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SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [16 F] with my boyfriend [18 M] 10 months, I think I'm too attached to him and it's causing me anxiety, I want it to stop
POST: It began when he started going out more often, 2/3 months ago I guess, and while he was gone I always got worried too much, I think, at the point I couldn't sleep until I knew he got home safe.
This is causing me problems and I want this to stop but I don't know how, I mean, I guess the main problem is worrying too much and as his gf I don't want him to feel that I control him or anything, and neither do I. So, I guess I wanna restore some of my independency again of doing stuff without him near by or to not worry at the point I go insane, and I really could use some help.
TL;DR: | I get too worried when my bf goes out. I need help so I make it stop and to focus on other things. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Indirect Demoralization at work
POST: Been at the same job over a year now and no raise. Been thinking about asking for a while. Recently a lot more responsibility has been added to my plate(not including the vast amount that has accumulated over the year). Today I gathered up the nerve to go up and ask, but just before I go ask, I hear the boss coming out of the accountant's office ranting about how he doesn't give out raises for taking on more responsibility, and went off for a few minutes about the co-worker who asked without directly saying the persons name coupled in with some of those "well he can go work for such and such for minimum wage, see if he gets a raise there" type comments. Needless to say I just turned around and went back to my desk without asking. Now I am sitting here with absolutely no motivation to do anything, had I not heard what I had just heard from the boss, I probably wouldn't be nearly as demotivated and demoralized to do work as I am at the moment. I'm not sure what to do with myself now.
TL;DR: | went up to ask for raise, got shut down before even asking, now I'm demotivate/demoralized. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My boyfriend [21] hasn't made me [f 18] orgasm, but I dont mind... should I tell him?
POST: Okay, so I've been going out with my guy for about 6 months, we've been having sex since 1 month into the relationship. He was my first, so the first couple of times I thought it was probably normal not to orgasm since your body is still only getting used to it and whatnot.
5 months later and I've still never had an orgasm.
To be honest, I genuinely don't care. I love our relationship, we click so well together, orgasms aren't the most important thing. The reason I'm concerned is because I've been lying to him, faking orgasms, and he's starting to notice.
TL;DR: | Boyf hasnt made me orgasm, I've been faking the whole time. To tell or not to tell? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [22F] matched with an ex [23M] on tinder...
POST: Sorry in advance if this seems like a stupid situation/question/whatever. Anyway, the beginning of this year I met this guy and we ended up dating for a few months. However, neither of us was really sure what we wanted and he wasn't over his ex so things ended up falling apart relatively amicably, though I will say I liked him quite a bit. We didn't stay in touch- we were never friends before we dated- and haven't been in contact since. This ended around 4 months ago.
So the other night his little face popped up on my tinder (dating-ish app). I was curious/missed him/whatever and "liked" him. Well, this morning it popped up that it was a mutual match- meaning he "liked" me too.
He hasn't said anything and neither have I but I would like to. I have no idea what to say or if I should even say anything. Does him "liking" me necessarily mean he would be interested in hearing from me or what?
Really just looking for some opinions on this slightly weird situation.
Thanks in advance
TL;DR: | Matched w a guy I used to date on tinder. Would like to talk to him but I don't know what to say! |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: [19/m] where do I go from here? [18/f]
POST: Ive been talking with this girl for a month or so now, and hanging out some. We've known each other for a few years now, had a few classes in HS together, but have only recently been really talking with each other. We went out to a movie the other night, which was the first time we went out without mutual friends in our company. It was nice, picked her up, met her dad for the first time, the whole your taking my daughter for the night talk, went to the movie, and went to a bonfire at a mutual friends house afterwards. we get along great, talking and making jokes. What I'm getting as is that I think I'm really starting to like her as more than a friend, but I'm unsure if she feels the same way. I know she values me as a close friend, and I feel the same way, but I'm starting to want something more than just friendship. Were both the church going type, so its not like I'm wanting a relationship out of this for sex, and she knows that I'm not like that cause shes the same way. I just don't know how to bring it up to her, or the proper protocol for this type of situation, as I have never had a gf before. I just need a way to figure out what she wants. If she wants to just stay friends, I can live with that, but if she wants something more, I would also really like to know that. What do I do? Where do I go from here?
TL;DR: | talking to girl, not sure if she feels the same way as I do, but we seem to have a connection. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [21 M] am about to meet with a girl 23 [F] that I met online. I'm fat and nervous she won't like me.
POST: As the title says, we've been talking for a while now. We've decided to meet this weekend. Now, the problem is that I'm chubby. I'm not obese or anything, in fact I look skinny with my clothes on. She is not like super thin, but she seems to be more fit than I am. Even though we haven't met we've hit it off pretty well. We text every day. She's seen pictures of me. She thinks I'm cute, and she loves my personality. It's just the issue that when it comes to her seeing curvy me, I feel like maybe I'd turn her off. I know a lot of guys fear fat chicks and that's a common trope of meeting a chick in real life and she's heavy, but this is the opposite in my case. I asked her how she would feel if I showed up and I was like 300 pounds (I'm not, but I was testing the waters). She said she'd never treat a person badly because they're overweight.
TL;DR: | I'm fat. I don't think she knows about it. Should I hint that I'm fat? Would she care? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [27M] missed an opportunity to get a number of girl [20sF] sitting next to me on a plane. Anything I can do?
POST: She struck up a conversation with me and we hit it off. I planned on asking for her number in the terminal, but she had to stop in the tunnel to wait for her friend that she boarded with and she yelled goodbye to me and that it was nice to meet me. I didn't really think about walking all the way back down the tunnel, but kind of wish I had. I don't know her name. I know where she goes to school and where she's from, and obviously the seat she was in. Am I 100% out of luck?
TL;DR: | I didn't ask for a girl's number when I was on a plane, wish I had, am I out of luck? |
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: What the hell is his game? M23. me-F 21
POST: So about June last year I approached a guy on facebook. We had met at a mutual friends party and we ended up going for coffee.
Things were fun and easy so we went on another coffee date and to dinner twice. He seemed interested but we never really stated that they were dates and neither of us made any moves. After a third dinner/drinks thing he seemed uninterested and bored. Which is fine I stopped messaging him, I had got the message.
Then last week out of the blue we run into each other and he mentions catching up on Friday next week :S Was he being polite? WTH?!
I should mention he does have a slight reputation for having casual flings with others.
TL;DR: | We go on a few dates. He seems uninterested so we both drop it. MONTHS later he asks me out again. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My[19M] ex-gf[18F] might want me back after dumping me for the second time and i dont know what to do because i feel lonely.
POST: We had a two and a half years long relantionship. About a year ago she cheated on me and i actually took her back. It still feels horrible to think about. She broke up with me again last month and i went no contact up until yesterday when she messaged me asking how i'm doing. Now, i know it doesnt necessarily mean anything, but i just have a feeling that she wants to get back.
I consider myself a good looking person and i have no problems with talking to people. The problem is that when i was 15 i simply lost interest on people. I actually enjoyed being alone until i was 17 and we started dating. Besides her, i only had one friend over these years. I am feeling really lonely and since i am a NEET, i have nothing to do all day besides thinking about the past and now considering accepting her back even though she is just using me. (She already told me she doesnt love me many times).
TL;DR: | Cheating ex gf might want me back. I have no friends and no one to talk to. I dont know what to do. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [50F] with my longtime BF [50M] have utterly nothing in common but have been together going on 10 years. I want out. Advice?
POST: The problem is the embarrassingly long time I have stayed in an unfulfilling relationship. He'll use his social connections to make things uncomfortable for me. It's difficult to explain but everyone in town knows him and I have been treated pretty badly in this town as it is.
Go ahead and be brutal. I'm not bothering to use a throw-away because this really is the situation. He isn't real cerebral (being nice) so that's an obstacle. I wish I could just move and start over but financially, that's not possible, as yet. I'm not dependent on him financially and we live separately. His whole life is fishing and it just bores me stupid. He never reads, didn't even own a TV when I met him. I'm not bothering to appear sympathetic because I probably don't deserve to be. I'm just out of ideas. He isn't cruel or anything.
I don't even want to be with anyone else. I haven't cheated and haven't used any dating sites, nor does that particularly interest me. How do I extricate myself from this situation?
Oh, by the way there's almost no sex at all. <once a year. He says it doesn't matter then has his friends make passive-aggressive comments to me which I deflect. I had a normal sex life before this relationship.
TL;DR: | I've stayed in a relationship waaaay too long. I'm a fool. Advise me anyway?? *dons iron underpants |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Should I [21M] go on a spring break trip or go home?
POST: Background: I am a senior in college. My friends and I planned a trip to the beach for the week. The trip is not costly (under $150 for the week). I tell my parents [51 and 52] about the trip; they respond apprehensively, and I sensed they want me to come home. My father informs me my grandmother's 80th birthday is during my spring break, and that he would very much like me to help drive the 8 hours to her residence to celebrate. If I go home and to my grandmother's birthday celebration, I will miss the trip entirely and spend the rest of break at home by myself. I call home and say I would prefer to go to the beach with my friends; my dad reacts by spending a good amount of time calling me selfish, saying I am making the absolute wrong decision, saying that he has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on me over my lifetime, and threatening to take away the car I recently brought to school (among other things I discerned were said to induce guilt). Reddit, am I indeed selfish to go on this trip and leave my dad to drive by himself, while not seeing my family over spring break? Or am I in the right to choose to go with my friends? I would really appreciate any help you guys can give - it is really eating at me.
TL;DR: | Parents do not want me to go on a spring break trip; I do. Am I selfish to go despite their wishes? |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Going to New York this summer - what do I need to see/visit/do?
POST: Title pretty much says it all. I'll be in Montreal the 8th through the 10th of June, then going down to New York for the next week. I haven't been in New York before aside from various flight layovers. What are some things that I need to see, visit or do while there?
I was thinking that I'll do some of the "base" tourist things like visiting Times Square, stand outside during a taping of Good Morning America, visit Ground Zero, and maybe checking out the Statue of Liberty. But aside from those couple of things, what else do I need to do?
TL;DR: | I'll be in New York the second week of June, what do I need to see, visit or do while there? |
TITLE: TIFU by catching frogs with my sister
POST: This happened last night. My sister and I (both 17) have bees staying at a resort the past few days, and we noticed that you could always hear frogs when walking by a particular stream. Last night was our last night there, so sis says, "hey! Let's try and catch one!" We turn on our iPhone flashlights and went to work. Catching them turned out to be pretty easy.
My sister managed to get one of these tiny frogs clasped between her hands. No sooner had she don't this when we hear a rowdy group of 20 something's coming straight from the bar. As they're bearing down on us, seeing my sister with her hands closed and the croaking of a frog, they're like, "OMG YOU CAUGHT ONE! LET ME SEE LET ME SEE!"
Here's the fuck up.
We were soon crowded by strangers trying to hold, and film this poor frog. Then, One of the males of the group spoke up.
"Hey! I caught this HUGE Bass yesterday! Who wants to see?!?"
Without waiting for an answer, he whips out his phone and pulls up a video while we all crowd around him. He hits play, and there it is, a HUGE bass, sucking his dick. The video is of him and his friends forcing this fish's mouth over the guys dong. Now I've seen some fucked up shit in my days on the interwebz, but my sister was a pure spirit, and she freaked out. She dropped the frog and ran back to the room, and she hasn't spoken to me since.
