CodexDB["units"]["esES"]={ [1]="Waypoint (Only GM can see it)", [2]="Spawn Point (Only GM can see it)", [3]="Comecarnes", [6]="Alimaña kóbold", [30]="Araña del bosque", [36]="Gólem de la cosecha", [38]="Matón sin cerebro", [40]="Minero kóbold", [43]="Araña de mina", [46]="Batidor múrloc", [48]="Guerrero esquelético", [54]="Corina Aceral", [60]="Ruklar el Trampero", [61]="Thuros Dedos Ligeros", [66]="Tharynn Bouden", [68]="Guardia de la ciudad de Ventormenta", [69]="Lobo gris malsano", [74]="Kurran Aceral", [78]="Janos Nudillomartillo", [79]="Narg el Capataz", [80]="Obrero kóbold", [89]="Infernal", [92]="Elemental de roca", [94]="Ratero", [95]="Contrabandista Defias", [97]="Cachorro Zarparrío", [98]="Capataz Zarparrío", [99]="Morgaine la Astuta", [100]="Bronco Mordeveloz", [103]="Garrick Piesuaves", [113]="Jabalí Colmipétreo", [114]="Vigía de la cosecha", [115]="Segador de la cosecha", [116]="Bandido", [117]="Gnoll Zarparrío", [118]="Merodeador", [119]="Morrolargo", [121]="Acechacaminos Defias", [122]="Bandolero Defias", [123]="Bastardo Zarparrío", [124]="Tosco Zarparrío", [125]="Sobrestante Zarparrío", [126]="Correcostas múrloc", [127]="Cazamareas múrloc", [151]="Brog Patosar", [152]="Hermano Danil", [154]="Desgarrador superior", [157]="Dentosangre", [167]="Morhan Cobrilengua", [171]="Guerrero múrloc", [190]="Dermot Johns", [193]="Dragauro azul", [196]="Eagan Desollapelambres", [197]="Alguacil McBride", [198]="Khelden Bremen", [199]="Desgarrador joven", [202]="Horror en podredumbre", [203]="Mago esquelético", [205]="Sombracechador Penumbría", [206]="Colmillovil Penumbría", [210]="Mascahuesos", [212]="Guerrero Puñastilla", [213]="Lobo temible famélico", [215]="Rondanoches Defias", [217]="Telarácnida venenosa", [218]="Asaltatumbas", [222]="Nillen Andemar", [223]="Dan Golthas", [225]="Gavin Nudárbol", [226]="Morg Tuerzarbol", [227]="Mabel Solaj", [228]="Avette Bosquevil", [232]="Granjero Ray", [233]="Granjero Saldean", [234]="Alguacil Gryan Mantorrecio", [235]="Salma Saldean", [237]="Granjero Cejade", [238]="Verna Cejade", [239]="Tragoamargo Cebatruenos", [240]="Alguacil Dughan", [241]="Remy \"Dos Veces\"", [244]="La vieja Pedregosa", [246]="\"Tita\" Bernice Pedregosa", [247]="Billy Maclure", [248]="Abuela Pedregosa", [250]="Pa Maclure", [251]="Maybell Maclure", [252]="Tommy Joe Pedregosa", [253]="William Mortero", [255]="Gerard Tiller", [257]="Trabajador kóbold", [258]="Joshua Maclure", [261]="Guardia Thomas", [263]="Lord Ello Cerranegro", [264]="Comandante Althea Cerranegro", [265]="Lady Eva", [266]="Wiley el Negro", [267]="Secretario Daltry", [268]="Sirra Von\'Indi", [269]="Role Dreuger", [270]="Consejero Tallolino", [271]="Embajador Bayadol", [272]="Chef Grual", [273]="Tabernero Smitts", [274]="Posadero Hann", [275]="Whit Wantmal", [276]="Viktori Prism\'Antras", [277]="Roberto Pupellyverbos", [278]="Sara Timberlain", [279]="Morgan Mortero", [284]="Caballo marrón", [285]="Múrloc", [288]="Alterio", [289]="Abercrombie", [294]="Mariscal Haggard", [295]="Tabernero Farley", [297]="Custodio Folsom", [299]="Lobo joven", [300]="Zzarc\' Vul", [302]="Mary la Ciega", [304]="Corcel vil", [305]="Semental blanco", [306]="Palomino", [307]="Pinto", [308]="Semental negro", [311]="Sven Yorgen", [313]="Theocritus", [314]="Eliza", [315]="Stalvan Mantoniebla", [325]="Hogan Ference", [327]="Dientes de Oro", [328]="Zaldimar Wefhellt", [329]="Elemental de tierra", [330]="Princesa", [331]="Maginor Dumas", [332]="Maestro Mathias Shaw", [334]="Gath\'Ilzogg", [335]="Chamusquina", [338]="Mazen Mac\'Nadir", [340]="Kendor Kabonka", [341]="Supervisor Olento", [342]="Martie Jainrose", [343]="Chef Breanna", [344]="Magistrado Solomon", [345]="Panzallena", [346]="Posadero Daniels", [347]="Osco Mediamelena", [348]="Zem Leeward", [349]="Cabo Keeshan", [352]="Dungar Tragolargo", [356]="Lobo negro", [358]="Lobo gris malsano", [359]="Lobo invernal", [372]="Karm Yerropluma", [374]="Dento Giropén", [375]="Sacerdotisa Anetta", [376]="Suma sacerdotisa Laurena", [377]="Sacerdotisa Josetta", [379]="Darcy Parker", [381]="Maestro de embarcadero Baren", [382]="Alguacil Marris", [383]="Jason Mathers", [384]="Katie Cazadora", [385]="Caballo", [390]="Séquito porcino", [391]="Viejo Ojosombrío", [392]="Capitán Grisillo", [395]="Markus", [397]="Gran mago Doane", [412]="Puntos", [415]="Verner Osbien", [416]="Diablillo", [417]="Manáfago", [422]="Comecarnes múrloc", [423]="Bastardo de Crestagrana", [424]="Furtivo de Crestagrana", [426]="Tosco de Crestagrana", [428]="Cóndor temible", [429]="Tejeoscuro Pielsombra", [430]="Místico de Crestagrana", [431]="Destripador Pielsombra", [432]="Tosco Pielsombra", [433]="Gnoll Pielsombra", [434]="Gnoll Pielsombra rabioso", [435]="Campeón Roca Negra", [436]="Taumaturgo umbrío Roca Negra", [437]="Renegado Roca Negra", [440]="Bruto Roca Negra", [441]="Cría de dragón Negro", [442]="Tarantula", [445]="Alfa de Crestagrana", [446]="Partecaras de Crestagrana", [448]="Hogger", [449]="Nudillos Defias", [450]="Mago renegado Defias", [452]="Bandido Zarparrío", [453]="Místico Zarparrío", [454]="Dentosangre joven", [456]="Oráculo menor múrloc", [458]="Cazador múrloc", [459]="Drusilla La Salle", [460]="Alamar Grimm", [461]="Demisette Cloyce", [462]="Vultros", [464]="Capitán de la Avanzada Parker", [465]="Posadero Dobbins", [466]="General Marcus Jonathan", [467]="El Traidor de los Defias", [468]="Pregonero del pueblo", [469]="Teniente Doren", [471]="Madre Colmillo", [472]="Fedfennel", [473]="Morgan el Coleccionista", [474]="Zahorí bribón", [475]="Tunelador kóbold", [476]="Geomántico kóbold", [478]="Avanzado Zarparrío", [480]="Gólem de la cosecha oxidado", [481]="Asaltante de caminos Defias", [482]="Elling Trias", [483]="Elaine Trias", [485]="Avanzado Roca Negra", [486]="Tharil\'zun", [487]="Protector Bialon", [488]="Protector Tejedor", [489]="Protector Deber", [490]="Protector Gariel", [491]="Intendente Lewis", [494]="Vigía Bukouris", [495]="Vigía Keefer", [499]="Vigía Paige", [500]="Explorador Zarparrío", [501]="Herborista Zarparrío", [502]="Benny Blaanco", [503]="Lord Malathrom", [504]="Trampero Defias", [505]="Tarántula superior", [506]="Sargento Garravil", [507]="Fenros", [510]="Elemental de agua", [511]="Necrófago demente", [513]="Enredador múrloc", [514]="Herrero Argus", [515]="Asaltante múrloc", [517]="Oráculo múrloc", [518]="Ululante", [519]="Eslarc", [520]="Brack", [521]="Lupos", [522]="Mor\'Ladim", [523]="Thor", [524]="Jabalí Pielroca", [525]="Lobo sarnoso", [531]="Maligno esquelético", [533]="Tejesombras Penumbría", [534]="Nefaru", [539]="Telarácnida venenosa pigmea", [541]="Grifo de montar", [543]="Nalesette Asilvestra", [544]="Reptanoches múrloc", [545]="Clamamareas múrloc", [547]="Gran dentosangre", [548]="Clamamareas menor múrloc", [550]="Mensajero Defias", [565]="Lobo temible rabioso", [568]="Guerrero Pielsombra", [569]="Ermitaña verde", [570]="Comesesos", [572]="Leprithus", [573]="Siegaenemigos 4000", [574]="Naraxis", [575]="Elemental de fuego", [576]="Vigía Ladimor", [578]="Explorador múrloc", [579]="Asesino Pielsombra", [580]="Bracero de Crestagrana", [582]="Vieja Blanchy", [583]="Emboscador", [584]="Kazon", [587]="Guerrero Sangrapellejo", [588]="Explorador Sangrapellejo", [589]="Saqueador Defias", [590]="Despojador Defias", [594]="Secuaz Defias", [595]="Cazador Sangrapellejo", [596]="Noble con lavado de cerebro", [597]="Rabioso Sangrapellejo", [598]="Minero Defias", [599]="Marisa du\'Paige", [603]="Dentosinestro", [604]="Propagador de peste", [615]="Rastreador Roca Negra", [616]="Castañeta", [619]="Conjurador Defias", [620]="Pollo", [622]="Ingeniero goblin", [623]="Minero esquelético", [624]="Excavador no-muerto", [625]="Dinamitador no-muerto", [626]="Supervisor Cardortiga", [628]="Devastador negro", [633]="Elaine Carevin", [634]="Sobrestante Defias", [636]="Guardanegro Defias", [639]="Edwin VanCleef", [641]="Tallador de madera goblin", [642]="Trituradora de Sneed", [643]="Sneed", [644]="Rhahk\'Zor", [645]="Cocinitas", [646]="Don Mamporro", [647]="Capitán Verdetez", [656]="Wilder Cardortiga", [657]="Pirata Defias", [658]="Sten Brazorrecio", [659]="El Pollo Grande", [660]="Médico brujo Sangrapellejo", [661]="Jonathan Carevin", [663]="Calor", [664]="Benjamin Carevin", [667]="Guerrero Machacacráneos", [669]="Cazador Machacacráneos", [670]="Médico brujo Machacacráneos", [671]="Rebanacabezas Sangrapellejo", [672]="Cazaespíritus Machacacráneos", [674]="Cantero de Ventura y Cía.", [675]="Supervisor de Ventura y Cía.", [676]="Perito de Ventura y Cía.", [677]="Manitas de Ventura y Cía.", [678]="Aplastador Mosh\'Ogg", [679]="Chamán Mosh\'Ogg", [680]="Señor Mosh\'Ogg", [681]="Tigre joven de Tuercespina", [682]="Tigre de Tuercespina", [683]="Pantera joven", [684]="Pantera Faucesombría", [685]="Raptor de Tuercespina", [686]="Raptor colazote", [687]="Acechador de la selva", [688]="Basilisco Morropiedra", [689]="Basilisco Espina de Cristal", [690]="Basilisco Ojogélido", [691]="Elemental de agua inferior", [694]="Lanzahachas Sangrapellejo", [696]="Lanzahachas Machacacráneos", [697]="Chamán Sangrapellejo", [698]="Tigre Sangrapellejo", [699]="Maestro de bestias Sangrapellejo", [701]="Místico Sangrapellejo", [702]="Carroñero Sangrapellejo", [703]="General Fangore", [704]="Lobo gris pulgoso", [705]="Lobo joven pulgoso", [706]="Cría de trol Peloescarcha", [707]="Trogg Comepiedras", [708]="Jabalí del risco pequeño", [709]="Belicista Mosh\'Ogg", [710]="Creaconjuros Mosh\'Ogg", [711]="Ardo Patasoez", [712]="Descarnador de Crestagrana", [713]="Balir Martilloescarcha", [714]="Talin Ojo Ávido", [715]="Hemet Nesingwary Jr.", [716]="Barnil Jarropetra", [717]="Ajeck Rouack", [718]="Sir S. J. Erlgadin", [721]="Conejo", [723]="Carnicero Mosh\'Ogg", [724]="Trogg Comepiedras fornido", [727]="Montaraz de Forjaz", [728]="Bhag\'thera", [729]="Sin\'Dall", [730]="Tethis", [731]="Rey Bangalash", [732]="Rondador múrloc", [733]="Sargento Yohwa", [734]="Cabo Bluth", [735]="Correcorrientes múrloc", [736]="Pantera", [737]="Kebok", [738]="Soldado Thorsen", [739]="Hermano Nimetz", [740]="Cría adolescente", [741]="Cría soñadora", [742]="Verminte verde", [743]="Verminte Caminasueños", [744]="Horrocrusto verde", [745]="Capitán Horrocrusto", [746]="Ancestro dragonante", [747]="Múrloc de marisma", [750]="Vomitatintas de marisma", [751]="Comecarnes de marisma", [752]="Oráculo de marisma", [754]="Velador rebelde", [755]="Rondafango Perdido", [756]="Pantera Machacacráneos", [757]="Pescador Perdido", [759]="Cazador Perdido", [760]="Habitabosta Perdido", [761]="Vidente Perdido", [762]="Buscafallas Perdido", [763]="Cabecilla Perdido", [764]="Caminalodo", [765]="Viejo caminalodo", [766]="Horror enredado", [767]="Jaguar del pantano", [768]="Pantera sombría", [769]="Tarántula Golpemortal", [770]="Cabo Kaleb", [771]="Comandante Yelestrón", [772]="Tigresa de Tuercespina", [773]="Krazek", [775]="Agente de Kurzen", [777]="Amy Davenport", [780]="Místico Machacacráneos", [781]="Rebanacabezas Machacacráneos", [782]="Explorador Machacacráneos", [783]="Rabioso Machacacráneos", [784]="Maestro de bestias Machacacráneos", [785]="Depositario esquelético", [786]="Grelin Barbablanca", [787]="Sanador esquelético", [789]="Kimberly Hiett", [790]="Karen Taylor", [791]="Lindsay Cierreniza", [793]="Kara Adams", [794]="Matt", [795]="Mark", [796]="Joshua", [797]="Bo", [798]="Solomon", [799]="Kevin", [800]="Kyle", [801]="Eric", [802]="Jay", [804]="Dana", [805]="Cameron", [806]="John", [807]="Lisa", [808]="Grik\'nir el Frío", [810]="Aaron", [811]="Jose", [812]="Alma Jainrose", [813]="Coronel Kurzen", [814]="Sargento Malthus", [815]="Corredor Herod", [818]="Mai\'Zoth", [819]="Sirviente de Ilgalar", [820]="Exploradora Riell", [821]="Capitán Danuvin", [822]="Oso del bosque joven", [823]="Sargento Willem", [824]="Cavador Defias", [826]="Vigía Jan", [827]="Vigía Mocarski", [828]="Vigía Petras", [829]="Adlin Rumborgullo", [830]="Reptador de arena", [831]="Reptador de mar", [832]="Ciclón desatado", [833]="Coyote líder", [834]="Coyote", [836]="Durnan Cortapieles", [837]="Silo Khalder", [840]="Vigía Backus", [842]="Leñador", [843]="Gina MacGregor", [844]="Antonio Perelli", [846]="Necrófago podrido", [847]="Nathan", [848]="Madison", [849]="Rachel", [850]="Erin", [851]="Hannah", [852]="Espíritu feral", [853]="Montaraz Crestanevada", [854]="Acechador joven de la selva", [855]="Raptor joven de Tuercespina", [856]="Raptor colazote joven", [857]="Donal Osbien", [858]="Hilapenas", [859]="Guardia Berton", [861]="Explorador de Rocal", [862]="Expedicionario de Rocal", [863]="Cazador de Rocal", [864]="Orco de Rocal", [865]="Orientador de Rocal", [866]="Bruto de Rocal", [867]="Cartógrafo de Rocal", [868]="Chamán de Rocal", [869]="Protectora Dorana", [870]="Protectora Deni", [871]="Guerrero Escama de Sal", [873]="Oráculo Escama de Sal", [874]="Protector Korelor", [875]="Señor de las Mareas Escama de Sal", [876]="Protector Leick", [877]="Batidor Escama de Sal", [878]="Explorador Galiaan", [879]="Cazador Escama de Sal", [880]="Erlan Yermestia", [881]="Surena Caledon", [883]="Ciervo", [885]="Vigía Keller", [886]="Vigía Hartin", [887]="Vigía Jordan", [888]="Vigía Dodds", [889]="Ogro Puñastilla", [890]="Cervato", [891]="Tejefuego Puñastilla", [892]="Capataz Puñastilla", [893]="Lars", [894]="Homer Pedregosa", [895]="Thorgas Grimson", [896]="Veldan Pieligero", [898]="Huargen Penumbría", [900]="Alguacil Conacher", [903]="Guardia Howe", [905]="Furia Dienteafilado", [906]="Maximillian Crowe", [907]="Keras Corazón de Lobo", [908]="Flora Ventargento", [909]="Filonocturno Defias", [910]="Encantador Defias", [911]="Llane Beshere", [912]="Thran Khorman", [913]="Lyria Du Lac", [914]="Ander Germaine", [915]="Jorik Kerridan", [916]="Solm Hargrin", [917]="Keryn Sylvius", [918]="Osborne el Nocturno", [920]="Corrupto Penumbría", [921]="Leñador de Ventura y Cía.", [922]="Reptador de cieno", [923]="Devastador negro joven", [925]="Hermano Sammuel", [926]="Bromos Grummner", [927]="Hermano Wilhelm", [928]="Lord Grisillo Quiebrasombras", [930]="Prole de viuda negra", [931]="Ariena Tempespluma", [932]="Guardia Cierreniza", [933]="Guardia Hiett", [934]="Guardia Clarke", [935]="Guardia Pearce", [936]="Guardia Adams", [937]="Jíbaro de Kurzen", [938]="Comando Kurzen", [939]="Élite de Kurzen", [940]="Auxiliador de Kurzen", [941]="Reductor de cabezas de Kurzen", [942]="Médico brujo de Kurzen", [943]="Retador de Kurzen", [944]="Marryk Nurribit", [945]="Rybrad Riberahielo", [946]="Novicio Peloescarcha", [947]="Rohh el Silencioso", [948]="Podrido", [949]="Ermitaña carroñera", [950]="Voz del pantano", [951]="Hermano Paxton", [952]="Hermano Neals", [954]="Kat Sampson", [955]="Sargento De Vries", [956]="Dorin Filosón", [957]="Dane Lindgren", [958]="Alba Estrellaclara", [959]="Morley Eberlein", [960]="Gunder Arbuspina", [963]="Ayudante de alguacil Rainer", [976]="Tigre de guerra de Kurzen", [977]="Pantera de guerra de Kurzen", [978]="Subjefe de Kurzen", [979]="Cazador de las Sombras de Kurzen", [980]="Grimnal", [981]="Hartash", [982]="Thultash", [983]="Thultazor", [984]="Thralosh", [985]="Malosh", [986]="Haromm", [987]="Ogromm", [988]="Kartosh", [989]="Banalash", [999]="Vigía Royce", [1000]="Unkillable Test Dummy", [1001]="Vigía Hutchins", [1007]="Gnoll Pellejomusgo", [1008]="Bastardo Pellejomusgo", [1009]="Tejebruma Pellejomusgo", [1010]="Correpantanos Pellejomusgo", [1011]="Trampero Pellejomusgo", [1012]="Tosco Pellejomusgo", [1013]="Místico Pellejomusgo", [1014]="Alfa Pellejomusgo", [1015]="Raptor de las Tierras Altas", [1016]="Colazote de las Tierras Altas", [1017]="Segador de la Tierras Altas", [1018]="Tajobuche de las Tierras Altas", [1019]="Tajobuche anciano", [1020]="Raptor jaspeado", [1021]="Estridador jaspeado", [1022]="Segador jaspeado", [1023]="Tajobuche jaspeado", [1024]="Múrloc Branquiazul", [1025]="Saltacharco Branquiazul", [1026]="Batidor Branquiazul", [1027]="Guerrero Branquiazul", [1028]="Habitabosta Branquiazul", [1029]="Oráculo Branquiazul", [1030]="Babosa negra", [1031]="Moco carmesí", [1032]="Moco negro", [1033]="Moco monstruoso", [1034]="Asaltante Faucedraco", [1035]="Correpantanos Faucedraco", [1036]="Centurión Faucedraco", [1037]="Maestro de batalla Faucedraco", [1038]="Depositario de sombras Faucedraco", [1039]="Habitante del pantano", [1040]="Trepador del pantano", [1041]="Señor del pantano", [1042]="Cría roja", [1043]="Cría perdida", [1044]="Cría escupefuego", [1045]="Dragauro rojo", [1046]="Verminte rojo", [1047]="Horrocrusto rojo", [1048]="Teniente Horrocrusto", [1049]="Verminte Pirotigma", [1050]="Guardia Real Horrocrusto", [1051]="Enano Hierro Negro", [1052]="Saboteador Hierro Negro", [1053]="Tunelador Hierro Negro", [1054]="Demoledor Hierro Negro", [1057]="Guardahuesos Faucedraco", [1059]="Ana\'thek el Cruel", [1060]="Mogh el Eterno", [1061]="Gan\'zulah", [1062]="Nezzliok el Temible", [1063]="Jade", [1064]="Bruto de Grom\'gol", [1065]="Chamán Zarparrío", [1068]="Gorn", [1069]="Cría carmesí", [1070]="Ayudante de alguacil Feldon", [1071]="Largatrenza el Nefasto", [1072]="Roggo Jartumul", [1073]="Ashlan Risapétrea", [1074]="Motley Garmason", [1075]="Rhag Garmason", [1076]="Merrin Tejepiedra", [1077]="Prospector Whelgar", [1078]="Ormer Trenzaferro", [1081]="Señor del Lodo", [1082]="Crocolisco Denteserra", [1083]="Rompeolas múrloc", [1084]="Crocolisco Denteserra joven", [1085]="Tigre de Tuercespina mayor", [1087]="Sacudidor Denteserra", [1088]="Reptador monstruoso", [1089]="Montaraz Pedernal", [1090]="Montaraz Muroplof", [1091]="Montaraz Gravagau", [1092]="Capitán Rugelfuss", [1093]="Ingeniero jefe Hinderweir VII", [1094]="Minero de Ventura y Cía.", [1095]="Jefe de sector de Ventura y Cía.", [1096]="Geólogo de Ventura y Cía.", [1097]="Mecánico de Ventura y Cía.", [1098]="Vigía Merant", [1099]="Vigía Gelwin", [1100]="Vigía Selkin", [1101]="Vigía Thayer", [1103]="Eldrin", [1104]="Grundel Harkin", [1105]="Jern Cornamenta", [1106]="Cocinero Perdido", [1108]="Gorila Velo de Bruma", [1109]="Desgarrador", [1110]="Asaltante esquelético", [1111]="Acechador sanguijuela", [1112]="Viuda sanguijuela", [1114]="Tronador de la selva", [1115]="Aplastacráneos Comepiedras", [1116]="Emboscador Comepiedras", [1117]="Cascahuesos Comepiedras", [1118]="Partedorsales Comepiedras", [1119]="Martidorsal", [1120]="Trol Peloescarcha", [1121]="Zancanieve Peloescarcha", [1122]="Desollador Peloescarcha", [1123]="Rebanacabezas Peloescarcha", [1124]="Taumaturgo umbrío Peloescarcha", [1125]="Jabalí del risco", [1126]="Jabalí del risco grande", [1127]="Jabalí del risco anciano", [1128]="Oso negro joven", [1129]="Oso negro", [1130]="Bjarn", [1131]="Lobo invernal", [1132]="Gris", [1133]="Lobo invernal famélico", [1134]="Wendigo joven", [1135]="Wendigo", [1137]="Edan el Aullador", [1138]="Lobo rastreador de las nieves", [1139]="Magistrado Narizroma", [1140]="Matriarca Tajobuche", [1141]="Angus Stern", [1142]="Tosco Mosh\'Ogg", [1144]="Médico brujo Mosh\'Ogg", [1146]="Vharr", [1147]="Hragran", [1148]="Nerrist", [1149]="Uthok", [1150]="Crocolisco fluvial", [1151]="Crocolisco marino", [1152]="Crocolisco Quijaforte", [1153]="Torren Mandicuadrada", [1154]="Marek Coracero", [1155]="Kelt Thomasin", [1156]="Vyrin Vientoveloz", [1157]="Marinero maldito", [1158]="Marino maldito", [1159]="Contramaestre Snellig", [1160]="Capitán Halyndor", [1161]="Trogg Rompecantos", [1162]="Explorador Rompecantos", [1163]="Aplastacráneos Rompecantos", [1164]="Cascahuesos Rompecantos", [1165]="Geomántico Rompecantos", [1166]="Vidente Rompecantos", [1167]="Cavador Rompecantos", [1169]="Insurgente Hierro Negro", [1172]="Alimaña Ratatúnel", [1173]="Explorador Ratatúnel", [1174]="Geomántico Ratatúnel", [1175]="Cavador Ratatúnel", [1176]="Batidor Ratatúnel", [1177]="Perito Ratatúnel", [1178]="Ogro Mo\'grosh", [1179]="Déspota Mo\'grosh", [1180]="Tosco Mo\'grosh", [1181]="Chamán Mo\'grosh", [1182]="Hermano Anton", [1183]="Místico Mo\'grosh", [1184]="Rondador del risco", [1185]="Rondadora de bosque", [1186]="Oso negro", [1187]="Daryl el Jovenzuelo", [1188]="Oso negro grisáceo", [1189]="Patriarca oso negro", [1190]="Jabalí montés", [1191]="Jabalí montés sarnoso", [1192]="Jabalí montés mayor", [1193]="Furia del Loch Modan", [1194]="Águila ratonera montesa", [1195]="Rondadora del bosque", [1196]="Oso zarpahelada", [1197]="Chamán Rompecantos", [1198]="Rallic Finn", [1199]="Leopardo de las nieves juvenil", [1200]="Morbent Vil", [1201]="Leopardo de las nieves", [1202]="Kóbold Ratatúnel", [1203]="Vigía Sarys", [1204]="Vigía Corwin", [1205]="Gromug", [1206]="Rechín", [1207]="Camorrista", [1210]="Chok\'sul", [1211]="Gnomo paria", [1212]="Obispo Lontananza", [1213]="Godric Rothgar", [1214]="Aldren Cordon", [1215]="Alquimista Mallory", [1216]="Reptador de costas", [1217]="Glorin Frenteacerada", [1218]="Herborista Pomarrosa", [1222]="Zapador Hierro Negro", [1224]="Joven trillanodonte", [1225]="Viejo Tiznado", [1226]="Maxan Anvol", [1228]="Magis Chispamanto", [1229]="Granis Hachaveloz", [1231]="Grif Corazón Salvaje", [1232]="Azar Martillopujante", [1234]="Hogral Bakkan", [1236]="Cavador kóbold", [1237]="Kazan Mogosh", [1238]="Gamili Pellejo de Escarcha", [1239]="Contramaestre Fistimos", [1240]="Boran Tintiyerro", [1241]="Tognus Fuegosílex", [1242]="Karl Boran", [1243]="Hegnar Estruendo", [1244]="Rethiel el Guardaverde", [1245]="Kogan Forjapiedra", [1246]="Vosur Brakthel", [1247]="Tabernero Belm", [1249]="Intendente Hudson", [1250]="Draco Lindgren", [1251]="Pirófilo Puñastilla", [1252]="Senir Barbablanca", [1253]="Padre Gavin", [1254]="Supervisor Petrocejas", [1255]="Prospector Gehn", [1256]="Capataz de cantera Thesten", [1257]="Keldric Señalo", [1258]="Mastín devastador negro", [1259]="Engullidor", [1260]="Gran patriarca Arctikus", [1261]="Veron Semperámbar", [1263]="Yarlyn Semperámbar", [1265]="Rudra Semperámbar", [1266]="Tundra MacGrann", [1267]="Ragnar Cebatruenos", [1268]="Ozzie Voltiflop", [1269]="Razzle Engranágil", [1270]="Cadáver fétido", [1271]="Viejo Barbahielo", [1273]="Graun Thromwyn", [1274]="Senador Barin Rocarroja", [1275]="Kyra Señalo", [1276]="Montaraz Brokk", [1277]="Montaraz Ganin", [1278]="Montaraz Stenn", [1279]="Montaraz Sílex", [1280]="Montaraz Droken", [1281]="Montaraz Zaren", [1282]="Montaraz Veek", [1283]="Montaraz Kalmir", [1284]="Arzobispo Benedictus", [1285]="Thurman Mullby", [1286]="Edna Mullby", [1287]="Marda Weller", [1289]="Gunther Pozador", [1291]="Carla Granger", [1292]="Maris Granger", [1294]="Aldric Moore", [1295]="Lara Moore", [1296]="Felder Hornillos", [1297]="Lina Hornillos", [1298]="Frederick Hornillos", [1299]="Lisbeth Schneider", [1300]="Lawrence Schneider", [1301]="Julia Galina", [1302]="Bernard Gump", [1303]="Felicia Gump", [1304]="Darian Singh", [1305]="Jarel Moor", [1307]="Charys Yserian", [1308]="Owen Vaughn", [1309]="Wynne Larson", [1310]="Evan Larson", [1311]="Joachim Brenlow", [1312]="Ardwyn Cailen", [1313]="Maria Lumere", [1314]="Duncan Cullen", [1315]="Allan Hafgan", [1316]="Adair Gilroy", [1317]="Lucan Cordell", [1318]="Jessara Cordell", [1319]="Bryan Cruz", [1320]="Seoman Griffith", [1321]="Alyssa Griffith", [1322]="Maxton Strang", [1323]="Osric Strang", [1324]="Heinrich Roca", [1325]="Jasper Vil", [1326]="Sloan McCoy", [1327]="Reese Langston", [1328]="Elly Langston", [1329]="Montaraz Naarh", [1330]="Montaraz Tyraw", [1331]="Montaraz Luxst", [1332]="Montaraz Morran", [1333]="Gerik Koen", [1334]="Montaraz Sentencia", [1335]="Montaraz Yuttha", [1336]="Montaraz Adverz", [1337]="Montaraz Gwarth", [1338]="Montaraz Dalk", [1339]="Mayda Thane", [1340]="Montaraz Kadrell", [1341]="Wilhelm Strang", [1342]="Montaraz Piedragar", [1343]="Montaraz Pico Tormenta", [1344]="Prospector Vetaferro", [1345]="Magmar Ceñimal", [1346]="Georgio Bolero", [1347]="Alexandra Bolero", [1348]="Gregory Ardus", [1349]="Agustus Moulaine", [1350]="Theresa Moulaine", [1351]="Hermano Cassius", [1352]="Esponjín", [1353]="Sarldente", [1354]="Aprendiz Soren", [1355]="Cocinero Ghilm", [1356]="Prospector Pico Tormenta", [1358]="Minero Grothor", [1360]="Minero Grumnal", [1362]="Gothor Brumn", [1364]="Balgaras el Hediondo", [1365]="Goli Krumn", [1366]="Adam", [1367]="Billy", [1368]="Justin", [1370]="Brandon", [1371]="Roman", [1373]="Jarven Cebatruenos", [1374]="Rejold Cebadiz", [1375]="Marleth Cebadiz", [1376]="Beldin Brasacerada", [1377]="Piloto Roscapiedra", [1378]="Piloto Bramiz", [1379]="Miran", [1380]="Saean", [1381]="Krakk", [1382]="Mudduk", [1383]="Gruños", [1385]="Mole", [1386]="Rogvar", [1387]="Thysta", [1388]="Vagash", [1393]="Trogg rabioso", [1395]="Viejo Beasley", [1397]="Vidente Peloescarcha", [1398]="Jefe Vayachi", [1399]="Magosh", [1400]="Crocolisco de Los Humedales", [1402]="Topper McNabb", [1404]="Kragg", [1405]="Morris Lawry", [1407]="Sranda", [1411]="Ian Strom", [1412]="Ardilla", [1413]="Janey Anship", [1414]="Lisan Pierce", [1415]="Suzanne", [1416]="Grimand Elmore", [1417]="Crocolisco joven de Los Humedales", [1418]="Asaltante Branquiazul", [1419]="Esfumador", [1420]="Sapo", [1421]="Soldado Merle", [1422]="Cabo Sethman", [1423]="Guardia de Ventormenta", [1424]="Maestro excavador", [1425]="Kubb", [1426]="Minero Zarparrío", [1427]="Harlan Bagley", [1428]="Rema Schneider", [1429]="Thurman Schneider", [1430]="Tomas", [1431]="Suzetta Galina", [1432]="Renato Galina", [1433]="Corbett Schneider", [1434]="Avizor de Menethil", [1435]="Zardeth de los Zarpanegra", [1436]="Vigía Cutford", [1437]="Thomas Booker", [1439]="Lord Baurles K. Wishock", [1440]="Milton Gavilla", [1441]="Brak Durnad", [1442]="Helgrum el Veloz", [1443]="Fel\'zerul", [1444]="Hermano Kristoff", [1445]="Jesse Halloran", [1446]="Regina Halloran", [1447]="Gimlok Rumdnul", [1448]="Neal Allen", [1449]="Médico brujo Unbagwa", [1450]="Brahnmar", [1451]="Camerick Juglar", [1452]="Gruham Rumdnul", [1453]="Dewin Brillalba", [1454]="Jennabink Costura Potente", [1456]="Kersok Prond", [1457]="Samor Festivus", [1458]="Telurinon Umbraluna", [1459]="Naela Trance", [1460]="Unger Statforth", [1461]="Murndan Carestía", [1462]="Edwina Monzor", [1463]="Falkan Armonis", [1464]="Tabernero Helbrek", [1465]="Drac Corteseco", [1466]="Gretta Bueneje", [1469]="Vrok Rayobestial", [1470]="Ghak Sanadón", [1471]="Jannos Dolocerado", [1472]="Morgg Disparormento", [1473]="Kali Sanatoque", [1474]="Rann Flamejes", [1475]="Guardia de Menethil", [1476]="Hargin Mundar", [1477]="Christoph Faral", [1478]="Aedis Brom", [1479]="Timothy Clark", [1480]="Caitlin Pastal", [1481]="Bart Mareaqua", [1482]="Andrea Halloran", [1483]="Murphy Oest", [1484]="Derina Rumdnul", [1487]="Esclavista Puñastilla", [1488]="Zombi Zanzil", [1489]="Cazador Zanzil", [1490]="Médico brujo Zanzil", [1491]="Naga Zanzil", [1492]="Gorlash", [1493]="Mok\'rash el Acuchillador", [1494]="Negolash", [1495]="Guardia de la Muerte Linnea", [1496]="Guardia de la Muerte Dillinger", [1497]="Gunther Arcanus", [1498]="Bethor Duroyelo", [1499]="Magistrado Sevren", [1500]="Coleman Farthing", [1501]="Zombi descerebrado", [1502]="Necrófago desdichado", [1504]="Nocturácnida joven", [1505]="Araña nocturácnida", [1506]="Converso Escarlata", [1507]="Iniciado Escarlata", [1508]="Carroñero joven", [1509]="Carroñero pulgoso", [1511]="Gorila Lomoblanco iracundo", [1512]="Murciumbrío", [1513]="Murciumbrío sarnoso", [1514]="Mokk el Salvaje", [1515]="Ejecutor Zygand", [1516]="Konda", [1518]="Boticario Johaan", [1519]="Guardia de la Muerte Simmer", [1520]="Soldado armadóseo", [1521]="Gretchen Dedmar", [1522]="Tirahuesos Ojosombra", [1523]="Soldado testapartida", [1525]="Muerto en podredumbre", [1526]="Cuerpo devastado", [1527]="Muerto hambriento", [1528]="Horror desgarbado", [1529]="Horror sangrante", [1530]="Ancestro en podredumbre", [1531]="Alma perdida", [1532]="Espíritu deambulante", [1533]="Espíritu atormentado", [1534]="Antepasado gemebundo", [1535]="Guerrero Escarlata", [1536]="Misionero Escarlata", [1537]="Zelote Escarlata", [1538]="Fraile Escarlata", [1539]="Neófito Escarlata", [1540]="Vanguardia Escarlata", [1543]="Saltacharco Anca Vil", [1544]="Oráculo menor Anca Vil", [1545]="Habitabosta Anca Vil", [1547]="Can oscuro decrépito", [1548]="Can oscuro maldito", [1549]="Can oscuro voraz", [1550]="Basilisco Colastador", [1551]="Basilisco Quijahierro", [1552]="Panzascama", [1553]="Murciumbrío superior", [1554]="Murciumbrío vampírico", [1555]="Nocturácnida sañosa", [1557]="Gorila Velo de Bruma anciano", [1558]="Patriarca Lomoblanco", [1559]="Rey Mukla", [1560]="Yvette Farthing", [1561]="Asaltante Velasangre", [1562]="Mago Velasangre", [1563]="Espadachín Velasangre", [1564]="Brujo Velasangre", [1565]="Lobo de mar Velasangre", [1568]="Enterrador Mordo", [1569]="Sacerdote de las Sombras Sarvis", [1570]="Ejecutor Arren", [1571]="Shellei Brondir", [1572]="Thorgrum Borrelson", [1573]="Gryth Thurden", [1632]="Adele Fielder", [1642]="Guardia de Villanorte", [1645]="Intendente Hicks", [1646]="Baros Alexston", [1650]="Terry Palin", [1651]="Lee Moreno", [1652]="Guardia de la Muerte Burgess", [1653]="Magus viejo Velasangre", [1654]="Gregor Agamand", [1655]="Nissa Agamand", [1656]="Thurman Agamand", [1657]="Devlin Agamand", [1658]="Capitán Dargol", [1660]="Guardaespaldas Escarlata", [1661]="Novicia Elreth", [1662]="Capitán Perrine", [1663]="Dextren Ward", [1664]="Capitán Vachon", [1665]="Capitán Melrache", [1666]="Kam Furiahonda", [1667]="Meven Korgal", [1668]="William MacGregor", [1669]="Especulador Defias", [1670]="Mike Molina", [1671]="Lamar Veisilli", [1672]="Lohgan Eva", [1673]="Alyssa Eva", [1674]="Gnoll Putrepellejo", [1675]="Bastardo Putrepellejo", [1676]="Finbus Rompegranajes", [1678]="Vernon Sano", [1679]="Avarus Kharag", [1680]="Matías Arero", [1681]="Brock Buscapiedras", [1682]="Yanni Cuoreforte", [1683]="Warg Aguahonda", [1684]="Khara Aguahonda", [1685]="Xandar Bonbarba", [1686]="Irene Tiroseguro", [1687]="Cliff Hadin", [1688]="Matriarca nocturácnida", [1689]="Jabalí del risco cicatríceo", [1690]="Thrawn Boltar", [1691]="Kreg Bilmn", [1692]="Golorn Barbagélida", [1693]="Crocolisco del lago", [1694]="Loslor Rudge", [1695]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Rendow", [1696]="Targorr el Pavoroso", [1697]="Keeg Gibn", [1698]="Frast Dokner", [1699]="Gremlock Pilsnor", [1700]="Paxton Ganter", [1701]="Dank Cortefiel", [1702]="Bronk Comengranaje", [1703]="Uthrar Threx", [1706]="Prisionero", [1707]="Cautivo Defias", [1708]="Recluso Defias", [1711]="Presidiario", [1713]="Pantera Faucesombría vieja", [1715]="Insurgente", [1716]="Bazil Thredd", [1717]="Hamhock", [1718]="Asaltante Comepiedras", [1719]="Celador Thelagua", [1720]="Bruegal Nudoferro", [1721]="Nikova Raskol", [1725]="Velador Defias", [1726]="Magiero Defias", [1727]="Trabajador Defias", [1729]="Evocador Defias", [1731]="Artesano goblin", [1732]="Domaborrascas Defias", [1733]="Zggi", [1735]="Guardia de la Muerte Abraham", [1736]="Guardia de la Muerte Randolph", [1737]="Guardia de la Muerte Oliver", [1738]="Guardia de la Muerte Terrence", [1739]="Guardia de la Muerte Phillip", [1740]="Guardia de la Muerte Saltain", [1741]="Guardia de la Muerte Bartrand", [1742]="Guardia de la Muerte Bartholomew", [1743]="Guardia de la Muerte Lawrence", [1744]="Guardia de la Muerte Mort", [1745]="Guardia de la Muerte Morris", [1746]="Guardia de la Muerte Cyrus", [1747]="Anduin Wrynn", [1748]="Alto señor Bolvar Fordragón", [1749]="Lady Katrana Prestor", [1750]="Gran almirante Jes-Tereth", [1751]="Mithras Ferrocolina", [1752]="Caledra Brisalbor", [1753]="Ojo de cresa", [1754]="Lord Gregor Lescovar", [1755]="Marzon el Filo Silencioso", [1756]="Guardia Real de Ventormenta", [1763]="Gilnid", [1764]="Espíritu feral superior", [1765]="Huargo", [1766]="Huargo rabioso", [1767]="Machacador Anca Vil", [1768]="Cazamareas Anca Vil", [1769]="Canoso Furia Lunar", [1770]="Correoscuro Furia Lunar", [1772]="Asaltaclaros Putrepellejo", [1773]="Místico Putrepellejo", [1775]="Zun\'dartha", [1776]="Magtoor", [1777]="Dakk Rayobestial", [1778]="Oso grisáceo feroz", [1779]="Glotón Furia Lunar", [1780]="Asediadora Corretela", [1781]="Rondadora Corretela", [1782]="Almanegra Furia Lunar", [1783]="Despellejador esquelético", [1784]="Hechicero esquelético", [1785]="Terror esquelético", [1787]="Verdugo esquelético", [1788]="Señor de la guerra esquelético", [1789]="Acólito esquelético", [1791]="Necrófago esclavizante", [1793]="Necrófago en podredumbre", [1794]="Necrófago desalmado", [1795]="Necrófago abrasador", [1796]="Necrófago congelado", [1797]="Oso grisáceo gigante", [1800]="Ánima de hielo", [1801]="Ánima de sangre", [1802]="Ánima hambrienta", [1804]="Muerte gemebunda", [1805]="Gólem de carne", [1806]="Babosa vil", [1808]="Moco devorador", [1809]="Buitre carroñero", [1812]="Behemoth en podredumbre", [1813]="Horror putrefacto", [1815]="Oso negro malsano", [1816]="Oso pardo malsano", [1817]="Lobo malsano", [1821]="Rondador carroñero", [1822]="Rondador Brumatósigo", [1824]="Rondador de peste", [1826]="Mago Escarlata", [1827]="Centinela Escarlata", [1831]="Cazador Escarlata", [1832]="Magus Escarlata", [1833]="Caballero Escarlata", [1834]="Paladín Escarlata", [1835]="Convocador Escarlata", [1836]="Hidalgo Escarlata", [1837]="Juez Escarlata", [1838]="Interrogador Escarlata", [1839]="Alto Clérigo Escarlata", [1840]="Gran Inquisidor Isillien", [1841]="Verdugo Escarlata", [1842]="Alto señor Taelan Vadín", [1843]="Supervisor Jerris", [1844]="Supervisor Marcrid", [1845]="Sumo Protector Tarsen", [1846]="Sumo Protector Lorik", [1847]="Crinatroz", [1848]="Lord Maldazzar", [1849]="Rumoratroz", [1850]="Putridus", [1851]="La Cáscara", [1852]="Araj el Invocador", [1853]="Maestro oscuro Gandling", [1854]="Sumo sacerdote Thel\'danis", [1855]="Tirion Vadín", [1860]="Abisario", [1863]="Súcubo", [1865]="Asaltante Corvozarpa", [1866]="Esclavo Corvozarpa", [1867]="Aprendiz de Dalaran", [1868]="Sirviente Corvozarpa", [1869]="Campeón Corvozarpa", [1870]="Mano de Corvozarpa", [1871]="Guardia de Eliza", [1872]="Tharek Piedranegra", [1880]="Berte", [1883]="Trabajador Escarlata", [1884]="Leñador Escarlata", [1885]="Herrero Escarlata", [1888]="Vigía de Molino Ámbar", [1889]="Zahorí de Molino Ámbar", [1890]="Esqueleto armadóseo", [1891]="Vigía Piroleña", [1892]="Vigía Furia Lunar", [1893]="Avizor Furia Lunar", [1894]="Avizor Piroleña", [1895]="Viejo Piroleña", [1896]="Viejo Furia Lunar", [1901]="Kelstrum Rompepedras", [1907]="Expedicionario naga", [1908]="Oráculo Anca Vil", [1909]="Acechalagos Anca Vil", [1910]="Muad", [1911]="Deeb", [1912]="Protector de Molino Ámbar", [1913]="Depositario de Molino Ámbar", [1914]="Magister de Molino Ámbar", [1915]="Conjurador de Molino Ámbar", [1916]="Stephen Bhartec", [1917]="Daniel Ulfman", [1918]="Karrel Grayves", [1919]="Samuel Fipps", [1920]="Escribachizo de Molino Ámbar", [1921]="Muñeco de combate", [1922]="Lobo grisáceo del bosque", [1923]="Huargo Sangrocico", [1924]="Aullasangre Furia Lunar", [1931]="Zelote Escarlata capturado", [1933]="Oveja", [1934]="Granjero de Tirisfal", [1935]="Mozo de labranza de Tirisfal", [1936]="Granjero Solliden", [1937]="Boticario Renferrel", [1938]="Dalar Tejealba", [1939]="Tosco Putrepellejo", [1940]="Siembrapestes Putrepellejo", [1941]="Asaltatumbas Putrepellejo", [1942]="Salvaje Putrepellejo", [1943]="Putrepellejo enfurecido", [1944]="Truhán Putrepellejo", [1946]="Lillith Nefara", [1947]="Thule Corvozarpa", [1948]="Melegruños", [1949]="Sirviente de Azora", [1950]="Rane Yorick", [1951]="Quinn Yorick", [1952]="Sumo ejecutor Hadrec", [1953]="Vagador del Lago", [1954]="Vagador del Lago viejo", [1955]="Trepador del Lago", [1956]="Trepador del Lago viejo", [1957]="Trepacostas Anca Vil", [1958]="Clamamareas Anca Vil", [1959]="Montaraz Cebadiz", [1960]="Piloto Podomartillo", [1961]="Sarnagarra", [1963]="Vidra Hogartufa", [1964]="Antárbol", [1965]="Montaraz Thalos", [1971]="Ivar el Hediondo", [1972]="Grimson el Pálido", [1973]="Guardián Corvozarpa", [1974]="Bracero Corvozarpa", [1975]="Leñador de la Vega del Este", [1976]="Patrulla urbana de Ventormenta", [1977]="Senador Mehr Piedrasanta", [1978]="Mortacechador Erland", [1981]="Emboscador Hierro Negro", [1983]="Latipesadilla", [1984]="Jabalí cardo joven", [1985]="Jabalí Cardo", [1986]="Araña Tejemadera", [1988]="Grell", [1989]="Grellín", [1992]="Tarindrella", [1993]="Zarpaverde", [1994]="Githyiss la Vil", [1995]="Lechuza estrígida", [1996]="Estridador estrígido", [1997]="Cazador estrígido", [1998]="Rondador Tejemadera", [1999]="Venolmillo Tejemadera", [2000]="Hilasedas Tejemadera", [2001]="Araña Tejemadera gigante", [2002]="Duende granuja", [2003]="Duende sombrío", [2004]="Duende oscuro", [2005]="Grell sañoso", [2006]="Ursa Tuercepinos", [2007]="Jardinero Tuercepinos", [2008]="Guerrero Tuercepinos", [2009]="Chamán Tuercepinos", [2010]="Defensor Tuercepinos", [2011]="Augur Tuercepinos", [2012]="Abrecaminos Tuercepinos", [2013]="Vengador Tuercepinos", [2014]="Totémico Tuercepinos", [2015]="Arpía Sangrepluma", [2017]="Pícara Sangrepluma", [2018]="Hechicera Sangrepluma", [2019]="Furia Sangrepluma", [2020]="Bruja del viento Sangrepluma", [2021]="Matriarca Sangrepluma", [2022]="Brezomadera", [2025]="Desgarrador Brezomadera", [2027]="Pisoteador Brezomadera", [2029]="Bestia de lodazal Brezomadera", [2030]="Brezomadera anciano", [2031]="Sable de la noche joven", [2032]="Sable de la noche sarnoso", [2033]="Sable de la noche mayor", [2034]="Sable de la noche salvaje", [2038]="Lord Melenas", [2039]="Ursal el Violento", [2041]="Anciano protector", [2042]="Sable de la noche", [2043]="Acechador sable de la noche", [2044]="Espíritu melancólico", [2046]="Andrew Krighton", [2050]="Raleigh Andrean", [2053]="Refugiado demacrado", [2054]="Refugiado enfermo", [2055]="Maestro boticario Faranell", [2056]="Aparecido Corvozarpa", [2057]="Huldar", [2058]="Mortacechadora Faerleia", [2060]="Consejero Herrera", [2061]="Consejero Careso", [2062]="Consejero Hendricks", [2063]="Consejero Wilhelm", [2064]="Consejero Hartin", [2065]="Consejero Cooper", [2066]="Consejero Higarth", [2067]="Consejero Mechanegra", [2068]="Lord Mayor Morrison", [2069]="Acechalunas", [2070]="Cachorro Acechalunas", [2071]="Matriarca Acechalunas", [2077]="Melithar Corzocelada", [2078]="Athridas Manto de Oso", [2079]="Ilthalaine", [2080]="Denalan", [2081]="Centinela Kyra Cantoestelar", [2082]="Gilshalan Caminaviento", [2083]="Syral Filohoja", [2084]="Natheril Clamalluvias", [2086]="Valstag Quijahierro", [2089]="Crocolisco gigante de Los Humedales", [2090]="Ma\'ruk Vermiscala", [2091]="Cabecilla Nek\'rosh", [2092]="Piloto Barbalarga", [2093]="Eina Pillapedra", [2094]="James Halloran", [2096]="Tarrel Tejepiedra", [2097]="Harlo Barnaby", [2098]="Carnero", [2099]="Tripulante del Virtud de la doncella", [2102]="Bruto Faucedraco", [2103]="Explorador Faucedraco", [2104]="Capitán Puñorrecio", [2105]="Montaraz Dokkin", [2106]="Boticario Berard", [2107]="Gaerolas Talvethren", [2108]="Garneg Hullacráneo", [2110]="Rata negra", [2111]="Shida", [2112]="Farrin Daris", [2113]="Archibald Kava", [2114]="Faruza", [2115]="Joshua Kien", [2116]="Herrero Rand", [2117]="Harold Raims", [2118]="Abigail Shiel", [2119]="Dannal Stern", [2120]="Archimago Ataeric", [2121]="Sacerdote de las Sombras Allister", [2122]="David Trias", [2123]="Clérigo oscuro Duesten", [2124]="Isabella", [2126]="Maximillion", [2127]="Rupert Boch", [2128]="Cain Pirosón", [2129]="Clérigo oscuro Beryl", [2130]="Marion Call", [2131]="Austil de Mon", [2132]="Carolai Anise", [2134]="Sra. Winters", [2135]="Abe Winters", [2136]="Oliver Dwor", [2137]="Eliza Callen", [2140]="Edwin Harly", [2142]="Vigía Callahan", [2149]="Asaltante Hierro Negro", [2150]="Zenn Nauseapezuña", [2151]="Sacerdotisa Lunar Amara", [2152]="Emboscador Tuercepinos", [2153]="Terl Arakor", [2155]="Centinela Shayla Brisa Nocturna", [2156]="Gólem agrietado", [2157]="Behemoth de piedra", [2158]="Explorador Gravacal", [2159]="Cascahuesos Gravacal", [2160]="Geomántico Gravacal", [2162]="Agal", [2163]="Oso cardo", [2164]="Oso cardo rabioso", [2165]="Oso cardo grisáceo", [2166]="Roblegüello", [2167]="Abrecaminos Bosque Negro", [2168]="Guerrero Bosque Negro", [2169]="Totémico Bosque Negro", [2170]="Ursa Bosque Negro", [2171]="Chamán Bosque Negro", [2172]="Zancador Madrezarpa", [2173]="Furia de arrecife", [2174]="Furia de costa", [2175]="Garrasombría", [2176]="Altonato maldito", [2177]="Altonato en pena", [2178]="Altonato gemebunda", [2179]="Jinete de olas Escama Tormentosa", [2180]="Sirena Escama Tormentosa", [2181]="Mirmidón Escama Tormentosa", [2182]="Hechicera Escama Tormentosa", [2183]="Guerrero Escama Tormentosa", [2184]="Lady Miraluna", [2185]="Trillador de Costa Oscura", [2186]="Carnivous el Rompedor", [2187]="Trillador de Costa Oscura anciano", [2188]="Trillanodonte de las profundidades", [2189]="Duende vil", [2190]="Grell salvaje", [2191]="Licillin", [2192]="Clamafuegos Radison", [2198]="Pregonero Buenhombre", [2201]="Asaltante Brumagris", [2202]="Correcostas Brumagris", [2203]="Vidente Brumagris", [2204]="Enredador Brumagris", [2205]="Guerrero Brumagris", [2206]="Cazador Brumagris", [2207]="Oráculo Brumagris", [2208]="Cazamareas Brumagris", [2209]="Guardia de la Muerte Gavin", [2210]="Guardia de la Muerte Royann", [2211]="Montaraz capturado", [2212]="Sátiro Deth\'ryll", [2214]="Mortacechadora Lesh", [2215]="Suma ejecutora Darthalia", [2216]="Boticario Lydon", [2224]="Jinete del viento", [2225]="Zora Guthrek", [2226]="Karos Razok", [2227]="Sharlindra", [2228]="Teniente Farren Orinelle", [2229]="Krusk", [2230]="Umpi", [2231]="Reptador de marea pigmeo", [2232]="Reptador de marea", [2233]="Reptador de marea escamado", [2234]="Reptador de arrecife joven", [2235]="Reptador de arrecife", [2236]="Reptador de arrecife enfurecido", [2237]="Patriarca Acechalunas", [2238]="Tog\'thar", [2239]="Drull", [2240]="Asaltante de caminos de la Hermandad", [2241]="Ladrón de la Hermandad", [2242]="Espía de la Hermandad", [2243]="Avizor de la Hermandad", [2244]="Mago oscuro de la Hermandad", [2245]="Saboteador de la Hermandad", [2246]="Asesino de la Hermandad", [2247]="Déspota de la Hermandad", [2248]="Yeti de las cuevas", [2249]="[UNUSED] Yeti feroz", [2250]="Yeti montés", [2251]="Yeti gigante", [2252]="Ogro Aplastacresta", [2253]="Tosco Aplastacresta", [2254]="Aplastador Aplastacresta", [2255]="Mago Aplastacresta", [2256]="Déspota Aplastacresta", [2257]="Jarra\'thol", [2258]="Maggarrak", [2260]="Pícaro de la Hermandad", [2261]="Velador de la Hermandad", [2263]="Alguacil Rutagrana", [2264]="Sastre de Trabalomas", [2265]="Herrero aprendiz de Trabalomas", [2266]="Granjero de Trabalomas", [2267]="Campesino de Trabalomas", [2268]="Lacayo de Trabalomas", [2269]="Minero de Trabalomas", [2270]="Avizor de Trabalomas", [2271]="Guardia escudero de Dalaran", [2272]="Teúrgo de Dalaran", [2274]="Stanley", [2275]="Stanley iracundo", [2276]="Magistrado Henry Maleb", [2277]="Maestro cultural Dibbs", [2278]="Melisara", [2283]="Regente Corvozarpa", [2284]="Granjero capturado", [2285]="Conde Remington Bonacresta", [2287]="Belicista Aplastacresta", [2299]="Borgus Brazorrecio", [2302]="Aethalas", [2303]="Lyranne Melopluma", [2304]="Capitán Ferrocolina", [2305]="Supervisor Bonds", [2306]="Baron Vardus", [2307]="Custodio Caice", [2308]="Andrew Brownell", [2309]="Thomas Arlento", [2310]="Jamie Nore", [2311]="Doreen Beltis", [2314]="Sahvan Sombrasangre", [2315]="Maquell Ebonwood", [2316]="Gol\'dir", [2317]="Elysa", [2318]="Mago oscuro Argus", [2319]="Zahorí de la Hermandad", [2320]="Nagaz", [2321]="Volantón zancudo del bosque", [2322]="Zancudo del bosque", [2323]="Zancudo del bosque gigante", [2324]="Soplaviento Bosque Negro", [2326]="Thamner Pol", [2327]="Shaina Fuller", [2329]="Michelle Belle", [2330]="Karlee Chaddis", [2331]="Paige Chaddis", [2332]="Valdred Moray", [2333]="Secuaz Valik", [2334]="Generador de Eventos 001", [2335]="Magistrado Ladoquemado", [2336]="Fanática de la Facción Oscura", [2337]="Clamavacío de la Facción Oscura", [2338]="Discípulo Crepuscular", [2339]="Matón Crepuscular", [2344]="Montaraz de Dun Garok", [2345]="Fusilero de Dun Garok", [2346]="Sacerdote de Dun Garok", [2347]="Grifo salvaje", [2348]="Trepamusgo anciano", [2349]="Trepador domesticado", [2350]="Trepador del bosque", [2351]="Oso contagiado", [2352]="Tabernero Anderson", [2354]="Oso gris sañoso", [2356]="Oso gris viejo", [2357]="Merideth Carlson", [2358]="Invocador de Dalaran", [2359]="Esclavo elemental", [2360]="Mozo de labranza de Trabalomas", [2361]="Tamara Brazofuerte", [2362]="Hemmit Brazofuerte", [2363]="Aprendiz Bonamel", [2364]="Neema", [2365]="Bront Friagrieta", [2366]="Posadero Kelly", [2367]="Donald Rabonne", [2368]="Acechacostas Espinadaga", [2369]="Cazacostas Espinadaga", [2370]="Vociferadora Espinadaga", [2371]="Sirena Espinadaga", [2372]="Gnoll Morrobarro", [2373]="Chamán Morrobarro", [2374]="Habitabosta Rompeanca", [2375]="Correcostas Rompeanca", [2376]="Oráculo Rompeanca", [2377]="Cazamareas Rompeanca", [2378]="Kundric Zanden", [2379]="Custodio Herrera", [2380]="Nandar Branson", [2381]="Micha Yance", [2382]="Darren Malavista", [2383]="Lindea Rabonne", [2384]="León de montaña famélico", [2385]="Acechador Trabaloma", [2386]="Guardia de la Alianza", [2387]="Consejero de Trabalomas", [2388]="Tabernero Shay", [2389]="Zarise", [2390]="Sangreveneno Aranae", [2391]="Serge Hinott", [2392]="Delia Verana", [2393]="Christoph Jeffcoat", [2394]="Mallen Swain", [2395]="Vinna Wayne", [2396]="Hans Zandin", [2397]="Derak Ocaso", [2398]="Tara Mirafría", [2399]="Daryl Stack", [2400]="Craig Hewitt", [2401]="Kayren Sombrollín", [2402]="Shara Blazen", [2403]="Granjero Getz", [2404]="Herrero Verringtan", [2405]="Guardia de la Muerte de Molino Tarren", [2406]="León de montaña", [2407]="León de montaña descomunal", [2408]="Quijaforte", [2409]="Felicia Maline", [2410]="Magus Wordeen Vacuamirada", [2411]="Ricter", [2412]="Alina", [2413]="Dermot", [2414]="Kegan Darkmar", [2415]="Celadora Belamoore", [2416]="Desvalijador Aplastacresta", [2417]="Grel\'borg el Avaro", [2418]="Guardia de la Muerte Samsa", [2419]="Guardia de la Muerte Humbert", [2420]="Targ", [2421]="Rastrazo", [2422]="Glommus", [2423]="Lord Aliden Perenolde", [2425]="Varimathras", [2427]="Carcelero Eston", [2428]="Carcelero Marlgen", [2429]="Novicio Thaivand", [2430]="Chef Jessen", [2431]="Carcelero Borhuin", [2432]="Darla Harris", [2433]="Restos de Helcular", [2434]="Asesino enigmático", [2435]="Pregonero de Costasur", [2436]="Granjero Kent", [2437]="Vigilante Bel\'varil", [2438]="Bartolo Ginsetti", [2439]="Mayor Samuelson", [2440]="Asaltante de caminos borracho", [2442]="Vaca", [2447]="Narillasanz", [2448]="Funcionario Horracio Corzalbal", [2449]="Ciudadano Wilkes", [2450]="Minero Hackett", [2451]="Granjera Kalaba", [2452]="Skhowl", [2453]="Lo\'Grosh", [2454]="Maligno esquelético", [2455]="Olivia Ladoquemado", [2456]="Newton Ladoquemado", [2457]="John Ladoquemado", [2458]="Randolph Montesco", [2459]="Mortimer Montesco", [2460]="Barnum Mantopétreo", [2461]="Bailey Mantopétreo", [2462]="Gusano carnívoro", [2464]="Comandante Aggro\'gosh", [2465]="Clarividente Mok\'thardin", [2466]="Montaraz Grugelm", [2468]="Montaraz Thar", [2469]="Montaraz Rharen", [2470]="Vigía Fraizer", [2473]="Granistad", [2474]="Kurdros", [2475]="Perezoso", [2476]="Gosh-Haldir", [2477]="Gradok", [2478]="Haren Pezuña Presta", [2479]="Fangoso", [2480]="Bro\'kin", [2481]="Bliztik", [2482]="Zarena Cromvento", [2483]="Jaquilina Dramet", [2485]="Larimaine Purdue", [2486]="Fin Fizqueta", [2487]="Maestro de flota Cuernomarino", [2488]="Deeg", [2489]="Milstaff Ojotrueno", [2490]="Contramaestre Crazz", [2491]="Whiskey el Delgado", [2492]="Lexington Mortaim", [2493]="Dizzy el Tuerto", [2494]="Corsario Bloads", [2495]="Drizzlik", [2496]="Baron Revilgaz", [2497]="Nimboya", [2498]="Loquillo Pinchabujas", [2499]="Markel Smythe", [2500]="Capitán Hecklebury Smotts", [2501]="MacKinley \"Lobo de Mar\"", [2502]="Phillipe el \"Trémulo\"", [2503]="Supervisor de Trabalomas", [2504]="Donyal Tovald", [2505]="Quijaforte marino", [2506]="Montaraz Harn", [2507]="Montaraz Uthan", [2508]="Montaraz Wuar", [2509]="Montaraz Risco", [2510]="Montaraz Ozmok", [2511]="Montaraz Bludd", [2512]="Montaraz Roghan", [2513]="Montaraz Janha", [2514]="Montaraz Modax", [2515]="Montaraz Fazgard", [2516]="Montaraz Kamdar", [2517]="Montaraz Langarr", [2518]="Montaraz Iraz", [2519]="Kin\'weelay", [2520]="Gólem teledirigido", [2521]="Gorila Cieloleno", [2522]="Acechador de Jaguero", [2523]="Tótem abrasador", [2524]="Montaraz Haggis", [2525]="Montaraz Barn", [2526]="Montaraz Morlic", [2527]="Montaraz Angst", [2528]="Montaraz Haggil", [2529]="Hijo de Arugal", [2530]="Yenniku", [2531]="Esbirro de Doane", [2532]="Donna", [2533]="William", [2534]="Zanzil el Desterrado", [2535]="Maury \"Patapalo\" Wilkins", [2536]="Jon-Jon el Cuervo", [2537]="Chucky \"Diez Pulgares\"", [2540]="Serpiente de Molino Ámbar", [2541]="Lord Sakrasis", [2542]="Catelyn la Afilada", [2543]="Archimago Ansirem Tejerruna", [2544]="Reptador de las arenas del sur", [2545]="\"El Guapo\" Duncan", [2546]="Maestro de flota Firallon", [2547]="Parchierro", [2548]="Capitán Sinquilla", [2549]="Garr Fausal", [2550]="Capitán Aguasmansas", [2551]="Brutus", [2552]="Trol Secacorteza", [2553]="Taumaturgo umbrío Secacorteza", [2554]="Lanzahachas Secacorteza", [2555]="Médico brujo Secacorteza", [2556]="Rebanacabezas Secacorteza", [2557]="Cazador de las Sombras Secacorteza", [2558]="Rabioso Secacorteza", [2559]="Zancudo de las Tierras Altas", [2560]="Descarnador de las Tierras Altas", [2561]="Acechacarne de las Tierras Altas", [2562]="Ogro Puño de Roca", [2563]="Trepador de las llanuras", [2564]="Déspota Puño de Roca", [2565]="Trepador de las llanuras gigante", [2566]="Tosco Puño de Roca", [2567]="Magus Puño de Roca", [2569]="Aplastador Puño de Roca", [2570]="Chamán Puño de Roca", [2571]="Señor Puño de Roca", [2572]="Kóbold Mostacho Seco", [2573]="Perito Mostacho Seco", [2574]="Cavador Mostacho Seco", [2575]="Suministrador Hierro Negro", [2577]="Taumaturgo umbrío Hierro Negro", [2578]="Águila ratonera de meseta joven", [2579]="Águila ratonera de meseta", [2580]="Águila ratonera de meseta anciana", [2581]="Miliciano Dabyrie", [2582]="Obrero Dabyrie", [2583]="Cazatrols de Stromgarde", [2584]="Defensor de Stromgarde", [2585]="Soldado de Stromgarde", [2586]="Bandolero de la Hermandad", [2587]="Acechacaminos de la Hermandad", [2588]="Merodeador de la Hermandad", [2589]="Mercenario de la Hermandad", [2590]="Conjurador de la Hermandad", [2591]="Magus de la Hermandad", [2592]="Exiliado resonador", [2594]="Tardo", [2595]="Asaltante Espinadaga", [2596]="Hechicera Espinadaga", [2597]="Lord Falconcrest", [2598]="Darbel Montrosa", [2599]="Otto", [2600]="Kantor", [2601]="Panzatroz", [2602]="Ruul Onapiedra", [2603]="Kovork", [2604]="Molok el Triturador", [2605]="Zalas Secacorteza", [2606]="Nimar el Destripador", [2607]="Príncipe Galen Aterratrols", [2608]="Comandante Amaren", [2609]="Geomántico Dagasílex", [2610]="Temblores O\'Breen", [2611]="Fozruk", [2612]="Teniente Valeroso", [2616]="Corsario Groy", [2618]="Peón de Sentencia", [2619]="Bruto de Sentencia", [2620]="Perro de la pradera", [2621]="Guardián de Sentencia", [2622]="Astuto Garrett", [2623]="Espíritu de lo antiguo", [2624]="Gazban", [2625]="Viznik Limpiaoro", [2626]="Viejo Heming", [2627]="Grarnik Cortefino", [2628]="Trabajador de Dalaran", [2630]="Tótem Nexo Terrestre", [2634]="Princesa Poobah", [2635]="Crocolisco Quijaforte mayor", [2636]="Marinero de cubierta Aguasnegras", [2638]="Espectro de la Hermandad", [2639]="Lanzahachas Vilrama", [2640]="Médico brujo Vilrama", [2641]="Rebanacabezas Vilrama", [2642]="Taumaturgo umbrío Vilrama", [2643]="Rabioso Vilrama", [2644]="Desollador Vilrama", [2645]="Cazador de las Sombras Vilrama", [2646]="Bebesangre Vilrama", [2647]="Comealmas Vilrama", [2648]="Guardia Aman\'zasi Vilrama", [2649]="Arrancacabelleras Secacorteza", [2650]="Zelote Secacorteza", [2651]="Desollador Secacorteza", [2652]="Sangreveneno Secacorteza", [2653]="Sádico Secacorteza", [2654]="Clamador Secacorteza", [2655]="Lodo verde", [2656]="Moco de jade", [2657]="Picovaja adiestrado", [2658]="Grifo Picovaja", [2659]="Señor del Cielo Picovaja", [2663]="Narkk", [2664]="Kelsey Yance", [2667]="Guarda de la pereza", [2668]="Danielle Puntillas", [2669]="Sheri Puntillas", [2670]="Xizk Cortefino", [2671]="Ardilla mecánica", [2672]="Blandengue Crosby", [2673]="Muñeco-diana", [2674]="Muñeco-diana avanzado", [2675]="Oveja explosiva", [2676]="Segador de la cosecha compacto", [2678]="Dragonizo mecánico", [2679]="Wenna Barbasedosa", [2680]="Lobato Vilrama", [2681]="Lobo de asalto Vilrama", [2682]="Fradd Swiftgear", [2683]="Namdo Silvabín", [2684]="Rizz Tornillosuelto", [2685]="Mazk Tirocertero", [2686]="Guardia del linaje Secacorteza", [2687]="Gnaz Flamerrada", [2688]="Rupo Retramuelle", [2691]="Avanzada Vallealto", [2692]="Explorador Vallealto", [2693]="Tirador Vallealto", [2694]="Forestal Vallealto", [2695]="Sara Balloo", [2696]="Nubos MacKreel", [2697]="Clyde Ranthal", [2698]="George Candarte", [2699]="Rikqiz", [2700]="Capitana Nials", [2701]="Ogro Rotapolvo", [2703]="Zengu", [2704]="Hanashi", [2705]="Maestro cervecero Bilger", [2706]="Tor\'gan", [2707]="Shadra", [2708]="Archimago Malin", [2711]="Phin Odelic", [2712]="Quae", [2713]="Kinelory", [2714]="Mensajera Renegada", [2715]="Tosco Rotapolvo", [2716]="Cazavermis Rotapolvo", [2717]="Aplastador Rotapolvo", [2718]="Chamán Rotapolvo", [2719]="Señor Rotapolvo", [2720]="Ogro mago Rotapolvo", [2721]="Guardaespaldas Renegado", [2723]="Gólem de piedra", [2725]="Cría hirviente", [2726]="Guardián agostado", [2727]="Coyote del risco", [2728]="Coyote del risco feral", [2729]="Coyote del risco mayor", [2730]="Coyote del risco rabioso", [2731]="Acechador de la cresta", [2732]="Cazadora de la cresta", [2733]="Boticario Jorell", [2734]="Patriarca acechador de la cresta", [2735]="Elemental de roca inferior", [2736]="Elemental de roca superior", [2737]="Durtham Greldon", [2738]="Caballista de Stromgarde", [2739]="Tunelador de Forjatiniebla", [2740]="Tejeoscuro de Forjatiniebla", [2742]="Corista de Forjatiniebla", [2743]="Guerrero de Forjatiniebla", [2744]="Comandante de Forjatiniebla", [2745]="Embajador Infernus", [2748]="Archaedas", [2749]="Barricada", [2751]="Gólem de guerra", [2752]="Estruendor", [2753]="Barnabus", [2754]="Anathemus", [2755]="Myzrael", [2757]="Latigoscuro", [2759]="Hematus", [2760]="Exiliado ardiente", [2761]="Exiliado acuoso", [2762]="Exiliado tronador", [2763]="Thenan", [2764]="Durmilón", [2765]="Znort", [2766]="Lolo el Oteador", [2767]="Contramaestre Nizlix", [2768]="Profesor Fiseltor", [2769]="Capitán Tripacero", [2770]="Sebo", [2771]="Bombo Vil", [2772]="Korin Vil", [2773]="Or\'Kalar", [2774]="Doctor Draxlegauge", [2775]="Maleante Espinadaga", [2776]="Marea vengativa", [2778]="Marinero de cubierta Moije", [2779]="Príncipe Nazjak", [2780]="Custodio Nevlin", [2781]="Custodio Weston", [2782]="Custodio Alaric", [2783]="Marez Cogulla", [2784]="Rey Magni Barbabronce", [2785]="Theldurin el Perdido", [2786]="Gerrig Agarrahueso", [2787]="Zaruk", [2788]="Aprendiz Kryten", [2789]="Skuerto", [2790]="Gran mampostero Marmolez", [2791]="Elemental de roca iracundo", [2792]="Gor\'mul", [2793]="Kor\'gresh Ira Helada", [2794]="Guardián invocado", [2795]="Lenny \"Dedillos\" McCoy", [2796]="Faelyssa", [2798]="Pand Amarrapiedra", [2799]="Lucian Fenner", [2801]="Tresa MacGregor", [2802]="Susan Tillinghast", [2803]="Malygen", [2804]="Kurden Zarpasangrante", [2805]="Deneb Camino", [2806]="Fardo", [2808]="Vikki Lonsav", [2810]="Hammon Karwn", [2812]="Drovanar Brevaforte", [2814]="Narj Tajofondo", [2816]="Androd Fadran", [2817]="Aparejez", [2818]="Eskoria", [2819]="Tunkk", [2820]="Graud", [2821]="Keena", [2829]="Águila ratonera famélica", [2830]="Águila ratonera sedienta", [2831]="Águila ratonera gigante", [2832]="Nixxrax Vasolleno", [2834]="Myizz Buenapieza", [2835]="Cedrik Prosa", [2836]="Brikk Finoficio", [2837]="Jaxin Chong", [2838]="Craz Chispaz", [2839]="Haren Kanmae", [2840]="Kizz Golpeseco", [2842]="Wigcik", [2843]="Jutak", [2844]="Hurklor", [2845]="Fargon Mortalak", [2846]="Blixrez Cortefino", [2847]="Jansen Bajoleño", [2848]="Glyx Buenamezcla", [2849]="Qixdi Cortefino", [2850]="Diente partido", [2851]="Urda", [2852]="Druida de la Garfa esclavizado", [2853]="Druida de la Garfa liberado", [2855]="Snang", [2856]="Angrun", [2857]="Thund", [2858]="Gringer", [2859]="Gyll", [2860]="Sigrun Extracero", [2861]="Gorrik", [2870]="[UNUSED] Henria Derth", [2876]="Grunenstur Balindom", [2878]="Peria Lamenur", [2879]="Karrina Mekenda", [2880]="[UNUSED] Hurom Juggendolf", [2881]="[UNUSED] Durdek Karrin", [2887]="Exiliado centelleante", [2888]="Garek", [2892]="Vidente Grutacanto", [2893]="Cascahuesos Grutacanto", [2894]="Chamán Grutacanto", [2906]="Guerrero Rotapolvo", [2907]="Místico Rotapolvo", [2908]="Graul", [2909]="Grez Piemartillo", [2910]="Prospector Ryedol", [2911]="Arqueólogo Gargavino", [2912]="Arqueólogo Jefe Mostachogris", [2913]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Arqueóloga Hollee", [2914]="Culebra", [2915]="Espíritu de Piemartillo", [2916]="Karnik el Historiador", [2917]="Prospector Tripirrem", [2918]="Consejero Belgrum", [2919]="Guardián Fam\'retor", [2920]="Lucien Borlallave", [2921]="Lotwil Veriatus", [2922]="Servo", [2923]="Melenargenta sarnoso", [2924]="Lobo melenargenta", [2925]="Aullador melenargenta", [2926]="Acechador melenargenta", [2927]="Lechubestia sañosa", [2928]="Lechubestia primitiva", [2929]="Lechubestia salvaje", [2930]="Centinela Glynda Nal\'Shea", [2931]="Zaricotl", [2932]="Magregan Sombraprofunda", [2934]="Vigilante Bel\'dugur", [2937]="Dagun el Voraz", [2941]="Lanie Reed", [2943]="Ransin Donner", [2944]="Jefe Tho\'grun", [2945]="Murdaloc", [2946]="Marioneta de Helcular", [2947]="Harken Tótem de Viento", [2948]="Mull Tronacuerno", [2949]="Peletero Crines Pálidas", [2950]="Desollador Crines Pálidas", [2951]="Furtivo Crines Pálidas", [2952]="Invasores Erizapúas", [2953]="Chamán Erizapúas", [2954]="Jabaguerrero Erizapúas", [2955]="Zancudo de llanura", [2956]="Zancudo de llanura adulto", [2957]="Zancudo de llanura viejo", [2958]="Lobo de pradera", [2959]="Acechador de pradera", [2960]="Lobo alfa de pradera", [2961]="Puma montés", [2962]="Arpía Viento Furioso", [2963]="Ventobruja Viento Furioso", [2964]="Hechicera Viento Furioso", [2965]="Matriarca Viento Furioso", [2966]="Jabaguerrero joven", [2967]="Centauro Galak", [2968]="Avanzado Galak", [2969]="Aguilón nervudo", [2970]="Aguilón", [2971]="Aguilón garrudo", [2972]="Cría de kodo", [2973]="Kodo dominante", [2974]="Matriarca kodo", [2975]="Contratista de Ventura y Cía.", [2976]="Obrero de Ventura y Cía.", [2977]="Capataz de Ventura y Cía.", [2978]="Trabajador de Ventura y Cía.", [2979]="Controlador de Ventura y Cía.", [2980]="Grull Viento de Halcón", [2981]="Jefe Viento de Halcón", [2982]="Vidente Lenguagris", [2983]="Visión de las praderas", [2984]="Vidente Corredor Sabio", [2985]="Ruul Garraguilar", [2986]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Dorn Acechallanos", [2987]="Eyahn Garra de Águila", [2988]="Morin Acechanubes", [2989]="Cavador de Bael\'dun", [2990]="Tasador de Bael\'dun", [2991]="Abuela Viento de Halcón", [2992]="Resguardo de sanación V", [2993]="Baine Pezuña de Sangre", [2994]="Espíritu ancestral", [2995]="Tal", [2996]="Rotín", [2997]="Jyn Pezuña Pétrea", [2998]="Karn Pezuña Pétrea", [2999]="Taur Pezuña Pétrea", [3000]="Gibbert", [3001]="Brek Pezuña Pétrea", [3002]="Kurm Pezuña Pétrea", [3003]="Fyr Correbruma", [3004]="Tepa", [3005]="Mahu", [3007]="Una", [3008]="Mak", [3009]="Bena Pezuña Invernal", [3010]="Mani Pezuña Invernal", [3011]="Teg Caminalba", [3012]="Nata Caminalba", [3013]="Komin Pezuña Invernal", [3014]="Nida Pezuña Invernal", [3015]="Kuna Tronacuerno", [3016]="Tand", [3017]="Nan Correbruma", [3018]="Hogor Pezuña Trueno", [3019]="Delgo Tótem de Ira", [3020]="Etu Tótem de Ira", [3021]="Kard Tótem de Ira", [3022]="Sunn Tótem de Ira", [3023]="Sura Ferocrín", [3024]="Tah Pezuña Invernal", [3025]="Kaga Correbruma", [3026]="Aska Correbruma", [3027]="Naal Correbruma", [3028]="Kah Correbruma", [3029]="Seua Correbruma", [3030]="Siln Cazacielo", [3031]="Tigor Cazacielo", [3032]="Beram Cazacielo", [3033]="Turak Tótem de Runa", [3034]="Sheal Tótem de Runa", [3035]="Puma de las estepas", [3036]="Kym Ferocrín", [3037]="Sheza Ferocrín", [3038]="Kary Tronacuerno", [3039]="Holt Tronacuerno", [3040]="Urek Tronacuerno", [3041]="Torm Tótem de Ira", [3042]="Sark Tótem de Ira", [3043]="Ker Tótem de Ira", [3044]="Miles Welsh", [3045]="Malakai Cruz", [3046]="Padre Cobb", [3047]="Archimago Shymm", [3048]="Ursyn Ghull", [3049]="Thurston Xane", [3050]="Veren Zancaalta", [3051]="Supervisor Saltatuercas", [3052]="Skorn Nubeblanca", [3053]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Synge", [3054]="Zarlman Dos Lunas", [3055]="Maur Clamalluvias", [3056]="Aullido Fantasma", [3057]="Cairne Pezuña de Sangre", [3058]="Arra\'chea", [3059]="Harutt Tronacuerno", [3060]="Gart Correbruma", [3061]="Lanka Tirolejano", [3062]="Meela Caminalba", [3063]="Krang Pezuña Pétrea", [3064]="Gennia Tótem de Runa", [3065]="Yaw Crinafilada", [3066]="Narm Cazacielo", [3067]="Pyall Trancosilencio", [3068]="Mazzranache", [3069]="Chaw Pellejofuerte", [3072]="Kawnie Brisaleve", [3073]="Marjak Buenfilo", [3074]="Varia Pieldura", [3075]="Bronk Iracerada", [3076]="Moorat Zancada Larga", [3077]="Mahnott Heriondo", [3078]="Kennah Ojalcón", [3079]="Varg Vientosusurro", [3080]="Harant Ferropulso", [3081]="Wunna Crinoscura", [3083]="Guardia de honor", [3084]="Vigía de la Cima", [3085]="Gloria Femmel", [3086]="Gretchen Vogel", [3087]="Ramacho de cristal", [3088]="Henry Chapal", [3089]="Sherman Femmel", [3090]="Gerald Gateato", [3091]="Franklin Hamar", [3092]="Tagain", [3093]="Grod", [3094]="Oculto", [3095]="Fela", [3096]="Sirviente de Azora capturado", [3097]="Bernard Brubaker", [3098]="Jabalí jaspeado", [3099]="Jabalí jaspeado temible", [3100]="Jabalí jaspeado mayor", [3101]="Familiar vil", [3102]="Acechador vil", [3103]="Pinzador makrura", [3104]="Caparapiel makrura", [3105]="Quebrador makrura", [3106]="Reptador de espuma", [3107]="Reptador de espuma adulto", [3108]="Reptador de espuma escamado", [3110]="Crocolisco Fauzatroz", [3111]="Jabaespín Crines de Acero", [3112]="Explorador Crines de Acero", [3113]="Polvoroso Crines de Acero", [3114]="Guardia de batalla Crines de Acero", [3115]="Arpía Viento Seco", [3116]="Saqueadora Viento Seco", [3117]="Salvaje Viento Seco", [3118]="Bruja de la Tormenta Viento Seco", [3119]="Bracero Kolkar", [3120]="Avanzada Kolkar", [3121]="Tigre de Durotar", [3122]="Colazote Garrasangre", [3123]="Rojomorro Garrasangre", [3124]="Escórpido obrero", [3125]="Escórpido castañeteante", [3126]="Escórpido acorazado", [3127]="Escórpido Venocola", [3128]="Navegante Kul Tiras", [3129]="Marinero Kul Tiras", [3130]="Truenagarto", [3131]="Lomorrayo", [3133]="Herble Montepompa", [3134]="Kzixx", [3135]="Malissa", [3136]="Clarise Nudárbol", [3137]="Matt Johnson", [3138]="Scott Carevin", [3139]="Gar\'Thok", [3140]="Lar Colmillo Acechador", [3141]="Anciano makrura", [3142]="Orgnil Escaralma", [3143]="Gornek", [3144]="Eitrigg", [3145]="Zureetha Vistalonga", [3147]="Furl Ceñosprecio", [3149]="Nez\'raz", [3150]="Hin Denburg", [3151]="Captain Obvious", [3152]="Cap\'n Copyright", [3153]="Frang", [3154]="Jen\'shan", [3155]="Rwag", [3156]="Nartok", [3157]="Shikrik", [3158]="Duokna", [3159]="Kzan Trallafusta", [3160]="Huklah", [3161]="Rarc", [3162]="Burdrak Soplayelmo", [3163]="Uhgar", [3164]="Jark", [3165]="Ghrawt", [3166]="Cutac", [3167]="Wuark", [3168]="Flakk", [3169]="Tarshaw Marcauna", [3170]="Kaplak", [3171]="Thotar", [3172]="Dhugru Ansiagore", [3173]="Swart", [3174]="Dwukk", [3175]="Krunn", [3177]="Turuk Semperámbar", [3178]="Stuart Fleming", [3179]="Harold Riggs", [3180]="Emprendedor Hierro Negro", [3181]="Fremal Tornichup", [3182]="Junder Arroal", [3183]="Yarrog Sombrarruina", [3184]="Miao\'zan", [3185]="Mishiki", [3186]="K\'waii", [3187]="Tai\'tasi", [3188]="Maestro Gadrin", [3189]="Kor\'ghan", [3190]="Rhinag", [3191]="Cocinero Torka", [3192]="Teniente Benedict", [3193]="Misha Tor\'kren", [3194]="Vel\'rin Colmillo", [3195]="Matón Filo Ardiente", [3196]="Neófito Filo Ardiente", [3197]="Fanático Filo Ardiente", [3198]="Aprendiz Filo Ardiente", [3199]="Cultor Filo Ardiente", [3203]="Fizzle Garra Oscura", [3204]="Gazz\'uz", [3205]="Zalazane", [3206]="Trol vudú", [3207]="Trol embrujado", [3208]="Margoz", [3209]="Valiente Pluma de Viento", [3210]="Valiente Morrorgullo", [3211]="Valiente Brillasta", [3212]="Valiente Ferrocorno", [3213]="Valiente Lobo Corredor", [3214]="Valiente Granzuña", [3215]="Valiente Fortunda", [3216]="Neeru Hojafuego", [3217]="Valiente Aguilalba", [3218]="Valiente Vientoveloz", [3219]="Valiente Ciervo Saltador", [3220]="Valiente Oscurcielo", [3221]="Valiente Petrasta", [3222]="Valiente Corresalvaje", [3223]="Valiente Cazalluvia", [3224]="Valiente Nubecrín", [3225]="Jabalí jaspeado corrupto", [3226]="Escórpido corrupto", [3227]="Rojomorro Garrasangre corrupto", [3228]="Reptador de espuma corrupto", [3229]="\"Chillón\" Mantospina", [3230]="Nazgrel", [3231]="Crocolisco Fauzatroz corrupto", [3232]="Intruso Erizapúas", [3233]="Tradicionalista Tótem de Lluvia", [3234]="Kodo de Los Baldíos perdido", [3235]="Kodo de Los Baldíos superior", [3236]="Kodo de Los Baldíos", [3237]="Kodo lanudo", [3238]="Tormentero", [3239]="Tronatesta", [3240]="Morrotormenta", [3241]="Patriarca de la sabana", [3242]="Galopador zhebra", [3243]="Crinalta de la sabana", [3244]="Zancudo de llanura superior", [3245]="Zancudo de llanura ornario", [3246]="Zancudo veloz de llanura", [3247]="Prole de Halcón Trueno", [3248]="Jirafa de Los Baldíos", [3249]="Halcón Trueno superior", [3250]="Trepador silítido", [3251]="Larva silítida", [3252]="Enjambrista silítido", [3253]="Cosechador silítido", [3254]="Colazote Solescama", [3255]="Estridador Solescama", [3256]="Segador Solescama", [3257]="Ishamuhale", [3258]="Cazador Erizapúas", [3260]="Buscaqua Erizapúas", [3261]="Tejespina Erizapúas", [3263]="Geomántica Erizapúas", [3265]="Cazador Crines de Acero", [3266]="Defensor Crines de Acero", [3267]="Desvalijador Crines de Acero", [3268]="Tejespina Crines de Acero", [3269]="Geomántica Crines de Acero", [3270]="Anciana mística Filocico", [3271]="Mística Crines de Acero", [3272]="Retador Kolkar", [3273]="Agitadora Kolkar", [3274]="Corremanadas Kolkar", [3275]="Maleante Kolkar", [3276]="Arpía Alabruja", [3277]="Malapluma Alabruja", [3278]="Destripadora Alabruja", [3279]="Emboscadora Alabruja", [3280]="Clamavientos Alabruja", [3281]="Sarkoth", [3282]="Mercenario de Ventura y Cía.", [3283]="Déspota de Ventura y Cía.", [3284]="Bracero de Ventura y Cía.", [3285]="Peón de Ventura y Cía.", [3286]="Sobrestante de Ventura y Cía.", [3287]="Hana\'zua", [3289]="Espíritu de Minshina", [3290]="Deek Malnegocio", [3291]="Greishan Calefacero", [3292]="Maestro cervecero Drohn", [3293]="Rezlak", [3294]="Ophek", [3295]="Anomalía de lodo", [3296]="Bruto de Orgrimmar", [3297]="Vigía de Sen\'jin", [3298]="Gabrielle Persequín", [3300]="Víboris", [3301]="Morgan Ladimor", [3304]="Maestro Vornal", [3305]="Grisha", [3306]="Keldas", [3309]="Karus", [3310]="Doras", [3312]="Olvia", [3313]="Trak\'gen", [3314]="Urtharo", [3315]="Tor\'phan", [3316]="Handor", [3317]="Ollanus", [3318]="Koma", [3319]="Sana", [3320]="Soran", [3321]="Morgum", [3322]="Kaja", [3323]="Horthus", [3324]="Grol\'dar", [3325]="Mirket", [3326]="Zevrost", [3327]="Gest", [3328]="Ormok", [3329]="Kor\'jus", [3330]="Muragus", [3331]="Kareth", [3332]="Lumak", [3333]="Shankys", [3334]="Rekkul", [3335]="Hagrus", [3336]="Takrin Abrecaminos", [3337]="Kargal Marca de Guerra", [3338]="Sergra Espinoscura", [3339]="Capitán Thalo\'thas Solbrillante", [3341]="Gann Aguja de Piedra", [3342]="Shan\'ti", [3343]="Grelkor", [3344]="Kardris Buscasueños", [3345]="Godan", [3346]="Kithas", [3347]="Yelmak", [3348]="Kor\'geld", [3349]="Ukra\'nor", [3350]="Asoran", [3351]="Magenius", [3352]="Ormak Tirosiniestro", [3353]="Grezz Puñofuria", [3354]="Sorek", [3355]="Saru Furiacerada", [3356]="Sumi", [3357]="Makaru", [3358]="Gorina", [3359]="Kiro", [3360]="Koru", [3361]="Shoma", [3362]="Ogunaro Correlobo", [3363]="Magar", [3364]="Borya", [3365]="Karolek", [3366]="Tamar", [3367]="Felika", [3368]="Borstan", [3369]="Gotri", [3370]="Urtrun Aunaclanes", [3371]="Tamaro", [3372]="Sarlek", [3373]="Arnok", [3374]="Excavador de Bael\'dun", [3375]="Supervisor de Bael\'dun", [3376]="Soldado de Bael\'dun", [3377]="Fusilero de Bael\'dun", [3378]="Oficial de Bael\'dun", [3379]="Truhán Filo Ardiente", [3380]="Acólito Filo Ardiente", [3381]="Salteador de los Mares del Sur", [3382]="Cañonero de los Mares del Sur", [3383]="Degollador de los Mares del Sur", [3384]="Corsario de los Mares del Sur", [3385]="Marino de Theramore", [3386]="Valedora de Theramore", [3387]="Jorn Vidente del Cielo", [3388]="Mahren Vidente del Cielo", [3389]="Regthar Portamorta", [3390]="Boticario Helbrim", [3391]="Gazlowe", [3392]="Prospector Khazgorm", [3393]="Capitana Justamonta", [3394]="Barak Aterrakodos", [3395]="Verog el Derviche", [3396]="Hezrul Marcasangre", [3397]="Destrero de sangre Kolkar", [3398]="Gesharahan", [3399]="Zamja", [3400]="Xen\'to", [3401]="Shenthul", [3402]="Zando\'zan", [3403]="Sian\'tsu", [3404]="Jandi", [3405]="Zeal\'aya", [3406]="Xor\'juul", [3407]="Sian\'dur", [3408]="Zel\'mak", [3409]="Zendo\'jian", [3410]="Jin\'sora", [3411]="Denni\'ka", [3412]="Nogg", [3413]="Sovik", [3414]="General Trenzado (Deprecated in 4.x)", [3415]="Cazadora de la sabana", [3416]="Matriarca de la sabana", [3417]="Llama viva", [3418]="Kirge Astadura", [3419]="Boticaria Zamah", [3421]="Feegly el Exiliado (Old)", [3424]="Desechanube Halcón Trueno", [3425]="Merodeador de la sabana", [3426]="Destrero zhebra", [3428]="Korran", [3429]="Thork", [3430]="Quebrantadientes", [3431]="Grenthar", [3432]="Mankrik", [3433]="Jironack Forjacero", [3434]="Nak", [3435]="Lok Aterraorcos", [3436]="Kuz", [3438]="Kreenig Gruñucico", [3439]="Machacador de Rabiaire", [3441]="Melor Pezuña Pétrea", [3442]="Petardol", [3443]="Larva", [3444]="Rata de madriguera", [3445]="Supervisor Palarrastre", [3446]="Mebok Mizzyrix", [3447]="Paue Correbruma", [3448]="Tonga Tótem de Runa", [3449]="Darsok Movedaga", [3450]="Acompañante Defias", [3451]="Piloto Rabiaire", [3452]="Serena Sangrepluma", [3453]="Maestro de muelles Vertipeluca", [3454]="Cañonero Smythe", [3455]="Cañonero Whessan", [3456]="Abrecaminos Crines de Acero", [3457]="Acechador Crines de Acero", [3458]="Vidente Crines de Acero", [3459]="Frenético bélico Crines de Acero", [3461]="Quijaforte de oasis", [3463]="Jirafa de Los Baldíos deambulante", [3464]="Gazrog", [3465]="Gilthares Ramafuego", [3466]="Trotador zhebra", [3467]="Barón Longavera", [3468]="Anciano del Conocimiento", [3469]="Anciano de la Guerra", [3470]="Rathorian", [3471]="Manitas el Risitas", [3472]="Washte Pawne", [3473]="Owatanka", [3474]="Lakota\'mani", [3475]="Echeyakee", [3476]="Isha Awak", [3477]="Hraq", [3478]="Traugh", [3479]="Nargal Ojo de la Muerte", [3480]="Moorane Granogar", [3481]="Barg", [3482]="Tari\'qa", [3483]="Jahan Ala Halcón", [3484]="Kil\'hala", [3485]="Wrahk", [3486]="Halija Zancablanca", [3487]="Kalyimah Nubormenta", [3488]="Uthrok", [3489]="Zargh", [3490]="Hula\'mahi", [3491]="Ironzar", [3492]="Vexeje", [3493]="Grazlix", [3494]="Manitas de Oro", [3495]="Dentolio", [3496]="Fuzruckle", [3497]="Kilxx", [3498]="Jazzik", [3499]="Ranik", [3500]="Tarhus", [3501]="Guardia de la Horda", [3502]="Truhán de Trinquete", [3503]="Protector silítido", [3504]="Gil", [3505]="Pat", [3507]="Andi", [3508]="Mikey", [3509]="Geoff", [3510]="Oposti", [3511]="Steven", [3512]="Jimmy", [3513]="Señorita Danna", [3514]="Tenaron Tormentagarre", [3515]="Corithras Furia Lunar", [3516]="Archidruida Fandral Corzocelada", [3517]="Rellian Verdeguja", [3518]="Thomas Molina", [3519]="Centinela Arynia Quiebranubes", [3520]="Vieja Emma", [3521]="Ak\'Zeloth", [3522]="Constance Brisboise", [3523]="Bowen Brisboise", [3524]="Espíritu de lobo", [3527]="Tótem Corriente de sanación", [3528]="Armero Piroleña", [3529]="Armero Furia Lunar", [3530]="Sastre Piroleña", [3531]="Sastre Furia Lunar", [3532]="Peletera Piroleña", [3533]="Peletero Furia Lunar", [3534]="Wallace el Ciego", [3535]="Musgonegro el Fétido", [3536]="Kris Legace", [3537]="Zixil", [3538]="Robovigilante, versión 1", [3539]="Ott", [3540]="Hal McAllister", [3541]="Sarah Raycroft", [3542]="Jaysin Lanyda", [3543]="Robert Aebischer", [3544]="Jason Lemieux", [3545]="Claude Erksine", [3546]="Bernie Heisten", [3547]="Hamlin Atkins", [3548]="Selina Weston", [3549]="Shelene Rhobart", [3550]="Martine Tramblay", [3551]="Patrice Dwyer", [3552]="Alexandre Lefevre", [3553]="Sebastian Meloche", [3554]="Andrea Boynton", [3555]="Johan Focht", [3556]="Andrew Hilbert", [3557]="Guillaume Sorouy", [3560]="Guarda de sanación", [3561]="Kyrai", [3562]="Alaindia", [3566]="Merodeador de las estepas", [3567]="Tallonkai Cruzarraíz", [3568]="Niebla", [3569]="Bogono", [3570]="Brezomadera limpio", [3571]="Centinela de Teldrassil", [3572]="Zizzek", [3573]="Tótem Fuente de maná", [3574]="Murciélago de montar", [3577]="Maestro cervecero de Molino Ámbar", [3578]="Minero de Molino Ámbar", [3579]="Tótem Garra de piedra", [3581]="Bestia de cloaca", [3582]="Aman", [3583]="Barithras Sombra Lunar", [3584]="Therylune", [3585]="Therysil", [3586]="[UNUSED 4.x ]Minero Johnson", [3587]="Lyrai", [3588]="Khardan Filorgullo", [3589]="Keina", [3590]="Janna Brillaluna", [3591]="Freja Alanoche", [3592]="Andiss", [3593]="Alyissia", [3594]="Frahun Sombrusurro", [3595]="Shanda", [3596]="Ayanna Semprerguida", [3597]="Mardant Fuerterroble", [3598]="Kyra Espada del Viento", [3599]="Jannok Brisón", [3600]="Laurna Luzdelalba", [3601]="Dazalar", [3602]="Kal", [3603]="Cyndra Suavesusurro", [3604]="Malorne Filohoja", [3605]="Nadyia Tejecrín", [3606]="Alanna Cuervojo", [3607]="Androl Manorroble", [3608]="Aldia", [3609]="Shalomon", [3610]="Jeena Plumarco", [3611]="Brannol Lunáguila", [3612]="Sinda", [3613]="Meri Hilacero", [3614]="Narret Sombrarboleda", [3615]="Devrak", [3616]="Onus", [3617]="Ciudadano de Lordaeron", [3619]="Sable Fantasma", [3620]="Harruk", [3621]="Kurll", [3622]="Grokor", [3624]="Zudd", [3625]="Rarck", [3626]="Jenn Langston", [3627]="Erich Lohan", [3628]="Steven Lohan", [3629]="David Langston", [3630]="Volutador descarriado", [3631]="Latigador con aguijón descarriado", [3632]="Trepador descarriado", [3633]="Destripador descarriado", [3634]="Acechador descarriado", [3636]="Devastador descarriado", [3637]="Guardián descarriado", [3638]="Ectoplasma devorador", [3639]="Centinela Tysha Filoluna", [3640]="Ectoplasma en desarrollo", [3641]="Rondador descarriado", [3644]="Cerellean Zarpablanca", [3649]="Thundris Tejevientos", [3650]="Asterion", [3652]="Tritesta el Azotador", [3653]="Kresh", [3654]="Mutanus el Devorador", [3655]="Loco Magglish", [3657]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Centinela Elissa Brisa Estelar", [3658]="Lizzarik", [3659]="Jorb", [3660]="Athrikus Narassin", [3661]="Balthule Golpesombra", [3662]="Delmanis el Odiado", [3663]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Delgren el Purificador", [3664]="[UNUSED]Ilkrud Magthrull", [3665]="Operador de grúa Pelardo", [3666]="Maniveo Zumbang", [3667]="Anaia Correalba", [3669]="Lord Cobrahn", [3670]="Lord Pythas", [3671]="Lady Anacondra", [3672]="Boahn", [3673]="Lord Serpentis", [3674]="Skum", [3678]="Muyoh", [3679]="Naralex", [3680]="Serpiente reptilia", [3681]="Fuego fatuo", [3682]="Vrang Sangrevaje", [3683]="Kiknikle", [3684]="Pizdillo", [3685]="Harb Garrapezuña", [3688]="Reban Corredor", [3689]="Laer Correstepas", [3690]="Kar Tormensón", [3691]="Raene Correlobo", [3692]="Volcor", [3693]="Terenthis", [3694]="Centinela Selarin", [3695]="Zarpadura", [3696]="Ran Sangradientes", [3698]="Bolyun", [3700]="Jadenvis vigía del mar", [3701]="Tharnariun Espinarbolado", [3702]="Alanndarian Arrullanoche", [3703]="Krulmoo Lunallena", [3704]="Mahani", [3705]="Garraíz", [3706]="Tai\'jin", [3707]="Ken\'jai", [3708]="Gruna", [3711]="Mirmidón Colafuria", [3712]="Filón Colafuria", [3713]="Jinete de olas Colafuria", [3715]="Bruja de mar Colafuria", [3717]="Hechicera Colafuria", [3721]="Hidra Brumazote", [3722]="Despellejador Brumazote", [3725]="Cultor de la Facción Oscura", [3727]="Déspota de la Facción Oscura", [3728]="Adepto de la Facción Oscura", [3730]="Excavador de la Facción Oscura", [3732]="Forsaken Seeker[UNUSED]", [3733]="Herborista Renegado", [3734]="Sobrestante orco", [3735]="Boticario Falthis", [3736]="Destripador Oscuro Mordenthal", [3737]="Saltacharco Gapo Salino", [3739]="Guerrero Gapo Salino", [3740]="Habitabosta Gapo Salino", [3742]="Oráculo Gapo Salino", [3743]="Guerrero Maderiza", [3745]="Abrecaminos Maderiza", [3746]="Vigía del cubil Maderiza", [3748]="Chamán Maderiza", [3749]="Ursa Maderiza", [3750]="Totémico Maderiza", [3752]="Pícaro Xavian", [3754]="Desertor Xavian", [3755]="Jurapenas Xavian", [3757]="Clamainferno Xavian", [3758]="Sátiro Putredor", [3759]="Pícaro Putredor", [3762]="Jurapenas Putredor", [3763]="Acechasombras Putredor", [3765]="Sátiro Almaumbría", [3767]="Tramposo Almaumbría", [3770]="Acechasombras Almaumbría", [3771]="Clamainferno Almaumbría", [3772]="Guardia vil inferior", [3773]="Akkrilus", [3774]="Destripador vil", [3779]="Syurana", [3780]="Arrastrapiés chamuscado", [3781]="Formadera Sombramatorral", [3782]="Muevepiedras Sombramatorral", [3783]="Clamalluvias Sombramatorral", [3784]="Desgarracortezas Sombramatorral", [3789]="Desgarrador Luporror", [3791]="Tejesombra Luporror", [3792]="Señor de la manada Luporror", [3797]="Protector Cenarion", [3799]="Druida aislado", [3801]="Durmiente aislado", [3802]="Soñador aislado", [3803]="Vigilante aislado", [3804]="Intruso Renegado", [3806]="Infiltrado Renegado", [3807]="Asesino Renegado", [3808]="Acechador oscuro Renegado", [3809]="Oso de Vallefresno", [3810]="Oso viejo de Vallefresno", [3811]="Oso gigante de Vallefresno", [3812]="Reptador castañeteante", [3814]="Reptador espinado", [3815]="Dragón relampagueador", [3816]="Ciervo salvaje", [3817]="Venado Necraste", [3818]="Venado Necraste viejo", [3819]="Acechador Espina Salvaje", [3820]="Escupetósigo Espina Salvaje", [3821]="Rondador Espina Salvaje", [3823]="Corredor Garraespectro", [3824]="Aullador Garraespectro", [3825]="Alfa Garraespectro", [3833]="Vindicador Cenarion", [3834]="Anciano enloquecido", [3835]="Sapo bílico", [3836]="Montaraz Guijarro", [3837]="Hipogrifo de montar", [3838]="Vesprystus", [3840]="Druida del Colmillo", [3841]="Teldira Plumalunar", [3842]="Brombar Desordar", [3843]="Anaia", [3844]="Resguardo de sanación IV", [3845]="Shindrell Fuegoveloz", [3846]="Talen", [3847]="Orendil Hojagrande", [3848]="Kayneth Ventoleve", [3849]="Mortacechador Adamant", [3850]="Hechicero Ashcrombe", [3851]="Canoso Colmillo Oscuro", [3853]="Caminalunas Colmillo Oscuro", [3854]="Guardialobo Colmillo Oscuro", [3855]="Almanegra Colmillo Oscuro", [3857]="Glotón Colmillo Oscuro", [3859]="Furiadiente Colmillo Oscuro", [3861]="Huargo lóbrego", [3862]="Huargo babeante", [3863]="Horror lupino", [3864]="Corcel vil", [3865]="Destrero de la Sombra", [3866]="Murciovil", [3868]="Rastreasangre", [3872]="Capitán Juramorte", [3873]="Oficial atormentado", [3875]="Servidor encantado", [3877]="Custodio gemebundo", [3879]="Asesino de la Facción Oscura", [3880]="Centinela Melyria Sombrigélida", [3881]="Grimtak", [3882]="Zlagk", [3883]="Moodan Granosol", [3884]="Jhawna Viento de Avena", [3885]="Centinela Velene Golpe Estelar", [3886]="Zarpador el Carnicero", [3887]="Barón Filargenta", [3888]="Khorra", [3890]="Brakgul Libramorte", [3891]="Cadáver de Teronis", [3892]="Relara Lunablanca", [3893]="Explorador Renegado", [3894]="Pelturas Lunablanca", [3895]="Captain Noteo", [3896]="Captain Placeholder", [3897]="Krolg", [3898]="Aligar el Torturador", [3899]="Balizar el Agraviado", [3900]="Caedakar el Sañoso", [3901]="Illiyana", [3902]="zzOLDTótem abrasador II", [3903]="zzOLDTótem abrasador III", [3904]="zzOLDTótem abrasador IV", [3906]="zzOLDTótem Corriente de sanación II", [3907]="zzOLDTótem Corriente de sanación III", [3908]="zzOLDTótem Corriente de sanación IV", [3909]="zzOLDTótem Corriente de sanación V", [3911]="zzOLDTótem Garra de piedra II", [3912]="zzOLDTótem Garra de piedra III", [3913]="zzOLDTótem Garra de piedra IV", [3914]="Rethilgore", [3915]="Dagri", [3916]="Shael\'dryn", [3917]="Elemental de agua podrida", [3919]="Anciano marchito", [3920]="Anilia", [3921]="Ursa Piel de Cardo", [3922]="Totémico Piel de Cardo", [3923]="Vigía del cubil Piel de Cardo", [3924]="Chamán Piel de Cardo", [3925]="Vengador Piel de Cardo", [3926]="Abrecaminos Piel de Cardo", [3927]="Maestro de lobos Nandos", [3928]="Babosa en podredumbre", [3931]="Oráculo Sombramatorral", [3932]="Guardia Sangradientes", [3933]="Hai\'zan", [3934]="Tabernero Boorand Ventollano", [3935]="Toddrick", [3936]="Shandris Plumaluna", [3937]="Kira Cántico", [3939]="Lobo Crines de Acero", [3940]="Taneel Leñoscuro", [3941]="Uthil Llamaluna", [3942]="Mavoris Quiebranubes", [3943]="Ruuzel", [3944]="Sacerdotisa Colafuria", [3945]="Caravanero Ruzzgot", [3946]="Velinde Cantoestelar", [3947]="Armador goblin", [3948]="Honni Avenaurea", [3950]="Guardián de agua menor", [3951]="Bhaldaran Sombracuervo", [3952]="Aeolynn", [3953]="Tandaan Melenaclara", [3954]="Dalria", [3955]="Shandrina", [3956]="Harklan Arboluna", [3958]="Lardan", [3959]="Nantar", [3960]="Ulthaan", [3961]="Maliynn", [3962]="Haljan Roblezón", [3963]="Danlaar Zancanoche", [3964]="Kylanna", [3965]="Cilania Acecharraíces", [3967]="Aayndia Floralwind", [3968]="Tótem avizor", [3969]="Fahran Filencioso", [3970]="Llana", [3974]="Maestro de canes Loksey", [3975]="Herod", [3976]="Comandante Escarlata Mograine", [3977]="Alta inquisidora Melenablanca", [3978]="Sabio Buscador de la Verdad", [3979]="Bibliotecaria Mae Palipolvo", [3980]="Raleigh el Devoto", [3981]="Vorrel Sengutz", [3982]="Monika Sengutz", [3983]="Interrogador Vishas", [3984]="Nancy Vishas", [3985]="Abuelo Vishas", [3986]="Sarilus Fuenteviciosa", [3987]="Dal Zarpasangrante", [3988]="Operador de Ventura y Cía.", [3989]="Maderero de Ventura y Cía.", [3991]="Deforestador de Ventura y Cía.", [3992]="Resistente de Ventura y Cía.", [3993]="Maquinista de Ventura y Cía.", [3994]="Vigilante Albagorm", [3995]="Médico brujo Jin\'Zil", [3996]="Faldreas Goeth\'Shael", [3998]="Alimaña Cortaviento", [3999]="Cavador Cortaviento", [4001]="Rata de túnel Cortaviento", [4002]="Cantero Cortaviento", [4003]="Geomántico Cortaviento", [4004]="Señor supremo Cortaviento", [4005]="Trepador Musgondo", [4006]="Tejerred Musgondo", [4007]="Escupetósigo Musgondo", [4008]="Agitador de precipicio", [4009]="Agitador de precipicio enfurecido", [4011]="Alaorgullo joven", [4012]="Dracoleón Alaorgullo", [4013]="Cazacielos Alaorgullo", [4014]="Consorte Alaorgullo", [4015]="Patriarca Alaorgullo", [4016]="Dragón hada", [4017]="Dragón hada avispado", [4018]="Trotador cornamentado", [4019]="Gran trotador", [4020]="Bestia de savia", [4021]="Bestia de savia corrupta", [4022]="Arpía Furia Sangrienta", [4023]="Malapluma Furia Sangrienta", [4024]="Destripadora Furia Sangrienta", [4025]="Emboscadora Furia Sangrienta", [4026]="Clamavientos Furia Sangrienta", [4027]="Bruja de la Tormenta Furia Sangrienta", [4028]="Anciano carbonizado", [4029]="Anciano ennegrecido", [4030]="Anciano vengativo", [4031]="Quimera volantona", [4032]="Quimera joven", [4034]="Espíritu de piedra iracundo", [4035]="Espíritu de piedra furioso", [4036]="Espíritu flameante huido", [4037]="Devastador ardiente", [4038]="Destructor ardiente", [4040]="Acechador de cuevas", [4041]="Basilisco agostado", [4042]="Basilisco chamuscado", [4043]="Galthuk", [4044]="Basilisco ennegrecido", [4046]="Magatha Tótem Siniestro", [4047]="Zor Árbol Solitario", [4048]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Díscolo Falfindel", [4049]="Seereth Petrajada", [4050]="Custodio Cenarion", [4051]="Botánico Cenarion", [4052]="Druida Cenarion", [4053]="Hija de Cenarius", [4054]="Hermana sonriente", [4056]="Vigilante Mirkfallon", [4057]="Hijo de Cenarius", [4059]="Espíritu del bosque", [4061]="Dríade Mirkfallon", [4062]="Bombardero Hierro Negro", [4063]="Feeboz", [4064]="Explorador Roca Negra", [4065]="Avizor Roca Negra", [4066]="Nal\'taszar", [4067]="Corredor Crepuscular", [4068]="Mensajero serpiente", [4070]="Constructor de Ventura y Cía.", [4072]="Prisionero de Jin\'Zil", [4073]="XT:4", [4074]="XT:9", [4075]="Rata", [4076]="Cucaracha", [4077]="Gaxim Silvóxido", [4078]="Collin Mauren", [4079]="Centinela Thenysil", [4080]="Kaela Lanzasombra", [4081]="Lomac Destrabaengranajes", [4082]="Grawnal", [4083]="Jeeda", [4084]="Chylina", [4085]="Nizzik", [4086]="Veenix", [4087]="Arias\'ta Rugefilo", [4088]="Elanaria", [4089]="Sildanair", [4090]="Astarii Buscaestelar", [4091]="Jandria", [4092]="Lariia", [4093]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Retador Galak", [4094]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Explorador Galak", [4095]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Aplastador Galak", [4096]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Cazavientos Galak", [4097]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Agitadora Galak", [4098]="Galak Pack Runner", [4099]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Maleante Galak", [4100]="Arpía estridente", [4101]="Malapluma estridente", [4104]="Clamavientos estridente", [4107]="Dracoleón de Nido Alto", [4109]="Consorte de Nido Alto", [4110]="Patriarca de Nido Alto", [4111]="Kóbold Gravamorro", [4112]="Alimaña Gravamorro", [4113]="Cavador Gravamorro", [4114]="Batidor Gravamorro", [4116]="Supervisor Gravamorro", [4117]="Serpiente nubosa", [4118]="Serpiente nubosa venenosa", [4119]="Serpiente nubosa anciana", [4120]="Rocoso tronador", [4124]="Puma de las Agujas", [4126]="Acechador del risco", [4127]="Hiena Dentecenado", [4128]="Acechador Dentecenado", [4129]="Gruñidor Dentecenado", [4130]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Buscador silítido", [4131]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Invasor silítido", [4132]="Krkk\'kx", [4133]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Zángano de colmena silítido", [4138]="Jeen\'ra Corredor de la Noche", [4139]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Terror escórpido", [4140]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Atracador escórpido", [4142]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Tortuga Brillavalva", [4143]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Sacudidor