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[ "DATE:", "FROM:", "TO:", "ADDRESS:", "Telephone", "Telefax", "Re.:", "INBIFO Institut für biologische Forschung GmbH", "TELEFAX MESSAGE No.:", "Fax no:", "NUMBER OF FOLLOWING PAGES", "General Manager", "Trade Register" ]
[ "DATE:", "FROM:", "TO:", "ADDRESS:", "Telephone", "Telefax", "Re.:", "2463", "2505430204", "27/94", "Contract", "Research", "INBIFO", "INBIFO", "Institut", "für", "biologische", "Forschung", "GmbH", "TELEFAX", "MESSAGE", "No.:", "INBIFO", "", "", "bioloische", "Forschnung", "GmbH", "Fuggesstr", "3-", "D-", "51149", "Cologne", "28", "Apr.", "98", "Dr.", "Wolf", "Reininghaus", "Dr.", "Don", "Leyden,", "Dept.", "Scientific", "Affairs", "98", "-04", "-28", "12:", "05", "OUT", "Philip", "Morris", "Europe", "Fabriques", "de", "Tabac", "Reunies", "S.", "A.", "CH-", "2003", "Neuchatel", "0041-", "32-", "888", "5776", "Fax", "no:", "Telefax-", "Original", "Ablage", "NUMBER", "OF", "FOLLOWING", "PAGES", "21", "", "TPM/", "Nocotine", "ratio", "For", "your", "information!", "Cologne", "HRB", "367", "Dr.", "Wolf", "Reninghaus", "General", "Manager", "Trade", "Register", "(0", "22", "03)", "303", "-1", "(0", "22", "03)", "303", "-362", "-/BVI", "DLEY", "FAX" ]
[ [ 95, 258, 142, 278 ], [ 96, 309, 145, 327 ], [ 98, 359, 125, 374 ], [ 99, 422, 176, 442 ], [ 487, 173, 528, 181 ], [ 486, 182, 518, 190 ], [ 98, 626, 132, 643 ], [ 303, 154, 360, 175 ], [ 648, 779, 691, 923 ], [ 686, 954, 706, 962 ], [ 487, 138, 539, 151 ], [ 542, 138, 602, 151 ], [ 486, 94, 648, 139 ], [ 95, 113, 141, 130 ], [ 145, 112, 186, 126 ], [ 186, 112, 204, 126 ], [ 207, 112, 274, 129 ], [ 277, 112, 341, 127 ], [ 342, 110, 385, 123 ], [ 96, 158, 156, 175 ], [ 159, 156, 226, 174 ], [ 229, 158, 258, 175 ], [ 98, 194, 126, 204 ], [ 128, 194, 153, 202 ], [ 154, 196, 167, 204 ], [ 168, 194, 211, 204 ], [ 211, 193, 252, 203 ], [ 254, 194, 282, 204 ], [ 284, 193, 325, 204 ], [ 325, 193, 335, 203 ], [ 337, 193, 345, 203 ], [ 345, 194, 369, 204 ], [ 370, 194, 402, 205 ], [ 267, 263, 287, 277 ], [ 291, 263, 318, 277 ], [ 321, 263, 338, 274 ], [ 267, 310, 287, 324 ], [ 289, 309, 320, 323 ], [ 324, 309, 404, 326 ], [ 268, 360, 288, 373 ], [ 292, 359, 320, 373 ], [ 323, 359, 380, 373 ], [ 267, 374, 303, 389 ], [ 307, 374, 371, 388 ], [ 376, 376, 422, 389 ], [ 487, 330, 504, 343 ], [ 504, 334, 526, 344 ], [ 528, 334, 552, 348 ], [ 563, 338, 581, 352 ], [ 584, 341, 599, 354 ], [ 606, 345, 631, 359 ], [ 267, 423, 303, 438 ], [ 307, 422, 348, 437 ], [ 351, 423, 401, 437 ], [ 267, 440, 331, 453 ], [ 335, 440, 352, 451 ], [ 355, 439, 397, 453 ], [ 399, 440, 452, 454 ], [ 457, 437, 470, 451 ], [ 471, 437, 484, 452 ], [ 267, 471, 294, 485 ], [ 295, 471, 327, 485 ], [ 330, 469, 396, 483 ], [ 335, 514, 374, 529 ], [ 374, 518, 394, 529 ], [ 394, 517, 419, 531 ], [ 422, 517, 454, 531 ], [ 267, 517, 292, 531 ], [ 295, 517, 322, 531 ], [ 514, 401, 609, 428 ], [ 511, 430, 614, 457 ], [ 511, 461, 645, 500 ], [ 99, 563, 163, 578 ], [ 166, 563, 187, 577 ], [ 190, 564, 277, 578 ], [ 281, 563, 335, 578 ], [ 370, 563, 385, 577 ], [ 402, 553, 563, 595 ], [ 135, 627, 171, 642 ], [ 172, 628, 239, 642 ], [ 242, 627, 278, 641 ], [ 101, 670, 128, 688 ], [ 130, 673, 165, 688 ], [ 169, 672, 257, 687 ], [ 552, 936, 584, 946 ], [ 585, 937, 605, 945 ], [ 606, 936, 620, 946 ], [ 561, 947, 572, 955 ], [ 574, 947, 594, 955 ], [ 594, 947, 641, 957 ], [ 493, 946, 522, 956 ], [ 524, 947, 562, 955 ], [ 493, 937, 515, 947 ], [ 517, 937, 551, 947 ], [ 529, 173, 537, 181 ], [ 539, 173, 549, 181 ], [ 550, 173, 564, 183 ], [ 566, 173, 580, 180 ], [ 580, 172, 588, 180 ], [ 518, 182, 526, 192 ], [ 528, 183, 538, 191 ], [ 539, 183, 552, 191 ], [ 553, 183, 567, 191 ], [ 567, 183, 585, 190 ], [ 494, 212, 523, 222 ], [ 494, 226, 526, 236 ], [ 525, 225, 553, 238 ] ]
[ "2463", "28 Apr. 98", "Dr. Wolf Reininghaus", "Dr. Don Leyden, Dept. Scientific Affairs", "Philip Morris Europe Fabriques de Tabac Reunies S. A.", "CH- 2003 Neuchatel", "0041- 32- 888 5776", "21 ", "TPM/ Nocotine ratio", "Cologne HRB 367", "Dr. Wolf Reninghaus", "(0 22 03) 303 -1", "(0 22 03) 303 -362" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "28 Apr. 98" }, { "question": "FROM:", "answer": "Dr. Wolf Reininghaus" }, { "question": "TO:", "answer": "Dr. Don Leyden, Dept. Scientific Affairs" }, { "question": "ADDRESS:", "answer": "Philip Morris Europe Fabriques de Tabac Reunies S. A." }, { "question": "ADDRESS:", "answer": "CH- 2003 Neuchatel" }, { "question": "Telephone", "answer": "(0 22 03) 303 -1" }, { "question": "Telefax", "answer": "(0 22 03) 303 -362" }, { "question": "Re.:", "answer": "TPM/ Nocotine ratio" }, { "question": "TELEFAX MESSAGE No.:", "answer": "2463" }, { "question": "Fax no:", "answer": "0041- 32- 888 5776" }, { "question": "NUMBER OF FOLLOWING PAGES", "answer": "21 " }, { "question": "General Manager", "answer": "Dr. Wolf Reninghaus" }, { "question": "Trade Register", "answer": "Cologne HRB 367" } ] }
[ "TO:", "FROM:", "S.P. Zolot", "C.J. Leiker", "☑", "SUBJECT:", "GEOGRAPHY", "REGION:", "DIVISION:", "FULL", "x", "PARTIAL", "FULL", "PARTIAL", "23", "21", "15", "17", "82", "25", "31", "17", "15", "39", "25", "460", "79", "17", "112", "MAVPROG.XLS", "81619511", "SUBMISSION", "DATE", "MAY", "19", "AUG", "11", "SEP", "22", "JUN", "30", "MAVERICK", "SPECIALS", "MENTHOL-", "PROGRESS", "REPORT", "(ONLY", "", "PARTIAL", "REGION", "CONTINUE", "WITH", "DIVISION(S)", "SCOPE)", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "#", "REPS", "#", "REPS", "#", "REPS", "DISTRIBUTION", "DIRECT", "ACCOUNTS", "AND", "CHAINS", "HEADQUARTERED", "WITHIN", "THE", "REGION", "(15+", "STORES)", "STOCKING", "NO", "MAVERICK", "SPECIALS", "MENTHOL", "NAME", "OF", "ACCOUNT", "IND.", "LOR", "VOLUME", "NO.", "OF", "STORES", "NAME", "OF", "ACCOUNT", "IND", "", "VOLUME", "NO.", "OF", "STORES", "139/", "27", "202/", "22", "126/", "26", "176/", "13", "98/", "17", "Chatham", "Oil", "(311-", "01)", "Express", "Stop", "(309-", "30)", "Fowlers", "Oil", "(308", "-21)", "Petro", "Express", "(313-", "07)", "Service", "Dist.", "(313-", "12)", "DIRECT", "ACCOUNTS", "AND", "CHAINS", "HEADQUARTERED", "OUTSIDE", "THE", "REGION", "(15+", "STORES)", "STOCKING", "NO", "MAVERICK", "SPECIALS", "MENTHOL", "NAME", "OF", "ACCOUNT", "IND", "LOR", "VOLUME", "NO.", "OF", "STORES", "NAME", "OF", "ACCOUNT", "IND", "LOR", "VOLUME", "NO.", "OF", "STORES", "", "", "_7-Eleven", "", "", "Coastal", "Mart", "(210-", "06)", "Conoco", "(524-", "10)", "Dairy", "Mart", "(417-", "47)", "Emro", "(411-", "07)", "EZ", "Serve", "(810", "76B)", "CVS-", "Revco", "(014-", "20)", "Rite", "Aid", "(209-", "07)", "Walgreen", "(625-", "60)", "Walmart", "(527-", "35)", "Page1", "of", "3", "Pages" ]
[ [ 22, 87, 40, 98 ], [ 22, 112, 57, 125 ], [ 142, 85, 189, 99 ], [ 142, 112, 192, 125 ], [ 550, 142, 561, 155 ], [ 22, 165, 72, 178 ], [ 122, 191, 189, 204 ], [ 21, 216, 67, 229 ], [ 22, 268, 71, 281 ], [ 215, 216, 242, 229 ], [ 264, 216, 274, 227 ], [ 422, 216, 467, 230 ], [ 215, 268, 242, 281 ], [ 422, 270, 467, 280 ], [ 243, 453, 260, 464 ], [ 244, 472, 257, 483 ], [ 246, 492, 261, 503 ], [ 246, 510, 260, 520 ], [ 246, 528, 261, 541 ], [ 514, 684, 528, 695 ], [ 244, 686, 261, 696 ], [ 246, 704, 261, 715 ], [ 246, 722, 261, 735 ], [ 244, 742, 262, 753 ], [ 246, 761, 261, 772 ], [ 244, 779, 264, 790 ], [ 247, 797, 262, 808 ], [ 247, 817, 261, 828 ], [ 246, 835, 267, 849 ], [ 45, 930, 108, 943 ], [ 677, 781, 697, 889 ], [ 458, 87, 524, 100 ], [ 525, 88, 554, 99 ], [ 381, 113, 406, 124 ], [ 408, 113, 421, 124 ], [ 508, 113, 532, 126 ], [ 534, 113, 547, 124 ], [ 511, 140, 532, 150 ], [ 534, 140, 547, 151 ], [ 385, 138, 406, 149 ], [ 408, 138, 419, 149 ], [ 144, 165, 198, 178 ], [ 198, 165, 250, 178 ], [ 250, 165, 313, 178 ], [ 317, 165, 374, 178 ], [ 376, 165, 421, 178 ], [ 22, 243, 54, 254 ], [ 56, 243, 67, 253 ], [ 67, 243, 110, 254 ], [ 112, 243, 154, 256 ], [ 155, 243, 208, 254 ], [ 209, 243, 237, 254 ], [ 239, 242, 298, 256 ], [ 299, 243, 341, 256 ], [ 36, 293, 82, 306 ], [ 84, 295, 118, 308 ], [ 38, 321, 83, 332 ], [ 84, 321, 118, 332 ], [ 38, 348, 84, 358 ], [ 85, 348, 117, 358 ], [ 215, 295, 261, 306 ], [ 263, 295, 295, 308 ], [ 214, 321, 263, 332 ], [ 261, 321, 296, 332 ], [ 215, 348, 261, 359 ], [ 263, 346, 297, 359 ], [ 423, 295, 430, 308 ], [ 432, 295, 461, 308 ], [ 422, 320, 430, 333 ], [ 432, 320, 460, 334 ], [ 423, 346, 430, 359 ], [ 432, 346, 460, 361 ], [ 119, 374, 192, 385 ], [ 25, 395, 64, 405 ], [ 66, 395, 125, 406 ], [ 124, 395, 146, 408 ], [ 148, 394, 187, 408 ], [ 190, 394, 282, 408 ], [ 282, 394, 321, 408 ], [ 323, 394, 344, 408 ], [ 346, 394, 388, 408 ], [ 22, 409, 44, 422 ], [ 46, 408, 92, 422 ], [ 94, 408, 148, 421 ], [ 148, 409, 165, 419 ], [ 165, 408, 221, 421 ], [ 221, 408, 273, 418 ], [ 272, 408, 324, 422 ], [ 31, 434, 63, 447 ], [ 64, 433, 81, 446 ], [ 82, 433, 134, 447 ], [ 156, 422, 178, 433 ], [ 177, 419, 199, 433 ], [ 158, 434, 203, 447 ], [ 222, 422, 243, 432 ], [ 247, 422, 264, 432 ], [ 225, 434, 267, 447 ], [ 304, 433, 336, 448 ], [ 337, 433, 352, 446 ], [ 355, 434, 408, 448 ], [ 434, 422, 455, 432 ], [ 453, 420, 478, 433 ], [ 432, 434, 478, 447 ], [ 497, 422, 517, 433 ], [ 521, 422, 539, 432 ], [ 497, 434, 542, 447 ], [ 161, 453, 183, 466 ], [ 184, 453, 198, 466 ], [ 163, 472, 183, 485 ], [ 182, 473, 196, 483 ], [ 161, 492, 185, 505 ], [ 184, 492, 198, 505 ], [ 161, 508, 185, 522 ], [ 186, 510, 199, 521 ], [ 163, 528, 181, 542 ], [ 183, 528, 197, 541 ], [ 22, 454, 65, 465 ], [ 67, 453, 81, 467 ], [ 82, 454, 106, 465 ], [ 106, 454, 121, 465 ], [ 22, 472, 61, 486 ], [ 63, 472, 84, 486 ], [ 87, 472, 111, 487 ], [ 109, 472, 126, 485 ], [ 22, 490, 60, 505 ], [ 61, 492, 76, 505 ], [ 77, 492, 102, 506 ], [ 99, 492, 117, 503 ], [ 24, 508, 48, 525 ], [ 50, 510, 88, 525 ], [ 89, 510, 114, 523 ], [ 112, 508, 130, 522 ], [ 24, 528, 59, 539 ], [ 60, 529, 81, 539 ], [ 82, 528, 107, 542 ], [ 108, 529, 123, 542 ], [ 25, 624, 66, 639 ], [ 66, 626, 125, 637 ], [ 124, 626, 149, 641 ], [ 149, 623, 188, 638 ], [ 190, 624, 282, 639 ], [ 284, 623, 331, 638 ], [ 330, 626, 355, 640 ], [ 359, 623, 401, 640 ], [ 22, 641, 47, 652 ], [ 45, 640, 94, 653 ], [ 95, 640, 151, 651 ], [ 149, 641, 166, 651 ], [ 168, 640, 222, 651 ], [ 219, 638, 272, 652 ], [ 274, 638, 326, 651 ], [ 32, 663, 66, 677 ], [ 66, 663, 83, 678 ], [ 82, 665, 136, 680 ], [ 158, 652, 179, 666 ], [ 179, 652, 201, 666 ], [ 156, 666, 201, 679 ], [ 225, 652, 245, 665 ], [ 250, 652, 267, 665 ], [ 226, 666, 269, 679 ], [ 304, 666, 339, 679 ], [ 338, 666, 353, 677 ], [ 355, 665, 408, 680 ], [ 434, 652, 456, 666 ], [ 454, 654, 481, 665 ], [ 432, 665, 481, 679 ], [ 499, 652, 517, 666 ], [ 522, 652, 537, 666 ], [ 500, 666, 543, 679 ], [ 291, 684, 297, 697 ], [ 296, 684, 304, 697 ], [ 300, 684, 331, 698 ], [ 332, 683, 356, 700 ], [ 356, 684, 373, 697 ], [ 25, 684, 61, 695 ], [ 60, 684, 85, 697 ], [ 84, 683, 109, 697 ], [ 106, 683, 124, 697 ], [ 25, 703, 60, 717 ], [ 61, 703, 88, 718 ], [ 87, 701, 102, 716 ], [ 25, 722, 49, 736 ], [ 49, 722, 74, 739 ], [ 74, 721, 99, 736 ], [ 96, 719, 116, 733 ], [ 25, 742, 52, 756 ], [ 50, 740, 72, 757 ], [ 71, 739, 92, 757 ], [ 25, 760, 39, 773 ], [ 39, 758, 70, 775 ], [ 71, 760, 93, 775 ], [ 91, 760, 116, 775 ], [ 25, 778, 53, 793 ], [ 52, 781, 83, 792 ], [ 84, 778, 106, 792 ], [ 106, 778, 124, 792 ], [ 27, 799, 45, 812 ], [ 43, 796, 63, 813 ], [ 63, 797, 88, 811 ], [ 87, 797, 104, 812 ], [ 24, 816, 71, 831 ], [ 70, 816, 95, 831 ], [ 92, 816, 112, 830 ], [ 24, 835, 67, 850 ], [ 64, 835, 92, 850 ], [ 88, 835, 108, 846 ], [ 539, 926, 578, 941 ], [ 582, 925, 595, 942 ], [ 596, 925, 604, 939 ], [ 606, 925, 641, 943 ] ]
[ "S.P. Zolot", "C.J. Leiker", "☑", "x", "23", "21", "15", "17", "82", "25", "31", "17", "15", "39", "25", "460", "79", "17", "112", "MAVERICK SPECIALS MENTHOL- PROGRESS REPORT", "139/ 27", "202/ 22", "126/ 26", "176/ 13", "98/ 17", "Chatham Oil (311- 01)", "Express Stop (309- 30)", "Fowlers Oil (308 -21)", "Petro Express (313- 07)", "Service Dist. (313- 12)", "_7-Eleven ", "Coastal Mart (210- 06)", "Conoco (524- 10)", "Dairy Mart (417- 47)", "Emro (411- 07)", "EZ Serve (810 76B)", "CVS- Revco (014- 20)", "Rite Aid (209- 07)", "Walgreen (625- 60)", "Walmart (527- 35)" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "TO:", "answer": "S.P. Zolot" }, { "question": "FROM:", "answer": "C.J. Leiker" }, { "question": "SUBJECT:", "answer": "MAVERICK SPECIALS MENTHOL- PROGRESS REPORT" }, { "question": "FULL", "answer": "x" }, { "question": "FULL", "answer": "FULL" }, { "question": "PARTIAL", "answer": "PARTIAL" }, { "question": "FULL", "answer": "FULL" }, { "question": "PARTIAL", "answer": "PARTIAL" }, { "question": "MAY 19", "answer": "MAY 19" }, { "question": "AUG 11", "answer": "AUG 11" }, { "question": "SEP 22", "answer": "SEP 22" }, { "question": "SEP 22", "answer": "☑" }, { "question": "JUN 30", "answer": "JUN 30" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Chatham Oil (311- 01)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Express Stop (309- 30)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Fowlers Oil (308 -21)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Petro Express (313- 07)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Service Dist. (313- 12)" }, { "question": "IND. LOR VOLUME", "answer": "139/ 27" }, { "question": "IND. LOR VOLUME", "answer": "202/ 22" }, { "question": "IND. LOR VOLUME", "answer": "126/ 26" }, { "question": "IND. LOR VOLUME", "answer": "176/ 13" }, { "question": "IND. LOR VOLUME", "answer": "98/ 17" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "23" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "21" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "15" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "17" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "82" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Coastal Mart (210- 06)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Conoco (524- 10)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Dairy Mart (417- 47)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Emro (411- 07)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "EZ Serve (810 76B)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "CVS- Revco (014- 20)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Rite Aid (209- 07)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Walgreen (625- 60)" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "Walmart (527- 35)" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "31" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "17" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "15" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "39" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "25" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "460" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "79" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "17" }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "112" }, { "question": "NAME OF ACCOUNT", "answer": "_7-Eleven " }, { "question": "NO. OF STORES", "answer": "25" } ] }
[ "Telephone:", "TELEPHONE", "AME", "AFFILLATION", "DDRESS", "TELEPHONE", "AFFILIATION", "AME", "DDRESS", "Position", "resider", "Affiliation", "Affiliation", "Position", "Position", "Affiliation", "Topic.", "Affiliation", "Topic", "Position", "Position", "Position", "Affiliation", "Tοpic", "Affiliation", "Topic", "Topic", "ACCEPTED SYMPOSIUM", "Return this form to:", "RINCIPAL ORGANIZER (who will receive correspondence):", "CITY STATE, ", "O ORGANIZER (if applicable):", "CITY, STATE, ZIP", "INAL TITLE OF SYMPOSIUM", "- Speaker", "- Speaker", "- Speaker", "- Speaker", "- Speaker" ]
[ "Telephone:", "TELEPHONE", "AME", "AFFILLATION", "DDRESS", "TELEPHONE", "AFFILIATION", "AME", "DDRESS", "Position", "resider", "Affiliation", "Affiliation", "Position", "Position", "Affiliation", "Topic.", "Affiliation", "Topic", "Position", "Position", "Position", "Affiliation", "Tοpic", "Affiliation", "Topic", "", "", "", "", "Professor", "Professor", "Professor", "Cytogeneticist", "Topic", "Annual", "Meeting", "Los", "Angeles", "26-", "31", "May", "1983", "ACCEPTED", "SYMPOSIUM", "Preliminary", "Program", "Information", "Submit", "not", "later", "than", "1", "November", "Return", "this", "form", "to:", "AAAS", "Meetings", "Office", "1101", "Vermont", "Ave.,", "N", "W.", "Washington,", "D.", "C.", "20005", "(202)", "842-", "9530", "READ", "REVERSE", "SIDE", "BEFORE", "FILLING", "OUT", "THIS", "FORM", "202/", "457-", "4850", "RINCIPAL", "ORGANIZER", "(who", "will", "receive", "correspondence):", "Marvin", "A", "Kastenbaum", "1825", "Eye", "Street,", "NW", "Suite", "800", "CITY", "STATE,", "", "Washington", "DC", "20006", "", "", "O", "ORGANIZER", "(if", "applicable):", "CITY,", "STATE,", "ZIP", "INAL", "TITLE", "OF", "SYMPOSIUM", "FOR", "ONE", "SESSION", "THE", "HUMAN", "CHROMOSOME", "Dr.", "William", "J.", "Schull", "Director", "-", "Genetics", "Centers", "Univ.", "of", "Texas", "Graduate", "School", "of", "Biomedical", "Sciences", "(Houston)", "-", "Speaker", "Dr.", "Jorge", "J.", "Yunis", "Univ.", "of", "Minnesota", "School", "of", "Medicine", "The", "Oncogene,", "the", "Fragile", "Site,", "and", "Nonrandom", "Aberrations", "-", "Speaker", "Dr.", "Sheldon", "Wolff", "Chairman", "-", "Professor", "of", "Cytogenetic", "Laborat.", "Radiobiology&", "Environmental", "Health", "-", "U.", "of", "Cal.", "San", "Francis", "Sister-", "-Chromatid", "Exchanges", "-", "Speaker", "Dr.", "Patricia", "Jacobs", "University", "of", "Hawai", "-", "Dept.", "of", "Anatomy", "Abnormal", "Human", "Chromosome", "Complements", "Dr.", "Raymond", "White", "-", "Speaker", "University", "of", "Utah", "", "Human", "Linkage", "Map", "based", "on", "DNA", "Markers", "-", "Speaker", "Dr.", "Michael", "A.", "Bender", "Brookhaven", "National", "Laboratory", "-", "Medical", "Department", "Cyrogeneric", "Epidemiology", "See", "Reverse", "Side" ]
[ [ 503, 63, 560, 81 ], [ 444, 134, 521, 154 ], [ 14, 165, 42, 182 ], [ 372, 166, 453, 186 ], [ 13, 193, 62, 211 ], [ 446, 222, 524, 242 ], [ 372, 254, 453, 269 ], [ 8, 254, 46, 268 ], [ 7, 282, 64, 299 ], [ 349, 448, 390, 463 ], [ 8, 447, 53, 462 ], [ 20, 468, 70, 486 ], [ 22, 521, 69, 538 ], [ 349, 500, 388, 515 ], [ 351, 573, 390, 588 ], [ 20, 592, 72, 609 ], [ 20, 615, 51, 632 ], [ 21, 666, 71, 680 ], [ 21, 689, 50, 702 ], [ 352, 642, 391, 662 ], [ 349, 718, 391, 733 ], [ 349, 788, 391, 803 ], [ 22, 807, 72, 824 ], [ 20, 831, 49, 846 ], [ 22, 737, 72, 754 ], [ 21, 761, 49, 775 ], [ 529, 149, 551, 159 ], [ 552, 151, 574, 161 ], [ 605, 149, 641, 162 ], [ 605, 237, 643, 247 ], [ 419, 493, 504, 513 ], [ 413, 635, 498, 656 ], [ 419, 707, 510, 725 ], [ 413, 779, 544, 796 ], [ 21, 546, 50, 561 ], [ 82, 11, 143, 31 ], [ 147, 14, 217, 35 ], [ 75, 29, 118, 51 ], [ 122, 31, 225, 56 ], [ 106, 53, 124, 68 ], [ 124, 54, 138, 68 ], [ 138, 53, 165, 73 ], [ 168, 53, 197, 70 ], [ 256, 1, 355, 19 ], [ 353, 0, 469, 21 ], [ 261, 24, 335, 44 ], [ 335, 24, 387, 42 ], [ 388, 22, 463, 40 ], [ 254, 60, 301, 81 ], [ 302, 61, 327, 81 ], [ 327, 61, 358, 79 ], [ 360, 63, 391, 78 ], [ 390, 63, 401, 80 ], [ 402, 59, 473, 81 ], [ 501, 3, 548, 17 ], [ 547, 0, 575, 20 ], [ 574, 1, 609, 19 ], [ 612, 1, 636, 19 ], [ 501, 18, 537, 32 ], [ 539, 17, 588, 35 ], [ 587, 18, 619, 35 ], [ 500, 31, 528, 46 ], [ 529, 31, 574, 49 ], [ 571, 35, 602, 50 ], [ 602, 35, 615, 46 ], [ 615, 34, 632, 48 ], [ 501, 47, 568, 64 ], [ 568, 47, 582, 61 ], [ 582, 49, 596, 63 ], [ 596, 49, 631, 63 ], [ 559, 64, 590, 81 ], [ 589, 64, 613, 81 ], [ 613, 64, 641, 79 ], [ 173, 101, 211, 116 ], [ 211, 102, 274, 117 ], [ 271, 102, 306, 116 ], [ 306, 102, 359, 117 ], [ 359, 102, 412, 119 ], [ 412, 103, 441, 116 ], [ 443, 103, 475, 117 ], [ 475, 102, 516, 117 ], [ 527, 127, 562, 151 ], [ 568, 127, 606, 148 ], [ 606, 130, 641, 151 ], [ 14, 137, 74, 154 ], [ 74, 138, 154, 153 ], [ 156, 137, 184, 154 ], [ 186, 138, 206, 153 ], [ 205, 140, 243, 155 ], [ 246, 140, 337, 155 ], [ 61, 165, 121, 182 ], [ 124, 165, 142, 182 ], [ 154, 165, 248, 182 ], [ 61, 193, 102, 210 ], [ 108, 193, 137, 214 ], [ 144, 193, 203, 214 ], [ 207, 191, 231, 209 ], [ 236, 193, 285, 213 ], [ 291, 193, 320, 211 ], [ 323, 193, 358, 213 ], [ 360, 196, 403, 211 ], [ 402, 196, 426, 213 ], [ 433, 190, 535, 211 ], [ 543, 191, 563, 209 ], [ 568, 190, 618, 210 ], [ 529, 237, 551, 248 ], [ 552, 236, 573, 249 ], [ 10, 221, 30, 242 ], [ 29, 225, 104, 243 ], [ 105, 225, 122, 243 ], [ 122, 225, 186, 242 ], [ 324, 282, 360, 299 ], [ 359, 282, 402, 299 ], [ 402, 282, 424, 299 ], [ 10, 360, 44, 377 ], [ 46, 360, 87, 377 ], [ 87, 363, 107, 380 ], [ 108, 360, 188, 378 ], [ 288, 324, 319, 342 ], [ 320, 324, 348, 341 ], [ 348, 325, 402, 342 ], [ 279, 351, 311, 372 ], [ 317, 352, 367, 370 ], [ 372, 351, 470, 373 ], [ 64, 439, 93, 459 ], [ 99, 440, 170, 457 ], [ 173, 441, 191, 461 ], [ 201, 439, 258, 461 ], [ 391, 439, 468, 460 ], [ 472, 440, 487, 458 ], [ 490, 439, 567, 457 ], [ 574, 436, 638, 458 ], [ 73, 465, 120, 485 ], [ 128, 465, 152, 485 ], [ 156, 464, 205, 484 ], [ 219, 466, 294, 481 ], [ 302, 465, 358, 483 ], [ 363, 462, 385, 483 ], [ 391, 464, 485, 484 ], [ 492, 462, 567, 484 ], [ 574, 461, 658, 482 ], [ 10, 501, 18, 515 ], [ 22, 499, 63, 517 ], [ 74, 494, 102, 512 ], [ 109, 494, 152, 511 ], [ 158, 494, 178, 512 ], [ 186, 494, 233, 511 ], [ 94, 515, 140, 532 ], [ 148, 514, 170, 531 ], [ 176, 515, 258, 530 ], [ 274, 513, 327, 531 ], [ 334, 513, 354, 528 ], [ 362, 510, 433, 528 ], [ 67, 538, 95, 555 ], [ 102, 539, 184, 557 ], [ 193, 536, 224, 554 ], [ 229, 535, 295, 556 ], [ 300, 535, 347, 556 ], [ 358, 534, 389, 554 ], [ 391, 534, 479, 552 ], [ 485, 534, 586, 554 ], [ 10, 571, 21, 591 ], [ 20, 571, 65, 586 ], [ 75, 561, 104, 583 ], [ 110, 564, 178, 584 ], [ 186, 563, 238, 581 ], [ 391, 560, 469, 582 ], [ 473, 561, 488, 582 ], [ 492, 561, 576, 582 ], [ 584, 559, 604, 581 ], [ 610, 561, 713, 582 ], [ 74, 585, 149, 605 ], [ 156, 584, 287, 605 ], [ 293, 584, 412, 606 ], [ 419, 585, 478, 606 ], [ 482, 587, 497, 605 ], [ 501, 584, 521, 606 ], [ 528, 584, 550, 601 ], [ 554, 584, 590, 604 ], [ 609, 582, 641, 602 ], [ 647, 584, 713, 604 ], [ 92, 613, 160, 630 ], [ 158, 608, 245, 629 ], [ 247, 612, 332, 629 ], [ 10, 648, 20, 662 ], [ 20, 645, 63, 660 ], [ 67, 638, 96, 656 ], [ 103, 640, 181, 655 ], [ 186, 637, 245, 657 ], [ 87, 658, 182, 675 ], [ 186, 656, 208, 674 ], [ 214, 656, 267, 678 ], [ 275, 659, 289, 673 ], [ 295, 658, 341, 678 ], [ 348, 656, 369, 673 ], [ 377, 658, 444, 679 ], [ 66, 683, 143, 703 ], [ 151, 679, 200, 701 ], [ 207, 682, 299, 700 ], [ 303, 679, 409, 700 ], [ 92, 707, 124, 728 ], [ 131, 709, 198, 727 ], [ 203, 708, 257, 729 ], [ 8, 718, 21, 731 ], [ 20, 716, 63, 733 ], [ 95, 732, 190, 752 ], [ 194, 729, 219, 750 ], [ 219, 730, 264, 747 ], [ 95, 750, 109, 771 ], [ 112, 751, 162, 769 ], [ 169, 751, 236, 769 ], [ 236, 753, 271, 773 ], [ 275, 750, 324, 770 ], [ 332, 749, 354, 771 ], [ 358, 751, 389, 768 ], [ 392, 750, 463, 768 ], [ 10, 793, 20, 803 ], [ 22, 788, 64, 806 ], [ 75, 781, 106, 801 ], [ 113, 779, 180, 799 ], [ 183, 779, 201, 796 ], [ 205, 779, 265, 800 ], [ 98, 802, 192, 823 ], [ 196, 799, 274, 817 ], [ 275, 799, 373, 821 ], [ 385, 800, 402, 821 ], [ 409, 799, 480, 819 ], [ 483, 799, 581, 816 ], [ 94, 824, 203, 846 ], [ 208, 824, 318, 845 ], [ 603, 853, 625, 868 ], [ 626, 853, 667, 870 ], [ 669, 852, 691, 869 ] ]
[ "Professor", "Professor", "Professor", "Cytogeneticist", "AAAS Meetings Office 1101 Vermont Ave., N W. Washington, D. C. 20005", "(202) 842- 9530", "202/ 457- 4850", "Marvin A Kastenbaum", "1825 Eye Street, NW Suite 800", "Washington DC 20006", "THE HUMAN CHROMOSOME", "Dr. William J. Schull", "Director - Genetics Centers", "Univ. of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (Houston)", "Dr. Jorge J. Yunis", "Univ. of Minnesota School of Medicine", "The Oncogene, the Fragile Site, and Nonrandom Aberrations", "Dr. Sheldon Wolff", "Chairman - Professor of Cytogenetic", "Laborat. Radiobiology& Environmental Health - U. of Cal. San Francis", "Sister- -Chromatid Exchanges", "Dr. Patricia Jacobs", "University of Hawai - Dept. of Anatomy", "Abnormal Human Chromosome Complements", "Dr. Raymond White", "University of Utah", "Human Linkage Map based on DNA Markers", "Dr. Michael A. Bender", "Brookhaven National Laboratory - Medical Department", "Cyrogeneric Epidemiology" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Telephone:", "answer": "(202) 842- 9530" }, { "question": "TELEPHONE", "answer": "202/ 457- 4850" }, { "question": "AME", "answer": "Marvin A Kastenbaum" }, { "question": "DDRESS", "answer": "1825 Eye Street, NW Suite 800" }, { "question": "Position", "answer": "Director - Genetics Centers" }, { "question": "resider", "answer": "Dr. William J. Schull" }, { "question": "Affiliation", "answer": "Univ. of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (Houston)" }, { "question": "Affiliation", "answer": "Univ. of Minnesota School of Medicine" }, { "question": "Position", "answer": "Professor" }, { "question": "Position", "answer": "Chairman - Professor of Cytogenetic" }, { "question": "Affiliation", "answer": "Laborat. Radiobiology& Environmental Health - U. of Cal. San Francis" }, { "question": "Topic.", "answer": "Sister- -Chromatid Exchanges" }, { "question": "Affiliation", "answer": "University of Hawai - Dept. of Anatomy" }, { "question": "Topic", "answer": "Abnormal Human Chromosome Complements" }, { "question": "Position", "answer": "Professor" }, { "question": "Position", "answer": "Professor" }, { "question": "Position", "answer": "Cytogeneticist" }, { "question": "Affiliation", "answer": "Brookhaven National Laboratory - Medical Department" }, { "question": "Tοpic", "answer": "Cyrogeneric Epidemiology" }, { "question": "Affiliation", "answer": "University of Utah" }, { "question": "Topic", "answer": "Human Linkage Map based on DNA Markers" }, { "question": "Topic", "answer": "The Oncogene, the Fragile Site, and Nonrandom Aberrations" }, { "question": "Return this form to:", "answer": "AAAS Meetings Office 1101 Vermont Ave., N W. Washington, D. C. 20005" }, { "question": "CITY STATE, ", "answer": "Washington DC 20006" }, { "question": "INAL TITLE OF SYMPOSIUM", "answer": "THE HUMAN CHROMOSOME" }, { "question": "- Speaker", "answer": "Dr. Jorge J. Yunis" }, { "question": "- Speaker", "answer": "Dr. Sheldon Wolff" }, { "question": "- Speaker", "answer": "Dr. Patricia Jacobs" }, { "question": "- Speaker", "answer": "Dr. Raymond White" }, { "question": "- Speaker", "answer": "Dr. Michael A. Bender" } ] }
[ "DATE:", "DEPARTMENT:", "Type", "Date", "SUBMITTED BY:", "SUBMITTER'S SS#:", "Date Rec'd", "QIP Log #1", "Status (1993)", "Keywords (1993)", "SUGGESTION: (Describe Current Situation and Idea)", "Describe Possible Solutions And Benefits", "PROFIT IMPROVEMENT:", "RESPOND HERE", "☐ Yes", "☐ No", "☐ Pending", "Approval Signature/ Date", "Responder/ Date", "Sign & Print Names) (See Instructions On Back)" ]
[ "DATE:", "DEPARTMENT:", "Type", "EQPR", "B&W", "QUALITY", "Implement:", "Date", "632120763", "QUALITY", "IMPROVEMENT", "SUGGESTION", "OUR", "MISSION", "IS", "SUPERIOR", "CONSUMER", "SATISFACTION", "Highest", "Quality.", "Teamwork,", "Do", "Right", "Things", "Right", "The", "First", "Time", "RESEARCH", "&", "DEVELOPMENT", "Quality", "Coord", "Only", "June", "21,", "1993", "R&D", "Library", "Carol", "S.", "Lincoln", "407-", "64-", "3484", "SUBMITTED", "BY:", "SUBMITTER'S", "SS#:", "Date", "Rec'd", "QIP", "Log", "#1", "Status", "(1993)", "Keywords", "(1993)", "6/", "21/", "93", "93-", "0301", "SUGGESTION:", "(Describe", "Current", "Situation", "and", "Idea)", "The", "current", "system", "of", "managing", "records", "is", "too", "complex.", "The", "trend", "seems", "to", "be", "increasingly", "specific,", "when", "we", "should", "be", "getting", "more", "general.", "Right", "now,", "people", "must", "work", "to", "understand", "the", "system.", "We", "must", "spend", "too", "much", "time", "adninistering", "the", "system,", "labeling", "and", "cleaning", "our", "files.", "Complying", "is", "a", "real", "burden,", "both", "for", "the", "individual", "and", "for", "the", "records", "coordinators.", "Describe", "Possible", "Solutions", "And", "Benefits", "1.", "Drop", "the", "category", "specifications", "altogether.", "2.", "Use", "moregeneral", "categories.", "hote:", "I", "have", "passed", "this", "to", "Scott", "Appleton", "for", "the", "task", "to", "use", "in", "streamlining", "the", "records", "management", "force", "program.", "PROFIT", "IMPROVEMENT:", "(If", "Applicable)", "RESPOND", "HERE", "☐", "Yes", "☐", "No", "☐", "Pending", "Approval", "Signature/", "Date", "Responder/", "Date", "Sign", "&", "Print", "Names)", "(See", "Instructions", "On", "Back)" ]