TL;DR: | Went frog catching with my sister, watched a video, fish beastiality, now she won't talk to me. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: I was just listening to the OST of my favourite TV show and a truly chilling song came on. So, what song, if any, has ever made you feel terror?
POST: For those interested, the song is **"Your Worst Nightmare"** by Blake Neely, off of The Mentalist S1&2 OST.
If you intend to listen to the song, I recommend [Believe (Jane's Theme)] beforehand, so that the ending of the next song has more of an impact.
[Have a link,] in case you wanted to listen to the original.
"Your Worst Nightmare" likely won't induce terror in you unless you've seen all four seasons of The Mentalist. If you can understand at all, even just a little bit, how Jane has felt throughout the entire series. If you can just see what a monster Red John is. Then you'll understand. Then, and only then, will you feel what I feel. You'll feel your bones chill as the woman sings out. The true terror as the song starts up, right after you assume it's stopped.
TL;DR: | The Mentalist is fucking awesome and I can't wait until season five (SEPTEMBER 30TH, BABY) |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [21/F] seem to be unable to resist the commands of my dominant FWB [29/M] of 5 months
POST: I have a pretty big submissive side and have been exploring this more and more with a dominant guy FWB over the last 5 months. He enjoys pushing my limits and, although I don't doubt he would happily and respectfully back down if I told him I was unable or unwilling to fulfill a command, I find myself going further and further down the rabbit hole and agreeing to increasingly extreme activities. I'm worried that i'm going too far and yet I find myself completely unable to say no when it comes down to an explicit "yes or no" question as to whether i'm in for something. How do I limit myself more?
TL;DR: | I'm unable to say no to my FWB and i'm worrying myself. How do I give myself more limits? |
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit
TITLE: Over Eating, Help?
POST: Five years ago, when I was a Sophomore in High School, I went to my first Districts meet in swimming. I saw all of these very in shape people around me, and here I was; 5'10, 215lb all body fat. On the way home from the meet, I suddenly said to my dad, "I want to start taking a weight loss pill." He set me on the right path by basically telling me that that was foolish, and got me in the gym where, over the next three years (up until the middle of swim season my freshman year in college) I dropped all the way down to 160lb, 6'1". It is now the end of my Junior year in college, and I am 6'2" and 195lb. While I have put on some muscle, I have also put on fat.
This is where I begin again. I am looking to drop down to 175lb without losing muscle mass this Summer. I say all this, again, because I am looking for support. I am also looking for a reccomendation; how do I control how much I eat? As a swimmer I am so used to consuming 3500+ calories a day, and out of swim season that just doesn't work. I have read such inspirational stories on here, and I am hoping to keep reading about the successes of the Lose It members.
TL;DR: | Lost 65lb, gained back 35lb, looking to lose 20lb before September. How do I eat less? |
SUBREDDIT: r/Dogtraining
TITLE: How do I stop my dog barking first thing in the morning and when I walk in the front door?
POST: I have a four year old Male cut French bulldog. Most of his life he was living in the family home but in the new year I moved out and I've taken him with me. Every morning without fail, he barks between 6am and 7:25, when I get up to walk him. Sometimes he will bark maybe twice total during that period, more recently he's been barking almost non-stop.
I never go in to the room whilst he's barking, I always wait until he's stopped for about 30 seconds. I also go in between 7:15-25 every single day. Sometimes he's better than others, but how do I eliminate it entirely? he's quite the velcro dog, always following me around or sitting next to me.
Another issue I have is that when I come back home he barks incessantly. Again, I don't go in until he's finished for about half a minute, but I don't think it's stopping him from starting barking.
Just to give you an idea of the layout of his room, on one side there is a dog gate that looks into the living room and the other is a solid wood door that leads through a corridor to my bedroom, which is the door I go through in the morning and when I'm back.
TL;DR: | dog barks from 6-7 every morning and whenever I come back into the house. How do I get him to stop? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: [22M] Ladies (and men too) of R_A, How do you feel about grand romantic gestures? I'm thinking this could backfire.
POST: Recently after a bunch of my co-workers hung out at my apartment for a day, I discovered I have feelings for one of them [21F]. We've talked here and there for about a semester at work and we have a lot in common. Besides the aforementioned hang out, we've never hung out outside of work.
Grand romantic gesture:
Valentine's day is coming up, as if you didn't know, and I've written a short song asking her to come over and watch a movie for V-Day. My plan was to record a video of me playing the song and send it to her on FB (probably in a message to avoid any embarrassment). I don't profess my love for her in or anything. I just made some cute references to past conversations. It's pretty light-hearted and tongue-in-cheek.
Now here's my question: Is this creepy? Or cute? I polled my friends and got a mixed bag of answers. Do I not know her well enough? We have established a good rapport but never hung out without other people around. I get the sense that she likes me too as we are sort of flirtatious around each other. But how badly could this backfire? Does it just wholly depend on whether or not she likes me in the first place?
TL;DR: | Wrote my co-worker a tongue-in-cheek V-Day song asking her out to watch a movie. Creepy or cute? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: [20m] My ex-girlfriend [20f] wants to start talking to me again
POST: Our relationship didn't last that long, just 3 months. I asked her out in Jan, and in March she broke up with me because she "wasn't ready for a relationship," which I later found out I was just rebound for her.
Cool, whatever. I decided to move on and not talk to her for a while. The problem is, we both share a lot of mutual friends, and it's gotten weird or awkward at times, because if one of us was going to an event our friends hosted, the other wouldn't be there.
2 nights ago, she texted me saying she that she didn't want a rift between us, and making it weird for our friends to have to choose who to hang out with. But I really, REALLY, don't want to talk to her. I know things haven't changed at all, and even if I did try to meet up with her, I would still avoid her. I know my thinking isn't rational at all and I don't want to inconvenience our friends, but I still can't handle seeing her.
Should I try talking to her and see whats on her mind? Or should I just keep ignoring her?
TL;DR: | Ex broke up with me. Wants to talk to me, but I don't feel as if that is necessary. What to do. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [25F] with my SO [25 M] of 2.5 months, I'm thinking about giving him a hall pass while he's out of town.
POST: So, I'm thinking about giving the guy I'm dating a hall pass while he's in NYC for the next few days for a medical school interview.
My rationale is that he's 25, in Manhattan for the first time, under very exciting circumstances in his life (interviewing for med school). Who knows when he'll get to be back, and free of obligation and worry. He should have all the fun he can.
I have no expectation of a reciprocal hall pass nor would I want or use one.
Our relationship already has unusual parameters - we both have zero expectations of it growing into long term commitment - I'm letting him go once he gets to med school, or we might end things before then depending on how things are. So why should the restrictions of a "typical" relationship apply?
I'm honestly coming from a place in my heart where I want him to enjoy himself and the city. I'd leave it up to him whether he wants to tell me if he used the pass, whatever he's comfortable with. I would be indifferent.
Alright, tell me why I'm crazy.
TL;DR: | I want my SO to have fun while he's out of town by giving him the option of going home with a girl. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How should I [17m] ask my crush [18m] out, whose car I crashed into last week?
POST: Two weeks ago I got in a car wreck with a girl that goes my high school. Everything was good, no one was hurt, but I started crushing on her pretty hard. We've talked several times since then, and really [I think] hit it off.
I'm planning to ask her out on Tuesday, when we go back to school, but I have encountered three problems:
1. I get incredibly nervous around girls that I like. Nervous doesn't even begin to describe how I get.
2. I have effectively used the rear end of her car to render my own useless.
3. I have never asked a girl out before, and have no idea how to. All of my relationships just happened, really, and I have always ended up letting the girls come to me.
Do you guys have any tips for asking a girl out for someone that never has had to? Pickup lines encouraged.
TL;DR: | I hit a girls car last week, and hit it off, going to ask her out this week, don't know how. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: trust issues.
POST: So I've [F20] been with my boyfriend [M19] for about 4 months now and other than the usual couple of spats things are perfect. We're in college and occasionally I go home. While I'm away I constantly worry about what he's doing even though he hasn't given me any reason not to trust him. I always think he's lying when we says he just woke up or if he doesn't text back soon enough I assume it's because he's doing something shady.
Literally right before we started dating I was in a serious and bad relationship for 3 years that was very emotionally draining. I fear I'm putting all the past experiences on my current boyfriend and he doesn't deserve that. Any help on how to just chill and trust him? Or at least realize that he's not my ex? I'm reallllly into this guy. I love him and he's just such a breath of fresh air that I don't know how to handle him or hold on to him. I'm afraid eventually my behavior will push him away.
TL;DR: | I have a new boyfriend but I peg the old ones crap on him. But I love him and want to do better. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My mom walked in on me [17f] and my bf [20m] having sex, now she won't talk to me
POST: I haven't seen my boyfriend for a couple weeks, so when he came over we started watching a movie, things heated up and we started having sex.
Now my mom knows we've had sex, but my bf and I often get away with it before anyone walks in (I'm not allowed to lock my door and it's easily able to be unlocked anyway).
So anyway we were going at it and my mom suddenly opened the door (she doesn't knock), she saw what we were doing and closed the door. Bf and I decided to stop right after and when I went to ask my mom if dinner was ready (I didn't know she was the one who walked in at the time) she seemed upset. I asked her why and I think she said "You know." but I didn't hear her clearly. She's also been sick the past few days.
I'm really close to my mom and I feel like I hurt her feelings. How do I fix this?
TL;DR: | Mom walked in on me and bf having sex, I feel like I hurt her and I want to know how to fix it. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [27 M] am infatuated with someone [26 F] who recently became single. The problem is....
POST: Her ex was not only with me in basic training, but is also a close friend.
There has always been obvious mutual attraction between us (the lady and I) But I just don't know how to proceed from here. Do I repress and keep her at a distance even though she and I are still in the same town and are good friends while the buddy (her now ex) has shipped off to another unit?
Do I be a comforting ear, or even just be a good friend while she is trying to get through this?
Do I ever act on my feelings because life is too short to never take your chances? If so, is there a timeline to something like this?
This is a very new situation and I honestly have no idea what I should do and would really appreciate some insight.
TL;DR: | two good friends of mine have broken up, and I like the girl. What should, or should,'t I do ? |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Reddit:: Do you have the passwords to your spouses accounts? If no - would you like to. If yes - do you take advantage of that? Do you care if your spouse knows your password/reads your messages?
I am fairly confident that I know my man's passwords. I haven't checked so I'm not totally sure. I don't take advantage of it but to be honest that is just because I trust him so much. I'm not going to pretend I haven't snooped on exes or wouldn't snoop on a person I don't trust. I do know it's wrong and disrespectful and am glad I've never felt the need to with my current guy. By the way, the ex I did check up on was writing love poems to his ex so I think my radar is pretty good.
I think he knows mine, I'm not sure if he looks at my account or not. I don't care if he does because I'm one of those lucky few with nothing to hide
I have gone on to facebook and not realized that I was on his before, only to have one of his friends start chatting with me, which causes confusion, which causes me to realize I am on his account. (this is possible because we both have a lot of friends in common and sometimes have a picture of both of us or a flier for our profile pic)
TL;DR: | I do have passwords but don't use them, and don't mind if he uses mine. How about you reddit? |
TITLE: Tifu by getting annoyed with a crying infant...
POST: I work at a kiosk in our local mall. Because of this I often have random people just standing in the aisles catching up with their long lost friend.
