMap Collections, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11581, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11581, 2022.
Extreme impacts in the European renewable electricity system as a result of climate variability - 1Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands - 2Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), R&D Weather and Climate Modeling, De Bilt, The Netherlands With the need for clean energy that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, the coming decades will see a transition of our energy system towards a higher share of renewable energy sources. With this work we aim at gaining insight in meteorological conditions that lead to extremely low energy generation and extremely high residual load (difference between production and demand) in European countries. We constructed a simplified climate-energy modeling framework in which extreme impact events on the European energy system can be examined. We compute daily electricity demand and the supply from hydropower, wind and photovoltaic solar, based on 2000 years of simulated present and future weather conditions for countries in Europe. From this data the meteorological drivers with high impact on the current energy system were investigated for individual countries and larger regions. Atmospheric blocking in summer can result in heatwaves and droughts that in turn result in long-lasting periods of high energy demands in countries with large cooling capacities (southern Europe) and low energy production in countries that rely on hydropower. In winter, dry and cold periods with lower than normal windspeeds lead to high residual load in northern European countries, especially around the North Sea. These countries have a high share of offshore wind and high installed heating capacities. Dry seasons lead to a higher sensitivity to wind and solar variability due to a decrease in balancing potential of hydropower. Additionally, the co-variability of electricity shortage events between countries is investigated. The goal is to identify balancing potential of transmission between countries. Due to different demand profiles across Europe and the spatial variability of weather the potential of extreme event reduction through cross-border transmission is high. How to cite: van der Most, L., van der Wiel, K., Bintanja, R., Benders, R., and Leenes, W.: Extreme impacts in the European renewable electricity system as a result of climate variability , EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-6907, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6907, 2022.
According to some sources, the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree was started by the German theologian Martin Luther. Allegedly, once he was walking home through the woods late in the evening and was so delighted with the combination of shining stars in the sky and tall pines and fir trees in the winter forest that when he came home, he installed a small fir tree in a tub and decorated it with candles. On the top he installed a star that symbolized Bethlehem star pointing the way to the place where Jesus was born. Today we’ll tell you how that tradition came to Russia and evolved through time. Christmas decorations in pre-revolutionary Russia In Russia, the custom of decorating the Christmas tree was initially brought by Tsar Peter I (who reigned from 1682 to 1725). Once in his youth, he was visiting his friends in Germany and saw a Christmas tree decorated with apples and sweets. When Peter became tsar, he issued a decree to celebrate the New Year as in Europe, i.e. set decorations of coniferous trees on large streets. However, this tradition did not last very long: after the death of Peter I, his decree was ignored. The Christmas tree returned as a tradition only under Emperor Nicholas I (who reigned from 1825 to 1855) thanks to his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, who before the marriage was princess Charlotte of Prussia. She introduced the custom of decorating the house with a Christmas tree with burning candles, as well as the tradition of Christmas presents laid out under the tree or hung directly on the branches. The custom was very much liked by the courtiers and soon spread all over Russia. In the beginning, Christmas trees were decorated with edible products wrapped in shiny colored foil, as well as toys made from improvised materials: fabrics, cotton wool and papier-mâché. The toys represented figures of people, animals, mushrooms, and cones. Later, the figures were made with clay or porcelain elements. At the end of the 19th century, the first glass and cardboard Christmas-tree toys, made by the factory, appeared in Russia. Although they were imported from Germany. Russian masters adopted the technology from the Germans and also began to produce glass balls. These balls were quite heavy, the technology of blowing thin glass came only in the beginning of the 20th century. In addition to glass toys, the “Dresden Cartonage” was also popular in pre-revolutionary Russia – toys made of two halves of convex tinted cardboard. There were also fake fruits made of papier-mâché and velvet and little dolls made of cloth, lace and beads, with a paper face glued to the body. By the 20th century, the faces of the dolls became convex and made of cardboard, and later of porcelain. Christmas decorations in USSR In connection with the abolition of Christmas in 1927 by the Soviet government, the production of Christmas tree decorations in the USSR was interrupted. In 1935, the Christmas tree was reclassified as an ideologically correct communist New Year tree and this way returned to the life of Russians. In 1937, a special series of toys was released: huge red balls with portraits of Stalin, Lenin, Marx and Engels. Following this, toys of an ideological and social nature began to be produced – Kremlin towers, stars, athletes, pioneers, and so on. Home-made toys and foil-wrapped fruits and candies were replaced by the figures of sportsmen, parachutists, pioneers, airplanes, trains, border guards with dogs, and armored cars made in industrial conditions. The Bethlehem star at the top of the tree was replaced with a red five-pointed star. These stars were produced until the mid-1980s, and many Russians still have these items at home with light bulbs inside which they continue to install on the top of Christmas tree out of habit. In 1937, a manual was published under the title “Christmas tree in a kindergarten” where it was described in detail how to decorate the Christmas tree “properly” and what to think doing it. For example, the toys that do not require detailed consideration should have been hung on deeper branches, and at the edges of the branches there should have been airplanes, parachutes, locomotives and armored cars. During the war years, the production of Christmas tree decorations in the USSR did not cease, but they were produced in much smaller quantities. Foil and shoulder straps were used as the source material, from which baskets and sailing vessels were made. Wire ornaments made of production waste also appeared. These were bird houses, flowers, five-pointed red stars with the hammer and sickle inside. The most popular character for toys were paratroopers. In the New Year post cards, Ded Moroz was destroying the enemy in open battle. The decoration of the Christmas tree for the New Year during the war was obligatory – this rite reminded Russians of a peaceful life and gave strength to hope for a soon victory. After the war, the production of Christmas decorations throughout Russia was completely restored in 1946. Peaceful series began to be produced: animals, men and other figures. From the 1950th, a new technology was launched – toys on clothespins. In the 1960s, a space boom happened, and astronauts, rockets, satellites, and planets appeared on all the Christmas trees of the country. At the same time, a series of girls in national costumes has been launched which should have strengthened the faith of Soviet citizens in the inviolability of the postulate “15 USSR republics – 15 sisters”. It should be noted that in the Soviet era, the release of toys was directly dependent on the opinions and interests of the general secretary of the Communist Party. For example, under Stalin who respected hockey and loved circus, hockey players and circus characters appeared on all the Christmas trees of the country. One of the most trendy themes in the era of Khrushchev was agriculture. The whole assortment of fruits and vegetables was produced, the most popular toy was corn – “the queen of the fields” – which almost completely disappeared from the trees when Brezhnev came to power. Since the mid-1960s, the production of Christmas-tree toys has become fully industrial, manual technologies disappeared. Toys from foam plastic and plastic began to appear – they could not be broken so easily. Also in the 1960s, the first electric garlands appeared. Initially, they looked very simple: bulbs painted in different colors: blue, yellow, red. Lights were connected by a wire plugged in the socket. No relays were made at that time, so the lights were always on, without blinking. But, compared to candles, fire risk decreased many times. Later, more advanced electric garlands appeared, which we use to this day. In the 1970s and 1980s, the “rain” made of aluminium foil became very popular, as well as fluffy, poking tinsel. It became somehow especially pleasant visiting the Soviet shops decorated with all this around the New Year. The design of toys at that time became less diverse. Factories stamped similar series of balls, cones, pyramids, icicles and bells. These toys still exist in many families. Sometimes you come to visit someone and you see exactly the same toys on the tree as you have at home. Since the late 1980s, the fashion for all sorts of horoscopes conquered the country, and this of course affected the New Year’s industry. A lot of balls with the image of animals – symbols of the coming year – appeared on sale. This trend is still alive today. Christmas decorations nowadays Today, Russian Christmas decorations are more a design work and not an echo of some bright event in the life of the country. In the production of Christmas-tree decorations, there is partly a “return to the roots”. Hand-painted balloons are produced with surprisingly carefully painted landscapes, pictures of Russian winter, as well as state symbols. There are unusually beautiful hand-painted copies that can be safely classified as collection items. A few years ago, the western tradition to decorate Christmas trees with balls of two colors came to Russia. This trend didn’t fascinate the Russians for too long, soon the Christmas trees returned to the traditional look: as many decorations as possible so that the green needles could not be seen on the tree. Although offices and shops are still more often decorated with Christmas trees “in a Western way”, mostly because of the more “official” appearance of the look. Since the beginning of the 2000s, original, home-made toys have become popular. Figures made of straw, paper, hanks of wool and pieces of cloth; plush animals, felt swans and angels. The fashion for Soviet retro toys made many people climb into the grandma’s storage where old New Year decorations were placed one day as “obsolete”. A Christmas tree, decorated in the style of “vintage”, is considered to be fashionable these days.
