stringlengths 31
| name
stringlengths 3
a drawing of a green pokemon with red eyes | Bulbasaur |
a green and yellow toy with a red nose | Caterpie |
a red and white ball with an angry look on its face | Voltorb |
a cartoon ball with a smile on it's face | Electrode |
a bunch of balls with faces drawn on them | Exeggcute |
a cartoon character with a potted plant on his head | Exeggutor |
a drawing of a pokemon stuffed animal | Cubone |
a picture of a cartoon character with a sword | Marowak |
a drawing of a cartoon character doing a kick | Hitmonlee |
a drawing of a girl with a boxing glove | Hitmonchan |
a picture of a pink and yellow pokemon figure | Lickitung |
a purple ball with a skull and cross bones on it | Koffing |
a cartoon picture of a green vegetable with eyes | Metapod |
an image of a cartoon character flying through the air | Weezing |
a drawing of a gray and black dragon | Rhyhorn |
a drawing of a gray and yellow pokemon | Rhydon |
a pink bird sitting on top of a white surface | Chansey |
a blue and black object with two eyes | Tangela |
a couple of pokemon standing next to each other | Mega Kangaskhan |
a cartoon picture of a bear holding a baseball bat | Kangaskhan |
a drawing of a blue dragon with red eyes | Horsea |
a drawing of a blue and yellow dragon | Seadra |
a drawing of a fish with a horn on it's head | Goldeen |
a fish with a horn on it's head | Seaking |
a cartoon butterfly with a sad look on its face | Butterfree |
a drawing of a star with a red eye | Staryu |
a drawing of a star with a jewel in the center | Starmie |
a cartoon character with a big smile on his face | Mr. Mime |
a green and white cartoon character with a sword | Scyther |
a drawing of a woman in a red cape | Jynx |
a yellow and black cartoon character with a big smile | Electabuzz |
a very cute looking pokemon character | Magmar |
a drawing of a cartoon character with wings | Pinsir |
an image of a cartoon character flying through the air | Tauros |
a drawing of a bison with horns and horns | Magikarp |
a red fish with a gold crown on its head | Weedle |
a drawing of a very cute looking caterpillar | Mega Gyarados |
a blue and yellow dragon flying through the air | Gyarados |
a blue and white dragon with its mouth open | Lapras |
a drawing of a blue sea turtle holding a rock | Ditto |
a cartoon character with a smile on his face | Eevee |
a very cute looking pokemon with big eyes | Vaporeon |
a drawing of a blue and yellow dragon | Jolteon |
a drawing of a yellow and white pikachu | Flareon |
a very cute looking pokemon with big eyes | Porygon |
an origami dog with a pink and blue body | Omanyte |
an image of an animal with big eyes | Omastar |
an image of a cartoon character with a big smile | Kakuna |
a drawing of a yellow creature with a black nose | Kabuto |
a picture of a mushroom with pink eyes | Kabutops |
a drawing of a cartoon character holding a knife | Mega Aerodactyl |
a drawing of a dragon with its mouth open | Aerodactyl |
a drawing of a dragon with its mouth open | Snorlax |
a blue and white stuffed animal sitting on top of a white surface | Articuno |
a blue and white bird with its wings spread | Zapdos |
a yellow and black pokemon pokemon character | Moltres |
a yellow bird flying through the air | Dratini |
a blue and white bird with a long tail | Dragonair |
a blue and white snake with horns on its head | Dragonite |
a drawing of a dragon sitting on its hind legs | Mega Beedrill |
a yellow and black insect with large wings | Beedrill |
a yellow and black bee with a white background | Mega Mewtwo X |
a cartoon character with a pink and white outfit | Mega Mewtwo Y |
a drawing of a cat with a pink tail | Mewtwo |
a cartoon character with a cat like body | Mew |
a drawing of a pink cat flying through the air | Chikorita |
a drawing of a pikachu with a green leaf on its head | Bayleef |
a drawing of a yellow and green pokemon | Meganium |
a drawing of a dinosaur in a dress | Cyndaquil |
a cartoon bird with a hat on its head | Quilava |
a very cute looking pokemon sitting on top of a rock | Typhlosion |
a cartoon character with a fire on his back | Totodile |
a drawing of a cartoon dinosaur with its mouth open | Croconaw |
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