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I've held a small position of Take Two (TTWO) since 2019, up 71% even after today's big earning miss (-7%) and I'm gonna throw more money at it. Why? Well I'm glad you asked:
It's got a ROIC of 18%. ROIC is a complicated number I don't understand but over 15% is supposed to be good.
It's near a 52 week low, and every time it has dropped to it's current level of $160 it rebounds, which is scientific proof it will totally do it again.
And most importantly, TTWO is Rockstar's publisher, and I am convinced that GTA 6 is in development and Rockstar is just keeping it secret.
* GTA is an absolute cash cow, so there's no way they won't continue the franchise, but GTA Online makes enough money they don't have to rush
* It's not a good idea to release a next gen AAA game right now cause no one can find a PS4 or Series X due to chip shortage
* Keeping it secret helps avoid a Cyperpunk 2077 style hype train disaster and prevents forcing devs to crunch to meet announced deadlines
* Therefor, an official announcement is probably still a ways off, maybe even years
However I want to be in the stock before the announcement. As my attached super proprietary research algorithm shows, stonk go up big after Rockstar announces a GTA or Red Dead Redemption title. 30%-179% gain every time. I'm gonna raid my savings account, make this my core holding and ride it until I get big tendies.
tHiS Is NoT FiNaNCiAl aDvIcE |
**Need upvotes. Bots are winning**
**Edit 2: Yes I put this at the top. How come almost every comment outright blaspheming this is from a profile less than 6 months old, lacking any real intelligible comment, while lacking any sort of substantial karma count?**
**Edit 3: u/Suspended_9996 is most definitely an actual bot**
Here's the [sauce](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/z/institutional-holdings) if you're interested.
So institutions own 16 million more shares than actually exist? At first I was thinking maybe it's a just a bug on their site, so I started poking around on other sites and they say the same thing. [CNN Business](https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=Z&subView=institutional) is reporting institutional ownership of 105.84%.
How do institutions alone own more than 100% of all available shares of a stock? What about retail, how much do they own? It has to be unreported institutional short-selling, doesn't it?
Also quick looked up Zillow's Class A Stock, ZG.
[Nasdaq says](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/zg/institutional-holdings) institutions own 90.77% of ZG - with [CNN Business](https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=ZG&subView=institutional) reporting the same.
While that's not over 100%, \~91% ownership still seems like a pretty high number. Anyone have ideas as to what's going on here?
Click the "sauce" link and you'll see.
Total Outstanding Shares: 180,000,000
Total Institutional Shares: 196,357,057 |
# TLDR: If you like free money - buy XLNX and wait.
For context, AMD announced Xilinx acquisition in october last year: [https://www.amd.com/en/press-releases/2020-10-27-amd-to-acquire-xilinx-creating-the-industry-s-high-performance-computing](https://www.amd.com/en/press-releases/2020-10-27-amd-to-acquire-xilinx-creating-the-industry-s-high-performance-computing)
The acquisition is an all-stock deal, which means for every Xilinx stock you will get exactly 1.7234 of AMD stock after the merger is completed. The merger is planned to be completed by the end of the year, and it has been reiterated during 2 of the previous earning calls.
# What is there to gain?
AMD stock is trading today at $112. Xilinx today is trading at $146. This means a ratio of 1.30 instead of 1.7234. Buying Xilinx you are buying AMD stocks for $85 after merger happens. This is 30% upside of free monies.
# What is there to lose?
If AMD/XILINX deal doesn't go through, XLNX will most likely jump straight back to pre-merger announcement territory, it will probably end up around $110-$115.
# What could stop the merger from happening?
There are several regulators that have to approve merger. Most of the important ones already did:
However it hasn't been approved by China yet: [https://www.enterpriseai.news/2021/07/01/with-approvals-in-from-the-ec-and-the-uk-amds-35b-acquisition-of-xilinx-now-up-to-china/](https://www.enterpriseai.news/2021/07/01/with-approvals-in-from-the-ec-and-the-uk-amds-35b-acquisition-of-xilinx-now-up-to-china/)
The moment China approves the deal, Xilinx stock will jump very close to 1.7234 multiple of AMD (and possibly drag AMD down a bit, however merger approval is *good news* for AMD as well).
# What are the chances China does not approve of the deal?
Of course it's a gamble with high US-China tensions, but let's take a look at some facts. In 2019 Chinese antitrust committee reviewed 465 deals. It approved all of them (!!).
In 2020 they reviewed 458 deals. Out of all of them, they rejected a single one (DouYu merger with Huya, both Chinese companies).
This means only one rejection out of 923 deals!
Nvidia purchased Mellanox in 2020 and it was conditionally approved through China. This is equivalent of AMD/XLNX deal. AMD owns ATI, which was started by Chinese Canadians. Both Xilinx and AMD are US based. They already have heavy business connections with China. I'm not bold enough to estimate the odds, but the facts suggest they're quite high!
# If this is such a good deal, why is nobody else buying XLNX?
They were, but had to cover their shorts! The most common way to play XLNX/AMD merger is to go short AMD and long XLNX, and that's what most investors did. However, with recent magnificient AMD run up after Q2 earnings call they were forced to cover their short positions as they became too expensive to hold till the merger. And I have proof that prices were closely correlated until very recently, let's take a look at this XLNX/AMD ratio graph: [https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/upndown/viz/XilinxAMDSharePriceRatio\_16114624177710/XilinxAMDSharePriceRatio](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/upndown/viz/XilinxAMDSharePriceRatio_16114624177710/XilinxAMDSharePriceRatio)
Up until very recently the deal was oscilating within 1.5-1.6 area and after recent AMD run up it's been lagging strongly behind. Unless there's some hidden factor major investors know about but not common folks, this is literally the best time in history to buy XLNX to convert into AMD after the merger.
Positions: XLNX leaps, XLNX stock, AMD stock |
In May, Discovery announced a deal to merge with AT&T’s Warner Media business – their goal is to create a streaming powerhouse to compete with Disney and Netflix. The new business will be called ‘Warner Bros. Discovery’ and the deal is expected to close mid 2022.
Both businesses saw growth in streaming subscriptions this quarter. Warner Media has 67.5m subs (growth of 6% Q-o-Q) and Discovery has 17m subs (growth of 30% Q-o-Q). That’s a total of 85m subs, with quarterly growth of 8%. I think the combined entity will see further subscription growth, as the value proposition of the combined entity will be far more compelling. I don’t need to tell you how the market will reward such growth (just look at the valuations of Netflix and Disney)
**The Smoothbrain Play**
Warner Bros. Discovery is forecasting FY23 EBITDA of $14b and Free Cash Flow of $8.4b. Discovery stockholders will receive 29% of the combined entity. Discovery’s stock (DISCK) closed at $26.50 last night, giving Discovery a market cap of $13b (there are 3 classes of Discovery stock, but they all rank equal in the merger, so I’m doing my maths on the cheapest class which is DISCK).
At a $13b valuation for Discovery (which is 29% of the merged entity), ‘Warner Bros. Discovery’ therefore has a market cap of only $45b. At a market cap of $45b, you’re buying in at a multiple of only 3.2x for FY23 EBITDA and 5.3x for FY23 Free Cash Flow, which is an absolute bargain. In comparison, Netflix trades on a 13x EBITDA multiple. If ‘Warner Bros. Discovery’ were to also trade at a 13x EBITDA multiple, then a DISCK stock would be worth $106
The play therefore is to buy into Warner Bros. Discovery via DISCK while the multiples are ridiculously low. I expect the DISCK shares to rerate higher as the transaction gets closer to close
My position: 22.8 DISCK shares @ $26.31 |
Still holding puts,
Buying more puts
Literally all the high ranking people are stepping down
Sucks they made good games in the past, rip D4.
No brainier here, even next quarters numbers will be garbo. |
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**I. Introduction**
This is not investment advice. I own Tilray shares myself with an average entry price of $14.97.
I would like to outline some bull & bear scenarios regarding the company below, along with a general assessment and reasons why Tilray is a good stock with further growth potential.
**II. Numbers (mostly) do not lie**
First of all, I always look at the numbers when it comes to stocks, because I like to buy a solid stock for my money, apart from a few exceptions. The problem with a value approach is that stocks never trade "cheap" without a reason. The negatives are priced in, so in 99.9% of cases there is no such thing as a "cheap" company. Everything is fairly valued. Therefore, the figures can only give information about the value, if you do not look at them isolated. However, it is mandatory to know them.
Regarding Tilray, it is known that the quarterly numbers far exceeded expectations. Earnings per share were $0.18, well above the forecast.
But here's the first point: Tilray's EPS was -$0.09 for August 2020, -$0.37 for November 2020, and -$0.97 in February 2021. It was only after the merger with Aphria that Tilray was able to report in the black. So the question to be answered is whether Aphria helped to switch to profit. Here, in any case, a clear \`no' applies with regard to EPS. Aphria had an EPS of -$1.14 in the last figures before the merger. The quarters before that were better with -$0.42 and -$0.02, but also not positive.
So based on EPS alone, it cannot be said that the positive result is due to the merger with Aphria.
Other Key Figures (Based on Tilray's Interim Unaudited Financial Statement for the Year ended May 31, 2021): Tilray currently has positive free cash flow at $3.3 million. Adjusted EBITDA would be $40.7 million for the year based on quarterly numbers, still positive since 2020. Revenue would be $513 million. This is all nice, but only suggests a relatively favorable price-to-sales ratio of about 12. The recently announced quarterly numbers alone only say that the black numbers (at least) are not coming solely from the merger with Aphria. This is the first time the company has presented such numbers, so little can be inferred from them going forward, except for hope and some positive indicators.
**III. Opportunities**
**1. Tilray's position in the market**
Tilray has become the largest cannabis producer in the world after its merger with Aphria. However, this does not mean that Tilray produces and distributes cannabis in raw form, rather Tilray has several product ranges that now serve almost the entire market. Not only medical cannabis, but also others such as craft beer or products not directly associated with the typical scope of cannabis.
The market in which Tilray is currently the best positioned player is tiny compared to the market of alcohol or other raw materials for which cannabis would also be suitable (be it medical applications or textiles and food). Cannabis is explicitly permitted for consumption in two countries. For medical use, however, it is already approved in 47 countries.
**2. Regulations as the main criteria for development**
The market that can open up here is worth tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars. Should regulations loosen, Tilray, as the largest producer, is well positioned to serve this market. With its market cap of $6.2 billion, Tilray is valued at just enough to be quickly caught up by revenues if not profits in the coming years, assuming regulations continue in the current direction.
But that is also the most important keyword: regulations. If country approvals change or do not continue to develop as they have in the past, Tilray's hands are tied. There is no way to bypass them and move into other markets.
**3. Other risks**
* Competition with the black market
Tilray is a legal company and accordingly must comply with applicable law. However, it is in direct competition with one of the largest black markets in the world, at least for one of its products. For this competitor, no laws and regulations apply, which means that Tilray has a higher price tag on its products.
However, this point can easily be refuted by the fact that the price for the control and security that go hand in hand with it are out of proportion to the price premium. One would think so. But here the opinions are divided, what influence a legalization has on the black market. After some research, one could only read in not particularly named sources that the black market has become larger after legalization. But it is clear that it does not disappear. Bloomberg Canada, for example, [states that the illegal market has shrunk significantly since legalization](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/cannabis-canada-black-market-down-21-since-legalization-1.1309436). Opinions differ, however, as to [what role taxes play in this](https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-illinois-marijuana-black-market-20191216-tgnejrr2bna4xj36fd64fzgqay-story.html) and [under what circumstances people would still use the black market](https://www.businessinsider.com/canada-weed-black-market-boom-despite-legalization-2019-10).