Brillavalva", [4144]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Cavapozos Brillavalva", [4146]="Jocaste", [4147]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Basilisco Gapo Salino", [4150]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Observador Gapo Salino", [4151]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Vitropiel Gapo Salino", [4154]="Carroñero del Desierto de Sal", [4155]="Idriana", [4156]="Astaia", [4158]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Buitre del Desierto de Sal", [4159]="Me\'lynn", [4160]="Ainethil", [4161]="Lysheana", [4163]="Syurna", [4164]="Cilania", [4165]="Elissa Dumas", [4166]="Gacela", [4167]="Dendrythis", [4168]="Elynna", [4169]="Jaeana", [4170]="Ellandrieth", [4171]="Merelyssa", [4172]="Anadyia", [4173]="Landria", [4175]="Vinasia", [4177]="Melea", [4180]="Ealyshia Susurrocío", [4181]="Fyrenna", [4182]="Dalmond", [4183]="Naram Garralarga", [4184]="Geenia Sombrasol", [4185]="Shaldyn", [4186]="Mavralyn", [4187]="Harlon Guardaspina", [4188]="Illyanie", [4189]="Valdaron", [4190]="Kyndri", [4191]="Allyndia", [4192]="Taldan", [4193]="Grondal Brisaluna", [4194]="Ullanna", [4195]="Tiyani", [4196]="Enjambre silítido", [4197]="Ken\'zigla", [4198]="Braelyn Manofuego", [4200]="Laird", [4201]="Ziz Fizziks", [4202]="Gerenzo Silbillave", [4203]="Ariyell Cielosombra", [4204]="Firodren Llamaluna", [4205]="Dorion", [4208]="Lairn", [4209]="Garryeth", [4210]="Alegorn", [4211]="Dannelor", [4212]="Telonis", [4213]="Taladan", [4214]="Erion Sombrusurro", [4215]="Anishar", [4216]="Chardryn", [4217]="Mathrengyl Garroso", [4218]="Denatharion", [4219]="Fylerian Alanoche", [4220]="Cyroen", [4221]="Talaelar", [4222]="Voloren", [4223]="Fyldan", [4225]="Saenorion", [4226]="Ulthir", [4228]="Vaean", [4229]="Mythrin\'dir", [4230]="Yldan", [4231]="Kieran", [4232]="Glorandiir", [4233]="Mythidan", [4234]="Andrus", [4235]="Turian", [4236]="Ciridan", [4240]="Caynrus", [4241]="Mydrannul", [4242]="Acompañante sable de hielo", [4243]="Sombranoche", [4244]="Sombra", [4248]="Hiena Pestillejo", [4249]="Gruñidor Pestillejo", [4250]="Can de manada Galak", [4251]="Corredor goblin", [4252]="Corredor gnomo", [4253]="Forma de oso (elfo de la noche druida)", [4254]="Geofram Dedorroca", [4255]="Brogus Cebatruenos", [4256]="Golnir Dedorroca", [4257]="Lana Cebatruenos", [4258]="Bengus Forjahonda", [4259]="Thurgrum Forjahonda", [4260]="Machacador de Ventura y Cía.", [4261]="Forma de oso (elfo de la noche druida)", [4262]="Centinela de Darnassus", [4263]="Prole de Musgondo", [4264]="Matriarca Musgondo", [4265]="Nyoma", [4266]="Danlyia", [4267]="Daelyshia", [4268]="Lobo grisáceo", [4269]="Yegua zaina", [4270]="Lobo rojo", [4271]="Lobo temible", [4272]="Lobo marrón", [4273]="Vigilante Ordanus", [4274]="Fenrus el Devorador", [4275]="Archimago Arugal", [4276]="Piznik", [4277]="Ojo de Kilrogg", [4278]="Comandante Vallefont", [4279]="Odo el Vigía Ciego", [4280]="Valedor Escarlata", [4281]="Explorador Escarlata", [4282]="Magiero Escarlata", [4283]="Avizor Escarlata", [4284]="Augur Escarlata", [4285]="Discípulo Escarlata", [4286]="Soldado Escarlata", [4287]="Gallardo Escarlata", [4288]="Maestro de bestias Escarlata", [4289]="Evocador Escarlata", [4290]="Custodio Escarlata", [4291]="Adivino Escarlata", [4292]="Protector Escarlata", [4293]="Arúspice Escarlata", [4294]="Hechicero Escarlata", [4295]="Mirmidón Escarlata", [4296]="Adepto Escarlata", [4297]="Conjurador Escarlata", [4298]="Defensor Escarlata", [4299]="Capellán Escarlata", [4300]="Zahorí Escarlata", [4301]="Centurión Escarlata", [4302]="Campeón Escarlata", [4303]="Abad Escarlata", [4304]="Sabueso Escarlata", [4305]="Kriggon Talsone", [4306]="Torturador Escarlata", [4307]="Heldan Sonmistral", [4308]="Espíritu sin grilletes", [4309]="Gorm Tótem Siniestro", [4310]="Cor Tótem Siniestro", [4311]="Holgar Hachatormenta", [4312]="Tharm", [4314]="Gorkas", [4316]="Can de manada Kolkar", [4317]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Nyse", [4319]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Thyssiana", [4320]="Caelyb", [4321]="Baldruc", [4323]="Prole abrasadora", [4324]="Cría abrasadora", [4328]="Horrocrusto Pirocabello", [4329]="Explorador Pirocabello", [4331]="Ceniazote Pirocabello", [4334]="Clamallamas Pirocabello", [4339]="Brotasangre", [4341]="Crocolisco secorrón", [4342]="Malafauce secorrón", [4343]="Sacudidor secorrón", [4344]="Crocolisco secorrón jaspeado", [4345]="Faucedaga secorrón", [4346]="Despellejador nocivo", [4347]="Atracador nocivo", [4348]="Machacador nocivo", [4351]="Raptor Cienorrojo", [4352]="Estridador Cienorrojo", [4355]="Segador Cienorrojo", [4356]="Tajobuche Cienorrojo", [4357]="Colazote Cienorrojo", [4358]="Saltacharco Ancalodo", [4359]="Múrloc Ancalodo", [4360]="Guerrero Ancalodo", [4361]="Habitabosta Ancalodo", [4362]="Correcostas Ancalodo", [4363]="Oráculo Ancalodo", [4364]="Guerrero Strashaz", [4366]="Guardia serpiente Strashaz", [4368]="Mirmidón Strashaz", [4370]="Hechicera Strashaz", [4371]="Sirena Strashaz", [4374]="Hidra Strashaz", [4376]="Araña Niebla Negra", [4377]="Prole Niebla Negra", [4378]="Ermitaña Niebla Negra", [4379]="Virasedal Niebla Negra", [4380]="Viuda Niebla Negra", [4382]="Trepador Parramustia", [4385]="Furibundo Parramustia", [4386]="Desgarrador Parramustia", [4387]="Bestia de lodazal Parramustia", [4388]="Trillador de la oscuridad joven", [4389]="Trillador de la oscuridad", [4390]="Trillador de la oscuridad anciano", [4391]="Moco del pantano", [4392]="Moco del pantano corrosivo", [4393]="Moco del pantano ácido", [4394]="Moco de pantano burbujeante", [4396]="Tortuga Fangorroca", [4397]="Caparapico Fangorroca", [4398]="Perforador Fangorroca", [4399]="Cavapozos Fangorroca", [4400]="Quijaforte Fangorroca", [4401]="Pinzador Valvafango", [4402]="Quebrador Valvafango", [4403]="Tenazario Valvafango", [4404]="Escarbador Valvafango", [4405]="Zarpador Valvafango", [4407]="Teloren", [4408]="Forma acuática (elfo de la noche druida)", [4409]="Guardián Kordurus", [4410]="Forma acuática (elfo de la noche druida)", [4411]="Rondador Colmiumbrío", [4412]="Trepador Colmiumbrío", [4413]="Araña Colmiumbrío", [4414]="Escupetósigo Colmiumbrío", [4415]="Araña Colmiumbrío gigante", [4416]="Cantero Defias", [4417]="Capataz Defias", [4418]="Zahorí Defias", [4419]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Race Master Kronkrider", [4420]="Señor supremo Colmicarnero", [4421]="Charlga Filonavaja", [4422]="Agathelos el Furioso", [4423]="Protector de Darnassus", [4424]="Aggem Malaespina", [4425]="Cazador ciego", [4427]="Guardián del resguardo", [4428]="Portavoz de la muerte Jargba", [4429]="Operario de foso goblin", [4430]="Operario de foso gnomo", [4435]="Guerrero de Rajacieno", [4436]="Jabaguardia de Rajacieno", [4437]="Celador de Rajacieno", [4438]="Cuerolanza de Rajacieno", [4440]="Totémica de Rajacieno", [4442]="Defensor de Rajacieno", [4444]="Mortacechador Vincent", [4451]="Auld Picopiedra", [4452]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Kravel Karbarbán", [4453]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Wizzle Pernolatón", [4454]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Fizzle Pernolatón", [4455]="Red Jack Sílex", [4456]="Fiora Orejona", [4457]="Batidor Ancaniebla", [4458]="Cazador Ancaniebla", [4459]="Oráculo Ancaniebla", [4460]="Gélido Ancaniebla", [4461]="Guerrero Ancaniebla", [4462]="Cazador Roca Negra", [4463]="Invocador Roca Negra", [4464]="Gladiador Roca Negra", [4465]="Guerrero Vilrama", [4466]="Arrancacabelleras Vilrama", [4467]="Veritas Vilrama", [4468]="Lodo de jade", [4469]="Moco esmeralda", [4472]="Visión mortificadora", [4474]="Cadáver en podredumbre", [4475]="Zombi contagiado", [4476]="Screaming Haunt", [4479]="Fardel Dabyrie", [4480]="Kenata Dabyrie", [4481]="Marcel Dabyrie", [4483]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Moktar Krin", [4484]="Feero Ferramán", [4485]="Belgrom Destrozarroca", [4486]="Genavie Callow", [4488]="Parqual Fintallas", [4489]="Braug Espíritu Tenue", [4490]="Grenka Aullasangre", [4493]="Vengador Escarlata", [4494]="Vinculahechizos escarlata", [4495]="Encargado de foso gnomo", [4496]="Encargado de foso goblin", [4497]="Captain Quirk", [4498]="Maurin Partehuesos", [4499]="Rok\'Alim el Aporreador", [4500]="Señor supremo Mok\'Morokk", [4501]="Draz\'Zilb", [4502]="Tharg", [4503]="Fangolpe Piesucio", [4504]="Faucehielo", [4505]="Marinero de cubierta Velasangre", [4506]="Bisoño Velasangre", [4507]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Daisy", [4508]="Willix el Importador", [4509]="Sargath", [4510]="Heralath Arroyobarbecho", [4511]="Lágrima silenciosa de Agamaggan", [4512]="Agam\'ar en podredumbre", [4514]="Agam\'ar enfurecido", [4515]="Acólito Caramuerte", [4516]="Adepta Caramuerte", [4517]="Sacerdote Caramuerte", [4518]="Sabia Caramuerte", [4519]="Vidente Caramuerte", [4520]="Geomántica de Rajacieno", [4521]="Treshala Arroyobarbecho", [4522]="Tejepolvo de Rajacieno", [4523]="Terremoto de Rajacieno", [4525]="Rompesuelos de Rajacieno", [4526]="Aullavientos", [4528]="Estruendor de piedra", [4530]="Controlador de Rajacieno", [4531]="Instructor de bestias de Rajacieno", [4532]="Maestro de bestias de Rajacieno", [4534]="Hiena domesticada", [4535]="Jabaguerrero domesticado", [4538]="Murciélago del Horado", [4539]="Murciélago del Horado superior", [4540]="Monje Escarlata", [4541]="Sangre de Agamaggan", [4542]="Alto inquisidor Ribalimpia", [4543]="Mago sangriento Thalnos", [4544]="Krueg Machacacráneos", [4545]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Nag\'zehn", [4546]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Bor\'zehn", [4547]="Acechasombras Tarkreu", [4548]="Metaleador", [4549]="William Montesco", [4550]="Ofelia Montesco", [4551]="Michael Garrett", [4552]="Eunice Burch", [4553]="Ronald Burch", [4554]="Tawny Grisette", [4555]="Eleanor Rusk", [4556]="Gordon Wendham", [4557]="Louis Warren", [4558]="Lauren Newcomb", [4559]="Timothy Weldon", [4560]="Walter Ellingson", [4561]="Daniel Bartlett", [4562]="Thomas Mordan", [4563]="Kaal Segador de Almas", [4564]="Luther Pickman", [4565]="Richard Kerwin", [4566]="Kaelystia Aversión", [4567]="Pierce Shackleton", [4568]="Anastasia Hartwell", [4569]="Charles Seaton", [4570]="Sydney Upton", [4571]="Morley Bates", [4572]="Silas Zimmer", [4573]="Armand Cromwell", [4574]="Lizbeth Cromwell", [4575]="Hannah Akeley", [4576]="Josef Gregorian", [4577]="Millie Gregorian", [4578]="Josephine Lister", [4580]="Lucille Castleton", [4581]="Salazar Bloch", [4582]="Carolyn Ward", [4583]="Miles Dexter", [4584]="Gregory Charles", [4585]="Ezekiel Tumbas", [4586]="Graham Van Talen", [4587]="Elizabeth Van Talen", [4588]="Arthur Moore", [4589]="Joseph Moore", [4590]="Jonathan Chambers", [4591]="Mary Edras", [4592]="Nathaniel Steenwick", [4593]="Christoph Walker", [4594]="Angela Curthas", [4595]="Baltus Fowler", [4596]="James Van Brunt", [4597]="Samuel Van Brunt", [4598]="Brom Killian", [4599]="Sarah Killian", [4600]="Geoffrey Hartwell", [4601]="Francis Eliot", [4602]="Benijah Fenner", [4603]="Nicholas Atwood", [4604]="Abigail Sawyer", [4605]="Basil Frye", [4606]="Aelthalyste", [4607]="Padre Lankester", [4608]="Padre Lazarus", [4609]="Doctor Marsh", [4610]="Algernon", [4611]="Doctor Herbert Halsey", [4612]="Boyle", [4613]="Christopher Drakul", [4614]="Martha Alliestar", [4615]="Katrina Alliestar", [4616]="Lavinia Crowe", [4617]="Thaddeus Webb", [4618]="Martek el Exiliado", [4619]="Geltharis", [4620]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Fobeed", [4623]="Campeón Jabaguardia", [4624]="Truhán de Bahía del Botín", [4625]="Guarda Caramuerte", [4627]="Abisario de Arugal", [4629]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Maestro rastreador Zherin", [4630]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Pozzik", [4631]="Jefe de embarcadero Lozgil", [4632]="Centauro Kolkar", [4633]="Explorador Kolkar", [4634]="Aplastador Kolkar", [4635]="Cazavientos Kolkar", [4636]="Señor de batalla Kolkar", [4637]="Destructor Kolkar", [4638]="Explorador Magram", [4639]="Avanzado Magram", [4640]="Retador Magram", [4641]="Cazavientos Magram", [4642]="Agitadora Magram", [4643]="Corremanadas Magram", [4644]="Maleante Magram", [4645]="Aplastador Magram", [4646]="Avanzado Gelkis", [4647]="Explorador Gelkis", [4648]="Coceador Gelkis", [4649]="Cazavientos Gelkis", [4651]="Clamatierras Gelkis", [4652]="Aplastador Gelkis", [4653]="Maleante Gelkis", [4654]="Explorador Maraudine", [4655]="Retador Maraudine", [4656]="Aplastador Maraudine", [4657]="Cazavientos Maraudine", [4658]="Agitadora Maraudine", [4659]="Maleante Maraudine", [4660]="Zarpósea Maraudine", [4661]="Estruendor Gelkis", [4662]="Zarpósea Magram", [4663]="Augur Filo Ardiente", [4664]="Atracador Filo Ardiente", [4665]="Adepto Filo Ardiente", [4666]="Jurapenas Filo Ardiente", [4667]="Mago oscuro Filo Ardiente", [4668]="Invocador Filo Ardiente", [4670]="Pícaro Odio Feroz", [4671]="Tramposo Odio Feroz", [4672]="Jurapenas Odio Feroz", [4673]="Traidor Odio Feroz", [4674]="Acechasombras Odio Feroz", [4675]="Clamainferno Odio Feroz", [4676]="Infernal inferior", [4677]="Guardiavil", [4678]="Devorador de maná", [4679]="Doncella abisal", [4680]="Capitán guardiavil", [4681]="Cazador de magos", [4682]="Hermana abisal", [4684]="Hechicera abisal", [4685]="Cazador Ley", [4686]="Gigante Zancaprofunda", [4687]="Buscador Zancaprofunda", [4688]="Hiena Zarpósea", [4689]="Zarpósea famélica", [4690]="Zarpósea rabiosa", [4692]="Aguilón aterrador", [4693]="Volador aterrador", [4694]="Desgarrador aterrador", [4695]="Horror carroñero", [4696]="Sacudidor Scorpashi", [4697]="Azotador Scorpashi", [4699]="Lativenenoso Scorpashi", [4700]="Kodo envejecido", [4701]="Kodo moribundo", [4702]="Kodo anciano", [4705]="Convocador Filo Ardiente", [4706]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Razzeric", [4707]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Zuzubee", [4708]="Shreev", [4709]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Zamek", [4710]="Carnero gris", [4711]="Naga Filozante", [4712]="Hechicera Filozante", [4713]="Guerrero Filozante", [4714]="Mirmidón Filozante", [4715]="Filón Filozante", [4716]="Cazamareas Filozante", [4718]="Oráculo Filozante", [4719]="Bruja de mar Filozante", [4720]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Rizzle Pernolatón", [4721]="Zangen Pezuña Pétrea", [4722]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Rau Abiscorredor", [4723]="Supervisor Cozzle", [4726]="Truenagarto enfurecido", [4727]="Truenagarto anciano", [4728]="Basilisco Faucegrava", [4729]="Basilisco Faucegrava descomunal", [4730]="Lelanai", [4731]="Zachariah Post", [4732]="Randal Predatio", [4752]="Kildar", [4753]="Jartsam", [4772]="Ultham Ferrocorno", [4773]="Velma Warnam", [4775]="Felicia Doan", [4777]="Carnero blanco", [4778]="Carnero de escarcha", [4779]="Carnero marrón", [4780]="Carnero negro", [4781]="Husmeador taltuza", [4782]="Truk Barbaje", [4783]="Vigía del Alba Selgorm", [4784]="Guardia Argenta Manados", [4785]="Pesadilla ilusoria", [4786]="Vigía del Alba Shaedlass", [4787]="Explorador Thaelrid", [4788]="Sátiro Malarraíz", [4789]="Pícaro Malarraíz", [4791]="Nazeer Picasangre", [4792]="\"Ojolodo\" Jarl", [4794]="Morgan Stern", [4795]="Fuerza de la Naturaleza", [4798]="Acechasombras Malarraíz", [4799]="Clamainferno Malarraíz", [4802]="Sacerdotisa de las mareas Brazanegra", [4803]="Oráculo Brazanegra", [4805]="Bruja de mar Brazanegra", [4807]="Mirmidón Brazanegra", [4809]="Acólito Crepuscular", [4810]="Atracador Crepuscular", [4811]="Acuamántico Crepuscular", [4812]="Buscatradición Crepuscular", [4813]="Mago oscuro Crepuscular", [4814]="Elementalista Crepuscular", [4815]="Quebrador Sombroscura", [4818]="Múrloc Cegaluz", [4819]="Habitabosta Cegaluz", [4820]="Oráculo Cegaluz", [4821]="Crustarácnido", [4822]="Crustáceo mordedor", [4823]="Crustáceo espinoso", [4824]="Pescador Aku\'mai", [4825]="Quijaforte Aku\'mai", [4827]="Trillasín de la fosa profunda", [4829]="Aku\'mai", [4830]="Viejo Serra\'kis", [4831]="Lady Sarevess", [4832]="Señor Crepuscular Kelris", [4834]="Infiltrado de Theramore", [4841]="Lodomuerto", [4842]="Clamatierras Halmgar", [4844]="Perito de Forjatiniebla", [4845]="Rufián de Forjatiniebla", [4846]="Cavador de Forjatiniebla", [4847]="Cazador de reliquias de Forjatiniebla", [4848]="Forjador oscuro de Forjatiniebla", [4849]="Arqueólogo de Forjatiniebla", [4850]="Rondador Grutacanto", [4851]="Masticapiedras Grutacanto", [4852]="Oráculo Grutacanto", [4853]="Geomántico Grutacanto", [4854]="Grimlok", [4855]="Camorrista Grutacanto", [4856]="Cazador de las cuevas Grutacanto", [4857]="Vigilante de piedra", [4860]="Administrador de piedra", [4861]="Alcaudociélago", [4863]="Basilisco Dorsaljade", [4872]="Gólem obsidiana", [4875]="Turhaw", [4876]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Jawn Mesalta", [4877]="Jandia", [4878]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Montarr", [4879]="Ogg\'marr", [4880]="\"Apestoso\" Ignatz", [4883]="Krak", [4884]="Zulrg", [4885]="Gregor MacVince", [4886]="Hans Weston", [4887]="Ghamoo-ra", [4888]="Marie Holdston", [4889]="Torq Balacero", [4890]="Piter Verance", [4891]="Dwane Wertle", [4892]="Jensen Farran", [4893]="Posadera Lillian", [4894]="Craig Guardanol", [4895]="Jim Sonrisas", [4896]="Charity Mipsy", [4897]="Helenia Olden", [4898]="Brant Brotojaspe", [4899]="Uma Bartulm", [4900]="Alquimista Narett", [4901]="Sara Pierce", [4902]="Mikal Pierce", [4921]="Guardia Byron", [4922]="Guardia Eduardo", [4923]="Guardia Jarad", [4924]="Maestro de combate Critón", [4926]="Krog", [4941]="Caz Dosdientes", [4943]="Mosarn", [4944]="Capitán Garran Vimes", [4945]="Vehículo de arrastre goblin", [4946]="Vehículo de arrastre gnomo", [4947]="Teniente de Theramore", [4948]="Ayudante Tesoran", [4949]="Thrall", [4950]="Toby", [4951]="Guardia en prácticas de Theramore", [4952]="Muñeco-diana de combate de Theramore", [4953]="Culebra de agua", [4954]="Uttnar", [4958]="Espíritu mortificador", [4959]="Jorgen", [4960]="Obispo DeLavey", [4961]="Dashel Puñopiedra", [4962]="Tapoke \"El Flaco\" Jahn", [4963]="Mikhail", [4964]="Comandante Samaul", [4965]="Dolida", [4966]="Soldado Hendel", [4967]="Archimago Tervosh", [4968]="Lady Jaina Valiente", [4969]="Matón del Casco Antiguo", [4971]="Amigo de El Flaco", [4972]="Kagoro", [4973]="Guardia Lasiter", [4974]="Aldwin Risante", [4977]="Conchablanda Sombroscura", [4978]="Sirviente Aku\'mai", [4979]="Guardia de Theramore", [4980]="Paval Reethe", [4981]="Ben Trias", [4982]="Thomas", [4983]="Ogron", [4984]="Argos Susurro Nocturno", [4995]="Guardia de las Mazmorras", [4996]="Guardia de la empalizada malherido", [5032]="World Alchemy Trainer", [5037]="World Engineering Trainer", [5038]="World Enchanting Trainer", [5040]="World Leatherworking Trainer", [5041]="World Tailoring Trainer", [5042]="Enfermera Lillian", [5043]="Alborotador", [5044]="Hostigador de Theramore", [5045]="Soldado Hallan", [5046]="Teniente Caldwell", [5047]="Ellaercia", [5048]="Víboris descarriada", [5049]="Lyesa Frenteacerada", [5052]="Edward Remington", [5053]="Crocolisco descarriado", [5054]="Krumn", [5055]="Azotador descarriado", [5056]="Colminferno descarriado", [5057]="Desertor de Theramore", [5058]="Huargo Guardialobo", [5081]="Connor Ríos", [5082]="Vincent Hyal", [5083]="Pagador Lendry", [5085]="Guardia del Alto del Centinela", [5086]="Capitán Wymor", [5087]="Do\'gol", [5088]="Falgran Hastil", [5089]="Balos Jacken", [5090]="Maestro de combate Szigueti", [5091]="Guardia Kahil", [5092]="Guardia Lana", [5093]="Guardia Narrisha", [5094]="Guardia Tark", [5095]="Capitán Andrews", [5096]="Capitán Thomas", [5097]="Delusión lupina", [5099]="Soleil Mantopétreo", [5100]="Fillius Maleje", [5101]="Bryllia Ferracha", [5102]="Dolman Furiacerada", [5103]="Grenil Furiacerada", [5106]="Bromiir Ormsen", [5107]="Mangorn Martílex", [5108]="Raena Martílex", [5109]="Myra Tyrngaarde", [5110]="Barim Jurgenstaad", [5111]="Tabernero Brebefuego", [5112]="Gwenna Brebefuego", [5113]="Kelv Martillo Severo", [5114]="Bilban Cálculo", [5115]="Daera Lanza Reluciente", [5116]="Olmin Barbardiente", [5117]="Regnus Tronagranito", [5118]="Brogun Petrescudo", [5119]="Hegnar Hacharrápida", [5120]="Brenwyn Ventacerado", [5121]="Kelomir Manoyerro", [5122]="Skolmin Furiadorada", [5123]="Bretta Furiadorada", [5124]="Sognar Barbarrisco", [5125]="Dolkin Yelmorrisco", [5126]="Olthran Yelmorrisco", [5127]="Fimble Bueneje", [5128]="Bombus Bueneje", [5129]="Lissyphus Bueneje", [5130]="Jondor Frenteacerada", [5132]="Pithwick", [5133]="Harick Tamborroca", [5134]="Jonivera Montelejano", [5135]="Svalbrad Montelejano", [5137]="Reyna Ramapiedra", [5138]="Gwina Ramapiedra", [5139]="Kurdrum Barbacebada", [5140]="Edris Barbacebada", [5141]="Theodrus Barbagélida", [5142]="Braenna Riscosílex", [5143]="Toldren Acerhondo", [5144]="Bink", [5145]="Juli Tormentacaldera", [5146]="Nittlebur Chispancio", [5147]="Valgar Forjalta", [5148]="Beldruk Ceñomaldito", [5149]="Brandur Martiyerro", [5150]="Nissa Piedra de fuego", [5151]="Ginny Largamora", [5152]="Bingus", [5153]="Jormund Petrocejas", [5154]="Poranna Trenzanubes", [5155]="Ingrys Petrocejas", [5156]="Maeva Trenzanubes", [5157]="Gimble Cardopelusa", [5158]="Tilli Cardopelusa", [5159]="Daryl Riknussun", [5160]="Emrul Riknussun", [5161]="Grimnur Marcapedra", [5162]="Tansy Burbajea", [5163]="Burbik Trazagranaje", [5164]="Grumnus Forjacero", [5165]="Hulfdan Barbanegra", [5166]="Ormyr Ojílex", [5167]="Fenthwick", [5169]="Tynnus Lanzaveneno", [5170]="Hjoldir Hojapiedra", [5171]="Corazón de Cardo", [5172]="Brezospina", [5173]="Alexander Calder", [5174]="Muello Saltarín", [5175]="Cortallave Volopiñón", [5177]="Tally Burbubaya", [5178]="Soolie Burbubaya", [5184]="Avizor de Theramore", [5185]="Tiburón Martillo", [5186]="Tiburón Peregrino", [5188]="Garyl", [5189]="Thrumn", [5190]="Merill Pleasance", [5191]="Shalumon", [5193]="Rebecca Risante", [5194]="Lobo de montar negro", [5195]="Lobo de montar marrón", [5196]="Lobo de montar grisáceo", [5197]="Lobo de montar rojo", [5198]="Lobo de montar ártico", [5199]="Médica Tamberlyn", [5200]="Médica Helaina", [5202]="Objetivo de tiro con arco", [5204]="Boticaria Zinge", [5224]="Deslizador de la oscuridad", [5225]="Escupidor de la oscuridad", [5226]="Gusano de la oscuridad", [5228]="Moco saturado", [5229]="Ogro Gordunni", [5232]="Tosco Gordunni", [5234]="Aplastador Gordunni", [5235]="Moco fúngico", [5236]="Chamán Gordunni", [5237]="Ogro mago Gordunni", [5238]="Maestro de batalla Gordunni", [5239]="Señor de la magia Gordunni", [5240]="Brujo Gordunni", [5241]="Señor de la guerra Gordunni", [5243]="Atal\'ai maldito", [5244]="Aguijonero Zukk\'ash", [5245]="Avispa Zukk\'ash", [5246]="Trabajador Zukk\'ash", [5247]="Tunelador Zukk\'ash", [5249]="Bastardo Zarpaleña", [5251]="Trampero Zarpaleña", [5253]="Tosco Zarpaleña", [5254]="Místico Zarpaleña", [5255]="Atracador Zarpaleña", [5256]="Guerrero Atal\'ai", [5258]="Alfa Zarpaleña", [5259]="Médico brujo Atal\'ai", [5260]="Simio Groddoc", [5261]="Atal\'ai sometido", [5262]="Tronador Groddoc", [5263]="Atal\'ai momificado", [5267]="Atal\'ai sin vida", [5268]="Oso Cueracero", [5269]="Sacerdote Atal\'ai", [5270]="Comecadáveres Atal\'ai", [5271]="Caminamuerte Atal\'ai", [5272]="Oso Cueracero grisáceo", [5273]="Sumo sacerdote Atal\'ai", [5274]="Patriarca Cueracero", [5276]="Duende dragón", [5277]="Horrocrusto pesadilla", [5278]="Duende dardo", [5280]="Verminte pesadilla", [5283]="Errante pesadilla", [5286]="Corredor Dientelargo", [5287]="Aullador Dientelargo", [5288]="Dientelargo rabioso", [5291]="Alaescarcha Hakkari", [5292]="Yeti Cicatriz Feral", [5293]="Cicatriz Feral descomunal", [5295]="Cicatriz Feral iracundo", [5296]="Yeti Cicatriz de Rabia", [5297]="Ancestro Cicatriz de Rabia", [5299]="Cicatriz de Rabia feroz", [5300]="Hipogrifo Plumavieja", [5304]="Alacervo Plumavieja", [5305]="Asaltacielo Plumavieja", [5306]="Patriarca Plumavieja", [5307]="Estridador del valle", [5308]="Estridador del valle huido", [5312]="Lethlas", [5314]="Phantim", [5317]="Oráculo Jademir", [5319]="depositario arbóreo Jademir", [5320]="Guardarrama Fuego de Jade", [5327]="Quebrador Reptacostas", [5328]="Videnista Reptacostas", [5331]="Guerrero Crestafuria", [5332]="Jinete de olas Crestafuria", [5333]="Guardia serpiente Crestafuria", [5334]="Mirmidón Crestafuria", [5335]="Vociferadora Crestafuria", [5336]="Hechicera Crestafuria", [5337]="Sirena Crestafuria", [5343]="Lady Szallah", [5345]="Cabeza Diamante", [5346]="Rugesangre el Acechador", [5347]="Antilus el Surcador", [5348]="Dreamwatcher Forktongue", [5349]="Arash-ethis", [5350]="Qirot", [5352]="Viejo Tripasgrises", [5353]="Itharius", [5354]="Núdor Fraterfolio", [5356]="Gruñidor", [5357]="Caminatierras", [5358]="Gigante del risco", [5359]="Zancaorillas", [5360]="Zancaprofunda", [5361]="Asaltaolas", [5362]="Arpía Nortearroyo", [5363]="Malapluma Nortearroyo", [5364]="Destripadora Nortearroyo", [5366]="Clamavientos Nortearroyo", [5384]="Brohann Barriliga", [5385]="Vigía Mahar Ba", [5386]="Acólito Dellis", [5387]="Alto expedicionario Magellas", [5388]="Ingo Lanudo", [5389]="Prospector Gunstan", [5390]="Sabio Correpálido", [5391]="Galen Bonguarda", [5392]="Yarr Martillal", [5393]="Intendente Lungertz", [5394]="Neeka Marca de Sangre", [5395]="Felgur Doscortes", [5396]="Capitán Pentigast", [5397]="Uthek la Sabia", [5398]="Warug", [5399]="Veyzhak el Caníbal", [5400]="Zekkis", [5401]="Kazkaz el Blasfemo", [5402]="Khan Hratha", [5403]="Semental blanco de montar", [5404]="Semental negro", [5405]="Pinto", [5406]="Palomino", [5407]="Pesadilla", [5409]="Cosechador esclavizado", [5411]="Krinkle Buenacero", [5412]="Gurda Ferocrín", [5413]="Furen Barbalarga", [5414]="Boticario Faustin", [5416]="Infiltrado Marksen", [5418]="Mortacechador Zraedus", [5419]="Basilisco Cristaldermo", [5420]="Observador Cristaldermo", [5421]="Petrificador Cristaldermo", [5422]="Cazador escórpido", [5423]="Colazote escórpido", [5424]="Acechadunas escórpido", [5425]="Llagapata famélica", [5426]="Hiena Llagapata", [5427]="Llagapata rabiosa", [5428]="Roc", [5429]="Roc de fuego", [5430]="Roc abrasador", [5431]="Planoleador", [5432]="Planoleador gigante", [5434]="Tiburón coralino", [5435]="Tiburón de arena", [5441]="Avispa Hazzali", [5450]="Aguijonero Hazzali", [5451]="Enjambrista Hazzali", [5452]="Trabajador Hazzali", [5453]="Tunelador Hazzali", [5454]="Atracador de arena Hazzali", [5455]="Avispa Centipaar", [5456]="Aguijonero Centipaar", [5457]="Enjambrista Centipaar", [5458]="Trabajador Centipaar", [5459]="Tunelador Centipaar", [5460]="Atracador de arena Centipaar", [5461]="Elemental de mar", [5462]="Rocío del mar", [5464]="Maestro de vigilantes Sorigal", [5465]="Furibundo de la tierra", [5466]="Zancacostas", [5467]="Habitante de las profundidades", [5469]="Quebrantador de las dunas", [5470]="Quebrantador de las dunas enfurecido", [5471]="Ogro Machacaduna", [5472]="Déspota Machacaduna", [5473]="Ogro mago Machacaduna", [5474]="Tosco Machacaduna", [5475]="Brujo Machacaduna", [5476]="Vigía Biggs", [5477]="Noboru el Garrote", [5479]="Wu Shen", [5480]="Ilsa Corbin", [5481]="Colector de rocío Cardizal", [5482]="Stephen Lomocenteno", [5483]="Erika Tate", [5484]="Hermano Benjamin", [5485]="Enraizador Cardizal", [5489]="Hermano Joshua", [5490]="Cardizal nudoso", [5491]="Arthur el Leal", [5492]="Katherine la Pura", [5493]="Arnold Leland", [5494]="Catherine Leland", [5495]="Ursula Deline", [5496]="Sandahl", [5497]="Jennea Cañón", [5498]="Elsharin", [5499]="Lilyssia Brisa Nocturna", [5500]="Tel\'Athir", [5501]="Kaerbrus", [5502]="Shylamiir", [5503]="Eldraeith", [5504]="Sheldras Árbol Lunar", [5505]="Theridran", [5506]="Maldryn", [5508]="Strumner Talonsílex", [5509]="Kathrum Mano de Hacha", [5510]="Thulman Riscosílex", [5511]="Therum Forjahonda", [5512]="Kaita Forjahonda", [5513]="Gelman Petramano", [5514]="Brooke Petratrenza", [5515]="Einris Lanza Reluciente", [5516]="Ulfir Barbaférrea", [5517]="Thorfin Petrescudo", [5518]="Lilliam Chispeje", [5519]="Billibub Volopiñón", [5520]="Spackle Zarzamora", [5523]="Kodo destacamento de guerra", [5543]="Clarice Foster", [5546]="Bruto Zuul", [5547]="Bruto Tharlak", [5564]="Simon Peletero", [5565]="Jillian Peletero", [5566]="Tannysa", [5567]="Sellandus", [5568]="Gnomo paria capturado", [5569]="Fizzlebang Bums", [5570]="Bruuk Barbacebada", [5591]="Dar", [5592]="Tok\'Kar", [5593]="Katar", [5594]="Alquimista Morterozugg", [5595]="Guardia de Forjaz", [5597]="Bruto Komak", [5598]="Exiliado Atal\'ai", [5599]="Kon Ojos Amarillos", [5600]="Khan Dez\'hepah", [5601]="Khan Jehn", [5602]="Khan Shaka", [5603]="Bruta Mojka", [5605]="Tisa Martine", [5606]="Goma", [5607]="Roger", [5608]="Jamin", [5609]="Zazo", [5610]="Kozish", [5611]="Posadero Morag", [5612]="Gimrizz Molaro", [5613]="Doyo\'da", [5614]="Sarok", [5615]="Pícaro Vagayermo", [5616]="Ladrón Vagayermo", [5617]="Mago oscuro Vagayermo", [5618]="Bandido Vagayermo", [5620]="Posadero Wental", [5622]="Ongeku", [5623]="Asesino Vagayermo", [5624]="Guardián de Entrañas", [5634]="Rapsodio Machacacanillas", [5635]="Falstad Martillo Salvaje", [5636]="Maestro de grifos Garracha", [5637]="Roetten Rocamartillo", [5638]="Kreldig Ungor", [5639]="Craven Drok", [5640]="Keldran", [5641]="Takata Hoja de Acero", [5642]="Vahlarriel Destripademonios", [5643]="Tyranis Malem", [5644]="Dalinda Malem", [5645]="Desollador Furiarena", [5646]="Lanzahachas Furiarena", [5647]="Clamafuegos Furiarena", [5648]="Taumaturgo umbrío Furiarena", [5649]="Bebesangre Furiarena", [5650]="Médico brujo Furiarena", [5651]="Patrick Garrett", [5652]="Muñeco-diana de prácticas de Entrañas", [5653]="Tyler", [5654]="Edward", [5655]="Robert Gossom", [5656]="Richard Van Brunt", [5657]="Marla Avis", [5658]="Chloe Curthas", [5659]="Andrew Hartwell", [5660]="Riley Walker", [5661]="Hermano Malach", [5662]="Sargento Houser", [5663]="Travist Bosk", [5664]="Eldin Partridge", [5665]="Alyssa Blaye", [5666]="Efigie de Gunther", [5667]="Venya Marthand", [5668]="Mattie Alred", [5669]="Helena Atwood", [5670]="Edrick Killian", [5674]="Objetivo de prácticas", [5675]="Carendin Halgar", [5676]="Abisario invocado", [5677]="Súcubo invocado", [5679]="Lysta Bancroft", [5680]="Humano cautivo", [5681]="Humana cautiva", [5682]="Dalin Forjador", [5683]="Comar Villardo", [5685]="Necrófago cautivo", [5686]="Zombi cautivo", [5687]="Abominación cautiva", [5688]="Tabernera Renee", [5690]="Clyde Kellen", [5691]="Proyección de Dalin Forjador", [5692]="Proyección de Comar Villardo", [5693]="Godrick Farsan", [5694]="Sumo hechicero Andromath", [5695]="Vance Bajopenumbra", [5696]="Gerard Abernathy", [5697]="Theresa", [5698]="Joanna Whitehall", [5699]="Leona Tharpe", [5700]="Samantha Shackleton", [5701]="Selina Pickman", [5702]="Jezelle Pruitt", [5703]="Winifred Kerwin", [5704]="Adrian Bartlett", [5705]="Victor Bartholomew", [5706]="Davitt Hickson", [5707]="Reginald Grimsford", [5708]="Engendro de Hakkar", [5709]="Sombra de Eranikus", [5710]="Jammal\'an el Profeta", [5711]="Ogom el Desdichado", [5712]="Zolo", [5713]="Gasher", [5714]="Loh\'ro", [5715]="Hukku", [5716]="Zul\'Lor", [5717]="Mijan", [5718]="Rothos", [5719]="Morphaz", [5720]="Sastrón", [5721]="Segasueños", [5722]="Hazzas", [5723]="Muñeco-diana de Warug", [5724]="Ageron Kargal", [5725]="Guardia de la Muerte Lundmark", [5726]="Manáfago de Jezelle", [5727]="Corcel vil de Jezelle", [5728]="Súcubo de Jezelle", [5729]="Abisario de Jezelle", [5730]="Diablillo de Jezelle", [5731]="Boticaria Vallia", [5732]="Boticaria Katrina", [5733]="Boticario Lycanus", [5734]="Boticario Keever", [5735]="Humana enjaulada", [5736]="Humano enjaulado", [5738]="Enano enjaulado", [5739]="Ardilla enjaulada", [5741]="Conejo enjaulado", [5742]="Sapo enjaulado", [5743]="Oveja enjaulada", [5744]="Cedric Stumpel", [5747]="Hepzibah Sedgewick", [5748]="Killian Sanatha", [5749]="Kayla Smithe", [5750]="Gina Lang", [5752]="Cabo Melkins", [5753]="Martha Strain", [5754]="Zane Bradford", [5755]="Víbora descarriada", [5756]="Venala descarriada", [5757]="Lilly", [5758]="Leo Sarn", [5759]="Enfermera Neela", [5760]="Lord Azrethoc", [5761]="Arrastrapiés descarriado", [5762]="Mocasín descarriada", [5763]="Ectoplasma pesadilla", [5764]="Guardián de la ventisca", [5765]="Ruzan", [5766]="Cachorro de la sabana", [5767]="Nalpak", [5768]="Ebru", [5769]="Archidruida Hamuul Tótem de Runa", [5770]="Nara Ferocrín", [5771]="Jugkar Lug\'vara", [5772]="Imagen de Lord Azrethoc", [5773]="Imagen de Jugkar Grim\'rod", [5774]="Lobo de montar", [5775]="Verdan el Eterno", [5776]="Ectoplasma en desarrollo (rojo)", [5777]="Ectoplasma en desarrollo (verde)", [5778]="Ectoplasma en desarrollo (negro)", [5780]="Ectoplasma clonado", [5781]="Huevo de trepador silítido", [5782]="Crildor", [5783]="Kalldan Lunavil", [5784]="Waldor", [5785]="Hermana Azote de Odio", [5786]="Jalalanza", [5787]="Déspota Emilgund", [5791]="Forma de serpiente de Cobrahn", [5792]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Maestro de arrastre Miglen", [5797]="Aean Río Veloz", [5798]="Thora Plumaluna", [5799]="Hannah Filohoja", [5800]="Marcus Bel", [5806]="Aliado antárbol", [5807]="El Despedazador", [5808]="Señor de la guerra Kolkanis", [5809]="Sargento Curtis", [5810]="Uzzek", [5811]="Kamari", [5812]="Tumi", [5814]="Tabernero Thulbek", [5815]="Kurgul", [5816]="Katis", [5817]="Shimra", [5819]="Mirelle Tremayne", [5820]="Gillian Moore", [5821]="Sheldon Von Croy", [5822]="Tejeyel Scronn", [5823]="Despellejador de la Muerte", [5824]="Capitán Colmillo Plano", [5826]="Geoseñor Motas", [5827]="Brontus", [5828]="Humar el Señor Orgulloso", [5829]="Bufo el Molesto", [5830]="Hermana Rathtalon", [5831]="Velocrín", [5832]="Silenciatruenos", [5833]="Margol la Furibunda", [5834]="Azzere el Filo del Cielo", [5835]="Supervisor Asas", [5836]="Ingeniero Giralesín", [5837]="Brazorroca", [5838]="Lanzarrota", [5839]="Geólogo Hierro Negro", [5840]="Vapoherrero Hierro Negro", [5841]="Lanzapiedras", [5842]="Takk el Saltarín", [5843]="Trabajador esclavo", [5844]="Esclavista Hierro Negro", [5846]="Capataz Hierro Negro", [5847]="Heggin Pelopiedra", [5848]="Malgin Cebadiz", [5849]="Cavador Flamaforja", [5850]="Elemental llameante", [5851]="Capitán Gerogg Piemartillo", [5852]="Elemental del infierno", [5853]="Gólem de guerra templado", [5854]="Gólem de guerra pesado", [5855]="Elemental de magma", [5856]="Araña Cristalderma", [5857]="Araña de lava abrasadora", [5858]="Araña de lava superior", [5859]="Hagg Taurruina", [5860]="Chamán Oscuro Crepuscular", [5861]="Guardia de Fuego Crepuscular", [5862]="Geomántico Crepuscular", [5863]="Geosacerdote Gukk\'rok", [5864]="Suingart Cuerolanza", [5865]="Dishu", [5870]="Krond", [5871]="Larhka", [5872]="Forma de serpiente", [5873]="Tótem Piel de piedra", [5874]="Tótem Fuerza de la tierra", [5875]="Gan\'rul Ojosangre", [5878]="Thun\'grim Vistafuego", [5879]="zzOLDTótem Nova de Fuego", [5880]="Un\'Thuwa", [5881]="Sicomoro maldito", [5882]="Pephredo", [5883]="Enyo", [5884]="Mai\'ah", [5885]="Deino", [5886]="Gwyn Farrow", [5887]="Canaga Clamatierras", [5888]="Vidente Pluma de Cuervo", [5889]="Espíritu de la Tierra Mesa", [5890]="Espíritu de Tierra Piedrarroja", [5891]="Manifestación de tierra menor", [5892]="Searn Guardafogo", [5893]="Manifestación de fuego menor", [5894]="Manifestación de agua menor corrupta", [5895]="Manifestación de agua menor", [5896]="Espíritu de fuego", [5897]="Espíritu de agua corrupto", [5898]="Espíritu de aire", [5899]="Salmuera", [5900]="Telf Joolam", [5901]="Islen Vidente del Agua", [5902]="Manifestación de aire menor", [5905]="Prate Vidente de las Nubes", [5906]="Xanis Tejedor de Fuego", [5907]="Kranal Fiss", [5908]="Bruto Dogran", [5909]="Cazul", [5910]="Zankaja", [5911]="Bruto Logmar", [5912]="Dragón feérico descarriado", [5913]="Tótem de tremor", [5914]="Pesadilla descarriada", [5915]="Hermano Roblecuervo", [5916]="Centinela Amarassan", [5917]="Clara Charles", [5918]="Forma de búho", [5919]="zzOLDTótem Piel de piedra II", [5920]="zzOLDTótem Piel de piedra III", [5921]="zzOLDTótem Fuerza de la tierra II", [5922]="zzOLDTótem Fuerza de la tierra III", [5923]="Tótem de limpieza contraveneno", [5924]="Tótem de limpieza", [5925]="Tótem derribador", [5926]="Tótem de resistencia a la escarcha", [5927]="Tótem de resistencia elemental", [5928]="Alapenas", [5929]="Tótem de Magma", [5930]="Hermana Riven", [5931]="Supervisor Rigger", [5932]="Capataz Latimillo", [5933]="Achellios el Desterrado", [5934]="Cuorevaja", [5935]="Ojohierro el Invencible", [5937]="Aguijón vil", [5938]="Uthan Aguaserena", [5939]="Vira Pezuña Joven", [5940]="Harn Tiralejo", [5941]="Lau\'Tiki", [5942]="Zansoa", [5943]="Rawrk", [5944]="Ionada", [5946]="Asesino oscuro", [5947]="Asesina oscura", [5948]="Mujer pirata", [5949]="Hombre pirata", [5950]="Tótem Lengua de Fuego", [5951]="Liebre", [5952]="Bruto del cubil", [5953]="Bruto de Cerrotajo", [5955]="Tooga", [5957]="Birgitte Cranston", [5958]="Thuul", [5974]="Ogro Machacamiedo", [5975]="Ogro mago Machacamiedo", [5976]="Tosco Machacamiedo", [5977]="Aplastador Machacamiedo", [5978]="Brujo Machacamiedo", [5979]="Perdido desdichado", [5981]="Buscador de portales", [5982]="Destripador negro", [5983]="Escarbador Alimentavil", [5984]="Hiena risitas famélica", [5985]="Hiena risitas", [5988]="Aguijonero Scorpok", [5990]="Basilisco Rocarroja", [5991]="Vitropiel Rocarroja", [5992]="Jabalí Cenicrín", [5993]="Jabinferno", [5994]="Zayus", [5996]="Minero de Nethergarde", [5997]="Ingeniero de Nethergarde", [5998]="Supervisor de Nethergarde", [5999]="Soldado de Nethergarde", [6000]="Clérigo de Nethergarde", [6001]="Analista de Nethergarde", [6002]="Vigía de la falla de Nethergarde", [6003]="Oficial de Nethergarde", [6004]="Ritualista Sombra Jurada", [6005]="Matón Sombra Jurada", [6006]="Adepto Sombra Jurada", [6007]="Déspota Sombra Jurada", [6008]="Brujo Sombra Jurada", [6009]="Tejetinieblas Sombra Jurada", [6010]="Can manáfago", [6011]="Avizor guardia vil", [6012]="zzOLDTótem Lengua de Fuego II", [6013]="Águila ratonera Guardapaso", [6014]="X\'yera", [6015]="Thorta", [6016]="Tótem de protección elemental", [6017]="Tótem emanador de lava", [6018]="Ur\'kyo", [6019]="Hornizz Zumbala", [6020]="Valvababosa makrura", [6021]="Espíritu de jabalí", [6026]="Breyk", [6027]="Kitha", [6028]="Burkrum", [6030]="Thorvald Forjahonda", [6031]="Tormus Forjahonda", [6033]="Furia de lago", [6034]="Lotherias", [6035]="Acechador de Rajacieno", [6047]="Guardián acuático", [6066]="Tótem Pillaterra", [6068]="Guardaespaldas de Warug", [6069]="Guardia Khan Maraudine", [6070]="Consejera Khan Maraudine", [6071]="Can de la Legión", [6072]="Diathorus el Buscador", [6073]="Infernal abrasador", [6074]="Sable de hielo rayado", [6075]="Raptor de esmeralda", [6076]="Zancaalta de montar (marfil)", [6086]="Centinela de Auberdine", [6087]="Centinela de Astranaar", [6089]="Harry Burlguard", [6090]="Bartleby", [6091]="Dellylah", [6093]="Jack Dentomuerto", [6094]="Byancie", [6109]="Azuregos", [6110]="zzOLDTótem Nova de Fuego II", [6111]="zzOLDTótem Nova de Fuego III", [6112]="Tótem Viento Furioso", [6113]="Vejrek", [6114]="Muren Pico Tormenta", [6115]="Guardia vil vagabundo", [6116]="Aparecida Altonato", [6117]="Exanimato Altonato", [6118]="Fantasma de Varo\'then", [6119]="Tog Oxidentado", [6120]="Yago Llavenegra", [6121]="Remen Marcot", [6122]="Gakin el Presotenebra", [6123]="Espía Hierro Negro", [6124]="Capitán Beld", [6125]="Sátiro Haldarr", [6126]="Tramposo Haldarr", [6127]="Jurapenas Haldarr", [6128]="Vorlus Pezuñavil", [6129]="Señor de la magia dracónico", [6130]="Horrocrusto azul", [6131]="Tejemagia dracónico", [6132]="Servidor de Rajacieno", [6133]="Sombra de Elura", [6134]="Lord Arkkoroc", [6135]="Pinzador Arkkoran", [6136]="Habitabosta Arkkoran", [6137]="Tenazario Arkkoran", [6138]="Oráculo Arkkoran", [6139]="Rasante de Nido Alto", [6140]="Hetaera", [6141]="Rasante Alaorgullo", [6142]="Mathiel", [6143]="Sirviente de Arkkoroc", [6144]="Hijo de Arkkoroc", [6145]="Banco de peces", [6146]="Rompedor del risco", [6147]="Tronarisco", [6148]="Caminarrisco", [6166]="Yorus Cebadiz", [6167]="Matriarca Quimera", [6168]="Roogug", [6169]="Klockmort Palmalicate", [6170]="Agallas", [6171]="Duthorian Rall", [6172]="Henze Faulk", [6173]="Gazin Tenorm", [6174]="Stephanie Turner", [6175]="John Turner", [6176]="Bath\'rah el Vigía del viento", [6177]="Narm Faulk", [6178]="Muiredon Forjabatalla", [6179]="Tiza Forjabatalla", [6180]="Asaltante Defias", [6181]="Jordan Fontana", [6182]="Daphne Fontana", [6184]="Abrecaminos Fauces de Madera", [6185]="Guerrero Fauces de Madera", [6186]="Totémico Fauces de Madera", [6187]="Vigía del cubil Fauces de Madera", [6188]="Chamán Fauces de Madera", [6189]="Ursa Fauces de Madera", [6190]="Guerrero Látigo de Ira", [6193]="Vociferadora Látigo de Ira", [6194]="Guardia serpiente Látigo de Ira", [6195]="Sirena Látigo de Ira", [6196]="Mirmidón Látigo de Ira", [6198]="Perito elfo de sangre", [6199]="Reivindicador elfo de sangre", [6200]="Sátiro Legashi", [6201]="Pícaro Legashi", [6202]="Clamainferno Legashi", [6206]="Perforador Cueva Honda", [6207]="Emboscador Cueva Honda", [6208]="Invasor Cueva Honda", [6209]="Despojador Cueva Honda", [6210]="Saqueador Cueva Honda", [6211]="Atracador Cueva Honda", [6212]="Agente Hierro Negro", [6213]="Invasor irradiado", [6215]="Mastic", [6218]="Babosa irradiada", [6219]="Rondador corrosivo", [6220]="Horror irradiado", [6221]="Paria loco", [6222]="Técnico leproso", [6223]="Defensor leproso", [6224]="Maquinista leproso", [6225]="Mecanotanque", [6226]="Caminallamas mecanizado", [6227]="Caminaescarcha mecanizado", [6228]="Embajador Hierro Negro", [6229]="Golpeamasa 9-60", [6230]="Traje de seguridad de Pacificador", [6231]="Tecnobot", [6232]="Nulificador Arcano X-21", [6233]="Avizor mecanizado", [6234]="Guardián mecanizado", [6235]="Electrocutor 6000", [6236]="Klannoc Macleod", [6237]="Arquero de las Mazmorras", [6238]="Will el Grande", [6239]="Ciclonio", [6240]="Contendiente de La Reyerta", [6241]="Bailor Petramano", [6243]="Gelihast", [6244]="Takar el Vidente", [6245]="Anathera", [6246]="Latherion", [6247]="Doan Karhan", [6248]="Twiggy Cabezaplana", [6249]="Espectador de La Reyerta", [6250]="Reptador", [6251]="Strahad Farsan", [6252]="Acólito Magaz", [6253]="Acólito Fenrick", [6254]="Acólito Wytula", [6266]="Menara Nadiz", [6267]="Acólito Porena", [6268]="Manáfago invocado", [6271]="Ratón", [6272]="Tabernera Janene", [6286]="Zarrin", [6287]="Radnaal Tejecrín", [6288]="Jayla", [6289]="Rand Rhobart", [6290]="Yonn Corte Profundo", [6291]="Balthus Cazarrocas", [6292]="Eladriel", [6293]="Jorah Annison", [6294]="Krom Brazorrecio", [6295]="Wilma Ranthal", [6297]="Kurdram Rocamartillo", [6298]="Thelgrum Rocamartillo", [6299]="Delfrum Barbasílex", [6300]="Elisa Mano de Acero", [6301]="Gorbold Mano de Acero", [6306]="Helene Desollapelambres", [6328]="Dannie Efervescentix", [6329]="Saqueador irradiado", [6347]="Descarnador marino joven", [6348]="Descarnador marino", [6349]="Gran descarnador marino", [6350]="Zarpador Makrinni", [6351]="Oráculo de la Bahía Tormentosa", [6352]="Rondador Corazacoral", [6366]="Esclavo mental de Kurzen", [6367]="Donni Anthania", [6368]="Gato", [6369]="Tortuga Corazacoral", [6370]="Escarbador Makrinni", [6371]="Guerrero de la Bahía Tormentosa", [6372]="Quebrador Makrinni", [6373]="Dane Winslow", [6374]="Cilina Negrozón", [6375]="Hipogrifo Tronatesta", [6376]="Wren Fonteoscura", [6377]="Alacervo Tronatesta", [6378]="Asaltacielo Tronatesta", [6379]="Patriarca Tronatesta", [6380]="Consorte Tronatesta", [6382]="Jubahl Buscador de cadáveres", [6386]="Guarda de Zanzil", [6387]="Dranh", [6388]="Esqueleto Zanzil", [6389]="Guardia de la Muerte Podrig", [6390]="Ulag el Cuchilla", [6391]="Guerrero resistente", [6392]="Médico resistente", [6393]="Henen Tótem de Ira", [6394]="Ruga Tótem de Ira", [6395]="Sargento Rutger", [6407]="Técnico resistente", [6408]="Ula\'elek", [6410]="Orm Pezuña Pétrea", [6411]="Velora Noctis", [6412]="Esqueleto", [6426]="Muerto angustiado", [6427]="Fantasma mortificador", [6446]="Therzok", [6466]="Gamon", [6467]="Mennet Carkad", [6486]="Caballo esquelético negro", [6487]="Arcanista Doan", [6488]="Campeón caído", [6489]="Dorsacerado", [6490]="Azshir el Insomne", [6491]="Ángel de la Resurrección", [6492]="Engendro de falla", [6493]="Fantasma ilusorio", [6494]="Tazan", [6495]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Riznek", [6496]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Bridatuer", [6497]="Astor Hadren", [6498]="Demosaurio", [6499]="Demosaurio Pielférrea", [6500]="Demosaurio Tirano", [6501]="Estegodón", [6502]="Estegodón escamado", [6503]="Estegodón de púas", [6504]="Estegodón Silenciatruenos", [6505]="Ravasaurio", [6506]="Corredor ravasaurio", [6507]="Cazador ravasaurio", [6508]="Ravasaurio Pellejo Venenoso", [6509]="Azotador Sangrepétalo", [6510]="Despellejador Sangrepétalo", [6511]="Trillador Sangrepétalo", [6512]="Trampero Sangrepétalo", [6513]="Vapuleador de Un\'Goro", [6514]="Gorila de Un\'Goro", [6516]="Tronador de Un\'Goro", [6517]="Bestia de alquitrán", [6518]="Rondador de alquitrán", [6519]="Señor de alquitrán", [6520]="Elemental agostador", [6521]="Llamarada viviente", [6522]="Andron Gant", [6523]="Fusilero Hierro Negro", [6527]="Trepador de alquitrán", [6546]="Tabetha", [6547]="Víctima doliente", [6548]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Magus Tirth", [6549]="Demonio del orbe", [6550]="Oleada de maná", [6551]="Avispa Gorishi", [6552]="Trabajador Gorishi", [6553]="Atracador Gorishi", [6554]="Aguijonero Gorishi", [6555]="Tunelador Gorishi", [6556]="Moco muculento", [6557]="Moco primigenio", [6559]="Moco glutinoso", [6560]="Guardián de piedra", [6566]="Estelle Gendry", [6567]="Ghok\'kah", [6568]="Vizzklick", [6569]="Gnoarn", [6570]="Fenwick Thatros", [6571]="Forma felina (elfo de la noche druida)", [6572]="Forma felina (elfo de la noche druida)", [6573]="Forma de viaje (Druida)", [6574]="Jun\'ha", [6575]="Practicante Escarlata", [6576]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Brienna Brillastrella", [6577]="Bingles Pimpampum", [6579]="Shoni la Shilenshiosha", [6581]="Matriarca ravasaurio", [6582]="Madrezarpa Zavas", [6583]="Gruff", [6584]="Rey Mosh", [6585]="Uhk\'loc", [6586]="Rokar Filosombra", [6606]="Sobrestante Glibby", [6607]="Harroc", [6626]="[Deprecated for 4.x]\"Desplumado\" Johnson", [6646]="Monnos el Viejo", [6647]="Magistrix Yelmalcón", [6648]="Antilos", [6649]="Lady Sesspira", [6650]="General Colmiterror", [6651]="Guardián Gruñefuria", [6652]="Maestro Pavoria", [6653]="Sapo gigante", [6666]="[Deprecated for 4.x]\"Desplumado\" Forma humana de Johnson", [6667]="Gelkak Gyromast", [6668]="Lord Cyrik Forjanegra", [6669]="El Trillomajareitor 4100", [6670]="Ebanista de los Páramos de Poniente", [6706]="Baritanas Rioceleste", [6707]="Fahrad", [6726]="Thalon", [6727]="Tabernera Brianna", [6728]="Narnie", [6729]="Morriduna", [6730]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Jinky Arreglatodo", [6731]="Harlown Tejeoscuro", [6732]="Amie Pierce", [6733]="Partecaras Grutacanto", [6734]="Tabernero Hogartufa", [6735]="Tabernera Saelienne", [6736]="Tabernero Keldamyr", [6737]="Tabernera Shaussiy", [6738]="Tabernera Kimlya", [6739]="Tabernero Bates", [6740]="Tabernera Allison", [6741]="Tabernero Norman", [6746]="Tabernera Pala", [6747]="Tabernero Kauth", [6748]="Espíritu de agua", [6749]="Erma", [6766]="Guardia de Ravenholdt", [6768]="Lord Jorach Ravenholdt", [6771]="Asesino de Ravenholdt", [6774]="Falkhaan Isenzancas", [6775]="Antur Barbecho", [6776]="Magrin Crin de Río", [6777]="Zan Chafadento", [6778]="Melika Isenzancas", [6779]="Borrón Truenedera", [6780]="Porthannius", [6781]="Melarith", [6782]="Manit Piñomuelle", [6784]="Calvin Montesco", [6785]="Ratslin Maime", [6786]="Ukor", [6787]="Yelnagi Brazonegro", [6788]="Madre del cubil", [6789]="Cachorro cardo", [6790]="Tabernera Trelayne", [6791]="Tabernero Wiley", [6806]="Tannok Martilloescarcha", [6807]="Tabernero Skindle", [6826]="Talvash del Kissel", [6846]="Maestro de embarcadero", [6866]="Guardaespaldas", [6867]="Sabueso", [6868]="Jarkal Musgofusión", [6886]="Onin MacHammar", [6887]="Yalda", [6906]="Baelog", [6907]="Eric \"el Veloz\"", [6908]="Olaf", [6909]="Sethir el Ancestro", [6910]="Revelosh", [6911]="Esbirro de Sethir", [6912]="Restos de un paladín", [6913]="Caminafallas Perdido", [6927]="Trabajador de embarcadero", [6928]="Tabernero Grosk", [6929]="Tabernera Gryshka", [6930]="Tabernero Karkul", [6932]="Espíritu del pantano", [6946]="Renzik \"Chafarote\"", [6966]="Lucius", [6986]="Dran Droffers", [6987]="Malton Droffers", [7007]="Tiev Mordune", [7009]="Arantir", [7010]="Zilzibin Tambor Sabio", [7011]="Machacapiedras terráneo", [7012]="Escultor terráneo", [7015]="Flagglemurk el Cruel", [7016]="Lady Vespira", [7017]="Lord Sesgapecados", [7022]="Escórpido lativenenoso", [7023]="Centinela obsidiana", [7024]="Agente Kearnen", [7025]="Soldado Roca Negra", [7026]="Hechicero Roca Negra", [7027]="Destripador Roca Negra", [7028]="Brujo Roca Negra", [7029]="Maestro de batalla Roca Negra", [7030]="Geólogo de Forjatiniebla", [7031]="Elemental obsidiana", [7032]="Elemental obsidiano superior", [7033]="Ogro Pirontraña", [7034]="Ogro mago Pirontraña", [7035]="Tosco Pirontraña", [7036]="Espía Thaurissan", [7037]="Caminafuego Thaurissan", [7038]="Agente Thaurissan", [7039]="Atracador de guerra", [7040]="Dragauro negro", [7041]="Verminte negro", [7042]="Dragauro Flamaescama", [7043]="Verminte Flamaescama", [7044]="Draco negro", [7045]="Draco hirviente", [7046]="Draco llamascama", [7047]="Estirpe negra", [7048]="Estirpe hirviente", [7049]="Estirpe Flamaescama", [7050]="Zángano Defias", [7051]="Zángano Defias deforme", [7052]="Guardia de torre Defias", [7053]="Klaven Mortoalerta", [7055]="Huargo Roca Negra", [7056]="Avizor de torre Defias", [7057]="Maestro de excavación Palatiro", [7067]="Zángano de Ventura y Cía.", [7068]="Acólito condenado", [7069]="Monje condenado", [7070]="Clérigo condenado", [7071]="Paladín maldito", [7072]="Justicar maldito", [7073]="Arados the Damned", [7075]="Mago en pena", [7076]="Guardián terráneo", [7077]="Formajol terráneo", [7078]="Escórpido de risco", [7079]="Radiactivo viscoso", [7086]="Moco maldito", [7087]="Killian Hagey", [7088]="Thuwd", [7089]="Mooranta", [7091]="Emboscador de Forjatiniebla", [7092]="Moco corrupto", [7093]="Moco malvado", [7097]="Lechuza Picoférreo", [7098]="Estridador Picoférreo", [7099]="Cazador Picoférreo", [7100]="Arrancamusgo Alabeo", [7101]="Machacador Alabeo", [7104]="Dessecus", [7105]="Sátiro Fuego de Jade", [7106]="Pícaro Fuego de Jade", [7107]="Tramposo Fuego de Jade", [7108]="Traidor Fuego de Jade", [7109]="Jurapenas Fuego de Jade", [7110]="Acechasombras Fuego de Jade", [7111]="Clamainferno Fuego de Jade", [7112]="Cultor Jaedenar", [7113]="Guardián Jaedenar", [7114]="Déspota Jaedenar", [7115]="Adepto Jaedenar", [7118]="Tejeoscuro Jaedenar", [7120]="Brujo Jaedenar", [7125]="Can Jaedenar", [7126]="Cazador Jaedenar", [7132]="Horror tóxico", [7135]="Guardaespaldas Infernal", [7136]="Avizor infernal", [7137]="Immolatus", [7138]="Errante Troncoferro", [7139]="Vapuleador Troncoferro", [7149]="Protector marchito", [7153]="Guerrero Muertobosque", [7154]="Jardinero Muertobosque", [7155]="Abrecaminos Muertobosque", [7156]="Vigía del cubil Muertobosque", [7157]="Vengador Muertobosque", [7158]="Chamán Muertobosque", [7161]="Desdio el Desdichado", [7166]="Aparato Gizmotrónico de Wrenix", [7167]="Polly", [7168]="Polly", [7170]="Thragomm", [7172]="Tradicionalista de Norgannon", [7175]="Emboscador Grutacanto", [7206]="Vigilante de piedra anciano", [7207]="Doc Mixilpixil", [7208]="Noarm", [7209]="Fragmento de obsidiana", [7226]="Tormenta de arena", [7228]="Hierraya", [7230]="Shayis Furiacerada", [7231]="Kelgruk Hacha de Sangre", [7232]="Borgus Mano de Acero", [7233]="Capataz Fizzule", [7234]="Ferocitas el Comesueños", [7235]="Místico Tuercepinos", [7246]="Cazasombras Furiarena", [7247]="Comealmas Furiarena", [7266]="Brasal", [7267]="Jefe Ukorz Cabellarena", [7268]="Guardián Furiarena", [7269]="Escarabajo", [7271]="Médico brujo Zum\'rah", [7272]="Theka el Mártir", [7273]="Gahz\'rilla", [7274]="Verdugo Furiarena", [7275]="Sacerdote oscuro Sezz\'ziz", [7276]="Héroe muerto de Zul\'Farrak", [7286]="Zombi de Zul\'Farrak", [7287]="Supervisor Silixiz", [7288]="Gran supervisor Puzik Gallywix", [7290]="Tirador certero de Forjatiniebla", [7291]="Galgann Flamartillo", [7292]="Dinita Mantopétreo", [7294]="Shim\'la", [7295]="Shailiea", [7296]="Corand", [7297]="Gothard Winslow", [7298]="Demnul Montelejano", [7307]="Oteador de Ventura y Cía.", [7308]="Patrulla de Ventura y Cía.", [7309]="Custodio terráneo", [7310]="Zángano mutado de Ventura y Cía.", [7311]="Uthel\'nay", [7312]="Dink", [7313]="Sacerdotisa A\'moora", [7315]="Darnath Rugefilo", [7316]="Hermana Aquinne", [7317]="Oben Garrafuria", [7318]="Garrafuria", [7319]="Lady Sathrah", [7320]="Aplastador Grutacanto", [7321]="Tejedor de fuego Grutacanto", [7322]="Sable de la noche negro", [7323]="Winstone Wolfe", [7324]="Simone Cantrell", [7325]="Maestro Kang", [7327]="Guerrero marchito", [7328]="Atracador marchito", [7329]="Jabaguardia marchito", [7332]="Cuerolanza marchito", [7333]="Jabaguerrero marchito", [7334]="Horror jabaguerrero", [7335]="Geomántica Caramuerte", [7337]="Nigromante Caramuerte", [7340]="Taumaturgo umbrío esquelético", [7341]="Tejescarcha esquelético", [7342]="Invocador esquelético", [7343]="Esqueleto Astillóseo", [7344]="Guerrero Astillóseo", [7345]="Capitán Astillóseo", [7346]="Centurión Astillóseo", [7347]="Necrófago Deshuesador", [7348]="Necrófago Comespinas", [7349]="Maligno de tumbas", [7351]="Atracador de tumbas", [7352]="Alma gélida", [7353]="Espíritu helado", [7354]="Morrandrajos", [7355]="Tuten\'kash", [7356]="Faucepeste el Podrido", [7357]="Mordresh Ojo de Fuego", [7358]="Amnennar el Gélido", [7360]="Soldado de Dun Garok", [7361]="Grubbis", [7363]="Kum\'isha el Coleccionista", [7364]="Esfera draenetista perfecta", [7365]="Trozo draenetista perfecto", [7366]="zzOLDTótem Piel de piedra IV", [7367]="zzOLDTótem Piel de piedra V", [7368]="zzOLDTótem Piel de piedra VI", [7369]="Tosco Vientomuerto", [7370]="Sombra inquieta", [7371]="Aplastador Vientomuerto", [7372]="Brujo Vientomuerto", [7376]="Sombra de los cielos", [7379]="Ogro mago Vientomuerto", [7380]="Siamés", [7381]="Atigrado plateado", [7382]="Atigrado naranja", [7383]="Gato atigrado negro", [7384]="Rex Cornualles", [7385]="Gato bombay", [7386]="Gatito blanco", [7387]="Guacamayo rojo", [7389]="Senegal", [7390]="Carolina", [7391]="Papagayo azul", [7392]="Gallina de pradera", [7394]="Pollo de Ancona", [7395]="Cucaracha", [7396]="Rompepedras terráneo", [7397]="Tallapiedras terráneo", [7398]="zzOLDTótem Garra de piedra V", [7399]="zzOLDTótem Garra de piedra VI", [7400]="zzOLDTótem abrasador V", [7401]="Refugiado draenei", [7402]="zzOLDTótem abrasador VI", [7403]="zzOLDTótem Fuerza de la tierra IV", [7404]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Guardia de las llamas Galak", [7405]="Escórpido de risco", [7406]="Oglethorpe Obnoticus", [7407]="Ingeniero jefe Pasaquillas", [7408]="Grifoperador Llantalunket", [7409]="Esfera draenetista vacilante", [7410]="Thelman Puñopizarra", [7411]="Espíritu de Sathrah", [7412]="zzOLDTótem de resistencia a la escarcha II", [7413]="zzOLDTótem de resistencia a la escarcha III", [7414]="zzOLDTótem Fuente de maná II", [7415]="zzOLDTótem Fuente de maná III", [7416]="zzOLDTótem Fuente de maná IV", [7423]="zzOLDTótem Lengua de Fuego III", [7424]="zzOLDTótem de resistencia al fuego II", [7425]="zzOLDTótem de resistencia al fuego III", [7427]="Taim Tótem de Ira", [7428]="Gigante Machacahielo", [7429]="Valedor Machacahielo", [7430]="Sable de hielo joven", [7431]="Sable de hielo", [7432]="Acechador sable de hielo", [7433]="Cazadora sable de hielo", [7434]="Vigía de la manada sable de hielo", [7435]="Verminte de cobalto", [7436]="Horrocrusto de cobalto", [7437]="Tejemagia de cobalto", [7438]="Ursa Nevada", [7439]="Chamán Nevada", [7440]="Vigía del cubil Nevada", [7441]="Totémico Nevada", [7442]="Abrecaminos Nevada", [7443]="Aplastador Dentoesquirla", [7444]="Oso Dentoesquirla", [7445]="Dentoesquirla anciano", [7446]="Dentoesquirla rabioso", [7447]="Volantón Viento Gélido", [7448]="Quimera Viento Gélido", [7449]="Devastador Viento Gélido", [7450]="Lechubestia pulgosa", [7451]="Lechubestia enfurecida", [7452]="Lechubestia enloquecida", [7453]="Lechubestia lunadón", [7454]="Lechubestia rabiosa", [7455]="Lechuza de Cuna del Invierno", [7456]="Estridador de Cuna del Invierno", [7457]="Cardo Nevado huido", [7458]="Yeti Cardo Nevado", [7459]="Matriarca Cardo Nevado", [7460]="Patriarca Cardo Nevado", [7461]="Iniciado Hederine", [7462]="Acechamaná Hederine", [7463]="Destripador Hederine", [7464]="zzOLDTótem de magma II", [7465]="zzOLDTótem de magma III", [7466]="zzOLDTótem de magma IV", [7467]="Tótem de resistencia a la Naturaleza", [7468]="zzOLDTótem de resistencia a la Naturaleza II", [7469]="zzOLDTótem de resistencia a la Naturaleza III", [7483]="zzOLDTótem Viento furioso II", [7484]="zzOLDTótem Viento furioso III", [7485]="Nargatt", [7486]="zzOLDTótem Gracia del Aire", [7487]="zzOLDTótem Gracia del Aire II", [7489]="Guardia de la Muerte del Bosque de Argénteos", [7503]="Mal de ojo (hombre)", [7504]="Mal de ojo (hombre)", [7505]="Mago sangriento Drazial", [7506]="Maga sangrienta Lynnore", [7523]="Altonato sufrido", [7524]="Altonato angustiada", [7527]="Mina terrestre goblin", [7543]="Vástago oscuro", [7544]="Vástago carmesí", [7545]="Vástago esmeralda", [7546]="Vástago bronce", [7547]="Vástago azur", [7548]="Feegón", [7549]="Rana de árbol", [7550]="Rana de bosque", [7551]="Rana flecha", [7552]="Rana de la isla", [7553]="Búho común", [7554]="Lechuza de las nieves", [7555]="Lechuza gavilana", [7556]="Búho real", [7558]="Cottontail Rabbit", [7559]="Spotted Rabbit", [7560]="Conejo Pataneve", [7561]="Serpiente albina", [7562]="Culebra marrón", [7564]="Marin Tragonublo", [7565]="Culebra reina negra", [7566]="Culebra escarlata", [7567]="Culebra carmesí", [7568]="Serpiente rayada", [7569]="Culebra de agua verde", [7570]="Fuego fatuo élfico", [7572]="Héroe caído de la Horda", [7583]="Roxio", [7584]="Caminabosques deambulante", [7603]="Asistente leproso", [7604]="Sargento Bly", [7605]="Cuervo", [7606]="Oro Bocojo", [7607]="Weegli Plomofundido", [7608]="Murta Tripuriosa", [7623]="Comandante de envíos Ruag", [7643]="Bengor", [7664]="Razelikh el Rapiñador", [7665]="Grol el Destructor", [7666]="Archimago Allistarj", [7667]="Lady Sevine", [7668]="Sirviente de Razelikh", [7669]="Sirviente de Grol", [7670]="Sirviente de Allistarj", [7671]="Sirviente de Sevine", [7683]="Alessandro Luca", [7684]="Leopardo", [7686]="Tigre de bengala", [7687]="Sable de hielo moteado", [7689]="Sable de la noche moteado", [7690]="Sable de la noche rayado", [7703]="Raptor obsidiana", [7704]="Raptor rojo jaspeado", [7706]="Raptor de marfil", [7707]="Raptor de turquesa", [7708]="Raptor violeta", [7709]="Zancaalta de montar (marrón)", [7710]="Zancaalta de montar (gris)", [7711]="Zancaalta de montar (rosa)", [7712]="Zancaalta de montar (morado)", [7713]="Zancaalta de montar (turquesa)", [7714]="Byula", [7724]="Perito jefe Picoflojo", [7725]="Asaltante Tótem Siniestro", [7726]="Naturalista Tótem Siniestro", [7727]="Chamán Tótem Siniestro", [7728]="Kirith el Maldito", [7729]="Espíritu de Kirith", [7730]="Bruto del Espolón", [7731]="Tabernera Jayka", [7732]="Chinche engañosa", [7733]="Tabernero Fizzgrimble", [7734]="Ilifar", [7735]="Vilnelar", [7736]="Tabernera Shyria", [7737]="Tabernera Greul", [7738]="Sirviente ardiente", [7739]="Mecazancudo rojo", [7740]="Gracina Poderespíritu", [7744]="Tabernero Thulfram", [7749]="Mecazancudo azul", [7750]="Cabo Thund Pezuña Quebrada", [7763]="Curgle Saltamanivela", [7764]="Troyas Brisaluna", [7765]="Muerdepiedras", [7766]="Tyrion", [7767]="Manáfago Secacorteza", [7768]="Sangrador Secacorteza", [7769]="Parásito Hazzali", [7770]="Guiñón", [7771]="Marvon Buscarroblones", [7772]="Kalin Vuelavento", [7773]="Marli Corredeseos", [7774]="Shay Correhoja", [7775]="Gregan Tirabirras", [7776]="Talo Pezuñahendida", [7777]="Rok Orhan", [7778]="Doran Alacerada", [7779]="Sacerdotisa Tyriona", [7780]="Rin\'ji", [7783]="Loramus Thalimedes", [7784]="Robot mensajero OOX-17/TN", [7785]="Guarda de Zum\'rah", [7786]="Esqueleto de Zum\'rah", [7787]="Esclavo Furiarena", [7788]="Bracero Furiarena", [7789]="Cretino Furiarena", [7790]="Orokk Omosh", [7791]="Theka el Mártir Cambiaforma", [7792]="Aturk el Yunque", [7793]="Buey", [7794]="McGavan", [7795]="Hidromántica Velratha", [7796]="Nekrum Cometripas", [7797]="Ruuzlu", [7798]="Hank el Martillo", [7799]="Gimblespina", [7800]="Mekigeniero Termochufe", [7801]="Gilveradin Cazasol", [7802]="Galvan el Antiguo", [7803]="Perforadunas escórpido", [7804]="Trenton Mazaligera", [7805]="Forajido Vagayermo", [7806]="Robot mensajero OOX-09/TI", [7807]="Robot mensajero OOX-22/FE", [7808]="Lechubestia merodeadora", [7809]="Emboscador Vilrama", [7823]="Bera Rocamartillo", [7824]="Bulkrek Puñofuria", [7825]="Oran Snakewrithe", [7826]="Embajador Ardalan", [7843]="Evacuado de Gnomeregan", [7844]="zzOLDTótem Nova de Fuego IV", [7845]="zzOLDTótem Nova de Fuego V", [7846]="Teremus el Devorador", [7847]="Califa Escorpijón", [7848]="Cicatriz Feral acechante", [7849]="Sistema móvil de alarma", [7850]="Kernobee", [7851]="Élite de Nethergarde", [7852]="Pratt McGrubben", [7853]="Scooty", [7854]="Jangdor Zanco Veloz", [7855]="Pirata de los Mares del Sur", [7856]="Filibustero de los Mares del Sur", [7857]="Portuario de los Mares del Sur", [7858]="Espadachín de los Mares del Sur", [7863]="Visión onírica", [7864]="Altonato persistente", [7865]="Avizor Martillo Salvaje", [7866]="Peter Galen", [7867]="Thorkaf Ojo de Dragón", [7868]="Sarah Peletera", [7869]="Brumm Pezuña Invernal", [7870]="Caryssia Cazaluna", [7871]="Se\'Jib", [7872]="Cultor Caramuerte", [7873]="Guardia de batalla de Rajacieno", [7874]="Tejespina de Rajacieno", [7875]="Hadoken Zanco Veloz", [7876]="Tran\'rek", [7877]="Latronicus Lanzaluna", [7878]="Vestia Lanzaluna", [7879]="Quintis Jonguja", [7880]="Ginro Mechogar", [7881]="Stoley", [7882]="Jefe de seguridad Pasaquillas", [7883]="Andre Barbafuego", [7884]="Fraggar Mantrueno", [7885]="Maestro de batalla Látigo de Ira", [7886]="Encantadora Látigo de Ira", [7895]="Embajador Sanguinarius", [7897]="Alarmabomba 2600", [7898]="Activador de banda de tesoro pirata", [7899]="Pirata cazatesoros", [7900]="Angelas Brisaluna", [7901]="Espadachín cazatesoros", [7902]="Bucanero cazatesoros", [7903]="Joya", [7904]="Jacob", [7907]="Daryn Brisela", [7915]="Bomba andante", [7916]="Erelas Cieloámbar", [7917]="Hermano Sarno", [7918]="Vigía de piedra de Norgannon", [7936]="Lyon Cuoremontana", [7937]="Manitas Mayor Mekkatorque", [7939]="Centinela Plumaluna", [7940]="Darnall", [7941]="Mardrack Fonverde", [7942]="Faralorn", [7943]="Harklane", [7944]="Maestro manitas Sobrechispa", [7945]="Savanne", [7946]="Brannock", [7947]="Vivianna", [7948]="Kylanna Vientosusurro", [7949]="Xylinnia Brillestelar", [7950]="Maestro mecánico Funditubo", [7951]="Zas\'Tysh", [7952]="Zjolnir", [7953]="Xar\'Ti", [7954]="Binjy Plumasilba", [7955]="Milli Plumasilba", [7956]="Kindal Tejeluna", [7957]="Jer\'kai Tejeluna", [7975]="Valiente de Campamento Narache", [7976]="Thalgus Tronapuño", [7977]="Gammerita", [7978]="Bimble Largamora", [7980]="Élite Guardia de la Muerte", [7995]="Sacerdotisa vil Hexx", [7996]="Qiaga la Vigilante", [7997]="Duende dardo capturado", [7998]="Maestra Destructora Emi Plomocorto", [7999]="Tyrande Susurravientos", [8015]="Centinela de Vallefresno", [8016]="Guardia de Los Baldíos", [8017]="Guardián de Sen\'jin", [8018]="Guthrum Tronapuño", [8019]="Fyldren Plumalunar", [8020]="[UNUSED] Shyn", [8021]="Orwin Cacharrejos", [8022]="Thadius Sombramacabra", [8023]="Picoafilado", [8024]="Padre de Picoafilado", [8025]="Madre de Picoafilado", [8026]="Thyn\'tel Tejespada", [8035]="Mina terrestre Hierro Negro", [8055]="Montaraz de Thelsamar", [8075]="Edana Garfaodio", [8095]="Reptador de la arena Sul\'lithuz", [8096]="Guardia de la Brigada de los Páramos de Poniente", [8115]="Médico brujo Uzer\'i", [8116]="Ziggle Chispaz", [8117]="Bums Zumbang", [8118]="Lillian Singh", [8119]="Zikkel", [8120]="Abominación Sul\'lithuz", [8121]="Jaxxil Chispaz", [8122]="Kizzak Chispaz", [8123]="Rickle Limpiaoro", [8124]="Qizzik", [8125]="Dirge Hojágil", [8126]="Nixx Muellepiñón", [8127]="Antu\'sul", [8128]="Pikkle", [8129]="Wrinkle Buenacero", [8130]="Prole de Sul\'lithuz", [8131]="Blizrik Machobala", [8136]="Lord Shalzaru", [8137]="Gikkix", [8138]="Estirpe de Sul\'lithuz", [8139]="Jabbey", [8140]="Hermano Karman", [8141]="Capitán Cañalisa", [8142]="Jannos Pezuña Ligera", [8143]="Loorana", [8144]="Kulleg Cuernopiedra", [8145]="Sheendra Pastoalto", [8146]="Ruw", [8147]="Valiente de Campamento Mojache", [8149]="Depositario Sul\'lithuz", [8150]="Janet Hommers", [8151]="Guardia de Punta de Nijel", [8152]="Harnor", [8153]="Narv Curtepieles", [8154]="Valiente del Espíritu Errante", [8155]="Bruto de Kargath", [8156]="Sirviente de Antu\'sul", [8157]="Logannas", [8158]="Bronk", [8159]="Worb Puntofuerte", [8160]="Nioma", [8161]="Harggan", [8176]="Gharash", [8177]="Rartar", [8178]="Nina Burbuluz", [8179]="Resguardo de sanación superior", [8196]="Occulus", [8197]="Chronalis", [8198]="Tick", [8199]="Líder de guerra Krazzilak", [8200]="Jin\'Zallah el Arenero", [8201]="Omgorn el Perdido", [8202]="Cyclok el Loco", [8203]="Kregg Volcayecto", [8204]="Soriid el Devorador", [8205]="Haarka el Voraz", [8207]="Alascuas", [8208]="Llagapata mortífera", [8210]="Filogarra", [8211]="Viejo Saltariscos", [8212]="El Rik", [8213]="Espaldacerada", [8214]="Jalinde Dracoestío", [8215]="Grimungus", [8216]="Retherokk el Rabioso", [8217]="Mith\'rethis el Encantador", [8218]="Blancorazón el Acechador", [8219]="Matagallinas Zul\'arek", [8236]="Furia de fango", [8256]="Comisario Torio", [8257]="Moquito", [8276]="Picovaja rasante", [8277]="Rekk\'tilac", [8278]="Smoldar", [8279]="Gólem de guerra defectuoso", [8280]="Shleipnarr", [8281]="Escaldar", [8282]="Alto señor Mastrogonde", [8283]="Maestro de esclavos Negrozón", [8284]="Dorius Cuidarrocas", [8296]="Mojo el Retorcido", [8297]="Magronos el Implacable", [8298]="Akubar el Vidente", [8299]="Escupetripas", [8300]="Devastatia", [8301]="Clack el Atracador", [8302]="Ojo de la Muerte", [8303]="Gruñón", [8304]="Desdeñamiedos", [8305]="Kixxle", [8306]="Duhng", [8307]="Tarban Granogar", [8308]="Alenndaar Lapidaar", [8309]="Carlo Aurelius", [8310]="Vigía Wollpert", [8311]="Cresa de baba", [8317]="Espíritu de Caminamuerte Atal\'ai", [8318]="Esclavo Atal\'ai", [8319]="Cría de la Pesadilla", [8320]="Sprok", [8324]="Esqueleto Atal\'ai", [8336]="Zapador Hakkari", [8337]="Acerador Hierro Negro", [8338]="Tirador Hierro Negro", [8356]="Chesmu", [8357]="Atepa", [8358]="Hewa", [8359]="Ahanu", [8360]="Elki", [8361]="Chepi", [8362]="Kuruk", [8363]="Shadi Correbruma", [8364]="Pakwa", [8376]="Gallina mecánica", [8378]="Alexandra Blazen", [8379]="Archimago Xylem", [8380]="Capitana Vanessa Beltis", [8381]="Lindros", [8382]="Patrick Molinos", [8383]="Maestro Leño", [8384]="Rondador de lo profundo", [8385]="Mura Tótem de Runa", [8386]="Tripulante Explorador del horizonte", [8387]="Contramaestre Explorador del horizonte", [8388]="Cocinero Explorador del horizonte", [8389]="Ingeniero Explorador del horizonte", [8390]="Químico Cuely", [8391]="Lathoric el Negro", [8392]="Piloto Xiggs Botafuego", [8393]="Thersa Son del Viento", [8394]="Roland Diletante", [8395]="Sanath Lim-yo", [8396]="Centinela Dalia Filosol", [8397]="Centinela Keldara Filosol", [8398]="Ohanko", [8399]="Nyrill", [8400]="Obsidion", [8401]="Halpa", [8402]="Arqueólogo esclavizado", [8403]="Jeremiah Payson", [8404]="Xan\'tish", [8405]="Ogtinc", [8408]="Señor de la guerra Krellian", [8409]="Maestro de caravana Tset", [8416]="Félix Rayaullido", [8417]="Arqueólogo moribundo", [8418]="Fala Viento Sabio", [8419]="Idólatra Crepuscular", [8420]="Kim\'jael", [8421]="Dorius", [8436]="Zamael Cardolún", [8437]="Esbirro Hakkari", [8438]="Vigilasangre Hakkari", [8439]="Nilith Lokrav", [8440]="Sombra de Hakkar", [8441]="Arrasa", [8442]="Furtivo Sedaumbría", [8443]="Avatar de Hakkar", [8444]="Maestro de comercio Kovic", [8446]="Máquina voladora de Xiggs Botafuego", [8447]="Clonk", [8477]="Sirviente esquelético", [8478]="Segunda de a bordo Shandril", [8479]="Kalaran Espada del Viento", [8480]="Kalaran el Falsario", [8496]="Liv Rizzlefix", [8497]="Supresor pesadilla", [8503]="Gibblewilt", [8504]="Avizor Hierro Negro", [8505]="Maleficio de Jammal\'an", [8506]="Eranikus el Encadenado", [8507]="Tymor", [8508]="Gretta Ganter", [8509]="Escudero Maltrake", [8510]="Tótem Atal\'ai", [8516]="Belnistrasz", [8517]="Xiggs Botafuego", [8518]="Rynthariel la Maestra de llaves", [8519]="Marea contagiada", [8520]="Devastador de peste", [8521]="Horror contagiado", [8522]="Monstruosidad de peste", [8523]="Soldado de la Plaga", [8524]="Mago maldito", [8525]="Depositario de la Plaga", [8526]="Taumaturgo oscuro", [8527]="Guardia de la Plaga", [8528]="Tejedor aterrador", [8529]="Campeón de la Plaga", [8530]="Necrófago caníbal", [8531]="Necrófago balbuceante", [8532]="Despellejador malsano", [8534]="Gárgola pútrida", [8535]="Chillón pútrido", [8538]="Sirviente oculto", [8539]="Vigía sin ojos", [8540]="Gritona desgarrada", [8541]="Chillona de odio", [8542]="Trovamuerte", [8543]="Horror cosido", [8544]="Gólem malformado", [8545]="Gólem cosido", [8546]="Adepto oscuro", [8547]="Cultor de la Muerte", [8548]="Tutor vil", [8550]="Mago oscuro", [8551]="Invocador oscuro", [8553]="Nigromante", [8554]="Jefe Cornapunta Mantospina", [8555]="Acechador de la cripta", [8556]="Caminante de la cripta", [8557]="Horror de la cripta", [8558]="Destripador de la cripta", [8560]="Explorador Fustamusgo", [8561]="Cazasombras Fustamusgo", [8562]="Caníbal Fustamusgo", [8563]="Trabajador forestal desdichado", [8564]="Forestal desdichado", [8565]="Zancamino desdichado", [8566]="Oteador Hierro Negro", [8567]="Glotón", [8576]="Ag\'tor Puñosangre", [8578]="Magus Rimtori", [8579]="Yeh\'kinya", [8580]="Atal\'alarion", [8581]="Defensor elfo de sangre", [8582]="Kadrak", [8583]="Dirania Brillargente", [8584]="Iverron", [8585]="Espectro de escarcha", [8586]="Haggrum Puñosangre", [8587]="Jediga", [8588]="Umbranse el Hablaalmas", [8596]="Cachorro de can de peste", [8597]="Can de peste", [8598]="Can de peste demenciado", [8600]="Murcipeste", [8601]="Murcipeste nocivo", [8602]="Murcipeste monstruoso", [8603]="Larva carroñera", [8605]="Devorador carroñero", [8606]="Pútrido viviente", [8607]="Lodo en podredumbre", [8608]="Infernal enfadado", [8609]="Alexandra Constantine", [8610]="Kroum", [8611]="Criador de la Sala del Ídolo", [8612]="Espíritu estridador", [8615]="Dragonizo de mitril", [8616]="Sirviente Infernal", [8617]="Zalashji", [8636]="Morta\'gya la Vigilante", [8637]="Velador Hierro Negro", [8656]="Abisario de Hukku", [8657]="Súcubo de Hukku", [8658]="Diablillo de Hukku", [8659]="Jes\'rimon", [8660]="El Evalcharr", [8661]="Subastador Beardo", [8662]="Blanco de horno del Ídolo", [8664]="Caminasol Saern", [8665]="Shylenai", [8666]="Pequeño Timmy", [8667]="Vórtice de ráfaga", [8668]="Rastreador can manáfago", [8669]="Subastador Tolon", [8670]="Subastador Chilton", [8671]="Subastador Buckler", [8672]="Subastadora Leeka", [8673]="Subastador Thathung", [8674]="Subastador Stampi", [8675]="Bestia vil", [8678]="Jubie Cacharretio", [8679]="Knaz Flamerrada", [8680]="Infernal inmenso", [8681]="Proveedor Eric", [8696]="Henry Stern", [8716]="Señor del Terror", [8717]="Élite guardia vil", [8718]="Can de maná", [8719]="Subastador Fitch", [8720]="Subastadora Musarroja", [8721]="Subastadora Epitwee", [8722]="Subastador Gullem", [8723]="Subastador Golothas", [8724]="Auctioneer Wabang", [8736]="Buzzek Giracorchete", [8737]="Linken", [8738]="Vazario Grasenlace", [8756]="Raytaf", [8757]="Shahiar", [8758]="Zaman", [8759]="Corredor Pezuñamusgo", [8760]="Venado Pezuñamusgo", [8761]="Trotador Pezuñamusgo", [8762]="Ermitaña Telamadera", [8763]="Pícaro Brumala", [8764]="Devastador Brumala", [8766]="Moco del bosque", [8767]="Sah\'rhee", [8776]="Cría de dragón esmeralda", [8816]="Ujier sepulcral", [8836]="Gallo de batalla", [8837]="Salpicadura de mugre", [8856]="Robot espía de Tyrion", [8876]="Acólito Furiarena", [8877]="Zelote Furiarena", [8878]="Muuran", [8879]="Historiadora Real Archesonus", [8881]="Carnero de montar", [8882]="Tigre de montar", [8883]="Caballo de montar", [8884]="Montura esquelética", [8885]="Raptor de montar", [8886]="Pitón descarriada", [8887]="Una voz atormentada", [8888]="Franclorn Forjador", [8889]="Sobrestante Yunque Colérico", [8890]="Celador Yunque Colérico", [8891]="Custodio Yunque Colérico", [8892]="Lacayo Yunque Colérico", [8893]="Soldado Yunque Colérico", [8894]="Médico Yunque Colérico", [8895]="Oficial Yunque Colérico", [8896]="Campesino de Forjatiniebla", [8897]="Artesano de la Forja Maldita", [8898]="Alguacil Yunque Colérico", [8899]="Deagolo de la Forja Maldita", [8900]="Herrero arcano de la Forja Maldita", [8901]="Reservista Yunque Colérico", [8902]="Ciudadano de Forjatiniebla", [8903]="Capitán Yunque Colérico", [8904]="Senador de Forjatiniebla", [8905]="Ensamblaje belisario", [8906]="Gólem Furiatracador", [8907]="Ensamblaje Martillo de cólera", [8908]="Gólem de guerra fundido", [8909]="Guardia de fuego", [8910]="Guardia de fuego llameante", [8911]="Destructor guardia de fuego", [8912]="Torturador del Martillo Crepuscular", [8913]="Emisario Crepuscular", [8914]="Guardaespaldas Crepuscular", [8915]="Embajador del Martillo Crepuscular", [8916]="Espectador de la arena", [8917]="Esclavo de la cantera", [8920]="Técnico de armas", [8921]="Cánido", [8922]="Mastín cánido", [8923]="Panzor el Invencible", [8924]="El Behemoth", [8925]="Gusano deslizante", [8926]="Aguijonero profundo", [8927]="Estridador sombrío", [8928]="Morrotrueno cavador", [8929]="Princesa Moira Barbabronce", [8931]="Tabernera Heather", [8932]="Alfazaque cavapozos", [8933]="Trepador de cuevas", [8934]="Christopher Hewen", [8937]="Bomba mascota", [8956]="Oso Zarpira", [8957]="Pardo Zarpira", [8958]="Aplastador Zarpira", [8959]="Lobo Zarpayel", [8960]="Carroñero Zarpayel", [8961]="Devastador Zarpayel", [8962]="Nida", [8963]="Effsee", [8964]="Draco Roca Negra", [8965]="Shawn", [8976]="Hematos", [8977]="Krom\'Grul", [8978]="Thauris Balgarr", [8979]="Gruklash", [8980]="Capitán Pirontraña", [8981]="Atracador estropeado", [8982]="Guardián Manohierro", [8983]="Señor Gólem Argelmach", [8996]="Esbirro abisario", [8997]="Gershala Susurro Nocturno", [9016]="Bael\'Gar", [9017]="Lord Incendius", [9018]="Alta interrogadora Gerstahn", [9019]="Emperador Dagran Thaurissan", [9020]="Comandante Gor\'shak", [9021]="Kharan Martillo Poderoso", [9022]="Dughal Alatormenta", [9023]="Mariscal Windsor", [9024]="Piromántico Fruto del Saber", [9025]="Lord Roccor", [9026]="Maestro Supremo Pyron", [9027]="Gorosh el Endemoniado", [9028]="Grisez", [9029]="Eviscerador", [9030]="Ok\'thor el Rompedor", [9031]="Anub\'shiah", [9032]="Hedrum el Trepador", [9033]="General Forjainquina", [9034]="Odio\'rel", [9035]="Inquina\'rel", [9036]="Vil\'rel", [9037]="Penumbra\'rel", [9038]="Furia\'rel", [9039]="Condena\'rel", [9040]="Drog\'rel", [9041]="Depositario Stilgiss", [9042]="Verek", [9043]="Bruto del Escudo del Estigma", [9044]="Avizor del Escudo del Estigma", [9045]="Acólito del Escudo del Estigma", [9046]="Intendente del Escudo del Estigma", [9047]="Jenal", [9056]="Finoso Virunegro", [9076]="Ghede", [9077]="Señor de la guerra Dientegore", [9078]="Maga oscura Vivian Lagrave", [9079]="Hierofante Theodora Mulvadania", [9080]="Lexlort", [9081]="Galamav el Tirador", [9082]="Thal\'trak Colmillo Orgulloso", [9083]="Razal\'filo", [9084]="Corazón Atronador", [9085]="Iniciado Amakkar", [9086]="Bruto Gargal", [9087]="Bashana Tótem de Runa", [9096]="Dragauro Garra de Furia", [9097]="Legionario del Escudo del Estigma", [9098]="Vinculahechizos del Escudo del Estigma", [9099]="Sraaz", [9116]="Eridan Vientoazul", [9117]="J.D. Collie", [9118]="Larion", [9119]="Muigin", [9136]="Sha\'ni Colmillo Orgulloso", [9156]="Embajador Latifuego", [9157]="Peste Sangrepétalo", [9158]="Caballo de guerra", [9162]="Diemetradón joven", [9163]="Diemetradon", [9164]="Diemetradón viejo", [9165]="Pterrordáctilo volantón", [9166]="Pterrordáctilo", [9167]="Pterrordáctilo demenciado", [9176]="Gorlop", [9177]="Oralius", [9178]="Espíritu ardiente", [9179]="Jazzrik", [9196]="Alto señor Omokk", [9197]="Mago de batalla Cumbrerroca", [9198]="Místico Cumbrerroca", [9199]="Déspota Cumbrerroca", [9200]="Atracador Cumbrerroca", [9201]="Ogro Magus Cumbrerroca", [9216]="Señor de la guerra Cumbrerroca", [9217]="Señor Magus Cumbrerroca", [9218]="Señor de batalla Cumbrerroca", [9219]="Carnicero Cumbrerroca", [9236]="Cazadora de las Sombras Vosh\'gajin", [9237]="Maestro de guerra Voone", [9238]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Quentin", [9239]="Místico Espina Ahumada", [9240]="Sacerdote de las Sombras Espina Ahumada", [9241]="Rebanacabezas Espina Ahumada", [9256]="Pollo de granja", [9257]="Brujo del Escudo del Estigma", [9258]="Asaltante del Escudo del Estigma", [9259]="Bruto Pirotigma", [9260]="Legionario Pirotigma", [9261]="Tejeoscuro Pirotigma", [9262]="Convocador Pirotigma", [9263]="Tejetinieblas Pirotigma", [9264]="Piromántico Pirotigma", [9265]="Cazador de las Sombras Espina Ahumada", [9266]="Médico brujo Espina Ahumada", [9267]="Lanzahachas Espina Ahumada", [9268]="Rabioso Espina Ahumada", [9269]="Vidente Espina Ahumada", [9270]="Williden Marshal", [9271]="Hol\'anyee Marshal", [9272]="Chispik Minamal", [9273]="Petra Grossen", [9274]="Dadanga", [9296]="Milly Osworth", [9297]="Dracoleón iracundo", [9298]="Donova Cubilnevado", [9299]="Gaeriyan", [9316]="Wenikee Tuercasmil", [9317]="Rilli Gapegajoso", [9318]="Incendosaurio", [9319]="Maestro de canes Grebmar", [9336]="Jefe Encobre", [9356]="Tabernero Shul\'kar", [9376]="Correfuego", [9377]="Vórtice espiral", [9396]="Aporreador de tierra", [9397]="Fósil desenterrado", [9398]="Verdugo del Martillo Crepuscular", [9416]="Huargo del Escudo del Estigma", [9436]="Engendro de Bael\'Gar", [9437]="Guarda oscuro Vorfalk", [9438]="Guarda oscuro Bethek", [9439]="Guarda oscuro Uggel", [9441]="Guarda oscuro Zimrel", [9442]="Guarda oscuro Ofgut", [9443]="Guarda oscuro Pelver", [9445]="Guardia oscuro", [9447]="Depositario Escarlata", [9448]="Pretoriano Escarlata", [9449]="Clérigo Escarlata", [9450]="Coadjutor Escarlata", [9451]="Archimago Escarlata", [9452]="Encantador Escarlata", [9453]="Aquamentas", [9454]="Xavathras", [9456]="Señor de la guerra Krom\'zar", [9457]="Defensor de la Horda", [9458]="Lanzahachas de la Horda", [9459]="Cyrus Therepentio", [9460]="Truhán de Gadgetzan", [9461]="Draco Negro demenciado", [9462]="Cabecilla Sangrefauce", [9464]="Señor supremo Ror", [9465]="Golhine el Encapuchado", [9467]="Miblon Gruñediente", [9476]="Velador Presaletal", [9477]="Moco clonado", [9496]="Huevo Gorishi", [9498]="Larva Gorishi", [9499]="Plugger Aropatoso", [9500]="Coima Nagmara", [9501]="Tabernero Adegwa", [9502]="Falange", [9503]="Soldado Sinroca", [9516]="Lord Pesadilla", [9517]="Señor de las Sombras Fel\'dan", [9518]="Rakaiah", [9520]="Grark Lorkrub", [9521]="Murciélago vil iracundo", [9522]="Emboscador Roca Negra", [9523]="Videntormento Kolkar", [9524]="Invasor Kolkar", [9525]="Valiente Viento Libre", [9526]="Grifo iracundo", [9527]="Hipogrifo iracundo", [9528]="Arathandris Cielargento", [9529]="Maybess Brisa de Río", [9536]="Maxwort Suprandor", [9537]="Hurley Negrálito", [9538]="Sumo verdugo Nuzrak", [9539]="Sombra de Lexlort", [9540]="Enohar Cebatruenos", [9541]="Compinche de Negrálito", [9542]="Espíritu de Franclorn", [9543]="Ribbly Llavenrosca", [9544]="Yuka Llavenrosca", [9545]="Parroquiano lúgubre", [9546]="Raschal el Mensajero", [9547]="Parroquiano tragón", [9548]="Cawind Tirojusto", [9549]="Borand", [9550]="Furmund", [9551]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Starn", [9552]="Zanara", [9553]="Nadia Vernon", [9554]="Parroquiano beodo", [9555]="Mu\'uta", [9556]="Esbirro can manáfago", [9558]="Grimble", [9559]="Grisloue", [9560]="Mariscal Maxwell", [9561]="Jalinda Espiga", [9562]="Helendis Rivacuerno", [9563]="John Andrajoso", [9564]="Frezza", [9565]="Mayara Alasol", [9566]="Zapetta", [9568]="Señor supremo Vermiothalak", [9583]="Veterano Hacha de Sangre", [9584]="Jalane Ayrole", [9596]="Bannok Hacha Macabra", [9598]="Arei", [9599]="Arei Transformed", [9600]="Loro", [9601]="Espíritu antárbol", [9602]="Hahk\'Zor", [9604]="Gorgon\'och", [9605]="Asaltante Roca Negra", [9616]="Laris Mecaparra", [9618]="Karna Tripirrem", [9619]="Torwa Abrecaminos", [9620]="Dreka\'Sur", [9621]="Moco inmenso", [9622]="U\'cha", [9623]="Memo 01", [9636]="Kireena", [9637]="Tótem agostador", [9656]="Bombita", [9657]="Humillo", [9660]="Agnar Domabestias", [9662]="Prole de duende dardo", [9676]="Tink Silbadentado", [9677]="Ograbisi", [9678]="Shill Dinger", [9679]="Tobias Sicher", [9680]="Asesino de la cresta", [9681]="Jaz", [9682]="Alguacil Reginald Windsor", [9683]="Compañera de Lar\'korwi", [9684]="Lar\'korwi", [9687]="zzOLDTótem Muro de viento", [9688]="zzOLDTótem Muro de viento II", [9689]="zzOLDTótem Muro de viento III", [9690]="Huargo brasal", [9691]="Escórpido Venopunta", [9692]="Asaltante Hacha de Sangre", [9693]="Evocador Hacha de Sangre", [9694]="Huargo brasal babeante", [9695]="Escórpido Latimorte", [9696]="Huargo Hacha de Sangre", [9697]="Huargo brasal gigante", [9698]="Escórpido Colafuego", [9699]="Alfazaque de fuego", [9700]="Cangrejo de lava", [9701]="Escórpido de la cumbre", [9705]="Vigía de los sueños ilusorio", [9706]="Yorba Llavenrosca", [9707]="Portal del Escudo del Estigma", [9708]="Diablillo ardiente", [9716]="Belicista Hacha de Sangre", [9717]="Invocador Hacha de Sangre", [9718]="Ghok Bashguud", [9736]="Intendente Zigris", [9776]="Escupidor flamante", [9777]="Duende flamante", [9778]="Incendiario flamante", [9779]="Furibundo flamante", [9796]="Galgar", [9816]="Piroguardia Brasadivino", [9817]="Tejetinieblas Puño Negro", [9818]="Invocadora Puño Negro", [9819]="Veterano Puño Negro", [9836]="Mathredis Fuegostelar", [9856]="Auctioneer Grimful", [9857]="Subastadora Grizzlin", [9858]="Subastador Kresky", [9859]="Subastadora Lympkin", [9860]="Salia", [9861]="Moora", [9862]="Legionario Jaedenar", [9876]="Lacuno", [9877]="Príncipe Xavalis", [9878]="Bestia entrópica", [9879]="Horror entrópico", [9916]="Jarquia", [9936]="Gatito corrupto", [9937]="Gatito común", [9938]="Magmus", [9956]="Vigilante de las llamas de Forjatiniebla", [9976]="Tharlidun", [9977]="Sylista", [9978]="Wesley", [9979]="Sarah Goode", [9980]="Shelby Petrepiedra", [9981]="Sikwa", [9982]="Penny", [9983]="Kelsuwa", [9984]="Ulbrek Manofuego", [9985]="Laziphus", [9986]="Shyrka Correlobo", [9987]="Shoja\'my", [9988]="Xon\'cha", [9989]="Lina Hogartufa", [9990]="Lanti\'gah", [9996]="Winna Riessgo", [9997]="Spraggle Frock", [9998]="Shizzle", [9999]="Ringo", [10000]="Arugal", [10016]="Rata corrupta", [10017]="Curiana corrupta", [10036]="Déspota Murohelecho", [10037]="Guardia de Villa del Lago", [10038]="Miembro de La Guardia Nocturna", [10040]="Guardia de la colmena Gorishi", [10041]="Reina de la colmena Gorishi", [10042]="Dientes de sable corrupto", [10043]="Compinche de Ribbly", [10045]="Kirk Maxwell", [10046]="Bethaine Martílex", [10047]="Michael", [10048]="Gereck", [10049]="Hekkru", [10050]="Seikwa", [10051]="Seriadne", [10052]="Maluressian", [10053]="Anya Maulray", [10054]="Bulrug", [10055]="Morganus", [10056]="Alassin", [10057]="Theodore Mont Claire", [10058]="Greth", [10059]="Antarius", [10060]="Mugrín", [10061]="Killium Dedorroca", [10062]="Steven Negro", [10063]="Reggifuz", [10076]="Suma sacerdotisa de Thaurissan", [10077]="Faucemuerte", [10078]="Chispa terrorífica", [10079]="Valiente Cuerno de Luna", [10080]="Sandarr Asaltadunas", [10081]="Ánima de polvo", [10082]="Zerillis", [10083]="Flamaescama Garra de Furia", [10085]="Jaelysia", [10086]="Hesuwa Tronacuerno", [10088]="Xao\'tsu", [10089]="Silvaria", [10090]="Belia Tronagranito", [10096]="Alto justiciero Pedrasiniestra", [10116]="Esclavo", [10117]="Esclavo torturado", [10118]="Nessa Cantosombrío", [10119]="Volchan", [10120]="Depositario de la cámara acorazada", [10136]="Químico Fuely", [10157]="Oráculo lechúcico lunar", [10158]="Lechúcico lunar", [10159]="Lechúcico lunar joven", [10160]="Lechúcico lunar enfurecido", [10161]="Cría de El Grajero", [10162]="Lord Victor Nefarius", [10176]="Kaltunk", [10177]="Escarabajo de la cumbre", [10178]="Mecazancudo verde fosforito", [10179]="Mecazancudo blanco modelo B", [10180]="Mecazancudo sin pintar", [10181]="Lady Sylvanas Brisaveloz", [10182]="Rokaro", [10183]="Tótem Centella lunar", [10184]="Onyxia", [10196]="General Colbatann", [10197]="Mezzir el Aullador", [10198]="Kashoch el Atracador", [10199]="Pardo Patanieve", [10200]="Rak\'shiri", [10201]="Lady Hederine", [10202]="Azurous", [10204]="Misha", [10216]="Gubber Blump", [10217]="Tótem Sacudida de llamas", [10218]="Guarda de sanación excelente", [10219]="Gwennyth Bly\'Leggonde", [10220]="Halycon", [10221]="Cachorro de huargo Hacha de Sangre", [10257]="Bijou", [10258]="Guardián de El Grajero", [10259]="Cachorro de huargo", [10260]="Kibler", [10261]="Can manáfago ardiente", [10262]="Opus", [10263]="Guardia vil ardiente", [10264]="Solakar Corona de Fuego", [10266]="Ug\'thok", [10267]="Tinkee Vaporio", [10268]="Gizrul el Esclavista", [10276]="Rotgath Barbapétrea", [10277]="Groum Barbapétrea", [10278]="Thrag Pezuña Pétrea", [10290]="Moco de Frondavil capturado", [10293]="Dulcinea Luna Helada", [10296]="Acride", [10299]="Acride", [10300]="Ranshalla", [10301]="Jaron Tallapiedras", [10302]="Krakle", [10303]="Ventisca Pezuña Umbría", [10304]="Aurora Clamacielos", [10305]="Umi Risitas", [10306]="Trull Fallarruina", [10307]="Médica bruja Mau\'ari", [10316]="Carcelero Puño Negro", [10317]="Élite Puño Negro", [10318]="Asesino Puño Negro", [10319]="Guarda de hierro Puño Negro", [10321]="Brasaliza", [10322]="Sable de hielo anciano", [10323]="Viscoso", [10336]="Leopardo primigenio", [10337]="Dientes de sable leonado", [10338]="Dientes de sable dorado", [10339]="Gyth", [10340]="Vaelastrasz el Rojo", [10356]="Bayne", [10357]="Ressan el Agujas", [10358]="Sombra de Felicent", [10359]="Sri\'skulk", [10360]="Kergul Hacha de Sangre", [10361]="Gruul Filoscuro", [10363]="General Drakkisath", [10364]="Yaelika Garra Lejana", [10366]="Guardia Dragón