--- |
license: mit |
task_categories: |
- tabular-regression |
tags: |
- biology |
pretty_name: Candida albicans Co-Expression Network |
size_categories: |
- 10M<n<100M |
dataset_info: |
- config_name: CalCEN_network |
features: |
- name: feature_name_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: feature_name_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: score |
dtype: float64 |
splits: |
- name: train |
num_bytes: 1472498808 |
num_examples: 38763076 |
download_size: 633855931 |
dataset_size: 1472498808 |
- config_name: blastp_network |
features: |
- name: feature_name_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: feature_name_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: score |
dtype: float64 |
splits: |
- name: train |
num_bytes: 4260374 |
num_examples: 112129 |
download_size: 1122972 |
dataset_size: 4260374 |
- config_name: estimated_expression |
features: |
- name: gene_id |
dtype: string |
- name: transcript_ids |
dtype: string |
- name: length |
dtype: float64 |
- name: effective_length |
dtype: float64 |
- name: expected_count |
dtype: float64 |
- name: TPM |
dtype: float64 |
- name: FPKM |
dtype: float64 |
- name: run_accession |
dtype: string |
- name: study_accession |
dtype: string |
- name: is_paired |
dtype: bool |
splits: |
- name: train |
num_bytes: 843354652 |
num_examples: 8710174 |
download_size: 305230791 |
dataset_size: 843354652 |
- config_name: sac_gene_network |
features: |
- name: feature_name_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: feature_name_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: score |
dtype: float64 |
splits: |
- name: train |
num_bytes: 1472498808 |
num_examples: 38763076 |
download_size: 452519443 |
dataset_size: 1472498808 |
- config_name: sac_phys_network |
features: |
- name: feature_name_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: feature_name_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: score |
dtype: float64 |
splits: |
- name: train |
num_bytes: 557509168 |
num_examples: 14671296 |
download_size: 105496144 |
dataset_size: 557509168 |
- config_name: top_coexp_hits |
features: |
- name: feature_name_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: feature_name_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: gene_name_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: gene_name_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: description_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: description_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: feature_status_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: feature_status_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: coexp_score |
dtype: float64 |
- name: blastp_score |
dtype: float64 |
- name: sac_gene_score |
dtype: float64 |
- name: sac_phys_score |
dtype: float64 |
- name: yeast_net_score |
dtype: float64 |
splits: |
- name: train |
num_bytes: 125718471 |
num_examples: 311300 |
download_size: 24731924 |
dataset_size: 125718471 |
- config_name: yeast_net_network |
features: |
- name: feature_name_1 |
dtype: string |
- name: feature_name_2 |
dtype: string |
- name: score |
dtype: float64 |
splits: |
- name: train |
num_bytes: 16180096 |
num_examples: 425792 |
download_size: 6316147 |
dataset_size: 16180096 |
configs: |
- config_name: CalCEN_network |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: CalCEN_network/data/train-* |
- config_name: blastp_network |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: blastp_network/data/train-* |
- config_name: estimated_expression |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: estimated_expression/data/train-* |
- config_name: sac_gene_network |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: sac_gene_network/data/train-* |
- config_name: sac_phys_network |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: sac_phys_network/data/train-* |
- config_name: top_coexp_hits |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: top_coexp_hits/data/train-* |
- config_name: yeast_net_network |
data_files: |
- split: train |
path: yeast_net_network/data/train-* |
--- |
# CalCEN: A Co-Expression Network for *Candida albicans* |
Elucidating gene function is a major goal in biology, especially among non-model organisms. |
However, doing so is complicated by the fact that molecular conservation does not always |
mirror functional conservation, and that complex relationships among genes are responsible |
