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Since the existence of social media, everyone is busy trying to become an unqualified judge with reasons like 'wanting to advise', 'wanting to prevent wrongdoing', 'wanting to give advice'. All I can say is, if this was the way Prophet Muhammad spread Islam in the past, I don't think Islam would have developed to where we are now. | religion insult |
Because, if the husband is able to provide for all the needs of his wife and family, is it necessary for the wife to work? Especially if the goals she desires have already been fulfilled by her husband? The common answer is to help the husband with household expenses. But why help if the husband is capable of fulfilling her needs? | sexist |
Everyone behave well, pat pat | safe for work |
Bermulalah cerita suami isteri kami. Macam yg aku mention kat atas aku dibesarkan dalam keluarga yg mendirikan solat 5 waktu. Tapi xbagi keluarga suami aku. Solatnya rompong2, subuhnya selalu kelaut. Dia juga kuat cemburu, walaupun aku ada ijazah suami aku xizinkan aku bekerja kerana cemburu kalau ada kawan sekerja lelaki. Oleh kerana dia mampu, aku akur untuk jadi surirumahtangga. | sexist |
maybe see can add af s vr lor | safe for work |
Lama untuk aku menerima penceraian ini. Dan sampai sekarang, aku masih berdoa untuk supaya dapat menerima semua ini dengan hati terbuka dan redha. | psychiatric or mental illness |
most jialat of all he put on his lens switch to mm equivalent put on manual mode evaluative metering and then complain to me that the meter is not steady and the marker is jumping around when pointed to a busy staircase at orchard mrt | harassment |
Certainly, the pressure I am facing may not be as severe as others, but I am suffering. I feel like going crazy because this is my punishment. I chose this path. | psychiatric or mental illness |
According to rumors, there are many underground Malay Christians in Johor. That was during the time when I studied there. But I have also encountered Johorians who attended religious schools, so does that mean their faith is wavering? People say that the story of Aisyah Bukhari is not unique, but all such stories are kept hidden because once they turn 18, they are no longer under the care of their parents. | religion insult |
Walhal sebelum itu aku sangat tawar hati dan rasa terseksa kerana hampir hari-hari suamiku akan mudah marah, mengamuk dan mengabaikan kami anak beranak. | psychiatric or mental illness |
At that time, we saw a group of motorcyclists and their girlfriends. He spontaneously told us that he didn't like to see cheap women like that. | sexist |
Macam mana nak bagi mereka faham? Nafsu dalam diri sudah mendidik agar mereka tak faham-faham. :@ | psychiatric or mental illness |
I find it strange that nowadays people treat their husbands like kings. Usually, kings don't use or treat their wives like queens. | sexist |
The candidate seems good but I don't have any interest to vote.. If the candidate is not a Muslim, it's not a big deal. | racist |
It's fun to play in the rain, of course it's enjoyable. | safe for work |
Because I couldn't take it anymore, I shouted like this. (What's your problem, you idiot? Trying to start something? You can't stand to see someone happy, damn you). They just laughed. Suddenly, a religious teacher scolded me. "Why are you shouting like this? Don't you know you're in the mosque now?" I replied, "I'm sorry, teacher. Those kids were teasing me." I pointed to the kids. They just kept laughing. | religion insult |
Yes, I agree and will keep it a secret. | safe for work |
Originally posted by WonBin on 22-2-2009 at 10:59. Maybe my IPTV project can fit under the budget for human capital development? But I want to share my disappointment. It's our own Malay people who don't want to help fellow Malays. Like my case. I'm not asking for much, just a small amount for my company. Why not apply for a grant for newly established companies? | racist |
It’s 100% percuma penumbuk dalam dubur lucah di sini dan 0% bullshit. | porn |
and at night bring go bedroom zoom zoom zoom lor | safe for work |
Kejadian banjir kilat petang tadi di Jerantut, Pahang.
