translation |
"en": "He served as a tutor of Prince.",
"ja": "東宮学士。"
} |
"en": "He informed against the retired emperor camp in the Kusuko Incident.",
"ja": "薬子の変で上皇側の情報を密告した。"
} |
"en": "KAMITSUKENO no Shigeko: A court lady during the Heian period.",
"ja": "上毛野滋子 ...... 平安時代の女官。"
} |
"en": "She was Naishinosuke.",
"ja": "典侍。"
} |
"en": "She was at Junior Third Rank.",
"ja": "従三位。"
} |
"en": "She was a member of the FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa family.",
"ja": "藤原良房家の人。"
} |
"en": "KAMITSUKENU no Nagayo: A government official during the Heian period.",
"ja": "上毛野永世 ...... 平安時代の官人。"
} |
"en": "He was Owarinosuke.",
"ja": "尾張介。"
} |
"en": "He was at Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade.",
"ja": "従四位下。"
} |
"en": "He was engaged in compiling Jyogankyaku (statue book).",
"ja": "貞観格編纂に参与した。"
} |
"en": "As many mounds including Tenjinyama kofun, the biggest kofun in the eastern Japan, are found in this area, there might have been a big country different from the Yamato Kingdom.",
"ja": "同地域には東日本最大規模を誇る天神山古墳ほか多数の古墳があり、大和政権と異なる一大国家をなしていた可能性がある。"
} |
"en": "Shimotsukenu no kuninomiyatsuko (also known as Shimotsukenukokuzo, Shimotsukeno no kunimomiyatsuko, and Shimotsukenokokuzo) was kuninomiyatsuko (local ruling families in ancient Japan) ruled Shimotsuke Province.",
"ja": "下毛野国造(しもみつけぬのくにのみやつこ・しもつけぬこくぞう・しもつけののくにのみやつこ・しもつけのこくぞう)は下野国を支配した国造。"
} |
"en": "This post was originally Kenu no kuninomiyatsuko, which was divided into Kamitsukenu no kuninomiyatsuko and Shimotsukenu no kuninomiyatsuko during the period from the reign of Emperor Nintoku to the reign of Emperor Kotoku.",
"ja": "もと毛野国造で、仁徳朝~孝徳朝に上毛野国造と分裂した。"
} |
"en": "According to \"Nihonshoki,\" Toyokiiruhiko no mikoto, who was a Prince of Emperor Sujin and ordered to rule Togoku, was the ancestor of Kamitsukenu no kuninomiyatsuko and Shimotsukenu no kuninomiyatsuko.",
"ja": "『日本書紀』によると、崇神天皇の皇子豊城入彦が東国統治を命じられ、上毛野国造や下毛野国造などの祖先になったという。"
} |
"en": "It is said that Hikosashima no miko, a grandson of Toyokiiruhiko no mikoto, was appointed Tosando Jugokoku Totoku during the reign of Emperor Keiko, and his son Mimorowake no kimi succeeded him and governed well.",
"ja": "また、その孫の彦狭嶋王が景行朝に東山道十五国都督に任じられ、その子御諸別王も引き続き、善政を行ったという。"
} |
"en": "According to \"Nihonshoki,\" Narawake, the fourth descendant from Toyokiiruhiko no mikoto, was appointed Shimotsuke no kunimiyatsuko.",
"ja": "『旧事本紀』によると、仁徳朝に豊城入彦命の4世孫の奈良別が下毛国造に任じられたという。"
} |
"en": "The Shimotsuke clan.",
"ja": "下野氏。"
} |
"en": "Kabane was Kimi.",
"ja": "姓は君。"
} |
"en": "The clan was conferred on Asomi in 684, the 13th year of the reign of Emperor Tenmu.",
"ja": "天武天皇13年(684年)に朝臣を賜った。"
} |
"en": "In 783, the family name 'Shimotsukenu' was given to the surrendered Emishi.",
"ja": "延暦2年(783年)には降伏した蝦夷に下毛野姓が与えられた。"
} |
"en": "Shimotsuke no Kuni.",
"ja": "下野国。"
} |
"en": "Present Tochigi Prefecture.",
"ja": "現在の栃木県。"
} |
"en": "The Futarasan-jinja Shrine: Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture.",
"ja": "二荒山神社 ...... 栃木県日光市。"
} |
