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 will receive an additional $1,182 in their pocket every year.\"   * Georgia * Taxes * Drew Ferguson  will receive an additional $1,182 in their pocket every year. Who wouldn\'t want American families to have more money in their pockets?\" , leaving $35,000 in taxable income. At the 12 percent rate, that would mean $4,200 in preliminary liability. This would be offset by $3,200 in child tax credits and $600 in family credits, leaving a final tax liability of $400. That’s a $1,182.50 tax cut. So Ferguson has some mathematical detail to back up the figure. But that’s not the end of the story. Here are the two clearest caveats. #### Featured Fact-check   By Amy Sherman • August 28, 2024 Reduction of itemized deductions The GOP bill eliminates or shrinks a number of widely used itemized deductions, and those factors aren’t taken into account in the figure Ryan cited. The deductions eliminated or pared back in the bill include the mortgage interest deduction (for future mortgages, it would be capped at half its previous maximum); the state and local tax deduction (only $10,000 in property tax deductions would be allowed); the medical expense deduction; the casualty loss deduction; and the student loan interest deduction. Exchanging these changes for a higher standard deduction may benefit many taxpayers, particularly those who choose not to itemize today. For households earning around $59,000 a year, more taxpayers do take the standard deduction than take itemized deductions -- but a significant minority, about one-third, do itemize. For many itemizing taxpayers, those deductions are important -- and under the tax bill, they’re likely to end up worse off if the bill is passed as is, even with the higher standard deduction. For this type of taxpayer, the loss of even one of those deductions could conceivably wipe out that $1,182 gain for certain types of families. This specific amount of tax savings is good for just the first year Ferguson’s statement explicitly said that the $1,182 income boost would happen \"every year.\" The problem is that the benefits of the tax proposal shrink, slowly but surely, over the next decade for this family. \"The tax cut definitely dissipates over time,\" David Kamin, a tax and budget specialist at the New York University law school, told PolitiFact. Kamin cited a combination of factors, including the sunsetting of the $300 per parent tax credit; the lack of inflation adjustments for the child tax credit, which effectively replace personal exemptions that were indexed to inflation; and the new use of an inflation adjustment measure known as chained CPI, which grows more slowly than the yardstick in current use. According to Kamin’s calculations, the initial tax cut for the family making $59,000 becomes a $500 tax increase by 2024 compared to the status quo. Here’s the graph he put together:  will receive an additional $1,182 in their pocket every year.\" This is based on a plausible and transparent calculation, but Ferguson glossed over some context. The calculation doesn’t factor in several itemized deductions that would disappear under the proposal and that could have a significant impact on at least some \"typical\" families around that income level. And the statement is misleading when it says the family will save $1,182 \"every year,\" since that’s the case in the first year only; after that, the benefit starts to shrink and eventually turns into a tax hike. We rate the statement Half True. EDITORS\' NOTE, Nov. 6, 2017: We updated this story to remove a reference to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center of the tax plan. That plan is now under review by TPC and the organization asked journalists to refrain from quoting the report until it is revised. Share the Facts 2017-11-06 22:16:07 UTC PolitiFact  4 1 7  PolitiFact Rating: Half True Under the House Republican tax proposal, \"the average family of four earning median income ($59,000/year) will receive an additional $1,182 in their pocket every year.\" Drew Ferguson U.S. Representative, R-Ga.   By Louis Jacobson • September 18, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 12, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 8, 2024   By Marta Campabadal Graus • September 5, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 4, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 30, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 23, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 9, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 7, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 7, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 6, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • July 31, 2024 ### Georgia congressman says GOP tax bill will save typical family $1,182. Will it? *   By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 19, 2024 *   By Caleb McCullough • September 19, 2024 *  has announced a permanent boycott of Taylor Swift.” (3) nonprofit organization  Schwarze nicht für die meisten Morde an Weißen verantwortlich In den Sozialen Netzwerken wird seit dem Tod des Afroamerikaners George Floyd Ende Mai durch Polizeigewalt vermehrt ein Posting zur angeblichen Kriminalitätsstatistik in den USA aus dem Jahr 2015 geteilt. Darin heißt es, zwei Prozent der Schwarzen seien durch Weiße ums Leben gekommen, ein Prozent der Schwarzen durch die Polizei, drei Prozent der Weißen durch die Polizei, 16 Prozent der Weißen durch Weiße, 81 Prozent der Weißen durch Schwarze und 97 Prozent der Schwarzen sollen von Schwarzen ermordet worden sein. Als Quelle wird das Crime Statistics Bureau von San Francisco angegeben. (Beispiel 1, Beispiel 2, Beispiel 3) Zu überprüfende Information: Die Richtigkeit der oben genannten Zahlen. Einschätzung: Fast alle Zahlen sind nachweisbar falsch. Sowohl weiße als auch schwarze Menschen töten meistens Menschen, die die gleiche Hautfarbe wie sie selbst haben. Die genannten 97 Prozent schwarzer Mordopfer durch Schwarze lassen sich jedoch nicht bestätigen. Für Todesopfer durch Polizeigewalt gibt es keine offiziellen Zahlen, Berechnungen sind somit kaum durchführbar. Überprüfung: Nach Angaben des Supplementary Homicide Report (SHR) des FBI haben schwarze Männer 2015 36 Prozent aller Morde begangen und machten einen Anteil von 52 Prozent der Mordopfer aus. Weiße Männer begingen 30 Prozent der Morde und stellten 43 Prozent der Mordopfer. Was die Hautfarbe betrifft, so wurden – wenn es einen Täter und ein Opfer gab – 81 Prozent aller weißen Opfer von weißen Tätern getötet und 89 Prozent der schwarzen Opfer von schwarzen Tätern. Insgesamt gab es 2015 13.455 Morde und nicht-fahrlässige Totschläge. Schwarze Männer waren 1,5 Mal häufiger Opfer als Weiße. Die neuesten vollständigen Daten dazu stammen aus dem Jahr 2018. Laut FBI gab es 14.123 Morde, von denen 7.407 der Opfer Schwarze oder Afroamerikaner waren und 6.088 Weiße. Wenn es einen Täter und ein Opfer gab, waren bei 3.315 weißen Opfern auch 2.677 der Täter Weiße, das entspricht ungefähr 81 Prozent. Bei 2.925 Opfern, die schwarz oder Afroamerikaner waren, waren 2.600 der Täter schwarz oder Afroamerikaner, was ungefähr 89 Prozent entspricht. Morde passieren also den Angaben des FBI zufolge in den meisten Fällen innerhalb der eigenen Hautfarbe. Bei den Zahlen des FBI gilt es allerdings zu beachten, dass die US- Strafverfolgungsbehörden die Informationen freiwillig melden. Das bedeutet, dass die Daten nicht immer übereinstimmend oder national repräsentativ sind. Das US-Justizministerium verzeichnete im Jahr 2018 folgende Zahlen: “Der Täter hatte dieselbe Rasse oder Ethnie wie das Opfer in 70 Prozent der Fälle bei schwarzen Opfern und in 62 Prozent der Fälle bei weißen Opfern.“ Was Informationen zu Polizeigewalt in den USA betrifft, liefern das FBI oder nationale Behörden kaum Daten, wofür sie in der Vergangenheit schon öfters kritisiert wurden. Laut der US-Zeitung „Washington Post“ hätten Ermittlungen von 2015 ergeben, dass das FBI die angegebenen Todesfälle durch Polizeischüsse um mehr als die Hälfte unterschätzt hatte, da es den Polizeistationen freistehe, solche Fälle zu vermelden und sie es oft nicht tun würden. So hat es im Jahr 2015 laut dem FBI 452 „gerechtfertigte Tötungsdelikte“ durch die Strafverfolgungsbehörden gegeben. 2018 waren es 410. Offizielle Zahlen gibt es auch deswegen nicht, weil es keine landesweiten Statistiken gibt. Zusammen mit Vertretern der wichtigsten Strafverfolgungsbehörden soll aber an der Entwicklung einer nationalen Datenerhebung zu Polizeigewalt gearbeitet werden, heißt es auf der Website des FBI. Das spendenfinanzierte Projekt „Fatal Encounters“ dokumentiert Polizeigewalt in den USA. Auf der Website ist die Rede von einer „nationalen Datenbank über Menschen, die bei Interaktionen mit der Strafverfolgung getötet wurden.“ Die Zahlen von „Fatal Encounters“ reichen vom Jahr 2000 bis fast in die Gegenwart. Bis 27. Mai 2020 sollen demnach 13.337 weiße und 7.612 schwarze Menschen in den USA durch Polizeigewalt ums Leben gekommen sein. Hinter „Fatal Encounters“ steht der ehemalige Journalist Brian Burghart. Er und seine Mitarbeiter beziehen ihre Zahlen aus einer Vielzahl von Quellen, wie Medienberichten, crowdsourced-Daten und anderen Datenbanken. Die Verifikation erfolgt über einen mehrstufigen Prozess. Auf „Fatal Encounters“ greifen auch die Projekte „The Counted“ von der britischen Zeitung „Guardian“, das ebenfalls in den Jahren 2015 und 2016 Todesfälle von Polizeigewalt in den USA dokumentierte und „Fatal Force“ von der US-Zeitung „Washington Post“ zurück. Laut „Fatal Force“ von der „Washington Post“ wurden seit 1. Jänner 2015 2.468 weiße Menschen in den USA von der Polizei erschossen. 1.291 schwarze Menschen wurden im selben Zeitraum von der Polizei erschossen. Im Jahr 2015 waren es 497 Weiße und 258 Schwarze. Schwarze Amerikaner würden unverhältnismäßig häufig erschossen, da sie weniger als 13 Prozent der US-Bevölkerung ausmachen, aber mehr als doppelt so häufig von der Polizei getötet werden würden wie weiße Amerikaner. Zu beachten gilt allerdings, dass hier nur Todesfälle durch Schusswaffen zählen. Es fließen also nicht jene Menschen in die Zahlen hinein, die etwa in Polizeigewahrsam oder durch Schüsse durch einen Polizisten, der außer Dienst war, ums Leben kamen. Es zählen auch alle anderen Formen von tödlicher Polizeigewalt, die keine Schusswaffen beinhalten, nicht. Daher ist zB. George Floyd, der starb, nachdem ein Polizist fast neun Minuten auf seinem Hals kniete, nicht in der Statistik auffindbar. Nach Angaben von „The Counted“ vom „Guardian“ (archiviert) sind 2015 insgesamt 1.146 Menschen in den USA durch Polizeigewalt ums Leben gekommen, darunter sind 307 Schwarze und 584 Weiße. In Prozent umgerechnet waren rund 27 Prozent der durch Polizeigewalt gestorbenen Menschen Schwarze und rund 51 Prozent Weiße. Auch bei diesen Zahlen gilt es, den vergleichsweise niedrigen Anteil Schwarzer in der US-Bevölkerung miteinzubeziehen. Eine Studie der Rutgers Universität, Washington Universität und Universität von Michigan von August 2019 kam zu dem Schluss, dass schwarze Männer über die Lebenszeit gesehen 2,5 Mal häufiger von der Polizei getötet werden als weiße Männer. Schwarze Frauen würden 1,4 Mal häufiger von der Polizei getötet werden als weiße Frauen. Wenn man auf die zu überprüfenden Zahlen aus den Social Media-Postings zurückkommt, wo behauptet wird, dass bei den getöteten Schwarzen nur ein Prozent durch die Polizei getötet wurde und bei den Weißen drei Prozent, kann man keine klare Überprüfung vornehmen. Man kann höchstens die Zahlen aus den erwähnten Datenprojekten der Gesamtheit aller Morde gegenüberstellen. Würde man dabei die Gesamtzahlen der Mordopfer laut FBI heranziehen, würde der Prozentsatz der durch Polizeigewalt gestorbenen unter den weißen Mordopfern höher sein als bei schwarzen. Hier muss aber darauf verwiesen werden, dass man einen solchen Vergleich nicht ohne Bedenken ziehen kann, da viele Faktoren unklar sind. Etwa die Anzahl der Tode durch Polizeigewalt, die in die Mordstatistik einfließen, oder die Unterschiede zwischen Mord und fahrlässiger Tötung. Da bei so einer Berechnung nur die offiziellen Mordopfer mit Todesfällen durch Polizeigewalt verglichen werden würden, dürften die berechneten Prozentwerte höher sein als in der Realität. Ein Grund für einen eventuell höheren Prozentsatz bei Weißen unter weißen Todesopfern könnte die verhältnismäßig hohe Zahl an Mordopfern bei Schwarzen sein und dass andere Gewaltformen hinzukommen könnten, die den Prozentsatz der Tode durch Polizeigewalt senken. Die in den Postings genannte Quelle – das Crime Statistics Bureau von San Francisco – existiert gar nicht. Das Posting ist auch nicht neu. Die Grafik wurde bereits am 22. November 2015 vom damaligen Präsidentschaftskandidaten Donald Trump auf Twitter geteilt. 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Newsletter Abonnieren Impressum / Offenlegung / AGB / Copyright Datenschutzerklärung Whistleblowing Cookie-Präferenzen | In the United States two percent of blacks have died at the hands of whites one percent of blacks have died at the hands of police three percent of whites have died at the hands of police 16 percent of whites have died at the hands of whites 81 percent of whites have died at the hands of blacks and 97 percent of blacks have died Black people were murdered | 106 |
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DATA ROUNDUP English, Fact Check, Fake News # The Central Government does not pay rents of MPs private houses, it allots houses to MPs 1 By Akhil Reddy on September 10, 2019 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit A photo of a building is being shared widely on social media with a claim that the Central Government is paying a monthly rent of Rs. 2 lakhs for Chidambaram’s rented flat in that building, since 2014. It is also being claimed that the house owners are Nalini and Karti Chidambaram (P Chidambaram’ wife and son). Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post. The archived version of the post can be found here. > Claim: Since 2014, the Central Government is paying a monthly rent of Rs. 2 > lakhs for Chidambaram’s rented flat, which is owned by his wife and son > (Nalini and Karti Chidambaram). > > Fact: The Central Government allots houses to Rajya Sabha MPs. It does not > pay rent for private houses. If a MP is living in a private house, other > than the allotted house, he has to pay his rent. The house in the photo is > reportedly owned by Nalini and Karti Chidambaram in Jor Bagh area (Delhi). > If Chidambaram is paying rent for living in that flat, then it is his own > money. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE. When the posted image was run through Google Reverse Image Search, it was found that the house is located in Delhi’s Jor Bagh area and is jointly owned by Nalini and Karti Chidambaram. A person tweeted the same photo and wrote that while Chidambaram is getting arrested at Jor Bagh, Dr. Singhvi is watching from inside the house. The full photo of the house can be found in ‘News18’ article.  On the ‘PGurus’ website, it was found that Chidambaram is staying in that house (owned by his wife and son) since 2014 and is paying a monthly rent of Rs. 2 lakhs. But, nothing was mentioned on that website about Central Government paying the monthly rent. Rajya Sabha MPs are allotted houses by the Central Government. The Central Government does not pay rents to the private houses if an MP chooses to reside in a private house. Chidambaram was elected as a Rajya Sabha MP in 2016. On the Rajya Sabha website, the address of the house allotted to him can be found. So, the Central Government does not pay to his privately rented house in Jor Bagh.  The procedure for house allotment to Rajya Sabha MPs can be read here and the form to be filled by MPs for the house allotment can be seen here  To sum it up, the Central Government does not pay rents to MPs private houses, it allots houses to MPs. _Did you watch our new Episode of the DECODE series on Indian Rivers?_  Share. 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Millions of views and views in a short time Check whether the words that received thousands of likes were said by Ece Üner. we did. ## Evidence   Select a topic. I have an objection regarding a verification. Request a correction on an issue. I want to contactOther I have read and accept the Privacy Policy. ## Tags * Ece Uner *Haluk Levent * Oguzhan Ugur ## Share    ## Verifications That May Interest You  9 Aug 2024 | 15:10 Is the image of French President Macron kissing a man on a boat real? False Ece Uner; He stated via his Twitter account that the claim was false, He explained that he did not say such a thing.  31 Jul 2024 | 16:27 Besim Ömer Akalın was the only person who did not board the Titanic even though he had a ticket. claim False Ece Uner; He stated via his Twitter account that the claim was false, He explained that he did not say such a thing.  @catlakfilozof1  @mskutimes  @yourcontact ## Resources  Ece Üner / 08.02.2023 ## Edit  The content has been published. 09.02.2023 ## Share    ## Other Validations  A man thrown by an inflatable catapult climbed onto a helicopter. Is the video showing real?  The claim that Yusuf Dikeç was on the cover of TIME magazine  It is claimed that wine is flowing on the streets of Portugal ## Verifications That May Interest You  31 Mar 2024 | 1:30 The claim that Selahattin Demirtaş asked for support for Meral Beştaş Danış in his letter False The incident took place on September 10, 2023 in the town of São Lourenço de Bairro, Portugal. happened. 2.2 million liters of wine lost after 2 wine tanks collapsed spilled into the town streets.  13 Nov 2023 | 15:41 Spanish football team Deportivo La Coruna wearing the jersey representing Palestine Allegation that he attended the match False The incident took place on September 10, 2023 in the town of São Lourenço de Bairro, Portugal. happened. 2.2 million liters of wine lost after 2 wine tanks collapsed spilled into the town streets. Subscribe! If you want to be instantly informed about all content, subscribe with your e-mail address. You can be. I have read and accept the Privacy Policy. , the top Republican on the House Budget Committee, is joined at left by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)  Analysis by Glenn Kessler February 25, 2021 at 3:00 a.m. EST “We’re here today because Pelosi, Schumer and Biden decided to use a pandemic to push forward a progressive wish list — items to reward political allies, friends and donors at the expense of the American working class.” — Rep. Jason T. Smith (R-Mo.), top Republican on the House Budget Committee, in remarks at a news conference, Feb. 24, 2021 House Republicans are objecting to the $1.9 trillion measure being pushed by President Biden and Democrats in Congress to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and its economic fallout. As part of the attack, the GOP staff on the House Budget Committee has distributed a pie chart that asserts only a small portion of the bill actually deals with combating the virus. Story continues below advertisement In his remarks, Smith listed a series of objections to the bill. Let’s take a tour through them and offer an assessment. Some of the claims have to do with arcane budget issues, while others reflect a more philosophical dispute. As this is a reader guide, we’re not going to issue a Pinocchio rating, but readers should be aware that several of these points are off-base or stretched. Advertisement “If this package was clearly about crushing the virus, then why is less than 9 percent of all total spending actually used to put shots in people’s arms?” ✅ Follow Fact-checking politicians Follow The GOP cites Biden himself for the $160 billion that this figure represents: “That’s why the American Rescue Plan puts 160 million — billion dollars into more testing and tracing, manufacturing and distribution, and setting up vaccination sites — everything that’s needed to get vaccines into people’s arms, which is the most difficult logistical effort the United States has undertaken in peace time,” Biden said Feb. 19, while touring a Pfizer vaccine plant. Story continues below advertisement If you want to narrowly define the problem to vaccines, the GOP may be underselling its talking point. According to an analysis by the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), only about $17 billion, or less than 1 percent, is devoted to vaccine-related activities and programs. Advertisement Another $110 billion is aimed at coronavirus containment, such as $51 billion for testing and tracing. Combined, that adds up to $127 billion, not $160 billion. Marc Goldwein, senior vice president of the CRFB, says $160 billion represents an estimate for all spending on public health — including money to replenish the Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster fund — but he believes the total shrank when the House bill was crafted. But of course the pandemic crisis is not just about vaccines or even containing the coronavirus, but a broader economic crisis spawned by mass unemployment and shuttered businesses. A group of 10 Republican senators acknowledged that when they countered Biden’s plan with their own $600 billion proposal, which included $1,000 checks for Americans. So one could reasonably object that this knock against the bill ignores the rest of the problem. Story continues below advertisement “If this package was clearly about making sure that schools opened, why is it that less than 5 percent of all spending for schools will only be spent this year?” Advertisement This talking point is based on a budgetary quirk — the Congressional Budget Office originally said that in the fiscal year that ends this September, only about $6.4 billion in outlays would be spent out of the total budget authority of nearly $129 billion. (The CBO estimates the impact of bills over 10 years.) This new money would be on top of $71 billion already allocated to schools in two previous bills, much of which is unspent, according to the CRFB. “Many schools already had sufficient money for this year and next,” Goldwein said. Democrats have amended the bill to address this issue and possibly speed the payout. The CBO offered its own caveat to the estimate: “CBO’s estimates of the rate at which federal agencies, states, local education agencies and other entities would spend those new funds are subject to considerable uncertainty, as is the question of whether those entities could spend the new funds within the allotted time.” Story continues below advertisement In a Feb. 23 letter to House leaders, a group of education associations objected to this claim. “We are aware of the inaccurate notion that schools are not in need of additional funding because of the reported ‘spend’ rate of federal funding to date,” the letter said. “In conversations with our respective memberships, they report that while the ‘spend rate’ may seem quite low to those unfamiliar with state and district school financial procedures and requirements, they have budgeted for every dollar they are scheduled to receive from the COVID relief bills and are still anticipating more significant costs they will be unable to meet without additional federal funds.” Advertisement “If this package was about creating more jobs, why is it that this package spends more than 25 percent, according to the Congressional Budget Office, on items that kill millions of jobs?” This claim especially caught our attention. The House GOP added together four elements that amount to $471 billion, or 25 percent of the total: $61 billion for the expansion of Medicaid and Affordable Care Act insurance subsidies; $54 billion for the minimum-wage increase; $110 billion for making the Child Tax Credit fully refundable; and $246 billion for the unemployment insurance expansion. Story continues below advertisement But only one of the elements — the proposal to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour — resulted in a CBO estimate that jobs would be lost. The CBO said it would mean 1.4 million workers, just under 1 percent, would lose their jobs. (The CBO also found 17 million workers, or 10 percent of the projected labor force, would get higher pay.) Advertisement The other provisions resulted in CBO estimates that fewer hours would be worked in the economy. But that’s not the same thing as lost jobs. Regular readers may recall that in 2014 we wrote an article based on the same CBO report that the House GOP cites as evidence. The headline was: “No, CBO did not say Obamacare will kill 2 million jobs.” “The CBO’s estimate is mostly the result of an analysis of the impact of the law on the supply of labor. That means how many people choose to participate in the workforce,” we wrote. “If someone says they decided to leave their job for personal reasons, most people would not say they ‘lost’ their jobs. They simply decided not to work.” Story continues below advertisement In awarding three Pinocchios to this claim, we noted that the CBO “in its sober fashion, virtually screams that this is not about jobs.” Yet here it is, seven years later, and the same CBO report is being misused in the same fashion. Advertisement Bottom line: The GOP can only cite the CBO for policies that would result in 1.4 million jobs supposedly being lost, not “millions.” That policy, the minimum-wage hike, is only about three percent of the bill’s cost, not 25 percent. (Note: Goldwein pointed out that the CBO score of the bill does indicate the unemployment insurance provision would increase the unemployment rate.) “If this package was not a progressive wish list, why does it spend hundreds of millions of dollars on pet projects in New York City and in San Francisco like bridges and trailways?” Story continues below advertisement House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) represents San Francisco and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer is from New York. So it’s no mystery why their cities and states are being name-checked here. The GOP is referring to two provisions. Advertisement * “Section 7004 — Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Operations and Maintenance” calls for $1.5 million to conduct, “the operations, maintenance, and capital infrastructure activities of the Seaway International Bridge.” * “Section 7006 — Federal Transit Administration Grants” sets aside over a billion dollars for Capital Investment Grants (CIG). Within this money, it is estimated that $112.5 million would go to the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) and Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project. The suggestion is that this is pork. But Democrats argue the mass-transit funding is designed to offset revenue shortfalls so that transit systems can continue operating. Transit agencies have also had trouble covering all of their share of costs for capital projects. “The New York State bridge is a vital crossing between the United States and Canada that has seen toll revenues plummet as a result of pandemic travel restrictions,” one Democratic aide said. “Without additional funds, the bridge would likely close.” (According to Punchbowl News, the request to provide $1.5 million to the bridge was made in the spring of 2020, when the Transportation Department was headed by Elaine Chao, the wife of Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.) Story continues below advertisement “If this package was truly about helping all Americans, why did they change the bipartisan budget formula used in all the other covid packages to reward the blue-state governors, one governor that’s being recalled and another governor that hid disclosure of how many deaths that were in nursing homes?” Advertisement Republicans say the new formula now takes into account population and unemployment, whereas before it was based only on population. As a result, California will get $5 billion more and New York will get $2 billion more than under the old formula, Republicans say. It’s no mystery why the formula changed — Democrats now control both chambers of Congress. When Republicans muscled through a tax bill in 2017 when they controlled both chambers, the law was written to eliminate the deductibility of state and local taxes, which disproportionally hurt residents in blue states. It was ever thus. (About our rating scale) Send us facts to check by filling out this form Sign up for The Fact Checker weekly newsletter The Fact Checker is a verified signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network code of principles Share Comments   Sign up Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement © 1996-2024 The Washington Post * * © 1996-2024 The Washington Post | If this package was about creating more jobs why is it that this package spends more than 25 percent according to the Congressional Budget Office on items that kill millions of jobs | 109 |
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 ##### Jornalismo Seja membro Entrar | Bolsonaro was called to the Hungarian embassy because that country's secret and intelligence service detected a professional assassin out to kill him The assassin or assassins were hired by the criminal left alongside Maduro's Venezuela Hungarian Premier Peter Medgyessy who was in that country's counterintelligence for more than 20 years who lived communism first hand and today is an anti NOM conservative an ally of Bolsonaro received the information BECAUSE BRAZIL'S INTELLIGENCE SERVICES ARE A SHIT FULL OF WATERMELONS AND COMPETITIONAL LEFTISTS and he felt obliged to warn and protect his ally Bolsonaro After the threat was neutralized Bolsonaro left Bolsonaro's lawyer in response to the PCC's togaheaded bandit will give evidence from the Hungarian secret service as a response If they continue with their quest to arrest Bolsonaro and his assistants Hungary will show the world the Brazilian conspiracy against Bolsonaro The Hungarians are just waiting for Bolsonaro's lawyer to give the answer to the STF and hours later they will also present the evidence both to the toga criminals and to the world | 111 |
मेंबर बनें डार्क मोड मेंबर बनें * अनकवरिंग हेट * नजरिया * राजनीति * वेबकूफ * मेंबर्स के लिए * दुनिया * स्पेशल प्रोजेक्ट * Quint Hindi Lab * बिजनेस * और देखें * एंटरटेनमेंट * वीडियो * कुंजी * My रिपोर्ट * शिक्षा * फिट हिंदी * पॉडकास्ट डार्क मोड मेंबर बनें * होम * न्यूज * वीडियो * नजरिया * पॉडकास्ट * कुंजी * खुल्लम खुल्ला * सड्डा हक * शिक्षा * दुनिया * और देखें ## मेंबर बनें Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 हमें फॉलो करें हमारे बारे मेंसंपर्क करेंगोपनीयता नीति ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD # Singer KK की मौत वाले दिन का नहीं है कॉन्सर्ट से बाहर आते वक्त का ये वीडियो ## मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म्स ने भी इस वीडियो को Singer KK की मौत से ठीक पहले का बताकर शेयर किया Siddharth Sarathe Published: 01 Jun 2022, 8:51 PM IST वेबकूफ 6 min read  i अ अ छोटा अ मध्यम अ बड़ा मशहूर सिंगर KK (कृष्ण कुमार कुन्नथ) का 31 मई को देर रात निधन हो गया. केके ने आखिरी बार कोलकाता में लाइव कॉन्सर्ट किया था. केके का एक वीडियो वायरल है जिसमें वो कुछ लोगों के साथ काफी तेजी से बाहर आते दिख रहे हैं. दावा है कि ये वीडियो उसी रात का है जब केके की मौत हुई.सोशल मीडिया के अलावा NDTV, 9XM, समेत कई न्यूज प्लेटफॉर्म्स ने भी वीडियो को इसी दावे के साथ पब्लिश किया. > क्विंट की पड़ताल में सामने आया कि वीडियो को लेकर हो रहा दावा गलत है. > कॉन्सर्ट से बाहर आते केके का वीडियो है तो उसी नजरूल मंच का जहां केके ने अपने > जीवन का आखिरी कॉन्सर्ट किया, लेकिन ये मौत वाली रात का नहीं उससे एक दिन पहले > यानी 30 मई का है. और पढ़ें ### Pfizer के सीईओ ने नहीं कहा- \'2023 तक कम कर देंगे दुनिया की 50% आबादी\'  ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD कोलकाता में एक ही जगह पर केके के दो कॉन्सर्ट हुए थे पहला 30 मई को और दूसरा 31 मई को. अब 30 मई के कॉन्सर्ट के बाद वाले वीडियोज को केके की मौत से ठीक पहले का बताया जा रहा है. कॉन्सर्ट से बाहर आते दिखते KK के वीडियो में उनके साथ दिख रहे ईवेंट मैनेजर सौरव घोष ने क्विंट से पुष्टि की है कि ये वीडियो 30 मई का है. इसके अलावा 30 और 31 मई के कॉन्सर्ट में KK ने अलग-अलग टीशर्ट्स पहनी थीं. दोनों कॉन्सर्ट के वीडियोज से वायरल वीडियो की तुलना करने पर भी साफ हो रहा है कि वीडियो 30 मई का है, मौत वाले दिन का नहीं. ## न्यूज प्लेटफॉर्म्स ने वीडियो KK की मौत से ठीक पहले का बताया केके के इस वीडियो को शेयर कर दावा किया जा रहा है कि 31 मई की रात कॉन्सर्ट हॉल में गर्मी बढ़ने के कारण केके की तबीयत बिगड़ी और वो बाहर आ गए. NDTV के ट्विटर हैंडल से वीडियो ट्वीट कर लिखा गया - On Camera, Singer KK Left Concert Complaining Of Heat, Died Soon After. यानी सीधे तौर पर इस वीडियो को KK की मौत से ठीक पहले का बताया गया. कई सोशल मीडिया यूजर्स ने वीडियो को इसी दावे से शेयर किया अर्काइव यहां, और यहां देखे जा सकते हैं. ये सच है कि KK की मौत के अप्राकृतिक होने को लेकर एक एफआईआर दर्ज हुई है. लेकिन, न तो अब तक पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट में मौत के अप्राकृतिक होने की पुष्टि हुई है, न ही पुलिस की तरफ से ऐसा कोई आधिकारिक बयान आया है.  पोस्ट का अर्काइव यहां देखें सोर्स : NDTV ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD ## Fact Check : KK की मौत वाले दिन का नहीं है ये वीडियो वायरल वीडियो में KK के साथ 30 मई को हुआ कॉन्सर्ट आयोजित कराने वाले सौरव दिख रहे हैं. हमने सौरव से संपर्क किया, ये पुष्टि करने के लिए कि वायरल वीडियो किस तारीख का है. सौरव ने क्विंट को बताया कि वीडियो में वही हैं और ये 30 मई का है. यानी KK की मौत से एक दिन पहले का. सौरव ने सिंगर केके के साथ 30 मई को ही क्लिक की हुई अपनी एक तस्वीर भी भेजी. इस तस्वीर से पुष्टि हो रही है कि वायरल वीडियो में भी वही हैं.  वायरल वीडियो में KK के साथ दिख रहे ईवेंट ऑर्गेनाइजर सौरव फोटो : Altered by Quint KK के इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट से 30 मई को हुए कॉन्सर्ट की तस्वीरें पोस्ट हुई थीं. इन फोटोस में केके उसी काले रंग की टीशर्ट में दिख रहे हैं, जो वायरल वीडियो में है. > View this post on Instagram > > A post shared by KK (@kk_live_now) फोटो के कैप्शन में केके ने लिखा था कि ये तस्वीर विवेकानंद कॉलेज की है. Trivibe कंपनी ने KK के कोलकाता में 30 और 31 मई को हुए कॉन्सर्ट आयोजित कराए थे. संस्थान की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर इन दोनों ही कॉन्सर्ट की जानकारी है. यहां दी गई जानकारी से भी यही पुष्टि होती है कि 30 मई का कॉन्सर्ट स्वामी विवेकानंद कॉलेज में हुआ था. विवेकानंद कॉलेज में हुए कॉन्सर्ट के आयोजकों से हमने संपर्क किया. आयोजकों ने क्विंट को बताया कि 30 मई को KK ने ब्लैक पोलो शर्ट पहनी थी और आयोजन में ऐसी कोई समस्या नहीं आई थी. ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD आयोजकों ने आगे कहा कि कॉन्सर्ट से बाहर आते KK का वायरल हो रहा ये वीडियो 30 मई का ही है. केके को कॉन्सर्ट के बाद बाहर लाने के लिए एक सेफ कॉरिडोर बनाया गया था, यूट्यूब चैनल Musically Yours पर स्वामी विवेकानंद कॉलेज में 30 मई को हुए हुए केके के कॉन्सर्ट का वीडियो भी हमें मिला. 30 मई को देर रात KK के फेसबुक अकाउंट से उनकी फोटो भी पोस्ट हुई थी. चूंकि रात के 12 बजे के बाद तारीख बदल जाती है, तो फेसबुक पोस्ट पर दिख रहा है कि 31 मई 12:52 AM पर ये तस्वीर पोस्ट की गई. इस तस्वीर में KK उन्हीं कपड़ों में दिख रहे हैं, जिनमें कॉन्सर्ट से बाहर आते वायरल वीडियो में हैं. 30 मई के कॉन्सर्ट के सभी विजुअल्स को हमने उस वीडियो से मिलाकर देखा, जिसे केके की मौत के ठीक पहले का बताया जा रहा है. साफ हो रहा है कि ये वीडियो 30 मई वाले कॉन्सर्ट के बाद का ही है.  कॉन्सर्ट से बाहर आते KK का ये वीडियो 30 मई का है फोटो : Altered by Quint ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD ## 31 मई को आखिर कॉन्सर्ट के बाद क्या हुआ? हमें 31 मई वाले कॉन्सर्ट से बाहर आते KK का वीडियो भी मिला. इस वीडियो में KK जिन कपड़ों में दिख रहे हैं वो वायरल वीडियो से अलग हैं. इस वीडियो में KK प्रिंटेट शर्ट में देखे जा सकते हैं. जबकि वायरल वीडियो में kk प्लेन ब्लैक शर्ट में हैं.  31 मई को कॉन्सर्ट से बाहर आते सिंगर KK Accesed by Quint 31 मई के कॉन्सर्ट में शामिल होने वाले एक दर्शक ने क्विंट की माय रिपोर्ट टीम को उस कॉन्सर्ट के वीडियो और फोटोस भी भेजे.  कॉन्सर्ट में शामिल हुए दर्शक ने KK का ये वीडियो हमें भेजा फोटो : Accessed by The Quint ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD ## \'\'हम रहें या न रहें\'\' गाते KK का एक और वीडियो \'मौत से ठीक पहले\' का बताकर वायरल सोशल मीडिया पर सिंगर KK का एक और वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है, जिसमें वे \'हम रहें या न रहें कल\' गाना गाते दिख रहे हैं. टीवी रिपोर्टर गार्गी रावत समेत कई सोशल मीडिया यूजर्स ने इस वीडियो को भी KK के जीवन का आखिरी परफॉर्मेंस बताकर शेयर किया.  पोस्ट का अर्काइव यहां देखें सोर्स : स्क्रीनशॉट/इंस्टाग्राम ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD 30 मई को KK ने यूएस पोलो के लोगो वाली काले रंग की टीशर्ट पहनी थी वहीं 31 मई वाले कॉन्सर्ट में केके ने प्रिंट वाली काली टीशर्ट पहनी थी.  30 मई और 31 मई के वीडियो की तुलना फोटो : Altered by Quint ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD सिंगर केके कोलकाता में कॉन्सर्ट करने गए थे. 31 मई को कॉन्सर्ट के बाद उनकी तबीयत बिगड़ गई और अस्पताल में उन्हें मृत घोषित कर दिया गया. उनकी मौत के अप्राकृतिक होने के दावे भी किए जा रहे हैं, जिनको लेकर एफआईआऱ भी हुई है. हालांकि, आधिकारिक तौर पर अभी इसकी पुष्टि नहीं हुई है. साफ है कि वायरल हो रहे ये दोनों ही वीडियो सिंगर केके की मौत वाले दिन के नहीं हैं. ये वीडियो मौत से एक दिन पहले 30 मई को हुए कॉन्सर्ट के हैं. (अगर आपके पास भी ऐसी कोई जानकारी आती है, जिसके सच होने पर आपको शक है, तो पड़ताल के लिए हमारे वॉट्सऐप नंबर 9643651818 या फिर मेल आइडी [email protected] पर भेजें. सच हम आपको बताएंगे. हमारी बाकी फैक्ट चेक स्टोरीज आप यहां पढ़ सकते हैं ) (इनपुट - देबायन दत्ता, राहुल साम्पुई) और पढ़ें ### Sidhu Moose Wala मर्डर का आरोपी नहीं, भगवंत मान के साथ ये शख्स कोई और गोल्डी है  (क्विंट हिन्दी, हर मुद्दे पर बनता आपकी आवाज, करता है सवाल. आज ही मेंबर बनें और हमारी पत्रकारिता को आकार देने में सक्रिय भूमिका निभाएं.) ### क्विंट हिंदी पर लेटेस्ट न्यूज और ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़ पढ़ें, news और webqoof के लिए ब्राउज़ करें ### टॉपिक: Webqoof fact check पूरी स्टोरी पढ़िए सत्ता से सच बोलने के लिए आप जैसे सहयोगियों की जरूरत होती है मेंबर बनें मेंबर बनने के फायदे अधिक पढ़ें Loading Comments... ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD क्विंट हिंदी के साथ रहें अपडेट ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD × × SECTIONS * वीडियो * कुंजी * My रिपोर्ट * शिक्षा * फिट हिंदी * पॉडकास्ट TRENDING TOPICS * Leader of Opposition * रोहित और विराट संन्यास * T-20 क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप * PM मोदी * राहुल गांधी * NEET पेपर लीक * Adani Ports * कोयले का इस्तेमाल खत्म * बिग बॉस ओटीटी 3 हमें फॉलो करें Quint FIT हमारे बारे में संपर्क करें गोपनीयता नीति नियम एवं शर्तें | This video of singer KK coming out of the concert is from just before his death | 112 |
मेंबर बनें डार्क मोड मेंबर बनें * अनकवरिंग हेट * नजरिया * राजनीति * वेबकूफ * मेंबर्स के लिए * दुनिया * स्पेशल प्रोजेक्ट * Quint Hindi Lab * बिजनेस * और देखें * एंटरटेनमेंट * वीडियो * कुंजी * My रिपोर्ट * शिक्षा * फिट हिंदी * पॉडकास्ट डार्क मोड मेंबर बनें * होम * न्यूज * वीडियो * नजरिया * पॉडकास्ट * कुंजी * खुल्लम खुल्ला * सड्डा हक * शिक्षा * दुनिया * और देखें ## मेंबर बनें Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 हमें फॉलो करें हमारे बारे मेंसंपर्क करेंगोपनीयता नीति ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD # ‘PUBG बैन से इकनॉमी तबाह होगी’-अमर्त्य सेन ने ऐसा कुछ नहीं कहा ## गेमिंग एप PUBG को बैन करने के बाद ये फेक न्यूज सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हुई है. क्विंट हिंदी Published: 09 Sep 2020, 11:10 PM IST वेबकूफ 3 min read  i अ अ छोटा अ मध्यम अ बड़ा सोशल मीडिया यूजर्स ने दावा किया कि अर्थशास्त्री और नोबोल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन (Amartya Sen) ने कहा है कि PUBG बैन होने से इंडियन इकनॉमी का और ज्यादा नुकसान होगा. हालांकि अमर्त्य सेन की बेटी अंतरा देव सेन ने द क्विंट को बताया कि उनके पिता ने इस तरह का कोई बयान नहीं दिया है. उनका ये बयान गलत है. सूचना और तकनीकी मंत्रालय के गेमिंग एप PUBG को बैन करने के बाद ये फेक न्यूज सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हुई है. ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD ## दावा ट्विटर पर पोस्ट करते हुए दावा किया गया कि नोबोल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन ने कहा है कि PUBG बैन से इंडियन इकनॉमी का और ज्यादा नुकसान होगा. उनके इस कथित बयान को लेकर मजाक किया है. मीम बनाए गए. इस पर राइट विंग से जुड़े तथागत रॉय ने तस्तीक करते हुए लिखा \'एकदम सही.\'  आर्काइव किया हुआ ट्वीट(Source: Twitter/ Screenshot)  आर्काइव किया हुआ ट्वीट(Source: Twitter/ Screenshot) ट्विटर के अलावा फेसबुक पर भी इसे खूब शेयर किया गया.  आर्काइव किया हुआ ट्वीट(Source: Facebook/ Screenshot) ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD ## हमें क्या मिला? जब हमने इसकी खोज में “Amartya Sen PUBG” इस की वर्ड से गूगल पर सर्च किया. तो हम कुछ बंगाली भाषा में लिखी गई लिंक तक पहुंचे. इसके अलावा हमें भारत न्यूज नाम का ब्लॉग स्पॉट भी मिला. इस पर ये 4 नवंबर को पब्लिश हुआ था. उस आर्टिकल की हेडलाइन थी- ‘By shutting down PUBG, Modi has pushed the country’s economy further back: Amartya Sen.’ मतलब अमर्त्य सेन ने कहा है कि PUBG पर बैन लगाकर मोदी ने इंडियन इकनॉमी का और ज्यादा नुकसान कर दिया. लेकिन खास बात ये है कि आर्टिकल को हटा लिया गया. अब वो इंटरनेट पर मौजूद नहीं है.  ब्लॉग स्पॉट पर बंगाली में लिखा हुआ आर्टिकल(Source: Website/ Screenshot) ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD लेकिन क्या अमर्त्य सेन ने ऐसा सही में कहा. हमने इससे जुड़े जरूरी की वर्ड से सर्च किया लेकिन हमें इस तरह की कोई खबर नहीं मिली, जिसमें अमर्त्य सेन ने पबजी से जुड़ा कोई बयान दिया हो. > इसके बाद अमर्त्य सेन की बेटी ने द क्विंट को बताया कि उनके पिता ने इस तरह का > कोई बयान नहीं दिया है. उनका कहना है कि ‘उनका बयान मनगढ़ंत है’ साफ है कि अमर्त्य सेन जैसी बड़ी शख्सियत के नाम का इस्तेमाल इस झूठ को फैलाने के लिए किया गया जबकि अमर्त्य सेन ने खुद ऐसा कुछ कहा ही नहीं. और पढ़ें ### फिट वेबकूफ: क्या कोरोना वायरस के कुछ स्ट्रेन ‘ज्यादा खतरनाक’ हैं?  (क्विंट हिन्दी, हर मुद्दे पर बनता आपकी आवाज, करता है सवाल. आज ही मेंबर बनें और हमारी पत्रकारिता को आकार देने में सक्रिय भूमिका निभाएं.) ### क्विंट हिंदी पर लेटेस्ट न्यूज और ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़ पढ़ें, news और webqoof के लिए ब्राउज़ करें ### टॉपिक: वायरल वेबकूफ fact check पूरी स्टोरी पढ़िए सत्ता से सच बोलने के लिए आप जैसे सहयोगियों की जरूरत होती है मेंबर बनें मेंबर बनने के फायदे अधिक पढ़ें Loading Comments... ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD क्विंट हिंदी के साथ रहें अपडेट ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD × × SECTIONS * वीडियो * कुंजी * My रिपोर्ट * शिक्षा * फिट हिंदी * पॉडकास्ट TRENDING TOPICS * Leader of Opposition * रोहित और विराट संन्यास * T-20 क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप * PM मोदी * राहुल गांधी * NEET पेपर लीक * Adani Ports * कोयले का इस्तेमाल खत्म * बिग बॉस ओटीटी 3 हमें फॉलो करें Quint FIT हमारे बारे में संपर्क करें गोपनीयता नीति नियम एवं शर्तें Test Mode | Amartya Sen has said that PUBG ban will cause more damage to the Indian economy | 113 |
 Bosbrand in de streek nabij Bordeaux. (16 juli 2022) © Belga Image * Deel dit artikel: * * * * * * * Wolf France 04-09-2023, 11:33 De Deense statisticus Bjorn Lomborg heeft op sociale media een grafiek gedeeld die moet aantonen dat de oppervlakte die getroffen wordt door bosbranden in Europa nu kleiner is dan het gemiddelde van de afgelopen decennia. De grafiek klopt, maar de conclusie die hij uit deze en soortgelijke grafieken trekt, rammelt. Klimaatverandering heeft wel degelijk invloed op bosbranden in Europa, blijkt uit studies en een rapport van de Europese Commissie. Deze factcheck is uitgevoerd op basis van de beschikbare informatie op de datum van publicatie. Lees hier meer over hoe we werken. Bosbranden: ze zijn ook deze zomer niet weg te slaan uit het nieuws. Op 3 augustus publiceerde VRT NWS een artikel over bosbranddata van het Europees Ruimteagentschap (ESA). Volgens hun cijfers zou de natuur die door bosbranden verbrand werd in de EU dit jaar 40 procent hoger liggen dan gemiddeld over de afgelopen twintig jaar. Vorig jaar waren de cijfers zelfs meer dan dubbel zo hoog als dat gemiddelde. 2022 was namelijk een bijzonder zwaar bosbrandjaar. Op X (voorheen Twitter) deelde de Deense politieke wetenschapper Bjorn Lomborg daarentegen een grafiek die op een omgekeerde tendens wijst (hier gearchiveerd).Lomborg is niet aan een universiteit verbonden, maar leidt zijn eigen denktank Copenhagen Consensus Center. De grafiek toont de cumulatieve oppervlakte verwoest door bosbranden in Europa van dit jaar tot begin augustus. Op de grafiek is duidelijk te zien dat er in dit jaar minder oppervlakte in rook opging dan gemiddeld, en dat het cijfer begin augustus samenviel met het minimum van de laatste tien jaar. Een wetenschapsjournalist van het Nederlandse De Volkskrant deelde de grafiek ook en gaf Lomborg gelijk (hier gearchiveerd). Lomborg deelde de foto ondertussen op 19 augustus nog eens opnieuw (hier gearchiveerd). Zijn post bereikte ondertussen al ruim 1,1 miljoen mensen en werd meer dan 1500 keer geretweet. Ook op zijn Facebookpagina deelde hij al meermaals dezelfde grafiek. Zijn laatste post van de grafiek dateert eveneens van 19 augustus (hier gearchiveerd). Sindsdien deelden 126 gebruikers de grafiek op hun pagina. . ## Grafieken geven data correct weer De data die Lomborg in zijn post gebruikt, zijn afkomstig van het Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS). Dat wereldwijd systeem bouwt voort op een reeks lokale observatiesystemen zoals het European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) dat bosbranddata verzamelt voor de Europese Unie. Hij koos ervoor de data voor heel Europa en niet enkel de EU te gebruiken. De grafiek die we op de website van GWIS vinden, komt overeen met het screenshot dat Lomborg publiceerde. Momenteel ligt de totale verbrande oppervlakte een stuk lager dan gemiddeld en benaderen de cijfers de kleinste totale oppervlakte van de laatste twintig jaar.  die op X zijn bedenkingen bij een opiniestuk van Lomborg in Wall Street Journal over gelijkaardige cijfers postte, missen de wereldwijde statistieken vaker kleine branden. Andere onderzoekers wijzen er op dat meer dan de verbrande oppervlakte alleen bepaalt hoe ‘ernstig’ en ‘intens’ bosbranden zijn. Zo zouden onder andere de eigenschappen van de verbrande natuur heel belangrijk zijn. Bovendien geven de cijfers meer branden dan alleen bosbranden weer. EFFIS (EU) verwijst consequent naar bosbranden, maar GWIS (wereldwijd) gebruikt de term ‘natuurbranden’. Daar vallen ook branden van ecosystemen zoals savanne, toendra en heide onder. Vooral in die gebieden zien we volgens aardsysteemwetenschapper Sander Veraverbeke (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) afnames in de verbrande oppervlakte. Onderzoek gepubliceerd in Science bevestigt dat. Maar de cijfers die Lomborg in zijn post op X aanbrengt zijn dus wel degelijk correct. Ze geven aan dat de situatie in Europa dit jaar niet ernstiger is dan gemiddeld. Maar bewijzen die cijfers ook dat de impact van klimaatverandering op bosbranden kleiner is dan de berichten over bosbranden deze zomer op het eerste gezicht doen geloven? ## Klimaatverandering wel een belangrijke impact Lomborg nam in eerdere opiniestukken (zoals deze en deze) en posts op sociale media de stelling in dat klimaatverandering nauwelijks een impact heeft op de bosbranden die we de laatste jaren waarnemen. Hij gebruikt grafieken zoals bovenstaande om die these te staven. Zijn conclusie blijkt echter voorbarig. Zo staat het volgens het laatste bosbrandenrapport van de Europese Commissie buiten kijf dat brandgevaarlijke omstandigheden in Europa net zijn toegenomen. ‘Klimaatverandering zorgt ervoor dat grotere gebieden risico lopen en het bosbrandseizoen langer duurt’, stelt dat rapport (pagina 4). Volgens een studie, gepubliceerd in Nature, die de lengte van bosbrandseizoenen tussen 1979 en 2013 onderzocht, is er inderdaad een substantiële verlenging van het seizoen merkbaar in de mediterrane regio. Dat de verbrande oppervlakte in Europa niet toeneemt, betekent dus niet dat klimaatverandering geen impact heeft op de bosbranden in die regio. ‘Dat bosbranden nu gaan van west naar oost en plaatsvinden in zowel Noord-, Centraal- en Zuid-Europese landen is een duidelijk bewijs van de effecten van klimaatverandering’, vervolgt dat meest recente bosbrandenrapport van de Europese Commissie. Veraverbeke (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) bevestigt dat. ‘Zowat overal ter wereld is de frequentie in brandgevoelig weer toegenomen’, zegt hij. Ondanks de dalingen in verbrande oppervlakte verhoogt het risico op bosbranden dus. Vooral voor Noord-Europa kan dat problematisch worden. ‘Er is een wereldwijde toename bezig in gebieden zoals de noordelijke boreale bossen’, gaat hij verder. Een onderzoeksartikel uit 2021 gepubliceerd in Science Advances bevestigt de toename van branden in boreale bossen. Conclusie: De Deense politieke wetenschapper Bjorn Lomborg deelde op sociale media een grafiek die zou moeten aantonen dat de oppervlakte verwoest door natuurbranden in Europa voor dit jaar lager ligt dan gemiddeld. Die grafiek klopt. In andere posts en opiniestukken alludeert Lomborg echter dat uit zo’n cijfers blijkt dat de impact van klimaatverandering op natuurbranden kleiner is dan wordt aangenomen. Klimaatverandering heeft volgens studies en rapporten van de Europese Commissie echter wel een grote invloed. De lengte van het natuurbrandseizoen neemt toe en ook de noordelijk gelegen boreale bossen worden steeds minder gespaard. De claims van Lomborg zijn dus slechts eerder waar omdat de context ontbreekt om er zo’n zware conclusies uit te kunnen trekken. Bronnen Alle bronnen werden laatst geraadpleegd op 4/09/2023. Lees meer over: * VRT NWS * Europees Ruimteagentschap * Twitter * Bjorn Lomborg * Copenhagen Consensus Center * De Volkskrant * Cambridge University Press * Wall Street Journal * Global Wildfire Information System * GWIS * European Forest Fire Information System * EFFIS * Europese Unie * Thomas Smith * London School of Economics * Sander Veraverbeke * Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam * Science * Europese Commissie * Science Advances _ Meer informatie over de factchecks vindt u op de website van _Knack_. U vindt onze factchecks ook terug bij deCheckers, samen met betrouwbare factchecks van andere Vlaamse redacties. _Knack_ is erkend lid van het International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) en European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN). Krasse uitspraak, straf cijfer of dito feit in de actualiteit gezien? Vul uw vraag in op de website van deCheckers met exacte bronvermelding van het citaat of stuur het naar [email protected]. _  > > Pablo Casado Deputy   Fake  WhatsApp  Facebook  Twitter  Wiggle me  Email  Direct linkCopy By Inés CalderónApril 23, 2019 | < 1 min reading  GRAF4921. MADRID, 09/19/2019.- The president of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, is Thursday, upon his arrival at the Congress of Deputies, in Madrid, on the occasion of the last meeting that your parliamentary group will hold today legislature. EFE/Marshal By Inés CalderónApril 23, 2019 | < 1 min reading * Pablo Casado The leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, has accused the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, trying to approve an increase in taxes on diesel "from 31%" to 17 million taxpayers. The data is not true since the PSOE proposed an increase in this tax in the General State Budgets of 2019, but of a smaller amount. The PSOE forecast was that the tax would increase from 307 euros per 1,000 liters of general type at 345 euros per 1,000 liters, that is, an increase of 3.8 cents per liter, which represents an increase in the general rate of 12%, not 31%. Therefore, Casado's statement would be FALSE. * Pablo Casado ### Have you seen/heard a phrase by Pablo Casado that sounded false or false to you? misleading? Write here and we will verify it Participate What did he say? Continue Where have you seen/heard it? Internet Television Radio Newspaper Other Continue Tell us where we can see itSend ### Thank you for participating We will soon verify the phrase you have sent us. Return * This is our work methodology. After the verification process, and based on the data, we award one of these categories: *  Misleading The statement contains correct data, but ignores very important elements or is mixed with incorrect data giving a different, inaccurate or false *  Fake The statement is false *  half truth The statement is correct, although it needs clarification, additional information or context *  TRUE The statement is rigorous and there is no lack of context or additional data significant. > \"Is it very social to raise the diesel tax by 31 percent per > fuel to 17 million?\" \"Is it very social to raise the diesel tax > 31 percent for... > >  > > Pablo Casado Deputy   Fake  WhatsApp  Facebook  Twitter  Wiggle me  Email  Direct linkCopy * Fakes * Fact-check Following * Start * Legal notice * Privacy * Cookies * Contact * Twitter *Facebook * Instagram * YouTube *Telegram | Is it very social to raise the diesel tax by 31 percent per fuel to 17 million | 116 |
 Rizieq Shihab saat disiksa Tim Detasemen Khusus 88 Antiteror Polri (Densus 88) beredar di Facebook. Dalam video itu, terpasang pula foto ketika Rizieq ditahan oleh Polda Metro Jaya pada 13 Desember 2020 terkait kasus kerumunan. \"Suara Rizieq Shihab disiksa oleh satuan POLRI (D88),\" demikian teks yang tercantum dalam video tersebut. Adapun suara yang terdengar dalam video berdurasi 32 detik itu melontarkan pernyataan: \"Hei, jangan kasar kau! B****b! Awas main kasar kau! Main kasar kau? B****b! Kenapa kau pukul pengacara, ha? B****b kau! Setan kau!\" Akun ini membagikan video tersebut pada 7 April 2021. Akun itu menulis narasi sebagai berikut: X \"James Riyadi: \'Siapapun yang merasa pahlawan bagi pribumi, menentang kekuatan 9Naga dan MSS (sebagai pemilik Indonesia yang sesungguhnya), maka siksaan dan kenistaanlah yang pantas baginya agar tak ada lagi tokoh-tokoh Ulama yang menentang kami.\' \'POLRI adalah eksekutor kami, Pemerintah Indonesia hidup dari kami, TNI tunduk kepada kekuatan politik, Seluruh Partai pendukung Pemerintah pun menggantungkan nyawanya kepada kami, Sumber daya alam Indonesia sepenuhnya kami yang mengelola, Pribumi Indonesia tak pantas bekerja di ratusan perusahaan 9Naga yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.\' (Dalam video: suara RIZIEQ sang pemberontak berhadapan dengan D88).\"  Polri karena diduga terjadi pemukulan terhadap kuasa hukumnya. Berdasarkan sebuah video yang diterima oleh, Rizieq marah-marah kepada petugas karena main kasar saat menjemput pengacaranya. \"Hei, jangan main kasar kau! Awas main kasar kau! Kenapa kau pukul pengacara?\" kata Rizieq kepada petugas. Ketika dikonfirmasi, pengacara Rizieq, Alamsyah Hanafiah, membenarkan bahwa kliennya marah-marah karena dipaksa untuk ikut persidangan di PN Jakarta Timur pada 19 Maret 2021 secara online. \"Kalau memang videonya begitu, ya benar, karena saya kan adanya di PN Jaktim, sedangkan Habib Rizieq di Bareskrim. Kami dengar dari berita sidang YouTube di sana, dari kamera pengadilan,\" kata Alamsyah. Meskipun begitu, dilansir dari, Alamsyah tidak bisa memastikan apakah terjadi aksi kekerasan terhadap Rizieq saat dibawa untuk mengikuti sidang online. Sampai saat ini, Alamsyah belum mengetahui kondisi kliennya usai persidangan tersebut. \"Belum ada komunikasi juga dengan Habib, karena Habib kan di dalam sel tidak bawa hape. Kami juga khawatir dengan kondisi Habib sendiri bagaimana saat ini,\" tuturnya. Dilansir dari, terdakwa kasus kerumunan di Petamburan, Rizieq Shihab, kembali membuat jalannya sidang lanjutan di PN Jakarta Timur pada 19 Maret 2021 memanas. Gara-garanya, Rizieq kembali menolak melakukan sidang secara virtual yang telah menjadi keputusan hakim karena kondisi pandemi Covid-19. Rizieq bersikeras ingin hadir secara fisik di pengadilan. Rizieq pun menolak jika sidang dilanjutkan. Rizieq sempat disorot di lorong Bareskrim Polri saat dia menolak masuk ke ruangan untuk melakukan sidang virtual. Selama lebih dari 15 menit, jaksa berusaha membujuk Rizieq untuk hadir di hadapan majelis hakim. Namun, upaya ini tak membuahkan hasil. \"Kami mohon tambahan waktu majelis hakim, karena terdakwa menolak, tidak mau disorot,\" ujar jaksa. \"Baik, silakan,\" ujar hakim. Setelah ditunggu lagi selama 5 menit, Rizieq tidak juga muncul dalam sorotan kamera. Hakim pun melanjutkan sidang dan memerintahkan jaksa untuk segera menghadirkan terdakwa. \"Gunakan cara apapun agar terdakwa hadir di persidangan! Minta tolong aparat kepolisian untuk menghadirkan terdakwa,\" ujar hakim. Tak beberapa lama kemudian, sejumah aparat tampak membawa Rizieq sambil memeganginya. Terdengar suara teriakan marah dari Rizieq saat dia dibawa paksa petugas. Sambil berdiri di depan sorotan kamera, Rizieq meluapkan amarahnya. \"Saya dipaksa, didorong, dihinakan! Ini hak asasi saya sebagai manusia!\" ucap Rizieq yang menolak duduk di kursi terdakwa. Berdasarkan arsip berita Tempo pada 12 Januari 2021, Rizieq Shihab menyandang status terdakwa dalam tiga kasus sekaligus. Kasus pertama menyangkut kerumunan Petamburan. Kasus kedua tak berbeda jauh, masih menyoal kerumunan di kala pandemi Covid-19, namun berlokasi di Megamendung, Bogor. Adapun kasus ketiga perkara tes swab atau tes usap di Rumah Sakit Ummi Bogor. KESIMPULAN Berdasarkan pemeriksaan fakta Tempo, klaim bahwa rekaman audio dalam video itu adalah suara eks pemimpin FPI Rizieq Shihab saat disiksa Densus 88, keliru. Suara yang terdengar dalam video tersebut merupakan suara Rizieq sebelum mengikuti sidang online di PN Jakarta Timur pada 19 Maret 2021. Ketika itu, Rizieq marah kepada petugas dan menyebut kuasa hukumnya telah dipukul. Rizieq pun kini didakwa atas kasus kerumunan di Petamburan dan di Megamendung serta perkara tes usap di RS Ummi Bogor. Ketiganya merupakan kasus pidana, bukan perkara terorisme. TIM CEK FAKTA TEMPO Anda punya data/informasi berbeda, kritik, atau masukan untuk artikel cek fakta ini? Kirimkan ke [email protected] Dapatkan update berita lebih cepat dengan mengikuti google news dan bergabung kedalam Telegram *  | Audio recording in a video claimed to be a voice recording of former FPI leader Rizieq Shihab when being tortured by Densus 88 | 117 |
