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Basic grass and poison Bulbasaur is a small, quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches. It has red eyes with white pupils, pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head, and a short, blunt snout with a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open
Stage 1 grass and poison Ivysaur is a quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker patches. On top of its head are pointed ears with black insides and it has narrow red eyes. Ivysaur has a short, rounded snout with a wide mouth and two pointed teeth in its upper jaw
Stage 2 grass and poison Venusaur is a squat, quadrupedal amphibian Pokémon with bumpy, blue-green skin. It has small, circular red eyes and a short, blunt snout. Its mouth is wide with two pointed teeth in the upper jaw and four in the lower jaw
Basic fire Charmander is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a primarily orange body and blue eyes. Its underside from the chest down and the soles of its feet are cream-colored. It has two small fangs visible in its upper jaw and two smaller fangs in its lower jaw
Stage 1 fire Charmeleon is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon. It has dark red scales and a cream underside from the chest down. It has blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip
Stage 2 fire and flying Charizard is a draconic, bipedal Pokémon. It is primarily orange with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail. It has a long neck, small blue eyes, slightly raised nostrils, and two horn-like structures protruding from the back of its rectangular head
Basic water Squirtle is a small reptilian Pokémon that resembles a light-blue turtle. While it typically walks on its two short legs, it has been shown to run on all fours in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage 1 water Wartortle is a bipedal, indigo reptilian Pokémon similar to a turtle. It has brown eyes, a dark blue streak on each cheek, and two sharp teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers and pointed toes
Stage 2 water Blastoise is a large, bipedal turtle Pokémon. Its body is blue and is mostly hidden by its tough, brown shell. This shell has a cream-colored underside and a white ridge encircling its arms and separating the upper and lower halves
Basic bug Caterpie is an insect Pokémon that resembles a green caterpillar with a yellow underside and teardrop-shaped tail. There are yellow ring-shaped markings down the sides of its segmented body, which resemble its eyes and are meant to scare off predators. Its most notable characteristic is the bright red antenna (osmeterium) on its head, which releases a stench to repel predators
Stage 1 bug Metapod is an insect Pokémon that resembles a green chrysalis. Its body is crescent-shaped with several segments making up the lower point. The front of Metapod's shell resembles a face with heavy-lidded eyes and a sharply pointed nose
Stage 2 bug and flying Butterfree is a lepidopteran insect Pokémon which resembles a vaguely anthropomorphic butterfly with a purple body. Unlike true insects, it only has two body segments and four light blue legs. The upper pair of its legs resemble small, three-fingered hands, while the lower pair resembles long, digit-less feet
Basic bug and poison Weedle is a larval insect Pokémon with a segmented body ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown. Each segment of its body is a sphere. It has a bulbous red nose, two small, black eyes on its face and two spherical feet on each body segment
Stage 1 bug and poison Kakuna is a yellow, insect cocoon-like Pokémon. Kakuna has a dome-shaped head and black, triangular eyes with glowing white pupils. It has two scythe-like arms in the middle of its body
Stage 2 bug and poison Beedrill is an insect Pokémon which mostly resembles a bipedal, yellow wasp; however, it only has four legs instead of six and lacks pigment pits. Beedrill's head is round with a slightly pointed mouth; large, red eyes; and black antennae with a sharp bend in the middle. Its forelegs are tipped with long, conical stingers
Basic normal and flying Pidgey is a small, plump-bodied avian Pokémon. It is primarily brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. On top of its head is a short crest of three tufts
Stage 1 normal and flying Pidgeotto is a raptor-like avian Pokémon. It is covered with brown feathers, has a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. It has a crest of pinkish-red feathers on its head and black, angular markings behind its black eyes
