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Have you tried taking advantage of low refinance rates from today’s best mortgage lenders only to have your mortgage application denied? Unfortunately having a good payment history alone isn’t enough to get you qualified for mortgage refinancing. Depending on the reason your lender had for denying your mortgage refinance application there are steps you can take to get an approval. Here are several tips to help you get qualified for mortgage refinancing without paying unnecessary points or fees after having a lender deny your application. Your Best Choices Right Now Why Was Your Refinance Application Denied? The most common reasons for having your mortgage refinance application denied are having poor credit or an insufficient loan-to-value ratio. For most denials it’s simply a lack of home equity. If you’re underwater or your debt-to-income ratio is too high refinancing is going to be more difficult, but not impossible thanks to government refinance programs like the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). If your bank denied your refinance application there are still options. Mortgage lenders are required to provide you a written explanation for the denail. Once you know what the issue is leading to your denial you can fix the problem and reapply. Different mortgage lenders have different standards for underwriting home loans so if one lender denies your application and you’re a good candidate for mortgage refinancing you could find approval with another lender. Fixing Denials For Poor Credit & Too Much Debt If the problem is your credit score or your debt-to-income ratio the only thing you can do (unless you’re underwater) is to start paying down your debts. The quickest way to boost your credit score and lower your debt-to-income ratio (especially if it’s over 45%) is to pay down all of your credit cards below 30% of your credit limit. If you have collection accounts or other negative information try and negotiate with the creditors to have the negative information removed. If your debt-to-income ratio is above 60% it’s not going to be worthwhile applying until your situation improves. It is possible to qualify for mortgage refinancing with less than perfect credit or debt-to-income; however, you won’t like the refinance rates and fees lenders quote you. Invest the time cleaning up your credit reports and paying down your debts to qualify for the best refinance rates. Help For Underwater Homeowners If you’re having trouble refinancing because you owe more than your home is worth, hence the term “being underwater” and haven’t already looked into the government refinance program known as the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), you’re in for good news. Even if you applied for HARP refinancing when the program first came out and were denied the program was recently overhauled by President Obama removing many of the barriers to qualifying with HARP 2.0. The only catch is that your home loan has to be owned by the government (Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac) and they must have it before June 1st, 2009. If you meet that requirement you only need to be making all of your payments on time. You’re allowed one late payment out of the last 12 BUT your most recent six payments need to have been made on time to qualify. When the program first came out many underwater homeowners were not HARP eligible because there was a limit of 125% loan-to-value. This limit has since been removed and it doesn’t matter how underwater you are as long as your loan-to-value is greater than 80%. If you don’t qualify for the Home Affordable Refinance Program because of the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac requirement you still have options. Cash-in mortgage refinancing is a possibility depending how far underwater you are. With a cash-in refinance transaction you’re bringing cash to the closing table to buy down your loan-to-value ratio to an acceptable value. If this isn’t possible because you don’t have the cash on hand or are too far underwater to make it work another option could be HARP 3.0. HARP 3.0 is the next version of the program and is rumored to remove the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac requirement opening the program up to anyone. The great thing about HARP is there is no credit check or appraisal required making the program very similar to an FHA streamline refinance. If you are HARP eligible you might be frustrated to find your existing lender denies your application. This is because some lenders have their own program overlays, additional requirements enforced for their participation in the program. Mortgage lender participation in the Home Affordable Refinance Program is voluntary so if you receive a HARP denial keep applying. You’re bound to find a lender without program overlays to approve your application. FHA Mortgage Refinancing Is Another Option If your mortgage refinance application is denied because of your credit consider an FHA home loan. The FHA has easier standards for credit and loan-to-value ratios that could get your mortgage refinance application approved. The downside of FHA home loans is that they require mortgage insurance which can add hundreds of dollars to your monthly payments. If you’re an eligible veteran and haven’t already used your VA mortgage, what are you waiting for? The VA home loan is hands down the best mortgage product on the market today and does not require mortgage insurance. Risks of Mortgage Refinance Denial According to industry watchdogs homeowners who have their mortgage refinance application denied are more likely to face foreclosure or simply walk away from the home. If you’re struggling to make your payments and cannot qualify for any of the options or government refinance programs available contact your lender. There may be modification or payment plan options available that will help you avoid going through a foreclosure. Refinance Rate Shopping Matters One common mortgage mistake is overlooking lender fees. Many homeowners are so happy to get an approval they don’t bother questioning fees. If you pay too much at closing for things like the loan origination fee or discount points it can be difficult or even impossible to break even recouping your closing costs. If you never break even recouping your out-of-pocket expenses you’ll be losing money no matter how attractive the refinance rates. Getting your mortgage refinance application approved is only the first step when it comes to getting the best deal. Pay close attention to the fees found in section 800 of your Good Faith Estimate and make sure you’re comparing zero point quotes. Shopping for the lowest refinance rates AND fees will ensure you’re getting the maximum benefit from your new home loan. Click Here For More Details… You can learn more about paying less for mortgage refinancing by avoiding unnecessary lender fees and discount points by checking out my free Underground Mortgage Videos. - Underground Mortgage Videos
Calling all movie buffs and trivia connoisseurs! Awards season is in full swing, and although we’re rightfully obsessed with plethora of glam gowns and dapper suits, we know it’s really all about the films. While Oscar night is still a few weeks away, Brightest Young Things is kicking off the fun with an Academy Awards trivia party at Tune Inn this week. They've teamed up with National Geographic Live! to present the night's lucky winner with tickets to the Global Glimpses screenings of his or her choice (the annual Global Glimpses series showcases the nominees for Best Foreign Film in mid-February). So, even though we can’t promise you Oscar glory, we can guarantee you 15 minutes of fame (and a few hours in the theater) — if you flex those cinematic brain muscles. When: Wednesday, January 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. Where: The Tune Inn, 331 Pennsylvania Avenue SE; 202-543-2725. Photo: Courtesy of ABC/Rick Rowell
THE AMERICAN RED CROSS MISSION IN RUSSIA — 1917 Poor Mr. Billings believed he was in charge of a scientific mission for the relief of Russia .... He was in reality nothing but a mask — the Red Cross complexion of the mission was nothing but a mask. Cornelius Kelleher, assistant to William Boyce Thompson (in George F. Kennan, Russia Leaves the War) The Wall Street project in Russia in 1917 used the Red Cross Mission as its operational vehicle. Both Guaranty Trust and National City Bank had representatives in Russia at the time of the revolution. Frederick M. Corse of the National City Bank branch in Petrograd was attached to the American Red Cross Mission, of which a great deal will be said later. Guaranty Trust was represented by Henry Crosby Emery. Emery was temporarily held by the Germans in 1918 and then moved on to represent Guaranty Trust 'in China. Up to about 1915 the most influential person in the American Red Cross National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. was Miss Mabel Boardman. An active and energetic promoter, Miss Boardman had been the moving force behind the Red Cross enterprise, although its endowment came from wealthy and prominent persons including J. P. Morgan, Mrs. E. H. Harriman, Cleveland H. Dodge, and Mrs. Russell Sage. The 1910 fund-raising campaign for $2 million, for example, was successful only because it was supported by these wealthy residents of New York City. In fact, most of the money came from New York City. J.P. Morgan himself contributed $100,000 and seven other contributors in New York City amassed $300,000. Only one person outside New York City contributed over $10,000 and that was William J. Boardman, Miss Boardman's father. Henry P. Davison was chairman of the 1910 New York Fund-Raising Committee and later became chairman of the War Council of the American Red Cross. In other words, in World War I the Red Cross depended heavily on Wall Street, and specifically on the Morgan firm. The Red Cross was unable to cope with the demands of World War I and in effect was taken over by these New York bankers. According to John Foster Dulles, these businessmen "viewed the American Red Cross as a virtual arm of government, they envisaged making an incalculable contribution to the winning of the war."1 In so doing they made a mockery of the Red Cross motto: "Neutrality and Humanity." In exchange for raising funds, Wall Street asked for the Red Cross War Council; and on the recommendation of Cleveland H. Dodge, one of Woodrow Wilson's financial backers, Henry P. Davison, a partner in J.P. Morgan Company, became chairman. The list of administrators of the Red Cross then began to take on the appearance of the New York Directory of Directors: John D. Ryan, president of Anaconda Copper Company (see frontispiece); George W. Hill, president of the American Tobacco Company; Grayson M.P. Murphy, vice president of the Guaranty Trust Company; and Ivy Lee, public relations expert for the Rockefellers. Harry Hopkins, later to achieve fame under President Roosevelt, became assistant to the general manager of the Red Cross in Washington, D.C. The question of a Red Cross Mission to Russia came before the third meeting of this reconstructed War Council, which was held in the Red Cross Building, Washington, D.C., on Friday, May 29, 1917, at 11:00 A.M. Chairman Davison was deputed to explore the idea with Alexander Legge of the International Harvester Company. Subsequently International Harvester, which had considerable interests in Russia, provided $200,000 to assist financing the Russian mission. At a later meeting it was made known that William Boyce Thompson, director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, had "offered to pay the entire expense of the commission"; this offer was accepted in a telegram: "Your desire to pay expenses of commission to Russia is very much appreciated and from our point of view very important."2 The members of the mission received no pay. All expenses were paid by William Boyce Thompson and the $200,000 from International Harvester was apparently used in Russia for political subsidies. We know from the files of the U.S. embassy in Petrograd that the U.S. Red Cross gave 4,000 rubles to Prince Lvoff, president of the Council of Ministers, for "relief of revolutionists" and 10,000 rubles in two payments to Kerensky for "relief of political refugees." AMERICAN RED CROSS MISSION TO RUSSIA, 1917 In August 1917 the American Red Cross Mission to Russia had only a nominal relationship with the American Red Cross, and must truly have been the most unusual Red Cross Mission in history. All expenses, including those of the uniforms — the members were all colonels, majors, captains, or lieutenants — were paid out of the pocket of William Boyce Thompson. One contemporary observer dubbed the all-officer group an "Haytian Army": The American Red Cross delegation, about forty Colonels, Majors, Captains and Lieutenants, arrived yesterday. It is headed by Colonel (Doctor) Billings of Chicago, and includes Colonel William B. Thompson and many doctors and civilians, all with military titles; we dubbed the outfit the "Haytian Army" because there were no privates. They have come to fill no clearly defined mission, as far as I can find out, in fact Gov. Francis told me some time ago that he had urged they not be allowed to come, as there were already too many missions from the various allies in Russia. Apparently, this Commission imagined there was urgent call for doctors and nurses in Russia; as a matter of fact there is at present a surplus of medical talent and nurses, native and foreign in the country and many haft-empty hospitals in the large cities.3 The mission actually comprised only twenty-four (not forty), having military rank from lieutenant colonel down to lieutenant, and was supplemented by three orderlies, two motion-picture photographers, and two interpreters, without rank. Only five (out of twenty-four) were doctors; in addition, there were two medical researchers. The mission arrived by train in Petrograd via Siberia in August 1917. The five doctors and orderlies stayed one month, returning to the United States on September 11. Dr. Frank Billings, nominal head of the mission and professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, was reported to be disgusted with the overtly political activities of the majority of the mission. The other medical men were William S. Thayer, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University; D. J. McCarthy, Fellow of Phipps Institute for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, at Philadelphia; Henry C. Sherman, professor of food chemistry at Columbia University; C. E. A. Winslow, professor of bacteriology and hygiene at Yale Medical School; Wilbur E. Post, professor of medicine at Rush Medical College; Dr. Malcolm Grow, of the Medical Officers Reserve Corps of the U.S. Army; and Orrin Wightman, professor of clinical medicine, New York Polyclinic Hospital. George C. Whipple was listed as professor of sanitary engineering at Harvard University but in fact was partner of the New York firm of Hazen, Whipple & Fuller, engineering consultants. This is significant because Malcolm Pirnie — of whom more later — was listed as an assistant sanitary engineer and employed as an engineer by Hazen, Whipple & Fuller. The majority of the mission, as seen from the table, was made up of lawyers, financiers, and their assistants, from the New York financial district. The mission was financed by William B. Thompson, described in the official Red Cross circular as "Commissioner and Business Manager; Director United States Federal Bank of New York." Thompson brought along Cornelius Kelleher, described as an attache to the mission but actually secretary to Thompson and with the same address — 14 Wall Street, New York City. Publicity for the mission was handled by Henry S. Brown, of the same address. Thomas Day Thacher was an attorney with Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett, a firm founded by his father, Thomas Thacher, in 1884 and prominently involved in railroad reorganization and mergers. Thomas as junior first worked for the family firm, became assistant U.S. attorney under Henry L. Stimson, and returned to the family firm in 1909. The young Thacher was a close friend of Felix Frankfurter and later became assistant to Raymond Robins, also on the Red Cross Mission. In 1925 he was appointed district judge under President Coolidge, became solicitor general under Herbert Hoover, and was a director of the William Boyce Thompson Institute. THE 1917 AMERICAN RED CROSS MISSION TO RUSSIA Members from Wall Street financial community and their affiliations Andrews (Liggett & Myers Tobacco) Billings (doctor) Brooks (orderly) Barr (Chase National Bank) Grow (doctor) Clark (orderly) Brown (c/o William B. Thompson) McCarthy (medical research; doctor) Rocchia (orderly) Cochran (McCann Co.) Post (doctor) Kelleher (c/o William B. Thompson) Sherman (food chemistry) Travis (movies) Nicholson (Swirl & Co.) Thayer (doctor) Wyckoff (movies) Pirnie (Hazen, Whipple & Fuller) Redfield (Stetson, Jennings & Russell) Wightman (medicine) Hardy (justice) Robins (mining promoter) Winslow (hygiene) Horn (transportation) Swift (Swift & Co.) Thacher (Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett) Thompson (Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y.) Wardwell (Stetson, Jennings & Russell) Whipple (Hazen, Whipple & Fuller) Corse (National City Bank) Magnuson (recommended by confidential agent of Colonel Thompson) Alan Wardwell, also a deputy commissioner and secretary to the chairman, was a lawyer with the law firm of Stetson, Jennings & Russell of 15 Broad Street, New York City, and H. B. Redfield was law secretary to Wardwell. Major Wardwell was the son of William Thomas Wardwell, long-time treasurer of Standard Oil of New Jersey and Standard Oil of New York. The elder Wardwell was one of the signers of the famous Standard Oil trust agreement, a member of the committee to organize Red Cross activities in the Spanish American War, and a director of the Greenwich Savings Bank. His son Alan was a director not only of Greenwich Savings, but also of Bank of New York and Trust Co. and the Georgian Manganese Company (along with W. Averell Harriman, a director of Guaranty Trust). In 1917 Alan Wardwell was affiliated with Stetson, Jennings 8c Russell and later joined Davis, Polk, Wardwell, Gardner & Read (Frank L. Polk was acting secretary of state during the Bolshevik Revolution period). The Senate Overman Committee noted that Wardwell was favorable to the Soviet regime although Poole, the State Department official on the spot, noted that "Major Wardwell has of all Americans the widest personal knowledge of the terror" (316-23-1449). In the 1920s Wardwell became active with the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce in promoting Soviet trade objectives. The treasurer of the mission was James W. Andrews, auditor of Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company of St. Louis. Robert I. Barr, another member, was listed as a deputy commissioner; he was a vice president of Chase Securities Company (120 Broadway) and of the Chase National Bank. Listed as being in charge of advertising was William Cochran of 61 Broadway, New York City. Raymond Robins, a mining promoter, was included as a deputy commissioner and described as "a social economist." Finally, the mission included two members of Swift & Company of Union Stockyards, Chicago. The Swifts have been previously mentioned as being connected with German espionage in the United States during World War I. Harold H. Swift, deputy commissioner, was assistant to the vice president of Swift & Company; William G. Nicholson was also with Swift & Company, Union Stockyards. Two persons were unofficially added to the mission after it arrived in Petrograd: Frederick M. Corse, representative of the National City Bank in Petrograd; and Herbert A. Magnuson, who was "very highly recommended by John W. Finch, the confidential agent in China of Colonel William B. Thompson."4 The Pirnie papers, deposited at the Hoover Institution, contain primary material on the mission. Malcolm Pirnie was an engineer employed by the firm of Hazen, Whipple & Fuller, consulting engineers, of 42 Street, New York City. Pirnie was a member of the mission, listed on a manifest as an assistant sanitary engineer. George C. Whipple, a partner in the firm, was also included in the group. The Pirnie papers include an original telegram from William B. Thompson, inviting assistant sanitary engineer Pirnie to meet with him and Henry P. Davison, chairman of the Red Cross War Council and partner in the J.P. Morgan firm, before leaving for Russia. The telegram reads as follows: WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM New York, June 21, 1917 To Malcolm Pirnie I should very much like to have you dine with me at the Metropolitan Club, Sixteenth Street and Fifth Avenue New York City at eight o'clock tomorrow Friday evening to meet Mr. H. P. Davison. W. B. Thompson, 14 Wall Street The files do not elucidate why Morgan partner Davison and Thompson, director of the Federal Reserve Bank — two of the most prominent financial men in New York — wished to have dinner with an assistant sanitary engineer about to leave for Russia. Neither do the files explain why Davison was subsequently unable to meet Dr. Billings and the commission itself, nor why it was necessary to advise Pirnie of his inability to do so. But we may surmise that the official cover of the mission — Red Cross activities — was of significantly less interest than the Thompson-Pirnie activities, whatever they may have been. We do know that Davison wrote to Dr. Billings on June 25, 1917: Dear Doctor Billings: It is a disappointment to me and to my associates on the War Council not have been able to meet in a body the members of your Commission .... A copy of this letter was also mailed to assistant sanitary engineer Pirnie with a personal letter from Morgan banker Henry P. Davison, which read: My dear Mr. Pirnie: You will, I am sure, entirely understand the reason for the letter to Dr. Billings, copy of which is enclosed, and accept it in the spirit in which it is sent .... The purpose of Davison's letter to Dr. Billings was to apologize to the commission and Billings for being unable to meet with them. We may then be justified in supposing that some deeper arrangements were made by Davison and Pirnie concerning the activities of the mission in Russia and that these arrangements were known to Thompson. The probable nature of these activities will be described later.5 The American Red Cross Mission (or perhaps we should call it the Wall Street Mission to Russia) also employed three Russian-English interpreters: Captain Ilovaisky, a Russian Bolshevik; Boris Reinstein, a Russian-American, later secretary to Lenin, and the head of Karl Radek's Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda, which also employed John Reed and Albert Rhys Williams; and Alexander Gumberg (alias Berg, real name Michael Gruzenberg), who was a brother of Zorin, a Bolshevik minister. Gumberg was also the chief Bolshevik agent in Scandinavia. He later became a confidential assistant to Floyd Odlum of Atlas Corporation in the United States as well as an adviser to Reeve Schley, a vice president of the Chase Bank. It should be asked in passing: How useful were the translations supplied by these interpreters? On September 13, 1918, H. A. Doolittle, American vice consul at Stockholm, reported to the secretary of state on a conversation with Captain Ilovaisky (who was a "close personal friend" of Colonel Robins of the Red Cross Mission) concerning a meeting of the Murman Soviet and the Allies. The question of inviting the Allies to land at Murman was under discussion at the Soviet, with Major Thacher of the Red Cross Mission acting for the Allies. Ilovaisky interpreted Thacher's views for the Soviet. "Ilovaisky spoke at some length in Russian, supposedly translating for Thacher, but in reality for Trotsky .... "to the effect that "the United States would never permit such a landing to occur and urging the speedy recognition of the Soviets and their politics."6 Apparently Thacher suspected he was being mistranslated and expressed his indignation. However, "Ilovaisky immediately telegraphed the substance to Bolshevik headquarters and through their press bureau had it appear in all the papers as emanating from the remarks of Major Thacher and as the general opinion of all truly accredited American representatives."7 Ilovaisky recounted to Maddin Summers, U.S. consul general in Moscow, several instances where he (Ilovaisky) and Raymond Robins of the Red Cross Mission had manipulated the Bolshevik press, especially "in regard to the recall of the Ambassador, Mr. Francis." He admitted that they had not been scrupulous, "but had acted according to their ideas of right, regardless of how they might have conflicted with the politics of the accredited American representatives."8 This then was the American Red Cross Mission to Russia in 1917. AMERICAN RED CROSS MISSION TO RUMANIA In 1917 the American Red Cross also sent a medical assistance mission to Rumania, then fighting the Central Powers as an ally of Russia. A comparison of the American Red Cross Mission to Russia with that sent to Rumania suggests that the Red Cross Mission based in Petrograd had very little official connection with the Red Cross and even less connection with medical assistance. Whereas the Red Cross Mission to Rumania valiantly upheld the Red Cross twin principles of "humanity" and "neutrality," the Red Cross Mission in Petrograd flagrantly abused both. The American Red Cross Mission to Rumania left the United States in July 1917 and located itself at Jassy. The mission consisted of thirty persons under Chairman Henry W. Anderson, a lawyer from Virginia. Of the thirty, sixteen were either doctors or surgeons. By comparison, out of twenty-nine individuals with the Red Cross Mission to Russia, only three were doctors, although another four members were from universities and specialized in medically related fields. At the most, seven could be classified as doctors with the mission to Russia compared with sixteen with the mission to Rumania. There was about the same number of orderlies and nurses with both missions. The significant comparison, however, is that the Rumanian mission had only two lawyers, one treasurer, and one engineer. The Russian mission had fifteen lawyers and businessmen. None of the Rumanian mission lawyers or doctors came from anywhere near the New York area but all, except one (an "observer" from the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.), of the lawyers and businessmen with the Russian mission came from that area. Which is to say that more than half the total of the Russian mission came from the New York financial district. In other words, the relative composition of these missions confirms that the mission to Rumania had a legitimate purpose — to practice medicine — while the Russian mission had a non-medical and strictly political objective. From its personnel, it could be classified as a commercial or financial mission, but from its actions it was a subversive political action group. PERSONNEL WITH THE AMERICAN RED CROSS MISSIONS TO RUSSIA AND RUMANIA, 1917 AMERICAN RED CROSS Personnel Russia Rumania Medical (doctors and surgeons) 7 16 Orderlies, nurses 7 10 Lawyers and businessmen 15 4 TOTAL 29 30 SOURCES: American Red Cross, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of State, Petrograd embassy, Red Cross file, 1917. The Red Cross Mission to Rumania remained at its post in Jassy for the remainder of 1917 and into 1918. The medical staff of the American Red Cross Mission in Russia — the seven doctors — quit in disgust in August 1917, protested the political activities of Colonel Thompson, and returned to the United States. Consequently, in September 1917, when the Rumanian mission appealed to Petrograd for American doctors and nurses to help out in the near crisis conditions in Jassy, there were no American doctors or nurses in Russia available to go to Rumania. Whereas the bulk of the mission in Russia occupied its time in internal political maneuvering, the mission in Rumania threw itself into relief work as soon as it arrived. On September 17, 1917, a confidential cable from Henry W. Anderson, chairman of the Rumania mission, to the American ambassador Francis in Petrograd requested immediate and urgent help in the form of $5 million to meet an impending catastrophe in Rumania. Then followed a series of letters, cables, and communications from Anderson to Francis appealing, unsuccessfully, for help. On September 28, 1917, Vopicka, American minister in Rumania, cabled Francis at length, for relay to Washington, and repeated Anderson's analysis of the Rumanian crisis and the danger of epidemics — and worse — as winter closed in: Considerable money and heroic measures required prevent far reaching disaster .... Useless try handle situation without someone with authority and access to government . . . With proper organization to look after transport receive and distribute supplies. The hands of Vopicka and Anderson were tied as all Rumanian supplies and financial transactions were handled by the Red Cross Mission in Petrograd — and Thompson and his staff of fifteen Wall Street lawyers and businessmen apparently had matters of greater concern that Rumanian Red Cross affairs. There is no indication in the Petrograd embassy files at the U.S. State Department that Thompson, Robins, or Thacher concerned himself at any time in 1917 or 1918 with the urgent situation in Rumania. Communications from Rumania went to Ambassador Francis or to one of his embassy staff, and occasionally through the consulate in Moscow. By October 1917 the Rumanian situation reached the crisis point. Vopicka cabled Davison in New York (via Petrograd) on October 5: Most urgent problem here .... Disastrous effect feared .... Could you possibly arrange special shipment .... Must rush or too late. Then on November 5 Anderson cabled the Petrograd embassy saying that delays in sending help had already "cost several thousand lives." On November 13 Anderson cabled Ambassador Francis concerning Thompson's lack of interest in Rumanian conditions: Requested Thompson furnish details all shipments as received but have not obtained same .... Also requested him keep me posted as to transport conditions but received very little information. Anderson then requested that Ambassador Francis intercede on his behalf in order to have funds for the Rumanian Red Cross handled in a separate account in London, directly under Anderson and removed from the control of Thompson's mission. THOMPSON IN KERENSKY'S RUSSIA What then was the Red Cross Mission doing? Thompson certainly acquired a reputation for opulent living in Petrograd, but apparently he undertook only two major projects in Kerensky's Russia: support for an American propaganda program and support for the Russian Liberty Loan. Soon after arriving in Russia Thompson met with Madame Breshko-Breshkovskaya and David Soskice, Kerensky's secretary, and agreed to contribute $2 million to a committee of popular education so that it could "have its own press and... engage a staff of lecturers, with cinematograph illustrations" (861.00/ 1032); this was for the propaganda purpose of urging Russia to continue in the war against Germany. According to Soskice, "a packet of 50,000 rubles" was given to Breshko-Breshkovskaya with the statement, "This is for you to expend according to your best judgment." A further 2,100,000 rubles was deposited into a current bank account. A letter from J. P. Morgan to the State Department (861.51/190) confirms that Morgan cabled 425,000 rubles to Thompson at his request for the Russian Liberty Loan; J. P. also conveyed the interest of the Morgan firm regarding "the wisdom of making an individual subscription through Mr. Thompson" to the Russian Liberty Loan. These sums were transmitted through the National City Bank branch in Petrograd. THOMPSON GIVES THE BOLSHEVIKS $1 MILLION Of greater historical significance, however, was the assistance given to the Bolsheviks first by Thompson, then, after December 4, 1917, by Raymond Robins. Thompson's contribution to the Bolshevik cause was recorded in the contemporary American press. The Washington Post of February 2, 1918, carried the following paragraphs: GIVES BOLSHEVIKI A MILLION W. B. Thompson, Red Cross Donor, Believes Party Misrepresented. New York, Feb. 2 (1918). William B. Thompson, who was in Petrograd from July until November last, has made a personal contribution of $1,000,000 to the Bolsheviki for the purpose of spreading their doctrine in Germany and Austria. Mr. Thompson had an opportunity to study Russian conditions as head of the American Red Cross Mission, expenses of which also were largely defrayed by his personal contributions. He believes that the Bolsheviki constitute the greatest power against Pro-Germanism in Russia and that their propaganda has been undermining the militarist regimes of the General Empires. Mr. Thompson deprecates American criticism of the Bolsheviki. He believes they have been misrepresented and has made the financial contribution to the cause in the belief that it will be money well spent for the future of Russia as well as for the Allied cause. Hermann Hagedorn's biography The Magnate: William Boyce Thompson and His Time (1869-1930) reproduces a photograph of a cablegram from J.P. Morgan in New York to W. B. Thompson, "Care American Red Cross, Hotel Europe, Petrograd." The cable is date-stamped, showing it was received at Petrograd "8-Dek 1917" (8 December 1917), and reads: New York Y757/5 24W5 Nil — Your cable second received. We have paid National City Bank one million dollars as instructed — Morgan. The National City Bank branch in Petrograd had been exempted from the Bolshevik nationalization decree — the only foreign or domestic Russian bank to have been so exempted. Hagedorn says that this million dollars paid into Thompson's NCB account was used for "political purposes." SOCIALIST MINING PROMOTER RAYMOND ROBINS9 William B. Thompson left Russia in early December 1917 to return home. He traveled via London, where, in company with Thomas Lamont of the J.P. Morgan firm, he visited Prime Minister Lloyd George, an episode we pick up in the next chapter. His deputy, Raymond Robins, was left in charge of the Red Cross Mission to Russia. The general impression that Colonel Robins presented in the subsequent months was not overlooked by the press. In the words of the Russian newspaper Russkoe Slovo, Robins "on the one hand represents American labor and on the other hand American capital, which is endeavoring through the Soviets to gain their Russian markets."10 Raymond Robins started life as the manager of a Florida phosphate company commissary. From this base he developed a kaolin deposit, then prospected Texas and the Indian territories in the late nineteenth century. Moving north to Alaska, Robins made a fortune in the Klondike gold rush. Then, for no observable reason, he switched to socialism and the reform movement. By 1912 he was an active member of Roosevelt's Progressive Party. He joined the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia as a "social economist." There is considerable evidence, including Robins' own statements, that his reformist social-good appeals were little more than covers for the acquisition of further power and wealth, reminiscent of Frederick Howe's suggestions in Confessions of a Monopolist. For example, in February 1918 Arthur Bullard was in Petrograd with the U.S. Committee on Public Information and engaged in writing a long memorandum for Colonel Edward House. This memorandum was given to Robins by Bullard for comments and criticism before transmission to House in Washington, D.C. Robins' very unsocialistic and imperialistic comments were to the effect that the manuscript was "uncommonly discriminating, far-seeing and well done," but that he had one or two reservations — in particular, that recognition of the Bolsheviks was long overdue, that it should have been effected immediately, and that had the U.S. so recognized the Bolsheviks, "I believe that we would now be in control of the surplus resources of Russia and have control officers at all points on the frontier."11 This desire to gain "control of the surplus resources of Russia" was also obvious to Russians. Does this sound like a social reformer in the American Red Cross or a Wall Street mining promoter engaged in the practical exercise of imperialism? In any event, Robins made no bones about his support for the Bolshevists.12 Barely three weeks after the Bolshevik phase of the Revolution started, Robins cabled Henry Davison at Red Cross headquarters: "Please urge upon the President the necessity of our continued intercourse with the Bolshevik Government." Interestingly, this cable was in reply to a cable instructing Robins that the "President desires the withholding of direct communications by representatives of the United States with the Bolshevik Government."13 Several State Department reports complained about the partisan nature of Robins' activities. For example, on March 27, 1919, Harris, the American consul at Vladivostok, commented on a long conversation he had had with Robins and protested gross inaccuracies in the latter's reporting. Harris wrote, "Robins stated to me that no German and Austrian prisoners of war had joined the Bolshevik army up to May 1918. Robbins knew this statement was absolutely false." Harris then proceeded to provide the details of evidence available to Robins.14 Limit of Area Controlled by Bolsheviks, January 1918 Harris concluded, "Robbins deliberately misstated facts concerning Russia at that time and he has been doing it ever since." On returning to the United States in 1918, Robins continued his efforts in behalf of the Bolsheviks. When the files of the Soviet Bureau were seized by the Lusk Committee, it was found that Robins had had "considerable correspondence" with Ludwig Martens and other members of the bureau. One of the more interesting documents seized was a letter from Santeri Nuorteva (alias Alexander Nyberg), the first Soviet representative in the U.S., to "Comrade Cahan," editor of the New York Daily Forward. The letter called on the party faithful to prepare the way for Raymond Robins: (To Daily) FORWARD July 6, 1918 Dear Comrade Cahan: It is of the utmost importance that the Socialist press set up a clamor immediately that Col. Raymond Robins, who has just returned from Russia at the head of the Red Cross Mission, should be heard from in a public report to the American people. The armed intervention danger has greatly increased. The reactionists are using the Czecho-Slovak adventure to bring about invasion. Robins has all the facts about this and about the situation in Russia generally. He takes our point of view. I am enclosing copy of Call editorial which shows a general line of argument, also some facts about Czecho-Slovaks. PS&AU Santeri Nuorteva THE INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS AND REVOLUTION Unknown to its administrators, the Red Cross has been used from time to time as a vehicle or cover for revolutionary activities. The use of Red Cross markings for unauthorized purposes is not uncommon. When Tsar Nicholas was moved from Petrograd to Tobolsk allegedly for his safety (although this direction was towards danger rather than safety), the train carried Japanese Red Cross placards. The State Department files contain examples of revolutionary activity under cover of Red Cross activities. For example, a Russian Red Cross official (Chelgajnov) was arrested in Holland in 1919 for revolutionary acts (316-21-107). During the Hungarian Bolshevik revolution in 1918, led by Bela Kun, Russian members of the Red Cross (or revolutionaries operating as members of the Russian Red Cross) were found in Vienna and Budapest. In 1919 the U.S. ambassador in London cabled Washington startling news; through the British government he had learned that "several Americans who had arrived in this country in the uniform of the Red Cross and who stated that they were Bolsheviks . . . were proceeding through France to Switzerland to spread Bolshevik propaganda." The ambassador noted that about 400 American Red Cross people had arrived in London in November and December 1918; of that number one quarter returned to the United States and "the remainder insisted on proceeding to France." There was a later report on January 15, 1918, to the effect that an editor of a labor newspaper in London had been approached on three different occasions by three different American Red Cross officials who offered to take commissions to Bolsheviks in Germany. The editor had suggested to the U.S. embassy that it watch American Red Cross personnel. The U.S. State Department took these reports seriously and Polk cabled for names, stating, "If true, I consider it of the greatest importance" (861.00/3602 and /3627). To summarize: the picture we form of the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia is remote from one of neutral humanitarianism. The mission was in fact a mission of Wall Street financiers to influence and pave the way for control, through either Kerensky or the Bolshevik revolutionaries, of the Russian market and resources. No other explanation will explain the actions of the mission. However, neither Thompson nor Robins was a Bolshevik. Nor was either even a consistent socialist. The writer is inclined to the interpretation that the socialist appeals of each man were covers for more prosaic objectives. Each man was intent upon the commercial; that is, each sought to use the political process in Russia for personal financial ends. Whether the Russian people wanted the Bolsheviks was of no concern. Whether the Bolshevik regime would act against the United States — as it consistently did later — was of no concern. The single overwhelming objective was to gain political and economic influence with the new regime, whatever its ideology. If William Boyce Thompson had acted alone, then his directorship of the Federal Reserve Bank would be inconsequential. However, the fact that his mission was dominated by representatives of Wall Street institutions raises a serious question — in effect, whether the mission was a planned, premeditated operation by a Wall Street syndicate. This the reader will have to judge for himself, as the rest of the story unfolds. 1John Foster Dulles, American Red Cross (New York: Harper, 1950). 2Minutes of the War Council of the American National Red Cross (Washington, D.C., May 1917) 3Gibbs Diary, August 9, 1917. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 4 Billings report to Henry P. Davison, October 22, 1917, American Red Cross Archives. 5The Pirnie papers also enable us to fix exactly the dates that members of the mission left Russia. In the case of William B. Thompson, this date is critical to the argument of this book: Thompson left Petrograd for London on December 4, 1917. George F. Kennan states Thompson left Petrograd on November 27, 1917 (Russia Leaves the War, p. 1140). 6U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 861.00/3644. 9Robins is the correct spelling. The name is consistently spelled "Robbins" in the Stale Department files. 10U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 316-11-1265, March 19, 1918. 11Bullard ms., U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 316-11-1265. 12The New World Review (fall 1967, p. 40) comments on Robins, noting that he was "in sympathy with the aims of the Revolution, although a capitalist " 13Petrograd embassy, Red Cross file. 14U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 861.00/4168.