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Facebook Twitter Tumblr Close Skip to main content® A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center     * Facebook * TikTok * FactCheck On the Air * Mailbag Debunking Viral Claims › FactCheck Posts # Posts Misrepresent ‘Not Verified’ Code on Pennsylvania Ballot Applications By Brea Jones Posted on November 4, 2022 * * * * * ## Quick Take Pennsylvania uses a “not verified” code on mail-in ballot applications if a voter’s identity couldn’t be immediately verified; voters have six days after an election to submit a valid ID. But an Instagram post and some Republican leaders — including former President Donald Trump — falsely claim the state has “sent out 249,000 ballots to unverified voters” and misleadingly suggest it will result in widespread fraud. ## Full Story Pennsylvania’s election code requires that voters who aren’t able to provide a form of identification when they request an absentee or mail-in ballot still be able to receive and cast a ballot. Those voters must submit a valid ID at least six days after the election, or the vote won’t be counted. There were about 7,600 applications requesting an absentee or mail-in ballot whose ID still needed to be verified as of Oct. 27, according to a press release from the Pennsylvania Department of State.  ##### SciCheck ###### Fact-checking science-based claims.  ##### Facebook Initiative ###### Debunking viral claims.  ##### Viral Spiral ###### Don’t get spun by internet rumors.  ##### Mailbag ###### Letters from our readers.   * Drugs * Health Care * Health Check * Ryan Holets   By Samantha Putterman • August 30, 2024 Deaths associated with all types of opioid use — from prescriptions to street use — are a lagging indicator of the number of people dependent or addicted to the drugs, said experts. Improved access to treatments to help people quit, as well as increased use of overdose reversal treatments, such as naloxone, can suppress death rates. The Trump administration has continued and expanded funding efforts, some of which began under President Barack Obama, to help provide treatment, research and other services. Yet the administration is also actively seeking to end the Affordable Care Act, which includes a provision requiring insurers to offer substance abuse treatment and has expanded access to treatment through Medicaid in the majority of states that fully implemented the law. So what happened with drug overdose deaths? Drug overdose deaths did decrease from 2017 to 2018, dropping by about 4.1%, according to the CDC. Still, the agency notes that the crisis is far from over, as the number of overdose deaths was four times higher in 2018 than in 1999. Parsing those numbers further, the decrease in deaths in 2018 came in three categories, with prescription-involved opioid deaths falling the most, a 13.5% decrease, followed by heroin deaths, down 4%. Conversely, deaths associated with the use of synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, rose by 10%. So Holets was correct to say drug overdose deaths fell in 2018. But that statistic doesn’t put the issue in perspective. \"It did decrease slightly, meaning it went from 134 deaths a day to 130 deaths a day,\" noted Dr. Chad Brummett, a director of the Michigan Opioid Prescribing Engagement Network, a collaboration of physicians that makes recommendations on prescribing. \"It’s disingenuous to pretend that was a huge win,\" said Amy Bohnert, associate professor at the University of Michigan. \"As someone who does research on this, I would be reluctant to consider a change of that scale to be clearly a sign of a real change as opposed to random error.\" Brandeis University professor Andrew Kolodny said it was the first overall downtick in drug overdoses in 30 years, but he would parse it a bit for opioids, saying it was the first decline in 25 years. However, a bigger issue for Kolodny is that the speaker failed to mention that drug overdose numbers went up again last year. \"It is misleading to point to a slight reduction in 2018, when deaths went up again in 2019 and we remain at record-high levels of opioid deaths,\" said Kolodny, medical director for the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. The CDC says preliminary data shows reported overdose deaths went up 6% in the 12 months ending in January 2020. Our ruling Holets is correct in saying that overall drug overdose deaths ticked down in 2018, although a small category of deaths — those related to fentanyl — rose. And it’s pretty close to 30 years since a decline was documented. Still, Holets failed to mention that drug overdose deaths went up again last year, according to preliminary data from the CDC. Also left unsaid were other factors that may contribute to the rising or falling drug death rates — and what that may say about the underlying level of dependence or addiction. We rate his statement Mostly True. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Telephone interview with Andrew Kolodny, medical director for the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University, Aug. 26, 2020 Email interview with Dr. Chad Brummett, co-director of the Michigan Opioid Prescribing Engagement Network, Aug. 26 Telephone interview with Amy Bohnert, associate professor at the University of Michigan, Aug. 26, 2020 The Washington Post, \"Meet the Albuquerque Police Officer Who Was the Trumps’ Special Guest at the State of the Union,\" Jan. 30, 2018 CNN Health, \"Police Officer Adopts Homeless Mother’s Opioid-Addicted Newborn,\" Dec. 3, 2017 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, \"Understanding the Epidemic,\" accessed Aug. 26, 2020 National Center for Health Statistics, \"All Injuries,\"accessed Aug. 26, 2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, \"U.S. Opioid Prescribing Rate Maps,\" accessed Aug. 26, 2020 Kaiser Health News, \"Americans More Likely Than Swedes to Fill Prescriptions for Opioids After Surgery,\" Sept. 4, 2019 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, \"Trump Administration Announces $1.8 Billion in Funding to States to Continue Combating Opioid Crisis,\" Sept. 4, 2019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, March 20, 2020 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Julie Appleby   By Julie Appleby • June 5, 2023   By Julie Appleby • August 9, 2022   Community Oncology Alliance stated on November 29, 2021 in a radio ad: \"An independent analysis shows that payments for cancer care will be slashed by close to 45% causing cancer clinics to close and massively raising your healthcare costs.”   By Julie Appleby • December 7, 2021   By Julie Appleby • April 29, 2021   By Julie Appleby • March 26, 2021   By Julie Appleby • October 1, 2020   By Julie Appleby • August 27, 2020   By Julie Appleby • August 4, 2020   By Julie Appleby • March 6, 2020  plans are up to 60% less expensive and better\" than Obamacare.   By Julie Appleby • February 10, 2020   Christy Harrison stated on August 26, 2019 in a recent New York Times column: \"We have a host of issues associated with high B.M.I.s. But correlation doesn’t prove causation, and there’s a significant body of research showing that weight stigma and weight cycling can explain most if not all of the associations we see between higher weights and poor health outcomes.\"   By Julie Appleby • September 17, 2019   By Julie Appleby • July 26, 2019 ### Overdose deaths declined in 2018. But there’s more to the story *   By Loreben Tuquero • September 13, 2024 *   By Caleb McCullough • September 13, 2024 *   By Sofia Ahmed • September 13, 2024 *   By Samantha Putterman • September 13, 2024 *   By Maria Briceño • September 13, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization   were thrown out … They found > ballots in a river with the name Trump on from the military. They were > signed, and they were floating in a river. They found ballots under rocks > that had the name Trump on.\" Trump is wrongly repeating misinformation PolitiFact and other fact-checkers have debunked. There is no evidence that ballots cast for Trump were thrown out — in a river or elsewhere. In September, trays of mail were found in a ditch in Wisconsin. But there was no river involved, and a state election official said the mail did not include any Wisconsin ballots. Similarly inaccurate claims about thrown out or destroyed ballots include: * The False claim that a video, retweeted by Donald Trump Jr., showed an election worker destroying Trump ballots. The video was created as a prank. * The False claim that ballots for Trump were discovered in a Georgia dumpster. They weren’t, according to the county’s Republican sheriff. * The False claim that thousands of military ballots were found in the trash in Wisconsin. State election officials called this claim inaccurate. > The vaccines \"are going to be distributed in two weeks.\" This is exaggerated. There will not be widespread vaccination in December. Pfizer submitted an application to the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization on Nov. 20, while Moderna announced on Nov. 30 that it plans to apply for authorization. Federal officials have set a goal of distributing an initial 40 million doses by the end of the year. The first doses will be distributed to key essential workers, such as those who work in hospitals. The vaccines require two doses, weeks apart. Dr. Anthony Fauci told NPR on Nov. 17 that it will take months for the general public to get the vaccine. \"By the time you get to, let\'s say, the end of April, the beginning of May, June, July, as we get into the second quarter, it\'ll be much more likely that you\'ll have, quote, \'the general population\' that\'s not on the priority list will be able to get vaccinated,\" he said. Children may have to wait several months to get vaccinated because vaccine trials on children so far have been limited. Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter ### Our Sources, \"Maria Bartiromo Interviews Donald Trump on Fox News,\" Nov. 29, 2020 U.S. Election Atlas, \"United States Presidential Election Results,\" accessed Nov. 30, 2020 Various Justice Department press releases, accessed Nov. 30, 2020 The Washington Post, \"Trump lashes out as former top DHS official reasserts that election was ‘secure,\'\" Nov. 30, 2020 Dominion Voting Systems, \"Setting the Record Straight: Facts & Rumors,\" Nov. 25, 2020 USA Today, \"Fact check: Post about stolen – and returned – Arizona ballots lacks context,\" Nov. 11, 2020 The Associated Press, \"Ex-postal worker charged with tossing absentee ballots,\" Oct. 27, 2020 The New York Times, \"A New Jersey postal worker was arrested after he threw away nearly 100 blank ballots, prosecutors say,\" Oct. 7, 2020 The Associated Press, \"W.Va. official refutes Trump claim about ballot fraud,\" Sept. 30, 2020 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Opinion, Nov. 27, 2020 NPR, Former Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate On A Push For Voter Turnout, Nov. 2, 2020 New York Times, Presidential Election Results: Biden Wins, Nov. 30, 2020 Pfizer, Tweet, Nov. 20, 2020 Moderna, Tweet, Nov. 30, 2020 NPR, Fauci: Vaccine Results Are \'Important Advance,\' But Virus Precautions Are Still Vital, Nov. 17, 2020 PolitiFact, \"Rudy Giuliani, Trump legal team push conspiracy theories, baseless claims about 2020 election,\" Nov. 20, 2020 PolitiFact, Giuliani cites affidavit with crucial errors in press conference, Nov. 20, 2020 PolitiFact, \"Fact-checking false claims about the 2020 election,\" Nov. 19, 2020 PolitiFact, \"Trump’s wrong claim that election observers were barred in Pennsylvania, Michigan,\" Nov. 12, 2020 PolitiFact, Trump supporters falsely tie Nancy Pelosi to broader election misfire scheme, Nov. 9, 2020 PolitiFact, List does not show over 14,000 dead people cast ballots in Michigan’s Wayne County, Nov. 6, 2020 PolitiFact, \"Allegations of USPS election fraud in Michigan don’t hold up,\" Nov. 5, 2020 PolitiFact, \"Dead voters on Detroit’s voter rolls, including person born in 1823? That post is outdated,\", Nov. 5, 2020 PolitiFact, No, President Trump, ‘ballot dumps’ in key states were not a magical surprise, Nov. 4, 2020 PolitiFact, \"Trump whiffs describing Wisconsin ballot case,\" Oct. 9, 2020 Email interview, Gregory Miller, co-founder of OSET Institute, a nonprofit that studies voting infrastructure, Nov. 30, 2020 Email interview, J. Alex Halderman, Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Director, Center for Computer Security and Society, University of Michigan, Nov. 30, 2020 Email interview, Tina Jagerson, FBI spokesperson, Nov. 30, 2020 Email interview, Michael R. Fraser, CEO of Association of State and Territorial Health officials, Nov. 30, 2020 Email interview, Barry C. Burden, political science professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Nov. 30, 2020 Email interview, Kay Stimson, spokesperson for Dominion Voting Systems, Nov. 30, 2020 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Bill McCarthy   Instagram posts stated on July 19, 2022 in an Instagram post: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was “faking being arrested” during an abortion- rights protest outside the Supreme Court.   Instagram posts stated on July 12, 2022 in Instagram posts: Actor Tom Holland is “confirmed to have died.”   By Bill McCarthy • July 13, 2022   Instagram posts stated on July 10, 2022 in an Instagram post: Shinzo Abe was assassinated because he “didn’t mandate vaccines, sent 1.6 million doses back and gave citizens ivermectin.”   X posts stated on July 7, 2022 in in tweets: An image shows that “following his resignation, Boris Johnson has escaped to the sea.”   Instagram posts stated on June 20, 2022 in an Instagram post: “Gas in Canada is $9.00 a gallon.”   Instagram posts stated on June 20, 2022 in an Instagram post: A compilation of images shows what Joe Biden has “done to our country.”   By Louis Jacobson • September 8, 2024 *   By Samantha Putterman • September 6, 2024 *   By Paul Specht • September 6, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization     * Facebook * TikTok * FactCheck On the Air * Mailbag Articles › FactCheck Posts › Featured Posts # FactChecking the State of the Union Biden\'s address to Congress included claims that didn\'t tell the full story. By Eugene Kiely, Robert Farley, D\'Angelo Gore, Saranac Hale Spencer, Catalina Jaramillo and Sean Christensen Posted on February 8, 2023 * * * * * ## Summary President Joe Biden put his spin on some facts, particularly about the economy, in his Feb. 7 State of the Union address: * Biden boasted that the 12.1 million jobs created in his first two years were more than the number of jobs added in four years under any president. But that job growth was fueled by a post-pandemic recovery that started under his predecessor, and his comparison doesn’t account for population growth. * The president said “take-home pay has gone up,” which is true, but the rise is not as fast as inflation. “Real” weekly earnings, which are adjusted for inflation, have gone down. * Biden said he has cut the deficit by a record $1.7 trillion, but most of that was due to expiring emergency pandemic spending. * He said “no president added more to the national debt in any four years” than his predecessor, Donald Trump, and that “nearly 25% of the entire national debt” was added by Trump. It’s accurate, but trillions of dollars of the accumulated debt under Trump were due to bipartisan coronavirus relief packages. * Biden said “for too many decades, we imported projects and exported jobs,” but now “we’re exporting American products and creating American jobs.” In fact, U.S. imports of goods and services have continued to exceed exports under Biden. * The president repeated a claim popular among Democrats during the midterms, suggesting that some Republicans would “sunset” Medicare and Social Security. The claim exaggerates the support for a proposal from Sen. Rick Scott that would have brought up all federal legislation for a vote every five years. * With the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the U.S. is “replacing poisonous lead pipes that go into 10 million homes in America, 400,000 schools and childcare centers,” he said. But the law didn’t provide enough funding to replace all lead pipes. * As he did last year, Biden said U.S. infrastructure had “sunk to 13th in the world.” But some have questioned the report behind that statistic. ## Analysis ## Jobs In boasting about job growth, the president said that more jobs were created in his first two years than in four years under any president. “Two years ago, the economy was reeling,” Biden said. “I stand here tonight, after we’ve created — with the help of many people in this room — 12 million new jobs. More jobs created in two years than any president has created in four years.” The president is cherry-picking the data. For starters, the job growth under Biden was fueled by a post-pandemic job recovery that started under his predecessor. President Joe Biden delivers his State of the Union address on Feb. 7, 2023. Photo by Jacquelyn Martin-Pool/Getty Images. The World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, declared COVID-19 a pandemic. The deadly pandemic sent U.S. residents into lockdown and forced businesses to close. The U.S. job market bottomed out in April 2020, when the U.S. had 21.9 million fewer jobs than the pre-COVID employment peak in February 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is true that the U.S. economy has added 12.1 million jobs in Biden’s first 24 months. But the economy also added 12.5 million jobs in Trump’s final nine months in office. Since April 2020, the U.S. has added a total of 24.6 million jobs under both presidents. That’s 2.7 million more than the number of jobs lost during the pandemic. Biden’s apples-to-oranges job comparison also benefits from the fact that there are more people in the job market now than under past presidents. Under Jimmy Carter, the U.S. economy added 10.3 million jobs in four years. While larger, the 12.1 million jobs added so far under Biden represents a job growth of 8.5% — far less than the 12.8% job growth under Carter. President Lyndon Johnson assumed the presidency after John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 and was reelected in 1964. In LBJ’s only full term in office, from January 1965 to January 1969, the U.S. economy added 9.9 million jobs — a 16.54% job growth that is nearly double the rate in Biden’s first two years. ## Wages The president, while admitting “we have more to do,” said the economy has been improving, specifically inflation and wages. “Inflation has fallen every month for the last six months, while take-home pay has gone up,” he said. He’s right that the inflation rate for the past 12 months was 6.5% in December — which was the sixth straight month that the year-over-year inflation rate had declined. Wages also have gone up under Biden, but not as fast as prices — so the “take-home pay,” as Biden called it, doesn’t buy as much as it used to. Average weekly earnings for rank-and-file workers went up 11% during Biden’s first 24 months in office, according to monthly figures compiled by the BLS. Those production and nonsupervisory workers make up 81% of all employees in the private sector. But what are called “real” weekly earnings, adjusted for inflation and measured in dollars valued at their average level in 1982-84, actually declined 3.7% since Biden took office in January 2021. But, as Biden said, recently real wages have been rising as inflation has moderated. During the last half of 2022, real weekly earnings rose 1.4%. ## Deficit Down Due to Expiring COVID-19 Relief Biden boasted that he has reduced the deficit by a record $1.7 trillion. “In the last two years, my administration has cut the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion – the largest deficit reduction in American history,” Biden said. The amount of the two-year drop in deficits is accurate. The FY 2020 deficit was $3.13 trillion and the FY 2022 deficit was $1.375 trillion. That translates to a roughly $1.7 trillion drop. But the deficit in FY 2022 is still nearly 41% higher than it was in FY 2019, before the pandemic hit. As we wrote back in April, most of the reduction in deficits is the result of expiring emergency pandemic spending. The Congressional Budget Office estimated in February 2021 — shortly after Biden took office and before any of Biden’s fiscal policies were enacted — that due to expiring pandemic relief, the combined deficits in FY 2021 and FY 2022 would total $3.31 trillion, a big decline considering that in FY 2020 the one-year total alone was $3.13 trillion. But the deficits for FY 2021 and 2022 ended up totaling $4.15 trillion. In other words, the deficits for those years ended being about $840 billion more than expected. Biden argues that growth in the economy as a result of his policies are the reason why deficits dropped, but the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says that doesn’t add up. “100% of the deficit reduction, on net, was the result of waning COVID relief,” Marc Goldwein, senior vice president and senior policy director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, told us via email. “That’s because while higher revenue (due to inflation as much as growth!) did reduce deficits even further, additional legislative and executive actions (especially student debt cancellation, which they weirdly recorded in FY2022) and higher interest rates pushed in the other direction.” (Biden’s student debt cancellation program was paused by a District Court judge in November, and its fate will now be determined by the Supreme Court.) In a blog post on Oct. 21, at the end of the 2022 fiscal year, CRFB said that deficits fell more than expected last year “due to a combination of lower unemployment, faster economic recovery, and higher inflation, partially offset by higher interest rates.” But, CRFB warned, “while economic changes reduced the deficit by $310 billion in FY 2022, they will actually increase deficits by over $1.5 trillion between 2023 and 2032 under [the Congressional Budget Office’s] baseline. Factors such as higher inflation tend to increase revenues in the near-term but increase spending and push up interest costs over time. Economic changes are likely to boost deficits even further when including more recent economic data, since interest rates are now much higher and economic growth much weaker than CBO projected in the spring.” “All said, the decline in the deficit over the past fiscal year is more than entirely the result of waning COVID relief and not of historic deficit reduction by President Biden as the White House claims,” CRFB wrote. “In fact, the President’s actions to date have increased deficits by $4.8 trillion through 2031.” ## Debt and Deficits Under Trump Biden also took aim at the deficits and debt rolled up by his predecessor, Donald Trump. “Under the previous administration, the American deficit went up four years in a row,” Biden said. “Because of those record deficits, no president added more to the national debt in any four years than my predecessor. Nearly 25% of the entire national debt, that took over 200 years to accumulate, was added by just one administration alone, the last one. They’re the facts. Check it out. Check it out.” The total national debt did go up by $7.8 trillion during Trump’s four years. It rose from nearly $20 trillion the day Trump was inaugurated to nearly $27.8 trillion on the day he left office. That figure, however, includes money the U.S. owes to itself. We typically use figures for the amount of debt held by the public, which went up by $7.2 trillion during Trump’s time in office, from $14.4 trillion on the day Trump was inaugurated to $21.6 trillion four years later when Biden was sworn in. By either measure, Biden is correct that more than 25% of the debt was accumulated while Trump was president. It’s also true that debt held by the public went up by $8.1 trillion during the eight years of former President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden. So an even bigger share of the debt inherited by Biden was accumulated when he was vice president. As we have written, while Biden’s statistic is accurate, it leaves a misleading impression because trillions of dollars of the accumulated debt under Trump were due to bipartisan coronavirus relief packages. It’s true, as Biden said, that deficits went up every year under Trump — in part due to the 2017 tax cut law that was was supported only by Republicans. But deficits exploded during the pandemic, jumping from just under $1 trillion in FY 2019 to $3.13 trillion in FY 2020. Before the pandemic, the deficits in the three prior years under Trump were lower than all of the deficits in Obama’s first four years in office (but higher than the deficits in Obama’s last three years in office). And, as we noted earlier, the pre-pandemic deficits under Trump are significantly lower than any year under Biden so far. ## Trade Deficit Under Biden, U.S. imports of goods and services have continued to exceed exports. However, Biden gave the false impression that was no longer the case. “For too many decades, we imported projects and exported jobs,” he said. “Now, thanks to what you all have done, we’re exporting American products and creating American jobs.” According to the latest figures from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S exports of goods and services totaled over $3 trillion in 2022 — up more than $453 billion from 2021 and $851 billion from 2020. But imports of goods and services, which totaled over $3.9 trillion last year, have grown even faster — up $556 billion from 2021 and $1.1 trillion from 2020.  and assumption of 6 to 10 million lead service lines across the country suggests the cost could range from $28 billion to $47 billion, putting Biden’s originally-proposed $45 billion near the top of that range—but the $15 billion legislated well below it,” experts from Brookings wrote. On Jan. 27, the Biden administration announced “new actions and progress” to remove lead pipes and paint. Those actions included the creation of a partnership between private and public organizations to “leverage existing efforts and funding” to “help accelerate” the goal of “the replacement of 100 percent of the Nation’s lead service lines in 10 years.” There’s also a partnership between the EPA and four states (Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) to “accelerate progress” in the identification and replacement of lead service lines. In a press release about that initiative, EPA said that in addition to the $15 billion for lead service line replacement in the infrastructure law, “$11.7 billion of general Drinking Water State Revolving Funds … can also be used for lead service line replacement.” The White House has said that other funds can also be used by state, local and tribal governments for replacing lead service lines, such as the $350 billion in aid provided under the American Rescue Plan. During a visit to Philadelphia on Feb. 3, Biden said Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, already used $17.5 million “as part of their plan to replace lead service lines in the city by 2026.” “They got to do that through this state and throughout — we got to do it throughout the country,” he added in his Feb. 3 remarks. Whether that will happen or not, remains to be seen. ## Infrastructure In talking about the bipartisan infrastructure law, Biden repeated a claim he made in last year’s speech: “We used to be No. 1 in the world in infrastructure. We’ve sunk to 13th in the world. The United States of America: 13th in the world in infrastructure.” As we wrote a year ago, his claim is based on a 2019 Global Competitiveness Report by the World Economic Forum, in which the U.S. overall ranked second among 141 economies, but 13th in infrastructure. But some said the report underrated the U.S. The Washington Post’s Charles Lane said the countries ranked higher than the U.S. were smaller and not comparable to a country as large as this. When considering the largest countries in the world, both geographically and in terms of population, the U.S. comes first in terms of infrastructure in the list. China, for example, ranked 36th, Canada 26th, India 70th and the Russian Federation 50th. Also, the 13th place is an improvement when compared with the 2011-12 report that ranked U.S. infrastructure in 24th place out of 142 economies. Editor’s note: does not accept advertising. We rely on grants and individual donations from people like you. Please consider a donation. Credit card donations may be made through our “Donate” page. If you prefer to give by check, send to:, Annenberg Public Policy Center, 202 S. 36th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104. ## Sources U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Consumer Price Index News Release.” 12 Jan 2023. Rugaber, Christopher. “US inflation eases grip on economy, falling for a 6th month.” Associated Press. 12 Jan 2023. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National): Total Nonfarm.” Accessed 7 Feb 2023. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Employment, Hours and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National); Average Weekly Earnings of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees, total private.” Data extracted 7 Feb 2023. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Employment, Hours and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National); Average Weekly Earnings of Production and Nonsupervisory Employees, 1982-1984 dollars, total private.” Data extracted 7 Feb 2023. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “CDC Museum COVID-19 Timeline.” 16 Aug 2022. Gore, D’Angelo. “Biden’s Claims About an Increase in Exports Ignore Larger Growth in Imports.” 14 Dec 2022. U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. U.S. Trade in Goods and Services, 1960-present. Accessed 7 Feb 2023. U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. “U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, December and Annual 2022.” 7 Feb 2023. McDonald, Jessica, et al. “FactChecking Biden’s Press Conference.” Updated 11 Feb 2022. Campbell, Sophia, and David Wessel. “What would it cost to replace all the nation’s lead water pipes?” Brookings. 13 May 2021. “FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions and Progress to Protect Communities From Lead Pipes and Paint.” The White House. Statements and Releases. 27 Jan 2023. “Biden-Harris “Get the Lead Out” Partnership.” The White House. Blog. 26 Jan 2023. “Lead Service Line Replacement Accelerators.” EPA. 30 Jan 2023. “EPA Launches New Initiative to Accelerate Lead Pipe Replacement to Protect Underserved Communities.” EPA. Press release. 27 Jan 2023. “Remarks by President Biden on the Administration’s Efforts to Replace Lead Pipes and Provide Clean Drinking Water for All Americans.” The White House. Speeches and Remarks. 3 Feb 2023. Lane, Charles. “Opinion: No, America’s infrastructure is not ‘crumbling.’” Washington Post. 6 Apr 2021. Kiely, Eugene, et al. “FactChecking Biden’s State of the Union Address.” 2 Mar 2022. Schwab, Klaus. The Global Competitiveness Report 2019. World Economic Forum. 2019. Schwab, Klaus. The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-12. World Economic Forum. 2011. Delaney, Arthur. “Marjorie Taylor Greene Shouts ‘Liar’ At Joe Biden During State Of The Union.” Yahoo News. 7 Feb 2023. Tankersley, Jim. “Republicans, Eyeing Majority, Float Changes to Social Security and Medicare.” New York Times. 2 Nov 2022. Bates, Andrew. Spokesman, Executive Office of the President. Email to 7 Feb 2023. Scott, Rick. “An 11-point Plan to Rescue America.” Archived 28 Mar 2022. Farley, Robert. “Democrats Misleadingly Claim ‘Republicans’ Plan’ Would ‘End’ Social Security, Medicare.” 29 Apr 2022. Gancarski, A.G. “Rick Scott says he wants ‘review’ and not end to Social Security, Medicare.” Florida Politics. 30 Mar 2022. Fox News Sunday. Transcript. 27 Mar 2022. “Senator McConnell Rules Out Tax Increase and Sunsetting Proposals If GOP Retake Majority.” C-SPAN. 1 Mar 2022. * Categories * Articles * FactCheck Posts * Featured Posts * Issue * debt * deficit * Exports * inflation * infrastructure * jobs * medicare * real wages * People * Joe Biden Previous StoryCOVID-19 Vaccines Can Slightly Alter Menstrual Cycle Temporarily, But Don’t Harm Fertility Next StoryMoisture-Absorbent Tablet in Pregnancy Tests, Not ‘Hidden Plan B’ Pill Ask SciCheck Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment? A: Like all energy sources, wind farms have some negative environmental impacts. 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AddToAny More… Notifications | A day after the sixth phase of voting for the ongoing 2024 Indian general elections concluded on May 25 a video was shared on social media with several social users alleging that it showed evidence of votes being manipulated | 124 |
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Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now stated on September 24, 2017 in a headline: \"NFL fines Pittsburgh Steelers $1 million each for skipping national anthem.\"    Instagram posts stated on August 16, 2024 in an Instagram post The World Health Organization ordered governments to prepare for “mega lockdown” because of an mpox strain.   By Sofia Ahmed • August 20, 2024 A footer note on the bottom of the page said \"everything on this site is a satirical work of fiction.\" The site’s \"about us\" page included a disclaimer that read, \"We present fiction as fact and our sources don’t actually exist.\" is the source of dozens upon dozens of fake news stories. The website is the brainchild of a man named Christopher Blair, who has told PolitiFact he writes absurd claims strictly to trick conservative readers into believing wild stories. In this case, the website attempted to trick readers into thinking the NFL was punishing the Steelers for refusing to come onto the field for the Star- Spangled Banner. Former Army Ranger Alejandro Villanueva, who served for three tours in Afghanistan, was the only Steelers player to leave the locker room to stand for the anthem. The Tennessee Titans and Seattle Seahawks, who played each other in Nashville, also refused to come to the sidelines for the song. It’s not clear who wrote the Goodell story, as the author is only identified as \"Freedom.\" The author replied to an email we sent but would not provide their real name. In reality, Goodell didn’t fine any team or player, and told Sports Illustrated he supported the teams and players. \"The way we reacted today, and this weekend, made me proud,\" Goodell said. \"I’m proud of our league.\" was looking to troll readers with a fake news story. We rate this claim Pants On Fire! Share the Facts 2017-09-25 19:50:42 UTC PolitiFact  1 1 7  PolitiFact Rating: Pants on Fire steelers-1m-each-for-skipping-national-anthem/ \"NFL fines Pittsburgh Steelers $1 million each for skipping national anthem.\" website  in a headline Sunday, September 24, 2017 2017-09-24 Read More info #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources, \"BREAKING: NFL Fines Pittsburgh Steelers $1m Each For Skipping National Anthem,\" Sept. 24, 2017 PolitiFact, \"If you\'re fooled by fake news, this man probably wrote it,\" May 31, 2017 Donald Trump, tweet, Sept. 24, 2017 ABC News, \"NFL teams respond to Trump with nonparticipation, kneeling in protest,\" Sept. 24, 2017 Associated Press, \"The Latest: More than 200 NFL players don\'t stand for anthem,\" Sept. 24, 2017 Sports Illustrated, \"Monday Morning QB: Response to President Trump Made Roger Goodell ‘Proud of Our League’,\" Sept. 25, 2017 ESPN, \"Alejandro Villanueva appearance surprised Steelers during anthem,\" Sept. 25, 2017 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Joshua Gillin slide 4 to 6 of 15   By Joshua Gillin • October 10, 2017 stated on October 8, 2017 in a headline: \"Jason Aldean gig canceled after he sells out to liberals on ‘SNL’.\"   By Joshua Gillin • October 10, 2017 stated on November 6, 2017 in a headline: \"Supreme Court issues its first bench warrant ever.\"   By Susan Areson • November 9, 2017 stated on November 7, 2017 in an Internet post: Says the University of Florida \"requests to cancel rivalry game\" against Florida State University.   By Joshua Gillin • November 7, 2017 stated on November 5, 2017 in an Internet post: \"Texas Church shooter was Antifa and wanted to start (a) ‘communist revolution.’ \"   By Joshua Gillin • November 6, 2017   By Joshua Gillin • November 2, 2017   By Joshua Gillin • November 2, 2017   By Joshua Gillin • November 1, 2017 stated on October 28, 2017 in a headline: \"Hillary Clinton leaves the country as Mueller indictment is announced.\"   By Joshua Gillin • October 31, 2017 stated on October 27, 2017 in a headline: \"Breitbart leaks names of four Dems being charged in Mueller’s Russia probe.\"   By Joshua Gillin • October 31, 2017   Michael Moore stated on October 4, 2017 in a Facebook post: \"People who die from a home invasion make up a sad but minuscule .04% of all gun murders in the U.S. And over a third of them are killed by their own gun that the criminal has either stolen or wrestled from them.\"   By Joshua Gillin • October 25, 2017 stated on October 23, 2017 in a headline: \"Tulsa school closes after brutal fire.\"   By Joshua Gillin • October 23, 2017 stated on October 16, 2017 in a headline: \"Hillary (Clinton) caught on tape laughing about (Hurricane) Irma ‘wiping out all of those Florida hillbillies’.\"   By Joshua Gillin • October 18, 2017 stated on October 15, 2017 in a headline: \"San Juan city council votes unanimously to impeach Trump-hating mayor.\"   By Joshua Gillin • October 17, 2017   By Joshua Gillin • October 10, 2017 stated on October 8, 2017 in a headline: \"Jason Aldean gig canceled after he sells out to liberals on ‘SNL’.\"   By Joshua Gillin • October 10, 2017 stated on November 6, 2017 in a headline: \"Supreme Court issues its first bench warrant ever.\"   By Susan Areson • November 9, 2017 stated on November 7, 2017 in an Internet post: Says the University of Florida \"requests to cancel rivalry game\" against Florida State University.   By Joshua Gillin • November 7, 2017 stated on November 5, 2017 in an Internet post: \"Texas Church shooter was Antifa and wanted to start (a) ‘communist revolution.’ \"   By Joshua Gillin • November 6, 2017 ### NFL’s Goodell didn\'t say he would fine Steelers players $1 million each for skipping national anthem *   By Maria Briceño • September 13, 2024 *   By Louis Jacobson • September 12, 2024 *   By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 12, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization   * Elections * Pennsylvania * TikTok posts    Instagram posts stated on August 11, 2024 in an Instagram post Craigslist ad shows “every single person” at Kamala Harris’ Arizona rally was paid.   By Sofia Ahmed • August 13, 2024 According to the screenshots, Biden’s count increased by more than 102,000, not just the 42,038 purportedly taken away from Jorgensen. Trump’s count also increased by more than 128,000, yet the social media posts don’t similarly link Jorgensen’s alleged lost votes to Trump. We found no evidence that the screenshots even represent true counts at any point in time. The images are not from Pennsylvania’s official elections page; they match the look of images from Google’s election count, which says it relies on data provided by the Associated Press. We can\'t verify the authenticity of the images in the social media posts. By 5 p.m. eastern time Nov. 5, results posted by election officials in Pennsylvania showed that Jorgensen had around 74,000 votes, with about 93% of the state’s total votes counted. That tally is less than the amount she supposedly had at 56% reporting. PolitiFact reached out to Pennsylvania’s secretary of state for more information, but we did not hear back. Our ruling Social media posts claimed, \"40,000+ votes for Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen magically become votes for Joe Biden.\" We found no evidence that supports the claim. The posts claimed that by the time Pennsylvania had reported 56% of votes, Jorgensen had 89,000 votes, and that her count declined by 40,000 votes shortly after. The latest information available from Pennsylvania election officials, with about 93% of votes counted, showed that Jorgensen had not yet reached 89,000 votes. Given that Jorgensen did not have those 89,000 votes to begin with, the claim that 40,000 of her votes \"magically\" became Biden’s is baseless. Other data included in the posts also do not prove the claim. We rate the posts False. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Twitter, @fiorella_im tweet, Nov. 4, 2020 Facebook post, Nov. 4 2020 Video on TikTok, Nov. 5, 2020 Pennsylvania Department of State website, 2020 Presidential Election unofficial results PolitiFact, No, President Trump, ‘ballot dumps’ in key states were not a magical surprise, Nov. 4, 2020; Fact-checking the avalanche of Wisconsin election misinformation, Nov. 4, 2020; Social media post falsely claims Wisconsin \'found\' 112,000 votes at 3 a.m., Nov. 4, 2020 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Miriam Valverde   By Miriam Valverde • September 2, 2021   By Miriam Valverde • August 26, 2021   By Miriam Valverde • June 21, 2021   Instagram posts stated on June 4, 2021 in an Instagram post: \"920 women lose their unborn babies after getting vaccinated.\"   By Miriam Valverde • May 28, 2021   By Miriam Valverde • May 26, 2021   By Louis Jacobson • May 26, 2021   By Miriam Valverde • May 14, 2021 , they’ve already seen crime go up.\"   By Miriam Valverde • May 4, 2021   Instagram posts stated on April 22, 2021 in an Instagram post: \"Mountains of data\" show drug ivermectin \"basically obliterates\" COVID-19 transmission.   By Louis Jacobson • September 8, 2024 *   By Samantha Putterman • September 6, 2024 *   By Paul Specht • September 6, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization  Search My Profile Logout Submit a Rumor Latest Trending News & Politics Entertainment Fact Checks Quiz Sections Latest Trending Fact Checks News Collections More Contact Us Submit a Rumor Archives Quiz FactBot Newsletters About Us Categories News & Politics Entertainment Science & Technology Lifestyle Free accounts support our journalism Become a Member Login My Profile Logout  Snopes fact-checked the vice presidential debate live! Read more here  Fact Check # Cashier\'s Check Overpayment Scam ## Sellers advertising online are defrauded by \"buyers\" who pay with cashier\'s checks made out for amounts in excess of the agreed-upon purchase price and ask the balances be sent to third parties. ### Barbara Mikkelson ### Published Aug. 3, 2003  online works like the highly successful Nigerian scam, but while his bit of larceny also typically features businessmen from Africa intent upon closing odd-sounding deals, it plays on the victims\' honesty rather than their greed: Advertisement: > _[Collected via Facebook, May 2015]_ There is a scam going around and I was > almost a victim of it today. I recently posted an ad on Craig\'slist I was > contacted by a person that sent me a check for 1500.00 for the item I was > selling. When I received the check today it was for the amount of 4000.00. > When I asked why the check was for so much they informed me that the extra > money was to be shipped via western union to the shipper so the item could > be picked up and delivered. I got suspicious and took the check to my bank > to make sure this check was ligit. I was informed that it was in fact a > fake. The bank told me that if I had cashed this check that it would have > come back to me and I would be responsible for the 4000.00 and they would > have access to all my banking information. I am asking everyone to please > like and share this post to make it go viral so this does not happen to you > or anyone you know or any hard working Americans. Here is a picture of the > check below. Please take the time to like and share. Lets get this thing > viral. > > _[Collected via e-mail, 2003]_ > > My husband is currently selling his motorcycle online. Last week when he > posted his bike he recieved an email from a hotmail account stating he was > interested in buying his bike and he is located in West Africa. He mentioned > that he knows someone in the US that owes him money and would like to get > our address to meet and make the exchange and that he would pay for all > shipping charges. Well, a friend of ours, his cousin is also selling his > bike. And he got the same email, but from a different email and name. That > sounds funny to me. Well, my husband re-posted his bike yesterday online and > he received from another person just about the same email about him residing > in West Africa. Advertisement: The scam works like this: 1. 1. A person looking to sell a used car or motorcycle (or other expensive item) advertises it online. 2. The unsuspecting seller is contacted in e-mail by a prospective buyer who hails from somewhere outside the U.S. (typically in Africa, usually Nigeria). This buyer agrees to the asked-for price without haggling and looks for immediate assurance the vehicle will not be sold to anyone but him. He offers to have someone pick up and ship the vehicle to Africa once the sale is complete, making it clear he alone will bear all charges associated with that aspect of the sale. 3. Mention is now made of the method of payment: a cashier\'s check for more than the agreed-upon price for the vehicle. This check is to come from the foreign buyer, with the residue to be sent to a third party whom the buyer says he owes money to (or whom the buy has contracted with to ship the purchased goods). The seller is asked to cash the check, keep the appropriate amount for the sale of his items, and send what\'s left to this third party. (Alternatively, the check is said to be coming from the third party, with the residue after the purchase is paid for to be sent back to the buyer.) Example 1: Dr. Dipo Morgans of Nigeria wants to buy your used car for $5,000. His friend, Mr. Okuta, will be sending you a cashier\'s check for $8,000. You are to keep $5,000 for the car and send the remaining $3,000 to Dr. Morgans. Advertisement: Example 2: Dr. Dipo Morgans of Nigeria wants to buy your used car for $5,000. He will be sending you a cashier\'s check for $8,000 on the understanding that you will forward $3,000 of it to the shipping company that will be transporting your car to Africa. * The cashier check for the larger-than-necessary amount arrives and is duly deposited in the seller\'s bank account. * Three days later, the check appears to clear, and any freeze the bank had placed on these funds is removed. * Satisfied that the check was good (the bank had released the funds, after all), the seller wires the overage to the person it\'s owed to and waits for someone to come pick up the vehicle. * No one ever comes to pick up the vehicle. * Two weeks later, the seller is informed by his bank the check was a forgery. * The seller is now out the amount he wired to someone else. In some versions of the scam, the buyer is not an individual but rather an agent for a firm that purchases cars on behalf of others, often diplomats stationed in foreign lands. This car broker is usually located in Africa. The \"reason\" for the inflated-value check will vary from one attempt to defraud to another. Currency exchange problems will be cited. Or a horrified buyer will realize he\'s had the check prepared for far too large an amount. Or the check is being sent by a third party for the full amount this other person supposedly owes the buyer. Or it\'s a refund check for a failed sale for something that would have cost more. Or it would take 30 days to clear a check from Africa, hence the need to have an American third party send the payment. The reasons are many. And varied. And false. Advertisement: Cars or motorcycles aren\'t the only items to attract this form of scam: those attempting to sell horses have experienced it too. It\'s not unreasonable to extrapolate those attempting to sell boats will be similarly targeted. What matters is not the nature of the item being offered for sale but its price — it has to be high enough to justify the seller\'s feeling comfortable in sending thousands of his own dollars to a stranger under the mistaken belief he\'s already holding an even greater sum in his hand. In another form of the scam, those advertising online for roommates are contacted by prospective apartment-sharers who want to send cashier checks to cover the first few months rent plus a few thousand extra and who require the extra be mailed back to them. Though nothing is being offered for sale, it\'s the same scheme — the check will turn out to be worthless, but usually only long after the roommate-hunter has mailed his own very good check to the con artist. The scam works because the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) requires banks to make money from cashier\'s, certified, or teller\'s checks available in one to five days. Consequently, funds from checks that might not be good are often released into payees\' accounts long before the checks have been honored by their issuing banks. High quality forgeries can be bounced back and forth between banks for weeks before anyone catches on to their being worthless, by which time victims have long since wired the \"overpayments\" to the con artists who have just taken them for a ride. Advertisement: Although this scam is in its infancy, real people have already been bilked out of thousands of dollars by it — in some cases tens of thousands. The con has claimed victims in communities across the USA, so don\'t let your not having heard about it before lull you into a false sense of security. That the game is new doesn\'t mean it\'s not dangerous. **How to Avoid Falling Victim to Cashier\'s Check Scams:** * No matter how sweet the deal, don\'t get involved in any sale where the buyer wants you to accept a check for an inflated amount and refund the overage. * If you accept a cashier\'s check as payment for something you have sold or rented, make sure it has cleared the issuing bank before you refund any money or surrender possession of the vended item. It may take two to three weeks for the banking system to determine the check is counterfeit, so even if the funds look like they\'re available (and even if your bank tells you they are), hold onto whatever it was you sold and the funds you received for it for three weeks. * If you have been bilked, call the U.S. Secret Service at (202) 406-5572 or write to U.S. Secret Service, Financial Crimes Division, 950 H St. N.W., Washington, DC 20223. Also, call your state attorney general\'s consumer protection division. Advertisement: **Additional information:** Advertisement:  ---|--- Advertisement:  ---|--- #### Sources Espinoza, Richard and Dan Morgolies. \"Latest Net Scam Preys on Honest Folks.\" Charleston Gazette. 1 June 2003 (p. D7). Flaum, David. \"Scam Hits Sellers Over Net.\" The [Memphis] Commercial Appeal. 2 March 2003 (p. G1). Jones, Matthew. \"Beach Police Officers Warn of Fake-Check Web Scam.\" The Virginian-Pilot. 9 January 2003 (p. B4). Kades, Deborah. \"Wisconsin Residents Fall Prey to Used Vehicle, Lottery Scams.\" The Wisconsin State Journal. 12 December 2002. Kristof, Kathy M. \"Nigerian Money Con Targets Small Firms.\" Los Angeles Times. 7 September 2003 (p. C3). Associated Press. \"Missoula Credit Union Members Taken.\" 15 March 2003. ### By Barbara Mikkelson ## Article Tags Scams ASP Article Sales Scams E-mail Scams Recommendations Advertisement:  Company About Us FAQs Contact Us Submit a Topic Navigate Home Search Archive Newsletters Random Sections Latest Top Fact Checks News Account Join Login Game FactBot Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter © 1995 - 2024 by Snopes Media Group Inc. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Terms of Use Privacy Policy DMCA Policy | Scammers pay with cashier's checks larger than the purchase price and ask the balances be sent to third parties | 128 |
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You can see some of the protesters in this C-SPAN footage from a September 2017 Senate hearing on health care legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. U.S. Capitol police arrested 181 people, including 15 people who were charged with disruption of Congress, the Associated Press reported at the time. We rate claims that footage from that demonstration happened during the siege at the Capitol on Jan. 6 as False. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Facebook post, Jan. 6, 2021 C-SPAN, Protesters at health care hearing: \"No cuts to Medicaid, saved out liberty,\" Sept. 25, 2017 The Associated Press, 181 arrested at Capitol hearing during protests about GOP health care bill, Sept. 25, 2017 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Ciara O\'Rourke slide 4 to 6 of 15   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 7, 2024   X posts stated on August 19, 2024 in an X post: Democrats dyed the “Chicago River red to celebrate abortion.”   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 20, 2024   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 19, 2024   Threads posts stated on August 10, 2024 in a Threads post: Video shows former President Donald Trump freezing up.   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 9, 2024   Threads posts stated on August 2, 2024 in a Threads post: “Mike Tyson says he’s willing to box Olympic DUDE with all proceeds to go to a battered women’s charity.”   Instagram posts stated on August 2, 2024 in an Instagram post: President Joe Biden walked “onto an empty airplane for no reason.”   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 7, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 20, 2024 *   By Grace Abels • August 20, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. Become a member! In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. 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Link copied ShareShare article ### The claim With health shaping up to be a key issue in the November 26 Victorian election, a series of attack ads from the Labor Party have taken aim at the Coalition\'s record on healthcare funding. In a number of ads run on YouTube, Liberal leader Matthew Guy is branded by the Victorian Labor Party as \"the Liberals\' cuts guy\" who, as a senior minister \"cut $1 billion from health\". Labor\'s claim is not new: an identical claim about health spending under the previous government was made prior to the last state election in 2018. At that time, Fact Check found then-health minister Jill Hennessy to be \"wrong\" when she said \"the Victorian Liberals cut a billion dollars from health when they were last in office\". So, has anything changed? RMIT ABC Fact Check finds out. ### The verdict The Victorian Labor Party is still wrong. Adjusted for inflation, health spending under the previous Coalition government grew from $8 billion in 2009-10 to $9.5 billion in 2014-15. The average annual increase was $306 million. The average annual per person increase was 1.7 per cent. Additionally, the suggestion that Matthew Guy was responsible for the cuts is misleading: he has never held a ministerial position relating to health. ### Fact Check\'s previous findings  Prior to the 2018 election, Jill Hennessy also wrongly claimed that the Coalition \"cut a billion dollars from health\". (ABC News: Andrew Ware) For the sake of completeness, Fact Check has revisited the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data used to analyse Ms Hennessy\'s claim. Those figures include both recurrent expenditure, which covers the cost of wages and services, and capital expenditure, which is spending on infrastructure. The data has been adjusted by the AIHW to take into account the effects of inflation, most recently using 2019-20 as a base year. While this means this fact check\'s figures differ from those included in the 2018 analysis, which were adjusted using 2016-17 values, our findings remain the same. Previous work on what constitutes a \"cut\" to spending has also been drawn upon, with experts noting in the past that budgeted savings may never eventuate, meaning the only way to reasonably assess a cut is on what actually happened. Fact Check has also argued that \"cut\" is not a cut if funding continues to rise — though that growth may shrink as a result of savings measures. Getting an accurate picture of this requires taking into account the effects of inflation, or rising costs. And assessing whether funding went backwards means looking not only at total funding but also spending per person, which factors in population growth. ### The timeline  Health expenditure grew to $9.4 billion under Denis Napthine and Ted Baillieu. (AAP: Julian Smith) The Victorian Liberal-National Coalition last held office between December 2010 and December 2014, and was led initially by Ted Baillieu and later Denis Napthine. In its time, the Coalition government handed down four budgets — the first for financial year 2011-12, delivered in May 2011, and the last for financial year 2014-15. Though 2010-11 was a Labor budget, the new government delivered that year\'s mid-year budget update, promising promising to produce $100 million annual budget surpluses and to \"act immediately to implement its substantial savings agenda\". Once in office the Coalition announced a range of government-wide measures to reduce costs, with revenue forecasts progressively downgraded by several billion dollars in the face of worsening economic conditions. Fact Check has assessed the Coalition\'s record relative to Labor\'s last full budget year, which was 2009-10. ### What happened under the Coalition? Contrary to Labor\'s claim that $1 billion had been cut from health under the Coalition, the AIHW data shows spending rose over the previous government\'s term. Indeed, annual spending on health in 2009-10, Labor\'s last full year in office, was $8 billion, while in 2013-14, the Coalition\'s last full year in office, health expenditure reached $9.4 billion. Additionally, $9.5 billion was spent in 2014-15, when the government changed hands mid-year. The average annual increase over the five years was $306 million. That said, health spending did not increase in every year the Coalition was in power: capital expenditure decreased in 2012-13, relative to the previous year, by $152 million, contributing to a fall of $130 million in overall health spending that year. ### What about population growth? While Labor\'s claim referred to total spending, Fact Check also considers per person spending to be an important measure. Over the Coalition\'s time in power, the amount spent on healthcare per person in Victoria (adjusted for inflation) increased by 8.4 per cent, or an average of 1.7 per cent each year. However, those figures do not capture significant fluctuations in per person health spending, which, when compared to the previous year, decreased by as much as 3.5 per cent in 2012-13 and increased by as much as 6.6 per cent in 2013-14. ### A different source The Victorian Labor Party did not respond to a request to provide a source for its claim. However, in 2018, Ms Hennessy\'s office told Fact Check that \"when last in government the Liberal Nationals imposed cuts characterised as \'savings\' and \'efficiency dividends\'\". As Fact Check previously detailed, the source provided by a spokeswoman for Ms Hennessy failed to account for new spending measures announced at the same time as these savings and efficiency dividends. ### Fact check: Victoria health spending Photo shows jill hennessy\'s claim is wrong Victorian Health Minister, Jill Hennessy, says that the Coalition cut $1 billion from health when it was last in office. At the time, RMIT University public policy expert David Hayward told Fact Check that the important question was: \"What\'s the net change?\" \"Well, the net change is positive,\" he said. \"And it\'s not unusual for governments to say we\'re going to look for efficiency savings within a portfolio, but overall we\'re going to be increasing the amount going to new initiatives.\" Speaking to Fact Check again recently, Dr Hayward provided an analysis of \"savings\" and new initiatives contained within budget papers from the Coalition\'s time in office. That analysis showed total savings came to $859.1 million dollars, while new initiatives totalled $6.2 billion. \"That’s why the AIHW figures show a real increase,\" he said. ### What was Matthew Guy\'s role?  Mr Guy was a minister during the Coalition\'s last term in office, but never held a health-related portfolio. (ABC News.) Labor\'s ads suggest that \"as a senior minister\" Mr Guy was responsible for the supposed $1 billion in cuts to healthcare. During the previous government, Mr Guy held the roles of minister for multicultural affairs and citizenship (March 2014 - December 2014) and minister for planning (December 2010 - December 2014). In a recent email, Dr Hayward told Fact Check: \"The Minister for Planning has no say over Health, except to the extent they may have been party to Cabinet or Expenditure Review Committee deliberations.\" Mr Guy has never held any portfolio associated with the Department of Health. _Principal researcher:_Ellen McCutchan_ _ [email protected]_ ### Sources * Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch), YouTube ad, November 13, 2022 * Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch), YouTube ad, November 7, 2022 * Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch), YouTube ad, November 13, 2022 * RMIT ABC Fact Check, Did the Victorian Coalition cut a billion dollars from health when last in office?, November 21, 2018 * RMIT ABC Fact Check, Did the Tasmanian Liberals cut $210m from the health budget?, February 28, 2018 * RMIT ABC Fact Check, Spending spin: When a \'cut\' is not a cut, and when a \'record\' is nothing to brag about, October 24, 2018 * Victorian Government, 2010-11 Victorian Budget Update, December, 2010 * Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health expenditure Australia 2019-20, data visualisation, December 17, 2021 * Victorian Government, Victorian Budget, 2011-12 Service Delivery May, 2011 * Parliament of Victoria, The Hon. Matthew Guy, 2022 * Department of Health, Victoria, \'Our Ministers\', August 3, 2022 Posted Wed 16 Nov 2022 at 2:32amWednesday 16 Nov 2022 at 2:32amWed 16 Nov 2022 at 2:32am Share options * Copy link * Facebook * X (formerly Twitter) ##  Fearlessly follow the facts no matter where they lead. More Fact Check stories ### Attributing this article This article was undertaken through a collaborative partnership between RMIT University and the ABC, which concluded in June 2024. The article should be attributed as \"RMIT ABC Fact Check [date]\" Contact Fact Check ### Connect with Fact Check * * * * *  Fact Check made in partnership with RMIT University  IFCN Fact-Checkers\' Code of Principles Signatory ## Top Stories ### Israel vows to make Iran \'pay\' for missile attacks as fears of conflict escalation rise Topic:Unrest, Conflict and War Photo shows Israel\'s Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepts rockets  ### As rockets fell over Israel, attackers opened fire in a Tel Aviv neighbourhood Topic:War Photo shows Armed Israeli police kneel in a defensive position near emergency services vehilcles parked beside a light rail line. ### PM condemns Iran\'s missile strike on Israel as Australians told again to leave Lebanon at first opportunity Topic:Federal Government Photo shows PMs courtyard, man talking ### In a fortnight of escalations, the Iran missile attack on Israel is unlikely to be the last one Analysis by Riley Stuart Photo shows The flags of Iran Lebanon and Hezbollah ### More than 430,000 Australians could have owned their own home today – if not for inaction from seven PMs  P Analysis by Peter Martin Photo shows Pink house with curved red door ## Related stories ### Fact check: Did the Victorian Coalition cut a billion dollars from health when last in office? 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AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) * Editorial Policies * Accessibility * Help * Contact Us * About the ABC * Privacy Policy * Terms of Use * © 2024 ABC * * * * | Matthew Guy cut 1 billion from the Victorian health budget | 130 |