Kredit: Ahmad Azril https://t.co/3aYbGIH1ic | violence |
Is everything wrong? Seriously, dude. Aren't you angry? | hate |
"Dr, budak ni terlibat kemalangan jalan raya. Car skidded. Mangsa total tadi 3 orang. Ayah meninggal di tempat kejadian, white tag. Adik ni tercampak keluar dari kenderaan dan suspect intra abdominal injury dan ada severe head injury. Ibu dia otw. Ada 1 team lagi respon" terang ppp kamil panjang lebar. | violence |
It is beautiful to confide in our Creator, all the outpouring of our hearts Allah the Most Merciful hears. At this moment, I truly regret, I feel so stupid, crying earnestly for Allah to forgive my sins. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Rasa nak tidur selamanya | self-harm |
Women only need to obey Allah, the prophet, and their husbands, and they can go to the paradise they desire. However, it is not easy to follow because the man called husband is an imperfect human, full of sins and rewards. Being patient with his mistakes and being content with his gifts is not an easy task because women are also imperfect. | sexist |
I had a miscarriage more than 3 months ago. I didn't feel any pain, just fresh red blood. I went to the doctor and there was no heartbeat. I accepted it. But after the D&C procedure, it was painful. The doctor said my uterus was contracting. I couldn't even drink water. Then I felt better. But I feel sad because the fetus had already formed, the doctor said it looked like a girl. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Ni sorang lagi pelakon yg potray lelaki stok imam muda tapi hazab sangat in person. Dulu suka amat. Bila tahu perangai sebenar tengok kat tv pon menyampah | religion insult |
It's very crowded here | safe for work |
Until now, I have only been a reader but this conflict that I am experiencing has made me feel like I need advice and perspective. I have never told anyone about this before. | psychiatric or mental illness |
yes daddy fuck me all night long https://x.com/DaddyyRough/st/DaddyyRough/status/1761647512648024457… | porn |
xxxDan | porn |
Post Last Edit by sirrikhafi at 30-9-2009 06:33 Tentulah mengkagumkan sebab kod 19 itu adalah bukti mukjizat ALQURAN yg terkini malah akan sentiasa relevan dgn perkembangan ilmu masakini &aka ..
sirrikhafi Post at 30-9-2009 01:27 Harap saudara dapat sama-sama memberikan pendapat | religion insult |
Malah yang lebih utama sekali pengkhianatan kepada Allah Azzawajala atas perlanggaran kepada amanah akad pernikahan dengan namaNya, dengan kontribusi jelas separuh lagi entity si The Other Woman. Of course it takes two to tango. | religion insult |
Boleh jawab ke tak? Alhamdulillah. Takda space yang kekal blank. Betul salah tu yang la halnya yang tak tentu lagi kecuali soalan yang aku cerita tu, soalan yang aku salah tapi cara aku aku dah ke arah kebenaran tu. | safe for work |
Kenapa aku cakap aku seperti masih tercari-cari identiti diri? Mungkin ada yang lagi muda dari aku dah kenal siapa diri dia sebenarnya, apa yang dia suka dan apa yang dia nak capai. Mungkin juga ada yang lebih tua dari aku yang baru tahu apa yang mereka nak lakukan dalam hidup dan baru je figure out impian yang mereka nak capai. Tahniah aku ucapkan. Aku sedar timeline kita semua tak sama. Aku tak sabar menunggu detik yang dimana aku tahu apa yang aku nak dalam hidup ni, sebab sekarang ni aku aimless, hopeless, you name it. Aku juga mungkin dah jadi seorang yang hampir nak numb atau dengan erti kata lain dah penat nak jadi kritikal sangat dengan apa yang aku fikir dan rasa. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Jadi sebisa mungkin g boleh risau.