Kiumars Farbakhsh v. Immigration and Naturalization Service |Publisher||United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit| |Publication Date||4 April 1994| |Citation / Document Symbol||20 F.3d 877| |Cite as||Kiumars Farbakhsh v. Immigration and Naturalization Service, 20 F.3d 877, United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, 4 April 1994, available at: http://www.refworld.org/docid/3ae6b6aa4.html [accessed 22 May 2013]| |Comments||Submitted: 11 October, 1993; Filed: 4 April, 1994| |Disclaimer||This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.| Kiumars Farbakhsh, Petitioner, v. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Respondent. No. 93-1176 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT 20 F.3d 877 October 11, 1993, Submitted April 4, 1994, Filed Prior History:Petition for Review of an Order of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. No. A28-384-574. Counsel:Counsel who presented argument on behalf of the appellant was Carol Merlin, Minneapolis, MN. Counsel who presented argument on behalf of the appellee was David V. Bernal, Washington, D.C. Judges:Before McMILLIAN, Circuit Judge, LAY, Senior Circuit Judge, and BOWMAN, Circuit Judge. Opinion:McMILLIAN, Circuit Judge. Kiumars Farbakhsh seeks review of an order of the Board of Immigration Appeals denying his application for asylum pursuant to § 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (hereinafter INA or the Act), 8 U.S.C. § 1158 (1988). Matter of Farbakhsh, No. A28-384-574 (BIA Nov. 18, 1992). For reversal, petitioner argues the Board abused its discretion in failing to apply the proper standard of law in determining whether he had firmly resettled in Spain prior to seeking asylum in the United States and in requiring him to demonstrate compelling equities in favor of asylum. For the reasons discussed below, we deny the petition for review. Petitioner is a native and citizen of Iran. He unlawfully entered the United States from Canada in March 1987. He was arrested and deportation proceedings were begun. At the deportation hearing petitioner filed an application for asylum and for withholding of deportation on the grounds that he would be persecuted because of his political activities if he returned to Iran. During the mid-1970s, while a university student, petitioner joined a student organization that was critical of the government. The student organization published a political newspaper, organized demonstrations, and distributed leaflets critical of the government. Petitioner graduated from the university in 1979 and enlisted in the army. He served in the army until 1981 and while he was in the army he actively supported the student organization. In 1980 petitioner was arrested for posting a notice critical of the government. He was beaten up while in detention and was eventually released only after his family sought the assistance of a local mullah. Petitioner continued to participate in political activities critical of the government. He was arrested several times. In May 1982 he and several friends were arrested and detained for several days; petitioner was severely beaten and terrorized with a "mock" execution staged by revolutionary guards. Once again petitioner's family arranged his release through a local mullah. After his release, petitioner went into hiding. He feared that he would be arrested and killed by government officials. In September 1982 petitioner escaped to Turkey with the help of Kurdish smugglers. After his escape, his parents' home was searched and his younger brother was arrested and questioned. Petitioner stayed in Turkey for about four weeks. He then went to Italy and stayed there for several days. He then went to Spain because Spain did not require a visa for Iranian nationals. In Spain he contacted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and was referred by that office to Spanish authorities. Petitioner then left Spain for Portugal and stayed in Portugal for several months. In 1983, petitioner returned to Spain and, with the assistance of an attorney, he filed an application for refugee status in Spain. Petitioner did not have official permission to work or study in Spain and received financial support from his parents. At that time petitioner's younger brother had also escaped from Iran and had applied for refugee status in Spain, and petitioner's younger sister was attending medical school in Spain. Petitioner lived in Spain for almost four years. In 1987 he decided to leave Spain and join his older sister who was living in the United States. Petitioner did not believe that he would be able to find a job in Spain once he was granted refugee status and he no longer wanted to depend upon his family for financial support. Petitioner obtained a false British passport and entered Canada in February 1987, where he turned in the false passport. Canada granted him temporary resident status and one year to apply for asylum. About a month later, in March 1987, petitioner unlawfully entered the United States. At that time his older sister and her husband were students living in the United States and his parents were visiting them. In October 1987 the immigration judge found that petitioner failed to show that it was more likely than not that he would be persecuted in Iran and denied his application for withholding of deportation. The immigration judge granted petitioner's alternate application for voluntary departure. The immigration judge also denied petitioner's application for asylum because petitioner had "firmly resettled" in Spain and was no longer fleeing persecution when he entered the United States and because he wanted to come to the United States for economic reasons. Petitioner appealed the decision of the immigration judge to the Board. In November 1992 the Board reversed in part and affirmed in part. The Board held that petitioner had established a "clear probability" of persecution to warrant withholding of deportation and reversed that part of the decision of the immigration judge. The Board further held, however, that the immigration judge had not abused his discretion in denying the application for asylum because petitioner had "firmly resettled" in Spain and had not been in danger of being returned to Iran while he was in Spain. The Board noted that a finding of "firm resettlement" in a third country does not make an alien ineligible for asylum, but that it is one factor to be considered in determining whether to grant asylum. The Board concluded that petitioner had failed to show any compelling equities in favor of asylum. The Board noted that petitioner had passed through three countries without applying for asylum before arriving in the United States, his younger brother and younger sister lived in Spain, and petitioner had economic reasons for coming to the United States. The Board also noted that, although petitioner had stated that one of the reasons he wanted to come to the United States was to be reunited with members of his family, the family members living in the United States were not lawful permanent residents. This appeal followed. For reversal, petitioner argues the Board abused its discretion in denying his application for asylum. He argues the Board failed to apply the proper standard of law in determining whether he had firmly resettled in Spain prior to seeking asylum in the United States and in requiring him to demonstrate compelling equities in favor of asylum. He specifically argues that the fact that he lived in Spain for several years is not sufficient to establish his "firm resettlement" there because his application for refugee status was pending and he had not been granted permission to work or attend school in Spain. We have jurisdiction over the petition for review pursuant to § 106 of the Act, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1105a (West Supp. 1993). In order to establish eligibility for asylum under § 208 of the Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1158, petitioner had to demonstrate that he was a "refugee" as defined in § 101(a)(42)(A) of the Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(A), that is, that he was unwilling or unable to return to his country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of political opinion. In the present case, the Board determined that petitioner had demonstrated a "clear probability of persecution" in order to warrant withholding of deportation. The "clear probability of persecution" standard for withholding of deportation is higher than the "well-founded fear of persecution" standard required for refugee status. See, e.g., INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca, 480 U.S. 421, 445-50, 94 L. Ed. 2d 434, 107 S. Ct. 1207 (1986). Thus, petitioner established refugee status and eligibility for asylum. However, statutory eligibility for asylum does not necessarily mean that petitioner should have been granted asylum. Id. at 441. The decision to grant asylum is a matter committed to the discretion of the Attorney General. 8 U.S.C. § 1158(a). The applicant has the burden of production and persuasion in any application for asylum. E.g., Matter of Soleimani, Interim Decision No. 3118, 1989 WL 331872, at * 3 (BIA 1989). In that case the Board decided that 8 C.F.R. § 208.8(f)(1)(ii) (1988) (in effect until September 30, 1990), which required district directors to deny asylum to aliens who are firmly resettled in a third country, did not bar immigration judges or the Board in deportation proceedings from granting asylum to aliens deemed to have been firmly resettled. 1989 WL 331872, at * 5. Firm resettlement is a factor to be considered in determining whether asylum should be granted as a matter of discretion. Id. at * 4, citing Matter of Pula, 19 I. & N. Dec. 467, 473-74 (BIA 1987). However, a finding of firm resettlement will normally preclude a grant of asylum as a matter of discretion unless the applicant can demonstrate compelling, countervailing equities in favor of asylum. Matter of Soleimani, 1989 WL 331872, at * 6. An alien will not be found to be firmly resettled in a third country if it is shown that his [or her] physical presence in the United States is a consequence of his [or her] flight in search of refuge, and that his [or her] physical presence is reasonably proximate to the flight and not one following a flight remote in point of time or interrupted by an intervening residence in a third country reasonably constituting a termination of the original flight in search of refuge. The question of resettlement is not always limited solely to the inquiry of how much time has elapsed between the alien's flight and the asylum application. Other factors germane to the question of whether the alien is firmly resettled include family ties, intent, business or property connections, and other matters. Id. at * 7 (citations omitted). At issue in the present case is whether petitioner's intervening residence in Spain reasonably constituted a termination of his original flight from Iran in search of refuge. "An alien is deemed to be 'firmly resettled' if he [or she] has been offered permanent resettlement by another country as a consequence of his [or her] flight from persecution, unless it is established that the conditions of his [or her] residence in that country have been substantially and consciously restricted by the authorities of that country." Id. at * 6, citing 8 C.F.R. § 208.14 (1988) (effective until Sept. 30, 1990). Petitioner argues the conditions of his residence in Spain were too restricted to be consistent with firm resettlement. Petitioner notes that his application for refugee status had been pending for more than three years and, because he had not been granted official permission to work or attend school or government benefits, he had had to depend upon his family for financial support. We hold the record supports the Board's finding that petitioner had firmly resettled in Spain. Petitioner had lived more than four years in Spain without fear of being returned to Iran; he initially intended to remain in Spain because he filed an application for refugee status there; his application for refugee status was pending; his younger brother and younger sister were living in Spain. Moreover, petitioner's travels do not suggest that his arrival in the United States in 1987 was reasonably proximate to his flight from persecution in Iran in 1982. In other words, petitioner's stay in Spain was not a stopover en route to refuge in the United States. Compare Matter of Soleimani, 1989 WL 331872, at * 7 (10-month stay in Israel not considered firm resettlement; alien, who had been ill and had been hospitalized, stayed with her grandmother while recuperating and studied Hebrew). We also hold that the Board did not abuse its discretion in denying petitioner's application for asylum. Petitioner passed through several countries (Turkey, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Canada) en route to the United States; in Spain and Canada orderly refugee procedures were in fact available to him. He had applied for refugee status in Spain, and Canada had granted him temporary resident status and one year to apply for asylum. Although petitioner did not have official permission to work or study while he was living in Spain, he was financially supported by his family. He also had personal ties to Spain because his younger brother and younger sister were living in Spain. In addition, petitioner circumvented orderly refugee procedures by using a forged British passport and by entering the United States without inspection. Finally, petitioner failed to demonstrate any compelling, countervailing equities in favor of asylum. He is in good health and neither very young or elderly, and his stated reason for coming to the United States was economic. We note that the Board found that petitioner had proven a "clear probability of persecution" in Iran. In this regard, the Board reversed the immigration judge and ordered that petitioner not be deported to Iran. In affirming the Board, we uphold the Board's order that in accordance with § 243(h) of the Act, that petitioner shall not be deported to Iran. We further approve the Board's order that petitioner be allowed to depart from the United States voluntarily within thirty days from the date of our mandate or any other extension beyond that time as may be granted by the district director. In the event that petitioner does not voluntarily depart, we then hold that petitioner shall be deported in accordance with the provisions of § 243(a) of the Act. On this basis, the petition for review is denied and the decision of the Board is affirmed. The Immigration and Nationality Act was amended by the Immigration Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101-649, 104 Stat. 4978; however, the 1990 Act is not retroactive and does not apply to petitioner because he received his notice of deportation proceedings before March 1, 1991. The current regulations require a mandatory denial of asylum to aliens who are firmly resettled. 8 C.F.R. § 202.14 (1993) (effective Oct. 1, 1990). The Board found that the current regulations did not apply to petitioner's application for asylum which was filed before October 1, 1990. Administrative record at 8 n.5. Factors to be considered in determining whether to grant asylum include whether the alien passed through any other countries or arrived in the United States directly; whether orderly refugee procedures were in fact available to help the alien in any country he or she passed through; whether the alien made any attempts to seek asylum before coming to the United States; the length of time the alien remained in the third country; the living conditions, safety and potential for long-term residency in the third country; relatives legally living in or other personal ties to the United States; ties to any other countries where alien does not fear persecution; whether the alien engaged in fraud to circumvent orderly refugee procedures and the seriousness of the fraud (for example, fleeing with fraudulent documents is not considered as serious as entering the United States under the assumed identity of a United States citizen with a United States passport, especially if the passport was fraudulently obtained from the United States); and, finally, general humanitarian considerations such as the alien's age and health. Matter of Pula, 19 I. & N. Dec. 467, 473-74 (BIA 1987).
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Nearly four out of five homebuyers and sellers enlist in the help of a real estate professional or broker.Whether you’re looking to buy a new home or sell the one you’re in, choosing a professional who best fits your needs is vital. Selecting a Real Estate Agent In Real Estate, a Short Sale - What is it? A Short Sale is when a lender agrees to receive less than the original amount owed on the property, via negotiations, to be able to release the lien. The Short Sale Process The first step is to find out if a short sale is an available option for you. Then the property is put into the market, and after receiving an offer, the Hardship Package is given to the lender. If the lender approves the short sale, the file moves to closing The Seller's Benefits, The Buyer's Benefits The homeowner can eliminate their mortgage debts without financing repairs for the purpose of the selling the property The lender pays for commissions and closing costs. The seller’s credit report is not negatively affected by a foreclosure Bankruptcy can be prevented. The homeowner can stay on the property until the procedure is finished. Buyers can buy property that has a below-market price. Also, the short sale properties are usually in better shape than foreclosure properties (don’t need as many repairs). Work with a Real Estate Agent, Broker A short sale has the potential to become very complicated. As a real estate agent, I am very persistent and patient with the short sale, using my abundant amount of experience to make the process as smooth as possible. There is no cost for professional representation! The lender covers the costs of the real estate commission. Make sure a qualified real estate professional is representing you! FORECLOSURE VS. SHORT SALE Current or Future Employment Foreclosure; Employers have the right and are actively checking the credit regularly of all employees who are in sensitive positions. A foreclosure in many cases is ground for immediate reassignment or termination. Many employers are requiring credit checks on all job applicants. A foreclosure is one of the most detrimental credit items an applicant can have and in most cases will challenge employment. Short sale: A short sale is not reported on a credit report and is therefore not a challenge to employment. Foreclosure: In 100% of foreclosure (except in those states where there is no deficiency) the bank has the right to pursue a deficiency judgment. Short sale: In some successful short sales it is possible to convince the lender to give up the right to pursue a deficiency judgment against the homeowner. Deficiency Judgment (amount) Foreclosure: In a foreclosure the home will have to go through an REO process if it does not sell at auction. In most cases this will result in a lower sales price and longer time to sell in a declining market. This will result in a higher possible deficiency judgment. Short sale: In a property managed short sale the home is sold at a price that should be close to market value and in almost all cases will be better than an REO sale resulting in a lower deficiency. Future Loan with any Mortgage Company Foreclosure: On any future 1003 application, a prospective borrower will have to answer YES to question C in Section 7 of the standard 1003 that asks "Have you had property foreclosed upon or given title or deed in lieu thereof in the last 7 years?" this will affect future rates Short sale: There is no similar declaration or question regarding a short sale. Foreclosure: Your score may be lowered anywhere from 250 to over 300 points, typically affecting your score for over 3 years. Successful short sale: Only late payments on mortgage will show and after sale mortgage will be reported as paid or negotiated. This will lower the score as little as 50 points if all other payments are being made. A short sale's effect can be a brief as 12 to 18 months. Foreclosure: Foreclosure will remain as a public record on a person's credit history for 10 years or more. Successful short sale is not reported on credit history. There is no specific reporting item for 'short sale'. The loan is typically reported 'paid in full, settled, paid as agreed'. REO - definition of REO - Real Estate Owned. Property which is in the possession of a lender as a result of foreclosure or forfeiture. Foreclosure - definition of foreclosure - The legal process by which a mortgaged property may be sold when a mortgage is in default. Definition: BPOs are often associated with foreclosures and short sales. A BPO, or broker price opinion, is a broker's opinion of the value of a property in the current market. Do not hesitate to call me for free service and for more information, or if you have any questions about listing and selling your short sale property for free! I don't charge any fees for short sale listing and service! In a successful short sale your bank pays for the Realtor commission, attorney fees, title company fee, and any other closing costs. Simply list and sell your short sale property for free! What is Cancellation of Debt? If you borrow money from a commercial lender and the lender later cancels or forgives the debt, you may have to include the cancelled amount in income for tax purposes, depending on the circumstances. When you borrowed the money you were not required to include the loan proceeds in income because you had an obligation to repay the lender. When that obligation is subsequently forgiven, the amount you received as loan proceeds is normally reportable as income because you no longer have an obligation to repay the lender. The lender is usually required to report the amount of the canceled debt to you and the IRS on a Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt. Seller Deficit and Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 has been extended to 2012. To qualify for the tax exclusion of up to $2 million of debt forgiven or canceled by a mortgage lender on primary residences, the mortgage proceeds must have been used to buy, build, or make substantial improvements on the property. Both mortgage restructuring and foreclosure qualify. Other things to know about short sales: - The short sales procedure can and does vary from lender to lender. - Seller will not receive any excess funds. - Seller may not remain in the property after the sale even with permission of the new owner. - Seller will not receive a refund of any escrow accounts. - Seller may be asked to sign a note for the deficiency at closing. - There can be no substitution or assignment by buyer. - Even though a short sale is pending, the lender can still foreclose on the property - Buyers must be patient because the short sale process can take several months. In a short sale, your lender takes the loss, on the upside, a short sale is far less destructive to your credit rating than a foreclosure, Deed-in-lieu may be your fastest way outbut, on the downside, if the lender eventually sells the home for a price that doesn’t pay off the original mortgage amount, he can get a deficiency judgment and try to collect it from you. There are several downfalls to a deed in lieu. As with short sales, you probably cannot get a deed in lieu if you have second or third mortgages, home equity loans, or tax liens against your property. In addition, getting a lender to accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure is difficult these days. Many lenders want cash, not real estate -- especially if they own hundreds of other foreclosed properties. The sellers shall contact the real estate attorney and or certified public accountant to obtain qualified counsel relating to implications of selling the property. What to do if your home won’t sell Consider lowering price Pricing, property condition more important to today's buyers Selling in this market is not easy. But, sellers who understand the market can do well selling today. They must be realistic about what they need to do to prepare their home for sale. Sellers also must be committed to the process. There is no margin for error when it comes to pricing. If you can't bring yourself to price to sell, you're not a committed home seller. Simple tips for making your home more energy efficient Owners-Conserving Energy 10 tax tips for home sellers IRS Tax Tips Short sales links advertising Find a RE/MAX Northern Illinois Real Estate Agent When it comes to choosing and working with your real estate agent, consumers who do their homework can save thousands of dollars and experience a smooth financial and physical transition. So don't waste time and resources - decide what's most important to you, and then find a professional real estate agent. Are you buying or selling a loft? A condo? A rural property? Raw land? An investment property? Short sale? Pre Foreclosures? Foreclosure? Perhaps cost is your main concern or timing. Whatever you decide, please contact Regina at (773) 520-1522 - Chicago Top Agent, Broker. The Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) Program provides additional options to avoid costly foreclosures and offers incentives to borrowers, servicers and investors who utilize a short sale or deed-in-lieu (DIL) to avoid foreclosures. HAFA alternatives are available to all HAMP-eligible borrowers who: 1) do not qualify for a Trial Period Plan; 2) do not successfully complete a Trial Period Plan; 3) miss at least two consecutive payment during a HAMP modification; or, 4) request a short sale or deed-in-lieu. HAFA Policy Updates Bank Foreclosed Properties. A HUD home is a 1 to 4 unit residential property acquired by HUD as a result of a foreclosure action on an FHA-insured mortgage. Real Estate Foreclosure Listings Free credit report This site allows you to request a free credit file disclosure, commonly called a credit report, once every 12 months from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Chicago Agent For the well-informed real estate professional. Cook County Treasurer's Office Lake County Treasurer's Office DuPage County Treasurer's Office Will County Treasurer's Office Kane County Treasurer's Office Kendall County Treasurer's Office McHenry County Treasurer's Office Biuro Posrednictwa Obrotu Nieruchomosciami w Chicago. Domy Odebrane Przez Bank w Chicago i Okolicach. Chicago Short Sale Po Polsku, Polski Agent Nieruchomosci, Polski Realtor, Kupno Domu, Sprzedaz Domu, Kondominia, Nieruchomosci w Chicago, Domy Na Sprzedaz w Chicago, Pozyczki. Short Sale Po Polsku "My husband and I can not say enough about how wonderful it was to work with Regina. We always knew that she was in our corner, trying to get us the most for our money. We would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a trustworthy, patient, and reliable agent. Dayna Malow http://www.daynamalow.com/ " "Regina was very helpful through the whole home buying process. As first time home buyers, we had many questions about the whole process. She offered great advice in selecting a home, ranging from repair and maintenance considerations to the closing process. Scott Burns, http://www.scottburnsjazz.com/ " I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my website. As a consummate real estate professional, I’m committed to providing the absolute best service to my clients. I feel that by educating my clients I put them in the position to make informed decisions, and I can take care of the details so that any transaction runs smoothly. If I can be of service to you in any way either now or in the future, please let me know. I’d enjoy the opportunity to help you with any of your real estate needs. Once again, thanks for visiting the site. Don’t hesitate to call or e-mail me with any of your real estate needs. The information contained on this Web site is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. The links are to be accessed at the user’s own risk, and the author of this Web site make no representations or warranties about the content of these links. You may not copy, modify, upload, download, post, transmit, republish or distribute any of the content, including without limitation the code, contained in this Web site without my prior written permission. Don't Lose Your Home to Foreclosure, As a Licensed Real Estate Broker, Certified Loan Originator, Certified Distressed Property Expert, I Can Help You! My Service is totally FREE - There is no cost for professional representation! The Lender Covers The Costs Of The Real Estate Commission, Attorney Fees, Title Company Fee, And Any Other Closing Costs. If you will not satisfied with my work, you may cancel the short sale listing at any time without any cost to you! Whether You Have Missed One Payment or Many Payments, I Have The Skills To Process Your Short Sale Successfully! Twenty-three years of work experience with over 500 sold homes has given me the experience to successfully work with every conceivable selling or buying situation, from the most difficult to the most straightforward. Welcome To My Website! My name is Regina Zak Tomas. I am a Licensed Real Estate Broker with over 23 years of experience, Certified Loan Originator, Certified Distressed Property Expert - Short Sale Specialist. A full time agent since 1990, I know the Chicagoland area well and have a wide knowledge of Northern Illinois. A large part of my business is based on referrals, from many satisfied past clients. As your real estate agent, I will work hard for you, whether you are buying or selling, regular sale or short sales. I take your home purchase very seriously and will not let you down. I am available anytime to my clients by phone, email, or in person, 7 days a week. Don’t hesitate to give me a call or email me for any information you might need for your real estate. Why work with the best? I Do Not Use Other Agents, Teams, Or Assistants! I personally deal with the listing, buying and selling. Each of my clients is treated personally and with professional care, which combined with my experience and collected certificates, causes former clients to eagerly return to me for business and to recommend me to their friends. Access My Progressive Property Marketing Plan! My Marketing Plan I know that the online marketing is key to real estate success. You can see my website on many front pages like Google, Yahoo, etc. In addition, I advertise listings in various websites like Craigslist, Oodle, HotPads, Zillow, Backpage, Vast, etc. I am the Top Agent Broker, with many satisfied clients. Why list with me? List With Regina Zak Tomas My Website is on the front of many sites, including Top Agent America’s Most Popular Realtors Online and Lender Lister Top Sites www.LenderLister.com/topsites/ Chicago Homes for Sale Chicago real estate. Illinois Real Estate This link can help you find all Illinois homes for sale or short sale. Tips for First Time Buyers make your home buying process successful Many homeowners don’t have a relationship with a real estate professional unless they have made the decision to sell their home. People often do not realize that a real estate agent can be a great resource for homeowners. As an experienced real estate agent, I’d be happy to help you with any home needs you may have. I have valuable information on home maintenance, remodeling, refinancing, and other related topics. Much of this information can be found on my website. I think you’ll find that a relationship with a real estate agent whom you trust is a great asset. If I can be of assistance now or in the future, please give me a call. More Properties For Sale In Norwood Park Area More Properties For Sale In Harwood Heights IL More Properties For Sale In Park Ridge, IL Spectacular Brick Bungalow Excellent Location In Chicago Short Sale, DesPlaines Unique Condo That Everyone Is Looking For! Beautiful 1 Bedroom Condo In Desirable Area, In Unit Laundry, Deeded Garage Parking Included In Purchase Price, Pets Allowed! Condo, Spectacular Location A Few Steps From Lake Michigan. More Properties For Sale In Des Plaines, IL McHenry Short Sale Absolutely Sensational Light Brick Home Morton Grove Short Sale In Excellent Morton Grove Location. More Properties For Sale In Morton Grove, IL Schaumburg Short Sale A Spacious 3 Bedrooms Home In Prime Location, Attached Garage. Homer Glen Short Sale Beautiful Light Brick Ranch, Wood Burning Fireplace, Attached 2 Car Garage. 2244 W Madison Chicago Short Sale, One Block To United Center, Medical District, Transportation, Etc. Chicago Short Sale Beautiful Townhouse - Hardwood Floor, Plenty Of Storage, Big Yard. A Great Place To Call Home! Condominium, Short Sale Building With 24 Hrs Doorman, Fitness Center, Sundeck, Pool-Indoor & Business Center, Floor To Ceiling Windows Arlington Heights IL, Short Sale Condo In New Subdivision - Fountains Of Arlington Chicago Short Sale Absolutely Spectacular View Of Lake And Harbor. Express Bus To Loop From Front Door. Parking Available For Lease. Chicago Short Sale Condo In Old Town And River North Location. Spectacular View Of Chicago Downtown! Glenview Short Sale, Spectacular View Of Riverside Park From The Kitchen And Family Room. The Best Value In The Park Place Tower. Spacious 1 Bdrm Unit, Indoor Parking Space Included in the Price! Lake And Harbor Views. 5445 N Sheridan, Chicago Short Sale Short Sale In Schiller Park. Great Location, Residential Area And Close To Schools And Transportation, Very Modern. Condo Short Sale Chicago. Absolutely spectacular view of lake (east and south) see the sunrise and sunset from living room and dining room. Elmwood Park, Short Sale Home. Absolutely charming and spacious home, totally updated! New kitchen has granite counter-tops gorgeous family room with wood burning fireplace. More Properties For Sale In Elmwood Park In Skokie Short Sale Home. Totally updated brick ranch. A must see! Short Sale! Bolingbrook, Short Sale Townhome For Sale, Wonderful Area, Close To Everything! Matteson Short Sale Newer 2 Story Home In Desirable Matteson Area Chicago - Belmont Cragin, Short Sale Spacious And Well Kept Ranch In Very Convenient Location Mount Prospect Short Sale Modern Open Floor Plan, Kitchen Has Dining Area, Formal Dining Room. Absolutely Gorgeous Private Deck Surrounded By Mature Trees Condo, Chicago Short Sale Excellent Location: Walking Distance To School, Close To Transportation, Forest Preserve, Bus, Shopping. Chicago Short Sale. Spacious 1Bed Unit, Indoor Parking Space Included In The Price. IRS Publication #4681: Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments Get prequalified, or get preapproved? Prequalification & Preapproval Buying Foreclosures: Inspect Before You Buy
Police blotter, May 29, 2012 NEW HARTFORD — Police arrested two parties after a domestic disturbance. James Luther, 23, and Christopher Mackay Jones, 21, both 752A Town Hill Road, New Hartford, were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, violating a protective order and third-degree assault. Both Luther and Jones were issued $5,000 cash bonds and scheduled to appear in Bantam Superior Court May 23. WINCHESTER — Amy T. Centrella, 37, 449 North Main Street, Winsted, was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and speeding. Centrella was released on $500 bond and scheduled to appear in Bantam Superior Court June 4. NORTH CANAAN — Steve Harold Marshall, 57, 540 Canaan Valley Road, Southfield, Massachusetts, was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and improper hand signaling. Marshall was released on $500 bond and scheduled to appear in Bantam Superior Court June 11. NORTH CANAAN — Austin Christopher Lamedica, 22, 168 East Canaan Road, apt. 2, Canaan, was arrested and charged with third-degree criminal trespass. Lamedica was issued a summons to appear in Bantam Superior Court June 12. MISUSE OF A MARKER PLATE WINCHESTER — Christina Lacombe, 44, 118 Torrington Road, Winchester, was arrested and charged with misuse of a marker plate, failure to carry mandatory insurance, driving with a suspended license and driving an unregistered motor vehicle. Lacombe was released on $1,000 non-surety bond and scheduled to appear in Bantam Superior Court June 4. See inaccurate information in a story? Other feedback and/or ideas for us to consider? Tell us here. Location, ST | website.com National News Videos - PATRIOTS: Danny Amendola highlights the nine new wide receivers on roster (58) - Police Blotter for May 22, 2013 (19) - ESPN layoffs spur political backlash (16) - Unsealed warrant details rape allegations against Torrington bike shop owner (15) - Winsted selectman: Public comments have become ‘sideshow’ (11) - Torrington Board of Finance approves purchase of new police vehicles (10) - Severe storms strike Northwestern Conn., sparking tornado warning (10) - Marine: Military sex abuse has deep cultural roots (8) Recent Activity on Facebook Follow the Register Citizen Fact Check blog to find out what mistakes we have made and what we have done to correct them. The Connecticut State Politics blog covers all the news from the seat of Connecticut's government and the state's elected leaders with original reporting from Journal Register Connecticut staff, links to stories from other media and blogs, press releases, statements and more. Reports from Connecticut Group Editor Matt DeRienzo. Guide to Religious Services Note: All listings are paid advertisements. Bethlehem Baptist Fellowship Meeting at the Bethlehem Elementary School 92 East Street, Bethlehem, CT 06751 Sunday Morning Service at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday Evening Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. Currently studying the Book of Isaiah on Tuesday nights from 7-8 p.m. We welcome newcomers. Unity in the Foothills 102 Prospect Street, Torrington, Ct 06790 A Course in Miracles Tuesday evenings 7 p.m. Transformational Prayer Group Thursday 1:15 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. First United Methodist Church 21 Fern Drive, Torrington, CT 06790 Rev. Barbara B. Shaffer, Pastor Sunday Service at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Pre-K thru Adult Northfield Bible Church 10 Camp Hill Road, Northfield, CT 06778 Bible Doctrines Class: Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Sunday Service at 10:00 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Pot Luck Supper every 4th Friday of the Month at 6:15 p.m. Immaculate Conception Church 4 North Street, Norfolk, CT 06058 860-542-5442 or 860-542-1536 Saturday -Vigil Mass at 6:00 p.m. Sunday - Mass at 11 a.m. Monday and Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. Saint Joseph Church 4 Main Street, Canaan, Ct Saturday - Vigil Mass at 4:00 p.m. Sunday - Mass at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration prior to Mass Geer Nursing - 1st Tuesday at 2 p.m. Communion Services - 3rd Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD First Assembly of God 387 New Harwinton Road, Torrington, CT 06790 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. Family Night Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study Prayer Service: Saturday at 9:15 a.m. Cable 5 Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 3 p.m. CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Founders Congregational Church 41 Birge Park Road, Harwinton, CT 06791 Sunday School and Services 10:00 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Center Congregational Church 155 Main Street, Torrington, CT 06790 Sunday Services and Church School at 10:00 a.m. Second Congregational Church of Winsted Biblical, Traditional, Protestant Worship 800 Main Street, Winsted, CT 06098 Baptist and Congregational Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. July - August Worship 9:30 a.m. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Friday Note: All listings are paid advertisements.