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If you want to get more followers on Instagram, you should start by increasing your interactions on the platform. So if you're producing audiovisual content, it's essential that it comes with more views, as this can make your Instagram profile more favorable to Instagram's algorithm. Initially, Instagram only allowed 15-second videos. Over time, the platform evolved to allow 60-second videos. Then, several video-related features have been implemented since the app's inception, such as IG Video, IG TV and now IG Reels. This makes the platform one of the main competitors to other social media platforms, such as YouTube or TikTok. It's also important to note that Instagram has become a marketplace for various brands. As such, many companies understand the importance of video content for users and the platform itself, which is why most people are looking to get organic views. Anyone who wants to become famous on Instagram can benefit from buying Instagram views for their content. 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Easily obtain partnerships and agreements A high number of views can help you secure partnerships and branded content, among many other collaborations with major brands.So investing in Instagram views and other interactions can help you reach wider horizons in the long term.Instagram has become a great place for people to work with brands and monetize their content.Thousands of companies are waiting for new influencers to work with.So you could be the next person to collaborate with big-name brands in the future! Easily appear on Instagram's Explorer Page Instagram, like all social media platforms, works through an algorithm. It shows personalized content to each user, based on what they've interacted with before. This functionality depends on the number of social signals you get, including views.So having more views means you'll increase the likelihood of appearing on Instagram's Explorer page.Instagram's Explorer page can help you get even more views in the long term and make your Instagram posts even more popular.Therefore, buying views for your Instagram accounts can help you increase your exposure and increase user engagement with your content.Become Famous on Other Social Media Platforms Become Famous on Other Social Media Platforms Instagram isn't the only social media platform where you can get more views. There are many other platforms available, and most influencers use several of them to attract more people to their content. Therefore, it's a good idea to mention your other social media platforms in your videos so that they can grow at a similar rate to your Instagram account.People are constantly moving from one social media application to another.Therefore, a simple suggestion in a viral video can attract even more people to your platform in the long term. It's a great growth opportunity you don't want to miss.The Instagram social network The Instagram social network Instagram is a popular social network that enables users to create and share images and videos. On this platform, the action of "liking" a publication is common, symbolized by the little red heart that shows your appreciation for the shared content. Subscribers" are users who choose to follow your account and regularly see your publications in their feed. Recruiting "potential subscribers" means looking for people who are likely to be interested in your content.This can be done by interacting with similar accounts, using relevant hashtags and publishing quality content. "New followers" are a sign of positive growth, while increasing the "follower base" is a major goal for many Instagram users.Advertisers look for accounts with growing "popularity", which can open up opportunities for collaboration.Engaging your audience is key to increasing the "popularity" of your account. This translates into likes, comments, shares and genuine interactions. Getting "likes" means that your content generates interest and participation from your audience. Engaging your audience is essential to increasing the "popularity" of your account. This translates into likes, comments, shares and genuine interactions. Getting "likes" means that your content generates interest and participation from your audience. Ultimately, the aim is to amplify the number of "followers" organically and automatically by offering quality content and actively interacting with your community. This will help you become more popular and attract the attention of "advertisers" keen to collaborate with influential content creators. The key to success in this social networking ecosystem is authenticity, relevance and consistency. Why choose Megasocial to buy views cheap on Instagram? Megasocial is the best option for boosting your content on Instagram. We offer affordable Instagram views through different packages, allowing you to choose the best option based on your current reach and overall budget. There are many reasons why our customers prefer us to the competition. Our company has been around for over 10 years, and our team is made up of many experts in marketing and social networks. So you can expect nothing but the best possible quality when you work with us. The aspects described below are just a few of the many things that set us apart from other social network growth service providers: High Quality Views of Real People Getting views isn't easy. If they come from fake accounts, Instagram might delete them from your videos, and you'd be right back where you started. That will never happen when you work with Megasocial. We make sure that every profile we use to deliver Instagram views is made up of active, authentic users on the platform. We carry out regular quality control procedures to ensure that no undesirable accounts have filtered into our system. It's extremely important to us to offer the best possible quality and customer satisfaction. Therefore, you can be sure to get high-quality views of real people at an affordable price. All the views you get on your publication will come from active users on the platform, allowing you to keep your numbers up and become more popular on the platform in the long term. 1. Why should I choose Megasocial to buy Instagram views cheap? Answer: Megasocial is recognized as the best option to boost your Instagram content. With over 10 years of experience, we offer high-quality views from real people at affordable prices. 2. How can I be sure that the views come from real people? Answer: We ensure that each profile used to deliver views is authentic and active. Regular quality control procedures are conducted to guarantee the quality and authenticity of the views. 3. What types of Instagram views do you offer? Answer: We offer various packages to meet your needs, including views for posts, stories, live videos, and more. 4. Can I target specific users with my views? Answer: Yes, we provide geographic targeting services, allowing you to buy views from users in over 50 international markets. 5. What package options are available? Answer: We offer packages for all requirements, from small orders to boost a single post to larger orders to enhance overall content performance. 6. How do one-time and automated packages work? Answer: One-time packages add views gradually to your post, while automated packages allow you to specify the number of consecutive posts to which we should add views. 7. What are the prices for Instagram views at Megasocial? Answer: Our prices are budget-friendly, starting at just $2.00 for authentic Instagram views. We also provide a full money-back guarantee and retention warranty with every purchase. 8. How can I contact customer support? Answer: Our customer support team is available via live chat for instant assistance. You can also email Megasocial with your query, and we will respond as quickly as possible to assist you. 9. How secure are payments at Megasocial? Answer: Security is a priority at Megasocial. All transactions are SSL encrypted, and we accept a wide range of popular payment methods, including debit cards, credit cards, PayPal, and cryptocurrencies. - Easy User Experience MegaSocial offers you an easy user experience. As mentioned earlier, it's very simple to use our tool to get views on Instagram. - Secure Environment We provide a secure environment. We never ask for your password, no matter which product you purchase from us. Our system operates with an SSL certificate. Therefore, it's safe to make purchases with us. Your data cannot be accessed by third parties. - 24/7 Customer Support With our 24/7 customer support, you're never alone when making purchases from us. Whatever you need, we're just a click away. - Reasonable Prices We offer reasonable prices compared to our competitors. It's 100% safe and cost-effective to buy views cheap from us. When you buy comments, you'll gain visibility on Instagram. 