Open in app Sign up Sign in Write Sign up Sign in  and lateral flow tests (LFTs) are also sterilised using ethylene oxide. Indeed, long-term and occupational exposure to ethylene oxide can result in lymphoma, leukaemia, stomach and breast cancers, as claimed in the post. # What experts say But how likely is it to get cancer from a medical swab? PesaCheck reached out to a specialist in infectious diseases at Kenya National Hospital, Dr Samuel Njenga, who clarified that ethylene oxide does not remain on medical swabs after sterilization. “Ethylene oxide is a gas. So it’s one of the gases used to sterilize anything that can be destroyed by heat. For the medical swabs, you cannot use heat so the best method to sterilize them is ethylene oxide. Once the gas passes through the swabs it kills any microorganisms but it does not persist on the swab because it is a gas,” Dr Njenga told PesaCheck. Dr Njenga added that the only people who face the danger of getting exposed to cancer are the ones doing the sterilization. “But if let’s say you are living in a place where you are being exposed to ethylene oxide, maybe you are the staff (the person doing the sterilization using ethylene oxide). If the equipment is faulty and ethylene oxide is leaking and you are not using the right protective gear, you can be prone to cancer after several years,” the infectious diseases specialist told PesaCheck. Another expert in genetics and infectious diseases from the Australian National University, Dr Gaetan Burgio, also told AAP FactCheck that ethylene oxide is only used to kill microorganisms in medical swabs but is not part of the PCR test itself. “The amount of ethylene oxide delivered in the chamber and the residual quantity after sterilisation is tightly monitored as a work health and safety procedure to ensure there is no residual substance left after sterilisation procedure,” Dr Burgio told AAP FactCheck. A senior medical virologist from UNSW, Professor Bill Rawlinson, also told the fact-checking publication that if there are any residual amounts of ethylene oxide on the PCR swabs, the quantity would be negligible. “There’s just not enough left over; and if it were leftover, time and exposure means that any residual ethylene oxide becomes denatured and becomes non- reactive,” Professor Rawlinson noted. # International standards for ethylene oxide sterilization The Food and Drug Administration reviews premarket submissions of all the sterile medical devices in the United States of America before they are released into the market. The body ensures the medical devices meet all the requirements listed in the internationally agreed-upon voluntary consensus standards. There are two voluntary consensus standards for ethylene oxide sterilisation which are ANSI AAMI ISO 11135:2014 and ANSI AAMI ISO 10993–7:2008(R)2012. These two standards contain guidelines on how to develop, validate, and control ethylene oxide sterilisation processes for medical devices. The two standards also stipulate the acceptable levels of residual ethylene oxide and ethylene chlorohydrin left on a device after it has undergone ethylene oxide sterilisation. The two voluntary consensus standards also ensure levels of ethylene oxide on medical devices are within safe limits. PesaCheck has looked into an Instagram post claiming that medical swabs sterilised with ethylene oxide can cause cancer and finds it to be FALSE. This post is part of an ongoing series of PesaCheck fact-checks examining content marked as _potential misinformation_ on Facebook and other social media platforms. By partnering with Facebook and similar social media platforms, third-party fact-checking organisations like PesaCheck are helping to sort fact from fiction. We do this by giving the public deeper insight and context to posts they see in their social media feeds. Have you spotted what you think is fake news or false information on Facebook? Here’s how you can report. And, here’s more information on PesaCheck’s methodology for fact-checking questionable content.  public services, such as healthcare, rural development and access to water / sanitation. _PesaCheck_also tests the accuracy of media reportage. To find out more about the project, visit ___pesacheck.org_ _._  Donate * Fact checks ## Fact checks Our fact checking systematically raises standards in public debate and changes the behaviour of powerful actors * All fact checks * Latest * Health * Crime * Education * Climate * Tax * Cost of living * Politics Live * Campaigns ## Campaigns We’re campaigning to tackle bad information online, protect our elections and improve the quality of information in public debate * Campaigns * Follow: WhatsApp * Subscribe: Email * Read: Blog * Asks of the new government * Supporter interventions * Your MP * Policy ## Policy Our policy work aims to improve the information environment, in order to protect and encourage good public debate * Policy * Reports * Framework for information incidents * Research * Letters & submissions * Full Fact AI ## Full Fact AI Our technology and training work is designed to help everyone work faster and smarter * Full Fact AI * Full Fact Training * About Full Fact AI * About ## About Bad information ruins lives. 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Coronavirus # It’s not right that you’re more likely to drown than die of Covid-19 if you’re under 60 with no health problems 20 May 2020 ##### What was claimed How many who have no other morbidities under the age of 60 have died from this Covid-19? 350 ##### Our verdict The latest NHS figures for England show that 253 people under the age of 60 with no underlying health conditions have died from Covid-19 in hospitals. ##### What was claimed You’re more likely to drown than die from Covid-19. ##### Our verdict This is not a valid comparison to make, and the figures it’s based on aren’t accurate. ##### What was claimed There are 400 people a year who drown ##### Our verdict In 2018, 263 people died in accidental drownings in the UK. ##### What was claimed The UK is already in the largest recession for 300 years. ##### Our verdict The Bank of England has suggested this could be correct. ##### What was claimed The Bank of England has said the economy will shrink 14% - the equivalent of two recessions. ##### Our verdict The Bank has predicted this could happen. If it does, the recession would be more than twice as big as in 2008. __1 of 5 claims > “How many people who have no other morbidities under the age of 60 have died > from this illness? [...] 350. You’re more likely to drown. There are 400 > people a year that drown. > > “I think we have to put things a bit in context. Every death is tragic but > believe me we are entering, we are already in, the largest recession for 300 > years. In fact, it’s not one recession. The Bank of England have said the > economy will shrink by 14%. That’s the equivalent of two recessions, it’s a > depression.” > > \- Luke Johnson on Question Time, 14 May 2020 On BBC Question Time, entrepreneur Luke Johnson claimed that 350 people under the age of 60, who had no other health conditions, have died from the new coronavirus. He also claimed you are more likely to drown. Some of our readers have asked us to look into this. Neither of the figures he used is correct, and the comparison is not a fair or meaningful one. NHS figures (updated daily) showed that as of 14 May, when the programme was broadcast, 253 people under the age of 60 with no other underlying health issues had died from Covid-19 in hospitals. Mr Johnson told Full Fact his claim was calculated by using the 253 figure for deaths in England and adding “roughly 100 to be very conservative for deaths not in hospital (although unlikely to be in care homes in that age group)”. There are no figures that show how many people under the age of 60 with no other conditions have died from Covid-19 in settings other than hospitals, such as at home or in care settings. Mr Johnson did not make clear on Question Time that his figure of 350 people was a rough estimate with no direct supporting evidence. Though we appreciate that, had he used the 253 figure, it would have made the difference between Covid-19 deaths and deaths from drowning look larger, benefitting the argument he was trying to make. Mr Johnson also claimed that 400 people a year die from drowning. In 2015, the National Water Safety Forum published its UK Drowning Prevention Strategy for the next decade, which said an average of 400 people a year die from accidental drowning in the UK. However, the Forum has said that drowning deaths have fallen since 2016. Its latest figures show that, in 2018, 263 people died from drowning in the UK, up slightly from 255 in 2017. While both numbers Mr Johnson used are not quite right, the bigger problem is that the two correct figures are not comparable. A fair comparison would compare the number of deaths from Covid-19 and drowning, while keeping all other factors (such as geography, time period and population) the same. But Mr Johnson’s comparison does not do this, and makes the risk of drowning look artificially higher, relative to the risk of Covid-19. Mr Johnson compares Covid-19 deaths in England with drowning deaths in the UK as a whole, and the drowning data covers an entire year, while the Covid-19 data only covers three months. Also while his figure for Covid-19 deaths only covers under 60s with no other health issues, the data for drowning includes all people who have died from drowning regardless of other health issues. A fair comparison, using the correct figures, would quite likely show that dying from Covid-19 is more of a risk for under-60s with no comorbidities in England than dying from drowning. Mr Johnson also made claims about the economy on Question Time, which appear reasonable. He said the country is “already in” the largest recession for 300 years. At the start of May, the Bank of England forecast that UK GDP would be close to 30% lower in the second quarter of 2020 (1 April - 30 June) than it was at the end of 2019. The Financial Times reported this would be the “fastest and deepest” recession since 1709. Mr Johnson also said the Bank of England has said the economy “will shrink” by 14% - the equivalent of two recessions. The Bank did suggest that UK GDP could fall by 14% in 2020. In the 2008 recession, the UK economy shrunk by 6%. Correction 21 May 2020 We corrected an error in this piece which referenced flooding rather than drowning * By Pippa Allen-Kinross * Share this: * Twitter * Facebook ## Was this helpful? Full Fact fights for good, reliable information in the media, online, and in politics. Support Full Fact today ### Related fact checks * Fenbendazole is not a proven treatment for cancer in people * Guardian corrects article about GPs refusing to give prostate cancer tests to black men * How many people were treated in Covid-19 Nightingale hospitals? * Nurofen tablets do not contain graphene oxide * Having high cholesterol is not better for your health * Did you find this fact check useful? * Yes No ## Full Fact fights bad information Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better. Get the information you need * Who we are * Funding and independence * Our impartiality * Feedback and corrections * Media enquiries * Twitter * Facebook * Instagram  Full Fact, 17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RR Full Fact is a registered charity (no. 1158683) and a non-profit company (no. 06975984) limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. © Copyright 2010-2024 Full Fact. 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DATA ROUNDUP Fake News, Telugu # RBI రిలీజ్ చేసిన సెలవుల లిస్టు ప్రకారం అక్టోబర్ 2021లో బ్యాంకులు 21 రోజులు సెలవులు తీసుకోవడం లేదు 0 By Dilip Kumar Sripada on September 27, 2021 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit 2021 అక్టోబర్ నెలలో దేశంలోని అన్ని ప్రభుత్వ, ప్రైవేటు బ్యాంకులు 21 రోజులు సెలవులు తీసుకోనున్నట్టు సోషల్ మీడియాలో ఒక పోస్టు షేర్ అవుతుంది. ‘ఉదయం’ న్యూస్ పోర్టల్ పబ్లిష్ చేసిన ఒక ఆర్టికల్ని ఈ పోస్టులో షేర్ చేస్తూ, పండగలు, ఆదివారాలు, శనివారాలతో (2 మరియు 4వ) కలిపి బ్యాంకులు అక్టోబర్ నేలలో 21 రోజులు సెలవులు తీసుకోబోతున్నట్టు క్లెయిమ్ చేస్తున్నారు. ఆ పోస్టులో ఎంతవరకు నిజముందో చూద్దాం. ఈ పోస్టు యొక్క ఆర్కైవ్ద్ వెర్షన్ని ఇక్కడ చూడవచ్చు. > క్లెయిమ్: 2021 అక్టోబర్ నెలలో దేశంలోని అన్ని ప్రభుత్వ, ప్రైవేటు బ్యాంకులు 21 > రోజులు సెలవలు తీసుకోనున్నాయి. > > ఫాక్ట్ (నిజం): RBI రిలీజ్ చేసిన 2021 సెలవుల లిస్టు ప్రకారం అక్టోబర్ నెలలో > ఆదివారాలు, శనివారాలతో (2, 4వ) కలిపి బ్యాంకులకు మొత్తంగా 21 రోజులు సెలవులు > ప్రకటించింది. కానీ, శని, ఆదివారాలు కాకుండా మిగతా 14 సెలవులు అన్ని ప్రాంతాల > బ్యాంకులకు వర్తించవు. వివిధ రాష్ట్రాలలో జరుపుకొనే పండగలని దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకొని > RBI ఈ సెలవులని ప్రకటించింది. RBI సెలవుల లిస్టులో ఏ ఒక్క ప్రాంతంలో కూడా 21 > రోజులు సెలవులు ప్రకటించలేదు. కావున, పోస్టులో చేస్తున్న క్లెయిమ్ తప్పుదోవ > పట్టించేలా ఉంది. పోస్టులో చేస్తున్న క్లెయింకు సంబంధించిన వివరాల కోసం RBI వెబ్సైటులో వెతికితే, RBI రిలీజ్ చేసిన సెలవుల లిస్టు ప్రకారం అక్టోబర్ నెలలో ఆదివారాలు, శనివారాలతో (2, 4వ) కలిపి బ్యాంకులకు మొత్తంగా 21 రోజులు సెలవులు ప్రకటించిందని తెలిసింది. కానీ, శని, ఆదివారాలు కాకుండా మిగతా 14 సెలవులు అన్ని ప్రాంతాల బ్యాంకులకు వర్తించవు. వివిధ రాష్ట్రాలలో జరుపుకొనే పండగలని దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకొని RBI ఈ సెలవులని ప్రకటించింది. RBI రిలీజ్ చేసిన సెలవుల లిస్టు ప్రకారం అక్టోబర్ నెలలో కేవలం కోల్కతా, అగర్తల ప్రాంతంలోని బ్యాంకులు మాత్రమే సాధారణ సెలవులు కాకుండా గరిష్టంగా ఏడు (7) రోజులు సెలవలు తీసుకోనున్నాయి. జైపూర్, పానాజీ, షిమ్లా, ఐజ్వాల్ రీజినల్ బ్యాంకులు మాత్రం అక్టోబర్ నెలలో సాధారణ సెలవుల కాకుండా కేవలం రెండు రోజులు మాత్రమే సెలవులు తీసుకోనున్నట్టు తెలిసింది. RBI సెలవుల లిస్టులో ఏ ఒక్క ప్రాంతంలో కూడా అక్టోబర్ నెలలో 21 రోజులు సెలవులు లేవు.  ‘స్టేట్ లెవెల్ బ్యాంకర్స్ కమిటీ ఒడిశా’ (SLBC) రిలీజ్ చేసిన ‘List of Holidays for Banks Financial Institutions for 2021’ డాక్యుమెంట్లో, ఒడిశా రీజినల్ ఆఫీస్ బ్యాంకులు అక్టోబర్ నెలలో సాధారణ సెలవులు కాకుండా మూడు రోజులు సెలవలు తీసుకోబోతున్నట్టు ప్ర్రకటించింది. గాంధీ జయంతి, మహా అష్టమి, విజయ దశమి పండుగల సందర్భంగా 02, 13 మరియు 15 అక్టోబర్ 2021 రోజులు ఒడిశా రాష్ట్రంలోని బ్యాంకులకు సెలవులు ఉండనున్నట్టు ఈ డాకుమెంట్లో SLBC ప్రకటించింది. ‘ICICI’ బ్యాంక్ సెలవుల లిస్టులో కూడా అక్టోబర్ నెలలో ఏ ఒక్క రీజినల్ బ్యాంకులకు 21 రోజుల సెలవులు ప్రకటించలేదు. ఈ వివరాల ఆధారంగా అక్టోబర్ నెలలో బ్యాంకులు 21 రోజులు తీసుకోవట్లేదని ఖచ్చితంగా చెప్పవచ్చు.  చివరగా, RBI రిలీజ్ చేసిన సెలవుల లిస్టు ప్రకారం అక్టోబర్ నెలలో బ్యాంకులు 21 రోజులు సెలవులు తీసుకోవట్లేదు.  Share. 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Leave this field empty if you\'re human: © 2014-2021 Factly Media & Research | Except for videos, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.     * Facebook * TikTok * FactCheck On the Air * Mailbag FactCheck Posts › Featured Posts # Trump’s Snowballing China Travel Claim By Lori Robertson Posted on April 10, 2020 | Updated on April 15, 2020 * * * * * In early March, President Donald Trump said that restrictions he placed on travel to and from China “saved a lot of lives,” a claim that grew to “probably tens of thousands” and “hundreds of thousands” by early April. But we found no support for such figures. The few studies that have been done estimate the U.S.’ and other countries’ travel restrictions regarding China had modest impacts, slowing the initial spread outside of China but not containing the coronavirus pandemic. We didn’t find a study that looked at the U.S. restrictions alone, and we found only one non-peer-reviewed study, on Australia, that found an impact of such policies on deaths, though it has significant limitations. Past studies, too, have found international travel restrictions could delay the path of the spread of diseases but do little to contain them. Saad B. Omer, director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, told us he hasn’t seen any evidence to support the president’s claims. Previous studies of viruses with a reproduction number of 1.9 or higher, meaning the average number of other people one person infects, have shown the restrictions have to be very strict to have an effect, he said. Travel restrictions “can have an impact if you shut down 90% of all travel,” Omer said. But, “even then, it delays it a little bit but it doesn’t stop it.” Omer co-authored a Feb. 3 article on why a travel ban wouldn’t stop the coronavirus. Alex Nowrasteh, director of immigration studies at the libertarian Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, looked at several of the same studies we examined and concluded that “by themselves, travel restrictions do little but delay the onset of a crisis mentality and shift the curve to the right rather than flattening it.” As we have found with prior claims from the president, Trump’s assertions have progressively grown: > Trump, March 5, Fox News town hall: But as soon as I heard that China had a > problem, I said, “What’s going on with China? How many people are coming > in?” … [Y]ou both know that I closed the borders very early. …. You know, it > **saved a lot of lives**. > > Trump, March 17, coronavirus task force briefing: We closed it down to > China, the source, very, very early. Very, very early. Far earlier than even > the great professionals wanted to do. And I think, in the end, that’s going > to be — that will have saved a tremendous number of lives. > > Trump, March 24, Fox News virtual town hall: I made a decision to close off > to China. … Thousands and thousands of more people — probably tens of > thousands would be dead right now if I didn’t make that decision. > > Trump, April 7, task force briefing: And I was called all sorts of names > when I closed it down to China. …. If I didn’t do it — if I didn’t do that, > we would’ve had hundreds of thousands more people dying. We asked the White House for support for the president’s claims, specifically whether there was support for his claims of “tens of thousands” or “hundreds of thousands” of lives saved. We haven’t received a response. On Jan. 31, the Trump administration declared a public health emergency for the novel coronavirus and announced travel restrictions to and from China, effective Feb. 2. As of that date, there were nine confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, in the U.S., though there had been very little testing. At that point, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had not yet sent test kits to public health labs, so all testing was done through the CDC. Currently, the U.S. has the most confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world. As of April 10, the U.S. had more than 486,000 cases and nearly 18,000 deaths, according to John Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Under the travel restrictions, non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, were prohibited from entering the U.S. if they had traveled to China within the previous two weeks. ##### Research on the Coronavirus Travel Restrictions As we’ve written before, a study published in the journal Science on March 6 estimated that travel restrictions instituted in Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus outbreak began, and those put in place by several countries in early February regarding China would “only modestly” affect the spread of the pandemic. The researchers — a team from the U.S., Italy and China, led by Northeastern University in Boston — used a model to estimate the impact. The model showed that a travel ban in Wuhan “was initially effective at reducing international case importations,” but “the number of cases observed outside Mainland China will resume its growth after 2-3 weeks from cases that originated elsewhere.” It found that restrictions by other countries would have “a modest effect” if they reduced travel to and from China by up to 90%, unless those restrictions were “paired with public health interventions and behavioral changes that achieve a considerable reduction in the disease transmissibility.” In other words, travel restrictions could delay, but not stop, the spread of the disease, and social distancing and hand-washing behaviors would reduce the transmission of the disease. Another study published in March in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences similarly found that travel restrictions and airport screenings in several countries “likely slowed the rate of exportation from mainland China to other countries, but are insufficient to contain the global spread of COVID-19.” The researchers, mostly with the Yale School of Public Health, said that “rapid contact tracing” was “essential” to limit person-to-person spread. The study did find that the travel lockdowns put in place in Wuhan and Hubei province lowered the daily rate of exportation of cases from China by 81.3% on average by Feb. 15. “At this early stage of the epidemic, reduction in the rate of exportation could delay the importation of cases into cities unaffected by the COVID-19 outbreak, buying time to coordinate an appropriate public health response,” the study said. The study also found that airport screening “has only a moderate benefit” early in the epidemic, as most people — 64% — travel during the incubation period, before exhibiting symptoms. The study, which relied on data on the outbreak in China and airline network data to make its estimates, concluded that travel restriction measures are “unlikely to contain the outbreak,” but they could delay the importation of cases, providing time for unaffected areas to prepare a public health response. A third recent study, by researchers in China, the U.S. and the U.K., looked at both the travel restrictions and other emergency measures put in place in China only, estimating that shutting down Wuhan slowed the virus’ spread to other cities in China by 2.91 days. The study, which was published in Science on March 31, concluded that the delay “provided extra time to prepare for the arrival of COVID-19 in more than 130 cities across China but would not have curbed transmission after infection had been exported to new locations from Wuhan.” Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has praised Trump’s travel restrictions on China, saying the U.S. has dealt with a lower number of cases because of the policies. At a press conference on Feb. 29, Fauci said, “If we had not done that, we would have had many, many more cases right here that we would have to be dealing with.” The studies we cited suggest that the travel restrictions could have slowed down, but not stopped, the importation of COVID-19 in the U.S. But when we looked into this issue in early March, Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told us there’s no evidence to show that and some reasons that it may not be the case — chiefly, the lack of testing, particularly early on. “[W]e weren’t seriously looking for cases in the US,” Nuzzo said. Initially, the CDC testing criteria focused on those with symptoms who also had been to Wuhan or in contact with someone suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19. By late February, those criteria included anyone with a fever who was hospitalized with a respiratory illness. On March 3, Vice President Mike Pence announced doctors could order tests if they thought one was needed. Also, the U.S. restrictions were limited. In February, Nuzzo said, other countries, including Japan, Singapore and Korea, had a significant number of coronavirus cases, but they weren’t subject to travel restrictions. The U.S. “would likely not have picked it up” if travelers coming to the U.S. from those countries were infected with the virus “because we weren’t using these other countries as criteria for testing,” she said. Omer, of the Yale Institute for Global Health, echoed that, saying, “People coming from Italy wouldn’t have been stopped,” whether they exhibited symptoms or not. (Trump’s restrictions on travel from Europe didn’t go into effect until March 13.) The ability of the virus to elude limited travel restrictions raises questions about the one study we did find that estimates an impact on deaths. The study — which hasn’t been peer-reviewed — estimated Australia’s restrictions on travel from China will lower the potential number of deaths from COVID-19 in the country over the next year. However, it didn’t consider any impact of cases coming in from other countries, saying it “illustrates the principle of travel bans and public health impact on epidemic control using China as a case study.” The study, posted without peer review on medRxiv on March 12, estimated the travel restrictions, implemented Feb. 1, would reduce the cases and deaths by 87% over 400 days. The case and death counts are relatively low in Australia: 6,215 cases and 54 deaths as of April 10, according to Johns Hopkins University & Medicine. ##### Past Studies Find Delay, Not Containment Several past studies have looked at the impact of travel restrictions on epidemics. They also have found some delay in the spread of the diseases, if the restrictions are significant, but not containment. * A 2014 review of 23 studies on the impact of travel restrictions on the spread of influenza found overall they have “only limited effectiveness,” the degree of which varied depending on the restrictions themselves, epidemic size, transmissibility of the virus and other geographic considerations. The review, published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, said: “In isolation, travel restrictions might delay the spread and peak of pandemics by a few weeks or months but we found no evidence that they would contain influenza within a defined geographical area.” * A 2011 study (included in the above review) on the 2009 H1N1 pandemic published in the journal PLOS One found that travel restrictions creating a 40% reduction in air traffic to and from Mexico, the origin of the influenza strain, caused a three-day or less delay, on average, in the first imported cases reaching other countries. It said that “no containment was achieved by such restrictions.” Even assuming an unlikely 90% air traffic reduction, the study said, “the resulting delay would be on the order of 2 weeks.” * A 2012 study published in BMC Infectious Diseases by researchers in Hong Kong estimated that “imposing a 99% air travel restriction” would delay the peak of a new influenza pandemic in Hong Kong “by up to two weeks.” But, “[a]ntivirals and hospitalization were found to be more effective on attack rate reductions than travel restrictions,” the study said. It’s possible that the U.S. travel restrictions on China could have had some impact in slowing the importation of cases to the U.S. But we don’t have evidence of that, or of what that impact is, let alone evidence that “hundreds of thousands” of lives were saved, as the president claimed. Update, April 15: This story was updated to include the video. * Categories * FactCheck Posts * Featured Posts * Location * International * Issue * coronavirus * COVID-19 * People * Donald Trump Previous StoryFalse Claim of Deadly Coronavirus Vaccine Trial in Africa Next StoryTrump Campaign’s Misleading Ad Attacking Biden on China Ask SciCheck Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment? A: Like all energy sources, wind farms have some negative environmental impacts. But getting energy from wind farms results in dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions than getting it from fossil fuels. Read the full question and answer View the Ask SciCheck archives Have a question? Ask us. Donate Now Because facts matter.  ##### SciCheck ###### Fact-checking science-based claims.  ##### Facebook Initiative ###### Debunking viral claims.  ##### Viral Spiral ###### Don’t get spun by internet rumors.  ##### Mailbag ###### Letters from our readers.   Fact CheckArticlesVideosAbout UsLogin  1. 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Advertisement: According to an internet rumor, the show once featured an odd-looking character named Graggle (or Gumbly) who has since been lost to history.  Advertisement: Neither Gumbly nor Graggle Simpson have ever appeared on \"The Simpsons.\" The above-displayed image has been doctored. Images of the nonexistent character \"Graggle\" often circulate along with messages about the Mandela Effect, a term that refers to a collective false memory. For example, many people incorrectly remember comedian Sinbad\'s starring as a genie in a movie called \"Shazam,\" Ed McMahon\'s being the spokesperson for Publisher\'s Clearing House, and former South African president Nelson Mandela\'s dying in prison in the 1980s (hence, the \"Mandela Effect\"). In the case of Graggle Simpson, however, we\'re not dealing with a population of people who truly believe that they remember a nonexistent character. Rather, images of Graggle (or Gumbly) Simpson were created as a hoax in order to mimic, mock, or possibly fabricate an instance of the Mandela Effect.  Advertisement: Know Your Meme traced the first instance of Graggle/Gumbly being digitally inserted into a scene with \"The Simpsons\" back to a 2015 posting on the image board 2chan. While this was the first instance of Graggle being associated with The Simpsons, KYM notes that the character can actually be traced back a bit further to 2011. Before becoming Graggle, the character was known \"Nan-j min,\" one of the mascots of 2chan. The meme picked up steam in 2021 as internet users started photoshopping this character into actual scenes from \"The Simpsons.\" Some falsely claimed that Simpsons creator Matt Groening introduced the character as a version of himself and that Groening had been inserting the character into the show since its debut season in the 1989. Others falsely claimed that Graggle was a modern phenomenon that was added to the show circa 2015 to attract new viewers. These claims were all false and were based on doctored images. (Sidenote: The Simpsons spoofed the idea of adding new characters to spice up the show in a season 8 episode that featured the \"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show.\") In June 2022, Vice spoke to one of the people attempting to will this nonexistent character into \"The Simpsons.\" > There’s just one snag in the Grag: He isn’t, wasn’t, and never has been a > character in The Simpsons; he hasn’t appeared once in all 728 episodes. > Where did Graggle Simpson really come from? Why is he currently everywhere? > And how is there so much evidence that he exists? > > Graggle Simpson was forged in the fires of the imageboard 2chan way back in > October 2015. An anonymous user added the character to a screenshot of The > Simpsons, and there he stayed until January 2021. Then, another anonymous > user – this time on 4chan – posted lore for the stretched-out blob. He > called him “Yellow Matt” and said he was a “self-insert character” from > Simpsons creator Matt Groening. > > [...] > > “The Graggle meme is kind of like a game – try and fake it as much as you > can,” [said Ryan Murphy, a 21-year-old creator from California who runs the > channel Nightbane Games]. Murphy thinks Graggle is popular because of our > cultural fascination with lost media and creepypasta stories. “The idea that > The Simpsons originally featured a character named Graggle, but he was soon > completely wiped off the face of the Earth to the point that no one > remembers him, is really funny and thought-provoking,” he says. Advertisement: Graggle Simpson does not exist. And while some people may generally misremember the spelling of \"The Berenstain Bears,\" the claim that a large number of people remember this character appearing on \"The Simpsons\" is just another internet hoax. #### Sources Gatica, Elliott. “Graggle Simpson Isn’t Real, but the Internet Really Wants You to Think Otherwise.” Attack of the Fanboy, 7 June 2022, internet-really-wants-you-to-think-otherwise/. “Gumbly / Graggle Simpson.” Know Your Meme, Accessed 18 July 2022. published, Mick Joest. “The Internet Is Really Confused Over Viral Memes Alleging The Simpsons Featured A Character Named Graggle.” CINEMABLEND, 7 June 2022, over-viral-memes-alleging-the-simpsons-featured-a-character-named-graggle. Tait, Amelia. “How the Internet Created ‘Graggle Simpson.’” Vice, 21 June 2022, “The Internet Has Willed a New Simpsons Character into Existence.” The A.V. Club, 21 June 2022, simpsons-poochie-1849088098. ### By Dan Evon Dan Evon is a former writer for Snopes. ## Article Tags The Simpsons Entertainment Mandela Effect Recommendations Advertisement:  Company About Us FAQs Contact Us Submit a Topic Navigate Home Search Archive Newsletters Random Sections Latest Top Fact Checks News Account Join Login Game FactBot Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter © 1995 - 2024 by Snopes Media Group Inc. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Terms of Use Privacy Policy DMCA Policy | Various internet images show a longforgotten The Simpsons character named Graggle | 138 |
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The analysis, published on June 29, found that 150 of the more than 18,000 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That’s about 0.8%, which is very close to the figure Walensky cited. The AP analysis also found that hospitalizations among fully vaccinated people accounted for fewer than 1,200 of more than 107,000 total hospitalizations for the coronavirus, or about 1.1%. Both data points suggested that increased vaccination rates would cut down the total number of hospitalizations and deaths. The CDC did not respond to our inquiry for a database or other evidence in support of the 99.5% figure. That said, medical experts told us that they have a high degree of confidence in Walensky’s statements. \"This sounds true,\" said Dr. Monica Gandhi, a professor of medicine at the University of California-San Francisco. \"The CDC is able to track deaths quite closely based on hospital records and coding.\" Dr. Babak Javid, another professor of medicine at UCSF, agreed. \"I haven\'t seen any peer-reviewed, or even pre-print, data to support this statement, but I would be surprised if it was made up,\" he said. Even from Walensky’s limited description, however, we do know that the data has limitations. Walensky said it is \"preliminary,\" said it included only a half dozen or so states, and added that it runs through May, which makes it about six weeks old. Looking ahead, Javid said that the percentage of deaths occurring in the unvaccinated population may not stay at 99.5% or thereabouts indefinitely, just based on mathematics. \"I expect pretty much everyone who isn\'t fully vaccinated to be infected by delta, or whatever variant supplants it around the corner, in the next year or two, but large numbers of the fully vaccinated will also be infected,\" he said. \"These infections will skew milder, but in the elderly and vulnerable, that doesn\'t guarantee that 100% of cases won\'t be serious.\" Our ruling Biden said, \"Ten thousand people have recently died. 9,950 of them, thereabouts, are people who hadn’t been vaccinated.\" Biden is citing a figure that has been offered publicly on at least two occasions by the director of the CDC, Walensky. She cautioned that the data it is \"preliminary,\" is based on only a half dozen or so states, and is now about six weeks old. The CDC has not made public any detailed data or methodology. That said, experts told PolitiFact that they don’t doubt the figure’s accuracy. The figure is also in line with a separate analysis by journalists at the Associated Press. The statement is accurate but needs additional context, so we rate the statement Mostly True. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Joe Biden, CNN town hall in Cincinnati July 21, 2021 White House, press briefing, July 1, 2021 White House, press briefing, July 22, 2021 Rochelle Walensky, Senate testimony, July 20, 2021 Associated Press, \"Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated,\" June 29, 2021 Business Insider, \"99.5% of COVID-19 deaths in the US are now in unvaccinated people, CDC head says,\" July 9, 2021 New York Times, \"The Delta variant makes up an estimated 83 percent of U.S. cases, the C.D.C. director says,\" July 20, 2021 Email interview with Babak Javid, professor of medicine at the University of California-San Francisco, July 22, 2021 Email interview with Monica Gandhi, professor of medicine at the University of California-San Francisco, July 22, 2021 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Louis Jacobson slide 4 to 6 of 15   By Louis Jacobson • June 21, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 30, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 23, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 9, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 7, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 7, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 6, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • July 31, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • July 31, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • July 26, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • June 21, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 30, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • August 23, 2024 ### Fact-checking Joe Biden’s figure on unvaccinated COVID-19 deaths *   By Sofia Ahmed • August 30, 2024 *   By Loreben Tuquero • August 30, 2024 *  if your house goes up in value you will have to pay that Tax Even if you don’t sell your House!”   By Sara Swann • August 30, 2024 *   By Madison Czopek • August 30, 2024 *   By Louis Jacobson • August 30, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization     * Facebook * TikTok * FactCheck On the Air * Mailbag FactCheck Posts › SciCheck # Posts Distort Misleading Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data By Catalina Jaramillo Posted on October 28, 2022 This article is available in both English and Español English Español * * * * * ## SciCheck Digest A rigorous vaccine safety monitoring system has shown that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and only rarely have serious side effects. But an article shared on social media falsely says that CDC data show more than 18 million people “were injured so badly” by a Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “that they had to go to the hospital.”  How do we know vaccines are safe? How do we know vaccines are safe? * * * * * * * * * * No vaccine or medical product is 100% safe, but the safety of vaccines is ensured via rigorous testing in clinical trials prior to authorization or approval, followed by continued safety monitoring once the vaccine is rolled out to the public to detect potential rare side effects. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration inspects vaccine production facilities and reviews manufacturing protocols to make sure vaccine doses are of high-quality and free of contaminants. One key vaccine safety surveillance program is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, which is an early warning system run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and FDA. As its website explains, VAERS “is not designed to detect if a vaccine caused an adverse event, but it can identify unusual or unexpected patterns of reporting that might indicate possible safety problems requiring a closer look.” Anyone can submit a report to VAERS for any health problem that occurs after an immunization. There is no screening or vetting of the report and no attempt to determine if the vaccine was responsible for the problem. The information is still valuable because it’s a way of being quickly alerted to a potential safety issue with a vaccine, which can then be followed-up by government scientists. Another monitoring system is the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink, which uses electronic health data from nine health care organizations in the U.S. to identify adverse events related to vaccination in near real time. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, randomized controlled trials involving tens of thousands of people, which were reviewed by multiple groups of experts, revealed no serious safety issues and showed that the benefits outweigh the risks. The CDC and FDA vaccine safety monitoring systems, which were expanded for the COVID-19 vaccines and also include a new smartphone-based reporting tool called v-safe, have subsequently identified only a few, very rare adverse events. For more, see “How safe are the vaccines?” Link to this  How can I report a potential vaccine safety issue? How can I report a potential vaccine safety issue? * * * * * * * * * * The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration have multiple surveillance systems for ensuring vaccine safety. If a health issue occurs after vaccination, people are encouraged to submit information to one of these systems, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Experts do analysis and comb through the submissions to identify and follow-up on adverse reactions that might be due to vaccines. A report does not necessarily mean a vaccine caused the event. For some new vaccines, the CDC may also initially use a tool called v-safe, which was first used for the COVID-19 vaccines. If v-safe is available, a person enrolled in the program is asked via text message or email how they are feeling at various times after being vaccinated. Link to this ## Full Story Over 632 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in the United States, under what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls “the most intense safety monitoring program” in the country’s history. After receiving a vaccine, many people experience mild to moderate symptoms, such as headache, fatigue, fever or pain at the injection site. But these side effects go away in a couple of days and are not considered a safety concern, but rather a sign that the vaccine is working. Side effects that require medical attention can also occur, but they are the exception.  range from 1-3% (depending on vaccine, age group and dose). V-safe data have shown low rates of medical care after vaccination, particularly hospitalization.” Over 10 million v-safe users have completed 146 million health surveys, the CDC told us. “V-safe is not designed to identify causal relationships between vaccines and adverse events,” Dr. Edward Belongia, director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health at the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute and an expert in vaccine safety, told us in a phone interview. V-safe is a vaccine surveillance program that uses text messages and online surveys to monitor people’s health after getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Every day for a week after each dose of a vaccine, participants who voluntarily opt into the program get messages in which they are asked how they feel that day. They are also asked to report certain symptoms from a pre-populated list, including chills, headache and nausea, or something not listed; and about any health impacts, such as being unable to work, unable to do daily activities, or having to get medical attention. Follow-up texts are sent once a week for the following six weeks and at three, six and 12 months after vaccination. V-safe users are not directed to only report symptoms or health impacts they believe are connected to the shots.  reported an emergency room visit or hospitalization. Again, even those medical care visits are not necessarily caused by the vaccine and could be coincidental. ## ICAN’s Misleading Analysis Informed Consent Action Network is a Texas-based group founded by Del Bigtree, an anti-vaccination activist. The group has filed several vaccine-related lawsuits against the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health. ICAN sued the CDC in December 2021, and again in May 2022, following FOIA requests to obtain all data submitted to v-safe since Jan. 1, 2020. The v-safe program only started after the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized in December 2020. In August, the CDC agreed to publish on its website the data collected from more than 10 million v-safe participants by Sept. 30. The database would cover reports submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 31, 2022, and would omit any personal identifiers. The agency told Reuters “technical and administrative” issues prevented it from publishing the data on time. Instead, the CDC handed the data directly to ICAN, which published its own analysis on Oct. 3. On its website, ICAN does not explain the methods used for its analysis. But it mentions the data are limited to the 10 million v-safe users and to the pre-populated fields checked by them, not the information users can add in text boxes. According to the group’s dashboard, the data are drawn from check- ins that occurred up to a year after a vaccine dose. The group also published five downloadable files with raw v-safe data. reached out to Aaron Siri and other representatives of Siri & Glimstad, who filed the FOIA litigation for ICAN, but we didn’t hear back from them. We also tried to access the raw data presented, but we couldn’t open the biggest file containing information regarding the health check-ins. We were able to access one of the files containing symptoms and health impacts, which included 116,294 reports. Out of these reports, 1,046, or 0.9%, were reports of receiving medical care of any kind, and this included multiple reports from the same person over time. Out of those, only seven were for hospitalizations, two of which were for the same person on two consecutive days. Belongia, the vaccine safety expert, told us the numbers provided by ICAN, including the more than 780,000 users who reported requiring medical care of any kind, are “uninterpetable.” “We don’t know what the background rate in the population is from v-safe. What would that number have been in a group of people who hadn’t gotten the vaccine?” he said. Since health problems, including hospitalizations, occur in the population every day, it’s not uncommon for them to happen after vaccination for reasons unrelated to the vaccine. That’s why it’s important to see if a particular event is happening more frequently after vaccination, which could indicate an issue. The analysis doesn’t mention how long after vaccination a user required medical attention, but included responses up to a year after vaccination, which could explain the difference between ICAN’s numbers and the CDC’s published data. Siri told Reuters that ICAN thought it was important to look beyond one week, since some potential vaccine-related side effects could appear weeks after vaccination. But most side effects occur soon after vaccination, so including longer intervals would include more events that are unrelated to the vaccine. A user may have gone to a doctor for a completely different reason six months after a vaccine, and, if following v-safe instructions properly, would report it to the system. That user would get a follow-up call from v-safe, for the agency to get more information. But as we said, v-safe doesn’t have the ability to know if any particular event, including a hospitalization, was caused by the vaccine or not. “And so in order to answer questions like that, in terms of relative risk, you need something like the Vaccine Safety DataLink or VSD, which uses medical records from millions of people around the country, and immunization records to implement scientifically valid studies to determine if there’s an elevated risk after vaccination for particular adverse events,” Belongia said, referring to a network of nine integrated health care organizations, including his, that conducts active vaccine safety surveillance. “What we’re actually seeing in the data is the exact opposite of what is being suggested by groups like ICAN — these vaccines are very safe. With, you know, a few very rare known exceptions,” Belongia said. “But overall, it’s very clear that the benefits of the vaccines greatly outweigh the risks.” Editor’s note: SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The foundation has no control over’s editorial decisions, and the views expressed in our articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the foundation. The goal of the project is to increase exposure to accurate information about COVID-19 and vaccines, while decreasing the impact of misinformation. ## Sources COVID Data Tracker. CDC. Accessed 27 Oct 2022. Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination. CDC. Updated 24 Oct 2022. Accessed 27 Oct 2022. V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker. CDC. Updated 18 Jul 2022. Accessed 27 Oct 2022. Sparber, Sami. “Texas-based anti-vaccine group received federal bailout funds in May as pandemic raged.” The Texas Tribune. 18 Jan 2021. “BREAKING NEWS: ICAN OBTAINS CDC V-SAFE DATA.” ICAN. 3 Oct 2022. Rosenblum, Hannah G., et al. “Safety of mRNA vaccines administered during the initial 6 months of the US COVID-19 vaccination programme: an observational study of reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and v-safe.” Lancet Infectious Diseases. 22 Jun 2022. Belongia, Edward. Director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health at the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute. Phone interview with 27 Oct 2022 “Share your COVID-19 vaccination experience with v-safe.” CDC. You Tube. 21 Mar 2021. COVID-19 Vaccine Reporting Systems. CDC. Accessed 27 Oct 2022. Michelle Gomez, Amanda. “V-Safe: How Everyday People Help the CDC Track Covid Vaccine Safety With Their Phones.” KHN. 7 Sep 2021. Hause, Anne M., et al. “Safety Monitoring of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Doses Among Children Aged 5–11 Years — United States, May 17–July 31, 2022.” MMWR. 19 Aug 2022. Hause, Anne M., et al. “Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Second Booster Doses Among Adults Aged ≥50 Years — United States, March 29, 2022–July 10, 2022.” MMWR. 29 Jul 2022. Hause, Anne M., et al. “Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Doses Among Adults — United States, September 22, 2021–February 6, 2022.” MMWR. 18 Feb 2022. Hause, Anne M., et al. “Reactogenicity of Simultaneous COVID-19 mRNA Booster and Influenza Vaccination in the US.” JAMA Network Open. 18 Feb 2022. 1 Jul 2022. ACIP Meeting Information. CDC. Accessed 27 Oct 2022. CDC COVID-19 Response Team; Food and Drug Administration. “Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis After Receipt of the First Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, December 14–23, 2020.” MMWR. 15 Jan 2021. Greene, Jenna. “New data is out on COVID vaccine injury claims. What’s to make of it?” Reuters. 12 Oct 2022. Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). CDC. Accessed 27 Oct 2022. Sharan, Martha. CDC Media Relations. Email to 25 Oct 2022. * Categories * FactCheck Posts * SciCheck * Issue * COVID-19 * COVID-19 vaccination * v-safe * vaccine safety * People * Del Bigtree * Informed Consent Action Network * Misconceptions * Distortions of Science * Safety Previous StoryFlu Vaccines Given to Prevent Disease, Not Just to Support Pandemic Vaccine Manufacturing Next StoryViral Video Spouts Baseless Claim About Early Voting in Arizona Ask SciCheck Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment? A: Like all energy sources, wind farms have some negative environmental impacts. But getting energy from wind farms results in dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions than getting it from fossil fuels. Read the full question and answer View the Ask SciCheck archives Have a question? Ask us. Donate Now Because facts matter.  ##### SciCheck ###### Fact-checking science-based claims.  ##### Facebook Initiative ###### Debunking viral claims.  ##### Viral Spiral ###### Don’t get spun by internet rumors.  ##### Mailbag ###### Letters from our readers.   * Candidate Biography * Florida * Jeb Bush   Ronald Reagan.”   