[ [ 10, 166, 48, 179 ], [ 144, 165, 224, 179 ], [ 455, 208, 486, 221 ], [ 503, 205, 560, 222 ], [ 24, 32, 91, 102 ], [ 589, 32, 664, 102 ], [ 216, 648, 289, 661 ], [ 493, 647, 524, 661 ], [ 633, 771, 655, 893 ], [ 142, 46, 237, 66 ], [ 242, 45, 400, 66 ], [ 405, 45, 542, 67 ], [ 120, 80, 158, 94 ], [ 162, 78, 232, 92 ], [ 236, 77, 254, 92 ], [ 257, 78, 341, 92 ], [ 342, 77, 438, 94 ], [ 441, 77, 567, 92 ], [ 124, 95, 176, 109 ], [ 180, 94, 232, 109 ], [ 235, 94, 313, 108 ], [ 316, 94, 336, 108 ], [ 337, 94, 375, 109 ], [ 377, 94, 423, 108 ], [ 425, 94, 460, 108 ], [ 462, 94, 490, 108 ], [ 493, 94, 525, 108 ], [ 527, 94, 563, 108 ], [ 228, 119, 316, 136 ], [ 320, 119, 334, 137 ], [ 338, 119, 458, 136 ], [ 497, 149, 547, 163 ], [ 553, 149, 594, 163 ], [ 596, 151, 628, 162 ], [ 53, 165, 85, 179 ], [ 89, 165, 111, 178 ], [ 119, 165, 146, 178 ], [ 250, 163, 277, 177 ], [ 279, 163, 329, 180 ], [ 144, 194, 182, 205 ], [ 187, 191, 201, 205 ], [ 208, 193, 260, 207 ], [ 147, 219, 174, 234 ], [ 173, 219, 195, 233 ], [ 194, 221, 225, 235 ], [ 11, 194, 75, 207 ], [ 80, 194, 102, 205 ], [ 11, 223, 89, 234 ], [ 94, 223, 123, 233 ], [ 455, 180, 486, 191 ], [ 490, 179, 528, 192 ], [ 454, 193, 478, 206 ], [ 483, 193, 507, 206 ], [ 511, 193, 529, 206 ], [ 454, 221, 499, 234 ], [ 506, 222, 548, 235 ], [ 455, 236, 515, 249 ], [ 520, 236, 562, 250 ], [ 546, 168, 570, 197 ], [ 564, 168, 596, 195 ], [ 595, 170, 616, 192 ], [ 541, 190, 576, 210 ], [ 577, 191, 627, 209 ], [ 11, 279, 88, 292 ], [ 95, 281, 161, 295 ], [ 166, 279, 216, 293 ], [ 222, 279, 289, 292 ], [ 293, 279, 315, 292 ], [ 320, 278, 358, 292 ], [ 54, 306, 76, 320 ], [ 82, 309, 132, 322 ], [ 137, 309, 184, 320 ], [ 187, 307, 204, 322 ], [ 208, 309, 267, 323 ], [ 272, 309, 324, 322 ], [ 328, 307, 343, 320 ], [ 348, 307, 372, 320 ], [ 376, 309, 432, 322 ], [ 446, 307, 470, 321 ], [ 475, 306, 510, 321 ], [ 517, 309, 552, 322 ], [ 557, 307, 575, 320 ], [ 578, 307, 593, 321 ], [ 599, 307, 684, 322 ], [ 34, 332, 97, 346 ], [ 102, 334, 133, 347 ], [ 138, 334, 156, 347 ], [ 161, 332, 206, 345 ], [ 208, 332, 225, 347 ], [ 229, 334, 282, 349 ], [ 285, 335, 316, 348 ], [ 320, 335, 377, 349 ], [ 388, 332, 429, 349 ], [ 432, 334, 460, 348 ], [ 465, 335, 512, 349 ], [ 515, 335, 547, 346 ], [ 550, 335, 582, 348 ], [ 585, 332, 600, 347 ], [ 606, 334, 679, 348 ], [ 35, 360, 57, 374 ], [ 61, 360, 110, 375 ], [ 122, 360, 140, 374 ], [ 144, 362, 175, 376 ], [ 180, 362, 219, 377 ], [ 222, 362, 246, 376 ], [ 250, 362, 282, 376 ], [ 286, 360, 314, 375 ], [ 320, 362, 412, 379 ], [ 418, 360, 440, 375 ], [ 443, 362, 496, 375 ], [ 503, 360, 566, 377 ], [ 571, 362, 595, 376 ], [ 599, 362, 658, 376 ], [ 32, 391, 59, 402 ], [ 61, 388, 103, 402 ], [ 116, 388, 183, 405 ], [ 189, 390, 203, 404 ], [ 208, 390, 218, 407 ], [ 222, 391, 251, 404 ], [ 257, 390, 307, 405 ], [ 313, 390, 342, 405 ], [ 348, 391, 372, 405 ], [ 376, 391, 398, 405 ], [ 404, 390, 474, 405 ], [ 480, 391, 502, 404 ], [ 510, 390, 531, 404 ], [ 538, 388, 562, 402 ], [ 566, 390, 616, 404 ], [ 32, 416, 124, 430 ], [ 11, 476, 70, 491 ], [ 74, 476, 133, 490 ], [ 137, 476, 204, 490 ], [ 208, 478, 232, 491 ], [ 237, 478, 301, 489 ], [ 32, 500, 46, 515 ], [ 54, 503, 85, 517 ], [ 88, 501, 113, 518 ], [ 116, 503, 176, 518 ], [ 179, 504, 278, 519 ], [ 284, 501, 362, 516 ], [ 31, 529, 46, 543 ], [ 53, 528, 78, 545 ], [ 81, 529, 159, 544 ], [ 179, 531, 259, 546 ], [ 32, 553, 71, 574 ], [ 77, 552, 94, 572 ], [ 99, 553, 135, 574 ], [ 152, 554, 208, 581 ], [ 216, 554, 248, 578 ], [ 257, 554, 272, 574 ], [ 281, 549, 322, 574 ], [ 327, 549, 404, 577 ], [ 412, 554, 436, 581 ], [ 440, 556, 468, 574 ], [ 478, 554, 524, 575 ], [ 585, 550, 600, 575 ], [ 613, 557, 654, 575 ], [ 43, 575, 65, 588 ], [ 71, 575, 156, 597 ], [ 168, 575, 197, 589 ], [ 204, 575, 267, 592 ], [ 274, 575, 387, 597 ], [ 529, 550, 581, 588 ], [ 394, 577, 475, 601 ], [ 11, 591, 57, 604 ], [ 61, 591, 145, 605 ], [ 152, 592, 176, 605 ], [ 180, 591, 261, 606 ], [ 11, 647, 63, 662 ], [ 67, 647, 99, 661 ], [ 304, 644, 324, 664 ], [ 321, 647, 346, 660 ], [ 362, 644, 380, 664 ], [ 380, 648, 397, 659 ], [ 409, 642, 430, 663 ], [ 430, 647, 480, 660 ], [ 54, 874, 113, 891 ], [ 120, 876, 190, 890 ], [ 190, 876, 222, 890 ], [ 420, 874, 494, 888 ], [ 492, 876, 526, 887 ], [ 263, 877, 290, 888 ], [ 292, 876, 300, 887 ], [ 303, 876, 330, 889 ], [ 334, 877, 365, 888 ], [ 282, 891, 304, 902 ], [ 307, 892, 368, 903 ], [ 373, 891, 386, 902 ], [ 388, 890, 416, 903 ] ]
[ "EQPR", "June 21, 1993", "R&D Library", "Carol S. Lincoln", "407- 64- 3484", "6/ 21/ 93", "93- 0301", "The current system of managing records is too complex. The trend seems to be increasingly specific, when we should be getting more general. Right now, people must work to understand the system. We must spend too much time adninistering the system, labeling and cleaning our files. Complying is a real burden, both for the individual and for the records coordinators.", "1. Drop the category specifications altogether.", "2. Use moregeneral categories.", "hote: I have passed this to Scott Appleton for the task force to use in streamlining the records management program.", "(If Applicable)" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "June 21, 1993" }, { "question": "DEPARTMENT:", "answer": "R&D Library" }, { "question": "Type", "answer": "EQPR" }, { "question": "SUBMITTED BY:", "answer": "Carol S. Lincoln" }, { "question": "SUBMITTER'S SS#:", "answer": "407- 64- 3484" }, { "question": "Date Rec'd", "answer": "6/ 21/ 93" }, { "question": "QIP Log #1", "answer": "93- 0301" }, { "question": "SUGGESTION: (Describe Current Situation and Idea)", "answer": "The current system of managing records is too complex. The trend seems to be increasingly specific, when we should be getting more general. Right now, people must work to understand the system. We must spend too much time adninistering the system, labeling and cleaning our files. Complying is a real burden, both for the individual and for the records coordinators." }, { "question": "Describe Possible Solutions And Benefits", "answer": "1. Drop the category specifications altogether." }, { "question": "Describe Possible Solutions And Benefits", "answer": "2. Use moregeneral categories." }, { "question": "Describe Possible Solutions And Benefits", "answer": "hote: I have passed this to Scott Appleton for the task force to use in streamlining the records management program." }, { "question": "PROFIT IMPROVEMENT:", "answer": "(If Applicable)" }, { "question": "☐ Yes", "answer": "☐ Yes" }, { "question": "☐ No", "answer": "☐ No" }, { "question": "☐ Pending", "answer": "☐ Pending" } ] }
[ "Brand(s)", "Company", "DATE", "SIGNATURE", "NAME", "Originator", "Manager", "DATE", "SECTION(S)", "SIGNATURE", "PAGE(S)", "Insurance", "Law", "Date Routed:", "Contract No.", "Contract Subject:", "Current Year Cost", "Total Contract Cost", "Brief Description", "G/ L Code:", "Program Budget Code", "REVIEW ROUTING", "FS - Marketing", "REVISIONS TO SHELL (Other than Term Compensation or Job", "APPROVAL ROUTING", "* Sr. Manager (B. J. Powell)", "* Director - (G. L. Littell)", "** Sr. VP T. W. Robertson", "Return To:" ]
[ "Brand(s)", "Company", "DATE", "SIGNATURE", "NAME", "Originator", "Manager", "DATE", "SECTION(S)", "SIGNATURE", "PAGE(S)", "Insurance", "Law", "1-11-94", "SME", "SPORTS", "MARKETING", "ENTERPRISES", "DOCUMENT", "CLEARANCE", "SHEET", "January", "11,", "1994", "Date", "Routed:", "Contract", "No.", "4011", "00", "00", "Joe's", "Place", "Exhibits", "Contract", "Subject:", "SPEVCO,", "INC.", "Camel/", "Winston", "Current", "Year", "Cost", "Total", "Contract", "Cost", "$", "1,340,000.00", "1994-1995", "Brief", "Description", "2", "Joe's", "Place", "Exhibits", "for", "use", "at", "Winston", "Cup,", "Winston", "Drag", "and", "Camel", "Super", "Bike", "Events.", "G/", "L", "Code:", "Program", "Budget", "Code", "Michael", "Wright", "John", "Powell", "B", "J.", "Powell", "REVIEW", "ROUTING", "FS", "-", "Marketing", "*", "UP", "TO", "AND", "INCLUDING", "$", "25,000", "**", "OVER", "$", "25,000", "Revised", "10/26/92", "13", "Plaza", "51669", "8130", "REVISIONS", "TO", "SHELL", "(Other", "than", "Term", "Compensation", "or", "Job", "APPROVAL", "ROUTING", "*", "Sr.", "Manager", "(B.", "J.", "Powell)", "*", "Director", "-", "(G.", "L.", "Littell)", "**", "Sr.", "VP", "T.", "W.", "Robertson", "Return", "To:", "MARY", "SEAGRAVES", "Ext", "1485" ]
[ [ 448, 216, 504, 234 ], [ 84, 214, 143, 232 ], [ 601, 397, 640, 412 ], [ 412, 395, 493, 409 ], [ 223, 395, 265, 410 ], [ 84, 429, 144, 444 ], [ 82, 468, 138, 482 ], [ 601, 522, 640, 539 ], [ 602, 662, 680, 677 ], [ 412, 522, 493, 537 ], [ 411, 662, 467, 677 ], [ 84, 556, 143, 569 ], [ 82, 589, 110, 602 ], [ 620, 464, 707, 488 ], [ 409, 842, 443, 856 ], [ 226, 63, 306, 81 ], [ 313, 64, 440, 81 ], [ 447, 63, 581, 81 ], [ 240, 81, 360, 99 ], [ 372, 80, 498, 97 ], [ 507, 81, 568, 98 ], [ 225, 135, 279, 152 ], [ 279, 137, 297, 154 ], [ 302, 137, 333, 151 ], [ 81, 133, 113, 150 ], [ 115, 133, 165, 150 ], [ 412, 133, 466, 150 ], [ 465, 133, 487, 151 ], [ 554, 135, 586, 150 ], [ 587, 137, 602, 151 ], [ 603, 135, 625, 148 ], [ 226, 180, 260, 197 ], [ 260, 182, 296, 200 ], [ 300, 182, 350, 200 ], [ 85, 180, 135, 197 ], [ 138, 180, 187, 197 ], [ 173, 211, 237, 232 ], [ 237, 215, 266, 229 ], [ 522, 215, 564, 229 ], [ 563, 216, 619, 230 ], [ 418, 250, 463, 267 ], [ 464, 249, 493, 266 ], [ 494, 250, 526, 265 ], [ 81, 251, 116, 266 ], [ 117, 250, 169, 267 ], [ 169, 253, 200, 267 ], [ 243, 249, 258, 266 ], [ 257, 249, 337, 264 ], [ 582, 250, 648, 267 ], [ 82, 286, 114, 301 ], [ 116, 286, 183, 303 ], [ 247, 284, 258, 299 ], [ 260, 284, 295, 301 ], [ 297, 284, 332, 299 ], [ 334, 284, 386, 299 ], [ 387, 285, 409, 299 ], [ 411, 286, 433, 300 ], [ 436, 286, 454, 301 ], [ 453, 284, 505, 302 ], [ 506, 285, 541, 303 ], [ 539, 285, 598, 302 ], [ 596, 286, 627, 303 ], [ 631, 284, 656, 301 ], [ 658, 286, 701, 300 ], [ 247, 300, 288, 315 ], [ 289, 299, 318, 314 ], [ 320, 299, 369, 314 ], [ 82, 356, 99, 370 ], [ 99, 355, 107, 370 ], [ 109, 356, 147, 371 ], [ 404, 353, 456, 370 ], [ 457, 353, 500, 370 ], [ 503, 355, 537, 368 ], [ 226, 426, 275, 444 ], [ 277, 427, 322, 445 ], [ 225, 468, 259, 483 ], [ 258, 468, 303, 481 ], [ 432, 453, 454, 485 ], [ 455, 459, 479, 493 ], [ 492, 450, 573, 485 ], [ 82, 501, 138, 518 ], [ 137, 503, 203, 518 ], [ 82, 624, 100, 641 ], [ 99, 626, 113, 641 ], [ 113, 624, 172, 639 ], [ 81, 887, 91, 898 ], [ 91, 890, 111, 903 ], [ 115, 890, 135, 904 ], [ 135, 890, 163, 904 ], [ 166, 887, 240, 902 ], [ 240, 887, 250, 904 ], [ 249, 888, 295, 903 ], [ 82, 904, 93, 915 ], [ 96, 902, 130, 916 ], [ 130, 902, 141, 917 ], [ 141, 904, 183, 915 ], [ 601, 902, 651, 919 ], [ 654, 904, 704, 919 ], [ 599, 842, 619, 857 ], [ 617, 842, 652, 857 ], [ 737, 774, 752, 821 ], [ 737, 830, 751, 869 ], [ 81, 659, 158, 677 ], [ 159, 661, 176, 678 ], [ 182, 661, 227, 678 ], [ 80, 679, 114, 692 ], [ 115, 680, 136, 694 ], [ 135, 680, 163, 691 ], [ 81, 697, 149, 711 ], [ 149, 698, 163, 709 ], [ 163, 697, 180, 711 ], [ 81, 735, 155, 748 ], [ 156, 733, 222, 746 ], [ 81, 749, 91, 763 ], [ 94, 751, 116, 768 ], [ 120, 751, 180, 766 ], [ 182, 751, 199, 768 ], [ 201, 753, 216, 768 ], [ 218, 750, 270, 767 ], [ 84, 768, 91, 779 ], [ 99, 767, 152, 785 ], [ 152, 774, 162, 784 ], [ 163, 768, 183, 788 ], [ 186, 767, 203, 785 ], [ 204, 767, 245, 787 ], [ 81, 803, 96, 816 ], [ 101, 806, 122, 820 ], [ 126, 803, 144, 818 ], [ 170, 802, 187, 820 ], [ 187, 802, 208, 819 ], [ 209, 803, 280, 818 ], [ 78, 841, 125, 858 ], [ 124, 839, 148, 856 ], [ 222, 841, 265, 854 ], [ 264, 841, 348, 856 ], [ 222, 856, 249, 873 ], [ 256, 856, 292, 871 ] ]
[ "1-11-94", "SME", "January 11, 1994", "4011 00 00", "Joe's Place Exhibits", "SPEVCO, INC.", "Camel/ Winston", "$ 1,340,000.00", "1994-1995", "2 Joe's Place Exhibits for use at Winston Cup, Winston Drag and Camel Super Bike Events.", "Michael Wright", "John Powell", "B J. Powell", "13 Plaza", "MARY SEAGRAVES Ext 1485" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Brand(s)", "answer": "Camel/ Winston" }, { "question": "Company", "answer": "SPEVCO, INC." }, { "question": "DATE", "answer": "1-11-94" }, { "question": "SIGNATURE", "answer": "B J. Powell" }, { "question": "NAME", "answer": "Michael Wright" }, { "question": "NAME", "answer": "John Powell" }, { "question": "Originator", "answer": "Michael Wright" }, { "question": "Manager", "answer": "John Powell" }, { "question": "Manager", "answer": "B J. Powell" }, { "question": "Manager", "answer": "1-11-94" }, { "question": "SECTION(S)", "answer": "13 Plaza" }, { "question": "PAGE(S)", "answer": "SME" }, { "question": "Date Routed:", "answer": "January 11, 1994" }, { "question": "Contract No.", "answer": "4011 00 00" }, { "question": "Contract Subject:", "answer": "Joe's Place Exhibits" }, { "question": "Current Year Cost", "answer": "1994-1995" }, { "question": "Total Contract Cost", "answer": "$ 1,340,000.00" }, { "question": "Brief Description", "answer": "2 Joe's Place Exhibits for use at Winston Cup, Winston Drag and Camel Super Bike Events." }, { "question": "Return To:", "answer": "MARY SEAGRAVES Ext 1485" } ] }
[ "Brand", "Title", "Size", "Magazine", "Location", "", "SCORE", "BASE", "SCORE", "BASE", "COMMENTS", "OVERALL", "Male", "Female", "Project #", "Total Sample", "Code #", "Field Date", "Sample Description", "Under 25", "25- 34", "35- 44", "45 & Over", "Under 35", "35 & Over", "Test Brand Smokers", "All Other Smokers", "Date Sent" ]
[ "Brand", "Title", "Size", "Magazine", "Location", "", "SCORE", "BASE", "SCORE", "BASE", "COMMENTS", "PM6", "OVERALL", "SEX:", "AGE:", "Male", "Female", "214", "TIME", "1.0", "(.97)", "31", "(167)", "(83)", "(84)", "31", "31", "(51)", "(46)", "2.0", "0.0", "(81)", "(86)", "33", "29", "(42)", "(55)", "2.4", "0.0", "4/19/74", "770205964", "33", "(42)", "(125)", "30", "MAGAZINE", "SCORES", "AUDIENCE", "STUDIES", "SALEM", "(RJR)", "Project", "#", "Total", "Sample", "74-", "80", "\"HEAD", "IN", "WATER\"", "Code", "#", "FULL", "PAGE", "Field", "Date", "WEEK", "OF", "MARCH", "25,", "1974", "CHICAGO,", "DALLAS/", "FORT", "WORTH,", "INDIANAPOLIS,", "LOS", "ANGELES", "MEMPHIS,", "PHILADELPHIA,", "PITTSBURGH", "Sample", "Description", "MALE", "AND", "FEMALE", "MENTHOL", "SMOKERS", "PROVED", "RECALL", "Tested", "among", "a", "half", "sample", "of", "smokers.", "Sub-", "group", "scores", "subject", "to", "wide", "variation", "because", "of", "small", "sample", "size", "and", "should", "be", "averaged", "across", "several", "ads", "for", "meaningful", "infor-", "mation.", "Under", "25", "25-", "34", "35-", "44", "45", "&", "Over", "Under", "35", "35", "&", "Over", "BRAND", "SMOKED:", "Test", "Brand", "Smokers", "All", "Other", "Smokers", "Date", "Sent", "PI-", "", "7653" ]
[ [ 41, 127, 84, 144 ], [ 41, 154, 87, 172 ], [ 41, 211, 77, 226 ], [ 39, 239, 110, 253 ], [ 41, 295, 112, 309 ], [ 496, 204, 502, 210 ], [ 182, 394, 225, 409 ], [ 250, 394, 282, 409 ], [ 337, 394, 382, 407 ], [ 404, 394, 438, 407 ], [ 542, 376, 613, 393 ], [ 222, 377, 250, 394 ], [ 39, 454, 106, 472 ], [ 41, 511, 76, 524 ], [ 41, 595, 76, 609 ], [ 41, 525, 77, 538 ], [ 41, 538, 93, 553 ], [ 568, 154, 597, 169 ], [ 138, 239, 177, 254 ], [ 194, 455, 221, 469 ], [ 247, 455, 282, 472 ], [ 351, 457, 371, 471 ], [ 399, 453, 440, 470 ], [ 404, 524, 439, 539 ], [ 404, 539, 439, 552 ], [ 352, 524, 372, 538 ], [ 352, 541, 372, 552 ], [ 247, 524, 283, 541 ], [ 246, 541, 284, 555 ], [ 194, 525, 222, 540 ], [ 194, 541, 225, 554 ], [ 404, 704, 443, 718 ], [ 402, 718, 443, 735 ], [ 352, 703, 374, 718 ], [ 355, 721, 373, 736 ], [ 250, 703, 288, 721 ], [ 250, 719, 288, 736 ], [ 196, 703, 225, 718 ], [ 196, 718, 228, 735 ], [ 570, 830, 634, 847 ], [ 500, 892, 613, 912 ], [ 356, 786, 374, 801 ], [ 405, 788, 444, 805 ], [ 406, 803, 445, 818 ], [ 356, 806, 376, 820 ], [ 279, 36, 345, 53 ], [ 351, 36, 404, 53 ], [ 281, 63, 347, 83 ], [ 352, 64, 412, 81 ], [ 138, 126, 184, 143 ], [ 194, 124, 236, 142 ], [ 459, 127, 519, 144 ], [ 525, 127, 538, 145 ], [ 458, 154, 505, 172 ], [ 508, 155, 564, 172 ], [ 568, 123, 595, 141 ], [ 594, 123, 612, 138 ], [ 141, 152, 180, 169 ], [ 189, 155, 210, 169 ], [ 214, 155, 266, 169 ], [ 41, 182, 73, 200 ], [ 80, 182, 90, 203 ], [ 137, 209, 175, 226 ], [ 179, 211, 220, 225 ], [ 39, 267, 85, 284 ], [ 89, 267, 127, 282 ], [ 138, 267, 174, 282 ], [ 180, 267, 200, 281 ], [ 205, 267, 252, 282 ], [ 254, 267, 279, 284 ], [ 288, 265, 323, 280 ], [ 138, 295, 205, 312 ], [ 215, 293, 272, 310 ], [ 272, 295, 306, 310 ], [ 313, 295, 363, 310 ], [ 370, 293, 478, 308 ], [ 485, 293, 516, 306 ], [ 520, 292, 584, 306 ], [ 138, 323, 205, 338 ], [ 215, 321, 321, 338 ], [ 330, 324, 417, 337 ], [ 41, 356, 91, 373 ], [ 99, 356, 195, 373 ], [ 204, 359, 243, 374 ], [ 249, 360, 276, 373 ], [ 281, 360, 334, 373 ], [ 337, 359, 398, 376 ], [ 401, 360, 462, 375 ], [ 330, 377, 382, 394 ], [ 385, 378, 435, 391 ], [ 472, 457, 524, 471 ], [ 531, 455, 573, 470 ], [ 578, 457, 592, 470 ], [ 596, 455, 634, 470 ], [ 640, 454, 690, 472 ], [ 471, 471, 492, 485 ], [ 496, 472, 564, 485 ], [ 578, 469, 616, 482 ], [ 615, 471, 656, 485 ], [ 473, 486, 525, 496 ], [ 529, 483, 590, 497 ], [ 596, 485, 614, 498 ], [ 619, 483, 660, 494 ], [ 473, 499, 551, 512 ], [ 553, 499, 617, 510 ], [ 620, 497, 641, 510 ], [ 647, 496, 693, 511 ], [ 473, 513, 525, 526 ], [ 531, 515, 567, 525 ], [ 571, 511, 598, 522 ], [ 609, 510, 656, 524 ], [ 659, 511, 679, 524 ], [ 473, 527, 539, 544 ], [ 546, 527, 599, 537 ], [ 605, 524, 665, 539 ], [ 473, 538, 498, 552 ], [ 506, 539, 534, 553 ], [ 538, 538, 623, 555 ], [ 628, 539, 680, 553 ], [ 472, 556, 531, 566 ], [ 42, 609, 87, 620 ], [ 92, 608, 110, 622 ], [ 43, 622, 67, 636 ], [ 67, 622, 87, 633 ], [ 42, 634, 67, 649 ], [ 68, 635, 86, 649 ], [ 43, 649, 60, 664 ], [ 66, 649, 80, 662 ], [ 88, 651, 120, 662 ], [ 43, 705, 85, 719 ], [ 91, 704, 112, 717 ], [ 43, 719, 60, 733 ], [ 66, 721, 81, 734 ], [ 85, 719, 119, 733 ], [ 43, 775, 85, 789 ], [ 94, 775, 147, 789 ], [ 41, 789, 77, 803 ], [ 82, 791, 128, 804 ], [ 131, 789, 192, 802 ], [ 43, 804, 71, 818 ], [ 75, 803, 117, 818 ], [ 124, 803, 181, 820 ], [ 486, 830, 520, 847 ], [ 527, 830, 565, 847 ], [ 575, 846, 600, 857 ], [ 599, 846, 609, 854 ], [ 612, 842, 648, 856 ] ]
[ "214", "TIME", "1.0", "(.97)", "31", "(167)", "(83)", "(84)", "31", "31", "(51)", "(46)", "2.0", "0.0", "(81)", "(86)", "33", "29", "(42)", "(55)", "2.4", "0.0", "4/19/74", "33", "(42)", "(125)", "30", "SALEM (RJR)", "74- 80", "\"HEAD IN WATER\"", "FULL PAGE", "WEEK OF MARCH 25, 1974", "CHICAGO, DALLAS/ FORT WORTH, INDIANAPOLIS, LOS ANGELES", "MEMPHIS, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH", "MALE AND FEMALE MENTHOL SMOKERS", "Tested among a half sample of smokers. Sub- group scores subject to wide variation because of small sample size and should be averaged across several ads for meaningful infor- mation." ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Brand", "answer": "SALEM (RJR)" }, { "question": "Title", "answer": "\"HEAD IN WATER\"" }, { "question": "Size", "answer": "FULL PAGE" }, { "question": "Magazine", "answer": "TIME" }, { "question": "Location", "answer": "CHICAGO, DALLAS/ FORT WORTH, INDIANAPOLIS, LOS ANGELES" }, { "question": "Location", "answer": "MEMPHIS, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "SCORE" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "1.0" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "2.0" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "0.0" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "2.4" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "0.0" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "BASE" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(.97)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(51)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(46)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(42)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(55)" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "SCORE" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "31" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "31" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "31" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "33" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "29" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "33" }, { "question": "SCORE", "answer": "30" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "BASE" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(167)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(83)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(84)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(81)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(86)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(42)" }, { "question": "BASE", "answer": "(125)" }, { "question": "COMMENTS", "answer": "Tested among a half sample of smokers. Sub- group scores subject to wide variation because of small sample size and should be averaged across several ads for meaningful infor- mation." }, { "question": "OVERALL", "answer": "1.0" }, { "question": "OVERALL", "answer": "(.97)" }, { "question": "OVERALL", "answer": "31" }, { "question": "OVERALL", "answer": "(167)" }, { "question": "Male", "answer": "Male" }, { "question": "Male", "answer": "2.0" }, { "question": "Male", "answer": "(51)" }, { "question": "Male", "answer": "31" }, { "question": "Male", "answer": "(83)" }, { "question": "Female", "answer": "Female" }, { "question": "Female", "answer": "0.0" }, { "question": "Female", "answer": "(46)" }, { "question": "Female", "answer": "31" }, { "question": "Female", "answer": "(84)" }, { "question": "Project #", "answer": "74- 80" }, { "question": "Total Sample", "answer": "214" }, { "question": "Field Date", "answer": "WEEK OF MARCH 25, 1974" }, { "question": "Sample Description", "answer": "MALE AND FEMALE MENTHOL SMOKERS" }, { "question": "Under 25", "answer": "Under 25" }, { "question": "25- 34", "answer": "25- 34" }, { "question": "35- 44", "answer": "35- 44" }, { "question": "45 & Over", "answer": "45 & Over" }, { "question": "Under 35", "answer": "2.4" }, { "question": "Under 35", "answer": "(42)" }, { "question": "Under 35", "answer": "33" }, { "question": "Under 35", "answer": "(81)" }, { "question": "35 & Over", "answer": "0.0" }, { "question": "35 & Over", "answer": "(55)" }, { "question": "35 & Over", "answer": "29" }, { "question": "35 & Over", "answer": "(86)" }, { "question": "Test Brand Smokers", "answer": "Test Brand Smokers" }, { "question": "Test Brand Smokers", "answer": "33" }, { "question": "Test Brand Smokers", "answer": "(42)" }, { "question": "All Other Smokers", "answer": "All Other Smokers" }, { "question": "All Other Smokers", "answer": "30" }, { "question": "All Other Smokers", "answer": "(125)" }, { "question": "Date Sent", "answer": "4/19/74" } ] }
[ "DATE", "PMRM", "Cigarette", "dimensions:", "ference.", "cc:", "RSS", "RDC", "PHL", "PRC", "BMC", "Records", "PROJECT", "INITIATION", "FORM", "PROJECT", "CODE", "PROJECT", "NAME", "PROJECT", "LEADER", "WORK", "REQUESTED", "BY", "PROJECT", "OBJECTIVE", "OTHER", "PERSONNEL", "ASSIGNED", "April", "30,", "1985", "PALL", "MALL", "Regular", "Menthol", "J.", "F.", "Anders", "R.", "S.", "Sprinkle,", "III", "To", "develop", "a", "nonfilter", "menthol", "cigarette", "delivering", "21-", "24", "mg", "\"tar\"", "as", "a", "menthol", "companion", "to", "PALL", "MALL", "Famous", "Cigarettes.", "84", "x", "24.9", "mm", "circum-", "E.", "P.", "Barbee", "Approved", "by", "Other", "Personnel", "Assigned", "Project", "Leader", "ATX02", "0226607", "", "R.", "S.", "Sprinkle", "III" ]
[ [ 439, 273, 474, 286 ], [ 275, 270, 308, 285 ], [ 275, 500, 346, 516 ], [ 353, 499, 439, 515 ], [ 274, 525, 340, 536 ], [ 114, 725, 137, 736 ], [ 151, 722, 176, 735 ], [ 152, 735, 177, 747 ], [ 154, 747, 177, 760 ], [ 152, 761, 176, 773 ], [ 152, 773, 176, 784 ], [ 154, 785, 207, 797 ], [ 286, 183, 342, 195 ], [ 348, 183, 428, 196 ], [ 432, 186, 467, 198 ], [ 116, 270, 171, 286 ], [ 176, 273, 211, 284 ], [ 116, 309, 171, 322 ], [ 178, 310, 209, 323 ], [ 116, 348, 171, 364 ], [ 176, 349, 227, 362 ], [ 116, 385, 148, 400 ], [ 154, 385, 225, 398 ], [ 230, 388, 247, 400 ], [ 116, 424, 169, 439 ], [ 175, 425, 250, 440 ], [ 115, 552, 154, 564 ], [ 159, 551, 231, 566 ], [ 130, 564, 194, 579 ], [ 483, 270, 522, 286 ], [ 531, 270, 552, 285 ], [ 561, 270, 594, 283 ], [ 275, 309, 307, 322 ], [ 314, 309, 346, 324 ], [ 352, 309, 408, 322 ], [ 414, 307, 467, 323 ], [ 273, 348, 290, 363 ], [ 297, 348, 313, 361 ], [ 321, 346, 369, 361 ], [ 275, 386, 290, 399 ], [ 297, 386, 312, 398 ], [ 321, 384, 391, 400 ], [ 401, 385, 422, 398 ], [ 275, 422, 291, 438 ], [ 298, 422, 354, 439 ], [ 358, 426, 371, 435 ], [ 374, 422, 446, 435 ], [ 452, 422, 508, 435 ], [ 516, 422, 587, 435 ], [ 275, 447, 354, 464 ], [ 361, 449, 384, 460 ], [ 385, 448, 398, 460 ], [ 406, 449, 423, 462 ], [ 429, 447, 469, 460 ], [ 476, 449, 493, 461 ], [ 499, 449, 508, 462 ], [ 513, 449, 569, 462 ], [ 277, 473, 347, 489 ], [ 352, 475, 372, 486 ], [ 377, 475, 410, 488 ], [ 414, 475, 446, 488 ], [ 453, 475, 501, 487 ], [ 507, 472, 593, 489 ], [ 455, 499, 470, 512 ], [ 475, 501, 488, 512 ], [ 492, 500, 525, 512 ], [ 528, 500, 549, 511 ], [ 555, 500, 610, 512 ], [ 275, 566, 290, 578 ], [ 297, 566, 316, 577 ], [ 321, 563, 368, 576 ], [ 390, 684, 457, 697 ], [ 461, 687, 478, 698 ], [ 152, 813, 193, 824 ], [ 198, 810, 270, 825 ], [ 274, 811, 342, 826 ], [ 152, 797, 205, 810 ], [ 214, 798, 262, 810 ], [ 504, 869, 547, 885 ], [ 553, 870, 619, 887 ], [ 392, 701, 570, 742 ], [ 409, 738, 424, 749 ], [ 429, 738, 444, 749 ], [ 455, 738, 525, 749 ], [ 532, 738, 557, 747 ] ]
[ "PMRM", "ference.", "RSS", "RDC", "PHL", "PRC", "BMC", "Records", "April 30, 1985", "PALL MALL Regular Menthol", "J. F. Anders", "R. S. Sprinkle, III", "To develop a nonfilter menthol cigarette delivering 21- 24 mg \"tar\" as a menthol companion to PALL MALL Famous Cigarettes.", "84 x 24.9 mm circum-", "E. P. Barbee", "Other Personnel Assigned", "Project Leader", "R. S. Sprinkle III" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "DATE", "answer": "April 30, 1985" }, { "question": "Cigarette", "answer": "84 x 24.9 mm circum-" }, { "question": "Cigarette", "answer": "ference." }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "RSS" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "RDC" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "PHL" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "PRC" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "BMC" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Records" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Project Leader" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Other Personnel Assigned" }, { "question": "PROJECT CODE", "answer": "PMRM" }, { "question": "PROJECT NAME", "answer": "PALL MALL Regular Menthol" }, { "question": "PROJECT LEADER", "answer": "J. F. Anders" }, { "question": "WORK REQUESTED BY", "answer": "R. S. Sprinkle, III" }, { "question": "PROJECT OBJECTIVE", "answer": "To develop a nonfilter menthol cigarette delivering 21- 24 mg \"tar\" as a menthol companion to PALL MALL Famous Cigarettes." }, { "question": "OTHER PERSONNEL ASSIGNED", "answer": "E. P. Barbee" }, { "question": "Approved by", "answer": "R. S. Sprinkle III" } ] }
[ "Date:", "on", "BLEND", "CASING", "RECASING", "Maker", "Length", "Circumference", "Weight", "Paper", "Labels", "Closures", "Cartons", "Markings", "Laboratory", "Other", "Kind", "Process", "Circumference", "Weight", "Plasticizer", "Shipping", "Sample No.", "Type of Cigarette", "Batch Size", "Original Request Made By", "Sample Specifications Written By", "FINAL FLAVOR", "Additional Spray", "Rod Length", "Pressure Drop", "Plug Wrap", "Tipping Paper", "Filter Length", "Pressure Drop", "Tear rape", "Tobacco Blend", "Filter Production", "Making & Packing", "Sample Requisition [Form 02: 02: 06]", "Laboratory Analysis", "Written by", "Original to", "Copies to", "Special Requirements" ]
