Make your way down to the Miracle Mile and spend the evening and last day of 2021 at Ghostlight. Gather up your 21 and over friends and party at the newest Stockton spot. Rockin' our stage into the new year, we'll have Toadstool Theater, Static Symphony, and Dirty Pillows! Join us at The Levity Ball! Ring in the new year with your favorite people. Get your tickets today for this good vibe event
Crazy soft basic cream mock neck sweater. This is a subtle turtleneck and very very soft. It’s a light knit sweater and easy to layer with other pieces.
We bring you the: Really Useful New Elaborate Systems with Cool And Playable Experiences update or R.U.N.E.S.C.A.P.E update dub. This update consists of the addition of PixelMMO and PixelmonDisguises as well as a bunch of other new plugins yet to come. We understand that this is a strange period for everyone but we made some efforts to give you some new content on the PixelmonCraft server. PixelMMO PixelMMO is a massive multiplayer online (MMO) role-playing game (RPG). It should really be called PixelRPG. Just roll with it. PixelMMO grants skills and skillsets to players, awarding experience to these skills for performing actions within the skills. For example, the woodcutting skill is progressed through… cutting wood. Currently, PixelMMO has 14 skills. They are listed in /skills The default experience for skills is right now is 25, unless you are mining or excavating. You can reach a multimine booster for woodcutting, mining or excavating at level 33. (bound to change in settings) Boosters are additional benefits from skill progression. Some include multiplying MMO exp and breaking multiple blocks. Ask the mods more about specific boosters, how they work, and how you can get them. PixelMMO Commands /skill [skill] [-p|--player <player>] – Displays the current progress for the given skill. A player may be specified to view others’ progress /leaderboards [skill] – Displays the current leaders of the MMO on the server /boosters – Displays a list of active boosters, allowing users to toggle them PixelDisguises aka Morphs The pixelmondisguises will work with a tier system and by voting you will be able to receive a tier1 disguise crate which contains a set of pokemon species to gain as morphs. This is a random roll and you will never get the same morph. It will always be an unique one until you reached all morphs available within the tier. PixelmonDisguises commands /morph /unmorph (or shift) Edited by Lemonita on 2021-04-03 03:48 Top Lemonita Early bird Offline 1841 posts Wed, 2020-04-29 14:05 #2 The PixelMMO has been updated with the ORES update and the POKEMON update, this means that all ores respectively now will drop mmo xp. For pokemon this means that all actions that involve pokemon such as catching, battling or breeding will take in factor pokemon rarity levels or eggcycles. Breeding specificly favours normally hatched pokemon to give more xp than when /hatch is used.
Beta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha #3624 Received their Charter on October 6,1967. Twelve members signed the Charter. We have one meeting a month - on the second Monday. Our meetings are dinner meetings - 5:30 to 7:00 PM in a somewhat secluded area of a restaurant in Woodbury, either Perkins or Keys, usually alternating between the two. We have a Christmas Luncheon at Lake Elmo Inn on the second Saturday of December. We invite inactive members of Beta Theta to join us for this lunch. We do not meet in January, February or March. However, we do keep in contact with each other electronically or by phone during this time. We meet in April, May and June and begin our next years meetings in July.
My logo is “Seeing What You Can’t See” and producing accurate, affordable, and easily accessible utility maps for my customers has proven to be an invaluable service. The value of mapping utilities can be highlighted by a project I completed last summer for a building contractor at a public school in a small, rural town in Western Montana. After marking all utilities using EM and GPR locating methods between two school buildings where a new storm sewer line was going to be installed, I created the utility map shown below. The proposed route for the new storm sewer line is marked by the white dashed line. As shown, the new storm sewer line had to cross two buried utilities: a communications line (orange) and a buried electrical line (red). I also found an unknown line (marked in pink) which I marked coming out of the building on the right. The utility line could not be seen beyond the point which I marked the line because of new landscaping rock materials. As the contractor was excavating a trench for the new line, he contacted a buried fiber optic line. He called me in a panic and told me that he hit a line that wasn’t marked. I pulled up the map I created and indeed the line was marked almost to the point of contact. However, after checking with the school and determining that no communication lines were affected, it was determined that the buried fiber line was installed by Mountain Bell and never put into service. I had informed the contractor before leaving the site that the line was not “locatable” beyond the point it was marked. We both got lucky because the line was never put into service, but at least I had discovered the line and informed him that I could not locate beyond the point I had marked it. ​Shown below is a large mapping project I completed in Yellowstone National Park last fall. The park service has plans to build a new employee dormitory near Old Faithful. The park service and the architect wanted to know where the utility lines were located prior to drawing up blueprints for the new dormitory. As you can see, this map is quite large and having a utility map of the proposed building area was very valuable to the park service. Using our GPR equipment combined with our EM line locating tool, we can locate your buried underground utilities and then accurately place them on a Google Earth image of your project area using Global Positioning Data (GPS) data to produce maps like the one shown below. For more information on our “utility mapping” service, please contact Brent Baumann at 406.579.3181 or visit our website at: Read February 2022 Newsletter 0 Comments Leave a Reply. Brent Baumann ​Geologist GeoSearch Services is a private utility locating and investigation service for many types of environmental projects and provides safe, professional and cost effective Ground Penetrating Radar and Electromagnetic Induction scans.
I love your blog. Your photos are beautiful, your comments are beautiful, Lamb & Fox are so lucky to have this online time capsule/photo album to look through when they're older.
Shanghai Qualcomm Semiconductor Co., Ltd was established in 1992, registered capital of 22 million, has been committed to Chinese information processing industry, adhere to the development of information industry Chinese National Road, uphold the cultural heritage with science and technology concept, from the library card chip products Chinese characters the earliest DOS era to today, continue to provide Chinese information products professional for the industry.
We base our commitment on the quality of our services, a high level of expertise, a close relationship of trust with our clients, and our professional ethics, of which the main aspects are confidentiality and transparency. These values are the bedrock of the firm’s reputation and have earned us the loyalty of many clients over several decades. It is also thanks to these values that we are often called upon to provide training courses in industrial property and to contribute to international reference works for professional use.
Professor Art Shapiro predicted it: The cabbage white butterfly would be out this week, alerting his “posse” to their opportunity to win his annual Beer for a Butterfly contest — the prize going to the person who catches the first cabbage white of the new year. Distinguished Professor Art Shapiro Profiled by The Los Angeles Times by UC Davis Staff November 12, 2019 Ecology & Environment "Meet the scientist who's been counting California butterflies for 47 years and has no plans to stop," reads the headline for a profile article about Distinguished Professor Art Shapiro. Drought Has Unexpected Consequences for Northern California Butterfly Populations by Greg Watry June 13, 2018 Ecology & Environment Utilizing nearly 45 years of butterfly population field data, a new study published in Climate Change Responses reveals how recent record-setting temperatures and drought conditions affected butterfly populations at various elevations in Northern California. And the results are surprising.
We're starting a guest DJ series where some of our favorite DJs select tracks for our playlists. First up is Bosq a.k.a Ben Woods. Bosq is a producer & DJ who's sound is rooted in Disco & Funk heavily influenced by classic Afro-Latin music. Boston bred, he now resides in Medellín. Bosq has released 4 full albums and many EP's of original music on Ubiquity, Fania, Soul Clap Records & more.
The artist David Hockney is the recipient of the Critics' Circle award for Distinguished Service to Art 2017 as voted by the five hundred members of the Circle. Presentation of the rosebowl will take place later this year.
There is no need to install the extras folder. It’s just a folder full of extra rigs and fun stuff that we thought our customers should have. Just copy and paste the folder somewhere where you can find it and use it easily.
I consider skill and vision to be the most important elements in creative fields. It is not a question of having one or the other, but the ability to combine both into something unique. Having vision without mastering the proper skillset leads to wishful thinking. Being a skillful master but lacking vision creates content without purpose.
Revised Handbook is on the website, please can everyone read this and pay fees so we can affiliate and register (other than U16 where we have an additional screening session). All fixtures are on the google calendar on the website, other than the odd start time and venue for some senior matches. Please start to note fixtures in your diary! Senior squad lists will be available soon. Junior squads will be sorted for A and B Squads after the first couple of weeks training. Most fixtures start third weekend in September! It will come around quickly, get ready to receive emails from squad managers as well as me! GOOD LUCK AT SCHOOL GAMES We say good luck to our youngsters taking to court for Yorkshire in the School Games at Loughborough Uni, with Francine as their coach. Do your best and enjoy. Congratulations on your selection Elias S, Molly D, Libby B, Charlotte B and Jess H U11s TRAINING Our young youngsters are busy training with Mark, Becky and John sorting groups between the Thursday full U12s group, the Tuesday U11s playing up into U12s and the Sunday U10s/U11s group. NETBALL NIGHTS Our Netball Nights matches continue! With both teams doing well again! Thanks to Susie and Sian! EXAM RESULTS Well done to our athletes who’ve done well in A Levels and off to Uni, come back and play Netball Nights for us! And well done to those doing GCSEs as well! IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR OUR INJURED PLAYERS Good luck and speedy recovery to our injured players. We wish you well! ROSES ACADEMY THIS WEEK Good luck to Georgia Pexton and Alice Harvey who are on Roses Academy Camp all week in Walsall. And good luck to Annie and Maisie traveling to trial with Roses Academy on Friday. Good luck to our athletes also in Walsall on the SED course for elite athletes. LEEDS RHINOS NETBALL Check Rhinos website for Elite and Academy Trials and Hubs, we encourage athletes to attend these sessions to complement Club/School and to aim to be in the formal bit of the England Netball Pathway. THANKS! Thanks to all our coaches and volunteers, this is a busy time of year for the administration aspect, booking venues, sorting fees, affiliating players, checking fixtures, restocking kitbags etc etc! Here’s to a superb season for Leeds Athletic! If you’re not already on our Facebook group, please ask to join, that is a good way to keep in touch and avoid emails! News Update #1 14/8/2018 ​Here is the first update of the new season! Where has the summer gone! Summer training continues on a Thursday for U14 and above, and on a Sunday for our youngsters! Netball Nights matches continue most weeks, with a number of our young athletes making their senior debut along with experienced seniors. This is a good way to continue playing through the summer! Congratulations to our athletes selected to play for Yorkshire in the upcoming School Games at Loughborough University. Delighted to say we have five players in the squad – Molly D, Libby B, Jess H, Charlotte B, Elias S. Plus, Francine, our Prem Player, is Yorkshire coach! Here is the link to read about the event. Good luck all! Our athletes on tour are into the last couple of days of their Australia trip, this week they have done the Sydney Tower and Jet Boating as well as Netball, including meeting Helen Housby and Natalie Haythornnthwaite! Amazing! On more mundane matters, the administration continues! We’re into booking courts, paying League entry fees, finalising the coaching structure for club, getting entries into the calendar and making sure we are ready for the season ahead! New season training starts first week in September, make sure you are ready and that you have submitted all the paperwork you need to! One of the biggest summer jobs is updating all the athlete affiliations on the England Netball System. We tend not to do this until people have paid their fees, because there is an actual cost. So….....here is the fee structure confirmed, please pay fees due as soon as possible, please put your athlete’s name as a reference. LANC Bank Details are: HSBC, Sort Code 40-27-15, Account Number 64758463. Seniors £310 U16 £310 U14 £310 U12 (Thursday) £270 U12 Development (Tuesday) £270 U11 Sunday £240 The full handbook will be on the website later this week, setting out all you need to know, albeit there will be a few coaching details to be confirmed!
Releasing a book is always a bit of a scary time, even though I've done it a bunch of times before, but the first reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, and I'm just so delighted that people are loving awkward, chatty Ollie and Xander "For the love of all that is holy, use your goddamn words" Finch. These two are definitely opposites attract, and it's got nothing to do with the fact that Xander is rich and Ollie is living in his car when the story begins. It was a lot of fun watching Xander realise there was more to life than racing, and that maybe a talkative, slightly klutzy massage therapist was exactly what he needed.
Mena Suvari looked like a hot biker chick in her street gear. She was on her way to her hairdresser’s in L.A. Suvari rocked her jeans and singlet assemble in her hip look. We’ll be reading news on Suvari’s wedding soon as she has revealed she is in the midst of planning a traditional Italian wedding. Her fiancé, Simone Sestito, a music producer and promoter, hails from Italy so their wedding will be attended by his relatives while Suvari’s relatives would have to fly in.
Screaming Females are currently on tour supporting Garbage and in late November they'll head out on a tour supporting Dinosaur Jr. (which they've done before). None of those tours come through the NYC area but in between they'll go out on a headlining run which hits Maxwell's on November 11. Tickets for that show are on sale now. Like other shows on that tour, the Maxwell's show is with their Don Giovanni labelmates Black Wine, whose most recent album, Hollow Earth, came out over the summer. It's a solid album and should appeal to fans of Replacements-style power pop. You can stream the whole thing below or download it for $7 at bandcamp.
Yep, I did it. I brought a three story, three thousand, two hundred square foot baby into the world. Back in the summer of 2015 my HGTV executive friends tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I would like to, not only host, but also design the upcoming HGTV Smart Home. ​ I was scared shitless. I mean aside from my local jobs; it would be my biggest job to date. We’ve built houses before and helped clients with finish their homes; but I’ve never had a home that was one hundred percent designed by me from the foundation up. Especially, one that would be plunged into the national spotlight, put up for sweepstakes, and then given away to one lucky winner. ​ I mean come on! ​ I thought about it for all of two seconds, swallowed hard and then gladly excepted the challenge. Teaming up with the builder, Homes By Dickerson, project manager, Scott Branscom and tech expert, Carley Knoblach this stunning home in Raleigh, North Carolina’s “Tech Triangle” region, came to fruition. This amazing house is packed with tons of design style (and gadgets of course). So, let me take you on a quick tour of what I love about this brainy beauty. (For loads more about the Smart Home, visit: ​ What I Love: The Front Raleigh is a very traditional community, but it’s also very welcoming. So outside, you get a real cottage kind of feel. But inside, you get the modern touches that you would expect from a smart home. I had to color inside the lines of the neighborhood association’s rules (no bright colors, for example). So, we decided to paint the brick to give the whole thing a subdued and chic look. The Back When I designed the screened in porch, I wanted to give the living room a run for it’s money. I love the feel of it. It’s like “drinking iced tea with the Vanderbilt family on a Sunday afternoon, and shoes are off people”. Classy, but not stuffy. The yellow chairs are just great. Bold and they really draw the eye with a splash of sunshine. Oh, and did I mention the living wall? That’s right, it’s a huge art piece with succulents living in the frame.​ Wireless locks and a garage door that all be control with an app on your smartphone or tablet. The porch features skylights with built in rain detectors that close when it starts to rain. How cool is that? The Dining Room The Dining room is the first thing you see when you enter the open floor plan. It seats six and I love the huge artworks on the wall. They are hand painted and a bit aggressive. You’ve also got this rustic barn table with these ladder back chairs. This is where the cottage meets the city, in my book anyway. You’ve got these beige and neutral walls throughout the space that lets bits of color to really come out. And what can I say about this chandelier, black with bits of amber all around. Just, wow. The Kitchen The kitchen is the heart of the home and that’s especially true in this house because of it’s location between the living and dining rooms. So, I had to be very aware of colors matching. I actually upholstered the barstools around the island in the same fabric as the dining room chairs to make everything match. These hand painted Spanish tiles are really where I started. I built the rest of the color scheme around them. They were so wrong, that, it’s just right! This island is massive people. It’s a quartz top counter, perfect for dinner parties or just hanging out with the fam. Or taking a nap if you’re too tired to go to the bedroom. Yeah, it’s that big. Motion sensor faucets and a boatload of stainless steel, state of the art appliances. Did I mention the mother of all cappuccino machines? The Living Room This living room is uber comfy. It’s the perfect space to unwind, as a family, after a long day. I love how the living room leads straight into the covered porch, with massive windows that give you tons of light. The beefy mantel over the fireplace matches the hardwood floor. And that great piece of contemporary art on the mantel brings together all the accents of the room. This huge light fixture is made out of iron. So cool. What a find! A wall mounted tablet that controls the thermostat, lighting, windows and even the locks on the doors. Master Bedroom I felt like I was a couple’s counselor for this room. Designing for two different people with distinct tastes is not easy. You also have a massive amount of space to balance out. I decided to create a gentle tug of war, by creating a “mini-living room” by the windows and by balancing the masculine and feminine elements around the bed. The TV is mounted in a double sided mirror on the wall. When it’s off, it’s a mirror. When it’s on, you get a beautiful HD picture. Whoa. The bed adjusts firmness and tilt on each side. A rain shower head in the master bath, with additional body sprayers, makes for an immersive shower experience. You’ve also got a warmer drawer for your towels. Hot towels anyone? Second Floor Upstairs is where the business gets done. Whether your business is in the office or with the dirty diapers in the nursery. I love how the office, just sort of nestles into the “flex space” between the upstairs rooms. Since its in the open, I had to find creative ways to hide clutter, like the massive drawers that house the printer and scanner. The smart TV on the wall will communicate with your tablet, so you can get a larger view of your work or even set it up for video games for the kids. Basement Downstairs is where we go to play! There’s a media room for the movie nights or epic video game battles. There’s also a full size exercise room and guest room for slumber parties! The Lucky Winner You should have seen Theresa’s face when I told her she won. In fact, you can. Check out the video here: She does a happy dance! Wow, that felt great! Whew. That’s pretty much it. It’s truly a masterpiece and I’m sure Theresa is loving every minute of living there. Again, you can find loads more at:
This remedy is useful in complaints of pale, sickly people. Patients who have been weak for many years, who have inherited phthisis. Emaciation, weakness, anaemia, loss of appetite, burning thirst and copious pale urine arc a combination calling for Acetic acid. Sensation of heat with pulsation coming and going, like orgasms; chlorosis in young girls; dropsical conditions in general; bad effects from stings and bites, have been cured by this remedy. Vinegar is an old remedy for bad effects from chloroform. It is useful in the haemmorrhagic constipation. Bleeding from various mucous membranes, nose, stomach, rectum, lungs and from ulcers. Sensitive to cold. Confusion of mind; does not know her own children; forgets what has recently happened; attacks of anguish; constantly borrows trouble; thinks something is going to happen; peevishness; complaining. Fainting spells in weak, anaemic subjects; headaches; face pale and waxy; epistaxis; one cheek pale and the other red; diphtheria in throat or larynx; unquenchable thirst; sensitive stomach; vomiting blood, and all food taken; ulceration of stomach; hot, sour eructations; frothy vomiting; gnawing pain; distension of stomach, with a constant commotion; burning in stomach and abdomen, ameliorated by lying on the stomach. In the abdomen there is great pain, distension, flatulence or dropsy; sore to touch; diarrhoea, thin, bloody or pure blood; profuse bleeding from piles; chronic diarrhoea. Copious watery urine. It has cured diabetes, with sugar in the urine or without, where there is great thirst, weakness and pallor and loss of flesh. Weakness with seminal losses; relaxed genitals and swollen feet. Uterine haemorrhage; copious menses, or watery menstrual flow; scanty menses with chlorosis. Weakness of larynx; croup; diphtheria. It .has cured many cases of laryngeal diphtheria; hoarseness, with pale mucous membranes; chronic dry, hacking cough in sickly, pale persons, such as have inherited phthisis, with oedema of extremities, diarrhoea and dyspnoea, or night sweats ; haemorrhage from the lungs ; burning in chest and stomach; rattling in chest; chronic bronchitis. Weakness and lameness in extremities, with swelling, rheumatic or oedematous; dropsy of limbs, with diarrhoea. It is a deep-acting, constitutional remedy, and when well studied will be very useful. All substances abused as food become great remedies, such as vinegar, coffee, common salt, etc. We should look to them oftener than we do for the stubborn chronic cases.
Like the Isan people, who live and eat close to the land taking only what they need, at Pestle Rock we prepare your meal with ingredients that are not just fresh but local and all-natural, whenever possible. And every day we “rock” the pestle to grind the spices to create the flavors unique to the Northeast region of Thailand. Whether you come with a group, in a pair, or by yourself, your time with us is more than a meal when you eat the way the Isan people eat. Use your hands like they do if you’d like. Dip and mix your food in a variety of authentic sauces to absorb and combine flavors from sweet and sour to hot and spicy. Don’t worry if you get a little messy. At Pestle Rock we believe what the Isan people believe: “more messy means more delicious.” We also serve Beer, Wine, and Spirits. Check out our recent review on
As Executive Director, Fullard brings invaluable crisis management skills and empathetic leadership to this burgeoning California non-profit. Richmond, California – April 1, 2014 – For over thirty years, the California Autism Foundation (CAF) has provided support, resources, and education for those individuals facing challenges associated with autism and other developmental disabilities. With the critical decision to implement a significant change in leadership over the past year, CAF has worked to overcome serious financial obstacles. Fast-forward just six months later, and Interim Executive Director Valisha Fullard has led efforts to reorganize and financially reposition the Foundation, thanks to a combination of savvy crisis management skills and empathetic leadership. As a result, it came as no surprise when CAF’s Board of Directors named Fullard as the new Executive Director. “CAF was under immediate financial challenges, and I knew we had to make changes quickly if we wanted to stay afloat,” says Fullard when asked about her sudden tenure as Executive Director. “My leadership style is proactive, not reactive. I found that with my crisis management background, I was able to lead CAF out of our financial deficit and back in a good place.” As the first female and minority to hold the Executive Director title of CAF, Fullard uses her experiences as a barrier breaker to ensure that the Foundation is able to provide exciting growth opportunities for people with autism and developmental disabilities. Fullard and her staff oversee multiple programs and opportunities that help make an impact within local communities, including Richmond, Contra Costa County, and greater Bay Area. “My new leadership position has only heightened my passion for working with people with autism and developmental disabilities,” she says. “With each passing day, this environment inspires me to learn more about the people and families that we serve every day. “After all, CAF isn’t just a non-profit; it’s a home where our consumers are undergoing truly incredible and indescribable growth,” she adds. Fullard is used to confronting and overcoming a multitude of challenges, whether they be from professional or personal sources. Rather than hide from these dark moments in her history, Fullard embraces her past as a sign of her resilience and perseverance in navigating difficult situations. Fullard joined CAF in the spring of 2006 as the Director of Human Resources. Originally from the Central Valley of California, Valisha lives in the Bay Area with her family and enjoys singing, acting, and volunteer work at the Shelter for Battered Women and Children. ### About California Autism Foundation The mission of the California Autism Foundation is to provide people with autism and other developmental disabilities the best possible opportunities for lifetime support, training and assistance to help them reach their highest potential for independence, productivity, and fulfillment. Media Contact: Devin James, PR Manager (901) 827-0190 Posted in News, Press Releases | No Comments » ABC Spells a Better Chance for Students with Autism Thursday, March 21st, 2013 Tucked in an unlikely corner of a Richmond business park, is a school that caters to the unique needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. A Better Chance School is a nonpublic school that operates under the umbrella of the California Autism Foundation, an organization that provides educational and developmental services, job opportunities and housing for individuals with autism. The hallways at ABC are lined with cheerful student portraits and art, and a constant flow of praise for the students is heard. Visitors wouldn’t know that these same teens and young adults were considered difficult students when they were in mainstream schools. The school began 15 years ago, when directors at CAF realized that students needed help transitioning from mainstream school environments into the residential and employment programs the foundation offered. The idea was to create a school with a “functional skills curriculum” that would integrate school academic standards with daily life skills. So, with three students in an office inside CAF’s warehouse facility, ABC began, and since has grown into a multi-classroom site complete with a working kitchen and laundry room and two and a half dozen students. “Community-based learning and real world experiences are an integral part of education at ABC School. When students are learning to count and do math, they are doing it while doing laundry,” said Leslie Werosh, Senior Director of Special Education & Development. “To learn about money, nutrition, and social exchanges, our students take trips to the grocery store.” ABC contracts with surrounding school districts that are unable to adequately meet the needs of students with autism. “Often times, the students that are referred to us are exhibiting behavioral challenges,” said Werosh. She added proudly that the school usually sees significant and immediate progress in student behavior after only a short time at ABC. The school works with the district to establish an Individual Education Plan for each student. Teachers provide constant positive reinforcement and appropriate sensory stimulation to help students shape their behavior. Students are never punished for inappropriate behavior, but rather rewarded with praise, tokens or privileges when they follow directions and expectations. Visitors to the school hear a chorus of praise for tasks ranging from putting materials away, sharing and shaking hands. In addition to the positive interactional atmosphere, the environment is tailored to its students, who tend to have particularly sensitive sensory systems. Fluorescent lights were replaced with softer, incandescent bulbs. Students have access to a Sensory Room, which includes a swing, climbing wall, weight vests and a squeeze machine—all equipment that can help students calm themselves when they become agitated. The students make daily trips into the community to learn money and communication skills. “The trips help the students gain confidence in the community, and it also increases public awareness of autism,” said Werosh. Higher-functioning students attend courses at nearby Contra Costa College, and others participate in the Workability Program—where students work with local employers such as Marriott and the Berkeley Repertory Theater. “Our goal is always to support our students to help them reach their maximum potential,” said Werosh. “Whether a student graduates or transitions back to a district classroom, it is viewed a success.” The classrooms are full of happy students and the hallways are hung with portraits of them. ABC must be doing something right. Posted in In the Media, Press Releases | No Comments » Latest CAF News A Better Chance School 2020-2021 reopening plan and Related Service Support for Small Cohorts on April 12 2021 – Hybrid model Our Annual Golf Classic: “Give a Kid a Mulligan” will hopefully resume in 2022 (details TBA) ABC School Virtual Tour – Check it out! 4138 Lakeside Drive • Richmond, CA 94806 • (510) 758-0433 Phone • (510) 758-1040 Fax • [email protected]
Asakusanori is Japanese name and it is called Amanori.This seaweed was harvested and processed in Asakusa early in the Edo period,it is the origin of Japanese name.This seaweed’s scientific name is Porphyra tenera Kjellman. Asakusanori is Red seaweed, and a kind of amanori.It is genus of laver ,tleve are 30 kind of in japan.It is difficult for amanori to classify the seed because the figure is simple.Moreover, the figure changes responding to the environment.Adaptability to the environmental condition is wide,because as for the amanori, the body structure is easy.If it grows on the shore reef in the open sea where the wave is rough in the high salinity,it is likely to grow in the basin shallow water of a quiet wave in the low salinity.Most a growing vigorous thickly from winter to spring.it is It an alga for one year. But it declines in early summer. Asakusanori’s total size is from 5 to 30cm,the width is from 1 to 15cm. Asakusanori is the typical of seaweed species.It is distributed in the Inland Sea,Pacific coast in the main island of Japan,Kyusyu,the Korean Peninsula,china,from the Tropical zone to the Frigid zone. It is designated as an endangered species .The habitat decreases sharply by the environment’s that is appropriate for natural growth being lost.This cause for example land reclamation reclamation water pollution.Moreover,the shell in bottom of the sea is buried in mud and the growth condition of the trichome period has deteriorated.The habitat is found from a recent investigation, it is eight places in the whole country.But,there is no protection of a wild population. A natural purple laver is not gathered in various parts of Japan now. The purple laver has decreases on a nationwide scale. It is a cultivation kind of susabinori; Porphyra yezoensis Ueda.Asakusanori is the cultivation all one fishing. It is cultivated in nationwide various places. Aquaculture Asakusanori used for food. Aquaculture is winter in every place and it collected when grew about 20cm. In summer this laver body is like a thread, and it digs a hole in the shell and lives ther. The trichome forms the sporangium and discharges the husk spore. It is parasitic in the rock, the tree, and the stake of the bamboo etc. It becomes a foliaceous body and it grows thickly in autumn.The other type becomes a foliaceous body. It is parasitic, and grows up when a single spore is discharged from the part of a foliaceous body in the surrounding area. The foliaceous body grows in the last ten days of September, and the period of maturity is from December to February. It grows especially in the basin and the vicinity of the mouth of a river where nourishment is abundant. Many of foliaceous bodies are monoecious but dioecious occasionally.The carpogonium and the sperm uteri are formed when maturing. When the sperm connects it to the carpogonium, the carpogonium is enlarged, divided, and discharges the spore of carpospore. The cell is one layer and filmy. An asteroidal plastid pyrenoid (centers in the chloroplast where carbon dioxide is fixed) is seen in each cell. Asakusanori is on the verge of extinction. But Amanori are found in Kochi along the coastline all winter. Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Related extinct Post navigation Previous Akame: Lates japonicus Next Ginbuna: Carassius langsdorfii 6 Comments Shiho Suzuki says: August 2, 2010 at 10:52 am I didn’t know Asakusanori before. This size is not so big. I was surprised. becouse I think that Nori’s size is very big before. LikeLike Reply sato masaki says: August 2, 2010 at 10:56 am I don’t know Asakusanori are red seaweed. Water pollution is bad effect for Asakusanori. LikeLike Reply hazuki says: August 2, 2010 at 11:00 am I studing the Asakusanori other class.So, it’s easy to understand.This article is looked over well so, I get new knowledge. LikeLike Reply Yuya Saito B093K108T says: August 2, 2010 at 11:13 am There are a detail of Asakusanori’s life, so I could get a lot of information that I didn’t know before about Asakusanori. LikeLike Reply Ayumi Tanbe says: August 2, 2010 at 11:22 am It’s surprised for me that its origin of name. I think Amanori is the true name and Amanori is not Asakusanori at all.
