Dataset Viewer
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Click the 'Sign in' button on this page for to sign in.
{ "absolute": [ [ 770.2694702148438, 40.1298713684082, 850.1395874023438, 84.93506622314453 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7649000287055969, 0.06369999796152115, 0.8442000150680542, 0.1348000019788742 ] ] }
Find and click the most popular library
{ "absolute": [ [ 41.69805145263672, 244.02597045898438, 289.10064697265625, 314.8052062988281 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.0414000004529953, 0.3873000144958496, 0.2870999872684479, 0.49970000982284546 ] ] }
Click on the 'community' folder.
{ "absolute": [ [ 52.73701477050781, 272.597412109375, 159.87986755371094, 304.41558837890625 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.052400000393390656, 0.4327000081539154, 0.15880000591278076, 0.4832000136375427 ] ] }
Click the open issues which is the latest.
{ "absolute": [ [ 46.243507385253906, 247.9220733642578, 265.0746765136719, 288.18182373046875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.045899998396635056, 0.3935000002384186, 0.2632000148296356, 0.45739999413490295 ] ] }
Click the buttom to sign out.
{ "absolute": [ [ 868.3214111328125, 192.0779266357422, 1006.6331176757812, 238.18182373046875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8622999787330627, 0.30489999055862427, 0.9995999932289124, 0.3781000077724457 ] ] }
Click on the 'Stars' tab.
{ "absolute": [ [ 786.5032348632812, 37.532466888427734, 876.1136474609375, 74.54545593261719 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.781000018119812, 0.05959999933838844, 0.8700000047683716, 0.11829999834299088 ] ] }
Click the buttom for the new visitor.
{ "absolute": [ [ 474.81494140625, 439.48052978515625, 592.347412109375, 470 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.4715000092983246, 0.6976000070571899, 0.5881999731063843, 0.7459999918937683 ] ] }
Click the 'Sign in' button on this page for to sign in.
{ "absolute": [ [ 613.7760009765625, 1.8181818723678589, 704.68505859375, 44.675323486328125 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.609499990940094, 0.002899999963119626, 0.6998000144958496, 0.07090000063180923 ] ] }
Find and click the most popular library
{ "absolute": [ [ 189.75, 158.96104431152344, 428.7110290527344, 213.50650024414062 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.188400000333786, 0.2522999942302704, 0.42570000886917114, 0.33889999985694885 ] ] }
Click on the 'community' folder.
{ "absolute": [ [ 195.5941619873047, 296.6233825683594, 284.5552062988281, 323.8961181640625 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.19419999420642853, 0.4708000123500824, 0.2825999855995178, 0.5141000151634216 ] ] }
Click the open issues which is the latest.
{ "absolute": [ [ 194.94480895996094, 113.5064926147461, 849.490234375, 171.94805908203125 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.19359999895095825, 0.18019999563694, 0.8435999751091003, 0.2728999853134155 ] ] }
Click the buttom to sign out.
{ "absolute": [ [ 1.4383116960525513, 188.83116149902344, 182.60714721679688, 231.03895568847656 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.00139999995008111, 0.299699991941452, 0.18129999935626984, 0.3666999936103821 ] ] }
Click on the 'Stars' tab.
{ "absolute": [ [ 794.2954711914062, 47.92207717895508, 887.152587890625, 92.07791900634766 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7888000011444092, 0.07609999924898148, 0.8809999823570251, 0.1462000012397766 ] ] }
Click the buttom for the new visitor.
{ "absolute": [ [ 500.1396179199219, 344.6753234863281, 572.8668823242188, 382.98699951171875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.4966999888420105, 0.5471000075340271, 0.5688999891281128, 0.6079000234603882 ] ] }
Click the 'Sign in' button on this page for to sign in.
{ "absolute": [ [ 836.5032348632812, 6.363636493682861, 887.8019409179688, 44.02597427368164 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8306999802589417, 0.010099999606609344, 0.881600022315979, 0.06989999860525131 ] ] }
Find and click the most popular library
{ "absolute": [ [ 716.3733520507812, 472.597412109375, 931.3084716796875, 550.5194702148438 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7113999724388123, 0.7501999735832214, 0.9247999787330627, 0.8737999796867371 ] ] }
Click on the 'community' folder.
{ "absolute": [ [ 266.3733825683594, 257.6623229980469, 374.81494140625, 288.8311767578125 ], [ 266.3733825683594, 257.6623229980469, 374.81494140625, 288.8311767578125 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.02979999966919422, 0.5254999995231628, 0.13940000534057617, 0.5698000192642212 ], [ 0.2644999921321869, 0.4090000092983246, 0.37220001220703125, 0.4584999978542328 ] ] }
Click the open issues which is the latest.
{ "absolute": [ [ 11.827921867370605, 203.7662353515625, 592.347412109375, 255.06494140625 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.011699999682605267, 0.32339999079704285, 0.5881999731063843, 0.4049000144004822 ] ] }
Click the buttom to sign out.