[ "Date:", "on", "BLEND", "CASING", "RECASING", "Cigarettes", "Filters", "Responsibility", "apping", "Requirements", "Reports", "6030", "OGS", "OGS", "OGS", "OGS", "AMF", "25.", "0", "554", "Ammons", "Wicker", "Routh", "\"", "White", "Blue", "White", "\"", "00093726", "Maker", "Length", "Circumference", "Weight", "Paper", "Labels", "Closures", "Cartons", "Markings", "Laboratory", "Other", "Kind", "Process", "Circumference", "Weight", "Plasticizer", "Shipping", "September", "21,", "1976", "Sample", "No.", "Type", "of", "Cigarette", "85", "mm", "Filter", "Batch", "Size", "50", "lbs.", "Original", "Request", "Made", "By", "Dr.", "A.", "W.", "Spears", "September", "21,", "1976", "Sample", "Specifications", "Written", "By", "W.", "E.", "Routh", "FINAL", "FLAVOR", "Additional", "Spray", "3.", "4%", "PMO", "in", "EtoH", "20", "mm", "True", "plastic", "rod", "Rod", "Length", "Pressure", "Drop", "Plug", "Wrap", "Tipping", "Paper", "Filter", "Length", "Pressure", "Drop", "85", "mm", "To", "be", "det.", "(803", "mg", "tobacco)", "To", "be", "determined", "20", "mm", "30", "mm", "Tear", "rape", "Sample", "No.", "on", "overwrap", "Tobacco", "Blend", "Filter", "Production", "Making", "&", "Packing", "Sample", "Requisition", "[Form", "02:", "02:", "06]", "Brown", "/Routh", "3", "cartons", "20,", "000", "cigts.", "Smoke", "Analysis", "PMO", "Analysis", "Laboratory", "Analysis", "Written", "by", "Original", "to", "Copies", "to", "Dr.", "F.", "J.", "Schulz", "Dr.", "H.", "J.", "Minnemeyer", "P.", "D.", "Schickedantz", "Dr.", "A.", "W.", "Spears", "Spray", "50", "lbs.", "tobacco", "with", "solution", "of", "880", "g", "(=", "1.", "94", "lbs.)", "PMC", "in", "1175", "ml", "of", "denatured", "alcohol.", "This", "should", "give", "3.", "4%", "PMO", "add-", "on", "(3.", "3%", "PMO", "contained)", "assuming", "88%", "spraying", "efficiency.", "PMO", "delivery", "from", "85", "mm", "cigarette", "smoked", "to", "30", "mm", "butt", "should", "be", "6.", "5", "mg/", "cig.", "Special", "Requirements", "Manager,", "H.J. Minnemeyer", "Research" ]
[ [ 457, 7, 504, 29 ], [ 496, 137, 518, 154 ], [ 7, 203, 57, 220 ], [ 142, 200, 202, 218 ], [ 291, 201, 366, 218 ], [ 7, 281, 102, 298 ], [ 381, 277, 452, 295 ], [ 384, 476, 518, 498 ], [ 27, 485, 86, 505 ], [ 8, 638, 120, 656 ], [ 10, 792, 80, 809 ], [ 385, 46, 426, 63 ], [ 500, 219, 535, 237 ], [ 313, 221, 345, 241 ], [ 154, 222, 190, 237 ], [ 10, 222, 45, 239 ], [ 122, 313, 156, 326 ], [ 169, 341, 189, 356 ], [ 189, 342, 209, 359 ], [ 169, 404, 198, 418 ], [ 585, 510, 641, 530 ], [ 580, 529, 644, 542 ], [ 585, 557, 631, 574 ], [ 602, 571, 616, 588 ], [ 159, 514, 208, 532 ], [ 161, 529, 203, 546 ], [ 161, 545, 210, 560 ], [ 177, 561, 194, 574 ], [ 648, 806, 676, 902 ], [ 35, 311, 81, 325 ], [ 34, 327, 91, 342 ], [ 34, 342, 156, 357 ], [ 32, 358, 95, 373 ], [ 35, 406, 81, 421 ], [ 36, 517, 92, 532 ], [ 35, 532, 112, 545 ], [ 36, 563, 103, 576 ], [ 36, 577, 111, 592 ], [ 36, 669, 130, 684 ], [ 35, 687, 84, 700 ], [ 412, 310, 451, 324 ], [ 413, 342, 477, 356 ], [ 413, 388, 535, 403 ], [ 413, 401, 472, 415 ], [ 415, 418, 518, 433 ], [ 415, 560, 489, 574 ], [ 522, 10, 609, 30 ], [ 616, 10, 645, 28 ], [ 654, 10, 696, 27 ], [ 270, 43, 329, 63 ], [ 337, 45, 365, 63 ], [ 197, 74, 238, 94 ], [ 244, 75, 266, 93 ], [ 274, 74, 356, 95 ], [ 387, 74, 407, 94 ], [ 413, 74, 435, 92 ], [ 443, 74, 499, 95 ], [ 263, 105, 309, 125 ], [ 317, 108, 358, 125 ], [ 385, 105, 406, 122 ], [ 415, 106, 451, 123 ], [ 7, 141, 85, 161 ], [ 92, 138, 155, 158 ], [ 163, 138, 199, 156 ], [ 208, 138, 229, 158 ], [ 257, 138, 285, 155 ], [ 291, 138, 312, 152 ], [ 318, 135, 340, 153 ], [ 348, 137, 405, 157 ], [ 535, 134, 617, 154 ], [ 627, 137, 654, 151 ], [ 665, 133, 701, 151 ], [ 7, 170, 66, 190 ], [ 71, 172, 199, 187 ], [ 207, 169, 273, 189 ], [ 281, 170, 302, 188 ], [ 338, 166, 360, 184 ], [ 367, 169, 388, 186 ], [ 394, 168, 444, 183 ], [ 464, 197, 516, 214 ], [ 522, 197, 582, 212 ], [ 605, 180, 697, 195 ], [ 703, 182, 753, 197 ], [ 606, 218, 626, 235 ], [ 628, 219, 641, 234 ], [ 648, 218, 682, 233 ], [ 690, 219, 708, 233 ], [ 712, 218, 758, 235 ], [ 468, 309, 490, 326 ], [ 499, 311, 519, 326 ], [ 525, 309, 568, 329 ], [ 571, 306, 638, 326 ], [ 644, 303, 676, 323 ], [ 413, 358, 442, 371 ], [ 450, 358, 507, 371 ], [ 412, 374, 487, 388 ], [ 494, 372, 535, 389 ], [ 413, 434, 454, 449 ], [ 459, 436, 504, 449 ], [ 35, 420, 101, 437 ], [ 108, 420, 157, 435 ], [ 35, 391, 91, 406 ], [ 101, 387, 155, 405 ], [ 35, 376, 109, 390 ], [ 117, 376, 155, 389 ], [ 124, 325, 144, 342 ], [ 149, 331, 173, 341 ], [ 102, 356, 126, 373 ], [ 130, 358, 152, 373 ], [ 158, 359, 196, 373 ], [ 207, 356, 245, 373 ], [ 250, 359, 272, 373 ], [ 281, 356, 351, 371 ], [ 166, 373, 191, 388 ], [ 193, 373, 217, 388 ], [ 225, 370, 317, 390 ], [ 172, 390, 189, 405 ], [ 197, 390, 222, 404 ], [ 170, 420, 188, 434 ], [ 196, 420, 223, 438 ], [ 35, 547, 73, 561 ], [ 84, 547, 122, 562 ], [ 134, 577, 188, 591 ], [ 197, 574, 228, 591 ], [ 236, 574, 257, 591 ], [ 135, 591, 213, 608 ], [ 413, 513, 479, 528 ], [ 487, 513, 537, 527 ], [ 413, 529, 469, 542 ], [ 478, 529, 574, 542 ], [ 413, 543, 470, 558 ], [ 480, 545, 490, 558 ], [ 499, 543, 563, 560 ], [ 415, 575, 469, 589 ], [ 480, 575, 582, 588 ], [ 425, 591, 474, 606 ], [ 481, 590, 505, 606 ], [ 507, 590, 535, 605 ], [ 535, 587, 566, 603 ], [ 585, 542, 632, 559 ], [ 631, 542, 688, 557 ], [ 154, 669, 167, 683 ], [ 172, 669, 238, 684 ], [ 152, 686, 172, 700 ], [ 172, 684, 208, 699 ], [ 218, 682, 275, 699 ], [ 191, 744, 236, 761 ], [ 244, 743, 319, 758 ], [ 190, 760, 221, 774 ], [ 226, 760, 301, 780 ], [ 10, 730, 105, 748 ], [ 110, 729, 185, 747 ], [ 36, 823, 103, 837 ], [ 108, 824, 130, 839 ], [ 36, 838, 113, 852 ], [ 122, 839, 139, 852 ], [ 38, 853, 97, 867 ], [ 102, 855, 122, 868 ], [ 152, 851, 180, 869 ], [ 186, 853, 207, 868 ], [ 216, 852, 236, 870 ], [ 244, 852, 311, 869 ], [ 151, 869, 180, 886 ], [ 189, 867, 209, 884 ], [ 214, 867, 234, 881 ], [ 244, 867, 338, 882 ], [ 151, 818, 172, 839 ], [ 180, 823, 198, 841 ], [ 205, 817, 320, 837 ], [ 152, 837, 183, 851 ], [ 187, 837, 208, 854 ], [ 216, 837, 236, 851 ], [ 244, 837, 303, 854 ], [ 388, 672, 433, 689 ], [ 443, 673, 461, 686 ], [ 471, 672, 505, 687 ], [ 517, 672, 580, 686 ], [ 585, 670, 624, 685 ], [ 633, 669, 708, 684 ], [ 716, 670, 734, 683 ], [ 388, 690, 415, 700 ], [ 425, 690, 435, 703 ], [ 446, 689, 461, 702 ], [ 469, 689, 477, 700 ], [ 480, 689, 505, 700 ], [ 517, 687, 558, 701 ], [ 568, 687, 597, 700 ], [ 608, 687, 625, 700 ], [ 634, 686, 670, 700 ], [ 680, 687, 698, 700 ], [ 707, 687, 728, 698 ], [ 388, 704, 469, 717 ], [ 478, 703, 551, 717 ], [ 571, 703, 607, 717 ], [ 616, 701, 672, 715 ], [ 680, 703, 718, 716 ], [ 388, 718, 403, 732 ], [ 405, 718, 426, 731 ], [ 433, 718, 462, 731 ], [ 471, 719, 506, 730 ], [ 507, 719, 524, 730 ], [ 538, 718, 559, 731 ], [ 560, 718, 578, 731 ], [ 589, 719, 617, 730 ], [ 627, 718, 715, 729 ], [ 390, 733, 461, 748 ], [ 471, 732, 498, 747 ], [ 508, 730, 579, 748 ], [ 589, 730, 691, 747 ], [ 708, 730, 735, 747 ], [ 388, 749, 461, 763 ], [ 469, 747, 507, 761 ], [ 517, 749, 537, 762 ], [ 542, 749, 563, 762 ], [ 571, 749, 652, 764 ], [ 662, 747, 718, 760 ], [ 390, 765, 410, 776 ], [ 415, 764, 435, 778 ], [ 441, 764, 461, 775 ], [ 469, 764, 505, 777 ], [ 515, 764, 569, 775 ], [ 580, 761, 600, 775 ], [ 609, 763, 616, 778 ], [ 619, 763, 637, 776 ], [ 642, 761, 671, 776 ], [ 672, 761, 710, 776 ], [ 387, 633, 454, 653 ], [ 459, 633, 574, 653 ], [ 415, 961, 489, 976 ], [ 441, 925, 708, 972 ], [ 500, 973, 573, 987 ] ]
[ "6030", "OGS", "OGS", "OGS", "OGS", "AMF", "25.", "554", "Ammons", "Wicker", "Routh", "\"", "White", "Blue", "White", "\"", "September 21, 1976", "85 mm Filter", "50 lbs.", "Dr. A. W. Spears", "September 21, 1976", "W. E. Routh", "3. 4% PMO in EtoH", "20 mm True plastic rod", "85 mm", "To be det. (803 mg tobacco)", "To be determined", "20 mm", "30 mm", "Sample No. on overwrap", "Brown /Routh", "3 cartons", "20, 000 cigts.", "Smoke Analysis PMO Analysis", "Dr. F. J. Schulz Dr. H. J. Minnemeyer", "P. D. Schickedantz", "Dr. A. W. Spears", "Spray 50 lbs. tobacco with solution of 880 g (= 1. 94 lbs.) PMC in 1175 ml of denatured alcohol. This should give 3. 4% PMO add- on (3. 3% PMO contained) assuming 88% spraying efficiency. PMO delivery from 85 mm cigarette smoked to 30 mm butt should be 6. 5 mg/ cig." ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Date:", "answer": "September 21, 1976" }, { "question": "on", "answer": "September 21, 1976" }, { "question": "BLEND", "answer": "OGS" }, { "question": "CASING", "answer": "OGS" }, { "question": "RECASING", "answer": "OGS" }, { "question": "Maker", "answer": "AMF" }, { "question": "Maker", "answer": "Maker" }, { "question": "Length", "answer": "85 mm" }, { "question": "Length", "answer": "Length" }, { "question": "Circumference", "answer": "25." }, { "question": "Circumference", "answer": "Circumference" }, { "question": "Weight", "answer": "To be det. (803 mg tobacco)" }, { "question": "Weight", "answer": "Weight" }, { "question": "Paper", "answer": "554" }, { "question": "Paper", "answer": "Paper" }, { "question": "Labels", "answer": "Labels" }, { "question": "Labels", "answer": "White" }, { "question": "Closures", "answer": "Closures" }, { "question": "Closures", "answer": "Blue" }, { "question": "Cartons", "answer": "Cartons" }, { "question": "Cartons", "answer": "\"" }, { "question": "Markings", "answer": "Markings" }, { "question": "Markings", "answer": "Sample No. on overwrap" }, { "question": "Laboratory", "answer": "Laboratory" }, { "question": "Laboratory", "answer": "3 cartons" }, { "question": "Other", "answer": "Other" }, { "question": "Other", "answer": "20, 000 cigts." }, { "question": "Kind", "answer": "20 mm True plastic rod" }, { "question": "Kind", "answer": "Kind" }, { "question": "Process", "answer": "Process" }, { "question": "Circumference", "answer": "Circumference" }, { "question": "Weight", "answer": "Weight" }, { "question": "Plasticizer", "answer": "Plasticizer" }, { "question": "Shipping", "answer": "Routh" }, { "question": "Shipping", "answer": "Shipping" }, { "question": "Sample No.", "answer": "6030" }, { "question": "Type of Cigarette", "answer": "85 mm Filter" }, { "question": "Batch Size", "answer": "50 lbs." }, { "question": "Original Request Made By", "answer": "Dr. A. W. Spears" }, { "question": "Sample Specifications Written By", "answer": "W. E. Routh" }, { "question": "FINAL FLAVOR", "answer": "OGS" }, { "question": "Additional Spray", "answer": "3. 4% PMO in EtoH" }, { "question": "Rod Length", "answer": "Rod Length" }, { "question": "Pressure Drop", "answer": "Pressure Drop" }, { "question": "Plug Wrap", "answer": "Plug Wrap" }, { "question": "Tipping Paper", "answer": "30 mm" }, { "question": "Tipping Paper", "answer": "Tipping Paper" }, { "question": "Filter Length", "answer": "20 mm" }, { "question": "Filter Length", "answer": "Filter Length" }, { "question": "Pressure Drop", "answer": "To be determined" }, { "question": "Tear rape", "answer": "Tear rape" }, { "question": "Tear rape", "answer": "White" }, { "question": "Tobacco Blend", "answer": "Ammons" }, { "question": "Tobacco Blend", "answer": "Tobacco Blend" }, { "question": "Filter Production", "answer": "Wicker" }, { "question": "Filter Production", "answer": "Filter Production" }, { "question": "Making & Packing", "answer": "Brown /Routh" }, { "question": "Making & Packing", "answer": "Making & Packing" }, { "question": "Sample Requisition [Form 02: 02: 06]", "answer": "\"" }, { "question": "Sample Requisition [Form 02: 02: 06]", "answer": "Sample Requisition [Form 02: 02: 06]" }, { "question": "Laboratory Analysis", "answer": "Smoke Analysis PMO Analysis" }, { "question": "Written by", "answer": "Written by" }, { "question": "Written by", "answer": "P. D. Schickedantz" }, { "question": "Original to", "answer": "Original to" }, { "question": "Original to", "answer": "Dr. A. W. Spears" }, { "question": "Copies to", "answer": "Copies to" }, { "question": "Copies to", "answer": "Dr. F. J. Schulz Dr. H. J. Minnemeyer" }, { "question": "Special Requirements", "answer": "Spray 50 lbs. tobacco with solution of 880 g (= 1. 94 lbs.) PMC in 1175 ml of denatured alcohol. This should give 3. 4% PMO add- on (3. 3% PMO contained) assuming 88% spraying efficiency. PMO delivery from 85 mm cigarette smoked to 30 mm butt should be 6. 5 mg/ cig." } ] }
[ "TO:", "FROM:", "SUBJECT:", "92039708", "SUBMISSION", "DATE", "MAY", "27", "☐", "JUN", "24", "☐", "AUG", "26", "☐", "OCT", "07", "☐", "MAVERICK", "SPECIALS-", "PROGRESS", "REPORT", "R.", "B.", "SPELL", "EFFECTIVENESS", "OF:", "Pre-", "Sell", "Booklet", "/Coupon", "Maverick", "/Harley", "B1", "G1", "F", "(Report", "on", "May", "27", "only)", "PRE-", "SELL", "BOOKLET/", "COUPON", "MAVERICK/", "HARLEY", "B1", "G1", "F", "COMPETITIVE", "PROMOTIONAL", "ACTIVITY", "(Report", "on", "May", "27", "only)", "Average", "Coupon", "Buydown", "Value", "On", "Targeted", "Brands", "(Doral/", "Basic/", "Monarch/", "Cambridge/", "GPC", "PACKS", "☐", "CARTONS", "☐", "1", "of", "3" ]
[ [ 96, 115, 120, 130 ], [ 96, 141, 141, 158 ], [ 96, 193, 160, 211 ], [ 687, 767, 700, 834 ], [ 487, 119, 578, 132 ], [ 581, 119, 624, 133 ], [ 451, 147, 483, 160 ], [ 486, 147, 503, 161 ], [ 521, 145, 548, 163 ], [ 451, 165, 480, 182 ], [ 483, 166, 500, 181 ], [ 520, 165, 548, 185 ], [ 580, 147, 612, 161 ], [ 613, 148, 633, 163 ], [ 642, 147, 669, 164 ], [ 580, 165, 611, 182 ], [ 613, 166, 631, 183 ], [ 641, 166, 669, 186 ], [ 184, 196, 261, 211 ], [ 264, 197, 344, 212 ], [ 346, 197, 427, 211 ], [ 430, 198, 490, 213 ], [ 186, 117, 199, 130 ], [ 203, 116, 216, 130 ], [ 219, 116, 261, 130 ], [ 95, 271, 214, 286 ], [ 218, 270, 242, 287 ], [ 254, 271, 283, 286 ], [ 282, 270, 310, 287 ], [ 317, 271, 381, 286 ], [ 380, 272, 441, 287 ], [ 447, 272, 522, 287 ], [ 521, 274, 571, 289 ], [ 577, 272, 592, 287 ], [ 594, 275, 614, 289 ], [ 615, 277, 623, 291 ], [ 101, 292, 151, 307 ], [ 155, 295, 172, 306 ], [ 176, 293, 205, 307 ], [ 207, 293, 227, 306 ], [ 230, 293, 264, 311 ], [ 95, 313, 129, 327 ], [ 128, 313, 164, 327 ], [ 94, 457, 168, 474 ], [ 168, 457, 232, 474 ], [ 94, 605, 174, 619 ], [ 173, 605, 229, 619 ], [ 233, 605, 248, 620 ], [ 250, 606, 268, 619 ], [ 270, 606, 278, 619 ], [ 102, 746, 201, 759 ], [ 205, 747, 310, 761 ], [ 314, 747, 380, 761 ], [ 99, 764, 151, 779 ], [ 156, 765, 173, 779 ], [ 175, 764, 203, 781 ], [ 207, 765, 224, 779 ], [ 228, 764, 263, 781 ], [ 94, 786, 144, 801 ], [ 147, 786, 201, 801 ], [ 201, 786, 257, 801 ], [ 258, 786, 294, 801 ], [ 297, 789, 315, 802 ], [ 318, 789, 372, 802 ], [ 374, 789, 420, 802 ], [ 423, 788, 464, 805 ], [ 464, 789, 500, 803 ], [ 501, 789, 557, 803 ], [ 559, 789, 630, 806 ], [ 630, 791, 661, 806 ], [ 216, 820, 262, 837 ], [ 309, 820, 376, 840 ], [ 218, 852, 281, 869 ], [ 309, 853, 377, 871 ], [ 649, 908, 659, 922 ], [ 665, 908, 679, 921 ], [ 680, 908, 691, 921 ] ]
[ "MAVERICK SPECIALS- PROGRESS REPORT", "R. B. SPELL", "Pre- Sell Booklet /Coupon Maverick /Harley B1 G1 F" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "TO:", "answer": "R. B. SPELL" }, { "question": "SUBJECT:", "answer": "MAVERICK SPECIALS- PROGRESS REPORT" }, { "question": "MAY 27 ☐", "answer": "MAY 27 ☐" }, { "question": "JUN 24 ☐", "answer": "JUN 24 ☐" }, { "question": "AUG 26 ☐", "answer": "AUG 26 ☐" }, { "question": "OCT 07 ☐", "answer": "OCT 07 ☐" }, { "question": "EFFECTIVENESS OF:", "answer": "Pre- Sell Booklet /Coupon Maverick /Harley B1 G1 F" }, { "question": "PACKS ☐", "answer": "PACKS ☐" }, { "question": "CARTONS ☐", "answer": "CARTONS ☐" } ] }
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[ [ 96, 177, 118, 192 ], [ 75, 337, 116, 351 ], [ 75, 286, 117, 301 ], [ 457, 288, 544, 305 ], [ 106, 404, 176, 418 ], [ 235, 402, 298, 419 ], [ 398, 404, 425, 418 ], [ 426, 405, 451, 418 ], [ 77, 532, 147, 546 ], [ 538, 934, 562, 952 ], [ 258, 936, 299, 953 ], [ 196, 936, 221, 951 ], [ 105, 937, 193, 952 ], [ 686, 831, 706, 926 ], [ 591, 102, 650, 144 ], [ 77, 95, 277, 151 ], [ 282, 95, 316, 148 ], [ 320, 99, 488, 149 ], [ 514, 137, 541, 155 ], [ 543, 137, 579, 155 ], [ 580, 137, 614, 158 ], [ 96, 158, 121, 166 ], [ 123, 156, 148, 167 ], [ 151, 156, 173, 167 ], [ 177, 155, 211, 165 ], [ 215, 155, 242, 166 ], [ 243, 155, 271, 166 ], [ 272, 156, 319, 169 ], [ 321, 158, 360, 169 ], [ 365, 158, 387, 169 ], [ 390, 156, 421, 167 ], [ 423, 158, 466, 168 ], [ 95, 169, 151, 179 ], [ 156, 170, 185, 178 ], [ 190, 168, 228, 181 ], [ 237, 168, 276, 181 ], [ 126, 179, 160, 192 ], [ 162, 179, 187, 192 ], [ 189, 180, 199, 190 ], [ 203, 180, 225, 190 ], [ 78, 207, 96, 217 ], [ 98, 205, 119, 216 ], [ 122, 208, 150, 216 ], [ 77, 218, 118, 226 ], [ 120, 218, 133, 225 ], [ 137, 218, 168, 226 ], [ 169, 216, 197, 226 ], [ 80, 228, 98, 236 ], [ 98, 228, 148, 238 ], [ 221, 208, 225, 215 ], [ 226, 208, 247, 216 ], [ 249, 208, 256, 216 ], [ 256, 208, 285, 215 ], [ 286, 208, 296, 216 ], [ 296, 207, 307, 215 ], [ 219, 218, 266, 225 ], [ 271, 218, 282, 226 ], [ 286, 219, 317, 226 ], [ 318, 218, 346, 225 ], [ 221, 228, 239, 236 ], [ 239, 226, 260, 236 ], [ 261, 228, 289, 236 ], [ 362, 209, 375, 216 ], [ 377, 208, 395, 216 ], [ 398, 208, 425, 218 ], [ 362, 219, 394, 227 ], [ 395, 219, 405, 226 ], [ 411, 219, 442, 227 ], [ 360, 229, 384, 239 ], [ 383, 229, 404, 239 ], [ 405, 229, 429, 239 ], [ 500, 209, 513, 217 ], [ 517, 209, 545, 219 ], [ 546, 209, 571, 217 ], [ 573, 209, 594, 217 ], [ 503, 219, 518, 227 ], [ 524, 219, 532, 227 ], [ 535, 219, 557, 227 ], [ 561, 219, 589, 227 ], [ 500, 229, 517, 237 ], [ 518, 229, 521, 239 ], [ 521, 230, 538, 238 ], [ 538, 230, 553, 238 ], [ 554, 230, 567, 238 ], [ 567, 229, 584, 239 ], [ 267, 256, 292, 271 ], [ 295, 256, 355, 273 ], [ 359, 256, 383, 271 ], [ 387, 256, 416, 270 ], [ 418, 256, 454, 273 ], [ 161, 286, 196, 303 ], [ 198, 289, 234, 304 ], [ 161, 335, 175, 348 ], [ 175, 335, 193, 349 ], [ 193, 335, 213, 349 ], [ 468, 310, 500, 324 ], [ 499, 311, 523, 322 ], [ 246, 372, 284, 387 ], [ 286, 372, 331, 386 ], [ 334, 374, 347, 385 ], [ 349, 373, 380, 386 ], [ 383, 374, 396, 385 ], [ 398, 370, 448, 384 ], [ 450, 373, 472, 386 ], [ 108, 430, 137, 447 ], [ 140, 432, 193, 449 ], [ 109, 458, 158, 476 ], [ 158, 459, 192, 476 ], [ 235, 430, 273, 450 ], [ 274, 432, 315, 449 ], [ 236, 459, 271, 479 ], [ 274, 461, 313, 476 ], [ 399, 432, 420, 449 ], [ 420, 433, 445, 447 ], [ 447, 433, 482, 447 ], [ 397, 462, 424, 476 ], [ 422, 461, 447, 476 ], [ 446, 462, 481, 476 ], [ 514, 432, 541, 447 ], [ 542, 433, 566, 447 ], [ 567, 433, 596, 447 ], [ 514, 404, 559, 419 ], [ 561, 405, 588, 420 ], [ 239, 497, 270, 511 ], [ 271, 499, 316, 512 ], [ 318, 497, 332, 511 ], [ 334, 499, 366, 516 ], [ 367, 497, 421, 514 ], [ 425, 497, 446, 511 ], [ 448, 501, 479, 515 ], [ 85, 679, 99, 690 ], [ 101, 677, 125, 691 ], [ 127, 680, 142, 691 ], [ 145, 679, 169, 692 ], [ 172, 679, 221, 693 ], [ 222, 679, 244, 692 ], [ 247, 679, 271, 692 ], [ 271, 680, 312, 694 ], [ 313, 680, 355, 691 ], [ 358, 682, 387, 692 ], [ 390, 682, 411, 692 ], [ 415, 680, 437, 691 ], [ 440, 682, 500, 692 ], [ 501, 683, 514, 693 ], [ 517, 682, 548, 693 ], [ 550, 682, 564, 693 ], [ 566, 682, 620, 693 ], [ 320, 694, 362, 707 ], [ 363, 696, 390, 707 ], [ 318, 709, 342, 722 ], [ 344, 709, 366, 722 ], [ 367, 709, 391, 722 ], [ 99, 821, 116, 835 ], [ 119, 824, 169, 835 ], [ 172, 821, 214, 836 ], [ 216, 824, 227, 837 ], [ 230, 824, 244, 835 ], [ 246, 824, 284, 835 ], [ 286, 824, 321, 835 ], [ 324, 824, 335, 834 ], [ 335, 824, 370, 835 ], [ 373, 824, 415, 835 ], [ 418, 823, 435, 836 ], [ 437, 824, 487, 837 ], [ 490, 821, 539, 835 ], [ 543, 823, 581, 836 ], [ 582, 823, 603, 836 ], [ 606, 821, 617, 835 ], [ 620, 821, 637, 835 ], [ 82, 838, 99, 846 ], [ 102, 837, 110, 847 ], [ 112, 837, 126, 845 ], [ 128, 837, 171, 847 ], [ 175, 837, 185, 845 ], [ 186, 835, 213, 849 ], [ 214, 835, 243, 848 ], [ 244, 837, 275, 847 ], [ 275, 835, 283, 849 ], [ 286, 837, 301, 848 ], [ 302, 838, 330, 848 ], [ 331, 837, 344, 847 ], [ 344, 835, 359, 846 ], [ 360, 838, 398, 848 ], [ 398, 837, 408, 845 ], [ 409, 838, 424, 846 ], [ 426, 837, 440, 848 ], [ 441, 837, 480, 848 ], [ 482, 838, 520, 848 ], [ 522, 838, 533, 848 ], [ 536, 838, 550, 849 ], [ 552, 838, 595, 849 ], [ 598, 838, 609, 848 ], [ 612, 838, 636, 849 ], [ 82, 848, 131, 859 ], [ 134, 849, 144, 857 ], [ 145, 849, 176, 859 ], [ 177, 849, 185, 859 ], [ 189, 851, 196, 858 ], [ 200, 848, 211, 859 ], [ 216, 849, 255, 859 ], [ 254, 849, 295, 860 ], [ 295, 849, 316, 860 ], [ 317, 851, 332, 862 ], [ 334, 848, 365, 861 ], [ 365, 848, 401, 861 ], [ 401, 848, 416, 861 ], [ 419, 852, 436, 863 ], [ 437, 849, 498, 862 ], [ 503, 848, 552, 862 ], [ 554, 849, 565, 859 ], [ 568, 849, 600, 860 ], [ 603, 848, 617, 859 ], [ 617, 851, 639, 859 ], [ 84, 862, 150, 872 ], [ 152, 860, 159, 868 ], [ 162, 862, 191, 873 ], [ 194, 860, 243, 871 ], [ 101, 883, 108, 893 ], [ 110, 884, 125, 894 ], [ 127, 883, 148, 893 ], [ 151, 883, 187, 893 ], [ 190, 883, 208, 893 ], [ 207, 883, 274, 894 ], [ 277, 881, 287, 891 ], [ 288, 883, 312, 894 ], [ 314, 883, 341, 893 ], [ 344, 883, 396, 894 ], [ 398, 883, 423, 896 ], [ 427, 884, 435, 892 ], [ 439, 883, 450, 894 ], [ 451, 881, 497, 894 ], [ 499, 883, 516, 894 ], [ 515, 884, 542, 894 ], [ 545, 883, 559, 893 ], [ 561, 883, 595, 896 ], [ 598, 884, 636, 895 ], [ 84, 894, 92, 907 ], [ 95, 898, 105, 905 ], [ 106, 895, 116, 905 ], [ 117, 895, 130, 905 ], [ 133, 895, 158, 906 ], [ 161, 897, 193, 905 ], [ 196, 897, 210, 905 ], [ 211, 895, 225, 905 ], [ 226, 894, 236, 905 ], [ 236, 894, 247, 907 ], [ 249, 895, 276, 905 ], [ 277, 894, 311, 907 ], [ 314, 894, 342, 907 ], [ 344, 897, 362, 908 ], [ 105, 920, 157, 935 ], [ 159, 919, 204, 934 ] ]
[ "(305) 400 6 06", "305 400- 6107", "Kevin Narko", "10/ 13/ 99", "4162/ 158", "John Mulderig", "Gregory Little", "Philip Morris", "Philip Morris", "917 -663 -5796", "917- 663 5979", "917- 663 3056" ]
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[ "Species", "Client Name", "Study Director", "Study Title", "Test Article", "Client Study No." ]
[ "EPL", "Multiple", "1419A", "Species", "Mice", "89386032", "EXPERIMENTAL", "PATHOLOGY", "LABORATORIES,", "INC.", "QUALITY", "ASSURANCE", "REPORT", "CERTIFICATION", "Client", "Name", "Study", "Director", "Study", "Title", "Test", "Article", "Borriston", "Laboratories,", "Inc.", "Client", "Study", "No.", "Dr.", "William", "O.", "Iverson", "Pathologist", "Dr.", "Charley", "E.", "Gilmore", "Bioassay", "of", "Cigarette", "Smoke", "Condensates", "for", "potential", "Tumorigenic", "Activity", "on", "Mouse", "Skin", "(Revised", "Pathology", "Report)", "A11", "parts", "of", "the", "pathology", "phase", "of", "this", "study,", "including", "the", "final", "report,", "were", "reviewed", "by", "Experimental", "Pathology", "Laboratories", "Quality", "Assurance", "Unit", "on", "March", "2-", "June", "8,", "1983", ".", "All", "Findings", "were", "reported", "to", "the", "Study", "Director", "and", "Management.", "", "6/8/83" ]
[ [ 70, 130, 123, 158 ], [ 209, 405, 272, 416 ], [ 571, 274, 607, 289 ], [ 441, 405, 493, 419 ], [ 527, 405, 561, 419 ], [ 675, 832, 690, 921 ], [ 141, 168, 226, 182 ], [ 233, 169, 301, 182 ], [ 304, 168, 395, 181 ], [ 399, 168, 424, 181 ], [ 300, 218, 349, 232 ], [ 356, 218, 420, 232 ], [ 291, 232, 337, 245 ], [ 344, 235, 438, 243 ], [ 106, 274, 151, 289 ], [ 156, 275, 188, 290 ], [ 106, 317, 144, 332 ], [ 147, 318, 208, 332 ], [ 106, 360, 144, 375 ], [ 149, 360, 185, 375 ], [ 109, 405, 137, 419 ], [ 141, 404, 195, 417 ], [ 200, 275, 266, 288 ], [ 272, 274, 363, 289 ], [ 370, 274, 397, 288 ], [ 404, 277, 450, 290 ], [ 455, 275, 494, 290 ], [ 499, 275, 521, 289 ], [ 212, 316, 232, 333 ], [ 242, 318, 295, 332 ], [ 300, 316, 310, 331 ], [ 320, 317, 370, 334 ], [ 381, 316, 462, 333 ], [ 478, 317, 496, 332 ], [ 504, 318, 564, 335 ], [ 564, 318, 578, 331 ], [ 584, 318, 636, 331 ], [ 214, 345, 273, 360 ], [ 281, 346, 292, 360 ], [ 300, 344, 364, 361 ], [ 370, 345, 405, 362 ], [ 411, 345, 491, 360 ], [ 500, 345, 521, 359 ], [ 528, 346, 594, 361 ], [ 214, 362, 292, 373 ], [ 297, 363, 360, 376 ], [ 363, 363, 381, 376 ], [ 384, 363, 425, 376 ], [ 429, 362, 460, 377 ], [ 216, 377, 273, 388 ], [ 281, 377, 344, 388 ], [ 348, 378, 400, 391 ], [ 127, 489, 149, 504 ], [ 155, 492, 191, 505 ], [ 197, 487, 212, 504 ], [ 222, 486, 244, 504 ], [ 249, 487, 317, 507 ], [ 321, 490, 357, 505 ], [ 365, 490, 378, 505 ], [ 385, 486, 414, 504 ], [ 419, 489, 465, 507 ], [ 471, 490, 538, 508 ], [ 545, 490, 565, 505 ], [ 571, 490, 603, 503 ], [ 613, 492, 662, 506 ], [ 127, 521, 159, 535 ], [ 166, 521, 227, 534 ], [ 228, 521, 243, 532 ], [ 251, 520, 335, 531 ], [ 342, 518, 409, 535 ], [ 412, 517, 499, 534 ], [ 507, 520, 559, 535 ], [ 564, 518, 631, 532 ], [ 633, 520, 667, 534 ], [ 128, 549, 145, 560 ], [ 176, 545, 212, 565 ], [ 219, 546, 246, 563 ], [ 251, 547, 280, 561 ], [ 286, 549, 300, 563 ], [ 307, 546, 336, 563 ], [ 446, 552, 457, 563 ], [ 473, 546, 494, 564 ], [ 500, 549, 556, 564 ], [ 561, 550, 593, 564 ], [ 601, 550, 660, 564 ], [ 124, 575, 142, 590 ], [ 147, 575, 172, 592 ], [ 177, 577, 215, 592 ], [ 219, 575, 279, 592 ], [ 286, 575, 308, 592 ], [ 314, 575, 391, 593 ], [ 398, 661, 627, 713 ], [ 468, 722, 576, 749 ] ]
[ "Multiple", "1419A", "Mice", "Borriston Laboratories, Inc.", "Dr. William O. Iverson Pathologist Dr. Charley E. Gilmore", "Bioassay of Cigarette Smoke Condensates for potential Tumorigenic Activity on Mouse Skin (Revised Pathology Report)" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Species", "answer": "Mice" }, { "question": "Client Name", "answer": "Borriston Laboratories, Inc." }, { "question": "Study Director", "answer": "Dr. William O. Iverson Pathologist Dr. Charley E. Gilmore" }, { "question": "Study Title", "answer": "Bioassay of Cigarette Smoke Condensates for potential Tumorigenic Activity on Mouse Skin (Revised Pathology Report)" }, { "question": "Test Article", "answer": "Multiple" }, { "question": "Client Study No.", "answer": "1419A" } ] }
[ "ITEM:", "DATE:", "BRAND:", "SUMMARY", "OF", "PROJECT:", "Attached", "See", "FUNDING:", "SIGNATURES:", "4514cbta", "", "PROJECT", "BRIEF", "June", "1,", "1990", "General", "Merchandising", "Nonspecific", "Package", "Fixture", "Circle-K", "Convenient", "Stores", "", "", "SUPPLIERS", "BEING", "CONSIDERED:", "Chicago", "Show", "Display", "Equation", "Chicago", "Display", "Robert", "Nielson", "&", "Associates", "1990", "Customized", "Merchandising", "Services", "", "ESPNS", "REQUESTING", "MANAGER", "MERCHANDISING", "MANAGER", "GROUP", "PRODUCT", "DIRECTOR", "PURCHASING", "DEPARTMENT", "RETURN", "TO:", "REQUESTING", "MANAGER", "462231045", "PRODUCED", "FROM", "B&W", "WEB", "SITE" ]
[ [ 394, 145, 433, 162 ], [ 109, 112, 151, 129 ], [ 110, 140, 159, 155 ], [ 109, 183, 168, 198 ], [ 175, 184, 193, 195 ], [ 201, 184, 267, 198 ], [ 317, 186, 385, 199 ], [ 282, 186, 310, 197 ], [ 103, 404, 173, 418 ], [ 101, 559, 196, 574 ], [ 98, 824, 166, 838 ], [ 545, 21, 647, 117 ], [ 328, 74, 388, 89 ], [ 395, 75, 437, 90 ], [ 194, 115, 230, 129 ], [ 235, 115, 252, 129 ], [ 261, 115, 295, 130 ], [ 176, 142, 235, 157 ], [ 243, 142, 352, 159 ], [ 177, 155, 268, 170 ], [ 451, 147, 508, 162 ], [ 517, 147, 576, 162 ], [ 582, 148, 653, 163 ], [ 450, 161, 534, 174 ], [ 541, 161, 593, 175 ], [ 550, 222, 642, 302 ], [ 575, 216, 703, 325 ], [ 106, 251, 183, 265 ], [ 191, 253, 234, 267 ], [ 242, 253, 331, 268 ], [ 106, 278, 167, 295 ], [ 175, 281, 210, 294 ], [ 105, 306, 168, 321 ], [ 173, 307, 241, 324 ], [ 106, 335, 165, 349 ], [ 173, 335, 233, 352 ], [ 106, 360, 156, 377 ], [ 162, 362, 223, 377 ], [ 232, 365, 242, 378 ], [ 246, 363, 333, 380 ], [ 106, 430, 138, 445 ], [ 147, 432, 231, 447 ], [ 237, 433, 347, 451 ], [ 105, 459, 172, 474 ], [ 180, 464, 190, 471 ], [ 197, 461, 231, 474 ], [ 101, 598, 188, 615 ], [ 193, 599, 254, 614 ], [ 101, 640, 210, 657 ], [ 218, 642, 278, 656 ], [ 99, 682, 142, 697 ], [ 151, 684, 211, 698 ], [ 218, 684, 285, 699 ], [ 98, 725, 185, 740 ], [ 190, 728, 275, 742 ], [ 96, 768, 149, 781 ], [ 156, 770, 181, 783 ], [ 197, 771, 282, 785 ], [ 288, 771, 351, 785 ], [ 1, 953, 79, 967 ], [ 4, 969, 70, 983 ], [ 80, 969, 116, 982 ], [ 124, 968, 153, 983 ], [ 159, 969, 188, 982 ], [ 197, 968, 232, 982 ] ]