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In the wake of Tony Hsieh’s passing, even though I never met him, I am feeling deeply grateful for his impact on my life. Ripple effect is real. With Jenn and Cameron at Catalyst. LOVE. Through the experiences and creative collisions he championed with conscious entrepreneurship in downtown Las Vegas with CatslystCreativ.. because Jennifer Boonlorn and Cameron championed me to apply even though the deadline had already passed.. because I championed myself through the feeling that I wasn’t ready or good enough… I got myself there having no clue how that decision and inclusion would impact me and my life big-picture. At Catalyst, I met Katie Carey Nivard and the Mama Hope team. She, Jenn and I stayed in touch. Five years ago, Katie got us free tickets to C2 Montreal. We just had to get ourselves there. … We got ourselves there. I felt out of my depth back then just like I did when I applied to Catalyst, but my intuition was entirely clear… I knew in my bones…… something is good here. I wasn’t sure what or why, I just knew I wanted to stay connected with whatever *this* is. Haha sounds funny.. trying to find the words for things our thinking brain can’t process yet. That intuition led me to the past 5 years of doing exactly that. I applied to HATCH’s Summit that first year and was not selected. That was a good call though, I legitimately wasn’t ready then. I continued undeterred trusting my strong intuition to stay connected with HATCH over the subsequent years, attending local events, growing relationships with those I met at C2, attending C2 again a second time alone even though that felt really scary, connecting earnestly with even more beautiful, badass people working through Imposter Syndrome to get myself to every single dinner. In between, I kept growing as a person and professional. I kept showing up in the ways I could as a contributing member of such a supportive community doing such high-impact work in this world. In 2019, I was ready. It was time. All the work I had put in over the last 5 years added up to me being a different, more confident, clear and connected person. I attended HATCH in Montana for the first time. At that summit, Highlight did our first-ever public demonstration jump kicking off our mission elevating gender equality. I felt next to no Imposter Syndrome.. I knew I should be there. I felt the peace and electricity my initial intuition already knew. On top of that, through the support of other HATCHers I also had a major breakthrough in Montana that helped me listen and learn so much more deeply as a white ally, and find my voice standing for racial justice such that I could use it this year with the biggest media I’ve done to date. Add in further mobilizing the vote in 2020 through HATCH Impact Labs working with suuuuuuper switched-on NextGen’s, the No Vote Left Behind rallies and Global Living Rooms reimagining connection, collaboration and support in the time of Covid and here we are. ALL of this… goes all the way back to Tony’s vision.. Tony’s commitment.. Tony’s boots-on-the-ground follow-through to support young, creative, brave people like me all those years ago. Tony’s leadership by example and willingness to put his money quite literally where he believed positive change was possible.. quite literally into the communities he wanted to transform.. plus my own willingness to dive into those waves starting ripples of my own too.. and here we are. There is so much power and possibility in the smallest decisions and biggest leaps, all of which accumulate over time into impact we could literally never actually measure. Ripple effect is REAL. If you want to contribute to these kinds of tidal waves of global impact that begin in micro experiences of creative collision and expanding love that become ideas and initiatives executed in our actual world.. consider donating to HATCH this holiday season. Thank you, Tony. Every bit of my respect and gratitude.
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Stealing Destiny is leaving KU this week! May 3, 2021 If you are interested in Stealing Destiny and want to read it in KU, make sure you grab it up today! It is going into wide distribution tomorrow. If you borrow the book today, you can read it at your leisure later.
April 2019 Meetup – Friendly PowerShell Competition Do you consider yourself a PowerShell expert? Do you consider yourself a PowerShell newbie? All are welcome at our inaugural PowerShell competition. There are no wrong answers – but some answers are better than others and might just win you a prize. Hold up… did we just say “Prize”?! That’s right. Keep reading for more details! Join Nathan Ziehnert, Senior Lead Consultant at Catapult Systems as he moderates a PowerShell competition consisting of three parts. There will be three to four “problems” to solve of varying difficulty (depending on time) – don’t worry about your knowledge level of PowerShell – you’ll still get to learn even if you don’t compete! You may compete as teams or as individuals. Winners will be picked based on creativity and length of the solution at the discretion of the moderator, but everyone will get pizza and beer (sponsored by Catapult Systems). PLEASE NOTE THE LOCATION CHANGE THIS MONTH!!!! 5299 DTC Blvd, Suite 650 Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Becoming More Assertive Becoming More Assertive Do you feel that some people overlook or take advantage of you? Do they lean on you when you wish they wouldn't? Do you sometimes fume internally and resent them while you appear pleasant and accepting on the outside? Is this a pattern in your life in which you feel caught or trapped? If so, you may wish to learn assertiveness skills. Being assertive means expressing your feelings, thoughts, wishes and needs when you want to, and standing up for yourself and your rights without violating the rights of others. It is a skill which can be developed by anyone at any point in life, a skill which you can choose to use when and where you wish, a skill which enhances self-care and self-respect. The Assertive Style Being assertive involves direct communication of one's observations, opinions, feelings and needs. It involves action and initiation, openness to negotiation and compromise, and the ability to act with firmness and commitment. When being assertive, you convey an air of confidence, strength, and willingness to communicate openly and honestly about yourself, your perspectives, your feelings and your wishes - without whining, pouting, guilt trips, blaming, avoiding or attacks. Assertive people assume responsibility for themselves and their experience. Practice, Practice, Practice Give yourself permission to become assertive in the expression of your thoughts, feelings (positive and negative), wants and needs. Study the "what" and "how" of assertiveness by observing people "in the field" who model assertiveness well. Identify elements as concretely as possible. Practice being assertive in your imagination - seeing in your mind's eye what to do and how to do it, feeling the confidence to do it, and creating an inner dialogue with yourself that supports and encourages you to do it. Rehearse self-assertiveness with a trusted and sympathetic friend by role-playing situations in which assertiveness would be desirable. Practice being assertive in real-life situations which have a low degree of threat and anxiety for you, e.g., turning down an invitation that you do not wish to accept, asking a favor of someone, etc. Practice being assertive in real-life situations where the level of threat and anxiety are gradually increased. Don't Get Discouraged When you are in situations where assertiveness is desirable and you feel anxious and hesitant, it is useful to acknowledge your feelings, take some deep breaths and relax your body and reassure yourself about the appropriateness of expressing yourself directly and honestly. Remember also that developing confidence in a skill is incremental. It develops step-by-step, with practice and reinforcement. Undoubtedly as you're developing and refining your skills as an assertive person, you will be confronted with situations where you waffle, lose your confidence and "chicken out." It's to be expected since this type of learning is a two-step-forward, one-step-backward type of phenomenon. Recognize your temporary backsliding without self-criticism, undue disappointment or despair. Belittling yourself over what you should have said or done is not beneficial. Embrace the Real 'You' Assertiveness is a learned skill that enables people to live life more effectively and happily. Recognize that you are the "resident expert" about your thoughts, feelings, motives, beliefs, wishes and needs because you live in your body 24 hours per day. No one can know your inner experience as intimately as you. To let others know and respect the "real you," you have to be open and direct in expressing yourself with your thoughts, feelings (positive and negative), attitudes, beliefs, wishes, needs, etc.