Dan ga boleh bunuh diri. Ayo hilangkan pikiran suicidal. Semangat Rizqi. | self-harm |
u come on land later you cannot breath then mati then habis liao | violence |
Berak pun ada orang kacau
Fak | harassment |
Sis yang ambek cara ghaib pon ade. Kalo ade orang masok wad bawak ayor dalam bekeh tupperware/plas .. Yeker selama ni..seramnye dengar. Wad gila, Penjara, Orphan house, selalu kena jadi bahan uji kaji. | psychiatric or mental illness |
then really wish cum true bcum no ang mo or ang moh no | racist |
hurmmm.. Kalau Didie spt emoticons you..Dia bukan 1st time menang, fakta : 2 kali. ABPBH 25 dan ABPBH 26 | safe for work |
Selepas kejadian dihalau, isteri walid memaksa untuk melafazkan cerai dan walid akur dengan redha walau perit terpaksa meninggalkan lima orang anak. Ketika itu anak lelaki bongsu walid berumur tiga tahun. Dan sejak dari itu, walid dilarang sama sekali untuk berjumpa anak2. | violence |
Bengalis are smart, Malaysians should not discriminate against them. It's unfortunate that Bengalis face discrimination from the Malaysian people. | racist |
This article is about a recent lawsuit. There was a person who allegedly insulted Indonesians by using the Indonesian flag in a music video titled 'The Most Beautiful Woman in Our Country, Indonesia'. It is similar to what Ahmad Dhani did in the past. | racist |
Nak beli keta 38 ribu je tapi kau bayar sampai 20 kali ganda tu kenapa??? Jab jab kerja kerani apa n .. Kerani cina..kerja dengan tokey cina.gaji riban2 der..lain la kerani melayu,kja co cina..rm1200 sahaja. | racist |
Hangin betul sis nk kne dgr hari2 duk bercakap pasal lelaki, crush, pakwe, putus cinta.. Kalu kau nak sembang, sembang diam2 dah. Dah kau ckp kuat2, kau nak suruh biawak tepi hutan tu sedih ke dgn citer kau. Dasar drama queen betul. | sexist |
You are the answer. | safe for work |
Condolences, I hope Kak Abby stays strong and recovers well, but her writing on WhatsApp is beautifully organized, not like how some people like to say. She is not going crazy. | safe for work |
no you see his luck damn bad sia he s walking on the road then suddenly a wall fall on him | violence |
Sometimes I get down. Because I value every loyal follower who stays with me. So, when they unfollow me, I feel like I am the reason. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Miss Fazura looks beautiful, she is a true Malay, not just a representation. | racist |
There is no table manners anymore.. It is not proper to eat in the toilet.. | safe for work |
Let it rain, so the children can play ball. | safe for work |
Did she provide any evidence to support her accusation against the religious school? Yuckkkkkk.. | religion insult |
Lepas insiden tu, aku pencilkan diri aku. Aku bercakap dgn ibu bila perlu sahaja. Niat aku nak membahagiakan ibu dah terkubur.. Aku tersedar aku takkan mampu buat ibu puas. Aku berikan duit bulan2 untuk ibu.. Tak pernah miss walau sebulan. Terkadang aku menangis dalam hati. Ibu tak pernah tanya kabar kami anak beranak... Ibu tak pernah ucapkan terima kasih pada aku. Aku suka bila tengok mak mertua aku akan ucap terima kasih dan doa kebaikan untuk suami aku bila suami hulurkan duit. Suami cakap mungkin bila aku masukkan duit, aku tak mesej ibu. Padahal aku dah tau.. Samada aku mesej, atau bank in, atau bagi kat tangan.. Ibu takkan cakap apa2. Aku mesej ibu... Lepas aku bank in, krik2 sahajalah. Aku mengemis doa dan kata2 yg baik seorang ibu daripada kecil. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Percuma Fuck Tiub | porn |
> In sentencing the offender, District Judge Kessler Soh noted that he had committed a "brazen act" by abducting his wife in public view. | violence |