What a joy to have met Deirdre! She is a lovely, caring, kind woman ~ truly a gentle soul. The Reiki sessions and hypnotherapy have been invaluable. Deirdre's gifts as a healer have helped me to have a better understanding of some long standing issues/blocks in my life...giving me increased clarity and insight going forward. I have a greater sense of calm, inner strength and spiritual gratitude. Anyone with an ailment or concern or just a desire to enhance well being would benefit from Deirdre's skillful blend of healing modalities. The Center for Happiness is an incredibly peaceful place, and Deirdre is a delightful person to spend time with. have experienced both Reiki Reiki training with Deirdre and found her to be a compassionate and knowledgeable practitioner and teacher. The Center for Happiness is an inviting and peaceful place to experience Reiki, and her Reiki Night for Reiki practitioners is a wonderful way to stay connected with each other and share our experiences. She treats everyone with respect and a sincere interest in healing others. Highly recommended! is the most compassionate, non-judgmental, generous person that I know. Whether you are searching for a healing on any level, a knowledgeable mental health counselor or just good company, Deirdre will exceed your expectations! Center For Happiness and Reiki Heart are near and dear to my heart. I was searching for a place to be re-attuned to Level I Reiki as well as continue my next level of Reiki training and Deirdre's website drew me in. I knew this was the right place for me even though it was an hour away from my home. I had a Reiki session with Deirdre prior to my class and found her to be very insightful and caring, which made me feel great about choosing to advance my training at Reiki Heart. I have completed two levels of training and greatly enjoyed both my experiences. I will be completing a third level in the fall and I am greatly looking forward to it. I know Deirdre is always there if I need help or guidance with anything pertaining to Reiki, which is a wonderful commitment on her part. As well, Deirdre is kind enough to host a monthly event where Reiki practitioners can get together and share in healing attunements, guided meditations, Reiki treatments and many other delightful treats that are added to our evenings as the spirit moves her. For anyone who has been considering Reiki but may be a little unsure of where to go, try Reiki Heart. You will be glad you did. This was an amazing experience! The treatment was very healing for me. Not only has my chronic neck and shoulder pain gone away, but I feel much more centered and empowered in my life. Deirdre is someone I felt completely comfortable with...I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for any kind of healing. Her home office is private, comfortable, clean and full of good vibes!. I have never felt such profound relaxation before. I felt a difference after the treatment too...colors and light appeared more vibrant to me. I am looking forward to another treatment and exploring this experience further. My Mother is very senior and has had Reiki-Heart done at her own home...house calls they are called. She loves it. She says it is a spiritual thing for her. What I see is greater peace and comfort. This means the world to me. About a year ago I first went to Deirdre. I have heart problems and a family history that is not good when it comes to heart health. I decided to start getting Reiki for my heart. Deirdre is warm, professional and generous with her time. Her home based practice is calm and gentle. The very first treatment was good, I felt a llot of energy and experienced healing coming through her hands. I made another appointment. But, a big surprise happened. I had not told her about some issues I had with intrusive thoughts. It was embarrassing to speak of a mental health issue, so I did not mention it to her. And, to be honest, I did not think that Reiki could help me with such a problem that I had been experiencing for decades and that was increasingly compromising my daily activities. I had these thoughts every waking hour. After I left my first Reiki treatment for my heart, my intrusive thoughts stopped. I told Deirdre about this the next week. She took time to listen and teach me about these thoughts (she is licensed mental health therapist). Over the months, I became more open about mental health with her and have experienced a tremendous healing. Deirdre told me that Reiki energy and healing will go to the place it is needed even when we think the healing is needed somewhere else. After a year, I occasionally have an intrusive thought but rarely. I have my life back that was being robbed from me. I continue to see Deirdre for Reiki. My heart is strong. I am sure that Reiki is flowing to the parts of my life that need it. For those of us worried about health costs, try Reiki first! The cost of Reiki is so much more reasonable that medical doctors. You get lots of personal attention and healing that is just not offered by medical doctors. Thank you Deirdre so much. was at college and saw this little pink piece of paper with a date on it saying that Deidre was going to be at the school doing an intro to Reiki; but I couldn't wait that long so I called her and asked her some questions about it. I felt a connection but was kind of debating on whether or not I was going to have time to do it or the money to invest in these classes. I went to the introduction and put a face to the name of Deidre and immediately loved her. I did some rescheduling (as most college students have to do to juggle their time) and went to Reiki I at The Center for Happiness. My class was very small and intimate and by the time we were done it felt like we were very close. I was the youngest of our group but didn't feel like it because everyone was so accepting. I loved the class so much that I signed up for Reiki II. I still practice Reiki everyday and even though I work in a sometimes extremely stressful job it helps me to maintain my healthy state and enjoy life. I think that my experience with Reiki Heart has grounded me, and made me a more happy and healthy person who enjoys life. I highly recommend The Center for Happiness and Deidre for your Reiki needs. COPYRIGHT @ 2009. All rights reserved.
Siouxsie Sioux for the Legendary LYNX There is a fantastic article on the legacy of LYNX, the anti-fur organization that brought down the fur-farming industry in England, starting in the 1980′s in the Sadbury Mercury. LYNX was possibly the first organization to use hard-hitting ads, celebrities and models in their efforts, setting the tone for organizations that followed. Fur farming in Britain never recovered from the body-blow Lynx dealt it and was outlawed in 2003. Consumer attitudes to the wearing of fur were also changed irrevocably. It is no longer seen as acceptable on any meaningful scale. Lynne Kentish, who lives in Bury St Edmunds, looks back on Lynx’s achievements with enormous pride. Read the full article, How Lynx set the fur flying, here.
Frustrated with excess weight, highly processed, chemical-laden foods, and food sensitivities, many women are setting goals to lose weight, detox and get healthy. With its focus on whole, unprocessed nutrition and optimal health, some people are turning to the Raw Food Diet as a way to lose weight, energize their bodies, and reduce their environmental footprint. What Can You Eat on a Raw Food Diet? So, you can’t cook your food; but what can you eat? Raw foodists may eat all fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, grains, sea vegetables and other unprocessed organic or natural foods. The raw food diet is vegan, which means that all animal and dairy products are a no-no. To drink, raw foodists consume such liquids as purified water (not tap), freshly-made juices, and milks made from almonds and coconut. To avoid pesticides and herbicides, as well as to consume food with higher nutritional value, raw foodists aim to eat all organic food, as local (or wild) as possible. Is Cooking Food Really Such a Crime? No, it isn’t, but raw foodists believe that heating food above 115 degrees F (45 Celsius) and eating foods which need to be cooked (such as meats and animal products) have negative impacts on the human body and the environment. Cooking Food Destroys Enzymes The cooking process kills enzymes naturally present in raw foods which are necessary to properly digest food. Consequently, your body is forced to exert additional energy manufacturing its own enzymes to digest food, which can make you feel tired and sluggish after eating a cooked meal. The enzymes produced by your digestive tract are not as efficient as the ones present in raw food, which means that typically food is not adequately digested; this can lead to food sitting undigested and rotting in your intestines, causing gas, indigestion, and potentially leaving you open to attack from harmful [tooltip text="The issue of parasites is a tricky one when considering eating only raw food, since cooking kills many parasites and harmful bacteria. Raw foodists practice strict food hygiene and refrigeration to avoid contracting parasites or food poisoning."]parasites[/tooltip]. Cooked Food is More Acidic Cooking food also changes the pH of food, making it more acidic. Ideally humans should eat more alkaline foods since an acidic body may be more susceptible to disease. Raw Food Can Be More Nutritious Raw foodists also believe that cooking food destroys many important vitamins present in raw foods and can make minerals more difficult to absorb. However, some nutrients such as the antioxidant [tooltip text="Lycopene is a non-essential phytochemical found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons and papayas (but not strawberries or cherries), which has high antioxidant power and may reduce the risk of developing cancer."]lycopene[/tooltip] found in tomatoes actually increases in concentration the more you cook and process tomatoes. The Life Force of Food Some people who adopt a raw food diet do so for philosophical reasons, believing that cooked food is dead food, robbed of its life force, which in turn leaves the consumer feeling heavy and tired. By contrast, they believe that raw food has vital energy which is conveyed onto the person who eats it. Preparing Raw Food Raw foodists prepare their food using techniques such as soaking seeds, grains and beans so that they sprout and become “living,” juicing fruit and vegetables, soaking nuts and dried fruit, blending, and dehydrating food. Benefits of Eating Raw Food Raw foodists say they experience physical and mental improvements such as increased energy levels and feeling less tired, better digestion, weight loss, detoxification, enhanced cognitive function, a strengthened immune system and a clearer complexion. And a raw food diet has little to no saturated fats, is low in sodium, and high in potassium and fiber. Raw Food for the Planet In terms of global impact, raw foodists contribute to a cleaner world since they choose to eat food that is not processed, sprayed with herbicides, pesticides or genetically modified. The Union of Concerned Scientists lists meat-eating as the second-biggest environmental hazard facing the Earth, second behind fossil-fuel vehicles. Because the raw food diet is vegan vegetarian, raw foodists do not rely on the vast food, water and land resources dedicated to raising, feeding and slaughtering animals for food. And then there’s the animal waste; according to the Environmental Protection Agency, raising animals for food is the world’s number one source of water pollution. The Raw Food Diet Review Registered dietitian Laurie Barker Jackman says sticking to a raw food diet is a ton of work. She also says followers of this diet could be protein deficient and that it’s easy to lack nutrients such as calcium, iron and vitamin B12 in such a restrictive diet, so it’s important to get high quality supplements, and always consult a dietitian, nutritionist or medical professional before beginning a diet as restricted as vegetarian, vegan or raw food diets.
Are you struggling to think of a great gift for a few friends or family on your list this holiday season? Or maybe you are in the mood for some self pampering after you’ve worked tirelessly all day wrapping gifts and preparing food. This year, make your holidays sweeter with Fannie May Berries. Fannie May offers a wonderful selection of fine chocolate and berry gifts – perfect for your friends, loved ones or coworkers. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, caramel and more can be shipped directly to your door within 24 hours – ensuring you receive only the freshest treats. For an especially indulgent experience, shop Fannie May’s selection of chocolate covered strawberries. Each box holds large, juicy strawberries that are hand dipped in 100% rich, melt-in-your-mouth Fannie May chocolate. Try some of the more adventurous flavors such as Sea Salt Milk Chocolate Caramel, Toasted Coconut & White Chocolate or how about the Pink & White Champagne for a romantic Christmas Eve with your sweetheart. Don’t forget their special holiday choices such as Dark Chocolate Gingerbread, Candy Cane and Eggnog. Fannie May Favorites Chocolate Dipped Strawberries I was tickled pink when my red Fannie May box arrived. It was cold packed and delivered right to my door. The berries were perfect – they were HUGE and not a single crack in the chocolate or a crumb out of place. It didn’t take long for my family to gather around and start picking out their own favorites! It was a 12 piece box of pure happiness. The 12 strawberries come covered in (Left to Right – photo below): (4) Pixie® Berries: dipped in a divine mix of caramel infused real milk chocolate and covered with crunchy pecans (4) Mint Meltaway Berries: dipped in luxuriously creamy, mint-infused real white and milk chocolate (4) Trinidad® Berries: dipped in deliciously creamy, real milk chocolate and covered with golden toasted coconut I was actually surprised at which berry became my favorite. I thought for sure my love of coconut would mean I’d be hiding the Trinidad® Berries so I could keep them to myself. They were absolutely delicious BUT I found myself enjoying the Mint Meltaway berries the most. I’m not even a ‘mint person’ and I’d never had – and these were absolutely amazing. That first bite is all it takes and you’re hooked. You hear the crack and then the strawberry juice mixes with the chocolate and you will want to eat them all! I believe we finished them in 48 hours. Oops! Fannie May Favorites Chocolate Dipped Strawberries – $59.99 – buy now The Prize: One (1) RJC reader will win a Fannie May Favorites Chocolate Dipped Strawberries 12 pc. box ($59.99 value) The Details: Giveaway ends November 28, 2012 @ 11:59 pm EST. Open to residents of the contiguous United States, 18+. All prizing provided (and delivered) by Fannie May Chocolates Winner will be notified by the email used at time of entry and have 48 hours to respond and claim prize. If no claim is made within the required time, a new winner will be selected. * I received a complimentary box of Fannie May Berries to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.
By Renewable Energy Focus staff The JV, Wind Towers Ltd, has already been granted ‘preferred bidder status’ for acquiring the plant. SSE and Marsh say that the construction of new facilities, which are already almost complete, allows the production of turbine towers for offshore wind farms, making the plant ready for the next phase of UK offshore wind developments. Scotland’s First Minister, Alex Salmond, says: “Clearly more detailed discussions are required before the sale can be completed. However, I want to pay credit to SSE, Marsh and the Administrators, who have worked closely with the Scottish Government and our partners to reach this positive breakthrough.” Ian Marchant, CEO of SSE, adds: “With the right business plan and management, it should be a sustainable business in every sense. As the market for offshore wind turbines develops from 2013 onwards it should be possible to expand the operation to fully utilise the excellent facilities which are now available at the site. “While some restructuring may be necessary at the plant to position it for growth we would envisage the substantial majority of the workforce being retained, while the JV partners would also be looking at potential redeployment opportunities.” Skykon Campbeltown Ltd went into administration after its Danish parent company, Skykon, filed for bankruptcy in December 2010.
January 23, 2008 | 3 Comments GE Energy has announced an agreement with Invenergy LLC of more than $1 billion, marking one of the largest commitments for wind turbines to be delivered in a single year in the history of the global wind industry. GE will supply Invenergy with 600 megawatts (MW) of its 1.5-megawatt wind turbines for projects in North America, and 200 MW of its 2.5xl wind turbines for European applications. All of the wind turbines are slated for shipment during 2009. The 800 MW of GE's wind turbines will provide enough wind power capacity to meet the requirements of 275,000 households."As a developer and operator of wind energy projects worldwide, Invenergy relies on GE's on-time delivery of wind turbines," said Michael Polsky, CEO of Invenergy. "The high availability and reliability and grid-integration features offered by GE wind turbines help to position our installed fleet as an industry leader for grid performance." To add your comments you must sign-in or create a free account.
Marsha W. Johnston, Contributor January 25, 2012 | 2 Comments Securitizing renewable energy networks from cyber-attacks is not complicated by their oft-cited operational headache of intermittency, but rather by their separation from a utility's control system, said smart grid executives at the Gridwise Global Forum in Washington, DC in early November. Though renewable intermittency adds to the challenge of stabilizing a grid, the forum revealed new evidence of real-world smart grid load shifting that continues to chip away at the tired argument that renewable energy cannot successfully integrate into a legacy grid. “If renewables are owned by the utility, you’re probably ok, in terms of them being under the utility [security] umbrella. If they are not part of the utility, then you could have a problem, you just don’t know,” said Ken Geisler, director of business strategy for Siemens Smart Grid Division. “What extends the threat surface with renewables is that the utility doesn’t own it,” added Jeff Meyers, a smart grid strategy and development expert for Telvent Energy. With exceptions in Europe and isolated areas of the U.S., such as West Texas, the Pacific Northwest and parts of California, green energy grids don’t yet provide enough of a utility’s baseload power to be a prime target for an attack. But even before green grids could become a target for malefactors, the European Union is working to address potential problems in its Smart Grid Committee. Laurent Schmitt, vice president of innovation and strategy for Paris-based Alstom’s Grid Automation & Smart Grid Solutions, is charged with defining and mapping cyber-security issues for the Committee. “Renewable nodes can be more vulnerable to the degree that the green energy grid is run by someone else. European distribution networks are already exposed 10-20% to the intermittence of renewables…[and] what concerns the government is that…currently, renewables represent a node that, if attacked, could bring down the network. The more renewables you have on the network, the bigger the potential impact, though it depends on the existing energy mix.” Schmitt cited France’s EDF as a prime example of a utility whose renewable grid securitization is critical to protecting its entire electricity grid. EDF generates 20% of its electricity from renewable sources with remaining power coming from nuclear. “Nuclear can’t be dialed up for security reasons, so if [EDF] loses its 20%, they have a problem,” Schmitt said. Intermittency First, Then Security As Edmund Schweitzer, president of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc., declared at the Forum’s “Guarding the Grid: Smart Grid and Grid Vulnerability” panel, in terms of security, the nut for renewables to crack remains grid stability. “Is intermittency a cyber-security problem? No, but it is one regarding successful [grid] integration and stability and the ability to react,” he said. Smart grid technology itself is often seen as a potential security problem because it opens utility grids to the Internet, so adding a third party-operated, variable renewable resource to a smart grid could potentially further complicate matters. “Smart grid means more potential penetration points. The more complexity we introduce, in some senses, we’re making ourselves more vulnerable,” says Telvent’s Meyers. In any case, say Meyers and Siemens’ Geisler, communication is critical to coordinating different types of generation to gain stability and reliability in baseload generation. Meyers says that means “installing some binary software or firmware, particularly to moving resources, such as turbines or fuel cells.” Geisler adds that “the technology to do that is out there, there just isn’t anyone doing it much at this point.” Specifically, says John Soyring, vice president of industry solutions at IBM Corp. in Austin, the industry needs “more dynamic load-shedding with a lower granularity to handle the intermittency of renewables.” Load-shedding Could Be Key Although utilities may not yet be doing a lot of real-time, dynamic and finely granular load management for renewable resources, they are doing more of it than ever before, particularly in areas where renewable resources make up sizable portions of the energy generation mixes. These advances are the hallmark of a smart grid. Randy Berry, vice president of Kirkland, WA-based Power Systems Consultants Inc. said that Mason County Public Utility District 3 (PUD3), in a Bonneville Power Administration project, is testing GridMobility technology on about 100 residential water heaters in a smart grid project designed to manage the fluctuations of wind energy generation. With GridMobility technology, PUD3 monitors water heater usage on the grid for the participating homes. During heavy periods, they can shut down the water heater. Then during light times when wind energy is coming in, they turn it on. They use a formula that ensures the water heater never gets too little power to keep the water hot. If that happens, the consumer can flip a switch to override the system. Allowing the utility to control the heater reduces its need to rely on hydropower to balance its load, providing more flexibility to use wind power. The project began last fall and so far has been a success. Berry says that PUD3 has found that choreographing the duty cycle of water heaters created a 30% increase in efficiency, a 90% reduction in the peak energy used for water heating and a 78% increase in renewable energy used to heat water. Austin Energy did some similar dynamic load shedding last summer, said Soyring, but at the level of one of the city’s approximately 30 sections of several thousand homes. “With more granularity, you can, for example, shut down the AC in a home for 15 minutes, which would have no real impact on the climate, and is non-invasive,” he said, noting that Austin Energy customers can already buy a thermostat that will do that. “Grids and operators are getting smarter, but we are also on the verge of consumers being able to do all of these things,” says PSC’s Berry. “Like, why can’t I charge my iPhone only when the wind blows?” Marsha Johnston is a DC-based freelance journalist, specializing in renewable energy, wildlife/wild space conservation and sustainable development issues. She can be found at StewardingtheWild. To add your comments you must sign-in or create a free account. This magazine is no longer being published as of May 1, 2012. To subscribe to similar renewable energy content click here. Or, subscribe to our worldwide Renewable Energy World magazine digital edition here. From May 2012, Renewable Energy...
Kenya boasts a solar market that is one of the most mature and well-established in Africa. At over 1.2 MW in sales per year, the PV market offers opportunities in solar home systems, institutional systems and government procurement. Growth has been constant at over 10 % per year over the past ten years, and the potential off-grid market is estimated to be over 40 MW. Emerging opportunities in off-grid PV include the telecom industry and the tourism sector. The anticipation is for policy to be introduced soon by the government (through the Ministry of Energy) and Energy Regulatory Commission to enable net metering of on-grid PV. High electricity prices, combined with new policy and legislation are believed to boost the emerging solar water heater industry. Rural electrification programmes continue and will increasingly include solar electric power through the Rural Electrification Authority. The MoE provides little current policy incentives and targets or allocations for solar energy, however, electricity shortages, fuel prices and consumer demand is focusing attention on this matter. In June 2009, the Task Force on Accelerated Green Energy Development was created by Prime Minister Odinga, from which the first report is timetabled for December 2009. The Green Energy Fund has recently been announced as not supporting solar power as a means of meeting its target of 2000 MW from clean energy. In combination with any new policy and financing mechanisms to assist solar power, improvement will be needed of standards, their enforcement and a better procurement and specification process.
Goodbye to the Fish Guy? Cafe owner wants seafood truck to leave lot WOODBURY--If Caroline Bossetti has her way, The Fish Guy will drop anchor elsewhere. As a condition of her lease at 689 Main St. South for a new cafe called L'atellier de Ville, Bossetti can remove any mobile venders from the parking lot, including the popular fish truck operated by New Milford resident Anton Gonch. Read more of this story and more! 7-Day Subscribers have FREE access to everything on rep-am.com and our E-Edition. CLICK HERE to register and activate your access,. Not a subscriber? You can purchase a single-day subscription for only $0.75 to read this and access all of our content and our E-Edition. CLICK HERE purchase a single day subscription. Become an electronic subscriber to the Republican-American for only $8 a month. CLICK HERE. Taco Fan wrote on Oct 6, 2012 1:06 PM: ratsmik wrote on Oct 6, 2012 3:44 PM: fellowbusinessowner wrote on Oct 7, 2012 1:47 PM: Caroline Bossetti wrote on Oct 7, 2012 2:16 PM: Woodbury zoning approved us in July, with a very clear understanding fish truck would relocate due to too much traffic and parking issues...sufficient parking is required . Zoning regulations have specific parking requirements. There is a place for Anton and his new Milford business, around the corner at the flea market , which Anton has known since July..Yet he has failed to file an application to Woodbury zoning. Misinformations can be quite unfair , unjust...so is rushing to judgment. " CMeyer wrote on Oct 8, 2012 10:06 AM: - Pledge spat symbolic of squabbling in Salisbury - Generali gets 57 months for stealing $423K from youth club - Making blight into crime - A DREAM COME TRUE - Tree-trimming raises concern - New chief signs contract - Goodbye to the Fish Guy? - Kent Library provides program for little electricians - Teenager sentenced to 5 years for rape - Suicide attempted at game
By Roger Cleaveland NEW YORK -- Before even one exhibition game has been played in women's college basketball this season, preseason conference predictions and accolades already seem to be essentially irrelevant. The Big East held its annual women's basketball media day coronation ritual Thursday at the New York Athletic Club, but more than ever it had the feeling of a consolation prize ceremony. It was an opportunity for teams 2-16 to take either pride in the respect shown them by the conference coaches or derive motivation from perceived snubs. The things that really mattered already seemed obvious, if not predetermined, as UConn was tabbed an overwhelming favorite to win its 20th regular season championship and the Huskies placed three players on the 11-member preseason All-Big East team. Read more of this story and more! 7-Day Subscribers have FREE access to everything on rep-am.com and our E-Edition.CLICK HERE to register and activate your access,. Not a subscriber? You can purchase a single-day subscription for only $0.75 to read this and access all of our content and our E-Edition. CLICK HERE purchase a single day subscription. Become an electronic subscriber to the Republican-American for only $8 a month. CLICK HERE.
The location was about one block west of Loveland High School, and the accident occurred about 11:30 a.m. as some students were on their lunch break. According to police at the scene, a driver had stopped at the intersection to make a right turn from southbound Taft to westbound 29th Street and was waiting for a group of pedestrians to cross. While waiting, the driver's vehicle was struck from behind by another vehicle, causing it to lurch forward into the pedestrians crossing the street. Police did not release the identities of anyone involved in the crash but confirmed that the victim was high-school age and wearing an ROTC uniform at the time of the crash. The student was treated at McKee Medical Center for minor injuries and released.
|Click image to enlarge Adventure Aquarium's Turtles: Journey of Survival runs from January 14 to March 24. Photo courtesy Adventure Aquarium The Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey announced a new turtle exhibit that will enable visitors to see and learn about more than 20 different species of turtles. Called Turtles: Journey of Survival, the exhibit runs from January 14 to March 24, 2013, and will showcase endangered and vulnerable turtle species such as loggerheads (Caretta caretta ), green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas ), radiated tortoises (Geochelone (Astrochelys) radiata) , and red-footed tortoises (Chelonoidis Geochelone carbonaria ), as well as the northern diamondback terrapin , a species native to the region around Camden. Visitors will learn about turtle biology, their evolution, habitats, and characteristics unique to each species. The exhibit will also feature appearances by special characters, live shows, and educational programming designed to give visitors a glimpse into the lives of these ancient reptiles. “We’re confident this exhibit will be a hit with our guests due to the simple fact that turtles are so adored by people of all ages,” said Nikki Grandinetti, Curator of Fish & Invertebrates at Adventure Aquarium, who was instrumental in organizing the collection. “We’re very proud of this collection and look forward to showcasing this broad range of exquisite turtle and tortoise species for our guests.” Visitors will have a chance to learn how some turtles camouflage themselves to hunt for prey or emit a high pitched scream to scare away predators, or to simply learn why the painted wood turtle dances for its food. The exhibit will also feature the biggest freshwater turtle in North America as well as the largest hard-shelled sea turtle species. Visitors will also get a chance to see the aquarium's newest additions; two juvenile loggerhead sea turtles that were rescued and sent to the aquarium. The first is a hatchling that is just a few months old and the second is a yearling that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service deemed "non-releasable." Both turtles will be cared for by staff at the Adventure Aquarium. For more information about the new turtle exhibit at the Adventure Aquarium, visit the aquarium's website.
• SELECT SITE CURRENCY Select a currency for use throughout the site West Virginia; Tax Secured, General Obligation Jun 01 Standard & Poors, June 2001 The rating on West Virginia's GO state road bonds series 2001 reflects: Sound financial management, including consistently balanced general fund budgets and sufficient financial reserves to meet likely contingencies; A moderate debt burden; and Steady progress reducing unfunded accrued trust fund liabilities. Offsetting rating factors include the state's below-average per capita wealth and income levels and a cyclical economic base lacking deep diversity. The state's economy has lagged national growth measures for the past few years, a trend that is projected to continue. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2000, the state achieved a $72 million general fund operating surplus after transfers bringing unrestricted reserves, including the rainy day fund, to $336 million--equal to 7.16% of general fund disbursements.... Companies mentioned in this report are: West Virginia Action: New Rating Standard and Poors RatingsXpress Credit Research provides in-depth coverage of international corporates, financial institutions, insurance companies, utilities, sovereigns and structured finance programs. RatingsXpress Credit Research lets users determine the credit rating of holdings and identify key factors underlying an issuer's creditworthiness, distinguishes the different risk exposures for new and existing deals, and provides an understanding of how their analysts interpret key regulatory, political and environmental events and their economic impact. Research Type: Full Analysis
Community-based partnered research: new directions in mental health services research. ABSTRACT Community-based participatory research has the potential to improve implementation of best practices to reduce disparities but has seldom been applied in mental health services research. This article presents the content and lessons learned from a national conference designed to stimulate such an application. Mental health program developers collaborated in hosting a two-day conference that included plenary and break-out sessions, sharing approaches to community-academic partnership development, and preliminary findings from partnered research studies. Sessions were audiotaped, transcribed and analyzed by teams of academic and community conference participants to identify themes about best practices, challenges faced in partnered research, and recommendations for development of the field. Themes were illustrated with selections from project descriptions at the conference. Participants, representing 9 academic institutions and 12 community-based agencies from four US census regions, were academic and community partners from five research centers funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, and also included staff from federal and non-profit funding agencies. Five themes emerged: 1) Partnership Building; 2) Implementing and Supporting Partnered Research; 3) Developing Creative Dissemination Strategies; 4) Evaluating Impact; and 5) Training. Emerging knowledge of the factors in the partnership process can enhance uptake of new interventions in mental health services. Conference proceedings suggested that further development of this field may hold promise for improved approaches to address the mental health services quality chasm and service disparities.
SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry evaluation of variant transthyretins for diagnosis and pathogenesis of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. ABSTRACT Mass spectrometric analyses are valuable for detection of transthyretin (TTR) variants, which cause familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP). However, those methods require an immunoprecipitation step with an anti-TTR antibody and are not suitable for quantitative detection. We investigated the usefulness of SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) without an immunoprecipitation step. We used ProteinChips with chromatographic capture formats to detect TTRs. We attempted to correlate the intensity of mixed samples of amyloidogenic TTR (ATTR) V30M to wild-type (WT) TTR. We analyzed the proportion of ATTR V30M in amyloid-laden cardiac tissues from FAP patients, and also evaluated samples from FAP patients with 16 other TTR mutations. Detection of ATTR required only 3 h of SELDI-TOF MS analysis. We determined that SELDI-TOF MS was suitable for quantitative detection of ATTR V30M and demonstrated that the proportion of ATTR V30M to WT TTR was 46.6% in amyloid-laden cardiac tissue from an FAP patient who died 10 years after liver transplantation. With this method, we identified 12 of 17 TTR variants. Small mass shifts and low concentrations of variants prevented ATTR detection. By changing the analytical conditions, we achieved detection of low concentrations of ATTR Y114C in serum. SELDI-TOF MS is a reliable tool for quantitative evaluation of TTR variants, in both tissue amyloid deposits and body fluids. This method is useful for the diagnosis and investigation of the pathogenesis of FAP. [show abstract] [hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are fatal neurodegenerative disease occurring in animals and humans for which no ante-mortem diagnostic test in biological fluids is available. In such pathologies, detection of the pathological form of the prion protein (i.e., the causative factor) in blood is difficult and therefore identification of new biomarkers implicated in the pathway of prion infection is relevant. In this study we used the SELDI-TOF MS technology to analyze a large number of serum samples from control sheep and animals with early phase or late phase scrapie. A few potential low molecular weight biomarkers were selected by statistical methods and, after a training analysis, a protein signature pattern, which discriminates between early phase scrapie samples and control sera was identified. The combination of early phase biomarkers showed a sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 90% for all studied sheep in the early stage of the disease. One of these potential biomarkers was identified and validated in a SELDI-TOF MS kinetic study of sera from Syrian hamsters infected by scrapie, by western blot analysis and ELISA quantitation. Differential protein expression profiling allows establishing a TSE diagnostic in scrapie sheep, in the early phase of the disease. Some proteic differences observed in scrapie sheep exist in infected hamsters. Further studies are being performed to identify all the discriminant biomarkers of interest and to test our potential markers in a new cohort of animals.BMC Veterinary Research 11/2010; 6:49. · 2.00 Impact Factor
Dr. Liu et al. reply. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (impact factor: 4.98). 12/2011; 50(12):1290-1. DOI:10.1016/j.jaac.2011.09.001 pp.1290-1 Data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The impact factor represents a rough estimation of the journal's impact factor and does not reflect the actual current impact factor. Publisher conditions are provided by RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.
Percutaneously absorbed NSAIDs attenuate local production of proinflammatory cytokines and suppress the expression of c-Fos in the spinal cord of a rodent model of knee osteoarthritis. ABSTRACT Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used in clinical situations to reduce inflammation and pain. Percutaneous administration is one of the routes mainly used in Japan to deal with the pain from acute injuries, to chronic pain such as chronic low back pain and osteoarthritis (OA). There have been no studies that report the effect of percutaneous administration of NSAIDs on chronic pain in animal models. This study aimed to investigate the effect of percutaneously absorbed NSAIDs on a rodent model of OA. OA was induced with an intra-articular injection of monoiodoacetate into the right knees (left knee was treated with saline, normal control) of female Sprague-Dawley rats. Physical evaluation, diameter, and the range of motion (ROM) of the knee joint, as well as pain-related behavior, were evaluated. Animals were killed and perfused 7 days after the intra-articular injection, and then local tissue from the knee [for cytokine assay: tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, and nerve growth factor (NGF)] and spinal cord (immunostained for c-Fos protein reflecting neuronal excitation) were evaluated (n = 7 each). Twenty-eight days after the injection, the other rats were then divided into three groups and were identified by a plaster tape containing an NSAID or a vehicle applied to their OA (ipsilateral) knees: a vehicle-treated group, a loxoprofen-treated (lox) group, and a ketoprofen-treated (ket) group. The behavior elicited by von Frey hairs, inflammatory cytokines, and c-Fos protein at 0, 8, and 24 h after tape application were evaluated (n = 7 each). The plaster tapes contained corresponding NSAIDs used in clinical settings: lox 2.8 mg and ket 1.1 mg. Three of the OA animals were histologically evaluated. As the OA progressed, the ipsilateral knee joint showed OA-like appearance physically and histologically. The knee diameter increased and ROM decreased significantly (P < 0.05), showing histological OA-like cartilage degeneration. Pain threshold decreased significantly according to OA progression (P < 0.05). NSAID application significantly improved the threshold 24 h after application in both the lox and ket groups (P < 0.05) without any significant difference between groups. Cytokine concentrations and c-Fos were significantly suppressed in both lox and ket groups (P < 0.05). Lox suppressed TNF-α and NGF more than ket, whereas ket suppressed IL-6 more. Suppression of proinflammatory cytokines and c-Fos expression by clinically used NSAIDs suggests that their percutaneous administration may have an analgesic effect for treating chronic pain at a molecular level.