An extraordinary literary journey, 100 Years celebrates every age from birth to 100 with quotations from the world’s greatest writers. Watch the video below. I’m turning 44 next month, and I have the sense that 44 is going to be a very good year, a year of fulfillment, realization. I have that sense, not because of anything particular in store for me, but because I read it would be a good year in a 1968 book by Norman Mailer. “He felt his own age, forty-four …” wrote Mailer in The Armies of the Night, “… felt as if he were a solid embodiment of bone, muscle, heart, mind, and sentiment to be a man, as if he had arrived.” Yes, I know Mailer wasn’t writing about me. But I also know that he was; for all of us — you, me, the subject of his book, age more or less in step, proceed from birth along the same great sequence: through the wonders and confinements of childhood; the emancipations and frustrations of adolescence; the empowerments and millstones of adulthood; the recognitions and resignations of old age. There are patterns to life, and they are shared. As Thomas Mann wrote: “It will happen to me as to them.” We don’t simply live these patterns. We record them, too. We write them down in books, where they become narratives that we can then read and recognize. Books tell us who we’ve been, who we are, who we will be, too. So they have for millennia. As James Salter wrote, “Life passes into pages if it passes into anything.” And so six years ago, a thought leapt to mind: if life passed into pages, there were, somewhere,passages written about every age. If I could find them, I could assemble them into a narrative. I could assemble them into a life, a long life, a hundred-year life, the entirety of that same great sequencethrough which the luckiest among us pass. I was then 37 years old, “an age of discretion,” wrote William Trevor. I was prone to meditating on time and age. An illness in the family and later an injury to me had long made clear that growing old could not be assumed. And besides, growing old only postponed the inevitable, time seeing through what circumstance did not. It was all a bit disheartening. A list, though, would last. To chronicle a life year by vulnerable year would be to clasp and to ground what was fleeting, would be to provide myself and others a glimpse into the future, whether we made it there or not. And when I then began to compile my list, I was quickly obsessed, searching pages and pages for ages and ages. Here we were at every annual step through our first hundred years. “Twenty-seven … a time of sudden revelations,” “sixty-two, … of subtle diminishments.” I was mindful, of course, that such insights were relative. For starters, we now live longer, and so age more slowly. Christopher Isherwood used the phrase “the yellow leaf” to describe a man at 53, only one century after Lord Byron used it to describe himself at 36. I was mindful, too, that life can swing wildly and unpredictably from one year to the next, and that people may experience the same age differently. But even so, as the list coalesced, so, too, on the page, clear as the reflection in the mirror, did the life that I had been living: finding at 20 that “… one is less and less sure of who one is;” emerging at 30 from the “… wasteland of preparation into active life; “ learning at 40 “… to close softly the doors to rooms [I would] not be coming back to.” There I was. Of course, there we all are. Milton Glaser, the great graphic designer whose beautiful visualizations you see here, and who today is 85 — all those years “… a ripening and an apotheosis,” wrote Nabokov —noted to me that, like art and like color, literature helps us to remember what we’ve experienced. And indeed, when I shared the list with my grandfather, he nodded in recognition. He was then 95 and soon to die, which, wrote Roberto Bolaño, “… is the same as never dying.” And looking back, he said to me that, yes, Proust was right that at 22, we are sure we will not die, just as a thanatologist named Edwin Shneidman was right that at 90, we are sure we will. It had happened to him, as to them. Now the list is done: a hundred years. And looking back over it, I know that I am not done. I still have my life to live, still have many more pages to pass into. And mindful of Mailer, I await 44.
Patricia Highsmith, known for her psychological thrillers like The Talented Mr. Ripley and Strangers on a Train, shows us in Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction how there is no secret of success in writing, except individuality, or call it personality. Nobody can’t deny she had a great deal of personality. For instance, in Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, Mason Currey wrote that Highsmith once attended a London cocktail party with a gigantic handbag that contained a head of lettuce and a hundred snails who she said were her companions for the evening. Highsmith stated that early in the development, the writer must ask these crucial questions: Is the hero going to emerge from this victor or vanquished? Is the atmosphere one of comedy, tragedy, or both mixed? Or it is a kind of flat reporting of events and cruel fate for the reader to make of what he wishes? According to Andrew Wilson (Beautiful Shadow), her personal life was a troubled one; she was an alcoholic who never had an intimate relationship that lasted for more than a few years. The author of Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction tells that as for life’s little difficulties, they are myriad. Once when I had everything settled about a new apartment in Manhattan—advance rent paid, the lease signed, the movers ready—I was informed that I could not have it because it was a professional apartment. Writers are not professionals, because ‘their clients do not come to them.’ I thought of writing to the Department of Housing or whoever made this law, ‘You have no idea how many characters ring my doorbell and come to me every day and I absolutely need them for my existence,’ but I never wrote this, only reflected that prostitutes could probably qualify, but writers couldn’t. Besides, she considers that surprising yourself and the reader are important; however it comes with an effort. It is a cheap and trick merely to surprise and shock the reader, especially at the expense of logic. And a lack of invention on the writer’s part cannot be covered up by sensational action and clever prose. It is also a kind of laziness to write the obvious, which does not entertain really. The ideal is an unexpected turn of the events, reasonably consistent with the characters of the protagonists. Stretch the reader’s credulity, his sense of logic, to the utmost—it is quite elastic—but don’t break it. In this way, you will write something new, surprising and entertaining both to yourself and the reader. Patricia Highsmith says that writing is a way of organizing experience and life itself but being read by lots of people helps to boost one’s morale I think the majority of writers, living a Robinson Crusoe existence with no hope of seeing another human being as long as they lived, would still write poems, short stories and books with whatever material there was at hand. Writing is a way of organizing experience and life itself, and the need of this is still present through an audience may not be. However, I think most painters and writers like to think of their work being seen and read by lots of people, and emotionally this sense of contact is of great importance to their morale.
The NYC is a city inspired backpack designed with bold lines and a clean, modern profile. Showcase your brand's strength and forward-thinking with this one of a kind laptop backpack. It features an Anti-theft and TSA friendly rear full-zipper access design. There's a 15.6" padded laptop and tablet compartments, as well as a USB 3.0 Portal, that connects your device with internal power bank (sold separately). There's multiple tech and mesh interior pockets, to help you organize your belongings. It's finished with a water and wear-resistant fabric.
Patents protect technical inventions in all fields of technology. They are valid in individual countries, for a specified period. Patents give holders the right to prevent third parties from commercially exploiting their invention. In return, applicants must fully disclose their invention. Patent applications and granted patents are published, which makes them a prime source of technical information. We provide a full range of patent services, including: Developing patent protection strategies Patentability searches and opinions Preparing, filing, and prosecuting European and Spanish patent applications Preparing, filing, and prosecuting international patent applications Patent validations in Spain Rendering patent clearance and validity opinions Preparing and negotiating patent agreements Patent infringement litigation
