stringlengths 3
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DigiPapucis | @auguprincese She didn't know how many cakes you were going to eat | 1,260,592,625,024,893,000 | neu | @auguprincese She didn't know how many cakes you are about to eat | @auguprincese Viņa nezināja, cik kūciņas taisies apēst |
VeganLV | Have you heard of the carrot salmon, chia caviar or tomato tuna? Prepare for carrot bacon! Quick, simple and utterly delicious. | 1,260,592,377,431,015,400 | pos | Have you heard of the carrot lox, chia caviar or tomato tuna? Prepare for carrot bacon! Quick, simple and utterly delicious. | Vai esi dzirdējis par burkānlasi, čia kaviāru vai tomātu tunci? Sagatavojies burkānu bekonam! Ātri, vienkārši un bezgala gardi. |
lalajati | @VilksTavsBiedrs That's what the story is about, that after hard work you will be able to snooze peacefully, and rest from horses | 1,260,587,548,990,210,000 | pos | @VilksTavsBiedrs That’s what the story is about that after sincerely working you will be able to snooze peacefully, and can rest from the horses | @VilksTavsBiedrs Par to jau stāsts, ka pastrādās no sirds, varēsi mierīgi pasnaust, i no zirgiem atpūtīsies |
Ivars_Motivans | Do you have some interesting recipes for cabbage soup? Just so it's not only cabbage, carrots, potatoes, meat and onions? Something to make it more interesting? Some catch to make it cooler? | 1,256,301,668,284,629,000 | neu | Do you have any interesting recipes for cabbage soup? So that it's not just cabbage, carrots, potatoes, meat and onions? Something to make it more interesting? Some addition to make it more cool? | A jums ir kaut kādas inčīgas kāpostu zupas receptes? Nu, tā lai nav tikai kāposti, burkāni, kartupeļi, gaļa un sīpoli? Kaut kas interesantumam? Kaut kas knifiņam, lai foršāk sanāk? |
cactus_is_love | Chips in packs come in different shapes, but we still love them and respect them, we should remember the same thing about people too | 1,256,299,645,141,221,400 | neu | Chips in packs are come different shapes, but we still love them and respect them, we should remember the same thing about people too | Čipsi pakās ir dažādās formās, bet tāpat tos mēs mīlam un cienām, to pašu derētu atcerēties arī par cilvēkiem |
ElinaOgsta | @TontonsB @DGFelton So that all the juices don't leave the meat and it doesn't become a dry sole on the skillet. Everything about and around cooking meat has a whole science behind it bottom. | 1,256,292,630,754,885,600 | neu | @TontonsB @DGFelton So all the juices don't leave the meat and it doesn't become a dry undersole on the skillet. Everything about and around cooking meat has a whole science behind it. | @TontonsB @DGFelton Lai visas suliņas nepamet gaļu un tā nepaliek par sausu pazoli uz pannas. Visam par un ap gaļas pagatavošanu ir vesela zinātne apakšā. |
gustavs_nag | @nesekmiba Nom nom cheese bread | 1,256,276,666,915,176,400 | pos | @nesekmiba Nom nom cheese sandwich | @nesekmiba Ņam ņam siermaize |
IRezebergs | @vardotaja Tea-resistant computers? | 1,256,275,133,100,167,200 | neu | @vardotaja Tea-resistant computers? | @vardotaja Tējas izturīgi datori? |
failfasterson | @Kilkuts In my home they would call you the abrasive tourist who eats everything like continental breakfast! :D | 1,256,256,717,337,362,400 | neu | @Kilkuts In my home they would call you the abrasive tourist who eats everything like a continental breakfast! :D | @Kilkuts Manās mājās Tevi nosauktu par abrazīvo tūristu, kas ēd visu kā kontinentālās brokastis! :D |
ilzevacere | @LieneBrizga It tastes pretty good.. the next one will be even better | 1,256,237,776,590,299,100 | pos | @LieneBrizga Tastes pretty good.. the next one will be even better | @LieneBrizga Garšo gluži labi..nākamā būs vēl labāka |
kasparsskincs | The perfect breakfast before work in the forest. | 1,256,126,068,320,350,200 | pos | Perfect breakfast before work in the woods. | Ideālas brokastis pirms darba mežā. |
OzolinsEdgars | @bikovslv The day is good! Should cook some meat today. | 1,256,126,386,621,857,800 | pos | @bikovslv Good day! Meat must be cooked today. | @bikovslv Diena laba! Gaļu jācepj šodien. |
didzvein | @KaijaSkujina @didzis_m @Dzintris @Vinkele @JanisIesalnieks Come on, stop. Even in the Iron Cross Hitler's swastika is not on a white circle inside red background, but is still recognizable. The gingerbread of the young man Iesalnieks was a fun provocation, don't take the fun away from him. | 1,259,167,171,437,043,700 | neg | @KaijaSkujina @didzis_m @Dzintris @Vinkele @JanisIesalnieks Finally. Even in the Iron Cross Hitler's swastika is not on a white circle inside red, but still recognizable. The gingerbread of the young gentleman Iesalnieks was a fun provocation, don't deprive him of the joy. | @KaijaSkujina @didzis_m @Dzintris @Vinkele @JanisIesalnieks Nu beidziet. Kaut vai Dzelzs krustā Hitlera kāškrusts nav uz nekāda balta apļa iekš sarkana, bet tāpat atpazīstams. Iesalnieka jaunskunga piparkūkas bija jestra provokācija, neatņemiet viņam to prieku. |
my_rita | @piglja I know the story where the wife told her husband to buy ginger. He came back with a full bag, bought it like potatoes. | 1,259,165,162,562,609,200 | neu | @piglja I know the story where a wife told her husband to buy ginger. He came with a full bag, bought it like potatoes. | @piglja Es zinu stāstu, kur sieva lika vīram nopirkt ingveru. Vins atnācis ar pilnu maisiņu, pircis kā kartupeļus |
graudaspeks | #Repost @blind_dreams_ • • • • • • @graudaspeks has restored their shelves in #Tēriņu55: • Chocolate cupcakes; • Chocolate biscuits; • Carrot cupcakes; • oat flake/bran cookies; • wheat flour fine/medium/coarse; • … | 1,260,588,374,152,425,500 | neu | #Repost @blind_dreams_ • • • • • • @graudaspeks has restored its shelves #Tēriņu55: • Chocolate cupcakes • Chocolate biscuits • Carrot cupcakes • oat flake/bran cookies • flour wheat fine/medium/rude • … | #Repost @blind_dreams_ • • • • • • @graudaspeks ir atjaunojis savus plauktus #Tēriņu55: • šokolādes kēksi; • šokolādes cepumi; • burkānu kēksiņi; • auzu pārslu/kliju cepumi; • milti kviešu smalki/vidēji/rupji; •… |