Cementless hip arthroplasty in Paget's disease at medium-term follow-up (average of 6.7 years). ABSTRACT We performed 33 cementless total hip arthroplasties for arthritis in 27 patients with an established diagnosis of Paget's disease on the acetabular or femoral side of the hip. There were 3 revisions. One stem for aseptic loosening at 55 months, and 2 stems after periprosthetic fractures at 9 and 70 months. Twenty-three cases were available for follow-up at an average of 6.7 years (range, 2-14 years). Harris hip score improved from 56/100 preoperatively (16-98/100) to 90/100 postoperatively (78-100/100). All surviving components were radiographically bone ingrown. Based on our findings, it appears that a cementless total hip arthroplasty can have a good outcome in Paget's disease. [show abstract] [hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Paget disease of bone (PDB) is the second most common metabolic bone disease. It is a chronic disease with a mono- or polyostotic appearance that is characterized by an increased bone turnover. The orthopedic surgeon is often confronted with such symptoms and complications as bone pain, skeletal deformities, and pathologic fractures caused by the “out-of-balance bone remodeling process”. Careful evaluation of the clinical and radiographic findings is necessary to determine whether treatment of PDB is indicated. The mode of action of effective pharmacological treatments consists of reducing the increase in osteoclast-mediated bone resorption that characterizes the disease. Bisphosphonates are the compounds of choice for PDB therapy; these are readily available and have received approval. Patients with PDB are at increased risk for surgical complications, such as blood loss and heterotopic bone formation, if operative treatment is necessary. However, advances in surgical techniques and accompanying medical treatment could potentially improve the overall outcome of these patients. To achieve that goal, careful perioperative interdisciplinary management and monitoring are essential.European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 04/2012; 34(6):549-553. · 0.33 Impact Factor
ABSTRACT: Erectile dysfunction (ED) and urinary incontinence are common complications following radical prostatectomy (RP). Although pelvic-floor biofeedback training (PFBT) may improve urinary continence following RP, its effects on the recovery of potency are unknown. Fifty-two patients selected for RP were prospectively randomized for a treatment group (n=26) receiving PFBT once a week for 3 months and home exercises or a control group (n=26), in which patients received verbal instructions to contract the pelvic floor. Erectile function (EF) was evaluated with the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) before surgery and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively. Patients were considered potent when they had a total IIEF-5 score >20. Continence status was assessed and defined as the use of no pads. Groups were comparable in terms of age, body mass index, diabetes, pathological tumor stage and neurovascular bundle preservation. A significant reduction in IIEF-5 scores was observed after surgery in both groups. In the treatment group, 8 (47.1%) patients recovered potency 12 months postoperatively, as opposed to 2 (12.5%) in the control group (P=0.032). The absolute risk reduction was 34.6% (95% confidence interval (CI): 3.8-64%) and the number needed to treat was 3 (95% CI: 1.5-17.2). A strong association between recovery of potency and urinary continence was observed, with continent patients having a 5.4 higher chance of being potent (P=0.04). Early PFBT appears to have a significant impact on the recovery of EF after RP. Urinary continence status was a good indicator of EF recovery, with continent patients having a higher chance of being potent. International journal of impotence research 05/2012; 24(5):174-8. · 2.73 Impact Factor
Photos by Marco / Locomotive photo gallery After rocking out our events on Romanian land, where techno is very much the country's underground language, we thought we'd be doing well bringing some of that Romanian essence on London grounds. So here we are, with a line-up comprised of pure Romanian underground right here in London town, the East side to be exact. Check out the itinerary and the artists and join us on the nighttrain! The journey starts at NOMAD / 58 Old Street, EC1V 9AJ , and we’ll take you for a hypnotic ride with some of the scene’s most promising djs. Gabriel amaru (Minimal Force/Codekontrol) There aren’t many electronic musicians around like this guy, so knowledgeable and yet so unprejudiced and passionate about music. Constantly nurturing and feeding a lifelong love of sound, Gabriel amaru lives for music. His interpretation of electronic music effortlessly fuses organic melodies, sometimes surreal snippets of sound with a feel good, pumping 4/4 beat. And for someone made from 100% West Coast G-Funk material in his wild teenage years, Gabriel amaru is nowadays a lot broader in his musical tastes. He sounds fresh and exciting, just as a human would... "It’s all about the music and it’s always been that way...” he says as laidback and as playful as he’s always been. Starting from hard house and then sinking into techno, and later into house, Gabriel Amaru’s sound today is a funky breed of techno and house music, always with a strong bass line. Alex Baciu (Soundcrossing/Derivat) A likely young dj for the sounds of minimal-tech-house, newcomer ALEX from Bacau, Romania has quickly made a name for himself with his music. Take a listen to him, and you'll find that his original hometown has obviously had a great effect on his sound. Taking the hypnotic qualities of techno and adding the swing of classic house. Alex fell in love with electronic music in the lately '90s whilst clubbing at Zebra (Bacau) and Session (Bucharest) party’s, and it was his experiences there that convinced him to start his own career as dj. “I fell in love with house music , hearing Junior Vasquez, Danny Tenaglia and Raresh” says Alex. Stepping behind the decks and into the studios was a natural progression for one so dedicated to the cause, and success will swiftly follow. Theo Komp / Classic Wabasso (4Speakers Sake) Theo Komp was born and raised in Greece and has established himself as a credible and well respected Dj playing in various clubs across the mainland. Classic Wabaso was born In London and has also built up a impressive C.V. playing in some of London's major night clubs. Both Theo and Classic have a passion for music production and undeniable skills in Djing. Despite the obvious differences in culture and language, it became apparent that Classic and Theo's style of production is different but very complimentary to each other and it soon became an obvious progression that Theo and Classic should start collaborating. After many studio hours and working together “4speakers sake” was born. Classic and Theo's individual sounds compliment each other to produce what is now a very distinctive and easily recognisable “4speakers sake” sound. The name “4speakers sake” came from the unique way that Theo and Classic play together using at least 4 channels to mix, with a combination of analogue and digital hardware. This allows them to experiment with different sounds and each of their performances brings something new. Manuel Morales (Footloose/Modulate FM) Born in Cádiz, Spain in 1983. Manuel started listening to electronic music at the early age of 9. He has since been involved in a variety of electronic styles. Manuel co-created FOOTLOOSE Music & Entertainment in 2011, sharing the roles of promoter, record label and management with Enrique Hernandez, another established DJ from the south of Spain who is starting to set up large-scale events all over London and the rest of UK, Spain and Germany. This is a new concept inspired by his previous projects: The Mess Weekend and You & Me. He has been invited to start contributing a 2 hour set to be aired bi-weekly on Modulate FM Radio in London (UK), in which he will be displaying his own rhythm and style. So join us in this new adventure of sound and let’s explore the music and artists featuring influences from different parts of Europe and mixing the edgiest sounds of house and techno with : Gabriel amaru (minimal force/codekontrol) Alex Baciu (soundcrossing/derivat) Theo Komp / Classic Wabasso (4speakers sake) Manuel Morales (footloose/modulate fm) /////////////// More Infos ///////////// £8 before 12 / £10 after 12 £8 please send names to: THE ACCESS OF PEOPLE UNDER THE AGE OF 18 IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN!
The 12-month Grief Support Mailings on CD, Spanish version, contains the same Letters and Grief Educational Enclosures as its counterpart, the 12-month Grief Support Mailings in English. It is a comprehensive bereavement follow-up program for organizations--all on one compact disc. The Grief Support Mailings, Spanish version, contains a series of 12 compassionate Letters and a single-page Grief Educational Enclosure to accompany each Letter. The Letters and Grief Educational Enclosures are designed for sending to the bereaved at monthly intervals throughout the first year, although they can be sent less frequently, such as every other month or quarterly. They are formatted for printing on agency letterhead stationary, giving the sending institution consistent visibility, and the recipients of the mailings name recognition and loyalty. The Grief Support Mailings, Spanish version, is a very economical, high quality bereavement resource. The purchasing organization is free to make as many copies of the mailings as needed for bereavement follow-up. In addition, the Educational Enclosures can be used for other purposes, including conversation starters on home visits or as handouts in grief support groups. The Grief Support Mailings, Spanish version, have been written with respect and sensitivity for religious, cultural, age, and gender differences. Trusted Translations, a leader in Spanish translations, translated the Grief Support Mailings. Spanish speaking clients of Resources for Grief then vigorously reviewed the mailings. You can use them with confidence! The Grief Support Mailings on CD, Spanish version, is available for $250. Or purchase the Grief Support Mailings on CD, Spanish version, and add the English version CD for only $89. Non-profits: We are pleased to offer 501(c)3 non-profit organizations a 20% discount on the purchase price. Contact us for more information. Organizations with multiple office locations: Each CD is designed for use by a single office location. Additional CDs can be purchased for additional offices at a reduced rate. Contact us for more information. Organizations affiliated with MHS Alliance: Enter your access code to view prices and place an order.
Your futuristic phone now has the ultimate old school accessory. With volume control, noise reduction and a high quality speaker, the Retro Handset will put your Bluetooth® device on ice. It also eliminates over 99% of absorbed radiation. Complete the experience by downloading a free rotary dialer from the App Store. Show product details...
Q. Are there any charges up front? A. In most cases we provide you with all the equipment you require to test and weigh gold and silver. We do not charge for the kit up front. We deduct the cost from the first shipment you send us.. - The starter pocket scale - Test stone - Startup marketing materials - Live Webinar training session and additional Webinar training video Should you require a certified or "Legal for Trade" scale as required by state law, you can purchase one through us on our store page or on your own. Q. What does the training consist of? A. We provide the following: - How to test gold and silver - How to price gold and silver - Security and safety - Marketing concepts - Use of web site and software - Licensing issues - Shipping procedures We leave no stone unturned and make sure that a complete solution is provided to our clients in offering them the ability to purchase gold and silver. Q. What additional costs are involved to use this program successfully? A. In order to make your gold and silver buying experience profitable, we highly encourage you to market the product. This can be done through many methods including: - SEO (web site search engine optimization) - Neon and banners - In store signs - Marketing campaigns We have access to all these items and more on our store page and have a graphic designer and printer available for all your marketing needs. Q. How much bad gold will I take in? A. with our comprehensive training suited to all levels of staff from teller to manager, purchasing fake gold is held to a minimum. In most cases less than ½ of 1% of gold we receive is fake. If the gold is fake, we will return it to you for further training of your staff. Q. How do I know the value of my gold? A. We test each piece and give you the full results of the total shipment including a full break down of Karat type and amount received. Q. When will I get paid for my gold? A. It will take up to 2 business days to receive your package. Once we receive your package, we will provide preliminary results to you within 2 business days and payment within 5 business days. Q. What if the price of gold goes down from the time purchased to the time received by Retail Gold Brokers, Inc? A. You may exercise our lock in function which will allow you to lock in the price of the gold you have based on the daily market. This way, you have 30 days to send us your gold and silver. If the price goes down, you won’t make us much. If the price goes up, you won’t lose. We don’t suggest playing the market like this and normally will pay on the market price the day the Gold or Silver is processed. If you don’t like the market price, we can hold your gold or silver for up to 90 days in our secure facilities until you tell us to process it. Q. What if My gold or Silver is lost or stolen in transit to Retail Gold Brokers, Inc.? A. Once your package is picked up and scanned in by the shipper, it is then fully insured providing you have followed our required shipping guidelines. In the event of a loss, you will be reimbursed for the full amount of the shipment in accordance with our Agreement. Q. What makes you different? A. We are a complete Gold and silver purchasing turnkey! We provide equipment resources, training, compliance, marketing and we test each piece individually to give our clients the most comprehensive testing results! When it comes to providing our client with exceptional service and support, we are the gold standard! Please fill out the below information. |Enter Weight:||Gold Purity||Troy Ounces of 999 Gold||Melt Value| Total Value: $0.00 * based on approximate values not including stones or other metals. "Getting involved with Retail Gold Brokers was one of the best business decisions I have ever made. I did not know anything about gold buying business and could not have imagined the wonders it did to our bottom line."
- UK opposition party leader says Google tax behavior 'wrong' - Microsoft unveils Xbox One with Spielberg, Activision tie-up - White House threatens veto of bill to bypass Obama on Keystone - Senate panel passes immigration bill; Obama praises move - Whole neighborhoods razed by Oklahoma tornado that killed 24 | UPDATE 1-Olympics-Madrid 2016 bid has most public support-report * 93 percent of Spaniards back Madrid bid * Public support is the weakest in Japan (adds Tokyo 2016 CEO comment paragraphs 10-11) By Antonella Ciancio MILAN, Sept 1 (Reuters) - Spaniards stand united behind Madrid's bid for the 2016 Olympic Games while Tokyo has the weakest public support among the four potential host cities, a global study showed on Tuesday. Germany-based sponsoring consultancy Sport+Markt said 93 percent of Spanish respondents backed the Madrid bid, closely followed by Chicago and Rio de Janeiro. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will announce the 2016 Olympic host city on Oct. 2 in Copenhagen. "The population's passion for a sports event is the key to its success," said Hartmut Zastrow, executive director at Sport+Markt. Madrid, bidding for the second successive time, is banking on the legacy of the Barcelona 1992 Games and its Mediterranean climate to swing the vote but is widely seen as an outsider. "The Spanish enthusiasm for Madrid's bid is very remarkable. Madrid's chances are said to be low as the Summer Games in 2012 in London are already on European soil," Zastrow added. Tokyo, which topped the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) overall technical evaluation last June ahead of Madrid, ranks as the lowest bidder for local support. Just 72 percent of 1,000 people interviewed across Japan judged its proposal "good or very good", the report said. "The bid of Tokyo does not have enough support in its own country so far," Zastrow commented. "This weakens the Japanese bid immensely." Ichiro Kono, chairman and chief executive of Tokyo 2016, was confident millions of local fans would enjoy the Games. "Whatever poll is used, we are talking about more than 20 million supporters from Tokyo alone who will fill every venue, ensure a massive core of volunteers and create an incredible atmosphere to host the world's greatest sports event," he said in an email sent to Reuters. Bookmakers' favourite Chicago comes second with 92 percent of public backing in the United States. Rio, promoting the city's friendly atmosphere and the hosting of the 2007 Pan American Games as key reasons for holding a successful Games, has 89 percent of nationwide support, the report added. (Editing by John Mehaffey and Sonia Oxley) - Tweet this - Share this - Digg this
- UK opposition party leader says Google tax behavior 'wrong' - Microsoft unveils Xbox One with Spielberg, Activision tie-up - White House threatens veto of bill to bypass Obama on Keystone - Senate panel passes immigration bill; Obama praises move - Whole neighborhoods razed by Oklahoma tornado that killed 24 | A huge tornado tears through the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore, killing dozens. Slideshow Netanyahu defends settlement after U.S. criticism JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying Jews have a right to live anywhere in Jerusalem, defended on Monday a settlement project that drew criticism from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Israeli bulldozers cleared the way for 20 new homes for Jews in East Jerusalem, an area captured by Israel in a 1967 war and which Palestinian want as the capital of a future state, by demolishing a derelict hotel on Sunday. Clinton, in Abu Dhabi on a tour of U.S. Gulf Arab allies, called the Israeli action a "disturbing development" and said it "undermines peace efforts to achieve the two-state solution." A statement issued by Netanyahu's office made no direct reference to Clinton's criticism, but said "there should be no expectation that the State of Israel will impose a ban on Jews purchasing private property in Jerusalem." The Shepherd Hotel, torn down as part of a project first announced in 2009, was declared "absentee property" by Israel after it captured and annexed East Jerusalem. Israel views all of Jerusalem as its capital, a claim that is not recognized internationally. The title of the hotel was transferred to an Israeli firm, which sold it in 1985 to Irving Moskowitz, a U.S.-based patron of Jewish settlers. "Actions undertaken yesterday at the Shepherd Hotel were conducted by private individuals in accordance with Israeli law. The Israeli government was not involved," the statement from Netanyahu's office said. It added, however, "no democratic government" in the world would prohibit Jews from buying real estate, and "Israel will certainly not do so." "Just as Arab residents of Jerusalem can buy or rent property in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem, Jews can buy or rent property in predominantly Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem," the statement said. Egypt's Foreign Ministry condemned the demolition and said "the settlement policies of the current government in Israel will only inflame the situation further and stir passions, not just in Palestine, but in the Arab and Islamic worlds." A U.N. spokesman said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon "deplores" Israel's action and warned it could stoke tensions. The settlement project at the hotel compound, whose ownership is contested, stoked Palestinian anger as Washington tries to revive peace talks stalled by a dispute over Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Some 190,000 Israelis live in East Jerusalem and adjacent areas of the West Bank that Israel annexed to its Jerusalem municipality. East Jerusalem has 250,000 Palestinian residents. (Writing by Jeffrey Heller, Additional reporting by Andrew Quinn in Abu Dhabi and Cairo bureau; Editing by Samia Nakhoul) - Tweet this - Share this - Digg this
- UK opposition party leader says Google tax behavior 'wrong' - Microsoft unveils Xbox One with Spielberg, Activision tie-up - White House threatens veto of bill to bypass Obama on Keystone - Whole neighborhoods razed by Oklahoma tornado that killed 24 | - Russia moves closer to jail terms for offending religion TEXT-S&P may raise Central Parking Corp rating -- The two largest U.S. parking garage operators, Standard Parking Corp. (unrated) and Central Parking Corp. (CPC), have entered an agreement to merge their operations. -- Standard Parking will assume $210 million of CPC's debt, net of cash acquired, through a $450 million senior secured credit facility; we expect remaining funds to be used primarily for refinancing of Standard Parking's existing debt. -- We have placed our 'CCC' corporate credit rating and all CPC-related ratings on CreditWatch with positive implications. Rating Action On March 1, 2012, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services placed its 'CCC' corporate credit rating and all other related ratings on Nashville, Tenn.-based Central Parking Corp. on CreditWatch with positive implications. Standard & Poor's could either raise or affirm the rating when it resolves the CreditWatch listing. Rationale The CreditWatch placement follows the announcement that CPC entered a definitive agreement on Feb. 29, 2012, to merge with Standard Parking Corp. in a transaction totaling $450 million. The boards of directors of both companies have approved the transaction, as have CPC's stockholders, who will own 28% of the combined company and receive $27 million in cash consideration in three years. Completion of the transaction is subject to Standard Parking's stockholders' approval as well as customary closing conditions, including antitrust and other regulatory review and consummation of financing. Management has indicated that it expects to complete the transaction by Sept. 30, 2012. We had previously anticipated that CPC would violate its leverage covenant in the fiscal second quarter of 2012 (ending March) (see the summary analysis published Dec. 19, 2011, on RatingsDirect). However, the proposed merger will, in our view, address this risk. As of Dec. 31, 2011, CPC had about $230 million in total debt outstanding, approximately $5.5 million in cash and cash equivalents, and less than 10% covenant cushions. The proposed transaction and recapitalization, in our view, creates a combined company with a pro forma adjusted leverage ratio (total debt to EBITDA), including lease adjustments, in the mid-8x area, and we expect cushion on the new covenants to be 10%-20%. CreditWatch The CreditWatch listing reflects our expectation that credit metrics would improve upon completion of the merger transaction. We also believe liquidity will improve as we expect the new credit facility's covenants will be less restrictive. We could raise or affirm our ratings following our analysis of the combined entity's business and financial profile, and if the company has sufficient covenant headroom, at the closing of the transaction. We would withdraw our ratings if CPC's existing debt is repaid, which we currently anticipate. (CPC does not disclose its financials publicly). Ratings List Ratings Put On CreditWatch To From Central Parking Corp. Corporate credit rating CCC/Watch Pos/-- CCC/Negative/-- Senior secured First-lien term loan CCC/Watch Pos CCC Recovery rating 3 3 Synthetic letter of credit CCC/Watch Pos CCC Recovery rating 3 3 Revolving credit CCC/Watch Pos CCC Recovery rating 3 3 Second-lien term loan CC/Watch Pos CC Recovery rating 6 6 - Tweet this - Share this - Digg this
- UK opposition party leader says Google tax behavior 'wrong' - Microsoft unveils Xbox One with Spielberg, Activision tie-up - White House threatens veto of bill to bypass Obama on Keystone - Whole neighborhoods razed by Oklahoma tornado that killed 24 | - Russia moves closer to jail terms for offending religion A huge tornado tears through the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore, killing dozens. Slideshow We're only making songs for Nigel on London transport LONDON (Reuters) - A British man is making sweet music out of conversations he overhears on London transport at the Olympics and posting a song on the Internet every day of the Games for the world to hear. Charity director Nigel Parkes said his bizarre musical project came out of a conversation with some young people he met on the train, who did not know who his hero Bob Dylan was. The following morning he wrote some lyrics about the conversation and ran into one of the young people again who liked the lyrics so much she had a friend turn them into music, record it and then handed it to the 56-year-old Parkes with an invitation to meet creative ad agency Mother. Mother asked Parkes, from Kettering, middle England to travel the tube, bus, underground and overground railways of London during the Olympics, write a set of song lyrics and deliver them to a recording studio by midday every day to be made into rap, reggae, dub-step and other types of music to be posted daily on www.listenwithnigel.com. "At one point I said to them: 'where are the cameras? Are you having a laugh? Is this a joke," Parkes told Reuters by telephone from Goldhawk Road Underground station on London's Hammersmith & City line. He said the music is being produced by London-based Racket Music and Sound Design and every day there are different musicians to work with when he turns in his submission from the previous day's journey. "My mission between now and tomorrow is to have a Cockney knees up song," he said and to demonstrate began belting out a tune that sounded a lot like the chimney sweeps singing "Step in Time" in the children's film "Mary Poppins". (Reporting by Paul Casciato, editing by Justin Palmer) - Tweet this - Share this - Digg this
Joel RosenbergerRank #2 Saratoga Springs, NY Folk / Christian / Instrumental,Piano Members: Joel Rosenberger Sounds Like: George Winston, Jim Brickman Music, Lori Line, Dino Kartsonakis, Liz Story Bio: Joel Rosenberger plays the old stuff...hymns and folk tunes that predate the 20th century. It all started back around 2005-2006, when Joel decided to plug his piano into his PC, perform some old hymns, and release his recordings as a podcast. Due to the unexpected international response, he kept... See Full BioMore Info StatusFor 2013: Learn to fiddle. SongsPlay All | Queue All | Share All StoreAll Store Items Derrick Paul solo gu... Very nice work Joel, all the best to you..Derrick!!! Thank you, Love your music! A wonderful start to the day, listening here. Wonderful and inspiring performances. Very beautiful music, Joel. It is such a blessing to our lives.. God bless you for your talent given to the Lord. May you keep on playing. Cathey J. Johnson ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL MUSIC JOEL!! I LOVE TO LISTEN TO THIS KIND OF MUSIC AS I AM MEDITATING OR WHEN I JUST NEED TO RELAX!! THIS IS TRULY BEAUTIF... make 2013 a break out year! Be the first to ask Joel Rosenberger a question! Song Plays 67,465 +52 Video Plays 458 Total Fans 1,457 ReverbNation Fans 534 Facebook Likes 777 Twitter Followers 69 MySpace Friends 41 YouTube Subscribers 36 Widget Impressions 226,793 +92 Roberto Castellon Fl... Kerry Patrick Clark John Kirk & Trish Mi...
Written on: 07/03/2013 by Irka (1 review written) Ordered BillaBong Small size snow jacket, was a bit afraid it would be small for me, however, size fits me perfectly, received my jacket super fast (I live in Latvia), the item is great, quality is amazing, the price was also the best on the web. Tracked my order with DHL, which was very convenient to me, since it was my first international order. I'm perfectly happy with TwoSeasons! As rated by real users "Great service" Read More "Shoes for Cycling and Walking" Read More "Yup , Happy Bunny" Read More "Realy good!" Read More "I'm all satisfied! Order sent ..." Read More
Written on: 14/04/2011 I'm still fairly new to using this camera, to be honest it is quite difficult to grasp the features because there are so many (which isn't a bad thing)! Best thing about this camera is the video. The quality is phenomenal, just as if you were there. Only down side to this camera is the battery life. I took it to a weekend trip and the battery died by the afternoon of the 2nd day! If you want to buy a new battery it won't come cheap either - around £35! Accessories don't come cheap either and I do think it's a necessity, for example, bag or cover, or tripod stand. Overall I definitely would recommend it. At the time of purchase it was the best one for me but now I think there could be better ones available overall.
What better way to kick off the first full month of spring then with another green veggie! We love this earthy bouquet of greens because it’s affordable, tastes great and is packed with high quality nutrients – what more can you ask of a vegetable? Kale, a descendent of the wild cabbage, is an easy to grow vegetable that is actually quite hardy as it thrives in cooler climates, and as a matter of fact, taste sweeter with a little frost. Kale can be found in grocery stores year round, but is in peak season midwinter through spring. Whatever taste, texture or appearance preferences you may have, Kale can satisfy them thanks to its different varieties – curly, ornamental or dinosaur. 1 cup serving, raw – 33 calories • 7 g carbohydrate • 1.5 g fiber • 2 g protein • 0 g fat • 57 g water Surprised to see calcium benefits in this 101 post? Don’t be. Calcium rich foods do not only come from milk products, they are found in some meats (sardines, caviar, canned salmon with bones), meat alternatives (tofu, tahini) and vegetables. A one cup serving (raw) of Kale provides about 90.5 mg of highly absorbable calcium. Current recommendations for this important mineral are 1000mg/day for men & women aged 19-50, as we age (51+ years) our need increases to 1200mg/day. *Other vegetables sources of calcium: collards, spinach, turnip greens. • Builds strong bones and teeth • Prevents osteoporosis • Helps with muscle contraction, including the heart. Last month’s Brussels Sprouts post highlighted the health promoting phytochemicals of the cruciferous vegetable family. According to research, however, Kale was found to have double the polyphenolic content of cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts! Is your diet lacking vitamin A? Kale is an excellent (and I mean excellent!) source of Vitamin A. Recommendations call for 700 RAE/day for females and 900 RAE/day for male, 1 cup (raw) Kale contributes an abundant 3,122 RAE’s, wow! Vitamin A benefits: • Support healthy eyes, and aids with seeing the dark. • Contributes to protein synthesis and cell differentiation, for normal growth and development. • Promotes a healthy defense system (skin, stomach, intestines, and respiratory tracts) • Supports a healthy reproduction system Recommendations for vitamin K are 120 mcg /day for men, and 90mcg /day (for adults 19 + years); a 1 cup serving of Kale provides 547 mcg. Vitamin K benefits: • Makes blood clotting proteins. When you cut yourself, these proteins help make the bleeding stop. • Helps make other proteins for your bones, blood, and kidneys. Recommendations for this vitamin are 75-90mg/day, Kale supplies about 80.4 mg per 1 cup serving (raw). Vitamin C benefits: • Helps our bodies absorb iron from plant sources (as much as four times!) • Has a big role in our immune system, Helps keep our immune system healthy • Antioxidant – scavenges damaging free radicals in our bodies. Since it is water soluble, it destroys free radicals in a lot of different areas of our bodies. • Helps keep gums, bones, and muscles healthy How to: Pick & Store Pick: Choose Kale bunches that are deep green (depending on the variety). Leaves should be smaller, firm and free from any wilting or yellow leaves. Store: Keep unwashed Kale in the fridge crisper, the longer it is stored the more bitter the taste, so use within 5 days. Ruffled leaves make an excellent hiding place for dirt; make sure to wash Kale thoroughly under cool water. Remove the tough center stem, and chop leaves into smaller portions. As far as cooking is concerned, studies have shown that steaming Kale improves the cholesterol lowering ability of fiber; with that said, our number one preparation method is steaming.
Drop your email here to be notified when it is available: Please select a Material to check availability, or to add this item to your Shopping Cart or Wish List. Vance & Hines CS One Single Exhaust for Suzuki GSX-R1000 2009-2011 The CS One line is the newest generation of sport bike exhausts from Vance & Hines. Using stainless steel construction, the trapezoidal-shaped CS One slip-on blends performance and style to enhance the best selling performance bikes on the road today. The CS One line has been carefully engineered to extract additional power, while at the same time improving rideability. With attention not only given to performance, the CS One line is also acoustically engineered to produce a more aggressive yet controlled exhaust note to enhance the pleasure of spirited sport riding, while keeping sound levels at a reasonable level. Have a functionality, fit, or otherwise product-specific question about the Vance & Hines CS One Single Exhaust for GSXR 1000 2009-2011? Ask it here! If you have a customer service or shipping question, please direct it to our Customer Service department. |Product Style||RevZilla SKU ID||Manufacturer Product #||Availability| |Stainless/Stainless/Aluminum / Slip On||832600||32521||Available: Usually ships within 1-2 business days| |Stainless/Black/Aluminum / Slip On||832601||42521||Available: Usually ships within 1-2 business days|
Welcome to RGBstock. You can donwload this image right now mimosa - shrinking violet600px photo Free sign up to download this free stock photo The Shy Mimosa's plants go, the mimosa is a bit of a shrinking violet. When touched, the mimosa's frondlike leaves fold up and the stems droop. Add to lightbox Dimensions: 1943px * 1640px Date: 2008:05:11 11:18:27 Focal length: 711/32 : January - 16 - 2010 This photo is licensed under the RGBStock.com license . Please read it carefully. Downloading this photo means you accept the license. Model- or property release No model- or property release available. See the RGBStock.com FAQ for more info. You have to log in to write a comment. If you don't have an account, Register now (It is free!)
Amphoteric surfactant that is suggested as a mild component for personal care or industrial products. Mackam 1C has a higher actives/solids ratio than traditional amphoterics, which makes this product extremely cost-effective. In personal cleansing formulations such as baby shampoos and bubble bath, Mackam 1C provides rich foam, has low irritation properties, and is non-defatting. When formulated with anionics, Mackam 1C typically provides more viscosity than other amphoteric surfactants. Mackam 1C is stable over a wide pH range which makes it ideal for industrial applications such as liquid dish wash and hard surface cleaners. |Available in||Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America.| |Market(s)||Health, personal and home care.| |Market segment(s)||Fabric care, Hair care, Home care, Institutional & industrial cleaning, Intelligent garments, Medical & Pharmaceuticals, Oral care, Skin care.| |Applications||Shampoos 4%-20%, Bubble Bath 8%-25%, Liquid Hand Soap 4%-20%, Body Wash 4%-25% Liquid Dish Wash 5%-15%, Hard| |Product range||Surfactants - Amphoteric| |Global Business Unit||Novecare|
Rice cookers can now do many more things besides just cooking rice' it's now easy to make cakes and breads, stewed dishes like beef stew, and steamed dishes like dumplings. We've listed cookbooks full of recipes below that you can use with your rice cooker.
Richard Rothstein & Co. Oriental Rug Weaving Video (Shot by Richard with his weavers in Baku, Azerbaijan) Please note: if you are unable to view the video here, it is also available on YouTube. In fact, it is the #1 Oriental Rug Video on their site.. This high-quality rug weaving video, shot by me in Azerbaijan, showcases the production of our museum-quality Oriental rugs, Persian rugs, and Caucasian rugs -- including custom Oriental rugs. Highlights include weaving, dyeing (all-natural dyes), following of the cartoon (rug plot/graph), setting up of the loom, running of the warps and wefts, washing, finishing of the fringe, and interviews with the weavers. Among the rugs shown are Kazak rugs, Shirvan rugs, Kuba rugs, Karabagh rugs, prayer rugs, Serapi rugs, and Tabriz rugs. As is the case with all Richard Rothstein & Co. new Oriental rugs, these rugs are entirely handmade and hand woven with pure, hand-spun wool and all-natural dyes by our master weavers -- all of whom are adult women who learned the art of weaving from their sisters, mothers, and grandmothers. They are all highly skilled artisans who earn more than their local teacher or policeman.
Leading Industry Analyst Firm positions Ricoh in the leaders quadrant in Magic Quadrant for Managed Print Services On September 23, Gartner placed Ricoh among the "Leaders" in its Magic Quadrant for managed print services (MPS) worldwide.* Gartner, Inc. is a company that reports and advises on information technology to CIOs and senior IT leaders. Its clients include large corporations, government agencies, and investors. According to Gartner, "Leaders provide MPS to a wide range of customers, including the largest and most geographically dispersed, so they must demonstrate a truly global reach. They must demonstrate not only the skills to deliver today's MPS, but also the understanding, initiative and resources to prepare for tomorrow's MPS. Leaders characteristically augment the full scope of MPS with a wide range of added-value services. As a result, they are frequently shortlisted by large and midsize customers." Ricoh's Managed Document Services (MDS) program combines industry-leading expertise, technology and tools in a highly customizable suite of services. Its "Outservicing" approach is a continuous and collaborative process that applies Change Management methodology to enable Ricoh to learn about customers' businesses and design solutions focused on their employees. Outservicing raises profitability by streamlining printing and document processes, all the while engaging employees and enhancing environmental sustainability. The Magic Quadrant depicts Gartner's analysis of how certain vendors measure against criteria for a given marketplace, as defined by Gartner. http://www.gartner.com/technology/media-products/reprints/ricoh/206095.html * Gartner "Magic Quadrant for Managed Print Services Worldwide" by Ken Weilerstein, et al. September 22, 2010. The Magic Quadrant is copyrighted 2010 by Gartner, Inc. and is reused with permission. The Magic Quadrant is a graphical representation of a marketplace at and for a specific time period. It depicts Gartner's analysis of how certain vendors measure against criteria for that marketplace, as defined by Gartner. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in the Magic Quadrant, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors placed in the "Leaders" quadrant. The Magic Quadrant is intended solely as a research tool, and is not meant to be a specific guide to action. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. October 25, 2010 Ricoh Company, Ltd.
Learn what makes us tick with a psychology degree If you’re fascinated by how the human mind works, consider a career in psychology. The word “psychology” literally means “study of the soul.” A career in psychology can include counseling, social work, marriage therapy or clinical work. To get started in your psychology career, you’ll need a degree. Online psychology degrees are affordable and offer you the ability to learn on your own time. We’ll walk you through the different types of psychology degrees, from the basic associate degree to the Ph.D. It’s possible to obtain an Associate of Arts degree in psychology. This will give you an overview of the field and introduce you to the basic theories and practices of psychology. However, most careers in the field require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, whether an online psychology degree or a traditional degree. A bachelor’s degree alone won’t let you become a practicing clinical psychologist. People with a bachelor’s degree in psychology often work in human services; jobs include case worker, social worker and career counselor. There are two types of bachelor’s degrees in psychology: a bachelor of arts (B.A.) and a bachelor of science (B.S.). The two degree programs cover similar topics, but the B.A. is aimed primarily at liberal arts students and includes less math, science and clinical study. The B.S. is a better foundation for advanced study in psychology. Many people get their master’s degree in psychology without intending to become psychologists. The Master of Science in Psychology is popular among human resources professionals, educators, marketers and managers of all kinds. Having this degree helps them understand human behavior and develop strategies to deal with the people they work with. That’s not a bad skill to have. With a master’s degree in psychology, you can also become a school counselor, social worker, industrial-organizational psychologist or even a sports psychologist. Getting your doctorate degree will allow you to work as a clinical psychologist, diagnosing and treating mental health problems. The traditional Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology degree (Ph.D.) focuses on research and science, while the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree centers on clinical and practitioner work. You may choose to work with kids, teens or adults, in private practice or in a hospital setting. Ready to start getting inside people’s heads? Begin your study of psychology and register for an online degree program today.