Stage 2 normal and flying Pidgeot is an avian Pokémon with large wings, sharp talons, and a short, hooked beak. Its glossy plumage is mostly brown with cream-colored underparts and flight feathers. Its head has a decorated crest that is nearly as long as its body
Basic normal and dark Rattata is a small, quadrupedal rodent Pokémon. It has purple fur with a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly. It has narrow eyes containing white sclera and pupil with red irises, rounded ears with cream-colored insides, and a single whisker on each cheek
Stage 1 normal and dark Raticate is a large, rodent-like Pokémon. Although it is often depicted on its hind legs, it is a quadruped. It is primarily tawny-colored with a cream underside
Basic normal and flying Spearow is an avian Pokémon that is very small. It has rough, brown plumage on its head and three brown tail feathers. It has narrow, dark brown eyes with white pupils and a short, hooked beak that is light pink
Stage 1 normal and flying Fearow is a large, mostly brown avian Pokémon with a vulturine neck and broad, powerful wings. It has a long, pointed, pink beak and a decorative red coxcomb on top of its head. Its narrow eyes have very small pupils and do not appear to have colored irises
Basic poison Ekans is a purple, serpentine Pokémon. Its eyes, underbelly, the thick stripe around its neck, and rattle are yellow. Ekans has three pairs of black lines encircling its body, as well as another line that connects to each slit-pupiled eye and curves toward its nose
Stage 1 poison Arbok is a serpentine Pokémon that resembles a cobra. It has narrow eyes and several sharp teeth. Just below its head is a large hood with a face-like pattern
Stage 1 electric Pikachu is a short, chubby rodent Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, and brown eyes
Stage 2 electric and electric Raichu is a bipedal, rodent-like Pokémon. Raichu is covered in dark orange fur with a white belly. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside, yellow on the insides, and end in a distinctive curl
Basic ground and ice Sandshrew is a bipedal pholidote Pokémon, but runs on all fours in the anime. Its brick-patterned yellow hide is dry, tough, blends in with desert sand, and protects its soft white underbelly and muzzle. Sandshrew has blue, almond-shaped eyes, a pointed snout, and triangular ears with white insides
Stage 1 ground and ice Sandslash is a bipedal, ground-dwelling pholidote Pokémon. Although Sandslash is usually bipedal, it can run on all fours. Most of its underside is light yellow with a white underbelly
Basic poison Nidoran♀ is a small, quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon. It has large, spiny ears; oversized front teeth; red eyes; and a pair of whiskers on each cheek. It is light blue with several darker blue spots
Stage 1 poison Nidorina is a quadrupedal, sky-blue mammalian Pokémon with dark-blue patches. It has red eyes, large, spiny ears, and has two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It possesses large poison spikes, which it retracts whenever it is with a group, feeding its children, or while resting in its burrow
Stage 2 poison and ground Nidoqueen is a large, bipedal blue mammalian Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. Its body is encased with extremely hard scales that serve as excellent protection from any attack and stand up when Nidoqueen is excited or provoked. It has a blunt snout, narrow brown eyes, and large ears with brown insides
Basic poison Nidoran♂ is a small, quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon. It is pinkish purple with darker patches. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, oversized front teeth, and red eyes
Stage 1 poison Nidorino is a light-purple, quadrupedal mammalian Pokémon. It has several darker purple patches across its body. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, narrow black eyes, and a long snout with two pointed teeth protruding from the upper jaw
Stage 2 poison and ground Nidoking is a large, bipedal, purple mammalian Pokémon with distinct reptilian features. It has narrow eyes, large, spiny ears, fur-like tufts on its cheeks, and a short snout filled with pointed teeth. There is a long, venomous horn on its forehead and a ridge of spines down its back
