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Notice of Action Taken re: Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on January 8, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-98-4345 & OST-98-3726 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise Date Filed: November 30, 2001 Relief requested: Renew exemption from 49 U.S.C. 41301 to conduct foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and the coterminal points Washington, DC, and Newark, NJ, via a non-traffic stop in Rome, for a period of two years. If renewal, date and citation of last action: Notice of Action Taken dated December 5, 2000, in this docket Applicant representative: Michael Goldman 202-944-3305 Responsive pleadings: None DISPOSITION Action: Approved in part; Remainder dismissed Action date: January 7, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: January 8, 2002 - January 8, 2003 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): Reciprocity Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions (attached) __ Foreign air carrier permit conditions (Order - - ) Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ We found that the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within ten (10) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: Appendix A FOREIGN AIR CARRIER CONDITIONS OF AUTHORITY In the conduct of the operations authorized, the holder shall: (1) Not conduct any operations unless it holds a currently effective authorization from its homeland for such operations, and it has filed a copy of such authorization with the Department; (2) Comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration, including, but not limited to, 14 CFR Parts 129, 91, and 36; (3) Comply with the requirements for minimum insurance coverage contained in 14 CFR Part 205, and, prior to the commencement of any operations under this authority, file evidence of such coverage, in the form of a completed OST Form 6411, with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Program Management Branch (AFS-260), Flight Standards Service (any changes to, or termination of, insurance also shall be filed with that office); (4) Not operate aircraft under this authority unless it complies with operational safety requirements at least equivalent to Annex 6 of the Chicago Convention; (5) Conform to the airworthiness and airman competency requirements of its Government for international air services; (6) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (7) Agree that operations under this authority constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity, for the purposes of 28 U.S.C. 1605(a), but only with respect to those actions or proceedings instituted against it in any court or other tribunal in the United States that are: (a) based on its operations in international air transportation that, according to the contract of carriage, include a point in the United States as a point of origin, point of destination, or agreed stopping place, or for which the contract of carriage was purchased in the United States; or (b) based on a claim under any international agreement or treaty cognizable in any court or other tribunal of the United States. In this condition, the term "international air transportation" means "international transportation" as defined by the Warsaw Convention, except that all States shall be considered to be High Contracting Parties for the purpose of this definition; (8) Except as specifically authorized by the Department, originate or terminate all flights to/from the United States in its homeland; (9) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 217, concerning the reporting of scheduled, nonscheduled, and charter data; (10) If charter operations are authorized, comply (except as otherwise provided in the applicable bilateral agreement) with the Department's rules governing charters (including 14 CFR Parts 212 and 380); and (11) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department, with all applicable orders or regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. This authority shall not be effective during any period when the holder is not in compliance with the conditions imposed above. Moreover, this authority cannot be sold or otherwise transferred without explicit Department approval under Title 49 of the U.S. Code (formerly the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended). (41301/40109) 9/98 The applicant requested that the authority be effective for a period of two years. We dismissed that portion of the carrier’s application to conduct the operations beyond January 8, 2003, without prejudice to refiling at a later date. The duration of this authority is consistent with our usual policy of granting exemption authority in cases such as that presented here. PAGE
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Notice of Action Taken re: Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-1998-4355 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc. filed 6/27/02 to: XX Renew exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between any point or points in the United States and any point or points in Japan pursuant to code-share arrangements with a carrier or carriers of a third country or countries on a blind sector basis, and to integrate this authority with its existing exemption and certificate authority. Applicant rep: Robert E. Cohn (202) 663-8060 DOT Analyst: Sylvia Moore (202) 366-6519 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted (subject to conditions, see below) The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002, through August 16, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The exemption authority granted is consistent with the April 20, 1998 U.S.-Japan Memorandum of Understanding. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) XX Statements of authorization approving Delta/foreign carrier code-share operations, and conditions therein ________________________ Conditions: The route integration authority granted is subject to the condition that any service provided under this exemption shall be consistent with all applicable agreements between the United States and the foreign countries involved. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority requested should be construed as conferring upon Delta rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless Delta notifies the Department of its intent to serve such a market and unless and until the Department has completed any necessary carrier (See Reverse Side) 2 selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the limited-entry route rights that are included in Delta’s authority by virtue of the route integration exemption granted here, but that are not then being used by Delta, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be considered as providing any preference for United in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. The authority granted to serve intermediate and beyond points in conjunction with Japan service is limited to countries with which the United States has signed open-skies agreements and/or countries for which the carrier holds authority to serve under certificates or exemptions issued by the Department, and for which it holds route integration authority by virtue of this action or other action of the Department, and all conditions attached to that authority. The exemption authority granted is subject to the condition that all operations provided under the authority are operated on a code-share basis with an authorized third-country code-share carrier. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department's regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, including all FAA requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above.
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Notice of Action Taken re: Continental Airlines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on May 29, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-98-4364 __________________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Continental Airlines, Inc. filed 5/1/2002 in Docket OST-98-4364 for: XX Renew exemption under 49 U.S.C. § 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between any point or points in the United States, and any point or points in Japan under a code-share arrangement with Northwest Airlines, Inc., consistent with the provisions of the U.S.-Japan Memorandum of Understanding entered into force on April 20, 1998. Applicant reps: R. Bruce Keiner (202) 624-2615 DOT Analyst: Gerald Caolo (202) 366-2406 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted, subject to conditions (see below) The above action was effective when taken: May 29, 2002, through May 29, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the April 20, 1998 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the United States and Japan. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder's certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) XX The U.S.-Japan Memorandum of Understanding effective April 20, 1998 (See Reverse Side) _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Special Conditions: The authority granted was made subject to the following conditions: (a) The exemption authority granted to Continental is subject to the condition that all operations provided under the authority are operated on a code-share basis with Northwest Airlines and that all such operations are conducted within the level of services authorized by the 1998 Memorandum of Understanding for U.S.-Japan same-country code-share services. (b) The code-sharing operations conducted under this authority must comply with 14 CFR Part 257 of the Department’s regulations and any amendments to the Department’s regulations concerning code-share arrangements that may be adopted, and are expressly conditioned upon the requirements that the subject foreign air transportation be sold in the name of the carrier holding out such service in computer reservation systems and elsewhere; that the carrier selling such transportation (i.e., the carrier shown on the ticket) accept all obligations established in its contract of carriage with the passenger; and that the passenger liability of the operating carrier be unaffected. (c) The code-sharing services conducted under this authority are specifically conditioned so that neither Northwest nor Continental shall give any force or effect to any contractual provisions between themselves that are contrary to these conditions. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX A U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. PAGE PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken Dismissing Applications of Various Dockets
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on June 25, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN DISMISSING APPLICATIONS—VARIOUS DOCKETS ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the actions described below, taken on the date shown above by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in these matters). The carriers listed below have applied for various forms of authority or relief under Title 49 of the United States Code in order to perform the air transportation activities described. Each application has either been withdrawn by the applicant or otherwise become moot. Therefore, under authority assigned by the Department in its Regulations, 14 CFR § 385.3 and 385.13, we find that these applications should be dismissed. Docket Description of Application OST-2002-11374 Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., filed January 23, 2002. Exemption to conduct scheduled combination service between Mexico City, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. By letter dated February 19, 2002, Aeromexico stated that it does not intend to pursue this application and that the application may be dismissed. OST-98-4401 Itapemirim Transportes Aereos, S.A., filed August 31, 1998. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of property and mail between a point or points in Brazil, on the one hand, and the coterminal points Los Angeles/New York/Miami and Atlanta, via intermediate points; and authority to conduct all-cargo charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Itapemirim has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-98-3739 Société Air France, filed February 8, 2002. Renew exemption, last granted by Notice of Action Taken, dated May 24, 2000, to allow Air France to continue to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between any point or points in France and any point or points in the United States, either directly or via intermediate points. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit which encompasses the authority at issue here. OST-96-1862 Air Atlantic Dominicana, C. por A., filed October 11, 1996. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and the coterminal points Miami, New York and San Juan; and authority to conduct charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Air Atlantic Dominicana has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-96-1516 Aerocomercial de Transporte Y Rutas, S.A., filed July 8, 1996, as supplemented. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of property and mail between Ecuador and the United States, and other all-cargo charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Aerocomercial has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-758 Haiti National Airlines, filed October 7, 1999. Renew exemption, last granted October 28, 1998, in Order 98-10-30, to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and Miami, Fort Lauderdale, New York and San Juan; and authority to conduct charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Haiti National has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-428 Skyjet, Inc. d/b/a Skyjet Antigua & Barbuda, filed August 21, 1995. Exemption to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Antigua and Barbuda and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that Skyjet has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-427 Skyjet, Inc. d/b/a Skyjet Antigua & Barbuda, filed August 21, 1995. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Antigua and Barbuda and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that Skyjet has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-165 Aerovias Honduras, S.A. de C.V., filed February 13, 1995. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Honduras and points in the United States, via Belize and beyond. Information available to the Department indicates that Aerovias Honduras has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-97-2194 Atlant-Soyuz Airlines, filed May 15, 1995. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of property and mail between the Russian Federation and the United States; and to conduct other all-cargo charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Atlant-Soyuz has no plans to prosecute this application. 50127 Aerovias Honduras, S.A. de C.V., filed February 13, 1995. Exemption to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Honduras and points in the United States, via Belize and beyond. Information available to the Department indicates that Aerovias Honduras has no plans to prosecute this application. 49965 Haytian Aviation Lines, S.A. d/b/a Halisa Air, filed December 13, 1994. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Information available to the Department indicates that Halisa Air has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-595 Société Air France, filed April 27, 1993. Exemption to allow Air France to continue operating under all existing exemption authorities and to include all other authorities outstanding, pending renewal or in effect prior to expiration of the 1946 Air Transport Agreement between the United States and France. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit under the 1998 Air Transport Agreement between the United States and France which encompasses the authority at issue here. OST-95-594 Société Air France, filed April 27, 1993. Renew and amend foreign air carrier permit to permit Air France to continue operating under all existing permits and to include all other authorities outstanding, pending renewal or in effect prior to expiration of the 1946 Air Transport Agreement between the United States and France. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit under the 1998 Air Transport Agreement between the United States and France which encompasses the authority at issue here. 48630 Japan Universal System Transport Co., Ltd., filed January 29, 1993. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of property and mail between Japan and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that Japan Universal System has no plans to prosecute this application. 47556 World Air Network Co., Ltd., filed May 28, 1991. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Japan and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that World Air Network has no plans to prosecute this application. 46016 Société Air France, filed October 10, 1991. Renew exemption, last granted October 31, 1990, and confirmed by Order 90-12-5, to commingle all-cargo traffic in foreign air transportation between specified points in the United States and France, with all-cargo traffic not in foreign air transportation between specified points in Canada and France. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit which encompasses the authority at issue here. 45652 Société Air France, filed August 4, 1992. Renew exemption, last granted August 7, 1990, and confirmed by Order 90-12-5, to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between France and San Juan, via intermediate or beyond points Martinique and Guadeloupe. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit which encompasses the authority at issue here. 44313 Société Air France, filed August 25, 1992. Renew exemption, last granted October 9, 1991, and confirmed by Order 93-3-3, to among other things, (a) serve Los Angeles on all-cargo operations as a coterminal point on the route specified in paragraph 2 of its effective foreign air carrier permit (Order 76-2-25); (2) serve Montreal as an intermediate point and San Francisco as a coterminal point on its authorized France-Los Angeles route; and (3) provide scheduled service between Tahiti and Los Angeles. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit which encompasses the authority at issue here. 46845 Air Liberté S.A., filed March 15, 1990. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between France and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that Air Liberté has no plans to prosecute this application. DISPOSITION Action: We dismiss the applications described above. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. The actions set forth in this Notice shall be effective and become the actions of the Department of Transportation upon expiration of the above period unless within such period a petition for Department review is filed or the Department gives notice that it will review one or more actions on its own motion. The filing of a petition for review with respect to one of the dismissed items will not alter the effectiveness of this Notice with respect to the others. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: HYPERLINK ""
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Notice of Action Taken re: All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 5, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-98-4653 _____________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD. filed 7/22/2002 XX Exemption under 49 U.S.C. section 40109 to provide the following service: Intermodal cargo services between any U.S. point as authorized by its foreign air carrier permit (See Order 98-4-17) and any other U.S. points. ANA has requested the authority for an indefinite duration. Applicant rep: Charles J. Simpson, Jr. (202) 298-8660 DOT Analyst: Gerald Caolo (202) 366-2406 DISPOSITION XX Granted in part (limited duration, see remarks below), subject to conditions, (see below) XX Balance dismissed (i.e., request for longer term authority) The above action was effective when taken: August 5, 2002, through August 5, 2003 XX Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX Authority granted is consistent with the state of overall aviation relations between the United States and Japan. ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Conditions: Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the route descriptions, terms, conditions, and limitations of ANA’s foreign air carrier permit and the requirements of 14 CFR 222 of the Department’s Regulations. Remarks: Consistent with our standard practice for this type of application, we granted ANA exemption authority for a period of one year, and dismissed its request for longer term authority. We acted on this application without awaiting expiration of the 15-day answer period with the consent of all parties served. (SEE REVERSE SIDE) ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: PAGE 1 PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken re: Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-1999-5391 ________________________________________________________________________ ______ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc. filed 6/27/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between any point or points in the United States, and any point or points in the United Kingdom (except London's Heathrow and Gatwick Airports), and to combine this authority with its existing certificate and exemption authority. Delta proposes to provide this service both directly and with its code-share partners. Applicant rep.: Robert E. Cohn (202) 663-8060 DOT analyst: Sylvia Moore (202) 366-6519 DISPOSITION XX Granted (subject to conditions, see below) The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002, through August 16, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the U.S.-U.K. Air Services Agreement and the U.S.-U.K. Memorandum of Consultations dated June 5, 1995, which is being applied on the basis of comity and reciprocity. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) XX Statements of Authorization approving Delta/foreign carrier code-share operations conditions therein ________________________ Conditions: The route integration authority granted is subject to the condition that such operations are consistent with the applicable bilateral aviation agreements. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority requested should be construed as conferring upon Delta additional rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless Delta first notifies the Department of its intent to serve such a market and unless and until the Department has completed any necessary carrier selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the (See Reverse Side) 2 limited-entry route rights that are included in Delta’s authority by virtue of the route integration authority granted here, but that are not then being used by Delta, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be considered as providing any preference for Delta in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department’s regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-1999-5459 and OST-1999-5594 ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc. filed 6/27/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemptions under 49 U.S.C. §40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between a point or points in the United States, on the one hand, and Baku, Azerbaijan; Tashkent, Uzbekistan; and Tbilisi, Georgia, on the other, and to integrate this authority with all other Delta services authorized by existing certificate and exemption authority granted by the Department, to the extent permitted by international agreements. Delta will operate this service with its own aircraft or in conjunction with its code-share partners, as market conditions warrant. Applicant rep: Robert E. Cohn (202) 663-8060 DOT Analyst: Sylvia L. Moore (202) 366-6519 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted, subject to conditions (see below). The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002, through August 16, 2004, or until 90 days after Department action on Delta’s corresponding application for certificate authority in Docket OST-99-6246, whichever occurs earlier. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and Uzbekistan and with the overall state of aviation relations between the United States and Georgia and the United States and Azerbaijan. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) XX Statements of Authorization authorizing Delta/foreign carrier code-share operations, and conditions therein. (See Reverse Side) 2 Conditions: The route integration authority granted is subject to the condition that such operations are consistent with the applicable bilateral aviation agreements. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority requested should be construed as conferring upon Delta additional rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless Delta first notifies the Department of its intent to serve such a market and unless and until the Department has completed any necessary carrier selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the limited-entry route rights that are included in Delta’s authority by virtue of the route integration authority granted here, but that are not then being used by Delta, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be considered as providing any preference for Delta in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department’s regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this order is available on the World Wide Web at aviation.asp
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-1999-5459 and OST-1999-5594 ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc. filed 6/27/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemptions under 49 U.S.C. §40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between a point or points in the United States, on the one hand, and Baku, Azerbaijan; Tashkent, Uzbekistan; and Tbilisi, Georgia, on the other, and to integrate this authority with all other Delta services authorized by existing certificate and exemption authority granted by the Department, to the extent permitted by international agreements. Delta will operate this service with its own aircraft or in conjunction with its code-share partners, as market conditions warrant. Applicant rep: Robert E. Cohn (202) 663-8060 DOT Analyst: Sylvia L. Moore (202) 366-6519 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted, subject to conditions (see below). The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002, through August 16, 2004, or until 90 days after Department action on Delta’s corresponding application for certificate authority in Docket OST-99-6246, whichever occurs earlier. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and Uzbekistan and with the overall state of aviation relations between the United States and Georgia and the United States and Azerbaijan. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) XX Statements of Authorization authorizing Delta/foreign carrier code-share operations, and conditions therein. (See Reverse Side) 2 Conditions: The route integration authority granted is subject to the condition that such operations are consistent with the applicable bilateral aviation agreements. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority requested should be construed as conferring upon Delta additional rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless Delta first notifies the Department of its intent to serve such a market and unless and until the Department has completed any necessary carrier selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the limited-entry route rights that are included in Delta’s authority by virtue of the route integration authority granted here, but that are not then being used by Delta, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be considered as providing any preference for Delta in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department’s regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this order is available on the World Wide Web at aviation.asp
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Lineas Aereas Privadas Argentinas, S.A.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 14, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-99-5848 ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: Lineas Aereas Privadas Argentinas, S.A. (LAPA) Date Filed: July 17, 2002 Relief requested: Renew exemption from 49 U.S.C. § 41301 to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Atlanta, Georgia; and to conduct charters subject to 14 CFR Part 212 of our rules. If renewal, date and citation of last action: August 2, 2001, in this docket Applicant representative: Gregory S. Levine (212) 980-0002 Responsive pleadings: None filed DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: August 14, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: August 14, 2002-August 14, 2003 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): Bilateral aviation agreement between the United States and Argentina (the Agreement) Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions (attached) Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: LAPA may not conduct U.S. operations with its own aircraft and crews without further order of the Department. The authority granted above is subject to the prior approval requirement for passenger charter operations contained in Order 95-2-29. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) the applicant was qualified to perform the proposed operations; (2) our action was consistent with Department policy; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: HYPERLINK "" Attachment A FOREIGN AIR CARRIER CONDITIONS OF AUTHORITY In the conduct of the operations authorized, the holder shall: (1) Not conduct any operations unless it holds a currently effective authorization from its homeland for such operations, and it has filed a copy of such authorization with the Department; (2) Comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration, including, but not limited to, 14 CFR Parts 129, 91, and 36, and with all applicable U.S. Government requirements concerning security; (3) Comply with the requirements for minimum insurance coverage contained in 14 CFR Part 205, and, prior to the commencement of any operations under this authority, file evidence of such coverage, in the form of a completed OST Form 6411, with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Program Management Branch (AFS-260), Flight Standards Service (any changes to, or termination of, insurance also shall be filed with that office); (4) Not operate aircraft under this authority unless it complies with operational safety requirements at least equivalent to Annex 6 of the Chicago Convention; (5) Conform to the airworthiness and airman competency requirements of its Government for international air services; (6) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (7) Agree that operations under this authority constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity, for the purposes of 28 U.S.C. 1605(a), but only with respect to those actions or proceedings instituted against it in any court or other tribunal in the United States that are: (a) based on its operations in international air transportation that, according to the contract of carriage, include a point in the United States as a point of origin, point of destination, or agreed stopping place, or for which the contract of carriage was purchased in the United States; or (b) based on a claim under any international agreement or treaty cognizable in any court or other tribunal of the United States. In this condition, the term "international air transportation" means "international transportation" as defined by the Warsaw Convention, except that all States shall be considered to be High Contracting Parties for the purpose of this definition; (8) Except as specifically authorized by the Department, originate or terminate all flights to/from the United States in its homeland; (9) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 217, concerning the reporting of scheduled, nonscheduled, and charter data; (10) If charter operations are authorized, comply (except as otherwise provided in the applicable bilateral agreement) with the Department's rules governing charters (including 14 CFR Parts 212 and 380); and (11) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department, with all applicable orders or regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation (41301/40109) 9/98 We note that LAPA sought authority for a two year period. However, as is our usual practice in conferring exemption authority in the circumstances presented, we are limiting the term of authority to one year. LAPA may, of course, seek renewal of this authority in accordance with the Department’s regulations. Argentina is currently a Category 2 country under the FAA’s International Aviation Safety Assessment Program (IASA). While the Agreement provides for the operation of Third and Fourth Freedom all-cargo charters without limitation, the Agreement places a numerical limit on the number of Third and Fourth Freedom passenger operations that can be operated by the carriers of Argentina. The Agreement does not provide for the operation of Fifth Freedom passenger or cargo charter operations, and all such charters continue to be subject to prior approval under Part 212 of our rules.