Devel::CheckOS - check what OS we're running on A learned sage once wrote on IRC: $^O is stupid and ugly, it wears its pants as a hat Devel::CheckOS provides a more friendly interface to $^O, and also lets you check for various OS "families" such as "Unix", which includes things like Linux, Solaris, AIX etc. It spares perl the embarrassment of wearing its pants on its head by covering them with a splendid Fedora. use Devel::CheckOS qw(os_is); print "Hey, I know this, it's a Unix system\n" if(os_is('Unix')); print "You've got Linux 2.6\n" if(os_is('Linux::v2_6')); If you want to use this from Makefile.PL or Build.PL, do not simply copy the module into your distribution as this may cause problems when PAUSE and search.cpan.org index the distro. Instead, use the use-devel-assertos script. Devel::CheckOS implements the following functions, which load subsidiary OS-specific modules on demand to do the real work. They can be exported by listing their names after use Devel::CheckOS. You can also export groups of functions thus: use Devel::CheckOS qw(:booleans); # export the boolean functions # and 'die_unsupported' use Devel::CheckOS qw(:fatal); # export those that die on no match use Devel::CheckOS qw(:all); # export everything Takes a list of OS names. If the current platform matches any of them, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. The names can be a mixture of OSes and OS families, eg ... os_is(qw(Unix VMS)); # Unix is a family, VMS is an OS If the current platform matches any of the parameters it returns false, otherwise it returns true. As os_is(), except that it dies instead of returning false. The die() message matches what the CPAN-testers look for to determine if a module doesn't support a particular platform. As os_isnt(), except that it dies instead of returning false. This function simply dies with the message "OS unsupported", which is what the CPAN testers look for to figure out whether a platform is supported or not. When called in list context, return a list of all the platforms for which the corresponding Devel::AssertOS::* module is available. This includes both OSes and OS families, and both those bundled with this module and any third-party add-ons you have installed. In scalar context, returns a hashref keyed by platform with the filename of the most recent version of the supporting module that is available to you. This is to make sure that the use-devel-assertos script Does The Right Thing in the case where you have installed the module in one version of perl, then upgraded perl, and installed it again in the new version. Sometimes the old version of perl and all its modules will still be hanging around and perl "helpfully" includes the old perl's search path in its own. Unfortunately, on some platforms this list may have file case broken. eg, some platforms might return 'freebsd' instead of 'FreeBSD'. This is because they have case-insensitive filesystems so things should Just Work anyway. Takes the name of an OS 'family' and returns a list of all its members. In list context, you get a list, in scalar context you get an arrayref. If called on something that isn't a family, you get an empty list (or a ref to an empty array). To see the list of platforms for which information is available, run this: perl -MDevel::CheckOS -e 'print join(", ", Devel::CheckOS::list_platforms())' Note that capitalisation is important. These are the names of the underlying Devel::AssertOS::* modules which do the actual platform detection, so they have to be 'legal' filenames and module names, which unfortunately precludes funny characters, so platforms like OS/2 are mis-spelt deliberately. Sorry. Also be aware that not all of them have been properly tested. I don't have access to most of them and have had to work from information gleaned from perlport and a few other places. For a complete list of OS families, see Devel::CheckOS::Families. If you want to add your own OSes or families, see Devel::AssertOS::Extending and please feel free to upload the results to the CPAN. I welcome feedback about my code, including constructive criticism. Bug reports should be made using http://rt.cpan.org/ or by email. You will need to include in your bug report the exact value of $^O, what the OS is called (eg Windows Vista 64 bit Ultimate Home Edition), and, if relevant, what "OS family" it should be in and who wrote it. If you are feeling particularly generous you can encourage me in my open source endeavours by buying me something from my wishlist: http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/wishlist/ $^O in perlvar The use-devel-assertos script David Cantrell <[email protected]> Thanks to David Golden for the name and ideas about the interface, and to the cpan-testers-discuss mailing list for prompting me to write it in the first place. Thanks to Ken Williams, from whose Module::Build I lifted some of the information about what should be in the Unix family. Thanks to Billy Abbott for finding some bugs for me on VMS. Thanks to Matt Kraai for information about QNX. Thanks to Kenichi Ishigaki and Gabor Szabo for reporting a bug on Windows, and to the former for providing a patch. Thanks to Paul Green for some information about VOS. Thanks to Yanick Champoux for a patch to let Devel::AssertOS support negative assertions. Thanks to Brian Fraser for adding Android support. Thanks to Dale Evans for Debian detection, a bunch of Mac OS X specific version detection modules, and perl 5.6 support. Copyright 2007-2012 David Cantrell This software is free-as-in-speech software, and may be used, distributed, and modified under the terms of either the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or the Artistic Licence. It's up to you which one you use. The full text of the licences can be found in the files GPL2.txt and ARTISTIC.txt, respectively. I recommend buying a Fedora from http://hatsdirect.com/. This module is also free-as-in-mason software. To install Devel::CheckOS, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal. perl -MCPAN -e shell For more information on module installation, please visit the detailed CPAN module installation guide.
Check out Pit Full of Shit, video by Frank Huang You May Also Like Featuring Bangladeafy, Moon Tooth and Dead Now on some dates! Mutoid Man will also be hitting the road with Lazer/Wulf and The Armed soon. Plus a few shows with The Armed! I had the pleasure of seeing Lazer/Wulf perform last month at the Metal Injection/MetalSucks CMJ showcase, along with the even greater pleasure of meeting...
|El Buho Mezcal El Buho Mezcal, founded in 2010 by Brooklyn-based Michelin star chef TJ Steele, is a brand that marries tradition with contemporary vibes. Produced by the 6th generation Jimenez Mendez family in Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca, Mexico, El Buho is all about handcrafted excellence. The family uses copper pot stills and a traditional recipe to create their mezcal, with each batch overseen by patriarch Octavio Jimenez Monterroza. El Buho, meaning "the Owl" in Spanish, symbolizes the spiritual link between the living and the dead in Mexican culture. The brand's mission is to deliver high-quality mezcal at a fair price, making it a great, beautiful, and affordable choice for mezcal lovers.
07/10/23 @ 2:30pm – 07/10/23 @ 3:30pm Youth Services Program Room Mammen Family Public Library Registration for this event is required. The library makes every effort to ensure a welcoming and accessible environment. We can provide accommodations for people with disabilities or food allergies at library events. Please contact [email protected] at least seven days before the event to request accommodations. Successful library programs are designed with age in mind. Please note this program’s age guidelines will be enforced for all active participants. Library workers often take pictures during library programs to use in promotional materials and online. If you do not want your photo used, contact [email protected]. Registration is required. Come to the library every Monday for Beginner Book Club! Each week we’ll read a book together and do a related activity. This year we are partnering with Pedernales Electric Cooperative for Camp Save-a-Watt activities! We’ll learn all about electricity, energy, and taking care of the world we live in together! Each week is independent, so if you miss a week, that’s okay! Make sure to join us on July 24th for our visit from a PEC Lineworker! Beginner Book Club is perfect for children entering Kindergarten, up through children who have completed second grade. Please register each child attending so we have enough supplies. **masks are recommended for unvaccinated individuals**
I guess I would describe our current situation as one. Number one, there’s a very serious medical thing that’s happening and we’re all trying to do our best to respond to it. I guess we’re all is a not not necessarily the truth. People — a lot of people are coming up with these big things to do because it’s very serious, we have to respond to it somehow. But because of maybe because of the way that the internet feeds all the information to us kind of on equal terms, there’s this idea that even though the medical field is coming forward and saying “Wow, is this serious. And yeah, we definitely have to respond. And here’s the here’s the best way to respond,” at the same time, kind of regular people that I know have come forward or whatever have have said: “Well, I’m not sure that’s really the case” or “How can we really be sure that that’s helping?” And I guess to me I think well, I suppose we can’t be sure but I’m not sure that that’s a reason to ignore what’s being said or to say I certainly would not be somebody who would say oh, this is like a conspiracy or I’m doubting whether this is really necessary what the government is doing. I think the government is trying their best. Generally, the shutdown is a response to things. It may be imperfect there. Maybe have been moments where people said “This is helpful or not helpful” and then they had to come back and say, “you know that wasn’t really accurate what we said, it is helpful where it’s not helpful, even though we kind of set the opposite before.” But I’m I just don’t have it in me. I don’t have the type of personality that that spends a lot of time wondering whether the general message that I’m receiving is really accurate.