Stage 1 fairy Clefairy is a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a chubby, vaguely star-shaped body. A small, pointed tooth protrudes from the upper left corner of its mouth. It has wrinkles beside its black, oval eyes, a single dark pink oval marking on each cheek, and large, pointed ears with brown tips
Stage 2 fairy Clefable is a tall, pink Pokémon with a vaguely star-shaped body. It has long, pointed ears with dark brown tips and black, oval eyes with wrinkles on either side. A curled lock of fur hangs over its forehead, much like its long, tightly curled tail
Basic fire and ice Vulpix is a small, quadrupedal, canine Pokémon. It has a red-brown pelt with a cream-colored underbelly. It has brown eyes, large, pointed ears with dark brown insides, and a triangular dark brown nose
Stage 1 fire and ice Ninetales is a quadrupedal canine Pokémon covered in thick, luxurious golden-white fur. It has a small mane of thicker fur around its neck and a long, fluffy crest atop its head. It has slender legs with three-toed paws and nine, long tails with pale orange tips
Stage 1 normal and fairy Jigglypuff is a pink Pokémon with a spherical body. It has pointed ears with black insides and large, blue eyes. It has small, stubby arms and slightly longer feet
Stage 2 normal and fairy Wigglytuff is a balloon-like Pokémon with leporine features, a bean-shaped body and stubby arms and legs. There is a fluffy, curled tuft of fur on its head, which is described as perfectly heavenly. It has long, rabbit-like ears with black insides and slightly lighter color at the tips
Basic poison and flying Zubat is a blue, chiropteran Pokémon. While it lacks eyes, it has pointed ears with purple insides and a mouth with two sharp teeth on each jaw. A male will have larger fangs than a female
Stage 1 poison and flying Golbat is a large, blue, chiropteran Pokémon with purple wing membranes. It has small eyes with slit-like pupils, along with tiny triangular ears with purple insides, and a massive mouth with two fangs in each jaw. The fangs are smaller on a female Golbat
Basic grass and poison Oddish is a Pokémon that resembles a blue plant bulb or a root vegetable. It has a round body, beady red eyes, a small mouth, and ovoid feet. Five large, green leaves sprout from its head
Stage 1 grass and poison Gloom is a blue, bipedal Rafflesia-like Pokémon with rudimentary hands and feet. On its head is a flower with spherical petals surrounded by four reddish-brown leaves. The petals are a dark reddish-brown and have white spots
Stage 2 grass and poison Vileplume is an indigo, bipedal Rafflesia-like Pokémon with rudimentary hands and feet. It has beady red eyes and a small mouth, and its head and torso are a single joined segment. On its head is a massive red flower with five bulky petals and an orange-brown center
Basic bug and grass Paras is an orange, insectoid Pokémon that resembles the nymph stage of a cicada. Its ovoid body is segmented, and it has three pairs of legs. The foremost pair of legs is the largest and has sharp claws at the tips
Stage 1 bug and grass Parasect is an orange, insectoid Pokémon that has been completely overtaken by the parasitic mushroom on its back. It has a small head with pure white eyes and a segmented body that is mostly hidden by the mushroom. It has three pairs of legs with the foremost pair forming large pincers
Basic bug and poison Venonat is an insect Pokémon with a spherical body covered in purple fur. The fur releases a toxic liquid and it spreads when shaken violently off their bodies. A pink pincer-like mouth with two teeth, stubby forepaws, and a pair of two-toed feet are visible through its fur
Stage 1 bug and poison Venomoth is a lepidopteran insect Pokémon whose body is varying shades of purple. Its head and thorax are both light purple, and it has bulbous, round, light blue eyes, a small mandible, and a three-point crest on its head. Tucked close to its thorax are three pairs of tiny, whitish legs
Basic ground and ground Diglett is a tiny, brown Pokémon that seems to be perpetually buried within the earth, leaving only its head visible. Its small stature makes it both the lightest and shortest Ground-type. It has beady black eyes and a large, round, pink nose
Stage 1 ground and ground Dugtrio is a set of Diglett triplets sharing a single body, although no one knows what its body looks like since it's perpetually buried underground. Each head is incredibly tough with a smooth surface, and has brown skin, black eyes, and a large, round, pink nose. Dugtrio's three heads think the same thoughts and act cooperatively, though on rare occasions may fight over which head gets to eat first