* Competition on the legal market
Cannabis is not subject to a patent. Other producers can serve the market just like Tilray, that can be especially Cannopy Growth, which is positioned not far behind Tilray in the market.
However, if the bet on regulators works out, the market will be so enlarged that even if four big players were to serve the market, it would still far exceed the current market cap of all cannabis companies.
* The Cannabis Market is New
The cannabis market has only really started to pick up steam since 2016, and can develop quickly accordingly. This can be a risk factor for Tilray's business plan if it cannot be flexibly adjusted. But again, it should be noted that Tilray is theoretically best positioned as the largest player in the market and even if the cannabis market can evolve, the product is relatively consistent.
The only problem is the price pressure in the new market. If the market grows, it is clear that prices will drop. That will have an impact on sales and profitability. In my opinion, this is the only negative argument that is really valid. Here we can only hope that similar profitability will result as with alcohol or other consumer goods stocks, and that ultimately Tilray will come out on top here due to sheer size. Tilray is thus more likely to dominate the market, as their capacity means that they in fact also have lower losses than smaller companies.
**4. Conclusion**
Should the cannabis market open up a larger portion or possibly its full potential after loosened regulations, Tilray will be right up front. While there are a few risk factors to consider. Ultimately, though, it comes down to two things. For the short-term investors: can Tilray continue to deliver such strong numbers over the next few quarters. For the long-term investors: How will it fare with regulations around cannabis? If these are loosened, Tilray is certainly the right address to participate in the then emerging market.
TL;DR: Smokes pleasantly. Good stuff, good company and therefore good stock. |
**Virtu Financial DD:**
Virtu Financial **(VIRT)** is a publicly traded Market-Making (MM) firm. Yes, I know owning a market making firm seems like a risky idea; however, I am about to lay out the **Bull Case** for owning this company.
**Bull Case:**
**LongTerm Thesis:**
In order to start the Bull case I want to discuss a well known company that recently IPO’d… You may have guess it, this company is Robinhood **(HOOD)**. Robinhood is a brokerage that makes its money buy selling its customers orderflow. Who is buying this order flow? You guessed it, MM firms! In the last quarter we can see that Virtu Financial made $575M from their Market Making business, that is after the payment for order flow!
[MM Net Income](https://preview.redd.it/sqdxuo0ct6f71.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8b26f3b7a4dc1d254a70d0693209dfa559a9138)
To see the breakdown we can look at the next table.
[MM Income Breakdown](https://preview.redd.it/a93cd02ft6f71.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=e447a22d9328f9666745c00708e7e6e8b3646b96)
Virtu generated $801M in MM revenue and paid only $223M for the order-flow to the brokerages, ex. Robinhood. This is a **gross margin** of **72.2%** on the MM business. That means for every $1 VIRT pays to a brokerage, they are able to make $3.59, or $2.59 in profits! Not to mention this profitability scales as Robinhood and other brokerages grow meanwhile, VIRT doesn’t have to pay a penny for the customer acquisition costs!
This is one reason why Virtu had a revenue of $1,073M last quarter, HOOD only had a revenue of $522M. While Virtu has 2x HOOD’s revenue, has a more profitable business, and has less expense to grow revenue/customer base, HOOD’s MC is \~$38B to VIRT’s \~$5B.
Virtu’s P/E is always fluctuating as market volume is the key indicator to VIRT’s revenue but I believe we have entered a new market trend where active management is here to stay. New traders and investors are obsessed with the markets and love to buy and sell positions with a much shorter holding period than historically. This may be due to the gamification of trading apps, or a plethora of other reasons but all that matters is the trend of average volume increasing across the broader market.
Jumping back, you may have noticed the spotty revenue figures seen in Q3 and Q4 2020, why is this? Well Q1 and Q2 of 2020 had very high volumes due to the Covid-19 crash and following rebound. This is another great reason to own the stock, let me explain. VIRT literally makes way more money when the market crashes because volumes spike during the panic. That means VIRT is not correlated to the overall market and actually has a %-year Beta of -0.29.
[5-year Beta](https://preview.redd.it/ggyphr2st6f71.png?width=431&format=png&auto=webp&s=97b9b6970900eba7ac8e6bcd04eac3601bd33d20)
When the market crashes, VIRT benefits therefore the shares can be sold, and used to buy other companies at very cheap valuations!
**Short Term Thesis:**
During Q1 2021 meme-stocks were all over the news. Gamestop made incels and plebs into multi-millionaires which drew in mass amounts of volume into the markets chasing similar returns. Due to this unexpected volume VIRT EPS beat by 63% (Actual: $2.04 vs Expected: $1.25). This meme-stock craze has continued in Q2 2020 with AMC, CLOV, BB, SPCE, just to name a few. (Just pull up the charts and look at June volumes, too many charts to attach)
Personally, I expect EPS to be below Q1 as total market volumes decreased by approx 25% Q2 2021 than Q1 2021, as seen below.
[2021 Q2 Market Volume](https://preview.redd.it/5lj1v6yht6f71.png?width=1040&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd90334c4ecf1d4063f0eb60c440dae24c5aaa8e)
However, I still believe VIRT will easily beat the expected EPS of $0.81.
**Q2 2021 earnings call is Before Market Open tomorrow Aug 4th, 2021.**
**Share Repurchases:**
Virtu Financial has been aggressively buying back shares as they are currently trading at a ttm P/E of 4.91. (Not using Forward P/E cause earnings estimates have been proven to be inaccurate) Virtu started repurchasing shares in Q4 2020 purchasing 1.4M shares (0.7% of float), 2.3M shares in Q1 2021 (1.2% of float), and 1.6M shares in first 2-months of Q2 2021 (0.8% of float).
Since the last earnings on May 4th, 2021 the share price traded from \~$28/share upto $32/share and has recently fallen to $25/share allowing for buyback to continue at these low levels.
1. Daily RSI is currently at 37.
2. MACD has reversed and is forming a bullish pattern.
3. Share price is pushing up against the 20-day SMA.
4. August 20th (and others) options are merely 40% IV pricing in a very low expected move.
* SEC is investigating payment-for-order-flow, which is key to this business.
Counter: CEO of Virtu has been on many media calls where he explains that as an MM they are actually creating price improvement on market-orders which would actually be executed at higher prices if they didn’t exist as an MM.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q474x33a25w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q474x33a25w) (start at 3:00 for price improvement discussion)
* As re-opening continues, new traders will have less time to focus on active management.
Counter: Human nature makes habits very difficult to break.
* Market-making is so profitable currently that competition will eat away profitability.
Counter: Existing relationships with brokerages.
**TLDR:** Meme stocks have continued into Q2 2021 with high volumes. Virtu Financial **(VIRT)** is an MM-firm which benefits from high-volumes, and growth of active investing without customer acquisition costs. VIRT has recently fallen due to a SEC investigation which lacks any evidence of wrong-doing to retail investors. Share repurchases are accelerating. Option chain is very mispriced, IV \~40%. |
Cathie was onto something
**The Market Opportunity**
Contrary to what many boomers say, electric vehicles are not a “trend” or a “fad”. It’s very reasonable to expect electric vehicles to account for an overwhelming majority of automotive sales by 2050, because of the Paris Agreement. Nearly every single nation in the world is a member of the Paris Agreement. The goal of it is to limit temperature increase to 1.5˚ C, and encourages countries to attempt to go carbon neutral by the year 2050.
Obviously one of the most significant contributors to carbon emissions are current gas powered cars. This is where electric vehicles come in.
The largest EV markets as of now are:
Just note that Europe as a whole, sells more EV’s than China.
In the short term, the best market will be Europe let me explain why.
**Europe’s Market Opportunity**
Europe is one of the most progressive places in the entire world, and they are taking climate change and the Paris agreement incredibly seriously. For example the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, and the Netherlands are planning to ban **ALL** ICE(Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles by 2030, and Norway is going to ban them by 2025. Germany as of now, is granting 11k to people who plan on purchasing EV’s, and many other countries in Europe offer significant financial incentives. For example, France just announced an 8.8 billion dollar package, which offers 12k euros(13.5k dollars) to people purchasing EV’s.
Europe has also passed new emissions standards which states that, “no more than 95g of carbon dioxide/km for passenger cars by 2021.”
In 2019, overall sales increased by **137% IN EUROPE**. **IN MARCH 2021, EV SALES INCREASED BY 169%**. Also in Norway, currently **18.1%** of vehicles **IN USE are PEV’s(Plug in Electric Vehicles).** Iceland is 5.5% and Sweden is 3.7% in 2020. Which is amazing. Many estimates by analysts say that by 2030 around 30% of all automotive sales will be Electric Vehicles. Personally I think this is incredibly conservative, seeing how serious many European Countries are, I will not be surprised if it reaches %40. The two most important countries will likely be France and Germany. Both countries have already passed multi billion dollar packages as incentives to purchase EV’s, and I think these trends will continue.
Yearly EV growth rate in Europe:
Bull estimate: 100% growth in EV sales
INCREDIBLY Very Bull Estimate: 150% growth in EV sales
My estimate: 100% growth in EV sales
Bear estimate 40% growth in EV sales
Note: even the bear estimate is incredibly large
**China’s Market Opportunity**
As of writing, out of any individual nation, China has the largest electric vehicle market in the world. Though China isn’t as progressive as Europe, their EV market will also have huge growth. Call it good or bad, China’s government has complete authority of the economy. We’ve already seen it before, but with the snap of a finger China can put any law they want into existence. Thankfully for the EV market, China has made many laws pushing the use of EV’s.
For example, many cities have mandated that many ride hailing cars must be electric vehicles, and the government specifies a certain amount of new license plates go to EV’s.
Estimates show that by 2030, the EV sales will increase by 25% **EACH YEAR.** Bear estimate will be around 20%. China has been incredibly consistent with its growth. Very bull estimate will be 30%. I predict 25% growth in China.
**US Market Opportunity**
Arguably by far the least impressive. The government has done little to promote EV’s especially compared to other countries like Europe and China. The current president Joe Biden is very interested in EV’s and is attempting to pass many bills promoting their use. But I wouldn’t count on anything particular being passed. US EV growth was 17%, but over the past few years growth has slowed a lot.
Using current sales figures and estimates for each individual country and the rest of the world here are my figures for yearly growth in total
My estimate 2021 growth and total: 40%
My estimate 2022 growth and total: 60%
Point is massive opportunity
I highly advise reading the entire thing but
TSLA or NIO shares
TSLA and NIO LONG TERM calls |
\- The company's first earnings call since IPO is 8/12
\- Net revenue growth '19 to '20 138% ($262M in revenue for TTM 3/31/21)
\- 72% gross margins and already very profitable (>25% adj. EBITDA margin!)
\- 146% CAGR since 2017
The stock has started to settle down. Now is the time to buy prior to a run-up pre-earnings.
8/20 $45c
9/17 $50c
[per mod comment](https://preview.redd.it/a80yq6kjy6f71.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=701fda8c82cd378f2db089cd556f6d8a0e2ac3a2) |
Disclaimer: Only my opinions, not a financial advisor, not a recommendation to buy, all information is accurate to the best of my limited knowledge.