{ "absolute": [ [ 859.8798828125, 332.3376770019531, 1004.0357055664062, 382.3376770019531 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8539000153541565, 0.5274999737739563, 0.9970999956130981, 0.6068999767303467 ] ] }
Click on the 'Stars' tab.
{ "absolute": [ [ 872.8668823242188, 41.42856979370117, 940.3993530273438, 73.24674987792969 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8668000102043152, 0.0658000037074089, 0.933899998664856, 0.11630000174045563 ] ] }
Click the buttom for the new visitor.
{ "absolute": [ [ 751.4382934570312, 134.93505859375, 819.6201171875, 168.05194091796875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7462000250816345, 0.2142000049352646, 0.8138999938964844, 0.26669999957084656 ] ] }
Click the 'Sign in' button on this page for to sign in.
{ "absolute": [ [ 1719.6077880859375, 10.03659439086914, 1809.3131103515625, 60.739601135253906 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.9003000259399414, 0.010599999688565731, 0.9473000168800354, 0.06430000066757202 ] ] }
Find and click the most popular library
{ "absolute": [ [ 323.80194091796875, 135.55844116210938, 1050.42529296875, 254.38961791992188 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.16869999468326569, 0.13539999723434448, 0.5473999977111816, 0.2540999948978424 ] ] }
Click on the 'community' folder.
{ "absolute": [ [ 13.412337303161621, 405.532470703125, 162.11363220214844, 441.8961181640625 ], [ 13.412337303161621, 405.532470703125, 162.11363220214844, 441.8961181640625 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.17749999463558197, 0.3231000006198883, 0.2459000051021576, 0.365200012922287 ], [ 0.007000000216066837, 0.40470001101493835, 0.08449999988079071, 0.4410000145435333 ] ] }
Click the open issues which is the latest.
{ "absolute": [ [ 345.91253662109375, 362.33819580078125, 661.1644287109375, 424.08856201171875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.18029999732971191, 0.36419999599456787, 0.34450000524520874, 0.4262000024318695 ] ] }
Click the buttom to sign out.
{ "absolute": [ [ 1601.07470703125, 652.7012939453125, 1910.16552734375, 707.2467651367188 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8342999815940857, 0.6585999727249146, 0.9954000115394592, 0.713699996471405 ] ] }
Click on the 'Stars' tab.
{ "absolute": [ [ 1399.1265869140625, 109.7402572631836, 1578.9967041015625, 159.74026489257812 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7290999889373779, 0.10970000177621841, 0.8227999806404114, 0.15970000624656677 ] ] }
Click the buttom for the new visitor.
{ "absolute": [ [ 938.1168823242188, 487.1688232421875, 1090.7142333984375, 533.272705078125 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.48989999294281006, 0.4876999855041504, 0.569599986076355, 0.5338000059127808 ] ] }
Click the 'Sign in' button on this page for to sign in.
{ "absolute": [ [ 870.2694702148438, 3.1168830394744873, 935.2045288085938, 37.532466888427734 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8641999959945679, 0.004900000058114529, 0.9286999702453613, 0.05959999933838844 ] ] }
Find and click the most popular library
{ "absolute": [ [ 760.5292358398438, 211.55844116210938, 980.6591186523438, 244.02597045898438 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7552000284194946, 0.3357999920845032, 0.973800003528595, 0.3873000144958496 ] ] }
Click on the 'community' folder.
{ "absolute": [ [ 251.4383087158203, 286.88311767578125, 354.68505859375, 312.8571472167969 ], [ 251.4383087158203, 286.88311767578125, 354.68505859375, 312.8571472167969 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.03500000014901161, 0.5234000086784363, 0.2199999988079071, 0.5645999908447266 ], [ 0.24969999492168427, 0.4553999900817871, 0.3522000014781952, 0.4966000020503998 ] ] }
Click the open issues which is the latest.
{ "absolute": [ [ 57.282466888427734, 181.6883087158203, 237.80194091796875, 234.93505859375 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05689999833703041, 0.28839999437332153, 0.2361000031232834, 0.37290000915527344 ] ] }
Click the buttom to sign out.
{ "absolute": [ [ 759.2305297851562, 433.6363525390625, 972.217529296875, 479.0909118652344 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7540000081062317, 0.6883000135421753, 0.965499997138977, 0.7605000138282776 ] ] }
Click on the 'Stars' tab.
{ "absolute": [ [ 891.0487060546875, 38.83116912841797, 992.9967651367188, 75.84415435791016 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8848999738693237, 0.06159999966621399, 0.9861000180244446, 0.12039999663829803 ] ] }
Click the buttom for the new visitor.