AValdbergs | @originalLNO Every such news from Poland is usually soon followed by howls of white-collar chocolate factory workers about how totalitarianism and democracy in Poland are in danger. | 1,260,583,095,893,463,000 | neg | @originalLNO Every such news from Poland is usually soon followed by howls of white-collar chocolate factory workers about how there is totalitarianism in Poland and democracy is in danger. | @originalLNO Pēc katrām šādām ziņām no Polijas, parasti drīz vien seko bāleliņu šokolādes ceha darbinātāju kaucieni par to, ka Polijā totalitārisms un demokrātija briesmās. |
birzniecepaula | @VitaBerzina No, both in one. You didn't eat because it hurt/you didn't want to? | 1,260,580,217,208,307,700 | neu | @vitaberzina No, both in one. You didn't eat because it hurt/didn't want to? | @VitaBerzina Nē, vienā abus. Neēdi jo sāpēja/negribējās? |
VitaBerzina | @birzniecepaula I didn't eat on the first day, just slept properly. The next day I ate something that wasn't really chewable - yoghurt or smth, and on the third day I got to normal food. Did they take out on both sides for you? | 1,260,579,890,694,361,000 | neg | @birzniecepaula I don't eat on the first day, just slept properly. The next day I ate something that wasn't really chewable - yoghurt or smth, and on the third day I went to normal food. Did you have both sides taken out? | @birzniecepaula Es pirmajā dienā neēdu, tikai kārtīgi izgulējos. Ēdu nākamajā dienā kaut ko, kas nebija baigi košļājams - jogurts or smth un trešajā dienā ķēros pie normālas pārtikas. Tev abās pusēs izņēma? |
annameija | “Mother had a smoke, we were sitting at Bamby's grave for a moment. “But why did he eat his child,” I asked my mother. Probably saved him from the cage, my mother said, and hugged me tightly. ” | 1,260,570,081,618,264,000 | neg | “Mother grabbed a smoke, we were sitting at Bamby's grave for a while. But why did he eat his child, I asked my mother. Probably saved him from the cage, mother said, and hugged me tightly." | “Māte uzvilka dūmu, brīdi mēs vēl sēdējām pie Bembija kapa. Bet kāpēc viņš apēda savu bērnu, es vaicāju mātei. Droši vien glāba viņu no būra, teica māte un cieši apkampa mani.” |
KannaRagnesse | @MatissJekabsons I have a bulimia, so eating correctly is how it is... I'm trying. Have tried cardio outside, but I haven't really been succeeding ever since moving to near Riga. It's not that the gym is compulsory. But I like to have a routine every day that doesn't depend on anything... | 1,260,573,252,000,325,600 | neg | @MatissJekabsons I have bulimia, so eating correctly is how it is... I'm trying. Cardio has been attempted outside, but I haven't really had success since I moved to Pieriga. It's not that the gym is compulsory. But I like a routine every day that doesn't depend on anything... | @MatissJekabsons Man ir bulīmija, takā pareizi ēst ir kā ir... Cenšos. Kardio ir mēģināts ārpus, bet man īsti nesanāk kopš pārvācos uz pierīgu. Nav tā, ka zāle ir obligāta. Bet man patīk katru dienu ir rutīna kas nav atkarīga ne no kā... |
KarstaTeja | Diploma thesis: I hate that Hesburer™️ raises prices and does not train employees, and that is why there is shitty service, error in order performance, and overall the new potato shape is shit and oil is everywhere (EVERYWHERE) tastes like it was a week old. | 1,260,573,236,900,888,600 | neg | Diploma thesis: I hate it that Hesburer™️ raises prices and does not train employees, and that is why there is shitty service, errors in order execution, and in overall the new shape of the potatoes is shit and oil everywhere (EVERYWHERE) tastes like a week old. | Diplomdarbs: Man zb, ka Hesburer™️ ceļ cenas un neapmāca darbiniekus, un tāpēc ir sūdīga apkalpošana, kļūdas pasūtījumu izpildījumā un vispār jaunā kartupeļu forma ir sūds un eļļa visur (VISUR) garšo kā nedēļu veca. |
valerijs | @AndzejMic @klavs_asmanis @Kilkuts Oh my... those influencers can write what they want. I don't care. I'll eat with a fork and a knife. I don't like oil on my fingers. | 1,256,197,624,648,142,800 | neu | @AndzejMic @klavs_asmanis @Kilkuts Oh my... those influencers can write what they want. It’s for the birds. I'll eat with a fork and a knife. I don't like oil on my fingers. | @AndzejMic @klavs_asmanis @Kilkuts Ak vai...tie influenceri var rakstīt ko grib. Pie vienas vietas. Ēdīšu ar dakšiņu un nazīti. Nepatīk eļļa uz pirkstiem. |
NNNora | @juriszalmanis Also the same! But, no! Today, just a shop, a delicious lunch, a little vacuum cleaner and a watered plant landfill. Cried and smiled, and planning table games. And maybe- a nap? | 1,256,215,818,519,687,200 | pos | @lawman Also the same! But, no! Today just the shop, a delicious lunch, a little vacuum cleaner and a watered plant landfill. Cried and smiled, and table games planned. And maybe- a nap? | @juriszalmanis Arī tas pats! Bet, nē! Šodien tikai veikals, gardas pusdienas, nedaudz putekļu sūcējs un aplaistīts stādu poligons. Paraudāts un pasmaidīts un galda spēles plānā. Un varbūt- diendusiņa? |
irsuudigi | @greitojipagalba @selmuushh if smthn tastes good together then it's a good combination, food is food after all :D | 1,258,359,084,992,135,200 | pos | @greitojipagalba @selmuushh if smth tastes good together then it's a good combination, food is food after all :D | @greitojipagalba @selmuushh ja kkas labi garšo kopīgi, tad tā ir laba kombinācija, ēdiens ir ēdiens galu galā :D |
100gkulturas | With their own scent. A tasty conversation with «Braku» owner, Anna Kuzina. | 1,260,558,543,628,968,000 | pos | With their own scent. A tasty conversation with the owner of Brake's, Anna Kuzina. | Paši ar savu smaržu. Garšīga saruna ar «Braku» saimnieci Annu Kuzinu. |