"en": "The enshrined deities are Futarayama no ookami.",
"ja": "祭神は二荒山神。"
} |
"en": "Ichinomiya in Shimotsuke Province.",
"ja": "下野国一宮。"
} |
"en": "The Futaarayama-jinja Shrine: Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture.",
"ja": "二荒山神社 ...... 栃木県宇都宮市。"
} |
"en": "The enshrined deities are Toyokiirihiko no mikoto and others.",
"ja": "祭神は豊城入彦命ほか。"
} |
"en": "Ichinomiya in Shimotsuke Province.",
"ja": "下野国一宮。"
} |
"en": "The Akagi-jinja Shrine: Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture.",
"ja": "赤城神社 ...... 栃木県佐野市。"
} |
"en": "The enshrined deity is Hikosashima no miko.",
"ja": "祭神は彦狭嶋王。"
} |
"en": "SHIMOTSUKENU no Komaro: A government official during the Asuka period.",
"ja": "下毛野古麻呂 ...... 飛鳥時代の官人。"
} |
"en": "He compiled the TaihoRitsuryo code with Osakabe no miko, FUJIWARA no Fuhito, and AWATA no Mahito.",
"ja": "忍壁皇子・藤原不比等・粟田真人らとともに大宝律令を選定。"
} |
"en": "SHIMOTSUKENU no Mushimaro: A scholar during the Nara period.",
"ja": "下毛野虫麻呂 ...... 奈良時代の学者。"
} |
"en": "He was Shikibuingaisho.",
"ja": "式部員外少輔。"
} |
"en": "He was a good writer.",
"ja": "文章に優れていた。"
} |
"en": "SHIMOTSUKENU no Toshitugu: A government official during the Heian period.",
"ja": "下毛野年継 ...... 平安時代の官人。"
} |
"en": "He was Yakkonotsukasa.",
"ja": "官奴正。"
} |
"en": "Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade.",
"ja": "従五位上。"
} |
"en": "SHIMOTSUKENU no Kintada: A warrior during the Heian period.",
"ja": "下毛野公忠 ...... 平安時代の武人。"
} |
"en": "He was Konoe no Toneri.",
"ja": "近衛舎人。"
} |
"en": "He served FUJIWARA no Yorimichi as a guard.",
"ja": "藤原頼通の護衛。"
} |
"en": "Omote Yuhitsu was one of the office organizations of Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun).",
"ja": "表右筆(おもてゆうひつ)は、江戸幕府に職制の1つ。"
} |
"en": "They served as amanuenses of bakufu.",
"ja": "幕府の書記としての役目を務めた。"
} |
"en": "That was paired with Oku Yuhitsu.",
"ja": "奥右筆とは対となる存在である。"
} |
"en": "Originally in Edo bakufu, yuhitsu served as close adviser to Seii Taishogun (literally, \"great general who subdues the barbarians\") writing gonaisho (a letter issued over the signature of the shogun), hosho (a document for informing lower-rank people of the decision of upper people such as an emperor or shogun), making a fair copy of hatto (law) and preparing official documents under the orders of roju (member of shogun's council of elders), but when Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA became shogun, he brought yuhitsu of the time of Tatebayashi Domain to Edo-jo Castle and involved in his secrets instead of existing yuhitsu.",
"ja": "元々江戸幕府には右筆の職が存在して征夷大将軍の側近として御内書・奉書の執筆や法度浄書などを行い、また老中などの指示に従って公文書などの作成などを担当したが、徳川綱吉が将軍になると、館林藩時代の右筆を江戸城に連れてきて、従来の右筆に代わって自己の機密のことを関与させた。"
} |
"en": "Therefore existing yuhitsu were called 'omote yuhitsu' and new yuhitsu were called 'oku yuhitsu' and they had different duties and the important duties around shogun were imposed on oku yuhitsu.",
"ja": "このため、従来の右筆は「表右筆」と呼ばれ、新しい右筆は「奥右筆」と呼ばれて職務が分割され、将軍身辺に関わる重要な職務は奥右筆の管轄となった。"
} |