{ "absolute": [ [ 558.5811767578125, 362.2077941894531, 631.957763671875, 392.0779113769531 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.5547000169754028, 0.5748999714851379, 0.6276000142097473, 0.6223000288009644 ] ] }
Summarize the information provided on this page about the 'opencsg-chinese-fineweb-edu-v2' dataset and download the dataset. 如果界面为中文,总结页面中关于 'opencsg-chinese-fineweb-edu-v2' 数据集的信息并下载该数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 296.8928527832031, 153.89610290527344, 383.2565002441406, 203.89610290527344 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.2948000133037567, 0.15389999747276306, 0.3806000053882599, 0.20389999449253082 ] ] }
Click on the most recent discussion or pull request on the 'deepseek-v3' discussions page. 如果界面为中文,请点击 'deepseek-v3' 讨论页面中最新的讨论或拉取请求。
{ "absolute": [ [ 124.16558074951172, 296.3116760253906, 363.1266174316406, 341.7662353515625 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.12330000102519989, 0.32670000195503235, 0.36059999465942383, 0.376800000667572 ] ] }
Click on the 'Models' tab to navigate to the models page. 如果界面为中文,请点击“模型”标签导航到模型页面。
{ "absolute": [ [ 221.56817626953125, 4.545454502105713, 294.9447937011719, 45.45454406738281 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.2199999988079071, 0.0044999998062849045, 0.2928999960422516, 0.045499999076128006 ] ] }
Click the 'Like' button on this page for the 'deepseek-v3' model. 如果界面为中文,请点击页面上的“点赞”按钮,为 'deepseek-v3' 模型点赞。
{ "absolute": [ [ 776.7630004882812, 109.7402572631836, 850.1395874023438, 150.64935302734375 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.771399974822998, 0.10970000177621841, 0.8442000150680542, 0.15060000121593475 ] ] }
Click the download icon to download the largest model file in the 'deepseek-v3' files section. 如果界面为中文,请点击下载图标,下载 'deepseek-v3' 文件部分中最大的模型文件。
{ "absolute": [ [ 896.8928833007812, 568.1818237304688, 954.0357055664062, 603.2467651367188 ], [ 896.8928833007812, 568.1818237304688, 954.0357055664062, 603.2467651367188 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.07429999858140945, 0.5674999952316284, 0.25609999895095825, 0.6032000184059143 ], [ 0.8906999826431274, 0.5681999921798706, 0.9473999738693237, 0.6032000184059143 ] ] }
Summarize the information provided on this page about the 'opencsg-smoltalk-chinese' dataset and download the dataset. 如果界面为中文,总结页面中关于 'opencsg-smoltalk-chinese' 数据集的信息并下载该数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 302.73699951171875, 165.58441162109375, 378.0616760253906, 201.2987060546875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.30059999227523804, 0.1656000018119812, 0.37540000677108765, 0.2012999951839447 ] ] }
Search for the 'deepseek-v3' model on the current page. 如果界面为中文,请搜索 'deepseek-v3' 模型。
{ "absolute": [ [ 268.97076416015625, 694.80517578125, 594.94482421875, 781.1688232421875 ], [ 268.97076416015625, 694.80517578125, 594.94482421875, 781.1688232421875 ], [ 268.97076416015625, 694.80517578125, 594.94482421875, 781.1688232421875 ], [ 268.97076416015625, 694.80517578125, 594.94482421875, 781.1688232421875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.25360000133514404, 0.08640000224113464, 0.5462999939918518, 0.12399999797344208 ], [ 0.8209999799728394, 0.0071000000461936, 0.9067999720573425, 0.039000000804662704 ], [ 0.047200001776218414, 0.11949999630451202, 0.2387000024318695, 0.15449999272823334 ], [ 0.2671000063419342, 0.6948000192642212, 0.5907999873161316, 0.7811999917030334 ] ] }
Summarize the discussion content on this issue page and leave a comment saying, 'Thank you, this is very helpful.' 如果界面为中文,请总结讨论内容,并评论:'谢谢,这对我很有用。'
{ "absolute": [ [ 61.33826446533203, 847.3799438476562, 136.74644470214844, 873.3828125 ], [ 61.33826446533203, 847.3799438476562, 136.74644470214844, 873.3828125 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.06989999860525131, 0.7742999792098999, 0.9510999917984009, 0.9319000244140625 ], [ 0.0608999989926815, 0.9383999705314636, 0.13580000400543213, 0.967199981212616 ] ] }
Use the search or filter function to locate the 'opencsg' dataset on the current page. 如果界面为中文,请使用搜索或过滤功能查找 'opencsg' 数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 819.6201171875, 5.194805145263672, 917.022705078125, 40.90909194946289 ], [ 819.6201171875, 5.194805145263672, 917.022705078125, 40.90909194946289 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.26840001344680786, 0.046799998730421066, 0.5623999834060669, 0.09679999947547913 ], [ 0.8138999938964844, 0.005200000014156103, 0.9106000065803528, 0.04089999943971634 ] ] }
Click the train bottom.
{ "absolute": [ [ 302.73699951171875, 163.63636779785156, 378.7110290527344, 201.2987060546875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.30059999227523804, 0.16359999775886536, 0.37610000371932983, 0.2012999951839447 ] ] }
Click on the tab to navigate to search models.