**Overview of business:**
At its core, Poshmark is a platform that connects sellers of clothing with buyers. The founder, Manish Chandra often touts the "social commerce" element and continues to talk about social commerce as this is where he believes the moat of the business is. I wish he would stop, Poshmark isn't about social commerce, the true moat is empowerment.
**My experience with Poshmark:**
During the Pandemic, I grew interested in vintage clothing and began buying stuff on resale platforms and reselling it to an audience I've built on Instagram. I sell on instagram because most of the things I sell are $200+ and I find my margins to be around 40% so if I were to make $100 gross profit on a $200 sale and net $80 after shipping and other expenses, selling on a platform like Poshmark wouldn't makes sense as the fee to do so would be 20% of sale price: $40 on a $200 sale, AKA half my net profit. My resale activity is extremely niche and not a scaleable business. What I have found in doing it is that I need to source my inventory and I have bought items on Poshmark, Depop, Mercari, Ebay, Etsy, Grailed, and Facebook Marketplace. Ebay takes the cake, I find the most stuff on there and whenever I have tried to sell I move stuff quickest on Ebay. Poshmark is a close second. Over the winter I found the supply of stuff I could buy cheap on Poshmark and flip on Instagram outstanding. For the longest time, I couldn't understand why all these people would sell things on Poshmark as the percentage of each sale they take is the highest compared to their online marketplace competitors. Poshmark takes 20% of every sale above $15 and a flat $2.95 for sales below $15. Ebay takes around 10-15% (they have recently cut PayPal out of the payment processing and are now charging more and I know a lot of sellers are not happy). Etsy also has a long and complicated breakdown of what they charge, but its less than 20%, Grailed & Depop take 10%, and Facebook marketplace takes 5%.
So why would anyone in their right mind sell something on Poshmark and pay a 20% fee when they could sell it on Facebook Marketplace and pay a 5% fee?
Isn't this whole industry about to compete in a race to the bottom where one platform with resources (like Facebook) can undercut the others and then another platform does the same until there is no profit left in the industry?
When I heard Poshmark was going to IPO I was thinking about buying puts or avoiding the stock altogether as my answer to these questions was people will move from where the fees are highest to where they are lowest. Because of this straightforward incentive, platforms will undercut each other until there is no profit and eventually there will be consolidation. When conducting some light DD on this thesis I spoke to a number of Poshmark sellers and did some digging, I changed my mind and went long shares at $75, then again at $68, then again at $62, then again at $57, then again at $56, then again at $47. Now, I am holding a massive bag of shit. When the stock crashed after Q1 earnings I was feeling very discouraged and although I was not considering selling, the 40% loss on my position stung. But, after seeing the stock crater another 8% yesterday on news they are planning to expand into India, I felt that maybe I should take a look at call prices. Before we get into options plays, I want to try and articulate what caused me to feel bullish about the stock.
**Poshmark's Competitive Advantage**
Poshmark's CEO, Manish Chandra, touts social commerce and "posh parties" similar to Tupperware parties as one of their key differentiators. I get a notification on my phone everyday that one of these parties is going on but I haven't been able to figure out what its about.
I see Poshmark's competitive advantages differently. Three come to mind.
The first is how easy it is to list an item on Poshmark. Take a photo, check a few boxes, name a price, and post. Compared to Ebay which is incredibly labor intensive and involves so many categories and sub-categories, Poshmark streamlines the process through having an efficient and easy to use UI.
The second competitive advantage is how easy it is for Poshmark sellers to ship items. Buyers pay for shipping and it is a flat rate of $7.45. When an item is sold on poshmark the buyer has to pay instantly (ebay does not have this feature and as a result sellers say 10%+ of items sold have buyers that do not pay and they have to go through the process of canceling and re-listing). When the item is sold Poshmark E-mails a shipping label to you, all you have to do is print it out and tape it on ANY box or packaging and either drop it at USPS or have them pick it up. It is incredibly easy.
Both of these attributes remove the barriers to entry that new sellers face. When you get started you want it to be easy and straightforward. Incredibly, Ebay and other platforms have fee structures that are difficult to understand, platforms that are difficult to use, and most require a PayPal to be set up as well.
The third competitive advantage is by far the most important and hardest to create and sustain. Poshmark has a fiercely loyal and passionate user base of sellers who swear by the platform. Some become "[Poshmark ambassadors](https://support.poshmark.com/s/article/How-do-I-become-a-Posh-Ambassador?language=en_US)" and receive next to nothing for being ambassadors. They do it because they love the platform. I have tried in vain to convince sellers to go around the platform. Consider a $200 item, if they sell it on Poshmark, they will net $160. If I am willing to pay $175 through PayPal and try and convince them it's a win win as I save $25 and they'll make $15 more, I should stand ready to take the wrath of the Poshmark ambassador who will report me to Poshmark and decline my offer.
Let's take a closer look at this third competitive advantage and see if it can help answer my question about why sellers would choose to sell on a platform that charges them a higher percentage of each sale. Why would they also loyally defend and promote this platform for few tangible benefits?
The answer is has to do more with psychology than with financial logic. The reason Poshmark was able to grow and compete is due to the first two competitive advantages I listed: it's easy to list, it's easy to ship, (and easy to get paid). Because it's easy to use sellers tell other sellers and buyers become sellers. We live in a market economy and with the rise of social media, large internet companies, and superstar founder entrepreneurs, the lives of entrepreneurs and the value they bring to society has been glorified. I think most people want to participate in the market economy, they want to be an entrepreneur, be their own boss, or have a "side hustle". Unfortunately, it's not easy and the few that succeed stand on a pile of failed ventures and crushed dreams. Poshmark makes it easy. Poshmark enables people who have been excluded from the wealth generating aspects of the online internet economy into successful participants. Broadly, those who haven't benefited from this new globalized economy have been: Women, racial minorities, geographic minorities (south, midwest). The demographics of Poshmark sellers and users closely align with those who have been excluded. The vast majority of Poshmark sellers are women, I was unable to find an exact number but in Poshmark's [2020 social commerce report](https://www.report.poshmark.com/) a survey conducted by Zogby Analytics had a user response rate that was 97% female. In this same report, Poshmark states that "the south dominates" and that 35% of sellers live in the south and 37% of buyers live in the south. [Poshmark's real product is empowerment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRVNdxz_thk) Their platform empowers women and minorities (racial and geographic) by making it easy for them to feel successful and have a side hustle. Empowerment is an incredible feeling for those who haven't felt it before and Poshmark makes it possible for millions to feel this way.
**Why Wall Street Misunderstands Poshmark**
In order to find an investment that can provide outsized returns, it's important to have an information advantage over the consensus view. Wall Street does not understand this stock because broadly speaking Wall Street is an information laggard when it comes to valuing companies that provide products and services primarily to women. I've made similar investments in Lululemon and Revolve that have preformed extremely well as the consensus changed. As investors have seen this pattern play out over and over Wall Street investors have started to "ask their wife" or "pay attention to their daughter" in looking for innovative companies. The problem with Poshmark's stock is that the types of people who work on Wall Street analyzing stocks and their wives don't use poshmark, and neither do their daughters.
When I was looking into the management at Poshmark I noticed Serena Williams is a board member. I am an avid tennis fan and as such I have a favorite player: Roger Federer. Everyone loves Federer, he is a class act and attracts sponsorships from the likes of Rolex, Mercedes, Netjets, Rimowa, Swiss coffee machine makers, and has an ownership stake in On Running. These are brands Wall Streeters love! Serena Williams has a different public perception. On court she in an incredible competitor with a lot of passion which sometimes translates into dramatic meltdowns and aggressive behavior towards [umpires](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx9iT1OQMl0) and [linesmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNwc7o_0Sgg). She has sponsorships from Nike, Gatorade, PUMA, Wilson, Pepsi etc. The respective brand deals the players have represent their public image and who they will be most effective in marketing towards. Serena Williams’s image is used to target a demographic of consumers that is antithetical to the types of people Roger Federer’s image is used for. Think about who evaluates and writes research on stocks. Its Federer fans, it's Rolex wearing, Swiss latte sipping 25-50 year olds who love the class and sophistication of Federer. Now think about the users of Poshmark, its young women, women of color, and women living in geographic areas that have taken a lot of the brunt of globalization. Serena Williams is the perfect match for Poshmark as she represents their user demographics much better than Federer ever could. But, Wall Street loves Federer and therefore has overlooked this stock.
**Financials and Valuation**
Etsy recently bought Depop for 1.6B when Depop had 70M in revenue in the previous year. This equates to a Price to Sales ratio of 22.85. Poshmark's market cap at its current share price of $36.25 is 2.72 Billion. Last year they did 262M in revenue For a P/S ratio of 10.3. Remember, Depop is an inferior platform for sellers and barely has a useable website. Why did it sell for double to P/S ratio Poshmark is selling for now?
**Potential Catalysts / The Set Up**
Poshmark is expanding across the globe entering multiple new markets each year. Yesterday, 8/2, [Poshmark announced they will be expanding into India](https://investors.poshmark.com/news/news-details/2021/Poshmark-Inc.-Announces-India-Expansion-as-Part-of-a-Continued-Focus-on-New-Market-Opportunities/default.aspx) and the stock tanked 7.5%.
A few months ago Poshmark announced a [partnership with Snapchat](https://investors.poshmark.com/news/news-details/2021/Poshmark-Inc.-and-Snap-Inc.-Partner-to-Bring-Social-Shopping-to-Snapchat/default.aspx). I am very excited about this partnership as I am bullish on Facebook and Snapchat and see commerce as an important new opportunity for both of these platforms.
Poshmark is also expanding horizontally into different categories such as pets and home and because of their asset light model they can throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.
Set up wise, this is more of a reopening play than a covid play but it is being looked at and valued as if it should've benefited from the lockdowns. Because Poshmark is an E-commerce company, Wall Street has been harsh on them for not growing as fast as some of their "peers". Except their "peers" aren't true peers as sites like Etsy are more diversified in the products sold on their platform with a heavier weight on arts and crafts and other activities that thrive when people have more time at home. Clothing is not something people look to buy when stuck at home. As the economy continues to reopen and people start working and going out again sales will pick up. This very well may be reflected in Q2 earnings.
Short interest is 30% (4.75M/15M outstanding as of 7/15). I am not looking at this trade as a short squeeze but if shorts do decide to cover the stock could begin to run and run fast.
**The Trade**
Shares are the safest play. There are limited options available on Poshmark with spreads I could drive a truck through. The furthest out are Feb 18, 2022. $65 is the highest strike available. Because of the spreads, uncertainty of when an upside move will occur, and lack of long dated options, I only own shares. Second Quarter earnings are coming up on 8/10 with guidance of $79.0 million - $81.0 million in Revenue and $1.5 million - $2.5 million in Adjusted EBITDA. I am fairly confidant they will beat the guidance they set for themselves but unsure if this will result in a massive move to the upside. I think it could take more time.
I have a fairly high conviction in this trade and am posting to get feedback and thoughts from others, that said Poshmark is only 10%+ of my portfolio and I want to crowdsource my ideas a bit more before I buy options or decide to sell other investments to buy more.