Today we learn with #Feynman how to go deeper into a topic with a series of “why” and how to calibrate our answers according to the knowledge of the subject of our interlocutor. Journalist: If you get hold of two magnets, and you push them, you can feel this pushing between them. Turn them around the other way, and they slam together. Now, what is it, the feeling between those two magnets? What do you mean by “What’s the feeling between the two magnets?” Journalist: There’s something there, isn’t there? The sensation is that there’s something there when you push these two magnets together. Listen to my question. What is the meaning when you say that “there’s a feeling?”. Of course, you feel it. Now, what do you want to know? Journalist: What I want to know is what’s going on between these two bits of metal? They repel each other. Journalist: What does that mean, or why are they doing that, or how are they doing that? I think that’s a perfectly reasonable question. Of course, it’s an excellent question. But the problem, you see, when you ask why something happens, how does a person answer why something happens? For example, Aunt Minnie is in the hospital. Why? Because she went out, slipped on the ice, and broke her hip. That satisfies people. It satisfies, but it wouldn’t satisfy someone who came from another planet and knew nothing about why when you break your hip do you go to the hospital. How do you get to the hospital when the hip is broken? Well, because her husband, seeing that her hip was broken, called the hospital up and sent somebody to get her. All that is understood by people. And when you explain a why, you have to be in some framework that you allow something to be true. Otherwise, you’re perpetually asking why. “Why did the husband call up the hospital?” Because the husband is interested in his wife’s welfare. Not always, some husbands aren’t interested in their wives’ welfare when they’re drunk, and they’re angry. But the problem, you see, when you ask why something happens, how does a person answer why something happens? And you begin to get a very interesting understanding of the world and all its complications. If you try to follow anything up, you go deeper and deeper in various directions. For example, if you go, “Why did she slip on the ice?” Well, ice is slippery. Everybody knows that, no problem. But you ask why is ice slippery? That’s kinda curious. Ice is extremely slippery. It’s very interesting. You say, how does it work? You could either say, “I’m satisfied that you’ve answered me. Ice is slippery; that explains it,” or you could go on and say, “Why is ice slippery?” and then you’re involved with something, because there aren’t many things as slippery as ice. It’s not very hard to get greasy stuff, but that’s sort of wet and slimy. “But a solid that’s so slippery?” Because it is, in the case of ice, when you stand on it (they say) momentarily the pressure melts the ice a little bit so you get a sort of instantaneous water surface on which you’re slipping. “Why on ice and not on other things?” Because water expands when it freezes, so the pressure tries to undo the expansion and melts it. It’s capable of melting, but other substances get cracked when they’re freezing, and when you push them they’re satisfied to be solid. “Why does water expand when it freezes and other substances don’t?” I’m not answering your question, but I’m telling you how difficult the why question is. You have to know what it is that you’re permitted to understand and allow to be understood and known, and what it is you’re not. You’ll notice, in this example, that the more I ask why, the deeper a thing is, the more interesting it gets. We could even go further and say, “Why did she fall down when she slipped?” It has to do with gravity, involves all the planets and everything else. Nevermind! It goes on and on. And when you’re asked, for example, why two magnets repel, there are many different levels. It depends on whether you’re a student of physics or an ordinary person who doesn’t know anything. If you’re somebody who doesn’t know anything at all about it, all I can say is the magnetic force makes them repel, and that you’re feeling that force. You say, “That’s very strange, because I don’t feel a kind of force like that in other circumstances.”When you turn them the other way, they attract. There’s a very analogous force, electrical force, which is the same kind of a question, that’s also very weird. But you’re not at all disturbed by the fact that when you put your hand on a chair, it pushes you back. But we found out by looking at it that that’s the same force, as a matter of fact (an electrical force, not magnetic exactly, in that case). But it’s the same electric repulsions that are involved in keeping your finger away from the chair because it’s electrical forces in minor and microscopic details. There are other forces involved, connected to electrical forces. It turns out that the magnetic and electrical force with which I wish to explain this repulsion in the first place is what ultimately is the deeper thing that we have to start with to explain many other things that everybody would just accept. You know you can’t put your hand through the chair; that’s taken for granted. But that you can’t put your hand through the chair, when looked at more closely, why, involves the same repulsive forces that appear in magnets. The situation you then have to explain is why, in magnets, it goes over a bigger distance than ordinarily. There it has to do with the fact that in iron all the electrons are spinning in the same direction, they all get lined up, and they magnify the effect of the force ’til it’s large enough, at a distance, that you can feel it. But it’s a force which is present all the time and very common and is a basic force of almost – I mean, I could go a little further back if I went more technical – but on an early level I’ve just got to tell you that’s going to be one of the things you’ll just have to take as an element of the world: the existence of magnetic repulsion, or electrical attraction, magnetic attraction. I can’t explain that attraction in terms of anything else that’s familiar to you. For example, if we said the magnets attract like rubber bands, I would be cheating you. Because they’re not connected by rubber bands. I’d soon be in trouble. And secondly, if you were curious enough, you’d ask me why rubber bands tend to pull back together again, and I would end up explaining that in terms of electrical forces, which are the very things that I’m trying to use the rubber bands to explain. So I have cheated very badly, you see. So I am not going to be able to give you an answer to why magnets attract each other except to tell you that they do. And to tell you that that’s one of the elements in the world – there are electrical forces, magnetic forces, gravitational forces, and others, and those are some of the parts. If you were a student, I could go further. I could tell you that the magnetic forces are related to the electrical forces very intimately, that the relationship between the gravity forces and electrical forces remains unknown, and so on. But I really can’t do a good job, any job, of explaining magnetic force in terms of something else you’re more familiar with, because I don’t understand it in terms of anything else that you’re more familiar with.
Since 1975, Millikan Battery & Electric has been serving motorists within the Apopka, Florida, community. Our team is full of experienced mechanics with expertise in a broad array of vehicle makes and models. We are proud to offer a high standard of service to all of our old and new customers. We have a large inventory of batteries, starters, radiators, and alternators in Apopka, FL, to help keep your engine running longer and more efficiently. Our team is available to work on cars, trucks, SUVs, ATVs, vans, boats, and recreational vehicles. Our family-owned company prioritizes customer satisfaction and will work our hardest to ensure your vehicle is functioning as it should. We are committed to serving individual and commercial clients with their vehicle repair needs. From family vehicles to a full corporate fleet, we are here to assist with any electrical issues you may be experiencing as a motorist. We offer competitive prices so you can receive the best quality work at a cost that fits your budget. For more information on the services we offer, contact Millikan Battery & Electric today at (407) 886-8285. We provide many different services, such as battery installation, radiator cleanings, and so much more. Please schedule an appointment with us today to get your vehicle up and running again.
Welcome to Carbondale Towers and Mill Street Apartments An income-based affordable housing opportunity. 810 W. Mill Street, Carbondale, IL 62901 Welcome to Carbondale Towers and Mill Street Apartments. We are apartment communities for those 62 and older, or those with disabilities. Enjoy the comfort of quiet, community living here at Carbondale Towers and Mill Street Apartments! Our spacious studios, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom 1 bath apartment homes are thoughtfully designed with your comfort and convenience in mind. In addition to our great floor plans and maintenance free living, our community has the amenities you want and deserve. For your pleasure, our community features laundry rooms on site at Carbondale Towers, laundry hook ups at our Mill Street apartments, ample parking, a community room where activities are held, 2 gazebo’s for your outdoor enjoyment with BBQgrills located at both as well as 24/7 emergency maintenance services. For your benefit, our community has 2 Resident Service Coordinators are readily available to assist you with your needs. Carbondale Towers and Mill Street Apartments are ideally situated to give you easy access to the best ofwhat the area has to offer. We are located a short distance from grocery stores, shopping medical centers and restaurants. Call us today to make an appointment to see for yourself why Carbondale Towers and Mill Street Apartments should be your new home. We look forward to hearing from you! Efficiency | 1 Bath 2 Bed C | 1 Bath 2 Bed Townhouse | 1 Bath
Wind charge is a cool projectile item added in Minecraft 1.21. It’s technically a weapon but can be used in many other ways as well. In this guide, we’ll be exploring the six different uses for the wind charge in Minecraft 1.21. Apart from dealing damage to entities, the uses range from parkour and minigames to practical uses related to cool Redstone contraptions. With that said, let’s not waste time and learn to blow away your friends. 1. Parkour Is Easier The first use of the wind charge is also the one Mojang suggested in its official reveal blog post. Yes, it’s for parkour (hardcore parkour!). Thanks to the wind charge, even parkour server noobs like me can become somewhat decent at it. All it takes is some practice, and you will easily be able to clear even five-block-long gaps. Admittedly, it’s going to take some time for you to get used to the wind charge mechanics because it sometimes manages to fling you high in the air, and the rest of the time it just gives you a tiny boost. However, it doesn’t just make already existing parkour easier, it also allows for some more difficult maneuvers, which parkour fans can enjoy. 2. New Minigames Ideas Among other uses for the wind charge, we have to mention how revolutionary it is for the minigame community. Players are already so creative in making minigames for others and the wind charge will only help them come up with even better ideas. It’s not only fun and… Please check out the original article at Source link
The excesses of the twenties, the downturn, and the dramatic slide into deep depression are all traced to governmental disruptions of the market process. Activist pro-immigration groups in Great Britain, while being heavily funded by government money, are using that money to stop orderly immigration and replace it with chaos. Taxpayers are not only on the hook to fund these groups, but also bear the brunt of immigration failures. When governments go to war, the nation’s monetary system usually descends into the pit of inflation. The War of 1812 was no exception, and its monetary excesses led to the Panic of 1819. Into the heart of the peasant and nomadic Arab world of the Middle East there came, on the backs and on the bayonets of British imperialism, a largely European colonizing people. Despite all of the adverse publicity about how police regularly abuse asset forfeiture laws, no one in law enforcement is ashamed enough to stop this outright thievery of money and property from vulnerable people. We may be governed by incompetent elites, but even they have not taken away our free will and ability to think for ourselves. We can look to Mises and Rothbard for inspiration. Christianity Today and other Christian publications are touting a book that claims to be based upon “biblical critical theory.” It’s yet another version of Marxism that is neither critical nor biblical. It’s just more Marxism. By the logic of "we tried it before," the Soviet victory over Lithuania in 1953 meant that the question of independence was settled forever, and that Irish secession was forever verboten after the Easter Rebellion failed. While “wokeness” seems to be a new phenomenon, the problems are tied to a sixty-year-old “landmark” law: the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This law, unfortunately, promotes government tyranny in the name of freedom. How did he do it? Easy: he cut a host of central government agency budgets by 50% while slashing crony contracts and activist handouts.