for encoding pathways and higher-order biological processes. Co-expression, a promising |
approach for predicting gene function, relies on the general principle that genes with |
similar expression patterns across multiple conditions will likely be involved in the |
same biological process. For *Candida albicans*, a prevalent human fungal pathogen, we |
leveraged a large amount of publicly available transcriptomic data to generate a C. albicans |
Co-Expression Network (CalCEN), recapitulating known protein networks, predicting gene function, and |
enabling insights into the principles influencing co-expression. Overall, co-expression |
is a powerful tool for uncovering gene function, and decreases the experimental tests |
needed to identify functions for currently under-annotated genes. |
Reference: |
TR O'Meara, MJ O'Meara, M Sphere, 2020 |
DeORFanizing Candida albicans Genes using Co-Expression |
Code available at: |
http://github.com/momeara/CalCEN |
*Candida albicans* Co-Expression Network (CalCEN) version 1.0.0 |
## Files ## |
**chromsome_features.tsv** |
- Candida albicans SC5314 chromosome features collected from Candida Genome Database 12-Jun 2018 |
- primary key: `feature_name` |
- URL: [http://www.candidagenome.org/download/chromosomal_feature_files/C_albicans_SC5314/C_albicans_SC5314_A22_current_chromosomal_feature.tab](http://www.candidagenome.org/download/chromosomal_feature_files/C_albicans_SC5314/C_albicans_SC5314_A22_current_chromosomal_feature.tab) |
- tab separated table with `13,281` rows |
``` |
Column: |
feature_name <chr> "C1_00010W_A", "C1_00010W_B", "C1_00020C_A", ... |
gene_name <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "CTA2", "CTA2", NA, ... |
aliases <chr> "orf19.6115|C1_00010W_B|C1_00010W|orf19.1353 ... |
feature_type <chr> "ORF|Dubious", "ORF", "ORF|Uncharacterized", ... |
chromosome <chr> "Ca22chr1A_C_albicans_SC5314", "Ca22chr1B_C_ ... |
start_coordinate <dbl> 4059, 4059, 4720, 4720, 8908, 8908, 10718, 1 ... |
stop_coordinate <dbl> 4397, 4397, 4409, 4409, 8597, 8597, 11485, 1 ... |
strand <chr> "W", "W", "C", "C", "C", "C", "W", "W", "C", ... |
primary_cgd_id <chr> "CAL0000182519", "CAL0000183273", "CAL000018 ... |
secondary_cgd_id <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "CAL ... |
description <chr> "Dubious open reading frame", "Dubious open ... |
creation_date <date> 2014-06-24, 2014-06-24, 2014-06-24, 2014-06 ... |
sequence_coordinate_date <date> 2014-06-24, 2014-06-24, 2014-06-24, 2014-06 ... |
gene_name_date <date> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ... |
gene_name_is_standard <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA ... |
sac_ortholog <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "TUP ... |
feature_class <chr> "ORF", "ORF", "ORF", "ORF", "ORF", "ORF", "O ... |
feature_status <chr> "Dubious", NA, "Uncharacterized", NA, "Uncha ... |
is_alternatively_spliced <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA ... |
is_transposable_element <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA ... |
rna_type <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ... |
is_blocked_reading_frame <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FA ... |
``` |
**genes.tsv** |
- Curated set of `6226` genes use in this study |
- primary key: `feature_name` |
- foreign keys: |
- `feature_name` -> `chromosome_features.feature_name` |
- tab separated table with `6,226` row |
``` |
Column: |
feature_name <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C2_05660W_A", "C7_02860C_A", "C3_05180W_ ... |
``` |
**expression_runs.tsv** |
- Curated set of RNA-seq runs used in this study |
- Collected from NCBI SRA |
- primary key: `run_accession` |
- tab separated table with `853` rows |
``` |
Column: |
submission_accession <chr> "ERA237292", "ERA237292", "ERA237292", ... |
submission_lab <chr> "ArrayExpress", "ArrayExpress", "ArrayE ... |
updated_date <date> 2016-01-11, 2016-01-11, 2016-01-11, 20 ... |
sradb_updated <dttm> 2018-05-24 18:09:52, 2018-05-24 18:09: ... |
study_accession <chr> "ERP003535", "ERP003535", "ERP003535", ... |
study_alias <chr> "E-MTAB-1720", "E-MTAB-1720", "E-MTAB-1 ... |
study_name <chr> "E-MTAB-1720", "E-MTAB-1720", "E-MTAB-1 ... |
study_title <chr> "Initial stress responses of Candida al ... |
study_type <chr> "Transcriptome Analysis", "Transcriptom ... |
study_abstract <chr> "A study was carried out to characteris ... |