Poshmark empowers women. This is their competitive advantage. Wall Street doesn't get this.O |
TL;DR - FIZZ is the owner of La Croix, the sparkling beverage that is taking Coca Cola and others to the cleaners without even really trying. People who drink this stuff are absolutely addicted. Healthy company financially, relatively undervalued compared to peers and potential short term catalysts via expansion into seltzers or acquisition due to an aging CEO and majority owner.
This is a ticker that has been stalling out on supremely low volume lately, but one that has a load of potential catalysts & volatility currently unaccounted for in the share or derivative prices.
I present to you: **National Beverage Corp**. aka **$FIZZ** aka your girlfriend's/wife's/girl you stalk's favorite beverage company that she doesn't know about aka owners of La Croix.
This is a **weird** fucking company. The CEO owns something like 80% of the total shares. He is very old, and I'm not sure if anyone knows what his plans are for the company in the near term as he considers riding off into the sunset. Here is why I think they are worth a lil play:
# Market/Opportunity/Continuation of shift in consumer preferences
So Ronaldo moves a Coke bottle and says "agua" and the world loses its fucking mind - wipes out 4b in Coke's market cap. Overreaction right? Maybe not. GenZ goes nuts for this stuff, **81% of La Croix consumers drink at least one per day** \- that is crack.
There has been a not-so-secret shift towards healthier beverages over the past several years. All of these social media influencers and athletes are pushing (generally via sponsorship but sometimes candidly as was the case with Ronaldo) healthy beverages and lifestyles. Kids these days want to look and feel like these influencers and are shunning the sugary high cal drinks and going after 0 cal, 0 sugar replacements or "fat burning" energy drinks. La Croix is leading the way in this sparkling zero calorie water category - it is pretty much agua. They hardly advertise, and the likes of Coke and Pepsi can't even fucking catch up; it's remarkable.
If you do drink La Croix, you'll have noticed that they are now putting out new flavors all the time - addressing my main beef with them in the last couple years of having a generally weak and limited flavor rotation. Also, (**potential** **catalyst alert**) **if and when FIZZ makes the leap into alcoholic beverages** and produces a La Croix seltzer??? Prepare for liftoff.
# Financials
FIZZ has strong financials, excellent margins, an optimistic growth outlook, and very low levels of debt to boot. Here are some key stats:
**Forward P/E**: 23 (compare to Monster Energy @ 35 and Coke @ 25)
**PEG (higher means more overvalued)**: 2.85 (MNST @ 3.66 KO @ 2.85)
**ROE - return on equity** (I like this one because it shows how effective management is generating profits based on total shareholder equity): 43% (MNST @ 31% and KO @ 37%) - worth noting all of these are fantastic given that the S&P averages somewhere around 15%
Generally speaking, FIZZ is undervalued relative to some of the other major players in the beverage market. The most surprising part is the level of short interest based on these fundamentals alone. And no, i'm not saying this is a short squeeze opportunity, however that doesn't mean that is not a potential catalyst.
# Acquisition?
(**Potential catalyst alert)** I don't know if there is a ton of precedent as to what happens when someone (an 85 year old at that) owns the vast majority of a publicly traded company. All I am saying is that the big players have been chasing this sparkling water juggernaut for years. Coke seems to have chosen their horse with Topo Chico, but would not be surprised to see another player enter the ring in a bid to take over this company with huge upside potential. **This one just screams acquisition or LBO to me**. Buyouts = premium.
# Technical Analysis
I do think there is some value in looking at the charts from a purely technical standpoint. Given that most trading is done by algorithms now, we have seen a deep downwards channel that has been in place since the January FIZZ squeeze. **This is despite the fact that FIZZ continues to beat earnings and operate with healthy metrics and growth prospects.**
So, this strikes me as an **either/or** scenario (without any other catalyst) - they will continue to track this downwards channel through the $43 relative bottom (abandon ship if this occurs), or they will reverse the trend and break back up to 50. MACD looks good for the first time in a couple months. FIZZ is in desperate need of some news that attracts attention and volume. Here is a chart with lines - bitches love lines:
[ignore the Jan squeeze, this thing needs to rebound soon](https://preview.redd.it/j6gdsnjzl6f71.png?width=2124&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0ecf47941421b413605a9c5f0a5f831f5f92af9)
Mainly competitive, supply chain, and the fact that the dude owns the whole damn company. Also, a pretty ugly chart this year but maybe the worst is over.
40 Shares, 2 x Jan 2021 50c |
BioNTech was $208 on July 13 and is $350 today, 15 trading days later. Its RSI is approaching 90. Moderna went from $235 to $365.
I understand they delivered wonders for humanity with effective COVID vaccines, but the magnitude of the surge is highly unusual.
1) Delta - The variant is not exactly news at this point. The world has already gone through 3 major waves. This wave isn’t expected to be as bad as last winter’s, when BioN stock actually fell from $130 to $85 between early Dec 2020 & early Jan 2021.
2) Earnings - Since Pfizer reported earnings last week, BioN has run up another 25% since then. (They split vaccine revenues 50-50.) A large earnings beat should be more than priced in already.
3) Total Addressable Market
3a) Government deals - BioN & Moderna raised their vaccine prices in the latest EU contract. But this has been known for some time. The US government might push back against similar price increases.
3b) Booster shots - CDC has said booster shots are likely NOT needed for fully-vaccinated, otherwise healthy adults. Without recurring revenue, they would appear to be priced too richly (Moderna >20 forward P/E) for a largely one-time, even if multi-year, windfall.
There will also be political pushback against hoarding boosters for wealthy countries if most of the developing world hasn’t yet received their initial doses.
3c) Future products - No doubt both companies gained brand value from their covid vaccine, but future products are still years down the road.
4) Short interest - neither stock has unusually high short interest (<1% BioN, <4% Moderna) so it doesn’t appear to be a squeeze.
I don’t doubt both stocks can be worth $1,000+ by the end of this decade if they deliver other successful drugs. But a near-doubling in a month is crazy ... does anyone have some insights? |
Space is a fairly new industry in terms of traditional stock market exposure/risk, but in most situations it’s often the newer fields and technologies that have the best asymmetrical upside for investors.
Now I’ve always been a fan of space and the development of aerospace technologies for my entire life, but I’ve also been an investor (aka degenerate gambler).
Astra and Rocket Lab are both companies that produce rockets that are/have gone public via SPAC this year. Rocket Lab will complete its merger on August 20th after an investor vote but when it does it’s likely to behave the same way astra did. When Astra merged with its SPAC the price pumped hard from $10-$11 up over $15 before crashing down to $8 currently.
This is basically pure hype and the fact that investors want good exposure to the space industry. Rocket Lab is a massively undervalued company that is known as the best small satellite launch provider in the world. It uses high strength carbon fiber to build reusable rockets which can fire into very direct and specific orbits better then traditional larger providers like SpaceX. But it’s biggest value comes in the fact that they are using their position as the current best and most used small sat launcher to develop medium lift rockets capable of competing directly with the SpaceX Falcon 9. They also have developed the first modular and modifiable commercial spacecraft.
Within the next two years Rocket Lab will be sending a private scientific mission to Venus to show off the capability of the worlds first commercially available and modifiable Photon spacecraft (essentially a bulky satellite for interplanetary travel) that it expects to sell to governments and universities etc around the world. Think also about the companies interested in asteroid mining which could use these too.
Astra on the other hand has a specific but great niche. They are run by former NASA people and are dedicated to the idea of simplification and scaling. They are very far along with their development of a rocket small enough to fit into a shipping container but simple enough to be mass produced. They want to be the Cessna to spaceX’s 737. It’s a good idea. There are plans to have an American lunar base within a decade and the Russians and Chinese have the same goal and timeline. There is a lot of support and commercial opportunities that can come from the establishment of bases like these.
See, we are at the beginning of a space race, China sent a rover with the specific design and intention of finding the best place to put a manned Martian base, as well as their deployment of a Chinese space station. This stuff is getting real spicy and the market has not factored in the tremendous growth that comes with the sheer number of people who can benefit from accessing space whether it’s for colonization, mining, exploration, scientific endeavors/experimentation, or most importantly manufacturing. (When you don’t worry about gravity gravity doesn’t squash the thing you’re 3D printing before you print the rest of the support structure).
The upside is insane and it’s being overlooked because space is seen as risky and crowded and people are wary of SPACs. These two specific companies, especially Rocket Lab, fill a fantastic niche not filled by anyone else. The drive and scientific intent of their founders/CEOs are the type of exploration oriented drive that will actually propel innovation instead of just sitting and doing the bare minimum like Blue Origin, ULA, or some of the other larger standard launch providers do. Those companies are about to be disrupted on a massive scale.
Rocket Lab is trading at about $10 as Vector Acquisition but post merger we could expect a massive spike in valuation as the more wary investors pile in after the SPAC risk is over. The options are cheap as hell on both companies too. Because Astra is basically the only other new small launch provider that’s public it makes sense that an increased valuation and bullish run on the price of Rocket Lab will correspond with the same investors diversifying risk into Astra as well (which is seen by investors as an equivalent small sat launcher), causing a pump.
Considering the merger vote meeting is planned for the 20th of this month, I’m surprised that IV isn’t higher for Rocket Lab or Astra, but it’s beginning to trend upwards as more investors decide to sink some change into the company. It’s surprising to me how little coverage this stock has gotten. It’s going to be a massive story when it blows up this month, but for now everyone seems to be silent. They have the technical understanding, the track record, multiple government contracts already, and the prospect of a space race all going for them, that’s some deep value if I’ve ever seen it. I realized this opportunity not from researching the stock but from the company itself, I love space and I am a fan of following the rapid development of the industry. A whole lot of people are starting to plan businesses around space and investing big bucks, and they all need a rocket to get them there. The fact that Rocket Lab is setting itself up with the Neutron medium lift rocket to directly compete with SpaceX is alone a massive indicator of future value. SpaceX is valued over $70 billion and the current valuation of Rocket Lab is just $4 billion. That’s a lot of room for growth.
$SPCE is a good play but it is a space tourism company and they still value it at $10 billion, these companies have such a broader and consistent consumer base as compared to something as risky and unfounded as space tourism, which indicates the massive undervaluation situation we have in RKLB and ASTR.
Disclaimer: I own a bunch of options that expire on 9/17 in both companies as well as more then 50 shares of each in underlying stock.
TL:DR; because of global politics and reduced costs of rockets, Rocket Lab ($RKLB) and Astra ($ASTR) are set up to become massive mid to large cap businesses tho they trade at absurdly low valuations today. |
This deal will be a US$29 billion (A$39 billion) all-stock transaction depending upon the closing price of Square common stock on July 30, 2021.
The proceedings will be geared at delivering engaging financial goods and services, allowing merchants of all sizes to reach out to more customers and generate additional income. The deal is expected to close all its pending transactional formalities by the first quarter of the calendar year 2022, subject to certain terms and conditions.
“By combining with Square, we will further accelerate our growth in the U.S. and globally, offer access to a new category of in-person merchants, and provide a broader platform of new and valuable capabilities and services to our merchants and consumers. We are fully aligned with Square’s purpose and, together, we hope to continue redefining financial wellness and responsible spending for our customers,” said Anthony Eisen and Nick Molnar, Afterpay Co-Founders and Co-CEOs in the media release.
He further continues, “The transaction marks an important recognition of the Australian technology sector as homegrown innovation continues to be shared more broadly throughout the world. It also provides our shareholders with the opportunity to be a part of future growth of an innovative company aligned with our vision.”