Garra de Furia", [10367]="Shrye Puñofuria", [10369]="Trayexir", [10371]="Capitán Garra de Furia", [10372]="Lenguáfoga Garra de Furia", [10373]="Xabraxxis", [10374]="Araña de la cumbre", [10375]="Arañita de la cumbre", [10376]="Colmillo de cristal", [10377]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Elu", [10378]="Omusa Tronacuerno", [10379]="Altsoba Tótem de Ira", [10380]="Sanuye Tótem de Runa", [10381]="Cadáver devastado", [10382]="Cadáver destrozado", [10383]="Cadáver deshecho", [10384]="Ciudadano espectral", [10385]="Ciudadano fantasmal", [10387]="Aparición vengativa", [10388]="Aparición maliciosa", [10389]="Aparición de cólera", [10390]="Guardián esquelético", [10391]="Rabioso esquelético", [10393]="Skul", [10394]="Avizor Guardia Negra", [10398]="Taumaturgo umbrío Thuzadin", [10399]="Acólito Thuzadin", [10400]="Nigromante Thuzadin", [10405]="Necrófago de peste", [10406]="Cuervoso necrófago", [10407]="Necrófago desgarracarne", [10408]="Gárgola Ventorroca", [10409]="Estridador Alaroca", [10411]="Ojo de Naxxramas", [10412]="Reptador de la cripta", [10413]="Bestia de la cripta", [10414]="Horror de retazos", [10415]="Cristal Ash\'ari", [10416]="Vomitón bílico", [10417]="Eructaveneno", [10418]="Custodio resucitado", [10419]="Conjurador resucitado", [10420]="Iniciado resucitado", [10421]="Defensor resucitado", [10422]="Hechicero resucitado", [10423]="Sacerdote resucitado", [10424]="Gallardo resucitado", [10425]="Mago de batalla resucitado", [10426]="Inquisidor resucitado", [10427]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Pao\'ka Monte Presto", [10428]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Motega Pirocabello", [10429]="Jefe de Guerra Rend Puño Negro", [10430]="La Bestia", [10431]="Gregor Petragris", [10432]="Vectus", [10433]="Marduk Pozonegro", [10435]="Magistrado Barthilas", [10436]="Baronesa Anastari", [10437]="Nerub\'enkan", [10438]="Maleki el Pálido", [10439]="Ramstein el Empachador", [10440]="Barón Osahendido", [10441]="Rata apestada", [10442]="Cría cromática", [10445]="Selina Dourman", [10447]="Dragauro cromático", [10455]="Binny Brotasable", [10456]="Prynne", [10459]="Visualización Desgarro de Dragón", [10460]="Prospector Ferrobota", [10461]="Insecto apestado", [10463]="Alma en pena plañidera", [10464]="Alma en pena gemebunda", [10467]="Tótem Marea de maná", [10468]="Felnok Acerovera", [10469]="Adepto de Scholomance", [10470]="Neófito de Scholomance", [10471]="Acólito de Scholomance", [10472]="Ocultista de Scholomance", [10475]="Estudiante de Scholomance", [10476]="Necrólito de Scholomance", [10477]="Nigromante de Scholomance", [10478]="Esqueleto astillado", [10479]="Cadáver husmeador", [10480]="Cadáver inestable", [10481]="Cadáver reanimado", [10482]="Lacayo resucitado", [10485]="Aberración resucitada", [10486]="Guerrero resucitado", [10487]="Protector resucitado", [10488]="Ensamblaje resucitado", [10489]="Guarda resucitado", [10491]="Guardahuesos resucitado", [10495]="Necrófago malsano", [10497]="Necrófago andrajoso", [10498]="Tutor espectral", [10499]="Investigador espectral", [10500]="Maestro espectral", [10502]="Lady Illucia Barov", [10503]="Jandice Barov", [10504]="Lord Alexei Barov", [10505]="Instructora Malicia", [10506]="Kirtonos el Heraldo", [10507]="El Devorador", [10508]="Ras Murmuhielo", [10509]="Jed Vigía de las Runas", [10516]="La Imperdonable", [10536]="Cresa apestada", [10537]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Vigiarrisco Cuerno Largo", [10538]="Vaelastrasz", [10539]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Hagar Pezuña del Rayo", [10540]="Vol\'jin", [10541]="Termómetro de Krakle", [10556]="Peón vago", [10557]="zzOLDTótem Lengua de Fuego IV", [10558]="Cantachimeneas Forresten", [10559]="Lady Vespia", [10577]="Escarabajo de la cripta", [10578]="Bom\'bay", [10579]="Kirtonos el Heraldo", [10580]="Zombi fétido", [10581]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Arikara joven", [10582]="Perro", [10583]="Gryfe", [10584]="Urok Aullasino", [10596]="Madre Telabrasada", [10598]="Prole de Telabrasada", [10599]="Hulfnar Tótem de Piedra", [10600]="Thontek Pezuña Estrepitosa", [10601]="Déspota Urok", [10602]="Ogro Magus Urok", [10603]="Alucinación", [10604]="Cazadora Nhemai", [10605]="Médico Escarlata", [10606]="Cazadora Yaeliura", [10608]="Sacerdote Escarlata", [10610]="Angus", [10611]="Enanín", [10612]="Guardia Wachabe", [10616]="Supervisora Raelen", [10617]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Mensajero Galak", [10618]="Rivern Ventogélido", [10619]="Glaciar", [10636]="Kodo de carga", [10637]="Malyfous Martilloscuro", [10638]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Kanati Nube Gris", [10639]="Rorgish Jowl", [10640]="Pataroble", [10641]="Quebrarramas", [10642]="Eck\'alom", [10643]="Aletereje", [10644]="Aullanieblas", [10645]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Thalia Ocultaámbar", [10646]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Lakota Son del Viento", [10647]="Príncipe Raze", [10648]="Xavaric", [10656]="Guardián manáfago", [10657]="Felino corrupto", [10658]="Gatito de Winna", [10659]="Cría de cobalto", [10660]="Estirpe de cobalto", [10661]="Zampaconjuros", [10662]="Hechifauces", [10663]="Zarpamaná", [10664]="Arúspice", [10665]="Boticario auxiliar Holland", [10666]="Gordo", [10667]="Cromi", [10668]="Cadáver apaleado", [10676]="Asaltante Jhash", [10678]="Cría de dragón apestada", [10680]="Tejetinieblas Puño Negro invocado", [10681]="Veterano Puño Negro invocado", [10682]="Asaltante Kerr", [10683]="Criadora de El Grajero", [10684]="Altonato arrepentido", [10685]="Puerco", [10696]="Defensor de Refugio de la Zaga", [10697]="Babosa bílica", [10698]="Zombi invocado", [10699]="Escarabajo carroñero", [10716]="Murciélago Timbralevín", [10717]="Parásito temporal", [10718]="Shahram", [10719]="Heraldo de Thrall", [10720]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Asesino Galak", [10721]="Guerrero novicio", [10737]="Shi-Rotam", [10738]="Gran Jefe Nevada", [10739]="Mulgris Río Hondo", [10740]="Awbee", [10741]="Sian-Rotam", [10742]="Domadragones Puño Negro", [10756]="Elemental hirviente", [10757]="Elemental en ebullición", [10758]="Bandido Tótem Siniestro", [10759]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Vapuleador Tótem Siniestro", [10760]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Geomántico Tótem Siniestro", [10761]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Atracador Tótem Siniestro", [10762]="Matón Puño Negro", [10776]="Finkle Einhorn", [10778]="Janice Piedra Mácula", [10779]="Ardilla infectada", [10780]="Ciervo infectado", [10781]="Sobrestante real Bauhaus", [10782]="Agente Real Bathrilor", [10783]="Orbe de engaño", [10784]="Orbe de engaño", [10785]="Orbe de engaño", [10786]="Orbe de engaño", [10787]="Orbe de engaño", [10788]="Orbe de engaño", [10789]="Orbe de engaño", [10790]="Orbe de engaño", [10791]="Orbe de engaño", [10792]="Orbe de engaño", [10793]="Orbe de engaño", [10794]="Orbe de engaño", [10795]="Orbe de engaño", [10796]="Orbe de engaño", [10797]="Orbe de engaño", [10798]="Orbe de engaño", [10799]="Warosh", [10800]="Warosh el Redimido", [10801]="Necrófago farfullante", [10802]="Hitah\'ya la Guardiana", [10803]="Fusilero Ruedas", [10804]="Fusilero de mediocampo", [10805]="Avistador Klemmy", [10806]="Ursius", [10807]="Brumeran", [10808]="Timmy el Cruel", [10809]="Pidrespina", [10811]="Instructor Galford", [10812]="Gran cruzado Dathrohan", [10813]="Balnazzar", [10814]="Guardia de élite cromático", [10816]="Esqueleto deambulante", [10817]="Duggan Martillo Salvaje", [10820]="Duke Ragereaver", [10821]="Hed\'mush el Podrido", [10822]="Señor de la guerra Thresh\'jin", [10823]="Ramurdimbre Zul\'Brin", [10824]="Cazador letal Lanzalcón", [10825]="Gish el Inamovible", [10826]="Lord Hoz Oscura", [10827]="Portavoz de la muerte Selendre", [10828]="Lynnia Abbendis", [10836]="Granjero Dalson", [10837]="Sumo ejecutor Derrington", [10838]="Comandante Ashlam Puñovalor", [10839]="Oficial Argenta Garush", [10840]="Oficial Argenta Purocorazón", [10856]="Intendente Argenta Hasana", [10857]="Intendente Argenta Chispillo", [10876]="Escarabajo no-muerto", [10877]="Mensajero Sentencia", [10878]="Heraldo Acechalunas", [10879]="Presagista Balthazad", [10880]="Clamaguerras Gorlach", [10881]="Asaltaviento Correbrisa", [10882]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Arikara", [10896]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Arnak Tótem Siniestro", [10897]="Sindrayl", [10899]="Goraluk Yunquegrieta", [10901]="Tradicionalista Polkelt", [10902]="Torre uno de Andorhal", [10903]="Torre dos de Andorhal", [10904]="Torre tres de Andorhal", [10905]="Torre cuatro de Andorhal", [10916]="Corredor Nevada", [10917]="Aurius", [10918]="Lorax", [10919]="Trol Rompelanzas", [10920]="Kelek Guardacielo", [10921]="Taronn Plumarroja", [10922]="Greta Pezuñamusgo", [10923]="Tenell Correhoja", [10924]="Ivy Correhoja", [10925]="Gusano en podredumbre", [10926]="Pamela Rutagrana", [10927]="Marlene Rutagrana", [10928]="Esbirro súcubo", [10929]="Haleh", [10930]="Dargh Tirojusto", [10936]="Joseph Rutagrana", [10937]="Capitán Rutagrana", [10938]="Rutagrana el Corrompido", [10939]="Marduk el Negro", [10940]="Fantasma del pasado", [10941]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Wizlo Rodabrillante", [10942]="Nessy", [10943]="Guardián decrépito", [10944]="Davil Fuegoluz", [10945]="Davil Vasijan", [10946]="Horgus el Devastador", [10947]="Traidor de Villa Darrow", [10948]="Defensor de Villa Darrow", [10949]="Discípulo de la Mano de Plata", [10950]="Miliciano Rutagrana", [10951]="Cadáver merodeador", [10952]="Esqueleto merodeador", [10953]="Sirviente de Horgus", [10954]="Flebotomista", [10955]="Elemental de agua invocado", [10956]="Sirena naga", [10976]="Jeziba", [10977]="Quixxil", [10978]="Legacki", [10979]="Can Escarlata", [10980]="Yeti mecánico de Umi", [10981]="Lobo Gélido", [10982]="Alimaña Mostacho Blanco", [10983]="Trol Hacha Invernal", [10984]="Rabioso Hacha Invernal", [10986]="Arpía Veloneve", [10987]="Trogg Ferrohondo", [10988]="Espíritu de kodo", [10990]="Carnero de Alterac", [10991]="Gnoll Zarpa Salvaje", [10992]="Pantera iracunda", [10993]="Tuizgüik Muelodentado", [10996]="Héroe caído", [10997]="Willey Rompeesperanzas", [11016]="Arko\'narin capturada", [11017]="Roxxik", [11018]="Arko\'narin", [11019]="Jessir Arcolunar", [11020]="Restos de Trey Forjaluz", [11021]="Sable de hielo de Cuna del Invierno", [11022]="Alexi Barov", [11023]="Weldon Barov", [11024]="Della", [11025]="Mukdrak", [11026]="Duendy Ruedadentada", [11027]="Ánima ilusoria", [11028]="Jemma Clicveloz", [11029]="Trixie Clicveloz", [11030]="No-muerto descerebrado", [11031]="Franklin Lloyd", [11032]="Comandante Malor", [11033]="Smokey LaRue", [11034]="Lord Maxwell Neófitus", [11035]="Betina Bigglezink", [11036]="Leonid Barthalomew el Venerado", [11037]="Jenna Lemkenilli", [11038]="Custodio Alen", [11039]="Duque Nicholas Zverenhoff", [11040]="Vigía Brownell", [11041]="Milla Fairancora", [11042]="Sylvanna Bosqueluna", [11043]="Monje resucitado", [11044]="Doctor Martin Felben", [11046]="Whuut", [11047]="Kray", [11048]="Victor Ward", [11049]="Rhiannon Davis", [11050]="Trianna", [11051]="Vhan", [11052]="Timoteo Valión", [11053]="Suma sacerdotisa MacDonnell", [11054]="Fusilero resucitado", [11055]="Sacerdotisa de las Sombras Vandis", [11056]="Alquimista Arbington", [11057]="Boticario Dithers", [11058]="Fras Siabi", [11063]="Carlin Rutagrana", [11064]="Espíritu de Villa Darrow", [11065]="Thonys Piedrapilar", [11066]="Jhag", [11067]="Malcomb Wynn", [11068]="Betty Quin", [11069]="Jenova Petrescudo", [11070]="Lalina Luna de Verano", [11071]="Mot Caminalba", [11072]="Kitta Vientofuego", [11073]="Annora", [11074]="Hgarth", [11075]="Señor de la caldera Garravil", [11076]="Señor de la caldera Razarch", [11077]="Señor de la caldera Molevolus", [11078]="Señor de la caldera Iralma", [11079]="Wynd Cazanoche", [11081]="Faldron", [11082]="Mensajero de Stratholme", [11083]="Darianna", [11084]="Tarn", [11096]="Randal Valor", [11097]="Drakk Petramano", [11098]="Hahrana Pielférrea", [11099]="Guardia Argenta", [11100]="zzOLDTótem Marea de maná II", [11101]="zzOLDTótem Marea de maná III", [11102]="Jinete Argenta", [11103]="Tabernera Lyshaerya", [11104]="Shelgrayn", [11105]="Aboda", [11106]="Tabernera Sikewa", [11116]="[Deprecated for 4.x]Tabernero Abeqwa", [11117]="Awenasa", [11118]="Tabernera Vizzie", [11119]="Azzleby", [11120]="Forjamartillos resucitado", [11121]="Armero Guardia Negra", [11122]="Alma inquieta", [11136]="Alma liberada", [11137]="Xai\'ander", [11138]="Maethrya", [11139]="Yugrek", [11140]="Egan", [11141]="Espíritu de Trey Forjaluz", [11142]="Cartero no-muerto", [11143]="Jefe de correos Gassol", [11145]="Myolor Furiahendida", [11146]="Ironus Acero Frío", [11147]="Mecazancudo verde", [11148]="Mecazancudo morado", [11149]="Mecazancudo rojo y azul", [11150]="Mecazancudo azul hielo modelo A", [11151]="Mecazancudo de montar (amarillo/verde)", [11152]="Caldera de la Plaga", [11153]="Caballo esquelético rojo", [11154]="Caballo esquelético azul", [11155]="Caballo esquelético marrón", [11156]="Caballo de guerra esquelético verde", [11176]="Krathok Puñofundido", [11177]="Okothos Ira de Hierro", [11178]="Borgosh Ramagma", [11179]="Activador de cristal", [11180]="Valiente de Puesto del Veneno", [11181]="Shi\'alune", [11182]="Nixxrak", [11183]="Blixxrak", [11184]="Wixxrak", [11185]="Xizzer Raybuja", [11186]="Lunnix Dentabaja", [11187]="Himmik", [11188]="Evie Brebegira", [11189]="Qia", [11190]="Truhán de Vista Eterna", [11191]="Lilith la Ágil", [11192]="Kilram", [11193]="Seril Finiquiplaga", [11194]="Defensor Argenta", [11195]="Destrero de la Muerte", [11196]="Tamborilero Rompelanzas", [11197]="Esqueleto descerebrado", [11198]="Exiliado Tábido", [11199]="Cañón carmesí", [11200]="Esqueleto invocado", [11216]="Eva Sarkhoff", [11217]="Lucien Sarkhoff", [11218]="Kerlonian Semprumbrío", [11219]="Liladris Rioluna", [11236]="Loro de sangre", [11256]="Manifestación de agua", [11257]="Controlador de Scholomance", [11258]="Esqueleto endeble", [11259]="Nataka Cuerno Largo", [11260]="Campesino de Villanorte", [11261]="Doctor Theolen Krastinov", [11262]="Cría de Onyxia", [11263]="Proyección espectral", [11276]="Centinela de Azshara", [11277]="Ciudadano de Castel Darrow", [11278]="Magnus Vespescarcha", [11279]="Custodio de Castel Darrow", [11280]="Cañonero de Castel Darrow", [11281]="Jinete de Castel Darrow", [11282]="Melia", [11283]="Sammy", [11284]="Sombra oscura", [11285]="Rory", [11286]="Magistrado Marduke", [11287]="Panadero Hijomaestro", [11288]="Traidor espectral", [11289]="Defensor espectral", [11290]="Zombi Fustamusgo", [11291]="Fustamusgo sin vida", [11296]="Poltergeist de Villa Darrow", [11316]="Joseph Dirte", [11317]="Jinar\'Zillen", [11318]="Trogg Furia Ardiente", [11319]="Chamán Furia Ardiente", [11320]="Perforatierra", [11321]="Elemental de magma", [11322]="Cultor Hoja Abrasadora", [11323]="Déspota Hoja Abrasadora", [11324]="Brujo Hoja Abrasadora", [11325]="Osito panda", [11326]="Mini Diablo", [11327]="Zergling", [11328]="Campesino de la Vega del Este", [11338]="Taumaturgo umbrío Hakkari", [11339]="Cazador de las Sombras Hakkari", [11340]="Sacerdote de sangre Hakkari", [11346]="Oráculo Hakkari", [11347]="Zelote Lor\'Khan", [11348]="Zelote Zath", [11350]="Lanzahachas Gurubashi", [11351]="Rebanacabezas Gurubashi", [11352]="Rabioso Gurubashi", [11353]="Bebesangre Gurubashi", [11355]="Guerrero Gurubashi", [11356]="Campeón Gurubashi", [11357]="Hijo de Hakkar", [11359]="Cazador de Almas", [11360]="Cachorro Zulian", [11361]="Tigre Zulian", [11365]="Pantera Zulian", [11368]="Murciélago buscasangre", [11370]="Proleviuda Razzashi", [11371]="Serpiente Razzashi", [11372]="Víboris Razzashi", [11373]="Cobra Razzashi", [11374]="Furia ganchodiente", [11378]="Supervisor Thazz\'ril", [11380]="Jin\'do el Aojador", [11382]="Señor sangriento Mandokir", [11383]="Suma sacerdotisa Hai\'watna", [11387]="Portavoz Furiarena", [11388]="Portavoz Secacorteza", [11389]="Portavoz Sangrapellejo", [11390]="Portavoz Machacacráneos", [11391]="Portavoz Vilrama", [11397]="Nara Meideros", [11401]="Sacerdotisa Alathea", [11406]="Sumo sacerdote Rohan", [11407]="Var\'jun", [11437]="Infernal menor", [11438]="Bibbly F\'utzhebilla", [11439]="Ilusión de Jandice Barov", [11440]="Déspota Gordok", [11441]="Tosco Gordok", [11442]="Aplastador Gordok", [11443]="Ogro mago Gordok", [11444]="Señor de la magia Gordok", [11445]="Capitán Gordok", [11446]="Espíritu Gordok", [11447]="Mushgog", [11448]="Brujo Gordok", [11450]="Atracador Gordok", [11451]="Sátiro Mala Hierba", [11452]="Pícaro Mala Hierba", [11453]="Tramposo Mala Hierba", [11454]="Traidor Mala Hierba", [11455]="Jurapenas Mala Hierba", [11456]="Acechasombras Mala Hierba", [11457]="Clamainferno Mala Hierba", [11458]="Antárbol petrificado", [11459]="Protector Cortezaférrea", [11460]="Esbirro de Alzzin", [11461]="Guardián Alabeo", [11462]="Antárbol Alabeo", [11464]="Enmarañador Alabeo", [11465]="Vapuleador Alabeo", [11466]="Invocador Altonato", [11467]="Tsu\'zee", [11469]="Bullidor Eldreth", [11470]="Hechicero Eldreth", [11471]="Aparecido Eldreth", [11472]="Espíritu Eldreth", [11473]="Espectro Eldreth", [11475]="Fantasma Eldreth", [11476]="Altonato esquelético", [11477]="Altonato en podredumbre", [11480]="Aberración Arcana", [11483]="Despojos de maná", [11484]="Monstruosidad residual", [11486]="Príncipe Tortheldrin", [11487]="Magister Kalendris", [11488]="Illyanna Roblecuervo", [11489]="Tendris Alabeo", [11490]="Zevrim Pezuñahendida", [11491]="Viejo Cortezaférrea", [11492]="Alzzin el Formaferal", [11494]="Trigger Alzinn", [11496]="Immol\'thar", [11497]="El Razza", [11498]="Skarr el Roto", [11501]="Rey Gordok", [11502]="Ragnaros", [11516]="Depositario Fauces de Madera", [11517]="Ogglesílex", [11518]="Jergosh el Convocador", [11519]="Bazzalan", [11520]="Taragaman el Hambriento", [11521]="Aparecido kodo", [11536]="Intendente Miranda Cerrobrecha", [11546]="Jack Sterling", [11547]="Estudiante esquelético de Scholomance", [11548]="Loh\'atu", [11551]="Necromaligno", [11552]="Místico Fauces de Madera", [11553]="Doblatroncos Fauces de Madera", [11554]="Grazle", [11555]="Monóculo de Gorn", [11556]="Salfa", [11557]="Meilosh", [11558]="Kernda", [11559]="Nigromante paria", [11560]="Espectro Magram", [11561]="Devastador no-muerto", [11562]="Reptador Golpeseco", [11563]="Tenazario Golpeseco", [11564]="Kodo de caravana Gizelton", [11576]="Desgarrador espirálico", [11577]="Caminatormentas espirálico", [11578]="Machacador espirálico", [11582]="Invocador Oscuro de Scholomance", [11583]="Nefarian", [11596]="Smeed Mezclatornillos", [11598]="Guardián resucitado", [11600]="Chamán Ferrohondo", [11602]="Aplastacráneos Ferrohondo", [11603]="Cavador Mostacho Blanco", [11604]="Geomántico Mostacho Blanco", [11605]="Sobrestante Mostacho Blanco", [11608]="Bardu Ojo Afilado", [11609]="Alexia Filoférreo", [11610]="Kirsta Sombraprofunda", [11611]="Hidalgo Durgen", [11613]="Montero Radley", [11614]="Tirosangre", [11615]="Mickey Levine", [11616]="Nathaniel Dumah", [11620]="Maleante espectral", [11621]="Cadáver espectral", [11622]="Traquesangre", [11623]="Cristal de invocación de la Plaga", [11624]="Taiga Crin Sabia", [11625]="Cork Gizelton", [11626]="Rigger Gizelton", [11627]="Kodo domesticado", [11628]="Cadáver putrefacto", [11629]="Jessica Rutagrana", [11636]="Sirviente de Weldon Barov", [11637]="Sirviente de Alexi Barov", [11656]="Peón Grito de Guerra", [11657]="Morloch", [11658]="Gigante fundido", [11659]="Destructor de magma", [11661]="Despiertallamas", [11662]="Sacerdote despiertallamas", [11663]="Sanador despiertallamas", [11664]="Élite despiertallamas", [11665]="Aniquilador de lava", [11666]="Caminafuego", [11667]="Guardia de llamas", [11668]="Señor del Fuego", [11669]="Diablillo de llamas", [11671]="Can del Núcleo", [11672]="Furibundo del Núcleo", [11673]="Can del Núcleo", [11675]="Clamavientos Veloneve", [11677]="Capataz Snivvle", [11678]="Emboscadora Veloneve", [11679]="Médico brujo Hacha Invernal", [11680]="Explorador de la Horda", [11681]="Deforestador de la Horda", [11682]="Bruto Grito de Guerra", [11683]="Chamán Grito de Guerra", [11684]="Deforestador goblin", [11685]="Sacerdote Maraudine", [11686]="Asaltante fantasmal", [11687]="Maleante fantasmal", [11688]="Centauro maldito", [11689]="Kodo marrón", [11690]="Instigador Tuercepinos", [11696]="Chal Eolimpo", [11697]="Azotadora Mannoroc", [11698]="Aguijonero Colmen\'Ashi", [11699]="Varian Wrynn", [11700]="Sarin Luz Estelar", [11701]="Mor\'vek", [11702]="Arin\'sor", [11703]="Grau Piedresquina", [11704]="Kriss Luzdorada", [11705]="Rayan Albalzada", [11706]="Adon", [11707]="Joy Ar\'nareth", [11708]="Coral Claroluna", [11709]="Jareth Boscosalvaje", [11710]="Mirador", [11711]="Centinela Aynasha", [11712]="Lilyn Rionegro", [11713]="Rastreador Bosque Negro", [11714]="Marosh el Taimado", [11715]="Talendria", [11716]="Celes Portaterra", [11717]="Bethan Aguazul", [11718]="Sar Ojomarrón", [11720]="Loruk Trotabosques", [11721]="Trabajador Colmen\'Ashi", [11722]="Defensor Colmen\'Ashi", [11723]="Acecharenas Colmen\'Ashi", [11724]="Enjambrista Colmen\'Ashi", [11725]="Oteador de Colmen\'Zora", [11726]="Tunelador de Colmen\'Zora", [11727]="Avispa de Colmen\'Zora", [11728]="Atracador de Colmen\'Zora", [11729]="Hermana de colmena de Colmen\'Zora", [11730]="Emboscador Colmen\'Regal", [11731]="Perforador Colmen\'Regal", [11732]="Escupefuego Colmen\'Regal", [11733]="Esclavizador Colmen\'Regal", [11734]="Señor Colmen\'Regal", [11735]="Escórpido Latipiedra", [11736]="Tenazario Latipiedra", [11737]="Despellejador Latipiedra", [11738]="Arácnido de arena", [11739]="Acecharrocas", [11740]="Asediador deslizante", [11741]="Triturador deslizante", [11744]="Agitador sirocoso", [11745]="Guerrero ciclónico", [11746]="Estruendor del desierto", [11747]="Furibundo del desierto", [11748]="Samantha Pezuña Presta", [11749]="Feran Vientoforte", [11750]="Ganoosh", [11751]="Rilan Howard", [11752]="Blaise Montgomery", [11753]="Gogo", [11754]="Meggi Rocaliz", [11755]="Harlo Contorecio", [11756]="Quinn", [11757]="Umaron Stragarelm", [11758]="Andi Lynn", [11776]="Salome", [11777]="Estruendor Fragmento Oscuro", [11778]="Quebrantador Fragmento Oscuro", [11781]="Triturador Ambarastilla", [11782]="Destructor Ambarastilla", [11783]="Fragmentizo Theradrim", [11784]="Guardián Theradrim", [11785]="Basilisco Ambarojo", [11786]="Atracador Ambarojo", [11787]="Cavapiedras", [11788]="Gusano de piedra", [11789]="Cavapozos de las profundidades", [11790]="Sátiro Putridus", [11791]="Tramposo Putridus", [11792]="Acechasombras Putridus", [11793]="Dríade celebriana", [11794]="Hermana de Celebras", [11795]="Mylentha Cuenca del Río", [11796]="Bessany Viento del Llano", [11797]="Moren Cuenca del Río", [11798]="Bunthen Ventollano", [11799]="Tajarri", [11800]="Silva Fil\'naveth", [11801]="Rabine Saturna", [11802]="Dendrita Rafagaestelar", [11803]="Guardián Crepuscular Exeter", [11804]="Guardián Crepuscular Havunth", [11805]="Jarund Zancada Recia", [11806]="Centinela Onaeya", [11807]="Tristane Pietrasombra", [11808]="Grum Barbarroja", [11810]="Howin Plumamable", [11811]="Narain Sabelotodo", [11812]="Claira Plumamable", [11813]="Kerr Vistaferro", [11814]="Kali Remik", [11815]="Voriya", [11816]="Una Ji\'ro", [11817]="Krah\'ranik", [11818]="Orik\'ando", [11819]="Jory Zaga", [11820]="Locke Okarr", [11821]="Darn Ganchagarra", [11822]="Celador de Claro de la Luna", [11823]="Vark Marca de Guerra", [11824]="Erik Felixe", [11825]="Paige Felixe", [11826]="Kristy Grant", [11827]="Kimberly Grant", [11828]="Kelly Grant", [11829]="Fahrak", [11830]="Sacerdote Hakkari", [11831]="Médico brujo Hakkari", [11832]="Guardián Remulos", [11833]="Rahauro", [11834]="Maur Tótem Siniestro", [11835]="Theodore Griffs", [11836]="Oso cardo rabioso capturado", [11837]="Chamán Zarpa Salvaje", [11838]="Místico Zarpa Salvaje", [11839]="Tosco Zarpa Salvaje", [11840]="Alfa Zarpa Salvaje", [11856]="Kaya Pezuña Plana", [11857]="Makaba Pezuña Plana", [11858]="Grundig Nube Negra", [11859]="Guardia apocalíptico", [11860]="Maggran Vinculador Terrestre", [11861]="Mor\'rogal", [11862]="Tsunaman", [11863]="Azore Aldamort", [11864]="Tammra Campo de Viento", [11865]="Buliwyf Petramano", [11866]="Ilyenia Fuegolunar", [11867]="Woo Ping", [11868]="Sayoc", [11869]="Ansekhwa", [11870]="Archibald", [11871]="Perro rictus", [11872]="Myranda la Fada", [11873]="Auxiliar espectral", [11874]="Masat T\'andr", [11875]="Muñeco-diana del equipo mortero", [11876]="Espíritu demoníaco", [11877]="Roon Ferocrín", [11878]="Nathanos Clamañublo", [11880]="Vengador Crepuscular", [11881]="Geoseñor Crepuscular", [11882]="Clamapiedras Crepuscular", [11883]="Maestro Crepuscular", [11884]="Obi", [11885]="Can de añublo", [11886]="Mercutio Comerroña", [11887]="Ladrón de la cripta", [11896]="Borelgore", [11897]="Alaocaso", [11898]="Señor Cruzado Valdemar", [11899]="Shardi", [11900]="Brakkar", [11901]="Andruk", [11910]="Rufián Tótem Siniestro", [11911]="Mercenario Tótem Siniestro", [11912]="Tosco Tótem Siniestro", [11913]="Hechicero Tótem Siniestro", [11914]="Pezuñasangre el Negro", [11915]="Vigilapiedras del Alud", [11916]="Imelda", [11917]="Geomántico del Alud", [11918]="Machacapiedras del Alud", [11920]="Goggeroc", [11921]="Besseleth", [11936]="Artista Renfray", [11937]="Guardián del portal de demonios", [11939]="Umber", [11940]="Merissa Fontana", [11941]="Yori Yelmopartido", [11942]="Orenthil Susurravientos", [11943]="Magga", [11944]="Vorn Vidente del Cielo", [11945]="Claire Willower", [11946]="Drek\'Thar", [11947]="Capitán Galvangar", [11948]="Vanndar Pico Tormenta", [11949]="Capitana Balinda Piedrahogar", [11956]="Espíritu del gran oso", [11957]="Gran espíritu felino", [11979]="Kim Bridenbecker", [11981]="Flamagor", [11982]="Magmadar", [11983]="Faucefogo", [11988]="Golemagg el Incinerador", [11994]="Rob Bridenbecker", [11996]="Ashley Bridenbecker", [11997]="Heraldo Pico Tormenta", [11998]="Heraldo Lobo Gélido", [12017]="Señor de linaje Capazote", [12018]="Mayordomo Executus", [12019]="Dargon", [12021]="Daeolyn Hoja Estival", [12022]="Lorelae Cantinvernal", [12023]="Kharedon", [12024]="Meliri", [12025]="Malvor", [12026]="My\'lanna", [12027]="Tukk", [12028]="Lah\'Mawhani", [12029]="Narianna", [12030]="Malux", [12031]="Mai\'Lahii", [12032]="Lui\'Mala", [12033]="Wulan", [12034]="Koiter", [12037]="Ursol\'lok", [12042]="Loganaar", [12043]="Kulwia", [12045]="Hae\'Wilani", [12046]="Gor\'marok el Devastador", [12047]="Montaraz Pico Tormenta", [12048]="Centinela de la Alianza", [12050]="Defensor Pico Tormenta", [12051]="Legionario Lobo Gélido", [12052]="Guerrero Lobo Gélido", [12053]="Guardián Lobo Gélido", [12056]="Barón Geddon", [12057]="Garr", [12076]="Elemental de lava", [12096]="Intendente Pico Tormenta", [12097]="Intendente Lobo Gélido", [12098]="Presagista Sulfuron", [12099]="Jurafuegos", [12100]="Atracador de lava", [12101]="Marea de lava", [12116]="Sacerdotisa de Elune", [12118]="Lucifron", [12119]="Protector despiertallamas", [12120]="Termita de las Tierras de la Peste", [12121]="Draka", [12122]="Duros", [12123]="Tiburón de arrecife", [12124]="Gran tiburón", [12125]="Tiburón mamut", [12126]="Lord Tirion Vadín", [12127]="Custodio Pico Tormenta", [12128]="Élite Carmesí", [12129]="Depositario de Onyxia", [12136]="Snurk Oroveloz", [12137]="Petardo Porsiacaso", [12138]="Garraluna", [12140]="Guardián de Elune", [12141]="Tótem de hielo", [12143]="Hijo de la llama", [12144]="Espíritu de Garraluna", [12145]="Kodo de montar (negro)", [12146]="Kodo de montar (oliva)", [12147]="Kodo de montar (blanco)", [12148]="Kodo azulado", [12149]="Kodo gris", [12150]="Kodo de montar (morado)", [12151]="Kodo verde", [12152]="Voz de Elune", [12156]="Lanzahachas Hacha Invernal", [12157]="Cazador de las Sombras Hacha Invernal", [12158]="Cazador Hacha Invernal", [12159]="Korrak el Sanguinario", [12160]="Centinela de Cañada Umbría", [12178]="Druida torturado", [12179]="Centinela torturada", [12196]="Tabernera Kaylisk", [12197]="Glordrum Barbacerada", [12198]="Martin Lindsey", [12199]="Sombra de Lunámbar", [12201]="Princesa Theradras", [12202]="Cráneo humano", [12203]="Derrumblo", [12204]="Asaltante Látigo de Ira", [12205]="Bruja Látigo de Ira", [12206]="Behemoth primario", [12207]="Hidra Thessala", [12208]="Alma de Clamañublo conquistada", [12216]="Duende venenoso", [12217]="Corruptor", [12218]="Larva vil", [12219]="Azotador espinoso", [12220]="Parra constrictora", [12221]="Babosa nociva", [12222]="Lodo trepador", [12223]="Rondador de la Caverna", [12224]="Arrastrapiés de la Caverna", [12225]="Celebras el Maldito", [12236]="Lord Lenguavil", [12237]="Meshlok el Cosechador", [12238]="Espíritu de Zaetar", [12239]="Espíritu de Gelk", [12240]="Espíritu de Kolk", [12241]="Espíritu de Magra", [12242]="Espíritu de Maraudos", [12243]="Espíritu de Veng", [12244]="Marca de detonación (NO)", [12245]="Vende-Tron 1000", [12246]="Supervendedor 680", [12247]="Estructura de la Plaga", [12248]="Infiltrado Hameya", [12249]="Marca de detonación (SO)", [12250]="Zaeldarr el Marginado", [12251]="Marca de detonación (CLS)", [12252]="Marca de detonación (CRS)", [12253]="Marca de detonación (CSH)", [12254]="Marca de detonación (NESH)", [12255]="Marca de detonación (NE)", [12256]="Marca de detonación (SE)", [12257]="Yeti mecánico", [12258]="Latisable", [12259]="Gehennas", [12260]="Draco de Onyxia", [12261]="Fustamusgo infectado", [12262]="Protector del zigurat", [12263]="Protector del matadero", [12264]="Shazzrah", [12265]="Príncipe de lava", [12276]="Huevo de Colmen\'Zora", [12277]="Melizza Zumbala", [12296]="Gacela enferma", [12297]="Gacela curada", [12298]="Ciervo enfermo", [12299]="Ciervo curado", [12319]="Toxicólogo Filo Ardiente", [12320]="Triturador Filo Ardiente", [12321]="Toxicóloga Escama Tormentosa", [12322]="Protector Quel\'Lithien", [12336]="Hermano Cuerviz", [12337]="Mensajera Carmesí", [12338]="Guardián Cazasombras", [12339]="Demetria", [12340]="Druzlzegar Garfarrapo", [12341]="Caballo esquelético azul", [12342]="Caballo esquelético marrón", [12343]="Caballo esquelético rojo", [12344]="Caballo esquelético verde presto", [12345]="Raptor carmesí jaspeado", [12346]="Raptor de montar de esmeralda", [12347]="Reptador de arrecife iracundo", [12348]="Raptor de marfil", [12349]="Raptor de turquesa de montar", [12350]="Raptor violeta de montar", [12351]="Lobo de montar temible", [12352]="Soldado de caballería Escarlata", [12353]="Lobo de montar gris", [12354]="Kodo marrón de montar", [12355]="Kodo gris de montar", [12356]="Kodo verde de montar", [12357]="Kodo (ario)", [12358]="Sable de hielo de montar rayado", [12359]="Sable de hielo de montar moteado", [12360]="Sable de la noche de montar rayado", [12361]="Sable de la noche de montar", [12362]="Sable de hielo de montar", [12363]="Mecazancudo azul", [12364]="Mecazancudo azul hielo modelo A", [12365]="Mecazancudo rojo", [12366]="Mecazancudo X sin pintar", [12367]="Mecazancudo verde", [12368]="Mecazancudo blanco modelo A", [12369]="Lord Kragaru", [12370]="Carnero negro", [12371]="Carnero de escarcha", [12372]="Carnero marrón", [12373]="Carnero gris", [12374]="Montura de carnero de montar blanco", [12375]="Yegua zaina", [12376]="Caballo marrón", [12377]="Espectro gemebundo", [12378]="Alma maldita", [12379]="Custodio sin vida", [12380]="Residente sin vida", [12381]="Duende Ley", [12382]="Duende de maná", [12383]="Mordiscos", [12384]="Augustus el Agraciado", [12385]="Muñeco-diana avanzado del equipo mortero", [12387]="Gran babosa vil", [12396]="Comandante guardia apocalíptico", [12397]="Lord Kazzak", [12416]="Legionario Alanegra", [12418]="Hiena Gordok", [12419]="Sapo casi vivo", [12420]="Mago Alanegra", [12422]="Dragauro Garramortal", [12423]="Guardia Roberts", [12425]="Flint Sombramás", [12426]="Muñeco-diana magistral", [12427]="Montaraz Dolf", [12428]="Guardia de la Muerte Kel", [12429]="Centinela Shaya", [12430]="Bruta Kor\'ja", [12431]="Mandisangre", [12432]="Viejo Malafauce", [12433]="Krethis Tejeumbra", [12434]="Generador de monstruos (Alanegra)", [12435]="Sangrevaja el Indomable", [12457]="Vinculahechizos Alanegra", [12458]="Capataz Alanegra", [12459]="Brujo Alanegra", [12460]="Vermiguardia Garramortal", [12461]="Sobrestante Garramortal", [12463]="Flamaescama Garramortal", [12464]="Bullidor Garramortal", [12465]="Verminte Garramortal", [12467]="Capitán Garramortal", [12468]="Criador Garramortal", [12473]="Dragonizo de arcanita", [12474]="Guardarrama Emeraldón", [12475]="Depositario de árbol Emeraldon", [12476]="Oráculo Emeraldon", [12477]="Guardarrama Verdantine", [12478]="Oráculo Verdantine", [12479]="Depositario de árbol Verdantine", [12480]="Melris Malagan", [12481]="Justine Demalier", [12496]="Rastreasueños", [12497]="Bramasueños", [12498]="Acechasueños", [12536]="Ilusión: dragonante negro", [12557]="Grethok el Controlador", [12576]="Grish Largo Camino", [12577]="Jarrodenus", [12578]="Mishellena", [12579]="Desgarradora Furia Sangrienta", [12580]="Reginald Windsor", [12581]="Mercutio", [12596]="Bibilfaz Plumasilba", [12616]="Vhulgra", [12617]="Khaelyn Alacerada", [12636]="Georgia", [12656]="Thamarian", [12657]="Don Pompa", [12658]="Adam Lind", [12676]="Garfafilada", [12677]="Shadumbra", [12678]="Ursangous", [12696]="Senani Corazón Atronador", [12716]="Decedra Willham", [12717]="Muglash", [12718]="Gurda Cicafuria", [12719]="Marukai", [12720]="Framnali", [12721]="Mitsuwa", [12722]="Vera Belladona", [12723]="Har\'alen", [12724]="Pixie", [12736]="Je\'neu Sancrea", [12737]="Mastok Bufido", [12738]="Nori Rumborgullo", [12739]="Guardia de Élite de Onyxia", [12740]="Faustron", [12756]="Lady Onyxia", [12757]="Karang Amakkar", [12758]="Activador de Onyxia", [12759]="Marearess", [12776]="Hraug", [12777]="Capitán Martillo de Endecha", [12778]="Teniente Rachel Vaccar", [12779]="Archimago Gaiman", [12780]="Alférez Cielosombra", [12781]="Sargento primero Biggins", [12782]="Capitán O\'Neal", [12783]="Teniente Karter", [12784]="Teniente Jackspring", [12785]="Alférez Clate", [12786]="Guardia Quine", [12787]="Guardia Hammon", [12788]="Legionaria Teena", [12789]="Guardia de sangre Hini\'wana", [12790]="Consejero Willington", [12791]="Cabecilla Nexo Terrestre", [12792]="Lady Palanseer", [12793]="Valiente Piel Pétrea", [12794]="Guardia de piedra Zarg", [12795]="Gran capataz Hola\'mahi", [12796]="Asaltante Bork", [12797]="Bruto Korf", [12798]="Bruta Bek\'rah", [12799]="Sargento Ba\'sha", [12800]="Quimerok", [12801]="Quimerok Arcano", [12802]="Devorador quimerok", [12803]="Lord Lakmaeran", [12805]="Oficial Areyn", [12807]="Greshka", [12816]="Xen\'Zilla", [12818]="Ruul Pezuña Nevada", [12819]="Forma de oso de Ruul Pezuña Nevada", [12836]="Protector deambulante", [12837]="Yama Pezuña Nevada", [12856]="Avanzada de Vallefresno", [12858]="Torek", [12859]="Asaltante del Hachazo", [12860]="Duriel Fuegolunar", [12861]="Fuego fatuo", [12862]="Explorador Grito de Guerra", [12863]="Corredor Grito de Guerra", [12864]="Escolta Grito de Guerra", [12865]="Embajador Malcin", [12866]="Myriam Lunacanta", [12867]="Kuray\'bin", [12876]="Baron Aquanis", [12877]="Ertog Colmillorrabioso", [12896]="Centinela Ala de Plata", [12897]="Guerrera Ala de Plata", [12898]="Ilusión de Phantim", [12899]="Axtroz", [12900]="Somnus", [12902]="Lorgus Jett", [12903]="Guardia del Hachazo", [12904]="Espíritu de redención", [12918]="Jefe Murgut", [12919]="Nat Pagle", [12920]="Doctor Gregory Victor", [12921]="Maderiza iracundo", [12922]="Esbirro diablillo", [12923]="Soldado con heridas leves", [12924]="Soldado con heridas medias", [12925]="Soldado con heridas graves", [12936]="Soldado con heridas medias", [12937]="Soldado con heridas graves", [12938]="Soldado con heridas leves", [12939]="Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen", [12940]="Vorsha la Azotadora", [12941]="Jase Farlane", [12942]="Leonard Porter", [12943]="Werg Filo Grueso", [12944]="Lokhtos Tratoscuro", [12956]="Zannok Perforapieles", [12957]="Blimo Cacharretio", [12958]="Gigget Retramuelle", [12959]="Nergal", [12960]="Christi Galvanis", [12961]="Kil\'Hiwana", [12962]="Wik\'Tar", [12976]="Abrecaminos Kolkar", [12977]="Emboscador Kolkar", [12996]="Montaraz de Forjaz montado", [12997]="Monty", [12998]="Granjero enano", [12999]="World Invisible Trigger ( DO NOT DELETE)", [13000]="Ingeniero gnomo", [13016]="Rata del subterráneo", [13017]="Rata del subterráneo sometida", [13018]="Niblis", [13019]="Vidente Filo Ardiente", [13020]="Vaelastrasz el Corrupto", [13021]="Triturador Alabeo", [13022]="Fustigador", [13036]="Sabueso Gordok", [13076]="Montaraz de Dun Morogh", [13078]="Umi Thorson", [13079]="Keetar", [13080]="Guardia Ferrohondo", [13081]="Asaltante Ferrohondo", [13082]="Milton Golpiza", [13084]="Bixi Tambaleapié", [13085]="Myrokos Silenforma", [13086]="Aggi Piesdeplomo", [13087]="Invasor Minafría", [13088]="Masha Corteveloz", [13089]="Guardia Minafría", [13096]="Expedicionario Minafría", [13097]="Supervisor Minafría", [13098]="Perito Ferrohondo", [13099]="Expedicionario Ferrohondo", [13116]="Guía espiritual de la Alianza", [13117]="Guía espiritual de la Horda", [13118]="Guardaespaldas Carmesí", [13136]="Zángano Colmen\'Ashi", [13137]="Teniente Rugba", [13138]="Teniente Spencer", [13139]="Comandante Randolf", [13140]="Comandante Dardosh <old>", [13141]="Vapuleador Raizonda", [13142]="Enmarañador Raizonda", [13143]="Teniente Pezuña Fuerte", [13144]="Teniente Vol\'talar", [13145]="Teniente Grummus", [13146]="Teniente Murp <old>", [13147]="Teniente Lewis", [13148]="Llama de Ragnaros", [13149]="Salteador de la Hermandad", [13150]="Agente de la Hermandad", [13151]="Maestro de la Hermandad Ryson", [13152]="Comandante Malgor", [13153]="Comandante Mulfort", [13154]="Comandante Luis Philips", [13155]="Agente Mortacechador", [13157]="Makasgar", [13158]="Teniente Sanders", [13159]="James Clark", [13160]="Enjambrista carroñero", [13161]="Grifo nidal", [13176]="Herrero Regzar", [13177]="Vahgruk", [13178]="Jinete de guerra", [13179]="Comandante del aire Guse", [13180]="Comandante del aire Jeztor", [13181]="Comandante del aire Mulverick", [13196]="Azotador de fase", [13197]="Latinefasto", [13216]="Gaelden Martillero", [13217]="Thanthaldis Brillaneve", [13218]="Grunnda Corazón de Lobo", [13219]="Jorek Ladohierro", [13220]="Layo Golpe Estelar", [13221]="Ojo de Ryson en el cielo", [13236]="Primalista Thurloga", [13256]="Lokholar el Señor del Hielo", [13257]="Murgot Forjahonda", [13276]="Diablillo Mala Hierba", [13277]="Dahne Pierce", [13278]="Duque Hydraxis", [13279]="Marea discordante", [13280]="Hidromilecio", [13282]="Noxxion", [13283]="Lord Tony Romano", [13284]="Chamán Lobo Gélido", [13285]="Látigo de la Muerte", [13296]="Teniente Largent", [13297]="Teniente Durasa", [13298]="Teniente Varagris", [13299]="Teniente Lonadin", [13300]="Teniente Mancuso", [13301]="Emboscador Colmen\'Ashi", [13316]="Peón Minafría", [13317]="Minero Minafría", [13318]="Comandante Mortimer", [13319]="Comandante Duffy", [13320]="Comandante Karl Filis", [13321]="Rana pequeña", [13322]="Guardia de honor de Hydraxis", [13323]="Diemetradón subterráneo", [13324]="Custodio avezado", [13325]="Montaraz avezado", [13326]="Defensor avezado", [13327]="Centinela avezado", [13328]="Guardián avezado", [13329]="Legionario avezado", [13330]="Guerrero avezado", [13331]="Defensor veterano", [13332]="Guardián veterano", [13333]="Custodio veterano", [13334]="Legionario veterano", [13335]="Montaraz veterano", [13336]="Centinela veterana", [13337]="Guerrero veterano", [13338]="Rata del Núcleo", [13356]="Posaminas Pico Tormenta", [13357]="Posaminas Lobo Gélido", [13358]="Arquero Pico Tormenta", [13359]="Arquero Lobo Gélido", [13377]="Maestro ingeniero Zinfizzlex", [13378]="Unidad machacadora Lobo Gélido", [13396]="Minero Ferrohondo", [13397]="Peón Ferrohondo", [13416]="Unidad machacadora Pico Tormenta", [13417]="Sagorne Zanca Cresta", [13418]="Kaymard Cobrellizco", [13419]="Ivus el Señor del Bosque", [13420]="Penney Cobrellizco", [13421]="Guardián Campeón", [13422]="Defensor Campeón", [13424]="Custodio Campeón", [13425]="Legionario Campeón", [13426]="Montaraz Campeón", [13427]="Centinela Campeona", [13428]="Guerrero Campeón", [13429]="Nardstrum Cobrellizco", [13430]="Jaycrue Cobrellizco", [13431]="Whulwert Cobrellizco", [13432]="Seersa Cobrellizco", [13433]="Wulmort Calderilla", [13434]="Macey Calderilla", [13435]="Khole Calderilla", [13436]="Guchie Calderilla", [13437]="Comandante del aire Ichman", [13438]="Comandante del aire Slidore", [13439]="Comandante del aire Vipore", [13440]="Jinete de lobos Lobo Gélido", [13441]="Comandante jinete de lobos Lobo Gélido", [13442]="Archidruida Renferal", [13443]="Druida de la Alameda", [13444]="Gran Padre Invierno", [13445]="Gran Padre Invierno", [13446]="Mariscal de campo Teravaine", [13447]="Cabo Noreg Pico Tormenta", [13448]="Sargento Yazra Gruñido Sangriento", [13449]="Maestro de guerra Garrick", [13456]="Engendro de Noxxion", [13476]="Zen\'Balai", [13477]="Activador Noxxion", [13516]="Avanzado Lobo Gélido", [13517]="Avanzado avezado", [13518]="Avanzado veterano", [13519]="Avanzado Campeón", [13520]="Forestal Pico Tormenta", [13521]="Forestal avezada", [13522]="Forestal veterana", [13523]="Forestal Campeona", [13524]="Comando Pico Tormenta", [13525]="Comando avezado", [13526]="Comando veterano", [13527]="Comando Campeón", [13528]="Atracador Lobo Gélido", [13529]="Atracador avezado", [13530]="Atracador veterano", [13531]="Atracador Campeón", [13533]="Larva vomitada", [13534]="Guarda de Minafría avezado", [13535]="Guardia Minafría veterano", [13536]="Guardia Campeón Minafría", [13537]="Perito de Minafría avezado", [13538]="Perito Minafría veterano", [13539]="Supervisor Campeón Minafría", [13540]="Expedicionario Ferrohondo avezado", [13541]="Expedicionario veterano Ferrohondo", [13542]="Expedicionario Campeón Ferrohondo", [13543]="Asaltante Ferrohondo avezado", [13544]="Asaltante veterano Ferrohondo", [13545]="Asaltante Campeón Ferrohondo", [13546]="Expedicionario de Minafría avezado", [13547]="Expedicionario Minafría veterano", [13548]="Expedicionario Campeón Minafría", [13549]="Invasor de Minafría avezado", [13550]="Invasor Minafría veterano", [13551]="Invasor Campeón Minafría", [13552]="Guardia Ferrohondo avezado", [13553]="Guardia veterano Ferrohondo", [13554]="Guardia Campeón Ferrohondo", [13555]="Perito Ferrohondo avezado", [13556]="Perito veterano Ferrohondo", [13557]="Supervisor Campeón Ferrohondo", [13576]="Jinete de carneros Pico Tormenta", [13577]="Comandante de jinetes de carneros Pico Tormenta", [13596]="Escamapodrida", [13597]="Experto en explosivos Lobo Gélido", [13598]="Experto en explosivos Pico Tormenta", [13599]="Quijaforte imperturbable", [13601]="Manitas Gizlock", [13602]="Grinch el Abominable", [13616]="Maestra de establos Lobo Gélido", [13617]="Maestra de establos Pico Tormenta", [13618]="Lobo Gélido de establo", [13619]="Muñeco de Gizlock", [13620]="Gizlock", [13636]="Muñeco de nieve extraño", [13656]="Willow", [13676]="Carnero de Alterac de establo", [13696]="Sucesor tóxico", [13697]="Cavindra", [13698]="Vigilante Marandis", [13699]="Selendra", [13716]="Celebras el Redimido", [13717]="Paria Centauro", [13718]="El profeta sin nombre", [13736]="Esencia tóxica", [13737]="Hermana de Marandis", [13738]="Veng", [13739]="Maraudos", [13740]="Magra", [13741]="Gelk", [13742]="Kolk", [13743]="Fuerza de la naturaleza corrupta", [13756]="PvP Graveyard Credit Marker", [13776]="Cabo Teeka Gruñido Sangriento", [13777]="Sargento Durgen Pico Tormenta", [13778]="PvP Tower Credit Marker", [13796]="PvP Mine Credit Marker", [13797]="Montaraz Bramibum", [13798]="Jotek", [13816]="Prospectora Tallapiedra", [13817]="Voggah Agarre Letal", [13836]="Pesadilla Filo Ardiente", [13837]="Semental capturado", [13839]="Guardia real del Terror", [13840]="Maestro de guerra Laggrond", [13841]="Teniente Haggerdin", [13842]="Embajadora Rokhstrom Lobo Gélido", [13843]="Teniente Rotimer", [13876]="Mekigeniero activador", [13896]="Barbascamas", [13916]="Totém de cristal de La Masacre", [13917]="Izzy Damecobre", [13936]="Ravenholdt", [13956]="Místico Hacha Invernal", [13957]="Guerrero Hacha Invernal", [13958]="Vidente Hacha Invernal", [13959]="Yeti de Alterac", [13976]="Draco torturado", [13996]="Técnico Alanegra", [14020]="Chromaggus", [14021]="Avizor Hacha Invernal", [14022]="Cría roja corrupta", [14023]="Cría verde corrupta", [14024]="Cría azul corrupta", [14025]="Cría de bronce corrupta", [14026]="Activador Guse", [14027]="Activador Mulverick", [14028]="Activador Jeztor", [14029]="Activador Ichman", [14030]="Activador Slidore", [14031]="Activador Vipore", [14041]="Haggle", [14081]="Portal de demonios", [14101]="Guardia vil iracundo", [14121]="Buceador subterráneo", [14122]="Géiser monumental", [14123]="Sacudidor Quijacero", [14182]="Cazador de recompensas Kolark", [14183]="Artillero Sheldonore", [14185]="Najak Malditor", [14186]="Ravak Tótem Siniestro", [14187]="Athramanis", [14188]="Dirk Estafa", [14221]="Gravis Nudocorredizo", [14222]="Araga", [14223]="Cascarrabias Ben", [14224]="7:XT", [14225]="Príncipe Kellen", [14226]="Kaskk", [14227]="Hissperak", [14228]="Mueca", [14229]="Filozante detestable", [14230]="Ojo Ladrón", [14231]="Drogoth el Vagabundo", [14232]="Dardo", [14233]="Rasgascama", [14234]="Hayoc", [14235]="El Podrido", [14236]="Señor Pescador", [14237]="Mocogusano", [14241]="Cortezaférrea el Redimido", [14261]="Dracónido azul", [14262]="Dracónido verde", [14263]="Dracónido de bronce", [14264]="Dracónido rojo", [14265]="Dracónido negro", [14266]="Shanda la Giratoria", [14267]="Emogg el Triturador", [14268]="Lord Condar", [14269]="Buscador Aqualon", [14270]="Squiddic", [14271]="Rompecostillas", [14272]="Llamagruños", [14273]="Corapetra", [14274]="Rastreador Hacha Invernal", [14275]="Tamra Pico Tormenta", [14276]="Rasgabranquia", [14277]="Lady Zephris", [14278]="Ro\'Bark", [14279]="Trepazoso", [14280]="Gran Samras", [14281]="Jimmy el Sangrador", [14282]="Cánido Lobo Gélido", [14283]="Lechuza Pico Tormenta", [14284]="Guardia de batalla Pico Tormenta", [14285]="Guardia de batalla Lobo Gélido", [14301]="Brinna Valanaar", [14302]="Dracónido cromático", [14303]="Guardián petrificado", [14304]="Élite Kor\'kron", [14305]="Huérfano humano", [14306]="Eskhandar", [14307]="Engendrador de dracónido negra", [14308]="Ferra", [14309]="Engendrador de dracónido rojo", [14310]="Engendrador de dracónido verde", [14311]="Engendrador de dracónido de bronce", [14312]="Engendrador de dracónido azul", [14321]="Guardia Fengus", [14322]="Vapuleador Kreeg", [14323]="Guardia Slip\'kik", [14324]="Cho\'Rush el Observador", [14325]="Capitán Kromcrush", [14326]="Guardia Mol\'dar", [14327]="Lethtendris", [14329]="Lobo de guerra negro", [14330]="Raptor de guerra negro", [14331]="Caballo de guerra esquelético rojo", [14332]="Corcel de guerra negro", [14333]="Kodo de guerra negro", [14334]="Zancudo de batalla negro", [14335]="Carnero de guerra negro", [14336]="Tigre de guerra negro", [14337]="Robot de reparación de campo 74A", [14338]="Knot Llavededo", [14339]="Aullador de la Muerte", [14340]="Alshirr Respiramiedo", [14342]="Patafuria", [14343]="Olm el Sabio", [14344]="Mongress", [14345]="El Ongar", [14347]="Alto señor Demitrian", [14348]="Clamatierras Franzahl", [14349]="Pimgib", [14350]="Hidrizo", [14351]="Arbusloco Gordok", [14353]="Mizzle el Astuto", [14354]="Pusillin", [14355]="Azj\'Tordin", [14356]="Furia sierraleta", [14357]="Trillador del Lago", [14358]="Ancestro Shen\'dralar", [14361]="Fuego fatuo Shen\'dralar", [14362]="Espinácula", [14363]="Miñón Sombonda", [14364]="Espíritu Shen\'dralar", [14365]="Miñón Montelejano", [14366]="Esporas Alabeo", [14367]="Miñón Cebatruenos", [14368]="Tradicionalista Lydros", [14369]="Zelote Shen\'dralar", [14370]="Gusano cadavérico", [14371]="Proveedor Shen\'dralar", [14372]="Emboscador Nevada", [14373]="Sabio Korolusk", [14374]="Erudita Runaespina", [14375]="Explorador Manodura", [14376]="Exploradora Destripahombres", [14377]="Explorador Tharr", [14378]="Cazadora Cieloleno", [14379]="Cazadora Roblecuervo", [14380]="Cazadora Correhoja", [14381]="Tradicionalista Javon", [14382]="Tradicionalista Mykos", [14383]="Tradicionalista Kildrath", [14385]="Esbirro del guardia apocalíptico", [14386]="Ojo de Kilrogg deambulante", [14387]="Lothos Levantagrietas", [14388]="Draco Negro huido", [14389]="Caminante abisal", [14390]="Montaraz expedicionario", [14392]="Señor supremo Runthak", [14393]="Sacerdote expedicionario", [14394]="Mayor Mattingly", [14395]="Griniblix el Espectador", [14396]="Ojo de Immol\'thar", [14397]="Ráfaga de maná", [14398]="Dardo Eldreth", [14399]="Torrente Arcano", [14400]="Reactivo Arcano", [14401]="Maestro de los elementos Formacio Krixix", [14402]="Buscador Cromwell", [14403]="Buscador Nahr", [14404]="Buscadora Thompson", [14421]="Perro de la pradera marrón", [14422]="Activador BRD", [14423]="Oficial Jaxon", [14424]="Lodonante", [14425]="Roehuesos", [14426]="Harb Monte Fétido", [14427]="Gibblesnik", [14428]="Uruson", [14429]="Faucenestra", [14430]="Acechador nocturno", [14431]="Furia Shelda", [14432]="Threggil", [14433]="Barrosín", [14434]="Roboalarma gnómico", [14435]="Príncipe Truenoraan", [14436]="Mor\'zul Sangredoble", [14437]="Gorzeeki Ojovago", [14438]="Oficial Pomeroy", [14439]="Oficial Brady", [14440]="Cazador Viento Sabio", [14441]="Cazador Tótem de Ira", [14442]="Cazador Tronacuerno", [14443]="Activador de cubierta de guardia apocalíptico", [14444]="Huérfano orco", [14445]="Capitán Wyrmak", [14446]="Fingat", [14447]="Gilmorian", [14448]="Fundespino", [14449]="Activador de orbes Alanegra", [14450]="Supervisora de huérfanos Ruiseñor", [14451]="Supervisora de huérfanos Llantobatalla", [14452]="Comandante guardia apocalíptico esclavizado", [14453]="Orbe de dominación", [14454]="El Atracavientos", [14455]="Invasor giratorio", [14456]="Custodio Alanegra", [14457]="Princesa Tempestria", [14458]="Invasor acuático", [14459]="Tropas de Nefarian", [14460]="Invasor llameante", [14461]="Baron Charr", [14462]="Invasor tronador", [14463]="Daio el Decrépito", [14464]="Avalanchion", [14465]="Confalón de batalla de la Alianza", [14466]="Confalón de batalla de la Horda", [14467]="Kroshius", [14469]="Niby el Todopoderoso", [14470]="Diblis", [14471]="Setis", [14472]="Gretheer", [14473]="Lapress", [14474]="Zora", [14475]="Rex Ashil", [14476]="Krellack", [14477]="Grubthor", [14478]="Huricanian", [14479]="Señor Crepuscular Everun", [14480]="Alowicious Czervik", [14481]="Emmitue Sonriasu", [14482]="Diablillo Xorothiano", [14483]="Guarda aterrador", [14484]="Campesino malherido", [14485]="Campesino apestado", [14486]="Soldado de a pie de la Plaga", [14487]="Gluggl", [14488]="Roloch", [14489]="Arquero de la Plaga", [14490]="Rippa", [14491]="Kurmokk", [14492]="Verifonix", [14493]="Sacerdote épico Realizador de sucesos", [14494]="Eris Feleste", [14495]="Activador invisible uno", [14496]="Huérfano de Ventormenta", [14497]="Shellene", [14498]="Tosamina", [14499]="Huérfano de la Horda", [14500]="J\'eevee", [14501]="Montura de brujo banda ritual tipo 3, Infernal (DND)", [14502]="Corcel nefasto xorothiano", [14503]="El Limpiador", [14504]="Espíritu de corcel nefasto", [14505]="Corcel nefasto", [14506]="Lord Hel\'nurath", [14507]="Sumo sacerdote Venoxis", [14508]="Corto John Mitril", [14509]="Sumo sacerdote Thekal", [14510]="Suma sacerdotisa Mar\'li", [14511]="Espíritu ensombrecido", [14512]="Espíritu corrupto", [14513]="Espíritu malicioso", [14514]="Espíritu banal", [14515]="Suma sacerdotisa Arlokk", [14516]="Caballero de la Muerte Atracoscuro", [14517]="Suma sacerdotisa Jeklik", [14518]="Aspecto de banalidad", [14519]="Aspecto de corrupción", [14520]="Aspecto de malicia", [14521]="Aspecto de sombra", [14522]="Ur\'dan", [14523]="Ulathek", [14524]="Vartrus el Ancestro", [14525]="Estoma el Anciano", [14526]="Hastat el Ancestro", [14527]="Simone la Discreta", [14528]="Precioso", [14529]="Franklin el Amistoso", [14530]="Solenor el Destripador", [14531]="Artorius el Afable", [14532]="Venenoso Razzashi", [14533]="Simone la Seductora", [14534]="Klinfran el Enloquecido", [14535]="Artorius el Fatídico", [14536]="Nelson el Amable", [14538]="Precioso el Devorador", [14539]="Lobo gris presto", [14540]="Lobo marrón presto", [14541]="Lobo grisáceo presto", [14542]="Gran kodo blanco", [14543]="Raptor oliva presto", [14544]="Raptor naranja presto", [14545]="Raptor azul presto", [14546]="Carnero marrón presto", [14547]="Carnero blanco presto", [14548]="Carnero gris presto", [14549]="Gran kodo marrón", [14550]="Gran kodo gris", [14551]="Mecazancudo amarillo presto", [14552]="Mecazancudo blanco presto", [14553]="Mecazancudo verde presto", [14554]="Mecazancudo a rayas presto", [14555]="Sable de la niebla presto", [14556]="Sable de hielo presto", [14557]="Sable del alba presto", [14558]="Caballo de guerra esquelético morado", [14559]="Palomino presto", [14560]="Corcel blanco presto", [14561]="Corcel marrón presto", [14562]="Mecazancudo azul presto", [14563]="Mecazancudo rojo presto", [14564]="Espíritu del Valle del Terror", [14565]="Destrero", [14566]="Antiguo espíritu equino", [14567]="Derotain Sorbelodo", [14568]="Destrero caído de Atracoscuro", [14581]="Sargento Tronacuerno", [14601]="Ebanorroca", [14602]="Sable de la tempestad presto", [14603]="Zancaorillas machacado", [14604]="Caminatierras machacado", [14605]="Ensamblaje osario", [14606]="Activador de cadáver dracónido", [14621]="Sobrestante Maltorius", [14622]="Oteador de la Hermandad del Torio", [14623]="Maestra de batalla de la Garganta Grito de Guerra", [14624]="Herrero maestro Burninate", [14625]="Sobrestante Puñaceite", [14626]="Capataz Scrange", [14627]="Hansel Manospesadas", [14628]="Evonis Fumollín", [14629]="Quijaforte Leñobeza", [14630]="Quijaforte Cuerospalda", [14631]="Quijaforte oliva", [14632]="Quijaforte Alconil", [14633]="Quijaforte albino", [14634]="Capitán de vigía Lolo Zancalarga", [14635]="Trabajador Hierro Negro dormido", [14636]="Ayudante de cámara Pilaprieta", [14637]="Zorbin Hipnoviento", [14638]="Asaltaolas machacado", [14639]="Zancaprofunda machacado", [14640]="Gigante del Acantilado machacado", [14645]="Heraldo de la Garganta Grito de Guerra", [14646]="Activador de Stratholme", [14661]="Latigador con aguijón", [14662]="Tótem Nova de Fuego V corrupto", [14663]="Tótem piel de piedra VI corrupto", [14664]="Tótem Corriente de sanación V corrupto", [14666]="Tótem Viento furioso III corrupto", [14667]="Tótem corrupto", [14668]="Infernal corrupto", [14681]="Fallo en transportador", [14682]="Cercenador", [14684]="Balzaphon", [14686]="Lady Falther\'ess", [14690]="Revanchion", [14693]="Desdén", [14695]="Lord Bosque Negro", [14697]="Horror torpe", [14715]="Élite Ala de Plata", [14717]="Élite de la Horda", [14718]="Obrero de la Horda", [14720]="Alto señor supremo Colmillosauro", [14721]="Mariscal de campo Afrasiabi", [14722]="Clavicus Knavingham", [14723]="Mistina Escudacero", [14724]="Bubulo Acerbus", [14725]="Raedon Levantapolvo", [14726]="Rashona Straglash", [14727]="Vehena", [14728]="Rumstag Zangenio", [14729]="Ralston Farnsley", [14730]="Vigía Sañadiente", [14731]="Lard", [14732]="PvP CTF Credit Marker", [14733]="Centinela Cantolejano", [14734]="Tamborilero Sañadiente", [14736]="Primigenia Colmillopartido", [14737]="Herrero Arbolescoria", [14738]="Otho Moji\'ko", [14739]="Mística Yayo\'jin", [14740]="Katoom el Pescador", [14741]="Montero Markhor", [14742]="Zap Lanzalejos", [14743]="Jhordy Lapforge", [14744]="Aullador Lobo Gélido", [14745]="Carnero de batalla Pico Tormenta", [14748]="Secuestrador Vilrama", [14750]="Jinete de murciélagos Gurubashi", [14751]="Confalón de batalla Lobo Gélido", [14752]="Confalón de batalla Pico Tormenta", [14753]="Illiyana Lunardiente", [14754]="Kelm Hargunth", [14755]="Pequeño dragón Verde", [14756]="Dragón Rojo diminuto", [14757]="Anciano Colmillopartido", [14758]="Activador Zul\'Gurub", [14761]="Fatalidad espeluznante", [14762]="Alguacil de Dun Baldar Norte", [14763]="Alguacil de Dun Baldar Sur", [14764]="Alguacil Alahielo", [14765]="Alguacil Piedrahogar", [14766]="Alguacil Sangrehielo", [14767]="Alguacil de Torre de la Punta", [14768]="Alguacil Lobo Gélido Este", [14769]="Alguacil Lobo Gélido Oeste", [14770]="Maestro de guerra del norte de Dun Baldar", [14771]="Maestro de guerra del sur de Dun Baldar", [14772]="Maestro de guerra del este Lobo Gélido", [14773]="Maestro de guerra Sangrehielo", [14774]="Maestro de guerra Alahielo", [14775]="Maestro de guerra Piedrahogar", [14776]="Maestro de guerra de Torre de la Punta", [14777]="Maestro de guerra del oeste Lobo Gélido", [14781]="Capitán Trizacráneo", [14801]="Wild Polymorph Target", [14821]="Raptor Razzashi", [14822]="Sayge", [14823]="Silas Luna Negra", [14825]="Maestra marchita", [14826]="Trol sacrificado", [14827]="Burth", [14828]="Gelvas Roñoso", [14829]="Yebb Tesorillos", [14832]="Kerri Hicks", [14833]="Chronos", [14834]="Hakkar", [14841]="Rinling", [14842]="Melnan Rocanegra", [14843]="Kruban Filoscuro", [14844]="Sylannia", [14845]="Stamp Tronacuerno", [14846]="Lhara", [14847]="Profesor Thaddeus Paleo", [14848]="Heraldo", [14849]="Feriante de la Luna Negra", [14850]="Gruk", [14857]="Erk", [14859]="Guardia Taruc", [14860]="Flik", [14861]="Administradora de sangre de Kirtonos", [14862]="Emisario Roman\'khan", [14864]="Carnero de Khaz Modan", [14865]="Felinni", [14866]="Rana de Flik", [14867]="Jubjub", [14868]="Hornsley", [14869]="Gallotriz pigmea", [14871]="Morja", [14872]="Trok", [14873]="Okla", [14874]="Karu", [14875]="Molthor", [14876]="Reducecabezas Zandalar", [14877]="Sumo sacerdote Venoxis", [14878]="Jubling", [14879]="Maestro de batalla de la Cuenca de Arathi", [14880]="Arácnida Razzashi", [14881]="Araña", [14882]="Maestra Atal\'ai", [14883]="Esclavo vudú", [14884]="Serpiente parasitaria", [14887]="Ysondre", [14888]="Lethon", [14889]="Emeriss", [14890]="Taerar", [14892]="Colmillos", [14893]="Guardia Kurall", [14894]="Enjambre de abejas", [14901]="Peon", [14902]="Jin\'rokh el Rompedor", [14903]="Al\'tabim, El que todo lo ve", [14904]="Maywiki de Zuldazar", [14905]="Falthir el Ciego", [14908]="Mogg", [14909]="Poká", [14910]="Exzhal", [14911]="Déspota Zandalar", [14912]="Zelote Hakkari capturado", [14921]="Rin\'wosho el Comerciante", [14941]="Suma sacerdotisa Jeklik", [14942]="Kartra Gruñido Sangriento", [14943]="Jinete de guerra de Guse", [14944]="Jinete de guerra de Jeztor", [14945]="Jinete de guerra de Mulverick", [14946]="Grifo de Slidore", [14947]="Grifo de Ichman", [14948]="Grifo de Vipore", [14961]="Mirvyna Calderilla", [14962]="Dillord Cobrellizco", [14963]="Gapp Calderilla", [14964]="Hecht Cobrellizco", [14965]="Murciélago buscasangre demenciado", [14966]="Sumo sacerdote Thekal", [14967]="Suma sacerdotisa Mar\'li", [14968]="Suma sacerdotisa Arlokk", [14981]="Elfarran", [14982]="Lylandris", [14983]="Mariscal de campo Uluz", [14984]="Sargento Maclear", [14986]="Sombra de Jin\'do", [14987]="Guarda de sanación potente", [14988]="Ohgan", [14989]="Nube venenosa", [14990]="Enviado de los Rapiñadores", [14991]="Emisario de la Liga de Arathor", [14994]="Generador de sucesos Zandalar", [15001]="PvP A-Mid Credit Marker", [15002]="PvP Mid Credit Marker", [15003]="PvP H-Mid Credit Marker", [15004]="PvP ALT-S Credit Marker", [15005]="PvP ALT-N Credit Marker", [15006]="Deze Delirioníveo", [15007]="Sir Malory Wheeler", [15008]="Lady Hoteshem", [15009]="Espíritu vudú", [15010]="Sapo de la selva", [15011]="Wagner Mazas", [15012]="Javnir Nashak", [15021]="Maestra de la Muerte Duire", [15022]="Mortacechador Mortis", [15041]="Engendro de Mar\'li", [15042]="Zanza el Incansable", [15043]="Crocolisco Zulian", [15045]="Granjero de Arathi", [15046]="Granjero Renegado", [15047]="Gurubashi", [15061]="Espíritu de Jin\'do", [15062]="Leñador de Arathi", [15063]="Herrero de Arathi", [15064]="Herrero Renegado", [15065]="Lady", [15066]="Cleo", [15067]="Acechador Zulian", [15068]="Guardián Zulian", [15069]="Corazón de Hakkar", [15070]="Vinchaxa", [15071]="Bajapata", [15072]="Pinchos", [15073]="Piroinferno de Pat", [15074]="Minero de Arathi", [15075]="Minero Renegado", [15076]="Emisario Zandalar", [15077]="Riggle Anzuelo", [15078]="Jang", [15079]="Pescatodo 5000", [15080]="Sirviente de la Mano", [15082]="Gri\'lek", [15083]="Hazza\'rah", [15084]="Renataki", [15085]="Wushoolay", [15086]="Mozo de cuadra de Arathi", [15087]="Mozo de cuadra Renegado", [15088]="Élite de Bahía del Botín", [15089]="Leñador Renegado", [15090]="Raptor Razzashi presto", [15091]="Activador de pantera Zul\'Gurub", [15101]="Merodeador Zulian", [15102]="Emisaria Ala de Plata", [15103]="Emisario Pico Tormenta", [15104]="Tigre Zulian presto", [15105]="Enviado Grito de Guerra", [15106]="Enviado Lobo Gélido", [15107]="Caballo de Arathi", [15108]="Caballo Renegado", [15109]="Visualización de bendición primigenia", [15110]="Prisionero Gurubashi", [15111]="Sirviente loco", [15112]="Tótem Lavado de cerebro", [15113]="Héroe honrado", [15114]="Gahz\'ranka", [15115]="Antecesor honrado", [15116]="Grinkle", [15117]="Espíritu encadenado", [15118]="Forma de gran rape", [15119]="Barrus", [15122]="Gahz\'ranka muerto", [15124]="Targot Calderilla", [15125]="Kosco Cobrellizco", [15126]="Rutherford Twing", [15127]="Samuel Halcón", [15128]="Élite Rapiñador", [15130]="Élite de la Liga de Arathor", [15131]="Qeeju", [15136]="Élite de Sentencia", [15137]="Élite de Menethil", [15138]="Élite del Bosque de Argénteos", [15139]="Heraldo Gahz\'ranka", [15140]="Rociada de Pat", [15141]="Portal de la locura", [15146]="Abisario loco", [15162]="Inquisidor Escarlata", [15163]="Ilusión pesadilla", [15164]="Activador Mulgore", [15165]="Modista Jactancia", [15168]="Escarabajo vil", [15169]="Ralo\'shan la Vigía Eterna", [15170]="Rutgar Glifoforma", [15171]="Frankal Petraponte", [15172]="Glibb", [15174]="Calandrath", [15175]="Khur Cornada", [15176]="Vargus", [15177]="Danzocielo Nuboso", [15178]="Runk Domavientos", [15179]="Mishta", [15180]="Baristolth del Mar de Dunas", [15181]="Comandante Mar\'alith", [15182]="Vish Kozus", [15183]="Geóloga Trotuina", [15184]="Infantería del Fuerte Cenarion", [15185]="Linaje de Nozdormu", [15186]="Murky", [15187]="Emisaria Cenarion Lunajade", [15188]="Emisario Cenarion Pezuñanegra", [15189]="Beetix Castañeta", [15190]="Noggle Castañeta", [15191]="Clamavientos Cuerno Digno", [15192]="Anacronos", [15193]="Lady Sylvanas Brisaveloz", [15194]="Ermitaño Ortell", [15195]="Guardián del Hombre de Mimbre", [15196]="Pinzamorten", [15197]="Clamasombras Yanka", [15199]="Sargento Hartman", [15200]="Guardiana Crepuscular Mayna", [15201]="Flamatracador Crepuscular", [15202]="Vyral el Vil", [15203]="Príncipe Skaldrenox", [15204]="Alto mariscal Eje Torbellino", [15205]="Baron Kazum", [15206]="Duque de las Brasas", [15207]="Duque de las Profundidades", [15208]="Duque de las Esquirlas", [15209]="Templario Carmesí", [15211]="Templario azur", [15212]="Templario vetusto", [15213]="Señor supremo Crepuscular", [15214]="Acechador invisible", [15215]="Maestra Natalia Mar\'alith", [15216]="Hombre fantasma", [15217]="Fantasma de mujer", [15218]="Cañón de la Feria de la Luna Negra", [15220]="Duque de los Céfiros", [15221]="Activador invisible Frankal", [15222]="Activador invisible Rutgar", [15224]="Niebla onírica", [15229]="Soldado Vekniss", [15230]="Guerrero Vekniss", [15233]="Guardián Vekniss", [15235]="Aguijonero Vekniss", [15236]="Avispa Vekniss", [15240]="Reptador de la colmena Vekniss", [15246]="Destripamentes qiraji", [15247]="Lavacerebros qiraji", [15249]="Latigador qiraji", [15250]="Destripador qiraji", [15252]="Campeón qiraji", [15260]="Espíritu de druida demente", [15261]="Espíritu sombrío", [15262]="Erradicador obsidiana", [15263]="El profeta Skeram", [15264]="Centinela Anubisath", [15270]="Huum Ferocrín", [15275]="Emperador Vek\'nilash", [15276]="Emperador Vek\'lor", [15277]="Defensor Anubisath", [15282]="Aurel Hojaurea", [15286]="Xil\'xix", [15288]="Aluntir", [15290]="Arakis", [15293]="Aendel Lanzavento", [15299]="Viscidus", [15300]="Zángano Vekniss", [15302]="Sombra de Taerar", [15303]="Maxima Pimpampum", [15304]="Tótem Fuente de maná antiguo", [15305]="Lord Skwol", [15306]="Bor Ferocrín", [15307]="Templario terráneo", [15308]="Profeta Crepuscular", [15309]="Pupas", [15310]="Jesper", [15311]="Depositario Anubisath", [15312]="Nulificador obsidiana", [15313]="Lechúcico lunar", [15314]="Lechúcico lunar", [15315]="Mylini Luna Helada", [15316]="Escarabajo qiraji", [15317]="Escorpión qiraji", [15318]="Zángano Colmen\'Zara", [15319]="Coleccionista Colmen\'Zara", [15320]="Soldado Colmen\'Zara", [15323]="Acecharenas Colmen\'Zara", [15324]="Gladiador qiraji", [15325]="Avispa Colmen\'Zara", [15327]="Aguijonero Colmen\'Zara", [15328]="Tonque de vapor de la Luna Negra", [15333]="Alimentador silítido", [15334]="Tentáculo ocular gigante", [15335]="Cazador de carne", [15336]="Colazote Colmen\'Zara", [15338]="Destructor obsidiano", [15339]="Osirio el Sinmarcas", [15340]="Moam", [15341]="General Rajaxx", [15343]="Guardaenjambre qiraji", [15344]="Aguja guardaenjambres", [15348]="Kurinnaxx", [15350]="Belisario de la Horda", [15351]="General de brigada de la Alianza", [15353]="Katrina Resplandestelar", [15354]="Rachelle Gothena", [15355]="Guardián Anubisath", [15362]="Malfurion Tempestira", [15363]="Tótem de espíritu", [15364]="Tanque mortero teledirigido", [15368]="Mina de tonque", [15369]="Ayamiss el Cazador", [15370]="Buru el Manducador", [15373]="Capitán Pirata de Halloween", [15374]="Pirata no-muerto de Halloween", [15375]="Capitana Pirata de Halloween", [15376]="Hombre fantasma de Halloween", [15377]="Mujer fantasma de Halloween", [15378]="Merithra del Sueño", [15379]="Caelestrasz", [15380]="Arygos", [15381]="Anachronos el Antiguo", [15382]="Fandral Corzocelada", [15383]="Sargento Petrocejas", [15384]="OLDWorld Trigger (DO NOT DELETE)", [15385]="Coronel Zerran", [15386]="Mayor Yeggeth", [15387]="Guerrero qiraji", [15388]="Mayor Pakkon", [15389]="Capitán Drenn", [15390]="Capitán Xurrem", [15391]="Capitán Condurso", [15392]="Capitán Tuubid", [15394]="Héroe de la Horda", [15395]="Nafien", [15410]="Forma de dragón de Anachronos", [15411]="Arygos con forma de dragón", [15412]="Forma de dragón de Caelestrasz", [15413]="Forma de dragón de Merithra", [15414]="Avispa qiraji", [15415]="Contador de bomba fétida de Costasur", [15419]="Kania", [15421]="Zángano qiraji", [15422]="Tanque qiraji", [15423]="Infantería kaldorei", [15424]="Conquistador Anubisath", [15425]="Punto Debug", [15426]="Activador Ahn\'Qiraj", [15427]="Despertar de Merithra", [15428]="Vórtice de arena", [15429]="Moquillo desagradable", [15431]="Cabo Carnes", [15432]="Dama Trenzado", [15434]="Soldado Draxlegauge", [15436]="Sargento de mortero Martillotenaz", [15437]="Maestro Arrullanoche", [15440]="Capitán Yunquenegro", [15441]="Fusilero de la Brigada de Forjaz", [15442]="Lacayo de la Brigada de Forjaz", [15443]="Janela Martillotenaz", [15444]="Arcanista Bocafuente", [15445]="Alférez Germaine", [15446]="Bonnie Cazarrocas", [15448]="Soldado Porter", [15449]="Abominación de Colmen\'Zora", [15450]="Marta Bueneje", [15451]="Centinela Cielargento", [15452]="Enfermera Pedregosa", [15453]="Vigilante Sombra Lunar", [15454]="Activador invisible de la Misión de Anachronos", [15455]="Gastrónomo Salao", [15456]="Sarah Silbotriste", [15457]="Cazadora Río Veloz", [15458]="Comandante Martillopujante", [15459]="Minero Cromwell", [15460]="Bruto Maug", [15461]="Escarabajo chillón", [15462]="Escarabajo escupidor", [15463]="zzOLDTótem Gracia del Aire III", [15464]="zzOLDTótem Fuerza de la tierra V", [15466]="Esbirro de Augurio", [15467]="Augurio", [15469]="Capataz primera T\'kelah", [15471]="Teniente general Andorov", [15473]="Élite kaldorei", [15475]="Alfazaque", [15476]="Escórpido", [15477]="Herborista Pluma Digna", [15481]="Espíritu de Azuregos", [15491]="Eranikus, el Tirano del Sueño", [15495]="Defensor Amparo de la Noche", [15498]="Clamavientos Yessendra", [15499]="Celador Haro", [15500]="Keyl Patacerce", [15502]="Andorgos", [15503]="Kandrostrasz", [15504]="Vethsera", [15505]="Furia de canal", [15507]="Buru el Manducador", [15508]="Jinete de murciélagos Pele\'keiki", [15509]="Princesa Huhuran", [15510]="Fankriss el Implacable", [15511]="Lord Kri", [15512]="Boticaria Jezel", [15514]="Huevo Buru", [15515]="Desollador Jamani", [15516]="Guardia de batalla Sartura", [15517]="Ouro", [15520]="O\'Reily", [15521]="Prole de Colmen\'Zara", [15522]="Sargento Umala", [15524]="Reno temporal", [15525]="Doctor Serratus", [15526]="Meridith la Sirenita", [15527]="Maligno de maná", [15528]="Sanador Largo Camino", [15529]="Lady Callow", [15532]="Guardia de piedra Pezuña de Barro", [15533]="Guardia de sangre Alquicrudo", [15534]="Pescador Len\'do", [15535]="Jefe Garra Cortante", [15537]="Guerrero Anubisath", [15538]="Guardaenjambre Anubisath", [15539]="General Zog", [15540]="Clamavientos Kaldon", [15541]="Maleante Crepuscular Morna", [15542]="Maleante Crepuscular", [15543]="Princesa Yauj", [15544]="Vem", [15545]="Escolta Cenarion", [15546]="Enjambrista Colmen\'Zara", [15549]="Ancestro Alborhondo", [15552]="Doctor Weavil", [15553]="Máquina voladora del doctor Weavil", [15554]="Número dos", [15555]="Larva Colmen\'Zara", [15556]="Ancestro Parterroca", [15557]="Ancestro Rocaestruendo", [15558]="Ancestro Venaplata", [15559]="Ancestro Altacumbre", [15560]="Ancestro Petraforte", [15561]="Ancestro Obsidiano", [15562]="Ancestro Rugidomazo", [15563]="Ancestro Bramira", [15564]="Ancestro Cuoreoscuro", [15565]="Ancestro Tormenceño", [15566]="Ancestro Corona Nevada", [15567]="Ancestro Vetaferro", [15568]="Ancestro Sepulnato", [15569]="Ancestro Pozo de Oro", [15570]="Ancestro Primapiedra", [15571]="Fauces", [15572]="Ancestro Tótem de Runa", [15573]="Ancestro Tótem de Ira", [15574]="Ancestro Picopiedra", [15575]="Ancestro Pezuña de Sangre", [15576]="Ancestro Pezuña Invernal", [15577]="Ancestro Cazacielo", [15578]="Ancestro Ferocrín", [15579]="Ancestro Astaoscura", [15580]="Ancestro Ezra Pezuña de Trigo", [15581]="Ancestro Tótem Siniestro", [15582]="Ancestro Tótem de Viento", [15583]="Ancestro Tronacuerno", [15584]="Ancestro Vidente del Cielo", [15585]="Ancestro Caminalba", [15586]="Ancestro Visionírico", [15587]="Ancestro Caminaniebla", [15588]="Ancestro Altomonte", [15589]="Ojo de C\'Thun", [15590]="Activador de cristal Osirio", [15591]="Esbirro de Weavil", [15592]="Ancestro Fuerteviento", [15593]="Ancestro Cantoestelar", [15594]="Ancestro Lunaplena", [15595]="Ancestro Lunaplena", [15596]="Ancestro Claroestelar", [15597]="Ancestro Guardaluna", [15598]="Ancestro Filoveloz", [15599]="Ancestro Cantofilo", [15600]="Ancestro Relucielo", [15601]="Ancestro Tejestrellas", [15602]="Ancestro Correpradera", [15603]="Ancestro Nochebrisa", [15604]="Ancestro Albarrocío", [15605]="Ancestro Riosona", [15606]="Ancestro Lanza Reluciente", [15607]="Ancestro Levesusurro", [15609]="Explorador Cenarion Landion", [15610]="Exploradora Cenarion Azenel", [15611]="Exploradora Cenarion Jalia", [15612]="Krug Yendecráneo", [15613]="Merok Zancada Larga", [15614]="J.D. Canto Sombrío", [15615]="Sacerdotisa de las Sombras Shai", [15616]="Bruto de la Legión de Orgrimmar", [15617]="Lanzahachas de la Legión de Orgrimmar", [15620]="Cazador-asesino Colmen\'Regal", [15621]="Linaje de Yauj", [15622]="Cavapozos Vekniss", [15623]="Xandivious", [15624]="Fuego fatuo del bosque", [15625]="Corrupto Crepuscular", [15628]="Eranikus el Redimido", [15629]="Fantasma pesadilla", [15630]="Engendro de Fankriss", [15631]="Foco", [15633]="Tyrande", [15634]="Sacerdotisa de la Luna", [15659]="Subastadora Jaxon", [15660]="Eranikus transformado", [15663]="Voluntario del esfuerzo de guerra", [15664]="Metzen el Reno", [15665]="Reno temporal", [15666]="Tanque de batalla qiraji azul", [15667]="Pegote de Viscidus", [15675]="Subastador Stockton", [15676]="Subastador Yarly", [15677]="Subastador Graves", [15678]="Subastador Silva\'las", [15679]="Subastador Cazarez", [15681]="Subastador O\'reely", [15682]="Subastador Cain", [15683]="Subastadora Naxxremis", [15684]="Subastadora Tricket", [15685]="Secuestrador de los Mares del Sur", [15686]="Subastadora Rhyker", [15692]="Secuestrador Hierro Negro", [15693]="Jonathan el Apocalíptico", [15694]="Juerguista de Ventormenta", [15695]="Activador de gemelos Vek", [15696]="Recluta del esfuerzo de guerra", [15698]="Ayudante del Padre Invierno", [15699]="Yeti mecánico tranquilo", [15700]="Señor de la guerra Gorchuk", [15701]="Mariscal de campo Nevanur", [15702]="Capataz primera Taiga", [15703]="Capataz primero Grimsford", [15704]="Capataz primera Kai\'jin", [15705]="Pequeña ayudante del Invierno", [15706]="Reno invernal", [15707]="Sargento primero Rayochirriante", [15708]="Sargento primera Maclure", [15709]="Sargento primera Umbraluna", [15710]="Muñeco de nieve diminuto", [15711]="Black Qiraji Battle Tank", [15712]="Montón de barro", [15713]="Tanque de batalla qiraji azul", [15714]="Tanque de batalla qiraji amarillo", [15715]="Tanque de batalla qiraji verde", [15716]="Tanque de batalla qiraji rojo", [15717]="Activador Ouro", [15718]="Escarabajo Ouro", [15719]="Juerguista de Cima del Trueno", [15720]="Ancestro Fauces de Madera", [15721]="Grinch mecánico", [15722]="Escudero Leoren Mal\'derath", [15723]="Juerguista de Bahía del Botín", [15724]="Truhán borracho", [15725]="Tentáculo Garral", [15726]="Tentáculo ocular", [15727]="C\'Thun", [15728]="Tentáculo garral gigante", [15729]="Ayudante del Padre Invierno (GRANDE) gm", [15730]="Nube de nieve de Pat", [15731]="Oficial de Honor de Darnassus", [15732]="Operador Formavillosa", [15733]="Oficial de Honor de Gnomeregan", [15734]="Oficial de Honor de Forjaz", [15735]="Oficial de Honor de Ventormenta", [15736]="Oficial de Honor de Orgrimmar", [15737]="Oficial de Honor Lanza Negra", [15738]="Oficial de Honor de Entrañas", [15739]="Oficial de Honor de Cima del Trueno", [15740]="Coloso de Zora", [15741]="Coloso de Regal", [15742]="Coloso de Ashi", [15743]="Belisario Anubisath colosal", [15744]="Destructor qiraji imperial", [15745]="Ayudante del Gran Padre Invierno", [15746]="Ayudante del Gran Padre Invierno", [15747]="Capitán qiraji", [15748]="Belisario Anubisath inferior", [15749]="Despellejador silítido inferior", [15750]="Mayor qiraji", [15751]="Belisario Anubisath", [15752]="Despellejador silítido", [15753]="General de brigada qiraji", [15754]="Belisario Anubisath enorme", [15756]="Despellejador silítido superior", [15757]="Teniente general qiraji", [15758]="Belisario Anubisath supremo", [15759]="Despellejador silítido supremo", [15760]="Juerguista invernal", [15761]="Oficial Vu\'Shalay", [15762]="Oficial Lunaluz", [15763]="Oficial Chatobrian", [15764]="Oficial Barbaférrea", [15765]="Oficial Filorrojo", [15766]="Oficial Maloof", [15767]="Oficial Zancada del Trueno", [15768]="Oficial Gothena", [15769]="Cristal resonador", [15770]="Cristal resonador superior", [15771]="Cristal resonador sublime", [15772]="Maestro oscuro navideño Gandling", [15773]="Maestro cañonero de Navidad Willey", [15774]="Príncipe navideño Tortheldrin", [15775]="Emperador navideño Dagran Thaurissan", [15776]="Jefe de Guerra Rend Puño Negro navideño", [15777]="Maestro de guerra navideño Voone", [15778]="Montura de tentáculo bucal visual", [15780]="Juerguista invernal humano", [15781]="Juerguista invernal humana", [15782]="Juerguista invernal enano", [15783]="Juerguista invernal enana", [15784]="Juerguista invernal elfa de la noche", [15785]="Juerguista invernal trol", [15786]="Juerguista orco de invierno", [15787]="Juerguista invernal goblin", [15788]="Juerguista invernal no-muerta", [15789]="Juerguista invernal tauren mujer", [15790]="Juerguista invernal no-muerto", [15791]="Juerguista invernal orco", [15792]="Juerguista invernal trol hombre", [15793]="Juerguista invernal tauren hombre", [15794]="Juerguista invernal elfo de la noche", [15795]="Juerguista invernal goblin", [15796]="Goraluk Yunquegrieta navideño", [15797]="Investigadora de colosos Sofía", [15798]="Investigador de colosos Nestor", [15799]="Investigador de colosos Eazel", [15800]="Activador de salida", [15801]="CHICO DEL GONG DND DNR", [15802]="Tentáculo de carne", [15803]="Tótem de Aire sosegado", [15804]="Cristal resonador inferior", [15805]="Cristal resonador menor", [15806]="Teniente qiraji", [15807]="Belisario Anubisath menor", [15808]="Despellejador silítido menor", [15809]="C\'Thun Transformation Visual", [15810]="Belisario Anubisath erosionado", [15811]="Despellejador silítido vacilante", [15812]="Oficial qiraji", [15813]="Oficial qiraji Zod", [15814]="Teniente qiraji Jo-rel", [15815]="Capitán qiraji Ka\'ark", [15816]="Mayor qiraji He\'al-ie", [15817]="General de brigada qiraji Pax-lish", [15818]="Teniente general Nokhor", [15832]="Ayudante del Padre Invierno (GRANDE) rm", [15835]="Ayudante del Padre Invierno (GRANDE) rf", [15838]="Ayudante del Padre Invierno (GRANDE) gf", [15839]="Bruto del Poder de Kalimdor", [15840]="Sargento del Poder de Kalimdor", [15841]="Teniente del Poder de Kalimdor", [15842]="Mago del Poder de Kalimdor", [15843]="Sacerdote del Poder de Kalimdor", [15844]="Restauradora del Poder de Kalimdor", [15845]="Capitana del Poder de Kalimdor", [15846]="Arquera del Poder de Kalimdor", [15847]="Chamán del Poder de Kalimdor", [15848]="Infantería del Poder de Kalimdor", [15849]="Druida del Poder de Kalimdor", [15850]="Hostigador del Poder de Kalimdor", [15851]="Alguacil del Poder de Kalimdor", [15852]="Escudero élite de Orgrimmar", [15853]="Soldado de infantería élite de Orgrimmar", [15854]="Caballista élite de Orgrimmar", [15855]="Fusilero tauren", [15856]="Tauren primigenio", [15857]="Caballista de Ventormenta", [15858]="Soldado de infantería de Ventormenta", [15859]="Archimago de Ventormenta", [15860]="Tirador kaldorei", [15861]="Soldado de infantería de Forjaz", [15862]="Caballista de Forjaz", [15863]="Chamán Lanza Negra", [15864]="Valadar Cantoestelar", [15865]="Mayor del Poder de Kalimdor", [15866]="Alto comandante Lynore Ventostryke", [15867]="Archimago del Poder de Kalimdor", [15868]="Alto señor Leoric Von Zeldig", [15869]="Malagav el Táctico", [15870]="Duque August Martinimigos", [15871]="Ancestro Barbabronce", [15872]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (AZUL)", [15873]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (ROJO)", [15874]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (VERDE)", [15875]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (MORADO)", [15876]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (BLANCO)", [15877]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (AMARILLO)", [15878]="Clamaguerras Finster", [15879]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat AZUL", [15880]="Fuegos artificiales de Pat VERDE", [15881]="Fuegos artificiales de Pat MORADO", [15882]="Fuegos artificiales de Pat ROJO", [15883]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat AMARILLO", [15884]="Fuegos artificiales de Pat BLANCO", [15885]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat AZUL GRANDE", [15886]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat VERDE GRANDE", [15887]="Fuegos artificiales de Pat GRAN MORADO", [15888]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat ROJO GRANDE", [15889]="Fuegos artificiales de Pat GRAN BLANCO", [15890]="Fuegos artificiales de Pat GRAN AMARILLO", [15891]="Heraldo del Festival Lunar", [15892]="Emisario del Festival Lunar", [15893]="Lunar Firework Credit Marker", [15894]="Lunar Cluster Credit Marker", [15895]="Presagista del Festival Lunar", [15896]="Portal de C\'Thun", [15897]="Gran Focoluz", [15898]="Mercader del Festival Lunar", [15899]="Lunar Festival NE Vendor (PH)", [15900]="Lunar Festival NE Harbinger", [15901]="Tentáculo derrotado", [15902]="Focoluz Gigante", [15903]="Sargento Carnes", [15904]="Portal de tentáculo", [15905]="Juerguista de Darnassus", [15906]="Juerguista de Forjaz", [15907]="Juerguista de Entrañas", [15908]="Juerguista de Orgrimmar", [15909]="Fariel Cantoestelar", [15910]="Portal de tentáculo gigante", [15911]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (AZUL GRANDE)", [15912]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (GRAN VERDE)", [15913]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (MORADO GRANDE)", [15914]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (ROJO GRANDE)", [15915]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (BLANCO GRANDE)", [15916]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (AMARILLO GRANDE)", [15917]="Juerguista del Festival Lunar", [15918]="Tipo de los fuegos artificiales de Pat (ELUNE)", [15922]="Activador Viscidus", [15925]="Toxic Slime", [15928]="Thaddius", [15929]="Stalagg", [15930]="Feugen", [15931]="Grobbulus", [15932]="Gluth", [15933]="Nube de veneno", [15934]="Avispón Colmen\'Zara", [15936]="Heigan el Impuro", [15952]="Maexxna", [15953]="Gran Viuda Faerlina", [15954]="Noth el Pesteador", [15956]="Anub\'Rekhan", [15957]="Engendrador Ouro", [15961]="Centinela del Festival Lunar", [15962]="Prole de Vekniss", [15963]="El ojo del maestro", [15964]="Activador de huevo Buru", [15972]="Maestro de batalla del Valle de Alterac", [15973]="Modelo de Naxxramas", [15974]="Trepador aterrador", [15975]="Hilandera carroñera", [15976]="Acechador venenoso", [15977]="Arácnida venenosa", [15978]="Atracador de la cripta", [15979]="Horror de tumbas", [15980]="Cultor de Naxxramas", [15981]="Acólito de Naxxramas", [15984]="Guardia Real de Sartura", [15989]="Sapphiron", [15990]="Kel\'Thuzad", [16001]="Aldris Cuatronubes", [16002]="Colara Dean", [16003]="Guardia de la Muerte Tor", [16004]="Elenia Haydon", [16005]="Teniente Jocryn Heldric", [16006]="Activador en combate", [16007]="Orok Aterramuerte", [16008]="Temma de los Pozos", [16009]="Tormek Petreofluvo", [16011]="Loatheb", [16012]="Mokvar", [16013]="Deliana", [16014]="Mux Cazamaná", [16015]="Mazo de Gladiador sañoso", [16016]="Anthion Harmon", [16017]="Gólem de retazos", [16018]="Arcadano bílico", [16020]="Científico loco", [16021]="Monstruosidad viviente", [16022]="Auxiliar quirúrgico", [16024]="Babosa embalsamadora", [16025]="Gigante cosido", [16027]="Veneno viviente", [16028]="Remendejo", [16029]="Eructador de lodo", [16030]="Cresa", [16031]="Ysida Harmon", [16032]="Falrin Tallarbol", [16033]="Bodley", [16034]="Bestia de peste", [16036]="Murciélago demenciado", [16037]="Murciélago apestado", [16042]="Lord Valthalak", [16043]="Señor del Magma Bokk", [16044]="Activador Mor Ruciapezuña", [16045]="Activador Isalien", [16046]="Activadores Jarien y Sothos", [16047]="Activador Kormok", [16048]="Activador Lord Valthalak", [16049]="Zurdito", [16050]="Colmipútreo", [16051]="Snokh Dorsalnegra", [16052]="Malgen Lanzalarga", [16053]="Korv", [16054]="Rezznik", [16055]="Va\'jashni", [16056]="Cresa malsana", [16057]="Cresa en podredumbre", [16058]="Volida", [16059]="Theldren", [16060]="Gothik el Cosechador", [16061]="Instructor Razuvious", [16062]="Alto señor Mograine", [16063]="Sir Zeliek", [16064]="Señor feudal Korth\'azz", [16065]="Lady Blaumeux", [16066]="Asesino espectral", [16067]="Corcel destrero de la Muerte", [16068]="Larva", [16069]="Gurky", [16070]="Garel Piedrarroja", [16072]="Señor de las Mareas Rrurgaz", [16073]="Espíritu de Lord Valthalak", [16075]="Kwee Q. Pies Rápidos", [16076]="Tharl Sangrapiedra", [16079]="Activador Theldren", [16080]="Mor Pezuña Gris", [16082]="Activador de Naxxramas", [16083]="Mor Pezuña Gris", [16085]="Pies Rápidos", [16086]="Lluvia de pétalos", [16090]="Rousch", [16091]="Dirk Truenedera", [16092]="Teletransportador silítido", [16093]="Acechador espectral", [16094]="Durik", [16095]="Rechinador", [16096]="Truhán Bonvapor", [16097]="Isalien", [16098]="Empíreo", [16100]="Activador de Ysida", [16101]="Jarien", [16102]="Sothos", [16103]="Espíritu de Jarien", [16104]="Espíritu de Sothos", [16105]="Aristan Mottar", [16106]="Evert Sorisam", [16107]="Boticario Staffron Lerent", [16108]="Fenstad Argyle", [16109]="Mara Rennick", [16110]="Annalise Lerent", [16111]="Loco de amor", [16112]="Comandante de Cruzada Korfax", [16113]="Padre Íñigo Montoya", [16114]="Comandante Escarlata Marjhan", [16115]="Comandante de Cruzada Eligor Albar", [16116]="Archimaga Angela Dosantos", [16117]="Puerco apestado", [16118]="Kormok", [16119]="Esbirro osario", [16120]="Mago osario", [16123]="Gremnik Saltatrabas", [16124]="Practicante inflexible", [16125]="Caballero de la Muerte inflexible", [16126]="Jinete inflexible", [16127]="Practicante espectral", [16129]="Fisura de las Sombras", [16131]="Rohan el Asesino", [16132]="Montero Leopold", [16133]="Mataus el Colérico", [16134]="Rimblat Rompeterra", [16135]="Rayne", [16136]="Fragmento necrótico", [16137]="Activador subjefe militar de Naxxramas", [16139]="Reservista del Fuerte Cenarion", [16141]="Rabioso necrófago", [16142]="Lodo bílico", [16143]="Sombra de fatalidad", [16145]="Capitán caballero de la Muerte", [16146]="Caballero de la Muerte", [16148]="Caballero de la Muerte espectral", [16149]="Caballo espectral", [16150]="Jinete espectral", [16154]="Escudero resucitado", [16156]="Guerrero tocado por la oscuridad", [16157]="Guerrero tocado por la fatalidad", [16158]="Guerrero tocado por la Muerte", [16163]="Hidalgo caballero de la Muerte", [16164]="Sombra de Naxxramas", [16165]="Caballero Necro", [16166]="Theldren Cortacrédito", [16167]="Ensamblaje huesudo", [16168]="Gárgola piel de piedra", [16172]="Fragmento necrótico dañado", [16184]="Sobrestante nerubiano", [16193]="Herrero esquelético", [16194]="Hacha profana", [16211]="Muñeco-diana de combate de Naxxramas", [16212]="Comandante de envíos Metz", [16215]="Bastón profano", [16216]="Espadas profanas", [16218]="Espiral Tesla", [16225]="Mula de carga", [16226]="Guardia Didier", [16227]="Bragok", [16228]="Infantería de El Alba Argenta", [16229]="Infantería de El Alba Argenta herido", [16230]="Cultor ingeniero", [16232]="Mula de caravana", [16236]="Ojo acechador", [16241]="Reclutador Argenta", [16243]="Babosa de peste", [16244]="Necrófago infeccioso", [16254]="Mariscal de campo Cuevas", [16255]="Explorador Argenta", [16256]="Jessica Cuevas", [16281]="Guardián de los Pergaminos", [16283]="Maestro de manada Mazadura", [16284]="Médico Argenta", [16285]="Emisario Argenta", [16286]="Espora", [16290]="Babosa radiactiva", [16297]="Larva mutada", [16298]="Soldado espectral", [16299]="Soldado de choque esquelético", [16306]="Esbirro de la invasión de la Plaga, engendrador, fantasma/necrófago", [16336]="Esbirro de la invasión de la Plaga, engendrador, fantasma/necrófago", [16338]="Esbirro de la invasión de la Plaga, engendrador, fantasma/necrófago", [16356]="Esbirro de la invasión de la Plaga, engendrador, fantasma/necrófago", [16359]="Mensajero Argenta", [16360]="Zombi destripado", [16361]="Comandante Thomas Helleran", [16363]="Grobbulus Nube", [16365]="Maestro artesano Omarion", [16368]="Acólito de Necrópolis", [16369]="Gallina polimórfica", [16371]="Cerdo polimórfico", [16372]="Oveja", [16373]="Rata polimórfica", [16374]="Curiana polimórfica", [16375]="Babosa de cloaca", [16376]="Artesano Wilhelm", [16377]="Tortuga polimórfica", [16378]="Avizor Argenta", [16379]="Espíritu de los Malditos", [16380]="Bruja Osaria", [16381]="Archimago Tarsis Kil-Moldir", [16382]="Terror de retazos", [16383]="Golpeflama", [16384]="Iniciado de El Alba Argenta", [16385]="Tótem de relámpagos", [16386]="Delegado de la Necrópolis", [16387]="Atiesh", [16390]="Sirviente Fríomortal", [16392]="Capitán Armando Ossex", [16394]="Horror pálido", [16395]="Paladín de El Alba Argenta", [16396]="Guardia de élite de Ventormenta", [16398]="Apoderado de la Necrópolis", [16399]="Traidor Velasangre", [16400]="Túnel tóxico", [16401]="Necropolis", [16416]="Bronn Desgarradar", [16417]="Rumsen Esfomolecho", [16418]="Mupsi Fricadena", [16419]="Fantasma de Naxxramas", [16420]="Portal de las Sombras", [16421]="Salud de Necrópolis", [16422]="Soldado esquelético", [16423]="Aparecido espectral", [16427]="Soldado de los Baldíos Helados", [16428]="Abominación imparable", [16429]="Tejealmas", [16430]="Activador Crematoria", [16431]="Cristal necrótico rajado", [16432]="Guardián de élite de Entrañas", [16433]="Cruzado de El Alba Argenta", [16434]="Campeón de El Alba Argenta", [16435]="Clérigo de El Alba Argenta", [16436]="Sacerdote de El Alba Argenta", [16437]="Espíritu espectral", [16438]="Recluta esquelético", [16439]="Alto inquisidor Ribalimpia", [16440]="Alto señor Mograine", [16441]="Guardián de Corona de Hielo", [16446]="Gárgola apestada", [16447]="Necrófago apestado", [16448]="Can de la Muerte apestado", [16449]="Espíritu de Naxxramas", [16451]="[UNUSED] Death Knight Vindicator", [16452]="Caballero Guardián Necro", [16453]="Acechamorte", [16458]="Tabernera Faralia", [16474]="Ventisca", [16478]="Teniente Orrin", [16479]="Clon polimórfico", [16484]="Tenienve Nevell", [16486]="Trampa arácnida", [16490]="Teniente Lisande", [16493]="Teniente Dagel", [16494]="Teniente Rukag", [16495]="Teniente Beitha", [16505]="Seguidor de Naxxramas", [16506]="Venerador de Naxxramas", [16508]="Caballo Argenta", [16511]="Monte Argente", [16512]="Hemocorcel Argente", [16513]="Destrero de la muerte Argenta", [16531]="Cristal necrótico tenue", [16543]="Garon Hutchins", [16547]="Rapidín", [16548]="Don Cochinillo", [16549]="Mostachia la Rata", [16573]="Guardia de la cripta", [16604]="Creador de hechizos Alanegra", [16697]="Zona de vacío", [16698]="Cadáver de escarabajo", [16701]="Espíritu de verano", [16775]="Espíritu de Mograine", [16776]="Espíritu de Blaumeux", [16777]="Espíritu de Zeliek", [16778]="Espíritu de Korth\'azz", [16779]="Vaca", [16781]="Celebrador del Solsticio de Verano", [16783]="Babosa de peste (azul)", [16784]="Babosa de peste (roja)", [16785]="Babosa de peste (verde)", [16786]="Intendente Argenta", [16787]="Proveedor Argenta", [16788]="Guardián de la llama del Festival", [16803]="Caballero de la Muerte suplente", [16817]="Maestro cultural del Festival", [16818]="Cuentacuentos del Festival", [16861]="[UNUSED] Death Lord", [16980]="El Rey Exánime", [16981]="Guardián apestado", [16982]="Ensamblaje apestado", [16983]="Campeón apestado", [16984]="Guerrero apestado", [16987]="Traje de Guardián de la llama del Festival: tauren", [16988]="Traje de Guardián de la llama del Festival: humano", [16989]="Traje de Guardián de la llama del Festival: trol", [16990]="Traje de Guardián de la llama del Festival: enano", [16995]="Heraldo de El Rey Exánime", [16998]="Baldomero", [17003]="Elemental de ceniza", [17025]="Sacudida de alas de Sapphiron", [17038]="Soplafuegos de Ventormenta", [17041]="Tragafuegos de Orgrimmar", [17048]="Soplafuegos de Forjaz", [17049]="Soplafuegos de Darnassus", [17050]="Tragafuegos de Cima del Trueno", [17051]="Tragafuegos de Entrañas", [17055]="Arañita de Maexxna", [17066]="Poste de las cintas Objetivo de debug", [17068]="Jefe de requisas de expedición Enkles", [17069]="Emisario Barbablanca", [17070]="Boticario Quinard", [17072]="Emisario Gormok", [17074]="Exploradora Cenarion", [17079]="General Kirika", [17080]="Alguacil Murazul", [17081]="Explorador Puñosangre", [17082]="Fusilero Torrig", [17090]="Elemento de entrega de misión del polvo en Silithus", [17209]="William Kielar", [17231]="Gas de jardín", [17249]="Landro Tirolargo", [17252]="Guardia vil", [17266]="Tortuga de montar", [17598]="Renn\'az", [17635]="Comandante de Lordaeron", [17647]="Soldado de Lordaeron", [17660]="Skeletal Gryphon", [17688]="Elemento de misión de captura de la guardia de la Corona de la Horda", [17689]="<TXT>Elemento de misión de captura de la guardia de la Corona", [17690]="<TXT>Elemento de misión de captura de la muralla del Este", [17691]="Elemento de misión de captura de la muralla del este de la Horda", [17696]="<TXT> Elemento de misión de captura del Paso Norte", [17697]="Elemento de misión de captura del Paso Norte de la Horda", [17698]="<TXT>Elemento de misión de captura del Bosque de la Peste", [17699]="Elemento de misión de captura de la Horda en el Bosque de la Peste", [17719]="Jinete de grifos de Forjaz", [17720]="Jinete de dracoleones de Orgrimmar", [17765]="Centinela de silitista de la Alianza", [17766]="Centinela de silitista de la Horda", [17794]="Beneficiador de torre de la Alianza", [17795]="Beneficiador de torre de la Horda", [17804]="Escudero Rowe", [17995]="Veterano de Lordaeron", [17996]="Combatiente de Lordaeron", [18199]="Elemento de la Horda de entrega de misión del polvo en Silithus", [25870]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Dwarf", [25871]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Gnome", [25872]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Goblin", [25873]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Human", [25874]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Night Elf", [25875]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Orc", [25876]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Tauren", [25877]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Troll", [25878]="Midsummer Celebrant Costume: Undead", }
