int64 -9,223,348,141,342,013,000
| text
stringlengths 3
3,952,732,790,786,795,500 | Des amis, des vagabonds Friends ... |
1,146,325,480,709,806,500 | He's beautiful. - Il est beau. |
1,922,020,042,044,265,000 | Quicksand! Du sable mouvant ! |
2,918,823,364,507,770,400 | Nothing happened. - Rien. |
64,947,215,515,941,490 | Class dismissed. Le cours est fini. |
-3,966,520,678,740,565,500 | Attendez une minute. Wait a minute. |
-7,772,594,137,599,072,000 | - Pas la peine. Don't. |
-7,485,043,215,628,414,000 | - Je pensais que si. - I thought you did. |
6,880,114,755,275,735,000 | Génial. That's just terrific. |
6,785,668,221,253,469,000 | Calm down. Calme-toi. |
-8,577,279,054,390,432,000 | You're offering me a job. Tu m'offres un emploi. |
6,927,222,368,265,064,000 | Le procès-verbal de la séance d'hier a été distribué. The Minutes of yesterday's sitting have been distributed. |
-1,754,708,731,715,514,600 | - Je ne sais pas. - I don't know. |
2,615,239,678,258,672,600 | And he's not the only one. Et il n'est pas le seul. |
7,817,550,239,288,492,000 | Why at my place? Pourquoi chez moi ? |
-2,323,575,131,222,222,000 | Well, if you say so ... -Bon, si tu le dis... |
-7,789,044,448,801,994,000 | 2 (including 2a) 2 (y compris 2a) |
-5,543,402,283,878,501,000 | I'd like them in multiple colors. De plein de couleurs. |
-7,008,465,437,904,063,000 | You got it. Tu l'as. |
-751,900,643,058,151,200 | On n'est pas venus d'aussi loin pour arrêter deux escrocs à la petite semaine. You know we wouldn't have come this far just to arrest two-bit check chiselers. |
3,880,115,247,101,788,700 | Sors de là. Don't say a word and step outside. |
-2,324,455,321,483,759,600 | What the hell, man! Qu'est-ce qui t'a pris ? |
4,430,996,300,176,721,000 | No one will ever know. Personne le saura. |
8,142,345,166,155,248,000 | Ça devient sérieux. Sounds serious. |
-8,838,544,678,545,476,000 | He was never caught. Il n'a jamais été arrêté. |
8,928,781,734,369,736,000 | Crève. Fuck you. |
-8,421,830,334,330,249,000 | I don't think he is. Je ne pense pas. |
-6,777,618,836,297,823,000 | (may impair fertility), (peut altérer la fertilité), |
-1,715,098,274,420,489,500 | Prouvez-le. Prove it. |
7,757,628,721,391,848,000 | You stole some poor woman's dress? Vous avez volé une robe ? |
-2,774,691,402,105,685,000 | an anti-collision light system; d’un système de feux anticollision; |
-5,339,735,265,166,907,000 | But one thing, this precludes you from representing any other plaintiffs with the same action. Mais une chose, cela vous interdit de représenter d'autres plaignants pour la même action. |
-3,329,112,496,837,407,000 | C'est vous l'expert. You're the expert. |
-8,963,665,714,502,784,000 | Salut. Hi. |
-2,669,940,490,520,417,300 | - Fuck. - Putain. |
6,796,751,593,196,390,000 | ] ] |
5,148,145,965,341,145,000 | Nothing. Rien. |
999,621,252,204,326,000 | - La pharmacie. Pharmaceuticals. |
2,920,115,751,885,830,000 | Well, Belle Starr is a Dallas legend. Belle Starr est une véritable légende à Dallas |
2,074,188,456,189,033,700 | Three. - 3. - 3. |
-7,384,617,353,524,040,000 | Pardon. Sorry. |
-3,813,262,520,097,605,600 | It's alright C'est bon. |
-6,467,586,370,259,551,000 | Go on! Get out of here! Allez! |
-4,423,863,971,193,519,000 | Seriously, take a look. Vérifiez ! |
-7,104,499,094,312,233,000 | Ils sont armés. They're armed. |
-8,168,447,308,026,199,000 | - Je veux pas me terrer. - I don't want to run. |
53,744,177,767,221,650 | Planeta. Planeta. |
8,663,599,877,904,800,000 | I would like to know. J'aimerais le savoir. |
-3,056,174,040,830,022,700 | Et c'est juste que... c'est un peu choquant. Yeah, and this is just like... it's just a little shocking. |
-584,218,430,254,717,300 | la liste des médicaments visée à l’article 23 du présent règlement; the list of medicinal products referred to in Article 23 of this Regulation; |
-8,570,682,558,443,442,000 | La Namibie souscrit aux conclusions et aux recommandations du rapport, particulièrement à celles portant sur la distribution, en tant que document officiel des Nations Unies, du document final de l'audition parlementaire annuelle ONU-UIP qui a lieu au Siège de l'ONU et sur l'inscription d'un point distinct à l'ordre du jour de l'Assemblée générale pour traiter de la question de la coopération entre l'ONU, les parlements nationaux et l'UIP. Namibia supports the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report, particularly those related to the circulation of the outcome document of the joint United Nations-IPU annual parliamentary hearing at the United Nations as an official United Nations document and the allocation of a separate General Assembly agenda item to explore cooperation among the United Nations, national parliaments and the IPU. |
-2,275,245,609,938,367,500 | ii) Analyse et évaluation In the light of the evidence, the Panel recommends an award of SAR 609,601. |