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Notice of Action Taken re: Xabre Aerolineas, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 9, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 1999-6322 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: XABRE AEROLINEAS, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: June 26, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct passenger charter operations between Mexico and the United States, and other passenger charter operations in accordance with 14 CFR Part 212, using small equipment. If renewal, date and citation of last action: June 27, 2001 Applicant representative(s): Irwin P. Altschuler and Donald S. Stein, 202-463-4300 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: August 9, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: August 9, 2002, through August 9, 2003. Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement of August 15, 1960, as amended and extended (Agreement). Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: In the conduct of these operations, the carrier must adhere to all applicable provisions of the U.S.-Mexico Agreement. In the conduct of these operations, the carrier may only use aircraft capable of carrying no more than 60 passengers and having a maximum payload capacity of no more than 18,000 pounds (small equipment). The above grant includes authority to conduct Third and Fourth Freedom charter operations. While we have subjected, consistent with the provisions of the Agreement, Mexican carriers conducting charter operations with large aircraft to prior approval or submission of notice for their Third and Fourth Freedom charters, we determined that any such requirement was not necessary on public interest grounds in this case, since the carrier will be conducting these operations solely with small aircraft. (Other charter operations to/from the United States under this authority, however, are subject to prior approval under 14 CFR Part 212.) Further, we are continuing to allow Mexican carriers conducting passenger charters using small equipment to make stopovers in the United States in the conduct of such operations. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of thi⁳潤畣敭瑮椠⁳癡楡慬汢⁥湯琠敨圠牯摬圠摩⁥敗⁢ 瑡ഺ瑨灴⼺搯獭搮瑯朮癯⼯敲潰瑲⽳敲潰瑲彳癡慩楴湯 愮灳
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Notice of Action Taken re: Air Plus Argentina, S.A.
Comment Info: ================= General Comment:Notice approving the application. Effective October 17, 2002 through October 17, 2003. Petitions due October 28, 2002
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Notice of Action Taken re: Aerotransportes Rafilher, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on July 3, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 99-6427 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: AEROTRANSPORTES RAFILHER, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: June 7, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct passenger charter operations between Mexico and the United States, and other passenger charter operations in accordance with 14 CFR Part 212, using small equipment. If renewal, date and citation of last action: June 29, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative(s): Eugene E. Smith, 210-590-1630 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: July 3, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: July 3, 2002, through July 3, 2003. Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement of August 15, 1960, as amended and extended (Agreement). Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: In the conduct of these operations, the carrier must adhere to all applicable provisions of the U.S.-Mexico Agreement. In the conduct of these operations, the carrier may only use aircraft capable of carrying no more than 60 passengers and having a maximum payload capacity of no more than 18,000 pounds (small equipment). The above grant includes authority to conduct Third and Fourth Freedom charter operations. While we have subjected, consistent with the provisions of the Agreement, Mexican carriers conducting charter operations with large aircraft to prior approval or submission of notice for their Third and Fourth Freedom charters, we determined that any such requirement was not necessary on public interest grounds in this case, since the carrier will be conducting these operations solely with small aircraft. (Other charter operations to/from the United States under this authority, however, are subject to prior approval under 14 CFR Part 212.) Further, we are continuing to allow Mexican carriers conducting passenger charters using small equipment to make stopovers in the United States in the conduct of such operations. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Alitalia-Linee Aeree Italiane-S.p.A..
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on January 8, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-99-6500 ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: Alitalia-Linee Aeree Italiane-S.p.A. Date Filed: December 5, 2001 Relief requested: Renew exemption from 49 U.S.C. 41301 to conduct scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail from points behind Italy, via Italy and intermediate points, to a point or points in the United States and beyond. If renewal, date and citation of last action: Notice of Action Taken dated December 7, 1999, in this docket Applicant representative: Richard Mathias 202-298-8660 Responsive pleadings: None DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: January 8, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: January 8, 2002 - January 8, 2004 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): U.S.-Italy Air Transport Services Agreement Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions (attached) X Foreign air carrier permit conditions (Order 71-4-1) Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ We found that the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within ten (10) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: Appendix A FOREIGN AIR CARRIER CONDITIONS OF AUTHORITY In the conduct of the operations authorized, the holder shall: (1) Not conduct any operations unless it holds a currently effective authorization from its homeland for such operations, and it has filed a copy of such authorization with the Department; (2) Comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration, including, but not limited to, 14 CFR Parts 129, 91, and 36; (3) Comply with the requirements for minimum insurance coverage contained in 14 CFR Part 205, and, prior to the commencement of any operations under this authority, file evidence of such coverage, in the form of a completed OST Form 6411, with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Program Management Branch (AFS-260), Flight Standards Service (any changes to, or termination of, insurance also shall be filed with that office); (4) Not operate aircraft under this authority unless it complies with operational safety requirements at least equivalent to Annex 6 of the Chicago Convention; (5) Conform to the airworthiness and airman competency requirements of its Government for international air services; (6) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (7) Agree that operations under this authority constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity, for the purposes of 28 U.S.C. 1605(a), but only with respect to those actions or proceedings instituted against it in any court or other tribunal in the United States that are: (a) based on its operations in international air transportation that, according to the contract of carriage, include a point in the United States as a point of origin, point of destination, or agreed stopping place, or for which the contract of carriage was purchased in the United States; or (b) based on a claim under any international agreement or treaty cognizable in any court or other tribunal of the United States. In this condition, the term "international air transportation" means "international transportation" as defined by the Warsaw Convention, except that all States shall be considered to be High Contracting Parties for the purpose of this definition; (8) Except as specifically authorized by the Department, originate or terminate all flights to/from the United States in its homeland; (9) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 217, concerning the reporting of scheduled, nonscheduled, and charter data; (10) If charter operations are authorized, comply (except as otherwise provided in the applicable bilateral agreement) with the Department's rules governing charters (including 14 CFR Parts 212 and 380); and (11) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department, with all applicable orders or regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. This authority shall not be effective during any period when the holder is not in compliance with the conditions imposed above. Moreover, this authority cannot be sold or otherwise transferred without explicit Department approval under Title 49 of the U.S. Code (formerly the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended). (41301/40109) 9/98
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Aeronaves del Noreste, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on November 15, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 1999-6626 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: AERONAVES del NORESTE, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: October 30, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct passenger charter operations between Mexico and the United States, and other passenger charter operations in accordance with 14 CFR Part 212, using small equipment. If renewal, date and citation of last action: October 29, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative(s): Eugene E. Smith, 210-590-1630 DOT analyst: Allen F. Brown, 202-366-2405 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: November 15, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: November 15, 2002, through November 15, 2003 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement of August 15, 1960, as amended and extended (Agreement). Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: In the conduct of these operations, the carrier must adhere to all applicable provisions of the U.S.-Mexico Agreement. In the conduct of these operations, the carrier may only use aircraft capable of carrying no more than 60 passengers and having a maximum payload capacity of no more than 18,000 pounds (small equipment). The above grant includes authority to conduct Third and Fourth Freedom charter operations. While we have subjected, consistent with the provisions of the Agreement, Mexican carriers conducting charter operations with large aircraft to prior approval or submission of notice for their Third and Fourth Freedom charters, we determined that any such requirement was not necessary on public interest grounds in this case, since the carrier will be conducting these operations solely with small aircraft. (Other charter operations to/from the United States under this authority, however, are subject to prior approval under 14 CFR Part 212.) Further, we are continuing to allow Mexican carriers conducting passenger charters using small equipment to make stopovers in the United States in the conduct of such operations. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and 桴⁥楦楬杮漠⁦⁡数楴楴湯映牯爠癥敩⁷楷汬渠瑯愠瑬 牥猠捵⁨晥敦瑣癩湥獥⹳഍湁攠敬瑣潲楮⁣敶獲潩景 琠楨⁳潤畣敭瑮椠⁳癡楡慬汢⁥湯琠敨圠牯摬圠摩⁥敗 ⁢瑡ഺ瑨灴⼺搯獭搮瑯朮癯⼯敲潰瑲⽳敲潰瑲彳癡慩楴 湯愮灳
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on April 5, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 2000-6816 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: AEROVIAS de MEXICO, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: March 14, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct scheduled, combination service between Mexico City, Mexico, and Chicago, Illinoios. If renewal, date and citation of last action: March 29, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative(s): William C. Evans, 202-371-6030 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: April 5, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: April 5, 2002, through April 5, 2003. Basis for approval: United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Foreign air carrier permit conditions. Special conditions/Remarks: Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
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Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on September 27, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2000-6903 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of American Airlines, Inc. filed 8/5/2002 to: XX Renew exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between a point or points in the United States and Romania via Zurich, Switzerland. American currently serves Bucharest under a code-share arrangement with Swiss International Airlines. Applicant rep: Carl B. Nelson, Jr. 202-496-5647 DOT Analyst: Gerald Caolo 202-366-2406 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted (subject to conditions, see below) The above action was effective when taken: September 27, 2002, through September 27, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and Romania. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) XX Statement of Authorization approving the American/Swiss code-share operations dated April 23, 2002, and conditions therein (Notice of Action Taken, Docket 2002-12001) ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department's regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: HYPERLINK "" APPENDIX U.S. Carrier Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. PAGE PAGE 2
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Notice of Societe Air France and Comair, Inc. of Additional Codeshare Points
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, DC Joint Application of SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE and COMAIR, INC. for a statement of authorization (United States-France Blanket Codeshare Authority) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Docket OST-2000-6939 NOTICE OF SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE AND COMAIR, INC. OF ADDITIONAL CODESHARE POINTS Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Michael F. Goldman SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN & BIKOFF, L.L.P. 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 Washington, D.C. 20007 (202) 944-3305 Counsel for SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE D. Scott Yohe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 216-0700 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen Shaw Pittman LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for COMAIR, INC. February 6, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, DC Joint Application of SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE And COMAIR, INC. for a statement of authorization (United States-France Blanket Codeshare Authority) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Docket OST-2000-6939 NOTICE OF SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE AND COMAIR, INC. OF ADDITIONAL CODESHARE POINTS Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Comair, Inc. (“Comair”) and Societé Air France (“Air France”) by Department Action dated March 3, 2000, Air France and Comair hereby notify the Department that Comair plans to display the “AF” designator code of Air France on flights operated by Comair between Cincinnati (CVG) and each of the points listed in Exhibit A. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Michael F. Goldman ___________________________________ Michael F. Goldman SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN & BIKOFF, L.L.P. 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 Washington, D.C. 20007 (202) 944-3305 Counsel for SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE /s/ Robert E. Cohn ________________________________ Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen Shaw Pittman LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for COMAIR, INC. Exhibit A “AF” Designator To Be Displayed On Comair Operated Flights Effective March 8, 2002 Cincinnati (CVG) to/from: Cleveland (CLE) Columbus (CMH) Louisville (SDF) Oklahoma City (OKC) Orlando (MCO) Raleigh/Durham (RDU) Richmond (RIC) Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page
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30-Day Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc., Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc., Comair In. and Societe Air France
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Michael F. Goldman D. Scott Yohe SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Senior Vice President - Government Affairs & BIKOFF, L.L.P. DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 944-3305 (202) 216-0700 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 28, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. May 28, 2002 Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and Air France, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Beginning on or about June 27, 2002, Air France plans to display its “AF” designator code on Delta-operated flights between Paris and Mumbai, India. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Michael F. Goldman Robert E. Cohn SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Alexander Van der Bellen & BIKOFF, L.L.P. SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 944-3305 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for Counsel for SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30 Day Notice Page PAGE 2
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30-Day Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc., Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc., Comair In. and Societe Air France
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Michael F. Goldman D. Scott Yohe SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Senior Vice President - Government Affairs & BIKOFF, L.L.P. DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 944-3305 (202) 216-0700 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 28, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. May 28, 2002 Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and Air France, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Beginning on or about June 27, 2002, Air France plans to display its “AF” designator code on Delta-operated flights between Paris and Mumbai, India. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Michael F. Goldman Robert E. Cohn SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Alexander Van der Bellen & BIKOFF, L.L.P. SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 944-3305 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for Counsel for SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30 Day Notice Page PAGE 2
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30-Day Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc., Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc., Comair In. and Societe Air France
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Michael F. Goldman D. Scott Yohe SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Senior Vice President - Government Affairs & BIKOFF, L.L.P. DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 944-3305 (202) 216-0700 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 28, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. May 28, 2002 Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and Air France, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Beginning on or about June 27, 2002, Air France plans to display its “AF” designator code on Delta-operated flights between Paris and Mumbai, India. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Michael F. Goldman Robert E. Cohn SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Alexander Van der Bellen & BIKOFF, L.L.P. SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 944-3305 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for Counsel for SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30 Day Notice Page PAGE 2
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BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Michael F. Goldman D. Scott Yohe SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Senior Vice President - Government Affairs & BIKOFF, L.L.P. DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 944-3305 (202) 216-0700 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. June 6, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. June 6, 2002 Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) NOTICE Air France and Delta hold a blanket statement of authorization and have previously notified the Department of Delta codeshare service on Air France operated flights between Paris and N’djamena, Chad. The carriers wish to notify the Department that Air France is now operating this flight with an intermediate stop in Bangui, Central African Republic (BGF) on the return leg of the flight between N’djamena and Paris. Delta is not marketing or holding out services in the U.S.-BGF market; no U.S. origin or destined Delta passengers are offloaded or boarded at BGF. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Michael F. Goldman Robert E. Cohn SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Alexander Van der Bellen & BIKOFF, L.L.P. SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 944-3305 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for Counsel for SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page Notice Page PAGE 2
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BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Michael F. Goldman D. Scott Yohe SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Senior Vice President - Government Affairs & BIKOFF, L.L.P. DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 944-3305 (202) 216-0700 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. June 6, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. June 6, 2002 Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) NOTICE Air France and Delta hold a blanket statement of authorization and have previously notified the Department of Delta codeshare service on Air France operated flights between Paris and N’djamena, Chad. The carriers wish to notify the Department that Air France is now operating this flight with an intermediate stop in Bangui, Central African Republic (BGF) on the return leg of the flight between N’djamena and Paris. Delta is not marketing or holding out services in the U.S.-BGF market; no U.S. origin or destined Delta passengers are offloaded or boarded at BGF. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Michael F. Goldman Robert E. Cohn SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Alexander Van der Bellen & BIKOFF, L.L.P. SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 944-3305 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for Counsel for SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page Notice Page PAGE 2
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BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Michael F. Goldman D. Scott Yohe SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Senior Vice President - Government Affairs & BIKOFF, L.L.P. DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 944-3305 (202) 216-0700 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. June 6, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. June 6, 2002 Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-6939 ) SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-France blanket codesharing) ) NOTICE Air France and Delta hold a blanket statement of authorization and have previously notified the Department of Delta codeshare service on Air France operated flights between Paris and N’djamena, Chad. The carriers wish to notify the Department that Air France is now operating this flight with an intermediate stop in Bangui, Central African Republic (BGF) on the return leg of the flight between N’djamena and Paris. Delta is not marketing or holding out services in the U.S.-BGF market; no U.S. origin or destined Delta passengers are offloaded or boarded at BGF. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Michael F. Goldman Robert E. Cohn SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN Alexander Van der Bellen & BIKOFF, L.L.P. SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 120 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 944-3305 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for Counsel for SOCIETÉ AIR FRANCE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page Notice Page PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken re: Brit Air and Delta Air Lines, Inc.
DELTA STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 22, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-2001-10354 & 2000-6939 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Joint Motion: Brit Air & Delta Air Lines, Inc. Date Filed: August 12, 2002 Relief requested: Amend Notice of Action Taken dated August 2, 2002 (NOAT), in the above-referenced dockets, to recognize that Brit Air is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Air France, and delete footnote 1 of that NOAT. The joint movants state that Brit Air has been a wholly-owned (100%) Air France subsidiary since no later than September 30, 2001, and they have submitted supporting information to this effect. Applicant representatives: Michael Goldman (Brit Air) 202-944-3305; Robert Cohn (Delta) 202-663-8060 Responsive pleadings: None DISPOSITION Action: We grant the motion. Action date: August 22, 2002 Remarks: The information provided in the joint Brit Air/Delta motion supplements the record on which we had acted in our August 2 Notice by demonstrating that Brit Air is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Air France. Based on this information, we amend the Notice of Action Taken dated August 2, 2002, in Dockets OST-2001-10354 and OST-2000-6939, by deleting footnote 1 of that Notice. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: HYPERLINK "" Based on the record then before us, the footnote in question had stated that Brit Air was not a wholly-owned subsidiary of Air France. This means that Brit Air comes within the purview of Order 2002-1-6, which granted antitrust immunity for, inter alia, wholly-owned subsidiaries of Air France. In this connection, we will add the standard condition, which we routinely impose in such circumstances as this, to those already included in the August 2, 2002, Notice: All operations conducted under the August 2, 2002, authorization must comply with the terms, conditions, and limitations of Order 2002-1-6 (Delta/Delta Connection, Air France, Alitalia and Czech Airlines antitrust immunity order) and any subsequent order(s) of the Department regarding the alliance.
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Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc., United Air Lines, Inc. and Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on May 29, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-2000-7149, OST-2002-12210, & OST-2002-12183 This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applications of American Airlines, Inc., Dockets: OST-2000-7149 and OST-2002-12210, filed 4/29/2002; United Air Lines, Inc., Docket: OST-2000-7149, filed 4/26/2002; and Delta Air Lines, Inc., Docket: OST-2002-12183, filed 4/24/2001 XX Allocation of U.S.-Ghana Frequencies. American, United, and Delta each request weekly frequencies to serve the U.S.-Ghana market. Docket OST-2000-7149: American requests four weekly frequencies to operate third-country code-share services between the United States and Ghana, by placing American’s designator code on Crossair Ltd., d/b/a Swiss, between Zurich and Accra, Ghana, via Lagos, Nigeria, carrying U.S.-Lagos and U.S.-Ghana passengers connecting at Zurich from American’s and Swiss’s U.S. gateways. Docket OST-2000-7149: United requests two weekly frequencies to operate third-country code-share services between the United States and Ghana, by placing United’s designator code on Lufthansa German Airlines (Lufthansa), between the United States and Accra, Ghana, via Frankfurt, through the intermediate point of Lagos, Nigeria. Docket OST-2002-12183: Delta requests four weekly frequencies to operate third-country code-share services between the United States and Ghana, by placing Delta’s designator code on the flights of Alitalia-Linee Aeree Italiane S.p.A., between Milan, Italy, and Accra, Ghana. XX Exemption for American Airlines, Inc., under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Docket OST-2002-12210: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between points in the United States and points in Nigeria and Ghana, with the right to integrate such authority with American’s certificates of public convenience and necessary and other exemptions. XX Motion of American Airlines, Inc., to withdraw its application as follows: Docket OST-2000-7149: American filed a motion on April 29, 2002, to dismiss its April 14, 2000, application in this docket, to the extent the carrier requested U.S.-Ghana code-share frequencies under a code-share arrangement with British Airways. Applicant reps: Carl B. Nelson, Jr., for American (202) 496-5647, Robert E. Cohn for Delta (202) 663-8060; and Jeffrey A. Manley for United (202) 663-6670 DOT Analyst: Linda L. Lundell (202) 366-2336 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted (see below). The above action granting frequency allocations, in Dockets OST-2000-7149 and OST-2002-12183, was effective when taken: May 28, 2002, and will remain in effect indefinitely, subject to the conditions described below. The above action granting exemption authority to American Airlines, Inc., in Docket OST-2002-12210, for U.S.-Nigeria and U.S.-Ghana services, including route integration authority, was effective when taken: May 28, 2002, through May 28, 2004, or until 90 days after final Department action on a corresponding certification application, whichever occurs earlier. The above action granting the request of American Airlines, Inc., to dismiss its April 14, 2000, application in Docket OST-2000-7149 was effective when taken: May 28, 2002. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreements between the United States and Ghana, and the United States and Nigeria. Except to the extent exempted or waived, the authority for each carrier is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Each holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Statements of Authorization for American/Swiss code-share operations dated dated April 23, 2002; Delta/Alitalia code-share operations dated October 27, 2001; and United/Lufthansa code-share operations dated April 8, 1998, and conditions therein. XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Background: Under the U.S.-Ghana aviation agreement, U.S. carriers may operate a total of 27 weekly combination frequencies, of which no more than 14 may be provided with the airlines’ own aircraft. Currently, a total of 16 frequencies are held as follows: Northwest=7, Continental=7, and United=2. Thus, 11 frequencies are available now for allocation. The captioned applicants have requested a total of 10 frequencies, meaning that these requests do not exceed the frequencies available to U.S. carriers under the agreement, with one remaining available for future allocation. Conditions: Consistent with our standard practice, the frequency allocations granted are subject to the condition that they will expire automatically and the frequencies will revert automatically to the Department for reallocation if they are not used for a period of 90 days. As each of the carriers authorized has proposed to commence services immediately, the 90-day dormancy period will begin on the issue date of this notice. Route Integration Condition for American Airlines: The route integration authority granted to American Airlines, Inc., is subject to the condition that any service provided under this exemption shall be consistent with all applicable agreements between the United States and the foreign countries involved. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority granted should be construed as conferring upon American rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless the carrier notifies the Department of its intent to serve such a market and unless and until the Department has completed any necessary carrier selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the limited-entry route rights that are included in American’s authority by virtue of the route integration exemption granted here, but that are not being used by American, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be construed as providing any preference for American in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. Remarks: United filed an answer to American’s April 29, 2002, applications (in Dockets OST-2000-7149 and OST-2002-12210); American filed an answer to United’s April 26, 2002, application (in Docket OST-2000-7149); United and American each filed answers to Delta’s April 24, 2002, application (in Docket OST-2002-12183); and Delta filed a consolidated reply to the answers of United and American (in Docket OST-2002-12183). In these responses, the carriers stated that they had no objection to the other applications filed so long as their own application for Ghana frequencies was granted contemporaneously. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted or dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Dockets. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX A U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached order, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations, and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. By Notice of Action Taken dated July 13, 2000, we deferred action on American’s April 14, 2000 application, pending the Department’s action on the underlying code-share arrangement between American and British Airways in Docket OST-99-6507. By Order 2002-4-4, April 4, 2002, we granted the motion of American and British Airways to dismiss the code-share application in Docket OST-99-6507. We will now grant the April 29, 2002 American motion to dismiss in Docket OST-2000-7149. On April 3, 2003, five additional frequencies become available (no more than 21 of which may be provided with the airlines’ own aircraft), and on April 1, 2004, frequency restrictions are eliminated (no more than 21 of which may be provided with the airlines’ own aircraft).
