# Alanine Dipeptide trajectory data |
This folder contains a minimal data set of two long MD trajectories for alanine |
dipeptide, the simplest dipeptide (22 atoms). |
For each trajectory two files are available: |
* `protein-state0.pdb`: contains the topology and initial 3D XYZ coordinates. |
* `protein-arrays.npz`: contains trajectory information. |
## NPZ Information |
The NPZ file contains detailed information for a subset of simulation steps. |
There are T such frames and the NPZ file contains the following arrays: |
* 'step': `(T,)` array, Md step number. |
* 'energies': `(T,2)` array, each row containing [potential, kinetic] energies |
in kJ/mol. |
* 'positions': `(T,num_atoms,3)` array, positions in nm. |
* 'velocities': `(T,num_atoms,3)` array, velocities in nm/ps. |
* 'forces': `(T,num_atoms,3)` array, forces in kJ/(mol nm). |
## Dataset construction |
The dataset was constructed in the following way: |
1. For the included `alanine-dipeptide.pdb` PDB file, perform a molecular |
dynamics simulation: |
a.) Use OpenMM with the AMBER14 force field and implicit water model. |
b.) Perform an energy minimization (relaxation) from the initial PDB |
configuration. |
c.) Use a Langevin integrator at temperature T=310K, friction=0.3/ps, |
timestep=0.5fs for 2e6 steps to equilibriate ("burn-in phase"). |
d.) Use a Langevin integrator at temperature T=310K, friction=0.3/ps, |
timestep=0.5fs for 2e8 steps to sample a trajectory ("sample phase"). |
2. Save trajectory information every 1,000 steps (0.5ps) to an `arrays.npz` |
file. |
## Credit and Authors |
This dataset was created in March 2022 as part of the Molecular Simulation |
initiative. |