Usually this doesn't bother me. People watching is half the fun of working here. However, yesterday I was helping out a customer that was trying to find a gift for their boyfriend who was deploying this weekend when we hear this infant start screaming and crying and yelling, "Mama! Mama! Mama!"
The girl sighed, and I rolled my eyes and said, "The best birth control is a screaming baby, am I right?"
Then the family broke up their conversation and walked past us.
Turns out the "infant" crying was actually a 7-year-old mentally handicapped child who couldn't control herself.
And now I feel like such a shit person.
TL;DR: | Was annoyed with a crying "infant" that turned out to be a mentally handicapped 7-year-old. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [26M] can't get over my ex girlfriend [25F] and it maybe hindering my current relationship with my girlfriend [22F]
POST: Me and my ex girlfriend were together almost 4 years back in college through early university.
I loved her without a doubt.
Been with new girlfriend about 2 and a half years, and all I can think about is my ex. Since about 6 months ago I've realised that saying 'I love you' to my current girlfriend just doesn't feel right. It doesn't help that as a male in my mid twenties my emotions have severely dwindled for most things going through depression etc .
So I'm not sure if being of this age, this time into a relationship I should feel kinda dry about everything.
Problem is, my current girlfriend is perfect. She likes video games, she's smart, kind, gives me space, doesn't moan about anything. But I'm just not happy and I have no reason not to be.
A few months ago my nana died and, during her last moments I saw her with my grandad, I thought about my ex girlfriend.
Should I be breaking up with my current girlfriend knowing that my ex is always on my mind?
TL;DR: | can't get over my ex, not sure if I love my current gf, do I break up with her? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My guy [25] and I [23] hit it off. However, I wish he wasn't so feministic sometimes.
POST: He[25] and I[23] have been dating for a few weeks. I have never been in a dating relationship with more mutual appreciation than this. He is in touch with his sensitive side and it is absolutely wonderful. I like him a lot.
However, on occasion, he seems a little *too* sensitive. It reminds me too much of myself in old relationships. I know in his past relationships, he was not appreciated and was considered too nice.
He acts a little girly whether it be in his actions/expression (kind of flamboyant?) or talking (lovey dovey talk/moans).
It kind of snaps me out of the mood and turns me off.
How can I adjust this without hurting his feelings?
TL;DR: | Guy acts flamboyant and girly sometimes. 100% straight, but am worried I'll get fed up with it. |
SUBREDDIT: r/askwomenadvice
TITLE: [25/M] Just came to the realization that I'm a closet misogynist due to my uglyness. Help?
POST: So I'm really insecure. Primarily because I've been told I'm ugly all my life. Keep in mind, I'm far from fat. In fact, I'm underweight. 5'7" and 115lbs. But I have thin hair, and thin body hair which makes my eyebrows look almost non-existent.
That being said. I used to take my anger out on women on Reddit and other online forums. Just so I can let all the anger out, so I won't have to hate myself for being rejected.
That being said, is it possible that I can ever be attractive? Would you women ever give me a chance out of pity just knowing that I'm intelligent, somewhat funny, and caring? I don't want to be a bad person is all. And I've said some really mean things to women on reddit, because I don't like hating myself due to how ugly I am.
That being said, I am not REALLY a misogynist. I have a few female friends who I really enjoy, and I was raised around mostly women. I just have a bitter feeling towards women my age that I'm attracted to. I've been on tinder and OKCupid and not much luck. This makes me feel super bitter.
TL;DR: | I hate women (but not really) due to how ugly I am. What can I do to make myself not so shitty. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Today I found a 1gb Micro SD card taped to a VHS copy of Swiss Family Robinson at a thrift store, how can I open it without a phone?
POST: [Here] is a photo album with some pictures of it. I was shopping for some note cards for college when I saw the VHS copy of Swiss Family Robinson sitting on an end isle shelf. I used to watch this movie all the time as a kid, I couldn't pass it up. Thankfully I still have a T.V. with a VHS player. I bought it and drove home, it has been sitting in my living room and then I decided to watch it tonight. I actually watched the entire movie, and when I took it out, I noticed some black electricians tape on it. Under that was this micro sd card. I know they go in phones, but I don't have a cell phone. Is there some way to get whatever is on this without having a cell phone?
TL;DR: | Find micro sd card taped to vhs tape. How do I see whats on it without a phone to put it in? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My (F27) ex-FWB (M26) lied about being single; he's married. Need help with rational response.
POST: I used the reddit search function and couldn't find this question.
We met 6 years ago, FWB off and on for about 3 years. We live (now) in different states. We'd travel periodically to see each other and meet up in hotels or my house, sexting etc. I asked him several times if he is single, lives alone before any 'benefits.'Always got an affirmative answer. I was always single, too. I didn't question the hotel thing at the time because we both love hotels and sightseeing and it was always more covenient. (Now I see how convenient it really was for him!) I broke things off 2 weeks ago though because I couldn't ignore weird vibes anymore. Finally googled his name and city and got clear proof he's been married for 2 years. I was out of the country at the time of his marriage and we were not in contact.
He knows I wouldn't help anyone cheat, I assume that's why he lied. Is there any good reason to tell this dude at this point I know he was lying and cheating? I'm absolutely confrontational when needed, but I don't want to make this decision based on anger instead of rational thought. This is where I need your help because I'm VERY angry!
Last time I was physically intimate with him was 6 months ago; I got tested about 2 months ago, all clear.
TL;DR: | turns out my ex-fwb was married, lied to me about it, I found out, do I tell him I know? |
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest
TITLE: My house is too damn far away [Just a small rant]
POST: Back when I was in Elementary school, I had a house near all of my friends, in the neighborhood. We would always go outside and play. My birthday would always come and I would always have my friends over. Although I was picked on, it turned the negatives into positives. Middle school came and I went to a different middle school, one that was not in the town.
So school started and I met a lot of good people, ones that I would call friends. Time goes on and I realize I rarely see my friends from my new school. The only time we would mingle is at school, and that sucked. My new school is in such a good, safe town with lots of things to do, and I cant do them because my house is too damn far away. I want to be able to walk out my door, and just walk to a starbucks in the new town, but I can't.
The location of my house has attributed to my loss of social interaction and overall appeal to friendships. I cant do anything with them, and it feels silly for them to drive all the way over here.
I just dont know a good solution, no
TL;DR: | the story/dilemma is shorter than most stuff posted here. Be aware, this is my throw away account. |
TITLE: TIFU by picking up some soap in the shower..
POST: This happend a few months ago, but whatever. I was haveing my morning shower, and like normal, was washing off with a bar of soap while I brushed my teeth. Unfourtunetlly I dropped my soap, and It slid back to the drain a bit. This is where it all goes wrong, I bend over, Step backwords and then pick up the soap. I then presume to get up, and when I do, All I can hear is a large ripping sound Followed by pain and some Blood, Looking behind me I just realised that I scraped my ass on the bathtub Faucit.
TL;DR: | Bent down to pick up some soap in the shower, Ended up Scrapeing my ass on the Bathtub faucit. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [16M] with my FWB [16F] I want to have a relationship but she doesn't
POST: So, this girl and I were bff's for about 4 months, she broke up with her bf and 2 days later we already had sex. She says I had nothing to do with breakup, which is part true part false (you can ask more about that in the comments), so, right now we're FWB but not really, because it's not just casual sex, we're bffs but with added casual sex, so we're more than FWB but not in a relationship.
Now, we have talked and she made it clear she didn't want anything and that we're not exclusive, I'm okay with that, but I really want her to be my gf, of course I haven't told her because that would ruin everything.
TL;DR: | Used to be bffs, now bffs + fwb, i want a bf/gf relationship and she doesn't, help. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Is this just his depression talking? Do I stay and support him? UPDATE
POST: About a day ago I posted this thread:
Sad to say that the relationship is over. I asked him if he loves me and he said he doesn't know, that all the times he told me he loved me didn't mean anything, they were just words. He told me I was annoying and I bother him. He doesn't want me to care for him. He wants to be selfish and not have to worry about a girlfriend.
So that's it I guess. Maybe it is just his depression talking but I deserve to be treated well and to be loved. I can't keep throwing my love at someone who doesn't want it. I'm heartbroken but I'm trying to stay strong. Thanks for the advice.
TL;DR: | Depressed boyfriend says he doesn't even know if he loves me. I'm moving on. I deserve to be loved. |
TITLE: Question For Duck Toller owners in the U.S.
POST: Hey everyone! So I'm 24 now and I've legitimately known that I want a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retriever for at least 12 of those years. I'm from Canada orginally (Kanata to be exact... Yes it's spelled Kanata) and moved to the US in 2002. When I was younger I was really cool and would get dog breed books for christmas with directories of breeders in the back and I had found a Duck Toller breeder about 15 minutes from my house in Canada. I emailed her (I was about 13 years old) asking if I could come by and just play with the dogs since they were my favorite but obviously wouldn't be able to buy one. Luckily she said yes (thanks Dawn!) and it only cemented my goal to own one!
So, now I think I'm ready to get a pup but I live in VA and as you may know there aren't many Toller breeders in the US, much less near me in VA. What is the best way to go about buying and getting a Toller over to me? I know I could have one flown out but I don't know if that would be traumatic. Curious if anyone has any advice or past experience with the best way to get me a Toller.
TL;DR: | I've wanted a Toller for a long time but live in the US.. How should I go about getting one? |
SUBREDDIT: r/travel
TITLE: Going to Germany & Italy and I have questions about wi-fi usage...
POST: My wife and I will have little use for a phone as we do the tourist thing out there. I thought I would just be able to use wi-fi (where available, obviously) to stay connected.
She called our carrier (AT&T) and they told her that she'd need to get an AT&T Passport plan to use wi-fi and that sounded off to me as I've NEVER heard of needing such a thing...
I did a bit of research and it's sounding like AT&T Passport works with AT&T Hotspots, so it seems like they are just trying to sell us on more AT&T stuff, but I just want to be sure. Hearing something as strange as this has thrown my confidence about it all into question.
Has anyone had experience with this? Let a brotha know.
TL;DR: | I can just use regular-@$$ wi-fi in Germany & Italy, right? Thanks guys. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Crosswalk Etiquette? Was I in the wrong?
POST: Bugged the shit out of me until now...
Driving home I pass a catholic church that has let out for christmas mass. I have a GREEN Light that has been green (no yellow or anything) and this group of people are walking across the street with no crossing guard, no "Ok to cross" lights, nothing. I notice they are not paying attention to me nor the other lanes of traffic and I stop about 5 feet away from them. I start yelling in my car and one older man stopped walking and started to bitch me out, stopping my lane of traffic while the light is still GREEN for me. I said a few choice words, unbuckled my seatbelt and then the guy started walking away as I went for my door handle, ready to kick some holiday ass.
Please tell me this stuck up ass family was in the wrong here! It was a 4 lane street FFS!