By Louis Jacobson • September 24, 2024 * Co-sponsored bills: There were 74 bills that became law that Clinton co-sponsored. For example, she was one of 54 cosponsors on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, signed in January 2009 by President Barack Obama. (The fact that she co-sponsored these bills doesn’t tell us much about her role in their passage, but Bush referred to bills that \"she has her name\" on, so it’s worth noting those she co-sponsored.) * She co-sponsored one version but another version passed: For example, she co-sponsored S.1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in January 2009 while the version that passed was H.R. 1. * Sponsored amendments: She put forward amendments that influenced laws sponsored by others. She sponsored three amendments on a bill for security and disaster funding. The amendments passed in 2007 and the bill passed in 2008. Two experts who study Congress -- Norman Ornstein, a scholar at American Enterprise Institute, and Sarah Binder, a political science professor at George Washington University and Brookings Institution scholar -- said that the number of sponsored or co-sponsored bills signed into law isn’t a thorough measure of effectiveness or productivity for a member of the Senate. \"Offering amendments on the floor, holding hearings, contributing to oversight, helping to negotiate agreements, pushing federal agencies to be responsive to constituents back home -- all of these might contribute to making a senator ‘effective,’ but none of these endeavors of course would show up in a count of bills sponsored or passed or enacted,\" Binder said. As for Bush’s claim about the number of laws \"she has her name on,\" Binder said that it’s fair game to also look at the number of bills Clinton co- sponsored. \"Because ‘have her name on’ is so vague, I don\'t see the grounds on which to exclude co-sponsored bills,\" she said. Ornstein said that the names that go on bills of any real significance are the committee chairs -- for example the Dodd-Frank 2010 banking reform bill. Sen. Chris Dodd and U.S. Rep. Barney Frank were the major figures behind the law, but other senators also had roles and don’t have their names on the bill. Meanwhile, the Affordable Care Act \"does not have Al Franken\'s name on it, but a really important provision, the medical-loss ratio, was his handiwork,\" Ornstein said. \"Effectiveness can be a behind-the-scenes role, adding a serious amendment, working inside to get the language exactly right. By any reasonable standard, including the private comments of her colleagues on both sides of the aisle when she was in the Senate, she was very effective.\" Our ruling Bush said that as a senator, Clinton had her name \"on three laws in eight years.\" Bush used vague language here, so it’s fair game to look at the three sponsored bills and the 74 co-sponsored ones that passed. Also, congressional experts warn that legislative influence goes beyond having your name as a sponsor or co-sponsor. Senators weigh in with amendments, debate and negotiations. The statement is partially accurate, but leaves out important details so we rate this claim Half True. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Fox News, Sean Hannity interview with Jeb Bush and clip about Hillary Clinton’s laws, June 16, 2015, Search of bills sponsored and co-sponsored by Sen. Hillary Clinton, January 2001-January 2009, \"Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,\" July 21, 2010, H.R. 2638, Sept. 30, 2008, SA 2474 SA 2438 SA 2390, July 25-26, 2007 U.S. Library of Congress, S. 1828 Influenza Vaccine Security Act of 2005, Introduced Oct. 6, 2005 U.S. Library of Congress, S. 1283 Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2005, Introduced June 21, 2005 U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, Press release about Tricare, Sept. 29, 2006 The Hill, \"Jeb knocks Hillary’s record in the Senate and at State,\" June 16, 2015 USA Today, \"Can Hillary be elected commander in chief?,\" July 18, 2005 Niagara Falls Reporter, \"Mountain views: Principi Hero behind BRAC process,\" Aug. 30, 2005 Houston Chronicle, \"Career switch imperils teacher’s social security,\" May 2, 2002 PolitiFact, \"Clinton’s work has been low profile,\" Jan. 7, 2008 PolitiFact Fact Sheet, \"Clinton. Obama. Their bills,\" March 28, 2008 PolitiFact, \"Dan Sullivan says Sen. Mark Begich has only passed one law,\" Sept. 22, 2014 PolitiFact, \"How many bills has Ted Cruz passed in the Senate? 1,\" March 29, 2015 PolitiFact Florida, \"Group says Connie Mack has passed only one bill in Congress in seven years,\" Aug. 6, 2012 Interview, Matt Gorman, Jeb Bush campaign spokesman, June 17, 2015 Interview, Joshua Schwerin, Hillary Clinton campaign spokeswoman, June 17, 2015 Interview, Sarah Binder, political science professor at George Washington University and Brookings Institute scholar, June 17, 2015 Interview, Norman Ornstein, scholar at American Enterprise Institute, June 17, 2015 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Amy Sherman slide 4 to 6 of 15   By Amy Sherman • August 7, 2024   By Amy Sherman • July 30, 2024   By Maria Briceño • September 27, 2024   By Amy Sherman • September 26, 2024   By Amy Sherman • September 4, 2024   By Samantha Putterman • August 29, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 20, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 16, 2024   Instagram posts stated on August 2, 2024 in a video: In Pompano Beach, Florida, Somali immigrants illegally in the U.S. were in line to get driver’s licenses and “all you need to vote is a driver\'s license.”   By Amy Sherman • August 7, 2024   By Amy Sherman • July 30, 2024   By Maria Briceño • September 27, 2024   By Amy Sherman • September 26, 2024 ### Did Hillary Clinton have her name on only three laws in eight years as Jeb Bush says? *   By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 30, 2024 *  responding to someone talking through her earrings that she allegedly wore during the Trump vs. Harris debate.”   By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 30, 2024 *   By Caleb McCullough • September 30, 2024 *   By Sofia Ahmed • September 30, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization   The resolution he’s talking about was authored by State Rep. Mark Finchem. Trump, who has endorsed Finchem as a candidate for Arizona secretary of state, declared the resolution \"big news in Arizona!\" But it’s just wishful thinking by people who see political gain in rehashing the falsehood that Biden’s victory was the result of voter fraud. People should ignore claims from anyone about the prospect of undoing the 2020 results, says Chris Krebs, the former federal cybersecurity official who declared the 2020 presidential election \"the most secure in American history\" before being fired by Trump. \"There is no mechanism for such a thing under the law,\" Krebs tweeted in September. \"Here’s the thing: you’re the mark. They want your money, they want your rage, they want you turning out, protesting, & threatening officials. You’re a pawn. Nothing more.\" Recycled false claims and allegations Finchem’s resolution recycles claims about voter fraud that have been debunked by fact-checkers and elections officials. And it revives allegations of fraud and probable cause of criminal wrongdoing that investigations have dismissed. The resolution calls for setting aside the results in Pima, Maricopa and Yuma counties because Finchem said he believes the election there was \"irredeemably flawed,\" which prevented \"the declaration of a clear winner.\" Biden won Pima and Maricopa while Trump won Yuma. Finchem acknowledged in a press release about his resolution that there is no process under current law to decertify the election. But he said that doesn’t mean the Legislature can’t \"provide a remedy for outcome-determinative fraud and illegality in the conduct of the election.\" #### Featured Fact-check   Instagram posts stated on August 11, 2024 in an Instagram post Craigslist ad shows “every single person” at Kamala Harris’ Arizona rally was paid.   By Sofia Ahmed • August 13, 2024 No power to decertify Rick Hasen, an election law professor at University of California, Irvine, called Finchem’s argument \"nonsense.\" \"This argument is not legally sound,\" Hasen said. \"The Arizona legislature had the right under Article 2 of the Constitution to set the manner for choosing presidential electors. It gave that right to Arizona’s voters, with no power to ‘decertify’ the results afterwards — whatever that means.\" After counties canvassed the results weeks after Election Day, Arizona state officials certified the results on Nov. 30, 2020, showing that Joe Biden won Arizona by about 10,500 votes. The electors cast their ballots for Biden on Dec. 14, 2020, and Congress accepted the results Jan. 6, 2021. The Legislature can’t disregard the results of the votes cast by electors, said Paul Bender, an Arizona State University law professor. \"I would not take Finchem\'s assertions seriously,\" he said. Arizona state House Speaker Rusty Bowers, a Republican, called the bill \"obviously unconstitutional and profoundly unwise\" – a sign that it won’t go anywhere. Our ruling An article shared on Facebook says an Arizona House resolution proposing to \"decertify\" the 2020 results in three counties \"could effectively recall the Biden electors.\" The post refers to a resolution by Finchem, a state legislator who has called for decertifying the results of the 2020 presidential election in Pima, Maricopa and Yuma counties. The resolution won’t change anything about the 2020 election. Arizona certified the results in November 2020, the electors cast their ballots in December and those results were accepted by Congress in January 2021. The Constitution lays out the process for certifying the election, and that process is over. We rate this statement Pants on Fire. _RELATED_: What you need to know about the fake Trump electors _RELATED_ : The distorted claim that 86,391 voters in Maricopa ‘don’t appear to exist’ #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources David J Harris Jr., Facebook post, Feb. 8, 2022 DJHJ Media, Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem Introduces Resolution To SET ASIDE & DECERTIFY Three 2020 County Elections, Feb. 8, 2022 Save America PAC, Statement, Feb. 7, 2022 Arizona Republic, House speaker: Finchem\'s bill to set aside 2020 presidential results \'profoundly unwise\' Feb. 7, 2022 Arizona Republic, Arizona secretary of state certifies election results with Biden winning state\'s 11 electoral votes, Nov. 30, 2020 Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem, Press release, Feb. 7, 2022 U.S. Rep Liz Cheney, WSJ: (Cheney) \"The Jan. 6 Committee Won’t Be Intimidated\" Feb. 10, 2022 Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, 2020 General Election County Canvass Returns, November 2020 Chris Krebs, former director of CISA and Partner, Krebs Stamos Group, Tweet, Sept. 24, 2021 Dispatch, Arizona Bill Peddles Debunked Election Fraud Claims, Feb. 8, 2022 AP, Fact-check: Pro-Trump auditors spin election falsehoods, Sept. 24, 2021 Washington Post The Fact Checker, Rebutting Trump’s claims about fraud in Arizona, point by point, Sept. 24, 2021 Maricopa County, Correcting the record, January 2022 Email interview, David J Harris, Feb. 10, 2022 Email interview, Rebecca Green, William & Mary law professor, Feb. 10, 2022 Email interview, Rick Hasen, University of California, Irvine, law professor, Feb. 10, 2022 Email interview, Paul Bender, Arizona State University law professor, Feb. 10, 2022 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Amy Sherman   By Amy Sherman • July 2, 2024   By Samantha Putterman • August 29, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 20, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 16, 2024   Instagram posts stated on August 2, 2024 in a video: In Pompano Beach, Florida, Somali immigrants illegally in the U.S. were in line to get driver’s licenses and “all you need to vote is a driver\'s license.”   By Amy Sherman • August 7, 2024   By Amy Sherman • July 30, 2024   Instagram posts stated on July 22, 2024 in an Instagram post: There are nine states “where Biden’s name can’t be removed and no one can be added. That’s over 130 electoral votes in the toilet.”  Vance said he would have carried out Trump\'s plan to overturn the 2020 election.\"   By Amy Sherman • July 18, 2024   By Amy Sherman • July 2, 2024   By Samantha Putterman • August 29, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 20, 2024 ### GOP lawmaker’s proposal to decertify Arizona election won’t change anything about 2020 *   By Sofia Ahmed • August 30, 2024 *   By Loreben Tuquero • August 30, 2024 *  if your house goes up in value you will have to pay that Tax Even if you don’t sell your House!”   By Sara Swann • August 30, 2024 *   By Madison Czopek • August 30, 2024 *   By Louis Jacobson • August 30, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization  Search for... * About * Contact * Advertise Search for... W.A.  Search for... * About * Contact * Advertise Search for... You are in: Home Page > Technology > **Alexandre de Moraes sent Anatel shuts down internet in Brazil #rumor** # Alexandre de Moraes told Anatel to turn off the internet in Brazil #rumor * Technology * 01/08/2023 * by Edgard Matsuki  Rumor – A CNN journalist has just reported that Minister Alexandre de Moraes just sent an extrajudicial notification to Anatel to disconnect the internet in Brazil today at 10pm. There is no shortage of false information on the internet about supposed decisions by minister Alexandre de Moraes. Amid protests by Bolsonarists in roads in the country, the latest story indicates that he had “broken the limits” to avoid the “largest demonstration in Brazil”. According to the message circulating online, Alexandre de Moraes sent the Anatel shuts down the internet in Brazil. The information would have been given by a CNN journalist. Read the message that circulates online, especially on networks social networks such as WhatsApp and Telegram: _ATTENTION PATRIOTS A CNN journalist has just reported the news. Alexander de Morais just sent an extrajudicial notification to Anatel that will be passed now to internet companies from 10:00 pm onwards Brazil's internet servers will be shut down to prevent it from being coordinated the largest demonstration in the history of Brazil this Wednesday (Urgent forwarding)_ ## Alexandre de Moraes ordered Anatel to turn off the internet in Brazil? Of course, many people were scared by the message and shared it. around. However, the story that points to the supposed action of Alexandre de Moraes is false. There is nothing about Anatel “turning off the internet in Brazil”. The information that circulates online (if it is very similar to other fake news recent ones like this, this and this) is not valid. There are a few reasons for this. THE first is the absence of news, which would be a “bomb” and become news in all media outlets, in any reliable source. In fact, not even the CNN (quoted in the text) reported the story. On the contrary, there is a denial of the broadcaster's website on the subject. The second is the absurdity of saying that Alexandre de Moraes would “notify extrajudicially.” As a member of the Judiciary, he does not “extrajudicial notification” (this is a lawyer’s job). When someone from Judiciary informs someone is “judicial”. The third is the fact that Anatel itself has not commented on the subject. More than that: the message has been circulating since November 1st, 2022. Today is the 2nd and, as you can see, nothing has been turned off on the internet Brazilian. When analyzing the message, we saw that it follows the “basic package” of fake news online. It is vague, alarmist, has errors in Portuguese, asks for sharing and does not cite any reliable source that confirms the information. In other words: she doesn't it is only false and also if the “complete package” of false information. In short: the information indicating that Alexandre de Moraes sent the Anatel shuts down the internet in Brazil. The text is refuted for some reasons and It's just another rumor circulating online. Ps: This article is a suggestion from readers. 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Chile is in third place in the graphs that show the proportion of the total population that has received all prescribed doses and the total number of vaccination doses administered per 100 inhabitants. Proportion of the total population that has received all prescribed doses. Retrieved from Our World in Data. Total number of vaccination doses administered per 100 thousand inhabitants. Retrieved from Our World in Data. ## Conclusion Fast Check CL described as real the statement given by the President in the Public Account, since indeed, according to the graphs of Our World in Data, Chile is among the first three countries in the vaccination process.  Share: Copy LinkWhatsAppTwitterTelegramFacebookShare ### You Might Also Like  ### Gabriel Boric: “Looting is part of the fair and dignified social struggle”: #Fake __10/19/2021  ### José Antonio Kast: “If people do not receive good health, education or pensions, it is not the fault of the Constitution. 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We’re a team of independent fact checkers and campaigners who find, expose and counter the harm it does * Who we are * How we fact check * After we fact check * Our team * Contact us * Jobs * Funding * Independence * Impartiality * Feedback & corrections * FAQs * International networks * Search 1. The economy / 2. Jobs and work # Thérèse Coffey wrong to claim employment is up over the pandemic 11 April 2022 ##### What was claimed Over the past two years, employment is up. ##### Our verdict False. The number of people in employment fell by 580,000 and the employment rate (the proportion of people aged 16 to 64 who are in work) fell by 1 percentage point between the three months to February 2020 and the three months to January 2022. ##### What was claimed Over the past two years, unemployment is down. ##### Our verdict Correct. It fell by 28,000 (0.1 percentage points) between the three months to February 2020 and the three months to January 2022. ##### What was claimed Over the past two years, there are 662,000 more people on company payrolls. ##### Our verdict Correct. ##### What was claimed Employees are earning more money than before the pandemic. ##### Our verdict Correct. Real-terms wages are up since before the pandemic, though have been broadly flat for around a year. See the action taken as a result of this fact check. __1 of 4 claims > “As we emerge from the pandemic, one of my key priorities is jobs, jobs, > jobs. And despite the challenges of the last two years, unemployment is down > and employment is up, and there are 662,000 more employees on company > payrolls and earning more money than before the pandemic.” > > Thérèse Coffey MP, 10 April 2022. In a video posted on Twitter by the Department for Work and Pensions, minister Thérèse Coffey claims that, despite the “challenges of the past two years”, unemployment is down, employment is up, and there are 662,000 more people on company payrolls. It’s wrong to claim that employment has increased. The number of people in employment actually fell by 580,000 between the three months to February 2020 and the three months to January 2022. In the same period, the employment rate (the proportion of people aged 16 to 64 who are in work) fell by 1 percentage point to 75.6%. While the number of employees has grown, the number of self-employed people has fallen by around 800,000. Suggesting that the employee figure (which has risen) is the total employment figure, masks this fall. Full Fact has repeatedly written about this false claim which has been made by Boris Johnson and other ministers. Mr Johnson in particular has presented data on the number of payrolled workers (employees) as the total number of people in work on several occasions. The Office for Statistics Regulation has written to the Prime Minister’s office saying “it was disappointing that some earlier statements continued to refer to payroll employment as if describing total employment, despite contact from our office and from others.” Of the other claims made in the video, it’s true that unemployment is down, having fallen by 28,000 (0.1 percentage points), between December 2019 to February 2020 and November 2021 to January 2022 (the latest data). The unemployment rate is the proportion of the labour force (those in work plus those seeking and available to work) who are unemployed. It’s also true that the number of people on company payrolls is up, rising by 662,000 (2.3%) between February 2020 and February 2022, as the video claims. Finally, employee average earnings, in real terms (adjusted for inflation) are also up compared to before the pandemic, though have been broadly flat for around a year. Image courtesy of Chris McAndrew ## We deserve better than bad information. After we published this fact check, we contacted Thérèse Coffey to request a correction regarding this claim. She did not issue a correction. ### It’s not good enough. Will you add your name for better standards in public debate? Yes, I’ll join the fight for good information * By Abbas Panjwani * Share this: * Twitter * Facebook ## Was this helpful? Full Fact fights for good, reliable information in the media, online, and in politics. Support Full Fact today ### Related fact checks * Inaccurate comparison of benefit fraud and tax losses recirculates on social media * ‘Basic state pension’ is not set to increase by ‘£400 or more’ over the next year * No evidence the government plans to ‘means test’ the state pension * There aren’t 1.6 million asylum seekers claiming benefits in the UK * Will state pension increases offset the impact of Winter Fuel Payment changes? * Did you find this fact check useful? * Yes No ## Full Fact fights bad information Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better. Get the information you need * Who we are * Funding and independence * Our impartiality * Feedback and corrections * Media enquiries * Twitter * Facebook * Instagram  Full Fact, 17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RR Full Fact is a registered charity (no. 1158683) and a non-profit company (no. 06975984) limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. © Copyright 2010-2024 Full Fact. Thanks to Bytemark for donating our web hosting. Privacy, terms and conditions. Full Fact uses cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Find out more about cookies. Okay | Employees are earning more money than before the pandemic | 146 |
IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience, visit our site at another browser. SKIP TO CONTENT * Telemundo * Series and Shows * News * Immigration * Entertainment * Sports * Horoscopes * Community * Live * Peacock Search Telemundo News Logo Presented by * DECISION 2024 *T Verify * PLAN YOUR VOTE * Immigration * Health * Crime and violence * Economy * INTERNATIONAL * Mexico * LATIN AMERICA Yes, Biden proposes a 40% income tax on home sales. But only for the richest * Share — * * * * Telemundo News Logo Search in Search Sections * DECISION 2024 * PLAN YOUR VOTE * IMMIGRATION * HEALTH * Crime and violence * ECONOMY * INTERNATIONAL * T VERIFY * MEXICO * LATIN AMERICA TV * today * NOON NEWS * NEWS 6:30PM * NEWS 11:35PM MORE FROM TELEMUNDO * Telemundo * Shows * ENTERTAINMENT * SPORTS * HOROSCOPES * The Power in You * LIVE Follow Telemundo News * * * Search in Search *Facebook * Twitter * Email * SMS * Print * WhatsApp * Reddit *Pocket *Flipboard * Pinterest * Linkedin US Elections 2020 # Yes, Biden proposes a 40% tax on profits from sales of houses. But only for the richest The information circulating on social networks that Biden will increase Capital gains tax is misleading. The candidate's proposal Democrat applies only to those who earn more than $1 million a year. The current rate for the richest is 20%. This video file cannot be played.(Error Code: 102630)  More than 60 million voters have already gone to the polls, a record early voting 02:17 Oct. 27, 2020, 12:15 AM GMT+5:30 / Updated Oct. 27, 2020, 7:41 AM GMT+5:30 / Source: Telemundo By Claire Savage - AFP Just before the presidential elections on November 3, it has circulated on social networks information about the candidate's tax proposal Democrat, Joe Biden, in which they assure that there will be a 40% cut in profits from Americans who sell their home. This statement is deceptive According to the plan of the former vice president and tax experts, the rate would only affect those who earn more than $1 million a year. \"Biden's Capital Gains Tax means that when you sell your house you will owe 40% taxes on your profits! Let that be asimile\", reads a Facebook post dated October 16, 2020. Similar messages have been circulating on Facebook. Here you can see some of them and here other publications. Capital gains tax is charged when an individual or company couple sells an asset, such as a house, for more money than they bought it for. Biden's tax proposal, available on the campaign website, says that if elected president, the Democrat would restore 39.6% of the higher individual income rate and would get rid of \"wickets Capital Gains Tax Laws for the Super Rich,\" says. \"Biden will ensure that those who earn more than $1 million will pay the maximum capital gains rate, doubling the tax rate of capital gains of the super rich\", says the portal. Kent Smetters, professor of business economics and public policy at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, told AFP that the claim that circulates on social networks is \"incorrect\". [This is what Trump and Biden propose to win the presidency] The Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM), an economic analysis project led by Smetters, published a report on October 20 that explains How capital gains taxes work and who is involved would be affected by the policies of Biden and President Trump. Under current law, homeowners in the United States are exempt from capital gains tax if they earn earnings less than $250,000 ($500,000 for married couples) in the sale of your house. Certain rules apply to qualify for this exemption, such as having used the home as your primary residence for at least least two years. According to Biden's plan, sellers would only pay 39.6% taxes on the profits obtained from the sale if they make more than a million dollars annually in taxable income, according to the report. PWBM director of policy analysis Richard Prisinzano said that anyone who earns less than that amount (or who has owned the house for less than a year before selling) “wouldn't see any difference in your tax liability for the sale of a house\". Capital gains are mainly made in the upper echelon of income. The current capital gains tax rate for the step of highest income - $441,450 for singles and $496,600 for couples - is 20%, half of what Biden proposes, says the report PWBM. [Follow our complete coverage of the presidential elections] The Trump Administration is seeking to reduce that rate to 15%. The analysis from PWBM on Trump's tax proposals is available here. The American Enterprise Institute public policy research group (AEI) also said in its analysis that Biden would tax capital gains \"as ordinary income for taxpayers who report 1 million dollars or more\". Overall, AEI found that "in 2021, Biden's proposals would increase taxes, on average, for the 5% of households with the highest incomes and would reduce taxes for 95% of households with the lowest purchasing power\", and estimated that Biden's proposals would result in a small reduction in Long-term GDP. AFP has verified other claims that have been made about the tax plan of Biden. You can read them here. The translation of this article was carried out by Daniela Nougues thanks to the FactChat agreement, coordinated by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) with the support of WhatsApp. The objective of the project is to better information in Spanish during the US presidential elections in 2020. You can receive this and other political checks directly on WhatsApp by clicking here or by registering the number +1 727-477-2212 and writing \"Hello\" in the first message. 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You are in: Home Page > Brazil > **Stations must return tax federal fuel bill charged on invoice #rumor** # Stations must return federal fuel tax charged on the invoice tax #rumor * Brazil * 05/23/2022 * by Edgard Matsuki  Rumor – Video shows that federal tax on fuels (such as gasoline) charged on the invoice must be returned. Man filled R$150 and received R$ 37.50 back. It is not new that the fuel price agenda generates fake news in the Internet. One of the biggest confusions is related to the taxes charged (something which was exaggerated by statements from the President of the Republic himself). And the case of today's story. A video of a man has gone viral on the internet in recent days. In the report, he claims to have managed to get a refund of the “federal taxes” charged on the note supply tax. His explanation is that “the government zeroed the tax federal fuel bill” and that the value that appeared on the invoice was “illegal” and should be returned. Read some of the messages circulating online and also the transcription of the video (which we will not include here): Version 1: _ATTENTION!!! FEDERAL FUEL TAX IS EXEMPT. ASK FOR NOTE TAX, IF YOU HAVE BEEN CHARGED ASK FOR A REFUND OF THE VALUE!!!_ Version 2: _Attention, my people. The stations are charging the federal tax that Bolsonaro zeroed. Complain and ask for your money back!_ Version 3: _When filling up your vehicle and if you verify the collection of Federal Tax on the Tax Coupon, DEMAND from the tax office fuels the immediate return of this amount in cash because the Federal Government ZEROED your charge! If they didn't return it, call the police!_ Transcription:_Good afternoon everyone. everyone who refuels there: I refueled 150 They charged 37.50 I asked for the invoice because I saw a report yesterday I I thought it was bullshit. I asked the guy why they are charging Federal tax if the government exempted generated the Federal tax. At the time I I said I was going to call the police, the guy gave me back 37.50. Stay smart okay? Fuel up, ask for an invoice, it’s our right. 37.50 returned to me, I'm going fill everything with fuel, scoundrel._ ## Stations must return federal fuel tax charged on the invoice tax? In times of rising prices for gasoline, ethanol and diesel, there was no shortage of on the internet, people were sharing this video (which also has the function of “valuing” Bolsonaro for having “zeroed” taxes). It's a shame that the tip in question is wrong and it is not true that all “taxes have been zeroed”. In In reality, the story that is circulating has already been denied on in March 2021. As the denial of the time is almost entirely valid today, remember what was written. _In addition, several stories involving tips about invoices are circulating on the internet. The team has already denied many of them, like the one that said that asking for the invoice at gas stations could help reduce the price of gasoline and also the one that indicated that the lack of invoice could guarantee free toll for the driver._ _Well, we looked for more information and, just like in other cases, This is a huge mess. There is no current law or rule that oblige gas stations to return the amount of federal tax about gasoline._ _This whole story, most likely, came about after a decree from the president Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. In mid-February 2021, Bolsonaro announced which would eliminate, for two months, the federal tax on diesel and, permanently, on the cooking gas. The measure was taken to compensate for the readjust the value of fuel and gain time to think of a solution final decision regarding the collection of taxes on fuels._ _In the video that accompanies the publication, you can see the invoice presented by man that the fuel supplied was ethanol (and not diesel). As can be seen in the federal government's announcement, taxes on ethanol were not reset (as well as gasoline)._ _We believe that one of the following possibilities occurred: either the gas station attendant who answered the man felt intimidated by the police threat (which the man himself man claims to have done) and ended up returning the money or the man who appears in the video he told a huge lie to people on the internet._ It is worth pointing out that, now in 2022, the tax collection rule continues Worth saying: gas stations should not return anything. It's important also emphasize that, after our verification, the owner of the post mentioned in the video denied the return. In short: the video that is circulating in 2022 and points to the return of fuel charging is, in reality, from 2021 and was already denied at the time here on and on other checking sites. Since then, almost nothing changed (only the price increased a lot). Ps.: This article is a suggestion from readers. If you want suggest a topic to, get in touch with us via the website, Facebook and WhatsApp on phone (61) 99458-8494. – Follow us on Facebook | ---|--- – Follow us on Twitter | – Follow us on Youtube | – Follow us on Instagram | – WhatsApp group | – List on Telegram | – Follow us on TikTok | – Follow us on Kwai | * WhatsApp *Tweet * Telegram * Email Tags:ClassicGasoline * Latest news * About * Contact * Advertise * Privacy Policy * Sitemap Partners     Follow us Facebook | ---|--- Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | WhatsApp | Telegram | TikTok | Kwai | Free Counters Categories * Brazil * Science *English * Entertainment * Sport * Fast-Checking * List * World * Opinion * Politics * Religion * Health * Technology Snow | Powered by WordPress * Latest news * About * Contact * Advertise * Privacy Policy * Sitemap Partners     Follow us Facebook | ---|--- Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | WhatsApp | Telegram | TikTok | Kwai | Free Counters Categories * Brazil * Science *English * Entertainment * Sport * Fast-Checking * List * World * Opinion * Politics * Religion * Health * Technology Snow | Powered by WordPress  *About   ## Incorrect calculations # The Earth, round, is located 150 million km from the Sun Published on 22.5.2023, 14:15 (CEST) There have always been many theories circulating about the fact that Earth would be flat. However, since Antiquity, it has been demonstrated to many times that our planet is indeed round. The surface of the Earth would be flat and the Sun would not be 150 millions of kilometers from our planet. In any case, this is what one says. post on Facebook. This is accompanied by a video showing various images of sun rays, sometimes taken below the clouds, and sometimes above. This compilation could suggest that the Sun does not would not be located as far from us as is presented by the figures official, and that its rays would not be parallel. But what about really ? ## Assessment These claims are false. The Earth, which is very round, revolves around the Sun at a distance of about 150 million kilometers. This state of things has been scientifically demonstrated on several occasions. The fact that the Sun rays sometimes do not appear parallel to each other is due to from the perspective of the observer on Earth. ## Facts The Sun is a large ball of hydrogen and helium that is held together by its own gravity. It’s thanks to this star, 4.5 billion years old years, that life on Earth is possible. Numerous observations and calculations carried out in particular by the Space Agency European Union (ESA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have proven that the Earth rotates not only around the Sun, but also that the latter is located at a distance average distance of 150 million kilometers from our planet. The Sun However, it remains the closest star to Earth. Twilight rays However, some people question this consensus. For them, if the Sun was really located that far away, its rays should be parallel to each other to others once they are visible from Earth. However, this is not really what is observed in the different images shown in the video posted on Facebook. But this can be explained by another scientific phenomenon known. In reality, twilight rays (aka rays of the sun) give the impression of coming from a single point in the sky. They form a diverging light line interspersed with dark areas. These zones correspond to the obstacles that the rays encounter on their paths such as clouds or even mountains. The bright areas, for their part, betray the reflection of sunlight on suspended particles (dust, aerosols, drops of water, etc.) in the atmosphere. When these rays twilights do not encounter any obstacle in their path, they are broadcast in all directions and we don't even notice them. Twilight rays are only visible once they have passed through the clouds. And, contrary to what it appears in the video, all these rays are indeed parallel. It is precisely because the Sun is so far away that we we have the impression that all its rays come from the same direction. This is what called the parallax effect. What we observe from Earth can change depending on where you are. At sunrise and sunset, the Sun is closest to the horizon. There Sunlight will therefore pass through many more atmospheric molecules. The sky will thus display different shades of color depending on the angle of the Sun relative to the Earth. This is what we call the Rayleigh scattering. This is when we will see the colors in the longest waves: red and orange. The Earth is round Theories have always circulated on the idea that the Earth is flat. But the roundness of it has been proven and demonstrated to many times. The dpa has already looked into the subject before (notably here, here or here). The fact that the horizon appears flat, no matter where you are on the Earth, actually depends on how tall a person is relative to it. The smaller the latter, the flatter the horizon appears. The only solution is therefore to gain a lot of height because this horizon line (which is not purely visual) depends on the height at which the eye of the person who observes. Gravity, the force by which a planet or body attracts objects towards its center, also allows us to demonstrate that the Earth is round. The mass gravitational force, located at the center of the Earth, ensures that we do not let's not fly away and keep our feet on Earth. Gravity is the same for all. “This phenomenon is only made possible by a spherical shape; a flat Earth would not correspond to an attraction towards the ground but on the sides in order to make all the masses converge towards the same center gravitational,” explains an article in National Geographic. Time zones also allow us to highlight the roundness of the Earth: if the Earth were not round, it would not rotate on its axis. It would therefore be impossible to explain the different exposures of the sun at the same times of day in different places around the world. The Earth is therefore very round. (Situation as of 05/22/2023) ## Links Facebook post (archived version, archived video) NASA about the Sun (archived version) ESA about the Sun (archived version) WMO about the Sun (archived version) Twilight rays (archived version) Parallax effect (archived version) Rayleigh broadcast (archived version) dpa fact checks I, II and III Gravity (archived version) National Geographic article (archived version) ### About dpa fact checks This fact check was written as part of the independent program of Facebook/Meta check. More information about this program can be found here. To learn more about how Facebook/Meta manages accounts that spread misinformation, click here. If you have any objections or comments, please send them to the address [email protected] including a link to the publication Facebook concerned (see the model to use here). For more information on how to submit a correction or to dispute a review, please refer to this page. powered by dpa-newslab | Imprint | Privacy | About: | The Earth is flat and the Sun is not located 150 million km from our planet | 149 |
Accessibility statementSkip to main content Democracy Dies in Darkness Sign in Advertisement clockThis article was published more than **6 years ago** Democracy Dies in Darkness fact checkerAboutArchive fact checkerAboutArchive # Trump’s false assertion that Canada claims to ‘make’ $100 billion in trade with the U.S. The president has harsh words about trade imbalances, but his numbers don\'t always add up. (Video: Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)  Analysis by Glenn Kessler June 12, 2018 at 3:00 a.m. EDT “Fair Trade is now to be called Fool Trade if it is not Reciprocal. According to a Canada release, they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with U.S. (guess they were bragging and got caught!). Minimum is 17B. Tax Dairy from us at 270%. Then Justin acts hurt when called out!”— President Trump, in a tweet, June 10, 2018 After more than 500 days in office, President Trump continues to demonstrate little understanding of the basics of trade and economics. He focuses on trade deficits, falsely claiming that the United States is “losing,” when virtually every mainstream economist would argue it is far more important to focus on overall trade and investment between nations. If overall trade increases between nations, people in each country generally gain, no matter the size of the trade deficit. (There are some exceptions.) Trade deficits are also affected by macroeconomic factors, such as the relative strength of currencies, economic growth rates, and savings and investment rates. By passing a large deficit-financed tax cut, Trump has made it harder to reduce trade deficits, if that were even important. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement On June 9, Trump upended the Group of Seven meeting of industrialized nations by refusing to support the final communique and lobbing insults at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Canada is one of the United States’ biggest trading partners, but Trudeau earned Trump’s ire by saying the nation has little choice but to retaliate against Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum. ✅ Follow Fact-checking politicians Follow Trudeau has been especially annoyed that Trump imposed the tariffs on “national security” grounds though the president, in one of his weekend tweets, appeared to suggest that was just a ruse. “Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!” he declared. There was a new number that caught our eye in this tweet — “According to a Canada release, they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with U.S. (guess they were bragging and got caught!).” Then Trump added: “minimum is 17B.” Advertisement Story continues below advertisement What is he talking about, and does it bear any relation to reality? ### The Facts First, we should note that, according to statistics issued by the U.S. government headed by Trump, the United States has a trade surplus with Canada. And before you write off those numbers as something concocted by the denizens of the deep state, Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers, in the 2018 annual report signed by Trump, agreed that was the case: “In 2016, the United States ran a trade surplus of $2.6 billion with Canada on a balance-of-payments basis,” the report said. Meanwhile, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative says the trade surplus with Canada was $8.4 billion in 2017, out of total trade between the two countries of nearly $674 billion. The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis says the surplus was $7.7 billion in 2016 and nearly $2.8 billion in 2017. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement The estimates are all slightly different, depending on how the data is collected and analyzed, but the consensus is that the United States is running a surplus. So why does Trump claim a deficit? He does not count trade in services, which include, among other things, telecommunications, accounting and legal services, and tourism. Services are increasingly a large part of U.S. trade and, in fact, it may be undercounted because economists have not figured out how to accurately measure digital trade, where the United States is the world leader. As the 2018 CEA report put it, which as we noted, was signed by Trump: “Focusing only on the trade in goods alone ignores the United States’ comparative advantage in services.” Story continues below advertisement But that’s what the president does. When he said the minimum was $17 billion, he is referring to a deficit in merchandise goods in 2017 between the United States and Canada, primarily because the United States imported a lot of oil from Canada — more than one-quarter of all Canadian exports. There’s also a big gap in timber, since Canada has about 9,000 trees per person. Advertisement The president frequently suggests the United States is losing money with these deficits, but countries do not “lose” money on trade deficits. A trade deficit simply means that people in one country are buying more goods from another country than people in the second country are buying from the first. In this case, Canada has items that the United States wants, such as oil and lumber. So where does the maximum of a $100 billion deficit come from? Apparently, this is a figure promoted by U.S. Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer, based on a misreading of statistics issued by the Canadian government on a website known as Statistics Canada. These statistics, indicating a $98 billion merchandise trade deficit, include re-exports of goods from third countries (such as a washing machine from China that passed through Vancouver’s port on the way to the United States), inflating the number. Story continues below advertisement Think of this way: Trump frequently complains about the trade deficit with China. That washing machine is recorded in that deficit. But now he’s counting the same washing machine as part of a trade deficit with Canada. Advertisement Statistics Canada includes a notice about why its data is different from how it is recorded in the United States, but now the Trump administration is exploiting those differences to make a rhetorical point. “When a government lies about its own statistics and another country’s statistics, then it is extraordinarily dangerous,” said Susan Aaronson, research professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University and author of several books on trade. Complicating matters, Canada calculates trade differently than the United States, so its official records show a goods and services trade surplus with the United States of about $20 billion. But Canadian officials rely on the U.S. numbers in talks with the United States, saying if the United States is complaining about a trade deficit — which Canada believes is unimportant — then U.S. data should be a baseline. Story continues below advertisement “Trade statistics might suffer from lack of consistency between countries, as they do not necessarily mirror, creating discrepancies which can result in misinformed policymaking,” noted Marta Bengoa, chief of the economics and business department at the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York. “This phenomenon is called bilateral trade asymmetries, and it is a source of concern for statisticians and economists.” Advertisement Emily K. Davis, a USTR spokeswoman, acknowledged that the $100 billion number came from Statistics Canada and pointed to language on USTR’s website also citing the Canadian figure and suggesting official U.S. statistics were not fully capturing trade flows. “It is likely that a measure of the U.S. trade deficit with Canada and Mexico excluding re-exports in all accounts would be somewhere in between the values calculated by the United States and by our country trading partners,” USTR says. That calculation does not appear to include trade in services, because this section only addresses trade in goods. The Fact Checker was surprised to see this language, and checking the WayBack Machine it appears it was added on March 23. This is like having your cake and eating it, too: USTR says at the beginning the United States has a trade surplus with Canada and then later on claims the official figure is suspect. In any case, even if one accepted the trade deficit were “somewhere in between” U.S. and Canadian values, then USTR is acknowledging Trump is incorrect, as the number would be well below $100 billion — or even $17 billion. Story continues below advertisement Trump’s tweet included a reference to the relatively high tariffs that Canada imposes to protect its dairy industry — long a sore point in U.S.-Canada trade relations. The Trans Pacific Partnership agreement negotiated by the Obama administration would have reduced those tariffs — and potentially may have led to far-reaching changes in Canada’s milk supply management system. But Trump pulled out of the TPP shortly after becoming president. Meanwhile, Canadians complain that the United States supports its own dairy industry with massive subsidies that are all but ignored in the trade debate. ### The Pinocchio Test Trump says the Canadians say they “make 100 billion dollars” off trade with the United States, but Canada makes no such claim. The $100 billion number was not discovered because the Canadians were caught “bragging” but because his staff concocted a number by misleadingly citing the Canadian statistical website. The facts are not on Trump’s side when it comes to complaining about a trade deficit with Canada, because there is a trade surplus — as admitted in even a report he signed. The president earns Four Pinocchios. ### Four Pinocchios (About our rating scale) Advertisement Story continues below advertisement Send us facts to check by filling out this form Keep tabs on Trump’s promises with our Trump Promise Tracker Sign up for The Fact Checker weekly newsletter Share the Facts 2018-06-12 12:25:21 UTC Washington Post  1 1 5  Washington Post Rating: Four Pinocchios \"According to a Canada release, they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with U.S. (guess they were bragging and got caught!).\" Donald Trump President  in a tweet Sunday, June 10, 2018 2018-06-10 Read More info Share   Sign up Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement © 1996-2024 The Washington Post * * © 1996-2024 The Washington Post | According to a Canada release they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with US guess they were bragging and got caught | 150 |
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DATA ROUNDUP English, Fake News # As per the newspaper reports, Rajamma is 72 years old, not 62 years old. 1 By Akhil Reddy on June 10, 2019 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit A post is being shared on Facebook with the claim that Rajamma Vavathil, the Kerala nurse who held Rahul Gandhi as a newborn, was a child when Rahul Gandhi was born. Let’s try to check the authenticity of the claim made in the post The archived version of the post can be found here. Claim: Rajamma is 62 years old now. So, she was just 13 years old when Rahul Gandhi was born. Fact: All the major newspapers reported the current age of Rajamma as 72 years, not 62 years. So, she was 23 years old, not 13 years old, when Rahul Gandhi was born. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE. When searched on Google with the keywords ‘Rajamma Rahul Gandhi’, newspaper articles on Rahul Gandhi meeting Rajamma can be found in the search results. According to various newspaper articles (The Hindu, India Today, Times of India), the current age of Rajamma is 72 years, not 62 years. Even the news agency PTI reported the same. Rahul Gandhi was born in 1970. So if her current age is 72 years, then she was 23 years old in 1970. The age of Rajamma was reduced by 10 years in the post to falsely claim that she was just 13 years old in 1970.  To sum it up, Rajamma is 72 years old, not 62 years old, as per the newspaper reports. _Did you watch our Facebook live on Fake News (Misinformation)_  Share. Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email __Previous Articleగుజరాత్ లో తీసిన పాత ఫోటో పెట్టి జగన్ అధికారంలో ఆంధ్ర సెక్రటేరియట్ అని తప్పుగా ప్రచారం చేస్తున్నారు. Next Article __ప్రైవేటు మెడికల్ కాలేజీలల్లో ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ, ఓబీసీ రిజర్వేషన్లను యోగీ ఆదిత్యనాథ్ రద్దు చేయలేదు. 2006 నుంచి అదే పాలసీ ఉంది. ### About Author . * ### Subscribe to our Newsletter Wisdom is nothing but Data Understood. Get a weekly roundup of stories covered by the Factly Team delivered to your email. We promise to never spam you. Leave this field empty if you\'re human: © 2014-2021 Factly Media & Research | Except for videos, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  Search My Profile Logout Submit a Rumor Latest Trending News & Politics Entertainment Fact Checks Quiz Sections Latest Trending Fact Checks News Collections More Contact Us Submit a Rumor Archives Quiz FactBot Newsletters About Us Categories News & Politics Entertainment Science & Technology Lifestyle Free accounts support our journalism Become a Member Login My Profile Logout  Snopes fact-checked the vice presidential debate live! Read more here  Fact Check # Did \'Captain America\' Movie Predict the Coronavirus Pandemic? ## Even in a movie involving time travel, calling this a \"prediction\" takes more than a small stretch of the imagination. ### Dan Evon ### Published June 11, 2020  Image courtesy of Social media screenshot Claim: The 2011 movie \"Captain America\" predicted the coronavirus pandemic. Rating: False About this rating In June 2020, a still shot from the 2011 movie \"Captain America\" started to circulate on social media along with the claim that the film had \"predicted\" the COVID-19 pandemic by featuring a billboard containing a visual representation of the new strain of coronavirus that causes the disease: :  in Times Square. We found a few other images taken in 2011 that give a much better view of this \"coronavirus\" billboard. In this photograph from Flickr photographer Jimmy Svensson, and this image from the French advertising website Lareclame, it\'s clear that this billboard actually features an advertisement for Barilla pasta. While we can\'t show you those images here for copyright reasons, you can view them on Flickr and Lareclame. We can give readers a glimpse of the general billboard design, which shows Barilla pasta in the shape of a firework: The movie \"Captain America\" did not predict the COVID-19 pandemic, but briefly showed a Barilla pasta ad in the background. Nine years later, social media users took a blurry screenshot of it and attempted to connect it to a global pandemic. Advertisement: We reached out to Barilla, and a spokesperson gave us the following statement, edited slightly for clarity: > \"This is definitely not the type of question we normally find ourselves in > the position of being asked ... Any potential reference to the current > global pandemic we find ourselves in would be purely coincidental. If the > Marvel Universe is able to predict the future, I sure hope I don\'t come > across any evil demigods who are intent on decimating the planet and the > universe.\" #### Sources On Location Vacations. \"‘Captain America’ Filming in Times Square Today!\" 23 April 2011. Jensen, Jeff. \"\'Captain America\': About that ending....\" Entertainment Weekly. 23 July 2011. \"Bonne Année, Bonne Plâtrée!\" 2011. ### By Dan Evon Dan Evon is a former writer for Snopes. ## Article Tags COVID-19 Recommendations Advertisement:  Company About Us FAQs Contact Us Submit a Topic Navigate Home Search Archive Newsletters Random Sections Latest Top Fact Checks News Account Join Login Game FactBot Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter © 1995 - 2024 by Snopes Media Group Inc. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Terms of Use Privacy Policy DMCA Policy | The 2011 movie Captain America predicted the coronavirus pandemic | 152 |