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Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 23, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-2002-12210 & 2000-7149 _____________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of American Airlines, Inc. filed 8/8/02 for: XX Waiver from dormancy condition: By Notice of Action Taken dated May 29, 2002, the Department granted American Airlines four weekly combination frequencies to provide third-country code-share services in the U.S.-Ghana market, pursuant to a code-share arrangement with Swiss International Air Lines, Ltd., via Zurich Switzerland and Lagos, Nigeria. The frequencies are subject to the condition that they will expire automatically and revert to the Department for reallocation if they are not used for a period of 90 days. Under the terms of the Notice of Action Taken, American’s frequency allocation would automatically expire if American does not begin service by August 28, 2002. American and Swiss have applied to the Government of Ghana for required authorizations and expect to receive them shortly; however, American seeks a waiver from the 90-day dormancy condition through October 28, 2002, to protect against the possibility that the authorizations may not be ready in time to implement the service by August 28, 2002. Applicant rep.: Carl B. Nelson, Jr., 202-496-5647 DOT analyst: Sylvia Moore, 202-366-6519 DISPOSITION XX Granted (see Remarks) The above action was effective when taken: August 23, 2002, through October 28, 2002 XX Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; and (2) grant of the waiver was consistent with the public interest. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: American's waiver from the dormancy condition is effective through October 28, 2002, or until the date on which American begins service with each of the frequencies, whichever occurs earlier. As to any frequency with which American does not begin service by October 28, 2002, its frequency allocation with respect to that frequency expires automatically.
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Notice - Establishment of Slot Exemption Proceeding Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. Section 41718(a)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. ESTABLISHMENT OF SLOT EXEMPTION PROCEEDING PURSUANT TO 49 U.S.C. § 41718(a) Docket OST-2000-7181 NOTICE On July 5, 2000, pursuant to the provisions of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR-21), the Department issued Order 2000-7-1, which granted a total of 12 slot exemptions at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) for services outside the 1,250 mile perimeter to the following carriers: America West Airlines, Inc., Frontier Airlines, Inc., National Airlines, and Trans World Airlines, Inc. Under the provisions of that order, National was granted two slot exemptions to provide one nonstop round trip a day to Las Vegas. In order to optimize utilization of valuable slots and slot exemptions, the Federal Aviation Administration has a use-it-or-lose-it requirement in which slots or slot exemptions that are not being utilized at least 80% of the time in a two-month period are automatically returned to the FAA for lack of use. In the aftermath of September 11, the FAA suspended this use-it-or-lose-it requirement in order to give all carriers time to recover without losing slots or slot exemptions. The current suspension of the use-it-or-lose-it requirement expires on October 27. On September 3, 2002, by letter to the Department, National Airlines, among other things, requested a six-month extension of the FAA suspension of the use-it-or-lose-it requirement at DCA. By letter dated September 27, the FAA denied National’s request and stated the Department would institute a proceeding to reallocate the two slot exemptions unless National provided assurance that it would institute DCA service in a timely fashion so as to comply with the FAA’s use-it-or-lose-it requirement. In a September 30 response, National indicated that it could not provide that assurance. These letters have been placed in Docket OST-2000-7181. This notice begins a formal proceeding to select a replacement carrier for these exemptions. In anticipation that the Department would move to select a replacement carrier, several air carriers have already filed applications for the exemptions, and other air carriers have indicated an interest in requesting the available slot exemptions at the appropriate time. Given these developments, the Department will now consider, using the criteria set forth in 49 U.S.C. § 41718(a), applications from air carriers for the two slot exemptions, to provide nonstop service to DCA from airports beyond the 1,250 mile perimeter. The statutory criteria include that the granted exemptions will (1) provide air transportation with domestic network benefits beyond the 1,250 mile perimeter; (2) increase competition by new entrant air carriers or in multiple markets; (3) not reduce travel options for communities served by small hubs airports and medium hub airports within the 1,250 mile perimeter; and (4) not result in meaningful travel delays. Completed applications must be submitted by October 17, and comments with respect to any timely filed request for slot exemptions must be filed by October 31. The applications from the carriers that have applied prior to this notice will be considered and need not be resubmitted; however, such carriers may update or supplement their applications within the prescribed time period. As a final matter, we note that National’s currently allocated slot times for its nonstop DCA-Las Vegas service are in the 0800 and 2000-hour periods. Since 49 U.S.C. § 41718(c)(2) does not allow us to assign more than two slot exemptions per one hour period, and most one hour periods were fully subscribed by the Department’s Notice dated August 2, 2000, we may not be able to accommodate carrier requests for alternative slot exemption times. We shall serve a copy of this notice on all certificated air carriers, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, and the Federal Aviation Administration’s Slot Administration office. By: READ C. VAN de WATER Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs Dated: October 9, 2002 (SEAL) An electronic version of this document will be available on the World Wide Web at: By Order 2001-6-20, issued June 22, 2001, the Department reallocated two slot exemptions originally awarded to Trans World Airlines to Alaska Airlines, Inc., for service between DCA and Seattle. Applications have been received from American Airlines, Inc., America West Airlines, Inc., Delta Air Lines, Inc., Frontier Airlines, Inc., United Air Lines, Inc., and US Airways, Inc. Frontier has also requested pendente lite authority to operate an additional DCA-Denver flight until a final decision is made regarding the two National slot exemptions. We intend to process this case expeditiously and, thus, we will not make a temporary award as Frontier has requested. PAGE PAGE 3 PAGE Posted: 10/9/2002 10:50am Served: October 15, 2002
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Notice - Establishment of Slot Exemption Proceeding Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. Section 41718(a)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. ESTABLISHMENT OF SLOT EXEMPTION PROCEEDING PURSUANT TO 49 U.S.C. § 41718(a) Docket OST-2000-7181 NOTICE On July 5, 2000, pursuant to the provisions of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR-21), the Department issued Order 2000-7-1, which granted a total of 12 slot exemptions at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) for services outside the 1,250 mile perimeter to the following carriers: America West Airlines, Inc., Frontier Airlines, Inc., National Airlines, and Trans World Airlines, Inc. Under the provisions of that order, National was granted two slot exemptions to provide one nonstop round trip a day to Las Vegas. In order to optimize utilization of valuable slots and slot exemptions, the Federal Aviation Administration has a use-it-or-lose-it requirement in which slots or slot exemptions that are not being utilized at least 80% of the time in a two-month period are automatically returned to the FAA for lack of use. In the aftermath of September 11, the FAA suspended this use-it-or-lose-it requirement in order to give all carriers time to recover without losing slots or slot exemptions. The current suspension of the use-it-or-lose-it requirement expires on October 27. On September 3, 2002, by letter to the Department, National Airlines, among other things, requested a six-month extension of the FAA suspension of the use-it-or-lose-it requirement at DCA. By letter dated September 27, the FAA denied National’s request and stated the Department would institute a proceeding to reallocate the two slot exemptions unless National provided assurance that it would institute DCA service in a timely fashion so as to comply with the FAA’s use-it-or-lose-it requirement. In a September 30 response, National indicated that it could not provide that assurance. These letters have been placed in Docket OST-2000-7181. This notice begins a formal proceeding to select a replacement carrier for these exemptions. In anticipation that the Department would move to select a replacement carrier, several air carriers have already filed applications for the exemptions, and other air carriers have indicated an interest in requesting the available slot exemptions at the appropriate time. Given these developments, the Department will now consider, using the criteria set forth in 49 U.S.C. § 41718(a), applications from air carriers for the two slot exemptions, to provide nonstop service to DCA from airports beyond the 1,250 mile perimeter. The statutory criteria include that the granted exemptions will (1) provide air transportation with domestic network benefits beyond the 1,250 mile perimeter; (2) increase competition by new entrant air carriers or in multiple markets; (3) not reduce travel options for communities served by small hubs airports and medium hub airports within the 1,250 mile perimeter; and (4) not result in meaningful travel delays. Completed applications must be submitted by October 17, and comments with respect to any timely filed request for slot exemptions must be filed by October 31. The applications from the carriers that have applied prior to this notice will be considered and need not be resubmitted; however, such carriers may update or supplement their applications within the prescribed time period. As a final matter, we note that National’s currently allocated slot times for its nonstop DCA-Las Vegas service are in the 0800 and 2000-hour periods. Since 49 U.S.C. § 41718(c)(2) does not allow us to assign more than two slot exemptions per one hour period, and most one hour periods were fully subscribed by the Department’s Notice dated August 2, 2000, we may not be able to accommodate carrier requests for alternative slot exemption times. We shall serve a copy of this notice on all certificated air carriers, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, and the Federal Aviation Administration’s Slot Administration office. By: READ C. VAN de WATER Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs Dated: October 9, 2002 (SEAL) An electronic version of this document will be available on the World Wide Web at: By Order 2001-6-20, issued June 22, 2001, the Department reallocated two slot exemptions originally awarded to Trans World Airlines to Alaska Airlines, Inc., for service between DCA and Seattle. Applications have been received from American Airlines, Inc., America West Airlines, Inc., Delta Air Lines, Inc., Frontier Airlines, Inc., United Air Lines, Inc., and US Airways, Inc. Frontier has also requested pendente lite authority to operate an additional DCA-Denver flight until a final decision is made regarding the two National slot exemptions. We intend to process this case expeditiously and, thus, we will not make a temporary award as Frontier has requested. PAGE PAGE 3 PAGE Posted: 10/9/2002 10:50am Served: October 15, 2002
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Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on May 29, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2000-7552 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of American Airlines, Inc. filed 5/10/02 for: XX Renew exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between a point or points in the United States, and a point or points in Pakistan. American intends to operate this service pursuant to a code-share arrangement with Crossair Ltd. d/b/a/ Swiss, whereby American will place its designator code on Swiss’ flights between Zurich and Karachi connecting with flights operated by American or Swissair between Zurich and the United States. Applicant rep: Carl B. Nelson, Jr. (202) 496-5647 DOT Analyst: Sylvia Moore (202) 366-6519 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted (subject to conditions, see below) The above action was effective when taken: May 29, 2002, through May 29, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the April 10, 1997 Air Transport Agreement, as amended between the United States and Pakistan. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) XX Statement of authorization approving American/Swiss code-share operations dated April 23, 2002, and conditions therein ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department's regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. (See Reverse Side) 2 Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: Previously American operated its U.S.-Pakistan service pursuant to a code-share arrangement with Swissair. American notified the Department on November 8, 2001, that the American/Swissair code share had been terminated.
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Notice of Action Taken re: Servicios Aereos Denim, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on September 30, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 1997-7698 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: SERVICIOS AEREOS DENIM, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: August 20, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct passenger charter operations between Mexico and the United States, and other passenger charter operations in accordance with 14 CFR Part 212, using small equipment. If renewal, date and citation of last action: September 14, 2001 Applicant representative(s): Daniel Elizondo, 210-922-2855 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: September 30, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: September 30, 2002, through September 30, 2003. Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement of August 15, 1960, as amended and extended (Agreement). Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: In the conduct of these operations, the carrier must adhere to all applicable provisions of the U.S.-Mexico Agreement. In the conduct of these operations, the carrier may only use aircraft capable of carrying no more than 60 passengers and having a maximum payload capacity of no more than 18,000 pounds (small equipment). The above grant includes authority to conduct Third and Fourth Freedom charter operations. While we have subjected, consistent with the provisions of the Agreement, Mexican carriers conducting charter operations with large aircraft to prior approval or submission of notice for their Third and Fourth Freedom charters, we determined that any such requirement was not necessary on public interest grounds in this case, since the carrier will be conducting these operations solely with small aircraft. (Other charter operations to/from the United States under this authority, however, are subject to prior approval under 14 CFR Part 212.) Further, we are continuing to allow Mexican carriers conducting passenger charters using small equipment to make stopovers in the United States in the conduct of such operations. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document i⁳癡楡慬汢⁥湯琠敨圠牯摬圠摩⁥敗⁢瑡ഺ瑨灴⼺搯 獭搮瑯朮癯⼯敲潰瑲⽳敲潰瑲彳癡慩楴湯愮灳
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30-Day Notice of Delta, ASA, Comair and Aeromexico (Intra-U.S. Codesharing)
Verner Liipfert Bernhard McPherson and Hand, Chartered 901 15th Street, N.W., Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20005 202-371-6030 Shaw Pittman LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 202-663-8060 March 15, 2002 By Facsimile and Electronic Submission Mr. Paul L. Gretch Director, Office of International Aviation U.S. Department of Transportation 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Room 6402 Washington, D.C. 20590 Re: 30-Day Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”), Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc. (“ASA”), Comair, Inc. (“Comair”) and Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (“Aeromexico”) (Intra-U.S. codesharing), Dockets OST-97-3289 and OST-2000-7708 Dear Mr. Gretch: Pursuant to Order 99-6-6 (Docket OST-97-3289) and Notice of Action Taken dated August 25, 2000 (Docket OST-2000-7708), Delta, ASA, Comair and Aeromexico hereby notify the Department that, beginning on or about April 14, 2002, the carriers plan to display Aeromexico’s “AM” designator code on the Delta/ Delta Connection flights within the United States identified on Exhibit A. Respectfully submitted, /s/ William C. Evans /s/ A. Van der Bellen William C. Evans Verner Liipfert Bernhard McPherson and Hand, Chartered 901 15th Street, NW, Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20005 202-371-6030 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen ShawPittman LLP 2300 N Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20037 202-663-8060 Counsel for Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Counsel for Delta Air Lines, Inc. Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc. and Comair, Inc. Attachment Exhibit A New Delta/ASA/Comair/Aeromexico Intra-U.S. Codeshare Routes Effective April 14, 2002 Flights Operated by Delta Between: Dallas Ft. Worth and San Francisco Flights Operated by ASA Between: Atlanta and Akron Albany, GA Asheville Augusta, GA Baltimore Baton Rouge Brunswick Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Charlotte Chattanooga Cleveland Columbia, SC Columbus, GA Columbus, MS Corpus Christi Daytona Beach Des Moines Detroit Dothan Evansville Fayetteville, NC Florence, SC Fort Walton Beach Fort Wayne Gainesville Grand Rapids Greenville Gulfport Huntington Huntsville Islip Jackson, MS Knoxville Lexington Louisville Lynchburg Macon Melbourne, FL Meridian Mobile Monroe Montgomery Myrtle Beach Newburgh Norfolk Panama City, FL Peoria Roanoke Sarasota Shreveport South Bend Tallahassee Toledo Tri Cities, TN Valdosta White Plains Wichita Wilmington, NC Worcester Dallas/Ft. Worth and Amarillo Austin Baton Rouge El Paso Fayetteville, AR Houston Killeen Lubbock Mobile Monroe Oklahoma City San Antonio Shreveport Texarkana Tulsa Flights Operated by Comair Between: Atlanta and Allentown Harrisburg Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page
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Notice of Action Taken re: Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-2000-7738 ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc. filed 6/27/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption under 49 U.S.C. §40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between a point or points in the United States and Tangier, Morocco, and to integrate this authority with all other Delta services authorized by existing certificates and exemptions granted by the Department, to the extent permitted by international agreements. Delta intends to use this authority to operate service under a code-share arrangement with Royal Air Maroc. Applicant rep: Robert E. Cohn (202) 663-8060 DOT Analyst: Sylvia L. Moore (202) 366-6519 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted, subject to conditions (see below) The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002, through August 16, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and Morocco. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) XX Statement of Authorization approving Delta/Royal Air Maroc code-share operations dated October 11, 2000, and conditions therein ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ Conditions: The route integration authority granted is subject to the condition that such operations are consistent with the applicable bilateral aviation agreements. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority requested should be construed as conferring upon Delta additional rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless Delta first notifies the Department of Delta’s intent to serve such a market and unless and (See Reverse Side) 2 until the Department has completed any necessary carrier selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the limited-entry route rights that are included in Delta’s authority by virtue of the route integration authority granted here, but that are not then being used by Delta, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be considered as providing any preference for Delta’s in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department’s regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this order is available on the World Wide Web at aviation.asp APPENDIX A U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, including all FAA requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: US Airways, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on September 6, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2000-7924 ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of US Airways, Inc. filed 7/22/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Brussels, Belgium. Applicant rep: Joel Stephen Burton (202) 383-5300 DOT Analyst: Sylvia Moore (202) 366-6519 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted The above action was effective when taken: September 6, 2002, through September 6, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and Belgium. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department’s regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; and (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, including all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc. and TWA Airlines LLC
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2000-7940 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC AND TWA AIRLINES LLC filed 8/01/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between a point or points in the United States and a point or points in Jamaica. Applicant rep: Carl B. Nelson, (202)-496-5647 DOT Analyst: Keith Glatz, (202)-366-3260 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002 through August 16, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted to serve Montego Bay and Kingston is consistent with the aviation agreement by and between the United States and Jamaica. Authority to serve other points is consistent with the overall state of aviation relations between the United States and Jamaica. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department's regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc. and TWA Airlines LLC
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2000-7941 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC AND TWA AIRLINES LLC filed 8/01/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between a point or points in the United States and a point or points in the Turks and Caicos. Applicant rep: Carl B. Nelson, (202)-496-5647 DOT Analyst: Keith Glatz, (202)-366-3260 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002 through August 16, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the Air Services Agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department's regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc. and TWA Airlines LLC
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2000-7942 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC AND TWA AIRLINES LLC filed 8/01/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between a point or points in the United States and a point or points in the Aruba. Applicant rep: Carl B. Nelson, (202)-496-5647 DOT Analyst: Keith Glatz, (202)-366-3260 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002 through August 16, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and Aruba. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department's regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc. and TWA Airlines LLC
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2000-7943 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC AND TWA AIRLINES LLC filed 8/01/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between a point or points in the United States and a point or points in the Dominican Republic. Applicant rep: Carl B. Nelson, (202)-496-5647 DOT Analyst: Keith Glatz, (202)-366-3260 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002 through August 16, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted to serve Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and the Dominican Republic. Authority to serve other points is consistent with the overall state of aviation relations between the United States and Dominican Republic. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) ________________________________________________________________________ ______________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department's regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the exemption authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. APPENDIX U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Consorcio Aviacsa, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on November 4, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN – DOCKET OST 2000-8018 _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: CONSORCIO AVIACSA, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: October 2, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct scheduled, combination service between Monterrey, Mexico, and Houston, Texas. If renewal, date and citation of last action(s): November 7, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative(s): Jim J. Marquez, 703-850-4760 DOT analyst: Allen F. Brown, 202-366-2405 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: November 4, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: November 4, 2002, through November 7, 2003. Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement. Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Remarks: Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic 敶獲潩景琠楨⁳潤畣敭瑮椠⁳癡楡慬汢⁥湯琠敨圠牯 摬圠摩⁥敗⁢瑡ഺ瑨灴⼺搯獭搮瑯朮癯⼯敲潰瑲⽳敲潰 瑲彳癡慩楴湯愮灳
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: AirTran Airways, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 26, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN – DOCKET OST-2000-8052 ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of AIRTRAN AIRWAYS, INC. filed 08/08/2002 for: XX Renewal of exemption for two years under 49 U.S.C. §40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between Atlanta, Georgia, and Freeport (Grand Bahama Island), Commonwealth of the Bahamas. Applicant rep: Edwin O. Bailey (202) 719-7045 DOT Analyst: Keith A. Glatz (202) 366-3260 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted (see below) The above action was effective when taken: August 26, 2002 through August 26, 2004. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the overall state of aviation relations between the United States and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificate of public convenience and necessity XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) _________________________ On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department’s regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this order is available on the World Wide Web at aviation.asp Attachment U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. PAGE
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Les Investissements Nolinor Inc. d/b/a Nolinor Aviation and/or Nolinor