[ "Attached", "See", "June 1, 1990", "General Merchandising Nonspecific", "Package Fixture Circle-K Convenient Stores", "Chicago Show", "Display Equation", "Chicago Display", "Robert Nielson & Associates", "1990 Customized Merchandising", "Services ESPNS", "REQUESTING MANAGER" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "ITEM:", "answer": "Package Fixture Circle-K Convenient Stores" }, { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "June 1, 1990" }, { "question": "BRAND:", "answer": "General Merchandising Nonspecific" }, { "question": "PROJECT:", "answer": "See" }, { "question": "PROJECT:", "answer": "Attached" }, { "question": "FUNDING:", "answer": "1990 Customized Merchandising" }, { "question": "FUNDING:", "answer": "Services ESPNS" }, { "question": "SUPPLIERS BEING CONSIDERED:", "answer": "Chicago Show" }, { "question": "SUPPLIERS BEING CONSIDERED:", "answer": "Display Equation" }, { "question": "SUPPLIERS BEING CONSIDERED:", "answer": "Chicago Display" }, { "question": "SUPPLIERS BEING CONSIDERED:", "answer": "Robert Nielson & Associates" }, { "question": "REQUESTING MANAGER", "answer": "REQUESTING MANAGER" }, { "question": "MERCHANDISING MANAGER", "answer": "MERCHANDISING MANAGER" }, { "question": "GROUP PRODUCT DIRECTOR", "answer": "GROUP PRODUCT DIRECTOR" }, { "question": "PURCHASING DEPARTMENT", "answer": "PURCHASING DEPARTMENT" }, { "question": "RETURN TO:", "answer": "REQUESTING MANAGER" }, { "question": "RETURN TO:", "answer": "RETURN TO:" } ] }
[ "DATE:", "MANUFACTURERS:", "4/7/88", "93455715", "cc:", "COMPETITIVE", "ACTIVITIES", "AND", "PROMOTIONS", "REPORTED", "BY:", "R.", "E.", "Klein,", "Regional", "Sales", "Manager,", "Cleveland,", "OH", "SOURCE", "OF", "INFORMATION:", "Best", "Cigarette", "Co.,", "Mentor,", "OH", "R.", "J.", "REYNOLDS", "AND", "PHILIP", "MORRIS", "TYPE", "OF", "PROMOTION:", "SEE", "ATTACHED", "CORRESPONDENCE", "REGARDING:", "-", "R.", "J.", "REYNOLDS", "SPRING", "DIRECT", "ACCOUNT", "INCENTIVE", "PROGRAM", "-", "Philip", "Morris-", "SPECIAL", "PROMOTIONS", "ON", "MAKLBORO", "AND", "CAMBRIDGE", "CIGARETTES", "HOW", "WIDESPREAD?", "OTHER", "COMMENTS:", "Mr.", "J.", "R.", "Ave", "Mr.", "T.", "L.", "Achey", "", "P.", "J.", "McCann", "Mr.", "A.", "J.", "Giacoio", "Mr.", "L.", "H.", "Kersh", "Mr.", "R.", "G.", "Ryan", "Mr.", "P.", "A.", "Lawless", "Mr.", "J.", "E.", "Daghlian", "Mr.", "R.", "S.", "Goldbrenner", "Ms.", "E.", "R.", "Harrow", "Ms.", "S.", "F.", "Smith", "Mr.", "N.", "P.", "Ruffalo", "Mr.", "C.", "Toti", "Dr.", "S.", "T.", "Jones", "Mr.", "G.", "R.", "Telford", "Mr.", "L.", "Gordon", "Mr.", "J.", "P.", "Mastandrea", "Ms.", "S.", "Ridgway", "Mr.", "M.", "A.", "Peterson", "Mr.", "T.", "H.", "Mau", "Mr.", "R.", "H.", "Orcutt" ]
[ [ 67, 178, 104, 202 ], [ 63, 271, 174, 287 ], [ 118, 184, 173, 200 ], [ 681, 810, 699, 903 ], [ 58, 720, 85, 733 ], [ 247, 64, 331, 85 ], [ 332, 64, 414, 85 ], [ 415, 67, 445, 85 ], [ 445, 72, 523, 88 ], [ 66, 136, 127, 160 ], [ 129, 139, 154, 157 ], [ 184, 139, 205, 157 ], [ 214, 139, 232, 158 ], [ 240, 138, 288, 156 ], [ 299, 141, 369, 154 ], [ 376, 136, 425, 154 ], [ 430, 139, 503, 157 ], [ 509, 139, 596, 158 ], [ 600, 139, 627, 154 ], [ 67, 223, 115, 245 ], [ 114, 226, 139, 245 ], [ 139, 229, 229, 244 ], [ 247, 225, 284, 244 ], [ 289, 229, 374, 242 ], [ 376, 228, 415, 246 ], [ 422, 229, 486, 244 ], [ 487, 229, 517, 244 ], [ 193, 274, 211, 289 ], [ 223, 271, 238, 287 ], [ 244, 272, 319, 288 ], [ 322, 271, 358, 286 ], [ 358, 271, 415, 289 ], [ 419, 274, 476, 289 ], [ 58, 358, 100, 373 ], [ 103, 358, 118, 376 ], [ 121, 358, 196, 376 ], [ 207, 365, 243, 377 ], [ 249, 364, 322, 377 ], [ 325, 365, 454, 380 ], [ 457, 368, 547, 380 ], [ 187, 391, 202, 406 ], [ 211, 392, 232, 408 ], [ 235, 391, 257, 406 ], [ 262, 392, 337, 404 ], [ 340, 394, 400, 409 ], [ 403, 391, 464, 407 ], [ 466, 394, 532, 406 ], [ 537, 392, 618, 408 ], [ 618, 394, 687, 409 ], [ 187, 421, 200, 436 ], [ 214, 418, 268, 434 ], [ 271, 421, 347, 439 ], [ 355, 421, 418, 436 ], [ 421, 418, 514, 437 ], [ 516, 421, 540, 440 ], [ 543, 424, 616, 442 ], [ 621, 424, 654, 439 ], [ 352, 451, 431, 463 ], [ 436, 451, 529, 466 ], [ 61, 485, 91, 504 ], [ 90, 488, 172, 507 ], [ 60, 533, 106, 551 ], [ 106, 534, 173, 552 ], [ 102, 720, 127, 736 ], [ 133, 722, 148, 735 ], [ 153, 723, 172, 736 ], [ 175, 722, 202, 737 ], [ 283, 722, 307, 737 ], [ 313, 725, 331, 740 ], [ 334, 723, 349, 738 ], [ 353, 723, 398, 738 ], [ 283, 741, 308, 753 ], [ 313, 741, 328, 751 ], [ 334, 737, 353, 753 ], [ 359, 741, 407, 754 ], [ 281, 754, 306, 767 ], [ 311, 751, 329, 764 ], [ 334, 753, 350, 766 ], [ 356, 753, 413, 769 ], [ 283, 766, 308, 782 ], [ 313, 769, 331, 779 ], [ 334, 768, 350, 780 ], [ 359, 766, 395, 781 ], [ 284, 781, 306, 794 ], [ 311, 781, 329, 793 ], [ 335, 784, 350, 796 ], [ 353, 784, 389, 794 ], [ 281, 796, 305, 809 ], [ 310, 793, 329, 808 ], [ 334, 795, 349, 808 ], [ 358, 796, 409, 811 ], [ 284, 810, 305, 823 ], [ 313, 810, 328, 823 ], [ 335, 811, 351, 824 ], [ 364, 811, 418, 824 ], [ 281, 825, 302, 837 ], [ 307, 823, 328, 838 ], [ 334, 823, 350, 838 ], [ 358, 826, 436, 839 ], [ 281, 840, 306, 853 ], [ 311, 838, 329, 851 ], [ 334, 837, 347, 853 ], [ 355, 840, 404, 853 ], [ 278, 853, 305, 866 ], [ 311, 853, 326, 866 ], [ 332, 850, 350, 866 ], [ 356, 853, 396, 866 ], [ 100, 862, 125, 877 ], [ 129, 865, 145, 877 ], [ 148, 862, 169, 878 ], [ 174, 865, 228, 878 ], [ 102, 847, 124, 862 ], [ 127, 849, 145, 861 ], [ 150, 849, 183, 867 ], [ 100, 835, 124, 845 ], [ 127, 837, 145, 850 ], [ 151, 837, 169, 850 ], [ 174, 838, 213, 848 ], [ 100, 820, 124, 832 ], [ 129, 820, 145, 833 ], [ 151, 822, 169, 834 ], [ 175, 822, 230, 837 ], [ 102, 805, 124, 818 ], [ 129, 807, 150, 823 ], [ 153, 807, 201, 820 ], [ 103, 793, 124, 805 ], [ 130, 795, 149, 807 ], [ 153, 795, 169, 808 ], [ 174, 795, 253, 808 ], [ 102, 778, 127, 791 ], [ 130, 780, 148, 792 ], [ 154, 781, 208, 791 ], [ 100, 750, 127, 763 ], [ 132, 751, 147, 763 ], [ 151, 750, 170, 765 ], [ 177, 753, 237, 766 ], [ 103, 763, 127, 776 ], [ 132, 763, 148, 778 ], [ 153, 763, 171, 779 ], [ 174, 763, 204, 778 ], [ 100, 737, 125, 750 ], [ 130, 737, 149, 750 ], [ 153, 737, 171, 750 ], [ 177, 737, 223, 750 ] ]
[ "4/7/88", "R. E. Klein, Regional Sales Manager, Cleveland, OH", "Best Cigarette Co., Mentor, OH", "R. J. REYNOLDS AND PHILIP MORRIS", "SEE ATTACHED CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING:", "- R. J. REYNOLDS SPRING DIRECT ACCOUNT INCENTIVE PROGRAM", "- Philip Morris- SPECIAL PROMOTIONS ON MAKLBORO AND CAMBRIDGE CIGARETTES", "Mr. J. R. Ave", "Mr. T. L. Achey", "P. J. McCann", "Mr. A. J. Giacoio", "Mr. L. H. Kersh", "Mr. R. G. Ryan", "Mr. P. A. Lawless", "Mr. J. E. Daghlian", "Mr. R. S. Goldbrenner", "Ms. E. R. Harrow", "Ms. S. F. Smith", "Mr. N. P. Ruffalo", "Mr. C. Toti", "Dr. S. T. Jones", "Mr. G. R. Telford", "Mr. L. Gordon", "Mr. J. P. Mastandrea", "Ms. S. Ridgway", "Mr. M. A. Peterson Mr. T. H. Mau", "Mr. R. H. Orcutt" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "4/7/88" }, { "question": "MANUFACTURERS:", "answer": "R. J. REYNOLDS AND PHILIP MORRIS" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. J. R. Ave" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. R. H. Orcutt" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. M. A. Peterson Mr. T. H. Mau" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Ms. S. Ridgway" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. J. P. Mastandrea" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. L. Gordon" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. G. R. Telford" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Dr. S. T. Jones" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. C. Toti" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. N. P. Ruffalo" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. T. L. Achey" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "P. J. McCann" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. A. J. Giacoio" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. L. H. Kersh" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. R. G. Ryan" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. P. A. Lawless" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. J. E. Daghlian" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Mr. R. S. Goldbrenner" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Ms. E. R. Harrow" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "Ms. S. F. Smith" }, { "question": "REPORTED BY:", "answer": "R. E. Klein, Regional Sales Manager, Cleveland, OH" }, { "question": "SOURCE OF INFORMATION:", "answer": "Best Cigarette Co., Mentor, OH" }, { "question": "TYPE OF PROMOTION:", "answer": "SEE ATTACHED CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING:" }, { "question": "TYPE OF PROMOTION:", "answer": "- R. J. REYNOLDS SPRING DIRECT ACCOUNT INCENTIVE PROGRAM" }, { "question": "TYPE OF PROMOTION:", "answer": "- Philip Morris- SPECIAL PROMOTIONS ON MAKLBORO AND CAMBRIDGE CIGARETTES" } ] }
[ "4111", "9590", "00922237", "H.J. Minnemeyer", "QUANTITY", "CODE", "DESCRIPTION", "PURCHASING", "STATIONARY", "DATE", "Attn:", "VENDOR", "TERMS", "PURCHASE", "REQUISITION", "P.O.", "1534", "REV.", "7/75", "LT-9-75", "PLEASE", "INCLUDE", "ONLY", "ONE", "TYPE", "OF", "MATERIAL", "ON", "THIS", "REQUISITION", "", "", "", "", "", "Microbiological", "Associates", "5221", "River", "Rd.,", "Bethesda", "MD", "20816", "ORDER", "NO.", "Prev.", "or", "Recommended", "Supplier", "DATE", "WANTED", "15", "Net", "F.O.S", "N/A", "VIA", "N/A", "SHIP", "TO", "DEPT", "BRANCH)", "Lorillard", "Research", "Center", "Dr.", "Harry", "Minnemeyer", "As", "required", "P.", "O.", "Box", "21688", "Greensboro", "N.", "C.", "27420", "This", "is", "your", "authorization", "to", "provide", "the", "\"1601.013:", "The", "Effect", "of", "Inhalation", "of", "Reference", "and", "Test", "(D3", "and", "D4)", "Cigarette", "Smoke", "on", "Two", "Cytogenetic", "Endpoints", "in", "Mice:", "Chromosome", "Aberrations", "and", "Sister", "Chromatid", "Exchange\"", "test", "for", "a", "fixed", "price", "of", "$19,750", "Tests", "will", "be", "performed", "in", "accordance", "with", "the", "December", "21,", "1981", "formal", "agreement", "between", "Microbiological", "Associates", "and", "Lorillard.", "All", "work", "is", "to", "be", "coordinated", "with", "our", "Dr.", "Harry", "Minnemeyer", "(919)", "373-6603", "UNIT", "PRICE", "FOLLOW", "UP", "DATE", "BUDGET", "NO.", "REQUISITION", "NO.", "ISSUED", "BY", "ACCT", "NO.", "DEPT", "NO.", "APPROVED", "BY" ]
[ [ 279, 733, 313, 751 ], [ 427, 732, 461, 747 ], [ 585, 675, 683, 692 ], [ 518, 729, 709, 771 ], [ 24, 190, 83, 204 ], [ 140, 189, 174, 206 ], [ 377, 187, 451, 204 ], [ 50, 28, 117, 39 ], [ 47, 43, 117, 54 ], [ 581, 14, 609, 28 ], [ 247, 130, 282, 145 ], [ 13, 61, 62, 69 ], [ 42, 105, 80, 116 ], [ 253, 24, 331, 38 ], [ 332, 25, 423, 38 ], [ 471, 10, 489, 24 ], [ 493, 11, 517, 22 ], [ 520, 13, 545, 21 ], [ 545, 11, 570, 22 ], [ 534, 25, 572, 33 ], [ 161, 45, 202, 53 ], [ 205, 43, 251, 54 ], [ 251, 42, 285, 53 ], [ 282, 41, 310, 54 ], [ 313, 41, 340, 54 ], [ 342, 42, 356, 53 ], [ 358, 39, 415, 54 ], [ 416, 41, 433, 52 ], [ 436, 39, 461, 50 ], [ 461, 42, 532, 50 ], [ 186, 59, 213, 67 ], [ 215, 57, 282, 67 ], [ 282, 59, 355, 67 ], [ 353, 56, 380, 67 ], [ 380, 56, 414, 66 ], [ 11, 68, 127, 89 ], [ 131, 71, 223, 88 ], [ 229, 68, 263, 85 ], [ 267, 70, 308, 85 ], [ 314, 68, 341, 83 ], [ 349, 67, 417, 85 ], [ 425, 67, 442, 84 ], [ 455, 64, 493, 81 ], [ 578, 54, 614, 65 ], [ 617, 56, 637, 66 ], [ 578, 88, 602, 98 ], [ 605, 87, 613, 98 ], [ 615, 85, 685, 96 ], [ 684, 85, 720, 96 ], [ 503, 117, 535, 127 ], [ 536, 116, 585, 126 ], [ 87, 99, 104, 119 ], [ 106, 102, 137, 117 ], [ 198, 105, 233, 119 ], [ 270, 99, 297, 116 ], [ 373, 102, 395, 116 ], [ 426, 96, 453, 114 ], [ 14, 117, 39, 130 ], [ 43, 120, 61, 130 ], [ 60, 119, 96, 130 ], [ 95, 122, 147, 128 ], [ 14, 130, 82, 144 ], [ 87, 130, 153, 148 ], [ 155, 130, 204, 145 ], [ 291, 128, 312, 145 ], [ 323, 127, 359, 147 ], [ 365, 127, 445, 144 ], [ 536, 124, 553, 141 ], [ 559, 127, 622, 141 ], [ 13, 162, 28, 179 ], [ 34, 163, 52, 176 ], [ 57, 162, 84, 177 ], [ 87, 158, 137, 178 ], [ 140, 158, 224, 178 ], [ 225, 158, 247, 173 ], [ 251, 158, 268, 175 ], [ 275, 158, 318, 176 ], [ 105, 223, 137, 238 ], [ 142, 222, 162, 240 ], [ 162, 223, 194, 236 ], [ 203, 223, 304, 234 ], [ 309, 221, 323, 238 ], [ 330, 221, 386, 236 ], [ 390, 218, 414, 239 ], [ 420, 219, 495, 236 ], [ 501, 218, 525, 233 ], [ 532, 218, 575, 236 ], [ 584, 215, 599, 236 ], [ 608, 218, 683, 232 ], [ 103, 246, 118, 263 ], [ 124, 246, 197, 260 ], [ 203, 246, 227, 260 ], [ 232, 246, 263, 260 ], [ 268, 243, 296, 261 ], [ 300, 244, 321, 261 ], [ 330, 243, 352, 261 ], [ 359, 243, 427, 258 ], [ 432, 242, 475, 260 ], [ 478, 243, 498, 257 ], [ 500, 243, 525, 257 ], [ 532, 242, 616, 257 ], [ 620, 242, 691, 257 ], [ 103, 275, 124, 290 ], [ 127, 277, 166, 291 ], [ 172, 275, 246, 290 ], [ 254, 275, 338, 290 ], [ 345, 274, 370, 287 ], [ 376, 275, 422, 289 ], [ 427, 274, 497, 289 ], [ 503, 274, 571, 288 ], [ 577, 272, 606, 289 ], [ 615, 270, 637, 291 ], [ 642, 274, 653, 289 ], [ 106, 300, 144, 315 ], [ 149, 300, 188, 315 ], [ 191, 299, 211, 314 ], [ 221, 296, 278, 316 ], [ 292, 297, 330, 312 ], [ 334, 299, 368, 313 ], [ 372, 297, 392, 311 ], [ 397, 297, 470, 311 ], [ 472, 296, 490, 310 ], [ 496, 296, 576, 310 ], [ 574, 296, 609, 310 ], [ 613, 297, 642, 311 ], [ 105, 330, 165, 345 ], [ 169, 331, 197, 348 ], [ 203, 327, 235, 345 ], [ 242, 328, 285, 346 ], [ 293, 332, 363, 343 ], [ 366, 328, 423, 343 ], [ 427, 328, 542, 343 ], [ 549, 328, 623, 343 ], [ 630, 327, 652, 341 ], [ 105, 355, 179, 369 ], [ 197, 355, 212, 369 ], [ 223, 353, 255, 368 ], [ 265, 353, 279, 367 ], [ 285, 355, 302, 366 ], [ 307, 353, 324, 366 ], [ 330, 353, 415, 366 ], [ 419, 352, 453, 366 ], [ 457, 352, 485, 367 ], [ 486, 352, 508, 366 ], [ 517, 351, 556, 366 ], [ 559, 348, 637, 366 ], [ 106, 383, 144, 403 ], [ 148, 383, 212, 401 ], [ 647, 186, 678, 200 ], [ 679, 184, 710, 201 ], [ 91, 655, 137, 668 ], [ 138, 654, 152, 668 ], [ 154, 654, 185, 668 ], [ 106, 708, 152, 723 ], [ 152, 709, 172, 722 ], [ 338, 654, 405, 668 ], [ 406, 655, 426, 666 ], [ 589, 654, 627, 669 ], [ 630, 652, 648, 667 ], [ 292, 711, 323, 725 ], [ 327, 708, 345, 725 ], [ 412, 708, 446, 725 ], [ 447, 708, 467, 725 ], [ 582, 708, 636, 723 ], [ 642, 708, 656, 725 ] ]
[ "4111", "9590", "00922237", "H.J. Minnemeyer", "Microbiological Associates 5221 River Rd., Bethesda MD 20816", "15 Net F.O.S N/A VIA N/A", "Lorillard Research Center", "Dr. Harry Minnemeyer", "As required", "This is your authorization to provide the \"1601.013: The Effect of Inhalation of Reference and Test (D3 and D4) Cigarette Smoke on Two Cytogenetic Endpoints in Mice: Chromosome Aberrations and Sister Chromatid Exchange\" test for a fixed price of $19,750 Tests will be performed in accordance with the December 21, 1981 formal agreement between Microbiological Associates and Lorillard. All work is to be coordinated with our Dr. Harry Minnemeyer (919) 373-6603" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "DESCRIPTION", "answer": "This is your authorization to provide the \"1601.013: The Effect of Inhalation of Reference and Test (D3 and D4) Cigarette Smoke on Two Cytogenetic Endpoints in Mice: Chromosome Aberrations and Sister Chromatid Exchange\" test for a fixed price of $19,750 Tests will be performed in accordance with the December 21, 1981 formal agreement between Microbiological Associates and Lorillard. All work is to be coordinated with our Dr. Harry Minnemeyer (919) 373-6603" }, { "question": "Attn:", "answer": "Dr. Harry Minnemeyer" }, { "question": "VENDOR", "answer": "Microbiological Associates 5221 River Rd., Bethesda MD 20816" }, { "question": "TERMS", "answer": "15 Net F.O.S N/A VIA N/A" }, { "question": "DATE WANTED", "answer": "As required" }, { "question": "SHIP TO DEPT BRANCH)", "answer": "Lorillard Research Center" }, { "question": "ISSUED BY", "answer": "00922237" }, { "question": "ACCT NO.", "answer": "4111" }, { "question": "DEPT NO.", "answer": "9590" }, { "question": "APPROVED BY", "answer": "H.J. Minnemeyer" } ] }
[ "Date:", "Market(s):", "Male:", "Female:", "Bogotá:", "Medellin:", "Note:", "Brief Number", "Client Group:", "Client Contact:", "Research Liaison:", "Project Name/ Description", "Referent Brand(s):", "By age:", "BY SEL:", "Background Problem Definition:", "weighted as follows:", "B/ quilla:" ]
[ "", "", "Date:", "Market(s):", "Male:", "Female:", "Bogotá:", "Medellin:", "Note:", "#", "Other", "COLOMBIA", "KOOL", "60%", "40%", "1)", "2)", "3)", "4)", "Market", "Research", "-", "Initiating", "Project", "Brief", "Brief", "Number", "Client", "Group:", "02/", "12/", "98", "R.", "B.", "U.", "Brand", "Group", "Client", "Contact:", "Maria", "Helena", "Argüelles/", "Edwin", "Garcia", "Research", "Liaison:", "Camilo", "Concha/", "Andrea", "Suarez", "Project", "Name/", "Description", "K001", "vs.", "Marlboro", "Menthol", "Lights", "Bogotá,", "Medellin", "and", "Barranquilla", "Referent", "Brand(s):", "Current", "Kool", "Filter", "King", "Colombia", "1", "1", "mg", "tar", "@", "0.", "51%", "menthol", "white", "tipping.", "Kool", "Milds", "KS", "Japan", "9mg", "tar", "@", "0.", "56%", "menthol", "white", "tipping", "Kool", "KS.", "9", "mg", "tar,", "@", "0.", "51%", "menthol", "white", "tipping", "Current", "Marlboro", "Lights", "Menthol", "King", "US", "9mg", "tar", "@", "0.", "66%", "menthol,", "white", "tipping.", "Consumer", "Segment(s):", "18", "-29", "(100%)", "By", "age:", "BY", "SEL:", "AB1", "(100%)", "By", "City:", "KOOL", "Parent", "regular", "smokers", "50%", "-alternate", "smokers", "50%", "KOOL", "Parent", "regular", "smokers", "50%", "-alternate", "smokers", "50%", "KOOL", "Parent", "regular", "smokers", "50%", "-alternate", "smokers", "50%", "In", "order", "to", "establish", "a", "quantitative", "basis", "for", "determining", "the", "winning", "product,", "results", "will", "be", "Alternate", "60%,", "Regular", "40%.", "Background", "Problem", "Definition:", "On", "September", "1", "97,", "PMI", "simultaneously", "launched", "Marlboro", "Menthol", "KS", "Box", "(16mg", "tar", "and", "Menthol", "Lights", "KS", "Box", "(9mg", "tar)", "in", "Colombia.", "These", "two", "products", "became", "KOOL's", "direct", "competitors", "(Premium", "Menthol", "Brands).", "At", "the", "same", "time", "KOOL", "replaced", "its", "product", "with", "a", "milder", "11mg", "cigarette", "(the", "same", "KOOL", "Milds", "but", "with", "a", "27mm", "cork", "tipping).", "440026083", "PRODUCED", "FROM", "B", "&W", "WEB", "SITE", "weighted", "as", "follows:", "B/", "quilla:" ]
[ [ 117, 92, 177, 141 ], [ 575, 99, 632, 144 ], [ 524, 205, 556, 219 ], [ 119, 388, 180, 403 ], [ 120, 543, 151, 557 ], [ 119, 560, 164, 573 ], [ 187, 606, 232, 620 ], [ 189, 635, 242, 650 ], [ 120, 670, 151, 683 ], [ 218, 205, 229, 219 ], [ 219, 270, 251, 284 ], [ 313, 239, 383, 250 ], [ 311, 254, 352, 267 ], [ 190, 541, 215, 559 ], [ 190, 559, 215, 570 ], [ 120, 444, 131, 455 ], [ 120, 459, 131, 472 ], [ 122, 475, 132, 488 ], [ 122, 492, 133, 505 ], [ 233, 155, 287, 173 ], [ 292, 156, 358, 174 ], [ 360, 159, 368, 172 ], [ 370, 156, 440, 177 ], [ 444, 155, 496, 176 ], [ 500, 156, 539, 176 ], [ 124, 204, 155, 218 ], [ 156, 205, 208, 218 ], [ 120, 239, 156, 253 ], [ 159, 239, 201, 253 ], [ 573, 205, 588, 218 ], [ 588, 205, 605, 218 ], [ 606, 205, 624, 218 ], [ 216, 237, 231, 250 ], [ 232, 237, 243, 250 ], [ 243, 237, 256, 250 ], [ 221, 254, 255, 267 ], [ 257, 254, 293, 267 ], [ 117, 303, 152, 318 ], [ 156, 303, 205, 317 ], [ 219, 303, 253, 318 ], [ 256, 303, 295, 317 ], [ 297, 303, 354, 316 ], [ 219, 320, 255, 333 ], [ 258, 320, 296, 334 ], [ 394, 304, 447, 318 ], [ 450, 303, 499, 317 ], [ 504, 302, 546, 316 ], [ 547, 303, 594, 316 ], [ 595, 304, 634, 317 ], [ 504, 320, 543, 334 ], [ 120, 355, 161, 369 ], [ 163, 353, 201, 368 ], [ 201, 355, 271, 369 ], [ 274, 353, 312, 367 ], [ 316, 353, 330, 367 ], [ 334, 353, 386, 366 ], [ 388, 352, 433, 369 ], [ 436, 353, 472, 368 ], [ 183, 388, 226, 403 ], [ 230, 388, 276, 401 ], [ 281, 390, 301, 403 ], [ 303, 388, 373, 403 ], [ 120, 426, 169, 440 ], [ 172, 426, 226, 441 ], [ 134, 444, 175, 455 ], [ 179, 444, 204, 455 ], [ 207, 443, 238, 454 ], [ 240, 443, 267, 456 ], [ 271, 441, 327, 455 ], [ 331, 443, 337, 454 ], [ 338, 443, 342, 454 ], [ 346, 446, 364, 457 ], [ 367, 444, 385, 455 ], [ 388, 441, 402, 456 ], [ 404, 441, 415, 454 ], [ 415, 441, 440, 455 ], [ 443, 443, 490, 456 ], [ 493, 443, 524, 456 ], [ 527, 441, 570, 458 ], [ 135, 458, 160, 471 ], [ 165, 458, 196, 471 ], [ 200, 458, 217, 471 ], [ 219, 458, 253, 472 ], [ 257, 458, 279, 472 ], [ 282, 461, 300, 471 ], [ 304, 458, 317, 472 ], [ 320, 459, 330, 470 ], [ 331, 459, 355, 470 ], [ 358, 459, 405, 470 ], [ 409, 458, 437, 471 ], [ 441, 458, 483, 472 ], [ 135, 473, 160, 486 ], [ 165, 473, 183, 487 ], [ 187, 473, 194, 484 ], [ 197, 475, 214, 488 ], [ 218, 475, 236, 488 ], [ 239, 473, 252, 488 ], [ 254, 473, 264, 486 ], [ 265, 473, 289, 487 ], [ 293, 475, 339, 486 ], [ 344, 475, 372, 486 ], [ 376, 475, 418, 488 ], [ 135, 490, 176, 504 ], [ 179, 490, 231, 503 ], [ 233, 490, 267, 504 ], [ 270, 490, 316, 504 ], [ 320, 490, 345, 504 ], [ 349, 492, 370, 505 ], [ 373, 492, 397, 506 ], [ 401, 493, 419, 504 ], [ 422, 490, 435, 505 ], [ 439, 490, 450, 503 ], [ 448, 490, 473, 504 ], [ 475, 492, 524, 505 ], [ 528, 492, 557, 505 ], [ 560, 492, 602, 507 ], [ 120, 524, 180, 539 ], [ 183, 524, 249, 539 ], [ 190, 574, 203, 587 ], [ 204, 574, 222, 589 ], [ 223, 575, 265, 589 ], [ 122, 575, 136, 589 ], [ 138, 577, 162, 588 ], [ 122, 591, 136, 605 ], [ 140, 591, 167, 604 ], [ 190, 591, 215, 602 ], [ 218, 591, 259, 604 ], [ 122, 608, 137, 621 ], [ 140, 606, 168, 620 ], [ 249, 608, 287, 619 ], [ 291, 605, 325, 620 ], [ 328, 608, 366, 619 ], [ 369, 608, 416, 619 ], [ 418, 608, 442, 619 ], [ 444, 608, 497, 622 ], [ 500, 609, 546, 619 ], [ 547, 606, 572, 619 ], [ 249, 622, 287, 635 ], [ 289, 622, 324, 635 ], [ 327, 623, 366, 636 ], [ 369, 624, 415, 634 ], [ 416, 622, 444, 636 ], [ 446, 623, 498, 634 ], [ 499, 623, 546, 634 ], [ 547, 622, 572, 635 ], [ 250, 638, 286, 651 ], [ 291, 638, 325, 651 ], [ 327, 638, 366, 651 ], [ 369, 640, 415, 650 ], [ 416, 638, 443, 651 ], [ 444, 638, 497, 649 ], [ 499, 640, 545, 650 ], [ 549, 638, 574, 652 ], [ 154, 670, 167, 683 ], [ 169, 670, 197, 683 ], [ 200, 670, 211, 683 ], [ 214, 669, 260, 683 ], [ 263, 672, 271, 682 ], [ 272, 669, 336, 684 ], [ 341, 669, 368, 683 ], [ 372, 669, 387, 683 ], [ 388, 668, 454, 686 ], [ 458, 672, 476, 683 ], [ 480, 669, 522, 684 ], [ 527, 670, 572, 685 ], [ 575, 672, 611, 686 ], [ 613, 670, 635, 683 ], [ 638, 672, 651, 683 ], [ 233, 686, 283, 700 ], [ 286, 686, 315, 700 ], [ 318, 687, 360, 700 ], [ 363, 686, 391, 700 ], [ 119, 722, 192, 736 ], [ 191, 722, 245, 735 ], [ 247, 722, 310, 735 ], [ 122, 737, 137, 748 ], [ 142, 739, 196, 750 ], [ 204, 739, 217, 750 ], [ 221, 739, 236, 750 ], [ 242, 737, 267, 750 ], [ 271, 737, 353, 751 ], [ 358, 737, 407, 750 ], [ 411, 736, 465, 751 ], [ 468, 737, 514, 751 ], [ 518, 737, 536, 750 ], [ 542, 737, 563, 750 ], [ 567, 737, 603, 751 ], [ 609, 740, 627, 750 ], [ 634, 739, 652, 749 ], [ 122, 753, 168, 767 ], [ 172, 753, 206, 766 ], [ 211, 753, 229, 766 ], [ 233, 753, 255, 766 ], [ 260, 753, 291, 767 ], [ 296, 753, 314, 766 ], [ 320, 753, 333, 764 ], [ 338, 753, 394, 766 ], [ 404, 753, 438, 766 ], [ 441, 754, 463, 764 ], [ 469, 754, 515, 767 ], [ 521, 753, 564, 766 ], [ 568, 754, 615, 767 ], [ 622, 754, 653, 767 ], [ 122, 770, 183, 783 ], [ 186, 770, 240, 783 ], [ 242, 768, 288, 781 ], [ 292, 767, 337, 784 ], [ 122, 785, 136, 798 ], [ 140, 786, 157, 797 ], [ 161, 786, 190, 797 ], [ 191, 785, 222, 798 ], [ 225, 785, 264, 798 ], [ 270, 786, 315, 799 ], [ 318, 785, 332, 796 ], [ 337, 785, 379, 800 ], [ 384, 785, 409, 798 ], [ 415, 788, 422, 796 ], [ 426, 785, 462, 799 ], [ 466, 785, 497, 799 ], [ 500, 786, 549, 800 ], [ 554, 785, 576, 799 ], [ 582, 786, 609, 797 ], [ 615, 785, 649, 799 ], [ 122, 802, 153, 816 ], [ 155, 802, 172, 816 ], [ 176, 802, 198, 815 ], [ 201, 803, 208, 814 ], [ 211, 802, 246, 816 ], [ 249, 802, 271, 816 ], [ 275, 800, 321, 817 ], [ 0, 953, 78, 966 ], [ 0, 968, 70, 983 ], [ 77, 968, 118, 982 ], [ 122, 969, 135, 982 ], [ 135, 968, 153, 981 ], [ 158, 969, 187, 982 ], [ 193, 968, 231, 982 ], [ 120, 687, 169, 700 ], [ 172, 689, 185, 700 ], [ 187, 686, 230, 700 ], [ 190, 623, 203, 634 ], [ 204, 622, 238, 636 ] ]
[ "#", "Other", "COLOMBIA", "KOOL", "60%", "40%", "02/ 12/ 98", "R. B. U.", "Brand Group", "Maria Helena Argüelles/ Edwin Garcia", "Camilo Concha/ Andrea Suarez", "K001 vs. Marlboro Menthol Lights", "Bogotá, Medellin and Barranquilla", "Current Kool Filter King Colombia 1 1 mg tar @ 0. 51% menthol white tipping.", "Kool Milds KS Japan 9mg tar @ 0. 56% menthol white tipping", "Kool KS. 9 mg tar, @ 0. 51% menthol white tipping", "Current Marlboro Lights Menthol King US 9mg tar @ 0. 66% menthol, white tipping.", "18 -29 (100%)", "AB1 (100%)", "KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50%", "KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50%", "KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50%", "In order to establish a quantitative basis for determining the winning product, results will be", "Alternate 60%, Regular 40%.", "On September 1 97, PMI simultaneously launched Marlboro Menthol KS Box (16mg tar and Menthol Lights KS Box (9mg tar) in Colombia. These two products became KOOL's direct competitors (Premium Menthol Brands).", "At the same time KOOL replaced its product with a milder 11mg cigarette (the same KOOL Milds but with a 27mm cork tipping)." ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Date:", "answer": "02/ 12/ 98" }, { "question": "Market(s):", "answer": "Bogotá, Medellin and Barranquilla" }, { "question": "Male:", "answer": "60%" }, { "question": "Male:", "answer": "Male:" }, { "question": "Female:", "answer": "40%" }, { "question": "Female:", "answer": "Female:" }, { "question": "Bogotá:", "answer": "KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50%" }, { "question": "Bogotá:", "answer": "Bogotá:" }, { "question": "Medellin:", "answer": "KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50%" }, { "question": "Medellin:", "answer": "Medellin:" }, { "question": "Note:", "answer": "In order to establish a quantitative basis for determining the winning product, results will be" }, { "question": "Brief Number", "answer": "#" }, { "question": "Client Group:", "answer": "R. B. U." }, { "question": "Client Group:", "answer": "COLOMBIA" }, { "question": "Client Group:", "answer": "Brand Group" }, { "question": "Client Group:", "answer": "Other" }, { "question": "Client Group:", "answer": "KOOL" }, { "question": "Client Contact:", "answer": "Maria Helena Argüelles/ Edwin Garcia" }, { "question": "Research Liaison:", "answer": "Camilo Concha/ Andrea Suarez" }, { "question": "Project Name/ Description", "answer": "K001 vs. Marlboro Menthol Lights" }, { "question": "Referent Brand(s):", "answer": "Current Kool Filter King Colombia 1 1 mg tar @ 0. 51% menthol white tipping." }, { "question": "Referent Brand(s):", "answer": "Kool Milds KS Japan 9mg tar @ 0. 56% menthol white tipping" }, { "question": "Referent Brand(s):", "answer": "Kool KS. 9 mg tar, @ 0. 51% menthol white tipping" }, { "question": "Referent Brand(s):", "answer": "Current Marlboro Lights Menthol King US 9mg tar @ 0. 66% menthol, white tipping." }, { "question": "By age:", "answer": "18 -29 (100%)" }, { "question": "By age:", "answer": "By age:" }, { "question": "BY SEL:", "answer": "AB1 (100%)" }, { "question": "BY SEL:", "answer": "BY SEL:" }, { "question": "Background Problem Definition:", "answer": "On September 1 97, PMI simultaneously launched Marlboro Menthol KS Box (16mg tar and Menthol Lights KS Box (9mg tar) in Colombia. These two products became KOOL's direct competitors (Premium Menthol Brands)." }, { "question": "Background Problem Definition:", "answer": "At the same time KOOL replaced its product with a milder 11mg cigarette (the same KOOL Milds but with a 27mm cork tipping)." }, { "question": "weighted as follows:", "answer": "Alternate 60%, Regular 40%." }, { "question": "B/ quilla:", "answer": "KOOL Parent regular smokers 50% -alternate smokers 50%" }, { "question": "B/ quilla:", "answer": "B/ quilla:" } ] }