{ "absolute": [ [ 816.3733520507812, 7.792207717895508, 914.4253540039062, 39.610389709472656 ], [ 816.3733520507812, 7.792207717895508, 914.4253540039062, 39.610389709472656 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.22130000591278076, 0.00839999970048666, 0.29100000858306885, 0.042899999767541885 ], [ 0.810699999332428, 0.007799999788403511, 0.9081000089645386, 0.03959999978542328 ] ] }
Click the 'copy' button to copy the name of prompt names
{ "absolute": [ [ 219.62013244628906, 76.62337493896484, 248.19155883789062, 99.35064697265625 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.21809999644756317, 0.07660000026226044, 0.24650000035762787, 0.09939999878406525 ] ] }
Click the community bottom。
{ "absolute": [ [ 203.38636779785156, 163.63636779785156, 291.0487060546875, 199.35064697265625 ], [ 203.38636779785156, 163.63636779785156, 291.0487060546875, 199.35064697265625 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.5212000012397766, 0.007799999788403511, 0.5773000121116638, 0.040300000458955765 ], [ 0.20200000703334808, 0.16359999775886536, 0.289000004529953, 0.19939999282360077 ] ] }
Click the model With the largest number of downloads.
{ "absolute": [ [ 622.217529296875, 550, 951.4382934570312, 642.207763671875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.617900013923645, 0.550000011920929, 0.9448000192642212, 0.6421999931335449 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 185.2045440673828, 5.844155788421631, 230.00973510742188, 44.80519485473633 ], [ 185.2045440673828, 5.844155788421631, 230.00973510742188, 44.80519485473633 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05040000006556511, 0.005799999926239252, 0.16910000145435333, 0.04479999840259552 ], [ 0.18389999866485596, 0.005799999926239252, 0.22840000689029694, 0.04479999840259552 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 181.30844116210938, 7.142857074737549, 236.5032501220703, 48.05194854736328 ], [ 181.30844116210938, 7.142857074737549, 236.5032501220703, 48.05194854736328 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.044599998742341995, 0.005200000014156103, 0.17550000548362732, 0.04610000178217888 ], [ 0.18000000715255737, 0.0071000000461936, 0.23489999771118164, 0.04809999838471413 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 182.60714721679688, 3.246753215789795, 232.60714721679688, 43.506492614746094 ], [ 182.60714721679688, 3.246753215789795, 232.60714721679688, 43.506492614746094 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.045899998396635056, 0.0038999998942017555, 0.17100000381469727, 0.0421999990940094 ], [ 0.18129999935626984, 0.0031999999191612005, 0.23100000619888306, 0.04349999874830246 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 185.85389709472656, 5.844155788421631, 230.65908813476562, 48.701297760009766 ], [ 185.85389709472656, 5.844155788421631, 230.65908813476562, 48.701297760009766 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.045899998396635056, 0.0019000000320374966, 0.18129999935626984, 0.05000000074505806 ], [ 0.18459999561309814, 0.005799999926239252, 0.22910000383853912, 0.048700001090765 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 178.71104431152344, 5.844155788421631, 235.2045440673828, 45.45454406738281 ], [ 178.71104431152344, 5.844155788421631, 235.2045440673828, 45.45454406738281 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.04529999941587448, 0.0031999999191612005, 0.17489999532699585, 0.046799998730421066 ], [ 0.17749999463558197, 0.005799999926239252, 0.23360000550746918, 0.045499999076128006 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 183.25650024414062, 3.246753215789795, 237.15260314941406, 47.40259552001953 ], [ 183.25650024414062, 3.246753215789795, 237.15260314941406, 47.40259552001953 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.04010000079870224, 0.0031999999191612005, 0.1859000027179718, 0.050599999725818634 ], [ 0.18199999630451202, 0.0031999999191612005, 0.23549999296665192, 0.04740000143647194 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 182.60714721679688, 5.194805145263672, 229.36038208007812, 42.20779037475586 ], [ 182.60714721679688, 5.194805145263672, 229.36038208007812, 42.20779037475586 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.04529999941587448, 0.0038999998942017555, 0.17100000381469727, 0.044199999421834946 ], [ 0.18129999935626984, 0.005200000014156103, 0.22779999673366547, 0.0421999990940094 ] ] }