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on October 28, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 2000-8082 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: LES INVESTISSEMENTS NOLINOR INC. d/b/a NOLINOR AVIATION and/or NOLINOR Date Filed: September 25, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct passenger and cargo charter operations between Canada and the United States, and other charters to/from the United States in accordance with 14 CFR Part 212. If renewal, date and citation of last action: October 24, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative: Jacques Prud’Homme, 514-631-0018 DOT analyst: Allen F. Brown, 202-366-2405 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: October 28, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: October 28, 2002, through October 30, 2003 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Canada Air Transport Agreement Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Remarks: Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director, Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Northwest Airlines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on November 7, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 2000-8119 _____________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Northwest Airlines, Inc. filed 10/2/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to: Integrate its authority to provide scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail involving any points named on its existing certificates of public convenience and necessity and its existing exemptions. Applicant rep.: Megan Rae Rosia 202-842-3193 DOT analyst: Sylvia Moore, 202-366-6519 DISPOSITION XX Granted (subject to conditions, see below) The above action was effective when taken: November 7, 2002, through November 7, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Standard exemption conditions (attached) ________________________ Conditions: The route integration authority granted is subject to the condition that any service provided under the exemption shall be consistent with all applicable agreements between the United States and the foreign countries involved. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority requested should be construed as conferring upon Northwest rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless Northwest notifies us of its intent to serve such a market and unless and until the Department has completed any necessary selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the limited-entry route rights that are included in Northwest’s authority by virtue of the route integration exemption granted here, but that are not then being used by Northwest, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be considered as providing any preference for Northwest in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. (See Reverse Side) 2 On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department’s regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations and with all applicable U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. 10/2002 To assure compliance with all applicable U.S. Government requirements concerning security, the holder should, before commencing any new service (including charter flights) to or from a foreign airport, inform its Principal Security Inspector of its plans.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel CZECH AIRLINES James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 12, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE The Department has established this consolidated docket for the administration of the blanket codeshare statements of authorization held by Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”), Czech Airlines (“CSA”) and Delta’s connection carrier affiliates, Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc. (“ASA”) and Comair, Inc. (“Comair”). Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and CSA (February 27, 2001), CSA and Comair (March 16, 2001), and CSA and ASA (March 16, 2001), Delta, CSA, ASA and Comair submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing as set forth below. 1. Effective June 15, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Comair between New York (JFK) and Philadelphia (PHL). 2. In addition, Delta hereby notifies the Department that notice given for a service point by Delta or either of its connection carrier affiliates, ASA and Comair, should be deemed notice given for all three carriers. This will assist Delta in maintaining the most efficient allocation of flying between mainline and connection carriers, without undue administrative burdens. The Department has previously granted Delta and other carriers similar flexibility. See, e.g., Department Action on Delta/SAA/Comair Application in Docket OST-99-6556 (August 27, 2001). 3. Similarly, Delta and CSA notify the Department that notice given for any domestic U.S. or beyond service point should be deemed notice for service via any or all of Delta’s and CSA’s authorized U.S. transatlantic gateways. The Department has allowed similar flexibility to blanket statement of authorization holders from other open skies countries. See, e.g., Delta/ASA/Comair/Alitalia, Docket OST-2001-10417. 4. This 30-day notice and integration of previously-issued blanket codeshare authorities will simplify and reduce the burden on Delta, CSA and the Department in maintaining the above-referenced codeshare statements of authorization. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CZECH AIRLINES ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel CZECH AIRLINES James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 12, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE The Department has established this consolidated docket for the administration of the blanket codeshare statements of authorization held by Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”), Czech Airlines (“CSA”) and Delta’s connection carrier affiliates, Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc. (“ASA”) and Comair, Inc. (“Comair”). Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and CSA (February 27, 2001), CSA and Comair (March 16, 2001), and CSA and ASA (March 16, 2001), Delta, CSA, ASA and Comair submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing as set forth below. 1. Effective June 15, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Comair between New York (JFK) and Philadelphia (PHL). 2. In addition, Delta hereby notifies the Department that notice given for a service point by Delta or either of its connection carrier affiliates, ASA and Comair, should be deemed notice given for all three carriers. This will assist Delta in maintaining the most efficient allocation of flying between mainline and connection carriers, without undue administrative burdens. The Department has previously granted Delta and other carriers similar flexibility. See, e.g., Department Action on Delta/SAA/Comair Application in Docket OST-99-6556 (August 27, 2001). 3. Similarly, Delta and CSA notify the Department that notice given for any domestic U.S. or beyond service point should be deemed notice for service via any or all of Delta’s and CSA’s authorized U.S. transatlantic gateways. The Department has allowed similar flexibility to blanket statement of authorization holders from other open skies countries. See, e.g., Delta/ASA/Comair/Alitalia, Docket OST-2001-10417. 4. This 30-day notice and integration of previously-issued blanket codeshare authorities will simplify and reduce the burden on Delta, CSA and the Department in maintaining the above-referenced codeshare statements of authorization. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CZECH AIRLINES ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel CZECH AIRLINES James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 12, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE The Department has established this consolidated docket for the administration of the blanket codeshare statements of authorization held by Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”), Czech Airlines (“CSA”) and Delta’s connection carrier affiliates, Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc. (“ASA”) and Comair, Inc. (“Comair”). Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and CSA (February 27, 2001), CSA and Comair (March 16, 2001), and CSA and ASA (March 16, 2001), Delta, CSA, ASA and Comair submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing as set forth below. 1. Effective June 15, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Comair between New York (JFK) and Philadelphia (PHL). 2. In addition, Delta hereby notifies the Department that notice given for a service point by Delta or either of its connection carrier affiliates, ASA and Comair, should be deemed notice given for all three carriers. This will assist Delta in maintaining the most efficient allocation of flying between mainline and connection carriers, without undue administrative burdens. The Department has previously granted Delta and other carriers similar flexibility. See, e.g., Department Action on Delta/SAA/Comair Application in Docket OST-99-6556 (August 27, 2001). 3. Similarly, Delta and CSA notify the Department that notice given for any domestic U.S. or beyond service point should be deemed notice for service via any or all of Delta’s and CSA’s authorized U.S. transatlantic gateways. The Department has allowed similar flexibility to blanket statement of authorization holders from other open skies countries. See, e.g., Delta/ASA/Comair/Alitalia, Docket OST-2001-10417. 4. This 30-day notice and integration of previously-issued blanket codeshare authorities will simplify and reduce the burden on Delta, CSA and the Department in maintaining the above-referenced codeshare statements of authorization. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CZECH AIRLINES ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel CZECH AIRLINES James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 12, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE The Department has established this consolidated docket for the administration of the blanket codeshare statements of authorization held by Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”), Czech Airlines (“CSA”) and Delta’s connection carrier affiliates, Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc. (“ASA”) and Comair, Inc. (“Comair”). Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and CSA (February 27, 2001), CSA and Comair (March 16, 2001), and CSA and ASA (March 16, 2001), Delta, CSA, ASA and Comair submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing as set forth below. 1. Effective June 15, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Comair between New York (JFK) and Philadelphia (PHL). 2. In addition, Delta hereby notifies the Department that notice given for a service point by Delta or either of its connection carrier affiliates, ASA and Comair, should be deemed notice given for all three carriers. This will assist Delta in maintaining the most efficient allocation of flying between mainline and connection carriers, without undue administrative burdens. The Department has previously granted Delta and other carriers similar flexibility. See, e.g., Department Action on Delta/SAA/Comair Application in Docket OST-99-6556 (August 27, 2001). 3. Similarly, Delta and CSA notify the Department that notice given for any domestic U.S. or beyond service point should be deemed notice for service via any or all of Delta’s and CSA’s authorized U.S. transatlantic gateways. The Department has allowed similar flexibility to blanket statement of authorization holders from other open skies countries. See, e.g., Delta/ASA/Comair/Alitalia, Docket OST-2001-10417. 4. This 30-day notice and integration of previously-issued blanket codeshare authorities will simplify and reduce the burden on Delta, CSA and the Department in maintaining the above-referenced codeshare statements of authorization. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CZECH AIRLINES ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel CZECH AIRLINES James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 12, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE The Department has established this consolidated docket for the administration of the blanket codeshare statements of authorization held by Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”), Czech Airlines (“CSA”) and Delta’s connection carrier affiliates, Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc. (“ASA”) and Comair, Inc. (“Comair”). Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and CSA (February 27, 2001), CSA and Comair (March 16, 2001), and CSA and ASA (March 16, 2001), Delta, CSA, ASA and Comair submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing as set forth below. 1. Effective June 15, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Comair between New York (JFK) and Philadelphia (PHL). 2. In addition, Delta hereby notifies the Department that notice given for a service point by Delta or either of its connection carrier affiliates, ASA and Comair, should be deemed notice given for all three carriers. This will assist Delta in maintaining the most efficient allocation of flying between mainline and connection carriers, without undue administrative burdens. The Department has previously granted Delta and other carriers similar flexibility. See, e.g., Department Action on Delta/SAA/Comair Application in Docket OST-99-6556 (August 27, 2001). 3. Similarly, Delta and CSA notify the Department that notice given for any domestic U.S. or beyond service point should be deemed notice for service via any or all of Delta’s and CSA’s authorized U.S. transatlantic gateways. The Department has allowed similar flexibility to blanket statement of authorization holders from other open skies countries. See, e.g., Delta/ASA/Comair/Alitalia, Docket OST-2001-10417. 4. This 30-day notice and integration of previously-issued blanket codeshare authorities will simplify and reduce the burden on Delta, CSA and the Department in maintaining the above-referenced codeshare statements of authorization. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CZECH AIRLINES ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for John Varley, Assistant General Counsel CZECH AIRLINES James Coblin, Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 12, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE The Department has established this consolidated docket for the administration of the blanket codeshare statements of authorization held by Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”), Czech Airlines (“CSA”) and Delta’s connection carrier affiliates, Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc. (“ASA”) and Comair, Inc. (“Comair”). Pursuant to the blanket statements of authorization granted to Delta and CSA (February 27, 2001), CSA and Comair (March 16, 2001), and CSA and ASA (March 16, 2001), Delta, CSA, ASA and Comair submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing as set forth below. 1. Effective June 15, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Comair between New York (JFK) and Philadelphia (PHL). 2. In addition, Delta hereby notifies the Department that notice given for a service point by Delta or either of its connection carrier affiliates, ASA and Comair, should be deemed notice given for all three carriers. This will assist Delta in maintaining the most efficient allocation of flying between mainline and connection carriers, without undue administrative burdens. The Department has previously granted Delta and other carriers similar flexibility. See, e.g., Department Action on Delta/SAA/Comair Application in Docket OST-99-6556 (August 27, 2001). 3. Similarly, Delta and CSA notify the Department that notice given for any domestic U.S. or beyond service point should be deemed notice for service via any or all of Delta’s and CSA’s authorized U.S. transatlantic gateways. The Department has allowed similar flexibility to blanket statement of authorization holders from other open skies countries. See, e.g., Delta/ASA/Comair/Alitalia, Docket OST-2001-10417. 4. This 30-day notice and integration of previously-issued blanket codeshare authorities will simplify and reduce the burden on Delta, CSA and the Department in maintaining the above-referenced codeshare statements of authorization. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CZECH AIRLINES ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 3
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 30, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Commencing on or about June 1, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Delta between New York (JFK) and Phoenix (PHX). Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 30, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Commencing on or about June 1, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Delta between New York (JFK) and Phoenix (PHX). Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 30, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Commencing on or about June 1, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Delta between New York (JFK) and Phoenix (PHX). Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 30, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Commencing on or about June 1, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Delta between New York (JFK) and Phoenix (PHX). Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 30, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Commencing on or about June 1, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Delta between New York (JFK) and Phoenix (PHX). Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. April 30, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Commencing on or about June 1, 2002, CSA plans to display its “OK” designator code on flights operated by Delta between New York (JFK) and Phoenix (PHX). Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 2, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Venice, Italy. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 2, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Venice, Italy. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 2, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Venice, Italy. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 2, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Venice, Italy. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 2, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Venice, Italy. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 2, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Venice, Italy. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30 Day Notice of Additional Codsharing
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 23, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. May 23, 2002 _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Kuwait City; this flight is a additional intermediate stop on Delta’s previously-authorized service with CSA to Dubai. The schedule change takes effect on June 15, 2002. Delta will not carry any local U.S.-Kuwait passengers prior to the expiration of the 30-day period, but plans to continue carrying though passengers to Dubai via Kuwait. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
30 Day Notice of Additional Codsharing
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 23, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. May 23, 2002 _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Kuwait City; this flight is a additional intermediate stop on Delta’s previously-authorized service with CSA to Dubai. The schedule change takes effect on June 15, 2002. Delta will not carry any local U.S.-Kuwait passengers prior to the expiration of the 30-day period, but plans to continue carrying though passengers to Dubai via Kuwait. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
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30 Day Notice of Additional Codsharing
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Allan I. Mendelsohn D. Scott Yohe Constance O’Keefe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 1275 K Street, N.W. Suite 8500 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 216-0700 (202) 775-0680 John Varley, Assistant General Counsel Counsel for James Coblin, Attorney CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. May 23, 2002 COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. May 23, 2002 _ Joint Applications of ) ) DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ) ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and ) COMAIR, INC. ) ) and ) Docket OST-2000-8207 ) CZECH AIRLINES ) for statements of authorization ) pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 ) (United States-Czech Republic blanket codesharing ) 30-DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization granted to Delta and CSA in the captioned docket, the carriers hereby submit this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to display its “DL” designator code on flights operated by CSA between Prague and Kuwait City; this flight is a additional intermediate stop on Delta’s previously-authorized service with CSA to Dubai. The schedule change takes effect on June 15, 2002. Delta will not carry any local U.S.-Kuwait passengers prior to the expiration of the 30-day period, but plans to continue carrying though passengers to Dubai via Kuwait. Respectfully submitted, /s/ /s/ Allan I. Mendelsohn Robert E. Cohn Constance O’Keefe Alexander Van der Bellen MENDELSOHN & O’KEEFE SHAW PITTMAN LLP 1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 663-8060 (202) 775-0680 Counsel for Counsel for CZECH AIRLINES DELTA AIR LINES, INC. ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. COMAIR, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page 30-Day Notice Page PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken re: Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-2000-8226 ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc. filed 6/27/02 to: XX Renew for two years exemption under 49 U.S.C. §40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between any point or points in the United States and any point or points in Cyprus, and to integrate this authority with all other Delta services authorized by existing certificates and exemptions granted by the Department, to the extent permitted by international agreements. Delta intends to use this authority to operate service under a code-share arrangement with Czech Airlines. Applicant rep: Robert E. Cohn (202) 663-8060 DOT Analyst: Sylvia L. Moore (202) 366-6519 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted, subject to conditions (see below) The above action was effective when taken: August 16, 2002, through August 16, 2004 Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the overall state of aviation relations between the United States and Cyprus. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) XX Statement of Authorization dated February 27, 2001, authorizing Delta/Czech Airlines code-share operations, and conditions therein. ________________________________________________________________________ __________________ Conditions: The route integration authority granted is subject to the condition that such operations are consistent with the applicable bilateral aviation agreements. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority requested should be construed as conferring upon Delta additional rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless Delta first notifies the Department of Delta’s intent to serve such a market and unless and until the Department has completed any necessary carrier selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the limited-entry route rights that are included in Delta’s authority by virtue of the route integration authority granted here, but that are not then being used by Delta, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be considered as providing any preference for Delta’s in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. On the basis of data officially noticeable under Rule 24(g) of the Department’s regulations, we found the applicant qualified to provide the services authorized. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this order is available on the World Wide Web at aviation.asp APPENDIX A U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached notice, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, including all FAA requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. PAGE PAGE 3
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Notice of Action Taken re Aerovias de Mexico S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on December 20, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN – DOCKET OST 2000-8374 _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: AEROVIAS de MEXICO, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: November 26, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct scheduled, combination service between Monterrey, Mexico, and New York, New York. If renewal, date and citation of last action(s): December 11, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative(s): William C. Evans, 202-371-6030 DOT analyst: Allen F. Brown, 202-366-2405 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: December 20, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: December 20, 2002, through December 20, 2003. Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement. Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Remarks: Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
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Notice of Action Taken re: Aerolineas Uruguayas, S.A.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on January 9, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2000-8547 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: Aerolineas Uruguayas, S.A. Date Filed: December 20, 2001 Relief requested: Renew exemption from 49 U.S.C. § 41301 to engage in charter foreign air transportation of property and mail between Uruguay and the United States; and other all-cargo charters in accordance with Part 212 of our rules. If renewal, date and citation of last action: January 3, 2001, in this docket Applicant representative: Celestino Pena (305) 381-6252 Responsive pleadings: None filed DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: January 9, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: January 9, 2002-January 9, 2003 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): Reciprocity with Uruguay Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: Aerolineas Uruguayas may not conduct U.S. operations with its own aircraft and crews without further order of the Department. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) the applicant was qualified to perform the proposed operations; (2) our action was consistent with Department policy; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within ten (10) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness.഍湁攠敬瑣潲楮⁣敶獲潩景琠楨⁳潤畣敭 瑮椠⁳癡楡慬汢⁥湯琠敨圠牯摬圠摩⁥敗⁢瑡ഺ瑨灴⼺ 搯獭搮瑯朮癯⼯敲潰瑲⽳敲潰瑲彳癡慩楴湯愮灳഍ 唠 畲畧祡椠⁳畣牲湥汴⁹⁡慃整潧祲㈠挠畯瑮祲甠摮牥琠 敨䘠䅁玒䤠瑮牥慮楴湯污䄠楶瑡潩慓敦祴䄠獳獥浳湥 ⁴牐杯慲䤨十⥁മ -
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Notice of Action Taken re: China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on September 9, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2001-10172 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited Date Filed: July 12, 2002 Relief requested: Renewal of China Eastern’s exemption from 49 U.S.C. 41301 to conduct scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Shanghai and Beijing, on the one hand, and any point in the United States, on the other hand, pursuant to a code-share arrangement with American Airlines, Inc. If renewal, date and citation of last action: Order 2001-8-16, dated August 17, 2001, in Docket OST-2001-10172. Applicant representative: Evelyn Sahr 202-289-0500 Responsive pleadings: None DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: September 9, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: September 9, 2002 - September 9, 2003 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): U.S. China Air Transport Agreement and 1999 U.S.-China Protocol Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions (attached) X Foreign air carrier permit conditions (Order 92-11-7) X Statement of authorization for Chinese/U.S. carrier code-share services in Order 2001-8-16, and conditions therein. X Special conditions/Remarks: China Eastern may conduct these code-share services only to U.S. points selected by the Government of China under the 1999 U.S.-China Protocol. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ We found that the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: Appendix A FOREIGN AIR CARRIER CONDITIONS OF AUTHORITY In the conduct of the operations authorized, the holder shall: (1) Not conduct any operations unless it holds a currently effective authorization from its homeland for such operations, and it has filed a copy of such authorization with the Department; (2) Comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration, including, but not limited to, 14 CFR Parts 129, 91, and 36, and with all applicable U.S. Government requirements concerning security; (3) Comply with the requirements for minimum insurance coverage contained in 14 CFR Part 205, and, prior to the commencement of any operations under this authority, file evidence of such coverage, in the form of a completed OST Form 6411, with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Program Management Branch (AFS-260), Flight Standards Service (any changes to, or termination of, insurance also shall be filed with that office); (4) Not operate aircraft under this authority unless it complies with operational safety requirements at least equivalent to Annex 6 of the Chicago Convention; (5) Conform to the airworthiness and airman competency requirements of its Government for international air services; (6) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (7) Agree that operations under this authority constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity, for the purposes of 28 U.S.C. 1605(a), but only with respect to those actions or proceedings instituted against it in any court or other tribunal in the United States that are: (a) based on its operations in international air transportation that, according to the contract of carriage, include a point in the United States as a point of origin, point of destination, or agreed stopping place, or for which the contract of carriage was purchased in the United States; or (b) based on a claim under any international agreement or treaty cognizable in any court or other tribunal of the United States. In this condition, the term "international air transportation" means "international transportation" as defined by the Warsaw Convention, except that all States shall be considered to be High Contracting Parties for the purpose of this definition; (8) Except as specifically authorized by the Department, originate or terminate all flights to/from the United States in its homeland; (9) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 217, concerning the reporting of scheduled, nonscheduled, and charter data; (10) If charter operations are authorized, except as otherwise provided in the applicable aviation agreement, comply with the Department's rules governing charters (including 14 CFR Parts 212 and 380); and (11) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department, with all applicable orders or regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. This authority shall not be effective during any period when the holder is not in compliance with the conditions imposed above. Moreover, this authority cannot be sold or otherwise transferred without explicit Department approval under Title 49 of the U.S. Code (formerly the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended). U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation (41301/40109) 7/2002 This was the final order in the 2001 China Code-Share Points Case, Docket OST-2001-10172. We subsequently granted China Eastern additional exemption authority by Notice of Action Taken dated August 23, 2001, in that docket.
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Notice of Action Taken re: Brit Air and Delta Air Lines, Inc.
