Dataset Viewer
int64 1
| NL_Query
stringlengths 16
stringlengths 116
1 | What treats AMD? | prefix amd:<>
PREFIX rdf: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?s rdf:type amd:Treatment .
?amd rdf:type amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
2 | What treats Wet AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s rdf:type amd:Treatment .
?s amd:treats amd:Wet_AMD .
} |
3 | What medication treats dry AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Medication .
?s amd:treats amd:Dry_AMD .
} |
4 | What diseases cause blindness? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Disease .
?s amd:causes amd:Blindness .
} |
5 | Does dry AMD cause blindness? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Dry_AMD amd:causes amd:Blindness .
} |
6 | What are the signs of AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:presentIn ?amd .
7 | What are some early signs of AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a amd:Early_sign .
?s amd:presentIn ?amd .
8 | What does AMD affect? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:affects ?s .
} |
9 | What does Dry AMD affect? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
amd:Dry_AMD amd:affects ?s .
} |
10 | Does Avastin treat Dry AMD? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Avastin amd:treats amd:Dry_AMD .
} |
11 | Is blurry vision a symptom of AMD? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Dry_AMD amd:causes amd:Blurry_vision .
} |
12 | Does AMD affect the Elderly? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:affects amd:Elderly .
} |
13 | What category of people does Age-related Macular Degeneration affect? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Group_of_people .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:affects ?s .
} |
14 | What actions does AMD impair? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Action .
?amd a amd:Age-related_macular_degeneration .
?amd amd:impairs ?s .
} |
15 | What medical procedures are used to treat AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Medical_Procedure .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
16 | What type of AMD presents CNV? | PREFIX : <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:AMD .
amd:CNV amd:presentIn ?s .
} |
17 | What type of AMD causes drusen and reduced contrast? | PREFIX : <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:AMD .
amd:Reduced_contrast amd:presentIn ?s .
amd:Drusen amd:presentIn ?s .
} |
18 | Give me all signs of AMD. | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:presentIn ?amd .
} |
19 | Give me all treatments for AMD. | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Treatment .
?s amd:treats amd:Wet_AMD .
} |
20 | Give me all types of AMD. | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:AMD .
} |
21 | Give me all medical procedures used to treat AMD. | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a r+C22df:Symptom .
amd:Wet_AMD amd:causes ?s .
} |
22 | Give me all signs of AMD. | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:presentIn ?amd .
} |
23 | Give me all symptoms of AMD. | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Symptom .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:causes ?s .
} |
24 | Give me all symptoms of Wet AMD. | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Symptom .
amd:Wet_AMD amd:causes ?s .
} |
25 | Give me all types of AMD and their corresponding treatments | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?amd ?s where {
?s a amd:Treatment .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
26 | Give me all type of AMD and their corresponding symptoms | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?amd ?s where {
?s a amd:Symptom .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:causes ?s .
} |
27 | For every type of AMD give me the groups of people it affects | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?amd ?s where {
?s a amd:Group_of_people .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:affects ?s .
} |
28 | What treatment for AMD has a success rate of over 90%? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Medical_Procedure .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
?s amd:success_rate ?success_rate .
FILTER(?success_rate > 0.90)
} |
29 | For each AMD type what treatments are recommended? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s ?amd where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a amd:Treatment .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
30 | What imaging techniques are used to diagnose and monitor AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Imaging_technique .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:monitors ?amd .
} |
31 | What are the pharmacological treatments available for AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Medication .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
32 | What are the pharmacological treatments are used for wet and dry AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Medication .
?s amd:treats amd:Wet_AMD .
?s amd:treats amd:Dry_AMD .
} |
33 | How effective is retinal laser photocoagulation in treating AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
amd:Retinal_laser_photocoagulation amd:success_rate ?s .
} |
34 | Does retinal laser photocoagulation tread dry AMD? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Retinal_laser_photocoagulation amd:treats amd:Dry_AMD .
} |
35 | Does retinal laser photocoagulation tread wet AMD? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Retinal_laser_photocoagulation amd:treats amd:Wet_AMD .
} |
36 | Are there any medical procedures for Wet AMD that have the success rate over 90%? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
?procedure a amd:Medical_Procedure .
?procedure amd:treats amd:Wet_AMD .
?procedure amd:success_rate ?success_rate .
FILTER(?success_rate > 0.9)
} |
37 | What medical procedures for Wet AMD have a success rate of over 90%? | prefix amd:<>
select ?procedure where {
?procedure a amd:Medical_Procedure .