[ "NICOTINE:", "NONMENTHOL:", "NONFILTER:", "1985", "King", "20's", "X", "X", "2,303", "3,890", "741", "71,445", "193", "-", "12,787", "95,614", "291,095", "155,718", "476,722", "85,208", "26,055", "1,221,771", "CIGARETTE", "REPORT", "FORM", "(1)", "YEAR", "COVERED:", "(2)", "BRAND", "FAMILY", "NAME:", "(3)", "VARIETY", "DESCRIPTION", "(4)", "PRODUCT", "LENGTH:", "(5)", "FILTER:", "(6)", "HARD", "PACK", "SOFT", "PACK:", "(7)", "MENTHOL:", "(8)", "PACK", "SIZE", "SOLD:", "(9)", "\"TAR\":", "(10)", "VARIETY", "UNIT", "SALES:", "(11)", "VARIETY", "DOLLAR", "SALES:", "(12)", "FIRST", "SALES", "DATE:", "LAST", "SALES", "DATE:", "REPORTABLE", "EXPENDITURES", "(13)", "CAT-", "A-", "EXPENSES:", "(14)", "CAT-", "B-", "EXPENSES:", "(15)", "CAT-", "C-", "EXPENSES:", "(16)", "CAT-", "D-", "EXPENSES:", "(17)", "CAT-", "E-", "EXPENSES", "(18)", "CAT-", "F-", "EXPENSES:", "(19)", "CAT-", "G-", "EXPENSES:", "(20)", "CAT-", "H-", "EXPENSES:", "(21)", "CAT-", "I-", "EXPENSES:", "(22)", "CAT-", "J-", "EXPENSES:", "(23)", "CAT-", "K-", "EXPENSES:", "(24)", "CAT-", "L-", "EXPENSES:", "(25)", "CAT-", "M-", "EXPENSES:", "(26)", "TOTAL", "REPORTABLE", "EXPENDITURES", "FOR", "VARIETY:", "LUCKY", "STRIKE", "Low", "tar,", "king", "size,", "filter,", "hard", "pack", "(check", "one)", "(check", "one)", "0.8", "mg", "(Jan.", "'85", "Report)", "X", "(check", "one)", "11", "mg", "238,282", "6,117,778" ]
[ [ 367, 313, 449, 327 ], [ 285, 257, 381, 272 ], [ 285, 200, 374, 214 ], [ 311, 84, 347, 99 ], [ 309, 169, 350, 186 ], [ 309, 281, 348, 296 ], [ 196, 197, 211, 214 ], [ 198, 225, 211, 242 ], [ 355, 465, 393, 482 ], [ 353, 493, 396, 513 ], [ 370, 521, 394, 535 ], [ 351, 550, 396, 570 ], [ 373, 605, 398, 625 ], [ 365, 581, 373, 596 ], [ 351, 634, 397, 649 ], [ 344, 661, 397, 682 ], [ 342, 696, 392, 711 ], [ 342, 716, 392, 733 ], [ 342, 747, 395, 762 ], [ 348, 781, 393, 795 ], [ 348, 810, 394, 825 ], [ 494, 842, 562, 855 ], [ 267, 43, 348, 54 ], [ 353, 45, 406, 58 ], [ 411, 46, 454, 59 ], [ 81, 82, 106, 99 ], [ 115, 84, 150, 98 ], [ 156, 85, 224, 98 ], [ 80, 112, 107, 127 ], [ 113, 112, 160, 129 ], [ 166, 113, 219, 124 ], [ 226, 112, 269, 126 ], [ 81, 141, 106, 155 ], [ 113, 140, 176, 155 ], [ 182, 140, 288, 155 ], [ 81, 168, 106, 183 ], [ 116, 170, 175, 183 ], [ 179, 168, 245, 183 ], [ 81, 198, 108, 212 ], [ 113, 201, 179, 214 ], [ 82, 228, 107, 239 ], [ 113, 229, 154, 242 ], [ 156, 226, 199, 240 ], [ 284, 229, 323, 242 ], [ 328, 229, 371, 244 ], [ 82, 253, 109, 271 ], [ 112, 257, 183, 270 ], [ 80, 282, 108, 295 ], [ 116, 285, 152, 298 ], [ 158, 285, 197, 299 ], [ 200, 285, 245, 296 ], [ 81, 310, 106, 328 ], [ 115, 310, 169, 324 ], [ 81, 339, 115, 353 ], [ 122, 341, 188, 355 ], [ 191, 342, 227, 353 ], [ 235, 342, 288, 355 ], [ 81, 367, 115, 382 ], [ 123, 369, 184, 386 ], [ 193, 370, 246, 381 ], [ 247, 366, 308, 381 ], [ 81, 398, 115, 409 ], [ 123, 398, 169, 412 ], [ 175, 397, 222, 411 ], [ 226, 398, 269, 411 ], [ 372, 399, 410, 412 ], [ 415, 399, 461, 410 ], [ 466, 398, 511, 412 ], [ 260, 440, 351, 457 ], [ 358, 440, 460, 457 ], [ 78, 468, 116, 483 ], [ 123, 469, 157, 482 ], [ 159, 469, 174, 483 ], [ 173, 471, 255, 484 ], [ 80, 497, 118, 511 ], [ 124, 497, 156, 511 ], [ 155, 499, 179, 512 ], [ 177, 497, 254, 511 ], [ 75, 524, 114, 539 ], [ 122, 527, 160, 540 ], [ 159, 528, 179, 538 ], [ 179, 527, 254, 541 ], [ 78, 550, 116, 570 ], [ 122, 556, 161, 569 ], [ 159, 554, 177, 569 ], [ 177, 553, 252, 568 ], [ 80, 581, 115, 596 ], [ 123, 582, 159, 596 ], [ 156, 584, 177, 597 ], [ 177, 584, 252, 597 ], [ 80, 609, 119, 627 ], [ 124, 613, 158, 626 ], [ 156, 610, 177, 623 ], [ 175, 610, 255, 625 ], [ 77, 638, 116, 653 ], [ 123, 640, 159, 654 ], [ 159, 640, 177, 654 ], [ 177, 640, 251, 654 ], [ 82, 668, 114, 682 ], [ 123, 668, 158, 681 ], [ 156, 668, 176, 681 ], [ 176, 668, 254, 681 ], [ 80, 696, 118, 709 ], [ 122, 694, 160, 709 ], [ 159, 696, 177, 710 ], [ 177, 696, 255, 710 ], [ 78, 723, 114, 737 ], [ 123, 725, 159, 738 ], [ 161, 723, 176, 737 ], [ 176, 723, 253, 738 ], [ 80, 753, 116, 768 ], [ 122, 753, 158, 766 ], [ 159, 753, 177, 766 ], [ 176, 754, 251, 767 ], [ 80, 781, 116, 799 ], [ 123, 782, 157, 797 ], [ 158, 782, 179, 795 ], [ 176, 782, 253, 795 ], [ 80, 809, 118, 824 ], [ 123, 813, 159, 824 ], [ 158, 813, 178, 824 ], [ 177, 813, 252, 827 ], [ 82, 838, 116, 853 ], [ 124, 839, 170, 853 ], [ 173, 841, 267, 852 ], [ 270, 839, 373, 854 ], [ 383, 841, 407, 852 ], [ 413, 839, 486, 853 ], [ 310, 115, 356, 129 ], [ 363, 116, 415, 130 ], [ 310, 142, 338, 157 ], [ 342, 144, 378, 157 ], [ 385, 144, 421, 157 ], [ 426, 142, 472, 157 ], [ 482, 144, 542, 159 ], [ 552, 142, 587, 159 ], [ 592, 144, 634, 161 ], [ 492, 200, 548, 215 ], [ 552, 204, 590, 215 ], [ 490, 230, 546, 244 ], [ 550, 229, 589, 243 ], [ 472, 309, 503, 326 ], [ 503, 311, 528, 326 ], [ 535, 309, 578, 326 ], [ 587, 310, 612, 325 ], [ 619, 309, 679, 329 ], [ 411, 254, 424, 269 ], [ 492, 260, 549, 273 ], [ 553, 258, 589, 272 ], [ 197, 309, 215, 324 ], [ 222, 311, 244, 325 ], [ 339, 341, 396, 356 ], [ 328, 366, 395, 383 ] ]
[ "1985", "King", "20's", "X", "X", "2,303", "3,890", "741", "71,445", "193", "-", "12,787", "95,614", "291,095", "155,718", "476,722", "85,208", "26,055", "1,221,771", "LUCKY STRIKE", "Low tar, king size, filter, hard pack", "(check one)", "(check one)", "0.8 mg (Jan. '85 Report)", "X (check one)", "11 mg", "238,282", "6,117,778" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "NICOTINE:", "answer": "0.8 mg (Jan. '85 Report)" }, { "question": "NONMENTHOL:", "answer": "X (check one)" }, { "question": "NONMENTHOL:", "answer": "NONMENTHOL:" }, { "question": "NONFILTER:", "answer": "(check one)" }, { "question": "NONFILTER:", "answer": "NONFILTER:" }, { "question": "(1) YEAR COVERED:", "answer": "1985" }, { "question": "(1) YEAR COVERED:", "answer": "(1) YEAR COVERED:" }, { "question": "(2) BRAND FAMILY NAME:", "answer": "LUCKY STRIKE" }, { "question": "(2) BRAND FAMILY NAME:", "answer": "(2) BRAND FAMILY NAME:" }, { "question": "(3) VARIETY DESCRIPTION", "answer": "Low tar, king size, filter, hard pack" }, { "question": "(3) VARIETY DESCRIPTION", "answer": "(3) VARIETY DESCRIPTION" }, { "question": "(4) PRODUCT LENGTH:", "answer": "King" }, { "question": "(4) PRODUCT LENGTH:", "answer": "(4) PRODUCT LENGTH:" }, { "question": "(5) FILTER:", "answer": "X" }, { "question": "(5) FILTER:", "answer": "(5) FILTER:" }, { "question": "(6) HARD PACK", "answer": "X" }, { "question": "SOFT PACK:", "answer": "(check one)" }, { "question": "SOFT PACK:", "answer": "SOFT PACK:" }, { "question": "(7) MENTHOL:", "answer": "(7) MENTHOL:" }, { "question": "(8) PACK SIZE SOLD:", "answer": "20's" }, { "question": "(8) PACK SIZE SOLD:", "answer": "(8) PACK SIZE SOLD:" }, { "question": "(9) \"TAR\":", "answer": "11 mg" }, { "question": "(9) \"TAR\":", "answer": "(9) \"TAR\":" }, { "question": "(10) VARIETY UNIT SALES:", "answer": "238,282" }, { "question": "(10) VARIETY UNIT SALES:", "answer": "(10) VARIETY UNIT SALES:" }, { "question": "(11) VARIETY DOLLAR SALES:", "answer": "6,117,778" }, { "question": "(11) VARIETY DOLLAR SALES:", "answer": "(11) VARIETY DOLLAR SALES:" }, { "question": "(12) FIRST SALES DATE:", "answer": "(12) FIRST SALES DATE:" }, { "question": "LAST SALES DATE:", "answer": "LAST SALES DATE:" }, { "question": "(13) CAT- A- EXPENSES:", "answer": "2,303" }, { "question": "(13) CAT- A- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(13) CAT- A- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(14) CAT- B- EXPENSES:", "answer": "3,890" }, { "question": "(14) CAT- B- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(14) CAT- B- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(15) CAT- C- EXPENSES:", "answer": "741" }, { "question": "(15) CAT- C- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(15) CAT- C- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(16) CAT- D- EXPENSES:", "answer": "71,445" }, { "question": "(16) CAT- D- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(16) CAT- D- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(17) CAT- E- EXPENSES", "answer": "-" }, { "question": "(17) CAT- E- EXPENSES", "answer": "(17) CAT- E- EXPENSES" }, { "question": "(18) CAT- F- EXPENSES:", "answer": "193" }, { "question": "(18) CAT- F- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(18) CAT- F- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(19) CAT- G- EXPENSES:", "answer": "12,787" }, { "question": "(19) CAT- G- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(19) CAT- G- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(20) CAT- H- EXPENSES:", "answer": "95,614" }, { "question": "(20) CAT- H- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(20) CAT- H- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(21) CAT- I- EXPENSES:", "answer": "291,095" }, { "question": "(21) CAT- I- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(21) CAT- I- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(22) CAT- J- EXPENSES:", "answer": "155,718" }, { "question": "(22) CAT- J- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(22) CAT- J- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(22) CAT- J- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(22) CAT- J- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(23) CAT- K- EXPENSES:", "answer": "476,722" }, { "question": "(23) CAT- K- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(23) CAT- K- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(24) CAT- L- EXPENSES:", "answer": "85,208" }, { "question": "(24) CAT- L- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(24) CAT- L- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(25) CAT- M- EXPENSES:", "answer": "26,055" }, { "question": "(25) CAT- M- EXPENSES:", "answer": "(25) CAT- M- EXPENSES:" }, { "question": "(26) TOTAL REPORTABLE EXPENDITURES FOR VARIETY:", "answer": "1,221,771" }, { "question": "(26) TOTAL REPORTABLE EXPENDITURES FOR VARIETY:", "answer": "(26) TOTAL REPORTABLE EXPENDITURES FOR VARIETY:" } ] }
[ "Date:", "Contact:", "Agency:", "Address:", "Client:", "Products:", "Phone Booth :", "Phone Booth :", "Phone Booth :", "ECU :", "ECU :", "ECU :" ]
[ "Date:", "Contact:", "Agency:", "Address:", "Client:", "Products:", "20", "30", "60", "20", "30", "60", "AMERICAN", "BROADCASTING", "COMPANY", "TELEVISION", "NETWORK", "1330", "Avenue", "of", "the", "Americas,", "New", "York,", "New", "York", "10019", "LT", "", "-", "7777", "October", "9,", "1968", "Mr.", "Mary", "Goldsmith", "BBDO", "Inc.", "383", "Madison", "Avenue", "New", "York", "10017", "American", "Tobacco", "Co.", "Tareyton", "Cigarettes", "Script(s)", "(and/", "or", "story", "board(s))", "cleared:", "Phone", "Booth", ":", "Phone", "Booth", ":", "Phone", "Booth", ":", "ECU", ":", "ECU", ":", "ECU", ":", "THESE", "COMMERCIALS", "CANNOT", "BE", "SCHEDULED", "UNTIL", "THIS", "DEPARTMENT", "HAS", "BEEN", "NOTIFIED", "OF", "THEIR", "CODE", "NUMBERS.", "PLEASE", "NOTIFY", "THIS", "DEPARTMENT", "OF", "ANY", "CHANGES", "", "THE", "CODE", "NUMBER(S).", "Final", "approval", "is,", "of", "course,", "dependent", "upon", "our", "screening", "the", "finished", "film(s),", "and", "upon", "time", "and", "placement", "of", "the", "commercial(s).", "XER.", "257/", "", "REV", "6/", "68", "JP/", "gb", "Sincerely.", "American", "Broadcasting", "Company", "", "Judse", "Price", "Department", "of", "BROADCAST", "STANDARDS", "AND", "PRACTICES" ]
[ [ 402, 190, 429, 203 ], [ 402, 230, 447, 244 ], [ 73, 235, 114, 248 ], [ 71, 288, 121, 301 ], [ 73, 342, 108, 353 ], [ 73, 398, 119, 411 ], [ 303, 504, 323, 517 ], [ 304, 518, 322, 531 ], [ 303, 531, 323, 544 ], [ 303, 545, 321, 558 ], [ 306, 560, 323, 573 ], [ 306, 574, 321, 587 ], [ 236, 53, 295, 67 ], [ 297, 52, 386, 66 ], [ 390, 50, 447, 65 ], [ 270, 77, 347, 92 ], [ 348, 78, 414, 92 ], [ 222, 103, 243, 114 ], [ 243, 103, 275, 113 ], [ 277, 103, 287, 114 ], [ 288, 103, 303, 113 ], [ 303, 103, 346, 113 ], [ 348, 102, 368, 113 ], [ 367, 102, 394, 112 ], [ 392, 102, 412, 112 ], [ 413, 102, 435, 112 ], [ 436, 99, 461, 113 ], [ 314, 122, 332, 136 ], [ 332, 126, 340, 134 ], [ 342, 124, 348, 135 ], [ 348, 124, 373, 134 ], [ 455, 183, 521, 197 ], [ 527, 183, 545, 198 ], [ 553, 182, 588, 196 ], [ 464, 218, 493, 233 ], [ 497, 218, 536, 232 ], [ 543, 216, 623, 233 ], [ 138, 221, 176, 232 ], [ 179, 221, 217, 235 ], [ 135, 274, 167, 288 ], [ 172, 274, 238, 287 ], [ 242, 275, 295, 288 ], [ 303, 274, 330, 289 ], [ 337, 274, 373, 289 ], [ 390, 274, 435, 285 ], [ 137, 331, 208, 344 ], [ 218, 327, 278, 342 ], [ 285, 331, 310, 344 ], [ 137, 380, 208, 394 ], [ 215, 378, 306, 391 ], [ 73, 453, 119, 466 ], [ 119, 453, 144, 466 ], [ 144, 453, 161, 463 ], [ 161, 454, 188, 464 ], [ 187, 451, 234, 465 ], [ 236, 451, 279, 464 ], [ 138, 504, 181, 518 ], [ 193, 503, 236, 517 ], [ 295, 506, 303, 517 ], [ 140, 520, 182, 533 ], [ 193, 518, 238, 532 ], [ 296, 520, 304, 531 ], [ 138, 534, 184, 547 ], [ 191, 532, 237, 545 ], [ 297, 532, 304, 545 ], [ 138, 547, 169, 560 ], [ 297, 549, 303, 559 ], [ 138, 561, 167, 574 ], [ 297, 561, 304, 572 ], [ 138, 575, 166, 589 ], [ 297, 575, 305, 588 ], [ 131, 617, 176, 631 ], [ 182, 616, 281, 630 ], [ 285, 616, 339, 627 ], [ 348, 615, 366, 629 ], [ 373, 616, 453, 630 ], [ 461, 616, 503, 627 ], [ 513, 615, 549, 629 ], [ 556, 613, 644, 626 ], [ 649, 613, 676, 626 ], [ 130, 631, 168, 645 ], [ 170, 633, 248, 643 ], [ 251, 630, 271, 644 ], [ 275, 631, 325, 642 ], [ 331, 630, 366, 644 ], [ 373, 631, 446, 644 ], [ 75, 670, 122, 680 ], [ 124, 669, 170, 680 ], [ 170, 669, 199, 682 ], [ 201, 669, 282, 682 ], [ 285, 668, 303, 681 ], [ 304, 668, 331, 682 ], [ 330, 666, 386, 679 ], [ 388, 668, 403, 679 ], [ 405, 666, 430, 680 ], [ 432, 665, 467, 679 ], [ 466, 665, 534, 679 ], [ 77, 696, 106, 707 ], [ 110, 694, 151, 707 ], [ 154, 694, 169, 707 ], [ 173, 694, 184, 705 ], [ 184, 696, 225, 706 ], [ 226, 691, 282, 705 ], [ 282, 693, 307, 706 ], [ 309, 693, 327, 704 ], [ 328, 691, 380, 706 ], [ 384, 691, 402, 702 ], [ 402, 691, 445, 702 ], [ 448, 689, 486, 703 ], [ 489, 690, 510, 700 ], [ 74, 709, 102, 720 ], [ 103, 711, 128, 722 ], [ 130, 708, 150, 719 ], [ 151, 708, 204, 721 ], [ 205, 707, 218, 720 ], [ 221, 707, 238, 720 ], [ 239, 705, 316, 719 ], [ 82, 859, 106, 867 ], [ 112, 858, 130, 868 ], [ 130, 859, 145, 866 ], [ 151, 856, 172, 867 ], [ 177, 855, 187, 868 ], [ 187, 856, 198, 867 ], [ 123, 817, 150, 834 ], [ 149, 818, 169, 835 ], [ 406, 744, 451, 758 ], [ 405, 763, 458, 778 ], [ 461, 761, 535, 776 ], [ 541, 761, 590, 774 ], [ 406, 781, 455, 842 ], [ 406, 813, 442, 824 ], [ 448, 813, 487, 824 ], [ 406, 835, 455, 848 ], [ 457, 832, 468, 846 ], [ 409, 846, 465, 859 ], [ 468, 845, 525, 859 ], [ 527, 844, 544, 859 ], [ 546, 844, 605, 858 ] ]
[ "20", "30", "60", "20", "30", "60", "October 9, 1968", "Mr. Mary Goldsmith", "BBDO Inc.", "383 Madison Avenue New York 10017", "American Tobacco Co.", "Tareyton Cigarettes" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Date:", "answer": "October 9, 1968" }, { "question": "Contact:", "answer": "Mr. Mary Goldsmith" }, { "question": "Agency:", "answer": "BBDO Inc." }, { "question": "Address:", "answer": "383 Madison Avenue New York 10017" }, { "question": "Client:", "answer": "American Tobacco Co." }, { "question": "Products:", "answer": "Tareyton Cigarettes" }, { "question": "Phone Booth :", "answer": "20" }, { "question": "Phone Booth :", "answer": "Phone Booth :" }, { "question": "Phone Booth :", "answer": "30" }, { "question": "Phone Booth :", "answer": "Phone Booth :" }, { "question": "Phone Booth :", "answer": "60" }, { "question": "Phone Booth :", "answer": "Phone Booth :" }, { "question": "ECU :", "answer": "20" }, { "question": "ECU :", "answer": "ECU :" }, { "question": "ECU :", "answer": "30" }, { "question": "ECU :", "answer": "ECU :" }, { "question": "ECU :", "answer": "60" }, { "question": "ECU :", "answer": "ECU :" } ] }
[ "TO:", "FROM:", "DATE:", "P.1/8", "8", "92327794", "Jul", "22", "93", "02:42PM", "LORILLARD", "TOBACCO", "919", "373", "6917", "Lorillard", "TOBACCO", "COMPANY", "2525E", "Market", "Street,", "P.O.", "Box", "21688,", "Greensboro,", "North", "Carolina", "27420", "1688", "VIA", "FACSIMILE", "(919)", "378-", "001", "Ron", "Goldbrenner", "Becky", "Hayden", "July", "22,", "1993", "NUMBER", "OF", "PAGES", "(INCLUDING", "COVER", "SHEET):", "OUR", "FAX", "NUMBER", "IS:", "(919)", "373-", "6917", "IF", "YOU", "DO", "NOT", "RECEIVE", "ANY", "OF", "THE", "PAGES,", "PLEASE", "CALL", "AT", "(919)", "AT", "THE", "GREENSBORO", "BRANCH", "AS", "SOON", "AS", "POSSIBLE.", "THANK", "YOU." ]
[ [ 151, 319, 181, 339 ], [ 153, 349, 198, 366 ], [ 151, 379, 198, 392 ], [ 663, 8, 705, 25 ], [ 513, 414, 526, 429 ], [ 696, 761, 718, 829 ], [ 145, 13, 170, 28 ], [ 173, 13, 190, 28 ], [ 196, 13, 216, 26 ], [ 223, 13, 276, 30 ], [ 276, 13, 339, 28 ], [ 342, 12, 392, 27 ], [ 397, 13, 417, 25 ], [ 420, 12, 447, 27 ], [ 449, 12, 482, 25 ], [ 100, 63, 311, 133 ], [ 184, 118, 237, 136 ], [ 241, 116, 301, 134 ], [ 306, 120, 343, 132 ], [ 342, 120, 372, 133 ], [ 372, 120, 402, 135 ], [ 404, 121, 424, 133 ], [ 425, 121, 445, 133 ], [ 444, 121, 474, 133 ], [ 475, 121, 528, 131 ], [ 528, 121, 555, 133 ], [ 555, 121, 592, 133 ], [ 593, 121, 625, 131 ], [ 623, 121, 646, 131 ], [ 369, 224, 397, 239 ], [ 402, 224, 482, 237 ], [ 241, 297, 274, 312 ], [ 276, 296, 313, 313 ], [ 312, 296, 339, 313 ], [ 239, 319, 262, 332 ], [ 266, 316, 347, 331 ], [ 234, 347, 276, 359 ], [ 281, 346, 329, 358 ], [ 239, 372, 269, 387 ], [ 271, 375, 298, 385 ], [ 301, 374, 334, 387 ], [ 153, 419, 211, 431 ], [ 209, 419, 231, 432 ], [ 236, 417, 281, 432 ], [ 296, 417, 381, 430 ], [ 389, 417, 431, 429 ], [ 435, 417, 493, 430 ], [ 151, 445, 179, 462 ], [ 184, 447, 214, 459 ], [ 213, 447, 274, 459 ], [ 281, 447, 304, 459 ], [ 321, 444, 363, 462 ], [ 367, 444, 404, 461 ], [ 405, 444, 438, 459 ], [ 150, 568, 173, 583 ], [ 181, 568, 206, 583 ], [ 209, 570, 231, 585 ], [ 234, 571, 267, 581 ], [ 271, 566, 331, 581 ], [ 336, 570, 364, 582 ], [ 369, 568, 389, 583 ], [ 394, 568, 426, 580 ], [ 429, 566, 479, 579 ], [ 150, 585, 208, 598 ], [ 208, 585, 250, 598 ], [ 153, 598, 173, 610 ], [ 178, 598, 223, 610 ], [ 407, 595, 430, 608 ], [ 435, 595, 472, 610 ], [ 473, 595, 559, 608 ], [ 561, 593, 616, 608 ], [ 621, 595, 641, 608 ], [ 153, 613, 190, 625 ], [ 194, 613, 212, 625 ], [ 221, 610, 296, 625 ], [ 150, 641, 201, 653 ], [ 204, 640, 237, 655 ] ]
[ "8", "(919) 378- 001 Ron Goldbrenner", "Becky Hayden", "July 22, 1993", "(919) 373- 6917" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "TO:", "answer": "(919) 378- 001 Ron Goldbrenner" }, { "question": "FROM:", "answer": "Becky Hayden" }, { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "July 22, 1993" }, { "question": "NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET):", "answer": "8" }, { "question": "OUR FAX NUMBER IS:", "answer": "(919) 373- 6917" } ] }
[ "Date", "Signature", "NOTE:", "Brand & Style", "Tar (Mg /Cigt)", "Nicotine (Mg /Cigt)", "Tar (Mg /Cigt)", "Nicotine (Mg/ /Cigt)" ]
[ "Date", "Signature", "From", "To", "NOTE:", "3", "2", "", "A.", "T.", "Co.", "Tar", "&", "Nicotine", "Change", "Form", "7/", "24/", "90", "CARLTON", "100's", "FMSP", "Brand", "&", "Style", "Tar", "(Mg", "/Cigt)", "Nicotine", "(Mg", "/Cigt)", "Tar", "(Mg", "/Cigt)", "Nicotine", "(Mg/", "/Cigt)", "0", ".2", "0", ".3", "Use", "Separate", "Form", "For", "Each", "Change" ]
[ [ 401, 165, 442, 189 ], [ 344, 433, 426, 457 ], [ 211, 295, 256, 312 ], [ 492, 293, 520, 310 ], [ 126, 547, 175, 567 ], [ 154, 385, 167, 402 ], [ 429, 390, 444, 403 ], [ 443, 420, 584, 454 ], [ 229, 94, 247, 114 ], [ 247, 96, 265, 113 ], [ 264, 94, 292, 111 ], [ 299, 95, 327, 112 ], [ 334, 95, 348, 112 ], [ 352, 96, 423, 113 ], [ 427, 95, 480, 112 ], [ 490, 98, 526, 113 ], [ 487, 161, 498, 178 ], [ 499, 159, 520, 180 ], [ 521, 159, 543, 180 ], [ 285, 229, 339, 250 ], [ 342, 228, 381, 248 ], [ 384, 230, 418, 248 ], [ 124, 233, 171, 258 ], [ 177, 232, 194, 257 ], [ 197, 230, 242, 257 ], [ 152, 323, 183, 343 ], [ 127, 348, 152, 370 ], [ 155, 351, 208, 371 ], [ 268, 323, 338, 343 ], [ 265, 348, 294, 369 ], [ 292, 352, 348, 367 ], [ 430, 323, 462, 340 ], [ 409, 348, 434, 370 ], [ 432, 351, 488, 371 ], [ 543, 324, 617, 342 ], [ 546, 352, 573, 370 ], [ 573, 352, 625, 370 ], [ 566, 387, 577, 401 ], [ 577, 387, 597, 404 ], [ 285, 387, 296, 404 ], [ 295, 388, 312, 403 ], [ 187, 547, 219, 565 ], [ 225, 546, 295, 564 ], [ 303, 547, 341, 565 ], [ 348, 549, 375, 564 ], [ 381, 546, 417, 563 ], [ 426, 547, 478, 565 ] ]
[ "3", "2", "", "7/ 24/ 90", "CARLTON 100's FMSP", "0 .2", "0 .3", "Use Separate Form For Each Change" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Date", "answer": "7/ 24/ 90" }, { "question": "Signature", "answer": "" }, { "question": "NOTE:", "answer": "Use Separate Form For Each Change" }, { "question": "Brand & Style", "answer": "CARLTON 100's FMSP" }, { "question": "Tar (Mg /Cigt)", "answer": "Tar (Mg /Cigt)" }, { "question": "Tar (Mg /Cigt)", "answer": "3" }, { "question": "Nicotine (Mg /Cigt)", "answer": "Nicotine (Mg /Cigt)" }, { "question": "Nicotine (Mg /Cigt)", "answer": "0 .3" }, { "question": "Tar (Mg /Cigt)", "answer": "Tar (Mg /Cigt)" }, { "question": "Tar (Mg /Cigt)", "answer": "2" }, { "question": "Nicotine (Mg/ /Cigt)", "answer": "Nicotine (Mg/ /Cigt)" }, { "question": "Nicotine (Mg/ /Cigt)", "answer": "0 .2" } ] }
[ "Signature", "Department", "Date", "Date", "Department", "Signature", "T&N", "WARNING", "DATE", "(Date)", "REVISIONS", "BRAND", "DESCRIPTION", "JOB NO.", "SQ. INCHES/FEET", "TRIM SIZE", "Legal Approval", "DATE COMPLETE", "REVISIONS APPROVED" ]
[ "Signature", "Department", "Date", "Date", "Department", "Signature", "T&N", "WARNING", "DATE", "44", "8'", "", "33/16\"WX21/2\"H", "10/22/98", "(Date)", "REVISIONS", "BRAND", "DESCRIPTION", "7848", "JOB", "NO.", "BROWN", "&", "WILLIAMSON", "TOBACCO", "CORPORATION", "B&W", "", "", "", "INC", "", "", "", "", "KOOL", "Natural", "Passport", "Winter", "Program", "Ad-", "EMRO", "7.96875", "sq", "inches", "SQ.", "INCHES/FEET", "TRIM", "SIZE", "Exhibt", "1(a)", "Statement", "A", "Legal", "Approval", "OTT", "APPROVALS", "LKelly", "", "production", "AE", "10/22/98", "10/22/98", "B&W", "APPROVALS", "DATE", "COMPLETE", "REVISIONS", "APPROVED", "176103236", "PRODUCED", "FROM", "B&W", "WEB", "SITE" ]
[ [ 85, 527, 148, 542 ], [ 319, 525, 392, 540 ], [ 513, 523, 548, 538 ], [ 515, 676, 553, 693 ], [ 322, 679, 398, 697 ], [ 88, 683, 148, 698 ], [ 56, 453, 86, 465 ], [ 58, 394, 123, 407 ], [ 51, 239, 94, 251 ], [ 462, 228, 518, 266 ], [ 171, 447, 189, 464 ], [ 181, 628, 339, 771 ], [ 171, 332, 296, 345 ], [ 113, 238, 168, 251 ], [ 540, 346, 575, 359 ], [ 60, 819, 138, 832 ], [ 50, 159, 101, 176 ], [ 53, 199, 143, 214 ], [ 120, 120, 153, 135 ], [ 53, 121, 80, 138 ], [ 80, 123, 108, 140 ], [ 146, 38, 196, 51 ], [ 196, 37, 209, 52 ], [ 211, 35, 302, 52 ], [ 146, 53, 212, 66 ], [ 213, 53, 313, 65 ], [ 48, 73, 143, 103 ], [ 502, 18, 605, 51 ], [ 561, 12, 646, 52 ], [ 555, 42, 570, 70 ], [ 641, 47, 656, 70 ], [ 556, 71, 566, 83 ], [ 561, 83, 599, 111 ], [ 635, 73, 650, 101 ], [ 595, 96, 637, 111 ], [ 116, 159, 156, 174 ], [ 154, 159, 202, 172 ], [ 145, 199, 201, 212 ], [ 203, 199, 243, 212 ], [ 241, 198, 291, 211 ], [ 294, 196, 327, 213 ], [ 331, 183, 419, 210 ], [ 173, 277, 226, 290 ], [ 223, 276, 241, 291 ], [ 243, 276, 288, 289 ], [ 53, 276, 75, 293 ], [ 78, 274, 164, 291 ], [ 58, 334, 88, 352 ], [ 90, 337, 122, 350 ], [ 173, 392, 216, 409 ], [ 214, 392, 239, 405 ], [ 241, 390, 299, 405 ], [ 296, 387, 313, 405 ], [ 409, 319, 449, 331 ], [ 410, 331, 460, 348 ], [ 53, 510, 88, 522 ], [ 90, 507, 166, 524 ], [ 95, 537, 180, 575 ], [ 113, 570, 146, 600 ], [ 326, 540, 436, 560 ], [ 349, 560, 379, 582 ], [ 528, 533, 609, 555 ], [ 517, 560, 608, 578 ], [ 56, 664, 94, 677 ], [ 95, 663, 175, 676 ], [ 324, 817, 361, 830 ], [ 364, 812, 435, 829 ], [ 520, 812, 593, 825 ], [ 595, 811, 671, 824 ], [ 0, 953, 83, 966 ], [ 0, 968, 73, 980 ], [ 78, 970, 118, 980 ], [ 121, 967, 153, 984 ], [ 159, 965, 187, 983 ], [ 193, 967, 231, 984 ] ]
[ "8'", "", "33/16\"WX21/2\"H", "10/22/98", "7848", "KOOL Natural", "Passport Winter Program Ad- EMRO", "7.96875 sq inches", "Exhibt 1(a) Statement A", "LKelly ", "production AE", "10/22/98 10/22/98" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Signature", "answer": "LKelly " }, { "question": "Signature", "answer": "Signature" }, { "question": "Department", "answer": "production AE" }, { "question": "Department", "answer": "Department" }, { "question": "Date", "answer": "10/22/98 10/22/98" }, { "question": "Date", "answer": "Date" }, { "question": "Date", "answer": "Date" }, { "question": "Department", "answer": "Department" }, { "question": "Signature", "answer": "Signature" }, { "question": "Signature", "answer": "" }, { "question": "T&N", "answer": "8'" }, { "question": "WARNING", "answer": "Exhibt 1(a) Statement A" }, { "question": "DATE", "answer": "10/22/98" }, { "question": "BRAND", "answer": "KOOL Natural" }, { "question": "DESCRIPTION", "answer": "Passport Winter Program Ad- EMRO" }, { "question": "JOB NO.", "answer": "7848" }, { "question": "SQ. INCHES/FEET", "answer": "7.96875 sq inches" }, { "question": "TRIM SIZE", "answer": "33/16\"WX21/2\"H" } ] }
[ "RE", "DATE", "Remarks", "Color", "Supplier", "Weight", "Draw", "Tars", "Nicotine", "SQC -21", "Bale No.", "Total Denier as Marked", "Total Denier as Tested", "% Moisture in Tow", "Maker No.", "Type of Rod", "Length of Rod", "Circ of Rod", "Mean Draw of Rod", "Complete Weight", "Dry Wt. With Adhesive", "Dry Weight", "% Plasticizer", "Firmness of Rod", "Quality of Bloom", "Width of Band", "Ref. Paper", "Quan of Trays Produced", "Rods per Min.", "Tape Speed", "F. P. M. Delivery Roller", "F. P. M. No. 1 Roller", "F. P. M. No. 2 Roller", "Delivery Roller over Tape", "Pressure on Air Jet", "Pump Press. Card Roller", "No. 1 Roller over Tape", "Date Made", "Tobacco Used", "Length of Cigarettes", "% Moisture in Tobacco", "Wt. of Cigarettes /4 oz.", "Type of Maker", "Type of Tipper", "Smoking Results", "Production Supervised by:", "Recearch Engineer", "Copies to:", "Wet Weight" ]
[ "RE", "DATE", "Remarks", "Color", "Supplier", "Weight", "Draw", "Tars", "Nicotine", "-339", ".0", "6", "Good", "Good", "Good", "#450", "3", "1067", "White", "\"D\"", "24", ".7", ".844", "SPRING", "AMF", "85", "Hauni", "011221115", "P.", "LORILLARD", "CO.", "(Revised", "5/", "9/", "61)", "SQC", "-21", "Bale", "No.", "Total", "Denier", "as", "Marked", "Total", "Denier", "as", "Tested", "%", "Moisture", "in", "Tow", "Maker", "No.", "T.", "E.", "58", ",000", "Research", "Division", "Type", "of", "Rod", "Length", "of", "Rod", "120", "mm.", "Circ", "of", "Rod", "Mean", "Draw", "of", "Rod", "0", ".12", "(new", "scale)", "86", ".9", "gms", "93", ".3", "gms.", "99", ".2", "gms.", "99", ".2", "gms.", "Complete", "Weight", "Dry", "Wt.", "With", "Adhesive", "Dry", "Weight", "*", "Special", "Plasticizer", "-", "1", "part", "LG-", "168", "-", "15", "parts", "Estrobond", "\"B\"", "Union", "Carbide", "LG-", "168", "additive", ".38%", "Sample", "repeated", "as", "RE-", "341", "because", "2.", "1/", "58", ",000", "tow", "was", "used", "instead", "of", "2.", "1/", "42", ",000", "tow.", "RESEARCH", "DIVISION", "11", "/2", "/61", "%", "Plasticizer", "Firmness", "of", "Rod", "Quality", "of", "Bloom", "Width", "of", "Band", "Ref.", "Paper", "Quan", "of", "Trays", "Produced", "Rods", "per", "Min.", "Tape", "Speed", "F.", "P.", "M.", "Delivery", "Roller", "F.", "P.", "M.", "No.", "1", "Roller", "F.", "P.", "M.", "No.", "2", "Roller", "Delivery", "Roller", "over", "Tape", "400", "F.", "P.", "M.", "337", ".5", "477", ".5", "362", ".5", "1", ".194", "120", "psig", "16", "psig", "Pressure", "on", "Air", "Jet", "Pump", "Press.", "Card", "Roller", "No.", "1", "Roller", "over", "Tape", "Date", "Made", "11", "/3", "/61", "Tobacco", "Used", "Length", "of", "Cigarettes", "%", "Moisture", "in", "Tobacco", "Wt.", "of", "Cigarettes", "/4", "oz.", "Type", "of", "Maker", "Type", "of", "Tipper", "Smoking", "Results", ".922", "1", ".059", ".54", ".20", "20", ".2", "7", ".6", "62", ".4", "1", ".07", ".41", "61", ".7", "Production", "Supervised", "by:", "", "", "", "Benner", "Recearch", "Engineer", "Dr.", "C.", "O.", "Jensen", "Mr.", "R.", "A.", "Wagner", "Mr.", "J.", "Berner", "Dr.", "A.", "W.", "Spears", "Copies", "to:", "Wet", "Weight" ]