m_grinvalds | I am still a lil confused from the emphasis on “home food” in the marketing of modern cafes-restaurants. Sounds like a Soviet remnant when there was shit in the canteens and then you could drag someone in with that description. Nowadays, I don't go to a restaurant to eat like at home. I also expect the quality to be _better_ | 1,260,560,487,768,625,200 | neg | I am still a little confused by the emphasis on “home food” in the marketing of modern cafes-restaurants. Sounds like a Soviet atavism when there was shit in canteens, and then you could drag someone in with that description. Nowadays, I don't go to a restaurant to eat like at home. I expect quality to also be _better_ | Es bik tomēr mulstu no uzsvara uz "mājas ēdiens" mūsdienu kafejnīcu-restorānu mārketingā. Izklausās pēc padomju atavisma,kad ēdnīcās bija sūds,un tad varētu kādu ievilkt ar šādu aprakstu. Mūsdienās es neeju uz restorānu,lai paēstu kā mājās. Arī kvalitāti sagaidu _labāku_ |
armis22 | @briedisunrepshe @riigasiedzimtaa There are problems with water at the chocolate, there it brakes | 1,260,535,589,566,324,700 | neg | @briedisunrepshe @riigasiedzimtaa With chocolate there are problems with water, there’s the culprit | @briedisunrepshe @riigasiedzimtaa Pie šokolādes ir problēmas ar ūdeni, tur tas plēšš |
DzeneDace | @BardainaisSigne @mazputns @komako66 You will eat your rutabagas and protect them with a shotgun from marauders, so will be it. And it won't be those mohammedans, they don't steal. | 1,260,544,610,612,523,000 | neu | @BardainaisSigne @mazputns @komako66 You will eat your rutabagas and protect them with a shotgun from marauders, so you will. And they won't be those muhamedans, they don't steal. | @BardainaisSigne @mazputns @komako66 Ēdīsi savus kāļus un sargāsi ar bisi no marodieriem, tā tev būs. Un nebūs tie muhamedāņi, viņi nezog. |
ilz | @WilmaLinda @libarte @VitaBerzina Mhm, and with liquorice sauce and beetroot-celery julienne | 1,260,532,926,648,909,800 | pos | @WilmaLinda @libarte @VitaBerzina Mhm, and with liquorice sauce and beetroot-celery julienne | @WilmaLinda @libarte @VitaBerzina Mhm, un ar lakricas mērci un biešu-selerijas žuljēnu |
mariiEbooks | I'd rather stroke a cat and have a lot of money, then at six o'clock in the morning I'm in the kitchen, eating breakfast flakes from the package on the mattress at half past four before dawn. | 1,260,525,678,157,496,300 | pos | I'd rather stroke a cat and a lot of money, then at six o'clock in the morning in the kitchen on the mattress eating breakfast flakes from the package at half-five before dawn. | Labāk glaudīt kaķi un daudz naudas tad es sešos no rīta virtuvē uz matrača ēdot brokastu pārslas no pakas puspiecos pirms ausmas. |
Rozaa543 | @lambruscoweet Very pretty breakfast! | 1,260,527,261,398,323,200 | pos | @lambruscoweet Very pretty breakfast! | @lambruscoweet Ļoti smukas brokastis! |
briedisunrepshe | @riigasiedzimtaa Do use it! It's not so terrible anywhere. Look at any cobbled street or sidewalk I've seen such a horrible, crumbling cobblestone: - here - at the MoI/OCMA building in Ciekurkalns - next to TC Sokolade in Sigulda, but there it was replaced with a new one. | 1,260,532,716,728,209,400 | neg | @riigasiedzimtaa Use it! Nowhere is that horrible! Look at any cobbled street or sidewalk I've seen such a horrible, crumbling cobblestone: - here - at the IeM/PLMP building in Čiekurkalns - at TC Šokolāde in Sigulda, but there it was replaced with a new one. | @riigasiedzimtaa Izmanto gan! Tak nekur tik briesmīgi nav! Paskaties jebkuru bruģēto ielu vai ietvi Šitik briesmīgu, drūpošu bruģi esmu redzējis: - te - pie IeM/PLMP ēkas Čiekurkalnā - pie TC Šokolāde Siguldā, bet tur to nomainīja pret jaunu |
ofija_ | I bought a bun, and I thought I'd eat on the bus - I didn't have breakfast today. I waited for the bus to arrive, put on a mask, pulled out the bun, broke my brain. | 1,260,518,448,175,685,600 | neg | I bought a bun, and I thought I'd eat it on the bus - I didn't have breakfast today. I waited for the bus, put on a mask, pulled out the bun, broke my own brain. | Nopirku bulciņu, ar domu ka apēdīšu autobusā - brokastis šodien nepaspēju. Sagaidīju autobusu, uzliku masku, izvilku bulciņu, salauzu sev smadzenes. |
realaGrutniecba | The Latvian baker's ad worked on me: watched @martagrigale bake bread in the oven, and now we also have some - mine with pesto, cheese and tomatoes, the little one wanted with chocolate. Soon all will be eaten! | 1,260,517,242,866,991,000 | pos | The ad from Latvijas maiznieks worked on me: watched @martagrigale bake buns in the oven, and now we also have some - mine with pesto, cheese and tomatoes, the little one wanted with chocolate. Everything is going to be eaten soon! | Latvijas maiznieka reklāma uz mani nostrādàja: noskatījos, kā @martagrigale cep maizītes krāsnī, un nu mums arī ir - man ar pesto, sieru un tomātiem, mazā gribēja ar šokolādi. Tūlīt jau viss būs aprīts! |
annijal | @latviangrey Corn, sweet buns and sweets in general | 1,260,437,042,149,970,000 | neu | @latviangrey Corn, sweet buns and sweets in general | @latviangrey Kukurūza, saldās bulciņas un vispār saldumi |
chikya18 | Honestly! I sweat 2x more while eating soup than doing active sports. | 1,260,511,512,738,902,000 | neu | Honest! I sweat 2x more while eating soup than doing sports actively. | Goda vārds! Ēdot zupu, es nosvīstu 2x vairāk kā aktīvi sportojot. |
nemekleee | I ate a lot of cucumber salad and I now I feel abnormally bad help me | 1,257,403,076,882,894,800 | neg | I overate cucumber salad and I now feel abnormally bad help me | es saedos gurķu salātus un man tagad ir nenormāli slikti help me |