TL;DR: | I am driving, green light, people cross the street, stops traffic, bitchfest, who was in the wrong? |
TITLE: Mom with MS (multiple sclerosis)
POST: Hi reddit, I'm 15 years old and 2 weeks ago I found out that my mom has MS. She had mentioned almost a year ago that she might have it but she wasn't sure and I didn't pay much attention to it. Her doctor confirmed it 2 weeks ago and she told me when I got to see her. (I forgot to mention that I've lived with my grandparents since I was 6 and I see my mom every other weekend for 5 hours. I see my dad whenever he decides he wants to see my brother and me.) I saw her today and she mentioned how she didn't really have gas until yesterday, when she got paid. She and my step-dad, who loves my brother and me as if we were his own kids, provides for her and he does a pretty good job at it. Anyway, my point is, my mom and my step-dad are pretty low on money and I'm probably going to have to start providing for them. There is always a time when a person must provide for their parents. Mine just came earlier than most peoples'. So my question is: What should I do to get a good amount of money so I can help provide for my mother and step-dad? I will not do anything illegal.
TL;DR: | Mom has MS and I need a way to get enough money (legally) to provide for her and my step-dad. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [00 M/F] with my ___ [00 M/F] duration, short-description
POST: My BF [20M] and I [22F] have been together 7 months. Previous to our relationship, we were best friends. When we first met in Summer 12' he was dating his now ex [21F]. His ex cheated on him several months later and he broke up with her. Flash forward to this past summer when we realized we were perfect for one another and fell in love.
Here's the thing: I cannot stop thinking about her or their past. I'm jealous of it, and I stalk her on social media. She seems like she was a much cooler person than I am, and she was quite thinner, too. I don't know why I can't stop wondering what her life is like or comparing her to me. I've been trying not to do this because it's toxic, but I can't help it, and I've never been jealous before.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to quit this? I don't want my bad habit of checking up on her to be an issue in our relationship.
TL;DR: | BF broke up with his ex over a yr ago, and I can't stop stalking her online. Jealousy issues. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Is it weird that my boyfriend spends too much time with his roommate?
POST: My boyfriend was friends with his roommate before they moved in together. Maybe I'm just clingy, but he seems to be spending an abnormal amount of time with his buddy, watching movies and getting high. Sometimes he forgets to even talk to me! It's a weird change for me since we used to talk all the time but now he's with his roommate almost every night. I know he's not gay btw! I've also never been in an LDR until this relationship.
He [22, M] and I [22, F] have been together for over a year.
So Reddit, is this normal? And I'm I just being overly attached?
TL;DR: | boyfriend and I don't talk as much since he's always with his roommate. Is this normal in a LDR? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: I (34/m) found "The One" (24/f), but distance and a ready-made-family are issues.
POST: Over the summer I met someone very unexpectedly in the last place on earth I ever would have thought. About a week after spending time with her I was absolutely positive she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She moved in with me after just over a month together and things were FANTASTIC!
Fast forward 6 months and we are now living over 2k miles apart. Her life is going through several changes and she isn't ready to settle down with the ready-made-family that me and my boys are. We split up about a month ago, and my feelings for her haven't changed at all. I know that no one else will be able to offer me everything she could and am not at all interested in even looking. I would rather spend the rest of my life single than settle for someone else.
Have any of you ever experienced something similar, and do you think I'm crazy for believing that we will have a chance again one day?
TL;DR: | I know she's the one, she's not sure/ready. Am I crazy for hoping she will come back? |
TITLE: TIFU by trying to out-lift a girl
POST: Backstory- this happened maybe an hour ago. I'm new to weightlifting, but progressing quickly. I got sick twice back-to-back and then had finals week, then got my wisdom teeth taken out, so I haven't been to the weight room in a month or so. I get there, and start deadlifting. After a bit, this very fit, very beautiful girl starts deadlifting next to me. Because I haven't been to the gym in a month, I'm pretty weak, and also, she's very strong. She's lifting the same as me, which is unacceptable. I must assert alpha-ness by lifting heavier things. So I keep piling the weights on, even though I'm weak from sickness and mouth surgery. Maybe if I lift heavy enough things, she'll see me for the fine muscular specimen I (kinda) am. Eventually, I lift to the point where I know she won't be able to match me. This is when I realize that legs feel very, very bad. I call it quits, and hobble to my car. I just got home, and I think my legs are done for the day. I can't really even walk normal.
TL;DR: | got sick, got weak, lifted lots, hurt legs, didn't impress pretty girl, lost my last bits of pride. |
TITLE: Im not getting any better.
POST: Hey guys. Okay I'll start off with this a few months ago I(17,m) posted here or maybe /r/relationships talking about problems I was having with my girlfriend (17). she broke up with me again in the middle of summer break and I was lost for weeks and soon after not seeing her I was feeling better.
Schools back though, I have class with her and I realized how much I miss her. I know i'm young and that there's so much more but I fell for her hard and quick. I love her still even after everything she put me through. Called me names like pathetic, mistake and a waste of time. They hurt and I'm actually letting them get to me.
I went to the doctor for depression because I have plenty of other problems in my life. She was the only thing keeping me sane. We didn't date long maybe 5 months but I just can't do it. I'm trying to move on but its hard. I feel pathetic because i'm letting this short relationship ruin my whole life. I've started drinking, smoking and slacking in school.
I play guitar, I skate, I play basketball. I have things to do to keep my mind off of things but its not happening. I feel like she just broke up with me yesterday still.
What's wrong with me? Why can't I seem to move on? I have other girls who like me but I can't move on because i'm so hung up on her. She's ruining my life, I want her back but at the same time I don't.
TL;DR: | i'm hung up on my first love and its ruining my life. I don't know what's wrong with me. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Girls of reddit: I need help in convincing a girl I love her.
POST: I'm not going to lie. I used to be a man who played girls. I was a player. I regret it and wish I never was. Everything changed this year though. I've known this girl since 7th grade (10 years by now) so she knows how I am with women. A few months ago, I was alone with this girl on a small hill, we were talking and having a good time. Suddenly, she laughed and smiled, and I realized I love this girl. I may have never felt love before, but I know I am in love with her. I told her how I feel, however she doesn't believe me. She tells me that I'm just going to find another girl and move on sooner or later. How do I convince her how I feel?
TL;DR: | used to be a player, fell in love with best friend, doesn't believe me when I say how I feel. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Is getting a second bachelor's degree a bad idea?
POST: Here's my situation -- I'm 22 and I completed my degree in English last spring and have yet to do anything with it. I'm stuck working retail as of now and I have no desire to go into teaching (the fact that my state is cutting teaching jobs all over the place certainly doesn't help me feel like it's something I want to do, either).
So, what I'm thinking about doing is going back to school to get a second bachelor's degree. I've looked at master's programs that would be a logical step from an English B.A. and they're all humanities related. I think I would like to go back and either get a degree in Computer Science or Information Systems.
I've always been a quick learner when it comes to computers -- I grew up helping my dad build them, taught myself html coding and stuff like that when I was in middle school, and I do sort of IT help deskish stuff now. I know it's a drastic difference from what I originally went to school for and I have no programming background.
So, Reddit, what do you think I should do? Is this even a good idea? I just wanted some feedback from you guys -- maybe some of you have even done something similar.
TL;DR: | I originally majored in English, now I want to go back to school for Computer Science. Yay or nay? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My crush [17M] is ignoring me [17M] on FB. is he jealous?
POST: So I met this cute guy over the summer and I thought he was perfect for a long-term relationship. He was so nice to me and stuff, etc. We both knew we loved each other. Since we couldn't see each other anymore, I added him on FB.
I had an awkward conversation with him on FB and that was about it.
My friend who's female, before I met him, asked me to hang out and I was like sure. We just had coffee together. I didn't invite my crush since he lived so far away and since she's a girl and Im gay so its not like she's going to steal me away from him.
I assume he found out about the coffee thing on FB since she posted on her FB about it and he knew I was going to hang out with her.
So after the coffee thing, I wanted to go on a date with him and tried to initiate a conversation. He just ignored my message. There's nothing I did wrong, except for the coffee thing which he might've found out about.
I'm not sure what to do.
TL;DR: | Had coffee with a girl and my gay crush won't respond to me on FB. I was going to ask him out. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Boyfriend says he won't marry me unless I have enough money to buy a house
POST: We've been together nearly a decade (met when we were really young) and were almost into our 30s now. In the last year or so, I've been wanting our relationship to move forward and we have been discussing marriage.
His family is very well off. Mine isn't. We both work and make decent money but he has the safety net of his family. He wants to buy a home as soon as we get married. Average homes here are close to 1M. His family has already given him enough for a down payment. I have a good amount already saved but not nearly enough for a 20% down.
He says he will not rent an apartment when we get married because he doesn't want to "downgrade" his lifestyle. He currently owns a home with his sibling.
I don't think it is fair because he knows I don't have the money right now and won't for another couple of years.
I don't know what to do. My dream isn't to own a home and he kind of sprang thus on me. I can save my money but god damn, that will take a long time. 4-5 years? I really don't want to be in a 15 year relationship before I get married. I don't think that's unreasonable.
TL;DR: | bf has a lot of money, won't marry me until I have enough for my half of a down payment for a home. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [23 F] slept with my co-worker [24 M] who has a serious girlfriend. Telling her would ruin my life but the guilt is killing me. How do I move on from this?
POST: I don't want to quit my job but seeing him at work every day and pretending like everything is fine is really starting to take a toll on me. I feel sick getting on Facebook because he is frequently tagged in pictures and statuses by her, most of which are about how much she loves him. So she has absolutely NO idea. They have been together for 4 years and even live together. My coworker is really attractive and has hit on me since the day I was hired but I always ignored it. He never even mentioned that he had a girlfriend; I only know because of Facebook.
One night after months of him flirting/hitting on me, he and a bunch of our other co-workers went out for drinks. He and I got pretty wasted and he kissed me. Long story short, I ended up back at his place. We hooked up several more times on different occasions but it just got to be too much. I try my best to ignore him at work but seeing him daily is just a reminder of what we did. I'm going crazy because I want to tell someone but I know that the end result would be disastrous. What the fuck do I do?
TL;DR: | I fucked my hot coworker who has a gf. I'm can't handle the guilt and am going crazy. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Other guys keep hitting on my gf. How do I deal with this?
POST: My GF has a very friendly personality and is all smiles to everyone, even ones who annoy her. A lot of guys take that as a come on and will on and hit on her, even when I'm there.
At first, I would kinda politely let them know our relationship, but it's getting to the point that I'm really annoyed because it happens a lot. I've never had this type of issue with previous girlfriends.
And I mean
**Also, I'd like to note that she is not doing this on purpose or seeking attention. we have a great relationship. She tells me a lot of stories about creepy guys trying to hit on her. Whenever we're out and a guy hits on her, she would give me a glance and laugh about it with me afterward. She tells me everything.**
She's from the valley where everyone is like that apparently. We're in nyc and I've told her it's not her fault that she's a friendly person. But it does annoy me why people would just keep hitting on my gf when I'm fucking right there. How should I deal with this issue?
TL;DR: | a lot of guys hit on my gf who is friendly to everyone. she's annoyed too. i'm annoyed. what to do |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: [21/m]. I really like a girl, but I haven't had to do the dating thing in 3 years and can't tell if I should act on it, or how...
POST: So I met a girl recently, and she's really cool. I've hung out with here a bunch the past couple weeks, and I really like her.
I don't know if she feels the same, and I am afraid to tell her, because I feel like it would be better to have a cool friend than fuck things up and have it get awkward.
We've done what I perceive to be really datey stuff, like we went together to a beach and sat on the cliffs next to each other for like an hour and just talked and whatnot. I don't honestly know though. I haven't had to play the dating game in over 3 years, so I'm absolutely fucked when it comes to this kind of thing. It could be dangling right in front of my face, or it could be nonexistent when I want it to be.