require "common" require "response" require "controller" require "comment" node ={name="node"}) -- create new table with base class of controller function node.index_GET(request) local page_size = node .active_record :read("configuration") :where(function(k,v) return v.co_key=="page_size" end) :first() .co_value local published_filter = "no_status = 'P'" local page = or 0 local offset = page * page_size local limit = page_size + 1 -- we grab one more to check for last page local category = request.params.category local archive = request.params.archive local nodes = nil if security.is_in_role(request.user, "admin") then published_filter = "1=1" end if type(archive)~='nil' then nodes = node.active_record:query([[ SELECT n.* FROM node n WHERE no_parent_id IS NULL AND CASE strftime('%m', no_updated_ts) WHEN '01' THEN 'Jan' WHEN '02' THEN 'Feb' WHEN '03' THEN 'Mar' WHEN '04' THEN 'Apr' WHEN '05' THEN 'May' WHEN '06' THEN 'Jun' WHEN '07' THEN 'Jul' WHEN '08' THEN 'Aug' WHEN '09' THEN 'Sep' WHEN '10' THEN 'Oct' WHEN '11' THEN 'Nov' WHEN '12' THEN 'Dec' END || '-' || strftime('%Y', no_updated_ts) = $archive AND ]]..published_filter..[[ ORDER BY no_updated_ts DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset ]], {archive = archive, limit = limit, offset = offset}) elseif type(category) ~= "nil" then nodes = node.active_record:query([[ SELECT n.* FROM node n INNER JOIN node_category nc ON n.no_id = nc.no_id AND nc.nc_category = $category WHERE no_parent_id IS NULL AND -- exclude child pages ]]..published_filter..[[ ORDER BY no_updated_ts DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset ]], {category = category, limit = limit, offset = offset}) else nodes = node.active_record:query("select * from node WHERE no_parent_id IS NULL AND "..published_filter.." ORDER BY no_updated_ts DESC LIMIT "..limit.." OFFSET "..offset) end -- loop through each node adding category string for _,n in ipairs(nodes) do local categories = node.get_categories(n.no_id) if categories then n.category_links = categories :map(function(k,v) return string.format("<a class='button small' href='/node/index?category=%s'>%s</a>", v.nc_category, v.nc_category) end) :join("&nbsp;") end end local eof = 0 if #nodes < limit then eof = 1 end -- remove extra 'last page' checking item if #nodes == limit then nodes[#nodes-1]=nil end return node:view_response("index", "layout", {nodes = nodes, table=table, string=string, category=category, page=page, eof=eof}) end function node.admin_GET(request) if not security.is_in_role(request.user,"admin") then error({code=403}) end return node:view_response("admin", "layout") end function node.json_GET(request) if not security.is_in_role(request.user,"admin") then error({code=403}) end local r = node.active_record:read('node') -- for _,n in pairs(r) do -- n.no_content = nil -- end return node:json_response(r) end function node.edit_GET(request) if not security.is_in_role(request.user,"admin") then error({code=403}) end local id = local r = node.active_record:read("node", {no_id=id}, true):first() local categories = node.get_categories(r.no_id) if categories then r.category_string = categories :map(function(k,v) return v.nc_category end) :join(", ") end return node:view_response("edit", "layout", {action="edit", node=r}) end function node.edit_POST(request) if not security.is_in_role(request.user,"admin") then error({code=403}) end local id = local row = node.active_record:read("node",{no_id = id}):first() row["no_parent_id"] = request.params.parent row["no_title"] = request.params.title row["no_type"] = request.params.node_type row["no_content_type"] = request.params.content_type row["no_status"] = request.params.status row["no_teaser"] = request.params.teaser row["no_content"] = request.params.content row["no_head"] = request.params.head row["no_code"] = request.params.code row["no_style"] = if request.user then row["no_updated_by"] = request.user.us_name end row:save() node.save_categories(id, request.params.categories) row = node.active_record:read("node",{no_id=id}):first() return node:redirect_response("/node/view?id=" end function node.view_GET(request) local id = local r = node.active_record:read("node", {no_id=id}) if not security.is_in_role(request.user, "admin") then r = r:where(function(k,v) return v.no_status=="P" end) end r = r:first() if not r then return node:not_found_response() end local comments = comment.get(id) local comments_days = node.active_record:read("configuration", {co_key="comments_days"}):first().co_value; local comments_enabled = node .active_record:query("select date(no_updated_ts, '"..comments_days.." days') > date('now') comments_enabled from node where no_id = "..r.no_id):first().comments_enabled -- categories local categories = node.get_categories(id) -- walk up chain from node to root, adding in parent content local parent_id = r.no_parent_id while parent_id ~= nil do -- categories obtained from parent node. categories = node.get_categories(parent_id) local parent = node.active_record:read("node",{no_id="10"}):first() parent_id = parent.no_parent_id r.no_title = (parent.no_title).." - "..(r.no_title) r.no_content = (("<p>"..parent.no_content.."</p>") or "")..(r.no_content or "") r.no_style = (parent.no_style or "").." "..(r.no_style or "") r.no_head = (parent.no_head or "").." "..(r.no_head or "") r.no_code = (parent.no_code or "").." "..(r.no_code or "") end if categories then r.category_links = categories :map(function(k,v) return string.format("<a class='button small' href='/node/index?category=%s'>%s</a>", v.nc_category, v.nc_category) end) :join("&nbsp;") end return node:view_response("view", "layout", {node=r, comments=comments, comments_enabled=comments_enabled, table=table, string=string}) end function node.create_GET(request) if not security.is_in_role(request.user,"admin") then error({code=403}) end local r = node.active_record:create("node") -- doesn't actually create. just placeholder r.no_title=nil r.no_parent_id = request.params.parent return node:view_response("edit", "layout", {action="create", node=r}) end function node.create_POST(request) if not security.is_in_role(request.user,"admin") then error({code=403}) end local row = node.active_record:create("node") row["no_parent_id"] = request.params.parent row["no_title"] = request.params.title row["no_type"] = request.params.node_type row["no_content_type"] = request.params.content_type row["no_status"] = request.params.status row["no_teaser"] = request.params.teaser row["no_content"] = request.params.content row["no_head"] = request.params.head row["no_code"] = request.params.code row["no_style"] = if request.user then row["no_updated_by"] = request.user.us_name else row["no_updated_by"] = "unknown" end local id = row:save() row = node.active_record:read("node",{no_id=id}):first() node.save_categories(id, request.params.categories) return node:redirect_response("/node/view?id=" end function node.categories_GET() local c = node .active_record :query("SELECT DISTINCT nc_category FROM node_category") :map(function(k,v) return v.nc_category end) return node:json_response(c) end function node.archives_GET() local a = node .active_record :query([[ SELECT DISTINCT strftime('%m%Y', no_updated_ts) month_key, CASE strftime('%m', no_updated_ts) WHEN '01' THEN 'Jan' WHEN '02' THEN 'Feb' WHEN '03' THEN 'Mar' WHEN '04' THEN 'Apr' WHEN '05' THEN 'May' WHEN '06' THEN 'Jun' WHEN '07' THEN 'Jul' WHEN '08' THEN 'Aug' WHEN '09' THEN 'Sep' WHEN '10' THEN 'Oct' WHEN '11' THEN 'Nov' WHEN '12' THEN 'Dec' END || '-' || strftime('%Y', no_updated_ts) month_desc FROM node ORDER BY no_updated_ts DESC;]]) return node:json_response(a) end function node.save_categories(id, c) if type(c)=="string" or type(c)=="nil" then node.active_record:exec('delete from node_category where no_id = :id',{id=id}) end if type(c)=="string" then local arr = c:split(',') for _, cat in pairs(arr) do local category = node.active_record:create('node_category') category['no_id'] = id category['nc_category'] = cat:trim() category:save() end end end function node.get_categories(id) return node.active_record:read("node_category",{no_id=id}) end function node.get_siblings_GET(request) local id = local n = node.active_record:read("node", {no_id=id}):first() local siblings = {} if n.no_parent_id then siblings = node .active_record :read("node", {no_parent_id = n.no_parent_id}) :where(function(k,v) return v.no_id~=id and v.no_parent_id ~= nil end) :map(function(k,v) return {key=v.no_id, value=v.no_title} end) end return node:json_response(siblings) end function node.get_children_GET(request) local children = node .active_record :read("node", {no_parent_id =}) :where(function(k,v) return v.no_parent_id ~= nil end) :map(function(k,v) return {key=v.no_id, value=v.no_title} end) return node:json_response(children) end return node
local Sparse2D = require(script.Parent.Sparse2D) local Job = require(script.Parent.Job) local squareIntersect = require(script.Parent.squareIntersect) local squareDist = require(script.Parent.squareDist) local sortedInsert = require(script.Parent.sortedInsert) local ChunkLoader2D = {} ChunkLoader2D.__index = ChunkLoader2D function local self = { loadRadius = 8, --chunks loadHeight = 8, --chunks jobBudget = 8.0, --ms jobTimeout = 1000.0, --ms distFunc = squareDist, --function(x, y, z) -> number intersectFunc = squareIntersect, --function(oldRadius, oldX, oldY, newRadius, newX, newY) -> added[], removed[] queued = {}, manager = manager, anchors = {}, added =, removed =, } setmetatable(self, ChunkLoader2D) self.heartbeatConn = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function() if not self.currentJob or self.currentJob:expired() then self.currentJob = self:runJob(job) end, self.jobTimeout, "ChunkLoader2D") end self.currentJob:tick(self.jobBudget) end) return self end function ChunkLoader2D:destroy() self.heartbeatConn:Disconnect() end function ChunkLoader2D:worldToChunk(position) local chunkSize = self.manager.chunkSize return math.floor(position.x / chunkSize + 0.5), math.floor(position.y / chunkSize + 0.5), math.floor(position.z / chunkSize + 0.5) ) end function ChunkLoader2D:setAnchor(name, newRadius, newX, newY) if typeof(newX) == 'Vector3' then local v = self:worldToChunk(newX) newX = v.x newY = v.z end newRadius = newRadius or 0 local oldRadius = 0 local oldX = newX local oldY = newY local oldAnchor = self.anchors[name] if oldAnchor then oldRadius = oldAnchor.radius oldX = oldAnchor.x oldY = oldAnchor.y newX = newX or oldX newY = newY or oldY end local anchorAdded, anchorRemoved = self.intersectFunc(oldRadius, oldX, oldY, newRadius, newX, newY) for _,pos in pairs(anchorAdded) do self.added:set(pos, true) end for _,pos in pairs(anchorRemoved) do self.removed:set(pos, true) end if newRadius > 0 then self.anchors[name] = { radius = newRadius, x = newX, y = newY, } else self.anchors[name] = nil end end function ChunkLoader2D:chunkDist(pos) local closest = math.huge for name, anchor in pairs(self.anchors) do local x, y = anchor.x, anchor.y local dist = self.distFunc(x - pos.x, y - pos.z) if dist < closest then closest = dist end end return closest end function ChunkLoader2D:runJob(job) local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer if player.Character then local hrp = player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") if hrp then self:setAnchor("playerPos", self.loadRadius, hrp.Position) end end local function distLessThan(a, b) return a.distance < b.distance end for i = 1, #self.queued do job:breath("Sorting queue") local entry = self.queued[i] entry.distance = self:chunkDist(entry.position) end table.sort(self.queued, distLessThan) for columnPos in self.added:iter() do job:breath("Inserting new entries into queue") for z = 0, self.loadHeight - 1 do local chunkPos =, z, columnPos.y) local entry = { position = chunkPos, distance = self:chunkDist(chunkPos), } sortedInsert(self.queued, entry, distLessThan) end end for columnPos in self.removed:iter() do job:breath("Destroying chunks") for z = 0, self.loadHeight - 1 do local chunkPos =, z, columnPos.y) self.manager.chunks:set(chunkPos, nil) end end for i = #self.queued, 1, -1 do job:breath("Cleaning queue") local pos = self.queued[i].position if self.removed:get(, pos.z)) then table.remove(self.queued, i) end end self.added ={}) self.removed ={}) local _, nextChunk = next(self.queued) while nextChunk do job:breath("Generating chunks") local chunkPos = nextChunk.position if not self.manager.chunks:get(chunkPos) then debug.profilebegin("Single chunk") local chunkStart = tick() local newChunk =, chunkPos, self.manager.chunkSize) local chunkFinish = tick() debug.profileend() self.manager:reportStat("Time/Chunk", "ms", (chunkFinish - chunkStart)*1000, 3.0) self.manager.chunks:set(chunkPos, newChunk) end table.remove(self.queued, 1) _, nextChunk = next(self.queued) end end return ChunkLoader2D
require("busted.runner")() local message = require("norn.message") local opcode = require("norn.opcode") local function dummy_argument() local dummy_callable = {} setmetatable(dummy_callable, { __call = function (tbl, ...) return "" end, }) local arg = {} setmetatable(arg, { __index = function (tbl, key) return dummy_callable end, }) return arg end local function dummy_arguments() local args = {} for i = 1, 10 do args[i] = dummy_argument() end return table.unpack(args) end --- Given a module, maps message/opcode keys to the functions used to build them. local function messages_to_builders(tbl) local result = {} for key, value in pairs(tbl) do if key[1] ~= "_" and key == string.upper(key) then local builder = tbl[string.lower(key)] result[value] = function () return builder(dummy_arguments()) end end end return result end describe("messages", function () local all_messages setup(function () all_messages = messages_to_builders(message) end) it("should create tables", function () for m, b in pairs(all_messages) do, string.format("Message %s did not return a table", m)) end end) it("should include the message as the first value", function () for m, b in pairs(all_messages) do local value = b() assert.are.equal(value[1], m, string.format("Value does not include message key %s", m)) end end) it("should encode and decode", function () for m, b in pairs(all_messages) do local original = b() assert.are.same(message.decode(message.encode(original)), original) end end) end) describe("opcodes", function () local all_opcodes setup(function () all_opcodes = messages_to_builders(opcode) end) it("should create tables", function () for m, b in pairs(all_opcodes) do, string.format("Opcode %s did not return a table", m)) end end) it("should include the opcode as the first value", function () for m, b in pairs(all_opcodes) do local value = b() assert.are.equal(value[1], m, string.format("Value does not include opcode %s", m)) end end) it("should encode and decode", function () for m, b in pairs(all_opcodes) do local original = b() assert.are.same(opcode.decode(opcode.encode(original)), original) end end) end)
---@class CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ColorBySpeedModule : CS.System.ValueType ---@field public enabled boolean ---@field public color CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient ---@field public range CS.UnityEngine.Vector2 ---@type CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ColorBySpeedModule CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ColorBySpeedModule = { } return CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.ColorBySpeedModule
---@type LFS local lfs = require("lfs") local Path = require("lib.path") local util = require("util") local vfs = require("lib.virtual_file_system") local io_util = require("io_util") local io_util_copy = util.shallow_copy(io_util) ---@type VirtualFileSystem local fs local function new_fs() fs = vfs.new_fs() end local fake_io_util = {} local function ensure_is_path(path) util.debug_assert(path, "Missing path argument.") return end function fake_io_util.mkdir_recursive(path) path = ensure_is_path(path) for i = 1, #path do if not fs:exists(path:sub(1, i):str()) then fs:add_dir(path:sub(1, i):str()) end end end function fake_io_util.rmdir_recursive(path) path = ensure_is_path(path) local dirs = {} local files = {} for entry in fs:enumerate(path:str()) do if fs:get_entry_type((path / entry):str(), true) == "directory" then dirs[#dirs+1] = path / entry else files[#files+1] = path / entry end end for _, dir_path in ipairs(dirs) do fake_io_util.rmdir_recursive(dir_path) end for _, file_path in ipairs(files) do fs:remove(file_path:str()) end fs:remove(path:str()) end function fake_io_util.read_file(path) path = ensure_is_path(path) return fs:get_contents(path:str()) end function fake_io_util.write_file(path, contents) path = ensure_is_path(path) fake_io_util.mkdir_recursive(path:sub(1, -2)) if not fs:exists(path:str()) then fs:add_file(path:str()) end fs:set_contents(path:str(), contents) end function fake_io_util.copy(from, to) local contents = fake_io_util.read_file(from) fake_io_util.write_file(to, contents) end function fake_io_util.delete_file(path) path = ensure_is_path(path) fs:remove(path:str()) end function fake_io_util.move(from, to) from = ensure_is_path(from) fake_io_util.copy(from, to) fs:remove(from:str()) end function fake_io_util.symlink(old, new) old = ensure_is_path(old) new = ensure_is_path(new) fs:add_symlink(old:str(), new:str()) end function fake_io_util.exists(path) path = ensure_is_path(path) return fs:exists(path:str()) end function fake_io_util.enumerate(path) path = ensure_is_path(path) -- the fs:enumerate function already doesn't return `"."` or `".."` -- so we can just return it's result as is return fs:enumerate(path:str()) end function fake_io_util.set_working_dir(path) path = ensure_is_path(path) fs:set_cwd(path:str()) end function fake_io_util.get_working_dir() return fs:get_cwd() end function fake_io_util.get_working_dir_path() return end function fake_io_util.get_modification(path) path = ensure_is_path(path) return fs:get_modification(path:str()) end -- ensure there are fake functions for all real functions do local missing_functions_lut = util.shallow_copy(io_util) for k in pairs(fake_io_util) do missing_functions_lut[k] = nil end local missing_names = {} for k in pairs(missing_functions_lut) do missing_names[#missing_names+1] = k end table.sort(missing_names) if missing_names[1] then util.debug_abort("Missing fake io_util functions: "..table.concat(missing_names, ", ")) end end local fake_lfs = {} function fake_lfs.dir(path) local iter, start_state, start_key = fs:enumerate(path) local dot = true local dot_dot = true return function(state, key) if dot then dot = false return "." end if dot_dot then dot_dot = false return ".." end ---@diagnostic disable-next-line:redundant-parameter return iter(state, key) end, start_state, start_key end local function attributes_helper(path, request_name, do_not_follow_symlinks) if type(request_name) == "table" then util.debug_abort("Table argument is not supported.") end if not request_name then util.debug_abort("Absent mode is not supported.") end return (({ ["mode"] = function() local entry_type = fs:get_entry_type(path, do_not_follow_symlinks) if entry_type == "symlink" then entry_type = "link" end return entry_type end, ["modification"] = function() return fs:get_modification(path, do_not_follow_symlinks) end, ["dev"] = function() return fs:exists(path) and 1 or nil -- I only use this to test for existence in Path:exists() end, })[request_name] or function() util.debug_abort("Request name '"..request_name.."' is not supported.") end)() end function fake_lfs.attributes(path, request_name) return attributes_helper(path, request_name, false) end function fake_lfs.symlinkattributes(path, request_name) return attributes_helper(path, request_name, true) end function fake_lfs.currentdir() return fs:get_cwd() end ---replace the lfs upvalue for all Path functions ---@param replace_with '"real"'|'"fake"' local function replace_path_lfs_upvalue(replace_with) local dummy_upval_idx local value_to_replace if replace_with == "real" then value_to_replace = fake_lfs dummy_upval_idx = 1 elseif replace_with == "fake" then value_to_replace = lfs dummy_upval_idx = 2 else util.debug_abort("Invalid replace_with '"..tostring(replace_with).."'.") end ---cSpell:ignore nups local function dummy() return lfs, fake_lfs end local function replace_lfs_upvals(func) for i = 1, debug.getinfo(func, "u").nups do local _, upval_value = debug.getupvalue(func, i) if upval_value == value_to_replace then debug.upvaluejoin(func, i, dummy, dummy_upval_idx) end end end for _, value in pairs(Path) do if type(value) == "function" then replace_lfs_upvals(value) end end end local function replace_io_util(to_replace_with) for k, v in pairs(to_replace_with) do io_util[k] = v end end ---initializes a new, empty file system and replaces all functions interacting with it local function hook() new_fs() replace_path_lfs_upvalue("fake") replace_io_util(fake_io_util) end ---reverts all replaced functions local function unhook() fs = nil replace_path_lfs_upvalue("real") replace_io_util(io_util_copy) end return { hook = hook, unhook = unhook, new_fs = new_fs, }
local DirectoryService = require(4926442976) local signal = script.Signal DirectoryService:createDirectory("ReplicatedStorage.HDAdmin", {signal}) return require(signal)
-- Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, shared functions and definitions package.loaded.dolphin = nil local dolphin = require "dolphin" package.loaded.utils = nil local layouts = require "layouts" package.loaded.layouts = nil local utils = require "utils" local subclass = utils.subclass package.loaded.utils_math = nil local utils_math = require "utils_math" local Vector3 = utils_math.Vector3 package.loaded.valuetypes = nil local valuetypes = require "valuetypes" local V = valuetypes.V local MV = valuetypes.MV local Vector3Value = valuetypes.Vector3Value local RateOfChange = valuetypes.RateOfChange local ResettableValue = valuetypes.ResettableValue local SMGshared = subclass(dolphin.DolphinGame) local GV = SMGshared.blockValues -- At least one computation requires knowing the character we're currently -- playing as. Unfortunately, we don't know where the character specification -- is in SMG1/2 memory at the moment, so we have to set the character manually. -- Possible values: 'mario', 'luigi', 'yoshi'. -- -- Here we just set a default value. -- Set to a different value in layout code as needed, like: -- game.character = 'luigi' SMGshared.character = 'mario' -- Tracking time based on a memory value which represents number of frames -- since time = 0. local Time = subclass(Value) SMGshared.Time = Time Time.label = "Should be set by subclass" Time.initialValue = nil function Time:init(frames) self.frames = frames Value.init(self) end function Time:updateValue() self.frames:update() end function Time:displayValue(options) local frames = self.frames:get() local hours = math.floor(frames / (60*60*60)) local mins = math.floor(frames / (60*60)) % 60 local secs = math.floor(frames / 60) % 60 local centis = math.floor((frames % 60) * (100/60)) local timeStr = nil if hours > 0 then timeStr = string.format("%d:%02d:%02d.%02d", hours, mins, secs, centis) else timeStr = string.format("%d:%02d.%02d", mins, secs, centis) end if options.narrow then return string.format("%s\n %d", timeStr, frames) else return string.format("%s | %d", timeStr, frames) end end -- In-game level time in SMG2, level-timer-esque value in SMG1 GV.stageTime = subclass(Time) GV.stageTime.label = "Stage time" function GV.stageTime:init() Time.init(self, end -- SMG2 only GV.fileTime = subclass(Time) GV.fileTime.label = "File time" function GV.fileTime:init() Time.init(self, end -- Velocity calculated as position change. local Velocity = subclass(Value) SMGshared.Velocity = Velocity Velocity.label = "Label to be determined" Velocity.initialValue = 0.0 function Velocity:init(coordinates) Value.init(self) -- coordinates - a string such as "X" "Y" "XZ" "XYZ" self.posObjects = {} if string.find(coordinates, "X") then table.insert(self.posObjects, end if string.find(coordinates, "Y") then table.insert(self.posObjects, end if string.find(coordinates, "Z") then table.insert(self.posObjects, end self.numCoordinates = #self.posObjects if self.numCoordinates == 1 then self.label = coordinates.." Vel" else self.label = coordinates.." Speed" end -- If we're tracking velocity of 1 coordinate, it should have a +/- display. -- If more than 1 coordinate, it'll just be a magnitude, so need no +/-. local defaultSigned = (self.numCoordinates == 1) self.displayDefaults = {signed=defaultSigned} end function Velocity:updateValue() -- Update prev and curr position self.prevPos = self.currPos self.currPos = {} for _, posObject in pairs(self.posObjects) do table.insert(self.currPos, posObject:get()) end if self.prevPos == nil then self.value = 0.0 return end -- Update velocity based on prev and curr position if self.numCoordinates == 1 then self.value = self.currPos[1] - self.prevPos[1] else local sumOfSquaredDiffs = 0.0 for n = 1, self.numCoordinates do local diff = self.currPos[n] - self.prevPos[n] sumOfSquaredDiffs = sumOfSquaredDiffs + diff*diff end self.value = math.sqrt(sumOfSquaredDiffs) end end function Velocity:isValid() return self.posObjects[1]:isValid() end -- Difference between gravity up-vector and character tilt up-vector. -- We might also call this 'skew' when the character is tilted on -- non-tilting ground. local tilt = subclass(Value) GV.tilt = tilt tilt.label = "Label not used" tilt.initialValue = "Value field not used" function tilt:init() Value.init(self) self.dgrav = self.utilt = end function tilt:updateValue() local ugrav = self.dgrav:get():times(-1) local utilt = self.utilt:get() -- Catch the case where the up vectors are the same. This should keep us from -- displaying undefined values like -1.#J or -1.#IO. if ugrav:nearlyEquals(utilt) then self.rotationRadians = 0.0 self.rotationAxis = Vector3:new(0.0,1.0,0.0) self.diff = Vector3:new(0.0,0.0,0.0) return end -- Cross product: to get a rotation axis, from gravity up vector -- to tilt up vector. -- Then ensure we get a normalized rotation axis. self.rotationAxis = ugrav:cross(utilt):normalized() local x = self.rotationAxis.x -- Check for NaN or +/-infinity. if x ~= x or x == math.huge or x == -math.huge then -- Up vector difference is either 0, or close enough to 0 that our axis -- calculation can't work. Either way, we'll treat it as 0 and ensure that -- we can display valid values. self.rotationAxis = Vector3:new(0.0,1.0,0.0) self.rotationRadians = 0.0 self.diff = Vector3:new(0.0,0.0,0.0) return end -- Dot product: to get rotational difference between gravity and tilt. self.rotationRadians = math.acos(ugrav:dot(utilt)) -- Alternate, crude representation of tilt: difference between up vectors self.diff = utilt:minus(ugrav) end function tilt:getRotation() self:update() return {self.rotationRadians, self.rotationAxis} end function tilt:displayRotation() self:update() local format = "Tilt:\n %+.2f°\n Axis %+.2f\n %+.2f\n %+.2f" return string.format( format, math.deg(self.rotationRadians), self.rotationAxis.x, self.rotationAxis.y, self.rotationAxis.z ) end function tilt:getDiff() self:update() return self.diff end function tilt:displayDiff(options) options = options or {} self:update() options.beforeDecimal = options.beforeDecimal or 1 options.afterDecimal = options.afterDecimal or 3 options.signed = options.signed or true return self.diff:display("Tilt (Diff)", options) end local upwardVelocity = subclass(Value) GV.upwardVelocity = upwardVelocity upwardVelocity.label = "Upward Vel" upwardVelocity.initialValue = 0.0 upwardVelocity.displayDefaults = {signed=true} function upwardVelocity:init() Value.init(self) self.pos = self.dgrav = end function upwardVelocity:updateValue() local pos = self.pos:get() if self.prevPos == nil then self.value = 0.0 else -- Update value. First get the overall velocity local vel = pos:minus(self.prevPos) -- 1D upward velocity = dot product of up vector and velocity vector self.value = vel:dot(self.prevUp) end -- Prepare for next step self.prevPos = pos self.prevUp = self.dgrav:get():times(-1) end local lateralVelocity = subclass(Value) GV.lateralVelocity = lateralVelocity lateralVelocity.label = "Lateral Spd" lateralVelocity.initialValue = 0.0 function lateralVelocity:init() Value.init(self) self.pos = self.dgrav = end function lateralVelocity:updateValue() local pos = self.pos:get() if self.prevPos == nil then self.value = 0.0 else -- Update value. First get the overall velocity local vel = pos:minus(self.prevPos) -- 1D upward velocity = dot product of up vector and velocity vector local upVel1D = vel:dot(self.prevUp) -- Make into a 3D vector local upVelVector = self.prevUp:times(upVel1D) -- 2D lateral speed = -- magnitude of (overall velocity vector minus upward velocity vector) self.value = vel:minus(upVelVector):magnitude() end -- Prepare for next step self.prevPos = pos self.prevUp = self.dgrav:get():times(-1) end local upwardVelocityLastJump = subclass(Value) GV.upwardVelocityLastJump = upwardVelocityLastJump upwardVelocityLastJump.label = "Up Vel\nlast jump" upwardVelocityLastJump.initialValue = 0.0 upwardVelocityLastJump.displayDefaults = {signed=true} function upwardVelocityLastJump:init() Value.init(self) self.pos = self.dgrav = end function upwardVelocityLastJump:updateValue() local pos = self.pos:get() local onGround = -- Implementation based on up velocity value. local vel = nil local upVel = nil if self.prevPos ~= nil then vel = pos:minus(self.prevPos) upVel = vel:dot(self.prevUp) if upVel > 10 and upVel - self.prevUpVel > 10 then self.value = upVel end end self.prevUpVel = upVel -- Implementation based on the onGround bit. Finicky for anything -- other than regular jumps. -- if self.prevPos ~= nil then -- if not onGround and self.prevOnGround then -- -- We just jumped. Time to update. -- -- First get the overall velocity -- local vel = pos:minus(self.prevPos) -- -- 1D upward velocity = dot product of up vector and velocity vector -- local upVel = vel:dot(self.prevUp) -- self.value = upVel -- end -- end -- Prepare for next step self.prevPos = pos self.prevUp = self.dgrav:get():times(-1) self.prevOnGround = onGround end -- If we jumped right now, our tilt would give us -- this much extra initial upward velocity. -- (e.g. a bonus of +0.9 means that, if we normally start with -- 22 upward velocity, then here we start with 22.9.) local upVelocityTiltBonus = subclass(Value) GV.upVelocityTiltBonus = upVelocityTiltBonus upVelocityTiltBonus.label = "Up Vel\ntilt bonus\nprediction" upVelocityTiltBonus.initialValue = 0.0 upVelocityTiltBonus.displayDefaults = {signed=true} function upVelocityTiltBonus:init() Value.init(self) -- A Vector3's x, y, and z fields aren't set until the vector is initialized. valuetypes.initValueAsNeeded( self.nextVel = Vector3Value,,,,,, ) self.dgrav = self.tilt = end function upVelocityTiltBonus:updateValue() -- Don't update if not on the ground. -- This way, during a jump, we can see what the -- predicted bonus velocity was for that jump. if not then return end -- Get the tilt. local array = self.tilt:getRotation() local tiltRadians = array[1] local tiltAxis = array[2] -- If no tilt, then we know there's no up vel bonus, and we're done. if tiltRadians == 0.0 then self.value = 0.0 return end -- Get the in-memory velocity that'll be observed on the NEXT frame. local nextVel = self.nextVel:get() -- Account for the fact that lateral speed gets -- multiplied by a factor when you jump. -- This factor is related to the character's max run speed. -- We haven't found the character's max run speed in memory yet, so we have -- to determine it manually. local maxRunSpeed = nil if == 'mario' then maxRunSpeed = 13 elseif == 'luigi' then maxRunSpeed = 15 elseif == 'yoshi' then maxRunSpeed = 18 else error("Unrecognized character: "..tostring( end nextVel = nextVel:times(12.5/maxRunSpeed) -- If no velocity, then we know there's no up vel bonus, and we're done. if math.abs(nextVel:magnitude()) < 0.000001 then self.value = 0.0 return end -- The up vel tilt bonus doesn't care about slopes if they don't affect -- your tilt. -- -- To ensure that standing on non-tilting slopes doesn't throw off our -- calculation, project the velocity vector onto the "ground plane" -- (the plane perpendicular to the gravity up vector), and keep the -- same magnitude. -- As it turns out, this seems to be the correct thing to do for -- tilting slopes, too. -- -- First, get the upward component of velocity (upward in terms of gravity). local ugrav = self.dgrav:get():times(-1) local upVel = ugrav:times(nextVel:dot(ugrav)) -- Overall velocity - upward component = lateral component. (Again, in -- terms of gravity.) local lateralVel = nextVel:minus(upVel) -- Apply the original magnitude. -- We'll call the result "ground velocity". local lateralVelMagnitude = lateralVel:magnitude() local groundVel = lateralVel:times( nextVel:magnitude() / lateralVelMagnitude ) -- Apply the tilt to the ground velocity vector. -- This is a vector rotation, which we'll calculate with Rodrigues' formula. local term1 = groundVel:times(math.cos(tiltRadians)) local term2 = tiltAxis:cross(groundVel):times(math.sin(tiltRadians)) local term3 = tiltAxis:times( tiltAxis:dot(groundVel) * (1-math.cos(tiltRadians)) ) local tiltedVelocity = term1:plus(term2):plus(term3) -- Finally, find the upward component of the tilted velocity. This is the -- bonus up vel that the tilted velocity gives us. self.value = tiltedVelocity:dot(ugrav) end function SMGshared:getButton(button) -- Return 1 if button is pressed, 0 otherwise. -- -- TODO: Check if this can be universally implemented, with same addresses -- and all, for any Wii/GC game. local b1 = self.buttons1 local b2 = self.buttons2 local value = nil if button == "H" then value = b1:get()[1] -- Home elseif button == "C" then value = b1:get()[2] elseif button == "Z" then value = b1:get()[3] elseif button == "A" then value = b1:get()[5] elseif button == "B" then value = b1:get()[6] elseif button == "+" then value = b2:get()[4] elseif button == "^" then value = b2:get()[5] elseif button == "v" then value = b2:get()[6] elseif button == ">" then value = b2:get()[7] elseif button == "<" then value = b2:get()[8] else error("Button code not recognized: " .. tostring(button)) end return value end GV.shake = V(Value) GV.shake.initialValue = {wiimote=0, nunchuk=0} function GV.shake:updateValue() self.value = {,, } end function GV.shake:isValid() return end function GV.shake:display() if not self:isValid() then return self.invalidDisplay end self:update() if self.value.wiimote == 1 then return "Shake Wiimote" elseif self.value.nunchuk == 1 then return "Shake Nunchuk" else return "" end end GV.spinStatus = V(Value) GV.spinStatus.initialValue = 'neutral' function GV.spinStatus:getMidairSpinType() local code = if code == 1 then return 'wiimote' elseif code == 2 then return 'nunchuk' else return 'unknown' end end function GV.spinStatus:updateValue() local cooldownTimer = local attackTimer = local midairSpinTimer = if midairSpinTimer ~= 180 and attackTimer > 0 then -- This timer is 180 if no midair spin boost is happening. Otherwise, it's -- anywhere from 1 to 22. -- This timer is interrupted and gets stuck if a spin stomp is -- executed. To prevent this spin status from also getting stuck, we -- check the attack timer too, as that won't get stuck from a spin stomp. self.value = 'midair-spin-'..self:getMidairSpinType() elseif attackTimer > 0 then -- No spin boost, but some kind of spin; on ground, underwater, last few -- frames of a midair spin, multiple mini-spins in a single jump. This case -- also applies slightly after a jump-canceled ground spin. -- Perhaps this corresponds to having the spin hitbox out, but this -- hasn't been tested. self.value = 'spin' elseif cooldownTimer > 0 then -- LIMITATION: This only detects cooldown on the ground, not underwater. -- Haven't found a way to do that. self.value = 'cooldown' else self.value = 'neutral' end end function GV.spinStatus:isValid() return end function GV.spinStatus:display() if not self:isValid() then return self.invalidDisplay end self:update() if self.value == 'midair-spin-wiimote' then return "Spin Wiimote" elseif self.value == 'midair-spin-nunchuk' then return "Spin Nunchuk" elseif self.value == 'midair-spin-unknown' then return "Spin ???" elseif self.value == 'spin' then return "Spin" elseif self.value == 'cooldown' then return "(Cooldown)" else return "" end end local input = V(Value) GV.input = input function input:buttonDisplay(button) local value = if value == 1 then return button else return " " end end function input:displayAllButtons() local s = "" for _, button in pairs{"A", "B", "Z", "+", "H", "C", "^", "v", "<", ">"} do s = s..self:buttonDisplay(button) end return s end function input:isValid() return end function input:display(options) if not self:isValid() then local lineCount = 1 if options.shake then lineCount = lineCount + 1 end if options.spin then lineCount = lineCount + 1 end if options.stick then lineCount = lineCount + 1 if options.narrow then lineCount = lineCount + 1 end end return self.invalidDisplay..string.rep('\n', lineCount-1) end options = options or {} local lines = {} if options.shake then table.insert(lines, end if options.spin then table.insert(lines, end if options.stick then local stickX = utils.displayAnalog(, 'float', ">", "<", {afterDecimal=3}) local stickY = utils.displayAnalog(, 'float', "^", "v", {afterDecimal=3}) if options.narrow then table.insert(lines, stickX.."\n"..stickY) else table.insert(lines, stickX.." "..stickY) end end table.insert(lines, self:displayAllButtons()) return table.concat(lines, "\n") end local AnchoredDistance = subclass(ResettableValue) SMGshared.AnchoredDistance = AnchoredDistance AnchoredDistance.label = "Label to be determined in init" AnchoredDistance.initialValue = 0.0 function AnchoredDistance:init(coordinates) ResettableValue.init(self, resetButton) -- coordinates - a string such as "X" "Y" "XZ" "XYZ" self.posObjects = {} if string.find(coordinates, "X") then table.insert(self.posObjects, end if string.find(coordinates, "Y") then table.insert(self.posObjects, end if string.find(coordinates, "Z") then table.insert(self.posObjects, end self.numCoordinates = #self.posObjects if numCoordinates == 1 then self.label = coordinates.." Pos Diff" else self.label = coordinates.." Distance" end -- If we're tracking velocity of 1 coordinate, it should have a +/- display. -- If more than 1 coordinate, it'll just be a magnitude, so need no +/-. local defaultSigned = (self.numCoordinates == 1) self.displayDefaults = {signed=defaultSigned} end function AnchoredDistance:updateValue() self.currPos = {} for _, posObject in pairs(self.posObjects) do table.insert(self.currPos, posObject:get()) end if self.numCoordinates == 1 then self.value = self.currPos[1] - self.anchor[1] else local sumOfSquaredDiffs = 0.0 for n = 1, self.numCoordinates do local diff = self.currPos[n] - self.anchor[n] sumOfSquaredDiffs = sumOfSquaredDiffs + diff*diff end self.value = math.sqrt(sumOfSquaredDiffs) end end function AnchoredDistance:reset() -- Reset anchor self.anchor = {} for _, posObject in pairs(self.posObjects) do table.insert(self.anchor, posObject:get()) end end local anchoredHeight = subclass(ResettableValue) GV.anchoredHeight = anchoredHeight anchoredHeight.label = "Height" anchoredHeight.initialValue = 0.0 function anchoredHeight:init() ResettableValue.init(self, resetButton) self.pos = self.dgrav = end function anchoredHeight:updateValue() -- Dot product of distance-from-anchor vector and up vector self.value = self.pos:get():minus(self.anchor):dot(self.upValue) end function anchoredHeight:reset() self.anchor = self.pos:get() self.upValue = self.dgrav:get():times(-1) end return SMGshared
URL = require "socket.url" http = require "socket.http" https = require "ssl.https" ltn12 = require "ltn12" multipart = require 'multipart-post' serpent = (loadfile "./libs/serpent.lua")() feedparser = (loadfile "./libs/feedparser.lua")() json = (loadfile "./libs/JSON.lua")() mimetype = (loadfile "./libs/mimetype.lua")() redis = (loadfile "./libs/redis.lua")() JSON = (loadfile "./libs/dkjson.lua")() td = dofile('./libs/tg.lua') bot_conf = {} , bot_conf.version = './data/config.lua', '1' config_file = function vardump(value) print(serpent.block(value, {comment=false})) end function ok_cb(extra, result) if result.ID == "Error" then vardump(result) return api.sendMessage(,'#bug_finder tgGuard\n🐞 Sorry, a bug occurred', nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) end end function user_data(msg, data) if data.username_ then msg.from.username = data.username_ else msg.from.username = false end msg.from.first_name = data.first_name_ if data.last_name_ then msg.from.last_name = data.last_name_ else msg.from.last_name = false end if msg.action == "MessageChatJoinByLink" then msg.added = {} msg.added[1] = {} msg.added[1].username = msg.from.username msg.added[1].first_name = msg.from.fist_name msg.added[1].last_name = msg.from.last_name end return msg end function send_document(to, file, cb, cmd) td.sendDocument(to:gsub('user#id',''), 0, 0, 1, nil, file) end function create_group(msg, name, bk) td.createNewChannelChat(name, 1, 'My Supergroup, my rules') td.createNewGroupChat({[0] =}, name) end function is_administrate(msg, gid) local var = true if not _config.chats.managed[tonumber(gid)] then var = false send_message(msg, '<b>I do not administrate this group</b>', 'html') end return var end function send_message(msg, text, md) td.sendText(tonumber(, 0, 1, 0, nil, text, 0, md, ok_cb, cmd) end function reply_data(msg, data) if data.username_ then msg.replied.username = data.username_ end msg.replied.first_name = data.first_name_ if data.last_name_ then msg.replied.last_name = data.last_name_ end return msg end function load_data(filename) if not filename then _data = {} else _data = loadfile(filename)() or {} end return _data end function return_media(msg) if then return "MessagePhoto" elseif msg.sticker then return "MessageSticker" elseif then return "MessageAudio" elseif msg.voice then return "MessageVoice" elseif msg.gif then return "MessageAnimation" elseif msg.text then return "MessageText" elseif msg.service then return "MessageService" elseif then return "MessageVideo" elseif msg.document then return "MessageDocument" elseif then return "MessageGame" end end function serialize_to_file(data, file, uglify) file =, 'w+') local serialized if not uglify then serialized = serpent.block(data, { comment = false, name = '_' }) else serialized = serpent.dump(data) end file:write(serialized) file:flush() file:close() end -- Returns a table with matches or nil function match_pattern(pattern, text, lower_case ,cmd) if text then if cmd then text = text:gsub(config.cmd,'') -- pattern = pattern:gsub(config.cmd,'') end local matches = {} if lower_case then matches = { string.match(text:lower(), pattern) } else matches = { string.match(text, pattern) } end if next(matches) then return matches end end -- nil end function get_receiver(msg) return end function getChatId(chat_id) local chat = {} local chat_id = tostring(chat_id) if chat_id:match('^-100') then local channel_id = chat_id:gsub('-100', '') chat = {ID = channel_id, type = 'channel'} else local group_id = chat_id:gsub('-', '') chat = {ID = group_id, type = 'group'} end return chat end function new_is_sudo(user_id) local var = false -- Check users id in config for v,user in pairs(_config.sudo_users) do if user == user_id then var = true end end return var end function lang_text(chat_id, keyword) local hash = 'langset:'..chat_id local lang = redis:get(hash) if not lang then redis:set(hash,'en') lang = redis:get(hash) end local hashtext = 'lang:'..lang..':'..keyword if redis:get(hashtext) then return redis:get(hashtext) else return 'Please, install your selected "'..lang..'" language by #install [`archive_name(english_lang, spanish_lang...)`]. First, active your language package like a normal plugin by it\'s name. For example, #plugins enable `english_lang`. Or set another one by typing #lang [language(en, es...)].' end end function is_number(name_id) if tonumber(name_id) then return true else return false end end function string:escape(only_markup) if not only_markup then -- insert word joiner self = self:gsub('([@#/.])(%w)', '%1\xE2\x81\xA0%2') end return self:gsub('[*_`]', '\\%0') end function string:escape_html() self = self:gsub('&', '&amp;') self = self:gsub('"', '&quot;') self = self:gsub('<', '&lt;'):gsub('>', '&gt;') return self end -- Remove specified formating or all markdown. This function useful for put -- names into message. It seems not possible send arbitrary text via markdown. function string:escape_hard(ft) if ft == 'bold' then return self:gsub('%*', '') elseif ft == 'italic' then return self:gsub('_', '\\_') elseif ft == 'fixed' then return self:gsub('`', '') elseif ft == 'link' then return self:gsub(']', '') else return self:gsub('[*_`[%]]', '') end end function string:trim() -- Trims whitespace from a string. local s = self:gsub('^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') return s end function dump(...) for _, value in pairs{...} do print(serpent.block(value, {comment=false})) end end function vtext(...) local lines = {} for _, value in pairs{...} do table.insert(lines, serpent.block(value, {comment=false})) end return table.concat(lines, '\n') end function string:vtext() local lines = {} for _, value in pairs{self} do table.insert(lines, serpent.block(value, {comment=false})) end return table.concat(lines, '\n') end function no_markdown(text, replace) if text then text = tostring(text) if replace then text = text:gsub("`", replace) text = text:gsub("*", replace) text = text:gsub("_", replace) return text end text = text:gsub("`", "") text = text:gsub("*", "") text = text:gsub("_", "") return text end return false end function is_admin(user_id) local var = false if _config.administrators[user_id] then var = true end if _config.sudo_users[user_id] then var = true end return var end function get_receiver_api(msg) if == 'user' or == 'private' then return msg.from.peer_id end if == 'chat' or == 'group' then if not msg.from.api then return '-' .. else return end end --TODO testing needed -- if == 'encr_chat' then -- return -- end if == 'channel' or == 'supergroup' then if not msg.from.api then return '-100' .. else return end end end -- User is a group owner function is_leader(msg, chat_id, user_id) local var = false local data = load_data(_config.chats.managed[chat_id]) if data.leader == nil then var = false elseif data.leader == user_id then var = true end if _config.administrators[user_id] then var = true end if _config.sudo_users[user_id] then var = true end return var end -- User is a group owner function is_owner(msg, chat_id, user_id) local var = false local data = load_data(_config.chats.managed[chat_id]) if data.owners == nil then var = false elseif data.owners[user_id] then var = true end if data.leader == nil then var = false elseif data.leader == user_id then var = true end if _config.administrators[user_id] then var = true end if _config.sudo_users[user_id] then var = true end return var end -- User is a group moderator function is_mod(msg, chat_id, user_id) local var = false local data = load_data(_config.chats.managed[chat_id]) if data.moderators == nil then var = false elseif data.moderators[user_id] then var = true end if data.owners == nil then var = false elseif data.owners[user_id] then var = true end if data.leader == nil then var = false elseif data.leader == user_id then var = true end if _config.administrators[user_id] then var = true end if _config.sudo_users[user_id] then var = true end return var end function user_allowed(plugin, msg) if plugin.moderated and not is_mod(msg,, msg.from.peer_id) then if plugin.moderated and not is_owner(msg,, msg.from.peer_id) then if plugin.moderated and not is_leader(msg,, msg.from.peer_id) then if plugin.moderated and not is_admin(msg.from.peer_id) then if plugin.moderated and not is_sudo(msg.from.peer_id) then return false end end end end end -- If plugins privileged = true if plugin.privileged and not is_sudo(msg.from.peer_id) then return false end return true end function send_large_msg(destination, text) td.sendText(destination, 0, 1, 0, nil, text, 0, 'md', ok_cb, cmd) end function is_sudo(user_id) local var = false if _config.sudo_users[user_id] then var = true end return var end function send_msg(receiver, text, cb_function, cb_extra) send_large_msg(receiver, text) end function savelog(group, logtxt) print('do log') -- local text = ("[ %c ]=> "..logtxt.."\n \n")) -- local file ="./groups/logs/""log.txt", "a") -- file:write(text) -- file:close() end function is_chat_msg(msg) if == 'private' or == 'user' then return false else return true end end function group_type(msg) local var = false if tostring('-') then if tostring('$-100') then var = 'cahnnel' elseif tostring('$-10') then var = 'chat' end elseif tonumber( then var = 'user' end return var end function export_chat_link(chat_id,cb,cmd) td.exportChatInviteLink(tonumber(chat_id), cb, cmd) end function export_channel_link(chat_id,cb,cmd) td.exportChatInviteLink(tonumber(chat_id), cb, cmd) end function pairsByKeys(t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do a[#a+1] = n end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end -- Gets coordinates for a location. function get_coords(msg, input) local url = '' .. URL.escape(input) local jstr, res = http.request(url) if res ~= 200 then reply_msg(, 'Connection error.', ok_cb, true) return end local jdat = json:decode(jstr) if jdat.status == 'ZERO_RESULTS' then reply_msg(, 'ZERO_RESULTS', ok_cb, true) return end return { lat = jdat.results[1], lon = jdat.results[1].geometry.location.lng, formatted_address = jdat.results[1].formatted_address } end function edit_tg(x) local msg = {} = {} msg.from = {} msg.replied = {} = tonumber(x.chat_id_) = tonumber(x.sender_user_id_) msg.from.peer_id = tonumber( = tonumber( if x.content_.ID == "MessageText" then msg.text = x.content_.text_ end if group_type(msg) then = group_type(msg) = group_type(msg) end if x.content_.caption_ then msg.text = x.content_.caption_ end = x.date_ = x.id_ msg.unread = false if x.reply_to_message_id_ == 0 then msg.reply_id = false else msg.reply_id = x.reply_to_message_id_ end if x.content_.ID == "MessagePhoto" then = true else = false end if x.content_.ID == "MessageSticker" then msg.sticker = true else msg.sticker = false end if x.content_.ID == "MessageAudio" then = true else = false end if x.content_.ID == "MessageVoice" then msg.voice = true else msg.voice = false end if x.content_.ID == "MessageAnimation" then msg.gif = true else msg.gif = false end if x.content_.ID == "MessageVideo" then = true else = false end if x.content_.ID == "MessageDocument" then msg.document = true else msg.document = false end if x.content_.ID == "MessageGame" then = true else = false end if x.forward_info_ then msg.fwd = true msg.forward = {} msg.forward.from_id = x.forward_info_.sender_user_id_ msg.forward.msg_id = x.forward_info_.data_ else msg.forward = false end return msg end function oldtg(data) local msg = {} = {} msg.from = {} msg.replied = {} = tonumber(data.message_.chat_id_) = tonumber(data.message_.sender_user_id_) msg.from.peer_id = tonumber( = tonumber(data.message_.chat_id_) if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageText" then msg.text = data.message_.content_.text_ end if group_type(msg) then = group_type(msg) = group_type(msg) end if data.message_.content_.caption_ then msg.text = data.message_.content_.caption_ end = data.message_.date_ = data.message_.id_ msg.unread = false if data.message_.reply_to_message_id_ == 0 then msg.reply_id = false else msg.reply_id = data.message_.reply_to_message_id_ end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessagePhoto" then = true else = false end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageSticker" then msg.sticker = true else msg.sticker = false end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageAudio" then = true else = false end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageVoice" then msg.voice = true else msg.voice = false end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageAnimation" then msg.gif = true else msg.gif = false end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageVideo" then = true else = false end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageDocument" then msg.document = true else msg.document = false end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageGame" then = true else = false end if data.message_.forward_info_ then msg.forward = true msg.forward = {} msg.forward.from_id = data.message_.forward_info_.sender_user_id_ msg.forward.msg_id = data.message_.forward_info_.data_ else msg.forward = false end if data.message_.content_.ID then msg.action = data.message_.content_.ID end if data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageChatAddMembers" or data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageChatDeleteMember" or data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageChatChangeTitle" or data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageChatChangePhoto" or data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageChatJoinByLink" or data.message_.content_.ID == "MessageGameScore" then msg.service = true else msg.service = false end local new_members = data.message_.content_.members_ if new_members then msg.added = {} for i = 0, #new_members, 1 do k = i+1 msg.added[k] = {} if new_members[i].username_ then msg.added[k].username = new_members[i].username_ else msg.added[k].username = false end msg.added[k].first_name = new_members[i].first_name_ if new_members[i].last_name_ then msg.added[k].last_name = new_members[i].last_name_ else msg.added[k].last_name = false end end end return msg end function user_print_name(user) -- if user.print_name then -- return user.print_name -- end -- local text = '' -- if user.first_name then -- text = user.last_name..' ' -- end -- if user.lastname then -- text = text..user.last_name -- end return 'text' end function prterr(text) -- write anythins by color print('\27[33m' .. text .. '\27[39m') end function file_exists(name) local f =,'r') if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function resolve_username(username,cb,cmd) td.searchPublicChat(username,do_username,{cb=cb,cmd=cmd}) end function old_reply(bk,result) local msg = {} local uid = result.sender_user_id_ msg.from = {} msg.from.peer_id = uid bk.cb(bk.cmd,1,msg) end function get_message(id, cb, cmd) td.getMessage(, id, old_reply,{cb=cb,cmd=cmd}) end function do_username(bk,result) local msg = {} local uid = result.type_.user_.id_ local un = result.type_.user_.username_ msg.peer_id = uid msg.username = un or uid bk.cb(bk.cmd,1,msg) end function rename_channel(ch_id,name,cb,cmd) td.changeChatTitle(ch_id, name,cb,cmd) end function rename_chat(ch_id,name,cb,cmd) td.changeChatTitle(ch_id, name,cb,cmd) end function sendText(chat_id, reply_to_message_id, text, disable_web_page_preview, parse_mode, cb, cmd) local parse_mode = parse_mode or 'HTML' local disable_web_page_preview = disable_web_page_preview or 1 local message = {} local n = 1 -- If text is longer than 4096 chars, send multiple messages. -- while #text > 4096 do message[n] = text:sub(1, 4096) text = text:sub(4096, #text) parse_mode = nil n = n + 1 end message[n] = text for i = 1, #message do local reply = i > 1 and 0 or reply_to_message_id td.sendText(chat_id, reply, 0, 1, nil, message[i], disable_web_page_preview, parse_mode, cb, cmd) end end function reply_msg(id, text, ok_cb, bk) td.sendText(, id, 1, 0, nil, text, 0, 'md', ok_cb, bk) return end function channel_set_admin(ch_id, u_id, ok_cb, bk) td.changeChatMemberStatus(ch_id:gsub('channel#id',''), u_id:gsub('user#id',''), 'Editor') end function channel_del_admin(ch_id, u_id, ok_cb, bk) td.changeChatMemberStatus(ch_id:gsub('channel#id',''), u_id:gsub('user#id',''), 'Member') end function get_receiver(msg) -- old tg function s (BK) return end function is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin_name, receiver) local disabled_chats = _config.enabled_plugins.disabled_on_chat -- Table exists and chat has disabled plugins (BK) if disabled_chats and disabled_chats[receiver] then -- Checks if plugin is disabled on this chat for disabled_plugin,disabled in pairs(disabled_chats[receiver]) do if disabled_plugin == plugin_name and disabled then return true end end end return false end function string.random(length) local str = ""; for i = 1, length do math.random(97, 122) str = str..string.char(math.random(97, 122)); end return str; end function get_pics(uid,cb,cmd) tdcli_function ({ID = "GetUserProfilePhotos",user_id_ = uid,offset_ = 0,limit_ = 100}, cb or dl_cb, cmd) end function string.random(length) local str = ""; for i = 1, length do math.random(97, 122) str = str..string.char(math.random(97, 122)); end return str; end function string:split(sep) local sep, fields = sep or ":", {} local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep) self:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end) return fields end -- DEPRECATED function string.trim(s) print("string.trim(s) is DEPRECATED use string:trim() instead") return s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") end -- Removes spaces function string:trim() return self:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") end function get_http_file_name(url, headers) -- Eg: foo.var local file_name = url:match("[^%w]+([%.%w]+)$") -- Any delimited alphanumeric on the url file_name = file_name or url:match("[^%w]+(%w+)[^%w]+$") -- Random name, hope content-type works file_name = file_name or str:random(5) local content_type = headers["content-type"] local extension = nil if content_type then extension = mimetype.get_mime_extension(content_type) end if extension then file_name = file_name.."."..extension end local disposition = headers["content-disposition"] if disposition then -- attachment; filename=CodeCogsEqn.png file_name = disposition:match('filename=([^;]+)') or file_name end return file_name end -- Saves file to /tmp/. If file_name isn't provided, -- will get the text after the last "/" for filename -- and content-type for extension function download_to_file(url, file_name) print("url to download: "..url) local respbody = {} local options = { url = url, sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody), redirect = true } -- nil, code, headers, status local response = nil if url:starts('https') then options.redirect = false response = {https.request(options)} else response = {http.request(options)} end local code = response[2] local headers = response[3] local status = response[4] if code ~= 200 then return nil end file_name = file_name or get_http_file_name(url, headers) local file_path = "data/tmp/"..file_name print("Saved to: "..file_path) file =, "w+") file:write(table.concat(respbody)) file:close() return file_path end function vardump(value) print(serpent.block(value, {comment=false})) end function vp(value) print(serpent.block(value, {comment=false})) end -- taken from function scandir(directory) local i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen for filename in popen('ls -a "''"'):lines() do i = i + 1 t[i] = filename end return t end -- function run_command(str) local cmd = io.popen(str) local result = cmd:read('*all') cmd:close() return result end function plugins_names( ) local files = {} for k, v in pairs(scandir("plugins")) do -- Ends with .lua if (v:match(".lua$")) then table.insert(files, v) end end return files end -- Save into file the data serialized for lua. -- Set uglify true to minify the file. function serialize_to_file(data, file, uglify) file =, 'w+') local serialized if not uglify then serialized = serpent.block(data, { comment = false, name = '_' }) else serialized = serpent.dump(data) end file:write(serialized) file:close() end function save_data(data, file, uglify) file =, 'w+') local serialized if not uglify then serialized = serpent.block(data, { comment = false, name = '_' }) else serialized = serpent.dump(data) end file:write(serialized) file:close() end function string:isempty() return self == nil or self == '' end -- Returns true if the string is blank function string:isblank() self = self:trim() return self:isempty() end -- DEPRECATED!!!!! function string.starts(String, Start) print("string.starts(String, Start) is DEPRECATED use string:starts(text) instead") return Start == string.sub(String,1,string.len(Start)) end -- Returns true if String starts with Start function string:starts(text) return text == string.sub(self,1,string.len(text)) end -- Send image to user and delete it when finished. -- cb_function and cb_extra are optionals callback function _send_photo(receiver, file_path, cb_function, cb_extra) td.sendPhoto(receiver, 0, 1, 1, nil, file_path, '@MaxTeamCh',cb_function,cb_extra) end -- Download the image and send to receiver, it will be deleted. -- cb_function and cb_extra are optionals callback function send_photo_from_url(receiver, url, cb_function, cb_extra) -- If callback not provided cb_function = cb_function or ok_cb cb_extra = cb_extra or false local file_path = download_to_file(url, false) if not file_path then -- Error local text = 'Error downloading the image' send_msg(receiver, text, cb_function, cb_extra) else print("File path: "..file_path) _send_photo(receiver, file_path, cb_function, cb_extra) end end -- Same as send_photo_from_url but as callback function function send_photo_from_url_callback(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local url = cb_extra.url local file_path = download_to_file(url, false) if not file_path then -- Error local text = 'Error downloading the image' send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) else print("File path: "..file_path) _send_photo(receiver, file_path, ok_cb, false) end end
local Long = require 'long' local parquet_types = require 'parquet.types' local parquet_util = require 'parquet.util' local M, _M = {}, {} _M.shredRecordInternal = function(fields, record, data, rlvl, dlvl) for fieldName in pairs(fields) do local field = fields[fieldName] local fieldType = field.originalType or field.primitiveType local fieldPath = table.concat(field.path,',') -- fetch values local values = {} if record and record[fieldName] then if parquet_util.isArray(record[fieldName]) then values = record[fieldName] else parquet_util.arrayPush(values, record[fieldName]) end end -- check values if #values == 0 and record and field.repetitionType == 'REQUIRED' then error('missing required field: ' .. end if #values > 1 and field.repetitionType ~= 'REPEATED' then error('too many values for field: ' .. end -- push null if #values == 0 then if field.isNested then _M.shredRecordInternal( field.fields, nil, data, rlvl, dlvl) else parquet_util.arrayPush(data[fieldPath].rlevels, rlvl) parquet_util.arrayPush(data[fieldPath].dlevels, dlvl) data[fieldPath].count = data[fieldPath].count + 1 end else -- push values for i=1,#values do local rlvl_i if i == 1 then rlvl_i = rlvl else rlvl_i = field.rLevelMax end if field.isNested then _M.shredRecordInternal( field.fields, values[i], data, rlvl_i, field.dLevelMax) else parquet_util.arrayPush(data[fieldPath].values, parquet_types.toPrimitive(fieldType, values[i])) parquet_util.arrayPush(data[fieldPath].rlevels, rlvl_i) parquet_util.arrayPush(data[fieldPath].dlevels, field.dLevelMax) data[fieldPath].count = data[fieldPath].count + 1 end end end end end --[[ * 'Shred' a record into a list of <value, repetition_level, definition_level> * tuples per column using the Google Dremel Algorithm.. * * The buffer argument must point to an object into which the shredded record * will be returned. You may re-use the buffer for repeated calls to this function * to append to an existing buffer, as long as the schema is unchanged. * * The format in which the shredded records will be stored in the buffer is as * follows: * * buffer = { * columnData: [ * 'my_col': { * dlevels: [d1, d2, .. dN], * rlevels: [r1, r2, .. rN], * values: [v1, v2, .. vN], * }, ... * ], * rowCount: X, * } * --]] M.shredRecord = function(schema, record, buffer) -- shred the record, this may raise an error local recordShredded = {} for _,field in pairs(schema.fieldList) do local fieldPath = table.concat(field.path,',') recordShredded[fieldPath] = { dlevels={}, rlevels={}, values={}, count=0 } end _M.shredRecordInternal(schema.fields, record, recordShredded, 0, 0) -- if no error during shredding, add the shredded record to the buffer if buffer.columnData == nil or buffer.rowCount == nil then buffer.rowCount = 0 buffer.columnData = {} for _,field in pairs(schema.fieldList) do local fieldPath = table.concat(field.path,',') buffer.columnData[fieldPath] = { dlevels={}, rlevels={}, values={}, count=0 } end end buffer.rowCount = buffer.rowCount + 1 for _,field in pairs(schema.fieldList) do local fieldPath = table.concat(field.path,',') local columnDataForFieldPath = buffer.columnData[fieldPath] local recordShreddedForFieldPath = recordShredded[fieldPath] parquet_util.arrayPush(columnDataForFieldPath.rlevels, recordShreddedForFieldPath.rlevels) parquet_util.arrayPush(columnDataForFieldPath.dlevels, recordShreddedForFieldPath.dlevels) parquet_util.arrayPush(columnDataForFieldPath.values, recordShreddedForFieldPath.values) columnDataForFieldPath.count = columnDataForFieldPath.count + recordShredded[fieldPath].count end end _M.materializeRecordField = function(record, branch, rLevels, dLevel, value) local node = branch[1] if dLevel < node.dLevelMax then return end if #branch > 1 then if node.repetitionType == "REPEATED" then if record[] == nil then record[] = {} end while #record[] < rLevels[1] + 1 do record[][#record[]+1] = {} end _M.materializeRecordField( record[][rLevels[1]+1], parquet_util.slice(branch, 2), parquet_util.slice(rLevels, 2), dLevel, value) else record[] = record[] or {} _M.materializeRecordField( record[], parquet_util.slice(branch, 2), rLevels, dLevel, value) end else if node.repetitionType == "REPEATED" then if record[] == nil then record[] = {} end while #record[] < rLevels[1] + 1 do parquet_util.arrayPush(record[], math.huge) -- Lua doesn't support nil table values end record[][rLevels[1] + 1] = value else record[] = value end end end --[[ * 'Materialize' a list of <value, repetition_level, definition_level> * tuples back to nested records (objects/arrays) using the Google Dremel * Algorithm.. * * The buffer argument must point to an object with the following structure (i.e. * the same structure that is returned by shredRecords): * * buffer = { * columnData: [ * 'my_col': { * dlevels: [d1, d2, .. dN], * rlevels: [r1, r2, .. rN], * values: [v1, v2, .. vN], * }, ... * ], * rowCount: X, * } * --]] M.materializeRecords = function(schema, buffer) local records = {} local rowCount = buffer.rowCount if parquet_util.isInstanceOf(rowCount, Long) then rowCount = rowCount:toInt() end for i=1,rowCount do records[i] = {} end for k in pairs(buffer.columnData) do local field = schema:findField(k) local fieldBranch = schema:findFieldBranch(k) local columnData = buffer.columnData[k] local valuesIter = parquet_util.iterator(columnData.values) local rLevels = {} for i=1,field.rLevelMax+1 do rLevels[i] = 0 end for i=1,buffer.columnData[k].count do local dLevel = columnData.dlevels[i] local rLevel = columnData.rlevels[i] rLevels[rLevel+1] = rLevels[rLevel+1] + 1 for j=rLevel+2,#rLevels do rLevels[j] = 0 end local value if dLevel == field.dLevelMax then value = parquet_types.fromPrimitive( field.originalType or field.primitiveType, valuesIter()) end _M.materializeRecordField( records[rLevels[1]], fieldBranch, parquet_util.slice(rLevels, 2), dLevel, value) end end return records end return M
-- protocol naming p4_q_meta = Proto('p4_q_meta','P4_Q_METAProtocol') -- protocol fields local p4_q_meta_flow_id = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta.flow_id','flow_id') local p4_q_meta__pad0 = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta._pad0','_pad0') local p4_q_meta_ingress_global_tstamp = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta.ingress_global_tstamp','ingress_global_tstamp') local p4_q_meta__pad1 = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta._pad1','_pad1') local p4_q_meta_egress_global_tstamp = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta.egress_global_tstamp','egress_global_tstamp') local p4_q_meta__pad2 = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta._pad2','_pad2') local p4_q_meta_markbit = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta.markbit','markbit') local p4_q_meta__pad3 = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta._pad3','_pad3') local p4_q_meta_enq_qdepth = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta.enq_qdepth','enq_qdepth') local p4_q_meta__pad4 = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta._pad4','_pad4') local p4_q_meta_deq_qdepth = ProtoField.string('p4_q_meta.deq_qdepth','deq_qdepth') p4_q_meta.fields = {p4_q_meta_flow_id, p4_q_meta__pad0, p4_q_meta_ingress_global_tstamp, p4_q_meta__pad1, p4_q_meta_egress_global_tstamp, p4_q_meta__pad2, p4_q_meta_markbit, p4_q_meta__pad3, p4_q_meta_enq_qdepth, p4_q_meta__pad4, p4_q_meta_deq_qdepth} -- protocol dissector function function p4_q_meta.dissector(buffer,pinfo,tree) pinfo.cols.protocol = 'P4_Q_META' local subtree = tree:add(p4_q_meta,buffer(),'P4_Q_META Protocol Data') subtree:add(p4_q_meta_flow_id,tostring(buffer(0,2):bitfield(0,16))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta__pad0,tostring(buffer(2,2):bitfield(0,16))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta_ingress_global_tstamp,tostring(buffer(4,6):bitfield(0,48))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta__pad1,tostring(buffer(10,2):bitfield(0,16))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta_egress_global_tstamp,tostring(buffer(12,6):bitfield(0,48))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta__pad2,tostring(buffer(18,2):bitfield(0,15))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta_markbit,tostring(buffer(19,1):bitfield(7,1))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta__pad3,tostring(buffer(20,1):bitfield(0,5))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta_enq_qdepth,tostring(buffer(20,3):bitfield(5,19))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta__pad4,tostring(buffer(23,1):bitfield(0,5))) subtree:add(p4_q_meta_deq_qdepth,tostring(buffer(23,3):bitfield(5,19))) end print( (require 'debug').getinfo(1).source ) -- creation of table for next layer(if required) -- No table required -- protocol registration my_table = DissectorTable.get('p4_udp.dstPort') my_table:add(0x1e61,p4_q_meta)
--[[ LuCIRPCc (c) 2009 Steven Barth <> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at $Id$ ]]-- local util = require "luci.util" local json = require "luci.json" local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local nixio = require "nixio", require "nixio.util" local tostring, assert, setmetatable = tostring, assert, setmetatable local error = error --- LuCI RPC Client. -- @cstyle instance module "luci.rpcc" RQLIMIT = 32 * nixio.const.buffersize --- Create a new JSON-RPC stream client. -- @class function -- @param fd File descriptor -- @param v1 Use protocol version 1.0 -- @return RPC Client Client = util.class() function Client.__init__(self, fd, v1) self.fd = fd self.uniqueid = tostring(self):match("0x([a-f0-9]+)") self.msgid = 1 self.v1 = v1 end --- Request an RP call and get the response. -- @param method Remote method -- @param params Parameters -- @param notification Notification only? -- @return response function Client.request(self, method, params, notification) local oldchunk = self.decoder and self.decoder.chunk self.decoder = json.ActiveDecoder(self.fd:blocksource(nil, RQLIMIT)) self.decoder.chunk = oldchunk local reqid = self.msgid .. self.uniqueid local reqdata = json.Encoder({ id = (not notification) and (self.msgid .. self.uniqueid) or nil, jsonrpc = (not self.v1) and "2.0" or nil, method = method, params = params }) ltn12.pump.all(reqdata:source(), self.fd:sink()) if not notification then self.msgid = self.msgid + 1 local response = self.decoder:get() assert( == reqid, "Invalid response id") if response.error then error(response.error.message or response.error) end return response.result end end --- Create a transparent RPC proxy. -- @param prefix Method prefix -- @return RPC Proxy object function Client.proxy(self, prefix) prefix = prefix or "" return setmetatable({}, { __call = function(proxy, ...) return self:request(prefix, {...}) end, __index = function(proxy, name) return self:proxy(prefix .. name .. ".") end }) end
--[[ Seriál "Programovací jazyk Lua" Demonstrační příklad k článku: Podpora funkcionálního programovaní v jazyku Lua s využitím knihovny Moses ]] -- načtení knihovny Moses a současně import symbolů do globálního jmenného prostoru M = require "moses" M.import() -- tisk tabulky function printTable(table) for key, value in pairs(table) do print(key, value) end end -- oddělení obsahu function printSeparator() print("--------------------------------------------") end -- vytvoření a naplnění první tabulky a={} a["Leden"] = 10 a["Únor"] = 20 a["Březen"] = 30 a["Duben"] = 0 a["Květen"] = 40 a["Červen"] = 50 a["Červenec"] = 60 a["Srpen"] = 0 a["Září"] = 70 a["Říjen"] = 80 a["Listopad"] = 90 a["Prosinec"] = 100 -- vytvoření a naplnění druhé tabulky b={} b["Leden"] = 0 b["Únor"] = 0 b["Březen"] = 0 b["Duben"] = 100 b["Květen"] = 0 b["Červen"] = 0 b["Červenec"] = 60 b["Srpen"] = 70 b["Září"] = 0 b["Říjen"] = 0 b["Listopad"] = 90 b["Prosinec"] = 10 -- vytvoření a naplnění třetí tabulky c={} c["Leden"] = 0 c["Únor"] = nil c["Březen"] = 0 c["Duben"] = 100 c["Květen"] = 0 c["Červen"] = 0 c["Červenec"] = 60 c["Srpen"] = 70 c["Září"] = nil c["Říjen"] = 0 c["Listopad"] = 90 c["Prosinec"] = 10 printSeparator() printTable(a) printSeparator() printTable(b) printSeparator() printTable(c) printSeparator() print("containsKeys(a, b):", containsKeys(a, b)) print("containsKeys(b, a):", containsKeys(b, a)) print() print("containsKeys(a, c):", containsKeys(a, c)) print("containsKeys(c, a):", containsKeys(c, a)) -- finito
package.loaded['config.routes'] = { } package.loaded['config.application'] = {} package.loaded['resty.upload'] = {} package.loaded['resty.memcached'] = {} package.loaded['resty.lrucache'] = {} package.loaded['resty.lrucache.pureffi'] = {} package.loaded['resty.redis'] = {} LoadV = function ( ... ) return require(...) end local _class = function(_, classname, parent) local mttt = { __call = function(self, ... ) return self:new(...) end } local parent_type = type(parent) if parent_type ~= "function" and parent_type ~= "table" then parent = nil end local cls = {} if parent then mttt.__index = parent cls.parent = parent end = function(self, ...) local instance = { class = self } setmetatable(instance, self) if instance.__construct and type(instance.__construct) == 'function' then instance:__construct(...) end return instance end cls["is" .. classname] =true cls.__cname = classname cls.__index = cls setmetatable(cls, mttt) return cls end local class = {} Class = setmetatable(class, { __call = function(...) return _class(...) end }) Registry={} Registry['APP_NAME'] = 'vanilla-app' local reg = require "rex_pcre" -- DICT Proxy -- local SharedDict = {} local function set(data, key, value) data[key] = { value = value, info = {expired = false} } end function SharedDict:new() return setmetatable({data = {}}, {__index = self}) end function SharedDict:get(key) return[key] and[key].value, nil end function SharedDict:set(key, value) set(, key, value) return true, nil, false end SharedDict.safe_set = SharedDict.set function SharedDict:add(key, value) if[key] ~= nil then return false, "exists", false end set(, key, value) return true, nil, false end function SharedDict:replace(key, value) if[key] == nil then return false, "not found", false end set(, key, value) return true, nil, false end function SharedDict:delete(key)[key] = nil end function SharedDict:incr(key, value) if not[key] then return nil, "not found" elseif type([key].value) ~= "number" then return nil, "not a number" end[key].value =[key].value + value return[key].value, nil end function SharedDict:flush_all() for _, item in pairs( do = true end end function SharedDict:flush_expired(n) local data = local flushed = 0 for key, item in pairs( do if then data[key] = nil flushed = flushed + 1 if n and flushed == n then break end end end = data return flushed end local shared = {} local shared_mt = { __index = function(self, key) if shared[key] == nil then shared[key] = SharedDict:new() end return shared[key] end } -- NGX Prototype local protoype = { -- Log constants STDERR = 0, EMERG = 1, ALERT = 2, CRIT = 3, ERR = 4, WARN = 5, NOTICE = 6, INFO = 7, DEBUG = 8, -- HTTP Method Constants HTTP_GET = "GET", HTTP_HEAD = "HEAD", HTTP_POST = "POST", HTTP_PUT = "PUT", HTTP_DELETE = "DELETE", -- HTTP Status Constants HTTP_OK = 200, HTTP_CREATED = 201, HTTP_ACCEPTED = 202, HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204, HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206, HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE = 300, HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301, HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 302, HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303, HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 400, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 401, HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403, HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404, HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED = 405, HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT = 408, HTTP_CONFLICT = 409, HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411, HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412, HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413, HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE = 414, HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415, HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416, HTTP_CLOSE = 444, HTTP_NGINX_CODES = 494, HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER_TOO_LARGE = 494, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500, HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY = 502, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503, HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT = 504, HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507, } _G.ngx = { ctx = {}, exit = function(code) return end, print = function(print) return end, log = function() end, status = 200, location = {}, say = print, eof = os.exit, header = {}, socket = { tcp = {} }, now = function() return os.time() end, time = function() return os.time() end, timer = { at = function() end }, shared = setmetatable({}, shared_mt), re = { match = reg.match, gsub = function(str, pattern, sub) local res_str, _, sub_made = reg.gsub(str, pattern, sub) return res_str, sub_made end }, shared = setmetatable({}, shared_mt), req = { read_body = function() return {} end, get_body_data = function() return {} end, get_headers = function() return {} end, get_uri_args = function() return {} end, get_method = function() return {} end, get_post_args = function() return {busted = 'busted'} end, }, encode_base64 = function(str) return string.format("base64_%s", str) end, -- Builds a querystring from a table, separated by `&` -- @param `tab` The key/value parameters -- @param `key` The parent key if the value is multi-dimensional (optional) -- @return `querystring` A string representing the built querystring encode_args = function(tab, key) local query = {} local keys = {} for k in pairs(tab) do keys[#keys+1] = k end table.sort(keys) for _, name in ipairs(keys) do local value = tab[name] if key then name = string.format("%s[%s]", tostring(key), tostring(name)) end if type(value) == "table" then query[#query+1] = ngx.encode_args(value, name) else value = tostring(value) if value ~= "" then query[#query+1] = string.format("%s=%s", name, value) else query[#query+1] = name end end end return table.concat(query, "&") end, var = { uri = "/users", document_root = './', VANILLA_VERSION = './test-vanilla', request_method = 'GET' } } for k, v in pairs(protoype) do _G.ngx[k] = v end setmetatable(ngx, getmetatable(protoype)) local config={} = 'bluebird' config.vanilla_root = '{{VANILLA_ROOT}}' config.vanilla_version = '{{VANILLA_VERSION_DIR_STR}}' config.route='vanilla.v.routes.simple' config.bootstrap='application.bootstrap'{}'./' config.controller={} .. 'application/controllers/' config.view={} .. 'application/views/' config.view.suffix='.html' config.view.auto_render=true _G['config'] = config require 'vanilla.spec.runner'