In the past few years, digital marketing has played an important role in the lives of many people. In fact, as more and more research is being done on how to better engage with users, it has been quite successful. So much so that advertising agencies have already accepted that it is a long-term change for their clients and have started to invest more in working with digital marketing agency Houston. However, some are still skeptical about it. They don’t understand the purpose of this mode of communication and the benefits it holds for businesses and consumers alike. Let’s have a closer look at why people should try digital marketing to see that it is an essential tactic to try out in 2022. Benefits of Digital Marketing It is one of the most important communication channels for companies with their target audiences. It allows businesses to cost-effectively connect with their customers, which results in increased sales and loyalty. Companies that are still hesitant about investing in this area should hire experts that can guide them through the process. It will provide them with the required knowledge to make informed decisions regarding their marketing tactics. Clients are also offered many opportunities to interact directly with brands via mobile devices, tablets, and other global networks like Google+ and frequent content updates on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Such active participation encourages clients to interact with the brand more and, in turn, leads to increased brand awareness. This can also result in an increase in consumer trust and loyalty which is important for the success of any business. Further, companies gain more potential customers when they use digital marketing since it gives them a greater number of options to engage with their clients through different platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and other social media sites. The next time you think about marketing your brand, take a moment to consider digital marketing and working with a Houston marketing agency as the first option. With the help of effective strategies and by following industry best practices, any company can successfully use this channel to gain more visibility and achieve its business goals. People should try digital marketing houston because it is an effective form of communication that has many benefits for businesses. It allows marketers to engage target audiences, build trust and loyalty among them, and enhance the visibility of their brands in the market space. If you’re thinking about marketing your business, consider digital channels like social media platforms, Google+, and other content sites that will help you get closer to your target audience. Digital marketing has evolved into an inseparable part of the modern business environment and is growing in importance every day. With the use of effective tools, companies can successfully communicate with their customers, engage them in interactions, and leverage these efforts for maximum results in terms of sales and brand loyalty. Digital marketing is a powerful channel to try out in 2022. Conclusion: As you can see, digital channels like social media sites and content sites offer lots of engagement opportunities for companies to market their brands and build trust among customers. With such successful results, it’s no wonder why people should try digital marketing in 2022.
When you grow up in a small town, it’s hard to dream big. Your vision can be tunneled and sectioned off, and all you can see is what that small town in Tennessee wants you to see. Your biggest dreams can be reduced to simply making ends meet while you pack away all childhood hopes of becoming a rock star. Or an actress. Or a professional dancer. Meet Justin and Marissa Milele. Wilson County natives, Mount Juliet High School alumnus and living proof that it does not matter where you come from or what obstacles stand in your way, but that hard work and putting your mind to something is a lot of what it takes to make your dreams a reality. Just like their parents, Mark and Jamie Milele, the siblings had the perfect Southern small-town life. Their parents were high school sweethearts before they settled down in the same town they met, their son was the hometown football star and their daughter happily cheered on the sidelines. William Faulkner would have been proud. But small-town life isn’t for everyone, and at a young age, you could see that it wasn’t enough for the Milele siblings. So they threw themselves into what they loved doing — dance — and they worked, strived and accomplished turning what they loved into a career. And now, at the ripe young ages of 22 and 24, with roughly 15-plus dance credits in music videos under their belts, a position on Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Bass” tour, multiple guest spots on the show “Nashville,” a “So You Think You Can Dance” season and 70-city tour, a highlighted position in Ricky Martin’s current Vegas residency and faculty memberships with Revel Dance Convention, the Milele siblings have made it a mission to share their message of hard work and passion, along with all of the lessons they have learned in their respective careers, with the young dancers in the greater Nashville area. Established in 2016, the Milele siblings, along with their parents, founded and created their own dance studio, appropriately named the Milele Academy. They have only been in the competitive dance circuit for a year now, but in that year, they have won countless titles — both nationally and at state level, more than 17 choreography awards and scholarships and major recognition from the dance community as a whole. With the academy’s motto of, “Bringing LA to Nashville,” it is the Milele’s hope to bring all of their industry knowledge and talent to the local youth who are passionate about dance. “I like to think that we can inspire young dreamers to do what makes them happy and to work hard to make it happen,” Marissa says. “Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and I feel I’m able to inspire young kids — especially in a small town — that you can do what you love for a career.” Giving their dancers a competitive edge is what draws most students to the academy. Not only because both Justin and Marissa are established names with well-established careers in the industry, but because both Marissa and Justin are still incredibly involved in it. The pair are constantly working toward their dreams, auditioning and training, with no signs of them slowing down anytime soon. They are constantly traveling all across the United States — sometimes together, sometimes solo — to set choreography for other studios, participate in the Revel Dance Convention as faculty, and take professional jobs — most recently with Marissa being a featured dancer performing beside Demi Lovato on “Good Morning America” — all with the promise to bring their lessons back home to their dancers. It should be noted that while Marissa and Justin are absent, the learning, training and growth for the students is not put on pause for even a second. Their parents, Jamie and Mark, step up to the plate to tie off any loose ends while a scheduled round of professional dancers, choreographers, Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders, members of the Nashville Ballet, additional contestants from “So You Think You Can Dance,” personal trainers, motivators, up and coming performers such as Bobby Newberry and talent agents from Bloc Talent Agency visit the academy to coach, prepare and counsel the students for their future careers. This type of training is completely new for most people in the area. While there are students in the academy who view dance as a hobby and there are classes associated with it, the main purpose of the academy is to give the students the foundation for success in what they love doing. But even with all of this success with the academy in its first year, owning and establishing their own business wasn’t always on the Milele sibling’s radar. Understandably, this wasn’t their original goal. Justin had plans to take his love for football to the college level, while Marissa wanted to focus on her own career as a professional dancer. But flexibility and answering the door when opportunity knocks is one of many lessons the Milele siblings pride themselves in. “I had thought I was going to head to college first and play football, but then I decided at 19 that I would use my dance training to pursue what I felt I needed to do,” Justin says. “We knew we wanted to do something good for the community, and of course, once we started the academy and saw that our vision was working, it became an even bigger dream to help so many dancers pursue their own dreams.” “It has meant absolutely everything to me to see young dancers gaining confidence,” Marissa adds. “I used to struggle a little with being myself, but in time, I’ve learned to become who I want to be. So when I see so many of our dancers come into themselves and believe that they have accomplished something, it is truly life-changing.” Most of Milele Academy’s classes are held in and around the Nashville area, with a permanent dance studio soon to be located downtown on Church St. currently in the works. But wherever these young dancers are training, there is no denying the magic and growth that is taking place in each and every class. And if there is any singular lesson that comes out of the Milele Academy, it’s that dreams are not indigenous to any location. They are no longer secluded to only New York City and Los Angeles. You can start anywhere, even in a small area like Wilson County. You can make a difference anywhere, even if it is only within yourself. And that is enough. Milele Academy is located at 805 Woodland St. in Nashville. For more information, visit
Diamond Catering - West Hove Golf Club Franchise Caterers I am delighted to announce the appointment of Diamond Catering as West Hove Golf Club's franchise caterers. Martin Hatton and his wife Venky will start on Monday 19th November 2018. Martin is a classically trained chef with 35 years’ experience. He has worked as a head chef… Read more West Hove GC Opens New State Of ThE Art Teaching Studio West Hove Golf Club Teaching Studio “Soft Opening” - Seagulls Are Swinging . . . . . Seagulls Keeper Maty Ryan together with West Hove GC Head Professional Ryan Fenwick officially opened the state of the art Teaching Studio today. Club officers and those involved in the project were invited along to see Seagulls and… Read more 200 Club – October Results The October 200 Club draw took place on Sunday, the lucky winners are as follows; 1st - No. 255 Chris Barker 2nd - No. 309 Alex Wakefield 3rd - No. 289 Martin Augier The next draw will take place on Sunday 25th November 2018 at 2pm. FRIENDS OF WEST HOVE GOLF CLUB 200 CLUB We are approaching the end of our… Read more Yoga taster classes – 8th November 2018 . . . Beginner friendly yoga specifically designed to improve your golf . . . . . Read more Junior Open Results Perfect golfing conditions awaited last Sunday’s WHGC Junior Open, there were 21 entries split between two events. The under 12’s played a 6 hole composite course and the over 12’s played the traditional 18 hole set up. Some outstanding golf was played especially by the winner of the gross prize Peter Davies ( Goodwood 3… Read more Norman shows he has still got it! The Club Captain Martin Emery congratulates Past Captain Norman Milburn on his impressive victory in the Les Green Committee Cup - 38 points was the winning total. Well done Norm! [gallery ids="5280"] Read more Men’s Dinner enjoyed by all . . . . The Men’s Dinner last Friday was a great event - a full house, food was great, the wine flowed and the guest speaker Alan Mullery was first class. The collection of photos below show the BDGS Club Captains and Officials with Alan, Mr Mullery in full flow, and West Hove GC Captain Martin Emery presenting… Read more New Years Eve Party Information New Years Eve Party - all the details and info are below, still some spaces left so don’t dilly dally . . . . [gallery ids="5269,5270,5271"] Read more Children’s Christmas Party & Booking Form Members Notice: please see attached Children’s Christmas Party Poster and Booking Form. Spaces are limited so get your form in as early as possible . . . . [gallery ids="5266,5265"] Read more Enjoyable quiz night . . . . Very enjoyable quiz night last Friday, congratulations to the winning team “how d’ya spell stupid” consisting of WHGC members John Shaw, Kevin Brown and Steve Gurr and their very knowledgeable partners! A thoroughly enjoyable evening, watch this space for the next quiz night . . . . Read more James Sharp Argus Article Next article in yesterday’s Argus, well done James keep up the good work . . . Read more West Hove win the BDGS Mixed Cup and Victor Ludorum Order of Merit A beautifully bright day at Brighton and Hove GC was the setting for yesterday’s BDGS Mixed Cup. West Hove beat Dyke 4-1 in the morning and faced Brighton & Hove in the afternoon final. The final was very well matched and basically came down to the last putt on the last green, fortunately for West… Read more New addition to our PGA Coaching Team . . . Read more IMPORTANT MESSAGE – TEMPORARY DRIVING RANGE CLOSURE IMPORTANT MESSAGE - WEDNESDAY 3RD OCTOBER 2018 Due to essential works concerning the acoustic barrier we will be closing the driving range facility from 12noon through to 5pm today in order to provide a safe working environment for our staff and contractors while they progress the final phase of this major project. Apologies for any… Read more Club 200 – September Results The September 200 Club draw took place on Sunday, the lucky winners are as follows; 1st - No. 211 Ann Hazelgrove 2nd - No. 241 John Godley 3rd - No. 293 Jim Hutton The next draw will take place on Sunday 28th October 2018 at 2pm. FRIENDS OF WEST HOVE GOLF CLUB 200 CLUB We are approaching the end of our fourth… Read more Captains Farewell Party Details Martin Emery is coming to the end of his year as Club Captain - he is having a splendid year and many of you will want to book your place/s at the Captains Farewell Party. Poster and details below . . .
If our GDC Short Courses or self-directed training options do not meet your needs or if you require assistance applying GIS to a particular project, you are welcome to request a one-on-one appointment. All faculty, staff, and students at Rice, as well as visitors who are members of Friends of Fondren Library are eligible for individual assistance, though Rice affiliates will receive first priority for our staff's time. Scheduling an Appointment Walk-in patrons are always welcome in our center, but there is no guarantee that there will be somebody available to assist you. It is always best to schedule an appointment, especially if you are a first-time GIS user. Use the Help Request Form to schedule an appointment if any of the following apply: You have never visited the GIS/Data Center before. You have never used ArcGIS software before. You have visited the GIS/Data Center and used ArcGIS, but are starting work on a new GIS project. You do not have a Google account. Schedule an Appointment with the Help Request Form (for First-Time Patrons) Use our online Google Appointment Calendar to schedule an appointment if all of the following apply: You have visited the GIS/Data Center before. You are continuing work on a project that you have already received assistance with. You have a Google account. Schedule an Appointment with the Google Appointment Calendar (for Returning Patrons) If any of the following apply, you may receive walk-in assistance and do not need to schedule an appointment: You wish to complete self-directed training. You are generally comfortable using ArcGIS software and require minimal assistance, but may have a few questions. Visit the GIS/Data Center Computer Lab GIS Support Specialist Calendar At least one student assistant will always be available during our normal operating hours to answer questions and help get you started using GIS software and accessing data. For more advanced training or troubleshooting, it is best to make an appointment with our GIS Support Specialist, Ibrahim Gumel, using one of the two methods mentioned above. He is usually available during our operating hours, except for those hours marked as busy.
One of the most beloved plants in the Southeastern United States is the pecan tree. Pecans are plentiful there, with over 500 different pecan cultivars. Some are bred to survive in the sweltering southern heat, while others can survive winters in the central US. While pecan trees are forest trees, they can be grown at home, especially if you have room for them. Maybe you’re interested in planting pecan trees to make your own pecan tree grove. Perhaps you’re interested in just one so you can harvest and enjoy the delicious buttery pecan nut. Whatever your reason, know that you can grow pecan varieties at home. As long as you give the tree what it needs, you’ll grow an annual crop of pecans that satisfy hunger year after year. Grow one tree or many trees… whatever works best for your situation! Good Products At Amazon For Growing Pecans: Quick Care Guide The pecan tree is a lovely hardwood tree with tasty nuts. Source: QuesterMark Common Name(s) Pecan, pecan tree Scientific Name Carya illinoinensis Days to Harvest 150 days from fruit to harvest Light Full sun Water 2 inches per week Soil Average, moist, well-draining Fertilizer Soil drench 1 to 2 times annually Pests Squirrels, pecan weevils, yellow aphids, ravens/crows Diseases Pecan scab, root knot nematode All About Pecan Trees A small cluster of unripe pecans amidst leafy foliage. Source: lamanyana The pecan tree (Carya illinoinensis) is a deciduous tree native to the Mississippi River Valley in the Southern US and Northern Mexico. The word “pecan” is Algonquin and refers to the nuts from hickory, walnut, and pecan trees. In the late 1800s, colonists bred pecan trees for commercial production. Pecan trees are large with a spread of up to 75 feet, and grow up to 130 feet tall. They have an up-to 7-foot trunk diameter. The pinnate pecan leaves grow alternately on branches. Each leaf is 2 to 4 inches long, and about an inch wide. The tree grows a long taproot with feeder roots that reach deeper than 10 feet below the ground. Trees grow pecans after they’ve had at least 5 years to mature. Sometimes they need 7 years. Then they grow pecans annually between June and September, which are harvested between October and December. In a process called alternate bearing, pecan trees produce more in alternate years. When there are fewer pecans, they may be eaten by wildlife before humans get to them. The “nut” of pecan is a drupe – a fruit surrounded by a hard shell. It has a tough, green outer shell that opens as the fruit dries, exposing the striped black and brown inner shell. Within are the tasty nuts used in making pecan pie, candied pecans, and pecan-crusted meats. Pecans carry out cross-pollination via male and female flowers that grow on the same tree. Female flowers develop on the new growth of a pecan tree, while male flowers bloom on last years’ branches. Depending on the type of tree, either female or male flowers mature first. Then they are pollinated by wind and bees. To have the best results and the best fruit-bearing trees, it’s recommended to grow more than one tree in an area. Planting You can find pecans in native plant nurseries in the Southern US, or via online distributors. Plant both bare root trees and container-grown trees in late winter to early spring. Do not plant them in the summer as the ground will be too warm and burn the roots. For bare-root planting, space at least 60 feet apart, and dig a planting hole that is about two times wider than the size of the root ball. Provide well-drained soils for each tree. Keep trees widely planted. Allow the top layer of soil to sit in a small mound above the top of the planting hole. When you remove the tree from the nursery pot, check to ensure the roots are not bound together. Use a hand saw to take off the bottom portion of the planting if they are bound up and then cut gently into the soil mass in a cross at the base, ensuring the taproot can be planted straight into the ground. Gently arrange the roots in the planting hole, and begin filling them with water until the hole is half full. Then add soil. Water the young pecan trees in. For a container-grown pecan, follow the same preparation process for unbinding the roots and straightening the tap root. Find a container that is large enough to accommodate the taproot and feeder roots. To ensure proper growth on both container and bare root trees, paint the trunk with white latex paint. This keeps out squirrels, birds, and cold damage that could reduce nut production in later years. Add a three-inch layer of pine needle or wood shaving mulch keeping the mulch away from the trunk diameter. Care A pecan grove can be visually stunning as well as productive. Source: m3pic With the right patience and care, you’ll plant trees and have mature trees in about 5 to 7 years. Let’s cover some of the basics to help you grow a mature pecan tree that bears delicious pecan fruit. Sun and Temperature Pecan trees enjoy full sun, at about 6 to 8 hours of full, direct light per day. Pecans are well known in USDA zones 5 through 9 and prefer temperatures that are temperate to warm. They appreciate moderately cool winters at 40 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Established trees can handle 20 degrees, and sometimes down to 0 degrees. A mature tree has an easier time withstanding snap freezes and winter storms. Young trees are more susceptible to extremes and can die in the harsh cold. They’ll need extra protection when temperatures dip below 40 degrees. Hot summers with high humidity are preferred as well. To protect young trees in the cold, wrap the tree trunk with a frost blanket or with cardboard affixed with duct tape. Chicken wire stuffed with dry leaves also works. Some experts recommend wrapping string lights around the cover to add extra warmth. Freeze damage below their preferred range will cause blossom and fruit drop. Water and Humidity Give your new trees at least 10 to 15 gallons of water per week for proper tree growth. Water in the morning, and provide this via drip irrigation or soaker hoses placed in a wide ring around the base of the tree trunk. Do not overwater, as constantly wet soil will cause rot in the root system. Soil moisture should be allowed to dry between watering. In the summer, give mature trees more water to help them bear nuts. If there has been a great deal of moisture in the dormant season (winter) do not water. Soil Pecan trees tolerate many different soil types. One thing they appreciate is adequate soil moisture retention. In container-grown situations, an addition of peat moss or some other water-retention material helps. That’s why an average potting mix is a great amendment for your planting hole. The best pH range for these trees is between 6.5 and 7.0. Well-drained soil is a must as well. Fertilizing When you have large trees, fertilize 2 times per year to assist in growth and pollination. Pecan trees like a small amount of fertilizer applied once in the second year of growth – the year after they’ve been planted. A balanced fertilizer in granular or liquid form should be soaked into the soil in June, just before fruiting. There are specific fertilizers developed for pecan trees that contain the micronutrients they require. Alternatively, a zinc sulfate powder can be applied along with your regular choice at the time of fertilization to young and mature trees, since they require zinc to develop properly. Look for a balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 NPK. Established trees enjoy fertilization in March and then again in June. Pruning Pecan trees, like most trees, do best when they’re adequately pruned in the first five years. Prune back the top third of the branches when you first plant your tree. In the first growing season, prune away all but one of the leader branches. Leader branches are usually those in line with the trunk. Prune established trees in late winter before spring buds form. Remove branches that angle up more than 45 degrees. You can prune in summer, but only do so when it’s necessary. Summer pruning invites disease and pests into the cut areas. Prunings in winter reduce pest pressure. Propagation Pecan trees propagate easiest through grafting. They can also be grown from seed like other trees that bear drupes. You can graft branches onto other cultivars, but it’s not completely necessary. Some graftings may help improve nut quality and production. Seed-grown trees will be an exact clone of the tree in the same family. There are many different ways to graft a pecan, but we’ll just cover bark grafting here. Remove a healthy branch (about 1 inch of trunk diameter) with a clean cut from a sharp knife. Take off the bark at the bottom of the branch and cut the base diagonally. Then, place the cut piece under the bark of the rootstock. Hammer it in and wrap it. In 4 to 6 weeks new buds should form. You can remove a pecan seedling easily from the ground below your tree and transplant it in a starter pot. Nurture it and re-pot it as needed, then transplant it. Harvesting and Storing Clusters of pecans hang heavy on the tree just before ripening. Source: nodigio Harvesting operations are the best part of growing pecan. Those in the pecan industry have methods for harvesting many pecan trees. But let’s talk about harvesting from pecan production at home. Harvesting Pecans drop nuts in the fall just before their leaves drop. They fall with the green husk on, and as it dries, it pops open. The inner nut and its outer shell are then exposed. As a result, harvesting pecans is just a matter of finding the right pecans on the ground. You can also knock them from the tree, but you’ll find that’s much harder especially when you’re vying with height and nearby squirrels, crows, and ravens. Collect undamaged and recently dropped pecans. Hull any nuts with husks remaining. If the hull doesn’t remove easily, it’s likely ripeness has not set in. After you collect the pecans, cure them in an area with good air circulation and low light. Spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet or plastic lid. Provide them with a small fan and stir them once daily. Ripe pecans easily separate from their inner shell. Storing One way to extend the shelf life of pecans is to put them in a jar or plastic freezer bag in the refrigerator or freezer. Unshelled pecans last this way for 2 or more years. Shelled ones will keep 1 year or more. You can keep some nearby on a counter in an airtight container for several months. Always taste your pecans for freshness before adding them to dishes. Troubleshooting A deciduous species, pecans lose their leaves in the fall. Source: kingofthebigmacs Pecans are so tasty, it’s likely you won’t be the only one interested in the fruit. Let’s discuss a few issues and “friends” you might face when growing them. Growing Problems If you badly damaged the root system of a pecan tree when you planted it, the young tree could have trouble finding nutrients. Broken roots can lead to improper moisture uptake too, causing the tree to wilt. One way to ensure the tree is taking in proper nutrient content is to do a leaf analysis. Taking leaf samples over time will help you determine the type of nutrient deficiencies (if any) and the remediation needed. Leaf analysis can be done through your local agricultural extension office. If you plant your tree in a spot without adequate sun, or in a place where moisture doesn’t drain properly, it could experience several different problems, and the potential for fungal attacks is higher. Replanting can help in young trees, while older trees may need assistance from an arborist. Pests Squirrels and birds like ravens and crows will eat your pecans before you can get to them sometimes, and squirrels can do a lot of damage to a pecan tree in a short period. In an established tree, this isn’t much of a problem and the worst-case scenario is that you’ll only be able to collect pecans in more abundant seasons. Mothballs in mesh bags hung on branches may keep them away. Electronic sonic deterrents work too, but remember to check the batteries. Weevils are a problem for pecan production. They’ll burrow with their small proboscis into the nutshell and eat the flesh within. Beneficial nematodes applied at the base of the tree will stop weevils in their larval stage, preventing them from even maturing to the point of seeking nuts. Apply them between September and December while the weevil larvae are overwintering. There are also fungal pesticides that can be applied at the base of the tree weekly. These attack crop pest larvae. Yellow aphids feed on the sap of pecan leaves and tree matter. They spread honeydew in a yellow film around pecan orchards. You’ll notice this first in spring when they’re most active. You can introduce parasitic wasps and ladybugs to consume them. You can also plant cover crops like alfalfa and hairy vetch to deter them. Insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils, and neem oil can be used to kill them off. Root-knot nematodes are parasites that cause galls and knotting on roots. They can be easily treated with beneficial nematodes you may have applied for the control of weevils. Diseases Pecan scab is well known among pecan growers. It is a fungal disease that looks like rot spreading along pecan drupes. It can defoliate the tree and make pecans much smaller than they would be without the disease. There is no eliminating pecan scab, only managing it. There are plenty of cultivars bred for scab resistance. Amling, Gafford, and Syrup Mill are a few varieties with excellent scab resistance. Otherwise, keep your orchard free of debris, and you won’t have so much scab that you’re unable to produce fruit. Frequently Asked Questions This young pecan sapling is grafted onto other rootstock. Source: nodigio Q: How long does it take for a pecan tree to bear fruit? A: It takes 5 to 7 years for a tree to mature, and then about 5 months from flower to fruit. Q: Are pecan trees hard to grow? A: No! They’re happy almost anywhere within their zones. Q: Do you need two pecan trees to get nuts? A: Cross-pollination happens on just one tree, but allowing that process to occur between two different trees will yield better fruit.