What would you guys recommend?
TL;DR: | I like a girl, but it has been too long for me to know if I should go for it or not. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How does a guy fix the distance growing between him and a female friend?[M26]-[F22]
POST: I work with her, and she is a good friend. And I actually did grow feelings for her but won't say anything until I leave the job.
The thing is, maybe I've been giving too much attention, because she doesn't go look for me anymore, or text me as much. She use to initialize the texts as much as I did.
Maybe she already has a hint on how I feels?
Overall how do you bring back that closeness you had with a female friend? She's fun to talk to and the thing I don't want is to become distant.Maybe it's the me withdrawing because of my feelings and I'm over analyzing.
TL;DR: | IDK if it's just me over-analyzing it. We just don't seem as close as we use to. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [17M] told my best-friend/love i feel something about her [17F] and it the feeling isn't mutual.
POST: So i knew this girl for a while now.. and we was really close to each other. then i started feeling something for her, i don't know if it's real love or what.. i don't know even how to describe what i feel but i'd like to be with her.
so i thought it would be legit to told her face to face i like her and i'd like to go out with her and guess what.. it isn't mutual. so now not only she knows i feel something about her, i lost my best friend and the connection between us now is very weird and awkward.
i see her almost on a daily basis and each time i don't know what to do. sometimes we just speak, sometimes i'm just starting conversation on whatsapp (not sure that's a good idea though..) and i'm really freaking out already. i need your advice here. what to do..?
also she told another friend of mine she's worried about me not speaking with her (i didn't speak to her for about a week after she said to me that she doesn't likes me back because i've needed my silence and i've wanted to be alone for some time.).
sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is NOT my main language.
TL;DR: | Told my bf i love her, it isn't mutual between us. Now i don't know what to do. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: What sort of improvised clothing have you used that worked out surprisingly well?
POST: I found this pair of jeans that had a really nice cut and fit me, length-wise, which is really hard to find for my height. However, they were just large enough that I would need a belt or they would creep down on me as I walk. One day, I forgot my belt at a friend's house and tried to find something to hold up my pants. No bits of strings were long enough and a sash looked silly (I did consider it). That's when I saw one of my mini-USB chords. Wrapped it around my waist, tied a knot, and stuffed the ends into my pants. The rubber had enough friction to keep the loose knot from undoing itself, and the chord still works to this day.
TL;DR: | I've used a spare mini-USB chord as a belt. No one noticed and fit just as well as a normal belt. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My [18F girlfriend lied about having oral sex with some [?M] guy the day before her and I were officially a couple.
POST: My current girlfriend went to a party and performed oral sex on a guy there. I did not know about it at the time. Her and I were talking about taking our relationship to the next level at this time too.
The next day I asked her to be mine and we became a couple. She told me she kissed him a week later but I forgave her. Fast forward a month and she reveals that she performed oral sex, after I asked her if there is anything else wrong. She is still friends with this guy. I don't know if I should break it off or not.
TL;DR: | Girlfriend have oral to a guy the day before we became a couple. Lied about it. What do I do? |
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest
TITLE: I've never dated anyone, and the reason might be because I'm in love with somebody I'll probably never see again...
POST: I always used to hang out with this girl, throughout middle school and high school. We have the same sense of humor, we can talk for hours and never get bored, and we have that telepathy where it's like we can finish each other's sentences. It sounds so cliche but I've actually been I really believe we've always had feelings for each other, masked beneath just being reeeeally good friends, and I only realized this recently, after we've both left each others city. I think she's probably back there thinking the same thing. She's dating someone now, her first bf ever, and it could have been me, if I had ever said anything. Now I'm pretty sure I am and was then in love with her...and she's everything I'd want in a soulmate.
I have no plans of being home, and she has none of being here, especially with her beau in the picture anyway. So sometimes now I wonder if I'll ever find anyone I click with like her. Will I ever be truly happy being with someone else when I know being married to her would have been utopia? Does it even matter? She's gone anyway. I guess she could always come back in the picture one day. Nothing's impossible. But at this point, it's probably not worth realistically waiting for is it? I've got to find a way to forget her...
TL;DR: | I'm in love with my childhood best friend, and now she has a bf and I don't even see her |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My ex [M/23] of four months responded to a message of mine [F/23] two weeks later with a pointless message and I'm not really sure what's going on
POST: So I have been broken up with a man for four months, we broke up because of long distance although he's been weirdly cold so who knows. I am fairly certain that it wasn't for another girl.
Anyhow, a couple weeks ago I asked him why he had to act cold and mad at me, saying that I thought we broke up because of distance and not because we hated each other. I said he was important to me and I would just like to make peace. This was two weeks ago, and I only just now got a response saying that he's "glad that I'm doing well. Yes things ended negatively but there's nothing to be done about it now really". That's it.
Uh, ok? I already got from his profound silence that he didn't want anything to do with me and gave up on hearing from him, why bother even sending that? It just seemed like a completely unconstructive and pointless thing to say. Why would he do that?
I still have feelings for him and was trying to patch things up a bit so at least we were amicable, but I'm not really sure what to make of that behaviour. Is he just messing with me, or expecting something from me? I'm not really sure how to proceed. I feel like I should probably just ignore it, although I really would like to engage him in some kind of dialogue.
TL;DR: | My ex is acting weird and I'm not really sure whats going on, and I care to know what's going on |
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest
TITLE: I'm terrified of applying
POST: It's the season for doctoral apps again. I've been trying for the last three years and I've never been able to gather enough courage to make an honest effort at it. I finally managed to get one in at the last moment yesterday (I still have to send them GRE scores) and I'm going to try to make it with more.
But I can't shake the feeling I'm doing this is vain. I'm pretty sure that I would be great at it and I would be very happy, but I can't see anyone recognizing my potential. I know I have it but I don't FEEL it myself. If I don't fuck up the apps, I'll fuck up the interview. The anxiety is paralyzing and terifying. I've tried this for so long, another year will make me feel like a failure. But I may have to do it because it is my dream and I am not going to give it up when I know I'm so close.
It's all in my anxiety. My scores are not great because I can't concentrate. I can't put in the work (belive me I do when I CAN) because working always feels like a reminder I'm a failure or a failure waiting to happen.
I will feel better somehow sometime. But right now I feel like I'm drowning. I just want to believe in myself earnestly, not just try to make it happen and fail because I need to be live in myself the things I need to do to believe in myself.
TL;DR: | Want to fuck this shit, can't fuck this shit. Want to do this shit, can't do this shit. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My [20 F] boyfriend [23 M] doesn't love me
POST: I've been on and off dating this guy for the past year. We recently had a huge fight and he claims that he once loved me (however, he's never seriously said "I love you" to me") but has stopped because of my jealousy and insecurity (which was caused by mistakes he made when we first started talking that caused my trust issues). He says that he still wants to be with me and wants to fall in love with me again. Before he told me this, he told me that it was harder for him to fall in love because his first relationship broke his heart and he's more cautious. He said I'm so easy to fall in love because he's my first real relationship. I honestly don't know if he actually once was in love with me or was just talking bullshit. Regardless, if he doesn't love me by now, he won't ever love me, right? I don't really know. I know I shouldn't put a timeline on it but I also know that most relationships aren't this hard. Do you think that there's hope that he'll fall in love with me again or for the first time or is it a waste of my time?
TL;DR: | My on and off boyfriend doesn't love me. It's been a year, is this a waste of my time? |
TITLE: TIFU by ordering Tea...
POST: So, I do some work for a few charity organisations. The downside is that some of these happen to be in the morning. I'm a night owl usually so it takes me a bit to wake up. I decided today I was going to stop by a popular fast food chain's drive through for breakfast on my way.
I get there and order a burger and a "standard english breakfast tea from the cafe please". No worries. They tell me the price and I drive forward. I usually work at this place too, so we have a chat etc, I pay and they give me my order.
Except my order of boiling hot tea is filled up to the brim. I'm sure they were trying to be nice to get me maximum of what I paid for? But it is then that I realise that I have no cup holder...and as I'm driving away it's starting to spill over into my lap.
So as I'm driving I decide it's best to just rest the cup on the passenger seat and save my poor lap from being burnt. Big mistake. The lid of the cup pops off as I'm moving to put it down and burning hot liquid falls all over my hands...and I'm wearing gloves. So as the liquid is soaking into my gloves and burning my skin, I'm cursing and trying to tear them off my hands as I'm driving.
Long story short, instead of making it to my charity work today I made it to the hospital to fix my poor burnt hands.
TL;DR: | TIFU by ordering a hot tea, burning my hands and ending up with my hands looking like a mummy's. |
TITLE: Is it wrong to steal my girlfriend's sister's dog?
POST: Basically, my girlfriend's 15 year old sister got a husky for Christmas. After realizing that dogs shed a lot and pee a lot when not trained, they decided it would be best to keep the dog outside all the time. There is one problem though: we are in Georgia where it gets in the hundreds every day. The only attention the dog gets is when he gets fed and gets water. Also, their mom is traveling all the time now and she stays with her grandmother. While my girlfriend and I are at college, who do you think takes care of the dog? Exactly, no one.
I want to take the dog to college with me. I have a house with a huge backyard and a lot of experience with animals. My schedule permits me to be home a lot to housetrain him. My roommates are also very experienced with having dogs so that is not an issue either.
Discussions with her about the dog have gotten nowhere, even though she seems to not care about it unless someone asks what kind of dog she has and she gets to proudly tell people she has a husky.
TL;DR: | Girlfriends sister has dog for status symbol and doesn't take care for it. I want to take the dog. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: 16M wanting to hang out with my 15F crush who I haven't talked to in a couple years, where do I start?
POST: Hi, I'm a 16 year old male and I've had a crush on my friend ever since we met. I met her at this arts summer camp when I was probably 12 and her 11, we became pretty close friends. She's kind of a tomboy, is in to anime, video games, etc. As the years went by I got more shy and awkward, while she was more outgoing than me. I stopped going to the camp a few years ago, she still goes every summer afaik. Last time we saw each other was about 2 years ago. I found out she was bisexual and was planning to meet a girl her age who she met online, she lived a few states away. I never discovered how that turned out. I can see by looking at her FB page that she's clearly more outgoing than me, but is still not a "popular girl", if that makes sense. We don't go to the same school and live a few towns apart. Over the years I've still thought about her and still to this day have a crush on her. I want to throw her a message on FB and get to know each other again, but I really really don't know how or what to say. I've never had a gf or anything so I'm not skilled in this sort of thing. Hoping you guys can give me some sort of advice...
TL;DR: | Want to hang out with my crush whom I haven't talked to in ~2 years, don't know where to start. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My girfriend (21F), of 3 months, is pregnant and we're having an abortion. I (22M) want to know how to help her through this.
POST: Context: She wanted to tell me because she wants me to know what is going on but she doesn't want me to be there all the time, just when she wants my help as she's got good friends and family that are helping her through this.
Everything was going really well (and still is bar this rather massive hiccup) so she want's it to continue, so she's distancing herself from me just so I don't see the horrible stuff.
What I'm asking for is advice from anybody who has been in this situation before. How to help her through visits and any following trauma she'll suffer.
I'm also freaking out a bit as well, can't get my head into uni work or anything knowing that she's going through all this. I think this will be aided by the knowledge that I'm helping her though, so advice on how to help her out is the main thing.
