The dataset viewer is not available for this dataset.
Error code: ConfigNamesError Exception: FileNotFoundError Message: Couldn't find any data file at /src/services/worker/maomlab/Boldini2024. Couldn't find 'maomlab/Boldini2024' on the Hugging Face Hub either: FileNotFoundError: Unable to find 'hf://datasets/maomlab/Boldini2024@9ce6af06f3fa8987b90e03a1183db955de440e47/GPCR.csv' with any supported extension ['.csv', '.tsv', '.json', '.jsonl', '.ndjson', '.parquet', '.geoparquet', '.gpq', '.arrow', '.txt', '.tar', '.blp', '.bmp', '.dib', '.bufr', '.cur', '.pcx', '.dcx', '.dds', '.ps', '.eps', '.fit', '.fits', '.fli', '.flc', '.ftc', '.ftu', '.gbr', '.gif', '.grib', '.h5', '.hdf', '.png', '.apng', '.jp2', '.j2k', '.jpc', '.jpf', '.jpx', '.j2c', '.icns', '.ico', '.im', '.iim', '.tif', '.tiff', '.jfif', '.jpe', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.msp', '.pcd', '.pxr', '.pbm', '.pgm', '.ppm', '.pnm', '.psd', '.bw', '.rgb', '.rgba', '.sgi', '.ras', '.tga', '.icb', '.vda', '.vst', '.webp', '.wmf', '.emf', '.xbm', '.xpm', '.BLP', '.BMP', '.DIB', '.BUFR', '.CUR', '.PCX', '.DCX', '.DDS', '.PS', '.EPS', '.FIT', '.FITS', '.FLI', '.FLC', '.FTC', '.FTU', '.GBR', '.GIF', '.GRIB', '.H5', '.HDF', '.PNG', '.APNG', '.JP2', '.J2K', '.JPC', '.JPF', '.JPX', '.J2C', '.ICNS', '.ICO', '.IM', '.IIM', '.TIF', '.TIFF', '.JFIF', '.JPE', '.JPG', '.JPEG', '.MPG', '.MPEG', '.MSP', '.PCD', '.PXR', '.PBM', '.PGM', '.PPM', '.PNM', '.PSD', '.BW', '.RGB', '.RGBA', '.SGI', '.RAS', '.TGA', '.ICB', '.VDA', '.VST', '.WEBP', '.WMF', '.EMF', '.XBM', '.XPM', '.aiff', '.au', '.avr', '.caf', '.flac', '.htk', '.svx', '.mat4', '.mat5', '.mpc2k', '.ogg', '.paf', '.pvf', '.raw', '.rf64', '.sd2', '.sds', '.ircam', '.voc', '.w64', '.wav', '.nist', '.wavex', '.wve', '.xi', '.mp3', '.opus', '.AIFF', '.AU', '.AVR', '.CAF', '.FLAC', '.HTK', '.SVX', '.MAT4', '.MAT5', '.MPC2K', '.OGG', '.PAF', '.PVF', '.RAW', '.RF64', '.SD2', '.SDS', '.IRCAM', '.VOC', '.W64', '.WAV', '.NIST', '.WAVEX', '.WVE', '.XI', '.MP3', '.OPUS', '.zip'] Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/dataset/", line 66, in compute_config_names_response config_names = get_dataset_config_names( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 164, in get_dataset_config_names dataset_module = dataset_module_factory( File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1667, in dataset_module_factory raise FileNotFoundError( FileNotFoundError: Couldn't find any data file at /src/services/worker/maomlab/Boldini2024. Couldn't find 'maomlab/Boldini2024' on the Hugging Face Hub either: FileNotFoundError: Unable to find 'hf://datasets/maomlab/Boldini2024@9ce6af06f3fa8987b90e03a1183db955de440e47/GPCR.csv' with any supported extension ['.csv', '.tsv', '.json', '.jsonl', '.ndjson', '.parquet', '.geoparquet', '.gpq', '.arrow', '.txt', '.tar', '.blp', '.bmp', '.dib', '.bufr', '.cur', '.pcx', '.dcx', '.dds', '.ps', '.eps', '.fit', '.fits', '.fli', '.flc', '.ftc', '.ftu', '.gbr', '.gif', '.grib', '.h5', '.hdf', '.png', '.apng', '.jp2', '.j2k', '.jpc', '.jpf', '.jpx', '.j2c', '.icns', '.ico', '.im', '.iim', '.tif', '.tiff', '.jfif', '.jpe', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.mpg', '.mpeg', '.msp', '.pcd', '.pxr', '.pbm', '.pgm', '.ppm', '.pnm', '.psd', '.bw', '.rgb', '.rgba', '.sgi', '.ras', '.tga', '.icb', '.vda', '.vst', '.webp', '.wmf', '.emf', '.xbm', '.xpm', '.BLP', '.BMP', '.DIB', '.BUFR', '.CUR', '.PCX', '.DCX', '.DDS', '.PS', '.EPS', '.FIT', '.FITS', '.FLI', '.FLC', '.FTC', '.FTU', '.GBR', '.GIF', '.GRIB', '.H5', '.HDF', '.PNG', '.APNG', '.JP2', '.J2K', '.JPC', '.JPF', '.JPX', '.J2C', '.ICNS', '.ICO', '.IM', '.IIM', '.TIF', '.TIFF', '.JFIF', '.JPE', '.JPG', '.JPEG', '.MPG', '.MPEG', '.MSP', '.PCD', '.PXR', '.PBM', '.PGM', '.PPM', '.PNM', '.PSD', '.BW', '.RGB', '.RGBA', '.SGI', '.RAS', '.TGA', '.ICB', '.VDA', '.VST', '.WEBP', '.WMF', '.EMF', '.XBM', '.XPM', '.aiff', '.au', '.avr', '.caf', '.flac', '.htk', '.svx', '.mat4', '.mat5', '.mpc2k', '.ogg', '.paf', '.pvf', '.raw', '.rf64', '.sd2', '.sds', '.ircam', '.voc', '.w64', '.wav', '.nist', '.wavex', '.wve', '.xi', '.mp3', '.opus', '.AIFF', '.AU', '.AVR', '.CAF', '.FLAC', '.HTK', '.SVX', '.MAT4', '.MAT5', '.MPC2K', '.OGG', '.PAF', '.PVF', '.RAW', '.RF64', '.SD2', '.SDS', '.IRCAM', '.VOC', '.W64', '.WAV', '.NIST', '.WAVEX', '.WVE', '.XI', '.MP3', '.OPUS', '.zip']
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Boldini2024 (Assay-Interfering-Compounds Finder)
17 Datasets that are used to employ Minimum Variance Sampling Analysis (MVS-A) to find Assay Interfering Compounds (AIC) in High Throughput Screening data. In this study, they present the first data-driven approach to simultaneously detect assay interferents and prioritize true bioactive compounds. Their method enables false positive and true positive detection without relying on prior screens or assay interference mechanisms, making it applicable to any high throughput screening campaign.
The datasets uploaded to our Hugging Face repository have been sanitized using RDKit and MolVS. If you want to try these processes with the original dataset, please follow the instructions in the Processing file in the maomlab/Boldini2024.
ACS Cent. Sci. 2024, 10, 4, 823–832 Publication Date:March 15, 2024
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