"en": "After that, a practice was established in which the successor was chosen from omote yuhitsu when 'oku yuhitsu' had a vacant position, and the official duties began to be divided.",
"ja": "その後、「奥右筆」に空席が出来た際には表右筆から後任を選ぶ慣例が成立して両者の職掌の棲み分けが図られるようになった。"
} |
"en": "Therefore omote yuhitsu became just a amanuensis of bakufu and their duties began to be limited to make roju hosho, bakufu nikki (diary of bakufu), Shuinjyo (a vermillion seal letter), autographic signature and to make fair copy of furegaki (bakufu orders) (about 400 pieces) to distribute from bakufu across the country and to manage Bugencho (Registers of vassals) of daimyo (feudal lords) and list of shogun's retainers such as hatamoto (direct retainers of the Edo bakufu).",
"ja": "このため、表右筆は単なる幕府の書記役に過ぎなくなり、老中奉書や幕府日記、朱印状、判物の作成、幕府から全国に頒布する触書(約400枚前後)の浄書、大名の分限帳や旗本ら幕臣の名簿管理の業務に限定されるようになった。"
} |
"en": "Omote yuhitsu were composed of 2 or 3 kumigashira (a head of the group) (300 bales of yakudaka [salary paid in accordance with the rank of one's post]) and about 30 omote yuhitsu (150 bales of yakudaka).",
"ja": "表右筆は定員2・3名の組頭(役高300俵)と30名前後の表右筆(役高150俵)から構成されていた。"
} |
"en": "Nasu no kuninomiyatsuko was kuninomiyatsuko ruled the northeast part of Shimotsuke Province.",
"ja": "那須国造(なすのくにのみやつこ・なすこくぞう)は下野国北東部を支配した国造。"
} |
"en": "According to \"Kokuzo hongi,\" Ooomi no mikoto, a son of Takenumakawa no mikoto, became Nasu no kuninomiyatsuko during the reign of Emperor Keiko.",
"ja": "国造本紀によると景行天皇朝に建沼河命の孫の大臣命が那須国造になったという。"
} |
"en": "The Nasu clan.",
"ja": "那須氏。"
} |
"en": "Kabane was Atai.",
"ja": "姓は直。"
} |
"en": "It is considered that this clan was descended from the same ancestor as the Abe clan, but it is also said that this clan became a relative of the Abe clan later.",
"ja": "阿倍氏と同祖とされるが、後に縁戚になったともいう。"
} |
"en": "Nasu Gori, Nasu Gun, Shimotsuke Province.",
"ja": "下野国那須郡那須郷。"
} |
"en": "The most part of present Otawara City and part of Kurobanemachi of Tochigi Prefecture.",
"ja": "現在の栃木県大田原市大半・黒羽町の一部。"
} |
"en": "It is also said near Yuzukami-mura village.",
"ja": "または湯津上村付近ともいう。"
} |
"en": "In either case, the clan ruled over Nasu Gun.",
"ja": "どちらにせよ、那須郡一帯を支配した。"
} |
"en": "Kasaishi-jinja Shrine: Located in Yuzukami-mura village, Tochigi Prefecture.",
"ja": "笠石神社 ...... 栃木県湯津上村所在。"
} |
"en": "The object of worship is the famous National treasure Nasu no kuninomiyatsuko no hi.",
"ja": "有名な国宝那須国造碑が御神体。"
} |
"en": "NASU no Ide: A regional powerful clan during the Asuka period.",
"ja": "那須韋提 ...... 飛鳥時代の豪族。"
} |
"en": "He was Nasunokuninomiyatsuko.",
"ja": "那須国造。"
} |
"en": "According to 'Nasu no kuninomiyatsuko no hi', he became Nasu no kohori no kami.",
"ja": "那須国造碑によると那須評督になったという。"
} |
"en": "NASU no Sekiryu: A regional powerful clan during the Heian period.",
"ja": "那須赤竜 ...... 平安時代の豪族。"
} |
"en": "He was Dairyo of Shirakawa Gun, Mutsu Province.",
"ja": "陸奥国白河郡大領。"
} |
"en": "He founded the Abe Mutsu clan.",
"ja": "阿倍陸奥氏の氏祖。"
} |
"en": "Honkan was a general term of government posts which did not belong to the system for shitokan (four classifications of bureaucrats' ranks) of each government official in the ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code [historical law system]) of Japan.",