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- List of properties - Properties on map A spacious four bedroom detached family home located within the City of Ely. The property comprises of Lounge - 20'3" x 12', dining room - 11'10" x 8'2", study - 11'8" x 8'5", kitchen/breakfast room - 14'4" x 10'6" with built-in cooker and range of units, Utility room. Bedroom 1 - 12'2" x 12'1" ... Detached family house, accomdation comprises: Entrance hall, lounge, further reception room, dinning room, kitchen, inner hall, utility room, bathroom , ground floor bedroom 5/reception room 3, four double bedrooms, family bathroom. Gas central heating, Garage, parking, garden. EPC Band: D DREAM HOME - haart are pleased to present this four bedroom end of terrace home in the beautiful city of Ely. The property has a fully fitted kitchen/breakfast room, dining room, en-suite, garage and also front & rear gardens. Call today! Marketed by haart, Cambridge Lettings.Telephone: 01223 957013 Local call rate Your information has been sent to 0 out of 3 agents who have property to rent in the area you specified.
Written by Essam Abdallah A note from Investigative Project on Terrorism Executive Director Steven Emerson: Please take the time to read this very important story written by a courageous Egyptian liberal intellectual about the Islamist and Muslim Brotherhood lobbies in Washington and the Obama Administration's secret collaboration with these pro-terrorist, anti-Western, anti-women, anti-American and anti-Semitic organizations. This is one of the most important articles I have read in years. It was just revealed two days ago that FBI Director Mueller secretly met on February 8 at FBI headquarters with a coalition of groups including various Islamist and militant Arabic groups who in the past have defended Hamas and Hizballah and have also issued blatantly anti-Semitic statements. At this meeting, the FBI revealed that it had removed more than 1000 presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices around the country that was deemed "offensive." The FBI did not reveal what criteria was used to determine why material was considered "offensive" but knowledgeable law enforcement sources have told the IPT that it was these radical groups who made that determination. Moreover, numerous FBI agents have confirmed that from now on, FBI headquarters has banned all FBI offices from inviting any counter-terrorist specialists who are considered "anti-Islam" by Muslim Brotherhood front groups. The February 8 FBI meeting was the culmination of a series of unpublicized directives issued in the last three months by top FBI officials to all its field offices to immediately recall and withdraw any presentation or curricula on Islam throughout the entire FBI. In fact, according to informed sources and undisclosed documents, the FBI directive was instigated by radical Muslim groups in the US who had repeatedly met with top officials of the Obama Administration to complain, among other things, that the mere usage of the term of "radical Islam" in FBI curricula was "offensive" and 'racist." And thus, directives went out by Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Mueller to censor all such material. Included in the material destroyed or removed by the FBI and the DOJ were powerpoints and articles that defined jihad as "holy war" or presentations that portrayed the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization bent on taking over the world—a major tenant that the Muslim Brotherhood has publicly stated for decades. During the next several months, the IPT will be releasing a series of major investigative reports revealing the secret infiltration by and collaboration with radical Islamic organizations by the Obama administration that has spread to the National Security Council, the Dept of Justice, the FBI, the Dept of Homeland Security, the CIA and the State Department as well as local law enforcement. The most dramatic oppression of the region's civil societies and the Arab Spring is not by means of weapons, or in the Middle East. It is not led by Gaddafi, Mubarak, Bin Ali, Saleh, or Assad. It is led by the powerful Islamist lobbies in Washington DC. People may find my words curious if not provocative. But my arguments are sharp and well understood by many Arab and middle eastern liberals and freedom fighters. Indeed, we in the region, who are struggling for real democracy, not for the one time election type of democracy have been asking ourselves since January 2011 as the winds of Arab spring started blowing, why isn't the West in general and the United States Administration in particular clearly and forcefully supporting our civil societies and particularly the secular democrats of the region? Why were the bureaucracies in Washington and in Brussels partnering with Islamists in the region and not with their natural allies the democracy promoting political forces? Months into the Arab Spring, we realized that the Western powers, and the Obama Administration have put their support behind the new authoritarians, those who are claiming they will be brought to power via the votes of the people. Well, it is not quite so. The Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic Nahda of Tunisia, the Justice Party of Morocco and the Islamist militias in Libya's Transitional National Council have been systematically supported by Washington at the expense of real liberal and secular forces. We saw day by day how the White House guided carefully the statements and the actions of the US and the State Department followed through to give all the chances to the Islamists and almost no chances to the secular and revolutionary youth. We will come back to detail these diplomatic and financial maneuvers which are giving victory to the fundamentalists while the seculars and progressives are going to be smashed by the forthcoming regimes. In the US, there are interests that determine foreign policy. And there are lobbies that put pressure to get their objectives met in foreign policy. One of the most powerful lobbies in America under the Obama Administration is the Muslim Brotherhood greater lobby, which has been in action for many years. This lobby has secured many operatives inside the Administration and has been successful in directing US policy towards the Arab world. Among leading advisors sympathetic to the Ikhwan is Daliah Mogahed (Mujahid) and her associate, Georgetown Professor John Esposito. Just as shocking, there is also a pro-Iranian lobby that has been influencing US policy towards Iran and Hezbollah in the region. One of the most important activities of the Islamist lobby in the US is the waging of political and media wars on the liberal Arabs and Middle Eastern figures and groups in America. This battlefield is among the most important in influencing Washington's policies in the Arab world. If you strike at the liberal and democratic Middle Eastern groups in Washington who are trying to gain support for civil societies in the region, you actually win a major battle. You will be able to influence the resources of the US Government to support the Islamists in the Middle East and not the weak democrats. This huge war waged by the Islamist lobbies in America started at the end of the Cold war and continued all the way till the Arab spring. The two main forces of this lobby are the Muslim Brotherhood fronts and the Iranian fronts. According to research available in the US, the Ikhwan fronts such as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), led by Hamas supporter Nihad Awad, as well as the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Islamic Society of North America, and others waged their political war to block the representatives of Arab liberals and Muslim moderates from making their case to the American public. The Iranian lobby, exemplified by the National Iranian American Committee (NIAC), led by Trita Parsi, has been hitting at Iranian exiles. Since the 1990s CAIR and its allies have attacked Copts, Southern Sudanese, Lebanese, Syrian reformers, Assyrians and Chaldeans, and Muslim dissidents in the United States. The Ikhwan of America demonized any publication, book, article, or interview in the national media or local press raising the issue of secular freedoms in the Middle East. The Islamists wanted to eliminate the liberal cause in the Arab world and replace it with the cause of the Islamists. What is also shocking is that CAIR and its allies stood by the oppressive regimes and visited them, claiming they speak on behalf of the peoples. CAIR and the Brotherhood fronts in America destroyed systematically every project that would have defended the seculars and liberals originating from the Middle East. The notorious and well-funded Islamists of the US allowed no book, documentary, or show on the liberals in Arab civil societies to see the light. Thanks to this powerful lobbying campaign, the American public was not given a chance to learn about the deep feelings on the youth in the region. Americans were led to believe that all Muslims, all Arabs and all Middle Easterners were a strange species of humans who cannot appreciate freedom. Instead, the American Islamists, helped by apologists on the petrodollars payrolls, convinced the mainstream media that the Arab world has authoritarians and Islamists only. Dr Shawki Karas, president of the American Coptic Association, told me in the late 1990s how he was harassed by Islamist activists for speaking up against the Mubarak regime and the Muslim Brotherhood in America. He was threatened with losing his job at the college where he taught. Reverend Keith Roderick, who has assembled a coalition of more than 50 group rights from the Muslim world, was severely attacked by the Islamists and was threatened to be removed from his church position. Muslim American leaders who are conservative and secular, such as Dr Zuhdi Jasser, were crucified by CAIR and the Brotherhood for daring to challenge the Party line of the Isl.amists in America and claiming that the Jihadists are the problem in the region. Muslim liberal dissidents such as Somali Ayan Hirsi Ali, Saudi Ali al Yammi, Syrian Farid Ghadri, Iranian Manda Ervin, and many others were trashed by the Islamist lobbies to block them from defending the causes of secular liberty in the US. Egyptian liberals as well as seculars and democracy activists from Iraq, Sudan, Syria, and other countries have been attacked by CAIR and allies. The pro-Iranian lobby targeted most Iranian-American groups and tried to discredit them, particularly with the rise of the Green Revolution in Iran. By smearing the Muslim liberal exiles, the Islamists were trying to destroy their causes in the mother countries. In the 1990s and the years that followed 9/11 the region's dictators supported the efforts by Islamist lobbies to crush the liberal exiles. The Mubarak, Bashir, Gaddafi, Assad, and Khomeinist regimes fully supported the so-called Islamophobia campaign waged by CAIR and its Iranian counterpart NIAC against dissidents for calling for secular democracy in the region. The dissidents were accused of being pro-Western by both the Islamists and the dictators. The Islamist lobbies also severely attacked members of the US Congress such as Democrats Tom Lantos, who has since passed away, Eliot Engel, Howard Berman, Gary Ackerman, and Joe Lieberman as well as Republicans Frank Wolfe, Chris Smith, Trent Franks, John McCain, Rick Santorum, and Sam Brownback for their efforts in passing legislative acts in support for democracy and liberty in the Middle East. CAIR and NIAC heavily savaged President Bush's speeches on Freedom Forward in the Middle East, deploying all the resources they had to block US support to liberal democrats in the region. Islamist lobbies in Washington are directly responsible for killing any initiative in the US Government to support Darfur, southern Sudan, Lebanon, the Kurds, liberal women in the Muslim world, and true democrats in the Arab world and Muslim Africa. In the think tank world, CAIR and its allies aggressively attacked scholars who raised the issue of persecution against seculars or minorities in the Arab world and Iran. Among those attacked were Nina Shea and Paul Marshal from the Hudson Institute and the founder of an anti-slavery group, Dr Charles Jacobs, who was exposing the Sudan regime for its atrocities. Last but not least is the Islamists' relentless campaign to stirke at top scholars who advise Government and appear in the media to push for democratic liberation in the region. The vast and vicious attacks leveled against Professor Walid Phares—initially by CAIR's Nihad Awad and then widened by pro-Hezbollah and Muslim Brotherhood operatives online—has revealed to Arab and Middle Eastern liberal and seculars how ferocious is the battle for the Middle East in the US. Phares's books, particularly the latest one, The Coming Revolution: Struggle for Freedom in the Middle East (2010), hit the Islamist agenda hard by predicting the civil society revolts in the Middle East and then predicting how the Islamists would try to control them. Phares was attacked by an army of Jihadist militia online like no author since Samuel Huntington in the 1990s. As a freedom activist from the Middle East, Mustafa Geha, wrote, Phares is a hero to Muslim liberals. Along with dissidents, lawmakers, experts, and human rights activists, Phares is a force driving for a strategic change in US foreign policy towards supporting secular democracies in the region. This explains why the Islamists of America are fighting the battle for the forthcoming regimes with all the means they have. Dr. Essam Abdallah is an Egyptian liberal intellectual who teaches at Ain Shams University and writes for the leading Arab liberal publication Elaph
Three years ago, President Obama cut a secret deal with pharmaceutical company lobbyists to secure the industry’s support for his national health care law. Despite Obama’s promises during his campaign to run a transparent administration, the deal has been shrouded in mystery ever since. But internal emails obtained by House Republicans now provide evidence that a deal was struck and GOP investigators are promising to release more details in the coming weeks.The full story is HERE. Here is Rep Michael Burgess weighing in on this possible deal or arrangement: Could this be the Smoking Gun that could bring down the Obama's Presidency? Please check us out on Facebook and If you like what you see, please "Like" us. You can find us here.
Robbery - System ID 100034 Agency Case # 08-607-AR February 02, 2010 Narragansett : Court Case Details: Wanted by Narragansett Police / Washington County Superior Court for Failure to Appear for Sentencing on Charge of 2nd Degree Robbery (victim was injured): Eden M. Rose, born in 1990, black female, 5'05" tall, 110 lbs., black hair, brown eyes, tattoo on neck 'SAVAGE', last known to reside in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Rose has previous charges of Felony Assault With a Dangerous Weapon, Conspiracy, and Fraudulent Use of Credit Cards. CAPTURED: Rose is currently incarcerated at the Rhode Island Department of Corrections, apprehended on 02/05/2010. If you have any information about the identity of this person or where they are, please contact: Narragansett Police Department: (401) 789-1091 x 304 Investigator: Detective Lieutenant William McGovern Case Submission No.: 100034
- Report: #494160 Report - Rebuttal - Arbitrate Complaint Review: Drive Financial Services - Santander Consumers USA Inc. Drive Financial Services - Santander Consumers USA Inc.http://www.santanderconsumerusa.com/default.aspx Internet United States of America Drive Financial Services - Santander Consumers USA Inc. Drive Finacial Services - Santander Consumers USA dishonest dallas, Texas Internet I have had my Kia Optima for about 3 years and paid faithfully Then this company desided to start adding to my bill it was down to around 6999.00. They increased the price of this bill to 7999.00 for no reason. I let that slide at the time due to they were working with me to get my credit repaired through the making of payments. Then My Mom got ill and I was behind on a few payments. Planed on paying what I owe till I saw the bill. They charged me around $999 in missed charges which that part was fine. Even late fees would be fine but my bill went from around 7999.00 to around 13999.00. I refused to pay till bill is right. Instead of working with me they came and took my car. Now I am a single mom ... taking my car was really bad. So now I do not have a good car for work just one that breaks down all the time and cant afford to fix it. I have tried for over a week to contact these people and there site doe not come up with phone number or email to contact them. I need my car back if I loose my job my kids and I will be out in the street. If they would just work with me and not harrass me like they did. They would call 10+ times in 1 day even after you told them when you will be sending a payment. This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 09/13/2009 08:26 AM and is a permanent record located here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Drive-Financial-Services-Santander-Consumers-USA-Inc/internet/Drive-Financial-Services-Santander-Consumers-USA-Inc-Drive-Finacial-Services-Santande-494160. The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:Search Tips In order to assure the best results in your search: - Keep the name short & simple, and try different variations of the name. - Do not include ".com", "S", "Inc.", "Corp", or "LLC" at the end of the Company name. - Use only the first/main part of a name to get best results. - Only search one name at a time if Company has many AKA's. Advertisers above have met our strict standards for business conduct.
- Report: #772301 Report - Rebuttal - Arbitrate Complaint Review: United Truck Group of Gulfport MS United Truck Group of Gulfport MS9140 Canal Rd. Gulfport, Mississippi United States of America United Truck Group of Gulfport MS American Truck Group ALL OF THE ABOVE NAMES ARE LIARS. THEY WILL NOT HONOR WHAT THEY TELL YOU BUT IF YOU WANT A LEMON TRUCK THEY ARE THE BEST PEOPLE ON THE EARTH TO DEAL WITH. IF YOU WANT TO DEAL WITH LIARS THEN THE PEOPLE Gulfport, Mississippi *Consumer Comment: United Truck Closed *Author of original report: Getting out of the storm/seeing a little light with my truck issues between American Truck Group and Capital Volvo Now long story short today is September 2, 2011 and the truck is still at Capital Volvo with issues. I have been lied to from day one over and over again even by Capital Volvo their GM was in with the liars at United Truck Group/American Truck Group. On Friday August 26, 2011 United and Capital Volvo gave me complete HELL about fixing the truck which United Truck Group gave me a 30 days bumper to bumper warranty. Well United Truck Group continue to tell me that Volvo had to fix truck. Volvo continue to tell me they had to wait for authorization from Volvo corporate before they could do anything to the truck. Well this went on for 3 t 5 hours before Emauel at Capital Volve sent Dane a message saying don't fix the head. He told them that the problem sounds like the air compressor has gone out so go check the compressor and if that's not the problem plug off a line and it would tell you what to service or just do the injectors first. Well, they decided to break down the truck and put in 6 new injectors to see "IF" that would fix the problem. Well as of Tuesday August 31, 2011 the truck still wasn't running right. Therefore, again they start saying we have to wait for Volvo Corp to give us the authorization to go farther. Well again I'm there all day till closing but this time nothing happen they played games all day. So while on my way back to GA I decided to google Volvo Corp office to get a number thinking maybe I could talk to someone about my issue. Well once i talk to Volvo corp Chris confirm that Volvo had NOTHING to do with what was going on and that they was not going to authorize NO repairs for that truck because the warranty with Volvo was out. So now I know that Emanuel at Capital Volvo and Mark etc.. was playing games with me because they didn't want to HONOR the warranty they gave me. Well now Volvo corp is involve a little because they want to know why one of their dealers is caught up in liar/bad deal. I filed a complaint against Capital Volvo because they was going alone with the crap and making life harder for me and my family. As of today September 2, 2011 Capital Volvo and United Truck Group is telling me to come pick up the truck and drive it with a load on it and if the truck break down they will fix the head. LMFBO.......why in the HELL would a big dealer like Volvo want to put their name on the line for a BAD dealer like American Truck Group. Why should they want me to drive the truck and break down with a customer load and cause me more problems? I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND these LIARS at all. All I can say is LEMON+BAD DEAL=LAWSUIT. LOL...as I was typing this I just got off the phone with Capital Volvo. I told them earlier that I wasn't coming to get that truck and put a load on it to put me down so why don't they hook a trailer to it and see what the truck does. Well they hooked a empty trailer to the truck and guess what it's pushing water out the coolant still and they only put a empty trailer on it. Now I'm waiting again for them to decide to go ahead and do the head job. I think I have learned my lesson for sure. Please don't deal with these people. You have been warned by me. I would hate to see you going through the same crap I am. Please take your money some where else. UNITED TRUCK GROUP AKA AMERICAN TRUCK GROUP ARE A COMPLETE JOKE, LIAR ETC......Please contact me if anyone decide to file a law-suit of these clowns. This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 09/02/2011 11:35 AM and is a permanent record located here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/United-Truck-Group-of-Gulfport-MS/Gulfport-Mississippi-39503/United-Truck-Group-of-Gulfport-MS-American-Truck-Group-ALL-OF-THE-ABOVE-NAMES-ARE-LIARS-T-772301. The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:Search Tips In order to assure the best results in your search: - Keep the name short & simple, and try different variations of the name. - Do not include ".com", "S", "Inc.", "Corp", or "LLC" at the end of the Company name. - Use only the first/main part of a name to get best results. - Only search one name at a time if Company has many AKA's. Advertisers above have met our strict standards for business conduct.
State Representative Spencer Dickinson (D-South Kingstown), who wrote a well-publicized letter condemning House Speaker Gordon Fox’s leadership style, is slated on Wedneday to endorse Fox’s opponent, Mark Binder, according to Binder’s campaign. Dickinson is set to back Binder during a Wednesday appearance at Laurelmead and also stump with him at the Jewish Community Center, Binder’s campaign says. House Speaker Gordon Fox and his legislative opponent, Mark Binder, squared off during a taped debate this morning on WPRI/WNAC-TV’s Newsmakers. The topics included Fox’s campaign contributors, Rhode Island’s economy, 38 Studios, same-sex marriage legislation, last year’s pension overhaul, and much more. The skirmish is expected to be their last debate, following one earlier this week, before Election Day. In most election years, someone like House Speaker Gordon Fox could laugh off a challenge by a relatively obscure challenger. But in the aftermath of the state’s disastrous investment in 38 Studios, independent Mark Binder is using that epic fail – among other issues – in a pointed campaign against perhaps the most powerful person in Rhode Island politics.
Posted on : 30-03-2011 | By : Rodney | In : Contests I have to applaud the efforts of the organizers of the One Page Dungeon Contest. Nothing gets people thinking outside the box quite like being forced into a “box”. The one page limitation really forced me to look at adventure design in a way that regular adventure writing does not. Imagine the scene: A long stone corridor lit only by your sputtering torch, as your hasty foot steps echo off the hard cold walls. Behind you, some unimaginable evil chases you, bent on your demise. And then you turn a corner, into a dead end. You can hear claws clattering on the tunnel floor now, gaining ground every second. Then, in a moment of clarity, you remember the ancient stone key in your pocket. You draw it out and hold it aloft, and with all the air in your lungs you shout “laloona”. The wall before you creaks, sending dust billowing out as the wall grinds past, revealing a new corridor. You run forward, shouting the magical word behind you, as you flee. Turning back to where you came, only a stone wall remains, you can hear the frustrated clawing on the other side of the wall, and know you have escaped death this time. But what mysteries and terrors lie ahead of you in this labyrinth. The Lunatic Labyrinth is more than just a dungeon, it’s a shifting maze of monster filled corridors that gives the delvers a new take on the good old dungeon and gives the Game Master a new tool for their gaming kit. But I’ll let you be the judge. Download the latest version here. I would love to hear your comments, especially if you have used the Lunatic Labyrinth in your own game. Happy delving.
Graduate students present research to peers and Rochester community RIT hosts second annual Graduate Research Symposium July 21 July 26, 2010 by Kelly Downs Follow RITNEWS on Twitter Paul Solt will present the application he’s created for the iPad this week at the SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Los Angeles. Solt, an RIT computer science dual bachelor’s and master’s degree student, got the opportunity to show his mobile platform application to his peers and members of the Rochester community at RIT’s second annual Graduate Research Symposium on July 21. He was one of nearly 100 master’s and Ph.D. students from all eight of RIT’s colleges that presented their research at the event. Solt’s mobile application is called Artwork Evolution. It’s digital artwork for mobile devices using mathematical expressions. “Evolutionary computing or genetic art has been around since the early 1990s but was originally done on supercomputers using large processors,” says Solt, from Fort Washington, Pa. “I’m creating genetic art in the mobile space. It’s difficult and historically time consuming.” Solt ultimately hopes his application will enable collaboration among users and allow them the opportunity to pull images from others’ artwork to combine with their own, generating new genetic art. Students delivered research presentations during three symposium sessions. A broad range of topics was covered including freight traffic flows on the U.S. West Coast, the psychographic factors and use of interactive features on admissions websites by prospective students, optical time division multiplexer on the silicon chip and design for Lean Six Sigma. Christopher Bailey, a Ph.D. candidate in microsystems engineering, served as the symposium chair. He says the symposium is a day of interactive learning. “The symposium is valuable for several reasons,” says Bailey. “It gives graduate students who don’t have the financial means to travel to conferences the experience of presenting their research. It also promotes interaction among the graduate students and gives us the opportunity to learn what our peers are doing in other areas outside of our own programs here at RIT.” Awards were given out for best overall presentation, best poster presentation and winners for each of the three sessions. The winners were: - Billy Vazquez, Ph.D. candidate in astrophysical sciences and technology —Best Overall Presentation: Null Geodesics in the 3+1 Formalism of Numerical Relativity - Mohamed Elshrif, Ph.D. candidate in computing and information sciences—Best Poster Presentation: Analyzing the Electrophysiological Properties of the Heart Using Clustering Technique - David Pawlik, Ph.D. candidate in microsystems engineering—Best in Session One: Sub Micron InGaAs Esaki Diodes with Record High Peak Current Density - Dave Principe, Ph.D. candidate in astrophysical sciences and technology—Best in Session Two: Detection and Analysis of Young Stars in the Horsehead Nebula - Robert Manley, Ph.D. candidate in microsystems engineering—Best in Session Three: Characterization of Lightly Doped, Single Crystal Silicon-on-Glass Substrates via Capacitance Voltage Measurements Dr. Fritz Henn, associate director of life sciences at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Brookhaven, N.Y., kicked off the day’s symposium with a keynote address. The title of his presentation was “To Be or Not to Be a Researcher.” Henn said to the audience: “If you do something you really care about it’s fun. Find something you just can’t let go. Once you find an area you can’t let go, find a problem you can’t let go of either. It’s like a marriage. It’s an approach you find fascinating and a problem you find fascinating.” For Henn, studying the brain, specifically its affects on depression, is what fascinates him. “It’s been my passion for 40 years,” says Henn. “It never lets me go. It’s made for an exciting life.” The symposium was streamed live. Event sponsors were Corning, IEEE, Department of Networking, Security, and Systems Administration, RIT Student Government and the Office of Graduate Studies. “I was extremely pleased with the way the symposium came together this year,” says Chance Glenn, RIT associate dean of graduate studies. “Chris and his team did a magnificent job planning this to make it even better than it was last year. I continue to be amazed at the depth and breadth of the research capabilities of our graduate students. The success of the symposium this year is a testament to them, to the faculty that advise them and to the staff that supports them.” To learn more about the symposium, visit http://gradstudies.rit.edu.
The U.S. water transportation services industry comprises companies that carry freight or passengers on the open seas, the Great Lakes, or U.S. inland waterways; offer lighterage1 and towing services; operate canals and terminals; and own and charter vessels and handle cargo and passengers. The major segments of the industry are domestic and international freight transportation, passenger transportation, and port and terminal services. This chapter displays information on vessel and terminal operating agreements, vessel types, and the world and U.S. fl eet. Finally, port facilities, locations, and port calls data are shown. 1 Lighterage is the carriage of goods by a lighter (a ship or barge used to load or unload a vessel) and charges assessed therefrom.
“I simply do not know where the money is.” Former MF Global CEO Jon Corzine. Current events again support the notion of a three-silo approach to money management. Cumberland has recommended and supported that concept from inception. MF Global is the latest example of what can happen when you mix custody with advice and transactions. We witnessed this during the explosion involving Madoff. We have seen it occur in other, lesser-known firms. Now we see it writ large in this most recent sad tale. The safety of investing in asset management is greatest when the parties are independent; when all fees and expenses are separately shown; and when the clients, consultants, and professionals can evaluate each party and process independently. This three-silo approach simply means to separate custody: the safe-keeping and accounting of assets, from transactions; the brokerage, exchanges, and intermediary actions by which one transacts and accomplishes the purchase or sale; and the advisor, the consultant, the recommending party, or the analytical professional who offers help to the investor. By separating all three, you diminish the risk of the types of events that we continue to read about in the media as this ongoing financial crisis unfolds. MF Global is the latest in a saga that has other names attached, such as Lehman Brothers, Madoff, Nadel, and so forth. Since 1973, when my now-deceased founding partner, Shep Goldberg, and I created Cumberland Advisors, we sponsored the notion of a complete division of services. Cumberland does not take custody of client funds. Cumberland is not a broker dealer, and does not transact for commission. We are only a fee-for-service advisor. We only advise on separate accounts, not comingled funds. It is this latest tragic event that requires a restatement of this basic principle. The world is such that we now confront a continuum of tragic events on a daily basis. We cannot depend on the regulators to protect us. Clearly, they can falter. We cannot depend on the rating agencies to accomplish valuations that give us comfort that there is soundness and creditworthiness. Clearly, they have failed. The nature of the world today is that one has to be self-sufficient and seek safety in the way things get structured. In our view, separating every service, evaluating it independently, and avoiding comingled assets is one of the soundest principles. It matches diversification of risk as the type of approach that can protect investors in a world that seems to be rife with Lehmans, Madoffs, MF Globals, and others yet to be revealed. In Paris, fear is growing among investors, bankers, and financial professionals. They recall the history of previous generations, when governments failed. They worry about an end to the grand “rapprochement” that led six decades of peace. Does the euro crisis portend that era may be drawing to a close? They watch from afar as another American firm blows up, as another Federal Reserve primary dealer joins the list of failures, alongside Countrywide and Lehman Brothers. It is raining here. The holiday lights are dimmed by fog, just as the outlook is dimmed by uncertainty. Comments from Paris by David R. Kotok, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor implied. If you could repeat previously discredited memes or steer the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions, it would be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonymous.
My afternoon reading: • Post-Financial Crisis – How do the Major Economic Players Stack Up? (Northern Funds) • Three reasons beating the market is so difficult (Dallas News) • The Economic Case for Same-Sex Marriage (Bloomberg) • How Moore’s Law Affects Wall St. Trading (DealBook) • Media Analysis: Murdoch has been humiliated but much worse is yet to come (London Evening Standard) see also Scandal and Scrutiny Hem In Murdoch’s Empire (NYT) • 13 Disturbing Facts About McDonald’s (The Fiscal Times) • Jon Favreau Talks ‘Iron Man 3,’ Praises Joss Whedon for Avengers (Hollywood Reporter) • Homeland Security Concedes Airport Body Scanner ‘Vulnerabilities’ (Wired) see also Congress: The TSA Is Wasting Hundreds Of Millions In Taxpayer Dollars (Tech Dirt) • All Presentation Software is Broken (Ilya Grigorik) • Is the filibuster unconstitutional? (Washington Post) What are you reading? Analytical Trend Troubles Scientists Category: Financial Press Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor implied. If you could repeat previously discredited memes or steer the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions, it would be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonymous.
U.S. retail sales fall for the three consecutive months. Chairman Bernanke disappoints the easy money crowd during his Congressional testimony. Weekly jobless claims come in much higher than expected. Companies miss big on the top line yet their stocks move higher. Sovereign yield curves in the European periphery moving toward inversion. Equities keep moving higher and higher. WTF? Nobody knows for certain and we’ve learned to run from those who think they do. Here are some of are our thoughts and observations of what is driving the markets. 1) Market was sold out. Trading the thee macro swans — Europe, China, and U.S. slowdown – caught too much fast money leaning the wrong way and real money under allocated to equites. A dearth of real sellers has forced the shorts to cover, bringing the major averages above technical levels that has now generated buy signals for the fast money crowd and convincing them the swans are priced. 2) Massive capital flows into the U.S.. The U.S. equity market is providing leadership for global equities. We don’t have the data x/dollar strength but we hear anecdotal reports of big money flows into the U.S., which generates even more liquidity in domestic markets. The flooding of the capital markets is “lifting all boats.” Kind of feels a bit like the environment after the Russian debt default in 1998 when the U.S. market was flooded with safe haven capital flows. 3) The Bernanke Put. Markets know that the Fed will be there to backstop any large equity sell-off and feel more confident about buying risk assets. 4) Swan fatigue. Investors and traders are tired of being negative about Europe and worried of a China hard landing. They are now picking up U.S. stocks, where earnings appear to be holding up better than expected. They assume a fiscal deal gets done in Washington. 5) Positive long-term prospects for the U.S.. Last week’s Economist had a very positive article on the long-term prospects for the United States, titled The Comeback Kid. They note the healing in the housing market; an expanding export sector; and a structural upgrade in U.S. competitiveness due to the exploitation of shale gas. Thus, the “bullish on America” trade is back. 6) The Power of Zero. As the saying goes, “John Bull can stand many things, but he can’t stand two zero percent,” the flows get going. Investors appear to be suffering “cash fatigue” as they fret over receiving a negative real return on their cash savings. Equities look cheap to high grade bonds and buying Treasuries, which are gummed up by the Fed’s Operation Twist and the safe haven trade, is riskier than “ walking in front of a steamroller to pick up a dime.” 7) Romney polling better than expectations. The latest NYT/CBS poll shows the President and Governor Romney in a dead heat. In our opinion, the equity market would rally on the perception of a Romney victory. 8) All of the above. This gets our vote. Whatever the reason(s) for the equity market strength the question is – is it sustainable and healthy price action? We don’t know and think of an analogy from NASA’s finest moment. Did anyone think Apollo 13 could make it back to earth just after it blowing out the oxygen tank which crippled its service module? Many didn’t at the time and much had to go right. So to it is with equities right now. We respect the price action, acknowledge our ignorance, afraid of being too long, are almost always intellectually bearish, have been ground up in the choppy action, and think the market is range bound. A close above 1375 on the S&P500 ratchets up the new range to 1375-1415. The market moves fast on news so we view must hold support at 1360, the 100-day moving average. There you have it, folks, our interpretation of the shadow puppets dancing on the side of the market cave! (click here if chart is not observable) Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor implied. If you could repeat previously discredited memes or steer the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions, it would be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonymous.
Donated materials promote safe sleep for newbornsTwo local organizations are working with River Falls Area Hospital birth center staff to provide information and materials to improve safety for infants. By: Judy Wiff, River Falls Journal Two local organizations are working with River Falls Area Hospital birth center staff to provide information and materials to improve safety for infants. Through a joint project, the Pierce County Citizen Review Panel and the Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley obtained infant sleep sacks, shaken baby syndrome DVDs and printed materials to distribute to the parents of newborns. The review panel -- one of five in Wisconsin that go over cases of child fatalities and near fatalities and offer input to local child protection workers -- learned that there’s a trend of very, very young babies being abused, said Betsy Byker. Byker, who works for Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley and serves on the panel, said major problems are co-sleeping, the practice of allowing infants to sleep with one or both parents, and crib deaths. The panel, which gets a small amount of money from the state, decided to use some of those funds to buy the shaken-baby DVDs, sleep sacks and printed materials offering “safe sleep” and cope-with-crying tips. The panel approached Halo, the company that makes the baby sleep sacks, which ultimately donated eight sacks to the hospital. The panel bought another 16. “It sure helps us to get some funding,” said McGary. She said the American Academy of Pediatrics requires birth centers to provide information on SIDS and shaken baby syndrome. RFAH already has parents of newborns watch the shaken-baby DVD before leaving the hospital and sends a copy home with the new family. Other materials sent home with new parents include door hangers reminding caregivers to place infants on their backs to sleep and keep soft bedding and toys out of the child’s sleep area as well as a flyer advising parents to develop a plan for dealing with a constantly crying baby. All babies cry and some seem to cry no matter what the parent does, said McGary. The DVDs and printed information help parents plan for that, she said. “It addresses a really serious issue in a kind way,” said Byker. “It goes through stuff that’s so good to know when you’re there alone in the middle of the night,” added McGary. “Hopefully when parents are struggling, they will pull (the DVD) out and watch it again,” said Byker. The newly donated sleep sacks will be distributed by Family Resource Center workers who meet with parents of newborns at the hospital and then follow up with them when they go home. The birth center also gives each family one sleep sack, a wearable blanket that replaces loose crib blankets which could cover a baby’s face and interfere with breathing. McGary reminded parents that statistics show infants who are placed on their backs to sleep are 50 percent less likely to develop SIDS -- “That’s phenomenal.” Current members of the Pierce County Citizens Review Panel are Byker, Diana Bunce, Heidi Roettger, Jerry Breen, Ed Paulson, Jackie Schwartz, Diane Holcomb and Jennelle Wolf. The panel can have 12-15 members -- so more are needed. Those interested may call Pierce County Human Services Director Ronald Schmidt at 715-273-6766. No professional qualifications are needed for membership, said Byker, “You just have to care about children.”