S_Simplicitas | For a late dinner a self caught pike. Oh my, how delicious it is! Must hide it so that all of it doesn't get eaten. | 1,257,403,140,409,868,300 | pos | For a late dinner our self caught pike. Oh my, how delicious it is! Need to hide it so that all of it doesn’t get eaten accidentally. | Vēlīnās vakariņās pašu ķerta līdaka. Ak jel, cik tā ir garda! Jānoslēpj, lai nejauši visa neapēdas! |
J_Pienotava | The delicious vanilla ice cream in the crunchy waffle is once again available at the Jaunpils dairy company shop in Jaunpils! We're ready for the summer!!! | 1,260,506,910,031,327,200 | pos | The delicious vanilla ice cream in the crunchy waffle is again available at the Jaunpils dairy shop in Jaunpils! We're ready for the summer!!! | Gardais vaniļas saldējums kraukšķīgajā vafelē atkal ir nopērkams Jaunpils pienotavas firmas veikaliņā Jaunpilī! Vasarai esam gatavi!!! |
sablzz | @ebilazezete I adore onion chop!!!! | 1,260,505,390,158,053,400 | pos | @ebilazezete I adore onion chop!!!! | @ebilazezete Es dievinu sīpolu siteni!!!! |
velnsparavis | I caught my own damn lunch today, what do you do with your life? eating at your parents expense | 1,256,947,224,040,345,600 | neg | today I caught my own lunch, but what are you doing with your life? eating at the expense of parents | sodien sev ble pusdienas nokeru, a ko tu dari ar savu dzivi? ed uz savu vecaku rekina |
just1birdcherry | @inese_putniece @MartasTante @SPKCentrs @JolantaRubene @veselibasmin @DinaBema @rebaltica @SkujaVilnis @TijaVanaga Let's assume there are growing cases, not diagnosed cases, but what does it have anything to do with the vaccine? There are facts that, for example, in the US, not one mom alone tells a child to eat clay, drink bleach and make bleach enemas because she likes | 1,256,943,431,601,045,500 | neg | @inese_putniece @MartasTante @SPKCentrs @JolantaRubene @veselibasmin @DinaBema @rebaltica @SkujaVilnis @TijaVanaga Let's say there are growing cases, not diagnosed cases, but what does it have anything to do with the vaccine? There are facts that, in the US, no just one mom alone tells her child to eat clay, drink bleach and makes bleach enemas, because she li | @inese_putniece @MartasTante @SPKCentrs @JolantaRubene @veselibasmin @DinaBema @rebaltica @SkujaVilnis @TijaVanaga Pieņemsim, ka aug gadījumu, nevis diagnosticēto gadījumu skaits, bet kāds tam ir jebkāds sakars ar vakcīnu? Ir fakti, ka, piemēram, ASV neviena vien mamma liek bērnam ēst mālus, dzert balinātāju un taisa balinātāja klizmas, jo viņai li |
rrjansons | @IngaStirna White chocolate raspberry cheese cake. Light, but with a glamour :) | 1,256,934,186,214,133,800 | pos | @IngaStirna White chocolate raspberry cheese cake. Light, but with glamour :) | @IngaStirna Baltās šokolādes aveņu siera kūka. Viegli, bet ar glamūru :) |
Bumbuls2 | @KaijaSkujina @Kaspars712 @AlksneR Yeah! One of them is currently preparing lunch for us on a live fire. | 1,256,937,275,788,873,700 | neu | @KaijaSkujina @Kaspars712 @AlksneR Yes! One of them is currently preparing lunch for us outside on a live fire. | @KaijaSkujina @Kaspars712 @AlksneR Jā! Viens no viņiem šobrīd gatavo mums pusdienas laukā uz dzīvas uguns |
St_Kristaps | @ArtaLiene @davidbparry @Springboks @LatviaRugby Somehow naturally seems to have worked, I've been feeding myself with few carbohydrates for some time now, and then transferring to the meat team. I can do with some broccoli, warmed up potatoes, but 99.9 carnivore. | 1,256,928,953,597,661,200 | neu | @ArtaLiene @davidbparry @Springboks @LatviaRugby Somehow naturally it seems to have happened, I've been feeding myself with few carbohydrates for some time now, and just joined the meat team. I can dabble with broccoli, reheated potatoes, but 99.9 carnivore. | @ArtaLiene @davidbparry @Springboks @LatviaRugby Kaut kā dabiski šķiet sanāca, es jau kādu laiku ar maz ogļhidrātiem barojos, nu pārgāju gaļas komandā. Varu paniekoties ar brokoļiem, atsildītiem kartupeļiem, bet 99,9 carnivore. |
AijaLynx | @kulervo @politicaanis @pakalninja In a lightly psychotic society it's not easy to search for balance :) either hunting is my right or murderers, either a forest like a beetroot field or every tree on a city street is the last sacred grove. | 1,256,914,159,092,015,000 | neg | @kulervo @politicaanis @pakalninja In an lightly psychotic society, it's not at all easy with the quest for balance:) either hunting is my right or murderers, either a forest like a beetroot field or every trupeklis in the city street as the last sacred grove. | @kulervo @politicaanis @pakalninja Viegli psihotiskā sabiedrībā vispār nav viegli ar līdzsvara meklējumiem :) vai nu medības manas tiesības vai slepkavas, vai nu mežs kā biešu lauks vai katrs trupeklis pilsētas ielā pēdējā svētbirzs. |
AnnaFoma | @nahimovs There still is. Will eat slowly. | 1,256,906,350,954,778,600 | neu | @nahimovs There still is some. Will eat slowly. | @nahimovs Vēl ir. Ēdīs lēnām. |
sanitaribena | I like to be home because I feel safe and protected here. And there are many lovely things — flowers (and I can plant more), books, piano, tasty food; I can exercise and dance. And behind the window birds are singing and leaves in trees are blooming. | 1,256,891,338,504,769,500 | pos | I like to be home because here I feel safe and secure. And there are many nice things here — flowers (and I can plant more), books, piano, tasty food; I can exercise and dance. And behind the window birds are singing and leaves for trees are blooming. | Man patīk būt mājās, jo te es jūtos droši un pasargāta. Un te ir vis kaut kas jauks — puķes (un varu iestādīt vēl), grāmatas, klavieres, garšīgs ēdiens; es varu vingrot un dejot. Un aiz loga dzied putni un plaukst lapas kokiem. |