Boise Basin Senior Center is a facility that provides lunch every Tuesday and Thursday. We open at 10 am for Fit and Fall Proof Class, 11 am doors open to regular public, lunch served at noon. Volunteers are always needed, call to see if you can help.
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The services for Arneita Horn are on January 15th, 2021 at Christ Cathedral Baptist Church, located at 6115 Hartford St., Detroit, Michigan 48210. The family hour will begin at 10:30 AM. The official service time will begin at 11:00 AM. The final interment will be held at Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery, located on 21661 E 14 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48035, immediately proceeding the service. Any floral arrangements may be sent to Thompson Funeral Home Inc. – Dexter Chapel on January 14th, 2021, or sent to Christ Cathedral Baptist Church on January 15th, 2021 before 10:30 AM. Post Tagged with Arneita Horn, Christ Cathedral Baptist Church, Lincoln Memorial Park, Thompson Funeral Home Inc.
Many sportsbooks offer a bonus for players who make a deposit. For example, a new player might get a $250 bonus bankroll for making their first deposit. That bonus money does not have to be used for one single bet. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on the type of bets players can make with their bonus money. If you’re a new player, consider signing up for a sportsbook that matches your initial deposit. Asian markets are increasingly becoming a part of the global sports market. If you’re looking for a sportsbook that offers more Asian games, look no further than SBOBet. Its minimalist, user-friendly interface is easy to navigate, with a blue colour scheme that promotes natural punter interaction. The SBOBet sportsbook has received multiple awards for its innovative sports betting prices and odds, and it’s easy to see why. Many sportsbooks have great customer service. They’re quick to respond to questions, and most have a screenshot of their terms of service to show potential customers what they can expect. However, before you start betting, you should thoroughly review the terms and conditions of the sportsbook you’re considering. This way, you can minimize any risk and maximize your profit potential. You can even find sportsbooks that accept cryptocurrency deposits. This can help speed up the process of withdrawal and minimize any risks associated with using such a sportsbook. The most important aspect of a sportsbook is its betting variety. A good sportsbook will offer odds on all types of sports. It is best to check out the odds for all popular sports. This makes betting more interesting and exciting. Besides, unique betting props are critical for extra profits. Depending on where you live, you may want to focus your efforts on a particular niche. A niche betting market, such as horse racing or tennis, is a great way to make money. There are two types of sportsbooks. Sportsbooks that offer sports betting may be classified as online or offline. There are physical sportsbooks and those that accept bets on horse races, ice hockey, boxing, and baseball. A sportsbook is also known as a bookmaker. The latter term is more common in the United Kingdom. But the difference is not always clear. For the purposes of this article, a sportsbook is simply a place where sports bets are accepted. The legalization of sports betting in Nevada has paved the way for the creation of sports betting sites throughout the country. The Supreme Court’s decision in 2016 legalized sportsbooks in more than 20 U.S. states, including Nevada. Online sportsbooks will compete for business with traditional brick-and-mortar establishments. This should lead to more competitive odds for players. The future of sports betting in Nevada is bright, especially as Maryland is set to become the next state to legalize it. Asia-based sportsbooks are also emerging. While Dafabet limits players, SBOBET and 188Bet allow big winnings. However, they have limited promotional options and only accept RM currency. The bonus programs of SBOBET and 188Bet are geared towards Irish and British players. But these sportsbooks are not for everyone. The main point to remember about any Asian sportsbook is to check their reputation first. There are many Asian sportsbooks that look to enter the European market through partnerships with sports clubs.
Humans Living as Love is the Dream of Creator. When we each begin to remember the Sacred Truth that we are Love, that Love is the very essence of what we are made of, the Essence of Creation, then we are waking up to the Dream of Creator. Creator, the Divine Mother-Father, the God-Goddess, desired for us to be the Divine Creator-Beings that we are. That is who we are – Divine Creator-Beings; we are Love. And so life was created on Earth and humans took form, moving from living in the Spirit realms to embodying the form that we understand to be our physical reality. Earth is a physical-form planet, where we chose to come to experience this was of Being. Yet we are also being called to remember now that we are Spirit as physical form, and that the Dream of Creator is that we would Live as Love in this 3-dimensional physical form. The time has come to return to Living as Love, moving into the Golden Age of Light, bringing the Dream of Creator alive on Earth. The Dream – poem written May 18, 2016 Hand in hand they stand. Heart to Heart beating as One. Eye to eye they see into one another the Eternal Flame of Love. They see themselves in the other, recognizing the other as their own Beloved Self. Love flows freely. Ever giving and receiving with no end. There is no end when there was no beginning. An infinite loop of Love, ever flowing like the vast river that is Creation. Always connected even when apart. Sensing, feeling as One. One Heart, One Soul, One Self, One Love. One with God/Creator. Always as One, the One Truth. Love. Home Practice We are all Co-Creators of the Story of Love for humanity. Every loving deed ripples out into the Web of Life and anchors the Story of Love as the prime reality on Earth. Living as Love is not meant to be complicated. It is our very nature. Each of us is simply meant to Be our part in bringing alive the Dream of Creator by Being our unique expression of Creation in human form. The part we are meant to Be is known within our Heart and Soul, connected to the Heart and Soul of Oneness, which we are part of. The Calling you have to live as Love is a deep yearning of the Heart and Soul. Connect with that Calling by tuning into your Heart and Soul, grounding in the embrace of Mother Earth Gaia. Wonder, “What it is like for me to Live as Love?” Open your senses to what that looks like, feels like, smells like, sounds like, tastes like. What is a word that sums up what Living as Love is to you? Use that word in some way which will serve as a reminder to you as your personal commitment to Living as Love and manifesting the Dream of Creator on Earth. Affirm to yourself daily – I am Love. Allow this Sacred Truth to permeate your entire Beingess. Open yourself to Be Love.
The world wants to define Christianity as silly, superstitious, unscientific mind control. Nothing could really be further from the truth. In this episode of The Weekly, we learn how Warrior Saints can combat this incorrect definition by crucifixional living and a strong Christian witness!
In the University of Maine animal and veterinary sciences capstone course AVS 401, students have the opportunity to combine their knowledge and skills with ongoing research of UMaine faculty. Some work in the laboratory or field, some assimilate decades of research literature into a review, and some fashion research into industry best practices or evidence-based read more Animal and veterinary sciences seniors: Capstone stories
A man who had last been seen on Saturday has been found dead, according to the Albany County Sheriff's Office. The body of 42-year-old Daniel Tinney was found by deputies at roughly 12 p.m. Wednesday near Fox Creek Road, west of Laramie. The preliminary investigation indicates Tinney died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The Albany County Sheriff's Office first learned of Tinney having gone missing late Sunday night, when they received an 'attempt to locate' notice regarding Tinney from the Laramie County Sheriff's Office. That notice indicated that Tinney had made vague suicidal statements and was believed to be in the area of Black Hall Mountain in Carbon County. In a statement Wednesday afternoon, Albany County Undersheriff Josh DeBree thanked the community for its help in trying to locate Tinney.
Lovoo is a technology that is working for the talk with strangers niche. The use of this technology from different kinds of devices is easy. And there is two way of using this source. The first is by landing on the website URL and the second one is by downloading the mobile version app
As of January 1, 2021 SCHLÜTER & MAACK have become a producer of mustard flours in addition to our existing activities. With the acquisition of the mustard flour business from Kroppenstedter Ölmühle Walter Döpelheuer GmbH, we are consistently expanding our mustard seed related product portfolio. We are particularly pleased that the experienced team of motivated staff has joined us. This team in combination with the state-of-the-art processing facility assures the quality of our mustard flour and of our customer service. In addition to mustard seed, we can now offer our customers mustard flours produced under our strict quality management. Our portfolio includes a wide range of mustard flours such as partially de-oiled flour, non-de-oiled flour in different milling grades and de-heated mustard flour. Due to our established procurement in mustard seed origination, coupled with our own cleaning facilities in Hamburg/Germany and Canada, we have decades of extensive experience in the process chain. Our own production of mustard flour represents a continuing further development for us. This continued vertical integration ensures our customers quality and supply security in volatile markets. Mustard flours are used in various areas of the food industry, from spice and mustard production to fine-food and meat production.
Spring always gets me in the mood for paddling. Warmer temperatures, sunshine, budding leaves – I am ready to get out on the water and play. As relaxing and fun as recreational paddling is, it still pays to do your homework to keep you and your loved ones safe before you spend a day on the water. Here are a few tips to consider for exploring on the water this season. Know Before You Go What is the weather forecast? What are the water conditions? What are the most recent park updates? Spring (as well as summer) is prime conditions for changing weather and pop-up showers. Use this information to avoid situations you are not prepared for. Water conditions in our area vary more in the spring than any other season. Don’t expect your favorite lake or river to be at the lazy levels of summer. Frequent spring rains mean lakes and rivers are higher than normal, and coupled with cooler conditions increase a paddler’s risk. Assess your skills and abilities honestly, and, if in doubt, err on the side of caution. Dress Appropriately The American Canoe Association recommends a combined air and water temperature of 120 degrees before paddling without a wetsuit. Even with warming daytime temps, chilly conditions at night can leave the water quite cool. Wear clothing that will keep you warm if you are fully immersed. If not a wetsuit, synthetic layers that will keep you warm when wet are what you want (avoid cotton). Choose protective outer layers that are water and windproof to preserve body heat. It’s always easier to remove layers if you get too warm than put on layers you didn’t bring! As the season warms up, appropriate clothing is still vital, as it offers much-needed protection from the sun. Appropriate clothing for the conditions can make or break your day out on the water. Pay attention and look after yourself! Wear Your Lifejacket We call it a lifejacket for a reason. It will keep you alive. I have yet to meet a human who can breathe underwater. Even if you are Michael Phelps, your lifejacket is vital. According to American Whitewater’s semi-annual Accident Summary, recreational paddling is on the rise, and so are accidents and fatalities, especially with inexperienced paddlers. Your lifejacket should be tight, with all buckles and zips fastened. If it feels like an overbearing hug, you’ve got it right. Wear. Your. Lifejacket. These are just a few tips to get you out on the water safely this season. Adventure Outpost is a great place to learn these skills (and many, many more!) in a kayak, canoe or on a stand-up paddleboard. Building your skills on the water will increase your confidence and self-reliance when you go out with your friends or family. Check our calendar of events for classes. We hope you’ll join us on the water this season, and have a safe and enjoyable paddling year!
Bai Li lit up a torch 1 although I say torch, its more like a mix between a lighter and a torch…. Like an ancient lighter! Google 火折子 . Qi Luoer glanced at her, “You really prepared well.” Bai Li smiled happily, “Of course, today was the entrance exam. I didn’t know what the Ziyun Sect examiner wanted so naturally I prepared everything.” Qi Luoer sighed: “What a pity that it was ruined by those demon cultivators, otherwise we might’ve already passed…….” Bai Li smiled slightly, her smile somewhat unmeasurable, “You can just pretend this so called demon invasion is the exam. That way, your heart will definitely feel a lot better.” Qi Luoer looked distracted and laughed bitterly, “If only this was the exam, but I just can’t think so with those older sisters who had tragically died…… Don’t forget, when we came in, there were already a lot of dead bodies. Plus, one of them are still in that pig headed demon’s hands……” Thinking about that bloody, ruined body, Qi Luoer’s stomach churned, her face turning a bit pale. A light flashed in Bai Li’s eyes as she smiled. Deep thoughts were hidden in her smile, but she didn’t speak. The road was actually very long. The two had walked for more than a hour but still haven’t seen anybody or an exit. Qi Luoer touched her forehead, “Did we go the wrong way?” Bai Li shook her head, “Impossible. Dou Ding couldn’t have made an error.” Qi Luoer looked at Bai Li curiously and suddenly shook her head, “Bai Li, sometimes I really have doubts about you……” Bai Li’s body stiffened slightly before she smiled, her smile like the first peach blossoms in March, bright and splendid. “Little Luoer, you doubted what about me?” Qi Luoer sighed, “I doubt you’re a normal woman. You have a body for martial arts, learn cultivation techniques very quickly, and understand a lot too. I really can’t dare to believe that you’re an orphan, drifting around growing up in the mortal world.” A forced smile appeared in Bai Li’s eyes. She normally already restrained herself a lot. She was already like a golden bird, just one shake of a wing enough to affect things 90,000 miles away. Now that she had forced herself to disguise as an ordinary bird, flying so fiercely naturally wouldn’t do. She had to draw in her claws and fold her wings. Previous Chapter | Project Page | Next Chapter 4 thoughts on “Wife is Outrageous Chapter 120” RenTheWitch says: May 21, 2018 at 1:06 pm ahhh im starting to think this rly is the exam Reply Maki says: February 14, 2018 at 5:41 pm Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ Reply Daniel Wytte says: February 13, 2018 at 5:52 am Thank you for translating! This has been on my wait list so I’m glad to see the update! Male lead is very devious, stalking his prey by pretending to be a harmless bird
Anugerah Saintifik Sdn Bhd (ASSB) is a GDPMD and MDA medical and laboratory equipment certified supplier based in Bandar Kinrara, Selangor. Established in 1999, ASSB has built it brand with over 21 years being one of the leading medical and laboratory equipment suppliers in Malaysia. Today, ASSB products and services can be found in healthcare institutions and agencies all over Malaysia. Technical Services Firmly dedicated to our business practice " Quality Products, Excellence Services", ASSB has taken a significant step, locating our technical team in Northern and East Coast region of Malaysia. As a company that really appreciates excellent customer support, expanding our technical team has what allowed us to maintain outstanding business-customer relationship. In ASSB, we are proud to claim our 24 hours technical support implementation is gold standard of technical medical services in Malaysia. Get in touch with us now Let us know what you have in mind and how we can assist you. Contact us ANUGERAH SAINTIFIK SDB BHD is a GDPMD and MDA-certified company whose success story began 21 years ago. With 17 years of excellent performance with Radiometer Medical, ASSB has flourished into a leading medical and laboratory equipment supplier with several branches in Malaysia. In 2018, ASSB was recognised as a fast-moving SME under the SME100 Awards. Another significant milestone was reached in 2021 , when we are annouced as Channel Partners for Radiometer (M) and Hemocue. All in all, ASSB's outstanding achievements are largely credited to the founder, Mr. Mohamed Othman Ahmad, and his dedicated staff, who are continually striving to boost ASSB's performance. Our Esteemed Partners RADIOMETER More SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS More HEMOCUE More WELLS BIO INC More OLIDEF MEDICAL More WONDFO USA BIOTECH More SINO MEDICAL DEVICES TECHNOLOGY More URIT MEDICAL ELECTRONIC More ERBA MANNHEIM More Photo Gallery What Our Customer Says “ " Good job and excellent services. Highly recommended! " Hospital Melaka Healthcare Institution “ "Great sale and after sales-service. Hassle-free. Professional staff and expert in what they are doing. Highly recommended!"
Since the pandemic reared its virus-shaped head in early 2020, each and every industry has been affected in some way. Not only has it altered the way in which we work, but it has paved the way for malicious actors to target the new wave of home workers. As a result, remote work has become a new gateway for such criminals to complete alternative data theft methods. With “everything-online” and without security options in place that are provided within office environments, employees are more susceptible to cyber-attacks than ever before. An annual survey conducted by Apricorn revealed that 35% of UK IT CEOs admitted that their remote employees have already deliberately put organisation data at risk of a breach in the last year. What’s more, 75% of organisations surveyed say that 50-100% of employees are working remotely, while 86% say the trend will continue long after the pandemic. Ultimately, it looks like home working is not set to be a short-term trend, and as a result, remote employees will continue to be a cash cow for cybercriminals. With the onset of the pandemic and a huge increase in remote work policies, these cybercriminals said their chance and grabbed it with both hands, resulting in a 630% surge in cloud-based attacks in 2020. What’s more concerning is that more than 26% of businesses noted that their remote employees don’t care about cybersecurity. While this figure dropped from 34% last year, employee negligence, phishing, remote employees, and third parties are still big targets for attacks and actional cause of the breach. Imbalance Between Personal Life and Work – Still a Cybersecurity Issue The lines between the personal and the workers are blurring more and more. Workers often spend more time in their office than they do at home. Meanwhile, nearly a quarter of employees work from home. We assume that in the modern world, the perfect balance between work and personal is generally unreachable. In both professional and personal life, people rely more on emails, socials, shared folders, and digital documents, which could explain why phishing attacks were also ranked over a third of orgs as one of the main causes for a breach, almost doubling since last year. According to How-To-Claim.co.uk, this year’s survey included ransomware as an option for a possible cause for data breach and ranked as the 4th biggest threat, with 17% citing this as a concern, emphasising the growing trend and fear of phishing attacks. 2020 has been like no other. Though most corporate already have some remote working well-planned, the speed with which organisations had to respond to the “new normalcy” meant security was overlooked with a few short fixes and speed of launch being a priority. That means higher risks along with a drip in cybersecurity being front of mind as employees settled into remote work. Lack of Technology or Skills to Keep Data Safe At the risk of appearing like Chicken Little, organisations have awakened. The security industry continued to address major problems with a mixture of technology reliance and lip service, but they aren’t making much progress. Truth be said, we’re facing a global cybersecurity shortage. Research shows that this situation not only isn’t getting better but, in fact, be getting worse. For instance, 70% of cybersecurity experts claim that the cybersecurity skill shortage jams their organization. One of the reasons is the increased workload on the existing cybersecurity employees, long-standing open jobs, an increase in hiring and training new personnel, and an inability to learn and implement security technologies to their full potential. A shortage in skills is one of the most acute among application security experts, security analysts, and cloud security specialists. With companies developing more software, moving towards workloads to the public cloud, and facing more advanced threats, these shortages are alarming, to say the least. An Issue of Compliance The new data protection law places the consumer in the driver’s seat, and the task of complying with this regulation falls upon organisations. GDPR applies to all organisations and businesses located in the EU, regardless of whether the data processing takes place in the continent or not. Regardless of the industry, all data-collecting services should appoint a data controller or data protection office who is in charge of the GDPR compliance. There are harsh penalties for the organisations who don’t comply with the new rules to receive up to 4% of annual global revenue or 20 million Euros, whichever is greater. However, GDPR compliance is another problem, with 32% of companies stating that remote work makes it difficult to comply with the new regulation, compared with just 16% last year, suggesting that compliance matter more now that more people are working remotely. What’s more, when asked if their companies have an information security policy/strategy that covers workers’ use of their own IT equipment for their remote working, 88% confirmed they have a policy in place. More than 30% of the companies surveyed provided IT devices, of which 22% have security strategies in place to enforce this with endpoint control. The endpoint control is an extra layer of security that protects data and systems wherever personnel is working and whatever device, so companies have complete confidence in integrating its data. But employing such policies, digital tools, and procedures to reduce the threats associated with work from home should not be that difficult. Education and endpoint security is imperative to the process and is as simple as a solution to security as wearing a mask during the pandemic. Any group trusted with customer data must take into account security threats because it’s not just security that’s on the line: data breaches aren’t just extremely pricey, but they can also tarnish a business’s reputation. With the right IT tools and the right information and training readily available for the end-user, remote work can be just as secure as working from a corporate environment.
One of the most recognizable grapplers of the 1980s, Sgt. Slaughter became huge in National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), American Wrestling Association (AWA), and the World Wrestling Federation (now WWE). While never actually serving as a United States Marine, Remus adopted the character Sgt. Slaughter and became a professional wrestler. During his run in the WWF, Sgt. Slaughter became a contender to Bob Backlund's WWF Championship and also faced Italian wrestling legend Bruno Sammartino in Sammartino's last match at Madison Square Garden. Sgt. Slaughter was also a NWA United States Champion, as well as NWA Tag Team Champion with Don Kernodle. When Sgt. Slaughter's career exploded, he became one of the most beloved and popular superstars in the WWF during the 1980s, along with Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Snuka. Besides becoming a household name in wrestling, the Sarge also made his name as a popular culture icon for letting the G.I. Joe using him as a toy. In 1991, he then won his first and only WWF Championship from the Ultimate Warrior at the year's Royal Rumble. After his retirement from being a full-time competitor, Sgt. Slaughter then became a commissioner, later a well respected road agent.