Obviously we have been reckless in letting this happen so I don't need birth control lectures.
TL;DR: | GF of short time is having an abortion, how do help/not go mental in my final year of uni? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [30 M] with my [21 F] of 3 years, left me a week ago.
POST: The long and the short of it is our relationship started 3 years ago on the premise of sex. she had emotions for another female and believed in polyamory I did not.
Around a year ago things escalated and we decided to call each other significant others.
In that year I got a new job working 60 hours a week. a second job and my father had multiple heart attacks forcing me to take care of my family. During this time I was not the most attentive boyfriend and it was really in the start of the relationship. It was my fault and the stress of everything just got to me. I would be tired wouldnt lead wouldnt plan forget events. I failed as a partner.
After she lefts me a week or so ago I finally got the help I needed in terms of anti anxiety meds, spoke with my boss about no longer working 60 hours a week *im salary btw*, and spoke with my family about how they need to start picking up their share.
I care a great deal for her as I saw amazing things in hear that i never knew about during this last year but she ended and was very stern making it clear i had hurt her too much and could never be taken back.
Is their hope for me to reconcile?
If not what do you suggest now that I have free time and do not have her to spend it with?
TL;DR: | She left me cause of my life and I fixed a lot of things. Can I get her back or am I doomed? |
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: I am trying to get a loan for school and I need some guidance.
POST: I went to a new school last semester after moving from Virginia to Pennsylvania. While I was in school in Virginia, I was receiving an in state scholarship that covered my tuition for four years while in public school.
Unbeknownst to me (until a few weeks ago) I thought the scholarship was through Veterans Affairs. When I moved from Virginia to Pennsylvania, and transferred to a new school, I called Veterans Affairs and asked about my scholarship, to which they replied, "fill out this paperwork and you'll be all set."
All semester, nothing happened, and I was left with an outstanding bill of about $16,000 for the semester. I found out afterwards that my scholarship was only for the state of Virginia. Also, it was too late to get financial aid.
As of right now, I can't get financial aid for last semester, and I am sitting with an unpaid bill. I need to get a loan from a bank to pay of my bill, but I am unsure of where to get it from. It is coming down to the wire, as I have been out of that semester for almost two months, and most places have a timeline of when you can get a loan for a past semester.
My dad will be cosigning on my loan with me, but will only sign if it is low enough. PNC has an 8.25% interest rate, and my dad won't sign on that. I could really use some advice on where to go to get this straightened out so I can go back and finish school.
TL;DR: | I need to find a loan that is under 8.25% for a balance from last semester of $16,000. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My [18M] GF [19F] of over a year goes on bike rides with another guy
POST: So, I trust my gf wont cheat or anything but I just dont like the idea of her grabbing somebody tight and people mistaking them being together and whatnot. I told her I dont really like it and she continues to do it. However, its with a guy that is 6 years older than her, and he's married, but he has cheated before. Shes known him for a long time and says hes like an older brother to her. They became friends by her sister being friends with him at a young age, and her sister and him have always been close friends. So, do you think im making something out of nothing? The part that mostly bothers e is that i told her I dont like it, and she continues to do it.
TL;DR: | I dont like that my gf goes on bike rides with another guy, I told her, and she still does. |
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: Is it tacky to make the third wheel pay if they join after plans are established?
POST: Background - I've been seeing this girl off and on for a little while now, nothing serious and I don't really expect it to ever be. It's more like a flirtatious friendship. Never sexed, playfully kissed once, I just enjoy her company, she enjoys mine(Dunno if she feels more, but I like how things are currently). When we go out, it's dinner/drinks at a nice restaurant and usually an activity afterward. Also when we go out, it's always my treat ( I don't pay out of obligation nor does she expect me to pay, she offers every time we do this. I just do it cause it's around the holidays and it's a nice gesture)
Predicament - Plans are set for Friday. Fancy sushi and ice skating are happening, aww yis. Lady friend calls today and asks if her friend can come since she just broke up with her BF and is currently a mess. Wrench + plans. I don't really care if the friend comes, but when the check comes, I see the potential for an awkward situation. Our outings are usually substantial, I don't mind since I don't get to see her very often, but adding a third to the mix would be pretty expensive (and I haven't started Christmas shopping yet). Is it in bad taste to set a "I'll cover you but not her?" Should I reschedule? Should I bite and just suck it up? Suggestions?
TL;DR: | Lady friend asks friend to join us for our night out. is it tacky to pay for one but not both? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [22 M] getting unnecessarily jealous with my [22 F] of two months.
POST: I have a problem. I get jealous easily. I think it's due to past relationships going awry.
So my gf tells me that she's going on a drive to a nearby rural town with a guy friend to pick up pie at a well-known store. it's about an hour drive. seems like a romantic little venture, but in reality i'm pretty sure they're just going as friends. I have seen them flirt around on fb before, so maybe that's why i'm getting so jealous. the thing is, she is doing nothing wrong here; i'm just being immature and untrusting.
How can I stop from feeling so goddamn jealous at these little things? How are most boyfriends able to be OK with their gf's having dates/outings with other guys? Is it a self-confidence issue?
TL;DR: | gf is going on a "romantic" drive out to a rural town to pick up pie with some guy. i feel jealous. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [20 M] and my girlfriend [17 F] have been dating for 2.5 years says she doesn't feel we have much in common
POST: My girlfriend and I have been dating for 2.5 years and have been doing about 1.5 of it in long distance. My gf said on the phone today "You know what I realized? We don't have a whole lot in common." It freaked me out guys. It worried me that she doesn't wanna be with me because of this. I don't know. Probably just me freaking out for no reason.
But when I look at it we might not have a whole lot in common. Our music taste differs mostly (with some overlap), she doesn't like the same foods as me mostly (although she's very picky), and she has a different personality than me sometimes too. But I love her. She said that as an observation. But then she said was "what we have most in common is that we love each other though." I'm just worried about the whole situation. Should I be? Or no?
TL;DR: | My gf of 2.5 years says we don't have much in common. Partially true. Should I be worried? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: I [F22] think my best friend [F22] is depressed. How can I help?
POST: I think my best friend is depressed. All she does is sleep till 2pm(currently 4pm), watch netflix till 2am. She doesn't leave the house for up to 3 days. Doesnt have any legitimate friends. Doesn't have any hobbies. Doesnt have a job. Has one online class.
I think she is depressed because of a few reasons. Her parents got a divorce a two years ago, she has gained a lot of weight since high school(we all do) and i think she has low self esteem because of it. She does a lot of things that make her seem like she has low self esteem. She also has close to zero legitimate friendships.
I have talked to her about all of it and she agrees, but she isnt doing anything to change it or deal with it. I do what I can to get her out of the house but she often turns me down.
So I guess my question is what can I do to help her?
TL;DR: | I think my best friend is depressed. How can I help her get on her feet, get hobbies, be happy? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: [25/m]: My gf (23/f) is shy and does not want to move forward too fast.
POST: First, long time lurker, first post, I apologize for my english hope you can make sense of it.
I [25/m] have known this girl (23/f) like 4 years now and we have been just friends, but last New Year we decided to start to date because neither of us have not found anyone else.
So, this girl is very shy and have only kissed some guys before me and I have had sex and all that stuff. Now that she is dating me, she is still shy and does not want to "move forward too fast", so we have only kissed a couple of times, no cuddling or laying on bed, just hugs and kisses. I appreciate her decision and will give her all the time she needs and wants, but..
I am a guy who likes cuddling, passionate kissing on bed and sex and my previous girls were like that too. I had sex with the previous girls like third or fourth "date". But with this girl I have to take it slow and give her space she wants and that makes me frustrated. We have known each other almost 5 years now and we hugged and kissed a couple of times even when we were not dating.
I really like this girl, she plays videogames, watches anime and does not use her time for clothing shopping or make-ups.
So, dear /r/, is there some subtle way to speed things up? Should I keep dating this girl if I keep getting frustrated? And am I a shitty shitlord for thinking this?
TL;DR: | Have known gf 4 years, is shy, wants to move slow on relationship, I am frustrated, what to do? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: [31/F] My Friend [39/M] keeps driving whilst drunk
POST: One of my very close friends keeps drink driving.
Every time he does it he just says:
"Yes I Know" "Yes it's fine" "I don't mind"
He is just so dismissive over the fact the he could kill someone, cripple them or just be pulled over; given a DUI and then he would lose his job.
I'm so worried and scared that he is going to kill himself or someone else, this happens quite regularly he has also moved out of town now so the likeliness of him re-offending have greatly increased.
I don't know what to do?
How can I convince him to stop?
TL;DR: | My very close [31/M] friend won't stop drink driving despite the dangers. How do I get him to stop? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [18/M] am about to spend more time with my crush [17/F] and I don't know how to behave or what is expected of me.
POST: Spending time with her and talking to her is easy and no problem, but I'm about to see her a lot more than before in the next few weeks and the first time will be with friends have the sole purpose of bringing us two together. We'll be doing something like laser tag and a film afterwards and I have no clue how to act. The purpose of these events is not to make us kiss and go home hand in hand, but simply to make us spend time together and make us two spending time together as a couple seem natural as two of our friends are a couple as well...
How am I supposed to behave?
TL;DR: | I'm about to spend more time with my crush but don't know how to behave or what is expected of me.. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Can I get an opinion on an issue [21 M] am faced with when it comes to Online Dating [21 F x2]?
POST: Hi guys (and gals), in need of a little advice here.
I've been talking to 'E' and 'J' online for a few days. Both had plans tonight so no date. That's cool, but guess what?
They're best friends and are out for drinks together.
They don't wish to go on separate dates with me because they're afraid that if I choose to engage in a relationship with one of them that the other is going to be hurt.
I told them that we should just go on separate dates and see who I'm more compatible with, I could not be compatible with either of them! (Obviously didn't tell them that).
What do I do? They're asking me who I'm more interested in but I don't really have an answer because it's only been a few days.
TL;DR: | I like E and I like J, but J and E are best friends and they don't know what to do. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [30/F] and having a hard time accepting my bf's [35/M] "close" friend.
POST: I got out of a rough marriage and have two small kids. I ended up getting back in touch with a boyfriend from my teenage years (10+ years ago) and we started dating again. He's a great guy, amazing with my kids, super affectionate and sweet etc.
Now, I've never, ever been the jealous type, but he dated one of his good female friends prior to me. He was completely in love with her and wanted to marry her and she broke off the relationship. He doesn't deny he still loves her (but says that he loves me more). He told me the other day that he keeps a video he made of all of their photographs etc. I let him hang out with her alone but I admit that part of me is jealous. I know he had feelings for her and those feelings will probably never go away. Do I ask him not to hang out with her alone? Do I just accept it? Has anyone been in this situation and can you offer any advice?
TL;DR: | Is it normal for your bf to hang out with his ex who he was (and maybe is) madly in love with? |
TITLE: Almost 19, and facing some sort of an identity crisis.
POST: A year or two ago, I was very well known amongst my peers as someone who was jovial, enthusiastic, helpful, caring, nice, and pretty much all positive things. I enjoyed talking to people and enjoyed their company. I was smooth with the ladies.
Today, I hate people. I hate everything about people. I do my best to avoid any social interaction. I do like certain people, and like hanging out with them or talking to them. But I'm no longer. I've become a mean, dickish asshole. I've become selfish. I've become anti-social. I prefer being left alone to myself.