center_project_name <chr> "Initial stress responses of Candida al ... |
study_description <chr> "A study was carried out to characteris ... |
study_attribute <chr> "ArrayExpress: E-MTAB-1720", "ArrayExpr ... |
description <chr> "Protocols: Candida albicans (strain CA ... |
design_description <chr> "Initial stress responses of Candida al ... |
sample_accession <chr> "ERS323180", "ERS323177", "ERS323173", ... |
sample_alias <chr> "E-MTAB-1720:NS B", "E-MTAB-1720:XS+NS ... |
sample_name <chr> "E-MTAB-1720:NS B", "E-MTAB-1720:XS+NS ... |
sample_attribute <chr> "organism: Candida albicans || genotype ... |
taxon_id <dbl> 5476, 5476, 5476, 5476, 5476, 5476, 547 ... |
background_strain <chr> "CAI4", "CAI4", "CAI4", "CAI4", "CAI4", ... |
platform <chr> "ILLUMINA", "ILLUMINA", "ILLUMINA", "IL ... |
platform_parameters <chr> "INSTRUMENT_MODEL: Illumina HiSeq 2000" ... |
instrument_model <chr> "Illumina HiSeq 2000", "Illumina HiSeq ... |
library_name <chr> "NS B", "XS+NS D", "NS D", "XS+NS D", " ... |
library_strategy <chr> "RNA-Seq", "RNA-Seq", "RNA-Seq", "RNA-S ... |
library_source <chr> "TRANSCRIPTOMIC", "TRANSCRIPTOMIC", "TR ... |
library_selection <chr> "cDNA", "cDNA", "cDNA", "cDNA", "cDNA", ... |
library_layout <chr> "SINGLE -", "SINGLE -", "SINGLE -", "SI ... |
library_construction_protocol <chr> "Candida albicans (strain CAI4-CIp10) w ... |
is_paired <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALS ... |
read_spec <chr> "READ_INDEX: 0; READ_CLASS: Application ... |
experiment_accession <chr> "ERX283431", "ERX283301", "ERX283317", ... |
experiment_alias <chr> "E-MTAB-1720:120314_0166_D0814ACXX_3_SA ... |
experiment_name <chr> "E-MTAB-1720:120314_0166_D0814ACXX_3_SA ... |
experiment_title <chr> "Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing; Initia ... |
experiment_attribute <chr> "Experimental Factor: compound_1: DPTA ... |
run_accession <chr> "ERR310125", "ERR310018", "ERR309994", ... |
run_alias <chr> "E-MTAB-1720:120314_0166_D0814ACXX_3_SA ... |
run_center <chr> "The GenePool, University of Edinburgh" ... |
spots <dbl> 1879764, 6330342, 5750605, 7088156, 649 ... |
bases <dbl> 95867964, 322847442, 293280855, 3614959 ... |
sra_fname <chr> "/nfs/ex7/work/momeara/ca_coexp/sra_806 ... |
year_collected <dbl> 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 201 ... |
``` |
**estimated_expression.tsv** |
- gene by RNA-seq run expression levels |
- primary key: `gene_id`, `run_accession` |
- foreign keys: |
- `gene_id` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- `run_accession` -> `expression_runs.run_accession` |
- The FPKM column represents the per-gene, per-run expression level |
- tab separated table with `8,710,174` rows |
``` |
Column: |
gene_id <chr> "C1_00010W_A", "C1_00020C_A", "C1_00030C_A", "C1_000 ... |
transcript_ids <chr> "C1_00010W_A", "C1_00020C_A", "C1_00030C_A", "C1_000 ... |
length <dbl> 339, 312, 312, 768, 348, 1539, 1089, 852, 522, 729, ... |
effective_length <dbl> 290, 263, 263, 719, 299, 1490, 1040, 803, 473, 680, ... |
expected_count <dbl> 24.00, 2149.00, 355.01, 3219.94, 56.00, 8003.00, 696 ... |
TPM <dbl> 3.38, 333.77, 55.14, 182.93, 7.65, 219.40, 273.72, 4 ... |
FPKM <dbl> 4.36, 430.27, 71.08, 235.82, 9.86, 282.83, 352.86, 5 ... |
run_accession <chr> "ERR1143627", "ERR1143627", "ERR1143627", "ERR114362 ... |
study_accession <chr> "ERP013259", "ERP013259", "ERP013259", "ERP013259", ... |
``` |
**CalCEN_network.tsv** |
- Co-expression network |
- primary key: `feature_name_1`, `feature_name_2` |
- foreign keys: |
- `feature_name_1` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- `feature_name_2` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- score represents the scaled rank of the association between genes among |
all gene pairs. |
- `score >= .99` is the default threshold for a significant association |
- tab separated table with `38,763,076` rows |
``` |
Column: |
feature_name_1 <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C2_05660W_A", "C7_02860C_A", "C3_05180 ... |
feature_name_2 <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580 ... |
score <dbl> 1.00000000, 0.75060056, 0.40875062, 0.68047576, 0.3594 ... |
``` |
**blastp_network.tsv** |
- blastp sequence similarity network |
- primary key: `feature_name_1`, `feature_name_2` |
- foreign keys: |
- `feature_name_1` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- `feature_name_2` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- score representes the scaled rank of the blastp Z-score among |