Karaoke can be a dangerous endeavor. What can you sing that won't make friends shun you? How can you go balls-out during your next performance? Each week in "Ask a Karaoke Host," RFT Music writer and professional karaoke host Allison Babka answers your burning questions about maximizing your melodio ... More >> It would appear that Tammy Baggio, 39, had a pretty clever scheme to make money off of Sam's Club stores throughout the Midwest, involving switched containers, pet products and eBay. It was, however, not quite clever enough to last very long. So say the federal authorities that have formally accus ... More >> ebay.comPlates like this abound online. Perhaps the Cardinals could pick up similar trinkets from all 27 cities with MLB teams?So you've heard the news. How could you not?! It's the biggest story of the week year century history of St. Louis. On Monday a decorative steel plate fell off the exteri ... More >> Pretty Little Empire. Photo by Steve Truesdell.Ed: The RFT Music Showcase was Saturday. It was hot, it was crowded and you would have needed to be in ten places as once to see all the good stuff. Among those who tried was Diana Benanti -- she brings you part two of her highlights below. Read ... More >> Can't believe this thing already has 16 bids on eBay in just 24 hours.Click for larger image.If it doesn't sell online, it looks like there's another auction on Wednesday of next week. H/T: Punching Kitty. Related Content: After 70 Years on St. Louis Riverfront, Fate of S.S. Admiral Could be Deci ... More >> (The number of chain-record stores nationwide has dwindled. However, St. Louis has become an unlikely safe haven for indie record shops -- and for DJs who prefer to spin the black circle instead of scrolling their iPods. In this weekly column, we'll focus on personal portraits of St. Louis' record a ... More >> Courtesy of Albert WatkinsRay in Hollywood last fall for the New Moon premiere.Remember Casey Ray? The luckiest Dumpster-diver ever? Her story just keeps on going. Sort of like the Twilight saga. Now she's auctioning off her autographed New Moon script on eBay. Bidding starts at $10,000. (For ... More >> In the latest case of pareidolia -- a funny little trick of the brain that places important, often religious, symbolism on regular items -- a British woman claims that a piece of chewed gum she stuck on her mantel turned into the image of Christ. On Good Friday, even! www.telegraph.co.ukT ... More >> Florida citrus-growers fight to save crops from cold. (Bloomberg)The throwback to cane sugar-sweetened soda doesn't make much health difference. (Los Angeles Times)Frozen pizza sales rise. (Minneapolis St. Paul Star-Tribune)Coffee shops are incognito Starbucks. (CNN.com)Potatoes sporting h ... More >> The eBay advertisement states that the ornament is of Pujols "fielding" a play at first base. But c'mon, what's it look like he's doing? P.S. A tip of the toilet seat to First Cuts. Ethiopian agronomist wins World Food Prize. (USA Today)Thinning a suburban deer herd means meat for the needy. (Kansas City Star)Do you need 76 tons of frozen British fruit pies? Check Ebay. (UPI)Hipster demand drives Pabst Blue Ribbon prices. (NBC Los Angeles)Some highlights from the New ... More >> flickr.com/photos/jusumCan't you imagine this headline getting read in a sonorous voice? Maybe even by McGruff? Anyway, our friends at the FBI are always eager to help us out, which is why they've sent out this press release about how to avoid online auction fraud. Now if only they could tell us how ... More >> Twangfest 13 starts tonight at the Pageant with Amy Lavere, Hot Club of Cowtown and Alejandro Escovedo, but the Twangfest eBay Auction, an annual charity event for KDHX Community Media, has been rolling for a week, with many items ending this afternoon. Lots of cool and rare music stuff. Check it ou ... More >> Dear Smashing Pumpkins collectors,Why do you keep emailing me, asking if I'm selling my Zeitgeist promo CD? I'm genuinely curious about these queries, which I assume are stemming from my review of the album. For starters, it's mad illegal; my copy is a record-label-issued, numbered and watermar ... More >> A man in southwestern Illinois is blaming the sleeping pill Ambien for a recent brush with the law. The man says he took the drug and the next thing he remembered was waking up in a jail cell where police charged him with attempting to break into a home and resisting arrest. The man aptly calls his ... More >> Octavio DiazAfter more than a year of debate, the Town & Country Board of Alderman approved last night a plan to decrease its deer population. The issue has prompted sharp debates at city hall between people who enjoy the deer and those who eye the creatures as a nuisance. In November, an angry ... More >> eBayHave you seen the curious local home for sale on eBay? The property is built inside one of the old sand mines that run along the Mississippi River south of St. Louis in Jefferson County.According to the description on eBay, the owners are behind on the balloon note they used to finance the proje ... More >> In Warrenton, Missouri, about an hour outside St. Louis, a hoosier torch is about to be passed. The old Interstate Batteries Limousine is for sale. With seven days to go as of this writing, the 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix GT is going for $11,500. And where can you buy it? Ebay, of course. It's been feat ... More >> In today's news: More on Mexico and U.S. meat, prosecco and Burger King's meat cologne sells out. From the "That Didn't Take Long" department of political humor, an eBay listing for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-Elect Obama and allegedly shopped around by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Bidding started at 99 cents and, as of this writing, has reached $51. Bidders, note: Free shi ... More >> While browsing at Vintage Vinyl yesterday, I found out that the store recently bought a collection of records from somebody. This buy was a bit different than others, however. For starters, clerks found a whole ton of old photos of rock stars like Blondie and the Damned just hanging out -- like, qua ... More >> Bookworms bore through "Steal Das Book" A pair of local entrepreneurs has a Barry Bonds home run ball for sale, but so far they're going down swinging. B-Sides explores whether actors can really sing, downloads some Pixies goodness and has some devilish words for Bleeding Through Underrated local talent Eddie Fisher finally sees his work released on CD, while KWUR celebrates its own week Wednesday, December 14; the Savvis Center (South 14th Street and Clark Avenue) Unreal visits an anger-management expert. Then, feeling better, we scan the Bargain Box for a money-maker (note: not for shaking) and talk about psychiatrist-patient luv with a Scientologist (oops). Plus: the local blog of an alleged killer. Webster Film Series thins its collection New Pro Arte is fingerpicking good Week of August 20, 2003 Rick Nielsen is not content to pull his old hat tricks anymore Week of December 26, 2001 Week of May 2-8, 2001 Find everything you're looking for in your city Find the best happy hour deals in your city Get today's exclusive deals at savings of anywhere from 50-90% Check out the hottest list of places and things to do around your city
Nature’s vision: the ‘eyes’ have it October 20, 2011 — If we see a bird or some other creature, and it is close enough, there is something that usually catches our eye early in our observation: the eyes. In nature, there are many adaptations of vision. Earthworms have simple eyes (ocelli) that are able to detect light and dark, while eagles and hawks have single lens eyes with visual acuity five times greater than a human. (An eagle has five times the density of vision cells at the central focus area of the retina than humans do.) Each animal species in its habitat requires different vision adaptations in order to survive and reproduce. Look at the images to get an “eyeful” of these varied vision adaptations.
JROTC teaches self-discipline, confidence, and pride in a job well done. It offers students challenges and opportunities to: - Sharpen communication skills - Promote and encourage citizenship through participation in community service projects - Develop leadership potential - Strengthen self-esteem - Improve physical fitness - Provide incentives to live drug-free - Promote graduation from high school and develop a solid foundation for career development The JROTC curriculum is divided into seven sections or units. Each unit offers a new opportunity, challenge, and different perspective from which the student can see himself and the world around him. Unit 1: Citizenship in Action - helps develop new skills the student will need in school and throughout his life. It engages him in the practice of basic citizenship customs and traditions and in the exploration of opportunities for non-military and military national service. Unit 2: Leadership Theory and Application - teaches the student about leadership. It teaches how to BE a leader, what you need to KNOW when you are influencing others and what you DO when you are leading. Unit 3: Foundations for Success - designed to provide young cadets with hands-on experiential learning activities that build self-awareness, essential life skills and the ability to set and achieve goals. Unit 4: Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid - provides training for getting started on total fitness, split-second emergencies, handling common emergencies, and lifesaving measures. There is also training on substance abuse awareness, intervention and prevention. By teaching the value of physical exercise and conditioning, personal hygiene and proper diet through the Cadet Challenge program (Presidential Council on Physical Fitness), a student will feel good about himself both physically and mentally. Unit 5: Geography, Map Skills and Environmental Awareness - helps cadets develop a global perspective and awareness of environmental issues by engaging them in interactive activities that explore the use of maps, map reading and the sport of orienteering (an outdoor sport using maps to find one’s way from point A to point B). Unit 6: Citizenship in History and Government - builds basic skills and interest for participation in civic and political life. Students actively engage in We The People curriculum to explore the origins, structure, rights and responsibilities of the American Constitutional government. Unit 7: Air Rifle Safety and Marksmanship – teaches important elements of safety and marksmanship in the use of air rifles. Cadet success is the main goal of the JROTC learning experience. The focus is on the development of better citizens by building skills in leadership, citizenship, life success, geography, and wellness in a structured interactive environment. One of the most important traits a cadet develops is his potential to be a leader. Leadership development, provided through formal instruction in JROTC classes and throughout cadet life in the RMA Chain of Command, is a life-long benefit. JROTC also offers other programs for cadets at Riverside Military Academy. Cadets in the JROTC program are taught social etiquette. Once each year, the JROTC Department conducts either a Military Ball (in which the cadets may escort a date), or a Military Dining-In (a fun event that allows cadets an opportunity to celebrate and look back on their year of training). Cadets have opportunities to go rappelling, practice rifle marksmanship, and be tested in various areas of physical fitness. RMA cadets are often invited to participate in parades in Atlanta, GA. The JROTC Color Guard has performed for many companies, grand opening ceremonies, and college graduation ceremonies in the North Georgia area. The Raider team became National Champions in the one-rope-bridge competition in 2011, and the Drill team won the State Drill Championship in 2011. Cadets also have the opportunity to participate in many 5K runs as well as other events sponsored by organizations around North Georgia. Riverside Military Academy's JROTC program has earned the top honor in its inspections for the last 45 years. The Honor Unit of Distinction (HUD) is awarded to each JROTC school that passes the every third year inspection with a score between 600-1000 points. Cadets are tested by the JROTC command staff from Ft. Stewart, Georgia in the areas of management, drill and ceremony, classroom knowledge, color guard, and a cadet staff briefing. As a HUD school, RMA has the privilege to recommend up to five students to any of the U.S. Military Service Academies for the upcoming school year.
Thank you for visiting our past auction result archives. If you have an item identical (or similar) to this auction lot, please call, write or contact us to discuss. We will be able to help you. 1909 Evolution of Chance's Champion Chicago Cubs Booklet Starting Bid - $200.00, Sold For - $2,610.00 The Evolution of Chance's Champion Chicago Cubs souvenir book is one of the era's rarest and most striking for display publications. This publication, which measures 10 x 6.75 inches, provides a short history of the Chicago Cubs baseball organization, focusing on the first decade of the twentieth century, which included three championship seasons for the Cubs. The cover pictures Chicago player-manager Frank Chance. The thirty-four interior pages feature numerous photos of West Side Park and the team's office rooms, as well as a two-page foldout team panorama of the 1907 Cubs, and two two-page foldout panoramas of "National League Park Chicago, Giants vs. Cubs, August 30, 1908. There has been some very well executed restoration, including to the spine and interior foldout, and pages two and three were reattached out of sequential order, but overall the publication has a Very Good to Excellent appearance. This is only the second example of this rare publication that we have ever seen; the first one we sold years ago had very similar restoration. Reserve $200. Estimate $400/$600. SOLD FOR $2,610.00 (Click the smaller thumbnails to the left and right (if any) to cycle through each photo in the gallery of images for this lot.)
5 September 2011 3 September 2011 —Moses ibn Ezra (1055-1138?) 2 September 2011 I chanced across a photo of this sugar packet today… an effective visual narrative conveying an important message (in any language) by means of a simple illustration. I had pocketed a few of these in a street cafe in Portugal in the mid-1990s, and one has been pinned to a cork-board above my desk (amidst much other ephemera) for many years. 1 September 2011 Winnipeg Beach, Manitoba If you’re in Manitoba or NW Ontario this weekend, please feel free to drop by What? Clay Art & Curios (Evelin Richter’s studio) during the 10th Wave Artists’ Studio Tour… from 10:00 to 18:00 on Saturday and Sunday (3 and 4 September), several dozen Interlake artists and galleries will fling open their doors and welcome you in for an intimate view of how they work. Ev’s been busy completing a number of figurative ceramic sculptures which will be on display in her studio (and her piece Not Jane Eyre, shown below, is now on exhibit at the Fishfly Gallery as well).
Love robotics? Fill out the form below to stay abreast of the latest news, research, and business analysis in key areas of the fast-changing All Stories Tagged "Kiva" 01/19/10 Kiva continues to roll with a multi-year agreement to automate the distribution centers in the Netherlands and New England of medical device manufacturer Boston Scientific. Kiva Systems, a developer of robotic solutions that automate order fulfillment and warehouse operations, announced that Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) has chosen Kiva to automate two key distribution centers in the United States and Europe. The medical device manufacturer was seeking a warehouse automation solution that would help ensure maximum reliability while maintaining the rigorous product and inventory control that exists today. According to the multi-year agreement signed today, Boston Scientific will use the…
A new Wired article describes some of the advances being achieved in software for swarm intelligence and multi-robot cooperation by researchers participating in the Aibo league of the 2003 American RoboCup Open competition. After each competition teams have to release their source code to make sure new innovations aren't lost or kept secret. The Open Source approach has resulted in much faster and intense innovation among the participants. This is a wonderful idea! I miss the old days when I could just dial up on my old 8-bit machines and download all the source I wanted from various gopher searches. I truly believe in open source libraries. The greatest advantage from open source libraries is the sharing of interesting ideas for programming structures. It's also an extra plus for beginners and intermediates trying to develop better coding structures. Like myself, I have spent lots of time reviewing code looking for different approaches to specific tasks and routines. With resources like this from a competition based programming system we could only expect good results for new ideas in neural networking and cooperative interaction with multiple robots. Not to mention, it will work to broaden the field of robotics around the world at a much faster
To view our Body Contouring video, please click one of the bandwidth speeds to the right. Providing the Rochester Area with Liposuction and Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) The Plastic Surgery Group of Rochester offers New York residents in Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse procedures such as liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), spider vein removal and more. Individuals considering these body sculpting procedures often feel a bit overwhelmed by the number of options and techniques being promoted today. However, our cosmetic surgeon can help. Our doctor will listen to you and work to help you decide which is the right treatment approach, considering effectiveness, safety, cost, and appropriateness for your needs. We offer the following body sculpting procedures to patients in the area around Syracuse, Buffalo, and Rochester: At our offices in Rochester also serving Buffalo and Syracuse, liposuction is used to remove localized deposits of fat, helping sculpt specific areas of the body, such as the hips, thighs, knees, abdomen, buttocks, upper arms, neck, chin, and cheeks. The Liposuction Procedure In a liposuction procedure, a thin tube called a "cannula" is inserted through a tiny incision, and is used to suction out the layers of fat underneath the skin. The cannula is moved back and forth through the fat during the liposuction procedure, breaking up the fat deposits and vacuuming them out. If you are having liposuction performed on a number of areas, your surgeon will then move to the next site, keeping any incisions as small and unobtrusive as possible. Advances in Liposuction Technology Since we first began using the procedure in the Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse area, liposuction has benefited from several technological advances. Newer, more advanced procedures, including ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty and the tumescent technique, are helping our plastic surgeons to provide patients from Syracuse, Buffalo and Rochester with liposuction in which the results are more precise and the recovery times quicker. Liposuction cannot replace a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits, but it can help you get rid of stubborn concentrations of fat that don't respond to diet and exercise. Ultrasound-Assisted Lipoplasty makes use of a special cannula that produces extremely high-frequency sound waves. As the cannula moves back and forth through fat deposits, the ultrasonic energy liquefies fat by destroying the walls of the fat cells. Liquefied fat is then vacuumed out quickly and easily with the cannula, in the same manner as traditional liposuction. The Tumescent Technique helps reduce the post operative bruising, swelling and pain that accompany a traditional liposuction procedure. When performing tumescent technique liposuction, your surgeon will inject a large amount of liquid anesthetic into the areas of excess fat, causing the area containing the fat to become swollen and firm, or "tumesced." This expansion of the area around the fat deposits allows the liposuction cannula more freedom of movement as it removes fat beneath the skin. Blood loss is minimized in tumescent technique liposuction, so there is less likelihood that a blood transfusion will be necessary. Please contact our cosmetic surgery practice in the Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse area with any liposuction questions. Liposuction can also be performed in conjunction with abdominoplasty and breast reduction. We can help you decide which technique is right for you. Featured Liposuction Patients Back to top Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) We perform various body contouring treatments at The Plastic Surgery Group of Rochester. Abdominoplasty surgery, or "tummy tuck," as it is more commonly known, is a popular procedure for patients who have lost weight, but excess skin remains. How Can a Tummy Tuck Improve the Appearance of my Figure? Tummy tuck surgery can help you get rid of a protruding belly, even one that won't go away with diet and exercise. Women who have abdominal muscles and skin that have been stretched out due to pregnancy can also benefit greatly from the procedure. A tummy tuck operation removes excess skin and deposits of fat, and may tighten the muscle in your abdominal area, slimming your waistline and greatly reducing the appearance of a protruding abdomen. What Type of Abdominoplasty Treatment is Right for Me? Before your operation, you will have a consultation at our office in Rochester. Tummy tuck operations come in several variations, and your abdominoplasty surgeon will work with you to determine what type of tummy tuck would best suit you. You may only need a "mini-tummy tuck," technically known as a partial abdominoplasty, if the areas of fat are mostly concentrated below your navel. If fat deposits are more widespread, you may get the best results from a tummy tuck done in conjunction with liposuction, which can give you a better body contour by removing fat deposits from your hips and other areas. Depending on your particular circumstances, our Rochester plastic surgeon may even recommend liposuction alone instead of a tummy tuck operation. Tummy Tuck Surgery When performed at our surgical facility in Rochester, abdominoplasty surgery usually takes two to three hours to complete. A mini-tummy tuck generally takes only an hour. In the full tummy tuck operation, the main incision stretches across your abdomen just above the pubic area, reaching from one hip to the other. A mini-tummy tuck uses a shorter incision, and usually does not require that your navel be separated and moved. During these abdominoplasty procedures some patients may have their abdominal muscles tightened. This makes your stomach firmer and slims the contour of your waistline. Within a few weeks to a few months of your tummy tuck procedure, you should be back to normal activities. If you have any questions, contact The Plastic Surgery Group of Rochester for more tummy tuck / abdominoplasty information. Back To Top Spider Vein Removal Spider veins are small blood vessels located close to the skin's surface. They are a common problem for women, with unsightly clusters of red, blue, or purple veins appearing on the thighs, calves, and ankles of nearly half of adult females. At The Plastic Surgery Group of Rochester, we offer several options to eliminate spider veins, including sclerotherapy and laser treatment. Spider Vein Removal Treatment Options Sclerotherapy is a simple procedure in which veins are injected with a solution that causes them to collapse and fade from view. A sclerotherapy session is relatively quick, lasting only about 15 to 45 minutes. Laser Treatment uses pulses of laser light to seal off veins and cause them to dissolve, achieving the same result as sclerotherapy. Laser treatments are effective mainly for smaller spider veins. Over the course of about a month, these procedures cause spider veins to fade and vanish, helping your skin look younger, clearer, and healthier. Often, our patients at The Plastic Surgery Group of Rochester are shocked by the difference between a leg that has received treatment and one that has not. Back To Top If you live in the Syracuse, Buffalo, or Rochester areas and would like to learn more about liposuction, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), or another body sculpting procedure, contact our cosmetic surgery practice today.
- Prince Reigns Over Own Music Releases In New Deal - Jesse Jane is stunning in black and white - Alice Goodwin rocks the black lingerie - Nina Mercedez is sexy in red - Exclusive Interview: Lou Gramm - Jason Newsted: ‘I’m In Much Better Shape Than I Was At 37′ - Sister Sin Debut Album To Be Reissued As CD+DVD Package With Bonus Material - Uriah Heep Bassist Trevor Bolder Dies At 62 - Audio Samples Of Entire New Alice In Chains Album - Philip Anselmo Announces First-Ever Solo Tour Exclusive Interview: Art Alexakis from Everclear Hey man, how’s it goin’? Good, Jesse. How are you? I’m doin’ great! Thanks for taking time out for this. Can you tell me a little about how you knew it was time to start work on a new CD? I always planned to make a new one. I don’t know. It was just right. I made the decision late in 2004. I had been writing some songs and coming up with some ideas. I’d been working them out with my band. It seemed like the time to record would have been early 2005. We were off of Capitol so I didn’t have to meet deadlines. I didn’t have people calling me and asking when the ”product” was going to be ready. It’s not “product” – it’s music. It becomes product when it’s done and it’s their responsibility to sell it. I know they have to sell things. I know they want singles. It’s not like that with me. I’m not trying to write singles. I’ll write music until it fills up the record. Some songs will appeal to a mass audience and some won’t. Some Beatles and Stones songs are like that. This was the first time in a long time that the urgency wasn’t about finishing the record. The urgency was about making a record exactly the way I wanted to, ya know? That had to make it a more honest record, I guess. Oh, I think so. I don’t know if it’s exactly more honest. It just wasn’t as much “mine” on the last couple of records. I’m happier in my life now. I went through a lot of crap and a lot of changes that I’ve put myself through over the last couple of years. Personal, musical, professional and physical. I’m at a place now where I feel good. I’m still pissy and still mad but I’m mad with a purpose and a foundation behind it. I know what I’m mad about. When you write a new record, do you ever write songs solely based on fan expectations or is it always just to make yourself happy? I don’t think anyone can always write to fan expectations. Doing what I really want to do is living up to fan expectations. People say this is like a comeback. I don’t know. Comeback is like you went somewhere. I guess I did. I went off into my own place for a while. People think I’m back. I’m more connected now than I have been in years. The buzz for the “Hater” video is huge! That tune has also been dubbed the “Breakup Song of 2006″. I guess it just depends on which version of the video you see. The one I enjoy has a Jesus-like character smoking, rolling a joint, stealing, surfing MySpace and hanging out with lesbians! Who’s idea was it to do that? He’s not a nice Jesus! He actually has nothing to do with Jesus. He’s a creep. He just has the power of God in him. He can do anything he wants. He could do good stuff if he wanted to. He chooses to do bad stuff. That video is going to get a reaction, especially to people who can’t open their minds up a little. The publicity on the video alone is awesome to help push a new record. Is this a case of “any reaction is a good reaction”? I’m not worried about the publicity. I didn’t even think about that. I just wanted people to think. Sometimes you’ve gotta piss people off to get them to think. Hate and the term “hater” is used in so many different ways. What does it mean? A “hater” is someone who chooses to hate. If you’re calling someone a hater it could very well be pointed back at you. That’s the whole point of the song. The guy in the song is me but when you get hurt by somebody you’re hating back. That gets you nowhere. Some people are picking up on that aspect of it. Some aren’t. They think I’m just mad, but that’s cool to them! They’re missing the point! Just buy the record! Maybe, but I hope they just like the song. It’s a fun rock song. After writing, recording, mixing and mastering – by the time the CD is out are you tired of the songs by then? I’ve learned how to get around that. After it’s mastered and I give it away to get manufactured, I don’t listen to it for a few months. I just started listening to it again a couple of weeks ago. It sounds really great. I’m really excited about it. You can get too close to something, that’s for sure. I’m not anywhere near there. I’m not ready to get back into the studio and make a new record. I’m ready to go out and play these songs. So what do you have in store for 2006? The record’s coming out. I just finished a movie that’s getting a buzz called “Room To Breathe”. I play a creepy man. It came out really good. That’s going out to some festivals. Next year I’m going to tour on the record and just get out there. I’ve cleared up a lot of loose ends as far as legal things go with my ex-wife. I just won a custody battle. We’re going to retain full custody. Another ex-wife sued me and won so I’m gonna have to make some money and pay her! I don’t really care at this point. I’m just going to do what’s right and see where the chips fall. I’m a worker man. I’m not afraid of it. If work means picking up a guitar and going out there playing guitar, that’s a good job. I’ve had crappy jobs. I’m prepared to do ‘em again if I have to. I’m enjoying it more than I ever have, man. I’m at a point where I don’t take anything in my life for granted. That’s hard to do. Thanks again for making time for this today. What would you like to say to your fans? Always wash your hands before and after a meal! I’m just kidding! I hope you like the record and come see us! Got a news tip or correction? Send it to us by clicking here.
June 5, 2012 Staff Photos: Sue Ann Kuhn-Smith Aidan Lindsay, a third-grader at Peeks Chapel Elementary School, puts a sail on his rain gutter regatta boat in an activity that is part of the Yellow River District Boy Scouts Day Camp at Salem Campground. Aidan is a member of the Bear Cub Scout den. Shown with Aiden is Girl Scout volunteer Olivia Drake, who is helping Aidan put the mast on his hand-painted boat. Olivia is an eight-year Girl Scout member and will attend Heritage High School as a freshman in the fall. Stories this photo appears in: A day camp for Cub Scouts is under way this week at Salem Campground.
After nearly four months of on-again, off-again negotiations, players and owners in the National Hockey League have finally agreed to a tentative labor deal that will end a management-imposed lockout that entered its 114th day on Monday. The NHL’s lawyers from Proskauer Rose and Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher Flom finally reached an agreement with their counterparts at the National Hockey League Players’ Association in the early morning hours of Sunday, January 6, after a marathon 16-hour negotiation session that involved emissaries shuttling between league headquarters and union advisers camped out three blocks away in the Grand Ballroom of the Sofitel New York Hotel. After a quick two-hour nap, the NHL’s outside counsel and their in-house counterparts returned to the tedious task of drafting a 10-year contract with the NHLPA that will split league revenues 50-50 between players and owners. The agreement also ensures labor peace until 2020, and averts the potentially catastrophic cancellation of the NHL season, just eight years after the league scuttled an entire year of play during its last period of collective bargaining unrest. Leading the legal team for the NHL on its negotiations with players are Proskauer labor and employment partners L. Robert Batterman and Joseph Baumgarten, and Skadden antitrust practice leader Shepard Goldfein and partners James Keyte and Paul Eckles. Last month both firms were on hand for the league when it filed a lawsuit and unfair labor practice charge against the NHLPA. Only a few weeks ago the possibility of a deal between warring players and owners was so dire that ice hockeystarved websitesusually busy this time of year covering top teams and star goaltenders, wingers, and defensemenwere forced to transition to posting fictitious drafts of top legal advisers to both sides. The NHLPA is led by executive director Donald Fehr, a former longtime head of the Major League Baseball Players Association and a disciple of the legendary sports labor union leader Marvin Miller, who passed away in late November at 95. Fehr retired from the MLBPA in 2009, and pro hockey players elected him as their head the following year to take a hard line against owners ahead of negotiations on a new deal to replace the old collective bargaining contract that expired in September 2012. The Toronto-based NHLPA turned to Montreal’s Melancon, Marceau, Grenier Sciortino and Edmonton’s Blair Chahley for preliminary legal skirmishes that month against the league in Quebec and Alberta that were aimed at declaring any potential lockout illegal under Canadian law. Those efforts were for the most part unsuccessful, and Heenan Blaikie and McLennan Ross took the lead advising the New Yorkbased NHL on proceedings north of the border, according to our previous reports. In December, The Am Law Daily reported on the NHLPA’s retention of Weil, Gotshal Manges litigation cochair James Quinn and partner Bruce Meyer to represent it in a suit filed by the league in Manhattan before U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer, a former Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr litigation partner appointed to the bench in 2011. (The American Lawyer named Engelmayer one of its federal judges to watch this past fall.) On January 3, Weil filed a motion to dismiss the league’s case against the union. The NHLPA had already begun the process of dissolving itself as a union so its rank-and-file could proceed with an antitrust suit against the NHL and its owners, a process tried in recent years with varying degrees of success by players in the National Football League and National Basketball Association. But last week, NHL players and their union representatives reportedly let pass a self-imposed deadline for decertification and let Scot Beckenbaugh, deputy director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, act as a key intermediary with league owners and management. Article source: Article Source
Yes folks, our favorite long lost brother is set to make his grand debut in issue #17 of Archie's Mega Man. It's finally Proto Man time. (W) Ian Flynn (A) Gary Martin & Various (CA) Chad Thomas & Various. MEGA MAN # 17 ‘Proto-Type,’ Part 1. The story of Mega Man’s long lost brother, Blues (a.k.a. Proto Man), starts here! What was it that drove a wedge between the first self-aware robot and the benevolent Dr. Light? Then, in ‘Construction Derby,’ Guts Man gets some not-so-friendly competition in the form of Concrete Man! We're a ways away before this one lands in our mailboxes and newsstands, unfortunately. In the meantime, I suppose we'll just have to look forward to the inevitable preview pages! Color me excited. Source: Midtown Comics (via The Mega Man Network)
Rock n Roll TV with the latest music news in short tasty bites for your busy life! Nikki Sixx versus Kirk Cameron; New ebook claim Lennon was bulimic; Osbournes new tv show and Queen/Lambert controversy. Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx has taken on actor Kirk Cameron over his gay bashing comments on Piers Morgan’s CNN show. Cameron who was a child actor on tv’s “Growing Pains” in his teens has launched his own religious programs and networks. He spoke out against homosexuality on CNN calling it “unnatural”. Nikki tweeted and called Cameron “Ass hole of the week.” A new book about rock music icons titled BackStage Pass VIP claims that John Lennon loved to eat food such as bowls of Rice Krispies topped with ice cream but then forced himself to be sick afterwards as he hated the feeling of being full. In other words, claiming that John was bulimic. Yoko Ono has completely denied this saying John did not have an eating disorder and explained his diets included a vegetarian diet, macrobiotic diet and very rarely a juice diet. Original Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante says he’s not comfortable attending the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame ceremony for the peppers but thanks for the invite. The Scorpions are back for more dates on their farewell tour from 2010 . Sony Music has confirmed that a number of Michael Jackson’s tracks have been stolen after their website was hacked. The Osbournes are coming back to tv but this time they will be animated versions of themselves in a new sitcom called The F’n Osbournes. Justin Bieber’s Mom is writing an intimate memoir about her troubled youth. Paparazzi waiting to snap a photo of Lindsay Lohan got mixed up and photographed Debbie Harry instead… 41 years older than Lilo. Queen have been taking flack from their fans about recruiting Adam Lambert as the new singer. Festival organizer Stuart Galbraith has spoken about booking Queen and Lambert for the summer’s headline event at Sonisphere Knebworth and warned fans that if they are looking for a Freddie Mercury show then they aren’t going to get it. Knebworth was Freddie’s last show with Queen 26 years ago.
By Adam Smith on October 27th, 2011 at 12:12 pm. Here’s the story so far. Interplay are developing a Fallout MMO title and Bethesda are attempting to block further development through application of The Law. When their previous injunction failed, Bethesda took things all the way to the United States District Court of Appeals, claiming that the previous court had “misapplied the law”. If it was indeed a misapplication, the very same slip up has occurred once more. Stop misapplying Law, courts, you’re getting it all over the drapes. Right now, Interplay are free to continue with development but Bethesda hold the rights to the license, so presumably they’d have to kiss and make up at some point, which doesn’t happen all that often with people who are vigorously throwing lawyers at one another. Bethesda’s case appears to rest on the fact that Interplay are not financially stable enough to finish the game in a satisfactory timeframe and/or to a satisfactory standard. I’m not going to pretend to understand the legal wranglings fully because they’re probably more complex than I’d make them out to be. But some questions are bubbling up in the old brain-stew. Prime among them is this: what does Interplay have to gain? If they complete the game, do Bethesda have a legal responsibility to publish it under the Fallout brand? Would that lead to another legal challenge? Could they just switch the name to World of Wasteland and recolour a few assets? As far as I can make out, these current shenanigans are little more than bumps in the road en route to the potential head-on collision should there ever be a concrete plan to release a finished product. It’s a shame that none of the news reaching us pertains to what that product might be.
I'm failing to writing a blog, specifically about playing games the wrong way I promoted my vanguard, which i played in bronze and Silver. I loved it. It's also my main class in the campaign. I tried a soldier, but i suck at it. No way to regen shields is really difficult for me to grasp + I am not used to actually use weaponry. So I stopped trying and took a human sentinel. So far I love the combination of warp+Throw. Should I use tech armor or is the impact on the cooldown to heavy ? If not, is the adept better ? So, armour piercing mods don't do what I thought. They're actually very good. The description makes it sound like you're gaining armour piercing at the expense of damage. But, no, what it means is you pierce armour then deal the stated damage, whereas a normal bullet hits the armour and deals none at all. If there's no armour to pierce then you deal damage as normal. Armour in this case refers to guardian shields, metal plates on cannibals, etc. For the yellow armour bar, you get bonus damage. Maybe I'm the only one who didn't realise. Although on bronze, I just charge around like a big invincible meatsack punching things, because it feels like that's what a Krogan should do. Ah that's a shame, you'll miss Operation Beachhead! And the rumour I posted on the Mass Effect 3 Endings turns out to be right, Batarians (and Asari Justicars, which is a bit weird) are IN! (although not this weekend, it should be noted.) What really pisses me off is those frequent disconnections. I don't count how many times I get disconnected in waves 8-10 or even during extraction... but still... free DLC right? Forgot to mention: Had a really grand time with Tail last night, sorry to Bootcha and Cocyx for turning them down (there really should be eight player matches), where we had four silver matches, in which we only won twice, and lost twice at the tenth wave. After getting promoted to level 20 for my drell adept, we decided to go on gold, and made bets for how long we'd last. Surprisingly, Tail bet at 3, I bet 4, but we actually made it to 6! Im sure with just a bit more communication, it would have all worked out somehow, and we would have made it farther. So tail/soon, get yourself a mic, its time to comm up :D (obviously to all that are interested as well) Last edited by QuantaCat; 06-04-2012 at 04:15 PM. well, I find chatting with friends over the origin interface to be quite satisfactory, but it is severely lacking multiple user support. I'm so making a Geth Infiltrator, painting him black, giving him plasma shotgun and decloacking near teammates in randoms. I'm westyfield on Origin. I mostly play as a human Sentinel.