kisah yang mcmana tu?cite la sket CARI la sundrik bang.. Rasul cuma ade 25 je.. dan kite wajib mengetahui dan mengenal kesemua mereka.. tak susah mana pon.. Semakin syok nak tahu ade laa.. :-) Kalau nama artis seksi konpem sume ko kenal kan.. hahaha | religion insult |
MILFs ... Kecil Asia & ' Keyow &' dengan manis keldai demi ... MILFs, Tegar, Bintang lucah, Langkah Ibu. | porn |
I want to add.. 6- beautiful women who cross the street and captivate the gaze of men (have you ever experienced.. | sexist |
Tapi hati seorang ibu, kerana takut anak ke neraka, takut anak jadi derhaka, dia rela mendiamkan diri dan menangis sambil dalam hatinya istighfar. Melawan bisikan syaitan yang gembira apabila anak jadi derhaka. Berkata 'uhh' pun sudah dianggap derhaka apatah lagi jika anak melawan, membantah atau tidak ambil peduli permintaan ibu bapanya. | religion insult |
Tujuan aku bukan nak cari sex..aku just nak ... Kamen..sape ler sanggup nak dekat dengan kau?Sape nak blind ... sama ada gay,bi atau trans. | porn |
Rambut kaler2..tido dgn prempuan tanpa nikah Lepastu ckp psl agama.kalau bukan penunggang agama tu apa?? | religion insult |
A cat with a mustache, imitating the style of Datuk K's mustache. Looks like 18SX (18SX is a Malaysian film rating equivalent to R-rated). Hahaha. | safe for work |
I slipped through the system's cracks.My life has never been easy. My dad dumped me at Walmart for his Ukrainian mailorder bride, and a few years later my mom checked into rehab and but never checked out.
I was homeless. couch surfed through high school until I found a job and someone who would rent to a minor. I got a full ride to a university across the continent. Surrounded by trustfunds and hypocritical SJWs with silver spoons. Lost all of my friends when I was sexually assaulted by my best friend. Quit my dream job working on Mortal Kombat when I was sexually harassed & assaulted by my coworker.
I'm getting evicted because my landlord claims I didn't pay rent from a year ago. I have no family, no friends. My cat won't have anybody. I'm just tired of fighting to suffer. Tired of being admired for "grit" and being the posterchild of bootstrap success story. Tired of being alone. | self-harm |
Kerana perkara-perkara toxic dia atas dan banyak lagi sebenarnya, saya jadi tawar hati, saya struggle dengan diri saya sendiri untuk bertahan. Saya selalu berdoa supaya dia curang so saya ada alasan untuk berpisah. Hahaha. | psychiatric or mental illness |
To all the personalities and famous hijab brand founders in Malaysia, please stop promoting the turban style. If you think the turban makes you look 'international', you are so wrong! | religion insult |
itu mengikut kata2 orang islam yang x kenal islam yang sebenar lagi..klu nak tahu yang sebenar kenalah rujuk yang betul ok..seperti pak imam yang bertauliah..begitu juga kristian x semuanye arif pasal kristian..jawapannya hadis wajib di percayai jika ia sohih(yang membawa maksud ucapan yang keluar dari nabi Muhammad Rasullullah s.a.w) jika ia bukan datang dari muhammad s.a.w maka ia kena merujuk kepada al-quran terlebih dahulu..kerana al-quran ayat dari Allah S.W.T.. dan al-quran x sama mcm bible..kerana ia datang dari allah segala ayat2 yang terkandung didalam itu | religion insult |
Pernah jugak satu malam, pukul2, masa ni abah belum stroke lagi.. emak kejutkan aku yg tidur di bilik. Mak suruh aku keluar tengok abah tengah tak sedarkan diri, terbaring sambil meracau2 dalam kelambu. Suami aku pun bangun tengok. Memang pelik2lah sampai abah pun tak kenal aku siapa. Masa tu aku ingat abah ni berlakon. Sebab aku ni tak percaya sangat benda2 gangguan ni. Tapi setelah adik suami aku ni beri penerangan pada aku. Dia beritahu yang hijabnya terbuka. Aku mula percaya sikit. Aku tak nak terlampau taksub. Aku sedar iman aku tak kuat. Jadinya aku tak endahkan peristiwa pukul 2 pagi tu. Namun bila aku dah kene cubit, dah rakam video abah aku meracau2, dan aku sendiri pegang tangan abah yang sakit stroke tu lain macam. | psychiatric or mental illness |