Summarize the information provided on this page about the 'opencsg-chinese-fineweb-edu-v2' dataset and download the dataset. 如果界面为中文,总结页面中关于 'opencsg-chinese-fineweb-edu-v2' 数据集的信息并下载该数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 891.0487060546875, 246.7532501220703, 924.1655883789062, 281.81817626953125 ], [ 891.0487060546875, 246.7532501220703, 924.1655883789062, 281.81817626953125 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.6662999987602234, 0.24740000069141388, 0.7843000292778015, 0.28380000591278076 ], [ 0.8848999738693237, 0.2468000054359436, 0.9176999926567078, 0.2818000018596649 ] ] }
Click on the most recent discussion or pull request on the 'deepseek-v3' discussions page. 如果界面为中文,请点击 'deepseek-v3' 讨论页面中最新的讨论或拉取请求。
{ "absolute": [ [ 337.80194091796875, 227.27272033691406, 598.1915283203125, 275.3246765136719 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.33550000190734863, 0.2273000031709671, 0.593999981880188, 0.275299996137619 ] ] }
Click on the 'Models' tab to navigate to the models page. 如果界面为中文,请点击“模型”标签导航到模型页面。
{ "absolute": [ [ 558.5811767578125, 766.4935302734375, 639.75, 812.597412109375 ], [ 558.5811767578125, 766.4935302734375, 639.75, 812.597412109375 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.4372999966144562, 0.007499999832361937, 0.516700029373169, 0.05770000070333481 ], [ 0.5547000169754028, 0.940500020980835, 0.6352999806404114, 0.9970999956130981 ] ] }
Click the 'Like' button on this page for the 'deepseek-v3' model. 如果界面为中文,请点击页面上的“点赞”按钮,为 'deepseek-v3' 模型点赞。
{ "absolute": [ [ 275.46429443359375, 66.88311767578125, 342.347412109375, 96.75325012207031 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.273499995470047, 0.06689999997615814, 0.3400000035762787, 0.09679999947547913 ] ] }
Click the download icon to download the largest model file in the 'deepseek-v3' files section. 如果界面为中文,请点击下载图标,下载 'deepseek-v3' 文件部分中最大的模型文件。
{ "absolute": [ [ 445.5941467285156, 507.7922058105469, 482.6071472167969, 533.7662353515625 ], [ 445.5941467285156, 507.7922058105469, 482.6071472167969, 533.7662353515625 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.06909999996423721, 0.5103999972343445, 0.3425000011920929, 0.5357000231742859 ], [ 0.4424999952316284, 0.5077999830245972, 0.47929999232292175, 0.5338000059127808 ] ] }
Check how many categories the current model 'deepseek-v3' has in its collections section. 如果界面为中文,请查看当前模型 'deepseek-v3' 在集合部分有多少个分类。
{ "absolute": [ [ 774.81494140625, 295.6103820800781, 896.8928833007812, 331.3246765136719 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7694000005722046, 0.43860000371932983, 0.8906999826431274, 0.49160000681877136 ] ] }
Summarize the information provided on this page about the 'opencsg-smoltalk-chinese' dataset and download the dataset. 如果界面为中文,总结页面中关于 'opencsg-smoltalk-chinese' 数据集的信息并下载该数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 773.5162353515625, 224.67532348632812, 817.022705078125, 257.7922058105469 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.7681000232696533, 0.22470000386238098, 0.8112999796867371, 0.25780001282691956 ] ] }
Search for the 'deepseek-v3' model on the current page. 如果界面为中文,请搜索 'deepseek-v3' 模型。
{ "absolute": [ [ 326.1136474609375, 388.9610290527344, 535.2045288085938, 436.3636474609375 ], [ 326.1136474609375, 388.9610290527344, 535.2045288085938, 436.3636474609375 ], [ 326.1136474609375, 388.9610290527344, 535.2045288085938, 436.3636474609375 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.43149998784065247, 0.05779999867081642, 0.7552000284194946, 0.09610000252723694 ], [ 0.05950000137090683, 0.1103999987244606, 0.304500013589859, 0.14480000734329224 ], [ 0.3237999975681305, 0.3889999985694885, 0.531499981880188, 0.43639999628067017 ] ] }
Use the search or filter function to locate the 'opencsg' dataset on the current page. 如果界面为中文,请使用搜索或过滤功能查找 'opencsg' 数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 177.41233825683594, 7.142857074737549, 448.8409118652344, 46.75324630737305 ], [ 177.41233825683594, 7.142857074737549, 448.8409118652344, 46.75324630737305 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.4327999949455261, 0.05649999901652336, 0.7559000253677368, 0.10130000114440918 ], [ 0.1762000024318695, 0.0071000000461936, 0.4456999897956848, 0.046799998730421066 ] ] }
Click the train bottom.
{ "absolute": [ [ 674.81494140625, 249.35064697265625, 790.3993530273438, 282.467529296875 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.6700999736785889, 0.24940000474452972, 0.7849000096321106, 0.2824999988079071 ] ] }
Click on the tab to navigate to search models.