Basic normal and dark Meowth is a small, feline Pokémon with cream-colored fur that turns brown at the tips of its hind paws and tail. Its ovoid head features four prominent whiskers, wide eyes with slit pupils, two pointed teeth in the upper jaw, and a gold koban coin embedded in its forehead. Its ears are black with brown interiors and are flanked with an additional pair of long whiskers
Stage 1 normal and dark Persian is a large, quadrupedal, feline Pokémon. Its fur is pale tan with the exception of its black-rimmed ears. It has a short muzzle with a small, black nose, red eyes with slit pupils, rounded ears, a pair of pointed teeth in its upper jaw, and three whiskers on either side of its face
Basic water Psyduck is a yellow Pokémon resembling a duck or a bipedal platypus. On top of its head are three thick strands of black hair, and it has a wide, flat cream-colored beak. Psyduck's eyes seem vacant and have tiny pupils
Stage 1 water Golduck is a blue, bipedal, duck, or platypus-like Pokémon. It has red eyes, a cream-colored beak, a red gem in the center of its forehead, and four spikes on the back of its head. Its hands and feet all have three clawed digits with cream-colored webbing in-between
Basic fighting Mankey is a small, simian Pokémon, similar to a New World monkey. It is bipedal and has a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur. Its nose is similar to a pig's snout, and it has narrow, red eyes and triangular ears with brown insides
Stage 1 fighting Primeape is a bipedal, simian Pokémon with a round body covered in light beige, shaggy fur. There is usually a throbbing vein on the left side of its forehead, and it has triangular ears with pink insides, narrow eyes with tiny pupils, and a pink, snout-like nose. Its arms and legs are brown and have metal shackles on the wrists and ankles
Basic fire Growlithe is a quadrupedal canine Pokémon. It has orange fur with black stripes along its back and legs. The fur on its muzzle, chest, belly, and tail is beige, as is an additional tuft of fur on top of its head
Stage 1 fire Arcanine is a quadrupedal, canine Pokémon with an orange pelt marked by jagged black stripes. It has diamond-shaped ears with beige insides, black eyes, a round, black nose, and two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. Its head, muzzle, and chest are covered in shaggy, beige fur, except for two oval sections around each eye and ear
Basic water Poliwag is an amphibian Pokémon resembling a blue, spherical tadpole. It has large eyes and pink lips that can also act as suction cups for rocks. Its skin is very thin, but flexible and difficult to puncture
Stage 1 water Poliwhirl is a blue, bipedal amphibian Pokémon with a spherical body. It has bulbous eyes that protrude from the top of its head. A black and white swirl covers its belly, which is actually its organs showing through its thin skin
Stage 2 water and fighting Poliwrath is a blue, bipedal amphibian Pokémon with a round body and muscular arms. It has bulbous eyes that protrude from the top of its head and its belly is covered by a white and black swirl. There appear to be white gloves on its hands, and it has rounded, digit-less feet
Basic psychic Abra is a bipedal mammalian Pokémon that is primarily yellow. Its face is kite-shaped with a small, pale yellow snout and two short, pointed ears with pale yellow interiors. Its wide eyes are normally closed
Stage 1 psychic Kadabra is a primarily yellow, slightly humanoid Pokémon with mammalian features. It has two long, pointed ears on top of its head, a red star on its forehead, narrow, deep-set eyes, and wide cheeks leading down to a thin snout. Extending from each side of its snout are two mustache-like tufts of fur; a male will have a longer mustache than a female
Stage 2 psychic Alakazam is a slightly humanoid Pokémon with a large mustache. A female Alakazam has a significantly shorter mustache than a male. It has a long, thin snout, narrow eyes, ear-like spikes extending from the top of its head, and an additional spike protruding from each cheek
Basic fighting Machop is a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that has blue-gray skin. It has three brown ridges on top of its head, large red eyes, and a relatively flat face. On either side of its chest are three, thin, rib-like stripes