"ja": "品官(ほんかん)とは、日本の律令制において各官司の四等官の体系に属しない官職の総称を指す。"
} |
"en": "Chinese ritsuryo system also had a government post called 'honkan' but in this case, it meant all government posts (they were equivalent to shikijikan [a person with an official rank but has no corresponding position] in Japan) which belonged to kanhin (governmental officials classified into nine grades from first honkan to ninth honkan) of over Junior Ninth Rank and honkan in Japan had a completely different definition although the name was derived from Chinese honkan (However, it is said that 'honkan' was also used in the sense of shikijikan in Japan).",
"ja": "中国の律令制にも「品官」と呼ばれる官職群は存在するが、この場合従九品以上の官品に属する全ての官職(日本で言う職事官)を指すものであり、日本の品官の名称そのものは中国のそれに由来しているものの、意味合いが全く違うものである(ただし、日本においても職事官の意味での「品官」という語も用いられていたという説がある)。"
} |
"en": "Honkan in Japan systemically belonged to some government officials but also constituted Bekkyoku which performed technical official duties apart from shitokan and the kanisoto (the ranks of the bureaucracy system under the ritsuryo system) was provided by Court ranking law.",
"ja": "日本の品官は組織上はどこかの官司に属しているものの、四等官とは別に専門性の高い職掌を有した別局を構成し、かつ官位令において官位相当が定められているものである。"
} |
"en": "The representative honkan included jiju (Imperial Household Agency staff), naiki (secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), and kenmotsu (a auditor Nakatsukasa sho, the Ministry of Civil Affairs), who were belonged to Nakatsukasasho (Ministry of Central Affairs), a judge (in the ritsuryo system) who belonged to Gyobusho (Ministry of Justice) and so on.",
"ja": "代表的な品官としては中務省に属する侍従や内記・監物、刑部省に属する判事(律令制)などが挙げられる。"
} |
"en": "Chinese ritsuryo system also had Bekkyoku but had a policy of sanhansei which 'hangan' who controlled Bekkyoku was placed under the command of 'kami' (a director) who controlled government officials and 'suke' who played a part of tsuhan (an official supporting a governor), and was supervised by kenkosei (system to inspect management), however, shitokan and honkan in Japan were not in such a relationship.",
"ja": "中国の律令制にも別局は存在するものの、官司を統括する「長官」と通判を行う「次官」の指揮下に別局を統括する「判官」が置かれているという三判制の原則があり、また検勾制による監督を受けていたが、日本の四等官と品官の間にはそのような関係は存在しなかった。"
} |
"en": "It was because in Japanese ritsuryo system, each sho (Ministry), shiki (agency), tsukasa (office) and ryo (bureau) had a certain independence, in addition, it is said that it arose since government officials (such as kenmotsu and a judge) which had existed and been independent before the ritsuryo system were forced to be added into jurisdiction of a specific sho with keeping the traditional independence, and as a result, many honkan gathered especially in the Nakatsukasasho which took charge of general affairs within the Imperial Court.",
"ja": "これは日本の律令制が省・職・司・寮それぞれに一定の独立性を持たせたこと、加えて律令制以前に存在していた独立していた官司(監物・判事など)を従来の独立性を維持させたまま、強引に特定の省の管轄に加えたために生じたとされ、特に朝廷内部の事務一般を管轄した中務省には多くの品官が集中することになった。"
} |
"en": "Teppokata was one of the posts of Edo bakufu.",
"ja": "鉄砲方(てっぽうかた)は、江戸幕府の役職名。"