{ "absolute": [ [ 568.3214111328125, 774.93505859375, 637.8019409179688, 812.597412109375 ], [ 568.3214111328125, 774.93505859375, 637.8019409179688, 812.597412109375 ], [ 568.3214111328125, 774.93505859375, 637.8019409179688, 812.597412109375 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.17880000174045563, 0.009100000374019146, 0.44190001487731934, 0.054499998688697815 ], [ 0.4456999897956848, 0.009100000374019146, 0.5108000040054321, 0.05689999833703041 ], [ 0.5644000172615051, 0.9508000016212463, 0.633400022983551, 0.9970999956130981 ] ] }
Click the 'copy' button to copy the name of prompt names
{ "absolute": [ [ 237.80194091796875, 66.2337646484375, 277.4123229980469, 94.80519104003906 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.2361000031232834, 0.06620000302791595, 0.27549999952316284, 0.09480000287294388 ] ] }
Click the community bottom。
{ "absolute": [ [ 269.6201171875, 131.81817626953125, 393.6461181640625, 170.7792205810547 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.2676999866962433, 0.13179999589920044, 0.39089998602867126, 0.17080000042915344 ] ] }
Click the model With the largest number of downloads.
{ "absolute": [ [ 275.46429443359375, 254.05194091796875, 479.3603820800781, 293.6623229980469 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.273499995470047, 0.37689998745918274, 0.47600001096725464, 0.435699999332428 ] ] }
Click the second row of conversations list.
{ "absolute": [ [ 61.82792282104492, 339.6103820800781, 661.8279418945312, 392.8571472167969 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.061400000005960464, 0.33959999680519104, 0.6571999788284302, 0.3928999900817871 ] ] }
Check the pricing bottom
{ "absolute": [ [ 829.3604125976562, 5.844155788421631, 889.1006469726562, 41.558441162109375 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8235999941825867, 0.005799999926239252, 0.8828999996185303, 0.041600000113248825 ] ] }
Click the model With the largest number of downloads.
{ "absolute": [ [ 330.0097351074219, 387.6623229980469, 635.8538818359375, 438.3116760253906 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.3276999890804291, 0.38769999146461487, 0.6313999891281128, 0.4383000135421753 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 48.84090805053711, 0, 178.71104431152344, 44.80519485473633 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.048500001430511475, 0, 0.17749999463558197, 0.04479999840259552 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 58.58116912841797, 4.805194854736328, 176.11363220214844, 39.8701286315918 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05820000171661377, 0.005900000222027302, 0.17489999532699585, 0.048900000751018524 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 55.334415435791016, 5.194805145263672, 172.217529296875, 44.155845642089844 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05490000173449516, 0.005200000014156103, 0.17100000381469727, 0.044199999421834946 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 57.931819915771484, 6.49350643157959, 177.41233825683594, 44.80519485473633 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.057500001043081284, 0.006500000134110451, 0.1762000024318695, 0.04479999840259552 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 52.73701477050781, 2.753246784210205, 177.41233825683594, 43.66233825683594 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.052400000393390656, 0.004100000020116568, 0.1762000024318695, 0.06480000168085098 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 55.9837646484375, 5.194805145263672, 176.11363220214844, 47.40259552001953 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05559999868273735, 0.005200000014156103, 0.17489999532699585, 0.04740000143647194 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 52.08766174316406, 7.142857074737549, 176.11363220214844, 42.85714340209961 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05169999971985817, 0.0071000000461936, 0.17489999532699585, 0.042899999767541885 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 53.3863639831543, 2.597402572631836, 181.30844116210938, 46.75324630737305 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05299999937415123, 0.0026000000070780516, 0.18000000715255737, 0.046799998730421066 ] ] }
Summarize the information provided on this page about the 'opencsg-chinese-fineweb-edu-v2' dataset and download the dataset. 如果界面为中文,总结页面中关于 'opencsg-chinese-fineweb-edu-v2' 数据集的信息并下载该数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 835.2045288085938, 196.10389709472656, 944.2954711914062, 235.7142791748047 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8294000029563904, 0.19609999656677246, 0.9376999735832214, 0.23569999635219574 ] ] }
Click on the 'Models' tab to navigate to the models page. 如果界面为中文,请点击“模型”标签导航到模型页面。
{ "absolute": [ [ 657.9318237304688, 576.6233520507812, 758.5811767578125, 620.1298828125 ], [ 657.9318237304688, 576.6233520507812, 758.5811767578125, 620.1298828125 ], [ 657.9318237304688, 576.6233520507812, 758.5811767578125, 620.1298828125 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.14720000326633453, 0.0026000000070780516, 0.2199999988079071, 0.05130000039935112 ], [ 0.058800000697374344, 0.6474000215530396, 0.3077000081539154, 0.7233999967575073 ], [ 0.6534000039100647, 0.5766000151634216, 0.7533000111579895, 0.6201000213623047 ] ] }
Click the 'Like' button on this page for the 'deepseek-v3' model. 如果界面为中文,请点击页面上的“点赞”按钮,为 'deepseek-v3' 模型点赞。
{ "absolute": [ [ 163.77597045898438, 74.67532348632812, 234.55519104003906, 105.19480895996094 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.16259999573230743, 0.0746999979019165, 0.2328999936580658, 0.10520000010728836 ] ] }