Stage 1 fighting Machoke is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon covered in blue-gray skin. It has a vaguely reptilian face with a short snout, narrow red eyes, and four pointed teeth visible inside its mouth. Two of these teeth are in the upper jaw, while two are in the lower jaw
Stage 2 fighting Machamp is a humanoid Pokémon with four well-muscled arms. It has bluish-gray skin, red eyes, and large, pale, yellow lips. On its head, there are three brown ridges right above its eyes
Basic grass and poison Bellsprout is a plant-based Pokémon with a stem-like brown body. There is a single green leaf on each side of its body. It has a yellow bell-shaped head with what appear to be pink lips at the end and beady black eyes
Stage 1 grass and poison Weepinbell is a pitcher plant Pokémon with a yellow, bell-shaped body. Above Weepinbell's circular eyes are three small green spots and a small, brown hook-shaped stem. It has wide, gaping mouth with pink lips
Stage 2 grass and poison Victreebel is a pitcher plant Pokémon with a bell-shaped body. It has a gaping mouth with pink lips and two sharp teeth. Its semicircular eyes appear directly under its mouth and it has several dark green spots on its body
Basic water and poison Tentacool is a small, cnidarian Pokémon. It has a light blue, clear body with two large, transparent, red crystals on each side of its body and one small one in the middle. Near the base of its body is a pointed, beak-like projection and two eyes with small pupils
Stage 1 water and poison Tentacruel is a large, cnidarian Pokémon. It has a clear, light blue body that has two large, red orbs on either side and smaller orb in the center. Its eyes are visible in its round lower body, which is black
Basic rock and ground Geodude is a brownish-gray boulder Pokémon. It has bulging, rocky eyebrows, trapezoidal eyes with brown pupils, and a wide mouth. Its arms are muscular with five-fingered hands
Stage 1 rock and ground Graveler is a bipedal, boulder Pokémon. Its round body is covered with small bumps and it has a rocky crest above its small eyes and mouth. It has four arms, each with a three-fingered hand
Stage 2 rock and ground Golem is a bipedal tortoise-like boulder Pokémon with a spherical body covered by a shell of plated, green rocks. Its body is so hard that even dynamite cannot scratch it. Its head protrudes from the center of the shell
Basic fire Ponyta is an equine Pokémon with cream-colored fur. It has brown eyes and triangular ears with reddish interiors. Yellow and reddish-orange flames make up its mane and tail
Stage 1 fire Rapidash is an equine Pokémon with cream-colored fur and a pointed horn on its forehead. It has small, red eyes and triangular ears with reddish interiors. Yellow and reddish-orange flames stream from the back of its head to form a long, flowing mane
Basic water and psychic Slowpoke is a pink Pokémon that resembles a cross between a salamander and a hippopotamus. It has vacant eyes that never seem focused, curled ears, and a rounded, tan muzzle. It has four legs, each of which ends in a single white claw
Stage 1 water and psychic Slowbro is a bipedal, pink Pokémon with a tan, striped belly and a rounded, tan muzzle. It has large, vacant eyes, curled ears, and two small pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. It has three clawed fingers on its hands and two clawed toes on its feet
Basic electric and steel Magnemite is a seemingly robotic Pokémon that has a gray, spherical metal body, with blue-and-red tipped horseshoe magnets on each side and a single, large eye. It has three Phillips head screws on its body: two near the bottom of its body and the one on top of its head that looks similar to an antenna. The two bottom screws serve no noticeable purpose, although they may be its feet as the Pokédex identifies a footprint similar to that of the screw's head
Stage 1 electric and steel Magneton is a robot-like Pokémon, the result of three Magnemite becoming linked together by a strong magnetic force, although a single Magnemite can evolve by itself when there are no other Magnemite in the vicinity. Each individual Magnemite has a gray spherical body with a single eye, and a gray and red-and-blue tipped horseshoe magnet on each side. The topmost Magnemite has three Phillips head screws on its body, while the others appear to have only two
Basic normal and flying Farfetch'd is an avian Pokémon that resembles a light brown duck with a white underbelly. It has a flat, yellow beak, brown eyes, a V-shaped black marking on its forehead (similar to a unibrow), and a three-feather crest on top of its head. Its wings are as big as its body and appear to be prehensile enough to substitute for hands