TS LAWCET 2021 Hall Ticket has been released Today i.e. 12th August 2021 at lawcet.tsche.ac.in website. The Download Link of Telangana LAWCET 2021 is now activate. The candidates can download hall ticket using Registration no & date of birth. Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) is all set to conduct Telangana State Law Common Entrance Test (TS LAWCET) 2021 on 23rd August & 24th August 2021 at various centers of Telangana. TS LAWCET Admit Card 2021 Release Date has been released. The Admit Card will be available at 5 PM. TS LAWCET hall ticket download 2021 Every Year Osmania University, Hyderabad conducts TS LAWCET 2021 exam on the behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE). TS LAWCET 2021 is a state level Law Entrance exam. This exam is organised for the admission in 3 year/5 year LL.B regular courses. This year TS LAWCET 2021 is scheduled to be held in the Last week of August 2021. The Candidates can download The TS LAWCET 2021 Admit Card/Hall Ticket using login credentials. Our team will update the direct links after the release. lawcet.tsche.ac.in 2021 Hall Ticket Download |Name of University |Osmania University, Hyderabad |Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) |TS LAWCET 2021 Exam |TS LAWCET Hall Ticket Release Date |12th August 2021 |23rd August 2021 24th August 2021 Approx 19866 candidates have registered to appear for LL.B. 3 Years Degree Course, LL.B. 5 Years Integrated Law Degree Course and for LL.M Course. The TS LAWCET is a law state entrance exam will be held on two dates which are mentioned above. How to Download TS LAWCET 2021 Hall Ticket online? - find the official website of TS LAWCET admission portal. - Check the Hall ticket link on the mai page. - Click on TS LAWCET 2021 Hall Ticket link. - enter the registration or login details - TS Lawcet 2021 Admit Card will be appear on the screen. - Download it. - Take 2-3 print out.
Our Parish Nurse, Anne Baer Clark, coordinates and facilitates three ongoing support groups. Caregiver Support Group This is an open group where caregivers of family and friends can come together to share, support, and encourage one another through the often long and lonely job of providing ongoing care in the home or health care facility. We meet on the first and third Monday of each month from 1 – 2:30 p.m. in Zoom Meeting: 153-802-017 . You are welcome to just drop in! Parkinson’s Interest Group This group is for people affected by Parkinson’s Disease and their caregivers. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 2 – 3:30 p.m. in Zoom Meeting: 652-400-927 Conversations on Aging This is a group for those navigating the later years of life. We come together to discuss, support, and educate one another about the journey of aging. This group has gone through several changes since its inception, and provides an active, ongoing conversation that group members direct. It is held on the last Wednesday of the month from 1 – 2:30 p.m. in Zoom Meeting: 369-464-676 Other groups meet regularly: Men’s Support Group This is a group of men who are committed to exploring and sharing their lives in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. The group meets weekly, representing a significant commitment of members’ time. Because of the intimate nature of the discussions, the group size is limited and anyone interested in learning more should contact: [email protected]. The men’s group has a long history in the church and has met continuously since the seventies. Have an idea for a support group you don’t see listed here? Consider starting one. Contact a staff member for help!
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Download Labalabi For Whatsapp APK Latest version for Android. Labalabi for WhatsApp is a ‘bomber’ app for sending bulk messages, making missed calls or messaging on WhatsApp without having the number on a contact list. By using this application Labalabi for WhatsApp you can send message at multiple times across 5000+ times in just few clicks Intervals . Whatsapp bomber means bunch of repeatedly same message .This bunch proceed by this application in few steps and you can send this bunch to your free shareable resources . The main function is that it allows us to bombard any of our contacts with messages. This means we will be able to configure a spam message, whatever we want, and then send it as many times as we like in order to flood their inbox. With a bit of luck the application will be a hit and get blocked. Fun, isn’t it? But that is not the only fabulous function to be found on the app; it also allows you to make missed calls or send messages to numbers which are not on your contact list. So if you think that WhatsApp would be better with all these functions, this app is for you. But watch out, because you might get banned from the service… it is only fair that we give you a heads up. 1 ) Very easy to use . 2 ) you can send messages with each in new line . 3 ) whole message bomb/bunch you can copy and paste anywhere where resource contain text . 4 ) you can also send blank message which contain only white space . 5 ) one click to reset all . Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2.
Well, I have decided that with the new month of March here in full force, that I might start an attempt at blogging again. I would say something like it is fitting since my blog started in March a couple of years ago. But that is not it, truth be told this has been on my mind for some time. I suppose the smart person would prepare a bit, build up some entries so that there is no faltering, but this is for me, always has been. Maybe there will be more to reflect that.But for today it is business, as usual, with a comic-centric announcement. Spider-Man is swinging his way back to television, and I couldn't be happier. It has been a hell of a veritable decade without Marvel cartoons. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.And in true Marvel form, at least if memory serves me, this recent cartoon renaissance started with the FF. Granted it didn't get as much acclaim as the comic in the sixties, but if anything it was fitting. But now comes one of the most resilient heroes to make his mark. I have often stated that I love Spider-Man. And the reason is that through everything... constants remain. Some would let that dissuade. But to me those favorite characters are ones that you could have adored as a child... and you can come back and visit and still enjoy their company. And thankfully the people in charge of this new cartoon coming in (hopefully early) 2008, seem well aware that if it isn't broke, they shouldn't fuck with it. From the article via Newsarama: "The new animated series picks up the original web-slinger’s mythology at the beginning of his hero’s journey…as a not-so-typical 16-year-old entering his junior year of high school. Having spent the summer engaging common criminals with his new-found powers, Peter Parker must conceal his secret identity while engaging a new level of terror – the multi-leveled pressures of teenage life at home and school while combating bigger, badder super-villains in the real world. “Our goal is to reinterpret these great characters and concepts for our millennium,” Weisman said. “We’ll have plenty of resonant material for the Spider-Man fan, while engaging the Spider-Man novice with the same thrills we experienced when we were first exposed to the character. Our stories will appeal on multiple levels with plenty of eye-candy, action, humor and colorful characters for the youngest demographic balanced with extensive character development for ‘tweens, teens and adults.” Now the long time reader of this blog (and yes there is one) will notice that Greg Weisman is mentioned. Which to me says quality. The man is very passionate about a lot of his projects, and he puts his heart into it. There is of course no sign of animation style. Or who will provide voices. But that has never been what I look for... if there is a quality story, I would be happy. And a Stan Lee intro... well that would just be gravy.