The picture where only half of it is visible doesn't even look like she's pregnant.. she still maintains her appearance.. seriously.. I enjoy watching her acting. | safe for work |
Setiap pagi aku menghantar dia ke sekolah dia hanya salam tiada lagi peluk cium seperti dulu. Tidak lagi mesra, rasa kekok dan dia memilih duduk dibelakang. Tiada lagi cerita menarik untuk berkongsi. Sunyi hidup aku. | psychiatric or mental illness |
sudah jatuh ditimpa pintu | violence |
Patutlah, kehidupan kami tidak tenang dan sering bergaduh. Kerana tiada kesefahaman dan keberkatan dalam kalangan kami adik beradik. Namun begitu, perlahan-lahan aku akan cuba berubah menjadi kakak yang baik. Tanpa aku sedar, adik-adik adalah angerah yang terbaik yang Allah bagi. Tapi kenapa, aku selalu tak menghargai mereka? Bahkan aku pernah berkata, aku tidak pernah mempunyai adik-adik seperti mereka. Tetapi, sewaktu aku sakit, mereka lah yang menjaga aku. Sewaktu aku susah, mereka yang membantu aku. Aku menjadi buta kerana ego aku sebagai seorang kakak. Adik-adik along, maafkan along. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Post Last Edit by reddots at 3-4-2012 10:19 x surprised.. even within one family, there are various religions.. do you know Angelina Sondakh?? she is the widow of actor Adjie Masaid.. Angelina used to be a Christian.. then she married Adie and converted to Islam.. recently, there was a controversy because she was seen wearing a cross necklace (Angelina was a former Miss Indonesia and later entered politics).. and then, at home, she held a tahlil ceremony for the late Adjie.. she even recited the al-Fatihah.. last year, a few days after Adjie passed away, she went to his grave wearing a knee-length skirt. | religion insult |
Kena pandai cari majikan. Ikut experience sendiri, company kecik especially Chinese memang perah pe .. yes.. kalau dpt jenis chinese sejenis bukau bukau ni mmg dia perah nya benefit siput gaji siput racist and tidak berperikemanusiaan mostly | racist |
si rambut perang berambut lebat nenek ... com tidak membenarkan kandungan lucah yang ... mengawal dengan sepenuhnya kandungan laman dari pautan laman ... | porn |
Adelea replied at 31-8-2021 03:22 PM. Why did you open a topic and then ask me to refer to an ustaz? What is the issue, huh? Have you ever read or heard about the hadith that conveys the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w. even with just one verse? Do you understand the meaning of the above hadith? | religion insult |
Aku pernah melalui fasa terlebih 'mengada' sikit, obses pasal germs. Nak dijadikan cerita, aku bukan pembersih sesangat pun, cukuplah sekadar rumah dan sekeliling aku suci daripada najis dan bau yang kurang menyenangkan, itupun dah ok. Barang bersepah ok lagi, walaupun bukan di tempatnya cuma sepah yang tersusun, maksudnya bukan berselerak merata-rata di atas lantai. Tapi aku teramat geli dengan barang yang dipegang orang lain, yang accessible untuk orang lain. | psychiatric or mental illness |
mampussss laaaaaa semua bende naik.. gaji tahap tu jugueee | harassment |
comfy seen u liao | safe for work |
15# pcboss oh, I see.. I don't know the history either. Thank you, sir. | safe for work |
Tapi langit tak selalu cerah, ada sekali tu dia tak nak makan ubat dan dia jadi agresif. Satu malam .. Awak mak..mak awak baik.. Jgn risau.. Org yg meminta2 minta ni..aniaya org ni.. Harap mendapat harta ni jenis pemikiran miskin Org pemikiran miskin ada 1juta pon dia akan habis sekejap je..kena tipu mlm ke..berbelanja mewah ke.. | psychiatric or mental illness |