2,113,205,994,777,817,600 | - Open it. - Ouvrez-le. |
-4,948,650,584,649,263,000 | I didn't want to have to do this. Je ne voulais pas en arriver là. |
997,447,174,696,312,700 | Hang on a second. Attends une seconde. |
-8,698,716,141,721,251,000 | Ça va, demain est un autre jour. Man up! Tomorrow's another day. |
-5,338,548,354,641,405,000 | Now you are. Maintenant, tu as fini. |
6,847,819,481,502,337,000 | The Commission's proposal is based on the discussions in the Green Paper on a European strategy for energy security and supply, and it is true that it is not a question here of whether or not we are under threat. La proposition de la Commission se base sur les réflexions du Livre vert relatives à une stratégie européenne pour la sécurité et l'approvisionnement énergétique. Il est vrai qu'il ne s'agit pas ici de savoir si nous sommes menacés ou pas. |
4,307,649,208,391,287,300 | Il me donne la chair de poule. - He gives me the creeps. |
-3,484,005,374,197,963,000 | What are you doing down here? Qu'est-ce que tu... |
-768,534,275,701,905,000 | Got your back. Je suis derrière toi. |
-2,966,434,862,538,115,600 | : EMail: |
-4,772,291,623,590,480,000 | - Challenge accepted. - Défi relevé. |
7,793,190,182,456,083,000 | - Bien entendu, madame. Naturally. |
-1,853,701,024,973,026,600 | LA VOITURE DE DEMAIN TOMORROW |
-4,738,816,534,908,173,000 | du 13 octobre 2011 of 13 October 2011 |
-6,624,326,980,984,382,000 | Girl: Oh, my God! - Mon Dieu ! |
5,660,546,168,179,768,000 | C'est ça, la raison ? is that why you did it? |
-4,706,706,094,131,801,000 | The review conducted takes account of the general situation in the particular State of return as well as that of groups of persons in a situation similar to that of the foreigner concerned. L'examen auquel il est procédé tient compte de la situation générale prévalant dans l'État de renvoi en cause, ainsi que des groupes de personnes se trouvant dans une situation analogue à celle de l'étranger concerné. |
-741,914,022,737,372,500 | I got a job offer today. J'ai eu une offre de poste aujourd'hui. |
-8,487,632,467,436,881,000 | Bilan Printemps 2003_BAR_ Observatoire Européen de l’Emploi Spring 2003_BAR_ European Employment Observatory Review |
-4,591,472,327,812,758,000 | après consultation du Comité des régions, After consulting the Committee of the Regions, |
3,324,386,440,646,659,600 | The man of the hour. L'homme du moment. |
-5,056,107,087,146,358,000 | Nice to finally meet you. Ravi de vous rencontrer enfin. |
-4,330,914,887,720,088,600 | = 5. climat économique, indicateur = 5. economic sentiment indicator |
7,872,033,095,961,507,000 | Article 1 Article premier |
3,398,701,784,721,724,000 | Requests the Special Rapporteur to submit an interim report to the General Assembly at its sixtieth session and to report to the Commission at its sixty-second session on the implementation of the present resolution; Prie le Rapporteur spécial de présenter un rapport à l'Assemblée générale à sa soixantième session, et de faire rapport à la Commission, à sa soixante-deuxième session, sur l'application de la présente résolution; |
-4,925,843,311,908,282,000 | La famille. Family. |
6,043,601,916,403,301,000 | She left me certain clues. Elle m'a laissé des indices. |
2,090,587,193,347,611,600 | Lies. - Mensonge. |
1,896,543,239,514,361,300 | A tout à l'heure. I'll see you people in a little while |
-6,724,109,480,398,575,000 | C'est petit. It's small. |
1,184,507,430,007,365,000 | But that's another story. Mais, c'est une autre histoire. |
-2,416,956,401,584,171,500 | -I got that. - Compris. |
7,201,109,375,725,572,000 | Here he comes. Le voilà. |
7,967,477,131,473,117,000 | See Case T-273/99 Voir l'affaire T-273/99 |
-6,971,966,184,147,240,000 | Quelqu'un d'autre était là. Someone else was here. |
3,396,095,682,092,372,000 | I'm sorry we're late. Désolé du retard. |
-6,841,029,300,222,759,000 | Suck it! Oui, vas-y ! |
-7,311,529,992,624,171,000 | - Où est-il ? Where is he now? |
-3,539,814,439,224,931,000 | Comment préserver le pouvoir des peuples d'approuver ou de rejeter les étapes de cette construction? How is the power of the populations to approve or reject the stages of this construction to be preserved? |
1,102,287,754,839,122,800 | - Attention ! WHERE? Watch out! |
1,633,192,107,163,584,300 | Mm. Mm. |
-5,497,804,019,582,429,000 | Bon. Okay. |
-6,903,821,122,539,828,000 | - C'est étrange. - Strange. |
1,534,945,861,886,186,000 | It's better. C'est mieux. |
3,865,936,356,781,598,000 | Soo Yung, I love you. Soo Yung... Je t'aime. |
2,648,827,619,361,790,500 | Who do you work for? Pour qui tu travailles ? |
-5,350,644,070,126,682,000 | Moi, je préfère le laisser fondre tout doucement sur la langue... I prefer to let it melt slowly on my tongue. |
Subsets and Splits