The square stock surged when the news emerged, ending at $272.38 on Monday, with a Price Earnings ( PE) Ratio of 449.06. Afterpay shares closed at A$114.80 on the Australian bourse, up 18.77 percent over the previous trading day.
Square Inc, during Q1FY21, marked the total net revenue of $5.06 billion, up 266% Year-On-Year (YoY). Standalone gross profit of Cash App stood at $495 million, posting an up of 171% year over year. This American Fintech Giant has a Market Cap of $124.03B |
360 DigiTech Inc. ADR
Its lost 40% last 30 days yet is a "strong buy" I bought about 15k worth because it seems like every year their revenue and earnings goes up quite a lot. Does anyone else hold a bag of this?
I am genuinely confused why more people aren't talking about it, especially seeing that Zack has it as one of their top stocks right now.
Seems like the drop could be because of a lawsuit, but their numbers are INSANE and their current mc is only above 3bn. |
**Full research paper link**: [https://citronresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/DigitalOcean-The-Shopify-of-Cloud-Computing.pdf](https://citronresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/DigitalOcean-The-Shopify-of-Cloud-Computing.pdf)
*Not mentioned in the DD is that short interest is around 20% with greater than 5 days to cover so shorts about to get wrecked. Grab some popcorn (or shares/calls) and watch the squeeze!* 💎🙌 🚀
*Below are excerpts from Citron's DD but I highly recommend reading the full research paper linked above. It's an easy read and has a lot more info including supporting links and charts.*
"Congratulations to everyone who owned Shopify through the years. Citron has been waiting patiently for another company to come along with the same profile, hoping with fingers crossed that valuation would be investible… and it has finally come to market."
"DigitalOcean (DOCN) is a cloud computing platform purpose-built for SMBs (i.e., the Shopify of cloud computing or AWS for SMBs) at a fraction of the cost of large cloud providers.”
“The next wave is the SMB transformation to the cloud and multi cloud. We’ve seen this movie before and just like how Shopify and Square saw that SMBs were not far behind large enterprises in adopting ecommerce and digital payments, DigitalOcean is in the leading position to capitalize on this mega trend."
"After speaking with former employees, customers, and even the competition, we have found that DigitalOcean’s customer base is even more passionate and evangelical than that of Shopify, which leads us to believe that DigitalOcean will become the dominant SMB cloud provider."
"DigitalOcean will report Q2 2021 earnings this Thursday before market open. We believe the setup into earnings is very attractive."
"This month is our 21st year of publishing Citron Research. In that time, this is as compelling of an investment opportunity that we’ve come across. The development community has spoken and we have listened."
"With only 38% of revenue coming from North America and flush with IPO money to spend on sales and marketing, you just have to look at their hiring page to see the company is about to hit a period of hyper growth."
"In this report Citron initially had a list of everyone we believe could acquire DigitalOcean but we will save that for another time. Ironically enough, Shopify is at the top of the list. The reason we are not eager to include the analysis at this time is because we believe this does not happen until the stock is at least $200. Until then…" |
Robinhood fucked me on GME and i moved all of my funds to Webull but im not liking the webull mobile app as much as Robinhood. (TD Ameritrade also stopped buys on GME but i didnt have an option to move my self directed HSA account out of TD)
I like the simple uppies and downies graphs designed for retards better.
I also like how RH shows the break evens on the options chains is it has kept me from making more than a few bad trades.
I wasnt trading as successfully on webull because i found it harder to track my trades and watchlist and i wasnt as confident in finding the best options to buy.
I dont like how RH market orders seem to steal an extra penny off the bid but limit orders fixes that.
I want Vlad to suck my nuts but the platform just works better for me and they offered me $100 to transfer funds back into RH.
I couldnt turn down taking $100 out of Vlads pocket so i transferred funds back planning on moving them out after the bonus cleared, but i like the app better and started making trades on RH again
Conflicted and realizing this post will bring hate from GME apes but I'm curious what other people think. |
I bought 1,100 shares of $FCX yesterday like a ***dumbass*** to get some copper exposure because I was thinking that: A) potential strikes in Chilean copper mines would imperil supply and; B) DC lawmakers are working on the infrastructure deal and hoping to pass it before August 9th senate recess. I was hoping for a quick buck.
These are tailwinds in my book, but then this is what Reuters puts out, like they're after me - [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-metals-copper-ahome-idUSKBN2F31BH](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-metals-copper-ahome-idUSKBN2F31BH).
The question is: why am I getting pounded in the ass and how much more can I expect? Did I buy at the top? Did I just do that? |
This post isn't about moons, rockets, or short squeezes.
23andMe has been trading on the NASDAQ for just over a month.
Prior to being listed as $ME - it was being traded as a SPAC - A shell company created by Sir FUCKING Richard Branson a.k.a. the biggest virgin on the planet. (Owner of Virgin Atlantic Airways and Virgin Mobile and a bunch of other companies).
If you don't know, 23andMe is a saliva based testing kit which can be sent to your home. It's completely retard-friendly. All you have to do is send them a sample of your already overflowing drool. With this sample, they can complete genetic testing and analyze changes in DNA structure and sequence.
According to the 23andMe kit I am 69% Neanderthal. This explains my sloped forehead and why I dream in IMAX.
When it was announced that Richard Branson's SPAC would acquire 23andMe - it shot up to a high of $18.16 from an average of $10. (This was prior to 23andMe even being listed.) After the initial rise and fall, the price settled back to $10 and was kept there until the shareholders could vote on the acquisition of 23andMe.
23andMe is backed not only by Richard Branson but is headed by CEO and co-founder of $ME - Anne Wojcicki. She is sister to Susan Wojcicki (Current CEO of Youtube). Anne was also married for a while to Sergey Brin (co-founded of Google).
She developed 23andMe after working as a health care investment analyst for a San Francisco investment fund . She was displeased with the way investment firms viewed biotech's and set out to create her own world-changing company.
Originally, 23andMe offered tests which would map out your genetic make-up i.e. your ancestry. God knows your ancestors who migrated from Africa hundreds of thousand of years ago are looking down on you with immense shame.
In 2015 the FDA gave 23andMe approval for tests which could include various types of cancers, Alzheimer's, cystic fibrosis, Parkinson's, sickle cell anemia, Gaucher's disease, early onset dystonia, and many more hereditary ailments.
Also in 2015 they announced a partnership with GlaxoSmithKlien to use the genetic mapping of over 5 million customers to design new drugs.
In 2020 GlaxoSmithKlien announced their first joint clinical trial regarding cancer treatment - working with client DNA they had gotten from 23andMe.
$ME has a potential DATA MINE of genetic information. Imagine knowing if a certain illness runs in your family and your own propensity for it - with information like this ahead of time, one can be more easily prepared and can catch it even before symptoms start.
Easy to use and streamlined tests like this are the future. The technology will only get better and medications will only improve with the amount of people opting to have their DNA analyzed further by 23andMe & their partners.
AUGUST 13th, 2021 - 11:00AM EDT is 23andMe's 2nd Quarter Earnings Call!
As I said before - the price went from $10 to a high of $18.16 even before the merger. Yesterday $ME closed at $8.23 (Ending in the aftermarket at $8.35). This is LOWER than pre-merger prices and we're still in the EARLY DAYS of the company.
Put in a stop loss and see where this thing goes. The long-term upside is enormous and the downside is scarce. You'd currently be paying LESS than what early investors paid.
**52 week HIGH - 18.16**
**52 week LOW - 7.72**
**$3.19B MARKET CAP**
Get in low while you can. Now would be a great time to buy ahead of earnings.
My positions:
Maybe if we all come together, we can have the 23 chromosomes required to be labeled as a 'normal functioning human being.'
**TL;DR & ELI5:** 23andMe ($ME) has huge names behind it. Potential is high. Earnings are on the 13th. Prices are a steal. I hope you enjoyed my Ted-Talk.
u/Flying_madman |
So how long do you guys think this bubble will last? I am not a shill either I look at the bigger picture,economy is in bad shape, every state is in need of workers, lots of people bout to get booted out of homes, people wanting more pay, I see companies that are barely holding there head out of the water, look at gme for example the company has had plenty of time to do something yet its same store , all bag holders are trying to convince everyone to jump back on, last time I checked gme don't really do much for there employees, any ways, how many of you put money into gme but never shop there? I order my games online for my fam, its easier, digital downloads no scratches no pile of games laying around, they don't produce a product they sell other peoples product..I stopped messing with gme a while back lots of people made some of the easiest money they will ever make with that. It was shorted because the company is not that great the stores are usually slow, so for you guys holding positions in it be careful with your money, gme could end up tanking back to reality soon, what if all employees walk out and go sit on couch waiting on that 4th stimulus, there's plenty of other things out there that are better investments, Tesla there's a good company they have been growing and growing and there helping the whole dam world, I am waiting for the bubbles to pop on some of this stuff, Just wondering what others think about the bubble how long it will last ? |
Long story short, these are the plans for 2030:
- US is dedicating $52 Billion into increased chip capacity
- EU is dedicating $160 Billion into increased chip capacity
- South Korea is dedicating $450 Billion into increased chip capacity
> In June, analysts at consultancy Bain & Company said building capacity would “hurt the economics” of suppliers, since each will likely run production lines below capacity once demand abates.
It’s generally accepted that chip manufacturing facilities take years to bring operations up to rate, and the concern is that these particularly long break even periods will be extended even further if global capacity increases simultaneously.
Obviously this bodes well for companies where chips represent a substantial portion of finished product costs (such as AMD), but I am too uncaffeinated to make an educated guess as to what else will happen. Will chip manufacturers have to sell off assets when supply exceeds demand? Will there be piles of semiconductors stuffed in every kitchen drawer in the world? Will Dad ever acknowledge me? The world may never know.
What we do know is that chip shortages are going to be happening for a while, till they aren’t. Plan accordingly.
https://spectrum.ieee.org/chip-shortage |
Your daily hype thread. Please keep the shitposting to a maximum.
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Ford's shift to Google infotainment software won't put brakes on BlackBerry QNX's ascent: analysts
Do not read this post.
"But Rhodes and other analysts were quick to note that BlackBerry QNX is hardly a one-trick pony when it comes to automotive software".
From: [https://obj.ca/article/techopia/fords-shift-google-infotainment-software-wont-put-brakes-blackberry-qnxs-ascent](https://obj.ca/article/techopia/fords-shift-google-infotainment-software-wont-put-brakes-blackberry-qnxs-ascent)
"An anchor of Kanata’s autonomous vehicles sector is still in the driver’s seat when it comes to developing emerging AV technology despite Ford’s decision to drop the company’s infotainment platform from its vehicles, industry analysts told OBJ Thursday.
The world’s No. 3 automaker made headlines (...) when it announced it was ditching BlackBerry QNX’s system that controlled tasks such as syncing mobile phones for hands-free calling and powering interactive maps in favour of an Android-based platform from Google.
That means that starting in 2023, apps such as Google Maps will now be available in millions of Ford and Lincoln vehicles without requiring an Android smartphone.
Ford joins a growing number of other car manufacturers, including Volvo, General Motors and the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, that have turned to Google to power their infotainment systems in recent years.
As a result, BlackBerry QNX – which employs about 400 people at its flagship Kanata R&D facility – has seen its share of the infotainment software market fall from nearly 50 per cent in 2017 to 28 per cent last year, according to market research firm IHS Markit. Ford’s move will only hasten that decline.