Flat water racing could be regarding as one of the club’s “Specialist Subjects”. There are a significant number of very experienced racers in the club including Sam Rees-Clark (Marathon and Sprint) and her brother Mike Rees-Clark (Wild Water) who are currently representing GB. All racing paddlers start at the bottom and work their way up to the level that matches their ability given the time and commitment that they can give to the sport. At BCCC we are always looking to bring on new racers and develop their potential so if you think you are interested then contact one of our experts below. What You Need To Know The Distances Paddlers in Divisions 7, 8 and 9 race over a course of about 6.5km (4 miles). Divisions 4, 5 and 6 race over a course of about 13km (8miles) and Divisions 1, 2 and 3 over 20km (12miles). Despite being referred to as marathon racing, only the most able competitors at national and international level, paddle over the traditional marathon distance of 26.2 miles. If you are under 12 then you can enter races in boats called Lightnings, which are strong, stable craft ideal for young people under 12 years old and under 60 KG. The distance raced is typically 2 miles. Every regional Hasler race has events for Lightnings in the Under 12 and Under 10 categories for both boys and girls. The actual distances may vary a little from event to event, largely due to the safe and accessible length of water available to race on. Most races in Divisions 1-6 have portages which means you have to get out of your boat and walk or run whilst carrying your boat around the obstacle such as a weir or lock before getting back into your boat to continue the race. If there is no natural obstacle, an “artificial” portage is inserted. There are usually no portages in the Div 7-9 races. The Equipment Boats Basically the longer and narrower the boat, the faster it will be but narrower means less stable and the length is limited by international rules. BCCC has a wide variety of flat water racing boats suitable for beginners and improvers alike, from fast tourers to full racing craft (with a rudder operated by your feet via a tiller bar). For clarity, the boats are described as K1/C1’s or K2/C2’s where K is for Kayak and C is for Canadian. A K1 is a single racing boat, K2 a double and a K4 has 4 paddlers. Before using a club boat, please read the BCCC equipment usage policy Paddles Very few racing paddlers use a standard asymmetric paddle. All our racing paddlers use the wing paddle blade from the start of the Introduction to Flat Water Racing course and in training. The Club has a large assortment of wing paddles available in various lengths and sizes for members to use before they opt to purchase their own. Buoyancy Aids If you are under 16, you must wear a buoyancy aid for a race as well as in training and all paddlers ranked in Divisions 9, 8 and 7, whether they are under 16 or not, must also wear a buoyancy aid when racing. The Races Marathon races These are held all over the country throughout the year, usually on Sundays. Competitors have an official Marathon Division Ranking from 1 to 9 or Lightning Class. New competitors start in Division 9 (or Lightning Class for those Under 12), and progress through the divisions by winning their race or achieving a time that would be competitive in the next higher division. To find out more about marathon racing in Great Britain, go to the Marathon Canoe Racing UK website. Hasler Trophy The Hasler Trophy racing season is from April to the end of October. Each participating British Canoeing-affiliated club is in a region. We are in the Southern region. Clubs in each region offer to run a race in the Hasler series championship. Clubs in that region enter their paddlers in each of the Hasler races within their region and they gain points for their finishing position in their race i.e. winner 20 points, second 19 points and for K2 crews; winner 40 points etc. Points per club are gained at each race and the top 4 clubs in each region then compete at the Hasler Final in September where they meet other clubs from all around the country. Other Marathon Races Apart from the Hasler races, there are other marathon races throughout the year including the gruelling 125 mile Devizes to Westminster race held over the Easter weekend and the Waterside Series and Thameside Series which precede it. There is also the National Marathon Championships which are based on male and female age groups from Under 10 to Over 69 in K1 and K2. Dates for all the events can be found in the Marathon Racing Committee Racing Calendar Details of our local races can be found in the Races section. What To Wear Flat water racers do not expect to fall in so a wet suit will be too hot and uncomfortable (even in winter) and arm movement could be restricted. For newcomers to flat water racing advice on what to wear can be found in the details for the Introduction to Flat Water Racing Course. How To Start Get in a boat and paddle! Attend an Introduction to Flat Water Racing course Details of these courses can be found on our flat water racing training page. Train regularly The BCCC flat water racers train formally to a pre-determined schedule on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 17:30 and on Saturday at 09:00. Informally, groups of paddlers of similar ability may come together for training at other times by agreement. Further details are here. Enter the Hare & Hounds As part of the training schedule there is a Hare & Hounds event on the third Saturday morning of each month. Paddlers race against the clock over 2, 4 or 6 miles and, hopefully, improve their times with training and the coaching that we can provide. Find out more For further details about flat water racing at the BCCC, feel free to contact one of our racing coaches below who will be able to guide you in getting started:
Did they really keep lions and other exotic beasts in cages in English monasteries in the early thirteenth century? Pretty tricky job, feeding time, wouldn't you think? It was certainly tricky for young Obadiah Pug, who perished: Delilah licked her yellow teeth. The boy had tasted most peculiar, but then she had not tasted human meat before. All very gruesome and, as it happens, unintended. But next time Delilah tastes human flesh, it is murder. Someone pushes Brother Benedict, Bursar and Keeper of the Beast House, into her cage, and locks it! And I don't think anyone would have bothered to get to the bottom of events at Saint Wilfred's Abbey if it hadn't been for young Tom Fletcher, Chief Novice and Amateur Sleuth, ably assisted by lively Bessie Miller. They make a good team. Tom can deal with events at the Abbey and Bessie can intervene in events in town. And they can meet to confer in the Swallow's Nest, a secret place on the Abbey roof, between gargoyles. Not surprising, I suppose, to discover simmering hatreds and rivalries between the brothers in the monastery and quite disturbing to witness the townspeople's treatment of the Jewish moneylender. If you fancy an all-action murder mystery with some historical truths, then this is the book for you, provided you can dare to look: 'It's...it's...horrible...' Tom managed to whimper, before bending and vomiting over his sandals. 'Oh, my God,' whispered Herbert, his eyes transfixed by the bloody bundle of mangled flesh that had once been Brother Benedict. The body lay still now. No human sound came from the cage - only the noise of tearing sinew as the lioness consumed her freshly killed supper; only the slick lapping of her rough tongue, as Delilah licked the bursar's sticky blood from her lips. Yucky. What can I read next? This is Sarah Matthias' second book. Have a look at the other one: The Riddle of the Poisoned Monk Tom Fletcher and the Angel of Death If you enjoy a good mystery to solve, you might like to look at the Lady Violet series by Karen Wallace: The Secret of the Crocodiles And if you really enjoy a good story in a historical setting, I can recommend this one by VA Richardson:
Edward Garner, 35, is charged with the murder of 28-year-old Aiesha Summers. Nearly a month after the murder, Edward was arrested on September 6, 2019. Aiesha was 24 weeks pregnant at the time she was murdered. Aiesha's unborn baby was also killed. On August 12, 2019 Aiesha Summers was shot and killed in a apartment on Perugia Way Charlotte, NC. Edward was identified as the suspect. Edward allegedly went on the run for weeks until he was caught in September. Several of Edward's children were missing after the murder, but the kids were eventually found safe. On September 6 Edward was located and arrested in Charlotte, NC by the Violent Criminal Apprehension Team and a K-9 without incident. Edward is charged with murder and murder of an unborn child.
Nomad is a random map featured in Age of Empires II: The Conquerors and Age of Mythology. "Nomad" denotes the period before the Dark Age and Archaic Age respectively. In both games, players do not begin with any buildings and need to build a Town Center in a location of their choosing before they can advance technologically. In Age of Empires and Age of Empires III, Nomad is not a particular map but is instead a setting that can be enabled for any map. If enabled, players will begin without any buildings and with just enough units to establish a settlement. Contents 1 Age of Empires 2 Age of Empires II: The Conquerors 2.1 Description 2.2 Viable tactics 2.3 Trivia 3 Age of Mythology 3.1 Trivia 4 Age of Empires III 4.1 Bugs 5 Gallery 6 References Age of Empires[] In Age of Empires, Nomad is a game mode that is enabled in the settings for random map and Deathmatch. In this mode, all players spawn with only one Villager. The placement of the Villager is still affected by fixed positions. Age of Empires II: The Conquerors[] Description[] In Age of Empires II, Nomad is a map where players begin with three Villagers scattered and no initial Scout or Town Center, but each player has in their stock additional stone and wood to built it. Usually, two of the villagers are closer to each other than the third one, so players often place their first Town Center in an area between the two closest villagers. The map consists of a large landmass surrounded by ocean, most of the the time on three sides. Occasionally, lakes and rivers and (on larger maps) even a sea may be present in the middle of the map. The land may feature temperate terrain with Pine Trees and grass, or desert terrain with Palm Trees and sand. Since players do not start at fixed positions like in other maps, resources like Wild Boars, Sheep, Berry Bushes and herds of Deer appear scattered all around the map as well as the Gold and Stone Mines, and animals like Wolves are absent from the map. Relics are present in normal numbers and there are a bit more on larger maps. Elevations of various sizes can be found all around the land; however, cliffs are completely absent from the map. Viable tactics[] Ideally, when picking where to build their Town Center, players should vie for a settlement that includes an abundance of every resource, but food and wood are top priorities, since without them the player cannot build Houses or train Villagers. The player should try to explore as much of the map as possible with the other Villagers and do not wait a long time to build a Town Center, because the enemy might have already built their own. If the player finds a Sheep early, they may consider to use it for scouting so all the Villagers can focus on building the Town Center. The same logic can apply after the Town Center is finished; this of course at the risk of losing the Sheep to an opponent. Making a Militia early is also useful for scouting on Nomad. Building a Dock early can also be of key importance, especially for civilizations like Vikings, Malians or Italians (Vikings have cheaper Docks, Malians have wood discount on all buildings, Italians have cheaper Fishing Ships); in the Malians' case, they may even create a Dock, a Fishing Ship and a House before they finish their Town Center, and this can boost their economy very early. If a player luckily enough finds where an opponent is moving in order to create their settlement, the player may employ very unusual strategies, like a Town Center rush, or simply attack with their initial Villagers, which may be very risky and often resolves on which player had the better micromanagement and how the elements of the map were positioned. For this reason, finding a secure location with enough resources early and creating the Town Center as fast as possible is of key importance. Villager rushing on maps like Nomad is the reason why Chinese and Mayan extra villager bonuses were modified and now those additional villagers spam immediately after the Town center is finished; the same logic applied to the Aztec free Loom bonus, which was changed to +50 initial gold; however, the Villager rush in Nomad can still be employed by some other civilizations like the Berbers (whose villagers move 10% faster, so they can pursue enemy Villagers easily). In multiplayer, if playing on team games, teams can try to unite their Villagers early in the game in an attempt to quickly destroy their opposing player's forces. However, such a tactic is risky at best, as failure could lead to a severe economic disadvantage. Teams may also build their bases very close to each other (or even together), trading availability of resources for safety. In any case, it is advisable that players on a team tell their team mates where they are placing their settlement or where they plan to place it, so they can plan further their strategy and logistic. If a player in a team game finds where an opponent is placing its Town Center, they must also tell that to their teammates. Once the players finished the construction of their Town Centers, things start to become more interesting. Sometimes players from opposing teams selected locations too close to each other; sometimes one teammate realizes that the opposing team placed their settlements around him, isolating the player from the team; sometimes teams or players are more or less dominating one side of the map. Depending on how players placed their settlements, the strategies will have to be adapted. Usually, if a player is isolated from the team, that player becomes the primary target of the opponents, since this way, they can get rid of the player, so the other team can get numeric advantage and more map control. Rushing strategies work especially well on Nomad, as the map is fairly open. However, if a player selects a corner of the land for the settlement, they may employ a Turtling strategy followed by a Boom. Natural resources on Nomad are plentiful and matches on Nomad tend to end soon, so trash wars are very rare on this map. Civilizations with advantages include: Civilizations with bonuses regarding Villager raw stats: Berbers and Koreans for example. Naval civilizations: Vikings, Malay, Portuguese, Italians, etc. Civilizations with good early aggression bonuses: Goths, Aztecs, Huns, Celts, Vikings, Japanese, Mongols, Magyars, Bulgarians etc. Civilizations with bonuses regarding early Town Centers: Malians (All buildings cost less wood), Spanish (builders work faster) Persians (Town Center double hit points and work faster), Teutons (Town Center better garrison space) Chinese (Town Centers better line of sight and hold more population, first Town Center spam 3 Villagers), Incas (Buildings cost less Stone, First Town Center spams a Llama), Cumans (can create a second Town Center in the Feudal Age) Special mentions: Vietnamese (they can spot enemy first Town Centers as soon as they finish building them), Burmese (they and team mates can spot Relics since the beginning of the match, which can facilitate players to select a location), Portuguese (in addition to the navy, their team mates share line of sight since the beginning of the game, so they can coordinate better where to place their first Town Centers or inflict an early attack on an opponent even before they can place their Town Center), Khmer (they do not require to unlock buildings and farmers do not need to drop off food on Mills or Town Centers, enabling them to place much more freely their initial settlement and can even start gather food before finishing their first Town Center), Huns (do not need Houses, so this enables them to save wood for Fishing Ships and boom) Civilizations that may struggle in Nomad include: Civilizations with poor early game bonuses or poor early game defense and poor early navy: Turks for example. Trivia[] As revealed by Ensemble Studios employee and Age of Empires series designer Sandy Petersen, the Nomad map style was originally included in the original The Age of Kings, but was removed due to lack of balance from the Chinese being present. A fan asked Petersen where the Nomad start was, but he revealed that it was removed, later admitting that they could add it back.[1] Age of Mythology[] Nomad map in Age of Mythology “ Your Villagers start scattered with no Town Center. You'll need to find a Settlement to occupy during the time that combat is prevented. ” —Map description. Nomad in Age of Mythology is very similar to its Age of Empires II counterpart, however it is instead depicted only as a semi-arid land with no rivers or lakes, and ocean on three sides of the map. There are many chokepoints in the land, as there are neat numbers of cliffs, and decent amounts of mixed oak and palm forests. Once again, each player begins with three Villagers (two for the Atlanteans) randomly scattered around the map, the game starting at nightfall. Norse players however start with three Ulfsarks instead, as Gatherers cannot build. By the time the game begins, a special Ceasefire is cast, and as it draws to its conclusion, the sun rises. Huntables in this region are typically African, including Baboons, Elephants, Giraffes, Rhinoceroses, and Zebras, and there are also plenty of stray Goats, and some Berry Bushes. Fish are present in the waters, and include Mahi-mahi. As Town Centers can only be constructed on top of abandoned Settlements, players are more limited as to where they can construct their own settlements compared to Age of Empires II. Atlanteans have a huge advantage in this map as their villagers can start to collect resources since the beginning of the game, Oranos have the most advantage in the map as this major god can see the location of all abandoned settlements. Trivia[] This map is the only one in the vanilla game to alternate between unique lighting modes; the starting lighting is "Night", and as Mother Nature's Ceasefire goes on, the lighting alternates to "Dawn". Nomad is one of the two maps where Mother Nature casts a god power, the other being Open Fields. The Ceasefire never occurs during a Treaty Match as no player, including Mother Nature, can cast God Powers during the treaty's duration. Due to an oversight by the Forgotten Empires team, Peasants do not have their construction speed increased during the Ceasefire. The shape and map balance elements of Nomad in Age of Mythology is based upon Coastal from Age of Empires II. Age of Empires III[] In Age of Empires III, Nomad is a game mode that can be enabled for any map in the game. In Nomad games, European civilizations begin with an Explorer and a Covered Wagon. Native Americans begin with a War Chief and a Town Travois and Asian civilizations begin with a Monk and a Town Rickshaw and a free resource building rickshaw (e.g. Orchard Rickshaw). The wagons allow players to build a Town Center for free in a location of their choosing. Once the Town Center has been constructed, several free villagers and resource crates will spawn around it. Bugs[] On some maps, the Covered Wagon may appear outside the playable area of the map, and be unable to move, or get into the playable area to begin construction. Gallery[] Nomad icon in the random map menu in Age of Mythology Random maps Age of Empires Age of Empires Coastal · Inland · Islands · Highland Rise of Rome Continental · Hill Country · Mediterranean · Narrows Age of Empires II The Age of Kings Random Arabia · Archipelago · Baltic · Black Forest · Crater Lake · Continental · Coastal · Fortress · Gold Rush · Highland · Islands · Mediterranean · Migration · Rivers · Team Islands Custom Canals · Capricious · Dingoes · Graveyards · Metropolis · Moats · Paradise Island · Pilgrims · Prairie · Seasons · Sherwood Forest · Sherwood Heroes · Shipwreck · Team Glaciers · The Unknown The Conquerors Random Arena · Ghost Lake · Mongolia · Nomad · Oasis · Salt Marsh · Scandinavia · Yucatán Real World Britain · Byzantium · Central America · France · Iberia · Italy · Mideast · Norse Lands · Sea of Japan (East Sea) · Texas The Forgotten Random Acropolis · Budapest · Cenotes · City of Lakes · Golden Pit · Hideout · Hill Fort · Lombardia · Steppe · Valley · MegaRandom · Hamburger Capture the Relic CtR Monsoon · CtR Pyramid Descent · CtR Spiral The African Kingdoms Random Kilimanjaro · Mountain Pass · Nile Delta · Serengeti · Socotra Real World Amazon · Bohemia · China · Horn of Africa · India · Madagascar · West Africa · Earth Special Canyons · Enemy Archipelago · Enemy Islands · Far Out · Front Line · Inner Circle · Motherland · Open Plains · Ring of Water · Snakepit · The Eye Rise of the Rajas Random Bog Islands · Mangrove Jungle · Pacific Islands · Sandbank · Water Nomad Real World Australia · Indochina · Indonesia · Philippines · Strait of Malacca Special Border Stones · Holy Line · Jungle Islands · Jungle Lanes · Yin Yang The Last Khans (Definitive Edition) Random Alpine Lakes · Bogland · Crater · Four Lakes · Golden Swamp · Land Nomad · Mountain Ridge · Ravines · Wolf Hill Real World Antarctica · Aral Sea · Black Sea · Caucasus · Siberia Special Maps Journey South · Snake Forest · Sprawling Streams · Swirling River · Twin Forests Battle Royale BR Battle On Ice · BR El Dorado · BR Fall of Axum · BR Fall of Rome · BR Majapahit Empire Age of Mythology Age of Mythology Acropolis · Alfheim · Anatolia · Archipelago · Black Sea · Erebus · Forgotten City (cut) · Ghost Lake · Golden Fleece (cut) · Jotunheim · King of the Hill · Mediterranean · Midgard · Nomad · Oasis · River Nile · River Styx · Savannah · Sea of Worms · Sudden Death · Team Migration · The Unknown · Valley of Kings · Vinlandsaga · Watering Hole The Titans Highland · Islands · Land Unknown · Marsh · Megalopolis · Tundra Tale of the Dragon Basin · Blue Lagoon · Deep Jungle · Old Atlantis · Open Fields · Regicide · Silk Road · Yellow River Age of Empires III Age of Empires III Amazonia · Bayou · Caribbean · Carolina · Great Lakes · Great Plains · Hispaniola · New England · Pampas · Patagonia · Rockies · Saguenay · Sonora · Texas · Unknown · Yucatán · Yukon The WarChiefs Andes · Araucania · Ozarks · California · Northwest Territory · Orinoco · Painted Desert · Plymouth The Asian Dynasties Borneo · Ceylon · Deccan · Himalayas · Himalayas - Upper · Honshu · Indochina · Mongolia · Silk Road · Siberia · Yellow River · Regicide Definitive Edition Alaska · Andes - Upper · Arctic Territories · Bahia · Baja California · Bengal · Cascade Range · Central Asia · Central Plain · Colorado · Dakota · Fertile Crescent · Florida · Gran Chaco · Guianas · Hokkaido · Indonesia · Kamchatka · Karelian Lakes · Korea · Malaysia · Manchuria · Mexico · Minas Gerais · Pampas Sierras · Panama · Parallel Rivers · Portugal · Rhine · Punjab · Yamal The African Royals Arabia · Atlas · Congo Basin · Darfur · Dunes · Gold Coast · Great Rift · Highlands · Horn · Ivory Coast · Lake Chad · Lake Victoria · Niger Delta · Niger River · Nile Valley · Pepper Coast · Sahel · Saharan Routes · Savanna · Sudd · Siwa Oasis · Swahili Coast · Tassili · Tripolitania Knights of the Mediterranean Random Alps · Anatolia · Archipelago · Balkan Mountains · Baltic Sea · Black Forest · Bohemia · Budapest · Carpathans · Corsica and Sardinia · Courland · Danish Straits · Dnieper Basin · England · Eurasian Steppe · Finland · France · Hungarian Plains · Ireland · Italy · Lithuania · Low Countries · Pripet Marshes · Pyrenees · Saxony · Scandinavia · Scotland · Spain · Vistula Basin · Wallachia Historical The Italian Wars · Eighty Years' War · The Deluge · Great Turkish War · Great Northern War · Napoleonic Wars · Russo-Turkish Wars · The Thirty Years' War Age of Empires IV Age of Empires IV Altai · Ancient Spires · Archipelago · Black Forest · Boulder Bay · Canyon · Confluence · Danube River · Dry Arabia · French Pass · Haunted Gulch · High View · Hill and Dale · King of the Hill · Lipany · MegaRandom · Mongolian Heights · Mountain Pass · Nagari · Narrows · Oasis · Peagee · Plains · Qinghai Lake · Rhinelands · River Kingdom · The Channel · Turtle · Warring Islands
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Thank you for your donations and for sharing the initial post about sending money to help Ukrainian refugees. It has been a busy and fruitful week, and all the money we have received so far has been sent. Fr. Yuriy Kolasa, the Vicar General for Eastern Rite Churches... Friendship and Ukraine by John Mortensen | Mar 7, 2022 My friendship with Thomas Aquinas began at the International Theological Institute in Austria, in the Kartause Gaming. I learned to talk with St. Thomas as I studied: just as he had small chats with St. Paul, Our Lord, and the saints while he was studying, asking them...
The iOffice Asset Manager App allows you to search, view and verify your assets, such as computers, printers, fire extinguishers, from the convenience of your mobile device. If you are new to the Asset Manager App, refer to Asset Manager - Screen Overviews to review the screens used to locate, view, edit, and verify your assets. Once you are familiar with the screens used in the app, use the following links to access procedures on the functions you can perform using the app. Note: This app is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch (requires iOS 12.0 or newer), and various Android devices (requires Android 6.0 or newer). The app is optimized for iPhone. For more information on downloading the Asset Manager App on an Apple device, click here. For information on downloading this app on an Android device, click here. Click a link in the following guide for more information on performing tasks in the Asset Manager App.
thAfter the lead image, this gallery includes the 2012 “Let Freedom Sing” concert at the University of Arizona's Centennial Hall. Other July 4th locations include Oro Valley, the Congress Hotel, and Sierra Vista, finishing with the big fireworks show.
“The Mont” is the event that kicked off MTB endurance racing in Australia over ten years ago. It’s a great chance to catch up with people I’ve met through these types of events over the years, and really exciting to see a large portion of the field doing something like this for the first time. This year I rode with a group of good friends and riding buddies in a team for Dirt Works Australia. Relaxed attitudes, consistent laps and happy chatter around the campsite proved to be the winning formula for a first place finish in a large teams category. Thanks to everyone who made the event happen and to all the riders who shared in the fun out on the track. Posted byKath Bicknell April 5, 2009 June 14, 2009 Posted inEvents Enduro Issue 11 Issue 11 is packed with more great stories, interviews and reviews. It also has some new features including columns, a chat within the bike industry and a training Q & A with Aussie mountain biking legend, Mark Fenner. I have a few pieces of writing in there too. It’s out now at all good newsagents, or at your door if you subscribe. Come on, you know you want to! Posted byKath Bicknell March 31, 2009 January 17, 2015 Posted inMedia BMC Mountains-to-Beach From March 1 to 6 I joined 171 other riders on a mission to get from Thredbo to Narooma in fast, fun, dirt road style. The views were amazing, and I’d like to do the whole thing again looking sideways as well as straight ahead. The riding was broken into several stages over the week. It was tough, but satisfying, and has given me renewed enthusiasm for wanting to get fit on the road bike in between techo sessions on the dirt. More information and photos from the race can be found here. It will be on again next year from Feb 28 to March 5. **Update** I wrote two longer articles on the race, which are a tad more informative than the highlights paragraph above. This one was for Pedal Pushers Online, and this one was for Freewheel Magazine.