?procedure amd:treats amd:Wet_AMD .
?procedure amd:success_rate ?success_rate .
FILTER(?success_rate > 0.9)
} |
38 | What medical procedures for AMD require a follow up? | PREFIX : <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?procedure where {
?procedure a amd:Medical_Procedure .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?procedure amd:treats ?amd .
?procedure amd:follow_up_necessary true .
} |
39 | What groups of people are not affected by AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Group_of_people .
?amd a amd:AMD .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?amd amd:affects ?s } .
} |
40 | What medical procedure for wet AMD has the highest success rate? | PREFIX : <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s amd:treats amd:Wet_AMD .
?s a amd:Medical_Procedure .
?s amd:success_rate ?success_rate .
} ORDER BY DESC (?success_rate) LIMIT 1 |
41 | What actions does wet AMD not affect? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Action .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { amd:Dry_AMD amd:impairs ?s } .
} |
42 | What imaging techniques are not used to monitor AMD? | prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Imaging_technique .
?amd a amd:AMD .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?s amd:monitors ?amd . }
} |
43 | Can optical coherence tomography be used to monitor AMD? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
amd:Optical_coherence_tomography amd:monitors ?amd .
} |
44 | What are the other names for dry AMD? | PREFIX owl: <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s owl:sameAs amd:Dry_AMD .
} |
45 | What are the other names for wet AMD? | PREFIX owl: <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s owl:sameAs amd:Wet_AMD .
} |
46 | Is dry AMD the same as atrophic AMD? | PREFIX owl: <>
prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Atrophic_AMD owl:sameAs amd:Dry_AMD .
} |
47 | Is exudative AMD the same as wet AMD? | PREFIX owl: <>
prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Exudative_AMD owl:sameAs amd:Wet_AMD .
} |
48 | Is neovascular AMD the same as wet AMD? | PREFIX owl: <>
prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Neovascular_AMD owl:sameAs amd:Wet_AMD .
} |
49 | What does CNV stand for? | PREFIX owl: <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
amd:CNV owl:sameAs ?s .
} |
50 | What is scotoma? | PREFIX owl: <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s owl:sameAs amd:Scotoma .
} |
51 | What causes type of AMD causes blind spots? | PREFIX owl: <>
prefix amd:<>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:AMD .
?s amd:causes amd:Blind_spot .
} |
52 | Is CNV a sign of wet AMD? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Choroidal_neovascularization amd:presentIn amd:Dry_AMD .
} |
53 | Is CNV a sign of dry AMD? | prefix amd:<>
ask where {
amd:Choroidal_neovascularization amd:presentIn amd:Wet_AMD .
} |
54 | Give me medical procedures that treat AMD and the type of AMD that they treat. | prefix amd:<> select distinct
?s ?amd where {
?s a amd:Medical_Procedure .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
55 | What are the two forms of age-related macular degeneration? | PREFIX amd: <>
select ?s where {
?s a amd:AMD .
} |
56 | What are some signs of AMD and the type of AMD they are affect? | PREFIX amd: <>
select ?s ?amd where {
?s a amd:Sign .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:presentIn ?amd
} |
57 | Give me all medical procedures for AMD that are not ivasive. | PREFIX amd: <>
select ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a amd:Medical_Procedure .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
?s amd:invasive false .
} |
58 | How can AMD be monitored? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:monitors ?amd .
} |
59 | Give me all types of AMD and how they can be monitored. | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s ?amd where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:monitors ?amd .
} |
60 | I want to know what imaging techniques can be used to monitor AMD. | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:monitors ?amd .
} |
61 | Are my children at risk of AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:hereditary true
} |
62 | Is AMD hereditary? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:hereditary true
} |
63 | What is age-related macular degeneration? | PREFIX amd: <>
select ?amd ?description where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:description ?description
} |
64 | What are the two forms of age-related macular degeneration | PREFIX amd: <>
select ?amd ?description where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
} limit 2 |
65 | Will I go blind from macular degeneration? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:causes amd:Blindness .
} |
66 | What is the treatment for dry macular degeneration? | PREFIX amd: <>
select ?s where {
?s amd:treats amd:Dry_AMD .
} |
67 | What is the treatment for wet macular degeneration? | PREFIX amd: <>
select ?s where {
?s amd:treats amd:Wet_AMD .
} |
68 | My grandmother or grandfather has age-related macular degeneration, will I get macular degeneration? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:hereditary true
} |
69 | What can I do to prevent macular degeneration from developing? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:prevents ?amd .