Click the download icon to download the largest model file in the 'deepseek-v3' files section. 如果界面为中文,请点击下载图标,下载 'deepseek-v3' 文件部分中最大的模型文件。
{ "absolute": [ [ 484.5552062988281, 531.1688232421875, 509.23052978515625, 551.9480590820312 ], [ 484.5552062988281, 531.1688232421875, 509.23052978515625, 551.9480590820312 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.07490000128746033, 0.5317999720573425, 0.26190000772476196, 0.5539000034332275 ], [ 0.4812000095844269, 0.5311999917030334, 0.5056999921798706, 0.5519000291824341 ] ] }
Summarize the information provided on this page about the 'opencsg-smoltalk-chinese' dataset and download the dataset. 如果界面为中文,总结页面中关于 'opencsg-smoltalk-chinese' 数据集的信息并下载该数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 837.152587890625, 230.5194854736328, 948.8408813476562, 266.2337646484375 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.8313000202178955, 0.2304999977350235, 0.9422000050544739, 0.2662000060081482 ] ] }
Search for the 'deepseek-v3' model on the current page. 如果界面为中文,请搜索 'deepseek-v3' 模型。
{ "absolute": [ [ 57.931819915771484, 153.2467498779297, 305.9837646484375, 190.25973510742188 ], [ 57.931819915771484, 153.2467498779297, 305.9837646484375, 190.25973510742188 ], [ 57.931819915771484, 153.2467498779297, 305.9837646484375, 190.25973510742188 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.6347000002861023, 0.21490000188350677, 0.933899998664856, 0.29679998755455017 ], [ 0.5881999731063843, 0.07729999721050262, 0.8209999799728394, 0.1103999987244606 ], [ 0.057500001043081284, 0.15320000052452087, 0.30390000343322754, 0.19030000269412994 ] ] }
Use the search or filter function to locate the 'opencsg' dataset on the current page. 如果界面为中文,请使用搜索或过滤功能查找 'opencsg' 数据集。
{ "absolute": [ [ 62.477272033691406, 149.35064697265625, 304.68505859375, 190.25973510742188 ], [ 62.477272033691406, 149.35064697265625, 304.68505859375, 190.25973510742188 ], [ 62.477272033691406, 149.35064697265625, 304.68505859375, 190.25973510742188 ], [ 62.477272033691406, 149.35064697265625, 304.68505859375, 190.25973510742188 ], [ 62.477272033691406, 149.35064697265625, 304.68505859375, 190.25973510742188 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.5856999754905701, 0.0746999979019165, 0.8281000256538391, 0.11620000004768372 ], [ 0.633400022983551, 0.4025999903678894, 0.9358000159263611, 0.48829999566078186 ], [ 0.33090001344680786, 0.12080000340938568, 0.6308000087738037, 0.20260000228881836 ], [ 0.3296999931335449, 0.49939998984336853, 0.6281999945640564, 0.5831000208854675 ], [ 0.06199999898672104, 0.149399995803833, 0.3025999963283539, 0.19030000269412994 ] ] }
Click on the tab to navigate to search models.
{ "absolute": [ [ 656.6331176757812, 579.2207641601562, 759.8798828125, 623.3766479492188 ], [ 656.6331176757812, 579.2207641601562, 759.8798828125, 623.3766479492188 ], [ 656.6331176757812, 579.2207641601562, 759.8798828125, 623.3766479492188 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.14650000631809235, 0.006500000134110451, 0.22519999742507935, 0.058400001376867294 ], [ 0.05299999937415123, 0.635699987411499, 0.3276999890804291, 0.8934999704360962 ], [ 0.6521000266075134, 0.579200029373169, 0.7545999884605408, 0.6233999729156494 ] ] }
Click the 'copy' button to copy the name of prompt names
{ "absolute": [ [ 215.72402954101562, 105.84415435791016, 255.33441162109375, 140.25973510742188 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.2142000049352646, 0.10580000281333923, 0.25360000133514404, 0.14030000567436218 ] ] }
Click the community bottom。
{ "absolute": [ [ 179.36038208007812, 164.93505859375, 275.46429443359375, 203.2467498779297 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.17810000479221344, 0.164900004863739, 0.273499995470047, 0.20319999754428864 ] ] }
Click the model With the largest number of downloads.
{ "absolute": [ [ 638.4512939453125, 117.532470703125, 948.1915283203125, 203.2467498779297 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.6340000033378601, 0.11749999970197678, 0.9416000247001648, 0.20319999754428864 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 52.08766174316406, 5.844155788421631, 152.7370147705078, 51.94805145263672 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05169999971985817, 0.005799999926239252, 0.1517000049352646, 0.051899999380111694 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 53.3863639831543, 2.597402572631836, 147.54220581054688, 51.94805145263672 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05299999937415123, 0.0026000000070780516, 0.14650000631809235, 0.051899999380111694 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 50.139610290527344, 5.844155788421631, 150.78895568847656, 50 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.049800001084804535, 0.005799999926239252, 0.14970000088214874, 0.05000000074505806 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 56.63311767578125, 4.545454502105713, 147.54220581054688, 49.350650787353516 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05620000138878822, 0.0044999998062849045, 0.14650000631809235, 0.049400001764297485 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 54.03571319580078, 4.545454502105713, 148.19155883789062, 53.24675369262695 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.053700000047683716, 0.0044999998062849045, 0.14720000326633453, 0.053199999034404755 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page
{ "absolute": [ [ 55.334415435791016, 5.844155788421631, 146.89285278320312, 47.40259552001953 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05490000173449516, 0.005799999926239252, 0.14589999616146088, 0.04740000143647194 ] ] }
I want to return to the home page.