DELTA STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on August 22, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-2001-10354 & 2000-6939 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Joint Motion: Brit Air & Delta Air Lines, Inc. Date Filed: August 12, 2002 Relief requested: Amend Notice of Action Taken dated August 2, 2002 (NOAT), in the above-referenced dockets, to recognize that Brit Air is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Air France, and delete footnote 1 of that NOAT. The joint movants state that Brit Air has been a wholly-owned (100%) Air France subsidiary since no later than September 30, 2001, and they have submitted supporting information to this effect. Applicant representatives: Michael Goldman (Brit Air) 202-944-3305; Robert Cohn (Delta) 202-663-8060 Responsive pleadings: None DISPOSITION Action: We grant the motion. Action date: August 22, 2002 Remarks: The information provided in the joint Brit Air/Delta motion supplements the record on which we had acted in our August 2 Notice by demonstrating that Brit Air is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Air France. Based on this information, we amend the Notice of Action Taken dated August 2, 2002, in Dockets OST-2001-10354 and OST-2000-6939, by deleting footnote 1 of that Notice. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: HYPERLINK "" Based on the record then before us, the footnote in question had stated that Brit Air was not a wholly-owned subsidiary of Air France. This means that Brit Air comes within the purview of Order 2002-1-6, which granted antitrust immunity for, inter alia, wholly-owned subsidiaries of Air France. In this connection, we will add the standard condition, which we routinely impose in such circumstances as this, to those already included in the August 2, 2002, Notice: All operations conducted under the August 2, 2002, authorization must comply with the terms, conditions, and limitations of Order 2002-1-6 (Delta/Delta Connection, Air France, Alitalia and Czech Airlines antitrust immunity order) and any subsequent order(s) of the Department regarding the alliance.
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Notice of Action Taken re: Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on September 12, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2001-10369 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: AEROVIAS de MEXICO, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: August 23, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct scheduled, combination services between: 1) Mexico City, Mexico, and Atlanta, Georgia; 2) Mexico City, Mexico, and Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas; and 3) Monterrey, Mexico, and Atlanta, Georgia. If renewal, date and citation of last action(s): August 31, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative(s): William C. Evans, 202-371-6030 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: September 12, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: September 12, 2002, through September 12, 2003. Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement. Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Foreign air carrier permit conditions. Special conditions/Remarks: Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the 楦楬杮漠⁦⁡数楴楴湯映牯爠癥敩⁷楷汬渠瑯愠瑬牥猠 捵⁨晥敦瑣癩湥獥⹳഍湁攠敬瑣潲楮⁣敶獲潩景琠楨 ⁳潤畣敭瑮椠⁳癡楡慬汢⁥湯琠敨圠牯摬圠摩⁥敗⁢瑡 ഺ瑨灴⼺搯獭搮瑯朮癯⼯敲潰瑲⽳敲潰瑲彳癡慩楴湯愮 灳
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Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc. and Alitalia Team S.p.A.
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Joint Application of DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and COMAIR, INC. and ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE-S.p.A., ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A., ALITALIA EXPRESS S.p.A. and EUROFLY S.p.A. for blanket statements of authorization pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 (U.S.-Italy open skies codesharing) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )))) ) ) Docket OST-2001-10417 NOTICE OF DELTA AIR LINES, INC. AND ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A. March 25, 2002 Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Richard D. Mathias ZUCKERT, SCOUTT & RASENBERGER, L.L.P. 888 Seventeenth Street, N.W. Suite 600 Washington, D.C. 20006-3309 (202) 298-8660 Counsel for ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE-S.p.A., ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A., ALITALIA EXPRESS S.p.A. and EUROFLY S.p.A. D. Scott Yohe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 216-0700 John Varley Assistant General Counsel James A. Coblin Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen Shaw Pittman LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC., and COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. March 25, 2002 Joint Application of DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and COMAIR, INC. and ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE-S.p.A., ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A., ALITALIA EXPRESS S.p.A. and EUROFLY S.p.A. for blanket statements of authorization pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 (U.S.-Italy open skies codesharing) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )))) ) ) Docket OST-2001-10417 NOTICE OF DELTA AIR LINES, INC. AND ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A. Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization approved by Department Action on Application in Docket OST-2001-10417 dated October 26, 2001, Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”) and Alitalia Team S.p.A. (“Alitalia Team”) hereby notify the Department that on or about May 2, 2002, the carriers plan to begin third-country codeshare service to India by displaying Delta’s “DL” designator code on flights operated by Alitalia Team between Milan, Italy and Mumbai, India. Delta already holds a U.S.-India codeshare designation and is authorized to provide service “under code-share arrangements with third-country carriers.” See, Order 97-21-26 and Notice of Action Taken dated July 30, 2001 (Docket OST-96-1969). Under the terms of the December 2, 1995 U.S.-India Memorandum of Consultations (“MOC”), there are no limits on the number of frequencies or third-county gateways from which designated carriers may operate to India. Accordingly, no limited-entry issues are raised by this Notice. Respectfully submitted, _______________________________ Richard D. Mathias ZUCKERT, SCOUTT & RASENBERGER, L.L.P. 888 Seventeenth Street, N.W. Suite 600 Washington, D.C. 20006-3309 (202) 298-8660 Counsel for ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A. ______________________________ Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen Shaw Pittman LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page Notice of Delta and Alitalia Team Page PAGE 2
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30-Day Notice
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. Joint Application of DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and COMAIR, INC. and ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE-S.p.A., ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A., ALITALIA EXPRESS S.p.A. and EUROFLY S.p.A. for blanket statements of authorization pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 (U.S.-Italy open skies codesharing) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )))) ) ) Docket OST-2001-10417 30 DAY NOTICE April 22, 2002 Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Richard D. Mathias ZUCKERT, SCOUTT & RASENBERGER, L.L.P. 888 Seventeenth Street, N.W. Suite 600 Washington, D.C. 20006-3309 (202) 298-8660 Counsel for ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE-S.p.A., ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A., ALITALIA EXPRESS S.p.A. and EUROFLY S.p.A. D. Scott Yohe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 216-0700 John Varley Assistant General Counsel James A. Coblin Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Law Department #981 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen Shaw Pittman LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC., and COMAIR, INC. BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. April 22, 2002 Joint Application of DELTA AIR LINES, INC., ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST AIRLINES, INC. and COMAIR, INC. and ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE-S.p.A., ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A., ALITALIA EXPRESS S.p.A. and EUROFLY S.p.A. for blanket statements of authorization pursuant to 14 C.F.R. Part 212 (U.S.-Italy open skies codesharing) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )))) ) ) Docket OST-2001-10417 30 DAY NOTICE Pursuant to the blanket statement of authorization approval dated October 26, 2001, Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”) and Alitalia Team S.p.A. (“Alitalia Team”) hereby provide the Department with this 30-day notice of additional codesharing. Delta plans to list its “DL” designator code on flights operated by Alitalia’s approved wet lease subsidiaries between Milan/Rome/Venice and the following points in third countries: Accra, Ghana Algiers, Algeria Lagos, Nigeria Sofia, Bulgaria Tunis, Tunisia Respectfully submitted, _______________________________ Richard D. Mathias ZUCKERT, SCOUTT & RASENBERGER, L.L.P. 888 Seventeenth Street, N.W. Suite 600 Washington, D.C. 20006-3309 (202) 298-8660 Counsel for ALITALIA TEAM S.p.A. ______________________________ Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen Shaw Pittman LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037-1128 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Delta is concurrently applying for exemption authority to serve Algiers and will defer implementation of that service until its exemption is approved. Delta already holds underlying economic authority for the other 30-day notice points. Footnote continued from previous page Footnote continued on next page Notice of Delta and Alitalia Team Page PAGE 2
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Reports on Significant Airline Service Reductions
__________________________________________ REPORTS ON SIGNIFICANT AIRLINE SERVICE Docket-OST-01-10711 REDUCTIONS __________________________________________ February 1, 2002 NOTICE OF LAST SCHEDULED SERVICE IN A DOMESTIC MARKET Chautauqua Airlines d/b/a American Connection submits pursuant to Order 2001-9-20 the following notice of termination of the last nonstop service in a domestic market. Chautauqua/American Connection will discontinue nonstop service between Knoxville, TN and St. Louis, Mo. The last date of service will be March 1, 2002. Until that date, Chautauqua will operate four weekday round trip flights with reduced flight frequency on weekends. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey B. Jones VP-Planning Chautauqua Airlines, Inc. 2500 S. High School Road, Suite 160 Indianapolis, IN 46241
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Notice of Chautauqua Airlines, Inc. of the Last Scheduled Nonstop Service in a Domestic Market
___________________________________________ REPORTS ON SIGNIFICANT AIRLINE SERVICE Docket-OST-01-10711 REDUCTIONS March 6, 2002 NOTICE OF LAST SCHEDULED NONSTOP SERVICE IN A DOMESTIC MARKET Chautauqua Airlines d/b/a American Connection submits pursuant to Order 2001-9-20 the following notice of termination of the last nonstop service in a domestic market. Chautauqua/American Connection will discontinue its one daily nonstop round trip between Sioux City, IA and St. Louis, MO. The last date of service from St. Louis to Sioux City will be March 31. The last date of service from Sioux City to St. Louis will be April 1, 2002. It is our understanding that TransStates Airlines, operating as American Connection, will also eliminate its round trip nonstop Sioux City – St. Louis service on March 31. Hence, the last nonstop service in a domestic market will be terminated. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey B. Jones VP-Planning Chautauqua Airlines, Inc. 2500 S. High School Road, Suite 160 Indianapolis, IN 46241
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Notice of Action Taken re: Universal Airlines, Incorporated
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on June 21, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2001-10778 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: Universal Airlines, Incorporated Date Filed: June 14, 2002 Relief requested: Amend existing exemption authority to the extent necessary to permit Universal Airlines to serve Aruba as an intermediate point on its authorized route between Georgetown, Guyana, and New York, New York. The applicant would conduct these services only by wet leasing aircraft from a duly authorized and properly supervised U.S. or foreign air carrier. If renewal, date and citation of last action: New authority Applicant representative: Malcolm L. Benge (202) 298-8660 Responsive pleadings: None filed DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: June 21, 2002 (We acted on this application without awaiting expiration of the 15-day answer period with the consent of all parties served.) Effective dates of authority granted: June 21, 2002,-October 24, 2002 (coextensive with Universal’s underlying exemption authority granted October 24, 2001, in this docket). Under its approved authority, Universal is authorized to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail (1) between Georgetown, Guyana, and the coterminal points Miami, Florida and New York, New York (2) between Georgetown, Guyana, and New York, New York via the intermediate points Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and Aruba. Universal is also authorized to conduct charters in accordance with 14 CFR Part 212. Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): Reciprocity with Guyana Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: The applicant would conduct these services only by wet leasing aircraft from a duly authorized and properly supervised U.S. or foreign air carrier. Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: The carrier is properly licensed by the Government of Guyana to perform the authorized services. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) the applicant was qualified to perform the proposed operations; (2) our action was consistent with Department policy; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
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Notice of Cease in Codeshare Service
R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. (202) 624-2615 [email protected] March 22, 2002 016 18272.222 Mr. Paul L. Gretch Director Office of International Aviation Department of Transportation 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Room 6402 Washington, DC 20590 Re: Applications of Continental and KLM, Docket OST-01-10880 Dear Mr. Gretch: By Notice of Action Taken dated November 29, 2001, the Department granted the applications of Continental and KLM for codeshare authority. This is to notify the Department, pursuant to condition (c) of the Notice of Action Taken, that Continental and KLM intend to cease codeshare service on the following route segment effective April 1, 2002: Route Operating Carrier Amsterdam-Antwerp KLM Cityhopper Continental and KLM exel will codeshare between Amsterdam and Antwerp as soon as KLM exel receives a statement of authorization permitting such codesharing. Respectfully submitted, R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. Counsel for Continental Airlines, Inc. cc: Teresa Bingham, Mary Street, George Wellington 1893672 (…continued) (continued…) STYLEREF "Recipient Name" Mr. Paul L. Gretch DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT June 5, 2002 Page PAGE 2
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Notice of Cease in Codeshare Service
R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. (202) 624-2615 [email protected] March 22, 2002 016 18272.222 Mr. Paul L. Gretch Director Office of International Aviation Department of Transportation 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Room 6402 Washington, DC 20590 Re: Applications of Continental and KLM, Docket OST-01-10880 Dear Mr. Gretch: By Notice of Action Taken dated November 29, 2001, the Department granted the applications of Continental and KLM for codeshare authority. This is to notify the Department, pursuant to condition (c) of the Notice of Action Taken, that Continental and KLM intend to cease codeshare service on the following route segment effective April 1, 2002: Route Operating Carrier Amsterdam-Antwerp KLM Cityhopper Continental and KLM exel will codeshare between Amsterdam and Antwerp as soon as KLM exel receives a statement of authorization permitting such codesharing. Respectfully submitted, R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. Counsel for Continental Airlines, Inc. cc: Teresa Bingham, Mary Street, George Wellington 1893672 (…continued) (continued…) STYLEREF "Recipient Name" Mr. Paul L. Gretch DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT June 5, 2002 Page PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken re Aeromodelo, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on December 23, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 2001-10958 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: AEROMODELO, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: October 25, 2001 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to conduct passenger charter operations between Mexico and the United States, and other passenger charter operations in accordance with 14 CFR Part 212, using small equipment. If renewal, date and citation of last action: New authority. Applicant representative: James E. Ramsey, 816-474-0777 DOT analyst: Allen F. Brown, 202-366-2405 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: December 23, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: December 23, 2002, through December 23, 2003. Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement of August 15, 1960, as amended and extended (Agreement). Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: We found that Aeromodelo, S.A. de C.V., is operationally and financially qualified to conduct its proposed operations and is properly licensed by its homeland. Also, the FAA advised us that it knows of no reason to withhold this authority. Although Mexican nationals control Aeromodelo, some of its stock is owned by non-Mexican citizens. In that connection, Aeromodelo requested the Department to waive, to the extent necessary to grant the authority requested, its standard requirement that a foreign carrier be substantially owned and effectively controlled by citizens of the licensing homeland. We concluded that such waiver was warranted, finding nothing in the ownership and control of the applicant that would be inimical to U.S. aviation policy or interests. In the conduct of these operations, the carrier may only use aircraft capable of carrying no more than 60 passengers and having a maximum payload capacity of no more than 18,000 pounds (small equipment). The above grant includes authority to conduct Third and Fourth Freedom charter operations. While we have subjected, consistent with the provisions of the Agreement, Mexican carriers conducting charter operations with large aircraft to prior approval or submission of notice for their Third and Fourth Freedom charters, we determined that any such requirement was not necessary on public interest grounds in this case, since the carrier will be conducting these operations solely with small aircraft. (Other charter operations to/from the United States under this authority, however, are subject to prior approval under 14 CFR Part 212.) Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director, Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
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Notice of Action Taken re Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on December 23, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 2001-11036 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: AEROVIAS de MEXICO, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: December 4, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct scheduled, combination services between: 1) Monterrey, Mexico, and Las Vegas, Nevada; and 2) Hermosillo, Mexico, and Ontario, California. If renewal, date and citation of last action: December 13, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative(s): William C. Evans, 202-371-6030 DOT analyst: Allen F. Brown, 202-366-2405 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved. Action date: December 23, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: December 23, 2002, through December 23, 2003. Basis for approval: United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Remarks: Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic 敶獲潩景琠楨⁳潤畣敭瑮椠⁳癡楡慬汢⁥湯琠敨圠牯 摬圠摩⁥敗⁢瑡ഺ瑨灴⼺搯獭搮瑯朮癯⼯敲潰瑲⽳敲潰 瑲彳癡慩楴湯愮灳
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Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc.
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. advance \d 3 In the matter of ALL U.S. CARRIERS Waiver of dormancy conditions on limited-entry route authority ) )) ) ) ) )) Docket OST-2001-11065 advance \d 3 NOTICE OF DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Communications with respect to this document should be addressed to: D. Scott Yohe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 216-0700 John J. Varley Assistant General Counsel Scott McClain Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC Law Department (#981) 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320-2574 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. February 15, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. February 15, 2002 advance \d 3 In the matter of ALL U.S. CARRIERS Waiver of dormancy conditions on limited-entry route authority ))) ) ) ) ) ) Docket OST-2001-11065 advance \d 3 NOTICE OF DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Pursuant to Orders 2001-11-15 and 2002-2-2, Delta Air Lines, Inc. ("Delta") hereby notifies the Department of the following routes where Delta holds authorities that are subject to the Department's blanket dormancy waiver, and where Delta will not be operating service as of April 1, 2002: Los Angeles–Nagoya (7 frequencies) Los Angeles-Tokyo (7 frequencies) New York-Tokyo (7 frequencies) Portland-Osaka/Fukuoka (13 frequencies) Respectfully submitted, /s/ Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 663-8060 Attorneys for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this 15th day of February, 2002, served the foregoing Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc., upon those persons listed below via email. [email protected], [email protected]@internet, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Nathaniel Breed/SPPT/US@SPPT, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]@internet /s/ AVB ____________________________ Alexander Van der Bellen 1213119 Notice of Delta Airlines, Inc. Page PAGE 2
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Notice of Continental Micronesia, Inc.
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : In the matter of : : ALL U.S. AIR CARRIERS : Docket OST-01-11065 : Waiver of the dormancy conditions on limited- : entry route authority : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE OF CONTINENTAL MICRONESIA, INC. Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: William Meehan President CONTINENTAL MICRONESIA, INC. P.O. Box 8778-G Guam International Airport Tamuning, Guam 96911 R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. CROWELL & MORING LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20004-2595 (202) 624-2615 Counsel for Continental Airlines, Inc. February 15, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : In the matter of : : ALL U.S. AIR CARRIERS : Docket OST-01-11065 : Waiver of the dormancy conditions on limited- : entry route authority : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE OF CONTINENTAL MICRONESIA, INC. Pursuant to Orders 2001-11-15 and 2002-2-2, Continental Micronesia is providing the Department with a list of the limited-entry route authority subject to dormancy conditions it will not be using beginning April 1, 2002. Continental Micronesia will not be operating service between Honolulu and Tokyo as of April 1, 2002. Continental Micronesia has been awarded waivers of the dormancy condition applicable to its Honolulu-Tokyo authority (see, e.g., Notice of Action Taken dated August 3, 2000 in Docket OST-98-3419 and Orders 2001-11-5 and 2002-2-2 issued in this docket), and Continental Micronesia is submitting a request for a waiver of the dormancy condition applicable to its Honolulu-Tokyo frequencies today in a separate docket. Respectfully submitted, CROWELL & MORING LLP /s/ R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. _______________________________ R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Counsel for Continental Micronesia, Inc. February 15, 2002 1881895 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I have this date served a copy of the foregoing document on the following persons in accordance with the Department’s Rules of Practice: Bruce H. Rabinovitz Jeffrey A. Manley Wilmer Cutler & Pickering 2445 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (for United) HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Marshall S. Sinick Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20004 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] John R. Byerly Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs Department of State 2201 C Street, N.W., Room 5830 Washington, D.C. 20520 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] HollyBeth Anderson Vice President – International Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce 235 International Boulevard, NW Atlanta, GA 30303 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Carl B. Nelson, Jr. Associate General Counsel American Airlines, Inc. 1101 17th Street, NW, #600 Washington, DC 20036 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Carlos Martel Kim Brown Kevin Langston Georgia Department of Industry & Trade 285 Peachtree Center Ave. Atlanta, GA 30303 Miguel Southwell Director of Marketing & Public Relations City of Atlanta Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport Suite 300 P.O. Box 20509 Atlanta, GA 30320 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen Shaw Pittman 2300 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 HYPERLINK "mailTo:[email protected]" [email protected] HYPERLINK "mailTo:[email protected]" [email protected] Joanne W. Young Baker & Hostetler, LLP Washington Square 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20036-5304 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Donald T. Bliss O’Melveny & Myers LLP 555 13th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Jonathan B. Hill Dow, Lohnes & Albertson 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20036-6802 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] February 15, 2002 /s/ R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. _______________________________ R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. Common names are used for airlines. Continental Micronesia’s allocation of five frequencies was awarded by Order 98-5-17 in Docket OST-98-3419. (…continued) (continued…) Notice of Continental Micronesia Page PAGE 4
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Notice of Continental Airlines, Inc.