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During the observation of young luminaries TW Hydra Space Telescope, “Herschel” discovered massive ice deposits. TW Hydra very young star - its only about 10 million years and it still not yet reached the main sequence. TW Hydra is two times lower than the Sun in mass and is removed from us to 53,7 ± 6,2 parsecs. The star has a large protoplanetary disk with a radius of 196. It is concentrated (2–6)x10 -4 solar masses of dust and 4×10-5 – 6×10 -2 mass of gas. It is believed that water vapor is collected only in the “warm” part of the protoplanetary disk, and ’cool’ outer regions, it only exists in the form of ice. However, with ultraviolet radiation, the star still converts some of the ice in the gas phase. This “cold” pairs in the protoplanetary disk TW Hydra spectrograph and registered HIFI on board the ”Herschel.” It is possible to determine the general water supply. As the scientists think, the mass of ice in the disk is TW Hydra is 9×1027 g, which is more than a thousand times greater than the amount of water, concentrated in all the seas and oceans of Earth.
President Barack Obama said Monday to expect an announcement in the coming days about a memorial to honor the victims of the Tucson, Ariz., shooting, although he did not say whether he will travel to Arizona. “There is no doubt that we will establish some mechanism, memorial during the course of the next several days, and when we have it, we will announce it,” Obama said during remarks following a separate meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. But for now, Obama said, people are still grieving and in shock over the Saturday shooting that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in serious condition. “So in the coming days, we’re going to have a lot of time to reflect,” Obama said. “As president of the United States, but also as a father, obviously I’m spending a lot of time just thinking about the families and reaching out to them.” Roll Call has launched a new feature, Hill Navigator, to advise congressional staffers and would-be staffers on how to manage workplace issues on Capitol Hill. Please send us your questions anything from office etiquette, to handling awkward moments, to what happens when the work life gets too personal. Submissions will be treated anonymously.
President George H.W. Bush endorsed former Texas Secretary of State Roger Williams on Monday in the race to succeed retiring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) in 2012, the Associated Press reported. “I wanted to get on board early,” Bush said of the Republican at a news conference in Houston. “I just know he can do this job.” Williams first began his campaign in January 2009, when Hutchison was running for governor. However, she lost the GOP primary to incumbent Gov. Rick Perry and decided to fill out the remainder of her six-year Senate term. She said Thursday that she would not seek re-election to the seat, which she has held since 1993. Roger Williams is a small-business man and was appointed secretary of state in 2005. Considered a top fundraiser in the state, he’s worked on several campaigns for President George W. Bush and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Several other Republicans have their eyes on the Senate. Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (R) said he was considering running for Hutchison’s seat hours after she announced her retirement. Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams (R) is also expected to enter the race. “People get ready!” he posted Monday on his Twitter account, the AP reported. Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert (R) said Monday that he will not seek re-election but did not specify his political plans. If he were to announce his Senate candidacy, he would be forced to resign as mayor before his term ends in June. Leppert’s name has been included in lists of possible GOP Senate contenders, in addition to Rep. Joe Barton and Railroad Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones. Barton spokesman Sean Brown told Roll Call that the 14-term Congressman is considering a bid. Barton ran against Hutchison in a 1993 special Senate election, finishing third behind Hutchison and Democrat Bob Krueger. Former state Comptroller John Sharp, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk of Dallas and 2010 gubernatorial nominee Bill White have been floated as possible candidates on the Democratic side. White said Thursday he will not run. Roll Call has launched a new feature, Hill Navigator, to advise congressional staffers and would-be staffers on how to manage workplace issues on Capitol Hill. Please send us your questions anything from office etiquette, to handling awkward moments, to what happens when the work life gets too personal. Submissions will be treated anonymously.
Go check it out and congratulations to Kai, Steven, Chad, and everyone else who skated this shit was sick. view the video online This entry was posted on Sunday, September 18th, 2005 at 9:19 pm and is filed under Contests. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed. that comp is so sick and so chill, that fall at the beginnign was so gnarly i hate it when people say:”best edit ever seen!” and stuff like that, but in this case it would be absolutly true. clean, stylish and skillfull skating with a mellow soundtrack. maybe i`m a bit out of focus cause i`m high and i just watched stanley kubrick`s 2001:a space odyssey…whatever. whats thta song its sick Rollernews.com is proudly powered by and Comments (RSS).
Tags: 2010, adrien anne, carbon, conference tv, daniel molinari, dany molinari, france, inline, italy, roller, rollerblading, rollernews, sestri levante, skates, skating, street, the conference, usd This entry was posted on Thursday, October 14th, 2010 at 2:30 pm | 951 days ago and is filed under Sessions, Video Edits, rollmix. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Roma Street Parkland was opened to the public in April 2001, marking a new chapter from a varied and colourful past. Prior to European settlement in 1825, local Aboriginal people had used the area for perhaps thousands of years for meetings and ceremonies. It has since incorporated an early Brisbane park, the Albert Park and Recreation Ground gazetted in 1877, and the land has previously been used for an orphanage and a railway goods yard. Adjacent areas (bound by Roma Street, Albert Street, Wickham Terrace, College Road and Countess Street) were used for the Brisbane Grammar School, the first Brisbane railway station, agricultural and produce markets, a power station and a gas works. The belated arrival of the main western railway to Brisbane in 1875 was heralded by construction of a terminal station in Roma Street on land resumed from the Brisbane Grammar School. It was built to handle people and goods traveling between Brisbane, Ipswich and Toowoomba. As the major goods yard for Brisbane, Roma Street was extensively redeveloped between 1911 and 1934. The steep terrain required extensive excavation to provide a level area for the goods yard and was not completed until 1920. A total of 554,300 cubic meters of rock and earth were removed – the equivalent of 110 football fields one meter high – leaving an artificial escarpment at the boundary of Albert Park. It’s still apparent today in the dramatic change of level between the Lake Precinct and the Upper Parkland. Near the Wickham Terrace boundary, the Brisbane City Council built two concrete air raid shelters in what is now the Upper Parkland. During World War II, Queensland Railways transported war materials and military personnel, becoming a busy hub during this period. Despite further development in the 1960s and 1970s, the limitations of the site and the increasing mechanisation of freight handling and use of containers eventually led to the relocation of the rail freight facility to Acacia Ridge in 1991. Roma Street Station was redeveloped to service a metropolitan and long-distance train network, vacating a significant portion of the Roma Street yards. In 1999, the Queensland Government decided to integrate the former rail land with the existing Albert Park, and released plans to redevelop the area as a new parkland for Brisbane. Development commenced in January 2000, and the new Roma Street Parkland opened in April 2001. For more information: » Download the History brochure » Download the History e-book During November 2008 Brisbane experienced some of the most violent storms for 25 years. Many suburbs of Brisbane experienced power loss and damage to property was extensive. On November 20th Brisbane was hit by its second storm in a week. Hurricane like winds and hail ripped through the Parkland during an evening concert, leaving the Parkland devastated in its wake. Some areas of the Parkland lost up to 80 percent of plants and over 70 trees were lost, including 6 of the graceful weeping figs that had adorned weeping fig avenue in the Upper Parkland. The weeping figs were over 90 years old and were planted when the Upper Parkland, then Albert Park, was declared Parkland. Between 20 and 30 other trees were blown over, these were salvaged safely by Parkland staff by being reinstated and tied with guide ropes. Many other trees were damaged badly in their canopies, with branches broken off completely. Damaged branches were pruned back to correct positions as per Australian Tree pruning standards. The Parkland has endeavoured to replace trees mainly with identical species. Last updated 09 April 2009
This is the third from the last paragraph of Al Gore's book, Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, originally published in 1993: If it is possible to steer one's own course—and I do believe it is—then I am convinced that the place to start is with faith, which for me is akin to a kind of spiritual gyroscope that spins in its own circumference in a stabilizing harmony with what is inside and what is out. Of course, faith is just a word unless it is invested with personal meaning; my own faith is rooted in the unshakeable belief in God as creator and sustainer, a deeply personal interpretation of and relationship with Christ, and an awareness of a constant and holy spiritual presence in all people, all life, and all things. But I also want to affirm what people of faith from long ago apparently knew and that our civilization has obscured: that there is revelatory power in the world. This is the essence of faith: to make a surrendering decision to invest belief in a spiritual reality larger than ourselves. And I believe that faith is the primary force that enables us to choose meaning and direction and then hold to it despite all the buffeting chaos in life. Thus we have Gore’s animistic premise for environmentalism: Every thing—including every rock and piece of dirt—is alive and has a spirit. Gore reveals himself to be an utter mystic, more mystical than the bible-thumping religious fundamentalists whom the political Left ridicules and despises. How are we to know that the holy spirit in the piece of dirt would rather sting us in the eye than be included in a cement wall of a nuclear power plant? How does the holy spirit communicate to us? Through what medium does the piece of dirt dictate its commandments on how we should surrender our reason, our pursuit of happiness, and our lives to it? Through the priest of environmentalism, Al Gore. Al Gore knows what dirt wants, and he will tell the rest of us. For the best analysis of the monstrous evil of environmentalism, read Ayn Rand’s anthology of essays, The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution. Here is an excerpt from one of those essays, “The Anti-Industrial Revolution,” originally published in 1971: Now observe that in all the propaganda of the ecologists—amidst all their appeals to nature and pleas for "harmony with nature"—there is no discussion of man's needs and the requirements of his survival. Man is treated as if he were an unnatural phenomenon. Man cannot survive in the kind of state of nature that the ecologists envision—i.e., on the level of sea urchins or polar bears. In that sense, man is the weakest of animals: he is born naked and unarmed, without fangs, claws, horns or "instinctual" knowledge. Physically, he would fall an easy prey, not only to the higher animals, but also to the lowest bacteria: he is the most complex organism and, in a contest of brute force, extremely fragile and vulnerable. His only weapon—his basic means of survival—is his mind. In order to survive, man has to discover and produce everything he needs, which means that he has to alter his background and adapt it to his needs. Nature has not equipped him for adapting himself to his background in the manner of animals. From the most primitive cultures to the most advanced civilizations, man has had to manufacture things; his well-being depends on his success at production. The lowest human tribe cannot survive without that alleged source of pollution: fire. It is not merely symbolic that fire was the property of the gods which Prometheus brought to man. The ecologists are the new vultures swarming to extinguish that fire.
Transcribed by Linda Masters William Stovall Wilkins, son of Pleasant and Amanda Wilkins, was born May 21, 1887, at Haney’s Corner in Ripley county, Indiana. When he was eleven years old his father died and it was necessary for him to assume the responsibilities of manhood at a very early age. When only fifteen years old he came to Fillmore county with family friends who were moving here from Indiana. In 1887 he was married to Miss Malina Head of Geneva. After making their home here for a few years, they moved to Colorado but soon returned to make Geneva their home. In 1913 Mr. And Mrs. Wilkins went to Wyoming where they acquired a ranch and engaged in raising livestock until failing health made it necessary for Mr. Wilkins to give up active work. At that time they returned to Geneva and built the home where they have since resided. They did, however, maintain their Wyoming interests and made frequent visits there. Their four children were all present at the funeral service Friday morning: Earl H. of Geneva; Mrs. J. B. Milstead of Chugwater, Wyo.; William R. of Geneva and Gerald R. of Rock Springs, Wyo. On the 25th of May, Mr. And Mrs. Wilkins celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, a fitting climax to fifty years of unusually happy and devoted married life. Mr. Wilkins has been in failing health for several years but was bedfast less than two weeks before the end came in the afternoon of July 6, 1937. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. W. S. Wilkins, his aged mother, Mrs. Amanda Mathews, the four children, thirteen grandchildren and one great-grandson. His life was characterized by unselfish and loyal devotion to his family, an unusual charity and tolerance for all with whom he came in contact and absolute integrity in all of his dealings. To his children the memory of their parents’ home is a priceless heritage. He united with the Geneva Methodist church in 1895 during the pastorate of Rev. Orrin W. Fifer, Mrs. Wilkins having previously united under the pastorate of Rev. J. A. Barker, and for these more than forty years their names have adorned the church records. Funeral services were conducted from the late residence, July 9, at 10 a. m. by his pastor, Rev. W. H. Shoaf. Mrs. A. H. Elder sang. Burial was in the Geneva cemetery.
Ballina & Richmond River GenWeb The old man of the family was James J. Cumiskey. He was known as Old Jim. James married Mary Ann Blanche Taylor (known as Blanche) in 1892. Blanche was the daughter of Josiah Taylor & Ellen (or Helena). The Cumiskeys lived at South Ballina where they had a dairy farm & also grew some sugar cane. They rowed the cream from South Ballina, across the river, to the Butter Factory at Ballina. They also collected their groceries & took them home in the rowing boat. Frank Cumiskey married Gertrude E. Fulford in 1921. Tommy married Gertrude E. E. Dann in 1926. Ada married Vincent G. Hayden in 1928. Rose married a school teacher named William J. Stapleton in 1929. Katie married Albert Mervin [Mervin] Robins in 1932. Olive married Norman A Ward in 1935. Sid married Margaret Josephine O'Keefe in 1944.
These pages are © Copyright 2001-2007, by Julie Kidd, all rights reserved. Please report any broken links, or other concerns, to the webmaster. Please respect copyright on and off the Internet. LAND TITLE CONTROVERSIES. It seems necessary to give in this work some account of the troublesome litigation which rested for a number of years over the city and retarded its growth. It is not a matter of very general interest, but mention of the subject cannot well be omitted, and if treated of at all, enough of the details should be furnished to state the case with clearness and definiteness. [page 118] From the way in which Portland was settled, it may be surmised that she had a world of legal difficulties and vexatious questions as to the titles of property. Such difficulties were clearly forseen by the founders and proprietors, and everything possible was done to forefend and guard against them. In point of fact, the measures adopted at the very first to give validity and permanency to all titles conveyed were eventually confirmed by the highest courts in the nation, but this did not prevent a long, tedious, expensive and, as it seemed at length, a useless controversy. When Portland was laid off, in 1845, the ownership not only of her site, but of the whole territory was in hot dispute between the United States and Great Britain. Nobody knew whether the Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes ought to be run up at the gable peak of the old hewed log store and at the little wharf on the river bank. Of course, the Americans expected that Oregon would be held by their National Government, and the existing authority in the land, such as it was, was vested in a local Government which boasted a Governor, a Legislature, supported an army and established courts. It also had recognized the necessity of some sort of land legislation, and had passed a law that any one might hold the “section@ of land upon which he was living by right of actual possession. But, in its very nature, this Government at Oregon City was provisional--having stated in its preamble that it was intended to hold the reins of government only until such time as the United States should extend her authority over Oregon. It was, therefore, uncertain how the land legislation and land titles would stand when that time should arrive. Such legislation and titles might be confirmed or supplanted by something else. From 1845, the time Portland was started, until 1848, the time that the Territorial Government was set up, was a period of three years of uncertainty, and it was two years longer before the Donation Act was passed, which substantially recognized and confirmed the land system of the Provisional Government; and it was not until 1852 that, any exact or absolute title was obtained for the town site of Portland. [page 119] To obviate the difficulties that might spring up, the proprietors took all the precautionary steps that honest and conscientious men could devise. When Lownsdale, in 1848, purchased the town site and obtained a partner in the person of General Coffin, an agreement was made that all lots which had been sold hitherto should be confirmed to the purchasers; that Coffin should obtain as quickly as possible a United States patent to the tract, and that good deeds should then be given to all those who had bought or should buy. When, in 1849, Chapman became a partner, the same agreement was continued. When, in 1852, it was decided that the property could be obtained only by a division of interests so that Lownsdale should take one portion, Chapman a second, and Coffin the third, they all signed an agreement with an enormous bond attached, that so soon as they obtained legal title they would at once issue deeds to all previous purchasers confirming their certificates. But, in spite of all these precautions, it was a matter of certainty that titles would be contested. It was beyond peradventure that somebody, at some time, would desire to push the question beyond simple private agreement, or the transient legislation of the Provisional Government to the hard and fast decree of the Supreme Court of the United States. The contest came early and was exceedingly hot, but perhaps was just as well decided then as at any other time. There was considerable temporary feeling generated, and those who were put to expense to maintain what they considered their honest rights naturally felt some exasperation at those who contested them. There were, in general, three main questions to be decided. These arose first, from the claims of Benjamin Stark; second, from the claims of the heirs of D. H. Lownsdale; and third, from the disposition by the proprietors of what was called “the levee.” As to the claims of Stark, he, as we have already recorded, had purchased Lovejoy’s interest in the 640 acres of land which then constituted Portland, but when he went to San Francisco not long after, leaving his interest to the care of Capt. Couch, it seems to have been supposed by Lownsdale that he had abandoned his claim. Nevertheless, while yet in California, and upon returning from the gold mines, he asserted his rights and it was finally agreed as the [page 120] most equitable settlement that his claim should be conceded to that triangular strip which now constitutes the central portion of the city, namely: the piece bounded by Stark and A streets and the river. But from previous agreements which appear to have been entered into by the proprietors when they supposed that their rights extended down to Couch’s line, there arose a number of cases which had to be settled in equity before the United States District Courts. One of these, as a specimen, may be introduced here. This was the case of Stark vs. Starr. It appears that as early as 1850 certain lots 1, 2, and 4, in block 81, had been occupied by persons who had what they regarded as deeds as good as were to be obtained at the time. To be sure these deeds were not given by Stark. The deed to lot 1 had the following genealogy: One Eastman had possession of it, although it does not appear by what legal authority, and gave a deed thereto to Hutchins and Hale, who passed on the same to A. M. Starr and A. P. Ankeny. There was one other link by a certain man, Bamhart, who at one time had a certificate on execution to enforce a judgment of Norton vs. Winter and Latimer, but L. M. Starr was unable to trace his deed to Barnhart. As to lot 2, of the same block, a deed was found from Chapman for the south half, and from Butler to McCoy and also from Mare to McCoy. Lot 4 was found to have been passed in 1850 from Chapman to Powell; in 1856 from Powell to A. M. Starr, and in 1865 from A. M. Starr to L. M. Starr. None of these deeds were traced to Stark, who got his title direct from the United States, and was the first recorded owner. There was a statement by Stark that lie never gave a deed to these lots on account of the fact that Chapman had never paid him for them--thus showing quite clearly that all the lots had at some time been held in some sort of an unwritten agreement between Starr and Chapman, but whatever that agreement or understanding might have been nothing of it was at first produced before the Court. In this situation it appears that Stark concluded to establish what rights he might possess in this quarter, and consequently instituted suit in equity before the District Court at Portland to recover possession. It was decided by the Court that the land had never been conveyed away from Stark, and that whatever understanding [page 121] there was prior to his acquirement of title under the Donation Act was not material. It was held, however, that the Starrs were holding this property under color of title and in good faith, and they were allowed compensation for their improvements, estimated to be worth $2,000. The possession of the lots, however, was awarded to Stark, and he was also found entitled to rent, which amounted to $5,312.50. But while Stark thus carried through his case in the United States District Court, in action on the law side of the Court, Starr had been instituting suit on the equity side of the Circuit Court of Oregon for the County of Multnomah as early as 1864, claiming the lots on two grounds: first, that there had been issued a patent to the city of Portland from the United States Land Office, in accordance with the townsite law of 1844, giving it the section upon which the town was built, in trust for the residents of the city, with due regard for the interests and titles of Stark, Lownsdale, Chapman and Coffin; and second, on the ground that Stark received his patent under the Donation Act to the lots in question in trust for Starr. By the Circuit Court of Oregon it was decided that but one of these causes could be pleaded in one suit, and at plaintiff’s option the former was chosen. The lots were awarded by this Court to Starr; upon appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court, this decision was reaffirmed; but upon appeal thence to the United States Supreme Court, the title given to the City of Portland, in accordance with the townsite law of 1844, was declared void, and Starr’s claim to his lots fell with it. But, not being discouraged by an adverse decision, and remembering that he still had cause of action left behind, Starr went back then to that second cause, instituting suit on the equity side of the United States Circuit Court to recover possession of the lots on the ground that when Stark got a patent from the United States covering the ownership of the lots, 1, 2 and half of 4, in block 81, it was simply in trust for himself, in pursuance of certain promises and transactions given and consummated long before. The case came up before Judge Sawyer, of the United States Circuit Court, and Judge Deady, of the United States District Court. In the trial the [page 122] facts which were not shown in the case of Stark vs. Starr, as mentioned above, were developed, and they explained how Chapman happened to be selling laud which appeared only under Stark’s patent, as follows: Stark and Lownsdale were both in San Francisco early in 1850, the former leaving Couch as his attorney at Portland, and the latter investing Colonel Chapman with the same powers. While there, Stark and Lownsdale talked over their rights and claims in the Portland townsite, the former urging that he had a half interest on account of his purchase of Lovejoy’s interest, (although, as it is said, Mrs. Lovejoy never signed the deed), while Lownsdale spoke of his purchase of the whole site for $5,000 from Pettygrove. But, it was finally agreed in writing to make a division whereby Lownsdale should relinquish to Stark all that portion of the claim north of a certain line which coincides very nearly with the present Stark street; and Stark was to relinquish all south of that line to Lownsdale. It was provided, however, by the latter, that the consent of certain other persons (by which he meant his partners Chapman and Coffin), must be obtained. But, in the meantime, while the two were making this arrangement in San Francisco, Colonel Chapman, acting in his own right and also as attorney for Lownsdale, and not knowing of the agreement, had bought of the company of which he was a member, this block on Stark’s portion; and at the same time arranged to sell two other blocks, respectively, to Lownsdale and Coffin. About a month after this Lownsdale came up to Portland and told his partners of his arrangement with Stark. They refused at once to agree to it, but upon condition that block 81 and the other blocks which had been sold since March 1st, or the time of the agreement between Stark and Lownsdale in San Francisco, be left as it had been agreed by the sales of Chapman, the arrangement was ratified and signed by Couch as attorney for Stark. In June, Stark also came back to Portland and made no objection to the arrangement of April 13th, by which block 81 was secured to Chapman; and he received from Chapman a list of all lots sold out of the part assigned to him north of Stark street. In view of these facts it was held by Judge Sawyer that Colonel Chapman had received a valid title from Stark to the block, good [page 123] against all parties but the United States, and that when Stark got a title to this block from the United States it was as in the nature of a trust for Chapman, or his assigns, of whom Starr was the latest at that time. It appeared, therefore, that Chapman gave his deeds to the property in good faith and had never been required to pay anything to Stark, other than that Stark was to be left in peaceable possession of the whole tract north of Stark street, to which Chapman had color of one-third interest. This Chapman gave and Stark received without complaint; the ownership of block 81 being the consideration, or offset, for which Chapman relinquished all claim to that portion of the townsite. The details of the case, which was thus consummated, are best studied, however, with the second series of cases which arose from the claims of Lownsdale’s heirs, to which we now invite the attention of the reader. Indeed, we do not know but that we owe an apology for going minutely into the legal subtleties of these very subtle cases, which Judge Sawyer declared to be sui generis; or like nothing else in the world. Lownsdale respected all the agreements by which he and his partners were selling town lots, but upon his death his heirs very naturally desired to find out the exact limits of his estate and what were their own rights and interest in it. He left many heirs, most of whom were residents of Indiana, or some other eastern State. These were John R. Lamb, Emma S. Lamb, and Ida Squires, children of Sarah Squires, deceased daughter of D. H. Lownsdale; Mary E. Cooper, J. P. O. Lownsdale, Millard O. Lownsdale and Ruth A. Lownsdale. They found that D. H. Lownsdale had sold, together with his partners, many lots from the claim to which he was afterwards awarded a title without any reservation by the United States Land Office. They found that he had given no title to such lots connecting with this patent. There appeared nothing upon any legal record to show that he had given a fee of permanent right and title to any portion of the land which appeared to have been alienated, and they wished to know whether the lots that now appeared to be in the [page 124] possession of various Portland people were so by legal title, or simply by way of temporary occupancy which ceased as soon as Lownsdale obtained his patent. The question also naturally arose, First, how could Lownsdale give title for anything more than mere possession to land to which he had no title except of mere possession, as was the case with him before he received a patent in 1852? Second, how could a title to Lownsdale for land which he entered in 1852 give any title in the same land, or parts of it, to those who purchased mere possession before that date? Third, after Lownsdale got a title to the whole claim without any legal reservations, did he not own the whole of it without reservation? Or by what compulsion could any one obtain from him or his heirs, title to land in every part of which he held a perfect and complete title from the United States, to the exclusion of all others? Fourth, even supposing that he had made promises to give title to certain lots which he had sold for valuable considerations, when he should get a title himself, was he not prevented, or barred out from doing so, by the clause in the Donation Act providing that affidavit must be made by all who filed upon land under this act that the land claimed A is for their own use and cultivation, and that they have made no sale or transfer, or any arrangement, or any agreement of sale * * * by which the laud shall inure to the benefit of any other persons?@ In looking over all the facts in the case, it seemed to them and to eminent counsel, that the sales made by Lownsdale before lie acquired his legal title were wholly illegal and invalid and without binding force in law, and could extend only to simple temporary possession and use which the purchasers had already enjoyed; and they determined to enter suit to recover all property which was included under the specifications of the patent issued to D. H. Lownsdale by the United States. This would of course, dispossess a large number of Portland’s property holders who supposed that they had titles to their land, and in this faith had built upon and improved their property. and were confidently expecting to reap their millions of profit when the great growth of the future should come. The legal possibilities of the case were so great as to attract universal attention and to elicit a multitude [page 125] of opinions from lawyers and others acquainted with law and judgments. Sympathies of all kinds, this way and that, were excited, and the prospect was that many innocent purchasers would be thrown out of their valuable holdings; for the difficulties in the way of establishing a legal right to the persons then holding lots were confessedly very great. It was evident from the start that the courts must proceed in one of two ways--either to stick to the letter of the law and follow a strict and narrow construction, and recognize no title except that conferred by the United States Patent; or else to take a general view of the circumstances and necessities of the case and decide upon the general equities and common understanding of all parties, and to let possession count for all that it was worth. So far as the heirs of Lownsdale were concerned, it could be very properly claimed for them that they were entitled to all the property and wealth that had been accumulated by him, and that those who had been enjoying the use of his property for so many years without rent or other burden, and for a considerable part of which they had paid but nominal prices, should now be willing to relinquish it to the rightful owners. On the other hand, on the part of the people of Portland, it could be claimed that they had bought these lots with the expectation of permanent possession; that they had cleared them of timber, reduced them to order, built upon them commodious houses, had made for themselves and families permanent homes, and had by their toil and self-denial at least assisted Lownsdale in creating a metropolis, and by their very living and working here had multiplied the value of Lownsdale’s remaining property so that what was left to his heirs was now many times as valuable as it would have been if they had not incurred all this effort and expense. As attorney for the lot-owners Colonel Chapman was retained. His legal abilities and acumen were well recognized and he was specially prepared to conduct such a case as this, all the details of which he had known most thoroughly and kept account of most diligently. Dr. Davenport was selected as the one against whom the complainants, or heirs at law, should move, and by whose claims the equities in the case should be determined. District Judge M. P. [page 126] Deady, of our city, most readily agreed to the suggestion that Judge Sawyer of the United States Circuit Court should be present from San Francisco, and the case on both sides was conducted with the utmost good spirit and with conspicuous ability, and the final decision of the Court was so careful, cogent and just, as to pass finally without exceptions through the Supreme Court of the United States. Without following the argument of the lawyers, which was very voluminous, it is possible to give here a brief abstract of the decision itself. It may be premised in a general way that the Court followed a liberal construction, not exactly of the law, as but little law was involved, but rather of the necessities and circumstances of the case. It recognized the validity of the agreements entered into by the proprietors before any United States patents were issued. After giving due attention to the facts in the case, Sawyer’s opinion proceeds as follows (First Sawyer, 619) AThe decision of this action. I am satisfied, must turn upon the validity, construction, and effect of the said various contracts and conveyances * * * and these must be construed in the light of the condition of things existing at the time and with reference to which they were executed. “It is a matter of public history, of which the Court can take notice, that Oregon was settled while the sovereignty of the country was still in dispute between the United States and Great Britain; that subsequently, a provisional government was organized and put in operation by the people, without any authority of the sovereign powers; that laws were passed temporarily regulating and protecting claims made upon public lands; and that afterwards, the territorial government was established under the authority of Congress and put in operation was means by which the long before there any law or real title to any portion of land in Oregon could be obtained. The title to the lands in Oregon were vested in the United States from the moment that the right of sovereignty was acquired, and the first law that was passed, by which the title in fee could in any way be acquired from the government was the said Act of September 10th, 1850, called the Donation Act. Long before that time, however, an organized community had existed; lands had been taken up and [page 127] improved; towns laid out, established and built up, having a considerable population and a growing commerce. It was necessary, in the nature of things, that some right of property should be recognized in lands, in the dealings of the people among themselves, and laws were adopted by the provisional government regulating the subject. Tracts of land were taken up and claimed by the settlers within the limits, as to quantity allowed; towns laid off, and lands and town lots sold and conveyed from one to another, in all respects as though the parties owned the fee, except that every party dealing with the lands, necessarily knew that he did not, and could not, under the existing laws obtain the fee from the real proprietor. * * * “But between man and man possession is evidence of title in fee, as against everybody but the true owner. The law protects in his possession the party who has once possessed himself of and appropriated to his use a piece of unoccupied land until he has lost his possession and right of possession by abandonment, as against everybody but the true owner. Such possession and right of possession are recognized as property by the common law, and the right is protected and enforced by the Courts. * * * * * * Prior appropriation is the origin of all titles. Prior discovery and an actual or constructive appropriation is the origin of title even in governments themselves. For communities situated like that in the early settlement of Oregon, no rule could be adopted which would better subserve the public interest than to treat prior occupancy as giving a provisional title to lands in reasonable quantities and under proper restrictions, and thereafter, until the real title can be obtained from the Government, deal with it as between individuals in all respects as if the prior occupancy originated and vested a title in fee. This is the natural order of things, and affords a rule of conduct consonant with the ordinary course of dealings, and the common experience of mankind in organized communities.” Proceeding upon this broad basis, the Judge cited the circumstances of the case in hand; the Portland Land Claim was taken tip, lots sold, improved and lived upon. The party thus occupying acquired possession as against all but the true owner--the United States. This right could be transferred by sale like any other. [page 128] “Lownsdale was, on March 30th, 1849, in possession of the six hundred and forty acres, except certain lots already sold. On that day two instruments were executed, each evidently a part of one and the same transaction, between Lownsdale and Coffin, forming a partnership, by which the legal title was to be vested in Coffin, but to be held in trust for the joint benefit of the two. All profits of sale to he were divided, every exertion made to acquire title, each paying half of expenses, and upon dissolution Coffin, is to convey one-half to Lownsdale of whatever he may have tinder title. In this agreement Lownsdale and Coffin were to own each a half interest in all the six hundred and forty acres, except certain lots already sold to various parties as town property; but every exertion was to be made to gain a title to the whole six hundred and forty acres, not excepting those lots--showing that they claim no further interest in those lots, but were to get title to them for the benefit of those to whom the lots had been sold. “When, in 1849, Chapman was admitted, the three partners were to have an equal interest in the property, excepting town lots already sold previous to this date as town property; and, in 1852, when the section had to be divided up in severalty, so that the proprietors might obtain a title on their own individual account, as provided by the Donation Act, they make an agreement in which they set forth the fact that they have already obligated themselves to make to their grantees a general warranty deed whenever they, as grantors, shall obtain title from the United States, and bind themselves again to make such deeds to the original grantees, their heirs, assigns, etc., whenever they should get the patents for which they were then taking steps to obtain. “Whenever a new partner was admitted it was expressly provided that the lots already sold should be excluded from the use of the partners, but that the title must be got for all. Whence it follows that acquisition of title was for the benefit of the purchasers, and not of the vendors--partners--only.” It was also further held by Judge Sawyer that although Lownsdale only promised to give the deed when he got a title, and was under no compulsion by that promise to get a title, yet nevertheless that [page 129] when he did proceed to obtain a patent, although voluntarily, he was not thereby relieved of the trust which rested in his promise or covenant, but that the trust, having passed from the covenant, now rested in the title, which he procured, and the title thus acquired was in pursuance of the covenant, and therefore for the benefit of the parties designated in the covenant. Moreover, it could not be allowed that Lownsdale was receiving any new valuable consideration from the vendees when he agreed to acquire for them a deed for lots previously purchased and paid for, since the only possible value derivable to him from such deed, or promise of it, would be to prevent purchasers going forward to make a claim to their lots in their own name under the Donation Act, and thus allow him an opportunity to file on the whole claim and get legal title to the whole of it, to the exclusion of the owners or purchasers, of the lots. But that would be a presumption of bad faith and fraud, which should not be admitted. The fact that Lownsdale proceeded voluntarily to get title, and not under compulsion of his covenant, or that he received no valuable consideration for procuring this title, would not, therefore, make any difference with the binding nature of his covenant, which was legally fulfilled by the very fact of his obtaining title. Still further, it was held that the clause requiring an affidavit of those entering lands under the Donation Act, that such laud was for their own use and they had made no contract to sell it, should be decided, or interpreted, in the same liberal spirit. It was held that the law was enacted with a view to the existing state of things, contemplating the fact that many settlers had been living long on their claims, had already sold and bought; and that to confirm sales already made, in the course of business in the past, was no “future contract” such as was contemplated and prohibited by the law. At all events, the clause must be construed so as to work both ways: if it were held to prevent those who had bought land from Lownsdale from holding their lots, it must also be held to prevent Lownsdale from perfecting his title; since it was no more an infraction of the law for them to buy than for Lownsdale to sell. But Lownsdale had been permitted to obtain title, in spite of his former promise to grant titles to [page 130] purchasers, and upon the validity of his patent must the whole validity of the claim of the plaintiffs be made to rest. But, if his title was valid, in face of his covenant, that covenant was not invalidated by the clause in the Donation Act prohibiting future contracts. The above is but a brief abstract of this most valuable document which brought peace to a large number of Portland lot holders. To sum it up, Judge Sawyer held that in the conditions of the case, and of society, and since a town could have been built in no other way at that stage in the development of Oregon, the promises, agreements and covenants of the proprietors before they got a legal title were still valid after they got that title, and that there was nothing in the Donation Act, or any United States law, to prevent their execution. The cross bill of Dr. Davenport was, therefore, allowed and possession of the property given him; while the bill of the Lownsdale heirs, praying for relief, was denied. Judge Deady concurred, in the following language: A I concur in the conclusion reached by the Circuit Judge. After careful consideration, and not without some doubt and hesitation, I have become satisfied that by force of the agreement of March 10, 1852, and the subsequent action of Lownsdale, Coffin and Chapman, under and in pursuance of it, each of them took and obtained from the United States a separate portion of the Land Claim in trust for the purchasers or vendees of any lots situated therein, and before that time, sold by any or all of these parties. “From the passage of the Donation Act--September 27, 1850--and prior thereto, Lownsdale, Coffin and Chapman had held this land claim in common, and made sale of lots throughout the extent of it; but on March 10, 1852, by means of this agreement, and with intent to conform to the provisions of said act and obtain the benefit thereof, they partitioned the claim between themselves so that each was thereafter enabled to proceed for himself, and notify upon and obtain a donation of a separate portion of the whole tract. “The Donation Act was a grant in praesenti. Each of these settlers--Lownsdale, Coffin and Chapman--was upon the laud at the date of its passage, and from that time is deemed to have an estate [page 131] in fee simple in his donation, subject only to be defeated by a failure on his part to perform the subsequent conditions of residence, cultivation and a proof thereof. This being so, it follows that at the date of this agreement either of these parties could impress a trust upon his donation in favor of any one. And, even if it be considered that the settlers acquired no interest in the land until the partition and notification before the Surveyor General, still each one having acquired a separate portion of the common claim in pursuance and partly by means of this agreement, so soon as he did so acquire it, the trust provided for in it became as executed at once, and might be enforced by the beneficiary thereof; although a mere volunteer, from whom no meritorious consideration moved.