[ [ 603, 38, 624, 59 ], [ 568, 89, 607, 110 ], [ 43, 504, 114, 526 ], [ 45, 166, 94, 188 ], [ 49, 119, 119, 136 ], [ 223, 792, 283, 810 ], [ 330, 793, 375, 808 ], [ 469, 793, 512, 811 ], [ 602, 792, 679, 814 ], [ 628, 39, 664, 57 ], [ 640, 117, 657, 134 ], [ 623, 117, 638, 134 ], [ 624, 142, 665, 159 ], [ 623, 168, 670, 188 ], [ 626, 194, 667, 211 ], [ 624, 219, 665, 239 ], [ 635, 250, 649, 264 ], [ 626, 270, 665, 291 ], [ 257, 163, 307, 183 ], [ 268, 297, 299, 315 ], [ 249, 349, 267, 367 ], [ 268, 348, 290, 368 ], [ 652, 402, 690, 420 ], [ 346, 709, 403, 733 ], [ 226, 767, 261, 781 ], [ 649, 714, 677, 736 ], [ 588, 767, 635, 787 ], [ 719, 872, 739, 967 ], [ 43, 63, 65, 83 ], [ 71, 64, 155, 82 ], [ 161, 63, 189, 83 ], [ 109, 89, 184, 107 ], [ 190, 91, 210, 108 ], [ 208, 88, 229, 109 ], [ 229, 87, 256, 105 ], [ 47, 88, 74, 109 ], [ 75, 91, 102, 109 ], [ 46, 142, 85, 160 ], [ 91, 141, 120, 163 ], [ 45, 194, 92, 214 ], [ 99, 196, 156, 214 ], [ 161, 198, 183, 211 ], [ 189, 196, 246, 211 ], [ 46, 221, 92, 236 ], [ 98, 222, 155, 239 ], [ 162, 222, 183, 237 ], [ 190, 221, 247, 239 ], [ 41, 246, 58, 266 ], [ 63, 244, 137, 264 ], [ 144, 246, 166, 264 ], [ 172, 246, 203, 263 ], [ 42, 270, 94, 290 ], [ 96, 272, 128, 289 ], [ 256, 119, 274, 134 ], [ 277, 116, 295, 134 ], [ 254, 191, 276, 209 ], [ 277, 194, 313, 211 ], [ 204, 272, 279, 289 ], [ 285, 272, 363, 289 ], [ 42, 297, 83, 317 ], [ 92, 297, 112, 315 ], [ 116, 299, 147, 312 ], [ 43, 323, 100, 343 ], [ 109, 323, 131, 340 ], [ 133, 323, 167, 341 ], [ 237, 323, 271, 344 ], [ 274, 323, 305, 343 ], [ 43, 348, 90, 366 ], [ 98, 348, 119, 366 ], [ 126, 349, 155, 367 ], [ 41, 374, 83, 392 ], [ 91, 376, 132, 396 ], [ 137, 376, 155, 396 ], [ 162, 373, 194, 393 ], [ 251, 376, 268, 391 ], [ 268, 373, 293, 393 ], [ 295, 373, 336, 394 ], [ 339, 370, 392, 394 ], [ 236, 398, 258, 418 ], [ 260, 397, 278, 418 ], [ 285, 399, 321, 420 ], [ 240, 426, 261, 446 ], [ 260, 426, 278, 444 ], [ 284, 429, 323, 446 ], [ 239, 453, 260, 471 ], [ 260, 451, 281, 471 ], [ 285, 454, 320, 475 ], [ 237, 479, 258, 497 ], [ 260, 479, 280, 499 ], [ 284, 482, 322, 499 ], [ 43, 479, 117, 499 ], [ 123, 480, 183, 498 ], [ 45, 426, 77, 446 ], [ 77, 427, 108, 445 ], [ 113, 426, 154, 446 ], [ 161, 426, 234, 446 ], [ 45, 401, 76, 421 ], [ 80, 399, 139, 421 ], [ 140, 510, 153, 523 ], [ 158, 510, 222, 525 ], [ 230, 510, 331, 525 ], [ 339, 513, 350, 523 ], [ 356, 513, 366, 526 ], [ 373, 513, 414, 528 ], [ 419, 513, 448, 526 ], [ 448, 511, 473, 526 ], [ 480, 514, 494, 522 ], [ 500, 513, 518, 527 ], [ 527, 514, 573, 529 ], [ 581, 513, 663, 528 ], [ 673, 513, 700, 527 ], [ 159, 528, 205, 545 ], [ 214, 528, 278, 542 ], [ 285, 528, 313, 542 ], [ 313, 528, 341, 543 ], [ 348, 529, 422, 543 ], [ 432, 528, 474, 546 ], [ 159, 564, 215, 578 ], [ 222, 563, 296, 577 ], [ 303, 566, 323, 577 ], [ 331, 564, 356, 578 ], [ 358, 563, 386, 580 ], [ 391, 564, 457, 578 ], [ 462, 564, 482, 577 ], [ 483, 563, 501, 578 ], [ 501, 564, 518, 577 ], [ 520, 563, 555, 580 ], [ 564, 566, 592, 579 ], [ 598, 566, 630, 579 ], [ 635, 567, 673, 578 ], [ 158, 581, 222, 595 ], [ 232, 581, 250, 594 ], [ 258, 581, 275, 595 ], [ 277, 581, 295, 595 ], [ 295, 581, 312, 595 ], [ 313, 580, 351, 597 ], [ 358, 582, 393, 596 ], [ 566, 66, 644, 86 ], [ 649, 64, 726, 88 ], [ 617, 91, 635, 109 ], [ 635, 91, 656, 112 ], [ 656, 92, 684, 107 ], [ 404, 112, 421, 133 ], [ 423, 115, 525, 136 ], [ 406, 141, 479, 161 ], [ 485, 141, 510, 161 ], [ 515, 142, 546, 162 ], [ 405, 166, 471, 187 ], [ 476, 168, 498, 188 ], [ 504, 169, 551, 189 ], [ 405, 194, 451, 214 ], [ 458, 194, 480, 212 ], [ 487, 194, 525, 215 ], [ 405, 219, 441, 240 ], [ 450, 219, 499, 241 ], [ 401, 249, 451, 264 ], [ 459, 247, 479, 265 ], [ 487, 249, 534, 267 ], [ 541, 247, 615, 268 ], [ 404, 272, 443, 290 ], [ 450, 275, 481, 292 ], [ 487, 275, 522, 292 ], [ 406, 299, 444, 317 ], [ 450, 300, 499, 315 ], [ 406, 324, 421, 345 ], [ 423, 325, 440, 342 ], [ 440, 325, 457, 343 ], [ 468, 323, 543, 345 ], [ 549, 327, 605, 342 ], [ 404, 351, 425, 368 ], [ 423, 351, 440, 368 ], [ 444, 353, 457, 370 ], [ 464, 351, 496, 373 ], [ 501, 352, 518, 369 ], [ 522, 355, 579, 370 ], [ 405, 376, 418, 397 ], [ 422, 376, 440, 396 ], [ 440, 377, 460, 395 ], [ 468, 380, 495, 398 ], [ 501, 377, 518, 392 ], [ 522, 377, 578, 395 ], [ 405, 404, 479, 424 ], [ 487, 404, 543, 424 ], [ 549, 404, 588, 422 ], [ 594, 402, 635, 422 ], [ 626, 300, 657, 317 ], [ 661, 299, 681, 320 ], [ 684, 299, 697, 317 ], [ 698, 299, 715, 320 ], [ 624, 325, 652, 340 ], [ 655, 324, 673, 345 ], [ 626, 351, 654, 369 ], [ 654, 353, 676, 367 ], [ 628, 376, 655, 391 ], [ 656, 373, 674, 393 ], [ 642, 430, 655, 444 ], [ 654, 429, 693, 444 ], [ 626, 454, 655, 474 ], [ 662, 455, 701, 475 ], [ 634, 482, 656, 500 ], [ 661, 482, 702, 502 ], [ 404, 479, 481, 500 ], [ 487, 479, 507, 501 ], [ 513, 480, 542, 500 ], [ 550, 480, 582, 501 ], [ 406, 454, 445, 475 ], [ 451, 457, 507, 474 ], [ 513, 458, 552, 473 ], [ 559, 457, 615, 477 ], [ 404, 429, 432, 449 ], [ 440, 429, 454, 449 ], [ 459, 430, 515, 451 ], [ 524, 432, 563, 449 ], [ 568, 427, 607, 451 ], [ 45, 712, 84, 732 ], [ 88, 714, 129, 734 ], [ 131, 712, 149, 730 ], [ 148, 712, 170, 733 ], [ 168, 714, 195, 735 ], [ 226, 714, 289, 734 ], [ 299, 715, 338, 733 ], [ 439, 714, 498, 734 ], [ 506, 712, 528, 733 ], [ 531, 715, 623, 737 ], [ 41, 736, 59, 760 ], [ 61, 740, 135, 760 ], [ 142, 740, 164, 758 ], [ 169, 739, 237, 759 ], [ 394, 742, 425, 757 ], [ 432, 742, 454, 759 ], [ 459, 737, 548, 759 ], [ 547, 739, 572, 761 ], [ 574, 742, 605, 762 ], [ 42, 764, 84, 786 ], [ 89, 767, 111, 785 ], [ 116, 765, 162, 783 ], [ 394, 768, 435, 786 ], [ 441, 767, 461, 787 ], [ 468, 767, 525, 789 ], [ 42, 825, 112, 845 ], [ 113, 825, 186, 845 ], [ 194, 825, 232, 842 ], [ 244, 827, 259, 844 ], [ 260, 828, 298, 845 ], [ 311, 824, 339, 844 ], [ 358, 827, 385, 844 ], [ 409, 827, 429, 845 ], [ 429, 824, 451, 848 ], [ 469, 827, 484, 845 ], [ 485, 825, 505, 846 ], [ 524, 825, 544, 843 ], [ 546, 824, 564, 845 ], [ 574, 825, 591, 845 ], [ 589, 825, 618, 845 ], [ 633, 825, 661, 845 ], [ 689, 827, 709, 845 ], [ 709, 825, 726, 849 ], [ 128, 859, 226, 881 ], [ 232, 862, 327, 882 ], [ 332, 862, 359, 882 ], [ 370, 849, 528, 881 ], [ 549, 849, 711, 887 ], [ 404, 887, 479, 932 ], [ 486, 890, 588, 921 ], [ 459, 915, 536, 933 ], [ 541, 913, 614, 934 ], [ 138, 901, 166, 918 ], [ 175, 902, 195, 916 ], [ 203, 902, 223, 916 ], [ 228, 899, 287, 917 ], [ 137, 919, 171, 934 ], [ 175, 918, 196, 932 ], [ 200, 920, 222, 933 ], [ 229, 918, 289, 933 ], [ 138, 934, 166, 951 ], [ 175, 934, 197, 949 ], [ 204, 932, 258, 949 ], [ 137, 951, 169, 968 ], [ 175, 948, 197, 965 ], [ 204, 950, 226, 967 ], [ 236, 953, 300, 968 ], [ 42, 898, 101, 919 ], [ 106, 901, 134, 918 ], [ 41, 451, 75, 471 ], [ 81, 454, 138, 472 ] ]
[ "-339", ".0", "6", "Good", "Good", "Good", "#450", "3", "1067", "White", "\"D\"", "24", ".844", "SPRING", "AMF", "85", "Hauni", "(Revised 5/ 9/ 61)", "T. E.", "58 ,000", "Research Division", "120 mm.", "0 .12 (new scale)", "86 .9 gms", "93 .3 gms.", "99 .2 gms.", "99 .2 gms.", "* Special Plasticizer - 1 part LG- 168 - 15 parts Estrobond \"B\" Union Carbide LG- 168 additive .38%", "Sample repeated as RE- 341 because 2. 1/ 58 ,000 tow was used instead of 2. 1/ 42 ,000 tow.", "11 /2 /61", "400 F. P. M.", "337 .5", "477 .5", "362 .5", "1 .194", "120 psig", "16 psig", "11 /3 /61", ".922 1 .059 .54 .20 20 .2 7 .6 62 .4 1 .07 .41 61 .7", "Benner", "Dr. C. O. Jensen Mr. R. A. Wagner Mr. J. Berner Dr. A. W. Spears" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "RE", "answer": "-339" }, { "question": "DATE", "answer": "11 /2 /61" }, { "question": "Remarks", "answer": "* Special Plasticizer - 1 part LG- 168 - 15 parts Estrobond \"B\" Union Carbide LG- 168 additive .38%" }, { "question": "Remarks", "answer": "Sample repeated as RE- 341 because 2. 1/ 58 ,000 tow was used instead of 2. 1/ 42 ,000 tow." }, { "question": "Color", "answer": "White" }, { "question": "Supplier", "answer": "T. E." }, { "question": "Weight", "answer": ".922 1 .059 .54 .20 20 .2 7 .6 62 .4 1 .07 .41 61 .7" }, { "question": "Draw", "answer": ".922 1 .059 .54 .20 20 .2 7 .6 62 .4 1 .07 .41 61 .7" }, { "question": "Tars", "answer": ".922 1 .059 .54 .20 20 .2 7 .6 62 .4 1 .07 .41 61 .7" }, { "question": "Nicotine", "answer": ".922 1 .059 .54 .20 20 .2 7 .6 62 .4 1 .07 .41 61 .7" }, { "question": "SQC -21", "answer": "(Revised 5/ 9/ 61)" }, { "question": "Total Denier as Marked", "answer": "58 ,000" }, { "question": "Maker No.", "answer": "Research Division" }, { "question": "Type of Rod", "answer": "\"D\"" }, { "question": "Length of Rod", "answer": "120 mm." }, { "question": "Circ of Rod", "answer": "24" }, { "question": "Mean Draw of Rod", "answer": "0 .12 (new scale)" }, { "question": "Complete Weight", "answer": "99 .2 gms." }, { "question": "Dry Wt. With Adhesive", "answer": "93 .3 gms." }, { "question": "Dry Weight", "answer": "86 .9 gms" }, { "question": "% Plasticizer", "answer": "6" }, { "question": "% Plasticizer", "answer": ".0" }, { "question": "Firmness of Rod", "answer": "Good" }, { "question": "Quality of Bloom", "answer": "Good" }, { "question": "Width of Band", "answer": "Good" }, { "question": "Ref. Paper", "answer": "#450" }, { "question": "Quan of Trays Produced", "answer": "3" }, { "question": "Rods per Min.", "answer": "1067" }, { "question": "Tape Speed", "answer": "400 F. P. M." }, { "question": "F. P. M. Delivery Roller", "answer": "337 .5" }, { "question": "F. P. M. No. 1 Roller", "answer": "477 .5" }, { "question": "F. P. M. No. 2 Roller", "answer": "362 .5" }, { "question": "Delivery Roller over Tape", "answer": ".844" }, { "question": "Pressure on Air Jet", "answer": "16 psig" }, { "question": "Pump Press. Card Roller", "answer": "120 psig" }, { "question": "No. 1 Roller over Tape", "answer": "1 .194" }, { "question": "Date Made", "answer": "11 /3 /61" }, { "question": "Tobacco Used", "answer": "SPRING" }, { "question": "Length of Cigarettes", "answer": "85" }, { "question": "Type of Maker", "answer": "AMF" }, { "question": "Type of Tipper", "answer": "Hauni" }, { "question": "Smoking Results", "answer": ".922 1 .059 .54 .20 20 .2 7 .6 62 .4 1 .07 .41 61 .7" }, { "question": "Recearch Engineer", "answer": "Benner" }, { "question": "Copies to:", "answer": "Dr. C. O. Jensen Mr. R. A. Wagner Mr. J. Berner Dr. A. W. Spears" }, { "question": "Wet Weight", "answer": "99 .2 gms." } ] }
[ "FROM:", "TO:", "CC:", "MEDIA", "CIRCULATION", "1", "5/19/93", "11/30/93", "25,461", "PACK", "2/3/93", "8482", "1.54", "9076", "91391286", "COUPON", "CODE", "REGISTRATION", "FORM", "THOM", "SMITH", "VINCE", "LOSITO", "T.", "BAYLIES,", "L", "GIORDANO,", "V.", "LINDSLEY,", "M.", "MCGLYNN,", "S", "RAPISARLDI,", "B.", "maj", "", "HARLEY-", "DAVIDSON", "MAGAZINE-", "", "HOT", "ROD", "BRANDS(S)", "APPLICABLE", "ISSUE", "FREQUENCY/", "YEAR", "SPACE/", "COLOR", "FULL", "PAGE", "COUPON", "ISSUE", "DATE", "COUPON", "EXPIRATION", "DATE", "GEOGRAPHICAL", "AREA(S)", "TOTAL", "HOUSTON,", "GALVESTON,", "MINNEAPOLIS,", "ST.", "PAUL,", "DULUTH", "COUPON", "VALUE", "$", ".75", "OFF", "1", "PACK", "PACK", "AND", "OR/", "CARTOCARTON", "ADVERTISING", "CREATIVE", "THEME", "BLUE", "SKY", "SIGNATURE", "OF", "INITIATOR", "", "", "", "DATE", "INITIATED", "ANALYTICAL", "REQUIREMENTS:", "FOR", "CONTROL", "USE", "ONLY:", "93-", "056", "CODE", "ASSIGNED:", "JOB", "NUMBER:", "EST.", "REDEMPTION:" ]
[ [ 108, 117, 154, 134 ], [ 108, 152, 133, 165 ], [ 108, 184, 133, 197 ], [ 108, 282, 150, 296 ], [ 108, 459, 197, 476 ], [ 337, 311, 348, 324 ], [ 335, 381, 392, 396 ], [ 337, 409, 401, 426 ], [ 334, 473, 383, 488 ], [ 337, 571, 373, 584 ], [ 366, 655, 444, 694 ], [ 554, 761, 604, 781 ], [ 581, 797, 626, 814 ], [ 568, 781, 620, 796 ], [ 742, 774, 760, 847 ], [ 328, 85, 387, 99 ], [ 387, 84, 429, 99 ], [ 429, 84, 527, 98 ], [ 529, 82, 571, 99 ], [ 161, 117, 200, 132 ], [ 203, 117, 245, 131 ], [ 148, 149, 190, 164 ], [ 189, 149, 242, 164 ], [ 145, 183, 163, 197 ], [ 162, 183, 225, 197 ], [ 225, 183, 236, 197 ], [ 240, 183, 318, 198 ], [ 316, 183, 333, 197 ], [ 332, 182, 403, 197 ], [ 401, 182, 421, 196 ], [ 423, 180, 490, 194 ], [ 490, 182, 508, 197 ], [ 507, 182, 591, 196 ], [ 589, 172, 610, 194 ], [ 613, 176, 642, 194 ], [ 644, 165, 659, 187 ], [ 338, 253, 390, 264 ], [ 390, 250, 454, 264 ], [ 337, 282, 400, 295 ], [ 404, 285, 417, 293 ], [ 420, 281, 444, 295 ], [ 450, 281, 478, 294 ], [ 106, 247, 179, 265 ], [ 182, 249, 262, 266 ], [ 105, 314, 148, 328 ], [ 149, 314, 237, 328 ], [ 235, 313, 271, 328 ], [ 105, 346, 155, 363 ], [ 156, 346, 202, 361 ], [ 334, 339, 369, 353 ], [ 374, 339, 409, 354 ], [ 106, 380, 165, 394 ], [ 168, 378, 209, 392 ], [ 208, 378, 247, 391 ], [ 108, 412, 168, 426 ], [ 168, 412, 246, 426 ], [ 246, 411, 288, 425 ], [ 106, 508, 211, 522 ], [ 214, 507, 266, 524 ], [ 335, 506, 377, 519 ], [ 381, 506, 442, 521 ], [ 448, 506, 523, 520 ], [ 532, 504, 623, 518 ], [ 630, 504, 652, 518 ], [ 662, 503, 700, 518 ], [ 705, 503, 752, 518 ], [ 105, 541, 165, 555 ], [ 166, 539, 213, 554 ], [ 334, 543, 345, 554 ], [ 346, 541, 368, 554 ], [ 374, 541, 398, 554 ], [ 404, 541, 415, 556 ], [ 420, 542, 455, 556 ], [ 106, 573, 144, 588 ], [ 147, 574, 174, 588 ], [ 177, 573, 202, 588 ], [ 200, 573, 256, 587 ], [ 105, 606, 194, 621 ], [ 197, 603, 264, 620 ], [ 265, 605, 315, 618 ], [ 338, 606, 370, 621 ], [ 373, 608, 401, 619 ], [ 105, 640, 183, 655 ], [ 184, 637, 205, 652 ], [ 205, 637, 272, 652 ], [ 429, 601, 493, 657 ], [ 507, 612, 552, 653 ], [ 517, 599, 634, 676 ], [ 108, 672, 143, 686 ], [ 144, 670, 211, 685 ], [ 108, 701, 188, 721 ], [ 189, 700, 299, 717 ], [ 325, 732, 357, 749 ], [ 358, 733, 425, 750 ], [ 425, 733, 454, 748 ], [ 453, 732, 498, 747 ], [ 554, 729, 586, 747 ], [ 589, 729, 627, 746 ], [ 327, 768, 368, 783 ], [ 369, 765, 440, 780 ], [ 325, 784, 353, 797 ], [ 359, 785, 422, 798 ], [ 325, 799, 357, 814 ], [ 359, 800, 454, 813 ] ]
[ "1", "5/19/93", "11/30/93", "25,461", "PACK", "2/3/93", "8482", "1.54", "9076", "THOM SMITH", "VINCE LOSITO", "T. BAYLIES, L GIORDANO, V. LINDSLEY, M. MCGLYNN, S RAPISARLDI,", "HARLEY- DAVIDSON", "MAGAZINE- HOT ROD", "FULL PAGE", "TOTAL HOUSTON, GALVESTON, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, DULUTH", "$ .75 OFF 1 PACK", "BLUE SKY", "", "93- 056" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "FROM:", "answer": "THOM SMITH" }, { "question": "TO:", "answer": "VINCE LOSITO" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "T. BAYLIES, L GIORDANO, V. LINDSLEY, M. MCGLYNN, S RAPISARLDI," }, { "question": "MEDIA", "answer": "MAGAZINE- HOT ROD" }, { "question": "CIRCULATION", "answer": "25,461" }, { "question": "BRANDS(S) APPLICABLE", "answer": "HARLEY- DAVIDSON" }, { "question": "ISSUE FREQUENCY/ YEAR", "answer": "1" }, { "question": "SPACE/ COLOR", "answer": "FULL PAGE" }, { "question": "COUPON ISSUE DATE", "answer": "5/19/93" }, { "question": "COUPON EXPIRATION DATE", "answer": "11/30/93" }, { "question": "GEOGRAPHICAL AREA(S)", "answer": "TOTAL HOUSTON, GALVESTON, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, DULUTH" }, { "question": "COUPON VALUE", "answer": "$ .75 OFF 1 PACK" }, { "question": "PACK AND OR/ CARTOCARTON", "answer": "PACK" }, { "question": "ADVERTISING CREATIVE THEME", "answer": "BLUE SKY" }, { "question": "SIGNATURE OF INITIATOR", "answer": "" }, { "question": "DATE INITIATED", "answer": "2/3/93" }, { "question": "FOR CONTROL USE ONLY:", "answer": "93- 056" }, { "question": "FOR CONTROL USE ONLY:", "answer": "FOR CONTROL USE ONLY:" }, { "question": "CODE ASSIGNED:", "answer": "8482" }, { "question": "CODE ASSIGNED:", "answer": "CODE ASSIGNED:" }, { "question": "JOB NUMBER:", "answer": "9076" }, { "question": "JOB NUMBER:", "answer": "JOB NUMBER:" }, { "question": "EST. REDEMPTION:", "answer": "1.54" }, { "question": "EST. REDEMPTION:", "answer": "EST. REDEMPTION:" } ] }
[ "TO:", "FROM:", "GEOGRAPHY", "FULL", "PARTIAL", "PARTIAL", "FULL", "DIVISION:", "SUBJECT:", "DISTRIBUTION", "JUNE 29", "AUG 10", "SEPT 21", "NOV 9", "DIVISION NAME:", "DIVISION NAME:", "DIVISION NAME:", "DIVISION NAME:", "DIVISION NAME:", "DIVISION NAME:", "# REPS:", "# REPS:", "# REPS:", "Name of Account", "Ind/ Lor Volume", "Number of Stores", "Name of Account", "Ind/ Lor Volume", "Number of Stores", "Name of Account", "Ind/ Lor Volume", "Number of Stores", "Name of Account", "Ind/ Lor Volume", "Number of Stores" ]
[ "TO:", "FROM:", "x", "GEOGRAPHY", "REGION:", "FULL", "PARTIAL", "PARTIAL", "FULL", "DIVISION:", "SUBJECT:", "12", "13", "7", "X", "DISTRIBUTION", "70", "121", "81619486", "S.", "P.", "ZOLOT", "SUBMISSION", "DATE", "R.", "W.", "Richardson", "JUNE", "29", "AUG", "10", "SEPT", "21", "NOV", "9", "MAVERICK", "SPECIALS", "EXPANSION", "MARKETS", "PROGRESS", "REPORT", "(ONLY", "IF", "PARTIAL", "REGION,", "CONTINUE", "WITH", "DIVISION", "(S)", "SCOPE)", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "Detroit", "North", "Detroit", "South", "Detroit", "Central", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "DIVISION", "NAME:", "Detroit", "East", "Detroit", "West", "#", "REPS:", "#", "REPS:", "#", "REPS:", "Direct", "Accounts", "and", "Chains", "Headquartered", "within", "the", "Region", "(15+", "Stores)", "Stocking", "No", "Maverick", "Specials", "Name", "of", "Account", "Ind/", "Lor", "Volume", "Number", "of", "Stores", "Name", "of", "Account", "Ind/", "Lor", "Volume", "Number", "of", "Stores", "Meijer", "Gas", "Ultra", "Diamond", "245/", "19", "223/", "25", "Direct", "Accounts", "and", "Chains", "Headquartered", "Outside", "the", "Region", "(15+", "Stores", "Stocking", "No", "Maverick", "Specials", "Name", "of", "Account", "Ind/", "Lor", "Volume", "Number", "of", "Stores", "Name", "of", "Account", "Ind/", "Lor", "Volume", "Number", "of", "Stores", "", "", "", "", "Page", "1", "of", "3" ]
[ [ 67, 108, 89, 122 ], [ 68, 138, 108, 153 ], [ 450, 171, 464, 184 ], [ 166, 237, 243, 250 ], [ 67, 263, 125, 276 ], [ 298, 262, 330, 275 ], [ 508, 263, 553, 275 ], [ 508, 312, 555, 324 ], [ 298, 311, 332, 325 ], [ 69, 311, 128, 325 ], [ 68, 203, 126, 216 ], [ 584, 336, 599, 349 ], [ 583, 356, 597, 373 ], [ 585, 380, 597, 394 ], [ 365, 311, 376, 323 ], [ 156, 416, 253, 431 ], [ 297, 509, 311, 524 ], [ 294, 528, 313, 543 ], [ 660, 809, 682, 911 ], [ 140, 108, 152, 121 ], [ 152, 108, 165, 121 ], [ 166, 108, 205, 121 ], [ 447, 109, 523, 123 ], [ 525, 109, 559, 123 ], [ 141, 140, 152, 153 ], [ 153, 138, 170, 153 ], [ 170, 139, 229, 156 ], [ 376, 139, 407, 153 ], [ 407, 140, 422, 152 ], [ 379, 169, 403, 183 ], [ 407, 169, 419, 181 ], [ 525, 140, 555, 153 ], [ 556, 140, 571, 153 ], [ 529, 171, 557, 184 ], [ 556, 169, 567, 184 ], [ 137, 202, 209, 215 ], [ 211, 199, 276, 214 ], [ 280, 200, 347, 214 ], [ 355, 200, 409, 213 ], [ 412, 200, 475, 214 ], [ 478, 203, 525, 215 ], [ 67, 284, 102, 299 ], [ 108, 284, 121, 299 ], [ 120, 284, 170, 297 ], [ 174, 285, 221, 299 ], [ 225, 284, 284, 299 ], [ 287, 285, 319, 298 ], [ 322, 284, 373, 297 ], [ 374, 285, 387, 297 ], [ 389, 285, 430, 300 ], [ 91, 336, 145, 349 ], [ 146, 336, 186, 350 ], [ 186, 338, 222, 350 ], [ 226, 338, 255, 350 ], [ 189, 358, 223, 372 ], [ 226, 360, 258, 372 ], [ 192, 381, 226, 395 ], [ 226, 380, 261, 395 ], [ 91, 358, 146, 372 ], [ 148, 359, 187, 376 ], [ 91, 380, 146, 394 ], [ 148, 380, 188, 395 ], [ 298, 338, 346, 350 ], [ 352, 338, 391, 350 ], [ 296, 359, 350, 373 ], [ 354, 358, 391, 372 ], [ 297, 379, 349, 394 ], [ 352, 381, 393, 394 ], [ 393, 361, 430, 373 ], [ 434, 363, 456, 373 ], [ 398, 337, 433, 351 ], [ 435, 339, 460, 350 ], [ 503, 338, 511, 349 ], [ 511, 336, 545, 351 ], [ 503, 360, 513, 372 ], [ 514, 359, 544, 373 ], [ 501, 382, 513, 394 ], [ 513, 382, 544, 395 ], [ 68, 446, 100, 456 ], [ 104, 444, 151, 456 ], [ 153, 446, 174, 456 ], [ 173, 443, 213, 455 ], [ 213, 443, 289, 457 ], [ 291, 443, 325, 456 ], [ 326, 444, 343, 456 ], [ 346, 443, 380, 457 ], [ 67, 457, 93, 468 ], [ 96, 458, 130, 469 ], [ 134, 456, 177, 468 ], [ 178, 457, 193, 468 ], [ 195, 456, 245, 468 ], [ 248, 458, 290, 468 ], [ 80, 485, 112, 495 ], [ 116, 482, 131, 493 ], [ 131, 486, 173, 497 ], [ 207, 478, 227, 487 ], [ 228, 479, 249, 488 ], [ 206, 492, 245, 505 ], [ 272, 475, 316, 488 ], [ 317, 478, 331, 488 ], [ 285, 494, 318, 505 ], [ 369, 481, 400, 496 ], [ 402, 481, 415, 494 ], [ 419, 486, 459, 497 ], [ 494, 472, 517, 486 ], [ 517, 475, 537, 487 ], [ 499, 490, 533, 503 ], [ 563, 477, 607, 488 ], [ 609, 477, 619, 487 ], [ 575, 492, 610, 505 ], [ 68, 510, 102, 521 ], [ 104, 510, 123, 524 ], [ 69, 532, 94, 544 ], [ 98, 531, 141, 544 ], [ 208, 509, 229, 520 ], [ 231, 509, 245, 521 ], [ 207, 532, 231, 543 ], [ 231, 532, 244, 541 ], [ 69, 699, 102, 709 ], [ 105, 700, 152, 710 ], [ 153, 702, 175, 710 ], [ 177, 698, 210, 709 ], [ 215, 698, 290, 710 ], [ 294, 700, 331, 709 ], [ 334, 700, 353, 710 ], [ 355, 699, 389, 711 ], [ 68, 709, 93, 724 ], [ 96, 711, 131, 724 ], [ 132, 711, 177, 722 ], [ 180, 711, 194, 722 ], [ 196, 711, 244, 723 ], [ 249, 711, 289, 724 ], [ 84, 739, 117, 749 ], [ 119, 739, 131, 749 ], [ 132, 740, 173, 750 ], [ 205, 732, 228, 742 ], [ 228, 733, 248, 743 ], [ 207, 746, 243, 757 ], [ 273, 731, 315, 742 ], [ 318, 733, 331, 742 ], [ 289, 749, 321, 760 ], [ 373, 740, 403, 749 ], [ 404, 738, 415, 749 ], [ 419, 741, 460, 749 ], [ 497, 730, 519, 742 ], [ 520, 733, 539, 742 ], [ 499, 744, 539, 755 ], [ 563, 732, 605, 744 ], [ 607, 731, 620, 742 ], [ 574, 747, 608, 756 ], [ 68, 952, 82, 960 ], [ 85, 954, 117, 960 ], [ 119, 952, 132, 960 ], [ 131, 953, 146, 960 ], [ 621, 950, 638, 959 ], [ 640, 949, 647, 959 ], [ 646, 952, 654, 959 ], [ 655, 949, 662, 958 ] ]
[ "x", "12", "13", "7", "X", "70", "121", "S. P. ZOLOT", "R. W. Richardson", "MAVERICK SPECIALS EXPANSION MARKETS PROGRESS REPORT", "Detroit North", "Detroit South", "Detroit Central", "Detroit East", "Detroit West", "Meijer Gas", "Ultra Diamond", "245/ 19", "223/ 25" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "TO:", "answer": "S. P. ZOLOT" }, { "question": "FROM:", "answer": "R. W. Richardson" }, { "question": "FULL", "answer": "FULL" }, { "question": "PARTIAL", "answer": "PARTIAL" }, { "question": "FULL", "answer": "X" }, { "question": "SUBJECT:", "answer": "MAVERICK SPECIALS EXPANSION MARKETS PROGRESS REPORT" }, { "question": "JUNE 29", "answer": "JUNE 29" }, { "question": "AUG 10", "answer": "AUG 10" }, { "question": "AUG 10", "answer": "x" }, { "question": "SEPT 21", "answer": "SEPT 21" }, { "question": "NOV 9", "answer": "NOV 9" }, { "question": "DIVISION NAME:", "answer": "Detroit North" }, { "question": "DIVISION NAME:", "answer": "Detroit South" }, { "question": "DIVISION NAME:", "answer": "Detroit Central" }, { "question": "DIVISION NAME:", "answer": "Detroit West" }, { "question": "DIVISION NAME:", "answer": "Detroit East" }, { "question": "# REPS:", "answer": "12" }, { "question": "# REPS:", "answer": "13" }, { "question": "# REPS:", "answer": "7" }, { "question": "Name of Account", "answer": "Meijer Gas" }, { "question": "Name of Account", "answer": "Ultra Diamond" }, { "question": "Ind/ Lor Volume", "answer": "245/ 19" }, { "question": "Ind/ Lor Volume", "answer": "223/ 25" }, { "question": "Number of Stores", "answer": "70" }, { "question": "Number of Stores", "answer": "121" } ] }
[ "Weight", "Draw", "Tar", "Nicotine", "Characteristic Tested", "Present Sample", "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "Present Sample", "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "ction to Litmus", "Static -Complete Cigar", "-1 /2 Cigar", "-1 /3 Cigar", "-Went out immediately" ]
[ "Weight", "Draw", "Tar", "Nicotine", "0", "5", "7", "12", "23", "0", "1", "0", "11", "5", "4", "4", "23", "1", "0", "0", "Basic", "Basic", "Basic", "80620665", "Characteristic", "Tested", "BETWEEN", "THE", "ACTS", "25", "%%", "mm.", "Butt", "MADISON", "25", "", "mm.", "Butt", "Smoke", "Analysis", "Present", "Sample", "Mean", "of", "Last", "12", "Samples", "Present", "Sample", "Mean", "of", "Last", "12", "Samples", "1", ".089", "0.", ".34", "39.", ".7", "4", ".26", "", "ction", "to", "Litmus", "1", ".106", "0", ".37", "35", ".6", "3", ".83", "1", ".111", "0", ".34", "37", ".8", "3", ".45", "Basic", "1", ".132", "0", ".37", "31", ".0", "2", "2.99", "urn", "Test", "Static", "-Complete", "Cigar", "-1", "/2", "Cigar", "-1", "/3", "Cigar", "-Went", "out", "immediately", "Dynamic", "-Time", "in", "seconds", "-%", "Burned", "Completely", "SOC-", "36", "P.", "LORILLARD", "CO.", ",", "INC.", "RESEARCH", "DIVISION", "QUALITY", "CONTROL", "DEPARTMENT", "SMOKE", "ANALYSIS", "AND", "BURNING", "TEST", "REPORT", "WEEKLY", "PRODUCTION", "LITTLE", "CIGARS", "NON", "FILTERS", "WEEK", "ENDING", "11/", "25", "/66" ]
[ [ 98, 306, 140, 320 ], [ 98, 331, 129, 346 ], [ 98, 358, 122, 373 ], [ 96, 385, 153, 399 ], [ 302, 475, 313, 490 ], [ 303, 499, 313, 516 ], [ 303, 527, 314, 544 ], [ 297, 566, 311, 581 ], [ 404, 476, 422, 490 ], [ 413, 503, 423, 517 ], [ 412, 529, 425, 540 ], [ 413, 567, 424, 580 ], [ 510, 473, 527, 487 ], [ 515, 500, 526, 515 ], [ 515, 527, 526, 541 ], [ 518, 566, 528, 579 ], [ 613, 472, 630, 487 ], [ 622, 527, 635, 540 ], [ 622, 500, 632, 510 ], [ 622, 564, 633, 577 ], [ 592, 406, 630, 421 ], [ 384, 411, 422, 422 ], [ 274, 412, 310, 425 ], [ 678, 828, 697, 935 ], [ 87, 232, 181, 249 ], [ 187, 235, 230, 248 ], [ 284, 221, 340, 235 ], [ 339, 219, 367, 233 ], [ 367, 219, 401, 232 ], [ 271, 240, 289, 255 ], [ 296, 240, 314, 253 ], [ 317, 243, 339, 254 ], [ 348, 240, 376, 255 ], [ 527, 219, 580, 233 ], [ 492, 235, 509, 250 ], [ 513, 236, 531, 251 ], [ 535, 239, 553, 252 ], [ 561, 237, 592, 251 ], [ 85, 270, 120, 283 ], [ 126, 267, 182, 282 ], [ 250, 267, 299, 282 ], [ 306, 265, 347, 280 ], [ 360, 267, 389, 278 ], [ 395, 267, 412, 280 ], [ 418, 267, 443, 280 ], [ 377, 278, 391, 292 ], [ 394, 278, 446, 291 ], [ 458, 265, 507, 280 ], [ 513, 264, 556, 281 ], [ 567, 264, 599, 277 ], [ 603, 264, 618, 277 ], [ 626, 263, 654, 277 ], [ 577, 275, 592, 290 ], [ 603, 277, 656, 290 ], [ 270, 304, 281, 317 ], [ 281, 304, 308, 319 ], [ 278, 334, 291, 345 ], [ 289, 331, 307, 345 ], [ 281, 356, 295, 370 ], [ 295, 359, 309, 372 ], [ 278, 385, 289, 398 ], [ 289, 385, 311, 396 ], [ 99, 412, 110, 423 ], [ 115, 411, 157, 425 ], [ 162, 412, 176, 425 ], [ 183, 411, 224, 425 ], [ 384, 306, 391, 319 ], [ 392, 304, 420, 317 ], [ 390, 330, 398, 344 ], [ 399, 328, 420, 342 ], [ 391, 355, 404, 370 ], [ 406, 355, 420, 368 ], [ 391, 380, 399, 395 ], [ 401, 383, 421, 397 ], [ 486, 303, 494, 317 ], [ 496, 303, 521, 317 ], [ 492, 327, 502, 344 ], [ 503, 328, 525, 342 ], [ 494, 355, 507, 369 ], [ 510, 355, 530, 369 ], [ 493, 380, 503, 397 ], [ 504, 383, 524, 397 ], [ 487, 408, 526, 423 ], [ 589, 302, 597, 315 ], [ 599, 299, 627, 314 ], [ 598, 328, 605, 341 ], [ 608, 328, 629, 342 ], [ 596, 352, 611, 367 ], [ 612, 352, 630, 366 ], [ 596, 380, 606, 394 ], [ 609, 377, 627, 394 ], [ 94, 439, 115, 452 ], [ 120, 439, 149, 452 ], [ 99, 464, 141, 477 ], [ 156, 465, 217, 476 ], [ 161, 478, 202, 489 ], [ 154, 500, 169, 515 ], [ 170, 501, 183, 516 ], [ 189, 501, 225, 516 ], [ 154, 527, 168, 542 ], [ 170, 528, 185, 542 ], [ 190, 528, 225, 543 ], [ 155, 557, 190, 568 ], [ 196, 557, 220, 567 ], [ 162, 568, 239, 583 ], [ 99, 594, 149, 608 ], [ 155, 596, 193, 607 ], [ 198, 596, 213, 607 ], [ 162, 610, 214, 621 ], [ 156, 634, 173, 648 ], [ 179, 634, 222, 648 ], [ 163, 648, 234, 661 ], [ 571, 689, 599, 706 ], [ 601, 691, 615, 705 ], [ 137, 91, 152, 106 ], [ 158, 92, 222, 105 ], [ 226, 92, 248, 105 ], [ 250, 92, 258, 106 ], [ 263, 91, 290, 105 ], [ 427, 89, 486, 103 ], [ 492, 89, 549, 102 ], [ 270, 110, 320, 125 ], [ 325, 112, 375, 123 ], [ 380, 110, 453, 123 ], [ 219, 138, 257, 152 ], [ 263, 138, 320, 151 ], [ 324, 138, 348, 151 ], [ 353, 138, 402, 151 ], [ 406, 138, 438, 151 ], [ 443, 137, 486, 151 ], [ 249, 159, 294, 172 ], [ 299, 158, 369, 172 ], [ 374, 156, 417, 170 ], [ 423, 158, 465, 171 ], [ 316, 177, 340, 190 ], [ 345, 179, 395, 192 ], [ 295, 193, 329, 206 ], [ 334, 194, 375, 207 ], [ 380, 191, 394, 205 ], [ 395, 193, 415, 207 ], [ 416, 191, 438, 206 ] ]