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The Poynter Institute Menu Donate State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin Issues * All Issues * Online hoaxes * Coronavirus * Health Care * Immigration * Extremism * Taxes * Marijuana * Environment * Crime * Guns * Foreign Policy * LGBTQ+ People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis Media * PunditFact * Tucker Carlson * Sean Hannity * Rachel Maddow * Bloggers * PolitiFact Videos Campaigns * 2024 Elections Truth-o-Meter * True * Mostly True * Half True * Mostly False * False * Pants on Fire Promises * Biden Promise Tracker * Trump-O-Meter * Obameter * Latest Promises About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Suggest a Fact-check * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters Donate #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up English Español ### Get PolitiFact in your inbox. * Weekly Email Newsletter * Daily Email Newsletter Your Email Address Sign Up # Fact-checking the 2020 vice presidential debate, Kamala Harris vs. Mike Pence * National * Corrections and Updates * Debates  By PolitiFact Staff October 8, 2020 Plexiglass partitions didn’t stop the vice presidential candidates from clashing over the coronavirus, taxes, China, health care, and climate change. In a civil but pointed 90-minute exchange, Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris exaggerated the failings of the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic and the economy. Vice President Mike Pence repeatedly used the phrase \"the reality is ...\" to introduce claims that didn’t measure up. They both ignored pointed questions from moderator Susan Page in favor of deploying their own talking points. Here’s a rundown of what we fact-checked from the Oct. 7 debate in Salt Lake City. Kamala Harris: \"The president said (the coronavirus) was a hoax.\" Rating: False This often-repeated statement falsely attributed to President Donald Trump has its roots in a Feb. 28 rally in South Carolina. But it’s a mischaracterization of what he actually said, which was an attack on Democrats’ response to the virus. Trump cast the Democrats’ criticism of his work as foisting a hoax on the public. \"They tried the impeachment hoax,\" he said. \"That was not a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.\" _RELATED:_Experts pan plexiglass at VP debate Mike Pence: The Rose Garden event with Judge Amy Coney Barrett \"was an outdoor event, which all of our scientists regularly and routinely advised.\" Wrong The event included an indoor component, during which President Trump, Barrett and others posed for photos without wearing masks. Public health officials do say outdoor activities — where people are wearing masks and have the room to social distance — are less risky amid the pandemic than indoor events, where it might be harder to keep people apart and there’s less ventilation. But attendees of the Sept. 26 White House event for the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court did not practice social distancing, and many did not wear masks throughout the event. Pence: Trump \"suspended all travel from China. ... Joe Biden opposed that decision. He called it xenophobic and hysterical.\" Misleading There were exemptions in Trump’s travel restrictions on China. On Jan. 21, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first U.S. case of the new coronavirus, a patient in Washington state who had traveled from Wuhan, China. On Jan. 31, the Trump administration announced a ban on travelers from China, but it exempted several categories of people, including U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents. It went into effect Feb. 2. According to the New York Times, about 40,000 people traveled from China to the United States in the two months after Trump announced travel restrictions, and 60% of people on direct flights from China were not U.S. citizens. As for the \"xenophobic\" and \"hysterical\" comment, Biden has not directly said that the restrictions were xenophobic. Around the time the Trump administration announced the travel restriction, Biden said that Trump had a \"record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering.\" Biden also used the phrase \"xenophobic\" in reply to a Trump tweet about limiting entry to travelers from China and in which the president described the coronavirus as the \"Chinese virus.\"  Harris: Obama \"created within the White House an office that basically was responsible for monitoring pandemics. They got rid of it. There was a team of disease experts that President Obama and Vice President Biden dispatched to China to monitor what is now predictable and what might happen. They pulled them out.\" Largely accurate Harris described two pieces of the federal government\'s operation to protect against new viral threats. There was a division within the White House National Security Council. And there was a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention office in China. In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. His position was not filled. Then-National Security Adviser John Bolton reorganized the White House global health team. Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, left in 2018. Neither Bossert nor the official overseeing the U.S. pandemic response, nor their teams, were replaced. Some of their responsibilities were farmed out to other corners of the administration. In China, the CDC program specifically charged with spotting new infectious diseases went from having four American staff in 2017 to none by 2019. Pence: \"(Biden’s) own chief of staff, Ron Klain, would say last year that it was pure luck, that they did ‘everything possible wrong’ (with H1N1). And we learned from that.\" Needs context Ron Klain, Biden’s former chief of staff, spoke about H1N1 during a biosecurity conference in May 2019: \"A bunch of really talented, really great people working on it, and we did every possible thing wrong. And it’s, you know, 60 million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time. And it’s just purely a fortuity that this isn\'t one of the great mass casualty events in American history. It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck.\" Klain has since told Politico and that his comments were taken out of context, and that they were specifically in reference to the Obama administration’s difficulties meeting the public demand for an H1N1 vaccine. He was not talking about Biden directly.  Pence: The Obama administration \"left the strategic national stockpile empty.\" Rating: Mostly False The Obama administration did not leave an \"empty\" national stockpile. Just months before COVID-19 cases popped up in the U.S., the former director of the stockpile described it as an $8 billion enterprise with extensive holdings of many needed items. But N95 masks, for example, had been depleted after the H1N1 outbreak in 2009. Pence: On the nation’s COVID-19 response, \"the reality is, when you look at the Biden plan, it reads an awful lot like what President Trump and I and our task force have been doing every step of the way.\" Misleading At first glance, the Biden plan does track closely with some of the talking points advanced by the Trump administration — the need to develop and distribute a vaccine, provide COVID-19 tests free, reduce costs for COVID-19 treatments and produce necessary protective equipment and ventilators. But Biden’s plan also proposes many other priorities that the Trump administration has not pursued. Biden also has, throughout the campaign, followed recommendations about mask wearing and social distancing that the Trump administration has defied — a pattern that’s being blamed for Trump’s own infection with COVID-19 and the current outbreak at the White House. Pence: The Obama administration \"left an empty and hollow plan.\" Misleading The Obama administration left a \"playbook\" that detailed steps to take in the event of an infectious disease outbreak. The 69-page document from 2016 was a National Security Council guidebook created to assist leaders \"in coordinating a complex U.S. government response to a high-consequence emerging disease threat anywhere in the world.\" Harris: \"Today they still don’t have a plan\" regarding the pandemic. Needs context Biden said the same thing during the first presidential debate. The Trump administration does have a plan to distribute vaccines once they are produced. But experts say the administration has failed to produce a national testing plan or a national strategy to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The administration maintains its emphasis has been on helping the economy reopen. However, it has fallen short in executing a coordinated response between the federal government and states to combat the coronavirus. More than 210,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, more than in any other country. Pence (to Harris): \"The fact that you continue to undermine public confidence in a vaccine, if a vaccine emerges during the Trump administration, I think is unconscionable.\" Needs context Harris said during the debate that she would not trust Trump’s word that a vaccine is effective, insisting she would instead trust an expert opinion, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci: \"I will be the first in line to take it, absolutely.\" Harris recently suggested Trump would push a vaccine before it was ready to help his electoral chances. But Harris is also voicing concerns shared by many Americans; last month a Pew poll found Americans are divided on whether to get a COVID-19 vaccine, with 78 percent saying they are worried it will be approved too quickly. Harris: \"The president hasn’t been transparent in terms of health records.\" Accurate After Trump announced his COVID diagnosis and was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for treatment, White House Dr. Sean Conley briefed reporters on the president’s health. Conley provided selective information and declined to answer questions, such as when the president first tested positive for the disease or on the condition of his lungs. Conley said he couldn’t share this information citing HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Experts told us that HIPAA does prohibit Conley from sharing any health information that the president hasn’t authorized him to share. However, if Trump wanted his doctor to be transparent, he could waive HIPAA protections. Beyond the recent questions about Trump and COVID-19, Trump has shared less general health information compared with past presidents. But there’s also no law that requires health information disclosures by presidents. Pence: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris \"want to abolish fossil fuels and ban fracking.\" Rating: False Biden has not called for banning fracking outright. He wants to block the federal government from issuing new permits for drilling on public land. Biden says that he won’t shut down existing fracking operations on public land, and that he’ll allow fracking to continue on private lands, where most of it takes place. Biden appeared to say that he supports a ban on \"new fracking\" during a debate with Bernie Sanders. However, he walked back those remarks the same day and has consistently said that he doesn’t support a ban on fracking. The claim that Biden and Harris want to \"abolish fossil fuels\" is based on partial quotes that reference Biden’s climate change plan, which seeks to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. In September 2019, Biden told a supporter, \"I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuel.\" He then said: \"Before 2050, God willing. No, it can’t be done by 2030. No. There is not one single person that’s argued it can be done by then. But it can be done by 2050, it may be 2045.\"At another town hall in February 2020, Biden told a heckler in the crowd, \"We are going to get rid of fossil fuels.\" Then Biden said, \"We’re going to phase out fossil fuels.\" Harris: \"On day one, Joe Biden will repeal that tax bill. He will get rid of it.\" Needs context Harris leaves out details of Biden’s tax plan. Biden does not call for a full repeal of Trump’s 2017 tax law, which disproportionately benefited the wealthy while giving cuts to more modest earners. Biden’s plan would roll back some of the cuts for corporations and people with taxable incomes over $400,000. Specifically, Biden would increase the top corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, which is lower than the rate of 35% that existed before Trump’s law. Biden would also raise the top federal marginal income tax rate for individuals from 37% to the old rate of 39.6%. Later in the debate, Harris clarified that Biden’s tax plan would not directly raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year. Independent tax analysts found that to be the case, noting that lower earners could experience small hits from the indirect effects of an increased corporate tax rate.  Pence: The Trump administration \"inherited the slowest economic recovery\" from the Obama-Biden administration. Misleading This is a glass-half-empty, glass-half-full scenario. It’s accurate to say that the recovery from the Great Recession that began in the summer of 2009 and lasted until the coronavirus hit was the weakest recovery from a recession in U.S. history. (The first seven-plus years of the recovery were on Obama’s watch, while the next three-plus years were on Trump’s watch.) Annual GDP growth rates during recoveries tended to reach or exceed 5% through the presidency of Bill Clinton. Under Clinton’s successor, George W. Bush, they maxed out at about 4%. Under Obama, growth was smaller still, usually 3% or below. Overall, GDP growth rates under Obama and Trump have been similar. The flip side is that the recovery that began under Obama and continued under Trump set a record for the length of a recovery in July 2019, when it hit 121 months. The recovery would continue for another half a year before the pandemic began. By contrast, going back to the 1850s, only two recoveries — those that began under Clinton and John F. Kennedy — cracked 100 months. Harris: \"There are estimates that by the end of the term of this administration, they will have lost more jobs than almost any other presidential administration.\" Rating: Half True As of now, Trump is looking at a loss of about 4 million jobs since he took office. That indeed would give him one of the worst records on job creation going back to President Harry Truman. But no other president has faced a pandemic that cratered the economy. And no one can know for sure if any president would have done much better. Prior to the pandemic, if we look at employment gains in the first three years of Trump presidency, Trump comes in fourth behind Presidents Bill Cllinton, Jimmy Carter and Lyndon Johnson. Pence: \"Joe Biden wants to repeal all of the tariffs that President Trump put into effect to fight for American jobs and American workers.\" Misleading Biden has not publicly committed to repealing the tariffs that Trump imposed on Chinese products. He has been ambiguous about the tariffs in his public appearances, saying only that he’ll evaluate them once in office. However, Biden has been critical of Trump’s trade war with China, calling for a more targeted confrontation with the country and saying that he would shore up allegiances to oppose it multilaterally. Harris: \"Because of a so-called trade war with China, America lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs. Farmers have experienced bankruptcy because of it.\" Needs Context Harris is most likely referencing a 2019 report by the forecasting firm Moody’s Analytics, which found that Trump’s trade war with China had cut American employment by 300,000 jobs. Not all of these jobs were manufacturing jobs, although the report noted that manufacturing was one of the hardest-hit industries along with warehousing, distribution, and retail. The number of farmer bankruptcies did rise during the trade war. However, farm bankruptcies have been increasing each year since 2014. Experts said the trade policy is just one factor driving the increase, along with low commodity prices and natural disasters. Pence: \"This administration saw 500,000 manufacturing jobs created.\" Misleading Pence’s figure ignores the recession caused by the pandemic. Between the time Trump became president in January 2017 and March 2020 — right as the pandemic hit — the number of manufacturing jobs grew from 12.37 million to 12.81 million, an increase of about 437,000. By August 2020, however, the number of manufacturing jobs had fallen to 12.13 million. This means that on Trump’s watch, the change in manufacturing jobs has actually been negative, dropping by 237,000. These jobs may come back when the coronavirus is no longer a threat and the economy recovers, but that’s not the situation we’re in now, and a full recovery is no certainty. Harris: \"Do you know that of the 50 people who President Trump appointed to the court of appeals for lifetime appointments, not one is Black?\" Accurate Bloomberg Law reported in June that none of Trump’s 53 confirmed appeals court judges are Black. One is Hispanic. Seven are Asian American. PolitiFact confirmed Bloomberg Law’s reporting using data from the Federal Judicial Center, the research and education agency for the nation’s federal courts. Pence: \"The Green New Deal\'s on their campaign website.\" Needs context U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal resolution does appear on the Biden-Harris campaign website in a discussion of Biden’s climate action plan. Biden’s plan calls the Green New Deal \"a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.\" According to his website, the plan borrows \"two basic truths\" from the Green New Deal: that the U.S. needs to be more ambitious, and that the environment and economy are connected. But while the Biden plan shares some of the goals of the Green New Deal — such as net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 — it differs significantly in scope, and leaves out agenda items such as universal health care and affordable housing. Harris: \"I served, when I first got to the Senate, on the committee that’s responsible for the environment. Did you know, this administration took the word ‘science’ off the website? And then took the phrase ‘climate change’ off the website?\" Largely accurate A 2018 study by the Environmental Data & Governance Initiative, a watchdog group that analyzes federal environmental data, websites, institutions and policy, tracked a year of editing of U.S. government websites and found a significant overhaul of information on climate change during the Trump administration. References to climate change, greenhouse gases, renewable energy, science and more were reformatted or removed completely from several government websites, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Energy Department and the White House. For example, the website of the EPA\'s Office of Science and Technology Policy, which develops clean water standards, once described those standards as \"science-based.\" But since Jan. 30, 2017, that reference has disappeared.’ On the current website for the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, the body Harris referenced, we found links to old hearings that contained references to \"climate change,\" but found no mention of the phrase, or the word \"science,\" on any other area of the site. It’s not clear whether the administration had any role in that. Pence: Biden and Harris support abortion \"all the way up to the moment of birth.\" Misleading Biden and Harris have not said they support abortion up to the moment of birth. They say they support Roe vs. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortion while giving states the ability to regulate it after a certain point. Biden and Harris say they want to codify Roe vs. Wade into law and are against state laws that they say violate the rulings in the case. Supporting Roe vs. Wade is not the same as supporting abortion up to the moment of birth, experts say. \"Because Roe allows states to prohibit abortion once a fetus is viable, agreement with the case does not indicate support for abortions ‘up to the moment of birth’,\" said Darren Hutchinson, a law professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Harris: When Abraham Lincoln was faced with a Supreme Court vacancy 27 days before Election Day and his party controlled the Senate, he said the people should vote first. Needs context According to Harris’ \"history lesson,\" Lincoln was up for reelection when the chief justice, Roger Taney, died on Oct. 12, 1864, just 27 days before the election. She’s right about the proximity of Taney’s death to the election; it was the shortest such vacancy before an election in history. And Lincoln did not seek confirmation of his nominee, Salmon P. Chase, until Dec. 6, which was after the election. The Biden campaign pointed to a tweet during the debate by historian Michael Beschloss. However, it’s hard to confirm that Lincoln’s motivations were as high-minded as Harris suggested in her rendering of his thinking. \"I don’t think there is a definite answer\" for why Lincoln waited, Stephen E Maizlish, a historian at the University of Texas-Arlington and biographer of Chase, told PolitiFact. \"Abraham Lincoln was a master politician and kept his cards close to the vest until he was ready for a decision. … I think there will always be questions. Jon Greenberg, Louis Jacobson, Noah Y. Kim, Bill McCarthy, Hayat Norimine, Samantha Putterman, Amy Sherman, and Miriam Valverde and Kaiser Health News reporters Emmarie Huetteman and Victoria Knight contributed to this report. CORRECTION: This report has been corrected to note that Trump made his hoax comments in South Carolina, not North Carolina; and that Roger Taney\'s birth year was 1864, not 1984. We also updated this story to include two of Biden’s statements on ending or phasing out fossil fuels during the campaign, with added context. (This story was last updated 7:45 p.m., Oct. 13.) It’s never been more important to know the facts... 2020 is not what any of us expected. We thought we’d be fact-checking a spirited political debate about the economy, health care and more ahead of voting in November. Well, we’re still doing that, but in the midst of the worst public health crisis in a century. The coronavirus pandemic has been a call to action for all fact-checking newsrooms like ours to root out harmful hoaxes because, and we can say this with certainty, every single person in the U.S. is affected by the spread of COVID-19 and misinformation around it. And, while it’s never been more essential to read our fact-checking, PolitiFact is not immune from the economic uncertainty that the pandemic brings. We’re doing everything in our power to expand our coverage of both COVID-19 and Election 2020 as a public service to all those who need it. Without a paywall, we’re humbly asking for donations from readers like you to support our newsroom as we continue to provide you with the truth. If you can, please support PolitiFact with whatever you can spare during this time. It’s easy to sign up to be a member of the Truth Squad, and just takes a minute. Thank you for reading PolitiFact. This fact check is available at IFCN’s 2020 US Elections FactChat #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Click here, for more. Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter ### Our Sources See fact-checks and linked resources. ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by PolitiFact Staff slide 4 to 6 of 9  keep collecting billions\" despite troubled power plants.   By PolitiFact Staff • August 13, 2014   Georgia Department of Transportation stated on July 19, 2011 in a press release: The Northwest Corridor highway project in Cobb and Cherokee counties \"is expected to create over 9,700 jobs statewide.\"   Republican National Committee stated on June 5, 2008 in in a news release: Obama couldn\'t have afforded his home without Rezko\'s help.   By PolitiFact Staff • April 4, 2017   By PolitiFact Staff • September 30, 2016   By PolitiFact Staff • November 30, 2015  keep collecting billions\" despite troubled power plants.   By PolitiFact Staff • August 13, 2014   Georgia Department of Transportation stated on July 19, 2011 in a press release: The Northwest Corridor highway project in Cobb and Cherokee counties \"is expected to create over 9,700 jobs statewide.\"   Republican National Committee stated on June 5, 2008 in in a news release: Obama couldn\'t have afforded his home without Rezko\'s help.   By PolitiFact Staff • April 4, 2017 ### Fact-checking the 2020 vice presidential debate, Kamala Harris vs. Mike Pence *   By Paul Specht • October 1, 2024 *   By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 30, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization  * అన్వేషించండి * ఫ్యాక్ట్ చెక్స్ * మా గురించి * విలువలు మరియు పారదర్శకత * తరుచూ అడిగే ప్రశ్నలు * మీట్ ది టీమ్ * మమ్మల్ని సంప్రదించండి తెలుగు * English * ಕನ್ನಡ * Svenska * తెలుగు * हिंदी * অসমীয়া * Dansk ఇక్కడ సబ్ స్క్రైబ్ చేసుకోండి|LOGICALLY.AI ఫ్యాక్ట్ చెక్స్ హోమ్ బీజేపీ నాయకురాలు ఏప్రిల్ లో భారతీయ ముస్లింల గురించి అన్న వ్యాఖ్యలను ఎన్నికలలో ఓటమి తరువాత అన్నట్టుగా షేర్ చేసారు # బీజేపీ నాయకురాలు ఏప్రిల్ లో భారతీయ ముస్లింల గురించి అన్న వ్యాఖ్యలను ఎన్నికలలో ఓటమి తరువాత అన్నట్టుగా షేర్ చేసారు ద్వారా: ఉమ్మే కుల్సుం జూన్ 20 2024 ఈ కథనాన్ని షేర్ చెయ్యండి:     మాధవీ లత భారతీయ ముస్లింలు టెర్రరిస్టులు అవ్వలేరు అని ఎన్నికలలో ఓటమి తరువాత చేసిన వ్యాఖ్యలు అంటూ షేర్ చేసిన క్లెయిమ్ స్క్రీన్ షాట్ (సౌజన్యం : లాజికల్లీ ఫ్యాక్ట్స్ ఎడిటింగ్) ఫ్యాక్ట్ చెక్స్ ### తీర్పు తప్పుదారి పట్టించేది ఈ వీడియోలో మాధవీ లత లోక్ సభ ఎన్నికల ప్రచారంలో భాగంగా ఏప్రిల్ 2024 లో ఈ విధంగా వ్యాఖ్యానించారు. క్లెయిమ్ ఏమిటి ? భారతీయ జనతా పార్టీ నాయకురాలు కొంపెల్ల మాధవీ లత వీడియో సామాజిక మాధ్యమాలలో విస్తృతంగా ప్రచారం అవుతున్నది. ఇందులో, ‘భారతీయ ముస్లింలు ఉగ్రవాదులు కాలేరు’ అని ఆమె ఒక ప్రశ్నకు సమాధానం ఇస్తూ అన్నారు. ఈ వీడియోని షేర్ చేస్తూ, హైదరాబాద్ లోక్ సభ స్థానాన్ని ఏ ఐ ఎం ఐ ఎం నాయకుడు అసదుద్దీన్ ఓవైసీ పై ఓడిపోయిన వెంటనే ఆమె ఇలా అన్నారు అంటూ షేర్ చేస్తున్నారు. ఎక్స్ (పూర్వపు ట్విట్టర్) లో ఒక యూజర్ ఈ వీడియోని షేర్ చేస్తూ, “ఎన్నికలలో ఓడిపోయిన వెంటనే నేను తెలివిగల వ్యక్తిని అయ్యాను” అంటూ వ్యంగ్యమైన శీర్షిక తో షేర్ చేసారు. ఈ కథనం రాసే సమయానికి ఆ పోస్టుకు 24,000 వేల వ్యూస్ ఉన్నాయి. ఆర్కైవ్ చేసిన అలాంటి ఎక్స్ పోస్టును ఇక్కడ చూడవచ్చు. ఈ వీడియో ఫేస్బుక్ మరియి యూట్యూబ్ లలో కుడా వైరల్ అయ్యింది. ఆర్కైవ్ చేసిన అలాంటి పోస్ట్ లను ఇక్కడ, ఇక్కడ, మరియు ఇక్కడ చూడవచ్చు.  కానీ ఈ వీడియోని తప్పుదోవ పట్టించేవిధంగా షేర్ చేస్తున్నారు, ఎందుకంటే, ఇది ఎన్నికల ప్రచారం లో భాగంగా ఏప్రిల్ 2024 లో చేసిన వ్యాఖ్యలు, ఎన్నికల ఫలితాల తరువాత కాదు. మేము ఏమి కనుగొన్నము? వైరల్ వీడియో కీ ఫ్రేమ్స్ ని రివర్స్ ఇమేజ్ సెర్చ్ చేసి వెతుకగా, మాకు ఏప్రిల్ 24, 2024 నాడు యూట్యూబ్ లో ఇండియా టుడే సో సౌత్ పోస్ట్ చేసిన మరింత నిడివి ఉన్న వీడియో లభించింది (ఆర్కైవ్ ఇక్కడ). ఈ వీడియోలో 2.27 టైం స్టాంప్ వద్ద ఒక వ్యక్తి మాధవి లతను ‘ముస్లింలు ఉగ్రవాదులు’ అనే వాదనను నమ్ముతారా అని అడిగిన ప్రశ్నకు, తను సమాధానం ఇస్తూ, “భారతీయ ముస్లింలు ఎప్పటికీ ఉగ్రవాదులు కాలేరు. కానీ పాపం పేద కుటుంబంలో పుట్టిన పిల్లలు మతం పేరుతో తప్పుదోవ పడుతున్నారు, వారి గురించి ఎం చెప్పగలం” అని అన్నారు. ఇదే వీడియోని, హైదరాబాద్ ఫెస్టివల్స్ (ఆర్కైవ్ ఇక్కడ) అనే యూట్యూబ్ ఛానల్ కుడా ఏప్రిల్ 22,2024 నాడు ప్రచారం చేసింది. వైరల్ వీడియోలో ఉన్న సన్నివేశం ఇక్కడ 1:18 టైం స్టాంప్ వద్ద చూడవచ్చు. ఏప్రిల్ 20, 2024 నాడు ది ప్రింట్ పబ్లిష్ చేసిన కథనం ప్రకారం, వైరల్ క్లిప్ లో ఉన్నట్టుగానే లత ఫోటోలు ఈ కథనం లో ఉన్నాయి. ఈ కథనం ప్రకారం, లా చదివే ఒక విద్యార్థి ఆమెను ఆ ప్రశ్న అడిగారు. దానికి ఆమె బదులుగా, “భారతీయ ముస్లింలు అందరూ ఉగ్రవాదులు కాలేరు,” అని తెలిపారు. ఇందంతా ఆమె హైదరాబాద్ లో ఏప్రిల్ 13, 2024 నాడు పాదయాత్ర చేసిన సందర్భం లోనిది. కనుక ఇది ఎన్నికల ఫలితాలకు ముందుగానే జరిగింది. ఇంతకు మునుపు లత ఒక ఊహ బాణాన్ని ఒక మసీదు వైపు సంధిస్తున్నట్టుగా ఉన్న వీడియో కుడా వైరల్ అయింది. దీనివలన వివాదం ఏర్పడింది, పైగా ఆమె కావాలనే ముస్లింలను టార్గెట్ చేస్తున్నట్టుగా ఆరోపణలు తలెత్తాయి. ఆ తరువాత బిజెపి లీడర్ ఎక్స్ లో స్పష్టత ఇస్తూ (ఆర్కైవ్ ఇక్కడ), ఆ వీడియో తనను తప్పుగా చూపించడానికి కావాలనే ఎడిట్ చేసారని పేర్కొంది, ఒకవేళ ఎవరి మనోభావాలైన దెబ్బతింటే అందుకు క్షమించాలని కోరింది. ఈ సంఘటన తరువాత ఆమెపై ఒక ఎఫ్ ఐ ఆర్ కుడా నమోదు అయ్యింది. తీర్పు ఎన్నికల ప్రచారంలో తీసిన మాధవీ లత వీడియోని ఎన్నికలలో ఆమె ఓడిపోయిన తరువాత చేసిన వ్యాఖ్యలు గా షేర్ చేస్తున్నారు. (అనువాదం : రాజేశ్వరి పరసా) ### రిఫరెన్స్ లింకులు  ##### Row over BJP\'s Hyderabad candidate directing imaginary arrow at mosque \- India Today Refutes  ##### Video of BJP candidate Madhavi \'shooting arrow\' at mosque causes flutter; Owaisi rebukes - Deccan Herald Refutes  తప్పుడు సమాచారం, ఉద్దేశపూర్వక తప్పుడు సమాచారం కారణంగా వ్యక్తులకి, సంస్థలకి, సమాజానికి కలిగే నష్టాన్ని తగ్గించటం లాజికల్లీ ఫ్యాక్ట్స్ లక్ష్యం.        మెంబర్ ఆఫ్.   #### అంశాలు * వాతావరణం * కుట్ర సిద్ధాంతాలు * ఆర్థికం * సంఘటనలు * భౌగోళిక రాజకీయాలు * ఆరోగ్యం * మానవ హక్కులు * మీడియా * రాజకీయాలు * సాంకేతికత #### లాజికల్లీ ఫ్యాక్ట్స్ * మా గురించి * మమ్మల్ని సంప్రదించండి * హోమ్ కాపీరైట్ © 2024 లాజికల్లీ ఫ్యాక్ట్స్ లిమిటెడ్ * మా ప్రైవసీ విధానం  We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. 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 ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD A Twitter user named Ursual Keiner wrote, “In other news: #Belgium prohibits sexual acts of more that 3 people after 500 person #orgy spread #coronavirus. However, #bestiality is still allowed.”  **(You can find the archived version of the tweet****here****.)** Many Facebook users also shared the same message through their posts.  Screenshot of the post on Facebook.(Source: Facebook) Also Read ### No, China’s Xinhua News Did Not Mock India’s Coronavirus Response  TRUE OR FALSE? The story has no truth to it. No such measures have been announced by Maggie De Block and the article is a work of satirical fiction. There is a disclaimer at the end of the website that clearly mentions that the articles are ‘satirical’ and ‘fictional’ in nature and all characters appearing in the articles, even those based on real people, are ‘entirely fictional’ in nature.  Screenshot of the disclaimer that runs on the website.(Source: World News Daily Report) The Quint has debunked fake news related to this website several times and one such piece can be viewed here. Evidently, a satirical platform’s article is being shared to spread fake news amidst the global panic over COVID-19. You can read all our fact-checked stories on coronavirus outbreak here. Also Read ### Old Heatwave Map Used as Sound Waves Recorded During Janata Curfew  (Not convinced of a post or information you came across online and want it verified? Send us the details on Whatsapp at 9643651818, or e-mail it to us at [email protected] and we\'ll fact-check it for you. You can also read all our fact-checked stories here.) (At The Quint, we question everything. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by **becoming a member** today.) ### Read Latest News and Breaking News at The Quint, browse for more from news and webqoof ### Topics: Belgium Webqoof coronavirus Read Full Article Speaking truth to power requires allies like you. Become a Member Check Member Benefits Read More Loading Comments... ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD Stay Updated ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD × × SECTIONS * FIT * Gender * Opinion * Videos * Entertainment * Sports * World * Explainers * Podcasts * Politics * The Quint Lab * Graphic Novels * Law * Education * Members\' Opinion * South Asians * NEON TRENDING TOPICS * Anti-Cheating Law * Rasika Dugal Interview * Arundhati Roy * Euro 2024 * T20 World Cup * Kohli, Rohit & Jadeja Retire * Climate Change News * Electoral Bonds News * Rahul Gandhi * ‘Kill’ Review * PM Modi * Robert F Kennedy Jr * Rahul Dravid FOLLOW US ON Quint Hindi FIT About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy T&C | Belgium's Health Minister bans non essential sexual activities of 3 or more persons | 158 |
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CLOSE * . * Archives * About Us * Contact * Sinhala * Tamil * APAC __ * India * India English * India Marathi * Myanmar * Myanmar English * Bangladesh * Cambodia * Afghanistan * Thailand  * * * * * *    * >> * English * >> * Health # Is it true that washing hair before showering can cause a stroke? ## During hot weather, numerous health advisories circulate about how to take care of your body, such as the claims of drinking cold water in hot weather. Recently, we came across information suggesting that washing your hair before showering could potentially rupture brain blood vessels. Social Media Claim Recently, we discovered messages on Facebook claiming that […] By Loading... |10 April 2024 9:56 AM IST  X * Share * Tweet * Whatsapp * Telegram * LinkedIniiiii * __Email * __Print  During hot weather, numerous health advisories circulate about how to take care of your body, such as the claims of drinking cold water in hot weather. Recently, we came across information suggesting that washing your hair before showering could potentially rupture brain blood vessels. Social Media Claim Recently, we discovered messages on Facebook claiming that we should not wash our hair before showering, as this supposedly causes the blood to quickly rise to the head, potentially tearing the arteries.  Source | Archive  Source | Archive What is a stroke?  A stroke, typically a result of a brain blood clot or a cerebral vein rupture, happens when the blood vessels feeding the brain either become obstructed or bleed abruptly. An Ischemic stroke is triggered by a blockage in the brain\'s blood supply, depriving it of the oxygen and nutrients it requires, thus killing brain cells within minutes. On the other hand, a Hemorrhagic stroke is due to bleeding in the brain, which damages brain cells because of the pressure from the accumulated blood. Both conditions significantly affect the brain cells, potentially causing lasting brain damage, disorders, or even death. You can refer to a related report here. Stroke symptoms include sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arms, or legs—especially on one side of the body—sudden confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, sudden vision loss in one or both eyes, trouble walking, dizziness, and loss of balance. Immediate medical attention is vital. Delayed treatment could lead to long-term paralysis or even life-threatening conditions. For further information about stroke treatment, click here. Causes of stroke The primary causes of stroke are high blood pressure, exposure to smoking including secondhand smoke, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, and obesity. Managing these factors is vital to reduce stroke risk. Other factors such as heart and brain vein weaknesses, and mental stress, can also contribute to stroke occurrence. You can read the report here. Water and Stroke Connection: Dehydration can lead to thicker blood, potentially impeding its flow to the brain. This condition may increase stroke risk as the thick blood struggles to pass through blood vessels. Studies suggest that individuals who drink less water have a higher stroke risk than those who drink more. More information on this topic can be found here. Stroke in Bathrooms: While a stroke can occur to anyone, anywhere, and at any time, a clinical survey conducted from January 2011 to December 2015 examined the risk of stroke during showering or bathing. According to this survey, out of 1939 stroke patients, only 78 experienced a stroke while in the bathroom, which is roughly 4%. The related report can be found here. Therefore, the likelihood of having a stroke while bathing seems to be relatively low. Comment from Experts Dr. Weerawut Imsamran, the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Medical Services in the Ministry of Public Health, has addressed the claim stating one should not wash their hair before taking a shower as it may rupture blood vessels. He clarified that this information is incorrect. While washing hair can swiftly change the body\'s external temperature, it does not directly affect the blood vessels. Additionally, Dr. Thanin Wedchapinun, Director of the Neurology Institute, explained that risk factors for stroke include high blood pressure, diabetes, aging, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The common occurrence of incidents in the bathroom or after using it is attributed to the body\'s adjustment to changes in physical posture, which causes the heart to adapt its function accordingly. Key warning signs include difficulty speaking, a crooked mouth, weakness in arms and legs, dizziness, and instability. If any of these symptoms are experienced, immediate medical attention is recommended. (Source: Department of Medical Services) Dr. Korrapakc Wangtanaphat, a Neurosurgery expert from the Neurosciences Institute, Department of Medical Services, explained to Sure and Share, MCOT that the human head is shielded from rapid internal temperature changes by the skull and skin. A short shower or hair wash cannot cause body temperature changes severe enough to result in vascular abnormalities. Further, starting a shower from the feet, or any other part of the body, does not affect the internal body temperature. Summary The claim that washing hair before showering can increase the risk of a stroke is unfounded. The primary risk factors for a brain aneurysm include high blood pressure, diabetes, advancing age, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Brief periods of hair washing or taking shower cannot cause abnormalities in the blood vessels. Follow us and stay up to date with our latest fact checks. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LINE | TikTok | WhatsApp  Title:Is it true that washing hair before showering can cause a stroke? ? Fact Check By: Fact Cresccendo Team Result: Misleading  Next Story #### Similar Posts ##  © Copyright 2022, All rights reserved. Powered by Hocalwire X  | Washing Hair Before Showering Can Cause A Stroke | 160 |
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Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now   * National * Elections * Race and Ethnicity * Gary Chambers Jr.    By Amy Sherman • August 28, 2024 The numbers of disenfranchised felons fell between 2016 and 2020 as more states made it easier for some felons to regain the right to vote including California, Iowa, New York, New Jersey, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming and Washington, D.C. There is variation among states on how many felons — of all races and ethnicities — are disenfranchised, because each Legislature or governor sets its own rules. In sheer numbers, Florida has the highest number of disenfranchised felons. In 2018, Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment that restored voting rights to people with past felony convictions, but subsequent legislation required that they fulfill other conditions of their sentence first, such as paying restitution and court costs. In Maine, Vermont and now Washington, D.C., felons don’t lose their right to vote, according to a 2021 analysis by the National Conference of State Legislatures. In 21 states, felons lose their voting rights only while incarcerated, and regain their right to vote upon release. In the remainder of the states, felons also lose their voting rights while on parole and/or probation or have to meet other conditions to regain their right to vote. Our ruling Chambers said in a campaign video \"one in 13 Black Americans are deprived of the right to vote.\" Chambers’ video didn’t explain why they are deprived of the right to vote. But he was referring to the number of African Americans who lost the right to vote due to a felony conviction, based on a 2016 analysis from the Sentencing Project. A 2020 report by the same group found that number dropped slightly to 1 in 16 African Americans. It includes people who have served their sentence, are on probation or parole, or remain in prison. Chambers’ overall point that a significant number of Black people are disenfranchised due to a felony conviction is correct, but in an environment where issues of voter suppression are widely discussed and debated, the figure benefits from more explanation. We rate this statement Half True. **RELATED** : Biden’s promise related to restoring felons’ voting rights stalls **RELATED** : Fact-checking Louisiana Senate candidate Gary Chambers’ claims about marijuana arrests #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Gary Chambers, U.S. Senate candidate, Campaign video, Feb. 9, 2022 Brookings Institution, The demographics of racial inequality in the United States, July 27, 2020 The Sentencing Project, 6 Million Lost Voters: State-Level Estimates of Felony Disenfranchisement, 2016 The Sentencing Project, Locked out: Estimates of people denied voting rights due to a felony conviction, 2020 National Conference of State Legislatures, Felon voting rights, June 2021 Tampa Bay Times, Florida ruled felons must pay to vote. Now, it doesn’t know how many can. Oct. 7, 2020 Brennan Center for Justice, Voting Rights Restoration Efforts in Florida, Sept. 11, 2020 PolitiFact, Bernie Sanders set off a firestorm over prisoners voting, but his facts are straight, April 24, 2019 Email interview, Christopher Uggen, professor of sociology and law at the University of Minnesota, Feb. 11, 2022 Email interview, Sarah Shannon, associate professor of sociology University of Georgia, Feb. 11, 2022 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Amy Sherman slide 4 to 6 of 15   Instagram posts stated on July 22, 2024 in an Instagram post: There are nine states “where Biden’s name can’t be removed and no one can be added. That’s over 130 electoral votes in the toilet.”  Vance said he would have carried out Trump\'s plan to overturn the 2020 election.\"   By Amy Sherman • July 18, 2024   By Amy Sherman • September 4, 2024   By Samantha Putterman • August 29, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 20, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 16, 2024   Instagram posts stated on August 2, 2024 in a video: In Pompano Beach, Florida, Somali immigrants illegally in the U.S. were in line to get driver’s licenses and “all you need to vote is a driver\'s license.”   By Amy Sherman • August 7, 2024   By Amy Sherman • July 30, 2024   Instagram posts stated on July 22, 2024 in an Instagram post: There are nine states “where Biden’s name can’t be removed and no one can be added. That’s over 130 electoral votes in the toilet.”  Vance said he would have carried out Trump\'s plan to overturn the 2020 election.\"   By Amy Sherman • July 18, 2024   By Amy Sherman • September 4, 2024   By Samantha Putterman • August 29, 2024 ### Fact-checking Louisiana Democrat’s claim about Black Americans and the right to vote *   By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 19, 2024 *   By Caleb McCullough • September 19, 2024 *  has announced a permanent boycott of Taylor Swift.” (3) nonprofit organization    Navigate *  ## Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances By Suresh DeepalaOctober 2, 2024 __0 Recent  Review: Delhi HC Rules That Arbitration Tribunal Cannot Direct for Production of ‘Top Secret’ Documents, Except in Exceptional Circumstances October 2, 2024 __0  PLFS Data: Reported Number of Average Working Hours A Week for Men Was Consistently Over 50 Hours September 30, 2024 __0  Data: Between 1999 & 2024, Indian Prime Ministers Visited 79 Different Countries September 27, 2024 __0 * Elections * Fact Checks * English * Telugu * Coronavirus * Others * Videos * Data Tools * Data Dashboards * Counting India * About Us * Our Story * Team * Fact Checking * Fact Check Methodology * Fact-Check Team * Non-partisanship Policy * Corrections Policy * FAQ’s * Contact Us * Subscribe * Careers * Compliance of IT Rules 2021 * Privacy Policy * GOVT. DATA ROUNDUP  Fake News, Telugu # ఈ ఫొటోలో పెళ్లి కూతురు కూర్చున్నది తన తండ్రి ఒడిలో, పూజారి ఒడిలో కాదు 0 By Harshavardhan Konda on December 29, 2022 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit 1918 లోనే ‘పూజారి ఒడిలో పెళ్లికూతురు కూర్చోవడం’ అనే ఆచారాన్ని బ్రిటిషువారు చట్టం చేసి రద్దు చేశారు అని, అయితే అదే ఆచారం ఇప్పుడు పునరావృతం అవుతుందని చెప్తూ కొన్ని ఫొటోలు సోషల్ మీడియాలో బాగా ప్రచారంలో ఉన్నాయి. ఇందులో ఎంత నిజం ఉందో ఇప్పుడు చూద్దాం.  > క్లెయిమ్: పూజారి ఒడిలో పెళ్లికూతురు కూర్చున్న దృశ్యాలు. ఈ ఆచారాన్ని > బ్రిటిషువారు 1918లోనే చట్టం చేసి రద్దు చేశారు. > > ఫాక్ట్: వైరల్ అవుతున్న ఫొటోలలో పెళ్లికూతురు తన తండ్రి ఒడిలో కూర్చొన్నది. > తమిళ బ్రాహ్మణుల వివాహాల్లో, ముఖ్యంగా అయ్యంగార్ బ్రాహ్మణుల వివాహాల్లో, వధువు > వరుడి చేత తాళి కట్టించుకునే సమయంలో తన తండ్రి ఒడిలో కూర్చోవడం వారి ఆచారంగా > భావిస్తారు. ఇక, 1918లో బ్రిటిష్ ప్రభుత్వం ‘పూజారి ఒడిలో పెళ్లికూతురు > కూర్చోవడం’ అనే ఆచారాన్ని చట్టం చేసి రద్దు చేసినట్లు ఆధారాలు లేవు. కావున > పోస్టులో చేయబడ్డ క్లెయిమ్ తప్పు. ముందుగా వైరల్ అవుతున్న ఫొటోలను రివర్స్ ఇమేజ్ సెర్చ్ చేయగా, ఈ ఫోటో 2019లో చెన్నైలో జరిగిన ఒక తమిళ బ్రాహ్మణ యువతికి ఒక విదేశీ వ్యక్తితో జరిగిన పెళ్లిలో తీసినదిగా తెలిసింది. పెళ్లికొడుకు తాళి కట్టే సమయంలో పెళ్లికూతురు తన తండ్రి ఒడిలో కూర్చొన్నది.  మరొక వైరల్ ఫొటో, 2016లో కేరళలో జరిగిన తమిళ బ్రాహ్మణ పెళ్లిలో తీసినది. ఇందులో కూడా పెళ్లికూతురు తన తండ్రి ఒడిలో కూర్చొన్న ఫొటోలు మరియు వీడియో ఇక్కడ చూడవచ్చు. తమిళ బ్రాహ్మణుల వివాహాల్లో, ముఖ్యంగా అయ్యంగార్ బ్రాహ్మణుల వివాహాల్లో, వధువు వరుడి చేత తాళి కట్టించుకునే సమయంలో తన తండ్రి ఒడిలో కూర్చోవడం వారి ఆచారంగా భావిస్తారు. దీనికి సంబంధించిన వీడియోలను ఇక్కడ మరియు ఇక్కడ చూడవచ్చు.  ఇక, ‘పూజారి ఒడిలో పెళ్లికూతురు కూర్చోవడం’ అనే ఆచారాన్ని 1918లో బ్రిటిష్ ప్రభుత్వం రద్దు చేయడం గురించి న్యాయశాఖ అధికారిక వెబ్సైట్లో వెతకగా, 1918లో అటువంటి చట్టం చేయలేదు అని తెలుస్తుంది. అలాగే, ఇటువంటి ఆచారాన్ని రద్దు చేస్తూ బ్రిటిష్ ప్రభుత్వం కానీ భారత ప్రభుత్వం కానీ చట్టం చేసినట్లు ఆధారాలు లేవు.  చివరిగా, వైరల్ అవుతున్న ఫొటోలలో పెళ్లికూతురు కూర్చున్నది తన తండ్రి ఒడిలో మరియు బ్రిటిష్ ప్రభుత్వం ‘పూజారి ఒడిలో పెళ్లికూతురు కూర్చోవడం’ అనే ఆచారాన్ని చట్టం చేసి రద్దు చేసినట్లు ఆధారాలు లేవు.  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(అనువాదం - రాజేశ్వరి పరసా ) ### రిఫరెన్స్ లింకులు  ##### అసభ్యకరమైన వ్యాఖ్యల కారణంగా కళ్ల నీళ్ళు పెట్టుకుని శాసనసభ నుండి వచ్చేసిన చంద్రబాబు - హిందుస్థాన్ టైమ్స్ Refutes  ##### \"ఇంక నేను దీనిని భరించలేను\": శాసనసభ నుండి కళ్ల నీళ్ళతో బయటకి వచ్చేసిన చంద్రబాబు - ఎన్ డీ టీ వీ Refutes  ##### ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ ముఖ్యమంత్రిగా ప్రమాణ స్వీకారం చేసిన చంద్రబాబు నాయుడు Neutral ### ఫ్యాక్ట్ చెక్ కోసం ఏదైనా క్లైమ్ మాకు సబ్మిట్ చేయదలుచుకుంటున్నారా లేదా మా సంపాదక బృందాన్ని సంప్రదించదలుచుకుంటున్నారా? ఇది దేని గురించి? నేను ఈ ఫ్యాక్ట్ చెక్ తో ఏకీభవించటం లేదు ఈ క్లైమ్ ని మీరు ఫ్యాక్ట్ చేయమని కోరుతున్నాను మీ సంపాదక బృందం సంప్రదించదలుచుకున్నాను ఈ వాస్తవ తనిఖీని చదవండి: Kannada English 0 అంశాల వారీగా అన్వేషించండి #### మన జీవితాలని ప్రభావితం చేసే నిర్ణయాలని మనం మనకి అందుబాటులో ఉన్న సమాచారం మేరకు తీసుకుంటాము. అయితే ఇంటర్నెట్ స్వభావరీత్యా తప్పుడు సమాచారం ఇప్పటివరకు కనీవినీ ఎరుగని రీతిలో ప్రజలకి చేరుతున్నది.  తప్పుడు సమాచారం, ఉద్దేశపూర్వక తప్పుడు సమాచారం కారణంగా వ్యక్తులకి, సంస్థలకి, సమాజానికి కలిగే నష్టాన్ని తగ్గించటం లాజికల్లీ ఫ్యాక్ట్స్ లక్ష్యం.        మెంబర్ ఆఫ్.   #### అంశాలు * వాతావరణం * కుట్ర సిద్ధాంతాలు * ఆర్థికం * సంఘటనలు * భౌగోళిక రాజకీయాలు * ఆరోగ్యం * మానవ హక్కులు * మీడియా * రాజకీయాలు * సాంకేతికత #### లాజికల్లీ ఫ్యాక్ట్స్ * మా గురించి * మమ్మల్ని సంప్రదించండి * హోమ్ కాపీరైట్ © 2024 లాజికల్లీ ఫ్యాక్ట్స్ లిమిటెడ్ * మా ప్రైవసీ విధానం  We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. 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DATA ROUNDUP Fake News, Telugu # సోనియా గాంధీ ప్రధాన కుర్చీలో కూర్చున్న ఈ మీటింగ్ మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ ప్రధానమంత్రిగా ఉన్న సమయంలో జరగలేదు 0 By Dilip Kumar Sripada and Chaitanya on May 25, 2022 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit Update (25 May 2022): ఇటీవల ప్రధానమంత్రి మోదీ జపాన్లో నాలుగు దేశాల (అమెరికా,జపాన్, భారత్,ఆస్ట్రేలియా) క్వాడ్ (QUAD) సమావేశంలో పాల్గొన్న నేపథ్యంలో మోదీ ఇతర దేశాల ప్రధానులతో ఉన్న ఫోటోని సోనియా గాంధీ శ్రీలంక ప్రధాని రణిల్ విక్రమసింఘేతో చర్చిస్తున్న మరో ఫోటో కూడా విస్తృతంగా షేర్ అవుతోంది. ప్రధానమంత్రిగా మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ ఉన్నప్పటికీ, ఆయనకు బదులు సోనియా గాంధీ వ్యవహారాలను చూసుకునేది అనే అర్ధం వచ్చేలా ఈ ఫోటోని షేర్ చేస్తున్నారు.  ఐతే నిజానికి ఈ ఫోటో మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ ప్రధానిగా ఉన్నప్పటిది కాదు. 2017లో శ్రీలంక ప్రధాని రణిల్ విక్రమసింఘే భారత పర్యటనలో భాగానంగా సోనియా గాంధీని కలిసాడు. సోనియా గాంధీ కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ అధ్యక్షురాలి హోదాలో ఈ భేటికి హాజరైంది, అందుకే ఈ సమావేశంలో మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ పక్కన కూర్చుంటే, సోనియా గాంధీ శ్రీలంక ప్రధానితో చర్చిస్తూ కనిపించింది. ఇవే ఫోటోలను భారత మీడియాతో (ఇక్కడ & ఇక్కడ) పాటు భారత్లోని శ్రీలంక హైకమిషన్ కూడా షేర్ చేసాయి.  Published (14 June 2021): కాంగ్రెస్ పది సంవత్సరాల ప్రభుత్వ పాలనలో సోనియా గాంధీ, ప్రధానమంత్రి స్థానంలో విదేశీ ప్రతినిధులతో చర్చలు నిర్వహించారంటూ అర్థం వచ్చేలా సోషల్ మీడియాలో ఒక వీడియో షేర్ అవుతుంది. శ్రీలంక ప్రభుత్వ అధికారులతో జరిగిన ఒక మీటింగ్ లో సోనియా గాంధీ ప్రధాన కుర్చీలో కూర్చొని, మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ పక్కన కుర్చీలో కూర్చున్న దృశ్యాలని ఈ వీడియో చూపిస్తుంది. ఆ పోస్టులో ఎంతవరకు నిజముందో చూద్దాం.  > క్లెయిమ్: కాంగ్రెస్ పది సంవత్సరాల ప్రభుత్వ పాలనలో సోనియా గాంధీ ప్రధానమంత్రి > స్థానంలో విదేశీ ప్రతినిధులతో చర్చలు నిర్వహిస్తున్న దృశ్యాలు. > > ఫాక్ట్ (నిజం): పోస్టులో షేర్ చేసిన వీడియో, 2017లో అప్పటి శ్రీలంక > ప్రధానమంత్రి రణిల్ విక్రమసింఘే, ప్రతిపక్ష కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ నాయకులతో ఢిల్లీ > లో జరిపిన చర్చలని చూపిస్తుంది. శ్రీలంక ప్రభుత్వ ప్రతినిధులతో జరిపిన ఈ > మీటింగ్ లో సోనియా గాంధీ, కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ అధ్యక్షురాలి హోదాలో ప్రధాన > కుర్చీలో కూర్చున్నారు. ఈ మీటింగ్ కాంగ్రెస్ ప్రభుత్వ పాలనలో(2004-14) జరిగింది > కాదు. కావున, పోస్టులో చేస్తున్న క్లెయిమ్ తప్పు. పోస్టులో షేర్ చేసిన వీడియో కోసం కీ పదాలు ఉపయోగించి గూగుల్ లో వెతికితే, ఇవే దృశ్యాలు కలిగిన వీడియోని ‘NNIS-News’ యూట్యూబ్ ఛానల్ 26 ఏప్రిల్ 2017 నాడు పబ్లిష్ చేసినట్టు తెలిసింది. శ్రీలంక ప్రధానమంత్రి రణిల్ విక్రమసింఘే, తన నాలుగు రోజుల భారత్ పర్యటనలో భాగంగా ప్రతిపక్ష కాంగ్రెస్ నేతలను కలిసి చర్చలు నిర్వహిస్తున్న దృశ్యాలని ఈ వీడియో వివరణలో తెలిపారు. 2017 లో శ్రీలంక ప్రధాని రణిల్ విక్రమసింఘే మరియు కాంగ్రెస్ నేతల మధ్య జరిగిన ఈ మీటింగ్ కు సంబంధించిన ఫోటోలని ‘ANI’ న్యూస్ ఛానల్ తమ ట్విట్టర్ హేండిల్ లో షేర్ చేసింది. > Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe met former PM Manmohan Singh > and Sonia Gandhi in Delhi > > — ANI (@ANI) April 26, 2017 శ్రీలంక ప్రభుత్వ ప్రతినిధులతో జరిపిన ఈ చర్చలో సోనియా గాంధీ, కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ అధ్యక్షురాలి హోదాలో ప్రధాన కుర్చీలో కూర్చున్నట్టు తెలిసింది. 2019లో బంగ్లాదేశ్ ప్రధానమంత్రి షేక్ హసీనా తో జరిపిన చర్చలలో కూడా కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ తరుపున సోనియా గాంధీ ప్రధాన కుర్చీలో కూర్చున్నారు.  కాంగ్రెస్ ప్రభుత్వ పాలనలో(2004-14) మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ ప్రధానమంత్రి హోదాలో విదేశీ ప్రభుత్వ ప్రతినిధులతో జరిపిన చర్చలని ఇక్కడ, ఇక్కడ చూడవచ్చు. ఈ చర్చలలో మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ ప్రధాన కుర్చీలో కూర్చొని విదేశీ మంత్రులతో చర్చిస్తున్న దృశ్యాలని మనం చూడవచ్చు. ఈ వివరాల ఆధారంగా పోస్టులో షేర్ చేసిన వీడియో కాంగ్రెస్ ప్రభుత్వ సమయంలో తీసినది కాదని ఖచ్చితంగా చెప్పవచ్చు.  ఇదివరకు, ఇదే చర్చకు సంబంధించిన ఫోటోని ఇదే క్లెయిమ్ తో సోషల్ మీడియాలో షేర్ చేసినప్పుడు, దానికి సంబంధించి FACTLY ఫాక్ట్-చెక్ ఆర్టికల్ పబ్లిష్ చేసింది. ఆ ఆర్టికల్ ని ఇక్కడ చూడవచ్చు. చివరగా, సోనియా గాంధీ ప్రధాన కుర్చీలో కూర్చొని శ్రీలంక ప్రభుత్వ ప్రతినిధులతో జరుపుతున్న ఈ మీటింగ్ మన్మోహన్ సింగ్ ప్రధానమంత్రి గా ఉన్న సమయంలో జరగలేదు.  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 The claim has also been shared by several pages on Facebook such as ‘Presstitutes - Urba Naxals’, and ‘India Cause’.Screenshot from Instagram The post was also shared by Meena Das Narayan, a journalist and filmmaker, on Twitter. She attributed the claim to one \'Nagesh Segal\' on Facebook. > The lady who poisoned the devotees in the Maramma temple leading to death of > 15 people and several sick, is not just Ambika but Sylvia Ambika, a crypto > Christian. This fact has been hidden by the media so far and has just been > revealed! From nagesh segal in fb > > — meena das narayan (@MeenaDasNarayan) December 22, 2018 However, searches by the name \'Nagesh Segal\' threw up no results on Facebook. The claim has also been shared by several pages on Facebook such as \'Presstitutes - Urba Naxals\', and ‘India Cause’. ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD TRUE OR FALSE? When The Quint contacted Dharmendra Kumar Meena, Superintendent of Police, Chamarajanagar district, he said the claim was false. > “This claim is completely fake, there is no truth behind this. None of the > accused who have been arrested are Christians. We have issued a statement > regarding this as well.” In a statement published on their Facebook page, the district police clarified that none of the accused belonged to the Christian community, warning the public against such false news. > Posted by Chamarajanagar District Police on Wednesday, December 26, 2018 WHO IS AMBIKA? Ambika is one of the four accused who admitted to have poisoned the food offering in the Sulavadi temple in Chamarajanagar, resulting in the death of 15 devotees. The police have arrested the temple seer and three trustees, including Madesha (46), his wife Ambika (35) and Doddaiah Thambadi. Speaking to IANS, Meena had said: > “If convicted, the accused face death sentence or life imprisonment as it is > one of the rarest cases in which the custodians of a temple have > deliberately mixed poison in a sacred offering to the deity (Hindu Goddess > Maramma), which led to the death of 15 innocent devotees.” (Not convinced of a story you came across on social media and want it verified? Send us the details at [email protected] and we\'ll fact-check it for you. You can also read all our fact-checked stories here.) (At The Quint, we question everything. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by **becoming a member** today.) ### Read Latest News and Breaking News at The Quint, browse for more from news and webqoof ### Topics: KARNATAKA Temple Christianity Read Full Article Speaking truth to power requires allies like you. Become a Member Check Member Benefits Read More Loading Comments... ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD Stay Updated ADVERTISEMENTREMOVE AD × × SECTIONS * FIT * Gender * Opinion * Videos * Entertainment * Sports * World * Explainers * Podcasts * Politics * The Quint Lab * Graphic Novels * Law * Education * Members\' Opinion * South Asians * NEON TRENDING TOPICS * Anti-Cheating Law * Rasika Dugal Interview * Arundhati Roy * Euro 2024 * T20 World Cup * Kohli, Rohit & Jadeja Retire * Climate Change News * Electoral Bonds News * Rahul Gandhi * ‘Kill’ Review * PM Modi * Robert F Kennedy Jr * Rahul Dravid FOLLOW US ON Quint Hindi FIT About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy T&C Test Mode | One of the prime accused in the Karnataka temple poisoning case is a Christian convert by the name of 'SylviaSilvia Ambika' | 171 |
