stringlengths 10
⚔️ ExecutableItems ⭐ Custom Tools | Weapons | Armor Set | Potions, MMO Items, Vouchers, Cosmetics ⭐; ✨ Best rated resource ✅ The best tool to customize your items very easily ⭐ Active support ! |
⚙ aEventos ✨ Custom Patterns ✅ Full Configurable | ⚡ Custom Funny Event | Criar eventos automaticos; Plugin De eventos automáticos |
⚙️ Lighweight Lobby System - A BungeeCord Network Necessity! ⚙️; This plugin is intended to serve as a lightweight lobby system for BungeeCord networks of any size! |
⚙️BiggerEnderChests⚙️; A simple plugin to make ender chests contain double the inventory size! |
⚙️BungeePackFix; Avoid sending resourcepacks again if it's the same resourcepack ( useful for ItemsAdder ). |
⚡ Chat Games ⚡ [Skript]; Simple chatgames system with customizable messages and rewards. |
⚡ Chat manager and other functionalities⚡ [Skript]; This is a chat core, they have anti flood, anti spam, anti ips, commandspy, logs... |
⚡ Command Items ⚡; The simplest way to bind commands to items |
⚡ CreativeManager ⚡ Customizable - Complete control; Free Spigot plugin for manage action in Creative |
⚡ DAILY, WEEKLY & MONTHLY REWARDS | MYSQL & HEX COLORS SUPPORT [1.8 - 1.19.3]; 100% custom GUI & messages, cooldowns, join reminder |
⚡ Easy teleport | TPA command ⚡ [Skript]; A /tpa skript. Customizable messages and commands. |
⚡ MTSuggestions ⚡ TeamMT ⚡; The easiest way to keep in touch with your players and bring them the features they want! |
⚡ Master cooldowns | Placeholder cooldowns | 1.8 - 1.19 ⚡; The easiest and most advanced way to add cooldowns to your server in a placeholder form |
⚡ Quests skript! ⚡; A quests skript, imposible quests and menu. |
⚡ Simple Player Warps System ⚡ [Skript]; Players can create pwarps to all the players! |
⚡ Simple rename skript ⚡; Rename your items with command /rename |
⚡ Timed Commands ⚡; The simplest way to setup repeating tasks on your server! |
⚡ Top skript ⚡; Make a top 10 users with your custom varaible. |
⚡ VillagerGUI Api ⚡ TeamMT ⚡ Villager-less trading GUI's! ⚡ [1.3-1.19]; Have you ever tried to create a custom Villager GUI in Spigot? This library is for you! |
⚡ Warp system ⚡ [Skript]; A simple /warp system to your survival server :D |
⚡ vanish Deluxe ⚡ /vanish skript command; A perfect /vanish command with custom messages. |
⚡Giveaways skript ⚡ | SUPPORT FOR 1.19 | [Skript]; Every 10 minutes raffle money and items to online players. |
⛏️ Mine Alert [Best X-Ray Alert Plugin Out There] 1.8-1.19 | MySQL | Optimizable | High Quality ⛏️; Top Notch Xray Alert Plugin To Stop Those Pesky XRayers From XRaying On Your Server |
✅ EnderPlus [1.13-1.19] Custom Ender Chest!; Better EnderChest for your server |
✨ AntiPopup - No chat reports and Popup! ✨; Secure your server for everybody! |
✨ BlueSetSpawn ✨; Blue Set Spawn Plugin |
✨ ChatColor ✨ Custom Patterns ✅ Full Configurable; [1.8 - 1.19] Full Configurable | Custom Patterns | PlaceholderAPI Support |
✨ CleanSC • Best StaffChat plugin (Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity and RedisBungee support); Clean StaffChat is a basic StaffChat plugin, compatible with BungeeCord, Spigot and Velocity. |
✨ HubPvP » Allow Players to PvP in the Hub! ✨; Lightweight and flexible Lobby PvP Sword |