## Not a one-trick pony
“Ford was a significant piece of business for QNX – there’s no doubt about it,” says Brian Rhodes, IHS Markit’s Michigan-based research manager for connected cars, noting that the manufacturer accounted for more than a fifth of QNX’s infotainment software business in 2020. “There’s a gap there.”
But Rhodes and other analysts were quick to note that BlackBerry QNX is hardly a one-trick pony when it comes to automotive software.
The company designs a variety of software systems used in cars made by Ford and other manufacturers, including telematics that underpins technology such as GPS navigation systems as well as assisted and autonomous driving platforms. Infotainment is just one of these systems, and experts say its relative importance to BlackBerry QNX’s business is waning.
Rhodes notes that the Waterloo-based company has been funnelling many of its resources into enhancing the safety and security of its real-time operating systems. He says BlackBerry QNX is “incredibly strong and getting stronger” at developing secure, connected platforms that control everything from airbags to autonomous parking systems.
As an example, he points to BlackBerry’s recent decision to expand its business partnership with Chinese search engine giant Baidu.
Under the deal, Baidu’s high-definition maps will be integrated into BlackBerry’s QNX Neutrino real-time operating system in millions of electric cars manufactured by GAC Group, one of China’s top three automakers.
“I think that’s exactly how they’re trying to position their business going forward,” Rhodes explains. “It’s really just phasing into a different part of their business.”
Ottawa-based automotive industry expert Barrie Kirk agrees.
While calling Ford’s decision unfortunate, Kirk says it wasn’t all that surprising considering the widespread industry shift toward Android-based infotainment systems.
He notes that BlackBerry QNX has spent years building a strong reputation for developing secure software focused on other aspects of automotive technology such as autonomous driving systems, adding the company caters to a wide variety of other industries, including the medical sector.
## 'A solid company'
“This is disappointing, but let’s keep it in perspective,” says Kirk, the executive director of the Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence. “It’s a solid company with a broad market and a well-respected product line.”
Rhodes adds that while Silicon Valley giants such as Google and others might find it relatively easy to make hay in the realm of infotainment software, building robust operating systems that can stand up to cyber attacks and other security threats is a much tougher nut to crack. And that’s where BlackBerry QNX excels.
“The infotainment space has always been ripe for disruption,” Rhodes explains. “The barrier to entry certainly needs scale, but there are a lot of tech companies with a lot of scale out there.
“The safety-critical space, you can’t buy 50 years of automotive experience, except (through) acquisition. It’s a more secure position to have that niche in – no pun intended.”
Kirk says he hopes that Ford will continue to collaborate with BlackBerry QNX on other ventures at the automaker’s $340-million Ottawa Research and Engineering Centre on Palladium Drive, which employs hundreds of ex-BlackBerry workers.
But no matter what happens, he sees a bright future ahead for a firm that’s shown a knack for weathering storms.
“This is the same BlackBerry that really adjusted very well as its smartphone business diminished,” he says. “They reinvented themselves in a big way and did a very successful job of that. I’m very confident that they’ll do well, and they'll adjust and keep growing.”
TLDR: This is just one example of what is really going on behind the bearish bullshit articles flooding the space.
Bb lost the infotainment contract with F but that does not encompass the totality of their working relationship. Articles have been and probably will continue to be framed in a bearish lean for the foreseeable future. Do your own dd
Obligatory 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Edit: final phases of patent sale deal. The past couple earnings reports were inaccurate due to revenue that couldn’t be declared. If we factor in avg patent rev bb would have beat the last two losses. |
**In the quarter ended June 30, 2021:**
* **Revenue** was RMB205,740 million (US$31,865 million), an increase of 34% year-over-year. Excluding the consolidation of Sun Art, our revenue would have grown 22% year-over-year to RMB187,306 million (US$29,010 million).
* **Annual active consumers** of the Alibaba Ecosystem across the world reached approximately 1.18 billion for the twelve months ended June 30, 2021, an increase of 45 million from the twelve months ended March 31, 2021. This includes 912 million consumers in China1 and 265 million consumers overseas served by Lazada, AliExpress, Trendyol and Daraz.
* **Income from operations** was RMB30,847 million (US$4,778 million), a decrease of 11% year-over-year. **Adjusted EBITDA**, a non-GAAP measurement, decreased 5% year-over-year to RMB48,628 million (US$7,532 million). **Adjusted EBITA**, a non-GAAP measurement, decreased 8% year-over-year to RMB41,731 million (US$6,463 million). The year-over-year decreases were primarily due to our investments in strategic areas to capture incremental opportunities, such as Community Marketplaces, Taobao Deals, Local Consumer Services and Lazada, as well as our increased spending on growth initiatives within China retail marketplaces, such as Idle Fish and Taobao Live, and our support to merchants.
* **Net income attributable to ordinary shareholders** was RMB45,141 million (US$6,991 million), and **net income** was RMB42,835 million (US$6,634 million). **Non-GAAP net income** was RMB43,441 million (US$6,728 million), an increase of 10% year-over-year, mainly due to an increase in share of profit of equity method investees.
* **Diluted earnings per ADS** was RMB16.38 (US$2.54) and **diluted earnings per share** was RMB2.05 (US$0.32 or HK$2.46). **Non-GAAP diluted earnings per ADS** was RMB16.60 (US$2.57), an increase of 12% year-over-year and **non-GAAP diluted earnings per share** was RMB2.08 (US$0.32 or HK$2.50), an increase of 12% year-over-year.
* **Net cash** **provided by operating activities** was RMB33,603 million (US$5,204 million). **Non-GAAP free cash flow** was RMB20,683 million (US$3,203 million), a decrease compared to RMB36,570 million in the same quarter of 2020, mainly due to the partial settlement in the amount of RMB9,114 million (US$1,412 million) of the RMB18,228 million fine levied earlier this year by China’s State Administration for Market Regulation pursuant to China’s Anti-monopoly Law (the "Anti-monopoly Fine") and a decrease in profit as a result of our investments in key strategic areas.
[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/alibaba-group-announces-june-quarter-105400522.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/alibaba-group-announces-june-quarter-105400522.html) |
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This is an old Yacht Club thread. Click /u/VisualMod and look in new posts. |
# Based on [Statistica 2020 report](https://www.statista.com/topics/4076/amazon-prime/) AMZN has 213 Million Monthly Active Users, per latest 2020 10K report WISH has 107 Million Monthly Active Users.
This means that for every MAU Amazon makes roughly $1,500 and WISH makes $25. Eager to see WISH's 10Q earnings report in 10 days.
[Log scaled comparison](https://preview.redd.it/x6fzat9gr1f71.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=06c0594a4fac8debeb86feec2fa1ccc158990ab3)
**In Conclusion**
Unless new execs at WISH are brain dead (which they are not) [Reses and Co.](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210512005657/en/Wish-Announces-Appointment-of-Jacqueline-Reses-as-Executive-Chair) should be able to figure out how to monetize WISH's current massive MAU.
I am expecting the stock price to go much (*much much much*) higher as a result.
* WISH 10 K Source: [https://ir.wish.com/node/6861/html](https://ir.wish.com/node/6861/html)
* AMZN 10 K source: [https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001018724/5a60b19f-08ef-4231-ad6a-f4810eb38769.html#](https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001018724/5a60b19f-08ef-4231-ad6a-f4810eb38769.html#)
* AMZN MAU Estimate \*1: [https://www.statista.com/topics/4076/amazon-prime/](https://www.statista.com/topics/4076/amazon-prime/)
* I am not a financial analyst
* *a functional autist who eats green crayons;*
* *ballz deep in WISH stock;* |
Edit: the eviction moratorium is extended 60 days. 2 more months of people shitting In their landlords toilet without running water.
Background: The eviction moratorium began as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) signed into law in March 2020 as a 120-day eviction moratorium for rental properties that are part of **federal assistance programs** or are subject to federally backed loans. Some, but not all, states adopted their own temporary eviction moratorium as well. The CARES Act eviction moratorium expired in July 2020. The CDC then imposed its own eviction moratorium halting residential evictions. Congress temporarily extended the CDC order once, and then the CDC extended it several more times to 30 June 2021. Source 1: [https://www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/news/2021/07/30/foreclosure-moratorium-ending-july-31.html](https://www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/news/2021/07/30/foreclosure-moratorium-ending-july-31.html)
So, you are probably thinking that what happens next is an enlightening conversation on government intervention and clear overstepping of authority by the centers for disease and control. You, like everyone else, is wondering if the power is going to go out while your tendies are still cooking in the microwave by the great depression 2. Do you sense a disturbance in the force? Millions of voices crying out as the door hits their ass on the way out? Well my fellow retard, you just clicked on a Slut\_Spoiler shitpost discussion, and it's too late now. The synthesizer is riffing and you have to wait at least until Rick Astley starts singing.
I have been searching for a while online how I can live that "not much but honest life" of a dairy farmer that milks the government. I was raised to be a contributing member of society and still trying to break the habit. You probably noticed I bolded text in the first paragraph. It's important to note that this moratorium only affects those with less than 99k in gross income or twice that for a family. Further, to be eligble for that, you have to show you have been actively seeking employment. Wow, 99k gross income! That's a lotta fucking people! and everyone with a friend named Reggie can verify, committing fraud by showing that you are actively looking for employment is easy to do. Almost as easy as making an ineligible resume on a napkin. This is the classic unemployment benefits hustle.
One time I got a resume from a guy. It was an e-mail. Said "I am electrician". That was it. That was this guys Resume, Cover Letter, and Curriculum Vitae, but his Modus Operandi was being able to show the unemployment office that he had contacted us and put his best foot forward to get a job. Well, that's another month of making more money than you would get working (California). According to the GOV, he has made an effort to get employment.
Now, there are a few more bylaws in there to protect you. The wording is very lose. "If you **may** become homeless or be forced to live in a more crowded space" you are eligible for the federal program. Not sure how they plan on enforcing that, but it's beside the point. As long as you aren't being violent or destructive you can't be kicked out.
This word "may" is a problem for me. As in: "You **may** have an enormous back rent bill when the moratorium terminates. If so, you **may** want to consider using the federal aid to help". Even after not paying rent for months and getting unemployment, the federal government still has programs to help those in need. There isn't going to be a crisis. there isn't going to be global crash in the housing market. There is going to be a bunch of people on vacation getting called back to reality.
So let's throw out some scenarios. Scenario Alpha: What we have is tennant A who hasn't paid his rent for a year and 4 months, and we have tennant B across the street who has done the same thing. How much money have they saved? to just put a rent number out there (I'll use $1,000) and multiplying it by 16 months is going to give you an impressive cushion: $16,000. These guys making 99k and under, with $16,000 savings aren't worried about being kicked out, because they are just going to move across the street. Tennant A and Tennant B will do an apartment swap, the landlords gets fucked over and the crisis is averted. The landlords of these tennants just want someone to come in who will pay, and guess who's been building up a nice nest egg? Obviously, these tennants have to leave. The bridge is burned. Would you let some guy who's been pennyfarthing about with your money stay? At a certain point, this shit gets personal.
Scenario Omega: Landlord finally is able to remove his tennant. He jumps for joy that he can start collecting rent again from an actively employed tennant. The last guy leaves, looks for a house, and puts down a down payment. Thanks to his savings.