local skynet = require "skynet" local timer = require "timer" local context = require "context" local random = require "random" local config_db = require "config_db" local desk_const = require "desk.desk_const" local desk_ctrl = require "desk.desk_ctrl" local xpnn_const = require "xpnn.xpnn_const" local xpnn_logic = require "xpnn.xpnn_logic" local cd_ctrl = require "game.cd_ctrl" local room_id = tonumber(skynet.getenv("room_id")) local xpnn_desk_config = config_db.xpnn_desk_config local xpnn_ctrl = {} local DESK_CALLBACK = desk_const.DESK_CALLBACK local CD_TYPE = xpnn_const.CD_TYPE local GAME_STATE = xpnn_const.GAME_STATE local MAX_QIANG_BANKER_TIMES = xpnn_const.MAX_QIANG_BANKER_TIMES local MAX_BET_TIMES =xpnn_const.MAX_BET_TIMES local ready_begin_cd_id = nil local qiang_banker_cd_id = nil local bet_cd_id = nil local open_card_cd_id = nil local game_end_cd_id = nil --游戏变量 local desk_id local deal_id local game_state local table_base = {} local player_map = {} local seat_state_map = {} local player_cards_map = {} local banker = nil local qiang_times_map = {} local bet_times_map= {} local winlost_map = {} local open_card_map = {} --内部使用变量 local unshow_cards = {} local group_cards_map = {} local max_card_map = {} local payout_end_map = {} local function get_null_seat() local null_seats = {} for i=1, xpnn_desk_config[room_id].seat_count do if not player_map[i] then table.insert(null_seats, i) end end if table.empty(null_seats) then return ERR_SEAT end return null_seats[1] end local function can_game_start() if game_state ~= GAME_STATE.ready_begin then return false end if table.nums(player_map) >= xpnn_desk_config[room_id].min_player then return true end return false end local function shuffle_cards() unshow_cards = random.random_shuffle(CARD_POOL) for seat, v in pairs(seat_state_map) do if v.state & SEAT_STATE.gaming > 0 then player_cards_map[seat] = player_cards_map[seat] or {} player_cards_map[seat].seat = seat player_cards_map[seat].cards = {} player_cards_map[seat].card_type = CARD_TYPE.no_niu for i=1, 5 do local card = table.remove(unshow_cards, 1) table.insert(player_cards_map[seat].cards, card) end local card_type, max_card, group_cards = xpnn_logic.get_card_type(player_cards_map[seat].cards) player_cards_map[seat].card_type = card_type max_card_map[seat] = max_card group_cards_map[seat] = group_cards end end end local function get_player_cards_map(seat) if game_state == GAME_STATE.ready_begin then return nil end local tmp_cards_map = {} for k, v in pairs(player_cards_map) do tmp_cards_map[k] = clone(v) if game_state < GAME_STATE.open_card then if k == seat then tmp_cards_map[k].cards[5] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].card_type = nil else tmp_cards_map[k].cards[1] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].cards[2] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].cards[3] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].cards[4] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].cards[5] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].card_type = nil end elseif game_state == GAME_STATE.open_card then if k ~= seat then tmp_cards_map[k].cards[1] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].cards[2] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].cards[3] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].cards[4] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].cards[5] = 0x00 tmp_cards_map[k].card_type = nil end end end return tmp_cards_map end local function on_ready_begin() assert(game_state == GAME_STATE.ready_begin) for k, v in pairs(player_map) do seat_state_map[k].state = SEAT_STATE.gaming end shuffle_cards() for seat, v in pairs(player_map) do local event = {} = clone(player_cards_map[seat].cards)[5] = 0x00 xpnn_ctrl.send_game_start_event(seat, event) end game_state = GAME_STATE.qiang_banker ready_begin_cd_id = nil qiang_banker_cd_id = cd_ctrl.add_cd(GAME_STATE.qiang_banker, xpnn_desk_config[room_id].qiang_banker_time) end local function on_qiang_banker() assert(game_state == GAME_STATE.qiang_banker) for seat, v in pairs(player_map) do if not qiang_times_map[seat] then xpnn_ctrl.handle_qiang_banker(seat, 0) end end game_state = qiang_banker_cd_id = nil bet_cd_id = cd_ctrl.add_cd(, xpnn_desk_config[room_id].bet_time) end local function on_bet() assert(game_state == for seat, v in pairs(player_map) do if not qiang_times_map[seat] then xpnn_ctrl.handle_bet(seat, 1) end end game_state = GAME_STATE.open_card bet_cd_id = nil open_card_cd_id = cd_ctrl.add_cd(GAME_STATE.open_card, xpnn_desk_config[room_id].open_card_time) end local function on_open_card() assert(game_state == GAME_STATE.open_card) for seat, v in pairs(player_map) do if not qiang_times_map[seat] then xpnn_ctrl.handle_open_card(seat, 1) end end game_state = GAME_STATE.game_end open_card_cd_id = nil game_end_cd_id = cd_ctrl.add_cd(GAME_STATE.game_end, xpnn_desk_config[room_id].game_end_time) end local function on_game_end() assert(game_state == GAME_STATE.game_end) xpnn_ctrl.handle_game_end() end --------------------------内部函数--------------------------------- function xpnn_ctrl.get_seat_by_player(player_id) for k, v in pairs(player_map) do if v.player_id == player_id then return k end end return ERR_SEAT end function xpnn_ctrl.get_player_by_seat(seat) return player_map[seat] end function xpnn_ctrl.get_gaming_player_num() local gameing_num = 0 for k, v in pairs(seat_state_map) do if v.state & SEAT_STATE.gaming > 0 then gameing_num = gameing_num + 1 end end return gameing_num end function xpnn_ctrl.get_player_ctx_by_seat(seat) local player_info = xpnn_ctrl.get_player_by_seat(seat) if not player_info then return end return desk_ctrl.get_player_ctx(player_info.player_id) end function xpnn_ctrl.is_player_online(seat) if not seat_state_map[seat] then return false end if seat_state_map[seat].state == 0 then return false end if seat_state_map[seat].state & SEAT_STATE.offline > 0 or seat_state_map[seat].state & SEAT_STATE.exit > 0 then return false end return true end function xpnn_ctrl.is_player_gaming(seat) if not seat_state_map[seat] then return false end if game_state == GAME_STATE.ready_begin then return false end if seat_state_map[seat].state == 0 then return false end if seat_state_map[seat].state & SEAT_STATE.gaming > 0 then return true end return false end function xpnn_ctrl.update_player_info(player_info) end -----------------------------事件广播------------------------- function xpnn_ctrl.broad_seat_state_event(seat) local event = {} event.seat_state_map = seat_state_map event.player_map = player_map for k, v in pairs(player_map) do if xpnn_ctrl.is_player_online(k) == true then local ctx = desk_ctrl.get_player_ctx(v.player_id) context.send_client_event(ctx, M_XPNN.seat_state_event, event) end end end function xpnn_ctrl.send_game_start_event(seat, event) if not xpnn_ctrl.is_player_online(seat) then return end local ctx = xpnn_ctrl.get_player_ctx_by_seat(seat) if ctx then context.send_client_event(ctx, M_XPNN.game_start_event, event) end end function xpnn_ctrl.send_qiang_banker_event(seat, event) if not xpnn_ctrl.is_player_online(seat) then return end local ctx = xpnn_ctrl.get_player_ctx_by_seat(seat) if ctx then context.send_client_event(ctx, M_XPNN.qiang_banker_event, event) end end function xpnn_ctrl.send_bet_event(seat, event) if not xpnn_ctrl.is_player_online(seat) then return end local ctx = xpnn_ctrl.get_player_ctx_by_seat(seat) if ctx then context.send_client_event(ctx, M_XPNN.bet_event, event) end end function xpnn_ctrl.send_deal_card_event(seat, event) if not xpnn_ctrl.is_player_online(seat) then return end local ctx = xpnn_ctrl.get_player_ctx_by_seat(seat) if ctx then context.send_client_event(ctx, M_XPNN.deal_card_event, event) end end function xpnn_ctrl.send_open_card_event(seat, event) if not xpnn_ctrl.is_player_online(seat) then return end local ctx = xpnn_ctrl.get_player_ctx_by_seat(seat) if ctx then context.send_client_event(ctx, M_XPNN.open_card_event, event) end end function xpnn_ctrl.game_end_event(seat, event) if not xpnn_ctrl.is_player_online(seat) then return end local ctx = xpnn_ctrl.get_player_ctx_by_seat(seat) if ctx then context.send_client_event(ctx, M_XPNN.game_end_event, event) end end function xpnn_ctrl.handle_qiang_banker(seat, times) qiang_times_map[seat] = times local event = {} = seat event.times = times if table.nums(qiang_times_map) < xpnn_ctrl.get_gaming_player_num() then for k, v in pairs(player_map) do xpnn_ctrl.send_qiang_banker_event(k, event) end return end local max_times = 0 local qiang_banker_list = {} for k, v in pairs(qiang_times_map) do if v > max_times then max_times = v end end local random_banker_seats = {} for k, v in pairs(qiang_times_map) do if v == max_times then table.insert(random_banker_seats, k) end end if #random_banker_seats > 1 then banker = random.random_one(random_banker_seats) else banker = random_banker_seats[1] end event.banker = banker event.random_banker_seats = random_banker_seats for k, v in pairs(player_map) do xpnn_ctrl.send_qiang_banker_event(k, event) end end function xpnn_ctrl.handle_bet(seat, times) local event = {} = seat event.times = times if table.nums(bet_times_map) < xpnn_ctrl.get_gaming_player_num() then for k, v in pairs(player_map) do xpnn_ctrl.send_bet_event(k, event) end return end --TODO 发最后一张牌 for k, v in pairs(player_map) do local last_card_event = {} last_card_event.card = player_cards_map[k].cards[5] last_card_event.card_type = player_cards_map[k].card_type last_card_event.group_cards = group_cards_map[k] xpnn_ctrl.send_deal_card_event(k, last_card_event) end end function xpnn_ctrl.handle_open_card(seat) local event = {} = seat event.card_type = player_cards_map[k].card_type if table.nums(qiang_times_map) < xpnn_ctrl.get_gaming_player_num() then for k, v in pairs(player_map) do xpnn_ctrl.send_open_card_event(k, event) end return end --TODO end function xpnn_ctrl.handle_game_end() xpnn_desk_config[room_id].init_bet local banker_times = (qiang_times_map[banker] > 0) and qiang_times_map[banker] or 1 local banker_card_type_times = xpnn_logic.get_times(player_cards_map[banker].card_type) for k, v in pairs(seat_state_map) do if k ~= banker and v.state & GAME_STATE.gaming > 0 then --TODO 比牌 local isWin =[k].card_type, player_cards_map[banker].card_type, max_card_map[k], max_card_map[banker]) if isWin then local card_type_times = xpnn_logic.get_times(player_cards_map[k].card_type) winlost_map[k] = { seat = k, winlost = 0, fee = 0 } local win = banker_times * bet_times_map[k] * card_type_times winlost_map[k].winlost = win winlost_map[banker] = winlost_map[banker] or { seat = banker, winlost = 0, fee = 0} winlost_map[banker].winlost = winlost_map[banker].winlost - win --TODO 系统抽水 winlost_map[k].fee = -win * xpnn_desk_config[room_id].fee else winlost_map[k] = { seat = k, winlost = 0, fee = 0 } local win = banker_times * bet_times_map[k] * banker_card_type_times winlost_map[k].winlost = -win winlost_map[banker].winlost = winlost_map[banker].winlost or { seat = banker, winlost = 0, fee = 0} winlost_map[banker].winlost = winlost_map[banker].winlost + win --TODO 系统抽水 winlost_map[banker].fee = winlost_map[banker].fee + (-win * xpnn_desk_config[room_id].fee) end end end for k, v in pairs(winlost_map) do local player_id = xpnn_ctrl.get_player_by_seat(k) local agent = desk_ctrl.get_player_agent(player_id) if agent then payout_end_map[player_id] = false context.send_service(agent, "player.handle_player_payout", skynet.self(), v) end end end function xpnn_ctrl.handle_game_totally_end() --清理游戏状态 assert(game_state == GAME_STATE.game_end) --发送事件给客户端 local event = {} for k, v in pairs(player_map) do xpnn_ctrl.game_end_event(k, ) end game_state = GAME_STATE.ready_begin for k, v in pairs(player_map) do seat_state_map[k] = seat_state_map[k] or { seat = seat, state = SEAT_STATE.ready } local old_state = seat_state_map[k].state if old_state & SEAT_STATE.offline > 0 or old_state & SEAT_STATE.exit > 0 then --TODO 踢出游戏台 end end end function xpnn_ctrl.player_payout_end(player_id, player_info) if payout_end_map[player_id] then return end xpnn_ctrl.update_player_info(player_id, player_info) local payout_end_num = 0 for k, v in pairs(payout_end_map) do if v == true then payout_end_num = payout_end_num + 1 end end if table.nums(payout_end_map) == payout_end_num then xpnn_ctrl.handle_game_totally_end() end end ---------------------------------------------------- function xpnn_ctrl.login_desk(ctx, agent) local seat = get_null_seat() if seat == ERR_SEAT then return GAME_ERROR.desk_full end local player_info = desk_ctrl.get_player_info(ctx.player_id) if not player_info then return GAME_ERROR.desk_no_player end local player = { seat = seat, player_id = player_info.player_id, nickname = player_info.nickname, head_id = player_info.head_id, head_url = player_info.head_url, sex =, gold =, } player_map[seat] = player seat_state_map[seat] = seat_state_map[seat] or {} seat_state_map[seat].seat = seat seat_state_map[seat].state = SEAT_STATE.ready --TODO 玩家注册cd监听 for _, v in pairs(GAME_STATE) do cd_ctrl.register_listener(v, ctx) end cd_ctrl.on_login(ctx) xpnn_ctrl.broad_seat_state_event(seat) if can_game_start() then ready_begin_cd_id = cd_ctrl.add_cd(GAME_STATE.ready_begin, xpnn_desk_config[room_id].ready_begin_time) end return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end function xpnn_ctrl.logout_desk(ctx) local seat = xpnn_ctrl.get_seat_by_player(ctx.player_id) if seat == ERR_SEAT then return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end --TODO 解除监听 for _, v in pairs(GAME_STATE) do cd_ctrl.unregister_listener(v, ctx) end cd_ctrl.on_logout(ctx) if not xpnn_ctrl.is_player_gaming(seat) then player_map[seat] = nil seat_state_map[seat] = nil xpnn_ctrl.broad_seat_state_event(seat) return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end seat_state_map[seat].state = seat_state_map[seat].state | SEAT_STATE.exit xpnn_ctrl.broad_seat_state_event(seat) return GAME_ERROR.player_gaming end function xpnn_ctrl.player_disconnect(ctx) local seat = xpnn_ctrl.get_seat_by_player(ctx.player_id) if seat == ERR_SEAT then return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end --TODO 解除监听 for _, v in pairs(GAME_STATE) do cd_ctrl.unregister_listener(v, ctx) end cd_ctrl.on_logout(ctx) seat_state_map[seat].state = seat_state_map[seat].state | SEAT_STATE.offline xpnn_ctrl.broad_seat_state_event(seat) return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end function xpnn_ctrl.player_reconnect(ctx) local seat = xpnn_ctrl.get_seat_by_player(ctx.player_id) if seat == ERR_SEAT then return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end --TODO 玩家注册cd监听 for _, v in pairs(GAME_STATE) do cd_ctrl.register_listener(v, ctx) end cd_ctrl.on_login(ctx) seat_state_map[seat].state = seat_state_map[seat].state & ~ SEAT_STATE.offline xpnn_ctrl.broad_seat_state_event(seat) return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end function xpnn_ctrl.qry_desk(ctx, req) local seat = xpnn_ctrl.get_seat_by_player(ctx.player_id) if seat == ERR_SEAT then return DESK_ERROR.player_no_seat end local reply = { table_info = {} } reply.table_info.table_base = { deal_id = desk_id, game_state = game_state } reply.table_info.player_map = player_map reply.table_info.seat_state_map = seat_state_map reply.table_info.banker = banker for k, v in pairs(player_map) do reply.table_info.qiang_times_map = {} reply.table_info.bet_times_map = {} reply.table_info.open_card_map = {} reply.table_info.qiang_times_map[k] = qiang_times_map[k] or -1 reply.table_info.bet_times_map[k] = bet_times_map[k] or -1 reply.table_info.open_card_map[k] = open_card_map[k] or false end reply.table_info.player_cards_map = get_player_cards_map(seat) reply.table_info.winlost_map = winlost_map return SYSTEM_ERROR.success, reply end function xpnn_ctrl.qiang_banker(ctx, req) local seat = xpnn_ctrl.get_seat_by_player(ctx.player_id) if seat == ERR_SEAT then return DESK_ERROR.player_no_seat end if not req.times or req.times > MAX_QIANG_BANKER_TIMES or req.times < 0 then return SYSTEM_ERROR.argument end if game_state ~= GAME_STATE.qiang_banker then return DESK_ERROR.game_state_limit end local state = seat_state_map[seat].state if state & GAME_STATE.gaming == 0 then return DESK_ERROR.game_has_begin end if qiang_times_map[seat] then return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end xpnn_ctrl.handle_qiang_banker(seat, req.times) if table.nums(qiang_times_map) == xpnn_ctrl.get_gaming_player_num() then assert(qiang_banker_cd_id, "倒计时未启动") cd_ctrl.del_cd(qiang_banker_cd_id) on_qiang_banker() end return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end function, req) local seat = xpnn_ctrl.get_seat_by_player(ctx.player_id) if seat == ERR_SEAT then return DESK_ERROR.player_no_seat end if not req.times or req.times > MAX_BET_TIMES or req.times <= 0 then return SYSTEM_ERROR.argument end if game_state ~= then return DESK_ERROR.game_state_limit end local state = seat_state_map[seat].state if state & GAME_STATE.gaming == 0 then return DESK_ERROR.game_has_begin end if bet_times_map[seat] then return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end xpnn_ctrl.handle_bet(seat, req.times) if table.nums(bet_times_map) == xpnn_ctrl.get_gaming_player_num() then assert(bet_cd_id, "倒计时未启动") cd_ctrl.del_cd(bet_cd_id) on_bet() end return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end function xpnn_ctrl.open_card(ctx, req) local seat = xpnn_ctrl.get_seat_by_player(ctx.player_id) if seat == ERR_SEAT then return DESK_ERROR.player_no_seat end if game_state ~= then return DESK_ERROR.game_state_limit end local state = seat_state_map[seat].state if state & GAME_STATE.gaming == 0 then return DESK_ERROR.game_has_begin end if open_card_map[seat] then return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end xpnn_ctrl.handle_open_card(seat) if table.nums(bet_times_map) == xpnn_ctrl.get_gaming_player_num() then assert(open_card_cd_id, "倒计时未启动") cd_ctrl.del_cd(open_card_cd_id) on_open_card() end return SYSTEM_ERROR.success end function xpnn_ctrl.init() desk_id = skynet.self() deal_id = 0 game_state = GAME_STATE.ready_begin --TODO 注册游戏台回调 desk_ctrl.register_callback(DESK_CALLBACK.login_desk, xpnn_ctrl.login_desk) desk_ctrl.register_callback(DESK_CALLBACK.logout_desk, xpnn_ctrl.logout_desk) desk_ctrl.register_callback(DESK_CALLBACK.player_disconnect, xpnn_ctrl.player_disconnect) desk_ctrl.register_callback(DESK_CALLBACK.player_reconnect, xpnn_ctrl.player_reconnect) --TODO 注册cd回调 cd_ctrl.register_callback(GAME_STATE.ready_begin, on_ready_begin) cd_ctrl.register_callback(GAME_STATE.qiang_banker, on_qiang_banker) cd_ctrl.register_callback(, on_bet) cd_ctrl.register_callback(GAME_STATE.open_card, on_open_card) cd_ctrl.register_callback(GAME_STATE.game_end, on_game_end) end return xpnn_ctrl
require "turtle" local angles = 5 for _ = 1, angles do move(600/angles) turn(360/angles) end text(angles)
--[[-------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2012 Sidoine De Wispelaere. Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Johnny C. Lam. See the file LICENSE.txt for copying permission. --]]-------------------------------------------------------------------- local OVALE, Ovale = ... local OvaleCooldown = Ovale:NewModule("OvaleCooldown", "AceEvent-3.0") Ovale.OvaleCooldown = OvaleCooldown --<private-static-properties> local OvaleDebug = Ovale.OvaleDebug local OvaleProfiler = Ovale.OvaleProfiler -- Forward declarations for module dependencies. local OvaleData = nil local OvaleFuture = nil local OvaleGUID = nil local OvalePaperDoll = nil local OvaleSpellBook = nil local OvaleStance = nil local OvaleState = nil local next = next local pairs = pairs local API_GetSpellCharges = GetSpellCharges local API_GetSpellCooldown = GetSpellCooldown local API_GetTime = GetTime -- Spell ID for the dummy Global Cooldown spell. local GLOBAL_COOLDOWN = 61304 -- This should be more than OvaleFuture's SIMULATOR_LAG. local COOLDOWN_THRESHOLD = 0.15 -- Register for debugging messages. OvaleDebug:RegisterDebugging(OvaleCooldown) -- Register for profiling. OvaleProfiler:RegisterProfiling(OvaleCooldown) -- BASE_GCD[class] = { gcd, haste } local BASE_GCD = { ["DEATHKNIGHT"] = { 1.5, "melee" }, ["DEMONHUNTER"] = { 1.5, "melee" }, ["DRUID"] = { 1.5, "spell" }, ["HUNTER"] = { 1.5, "ranged" }, ["MAGE"] = { 1.5, "spell" }, ["MONK"] = { 1.0, false }, ["PALADIN"] = { 1.5, "spell" }, ["PRIEST"] = { 1.5, "spell" }, ["ROGUE"] = { 1.0, false }, ["SHAMAN"] = { 1.5, "spell" }, ["WARLOCK"] = { 1.5, "spell" }, ["WARRIOR"] = { 1.5, "melee" }, } --</private-static-properties> --<public-static-properties> -- Current age of cooldown state. OvaleCooldown.serial = 0 -- Shared cooldown name (sharedcd) to spell table mapping. OvaleCooldown.sharedCooldown = {} -- Cached global cooldown information. OvaleCooldown.gcd = { serial = 0, start = 0, duration = 0, } --</public-static-properties> --<public-static-methods> function OvaleCooldown:OnInitialize() -- Resolve module dependencies. OvaleData = Ovale.OvaleData OvaleFuture = Ovale.OvaleFuture OvaleGUID = Ovale.OvaleGUID OvalePaperDoll = Ovale.OvalePaperDoll OvaleSpellBook = Ovale.OvaleSpellBook OvaleStance = Ovale.OvaleStance OvaleState = Ovale.OvaleState end function OvaleCooldown:OnEnable() self:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("PET_BAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("SPELL_UPDATE_CHARGES", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED") self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_START", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED", "Update") self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_COOLDOWN", "Update") OvaleFuture:RegisterSpellcastInfo(self) OvaleState:RegisterState(self, self.statePrototype) OvaleData:RegisterRequirement("oncooldown", "RequireCooldownHandler", self) end function OvaleCooldown:OnDisable() OvaleState:UnregisterState(self) OvaleFuture:UnregisterSpellcastInfo(self) OvaleData:UnregisterRequirement("oncooldown") self:UnregisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN") self:UnregisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN") self:UnregisterEvent("PET_BAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN") self:UnregisterEvent("SPELL_UPDATE_CHARGES") self:UnregisterEvent("SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE") self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START") self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP") self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED") self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_START") self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") self:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_COOLDOWN") end function OvaleCooldown:UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED(event, unit, name, rank, lineId, spellId) if unit == "player" or unit == "pet" then -- Age the current cooldown state. self:Update(event, unit) --[[ Interrupted spells reset the global cooldown, but the GetSpellCooldown() on the GCD spell ID doesn't return accurate information until after some delay. Reset the global cooldown forcibly. --]] self:Debug("Resetting global cooldown.") local cd = self.gcd cd.start = 0 cd.duration = 0 end end function OvaleCooldown:Update(event, unit) if not unit or unit == "player" or unit == "pet" then -- Advance age of current cooldown state. self.serial = self.serial + 1 Ovale.refreshNeeded[Ovale.playerGUID] = true self:Debug(event, self.serial) end end -- Empty out the sharedcd table. function OvaleCooldown:ResetSharedCooldowns() for name, spellTable in pairs(self.sharedCooldown) do for spellId in pairs(spellTable) do spellTable[spellId] = nil end end end function OvaleCooldown:IsSharedCooldown(name) local spellTable = self.sharedCooldown[name] return (spellTable and next(spellTable) ~= nil) end function OvaleCooldown:AddSharedCooldown(name, spellId) self.sharedCooldown[name] = self.sharedCooldown[name] or {} self.sharedCooldown[name][spellId] = true end function OvaleCooldown:GetGlobalCooldown(now) local cd = self.gcd if not cd.start or not cd.serial or cd.serial < self.serial then now = now or API_GetTime() if now >= cd.start + cd.duration then cd.start, cd.duration = API_GetSpellCooldown(GLOBAL_COOLDOWN) end end return cd.start, cd.duration end -- Get the cooldown information for the given spell ID. If given a shared cooldown name, -- then cycle through all spells associated with that spell ID to find the cooldown -- information. function OvaleCooldown:GetSpellCooldown(spellId) local cdStart, cdDuration, cdEnable = 0, 0, 1 if self.sharedCooldown[spellId] then for id in pairs(self.sharedCooldown[spellId]) do local start, duration, enable = self:GetSpellCooldown(id) if start then cdStart, cdDuration, cdEnable = start, duration, enable break end end else local start, duration, enable local index, bookType = OvaleSpellBook:GetSpellBookIndex(spellId) if index and bookType then start, duration, enable = API_GetSpellCooldown(index, bookType) else start, duration, enable = API_GetSpellCooldown(spellId) end if start and start > 0 then local gcdStart, gcdDuration = self:GetGlobalCooldown() if start + duration > gcdStart + gcdDuration then -- Spell is on cooldown. cdStart, cdDuration, cdEnable = start, duration, enable else -- GCD is active, so set the start to when the spell can next be cast. cdStart = start + duration cdDuration = 0 cdEnable = enable end else -- Spell is ready now. cdStart, cdDuration, cdEnable = start or 0, duration, enable end end -- The game allows you to cast a spell a small time before it is really available, to compensate for lag. -- The COOLDOWN_THRESHOLD is used to take this in account return cdStart - COOLDOWN_THRESHOLD, cdDuration, cdEnable end -- Return the base GCD and caster status. function OvaleCooldown:GetBaseGCD() local gcd, haste local baseGCD = BASE_GCD[Ovale.playerClass] if baseGCD then gcd, haste = baseGCD[1], baseGCD[2] else gcd, haste = 1.5, "spell" end return gcd, haste end -- Copy cooldown information from the spellcast to the destination table. function OvaleCooldown:CopySpellcastInfo(spellcast, dest) if spellcast.offgcd then dest.offgcd = spellcast.offgcd end end -- Save cooldown information to the spellcast. function OvaleCooldown:SaveSpellcastInfo(spellcast, atTime, state) local spellId = spellcast.spellId if spellId then local dataModule = state or OvaleData local gcd = dataModule:GetSpellInfoProperty(spellId, spellcast.start, "gcd", if gcd and gcd == 0 then spellcast.offgcd = true end end end function OvaleCooldown:RequireCooldownHandler(spellId, atTime, requirement, tokens, index, targetGUID) local cdSpellId = tokens local verified = false if index then cdSpellId = tokens[index] index = index + 1 end if cdSpellId then local cd = self:GetCD(cdSpellId) verified = cd.duration > 0 local result = verified and "passed" or "FAILED" self:Log(" Require spell %s with cooldown at time=%f: %s (duration = %f)", cdSpellId, atTime, result, duration) else Ovale:OneTimeMessage("Warning: requirement '%s' is missing a spell argument.", requirement) end return verified, requirement, index end --</public-static-methods> --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------- State machine for simulator. --]]---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --<public-static-properties> OvaleCooldown.statePrototype = {} --</public-static-properties> --<private-static-properties> local statePrototype = OvaleCooldown.statePrototype --</private-static-properties> --<state-properties> -- Table of cooldown information, indexed by spell ID. = nil --</state-properties> --<public-static-methods> -- Initialize the state. function OvaleCooldown:InitializeState(state) = {} end -- Release state resources prior to removing from the simulator. function OvaleCooldown:CleanState(state) for spellId, cd in pairs( do for k in pairs(cd) do cd[k] = nil end[spellId] = nil end end -- Apply the effects of the spell at the start of the spellcast. function OvaleCooldown:ApplySpellStartCast(state, spellId, targetGUID, startCast, endCast, isChanneled, spellcast) self:StartProfiling("OvaleCooldown_ApplySpellStartCast") -- Channeled spells trigger their cooldown the moment they begin casting. if isChanneled then state:ApplyCooldown(spellId, targetGUID, startCast) end self:StopProfiling("OvaleCooldown_ApplySpellStartCast") end -- Apply the effects of the spell when the spellcast completes. function OvaleCooldown:ApplySpellAfterCast(state, spellId, targetGUID, startCast, endCast, isChanneled, spellcast) self:StartProfiling("OvaleCooldown_ApplySpellAfterCast") -- Instant and cast-time spells trigger their cooldown after the spellcast is complete. if not isChanneled then state:ApplyCooldown(spellId, targetGUID, endCast) end self:StopProfiling("OvaleCooldown_ApplySpellAfterCast") end --</public-static-methods> --<state-methods> statePrototype.ApplyCooldown = function(state, spellId, targetGUID, atTime) OvaleCooldown:StartProfiling("OvaleCooldown_state_ApplyCooldown") local cd = state:GetCD(spellId) local duration = state:GetSpellCooldownDuration(spellId, atTime, targetGUID) if duration == 0 then cd.start = 0 cd.duration = 0 cd.enable = 1 else cd.start = atTime cd.duration = duration cd.enable = 1 end -- If the spell has charges, then remove a charge. if cd.charges and cd.charges > 0 then cd.chargeStart = cd.start cd.charges = cd.charges - 1 if cd.charges == 0 then cd.duration = cd.chargeDuration end end state:Log("Spell %d cooldown info: start=%f, duration=%f", spellId, cd.start, cd.duration) OvaleCooldown:StopProfiling("OvaleCooldown_state_ApplyCooldown") end statePrototype.DebugCooldown = function(state) for spellId, cd in pairs( do if cd.start then if cd.charges then OvaleCooldown:Print("Spell %s cooldown: start=%f, duration=%f, charges=%d, maxCharges=%d, chargeStart=%f, chargeDuration=%f", spellId, cd.start, cd.duration, cd.charges, cd.maxCharges, cd.chargeStart, cd.chargeDuration) else OvaleCooldown:Print("Spell %s cooldown: start=%f, duration=%f", spellId, cd.start, cd.duration) end end end end -- Return the GCD after the given spell is cast. -- If no spell is given, then returns the GCD after the current spell has been cast. statePrototype.GetGCD = function(state, spellId, atTime, targetGUID) spellId = spellId or state.currentSpellId if not atTime then if state.endCast and state.endCast > state.currentTime then atTime = state.endCast else atTime = state.currentTime end end targetGUID = targetGUID or OvaleGUID:UnitGUID(state.defaultTarget) local gcd = spellId and state:GetSpellInfoProperty(spellId, atTime, "gcd", targetGUID) if not gcd then local haste gcd, haste = OvaleCooldown:GetBaseGCD() if Ovale.playerClass == "MONK" and OvalePaperDoll:IsSpecialization("mistweaver") then -- Mistweaver Monk = 1.5, spell gcd = 1.5 haste = "spell" elseif Ovale.playerClass == "DRUID" then if OvaleStance:IsStance("druid_cat_form") then -- Cat Form Druid = 1.0, false gcd = 1.0 haste = false end -- Adrenaline Rush buffed Outlaw Rogue = 0.8, false (TODO) -- Possible Additional Exceptions. -- Shouldn't be any differene between using melee haste or spell haste so didn't bother changing these. -- Bear Form Druid = 1.5, melee -- Retribution Paladin = 1.5, melee -- Protection Paladin = 1.5, melee -- Enhancement Shaman = 1.5, melee end local gcdHaste = spellId and state:GetSpellInfoProperty(spellId, atTime, "gcd_haste", targetGUID) if gcdHaste then haste = gcdHaste else local siHaste = spellId and state:GetSpellInfoProperty(spellId, atTime, "haste", targetGUID) if siHaste then haste = siHaste end end local multiplier = state:GetHasteMultiplier(haste) gcd = gcd / multiplier -- Clamp GCD at 750ms. gcd = (gcd > 0.750) and gcd or 0.750 end return gcd end -- Return the table holding the simulator's cooldown information for the given spell. statePrototype.GetCD = function(state, spellId) OvaleCooldown:StartProfiling("OvaleCooldown_state_GetCD") local cdName = spellId local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId] if si and si.sharedcd then cdName = si.sharedcd end if not[cdName] then[cdName] = {} end -- Populate the cooldown information from the current game state if it is outdated. local cd =[cdName] if not cd.start or not cd.serial or cd.serial < OvaleCooldown.serial then local start, duration, enable = OvaleCooldown:GetSpellCooldown(spellId) if si and si.forcecd then start, duration = OvaleCooldown:GetSpellCooldown(si.forcecd) end cd.serial = OvaleCooldown.serial cd.start = start - COOLDOWN_THRESHOLD cd.duration = duration cd.enable = enable local charges, maxCharges, chargeStart, chargeDuration = API_GetSpellCharges(spellId) if charges then cd.charges = charges cd.maxCharges = maxCharges cd.chargeStart = chargeStart cd.chargeDuration = chargeDuration end end -- Advance the cooldown state to the current time. local now = state.currentTime if cd.start then if cd.start + cd.duration <= now then cd.start = 0 cd.duration = 0 end end if cd.charges then local charges, maxCharges, chargeStart, chargeDuration = cd.charges, cd.maxCharges, cd.chargeStart, cd.chargeDuration while chargeStart + chargeDuration <= now and charges < maxCharges do chargeStart = chargeStart + chargeDuration charges = charges + 1 end cd.charges = charges cd.chargeStart = chargeStart end OvaleCooldown:StopProfiling("OvaleCooldown_state_GetCD") return cd end -- Return the cooldown for the spell in the simulator. statePrototype.GetSpellCooldown = function(state, spellId) local cd = state:GetCD(spellId) return cd.start, cd.duration, cd.enable end -- Get the duration of a spell's cooldown. Returns either the current duration if -- already on cooldown or the duration if cast at the specified time. statePrototype.GetSpellCooldownDuration = function(state, spellId, atTime, targetGUID) local start, duration = state:GetSpellCooldown(spellId) if duration > 0 and start + duration > atTime then state:Log("Spell %d is on cooldown for %fs starting at %s.", spellId, duration, start) else local si = OvaleData.spellInfo[spellId] duration = state:GetSpellInfoProperty(spellId, atTime, "cd", targetGUID) if duration then if si and si.addcd then duration = duration + si.addcd end if duration < 0 then duration = 0 end else duration = 0 end state:Log("Spell %d has a base cooldown of %fs.", spellId, duration) if duration > 0 then -- Adjust cooldown duration if it is affected by haste: "cd_haste=melee" or "cd_haste=spell". local haste = state:GetSpellInfoProperty(spellId, atTime, "cd_haste", targetGUID) local multiplier = state:GetHasteMultiplier(haste) duration = duration / multiplier -- Adjust cooldown duration if it is affected by a cooldown reduction trinket: "buff_cdr=auraId". if si and si.buff_cdr then local aura = state:GetAura("player", si.buff_cdr) if state:IsActiveAura(aura, atTime) then duration = duration * aura.value1 end end end end return duration end -- Return the information on the number of charges for the spell in the simulator. statePrototype.GetSpellCharges = function(state, spellId, atTime) atTime = atTime or state.currentTime local cd = state:GetCD(spellId) local charges, maxCharges, chargeStart, chargeDuration = cd.charges, cd.maxCharges, cd.chargeStart, cd.chargeDuration -- Advance the spell charges state to the given time. if charges then while chargeStart + chargeDuration <= atTime and charges < maxCharges do chargeStart = chargeStart + chargeDuration charges = charges + 1 end end return charges, maxCharges, chargeStart, chargeDuration end -- Force the cooldown of a spell to reset at the specified time. statePrototype.ResetSpellCooldown = function(state, spellId, atTime) local now = state.currentTime if atTime >= now then local cd = state:GetCD(spellId) if cd.start + cd.duration > now then cd.start = now cd.duration = atTime - now end end end statePrototype.RequireCooldownHandler = OvaleCooldown.RequireCooldownHandler --</state-methods>
return "Count Lines", "Count the lines of code in this project", function() local count = 0 for _,root in ipairs{game.Workspace, game.ReplicatedFirst, game.ReplicatedStorage, game.ServerScriptService, game.ServerStorage, game.StarterGui, game.StarterPack, game.StarterPlayer} do for _,desc in ipairs(root:GetDescendants()) do if desc:IsA("ModuleScript") or desc:IsA("LocalScript") or desc:IsA("Script") then for line in desc.Source:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if not line:match("^%s*$") and not line:match("^%s*%-%-") then count += 1 end end end end end print("Lines of code: "..tostring(count)) end
local gui = require("gui-plus") local dynamic_gui = require("dynamic-gui") local enums = require("enums") local state_change = enums.state_change return gui.register_class{ name = "test4", type = "frame", direction = "vertical", caption = "test4", children = { { type = "table", name = "table", column_count = 3, children = { gui.dynamic_list{ name = "list", list = "state.list", -- scope = list .. "[any]" -- on = list update = function(self, sub_definitions, scopes, state) local list = scopes[1].parent -- parent and key might as well exist for everything, except for the lowest scope, which is equal to the root state and therefore has no parent local data = if dynamic_gui.is_new(list) then -- create all children for key, value in pairs(list) do value.any_key = key local elem_insts = {} data[key] = elem_insts local inst_count = 0 for _, definition in pairs(sub_definitions) do inst_count = inst_count + 1 elem_insts[inst_count] =, definition) end end elseif list == nil then -- remove all children for _, elem_insts in pairs(data) do for _, inst in pairs(elem_insts) do dynamic_gui.destroy(inst) end end else -- create new elements -- remove old elements -- update indexes local changes = dynamic_gui.get_changes(list) local removed = {} local added = {} local sub_definition_count = #sub_definitions for _, change in pairs(changes) do local change_type = change.type if change_type == state_change.assigned then -- probably the most common -- this can both remove and add stuff, smile deal with it last elseif change_type == state_change.inserted then -- second most common? -- TODO: check if it's removed added[] = change.key else -- removed local elem = change.old local added_key = added[elem] if added_key ~= nil then -- it got relocated! local key = change.key if added_key ~= key then -- move it, somehow? local elem_instns = data[key] -- change their index in the parent gui element local target_base_index = (added_key - 1) * sub_definition_count -- TODO: continue here dynamic_gui.set_index() end added[elem] = nil else removed[elem] = change.key end end -- now lets make this even more fun -- someone can have the same instance of a table -- as the value for multiple keys in the list -- what does THAT even mean for me now? -- i think i actually just don't care -- becase as a matter of fact -- well i was going to say if i find the same instance as both being added and removed -- that means the elements look the same -- but no! they could look completely differently, because the index was different for them -- and they can use that to look different -- that means i'd have to mark their index as "updated" -- that would be ideal -- but i initially said that the dynamic objects are not allowed to modify the state anymore -- well they aren't modifying the state in this case actually -- they would be modifyihng the _changes_, which is different -- but changes are updated from lowest to highest level (state comes before state.list, and so on) -- that means dynamic_objects are only allowed to modify the changes of states above them -- i don't think i can validate that without wasting performance though, so the programmer would just -- have to read the docs and not be stupid -- so how to mark something as changed? -- ha, funny, it's not just marking it as changed, it's literally changing the index -- no need for extra syntax for it -- but that only applies if i don't do something about the current any_key implementation -- so i guess i have to deal with that now local old, new = change.old, -- example local example_list local example_chanages example_list = { [1] = {text = "hello", any_key = 1}, [2] = {text = "world", any_key = 2}, [3] = {text = "foo ", any_key = 3}, [4] = {text = "bar ", any_key = 4}, } example_chanages = {} gui.table.remove(example_list, 2) example_list = { [1] = {text = "hello", any_key = 1}, [2] = {text = "foo ", any_key = 3}, [3] = {text = "bar ", any_key = 4}, } example_chanages = { { type = state_change.removed, key = 2, old = {text = "world", any_key = 2}, }, } example_list[2] = {text = "other"} example_list = { [1] = {text = "hello", any_key = 1}, [2] = {text = "other"}, [3] = {text = "bar ", any_key = 4}, } example_chanages = { { type = state_change.removed, key = 2, old = {text = "world", any_key = 2}, }, { type = state_change.assigned, key = 2, old = {text = "foo ", any_key = 3}, new = {text = "other"}, }, } -- there is basically no way to be smart about this and group changes together into a single change -- then again how common is it going to be for someone to assign a value to the same key twice between redraws -- where is the problem... -- 2) is it possible for dynamic_list update to be smart and detect moves? -- i can't think of a way to do that elegantly. i'll just have to resort to requrieing the programmer to use gui.table.move() -- but i really don't like that. -- for example example_list[2], example_list[3] = example_list[3], example_list[2] -- is the common way to swap elements example_list[3] = example_list[2] example_list[2] = nil -- of that to move the last element up and remove the second last one example_list[4] = example_list[2] gui.table.remove(example_list, 2) -- or that -- it doesn't matter what you're doing, introducing new functions to do the same thing you're alreadly used to doing -- in some other way is just bad. it forces the programmer to solve the same problem they already solved again -- just bad, bad, bad. -- so even if i hate it, i need to detect element relocation -- the other option is to just delete and recreate the elements, but what's the point in that. -- that is explicitly not using the new and amazing api features (being able to set the index of LuaGuiElements) -- alright, all cool and all, but there is one thing missing -- change detection -- the key might change through gui.table.insert or remove calls -- however, those functions only ever affect all elements after them -- this is detectable by storing the lowest key on the internal table, which gets set by those functions -- then the framework has to go through every single one and check if the index for the element changed -- how does it know the previous index? -- it might have to update all dynamic values dependent on the key -- but is there some way? -- i really don't think there is -- besides, if you use remove or insert, the index/key usually changed, so it would in most cases actually -- be a waste of performance to compare it with the previous index -- every other index change is tracked through the __newindex metamethod -- can i just say that lists are really annoying? because they are -- but without them this framework is useless -- but i'm getting there end end end, children = { { type = "label", name = "key", caption = gui.dynamic{ on = "scopes[1].key", set = function(scopes, state) return tostring(scopes[1].key) end, }, -- this won't compare, because it's probably faster that way -- would require testing, but the difference would be tiny if even measurable }, { type = "textfield", name = "value", lose_focus_on_confirm = true, clear_and_focus_on_right_click = true, text = gui.dynamic{ on = "scopes[1].value.text", -- expands to "state.list[any].value.text" set = function(scopes, state) return scopes[1].value.text end, compare_before_updating = true, }, events = { on_text_changed = function(event, scopes, state) scopes[1].value.text = event.text gui.redraw(state) end, }, }, { type = "button", name = "remove", caption = "remove", events = { on_click = function(event, scopes, state) local list_scope = scopes[1] gui.table.remove(list_scope.parent, list_scope.key) gui.redraw(state) end, }, }, -- gui.dynamic_switch{ -- name = "lol", -- on = "scopes[1]", -- switch = function(scopes, state) -- local list_scope = scopes[1] -- local key = list_scope.key -- if key == 1 then -- if key == #list_scope.parent then -- return "single" -- else -- return "first" -- end -- elseif key == #list_scope.parent then -- return "last" -- else -- return "middle" -- end -- end, -- children = { -- {name = "single"}, -- {name = "first"}, -- {name = "middle"}, -- {name = "last"}, -- }, -- }, }, }, }, }, { type = "button", name = "add", caption = "add", events = { on_click = function(event, scopes, state) local list = state.list list[#list+1] = { text = "new", } gui.redraw(state) end, }, }, }, }
-- rewritten-from-scratch lightweight parser that only support very simple markdown local WOWWOWMARKDOWN10 = "LibWoWMarkdown-1.0"; local WOWWOWMARKDOWN10_MINOR = 1; if not LibStub then error(WOWMARKDOWN10 .. " requires LibStub."); end; local LWMD = LibStub:NewLibrary(WOWMARKDOWN10, WOWMARKDOWN10_MINOR); = WOWMARKDOWN10 LWMD.minor = WOWMARKDOWN10_MINOR; LWMD.config = { [ 'rt1' ] = '|TInterface\\TARGETINGFRAME\\UI-RAIDTARGETINGICON_1.PNG:0|t', [ 'rt2' ] = '|TInterface\\TARGETINGFRAME\\UI-RAIDTARGETINGICON_2.PNG:0|t', [ 'rt3' ] = '|TInterface\\TARGETINGFRAME\\UI-RAIDTARGETINGICON_3.PNG:0|t', [ 'rt4' ] = '|TInterface\\TARGETINGFRAME\\UI-RAIDTARGETINGICON_4.PNG:0|t', [ 'rt5' ] = '|TInterface\\TARGETINGFRAME\\UI-RAIDTARGETINGICON_5.PNG:0|t', [ 'rt6' ] = '|TInterface\\TARGETINGFRAME\\UI-RAIDTARGETINGICON_6.PNG:0|t', [ 'rt7' ] = '|TInterface\\TARGETINGFRAME\\UI-RAIDTARGETINGICON_7.PNG:0|t', [ 'rt8' ] = '|TInterface\\TARGETINGFRAME\\UI-RAIDTARGETINGICON_8.PNG:0:|t', [ 'emsp' ] = '|TInterface\\Store\\ServicesAtlas:0:0.75:0:0:1024:1024:1023:1024:1023:1024|t ', [ 'ensp' ] = '|TInterface\\Store\\ServicesAtlas:0:0.25:0:0:1024:1024:1023:1024:1023:1024|t ', [ 'em13' ] = '|TInterface\\Store\\ServicesAtlas:0:0.08:0:0:1024:1024:1023:1024:1023:1024|t ', [ 'em14' ] = " ", [ 'nbsp' ] = '|TInterface\\Store\\ServicesAtlas:0:0.175:0:0:1024:1024:1023:1024:1023:1024|t', [ 'thinsp' ] = '|TInterface\\Store\\ServicesAtlas:0:0.100:0:0:1024:1024:1023:1024:1023:1024|t', [ 'strong' ] = '|cff00dddd', ['/strong' ] = '|r', [ 'em' ] = '|cff00dd00', ['/em' ] = '|r', [ 'ul' ] = '<p>', ['/ul' ] = '</p><br />', -- it's almost always the right right choice to put <br /> after a block level tag [ 'ol' ] = '<p>', ['/ol' ] = '</p><br />', [ 'li' ] = '', ['/li' ] = '<br />', -- ['list_marker' ] = '|TInterface\\MINIMAP\\TempleofKotmogu_ball_purple.PNG:0|t', ['list_marker' ] = '*', [ 'pre' ] = '<p>|cff66bbbb', ['/pre' ] = '|r</p><br />', [ 'code' ] = '|cff66bbbb', ['/code' ] = '|r', ['br' ] = '<br />', [ 'blockquote' ] = '<hr width="100"/><p align="center">|cffbbbb00"', ['/blockquote' ] = '"|r</p><br /><hr width="100"/><br />', [ 'blockquote_quot' ] = '', [ 'h1' ] = '<h1>', ['/h1' ] = '</h1><br />', [ 'h2' ] = '<h2>', ['/h2' ] = '</h2><br />', [ 'h3' ] = '<h3>', ['/h3' ] = '</h3><br />', [ 'p' ] = '<p>', ['/p' ] = '</p>', [ 'html' ] = '<html>', ['/html' ] = '</html>', [ 'body' ] = '<body>', ['/body' ] = '</body>', [ 'figcaption' ] = 'Caption: |cffbbbb00', ['/figcaption' ] = '|r', }; -- beep LWMD.entities_list = { "emsp", "ensp", "em13", "nbsp", "em14", "thinsp", }; LWMD.rt_list = { rt1 = { "Star", }, rt2 = { "Circle", "Coin", }, rt3 = { "Diamond", }, rt4 = { "Triangle", }, rt5 = { "Moon", }, rt6 = { "Square", }, rt7 = { "Cross", "X", }, rt8 = { "Skull", }, }; function escape_text(text) text = text:gsub("&", "&amp;"):gsub("<", "&lt;"):gsub(">", "&gt;"):gsub('"', "&quot;"); return text:gsub("|", "||"); end; local function CreateNewParser() local Parser = {}; Parser.flags = {}; Parser.lines = {}; Parser.blocks = {}; Parser.raw = {}; function Parser.GetBlock( self , i ) return self.blocks[i] end; function Parser.GetLine( self , i ) return self.lines[i] end; function Parser.GetRaw( self , i ) return self.raw[i] end; function Parser.GetFirstBlock( self ) return self.blocks[1]; end; function Parser.GetFirstLine( self ) return self.lines[1] end; function Parser.GetFirstRaw( self ) return self.raw[1] end; function Parser.GetLastBlock( self ) return self.blocks[#self.blocks] end; function Parser.GetLastLine( self ) return self.lines[#self.lines] end; function Parser.GetLastRaw( self ) return self.raw[#self.raw] end; function Parser.YankFirstBlock( self ) return table.remove(self.blocks, 1) end; function Parser.YankFirstLine( self ) return table.remove(self.lines, 1) end; function Parser.YankFirstRaw( self ) return table.remove(self.raw, 1); end; function Parser.YankLastBlock( self ) return table.remove(self.blocks, #self.blocks) end; function Parser.YankLastLine( self ) return table.remove(self.lines, #self.lines) end; function Parser.YankLastRaw( self ) return table.remove(self.raw, #self.raw); end; function Parser.LoadRaw(self, data) local load_ok = true; for i, item in ipairs(data) do if type(item) == "string" then table.insert(self.raw, item) else load_ok = false; end; end; return load_ok and self; end; function Parser.SetFlag(self, flag) self.flags[flag] = true; local coreFlag = flag:match("^(.+): "); if coreFlag then self.flags[coreFlag] = true; end; return self; end; function Parser.GetFlag(self, flag) if self.flags[flag] then return self.flags[flag] end; for currFlag, currFlagValue in pairs(self.flags) do if string.match(currFlag, "^" .. flag .. ": ") then return currFlagValue end; end; return false; end; function Parser.ClearFlag(self, flag); self.flags[flag] = nil; local coreFlag = flag:match("^(.+): "); if coreFlag then self.flags[coreFlag] = nil end; for currFlag, _ in pairs(self.flags) do if string.match(currFlag, "^" .. flag .. ": ") or (currFlag and string.match(currFlag, "^" .. coreFlag .. ": ")) then self.flags[currFlag] = nil; end; end; return self; end; function Parser.ClearAllFlags(self) for k, _ in pairs(self.flags) do self.flags[k] = nil; end; return self; end; function Parser.CloseAllBlocks(self) for i, block in ipairs(self.blocks) do block:Close(); end; end; function Parser.NewLine(self, lineType) local Line = { lineType = lineType, parsed = false, text = "", html = "", parser = self, }; function Line.SetText(self, value ) self.text = value; return self; end; function Line.SetHtml(self, value ) self.html = value; return self; end; function Line.SetTextParsed(self, value ) self.parsed = value; return self; end; function Line.SetType(self, value ) self.lineType = value; return self; end; function Line.SetMatches(self, tab ) self.matches = CopyTable(tab) ; return self end; function Line.GetText(self ) return self.text end; function Line.GetHtml(self ) return self.html end; function Line.GetType(self ) return self.lineType end; function Line.IsTextParsed(self ) return self.parsed end; function Line.GetMatches(self ) return self.matches end; function Line.GetParent(self ) return self.parent end; function Line.SetParent(self, parentBlock) if parentBlock and parentBlock.children then self.parent = parentBlock table.insert(parentBlock.children, self) end; return self; end; table.insert(self.lines, Line); return Line; end; -- beep function Parser.NewBlock(self, blockType) local Block = { children = {}, blockType = blockType, open = true, parser = self, }; function Block.Close(self ) = false; return self; end ; -- ^^^ this is a placeholder function Block.IsClosed(self ) return not end ; function Block.IsOpen(self ) return end ; function Block.Open(self ) = true; return self; end ; function Block.SetType(self, value ) self.blockType = value; return self; end ; function Block.GetType(self ) return self.blockType end ; function Block.AddChild(self, childLine) table.insert(self.children, childLine); childLine.parent = self; return self; end; function Block.NewLine(self, lineType) local line = self.parser:NewLine(lineType); self:AddChild(line); return line; end; function Block.CheckParsed(self) for i, line in ipairs(self.lines) do if not line:IsTextParsed() then return false end; end; return true; end; return Block; end; return Parser; end; function Parser.thematic_break(self, text, matches) self:CloseAllBlocks(); local block = self:NewBlock("thematic_break"); local hr = block:NewLine("thematic_break"); hr:SetText(text); hr:SetHtml("<hr />"); hr:SetTextParsed(true); block:Close(); return self; end; function Parser.start_code_fence(self, text, matches) self:CloseAllBlocks(); local block = self:NewBlock("code_fence"); local line = block:NewLine("code_fence_start"); line:SetText(text); -- line:SetHtml("<pre>"); line:SetHtml(""); line:SetTextParsed(true); self:ClearAllFlags(); self:SetFlag("code_fence: " .. matches[1]); return self; end; function Parser.continue_code_fence(self, text, matches) local line = self:GetLastBlock():NewLine("code"); line:SetText(text); line:SetHtml(escape_text(text)); line:SetTextParsed(true); return self; end; function Parser.stop_code_fence(self, text, matches) local currentBlock = self:GetLastBlock(); local line = block:NewLine("code_fence_stop"); line:SetText(text); -- line:SetHtml("</pre>"); line:SetHtml(""); line:SetTextParsed(true); self:ClearFlag("code_fence"); return self; end; function Parser.atx_heading(self, text, matches) self:CloseAllBlocks(); self:ClearAllFlags(); local level = string.len(matches[1]); local block = self:NewBlock("atx_heading"); local line = block:NewLine("atx_heading_" .. level); line:SetText(text); line:SetHtml(string.format("<h%i>%s</h%i>", level, matches[2], level)); line:SetTextParsed(true); return self; end; function Parser.parse_line(self, line) local matches; local tests = -- "pattern", "flags[: subflags]", "method" or function(self, line, matches) { { "^(```+)(.+)$", "code_fence", function(line, Parser, matches) if self:HasExactFlag("code_fence: " .. matches[1]) then return self:stop_code_fence(line, matches); else return self:continue_code_fence(line, matches); end end }, { "^(.+)$" , "code_fence" , "continue_code_fence" }, { "^ ? ? ?(```+)(.+)" , nil , "start_code_fence" }, { "^ ? ? ?(=)==+%s*$" , "paragraph" , "setext_heading" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%-)%-%-+%s*$" , "paragraph" , "setext_heading" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%-)%-%-+%s*$" , nil , "horizontal_rule" }, { "^ ? ? ?(=)==%s*$" , nil , "horizontal_rule" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%*)%*%*+$" , nil , "horizontal_rule" }, { "^ ? ? ?(#?#?#?#?#?#?)%s+(.+)$" , nil , "atx_heading" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%-)%s+(.+)$" , "list_bullet: -" , "continue_list_bullet" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%-)%s+(.+)$" , nil , "start_list_bullet" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%*)%s+(.+)$" , "list_bullet: *" , "continue_list_bullet" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%*)%s+(.+)$" , nil , "start_list_bullet" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%d)(%.)%s+(.+)$" , "list_ordered: ." , "continue_list_ordered" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%d)(%.)%s+(.+)$" , nil , "start_list_ordered" }, { "^ ? ? ?(.+)$" , "list_ordered" , "continue_list_ordered" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%d)(%))%s+(.+)$" , "list_ordered: )" , "continue_list_ordered" }, { "^ ? ? ?(%d)(%))%s+(.+)$" , nil , "start_list_ordered" }, { "^ ? ? ?(.+)$" , "list_ordered" , "continue_list_ordered" }, { "^ (.+)$" , "code_indent" , "continue_code_indent" }, { "^ (.+)$" , nil , "start_code_indent" }, { "^ ? ? ?%[(.-)%]:%s+(.-)%s*(.-)%s(.-)%s(.+)$" , nil , "link_reference" }, { "^ ? ? ?(>+)%s+(.+)$", "blockquote", function(self, line, matches) if self:HasExactFlag("blockquote: " .. matches[1]) then return self:continue_blockquote(line, matches) else return self:start_blockquote(line, matches) end end, } { "^ ? ? ?(>+)%s+(.+)$" , nil , "start_blockquote" } , { "^ ? ? ?(.+)%s+(.+)$" , "blockquote" , "continue_blockquote" } , { "^ ? ? ?(.+)$" , "paragraph" , "continue_paragraph" } , { "^(%s*)$" , nil , "blank_line" } , { "^ ? ? ?(.+)$" , nil , "start_paragraph" } , }; -- for (each test) -- if (have flag) -- then (try matches against pattern) -- if (matches) -- then if type(method) == "text" -- then self[method](self, text, matches); -- elseif type(method) == "function" -- then method(self, text, matches); -- at the end do cleanup, i.e. close any open blocks -- then return the parse -- -- note to self: add methods on parser to actually return what it parsed, haha -- -- the following needs to be: -- -- (a) make parser or get an existing parser that we can use -- (b) load raw text into parser -- (c) parse the text -- (d) return the parsed text -- (e) done end; function LWMD.ToHTML(self, param) local ERRMESSAGE = "[" .. WOWMARKDOWN10 .. "]: " .. ":ToHTML() requires a string or list of strings."; local param_type = type(param); if param_type == "string" then return self.config.html .. self.config.body .. self:markdown(param) .. self.config["/body"] .. self.config["/html"]; elseif param_type == "list" then local all_strings = true; for _, item in ipairs(param) do if type(item) ~= "string" then all_strings = true; break; end; end; if all_strings then return self.config.html .. self.config.body .. self:markdown(param) .. self.config["/body"] .. self.config["/html"]; else print(ERRMESSAGE); return ""; end; else print(ERRMESSAGE); return ""; end; end function LWMD.ShowConfig(self) print("LMD.config = {"); for k, v in pairs(self.config) do print(self.config.nbsp .. "['" .. k .. "'] = '" .. v .. "',"); end; print("}"); end; LWMD.ToHtml = LWMD.ToHTML;
--[[ 图片战场背景 --]] local THIS_MODULE = ... local Image = class("Image", cc.Sprite, require("app.main.modules.meta.MetaBase")) --[[ 类构造函数 config image 图片文件路径 ]] function Image:clsctor(config) if config then table.merge(self,config) end end -- 构造函数 function Image:ctor() self:setTexture(self.image) end return Image
local c; local cf; local player = Var "Player"; local ShowComboAt = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "ShowComboAt"); local Pulse = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "PulseCommand"); local Pulse2 = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "Pulse2Command"); local NumberMinZoom = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "NumberMinZoom"); local NumberMaxZoom = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "NumberMaxZoom"); local NumberMaxZoomAt = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "NumberMaxZoomAt"); local LabelMinZoom = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "LabelMinZoom"); local LabelMaxZoom = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "LabelMaxZoom"); local ShowFlashyCombo = ThemePrefs.Get("FlashyCombo") local MaxCom = 0; local madness = 0; local Grace = 0;--pumpkin :D local FN = "Combo Numbers"; local FM = "Combo Misses"; local CL = "_Combo/Memories_combo"; local ML = "_Combo/Memories_misses"; local NumInArr = {nil,nil,nil,nil}; local QUE = {}; local XBar = 3; local NPSi = 1; local ZSC = 3; local PS = STATSMAN:GetCurStageStats():GetPlayerStageStats(player); local CMDofCB = {} --Use to find Y Position for Bouncing :D CMDofCB[1] = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "Numbertor12315OnCommand"); CMDofCB[2] = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "Numbermisstor12315OnCommand"); CMDofCB[3] = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "ComboLabelOnCommand"); CMDofCB[4] = THEME:GetMetric("Combo", "MissLabelOnCommand"); local Fac = 3; if not GAMESTATE:ShowW1() then Fac = 2; end local Stat; Stat ={ {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} }; local function GSB() local BI = 1; local TD = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentSong():GetTimingData(); while (TD:GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat()+BI) - TD:GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat())) < 0.125 do BI = BI * 2 end return TD:GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(math.round(GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat())+BI)+0.05 - TD:GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(math.round(GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat())) - (TD:GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(math.round(GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat())+BI) - TD:GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(math.round(GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat())+(BI-0.4))) --return math.abs(TD:GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(round(GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat()-0.1)+(BI-1)+0.9) - TD:GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(round(GAMESTATE:GetSongBeat()))); end; local t = Def.ActorFrame {}; t[#t+1] = Def.ActorFrame { InitCommand=cmd(vertalign,bottom); -- flashy combo elements: --[[LoadActor(THEME:GetPathG("Combo","100Milestone")) .. { Name="OneHundredMilestone"; InitCommand=cmd(visible,ShowFlashyCombo); FiftyMilestoneCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Milestone"); };]] -- normal combo elements: Def.ActorFrame { Name="ComboFrame"; LoadFont(FN) .. { Name="Number"; OnCommand = CMDofCB[1]; WaitCommand=function(self) self:sleep(GSB()) self:y(240-216-1.5); self:queuecommand("GoO") end; GoOCommand=cmd(effectclock,"beat";bounce;effectmagnitude,0,-5,0;effecttiming,0.25,0.65,0.05,0.05); }; LoadFont(FM) .. { Name="Misses"; OnCommand = CMDofCB[2]; WaitCommand=function(self) self:sleep(GSB())--If 2 Players use Split Jud type(Eg:Sm5 and ITG) self:y(240-216-1.5); self:queuecommand("GoO") end; GoOCommand=cmd(effectclock,"beat";bounce;effectmagnitude,0,-5,0;effecttiming,0.25,0.65,0.05,0.05); }; LoadFont("Isla/_chakra petch semibold overlay 72px") .. { Name="NumberOverlay"; OnCommand = CMDofCB[1]; WaitCommand=function(self) self:sleep(GSB()) self:y(240-216-1.5); self:queuecommand("GoO") end; GoOCommand=cmd(effectclock,"beat";bounce;effectmagnitude,0,-5,0;effecttiming,0.25,0.65,0.05,0.05); }; LoadActor(CL)..{ Name="ComboLabel"; InitCommand=cmd(draworder,105); OnCommand = CMDofCB[3]; }; LoadActor(ML)..{ Name="MissLabel"; InitCommand=cmd(draworder,105); OnCommand = CMDofCB[4]; }; }; InitCommand = function(self) c = self:GetChildren(); cf = c.ComboFrame:GetChildren(); cf.Number:visible(false); cf.NumberOverlay:visible(false); cf.Misses:visible(false); cf.ComboLabel:visible(false) cf.MissLabel:visible(false) end; TwentyFiveMilestoneCommand=function(self,parent) if ShowFlashyCombo then (cmd(finishtweening;diffuse,BoostColor(Color("White"),1.75);linear,0.25;diffuse,color("#FFFFFF")))(self); end; end; ComboCommand=function(self, param) local iCombo = param.Misses or param.Combo; if not iCombo or iCombo < ShowComboAt then cf.Number:visible(false); cf.Misses:visible(false); cf.NumberOverlay:visible(false); cf.ComboLabel:visible( false) cf.MissLabel:visible( false) return; end if LoadModule("")()=="FOOL" then local tod = param.Misses; param.Misses=param.Combo; param.Combo=tod; end cf.ComboLabel:visible( false) cf.MissLabel:visible( false) param.Zoom = scale( iCombo, 0, NumberMaxZoomAt, NumberMinZoom, NumberMaxZoom ); param.Zoom = clamp( param.Zoom, NumberMinZoom, NumberMaxZoom ); param.LabelZoom = scale( iCombo, 0, NumberMaxZoomAt, LabelMinZoom, LabelMaxZoom ); param.LabelZoom = clamp( param.LabelZoom, LabelMinZoom, LabelMaxZoom ); if param.Combo then cf.ComboLabel:visible( true) cf.MissLabel:visible( false) else cf.ComboLabel:visible( false) cf.MissLabel:visible( true) end if iCombo > MaxCom and param.Combo then MaxCom = iCombo end cf.Number:settext( string.format("%i", iCombo) ); cf.NumberOverlay:settext( string.format("%i", iCombo) ); cf.Misses:settext( string.format("%i", iCombo) ); local SA = LoadModule("Eva.CustomStageAward.lua")(player); if string.find( SA,"W1") then cf.NumberOverlay:diffuse(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W1"]); elseif string.find( SA,"W2") then cf.NumberOverlay:diffuse(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W2"]); elseif string.find( SA,"W3") then cf.NumberOverlay:diffuse(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W3"]); elseif string.find( SA,"Choke") then cf.NumberOverlay:diffuse(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W4"]); elseif string.find( SA,"NoMiss") then cf.NumberOverlay:diffuse(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W5"]); else cf.NumberOverlay:diffuse({0,0,0,1}); end if param.Combo then cf.Number:diffuse({1,1,1,1}); cf.Misses:visible(false); cf.Number:visible(true); else cf.Misses:diffuse(color("#ff0000")); cf.Misses:visible(true); cf.Number:visible(false); end cf.NumberOverlay:visible(true); -- Pulse Pulse( cf.NumberOverlay, param ); Pulse( cf.Number, param ); Pulse( cf.Misses, param ); if MonthOfYear() == 4-1 and DayOfMonth() == 1 then if param.Combo then cf.MissLabel:finishtweening():rotationz(-2):skewx(-0.125):addx(7):addy(2):glow(BoostColor(Color("Red"),1.2)):decelerate(0.05*2.5):glow(1,1,1,0):rotationz(0):addx(-7):skewx(0):addy(-2) else cf.ComboLabel:finishtweening():rotationz(-2):skewx(-0.125):addx(7):addy(2):decelerate(0.05*2.5):glow(1,1,1,0):rotationz(0):addx(-7):skewx(0):addy(-2) end else if param.Combo then cf.ComboLabel:finishtweening():rotationz(-2):skewx(-0.125):addx(7):addy(2):decelerate(0.05*2.5):glow(1,1,1,0):rotationz(0):addx(-7):skewx(0):addy(-2) else cf.MissLabel:finishtweening():rotationz(-2):skewx(-0.125):addx(7):addy(2):glow(BoostColor(Color("Red"),1.2)):decelerate(0.05*2.5):glow(1,1,1,0):rotationz(0):addx(-7):skewx(0):addy(-2) end end cf.Number:y(17.5); cf.NumberOverlay:y(17.5); cf.Misses:y(17.5); cf.Number:stopeffect() cf.Number:queuecommand("Wait") cf.NumberOverlay:stopeffect() cf.NumberOverlay:queuecommand("Wait") cf.Misses:stopeffect() cf.Misses:queuecommand("Wait") -- Milestone Logic end; }; t[#t+1] = Def.ActorFrame{ OnCommand=cmd(visible,false); --JUst DeBUg LoadFont(FN)..{ Text = "000"; InitCommand=CMDofCB[1]; OnCommand =cmd(); }; LoadFont(FN)..{ Text = "000"; InitCommand=CMDofCB[1]; ComboCommand=function(self) self:diffuse(Color.Red); local lZSC = 3; self:zoom(lZSC); self:x((self:GetWidth()+35)*lZSC/3-58):y(22.5+self:GetHeight()*lZSC/4-7) end; }; } t[#t+1] = Def.ActorFrame{ OnCommand=cmd(diffusealpha,1); LoadFont(FN)..{ InitCommand=cmd(diffusealpha,0); OnCommand =CMDofCB[1]; FiftyMilestoneCommand=function(self) if ShowFlashyCombo and LoadModule("")()~="FOOL" then --self:visible(true) --SM("\n\n\n\n\n"..string.format("X is %.2f Y is %.2f",self:GetWidth(),self:GetHeight())); self:finishtweening():diffusealpha(1) self:settext(string.format("%i",tonumber(self:GetText()+50))); --SM("\n\n\n\nBOOM AT "..self:GetText()) self:decelerate(0.5):x((self:GetZoom()*self:GetWidth()+35)*ZSC/3-58):y(22.5+self:GetZoom()*self:GetHeight()*ZSC/4-7):zoom(self:GetZoom()*ZSC):diffusealpha(0) :sleep(0.001):x(0):y(22.5) --self:visible(false) end end; ComboCommand=function(self, param) local iCombo = param.Misses or param.Combo or 0; local iFCombo = math.floor(iCombo/50)*50; --self:visible(false) param.Zoom = scale( iCombo, 0, NumberMaxZoomAt, NumberMinZoom, NumberMaxZoom ); param.Zoom = clamp( param.Zoom, NumberMinZoom, NumberMaxZoom ); if iFCombo>=0 then self:settext( string.format("%i", iFCombo) ); end self:zoom(param.Zoom) ZSC = scale(iFCombo,50,1000,1.5,4); if param.FullComboW1 and LoadModule("")()~="FOOL" then self:rainbow(); self:strokecolor( Alpha(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W1"],0) ); self:textglowmode("TextGlowMode_Stroke"); elseif param.FullComboW2 and LoadModule("")()~="FOOL" then self:diffuse( Alpha(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W2"],0) ); self:diffusebottomedge(Alpha({1,1,1,1},0)); self:strokecolor( Alpha(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W2"],0) ); self:textglowmode("TextGlowMode_Stroke"); self:glowshift(); elseif param.FullComboW3 and LoadModule("")()~="FOOL" then self:diffuse( Alpha(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W3"],0) ); self:diffusebottomedge(Alpha({1,1,1,1},0)); self:strokecolor( Alpha(GameColor.Judgment["JudgmentLine_W3"],0) ); self:textglowmode("TextGlowMode_Stroke"); self:glowshift(); elseif param.Combo then -- instead, just diffuse to white for now. -aj self:diffuse(Alpha({1,1,1,1},0)); self:strokecolor(Alpha(Color("Stealth"),0)); self:stopeffect(); end -- Milestone Logic end; }; }; return t;
--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at $Id$ ]]-- local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local sys = require "luci.sys" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local function date_format(secs) local suff = {"min", "h", "d"} local mins = 0 local hour = 0 local days = 0 secs = math.floor(secs) if secs > 60 then mins = math.floor(secs / 60) secs = secs % 60 end if mins > 60 then hour = math.floor(mins / 60) mins = mins % 60 end if hour > 24 then days = math.floor(hour / 24) hour = hour % 24 end if days > 0 then return string.format("%.0fd %02.0fh %02.0fmin %02.0fs", days, hour, mins, secs) else return string.format("%02.0fh %02.0fmin %02.0fs", hour, mins, secs) end end m2 = Map("dhcp", "Manage Address Assignment") local leasefn, leasefp, leases uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(section) leasefn = section.leasefile end ) local leasefp = leasefn and fs.access(leasefn) and io.lines(leasefn) if leasefp then leases = {} for lease in leasefp do table.insert(leases, luci.util.split(lease, " ")) end end if leases then v = m2:section(Table, leases, translate("Active Leases")) ip = v:option(DummyValue, 3, translate("<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Address")) mac = v:option(DummyValue, 2, translate("<abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>-Address")) ltime = v:option(DummyValue, 1, translate("Leasetime remaining")) function ltime.cfgvalue(self, ...) local value = DummyValue.cfgvalue(self, ...) return date_format(os.difftime(tonumber(value), os.time())) end end s = m2:section(TypedSection, "host", "Static Assignment", "You can assign fixed addresses and DNS names to devices in you local network to make reaching them more easy.") s.addremove = true s.anonymous = true s.template = "cbi/tblsection" hn = s:option(Value, "name", translate("Hostname")) mac = s:option(Value, "mac", translate("<abbr title=\"Media Access Control\">MAC</abbr>-Address")) ip = s:option(Value, "ip", translate("<abbr title=\"Internet Protocol Version 4\">IPv4</abbr>-Address")) ip:value(entry["IP address"]) mac:value( entry["HW address"], entry["HW address"] .. " (" .. entry["IP address"] .. ")" ) end) return m2
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Project: irc -- Author: MCvarial -- Contact: -- Version: 1.0.3 -- Date: 31.10.2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------- local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local g_channels = {} local window ------------------------------------ -- Irc client ------------------------------------ addEvent("ircStartClient",true) addEventHandler("ircStartClient",root, function (channels) window = guiCreateWindow((x/2)-320,(y/2)-240,640,480,"Internet Relay Chat",false) local tabpanel = guiCreateTabPanel(0.01,0.05,0.98,0.95,true,window) for i,channel in ipairs (channels) do local tab = guiCreateTab(,tabpanel) local memo = guiCreateMemo(0.01,0.01,0.75,0.90,"* Topic is: ""\n",true,tab) local edit = guiCreateEdit(0.01,0.92,0.75,0.07,"",true,tab) local gridlist = guiCreateGridList(0.76,0.01,0.23,0.90,true,tab) local hidebtn = guiCreateButton(0.76,0.92,0.11,0.07,"Hide",true,tab) local closebtn = guiCreateButton(0.88,0.92,0.11,0.07,"Close",true,tab) guiGridListAddColumn(gridlist,"users",0.88) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memo,true) for i,user in ipairs (channel.users) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(gridlist,row,1,getIconFromLevel(user.level),false,false) guiGridListSetItemData(gridlist,row,1, end guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(gridlist,true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",closebtn,ircStopClient,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",hidebtn,ircHideClient,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted",edit, function (edit) local text = guiGetText(edit) if text and text ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("ircSendMessage",resourceRoot,localPlayer,,text) guiSetText(edit,"") end end ) g_channels[] = {memo=memo,edit=edit,gridlist=gridlist} end guiSetInputEnabled(true) end ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop",resourceRoot, function () if window then showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end ) function ircStopClient () destroyElement(window) window = nil channels = {} showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) triggerServerEvent("ircStopClient",resourceRoot,localPlayer) end function ircHideClient () guiSetVisible(window,false) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end --[[ addCommandHandler("irc", function () if window then guiSetVisible(window,true) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end end,false ) --]] local icons = {"+","%","@","&","~"} function getIconFromLevel (level) return icons[level] or "" end function getLevelFromIcon (ico) for i,icon in ipairs (icons) do if icon == ico then return i end end return false end function addMessage (channel,message) guiSetText(g_channels[channel].memo,guiGetText(g_channels[channel].memo)..""..message) end addEvent("onIRCMessage",true) addEventHandler("onIRCMessage",root, function (user,channel,message) if g_channels[channel] then addMessage(channel,"<"..user.."> "..message) end end ) addEvent("onIRCUserJoin",true) addEventHandler("onIRCUserJoin",root, function (user,channel,vhost) if g_channels[channel] then addMessage(channel,"* "..user.." joined ("..vhost..")") local row = guiGridListAddRow(g_channels[channel].gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(g_channels[channel].gridlist,row,1,user,false,false) guiGridListSetItemData(g_channels[channel].gridlist,row,1,user) end end ) addEvent("onIRCUserPart",true) addEventHandler("onIRCUserPart",root, function (user,channel,reason) if g_channels[channel] then addMessage(channel,"* "..user.." parted ("..reason..")") for i=0,guiGridListGetRowCount(g_channels[channel].gridlist)-1 do if guiGridListGetItemData(g_channels[channel].gridlist,i,1) == user then guiGridListRemoveRow(g_channels[channel].gridlist,i) end end end end ) addEvent("onIRCUserQuit",true) addEventHandler("onIRCUserQuit",root, function (user,reason) for channel,info in pairs (g_channels) do for i=0,guiGridListGetRowCount(info.gridlist)-1 do if guiGridListGetItemData(info.gridlist,i,1) == user then guiGridListRemoveRow(info.gridlist,i) addMessage(channel,"* "..user.." quit ("..reason..")") end end end end ) addEvent("onIRCLevelChange",true) addEventHandler("onIRCLevelChange",root, function (user,channel,oldlevel,newlevel) if g_channels[channel] then addMessage(channel,"* "..user.." changed level from "..tostring(oldlevel).." to "..tostring(newlevel)) for i=0,guiGridListGetRowCount(g_channels[channel].gridlist)-1 do if guiGridListGetItemData(g_channels[channel].gridlist,i,1) == user then guiGridListSetItemText(g_channels[channel].gridlist,i,1,getIconFromLevel(newlevel)..user,false,false) end end end end ) addEvent("onIRCUserChangeNick",true) addEventHandler("onIRCUserChangeNick",root, function (user,oldnick,newnick) for channel,info in pairs (g_channels) do for i=0,guiGridListGetRowCount(info.gridlist)-1 do if guiGridListGetItemData(info.gridlist,i,1) == oldnick then addMessage(channel,"* "..oldnick.." is now know as "..newnick) local oldIcon = string.sub(guiGridListGetItemText(info.gridlist,i,1),1,1) if not getLevelFromIcon(oldIcon) then oldIcon = "" end guiGridListSetItemText(info.gridlist,i,1,oldIcon..newnick,false,false) guiGridListSetItemData(info.gridlist,i,1,newnick) end end end end )
local Prop = {} Prop.Name = "Mesa 2-315 Grif Dr" Prop.Cat = "Apartments" Prop.Price = 750 Prop.Doors = { Vector( 514, 8142, 668 ), Vector( 846, 7942, 668 ), Vector( 966, 8026, 668 ), Vector( 846, 8070, 668 ), } GM.Property:Register( Prop )
net.Receive("Rewards:Failed", function() local task = net.ReadString() if not Rewards.Config.Rewards[task] then return end if not Rewards.Config.Rewards[task].fail then return end Rewards.Config.Rewards[task].fail() end) net.Receive("Rewards:Join", function() if not XYZSettings.GetSetting("rewards_open_join", true) then return end local data = net.ReadTable() Rewards.Core.Menu(data) end)