} |
"en": "It was also called teppo goyounin or teppo osobashu.",
"ja": "鉄砲御用人、鉄砲御側衆とも。"
} |
"en": "It was a post to study, maintain and repair guns.",
"ja": "鉄砲の研究、整備および修理を行った。"
} |
"en": "Summary",
"ja": "概要"
} |
"en": "It was subordinate of wakadoshiyori (a managerial position in Edo bakufu) with yakuryo (executive allowance) of 200 – 300 bales.",
"ja": "若年寄配下で、役料は200-300俵。"
} |
"en": "The duties were instruction of gunnery, production, preservation and repair of guns as well as elimination of wild boars and wolves and to arrest robbers and arsonists.",
"ja": "砲術の教授、鉄砲の製作、保存、修理を主な任務とし、イノシシやオオカミの打ち払い、火付や盗賊の逮捕にもあたった。"
} |
"en": "Families in charge",
"ja": "担当"
} |
"en": "In the early Edo period, 4 families served as that, but later it took a hereditary system of Inoue family and Tatsuke family.",
"ja": "江戸時代初期は、4家がその任に就いたが、後に井上家および田付家の2家による、世襲制となった。"
} |
"en": "Inoue family",
"ja": "井上家"
} |
"en": "Masatsugu INOUE, a firearms specialist who was also skilled in gun manufacturing, was the founder of Geki-style of artillery (Geki is another name for Masatsugu).",
"ja": "砲術家で鉄砲製造技術に長けた井上正継を祖とする、外記流砲術を持つ。"
} |
"en": "The name Satayu INOUE has been passed from one generation of the family to the next, and each of them has taken charge of firearms manufacturing in Japan.",
"ja": "代々、井上左太夫を名乗り、国産銃器を受け持つ。"
} |
"en": "Tatsuke family",
"ja": "田付家"
} |
"en": "The family was taken into the service of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, who thought highly of the Tatsuke style of artillery.",
"ja": "田付流砲術により、徳川家康に召し抱えられる。"
} |
"en": "The family has taken charge of import firearms (mostly made in the Netherlands).",
"ja": "輸入銃器(ほとんどがオランダ製)を受け持つ。"
} |
"en": "Inatomi family",
"ja": "稲富家"
} |
"en": "The founder was Sukenao INATOMI with the Inadome style of artillery.",
"ja": "稲富祐直を始祖とする稲富流砲術を持つ。"
} |
"en": "In the early Edo period, it tried to reform gunnery and failed and was demoted to bankata.",
"ja": "江戸時代初期に、銃砲術の改革を計って失敗し、番方に追われた。"
} |
"en": "Tsuge family",
"ja": "柘植家"
} |
"en": "It participated in the Battle of Sekigahara with 20 gun experts.",
"ja": "鉄砲の妙手20人を連れ、関ヶ原の戦いに参戦。"
} |
"en": "Subordinates",
"ja": "配下"
} |
"en": "It had teppogata yoriki, teppogata doshin, teppomigaki doshin who were lower than omemi.",
"ja": "御目見以下の鉄砲方与力、鉄砲方同心、鉄砲磨同心がいた。"
} |
"en": "Teppogata yoriki",
"ja": "鉄砲方与力"
} |
"en": "5 people each were assigned to Inoue group and Tatsuke group respectively holding 60 kokudaka (a system for determining land value for tribute purposes in the Edo period).",
"ja": "井上組、田付組に5名ずつ配属され、現米60石高。"
} |
"en": "Teppogata doshin",
"ja": "鉄砲方同心"
} |
"en": "20 people in one group with 30 bales 2 people fuchi (stipend) of salary.",
"ja": "一組20人、30俵2人扶持。"
} |
"en": "Teppomigaki doshin",
"ja": "鉄砲磨同心"
} |
"en": "They belonged to Tatsuke group with fixed number of people of 12 and 30 bales 2 people fuchi of salary.",
"ja": "田付組に所属し、定員12名、30俵2人扶持。"
} |
"en": "The duty was to polish all the guns in possession of bakufu.",
"ja": "幕府所蔵の鉄砲の全てを磨くことを役職とした。"
} |
Subsets and Splits