Basic normal and flying Doduo is a two-headed, bipedal avian Pokémon. Each head has a long sharp beak and two beady black eyes. It has a bristly, down-like covering of brown feathers on its body and both heads
Stage 1 normal and flying Dodrio is a large, wingless, three-headed avian Pokémon. Each head has a long, sharp beak and a black V-shaped, feather crest. It has bristly brown feathers covering its heads and upper body, while its lower half has a smooth layer of black feathers
Basic water Seel is a pinniped Pokémon with a thick hide covered in bluish-white fur. It has a pale tan maw with a large red tongue and a pair of tusks on its lower jaw. It has circular eyes and a black nose that is capable of closing when it swims
Stage 1 water and ice Dewgong is a pinniped Pokémon with a snowy white, furry body. Its fur renders it virtually invisible in snowy conditions. Its face has two black eyes, a black nose, and two tusks extending from its upper jaw
Basic poison and poison Grimer is a slimy, amorphous Pokémon, born from sludge in dirty streams or seabeds that are exposed to lunar radiation. It has two large eyes with beady pupils and a gaping mouth with a gray tongue. While it lacks any visible legs, it does have two arms with three digits on each hand
Stage 1 poison and poison Muk is a large, sticky, amorphous Pokémon made of living purple sludge. It has two small eyes with beady black pupils. It also has an enormous mouth with a gray tongue and strands of ooze connecting its top and bottom jaws
Basic water Shellder is a bivalve mollusk Pokémon encased within a spiky, blue-violet bivalve shell. It has two round white eyes with tiny black pupils. Its enormously long red tongue is used to burrow itself into the sand to sleep overnight and also to lure and capture prey
Stage 1 water and ice Cloyster is a black bivalve mollusk Pokémon. It is encased inside a light-gray shell, which is surrounded by a second jagged, blue-violet outer shell casing. It has one barb-like spike protruding from above its head, and multiple conical horns on its outer shell
Basic ghost and poison Gastly has no true form, due to 95% of its body being poisonous gas, with the other 5% believed to be made up of the souls of those who died from the gas. However, it consistently appears as a black, spherical Pokémon surrounded by a purple haze. Gastly has a wide, pink mouth with two visible fangs
Stage 1 ghost and poison Haunter is a purple Pokémon with a gaseous body. It has a round head flanked by three large, spiked protrusions on either side. It has triangular eyes with small pupils and a mouth with a long, pink tongue
Stage 2 ghost and poison Gengar is a dark purple, bipedal Pokémon with a roundish body. It has red eyes, a wide mouth that is usually curled into a sinister grin, and pointed ears. On its back are numerous spikes and it has smaller spikes on top of its head similar to tufty fur
Basic rock and ground Onix is a Pokémon composed of a giant chain of gray boulders that become smaller towards the tail. Its length makes it the tallest Rock-type Pokémon. It has black eyes and a rounded snout
Basic psychic Drowzee is a bipedal Pokémon that resembles a tapir. It has tired-looking eyes, a short trunk above its mouth, and triangular ears with brown interiors. The upper half of Drowzee's body is yellow and the lower half is brown
Stage 1 psychic Hypno is a bipedal, slightly humanoid Pokémon that has yellow skin. It has triangular ears with brown interiors, sleepy-looking eyes, and a large nose. On its neck, it has a ruff of white fur, which is longer on the female
Basic water Krabby is a crustacean Pokémon with a strong outer shell protecting its small body. Its upper half is red and has its eyes and two small spikes on the top of its head. Its light tan arms are also connected to its upper body
Stage 1 water Kingler is a crustacean Pokémon resembling a crab. Its strong shell covers the outside of its body, featuring a red upper half and a light tan lower half. Its upper half is topped with six tall, thin spikes that resemble a crown
Basic electric Voltorb is a spherical Pokémon that resembles a Poké Ball with eyes and minus the button. The top half is red, while the bottom half is white. Because of its resemblance to Poké Balls, it is thought that it was created when one was exposed to an energy pulse
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