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Aquí te dejamos las verificaciones y ‘fact-check’ realizados por el equipo de periodistas y expertos que ha reunido Newtral para estas elecciones del 10-N. El mismo equipo también realizará la verificación del debate ‘La última oportunidad’, y que tendrá lugar el jueves 7 de noviembre. ## Pablo Casado: «En la declaración de Pedralbes se decía que hacía falta un relator internacional, que la monarquía era franquista» Pablo Casado, el candidato del Partido Popular, ha reprochado a Pedro Sánchez la declaración de Pedralbes que salió de la reunión que tuvo el presidente del gobierno con Quim Torra, presidente de la Generalitat, en diciembre de 2018. Para defender su argumento ha dicho que este documento contenía una serie de puntos que, en realidad, no aparecen en el mismo. Según Casado, «se decía que hacía falta un relator internacional, en la que se decía que la monarquía era franquista, en la que se decía que la guardia civil, que la policía nacional, eran fuerzas opresoras, en la que se decía, por ejemplo, que la justicia no era independiente». Casado se refiere a este documento llamado «Declaración de Pedralbes», que hizo público la propia web de la Moncloa. Pero lo que afirma es FALSO. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Pablo Iglesias: «La Constitución dice que las pensiones se tienen que actualizar conforme el IPC» Pablo Iglesias ha defendido que las pensiones deben ser revalorizadas con el IPC. El secretario general de Podemos ha sostenido que la Constitución Española tiene «algunos artículos diseñados específicamente para proteger a la gente de una crisis». Ha mencionado algunos de los artículos de la Carta Magna, entre ellos el 50. «Garanticemos la revalorización de las pensiones al IPC«, ha afirmado, para concluir que «la Constitución Española dice que se tienen que actualizar conforme al Índice de Precios al Consumo«. Esta afirmación es FALSA. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Albert Rivera: «Durante 40 años este país ha ido perdiendo natalidad» El líder de Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera, ha asegurado que “tenemos el derecho a estudiar pero no tenemos el derecho a formar una familia. Durante 40 años este país ha ido perdiendo la natalidad”. Rivera recoge los datos de nacimientos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) del año 2018. El pasado ejercicio se registraron 369.302 nacimientos en España según datos provisionales, lo que supuso un descenso del 6,1% respecto al año anterior (23.879 nacimientos menos). No obstante, no es cierto que la natalidad haya caído durante los últimos 40 años. Hubo un importante repunte entre 1998 y 2008. Es una afirmación ENGAÑOSA. Lo explicamos aquí.  Cuando Sánchez tachó de “error” nombrar como gobernador del Banco de España a un “exresponsable político”  ## Pedro Sánchez: «Desde el tercer trimestre de 2018 hemos creado 530.000 nuevos puestos de trabajo» Pedro Sánchez ha afirmado: «Desde el tercer trimestre de 2018 hemos creado 530.000 nuevos puestos de trabajo». Al hablar de trimestres, miramos en la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) para ver cuánta gente había trabajando en España en los periodos que cita el Presidente del Gobierno en funciones. En el tercer trimestre de 2018 había 19.528.000 millones de personas empleadas, mientras que en tercer trimestre de este año el número ascendía a 19.874.000. ¿La diferencia es la cifra que dice Sánchez? No, son 346.000 puestos de trabajo. Por lo tanto, es FALSO. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Pedro Sánchez: «Iglesias ha votado 4 veces en contra de que haya un Gobierno progresista en España» El aspirante del PSOE a la presidencia del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, ha recriminado al líder de Unidas Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, su postura en las negociaciones de los últimos años: «El señor Iglesias lo que quiere esconder es que ha votado 4 veces en contra, y mire que tengo mala suerte, de que haya un Gobierno progresista en España». Sin embargo, los datos no respaldan esta afirmación. Es FALSA. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Albert Rivera: «Que los [partidos] que no saquen un 3% no estén en el Congreso, como en todos los países de Europa» El líder de Ciudadanos ha vuelto a hablar de cambios en el sistema electoral. Albert Rivera ha afirmado: «Que los [partidos] que no saquen un 3% no estén en el Congreso, como en todos los países de Europa». ¿Qué ocurre en el resto de Europa? Según el último informe de la Comisión de Venecia, un órgano de expertos de la Comisión Europea, hasta 8 países con sistemas electorales proporcionales, como el de España, que no tienen ningún tipo de barrera. Estos son: Finlandia, Portugal, Irlanda, Luxemburgo, Suiza, Islandia, Macedonia y Bosnia. Por lo tanto, es FALSO. Lo explicamos aquí.  El PP registra un recurso de inconstitucionalidad contra la Ley de Amnistía  ## Pablo Casado: «Hemos llevado dos veces al Congreso que gobierne la lista más votada en las entidades locales y fue rechazado por todos los partidos aquí presentes» El líder del PP, Pablo Casado, ha sido inquerido por la propuesta del presidente del Gobierno en funciones, Pedro Sánchez, de que gobierne la lista más votada. Ante esto, ha respondido que el PP planteó «esa reforma en el Congreso en dos ocasiones» en referencia a las entidades locales pero que «fue rechazada por todos los partidos presentes» en el debate. Es FALSO. Solo llegó a votarse una vez la propuesta del PP y Ciudadanos se abstuvo. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Albert Rivera: «La caja de la seguridad social está vacía para nuestras pensiones» El líder de Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera, ha puesto de manifiesto el problema con el envejecimiento que existe en España al señalar que “un país sin niños no tiene futuro” y que “la caja de la Seguridad Social está vacía para nuestras pensiones”. La “hucha de las pensiones” terminará el año con unos 1.500 millones de euros, pero no se vaciará. Esta afirmación es FALSA. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Santiago Abascal, sobre la Policía en Cataluña: «No se les permitía en los primeros días utilizar material antidisturbios» El líder de Vox ha criticado el dispositivo que diseñó el Gobierno para contener las protestas en Cataluña tras la publicación de la sentencia del procés. En esta línea, Santiago Abascal ha asegurado que a los agentes de la Policía Nacional «no se les permitía en los primeros días utilizar material antidisturbios para defenderse». Desde Interior aseguran a Newtral que las FSE tenían «todo el material que se utiliza a su disposición». La afirmación es FALSA. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Pablo Iglesias: «Blackstone, un fondo buitre, ya se ha convertido en el mayor casero de España» El líder de Unidas Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, ha afirmado que Blackstone es «el mayor casero de España». «Si por ejemplo las familias que tienen un alquiler son amenazadas por Blackstone que ya se ha convertido, un fondo buitre, en el mayor casero de España, hay que poner límites a Blackstone», ha comentado. Esta información es una VERDAD A MEDIAS: es verdad que el fondo de inversión cuenta con unas 30.000 viviendas en alquiler, pero los profesionales solo cuentan con el 10% del mercado, mientras que son los particulares los que controlan el 90% restante de las viviendas en alquiler. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Pablo Casado: «[Sánchez] basó la moción de censura en una información que la propia Audiencia Nacional en su sesión plenaria ya ha dicho que era incorrecta» El candidato del PP, Pablo Casado, ha afirmado que Sánchez «basó la moción de censura en una información que la propia Audiencia Nacional en su sesión plenaria ya ha dicho que era incorrecta». La afirmación es FALSA. La Audiencia Nacional considera que el magistrado De Prada realizó un pronunciamiento “no absolutamente necesario” en la sentencia de la Gürtel, pero no cuestiona la condena al PP como partícipe a título lucrativo en la trama, que fue lo que motivó la moción de censura del PSOE. Lo explicamos aquí.  ## Y otras verificaciones A lo largo del debate han surgido diferentes temas que o bien ya habíamos verificado anteriormente, o bien ya os habíamos explicado el contexto. Así, Abascal ha mencionado el supuesto «efecto llamada» y Casado se ha referido al despliegue de Guardias Civiles en Cataluña, y también a la brecha salarial. Además, Casado y Rivera se han enzarzado en una discusión sobre la tarjeta sanitaria… Como en el debate anterior al 28-A, cosa que expusimos aquí. Abascal, igualmente, ha asegurado que «el 70% de quienes están imputados» por participar en violaciones en manada «son extranjeros», cosa que ya habíamos verificado como falsa. Casado también ha asegurado que «desde 1822 el Código Penal deja muy claro el consentimiento [sexual]». Aquí te explicamos lo que dice el código referido por el líder del PP. 128 Likes Más en Newtral *  Qué sabemos sobre el centro de acogida de menores inmigrantes de Fuenlabrada que enfrenta a ayuntamiento y comunidad *  Esto dice el artículo 416 de la LeCrim al que se acogió Pedro Sánchez en su ‘no declaración’ *  De Palacio (PP) fue la primera española vicepresidenta de la Comisión aunque con distintas competencias que Ribera *  El PP registra un recurso de inconstitucionalidad contra la Ley de Amnistía *  El Gobierno no ha acordado la llegada de 250.000 inmigrantes mauritanos a España *  Óscar López asumirá el Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y Función Pública como relevo a Escrivá *  Cuando Sánchez tachó de “error” nombrar como gobernador del Banco de España a un “exresponsable político” *  Gabriel Le Senne seguirá como presidente del Parlament balear tras romper la foto de mujeres represaliadas por falangistas * Albert Rivera * Ciudadanos (Cs) * Fact-Checking * Pablo Casado * Pablo Iglesias * Partido Popular (PP) * Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) * Pedro Sánchez * Santiago Abascal * VOX 128 Likes Más en Newtral *  Sémper acusa al Gobierno de incumplir la Constitución al no presentar los presupuestos a tiempo, algo que Rajoy también hizo *  Pedro Sánchez logra los avales necesarios para ser reelegido como secretario general del PSOE *  Qué sabemos sobre el centro de acogida de menores inmigrantes de Fuenlabrada que enfrenta a ayuntamiento y comunidad *  Esto dice el artículo 416 de la LeCrim al que se acogió Pedro Sánchez en su ‘no declaración’ *  De Palacio (PP) fue la primera española vicepresidenta de la Comisión aunque con distintas competencias que Ribera *  El PP registra un recurso de inconstitucionalidad contra la Ley de Amnistía *  El Gobierno no ha acordado la llegada de 250.000 inmigrantes mauritanos a España *  Óscar López asumirá el Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y Función Pública como relevo a Escrivá *  Cuando Sánchez tachó de “error” nombrar como gobernador del Banco de España a un “exresponsable político” *  Gabriel Le Senne seguirá como presidente del Parlament balear tras romper la foto de mujeres represaliadas por falangistas Siguiente * Inicio * Aviso legal * Privacidad * Cookies * Contacto * Twitter * Facebook * Instagram * YouTube * Telegram | That the parties that do not get 3 are not in Congress like in all European countries | 173 |
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DATA ROUNDUP Fake News, Telugu # అయోధ్యలో కట్టబోయే రామ మందిరం పరిసరాల్లో టైంక్యాప్సుల్ ఏర్పాటు చేయట్లేదు. 0 By Chaitanya on August 7, 2020 * A A A Twitter Facebook Reddit అయోధ్యలో కట్టబోయే రామ మందిర పరిసరాల్లో 2000 అడుగుల లోతులో ఒక టైంక్యాప్సుల్ పూడ్చి పెడుతున్నారని, ఈ టైంక్యాప్సుల్ ని 2957వ సంవత్సవరం వరకి బయటికి తీయరని అని చెప్తూ ఉన్న పోస్ట్ ఒకటి సోషల్ మీడియాలో వైరల్ అవుతోంది. ఈ కథనం ద్వారా అందులో ఎంత నిజముందో చూద్దాం. ఈ పోస్ట్ యొక్క ఆర్కైవ్డ్ వెర్షన్ ఇక్కడ చూడవచ్చు. > క్లెయిమ్: అయోధ్యలో కట్టబోయే రామ మందిర పరిసరాల్లో 2000 అడుగుల లోతులో ఒక > టైంక్యాప్సుల్ పూడ్చి పెడుతున్నారు. > > ఫాక్ట్ (నిజం): అయోధ్యలో కట్టబోయే రామ మందిర ప్రాంతంలో ఎటువంటి టైంక్యాప్సుల్ > ఏర్పాటు చేయట్లేదని శ్రీ రామ జన్మభూమి తీర్థ్ క్షేత్ర ట్రస్ట్ జనరల్ సెక్రటరీ > అయిన చంపత్ రాయి ఒక ట్వీట్ ద్వారా తెలిపారు. పైగా పోస్టులో షేర్ చేసిన ఫోటో > 2015లో అమెరికాలోని ప్రఖ్యాత MIT యూనివర్సిటీ లో ఒక నూతన భవన నిర్మాణంలో భాగంగా > జరిపిన తవ్వకాల్లో దొరికిన టైంక్యాప్సుల్. కావున పోస్టు ద్వారా చెప్పేది తప్పు. ఈ వార్తకి సంబంధించి మరింత సమాచారం వెతికే క్రమంలో మాకు శ్రీ రామ జన్మభూమి తీర్థ్ క్షేత్ర ట్రస్ట్ జనరల్ సెక్రటరీ అయిన చంపత్ రాయి ఈ వార్తకి సంబంధించి వివరణ ఇస్తూ చేసిన ట్వీట్ ఒకటి మాకు కనిపించింది. ఈ ట్వీట్ ద్వారా టైంక్యాప్సుల్ ఏర్పాటు చేస్తునట్టు వస్తున్న వార్తలన్నీ ఫేక్ అని మరియు ఇలాంటి వార్తలని నమ్మొద్దని స్పష్టం చేసారు. దీనికి సంబంధించిన వార్తా కథనం ఇక్కడ చదవొచ్చు. > \"Some news items are being circulated which suggest that a time capsule > will be placed beneath the temple construction site in Ayodhya. Any such > news is fake & should not be believed.\" : Shri Champat Rai, General > Secretary, Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra. > > — Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra (@ShriRamTeerth) July 28, 2020 ఫోటో 1: ఈ ఫోటోని రివర్స్ ఇమేజ్ సెర్చ్ చేయగా, ఇది ఒక సాధారణ టైంక్యాప్సుల్ నమూనా అని, దీనికి ఎటువంటి ప్రాముఖ్యత లేదని తెలిసింది. ఇలాంటి టైంక్యాప్సుల్ నమూనాలు అమెజాన్ లో కూడా లభ్యమవుతున్నాయి. ఫోటో 2: ఈ ఫోటోని రివర్స్ ఇమేజ్ సెర్చ్ చేయగా, ఈ ఫోటో 2015లో అమెరికాలోని ప్రఖ్యాత MIT యూనివర్సిటీ లో ఒక నూతన భవన నిర్మాణంలో భాగంగా జరిపిన తవ్వకాల్లో దొరికిన టైంక్యాప్సుల్ అని తెలిసింది. ఈ టైంక్యాప్సుల్ పై 2957 A.D వరకి తెరవకూడదని స్పష్టంగా రాసి ఉంది. దీనికి సంబంధించిన వీడియో ఇక్కడ చూడొచ్చు.  ఐతే ఈ ఫోటోని చూపిస్తూ అయోధ్యలో కట్టబోయే రామ మందిరం పరిసరాల్లో ఒక టైంక్యాప్సుల్ ఏర్పాటుచేస్తున్నారని, దానిని 2957వ సంవత్సరం వరకి తెరవకుడదని ప్రచారం చేస్తున్నారు. దీన్నిబట్టి పోస్టులో చూపిస్తున్న ఈ ఫోటోకి అయోధ్యలో కట్టబోయే రామ మందిరానికి ఎటువంటి సంబంధంలేదని చెప్పొచ్చు. ఐతే, 27 జూలై 2020న శ్రీ రామ జన్మభూమి తీర్థ్ క్షేత్ర ట్రస్ట్ సభ్యుడైన కామేశ్వర్ చౌపల్ మీడియాతో మాట్లాడుతూ అయోధ్యలో కట్టబోయే రామ మందిర ప్రాంతంలో 2000 అడుగుల లోతులో ఒక టైంక్యాప్సుల్ పూడ్చి పెడతామని చెప్పిన నేపధ్యంలో ఈ వార్త వైరల్ అవుతుంది. దీనికి సంబంధించిన వార్త ఇక్కడ చదవొచ్చు మరియు వీడియో ఇక్కడ చూడొచ్చు.  చివరగా, వీటన్నిటి ఆధారంగా అయోధ్యలో కట్టబోయే రామ మందిరం ప్రాంతంలో ఎటువంటి టైంక్యాప్సుల్ ఏర్పాటు చేయట్లేదు అని కచ్చితంగా చెప్పొచ్చు.  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Americas PAC stated on April 27, 2017 in a radio ad: Says Tammy Baldwin was told by a whistleblower about \"overmedicated veterans,\" she made \"deadly mistakes\" and \"three veterans died\" at the Tomah VA hospital.   * Drugs * Health Care * Public Health * Veterans * Wisconsin * Americas PAC    By Laura Schulte • August 22, 2024 Two of the deaths The Tomah VA and how politicians responded to problems there have been in the news since January 2015, when the California-based Center for Investigative Reporting exposed the overprescription of opioid drugs by the facility. The day after the Baldwin attack ad began airing, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that two Wisconsin radio stations had pulled the ad after lawyers for Baldwin’s campaign complained it was false. Tom Donelson of Americas PAC told the Journal Sentinel and us that the committee stands by the ad. But two of the three deaths clearly don’t support the attack on Baldwin: * Jacob Ward had been heavily medicated at the Tomah VA and later became a drug addict. But his parents said his care at Tomah ended in 2007 and they transferred him to the Milwaukee VA in 2008 and that they didn’t blame the Tomah VA for his death. Ward, who was 27, overdosed on heroin and cocaine in a Milwaukee apartment on Sept. 4, 2013. That was six years after he stopped going to Tomah and a year before the whistleblower contacted Baldwin. * Thomas Patrick Baer, 74, died Jan. 14, 2015 at a hospital in La Crosse, Wis., two days after he suffered two strokes at the Tomah VA while waiting for treatment there. His death was not connected to overmedication. That leaves Simcakoski, who suffered a fatal drug overdose in the psychiatric ward of the Tomah VA. He had been prescribed 15 drugs, including muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, antipsychotic medicines and an opioid painkiller. Let’s look at a timeline of his case and how it relates to Baldwin, based primarily on Gannett Wisconsin Media news reports. Jason Simcakoski Between April and June of 2014, Baldwin wrote letters to the Tomah VA director, a VA official in Washington and the VA inspector general in Washington. She asked each of them to investigate allegations that \"a large percentage of veterans\" at the Tomah VA were being treated for abuse of opioids and other drugs that had originally been prescribed by the facility -- and that continued to be prescribed to them. The allegations were made by a constituent who wanted to remain anonymous, according to the letters. That means Baldwin had taken those steps months before the Simcakoski’s death, which occurred on Aug. 30, 2014. Moreover, Ryan Honl, the whistleblower alluded to in the radio ad, didn’t make a complaint to Baldwin’s office until nearly a month later. Baldwin nevertheless has been criticized because she took no action between Aug. 29, 2014 -- the day before Simcakoski’s death, when her office received an inspection report documenting the overprescribing of opioids at Tomah -- and January 2015, when the Center for Investigative Reporting revealed the circumstances of his death and Baldwin called for an investigation. In between, Honl had repeatedly emailed Baldwin’s office asking that Baldwin call for an investigation and make the inspection report public. Baldwin later said she was disciplining her chief of staff and two other aides for failing to take appropriate action on complaints about Tomah. And she said her office made mistakes in handling the inspection report and the whistleblower’s pleas. Still, Baldwin didn’t receive the inspection report until the day before Simcakoski’s death and the whistleblower didn’t begin contacting her until after Simcakoski’s death. Our rating Americas PAC says Baldwin was told by a whistleblower about \"overmedicated veterans,\" she made \"deadly mistakes\" and \"three veterans died\" at the Tomah VA hospital. Baldwin has acknowledged mistakes in the handling of an inspection report and a whistle blower’s emails about veterans being over prescribed opioid painkillers at Tomah. But none of those tie Baldwin to the deaths. One death had nothing to do with overmedication. One was an overdose, but it occurred in Milwaukee years after the veteran stopped being treated in Tomah and before the whistleblower contacted Baldwin. And the third death, though an overdose at the Tomah VA, also occurred before the whistleblower contacted Baldwin (and only one day after she received the inspection report). We rate the statement False. Share the Facts 2017-05-05 15:47:13 UTC Politifact  5 1 7  Politifact Rating: False Says Tammy Baldwin was told by a whistleblower about \"overmedicated veterans,\" she made \"deadly mistakes\" and \"three veterans died\" at the Tomah VA hospital Americas PAC Political action committee  In a radio ad Thursday, April 27, 2017 2017-04-27 Read More info **Related fact check:** The attack on Baldwin is along the lines of one made against Democrat Russ Feingold, who ran unsuccessfully against Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson in 2016. A super PAC claimed that when Feingold was in the Senate, he received a memo in 2009 that \"outlined veteran harm\" at the Tomah VA \"and nothing was done.\" Our rating was False, as there was no evidence Feingold received the memo. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, \"Tammy Baldwin campaign calls foul on new radio ad,\" April 28, 2017 Interview, Tom Donelson of Amercas PAC, May 2, 2017 Interview, Tammy Baldwin campaign spokesman Scott Spector, May 2, 2017 Journal Sentinel SoundCloud, America’s PAC Tammy Baldwin radio ad, April 28, 2017 Americas PAC, news release, April 27, 2017 Center for Responsive Politics, Americas PAC, accessed April 28, 2017 PolitiFact Wisconsin, \"Koch-funded Super PAC attack says Russ Feingold got 2009 memo about harm to veterans and did nothing,\" May 11, 2016 Tammy Baldwin campaign lawyers Jonathan S. Berkon and David J. Lazarus, letter to radio station managers, April 27, 2017 Gannett Wisconsin Media, \"Sen. Baldwin had Tomah VA report for months,\" Jan. 29, 2015 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, \"Opiates handed out like candy to \'doped-up\' veterans at Wisconsin VA,\" Jan. 12, 2015 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, \"After criticism, Tammy Baldwin calls for probe at Tomah VA hospital,\" Feb. 13, 2015 Gannett Wisconsin Media, \"Baldwin disciplines chief of staff, 2 aides over Tomah,\" March 13, 2015 Gannett Wisconsin Media, \"\'My father is dead ... and I blame the VA,’\" Feb. 11, 2015 Gannett Wisconsin Media, \"Tomah: A trail of secrecy, missed opportunities,\" Feb. 24, 2015 WXOW-TV, \"Coon Valley fallen veteran part of Tomah VA investigation,\" Aug. 7, 2015 Tammy Baldwin, letter to Tomah VA, April 7, 2014 Tammy Baldwin, letter to veterans affairs official, June 12, 2014 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Tom Kertscher slide 4 to 6 of 15   Instagram posts stated on July 19, 2023 in an Instagram post: A wind turbine must “spin continually for over four years just to replace the energy it took to manufacture it.”   Instagram posts stated on July 17, 2023 in an Instagram post: \"Florida to ban mRNA vaccines as credible evidence of biological weapons.\"   Instagram posts stated on August 26, 2023 in a video: Women vaccinated against COVID-19 face \"unknown side effects that could perpetually go down through the lineage\" to their children.   Instagram posts stated on August 24, 2023 in an Instagram post: The World Health Organization said there is \"a possible causal relationship\" between COVID-19 vaccines and multiple sclerosis.   By Tom Kertscher • August 22, 2023   By Tom Kertscher • August 14, 2023   Instagram posts stated on August 6, 2023 in a viral image: California passed a law “reducing penalties for oral, anal sex with willing children.”   Instagram posts stated on July 28, 2023 in a video: “Skin cancer is a relatively new phenomenon in the last 60 years or so.”   Instagram posts stated on July 19, 2023 in an Instagram post: A wind turbine must “spin continually for over four years just to replace the energy it took to manufacture it.”   Instagram posts stated on July 17, 2023 in an Instagram post: \"Florida to ban mRNA vaccines as credible evidence of biological weapons.\"   Instagram posts stated on August 26, 2023 in a video: Women vaccinated against COVID-19 face \"unknown side effects that could perpetually go down through the lineage\" to their children.   By Loreben Tuquero • September 11, 2024 *   By Sara Swann • September 11, 2024 *  election workers to (illegally) lie on registration & use a church address to register homeless people to vote!”   By Jeff Cercone • September 11, 2024 *   By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 11, 2024 * , they\'re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they\'re eating the cats. They\'re eating, they\'re eating the pets of the people that live there.”   By Jeff Cercone • September 11, 2024 *   By Grace Abels • September 9, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. Become a member! In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. 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Skip to content W.A.  Search for... * About * Contact * Advertise Search for... W.A.  Search for... * About * Contact * Advertise Search for... You are in: Home Page > Politics > **Paula Rousseff, daughter of Dilma, was infiltrated in the invasion of the Planalto Palace #rumor** # Paula Rousseff, Dilma's daughter, was infiltrated in the invasion of the Palácio do Plateau #rumor * Politics * 04/28/2023 * by Edgard Matsuki  Rumor – Photo shows Paula Rousseff, daughter of former president Dilma, during invasion of the Planalto Palace on January 8, 2023. In recent days we have seen an attempt to impute a narrative that should be used in the CPMI of the coup demonstrations on January 8th 2023: that the vandalism was carried out by “infiltrators” in the protests. THE The big problem is that the narrative (which has no proof) is being used of some false elements to try to sustain itself. The newest story that is circulating on the internet points to what would be the proof that former president Dilma Rousseff's daughter, Paula, would be infiltrated among the protesters at Palácio do Planalto on January 8, 2023. A photo of a woman who would be Dilma's daughter is going viral in montages on social networks. Read some of the messages that are circulating online: Version 1: _*ANA PAULA*, Dilma's daughter, okay? Who participated in the break in Brasília-DF on 01/08/2023 as an infiltrated invader. *Not a “fish” daughter It's an alligator. Little fish is*. What would you expect from the daughter of a proven guerrilla, former leftist president?_ Version 2: _*Dilma's daughter hahaha Daughter of fish 🐟🐟 Little fish!!! .._ > ## Ancelmo Gois wrote a text criticizing Eduardo Paes? We check Version 3: _*ANA PAULA*, Dilma's daughter, participated in the Break Break as infiltrated Version 4: Does anyone know this guy inside the Palácio do Planalto on 01/08/2023? Nails done, ring on finger.🤔 They're saying it looks like Dilma's daughter. One of the infiltrated terrorists. The two other photos are 2015. It is already 8 years old. Is this lady arrested?_ ## Paula Rousseff, Dilma's daughter, was infiltrated in the invasion of the Palácio do Plateau? The thesis spread with all its might on the internet. But, in addition to the story cannot stand on its own (guys, let's imagine the absurdity), there are elements that point out that the person is not Paula Rousseff, daughter of former president Dilma. The message, the history and a search for reliable sources already help us to reveal the hoax. Just like a “good” rumor, the story in question is vague, alarmist, there are errors in Portuguese (in fact, the message can even get the word wrong name Paula when calling her “Ana Paula”) and does not cite any reliable source that proves the information in question (we’ll talk more about evidence in a moment). Furthermore, there is no shortage of fake news about people who supposedly would be infiltrated in the January 8 attacks. We have already denied that people of the MST, the PSOL, the PT and even the “CPX” would be infiltrated to put the blame for the protests in Bolsonaro. If, in fact, Dilma's daughter was among the people who were detained in the acts of January 8, this would become a scandal (just as it was when discovered images of GSI people at Palácio do Planalto). It's just not there nothing from reliable sources. When analyzing the image of the woman, a frame from a video that was not released (probably to help with manipulation), it is possible to see that, despite having some characteristics similar to Dilma's daughter, it is not the same person. The shape of the forehead and nose, for example, are different. We searched for more (and much more) and managed to find a message from a person who points out that it is the woman in the image. Through our investigation, we were able to confirm (through images) that this is the person who was there, who is on the list of people arrested for the acts of January 8 and who is the person in the image. More than that: we talked to her. We spoke to the woman who lives in the interior of São Paulo and will not be identified here. She pointed out that she was inside Planalto to “defend herself from bombs outside". She also claimed that she did not participate in the break-up (of In fact, the frame that circulates doesn't show her breaking anything). The woman also pointed out that she was upset with the messages that were exposing her image, who does not want to be confused with Dilma's daughter, who, In fact, he didn't even know that former president Dilma had a daughter and he feared that even Paula Rousseff was harmed by fake news. In short: the information that indicates that Dilma's daughter was infiltrated the demonstrations on January 8, 2023. In addition to the person from image does not look like it, documents and a search in reality belie the thesis in question. Ps: This article is a suggestion from readers. 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And I was trying to find out today what our money was spent on, but I got pat down by a woman. So, why don’t we all start identifying the opposite sex, and make it as uncomfortable for them as they make it uncomfortable for us.\" The video was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.) The price tag that Key assigned to the new TSA gender-neutral screening technology misses the mark by a mile. #### Featured Fact-check   X posts stated on August 18, 2024 in X post Photo shows “pallets or containers of bricks have been found near locations designated for protests related to the Democratic National Convention”   By Caleb McCullough • August 20, 2024 On March 31, 2022, the TSA announced it had received $18.6 million to improve its Advanced Imaging Technology units in airports, otherwise known as the screening machines passengers pass through at TSA checkpoints. Agency press secretary R. Carter Langston told PolitiFact that before the change, the screening units required that TSA agents signal on the machines whether a passenger is male or female, based on the passenger’s physical appearance. The new technology, funded by the U.S. Senate’s Fiscal Year 2022 omnibus appropriations package, removes that requirement, making the process gender- neutral and more streamlined, Langston said. The new technology, which was rolled out in airports in December, will \"improve the customer experience of travelers who previously have been required to undergo additional screening due to alarms in sensitive areas,\" the March 2022 news release said. Langston said the technology will also reduce the number of false alarms, which improves efficiency. Our ruling Key claimed the TSA spent \"a couple hundred million dollars\" on gender- neutral screening technology. TSA spent $18.6 million on gender-inclusive screening technology, not \"hundreds of millions.\" We rate the claim False. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Facebook video, Jan. 19, 2023 The Washington Post, Self-proclaimed ‘Vaccine Police’ tells Walmart pharmacists they ‘could be executed’ for administering shots, Aug. 19, 2021 Daily Beast, Anti-Vax Leader Urges Followers to Drink Their Own Urine to Fight COVID, Jan. 9, 2022 Transportation Security Administration, TSA announces measures to implement gender-neutral screening at its checkpoints, March 31, 2022 NewsNation, TSA rolling out gender-neutral screening in January | Morning in America, Dec. 15, 2022 Senate Appropriations Committee, FY2022 Omnibus Appropriations Package - Topline Summary, accessed Jan. 26, 2023 Interview with R. Carter Langston, press secretary for the Transportation Security Administration, Jan. 26 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Gabrielle Settles slide 4 to 6 of 15   Instagram posts stated on May 18, 2023 in a post: Says a report shows that “Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients”   By Maria Briceño • June 30, 2023   Instagram posts stated on June 12, 2023 in a post: Says a video showing water inside a glass on a spaceflight proves space isn’t real   By Gabrielle Settles • June 13, 2023   Instagram posts stated on June 5, 2023 in a video: “Italy announced they are changing LGBT Pride month to Family Pride Month,” in order to “celebrate traditional families.”   Instagram posts stated on April 24, 2023 in a post: “An 11-year-old boy saved the lives of two people on the same day.”   Instagram posts stated on May 22, 2023 in a post: Video shows boxes of books removed from a middle school library that were “banned by the DeSantis regime in Florida.”   By Gabrielle Settles • May 31, 2023   Instagram posts stated on May 22, 2023 in a post: Says Bill Gates visited Jeffrey Epstein’s Island \"37 times.\"   Instagram posts stated on May 18, 2023 in a post: Says a report shows that “Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients”   By Maria Briceño • June 30, 2023   Instagram posts stated on June 12, 2023 in a post: Says a video showing water inside a glass on a spaceflight proves space isn’t real   By Madison Czopek • September 15, 2024 *   By Loreben Tuquero • September 13, 2024 *   By Caleb McCullough • September 13, 2024 *   By Sofia Ahmed • September 13, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. Become a member! In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Sign me up #### Offices District of Columbia 1800 I Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Florida 801 3rd St. S St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-821-9494 #### People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis #### State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin #### About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters #### RSS Feeds * Recent Articles and Fact-checks * Recent Fact-checks Suggest a Fact-check #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Copyright ©All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization   * Elections * Facebook Fact-checks * California * Viral image  The original tweet claims the image was taken at South El Monte Library in Los Angeles County on Nov. 10. But Mike Sanchez, a spokesperson for the county registrar’s office, told PolitiFact the picture was not taken there. The image doesn’t show a polling place; the photo was taken nearly 4 miles away at the county’s vote-by-mail operation center in Industry, Sanchez said. That is where all absentee ballots are processed and verified before they’re moved to the county’s central vote-counting facility in Downey. The bags in the photo contained absentee ballots that were deposited in drop boxes on Election Day and then collected by election workers. After being processed and verified, they are moved to Downey to be tallied, a process that continues during the election canvassing period, Sanchez said. #### Featured Fact-check   Threads posts stated on July 23, 2024 in a Threads post As of July 23, 2024, “Trump has announced he won’t debate Kamala Harris.”   By Mia Penner • July 24, 2024 Sanchez noted that the county hasn’t declared Newsom the winner; news organizations like The Associated Press made the call based on the county’s unofficial election results. Those results are scheduled to be certified Dec. 5 after all eligible votes are tallied, Sanchez said. The Associated Press, which called the race for Newsom \"minutes after the California polls closed\" on election night, calls races once it \"is fully confident a race has been won — defined most simply as the moment a trailing candidate no longer has a path to victory.\" As of Nov. 17, the secretary of state’s office estimated that 1.7 million ballots were still unprocessed in California. \"It typically takes weeks for counties to process and count all of the ballots,\" the office’s website said. \"Election officials have approximately one month to complete their extensive tallying, auditing, and certification work (known as the official canvass.)\" As of Nov. 17, with all 25,554 precincts in California \"partially reporting\" their results, Newsom had about 5.4 million votes, or 59%, while state Sen. Brian Dahle, R-Bieber, had about 3.8 million votes, or 41%. Dahle conceded on Nov. 9. Our ruling The Instagram post claims that the photo shows uncounted ballots in California at a polling location and suggests that this is evidence of fraud, because Newsom was declared the governor shortly after polls closed. Several points are wrong here. The photo was taken at a county facility where election workers were processing and verifying absentee ballots. They were uncounted, because they had not yet been moved to the county’s central location for tallying votes. This process typically takes weeks, and it’s not evidence of fraud, as this post suggests. The Associated Press — not the state of California, which was still counting ballots as we wrote this fact-check — declared Newsom the winner after the polls closed. The Associated Press calls winners in races when it concludes there’s no way a trailing candidate can mount a successful comeback and clinch the race. California is expected to certify its election results Dec. 5, after all eligible ballots have been counted. The statement in the post contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, so we rate it Mostly False. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Instagram post, Nov. 15, 2022 Tweet, Nov. 10, 2022 The Associated Press, How we call races, visited Nov. 17, 2022 The Associated Press, Democrat Gavin Newsom wins reelection for governor in California, Nov. 8, 2022 The Associated Press, California’s Newsom wins 2nd term, is White House run next?, Nov. 8, 2022 California secretary of state, Unprocessed Ballots Status, visited Nov. 17, 2022 California secretary of state, Estimated Unprocessed Ballots for the November 8, 2022, General Election, visited Nov. 17, 2022 California secretary of state, Governor - Statewide Results, visited Nov. 17, 2022 The Sacramento Bee, Californians fear the economic worst + Newsom gets new second-term staff + Dahle concedes, Nov. 10, 2022 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Ciara O\'Rourke slide 4 to 6 of 15   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 7, 2024   X posts stated on August 19, 2024 in an X post: Democrats dyed the “Chicago River red to celebrate abortion.”   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 20, 2024   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 19, 2024   Threads posts stated on August 10, 2024 in a Threads post: Video shows former President Donald Trump freezing up.   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 9, 2024   Threads posts stated on August 2, 2024 in a Threads post: “Mike Tyson says he’s willing to box Olympic DUDE with all proceeds to go to a battered women’s charity.”   Instagram posts stated on August 2, 2024 in an Instagram post: President Joe Biden walked “onto an empty airplane for no reason.”   By Ciara O\'Rourke • August 7, 2024   By Amy Sherman • August 20, 2024 *   By Grace Abels • August 20, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. Become a member! In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. 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Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now # Fact-checking Attorney General Jeff Sessions on the DACA immigration program * National  -1 -1 -1  PolitiFact Rating: No legal status granted daca DACA ‘essentially provided a legal status for recipients’ Jeff Sessions Attorney General  -1 -1 -1  PolitiFact Rating: Not settled among experts daca DACA provided ‘unilateral executive amnesty’ Jeff Sessions Attorney General  DACA granted recipients ‘participation in the Social Security program’ This statement lacks significant context. Most DACA recipients, because of their young age, would work for years before becoming eligible for Social Security. And as we’ve noted before, having DACA alone does not make recipients eligible for Social Security or most other federal benefits. But immigrants who have DACA are also eligible for work permits — therefore they are not barred from federal programs associated with working in the United States, such as Social Security and Medicare, where a portion of income goes toward funding the benefits. But it’s worth noting that DACA, which took effect in 2012, covered immigrants who came to the United States before their 16th birthday and who continuously lived here since June 15, 2007. So children and young adults who work generally wouldn’t be covered by Social Security for decades, after paying taxes and contributing to the Social Security Trust Funds. Share the Facts 2017-09-05 21:46:10 UTC PolitiFact  -1 -1 -1  PolitiFact Rating: Needs context daca DACA granted recipients ‘participation in the Social Security program’ Jeff Sessions Attorney General  -1 -1 -1  PolitiFact Rating: Not proven daca DACA also ‘denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same illegal aliens to take those jobs’ Jeff Sessions Attorney General  -1 -1 -1  PolitiFact Rating: Majority are adults daca 800,000 DACA recipients are ‘mostly adult’ Jeff Sessions Attorney General   By Louis Jacobson • October 2, 2024  lost manufacturing jobs, by most people’s estimates at least 200,000.”   By Louis Jacobson • September 26, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 25, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 25, 2024  Ronald Reagan.”   By Louis Jacobson • September 20, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 20, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 18, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 12, 2024   By Louis Jacobson • September 8, 2024   By Marta Campabadal Graus • September 5, 2024 ### Fact-checking Attorney General Jeff Sessions on the DACA immigration program *   By Louis Jacobson • October 2, 2024 *   By Paul Specht • October 1, 2024 *   By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 30, 2024 *  responding to someone talking through her earrings that she allegedly wore during the Trump vs. Harris debate.”   By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 30, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization  Search My Profile Logout Submit a Rumor Latest Trending News & Politics Entertainment Fact Checks Quiz Sections Latest Trending Fact Checks News Collections More Contact Us Submit a Rumor Archives Quiz FactBot Newsletters About Us Categories News & Politics Entertainment Science & Technology Lifestyle Free accounts support our journalism Become a Member Login My Profile Logout  Snopes fact-checked the vice presidential debate live! Read more here  Fact Check # Did \'The Simpsons\' Predict the Censorship of Michelangelo\'s \'David\'? ## A case of life imitating art imitating life. ### Dan MacGuill ### Published Nov. 29, 2019 , a muscular, > starkly naked depiction of its namesake biblical hero. The work scandalized > the artist’s fellow Florentines and the Catholic clergy when unveiled in > Florence’s Piazza della Signoria in 1504. Soon after, the figure’s sculpted > phallus was girdled with a garland of bronze fig leaves by authorities. > > 60 years later, just months before Michelangelo’s death, the Catholic Church > issued an edict demanding that “figures shall not be painted or adorned with > a beauty exciting … lust.” The clergy began a crusade to camouflage the > pensises and pubic hair visible in artworks across Italy. Their coverups of > choice? Loincloths, foliage, and — most often — fig leaves. It has became > known as the “Fig Leaf Campaign,” one of history’s most significant acts of > art censorship. Advertisement: A more recent example, described by the website of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, came in the mid-1800s, when the Grand Duke of Tuscany presented Queen Victoria with a 6-meter-high cast of the original statue: \"The story goes that on her first encounter with the cast of \'David\' at the Museum, Queen Victoria was so shocked by the nudity that a proportionally accurate fig leaf was commissioned. It was then kept in readiness for any royal visits, when it was hung on the figure using two strategically placed hooks.\" Rather than \"predicting\" the censorship of Michelangelo\'s \"David,\" the writers of \"The Simpsons\" were merely describing and satirizing moral crusades of that kind, which had already been happening for hundreds of years, and happened to continue to take place in the nearly 30 years since the episode first aired. #### Sources Truth Equals Fiction (Blog). \"Simpsons Did It -- Michelangelo\'s \'David\' Protest.\" 27 July 2015. Hancock, Edith. \"11 Times The Simpsons Accurately Predicted the Future.\" Business Insider/The Independent. 11 November 2016. Murray, Tom. \"18 Times \'The Simpsons\' Accurately Predicted the Future.\" Business Insider. 15 May 2019. The Daily Telegraph. \"Mexico Winning the World Cup -- and 30 Other Times Real Life Has Imitated The Simpsons.\" 27 June 2018. BBC News. \"Russians to Vote on Covering Up Michelangelo\'s David.\" 28 July 2016. Gotthardt, Alexxa. \"Why Fig Leaves Cover the Private Parts of Classical Sculptures.\" Artsy. 5 April 2018. The Victoria and Albert Museum. \"David\'s Fig Leaf, Perhaps by D. Brucciani & Co., About 1857.\" Accessed 29 November 2019. ### By Dan MacGuill Dan Mac Guill is a former writer for Snopes. 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Facebook Twitter Tumblr Close Skip to main content® A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center     * Facebook * TikTok * FactCheck On the Air * Mailbag Debunking Viral Claims › FactCheck Posts › Featured Posts # Explaining the Missing Context of Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 Presentation By Saranac Hale Spencer, Robert Farley and D\'Angelo Gore Posted on March 10, 2023 | Updated on September 26, 2023 * * * * * ## Quick Take On Jan. 6, 2021, about 140 police officers were assaulted during the Capitol riot, and 326 participants — more than 100 armed with weapons — have been charged. But Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson has used recently released video from that day to misleadingly minimize the violence at the riot and to distort the actions of the police. ## Full Story On the evening of Jan. 6, 2021 — after a mob had overrun the U.S. Capitol, fueled by the misguided belief that the 2020 election had been “stolen” — Fox News host Tucker Carlson texted a colleague who was concerned about the lies that fed the violence. “Our job is not to provide news coverage. Not even close. Our job is to explain what things mean,” Carlson wrote. The text exchange was revealed in a recent filing for a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit brought against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems, a voting machine company that was a frequent target of election misinformation amplified by Fox following the election. Carlson’s view of his role is particularly relevant now because he is — more than two years later — using his show to sow doubt about the integrity of the election and minimize the significance of the Capitol riot.  After noting the text, Carlson then ran a clip that appeared to show Epps near the Capitol at 2:41 p.m. “In fact, Ray Epps remained at the Capitol for at least another half an hour,” Carlson said. “What was Epps doing there?” he asked. “We can’t say, but we do know that he lied to investigators.” Showing that Epps was near the Capitol for half an hour longer than he’d estimated is not a smoking gun and doesn’t offer any support for the claim that Epps was an undercover federal agent. Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, has directly addressed the claim about federal agents inciting the riot, saying at a congressional hearing in November, “To the extent that there’s a suggestion, for example, that the FBI’s confidential human sources or FBI employees in some way instigated or orchestrated January 6 — that’s categorically false.” ## Hawley’s ‘Loping’ from Capitol Claim: “The surveillance footage we reviewed showed that famous clip [of Sen. Josh Hawley running from protesters who had breached the Capitol] was a sham, edited deceptively by the Jan. 6 committee. The clip was propaganda, not evidence. The actual videotape shows that Hawley was one of many lawmakers being ushered out of the building by Capitol Hill police officers. And, in fact, Hawley was at the back of the pack. The coward tape was a lie.” Facts: The video clip of Hawley running through the Capitol, which was publicly released during a Jan. 6 committee hearing on July 21, 2022, did, as Carlson said, become one of the iconic images of the hearings, given that just hours prior to fleeing the Capitol, Hawley was photographed raising a fist to show solidarity with the Jan. 6 protesters. “To prove that Josh Hawley was a coward, the committee released video of him loping out of the building on the afternoon of Jan. 6 with a police escort,” Carlson said. “The tape became a staple of social media. Democrats laughed with derision.” Carlson is right about the clip becoming a “staple of social media,” and it’s true that some of the attendees of the hearing erupted in laughter when the clip was played (as Carlson showed on his program). As Glenn Beck showed on his Blaze TV show (and the clip has been viewed widely on Facebook), the video also became fodder for late night TV hosts. But it’s misleading to say, as Carlson did, that the video was “edited deceptively” and a “lie.” At the hearing, Rep. Elaine Luria never suggested Hawley was the only senator who fled the Capitol that afternoon. In fact, she made it clear many senators were forced to run “from the mob.” Luria played the video after discussing how then-Vice President Mike Pence had to be evacuated from the Senate on the afternoon of Jan. 6, and how Sen. Tommy Tuberville, one of Trump’s staunchest supporters, told Trump in a phone call, “I’m going to have to hang up on you. I’ve got to leave.” “Senator Josh Hawley also had to flee,” Luria said during the Jan. 6 committee hearing. Luria noted that “earlier that afternoon” on Jan. 6, Hawley “walked across the east front of the Capitol” and “raised his fist in solidarity with the protesters already amassing at the security gates.” Luria said that a Capitol Police officer who witnessed it told the committee that “Hawley’s gesture riled up the crowd, and it bothered her greatly because he was doing it in a safe space, protected by the officers and the barriers.” Luria then played the video of Hawley running past a corridor as Capitol Police officers stood to the side. But it wasn’t the only video clip Luria played. She also played one that showed other senators and their staff running down some stairs, and she highlighted that Hawley was among them. In other words, Luria never suggested that Hawley was the only one running from the approaching rioters. Then Luria said, “Think about what we’ve seen: Undeniable violence at the Capitol. The vice president being evacuated to safety by the Secret Service. Senators running through the hallways of the Senate to get away from the mob.” Note that she said “senators,” plural. Hawley endorsed Carlson’s overall depiction of the footage from Jan. 6 when reporters asked him about it shortly after the show aired. But not all Republicans approved of Carlson’s show. Sen. Mitch McConnell, for example, held up Manger’s memo and said, “The chief of the Capitol Police, in my view, correctly describes what most of us witnessed firsthand on January 6.” McConnell went on to say, “It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that is completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.” Update, Sept. 26: Federal prosecutors charged Epps on Sept. 18 with disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted area for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. He pleaded guilty two days later. Michael Teter, a lawyer representing Epps in a civil suit against Fox News, told NBC News in a statement that Epps has “cooperated and has taken responsibility for his actions.” He is scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 20. Editor’s note: is one of several organizations working with Facebook to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Our previous stories can be found here. Facebook has no control over our editorial content. ## Sources U.S. Dominion, Inc. v. Fox News Network, LLC. Exhibits 261-303 (redacted). Accessed 9 Mar 2023. Allen, Mike. “Exclusive: McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to trove of Jan. 6 riot tape.” Axios. 20 Feb 2023. U.S. Department of Justice. 26 Months Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol. 6 Mar 2023. PBS NewsHour (@PBSNewsHour). “WATCH: Full statements from 4 officers who defended Capitol from Jan. 6 attack.” YouTube. 27 Jul 2021. Federal Election Commission. OFFICIAL 2020 PRESIDENTIAL GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS. 28 Jan 2021. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Press release. “Joint Statement from Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees.” 12 Nov 2020. National Archives. 2020 Electoral College Results. Reviewed 16 Apr 2021. “Viral Voting Misinformation.” Updated 21 Dec 2020. Farley, Robert. “Evidence Gaps in ‘2000 Mules.’” Updated 13 Jun 2022. Office of Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes. “Arizona Attorney General’s Office Releases Documents Related to 2020 Election Investigations.” Press release. 22 Feb 2023. Grigsby, Reginald. “Election Review Summary.” Memorandum to John Johnson, Chief Division Counsel. Office of Attorney General Criminal Division, Special Investigations Section. 19 Sep 2022. Cooper, Jonathan. “Former Arizona AG sat on records refuting 2020 election fraud.” AP. 22 Feb 2023. U.S. Capitol Police website. Press release: “Loss of USCP Officer Brian D. Sicknick.” 7 Jan 2021. Schmidt, Michael S. and Broadwater, Luke. “Officers’ Injuries, Including Concussions, Show Scope of Violence at Capitol Riot.” New York Times. 11 Feb 2021. Updated 12 Jul 2021. Hermann, Peter and Hsu, Spencer S. “Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who engaged rioters, suffered two strokes and died of natural causes, officials say.” Washington Post. 19 Apr 2021. U.S. Capitol Police website. Press release: “Medical Examiner Finds USCP Officer Brian Sicknick Died of Natural Causes.” 19 Apr 2021. U.S. Department of Justice. “Defendants From New Jersey And West Virginia Sentenced For Assaulting Officers During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach.” 27 Jan 2023. Lybrand, Holmes. “Jan. 6 rioter who assaulted Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick sentenced to over 6 years in jail.” CNN. 27 Jan 2023. U.S. Department of Justice. “One Year Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol.” Updated Dec. 30, 2021. Manger, J. Thomas. “From the Desk of the Chief: Truth & Justice.” U.S. Capitol Police. 7 Mar 2023. Darcy, Oliver. Statement here from the family of U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. Twitter. 6 Mar 2023. Full Jan. 6 Committee Hearing – Day 8 Transcript. 23 Jul 2022. Fichera, Angelo. “Video Doesn’t Prove Capitol Police Allowed Jan. 6 Protesters to Enter Capitol.” 21 May 2021. Department of Justice. CHANSLEY, Jacob Anthony (aka Jacob Angeli)- Case Number: 1:21-cr-3. Accessed 9 Mar 2023. Department of Justice. United States v Jacob Chansley. Plea agreement. 9 Sep 2021. Department of Justice. United States v Jacob Chansley. Statement of Offense in Support of Guilty Plea. 9 Sep 2021. “Four House at the Capitol.” HBO Documentary Films. 20 Oct 2021. New Yorker YouTube Channel. “A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege.” Video. 17 Jan 2021. Feuer, Alan. “‘It’s Just Been Hell’: Life as the Victim of a Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory.” New York Times. 13 Jul 2022. Hale Spencer, Saranac. “Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory Centers on Baseless Claim About Ray Epps.” Updated 14 Jul 2022. Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. Interview of: Ray Epps. 21 Jan 2022. House Homeland Security Hearing on Global Terror Threats. C-SPAN. 15 Nov 2022. Whittington, JC. “GOP senators react to Tucker Carlson’s airing of Jan. 6 footage provided by McCarthy.” Politico. 8 Mar 2023. “Senator McConnell Calls Tucker Carlson’s Depiction of January 6 Attack a ‘Mistake.’” C-SPAN. 7 Mar 2023. * Categories * Debunking Viral Claims * FactCheck Posts * Featured Posts * Location * National * Issue * capitol riot * conspiracy theories * People * Tucker Carlson Previous StoryPosts Fabricate Charge Against Bill Gates in Philippines Next StoryPosts Spread Unfounded Claims About Russia’s Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Ask SciCheck Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment? A: Like all energy sources, wind farms have some negative environmental impacts. But getting energy from wind farms results in dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions than getting it from fossil fuels. Read the full question and answer View the Ask SciCheck archives Have a question? Ask us. Donate Now Because facts matter.  ##### SciCheck ###### Fact-checking science-based claims.  ##### Facebook Initiative ###### Debunking viral claims.  ##### Viral Spiral ###### Don’t get spun by internet rumors.  ##### Mailbag ###### Letters from our readers.  Search My Profile Logout Submit a Rumor Latest Trending News & Politics Entertainment Fact Checks Quiz Sections Latest Trending Fact Checks News Collections More Contact Us Submit a Rumor Archives Quiz FactBot Newsletters About Us Categories News & Politics Entertainment Science & Technology Lifestyle Free accounts support our journalism Become a Member Login My Profile Logout  Snopes fact-checked the vice presidential debate live! Read more here  Fact Check # Is USPS Closing Soon Because of COVID-19? ## For many Americans who fear leaving their homes during the pandemic, the Postal Service is a lifeline. ### Jessica Lee ### Published April 29, 2020 Updated Aug. 19, 2020  remained in operation. Canvassing city streets and rural roads with packages of prescriptions, food, and bills, the mail carriers provided a lifeline for many Americans who feared leaving their homes during the pandemic. Under the U.S. Constitution, the federally run Postal Service must serve all Americans equally regardless of where they live. But with a novel virus plaguing the country — spreading from person to person — that commitment to service came at a cost: 1,800 USPS employees had either tested positive for or were suspected to have caught COVID-19 as of April 25, according to the National Association of Letter Carriers. And more than 40 such workers had died. The virus\' toll on employees\' health was not the only pandemic-fueled problem for leaders of the Postal Service; a decline in mail deliveries — a leading source of revenue for the agency — due to business shutdowns raised worries that the national mail carrier would not economically recover from a coronavirus recession. From high-profile Democrats in Washington, D.C., to less-known musicians who said they rely on USPS to help them run independent labels, supporters across the country took to Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit to call attention to what they feared were limited days left for USPS. Advertisement:  Advertisement: Many of the social media posts included calls to action. Supporters rushed to buy stamps, hoping any type of profit boost would stave off a collapse, or urged people to contact U.S. lawmakers and tell them to help the Postal Service with federal funds. As of April 28, almost 390,000 people had signed an online petition on to express their support for USPS, while more than 440,000 people had endorsed an open letter using an automated texting service (texted \"USPS\" to 50409) that promised to contact congressional representatives on behalf of petitioners. The letter states: > In the age of COVID-19, having a healthy and strong postal service is more > important than ever. More and more Americans are relying on the USPS to > deliver medicines, food, and essentials now that social distancing is a > matter of life and death. Seeing those pleas online, numerous people contacted Snopes to investigate the validity of the claim that the national mail carrier was, indeed, on the brink of closure due to the pandemic. The claim is multi-faceted, asserting that USPS could shutter soon, and that the coronavirus pandemic would be the reason why. To get to the root of each assertion, we began by analyzing the history of funding for USPS — which is an independent executive agency and has not received taxpayer funding in decades — and changes in how Americans rely on it. Advertisement: As online communication advanced between 2010 and 2020, USPS\' volume of first-class and marketing mail decreased — a problem for the agency\'s bottom line because stamps and other postal products to send that type of mail make lucrative profit margins. Meanwhile, private competitors such as Amazon and FedEx grew in popularity and reach, raising USPS\' package volume because the agency contracts with them (often for what\'s called the \"last mile\" of deliveries in rural or remote areas). Such shipments for the USPS increased from 3.1 billion in 2010 to 6.2 billion in 2018, federal data show. But market trends aside, the agency for years has run in the red, with a total of $143 billion in unfunded liabilities and debt as of fall 2018 (an amount that is double its annual revenue), according to the U.S Government Accountability Office. The debt, in large part, is a result of a congressional mandate on how the agency must fund retiree pensions and health benefits for employees. In 2006, under the George W. Bush\' presidential administration and a Republican-led Congress, the federal government enacted the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, which forced USPS to add up what it expected to spend on the benefits over the next 50 years and then prepay that amount between 2007 and 2016. The math rounded out to an expense of about $5.6 billion annually. But in 2012, the agency began defaulting on the payments. That history aside, the pandemic is only hurting the agency\'s already- troubled financial situation. Addressing a group of congressional lawmakers in earlyApril 9, Postmaster General Megan Brennan said mail volume had dropped 30 percent in the early days of the crisis, and that she expected that decline to reach 50 percent by the end of June. For this fiscal year, which runs from October 2019 to September 2020, she said the Postal Service was preparing for a $13 billion revenue shortfall due \"directly to COVID-19\" in 2020 and an additional $54.3 billion in losses over 10 years. Advertisement: Considering those projections, she said **the agency could \"run out of cash this fiscal year\"** (or the end of September) without federal intervention. \"The sudden drop in mail volumes, our most profitable revenue stream, is steep and may never fully recover,\" she later told The New York Times. Further details on the potential downturn were unknown; it was not explained where, or to what extent, regions may first notice interrupted USPS service due to the profit loss, nor if the agency would maintain its existing payroll of some 640,000 employees or close all together. ## What Options Are on the Table? Using the COVID-19 outbreak in their rationale, some lawmakers — primarily U.S. House Democrats — attempted to rally support for and extend more federal money to help USPS in spring 2020. Among leaders of the public outcry was Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-Va., who is a member of the House government operations committee that oversees the Postal Service. He told the Washington Post: \"I’m so frustrated at how difficult it has been for a long time to galvanize attention and action around an essential service,\' he said. \'And maybe the pandemic forces us all to refocus on this service and how essential it is and how we need to fix it while we can before it gets into critical condition.