During the past two decades, satellite navigation became revolutionary — with more than 5 billion enabled devices, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) find utility in nearly all facets of modern life, from the source of time for communications networks to the source of safety-critical positioning in civil aviation. Now, another revolution has appeared on the horizon, one that promises disruption of transportation, mobility, and safety. Autonomous systems in the form of self-driving cars, aerial platforms and mobile robotics are on rise, targeting improved access to the mobility of people, goods, and services. This transformation is one whose complexity demands more than what today’s navigation systems can provide. Xona’s vision is one of a connected and autonomous future that leverages investment in new space infrastructure for navigation services that are robust, reliable, and secure. To understand where navigation is headed, we turn to the past to understand its evolution. One hundred years ago, the state-of-the-art was celestial navigation used by mariners at sea. The Second World War brought new needs with an emerging aviation market and spawned the advent of ground-based radio navigation aids. The Cold War brought satellites to navigation that eventually lead to the familiar GPS (Global Positioning System) that became operational in the mid 1990s. Looking at capability over time, this progress reveals a clear trend: within the last century, there has been an order of magnitude improvement in location accuracy every 30 years. Each step has required investment in new infrastructure to reach new capabilities. With meter-level positioning first widely available in the mid-1990s with GPS, this implies that the mid 2020s will demand decimeter, or better, performance. Autonomous systems are one of many coming applications that drive this need. Localization is a foundational element of autonomous driving. Knowledge of precise vehicle location, coupled with highly detailed maps, add the context needed to drive with confidence. To maintain an autonomous vehicle within its lane, highway operation requires knowledge of location at 50 cm, where local city roads require 30 cm1. The challenge facing auto makers is meeting the required level of reliability. Current targets place this at Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) D, which has been argued to represent one failure per billion miles of driving for subsystems like localization, a feat not yet demonstrated. Current Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Level 4 fully autonomous systems primarily rely on LiDAR for localization, but several technologies are emerging to meet this challenge including computer vision, radar, and GNSS. Though some have shown progress in meeting these needs in certain circumstances or conditions, they all struggle to fully solve the problem to the level of reliability, safety, and security that will ultimately be needed. LiDAR and vision struggle in inclement weather due to absorption or scattering and is further hindered by occlusions. Radar, though more impervious to weather, is limited by sensor noise and resolution. LiDAR, vision, and radar approaches also require a data intensive localization map layer which must be maintained and updated frequently. GNSS technologies have also seen substantial investment in the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and autonomous driving domains. There is now continent-scale deployment of GNSS monitoring stations in service, delivering correction services via cellular. The accuracy required for lane-determination to support future ADAS applications is nearing production where research systems are approaching that needed for full self-driving. Though GNSS accuracy is approaching the needs of autonomy, other risks remain with availability, interference, and cybersecurity. RF interference is a growing threat on the road. Often motivated by privacy concerns, low-cost GNSS jammers are a popular means of disrupting fleet tracking. Between 2016 and 2018, more than 50,000 such disruptions were recorded on European roads alone. The cybersecurity of GNSS is another emerging and perhaps even more menacing threat. Designed in the 1970s, civil GNSS signals are unencrypted and unauthenticated, leaving vulnerabilities that can be exploited with counterfeit (spoofed) signals. Less than ten years ago, GNSS spoofing required specialized expertise and equipment that cost upwards of $50,000. Now, with open source software and more accessible hardware, spoofing attacks can be accomplished for as little as $100. With increasing accessibility to spoofing technology has come a higher frequency of, and increased severity, of attacks. For example, at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show, several automotive manufactures including Audi, Peugeot, Renault, Rolls-Royce, Volkswagen, Daimler-Benz, and BMW reported their vehicles’ GNSS to be in Buckingham, England, in the year 2036, the result of a suspected widespread spoofing attack. Later in 2019, researchers at Regulus Cyber demonstrated this vulnerability in autonomy with a staged spoofing attack on a Tesla Model S and Model 3, creating unsafe behavior of the autopilot. The challenge to be faced is how to achieve localization requirements on accuracy, availability, integrity, continuity, scalability, and security while maintaining reasonable Cost, Size, Weight, and Power (CSWaP). Furthermore, autonomous systems will interoperate in our cities, necessitating a common standard. The safest maneuvers are informed with the most complete picture of the surroundings. This requires going beyond the line of sight of vehicle sensors and creating situational awareness at city levels. This demands an environment of collaborative data sharing through vehicle communication. Such a framework enables vehicles and infrastructure to act collectively, improving safety and reducing the risk of collision. Such data sharing is only effective if there is an agreed upon standard and datum with appropriate measures for data security. Investment in infrastructure for the establishment of such a standardized system offers the potential for the most economical and lightweight navigation solution for the end user. Satellite navigation offers a ubiquitous reach with established global datums and thus is considered the logical choice for such a universal standard. To meet these demands, Xona is building a navigation service to be delivered from Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) smallsats. Compared to GNSS in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), such satellites will be located 20 to 40 times closer to Earth, having substantial implications for user performance and satellite payload cost. LEO satellites can provide robust position accuracy, in part through rapid estimation of carrier phase ambiguities via speedier motion across the sky. Proximity to Earth leads to stronger signals for the end user, giving better tracking performance and substantial resilience in the face of RF interference. Lastly, such a signal is not bound by legacy systems and can be designed with modern encryption and data authentication for resistance to spoofing attack. Traditionally the domain of government organizations, building a commercial satellite navigation service is unprecedented. However, there is also revolution underway in the space sector. The new space movement challenges the traditional approach and has resulted in a tenfold reduction in the cost per kilogram to orbit in recent years. Satellites and components have become commoditized and roll off assembly lines instead of being individually crafted for each mission. These ingredients create an ecosystem where Mega Constellations of thousands of satellites are being constructed by the likes of SpaceX, Telesat and Amazon to meet the global demand for broadband. The GNSS satellites of today host kilowatt navigation payloads, which use space-rated atomic clocks to drive a half dozen signals toward Earth. These live in MEO in the outer Van Allen radiation belt, the harshest environment that Earth satellites operate in today. Moving to LEO offers several opportunities. First, the tens of billions of dollars of GNSS infrastructure above in MEO can be leveraged. This gives access to a long-term frequency standard, where other clocks such as Oven Control Crystal Oscillators (OCXO) can be considered for the shorter term on satellites in LEO. A GNSS receiver onboard the satellite has further implications for orbit determination, where sub-decimeter GNSS-based orbit determination has already been demonstrated in real-time. Complexity is further reduced by virtue of the operating environment, where LEO radiation levels are more amenable to Commercial-Of-The-Self (COTS) components of automotive or industrial grade. The trade-off is in the numbers, where it takes around 300 LEO satellites to match the coverage of the 30 or so GPS satellites in MEO today. These elements combine to create the conditions for a streamlined navigation payload which can be supported by several commodity satellite buses. This model leverages the best of ‘traditional’ and ‘new’ space to combine and deliver new navigation signals with new capability to users on Earth and is another step on the road to safe autonomy. References 1T. G. R. Reid, S. E. Houts, R. Cammarata, G. Mills, S. Agarwal, A. Vora, G. Pandey., “Localization Requirements for Autonomous Vehicles,” SAE Int. J. Connect. Autom. Veh., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 12-02-03–0012, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.4271/12-02-03-0012. Dr. Tyler Reid is a co-founder and CTO of Xona Space Systems, a start-up focused on GNSS augmentation from LEO. Previously, Tyler worked as a Research Engineer with the Controls and Automated Systems team at Ford Motor Company, working in localization and mapping for self-driving cars. He also worked as a Software Engineer at Google’s Street View and a lecturer at Stanford University where co-taught the graduate course on GPS. Tyler received his Ph.D. (’17) and M.Sc. (’12) in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford where he worked in the GPS Research Lab and his B.Eng. (’10) in Mechanical Engineering from McGill University. Xona Space Systems is a California-based start-up whose sights are set on building the satellite navigation infrastructure needed to support intelligent transportation systems, such as self-driving cars.
Radial basis functions (RBFs) originated in the 1970s as a method for interpolating scattered data. More recently, both our knowledge about RBFs and their range of applications have grown tremendously. They easily generalize multiple dimensions, handle irregular domains, and can be spectrally accurate both for interpolation and for solving PDEs. We will discuss some key properties of RBF interpolants and some computational algorithms for the resulting linear systems. We will also compare RBF approaches with some other approaches (finite difference and spectral methods) for the numerical solution of Poisson’s equation in 2-D domains. Recent examples of their use in the geosciences will be presented in the Colloquium next week by Dr. Natasha Flyer (NCAR).
Linda LitWAckBeat by Beat | Choral SceneFor the Loveof It Allben stEINWhat is the definition of a successful musician? I thoughtabout this last month after learning that local organist andsinger Bruce Kirkpatrick Hill had passed away suddenlyand unexpectedly. Word of Bruce’s passing spread very quicklythroughout the Toronto choral community, and the shock that peoplefelt had to do with his young age — he was only 49 — as well as withits suddenness. But at the funeral service,it was clear that the mixture of grief andrespect that defined the event extendedwell beyond shock. As I walkedhome, I pondered why Bruce’sdeath — or rather, his life — hadtouched so many people.Public recognition is the mostobvious indication of success — areputation draws people to attend aconcert, purchase a recording, signup for lessons. It’s usually (but notalways) an indication of a standardof artistic achievement for audiencesand musicians alike. Anothercategory, less obvious but oftenmore long-lasting, is the behind-thescenesor who works steadily, buthas little or no public profile. TheBen Shek (1927 – June2011) sang in the TorontoJewish Folk Choir fromhis early youth. Ben’sparents, Bella andSol, were among itsfounding members.majority of musicians fall into this group. A lot of the musicthat you love the most has been created by artists whose namesyou have never known.A third category might be “community musician,” a termthat can encompass both professionals and amateurs. A communitymusician can be defined as someone who loves theirchosen art form, and devotes their talents and abilities to it with thebest of their ability. Sometimes they are known outside their homeregion, but often they are not. Choral music is in great part drivenby the work of talented and dedicated amateurs. This is, in part,because professional choral singing pays very badly — a subject for afuture column — but just as significantly, because most choral singersare amateurs in the traditional sense of the word, lovers of the artfrom who have the drive to foster and maintain it.Of course, these three categories of success intersect and divideinto subsets and levels, and Bruce Kirkpatrick Hill certainlyacquitted himself well in the first two areas described above. Butat his funeral, and during the week leading up to it, it becameclear that Bruce was a community musician of unusual successand achievement.Some musicians seem to have a particular talent for simply beingpresent. Without any fanfare, they make an impression, and you neverforget them. Their assurance and professionalism thread througha musical community and help define that community in people’sminds. When they are gone, we feel their absence as a loss beyondtheir physical presence. Even for those of us who didn’t know himwell, Bruce made this kind of impression. He was part of the boneand sinew of the Toronto choral scene. In a sense, his very presenceseemed to evoke the solidity of the choral traditions that he loved.Bruce’s funeral was held at the Anglican Church of St. MaryMagdalene. Every seat was full, and the rest of the overflow crowdstood at the back for the entire two hour service. When hymnswere sung, the church reverberated with the sound of hundredsof trained singers falling naturally into four-part harmony. It wasa choral sound unprecedented in the city, one that Bruce wouldhave appreciated.Ottawa conductor Matthew Larkin (leader of the Toronto-basedLarkin Singers) led the St. Mary Magdalene church choir in aselection of anthems. After the final benediction, a mixture of thesingers from the Exultate Choir, the church choir, and various choralcolleagues and friends of Bruce’s, joined together to sing a beautifulsetting of the Kontakion, a Byzantine liturgical text from the EasternOrthordox Christian tradition, composed by Bruce’s wife, fellowchoral director and composer Stephanie Martin.If the above reads somewhat like a concert review, it is notbecause Bruce’s funeral was primarily an aesthetic event. Rather, itis that choral concerts are experiences rooted in community, andchoral concert repertoire has its roots in these communal experiences— worship of a deity, celebration of the bounty of the earth,tribute to a beloved friend. To be a community musician withinthe choral tradition is to take part in an ancient activity that is asrelevant and necessary to our lives now as it was hundreds, possiblythousands, of years ago.Freiheit Gezangs Farein (Freedom Singing Society) in 1926,known today as The Toronto Jewish Folk Choir.Moving to this month’s choral lineup: at this time of year, almostevery choir in the region is presenting its final concert of the season,and there are many musical choices in the coming weeks. Myrecommendation: make sure you go to two or more concerts — oneby your favourite group, and one or more given by a group thatyou have not yet heard. Travel to a part of the city or region thatyou haven’t visited, and get to know a group that comes fromthat community.Another community musician of note was Ben Shek, an expertin Yiddish culture, and one of the driving forces of the venerableToronto Jewish Folk Choir. The TJFC will be giving a concert inhonour of Ben, and other members of Toronto’s Jewish choral community,on June 3.On the same night, the Penthelia Singers celebrate their 15thanniversary with a gala concert program of all-Canadian music, anda guest conducting appearance from Mary Legge, another greatToronto choral community musician.The Tallis Choir performs “The Glory of the English Anthem” onMay 5. This concert includes two genuine masterworks, Harris’seight-part setting of Faire is the Hevene, and renaissance composerThomas Tallis’s setting of the Lamentations of Jeremiah.The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir’s final concert of the season(May 23) is a feast of choral riches: the Poulenc Gloria,Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms and William Walton’sBelshazzar’s Feast.TJFC12 May 1 – June 7, 2012 PENTHeliA SINgerSMary Legge, and the Penthelia Singers.On June 9, just beyond the scope of this issue’s concert listings,Jenny Crober’s East York chorus re-christens itself the Voca Chorusof Toronto, with a performance of Paul Winter’s crowd-pleasingMissa Gaia. This work combines the sound of recorded animalvoices with energetic gospel-derived music, and has been a hit sinceits premiere in 1982.On May 4, the Upper Canada Choristers combine the famousFauré Requiem with works by Venezuelan composer CésarAlejandro Carrillo. Interestingly, the choir has recently instituted asupport program for boys with changing voices, to foster continuedchoral involvement for nascent baritones and tenors, and to promoteto teenage boys a positive message for choral singing as an ongoingactivity through adolescence and adulthood.Ben Stein is a Toronto tenor and theorbist.He can be contacted at his website at ChoirPoco of the theAurora United Church15186 Yonge StreetAnne Marie Page, Music DirectorLisa Kyriakides, Handbell DirectorSunday May 6, 20127:30 p.m.Tickets: .00905.727.1935THE ALDEBURGH CONNECTIONpresents the sixth annualBayfield Festival of SongTown Hall, Bayfield, Ontario June 2 – 10, 2012Join us!Artistic Directors: STEPHEN RALLS & BRUCE UBUKATASeven Concerts of Classical Song, withAdrianne Pieczonka, Virginia Hatfield,Laura Tucker, Megan Latham, AlexanderDobson, Geoffrey Sirett and many othersTickets to Call 416.735.7982 or 519.565.5600 or visitthe Village Bookshop, 20A Catherine St., Edison, conductorMatthew Otto, associate conductorShannon Mercer, soprano– and –John Relyea, bass baritoneToronto Mendelssohn ChoirFestival OrchestraPoulenc GloriaChichester PsalmsBelshazzar’s Feast23, 2012 | 7:30 pmKoerner Hall, TELUS Centre forPerformance and Learning273 Bloor Street WestPHOTOGRAPHY: FRANK BY:TICKETS–VOX TIX FOR 25 & UNDER 1 – June 7, 13
In addition to using the Create Calculated Column and Add Quick Calculated Column tools for creating a calculated column, you can also add a column manually by editing a report's MQL statement. Open a report where you want to create a calculated column. Click Options and select Edit MQL. This will open the MQL editor. MQL, MITS Query Language, is the code that describes the report in terms the database underlying MITS Discover can understand and knows what information to return when presenting a report. An MQL statement is made of a verb (it is always FLASH), a subject (the cube), the drill down path, sorts and filters, the columns, and additional report display details. For this topic, we are specifically interested in the columns. Here is an example of a simple MQL statement. It returns the sales for the previous two months (INVOICED.AMT.M-1 INVOICED.AMT.M-2) for all warehouses (L1) in the cube SALES. FLASH SALES L1 INVOICED.AMT.M-1 INVOICED.AMT.M-2 There are several functions available. Below is a chart showing the basic functions. ADD(col1,col2) = col1 + col2 SUBTRACT(col1,col2) = col1 – col2 DIFF(col1,col2) = col2 – col1 MULTIPLY(col1,col2) = col1 * col2 DIVIDE(col1,col2) = col1 / col2 MARGIN(col1,col2) = (col1 – col2) / col1 * 100 TREND(col1,col2) = ((col2 – col1) / ABS(col1)) * 100 POT(col1) Calculates a percent of total for each row Specify a hypercube and a column ID from another hypercube Using the example MQL, here are how you'd add those two columns by manually editing the MQL. FLASH SALES L1 The syntax is FUNCTION(col1,col2). There a no spaces in the function. Only two columns can be used in a function, but any number of columns can be nested. In our example, if we wanted to add the total for the last three month, the MQL would look like this. The syntax here is In addition to all of the above, static numbers can be used in place of any column in the function. Here is an example of multiplying a single column by 100. FLASH SALES L1 MULTIPLY(INVOICED.AMT.M-1,100) Static numbers with decimal places can be used as well. When presenting calculated columns with decimals, MITS Discover will always display the results with number of decimal places equal to the greatest number of decimal places in the columns of the function. If a column has one decimal place and the second column in the function has three decimal places, the result will display with three decimal places.
By leaving a gift to the parish in your will, you will help make an important long-term contribution to the work of the Church. Free of inheritance tax. Just instruct your solicitor or will writer, that you would like to leave a legacy to the parish. The above methods of giving enables The Parish of St Clement’s to offer faith support and a community for people to be a part of but as with any other Church community there are many fixed costs to run the church, Lighting, Heating, Water, Rates, Organ maintenance, Stationary, office administration, Housekeeping and property maintenance. Many volunteers in the parish offer their time and resources which assists in reducing these costs but despite this support the Church also has to rely on Gift Aid and fund raising events. (A common misconception being that Catholic Churches are financially supported by ‘Head Office’ eg The Diocese and Rome). Thank you for taking the time to consider Gift Aid and we welcome your thoughts, feedback and support!
If you’re seriously into writing code in C++, I strongly recommend watching the recordings from the Going Native 2013 conference. One of the talks reminded me of the following guideline: Avoid using the new operator and never use the delete operator. It’s very easy to make a mistake when using them and the consequences are usually severe. Obviously you need to replace them with RAII (use constructors and destructors for acquiring and releasing resources, respectively). The following seemingly innocuous example demonstrates the problem with the new operator: class MyClass { OtherClass* ptr; public: MyClass() : ptr( new OtherClass ) { // ... do some work here ... } ~MyClass() { delete ptr; } }; What’s wrong here? The problem is not obvious at the first glance. If some code in the “do some work here” section throws an exception for whatever reason, the compiler has no way of knowing whether the object construction has been successfully finished or not, so the destructor’s body will never be invoked. If this happens, the object under ptr member will simply leak. It may not seem serious at the first glance, but someone could spend weeks chasing down this leak, especially if the exception is thrown very rarely. What scares me is that this approach to handling memory resources is very common… What are the solutions? If it’s a single object, try to make it a member of the class directly. This is solution is particularly good if the parent class needs to be copyable. If you have to allocate it for whatever reason, use std::unique_ptr in C++11 and std::auto_ptr C++98 (with caveats!). In this case the parent class must not be copyable, so better prevent that with some idiom, e.g. by deleting the copy constructor and assignment operator in C++11, or making the copy constructor and assignment operator private in C++98.
HERMANTOWN, MN-- A detour will be put in place for a few days while a railroad crossing is getting work done. CN Railroad crews will be conducting maintenance work at the railroad crossing on Midway Road by Adolph, located 0.2 miles south of U.S. Highway 2. This crossing will be closed from June 27 to July 1. Detour signs will direct traffic to use the St. Louis River Road and U.S. Highway 2 instead. Motorists are reminded to slow down and use caution any time they are traveling in or near work zones.
One of the best parts of the holidays is sharing the magic of the season with friends. Every year we get together with our good friends Christiana and Todd and their kids and decorate cookies together. I still remember our first cookie party five years ago when there was only one kid decorating cookies. Jamie and I didn’t have any kids of our own, but we set up the party for our friend’s daughter because we knew she would love it. Times have changed and our families have grown! We now have five kids standing around our kitchen island decorating cookies, and next year there will be seven kids between our two families! We definitely believe the more the merrier… but we have also come to realize the more the messier! We don’t mind the kids making a mess, but we have discovered that the kids have more fun when things are a bit more organized and don’t feel as chaotic. We’ve learned a few things over the years about hosting a cookie party and thought we would share a few of our tips! Make the Dough! Use a good recipe for making your dough! We have previously posted Jenny Cookie’s sugar cookie recipe here in addition to the best soft gingerbread cookies here. Make the dough early enough so you have time to roll your cookies out the day before your cookie party! On another note… you could skip this step altogether! Check with your local bakery or grocery store to see if they have cookie decorating kits where you can just purchase fresh baked cookies directly from the store! Lets be honest… sometimes there just isn’t time to do all the baking yourself, and thats ok! Roll it out! Roll the cookies out before all of the kids arrive! We used to have all of the kids participate in rolling out cookies. While it is fun to do with one or two kids, rolling out cookies with five kids, is tough. We found that they had a hard time being patient through rolling enough cookies to actually decorate and then waiting for them to bake and then cool. Most kids are really excited about adding the frosting and the sprinkles, so baking the cookies ahead of time allows the kids to do what they really love most! I rolled out most of the cookies myself, but it sure was fun to have my little buddy next to me rolling out a little bit of dough and experimenting with how to use a rolling pin! 3. The icing on the cookie! While I love the look of smooth royal icing on a sugar cookie, it’s not very easy or fun for kids to work with. We like using buttercream… or perhaps I should call it fake buttercream- you know the fluffy kind bakeries ice their cakes with that is entirely unhealthy but still tasty! You can find our recipe here from a post we did several years ago! Make your icing ahead of time and color it to your desired shades! We use AmeriColor food coloring in small amounts, or just keep the icing white! You can also just purchase icing from your local bakery or grocery store! Sprinkle it up! At our very first cookie party two year old Isola referred to the sprinkles as “toppers” and the name has kind of stuck with us! We like to find a variety of fun and unique sprinkles in the color palette of the party. We source our sprinkles from places like Williams Sonoma , Wilton or Etsy! Minimize the mess! We don’t mind kids making the mess, but if we can minimize the amount of clean up we have to do afterwards, it gives us more time to spend with our family versus being overwhelmed with clean up! Here are a few supplies that have come in handy for us: Takeout containers with lids work great to quickly color and store your icing Disposable decorating bags allows for quick clean up at the end Icing bag ties help keep the frosting in the decorating bag by tying off the end Small cookie sheets for each kid to decorate on keep the sprinkles (mostly) contained Paper souffle cups are perfect for rationing sprinkles out to each kid ( this helps us avoid the whole sprinkle bottle from being poured out on just one cookie or kids fighting over which color of sprinkles they currently want to use!) Standing higher! We get the kids closer to the action with the use of towers and stepping stools. We have a couple of these learning towers that have been gifted to us. We love this brand because of the solid construction and that the towers are adjustable for different heights to accommodate various stages of childhood. Our step-stools are probably from Target- Nothing special, but great to have on hand! Freedom and Fun! I love that our kids feel free to decorate their cookies however they want. We try to just let them explore and figure things out on their own unless they ask for help. I love seeing what they each come up with, what colors they prefer using and creating what they find beautiful in their little minds! The kids get so focused on what they are doing, and then are so proud of themselves for what they have created. Except for London. She’s just there to eat the cookies (with monitored consumption of course). Take photos! It’s so crazy to think that Isola was only two years old when we made our first cookies together. Watching her grow into the young lady she is becoming has been a joy… she’s also developed some impressive cookie decorating skills since that first party. I wish I had photos from that first year. Watching how the kids have changed and developed from year to year is really special and the photos from this party each year are things I really treasure. Get in on the Action! Parents deserve to have some fun too! When the kids are done and lose interest, take some time and create your own cookies… It will make you feel like a kid again! This is the first year that our kids were old enough to really go and play on their own in the adjoining room while we were able to have some decorating fun! Something tells me 10 years from now it will just be us decorating the cookies while the kids are off spending time with each other. Tied up in String! The first year we decorated cookies together, we got to the end and I realized we didn’t have anything to package the cookies and send them home in. We are more prepared now, and have a variety of different bakery boxes that our friends can package their cookies up with, like these bakery boxes! Having ribbon to tie up the package makes it special and festive! The velvet ribbon in the photos was a vintage find, but you can purchase similar ribbon from ETSY and the chunky yarn is from Michaels! Life is better done together! The most important thing that I am reminded of every time we see our friends, is that life is better when we do it together. Our community is our support, encouragement and cheering squad through the ups and downs of life. Investing into the kind of friends that truly know your heart and allow you to just be yourself, and push you to be the best version of yourself is worth its weight in gold. True friendship is hard to come by and is truly the best kind of gift you can receive in this world… although good cookies with some icing and “toppers” might be a close second!
THE EAGLE EYE • January 30, 2019 • MSD students create portraits for impoverished teens Taylor Morrison MSD students create portraits for teens in the Philippines. The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School 2D art students, lead by art teachers Jacqueline Lieberman and Randee Lombard participated in the annual Memory Project. This year students drew portraits of children in the Philippines who are living in an impoverished environment. The Memory Project is a nonprofit organization that works with students to create portraits of children who face a range of extreme challenges. It has created more than 130,000 portraits in 47 different countries since 2004. Each year, the Memory Project partners with different charities in different countries, and this year the organization chose the Philippines. The Memory Project sends a photo of each child with their name, age, and favorite color listed on the bottom to each school. The students will then use the photos and favorite color of the child to create a unique portrait that will be sent back to them to have. 21 MSD students from various 2D art levels including AP, as well as art level 2 and 3, participated in the Memory Project this year. “This project is something that these children will be able to cherish for their whole life,” Lieberman said. “This was something that was made for them specifically, their portrait, and i’m sure that they’re gonna cherish that forever.” The goal of the Memory Project is to ensure that the impoverished children not only receive a special childhood memory in the form of art, but also feel valued and that their strength is recognized. The organization emphasizes on their website that they “also place a special emphasis on creating portraits for children in countries that have tension with the United States as a way of extending our hand in peace.” “I enjoy participating in the Memory Project every year because I know how much it means to the people we are drawing that we took the time to create something for them,” senior Olivia Feller said. In previous years, MSD students have been given portraits of children that are much younger, between the ages of 3 and 10. However, this year, they received photos of teenagers closer to their age. “It was cool to be able to draw someone closer to my age, not only because it was more artistically challenging, but because I am looking at someone that is the same age of me, only in an extremely different situation,” Feller said. In conjunction with the portraits, the students donated $315 to the Memory Project due to the $15 cost per portrait, which the MSD National Art Honors Society fundraised to cover the cost of. The children have received their portraits and now the MSD students are expecting a video response of each child seeing their portrait for the first time.