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : In the matter of : : ALL U.S. AIR CARRIERS : Docket OST-01-11065 : Waiver of the dormancy conditions on limited- : entry route authority : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE OF CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. Communications with respect to this document should be sent to: Rebecca G. Cox Vice President, Government Affairs CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. 1350 I Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 Hershel I. Kamen Staff Vice President, International & Regulatory Affairs CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. P.O. Box 4607 – HQSGV Houston, TX 77210-4607 R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. CROWELL & MORING LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20004-2595 (202) 624-2615 Counsel for Continental Airlines, Inc. February 15, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : In the matter of : : ALL U.S. AIR CARRIERS : Docket OST-01-11065 : Waiver of the dormancy conditions on limited- : entry route authority : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE OF CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. Pursuant to Orders 2001-11-15 and 2002-2-2, Continental is providing the Department with a list of the limited-entry route authority and frequencies subject to dormancy conditions it will not be using or using at reduced service levels beginning April 1, 2002. 1. Continental will not be operating service or operating reduced service over the following routes beginning April 1, 2002: Brazil Frequencies - Continental is serving New York/Newark-Rio de Janeiro via connections at Sao Paulo on its Houston-Sao Paulo-Rio de Janeiro flights, but not using the four frequencies allocated to it for New York/Newark-Rio de Janeiro nonstop service. (See Order 97-4-13, Docket OST-96-2016) Ecuador Frequencies - Continental will not be using 1.5 of the frequencies allocated to it for Houston-Panama City-Quito service. (See Order 2000-8-19, Docket OST-95-958) Japan Frequencies – Continental will not be operating two of the seven U.S.-Japan frequencies awarded to it for New York/Newark-Tokyo service. (See Order 98-5-7, Docket OST-98-3419) San Antonio-Mexico City – Continental has terminated the San Antonio-Mexico City service authorized by its Route 561 certificate authority. (See Order 2001-5-31, Docket OST-99-5868). Respectfully submitted, CROWELL & MORING LLP /s/ R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. _______________________________ R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Counsel for Continental Airlines, Inc. February 15, 2002 1881537 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I have this date served a copy of the foregoing document on the following persons in accordance with the Department’s Rules of Practice: Bruce H. Rabinovitz Jeffrey A. Manley Wilmer Cutler & Pickering 2445 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Marshall S. Sinick Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20004 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] John R. Byerly Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs Department of State 2201 C Street, N.W., Room 5830 Washington, D.C. 20520 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] HollyBeth Anderson Vice President – International Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce 235 International Boulevard, NW Atlanta, GA 30303 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Carl B. Nelson, Jr. Associate General Counsel American Airlines, Inc. 1101 17th Street, NW, #600 Washington, DC 20036 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Carlos Martel Kim Brown Kevin Langston Georgia Department of Industry & Trade 285 Peachtree Center Ave. Atlanta, GA 30303 Miguel Southwell Director of Marketing & Public Relations City of Atlanta Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport Suite 300 P.O. Box 20509 Atlanta, GA 30320 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen Shaw Pittman 2300 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 HYPERLINK "mailTo:[email protected]" [email protected] HYPERLINK "mailTo:[email protected]" [email protected] Joanne W. Young Baker & Hostetler, LLP Washington Square 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20036-5304 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Donald T. Bliss O’Melveny & Myers LLP 555 13th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Jonathan B. Hill Dow, Lohnes & Albertson 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20036-6802 HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected] [email protected] February 15, 2002 /s/ R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. _______________________________ R. Bruce Keiner, Jr. Common names are used for airlines. Continental is simultaneously submitting to the Department a request for waiver of the dormancy condition applicable to the four U.S.-Brazil, 1.5 U.S.-Ecuador and two U.S.-Japan frequencies it will not be using as of April 1, 2002. (…continued) (continued…) Notice of Continental Page PAGE 4
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Notice Consolidating Proceedings and Granting Extension of Time
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Served: August 16, 2002 _____________________________________________________________________ In Re: COMPLIANCE WITH U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENTS of DHL AIRWAYS, INC., Third Party Complaint pursuant to 14 C.F.R. §302.404 Docket OST-2001-8736 and PETITION OF UNITED PARCEL SERVICE CO. TO INSTITUTE A PUBLIC INQUIRY INTO THE CITIZENSHIP AND FOREIGN CONTROL OF DHL AIRWAYS, INC. Docket OST-2002-13089 _____________________________________________________________________ NOTICE CONSOLIDATING PROCEEDINGS AND GRANTING EXTENSION OF TIME Summary By this notice, for administrative convenience, we consolidate the filing by Federal Express Corporation (“FedEx”), dated August 7, 2002, in Docket OST-2001-8736 into Docket OST-2002-13089, a petition by United Parcel Service (“UPS”) to institute an inquiry into the citizenship of DHL Airways, Inc. (“DHL Airways”). We also extend the deadline for answers to both filings to September 6, 2002. Consolidation of Proceedings On August 7, 2002, FedEx filed in Docket OST-2001-8736 a petition for reconsideration or, alternatively, review of staff action of the Department’s approval of DHL Airways’ corporate structure. Originally, this docket contained a third-party enforcement complaint by FedEx against DHL Airways , Inc. which was dismissed by the Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings on May 11, 2001 (Order 2001-5-11). That docket is thus closed and is not the appropriate forum in which to consider FedEx’s petition. On August 9, 2002, UPS filed a petition to institute a public inquiry into the citizenship and foreign control of DHL Airways, Inc. UPS filed this petition in a new docket (OST-2002-13089). The filings in these two dockets present common issues and are interrelated. Both FedEx and UPS ask us for relief with regard to various issues involving the citizenship of DHL Airways, Inc. Both parties also submit substantially similar information to support their requests. We find that consolidation of these filings in Docket OST-2002-13089 will enable the Department and the parties to address these similar issues and information more efficiently. Thus, we find that the principle of administrative efficiency supports the consolidation of the two proceedings into one coordinated docket. The consolidation will not in any way prejudice any decision, substantive or procedural, made concerning these filings. Extension of Time In a letter of August 13, 2002, DHL Airways requested an extension of time until September 6, 2002 to respond to the UPS and FedEx petitions. In this letter, DHL Airways stated that UPS did not object. FedEx filed a Consent to Extension to Reply on August 14, 2002. For good cause shown, we believe that DHL Airways’s request is reasonable, and we will grant it. ACCORDINGLY, 1. We consolidate the above-captioned proceedings into Docket OST-2002-13089;   2. We grant the August 13, 2002 request of DHL Airways, Inc. for an extension of time and give interested parties until September 6, 2002 to answer the petitions of FedEx and UPS in Docket OST-2002-13089. By: READ C. VAN DE WATER Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs (SEAL) An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
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Notice Consolidating Proceedings and Granting Extension of Time
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Served: August 16, 2002 _____________________________________________________________________ In Re: COMPLIANCE WITH U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENTS of DHL AIRWAYS, INC., Third Party Complaint pursuant to 14 C.F.R. §302.404 Docket OST-2001-8736 and PETITION OF UNITED PARCEL SERVICE CO. TO INSTITUTE A PUBLIC INQUIRY INTO THE CITIZENSHIP AND FOREIGN CONTROL OF DHL AIRWAYS, INC. Docket OST-2002-13089 _____________________________________________________________________ NOTICE CONSOLIDATING PROCEEDINGS AND GRANTING EXTENSION OF TIME Summary By this notice, for administrative convenience, we consolidate the filing by Federal Express Corporation (“FedEx”), dated August 7, 2002, in Docket OST-2001-8736 into Docket OST-2002-13089, a petition by United Parcel Service (“UPS”) to institute an inquiry into the citizenship of DHL Airways, Inc. (“DHL Airways”). We also extend the deadline for answers to both filings to September 6, 2002. Consolidation of Proceedings On August 7, 2002, FedEx filed in Docket OST-2001-8736 a petition for reconsideration or, alternatively, review of staff action of the Department’s approval of DHL Airways’ corporate structure. Originally, this docket contained a third-party enforcement complaint by FedEx against DHL Airways , Inc. which was dismissed by the Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings on May 11, 2001 (Order 2001-5-11). That docket is thus closed and is not the appropriate forum in which to consider FedEx’s petition. On August 9, 2002, UPS filed a petition to institute a public inquiry into the citizenship and foreign control of DHL Airways, Inc. UPS filed this petition in a new docket (OST-2002-13089). The filings in these two dockets present common issues and are interrelated. Both FedEx and UPS ask us for relief with regard to various issues involving the citizenship of DHL Airways, Inc. Both parties also submit substantially similar information to support their requests. We find that consolidation of these filings in Docket OST-2002-13089 will enable the Department and the parties to address these similar issues and information more efficiently. Thus, we find that the principle of administrative efficiency supports the consolidation of the two proceedings into one coordinated docket. The consolidation will not in any way prejudice any decision, substantive or procedural, made concerning these filings. Extension of Time In a letter of August 13, 2002, DHL Airways requested an extension of time until September 6, 2002 to respond to the UPS and FedEx petitions. In this letter, DHL Airways stated that UPS did not object. FedEx filed a Consent to Extension to Reply on August 14, 2002. For good cause shown, we believe that DHL Airways’s request is reasonable, and we will grant it. ACCORDINGLY, 1. We consolidate the above-captioned proceedings into Docket OST-2002-13089;   2. We grant the August 13, 2002 request of DHL Airways, Inc. for an extension of time and give interested parties until September 6, 2002 to answer the petitions of FedEx and UPS in Docket OST-2002-13089. By: READ C. VAN DE WATER Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs (SEAL) An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
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Notice of Action Taken re: Aerolineas de Tehuacan, S.A. de C.V.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on November 26, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST 2001-9192 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: AEROLINEAS de TEHUACAN, S.A. de C.V. Date Filed: October 25, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 USC section 41301 to permit the applicant to continue to conduct passenger charter operations between Mexico and the United States, and other passenger charter operations in accordance with 14 CFR Part 212, using small equipment. If renewal, date and citation of last action: November 29, 2001, in this Docket. Applicant representative: Lee A. Bauer, 202-331-3300 DOT analyst: Allen Brown, 202-366-2405 Responsive pleadings: None. DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: November 26, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: November 26, 2002, through November 29, 2003 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): United States-Mexico Air Transport Services Agreement of August 15, 1960, as amended and extended (Agreement). Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions. Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: In the conduct of these operations, the carrier must adhere to all applicable provisions of the U.S.-Mexico Agreement. In the conduct of these operations, the carrier may only use aircraft capable of carrying no more than 60 passengers and having a maximum payload capacity of no more than 18,000 pounds (small equipment). The above grant includes authority to conduct Third and Fourth Freedom charter operations. While we have subjected, consistent with the provisions of the Agreement, Mexican carriers conducting charter operations with large aircraft to prior approval or submission of notice for their Third and Fourth Freedom charters, we determined that any such requirement was not necessary on public interest grounds in this case, since the carrier will be conducting these operations solely with small aircraft. (Other charter operations to/from the United States under this authority, however, are subject to prior approval under 14 CFR Part 212.) Further, we are continuing to allow Mexican carriers conducting passenger charters using small equipment to make stopovers in the United States in the conduct of such operations. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) the applicant was qualified to perform its proposed operations; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
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Notice of Action Taken Dismissing Applications of Various Dockets
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on June 25, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN DISMISSING APPLICATIONS—VARIOUS DOCKETS ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the actions described below, taken on the date shown above by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in these matters). The carriers listed below have applied for various forms of authority or relief under Title 49 of the United States Code in order to perform the air transportation activities described. Each application has either been withdrawn by the applicant or otherwise become moot. Therefore, under authority assigned by the Department in its Regulations, 14 CFR § 385.3 and 385.13, we find that these applications should be dismissed. Docket Description of Application OST-2002-11374 Aerovias de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., filed January 23, 2002. Exemption to conduct scheduled combination service between Mexico City, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. By letter dated February 19, 2002, Aeromexico stated that it does not intend to pursue this application and that the application may be dismissed. OST-98-4401 Itapemirim Transportes Aereos, S.A., filed August 31, 1998. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of property and mail between a point or points in Brazil, on the one hand, and the coterminal points Los Angeles/New York/Miami and Atlanta, via intermediate points; and authority to conduct all-cargo charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Itapemirim has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-98-3739 Société Air France, filed February 8, 2002. Renew exemption, last granted by Notice of Action Taken, dated May 24, 2000, to allow Air France to continue to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between any point or points in France and any point or points in the United States, either directly or via intermediate points. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit which encompasses the authority at issue here. OST-96-1862 Air Atlantic Dominicana, C. por A., filed October 11, 1996. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and the coterminal points Miami, New York and San Juan; and authority to conduct charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Air Atlantic Dominicana has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-96-1516 Aerocomercial de Transporte Y Rutas, S.A., filed July 8, 1996, as supplemented. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of property and mail between Ecuador and the United States, and other all-cargo charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Aerocomercial has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-758 Haiti National Airlines, filed October 7, 1999. Renew exemption, last granted October 28, 1998, in Order 98-10-30, to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and Miami, Fort Lauderdale, New York and San Juan; and authority to conduct charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Haiti National has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-428 Skyjet, Inc. d/b/a Skyjet Antigua & Barbuda, filed August 21, 1995. Exemption to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Antigua and Barbuda and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that Skyjet has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-427 Skyjet, Inc. d/b/a Skyjet Antigua & Barbuda, filed August 21, 1995. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Antigua and Barbuda and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that Skyjet has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-165 Aerovias Honduras, S.A. de C.V., filed February 13, 1995. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Honduras and points in the United States, via Belize and beyond. Information available to the Department indicates that Aerovias Honduras has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-97-2194 Atlant-Soyuz Airlines, filed May 15, 1995. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of property and mail between the Russian Federation and the United States; and to conduct other all-cargo charters in accordance with Part 212. Information available to the Department indicates that Atlant-Soyuz has no plans to prosecute this application. 50127 Aerovias Honduras, S.A. de C.V., filed February 13, 1995. Exemption to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Honduras and points in the United States, via Belize and beyond. Information available to the Department indicates that Aerovias Honduras has no plans to prosecute this application. 49965 Haytian Aviation Lines, S.A. d/b/a Halisa Air, filed December 13, 1994. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Information available to the Department indicates that Halisa Air has no plans to prosecute this application. OST-95-595 Société Air France, filed April 27, 1993. Exemption to allow Air France to continue operating under all existing exemption authorities and to include all other authorities outstanding, pending renewal or in effect prior to expiration of the 1946 Air Transport Agreement between the United States and France. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit under the 1998 Air Transport Agreement between the United States and France which encompasses the authority at issue here. OST-95-594 Société Air France, filed April 27, 1993. Renew and amend foreign air carrier permit to permit Air France to continue operating under all existing permits and to include all other authorities outstanding, pending renewal or in effect prior to expiration of the 1946 Air Transport Agreement between the United States and France. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit under the 1998 Air Transport Agreement between the United States and France which encompasses the authority at issue here. 48630 Japan Universal System Transport Co., Ltd., filed January 29, 1993. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of property and mail between Japan and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that Japan Universal System has no plans to prosecute this application. 47556 World Air Network Co., Ltd., filed May 28, 1991. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between Japan and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that World Air Network has no plans to prosecute this application. 46016 Société Air France, filed October 10, 1991. Renew exemption, last granted October 31, 1990, and confirmed by Order 90-12-5, to commingle all-cargo traffic in foreign air transportation between specified points in the United States and France, with all-cargo traffic not in foreign air transportation between specified points in Canada and France. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit which encompasses the authority at issue here. 45652 Société Air France, filed August 4, 1992. Renew exemption, last granted August 7, 1990, and confirmed by Order 90-12-5, to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between France and San Juan, via intermediate or beyond points Martinique and Guadeloupe. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit which encompasses the authority at issue here. 44313 Société Air France, filed August 25, 1992. Renew exemption, last granted October 9, 1991, and confirmed by Order 93-3-3, to among other things, (a) serve Los Angeles on all-cargo operations as a coterminal point on the route specified in paragraph 2 of its effective foreign air carrier permit (Order 76-2-25); (2) serve Montreal as an intermediate point and San Francisco as a coterminal point on its authorized France-Los Angeles route; and (3) provide scheduled service between Tahiti and Los Angeles. By Order 2002-5-8, we issued Air France an amended foreign air carrier permit which encompasses the authority at issue here. 46845 Air Liberté S.A., filed March 15, 1990. Initial foreign air carrier permit to engage in charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between France and the United States. Information available to the Department indicates that Air Liberté has no plans to prosecute this application. DISPOSITION Action: We dismiss the applications described above. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. The actions set forth in this Notice shall be effective and become the actions of the Department of Transportation upon expiration of the above period unless within such period a petition for Department review is filed or the Department gives notice that it will review one or more actions on its own motion. The filing of a petition for review with respect to one of the dismissed items will not alter the effectiveness of this Notice with respect to the others. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: HYPERLINK ""
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Notice of Action Taken re: Southern Winds, S.A.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on June 12, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2002-11417 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: Southern Winds, S.A. Date Filed: January 25, 2002, amended June 6, 2002 Relief requested: exemption from 49 U.S.C. § 41301 to engage in scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between a point or points in Argentina, and the coterminal points Miami, Florida; and New York, New York. On June 6, 2002, Southern Winds amended its request stating that it would conduct these services only by wet leasing aircraft from a duly authorized and properly supervised U.S. or foreign air carrier. If renewal, date and citation of last action: New authority Applicant representative: Robert P. Silverberg (202) 944-3300 Responsive pleadings: None filed. (By letter dated June 12, 2002, Southern Winds notified the Department that it had polled all interested parties served with its June 6, 2002, request to amend its application and received “non-objections” to grant of the requested authority.) DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: June 12, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: June 12, 2002-June 12, 2003 Basis for approval (bilateral agreement/reciprocity): Air Transport Agreement between the United States and Argentina Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions (attached) Special conditions/Partial grant/Denial basis/Remarks: Based on the record in this case, we found that Southern Winds is financially and operationally qualified to perform the services authorized above. The applicant is substantially owned and effectively controlled by citizens of Argentina. The carrier is properly licensed and designated by the Government of Argentina to perform the proposed services. Southern Winds may not conduct U.S. operations with its own aircraft and crews without further order of the Department. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) the applicant was qualified to perform the proposed operations; (2) our action was consistent with Department policy; (3) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (4) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within ten (10) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: HYPERLINK "" Attachment A FOREIGN AIR CARRIER CONDITIONS OF AUTHORITY In the conduct of the operations authorized, the holder shall: (1) Not conduct any operations unless it holds a currently effective authorization from its homeland for such operations, and it has filed a copy of such authorization with the Department; (2) Comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration, including, but not limited to, 14 CFR Parts 129, 91, and 36; (3) Comply with the requirements for minimum insurance coverage contained in 14 CFR Part 205, and, prior to the commencement of any operations under this authority, file evidence of such coverage, in the form of a completed OST Form 6411, with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Program Management Branch (AFS-260), Flight Standards Service (any changes to, or termination of, insurance also shall be filed with that office); (4) Not operate aircraft under this authority unless it complies with operational safety requirements at least equivalent to Annex 6 of the Chicago Convention; (5) Conform to the airworthiness and airman competency requirements of its Government for international air services; (6) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (7) Agree that operations under this authority constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity, for the purposes of 28 U.S.C. 1605(a), but only with respect to those actions or proceedings instituted against it in any court or other tribunal in the United States that are: (a) based on its operations in international air transportation that, according to the contract of carriage, include a point in the United States as a point of origin, point of destination, or agreed stopping place, or for which the contract of carriage was purchased in the United States; or (b) based on a claim under any international agreement or treaty cognizable in any court or other tribunal of the United States. In this condition, the term "international air transportation" means "international transportation" as defined by the Warsaw Convention, except that all States shall be considered to be High Contracting Parties for the purpose of this definition; (8) Except as specifically authorized by the Department, originate or terminate all flights to/from the United States in its homeland; (9) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 217, concerning the reporting of scheduled, nonscheduled, and charter data; (10) If charter operations are authorized, comply (except as otherwise provided in the applicable bilateral agreement) with the Department's rules governing charters (including 14 CFR Parts 212 and 380); and (11) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department, with all applicable orders or regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. This authority shall not be effective during any period when the holder is not in compliance with the conditions imposed above. Moreover, this authority cannot be sold or otherwise transferred without explicit Department approval und牥吠瑩敬㐠‹景琠敨唠匮‮潃敤⠠潦浲牥祬琠敨䘠摥 牥污䄠楶瑡潩捁⁴景ㄠ㔹ⰸ愠⁳浡湥敤⥤మ–䵅䕂⁄ 潗摲倮捩畴敲㘮†Ĕकउउउउउ唍匮‮敄慰瑲敭瑮漠 ⁦牔湡灳牯慴楴湯ഉ晏楦散漠⁦桴⁥敓牣瑥牡⁹景吠慲 獮潰瑲瑡潩८उउउ †††⠠ㄴ〳⼱〴〱⤹㤠㤯స഍ ഀ
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90-Day Essential Air Service Notice of Alaska Seaplane Service at Pelican and Elfin Cove, AK
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. ____________________________________________ ) 90-Day Notice of ) ) ALASKA SEAPLANE SERVICE, LLC ) OST-2002- ) of intent to terminate unsubsidized service ) at Pelican and Elfin Cove, Alaska ) ____________________________________________) 90-DAY ESSENTIAL AIR SERVICE NOTICE OF ALASKA SEAPLANE SERVICE, LLC OF INTENT TO TERMINATE UNSUBSIDIZED SERVICE AT PELICAN AND ELFIN COVE, ALASKA Communications with respect to this document should be addressed to: Hank Myers Craig Loken President General Manager MTC Alaska Seaplane Service, LLC P.O. Box 7341 8995 Yandukin Drive Bellevue, WA 98008 Juneau, AK 99801 (425) 641-8243 (907) 789-7880 February 5, 2002 NOTICE: Objections to this Notice are due on March 5, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. ____________________________________________ ) 90-Day Notice of ) ) ALASKA SEAPLANE SERVICE, LLC ) OST-2002- ) of intent to terminate unsubsidized service at ) Pelican and Elfin Cove, Alaska ) ____________________________________________) 90-DAY ESSENTIAL AIR SERVICE NOTICE OF ALASKA SEAPLANE SERVICE, LLC OF INTENT TO TERMINATE UNSUBSIDIZED SERVICE AT PELICAN AND ELFIN COVE, ALASKA Alaska Seaplane Service, LLC. Under 49 USC 41734 and 14 CFR 323.3(a)(5), hereby gives notice of its intent to terminate all service at Pelican, Alaska and Elfin Cove, Alaska, effective on or after May 13, 2002. Additionally, Alaska Seaplane Service requests waiver of the 90-day notice require to terminate unsubsidized air service. In support hereof, Alaska Seaplane Service respectfully states as follows: Alaska Seaplane Service has its principal place of business at 8995 Yandukin Drive, Juneau, Alaska 99801, and its telephone number is (907) 789-7880. Alaska Seaplane Service holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity under 49 USC 41102, issued by Order 97-7-22, July 24, 1997 to engage is schedule air transportation of person, property and mail between points in the United States. Alaska Seaplane Service currently provides six flights a week with a small aircraft year around between the points Pelican and Elfin Cove and the hub point Juneau, Alaska. No other scheduled air service is provided at Pelican and Elfin Cove. The Department of Transportation determined the level of Essential Air Service at Pelican at six roundtrips per week year around, and at Elfin Cove at one scheduled round trip per week plus five flag stop services per week in the peak season, and five flag stop services per week in the off-peak season (Essential Air Service Determinations for Alaska Communities, April 1998). There are no alternative services available at either if these points. Because of the events of September 11, 2001, air traffic to and from these points has fallen significantly. The winter is the slowest season of the year, but also the most costly because of the high rate of flights that cannot be completed due to weather. Immediate assistance in the form of Essential Service subsidy is needed. Under 14 CFR 323.10(a)(3), objections to this notice are due in 20 days, or on February 5, 2002. Proof of Service on all person specified in 14 CFR 323.7(a) is attached. Respectfully submitted, Craig Loken General Manager Alaska Seaplane Service, LLC February 13, 2002 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served a copy of the foregoing Notice of Intent of Alaska Seaplane Service, LLC upon all parties required to be served by 14 CFR 323.7(a). __________________________ Hank Myers February 13, 2002
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Continental Micronesia, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on September 30, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2002-11614 _____________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Continental Micronesia, Inc. filed 8/28/2002 for: XX Waiver of dormancy condition: By Order 98-5-17, the Department allocated Continental Micronesia five weekly frequencies to operate service between Honolulu and Tokyo. The frequencies are subject to the condition that they will expire automatically and revert to the Department for reallocation if they are not used for a period of 90 days. The Department has previously granted Continental Micronesia waivers of the dormancy condition for its Honolulu-Tokyo service, with the most recent waiver granted through October 1, 2002. Continental Micronesia seeks a further waiver of the 90-day dormancy condition until October 1, 2003. It states that economic conditions do not warrant service at this time. American Airlines opposes the grant of a further dormancy waiver for Continental Micronesia’s Honolulu-Tokyo frequencies. Alternatively, if a waiver is granted, American states that the waiver should be limited to a final period of six months and should not be extended beyond March 31, 2003. American states that Continental Micronesia has held these frequencies since 1998, but has never used them and has presented no plans to use them now. American states that Continental Micronesia has warehoused this valuable limited-entry authority for almost five years. Under these circumstances, American states these frequencies should be returned to the unallocated pool, where they will be available for reallocation to other carriers without Continental Micronesia claiming that they should not be reassigned. Applicant rep.: R. Bruce Keiner, Jr., (202) 624-2615 DOT analyst: Gerald Caolo, 202-366-2406 DISPOSITION XX Denied (See Remarks below) The above action was effective when taken: September 30, 2002 XX Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ________________ Remarks: In March, when we last issued Continental Micronesia a waiver for these frequencies through October 1, 2002, we placed the carrier on notice that “there should be no expectation that an additional request will similarly be granted.” (Notice of Action Taken, Docket OST-2002-11614, March 27, 2002) In the circumstances presented now, and taking into consideration the record before us, we find that the public interest would be best served by reassigning these five frequencies to the unallocated pool of frequencies so that whenever Continental Micronesia or another carrier has firm plans to use them, it may apply for the frequencies accordingly. ________________________________________________________________________ __ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that our action was consistent with Department policy; and (2) denial of the waiver was consistent with the public interest. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: See Notice of Action Taken dated March 27, 2002, Docket OST-2002-11614. PAGE 1 PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken re: Continential Airlines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on December 10, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN – DOCKET OST-2002-11615 ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Continental Airlines, Inc. filed 11/07/2002 for: XX Waiver of the dormancy conditions applicable to certain of its U.S.-Ecuador and U.S.-Brazil frequency allocations. By Order 2002-4-19 and Notice of Action Taken dated March 22, 2002, in this docket, the Department granted Continental waivers through December 31, 2002, of the dormancy condition applicable to one-and-a-half (1.5) of its U.S.-Ecuador frequencies and four (4) of its U.S.-Brazil frequencies. Continental now requests an extension of its waivers through December 31, 2003. Specifically, Continental requests a waiver of the dormancy condition applicable to one-and-a-half (1.5) of its U.S.-Ecuador frequencies for service between Houston and Ecuador; and four (4) of its U.S.-Brazil frequencies for service between New York (Newark) and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Continental states that, due to economic conditions and limited demand, it requires an extension of its existing waivers of the dormancy conditions in these markets. American Airlines filed an answer. American states that the Department should deny Continental’s extended waiver request since Continental has not indicated any firm plans to resume service. In this connection, American maintains that the unused frequencies should be returned to the unallocated pool, where they will be available to interested carriers. Applicant rep: R. Bruce Keiner (202) 624-2615 DOT Analyst: Michael D. Bodman (202) 366-9667 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Denied (see remarks below). The above action was effective when taken: December 10, 2002. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ __________________ Remarks: When we last issued Continental a waiver for these frequencies through December 31, 2002, we placed the carrier on notice that “there should be no expectation that an additional request will similarly be granted.” (Order 2002-4-19 and Notice of Action Taken dated March 22, 2002, Docket OST-2002-11615) In the circumstances presented now, and taking into consideration the record before us, we find that the public interest would be best served by reassigning these frequencies to the unallocated pool of frequencies so that whenever Continental or another carrier has firm plans to use them, it may apply for the frequencies accordingly. ____________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; and (2) denial of the waiver was consistent with the public interest. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this order is available on the World Wide Web at aviation.asp PAGE PAGE 2
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Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc.