Another thing to think about is that this is giving people OPPURTUNITY. They are out of work, everywhere is hiring. Always wanted to live in New York? the Governor is begging for people to come and get mugged. Want to go to anywhere in the US and start your life over? It's totally possible when there aren't any strings attached to you like job and rent, and you can afford the cost of starting over.
Finally, I think that the real DD will be in the comments, which is a common theme with you animals. As for me, I've paid rent this whole time LIKE AN IDIOT. However, being honest is kind of the only thing that helps me sleep at night. That and not jeopardizing the roof over my head.
tl;dr invest in $UHAL. I'm sure business will be booming even more than it already has.
🎶We're no strangers to love🎶 |
I noticed for TD Ameritrade and Robinhood (potentially others), if you change your account to a 'cash account' the PDT restrictions don't apply. This doesn't sound right since it's a FINRA rule, but Robinhood for example defaults you into their 'instant account', which they consider a margin account. Their own site says that if you downgrade from an instant account to a cash account, the day trading restrictions no longer apply...
Has anyone done this? It's permanent, but seems totally worth it.
I'll delete if I'm wrong (most likely am), I've only been trading 2 months but am exploring leaving Robinhood and stumbled across this topic while comparing features etc. |
At this rate, SNAP insiders are on track to sell $2.9 billion of stock per year, or about 2.4% of the market cap. If they continue selling at this rate, which they are as of today, get ready for some big fat red dildo candles into the stop loss slip and slide. Large increases in monthly selling like this by top executives have been some of best 1-3 month shorts with 100-400% in gains.
Average joe all like: "i like sending dick pics on this app", "good earnings", "an analyst said it's now a $100 stock!" fuck it, i'll throw $5k in with a 5% stop loss at $73, def won't go tits up.
Meanwhile wall street and insiders are quietly cashing out billions on you suckers.
**Concerning metrics:**
Net income: **-$0.75 billion a year**
Price to sales ratio: **35**
Forward price / earnings ratio: **95**
Seriously tho, who buys anything they see on SNAP?? Sure the app is fun and a few good dick pic sends were had, but as a business, I'd much rather advertise on FB/TWTR/instagram/GOOGL/AMZN. SNAP is now 10x the bottom of march 2020 crash just 1.5 years ago, pretty extreme for 112% sales growth TTM (that they are spending billions on in software development to achieve).
I think a gap fill to $64 is likely here in the next few months. Lack of buyers post-earnings and the fresh low of $73.50 today looking very bearish. Great way to hedge to the downside if market pulls back again.
TL;DR: SNAP sept $70p and short shares @ $74 |
Anyone OG enough remembers some of the shit that went down during the Feb-March 20' crash.... People BANKING left and right, I remember a dude turning 110k into 650k in under a half hour on tesla puts, the dude that turned a few k into 550K and diamond handed it to nothing, the multiple people that became millionaires and ALLLLL the other ballas, tricks, trick ass ballers and mark ass baller tricks where they fuck are they now? Did they take their gains and run? Did they turn that 100k into 2 million or go broke? Are they sitting around watching their wives get fat not doing a fucking thing but collecting interest and dividends on that cash... Who remembers these people and can we find them? I'm curious how the big winners from the crash fared. What's your story or who do you remember? |
Obligatory: This is my first DD, if it even counts as DD and I don't know tf im doing. not advice. Listen to your pet rock before listening to me.
If you want a summary of what Matterport does: I'm not gonna copy pasta; [Here's what they do](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ou2ap9/mttr_bringing_3d_photogrammetry_experiences_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)
Ever since they were a SPECulation, I've been into MTTR. Wanted to write a DD on this sooner but had to wait for shares to issue out so that they'd get a $1B+ MC. This is kinda DD kinda Discussion, I'm not too sure what it is but I'm writing this to convince my wife's boyfriend to give me allowance to buy more.
# Real Estate Play?
Wait... they just take pictures of houses and shet. idgaf. Housing market gonna crash and we're all gonna kiss Burry's ass again. Trash play.
Well... sort of, let's do an analogy.
If stonks go up, who makes money?
1. Bulls
2. The brokers earning commission from you apes
If stonks go down, who makes money?
1. 🌈 🐻
2. The brokers earning commission from you apes
Matterport is the tool that brokers use. They have contracts with Redfin, apartments.com, vacasa, etc
Listing sites like Zillow and Airbnb also support user uploaded Matterport imaging.
Buy, sell, rent, hotel, BnB, market up, market down, ERRYTHANG!
In other words, they're gonna make money regardless of real estate market.
# Stats:
bigger numbers lead to bigger tendies
total revenue: $26.9mill (+108% YoY)
Subscribers: 331,000 (+500+% YoY)
\# of Spaces under Matterport Management: 5 mill +
Annual Recurring Revenue: $55+ million
150+ countries and counting
# Covid/Recovery Play:
Is it too late to play covid? maybe, but Florida thinks otherwise.
Online shopping/home improvement: Rather than annoying the living shet outta amazon by returning the 9/10 items you just bought, you can virtually place the item in your home and see how it fits or looks.
When you're stuck at home gong crazy staring at the wall, you might plan your next trip. Resorts, hotels, parks, vacation sites. While everyone is stuck at home, these places'll use Matterport to instill as much FOMO as they can to get customers to line up once the pandemic is over.
# Other Streams of Revenue/Applications:
Retail: You ever buy something at Ikea, bring it home, assemble it, and find out it doesn't fit correctly or it doesn't match the fungshui of your living room? Neither have I, but I'm sure someone has. And Matterport can help you see whether your curtains will match that bean bag you always wanted. Aside from this, retailers have instructions from corporate on their store layout and shelving. Matterport will play a big role in facilitating this so that these managers don't have to drive/fly to every city in their jurisdiction.
VR/AR: They have a deal with Face mother f-ing Book. That deal was just for research and AI. You know what else FB owns? Oculus. MTTR can easily enter VR/AR space with their technology to enter the gaming and 'adult' industries.
# Short Interest:
IDGAF about the short interest. They're gonna make bank and that'll lead to me to making bank. I like the stock. and tbh, I'm such an ape, I don't even know how to reliably check short interest. I just like the stock.
# PR:
If you create the world's best invention; you'll still be dirt poor if no one knows about it. The same goes with stocks. Matterport just hired 2 new PR specialists in the past 2 months - a VP of Investor relations Soohwan Kim, and VP International marketing, Vivian Weiying Pan. If you didn't know about Matterport before, you'll know about it now. More people = more investors = stonks going up
# Catalysts:
Earnings report in less than 2 weeks on 8/11
[Cannacord Growth Conference Presentation](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/matterport-present-canaccord-genuitys-annual-201500627.html) 8/12
Positions: 930 shares; cost basis \~ $13/share; 28 Calls between Aug - Jan, between $12.50\~$17.50 strike |
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A big trade idea, a little longer term and a rare opportunity for something huge. So first off, I've been in this trade since Friday, and my fault for not at least posting before this morning, I meant to finish writing this last night. But it's a longer term strategy and one day should not derail the overall goal.
So here's the deal. I've been waiting on this trade almost all of this year. I rarely trade TSLA or popular meme stocks in general. But there's a trade setting up that is similar to the rolling QQQ trade from 2020. First I want to say this trade only sees it's true potential when there's a prolonged move for an asset in either direction at almost a straight line, which is very rare in equities.
Taking a step back, another requirement for this trade to come to fruition is that the general bull market in equities continues higher from this point. Length and magnitude don't have to be too large, but another couple months, and another 250 S&P points or so is required.
With the backdrop of a continuing bull market, by which the case can be made for many reasons I won't go into here, and what I'm about to lay out, now is the time to enter an 8-10 week trade, using a **specific rolling weekly strategy on TSLA,** beginning this morning.
In parabolic bull markets, and specifically in individual names and leaders of those bull markets, proportional growth ratios become a big part of the price action leading into the acceleration phases. One can argue that TSLA itself is the clear leader of this particular bull market, the original meme stock flag-bearer, arguably sharing the title with the likes of AMD.
Taking an outside look at the growth patterns of TSLA's stock during this historic bull run, TSLA shows the most defined fractal pattern, indicating constant proportional growth near the ratio of the golden mean.. than any other leaders. And that makes sense given that it represents this bull market as a whole. Attached are some representations of this growth rate and it's respective pattern. It doesn't need to be complicated.
https://imgur.com/a/iKUzzoj (backdrop of M0 fueling bull run)
Given this rare setup, I think the rally to 900 will be almost linear and weekly call options beginning with 8/6 will return over 1000%. At which point **1/3 of total proceeds will be rolled into 8/13 before close Friday.** This strategy will allow for the errant negative week to occur, or even two in a row. The expected return on this trade by October end is in the order of 200x original trade size. It sounds crazy. I'll explain it more in a bit.
Given the set up has reached maturity, and with the assumption that the S&P continues it's bull run over the next 8-10 weeks, and given whom I consider it's sister company leading this bull market, AMD, already made it's own linear run through all time highs.. as well as others like SQ approaching new highs today on acquisition news or NVDA's recent run to substantial new highs. I'm making the assumption that TSLA will continue it's bull run after a 6 month consolidation, and make new highs which by definition are above 900.
I think the new rally will peak at about $1350. These are all signs & indications of a blow-off top phase of a general bull market that could last any range of timeframes, but as we've seen some of the most amazing moves in equities can happen during these times, and this trade hones in on one specific move that will be looked at in the context of a bigger picture when it's all said and done. The time and opportunity to make a trade like this is now. More perfect would have been this morning. But if the thesis is right, the move will be nearly linear and there won't be many opportunities for a pullback.
**Enter for 8/6 to start the roll. 740c**
**Looking for TSLA to close the week out about $805**
Not sending this on Friday cost a bit on the initial entry, but 4% should not matter if the trade is correct. |
SPY has been very consistent in bouncing off VWAPS that are anchored at pivot lows. It has been doing it for weeks. Anytime we have seen a sell and gap down, it has bounced off of VWAP.
As we look at Gamma Exposure, there is a large call wall at 441 which has given resistance today. Also, there was LOTS of puts that were purchased last week that expire today which is keeping S&P currently.
440 is current Gamma flip point with some support at 435. VWAP and Gamma confluence. But I also think a close below 435 could bring more weakness.
What I'll be looking for towards the end of cash open, is whether we see a pump or dump.
A sell and close around 436, I'll take a shot at swinging some longs.
https://preview.redd.it/vugkvh0ojze71.png?width=1894&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5ef73fe1b8eefbc0b635165f33d0a844601afaf |
Hello everyone! It's PsyFerret the Business Ferret!
I wanted to present another stock that's climbing through the ranks on Psy's Buys. I know the Apes of WSB are always looking for stupid and risky plays! So, let me show you one that I think you're going to love: AMKR
First, starting with the weeklies!
[AMKR Weeklies!](https://preview.redd.it/7f29wxqubze71.png?width=1058&format=png&auto=webp&s=0871cf4c4ac77fcc1a2d998ee020136d449b5a2f)
First, the last 2 weeks have been bullish! Yeah buddy! But, let's take a look at the MACD. First, the Histogram has been on an upwards slope, meaning that the bulls are gaining strength or the bears are losing it. Doesn't matter, treats for a ferret! The MACD line itself made an upwards climb at the end of last week as well, meaning the short term ema is climbing faster than the intermediate ema! Prices do be climbing! So we're bullish on the intermediate! Dook Dook! If you take a look at the histogram, it's near 0. If it goes above 0, we've got an **intermediate** term Bull Signal! I think that might happen within the next couple of weeks.