There are many orphans here, and there are also many who are not orphans but are very poor. There are also many Rohingya refugees scattered around without any supervision, but they don't need to pretend to shed tears excessively. When it comes to the issue of Palestine, the Malay community immediately becomes overly passionate. | racist |
Mungkin trauma silam kembali lagi. Setiap malam sejak akhir ini aku bermimpi si pelaku terhadap aku, ya, dialah sepupu aku yang rapat dan sama umur dengan aku. Ya Allah, ampunkan aku jika aku buka aib di sini. Tapi aku tak tahan dan perlu pendapat. | psychiatric or mental illness |
thank God..aku ni..dua2 cun..muka and body.. aku tengok..laki melayu neh..tak der setanding ngan laki omputeh cam kat avatar aku.. laki melayu neh diibaratkan..ego besar..ta .. Meh try dulu baru sembang makcik..ada brani ker? | racist |
Wait for my last SPM paper before I start playing, ahhahahahahahaa | safe for work |
Post Last Edit by cmf_blingblings at 24-11-2011 16:34 TT seems like it cannot be done. | safe for work |
Reduce the salary of higher-ups..sacrificing the staff themselves. You ask the staff not to be calculative..but you are calculative with the staff..with various excuses. All the staff are almost Malays..don't you think about sharing the blessings with the staff..increasing their livelihood. This is just selfishness. #angrytoo #itemshavenotarrivedyet #justbepatient | racist |
Tapi sebab umur aku makin meningkat dan aku takut sangat aku tak jumpa sesiapa sebab aku memang tak nampak langsung bayang-bayang jodoh aku huhu. Bukan maksudnya aku tak boleh lupakan dia cuma the thing i still do remember him. | psychiatric or mental illness |
peluru tembus bokong pengedar sabu di pagedangan | violence |
By Allah, I am tired. Not tired of sharing, but tired of managing my husband's finances, squeezing my brain almost every day thinking of where else I can find financial sources without borrowing or owing anyone, thinking of rice and dishes that may not be enough until the end of the month, thinking of 4 stomachs that need to be filled. | psychiatric or mental illness |
tu 1st kes. lepas tu kan ada kejadian bunuh kalau tak silap di kawasan Nibong tebal. satu minggu .. ada baca aritu katanya belah situ mmg kwsn gelap | violence |
Tapi kalini Alhamdulilah aku kuat untuk lepaskan. Hati aku kosong. Tiada rasa sayang selepas aku minta dengan Allah jauhkan lah kalau betul dia bukan jodoh. | psychiatric or mental illness |
Lepas lah nak bayar itu ini, bagi duit dekat parents. Belajar sikit2 ilmu kerja tapi yang best aku banyak jumpa orang - dekat sini aku belajar banyak management skills tapi tbh aku tak pernah rasa nak stay lama sebab takde career development. | safe for work |
Pelancongan seks di Thailand - ms.phuket.thai-sale.com | porn |
Setiap kali lafaz cerai setiap mereka dijatuhkan di mahkamah, setiap kali itulah air mata saya gugur dan berbekas di hati tentang nasib institusi keluarga muslim. Oleh kerana perkahwinan ini jalannya panjang dan berliku, usahlah menggalakkan para belia untuk segera menamatkan zaman bujang tetapi galakkan untuk membina diri dengan ilmu, iman, menjaga maruah diri dan penuhi masa muda dengan perkara yang memanfaatkan diri dan orang lain. Usah terburu-buru, banyakkan berdoa dan berusaha, serahkan urusan jodoh benar- benar kepada Allah. | safe for work |
11# KakFie serius..kalo kat LONDON, tolong lah hati2..main redah saja bawak kete melben..byk kete burukss dan kalo yg bawak kerek tetap asian | racist |
tuh laa pasal .. masalahnya nak tolong orang melayu .. masa amik cina arie tuh ok plakss..pasnie kene amik cina ker indon plaks laaa.. | racist |
rega kain makin mahal ler uols | safe for work |
Subsets and Splits