local menu = CreateFrame('Frame', 'ufi_options', UIParent) local _, class = UnitClass'player' menu:SetWidth(360) menu:SetHeight(370) menu:SetPoint('CENTER', UIParent) menu:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]], edgeFile = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border]], insets = {left = 11, right = 12, top = 12, bottom = 11}}) menu:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1) menu:SetBackdropBorderColor(.2, .2, .2) menu:SetMovable(true) menu:SetUserPlaced(true) menu:RegisterForDrag'LeftButton' menu:EnableMouse(true) menu:SetScript('OnDragStart', function() menu:StartMoving() end) menu:SetScript('OnDragStop', function() menu:StopMovingOrSizing() end) menu:Hide(); menu.x = CreateFrame('Button', 'ufi_optionsCloseButton', menu, 'UIPanelCloseButton') menu.x:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', -6, -6) menu.x:SetScript('OnClick', function() menu:Hide() end) menu.header = menu:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK') menu.header:SetWidth(256) menu.header:SetHeight(64) menu.header:SetPoint('TOP', menu, 0, 12) menu.header:SetTexture[[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Header]] menu.header:SetVertexColor(.2, .2, .2) menu.header.t = menu:CreateFontString(nil, 'ARTWORK', 'GameFontNormal') menu.header.t:SetPoint('TOP', menu.header, 0, -14) menu.header.t:SetText'ufi options' menu.reload = CreateFrame('Button', 'ufi_optionsreload', menu, 'UIPanelButtonTemplate') menu.reload:SetWidth(100) menu.reload:SetHeight(20) menu.reload:SetText'Reload UI' menu.reload:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 10) menu.reload:SetPoint('TOP', menu, 0, -420) menu.reload:Hide() function reload_request() menu.reload:Show(); menu:SetHeight(470); end menu.reload.description = menu.reload:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY', 'GameFontNormal') menu.reload.description:SetPoint('TOP', menu.reload, 0, 30) menu.reload.description:SetWidth(200) menu.reload.description:SetText'Your new settings require a UI reload to take effect.' menu.reload:SetScript('OnClick', ReloadUI) menu.intro = menu:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY', 'GameFontNormal') --menu.intro:SetTextColor(colour.r, colour.g, colour.b) menu.intro:SetPoint('TOP', menu, 0, -30) menu.intro:SetWidth(280) menu.intro:SetText'You are using |cffff6c6cUFI|r v1.0. This is an official release, please report issues to:' menu.uilink = CreateFrame('EditBox', 'ufi_uilink', menu, 'InputBoxTemplate') menu.uilink:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 10) menu.uilink:SetWidth(250) menu.uilink:SetHeight(10) menu.uilink:SetPoint('TOP', menu.intro, 'BOTTOM', 0, -10) menu.uilink:SetAutoFocus(false) --menu.uilink:SetScript('OnShow', function() menu.uilink:SetText'' --end) ------------------------------------------------- --classportraits checkbutton menu.classportrait = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_classportraits', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.classportrait:SetHeight(20) menu.classportrait:SetWidth(20) menu.classportrait:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 20, -80) _G[menu.classportrait:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.classportrait:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.classportrait:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.classportrait, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.classportrait:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Class Portraits' ---------------------------------------------------- --darkmode checkbutton menu.darkmode = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_darkmode', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.darkmode:SetHeight(20) menu.darkmode:SetWidth(20) menu.darkmode:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 20, -100) _G[menu.darkmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.darkmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.darkmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.darkmode, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.darkmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Dark Mode' ---------------------------------------------------- --name text outline checkbutton menu.textoutline = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_textoutline', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.textoutline:SetHeight(20) menu.textoutline:SetWidth(20) menu.textoutline:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 20, -120) _G[menu.textoutline:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.textoutline:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.textoutline:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.textoutline, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.textoutline:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Font Outline' ----------------------------------------------------- --NPC Class Color checkbutton menu.npcclasscolor = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_npcclasscolor', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.npcclasscolor:SetHeight(20) menu.npcclasscolor:SetWidth(20) menu.npcclasscolor:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 120, -80) _G[menu.npcclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.npcclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.npcclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.npcclasscolor, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.npcclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'NPC Class Colors' ---------------------------------------------------- --Player Class Color checkbutton menu.playerclasscolor = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_playerclasscolor', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.playerclasscolor:SetHeight(20) menu.playerclasscolor:SetWidth(20) menu.playerclasscolor:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 120, -100) _G[menu.playerclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.playerclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.playerclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.playerclasscolor, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.playerclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Player Class Color' ---------------------------------------------------- --Percentage checkbutton menu.percentage = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_percentage', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.percentage:SetHeight(20) menu.percentage:SetWidth(20) menu.percentage:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 120, -120) _G[menu.percentage:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.percentage:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.percentage:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.percentage, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.percentage:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Show Percentages' ---------------------------------------------------- --Colored Statusbar Text menu.colorsbtext = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_colorsbtext', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.colorsbtext:SetHeight(20) menu.colorsbtext:SetWidth(20) menu.colorsbtext:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 120, -140) _G[menu.colorsbtext:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.colorsbtext:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.colorsbtext:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.colorsbtext, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.colorsbtext:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Colored SB Text' ---------------------------------------------------- --True Format over 10k checkbutton menu.trueformat = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_trueformat', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.trueformat:SetHeight(20) menu.trueformat:SetWidth(20) menu.trueformat:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 240, -80) _G[menu.trueformat:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.trueformat:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.trueformat:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.trueformat, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.trueformat:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Format HP<10k' ---------------------------------------------------- --Hide Pet Text checkbutton menu.hidepettext = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_hidepettext', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.hidepettext:SetHeight(20) menu.hidepettext:SetWidth(20) menu.hidepettext:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 240, -100) _G[menu.hidepettext:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.hidepettext:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.hidepettext:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.hidepettext, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.hidepettext:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Hide Pet Text' ---------------------------------------------------- --Flat Statusbars checkbutton menu.healthtexture = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_healthtexture', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.healthtexture:SetHeight(20) menu.healthtexture:SetWidth(20) menu.healthtexture:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 240, -120) _G[menu.healthtexture:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.healthtexture:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.healthtexture:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.healthtexture, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.healthtexture:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Flat Statusbars' ---------------------------------------------------- --Improved Pet Frame menu.improvedpet = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_improvedpet', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.improvedpet:SetHeight(20) menu.improvedpet:SetWidth(20) menu.improvedpet:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 240, -140) _G[menu.improvedpet:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.improvedpet:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.improvedpet:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.improvedpet, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.improvedpet:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Improved Pet' ---------------------------------------------------- --Status glow hide checkbutton menu.statusglow = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_statusglow', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.statusglow:SetHeight(20) menu.statusglow:SetWidth(20) menu.statusglow:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 20, -140) _G[menu.statusglow:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.statusglow:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.statusglow:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.statusglow, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.statusglow:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Status Glow' ----------------------------------------------------- --Compact mode checkbutton menu.compactmode = CreateFrame('CheckButton', 'ufi_compactmode', menu, 'UICheckButtonTemplate') menu.compactmode:SetHeight(20) menu.compactmode:SetWidth(20) menu.compactmode:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 120, -160) _G[menu.compactmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetJustifyH'LEFT' _G[menu.compactmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetWidth(270) _G[menu.compactmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetPoint('LEFT', menu.compactmode, 'RIGHT', 4, 0) _G[menu.compactmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Compact Mode' ----------------------------------------------------- --BUTTON menu.unlock = CreateFrame('Button', 'ufi_lock', menu, 'UIPanelButtonTemplate') menu.unlock:SetWidth(100) menu.unlock:SetHeight(20) menu.unlock:SetText'Unlock/Lock' menu.unlock:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 10) menu.unlock:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', menu, 25, -335) --menu.unlock:Disable(); menu.resetdefault = CreateFrame('Button', 'ufi_resetdefault', menu, 'UIPanelButtonTemplate') menu.resetdefault:SetWidth(100) menu.resetdefault:SetHeight(20) menu.resetdefault:SetText'Reset to default' menu.resetdefault:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 10) menu.resetdefault:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', menu, -25, -335) ---------------------------------------------------- -- Name Text X Slider menu.nametextX = CreateFrame('Slider', 'ufi_optionsnametextX', menu, 'OptionsSliderTemplate') menu.nametextX:SetWidth(200) menu.nametextX:SetHeight(16) menu.nametextX:SetPoint('TOP', menu, 0, -200) menu.nametextX:SetMinMaxValues(-40, 40) menu.nametextX:SetValue(0) menu.nametextX:SetValueStep(1) menu.nametextX:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function() UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX = menu.nametextX:GetValue(); PlayerName:SetPoint("CENTER", PlayerFrameHealthBar, "Center", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); TargetName:SetPoint("CENTER", TargetFrameHealthBar, "Center", -UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); end) _G[menu.nametextX:GetName()..'Low']:SetText'' _G[menu.nametextX:GetName()..'High']:SetText'' _G[menu.nametextX:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Name position X' ----------------------------------------------------- -- Name Text Y Slider menu.nametextY = CreateFrame('Slider', 'ufi_optionsnametextY', menu, 'OptionsSliderTemplate') menu.nametextY:SetWidth(200) menu.nametextY:SetHeight(16) --menu.nametextY:SetPoint('TOP', menu.nametextX, 0, -210) menu.nametextY:SetPoint('TOP', menu.nametextX, 0, -30) menu.nametextY:SetMinMaxValues(-40, 40) menu.nametextY:SetValue(0) menu.nametextY:SetValueStep(1) menu.nametextY:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function() UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY = menu.nametextY:GetValue(); --SetCVar('ufiNameTextY', menu.nametextX:GetValue()); PlayerName:SetPoint("CENTER", PlayerFrameHealthBar, "Center", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); TargetName:SetPoint("CENTER", TargetFrameHealthBar, "Center", -UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); end) _G[menu.nametextY:GetName()..'Low']:SetText'' _G[menu.nametextY:GetName()..'High']:SetText'' _G[menu.nametextY:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Name position Y' ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Name Font Size Slider menu.nametextfontsize = CreateFrame('Slider', 'ufi_optionsnametextfontsize', menu, 'OptionsSliderTemplate') menu.nametextfontsize:SetWidth(200) menu.nametextfontsize:SetHeight(16) menu.nametextfontsize:SetPoint('TOP', menu.nametextY, 0, -30) menu.nametextfontsize:SetMinMaxValues(7, 14) menu.nametextfontsize:SetValue(10) menu.nametextfontsize:SetValueStep(1) menu.nametextfontsize:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function() UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize = menu.nametextfontsize:GetValue(); if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameOutline == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiNameOutline") == "1") then PlayerName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize, "OUTLINE"); TargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize, "OUTLINE"); TargetofTargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1, 'OUTLINE'); PetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1, "OUTLINE"); else PlayerName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize); TargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize); TargetofTargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1); PetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1); end end) _G[menu.nametextfontsize:GetName()..'Low']:SetText'' _G[menu.nametextfontsize:GetName()..'High']:SetText'' _G[menu.nametextfontsize:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'Name Font Size' ----------------------------------------------------------- -- HP/MP Font Size Slider menu.hpfontsize = CreateFrame('Slider', 'ufi_optionshpfontsize', menu, 'OptionsSliderTemplate') menu.hpfontsize:SetWidth(200) menu.hpfontsize:SetHeight(16) menu.hpfontsize:SetPoint('TOP', menu.nametextfontsize, 0, -30) menu.hpfontsize:SetMinMaxValues(7, 14) menu.hpfontsize:SetValue(10) menu.hpfontsize:SetValueStep(1) menu.hpfontsize:SetScript('OnValueChanged', function() UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize = menu.hpfontsize:GetValue(); --if (GetCVar("ufiNameOutline") == "1") then if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameOutline == 1 then PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE'); PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE'); MobHealth3BlizzardHealthText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE') MobHealth3BlizzardPowerText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE') if class == 'DRUID' then --PlayerFrame.ExtraManaBar.Text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE') emtext:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE') --added end PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2, 'OUTLINE'); PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2, 'OUTLINE'); else PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize); PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize); MobHealth3BlizzardHealthText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize) MobHealth3BlizzardPowerText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize) if class == 'DRUID' then --PlayerFrame.ExtraManaBar.Text:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize) emtext:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize) --added end PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2); PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2); end end) _G[menu.hpfontsize:GetName()..'Low']:SetText'' _G[menu.hpfontsize:GetName()..'High']:SetText'' _G[menu.hpfontsize:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'HP/MP Font Size' ----------------------------------------------------------- -- OnClick Button functions menu.classportrait:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then SetCVar('ufiClassPortrait', 1, true) reload_request(); else SetCVar('ufiClassPortrait', 0, false) reload_request(); end end) menu.darkmode:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then SetCVar('ufiDarkMode', 1, true) UNITFRAMESIMPROVED_UI_COLOR = {r = .3, g = .3, b = .3} if class == 'DRUID' then modSkinColor(PlayerFrame.ExtraManaBar, .3, .3, .3) end UnitFramesImproved_Style_PlayerFrame(); UnitFramesImproved_TargetFrame_CheckClassification(); UnitFramesImproved_DarkMode(); --reload_request(); else SetCVar('ufiDarkMode', 0, false) UNITFRAMESIMPROVED_UI_COLOR = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1} if class == 'DRUID' then modSkinColor(PlayerFrame.ExtraManaBar, 1, 1, 1) end UnitFramesImproved_Style_PlayerFrame(); UnitFramesImproved_TargetFrame_CheckClassification(); UnitFramesImproved_DarkMode(); --reload_request(); end end) menu.textoutline:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then --SetCVar('ufiNameOutline', 1, true) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameOutline = 1; PlayerName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize, "OUTLINE"); TargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize, "OUTLINE"); TargetofTargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1, 'OUTLINE'); PetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1, "OUTLINE"); PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE'); PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE'); PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2, 'OUTLINE'); PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2, 'OUTLINE'); MobHealth3BlizzardHealthText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE') MobHealth3BlizzardPowerText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE') if class == 'DRUID' then emtext:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE') end else --SetCVar('ufiNameOutline', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameOutline = 0; PlayerName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize); TargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize); TargetofTargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1); PetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1); PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize); PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize); PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2); PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2); MobHealth3BlizzardHealthText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize) MobHealth3BlizzardPowerText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize) if class == 'DRUID' then emtext:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize) end end end) menu.npcclasscolor:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then --SetCVar('ufiNPCClassColor', 1, true) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NPCClassColor = 1; else --SetCVar('ufiNPCClassColor', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NPCClassColor = 0; end end) menu.playerclasscolor:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then --SetCVar('ufiPlayerClassColor', 1, true) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.PlayerClassColor = 1; PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetStatusBarColor(UnitColor("player")); else --SetCVar('ufiPlayerClassColor', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.PlayerClassColor = 0; PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetStatusBarColor(0,1,0); end end) menu.percentage:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then --SetCVar('ufiPercentage', 1, true) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.Percentage = 1; TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.manabar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.manabar); MH3Blizz:HealthUpdate(); MH3Blizz:PowerUpdate(); else --SetCVar('ufiPercentage', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.Percentage = 0; TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.manabar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.manabar); MH3Blizz:HealthUpdate(); MH3Blizz:PowerUpdate(); end end) menu.colorsbtext:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then --SetCVar('ufiColoredSbText', 1, true) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.ColoredSbText = 1; TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.manabar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.manabar); MH3Blizz:HealthUpdate(); MH3Blizz:PowerUpdate(); else --SetCVar('ufiColoredSbText', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.ColoredSbText = 0; PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) MobHealth3BlizzardHealthText:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) MobHealth3BlizzardPowerText:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1) TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.manabar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.manabar); MH3Blizz:HealthUpdate(); MH3Blizz:PowerUpdate(); end end) menu.trueformat:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then --SetCVar('ufiTrueFormat', 1, true) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.TrueFormat = 1; TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.manabar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.manabar); MH3Blizz:HealthUpdate(); MH3Blizz:PowerUpdate(); else --SetCVar('ufiTrueFormat', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.TrueFormat = 0; TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PlayerFrame.manabar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.manabar); MH3Blizz:HealthUpdate(); MH3Blizz:PowerUpdate(); end end) menu.hidepettext:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then --SetCVar('ufiHidePetText', 1, true) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HidePetText = 1; TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.manabar); else --SetCVar('ufiHidePetText', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HidePetText = 0; TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.healthbar); TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString(PetFrame.manabar); end end) menu.healthtexture:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then --SetCVar('ufiHealthTexture', 1, true) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HealthTexture = 1; UnitFramesImproved_HealthBarTexture(FLAT_TEXTURE); else --SetCVar('ufiHealthTexture', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HealthTexture = 0; UnitFramesImproved_HealthBarTexture(ORIG_TEXTURE); end end) menu.improvedpet:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then SetCVar('ufiImprovedPet', 1, true) reload_request(); else SetCVar('ufiImprovedPet', 0, false) reload_request(); end end) menu.statusglow:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then UnitFramesImprovedConfig.StatusGlow = 1; --SetCVar('ufiStatusGlow', 1, true) PlayerStatusTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\Addons\\UnitFramesImproved_Vanilla\\Textures\\UI-Player-Status"); PetAttackModeTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-Player-AttackStatus"); else --SetCVar('ufiStatusGlow', 0, false) UnitFramesImprovedConfig.StatusGlow = 0; PetAttackModeTexture:SetTexture(nil); PlayerStatusTexture:SetTexture(nil); end end) menu.compactmode:SetScript('OnClick', function() if this:GetChecked() == 1 then SetCVar('ufiCompactMode', 1, true) UnitFramesImproved_Style_PlayerFrame(); UnitFramesImproved_TargetFrame_CheckClassification(); UnitFramesImproved_Style_TargetFrame(TargetFrame); UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX = 0; UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY = 5; PlayerName:SetPoint("CENTER", PlayerFrameHealthBar, "Center", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); TargetName:SetPoint("CENTER", TargetFrameHealthBar, "Center", -UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); MH3Blizz_Update_TextPos(); --reload_request(); if class == 'DRUID' then --PlayerFrame.ExtraManaBar:SetPoint('TOP', PlayerFrame, 'BOTTOM', 50, 47) --ufi_chattext("Compact 1"); ExtraManaInitialize() ExtraManaStyle(); end--]] else SetCVar('ufiCompactMode', 0, false) UnitFramesImproved_Style_PlayerFrame(); UnitFramesImproved_TargetFrame_CheckClassification(); UnitFramesImproved_Style_TargetFrame(TargetFrame); UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX = 0; UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY = 0; PlayerName:SetPoint("CENTER", PlayerFrameHealthBar, "Center", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); TargetName:SetPoint("CENTER", TargetFrameHealthBar, "Center", -UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); MH3Blizz_Update_TextPos(); --reload_request(); if class == 'DRUID' then --PlayerFrame.ExtraManaBar:SetPoint('TOP', PlayerFrame, 'BOTTOM', 50, 37) --ufi_chattext("Compact 0"); ExtraManaInitialize() ExtraManaStyle(); end--]] end end) menu.resetdefault:SetScript('OnClick', function() StaticPopup_Show("DEFAULT_RELOAD"); end) local ufi_locked = true; menu.unlock:SetScript('OnClick', function() if ufi_locked == true then local function PlayerDragStart() PlayerFrame:StartMoving(); end local function PlayerDragStop() PlayerFrame:StopMovingOrSizing(); end local function TargetDragStart() TargetFrame:StartMoving(); end local function TargetDragStop() TargetFrame:StopMovingOrSizing(); end PlayerFrame:SetClampedToScreen(true); TargetFrame:SetClampedToScreen(true); PlayerFrame:SetMovable(true); PlayerFrame:EnableMouse(true); PlayerFrame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton"); PlayerFrame:SetScript("OnDragStart", PlayerDragStart); PlayerFrame:SetScript("OnDragStop", PlayerDragStop); ufi_chattext( fontRed.. ' PlayerFrame Unlocked' ); TargetFrame:SetMovable(true); TargetFrame:EnableMouse(true); TargetFrame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton"); TargetFrame:SetScript("OnDragStart", TargetDragStart); TargetFrame:SetScript("OnDragStop", TargetDragStop); ufi_chattext( fontRed.. ' TargetFrame Unlocked' ); PlayerFrameTexture:SetVertexColor(0, 1, 0); TargetFrameTexture:SetVertexColor(0, 1, 0); ufi_locked = false; return else PlayerFrame:SetClampedToScreen(false); TargetFrame:SetClampedToScreen(false); PlayerFrameTexture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1); TargetFrameTexture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1); PlayerFrame:StopMovingOrSizing(); TargetFrame:StopMovingOrSizing(); PlayerFrame:SetScript("OnDragStart", nil); PlayerFrame:SetScript("OnDragStop", nil); TargetFrame:SetScript("OnDragStart", nil); TargetFrame:SetScript("OnDragStop", nil); PlayerFrame:IsUserPlaced(true); TargetFrame:IsUserPlaced(true); ufi_chattext( fontLightGreen.. ' PlayerFrame Locked' ) ufi_chattext( fontLightGreen.. ' TargetFrame Locked' ) ufi_locked = true; return end end) ------------------------------------------------------------ local f = CreateFrame'Frame' --f:RegisterEvent'PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD' f:RegisterEvent'ADDON_LOADED' f:SetScript('OnEvent', function() if (GetCVar("ufiClassPortrait") == "1") then --if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.ClassPortrait == true then menu.classportrait:SetChecked(true) else menu.classportrait:SetChecked(false) end if (GetCVar("ufiDarkMode") == "1") then --if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.DarkMode == true then menu.darkmode:SetChecked(true) else menu.darkmode:SetChecked(false) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameOutline == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiNameOutline") == "1") then menu.textoutline:SetChecked(true) else menu.textoutline:SetChecked(false) end --if (GetCVar("ufiNPCClassColor") == "1") then if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NPCClassColor == 1 then menu.npcclasscolor:SetChecked(true) else menu.npcclasscolor:SetChecked(false) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.PlayerClassColor == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiPlayerClassColor") == "1") then menu.playerclasscolor:SetChecked(true) else menu.playerclasscolor:SetChecked(false) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.Percentage == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiPercentage") == "1") then menu.percentage:SetChecked(true) else menu.percentage:SetChecked(false) end --if (GetCVar("ufiColoredSbText") == "1") then if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.ColoredSbText == 1 then menu.colorsbtext:SetChecked(true) else menu.colorsbtext:SetChecked(false) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.TrueFormat == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiTrueFormat") == "1") then menu.trueformat:SetChecked(true) else menu.trueformat:SetChecked(false) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HidePetText == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiHidePetText") == "1") then menu.hidepettext:SetChecked(true) else menu.hidepettext:SetChecked(false) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HealthTexture == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiHealthTexture") == "1") then menu.healthtexture:SetChecked(true) else menu.healthtexture:SetChecked(false) end if (GetCVar("ufiImprovedPet") == "1") then menu.improvedpet:SetChecked(true) else menu.improvedpet:SetChecked(false) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.StatusGlow == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiStatusGlow") == "1") then menu.statusglow:SetChecked(true) PetAttackModeTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-Player-AttackStatus"); else menu.statusglow:SetChecked(false) PetAttackModeTexture:SetTexture(nil); end if (GetCVar("ufiCompactMode") == "1") then menu.compactmode:SetChecked(true) else menu.compactmode:SetChecked(false) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX then --if (GetCVar("ufiNameTextX")) then menu.nametextX:SetValue(UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX) else menu.nametextX:SetValue(0) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY then --if (GetCVar("ufiNameTextY")) then menu.nametextY:SetValue(UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY) else menu.nametextY:SetValue(0) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize then menu.nametextfontsize:SetValue(UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize) else menu.nametextfontsize:SetValue(11) end if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize then menu.hpfontsize:SetValue(UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize) else menu.hpfontsize:SetValue(10) end PlayerName:SetPoint("CENTER", PlayerFrameHealthBar, "Center", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); TargetName:SetPoint("CENTER", TargetFrameHealthBar, "Center", -UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextX, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextY+5); if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameOutline == 1 then --if (GetCVar("ufiNameOutline") == "1") then PlayerName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize, "OUTLINE"); TargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize, "OUTLINE"); TargetofTargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1, 'OUTLINE'); PetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1, "OUTLINE"); else PlayerName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize); TargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize); TargetofTargetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1); PetName:SetFont("Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameTextFontSize - 1); end if ufi_modui == true then menu.darkmode:Disable(); menu.unlock:Disable(); menu.playerclasscolor:Disable(); menu.percentage:Disable(); menu.healthtexture:Disable(); menu.colorsbtext:Disable(); _G[menu.darkmode:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'|cffff6c6cmodUI locked|r' _G[menu.playerclasscolor:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'|cffff6c6cmodUI locked|r' _G[menu.percentage:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'|cffff6c6cmodUI locked|r' _G[menu.colorsbtext:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'|cffff6c6cmodUI locked|r' _G[menu.healthtexture:GetName()..'Text']:SetText'|cffff6c6cmodUI locked|r' else --if (GetCVar("ufiNameOutline") == "1") then if UnitFramesImprovedConfig.NameOutline == 1 then PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE'); PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE'); if class == 'DRUID' then emtext:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize, 'OUTLINE') end PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2, 'OUTLINE'); PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2, 'OUTLINE'); else PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize); PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize); if class == 'DRUID' then emtext:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize); end PetFrameHealthBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2); PetFrameManaBarText:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, UnitFramesImprovedConfig.HPFontSize - 2); end PlayerFrameHealthBarText:SetJustifyV'MIDDLE' PlayerFrameManaBarText:SetJustifyV'MIDDLE' PetFrameHealthBarText:SetJustifyV'MIDDLE' PetFrameManaBarText:SetJustifyV'MIDDLE' end end) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- StaticPopupDialogs["DEFAULT_RELOAD"] = { text = "Are you sure you want to reset defualt settings?", button1 = "Yes and Reload UI", button2 = "Ignore", OnAccept = function() UnitFramesImproved_Reset_Options(); ReloadUI(); end, timeout = 0, whileDead = true, hideOnEscape = true } fontLightBlue = "|cff00e0ff" fontLightGreen = "|cff60ff60" fontLightRed = "|cffff8080" fontRed = "|cffff0000" fontOrange = "|cffff7000" fontWhite = "|cffffffff" fontGreen = "|cff00ff00" SLASH_UFI_OPTIONS1 = '/ufi' SlashCmdList['UFI_OPTIONS'] = function(arg) if menu:IsShown() then menu:Hide() else menu:Show() end end
--local mysql = require "resty.mysql" -- --local db,err = mysql:new(); -- --if not db then -- ngx.say("fail mysql" , err) --end -- --db:set_timeout(1000) -- --local ok,err,errcode,sqlstate = db:connect{ -- host = "", -- port = 3306, -- database = "blog", -- user = "root", -- passwd = "ThisisR00t0fmysql", -- charset = "utf8", -- max_packet_size = 2048 ^ 2 --} -- --if not ok then -- ngx.say("fail to conect ",err, errcode, sqlstate) --end ngx.say("hello")
object_tangible_loot_creature_loot_collections_meatlump_hench_doll_stuffing = object_tangible_loot_creature_loot_collections_shared_meatlump_hench_doll_stuffing:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_loot_creature_loot_collections_meatlump_hench_doll_stuffing, "object/tangible/loot/creature/loot/collections/meatlump_hench_doll_stuffing.iff")
shear_mite_hunter = Creature:new { objectName = "@mob/creature_names:shear_mite_hunter", socialGroup = "shear_mite", faction = "", level = 29, chanceHit = 0.38, damageMin = 290, damageMax = 300, baseXp = 3005, baseHAM = 8200, baseHAMmax = 10000, armor = 0, resists = {20,130,-1,20,-1,-1,20,-1,-1}, meatType = "meat_insect", meatAmount = 15, hideType = "hide_scaley", hideAmount = 12, boneType = "", boneAmount = 0, milk = 0, tamingChance = 0.25, ferocity = 4, pvpBitmask = AGGRESSIVE + ATTACKABLE + ENEMY, creatureBitmask = PACK + KILLER + STALKER, optionsBitmask = AIENABLED, diet = CARNIVORE, templates = {"object/mobile/shear_mite_hunter.iff"}, hues = { 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 }, controlDeviceTemplate = "object/intangible/pet/shear_mite_hue.iff", scale = 1.15, lootGroups = {}, weapons = {}, conversationTemplate = "", attacks = { {"mediumpoison",""}, {"posturedownattack",""} } } CreatureTemplates:addCreatureTemplate(shear_mite_hunter, "shear_mite_hunter")
local config = require"lspinstall/util".extract_config("serve_d") config.default_config.cmd = { "./serve-d" } return vim.tbl_extend('error', config, { -- Install serve-d from install_script = [[ os=$(uname -s | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]") case $os in linux) platform="linux" ;; darwin) platform="osx" ;; esac curl -L -o serve-d.tar.xz $(curl -s | grep 'browser_' | cut -d\" -f4 | grep "$platform" | head -1 | grep '.tar.xz') tar xf serve-d.tar.xz rm -f serve-d.tar.xz chmod +x serve-d ]] })
object_tangible_borrie_wall_rebl_int_wall_a = object_tangible_borrie_wall_shared_rebl_int_wall_a:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_borrie_wall_rebl_int_wall_a, "object/tangible/borrie/wall/rebl_int_wall_a.iff")
local PANEL = {} AccessorFunc(PANEL, "IsSelected", "Selected", FORCE_BOOL) AccessorFunc(PANEL, "BodyPanel", "BodyPanel") AccessorFunc(PANEL, "ScrollPanel", "ScrollPanel") function PANEL:Init() self:SetHeight(48) self:Dock(TOP) self.IconLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", self) self.IconLabel:SetFont("Advisor:Awesome") self.IconLabel:Dock(LEFT) self.IconLabel:DockMargin(16, 0, 0, 0) self.IconLabel:SetContentAlignment(5) self.IconLabel:SetWidth(32) self.Label = vgui.Create("DLabel", self) self.Label:SetText("Option") self.Label:SetFont("Advisor:Rubik.Body") self.Label:Dock(LEFT) self.Label:DockMargin(16, 0, 0, 0) self:SetSelected(false) self:SetIcon() end function PANEL:SetIcon(...) local icon = utf8.char(...) if not ... then icon = utf8.char(0xf138) -- Default to chevron with right arrow end self.IconLabel:SetText(icon) end function PANEL:SetOptionName(name) self.Label:SetText(name) self.Label:SizeToContentsX() end function PANEL:Paint(w, h) if self:GetSelected() then surface.SetDrawColor(Advisor.Theme.MenuOption.SelectedBackground) elseif self:IsHovered() then surface.SetDrawColor(Advisor.Theme.MenuOption.HoveredBackground) self:SetCursor("hand") else surface.SetDrawColor(Advisor.Theme.MenuOption.IdleBackground) self:SetCursor("arrow") end surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h) if self:GetSelected() then surface.SetDrawColor(Advisor.Theme.MenuOption.SelectedAccent) surface.DrawRect(0, 0, 4, h) end end function PANEL:OnMousePressed() if IsValid(self.ScrollPanel) then self.ScrollPanel:UpdateSelection(self) end self:SetCursor("arrow") end vgui.Register("Advisor.MenuOption", PANEL, "EditablePanel")
--[[ BaseClass module, used as a root for all other classes. Internally indexed as BaseClass Licenced under the terms at: --]] local BaseClass = { } local internal = { } internal.classes = { } local forceString = "BCF_" --[[ Function: Checks the object against any types given. cleans code up Arguments: object - check against, ... - types ]] local function checkTypes(object, ...) for _, check in pairs({ ... }) do if (typeof(object) == check) then return true end end return false end --[[ Function: Tries to get the metamethod of a metatable Arguments: object - class or any table /shrug, try - what is being tried ]] local function tryGetMetatable(object, try) local _, got = pcall(function() return getmetatable(object)[try] end) return got end --[[ Function: Creates a proxy interface for locked classes Arguments: object - class or any table /shrug ]] local function createProxyInterface(object) local cachedObject = { } -- should cached be a weak table to prevent garbage collection? return setmetatable({ }, { __index = function(self, index) if (typeof(object[index]) == "table") then if (cachedObject[index] == nil) then cachedObject[index] = createProxyInterface(object[index]) end return cachedObject[index] end return object[index] end, __newindex = function(self, index, value) return error("[BaseClass - LOCKED] This table is locked") end, __call = function(self, ...) return object(...):lock() end, __tostring = function(self) return tostring(object) end, --Class Metamethods __concat = tryGetMetatable(object, "__concat"), __unm = tryGetMetatable(object, "__unm"), __add = tryGetMetatable(object, "__add"), __sub = tryGetMetatable(object, "__sub"), __mul = tryGetMetatable(object, "__mul"), __div = tryGetMetatable(object, "__div"), __mod = tryGetMetatable(object, "__mod"), __pow = tryGetMetatable(object, "__pow"), __eq = tryGetMetatable(object, "__eq"), __lt = tryGetMetatable(object, "__lt"), __le = tryGetMetatable(object, "__le"), __gc = tryGetMetatable(object, "__gc"), __len = tryGetMetatable(object, "__len"), __mode = tryGetMetatable(object, "__mode"), --Class Metamethods __metatable = "B-Locked." }) end --[[ Function: Checks if the classes are the exact same Arguments: self - the class, value - the other class ]] internal.__eq = function(self, value) return internal.classes[value] and self:isA(value["className"]) or false end --[[ Function: When the init function is called this is called and returns an extended class Arguments: self - the class, ... - values supplied by the user ]] internal.__call = function(self, ...) local className = self.className local initFunction = self[className] if (initFunction and checkTypes(initFunction, "function")) then return initFunction(self:Extend(className), ...) end return error("[BaseClass - CONSTRUCTOR]: No constructor function found for class " .. className) end local external = createProxyInterface(BaseClass) --[[ Function: Creates a new class from the class name Arguments: self - the module, className - the class name ]] = function(self, className) if (not checkTypes(className, "string") or string.len(className) == 0) then return error("[FDK - CLASS INITIALISATION]: Expected string, got " .. className .. ".") end local newClass, classProperties = { }, { ["className"] = className, ["inherits"] = { ["BaseClass"] = external } } local externalClassProperties, classString = createProxyInterface(classProperties), className .. ": " ..tostring(newClass):sub(7) internal.classes[newClass] = classProperties newClass.__properties = externalClassProperties return setmetatable(newClass, { __index = function(self, index) if (rawget(newClass, index)) then return rawget(newClass, index) end if (classProperties[index]) then return externalClassProperties[index] end if (BaseClass[index]) then return BaseClass[index] end end, __newindex = function(self, index, value) if (string.sub(index, 1, string.len("__")) == "__" and checkTypes(value, "function", "string")) then getmetatable(self)[index] = value end return rawset(self, index, value) end, __tostring = function(self) return classString end, __eq = internal.__eq, __call = internal.__call }) end --[[ Function: Creates a new class and allows access to the inherited class Arguments: extender - the original class, className - the new class name ]] BaseClass.extend = function(extender, className) local newClass, properties = BaseClass:New(className), internal.classes[extender] internal.classes[newClass].inherits = properties.inherits internal.classes[newClass].inherits[properties.className] = extender getmetatable(newClass).__index = function(self, k) if (string.sub(k, 1, string.len(forceString)) == forceString) then if (extender[k:sub(string.len(forceString) + 1)]) then return extender[k:sub(string.len(forceString) + 1)] end end if (rawget(newClass, k)) then return rawget(newClass, k) end if (extender[k]) then return extender[k] end if (BaseClass[k]) then return BaseClass[k] end end return newClass end --[[ Function: Returns a locked class Arguments: self - the class ]] BaseClass.lock = function(self) return createProxyInterface(self) end --[[ Function: Tells if a class is inheritied by antoher Arguments: self - the class, className - the other class ]] BaseClass.isA = function(self, className) return internal.classes[self].inherits[className] ~= nil end --[[ Function: Tells if a class is registered in internals Arguments: self - this class, class - checking another class Explain: If you provide the argument class it will check that instead of this class, self ]] BaseClass.registered = function(self, class) return internal.classes[class ~= nil and class or self] ~= nil end --[[ Function: Allows unregistering classes Arguments: self - the class to unregister ]] BaseClass.unregister = function(self) internal.classes[self] = nil end --Legacy Support BaseClass.Registered = BaseClass.registered BaseClass.IsA = BaseClass.isA BaseClass.Lock = BaseClass.lock BaseClass.Extend = BaseClass.extend BaseClass.New = --Legacy Support return external
local Feature_PATH =({...})[1]:gsub("[%.\\/]feature$", "") .. '/' local class =require (Feature_PATH .. 'vendor/30log') local Feature = class { __name='Feature' } function Feature:isValid(gen, canBeDugCallback) end function Feature:create(gen, digCallback) end function Feature:debug() end function Feature:createRandomAt(x, y, dx, dy, options) end return Feature
ENT.Base = "isawc_container_base" ENT.Type = "anim" ENT.PrintName = "Chest (Old)" ENT.Category = "Containers - MC" AddCSLuaFile() ENT.ContainerModel = Model("models/mcmodelpack/blocks/chest.mdl") ENT.Spawnable = util.IsValidModel("models/mcmodelpack/blocks/chest.mdl") ENT.ContainerMassMul = 3 ENT.ContainerConstants = { Mass = 90, Volume = 100 } ENT.OpenSounds = {Sound("chest/open.wav")} ENT.CloseSounds = {Sound("chest/close.wav"),Sound("chest/close2.wav"),Sound("chest/close3.wav")}
local skynet = require "skynet" require "skynet.manager" require "tostring" local logger = require "logger" local CMD = {} local json = require "cjson" local futil = require "futil" local dbconf = require "db.db" local mysql_conf = dbconf.mysql local mysql_aux = require "mysql_aux" local redis = require "pubsub" local const = require "const" local prefix = const.redis_key.audit_user local number_key = { "gameCardRecharge", --对战卡充值量 "goldCoinRecharge", --金币充值量 "rechargeCount", --充值次数 "userID", "code", "goldCoin", --目前金币数 "level", --游戏等级 "rechargeCount", --充值次数 "totalAmount", --累计充值金额(元) "activeDay", --活跌天数 "winCount", --游戏胜数 "loseCount", --游戏负数 "gameCardRecharge", --对战卡充值量 "goldCoinRecharge", --金币充值量 } local fs = { "userID", "code", "nickName", --昵称 "userName", --账号 "goldCoin", --目前金币数 "level", --游戏等级 "regTime", --注册时间 "lastLoinTime", --最后登录时间 "firstRechargeTime", --首次充值时间 "lastRechargeTime", --最后充值时间 "rechargeCount", --充值次数 "totalAmount", --累计充值金额(元) "activeDay", --活跌天数 "winCount", --游戏胜数 "loseCount", --游戏负数 "gameCardRecharge", --对战卡充值量 "goldCoinRecharge", --金币充值量 } local user = {} function user.get_user_info(userID) local rds_key = string.format("%s:%s", prefix, userID) local rs = redis:hgetall(rds_key) if not (rs and next(rs)) then return nil end local user_info = {} for i=1, #rs, 2 do if number_key[rs[i]] then user_info[rs[i]] = tonumber(rs[i + 1]) else user_info[rs[i]] = rs[i + 1] end end return user_info end function user.set_user_info(userID, info) local rds_key = string.format("%s:%s", prefix, userID) local sets = {rds_key} if info and next(info) then for k, v in pairs(info) do table.insert(sets, k) table.insert(sets, v) end local r = redis:hmset(sets) return r end return nil end return user
window.create("INFOCHAIR2", function(player, var, name, page) local x = 200 local y = 100 local width = 200 local height = 220 -- janela ui.addTextArea(500, "", player, x, y, width, height, 0x573926, 0x573926, alpha, true) ui.addTextArea(501, "", player, x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2, 0x8a583c, 0x8a583c, alpha, true) ui.addTextArea(502, "", player, x+3, y+3, width-6, height-6, 0x2b1f19, 0x2b1f19, alpha, true) ui.addTextArea(503, "", player, x+4, y+4, width-8, height-8, 0xc191c, 0xc191c, alpha, true) ui.addTextArea(504, "", player, x+5, y+5, width-10, height-10, 0x2d5a61, 0x2d5a61, alpha, true) ui.addTextArea(505, "", player, x+5, y+6, width-10, height-12, 0x142b2e, 0x142b2e, alpha, true) -- título da janela ui.addTextArea(519, string.format("<p align='center'><j><font size='15px'><b>%s</b></font></j>\n<font size='10px'>%s %s", translate(player, SKIN[name].name) or "", translate(player, "CREATED_BY") or "", SKIN[name].author) or "", player, 200, y+5, 200, nil, 0, 0, 0, true) local desc = translate(player, SKIN[name].desc) local mission = translate(player, SKIN[name].mission) local strprogress = progress(player, name) local formated = string.format("<p align='center'><font size='10px'><i>'%s'</i>\n\n<b>%s</b>\n<bl>%s", desc or "", mission or "", strprogress or "") ui.addTextArea(520, formated, player, 200, y+110, 200, nil, 0, 0, 0, true) -- bordas local imageId = {} table.insert(imageId, tfm.exec.addImage("155cbe97a3f.png", "&1", x-7, (y+height)-22, player)) table.insert(imageId, tfm.exec.addImage("155cbe99c72.png", "&1", x-7, y-7, player)) table.insert(imageId, tfm.exec.addImage("155cbe9bc9b.png", "&1", (x+width)-20, (y+height)-22, player)) table.insert(imageId, tfm.exec.addImage("155cbea943a.png", "&1", (x+width)-20, y-7, player)) table.insert(imageId, tfm.exec.addImage(SKIN[name].img, "&1", 250, y+10, player)) return {500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,519,520}, imageId end)
local Transformer = require 'datasets.posetransforms' local utils = {} function utils.narrowTable(startIdx, endIdx, inputTable) assert(startIdx >= 1 and startIdx <= #inputTable, 'startIdx should > 1 and < #inputTable') assert(endIdx >= startIdx and endIdx <= #inputTable, 'endIdx > startIdx and endIdx <= #inputTable') local outputTable = {} for i = startIdx, endIdx do table.insert(outputTable, inputTable[i]) end return outputTable end function utils.list_nngraph_modules(g) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- List modules given an nngraph g ---------------------------------------------------------- local omg = {} for i,node in ipairs(g.forwardnodes) do local m = if m then table.insert(omg, m) end end return omg end function utils.list_nnsequencer_modules(seq) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- List modules given a Sequencer ---------------------------------------------------------- return utils.listModules(seq:get(1):get(1)) end function utils.listModules(net) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- List modules given an nn model ---------------------------------------------------------- local t = torch.type(net) local moduleList if t == 'nn.gModule' then moduleList = utils.list_nngraph_modules(net) elseif t == 'nn.Sequencer' then moduleList = utils.list_nnsequencer_modules(net) else moduleList = net:listModules() end return moduleList end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Flipping functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function utils.shuffleLR(x, opt) local dim if x:nDimension() == 4 then dim = 2 else assert(x:nDimension() == 3) dim = 1 end local matchedParts if string.find(opt.dataset, 'mpii') then matchedParts = { {1,6}, {2,5}, {3,4}, {11,16}, {12,15}, {13,14} } elseif opt.dataset == 'flic' then -- matched_parts = { -- {1,4}, {2,5}, {3,6}, {7,8}, {9,10} -- } matchedParts = { {1,2}, {4,8}, {5,9}, {6,10}, {7,11} } elseif opt.dataset == 'lsp' then matchedParts = { {1,6}, {2,5}, {3,4}, {7,12}, {8,11}, {9,10} } elseif opt.dataset == 'coco' then matchedParts = { {2,3}, {4,5}, {6,7}, {8,9}, {10,11}, {12,13}, {14,15}, {16,17} } elseif opt.dataset == 'cooking' then matchedParts = { {3,4}, {5,6}, {7,8}, {9,10} } elseif opt.dataset == 'youtube' or opt.dataset == 'youtube-single' or string.find(opt.dataset, 'bbcpose') ~= nil or string.find(opt.dataset, 'videopose2') ~= nil then -- == 'bbcpose-single' or dataset == 'bbcpose' then matchedParts = { {2,3}, {4,5}, {6,7} } end for i = 1,#matchedParts do local idx1, idx2 = unpack(matchedParts[i]) local tmp = x:narrow(dim, idx1, 1):clone() x:narrow(dim, idx1, 1):copy(x:narrow(dim, idx2, 1)) x:narrow(dim, idx2, 1):copy(tmp) end return x end function utils.flip(x) require 'image' local y = torch.FloatTensor(x:size()) for i = 1, x:size(1) do image.hflip(y[i], x[i]:float()) end return y:typeAs(x) end local function recursiveApplyFn(fn, t, t2) -- Helper function for applying an operation whether passed a table or tensor local t_ = {} if type(t) == "table" then if t2 then for i = 1,#t do t_[i] = recursiveApplyFn(fn, t[i], t2[i]) end else for i = 1,#t do t_[i] = recursiveApplyFn(fn, t[i]) end end else t_ = fn(t, t2) end return t_ end function utils.applyFn(fn, t, t2) return recursiveApplyFn(fn, t, t2) end local function postprocess(heatmap, p) assert(heatmap:size(1) == p:size(1)) local scores = torch.zeros(p:size(1),p:size(2),1) -- Very simple post-processing step to improve performance at tight PCK thresholds for i = 1,p:size(1) do for j = 1,p:size(2) do local hm = heatmap[i][j] local pX,pY = p[i][j][1], p[i][j][2] scores[i][j] = hm[pY][pX] if pX > 1 and pX < hm:size(2) and pY > 1 and pY < hm:size(1) then local diff = torch.Tensor({hm[pY][pX+1]-hm[pY][pX-1], hm[pY+1][pX]-hm[pY-1][pX]}) p[i][j]:add(diff:sign():mul(.25)) end end end return p:add(0.5) end function utils.finalPreds(heatmaps, centers, scales) local n = heatmaps:size(1) local np = heatmaps:size(2) local preds = torch.Tensor(n, np, 2) local preds_tf = torch.Tensor(n, np, 3) -- save score also for sidx = 1, heatmaps:size(1) do local hms = heatmaps[sidx] local center = centers[sidx] local scale = scales[sidx] if hms:size():size() == 3 then hms = hms:view(1, hms:size(1), hms:size(2), hms:size(3)) end -- Get locations of maximum activations local max, idx = torch.max(hms:view(hms:size(1), hms:size(2), hms:size(3) * hms:size(4)), 3) local pred = torch.repeatTensor(idx, 1, 1, 2):float() pred[{{}, {}, 1}]:apply(function(x) return (x - 1) % hms:size(4) + 1 end) pred[{{}, {}, 2}]:add(-1):div(hms:size(3)):floor():add(1) local predMask = max:gt(0):repeatTensor(1, 1, 2):float() pred:add(-1):cmul(predMask):add(1) pred = postprocess(hms, pred) -- Get transformed coordinates local pred_tf = torch.zeros(pred:size()) for i = 1,hms:size(1) do -- Number of samples for j = 1,hms:size(2) do -- Number of output heatmaps for one sample pred_tf[i][j] = Transformer.transform(pred[i][j],center,scale,0,hms:size(3),true) end end pred_tf =, max:float(), 3) preds[sidx] = pred preds_tf[sidx] = pred_tf end return preds, preds_tf end function utils.OffsetFieldsfinalPreds(heatmaps, centers, scales) local n = heatmaps:size(1) local np = heatmaps:size(2)/2 local height, width = heatmaps:size(3), heatmaps:size(4) local preds = torch.Tensor(n, np, 2) local preds_tf = torch.Tensor(n, np, 2) -- mapping assert(height == width) heatmaps:mul(height):floor():add(1) for sidx = 1, heatmaps:size(1) do local offset = heatmaps[sidx] local center = centers[sidx] local scale = scales[sidx] local hms = torch.zeros(np, height, width); for p = 1, np do local hmsX = offset[(p-1)*2+1] local hmsY = offset[p*2] for h = 1, height do for w = 1, width do local dx, dy = w - hmsX[h][w], h - hmsY[h][w] if dx > 0 and dy > 0 and dx <= width and dy <= height then hms[p][dy][dx] = hms[p][dy][dx] + 1 end end end end -- Get locations of maximum activations hms = hms:view(1, hms:size(1), hms:size(2), hms:size(3)) local max, idx = torch.max(hms:view(hms:size(1), hms:size(2), hms:size(3) * hms:size(4)), 3) local pred = torch.repeatTensor(idx, 1, 1, 2):float() pred[{{}, {}, 1}]:apply(function(x) return (x - 1) % hms:size(4) + 1 end) pred[{{}, {}, 2}]:add(-1):div(hms:size(3)):floor():add(1) local predMask = max:gt(0):repeatTensor(1, 1, 2):float() pred:add(-1):cmul(predMask):add(1) pred = postprocess(hms, pred) -- Get transformed coordinates local pred_tf = torch.zeros(pred:size()) for i = 1,hms:size(1) do -- Number of samples for j = 1,hms:size(2) do -- Number of output heatmaps for one sample pred_tf[i][j] = Transformer.transform(pred[i][j],center,scale,0,hms:size(3),true) end end preds[sidx] = pred preds_tf[sidx] = pred_tf end print(preds, preds_tf) return preds, preds_tf end return utils
HttpDownRequest = { bDowning = false, totalSize = 0, curPosBytes = 0, url = "", timeoutTimeInMS = 5000, downSize = 1048575, doStopDown = false, fileUrl = "", waitTime = 1000, new = function (slot0) slot0.__index = slot0 setmetatable({}, slot0) return end } slot0 = "([^a-zA-Z0-9%;%/%?%:%@%&%=%+%$%,%#%-%_%.%!%~%*%'%(%)])" function slot1(slot0) return string.gsub(string.gsub(slot0, slot0, function (slot0) return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(slot0)) end), " ", "+") end HttpDownRequest.creatRequestHttp = function (slot0) if not slot0.url or slot0.url == "" then return nil end slot3 = cc.XMLHttpRequest:new() slot3.responseType = 0 slot3:open("GET", slot1) slot3:registerScriptHandler(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:requestCallBack(slot0, slot1, slot2) end) slot3.timeout = slot0.timeoutTimeInMS return slot3 end HttpDownRequest.getFileCurPosBytes = function (slot0) slot1 = 0 if not slot0.fileUrl or slot0.fileUrl == "" then return 0 end if OSUtil.isFileExists(slot0.fileUrl) then slot1 = cc.FileUtils:getInstance():getFileSize(slot0.fileUrl) end return slot1 end HttpDownRequest.downByRange = function (slot0) slot0.request = slot0:creatRequestHttp() slot0.curPosBytes = slot0:getFileCurPosBytes() print("下载范围。。。。。", slot2) slot0.request:setRequestHeader("Range", string.format("bytes=%d-%d", slot1, math.max(0, slot0.curPosBytes - 20) + slot0.downSize)) slot0.request:send() end HttpDownRequest.downToEnd = function (slot0) slot0.request = slot0:creatRequestHttp() slot0.curPosBytes = slot0:getFileCurPosBytes() print("下载范围。。。。。", slot2) slot0.request:setRequestHeader("Range", string.format("bytes=%d-", slot1)) slot0.request:send() end HttpDownRequest.downProgress = function (slot0, slot1) slot1.dltotal = slot1.dltotal + slot0.curPosBytes if slot0.onProgress then slot0.onProgress(slot1) end end HttpDownRequest.checkAndSaveUrl = function (slot0) if OSUtil.isFileExists(slot0.fileUrl .. "SLFEV") then if io.readfile(slot0.fileUrl .. "SLFEV") ~= slot0.url then OSUtil.deleteFile(slot0.fileUrl) OSUtil.writefile(slot0.fileUrl .. "SLFEV", slot0.url, "w+") else return true end else OSUtil.deleteFile(slot0.fileUrl) OSUtil.writefile(slot0.fileUrl .. "SLFEV", slot0.url, "w+") end return false end HttpDownRequest.startDownFile = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7) slot0.url = slot1 slot0.fileUrl = slot2 slot0.onProgress = slot3 slot0.onFullDown = slot4 slot0.timeoutTimeInMS = slot5 slot0.downSize = slot6 or 1048575 slot0.waitTime = slot7 or 1000 slot0.bDowning = true slot0.doStopDown = false slot0:checkAndSaveUrl() slot0:downByRange() end HttpDownRequest.resetDownSize = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.downSize = slot1 or 1048575 end HttpDownRequest.resetWaitTime = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.waitTime = slot1 or 1000 end HttpDownRequest.getbDowning = function (slot0) return slot0.bDowning end HttpDownRequest.doStopDown = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.doStopDown = true slot0.onStopFunc = slot1 end HttpDownRequest.requestCallBack = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot1 == "progress" then slot0:downProgress({ total = slot0.totalSize, dltotal = slot2 }) else slot4 = slot0.request.status if (slot0.request.readyState == 4 or slot5 == 1) and slot4 >= 200 and slot4 < 207 then if slot0.request.response and #slot6 > 0 then if slot0:compFileEnd20AndDownStart20(slot6) then if OSUtil.writefile(slot0.fileUrl, slot7, "ab+") then if string.find(slot0.request:getResponseHeader("Content-Range"), "/") then slot0.totalSize = tonumber(string.sub(slot8, slot9 + 1)) end slot0.curPosBytes = slot0:getFileCurPosBytes() if slot0.totalSize == slot0.curPosBytes then if slot0.onFullDown then slot0.onFullDown(slot0.totalSize) end slot0.bDowning = false elseif slot0.downSize <= slot0.totalSize - slot0.curPosBytes then function slot10() slot0:downByRange() end if slot0.doStopDown == false then slot0.bDowning = true tickMgr:delayedCall(slot10, slot0.waitTime) else if slot0.onStopFunc then slot0.onStopFunc() end slot0.bDowning = false end else slot0:downToEnd() end else print("数据写入到文件失败") slot0.bDowning = false end else print("下载的数据有错,与前一段数据衔接不上") slot0.bDowning = false end else print("下载的数据有错,为空") slot0.bDowning = false end elseif slot4 == 504 then slot0.bDowning = false print("Http下载超时") elseif slot4 == 416 then slot0.bDowning = false if string.find(slot0.request:getResponseHeader("Content-Range"), "/") then slot0.totalSize = tonumber(string.sub(slot6, slot7 + 1)) end slot0.curPosBytes = slot0:getFileCurPosBytes() if slot0.curPosBytes == slot0.totalSize then print(string.format("Http下载错误文件已经下载完成%d/%d", slot0.curPosBytes, slot0.totalSize)) if slot0.onFullDown then slot0.onFullDown(slot0.totalSize) end else print("Http下载错误,总大小为", slot0.totalSize) end else slot0.bDowning = false print("Http下载错误", slot4) end end end HttpDownRequest.compFileEnd20AndDownStart20 = function (slot0, slot1) if OSUtil.isFileExists(slot0.fileUrl) == false then return slot1 end if string.sub(slot2, -20) == string.sub(slot1, 1, 20) then if #slot1 <= 20 then return slot1 else return string.sub(slot1, 21) end end return nil end return
slot2 = "TgpdRoomCcsView" TgpdRoomCcsView = class(slot1) TgpdRoomCcsView.onCreationComplete = function (slot0) slot6 = slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.getContentSize(slot7).height slot7 = cc.size(slot4, display.width) slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.setContentSize(display.width, slot2) slot6 = slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv slot9 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.setInnerContainerSize(display.width, slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.getContentSize(slot2)) slot7 = false slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.setClippingEnabled(display.width, slot2) slot7 = true slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.setIsCenterWhileNeed(display.width, slot2) slot7 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.addContentChild(display.width, slot2) slot6 = slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv DisplayUtil.setAllCascadeOpacityEnabled(display.width) slot0._roomBtnInitPoses = {} slot0._roomBtns = {} for slot8 = 1, 4, 1 do if slot1["btn" .. slot8] ~= nil then slot13 = slot9 table.insert(slot11, slot0._roomBtns) slot9._index = slot8 slot9._kind = slot8 slot15 = slot9 slot0._roomBtnInitPoses[slot8] = DisplayUtil.ccpCopy(slot9.getPosition(slot14)) if device.platform ~= "windows" then slot13 = slot9 slot2.addBtn2HandleTouchOperate(slot11, slot2) end end end slot7 = slot0 slot0.initRoomSpine(slot6) slot9 = Hero slot10 = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 } slot10 = CandyFunc.createSpriteNumber(Hero.getUserScore, slot5, Candy.root .. "room/score/%s.png") slot0.layerBottom.node_score.addChild(slot5, slot0.layerBottom.node_score) slot9 = slot0 slot0.alignComponent(slot5) slot9 = slot1 slot0._originX, slot0._originY = slot1.getPosition(slot5) end TgpdRoomCcsView.alignComponent = function (slot0) slot6 = 80 slot0.controller.adjustSlimWidth(slot2, slot0.controller, slot0.layerTop.btnBack, UIConfig.ALIGN_LEFT) slot6 = 80 slot0.controller.adjustSlimWidth(slot2, slot0.controller, slot0.layerTop.btnQuestion, UIConfig.ALIGN_LEFT) slot6 = -80 slot0.controller.adjustSlimWidth(slot2, slot0.controller, slot0.layerBottom.btn_fast_start, UIConfig.ALIGN_RIGHT) slot6 = -80 slot0.controller.adjustSlimWidth(slot2, slot0.controller, slot0.imageLogo, UIConfig.ALIGN_RIGHT) end TgpdRoomCcsView.initRoomSpine = function (slot0) return end TgpdRoomCcsView.updateButtonState = function (slot0) slot4 = gameMgr slot3 = gameMgr.getServerVosDicEx(slot0.model)[slot0.model.getGameKind(slot2)] or {} slot0._cellScore = {} slot5 = 0 slot6 = {} for slot10 = 1, 4, 1 do if slot3[slot0._roomBtns[slot10]._kind] then slot16 = true DisplayUtil.setVisible(slot14, slot11) slot6[slot5 + 1] = slot11 slot16 = true slot11.setEnabled(slot14, slot11) slot16 = slot0._roomBtnInitPoses[slot5 + 1] slot11.setPosition(slot14, slot11) slot0._cellScore[slot10] = slot12._dwCellScore if slot12._miniNeed > 0 and slot11.costImage then slot17 = false slot11.costImage.setVisible(slot15, slot11.costImage) end else slot16 = false DisplayUtil.setVisible(slot14, slot11) if slot11.txtEntry_tf then slot16 = false slot11.txtEntry_tf.setVisible(slot14, slot11.txtEntry_tf) end if slot11.costImage then slot16 = false slot11.costImage.setVisible(slot14, slot11.costImage) end slot16 = false slot11.setCanTouch(slot14, slot11) end end slot7 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent slot8 = slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv slot9 = 0 slot0._roomCount = slot5 if slot5 > 0 then slot19 = slot6[slot5] slot19 = slot6[slot5] slot15 = 50 + slot6[slot5].getPositionX(slot16) + slot6[slot5].getScaleX(slot10) * slot6[slot5]:getContentSize().width * slot6[slot5]:getAnchorPoint().x slot9 = math.max(slot13, slot9) end slot12 = slot8 slot18 = slot7 slot16 = slot7.getContentSize(slot17).height slot8.setInnerContainerSize(slot11, cc.size(slot14, slot9 + 50)) if display.width <= slot9 then slot11 = 80 slot14 = (display.width - CUR_SELECTED_WIDTH) * 0.5 if math.abs(slot13) < 10 then slot11 = 0 end if display.width <= CONFIG_CUR_WIDTH then slot11 = slot11 + 20 end slot15 = -slot10 + slot11 slot8.setPositionX(slot13, slot8) else slot13 = (display.width - slot9) * 0.5 slot14 = (CONFIG_DESIGN_WIDTH - display.width) * 0.5 + math.max(slot11, 40) slot8.setPositionX(40, slot8) end slot0._roomsWidth = slot9 slot0._curShowingBtns = slot6 end TgpdRoomCcsView.onHide = function (slot0) slot5 = slot0 Hero.pNickNameChangedSignal.remove(slot2, Hero.pNickNameChangedSignal, slot0.onUserNameChanged) slot5 = slot0 Hero.userScoreChangedSignal.remove(slot2, Hero.userScoreChangedSignal, slot0.onUserScoreChanged) end TgpdRoomCcsView.onShow = function (slot0) slot5 = slot0 slot5 = slot0.getParent(slot4) slot5 = { x = 407, y = 673 }, slot0.getParent(slot4).getParent(slot4).layerNotice, 0.4) slot5 = slot0 Hero.pNickNameChangedSignal.add(slot2, Hero.pNickNameChangedSignal, slot0.onUserNameChanged) slot5 = slot0 Hero.userScoreChangedSignal.add(slot2, Hero.userScoreChangedSignal, slot0.onUserScoreChanged) slot4 = 0 slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.jumpTo(slot2, slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv) slot3 = slot0 slot0.updateButtonState(slot2) slot3 = slot0 slot0.onUserNameChanged(slot2) slot3 = slot0 slot0.onUserScoreChanged(slot2) end TgpdRoomCcsView.playEntryAnimation = function (slot0) slot4 = true slot0.layerRoomList.setCascadeOpacityEnabled(slot2, slot0.layerRoomList) slot4 = true slot0.layerTop.setCascadeOpacityEnabled(slot2, slot0.layerTop) slot4 = true slot0.layerBottom.setCascadeOpacityEnabled(slot2, slot0.layerBottom) if slot0._roomCount >= 5 then slot5 = slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv slot3, slot4 = slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.getPosition(slot4) slot10 = slot0._originY slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.setPosition(CONFIG_DESIGN_WIDTH, slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent, slot5) slot10 = 0 slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.setOpacity(slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent, slot6) slot9 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent slot16 = 0.2 slot13 = cc.DelayTime.create(slot14, cc.DelayTime) slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.runAction(slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent, cc.Sequence.create(slot11, cc.Sequence, cc.FadeTo.create(cc.DelayTime, cc.FadeTo, 0.1))) slot9 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent slot16 = 0.3 slot13 = cc.DelayTime.create(cc.FadeTo.create, cc.DelayTime) slot16 = cc.EaseBackOut slot20 = 1 slot24 = slot0._originY slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.runAction(slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent, cc.Sequence.create(slot11, cc.Sequence, cc.EaseBackOut.create(cc.DelayTime, cc.MoveTo.create(255, cc.MoveTo, cc.p(slot22, slot0._originX))))) else slot5 = slot0._originY slot2 = cc.p(slot3, slot0._originX) slot6 = 0 slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.setOpacity(slot0._originX, slot1) slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.setPosition(slot0._originX, slot1, slot2.x + 100) slot5 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.runAction(slot0._originX, cc.FadeTo.create(slot2.y, cc.FadeTo, 0.3)) slot5 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent slot8 = cc.EaseBackOut slot13 = slot2 slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.runAction(slot0._originX, cc.EaseBackOut.create(slot2.y, cc.MoveTo.create(255, cc.MoveTo, 0.4))) end slot6 = slot0.layerTop slot2 = cc.p(slot0.layerTop.getPosition(slot5)) slot6 = 0 slot0.layerTop.setOpacity(slot0.layerTop.getPosition, slot1) slot0.layerTop.setPosition(slot0.layerTop.getPosition, slot1, slot2.x) slot5 = slot0.layerTop slot0.layerTop.runAction(slot0.layerTop.getPosition, cc.FadeTo.create(slot2.y + 60, cc.FadeTo, 0.3)) slot5 = slot0.layerTop slot8 = cc.EaseBackOut slot13 = slot2 slot0.layerTop.runAction(slot0.layerTop.getPosition, cc.EaseBackOut.create(slot2.y + 60, cc.MoveTo.create(255, cc.MoveTo, 0.4))) slot8 = slot0.layerBottom slot4 = cc.p(slot0.layerBottom.getPosition(slot2.y + 60)) slot8 = 0 slot0.layerBottom.setOpacity(slot0.layerBottom.getPosition, slot3) slot0.layerBottom.setPosition(slot0.layerBottom.getPosition, slot3, slot4.x) slot7 = slot0.layerBottom slot0.layerBottom.runAction(slot0.layerBottom.getPosition, cc.FadeTo.create(slot4.y - 60, cc.FadeTo, 0.3)) slot7 = slot0.layerBottom slot10 = cc.EaseBackOut slot15 = slot4 slot0.layerBottom.runAction(slot0.layerBottom.getPosition, cc.EaseBackOut.create(slot4.y - 60, cc.MoveTo.create(255, cc.MoveTo, 0.4))) end TgpdRoomCcsView.onUserNameChanged = function (slot0) slot7 = 2 slot5 = StringUtil.truncate(Hero, Hero.getPNickName(slot2), 9, nil) slot0.layerBottom.text_name.setString(Hero, slot0.layerBottom.text_name) end TgpdRoomCcsView.onUserScoreChanged = function (slot0) slot5 = Hero slot4 = slot0.layerBottom.node_score slot0.layerBottom.node_score.removeAllChildren(Hero.getUserScore) slot7 = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 } slot6 = CandyFunc.createSpriteNumber(Hero.getUserScore, parseInt(Hero.getUserScore(slot4)), Candy.root .. "room/score/%s.png", {}) slot0.layerBottom.node_score.addChild(parseInt(Hero.getUserScore(slot4)), slot0.layerBottom.node_score) slot7 = GAME_STATE.ROOM slot0.controller.setHeadBg(parseInt(Hero.getUserScore(slot4)), slot0.controller, slot0.layerBottom.head) end TgpdRoomCcsView.onBtnClick = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot5 = "--------onButtonEvent----" print(slot4) if slot1 == slot0.layerTop.btnBack then slot5 = slot0.controller slot0.controller.exitGame(slot4) elseif slot1 == slot0.layerTop.btnQuestion then slot6 = true slot0.model.setIsShowingRule(slot4, slot0.model) elseif slot1 == slot0.layerBottom.btnAdd then slot5 = slot0.controller slot0.controller.try2OpenBank(slot4) elseif slot1 == slot0.layerBottom.btn_fast_start then slot5 = slot0.controller slot0.controller.quickStartGame(slot4) else slot6 = slot1._kind slot0.controller.requestEnterRoom(slot4, slot0.controller) slot6 = slot0._cellScore[slot1._kind] slot0.model.setCellScore(slot4, slot0.model) slot5 = slot0.controller slot0.controller.onNetMessageCabcelCache(slot4) end end TgpdRoomCcsView.destroy = function (slot0) print(slot2) slot4 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn1 slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn1.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") slot4 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn2 slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn2.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") slot4 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn3 slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn3.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") slot4 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn4 slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn4.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") slot4 = slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn5 slot0.layerRoomList.layerContent.btn5.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") slot4 = slot0.layerTop.btnBack slot0.layerTop.btnBack.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") slot4 = slot0.layerTop.btnQuestion slot0.layerTop.btnQuestion.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") slot4 = slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv slot0.layerRoomList.content_sv.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") slot4 = slot0.layerBottom.btn_fast_start slot0.layerBottom.btn_fast_start.destroy("--destroy serial_room_view--") end return
--[[ ================================================================================== All of the built-in engine events that are currently working ================================================================================== Note: passing a parameter for tbl will override the table returned to the callback function ]] -------------------------------------- -- Player events -------------------------------------- --[[ When a player uses buyback Table: * entindex (int) : index of the entity which bought back * player_id (int) : the id of the player of the server ]] function Event:OnBuyback(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_buyback", function(event) local tbl = { hero = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex), player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.player_id) } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_buyback", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a player begins to cast an ability (also listens to items Note: the player can cancel the ability before it's used) Raw table: * abilityname (string) : name of the ability e.g. pudge_rot * PlayerID (short) : the id of the player returns: * ability : CDOTABaseAbility - either an item or ability * player : CDOTAPlayer ]] function Event:OnPlayerAbilityCast(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_begin_cast", function(event) local player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.PlayerID) local tbl = { ability = PlayerHelper:GetAbilityByName(event.PlayerID, event.abilityname), player = player, hero = player:GetAssignedHero() } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_begin_cast", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a player uses an ability (also listens to items) Table: * caster_entindex (short) : entity index of the caster * abilityname (string) : name of the ability used e.g. pudge_rot * PlayerID (short) : the id of the player who owns the caster ]] function Event:OnPlayerAbilityUsed(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_used_ability", function(event) local player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.PlayerID) local tbl = { caster = EntIndexToHScript(event.caster_entindex), ability = PlayerHelper:GetAbilityByName(event.PlayerID, event.abilityname), player = player, hero = player:GetAssignedHero() } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_used_ability", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a player learns an ability (also listens to talents) Table: * PlayerID (short) : id of the player * player (short) : index of the player on the server * abilityname (string) : name of the ability e.g. pudge_rot ]] function Event:OnPlayerAbilityLearned(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_learned_ability", function(event) local player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.PlayerID) local tbl = { playerIndex = event.player, ability = PlayerHelper:GetAbilityByName(event.PlayerID, event.abilityname), player = player, hero = player:GetAssignedHero() } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_learned_ability", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a player levels up Table: * player (short) : index of the player on the server * level (short) : The level of the player after they leveled up ]] function Event:OnPlayerLevelUp(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_gained_level", function(event) local tbl = { playerIndex = event.player, level = event.level } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_gained_level", func(t), t) end end --[[ Player changes team (in lobby screen or in game) Table: * userid (short) : user ID on server * team (byte) : team id * oldteam (byte) : old team id * disconnect (bool): team change because player disconnects * autoteam (bool) : true if the player was auto assigned to the team * silent (bool) : if true wont print the team join messages * isbot (bool) : zero if is real player, 1 is player is a bot ]] function Event:OnPlayerChangeTeam(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("player_team", function(event) local tbl = { playerIndex = event.userid, team =, teamName = GetTeamName(, oldTeam = event.oldteam, oldTeamName = GetTeamName(event.oldteam), causedByDisconnect = event.disconnect, autoAssignedToTeam = event.autoteam, silent = event.silent, isBot = event.isbot } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("player_team", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a player is killed Table: * TowerKill (bool) : returns 1 if killed by a tower * HeroKill (bool) : returns 1 if killed by a hero * PlayerID (short) : id of the player killed ]] function Event:OnPlayerKilled(func, tbl) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_killed", function(event) player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.PlayerID) local tbl = { killedByTower = event.TowerKill, killedByHero = event.HeroKill, player = player, hero = player:GetAssignedHero() } CustomNetTables:SetTableValue( "debug", "log", { logType = "event", msg = "EVENT: Player Killed", t = GameTime:SinceStart() } ) func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_player_killed", func(t), t) end end --[[ A player reconnected to the game (not sure if this works) Table: * event (local) : the data include the realitive infomation ]] function Event:OnPlayerReconnected(func, t) ListenToGameEvent("player_reconnected", func(t), t) end --[[ Player spawned in game (to listen to respawning use Event:OnSpawned) Table: * userid (short) : user ID on server * entindex (long) : entity index of the player ]] function Event:OnPlayerSpawned(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("player_spawn", function(event) local tbl = { entity = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex), playerIndex = event.userid } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("player_spawn", func(t), t) end end -------------------------------------- -- Unit events -------------------------------------- --[[ When a unit is damaged by an ability Table: * entindex_killed (long) : entity index of the killed * entindex_attacker (long) : entity index of the killer * entindex_inflictor (long) : entity index of the ability used, will be void if not killed by an ability * damagebits (long) : flag for the damage look at DOTADamageFlag_t, it will be zero most of the time ]] function Event:OnUnitDamaged(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("entity_hurt", function(event) local tbl = { unit = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex_killed), attacker = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex_attacker), damageFlag = event.damagebits } if event.entindex_inflictor then tbl["ability"] = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex_inflictor) end func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("entity_hurt", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a unit is killed Table: * entindex_killed(long) : entity index of the killer * entindex_attacker (long) : entity index of the killer * entindex_inflictor (long) : entity index of the ability used, will be void if not killed by an ability * damagebits (long) : flag for the damage look at DOTADamageFlag_t, it will be zero most of the time ]] function Event:OnUnitKilled(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("entity_killed", function(event) local tbl = { unit = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex_killed), attacker = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex_attacker), damageFlag = event.damagebits } if event.entindex_inflictor then tbl["ability"] = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex_inflictor) end func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("entity_killed", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a player gets a last hit on a unit Table: * PlayerID (short) : id of the player who got the last hit * EntKilled (short) : entity index of the unit killed * FirstBlood (bool) : returns 1 if first blood otherwise it is 0 * HeroKill (bool) : returns 1 if the unit killed was a hero * TowerKill (bool) : returns 1 if the unit killed was a tower ]] function Event:OnLastHit(func, tbl) ListenToGameEvent("last_hit", func, tbl) end --[[ When a unit is spawned Table: * entindex (long): entity index of the unit spawned ]] function Event:OnUnitSpawned(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("npc_spawned", function(event) local tbl = { unit = EntIndexToHScript(event.entindex) } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("npc_spawned", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a tower is killed Table: * killer_userid (short) : the user id of the killer * teamnumber (short) : the team number of the tower owners * gold (short) : amount of gold rewarded for the tower ]] function Event:OnTowerKilled(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_tower_kill", function(event) local tbl = { playerIndex = event.killer_userid, team = event.teamnumber, teamName = GetTeamName(event.teamnumber), gold = } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_tower_kill", func(t), t) end end -------------------------------------- -- Item events -------------------------------------- --[[ When items are combined to make a new item Table: * itemcost (long) : cost of the new item * itemname (string) : name of the new item e.g. item_pers * PlayerID (short) : id of the player ]] function Event:OnItemCombined(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_item_combined", function(event) local player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.PlayerID) local tbl = { itemCost = event.itemcost, itemName = event.itemname, player = player, hero = player:GetAssignedHero() } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_item_combined", func(t), t) end end --[[ When an item is purchased Table: * itemcost (long) : cost of the item * itemname (short) : name of the item e.g. item_bottle * PlayerID (short) : id of the player who bought the item ]] function Event:OnItemPurchased(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_item_purchased", function(event) local player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.PlayerID) local tbl = { itemCost = event.itemcost, itemName = event.itemname, player = player, hero = player:GetAssignedHero() } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_item_purchased", func(t), t) end end --[[ When an item is picked up of the ground Table: * itemname (string) : name of the item e.g. item_gem * PlayerID (short) : id of the player who picked up the item * ItemEntityIndex (short) : entity index of the item picked up * HeroEntityIndex (short) : enity index of the hero ]] function Event:OnItemPickedUp(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("dota_item_picked_up", function(event) local player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.PlayerID) local tbl = { item = EntIndexToHScript(event.ItemEntityIndex), hero = EntIndexToHScript(event.HeroEntityIndex), player = player, hero = player:GetAssignedHero() } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("dota_item_picked_up", func(t), t) end end -------------------------------------- -- Other events -------------------------------------- --[[ An in-game chat msg was sent Table: * teamonly (bool) : true if team only chat * userid (short) : chatting player * playerid (short) : id of the player * text (string) : chat text ]] function Event:OnChat(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("player_chat", function(event) local player = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(event.playerid) local tbl = { isTeamChat = event.teamonly, playerIndex = event.userid, text = event.text, player = player, hero = player:GetAssignedHero() } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("player_chat", func(t), t) end end --[[ When a unit finished channelling an ability (also listens to items like meteor hammer) Table: * abilityname (string) : name of the ability e.g. pudge_rot * interrupted (bool) : returns 1 if the channeling was interrupted ]] function Event:OnChannelFinished(func, t) ListenToGameEvent("dota_ability_channel_finished", func(t), t) end --[[ When a non player unit started casting an ability Table: * abilityname (string) : name of the ability e.g. pudge_rot ]] function Event:OnNonPlayerBeginCast(func, t) ListenToGameEvent("dota_non_player_begin_cast", func, t) end --[[ When a tree is cut down Table: * tree_x (float) : x coordinates * tree_y (float) : y coordinates ]] function Event:OnTreeCut(func, t) if t == nil then ListenToGameEvent("tree_cut", function(event) local tbl = { treeX = event.tree_x, treeY = event.tree_y, } func(tbl) end, nil) else ListenToGameEvent("tree_cut", func(t), t) end end
data:extend({ { type = "fluid", name = "nitrogen-gas", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.8, g=0.8, b=0.8}, flow_color = {r=0.3, g=0.3, b=0.3}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/n2-gas.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-f[nitrogen-gas]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "oxygen-gas", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.59, g=0.80, b=1}, flow_color = {r=01, g=1, b=1}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/o2-gas.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-g[oxygen-gas]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "hydrogen-gas", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1}, flow_color = {r=0.1, g=0.1, b=0.1}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/h2-gas.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-h[hydrogen-gas]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "ammonia-gas", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1}, flow_color = {r=0.1, g=0.1, b=0.1}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/nh3-gas.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-i[ammonia-gas]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "concentrate-nitric-acid", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=1, g=1, b=0.82}, flow_color = {r=0.5, g=0.5, b=0}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/conc-hno3.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-j[concentrate-nho3]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "concentrate-phosphoric-acid", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0, g=0.34, b=0.6}, flow_color = {r=0.7, g=0.7, b=0.7}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/conc-h3po4.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-k[concentrate-h3po4]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "tbp", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0, g=0.34, b=0.6}, flow_color = {r=0.7, g=0.7, b=0.7}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/tbp.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-l[tbp]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "hydroxylamine", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0, g=0.34, b=0.6}, flow_color = {r=0.7, g=0.7, b=0.7}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/hydroxylamine.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-m[hydroxylamine]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "dilute-nitric-acid", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0, g=0.34, b=0.6}, flow_color = {r=0.7, g=0.7, b=0.7}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/dilute-hno3.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-n[dilute-nitric-acid]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "uranyl-nitrate", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.96, g=1, b=0.25}, flow_color = {r=0.3, g=0.31, b=1}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/uranylnitrate.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-o[uranyl-nitrate]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "pu-reductant", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.29, g=0.53, b=0.53}, flow_color = {r=0.52, g=0.27, b=0.27}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/pu-reductant.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-p[pu-reductant]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "liquid-spent-fuel", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.92, g=0.23, b=1}, flow_color = {r=0.23, g=1, b=0.41}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/liquid-spent-fuel.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-q[liquid-spent-fuel]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "primary-stream", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.23, g=1, b=0.41}, flow_color = {r=0.92, g=0.23, b=1}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/primary-stream.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-r[primary-stream]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "waste-nitric-acid", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=1, g=1, b=0.9}, flow_color = {r=0.6, g=0, b=0.6}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/waste-hno3.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-s[waste-nitric-acid]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "u-tbp", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.43, g=1, b=0.61}, flow_color = {r=1, g=0.1, b=0.3}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/u-tbp.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-t[u-tbp]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "pu-aqueous", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=1, g=0.2, b=0.71}, flow_color = {r=0.2, g=0.9, b=0.2}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/pu-aq.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-u[pu-aqueous]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "u-tbp-aqueous", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.43, g=1, b=0.61}, flow_color = {r=1, g=0.1, b=0.3}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/u-tbp-aq.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-v[u-tbp-aqueous]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "u-aqueous", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.43, g=1, b=0.61}, flow_color = {r=1, g=0.1, b=0.3}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/u-aq.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-w[u-aqueous]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "waste-tbp", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0, g=0.17, b=0.4}, flow_color = {r=0.4, g=0.4, b=0.4}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/waste-tbp.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-x[waste-tbp]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "pu(iv)-aqueous", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=1, g=0.2, b=0.71}, flow_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/pu-iv-aq.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-y[pu(iv)-aqueous]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "pu(iv)-tbp", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=1, g=0.2, b=0.71}, flow_color = {r=1, g=1, b=1}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/pu-iv-tbp.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-z[pu(iv)-tbp]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "waste-complex", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0.2, g=0.2, b=0.2}, flow_color = {r=0.8, g=0.8, b=0.8}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/waste-complex.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-za[waste-complex]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "recovered-nitric-acid", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0, g=0.34, b=0.6}, flow_color = {r=0.7, g=0.7, b=0}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/recovered-hno3.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-zb[recovered-nitric-acid]" }, { type = "fluid", name = "waste", subgroup = "uranium-prefluids", default_temperature = 25, heat_capacity = "1KJ", base_color = {r=0, g=0, b=0}, flow_color = {r=1, g=0.2, b=0.2}, max_temperature = 100, icon = "__UraniumPowerRemastered__/graphics/icons/recycling-assets/waste.png", icon_size = 32, pressure_to_speed_ratio = 0.4, flow_to_energy_ratio = 0.59, order = "a[fluid]-zc[waste]" } })