SantaPavila | Allium paradoxum blooms with white hanging bells. An interesting wild onion, the earliest of all onion species. The roots were edible, like wild garlic. There is the potential to become a garden weed like scilla. | 1,256,881,816,037,986,300 | pos | Allium paradoxum blooms with white hanging bells. An interesting wild onion, the earliest of all onion species. The greens are edible, the taste is similar to ramsons. Thy have the potential to become a garden weed like scilla. | Ar baltiem, nokareniem zvaniņiem zied allium paradoxum. Interesants savvaļas sīpols, visagrākais no visām sīpolu sugām. Laksti esot ēdami, pēc garšas līdzīgi lakšiem. Ir potenciāls kļūt par dārza nezāli kā zilsniedzītēm. |
thestoryofelza | After years of not eating buckwheat, it was brought to the table for lunch. I still don't like it. | 1,256,183,026,435,993,600 | neg | After years of not eating buckwheat, they were brought to the table for lunch. I still don't like it. | Pēc gadu gadiem ilgas griķu neēšanas, pusdienās tie celti galdā. Man joprojām negaršo. |
paleogleja | @krisatori I don't really know if I like lime blossom tea. | 1,256,182,703,080,300,500 | neu | @krisatori I don't know if I like lime-blossom tea. | @krisatori Es nez vai man garšo liepziedu tēja. |
rozachupa | @MartinsSpuris @Kilkuts Small detail. It is perfectly normal for the Danish to eat the sandwiches they have brought to work. | 1,256,181,834,934,816,800 | neu | @MartinsSpuris @Kilkuts It's nothing. It is perfectly normal for the Danish to eat sandwiches they brought to work. | @MartinsSpuris @Kilkuts Sīkums. Dāņiem ir pilnīgi normāli tā ēst uz darbu līdzpaņemtās sviestmaizes. |
KrLapina | @Borovkovs who was minced by the meat machine just like that. he deserved nothing else. horrible character in history. | 1,256,180,115,538,612,200 | neg | @Borovkovs whose meat machine minced exactly the same way. he deserved nothing else. horrible character of history. | @Borovkovs kuru gaļas mašīna tieši tāpat samala. neko citu viņš pelnījis nebija. briesmīgs vēstures personāžs. |
thearmi | Fun fact: Next to Ikea there's a cool outdoor café with a tasty shashlik. Tables every 2 m. Made me feel like a human seeing people around and eating outside the house for the first time in a month and a half =] | 1,256,172,199,410,643,000 | pos | Fun fact: At Ikea, there is a cool outdoor café with a tasty shashlik. Tables every 2m. Made me feel like a person seeing people around and eating outside the house for the first time in a month and a half =] | Fun fact: pie Ikea forša āra kafejnīca ar karšīgu šašliku. Galdiņi ik pa 2m. Lika sajusties kā cilvēkam, redzot apkārt cilvēkus un pirmo reizi pusotra mēneša laikā paēdot ārpus mājas =] |
lolifish | @elinakursite @thearmi @PakistAnnie_ @artuss Spoiled! There is not even a Hanukkah festival :D but a normal breakfast. | 1,256,168,583,597,568,000 | neu | @elinakursite @thearmi @PakistAnnie_ @artuss Pet! There is not even a Hanukkah festival :D but a normal breakfast. | @elinakursite @thearmi @PakistAnnie_ @artuss Luteklis! Nav pat Hanukas svētku :D bet parastas brokastis. |
akmanstors | @marcipaanss What tastes like sh*t | 1,256,158,941,295,325,200 | neg | @marcipaanss What tastes like s*it | @marcipaanss Kas garšo pēc s*da |
ApsaGuna | all moms like raffaello | 1,256,150,891,482,185,700 | pos | all moms like rafaello | visām mammām garšo rafaello |
Agy_1988 | I thought there are no perfect onions, but then I found a big sweet onion in Rimi. | 1,256,149,325,559,861,200 | pos | I thought there were no perfect onions, but then I found a big sweet onion in Rimi. | Domāju, ka ideālu sīpolu nav, bet tad Rimi uzgāju lielu, saldu sīpolu. |
A_Juska | Dumplings are my weakness and I'm proud of it | 1,256,147,379,516,047,400 | pos | Dumplings are my weakness and I'm proud of it | Pelmeņi ir mana vājība un es ar to lepojos |
TheVektors | @gerda_c I work in a wood processing plant. But before that, I had unofficial income from snail gathering, garden apple trading in a local market stall and parenting at a children's camp | 1,256,137,850,468,343,800 | neu | @gerda_c I work in a sawmill. But before that, there was informal income from snail gathering, selling garden apples in a local market stall and parenting at a children's camp | @gerda_c Strādāju gaterī. Bet pirms tam bija neoficiāli ienākumi no gliemežu lasīšanas, dārza ābolu tirgošanās vietējā tirgus placī un audzināšanas bērnu nometnē |
dzemturis | @normundsbergs @Are_Krek And what's for lunch for 5EUR? That's what they say, that the aid packages do not contain products from Latvia, not even 0.5l of Latvian milk... | 1,256,106,755,504,955,400 | neu | @normundsbergs @Are_Krek And what’s for lunch for 5EUR? That’s what they say that the aid packages do not contain products from Latvia, even though 0.5l Latvian milk... | @normundsbergs @Are_Krek Un kas pusdienās par 5EUR? Tā jau runa, ka palīdzības pakās nav produlti no Latvijas, kaut vai 0.5l latvijas piena... |
vardotaja | @ancetarvida Not the same thing. If there are no ready potatoes and they are put to boil with the bark, then they will be boiling for a longer time. Plus additional cooling and chopping. | 1,256,118,053,466,669,000 | neu | @ancetarvida Not the same thing. If there are no ready potatoes and they are put to boil with bark, then they will be boiling for a long time. Plus more cooling and chopping. | @ancetarvida Nav gan tas pats. Ja nav gatavu kartupeļu un tos liek vārīties ar mizu, tad vārisies krietni ilgāk. Plus vēl dzesēt un kapāt. |
ElinaBadune | @gerda_c Ice cream vendor in the summer on the street. | 1,256,118,085,339,222,000 | neu | @gerda_c Ice cream vendor in the summer on the street. | @gerda_c Saldējuma pārdevēja vasarā uz ielas. |
svaigicepta | do you want the baby to get up? I have a solution! sit down at the table and try to eat | 1,256,119,445,098,987,500 | neu | want a baby to get up? I have a solution! sit down at the table and try eating | gribi lai bēbītis ceļas? man ir risinājums! apsēdies pie galda un pamēģini paēst |
