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A giraffe in a open space
people are flying kites in the sky
An airplane in the sky
A solitary zebra grazing in the middle of a field in a forest
birds on branches of fruit trees
A pole with the sign boards
mama zebra with baby zebra
bear eating grass in the farm
a zebra grazing
People sitting in toy train
a train on the tracks
boy sitting with a suitcase on the driveway
A cow in a grass land
a group of sheep in a field
An old monument has a clock on it
The clock is on the big tower
The word "stop"written on a sign board
STOP sign at lower eye level
Giraffes standing in the park
A aircraft taking off from its runway
The backside of an aeroplane in flight
Boy cycling on the path
An aeroplane in the sky
A man riding a horse while dogs running behind him
sheep and dog in the field
zeebras walking in the forest
Sheeps in the hilly area
A boy is standing on grass
A boy is playing with his bat in a garden
A sign board fixed to pole
Birds are walking in the garland
two boys playing with flying disc
Zebra was eating grass in the field
giraffes standing in a field
a person is sitting on a bench
And elephant sucking water from a lake
a horse is walking on grass
A man playing with disc on the street
kids playing with a flying disc
Three sheep are grazing near a river bank
A crow near the bench
sheep's are walking on grass
two goats on a road
Animals and peoples are walking on the road
Giraffe standing in a park
A building with trees around
the train is going by the fields
a bike is parked in the garden
food and a bottle under a tree
an elephant on a truck
The bike is parked in the field near the tree
A man on a bicycle and a young boy watching an aeroplane
elehants in the grass field
an aero plane is flying in the sky
Chair positioned behind the grass
A sheep, a goat and a duck
zeebras walking in the grass
a person is skating on skate board
a giraffe eating leaves from a tree
Players playing football
Balancing through the arena and life
A street name sign board
Boy's playing football
A giraffe in a forest
A natural scenery where people are seeing cheery blossom and a plane is fly over them in the sky
signs are attached to a pole
A girl sitting on a bench
a giraffe is sitting besides the woods
a sign attached to a pole
Direction board showing road name
A garden area with flowering plants and birds
A aeroplane is being loaded with goods
A picture of a zebra in a forest
a bird sitting on a tree branch
a clock tower in the garden
Two horses sanding in a crossed position
A man walking on the ground
In a football ,two men are chasing for the ball
A bear standing on a forest with fern plants
A cow on the field with trees
zebras are eating the grass
a girl with her doll
A Wing of an airplane
Horse grazing near the lighthouse
Vehicles moving on highway road
The birds is on the ground
a parachute is in the air
A dog with a disk in mouth standing on grass
cows are grazing grass in the field
cows are eating grass by the hill side
People are celebrating kite festival
A jumbo fighter plane standing on the runway
A boy playing with kites
a group of elephaants in jungle
A flock of sheeps in an open field
sheep standing in a field