The sock is going well, thank you, but I need a change of pace for the holidays. So, I have decided that the sock is what comes with me in the car on a daily basis (I’m not the driver, don’t worry!) and that I need a different project to work on at home. So I decided to cast on for an old favorite hat: Hat Ribbing with other colors in the background This is the “Long Winter’s Nap” hat by Brian Kohler, which was done for Knit Picks in 2005. Sadly the pattern is no longer available. Please don’t ask me for it either, as the copyright is now solely in the hands of the designer. I don’t know if he plans to re-release it or not. I loved knitting this hat, but even though I worked it at a fairly tight gauge, the original hat I made still came out too loose for my head. So this one I began the ribbing with fewer stitches at a tighter gauge. I’ll increase to the number of stitches needed for the pattern after I’m done with the hat band. The other thing I am going to try with this version? Stripes. It means doing rounds of plain stockinette between the pattern repeats to hide the color transitions better, but we’ll see how it goes. I think it’s going to be an adventure. I hope I get it done in time to be able to wear it for Christmas. For the yarn I’m using Cascade 220 in a natural color for the ribbing band and pom pom, and then alternating colors 2425 (rust) and 9338 (olive heather) for sort of an antique faded-looking red and green. At least that’s what I’m seeing in my head! Time will tell whether I have have a workable idea. Wish me luck… I’ve been having the urge to write again. Not just about knitting, but lots of things. When I was younger I wrote short stories and essays and poetry, a lot. I filled notebooks with my writing. I’d like to try my hand at writing again. Sometimes I wonder whether age and a half lifetime of technical and marketing writing has sapped the creativity right out of me. But I guess I don’t know what will happen unless I try, right? So, occasionally this blog might contain other types of entries, just for fun, and I hope you’ll bear with me if I do veer away from knitting every once in a blue moon. I can’t even say it’s going to happen soon, because writing well takes a while, but if it does, I hope you won’t mind. In the meantime I’ve got lots of knitting to do. It feels good to be making progress again. Filed Under: blog, Knitting, Project Progress, Yarn Tagged With: hat Knitting Little Things September 29, 2009 by Trish 1 Comment It’s been a busy and stressful couple of weeks at Casa de Trish Knits. Cars needing emergency repairs, way stressful at work, and lots of extra school related stuff with the kids. Who knew planning for high school next year was going to be so hard? When I was a kid, you just sort of showed up. Apparently, at least in my daughter’s case, it’s not quite like that. So, we’ve been extra busy and extra tired. Not much quiet time, and not much restorative sleep happening, either. Sigh. I’m kind of a caffeine-charged nervous wreck. But, sometimes, that’s just the way it is. I’ve actually been forcing myself to knit. Staying awake in the car, and knitting. Keeping myself awake at all these extra meetings with the help of my knitting. Trying not to work so much at night so I can veg out in front of the TV and knit. (Believe it or not, I don’t do that very often.) I’ve been forcing myself to knit, because I do think it’s helping. And I have some stuff to show for it, too. Wanna see? Elijah the Elephant in progress This is Elijah by Ysolda Teague. At first I thought there is NO WAY mine is going to look anything like the one on the website. But, just tonight, I got far enough on the trunk that I could really see the head taking shape. If you’re like me and you really, really hate major amounts of seaming and finishing, but you want to make toys, Ysolda’s patterns are for you. Already I want to make several others of hers and I have ideas for others based on basic shapes in her patterns. I’m really enjoying making this little guy, and in the end, I think I might be sorry that I’m giving him away. My friend Marie has a friend who is collecting toys for an orphanage in Haiti and our knit group is helping the cause. But I can tell already that this is probably not going to be the only Elijah I ever make. Then, for my commuter knitting, there’s this, which finally looks like it’s supposed to be a hat: Hat Progress I just added my second skein of Noro Kureyon today and I hope to have it finished in the next week or so. It’s based on Charisa Martin Cairn’s Lifestyle Top Down Hat and I’m hoping in the end that it will have a bit of a slouchy beret shape. I guess we’ll see…. wish me luck! Finally, I have to share this: Boyzilla and Bird This is my BoyZilla at the pet supply store this past weekend. The kids like popping in there on the weekends when we’re out and about doing errands because there are always animal rescue people on hand with pets for adoption. This bird started out on my son’s arm and walked his way up to his shoulder. In this photo it looks like my son is a bit unsure about the whole thing but really he was quite excited and took the photo to school to show his second grade class. Isn’t he cute? This Saturday is knit group already. Time’s flying, but I’m really looking forward to it. Hopefully I’ll pop into the blog at least once again before then. It’s late, though, and I have a 12-hour workday to look forward to tomorrow. Oh, joy. Listen to this article Filed Under: blog, Knitting, Project Progress Tagged With: hat, kid Knit Happy! August 28, 2009 by 4 Comments It’s late, especially today, but I just wanted to share this before bed: Knit Happy mug I got this adorable mug from Knitting Today earlier this week. In fact, I got several of them. They come in six colors, and of course I picked purple to show you. I don’t plan on using the mug for tea; I plan on keeping one on my desk at home, one on my desk at work, and giving the other three as gifts. The little sheep is adorable, and I love the saying on the front, “Knit Happy.” The ironic thing is that I don’t feel like I’ve been knitting happy at all lately. I’m surrounded by yarn and a plethora of patterns and books, and everything is all neat and organized and I can actually see what I’ve got now. Except that now that it’s all neatly put away it’s like I don’t want to touch it. I wish I could just dump all my yarn out all around me and go diving for something fun. While I’m great at making the kind of mess something like that would involve, I’m not so good at putting it all away without help. So in the boxes it stays, and at times I think I forget what I have. Maybe I should bite the bullet and go to my trusty box of Cascade 220, and ball up some yarn and knit a hat. Hats used to make me knit happy. But you know what? I haven’t made a hat in a looong time. Maybe that’s the cure. The hat I’m dying to make most is Vivian, by Lisa Cruse. The showier, the better. Big hat, huge flowers. Or, cables? I have a fabulous pattern for a cabled scarf that came with some cashmere I bought at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. The cable pattern looks pretty complex, so I told myself I should practice it on something else before tackling the cashmere. Or, Girasole? I know I mention that project a lot. But one advantage to that one is that the alpaca yarn I have for it is right behind me in my active projects bin, waiting. Maybe I should just cast on for that. Tomorrow is an interim meeting of my knitting group. Our official meeting isn’t until September 12, but lots of folks have been itching to get together and knit. I’m going, and I guess I better decide by tomorrow what I’m going to knit. Wish me luck deciding! I’ll check back in tomorrow. Listen to this article Filed Under: Knitting, Patterns, Products Tagged With: blanket, hat, Yarn Why I’m Not Meant to Do Tubular Cast On August 15, 2009 by Trish 2 Comments See this? Live knit stitch hanging loose Sometimes I wish my camera wasn’t so good at closeup photography. What you’re looking at is clear evidence as to why I should stay away from tubular cast on with small needles and fingering weight yarn. When joining the knit stitches with the live stitches in the waste yarn, I missed a few. They were SO tiny from being pulled and tugged that once in a while they got impossible to see. And I tried to think of a way to fudge and fix it, but I can’t. I’m sure there might be a way, but I think the safest thing to do at this point is to frog and go with a different cast on. Thank goodness I have the A Knitting Glossary DVD by Elizabeth Zimmermann and Meg Swansen where I can look for ideas on something stretchy and attractive for my tam. Wish me luck! So, my summer of knitting frustration and general slumpiness continues. Hopefully, things will get better soon. Until then I think I’m going to call it a night. Perhaps a fresh outlook and some sleep will do the knitting some good. Listen to this article Filed Under: blog, Knitting, Project Progress Tagged With: hat, tam, tubular cast on Be Warned: Loooong Knitting Post Ahead February 9, 2009 by Trish 7 Comments And Thank You for that, oh Cable Internet Provider Craptacular! I’ve been offline more than on since last Wednesday so this is the first chance I’m getting to update since our Bowie Knitting meetup on Saturday. So, bear with me, as this is sort of a catch-up post. First, I have an FO Report!! Lady Hawk Hat Project Name: Lady Hawk Hat Source: Me! Yarn Used: Cascade 220, less than one skein each of Navy and White Needle Size: 5 (I’m a loose knitter) Date Started: October 17, 2008 Date Completed: February 7, 2009 Tammy did the duplicate stitching on the hat Notes: I did this hat using a simple top-down formula and changed colors back and forth basically when I felt like it. Except that I knew that the letters I’d be using were 10 stitches high so I had to do one of the white bands at least wide enough to accommodate the lettering. I am not sure why this hat took so long to finish, except that it did. Perhaps it was that I was dragging my feet about doing the duplicate stitch lettering, and it turned out that was for good reason, because I sucked eggs at stitching. I’m going to have to practice with some swatches before next time. So, enter in Tammy, who graciously (and patiently!) tried to show me how to do duplicate stitch at our last group meeting. She felt sorry for me and my pending sense of disaster, I think, because she took pity on me and offered to do the stitching and bring the hat back to me. This was so generous of her! It looks great, doesn’t it? And I do think that my generally hard-to-please, almost-teen was genuinely thrilled with it, even if it was in her usual understated way. Thanks to Tammy for helping to make this project a success! February Bowie Borders Meetup Report Our little monthly group met on February 7 at the usual time in our favorite little coffee shop. There was much yarn and much fun enjoyed by all! Here are some photos of the afternoon’s doin’s! Marie is helping Doris learn to read her knitting Shoot! Forgot what Heather said she is making. Is it a sweater? Ileana models a beautiful shawl Leslie models a sweater sleeve in progress Molinda has started a beautiful new project This was Nicole’s first visit with us. We hope she had fun! She’s working on a prayer shawl. Other Trish is working on a new scarf project. She’s making good progress! Rhoda is making a new scarf, and oooooh… it’s purple… I brought my little Flip Ultra video camera with me to group for the first time and I got a few shots of the fun. It was a great day! I am always so excited to go to group every time. I love the bunch of people that I am getting to know! And Finally, A Ravelry Connection! You know, I am amazed at the number of ways Ravelry has impacted my life over the last year and a half. Over the weekend I got my glasses done, at long last, after being frustrated with my poor quality of vision correction for at least 4 years. Wouldn’t you know it? Someone I met on Ravelry is a Master Optician at a local optical chain, and she helped me make some good decisions about my eyes. I have progressive lenses, and have had them for the last several years, but my mid-range vision for the computer has been consistently awful. Anne Marie (“Roxy”) fixed me right up! Given the amount of time I spend at the computer, she recommended two pairs of glasses, one for distance and reading, and one for computer use and reading. Wow. I never would have thought to do it this way, but it works and I love them! Of course I had to make sure to document the occasion for the blog: Trish with Anne Marie... I can see again! THANKS!!! So as you can see, Saturday was a great day filled with many rewards. I do love the knitters! Listen to this article Filed Under: blog, Events, Finished Objects, Knitting Tagged With: borders, Bowie, hat, Ravelry Off the Needles! January 14, 2009 by Trish Leave a Comment Finally I have some progress to report on my daughter’s school spirit hat: hat off the needles I managed to bind it off today! Tomorrow morning, before work, I will attempt to create the words, “Lady Hawks” in duplicate stitch. I’ll be using an alphabet chart from Sarah Bradberry’s site. I’ll follow the tutorial on the Purl Bee site, which seems amazingly clear and makes it look easy enough. Still, I am a bit nervous. I’ve never done duplicate stitch before, so wish me luck. Tegan is fairly indifferent to my knitting apprehension: Tabby with eyes shut But hopefully all will be well and there will be an FO report soon. I’ve been having trouble focusing on blogging this week and I do apologize for that. But you see, I have a problem. It’s American Idol season, and for some reason I can’t turn my eyes from the sight of a train wreck. American Idol season usually means lots of knitting for me, though, so I’m going to have to squeeze the blogging in there somewhere! And, so, wish me luck on the hat. We’re expecting a cold snap just in time for the Inauguration festivities, as per usual, and my daughter cold use a bit of warm woolly love on her noggin.
Dip your spoon into the smooth, silky goodness of Organic Chocolate and roasted Hazelnuts! Savör Chocolate Hazelnut Spread is made with creamy chocolate, delicious whole roasted hazelnuts, sustainable certified palm oil and Organic Cane Sugar – leaving you with a treat that you can feel good about. Spread on toast, use as a dip for fruit, eat with crackers, top on crepes or just dive in with a spoon – this delectable spread will have you saying “mmmm” in no time. Certified organic classic spread Made with high quality ingredients Characterized by the presence of roasted hazelnuts, well balanced with the taste of the cocoa and milk
From All India Bank Employees Association, we hail the nationalisation of Banks and its 51st Anniversary. In our country, these nationalised public sector Banks have played a very significant and leading role in the broad-based economic development. We are proud that AIBEA played a big role in campaigning and fighting for nationalisation of Banks. We recall the pioneering role played by our leaders Com Prabhat Kar( former General Secretary of AIBEA) and Com H L Parvana (former Secretary of AIBEA) for leading the struggle and achieving nationalisation of Banks in 1969. • Today public sector banks have grown in a very big way proliferating• with their branches in every nook and corner. • Today the total Deposits of all commercial banks is more than Rs. 138 lac• crores. Thus, the savings of the common man is safe in the Banks. • Today, the common man can enter a Bank branch and access banking• services. • Today banking credit is made available for all vital and basic sectors –• agriculture, employment generation, poverty reduction, rural development, women empowerment, small, medium and micro industries, health and education, infrastructure development, exports, etc. Today public sector Banks are investing huge amounts in Government• schemes and projects thus accelerating development. • Today public sector banks help in employment generation, both direct• employment and indirect employment. Public Sector Banks have become the engines of growth and development. Banks are nation building institutions and we must strengthen these Banks. While public sector banks have a done yeomen services in the last five decades, they need to be strengthened and taken forward to cater to country’s self-sufficiency and Atma Nirbhar Bharat, Atma nirbhar or self-dependency cannot be achieved by weakening our public sector banks or by privatizing our Banks. We have very Vitter experience of private Banks in our country. The only major problem faced by our Banks is the bulging and alarmingly increasing bad loans by the private companies and corporates. If tough action is taken on them and money is recovered, our Banks can play a bigger role in national development. The present practice of giving concessions to the defaulters and burdening the banking public with lesser rate of interest on their savings and increase in service charges should be stopped. While celebrating the Bank Nationalisation Day, the following are our demands and we shall continue our campaign on the same. Strengthen public sector banks • Provide adequate capital to all the Banks • Stop attempts of privatization • Take stringent measures to recover corporate bad loans • Make willful default of bank loan a criminal offence • Publish all the names of loan defaulters • Bank defaulters from holding public office and to contest elections • Strengthen recovery laws – review IBC • Increase interest rate on Deposits • Reduce service charges to common people to access banking service • Provide adequate staff in Branches to improve customer service • Merge all RRBs with sponsor Banks AIBEA will shortly undertake nationwide campaign on these demands. To start with, we are today releasing the list of 2426 borrower accounts who are WILFUL DEFAULTERS and together owe the Banks Rs. 147,350 crores.
Rosa L. Wolter, age 79, of Mayville passed away on Monday, June 15, 2020 at St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac.Rosa was born the daughter of Cecil and Nellie (Wackett) Gray on March 16, 1941 in Wyocena. She was graduate of Horicon High School. Rosa was united in marriage to Edward Wolter on April 28, 1959 in Zion Lutheran Church in Horicon. She was retired from Mayville Engineering Company. In her spare time, Rosa enjoyed the outdoors and taking care of her plants and flowers and watching the deer. She loved when her grandchildren and great grandchildren would come over.Rosa is survived by her husband of 62 years- Edward of Mayville. Her sons- Terry (Jody Schroeder) Wolter and Todd (Debra) Wolter of Mayville. Her grandchildren- Jason (Melissa), Jessie (Sara), and Josey (Sarah) Schroeder, Jeremy Wolter, and Courtney Wolter. Her great grandchildren- Morgan and Molly. Her sister- Nancy Graf of Theresa. She is further survived by other relatives and friends.She was preceded in death by her parents.A private family inurnment will be held at the Shrine of Rest Mausoleum in Fond du Lac.
The Muslim Women’s Association (MWA) was founded in 1962. It held its meetings at the Regent’s Park Mosque, and in 1981 established the Madina House project in its vicinity. This digital archive has been deposited by Mrs. Unaiza Malik, who joined the MWA at its founding and served as President 1999-2001 (click here for her inaugural speech), and subsequently re-elected in 2004. She has provided this background to the institution: Within Britain in April 1962 there was very little knowledge about Islam and hardly any support groups for Muslims. The Secretary of the Islamic Cultural Centre and Regents Park Mosque, Mr Riad El-Droubie, invited a group of women to form what he named the Muslim Women’s Association, as a society bringing together educated women associated with the Regents Park Mosque, representing Islamic thought and providing support for the less privileged. The first meeting took place at the Regents Park Mosque on 21 April 1962. Elections were held at its second meeting on 5 May 1962. Its newsletter, The Muslim Woman, was launched in 1969 and published regularly until 2001. A constitution was adopted on 8 October 1972. Amendments were made in 1996 and 1998. The orphanage project – later named Madina House – was initiated by Begum Ayesha Jan in 1964, then President of the MWA. It was not until many years later that the dream was realised. It was made possible partly by a lot of hard graft on the part of the women of the Association themselves who collected small amounts painstakingly through fund-raising bazaars and sales of home-made cakes etc. This however would never have been enough if it had not been for the larger donations – there were several personal donors, including those from members of the MWA. The main institutional donors were the Embassies of Muslim countries whose ambassadors also formed the Board of the Regents Park Mosque. Donations were sought and received from as far apart as Khartoum, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Kenya and Egypt for the good cause. Premises located at 146 Gloucester Place London NW1 were purchased in 1981 and named ‘Madina House’. It is believed that it was purchased for under £100,000. The children’s home offered residential child care to children within the framework of a Muslim way of life. Mrs. Nisa Ali, wife of Mr. Ashraf Ali, a community worker at the Regents Park mosque, and also the first secretary of the association, was a paid member of staff. The House closed around 1999 and the premises sold in June 2005 for £950,000. It is believed that a portion of this sum was subsequently transferred to a charity in Wales. The current trustees of the Madina House Trust are: Karimunisa Mustafa, Saleem Kidwai OBE, Dr. Zenub Khan, Dr. Merajuddin Hasan (source: Charity Commission website accessed November 2019).
LifeProof is best known for its durable iPhone cases which protect the iPhone from water, dust, scratches, and drops. The company also recently introduced the Nuud case for the iPad. The Samsung Galaxy S III is the first non-Apple product LifeProof will make a special case for. There’s no release date or price for the LifeProof Samsung Galaxy S III case, only a few teaser images that show a silhouette of the Galaxy S III case. LifeProof does have a preview page for the device where Galaxy S III owners can sign up to receive an email when the case is ready to sell. Read: Best Galaxy S III Cases LifeProof sells its iPhone 4S case for $79.99, and its hard to imagine a Samsung Galaxy S III case selling for much more than that. LifeProof isn’t the only company that makes cases for Samsung’s flagship smartphone. Companies like Otterbox and Speck also make cases for the smartphone. The Galaxy S III is the first Android phone in recent memory to have a large collection of cases available. Most case makers tend to stick with the iPhone and iPad, but many are now including the Galaxy S III in their lineup. The downside for Galaxy S III owners is they have to wait a bit longer for cases to come out because Samsung changes its designs so dramatically from year to year. Apple typically keeps one design for two years, making it easy to have cases ready for the “S” devices. Case makers that design for Samsung’s Galaxy S phones must to start over every year. Related Topics:Galaxy S IIIGalaxy S III caseLifeproofLifeProof Galaxy S III caseSamsungSamsung Galaxy S III 2 Comments 2 Comments TheRealCBONE 10/24/2012 at 9:47 am Thanks to the Seidio OBEX threat, they decided to put out a tease. Competition, gotta love it! Reply Roxanne 10/26/2012 at 9:36 am It’s nice to see High-End manufacturers acknowledging there are many other consumers that purchase, and prefer Smartphones other than the I-Phone.
Resignation announcements Tuesday from FDA’s two most senior regulators responsible for oversight of vaccines, Marion Gruber and Phil Krause, surprised their colleagues at FDA, as well as ...
That is, the entire road infrastructure will pay to maintain and operation of the road. Not hard to imagine that such a payment method can bring to the owner of the road is much more substantial profit than direct tolls citizens. But what is especially important for users for us, all roads will remain free. Moreover, even the cost of petrol at filling stations and roadside value of all goods and services will not change because the price is ultimately determined by competition and by supply and demand. And the competition will only increase. Cost of goods and services play in price formation in this case a minor role. This will only change income roadside businesses. They have to pay a fair share of their profits to the owner of the road, due to which they actually exist. But as the indirect road users will pay for travel on the roads, paying for gasoline and other services, then just step simultaneously with the introduction of the above legislative initiatives would repeal the tax on roads for cars. In this case, the owner of most of the Russian roads can and probably should remain state. But the methods of property management at the same time would be more effective. An important advantage of this scheme to that currently exists, even while maintaining public property is that the money for maintenance and development of roads coming into an enterprise owning expensive than through taxes, directly bypassing the state budget. It is also important that the usual scheme of toll roads fare at the entrance is only possible on country roads.