\" Advertisement: The requests came to a head in March 2020 during negotiations over a $2.2 trillion COVID-19 economic relief package, called the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Initially, lawmakers agreed to set aside $13 billion in federal dollars for USPS that the agency would not have to repay. But purportedly at the urging of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and aids to U.S. President Donald Trump, congressional leaders removed that provision from the CARES Act — while leaving its funding boosts to help small businesses, passenger airlines and air cargo carriers, and most U.S. taxpayers via one-time stimulus checks, among other provisions that aimed to jump-start the economy. According to a senior Trump administration official and a congressional official, Trump would have vetoed the entire bill if it had contained any such funding to help the postal agency, The Washington Post reported. \"We told them very clearly that the president was not going to sign the bill if [money for the Postal Service] was in it,\" the Trump administration official said. In last-round debates over what to include in the CARES Act, however, a bipartisan pair of senators (Gary Peters, D-Mich., and Ron Johnson, R-Wis.) proposed what some federal leaders considered a compromise between Trump and USPS advocates: a $10 billion loan to help the agency cover operating expenses through the spring of 2020. Trump signed the CARES Act into law on March 27, including the provision that read: Advertisement:  Advertisement: But, as of mid-April, the Postal Service did not have access to the funds. Despite Trump\'s approval of the legislation, the USPS-specific provision required additional signatures from both him and Mnuchin before the agency could request the loan money. While signing off on other aspects of the federal stimulus bill on April 24, Trump said he will not sign the loan unless the service fulfills his long-standing request to raise prices on shipping and postal materials to cover its debt — a call to action based on a false assertion that the service loses money by delivering for Amazon. (Government analysts have said that type of price change could lead to private delivery competitors swooping in on USPS\' business and, perhaps, offering cheaper prices for easy city routes and less options for rural Americans, and it would only raise a marginal amount of new revenue compared to USPS\' total debt.) At the signing, Trump said: > The Postal Service is a joke because they’re handing out packages for Amazon > and other Internet companies. And every time they bring a package, they lose > money on it ... The post office should raise the price of a package by > approximately four times. ... If they don’t raise the price, I’m not signing > anything. Hours later, he followed up with a tweet:  Advertisement: But for House Democrats, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., the $10 billion loan is just the tip of the iceberg to get the Postal Service on solid financial footing and maintain existing functions beyond September 2020. \"They don’t need more debt capacity, they need debt forgiveness,\" said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a Democrat from New York who chairs the House committee that oversees the U.S. Postal Service, to a news outlet for federal workers. In a future stimulus package to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, several lawmakers in April proposed an $89 billion bailout for USPS — including $25 billion to offset lost revenue from declining shipments during the pandemic, $25 billion to modernize the agency\'s aging infrastructure, a $25 billion loan and a new system for paying $14 billion in debt. The Trump- appointed Postal Service Board of Governors, which includes three Republicans and two Democrats, unanimously approved of the request. > \'The Postal Service is holding on for dear life,\' Maloney said in a > statement. \'\'Unless Congress and the White House provide meaningful relief > in the next stimulus bill, the Postal Service could cease to exist.\' But as of mid-April, the U.S. Treasury secretary suggested that if lawmakers fulfilled any such funding requests in the next COVID-19 stimulus package, the language to help the USPS \"would amount to a poison pill,\" the Post reported. A congressional staffer told the newspaper the Republican-led Senate would not vote to extend more federal dollars to an agency \"unlikely to make good on its borrowing\". Advertisement: ## Why Is Mail Delivery a Partisan Fight? For decades, conservative Republicans have pushed for USPS to privatize its delivery services, a move they argue would appropriately remove government from a service that should be left to the private commercial market. Meanwhile, opponents fear dismantling universal mail service would disproportionately affect millions of Americans who live in rural areas, where private companies such as FedEx and UPS either charge higher rates or do no shipments at all. Since the early days of his presidential election, Trump has taken aim at the Postal Service, once calling the agency Amazon\'s \"delivery boy\" in a tweet. Some lawmakers, postal union representatives, and other supporters worry those types of remarks are a political performance behind the longstanding effort to push the mail carrier toward privatization — which the federal government could do by leveraging federal-loan dollars or forcing USPS to file bankruptcy. > \'Right now, I see a big danger for our country in the form of the > administration’s interest in privatizing the post office,\' House Speaker > Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters after Trump called USPS \'a joke\' on > April 24. \'This is just about somebody on the outside making money off the > post office instead of recognizing the important role [it] plays.\' Advertisement: Among those services, USPS and its database of every American\'s postal information plays a critical role in local, state, and federal elections. About one-third of states allow voters to cast ballots by mail in elections if they have certain disabilities or travel plans for Election Day, while a handful of states allow all residents to mail in their ballots. But in 2020, under rules to limit in-person contact, lawmakers are exploring proposals that would establish vote-by-mail systems in all states for the year\'s presidential election. Trump has long opposed vote-by-mail initiatives, falsely claiming that they lead to an increase in voter fraud. He has stated: If the U.S. transitioned to all-mail voting, \"you\'d never have a Republican elected in this country again,\" yet election experts have said there is no evidence to support that argument. In sum, given the Postal Service\'s massive debt before the global COVID-19 outbreak, as well as the opportunities by federal leaders to provide economic relief for USPS, and USPS leaders\' lack of clarity on what would happen if the agency did \"run out of cash\" this year, we rate this claim \"Mixture.\" #### Sources Anderson, Sarah, et. al. “How Congress Manufactured a Postal Crisis — And How to Fix it”. Institute for Policy Studies. 15 July 2019. Associated Press. “Advocates start work to save post office”. 18 February 2017. Benen, Steve. “On USPS, Trump peddles false claim, impertinent threat”. MSNBC. 27 April 2020. Bogage, Jacob. “White House rejects bailout for U.S. Postal Service battered by coronavirus”. Washington Post. 11 April 2020. Colvin, Jill. “Trump convenes task force to study US Postal Service”. Associated Press. 13 April 2018. “H.R. 6407 - Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act”. _109th Congress._ Accessed 27 April 2020. “H.R. 2382 - USPS Fairness Act”. _116th Congress._ Accessed 27 April 2020. Epstein, Reid J. and Saul, Stephanie. “Does Vote-by-Mail Favor Democrats? No. It’s a False Argument by Trump”. New York Times. 10 April 2020. Fandos, Nicholas and Tankersley, Jim. “Coronavirus Is Threatening One of Government’s Steadiest Services: The Mail”. The New York Times. 9 April 2020. Fredericks, Bob. “Trump calls US Postal Service ‘a joke,’ says it needs to raise rates”. New York Post. 24 April 2020. Goodkind, Nicole. “Joe Biden may be the USPS’s only hope—if it can survive until November”. Fortune. 27 April 2020. Goodkind, Nicole. “USPS warns it might have to shutter by June as $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package provides no funding”. Fortune. 30 March 2020. Heckman, Jory. “USPS reports postal employees’ deaths from coronavirus, ‘not immune’ to financial downturn”. Federal news Network. 1 April 2020. Institute for Policy Studies. “Who Would Pay the Biggest Price for Postal Privatization?” December 2018. Jameel, Maryam. “Letter Carriers Say the Postal Service Pressured Them to Deliver Mail Despite Coronavirus Symptoms — and Often Without Hand Sanitizer”. ProPublica. 18 March 2020. LaRocco, Lori Ann. “The Truth About The Post Office’s Financial Mess”. CNBC. 24 October 2011. Lewis, Sophie. “US Postal Service could shut down by June, lawmakers warn”. CBS News. 3 April 2020. Maloney, Carolyn. “House Democrats Act Rapidly to Save Postal Service from Bankruptcy As a Result of Coronavirus Crisis”. _Committee on Oversight and Reform._ 23 March 2020. Mosley, Tonya and Raphelson, Samantha. “U.S. Postal Service Stands To Suffer Huge Losses From Coronavirus Pandemic”. WBUR. 21 April 2020. New York Times Editorial Board. “What’s an Essential Service in a Pandemic? The Post Office”. New York Times. 14 April 2020. Norden, Lawrence, et. al. “Estimated Costs of Covid-19 Election Resiliency Measures”. Brennan Center. 18 April 2020. Panetta, Grace. “Trump reportedly rejected approving a bailout package that would rescue the US Postal Service, and it could be a disaster for states trying to expand voting by mail”. Business Insider. 12 April 2020. Pecorin, Allison. “Partisan battle erupts over US Postal Service as some look to mail-in ballots amid pandemic”. ABC News. 28 April 2020. Premack, Rachel. “Lawmakers are sounding the alarm on the coronavirus shuttering the USPS by June — and it could mean chaos for your Amazon deliveries”. Business Insider. 25 March 2020. Rein, Lisa and Bogage, Jacob. “Trump says he will block coronavirus aid for U.S. Postal Service if it doesn’t hike prices immediately”. Washington Post. 24 April 2020. Rolando, Fredric. “Statement by NALC President Fredric Rolando: The Postal Service is vital in this crisis”. _National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO._ 27 March 2020. USPS. “Service Alerts”. 24 April 2020. United States Postal Service, Office of Inspector General. “Update for Measuring Pension and Retiree Health Benefits Liabilities”. 2 May 2017. Task Force on the United States Postal System. “United States Postal Service: A sustainable Path Forward”. 4 December 2018. Wise, Lindsay and Andrews, Natalie. “Democrats Push for Voting by Mail Amid Coronavirus Pandemic”. _Wall Street Journal._ 1 April 2020. Winegrove, Josh and Fabian, Jordan. “Trump Says ‘Joke’ Postal Service Should Boost Rates for Amazon”. _Bloomberg._ 24 April 2020. _Committee on Oversight and Reform._ “Postmaster General Warns Committee of Dire Consequences Without Congressional Action”. _Committee on Oversight and Reform._ 9 April 2020. “H.R.748 – CARES Act.” Accessed 28 April 2020. #### Updates This report was updated on Aug. 19, 2020, to say the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act forced the USPS to add up what it expected to spend on the benefits over the next 50 years, not 75 years. ### By Jessica Lee Jessica Lee is Snopes\' Senior Assignments Editor with expertise in investigative storytelling, media literacy advocacy and digital audience engagement. ## Article Tags COVID-19 Recommendations Advertisement:  Company About Us FAQs Contact Us Submit a Topic Navigate Home Search Archive Newsletters Random Sections Latest Top Fact Checks News Account Join Login Game FactBot Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter © 1995 - 2024 by Snopes Media Group Inc. 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Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. More Info ### I would like to contribute One Time Monthly Yearly Join Now   By Samantha Putterman • September 17, 2024 \"The Supreme Court ruling does not apply to the 2020 presidential election,\" Barry C. Burden, professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and director of the Elections Research Center, told us. \"That election has been audited, recounted, and certified. The electoral votes from Wisconsin were counted in Washington on January 6. None of that can be undone. \"There were multiple lawsuits filed after the election by Trump and his allies in hopes that various categories of absentee ballots — including those returned by drop box or other individuals — would not be counted. All of those lawsuits failed. \"The Supreme Court\'s decision applies to elections going forward.\" In a July 13, 2022, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article, Rick Esenberg, president and chief counsel of the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, which filed the lawsuit challenging the boxes, said interpretations of the ruling as having a retroactive effect are incorrect. \"The case was prospective only,\" Esenberg said. \"It declared that drop boxes are not permitted under Wisconsin law. Now, if some municipality would go ahead and use boxes anyway in a manner that’s not permitted by the court, then somebody would be able to challenge that and they might be able to get those ballots drawn down. But there\'s no retroactive impact.\" Trump’s missives aimed at Wisconsin Trump’s record on Wisconsin-related claims has been, well, checkered at best: Sept. 29, 2020, Trump claimed ballots in Wisconsin \"are being dumped in rivers\" or creeks. We rated this claim False. Nov. 18, 2020, Trump claimed \"A day AFTER the election, Biden receives a dump of 143,379 votes at 3:42AM (in Wisconsin), when they learned he was losing badly. This is unbelievable!\" We rated this claim Pants on Fire. Dec. 2, 2020, Trump claimed \"In Wisconsin, there are approximately 70,000 absentee ballots that do not have matching ballot applications as required by law.\" We rated this claim Pants on Fire. Dec. 2, 2020, Trump claimed in a speech that residents the Wisconsin Election Commission suspected of moving were \"illegal voters.\" We rated that claim False. June 25, 2021, Trump claimed Republican leaders \"are working hard to cover up election corruption in Wisconsin.\" We rated this claim Pants on Fire. June 26, 2021, Trump claimed \"In 2020 we won (Wisconsin).\" We rated this claim Pants on Fire. August 12, 2021, Trump claimed: \"A Milwaukee election employee even acknowledged dropping off just the margin of ballots needed for a Biden win at 3 a.m.\" We rated this claim Pants on Fire. Our ruling Trump claimed the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision declaring ballot drop boxes illegal \"includes the 2020 Presidential Election.\" That claim defies logic, and the court’s order itself. The state Supreme Court itself has explicitly permitted the drop boxes in some past elections. And its order is prospective — for the future, not the past. And that’s an assessment from the group that filed the lawsuit. We rate this claim Pants on Fire. #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Milwaukee Journal Sentinel \"Trump uses Wisconsin Supreme Court decision on ballot drop boxes to re-stoke baseless arguments about the 2020 election,\" July 13, 2022 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel \"Wisconsin Supreme Court rules absentee ballot drop boxes are illegal,\" July 8, 2022 Email, Barry C. Burden, Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also Director of the Elections Research Center, July 13, 2022. PolitiFact Wisconsin \"\"In 2020 we won (Wisconsin).\" June 26, 2021. PolitiFact Wisconsin \"Says Republican leaders \"are working hard to cover up election corruption in Wisconsin.\" June 25, 2021. PolitiFact Wisconsin \"A Milwaukee election employee even acknowledged dropping off just the margin of ballots needed for a Biden win at 3 a.m.\", Aug. 12, 2021 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel \"Donald Trump will visit Milwaukee in August for an event that charges attendees thousands of dollars to meet him,\" July 12, 2022 American Freedom Tour. UWM Panther Arena, Aug. 20, 2022, Afffidavit, Meagan Wolfe, administrator, Wisconsin Elections Commission, November 2021 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel \"Wisconsin Supreme Court allows ballot drop boxes for February spring primary, will decide later on future elections,\" Jan. 28, 2022 PolitiFact National \"Ballot drop boxes have long been used without controversy. Then Trump got involved,\" Oct. 16, 2020. ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by D.L. Davis slide 4 to 6 of 15  don\'t vote for Donald Trump.”   By D.L. Davis • March 28, 2023  tenure.\"   By D.L. Davis • March 14, 2023   By D.L. Davis • July 13, 2024   Tammy Baldwin stated on February 1, 2024 in Facebook post: “Big drug companies charge as little as $7 for an inhaler overseas and nearly $500 for the exact same one here in the US.”   By D.L. Davis • February 23, 2024  is 20 weeks. That is way outside the international bounds.”   By D.L. Davis • February 9, 2024   By D.L. Davis • January 26, 2024   By D.L. Davis • December 8, 2023   By D.L. Davis • October 11, 2023   By D.L. Davis • September 8, 2023  don\'t vote for Donald Trump.”   By D.L. Davis • March 28, 2023  tenure.\"   By D.L. Davis • March 14, 2023   By D.L. Davis • July 13, 2024   By Paul Specht • October 1, 2024 *   By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 30, 2024 *  responding to someone talking through her earrings that she allegedly wore during the Trump vs. Harris debate.”   By Ciara O\'Rourke • September 30, 2024 *   By Caleb McCullough • September 30, 2024 *   By Sofia Ahmed • September 30, 2024 Load more ### Support independent fact-checking. Become a member! In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Sign me up #### Offices District of Columbia 1800 I Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Florida 801 3rd St. S St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-821-9494 #### People * Joe Biden * Kamala Harris * Donald Trump * Mitch McConnell * Hakeem Jeffries * Ron DeSantis #### State Editions * California * Florida * Iowa * Michigan * New Hampshire * New York * North Carolina * Pennsylvania * Texas * West Virginia * Wisconsin #### About Us * Our Process * Our Staff * En Español * Who pays for PolitiFact? * Advertise with Us * Corrections and Updates * Newsletters #### RSS Feeds * Recent Articles and Fact-checks * Recent Fact-checks Suggest a Fact-check #### Follow us The Facts Newsletter Sign up Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Copyright ©All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization   * Immigration * National * Florida * Ron DeSantis    By Amy Sherman • September 4, 2024 PolitiFact reached out to CBP and the Department of Homeland Security but did not receive a reply. Mass deportations aren’t simple DeSantis is not the only Republican presidential candidate who has promised mass deportations; Former President Donald Trump also made that promise during his tenure, and we rated it Promise Broken. The highest number of deportations in a single year came in 2013, when the Obama administration deported around 438,000 people. Experts say that instituting mass deportations is easier said than done. \"Deporting millions of people summarily is an implausible and fantastical idea that has been brought forward from time to time for political purposes only,\" said Mario Russell, the executive director at the Center for Migration Studies, a nonpartisan think tank. \"It is not practical or achievable as it would require a huge increase in enforcement resources, court expenditures and more,\" said Russell. Our ruling DeSantis said 6 million or 7 million people have \"come illegally under Biden.\" His estimate misrepresents the data. Since Biden took office, border patrol agents have encountered migrants about 7.2 million times at and between ports of entry. But that doesn’t mean that many migrants entered and remained in the U.S. That data shows events, not individuals, and one person can be recorded multiple times. CBP data also shows that millions of encounters led to removals. DeSantis’ statement contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression. We rate it Mostly False. **RELATED:**Experts say Ron DeSantis’ plan to send troops to the U.S.-Mexico border wouldn\'t lower fentanyl flow **RELATED:** Birthright citizenship: Could Ron DeSantis end it? And if so, how? **RELATED:** Experts say Ron DeSantis’ plan to send troops to the U.S.-Mexico border wouldn\'t lower fentanyl flow #### Read About Our Process The Principles of the Truth-O-Meter ### Our Sources Ron DeSantis speech in Long Beach, California, Sept. 29, 2023 PolitiFact, Fact-check: Did Fox News debate moderators paint an accurate picture of America?, August 25, 2023 PolitiFact, Francis Suarez’s misleading claim about millions of migrants getting free cellphones, plane tickets, July 28, 2023 PolitiFact, Title 42 expiration: What\'s next for migrants applying for asylum at US’ southern border?, May 8, 2023, STOP THE INVASION, Accessed Oct. 3, 2023 U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Nationwide Encounters, accessed Oct. 3, 2023 U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Custody and Transfer Statistics FY2023, Accessed Oct. 3, 2023 PolitiFact, Donald Trump does not keep promise to deport all immigrants illegally in the US, July 15, 2020 Pew Research, U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013, Oct. 2, 2014 The New York Times, With Unrealistic Immigration Proposals, DeSantis and Trump Try to Outdo Each Other, Oct. 1, 2023 Migration Policy Institute, Mounting Backlogs Undermine U.S. Immigration System and Impede Biden Policy Changes, Feb. 23, 2022 Migration Policy Institute, In the Twilight Zone: Record Number of U.S. Immigrants Are in Limbo Statuses, Aug. 2, 2023 C-SPAN, Department of Homeland Security Oversight Hearing, April 28, 2022 Pew Research, Key facts about the changing U.S. unauthorized immigrant population, April 13, 2021 The White House, Immigration Fact Check: Responding to Key Myths, June 22, 2007 Email interview with Mario Russell, Executive Director of the Center for Migration Studies, Oct. 2, 2023 Email interview, Michelle Mittelstadt, communications directors at the Migration Policy Institute, Oct. 3, 2023 Email interview, Bryan Griffin, press secretary for Ron DeSantis campaign, Oct. 3, 2023 ## Browse the Truth-O-Meter ### More by Marta Campabadal Graus slide 4 to 6 of 15   X posts stated on July 24, 2024 in una publicación en X: \"Taylor Swift y Beyoncé se unen para un concierto épico en apoyo a Kamala Harris!\".   X posts stated on July 21, 2024 in una publicación en X: Imágenes muestran a la subdirectora del FBI Janeen DiGuiseppi sentada detrás del expresidente Donald Trump durante su intento de asesinato.   By Marta Campabadal Graus • September 5, 2024   By Marta Campabadal Graus • August 30, 2024   X posts stated on August 25, 2024 in una publicación en X: Un video muestra un helicóptero distribuyendo “mosquitos genéticos en Massachusetts, Estados Unidos”.   By Maria Briceño • August 12, 2024   X posts stated on July 24, 2024 in una publicación en X: \"Taylor Swift y Beyoncé se unen para un concierto épico en apoyo a Kamala Harris!\".   X posts stated on July 21, 2024 in una publicación en X: Imágenes muestran a la subdirectora del FBI Janeen DiGuiseppi sentada detrás del expresidente Donald Trump durante su intento de asesinato.   By Marta Campabadal Graus • September 5, 2024   By Marta Campabadal Graus • August 30, 2024 ### Ron DeSantis exaggerates number of migrants in US illegally under President Joe Biden *   By Maria Briceño • September 13, 2024 *   By Louis Jacobson • September 12, 2024 *   By Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu • September 12, 2024 * (3) nonprofit organization , INFLAMMATION o pamamaga,_ _ANG > GAMOT AY SIMPLING 1) ANTI-COAGULANT o pampalabnaw ng dugo_ _2) ANTI- > BACTERIALS_ _3) ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES_ _4) ASPIRIN 100mg._ _5) PARACETAMOL_ > (The Italian Ministry of Health has uncovered the secret shrouding COVID-19. > This disease is not cause by a virus but a bacterium aggravated by 5G > electronic radiation… > (In their autopsy, the doctors discovered the cause of death was thrombosis > or blood clotting in the entire body, particularly the brain, heart and > lungs (which obstructed oxygen flow), inflammation or swelling. > (The cures are simply 1) anti-coagulant or blood thinner; 2) anti- > bacterials; 3) anti-inflammatories; 4) 100mg aspirin; 5: paracetamol.) It also said patients who took these medicines got well, and 14,000 were being sent home every day. The patients need not be admitted to intensive care unit or put on a ventilator: > _NAKAPAGPAPAUWI NA SILA NGAYON NG 14,000 NA PASYENTE BAWAT ARAW NA > PINAAGALING NG MGA SIMPLING GAMOT NA ITO. HINDI KAILANGAN ANG I.C.U. O > VENTILATOR_ (They now send home 14,000 patients every day who recovered > through these simple medicines. There was no need for ICU or a ventilator). The other version simply states: > _ASPIRIN 100mg or APRONAX PARACETAMOL lang pala katapat ng_ _COVID-19 batay > sa libo-libong GUMALING sa ITALY? BACTERIA ANG COVID AT HINDI VIRUS? Niloko > tayo WHO_ (ASPIRIN 100mg or APRONAX PARACETAMOL is all that’s needed against > COVID-19 based on the thousands who were healed in Italy? COVID IS BACTERIA > AND NOT A VIRUS? WHO fooled us). **COVID-19 is caused by coronavirus** In January, a team of Chinese doctors already confirmed that the disease was caused a novel coronavirus that was provisionally named 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and later called SARS-CoV-2. The doctors had collected genome sequences from nine patients, including eight who had visited the seafood market in Wuhan, Hunan where the outbreak began. Their findings were published online in the British medical journal _The Lancet_ on Jan. 29, a day before WHO declared the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern.” WHO named the disease COVID-19 on Feb. 11 and declared the outbreak a pandemic on March 11. WHO said the disease was caused by a virus that originated in bats: > The full genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 from the early human cases and the > sequences of many other virus isolated from human cases from China and all > over the world since then show that SARS-CoV-2 has an ecological origin in > bat populations. All available evidence to date suggests that the virus has > a natural animal origin. Italy’s health ministry unequivocally declared in its website that COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2: > The novel coronavirus, which is responsible for the respiratory disease now > named COVID-19, is closely related to the SARS-CoV and is genetically > classified in the genus _Betacoronavirus_ , subgenus _Sarbecovirus_. **No connection between 5G, COVID-19** The role of 5G cell phone technology in spreading COVID-19 is promoted in a conspiracy theory that WHO and other agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, have debunked. (Conspiracy theory links pandemic to 5G, Mislatel, RFID chips) WHO said: > 5G mobile networks DO NOT spread COVID-19 > Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks. COVID-19 is spreading > in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks. > COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person > coughs, sneezes or speaks. People can also be infected by touching a > contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose. **WHO protocol on cadavers** Contrary to the claim, WHO never discouraged autopsies on bodies of infected people or pushed for the immediate cremation of the cadavers. In fact, WHO’s March 24 guidance for all those who tend to the bodies of persons who have died of suspected or confirmed COVID-19, including public health authorities, said: > It is a common myth that persons who have died of a communicable disease > should be cremated, but this is not true. Cremation is a matter of cultural > choice and available resources. WHO said there is no evidence that people get infected from exposure to the bodies of persons who died from COVID-19. But it recommended necessary hand hygiene and personal protective equipment before attending to the cadavers. It said only the lungs of patients with pandemic influenza, if handled improperly during an autopsy, can be infectious. **COVID-19 and complications** COVID-19 is an infectious disease. Blood clots have been _identified_ as one complication, but there are others that require different treatment approaches. WHO _said_ most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. The Mayo Clinic said complications include pneumonia and trouble breathing; organ failure; heart problems; acute respiratory distress syndrome; blood clots; acute kidney injury and additional viral and bacterial infections. **No cure yet for COVID-19** The medicines the false claim promotes as cure for COVID-19 include paracetamol, or acetaminophen, and aspirin and apronax, which are nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). WHO said there is no vaccine or cure yet for the novel coronavirus disease. It does not recommend any specific medicine to prevent or treat the virus but encourages infected people to receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms. It also said studies so far show no evidence that NSAIDs worsen the condition of COVID-19 patients. (The latest from WHO: No evidence that ibuprofen worsens COVID-19) In its website, the Italian health ministry also stressed there is no specific treatment for COVID-19 and as such, patients are treated based on their symptoms: > Treatment remains mainly based on a symptomatic approach, providing > supportive therapies (e.g. oxygen therapy, fluid management) to infected > people, which can nevertheless be highly effective. Antibiotics do not work against viruses as they only work on bacterial infections, it added. The health ministry said clinical trials are underway for the treatment of COVID-19 and refers website users to the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) for information about the drugs made available to COVID-19 patients. Aspirin isn\'t on the AIFA list. The use of ventilators has drawn mixed reactions, but most doctors only put patients with the worst effects of the infection on them, according to reports. **Daily recoveries in Italy never reached 14,000** Global statistics on the coronavirus pandemic from the _Johns Hopkins University_ __ show that the highest number of daily recoveries in Italy was 8,014 on May 6 followed by 4,917 on May 15. Never did it experience 14,00 new recoveries a day, contrary to the claim. As of May 15, Italy reported 141,981 patients have recovered from the disease. The false claim has found its way to about 70 Philippines Facebook groups, generating more than 13,000 interactions, data from the social media monitoring tool Crowdtangle. Among the earliest to post the lengthy version was the Facebook group “SSS(E-1 & Static Report), PhilHealth(MDR), PagIbig(MID no.), POEA(OEC form).” The group “Senior Citizens Association Philippines Inc. (SCAPI)” was one of the first to share the terse version. **References** Agenzia italiana del Farmaco. (n.d.). Drugs usable for the treatment of COVID-19 disease [Translation]. Retrieved from trattamento-della-malattia-covid19 Conspiracy theory links pandemic to 5G, Mislatel, RFID chips. (2020, May 12). _FactRakers_. Retrieved from theory-links-pandemic-to-5g-mislatel-rfid-chips) Coronavirus: What are ventilators and why are they important? (2020, April 16). _BBC_. Retrieved from Ducharme, Jamie. (2020, April 16). Why ventilators may not be working as well for COVID-19 patients as doctors hoped. _Time_. Retrieved from Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2020, April 9). Coronavirus rumor control. Retrieved from How Italian doctors disobeyed WHO and discovered the secrets of coronavirus. (2020, May 24). _People’s Tonight_. Retrieved from and-discovered-secrets-coronavirus Johns Hopkins University. (n.d.). COVID-19 dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Retrieved from _ Lu, R. et al. (2020, January 30). Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding. _The Lancet_ , _395_ , 565–74. Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Retrieved from causes/syc-20479963 Ministero della Salute. (2020, May 23). FAQ - Covid-19, questions and answers [Translation]. Retrieved from _ &id=230#6_ The latest from WHO: No evidence that ibuprofen worsens COVID-19. (2020, April 22). _FactRakers_. Retrieved from from-who-no-evidence-that-ibuprofen-worsens-covid-19 Willyard, C. (2020, May 8). Coronavirus blood-clot mystery intensifies. _Nature_. Retrieved from World Health Organization. (2020, April 23). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 94. Retrieved from reports/20200423-sitrep-94-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=b8304bf0_4 World Health Organization. (2020, March 24). Infection prevention and control for the safe management of a dead body in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance. Retrieved from prevention-and-control-for-the-safe-management-of-a-dead-body-in-the-context- of-covid-19-interim-guidance World Health Organization. (n.d.). Coronavirus. Retrieved from World Health Organization. (n.d.). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Myth busters. Retrieved from _ public/myth-busters_ ## Recent Posts See All US maritime drill depicted as foreign warships\' arrival in PH Willie Ong victim of yet another fake endorsement video US did not deliver hundreds of equipment to PH * * * * bottom of page | 14000 patients in Italy recover and are sent home every day | 193 |
Accessibility statementSkip to main content Democracy Dies in Darkness Sign in Advertisement clockThis article was published more than **4 years ago** Democracy Dies in Darkness fact checkerAboutArchive fact checkerAboutArchive # Fact-checking the sixth Democratic debate Here\'s a roundup of four claims from the sixth Democratic presidential debate of the 2020 campaign. (Video: The Washington Post) Analysis by Glenn Kessler and Salvador Rizzo December 20, 2019 at 7:54 a.m. EST The sixth Democratic presidential debate of the 2020 campaign, hosted by PBS and Politico, had seven candidates, lasted more than 2½ hours — and did not have many statements that merited fact-checking. Here are six claims that caught our attention, some of which may seem familiar from previous debates. Our practice is not to award Pinocchios in debate roundups. **“So, the mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served $900-a-bottle wine. Think about who comes to that. He had promised that every fundraiser he would do would be open-door, but this one was closed-door.”** — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) **“Your presidential campaign right now as we speak is funded in part by money you transferred having raised it at those exact same big-ticket fundraisers you now denounce. Did it corrupt you, Senator? Of course not.”** Advertisement Story continues below advertisement — South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg ✅ Follow Fact-checking politicians Follow Fireworks were spotted at the debate when Warren attacked Buttigieg for courting high-dollar donors in the Democratic primary, something she has eschewed this year, decrying the influence of money in politics. Her attack misfired somewhat. Buttigieg did hold a high-dollar fundraiser in a wine cave, but it was not closed off to onlookers. In fact, it was the first fundraiser Buttigieg opened up after sustaining weeks of criticism from, among others, Warren. A reporter who attended it filed a pool report. At the debate, Buttigieg responded by noting that Warren seeded her presidential campaign with a sizable financial transfer from her 2018 Senate campaign. For that race, Warren did not have the same restrictive fundraising practices in place that she does now. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement As we\'ve reported, Warren did seek out contributions from high-dollar donors when she last ran for Senate. Then, after winning reelection, she transferred $10.4 million from her Senate committee to her presidential campaign, which allowed her to get a head start in the primary race. A search of Warren’s Federal Election Commission records for the 2018 Senate race showed max contributions of $5,400 from the chief executives of DreamWorks and Yelp, media mogul Haim Saban, philanthropist Alexander Soros, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, hedge fund owners and wealthy investors, and some donors who have given millions to the Democratic Party. Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, film director Steven Spielberg and actress Barbra Streisand each donated $2,700 to Warren’s Senate campaign. We previously gave Two Pinocchios to Warren for claiming her presidential campaign was “100% grassroots-funded.” Advertisement Story continues below advertisement **“Ninety-five percent of our customers are outside of our borders.”** — Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) This line from Klobuchar is a bit deceiving. Former vice president Joe Biden has used it, too, although not in this debate. The U.S. population, standing at more than 320 million, rounds out to nearly 5 percent of the world population. Going only by this metric, yes, 95 percent of all the theoretical consumers of U.S. goods are “outside of our borders.” But trade doesn’t work that way. As PolitiFact reported when Biden delivered the same line in July, “The vast majority of people across the world are quite poor and will not generally be in the market for American products.” They rated the claim “half true.” Story continues below advertisement **“We have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on earth.”** \--Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Advertisement There are various ways to frame this, but note that Sanders says “almost any major country.” That’s generally code for members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a group of the 36 wealthiest countries. But Sanders appears to be operating off stale data. (His staff has previously pointed to a 2012 UNICEF report that showed the United States just behind Romania.) The OECD, in a report updated in November, lists the United States sixth from the bottom. Chile, Spain, Israel, Turkey and Brazil had higher rates of child poverty in 2016. Story continues below advertisement A 2017 UNICEF report also places the USA sixth, but with a different group of OECD countries with higher rates of child poverty: Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Israel and Romania ranked lower. **“This is why three people own more wealth than the bottom half.”** Advertisement — Sanders Sanders is drawing on a 2017 report from the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies, which said that three billionaires — Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos (who owns The Washington Post) and Warren Buffett — had total wealth of $248.5 billion, compared with $245 billion for the bottom 160 million of the United States. The wealth of the three men has gone up since then. But people in the bottom half have essentially no wealth, as debts cancel out whatever assets they might have, according to Emmanuel Saez, the University of California at Berkeley professor who is the pioneer in this field of research. Story continues below advertisement “The real scandal here is that the bottom half of the U.S. families owns essentially no wealth on net, because debts cancel out whatever small assets they may have, on average,” Saez said in an email. “If you exclude cars (consumer durables), the wealth of the bottom 50% is actually slightly negative according to the most recent distributional Fed statistics. You don’t even need to be a billionaire to actually own more than what the bottom half of Americans own! Billionaires in the Forbes 400 owned slightly less than 1% of total wealth back in 1982, they now own about 3.5% of total wealth. That’s another alarming trend.” Advertisement “The idea of a two-cent tax on great fortunes in this country. Fifty million dollars and above, for two cents …. I have a two-cent wealth tax proposed for millionaires and billionaires.” — Warren Story continues below advertisement Warren twice pitched her “two-cent tax” on wealthy Americans, but she did not mention that for the richest Americans, the tab keeps getting higher. Warren’s “Ultra-Millionaire Tax” would apply to households with a net worth of $50 million or more, essentially the wealthiest 75,000 households. (She misspoke when she said $50 billion.) They would be charged 2 percent of every dollar of net worth above $50 million, unless they’re billionaires. Households with $1 billion or more in assets would start paying 3 percent on assets above $1 billion. At least that was in Warren’s first iteration of her tax plans. She said this tax would raise $2.75 trillion over 10 years. But to help fund her plan for universal health care, she recently announced that she would also charge another 3 percent to billionaires, for a total of 6 percent. So that’s six pennies. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement “By asking billionaires to pitch in 6 cents on each dollar of net worth above $1 billion, we can raise an additional $1 trillion in revenue,” Warren said in explaining how she would fill the $20.5 trillion hole created by her Medicare- for-all proposal. While 6 percent a year may not seem like much, over 10 years it would quickly add up. **“Five hundred thousand Americans, including 30,000 veterans, are sleeping out on the streets today in America.”** — Sanders The way Sanders frames this is exaggerated. His number came from a single- night survey done by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to measure the number of homeless people. For a single night in January 2018, the estimate was that 553,000 people are homeless. But the report also says that two-thirds — nearly 360,000 — were in emergency shelters or transitional housing programs; the other 195,000 were “unsheltered” — i.e., on the street, as Sanders put it. The number has been trending down over the past decade. It was 650,000 in 2007. As for veterans, the 2018 figure for all homeless veterans was nearly 38,000 in 2018. But fewer than 15,000 were unsheltered. The rest — 62 percent — were in sheltered locations. (About our rating scale) Send us facts to check by filling out this form Sign up for The Fact Checker weekly newsletter The Fact Checker is a verified signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network code of principles Share Comments   Sign up Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement © 1996-2024 The Washington Post * * © 1996-2024 The Washington Post | This is why three people own more wealth than the bottom half | 194 |
Skip to content W.A.  Search for... * About * Contact * Advertise Search for... W.A.  Search for... * About * Contact * Advertise Search for... You are in: Home Page > Politics > **Alexandre de Moraes is attacked by “flying penis” in lecture in the USA #rumor** # Alexandre de Moraes is attacked by “flying penis” in a lecture in the USA #rumor * Politics * 11/16/2022 * by Edgard Matsuki  Rumor – During a lecture in the United States, STF minister Alexandre de Moraes had to be hurriedly removed due to an attack with a “penis”. flying” controlled by drone. Video shows everything. The trip of STF ministers to the United States is causing a series of controversies. Amid protests by pro-Bolsonaro protesters with offenses against magistrates, a video is spreading wildly on the internet. In the images (which will not be shown here), a man speaks in a room until that a drone with a rubber penis enters the environment. There is confusion and a man slaps, dropping the item. Along with the video, there are messages pointing out that the protest took place during a speech by Alexandre de Moraes in the United States and which authors would be Bolsonarists. Read some of the messages circulating online: Version 1: _New York! Good morning to you who had to leave the meeting when A flying chick (yes! A CHICK!) appeared! I'm feeling sick!_ Version 2:_USA Now that's freedom of expression hahaha... have Xandão arrested hahaha. flying pica no egghead!_ Version 3: _Alexandre de Moraes abandons emergency meeting after Bolsonarist sent flying pika Version: The flying pika to Alexandre de You live in the United States_ ## Was Alexandre de Moraes attacked by a flying penis during a lecture in the USA? The video (which is somewhat funny) brought laughter from “patriots” internet out. Despite this, the information that indicates that it was a protest against Alexandre de Moraes in the United States is false. The video does not has any relationship with the STF minister. Messages no longer help. They have characteristics of fake news such as vague character, alarmist tone, errors in Portuguese and the lack of citation of reliable sources that prove reality. Furthermore, it is not new that videos are taken out of context to describe alleged actions against STF ministers. We have already denied, for example, fake news which pointed to threats from Alexandre de Moraes to the STF and which pointed out that Luís Roberto Barroso had decided to support Bolsonaro. In today's case, the same thing happened. The video actually has no relationship with Alexandre de Moraes. In fact, it was recorded in Russia in 2008 and it was a protest against homophobia in the country. The person who chess player Gary Kasparov was speaking. In short: the information that indicates that Bolsonaro supporters carried out a protest against Alexandre de Moraes with “flying penises”. The video in question is 2008, was recorded in Russia and there is no similar incident with the president of the TSE. Ps: This article is a suggestion from readers. If you want suggest a topic to, get in touch with us via the website, Facebook and WhatsApp on phone (61) 99458-8494. – Follow us on Facebook | ---|--- – Follow us on Twitter | – Follow us on Youtube | – Follow us on Instagram | – WhatsApp group | – List on Telegram | – Follow us on TikTok | – Follow us on Kwai | * WhatsApp *Tweet * Telegram * Email Tags:Alexandre de Moraes * Latest news * About * Contact * Advertise * Privacy Policy * Sitemap Partners     Follow us Facebook | ---|--- Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | WhatsApp | Telegram | TikTok | Kwai | Free Counters Categories * Brazil * Science * English * Entertainment * Sport * Fast-Checking * List * World * Opinion * Politics * Religion * Health * Technology Snow | Powered by WordPress * Latest news * About * Contact * Advertise * Privacy Policy * Sitemap Partners     Follow us Facebook | ---|--- Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | WhatsApp | Telegram | TikTok | Kwai | Free Counters Categories * Brazil * Science * English * Entertainment * Sport * Fast-Checking * List * World * Opinion * Politics * Religion * Health * Technology Snow | Powered by WordPress  Giorgia Meloni The declaration «The Frontex-Ministry of the Interior data is merciless: the Covid emergency has done it reduce illegal arrivals of immigrants to all of Europe, with only exception of Italy" Source: Facebook | January 10, 2021 facebook twitter whatsapp email  Handle Brief verdict Pinocchio going The president of Fratelli d'Italia Giorgia Meloni wrote on January 10th on his Facebook profile, citing "merciless" Frontex-Ministry of the Interior data, that illegal arrivals of migrants to Europe have decreased with the Covid-19 emergency "with the sole exception of Italy". Things aren't right just like that. It is true that illegal arrivals in the EU are overall decreased and increased in Italy (tripled, as correctly reported the leader of Fdi in the continuation of her post), but our country is not the only one in this situation. Let's see the details. Frontex data According a statement published on 8 January by Frontex, the European Agency for border and coast guard, «the number of illegal crossings of external borders [i.e. both landings and entries by land editor's note] of the EU is decreased by 13 percent last year, to around 124 thousand, largely a due to the impact of the Covid-19 restrictions put in place by several States". Therefore it is true, as Meloni says, that the Covid-19 emergency - and in particular the measures taken by States to contain it – have done reduce illegal arrivals of migrants to Europe. The 2020 data is according to Frontex even the lowest since 2013. Let's now look at the situation of Italy. Italy Again according to the Frontex press release, «the number of irregular arrivals on the central Mediterranean route has almost tripled, a 35,600, making it the most active migratory route to Europe." The route central Mediterranean is the one leading from sub-Saharan Africa to Italy. So it is true that while the number of illegal entries into Europe generally declined during 2020 due to the pandemic (-13 percent), the number of illegal entries into Italy has almost tripled (+154 percent). On this fact, as we wrote recently, the Italian politics has insisted a lot (although less than in the past) and not rarely mixing correct information and falsehoods. But it really is Italy the only country to which the illegal entry of migrants has increased? There answer is no. There are at least two other exceptions. Hungary and Slovenia Yes you see in the image attached to the Frontex press release, there is another route that in 2020 it saw an increase, although less significant. It's about of the Western Balkan route, which has seen an increase in illegal entries by 78 percent, to around 27 thousand. Meloni talks about it but only in reference to Italy, which however is not the end point of the route in the European Union. The route in fact starts from Türkiye, crosses Greece (or sometimes the Bulgaria) and then the Western Balkans (Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina) to arrive in Hungary or Slovenia (la Croatia is in the EU but not yet in the Schengen area). Arrivals in these two Countries have therefore increased during 2020. On this route they mix two distinct flows, that of migrants arriving from the Middle East and that of Balkan migrants. It's true that part of the flow of the route from the Western Balkans then arrives in Italy, but not all of it, and above all it is conversely true that, as the European Commission points out for example, the flow of the central Mediterranean route often does not have the its final point of arrival. Beyond this, there is at least one other EU country, as well as Hungary and Slovenia, which saw an increase in 2020 illegal entry of migrants into its territory. Spain In Spain, according to data from UNHCR (the UN agency that deals with refugees), in 41,861 migrants arrived in 2020 (over 40,300 by sea). In 2019 there were 32,513 arrived. So there was an increase of around 30 percent. This increase depends on the increase in the flow from Africa to the Canary Islands, islands that are located in the Atlantic but which are Spanish territory they allow migrants to apply for asylum in an EU country. According to Frontex here alone in 2020 there were more than 22,600 illegal entries, eight times more than the numbers of 2019. A number so high that it more than makes up for it the decline in the western Mediterranean route (-28 percent). The verdict Giorgia Meloni claimed on January 10 that in 2020 the illegal arrivals of migrants have decreased throughout Europe with the sole exception of Italy, but wrong. It is true that overall illegal arrivals in Europe have decreased in 2020 compared to 2019 (-13 percent), and which in Italy instead are increased (+154 percent), but ours is not the only country in this situation. As well as on the central Mediterranean route, which leads to Italy, the number of illegal crossings of external borders community has also increased on the Western Balkan route, which leads to Hungary and Slovenia. Furthermore, admissions have also increased in Spain illegal, in particular due to the increase in the migratory flow towards Canary Islands. Overall for Meloni a “Pinocchio going”. * Immigration * Migrants ## SUPPORT REPORT CARD Politics without small talk. Help us realize our project for one new political information in Italy. join us  Share facebook twitter whatsapp email READ OUR CORRECTIONS POLICY  Preview Newsletter #### Europe's Money On Mondays, every two weeks On Monday, things to know about the over 190 billion euros that the Union European Union will give to Italy by 2026. sign up I have read the privacy information #### Latest fact-checking * Go to the verdict ### «In the Structural Budget Plan it is written that excise duties on diesel fuel will increase" September 30, 2024 Source: Tagadà – La7 Read the article  #### Matteo Renzi Italia Viva * Go to the verdict ### «Fitto will have two important mandates and will be an executive vice president, result that Italy had never achieved" September 17, 2024 Source: Radio Radicale Read the article  #### Giovanni Donzelli Brothers of Italy * Go to the verdict ### «With the second Conte government, the first thing we did was change the “Safety” decrees» September 16, 2024 Source: La Stampa Read the article  #### Giuseppe Conte 5 Star Movement * Go to the verdict ### «With the two years of Meloni, fixed-term contracts have increased» September 13, 2024 Source: la Repubblica Read the article  #### Elly Schlein Democratic Party Fact-checking and political information since 2012. * * * * * * who we are * poster * editorial team * projects * contact us  © Political Report 2012 - 2024 Pagella Politica is a newspaper registered with the Court of Milan, n. 55 dated March 8, 2021. ISSN 2974-9387 * Privacy policy * Cookie policy | The FrontexMinistry of the Interior data is merciless the Covid emergency has decreased the illegal arrivals of immigrants to all of Europe with the sole exception of Italy | 196 |