[ "0", "5", "7", "12", "23", "0", "1", "0", "11", "5", "4", "4", "23", "1", "0", "0", "Basic", "Basic", "Basic", "Smoke Analysis", "1 .089", "0. .34", "39. .7", "4 .26", "1 .106", "0 .37", "35 .6", "3 .83", "1 .111", "0 .34", "37 .8", "3 .45", "Basic", "1 .132", "0 .37", "31 .0", "2 2.99", "urn Test", "Dynamic -Time in seconds", "-% Burned Completely" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Weight", "answer": "Weight" }, { "question": "Weight", "answer": "1 .089" }, { "question": "Weight", "answer": "1 .106" }, { "question": "Weight", "answer": "1 .111" }, { "question": "Weight", "answer": "1 .132" }, { "question": "Draw", "answer": "Draw" }, { "question": "Draw", "answer": "0. .34" }, { "question": "Draw", "answer": "0 .37" }, { "question": "Draw", "answer": "0 .34" }, { "question": "Draw", "answer": "0 .37" }, { "question": "Tar", "answer": "Tar" }, { "question": "Tar", "answer": "39. .7" }, { "question": "Tar", "answer": "35 .6" }, { "question": "Tar", "answer": "37 .8" }, { "question": "Tar", "answer": "31 .0" }, { "question": "Nicotine", "answer": "Nicotine" }, { "question": "Nicotine", "answer": "4 .26" }, { "question": "Nicotine", "answer": "3 .83" }, { "question": "Nicotine", "answer": "3 .45" }, { "question": "Nicotine", "answer": "2 2.99" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "Smoke Analysis" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "Weight" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "Draw" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "Tar" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "Nicotine" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "ction to Litmus" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "urn Test" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "Static -Complete Cigar" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "-1 /2 Cigar" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "-1 /3 Cigar" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "-Went out immediately" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "Dynamic -Time in seconds" }, { "question": "Characteristic Tested", "answer": "-% Burned Completely" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "Present Sample" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "1 .089" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "0. .34" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "39. .7" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "4 .26" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "Basic" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "5" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "7" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "12" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "Mean of Last 12 Samples" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "1 .106" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "0 .37" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "35 .6" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "3 .83" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "Basic" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "23" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "1" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "1 .111" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "0 .34" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "37 .8" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "3 .45" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "Basic" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "11" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "5" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "4" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "4" }, { "question": "Present Sample", "answer": "Present Sample" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "1 .132" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "0 .37" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "31 .0" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "2 2.99" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "Basic" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "23" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "1" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "Mean of Last 12 Samples", "answer": "Mean of Last 12 Samples" }, { "question": "ction to Litmus", "answer": "ction to Litmus" }, { "question": "ction to Litmus", "answer": "Basic" }, { "question": "ction to Litmus", "answer": "Basic" }, { "question": "ction to Litmus", "answer": "Basic" }, { "question": "ction to Litmus", "answer": "Basic" }, { "question": "Static -Complete Cigar", "answer": "Static -Complete Cigar" }, { "question": "Static -Complete Cigar", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "Static -Complete Cigar", "answer": "23" }, { "question": "Static -Complete Cigar", "answer": "11" }, { "question": "Static -Complete Cigar", "answer": "23" }, { "question": "-1 /2 Cigar", "answer": "-1 /2 Cigar" }, { "question": "-1 /2 Cigar", "answer": "5" }, { "question": "-1 /2 Cigar", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "-1 /2 Cigar", "answer": "5" }, { "question": "-1 /2 Cigar", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "-1 /3 Cigar", "answer": "-1 /3 Cigar" }, { "question": "-1 /3 Cigar", "answer": "7" }, { "question": "-1 /3 Cigar", "answer": "1" }, { "question": "-1 /3 Cigar", "answer": "4" }, { "question": "-1 /3 Cigar", "answer": "1" }, { "question": "-Went out immediately", "answer": "-Went out immediately" }, { "question": "-Went out immediately", "answer": "12" }, { "question": "-Went out immediately", "answer": "0" }, { "question": "-Went out immediately", "answer": "4" }, { "question": "-Went out immediately", "answer": "0" } ] }
[ "Date", "Number", "Project", "(s)", "Client Group", "Client Contact", "Research Liaison", "Project Name/ Description:", "Market (s) / Zone (s)", "Referent Brand", "Own Brand - Dunhill Smokers:", "Competitors Brands - Mild7 Lights Smokers", "Source of Business - This:", "Source of Business - Local Premium KS Smokers", "Background / Problem Definition" ]
[ "Date", "Number", "Project", "(s)", "in", "(s)", "Marketing", "Research", "-", "CPT", "Initiating", "Brief", "15.", "03.", "2000", "BAT", "Korea", "Client", "Group", "Client", "Contact", "Alberto", "Marcheggiano", "Kyu", "Yeon", "Hwang", "Research", "Liaison", "Subi.", "Jeong", "to", "be", "assigned", "by", "Brown", "&", "Williamson", "USA", "Dunhill", "Lights,", "CPT", "Project", "Name/", "Description:", "Market", "(s)", "/", "Zone", "(s)", "South", "Korea", "Referent", "Brand", "Dunhill", "Lights", "Kent", "Super", "Lights", "Mild", "7", "This", "Consumer", "Segment", "Own", "Brand", "-", "Dunhill", "Smokers:", "150", "Males,", "25", "~", "39", "years", "old,", "ABC+", "who", "live", "", "Seoul/", "Pusan", "Competitors", "Brands", "-", "Mild7", "Lights", "Smokers", "150", "Males,", "25", "~", "39", "years", "old,", "ABC+", "who", "live", "Source", "of", "Business", "-", "This:", "250", "Males,", "(100", "smokers", "25", "~", "29", "years", "old,", "150", "smokers,", "30", "~", "39", "years", "old)", "ABC+", "who", "are", "not", "rejectors", "of", "imported", "cigarette", "and", "live", "in", "Seoul/", "Pusan", "Source", "of", "Business", "-", "Local", "Premium", "KS", "Smokers", "250", "Males", "(100", "smokers,", "25", "~", "29", "years", "old,", "150", "smokers,", "30", "~", "39", "years", "old", "ABC+", "who", "are", "not", "rejectors", "of", "imported", "cigarette", "and", "live", "in", "Seoul/", "Pusan", "Background", "/", "Problem", "Definition", "1999", "showed", "that", "imported", "cigarettes", "are", "recovering", "from", "the", "1997", "/", "1998", "economic", "crisis", "and", "we", "forecasted", "continuos", "growth", "over", "the", "company's", "plan", "period.", "BAT", "objective", "is", "to", "substantially", "increase", "its", "market", "share", "with", "growth", "coming", "primarily", "from", "its", "first", "priority", "brand:", "Dunhill", "Lights", "To", "achieve", "growth", "we", "consider", "fundamental", "to", "have", "a", "superior", "product", "in", "terms", "of", "acceptability", "among", "potential", "source", "of", "business", "as", "well", "as", "for", "our", "current", "franchise", "597133637", "PRODUCED", "FROM", "B&W", "WEB", "SITE" ]
[ [ 88, 154, 117, 169 ], [ 130, 267, 177, 280 ], [ 85, 267, 126, 282 ], [ 176, 401, 186, 416 ], [ 561, 560, 575, 573 ], [ 196, 497, 207, 510 ], [ 201, 87, 279, 104 ], [ 284, 85, 350, 100 ], [ 353, 87, 359, 101 ], [ 363, 84, 395, 102 ], [ 399, 85, 466, 103 ], [ 471, 84, 509, 102 ], [ 140, 152, 155, 167 ], [ 155, 154, 172, 168 ], [ 172, 154, 200, 171 ], [ 184, 186, 212, 201 ], [ 214, 186, 253, 200 ], [ 89, 184, 124, 201 ], [ 126, 186, 164, 201 ], [ 89, 216, 124, 231 ], [ 127, 218, 172, 232 ], [ 197, 221, 240, 234 ], [ 244, 219, 322, 234 ], [ 196, 233, 221, 246 ], [ 225, 236, 254, 249 ], [ 257, 236, 298, 250 ], [ 408, 219, 458, 230 ], [ 462, 219, 503, 230 ], [ 527, 218, 556, 231 ], [ 559, 218, 591, 233 ], [ 180, 268, 193, 281 ], [ 196, 267, 210, 281 ], [ 211, 267, 258, 282 ], [ 258, 267, 276, 281 ], [ 277, 267, 318, 281 ], [ 318, 267, 329, 282 ], [ 332, 265, 395, 279 ], [ 398, 265, 425, 280 ], [ 243, 300, 284, 315 ], [ 288, 300, 327, 315 ], [ 328, 300, 355, 315 ], [ 84, 300, 126, 317 ], [ 128, 300, 167, 317 ], [ 172, 299, 240, 316 ], [ 85, 334, 130, 349 ], [ 131, 335, 139, 350 ], [ 141, 335, 149, 348 ], [ 151, 332, 182, 350 ], [ 182, 334, 193, 352 ], [ 85, 366, 116, 380 ], [ 115, 369, 151, 382 ], [ 85, 401, 132, 416 ], [ 135, 401, 174, 414 ], [ 84, 432, 125, 447 ], [ 126, 433, 164, 448 ], [ 163, 432, 192, 445 ], [ 193, 434, 228, 447 ], [ 230, 433, 261, 447 ], [ 82, 450, 110, 461 ], [ 110, 448, 121, 458 ], [ 82, 464, 109, 478 ], [ 84, 497, 144, 512 ], [ 144, 496, 196, 511 ], [ 85, 529, 110, 542 ], [ 112, 528, 146, 541 ], [ 147, 532, 153, 539 ], [ 154, 527, 196, 542 ], [ 198, 529, 247, 543 ], [ 250, 529, 270, 543 ], [ 272, 529, 307, 543 ], [ 310, 529, 324, 542 ], [ 327, 532, 337, 540 ], [ 337, 529, 352, 542 ], [ 352, 531, 383, 545 ], [ 384, 528, 402, 543 ], [ 405, 528, 439, 542 ], [ 443, 529, 465, 543 ], [ 466, 529, 488, 542 ], [ 490, 531, 501, 542 ], [ 506, 528, 538, 541 ], [ 541, 528, 569, 543 ], [ 84, 559, 148, 576 ], [ 151, 559, 189, 573 ], [ 191, 563, 198, 570 ], [ 197, 560, 232, 573 ], [ 233, 559, 267, 574 ], [ 271, 560, 320, 571 ], [ 323, 559, 343, 574 ], [ 345, 559, 380, 573 ], [ 383, 560, 397, 573 ], [ 398, 561, 406, 569 ], [ 408, 559, 423, 573 ], [ 425, 561, 453, 575 ], [ 455, 560, 476, 573 ], [ 478, 559, 509, 573 ], [ 515, 560, 537, 571 ], [ 539, 560, 561, 573 ], [ 84, 603, 118, 618 ], [ 124, 605, 135, 619 ], [ 137, 606, 182, 621 ], [ 186, 608, 192, 619 ], [ 194, 605, 222, 619 ], [ 223, 605, 244, 619 ], [ 246, 606, 282, 620 ], [ 285, 606, 309, 621 ], [ 311, 608, 356, 622 ], [ 360, 606, 374, 617 ], [ 376, 610, 384, 616 ], [ 387, 605, 400, 619 ], [ 402, 606, 431, 619 ], [ 434, 605, 454, 619 ], [ 457, 605, 478, 620 ], [ 476, 606, 525, 620 ], [ 528, 605, 542, 619 ], [ 543, 609, 553, 615 ], [ 554, 605, 568, 619 ], [ 573, 608, 600, 621 ], [ 605, 605, 627, 620 ], [ 85, 622, 119, 636 ], [ 122, 623, 147, 634 ], [ 148, 623, 163, 633 ], [ 165, 623, 183, 631 ], [ 186, 622, 232, 636 ], [ 233, 622, 247, 636 ], [ 246, 620, 296, 635 ], [ 297, 623, 342, 636 ], [ 345, 622, 365, 633 ], [ 367, 620, 387, 634 ], [ 391, 623, 402, 633 ], [ 404, 622, 435, 633 ], [ 436, 622, 471, 633 ], [ 84, 651, 120, 666 ], [ 123, 651, 136, 666 ], [ 137, 651, 182, 666 ], [ 186, 655, 192, 666 ], [ 193, 652, 225, 663 ], [ 228, 654, 275, 665 ], [ 279, 651, 294, 666 ], [ 295, 651, 348, 665 ], [ 348, 649, 369, 666 ], [ 372, 652, 408, 666 ], [ 409, 652, 433, 666 ], [ 436, 652, 482, 666 ], [ 485, 651, 499, 665 ], [ 499, 656, 509, 662 ], [ 510, 652, 525, 666 ], [ 527, 654, 556, 665 ], [ 559, 652, 580, 665 ], [ 582, 651, 604, 665 ], [ 84, 668, 131, 682 ], [ 134, 668, 149, 682 ], [ 149, 672, 159, 678 ], [ 161, 668, 175, 681 ], [ 176, 669, 204, 680 ], [ 207, 666, 229, 681 ], [ 232, 668, 267, 681 ], [ 268, 668, 293, 681 ], [ 292, 669, 312, 682 ], [ 311, 668, 332, 682 ], [ 332, 668, 377, 682 ], [ 378, 669, 393, 680 ], [ 392, 669, 444, 680 ], [ 443, 668, 492, 682 ], [ 493, 668, 513, 682 ], [ 514, 668, 535, 681 ], [ 535, 666, 548, 679 ], [ 550, 666, 585, 679 ], [ 585, 668, 617, 681 ], [ 84, 700, 152, 714 ], [ 155, 701, 161, 714 ], [ 163, 701, 209, 712 ], [ 214, 700, 270, 714 ], [ 106, 733, 130, 746 ], [ 133, 733, 169, 747 ], [ 172, 733, 192, 743 ], [ 194, 732, 241, 745 ], [ 243, 733, 293, 746 ], [ 295, 735, 309, 746 ], [ 313, 732, 366, 749 ], [ 367, 733, 392, 746 ], [ 395, 733, 412, 746 ], [ 415, 732, 439, 746 ], [ 437, 732, 444, 746 ], [ 446, 732, 467, 746 ], [ 469, 732, 519, 746 ], [ 518, 732, 547, 746 ], [ 552, 733, 573, 744 ], [ 574, 735, 589, 745 ], [ 105, 747, 157, 761 ], [ 158, 749, 207, 762 ], [ 211, 749, 249, 762 ], [ 250, 750, 272, 760 ], [ 274, 747, 288, 761 ], [ 292, 749, 346, 762 ], [ 349, 747, 370, 761 ], [ 373, 749, 408, 762 ], [ 105, 763, 130, 777 ], [ 131, 761, 177, 775 ], [ 179, 764, 189, 775 ], [ 191, 765, 201, 773 ], [ 205, 763, 269, 777 ], [ 272, 764, 313, 774 ], [ 314, 763, 328, 774 ], [ 331, 764, 366, 774 ], [ 367, 763, 395, 776 ], [ 398, 761, 419, 776 ], [ 422, 763, 458, 777 ], [ 459, 763, 498, 778 ], [ 500, 761, 546, 776 ], [ 549, 763, 576, 774 ], [ 578, 763, 591, 774 ], [ 594, 763, 616, 773 ], [ 103, 777, 142, 791 ], [ 144, 777, 180, 790 ], [ 184, 777, 223, 790 ], [ 223, 777, 258, 790 ], [ 106, 791, 121, 805 ], [ 122, 791, 161, 804 ], [ 163, 792, 198, 806 ], [ 201, 793, 215, 803 ], [ 218, 793, 263, 804 ], [ 264, 791, 328, 805 ], [ 330, 791, 340, 804 ], [ 342, 792, 364, 805 ], [ 367, 795, 374, 803 ], [ 377, 792, 419, 806 ], [ 420, 792, 459, 807 ], [ 461, 792, 471, 803 ], [ 473, 793, 502, 803 ], [ 506, 791, 516, 805 ], [ 518, 792, 582, 806 ], [ 587, 792, 622, 805 ], [ 105, 806, 150, 821 ], [ 151, 806, 183, 819 ], [ 187, 807, 200, 818 ], [ 201, 807, 243, 820 ], [ 247, 809, 258, 819 ], [ 260, 806, 282, 820 ], [ 285, 807, 295, 818 ], [ 297, 806, 311, 817 ], [ 314, 807, 332, 817 ], [ 334, 807, 372, 817 ], [ 373, 806, 419, 819 ], [ 0, 950, 80, 968 ], [ 0, 969, 71, 982 ], [ 81, 966, 116, 981 ], [ 124, 968, 151, 983 ], [ 159, 969, 187, 982 ], [ 194, 966, 230, 983 ] ]
[ "15. 03. 2000", "BAT Korea", "Alberto Marcheggiano Kyu Yeon Hwang", "Subi. Jeong", "to be assigned by Brown & Williamson USA", "Dunhill Lights, CPT", "South Korea", "Dunhill Lights Kent Super Lights Mild 7 This", "150 Males, 25 ~ 39 years old, ABC+ who live Seoul/ Pusan", "150 Males, 25 ~ 39 years old, ABC+ who live", "250 Males, (100 smokers 25 ~ 29 years old, 150 smokers, 30 ~ 39 years old)", "ABC+ who are not rejectors of imported cigarette and live in Seoul/ Pusan", "250 Males (100 smokers, 25 ~ 29 years old, 150", "smokers, 30 ~ 39 years old ABC+ who are not rejectors of imported cigarette and live in Seoul/ Pusan", "1999 showed that imported cigarettes are recovering from the 1997 / 1998 economic crisis and we forecasted continuos growth over the company's plan period.", "BAT objective is to substantially increase its market share with growth coming primarily from its first priority brand: Dunhill Lights", "To achieve growth we consider fundamental to have a superior product in terms of acceptability among potential source of business as well as for our current franchise" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Date", "answer": "15. 03. 2000" }, { "question": "Number", "answer": "to be assigned by Brown & Williamson USA" }, { "question": "Client Group", "answer": "BAT Korea" }, { "question": "Client Contact", "answer": "Alberto Marcheggiano Kyu Yeon Hwang" }, { "question": "Research Liaison", "answer": "Subi. Jeong" }, { "question": "Project Name/ Description:", "answer": "Dunhill Lights, CPT" }, { "question": "Market (s) / Zone (s)", "answer": "South Korea" }, { "question": "Referent Brand", "answer": "Dunhill Lights Kent Super Lights Mild 7 This" }, { "question": "Own Brand - Dunhill Smokers:", "answer": "150 Males, 25 ~ 39 years old, ABC+ who live Seoul/ Pusan" }, { "question": "Competitors Brands - Mild7 Lights Smokers", "answer": "150 Males, 25 ~ 39 years old, ABC+ who live" }, { "question": "Source of Business - This:", "answer": "250 Males, (100 smokers 25 ~ 29 years old, 150 smokers, 30 ~ 39 years old)" }, { "question": "Source of Business - This:", "answer": "ABC+ who are not rejectors of imported cigarette and live in Seoul/ Pusan" }, { "question": "Source of Business - Local Premium KS Smokers", "answer": "250 Males (100 smokers, 25 ~ 29 years old, 150" }, { "question": "Source of Business - Local Premium KS Smokers", "answer": "smokers, 30 ~ 39 years old ABC+ who are not rejectors of imported cigarette and live in Seoul/ Pusan" }, { "question": "Background / Problem Definition", "answer": "1999 showed that imported cigarettes are recovering from the 1997 / 1998 economic crisis and we forecasted continuos growth over the company's plan period." }, { "question": "Background / Problem Definition", "answer": "BAT objective is to substantially increase its market share with growth coming primarily from its first priority brand: Dunhill Lights" }, { "question": "Background / Problem Definition", "answer": "To achieve growth we consider fundamental to have a superior product in terms of acceptability among potential source of business as well as for our current franchise" } ] }
[ "DATE:", "MANUFACTURER:", "9135631", "CC:", "COMPETITIVE", "ACTIVITIES", "AND", "PROMOTIONS", "REPORTED", "BY:", "VAL", "THURMAN,", "DIVISION", "MANAGER,", "LOUISVILLE,", "KY", "4/", "26/", "91", "SOURCE", "OF", "INFORMATION:", "SHORT", "STOP", "FOOD", "MARTS.", "LOUISVILLE,", "KY", "PHILIP", "MORRIS", "BRAND", "(S)", "PROMOTED:", "MARLBORO", "CIGARETTES", "TYPE", "OF", "PROMOTION:", "CARTON", "PROMOTION", "SWEEPSTAKES", "(SEE", "ATTACHMENTS)", "HOW", "WIDESPREAD?", "OTHER", "COMMENTS:", "L.", "H.", "LAKERSH", "J.", "R.", "SLATER", "S.", "T.", "JONES", "R.", "S.", "GOLDBRENNER", "S.", "F.", "SMITH", "G.", "R.", "TELFORD", "R.", "G.", "RYAN", "N.", "P.", "RUFFALO", "T.", "L.", "ACHEY", "P.", "J.", "McCANN", "A.", "J.", "GIACOIO", "J.", "J.", "TATULLI", "A.", "H.", "TISCH", "R.", "H.", "ORCUTT", "M.", "A.", "PETERSON", "M.", "L.", "ORLOWSKY", "L.", "GORDON", "J.", "P.", "MASTANDREA" ]
[ [ 152, 193, 190, 210 ], [ 68, 313, 169, 327 ], [ 661, 691, 678, 762 ], [ 70, 785, 97, 800 ], [ 225, 81, 317, 98 ], [ 321, 80, 395, 98 ], [ 399, 81, 427, 99 ], [ 433, 78, 527, 96 ], [ 67, 141, 128, 156 ], [ 133, 144, 154, 154 ], [ 211, 141, 240, 155 ], [ 246, 141, 313, 155 ], [ 323, 140, 393, 155 ], [ 399, 138, 466, 153 ], [ 476, 138, 567, 153 ], [ 577, 138, 595, 155 ], [ 209, 190, 230, 208 ], [ 230, 191, 255, 205 ], [ 258, 191, 272, 206 ], [ 70, 244, 117, 261 ], [ 122, 247, 137, 260 ], [ 68, 261, 155, 272 ], [ 215, 261, 256, 275 ], [ 264, 261, 299, 275 ], [ 307, 263, 342, 277 ], [ 351, 260, 403, 273 ], [ 409, 260, 500, 274 ], [ 508, 260, 530, 271 ], [ 205, 310, 257, 327 ], [ 265, 310, 318, 327 ], [ 70, 366, 108, 377 ], [ 109, 366, 126, 383 ], [ 127, 365, 201, 380 ], [ 240, 359, 308, 374 ], [ 316, 360, 404, 373 ], [ 67, 419, 96, 432 ], [ 102, 416, 119, 434 ], [ 122, 416, 200, 433 ], [ 265, 415, 317, 433 ], [ 325, 415, 403, 430 ], [ 411, 415, 506, 432 ], [ 293, 439, 325, 454 ], [ 335, 436, 433, 453 ], [ 70, 550, 99, 565 ], [ 102, 550, 187, 568 ], [ 71, 603, 110, 617 ], [ 115, 601, 188, 618 ], [ 373, 799, 384, 810 ], [ 388, 800, 399, 810 ], [ 402, 797, 445, 810 ], [ 372, 811, 385, 822 ], [ 387, 813, 400, 823 ], [ 402, 810, 449, 823 ], [ 372, 824, 386, 835 ], [ 390, 825, 401, 835 ], [ 402, 824, 447, 837 ], [ 374, 837, 387, 851 ], [ 390, 838, 401, 848 ], [ 405, 837, 497, 850 ], [ 373, 851, 386, 864 ], [ 388, 851, 403, 864 ], [ 405, 851, 444, 864 ], [ 253, 797, 267, 811 ], [ 268, 797, 281, 810 ], [ 284, 797, 340, 810 ], [ 251, 813, 264, 823 ], [ 267, 811, 281, 822 ], [ 285, 813, 319, 821 ], [ 251, 824, 264, 837 ], [ 267, 824, 280, 838 ], [ 284, 823, 340, 836 ], [ 251, 839, 264, 852 ], [ 267, 839, 278, 850 ], [ 281, 838, 323, 849 ], [ 251, 852, 262, 863 ], [ 267, 851, 278, 864 ], [ 281, 849, 334, 863 ], [ 250, 865, 264, 876 ], [ 267, 865, 278, 876 ], [ 281, 865, 333, 875 ], [ 253, 877, 263, 890 ], [ 267, 878, 277, 892 ], [ 279, 877, 328, 890 ], [ 96, 802, 106, 813 ], [ 110, 799, 123, 813 ], [ 127, 797, 163, 811 ], [ 96, 814, 107, 825 ], [ 110, 814, 123, 824 ], [ 127, 813, 177, 826 ], [ 95, 827, 110, 838 ], [ 113, 825, 124, 838 ], [ 127, 827, 193, 838 ], [ 95, 839, 110, 850 ], [ 113, 841, 123, 849 ], [ 127, 839, 195, 850 ], [ 96, 853, 107, 864 ], [ 110, 853, 164, 863 ], [ 95, 863, 106, 877 ], [ 109, 866, 123, 877 ], [ 124, 866, 206, 879 ] ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "4/ 26/ 91" }, { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "DATE:" }, { "question": "MANUFACTURER:", "answer": "PHILIP MORRIS" }, { "question": "MANUFACTURER:", "answer": "MANUFACTURER:" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "A. H. TISCH" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "M. A. PETERSON" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "R. H. ORCUTT" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "M. L. ORLOWSKY" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "L. GORDON" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "J. P. MASTANDREA" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "G. R. TELFORD" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "N. P. RUFFALO" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "R. G. RYAN" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "P. J. McCANN" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "P. J. McCANN" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "T. L. ACHEY" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "A. J. GIACOIO" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "J. J. TATULLI" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "L. H. LAKERSH" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "J. R. SLATER" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "S. T. JONES" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "R. S. GOLDBRENNER" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "S. F. SMITH" }, { "question": "CC:", "answer": "CC:" }, { "question": "REPORTED BY:", "answer": "VAL THURMAN, DIVISION MANAGER, LOUISVILLE, KY" }, { "question": "REPORTED BY:", "answer": "REPORTED BY:" }, { "question": "SOURCE OF INFORMATION:", "answer": "SHORT STOP FOOD MARTS. LOUISVILLE, KY" }, { "question": "SOURCE OF INFORMATION:", "answer": "SOURCE OF INFORMATION:" }, { "question": "BRAND (S) PROMOTED:", "answer": "MARLBORO CIGARETTES" }, { "question": "BRAND (S) PROMOTED:", "answer": "BRAND (S) PROMOTED:" }, { "question": "TYPE OF PROMOTION:", "answer": "CARTON PROMOTION SWEEPSTAKES (SEE ATTACHMENTS)" }, { "question": "TYPE OF PROMOTION:", "answer": "TYPE OF PROMOTION:" }, { "question": "HOW WIDESPREAD?", "answer": "HOW WIDESPREAD?" }, { "question": "OTHER COMMENTS:", "answer": "OTHER COMMENTS:" } ] }
[ "PROJECT", "OBJECTIVE:", "DATE:", "BTF", "-", "To:", "Files", "CONFIDENTIAL", "EPB:", "cc:", "ODL", "PROJECT", "INITIATION", "FORM", "September", "16,", "1980", "PROJECT", "CODE:", "PROJECT", "NAME:", "PROJECT", "LEADER:", "WORK", "REQUESTED", "BY:", "E.", "P.", "Barbee", "R.", "S.", "Sprinkle,", "III", "To", "develop", "cigarette", "Cigarette", "to", "utilize", "a", "filter", "tip", "with", "longitudinal", "grooves", "from", "the", "mouth", "end", "to", "the", "tobacco", "end", "in", "con-", "junction", "with", "perforated", "tipping", "paper.", "OTHER", "PERSONNEL", "ASSIGNED:", "J.", "E.", "Mann,", "Jr.", "D.", "E.", "Cawthon", "Approved", "by:", "", "R.", "S.", "Sprinkle,", "III", "BMC/RMI/EPB", "JEM/DEC", "PRC/DRB" ]
[ [ 56, 455, 121, 468 ], [ 126, 455, 209, 467 ], [ 475, 281, 522, 296 ], [ 248, 271, 280, 289 ], [ 249, 321, 264, 329 ], [ 53, 86, 81, 104 ], [ 100, 86, 145, 104 ], [ 555, 90, 658, 105 ], [ 53, 826, 91, 844 ], [ 55, 855, 82, 870 ], [ 88, 826, 120, 843 ], [ 259, 169, 322, 182 ], [ 327, 168, 412, 181 ], [ 415, 166, 460, 183 ], [ 527, 269, 610, 292 ], [ 613, 271, 640, 291 ], [ 645, 274, 685, 292 ], [ 53, 281, 118, 298 ], [ 121, 284, 166, 297 ], [ 53, 324, 118, 341 ], [ 121, 327, 166, 340 ], [ 56, 367, 119, 382 ], [ 123, 367, 183, 382 ], [ 55, 412, 93, 425 ], [ 95, 410, 176, 423 ], [ 184, 412, 212, 424 ], [ 249, 355, 266, 375 ], [ 274, 357, 292, 377 ], [ 297, 357, 353, 377 ], [ 248, 402, 266, 420 ], [ 272, 402, 294, 419 ], [ 301, 402, 376, 420 ], [ 385, 402, 410, 420 ], [ 249, 445, 271, 460 ], [ 277, 444, 335, 461 ], [ 502, 445, 583, 462 ], [ 493, 472, 571, 494 ], [ 578, 473, 601, 490 ], [ 249, 502, 312, 519 ], [ 317, 502, 330, 514 ], [ 336, 500, 387, 518 ], [ 394, 502, 421, 517 ], [ 425, 503, 465, 518 ], [ 470, 500, 573, 522 ], [ 580, 503, 643, 523 ], [ 252, 530, 289, 547 ], [ 292, 528, 322, 545 ], [ 326, 532, 371, 547 ], [ 379, 532, 404, 547 ], [ 409, 532, 432, 545 ], [ 434, 530, 464, 545 ], [ 470, 528, 530, 546 ], [ 537, 528, 565, 546 ], [ 570, 530, 593, 545 ], [ 595, 530, 630, 547 ], [ 249, 560, 325, 577 ], [ 322, 555, 360, 575 ], [ 364, 556, 457, 573 ], [ 458, 556, 524, 573 ], [ 527, 556, 580, 574 ], [ 55, 606, 105, 623 ], [ 110, 610, 188, 625 ], [ 58, 621, 136, 636 ], [ 251, 613, 266, 635 ], [ 274, 613, 292, 635 ], [ 299, 615, 344, 633 ], [ 350, 615, 377, 633 ], [ 249, 645, 264, 662 ], [ 276, 643, 293, 663 ], [ 299, 645, 365, 663 ], [ 402, 757, 472, 774 ], [ 482, 759, 510, 776 ], [ 405, 771, 638, 826 ], [ 409, 831, 427, 843 ], [ 434, 829, 454, 844 ], [ 460, 827, 540, 844 ], [ 547, 827, 572, 844 ], [ 100, 855, 196, 872 ], [ 100, 875, 161, 885 ], [ 98, 887, 164, 902 ] ]
[ "BTF", "-", "Files", "ODL", "September 16, 1980", "E. P. Barbee", "R. S. Sprinkle, III", "To develop cigarette Cigarette to utilize a filter tip with longitudinal grooves from the mouth end to the tobacco end in con- junction with perforated tipping paper.", "J. E. Mann, Jr.", "D. E. Cawthon", "R. S. Sprinkle, III", "BMC/RMI/EPB JEM/DEC PRC/DRB" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "PROJECT", "answer": "To develop cigarette Cigarette to utilize a filter tip with longitudinal grooves from the mouth end to the tobacco end in con- junction with perforated tipping paper." }, { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "September 16, 1980" }, { "question": "To:", "answer": "Files" }, { "question": "EPB:", "answer": "ODL" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "BMC/RMI/EPB JEM/DEC PRC/DRB" }, { "question": "PROJECT CODE:", "answer": "BTF" }, { "question": "PROJECT NAME:", "answer": "-" }, { "question": "PROJECT LEADER:", "answer": "E. P. Barbee" }, { "question": "WORK REQUESTED BY:", "answer": "R. S. Sprinkle, III" }, { "question": "OTHER PERSONNEL ASSIGNED:", "answer": "J. E. Mann, Jr." }, { "question": "OTHER PERSONNEL ASSIGNED:", "answer": "D. E. Cawthon" }, { "question": "Approved by:", "answer": "R. S. Sprinkle, III" } ] }
[ "DATE:", "TIME:", "MANUFACTURER:", "cc:", "93329540", "NEW", "COMPETITIVE", "PRODUCTS", "REPORTED", "BY:", "A.", "REID,", "DIVISION", "MANAGER,", "SAN", "FRANCISCO,", "CA", "8/", "13/", "93", "AMERICAN", "TOBACCO", "COMPANY", "SPECIAL", "10'", "s", "BRAND", "NAME:", "TYPE", "OF", "PRODUCT:", "SIZE", "OR", "SIZES:", "LIST", "PRICE:", "EXTENT", "OF", "DISTRIBUTION:", "OTHER", "INFORMATION:", "SEE", "ATTACHED", "COPY", "OF", "CIRCULAR", "NO.", "4848", "A.", "H.", "Tisch", "R.", "H.", "Orcutt", "M.", "A.", "Peterson", "M.", "L.", "Orlowsky", "L.", "Gordon", "G.", "Telford", "V.", "Norman", "A.", "W.", "Spears", "A.", "J.", "Giacoio", "N.", "P.", "Ruffalo", "T.", "L.", "Achey", "R.", "B.", "Spell", "P.", "J.", "McCann", "J.", "J.", "Tatulli", "L.", "H.", "Kersh", "J.", "R.", "Slater", "A.", "Pasheluk", "R.", "S.", "Goldbrenner", "N.", "Simeonidis", "S.", "F.", "Smith", "K.", "P.", "Augustyn", "V.", "D.", "Lindsley", "R.", "C.", "Bondy", "R.", "D.", "Hammer" ]
[ [ 133, 204, 174, 219 ], [ 260, 203, 295, 217 ], [ 78, 254, 195, 274 ], [ 84, 782, 104, 796 ], [ 735, 799, 753, 870 ], [ 311, 88, 345, 106 ], [ 349, 87, 441, 107 ], [ 446, 88, 524, 105 ], [ 80, 151, 153, 168 ], [ 158, 151, 180, 168 ], [ 258, 152, 272, 166 ], [ 279, 149, 317, 166 ], [ 323, 149, 384, 163 ], [ 390, 148, 449, 163 ], [ 457, 148, 482, 163 ], [ 487, 147, 558, 162 ], [ 567, 147, 584, 161 ], [ 177, 203, 185, 216 ], [ 191, 201, 205, 214 ], [ 212, 201, 229, 215 ], [ 256, 258, 320, 272 ], [ 324, 257, 377, 272 ], [ 383, 256, 436, 271 ], [ 260, 309, 310, 323 ], [ 317, 304, 337, 318 ], [ 341, 306, 348, 320 ], [ 80, 310, 127, 325 ], [ 133, 309, 178, 327 ], [ 81, 363, 116, 378 ], [ 119, 362, 140, 377 ], [ 80, 381, 150, 396 ], [ 82, 432, 113, 449 ], [ 116, 432, 138, 446 ], [ 141, 430, 186, 447 ], [ 81, 486, 112, 501 ], [ 115, 483, 162, 501 ], [ 81, 538, 135, 552 ], [ 140, 536, 158, 549 ], [ 82, 556, 184, 571 ], [ 84, 642, 131, 657 ], [ 80, 661, 185, 676 ], [ 263, 658, 287, 671 ], [ 292, 656, 352, 670 ], [ 358, 656, 387, 670 ], [ 395, 655, 412, 669 ], [ 418, 655, 477, 668 ], [ 482, 654, 507, 667 ], [ 513, 652, 542, 666 ], [ 84, 802, 97, 815 ], [ 101, 802, 116, 815 ], [ 119, 799, 154, 814 ], [ 84, 818, 97, 833 ], [ 102, 820, 116, 833 ], [ 120, 820, 162, 830 ], [ 82, 838, 102, 851 ], [ 105, 837, 118, 851 ], [ 122, 837, 181, 851 ], [ 85, 855, 99, 868 ], [ 103, 855, 114, 866 ], [ 120, 853, 179, 866 ], [ 84, 872, 98, 883 ], [ 101, 872, 154, 883 ], [ 85, 888, 99, 899 ], [ 103, 887, 149, 898 ], [ 242, 797, 253, 810 ], [ 258, 797, 314, 811 ], [ 240, 817, 254, 831 ], [ 258, 817, 273, 828 ], [ 281, 817, 326, 831 ], [ 242, 835, 256, 848 ], [ 260, 835, 273, 848 ], [ 275, 834, 325, 845 ], [ 242, 852, 257, 865 ], [ 260, 851, 274, 864 ], [ 278, 852, 320, 863 ], [ 242, 869, 256, 883 ], [ 258, 870, 272, 883 ], [ 274, 870, 319, 883 ], [ 242, 887, 257, 898 ], [ 260, 887, 275, 900 ], [ 277, 887, 312, 900 ], [ 240, 904, 254, 915 ], [ 258, 901, 271, 915 ], [ 275, 904, 327, 915 ], [ 370, 796, 383, 810 ], [ 387, 796, 402, 810 ], [ 404, 796, 443, 811 ], [ 372, 813, 385, 828 ], [ 388, 814, 402, 828 ], [ 405, 816, 444, 829 ], [ 373, 832, 386, 845 ], [ 388, 831, 403, 845 ], [ 408, 832, 444, 845 ], [ 373, 851, 387, 864 ], [ 390, 849, 450, 864 ], [ 373, 867, 387, 882 ], [ 392, 867, 405, 880 ], [ 409, 867, 490, 881 ], [ 373, 885, 387, 896 ], [ 392, 884, 463, 898 ], [ 374, 901, 388, 915 ], [ 391, 902, 404, 916 ], [ 408, 901, 446, 916 ], [ 547, 795, 562, 809 ], [ 566, 796, 581, 807 ], [ 582, 796, 646, 810 ], [ 547, 811, 562, 826 ], [ 566, 813, 581, 826 ], [ 582, 811, 638, 825 ], [ 549, 831, 563, 844 ], [ 567, 830, 581, 844 ], [ 584, 831, 629, 844 ], [ 550, 848, 565, 861 ], [ 567, 849, 582, 860 ], [ 585, 846, 642, 859 ] ]