Now, let's get to everyone's favorite place: The Dailies
[AMKR Dailies](https://preview.redd.it/iqo2b9npcze71.png?width=1057&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2856a41bf40f63132cbd50f5452e9ee1315e120)
Now, let's go into the dailies. Look at that histogram and MACD line SKYROCKET for the last few days! The volume is a bit low today and we're near a price resistance line, which makes me nervous, but considering the bullish nature for the last couple of weeks with no signs of slowing down, I think it's going to break on through! and then, who knows where we'll see the next resistance line!
Hope this impresses the apes. TL;DR: Weeklies: 🚀🚀🚀🚀 , Dailies: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
edit: My positions, my bad
https://preview.redd.it/m8x3w1fveze71.png?width=1128&format=png&auto=webp&s=f05e9250a1f3c1ba2eb86667c6d92b19af73b4f7 |
The title pretty much says it. Robinhood CEO, Vladimir Tenev, sold **1250000** shares of Robinhood ($HOOD) at **$36.40**, which amounts to $45,500,000 USD.
[From the NASDAQ website](https://preview.redd.it/vsjexs6o5ze71.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=28498cb28bfa1d712149ea71d897064c0fc65d56)
Here's a link to the official [SEC Filing Form](https://secfilings.nasdaq.com/filingFrameset.asp?FilingID=15125984&RcvdDate=07/28/2021&CoName=ROBINHOOD%20MARKETS,%20INC.&FormType=4&View=html)
Amongst the group of insiders who sold shares, the Chief Marketing Officer stands out. Christina Smedley sold **100%** of her shares! (99,884 shares at $35.28, over $3.5 million USD)
Also, Jason Warnick, the Chief Financial Officer sold 25% of his shares (125,000 at $36.40, over $4.5 million US)
Here's a table, for smooth brains like me who process information better this way 😅🤣
|Insider|Shares Sold|Price|Amount in USD|
|V. Tenev - CEO|1,250,000|$36.40|$45,500,000|
|J. Warnick - CFO|125,000|$36.40|$4,550,000|
|C. Smedley - CMO|99,884|$35.28|$3,523,907.52|
What do you think? Is this a sign they don't believe in the company? |
WSB, hi. You may know me from my previous shitty gay bear posts.
[(33) All crashes are similar, only perceptions change. : wallstreetbets (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ny8u84/all_crashes_are_similar_only_perceptions_change/)
[A practical template for understanding and trading bear market moves. : wallstreetbets (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ohm7bl/a_practical_template_for_understanding_and/)
Here we'll do a quick update on AMC.
In my first post 2 months ago I said to look for AMC rejecting off the 60 level. And then I said;
>Using the basic rules covered so far, this would give us a projection of price getting to at least 17.50.
Pic at time of post.
And then in my second post I said at this part of the move;
I thought we'd be here in the downtrend.
Here these are now.
Updated trade plan - Target for next downswing is 17.50. Probably see some bullish momentum from there. Will probably look for short entries again around 50 if we do.
That's all. I know you don't like words. Will update in a while when the market's moved. |
A)50$ strike
3,048 Open Interest
310 Volume
120% I.V.
-Large number of volume + open interest on a way OTM call.
-Volume increase by 100+ over the last trading day
B)30$ strike
11,212 open interest
4,552 volumen
76% I.V.
-5,000+ open interest incrementation since last trading day.
-3k increment in volume since last trading day.
-High I.V. for a ATM option
-1.89 avg. cost per contract 👀
C)•-35$ strike
17,480 O.P
2,273 volumen
89% I.V
-.72 avg. per contract 👀
- 4k increment in O.P. since last trading day
-Highest O.P. in the August 20, 2021 option chain
Today's Option statistics 12:07pm :
Trade Volume: 17,911 calls vs 2,281 puts
Traded at bid or below: 3,545 calls vs 438 puts
Traded at ask or above: 5,997 calls vs 633 puts
I.V. 72.18%
VWAP: 29.784
Update 2:20pm:
Trade Volume: 29,696 calls vs 4,129 puts
Traded at bid or below: 6,592 calls vs 675 puts
Traded at ask or above: 9,374 calls vs 1,258 puts
I.V. 74.45% |
It’s all contingent on them mastering FSD, but if they do, they win the Big Prize.
[Loup](https://loupfunds.com/fsd-will-have-powerful-impact-on-tesla-profits/) thinks they can generate revenue of $1 Trillion/yr just on FSD subscriptions by 2031.
[ARK](https://ark-invest.com/big-ideas-2021/) predicts robotaxi industry revenues of $6-7 Trillion/yr, with winners making $1T in profit by 2030.
Thus I’ll predict Tesla revenues of $3T in ten years. They are expected to earn about $50B this year, sixty times less. Ten years out, it seems pointless to predict margins and whatever else, so I’ll just multiply today’s price by 60.
Price in 2031: $43,200 |
***TLDR: Three bitter scientists partnered up with unethical journalist to write hit piece on Cassava Sciences. Before commenting, they failed to disclose major conflicts of interest. Fuck you Rob Howard, Lon Schneider, and George Perry.***
**EDIT:** What did I tell you my fellow tards? ROB HOWARD had to go out of his way to [respond](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward/status/1422205361277317122?s=20) to this shitty DD. **This guy and his sources monitor WALLSTREETBETS for SAVA material.** Hey Rob, you fucking loser. Suck my cock. Your top tweets are about nature photography. Based on your like counts, nobody gives a rats ass about your shitty opinion. Address the CONFLICT OF INTEREST allegations.
This STAT news [article](https://www.statnews.com/2021/07/30/alzheimers-scientists-critique-cassava-sciences-study-results-overblown-inappropriate-uninterpretable/) by Adam Feurerstein on Cassava Sciences has been discussed previously on r/wallstreetbets in this previous [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ouuoi4/sava_hit_piece_uncovered/).
After reading this article, I started to wonder: ***How easy is it to publish misinformation? Who were these three different scientists doing Alzheimer’s Research?***
So i looked up all three on Google to see how much I could trust them. All had Twitter accounts, with Rob Howard and Lon Schneider being the most active [\[Rob\]](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward) [\[Lon\]](https://twitter.com/LonSchneiderMD) [\[George\]](https://twitter.com/geoperry).
# Rob Howard - University College London
>*"overblown, inappropriate, and naive. It’s the sort of presentation that one might expect an undergraduate to make."*
1. Taking a look at his twitter, I can say with confidence that **Rob Howard is an attention-whore**. He [tweets](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward) negatively and incessantly about potential Alzheimer's treatments. His [first tweet ever](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward/status/807290680309649410?s=20) was bashing Biogen.
2. After years of Biogen bashing, Rob Howard tweeted [\[1\]](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward/status/1402549455988142083?s=20), [\[2\]](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward/status/1402643642804801536?s=20), [\[3\]](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward/status/1402646643342778377?s=20) that **he would be happy to be Chief Investigator on Aducanumab for Biogen** and work for them. After so much shit talking, he STILL had to shoot his shot.
3. Rob Howard is a [trustee](https://www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/about-us/who-we-are/our-organisation/our-trustees/) of Alzheimer’s Research UK. Alzheimer’s Resarch UK [reports](https://www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/blog/discovering-dementia-drugs/) on its website that they are **working on a competitor to Cassava Science's Simufilam**. The organization plans to hand off “two projects in the final stages of the drug discovery process" for "further development by industrial partners." Both of these experimental drugs work by clearing up a "build-up of abnormally-folded proteins" - a similar mechanism to Simufilam. **This is clear evidence of a conflict of interest.**
If this sounds too much of a stretch, Rob Howard himself [puts on a tinfoil hat](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward/status/1360973372180606976?s=20) by supporting Adam Feuerstein's allegation that the Alzheimer’s Association is in bed with Biogen.
# Lon Schneider - Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
1. Similarly to Rob, Lon has built his entire career on the failures of past industry research in Alzheimer's. At the 2017 Alzheimer's Association International Conference, he [presented](https://twitter.com/LonSchneiderMD/status/847405477361106946?s=20) "A Plethora of Best Targets or Winners' Curses? Unturned Stones and Why Trials Fail." Much like Rob, **Lon is a professional gay bear in the field of Alzheimer's.**
2. Lon is a subscriber and [fangirl](https://twitter.com/LonSchneiderMD/status/1361101723322839042?s=20) of Adam Feurerstein. Both Rob and Lon got hard at the thought of being featured in a Stat news article. Rob and Lon go way back, having authored several shitty opinion papers together.
3. Rob and Lon enjoy working together. One example of their collaboration is [this](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2215036621001978) useless opinion article (behind a paywall of course) titled "The need to show minimum clinically important differences in Alzheimer's disease trials" which piggybacks off [actual research](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334910209_Disease_severity_and_minimal_clinically_important_differences_in_clinical_outcome_assessments_for_Alzheimer's_disease_clinical_trials) (from industry) to say nothing that hasn't been said before.
# George Perry - University of Texas at San Antonio
>*"These data are interesting, but nothing more at this point..."*
1. George Perry is an [Editor In Chief](https://www.j-alz.com/boarddisclosures) of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, **a shit-tier Alzheimer's journal**. They get [6.7 citations on average](http://archive.sciencewatch.com/ana/st/alz2/journals/) compared to average double digit citations of other journals (11 - 70).
2. George Perry is **personally invested** in [Investacure](https://www.investacure.com/) (a fucking investment platform for people who want to buy into potential Alzheimer's cures), [Neurotez](https://neurotez.com/) (a company developing treatment for Alzheimer’s disease), and **Synaptogenix** (formerly [Neurotrope](https://www.synaptogen.com/), a publicly listed company developing treatment for Alzheimer's disease) and is on the advisory board of Nervgen Pharma. **Adam Feurerstein did not disclose this massive conflict of interest in the article.**
3. Perhaps most hilariously, George Perry **wrote his own wikipedia page** (typically frowned upon and a sign of a small pee pee). His [wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Perry_(neuroscientist)) reads verbatim compared to the [about page](https://about.me/george.perry) linked on his [twitter](https://twitter.com/geoperry).
All three have built their success by continuous critique of Alzheimer's research and on the fact that Alzheimer's is one of the hardest diseases to crack. They're getting left behind and they can feel it. If Cassava Sciences succeeds where others have failed, these three will be out of a job. So, they colluded with Stat News writer Adam Feurerstein to bash SAVA, like they have in the past with other Alzheimer's trials. Nothing new, Rob Howard and Lon Schneider have been working with Adam F to discredit industry Alzheimer's research since 2016: [\[1\]](https://twitter.com/ProfRobHoward/status/811473449864626176?s=20) [\[2\]](https://twitter.com/LonSchneiderMD/status/811330848469307392?s=20). **Haters gonna hate.**
Disclosure: I am retarded and proud of it. I am massively long SAVA and incredibly biased. I believe their science is the best we've ever seen on Alzheimer's. No drug or placebo has ever shown a positive effect on cognition (ADAS-COG) over 9 months.
Positions: 3954 SAVA, $10c 01/21/22, $20c 01/21/22, $45c 01/21/22, $22.5c 01/20/23 |
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