-- thermal expantion fractional still and pyrolyzer management program local fluidPipe = require("lupus590.fluid_pipe") local itemPipe = require("lupus590.item_pipe") local blockFilter = function() return false end local fluids = { creosoteOil = "thermal:creosote", heavyOil = "thermal:heavy_oil", lightOil = "thermal:light_oil", refinedFuel = "thermal:refined_fuel", crudeOil = "thermal:crude_oil", sap = "", syrup = "", resin = "thermal:resin", treeOil = "thermal:tree_oil", } -- TODO: change the filters for automatic still so that things are only piped in if the output will fit into it's storeage tank local tanks = { creosoteOil = { name = "cyclic:tank_1", inFilter = function(fluid) return == fluids.creosoteOil end, stillFilter = blockFilter, }, heavyOil = { name = "cyclic:tank_7", inFilter = function(fluid) return == fluids.heavyOil end, stillFilter = function(fluid, tank) if fluid.amount and fluid.amount >= 100 then return true, 100 end end, }, -- 100 lightOil = { name = "cyclic:tank_6", inFilter = function(fluid) return == fluids.lightOil end, stillFilter = function(fluid, tank) if fluid.amount and fluid.amount >= 100 then return true, 100 end end, }, -- 100 refinedFuel = { name = "cyclic:tank_9", inFilter = function(fluid) return == fluids.refinedFuel end, stillFilter = blockFilter, }, crudeOil = { name = "cyclic:tank_2", inFilter = function(fluid) return == fluids.crudeOil end, stillFilter = function(fluid, tank) if fluid.amount and fluid.amount >= 100 then return true, 100 end end, }, -- 100 sap = { name = "cyclic:tank_3", inFilter = function(fluid) return == end, stillFilter = function(fluid, tank) if fluid.amount and fluid.amount >= 1000 then return true, 1000 end end, }, -- 1000 syrup = { name = "cyclic:tank_4", inFilter = function(fluid) return == fluids.syrup end, stillFilter = blockFilter, }, resin = { name = "cyclic:tank_5", inFilter = function(fluid) return == fluids.resin end, stillFilter = function(fluid, tank) if fluid.amount and fluid.amount >= 200 then return true, 200 end end, }, -- 200 treeOil = { name = "cyclic:tank_8", inFilter = function(fluid) return == fluids.treeOil end, stillFilter = blockFilter, }, } local inputTankName = "cyclic:tank_10" local fractionalStillName = "thermal:machine_refinery_1" local pyrolyzerName = "thermal:machine_pyrolyzer_1" local storeagePipes = {} local fractionalStillPipe = fluidPipe.newPipe(fractionalStillName) local pyrolyzerPipe = fluidPipe.newPipe(pyrolyzerName) local inputPipe = fluidPipe.newPipe(inputTankName) local fractionalStillItemPipe = itemPipe.newPipe(fractionalStillName) local pyrolyzerItemPipe = itemPipe.newPipe(pyrolyzerName) -- TODO: pull out the item that can make heavy oil -- TODO: drawer controller peripheral.find("storagedrawers:fractional_drawers_3", function(name) fractionalStillItemPipe.addDestination(name) pyrolyzerItemPipe.addDestination(name) end) local builtFractionalStillItemPipe = local builtPyrolyzeritemPipe = local function unknownFluidPrinter(fluid, tank) for _, knownFluids in pairs(fluids) do if knownFluids == then return true end end print( return false end fractionalStillPipe.setFilter(unknownFluidPrinter) pyrolyzerPipe.setFilter(unknownFluidPrinter) inputPipe.setFilter(unknownFluidPrinter) for name, tank in pairs(tanks) do local pipe = fluidPipe.newPipe( pipe.addDestination(fractionalStillName).setFilter(tank.stillFilter) storeagePipes[name] = fractionalStillPipe.addDestination( pyrolyzerPipe.addDestination( inputPipe.addDestination( end local builtFractionalStillPipe = local builtPyrolyzerPipe = local builtInputPipe = while true do for _, pipe in pairs(storeagePipes) do pipe.tick() end builtPyrolyzerPipe.tick() builtFractionalStillPipe.tick() builtInputPipe.tick() builtPyrolyzeritemPipe.tick() builtFractionalStillItemPipe.tick() sleep(30) end
workspace "goto" configurations { "Debug", "Release" } platforms { "Win32" } location "build" project "goto" kind "ConsoleApp" language "C" targetdir "bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}" files { "src/unity_build.c" } filter "configurations:Debug" defines { "DEBUG" } flags { "Symbols" } filter "configurations:Release" defines { "NDEBUG" } optimize "On" filter "platforms:Win32" system "Windows" architecture "x32" includedirs { "external/win32/SDL2-2.0.4/include" } libdirs { "external/win32/SDL2-2.0.4/lib/x86" } links { "opengl32", "SDL2" } buildoptions { "/MT", "/GR-", "/EHa-" }
local Native = require('lib.native.native') ---@class MultiBoardItem : Agent local MultiBoardItem = class('MultiBoardItem', assert(require('lib.oop.agent'))) ---release ---@return void function MultiBoardItem:release() return Native.MultiboardReleaseItem(getUd(self)) end ---setStyle ---@param showValue boolean ---@param showIcon boolean ---@return void function MultiBoardItem:setStyle(showValue, showIcon) return Native.MultiboardSetItemStyle(getUd(self), showValue, showIcon) end ---setValue ---@param val string ---@return void function MultiBoardItem:setValue(val) return Native.MultiboardSetItemValue(getUd(self), val) end ---setValueColor ---@param red integer ---@param green integer ---@param blue integer ---@param alpha integer ---@return void function MultiBoardItem:setValueColor(red, green, blue, alpha) return Native.MultiboardSetItemValueColor(getUd(self), red, green, blue, alpha) end ---setWidth ---@param width float ---@return void function MultiBoardItem:setWidth(width) return Native.MultiboardSetItemWidth(getUd(self), width) end ---setIcon ---@param iconFileName string ---@return void function MultiBoardItem:setIcon(iconFileName) return Native.MultiboardSetItemIcon(getUd(self), iconFileName) end return MultiBoardItem
package.cpath = package.cpath..";"..lfs.writedir().."Mods\\services\\DATIS\\bin\\?.dll;" local datis = nil local isStarted = false function datis_start() if not DCS.isServer() then log.write("[DATIS]", log.WARNING, "Starting DATIS skipped for not being the Server ...") return end log.write("[DATIS]", log.DEBUG, "Starting ...") if _G.Terrain == nil then _G.Terrain = require "terrain" end if datis == nil then datis = require "datis" end datis.start() log.write("[DATIS]", log.INFO, "Started") if DCS.getPause() then datis.pause() else datis.resume() end end function datis_stop() if datis ~= nil then datis.stop() datis = nil end end function datis_pause() if datis ~= nil then datis.pause() end end function datis_resume() if datis ~= nil then datis.resume() end end local i = 0 function datis_simulation_frame() i = i + 1 if i > 100 then -- roughly every 1 seconds i = 0 local ok, err = pcall(datis_next) if not ok then log.write("[DATIS]", log.ERROR, "Next error: " .. tostring(err)) end end end function datis_next() if datis ~= nil then datis.try_next(datis_handleRequest) end end function datis_handleRequest(method, params) -- log.write("[DATIS]", log.INFO, "RECV " .. method) if method == "get_weather" then local position = { x = params.x, y = params.alt, z = params.y, } local wind = Weather.getGroundWindAtPoint({ position = position }) local temp, pressure = Weather.getTemperatureAndPressureAtPoint({ position = position }) local weather = return { result = { windSpeed = wind.v, windDir = wind.a, temp = temp, pressure = pressure, fogThickness = weather.fog.thickness, fogVisibility = weather.fog.visibility, dustDensity = weather.dust_density, } } elseif method == "get_clouds" then local clouds = if clouds.preset ~= nil then local presets = nil local func, err = loadfile(lfs.currentdir() .. '/Config/Effects/clouds.lua') if err then return { error = "Error loading clouds.lua: " .. err } end local env = { type = _G.type, next =, setmetatable = _G.setmetatable, getmetatable = _G.getmetatable, _ = _, } setfenv(func, env) func() local preset = env.clouds and env.clouds.presets and env.clouds.presets[clouds.preset] if preset ~= nil then return { result = { new = { base = clouds.base, preset = preset, }, } } end end -- fallback to old clouds return { result = { old = clouds, } } elseif method == "get_unit_position" then local get_unit_position = [[ local unit = Unit.getByName("]] .. .. [[") if unit == nil then unit = StaticObject.getByName("]] .. .. [[") end if unit == nil then return "" else local pos = unit:getPoint() return pos.x .. ":" .. pos.y .. ":" .. pos.z end ]] local result = net.dostring_in("server", get_unit_position) if result == "" then return { error = "unit not found" } end local x, y, z = string.match(result, "(-?[%d.e+-]+):(-?[%d.e+-]+):(-?[%d.e+-]+)") return { result = { x = tonumber(x), y = tonumber(y), z = tonumber(z), } } elseif method == "get_unit_heading" then -- north correction is based on local get_unit_heading = [[ local unit = Unit.getByName("]] .. .. [[") if unit == nil then return "" else local unit_pos = unit:getPosition() local heading = math.atan2(unit_pos.x.z, unit_pos.x.x) if heading < 0 then heading = heading + 2*math.pi end return tostring(heading) end ]] local result = net.dostring_in("server", get_unit_heading) if result == "" then return { error = "unit not found" } end return { result = tonumber(result) } elseif method == "get_abs_time" then local get_abs_time = [[ return tostring(timer.getAbsTime()) ]] local result = net.dostring_in("server", get_abs_time) return { result = tonumber(result) } elseif method == "get_mission_start_date" then local get_mission_start_date = [[ return tostring( .. "-" .. tostring( .. "-" .. tostring( ]] local result = net.dostring_in("server", get_mission_start_date) return { result = result } elseif method == "to_lat_lng" then local to_lat_lng = [[ local lat, lng, alt = coord.LOtoLL({ x = ]] .. params.x .. [[, y = ]] .. params.alt .. [[, z = ]] .. params.y .. [[ }) return lat .. ":" .. lng .. ":" .. alt ]] local result = net.dostring_in("server", to_lat_lng) local lat, lng, alt = string.match(result, "(-?[%d.e+-]+):(-?[%d.e+-]+):(-?[%d.e+-]+)") return { result = { lat = tonumber(lat), lng = tonumber(lng), alt = tonumber(alt), } } else return { error = "unknown method "..method } end end function datis_load() log.write("[DATIS]", log.DEBUG, "Loading ...") local handler = {} function handler.onSimulationStop() log.write("[DATIS]", log.DEBUG, "Stopping") local status, err = pcall(datis_stop) if not status then log.write("[DATIS]", log.ERROR, "Stop Error: " .. tostring(err)) end isStarted = false end function handler.onSimulationPause() log.write("[DATIS]", log.DEBUG, "Pausing") local status, err = pcall(datis_pause) if not status then log.write("[DATIS]", log.ERROR, "Pause Error: " .. tostring(err)) end end function handler.onSimulationResume() log.write("[DATIS]", log.DEBUG, "Resuming") if datis == nil and not isStarted then isStarted = true local status, err = pcall(datis_start) if not status then log.write("[DATIS]", log.ERROR, "Start Error: " .. tostring(err)) end else local status, err = pcall(datis_resume) if not status then log.write("[DATIS]", log.ERROR, "Unpause Error: " .. tostring(err)) end end end function handler.onSimulationFrame() local status, err = pcall(datis_simulation_frame) if not status then log.write("[DATIS]", log.ERROR, "Simulation frame Error: " .. tostring(err)) end end DCS.setUserCallbacks(handler) log.write("[DATIS]", log.INFO, "Loaded") end local status, err = pcall(datis_load) if not status then log.write("[DATIS]", log.ERROR, "Load Error: " .. tostring(err)) end
-------------- -- TODO: Check for terrain height -- Defines the edge of a world local edge = 30000 -- Radius which should be checked for a good teleportation place local radius = 2 -------------- local count = 0 local waiting_list = {} --[[ Explanation of waiting_list table Index = Player name Value = { player = Player to teleport pos = Destination obj = Attacked entity notified = When the player must wait longer... } ]] local function tick() for k, v in pairs(waiting_list) do if v.player and v.player:is_player() then local pos = get_surface_pos(v.pos) if pos then v.obj:setpos(pos) minetest.after(0.2, function(p, o) p:set_detach() o:remove() end, v.player, v.obj) waiting_list[k] = nil elseif not v.notified then v.notified = true minetest.chat_send_player(k, "Sorry, we have not found a free place yet. Please be patient.") end else v.obj:remove() waiting_list[k] = nil end end local newedge = edge - 5 -- Check if the players are near the edge and teleport them local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for i, player in ipairs(players) do local name = player:get_player_name() if not waiting_list[name] then local pos = vector.round(player:getpos()) -- Sanity check for insane coordinates if pos.x > 31000 or pos.y > 31000 or pos.z > 31000 or pos.x < -31000 or pos.y < -31000 or pos.z < -31000 then -- Move to spawn asap -- The server probably set invalid/insane coordinates. We have not saved the previous ones, -- So we need to teleport the player to the spawn to save them from an endless loop of -- Teleportation. local spawn = minetest.string_to_pos(minetest.setting_get("static_spawnpoint") or "0,0,0") minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "An internal error has occured. Your coordinates were corrupted. You are now teleported to the spawn." .. " Please report it to any staff member.") minetest.log("error", "[WorldEdge] Corrupted position detected for player " .. player:get_player_name()) player:setpos(spawn) else -- Indent skipped, too many lines to change... We'll wait for "continue" to be introduced in Lua5.2 local newpos = nil if pos.x >= edge then newpos = {x = -newedge, y = 10, z = pos.z} elseif pos.x <= -edge then newpos = {x = newedge, y = 10, z = pos.z} end if pos.z >= edge then newpos = {x = pos.x, y = 10, z = -newedge} if get_surface_pos(newpos) then newpos.y = get_surface_pos(newpos).y+1 -- /MFF (Mg|19/05//15) end -- /MFF (Mg|14/07/15) elseif pos.z <= -edge then newpos = {x = pos.x, y = 10, z = newedge} if get_surface_pos(newpos) then newpos.y = get_surface_pos(newpos).y+1 -- /MFF (Mg|19/05/15) end -- /MFF (Mg|14/07/15) end -- Teleport the player if newpos then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Please wait a few seconds. We will teleport you soon.") local obj = minetest.add_entity(newpos, "worldedge:lock") player:set_attach(obj, "", {x=0, y=0, z=0}, {x=0, y=0, z=0}) waiting_list[name] = { player = player, pos = newpos, obj = obj } obj:setpos(newpos) end end end end minetest.after(3, tick) end tick() function get_surface_pos(pos) local minp = { x = pos.x - radius - 1, y = -10, z = pos.z - radius - 1 } local maxp = { x = pos.x + radius - 1, y = 50, z = pos.z + radius - 1 } local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air") local c_ignore = minetest.get_content_id("ignore") local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local emin, emax = vm:read_from_map(minp, maxp) local area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax} local data = vm:get_data() local seen_air = false local deepest_place = deepest_place.y = 50 for x = minp.x, maxp.x do for z = minp.z, maxp.z do local solid = 0 for y = deepest_place.y, -10, -1 do local node = data[area:index(x, y, z)] if y < deepest_place.y and node == c_air then deepest_place =, y, z) seen_air = true end if solid > 5 then -- Do not find caves! break end if node ~= c_air and node ~= c_ignore then solid = solid + 1 end end end end if seen_air then return deepest_place else return false end end minetest.register_entity("worldedge:lock", { initial_properties = { is_visible = false }, on_activate = function(staticdata, dtime_s) --self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal = 1}) end })
------------------------------ -- Airborne variants of the planes ------------------------------ -- Faster acceleration since airborne and there is less resistance -- Slightly increased braking power compared to grounded version -- Wider turn radius compared to grounded version function ExtendAirborneAircraft(name, rotation_speed, braking_power, max_health, weight, hasTakeoffSprites) local plane = table.deepcopy([name]) = name .. "-airborne" plane.order = name .. "-airborne" if settings.startup["aircraft-realism-turn-radius"].value then plane.tank_driving = false plane.rotation_speed = rotation_speed end if settings.startup["aircraft-realism-acceleration"].value then plane.weight = weight plane.friction = 0.0003 -- Less friction so they glide and don't constantly need one to hold the accelerator end if settings.startup["aircraft-realism-braking-speed"].value then plane.braking_power = braking_power end if settings.startup["aircraft-realism-takeoff-health"].value then plane.max_health = max_health end -- Use custom sprotesheets with no shadows when airborne if settings.startup["aircraft-realism-braking-speed"].value and hasTakeoffSprites then plane.animation.filename = "__AircraftRealism__/graphics/" .. name .. "_Spritesheet_Shadowless.png" end -- Fuel consumption multiplier -- Get eng unit len of consumption local engUnitLen = 0 for i=string.len(plane.consumption), 1, -1 do if tonumber(string.sub(plane.consumption, i, i)) ~= nil then break end engUnitLen = engUnitLen + 1 end -- Multiply consumption local oldConsumptionNum = tonumber( string.sub(plane.consumption, 1, string.len(plane.consumption) - engUnitLen) ) local newConsumptionNum = oldConsumptionNum * settings.startup["aircraft-realism-fuel-usage-multiplier-airborne"].value -- Add eng unit back local newConsumptionStr = tostring(newConsumptionNum) .. string.sub(plane.consumption, string.len(plane.consumption) - engUnitLen + 1) plane.consumption = newConsumptionStr -- Lower the fuel effectivity so the same energy goes to the wheels plane.effectivity = plane.effectivity / settings.startup["aircraft-realism-fuel-usage-multiplier-airborne"].value data:extend{plane} end -- Gunship ExtendAirborneAircraft("gunship", 0.005, "940kW", 500, 5000, true) -- Cargo-plane ExtendAirborneAircraft("cargo-plane", 0.003, "1100kW", 500, 25000, true) -- Jet ExtendAirborneAircraft("jet", 0.003, "950kW", 250, 1200, true) -- Flying fortress ExtendAirborneAircraft("flying-fortress", 0.008, "3420kW", 2000, 7500, true) ------------------------------------------------------ -- OTHER MODS ------------------------------------------------------ -- Better cargo planes if mods["betterCargoPlanes"] then ExtendAirborneAircraft("better-cargo-plane", 0.0035, "1680kW", 1000, 34000, false) ExtendAirborneAircraft("even-better-cargo-plane", 0.0045, "2660kW", 2000, 40000, false) end
#! /usr/bin/env lua -- -- Lua console using Vte widget. It uses homegrown poor-man's -- Lua-only readline implementation (most of the code of this sample, -- not really related to GLib/Gtk in any way). -- local lgi = require 'lgi' local Gtk = lgi.require('Gtk', '3.0') local Vte = lgi.require('Vte', '2.90') -- Simple readline implementation with asynchronous interface. local ReadLine = {} ReadLine.__index = ReadLine function return setmetatable( { insert_mode = true, columns = 80, history = {}, }, ReadLine) end function ReadLine:start_line(prompt) self.input = '' self.pos = 1 self.prompt = prompt or '' self.history_pos = #self.history + 1 self.display(self.prompt) end -- Translates input string position into line/column pair. local function getpos(rl, pos) local full, part = math.modf((pos + #rl.prompt - 1) / rl.columns) return full, math.floor(part * rl.columns + 0.5) end -- Redisplays currently edited line, moves cursor to newpos, assumes -- that rl.input is updated with new contents but rl.pos still holds -- old cursor position. local function redisplay(rl, newpos, modified) if newpos < rl.pos then -- Go back with the cursor local oldl, oldc = getpos(rl, rl.pos) local newl, newc = getpos(rl, newpos) if oldl ~= newl then rl.display(('\27[%dA'):format(oldl - newl)) end if oldc ~= newc then rl.display(('\27[%d%s'):format(math.abs(newc - oldc), oldc < newc and 'C' or 'D')) end elseif newpos > rl.pos then -- Redraw portion between old and new cursor. rl.display(rl.input:sub(rl.pos, newpos - 1)) end rl.pos = newpos if modified then -- Save cursor, redraw the rest of the string, clear the rest of -- the line and screen and restore cursor position back. rl.display('\27[s' .. rl.input:sub(newpos, -1) .. '\27[K\27[J\27[u') end end local bindings = {} function bindings.default(rl, key) if not key:match('%c') then rl.input = rl.input:sub(1, rl.pos - 1) .. key .. rl.input:sub(rl.pos + (rl.insert_mode and 0 or 1), -1) redisplay(rl, rl.pos + 1, rl.insert_mode) end end function bindings.enter(rl) redisplay(rl, #rl.input + 1) rl.display('\n') rl.commit(rl.input) end function bindings.back(rl) if rl.pos > 1 then redisplay(rl, rl.pos - 1) end end function bindings.forward(rl) if rl.pos <= #rl.input then redisplay(rl, rl.pos + 1) end end function bindings.home(rl) if rl.pos ~= 1 then redisplay(rl, 1) end end function bindings.goto_end(rl) if rl.pos ~= #rl.input then redisplay(rl, #rl.input + 1) end end function bindings.backspace(rl) if rl.pos > 1 then rl.input = rl.input:sub(1, rl.pos - 2) .. rl.input:sub(rl.pos, -1) redisplay(rl, rl.pos - 1, true) end end function bindings.delete(rl) if rl.pos <= #rl.input then rl.input = rl.input:sub(1, rl.pos - 1) .. rl.input:sub(rl.pos + 1, -1) redisplay(rl, rl.pos, true) end end function bindings.kill(rl) rl.input = rl.input:sub(1, rl.pos - 1) redisplay(rl, rl.pos, true) end function bindings.clear(rl) rl.input = '' rl.history_pos = #rl.history + 1 redisplay(rl, 1, true) end local function set_history(rl) rl.input = rl.history[rl.history_pos] or '' redisplay(rl, 1, true) redisplay(rl, #rl.input + 1) end function bindings.up(rl) if rl.history_pos > 1 then rl.history_pos = rl.history_pos - 1 set_history(rl) end end function bindings.down(rl) if rl.history_pos <= #rl.history then rl.history_pos = rl.history_pos + 1 set_history(rl) end end -- Real keys are here bound to symbolic names. local function ctrl(char) return string.char(char:byte() - ('a'):byte() + 1) end bindings[ctrl'b'] = bindings.back bindings['\27[D'] = bindings.back bindings[ctrl'f'] = bindings.forward bindings['\27[C'] = bindings.forward bindings[ctrl'a'] = bindings.home bindings['\27OH'] = bindings.home bindings[ctrl'e'] = bindings.goto_end bindings['\27OF'] = bindings.goto_end bindings[ctrl'h'] = bindings.backspace bindings[ctrl'd'] = bindings.delete bindings['\127'] = bindings.delete bindings[ctrl'k'] = bindings.kill bindings[ctrl'c'] = bindings.clear bindings[ctrl'p'] = bindings.up bindings['\27[A'] = bindings.up bindings[ctrl'n'] = bindings.down bindings['\27[B'] = bindings.down bindings['\r'] = bindings.enter function ReadLine:receive(key) (bindings[key] or bindings.default)(self, key) end function ReadLine:add_line(line) -- Avoid duplicating lines in history. if self.history[#self.history] ~= line then self.history[#self.history + 1] = line end end -- Instantiate terminal widget and couple it with our custom readline. local terminal = Vte.Terminal { delete_binding = Vte.TerminalEraseBinding.ASCII_DELETE, } local readline = if Vte.Terminal.on_size_allocate then -- 'size_allocate' signal is not present in some older Gtk-3.0.gir files -- due to bug in older GI versions. Make sure that this does not trip us -- completely, it only means that readline will not react on the terminal -- resize events. function terminal:on_size_allocate(rect) readline.columns = self:get_column_count() end end function readline.display(str) -- Make sure that \n is always replaced with \r\n. Also make sure -- that after \n, kill-rest-of-line is always issued, so that -- random garbage does not stay on the screen. str = str:gsub('([^\r]?)\n', '%1\r\n'):gsub('\r\n', '\27[K\r\n') terminal:feed(str, #str) end function terminal:on_commit(str, length) readline.columns = self:get_column_count() readline:receive(str) end function readline.commit(line) -- Try to execute input line. line = line:gsub('^%s?(=)%s*', 'return ') local chunk, answer = (loadstring or load)(line, '=stdin') if chunk then (function(ok, ...) if not ok then answer = tostring(...) else answer = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do answer[#answer + 1] = tostring(select(i, ...)) end answer = #answer > 0 and table.concat(answer, '\t') end end)(pcall(chunk)) end if answer then readline.display(answer .. '\n') end -- Store the line into rl history and start reading new line. readline:add_line(line) readline:start_line(_PROMPT or '> ') end -- Create the application. local app = Gtk.Application { application_id = 'org.lgi.samples.gtkconsole' } -- Pack terminal into the window with scrollbar. function app:on_activate() local grid = Gtk.Grid { child = terminal } grid:add(Gtk.Scrollbar { orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, adjustment = terminal.adjustment, }) terminal.expand = true readline.display [[ This is terminal emulation of standard Lua console. Enter Lua commands as in interactive Lua console. The advantage over standard console is that in this context, GMainLoop is running, so this console is ideal for interactive toying with Gtk (and other mainloop-based) components. Try following: Gtk = lgi.Gtk <Enter> window = Gtk.Window { title = 'Test' } <Enter> window:show_all() <Enter> window.title = 'Different' <Enter> ]] local window = Gtk.Window { application = self, title = 'Lua Terminal', default_width = 640, default_height = 480, has_resize_grip = true, child = grid, } window:show_all() readline.columns = terminal:get_column_count() readline:start_line(_PROMPT or '> ') -- For convenience, propagate 'lgi' into the global namespace. _G.lgi = lgi end -- Start the application. app:run { arg[0], ... }
-- Create separate modules for each when implementing it function window_center() end function window_handle() end function window_get_fullscreen() end function window_get_caption() end function window_get_colour() end function window_get_height() end function window_get_width() end function window_get_x() end function window_get_y() end function window_get_cursor() end function window_get_visible_rects() end function window_mouse_get_x() end function window_mouse_get_y() end function window_mouse_set() end function window_set_caption() end function window_set_colour() end function window_set_fullscreen() end function window_set_position() end function window_set_size() end function window_set_rectangle() end function window_set_cursor() end function window_set_min_width() end function window_set_max_width() end function window_set_min_height() end function window_set_max_height() end function window_has_focus() end function window_device() end
-- KEYS[1] - the 'waiting for ack' queue -- KEYS[2] - the messages queue -- ARGV[1] - the last message id that was acked -- ARGV[2] - keys ttl -- ARGV[3] - 'true' means to restore un-acked messages back to the messages queue -- continously pop messages up to the last acked message and discard the acked ones local lastack = tonumber(ARGV[1]) local cont = true while cont do local id ='lpop',KEYS[1]) if not id then return end -- if the are no more messages in the 'waiting for ack' queue we're done if lastack >= tonumber(id) then -- the current message id is acked, so we can remove the message'lpop',KEYS[1]) else -- the current message id is not yet acked, put the id back to the queue'lpush',KEYS[1], id)'expire', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) cont = false -- break out from the loop end end -- if we want to restore all the un-acked messages back to the messages queue, then -- we pop the messages from the end of the 'waiting for ack' queue and push them the head of the messages queue -- so that they can be consumed once again if ARGV[3] == 'true' then while true do -- pop the next last element from the 'waiting for ack' queue local element ='rpop',KEYS[1]) if not element then break end -- push it to the head of messages queue'lpush',KEYS[2], element)'expire', KEYS[2], ARGV[2]) end end return redis.status_reply('OK')
local component = require "comppp" workspace "Serializer" location ".build/projects" targetdir ".build/bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}" configurations { "Debug", "Release" } language "C++" architecture "x64" cppdialect "C++17" component.targetdir "source/components" project "app.test" kind "ConsoleApp" "vector2" component.add { x="float", y="float", } "vector3" component.add { x="float", y="float", z={"float", "0"} } "quaternion" component.add { x="float", y="float", z="float", w="float" } "matrix4" component.add { m00="float", m10="float", m20="float", m30="float", m01="float", m11="float", m21="float", m31="float", m02="float", m12="float", m22="float", m32="float", m03="float", m13="float", m23="float", m33="float" } "Player" component.add { position="vector3", state="Active|Jumping", } "World" component.add { title="string(64)", player="Player[4]", scores="float[4]" } "ObjectID" component.add { id="int" } "ShaderAssetRef" component.add { id="int" } "SoundAssetRef" component.add { id="int" } "MeshAssetRef" component.add { id="int" } "TextureAssetRef" component.add { id="int" } -- From Gameengine "Transform" component.add { position= {"vector3", "vector(0,0,0)" }, scale= {"vector3", "vector(1,1,1)" }, rotation= {"quaternion", "qidentity()" }, -- remove this mvt= {"matrix4", "identity4()"}, } "Camera" component.add { projection= {"matrix4", "identity4()"}, lookat= {"matrix4", "identity4()"}, fov= {"float", "70" }, near_plane= {"float", "0.1f" }, far_plane= {"float", "1000" }, } "Skybox" component.add { object= {"ObjectID" }, } "Collider" component.add { pivot= {"vector3", "vector(0,0,0)" }, scale= {"vector3", "vector(1,1,1)" }, active= {"bool" }, intersections= {"ObjectID[16]" }, } "SceneObject" component.add { ID= {"ObjectID", "idgen()" }, mesh= {"MeshAssetRef"}, texture= {"TextureAssetRef"}, transform= {"Transform"}, collider= {"Collider"}, } "Hero" component.add { inputv= {"vector3"}, velocity= {"vector3"}, cam_offset= {"vector3", "vector(0,0,1)" }, cam_speed= {"vector2", "vector(0.05f,0.05f)" }, heroWalkSpeed= {"float", "0.3f"}, heroRunSpeed= {"float", "0.9f"}, renderObject= {"ObjectID" }, transform= {"Transform"}, jump_sound= {"SoundAssetRef"}, jump= {"bool"}, } "Scene" component.add { title="string(256)", skybox= {"Skybox" }, --TODO: make the game and editor cameras explicit cameras= {"Camera[16]" }, -- 0 = editor camera, 1 = main game camera, 2 = stealth camera, 3+ = side cameras activeCamera= {"int", "1" }, hero= {"Hero" }, objects= {"SceneObject[1024]" }, } includedirs { "externals/ros/include" } includedirs { "externals/include" } includedirs { "../include" } files {"source/**"} removefiles {"source/ui/**"} removefiles { "externals/**" } component.generate() project "app.ui" links { "d3d11" } kind "ConsoleApp" files {"source/ui/**"} files {"externals/include/imgui/*"} includedirs { "../include" } files { "../include/**" } includedirs { "source" } includedirs { "externals/ros/include" } includedirs { "externals/include/imgui" } includedirs { "externals/include/imgui/backends" } files { "externals/include/imgui/backends/imgui_impl_dx11.cpp" } files { "externals/include/imgui/backends/imgui_impl_win32.cpp" } removefiles {"source/main.cpp"}
local t = require('luatest') local g ='fixtures.error') g.test_1 = function() t.assert_equals(1, 1) end g.test_2 = function() error('custom-error') end
AddCSLuaFile() local VehicleName = "LSC Police Tahoe" local EMV = {} EMV.Siren = 2 EMV.Skin = 11 EMV.Color = Color(255,255,255) EMV.BodyGroups = { { 0, 0 }, -- Body { 1, 0 }, -- ALPR { 2, 0 }, -- Antenne { 3, 2 }, -- Sidepanels { 4, 0 }, -- Bullbar { 5, 0 }, -- Lightbar { 6, 0 }, -- Equiptment { 7, 1 }, -- Grill { 8, 0 }, -- Lamp { 9, 0 }, -- Lights_frontwindow { 10, 0 }, -- Lights_grill { 11, 0 }, -- Lights_rearbumper { 12, 0 }, -- Lights_rearwindow { 13, 1 }, -- Partition { 14, 0 }, -- Roofrack { 15, 0 }, -- Runningboards { 16, 0 }, -- Snorkle { 17, 1 }, -- Wheels { 18, 0 }, -- Windows { 19, 0 }, -- clamped1 { 20, 0 }, -- clamped2 } EMV.Props = { [1] = { Model = "models/crown vic sheriff/rambar.mdl", Scale = 1.05, Pos = Vector(0, 109, 27), Ang = Angle( 0, 90, 0 ), RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE, RenderMode = RENDERMODE_NORMAL }, [2] = { Model = "models/supermighty/props/whelen_speaker.mdl", Scale = .50, Pos = Vector(0, 121, 46), Ang = Angle( 90, 90, 0 ), RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE, RenderMode = RENDERMODE_NORMAL }, [3] = { Model = "models/schmal/laptop_stand.mdl", Scale = .60, Pos = Vector(09, 33, 40), Ang = Angle( 0, 140, 0 ), RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE, RenderMode = RENDERMODE_NORMAL }, [4] = { Model = "models/lonewolfie/toughbook.mdl", Scale = .80, Pos = Vector(1, 22, 62.5), Ang = Angle( 0, 220, 0 ), RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE, RenderMode = RENDERMODE_NORMAL }, [5] = { Model = "models/schmal/stalker_dual_main.mdl", Scale = .30, Pos = Vector(0, 50, 62.5), Ang = Angle( 0, -10, 0 ), RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE, RenderMode = RENDERMODE_NORMAL }, [6] = { Model = "models/schmal/motorola_car_radio.mdl", Scale = 1.2, Pos = Vector(0, 34, 42), Ang = Angle( 0, 180, 0 ), RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE, RenderMode = RENDERMODE_NORMAL }, [7] = { Model = "models/c3/codez3sirenbox/codez3sirenbox.mdl", Scale = 1.15, Pos = Vector(0, 29.5, 31.5), Ang = Angle( 0, 270, 0 ), RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE, RenderMode = RENDERMODE_NORMAL }, } EMV.Auto = { { ID = "Whelen Liberty SX", Scale = 1.05, Pos = Vector( 0, -7, 89.2 ), Ang = Angle( 1, 90, 0 ) }, { ID = "Tomar 200S Rear", Scale = .80, Pos = Vector( 0, -100.3, 77.8), Ang = Angle( 0, 270, 0 ) }, { ID = "Whelen 700", Scale = 1, Pos = Vector( -39, -106, 51.5 ), Ang = Angle( 0, -30, 90 ), Color1 = "RED", Phase = "A" }, { ID = "Whelen 700", Scale = 1, Pos = Vector( 39, -106, 51.5 ), Ang = Angle( 0, 30, 90 ), Color1 = "BLUE", Phase = "B" }, { ID = "Whelen SlimLighter", Scale = 1, Pos = Vector( 33.2, -70, 76.5), Ang = Angle( 0, 0, 0) }, { ID = "Whelen SlimLighter", Scale = 1, Pos = Vector( -33.2, -70, 76), Ang = Angle( 0, 180, 0) }, { ID = "Whelen Ion", Scale = 1, Pos = Vector( -10, 116.6, 51.5), Ang = Angle( 0, 0, 15 ), Color1 = "BLUE", Phase = "CA" }, { ID = "Whelen Ion", Scale = 1, Pos = Vector( 10, 116.6, 51.5), Ang = Angle( 0, 0, 15 ), Color1 = "RED", Phase = "CA" }, { ID = "Whelen 700", Scale = 2, Pos = Vector( 23.5, 121.5, 30.2 ), Ang = Angle( 0,0, 270), Color1 = "BLUE", Phase = "A" }, { ID = "Whelen 700", Scale = 2, Pos = Vector( -23.5, 121.5, 30.2 ), Ang = Angle( 0,1.5, 270 ), Color1 = "RED", Phase = "B" }, { ID = "Whelen CenCom Panel", Scale = 1.5, Pos = Vector( 0, 38, 53.4), Ang = Angle( 0, 0, 67 ) }, } EMV.Sequences = { Sequences = { { Name = "CODE 1", Stage = "M1", Components = {}, Disconnect = {} }, { Name = "CODE 2", Stage = "M2", Components = {}, Disconnect = {} }, { Name = "CODE 3", Stage = "M3", Components = {}, Disconnect = {} } }, Traffic = { { Name = "LEFT", Stage = "L", Components = {}, Disconnect = {} }, { Name = "DIVERGE", Stage = "D", Components = {}, Disconnect = {} }, { Name = "RIGHT", Stage = "R", Components = {}, Disconnect = {} }, { Name = "Cruise", Stage = "C", Components = {}, Disconnect = {} } } } local V = { Name = VehicleName, Class = "prop_vehicle_jeep", Category = "Pringles Vehicles", Author = "Officer Pringle {1A-181}", Model = "models/lonewolfie/chev_tahoe.mdl", KeyValues = { vehiclescript = "scripts/vehicles/LWCars/chev_tahoe.txt" }, IsEMV = true, EMV = EMV, HasPhoton = true, Photon = "PHOTON_INHERIT" } list.Set( "Vehicles", VehicleName, V ) if EMVU then EMVU:OverwriteIndex( VehicleName, EMV ) end
return { id = "face_kiss", price = 1500, onSale = true, }
return {'ndjamena'}
local map = require'utils'.map local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true } map('n', '<A-t>', '<CMD>lua require("FTerm").toggle()<CR>', opts) map('t', '<A-t>', '<C-\\><C-n><CMD>lua require("FTerm").toggle()<CR>', opts) vim.cmd('command! FTermOpen lua require("FTerm").open()') vim.cmd('command! FTermClose lua require("FTerm").close()') vim.cmd('command! FTermToggle lua require("FTerm").toggle()') vim.cmd('command! FTermExit lua require("FTerm").exit()') -- run() can take `string` or `table` just like `cmd` config -- lua require('FTerm').run('man ls') -- with string -- lua require('FTerm').run({'yarn', 'build'}) -- lua require('FTerm').run({'node', vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()}) -- Or you can do this -- vim.cmd('command! ManLs lua require("FTerm").run("man ls")') -- vim.cmd('command! YarnBuild lua require("FTerm").run({"yarn", "build"})')
local ADDON, ns = ... local Addon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(ADDON, "AceEvent-3.0") local L = {} setmetatable(L, { __index = function(self, key) return key end }) ns.Addon = Addon ns.L = L ns.Version = GetAddOnMetadata(ADDON, "Version") ns.MyClass = select(2, UnitClass("player")) ns.NUM_CUSTOM = 5 _G[ADDON] = ns local defaults = { global = { SignatureMacro = "CMSignature", ClassMacro = "CMClass", }, profile = { } } function Addon:OnInitialize() for i = 1, ns.NUM_CUSTOM do local custom = "Custom"..i[custom.."Macro"] = "CM"..custom defaults.profile[custom] = false end self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("CovenantMacroDB", defaults) end function Addon:Print(...) _G.DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cFF70B8FF"..ADDON..":|r " .. format(...)) end function Addon:Error(...) _G.UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("|cFF70B8FF"..format(...).."|r ") end
local player_meta = global_metatable( "player" ) PLAYER = setmetatable( {}, player_meta ) function player_meta:__unserialize( data ) return self end function player_meta:__serialize() return "" end function player_meta:__tostring() return string.format( "Player" ) end function player_meta:GetType() return "player" end function player_meta:Respawn() return RespawnPlayer() end function player_meta:SetTransform( transform ) return SetPlayerTransform( transform ) end function player_meta:SetCamera( transform ) return SetCameraTransform( transform ) end function player_meta:SetSpawnTransform( transform ) return SetPlayerSpawnTransform( transform ) end function player_meta:SetVehicle( handle ) return SetPlayerVehicle( GetEntityHandle( handle ) ) end function player_meta:SetVelocity( velocity ) return SetPlayerVelocity( velocity ) end function player_meta:SetScreen( handle ) return SetPlayerScreen( GetEntityHandle( handle ) ) end function player_meta:SetHealth( health ) return SetPlayerHealth( health ) end function player_meta:GetTransform() return MakeTransformation( GetPlayerTransform() ) end function player_meta:GetCamera() return MakeTransformation( GetCameraTransform() ) end function player_meta:GetVelocity() return MakeVector( GetPlayerVelocity() ) end function player_meta:GetVehicle() return Vehicle( GetPlayerVehicle() ) end function player_meta:GetGrabShape() return Shape( GetPlayerGrabShape() ) end function player_meta:GetGrabBody() return Body( GetPlayerGrabBody() ) end function player_meta:GetPickShape() return Shape( GetPlayerPickShape() ) end function player_meta:GetPickBody() return Body( GetPlayerPickBody() ) end function player_meta:GetInteractShape() return Shape( GetPlayerInteractShape() ) end function player_meta:GetInteractBody() return Body( GetPlayerInteractBody() ) end function player_meta:GetScreen() return Screen( GetPlayerScreen() ) end function player_meta:GetHealth() return GetPlayerHealth() end
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decorators -- Conditional -- Execute and return the child node status if the condition is true, otherwise return -- Failure. The condition is evaluated only once in the first Tick and when the node is -- not already Running unless it is set as 'Dynamic' in which case it will revaluate even -- while running ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ConditionalEvaluator = bt.Class("ConditionalEvaluator",bt.BTDecorator) bt.ConditionalEvaluator = ConditionalEvaluator function ConditionalEvaluator:ctor() bt.BTDecorator.ctor(self) = "ConditionalEvaluator" self.isDynamic = false self.condition = nil self.accessed = false end function ConditionalEvaluator:init(jsonData) if jsonData.isDynamic then self.isDynamic = jsonData.isDynamic end if jsonData._condition then local Cls = bt.getCls(jsonData._condition["$type"], jsonData._condition) self.condition = self.condition:init(jsonData._condition) end end function ConditionalEvaluator:onExecute(agent,blackboard) local decoratedConnection = self:getDecoratedConnection() if decoratedConnection == nil then return bt.Status.Resting end if self.condition == nil then return decoratedConnection:execute(agent,blackboard) end if self.isDynamic then if self.condition:checkCondition(agent,blackboard) then return decoratedConnection:execute(agent,blackboard) end decoratedConnection:reset(true) return bt.Status.Failure else if self.status ~= bt.Status.Running and self.condition:checkCondition(agent,blackboard) then self.accessed = true end if self.accessed then return decoratedConnection:execute(agent,blackboard) else return bt.Status.Failure end end end function ConditionalEvaluator:onReset() self.accessed = false end function ConditionalEvaluator:destroy() if self.condition ~= nil then self.condition:destroy() self.condition = nil end end
heliAttack = { type = "heliAttack", bodyOffset = 5, rotorOffset = 5.1, rotorRPFacceleration = 0.0002, rotorMaxRPF = 240/60/60, --revolutions per frame engineReduction = 7.5, fuelSlots = 5, new = function(placementEnt) local baseEnt = placementEnt.surface.create_entity{name = "heli-entity-_-", force = placementEnt.force, position = placementEnt.position} local childs = { bodyEnt = placementEnt.surface.create_entity{name = "heli-body-entity-_-", force = game.forces.neutral, position = {x = baseEnt.position.x, y = baseEnt.position.y + heliAttack.bodyOffset}}, rotorEnt = placementEnt.surface.create_entity{name = "rotor-entity-_-", force = game.forces.neutral, position = {x = baseEnt.position.x, y = baseEnt.position.y + heliAttack.rotorOffset}}, bodyEntShadow = placementEnt.surface.create_entity{name = "heli-shadow-entity-_-", force = game.forces.neutral, position = baseEnt.position}, rotorEntShadow = placementEnt.surface.create_entity{name = "rotor-shadow-entity-_-", force = game.forces.neutral, position = baseEnt.position}, burnerEnt = placementEnt.surface.create_entity{name = "heli-burner-entity-_-", force = game.forces.neutral, position = {x = baseEnt.position.x, y = baseEnt.position.y + 1.3}}, floodlightEnt = placementEnt.surface.create_entity{name = "heli-floodlight-entity-_-", force = game.forces.neutral, position = baseEnt.position}, } return, baseEnt, childs, {__index = heliAttack}) end, } setmetatable(heliAttack, {__index = heliBase}) heliEntityNames = heliEntityNames .. concatStrTable({ "heli-entity-_-", "heli-body-entity-_-", "heli-landed-collision-end-entity-_-", "heli-landed-collision-side-entity-_-", "heli-shadow-entity-_-", "heli-flying-collision-entity-_-", "heli-burner-entity-_-", "heli-floodlight-entity-_-", "rotor-entity-_-", "rotor-shadow-entity-_-", }, ",") heliBaseEntityNames = heliBaseEntityNames .. "heli-entity-_-" .. ","
local Clockwork = Clockwork; -- Called when a player has their disease info established. function Clockwork:PlayerDiseaseInfoEstablished(player, characterDiseaseInfo) end; -- Called when a player is infected with a disease. function Clockwork:OnPlayerInfected(player, diseaseInfo) end; -- Called when a player's disease's incubation period ends. function Clockwork:OnDiseaseIncubationEnd(player, diseaseInfo) end; -- Called when a player experiences a temporary effect from a disease. function Clockwork:OnPlayerExperienceDiseaseTempEffect(player, diseaseInfo) end;
require("stategraphs/commonstates") local actionhandlers = { ActionHandler(ACTIONS.EAT, "eat"), } local events= { CommonHandlers.OnStep(), CommonHandlers.OnSleep(), CommonHandlers.OnLocomote(false,true), CommonHandlers.OnFreeze(), EventHandler("attacked", function(inst) if not then"hit") end end), EventHandler("doattack", function(inst) if not and ("hit") or not"busy")) then if inst:HasTag("peck_attack") then"peck") else"attack") end end end), EventHandler("death", function(inst)"death") end), } local states= { State{ name = "idle", tags = {"idle", "canrotate"}, onenter = function(inst, pushanim) -- print('SGtametallbird - idle') inst.Physics:Stop() inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle", true) + 4*math.random()) end, ontimeout = function(inst) --print("smallbird - idle timeout") if math.random() <= inst.userfunctions.GetPeepChance(inst) then"idle_peep") else"idle_blink") end end, events= { EventHandler("startstarving", function(inst, data) --print("smallbird - SG - startstarving")"idle_peep") end ), }, }, State{ name = "idle_blink", tags = {"idle", "canrotate"}, onenter = function(inst) -- print('SGtametallbird - idle_blink') inst.Physics:Stop() inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle_blink") end, timeline = { TimeEvent(17*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/smallbird/blink") end), }, events= { EventHandler("animover", function(inst,data) if math.random() < 0.1 then"idle_blink") else"idle") end end ), }, }, State{ name = "idle_peep", tags = {"idle"}, onenter = function(inst) -- print('SGtametallbird - idle_peep') inst.Physics:Stop() inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("meep") end, timeline = { TimeEvent(3*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/smallbird/chirp") end), }, events= { EventHandler("animover", function(inst,data) if math.random() <= inst.userfunctions.GetPeepChance(inst) then"idle_peep") else"idle") end end ), }, }, State{ name = "death", tags = {"busy"}, onenter = function(inst) -- print('SGtametallbird - death') inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/death") inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("death") inst.components.locomotor:StopMoving() RemovePhysicsColliders(inst) inst.components.lootdropper:DropLoot(Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition())) end, }, State{ name = "taunt", tags = {"busy", "canrotate"}, onenter = function(inst) -- print('SGtametallbird - taunt') inst.Physics:Stop() inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("call") if inst.components.combat and then inst:FacePoint(Vector3( end end, timeline= { TimeEvent(6*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/scratch_ground") end), TimeEvent(30*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/scratch_ground") end), }, events= { EventHandler("animover", function(inst)"idle") end), }, }, State{ name = "attack", tags = {"attack", "busy"}, onenter = function(inst, cb) -- print('SGtametallbird - attack') inst.Physics:Stop() inst.components.combat:StartAttack() inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("atk_pre") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("atk", false) end, timeline= { TimeEvent(10*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/attack") end), TimeEvent(12*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.components.combat:DoAttack() end), TimeEvent(14*FRAMES, function(inst)"attack")"busy") end), }, events= { EventHandler("animqueueover", function(inst)"idle") end), }, }, State{ name = "peck", tags = {"attack", "busy", "canrotate"}, onenter = function(inst, cb) inst.Physics:Stop() inst.components.combat:StartAttack() inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("teenatk_pre") inst.AnimState:PushAnimation("teenatk", false) end, timeline = { TimeEvent(11*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/teenbird/peck") end), TimeEvent(13*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.components.combat:DoAttack() local target = if target and target.components.talker then target.components.talker:Say( GetString(target.prefab, "ANNOUNCE_PECKED") ) end end), }, events = { EventHandler("animqueueover", function(inst)"idle") end), }, }, State{ name = "hit", tags = {"busy"}, onenter = function(inst) -- print('SGtametallbird - hit') inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/hurt") inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("hit") inst.Physics:Stop() end, events= { EventHandler("animover", function(inst)"idle") end ), }, }, State{ name = "eat", tags = {"busy", "canrotate"}, onenter = function(inst) -- print('SGtametallbird - eat') inst.Physics:Stop() inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("eat") inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/smallbird/scratch_ground") end, timeline= { TimeEvent(7*FRAMES, function(inst) inst:PerformBufferedAction() end), }, events= { EventHandler("animover", function(inst)"idle") end ), }, }, } CommonStates.AddWalkStates(states, { walktimeline = { TimeEvent(0*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/footstep") end ), TimeEvent(12*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/footstep") end ), } }, nil, true) CommonStates.AddSleepStates(states, { starttimeline = { TimeEvent(0*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/sleep") end) }, waketimeline = { TimeEvent(0*FRAMES, function(inst) inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/creatures/tallbird/wakeup") end) }, }) CommonStates.AddFrozenStates(states) return StateGraph("tametallbird", states, events, "idle", actionhandlers)
workspace "NinthEngine" architecture "x64" configurations { "Debug", "Release", "Dist" } outputdir = "%{cfg.buildcfg}-%{cfg.system}-%{cfg.architecture}" includedir = {} includedir["glew"] = "dependencies/glew-2.1.0/include" includedir["glm"] = "dependencies/glm" includedir["spdlog"] = "dependencies/spdlog/include" includedir["stb"] = "dependencies/stb" includedir["tinyobjloader"] = "dependencies/tinyobjloader" include "dependencies/glew-2.1.0" include "NinthEngine" include "modules/OpenGL" include "examples/SimpleApp"
local Object = require "object" local Component = Object:extend() Component.requirements = {} function Component:addRequirement(req) table.insert(Component.requirements, req) end function Component:checkRequirements(actor) local foundreqs = {} for k, component in pairs(actor.components) do for k, req in pairs(self.requirements) do if component:is(req) then table.insert(foundreqs, component) end end end if #foundreqs == #self.requirements then return true end return false end return Component
-- by Qige <> -- 2017.10.20 ARN iOMC3 v3.0.201017 -- DEBUG USE ONLY local DBG = print --local function DBG(msg) end local CCFF = require 'arn.utils.ccff' local OMC3Agent = require 'arn.service.omc.v3.omc3_agent' local cget = CCFF.conf.get local fread = local fwrite = CCFF.file.write local ts = os.time local dt = function() return'%X %x') end local sfmt = string.format local OMC = {} OMC.conf = {} OMC.conf._SIGNAL = '/tmp/.signal.omc3.tmp' OMC.conf.enabled = cget('arn-omcd','v3','enabled') or '0' OMC.conf.server = cget('arn-omcd','v3','server') or '' OMC.conf.port = cget('arn-omcd','v3','port') or 80 OMC.conf.interval = cget('arn-omcd','v3','interval') or 1 OMC.conf.reportInterval = cget('arn-omcd','v3','report_interval') or 5 OMC.conf.protocol = cget('arn-omcd','v3','protocol') or 'http' function OMC.version() OMC.reply(sfmt('-> %s', OMC.VERSION)) end function OMC.init() if (OMC.conf.enabled ~= 'on' and OMC.conf.enabled ~= '1') then return 'Agent-OMC disabled' end if (not CCFF) then return 'need packet ARN-Scripts' end if (not OMC.conf.server) or (not OMC.conf.port) then return 'unknown server or port' end if (not OMC3Agent) then return 'unknown agent' end OMC.VERSION = OMC3Agent.VERSION return nil end function OMC.Run(conf, dbg) local err = OMC.init() if (err) then OMC.failed(err) return end OMC.version() -- get instant local OMC3Instant = OMC3Agent.New( OMC.conf.server, OMC.conf.port, OMC.conf.interval, OMC.conf.reportInterval, OMC.conf.protocol ) if (not OMC3Instant) then OMC.failed('unable to get instant') return end -- mark instant ready local msg = sfmt("-> started (%s://%s:%s | intl %s/%s) +%s", OMC.conf.protocol, OMC.conf.server, OMC.conf.port, OMC.conf.interval, OMC.conf.reportInterval, dt() ) OMC.reply(msg) OMC.log(msg) -- do some preparation: check env, utils, etc. local waitTO = 0.2 local msg = OMC3Instant:Prepare(waitTO) if (not msg) then -- ready to run, check quit signal, run task, do idle local i while true do if (OMC.QUIT_SIGNAL()) then break end OMC3Instant:Task('all') OMC.reply(sfmt("--> Agent-OMC synced +%s", dt())) OMC3Instant:Idle(OMC.conf.interval) --break --TODO: DEBUG USE ONLY end local s = sfmt("-> signal SIGTERM +%s", dt()) OMC.reply(s) else OMC.failed(msg) end -- clean up instant OMC3Instant:Cleanup() -- mark quit local s = sfmt("-> stopped +%s", dt()) OMC.reply(s) OMC.log(s) end function OMC.failed(msg) print('== Agent-OMC failed: ' .. msg) end function OMC.reply(msg) print(msg) end function OMC.log(msg) local sig_file = OMC.conf._SIGNAL fwrite(sig_file, msg .. '\n') end function OMC.QUIT_SIGNAL() local signal = false local exit_array = { "exit","exit\n", "stop","stop\n", "quit","quit\n", "bye","byte\n", "down","down\n" } local sig_file = OMC.conf._SIGNAL local sig = fread(sig_file) for k,v in ipairs(exit_array) do if (sig == v) then signal = true break end end return signal end return OMC
-- Copyright 2022 SmartThings -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. local ZIGBEE_DUAL_METERING_SWITCH_FINGERPRINT = { {mfr = "Aurora", model = "DoubleSocket50AU"} } local function can_handle_zigbee_dual_metering_switch(opts, driver, device, ...) for _, fingerprint in ipairs(ZIGBEE_DUAL_METERING_SWITCH_FINGERPRINT) do if device:get_manufacturer() == fingerprint.mfr and device:get_model() == fingerprint.model then return true end end return false end local function endpoint_to_component(device, endpoint) if endpoint == 2 then return "switch1" else return "main" end end local function component_to_endpoint(device, component) if component == "switch1" then return 2 else return 1 end end local function map_components(self, device) device:set_endpoint_to_component_fn(endpoint_to_component) device:set_component_to_endpoint_fn(component_to_endpoint) end local zigbee_dual_metering_switch = { NAME = "zigbee dual metering switch", lifecycle_handlers = { init = map_components }, can_handle = can_handle_zigbee_dual_metering_switch } return zigbee_dual_metering_switch
local assets= { Asset("ANIM", "anim/"), } local function fn() local inst = CreateEntity() inst.entity:AddTransform() inst.entity:AddAnimState() inst.entity:AddSoundEmitter() MakeInventoryPhysics(inst) inst.AnimState:SetBank("bearger_fur") inst.AnimState:SetBuild("bearger_fur") inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("idle") inst:AddComponent("inspectable") inst:AddComponent("inventoryitem") inst:AddComponent("stackable") inst.components.stackable.maxsize = TUNING.STACK_SIZE_LARGEITEM return inst end return Prefab("objects/bearger_fur", fn, assets)
local Cached = require "Cached" local Cache = Cached.self() local user = {} function user.autoincrement(key) return Cache:incr(key) end function user.autodecrement(key) return Cache:decr(key) end return user
for index, child in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.PotatoEvent:FireServer(child.Name) end
--- -- @author wesen -- @copyright 2020 wesen <> -- @release 0.1 -- @license MIT -- local TestCase = require "wLuaUnit.TestCase" --- -- Checks that the CoverageData.FileSystemEntry class works as expected. -- -- @type FileSystemEntryTestBase -- local FileSystemEntryTestBase = TestCase:extend() --- -- The mock for the parent CoverageData.Directory of the CoverageData.FileSystemEntry -- -- @tfield table parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock -- FileSystemEntryTestBase.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock = nil --- -- The mock for the CoverageData.HitMissStatistics of the CoverageData.FileSystemEntry -- -- @tfield table hitMissStatisticsMock -- FileSystemEntryTestBase.hitMissStatisticsMock = nil -- Public Methods --- -- Method that is called before a test is executed. -- Initializes the mocks. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:setUp() TestCase.setUp(self) self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock = self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.FileSystemEntry", "DirectoryCoverageDataMock") self.hitMissStatisticsMock = self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Util.HitMissStatistics", "HitMissStatisticsMock") end --- -- Method that is called after a test was executed. -- Clears the mocks. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:tearDown() TestCase.tearDown(self) self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock = nil self.hitMissStatisticsMock = nil end --- -- Checks that a CoverageData.FileSystemEntry can return its base information. -- Base information means data that is stored in the abstract CoverageData.FileSystemEntry class. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:testCanReturnBaseInformation() local FileSystemEntry = self.testClass local fileSystemEntry self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :when( function() fileSystemEntry = FileSystemEntry("exampleEntry", self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) end ) self:assertEquals(fileSystemEntry:getBaseName(), "exampleEntry") self:assertEquals(fileSystemEntry:getParentDirectoryCoverageData(), self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) self:assertEquals(fileSystemEntry:getHitMissStatistics(), self.hitMissStatisticsMock) end --- -- Checks that the path CoverageData.Directory's can be calculated as expected when the root -- CoverageData.Directory and the CoverageData.FileSystemEntry itself should be included in the result list. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:testCanCalculatePathDirectoryCoveragesIncludingRootAndSelf() local FileSystemEntry = self.testClass local pathDirectoryCoverages local mockedParentDirectoryCoverages = { self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory", "DirectoryMockA"), self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory", "DirectoryMockB"), self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock } local fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :and_then( self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock.calculatePathDirectoryCoverages :should_be_called_with(true, true) :and_will_return(mockedParentDirectoryCoverages) ) :when( function() fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory = FileSystemEntry("withParent", self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) pathDirectoryCoverages = fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory:calculatePathDirectoryCoverages(true, true) end ) self:assertEquals(#pathDirectoryCoverages, 4) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[1], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[1]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[2], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[2]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[3], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[3]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[4], fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory) local Directory = require "luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory" if (self.testClass == Directory) then local fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :when( function() fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory = FileSystemEntry("withoutParent") pathDirectoryCoverages = fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory:calculatePathDirectoryCoverages(true, true) end ) self:assertEquals(#pathDirectoryCoverages, 1) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[1], fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory) end end --- -- Checks that the path CoverageData.Directory's can be calculated as expected when the root -- CoverageData.Directory should be included and the CoverageData.FileSystemEntry itself should be excluded -- from the result list. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:testCanCalculatePathDirectoryCoveragesIncludingRootAndExcludingSelf() local FileSystemEntry = self.testClass local pathDirectoryCoverages local mockedParentDirectoryCoverages = { self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory", "DirectoryMockA"), self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory", "DirectoryMockB"), self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock } local fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :and_then( self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock.calculatePathDirectoryCoverages :should_be_called_with(true, true) :and_will_return(mockedParentDirectoryCoverages) ) :when( function() fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory = FileSystemEntry("withParent", self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) pathDirectoryCoverages = fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory:calculatePathDirectoryCoverages(true, false) end ) self:assertEquals(#pathDirectoryCoverages, 3) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[1], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[1]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[2], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[2]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[3], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[3]) local Directory = require "luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory" if (self.testClass == Directory) then local fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :when( function() fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory = FileSystemEntry("withoutParent") pathDirectoryCoverages = fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory:calculatePathDirectoryCoverages(true, false) end ) self:assertEquals(#pathDirectoryCoverages, 0) end end --- -- Checks that the path CoverageData.Directory's can be calculated as expected when the root -- CoverageData.Directory should be excluded and the CoverageData.FileSystemEntry itself should be included -- in the result list. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:testCanCalculatePathDirectoryCoveragesExcludingRootAndIncludingSelf() local FileSystemEntry = self.testClass local pathDirectoryCoverages local mockedParentDirectoryCoverages = { self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory", "DirectoryMockA"), self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory", "DirectoryMockB"), self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock } local fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :and_then( self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock.calculatePathDirectoryCoverages :should_be_called_with(false, true) :and_will_return(mockedParentDirectoryCoverages) ) :when( function() fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory = FileSystemEntry("withParent", self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) pathDirectoryCoverages = fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory:calculatePathDirectoryCoverages(false, true) end ) self:assertEquals(#pathDirectoryCoverages, 4) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[1], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[1]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[2], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[2]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[3], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[3]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[4], fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory) local Directory = require "luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory" if (self.testClass == Directory) then local fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :when( function() fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory = FileSystemEntry("withoutParent") pathDirectoryCoverages = fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory:calculatePathDirectoryCoverages(false, true) end ) self:assertEquals(#pathDirectoryCoverages, 0) end end --- -- Checks that the path CoverageData.Directory's can be calculated as expected when the root -- CoverageData.Directory and the CoverageData.FileSystemEntry itself should be excluded -- from the result list. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:testCanCalculatePathDirectoryCoveragesExcludingRootAndSelf() local FileSystemEntry = self.testClass local pathDirectoryCoverages local mockedParentDirectoryCoverages = { self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory", "DirectoryMockA"), self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory", "DirectoryMockB"), self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock } local fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :and_then( self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock.calculatePathDirectoryCoverages :should_be_called_with(false, true) :and_will_return(mockedParentDirectoryCoverages) ) :when( function() fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory = FileSystemEntry("withParent", self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) pathDirectoryCoverages = fileSystemEntryWithParentDirectory:calculatePathDirectoryCoverages(false, false) end ) self:assertEquals(#pathDirectoryCoverages, 3) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[1], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[1]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[2], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[2]) self:assertIs(pathDirectoryCoverages[3], mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[3]) local Directory = require "luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory" if (self.testClass == Directory) then local fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :when( function() fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory = FileSystemEntry("withoutParent") pathDirectoryCoverages = fileSystemEntryWithoutParentDirectory:calculatePathDirectoryCoverages(false, false) end ) self:assertEquals(#pathDirectoryCoverages, 0) end end --- -- Checks that a CoverageData.FileSystemEntry can calculate its full path including the root. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:testCanCalculateFullPathIncludingRoot() local FileSystemEntry = self.testClass local fullPath local mockedParentDirectoryCoverages = { self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.FileSystemEntry", "DirectoryMockA"), self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.FileSystemEntry", "DirectoryMockB"), self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock } self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :and_then( self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock.calculatePathDirectoryCoverages :should_be_called_with(true, true) :and_will_return(mockedParentDirectoryCoverages) ) :and_then( mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[1].getBaseName :should_be_called() :and_will_return("abc") :and_also( mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[2].getBaseName :should_be_called() :and_will_return("something") ) :and_also( mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[3].getBaseName :should_be_called() :and_will_return("final") ) ) :when( function() local fileSystemEntry = FileSystemEntry("withParent", self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) fullPath = fileSystemEntry:calculateFullPath(true) end ) self:assertEquals(fullPath, "abc/something/final/withParent") local Directory = require "luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory" if (self.testClass == Directory) then self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :when( function() local fileSystemEntry = FileSystemEntry("withoutParent") fullPath = fileSystemEntry:calculateFullPath(true) end ) self:assertEquals(fullPath, "withoutParent") end end --- -- Checks that a CoverageData.FileSystemEntry can calculate its full path excluding the root. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:testCanCalculateFullPathExcludingRoot() local FileSystemEntry = self.testClass local fullPath local mockedParentDirectoryCoverages = { self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.FileSystemEntry", "DirectoryMockA"), self:getMock("luacov.html.CoverageData.FileSystemEntry", "DirectoryMockB"), self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock } self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :and_then( self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock.calculatePathDirectoryCoverages :should_be_called_with(false, true) :and_will_return(mockedParentDirectoryCoverages) ) :and_then( mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[1].getBaseName :should_be_called() :and_will_return("nothing") :and_also( mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[2].getBaseName :should_be_called() :and_will_return("anything") ) :and_also( mockedParentDirectoryCoverages[3].getBaseName :should_be_called() :and_will_return("hi") ) ) :when( function() local fileSystemEntry = FileSystemEntry("anotherOneThatHasAParent", self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) fullPath = fileSystemEntry:calculateFullPath(false) end ) self:assertEquals(fullPath, "nothing/anything/hi/anotherOneThatHasAParent") local Directory = require "luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory" if (self.testClass == Directory) then self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :when( function() local fileSystemEntry = FileSystemEntry("anotherParentless") fullPath = fileSystemEntry:calculateFullPath(false) end ) self:assertEquals(fullPath, "") end end --- -- Checks that hit/miss statistics can be added to a CoverageData.FileSystemEntry as expected. -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:testCanAddHitMissStatistics() local FileSystemEntry = self.testClass self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :and_then( self.hitMissStatisticsMock.addNumberOfHits :should_be_called_with(987) :and_also( self.hitMissStatisticsMock.addNumberOfMisses :should_be_called_with(234) ) ) :and_also( self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock.addHitMissStatistics :should_be_called_with(987, 234) ) :when( function() local fileSystemEntry = FileSystemEntry("withParent", self.parentDirectoryCoverageDataMock) fileSystemEntry:addHitMissStatistics(987, 234) end ) local Directory = require "luacov.html.CoverageData.Directory" if (self.testClass == Directory) then self:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() :and_then( self.hitMissStatisticsMock.addNumberOfHits :should_be_called_with(18888) :and_also( self.hitMissStatisticsMock.addNumberOfMisses :should_be_called_with(41231) ) ) :when( function() local fileSystemEntry = FileSystemEntry("withoutParent") fileSystemEntry:addHitMissStatistics(18888, 41231) end ) end end -- Protected Methods --- -- Returns the required expectations for a CoverageData.FileSystemEntry's creation. -- Inheriting TestCase's must add additional expectations to this method as required. -- -- @treturn table The expectations -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:expectFileSystemEntryInitialization() return self:expectHitMissStatisticsCreation() end --- -- Returns the required expectations for a CoverageData.FileSystemEntry's HitMissStatistics creation. -- Also injects the CoverageData.HitMissStatistics mock via the expectations return values. -- -- @treturn table The expectations -- function FileSystemEntryTestBase:expectHitMissStatisticsCreation() return self.dependencyMocks.HitMissStatistics.__call :should_be_called() :and_will_return(self.hitMissStatisticsMock) end return FileSystemEntryTestBase
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- kcalc.lua --- This is the main initialization script for kcalc. All scripts referenced --- Must be in the main script directory or the user script directory --- --- This file is part of kcalc v8.0, Copyright (c)2012 Kevin Boone, --- distributed according to the terms of the GPL v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require "help" require "complex" require "basic" require "stats" require "format" require "solve" require "file" require "calculus" require "financial" --- Note that it is not an error for kcalcrc to be absent pcall (require, "kcalcrc")
-- メニュ-処理基本 local SPoint -- 選択カーソルの位置 -- 処理ポインタ配列 -- DxLua: 後で追加 local Method -- 選択項目の文字列 local String = { "赤い箱を描画する", "ランダムにドットを打つ", "グラデーションを描く", } -- 画面モードのセット dx.SetGraphMode(640, 480, 16) -- DXライブラリ初期化処理 function dx.Init() -- 選択ポインタの位置初期化 SPoint = 1 -- 選択項目の数を取得&ついでに項目描画 -- DxLua: イテレータ関数で取得 SenntakuNum = #String for Index, Menu in ipairs(String) do dx.DrawString(32, (Index - 1) * 32, Menu, dx.GetColor(255, 255, 255)) end end -- ループ function dx.Update() -- 前のカーソル消去 dx.DrawBox(0, 0, 32, SenntakuNum * 32, 0, true) -- カーソル描画 dx.DrawBox(0, (SPoint - 1) * 32, 16, (SPoint - 1) * 32 + 16, dx.GetColor(255, 255, 0), true) -- キー入力 do -- キー入力待ち while (dx.ProcessMessage() == 0 and dx.CheckHitKeyAll() ~= 0) do end while (dx.ProcessMessage() == 0 and dx.CheckHitKeyAll() == 0) do end -- キー入力に応じて処理 -- カーソル移動 if (dx.CheckHitKey(dx.KEY_INPUT_UP) ~= 0 and SPoint > 1) then SPoint = SPoint - 1 end if (dx.CheckHitKey(dx.KEY_INPUT_DOWN) ~= 0 and SPoint < SenntakuNum) then SPoint = SPoint + 1 end -- 決定キー時処理 if dx.CheckHitKey(dx.KEY_INPUT_Z) ~= 0 then -- 項目に応じた処理を行う Method[SPoint]() -- キー入力待ち dx.WaitKey() -- ループから抜ける return 'exit' end end end -- 赤い箱を描画する関数 function RedBoxDraw() dx.DrawBox(0, 0, 640, 480, dx.GetColor(255, 0, 0), true) end -- ランダムにドットを打つ関数 function RandPsetPixel() for i = 1, 1000 do dx.DrawPixel(dx.GetRand(639), dx.GetRand(479), dx.GetColor(dx.GetRand(255), dx.GetRand(255), dx.GetRand(255))) end end -- グラデーションを描く関数 function GDraw() for i = 1, 480 do dx.DrawLine(0, i - 1, 640, i - 1, dx.GetColor(255, 255, 255 * i / 480)) end end -- DxLua: ここで追加 Method = { RedBoxDraw, RandPsetPixel, GDraw }
Class = require "lib.hump.class" -- Entity = Class { init = function(self, world, x, y, w, h) self.type = "entity" = world self.position = { x = x, y = y } self.velocity = { x = 0, y = 0 } self.size = { w = w, h = h } -- Install to world self.addToWorld(self) end, addToWorld = function(self) return nil end, -- getPosition = function(self) return self.position.x, self.position.y end, getBounds = function(self) return self.bounds.w, self.bounds.h end, getCenter = function(self) return self.position.x + self.size.w/2, self.position.y + self.size.h/2 end, -- update = function(self) end, draw = function(self) end, -- destroy = function(self) self.isDestroyed = true end } -- return Entity
-- moreglass/glass.lua local BASENAME = moreglass.BASENAME local LIGHTMOD = moreglass.LIGHTMOD -- [OVERIDE] default:glass minetest.register_node(":default:glass", { description = "Glass", drawtype = "glasslike_framed_optional", tiles = { "glass.png", "glass_detail.png" }, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = false, groups = {cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(), }) -- moreglass:glass_glow moreglass.register_glass("glass_glow", { description = "Glow Glass", tiles = { "glass.png", "glass_detail.png" }, light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX-1, }) -- moreglass:glass_clean moreglass.register_glass("glass_clean", { description = "Clean Glass", tiles = { "glass_clean.png", "glass_clean_detail.png" }, recipe = { type = "cooking", output = BASENAME..":glass_clean", recipe = "default:glass", cooktime = 10, } }) -- moreglass:glass_glow_c moreglass.register_glass("glass_glow_clean", { description = "Clean Glow Glass", tiles = { "glass_clean.png", "glass_clean_detail.png" }, light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX-1, recipe = { type = "cooking", output = BASENAME..":glass_clean", recipe = BASENAME..":glass_glow", cooktime = 10, } }) -- [table] glass colours local GLASS_COLOURS = { { hue = "Black", dye = "black" }, { hue = "Blue", dye = "blue" }, { hue = "Brown", dye = "brown" }, { hue = "Cyan", dye = "cyan" }, { hue = "Green", dye = "green" }, { hue = "Magenta", dye = "magenta" }, { hue = "Orange", dye = "orange" }, { hue = "Pink", dye = "pink" }, { hue = "Red", dye = "red" }, { hue = "Violet", dye = "violet" }, { hue = "Yellow", dye = "yellow" }, { hue = "White", dye = "white" } } -- [loop] register opaque glass for i, glass in ipairs(GLASS_COLOURS) do -- register node moreglass.register_glass("glass_o" .. glass.dye, { description = glass.hue .. " Opaque Glass", tiles = {"glass_o" .. glass.dye .. ".png", "glass_o" .. glass.dye .. "_detail.png"}, recipe = { output = "moreglass:glass_o" .. glass.dye, recipe = { {"dye:" .. glass.dye, "dye:" .. glass.dye, "dye:" .. glass.dye}, {"dye:" .. glass.dye, "moreglass:glass_molten_large", "dye:" .. glass.dye}, {"dye:" .. glass.dye, "dye:" .. glass.dye, "dye:" .. glass.dye} } } }) end -- [loop] register opaque glow glass for i, glass in ipairs(GLASS_COLOURS) do -- register node moreglass.register_glass("glass_glow_o" .. glass.dye, { description = glass.hue .. " Opaque Glow Glass", tiles = {"glass_o" .. glass.dye .. ".png", "glass_o" .. glass.dye .. "_detail.png"}, light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX-1, recipe = { type = "shapeless", output = "moreglass:glass_glow_o" .. glass.dye, recipe = {"moreglass:glass_o" .. glass.dye, "moreglass:lightbulb"} } }) end -- [loop] register stained glass for i, glass in ipairs(GLASS_COLOURS) do -- register node moreglass.register_glass("glass_s" .. glass.dye, { description = glass.hue .. " Stained Glass", tiles = {"glass_s" .. glass.dye .. ".png", "glass_s" .. glass.dye .. "_detail.png"}, use_texture_alpha = true, recipe = { output = "moreglass:glass_s" .. glass.dye, recipe = { {"moreglass:glass_molten", "moreglass:glass_molten", "moreglass:glass_molten"}, {"moreglass:glass_molten", "dye:" .. glass.dye, "moreglass:glass_molten"}, {"moreglass:glass_molten", "moreglass:glass_molten", "moreglass:glass_molten"} } } }) end -- [loop] register stained glow glass for i, glass in ipairs(GLASS_COLOURS) do -- register node moreglass.register_glass("glass_glow_s" .. glass.dye, { description = glass.hue .. " Opaque Glow Glass", tiles = {"glass_s" .. glass.dye .. ".png", "glass_s" .. glass.dye .. "_detail.png"}, light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX-1, use_texture_alpha = true, recipe = { type = "shapeless", output = "moreglass:glass_glow_s" .. glass.dye, recipe = {"moreglass:glass_s" .. glass.dye, "moreglass:lightbulb"} } }) end -- [loop] register clean stained glass for i, glass in ipairs(GLASS_COLOURS) do -- register node moreglass.register_glass("glass_sc" .. glass.dye, { description = glass.hue .. " Clean Stained Glass", tiles = {"glass_s" .. glass.dye .. "_clean.png", "glass_s" .. glass.dye .. "_clean_detail.png"}, use_texture_alpha = true, recipe = { type = "cooking", output = BASENAME..":glass_sc" .. glass.dye, recipe = BASENAME..":glass_s" .. glass.dye, cooktime = 5, } }) end -- [loop] register clean stained glow glass for i, glass in ipairs(GLASS_COLOURS) do -- register node moreglass.register_glass("glass_glow_sc" .. glass.dye, { description = glass.hue .. " Clean Stained Glow Glass", tiles = {"glass_s" .. glass.dye .. "_clean.png", "glass_s" .. glass.dye .. "_clean_detail.png"}, light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX-1, use_texture_alpha = true, recipe = { type = "shapeless", output = "moreglass:glass_glow_sc" .. glass.dye, recipe = {"moreglass:glass_sc" .. glass.dye, "moreglass:lightbulb"}, } }) end
---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Klei Entertainment Inc. -- All Rights Reserved. -- SPY SOCIETY. ---------------------------------------------------------------- module ( "savefiles", package.seeall ) local array = include( "modules/array" ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- variables ---------------------------------------------------------------- local files = { [KLEIPersistentStorage.PST_SaveGame] = {}, [KLEIPersistentStorage.PST_Settings] = {} } local saveFiles = {} local currentSaveFile = nil local settingsFile = nil ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- local functions ---------------------------------------------------------------- local function makeFile ( type, filename ) local savefile = {} savefile.filename = filename savefile.fileexist = false = nil savefile.type = type ---------------------------------------------------------------- function savefile:load() local save = KLEIPersistentStorage.loadFile( self.type, self.filename, config.CLOUDSAVES == true ) if save then local fn, err = loadstring(save) if fn then local res, data = pcall( fn ) if res then = data self.fileexist = true err = nil else err = data end end if err then -- Copy the bad save file. local filePath = KLEIPersistentStorage.getFilePath( self.type, self.filename ) MOAIFileSystem.copy( filePath, string.format( "%s.%s.bak", filePath, tostring(os.time())) ) local bugreport = include( "modules/bugreport" ) self.err = string.format( "savefile.load( %s ) failed with err:\n%s", self.filename, err ) log:write( self.err ) bugreport.reportTraceback( self.err ) end end if not then = {} self.fileexist = false end = = nil setmetatable( self, { __newindex = function( t, k, v ) assert(false, "Use the data sub-table to store actual save data for key '"..tostring(k).."'") end } ) return self.fileexist end ---------------------------------------------------------------- function savefile:save() if not config.NOSAVES then --update the current campaign's save time if then local campaign =[ ] if campaign then campaign.save_time = os.time() end end local serializer = () self.fileexist = true serializer:serialize ( ) local gamestateStr = serializer:exportToString () if config.CLOUDSAVES then -- Save to cloud. KLEIPersistentStorage.saveFile( self.type, self.filename, gamestateStr, true ) end -- Save to disk, all the time. KLEIPersistentStorage.saveFile( self.type, self.filename, gamestateStr, false ) end end return savefile end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- exposed functions ---------------------------------------------------------------- function getFile ( type, filename ) if not files[type][filename] then files[type][filename] = makeFile( type, filename .. ".lua" ) files[type][filename]:load() end return files[type][filename] end function getGame ( filename ) return getFile( KLEIPersistentStorage.PST_SaveGame, filename ) end function getCurrentGame() return currentSaveFile end function makeCurrentGame( filename ) local savefile = getGame( filename ) if savefile.fileexist then currentSaveFile = savefile end return currentSaveFile end function getSettings( filename ) return getFile( KLEIPersistentStorage.PST_Settings, filename ) end function winAchievement( name ) log:write( "ACHIEVEMENT: %s", name ) if KLEIAchievements then KLEIAchievements:achieve( name ) end end function checkAchievements( user, campaign, result ) local cdefs = include( "client_defs" ) local simdefs = include( "sim/simdefs" ) local metadefs = include( "sim/metadefs" ) local serverdefs = include( "modules/serverdefs" ) if >= metadefs.GetXPCap() then winAchievement( cdefs.ACHIEVEMENTS.FULLY_EQUIPPED ) end if result == "VICTORY" then if campaign.campaignDifficulty == simdefs.VERY_HARD_DIFFICULTY then winAchievement( cdefs.ACHIEVEMENTS.ACCEPTABLE_HOST ) end if campaign.campaignDifficulty >= simdefs.EXPERIENCED_DIFFICULTY then winAchievement( cdefs.ACHIEVEMENTS.ANT_SOCIETY ) end if campaign.campaignDifficulty == simdefs.TIME_ATTACK_DIFFICULTY then winAchievement( cdefs.ACHIEVEMENTS.TIME_ATTACK ) end if (campaign.campaignDifficulty >= simdefs.HARD_DIFFICULTY and campaign.campaignDifficulty <= simdefs.VERY_HARD_DIFFICULTY) or campaign.campaignDifficulty == simdefs.TIME_ATTACK_DIFFICULTY then winAchievement( cdefs.ACHIEVEMENTS.INVISIBLE_INC ) if campaign.difficultyOptions.rewindsLeft == 0 then winAchievement( cdefs.ACHIEVEMENTS.NEVER_LOOK_BACK ) end end if (campaign.campaignDifficulty >= simdefs.NORMAL_DIFFICULTY and campaign.campaignDifficulty <= simdefs.VERY_HARD_DIFFICULTY) or campaign.campaignDifficulty == simdefs.TIME_ATTACK_DIFFICULTY then winAchievement( cdefs.ACHIEVEMENTS.TRAINING_WHEELS ) end if array.find(, "brimstone" ) ~= nil and array.find(, "faust" ) ~= nil then winAchievement( cdefs.ACHIEVEMENTS.DAEMON_CODE ) end for i,achivement in ipairs(mod_manager:getAchievments() ) do if then if achivement.campaignDifficulty and type(achivement.campaignDifficulty) ~= "number" and achivement.campaignDifficulty(campaign.campaignDifficulty) then local award = false if achivement.campaign_check then if campaign.missionParams and campaign.missionParams[achivement.campaign_check] then award = true end else award = true end if award == true then print("-------------------------- AWARD ACHIEVEMENT", achivement.achievementID ) winAchievement( achivement.achievementID ) end end end end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Save game helpers. MAX_TOP_GAMES = 6 -- Initializes default savegame data. function initSaveGame() local user = makeCurrentGame( "savegame" ) if not user or not then local old_xp = user and user = savefiles.getGame( "savegame" ) = {} = "default" = {} = 0 = {} = {} = {} = 0 = old_xp = true user:save() makeCurrentGame( "savegame" ) end end function initSettings() local SETTINGS_VERSION = 3 local settingsFile = savefiles.getSettings( "settings" ) if ~= SETTINGS_VERSION then log:write( "Settings version changed: reinitializing" ) = {} = true = true = true = true = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = true = SETTINGS_VERSION settingsFile:save() end if config.RECORD_MODE then = 0 end return settingsFile end local function compareCampaigns( campaign1, campaign2 ) -- Should be based on some score factor? if campaign1.hours == campaign2.hours then return > else return (campaign1.hours or 0) > (campaign2.hours or 0) end end -- Adds the current campaign to the list of completed games, then clears the current campaign. function addCompletedGame( result ) local metadefs = include( "sim/metadefs" ) local simdefs = include( "sim/simdefs" ) local user = getCurrentGame() assert( user and ) local campaign =[ ] -- Add xpgain local xpgained = 0 xpgained = xpgained + ( or 0) * metadefs.GetXPPerMission(1, campaign.campaignDifficulty) xpgained = xpgained + ( or 0) * metadefs.GetXPPerMission(2, campaign.campaignDifficulty) xpgained = xpgained + ( or 0) * metadefs.GetXPPerMission(3, campaign.campaignDifficulty) local oldXp = ( or 0) = math.min( metadefs.GetXPCap(), oldXp + xpgained ) -- See if fits within the top scores. campaign.complete_time = os.time() campaign.result = result table.insert(, campaign ) if result == "VICTORY" then = ( or 0) + 1 if campaign.campaignDifficulty > simdefs.NORMAL_DIFFICULTY then = ( or 0) + 1 end end checkAchievements( user, campaign, result ) table.sort(, compareCampaigns ) while > MAX_TOP_GAMES do table.remove( ) end[ ] = nil user:save() end