[ "A. REID, DIVISION MANAGER, SAN FRANCISCO, CA", "8/ 13/ 93", "AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY", "SPECIAL 10' s", "SEE ATTACHED COPY OF CIRCULAR NO. 4848", "A. H. Tisch", "R. H. Orcutt", "M. A. Peterson", "M. L. Orlowsky", "L. Gordon", "G. Telford", "V. Norman", "A. W. Spears", "A. J. Giacoio", "N. P. Ruffalo", "T. L. Achey", "R. B. Spell", "P. J. McCann", "J. J. Tatulli", "L. H. Kersh", "J. R. Slater", "A. Pasheluk", "R. S. Goldbrenner", "N. Simeonidis", "S. F. Smith", "K. P. Augustyn", "V. D. Lindsley", "R. C. Bondy", "R. D. Hammer" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "DATE:", "answer": "8/ 13/ 93" }, { "question": "MANUFACTURER:", "answer": "AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "A. H. Tisch" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "R. H. Orcutt" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "M. A. Peterson" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "M. L. Orlowsky" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "L. Gordon" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "G. Telford" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "V. Norman" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "A. W. Spears" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "A. J. Giacoio" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "N. P. Ruffalo" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "T. L. Achey" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "R. B. Spell" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "P. J. McCann" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "J. J. Tatulli" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "L. H. Kersh" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "J. R. Slater" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "A. Pasheluk" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "R. S. Goldbrenner" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "N. Simeonidis" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "S. F. Smith" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "K. P. Augustyn" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "V. D. Lindsley" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "R. C. Bondy" }, { "question": "cc:", "answer": "R. D. Hammer" }, { "question": "REPORTED BY:", "answer": "A. REID, DIVISION MANAGER, SAN FRANCISCO, CA" }, { "question": "BRAND NAME:", "answer": "SPECIAL 10' s" }, { "question": "OTHER INFORMATION:", "answer": "SEE ATTACHED COPY OF CIRCULAR NO. 4848" } ] }
[ "Brand:", "Style:", "Company:", "Country:", "Macket:", "Supplier(s)", "Color", "Porosity", "substance", "Type", "Overall", "skip", "Dimension", "Positioning", "Date:", "Date:", "Date:", "Replaces:", "Place of Manufacture:", "Licensee Ref. NO.:", "Overall Cigarette Length", "Tobacco Rod Length", "Filter Plug Length", "Filter Plug Pressure Drop (unencap.)", "Filter Plug Pressure Drop encap.", "Cigarette Circumference", "Total Pressure Drop (unencap.)", "Total Pressure Drop (encap.)", "Tipping Length", "Print Position (from filter end)", "Moisture content (ex-catcher)", "Filter ventilation Rate", "Total Cigt. Wt.", "Net Tob. Rod Density", "Net Net Tobacco", "Tipping and Tipping Application", "Supplier Code No(s).", "Perforation Type and No. of lines", "Print Description", "Bobbin Width", "Robbin Length", "Supplier (s)", "Supplier Code No (s)", "Glue Pree Area", "Prepared by:", "Approved by:" ]
[ "Brand:", "Style:", "PHOENIX", "Company:", "Country:", "Macket:", "CYPRUS", "NICOSIA", "Weights", "Adhesive:", "Supplier(s)", "Color", "Porosity", "substance", "Ecusta", "E.30639", "None", "(coresta)", "Type", "Overall", "skip", "Dimension", "Positioning", "Swift", "Other", "N/A", "x", "Date:", "Date:", "620419245", "Date:", "Replaces:", "05045", "New", "Page", "1", "of", "10", "RESTRICTED", "BROWN", "&", "WILLIAMSON", "INTERNATIONAL", "TOBACCO", "PRODUCT", "SPECIFICATION", "HLB-", "KS", "B.", "A.", "T.", "CYPRUS", "Place", "of", "Manufacture:", "Licensee", "Ref.", "NO.:", "CIGARETTE", "MAKING", "Physical", "Characteristics", "Overall", "Cigarette", "Length", "Tobacco", "Rod", "Length", "Filter", "Plug", "Length", "Filter", "Plug", "Pressure", "Drop", "(unencap.)", "Filter", "Plug", "Pressure", "Drop", "encap.", "Cigarette", "Circumference", "Total", "Pressure", "Drop", "(unencap.)", "Total", "Pressure", "Drop", "(encap.)", "Tipping", "Length", "Print", "Position", "(from", "filter", "end)", "Moisture", "content", "(ex-catcher)", "Filter", "ventilation", "Rate", "84", "mm", "64", "mm", "20", "mm", "56", "mm", "56", "mm", "24.75", "mm", "90", "mm", "110", "mm", "25", "mm", "27", "mm", "13.5", "%", "Nil", "%", "Total", "Cigt.", "Wt.", "974", "mg", "749", "mg", "245", "mg/cc", "Net", "Tob.", "Rod", "Density", "Net", "Net", "Tobacco", "Tipping", "and", "Tipping", "Application", "Tipping", "Paper:", "Supplier", "Code", "No(s).", "Imitation", "Cork", "Perforation", "Type", "and", "No.", "of", "lines", "Print", "Description", "Brown", "on", "yellow", "Bobbin", "Width", "Robbin", "Length", "36", "gm/", "m2", "50", "mm", "mm", "2700", "m", "(Indicate", "N/A", "If", "Not", "Applicable)", "Supplier", "(s)", "Supplier", "Code", "No", "(s)", "T.K.", "9220", "Printed", "Imitation", "cork", "Application", "Pattern:", "Glue", "Pree", "Area", "mm", "from", "mouth", "end", "mm", "x", "mm", "Prepared", "by:", "M.", "HAMERTON", "/", "enm", "May", "1,", "1985", "Approved", "by:", "Director", "of", "Technical", "Operations,", "Brown", "&", "Williamson", "International", "Tobacco", "May", "1,", "1985", "May", "1,", "1985" ]
[ [ 76, 129, 118, 139 ], [ 73, 141, 119, 153 ], [ 145, 127, 197, 137 ], [ 349, 130, 409, 139 ], [ 350, 142, 407, 155 ], [ 350, 157, 402, 167 ], [ 419, 144, 467, 154 ], [ 512, 171, 567, 183 ], [ 404, 240, 461, 255 ], [ 377, 475, 441, 487 ], [ 70, 488, 151, 498 ], [ 72, 513, 109, 525 ], [ 72, 557, 135, 569 ], [ 73, 609, 140, 621 ], [ 234, 488, 285, 500 ], [ 235, 501, 287, 514 ], [ 228, 543, 259, 555 ], [ 293, 558, 356, 567 ], [ 377, 515, 407, 527 ], [ 377, 558, 428, 568 ], [ 475, 558, 508, 570 ], [ 377, 599, 443, 609 ], [ 377, 614, 458, 624 ], [ 476, 488, 515, 500 ], [ 554, 558, 591, 567 ], [ 494, 587, 522, 596 ], [ 448, 558, 457, 567 ], [ 299, 683, 336, 693 ], [ 299, 778, 333, 788 ], [ 533, 829, 653, 853 ], [ 72, 750, 108, 762 ], [ 73, 777, 137, 789 ], [ 72, 804, 111, 816 ], [ 165, 777, 192, 789 ], [ 527, 33, 557, 46 ], [ 564, 33, 574, 46 ], [ 578, 33, 597, 48 ], [ 600, 34, 618, 46 ], [ 286, 45, 424, 60 ], [ 210, 70, 246, 85 ], [ 251, 72, 260, 85 ], [ 266, 72, 339, 87 ], [ 341, 75, 437, 87 ], [ 439, 73, 497, 86 ], [ 275, 100, 326, 113 ], [ 332, 102, 428, 112 ], [ 145, 142, 185, 154 ], [ 184, 141, 208, 154 ], [ 419, 129, 434, 144 ], [ 436, 130, 449, 140 ], [ 449, 129, 465, 142 ], [ 470, 129, 518, 139 ], [ 349, 171, 389, 181 ], [ 392, 169, 408, 182 ], [ 413, 172, 500, 182 ], [ 75, 156, 136, 168 ], [ 135, 156, 168, 166 ], [ 175, 156, 202, 166 ], [ 73, 213, 142, 225 ], [ 145, 211, 191, 223 ], [ 73, 240, 133, 250 ], [ 133, 241, 247, 253 ], [ 73, 266, 127, 276 ], [ 132, 266, 199, 278 ], [ 198, 268, 249, 280 ], [ 72, 280, 127, 289 ], [ 129, 280, 156, 290 ], [ 154, 281, 203, 291 ], [ 72, 296, 120, 305 ], [ 123, 295, 154, 305 ], [ 157, 295, 203, 305 ], [ 73, 308, 118, 317 ], [ 120, 308, 156, 317 ], [ 156, 305, 220, 317 ], [ 222, 310, 255, 319 ], [ 259, 308, 329, 320 ], [ 72, 322, 118, 332 ], [ 123, 320, 154, 330 ], [ 157, 320, 220, 330 ], [ 225, 322, 255, 332 ], [ 257, 323, 317, 332 ], [ 70, 337, 140, 346 ], [ 144, 334, 240, 346 ], [ 72, 347, 109, 357 ], [ 115, 349, 175, 361 ], [ 177, 350, 213, 360 ], [ 214, 350, 287, 360 ], [ 73, 362, 110, 372 ], [ 115, 364, 175, 374 ], [ 178, 364, 211, 374 ], [ 216, 364, 274, 374 ], [ 67, 377, 125, 387 ], [ 130, 377, 175, 386 ], [ 72, 391, 111, 401 ], [ 114, 391, 178, 401 ], [ 178, 391, 218, 401 ], [ 222, 392, 268, 402 ], [ 269, 392, 300, 402 ], [ 75, 404, 133, 417 ], [ 135, 406, 192, 415 ], [ 193, 404, 280, 416 ], [ 73, 419, 119, 428 ], [ 120, 421, 204, 430 ], [ 208, 421, 238, 431 ], [ 350, 268, 365, 280 ], [ 377, 271, 395, 278 ], [ 347, 280, 365, 292 ], [ 377, 283, 395, 293 ], [ 349, 296, 365, 306 ], [ 377, 298, 396, 307 ], [ 347, 308, 366, 320 ], [ 376, 311, 397, 320 ], [ 346, 322, 365, 334 ], [ 376, 325, 397, 332 ], [ 343, 337, 382, 347 ], [ 380, 338, 393, 347 ], [ 349, 349, 367, 359 ], [ 377, 349, 395, 361 ], [ 343, 362, 365, 374 ], [ 376, 364, 394, 373 ], [ 350, 377, 365, 387 ], [ 377, 379, 396, 391 ], [ 349, 392, 365, 402 ], [ 376, 392, 395, 402 ], [ 343, 404, 373, 416 ], [ 379, 404, 386, 414 ], [ 347, 418, 374, 430 ], [ 377, 416, 386, 428 ], [ 407, 268, 443, 280 ], [ 449, 265, 486, 278 ], [ 488, 266, 513, 278 ], [ 551, 266, 578, 279 ], [ 618, 269, 640, 281 ], [ 557, 295, 582, 307 ], [ 618, 296, 636, 308 ], [ 555, 322, 576, 335 ], [ 599, 320, 636, 335 ], [ 404, 322, 429, 334 ], [ 433, 320, 463, 332 ], [ 467, 322, 494, 334 ], [ 497, 323, 552, 332 ], [ 404, 295, 429, 304 ], [ 434, 295, 458, 305 ], [ 463, 296, 515, 308 ], [ 75, 445, 126, 460 ], [ 127, 448, 152, 458 ], [ 157, 446, 211, 459 ], [ 214, 448, 293, 460 ], [ 73, 473, 124, 486 ], [ 129, 475, 172, 484 ], [ 72, 503, 133, 513 ], [ 135, 501, 166, 513 ], [ 171, 501, 216, 513 ], [ 222, 516, 288, 525 ], [ 292, 516, 323, 525 ], [ 72, 528, 153, 541 ], [ 156, 530, 190, 540 ], [ 87, 543, 112, 553 ], [ 115, 543, 137, 553 ], [ 142, 542, 158, 554 ], [ 165, 543, 204, 553 ], [ 75, 570, 111, 580 ], [ 115, 572, 196, 582 ], [ 213, 572, 253, 582 ], [ 256, 572, 275, 582 ], [ 278, 572, 324, 584 ], [ 73, 585, 118, 595 ], [ 120, 585, 163, 594 ], [ 73, 597, 118, 607 ], [ 124, 596, 169, 608 ], [ 234, 612, 255, 625 ], [ 320, 612, 336, 625 ], [ 335, 612, 359, 625 ], [ 229, 584, 244, 596 ], [ 250, 585, 268, 597 ], [ 347, 587, 366, 597 ], [ 229, 599, 263, 609 ], [ 349, 600, 358, 612 ], [ 73, 639, 139, 651 ], [ 142, 639, 167, 649 ], [ 172, 639, 188, 651 ], [ 192, 638, 217, 651 ], [ 222, 639, 301, 651 ], [ 377, 490, 437, 502 ], [ 437, 488, 456, 501 ], [ 376, 501, 437, 514 ], [ 439, 504, 472, 514 ], [ 475, 501, 493, 513 ], [ 493, 501, 521, 513 ], [ 527, 501, 555, 514 ], [ 557, 501, 585, 513 ], [ 418, 515, 472, 525 ], [ 475, 518, 545, 525 ], [ 546, 515, 580, 525 ], [ 374, 543, 456, 556 ], [ 461, 545, 521, 555 ], [ 377, 585, 407, 597 ], [ 412, 587, 443, 597 ], [ 448, 588, 482, 597 ], [ 510, 614, 528, 624 ], [ 533, 614, 566, 624 ], [ 567, 614, 606, 623 ], [ 609, 615, 636, 622 ], [ 510, 599, 526, 611 ], [ 539, 600, 549, 609 ], [ 609, 599, 630, 608 ], [ 299, 656, 357, 666 ], [ 361, 656, 388, 666 ], [ 419, 656, 435, 668 ], [ 437, 656, 501, 666 ], [ 504, 656, 513, 666 ], [ 516, 657, 544, 666 ], [ 419, 680, 441, 693 ], [ 451, 681, 463, 693 ], [ 470, 681, 498, 693 ], [ 299, 711, 357, 721 ], [ 361, 710, 388, 720 ], [ 391, 725, 449, 735 ], [ 455, 725, 473, 734 ], [ 475, 723, 544, 735 ], [ 543, 725, 627, 735 ], [ 391, 738, 428, 748 ], [ 433, 737, 445, 750 ], [ 448, 737, 524, 749 ], [ 521, 737, 621, 750 ], [ 469, 753, 523, 762 ], [ 139, 749, 166, 764 ], [ 169, 750, 188, 762 ], [ 192, 747, 226, 762 ], [ 410, 780, 437, 792 ], [ 439, 778, 457, 790 ], [ 463, 780, 493, 790 ] ]
[ "PHOENIX", "CYPRUS", "NICOSIA", "Ecusta", "E.30639", "None", "(coresta)", "Swift", "N/A", "x", "New", "HLB- KS", "B. A. T. CYPRUS", "84 mm", "64 mm", "20 mm", "56 mm", "56 mm", "24.75 mm", "90 mm", "110 mm", "25 mm", "27 mm", "13.5 %", "Nil %", "974 mg", "749 mg", "245 mg/cc", "Imitation Cork", "Brown on yellow", "36 gm/ m2", "50 mm mm", "2700 m", "T.K. 9220", "Printed Imitation cork", "mm from mouth end", "mm x mm", "M. HAMERTON / enm", "May 1, 1985", "Director of Technical Operations, Brown & Williamson International Tobacco", "May 1, 1985", "May 1, 1985" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "Brand:", "answer": "PHOENIX" }, { "question": "Style:", "answer": "HLB- KS" }, { "question": "Company:", "answer": "B. A. T. CYPRUS" }, { "question": "Country:", "answer": "CYPRUS" }, { "question": "Supplier(s)", "answer": "Supplier(s)" }, { "question": "Supplier(s)", "answer": "Ecusta" }, { "question": "Color", "answer": "Color" }, { "question": "Color", "answer": "Imitation Cork" }, { "question": "Porosity", "answer": "Porosity" }, { "question": "Porosity", "answer": "(coresta)" }, { "question": "substance", "answer": "substance" }, { "question": "substance", "answer": "36 gm/ m2" }, { "question": "Type", "answer": "Type" }, { "question": "Type", "answer": "Printed Imitation cork" }, { "question": "Overall", "answer": "Overall" }, { "question": "Overall", "answer": "x" }, { "question": "skip", "answer": "skip" }, { "question": "Dimension", "answer": "mm x mm" }, { "question": "Positioning", "answer": "mm from mouth end" }, { "question": "Date:", "answer": "May 1, 1985" }, { "question": "Date:", "answer": "May 1, 1985" }, { "question": "Date:", "answer": "May 1, 1985" }, { "question": "Replaces:", "answer": "New" }, { "question": "Place of Manufacture:", "answer": "NICOSIA" }, { "question": "Overall Cigarette Length", "answer": "Overall Cigarette Length" }, { "question": "Overall Cigarette Length", "answer": "84 mm" }, { "question": "Tobacco Rod Length", "answer": "Tobacco Rod Length" }, { "question": "Tobacco Rod Length", "answer": "64 mm" }, { "question": "Filter Plug Length", "answer": "Filter Plug Length" }, { "question": "Filter Plug Length", "answer": "20 mm" }, { "question": "Filter Plug Pressure Drop (unencap.)", "answer": "Filter Plug Pressure Drop (unencap.)" }, { "question": "Filter Plug Pressure Drop (unencap.)", "answer": "56 mm" }, { "question": "Filter Plug Pressure Drop encap.", "answer": "Filter Plug Pressure Drop encap." }, { "question": "Filter Plug Pressure Drop encap.", "answer": "56 mm" }, { "question": "Cigarette Circumference", "answer": "Cigarette Circumference" }, { "question": "Cigarette Circumference", "answer": "24.75 mm" }, { "question": "Total Pressure Drop (unencap.)", "answer": "Total Pressure Drop (unencap.)" }, { "question": "Total Pressure Drop (unencap.)", "answer": "90 mm" }, { "question": "Total Pressure Drop (encap.)", "answer": "Total Pressure Drop (encap.)" }, { "question": "Total Pressure Drop (encap.)", "answer": "110 mm" }, { "question": "Tipping Length", "answer": "Tipping Length" }, { "question": "Tipping Length", "answer": "25 mm" }, { "question": "Print Position (from filter end)", "answer": "Print Position (from filter end)" }, { "question": "Print Position (from filter end)", "answer": "27 mm" }, { "question": "Moisture content (ex-catcher)", "answer": "Moisture content (ex-catcher)" }, { "question": "Moisture content (ex-catcher)", "answer": "13.5 %" }, { "question": "Filter ventilation Rate", "answer": "Filter ventilation Rate" }, { "question": "Filter ventilation Rate", "answer": "Nil %" }, { "question": "Total Cigt. Wt.", "answer": "Total Cigt. Wt." }, { "question": "Total Cigt. Wt.", "answer": "974 mg" }, { "question": "Net Tob. Rod Density", "answer": "Net Tob. Rod Density" }, { "question": "Net Tob. Rod Density", "answer": "245 mg/cc" }, { "question": "Net Net Tobacco", "answer": "Net Net Tobacco" }, { "question": "Net Net Tobacco", "answer": "749 mg" }, { "question": "Supplier Code No(s).", "answer": "Supplier Code No(s)." }, { "question": "Supplier Code No(s).", "answer": "E.30639" }, { "question": "Perforation Type and No. of lines", "answer": "Perforation Type and No. of lines" }, { "question": "Perforation Type and No. of lines", "answer": "None" }, { "question": "Print Description", "answer": "Print Description" }, { "question": "Print Description", "answer": "Brown on yellow" }, { "question": "Bobbin Width", "answer": "Bobbin Width" }, { "question": "Bobbin Width", "answer": "50 mm mm" }, { "question": "Robbin Length", "answer": "Robbin Length" }, { "question": "Robbin Length", "answer": "2700 m" }, { "question": "Supplier (s)", "answer": "Supplier (s)" }, { "question": "Supplier (s)", "answer": "Swift" }, { "question": "Supplier Code No (s)", "answer": "Supplier Code No (s)" }, { "question": "Supplier Code No (s)", "answer": "T.K. 9220" }, { "question": "Glue Pree Area", "answer": "N/A" }, { "question": "Prepared by:", "answer": "M. HAMERTON / enm" }, { "question": "Approved by:", "answer": "Director of Technical Operations, Brown & Williamson International Tobacco" } ] }
[ "COMPOUND", "SOURCE:", "INVESTIGATOR(S)", "SIGNATURE(S)", "LORILLARD", "NO", "REPORTED:", "LOT", "NO.", "CONCLUSION", "TA98", "TA100", "TA1535", "TESTED", "SOLVENT", "DMSC", "☑", "50", "80", "100", ".5", ".90", ".96", ".92", ".85", ".88", ".97", ".92", ".92", ".79", ".83", ".97", "500", "250", "125", "4", "2", ".86", ".30", "00836244", "", "", "", "AMES", "ASSAY", "FOR", "MUTAGENICITY", "2,", "4-", "Dihydroxypyridine", "Lorillard", "-", "Organic", "Chemistry", "OR61", "-2", "DATE", "RECEIVED", "9", "/3", "/80", "9", "/10", "/80", "-10", "/10", "/80", "10", "/10", "/80", "H.", "S.", "Tong", "&", "A.", "A.", "Poole", "NOTEBOOK", "PAGE", "BIO7", "-24", "", "", "TOXICITY", "(%", "SURVIVAL)", "CONCENTRATION", "1mgimit", "☐", "OTHER", "☐", "WATER", "S.", "TYPHIMURIUM", "CONTROL", "AFVERTANTS", "PER", "PLATE", "(0.05", "ml", "SOLVENT)", "(-)", "", "9", "(+)", "", "", "", "", "", "(+)", "", "", "(-)", "", "", "(+)", "", "", "(-)", "", "", "(+)", "", "", "4", ".67", "8", ".00", "123", ".00", "135", ".33", "3", ".33.33", "16", ".00", "1.", "00", "COMPOUND", "(US", "plate)", "REVERSION", "RATE", "(TEST", "REVERSANTS/CONTROL", "REVERTANTS", "PER", "PLATE", "POSTIVE", "CONTROL", "(ug", "plate)", "2-", "AMINOANTHHACENE", "1.", "20", "8", ".63", "1", ".39", "7", ".26", "1", ".80", "27", ".69", "24", ".13", "6", ".07", "1", ".24", "4", ".75", "This", "compound", "is", "judged", "non", "mutagenic", "in", "this", "test", "system.", "Copies", "to", "the", "following:", "Dr.", "H.", "J.", "Minnemeyer", "Ms.", "L.", "B.", "Gray", "FORM", "", "(5/80)", "LORILLARD", "RESEARCH", "CENTER" ]
[ [ 74, 119, 124, 137 ], [ 74, 154, 115, 169 ], [ 74, 214, 148, 229 ], [ 75, 243, 138, 258 ], [ 404, 154, 450, 169 ], [ 451, 155, 468, 169 ], [ 501, 186, 551, 199 ], [ 612, 154, 629, 168 ], [ 630, 155, 651, 166 ], [ 77, 796, 131, 810 ], [ 531, 374, 552, 384 ], [ 405, 374, 429, 384 ], [ 278, 373, 309, 384 ], [ 320, 182, 352, 203 ], [ 485, 300, 526, 317 ], [ 554, 302, 579, 317 ], [ 538, 303, 552, 317 ], [ 284, 303, 295, 314 ], [ 349, 304, 360, 314 ], [ 415, 303, 433, 316 ], [ 352, 332, 369, 346 ], [ 507, 497, 534, 515 ], [ 563, 478, 590, 493 ], [ 563, 500, 590, 515 ], [ 563, 521, 591, 538 ], [ 451, 475, 479, 495 ], [ 454, 500, 478, 515 ], [ 453, 521, 480, 538 ], [ 313, 473, 342, 493 ], [ 316, 499, 341, 514 ], [ 316, 521, 341, 538 ], [ 388, 496, 416, 516 ], [ 137, 475, 168, 490 ], [ 140, 500, 165, 515 ], [ 138, 521, 169, 536 ], [ 138, 634, 152, 647 ], [ 137, 656, 152, 671 ], [ 260, 658, 289, 672 ], [ 508, 654, 535, 672 ], [ 728, 806, 746, 902 ], [ 668, 13, 685, 33 ], [ 686, 15, 697, 30 ], [ 697, 13, 712, 28 ], [ 260, 73, 307, 97 ], [ 313, 71, 367, 96 ], [ 373, 71, 408, 93 ], [ 413, 71, 544, 93 ], [ 145, 112, 165, 130 ], [ 166, 112, 183, 130 ], [ 184, 113, 343, 131 ], [ 137, 144, 222, 164 ], [ 229, 147, 240, 160 ], [ 247, 144, 314, 164 ], [ 323, 144, 404, 166 ], [ 483, 141, 522, 162 ], [ 524, 142, 542, 159 ], [ 74, 183, 98, 196 ], [ 101, 186, 144, 197 ], [ 175, 176, 188, 191 ], [ 183, 176, 203, 193 ], [ 204, 176, 231, 193 ], [ 363, 173, 376, 190 ], [ 378, 175, 403, 195 ], [ 406, 173, 434, 193 ], [ 432, 172, 459, 192 ], [ 459, 173, 487, 193 ], [ 487, 176, 515, 193 ], [ 616, 173, 636, 191 ], [ 638, 176, 660, 194 ], [ 662, 177, 690, 195 ], [ 175, 205, 192, 222 ], [ 203, 203, 221, 223 ], [ 230, 207, 266, 225 ], [ 275, 208, 286, 222 ], [ 292, 207, 310, 222 ], [ 321, 209, 339, 224 ], [ 351, 207, 397, 225 ], [ 535, 214, 584, 231 ], [ 585, 216, 610, 227 ], [ 633, 205, 671, 223 ], [ 673, 207, 698, 224 ], [ 186, 229, 361, 268 ], [ 419, 229, 606, 256 ], [ 77, 300, 113, 317 ], [ 113, 302, 127, 315 ], [ 131, 302, 173, 315 ], [ 75, 327, 145, 342 ], [ 148, 331, 177, 342 ], [ 538, 331, 549, 342 ], [ 557, 328, 585, 342 ], [ 588, 304, 602, 317 ], [ 606, 303, 637, 317 ], [ 75, 372, 85, 385 ], [ 87, 370, 146, 384 ], [ 75, 406, 114, 416 ], [ 116, 406, 173, 417 ], [ 173, 406, 194, 417 ], [ 74, 416, 102, 427 ], [ 103, 416, 123, 426 ], [ 124, 416, 137, 427 ], [ 137, 416, 180, 427 ], [ 249, 388, 259, 399 ], [ 260, 388, 268, 399 ], [ 268, 390, 276, 398 ], [ 310, 388, 320, 398 ], [ 320, 388, 327, 398 ], [ 328, 390, 335, 400 ], [ 373, 388, 381, 398 ], [ 381, 390, 391, 400 ], [ 391, 388, 398, 398 ], [ 433, 391, 441, 398 ], [ 443, 390, 451, 398 ], [ 451, 390, 459, 401 ], [ 496, 390, 506, 398 ], [ 507, 390, 515, 400 ], [ 514, 390, 522, 398 ], [ 557, 390, 567, 400 ], [ 567, 391, 575, 399 ], [ 575, 390, 583, 400 ], [ 624, 390, 634, 401 ], [ 634, 391, 642, 399 ], [ 642, 390, 650, 400 ], [ 684, 390, 694, 401 ], [ 694, 391, 702, 399 ], [ 703, 390, 711, 400 ], [ 239, 422, 250, 436 ], [ 251, 419, 279, 439 ], [ 300, 420, 313, 434 ], [ 314, 418, 343, 438 ], [ 359, 420, 387, 437 ], [ 390, 419, 414, 439 ], [ 423, 422, 451, 436 ], [ 453, 419, 480, 437 ], [ 496, 422, 507, 437 ], [ 510, 422, 534, 439 ], [ 543, 420, 560, 435 ], [ 566, 422, 590, 437 ], [ 250, 497, 264, 514 ], [ 270, 497, 285, 517 ], [ 77, 454, 124, 468 ], [ 124, 457, 139, 468 ], [ 138, 458, 163, 468 ], [ 314, 457, 361, 468 ], [ 365, 457, 386, 468 ], [ 398, 455, 425, 469 ], [ 426, 457, 524, 470 ], [ 527, 457, 580, 468 ], [ 582, 458, 600, 466 ], [ 603, 458, 631, 469 ], [ 77, 585, 111, 593 ], [ 115, 585, 154, 593 ], [ 77, 594, 91, 602 ], [ 91, 595, 112, 603 ], [ 77, 615, 85, 623 ], [ 85, 615, 166, 628 ], [ 250, 633, 261, 648 ], [ 263, 631, 285, 651 ], [ 303, 631, 314, 646 ], [ 317, 633, 344, 650 ], [ 366, 634, 379, 648 ], [ 381, 633, 410, 650 ], [ 434, 634, 445, 648 ], [ 443, 634, 472, 649 ], [ 499, 635, 510, 650 ], [ 510, 631, 535, 648 ], [ 553, 634, 570, 649 ], [ 575, 635, 599, 649 ], [ 554, 655, 571, 673 ], [ 571, 655, 599, 672 ], [ 433, 658, 446, 672 ], [ 447, 656, 472, 673 ], [ 369, 658, 379, 673 ], [ 383, 656, 408, 671 ], [ 304, 656, 315, 671 ], [ 318, 658, 347, 672 ], [ 166, 789, 205, 802 ], [ 214, 788, 287, 805 ], [ 295, 788, 315, 803 ], [ 324, 785, 377, 805 ], [ 385, 788, 414, 803 ], [ 415, 786, 507, 806 ], [ 517, 789, 537, 806 ], [ 543, 786, 586, 806 ], [ 591, 788, 627, 809 ], [ 648, 791, 711, 808 ], [ 138, 832, 194, 850 ], [ 201, 834, 226, 852 ], [ 233, 832, 262, 847 ], [ 267, 834, 361, 849 ], [ 377, 834, 404, 848 ], [ 415, 835, 433, 848 ], [ 440, 832, 461, 849 ], [ 469, 834, 564, 851 ], [ 377, 851, 406, 868 ], [ 415, 851, 435, 866 ], [ 444, 853, 461, 870 ], [ 471, 851, 512, 871 ], [ 670, 947, 695, 960 ], [ 698, 950, 705, 960 ], [ 705, 950, 730, 960 ], [ 75, 946, 122, 959 ], [ 124, 947, 171, 957 ], [ 173, 947, 207, 960 ] ]
[ "☑", "50", "80", "100", ".5", ".90", ".96", ".92", ".85", ".88", ".97", ".92", ".92", ".79", ".83", ".97", "500", "250", "125", "4", "2", "2, 4- Dihydroxypyridine", "Lorillard - Organic Chemistry", "OR61 -2", "9 /3 /80", "9 /10 /80 -10 /10 /80", "10 /10 /80", "H. S. Tong & A. A. Poole", "BIO7 -24", "", "4 .67", "8 .00", "123 .00", "135 .33", "3 .33.33", "16 .00", "1. 00", "This compound is judged non mutagenic in this test system.", "Dr. H. J. Minnemeyer Ms. L. B. Gray" ]
{ "gt_parses": [ { "question": "COMPOUND", "answer": "2, 4- Dihydroxypyridine" }, { "question": "SOURCE:", "answer": "Lorillard - Organic Chemistry" }, { "question": "INVESTIGATOR(S)", "answer": "H. S. Tong & A. A. Poole" }, { "question": "SIGNATURE(S)", "answer": "" }, { "question": "LORILLARD", "answer": "OR61 -2" }, { "question": "REPORTED:", "answer": "10 /10 /80" }, { "question": "CONCLUSION", "answer": "This compound is judged non mutagenic in this test system." }, { "question": "TESTED", "answer": "9 /10 /80 -10 /10 /80" }, { "question": "DMSC", "answer": "DMSC" }, { "question": "DMSC", "answer": "☑" }, { "question": "DATE RECEIVED", "answer": "9 /3 /80" }, { "question": "NOTEBOOK PAGE", "answer": "BIO7 -24" }, { "question": "TOXICITY (% SURVIVAL)", "answer": "50" }, { "question": "TOXICITY (% SURVIVAL)", "answer": "80" }, { "question": "TOXICITY (% SURVIVAL)", "answer": "100" }, { "question": "CONCENTRATION 1mgimit", "answer": ".5" }, { "question": "☐ OTHER", "answer": "☐ OTHER" }, { "question": "☐ WATER", "answer": "☐ WATER" }, { "question": "CONTROL AFVERTANTS PER PLATE (0.05 ml SOLVENT)", "answer": "4 .67" }, { "question": "CONTROL AFVERTANTS PER PLATE (0.05 ml SOLVENT)", "answer": "8 .00" }, { "question": "CONTROL AFVERTANTS PER PLATE (0.05 ml SOLVENT)", "answer": "123 .00" }, { "question": "CONTROL AFVERTANTS PER PLATE (0.05 ml SOLVENT)", "answer": "135 .33" }, { "question": "CONTROL AFVERTANTS PER PLATE (0.05 ml SOLVENT)", "answer": "3 .33.33" }, { "question": "CONTROL AFVERTANTS PER PLATE (0.05 ml SOLVENT)", "answer": "16 .00" }, { "question": "(-) 9", "answer": "(-) 9" }, { "question": "(-) 9", "answer": "4 .67" }, { "question": "(+) ", "answer": "(+) " }, { "question": "(+) ", "answer": "8 .00" }, { "question": "", "answer": "" }, { "question": "", "answer": "123 .00" }, { "question": "(+) ", "answer": "(+) " }, { "question": "(+) ", "answer": "135 .33" }, { "question": "(-) ", "answer": "(-) " }, { "question": "(-) ", "answer": "3 .33.33" }, { "question": "(+) ", "answer": "(+) " }, { "question": "(+) ", "answer": "16 .00" }, { "question": "COMPOUND (US plate)", "answer": "500" }, { "question": "COMPOUND (US plate)", "answer": "250" }, { "question": "COMPOUND (US plate)", "answer": "125" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".92" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": "1. 00" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".79" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".83" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".97" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".88" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".97" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".92" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".90" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".96" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".92" }, { "question": "REVERSION RATE (TEST REVERSANTS/CONTROL REVERTANTS PER PLATE", "answer": ".85" }, { "question": "2- AMINOANTHHACENE", "answer": "4" }, { "question": "2- AMINOANTHHACENE", "answer": "2" }, { "question": "Copies to the following:", "answer": "Dr. H. J. Minnemeyer Ms. L. B. Gray" } ] }
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for funsd-vqa

Dataset Summary

This dataset has been processed to be used by Donut model for DocVQA fine tuninf on FUNSD dataset. The final dataset is in .jsonl file format.


  • English

Dataset Structure

Data Fields

id -> Name of Image file/json file
file_name -> Path of image file
questions -> array of all questions in corresponding to the image
words -> list of all words present in image
bounding_boxes -> contains bounding box of all words
answers -> array of all answers in corresponding to the image
grount_truth -> has gt_parses in donut required format for processing

Dataset Creation

Refer this github repo link:

Source Data

Downloads last month