} |
70 | Are my children at risk for AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:hereditary true
} |
71 | Are there treatment options for my AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
select ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
72 | Which specialists can help me manage my condition? | PREFIX amd: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
select distinct ?s {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a obo:NCIT_C19254 .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
73 | What devices and services can help me live with vision loss from AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a amd:Assistive_Device .
?s amd:eases ?amd
} |
74 | Does AMD put me at risk for other eye diseases? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a amd:Comorbidity .
?amd amd:causes ?s .
} |
75 | What steps can I take to slow down my AMD and protect my vision? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
76 | What treatment options are available for this condition? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a amd:Treatment .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
77 | What can a person do to protect or prolong their vision? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:prevents ?amd .
} |
78 | Can you recommend a vitamin program for me that might be helpful? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a amd:Vitamin .
?s amd:prevents ?amd .
} |
79 | Can you get AMD in only one eye, or does it always occur in both? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:affects_both_eyes true .
} |
80 | What potential macular degeneration symptoms should I be aware of and mention to my eye doctor if they arise? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:causes ?s .
} |
81 | What are the current treatments for macular degeneration? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s a amd:Treatment .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
82 | What makes macular degeneration worse? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:worsens ?amd .
} |
83 | I am a patient with age-related macular degeneration (AMD): is AMD contagious
at all? | PREFIX amd: <>
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:contagious true .
} |
84 | I am a patient with exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD): can AMD occur in both eyes? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
amd:Exudative_AMD amd:affects_both_eyes true .
} |
85 | I am a patient with non-age-related macular degeneration (non-AMD): What can I do
anything to reduce my risk of developing AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:prevents ?amd .
} |
86 | I am a patient with early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in the right eye: What kind of treatment is available? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Treatment .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:treats ?amd .
} |
87 | I am a patient with geographic atrophy in the right eye: am I going to experience
any pain? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
amd:Atrophic_AMD amd:painful true .
} |
88 | I am a patient with age-related macular degeneration: what is an Amsler grid? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
amd:Amsler_grid amd:description ?s .
} |
89 | I am a patient with geographic atrophy (GA) in the right eye: can GA be treated? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?s amd:treats amd:Atrophic_AMD .
} |
90 | I am a patient with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) in the
right eye who had sudden loss of vision two weeks ago, without prior treatment with
20/60 vision: can my nAMD be treated? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?s amd:treats amd:Neovascular_AMD .
} |
91 | I am a patient with non-age-related macular degeneration (non-AMD): how will I
know if I have AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Sign .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:presentIn ?amd .
} |
92 | I am a patient with non-age-related macular degeneration (non-AMD) who fears
developing AMD: what symptoms should I look for? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?s a amd:Symptom .
?amd a amd:AMD .
?amd amd:causes ?s .
} |
93 | I am a patient with geographic atrophy (GA) in the right eye: can GA be treated? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
?s amd:treats amd:Atrophic_AMD .
} |
94 | I am a patient with geographic atrophy (GA) in the right eye: What kind of treatment is available? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?s amd:treats amd:Atrophic_AMD .
} |
95 | I am a patient with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD): Are my children at risk for AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
ask where {
amd:Neovascular_AMD amd:hereditary true .
} |
96 | I am a patient with age-related macular degeneration: how can I monitor AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
SELECT distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:monitors ?amd .
} |
97 | I am a patient with neovascular age-related macular degeneration in the right eye: can
I become blind? | PREFIX amd: <>
ASK where {
amd:Neovascular_AMD amd:causes amd:Blindness .
} |
98 | I am a patient with geographic atrophy in the right eye: can I become blind? | PREFIX amd: <>
ASK where {
amd:Atrophic_AMD amd:causes amd:Blindness .
} |
99 | I am a patient with non-age-related macular degeneration (non-AMD): What can I do
at home to help prevent developing AMD? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
?s amd:prevents ?amd .
} |
100 | I am a patient with age-related macular degeneration: What are the forms of age-related macular degeneration? | PREFIX amd: <>
select distinct ?s where {
?amd a amd:AMD .
} |
Natural Language To SPARQL Queries for the AMD Ontology
The dataset contains natural language queries and their corresponding SPARQL queries for the AMD Ontology. The dataset is available in the Hugging Face repository.
The Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Ontology is available in the GitHub Repository.
The dataset was created by annotating the AMD Ontology with natural language queries. The annotation was performed by me, Mihai Neagoi, a student at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
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