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. advance \d 3 Application of DELTA AIR LINES, INC. for a waiver of the dormancy conditions applicable to certain of its U.S.-Japan frequencies ) )) ) ) ) )) ) Docket OST-02-11706 advance \d 3 NOTICE OF DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Communications with respect to this document should be addressed to: D. Scott Yohe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 216-0700 John J. Varley Assistant General Counsel Scott McClain Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC Law Department (#981) 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320-2574 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. June 21, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. June 21, 2002 advance \d 3 Application of DELTA AIR LINES, INC. for a waiver of the dormancy conditions applicable to certain of its U.S.-Japan frequencies ) )) ) ) ) )) ) Docket OST-02-11706 advance \d 3 NOTICE OF DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”) hereby notifies the Department that Delta no longer seeks to maintain the dormancy waiver applicable to its seven (7) Los Angeles-Tokyo frequencies. Delta is relinquishing these frequencies, effective immediately, to the Department for reallocation to another qualified U.S. carrier. In furtherance of this action, Delta states as follows: 1. By Notice of Action Taken dated March 27, 2002 (the “Notice”), the Department granted Delta a dormancy wavier for certain of its U.S.-Japan frequencies, including, inter alia, Los Angeles-Tokyo. The dormancy waiver established by the Notice runs through October 1, 2002. Delta does not have any current service plans for the Los Angeles-Tokyo frequencies. Accordingly, Delta is returning these frequencies to the Department for reallocation. Since another carrier has expressed an immediate interest in beginning service that would require the use of so-call “special” U.S.-Japan frequencies, Delta’s return of these frequencies will promote the public interest and the effective utilization of these bilateral rights. 2. Delta does, however, seek to maintain in effect the dormancy waiver established by the Notice applicable to Delta’s other U.S.-Japan frequencies. All actual and potential U.S.-Japan competitors now have access to ample frequencies to fund immediate and foreseeable future service plans. No U.S. carrier has been blocked from instituting a proposed Japan service due to a lack of available frequencies. In these circumstances, the Department should continue Delta’s waiver in effect in order to allow Delta the maximum flexibility to resume the use of its other U.S.-Japan frequencies when economic conditions warrant. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 663-8060 Attorneys for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this 21st day of June, 2002, served the foregoing Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc., upon those persons listed below via email. [email protected], [email protected]@internet, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Nathaniel Breed/SPPT/US@SPPT, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]@internet /s/ ____________________________ Alexander Van der Bellen Application of Delta Airlines, Inc. Page PAGE 2
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Notice of Delta Air Lines, Inc.
BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. advance \d 3 Application of DELTA AIR LINES, INC. for a waiver of the dormancy conditions applicable to certain of its U.S.-Japan frequencies ) )) ) ) ) )) ) Docket OST-02-11706 advance \d 3 NOTICE OF DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Communications with respect to this document should be addressed to: D. Scott Yohe Senior Vice President - Government Affairs DELTA AIR LINES, INC. 1275 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 216-0700 John J. Varley Assistant General Counsel Scott McClain Attorney DELTA AIR LINES, INC Law Department (#981) 1030 Delta Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30320-2574 (404) 715-2872 Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 663-8060 Counsel for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. June 21, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. June 21, 2002 advance \d 3 Application of DELTA AIR LINES, INC. for a waiver of the dormancy conditions applicable to certain of its U.S.-Japan frequencies ) )) ) ) ) )) ) Docket OST-02-11706 advance \d 3 NOTICE OF DELTA AIR LINES, INC. Delta Air Lines, Inc. (“Delta”) hereby notifies the Department that Delta no longer seeks to maintain the dormancy waiver applicable to its seven (7) Los Angeles-Tokyo frequencies. Delta is relinquishing these frequencies, effective immediately, to the Department for reallocation to another qualified U.S. carrier. In furtherance of this action, Delta states as follows: 1. By Notice of Action Taken dated March 27, 2002 (the “Notice”), the Department granted Delta a dormancy wavier for certain of its U.S.-Japan frequencies, including, inter alia, Los Angeles-Tokyo. The dormancy waiver established by the Notice runs through October 1, 2002. Delta does not have any current service plans for the Los Angeles-Tokyo frequencies. Accordingly, Delta is returning these frequencies to the Department for reallocation. Since another carrier has expressed an immediate interest in beginning service that would require the use of so-call “special” U.S.-Japan frequencies, Delta’s return of these frequencies will promote the public interest and the effective utilization of these bilateral rights. 2. Delta does, however, seek to maintain in effect the dormancy waiver established by the Notice applicable to Delta’s other U.S.-Japan frequencies. All actual and potential U.S.-Japan competitors now have access to ample frequencies to fund immediate and foreseeable future service plans. No U.S. carrier has been blocked from instituting a proposed Japan service due to a lack of available frequencies. In these circumstances, the Department should continue Delta’s waiver in effect in order to allow Delta the maximum flexibility to resume the use of its other U.S.-Japan frequencies when economic conditions warrant. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Robert E. Cohn Alexander Van der Bellen SHAW PITTMAN LLP 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 (202) 663-8060 Attorneys for DELTA AIR LINES, INC. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this 21st day of June, 2002, served the foregoing Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc., upon those persons listed below via email. [email protected], [email protected]@internet, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Nathaniel Breed/SPPT/US@SPPT, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]@internet /s/ ____________________________ Alexander Van der Bellen Application of Delta Airlines, Inc. Page PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken re: Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on September 30, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2002-11706 _____________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Delta Air Lines, Inc. filed 9/5/2002 for: XX Waiver of dormancy condition: The Department has granted authority to Delta to provide service between New York and Tokyo and allocated it seven weekly frequencies to operate this service. The frequencies are subject to the condition that they will expire automatically and revert to the Department for reallocation if they are not used for a period of 90 days. The Department has previously granted Delta a waiver of the dormancy condition for this market and other Japanese markets. Delta seeks a further waiver of the 90-day dormancy condition for the period through March 31, 2003, so that this waiver will be coextensive with its other Japan dormancy waivers. It states that economic conditions do not warrant service at this time. American Airlines filed an answer and Delta filed a reply. American Airlines opposes the grant of a dormancy waiver for Delta’s New York-Tokyo frequencies. American states that these frequencies are particularly valuable under the 1998 U.S.-Japan Memorandum of Understanding since they are part of a limited pool of frequencies that may be used to serve Tokyo from any U.S. gateway, including the restricted gateways of New York, Los Angeles and Honolulu. Further, American states that Delta has set forth no plans to use these frequencies. Under these circumstances, American states these frequencies should be returned to the unallocated pool, where they will be available for reallocation to other carriers without Delta claiming that they should not be reassigned. Delta replied that American has stated no service plans for the frequencies and has not offered any reasons why the Department should reverse its longstanding policy concerning the grant of Japan dormancy waivers. Delta states that there is no need to recall Delta's frequencies at this time since there is ample authority to fund all current and foreseeable U.S. carrier Japan service plans. Furthermore, Delta states that retaining these frequencies will facilitate Delta's ability to serve the New York-Tokyo market when economic circumstances permit. Finally, Delta states that while American has decided to discard its own Japan frequencies, there is no present need or justification to revoke Delta's authority. Applicant rep.: Robert E. Cohn, (202) 663-8060 DOT analyst: Gerald Caolo, (202)-366-2406 DISPOSITION XX Denied (See Remarks below) The above action was effective when taken: September 30, 2002 XX Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Remarks: In March, when we last issued Delta a waiver for these frequencies through October 1, 2002, we placed the carrier on notice that “there should be no expectation that an additional request will similarly be granted.” (Notice of Action Taken, Docket OST-2002-11706, March 27, 2002) In the circumstances presented now, and taking into consideration the record before us, we find that the public interest would be best served by reassigning these seven frequencies to the unallocated pool of frequencies so that whenever Delta or another carrier has firm plans to use them, it may apply for the frequencies accordingly. ________________________________________________________________________ ___________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that our action was consistent with Department policy; and (2) denial of the waiver was consistent with the public interest. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: See Notice of Action Taken dated March 27, 2002, Docket OST-2002-11706, extending the waiver through October 1, 2002. The Department has granted dormancy waivers to Delta in the Los Angeles-Nagoya and Portland-Osaka/Fukuoka markets for the period through March 31, 2003. We had also granted a dormancy waiver in the Los Angeles-Tokyo market but Delta subsequently relinquished its frequencies for this market and no longer has a waiver for them. See the Notice of Action Taken dated March 27, 2002, and Delta's notice dated June 21, 2002, Docket OST-2002-11706. Delta's reply was accompanied by a motion for leave to file an otherwise unauthorized document. We will grant the motion. PAGE 2 PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken re: Atlas Air, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on September 24, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN --DOCKET OST-2002-11985 __________________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Atlas Air, Inc. filed 9/17/02 for: XX Waiver of the dormancy condition applicable to certain of its US-Brazil all-cargo frequencies. Atlas requests a 45-day extension of its current waiver of the 90-day dormancy condition applicable to four of its ten US-Brazil all-cargo frequencies. By Notice of Action Taken, dated April 29, 2002, in this docket, the Department granted Atlas a dormancy waiver for five of its ten US-Brazil frequencies through September 25, 2002. In support of its further waiver request for four of its ten frequencies, Atlas states that the US-Brazil market is still depressed due to the economic recessions in both Brazil and the United States, and a severe devaluation of the Brazilian Real versus the US Dollar. However, with the approach of peak traffic season, Atlas now expects to achieve full utilization of all ten of its frequencies by November 9, 2002. Federal Express filed an answer in support of Atlas’ request provided that the Department grants the application of FedEx for a similar dormancy waiver on one of its six US-Brazil frequencies. Applicant rep: Russell E. Pommer, 202-354-4843 DOT analyst: Michael D. Bodman 202-366-9667 DISPOSITION XX Granted. (See below). The above action was effective when taken: September 24, 2002, through November 9, 2002. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificate of public convenience and necessity ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Remarks: We acted on this application prior to the expiration date for answers with the consent of all parties served. As we have previously done, we reserve the right to reexamine whether grant of this waiver continues to be in the public interest should another carrier seek to use the frequencies at issue. Any future request to extend the dormancy waiver for these frequencies at issue here will have to be considered in light of the specific arguments offered and responses thereto. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; and (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the action taken in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: By Notice of Action Taken dated September 19, 2002, the Department granted the FedEx waiver (Docket OST-2000-7559). Atlas’ waiver from the dormancy condition is effective through November 9, 2002. As to any frequency with which Atlas does not begin service by November 9, 2002, its allocation with respect to that frequency will expire automatically.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: Atlas Air, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on November 7, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN --DOCKET OST-2002-11985 __________________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of Atlas Air, Inc. filed 11/04/02 for: XX Waiver of the dormancy condition applicable to certain of its US-Brazil all-cargo frequencies. Atlas requests a three-month extension through February 9, 2003, of its current waiver of the 90-day dormancy condition applicable to two of its ten US-Brazil all-cargo frequencies. By Notice of Action Taken, dated September 24, 2002, in this docket, the Department granted Atlas a dormancy waiver for four of its ten US-Brazil frequencies through November 9, 2002. In support of its further waiver request for two of its ten frequencies, Atlas states that it seeks additional time to respond to economic circumstances and operate the full ten frequencies. Applicant rep: Russell E. Pommer, 202-354-4843 DOT analyst: Michael D. Bodman 202-366-9667 DISPOSITION XX Granted. (See below). The above action was effective when taken: November 7, 2002, through February 9, 2003. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificate of public convenience and necessity ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Remarks: We acted on this application prior to the expiration date for answers with the consent of all parties served. As we have previously done, we reserve the right to reexamine whether grant of this waiver continues to be in the public interest should another carrier seek to use the frequencies at issue. Any future request to extend the dormancy waiver for these frequencies at issue here will have to be considered in light of the specific arguments offered and responses thereto. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; and (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the action taken in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR § 385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: Atlas’ waiver from the dormancy condition is effective through February 9, 2003. As to any frequency with which Atlas does not begin service by February 9, 2003, its allocation with respect to that frequency will expire automatically.