New Head Coach Mandy Botham has changed the culture at Red Deer, and the Queens are reaping the rewards early in 2019-20. (Source: Red Deer Advocate) (Header: Red Deer Advocate) RED DEER, Alta. – Relentless. When asked to describe this year’s Red Deer College Queens team using one word, there was a brief pause. After thinking about it for a few seconds, Head Coach Mandy Botham hit the nail on the head. With one 10-letter word, Botham perfectly captured this year’s edition of the Queens. On the heels of a three-win season a year ago, the word relentless symbolizes much more than just Red Deer’s style of play on the floor this season. It also encompasses a summer-long transformation for both Botham and the Queens, one that’s had positive effects both on and off the court, and the amount of work that was put in by all to get the team to where they are now. Botham is in her first season as Head Coach of the Queens. Prior to accepting the position at Red Deer, Botham was the Head Coach of the GPRC Wolves, a place where she starred as a player prior to entering the coaching ranks. During the 1994-95 season, Botham was part of a Wolves team that went undefeated in ACAC play, and would eventually go on to win the ACAC Championship. Botham and the Wolves would then pick up a Bronze Medal at the 1995 CCAA Women’s Basketball National Championship in Nova Scotia. “It really was a lifelong goal for me to be able to go back and coach the school that I played at,” said Botham. “I felt really honoured and humbled that I got the opportunity to coach at GPRC.” After her playing career came to a close, Botham didn’t enter the world of coaching right away. Some time away from the game was on tap, but once she got her first experience on the sideline, thing came into focus. “As soon as I had that first taste, I was hooked,” said Botham. “Once my playing career in college was over, I felt like I had this big void in my life.” “I took about five years away from it before I got back into coaching.” Prior to her time as the Head Coach at GPRC, Botham’s coaching career has taken her to different parts of Western Canada. She has served as the Head Coach of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Eagles in Surrey, BC, and she even returned to her hometown of Prince George to serve as an Assistant Coach with the UNBC Timberwolves. Botham has also served as an Assistant Coach of Team B.C.’s U15 Girls Team in 2014, and Head Coach in 2015. She has also coached at the Canada Basketball Centre for Performance in Vancouver. All of her stops have led her to where Botham is today. Botham took over a Red Deer team that was coming off a down 2018-19 season, one that saw the Queens post just three wins in ACAC play. After Head Coach Ken King accepted the Lead Assistant Coach position with the Mount Royal Cougars, it wasn’t long before Botham was named the next Head Coach of the Queens. Botham took over the Queens program on May 16th, 2019. The transition from GRPC to Red Deer hasn’t come without its share of challenges. However, those challenges are different than the ones she faced when she was with the Wolves. “Recruiting was definitely a challenge,” continued Botham, when asked about the challenges of coaching in Grande Prairie. “We typically see a lot of players in Calgary and Edmonton, the bigger centers, and a lot of players are reluctant to come north to Grande Prairie.” “They didn’t know much about the city or the college, and they didn’t like the idea of going further north and having colder winters.” Not wanting colder winters is something that all Canadians can relate to. Now at Red Deer, the challenges for Botham are still there, but from a different angle. The Queens returned over half of their roster from last season, plus three players decided to transfer from GRPC to Red Deer. On the recruiting trail, Botham added two players to fill out her roster. Recruiting hasn’t been the challenge, but bringing everyone together proved tough at times. “The biggest challenge was coming into a program as a new coach and trying to get all of the athletes on the same page,” said Botham. “Just trying to mesh everyone together, getting to know the athletes, and for them to know my expectations, that took us a little while to get going.” (Source: Red Deer College Queens) As a new coach, Botham had a luxury that most coaches who take on new roles don’t have. Three players transferred from the Wolves at the end of last season, and they chose to come to Red Deer and play for Botham on the Queens. That level of familiarity between coach and player has made the transition smoother for all parties involved. “I was really pleased when I found out that they wanted to transfer,” continued Botham. “I found that they were able to help the other girls learn the things that are important to me as a coach and the things I like to emphasize, and it made that transition a little bit easier, both for me and for the other athletes.” “I think that’s always a good sign that you’re doing the right things, when athletes have a choice and they choose to play for me again.” Second year wing Sophie Melin (Stockholm, SWE), third year wing Derian Geddes (Calgary, Alta.), and third year forward Britney Peters (Fort St. John, BC) made the move to Red Deer along with Botham at the end of last season. “It was pretty exciting.” The date was Friday, November 8th. For the second time in four games to start the 2019-20 season, the Queens took on the defending National Champion Olds College Broncos, a team that was also the top-ranked team in the country at the time. After a 16-point loss to the Broncos in their season opener, at home no less, Botham and the Queens found themselves in a close contest against the Broncos on their home floor. The final result was one that brought everything full-circle for the Queens. The scoreboard read 69-65 in favour of the Queens with no time left on the clock. “It was a bit surreal that night for all of us, actually,” said Botham. “When the final buzzer went, they were pretty elated, and as a coach, I was just so happy to see that all of the things we’ve been working so hard on since I took over, I felt like in that moment they came to fruition for the athletes.” “They were understandably nervous, facing the defending National Champions. They really executed our game plan well for a full 40 minutes, and they were able to execute the adjustment that I made during the game as things came, and they really just stayed composed.” At the time, the win gave the Queens their third victory of the season. For reference, Red Deer didn’t record their third win in 2018-19 until February 16th. The Queens then followed up their win over the Broncos with a win over the Ambrose Lions in their next contest, surpassing last year’s win total. With a win over the Broncos under their belts, there’s no telling what the Queens can achieve this season. Even with a win against Olds to their name and having surpassed last year’s win total, the Queens aren’t satisfied with where they stand. Hungry for more, Botham and the Queens will be looking to build on the work they’ve put in so far to continue their strong start to the season. “We’re just looking to build from a culture standpoint,” continued Botham. “We’ve been fortunate that we’ve seen the transformation in the culture translate into some more wins on the court, which has been really great for the athletes.” Change doesn’t just happen overnight. While the Queens have seen the results go in their favour early on in 2019-20, things didn’t just happen from one day to the next. A consistent level of work and dedication has to be put in for significant change to be made, and that’s a concept that Botham instilled into the Queens from day one. The work that both Botham and the players have put in is a true testament to where hard work can take you. Players bought into the new system early on, thanks in part to the group of three players who have experience playing with Botham at GPRC, and that has helped the team become one cohesive unit quicker than many anticipated. Early wins and favourable results are all an added bonus. They have brought the team closer to one another, strengthening the culture that everyone worked so hard in the summer to build and change. In six short months, the Queens have gone from a last-place team that missed the playoffs in the always-competitive ACAC South Division, to an upstart team that has its sights set firmly on a playoff spot. One simple, 10-letter word perfectly captures everything the Queens have put into turning things around this season, and Botham is a big reason for their turnaround. Relentless. – T. Bennett Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... 2019-20 SeasonACACACAC WBBBritney PetersCanadaCCAACCAA WBBCoaching FeaturesDerian GeddesInterviewsMandy BothamRed Deer Polytechnic QueensSophie MelinTeam Features
Brief: Create a high quality, long-lasting artwork to cover a 2.6.m-high, 38m-long, curved section of wall on Ibis Place in High Wycombe, near the new High Wycombe train station. The segmented concrete block wall surrounds an electrical substation and will be seen by pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles accessing the station precinct. The design of the artwork will be guided by the themes the Youth Art Members identified in an initial planning workshop. ​Outcome: Artwork themes were identified by a group of young people from the Right Track program. The themes were: connection, Kalamunda, flora and fauna, in particular Black Cockatoos, Jacarandas and Kangaroos. Taking these themes on board Fieldey created a dynamic design the evokes the commuter rail journey from working in the city, which is filled with stark geometric shapes (left hand side of wall) which morphs into the organic forms and realistic animals of the hills (right). The animals represent the commuters on their journey home from work, morphing across the wall from geometric city animals into realistic animals. As the wall is curved, it must be walked around to be experienced and the artwork unfolds, like the landscape, as seen from a train. ​ Part of the mural was painted as a community “paint-by-number” day by the participants of the Right Track program. ​
Treehouse Lodge, located in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru, features 12 treehouses between 35 - 75 feet above the jungle floor Treehouse Twelve – Soledad Treehouse Ten – Costa Bella Treehouse Nine – Serena Treehouse Six – Casa Alta Treehouse Five – Bamboo House Treehouse Four – Casa Grande See All Treehouses See Treehouses Map Treehouse Lodge The only all-inclusive treehouse lodge in the Amazon, delivering a once in a lifetime experience. We are located in the Peruvian Amazon at the confluence of the serene and protected Yarapa and Cumaceba rivers near the Pacaya Samiria Reserve. Come stay with us and you’ll see the rainforest from an entirely new perspective that most visitors never experience… the tree top canopy. You’ll never forget the experience of watching monkeys and birds at eye level as every morning you’ll wake up to a safari of animal life before you even get out of bed. Not to worry, you won’t sacrifice any of the usual comforts found on the ground. Every bungalow is equipped with showers, sinks, toilets, and clean white linens. Your personal treehouse bungalow gets you up off the jungle floor and helps you enjoy the airy relief from the heat and humidity. Sure, you’ll get a little extra exercise walking up there, but after a meal filled with our delicious food, you’ll welcome it.
Transfers – can be arranged ex Umtata airport to Port St John’s. R 1190.00 per vehicle (one way) 7 seater vehicle. R 1450.00 per vehicle (one way) 15 seater vehicle. R 150.00 extra for a trailer. Flights are all ex Johannesburg via SA Airlink, who currently have 4 scheduled flights daily Dive/travel insurance Airfares/taxes Visas NOTES We can arrange transfers ex Durban King Shaka airport. Travel time is 6 hours to Port St John’s and must be done during daylight hours. We highly recommend flying in ex Johannesburg to Umtata airport as travel time to Port St John’s is only 1.5 hours. Port St John’s River Lodge is our preferred 3-star lodge. We can tailor make packages for 4-star accommodation.
Gathering is the art of collection plants, ores, and ingredients in Age of Aincrad, but not only that - stealing from other people is a type of gathering too. Gathering can be done everywhere you can find something to gather from, for example ore veins, or even lakes with fish.
Proof of the Pudding started as a family owned bakery and deli, and 40 years later has over 1,400 employees serving private events, tourism attractions, convention centers, stadiums, boat shows, golf tournaments and arenas across the Southeast and beyond. As the largest caterer in the region, we are honored to create exceptional experiences. Our culinary team locally sources and creates food from scratch. We believe that guests “take their first bite with their eyes”, so the creative presentation is paramount for events to be memorable. We select the best people, serving the best products in the spirit of genuine hospitality.
I just adore today’s guest, Shannon from luvinthemommyhood. Her blog is FULL of beautiful images (love all of her round ups!), pretty sewing projects (like the Emerson tunic dress and the Autumn tunic) and cozy knitting tutorials (love this mustache cup cozy)! Best of all, we’ve loved Shannon forever (seriously, she was one of our very first ‘DIY blog’ loves), so she feels like an old friend (a friend). And(of course), Shannon’s Dottie Skirt tutorial is ABSOLUTELY adorable, colorful cuteness- when kirstin of “kojo designs” asked me to join in on her and delia of “delia creates” summer series called color your summer i was thrilled! last years was ahhhhmazing and i’m super excited to get to be a part of this years series. i was even more excited to choose the color “rainbow”! you all know i’m not afraid of color when it comes to my kiddos clothes and i’m working really hard on adding pops of color to even my own wardrobe so i jumped at the chance to use rainbow as my inspiration starting point. i knew right off the bat i wanted something that had lots of yummy colors that to me represented the feeling of summer. yummy sherberts, sunny weather, ice cream cones and balloons in a blue sky. i immediately went right to my stash pile and grabbed one of my fave prints – sweet nothings collection – dots cream by zoe pearn for riley blake designs. it screams color and rainbow to me without being too cutesy and overly colorful. i think it’s playful and the colors are right up my alley. i love the mix of turquoise, orange and chartreuse – so fun! when deciding what to make i realized i’ve made skirts for my girls before but have never done a skirt tutorial on the blog before so i figured it was about time to whip one up! i decided i wanted something that had a fun twist to it! a high waisted skirt that had a fun belt attachment that was easy to construct and fun to wear with a bit of a vintage flair to it! the belt is made on it’s own and simply stitched onto the back center of the skirt only. the belt is decorative and the elastic waist of the skirt is what holds the skirt up! i love the scalloped end of the belt and how it plays up the dots of the fabric. i can see many more of these in our future in all sorts of color combos! you ready to make one too? yay!!! happy sewing ladies!! The Dottie Skirt Tutorial *Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. For personal use only unless prior permission has been given. Materials – (1) piece of fabric for skirt for the size of your child. Mine was approximately 42″W x 16″H and was quilting cotton. – (1) piece of fabric for belt for the size of your child. Mine was approximately 22″W x 8″H and was quilting cotton. – (2) covered buttons or buttons desired. – fabric marker – 3/4″ elastic long enough to fit waist of child. – scissors – Co-ordinating thread Templates – Dottie Belt Pattern Piece Instructions *Please note this tutorial will only show you how to construct the skirt shown. I simply used the full 42″ width of my fabric for the skirt width. I did not cut my rectangle in 2 pieces to make my skirt. I only made one seam to join my pieces to make the skirt. You may choose to you use any width or length of fabric that fits your child best. There are a lot of great free online tutorials showing you how to find the right size of skirt for your child. I like to use the 2:1 ratio for skirts like this. You simply measure your child’s waist and times it by 2 to get your width. Easy right? Then go ahead and measure down to where you would like the length of your skirt to end and add on to that measurement your hem allowance (in this case I did a 2″ hem) and another for your waist band (depending on the size elastic you are using I would suggest about 1 1/4″). STEP ONE – SEW YOUR SKIRT Take your main piece of skirt fabric and with right sides facing each other fold in half matching your short ends together. Sew this together with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Press. Finish off your seam by zig zag stitching, pinking or serging. With your wrong sides facing out (right sides facing each other) fold 1/4″ along your skirt top pressing as you go. Fold another 1″ along the skirt top pressing & pinning as you go. Top stitch along your inner folded edge taking care to leave a 1/2″ opening to pull your elastic through. Press. Attach a safety pin to one end of your elastic and pull your elastic through the entire waistband of your skirt. You can now choose to: a) try the skirt on your child and pin where to sew the elastic length or b) take your child’s waist measurement and deduct 1″ from that length. Stitch your two elastic ends together using a zig zag stitch. I like to go over mine a few times. Put the elastic ends that you just sewed back into your casing and then top stitch along the opening of your waistband to close it your opening. STEP TWO – MAKE YOUR BELT Cut out your belt to the width that will fit your child adding on at lest 3-4 inches so the belt will overlap and be off center when buttoned. Your belt will be 8″ high when cut out and approximately 4″ high after stitching. Fold your belt fabric rectangle in half matching your long ends together with right sides facing each other. Press. Using the template and your fabric marker draw and cut out your scallops vertically along one of your short ends. Use the pattern piece for the belt to see where to place the scallops. *See image above as to how it will look after cutting out. Stitch along almost the entire perimeter edge of your belt leaving the long folded edge unsewn taking care to leave a 2″ opening to pull your belt through to the right side – I like to do this along the straight long edge. Notch your curves so they will lay nice and flat. Pull the belt through to the right side making sure your scallops are nice and curvy. Press really well. Topstitch along entire belt perimeter closing your opening. I liked the look of having my belt off centered when buttoned. You will need to find the center of the back of your skirt. Make sure your center back is where your skirt seam is that runs down your skirt. Pin belt really well over top of skirt in the back making sure your skirt top is about 2″ from the top of belt. Your belt will cover a chunk of the skirt. Top stitch along the bottom center of your belt for about 2-3″ (*only!) to attach your belt to the back of the skirt. STEP THREE – MAKE YOUR BUTTONHOLES AND BUTTONS Now you get to make your buttonholes – don’t be scared! I used to have a phobia of buttonholes and after practicing them a gazillion times feel much better about them. I cannot stress enough that you need to do a practice piece just to make sure you have the right size and will be happy with your button hole. It’s much better to make a mistake on it than to make a mistake on your belt and have to redo the whole thing. Start by marking where you would like your buttonholes to go. Sew your buttonholes using the method you prefer. Then using a seam ripper or your scissors open up your buttonhole. Next you need to attach your buttons. I tried the belt on my daughter and marked with a fabric marker a little dot where I wanted the buttons to go making sure they aligned with the buttonholes I just sewed. I love using covered buttons and cannot use enough of them. I have an addiction with normal buttons too but there is something about covered buttons that is so fun! You get to make them any color/fabric you want them to be! In this case I used the skirt fabric to add some color to the belt. I used two buttons. Handstitch your buttons (or machine stitch if you are using a different kind of button and your machine allows) to your belt. Voila! You’re almost done! You’re doing awesome! STEP FOUR – HEM YOUR SKIRT Measure the length you would like the skirt to be and start by folding up half of that and pressing and then folding the other half and pressing/pinning as you go. Stitch along the inside edge of your fold. I like to topstitch twice around for a nice professional finish. I like the little detail it adds. Press again. Add your label if you are using one and away you go! An adorable, twirly, girly rainbow of a skirt just perfect for summer and ice cream cones! Thank you so much for having me Kirstin! I had so much fun being a part of the series! Wishing you all a very colorful, fun & sewing filled summer! You can find all things luvinthemommyhood here: blog | facebook | twitter | pinterest | etsy As if that wasn’t enough colorful goodness (so. darn. cute, right?), there is a rainbow dotted umbrella tutorial at delia creates today! Uncategorized 10 Comments Reader Interactions Comments Delia says June 18, 2012 at 8:35 am This is adorable Shannon! I love high-waisted skirts. The belt/waistband on this one is so pretty. Thanks for joining CYS this year! Reply kate says June 18, 2012 at 9:36 am so beautiful!! i love the scallop belt! Reply Robin @ says June 18, 2012 at 9:52 am I just saw this on facebook! Its absolutely one of the most adorable skirts I’ve seen in awhile. Its on the to do list for sure for my 4 year old daughter! 😀 Reply luvinthemommyhood says June 18, 2012 at 10:26 am Thanks everyone and thank you to Kojo Designs and Delia Creates for me having me be part of Color Your Summer! Reply Jessica at Me Sew Crazy says June 18, 2012 at 12:21 pm Wait a second – I didn’t even realize from the Pinterest Pin that you made your own belt too – so stinking cute Shannon! I love it!
Play in new window | DownloadIn this episode, CEO of CS Thrive, Kirsten Franklin, talks about mindset. Today, Kirsten talks about what mindset is, why we should care about it, and how...
Scroll down to the drive through site at Heathrow long term parking site. If I’m read their FAQ correctly the rapid lateral flow test results should be available in 40 minutes. So plenty of time if you test the day before your flight. Note I have no experience with the testing center and not sure how easy it is to drive within the airport roads. Posted by hannahjax123 OP 03/26/22 10:37 PM 16 posts Thank you for the info. Posted by Nigel Northamptonshire, England 03/26/22 10:44 PM 27713 posts you'll have the car? Where will you be the day you want to take the test? Does it have a Boots? Seriously - where do you expect to be and I'll see if I can help Posted by hannahjax123 OP 03/26/22 11:11 PM 16 posts The day before we fly back to the US we will be driving back towards Heathrow from Reading,maybe through Henry on a Thames etc. we are seniors, this will probably be our last trip, so trying to make it as stress less as we can we are stayin in the Premier Inn on Bath Rd. The night before our flight Thank you for caring Posted by Nigel Northamptonshire, England 03/27/22 10:23 AM 27713 posts Boots do the tests, but you have to register and get an appointment. I tried to call the Oracle Centre large Boots in Reading but although open today did not answer the phone. It is likely that the Henley on Thames branch is too small. The website for the Boots Oracle Centre store is and procedure is at and click on the "In-store Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Testing". It is sufficiently complicated I might pay the extra to do it at the airport.... Posted by Chris Texas 03/27/22 05:10 PM 515 posts Nigel…. I have visited the Boots online site since we need antigen test to start our tour in Bath… Bath Southgate Center is listed; and, we will also need an antigen test 1 day before departure….we will be in London for that day and head to LHR Sofitel later that day/early eve. My issue with Boots is the antigen test is in only 50 stores and supplies are limited. The booking portal has you pay before you even know which store you will need to go to and you do not have the choice for time. This does not seem very helpful and like Hannahjax we are in our 70’s as well and will not have a car. So….how does one plan and schedule Posted by Frank II Freedonia 03/27/22 05:34 PM 11238 posts Chris........If you are going to be in London the day before you depart for home and you are traveling by train into London, you will be arriving at Paddington Station. There is a testing center inside Paddington: Posted by Steve WI 03/27/22 08:58 PM 279 posts Just a couple days ago we used ExpressTest. We booked their location at Kensington High Street and found it to be very efficient and easy to use. For a lateral flow antigen test we had results back within 40 minutes. Staff was very helpful at that location, and had a number of Americans all in there (this was Friday morning, March 25). I know that provider has other locations and my guess is that they would be a solid bet if you're ok not finding the cheapest option (it was 50 GBP for each test). Posted by Chris Texas 03/29/22 03:37 AM 515 posts Nigel and Steve….since we will be staying at the LHR Sofitel the day before our flight back to US I think we will use the testing center at T 5 Departures for an antigen test…results in 40 minutes…35 £ Posted by missbrianna Los Angeles 03/30/22 09:20 AM 1 posts Are people finding that the lateral antigen test is enough to get back into the US? Also flying back from London soon and trying to figure out what test to order. The CDC site is confusing. Posted by hannahjax123 OP 03/30/22 02:26 PM 16 posts Miss Diana, a good question. I am also confused as to which test I need. Also, is the testing site at terminal 5 before you go through security. Thank you Posted by jaimeelsabio Maryland 03/30/22 03:20 PM 3993 posts You need the lateral antigen fit-to-fly test for return to the U.S. The ExpressTest departures testing center at terminal 5 is just before going through security and after checking your bag. It’s easy to find as it is by the large “South security” sign. I will add that that testing center will be busier than ones in town, so if if can get it elsewhere that will save you some time. Posted by Tom 03/30/22 03:56 PM 14 posts Anybody know what happens if you test positive? Do you have to pay to reschedule your flight, or are there special COVID rules? And what do you do about a hotel? Can you just book anywhere with availability, or do you need to stay in specific places? Posted by ramblin' on Royaume-Uni nul points, pas plus 03/30/22 04:10 PM 2125 posts There are no longer special COVID rules in England. If you test positive you are not legally required to self-isolate. The advice is to avoid contact with other people. You can book any hotel. There are no special places to stay. If you miss your flight you’ll likely have to buy another ticket 😭✈ Posted by christa alameda, ca, usa 03/30/22 04:23 PM 2318 posts I'll be in London for 8 days at the end of April and will book a lateral antigen fit to fly test for the morning of the day before I fly home, a Saturday--lots of helpful hints from posters in our forums, very much appreciated. I will bring self-tests with me and plan to test myself a couple of times mid-week (if one is positive I will then get an official test done) so that should I have to make arrangements I won't be in panic mode (who am I kidding, I would still be quite frazzled!). I suppose it wouldn't make sense to book a new flight until I am negative, but I would at least have time to find a lower cost hotel and move myself there. With what I am hearing about increased cases in England and reports that few people are wearing masks, that just reinforces my resolve to be diligent about wearing a mask myself unless outdoors and able to distance myself from people.
So you now know the right decision for Denny or Henry in the Second Conflict side gig in 2077, as well as the implications. In the game, you will have to make numerous additional decisions. To always choose the appropriate response, read our Don't Lose Your Mind Delamain quest, Pickup mission, and betray Dex or Evelyn option repercussions guide. Your choices may impact the main plot of the game. This is the quickest route since it is the most calm. Objectives 1 Follow Patricia and converse with Nancy and Brick. Follow Patricia and converse with Nancy and Brick. 2 Ride to Nancy's studio with her. Ride to Nancy's studio with her. This is the quickest route since it is the most calm. Brick was not saved. Reunion of Samurai V prepared for the night of the secret performance in Red Dirt after she picked Denny. When everyone arrived, she chatted with V about her history with Henry and her opinions about the unique show. Denny said that she missed Johnny and that the program wouldn't be the same without him. Denny returned to her life after a successful concert. [2] 2077, Cyberpunk Should you go with Denny or Henry? You'll need to get Nancy out of the club in all three situations, and it's up to you how you manage this if you meet with anybody other than Brick. All you have to do is go outside and follow Nancy to her vehicle. You'll now accompany her to N54 News before making your way to Denny's estate in North Oak. Follow the tire tracks at the entrance to the rear of the area to discover Denny and Henry.