@ He doubted, however, whether the purchaser of lots could be shown to have contributed in any way to the acquisition of the land from the United States, thinking the taking of portions in less quantities than the smallest legal sub-division, forty acres, was unknown, if not illegal; and that lot holders at Portland would not, in those days of change, think of serving four years to secure simple lots, the value of which was then very problematical. Nor was it likely that any one of the citizens was living upon and cultivating such lots in accordance with the Donation Act. The lot-owner had no right, except to bare possession, and must look to the settler for perfect title, relying upon the written obligation which, in most instances, was given. He summed up the case thus: “I think the agreement of March 10th, 1852 a valid instrument, and not within the prohibition entered in section four of the Donation Act, against > All future contracts,= > for the sale of land,= granted by the act. By its terms it appears to be a contract concerning the making of title to the parcels or lots of land already sold, and, for aught that appears before the passage of the Donation Act. But if this were doubtful good policy, it seems to me it requires that the instrument, as between the parties to it, and in favor of those intended to be benefitted by it, should be so construed and upheld.” Following is the agreement referred to so often in the foregoing decision, and may be regarded as the palladium of the Portland land [page 132] titles, and the end of controversy to all contestants. It was made in March, 1852, when the proprietors found that it was impossible to secure a title jointly to the land which they had been holding and selling as partners. Each covenants that “First, He will fulfill and perform all contracts and agreements that he has entered into with the others, or each of them, or with other persons, respecting the said tract of land or any part thereof. “Second, That he will never abandon or remove from the claim which he, simultaneously with the signing and sealing hereof, shall make with the said Surveyor General, to a portion of the said Portland tract, until he shall obtain a patent from the government of the United States, that is to say: “Third, That he will use all due diligence to procure a patent for the same and that to this end, he will in all respects fulfill and perform the requisition of the law upon this subject: and “Fourth, That when patent should be so obtained he will make good and sufficient deeds of general warranty for all lots or parts of lots in the part or tract so patented to him, which may heretofore have been sold or agreed by said parties jointly; or any of them separately, to be sold; that said deed, of course, is in all cases, to be made to the original grantee, etc.” For the faithful performance of this covenant, the proprietors bound themselves in the sum of three hundred thousand dollars. Lownsdale filed his notification, in pursuance of the above covenant, with the Surveyor General, March 11th, 1852, dating his settlement back to September 22nd, 1848. His certificate was issued on October 17th, 1860; and the patent was obtained January 15th, 1865. The period covered by the contests in the courts was from about 1863 until the final decision by the United States Supreme Court some ten years later. By this, Judge Sawyer’s opinion was sustained. The third set of cases arose out of contests about the public levee, the possession of which was contested by the city and private individuals alternately--the strip of land on the river bank between the shore line and Front street. The proprietors, who had become familiar with river transportation on the Mississippi, where the [page 133] dykes and levees were used for, a sort of depot and point of lading for the flat boats and steamers that traversed the river, seem to have entertained the idea that the city front might be need in the same manner here, and that the public interests of the city and community would be conserved by dedicating this to the people as public property, like a street or park. Coffin, Lovejoy and Pettygrove were regarded as having set this aside as a public levee, and the whole front of the original claim was included. Nevertheless, while it was understood by the public generally that the water front was reserved for the free use of the people, it was never shown in court that any proprietor, either before or after the land was acquired under the U. S. Patent had made any dedication, and in opposition to the general understanding, the proprietors made from time to time private use of it as if they still regarded themselves as owners. Pettygrove and Lovejoy kept upon the levee a private wharf and slaughter-house. When Lownsdale came into possession of the townsite he also held a wharf on the levee as private property. Nevertheless, the Portland people had firmly imbedded in their minds the idea that they collectively owned the levee, and asserted in court that they paid higher prices for their lots because they were assured that they should have free use of the river front. The matter was brought into court in 1850. (1) In that year Mr. Lownsdale had a building erected upon the fractional block east of Front street, between the river and a lot owned by J. L. Parrish. The latter claimed that his free use of the river was impaired thereby, that the understanding in accordance with which he had purchased his lot was violated, and he therefore sued to have the obstruction removed. While the case was pending, a compromise was agreed upon that if Parrish would withdraw the suit, the river front from Washington to Maine street should be dedicated as a public levee for the free use of [page 134] the people. The fact that the proprietors made any such concession shows plainly that they recognized the popular idea as at least partially correct, and was an admission that they had given the people some right to suppose that they might use the river bank without rent or other payment. In this case, the matter was proposed to be settled the more willingly by the proprietors, because a vexatious law suit as to title of any considerable portion of the town tended to retard growth, and to derange business. But the people of the city took no wise steps to secure their rights if they had any. The suit to remove obstructions was not withdrawn, and therefore, Lownsdale was released from his part of the promise. The common council of Portland acted in a manner peculiar and contradictory. They either forgot for a time that they had any rights to protect and secure for the city, or deemed these of little importance. In 1850, Lownsdale had had the city surveyed by one R. V. Short, and from this survey a map was made by John Brady. According to this map, Front street--then called Water--was bounded on the east side by a line parallel with the western boundary, and the land on the river bank east of the street was laid off in lots and blocks according to the meanderings of the river. In 1852, the common council seemed to consider it a good plan to adopt some map as an authoritative diagram of the city, and probably because the Brady map was most convenient they declared it to be the correct plat of Portland. By this stroke they signed away whatever right they had to the levee. In 1860, however, another council revived the old matter, haying discovered during the eight years intervening that the Brady map made no account of the levee, and they now declared that the river front was public property. A crusade was made against those who had put buildings upon the levee, and it was ordained that all such obstructions be removed. About this time, if report is not at fault, Mr. Geo. W. Vaughn, one of Portland’s early mayors and the proprietor of the Portland flouring-mill, was ousted from his holding on the levee, by order of the council, and, in disgust, took up his residence for a time in the rival city of Vancouver. A wharf that was in process of construction according to the directions of J. P. O. Lownsdale, was proceeded against. His agents and builders were arrested, and it was threatened to tear down the structure. [page 135] After these vigorous measures, however, a great hubbub having been raised, the Council changed its course, repealed its former declaration and ordained that the levee was private property, and that taxes must be paid upon it. The suit brought by Mr. J. P. O. Lownsdale to enjoy the use and possession of his property was decided in his favor--the Court finding that there was no proof that Lovejoy, Pettygrove, Chapman, Coffin or D. H. Lownsdale had ever given the levee to the public; that they had no power to give anything of this property before 1850, since there was no title before that date; that Lownsdale’s donation certificate gave him title to the levee; that he claimed all proprietary rights upon it, using, renting’ and selling portions, and that the city had twice publicly admitted his claim, and had compelled him to pay taxes upon it. Nevertheless, it will always be understood by many that at the beginning, or in the early days, Portland supposed she owned the water front for the public, and that the proprietors had some intention of facilitating commerce and providing against extortion of wharfingers by having a free front for the use of boatmen, farmers and shippers. But, whatever rights she had, she allowed to slip through her fingers. There was, however, a levee still left. General Coffin dedicated to the city a strip from Jefferson street southward along the river bank to Clay street. He reserved for himself only the right of using it for purposes of ferriage, but afterwards sold this right to the city, giving at that time a quit claim to the whole tract. The question what to do with the property was variously agitated at different times before the City Council. Recommendations for leasing it for the benefit of the city were incorporated in municipal reports, and suggestions for improvements so as to make it of service to the public were occasionally made. But it was, for the most part, neglected for years. In 1885 the Portland & Willamette Valley Railway, having for some time labored to obtain the use of the property, was favored with a bill passed by the Oregon Legislature granting them the premises for the purposes of a depot. This was held not to be inconsistent with its use as a public levee, on the ground that the dedication having been made in favor of the public, the State rather than the city was the beneficiary. Formerly the city [page 136] named the levee as one of its own properties, but in the late enumerations it has disappeared, and, as a matter of fact, the whole river front is in private possession, and the city or the public makes claim to no adverse rights. Of course, all this was not consummated without litigation and legislative pressure. It would seem that such a property as the river front, or that donated by Coffin, was too valuable for the city to lose, and history must call those officials who, by neglect, forfeited the gift, to a severe account. The intention of Coffin was good and his policy correct, and if by constructing a suitable wharf, and charging reasonable rates for the use of it, or by leasing the privilege and fixing wharf rates at a reasonable price, the city had carried out his idea, Portland would always have had the ability to make the best terms for wharfage, stowage and shipping. Nevertheless, it was an idle thought to place any such trust in the hands of men chosen at municipal elections. Special trustees, apart from all political interests and persuasions, should have been appointed and the property managed much as are the City Water Works at present.(2) With this we may dismiss the cases that grew out of the actions of the original claimants and their heirs, and remember that the first disposition of property by Lownsdale and the other proprietors, was confirmed by judicial decisions, except that the contemplated levee, for the use of the public, was, principally by the inefficiency of the city authorities, suffered to fall into private hands. In respect to the claim of Finice and Elizabeth Caruthers, on the south side of the city, there was also much litigation, which at the close took a somewhat ludicrous turn. The Caruthers were mother [page 137] and son, and they came to Portland in 1850. There was some sort of mystery about their former life, and Finice lived much alone, never marrying. The two, upon arriving here, bought the land belonging to William Johnson, who lived south of town. On the side hill amid the fir trees, they built a cabin, putting one part of the structure on the claim that the mother decided to take, while the other extended upon the land of Finice. In this retreat, far from the world, and separate from their former life, whatever it was, they lived quietly and happily. The old lady was peculiar, and pleasant stories of her sayings and doings went around the neighborhood. In one of these it is related how a caller found her in a sad and pensive frame of mind, from which his best sallies of wit could not arouse her. At length she revealed the cause of her melancholy. “There will be war,” she said. “Ah indeed; why do you think so?” “My old hen” she replied “laid an egg with letters on it; and there it was as plain as fire >W’, >O’, >R’, War.” Whether it was by some such prescience that she named the last of her race Finice (finis) does not appear. Her life of omens and hard work, and sorrows, whatever they had been, came to an end and the State began to afflict her son with a suit to claim her half of the donation, on the ground that he was not a legal heir, but the case was finally dismissed. Caruthers was a quiet upright man, much interested in education, and gave liberally for the erection of the first schoolhouse, and performed all his public duties cheerfully. He laid off some twenty blocks on the north side of his claim, calling it Caruthers’ Addition to Portland. Upon his death there was no will and no heirs appeared. While his property was in the hands of an administrator, a second addition was laid off and property was sold. Various parties in the city seeing the value of the land left by Caruthers, formed a company and sent East for an heir. In St. Louis there was found a man who went by the name of Thomas, or at least was so introduced in Portland, but was more familiarly known as “Wrestling Joe.” He appeared in Court as heir, claiming to he the husband of Elizabeth Caruthers. While he was trying to establish his claim, one Dolph Hannah set up a counter [page 138] claim. The case involving almost endless possibilities, and, by its notoriety, inviting the appearance of other sporadic heirs, a company was formed to buy up the rights and the claims of the two contestants. Hannah and Thomas were well paid, and the former withdrawing left the property with Thomas, who turned it over to the company. Their title was confirmed by the Courts, and they proceeded to sell off lots and blocks. Upon the appearance of Villard, and the formation of the Oregon and Transcontinental Railway Company, the stocks of this Caruthers Company was bought for the O. R. & N. R. R., and it was at first proposed to make the terminal works of this road on the west side of the river, near the present site of the Powers’ Manufactory. Maps of the city made at that time show the O. R. & N. road crossing the Willamette at Ross Island, and there was at first considerable preliminary work done at this place. The depot and terminal works were finally located, however, on the east side of the river below the city, but the railroad is understood to still own what remains unsold of the original Caruther’s claim--illustrating once more how loose property gravitates toward railways. The records of the Courts have also teemed with litigation as to property on surrounding tracts, as of King, Terwilliger and Balch; while the Holladay case, of more recent years, on the east side has long afforded items for the press. Into the circumstances or merits of these, however, it will not be necessary to enter here. [page 139] (1) It is stated by an early resident of Portland that in 1850 a lot on the levee was sold to Captain Norton, who began to make improvements. His right to the water front was disputed by those owning behind him, on the ground that this, like a street, was dedicated to the public. In a meeting of the proprietors, c. H. Reed sitting as representative and attorney in fact for Coffin, who was absent, it was decided to compromise by leaving Norton in possession of his lot. but to allow the public to use the rest as public property. (2) Colonel Chapman states that in the first years all the owners and proprietors at Portland were acquainted with the levee system of the Western cities, and particularly with the commercial methods of Cincinnati. When, however, Couch improved his claim, and built a covered wharf, in the style of the New England sea ports, it was seen that the great convenience of this method would make his place the terminus of vessels, and to induce them to land or load above, it was necessary to build docks and have regular warehouses. It was, therefore, decided to abandon the idea of a levee, and by selling the water front encourage the building of proper shipping facilities. The legal difficulties and contests that followed were regarded as unimportant. The proprietors regarded themselves as merely making the best disposition of their own property for the good of the city.
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Knowledge and unknowledge December 03, 2006 I've been thinking recently that I'm overdue for a Wikipedia post - I mean, it's been at least a week - so I was relieved to see a long article in today's Washington Post, by David Segal, about a theme I touch on from time to time: The expansion of the Wikipedian bureaucracy and the ever stricter controls which that bureaucracy is imposing on the free encyclopedia's content. Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia's cofounder and top executive, recently said, "The radical idea behind Wikipedia is for all of us to imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge and that's what we are doing." But is that really what Wikipedia is doing? As the Post article describes, the "sum of all human knowledge" ain't what it used to be. A good portion of the mental energy of Wikipedia's elite members is today going toward removing stuff from the site rather than adding to it. And the stuff that's being removed isn't just graffiti and trash talk; it's real content. Recently, for instance, an entry on the Shining Diamonds, a Canadian thrash-folk band, was slated for deletion from Wikipedia.The powers-that-be decided that the band was "non-notable." As Segal writes: This was not some hasty, capricious opinion, either. No, this was the official verdict of a squad of stern-sounding editors at Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, which recently began the process of booting an entry about the Shiny Diamonds off the site. One Wiki editor counted a mere 97 Google hits about the group and noted on a Wiki page that all those citations "seem to be myspace or other self-promotion." Three other Wiki editors soon weighed in, each recommending "delete," which in Wiki-speak translates roughly as "Beat it, losers." The band's front man, who goes by the name Tim the Mute, was a bit miffed, Segal reports: "I urge whatever Internet-snob wiki-geeks who deem our band 'non-notable' to look at their own lives," he fumed. "The Internet is about sharing and the point of Wikipedia is that there's room for everything." At least Tim the Mute has a lot of company. About a hundred entries a day are being erased from "the sum of all human knowledge." (My all-time favorite entry - the one for Montahue Jetson, George Jetson's grandfather - has thus far avoided the Wikipedian scythe, I note with considerable relief.) Now, philosophically, I have no problem with this newfound desire to separate the wheat from the chaff. Encyclopedias have always had to decide what's worthy of being included and what isn't. Wikipedia is just following the fine old tradition of selectivity. But what puzzles me is this: I thought Wikipedia was about not following tradition. I thought it was about being freed from the old physical world's scarcity-imposing constraints, the constraints that forced us for millennia to live without easy access to "the sum of all human knowledge." I thought the fact that Wikipedia didn't have to worry about ink and paper and printing meant that it could be radically inclusive - that it could put everything in and let readers decide what was worthy of their time and what wasn't. I thought Wikipedia was about the long tail of knowledge. I thought it was about abundance. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would at some point like to learn more about the Shining Diamonds. Hell, I'd like to learn more about the Shining Diamonds. So why is that knowledge suddenly deemed to be outside the scope of "the sum of all human knowledge"? Why is that knowledge suddenly unknowledge? What bugs me is not what Wikipedia is doing but the discrepancy between what it's doing and the myth that continues to be promulgated about what it's doing. If you're not trying to collect "the sum of all human knowledge" - if your goal is in fact to collect some subset of human knowledge, as encyclopedias have always done - then for crying out loud stop talking about assembling "the sum of all human knowledge." In a recent interview, Mitch Kapor, one of Wikipedia's most tireless promoters, was asked, concerning the online encyclopedia, "Where is the systematic arbitration of truth? Where is the gatekeeping?" He replied, "Who said the arbitration of truth is ever systematic? Or that it could be or should be? Who said that quality emerges out of gatekeeping?" Who said that quality emerges out of gatekeeping? That's precisely what Wikipedia is saying, about a hundred times a day. UPDATE: Blogger Tony Pierce writes about his impending banishment from the sum of all human knowledge. Now, now Nick - it would seem Wikipedia wouldn't be able to "win" no matter what. That is: 1) Include everything - Look at all that trivia! This is an "encyclopedia"? They have an article on this trash, and that nonsense. What silliness. 2) Don't include everything - Hypocrisy! They said they were the "sum of all human knowledge", and they don't have an article on what I ate for lunch today. That's part of human knowledge, so they aren't living up to their goals. And then there's the trivia they do cover ... (go to #1) Wikipedia's always been clear overall that it has some standards, and radical inclusionism is only a Wikipedian faction, not a charter value. You write: "What bugs me is not what Wikipedia is doing but the discrepancy between what it's doing and the myth that continues to be promulgated about what it's doing. If you're not trying to collect "the sum of all human knowledge" - if your goal is in fact to collect some subset of human knowledge, as encyclopedias have always done - then for crying out loud stop talking about assembling "the sum of all human knowledge." Oh, c'mon. This is like the people who hate the New York Times and complain about the slogan "All The News That's Fit To Print". It's more like "All The News That Fits In The Hole Around The Advertising". And though that might make a more honest slogan, how meaningful a criticism is it? Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at December 3, 2006 07:54 PM This is like the people who hate the New York Times and complain about the slogan "All The News That's Fit To Print". I'm not sure I buy that. National Review (quoted for linguistic example, not because I agree with this): "The Times does not seem to be living up to its self-proclaimed reputation for thoroughness. "All the news that's fit to print," trumpets the paper in a famous box on the top left corner every day. In practice, however, the editors only correct a very small proportion of the paper's many Middle East errors and slurs against Israel." Anyway, the main point is that Wikipedia has always been against vanity and things that nobody will care about. Of course, many of the things that its audience cares about are low-status, while encyclopedias are by default high-status. That leads to several problems. But there's no change in policy or even much in practice here. At best, the issue itself is receiving more publicity because more people are aware of Wikipedia and see having an entry in it as desirable. Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at December 3, 2006 09:54 PM "Anyway, the main point is that Wikipedia has always been against vanity and things that nobody will care about." Defining "things that nobody will care about" is exactly what Nick is talking about here. Wikipedians believe they know what nobody will care about, but from where I'm standing they've been publishing volumes upon volumes of things nobody cares about for years while having silly arguments about whether things like Shining Diamonds or Jason Kottke deserve an entry. There are pages about obscure video games, pages about characters in obscure video games, pages about fans of characters in obscure video games... It's about time Wikipedia admits that the inclusionists have already won in all of the geeky subjects, and the non-geeks would enjoy the site a lot more if it were equally comprehensive in other areas. Posted by: Michael Moncur at December 4, 2006 12:59 AM This is not at all accurate: Oh, c'mon. This is like the people who hate the New York Times and complain about the slogan "All The News That's Fit To Print". That slogan immediately prompts a question: who determines what is fit? The answer here is clearly the editorial board of the Times. The word "fit" does not, in fact, have an absolute definition, and absolutes are exactly where Wikipedia runs afoul of reality. The Wikipedia slogan is very absolute. The phrase "the sum of all human knowledge" does not prompt any question of qualitative assessments. It is instead an absolute, unassailable quality. No, it's not a problem to make your goal something less than the sum of all human knowledge. But to be in denial of what you're doing prevents adequate review of your processes. How can Wikipedia's editorial policies be properly evaluated when they are supposedly serving the goal of being all-inclusive? Posted by: Anthony Cowley at December 4, 2006 02:47 AM My understanding is that the strength of wikipedia (and wikis in general) is that the topics that the audience cares about most are also most likely to be accurate. This is a good thing -- it's the most efficient use of authors' time. If anybody in wikipedia's audience knew of, or cared about, Shining Diamonds, it surely wouldn't have been removed. Clearly Shining Diamonds' fans don't care -- they would have chimed in if they did. Doesn't seem to me that any harm was done. Seth - you mean we shouldn't take the s.o.a.h.k. line literally, because we know it's a marketing claim? I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu... Phill - you're not an economist by any chance? (Q: Why do economists never look for coins on the ground? A: Because if they were there somebody would already have picked them up.) Posted by: Phil at December 4, 2006 04:44 AM I'm in a band and the powers-that-be decided that my band was also "non-notable". I tried to add a wiki entry for our, then, band name 'Gravity In Crisis' and we were rejected. We're about 20 years away from being as notable as, say, U2 but I think all musicians should be allowed to add a wiki entry even if they aren't "notable". We've recently settled with the name Sleepercurve but dare take on the Wikigod by trying to add a "non-notable" entry. I'll try every six months though just to see at what point we cross over the "chasm of notability". Posted by: simonjamest at December 4, 2006 08:18 AM Anthony: The rant version would run that "fit" *sounds* like an absolute, and The New York Times must change its slogan to be "All The News The Editors Determine To Be Fit To Print", otherwise it is being dishonest. "No, it's not a problem to make your goal something less than [all the news that's fit]. But to be in denial of what you're doing prevents adequate review of your processes. How can [NYTimes] editorial policies be properly evaluated when they are supposedly serving the goal of being [fit, when that has no absolute definition]?" (and then segue into complaints about "bias"). Phil: I thought of that point, the "just marketing" excuse. I think it's possible to be too extreme in both directions - that is, one can make claims that are deeply misleading (e.g. "Markets Are Conversations" - no, they're nothing like it), and excuse it that the misleading is marketing, and inversely, one can be overly fussy about a little puffery over missing qualifiers ("The Sum Of All [NOTABLE] Human Knowledge"). I don't think they're equally bad, but I'd say that being very pedantic isn't a strong argument. Moreover, it might cause people to dismiss the more meaningful (in my version) critique of marketing as emotional manipulation. That is, I don't see where anyone is going to be hurt when finding out that Wikipedia does indeed have some standards if they had the impression it didn't have any standards. Even deeper, it doesn't operate by giving the impression it has no standards for article inclusion and then obscurely having such standards (though it does give the impression it has no standards for article edits, where it really does, but that's a different matter). Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at December 4, 2006 08:23 AM The big question is, simply, how can Wikipedia's editors make a reasonable claim that a topic is non-notable when articles like List of pop culture references to Rock Paper Scissors and List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Characters* exist? * ...many of whom have their own pages. Notable. Posted by: Michael Moncur at December 4, 2006 11:31 AM Seth, I disagree completely with your substitution of words in my post. The fact that a word like "fit" "has no absolute definition" is exactly the point. If the word has no absolute definition, and is therefore qualitative, then there is no question about someone's attempts to satisfy it. This is like a movie critic calling a movie good; we don't question his or her ability to define "good." Instead, we recognize it as a judgement. If Wikipedia's mantra was to include all notable human knowledge and accept only reasonable edits from respected contributers, then the discussion could simply focus on how they decide what is worthy for inclusion. Those qualifications are the entire crux of community interaction with Wikipedia, and should be more closely examined. Instead, these discussions are typically derailed by a repetition of the fact that (almost) anyone can edit (almost) everything, and isn't that neat?! Posted by: Anthony Cowley at December 4, 2006 12:51 PM Anthony, I don't think "sum" in "sum of all human knowledge" means "every detail" - rather, it's more at "ultimate distilled essence". Consider the title "The Sum Of All Fears" - that didn't mean "a catalogue of all phobias". So I agree there's problems with Wikipedia's presentation, but that isn't one of them. Michael: It's clear the rules are quirky. There's what we could call the "Grandfather Clause", after George Jetson's grandfather, which states that minor aspects of a very notable topic might get their own pages. But fictional characters don't spam to promote themselves, so I don't think that quirk really works as a quasi-precedent. Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at December 4, 2006 01:36 PM I don't think "sum" in "sum of all human knowledge" means "every detail" - rather, it's more at "ultimate distilled essence". Seth, What you think, which is entirely reasonable, is beside the point. What I'm writing about is the deliberate and persistent mythologizing about Wikipedia as an emergent, radically egalitarian product of collective intelligence despite the fact that the myth is contradicted by how Wikipedia really operates. Here's an excerpt from an official press release from Wikipedia this past March: The Wikimedia Foundation announced today the creation of the 1,000,000th article in the English language edition of Wikipedia ... Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales commented, "We are thrilled that our millionth article in English is about the Jordanhill railway station. This is not something which would appear in a traditional encyclopedia, and it shows how Wikipedia reflects the needs and interests of people everywhere, and not just the dictates of what academics and cultural mavens claim is worthy of an encyclopedia ... Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing." Note the language here: "Wikipedia reflects the needs and interests of people everywhere, and not just the dictates of what academics and cultural mavens claim is worthy of an encyclopedia." Please explain to me the difference between the "dictates" of these horrible unnamed "culture mavens" who decide what's "worthy of an encyclopedia" and the dictates of the Wikipedian culture mavens who decide what's worthy of an encyclopedia. And also explain to me how Wikipedia reflects "the interests of people everywhere" if it is dismissing some of those interests as "nonnotable" and hence unworthy of an encyclopedia. There's an intellectual duplicity at work here that has nothing to do with innocent marketing slogans. Posted by: Nick Carr at December 4, 2006 02:24 PM Absolutely, say it, "the deliberate and persistent mythologizing about Wikipedia as an emergent, radically egalitarian product of collective intelligence despite the fact that the myth is contradicted by how Wikipedia really operates" - any it's because I think that's important, that I suggest the semantic-laden criticism over the meaning of the phrase "sum of all", may do more harm than good for that goal. "Please explain to me the difference between the "dictates" of these horrible unnamed "culture mavens" who decide what's "worthy of an encyclopedia" and the dictates of the Wikipedian culture mavens who decide what's worthy of an encyclopedia" George Jetson's grandfather, the list of Pokemon monsters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle characters. Really. As I pointed out above, it's the difference between low-class and high-class (pop culture and highbrow culture). If I can paraphrase your points, to speed the discussion, I think your argument is that: 1) Wikipedia claims no *topic* standards/gatekeeping/constraints 2) But in a real world, there are always standards/gatekeeping/constraints 2a) Look, here's an example of standards/gatekeeping/constraints "out" 2b) Look, here's some low-class standards/gatekeeping/constraints "in" 3) Therefore, Wikipedia is both hypocrite and low-class However, what I've been saying is that premise #1 is not correct. Above we've discussed that mostly in terms of textual analysis. But further, it's about class warfare. The difference is the basis for the gatekeeping. Wikipedia does it on the rationale of, roughly, POPULARITY - does anyone CARE? If you take that out of context, of course it can be made to sound silly. But, if you want an answer, it does make sense - do a significant number of people care about the show The Jetsons? Yes. Pokemon? Yes. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Yes. Is any error of too-detailed granularity likely to be spam or exploitation? No. So there's no need for strict policing of over-zealousness there, and nobody will make much of a fuss if it's wrong. Wales' whole pitch is the difference between popularity-based rather than academic-based inclusion, and per above, that is a difference. Arguing that it's still a selection system is not a strong objection, and comes across as at best misreading the point he's making. Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at December 4, 2006 03:43 PM But, Seth, I think our pedantic argument about wording is a great example of the problem. Your interpretation of Wikipedia is, to me, a very optimistic one. Let's set aside marketing as being inherently duplicitous, and let's pretend you are the one setting Wikipedia's course. If popularity is truly the arbiter of truth, then I think very careful consideration needs to be given to when that is appropriate and how it is determined. How does an ideally objective popularity (subjectiveness being, essentially, lost in the statistics) mesh with what one hears about infighting between Wikipedia editors as to what should or should not be included? It turns out that popularity is the determining factor for inclusion, but it is the popularity of the editor, not the information. Posted by: Anthony Cowley at December 4, 2006 08:40 PM Anthony, it would be a hive mind indeed if everyone who is part of a project was in complete agreement on how to implement every detail of a broad vision (or even in complete agreement with the vision itself). I hate to sound like an apologist for Wikipedia, but infighting between editors is not their specific failing. And contributors are drawn to different aspects of the Wikipedia sales-pitch - some are unabashed fans writing about their favorite pop-culture aspects, others are pretentious types who want the academic status of Writing An Encylopedia. The latter tend to find the former somewhat embarrassing, because of that high/low class conflict. Nick, if you're still following the thread, check out the discussion around Tony Pierce. Turns out the deletion proposal was the work of a troll group targeting bloggers in order to get attention. This could get interesting ... Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at December 5, 2006 08:23 AM I wrote some thoughts about the Tony Pierce issue here: http://engtech.wordpress.com/2006/12/05/on-wikipedia-blogging-and-the-anti-blog-bias/ Here's the direct link to the wikipedia discussion page that reveals that this entire Tony Pierce thing is probably a response to Timecop having his GNAA page pulled: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Gay_Nigger_Association_of_America_%2818th_nomination%29 Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at December 10, 2006 09:18 PM It is a paltry consolation prize, but the few sentences about Monty are at the Internet Arhive for as long as it lasts and since he was only a redirect, you can still see the old entry The user who did the redirect is not an administrator, so you could try to put it back. I would say that one of the other problems with Wikipedia is that only those who have suffered through learning the use and significance of most of the Special pages have a chance of understanding "what happened" and what your options are. For administratively deleted pages, the page itself (or the recent versions) are really gone except in the event that some administrator wants to do you a favor. I think that what these deletetionists incorrectly assume is that tidying of up Wikipedia of some of its junky stuff is somehow going to increase the "quality" of the encyclopedia. That is a falacy. If the "Featured Articles" (of which there are little over 1000) still suck in writing quality and choice of content to Britannica, Wikipedia still loses the game. I am probably only interested in about 50,000 articles at Wikipedia. If the overall project had 10 or 100 times as many articles, then it would not bother me. If the important articles (ones that require true expertise such as history, hard science, technology, engineering, traditional/classical humanities, classical music, law, math and other traditional non-fiction subjects) did not suck, then I would be satisfied. If I could also have an up-to-date "Who's Who" into the people of academia and research (down to a low level of notability) in those areas, with quality articles, then I would satisfied. The time-sink controversial articles (especially many social/political issues) will always have some bias. Ah, cover them anyway but let the fringe groups have their say. For the rest of the fiction-based stuff (well, most fiction and pop-culture since the advent of radio) could be shipped off to Wikia. The current version of the Wikipedia Blade Runner article could just be exported to Wikia as this older version was and that would be a good thing. The problem with Wikia is that its Alexa Internet rank is still low (1000) as opposed to Wikipedia (which is around 10), so Wikia is a lonelier place. But that is where that pop-culture stuff belongs. Including Monty. Oh, and of course, you would have to put up with the ads. But you sat through all those commercials when you watched the original runs of the The Jetsons when you were a kid, right? Now, all you have to do is ignore them. Of course, the real problems would be: 1. The traffic volume at Wikipedia.org would go down 2. The egos of the high-minded 20-something "education"-oriented admin/bullies would be injured. 3. Fewer young people would accept Jimbo Wales as their personal savior. Especially for that latter reason, it is not going to happen. Post a comment Thanks for signing in, . Now you can comment. (sign out)(If you haven't left a comment here before, you may need to be approved by the site owner before your comment will appear. Until then, it won't appear on the entry. 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