jekapskaps | @labina2kurpes I just paid 2 month rent and a stone fell from my heart but have been eating barley for a week now | 1,260,495,671,695,683,600 | neg | @labina2kurpes I just paid 2 month rent and a stone fell off of my heart , but I have been eating pearled for a week | @labina2kurpes Tikko samaksāju 2 mēnešu īri un nokrita akmens no sirds , bet ēdu grūbas jau nedēļu |
Merigolda | @WilmaLinda cabbage and potato pies, rye flake porridge and porridge in general without additives, rye flour scones. | 1,260,161,712,533,188,600 | neu | @WilmaLinda Cabbage and potato pies, rye flake porridge and porridge in general without additives, rye flour scones. | @WilmaLinda Kāpostu un kartupeļu pīrāgi, rudzu pārslu putra un putras vispār bez piedevām, rudzu miltu plāceņi. |
kristapaulaa | @WilmaLinda I remember that when I was a child my aunt was making some kind of porridge with potatoes, peas.. that I really liked | 1,260,160,282,363,601,000 | pos | @WilmaLinda I remember that when I was a child my aunt was making some porridge with potatoes, peas.. I liked it a lot | @WilmaLinda Atceros, ka bērnībā tante taisīja kait kādu putru ar kartupeļiem, zirnīšiem.. tā man loti garšoja |
sablzz | I like to feel “grown-up” when I can eat cheese Cheetos for breakfast and no one can judge me about it. | 1,260,488,169,067,368,400 | pos | I like to feel “grown-up” when I can eat cheese Cheetos for breakfast and no one judges me about it. | Man patīk sajusties "pieaugušai", kad brokastīs varu ēst siera čītosus un mani neviens par to nedžadžo. |
bazart20 | Author: Jana Nesteroviča, "Before the Tea Ceremony", canvas / oil, size: 50 x 60 cm, 2017. | 1,260,486,064,092,975,000 | neu | Author: Jana Nesteroviča, “Before the Tea ceremony”, canvas / oil, size: 50 x 60 cm, 2017. | Autors: Jana Nesteroviča, "Pirms tējas ceremonijas", audekls / eļļa, izmērs: 50 x 60 cm, 2017. gads. |
snuspixie69 | Me 5 minutes after when I say I won't eat : time to consume a whole buffet | 1,260,468,192,297,787,400 | neu | Me 5 minutes after I say I won't eat : time to consume a whole buffet | Es 5 min pec ta kad pasaku ka neēdīšu : time to consume a whole buffet |
lasorciere17 | @REMESIS777 @MartinsAbolins Well, let the SMEs adapt too! Moreover, it is not that SMEs do not help at all. If they now give them 5-7 or how many thousands there, as Jenzis here, for example, preaches, the small ones will eat it up and close down anyway. And what will the dry residue be? | 1,258,742,516,767,232,000 | neg | @REMESIS777 @MartinsAbolins Well, let the SMEs adapt too! Moreover, it is not that SMEs are not helped at all. If you give them 5-7 or how many thousands there now, as Jenzis here, for example, preaches, the small ones will eat it and close down anyway. And what will the dry residue be? | @REMESIS777 @MartinsAbolins Nu tad lai tie MVU arī pielāgojas! Turklāt, nav jau tā, ka MVU nepalīdz vispār. Ja iedos tagad katram 5-7 vai cik tur štukas, kā te Jenzis, piemēram, sludina, mazie to apēdīs un aizklapēsies tāpat. Un kāds būs sausais atlikums? |
_Barba | @agijakola @miers_majas My big daughter said she would make dinner for Mother's Day and (wait for it) would send ME a list of products to buy | 1,258,736,647,476,260,900 | neu | @agijakola @peacs_majas My big daughter said she would make dinner on the Mother's Day and (wait for it) would send ME a list of products to buy | @agijakola @miers_majas Man lielā meita teica, ka uztaisīs vakariņas māmiņdienā un (wait for it) atsūtīs MAN produktu sarakstu, kas jānopērk |
DarzaPasaule | A new special edition is here - GROWN THIS SEASON! An edition for people who have decided to set up or re-establish rapidly growing vegetable beds this summer in their nearby garden, but who have no experience in growing vegetables. Buy in the press outlets or ✅ | 1,258,732,424,541,999,000 | neu | A new special edition is here - GROWN THIS SEASON! An edition for people who have decided to set up or re-establish rapidly growing vegetable beds in their kitchen garden this summer, but who have no experience in growing vegetables. Buy in press outlets or ✅ | Jauns speciālizdevums ir klāt - IZAUDZĒ ŠOSEZON! Izdevums cilvēkiem, kas šovasar nolēmuši savā piemājas dārzā ierīkot vai atjaunot ātri audzējamu dārzeņu dobes, bet kuriem nav pieredzes dārzeņu audzēšanā. Pērc preses tirdzniecības vietās vai ✅ |
Florianmustdie | I want to slap myself with a meat clapping hammer because I can only turn on my computer and open work, but for the rest of the time just look out the window because concentration and keeping focus is totally in the ass, @ me, you idiot, you have the sketchup trial for only 29 days now, what's wrong with you | 1,258,731,274,484,756,500 | neg | I want to slap myself with a meat clap hammer because I can only turn on my computer and open work, but for the rest of the time look out the window because concentration and keeping attention is totally in the ass, @ me, loser, you sketchup trial is only for 29 days, what’s wrong with you | gribu iemaukt sev ar gaļas klapējamo āmuru, jo varu vien ieslēgt datoru un atvērt darbu, bet pārējo laiku blenzt ārā pa logu, jo koncentrēšanās un uzmanības noturēšana ir galīgā pakaļā, @ me tu, lose, tev sketchup trial ir vairs 29 dienas, kas tev kaiš |
latviangrey | BF: Do we need something in the grocery store? Me: Maybe kefir, tomato juice, and all sorts of sauces. And also schnapps. Maybe without kefir. | 1,257,668,535,859,413,000 | neu | Bf: Do we need something in the grocery store? Me: Could get some kefir, with tomato juice, and all sorts of sauces. And with schnapps. Maybe without kefir. | Bf: mums kaut ko vajag pārtikas veikalā? Es: Varētu kefīru, ar tomātu sulu un visādām mērcītēm. Un ar šņabi. Varbūt bez kefīra. |