The active and busy town of Dubai is strange alone for many factors– one becoming its distinctive customs and particular objectives in relation to the internet dating globe. While Dubai is known as one of several wealthiest, the majority of varied countries, with a continuously growing economy, there’s a lot of basics into the matchmaking society being unlike any one of which from U . S ., European countries as well as the uk. Dubai is definitely the Middle East’s business center, thus with the amount of different people coming and likely to and through the nation, the matchmaking pool reveals just that so much more! From coastlines with the deserts, in addition to Dubai’s wonderfully bright climate and authentic hospitality, you are sure to be addicted to this city inside your first few days of your own stay. When shopping for love, Dubai is unquestionably an appealing contender into the way of location! Check our leading selections of the finest Dubai internet dating sites and applications below. Most useful Dubai online dating sites: our very own Top Picks Internet matchmaking is actually GREATLY preferred in Dubai, as it’s much easier to keep situations from the down-low, and get away with far more with regards to online dating sites. You will find numerous internet sites you can try out to discover local singles locally. Below are a few of our own favorites! Try Today Muslima Review The no. 1 dating site for Dubai singles is Muslima. With the largest memberbase of Muslims in excess of 4.5 million users, Muslima is highly advised. Utilized by over 4.5 million members globally. The method to utilize the dating website is easy; you create a profile, browse photos, and commence communication. You can see just which people are from Dubai or abroad. The website is free of charge to make use of but added features require a paid membership that is extremely worth every penny. Inspect the Muslima nowadays! AdultFriendFinder Review One of the most common hookup web sites online is AdultFriendFinder (or often referred to as AFF). AFF is ideal to locate local singles that just like to hookup. AFF has been in existence for 2 decades today catering to various markets during the online dating sites area. Check out neighborhood Dubai singles on AFF now! eHarmony in Dubai Review eHarmony, the planet’s earliest and most sophisticated online dating sites, is also in Dubai. With many different achievements tales, eHarmony is perfect for those looking to discover long-term interactions. Review Match is unquestionably the biggest, most popular dating site in the arena– providing to a large number of countries and many various languages. However, complement is offered into the joined Arab Emirates, including the town of Dubai, with many people from the location available on the site. Pros Largest dating internet site inside the world The many culturally diverse of all the online dating sites Mobile-friendly and simple to use Cons Not the biggest individual base exclusively for Dubai Love Habibi Review On fancy Habibi, you’ll find Arabs, Muslims, Arab Christians, and many more. The site was developed if you saw it to be difficult to find the love of your lifetime simply by walking on and satisfying somebody by accident, so they created a uniquely diverse and nonjudgmental space if you are attempting to fulfill new-people in Dubai, no matter their ethnicity or opinions. The folks behind the website only care about individuals delight and success in the online dating world. Your website mentions it is run by „a couple of anyone else just who regulate it as an authentic labor of really love and perform their finest to help keep it nice.“ Fancy Habibi is really worth a-try if you find yourself selecting an innovative new sorts of online dating experience, and may appreciate every spiritual and social practices! Pros Largest dating website in Dubai Not only for really love; for friendships also Culturally and consistently diverse Not had by a big corporation Cons Predominantly male Dubai Dating Review Dubai Dating is actually straight away to the idea; their own homepage has a section in which you sign up might start communicating with neighborhood singles right away! All that you would is actually fill out every person industry along with your information, simply click join today, and start the matchmaking trip! Dubai Dating is different in the manner that there’s a section called „Confessions“ where you can anonymously write whatever you want about confession „wall“. You may want to vent frustrations concerning dating world, or have a concern you’re also embarrassed to inquire about with every person once you understand the identity; in any event, the confession wall is generally beneficial to anyone who thinks that it’ll enable them to. Pros Easy to sign up and navigate Completely free Culturally diverse Cons Doesn’t need a profile picture Not a very huge user base UAE Friends Date Review Although your message „friends“ is within the subject, this is exactly, actually, a dating internet site! Although Dubai has quite rigorous guidelines about their matchmaking customs, online dating is available to get less difficult when it comes to following rules. Plus, possible talk with the matches while on the move together with interacting without leaving your house. Pros For those looking for either friendships or relationships Totally free Mobile friendly Cons Abides much more because of the stern dating laws Lots of consumers need relationships, not merely relationships LoveAwake Review LoveAwake is actually entirely open to those who find themselves willing to start or continue their unique dating quest when you look at the town of Dubai. Right here, it is possible to instantly begin talking to every one of the regional singles being nearest to you. You can find 1000s of depressed folks who make use of this site to locate really love and friendships, all from various areas of life, therefore sign up now and locate the passion for lifetime! Pros Another totally free site Quick and easy subscribe process Users are mainly Arab, but nonetheless culturally diverse Cons Users are typically male To summarize, here our very own leading picks for you really to select from: Try Today Best Dubai Dating Apps With online dating sites having attained much appeal in Dubai over the last ten years approximately, its merely all-natural that dating programs have actually climbed the hierarchy of society nicely! Dubai is incredibly technologically advanced level, very internet matchmaking and software are no stranger to the more youthful generation (under 40). There are two main that basically excel, and the ones tend to be Tinder and Bumble. They’ve become two of the most commonly utilized matchmaking apps in the world! Listed here is why the residents of Dubai love all of them much: Tinder Review Whether you have really made use of this matchmaking application or otherwise not, you about heard your buddies speak about it! Tinder is for those people who are wanting friends, an union or something like that a tad bit more casual– despite having most of the rigid dating regulations of Dubai, many effectively get away with setting up through matchmaking programs. So install Tinder, fulfill some one new and hit right up one of the numerous clubs also energetic social hotspots Dubai offers! Pros Large individual base, particularly in Dubai Popular among more youthful audience (40 and under) Best matchmaking choice for energetic individuals who are always throughout the go! Cons Strict rules succeed a lot more burdensome for casual matchmaking and hookups Bumble Review This somewhat more recent matchmaking app followed the „swipe left/right“ idea of Tinder, but with an extra trademark element! Whenever a couple complement on Bumble, the man needs to wait for the girl to content first in what’s known as a „ladies‘ very first“ sorts of function. As soon as she delivers the message, there is a 24 time window for guy to reply before the match expires. Same applies to the lady– if she does not deliver the first information in 24 hours or less, the match also ends. When you’re past the first information, there are not any more work deadlines! Pros Super modern-day and simple to use Similar to Tinder but unique in unique way Popular in Dubai Cons Some is almost certainly not crazy about the 24-hour due date; not every person gets the time and energy to constantly check always notifications, thus matches may happen together with receiver may never know Aside from the tangible instructions for dating during the gorgeous, financially booming city of Dubai, you can find actually intriguing and fun people who you can acquire to learn through these internet dating programs that are available at your fingertips. You don’t need to be suspicious out of all the customs and guidelines of dating in Dubai; it can be feasible for a pleasant and successful dating experience with someone that could end up being your soulmate! Dating in Dubai is definitely an exceptional and perhaps actually peculiar encounter, but it doesn’t have to be a lot different than any online dating experience you had have in any other part of the world! You just need to follow and have respect for some spiritual practices that have been essentially in Dubai for many years, which should be clear, as you won’t anticipate someone to totally disregard any customs you may have in your beliefs! Need to Know about Dubai Dating Ethnicities 71per cent in the whole population of Dubai is Asian, with 51percent of these becoming from India Pakistani: 17% Egyptian: 10percent Bangladesh: 9per cent Filipino: 3% Religion The state religion of Dubai is actually Islam, however the area and residents are entirely understanding and polite of every other religions applied inside the urban area. The minority religions which can be practiced in Dubai are Christianity, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhism, and some other people. Gender An impressive 75per cent with the population of Dubai is male, leaving 25per cent is female. In a primarily patriarchal culture, its merely right that males far outnumber the women, even though the proportion is entirely surprising. Thus, each 3 guys, you will find 1 female! Languages talked With such a generally diverse tradition, including individuals who temporarily select house in Dubai for business, there are masses of dialects which happen to be talked within the area. Typically Arabic is talked, but there may many people who communicate English; the minority languages spoken tend to be Hindu, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil, Tagalog, Persian, Chinese, and a few others. Precisely what do They Look For One on the most significant things to consider when going into the matchmaking globe in Dubai is they have actually extremely rigorous regulations regarding love. Any type of also moderately extortionate PDA (community showcases of affection) is not only frowned upon, but unlawful and not tolerated! You are able to literally get tossed into prison for a public makeout session or something of that type. In addition, you wish steer clear of wanting to relocate with, and even stay-in exactly the same hotel with somebody you will be internet dating in Dubai, as this is culturally unsatisfactory as well. The best thing you can do it have respect for their own society and realize that the faith of Islam is very rigorous about this stuff. You may possibly luck aside and satisfy a rebellious guideline breaker, but odds are, you will find yourself complying to many, if not all, of these cultural norms. Dating Rules Itis also nearly a duty for almost all ladies in Dubai which you remove them on an extremely extravagant, usually costly, first big date while you are wanting to court all of them. Now, not every unmarried individual you reveal curiosity about will have these impeccably costly objectives, which is why you actually wish to spend time observing someone and their individuality before seeking the official basic day; you can find out how pricey their style is and what they expect of a relationship. You could find a person who enjoys a fantastic walk-on the coastline as an initial day, or you could satisfy a female who wants one to drain your budget on her behalf to show yourself to the lady. It certainly merely depends! Additional what to keep in mind are that there is practically no alcohol consumption within all the religions and societies present in Dubai. You’ll have a great time, of course, you just have to take this into account! You additionally don’t want to make use of any kind of profanity, or have any kind of a fan’s quarrel publicly. These are simply a few even more factors to know when you go into the matchmaking globe! Also be aware of Dubai matchmaking frauds! Because so many affluent individuals inhabit the metropolis, you can find scammers seeking to con you through your money. Ideal thing About Dubai Dating do not let all these tight guidelines scare you out– you will be missing perhaps one of the most culturally wealthy, the majority of unique internet dating encounters of your life! You’ll receive to learn all about various cultures and religions when internet dating in Dubai, and you will additionally fulfill several of the most great individuals of your life. Not only that, you might discover someone who is actually a-thrill seeker and really wants to keep your union a key but still sneak around and break the rules; it may possibly be illegal to share with you a room with someone before relationship, nevertheless the reality is the fact that many individuals in Dubai nevertheless do it and get out along with it, and therefore may be the a lot of fun the main relationship is the excitement!
In the aftermath of Iceman’s assault on the world, the X-Men need some time to breathe and reflect, and take stock of their relationships. What will come from this? And will it send one character down a new path away from the X-Men?
Book Art pieces are vintage book prints, illustrations and images in 8x10 mats ready to frame or lean and display. These inexpensive art pieces show unique signs of age and wear. They are wonderful ways to add a pop of personality to your home while being budget friendly. This piece features a color illustration of a couple taking in a sunrise in the mountains together. The piece measures 8x10" and the print opening is 4x6"
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text A friend told me regarding this publication as I remained in the middle of preparing for a TEDx talk. I selected it up with the very same interest a fifth has for research: “Presume we have to do this now, siiiigh.” It became a compelling sufficient read to have me blaze through it in one resting, method past my bedtime. As head of TED, not only has actually Chris Anderson seen a lot of extraordinary audio speakers, yet additionally a lot of dreadful ones. TED Talks Audiobook by Chris Anderson Free. So he knows the components of both terrific and also mediocre talking, and also how to change the latter right into the previous. He presents a highly structured framework valuable for novices completely to seasoned professionals: – Structure: presentation literacy; suggestion structure; typical catches to avoid; as well as the critical throughline – Talk Tools: link; narration; description; persuasion; discovery – Prep work: visuals; scripting; run-throughs; the open as well as the close – On Phase: wardrobe; psychological preparation; arrangement; voice and also visibility. Anderson does a specifically nimble job of describing the throughline principle as well as highlighting its importance. Numerous talks and pitches miss this factor, as a result making just a fraction of their possible effect. What holds together the disparate aspects of the talk? Without a clear throughline, audiences might never take any of your lovely concepts home with them. The guidance in this book varies from the lofty and overarching– e.g. a show of vulnerability brings the audience to your side– to the technological as well as specific– e.g. busy patterns on shirts come out looking funny on video. You might intend to speak your talk and record * that * rather than writing it out first. As a professional speaker as well as talking coach, I actually value exactly how Anderson has compiled lots of trade secrets that are comprehended automatically yet have not necessarily been articulated done in one spot. As well as the illustratory examples drawn from all-time best TED talks– Sir Ken Robinson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Jill Bolte-Taylor– are alone worth the rate of admission. If you are a professional audio speaker or an aiming one, this is a very useful referral. TED Talks Audio Book Download. I applaud that a person of the main styles of the book is to * serve your audience *. If you just do that, all your talks can just enhance. And also special thanks to Chris, for being kind sufficient to release this book just in time for my approaching presentation.
Scope and Content This collection consists primarily of correspondence and records of Leslie F. Malpass, Alfred Krebs, and Donald C. Darnton from the Office of Academic Affairs at Virginia Tech. The bulk is from Malpass' tenure as Vice-President for Academic Affairs (1968-1974), but there also are materials from Alfred H. Krebs' tenure as director of Summer School (1970-1972) and as Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs under Malpass (1972-1974) and from Donald C. Darnton's tenure as Director of... Dates: 1961 - 1977; Majority of material found within ( 1965-1976) Found in: Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech / Records of the Office of Academic Affairs, Leslie F. Malpass, Alfred Krebs, and Donald C. Darnton More about 'University History' Subject Term Type Topical University History Filtered By Names: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. College of Arts and Sciences (1970-2003) X
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Drive-In Cabins Amazing fishing at your own pace when you stay at Caribou Falls Landing. Bring your dream fishing vacation to life at our The Great Canadian Fishing Experience Agam doctus adipiscing mea et, an ubique tractatos mel. Ad per integre inciderint, pro consul vivendo maluisset ut, at quo case salutandi abhorreant. Among the seemingly endless expanse of lakes and forests, you will find Caribou Falls Landing. Located on Umfreville Lake, part of the English River, you’ll find 100’s of miles of shoreline on the English River that are uninhabited today as they were before the first towns in the area were established. Being the only outfitter on 35 miles of river, you will experience countless islands, underwater reefs and weddy bays. The waters are filled with walleye, northern pike and smallmouth bass. BOOK NOW » Housekeeping cabins Fully equipped cabins with a full kitchen, refrigerator, microwave and all utensils and dishes required. Cabins have 2-4 bedrooms for up to 12 guests and are cleaned between parties with fresh linens and towels. Convenience For your convenience, we have a small grocery, bait and tackle shop, souvenirs, boat gas and ice. You can also purchase your fishing and hunting licenses on-site. Boats You are welcome to bring you own boat and launch it on-site. We have a large fleet of 18’ Lund Alaskan boats with 50 hp motors for rent. Our rental boats can accommodate 2-4 fishermen. Daily Fly-Outs For the adventurous angler, float planes are docked at each lodge and can transport you for a day trip to a remote lake for untapped fishing potential. Trophy Fishing Something magical happens when you hook onto the fish that true stories are made of. Because Halley’s lakes are teeming with fish, keep your line tight because you just never know. Wifi Check in with the family at home, staff at the office or just keep tabs on your regular life. You can always feel connected with wi-fi throughout the lodge. Ranging in size from about 12-33 inches, walleyes inhabit waters that have current, sheltered bays, rock points and shoals. Walleyes can be caught in 8-15’. The Halley’s favorite bait for catching the whopper walleyes is live bait (minnows work best) and a jig. Jigs range from 1/4 – 3/8 oz, in an array of colors like orange, pink, plain lead, and chartreuse. Other walleye lures that catch many walleyes are deep ping crank baits (size: medium; color: hot steel, orange, and perch), bright colored spoons, and power bait (size: medium; colors: orange, gold, and perch) with jigs, drop-shots, or spinners. Getaway to Halley's Camps for the Best Walleye Fishing Ranging in Size from 18-50 inches, northern pike are known for their aggressiveness, and can be caught throughout the summer. They can be found most around underwater reefs and weedy bays. Our favorite baits for northern pikes are spoons (size: #2; colors: shiny, black and white, and five of diamonds), bucktails (size: medium to large; colors: black and orange), shad raps (colors: chartreuse, white and perch), and trolling lures (colors: bright, silver, and copper). Getaway to Halley's Camps for the Best Northern Fishing Ranging in Size from 10-23 inches, smallmouth bass are a fun, action packed fish. They are caught in the shallow waters during the fishing season with Mepps size: #2 or #3; colors: silver, chartreuse, and black), shallow crank baits (size: small to medium; colors: orange, blue and white), top water baits like poppers (colors: green, black, and silver). For the days when the bass aren’t shallow, deeper running crank baits, plastics (twister tails and tube jigs), and live bait work well. Getaway to Halley's Camps for the Best Smallmouth Bass Fishing MAKE YOUR OWN SCHEDULE AT Caribou Falls Landing Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vim quot mandamus no. Cu quo nullam laboramus intellegebat, doctus corpora tacimates ut usu. Nam nemore docendi cu, augue maluisset concludaturque id cum, his altera explicari definitionem cu. Appareat salutandi ad pro. ADVENTURE AWAITS... Start Your Perfect Getaway Ready to experience some of the best walleye, northern and smallmouth fishing in Canada? Whether you desire all the comfort and luxury of a lodge or the escape and adventure of an outpost experience, Halley’s Camps offers something unique for everyone. BOOK NOW » CHECK AVAILABLE DATES » Thanks for your planning, coordinating, and participation in the Canadian Fishing Trip; we had a great time and look forward to attending this event again in the future! Great place to spend quality time with good folks.
This hand cream is considered to be the best in the world. Because it softens, heals, moisturizes and provides a thin layer of protection that lasts for several hours all without any greasy sensation whatsoever. Non-oily and rapidly absorbent, this formula containing cocoa butter, essential oil of Sicilian lemon peel, virgin beeswax containing high amounts of propolis and sweet almond oil, is quickly absorbed into the skin for immediate relief. Ideal for all skin types. It is limited and
I love fruit snacks but hate how unhealthy they are. They are usually filled with sugar and tons of artificial ingredients. The problem is that they are very convenient. I might have found a good solution to this snack problem with Bonga Foods Baobab Superfood Chews and Superfood Powder. The great part about Bonga is that it uses the African Baobab fruit. According to Bonga, "Harvesting the baobab fruit not only creates delicious, healthy products, but also nurtures local communities by providing sustainable income for women in southern Africa and protection of the ancient trees. We believe in the power of sustainable harvesting and giving back, which is why 10% of all Bonga profits go to the foundation we have set up to further this cause." You can learn more about this on the Bonga Foods website. The Superfood Chews come in Strawberry, Raspberry, Mango, and Pomegranate. They are shaped like little squares, so you won't get cartoon characters, but you will get fruit snacks that are high in flavor. Our favorite has been the Mango. I opened up a package and let my picky-eating son taste test them. He ate a few and came back in a few minutes asking if he could have the whole pouch! To see how I used these in our school lunches, check out my Woody Woodpecker Lunch and my Super Squirrel Lunch. Bonga also makes Superfood Baobab Powder. It comes in only the "raw" flavor. They give some suggestions for what foods to try it in. First, I mixed it with my Greek yogurt. It didn't taste bad, but I probably should have used half the pouch because the mixture became a bit dry. I also tried it in a bottle of water and wasn't impressed. It was a little bitter and overpowering. However, I don't normally mix anything with my water, so if you do, you might enjoy it. The last way my family tried it was in a fruit smoothie. I thought that was the tastiest way to use the superfood powder and my kids loved it. I would definitely mix it in with our smoothies again. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the chews but could go either way on the powder. I do love what Bonga is doing in using sustainable practices for workers and making their food healthier as well. Find out more at
The Berlin range is simple yet striking. With a solid hardwood top and metal legs this table and matching sideboard are a focal point to any room. Available in either dark or light wood and with two table sizes this range can offer a tone and size to fit your decor.
Driving out to Gimli (Manitoba’s Icelandic community) early in morning had us excited for a water front cottage feel to Heather and Timothy’s same day edit. There was one thing that we were nervous about and that was the dark clouds that threatened the outdoor picturesque filming we would be able to do. And we are so thankful to say it couldn’t have turned out much better than it did for the entire day’s schedule. The ceremony and reception took place at the Waterfront Center which had fabulous lighting and the atmosphere fit so well for their celebration. We were so thankful that their first look on the pier turned out beautifully with the sun shining down. They were both so ecstatic to see each other that Timothy bolted as soon as he could hear that Heather was close behind and they were so ready to get married. This location is particularly meaningful for the family with its history of spending time together at the lake. And now having been married here it will forever hold deep meaning with them.
Kirkstall Abbey’s fantastic monthly markets are back! Come down on the last weekend of every month between March and November. Scoff locally sourced treats and street food at over 40 stalls in the cloisters of the abbey. Don’t miss our special Easter bank holiday market on 2 April!
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TJ is a character from Lakewood Town. He is a friendly figure that accompanies the player throughout their journey. Contents 1 Story 2 Battles 3 Personality 4 Trivia Story TJ is first met at the end of Route 2, to show the player around Lakewood Town. He later reappears after Mister Riffraff abducts the DoodleCo employee on Route 3, and warns them about Riffraff. Once the player defeats Riffraff in his lair, TJ shows up to aid with the rescue. Once Riffraff is defeated, he agrees to accompany the player on their key hunt. When he and the player meet up in Graphite Lodge, he volunteers to do a Help Center task involving a finding a sewing needle in a haystack. Upon finally finishing the task, he rushes to Crystal Caverns, only to discover that Craig has already been defeated. On his way out, he scolds the old lady who gave him the task, but then feels bad afterwards. Then, Inari runs up to him and steals the Opal Orb from him. He and Portia meet up with the player at the end of Graphite Forest in front of a wooden door. Once the door is cleared, the trio proceeds through Graphite Maze. At the portal to Graphite Temple, TJ requests a battle. Upon defeating him, he heads back to Graphite Lodge to start his search for the second key. The player and Quincy meet up with TJ again in Von Sweetsville, where he and Suzie were formulating a plan to get into Von Sweets' factory. Upon seeing the player, he hits his head against a wall, out of frustration that the player had caught up to him. Regardless, he explains that the best chance they have of getting into the factory is if they steal the clothes of a factory employee. Conveniently, there is a Von Sweets goon who is wandering around the town on their one-hour break. TJ and the player confront him, and he agrees to give TJ a uniform if one of them can beat him in battle. After defeating the goon, he takes TJ to his house to give him a spare uniform. Battles Trainer Location Doodles Rewards TJ Graphite Maze Wvyarn (Lvl. 20) (Holding Air Taffy) Needling (Lvl. 19) Elektiel (Lvl. 19) Boulduo (Lvl. 18) (Holding Earth Taffy) $3000 $3900(Wish For Wealth) Personality TJ is shown to be friendly, but is constantly angered by the stream of bad luck that he is subjected to throughout the journey. Despite helping the player, he shows frustration when they best him in something. Trivia TJ is the first NPC to own a tinted doodle, being a Boulduo with three tints. This is a 1 in 125 million chance in the wild.
By means of 3D numerical calculations we studied possible micromagnetic configurations in a rectangular Permalloy-like thin-film element. The parameters were chosen to be compatible with the so-called micromagnetic standard problem #1. It is demonstrated that for these parameters a diamond domain pattern is the lowest energy state which replaces cross-tie patterns favourable in larger elements. Only at smaller sizes the originally envisaged Landau pattern forms the ground state. The transition to high-remanence structures (or what would be comparable to a 'single-domain' state) is found for lateral sizes which are an order of magnitude smaller than the benchmark parameters. The transitions among the different domain patterns become plausible by considering the energy of symmetric Néel walls in extended thin films. The features of the high-remanence structures can be derived from the principle of uniform charge distribution.
The weather is getting hot and the paleteros are honking their airhorns, which can only mean one thing for Latinos, more carne asadas. There is truly nothing more heartwarming than hanging with your Latino family in the backyard as your dad and tios heat meats and veggies up on the grill. The tradition of having a carne asada in a Latino household is where key family memories are made, and they’re also a good excuse to pop open a nice cold chela with classic Latino tunes. By the way, if you are ever invited to someone’s carne asada, consider yourself officially a part of the family. Here are nine songs that your Latino dad will for sure be bumping while he cooks. 1. Cómo Te Voy A Olvidar – Los Ángeles Azules It’s no doubt that the Los Ángeles Azules are the soundtrack to our parent’s first broken heart. The lyrics are beautiful, the beat will get you up from your chair and you will definitely be belting out the chorus. 2. La Chona – Los Tucanes de Tijuana There is no way your Latino dad is skipping this song because it’ll for sure get the party started if it hasn’t already. You might even repeat this one a couple of times. 3. Mi Cucú – La Sonora Dinamita A flirty classic cumbia that will get everyone’s shoulders shimmying as they’re munching on some carne. 4. El Rey – Vicente Fernández Your dad and tios will most likely bring out the tequila for this one. Vicente Fernández, the ultimate mariachi king with the deepest voice, will forever be played in Latino households and Latino generations to come. 5. Oye Mi Amor – Maná Believe it or not, these rock en español legends are still touring nearly 40 years later! This song will bring out the rockeros in all the family. 6. No Tengo Dinero – Juan Gabriel JuanGa’s music always been the key to getting our dads to express their emotions through music. 7. Como la Flor – Selena Long live the Tejano queen! The voice of the Tex-Mex royalty is sure enough to get the ladies singing and dancing in a small circle. 8. Tren Al Sur – Los Prisioneros This jam is the one where you don’t want anyone talking — just you, your drink in hand, eyes closed, grooving to this alternative rock beat.
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There are some really simple tips to making your content for blogs or emails more palatable to people receiving them. Making your emails not look like junk while using words that capture attention is simply about using words that are proven to be effective. The words “now” and “new” have been proven to grab the user’s attention by bringing them to feel like they will miss out if they don’t read it. It’s also great to use phrases like “The truth behind” or “The real story” because it gets people’s curiosity. Key Takeaways: Use words that force people to pay attention, such as “new,” “now,” “free,” and “secrets.” Take advantage of the scarcity principle by employing a countdown clock or having a flash sale. Loss aversion can be a bigger motivator than the possibility of gaining pleasure. “It was all about the psychology behind what makes certain marketing messages land, and others flop. At PR 20/20 we’re all about data-backed decisions, so this session was right up our alley.” Read more:
That's a wrap, folks. The 2014 Michigan recruiting class has come to a close and although small in size, it's thick in talent. Highlighted by consensus #2 (national) recruit Jabrill Peppers, Michigan met all their needs at four different positions (QB, WR, OL, and DB). Director of Scouting over at Scott Kennedy, breaks down what Michigan is getting in this '14 class: Kennedy also emphasized that it was about quality and not quantity this go-round for the Michigan Wolverines; And because of this, the overall class rankings for Michigan may be skewed a bit. Let's start off with Scout who has Michigan ranked just barely inside the top 25 at #24. Let's put this in perspective though: Michigan is just one of five teams in the top 25 with less than 20 commits and is in the top 10 when looking at star average (a better way to rank teams based off the different numbers in classes). Next up...247Sports. Michigan cracks the top 20 here, sitting at #17 with 233.54 points, ranking them second in the B1G. Other than Clemson, Michigan is the lone member of the under-20-commits who ranked in the top 17. Looking at the each commits average rankings, Michigan would be sitting at ninth overall. Seeing a trend here yet?? Now on to ESPN, who has the Wolverines ranked higher than any other site at #12. The sports powerhouse doesn't have any star average or any individual prospect rankings, so #12 is #12. But something interesting to look at is how the ten teams below Michigan all have much bigger classes, yet couldn't surpass the Wolverines in the rankings. I can't preach this enough...this '14 class was all about quality and not quantity. Hoke and co. just didn't have the room to bring in 22-25 recruits. I'll finish with Rivals, who has Michigan out of the top 25 at #29, it' lowest ranking of the four major recruiting sites. Here's some perspective one last time: If the classes were based off of average-star rankings, Michigan would shoot up 14 spots, coming in at #15. This is what eliminates the skewness I discussed above regarding large and small classes. And it's no coincidence that taking the average recruit rankings/star rankings, improves Michigan's class on all sites. Michigan didn't pull in a top 10 class on all or any of the main recruiting sites, but this (obviously) doesn't mean this class isn't super talented. It still broke the top 30 on every site, after finishing with the smallest (non-probation) class on each list. That's the most impressive stat and the one we should be looking at here. Just think...give Michigan 25 recruits in this class, and there's no doubt it's a top 10 class (maybe top five) on all major sites.