Accessibility statementSkip to main content Democracy Dies in Darkness Sign in Advertisement clockThis article was published more than **5 years ago** Democracy Dies in Darkness fact checkerAboutArchive fact checkerAboutArchive # There’s still no evidence Robert Menendez slept with underage prostitutes. A new attack ad says it anyway. Debunked allegations against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) have resurfaced in a campaign ad paid for by his opponent. (Video: Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)  Analysis by Salvador Rizzo October 17, 2018 at 3:00 a.m. EDT “It’s right here in this shocking FBI affidavit. President Obama’s Justice Department had evidence that ‘for several years, Menendez had been traveling to the Dominican Republic to engage in sexual activity with prostitutes — some of whom were minors,’ even as young as 16.” — Attack ad from U.S. Senate nominee Bob Hugin (R-N.J.) about Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Oct. 15, 2018 An 11th-hour attack ad from a Republican candidate in New Jersey rehashes old, unproven accusations that Sen. Robert Menendez slept with underage sex workers during trips to the Dominican Republic. These claims emerged days before Menendez was reelected to the Senate in 2012. The FBI and a platoon of reporters from national and New Jersey news organizations spent months investigating whether the senator was committing sexual crimes with minors outside the country. The accusations were never substantiated. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement Six years later, weeks before Menendez goes on the ballot again, the accusations are back. They’re on TV and YouTube, on Facebook and Twitter, and on a website set up by Hugin’s campaign. ✅ Follow Fact-checking politicians Follow The Hugin camp says he is not accusing Menendez of sleeping with underage sex workers, only that people should take a fresh look at these accusations in the changed climate of the #MeToo era. That’s a neat trick: Throw a bomb onto the battlefield and ask the crowd to defuse or detonate. “The public has a right to know all the facts about the FBI investigation of @SenatorMenendez and decide for themselves,” Hugin tweeted Oct. 15. We accepted Hugin’s invitation, reviewed the entire episode anew, analyzed the Hugin campaign’s supporting materials for the ad and dug into the two legal filings at the center of these claims — a 2013 affidavit from an FBI agent who investigated the accusations and a 2015 court filing that the Department of Justice submitted in Menendez’s bribery case. ### The Facts The Justice Department indicted Menendez on corruption charges in 2015 and argued that he acted as the “personal United States senator” for his friend and top donor, Florida eye doctor Salomon Melgen. Menendez was accused of pressuring top officials in President Barack Obama’s administration to take actions that would benefit Melgen’s financial interests in the United States and the Dominican Republic, in exchange for lavish gifts, ritzy travel accommodations and hundreds of thousands of dollars in political contributions toward Menendez’s reelection bid that allowed the senator to live well beyond his means on Melgen’s dime. Among other charges, Menendez was accused of securing U.S. visas for Melgen’s foreign girlfriends and failing to include several flights on Melgen’s jet in his financial disclosure forms. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement The jury in Newark deadlocked in 2017, the judge declared a mistrial and later acquitted Menendez of various charges, and the Justice Department dropped the rest of the case. But the Senate Ethics Committee “severely admonished” the Democratic senator in a four-page letter. In a separate case that did not involve Menendez, Melgen was sentenced to 17 years in prison for defrauding Medicare of $73 million. Long before it crumbled, the case against Menendez also involved sex. Ultimately, however, the allegations that Menendez slept with sex workers, underage or otherwise, did not make the cut and were not part of the indictment or trial. (Note: The underage-prostitution allegations are not the same as the prostitution allegations from adult women who claimed Menendez did not pay them in full in a report published in 2012 by the conservative Daily Caller. Those women later recanted.) Advertisement Story continues below advertisement The underage-prostitution accusations were sent first to a nonprofit watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), via email by a pseudonymous tipster calling himself “Peter Williams.” This appears to be a reference to Harrison “Pete” Williams, the last New Jersey senator to wind up in the slammer. Williams was convicted of bribery in 1981 as part of the Abscam scandal. Unable to verify the accusations linking Menendez to underage sex workers, CREW referred Williams’s communications to the FBI. “Menendez has many problematic issues in his past, so I am not a big defender of Bob Menendez. That said, this ad is outrageous,” said Melanie Sloan, a former federal prosecutor who was the executive director of CREW at the time. “I can tell you definitively that there was no evidence ever to support the underage-prostitution allegations.” Sloan is a former Democratic congressional aide. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement Williams emailed the FBI with accusations about four purported underage sex workers in the Dominican Republic who he claimed had sex with Menendez, according to an affidavit filed on Feb. 14, 2013, by an FBI special agent on the case, Gregory J. Sheehy. None of these four purported sex workers was named in the affidavit. Williams was the lone source for their claims. CREW received three other emails purportedly sent by an adult woman, identified only as “M.C.,” who was described by Williams as a prostitute for Melgen. Williams forwarded the first of those emails from M.C. to CREW. M.C. wrote that she saw Menendez participating in “sexual activities with prostitutes” as young as 16 years old, according to the FBI affidavit. Sheehy noted in the affidavit that IP address records showed M.C.’s and Williams’s emails came from different locations at different times. “It would appear, therefore, that ‘M.C.’ and Peter Williams are in fact different people,” Sheehy wrote, without settling the question. M.C.’s emails did not mention specific underage sex workers. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement The most explosive claim in Hugin’s ad is a quote from Sheehy’s affidavit: “For several years, Menendez had been traveling to the Dominican Republic to engage in sexual activity with prostitutes — some of whom were minors.” But the ad leaves out an important attribution immediately before that. The full sentence reads, “In that email and in the emails that followed, Mr. Williams alleged that, for several years, Menendez had been traveling to the Dominican Republic to engage in sexual activity with prostitutes — some of whom were minors.” (Emphasis ours.) Sheehy was not saying — as Hugin’s ad suggests — that the FBI had proof of the underage-prostitution accusations against Menendez. He was describing Williams’s allegations. The Hugin ad doesn’t mention Williams. Story continues below advertisement The Sheehy affidavit also includes this paragraph: “As of the writing of this Amended Affidavit, Mr. Williams has refused to meet with the FBI, either by phone or in person. Mr. Williams has not disclosed enough information for the FBI to identify any minors.” Advertisement Missing from Hugin’s ad is the key fact that Sheehy in his affidavit specifically asked a judge to find probable cause that Melgen knowingly engaged with sex workers, including minors. But Sheehy did not seek that same probable cause determination for Menendez. This is important because probable cause is a relatively low bar in the legal system. It is not enough to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt (which is the standard for convictions). Probable cause is enough to authorize an arrest or search warrant for an individual suspected of wrongdoing. The FBI affidavit did not seek a probable cause determination that Menendez engaged sex workers, underage or otherwise, although it did lay out probable cause for the bribery and corruption allegations against the senator. Story continues below advertisement It’s not difficult to see why the FBI investigated the underage-prostitution allegations. Some of the bread crumbs Williams was giving the FBI led to real people. The affidavit says FBI agents interviewed “Y.F.” and Svitlana Buchyk, two adult women whom Williams had described as sex workers working for Melgen. In their FBI interviews, both denied they were sex workers, both said they had been girlfriends of Melgen, and both told the FBI they never saw Menendez in the company of “prostitutes or underage females.” Advertisement Some of the bread crumbs were dates that turned out to match Menendez’s visits to the Dominican Republic. The Sheehy affidavit says Menendez was in that country at the same times pointed out in Williams’s emails: February 2009, May 2009, May 2010 and December 2011. Williams in one email passed on information from the fourth purported underage sex worker, who he said had sexual encounters with Menendez during those same months and in June 2009. The FBI noted that Menendez was not on the island in June 2009, although he was visiting near the end of May 2009. Hugin’s ad essentially raises the alarm about those old bread crumbs and ignores all the other relevant but inconvenient information in the FBI affidavit and in news reports published over the next several years. Story continues below advertisement Weeks after Sheehy filed the affidavit, The Washington Post’s Carol D. Leonnig and Ernesto Londoño reported on March 4, 2013: Advertisement > The tipster [Peter Williams], who last spring began e-mailing allegations to > a government watchdog group and the FBI, said he had evidence that Menendez > had relations with underage prostitutes and participated in sex parties > arranged by Melgen, his friend and political backer. > > FBI agents conducting interviews in the Dominican Republic have found no > evidence to back up the tipster’s allegations, according to two people > briefed on their work. More than a year later, Leonnig and The Post’s Manuel Roig-Franzia reported on July 7, 2014: > According to a former U.S. official with firsthand knowledge of government > intelligence, the CIA had obtained credible evidence, including Internet > protocol addresses, linking Cuban agents to the prostitution claims and to > efforts to plant the story in U.S. and Latin American media. > > The alleged Cuba connection was laid out in an intelligence report provided > last year to U.S. government officials and sent by secure cable to the FBI’s > counterintelligence division, according to the former official and a second > person with close ties to Menendez who had been briefed on the matter. > > The intelligence information indicated that operatives from Cuba’s > Directorate of Intelligence helped create a fake tipster using the name > “Pete Williams,” according to the former official. The tipster told FBI > agents and others he had information about Menendez participating in > poolside sex parties with underage prostitutes while vacationing at the > Dominican Republic home of Salomon Melgen, a wealthy eye doctor, donor and > friend of the senator. > > A spokesman for the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, which functions > as the island’s U.S. diplomatic outpost, did not respond to requests for > comment. Menendez has long been a tough critic of the Cuban government and the Castro brothers. He was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 2013 to 2015 and is now the ranking Democrat on the panel. According to The Post’s reporting, FBI agents in the Dominican Republic did not find evidence to support the tipster’s claims that Menendez slept with underage sex workers — and an intelligence report sent to U.S. government officials said the tipster, Peter Williams, was fabricated by Cuban agents trying to plant the prostitution story in U.S. and Latin American media. “The Washington Post was wrong,” Hugin’s campaign says on a website. “In 2015, the Obama Justice Department said it had specific, corroborated allegations of Menendez engaging [in] sex acts with minors and that they ‘were not so easily disprovable.’ In fact, the FBI detailed additional allegations that showed Melgen’s ties to women; even his own pilot described ‘young girls’ who ‘looked like escorts.’ The FBI was able to verify young women with financial ties to Melgen as being in Casa de Campo at the same time as Menendez.” The Post’s unchallenged reporting poses an inconvenience for Hugin and his ad. But he does not provide evidence that it’s wrong. The Hugin campaign is referring to an August 2015 filing from the Justice Department in the Menendez corruption case. That document was not charging or substantiating allegations that Menendez engaged underage sex workers. It argued that the FBI had sound reasons to investigate these allegations. (Remember the bread crumbs?) Before his trial began, Menendez had filed a motion to dismiss the corruption case. As one basis for his motion, Menendez alleged prosecutorial misconduct, reasoning that because the FBI’s investigation began with the underage- prostitution allegations, everything that followed on corruption was tainted. (The judge rejected this argument.) The Justice Department in its 2015 filing was contesting this allegation of prosecutorial misconduct by explaining that it found enough links to investigate (but not charge) the underage-prostitution allegations. Let’s take a look. The filing says: “Presented with specific, corroborated allegations that defendants Menendez and Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic, the Government responsibly and dutifully investigated those serious allegations. The indictment here, of course, charges only corruption and does not include any allegations of soliciting underage prostitution.” Here’s the money paragraph: > As would be done in the normal course, the Government took responsible steps > to investigate these serious criminal allegations, which were not so “easily > disprovable,” as the defendants suggest. Some eyewitnesses described a party > attended by defendant Melgen in Casa de Campo — where defendant Melgen has a > home and where defendant Menendez often visited — involving prostitutes. > Furthermore, defendant Melgen has flown numerous young women from the United > States and from other countries on his private jet to the Dominican > Republic. Many of these young women receive substantial financial support > from defendant Melgen. For example, defendant Melgen flew two young women — > whom he met while they were performing at a South Florida “Gentlemen’s” Club > — on his private jet to his villa in Casa de Campo the day after paying one > young woman $1,000 and the other young woman $2,000. Indeed, one of > defendant Melgen’s pilots described “young girls” who “look[ed] like > escorts” traveling at various times on defendant Melgen’s private jet. Some > young women who received substantial sums of money from defendant Melgen > were in the same place as defendant Menendez at the same time. Moreover, > when the allegations were first reported, defendant Menendez defended > himself with public statements that are easily disprovable. Specifically, he > repeated several times that he had only flown on defendant Melgen’s private > jet on three occasions. That representation is demonstrably false. > Confronted with corroborating evidence of such serious crimes, it would have > been an inexcusable abdication of responsibility not to investigate these > allegations. Prosecutors mentioned “specific, corroborated allegations” and “corroborating evidence,” but a close look at the filing does not show claims that Menendez had sex with prostitutes of any age or was in the same place as prostitutes. What the filing does say is: * Witnesses described a party in Melgen’s villa “involving prostitutes.” * Menendez “often visited” the same villa. * Melgen had a bunch of entanglements with young women. * “Some young women” (not specified as prostitutes or underage prostitutes) “who received substantial sums of money from defendant Melgen were in the same place as defendant Menendez at the same time.” * Menendez at first defended himself from these prostitution allegations by stating falsely several times “that he had only flown on Melgen’s private jet on three occasions.” In fact, Menendez flew on the jet at least eight times, according to the Justice Department. Prosecutors speak about their evidence through criminal charges. This 2015 filing specifically says that the indictment does not include charges of soliciting underage sex workers and that doing so outside the United States would be a crime. The filing does not rebut The Post’s reporting specifically or broadly. It’s possible for two things to be true at once: The FBI saw enough smoke to start an investigation into the underage-prostitution accusations, and the FBI later found no evidence to support these accusations. That’s what a full review of the facts indicates. Incidentally, this reporter speaks Spanish fluently and traveled to the Dominican Republic in 2013, partly to investigate the underage-prostitution allegations. At that time, this reporter worked for the Newark Star-Ledger. Another reporter at the newspaper who was communicating with Peter Williams via email passed along a telephone number for one of the sex workers who purportedly had been involved with Menendez. This reporter dialed the number; no one picked up. Why is this ad coming out now, weeks before the election? “Bob Menendez is a hypocrite,” the Hugin website says. “Last week in a speech on the floor of the Senate, Bob Menendez called for all women to be believed. Yet, Menendez claims that no one should believe the underage women who accused him.” Hugin’s website compares the accusations that Menendez solicited underage sex workers with the allegations of sexual assault from Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh of groping her over her clothes and covering her mouth in an encounter from 1982 that he denied. The Hugin website also refers to a New Jersey state government official named Katie Brennan, who has alleged that a former campaign aide and administration official for Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) named Albert J. Alvarez raped her and went unpunished. He denied the accusation through his attorney. There are obvious differences here: Ford came forward in an interview with The Post and gave sworn testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. (Hugin in the end said he would have voted for Kavanaugh. Menendez voted no.) Brennan detailed her assault for New Jersey prosecutors and came forward in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. The purported underage sex workers in the Dominican Republic never came forward, their identities aren’t known, and The Post’s reporting indicates these accusations were part of a Cuban plot to tar Menendez. Women in the Dominican Republic may not feel as empowered as those in the United States to come forward with accusations about sex, especially in the case of a powerful elected official such as Menendez. Yet these accusations were investigated by the FBI, CREW, and journalists from multiple news organizations in New Jersey and nationally. The FBI, as noted, did not seek a probable cause determination for Menendez over the prostitution allegations, although it did seek one for Melgen. Responding to detailed questions, Hugin campaign spokesman Nick Iacovella wrote in an email that “statements by Mr. Williams to an FBI agent are evidence,” that “statements by M.C. and the fourth purported victim are likewise evidence” and that “the DOJ regularly has evidence of crimes that it does not prosecute.” He wrote: “We believe the allegations to be credible. In large part, because the FBI believed them to be credible and corroborated key facts. The fact that The Post has a former official saying U.S. intelligence ‘suggested’ Peter Williams was a persona created by the Cuban government is not dispositive of anything. In fact, it is little more than hearsay based on innuendo. It certainly wouldn’t be admissible in any court. Nor does it carry the weight of sworn statements by an FBI agent or a DOJ pleading suggesting the allegations were credible and had been corroborated. Moreover, this is just one of the various conspiracy theories that has been peddled by Menendez and his supporters. Remember, Melgen initially denied the claims as those of business associates. Menendez said they were part of a right-wing conspiracy, then Cuba, then the Obama Justice Department punishing him for his position on Iran.” He added: “There are differences in the fact that Ford and Brennan were brave enough to come forward and step into the unforgiving spotlight to make their accusations. However, anonymity is not evidence of falsity. The fact is that most victims of sexual assault do not come forward and we suspect that the percentage of victims of sex trafficking and underage prostitution who come forward is even lower especially when they do not enjoy the same protections as Ford and Brennan and are making allegations regarding men who exercise enormous influence in a country without the same protections as the United States.” ### The Pinocchio Test To accuse a rival candidate of maybe sleeping with underage prostitutes, solid evidence is an absolute must. The evidence for Hugin’s ad fails the test. There’s nothing new in the ad except for a dark descent into corrosive haze. Hugin’s attack ad says the FBI had “evidence” that Menendez slept with underage sex workers but neglects to mention that the FBI attributed this to Peter Williams. Also absent from the ad: The FBI said in the same affidavit that it could not identify any minors based on the information Williams provided. Also absent: The fact that the FBI did not lay out a basis for probable cause that Menendez engaged underage sex workers. Also absent: The Justice Department did not charge these allegations. Also absent: The Washington Post reported that the FBI investigated in the Dominican Republic and found no evidence. Also absent: The Post reported on intelligence received by U.S. officials that the Cubans made up Peter Williams as part of a cloak-and-dagger operation to tar Menendez, a political foe. All of this is crucial, mitigating information; none of it is new this year. Hugin is right: “The public has a right to know all the facts about the FBI investigation of @SenatorMenendez and decide for themselves.” Our decision: Four Pinocchios. ### Four Pinocchios (About our rating scale) Send us facts to check by filling out this form Sign up for The Fact Checker weekly newsletter The Fact Checker is a verified signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network code of principles Share the Facts 2018-10-17 14:50:39 UTC Washington Post  1 1 5 Washington Post Rating: Four Pinocchios “It’s right here in this shocking FBI affidavit. President Obama’s Justice Department had evidence that ‘for several years, [Bob] Menendez had been traveling to the Dominican Republic to engage in sexual activity with prostitutes — some of whom were minors,’ even as young as 16.” Attack ad from Bob Hugin U.S. Senate nominee (R-N.J.)   Sign up Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement © 1996-2024 The Washington Post * * © 1996-2024 The Washington Post | It’s right here in this shocking FBI affidavit President Obama’s Justice Department had evidence that for several years Bob Menendez had been traveling to the Dominican Republic to engage in sexual activity with prostitutes some of whom were minors’ even as young as 16 | 197 |
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विवाहिता महिला की गुमशदगी रिपोर्ट दर्ज हुई थी। महिला ने पुलिस के समक्ष अपने बयानों में अपने पति के साथ नही जाकर दोस्त के साथ जाने की इच्छा लिखित में प्रार्थना पत्र देकर जाहिर की थी। महिला मिल जाने से थाने पर दर्ज मिसिंग रिपोर्ट केस निस्तारण हो चुका है। > विवाहिता महिला की गुमशदगी रिपोर्ट दर्ज हुई थी। महिला ने पुलिस के समक्ष अपने > बयानों में अपने पति के साथ नही जाकर दोस्त के साथ जाने की इच्छा लिखित में > प्रार्थना पत्र देकर जाहिर की थी। महिला मिल जाने से थाने पर दर्ज मिसिंग > रिपोर्ट केस निस्तारण हो चुका है। > > — Udaipur Police (@UdaipurPolice) April 9, 2023 घटना में नहीं है सांप्रदायिक एंगल - एसएचओ लीलाधर मालवीय खबर की स्पष्टीकरण के लिए सलूंबर पुलिस स्टेशन पर संपर्क पर एसएचओ लीलाधर मालवीय ने हमें ये स्पष्ट किया कि _सबसे पहली बात तो महिला जिस लड़के के साथ गई थी वो मुस्लिम नहीं बल्कि हिन्दू है। घटना में कोई सांप्रदायिक एंगल नहीं है।_ _महिला के प्रेमी का नाम लकी चौधरी और उम्र 24 साल है। वहीं महिला की उम्र 34 साल है। पिछले डेढ़_ _,__दो साल से इन दोनों का अफेयर था। 2 अप्रैल को महिला अपने घर से बिना बताए अपने प्रेमी के साथ भाग गई थी। वहीं 2 तारीख को ही उसके परिजनों ने थाने में गुमशुदगी की रिपोर्ट लिखवाई दो दिन तक महिला की तलाश की तो पता चला कि महिला अपने प्रेमी के साथ गई हुई है। कुछ_ _दिनों_ ___तक_ _दोनों_ ___का फोन स्विचऑफ_ _आया।_ ___पर 6_ _अप्रैल_ ___को दोनों हमें राजसमंद में मिले। दोनो ने मंदिर में शादी कर ली थी। उन्हें उदयपुर में एसपी ऑफिस में पेश किया गया। दोनों ने पुलिस से सुरक्षा की मांग की। महिला ने कहा कि उसे और उसके प्रेमी को उसके पति से खतरा है।_ _इसके बाद पुलिस ने महिला के पति और बेटियों को बुलाया। महिला ने कहा कि वो लकी के साथ रहना चाहती हैं। लिहाजा हमने उन्हें जाने दिया क्योंकि वो बालिग हैं।_ _उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि महिला अब अपने बच्चों और पति के साथ है। जाने के दो दिन बाद महिला खुद ही अपने घर वापस आ गई थी।_ निष्कर्ष- तथ्य-जांच के बाद, हमने पाया कि वायरल वीडियो उदयपुर के सलूंबर क्षेत्र का है। इस घटना में कोई सांप्रदायिक एंगल नहीं है। महिला और युवक, दोनों एक ही समुदाय के हैं। फिलहाल महिला अपने पहले पति और बच्चों के साथ है।  Title:महिला के लव जिहाद का शिकार होने की खबर झूठे दावे से वायरल है, दोनों लोग एक ही धर्म के है। Fact Check By: Sarita Samal Result: False  DaughterFinance CompanyLove jihadMuslimदो बेटियांफाइनेंस कंपनीमुस्लिमलव जिहाद Next Story #### Similar Posts ##  © Copyright 2022, All rights reserved. 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Accessibility statementSkip to main content Democracy Dies in Darkness Sign in Advertisement clockThis article was published more than **5 years ago** Democracy Dies in Darkness fact checkerAboutArchive fact checkerAboutArchive # Did Wall Street get a ‘trillion-dollar bailout’ during the financial crisis? Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) claims big banks got a trillion-dollar bailout after the 2008 financial crisis. (Video: Joy Sharon Yi/The Washington Post)  Analysis by Glenn Kessler March 18, 2019 at 3:00 a.m. EDT “Not one major Wall Street executive went to jail for destroying our economy in 2008 as a result of their greed, recklessness and illegal behavior. No. They didn’t go to jail. They got a trillion-dollar bailout.” — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), in a speech in North Charleston, S.C., March 15, 2019 Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, includes a version of this line in his stump speeches — as part of a slew of statements that he says demonstrates how the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful. But his language is a bit slippery and exaggerated. Let’s take a look. ### The Facts Notice how Sanders says “not one major Wall Street executive” went to jail? That’s because there was actually one Wall Street official who did go to jail: Kareem Serageldin, who was global head of structured credit at Credit Suisse Group and admitted trying to hide hundreds of millions of dollars in losses. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement We won’t try to debate whether Serageldin was a “major” executive. Sanders’s larger point is valid: According to the New York Times, almost 900 executives went to jail for the savings and loan scandal in the 1980s, compared with just one person in the 2008 financial crisis. Even the judge who sentenced Serageldin to 30 months in prison was troubled that his conduct was just “a small piece of an overall evil climate within the bank and with many other banks.” ✅ Follow Fact-checking politicians Follow But did Wall Street get a $1 trillion bailout? That’s a nice round number for rhetorical purposes, but it’s not borne out by the facts. The core of the financial bailout was the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), which Congress passed in 2008 and was run by the Treasury Department. The limit for aid was originally set at $700 billion, but Congress in 2010 reduced it to $475 billion. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement ProPublica maintains a great tracker on TARP spending, and it shows that banks and other financial institutions received $245 billion, mostly to replenish capital. But many of those banks are not what one would consider “Wall Street.” Many community banks and credit unions also received TARP funds. Looking just at the big Wall Street banks, we count $135 billion: Citigroup ($45 billion), Bank of America ($45 billion), JP Morgan Chase ($25 billion), Goldman Sachs ($10 billion) and Morgan Stanley ($10 billion). But we can take a more expansive definition and say every bank counts as Wall Street. So that’s $245 billion. We can also include the U.S. government takeover of mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ($191 billion), which help keep the housing market functioning. We could also add the U.S. government’s purchase of much of American International Group ($67.8 billion), an insurance company central to many financial transactions, such as credit default swaps. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement That adds up to just over $500 billion — or half a trillion. But this is an expansive definition. The Congressional Budget Office, in a 2015 report, says support for financial institutions added up to $313 billion. So that’s less than one-third of $1 trillion. TARP, after all, was not just for big banks. The automobile industry received nearly $80 billion. Adding in every possible loan and investment, including to automakers, gets you to about $632 billion, according to ProPublica. That’s still not $1 trillion. It’s worth remembering that while financial institutions were bailed out, so were the American people. If these banks and other financial institutions had collapsed, many companies would have soon followed, leading to massive layoffs. The collapse of AIG would have had global impact. Moreover, in the case of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG, shareholders were basically wiped out when the government took them over, so it’s not as if the owners of all of the companies that received TARP funds or other government aid were “bailed out.” Advertisement Story continues below advertisement Moreover, the U.S. government was eventually repaid for the loans by many of the recipients and ended up earning, as of Feb. 25, a profit of more than $100 billion through dividends, interest and so forth, according to ProPublica. When we shared these numbers with Arianna Jones, a spokeswoman for the Sanders campaign, she responded: “If anything, Senator Sanders has underestimated the size of the post-crisis bailouts.” She pointed to a number of articles and reports that the Federal Reserve made loans to financial firms totaling anywhere from $7.7 trillion to $29 trillion during the crisis. The wide range of these estimates suggests that they should be viewed with skepticism. The Federal Reserve at the time said the reports were “wildly inaccurate.” One problem is that the calculations appear to count every loan as a new loan, even if it was simply rolled over to a new period. One of the reports on the Federal Reserve that Jones shared, from the Government Accountability Office in 2011, stated: “Loans outstanding for the emergency programs peaked at more than $1 trillion in late 2008.” Advertisement Story continues below advertisement The Fed during the crisis created special lending facilities and had the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) extend credit to AIG. The special lending facilities were ended in 2010, and the loans were repaid, with huge profits being generated. “The emergency programs that have closed have not incurred losses and FRBNY does not project any losses on its outstanding loans,” the GAO said. (Note: The Federal Reserve Board is a federal agency, created by Congress, with principals nominated by each administration and confirmed by the Senate. The Reserve Banks were also created by Congress, serve a public purpose and are supervised by the Board, but are not federal agencies. An earlier version of this article did not make clear the distinction.) To some extent, there is a definitional issue about what one considers a bailout. The Fed loans were fully collateralized and were permitted under the Federal Reserve Act. The Fed aid was aimed mainly at keeping the financial markets operating. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement For instance, the commercial paper market — short-term loans essential to corporations for meeting liabilities such as workers’ payroll — was believed to be basically frozen until the Fed acted. If that’s the case, the entire U.S. economy would have ground to a halt without the Fed’s intervention. Moreover, the Fed remits its excess profits to the U.S. Treasury, so all of the gains from the New York Fed’s extraordinary facilities were paid to the U.S. government. Our colleague Allan Sloan has estimated that the Fed earned $132 billion in profit from 2007 to 2012 on the special lending facilities, which it, in turn, delivered to the U.S. government. “As far as Federal Reserve lending is concerned, I do not see how you can call it a bailout when loans were repaid with a profit,” said James D. Hamilton, professor of economics at the University of California at San Diego. He said the cumulative total net gains to the U.S. Treasury from Federal Reserve operations from the first quarter of 2007 through the fourth quarter of 2017 came to $819 billion. Advertisement Story continues below advertisement However, economist Dean Baker, in a critique of this fact check, argues that the Fed actions do qualify as a bailout “because these loans were granted at interest rates that were far below the market rate at the time.” He also says that government claims that the commercial paper market froze \"was completely dishonest” in an effort to justify tapping TARP funds. We will note that although the Sanders campaign pointed to these reports of the Fed lending trillions of dollars during the crisis, he does not make such claims in his speech. Update: Robert Sholars, spokesman for the Special Inspector General for TARP (SIGTARP), points out that “70 bankers sentenced to prison (and many of those were presidents, CEOs and other executives) as a result of our work.\" Story continues below advertisement “SIGTARP doesn’t make determinations about whether a particular criminal action led to or contributed to the crisis,” Sholars said. “But take a look at the case studies — a common theme is a bank aggressively expands its loan portfolio leading up to the crisis, then as the loans go bad executives decide to cover up the poor health of the bank to regulators, shareholders and the public.” ### The Pinocchio Test Sanders clearly wants to use a nice round number in his speeches — $1 trillion — when he complains about the leniency shown to Wall Street firms during the financial crisis. But it’s really about one-third to one-half that number, even when you use generous definitions for “Wall Street.” Advertisement Whether the Fed efforts should be added to these numbers is a matter of debate. We would not include them — and apparently neither would Sanders. Otherwise, he would be claiming a $30 trillion bailout, not a $1 trillion bailout. Not only was Wall Street bailed out, but also the whole U.S. economy — at a profit of more than $200 billion for U.S. taxpayers. That point is frequently lost in the political discussion over whether the bailouts were worthwhile. We presume Sanders is not suggesting that the U.S. government should not have taken extraordinary actions to stabilize the financial markets. Still, a lot depends on how you crunch the numbers and what one includes as part of the bailout of “Wall Street.” Sanders is also right that no major Wall Street official went to jail. (Maybe not so right: See update above.) So we will leave this at Two Pinocchios. ### Two Pinocchios (About our rating scale) Send us facts to check by filling out this form Sign up for The Fact Checker weekly newsletter The Fact Checker is a verified signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network code of principles Share the Facts 2019-03-18 10:52:21 UTC Washington Post  3 1 5  Washington Post Rating: Two Pinocchios “Not one major Wall Street executive went to jail for destroying our economy in 2008 as a result of their greed, recklessness and illegal behavior. No. They didn’t go to jail. They got a trillion-dollar bailout.” Bernie Sanders Senator (I-Vt.) dollar-bailout--fact- checker/2019/03/18/ce34c497-1131-431a-be5c-06a826ca80ff_video.html  in a speech in North Charleston, S.C. Tuesday, March 12, 2019 2019-03-12 Read More info Share Comments   Sign up Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement © 1996-2024 The Washington Post * * © 1996-2024 The Washington Post | Not one major Wall Street executive went to jail for destroying our economy in 2008 as a result of their greed recklessness and illegal behavior No They didn’t go to jail They got a trilliondollar bailout | 199 |
 *About   # Not addicted to corona shots: Hugo de Jonge only received two 24.11.2021, 17:08 (CET) \"Already had 6 injections, while the rest are still eagerly awaiting the 3rd?!\" writes a Facebook page with a collage of six photos by Hugo de Jonge. The outgoing Minister of Health receives one in each photo injection needle inserted into his arm. But this is indeed six corona vaccinations? ## Judgement: As Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) has shown several times, it is not true that Hugo de Jonge has received a corona vaccination much more often than most Dutch. Outgoing Minister De Jonge has so far received two corona vaccinations. Three other photos in this collage are of flu shots. The sixth is also easily explained: there is a photo of the same photo twice injection appointment used. ## Facts: Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) has already written three previous fact checks about the vaccination photos of Hugo de Jonge. The last one was less than one week ago (November 19, 2021). This already describes the origin of five of the six photos explained in this collage. The photos without face masks are from flu shots in 2018 and 2019. Also the The photo at the top left is of a flu shot, but in November 2021. The photo bottom right is from De Jonge's second corona vaccination in July this year. Then only the two photos remain in which the outgoing minister has a light blue t-shirt carries over. This is clearly the same t-shirt. The photos were therefore taken at the same injection appointment: at the first corona vaccination of De Jonge, on June 4, 2021. The exact photos are here and can be seen here in the image bank of the ANP and RTL News. So no, Hugo de Jonge did not already receive six corona vaccinations while the rest eagerly awaiting the third.\" He will also have to wait until his booster shot until it is his age group's turn. (State of play: 24/11/2021) ## Links: Facebook post (archived) Dpa fact check November 19, 2021 Dpa fact check June 7, 2021Dpa fact check July 12, 2021 Flu shot 2018 (archived) Flu shot 2019 (archived) Flu shot 2021 (archived) Second corona vaccination July 9, 2021 (archived) Photo of first corona vaccination ANP (archived) Photo of the first corona vaccination RTL News (archived) Contact the dpa fact check team: [email protected] powered by dpa-newslab | Imprint | Privacy | About: | More stitch collages from Hugo de Jonge It stops 6 corona jabs | 200 |
Skip to content W.A.  Search for... * About * Contact * Advertise Search for... W.A.  Search for... * About * Contact * Advertise Search for... You are at: Home Page > Politics > **Sérgio Cabral is caught in Sapucaí with Eduardo Paes at Carnival 2023 #rumor** # Sérgio Cabral is spotted in Sapucaí with Eduardo Paes at Carnival 2023 #rumor * Politics * 02/22/2023 * by Edgard Matsuki  Rumor – Photo shows the former governor of Rio de Janeiro Sérgio Cabral enjoying the 2023 Carnival with Eduardo Paes at Marquês da Sapucaí. Carnival 2023 is coming to an end. Whoever took advantage, took advantage. Who doesn't Enjoy it, only next time. And, according to a message circulating online, The one who took advantage was the former governor of Rio de Janeiro Sérgio Cabral. A photo of Sérgio Cabral hugging the mayor of Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes is going viral as if it were one of the parades at Marquês de Sapucaí now in 2023. Next to the photo, there are messages pointing to “impunity” in Brazil. Read the message circulating online: Version 1: _Long live carnival! Long live love! This country has no way, I give up. Lula's election with the right to Janja! Sérgio Cabral having fun at carnival from Rio,… What else needs to happen?_ Version 2: _SÉRGIO CABRAL SENTENCED TO 450 YEARS IN PRISON, CELEBRATING CARNIVAL 2023 WITH THE MAYOR OF RIO DE JANEIRO HIS FREEDOM AFTER STEALING BILLION: IN BRAZIL CORRUPTION PAYS UP MAINLY WHEN THE STF ITSELF RELEASE ANY THUG THEY WANT._ > ## Ancelmo Gois wrote a text criticizing Eduardo Paes? We check Version 3: _Since Carlos Lacerda we have suffered. Rio doesn't need this, doesn't it? folkloric or reasonable. He dishonors the City and the memory of his father (sick for those who , they say, the son is killed), exactly at the time when he was most present. Node Carnival we only accept Sérgio Cabral Pai._ Version 4: _Sentenced to more than 430 years in prison, Sérgio Cabral leaves jail and enjoyed Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.. DEMOCRACY???????????? DEMOCRACY THIS IS ABOUT THE POWERFUL, DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS?????? Regrettable_ Version 5: _Sérgio Cabral and Eduardo Paes, exchanging kisses and “affection” in the Sambadrome. The next GOVERNOR OF RJ. Convicted with a hand sentence and 350 years in prison. You're pretending you don't know... NOW YOU KNOW… WHERE YOU'RE GOING get all this????_ ## Sérgio Cabral is spotted in Sapucaí with Eduardo Paes at Carnival 2023? There was no shortage of people sharing the images and being outraged. There is just one detail: it is false that the images are of Sérgio Cabral in Marquês de Sapucaí now in 2023. The recent history of fake news that points to “recent things” that occurred during Carnival this year already makes us very suspicious of the veracity of information. We deny, for example, that a float caught fire, that lightning struck revelers and that a fight was reported in Olinda. When searching for “Sérgio Cabral’s Carnival”, we found nothing in relation to the revelry. Even because the prison regime that the former governor of Rio de Janeiro complies with night collection. In other words: he could not be in the “Sapucaí”. When searching for the images, we discovered that they are, in fact, from 2016. time, the governor and mayor met during the 2nd night of parades and posed for images that were released by the media. In short: it is false that Sérgio Cabral was caught in Marquês de Sapucaí now in 2023. The images that are circulating on social media are from 2016 and not There are records of the former governor “enjoying” this year’s Carnival in the capital fluminense. Ps.: This article is a suggestion from readers. If you want suggest a topic to, get in touch with us via the website, Facebook and WhatsApp on phone (61) 99458-8494. – Follow us on Facebook | ---|--- – Follow us on Twitter | – Follow us on Youtube | – Follow us on Instagram | – WhatsApp group | – List on Telegram | – Follow us on TikTok | – Follow us on Kwai | * WhatsApp *Tweet * Telegram * Email Tags:Carnival 2023Eduardo PaesFlagradoSapucaíSérgio Cabral * Latest news * About * Contact * Advertise * Privacy Policy * Sitemap Partners     Follow us Facebook | ---|--- Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | WhatsApp | Telegram | TikTok | Kwai | Free Counters Categories * Brazil * Science * English * Entertainment * Sport * Fast-Checking * List * World * Opinion * Politics * Religion * Health * Technology Snow | Powered by WordPress * Latest news * About * Contact * Advertise * Privacy Policy * Sitemap Partners     Follow us Facebook | ---|--- Twitter | Youtube | Instagram | WhatsApp | Telegram | TikTok | Kwai | Free Counters Categories * Brazil * Science * English * Entertainment * Sport * Fast-Checking * List * World * Opinion * Politics * Religion * Health * Technology Snow | Powered by WordPress  * WhatsApp service * About Us   # No CO2 poisoning through protective masks against Corona October 13, 2020, 7:15 p.m. (CEST) The claim is circulating on the Internet that wearing protective masks leads to... There is a risk of carbon dioxide poisoning if the corona pandemic is contained. As evidence is an occupational safety poster (archived here) from a gas production company widespread, warning about the dangers of CO2 in closed rooms becomes. Values have already been measured under an everyday mask that According to the company, it can be dangerous, according to the text. ASSESSMENT: The reference to the risk of CO2 poisoning in closed rooms is misleading. Because an everyday mask is not one such space. Rather, the air under a mouth and nose cover only makes things happen a fraction of the air you breathe in. FACTS: The article on the Internet discusses the risk of CO2 poisoning Closed spaces are related to wearing everyday masks. The but cannot be compared. Because such corona protective masks close not airtight. You also breathe in significantly more air than just the air under your mouth and nose. Protection. A healthy adult has a tidal volume at rest that is... ranging from just under 500 milliliters to just under a liter, explains Michael Achenbach, doctor and spokesman for the professional association for children and children Youth doctors (BVKJ). Under load this can easily be several liters increaseable. The air under the mask, on the other hand, is significantly less than 50 milliliters. In addition, this is not just a dead space volume. This will make it Amount of air that is not exchanged. Because the air underneath An everyday mask mixes with the air from outside. It is true that values of ten percent or more CO2 in the ambient air can be fatal, as stated in the article and in the warnings of the Gas producer company is called. And videos are being distributed on the Internet in which... CO2 measuring devices produce excessive values when analyzing the air under the mask show. However, such measurements are misleading because the devices used are often not suitable The purpose is to analyze the air we breathe, like Professor Uwe Pliquett from the Institute for Bioprocess and Analytical Measurement Technology in Heilbad Heiligenstadt explained. This can be the case for CO2 measuring devices, among other things be difficult because high and low values occur quickly when exhaling and inhaling change. Even if you know of increased CO2 levels under the mask due to the remaining exhaled air goes out, this is put into perspective when you look at the whole thing Breathing air, explains Pliquett. “Then is the average CO2 value of the inhaled air at around 0.1 to 0.2 percent, depending on how much CO2 is in the ambient air is." This corresponds to the values that, according to the Federal Environment Agency, are still below are at a critical level. According to experts, wearing a mouth and nose cover is healthy Generally harmless to humans. This is how the German Respiratory League goes from that with a simple surgical mouth guard or one yourself The mouth and nose covering produced causes an increase in carbon dioxide is unlikely - because these masks are not completely tight. This could only occur in patients with chronic respiratory failure Carbon dioxide content and the “work of breathing” increase, “so that the coverage of Mouth and nose as unpleasant or threatening and subjectively as shortness of breath is felt”. Also with professional masks (FFP2, FFP3). Threatening increases in CO2 levels in the blood due to masks “unlikely”. \--- Left: Post on Facebook: (archived: Federal Environment Agency on recommended CO2 limit values: (archived: Communication from the respiratory league: zu-covid-19/maskenpflicht.html (archived: \--- Contact the dpa fact check team: [email protected] powered by dpa-newslab | Imprint | Privacy | About: | The claim is circulating on the Internet that there is a risk of carbon dioxide poisoning when wearing protective masks to contain the corona pandemic As evidence an occupational safety poster archived here from a gas production company is being distributed which warns about the dangers of CO2 in closed rooms The text states that values have already been measured under an everyday mask that according to the company can be dangerous | 202 |
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However, the list of statements by politicians is long and hoaxes about migrants. From some time until today, at Newtral we have been verifying false statements by politicians about migrants as well as several hoaxes that have been spread about this group. Here we collect several of them that in recent weeks have gone viral again or have appeared at rallies and debates: ### “Healthcare for illegal immigrants” does not cost 1.1 billion euros A website has published an article in which it assures that "paying the health of illegal immigrants" costs the state coffers more than a thousand million euros. It's false. The data comes from the measure adopted by the then Minister of Health Carmen Montón and with which the current acting Executive committed himself through which Universal Health was recovered and thus provide health coverage to the foreigners residing in Spain. However, the figure is distorted in the headline. And in the text They explain that the 1,100 euros will serve to cover the health expenses of «Europeans who are residents in Spain, as well as people who live in our country in an irregular situation, attention that would mean 500 and 600 million euros, respectively. Therefore, within the news amends the owner himself.  From manipulated photos to videos taken out of context: hoaxes and misinformation about Kamala Harris  Precisely, this Monday in the electoral debate, Santiago Abascal speculated about this supposed cost saying that »We must end healthcare universal for immigrants, how much does that tell us, Mr. Sánchez? Thousand million euros, two billion euros, three billion... You "You know, tell us." However, it has never been documented that the withdrawal of universal healthcare has meant savings for the public coffers. After the health reform of the PP, which excluded from access to normalized public assistance the immigrants in an irregular situation, the Rajoy Government never published the savings that he clung to to defend this measure. In contrast, three years after the repeal of universal healthcare, the PP Government announced the partial return of health access to this group to "not saturate emergencies" and for "public health reasons." You can read the verification here  Beyond Mocejón: the other hoaxes that attributed crimes to migrants in Barcelona, Tenerife or Getxo ### It's not Ceuta: the assailants in this video are university students from South Africa You may have received a video recorded by a security camera in which shows a group of men robbing a business, the text announces that It was in Ceuta and he accuses the attackers of being "the ones who jumped the fence." This is an old hoax that went viral in Spain in the summer of 2018, and that many users share again on Facebook a year later. The assault is real, it happened in South Africa in November 2015, and as in Spain, it has been used in other countries such as Italy or Russia to blame migrants for vandalism. However, these young people were students. The Ceuta National Police delegation denies to Newtral that this event has occurred in the autonomous city and tells us that it is not a behavior typical of sub-Saharans living in Ceuta. How do we know it was recorded in South Africa? In the video itself you can see the date and time at which it occurred: 12/11/15, at approximately 3:06 p.m. through search Conversely, the first video that we found on the internet is from December 13, 2015. The description says “TUT cafe in pretoria – Weskampus sa”: this is the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in Pretoria, South Africa.  You can read the verification here ### The MENA do not receive more than 600 euros of pay per month Various images and web page posts shared on social networks and which the far-right party VOX has echoed, assure that the "menas" in Spain have a pay of "600 euros." Quantities vary and They usually appear confronted with the widow's pension that women receive. "Spanish old women." It's false. From Newtral we have contacted all the communities autonomous, since the guardianship of these minors, whether national or foreigners, it is a regional competence and thus be able to contrast this information. The majority denies the statement made by VOX.  You can read the verification here ### Abascal on rental aid: «They have created legislation that "It discriminates against Spaniards because it tells them that they have roots." The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has denounced the aid system for rent because, according to him, it discriminates against Spaniards. During a rally in Madrid on October 27, spoke, specifically, about the latest aid granted in the Community of Madrid for 2018 and 2019 and has made it list in hand of the beneficiaries of these benefits. Has come to read the first surnames on the first page of a document that has, in total, 22.  Abascal has stated, specifically, that in Madrid "they have created legislation that discriminates against Spaniards because it tells them that Spaniards have roots and that they manage with their family" The first surnames on the list that Abascal read were foreign and stopped reading when he reached this last name: "Aceituno." Then He said that "here is one who looks like he could be Spanish." Although according to leader of Vox, "if you turn the pages, you see this everywhere," in relation to foreign surnames. It is FALSE. Nor does the legislation discriminate against Spaniards because they have roots nor for any other reason, nor on that list are there, for the most part, people foreigners. You can read the verification here ### Why it is false to claim that 70% of gang rapists are foreigners “70% of rapists in 'packs' are foreigners” or tweets that include: “of 101 'packs', 69% of the aggressors are foreigners” are some of the headlines that we have been able to read in the press in recent months. Also the Vox leader, Santiago Abascal, has echoed these data on Twitter and wrote: “Who really cares about the security and freedom of women in Spain? Pack attacks are silenced because 70% of their members are foreigners.” These data are FALSE as they are being presented. we have asked to the Ministry of the Interior if they had the percentage of nationals and foreigners who have committed group sexual abuse and assault in Spain and have responded that such data does not exist.  The percentage of foreign sexual offenders in groups comes from data which represents 4% of the total sexual assaults carried out in Spain in 2010. We explain it to you here. 128 Likes More in Newtral *  Videos and images out of context: hoaxes about the conflict between Israel, Lebanon and other countries in the region *  The Madrid Court ratifies the conviction of Guillermo Rocafort for interference in the honor of Ana Pastor *  Someone who heard from a neighbor who had read it somewhere: the origin of the hoax about Haitians eating pets *  Gabriel Le Senne will continue as president of the Balearic Parliament after breaking the photo of women retaliated by Falangists *  Beyond Mocejón: the other hoaxes that attributed crimes to migrants in Barcelona, Tenerife or Getxo *  The old and new hoaxes that resurface with the mpox outbreak *  The crisis in Venezuela after the presidential elections unleashes a wave of misinformation *  Elections in Venezuela: verifiers overcome the blockades and propaganda of the Maduro Government *  From manipulated photos to videos taken out of context: hoaxes and misinformation about Kamala Harris *  Podcast Why we like conspiracy theories: podcast with Pepe Tesoro * Hoaxes *Election campaign * Migrants *VOX 128 Likes More in Newtral *  Videos and images out of context: hoaxes about the conflict between Israel, Lebanon and other countries in the region *  The Madrid Court ratifies the conviction of Guillermo Rocafort for interference with the honor of Ana Pastor *  Someone who heard from a neighbor who had read it somewhere: the origin of the hoax about Haitians eating pets *  Gabriel Le Senne will continue as president of the Balearic Parliament after breaking the photo of women retaliated by Falangists *  Beyond Mocejón: the other hoaxes that attributed crimes to migrants in Barcelona, Tenerife or Getxo *  The old and new hoaxes that resurface with the mpox outbreak *  The crisis in Venezuela after the presidential elections unleashes a wave of misinformation *  Elections in Venezuela: verifiers overcome the blockades and propaganda of the Maduro Government *  From manipulated photos to videos taken out of context: hoaxes and misinformation about Kamala Harris *  Podcast Why we like conspiracy theories: podcast with Pepe Tesoro Following * Start * Legal notice * Privacy * Cookies * Contact * Twitter *Facebook * Instagram * YouTube *Telegram | 70 of gang rapists are foreigners | 203 |
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Why do I have to enter my email address? 12/03/2019 – 12:26 dpa fact check # Police: US author Jennifer Jaynes committed suicide Berlin (ots) The claim is circulating on social networks that the US author and Alleged anti-vaccination activist Jennifer Jaynes was killed with two shots in the head be. Their “apparent execution” bears the “signature of the pharmaceutical Mafia,” says an article on the website “”. ( EVALUATION: The claim is false. Jennifer Jaynes killed herself loudly official information itself. FACTS: Jennifer Jaynes was a thriller author. She died on November 25, 2019 in her hometown of Hideaway (Lake) in the US state of Texas ( At the request of the German Press Agency whether there was an investigation that day for the use of a firearm at Jayne's home in Hideaway, said The Smith County Sheriff's spokesman said: "On Monday, November 25th 2019 at 10:49 a.m. the Smith County Sheriff's Office responded to a Emergency call from the community of Hideway Lake near Lindale, Texas. This emergency call related refers to Jennifer Jaynes, who suffered from a single, self-inflicted died from a gunshot wound.” Jaynes has been considered by some people because of the plots of her books viewed as critical of vaccination. After her death, her partner Burke put up Bryant Her Facebook business page made it clear: “Please recognize that Jen’s death is absolutely has nothing to do with the anti-vaccine world. These are just malicious rumors." ( ``` --- ``` Do you have suicidal thoughts or do you have them? Relatives/acquaintances identified? Telephone counseling offers help: Anonymous Advice is available around the clock on the free numbers 0800 / 111 0 111 and 0800 / 111 0 222. Advice via the Internet is also possible at ``` --- ``` Left: Post: bestselling author-executed-with-two-shots-in-the-head (archived: Note on Jayne's death and funeral in the Tyler Morning Telegraph: jaynes/article_436c9c4b-115c-5158-b706-a0c22ce7f9c5.html (archived: Jayne's partner on her FB business page (archived): ``` --- ``` Contact the dpa fact check team: [email protected] © dpa German Press Agency GmbH. The above contents are protected by copyright. Any use of texts, graphics and images without a contractual agreement or other express consent from dpa is inadmissible. This applies in particular to distribution and reproduction and public reproduction as well as storage, processing or modification. All rights remain reserved.  All stories Follow Never miss a story from dpa-Faktencheck again. 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An activist from “Fridays for Future” talks about her worsening school grades. A user in Social media now writes that it is actually the 14-year-old about a “hired actress” ( To... more * 12/02/2019 – 10:26 ### None of the people in the photo are standing in the water Berlin (ots) - Under the heading “Everyone is in danger of drowning, except one. He spoils the picture for the lying media. Well, the cutout does the trick too A photo circulated on the Internet showing several people wearing life jackets shows. One of the people shown in the picture appears to be standing in the water, while the others swim. A supposedly standing one with a red one Arrow marked man... more This might also interest you This might also interest you   Social Media: * Imprint * For journalists * Contact * Usage rights * Text version * Jobs * Data protection * Site map * Cookie settings * Social media | The claim is circulating on social networks that the US author and alleged antivaccination activist Jennifer Jaynes was killed with two shots in the head Their apparent execution bears the signature of the pharmaceutical mafia according to an article on the website Legitimch | 204 |
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