ArtemijsS | @bibaiba When we were waiting for the firstborn, the wife wanted to have a daughter with short hair. We don't have gingers in our family trees. When the daughter was born at 3:40, the nurse gasped in delight: Oh, we got here a sun kissed one! Ginger! | 1,257,651,693,979,869,200 | pos | @bibaiba When we were waiting for the firstborn, the wife wanted to have a daughter with red hair. We don't have any redheads in our family. When the daughter was here at 3:40, the nurse gasped in delight: Oh, what have we got here kissed by the sunshine! Redhead! | @bibaiba Kad gaidījām pirmdzimto, sieva dikti gribēja lai ir meita ar rīsiem matiem. Mums nevienam dzimtā rudmašu nav. Kad meita bija klāt plkst.3:40, medmāsiņa sajūsmā noelsās: ai, kāda mums te saules noskūpstītā! Rudmate! |
do42195 | Good recipe! With explanations for people like me. | 1,257,650,217,307,996,200 | pos | Good recipe! With explanations for ones like me. | Laba recepte! Ar skaidrojumiem, tādiem kā man. |
koobIue | @btsjams321 @kkriistaaaaa coffee is the only source of pleasure in my life. coffee and pubg | 1,257,649,083,281,531,000 | pos | @btsjams321 @kkriistaaaaa For me coffee is the only source of pleasure in life. coffee and pubg | @btsjams321 @kkriistaaaaa man kafija dzive vienigais prieka avots. kafija un pubg |
btsjams321 | @koobIue @kkriistaaaaa coffee spoils everything - heart, brain, joy of life | 1,257,648,850,686,353,400 | neg | @koobIue @kkriistaaaaa coffee spoils everything - heart, brain, joy of life | @koobIue @kkriistaaaaa kafija visu boja - sirdi, smadzenes, dzives prieku |
btsjams321 | @koobIue @kkriistaaaaa coffee spoiled your brain, you don't see correctly | 1,257,648,418,341,687,300 | neg | @koobIue @kkriistaaaaa coffee spoiled your brain, you don't see correctly | @koobIue @kkriistaaaaa tev kafija sabojaja smadzenes, nepareizi redzi |
koobIue | @kkriistaaaaa @btsjams321 coffee increases the risk of a stroke and we like living on the edge baybeyy | 1,257,645,735,660,736,500 | neg | @kkriistaaaaa @btsjams321 coffee increases the risk of a stroke and we like living on the edge baybeyy | @kkriistaaaaa @btsjams321 kafija palielina sirds triekas risku, un mums patik dzivot uz naza asmens baybeyy |
btsjams321 | @kkriistaaaaa @koobIue old folks already have heart problems and then coffee accelerates heart rate. then better just drink close to the hospital | 1,257,646,185,348,808,700 | neg | @kkriistaaaaa @koobIue old people already have heart problems and coffee increases heartrate. then just better to drink it next to the hospital | @kkriistaaaaa @koobIue veciem laudiem jau taa sirds problemas un veel kafija paatrina sirdi. tad jau uzreiz labaak pie slimnicas dzert |
btsjams321 | @koobIue stop eating sand, not healthy | 1,257,644,397,048,578,000 | neg | @koobIue stop eating sand, not healthy | @koobIue beidz ēst smiltis, nav veselīgi |
kkriistaaaaa | @koobIue @btsjams321 yaa, coffee always tastes like paradises | 1,257,644,205,717,012,500 | pos | @koobIue @btsjams321 yeah, coffee always taste like paradises | @koobIue @btsjams321 juu, kafija vienmēr garšos kā paradīzes |
kkriistaaaaa | @btsjams321 @koobIue coffee IS | 1,257,643,497,169,059,800 | neu | @btsjams321 @koobIue coffee IS | @btsjams321 @koobIue kafija IR |
rain_yoongles | moots are fighting over coffee and cocoa on tl i love this | 1,257,644,177,539,596,300 | pos | moots are fighting over coffee and cocoa on tl i love this | moots are fighting over kafija un kakao on tl i love this |
ZvaigzneAnete | @vardotaja @miglasezis I also came to the comments section just to say yes, I like honey cake | 1,257,409,186,486,313,000 | pos | @vardotaja @miglasezis I also came to the comments section just to say yes, I like honey cake | @vardotaja @miglasezis Es arì nācu uz komentāru sadaļu, lai vienkārši pateiktu, jā, meduskūka garšo |
chirkainaisLV | @sankuperis Eat MaDonietis in Latvia! | 1,257,405,928,367,886,300 | neu | @sankuperis People eat MaDoniets in Latvia! | @sankuperis Latvijā ēd MaDonieti! |
phronemophobe | @liana_langa @PunciPunci @tvitermaniaks @linardsaboltins @vardotaja But how exactly is that justified? Because it is written in the “Her” section of “Delfi”? These label experts were popping up like mushrooms after rain 10, 20 years ago. | 1,257,995,408,703,393,800 | neg | @liana_langa @PunciPunci @tvitermaniaks @linardsaboltins @vardotaja But how exactly is that justified? Because it is written in “Viņa” section of “Delfi”? These label experts had appeared as mushrooms after the rain 10, 20 years ago. | @liana_langa @PunciPunci @tvitermaniaks @linardsaboltins @vardotaja Bet kā tieši tas pamatojams? Jo rakstīts "Delfi" sadaļā "Viņa"? Šie etiķetes eksperti pirms 10, 20 gadiem bija saradušies kā sēnes pēc lietus. |
laumapret | @ofija_ @spigana Then I have to start thinking if I can eat a half-cup of yeast with sugar... Damn it! | 1,259,147,547,970,543,600 | neg | @ofija_ @spigana Then I have to start reconsidering if I can eat a half-cup of yeast with sugar... Damn it! | @ofija_ @spigana Tad jau man jāsāk pārdomāt, vai es drīkstu izēst puskrūzi rauga ar cukuru... Sasodīts! |
Daina_P | @dzeina @dr_furmanis Probably because little kids are stuffing everything in their mouths that they can reach. The legs of that creature are just asking to be tasted and can be choked on the plastic plates. | 1,258,711,830,488,326,100 | neg | @dzeina @dr_furmanis Probably because little kids are stuffing everything in their mouths that they can reach. Those legs of the creature are asking to be tasted, and one can choke on plastic plates. | @dzeina @dr_furmanis Droši vien tāpēc, ka mazi bērni visu ko bāž mutē, ko tik aizsniedz. Tās radījuma kājeles prasīt prasās nogaršot un var aizrīties ar plastmasas plāksnītēm. |