I want the old me back, but I'm somewhat comfortable with who I am. I do prefer being alone, but I do miss the old me as well. I don't know how to find a balance.
I'm crushing on a girl, but I don't even know how to talk to her. We do talk, but not much. And I just feel stupid. I feel inhuman, I feel like I don't fit in with everyone else. Every time I watch Dexter, I can relate to him. But I've never hurt an animal or physically hurt a human. I've not gotten into a single fist fight all my life. I just feel comfortable watching him. I feel like him, unable to make connect with others.
Hell, I don't feel happy at all these days. Even when I smoke some pot, I feel calm and peaceful. But not happy. I want to be happy and content.
TL;DR: | I hate who I have become, but I'm comfortable with it. Yet I do want to go back to the old me. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Need reddit's advice. Found out I'm on academic suspension, how do I break it to my parents?
POST: My first year at college was total shit. I attend a high ranking college that's wants all their students to maintain at least a 2.0. My GPA dropped to less than two my first year in college. **I will totally admit, I fucked up big time. I understand why I fucked up and am willing to fix it** Coming out of a big high school with above a 4.0 GPA and many honors, I underestimated college and ended up being suspended for at least a semester. I kept the fact that I was on academic suspension from my parents because I felt that I could bring myself out of it, but it didn't work and I ended up doing terrible yet again.
Here's my problem, I don't know how to break it to my family, and I don't know how to approach them. I'm still at college because I planned on taking some summer classes to fix up my fuck-ups, but the suspension hit and I'm not eligible to take classes for a semester. My parents are the strict Asian ones that have high hopes for me and are very strict on me. It's very hard for me to get permission to do many things, and they follow many old traditions. How do I approach them, do I invite them to lunch and break the news or do I call them on the phone, and how do I tell them in such a manner so that they won't go ballistic on me, and instead, try and help me with getting back on track?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: What should I do to ensure I don't get too drunk?
POST: I (23/F) ditched my friend (22/F) too many times last week, and agreed to drink with her tomorrow night to make up for it. I have to get up somewhat early the next morning however, and really don't want to get that drunk. She is expecting us to split a 26 of rum, get wasted and have a good time. I don't want to disappoint her, considering that's all I've done in the past week. I want to know how I could manage to drink about a mickey without getting absolutely hammered, possibly not that drunk at all (I want it to wear off in about 4 hours time.) What foods should I eat beforehand? How much water should I drink? Are there any methods that would work so that the alcohol gets "blocked" a bit from entering my bloodstream?
TL;DR: | Don't want to get too drunk, what do I eat/drink/do before I start drinking to make sure I won't? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My(24/F) bf(27/M) of one year is making me feel self conscious
POST: My boyfriend is very into fitness, and for the last few months been saying that I should go to the gym, or we should workout together. I know that he is just trying to be encouraging, and wants us to both be fit and healthy. However, he is not the most complimentary person in the world. He generally doesn't make many comments about how I look. I understand that this is probably just his personality, and that I probably shouldn't take it so personally.
I am not someone who needs constant validation when it comes to my appearance. However, the combination of "encouragement" and absence of positive remarks about my body are kind of giving me a complex. It makes me feel like he doesn't find me attractive, and it's taking a bit of a toll on my self esteem. I have a hard time trying to talk to him about this because I don't want to come off as needy, shallow, overly sensitive, etc.
For reference: I am the same weight I was when we met/started dating (which is about average. Not super skinny but not overweight) and I tell him all the time how much I love his body and how handsome he is.
So I guess my question is am I projecting my insecurities on him? Is him trying to get me to workout his way of telling me that he doesn't like my body the way it is?
TL;DR: | Bf doesn't tell me I'm pretty, and tries to get me to go to the gym. Making me feel inadequate. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I'm [24/F] am not sure how to get my sister [26/F] to stop talking about our parents [50s].
POST: My sister and I are pretty close, we talk a couple times a week on the phone and text daily. I no longer have a relationship with my parents.
Recently my sister has been talking a lot about our parents. Apparently my mom is having an affair with a someone my sister thinks is a real loser. My sister is very upset about it.
I've asked her repeatedly not to talk about my parents. I've hung up when she starts. But she keeps on doing it! Yesterday I got 15 text messages from her about our parents. Most of them while I was at work. She's already started up again today and it's not even lunch time. I've asked her not to text about them. Not to them about them while I'm at work. She won't listen! It's stressful and upsetting to hear about this drama, I want no part of it. How do I get her to stop? Do I need to block her and damage our otherwise good relationship?
I don't ever make comments on any of it except to say don't tell me about it. I offer no reaction or input on the drama over text and on the phone I'll say "hmm. Let's talk about something else."
TL;DR: | My sister is is upset by parent drama. I've asked her not to talk about it to me. She won't stop. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: The girl (17f) I (18m) think I've been talking to is talking to another guy and doesn't want me to know.
POST: So I (18m) have been talking to this girl (17f) for a while but I haven't asked her out and haven't done a lot with her so I think she might be getting annoyed with me. Tonight I was driving around because I had nothing to do and I asked her to come with me but she just said "I'm good" since she was tired. She has had a guy (19m) on her best friends on snapchat for about two days and I went by his house. She said she wasn't talking to him before but her car was there. I think they might be going out or talking and I'm really sad
TL;DR: | I don't know what to do. I'm really sad and I just want to know why she lied to me. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I'm[18m] depressed. How do I handle this?
POST: Quick background: I've always been a serious, introverted guy with not many friends but I always found myself happy. But lately life is just not doing it for me.
My family has always been dysfunctional. My father[65] and mother[47] fight since I have memory. My mother suffers from bipolar disorder and it is really taking a toll on me lately although I always try to be supportive. My brother[24] left 3 years ago because he just couldn't stand living in my house one more second and I barely see him anymore, his birthday was 2 days ago and he couldn't bother answering my calls. My sister died of cancer 2 years ago and my dad just couldn't handle it and is still recovering from depression. I need to work full time for a little more than minimum wage because my dad's been unemployed for 2 years. And to top it all off my girlfriend just texted me that we're done. Yes, through a text.
Anyway, I've been feeling this way for a very long time. Generally sad, pessimistic, alone. I just can't find a reason to smile anymore. I have this urge to cry 24/7. It just feels empty. So, yesterday I decided to consult a doctor and he told me I'm probably depressed and should talk to my parents and seek help.
The thing is I really don't know what to do. I feel like everything around me is fucked and I have nowhere to go.
I just need some advice I guess, I don't know.
TL;DR: | I'm depressed and I feel like I really shouldn't since I'm only 18. Don't know what to do. |
SUBREDDIT: r/running
TITLE: Want to start running, have a few questions!
POST: Hi reddit!
I was hoping you could answer a few of my questions!
(I should mention that yes, I've read the FAQ and done some searching, and I still have questions. I hope that's okay.)
Here's the thing: I'm 19, turning 20 soon, and I'd like to shape up a bit. I'm starting to get chubby and my stamina is as bad as it can be. I'm not overweight yet, but I figure that since I do nothing but sit on my ass in my spare time and play games that's just a matter of time.
I'm too lazy and it's too inconvenient, and I'm too much of a hermit, to go to the gym, but I want to move more, so for the last few weeks I have considered buying a treadmill. That way I can walk/jog/run while watching a movie or playing a game.
Is buying a treadmill something you would recommend for me? Would it be a good way to get some exercise and stay healthy? I'm not in it to be buff, I want to work on my stamina and stay slim.
To clarify the treadmill will, for now at least, be my only workout. No gym or other exercises.
Sorry for writing a novel.
TL;DR: | I sit on my ass all day, and I'm geeting chubby. Would a treadmill help or would it be a waste? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Scared to start dating other girls, Me [21 M] with my ex-GF [21 F]
POST: My ex-gf and I started dating for a year in college - she was my first serious GF and our relationship was quite intense. We broke up because she cheated on me and left me for another guy while we were apart for the summer - I of course took this very hard and have since refused her attempts to get back together with me. We have a class together this year, and we got along fine with civil conversation, but its obvious to me that she is still interested in dating me again (I have some feelings for her as well).
I, however, want to date other girls, especially since I've only dated one so far, but I'm scared of her reaction when she finds out I'm dating someone else. I'd be really hurt by her rejecting to even talk to me (what I think would happen), especially since I've gotten so used to her attempts to get back together with me. It feels like she has some sort of power over me - how do I reclaim myself and feel OK with going to date other girls?
TL;DR: | Scared of ex-gf's reaction if I date other girls as if she has some sort of power over me. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Couple of 4 months, and it feels like every time we see each other we do something sexual
POST: Every time I (M16) see my SO (F16) in a private setting (my house, my car, her house) we always end up making out. Not that I'm complaining, but is this unnatural? I see her every week day at school and we never do anything at school, so it's not like we don't just hang out.
We usually make out for a while, I take her bra off, rub her tits for a while, till she's basically begging for me to finger her. This happens every time we are alone in a private setting.
Neither of us want our relationship to be built upon sex, but it seems like it happens too much. Is it common to feel this way? We usually hang out once a week on the weekends in a private setting.
TL;DR: | It seems like to me that me and my gf do too many sexual things in the time that we see each other. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [19M] and my girlfriend [18F] of 1 1/2 Months used to talk everyday, now I haven't heard from her in a week. I don't know what has happened- what should I do?
POST: This isn't going to be a very long post. Basically this is my
first "Serious" relationship. In short we used to talk every single day by text and on the phone because we live a distance away from each other (About an hour and a half) she was going to sleep over my apartment Friday night but had to cancel due to her going on a trip over the weekend with her family. That was Friday.
I believe the trip was only supposed to last the weekend, As she works a lot. After about 3 days I sent her a text saying that it's ok if you are burnt out with us talking, we don't need to talk everyday and that everyone is entitled to some space, if that is the case that it is cool, but if you are going through anything you know we can talk about it. We've talked about very personal things in the past so it wasn't like I was just saying that. Anyways it has been another few days and she still hasn't answered my text. I'm probably going to call her in a couple days if she still hasn't answered. I'm incredibly worried about her because her home life isn't the best. But at the same time I don't want to smother her or annoy her if she just needs space. It's just been difficult for me in general not having her around because I've had a rough week.
TL;DR: | My girlfriend and I used to talk everyday, I haven't heard from her in a week- what should I do? |
TITLE: TIFU by letting my boyfriend pour ice water on me.
POST: So I was watching football at my boyfriends and since I've been so worn out with work and school and it was getting late I fell asleep. I woke up and realized it was time for me to go home and we began to say our goodbyes for the night. All of a sudden he goes, "Wait! I have a present. Wait outside real quick I'll only be a couple seconds." We do this sometimes and just surprise each other with little things so I thought nothing of it and stepped outside without wondering why in hell I had to go outside. I hear the door open, then I felt it.... Ice cold water. I walked, no RAN, to my car as he banged on the window explaining that as I was sleeping he posted a picture of me on reddit saying if Oregon State won he would pour ice water onto me. Well... OSU infact won and being the wonderful man he is he just had to deliver, especially with all the people telling him that he must. Fuck you, Reddit.
TL;DR: | fell asleep, boyfriend made bet on reddit if OSU won he'd pour ice water on me, OSU indeed won. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I[19M] am on the verge of losing my girlfriend, need help.