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Notice of Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss of Additional Codesharing Services
SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. __________________________________________ ) Joint Application of ) Docket No. OST-02-12001 ) Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss ) and ) American Airlines, Inc. ) ) for an Statements of Authorization ) (blanket codesharing) and ) related exemption authority ) pursuant to 14 CFR Part 212 and ) 49 U.S.C. § 40109 ) Communications with respect to the above should be addressed to: Thomas J. Whalen Erin Sweeney Evelyn D. Sahr Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss CONDON & FORSYTH LLP Government & Legal Affairs 1016 16th Street, N.W., Suite 700 41 Pinelawn Road Washington, D.C. 20036 Melville, NY 11747 Tel: (202) 289-0500 Tel: (631) 844-4504 Fax: (202) 289-4524 Fax: (631) 844-4543 Attorneys for Crossair Ltd. Dated: April 15, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. __________________________________________ ) Joint Application of ) Docket No. OST-02-12001 ) Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss ) and ) American Airlines, Inc. ) ) for an Statements of Authorization ) (blanket codesharing) and ) related exemption authority ) pursuant to 14 CFR Part 212 and ) 49 U.S.C § 40109 ) NOTICE OF CROSSAIR LTD. d/b/a SWISS OF ADDITIONAL CODESHARING SERVICES Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss hereby provides notice of additional codesharing services to be operated under its codesharing arrangement with American Airlines, Inc. (LX*/AA) These services will begin on May 15, 2002, and are contingent on approval of the joint application submitted by American and Swiss in this docket on March 28, 2002. American will display the LX designator code on flights between Zurich and Dallas and Zurich and New York (JFK). Dated: April 15, 2002 Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Whalen Evelyn D. Sahr CONDON & FORSYTH LLP 1016 16th Street, N.W. Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel: (202) 289-0500 Fax: (202) 289-4524 Attorneys for Crossair Ltd. LX* on AA, Phase 1 Schedule Load: 15 May 2002 Services Effective: 15 May 2002 AA Flt # LX* Flt # Dptr STA Arvl STA Dptr Time Arvl Time Eqpt 37 3002 ZRH DFW 955 1410 763 38 3003 DFW ZRH 1435 745 763 65 3000 ZRH JFK 1055 1355 763 64 3001 JFK ZRH 1745 745 763 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Notice of Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss of Additional Codesharing Services was served via first class mail postage prepaid this 15th day of April, 2002 on the following: U.S. TRANSCOM/TCJS Attn: Air Mobility Analysis 508 Scott Drive Scott AFB, IL 62225 Nick Sabatini Director of Flight Standards Service Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Ave, S.W., Room 821 Washington, DC 20591 James W. Tello P.O. Box 66824 Washington Square Station Washington, DC 20035 Megan Rae Rosia Northwest Airlines, Inc. 901 15th Street, N.W., Suite 310 Washington, D.C. 20005 Roger Fones Antitrust Division U.S. Department of Justice 325 Seventh Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20530 American Airlines Carl Nelson, Jr. Associate General Counsel 1101 17th Street, N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Lorraine B. Halloway Jennifer Odom Crowell & Moring LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004-2595 Michael Goldman Silverberg, Goldman & Bikoff 1101 30th St. N.W., Suite 120 Washington, DC 20007 Continental Airlines R. Bruce Keiner Crowell & Moring LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004-2595 Continental Airlines Hershell Kaymen 1600 Smith Street Suite HQSGV Houston, TX 77002 United Airlines Jeffrey A. Manley Bruce H. Rabinovitz Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering 2445 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1420 Evergreen International Airlines Richard P. Taylor Steptoe & Johnson 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20036 Delta Air Lines Robert E. Cohn Shaw, Pittman 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 United Parcel Service (UPS) David L. Vaughan, Esq. Kelley, Drye & Warren 1200 19th Street, N.W., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Federal Express Angeline (Angie) Garbuzinski 3620 Hacks Cross Road Memphis, TN 38125-8800 Federal Express Nathaniel Breed, Esq. Shaw, Pittman 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037 Moffett B. Roller Roller & Bauer PLLC 1020 19th Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Marshall S. Sinick Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP P.O. Box 407 1201 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20044 John L. Richardson Crispin & Brenner PLLC 1156 15th Street, NW Suite 1105 Washington, DC 20005 James Fry World Airways, Inc. HLH Building 101 World Drive Peachtree City, GA 30269 Evelyn D. Sahr Answers to the joint application were due on April 12, 2002, and there were none. American and Swiss anticipate prompt approval of their application, consistent with the open skies agreement between the United States and Switzerland.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss of Additional Codesharing Services
SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. __________________________________________ ) Joint Application of ) Docket No. OST-02-12001 ) Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss ) and ) American Airlines, Inc. ) ) for an Statements of Authorization ) (blanket codesharing) and ) related exemption authority ) pursuant to 14 CFR Part 212 and ) 49 U.S.C. § 40109 ) Communications with respect to the above should be addressed to: Thomas J. Whalen Erin Sweeney Evelyn D. Sahr Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss CONDON & FORSYTH LLP Government & Legal Affairs 1016 16th Street, N.W., Suite 700 41 Pinelawn Road Washington, D.C. 20036 Melville, NY 11747 Tel: (202) 289-0500 Tel: (631) 844-4504 Fax: (202) 289-4524 Fax: (631) 844-4543 Attorneys for Crossair Ltd. Dated: April 15, 2002 BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, D.C. __________________________________________ ) Joint Application of ) Docket No. OST-02-12001 ) Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss ) and ) American Airlines, Inc. ) ) for an Statements of Authorization ) (blanket codesharing) and ) related exemption authority ) pursuant to 14 CFR Part 212 and ) 49 U.S.C § 40109 ) NOTICE OF CROSSAIR LTD. d/b/a SWISS OF ADDITIONAL CODESHARING SERVICES Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss hereby provides notice of additional codesharing services to be operated under its codesharing arrangement with American Airlines, Inc. (LX*/AA) These services will begin on May 15, 2002, and are contingent on approval of the joint application submitted by American and Swiss in this docket on March 28, 2002. American will display the LX designator code on flights between Zurich and Dallas and Zurich and New York (JFK). Dated: April 15, 2002 Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Whalen Evelyn D. Sahr CONDON & FORSYTH LLP 1016 16th Street, N.W. Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel: (202) 289-0500 Fax: (202) 289-4524 Attorneys for Crossair Ltd. LX* on AA, Phase 1 Schedule Load: 15 May 2002 Services Effective: 15 May 2002 AA Flt # LX* Flt # Dptr STA Arvl STA Dptr Time Arvl Time Eqpt 37 3002 ZRH DFW 955 1410 763 38 3003 DFW ZRH 1435 745 763 65 3000 ZRH JFK 1055 1355 763 64 3001 JFK ZRH 1745 745 763 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Notice of Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss of Additional Codesharing Services was served via first class mail postage prepaid this 15th day of April, 2002 on the following: U.S. TRANSCOM/TCJS Attn: Air Mobility Analysis 508 Scott Drive Scott AFB, IL 62225 Nick Sabatini Director of Flight Standards Service Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Ave, S.W., Room 821 Washington, DC 20591 James W. Tello P.O. Box 66824 Washington Square Station Washington, DC 20035 Megan Rae Rosia Northwest Airlines, Inc. 901 15th Street, N.W., Suite 310 Washington, D.C. 20005 Roger Fones Antitrust Division U.S. Department of Justice 325 Seventh Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20530 American Airlines Carl Nelson, Jr. Associate General Counsel 1101 17th Street, N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Lorraine B. Halloway Jennifer Odom Crowell & Moring LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004-2595 Michael Goldman Silverberg, Goldman & Bikoff 1101 30th St. N.W., Suite 120 Washington, DC 20007 Continental Airlines R. Bruce Keiner Crowell & Moring LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004-2595 Continental Airlines Hershell Kaymen 1600 Smith Street Suite HQSGV Houston, TX 77002 United Airlines Jeffrey A. Manley Bruce H. Rabinovitz Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering 2445 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1420 Evergreen International Airlines Richard P. Taylor Steptoe & Johnson 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20036 Delta Air Lines Robert E. Cohn Shaw, Pittman 2300 N. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004 United Parcel Service (UPS) David L. Vaughan, Esq. Kelley, Drye & Warren 1200 19th Street, N.W., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Federal Express Angeline (Angie) Garbuzinski 3620 Hacks Cross Road Memphis, TN 38125-8800 Federal Express Nathaniel Breed, Esq. Shaw, Pittman 2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037 Moffett B. Roller Roller & Bauer PLLC 1020 19th Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Marshall S. Sinick Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP P.O. Box 407 1201 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20044 John L. Richardson Crispin & Brenner PLLC 1156 15th Street, NW Suite 1105 Washington, DC 20005 James Fry World Airways, Inc. HLH Building 101 World Drive Peachtree City, GA 30269 Evelyn D. Sahr Answers to the joint application were due on April 12, 2002, and there were none. American and Swiss anticipate prompt approval of their application, consistent with the open skies agreement between the United States and Switzerland.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Notice of Action Taken re: European Aviation Air Charter Limited
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. Issued by the Department of Transportation on June 24, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2002-12159 ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applicant: European Aviation Air Charter Limited Date Filed: April 22, 2002 Relief requested: Exemption from 49 U.S.C. 41301 to conduct charter foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail between the United Kingdom and the United States, and other charters pursuant to 14 CFR 212 of the Department’s regulations. If renewal, date and citation of last action: New authority Applicant representative: Wayne Vance 703-765-2757 Responsive pleadings: None DISPOSITION Action: Approved Action date: June 24, 2002 Effective dates of authority granted: June 24, 2002 - June 24, 2003 Basis for approval: The authority is provided for in the Air Services Agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the applicant has been properly designated and licensed by the United Kingdom to operate the requested services. We found the carrier operationally and financially qualified to conduct the proposed services, and substantially owned and effectively controlled by citizens of the United Kingdom. We made these findings based on the May 25, 1989, U.S.-U.K. Exchange of Notes under which the aviation authorities of each country will normally accept, on a reciprocal basis, the other’s fitness and citizenship determinations in regard to carriers seeking authority to conduct certain bilateral services, including the requested authority. Except to the extent exempted/waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: X Standard exemption conditions (attached) __ Foreign air carrier permit conditions (Order - - ) Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted/deferred/dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: HYPERLINK "" Appendix A FOREIGN AIR CARRIER CONDITIONS OF AUTHORITY In the conduct of the operations authorized, the holder shall: (1) Not conduct any operations unless it holds a currently effective authorization from its homeland for such operations, and it has filed a copy of such authorization with the Department; (2) Comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration, including, but not limited to, 14 CFR Parts 129, 91, and 36; (3) Comply with the requirements for minimum insurance coverage contained in 14 CFR Part 205, and, prior to the commencement of any operations under this authority, file evidence of such coverage, in the form of a completed OST Form 6411, with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Program Management Branch (AFS-260), Flight Standards Service (any changes to, or termination of, insurance also shall be filed with that office); (4) Not operate aircraft under this authority unless it complies with operational safety requirements at least equivalent to Annex 6 of the Chicago Convention; (5) Conform to the airworthiness and airman competency requirements of its Government for international air services; (6) Except as specifically exempted or otherwise provided for in a Department Order, comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (7) Agree that operations under this authority constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity, for the purposes of 28 U.S.C. 1605(a), but only with respect to those actions or proceedings instituted against it in any court or other tribunal in the United States that are: (a) based on its operations in international air transportation that, according to the contract of carriage, include a point in the United States as a point of origin, point of destination, or agreed stopping place, or for which the contract of carriage was purchased in the United States; or (b) based on a claim under any international agreement or treaty cognizable in any court or other tribunal of the United States. In this condition, the term "international air transportation" means "international transportation" as defined by the Warsaw Convention, except that all States shall be considered to be High Contracting Parties for the purpose of this definition; (8) Except as specifically authorized by the Department, originate or terminate all flights to/from the United States in its homeland; (9) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 217, concerning the reporting of scheduled, nonscheduled, and charter data; (10) If charter operations are authorized, except as otherwise provided in the applicable aviation agreement, comply with the Department's rules governing charters (including 14 CFR Parts 212 and 380); and (11) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department, with all applicable orders or regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. This authority shall not be effective during any period when the holder is not in compliance with the conditions imposed above. Moreover, this authority cannot be sold or otherwise transferred without explicit Department approval under Title 49 of the U.S. Code (formerly the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended). U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation (41301/40109) 6/2002
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Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc., United Air Lines, Inc. and Delta Air Lines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on May 29, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKETS OST-2000-7149, OST-2002-12210, & OST-2002-12183 This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Applications of American Airlines, Inc., Dockets: OST-2000-7149 and OST-2002-12210, filed 4/29/2002; United Air Lines, Inc., Docket: OST-2000-7149, filed 4/26/2002; and Delta Air Lines, Inc., Docket: OST-2002-12183, filed 4/24/2001 XX Allocation of U.S.-Ghana Frequencies. American, United, and Delta each request weekly frequencies to serve the U.S.-Ghana market. Docket OST-2000-7149: American requests four weekly frequencies to operate third-country code-share services between the United States and Ghana, by placing American’s designator code on Crossair Ltd., d/b/a Swiss, between Zurich and Accra, Ghana, via Lagos, Nigeria, carrying U.S.-Lagos and U.S.-Ghana passengers connecting at Zurich from American’s and Swiss’s U.S. gateways. Docket OST-2000-7149: United requests two weekly frequencies to operate third-country code-share services between the United States and Ghana, by placing United’s designator code on Lufthansa German Airlines (Lufthansa), between the United States and Accra, Ghana, via Frankfurt, through the intermediate point of Lagos, Nigeria. Docket OST-2002-12183: Delta requests four weekly frequencies to operate third-country code-share services between the United States and Ghana, by placing Delta’s designator code on the flights of Alitalia-Linee Aeree Italiane S.p.A., between Milan, Italy, and Accra, Ghana. XX Exemption for American Airlines, Inc., under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Docket OST-2002-12210: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between points in the United States and points in Nigeria and Ghana, with the right to integrate such authority with American’s certificates of public convenience and necessary and other exemptions. XX Motion of American Airlines, Inc., to withdraw its application as follows: Docket OST-2000-7149: American filed a motion on April 29, 2002, to dismiss its April 14, 2000, application in this docket, to the extent the carrier requested U.S.-Ghana code-share frequencies under a code-share arrangement with British Airways. Applicant reps: Carl B. Nelson, Jr., for American (202) 496-5647, Robert E. Cohn for Delta (202) 663-8060; and Jeffrey A. Manley for United (202) 663-6670 DOT Analyst: Linda L. Lundell (202) 366-2336 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted (see below). The above action granting frequency allocations, in Dockets OST-2000-7149 and OST-2002-12183, was effective when taken: May 28, 2002, and will remain in effect indefinitely, subject to the conditions described below. The above action granting exemption authority to American Airlines, Inc., in Docket OST-2002-12210, for U.S.-Nigeria and U.S.-Ghana services, including route integration authority, was effective when taken: May 28, 2002, through May 28, 2004, or until 90 days after final Department action on a corresponding certification application, whichever occurs earlier. The above action granting the request of American Airlines, Inc., to dismiss its April 14, 2000, application in Docket OST-2000-7149 was effective when taken: May 28, 2002. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreements between the United States and Ghana, and the United States and Nigeria. Except to the extent exempted or waived, the authority for each carrier is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Each holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Statements of Authorization for American/Swiss code-share operations dated dated April 23, 2002; Delta/Alitalia code-share operations dated October 27, 2001; and United/Lufthansa code-share operations dated April 8, 1998, and conditions therein. XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Background: Under the U.S.-Ghana aviation agreement, U.S. carriers may operate a total of 27 weekly combination frequencies, of which no more than 14 may be provided with the airlines’ own aircraft. Currently, a total of 16 frequencies are held as follows: Northwest=7, Continental=7, and United=2. Thus, 11 frequencies are available now for allocation. The captioned applicants have requested a total of 10 frequencies, meaning that these requests do not exceed the frequencies available to U.S. carriers under the agreement, with one remaining available for future allocation. Conditions: Consistent with our standard practice, the frequency allocations granted are subject to the condition that they will expire automatically and the frequencies will revert automatically to the Department for reallocation if they are not used for a period of 90 days. As each of the carriers authorized has proposed to commence services immediately, the 90-day dormancy period will begin on the issue date of this notice. Route Integration Condition for American Airlines: The route integration authority granted to American Airlines, Inc., is subject to the condition that any service provided under this exemption shall be consistent with all applicable agreements between the United States and the foreign countries involved. Furthermore, (a) nothing in the award of the route integration authority granted should be construed as conferring upon American rights (including fifth-freedom intermediate and/or beyond rights) to serve markets where U.S. carrier entry is limited unless the carrier notifies the Department of its intent to serve such a market and unless and until the Department has completed any necessary carrier selection procedures to determine which carrier(s) should be authorized to exercise such rights; and (b) should there be a request by any carrier to use the limited-entry route rights that are included in American’s authority by virtue of the route integration exemption granted here, but that are not being used by American, the holding of such authority by route integration will not be construed as providing any preference for American in a competitive carrier selection proceeding to determine which carrier(s) should be entitled to use the authority at issue. Remarks: United filed an answer to American’s April 29, 2002, applications (in Dockets OST-2000-7149 and OST-2002-12210); American filed an answer to United’s April 26, 2002, application (in Docket OST-2000-7149); United and American each filed answers to Delta’s April 24, 2002, application (in Docket OST-2002-12183); and Delta filed a consolidated reply to the answers of United and American (in Docket OST-2002-12183). In these responses, the carriers stated that they had no objection to the other applications filed so long as their own application for Ghana frequencies was granted contemporaneously. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted or dismissed, we denied all requests in the referenced Dockets. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX A U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached order, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations, and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. By Notice of Action Taken dated July 13, 2000, we deferred action on American’s April 14, 2000 application, pending the Department’s action on the underlying code-share arrangement between American and British Airways in Docket OST-99-6507. By Order 2002-4-4, April 4, 2002, we granted the motion of American and British Airways to dismiss the code-share application in Docket OST-99-6507. We will now grant the April 29, 2002 American motion to dismiss in Docket OST-2000-7149. On April 3, 2003, five additional frequencies become available (no more than 21 of which may be provided with the airlines’ own aircraft), and on April 1, 2004, frequency restrictions are eliminated (no more than 21 of which may be provided with the airlines’ own aircraft).
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Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on May 30, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2002-12192 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of American Airlines, Inc. filed 4/25/02 to: XX Transfer of U.S.-Israel third-country code-share authorization: By Order 2001-5-24 we authorized American to operate U.S.-Israel third-country code-share services via Zurich with Swissair. The American/Swissair arrangement was terminated late in 2001. American and Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss were granted a blanket statement of authorization to engage in reciprocal code-share services by Notice of Action Taken dated April 23, 2002, in Docket OST-2002-12001. American requests transfer of its U.S.-Israel third-country code-share authorization to be designated in order to operate code-share services with Crossair Ltd d/b/a Swiss beyond Zurich to Tel Aviv. All parties were served and no answers were filed to American’s application. Applicant rep: Carl B. Nelson, Jr. (202) 496-5647 DOT Analyst: Sylvia Moore (202) 366-6519 DISPOSITION XX Granted (see remarks below) The above action was effective when taken: May 30, 2002, and will remain in effect indefinitely Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and Israel. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Statement of authorization approving American/Crossair code-share operations, dated April 23, 2002, and conditions therein (See Reverse Side) 2 Remarks: Under a Memorandum of Consultations signed January 10, 2001, representatives of the United States and Israel reached an ad referendum agreement on the text of a Protocol amending the 1950 U.S.-Israel Air Transport Agreement, as amended. Under the terms of the Protocol, up to three U.S. carriers may operate cooperative service arrangements with third-country airlines in the U.S.-Israel market (during the period April 1, 2002 through March 31, 2003). American, United, and Northwest are the three U.S. carriers authorized for these services. ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
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Notice of Action Taken re: American Airlines, Inc.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on May 29, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2002-12193 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of American Airlines, Inc. filed 4/25/02 for: XX U.S-South Africa third-country code-share authorization to provide: American requests a U.S.-South Africa third-country code-share authorization to be designated in order to operate code-share services with Crossair Ltd d/b/a Swiss in the U.S.-South Africa market. American initially plans to serve the market between the United States and Johannesburg via Zurich with its partner Swiss operating the service. Applicant rep.: Carl B. Nelson, Jr. (202) 496-5647 DOT analyst: Gerald Caolo, 202-366-2406 DISPOSITION XX Granted (see remarks below) The above action was effective when taken: May 29, 2002, and will remain in effect indefinitely Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and South Africa. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificates of public convenience and necessity XX Statement of authorization dated April 23, 2002, in Docket 2002-12001, authorizing American/Crossair code-share operations, and conditions therein ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Remarks: Under Annex 1 of the 1999 U.S.-South Africa Air Transport Agreement, up to four U.S. carriers may operate cooperative service arrangements with third-country airlines in the U.S.-South Africa market. Three of these authorizations have been granted to Delta, United, and Northwest and thus, one is available for American's proposed service. ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: American and Crossair Ltd. d/b/a Swiss were granted a blanket statement of authorization to engage in reciprocal code-share services by Notice of Action Taken dated April 23, 2002, in Docket OST-2002-12001. PAGE PAGE 2
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Notice of Action Taken re: Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, DC Issued by the Department of Transportation on May 30, 2002 NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN -- DOCKET OST-2002-12198 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ This serves as notice to the public of the action described below, taken by the Department official indicated (no additional confirming order will be issued in this matter). Application of AIR WISCONSIN AIRLINES CORPORATION filed 4/26/02, for: XX Exemption for two years under 49 U.S.C. 40109 to provide the following service: Scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property, and mail between any point or points in the United States and any point or points in Canada with large aircraft. Applicant rep: Geoffrey T. Crowley (920) 749-4188 DOT Analyst: Linda L. Lundell (202) 366-2336 D I S P O S I T I O N XX Granted (see below) The above action was effective when taken: May 30, 2002, through May 30, 2004, or until 90 days after final Department action on a corresponding certificate application, whichever occurs earlier. Action taken by: Paul L. Gretch, Director Office of International Aviation XX The authority granted is consistent with the aviation agreement between the United States and Canada. Except to the extent exempted or waived, this authority is subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations indicated: XX Holder’s certificate of public convenience and necessity XX Standard Exemption Conditions (attached) XX Statement of Authorization approving Air Wisconsin/Air Canada code-share Operations dated April 16, 2002 (Docket OST-2002-12050). ________________________________________________________________________ ___________ Remarks: Air Wisconsin has previously been found to be a citizen of the United States and fit, willing, and able to provide scheduled interstate air transportation of persons, property, and mail as a certificated air carrier under section 41102 of Title 49 U.S.C. (see Orders 93-12-41 and 98-7-6). The foreign air transportation services authorized here are not markedly different in terms of aircraft size or stage length from the carrier’s current scheduled interstate operations under its existing certificate authority. We, therefore, found that Air Wisconsin is qualified to provide the proposed air transportation services for the two-year period covered by this exemption. Under authority assigned by the Department in its regulations, 14 CFR Part 385, we found that (1) our action was consistent with Department policy; (2) grant of the authority was consistent with the public interest; and (3) grant of the authority would not constitute a major regulatory action under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. To the extent not granted, we denied all requests in the referenced Docket. We may amend, modify, or revoke the authority granted in this Notice at any time without hearing at our discretion. Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of the action set forth in this Notice under the Department’s regulations, 14 CFR §385.30, may file their petitions within seven (7) days after the date of issuance of this Notice. This action was effective when taken, and the filing of a petition for review will not alter such effectiveness. An electronic version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: APPENDIX A U.S. CARRIER Standard Exemption Conditions In the conduct of operations authorized by the attached order, the applicant(s) shall: (1) Hold at all times effective operating authority from the government of each country served; (2) Comply with applicable requirements concerning oversales contained in 14 CFR 250 (for scheduled operations, if authorized); (3) Comply with the requirements for reporting data contained in 14 CFR 241; (4) Comply with requirements for minimum insurance coverage, and for certifying that coverage to the Department, contained in 14 CFR 205; (5) Comply with the requirements of 14 CFR 203, concerning waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses; (6) Comply with the applicable requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations, and with all U.S. Government requirements concerning security; and (7) Comply with such other reasonable terms, conditions, and limitations required by the public interest as may be prescribed by the Department of Transportation, with all applicable orders and regulations of other U.S. agencies and courts, and with all applicable laws of the United States. The authority granted shall be effective only during the period when the holder is in compliance with the conditions imposed above. Initially, Air Wisconsin will operate this service between Denver and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We deem the authority granted in the Department’s April 16, 2002, statement of authorization also to encompass the operations described in the instant application.
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