--- LÖVE3D. -- Utilities for working in 3D with LÖVE. -- @module l3d local current_folder = (...):gsub('%.init$', '') .. "." local cpml = require "cpml" local ffi = require "ffi" local use_gles = false local l3d = { _LICENSE = "Love3D is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See", _URL = "", _VERSION = "0.0.1", _DESCRIPTION = "A 3D extension for LÖVE." } -- hang onto the original in case we patch over it, we need it! local new_canvas = -- from rxi/lume local function iscallable(x) if type(x) == "function" then return true end local mt = getmetatable(x) return mt and mt.__call ~= nil end local function combine(...) local n = select('#', ...) if n == 0 then return noop end if n == 1 then local fn = select(1, ...) if not fn then return noop end assert(iscallable(fn), "expected a function or nil") return fn end local funcs = {} for i = 1, n do local fn = select(i, ...) if fn ~= nil then assert(iscallable(fn), "expected a function or nil") funcs[#funcs + 1] = fn end end return function(...) for _, f in ipairs(funcs) do f(...) end end end --- Load OpenGL functions for use by LÖVE3D. -- Loads extra functions that LÖVE does not provide and optionally adds/updates -- functions in for 3D. -- -- This must be called before anything else. -- @param use_monkeypatching patch the LOVE API with LOVE3D functions -- @param automatic_transforms attempt to automatically upload transformation matrices function l3d.import(use_monkeypatching, automatic_transforms) local already_loaded = pcall(function() return ffi.C.SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE end) if not already_loaded then ffi.cdef([[ typedef enum { SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE = 6 } SDL_GLattr; void *SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(const char *proc); int SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GLattr attr, int* value); ]]) end -- Windows needs to use an external SDL local sdl if love.system.getOS() == "Windows" then if not love.filesystem.isFused() and love.filesystem.isFile("bin/SDL2.dll") then sdl = ffi.load("bin/SDL2") else sdl = ffi.load("SDL2") end else -- On other systems, we get the symbols for free. sdl = ffi.C end -- Get handles for OpenGL local opengl if select(1, == "OpenGL ES" then use_gles = true opengl = require(current_folder .. "opengles2") else opengl = require(current_folder .. "opengl") end opengl.loader = function(fn) return sdl.SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(fn) end opengl:import() l3d._state = {} l3d._state.stack = {} l3d.push("all") local out ="int[?]", 1) sdl.SDL_GL_GetAttribute(sdl.SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, out) assert(out[0] > 8, "We didn't get a depth buffer, bad things will happen.") print(string.format("Depth bits: %d", out[0])) if use_monkeypatching then l3d.patch(automatic_transforms == nil and true or automatic_transforms) end end --- Clear color/depth buffers. -- Must pass false (not nil!) to disable clearing. Defaults to depth only. -- @param color clear color buffer (bool) -- @param depth clear depth buffer (bool) function l3d.clear(color, depth) local to_clear = 0 if color then to_clear = bit.bor(to_clear, tonumber(GL.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)) end if depth or depth == nil then to_clear = bit.bor(to_clear, tonumber(GL.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)) end gl.Clear(to_clear) end --- Reset LOVE3D state. -- Disables depth testing, enables depth writing, disables culling and resets -- front face. function l3d.reset() l3d.set_depth_test() l3d.set_depth_write() l3d.set_culling() l3d.set_front_face() end -- FXAA helpers function l3d.get_fxaa_alpha(color) local c_vec = cpml.vec3.isvector(color) and color or cpml.vec3(color) return c_vec:dot(cpml.vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)) end function l3d.set_fxaa_background(color) local c_vec = cpml.vec3.isvector(color) and color or cpml.vec3(color), c_vec.y, c_vec.z, l3d.get_fxaa_alpha(c_vec)) end --- Set depth writing. -- Enable or disable writing to the depth buffer. -- @param mask function l3d.set_depth_write(mask) if mask then assert(type(mask) == "boolean", "set_depth_write expects one parameter of type 'boolean'") end gl.DepthMask(mask or true) end --- Set depth test method. -- Can be "greater", "equal", "less" or unspecified to disable depth testing. -- Usually you want to use "less". -- @param method function l3d.set_depth_test(method) if method then local methods = { greater = GL.GEQUAL, equal = GL.EQUAL, less = GL.LEQUAL } assert(methods[method], "Invalid depth test method.") gl.Enable(GL.DEPTH_TEST) gl.DepthFunc(methods[method]) if use_gles then gl.DepthRangef(0, 1) gl.ClearDepthf(1.0) else gl.DepthRange(0, 1) gl.ClearDepth(1.0) end else gl.Disable(GL.DEPTH_TEST) end end --- Set front face winding. -- Can be "cw", "ccw" or unspecified to reset to ccw. -- @param facing function l3d.set_front_face(facing) if not facing or facing == "ccw" then gl.FrontFace(GL.CCW) return elseif facing == "cw" then gl.FrontFace(GL.CW) return end error("Invalid face winding. Parameter must be one of: 'cw', 'ccw' or unspecified.") end --- Set culling method. -- Can be "front", "back" or unspecified to reset to none. -- @param method function l3d.set_culling(method) if not method then gl.Disable(GL.CULL_FACE) return end gl.Enable(GL.CULL_FACE) if method == "back" then gl.CullFace(GL.BACK) return elseif method == "front" then gl.CullFace(GL.FRONT) return end error("Invalid culling method: Parameter must be one of: 'front', 'back' or unspecified") end --- Create a shader without LOVE's preprocessing. -- Useful if you need different shader outputs or a later GLSL version. -- The shader is still preprocessed for things such as VERTEX and PIXEL, but -- you will have to write your own main() function, attributes, etc. -- -- *Warning: This will very likely do bad things for your shader compatibility.* -- @param gl_version -- @param vc vertex shader code or filename -- @param pc pixel shader code or filename -- @return shader function l3d.new_shader_raw(gl_version, vc, pc) local function is_vc(code) return code:match("#ifdef%s+VERTEX") ~= nil end local function is_pc(code) return code:match("#ifdef%s+PIXEL") ~= nil end local function mk_shader_code(arg1, arg2) -- local lang = "glsl" if ( == "OpenGL ES" then error("NYI: Can't into GLES") -- lang = "glsles" end local vc, pc -- as love does if arg1 then -- first arg contains vertex shader code if is_vc(arg1) then vc = arg1 end local ispixel = is_pc(arg1) -- first arg contains pixel shader code if ispixel then pc = arg1 end end if arg2 then -- second arg contains vertex shader code if is_vc(arg2) then vc = arg2 end local ispixel = is_pc(arg2) -- second arg contains pixel shader code if ispixel then pc = arg2 end end -- Later versions of GLSL do this anyways - so let's use GL version. local versions = { ["2.1"] = "120", ["3.0"] = "130", ["3.1"] = "140", ["3.2"] = "150", ["3.3"] = "330", ["4.0"] = "400", ["4.1"] = "410", ["4.2"] = "420", ["4.3"] = "430", ["4.4"] = "440", ["4.5"] = "450", } local fmt = [[%s #ifndef GL_ES #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #endif #pragma optionNV(strict on) #define %s #line 0 %s]] local vs = arg1 and string.format(fmt, "#version " .. versions[gl_version], "VERTEX", vc) or nil local ps = arg2 and string.format(fmt, versions[gl_version], "PIXEL", pc) or nil return vs, ps end local orig = = mk_shader_code local shader =, pc) = orig return shader end --- Update the active shader. -- Used internally by patched API, update it yourself otherwise. -- This is important for l3d.push/pop and update_matrix. -- @param shader function l3d.update_shader(shader) l3d._active_shader = shader end --- Push the current matrix to the stack. function l3d.push(which) local stack = l3d._state.stack assert(#stack < 64, "Stack overflow - your stack is too deep, did you forget to pop?") if #stack == 0 then table.insert(stack, { projection = false, matrix = cpml.mat4(), active_shader = l3d._active_shader, }) else -- storing the active shader is useful, but don't touch it! local top = stack[#stack] local new = { projection = top.projection, matrix = top.matrix:clone(), active_shader = top.active_shader, } if which == "all" then -- XXX: I hope this is what's expected. new.active_shader = top.active_shader end table.insert(stack, new) end l3d._state.stack_top = stack[#stack] end --- Pop the current matrix off the stack. function l3d.pop() local stack = l3d._state.stack assert(#stack > 1, "Stack underflow - you've popped more than you pushed!") table.remove(stack) local top = stack[#stack] l3d._state.stack_top = top end --- Translate the current matrix. -- @param x vec3 or x translation -- @param y y translation -- @param z z translation (or 1) function l3d.translate(x, y, z) local top = l3d._state.stack_top top.matrix = top.matrix:translate(cpml.vec3(x, y, z or 0)) end --- Translate the current matrix. -- @param r rotation angle in radians -- @param axis axis to rotate about. Z if unspecified. function l3d.rotate(r, axis) local top = l3d._state.stack_top if type(r) == "table" and r.w then top.matrix = top.matrix:rotate(r) return end assert(type(r) == "number") top.matrix = top.matrix:rotate(r, axis or cpml.vec3.unit_z) end --- Scale the current matrix. -- @param x vec3 or x scale -- @param y y scale -- @param z z scale (or 1) function l3d.scale(x, y, z) local top = l3d._state.stack_top top.matrix = top.matrix:scale(cpml.vec3(x, y, z or 1)) end --- Reset the current matrix. function l3d.origin() local top = l3d._state.stack_top top.matrix = top.matrix:identity() end --- Return the current matrix. -- @return mat4 function l3d.get_matrix() return l3d._state.stack_top.matrix end --- Send matrix to the active shader. -- Convenience function. -- -- Valid matrix types are currently "transform" and "projection". -- A "view" type will likely be added in the future for convenience. -- @param matrix_type -- @param m function l3d.update_matrix(matrix_type, m) if --[[use_gles and]] not l3d._active_shader then return end local w, h if matrix_type == "projection" then w, h = end local send_m = m or matrix_type == "projection" and cpml.mat4():ortho(0, w, 0, h, -100, 100) or l3d.get_matrix() -- XXX: COMPLETE HORSE SHIT. Love uses GL1.0 matrix loading for performance. -- if not use_gles then -- local buf ="GLfloat[?]", 16, send_m) -- gl.MatrixMode(matrix_type == "transform" and GL.MODELVIEW or GL.PROJECTION) -- gl.LoadMatrixf(buf) -- else -- ...But on ES it uses glUniformMatrix like it should. l3d._active_shader:send(matrix_type == "transform" and "u_model" or "u_projection", send_m:to_vec4s()) -- end if matrix_type == "projection" then l3d._state.stack_top.projection = true end end --- Create a buffer from a list of vertices (cpml.vec3's). -- Offset will offset every vertex by the specified amount, useful for preventing z-fighting. -- Optional mesh argument will update the mesh instead of creating a new one. -- Specify usage as "dynamic" if you intend to update it frequently. -- @param t vertex data -- @param offset -- @param mesh used when updating -- @param usage function l3d.new_triangles(t, offset, mesh, usage) offset = offset or cpml.vec3(0, 0, 0) local data, indices = {}, {} for k, v in ipairs(t) do local current = {} table.insert(current, v.x + offset.x) table.insert(current, v.y + offset.y) table.insert(current, v.z + offset.z) table.insert(data, current) if not mesh then table.insert(indices, k) end end if not mesh then local layout = { { "VertexPosition", "float", 3 } } local m =, data, "triangles", usage or "static") m:setVertexMap(indices) return m else if mesh.setVertices then mesh:setVertices(data) end return mesh end end --- Create a canvas with a depth buffer. -- @param width -- @param height -- @param format -- @param msaa -- @param gen_depth function l3d.new_canvas(width, height, format, msaa, gen_depth) -- TODO: Test this to make sure things are properly freed. if use_gles then return end local w, h = width or, height or local canvas = new_canvas(w, h, format, msaa) if gen_depth and canvas then local depth ="unsigned int[1]", 1) gl.GenRenderbuffers(1, depth); gl.BindRenderbuffer(GL.RENDERBUFFER, depth[0]); if not use_gles and (type(msaa) == "number" and msaa > 1) then gl.RenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL.RENDERBUFFER, msaa, use_gles and GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 or GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT24, w, h) else gl.RenderbufferStorage(GL.RENDERBUFFER, use_gles and GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 or GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT24, w, h) end gl.FramebufferRenderbuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.RENDERBUFFER, depth[0]) local status = gl.CheckFramebufferStatus(GL.FRAMEBUFFER) if status ~= GL.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE then error(string.format("Framebuffer is borked :( (%d)", status)) end if gl.GetError() ~= GL.NO_ERROR then error("You fucking broke GL you asshole.") end l3d.clear() end return canvas end --- Bind a shadow map. -- Sets up drawing to a shadow map texture created with l3d.new_shadow_map. -- @param map function l3d.bind_shadow_map(map) if map then assert(map.shadow_map) gl.BindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, map.buffers[0]) gl.DrawBuffer(GL.NONE) gl.Viewport(0, 0, map.width, map.height) else gl.DrawBuffer(GL.BACK) --- XXX: This is not a good assumption on ES! -- gl.BindFramebuffer(0) end end --- Bind shadow map to a texture sampler. -- @param map -- @param shader function l3d.bind_shadow_texture(map, shader) -- Throw me a bone here, slime, this sucks. local current ="GLuint[1]") gl.GetIntegerv(GL.CURRENT_PROGRAM, current) local loc = gl.GetUniformLocation(current[0], "shadow_texture") gl.ActiveTexture(GL.TEXTURE7) gl.BindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, map.buffers[1]) gl.Uniform1i(loc, 7) gl.ActiveTexture(GL.TEXTURE0) end --- Create a new shadow map. -- Creates a depth texture and framebuffer to draw to. -- @param w shadow map width -- @param h shadow map height -- @return shadow_map function l3d.new_shadow_map(w, h) -- Use a dummy canvas so that we can make LOVE reset the canvas for us. -- ...sneaky sneaky local dummy =, 1) local buffers = ffi.gc("GLuint[2]"), function(ptr) gl.DeleteFramebuffers(1, ptr) gl.DeleteTextures(1, ptr+1) end) gl.GenFramebuffers(1, buffers) gl.BindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, buffers[0]) gl.GenTextures(1, buffers+1) gl.BindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, buffers[1]) gl.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT24, w, h, 0, GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL.FLOAT, nil) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL.LINEAR) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.LINEAR) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, GL.COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE); gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, GL.LEQUAL); -- gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE, GL.INTENSITY); gl.FramebufferTexture(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, buffers[1], 0) gl.DrawBuffer(GL.NONE) if gl.CheckFramebufferStatus(GL.FRAMEBUFFER) ~= GL.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE then l3d.bind_shadow_map() return false end l3d.bind_shadow_map() return { shadow_map = true, buffers = buffers, dummy_canvas = dummy, width = w, height = h } end --[[ -- depth-only canvas! local function l3d.new_depth_canvas(w, h) local fbo ="unsigned int[1]", 1) gl.GenFramebuffers(1, fbo) gl.BindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo[0]) local depth ="unsigned int[1]", 1) gl.GenTextures(1, depth) gl.BindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, depth[0]) gl.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT24, w, h, 0, GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL.FLOAT, 0) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL.NEAREST) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.NEAREST) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) gl.TexParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) gl.FramebufferTexture(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, depth, 0) gl.DrawBuffer(GL.NONE) -- No color buffer is drawn to. if gl.CheckFramebufferStatus(GL.FRAMEBUFFER) ~= GL.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE then return false end return fbo end --]] --- Patch functions into the LOVE API. -- Automatically called by l3d.import(true). -- -- This isn't good practice (which is why you must explicitly call it), but -- patching various love functions to maintain state here makes things a lot -- more pleasant to use. -- -- Do not call this function if you've already called import(true). -- @param automatic_transforms function l3d.patch(automatic_transforms) --- Get a handle to the library. = function() return l3d end --- See l3d.clear. = function() l3d.clear() end --- See l3d.set_depth_test. -- @function = l3d.set_depth_test --- See l3d.set_depth_write. -- @function = l3d.set_depth_write --- See l3d.set_culling. -- @function = l3d.set_culling --- See l3d.set_front_face. -- @function = l3d.set_front_face --- See l3d.reset. -- @function = combine(l3d.reset, -- XXX: RE: Automatic transforms. -- You should basically only do this if you are Karai and have no idea how -- the fuck to operate a GPU. This will probably make your code slow and -- cause horrible things to happen to you, your family and your free time. local update = automatic_transforms and function() l3d.update_matrix("transform") end or function() end local reset_proj = function() if not automatic_transforms then return end local stack = l3d._state.stack local below = stack[#stack-1] if (below and not below.projection) or not below then l3d.update_matrix("projection") end end --- See l3d.origin. -- @function = combine(l3d.origin,, update) --- See l3d.pop. -- @function = combine(l3d.pop,, update, reset_proj) --- See l3d.push. -- @function = combine(l3d.push, -- no use calling love's function if it will explode. local orig = { translate =, rotate =, scale = } --- See l3d.rotate. = function(r, axis) if type(r) == "number" then orig.rotate(r) end l3d.rotate(r, axis or { 0, 0, 1 }) update() end --- See l3d.scale. = function(x, y, z) if type(x) == "table" and cpml.vec3.isvector(x) then l3d.scale(x) update() return end l3d.scale(x, y, z) orig.scale(x, y) update() end --- See l3d.translate. = function(x, y, z) if type(x) == "table" and cpml.vec3.isvector(x) then l3d.translate(x) update() return end l3d.translate(x, y, z) orig.translate(x, y) update() end --- See l3d.get_matrix. -- @function = l3d.get_matrix --- See l3d.update_matrix. -- @function -- @param matrix_type -- @param m = l3d.update_matrix --- See l3d.update_shader. -- @function -- @param shader = combine(l3d.update_shader,, update) --- See l3d.new_canvas. -- @function = l3d.new_canvas end return l3d
FireLevel = Class( function(self, name, desc, minFuel, maxFuel, burnRate, intensity, colour, heat, spreadrate) = name self.desc = desc -- Visibility changes - when do we go to a smaller or larger flame self.minFuel = minFuel self.maxFuel = maxFuel -- How quickly do we burn through this fuel: update in burnRate seconds self.burnRate = burnRate -- How bright is the flame light self.intensity = intensity -- What colour is the flame light self.colour = colour -- Distance to spread self.heat = heat -- Seconds before spreading again self.spreadrate = spreadrate end)
--[[ A top-down action game made with Bitty Engine Copyright (C) 2021 Tony Wang, all rights reserved Engine page: Game page: ]] local function toIndex(pos) local x, y = math.floor(pos.x / 16), math.floor(pos.y / 16) return, y) end local function fromIndex(idx) local x, y = (idx.x + 0.5) * 16, (idx.y + 0.5) * 16 return, y) end local function redirect(this, delta, hero, src, dst) if this._moving.length == 0 then return end local m = this:_move(this._moving) if m.length ~= 0 then return end local dst =, hero.y) local path = this:findpath(toIndex(src), toIndex(dst)) for i, idx in ipairs(path) do table.insert(this._goals, fromIndex(idx)) if i >= 6 then break end end end Behaviours = { --[[ Moving. ]] ['chase'] = function () return { penetrative = false, behave = function (self, this, delta, hero, src, dst, penetrative) -- Prepare. ::consume:: local empty = this._goals == nil or #this._goals == 0 local goal = not empty and this._goals[1] or nil local dst = nil if goal == nil then dst =, hero.y) -- Chase. else dst = goal end -- Walk through way points. local EPSILON = 1 local src =, this.y) local diff = dst - src local l = diff.length if goal ~= nil and l <= EPSILON then table.remove(this._goals, 1) goto consume elseif goal == nil and l <= EPSILON * 3 then -- Do nothing. else if l >= EPSILON * 2 then if diff.x <= -EPSILON then this:moveLeft(delta) elseif diff.x >= EPSILON then this:moveRight(delta) end if diff.y <= -EPSILON then this:moveUp(delta) elseif diff.y >= EPSILON then this:moveDown(delta) end else this._moving = diff end if empty then redirect(this, delta, hero, src, dst) end end -- Finish. return src, dst end } end, ['besiege'] = function () return { penetrative = false, behave = function (self, this, delta, hero, src, dst, penetrative) -- Prepare. ::consume:: local empty = this._goals == nil or #this._goals == 0 local goal = not empty and this._goals[1] or nil local dst = nil if goal == nil then dst =, hero.y) - hero:facing() * 16 -- Besiege. else dst = goal end -- Walk through way points. local EPSILON = 1 local src =, this.y) local diff = dst - src local l = diff.length if goal ~= nil and l <= EPSILON then table.remove(this._goals, 1) goto consume elseif goal == nil and l <= EPSILON * 3 then -- Do nothing. else if l >= EPSILON * 2 then if diff.x <= -EPSILON then this:moveLeft(delta) elseif diff.x >= EPSILON then this:moveRight(delta) end if diff.y <= -EPSILON then this:moveUp(delta) elseif diff.y >= EPSILON then this:moveDown(delta) end else this._moving = diff end if empty then redirect(this, delta, hero, src, dst) end end -- Finish. return src, dst end } end, ['pass_by'] = function () return { penetrative = true, behave = function (self, this, delta, hero, src, dst, penetrative) -- Prepare. ::consume:: local empty = this._goals == nil or #this._goals == 0 local goal = not empty and this._goals[1] or nil local dst = nil if goal == nil then this:kill('disappeared', nil) -- Disappear. return src, dst else dst = goal end -- Walk through way points. local EPSILON = 1 local src =, this.y) local diff = dst - src local l = diff.length if goal ~= nil and l <= EPSILON then table.remove(this._goals, 1) goto consume elseif goal == nil and l <= EPSILON * 4 then -- Do nothing. else if l >= EPSILON * 2 then if diff.x <= -EPSILON then this:moveLeft(delta) elseif diff.x >= EPSILON then this:moveRight(delta) end if diff.y <= -EPSILON then this:moveUp(delta) elseif diff.y >= EPSILON then this:moveDown(delta) end else this._moving = diff end end -- Finish. return src, dst end } end, --[[ Sight. ]] ['look_at'] = function () return { penetrative = false, behave = function (self, this, delta, hero, src, dst, penetrative) -- Look at the target. local lookAtTarget = this:lookAtTarget() if lookAtTarget == 'hero' then this:lookAt(hero.x, hero.y) elseif lookAtTarget == 'vertical' then this:lookAt(this.x, this._game.sceneHeight * 0.5) elseif lookAtTarget == 'horizontal' then this:lookAt(this._game.sceneWidth * 0.5, this.y) else this:lookAt(lookAtTarget.x, lookAtTarget.y) end -- Finish. return src, dst end } end, --[[ Offense. ]] ['attack'] = function () local ticks = 0 local count = 0 return { penetrative = false, behave = function (self, this, delta, hero, src, dst, penetrative) -- Prepare. if src == nil then return src, dst end -- Check attack rest. local weapon = this:weapon() local attackTempo = this:attackTempo() if attackTempo ~= nil then local active, rest = attackTempo['active'], attackTempo['rest'] local total = active + rest ticks = ticks + delta if ticks >= total then ticks = ticks - total end if ticks >= active then return src, dst end end -- Check interval. local limit = nil if weapon ~= nil and weapon.type == 'mines' then limit = 1 end -- Attack. local pos, _ = this:raycast(src,, hero.y) - src, this._game.isBulletBlocked) -- Sight intersects with tile. if (pos == nil or penetrative) and not hero:dead() then if limit == nil or count < limit then local accuracy = nil local weapon = this:weapon() if weapon ~= nil then accuracy = weapon:accuracy() end local bullet = this:attack(nil, accuracy, false) if bullet ~= nil then bullet :on('dead', function (sender, _2, _3) count = count - 1 end) end if bullet ~= nil then count = count + 1 end end end if DEBUG_SHOW_WIREFRAME then if pos == nil then line(src.x, src.y, hero.x, hero.y,, 0, 0, 128)) else line(src.x, src.y, pos.x, pos.y,, 255, 255, 128)) end end -- Finish. return src, dst end } end }
--[[ --MIT License -- --Copyright (c) 2019 manilarome --Copyright (c) 2020 Tom Meyers -- --Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy --of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal --in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights --to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell --copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is --furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- --The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all --copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- --THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR --IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, --FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE --AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER --LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, --OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE --SOFTWARE. ]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This module overrides the existing print function. -- -- The new print function also logs everything to `$HOME/.cache/tde/stdout.log` -- This module describes the new api of the print function. -- -- Assume you want to print something: -- -- print("This is a print message") -- -- This gets printed out to stdout and written to `$HOME/.cache/tde/stdout.log` -- -- You can give the user one of four logtypes: error, warning, debug and info. -- The default logtype is info. -- -- To get the logtype you must do the following: -- -- local logger = require("lib-tde.logger") -- print("This is an error" , logger.error) -- print("This is a warning" , logger.warn) -- print("This is a debug message", logger.debug) -- print("This is an info message", -- by default you can omit -- -- -- @author Tom Meyers -- @copyright 2020 Tom Meyers -- @tdemod lib-tde.logger --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local filehandle = require("lib-tde.file") local time = require("socket").gettime -- store the old print variable into echo echo = print -- color coded log messages --- Indicate that this print message is an error -- @property error -- @param string local LOG_ERROR = "\27[0;31m[ ERROR " --- Indicate that this print message is a warning -- @property warn -- @param string local LOG_WARN = "\27[0;33m[ WARN " --- Indicate that this print message is a debug message -- @property debug -- @param string local LOG_DEBUG = "\27[0;35m[ DEBUG " --- Indicate that this print message is an info message -- @property info -- @param string local LOG_INFO = "\27[0;32m[ INFO " local dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.cache/tde" local filename = dir .. "/stdout.log" local filename_error = dir .. "/error.log" filehandle.overwrite(filename, "") -- helper function to convert a table to a string -- WARN: For internal use only, this should never be exposed to the end user -- usage: local string = pretty_print_table({}) local function table_to_string(tbl, depth, indent) indent = indent or 1 -- limit the max size if indent > depth then if type(tbl) == "table" then return "{ ..." end return "" end local formatting = string.rep(" ", indent) local result = "{\n" for k, v in pairs(tbl) do local format = formatting .. tostring(k) .. ": " if type(v) == "table" then result = result .. format .. table_to_string(v, depth - 1, indent + 1) .. formatting .. "},\n" else if type(v) == "string" then result = result .. format .. "'" .. v .. "',\n" else result = result .. format .. tostring(v) .. ",\n" end end end -- edge case initial indentation requires manually adding ending bracket if indent == 1 then return result .. "}" end return result end --- The default lua print message is overriden -- @tparam string arg The string to print -- @tparam[opt] enum log_type The type of logmessage -- @tparam[opt] depth number In case you print a table, show the table until a certain depth -- @staticfct print -- @usage -- Print the error message "hello" -- print("hello", logger.error) print = function(arg, log_type, depth) depth = depth or 3 -- validate the input if arg == nil or _G.UNIT_TESTING_ACTIVE == true then return end if type(arg) == "table" then arg = table_to_string(arg, depth) end if not (type(arg) == "string") then arg = tostring(arg) end local log = log_type or LOG_INFO -- effective logging local file =, "a") local file_error if log == LOG_ERROR then file_error =, "a") end local out ="%H:%M:%S") .. "." .. math.floor(time() * 10000) % 10000 local statement = log .. out:gsub("\n", "") .. " ]\27[0m " for line in arg:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do -- print it to stdout echo(statement .. line) -- append it to the log file if file ~= nil then file:write(statement .. line .. "\n") end if file_error ~= nil and log == LOG_ERROR then file_error:write(statement .. line .. "\n") end end if file ~= nil then file:close() end if file_error ~= nil then file_error:close() end end return { warn = LOG_WARN, error = LOG_ERROR, debug = LOG_DEBUG, info = LOG_INFO }
local gears = require("gears") local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local wibox = require("wibox") local menu = require("menu") local spacers = require("widgets.spacers") local clock = require("widgets.clock") local bat_widget = nil if hostname == "doubleslap" then bat_widget = require("widgets.battery") end local vol_widget = require("widgets.volume") local temp_widget = require("widgets.temperature")( hostname == "cometpunch" and "thermal_zone2" or "thermal_zone0" ) local fcitx_widget = require("widgets.fcitx") local taglist = require("widgets.taglist") local tasklist = require("widgets.tasklist") local layoutbox = require("widgets.layoutbox") local launcher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = beautiful.awesome_icon, menu = menu }) local function left_widgets(s) s.mypromptbox = awful.widget.prompt() return { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, launcher, taglist(s), s.mypromptbox, } end -- build right widget table -- we only want most of these on the primary screen local function right_widgets(s) local right_widgets if s == screen.primary then -- for whatever reason the systray has to be told what screen to display on? local systray = wibox.widget.systray() systray:set_screen(s) right_widgets = { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, spacers.pad_widget, systray, spacers.div_widget, fcitx_widget } if bat_widget ~= nil then gears.table.merge(right_widgets, { spacers.div_widget, bat_widget }) end gears.table.merge(right_widgets, { spacers.div_widget, temp_widget, spacers.div_widget, vol_widget, spacers.div_widget, clock(s), spacers.pad_widget, layoutbox(s), }) else right_widgets = { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, spacers.pad_widget, clock(s), spacers.pad_widget, layoutbox(s), } end return right_widgets end return function (s) local mywibox = awful.wibar({ position = "top", screen = s, height = 20 }) mywibox:setup { layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, left_widgets(s), tasklist(s), right_widgets(s) } return mywibox end
--[[ 背包赠送界面 2016_07_08 Ravioyla ]] local BagTransLayer = class("BagTransLayer", function(scene) local BagTransLayer = display.newLayer(cc.c4b(0, 0, 0, 125)) return BagTransLayer end) local BagTransFrame = appdf.req(appdf.CLIENT_SRC.."plaza.models.ShopDetailFrame") BagTransLayer.CBT_USERID = 10 BagTransLayer.CBT_NICKNAME = 11 BagTransLayer.BT_TRANS = 21 BagTransLayer.BT_ADD = 22 BagTransLayer.BT_MIN = 23 -- 进入场景而且过渡动画结束时候触发。 function BagTransLayer:onEnterTransitionFinish() return self end -- 退出场景而且开始过渡动画时候触发。 function BagTransLayer:onExitTransitionStart() return self end function BagTransLayer:ctor(scene, gameFrame) local this = self self._scene = scene self:registerScriptHandler(function(eventType) if eventType == "enterTransitionFinish" then -- 进入场景而且过渡动画结束时候触发。 self:onEnterTransitionFinish() elseif eventType == "exitTransitionStart" then -- 退出场景而且开始过渡动画时候触发。 self:onExitTransitionStart() elseif eventType == "exit" then if self._BagTransFrame:isSocketServer() then self._BagTransFrame:onCloseSocket() end if nil ~= self._BagTransFrame._gameFrame then self._BagTransFrame._gameFrame._shotFrame = nil self._BagTransFrame._gameFrame = nil end end end) --按钮回调 self._btcallback = function(ref, type) if type == ccui.TouchEventType.ended then this:onButtonClickedEvent(ref:getTag(),ref) end end local cbtlistener = function (sender,eventType) this:onSelectedEvent(sender:getTag(),sender,eventType) end --网络回调 local BagTransCallBack = function(result,message) this:onBagTransCallBack(result,message) end --网络处理 self._BagTransFrame = BagTransFrame:create(self,BagTransCallBack) self._BagTransFrame._gameFrame = gameFrame if nil ~= gameFrame then gameFrame._shotFrame = self._BagTransFrame end self._item = GlobalUserItem.useItem self._transNum = 1 self._type = yl.PRESEND_GAMEID display.newSprite("Shop/frame_shop_0.png") :move(yl.WIDTH/2,yl.HEIGHT - 51) :addTo(self) ccui.Button:create("bt_return_0.png","bt_return_1.png") :move(75,yl.HEIGHT-51) :addTo(self) :addTouchEventListener(function(ref, type) if type == ccui.TouchEventType.ended then this._scene:onKeyBack() end end) local frame = cc.SpriteFrameCache:getInstance():getSpriteFrame("sp_public_frame_0.png") if nil ~= frame then local sp = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame(frame) sp:setPosition(yl.WIDTH/2,325) self:addChild(sp) end display.newSprite("Shop/Detail/frame_detail_0.png") :move(840,350) :addTo(self) display.newSprite("Shop/Detail/frame_detail_1.png") :move(210,458) :addTo(self) frame = cc.SpriteFrameCache:getInstance():getSpriteFrame("icon_public_".. self._item._index ..".png") if nil ~= frame then local sp = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame(frame) sp:setPosition(210,458) self:addChild(sp) end frame = cc.SpriteFrameCache:getInstance():getSpriteFrame("text_public_".. self._item._index ..".png") if nil ~= frame then local sp = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame(frame) sp:setPosition(210,330) self:addChild(sp) end self._txtNum1 = cc.LabelAtlas:_create(""..self._item._count, "Bag/num_0.png", 20, 25, string.byte("0")) :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(1.0,0.0)) :move(266,400) :addTo(self) --数量 display.newSprite("Bag/text_detail_3.png") :move(180,277) :addTo(self) self._txtNum2 = cc.LabelAtlas:_create(""..self._item._count, "Bag/num_3.png", 21, 26, string.byte("0")) :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.0,0.5)) :move(246,277) :addTo(self) --文字标签 display.newSprite("Bag/text_detail_4.png") :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.0,0.5)) :move(610,485) :addTo(self) display.newSprite("Bag/text_detail_5.png") :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.0,0.5)) :move(845,485) :addTo(self) --依据ID ccui.CheckBox:create("Bag/cbt_choose_0.png","","Bag/cbt_choose_1.png","","") :move(587,485) :addTo(self) :setSelected(true) :setTag(BagTransLayer.CBT_USERID) :addEventListener(cbtlistener) --依据昵称 ccui.CheckBox:create("Bag/cbt_choose_0.png","","Bag/cbt_choose_1.png","","") :move(824,485) :addTo(self) :setSelected(false) :setTag(BagTransLayer.CBT_NICKNAME) :addEventListener(cbtlistener) ccui.Button:create("Bag/bt_detail_present_0.png","Bag/bt_detail_present_1.png") :move(837,206) :setTag(BagTransLayer.BT_TRANS) :addTo(self) :addTouchEventListener(self._btcallback) --文字标签 display.newSprite("Bag/text_detail_6.png") :move(533,408) :addTo(self) display.newSprite("Bag/text_detail_7.png") :move(533,318) :addTo(self) --接收玩家 self.edit_trans = ccui.EditBox:create(cc.size(481,49), ccui.Scale9Sprite:create("Shop/Detail/frame_detail_2.png")) :move(853,408) :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5,0.5)) :setFontName("fonts/round_body.ttf") :setPlaceholderFontName("fonts/round_body.ttf") :setFontSize(24) :setMaxLength(32) :setInputMode(cc.EDITBOX_INPUT_MODE_SINGLELINE) :addTo(self) --赠送数量 display.newSprite("Shop/Detail/frame_detail_2.png") :move(853,318) :addTo(self) ccui.Button:create("Shop/Detail/bt_detail_min.png","Shop/Detail/bt_detail_min.png") :move(633,318) :setTag(BagTransLayer.BT_MIN) :addTo(self) :addTouchEventListener(self._btcallback) ccui.Button:create("Shop/Detail/bt_detail_add.png","Shop/Detail/bt_detail_add.png") :move(1065,318) :setTag(BagTransLayer.BT_ADD) :addTo(self) :addTouchEventListener(self._btcallback) self._txtBuy = cc.LabelAtlas:_create("1", "Shop/Detail/num_detail_0.png", 19, 25, string.byte(".")) :move(853,318) :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5,0.5)) :addTo(self) --右侧剩余 display.newSprite("Bag/text_detail_2.png") :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.0,0.5)) :move(1100,318) :addTo(self) self._txtNum3 = cc.LabelAtlas:_create(""..self._item._count, "Bag/num_1.png", 18, 23, string.byte("0")) :move(1170,318) :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.0,0.5)) :addTo(self) --功能描述 cc.Label:createWithTTF("功能:"..self._item._info, "fonts/round_body.ttf", 22) :setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5,0.5)) :move(yl.WIDTH/2,70) :setTextColor(cc.c4b(136,164,224,255)) :addTo(self) self:onUpdateNum() end function BagTransLayer:onSelectedEvent(tag,sender,eventType) local wType = 0 if tag == BagTransLayer.CBT_USERID then wType = yl.PRESEND_GAMEID elseif tag == BagTransLayer.CBT_NICKNAME then wType = yl.PRESEND_NICKNAME end if self._type == wType then self:getChildByTag(tag):setSelected(true) return end self._type = wType for i=BagTransLayer.CBT_USERID,BagTransLayer.CBT_NICKNAME do if i ~= tag then self:getChildByTag(i):setSelected(false) end end self.edit_trans:setText(""); end --按键监听 function BagTransLayer:onButtonClickedEvent(tag,sender) if tag == BagTransLayer.BT_ADD then if self._transNum < self._item._count then self._transNum = self._transNum+1 self:onUpdateNum() end elseif tag == BagTransLayer.BT_MIN then if self._transNum ~= 1 then self._transNum = self._transNum-1 self:onUpdateNum() end elseif tag == BagTransLayer.BT_TRANS then local szTarget = string.gsub(self.edit_trans:getText(), " ", "") if #szTarget < 1 then showToast(self,"请输入赠送用户昵称或ID!",2) return end local gameid = 0 if self._type == yl.PRESEND_GAMEID then gameid = tonumber(szTarget) szTarget = "" if gameid == 0 or gameid == nil then showToast(self,"请输入正确的ID!",2) return end end self._scene:showPopWait() self._BagTransFrame:onPropertyTrans(self._item._index,self._type,gameid,szTarget,self._transNum) end end function BagTransLayer:onUpdateNum() self._txtBuy:setString(string.formatNumberThousands(self._transNum,true,"/")) self._txtNum1:setString(""..self._item._count) self._txtNum2:setString(""..self._item._count) self._txtNum3:setString(""..self._item._count-self._transNum) end --操作结果 function BagTransLayer:onBagTransCallBack(result,message) print("======== BagTransLayer:onBagTransCallBack ========") self._scene:dismissPopWait() if message ~= nil and message ~= "" then showToast(self,message,2); end if result==2 then self._item._count = self._item._count-self._transNum self._transNum = 1 self:onUpdateNum() if self._item._count < 1 then self._scene:onKeyBack() end end end return BagTransLayer
--[[ walkingsky ]]-- local sys = require "luci.sys" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() m = Map("wifidog", "wifidog执行参数配置","") --if fs.access("/usr/bin/wifidog") then s = m:section(TypedSection, "wifidog", "wifidog配置") s.anonymous = true s.addremove = false s:tab("general", "通用配置") s:tab("servers", "认证服务器配置") s:tab("advanced", "高级配置") --通用配置 wifi_enable = s:taboption("general",Flag, "wifidog_enable", translate("是否启用wifidog"),"打开或关闭wifidog") local t = io.popen("ifconfig | grep HWaddr | awk -F\" \" '{print $5}' | awk '$1~//{print;exit}' | sed 's/://g'") local temp = t:read("*all") gatewayID = s:taboption("general",Value,"gateway_id","设备id(GatewayID)","默认为路由器MAC地址") gatewayID.default=temp gateway_interface = s:taboption("general",Value,"gateway_interface","内网接口","设置内网接口,默认'br-lan'") externalinterface = s:taboption("general",Value,"externalinterface","外网接口","WAN口接口,默认eth0.2") externalinterface.default = "eth0.2" --服务器配置项 server_hostname = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_hostname","认证服务器:主机名","域名或ip") server_httpport = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_httpport","认证服务器:web服务端口","默认80端口") server_path = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_path","认证服务器:url路径","最后要加/,例如:'/','/wifidog/';默认'/wifidog/'") server_sslAvailable = s:taboption("servers",Flag,"server_sslAvailable","启用SSL","默认不打开") server_sslport = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_sslport","SSL端口","默认'443'") server_LoginScriptPathFragment = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_LoginScriptPathFragment","服务器login接口脚本url路径段","默认'login/?'") server_PortalScriptPathFragment = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_PortalScriptPathFragment","服务器portal接口脚本url路径段","默认'portal/?'") server_PingScriptPathFragment = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_PingScriptPathFragment","服务器ping接口脚本url路径段","默认'ping/?'") server_AuthScriptPathFragment = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_AuthScriptPathFragment","服务器auth接口脚本url路径段","默认'auth/?'") server_MsgScriptPathFragment = s:taboption("servers",Value,"server_MsgScriptPathFragment","服务器消息接口脚本url路径段","默认'gw_message.php?'") --gateway_hostname.default = "" server_httpport.default = "80" server_path.default = "/wifidog/" server_sslAvailable.default = server_sslAvailable.disabled server_sslport.default = "443" server_LoginScriptPathFragment.default = "login/?" server_PortalScriptPathFragment.default = "portal/?" server_PingScriptPathFragment.default = "ping/?" server_AuthScriptPathFragment.default = "auth/?" server_MsgScriptPathFragment.default = "gw_message.php?" --高级配置 --deamo_enable = s:taboption("advanced",Flag, "deamo_enable", "是否启用监护功能","检测wifidog意外退出后,重启wifidog") --deamo_enable:depends("wifidog_enable","1") gateway_port = s:taboption("advanced",Value, "gateway_port", "wifidog监听端口","默认'2060'") gateway_port.default = "2060" check_interval = s:taboption("advanced",Value, "check_interval", "和服务器通讯间隔,单位秒","默认'60'") check_interval.default = "60" client_timeout = s:taboption("advanced",Value, "client_timeout", "客户端掉线超时时间倍数,(通讯间隔的倍数)","默认'5',即5倍的服务器通讯时间间隔后,仍然检测不到客户端,则自动下线该客户端") client_timeout.default = "5" s = m:section(TypedSection, "trustedmaclist", "MAC白名单列表","") s.anonymous = true s.addremove = true s.template = "cbi/tblsection" mac = s:option(Value, "mac", "mac地址") mac.rmempty = false mac.datatype = "list(macaddr)" ip.neighbors(function(entry) mac:value( entry["HW address"], entry["HW address"] .. " (" .. entry["IP address"] .. ")" ) end) s = m:section(TypedSection, "allowrule", "默认允许访问的服务","") s.anonymous = true s.addremove = true s.template = "cbi/tblsection" udp_tcp = s:option(ListValue, "protocol","协议") udp_tcp:value('tcp') udp_tcp:value('udp') --udp_tcp:value('icmp') ip = s:option(Value, "ip", "IP地址") ip.datatype = "ip4addr" ip.rmempty = false port = s:option(Value,"port","端口号") port.rmempty = false port.datatype = "range(1,65535)" --else -- m.pageaction = false --end return m = "Настой скорости" ITEM.desc = "Временно увеличивает скорость бега." ITEM.model = "models/toussaint_bottle8.mdl" ITEM.quantity = 2 ITEM:hook("use", function(item) local client = item.player client:setLocalVar("speedBuff", 100) timer.Create("speedBuff"..client:SteamID(), 1.5, 0, function() if !IsValid(client) then timer.Destroy("speedBuff"..client:SteamID()) end if client:getLocalVar("speedBuff") > 0 then client:setLocalVar("speedBuff", client:getLocalVar("speedBuff") - 1) else timer.Destroy("speedBuff"..client:SteamID()) end end) end)
game = {} colors = {} player = {} enemy = {} function love.load() game.SCREEN_WIDTH, game.SCREEN_HEIGHT = game.FONT = game.WINDOW_TITLE = "Hello Platforming World!" game.TITLE = "BOX RUNNER: NOW WITH FASTER BOXES" game.RETRY = "GAME OVER: Press Space to play again" game.VELOCITY_COUNTER_LOCAL_MAX = 3 -- Speed up velocity every ~3 seconds game.velocity_counter = 0 game.SCOREBOARD = "SCORE: " game.score = 0 game.is_active = true colors.DEFAULT = {255, 255, 255} colors.TEXT = {0, 0, 0} colors.BACKGROUND = {66 / 255, 133 / 255, 244 / 255} colors.GROUND = {15 / 255, 157 / 255, 88 / 255} colors.SHAPE_OUTLINE = {0, 0, 0} colors.PLAYER = {244 / 255, 160 / 255, 0 / 255} colors.ENEMY = {219 / 255, 68 / 255, 55 / 255} player.x = game.SCREEN_WIDTH - (game.SCREEN_WIDTH / 1.25) player.y = (game.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 1.25) + 1 player.START_Y = player.y player.WIDTH = 50 player.HEIGHT = 50 player.JUMP_HEIGHT = player.y - (2 * player.HEIGHT) player.GRAVITY = player.JUMP_HEIGHT / 2 player.is_jump = false enemy.WIDTH = player.WIDTH / 2 enemy.HEIGHT = player.HEIGHT / 2 enemy.x = game.SCREEN_WIDTH + enemy.WIDTH enemy.y = (game.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 1.25) + 1 enemy.START_X = enemy.x enemy.START_SPEED = 5 enemy.speed = enemy.START_SPEED enemy.is_collide = false love.window.setTitle(game.WINDOW_TITLE) end function love.draw() DrawGameText() DrawGround(0, game.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 1.25, game.SCREEN_WIDTH, game.SCREEN_HEIGHT) DrawPlayer(player.x, player.y - player.HEIGHT, player.WIDTH, player.HEIGHT) DrawEnemy(enemy.x, enemy.y - enemy.HEIGHT, enemy.WIDTH, enemy.HEIGHT) end function love.keypressed(key) if game.is_active then if key == "space" and not player.is_jump then player.y = player.JUMP_HEIGHT player.is_jump = true end elseif key == "space" then Reset() end end function love.update(dt) if game.is_active then game.velocity_counter = game.velocity_counter + dt if (player.x + player.WIDTH > enemy.x) and (player.x < enemy.x + enemy.WIDTH) and (player.y > (enemy.y - enemy.HEIGHT)) then enemy.is_collide = true game.is_active = false else game.score = game.score + 1 end if player.y < player.START_Y then player.y = player.y + (player.GRAVITY * dt) else player.is_jump = false end if enemy.x > 0 - enemy.WIDTH and not enemy.is_collide then enemy.x = enemy.x - enemy.speed elseif not enemy.is_collide then enemy.x = enemy.START_X end if game.velocity_counter > game.VELOCITY_COUNTER_LOCAL_MAX then enemy.speed = enemy.speed + 1 game.velocity_counter = 0 end end end function DrawGameText() if (game.is_active) then game.TITLE, 0, (game.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 10) - (game.FONT:getHeight() / 2), game.SCREEN_WIDTH, "center" ) else game.RETRY, 0, (game.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 10) - (game.FONT:getHeight() / 2), game.SCREEN_WIDTH, "center" ) end game.SCOREBOARD, 0 - (game.FONT:getWidth(game.SCOREBOARD) / 2), (game.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 5) - (game.FONT:getHeight() / 2), game.SCREEN_WIDTH, "center" ) game.score, (0 - (game.FONT:getWidth(game.SCOREBOARD) / 2)) + ((game.FONT:getWidth(game.SCOREBOARD) / 2) + (game.FONT:getWidth(game.score) / 2)), (game.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 5) - (game.FONT:getHeight() / 2), game.SCREEN_WIDTH, "center" ) end function DrawGround(x, y, width, height)"fill", x, y, width, height)"line", x, y, width, height) end function DrawPlayer(x, y, width, height)"fill", x, y, width, height)"line", x, y, width, height) end function DrawEnemy(x, y, width, height)"fill", x, y, width, height)"line", x, y, width, height) end function Reset() game.score = 0 player.y = player.START_Y enemy.x = enemy.START_X enemy.is_collide = false enemy.speed = enemy.START_SPEED game.is_active = true end
-- MTE "CASTLE DEMO" --------------------------------------------------------------------- local mte = MTE local Screen = Screen --LOAD MAP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mte.toggleWorldWrapX(false) mte.toggleWorldWrapY(false) mte.setLightingEnabled(true); --Enables Tile Lighting System mte.enableSpriteSorting = true mte.enableTileFlipAndRotation() mte.loadMap("Lighting/map/CastleDemo3.tmx") mte.setCamera({ locX = 30, locY = 45, blockScaleX = 48, blockScaleY = 48}) --SETUP D-PAD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local controlGroup = display.newGroup() local DpadBack = display.newImageRect(controlGroup, "Lighting/Dpad.png", 120, 120) DpadBack.x = Screen.Left + DpadBack.width*0.5 + 10 DpadBack.y = Screen.Bottom - DpadBack.height*0.5 - 10 local DpadUp, DpadDown, DpadLeft, DpadRight DpadUp = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 0, DpadBack.y - 36, 36, 36) DpadDown = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 0, DpadBack.y + 36, 36, 36) DpadLeft = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x - 36, DpadBack.y - 0, 36, 36) DpadRight = display.newRect(controlGroup, DpadBack.x + 36, DpadBack.y - 0, 36, 36) DpadBack:toFront() --CREATE PLAYER SPRITE ------------------------------------------------------------------- local spriteSheet = graphics.newImageSheet("Lighting/spriteSheet.png", {width = 32, height = 32, numFrames = 96}) local sequenceData = { {name = "up", sheet = spriteSheet, frames = {85, 86}, time = 400, loopCount = 0}, {name = "down", sheet = spriteSheet, frames = {49, 50}, time = 400, loopCount = 0}, {name = "left", sheet = spriteSheet, frames = {61, 62}, time = 400, loopCount = 0}, {name = "right", sheet = spriteSheet, frames = {73, 74}, time = 400, loopCount = 0} } local player = display.newSprite(spriteSheet, sequenceData) local setup = { kind = "sprite", layer = mte.getSpriteLayer(1), locX = 30, locY = 45, levelWidth = 32, levelHeight = 32, name = "player", constrainToMap = {false, false, false, false} } mte.addSprite(player, setup) mte.setCameraFocus(player) local light = {source = {1, 1, 1}, range = {6, 6, 6}, falloff = {0.13, 0.13, 0.13}, layerRelative = -1, layerFalloff = {0.03, 0.03, 0.03}, levelFalloff = {0.19, 0.19, 0.19}, id = "player"} player.addLight(light) local alert = audio.loadSound("alert.mp3") --LIGHTING EVENTS------------------------------------------------------------------------- --If the player is lit by the first six robots local onLighting = function(event) if event.phase == "began" then event.source.sprite.light.source = {1, 1, 1} event.source.sprite:setSequence("alert") event.source.sprite:play() elseif event.phase == "maintained" then if not event.source.sprite.isPlaying then event.source.sprite:setSequence("aware") end elseif event.phase == "ended" then event.source.sprite.light.source = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4} event.source.sprite:setSequence("passive") end end --If the last six robots are lit by the player local onLighting2 = function(event) if event.phase == "began" then"alert") elseif event.phase == "maintained" then if not then"aware") end elseif event.phase == "ended" then"passive") end end --CREATE ROBOT SPRITES-------------------------------------------------------------------- local spriteSheet2 = graphics.newImageSheet("Lighting/sentry.png", {width = 32, height = 64, numFrames = 3}) local sequenceData2 = { {name = "alert", frames = {1}, time = 700, loopCount = 1}, {name = "aware", frames = {2}, time = 700, loopCount = 0}, {name = "passive", frames = {3}, time = 700, loopCount = 0} } local setup2 = { kind = "sprite", layer = mte.getSpriteLayer(1), locX = 40, locY = 60, levelWidth = 32, levelHeight = 64, offsetY = -24 } local robots = {} for i = 1, 6, 1 do local light2 = {source = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4}, range = {4, 4, 4}, falloff = {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, layerRelative = -1, layerFalloff = {0.04, 0.04, 0.04}, levelFalloff = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2}, rays = {270}, id = "robots"..i} robots[i] = display.newSprite(spriteSheet2, sequenceData2) robots[i]:setSequence("passive") mte.addSprite(robots[i], setup2) robots[i].addLight(light2) player:addLightingListener("robots"..i, onLighting) --player registers being lit by the robots setup2.locX = setup2.locX + 3 end setup2.locX = 34 setup2.locY = 11 for i = 7, 12, 1 do robots[i] = display.newSprite(spriteSheet2, sequenceData2) robots[i]:setSequence("passive") mte.addSprite(robots[i], setup2) robots[i]:addLightingListener("player", onLighting2) --Robots register being lit by the player setup2.locX = setup2.locX + 3 end -- DETECT MOVEMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- = "up" = "down" = "left" = "right" local movement = nil local function move( event ) if event.phase == "ended" or event.phase == "cancelled" then movement = nil elseif then movement = end return true end --DETECT OBSTACLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- local obstacle = function(level, locX, locY) local detect = mte.getTileProperties({level = level, locX = locX, locY = locY}) for i = 1, #detect, 1 do if detect[i].properties then if detect[i].properties.solid then detect = "stop" player:pause() return detect end end end end local counter = 0 local toggle = 1 local moveTime = 300 local atlas = {} atlas["left"] = { -1, 0 } atlas["right"] = { 1, 0 } atlas["up"] = { 0, -1 } atlas["down"] = { 0, 1 } --TOGGLE PLAYER LIGHT--------------------------------------------------------------------- local toggleLight = function(event) if event.phase == "ended" then if player.light then player.removeLight() elseif not player.light then player.addLight(light) end end return true end --Uncomment to test moveCameraTo()'s new onComplete parameter. --The following code sets up a wave-like oscillation of each layer's camera. --[[ moveBack2 = function(event) print("done1", event.levelPosX, event.levelPosY, event.layer) mte.moveCameraTo({levelPosX = player.levelPosX + 32, levelPosY = player.levelPosY + 32, time = 1500, layer = event.layer, transition = easing.inOutQuad, onComplete = moveBack1}) end moveBack1 = function(event) print("done2", event.levelPosX, event.levelPosY, event.layer) mte.moveCameraTo({levelPosX = player.levelPosX - 32, levelPosY = player.levelPosY - 32, time = 1500, layer = event.layer, transition = easing.inOutQuad, onComplete = moveBack2}) end mte.moveCameraTo({levelPosX = player.levelPosX + 32, levelPosY = player.levelPosY + 32, time = 1000, layer = 1, onComplete = moveBack1}) timer.performWithDelay(50, function() return mte.moveCameraTo({levelPosX = player.levelPosX + 32, levelPosY = player.levelPosY + 32, time = 1000, layer = 2, onComplete = moveBack1}) end) timer.performWithDelay(150, function() return mte.moveCameraTo({levelPosX = player.levelPosX + 32, levelPosY = player.levelPosY + 32, time = 1000, layer = 3, onComplete = moveBack1}) end) timer.performWithDelay(200, function() return mte.moveCameraTo({levelPosX = player.levelPosX + 32, levelPosY = player.levelPosY + 32, time = 1000, layer = 4, onComplete = moveBack1}) end) timer.performWithDelay(300, function() return mte.moveCameraTo({levelPosX = player.levelPosX + 32, levelPosY = player.levelPosY + 32, time = 1000, layer = 5, onComplete = moveBack1}) end) ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function gameLoop( event ) if not player.isMoving then --MOVE PLAYER CHARACTER if movement then local xTile, yTile = player.locX + atlas[movement][1], player.locY + atlas[movement][2] local result = obstacle( player.level, xTile, yTile ) if not result then if player.sequence ~= movement then player:setSequence( movement ) end player:play() mte.moveSpriteTo( { sprite = player, locX = xTile, locY = yTile, time = moveTime, easing = "linear" } ) end else player:pause() end end mte.debug() mte.update() end DpadUp:addEventListener("touch", move) DpadDown:addEventListener("touch", move) DpadLeft:addEventListener("touch", move) DpadRight:addEventListener("touch", move) player:addEventListener("touch", toggleLight) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", gameLoop)
vim.g.nvim_tree_git_hl = 1 vim.g.nvim_tree_group_empty = 1 vim.g.nvim_tree_highlight_opened_files = 1 vim.g.nvim_tree_disable_window_picker = 1 vim.g.nvim_tree_show_icons = { git = 0, folders = 1, files = 1, folder_arrows = 1, } vim.g.nvim_tree_icons = { default = "", symlink = "", } local nvimtree = require("nvim-tree") local view = require("nvim-tree.view") local buffstate = require("bufferline.state") local tree_width = 30 nvimtree.setup({ auto_close = true, diagnostics = { enable = true, }, view = { width = tree_width, side = "left", auto_resize = false, }, filters = { dotfiles = false, custom = { ".git", "node_modules", ".cache" }, }, git = { enable = true, ignore = true, }, }) require("nvim-tree.lib").toggle_ignored() function ToggleTree() if view.win_open() then buffstate.set_offset(0) nvimtree.close() else buffstate.set_offset(tree_width + 1, "File Explorer") nvimtree.find_file(true) end end vim.api.nvim_command([[command! ToggleTree lua ToggleTree()]])
do local _ = { ['night-vision-equipment'] = { activate_sound = {filename = '__base__/sound/nightvision-on.ogg', volume = 0.5}, name = 'night-vision-equipment', sprite = { filename = '__base__/graphics/equipment/night-vision-equipment.png', width = 64, priority = 'medium', height = 64 }, energy_input = '10kW', type = 'night-vision-equipment', darkness_to_turn_on = 0.5, color_lookup = {{0.5, '__core__/graphics/color_luts/nightvision.png'}}, categories = {'armor'}, energy_source = { usage_priority = 'primary-input', buffer_capacity = '120kJ', type = 'electric', input_flow_limit = '240kW' }, deactivate_sound = {filename = '__base__/sound/nightvision-off.ogg', volume = 0.5}, shape = {height = 2, type = 'full', width = 2} } }; return _; end
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic relay with configureable parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metrostroi.DefineSystem("Relay") local relay_types = { ["PK-162"] = { pneumatic = true, contactor = true, }, ["Switch"] = { contactor = true, }, ["GV_10ZH"] = { contactor = true, normally_closed = true, }, ["VA21-29"] = { contactor = true, normally_closed = true, }, ["AVU-045"] = { in_cabin_avu = true, }, } function TRAIN_SYSTEM:Initialize(parameters,extra_parameters) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize parameters if not parameters then parameters = {} end if type(parameters) ~= "table" then relay_type = parameters if relay_types[relay_type] then parameters = relay_types[relay_type] else --print("[sys_relay.lua] Unknown relay type: "..parameters) parameters = {} end parameters.relay_type = relay_type end -- Create new table local old_param = parameters parameters = {} for k,v in pairs(old_param) do parameters[k] = v end -- Add extra parameters if type(extra_parameters) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(extra_parameters) do parameters[k] = v end end -- Contactors have different failure modes parameters.contactor = parameters.contactor or false -- Should the relay be initialized in 'closed' state parameters.normally_closed = parameters.normally_closed or false -- Time in which relay will close (seconds) parameters.close_time = parameters.close_time or 0.050 -- Time in which relay will open (seconds) parameters.open_time = parameters.open_time or 0.050 -- Is relay latched (stays in its position even without voltage) parameters.latched = parameters.latched or false -- Should relay be spring-returned to initial position parameters.returns = parameters.returns or (not parameters.latched) -- Trigger level for the relay parameters.trigger_level = parameters.trigger_level or 0.5 for k,v in pairs(parameters) do self[k] = v end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Relay parameters if self.rvt then FailSim.AddParameter(self,"CloseTime", { value = parameters.close_time}) FailSim.AddParameter(self,"OpenTime", { value = parameters.open_time}) else FailSim.AddParameter(self,"CloseTime", { value = parameters.close_time, precision = self.contactor and 0.35 or 0.10, min = 0.010, varies = true }) FailSim.AddParameter(self,"OpenTime", { value = parameters.open_time, precision = self.contactor and 0.35 or 0.10, min = 0.010, varies = true }) end -- Did relay short-circuit? FailSim.AddParameter(self,"ShortCircuit", { value = 0.000, precision = 0.00 }) -- Was there a spurious trip? FailSim.AddParameter(self,"SpuriousTrip", { value = 0.000, precision = 0.00 }) -- Calculate failure parameters local MTBF = parameters.MTBF or 1000000 -- cycles, mean time between failures local MFR = 1/MTBF -- cycles^-1, total failure rate local openWeight,closeWeight -- FIXME openWeight = 0.25 closeWeight = 0.25 --[[if self.Contactor then openWeight = 0.25 closeWeight = 0.25 elseif self.NormallyOpen then openWeight = 0.4 closeWeight = 0.1 else openWeight = 0.1 closeWeight = 0.4 end]]-- -- Add failure points FailSim.AddFailurePoint(self, "CloseTime", "Mechanical problem (close time not nominal)", { type = "precision", value = 0.5, mfr = MFR*0.65*openWeight, recurring = true } ) FailSim.AddFailurePoint(self, "OpenTime", "Mechanical problem (open time not nominal)", { type = "precision", value = 0.5, mfr = MFR*0.65*closeWeight , recurring = true } ) FailSim.AddFailurePoint(self, "CloseTime", "Stuck closed", { type = "value", value = 1e9, mfr = MFR*0.65*openWeight, dmtbf = 0.2 } ) FailSim.AddFailurePoint(self, "OpenTime", "Stuck open", { type = "value", value = 1e9, mfr = MFR*0.65*closeWeight , dmtbf = 0.4 } ) FailSim.AddFailurePoint(self, "SpuriousTrip", "Spurious trip", { type = "on", mfr = MFR*0.20, dmtbf = 0.4 } ) --FailSim.AddFailurePoint(self, "ShortCircuit", "Short-circuit", --{ type = "on", mfr = MFR*0.15, dmtbf = 0.2 } ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initial relay state if self.normally_closed then self.TargetValue = 1.0 self.Value = 1.0 else self.TargetValue = self.defaultvalue or 0.0 self.Value = self.defaultvalue or 0.0 end -- Time when relay should change its value self.Time = 0 self.ChangeTime = nil self.Blocked = 0 -- This increases precision at cost of perfomance self.SubIterations = 2 end function TRAIN_SYSTEM:Inputs() return { "Open","Close","Set","Toggle","Block","OpenBypass","Check","OpenTime","CloseTime"} end function TRAIN_SYSTEM:Outputs() return { "Value" , "Blocked","TargetValue"} end function TRAIN_SYSTEM:TriggerInput(name,value) -- Boolean values accepted if type(value) == "boolean" then value = value and 1 or 0 end if name == "OpenTime" then self.open_time = value FailSim.AddParameter(self,"OpenTime", { value = self.open_time}) end if name == "CloseTime" then self.close_time = value FailSim.AddParameter(self,"CloseTime", { value = self.close_time}) end if name == "Reset" then if self.normally_closed then self:TriggerInput("Set",1) else self:TriggerInput("Set",self.defaultvalue or 0.0) end end --print(name) if name == "Check" then if not value then print(self.Name) end if value < 0 and self.Value == 1 then self:TriggerInput("Set",0) --self:TriggerInput("Set",0) self.Train:PlayOnce("av_off","cabin",0.7,70) end return end if value == -1 and self.relay_type == "VA21-29" then self:TriggerInput("Set",0) return end if name == "OpenBypass" then if (not self.ChangeTime) and (self.TargetValue ~= 0.0) then self.ChangeTime = self.Time + FailSim.Value(self,"OpenTime") end self.TargetValue = 0.0 return end if self.Blocked > 0 and name ~= "Block" and (name == "Close" and self.relay_type == "PK-162" or self.relay_type ~= "PK-162") then return end -- Open/close coils of the relay if (name == "Block") then self.Blocked = value elseif (name == "Close") and (value > self.trigger_level) and (self.Value ~= 1.0 or self.TargetValue ~= 1.0) then --(self.TargetValue ~= 1.0 and self.rpb)) if (not self.ChangeTime) and (self.TargetValue ~= 1.0) then self.ChangeTime = self.Time + FailSim.Value(self,"CloseTime") --if self.rvt then print(FailSim.Value(self,"CloseTime")) end end --if self.rpb and if self.Value == 1.0 then self.ChangeTime = nil end self.TargetValue = 1.0 elseif (name == "Open") and (value > self.trigger_level) and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then if (not self.ChangeTime) and (self.TargetValue ~= 0.0) then self.ChangeTime = self.Time + FailSim.Value(self,"OpenTime") end self.TargetValue = 0.0 elseif name == "Set" then if self.maxvalue then if not self.ChangeTime then self.ChangeTime = self.Time + FailSim.Value(self,"OpenTime") end self.TargetValue = math.max(0.0,math.min(self.maxvalue,math.floor(value))) elseif self.three_position then if not self.ChangeTime then self.ChangeTime = self.Time + FailSim.Value(self,"OpenTime") end self.TargetValue = math.max(0.0,math.min(2.0,math.floor(value))) else if value > self.trigger_level then self:TriggerInput("Close",self.trigger_level+1) else self:TriggerInput("Open",self.trigger_level+1) end end elseif (name == "Toggle") and (value > 0.5) then if self.maxvalue then self:TriggerInput("Set",self.Value > self.maxvalue-1 and 0 or self.Value+1) elseif self.three_position then self:TriggerInput("Set",self.Value > 1 and 0 or self.Value+1) else self:TriggerInput("Set",(1.0 - self.Value)*(self.trigger_level+1)) end end end function TRAIN_SYSTEM:Think(dT) --print(self.relay_type) self.Time = self.Time + dT --if self.relay_type == "VA21-29" then --if self.Value --if self.Value == -1 then print(self.Name) end -- Short-circuited relay if FailSim.Value(self,"ShortCircuit") > 0.5 then self.Value = 1.0 return end -- Spurious trip if FailSim.Value(self,"SpuriousTrip") > 0.5 then self.SpuriousTripTimer = self.Time + (0.5 + 2.5*math.random()) FailSim.ResetParameter(self,"SpuriousTrip",0.0) FailSim.Age(self,1) -- Simulate switch right away self.Value = 1.0 - self.Value self.TargetValue = self.Value self.ChangeTime = nil end if self.SpuriousTripTimer and (self.Time > self.SpuriousTripTimer) then self.Value = self.TargetValue self.SpuriousTripTimer = nil end -- Switch relay if self.ChangeTime and (self.Time > self.ChangeTime) and not self.SpuriousTripTimer then self.Value = self.TargetValue self.ChangeTime = nil -- Age relay a little FailSim.Age(self,1) -- Electropneumatic relays make this sound --if self.pneumatic and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("pneumo_switch",nil,0.6) end --if self.pneumatic and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("pneumo_switch_on",nil,0.57) end if self.lk2 and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("lk2_off",nil,0.7) end if self.lk2 and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("lk2_on",nil,0.7) end if self.lk3 and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("lk3_off",nil,0.7) end if self.lk3 and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("lk3_on",nil,0.7) end if self.rkr then self.Train:PlayOnce("pneumo_reverser",nil,0.9) end if self.in_cabin and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_open","cabin",0.6) end if self.in_cabin and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_close","cabin",0.6) end if self.in_cabin_alt and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_open","cabin",0.6) end if self.in_cabin_alt and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_close2","cabin",0.6) end if self.in_cabin_alt2 and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_open","cabin",0.6) end if self.in_cabin_alt2 and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_close3","cabin",0.6) end if self.in_cabin_alt3 and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_open","cabin",0.6) end if self.in_cabin_alt3 and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_close4","cabin",0.6) end if self.in_cabin_avu and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_open","cabin",0.7,70) end if self.in_cabin_avu and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_close","cabin",0.7,70) end if self.in_cabin_alt4 and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("relay_close5","cabin",0.6) end if self.rvt and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("rvt_open","cabin",0.6) end if self.rvt and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("rvt_close","cabin",1) end if self.r1_5 and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("r1_5_open","cabin",0.6) end if self.r1_5 and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("r1_5_close","cabin",0.6) end if self.relay_type == "VA21-29" and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("av_off","cabin") end if self.relay_type == "VA21-29" and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("av_on","cabin") end if self.relay_type == "VB-11" and (self.Value == 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("vu22b_off","cabin") end if self.relay_type == "VB-11" and (self.Value ~= 0.0) then self.Train:PlayOnce("vu22b_on","cabin") end if self.relay_type == "Switch" then if self.Value ~= 0.0 and self.maxvalue ~= 2 or self.Value ~= 1.0 and self.maxvalue == 2 then if self.av3 then self.Train:PlayOnce("vu22b_on","cabin") end if self.igla then self.Train:PlayOnce("igla_on","cabin") end if self.button then self.Train:PlayOnce("button_press","cabin",0.51) end if self.vud then self.Train:PlayOnce("vu22_on","cabin") end if self.uava then self.Train:PlayOnce("uava_on","cabin") end if self.pb then self.Train:PlayOnce("switch6","cabin") end if self.programm then self.Train:PlayOnce("inf_on","cabin") end if self.av then self.Train:PlayOnce("auto_on","cabin") end if self.mainav then self.Train:PlayOnce("mainauto_on","cabin") end if self.krishka then self.Train:PlayOnce("kr_close","cabin") end if self.paketnik then self.Train:PlayOnce("pak_on","cabin") end if self.switch then self.Train:PlayOnce("switch_on","cabin") end end if self.Value == 0.0 and self.maxvalue ~= 2 or self.Value == 1.0 and self.maxvalue == 2 then if self.av3 then self.Train:PlayOnce("vu22b_off","cabin") end if self.igla then self.Train:PlayOnce("igla_off","cabin") end if self.button then self.Train:PlayOnce("button_release","cabin",0.56) end if self.vud then self.Train:PlayOnce("vu22_off","cabin") end if self.uava then self.Train:PlayOnce("uava_off","cabin") end if self.pb then self.Train:PlayOnce("switch6_off","cabin") end if self.programm then self.Train:PlayOnce("inf_off","cabin") end if self.av then self.Train:PlayOnce("auto_off","cabin") end if self.mainav then self.Train:PlayOnce("mainauto_off","cabin") end if self.krishka then self.Train:PlayOnce("kr_open","cabin") end if self.paketnik then self.Train:PlayOnce("pak_off","cabin") end if self.switch then self.Train:PlayOnce("switch_off","cabin") end end end end end
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Logout icon -- -- Original Image Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Everaldo Coelho. -- Distributed under GNU General Public License. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module(..., package.seeall) NODE = { prototype = "@Image", file_name = "logout.png", copyright = "Everaldo Coelho (,", title = "Logout Icon", file_type = "image/png", } NODE.content = [[ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABYAAAAWCAYAAADEtGw7AAAACXBIWXMAAAsQAAALEAGtI711AAAAq ElEQVQ4y+2UsQ0DIQxFGYMMQcMEVBmCDdiEnmGomIGRfgDJurvIydlFLs196Ulg0CvAYACYX2Bu8f /FI17IUyweeQwgxIvEJG2tLWqti/dx710uJmkpBTlnUOaYq4nEJE0pLWKM2Iebn4pJGkI44JwDl1m f6xIxrLUsZm3dst8rOYqPt85F2xVfpdxc026s+KTmpQ8EisehEmvlXvsJiTJb9f6PrxW/AJSG5tR3 5/7hAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC ]]
project "World Editor" language "C#" kind "ConsoleApp" files { "../src/worldEditor/**.cs", "../src/worldEditor/**.glsl" } links { "System", "System.Drawing", "System.Windows.Forms", "OpenTK", "Terrain", "TerrainEditor", "Util", "Lua", "Noise", "UI", "Graphics", "GpuNoise" } location "worldEditor" vpaths { ["*"] = "../src/worldEditor" }
--[[ desc: Frameani, Actor's Drawable. author: Musoucrow since: 2018-6-27 alter: 2019-6-6 ]]-- local _CONFIG = require("config") local _TABLE = require("lib.table") local _RESMGR = require("actor.resmgr") local _Collider = require("actor.collider") local _Graphics_Frameani = require("graphics.drawable.frameani") local _Base = require("actor.drawable.base") ---@class Actor.Drawable.Frameani:Actor.Drawable ---@field public avatar Actor.Drawable.Frameani.Avatar ---@field protected _collidersPoor table ---@field protected _colliders table<int, Actor.Collider> local _Frameani = require("core.class")(_Graphics_Frameani, _Base) ---@param frameaniData Lib.RESOURCE.FrameaniData ---@return table<number, Actor.Collider> local function _NewColliders(frameaniData) if (not frameaniData) then return nil end local colliders = {} for n=1, #frameaniData.list do if (frameaniData.list[n].spriteData and frameaniData.list[n].spriteData.colliderData) then colliders[n] = _Collider.New(frameaniData.list[n].spriteData.colliderData) end end return colliders end function _Frameani.HandleData(data) if (data.path) then data.frameaniData = _RESMGR.GetFrameaniData(data.path) data.path = nil end if (data.avatar) then data.avatarData = _RESMGR.GetAvatarData(data.avatar) data.avatar = nil end data.avatarConfig = data.config data.config = nil end function _Frameani.NewWithConfig(upperEvent, data) return _Frameani.New(upperEvent, data.frameaniData, data.hasShadow, data.order, data.avatarData, data.avatarConfig, data.z) end ---@param upperEvent event ---@param frameaniData Lib.RESOURCE.FrameaniData ---@param hasShadow boolean ---@param avatarData Actor.RESMGR.AvatarData ---@param avatarConfig table function _Frameani:Ctor(upperEvent, frameaniData, hasShadow, order, avatarData, avatarConfig, z) _Base.Ctor(self, upperEvent, hasShadow, "frameani", order) _Graphics_Frameani.Ctor(self, upperEvent, frameaniData) if (avatarData) then ---@class Actor.Drawable.Frameani.Avatar ---@field public data Actor.RESMGR.AvatarData ---@field public config table<string, string> ---@field public key string ---@field public passMap table<string, boolean> self.avatar = { data = avatarData, config = _TABLE.Clone(avatarConfig), passMap = {} } self:AdjustAvatarKey() end if (z) then self:SetAttri("position", _, z) end end ---@param frameaniData Lib.RESOURCE.FrameaniData ---@param isOnly boolean function _Frameani:Play(frameaniData, isOnly) if (frameaniData) then if (self._frameaniData and not self._collidersPoor) then self._collidersPoor = {} self._collidersPoor[self._frameaniData] = self._colliders end if (self._collidersPoor) then self._collidersPoor[frameaniData] = self._collidersPoor[frameaniData] or _NewColliders(frameaniData) self._colliders = self._collidersPoor[frameaniData] else self._colliders = _NewColliders(frameaniData) end end _Graphics_Frameani.Play(self, frameaniData, isOnly) end function _Frameani:AdjustAvatarKey() if (not self.avatar) then return end local keys = {} for k, v in pairs(self.avatar.config) do if (not self.avatar.passMap[k]) then keys[#keys + 1] = k end end table.sort(keys, function(a, b) return[a] <[b] end) for n=1, #keys do keys[n] = self.avatar.config[keys[n]] end self.avatar.key = table.concat(keys, "|") end function _Frameani:ClearCache() self._collidersPoor = {} end ---@param spriteData Lib.RESOURCE.SpriteData function _Frameani:SetData(spriteData) _Graphics_Frameani.SetData(self, spriteData) if (not self._colliders) then self:SetCollider() elseif (self._collider ~= self._colliders[self._frame]) then self:SetCollider(self._colliders[self._frame]) end end function _Frameani:_OnDraw() _Graphics_Frameani._OnDraw(self) if (_CONFIG.debug.collider) then self:DrawCollider() end end return _Frameani
local API = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Locale -- do local tbl = {} local myRegion = GetLocale() function API:NewLocale(locale, region) if region == "enUS" or region == myRegion then if not tbl[locale] then tbl[locale] = {} end return tbl[locale] end end function API:GetLocale(locale) if tbl[locale] then return tbl[locale] end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Voice -- do local addons = {} function API.RegisterVoicePack(pack) if type(pack) ~= "string" then error("Voice pack name must be a string.") return end if not addons[pack] then addons[pack] = true else error(("Voice pack %s already registered."):format(pack)) end end function API.HasVoicePack() if next(addons) then return true end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Countdown -- do local voices = {} function API:RegisterCountdown(id, name, data) if not data then data, name = name, id end if type(id) ~= "string" then error("Countdown name must be a string.") end if type(data) ~= "table" or #data < 5 or #data > 10 then error("Countdown data must be an indexed table with 5-10 entries.") end if voices[id] then error(("Countdown %q already registered."):format(id)) end voices[id] = { name = name } for i = 1, #data do voices[id][i] = data[i] end end function API:GetCountdownList() local list = {} for k, v in next, voices do list[k] = end return list end function API:HasCountdown(id) return voices[id] and true end function API:GetCountdownSound(id, index) return voices[id] and voices[id][index] end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global -- BigWigsAPI = setmetatable({}, { __index = API, __newindex = function() end, __metatable = false })
local trail_history_size = 1000 local trail_history = { n = trail_history_size + 1 } local trail_state = false local m_vecViewOffset = se.get_netvar("DT_BasePlayer", "m_vecViewOffset[0]") local player_vtable = ffi.cast("int*", client.find_pattern("client.dll", "55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC 18 56 57 8B F9 89 7C 24 0C") + 0x47)[0] local get_abs_origin = ffi.cast("float*(__thiscall*)(int)", ffi.cast("int*", player_vtable + 0x28)[0]) local function rgb(ratio) local normalized = math.floor(ratio * 256 * 6) local remainder = math.mod(normalized, 256) local region = math.floor(normalized / 256) local red = 0 local green = 0 local blue = 0 if region == 0 then red = 255 green = remainder blue = 0 elseif region == 1 then red = 255 - remainder green = 255 blue = 0; elseif region == 2 then red = 0 green = 255 blue = remainder elseif region == 3 then red = 0 green = 255 - remainder blue = 255 elseif region == 4 then red = remainder green = 0 blue = 255 elseif region == 5 then red = 255 green = 0 blue = 255 - remainder end return, green, blue, 255) end local misc_trail_enabled = ui.add_check_box("enabled", "misc_trail_enabled", false) local misc_trail_rgb = ui.add_check_box("rgb", "misc_trail_rgb", false) local misc_trail_color = ui.add_color_edit("color", "misc_trail_color", false,, 255, 255, 255)) local misc_trail_length = ui.add_slider_int("length", "misc_trail_length", 30, 1000, 100) function draw_trails() if misc_trail_rgb:get_value() == true then local misc_trail_color = misc_trail_color:get_value() if misc_trail_enabled:get_value() == false then return end local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() if engine.is_in_game() == false or engine.is_connected() == false or local_player:is_alive() == false then trail_state = false return end local abs_origin = get_abs_origin(local_player:get_address()) local view_offset = local_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecViewOffset) local trail_start =[0] + view_offset.x, abs_origin[1] + view_offset.y, abs_origin[2] + view_offset.z - 25) trail_start =, trail_start.y, trail_start.z-40) if misc_trail_length:get_value() ~= trail_history_size then trail_history_size = misc_trail_length:get_value() trail_state = false end if trail_state == false then for i = 1, trail_history_size + 1, 1 do trail_history[i] = trail_start end trail_state = true end trail_history[trail_history_size + 1] = trail_start for i = 1, trail_history_size, 1 do trail_history[i] = trail_history[i + 1] end for i = 1, trail_history_size - 1, 1 do local trail_pos_s = se.world_to_screen(trail_history[i]) local trail_pos_e = se.world_to_screen(trail_history[i + 1]) local trail_color = rgb(i / trail_history_size) if trail_pos_s ~= nil and trail_pos_e ~= nil then renderer.line(trail_pos_s, trail_pos_e, trail_color) end end else local misc_trail_color = misc_trail_color:get_value() if misc_trail_enabled:get_value() == false then return end local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() if engine.is_in_game() == false or engine.is_connected() == false or local_player:is_alive() == false then trail_state = false return end local abs_origin = get_abs_origin(local_player:get_address()) local view_offset = local_player:get_prop_vector(m_vecViewOffset) local trail_start =[0] + view_offset.x, abs_origin[1] + view_offset.y, abs_origin[2] + view_offset.z - 25) trail_start =, trail_start.y, trail_start.z-40) if misc_trail_length:get_value() ~= trail_history_size then trail_history_size = misc_trail_length:get_value() trail_state = false end if trail_state == false then for i = 1, trail_history_size + 1, 1 do trail_history[i] = trail_start end trail_state = true end trail_history[trail_history_size + 1] = trail_start for i = 1, trail_history_size, 1 do trail_history[i] = trail_history[i + 1] end for i = 1, trail_history_size - 1, 1 do local trail_pos_s = se.world_to_screen(trail_history[i]) local trail_pos_e = se.world_to_screen(trail_history[i + 1]) local trail_color = misc_trail_color if trail_pos_s ~= nil and trail_pos_e ~= nil then renderer.line(trail_pos_s, trail_pos_e, trail_color) end end end end client.register_callback("paint", draw_trails)
-- Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved. -- @author QianYe( -- @license MIT license local types = require("miss-validator.src.types") -- @brief verify input by params -- @param input {object} -- @param params {array[object]} -- local params = { -- { -- name = {string} -- required = {boolean} -- length = {number} -- minLength = {number} -- maxLength = {number} -- type = {string} -- pattern = {string|object(boolean)} -- gt = {number} -- lt = {number} -- ge = {numner} -- le = {number} -- children = {array(object)} -- default = {string|boolean|number|numberic|object|array} -- } -- } -- @return msg {string} -- msg == nil => ok -- msg ~= nil => error msg local function verify(input, params) return types.object(input, params, "") end return verify
-- TODO: A component that allows individual children to define their own size as -- a function of the container's size. This can be used to implement -- stretch-to-fill and proportional sizing. return {}
local api_helpers = require "kong.api.api_helpers" local norm = api_helpers.normalize_nested_params describe("api_helpers", function() describe("normalize_nested_params()", function() it("handles nested & mixed data structures", function() assert.same({ ["hello world"] = "foo, bar", falsy = false }, norm({ ["hello world"] = "foo, bar", falsy = false })) assert.same({ array = { "alice", "bob", "casius" } }, norm({ ["array[1]"] = "alice", ["array[2]"] = "bob", ["array[3]"] = "casius" })) assert.same({ hash = { answer = 42 } }, norm({ ["hash.answer"] = 42 })) assert.same({ hash_array = { arr = { "one", "two" } } }, norm({ ["hash_array.arr[1]"] = "one", ["hash_array.arr[2]"] = "two" })) assert.same({ array_hash = { { name = "peter" } } }, norm({ ["array_hash[1].name"] = "peter" })) assert.same({ array_array = { { "x", "y" } } }, norm({ ["array_array[1][1]"] = "x", ["array_array[1][2]"] = "y" })) assert.same({ hybrid = { 1, 2, n = 3 } }, norm({ ["hybrid[1]"] = 1, ["hybrid[2]"] = 2, ["hybrid.n"] = 3 })) end) it("handles nested & mixed data structures with omitted array indexes", function() assert.same({ array = { "alice", "bob", "casius" } }, norm({ ["array[]"] = {"alice", "bob", "casius"} })) assert.same({ hash_array = { arr = { "one", "two" } } }, norm({ ["hash_array.arr[]"] = { "one", "two" } })) assert.same({ array_hash = { { name = "peter" } } }, norm({ ["array_hash[].name"] = "peter" })) assert.same({ array_array = { { "x", "y" } } }, norm({ ["array_array[][]"] = { "x", "y" } })) assert.same({ hybrid = { 1, 2, n = 3 } }, norm({ ["hybrid[]"] = { 1, 2 }, ["hybrid.n"] = 3 })) end) it("complete use case", function() assert.same({ service_id = 123, name = "request-transformer", config = { add = { form = "new-form-param:some_value, another-form-param:some_value", headers = "x-new-header:some_value, x-another-header:some_value", querystring = "new-param:some_value, another-param:some_value" }, remove = { form = "formparam-toremove", headers = "x-toremove, x-another-one", querystring = "param-toremove, param-another-one" } } }, norm { service_id = 123, name = "request-transformer", ["config.add.headers"] = "x-new-header:some_value, x-another-header:some_value", ["config.add.querystring"] = "new-param:some_value, another-param:some_value", ["config.add.form"] = "new-form-param:some_value, another-form-param:some_value", ["config.remove.headers"] = "x-toremove, x-another-one", ["config.remove.querystring"] = "param-toremove, param-another-one", ["config.remove.form"] = "formparam-toremove" }) end) end) end)