{ "absolute": [ [ 53.3863639831543, 7.142857074737549, 150.13961791992188, 50 ] ], "relative": [ [ 0.05299999937415123, 0.0071000000461936, 0.14910000562667847, 0.05000000074505806 ] ] }
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (


This project designs common use scenarios for web-based code, model, and dataset hosting platforms, and provides corresponding prompts and ground truth. These resources can be used to evaluate the localization performance of visual language models (VLMs) in specialized scenarios.

Model Hosting Platform GUI Inference

Model Platform Accuracy (%) Error (%) Invalid (%) Completion Rate (%)
AriaUI Huggingface 70.8 12.5 6.7 100.0
ModelScope 57.6 14.2 28.2 100.0
OpenCSG 81.0 9.5 9.5 100.0
CogAgent Huggingface 73.3 26.7 0.0 100.0
ModelScope 57.9 29.1 13.0 96.3
OpenCSG 57.1 19.0 23.8 100.0
Qwen3B Huggingface 8.3 15.8 19.2 41.7
ModelScope 0.0 28.6 20.6 49.2
OpenCSG 4.8 4.8 9.5 19.0
Qwen7B Huggingface 73.3 11.7 10.8 95.8
ModelScope 55.5 30.2 8.5 95.2
OpenCSG 71.4 14.3 14.3 100.0
SeeClick Huggingface 39.2 36.7 24.2 100.0
ModelScope 52.4 29.0 18.6 100.0
OpenCSG 52.4 14.3 33.3 100.0
ShowUI Huggingface 30.0 45.0 11.7 86.7
ModelScope 43.3 26.7 14.3 88.9
OpenCSG 23.8 52.4 9.5 85.7


Model Accuracy (%) Error (%) Invalid (%) Completion Rate (%)
AriaUI 67.7 19.3 11.4 100.0
CogAgent 63.3 34.8 3.0 98.7
Qwen3B 4.5 10.8 12.9 62.6
Qwen7B 66.9 18.8 10.1 100.0
SeeClick 45.6 26.2 26.8 97.9
ShowUI 32.1 42.8 11.6 85.0

Code Hosting Platform GUI Inference

Model Platform Accuracy (%) Error (%) Invalid (%) Completion Rate (%)
AriaUI GitCode 57.1 28.5 14.3 100.0
Gitea 71.4 28.5 0.0 100.0
Gitee 57.1 28.5 14.3 100.0
Github 71.4 14.3 14.3 100.0
GitLab 71.4 14.3 14.3 100.0
CogAgent GitCode 71.4 28.5 0.0 100.0
Gitea 71.4 28.5 0.0 100.0
Gitee 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
Github 57.1 42.8 0.0 100.0
GitLab 85.7 14.3 0.0 100.0
Qwen3B GitCode 14.2 28.5 42.8 85.7
Gitea 14.2 57.1 14.2 85.7
Gitee 14.2 42.8 28.5 100.0
Github 0.0 28.5 57.1 85.7
GitLab 14.2 28.5 28.5 71.4
Qwen7B GitCode 71.4 0.0 28.5 100.0
Gitea 57.1 28.5 14.2 100.0
Gitee 28.5 57.1 14.2 100.0
Github 0.0 14.2 85.7 100.0
GitLab 85.7 14.2 0.0 100.0
SeeClick GitCode 28.5 48.5 28.5 100.0
Gitea 28.5 28.5 48.5 100.0
Gitee 28.5 57.1 14.2 100.0
Github 14.2 57.1 28.5 100.0
GitLab 0.0 71.4 28.5 100.0
ShowUI GitCode 28.5 48.5 14.2 85.7
Gitea 57.1 48.5 0.0 100.0
Gitee 57.1 28.5 0.0 85.7
Github 48.5 14.2 28.5 85.7
GitLab 48.5 14.2 14.2 71.4


Model Platform Accuracy (%) Error (%) Invalid (%) Completion Rate (%)
AriaUI 65.7 22.8 11.4 100.0
CogAgent 62.9 22.8 0.0 100.0
Qwen3B 11.4 37.1 37.1 85.7
Qwen7B 48.5 22.9 28.6 100.0
SeeClick 20.0 51.4 28.6 100.0
ShowUI 45.7 28.6 11.4 85.7
Downloads last month