Designed to make you feel your best as you move, work and sleep. Our super comfortable white G-string just gave your basic tighty-whities a run for its money. Features a sleek, stylish, and lightweight design that allows for unrestricted movement. Be it jeans, chinos, or sweats, our G-strings keep your boys safe without leaving any untidy underwear lines. Unleash the cheek and feel a sense of liberation like no other! MO'MILK Chai Range Ready to add some spice to your life? Our new range of jockstraps for men is inspired by aromatic and delicious chai. Designed to bring in all the core elements of the MO'MILK Men's Underwear brand from our signature red to our classic black, all that is missing is you! 😉 - Highly breathable, moisture wicking and fast drying. - Chlorine resistant - UV protected - Form fitting - now designed to provide more lift for the boys - Freeing - liberate yourself - Elastic logo waistband with extra comfort 82% polyester / 18% spandex | 70% Polyester 30% Elastane Please adhere to instructions for delicates. Cold wash only with a low to medium spin cycle. Men's G-strings thongs sexy underwear men's lingerie
Overview of Hi-5 House of Dreams 2015 Last Sunday, I was so thankful for the nice weather, my son and I were able to go to Resorts World Manila with ease. We went there to watch Hi-5 House of Dreams. This is the first time that Ren and I have set our feet inside Newport Theater and of course to see his fave gang when he was just a toddler. We arrived early so we were able to catch some of the sponsored booths outside the area. Sadly, this show is also the last show of Stevie. He is with his mom and dad and they’re helping him to sell his book SUPERDUDES for P700. Upon purchasing, Stevie will sign it and you’ll get a photo opp with him. We were there with Ren’s school mate and her mom. We were in the Gold Ticket holder area. I’m glad that we were on the first row because my usual hyper son cannot keep still on his seat. The show was interactive, they asked the kids to dance as they sing their famous songs. My son was really into it, he was dancing, singing, playing and running around the area. It’s a good thing that the space is huge enough for him and the other kids. These are some of the pictures I took (mostly kasi videos, so that we can go back and watch it again) My son had so much fun watching the show. It brought back some memories when he was just a little kid and we would cuddle and watch the show together. I don’t want to go on details on what happened so that you’ll look forward for it next year.
This garden soup features juicy chicken drumsticks, tender potatoes, macaroni, & sautéed veggies. Healthy, filling, & perfect for quick, weeknight dinners! This garden soup recipe is full of different flavors and textures. The colorful vegetables add such a pop of freshness, while the potatoes, macaroni, and chicken make it filling enough to be a meal all on its own. It’s also an easy way to get more veggies in the diet of a picky eater! How to Prepare Fresh Garden Soup All you need to make this soup is a couple of ingredients you likely already have hanging out in the kitchen. - Boil the Chicken: Bring a large pot of salted water to boil and cook the chicken drumsticks for 15 minutes. Rinse the chicken, slice it off the bone, and cut it into tiny pieces. - Build the Soup: Fill a 5 quart soup pot 3/4 of the way full with water. Add the chicken, sliced potatoes, and dried macaroni and cook for 20 minutes. Add ground black pepper and salt to to taste. - Sauté the Veggies: In a large skillet over medium heat, sauté the carrots and garlic until softened and slightly brown (about 7-10 minutes). Add the green onions and sauté them for another minute. Pop the veggies and dill into the soup pot and cook the soup for another 10 minutes. Ladle yourself a bowl and enjoy! Dutch Oven Recommendation: Make this soup in your Dutch oven if you have one – the heat and moisture it brings are unparalleled! We love our Staub Dutch oven so much. 3 Tips & Tricks for the Best Fresh Garden Soup Follow these easy tips and tricks to help you nail this simple garden vegetable soup. - Slice the veggies into similar sized pieces. To promote even cooking, make sure the veggies are sliced into similar sized pieces. - Use bone-in meat. Bone-in chicken adds so much flavor to the soup and will bring a nice richness to it. Opt for chicken drumsticks or even bone-in chicken thighs. - Cook the soup over medium heat. Keep the soup over a steady medium heat. This will help give it time to draw out the flavors from the ingredients, while also preventing the veggies from getting too mushy too fast. This vegetable soup recipe is incredibly versatile, so feel free to experiment with different ingredients to make it your own. Here are a couple ideas to experiment with: - Add in different veggies. Add in fresh green beans, tomatoes, cauliflower, peas, corn kernels, broccoli, kale, or whatever other vegetables you have hanging out in your fridge. You can also add in a squeeze of lemon juice for a pop of flavor once the soup comes off heat. - Play with different spices. Add some paprika, red pepper flakes, or Italian seasoning into the sautéed veggies to bring even more flavor into the soup. - Swap in your favorite herbs. Swap the dill out for a sprinkle of fresh parsley leaves, oregano, or basil. What to Serve Your Fresh Garden Soup With This soup is definitely filling enough to be eaten all on it’s own, but can be paired with a crusty piece of bread for sopping up the tasty broth. Baguette or honey wheat bread are both great options. You can also pair it with a homemade caesar salad or a berry spinach salad for a classic soup and salad feast. Storing Leftover Soup To keep the soup on hand for up to a week, store it in an airtight container in the fridge. The longer it marinates in the fridge, the more the flavors will develop and the tastier it will get. Hello, meal prep! Note: Avoid freezing this soup, as the veggies and potatoes don’t tend to thaw very well and turn mushy upon thawing. Can you use broth instead of water? Yes! You can swap in a low-sodium chicken broth or vegetable broth if you want to add more depth of flavor. Do you need to cook the macaroni before adding it to the soup? There’s no need to cook the macaroni before adding it to the soup. It will cook in the broth itself and the starch will help thicken up the broth slightly. What’s the best potato to use for this soup? Yukon gold potatoes are our favorite to use for their natural sweetness and buttery flavor. In a pinch, you can also use russets. Can you add a different meat into the soup? You can swap the chicken drumsticks out for oxtail or bone-in pork. More Tasty Soup Recipes to Try - Minestrone Soup (Olive Garden Copycat) – Veggies, beans, and noodle soup - Italian Sausage Kale Soup Recipe – Sausage and kale soup - Creamy Spinach and Tortelli Soup – Stuffed pasta soup in a creamy broth - Grandma’s White Bean Soup (The Best) – White bean and bone-in pork soup - Boil the chicken drumsticks in salty water for 15 minutes. Rinse the chicken, cut it off the bone, and slice it into small pieces. - Fill a 5 quart soup pot 3/4 of the way full of water. Add the chicken, sliced potatoes, and macaroni into the water and boil them for 20 minutes. Add ground pepper and salt to taste. - In a large skillet over medium heat, sauté the carrots and garlic until softened and slightly brown (about 7-10 minutes). Add the green onions and sauté them for another minute. Add the veggies to the soup pot, followed by the dill. Boil the soup for 10 more minutes on low heat. Enjoy!
I began collecting songs, verses, poems, and stories in 1991. Today, more than ever, it is a treasure to know poetry by heart. At times of waiting, loneliness, or pleasant downtime it simply is a gift and a great skill to recite to oneself or with others. How much fun is it to blast the pizza song in the car, and how heartwarming is it when children look at each other while speaking the “I offer you peace…” poem? Many of the verses evoke reverence and gratitude at a time when so much around us demands ‘more’ and ‘faster’. Although there are no given melodies in this book, it is fairly easy to come up with a simple tune from any nursery rhyme. Often the rhythm of the poem will set the melodic emphasis all on its own. There is no right or wrong. The right is reflected in the joy, laughter, and connectedness of your community! All files are in English. Please, select carefully. No refunds will be provided. Thank you!