lauzaneva | When the only reason to get dressed up in the day is to take your Wolt lunch and no one would see you in the robe at 13:00 | 1,258,354,197,503,840,300 | neu | When the only reason to get dressed for the day is to take your Wolt lunch and no one would see you in a robe at 13 o’clock | Kad vienīgais dienas iemesls saģērbties ir, lai paņemtu savas Wolt pusdienas un neviens tevi neredzētu halātā plkst.13 |
pArt07 | @AigarsStirna @normundsbergs IMO, military tasks are the true target for the development of such extremely expensive and sophisticated devices. At the same time, the vulgaris public is being fed stories about the convenience of bringing potatoes from the market, although not sure if elsewhere anyone is shopping in markets anyway. | 1,258,353,191,734,968,300 | neg | @AigarsStirna @normundsbergs In my oppinion, military tasks are the true goal for the development of such extremely expensive and sophisticated devices. At the same time, the vulgaris public is is being fed stories about the convenience of bringing potatoes from the market, although not sure if in other places anyone is shopping in the markets anyway. | @AigarsStirna @normundsbergs Mnprt, militārie uzdevumi ir patiesais mērķis šādu ārkārtīgi dārgu un komplicētu ierīču attīstībai. Vienlaikus publikai vulgaris tiek mēģināts iebarot pasaciņas par ērtu kartupeļu nešanu no tirgus, lai gan nez vai citviet kāds vispār iepērkas tirgos. |
martakrivade | @Sarmite_Kolate All winter long the plastic barrel on the balcony, from which before dinner the frozen sour cabbage had to be scraped out, eaten with boiled potatoes and sometimes sausages. the spreading gas of this sour cabbage barrel began to peel back paint from the balcony in a treacherous way. | 1,258,349,692,343,267,300 | neu | @Sarmite_Kolate All winter long the plastic barrel on the balcony, from which before dinner the frozen sauerkraut had to be extracted, eaten with baked potatoes and sometimes sausages. the spreading gas of this sauerkraut barrel began to peel off paint from the balcony in a unwanted way. | @Sarmite_Kolate visas ziemas garumā uz balkona esošā plastmasas muca, no kuras pirms vakariņām bija jākasa ārā sasalušie skābētie kāposti, ko ēda kopā ar vārītiem kartupeļiem un reizēm - sardelēm. no tās skābēto kāpostu mucas izplatītās gāzes mums no balkona sāka nodevīgi lobīties nost krāsa |
biezpienmaize | My wtf dreams have come back with a new vigor. In my nap I dreamed that some young being, together with grandma, was trying to disenchant my husband off me. I also found two fabric bags with such beautiful, I think, age-old apples which have been eaten by insects. Couldn't taste it - son woke me up. | 1,258,015,274,432,954,400 | neg | My wtf dreams have come back with a new vigor. I dreamed that some young being, together with her grandmother, was trying to enchant my husband. I also found two fabric bags with so beautiful, In my opinion, ever-old apples that had been eaten by insects. Didn’t get to taste them - my son woke me up. | Mani wtf sapņi ir atgriezušies ar jaunu sparu. Diendusà sapņoju, ka kàda jauna būtne kopà ar vecmàmiņu cenšas atburt man vīru. Atradu arī divus auduma maisus ar tik skaistiem, manuprāt, mūžsenien āboliem, ko apsēduši kukaiņi. Neizdevās pagaršot - dēls pamodināja. |
DzeneDace | I bought tea that balances the figure. I will be able to eat more furiously by drinking tea on the side. | 1,258,013,457,984,733,200 | pos | I bought tea that balances the figure. I can eat more furiously by drinking my tea. | Nopirku tēju, kura līdzsvaro figūru. Varēšu ēst vēl negantāk, piedzerot tēju. |
linardsaboltins | @Tekstiteatrim @edgskar It seems like the screen gives an extra dimension but no.. The readings of plays in the background while making breakfast in the morning are much, much more exciting. | 1,258,010,800,394,043,400 | pos | @Tekstiteatrim @edgskar It seems like the screen gives an extra dimension but no.. The readings of plays in the background, in the morning while making breakfast, are much, much more exciting. | @Tekstiteatrim @edgskar It kā liekas, ka ekrāns piešķir papildu dimensiju, bet nē.. Lugu lasījumi fonā, no rīta brokastis taisot, ir daudz, daudz aizraujošāk. |
VeganLV | Colorful, tasty and refreshing blue spirulina, banana and mango nice-cream! | 1,258,000,004,951,744,500 | pos | Colorful, tasty and refreshing blue spirulina, bananas and mango nice-cream! | Krāsains, garšīgs un atsvaidzinošs zilās spirulīnas, banānu un mango nice-cream! |
Tas_es_Pats | @JanisIesalnieks @nikitatr1 @CerinsAivis @IngaSpringe Uh, Janka doesn't learn at all from Raivis mistakes. He also drank a beer once with Osipov... Just offer gingerbread to Nikitosa at the political rivals for pleasure! | 1,257,996,524,019,167,200 | neg | @JanisIesalnieks @nikitatr1 @CerinsAivis @IngaSpringe Eh, Janka doesn't learn at all from Raivis’ mistakes. He also once drank beer with Osipovu... Now just offer gingerbread to Ņikitosa for the pleasure of political rivals ! | @JanisIesalnieks @nikitatr1 @CerinsAivis @IngaSpringe Eh, Janka nemaz nemācās no Raivja kļūdāms. Viņš arī vienreiz ar Osipovu aliņu iedzēra... Vēl tik piparkūkas Ņikitosam piedāvā politkonkurentiem par prieku! |
navyart | @HienaNeija @KatrinaKukuma Okay if it succeeds. A compromise between onion eaters and non-eaters is an amazing achievement. As a child, I was not willing to eat anything that had been near an onion. I really like them now | 1,257,996,363,675,172,900 | pos | @HienaNeija @KatrinaKukuma Okay if it succeeds. Compromise between onion eaters and non-eaters is an amazing achievement. As a child, I was not willing to eat anything that had an onion close by. I really like it now | @HienaNeija @KatrinaKukuma Labi, ja tā izdodas. Kompromiss starp sīpolu ēdājiem un neēdājiem ir apbrīnojams sasniegums. Bērnībā es nebiju ar mieru ēst neko, kam sīpols blakus bijis. Tagad ļoti garšo |
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