all significant gene pair associations (i.e. missing -> `score = 0`). |
- tab separated table with `112,129` rows |
``` |
Column: |
feature_name_1 <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C1_08890C_A", "CR_06460W_A", "C3_03600 ... |
feature_name_2 <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580 ... |
score <dbl> 0.95015957, 0.18948743, 0.27596712, 0.89713733, 0.0849 ... |
``` |
**sac_gene.tsv** |
- genetic associations between orthologous Sac genes Network |
- primary key: `feature_name_1`, `feature_name_2` |
- foreign keys: |
- `feature_name_1` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- `feature_name_2` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- score represents the scaled rank of the the spearman correlation between |
between binary genetic association collected from BioGRID between orthologous genes |
from sac (higher is more siginficant) |
- tab separated table with `38,763,076` rows |
``` |
Column: |
feature_name_1 <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C2_05660W_A", "C7_02860C_A", "C3_05180 ... |
feature_name_2 <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580C_A", "C3_03580 ... |
score <dbl> 1.00000000, 0.61167254, 0.23926432, 0.40917646, 0.6116 ... |
``` |
**sac_gene.tsv** |
- physical protein-protein interaction between orthologous Sac genes Network |
- primary key: `feature_name_1`, `feature_name_2` |
- foreign keys: |
- `feature_name_1` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- `feature_name_2` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- score represents the scaled rank of the the extended binary network |
between binary genetic association collected from BioGRID between orthologous genes |
from sac (higher is more siginficant). |
- tab separated table with `14,671,296` rows and columns |
``` |
Column: |
feature_name_1 <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C2_05660W_A", "C7_02860C_A", "C3_05180 ... |
feature_name_2 <chr> "C3_03580C_A", "C2_05660W_A", "C7_02860C_A", "C7_02860 ... |
score <dbl> 1.0000000, 1.0000000, 1.0000000, 0.5000000, 0.5000000, ... |
``` |
**yeast_net_network.tsv** |
- YeastNet between orthologous Sac genes network |
- primary key: `feature_name_1`, `feature_name_2` |
- foreign keys: |
- `feature_name_1` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- `feature_name_2` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- score is taken directly from the YeastNet network |
- tab separated table with `425,792` rows |
``` |
Column: |
feature_name_1 <chr> "C1_12750C_A", "C5_05140W_A", "CR_07620W_A", "C7_04040 ... |
feature_name_2 <chr> "C7_02860C_A", "C7_02860C_A", "C7_02860C_A", "C7_02860 ... |
score <dbl> 2.300967, 2.415099, 2.300967, 2.309640, 2.337247, 2.22 ... |
``` |
**go_annotations.tsv** |
- GO annotations from Candida Genome Database collected 12-Jun 2018 |
- URL: [http://www.candidagenome.org/download/go/gene_association.cgd.gz](http://www.candidagenome.org/download/go/gene_association.cgd.gz) |
- primary key: `feature_name`, `go_id` |
- foreign keys: |
- `feature_name` -> `genes.feature_name` |
- values exclude NOT annotations and are propagated up the ontological hierarchy |
- tab separated table with `29,159` rows |
``` |
Column: |
feature_name <chr> "C1_00100C_A", "C1_00640C_A", "C1_02660C_A", "C1_03540C_ ... |
go_id <chr> "GO.0000002", "GO.0000002", "GO.0000002", "GO.0000002", ... |
``` |
**gba_summary.tsv** |
- Summary of guilt-by-association gene-function prediction |
- primary key: `anno_id`, `network_id` |
- `anno_id` in [all, MF, BB, CC] |
- `network_id` is a set of networks ids separated by '|' |
- `auroc_mean` is the mean area under the ROC curve summarized over 10-fold cross validation and `auroc_std` is the standard deviation |
- `degree_null_auroc_mean` is the degree null predictor scores and `degree_null_auroc_std` is the standard deviation |
- tab separated table with `125` rows |
``` |
Column: |
anno_id <chr> "all", "all", "all", "all", "all", "all", "all ... |
network_id <chr> "CalCEN", "BlastP", "SacPhys", "SacGene", "Yea ... |
auroc_mean <dbl> 0.7522911, 0.6880802, 0.7713754, 0.7525273, 0. ... |
auroc_std <dbl> 0.08311475, 0.11720483, 0.17135738, 0.12416886 ... |
degree_null_auroc_mean <dbl> 0.5111914, 0.5473948, 0.5996210, 0.5926223, 0. ... |
degree_null_auroc_std <dbl> 0.1069059, 0.1418470, 0.1340942, 0.1316009, 0. ... |
``` |