✨ Staff Spectate ✨ [1.15 - 1.19] Let your staff moderate to the best of their ability! ⚒️; Ensure you and your server is safe while allowing moderators to efficently do their job! |
✨AdvancedFlags✨200+ Countries✨Animated✨Gui✨Custom Flags✨Geolocated Flags✨; Cosmetic Flags |
✨AnnounceMessages | Customizable Join Messages and More✨| ✅1.8 - 1.19.3; Customize the TabList or when the players join to server with colors, placeholders and new formats! |
✨KGameChat ✨ [1.18 - 1.19] - A simple game chat plugin and extremely easy config!; GameChat Typing fast to earn rewards and calculate has a simple configuration [Easy to use] |
✨TheAssistantAPI ✨ Library aimed at developers; Okaeri based library which provides developer tools. |
✨WkKit✨ - Will be your forever Gift plugin[1.7.10+] | Support 1.19✅; Automatic refresh Kit plugin based on Cron expression! |
✯Custom Enchantments 2 [1.16-1.19] ✯; 70+ Custom Enchants, Lucky Loots, RPG feels and more, its Free! |
❎ [1.8-1.19] Disable Recipe ❎ - Disable the crafting or smelting recipe of any item; Allows you to disable specific crafting and smelting recipes on your server! |
❓ HelpCMD: The #1 Help Command Plugin (WITH GUI & INGAME EDITOR!); The best /help command plugin with GUI, Config, Ingame editor for config and GUI, and more! |
❤ CustomSprays - Spray your MEMEs on the wall !; Spray custom image on wall like source game does! |
⭐ CustomDrops ⚡ Items | Amount | Probability | Commands ⚡; This plugin adds custom drops to the mobs. |
⭐ DIA FFA [1.8.x] ⭐ Multi Arena | YAML | Signs | Kits | Inventory Editor | Scoreboard; ⚡ Advanced Free for All with yaml in skript! ⚡ |
⭐ DIA MLGRush [1.8.x] ⭐ Multi Arena | YAML | Inventory Editor | Scoreboard; ⚡ Advanced MLGRush with yaml in skript! ⚡ |
⭐ S.I.R.「 1.7 - 1.19 」✨ Basic Chat Plugin; Chat Formatter | Join / Quit | Announcements | RGB - HEX | MOTD | DiscordSRV | Emojis | Filters |
⭐ [1.19] GFasterNight : Faster Night based on percent of players in bed; Faster Night based on percent of players in bed |
⭐ [1.19] GHomeEssentialsX : Home Gui For EssentialsX; Use GUI for your all EssentialsX homes ! |
⭐ [1.19] GModeChangerGUI - Light GUI Gamemode Changer - Survival - Creative - Spectator - Adventure; Gamemode changer survival creative spectator adventure |
⭐ [1.19] GModerationGUI : Light GUI Moderation TOOL Kick Ban Unban online or disconnected players; Moderation tool Kick Ban Unban online or disconnected players |
⭐ [1.19] GTeleportGUI : Light GUI Teleport to Player; Use GUI for teleport to someone |
⭐ [1.19] Light GUI Teleport to Player; Use GUI for teleport to someone |
⭐ ikVote ⭐ Zagłosuj na swój serwer minecraft; Nagroda za polubienie serwera na stronie https://lista-serwerow.emecz.pl |
⭐CompactCrates⭐↪ ▪ Ingame Setup ✅ ▪ Nuvotifer & PlaceholderAPI Connection ✅; Crates with Ingame Setup ✅ |
⭐Ultimate Factions v2 ► Unique Faction Plugin ◄ ✅ [1.8 - 1.19] ✅; Best GUI based factions plugin. Fresh and unique faction experience. FactionsTop + Dynmap included! |
【AdvancedKits】✦CATEGORIES⚡️PREVIEW GUI✨KIT UPGRADES✨KIT VOUCHERS✨ANIMATIONS✨EQUIP ARMOR⚡️HEX COLORS✦; ❂ An advanced kits plugin that can't be beaten! [1.12-1.19] |
️ Authy ️✔ Simple plugin for player login! ✔ [PIN+PASSWORD+AUTOLOGIN] MYSQL SUPPORT!; A simple authentication plugin for Minecraft 1.17+! |
Subsets and Splits