POST: My girlfriend[18F] and I[19M] have been dating for 7 months, we had an amazing summer and everything was great, then we went to colleges, her college was about 45 minutes away so we were limited to seeing each other on the weekends. In the last few weeks of the semester I had noticed she was being a little different towards me, just a little quieter and such, like the flame we had was getting dimmer. We had been fighting this week and last night she told me she wanted a break, that she had been unhappy recently and she felt the need for space and she has trouble creating conversations with me. I said that I feel like it was just the routine of seeing each other on the weekends and such that hurt the most(nothing is worse than planned fun), but she doesn't know if she will be happy again. What can I do?
TL;DR: | Girlfriend says she feels different about me, still loves me, but is not as happy. what can I do? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My gf [25 F] is breaking up with me [25 M] after ~3 years because her family doesn't approve of our relationship.
POST: I am a 25 year old working in IT (two associates degrees and a few certificates) white, identifying as christian. She is a medical student moved to the US from Pakistan at age 10 and Muslim.
We met in Georgia (USA) in highschool. She facebook creeped me later on in life and we started dating.
She had always been worried that her family wouldn't approve but we never got a chance to find out really. Her dad suicided and her family (mother with schizophrenia(no jokes please) 2 sisters and one brother) all moved back to Pakistan.
After talking to them on the phone (she is still in Georgia in school) she tells me we can't be together because they won't approve.
Three years we had always said it didn't matter what they thought as long as we were together. She seems to have changed her mind or she is very conflicted.
TL;DR: | I'm 25 christian and she's 25 muslim with disapproving family. How do I convince her to stay?! |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Hey Reddit, do you have any fun child-appropriate activities to do?
POST: I'm a nanny and I'm looking after two incredibly artistic and intelligent children. One male (nine) and a female (eleven). I've looked after them for about six months before (last year) and we've done activities together, but I'm running out of ideas! I realise it's coming close to Christmas but I try not to base my activities around religious celebrations as I don't celebrate them myself.
I was thinking something along the lines of a few kid-friendly science experiments, as well as things they can do with me in the same room (semi-limited supervision) while I do the cleaning and housework.
We've baked and cooked a lot before, as well as painting and a bit of succulent planting but that only seems to engage the eldest child, whereas the boy enjoys spending a lot of time on the family computer. This is alright, but I try to limit their exposure to the technologies (TV, computer games etc.) under their mother's wishes. We've also done a lot of claywork and played a few board games but I want something more to expand their minds. Do you have any ideas, Reddit?
TL;DR: | Do you have any kid-friendly activities I can engage a nine-year-old and an eleven-year-olds with? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: Ex-Girlfriend broke up with me out of nowhere
POST: Me and my ex girlfriend had been dating for almost 2 years now. After dating for 3 months her mother decides to move to England and we have been dating online since then. Honestly everything was going great, in my eyes. She was gonna come to Sweden to visit me and such this summer. I was really excited. 3 days ago she told me that she doesn't want to come to Sweden because she is afraid that if she comes here, that it would be too hard for her to carry on the relationship now that she has been here (without me) I really love her and care for her. I'm afraid to talk to her because I don't wanna be that annoying guy that wont give up. Can you guys help, just tell me what I can do? Thank you. Much appreciated!
TITLE: Looking for good first time dog owning Breeds.
POST: I currently moved up to Virginia and want to eventually get a dog so I am doing some initial research just thought I would ask for your advice. I live in a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom, 1 floor town home in a nice little complex. I do work from 630 - 300 monday - friday which leaves an 8 hour gap on weekdays which is really what worries me most about getting a new puppy.
I am open to really all breeds, I've just always wanted a puppy but could never get one. Now that I have income and could support a puppy I really want to go for it. Again, I am just worried about my work schedule and how it will affect my ability to train/nurture the dog.
TL;DR: | 1290 sq ft apt, 8 hour workdays, new to owning a puppy - need a good breed for these conditions. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I(18M) am in a love triangle with a (18F) and (21M)
POST: I(18M) am in a love triangle. A little back story here, we were dating 8 months, then her(18F) ex(21M) who broke her heart, came back and said he loved her. She dumped me and got back with him, moved in and everything. She says she is in love with me, but loves him.
She visits me around 3 times a week, and we make love around 4-5 times every time. She says she is not intimate with him, and that he is more like a companion to her. I love her, unlike i have ever loved anyone in my life. I would do anything to make her happy. My question is, what do i do? Do i wait for her to break up with him and continue the cheating, or should i move on, and if we are both single at a later point, try to rekindle it, and if i should move on, how do i do it? I am at a loss. I dont know what to do, and i hope you guys can help.
TL;DR: | I am in love with a girl, who says she loves me too, but she is dating another guy. What do i do? |
TITLE: TIFU by chugging a glass of wine
POST: A couple weeks ago my friend invited my roommates and I to chill/drink/smoke at his place. I had gotten pretty drunk the night before so I wanted to take it easy. So I pick up a bottle of red wine and we head over. As the night progresses, the host brings out a bottle of vodka and offers shots. My roommates accept, I decline (I don't like vodka and vodka doesn't like me). A little later on, my roommates start giving me shit for taking it slow on my wine. In an attempt to be badass, I proceed to chug my full glass. It went down pretty rough, but they were really impressed. Shortly after the chug I can feel the wine start to hit me, the room is starting to spin. At this point, I learn that one of my roommates poured a couple shots of vodka into my wine while I was in the bathroom. I wound up crashing in the hosts' room about an hour later.
TL;DR: | Didn't want to get drunk, chugged a glass of wine unknowingly spiked with vodka. Got super drunk. |
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: What do i want for my birthday?
POST: Long time lurker, spend more time reading than anything. My girlfriend of a year and her family, as well as my own family, has asked me constantly this week what I want for my birthday (June 3). When I tell them I dont know, I really mean I have no clue.
I'm your average (going to be)28 year old guy, gf, full time job, part time job, drives an average car, is a techy gadget person, but I buy all the things I want/need.
Any thing maybe out of the ordinary that i should be 'asking' for for my birthday?
TL;DR: | My bday is coming up, dont know what to tell people I want when they ask me what to get me. |
TITLE: Recovering From Inactivity
POST: age 32
sex female
height 5'11"
weight unsure, around 80kg to 83kg
race caucasian
meds 400mg seroquel m/r daily, methadone 13mg daily reducing 2mg/month.
i have been housebound for over 3 years (anxiety related to dental issues, gad, and panic attacks, along with cyclothymia and severe lack of energy after starting on seroquel.), and very immobile. i lack energy, and have been on a sofa for all that time outside of going to the bathroom. personal care and healthy diet are non existent. i worry about muscle atrophy, due to non use, and i want to get better. standing hurts, and i get breathless, dizzy and shaky after 3 to 5 minutes. i understand that i have perpetuated my own lack of energy due to inactivity, however i have reduced from 70mg/day of methadone to 13mg/day currently and i plan on eliminating it completely, and i need advice on where to start with recovering normal function. are there things i should be watching for? how can i rebuild myself from rock bottom safely? thank you.
TL;DR: | seroquel hit me like a train, and i laid down to it. i need advice on getting back up. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (17M) drunkenly kissed my friend (16M) to help him figure out his sexuality. I have a girlfriend (17F)
POST: I have been together with my girlfriend for 19 months. I love her more than anything in the world. She is my first (and so far only) love.
Last night, something really bad happened. I was drinking with my friend (private property with parental permission, so it was legal in our state) and he got really emotional. He confessed that he was pretty sure he was gay. He lives in the Midwest in a conservative (and homophobic) town, and he felt really insecure. He talked about how he wished he could just try to kiss a guy to figure out his sexuality. I was drunk, and in that moment I thought it was the right thing to do to kiss him to help him. (I'm straight as a pole, by the way). It took 3 seconds, and he was really grateful since he finally knew that he was, in fact, gay. The kiss meant nothing romantically.
But now I (rightfully so) feel bad. I cheated on my girlfriend. I know she would forgive me (he is a common friend, and she is generally very understanding), but I also know telling her would hurt her. I don't know what to do (she is possessive). I feel like crap. I don't have much experience since I am so young. I know /relationships hates cheaters, but I really need advice. I just wanted to do the right thing and help my friend. I know I fucked up though.
TL;DR: | I cheated on my girlfriend to help a friend, don't know if I should tell her and hurt her or not. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [33 M] with my wife [32 F] 4 years, should i tell her that i went to a strip club when i was out of town.
POST: this all sounds pretty bad but hear me out.
my wife was my first but she has a lot more experience than me and that's made me feel insecure. we have 2 kids and she is a stay at home mom i have to go out of town sometimes not always though.
this time i had to go to a city a few hours away, i left 2 days ago and will have to be here for 3 more. she has been checking up on me and making sure I'm okay.
i was out and exploring the city i ate at a nice restaurant, it was the best food I'd ever eaten. i drove by a strip club and started thinking, i have never been to one and was curious.
i went in and watched a few women dance, but one girl sat next to me and started talking. we chatted for quite some time i told her it was my first time at a strip club and she seemed shocked.
she got up and had to do something, she came back and told me to follow her. she said she was going to give me a "special" dance so i just went wirh it. she undressed and started dancing.
she started dancing and let me touch her down there and barely kissed a few times. she finished and said it was free since it was my first time there and left.
i don't know if i should tell my wife though, i feel a little guilty but i don't think i did anything wrong should i tell her?
TL;DR: | i went to a strip club when i was out of town i don't know if i should tell my wife though. |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me(27) worried about my gf's(27) trust problems.
POST: I have been with my girlfriend for about 10 months now. Even though the relationship is going great, my girlfriend is afraid that I'm going to leave here. I have no plans of doing that because she's great and I want to marry her one day. I've told her that and she's alright but every once in a while, she starts saying "what if you leave me, I don't want that. I love you so much it hurts, etc" and she thinks that her breaking off the relationship would be better. I talk to her and calm her most of the time and it's alright. It only happens when she's not with me, hence over the phone which is hard for me to control as I can't physically comfort her.
Alright, it's happened again while I was typing this. She says she can't "do me any more harm by being negative like this and hopes I have a good life. She loves me and misses me always" (I don't get annoyed or harmed, I just want us to be happy. She's amazing and I love her tonnes and she's just amazing)
I don't want to leave her. Any suggestions on what can be done?
TL;DR: | GF thinks I'm going to break off with her and is sad. I have no plans of doing it. Halp ? |
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [18F] have a crush on my teacher [28M] What should I do?
POST: I just started going to a new school, and I noticed one teacher, he is very sweet and attractive. I've been crushing on him for a month now, and he always smiled when he walked past me, then he even started saying "hey".
Well Friday night I was drunk, googled him and found his number. I called it and a woman answered and asked what i wanted,I said his name, she gave me him and then he asked who's calling, I said it doesn't matter and hung up.
One day he was talking to me and asked if i'd like to come to his additional lesson on Tuesday, I said sure.
I did and he was looking at me the whole lesson, and was just talking about me, where i came from what countries i visited we shared some opinions, he was even telling me jokes.
As the bell rang, i looked at my phone and saw a missed call. i said out loud "oh some unknown number called me" and i was calling back and his phone was ringing. He started smiling and asked me why i called him Friday night, I said accidentally. After everyone left the class he asked me again , and i said i don't know I guess it was an accident. So reddit users? What should I do ? Should i go to the next additional lesson? Do you think he likes me?
TL;DR: | have a crush on a teacher, he talks and smiles to me a lot , does he like me?, what should i do? |
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