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en | N/A | N/A | Ct.
Although Legionella is common in nature, it mainly lives in water, and outbreaks occur from water systems in buildingtorage systems, as well as shower heads and whirl pool spas, etc. The bacteria can multiply where water temperature in some or all of the system is between 20 & 46 °C, where water is re-circulated or stored, and where there is rust, sludge, organic matter, biofilms or other sources of nutrients. The greatest risk to humans then comes when there is the possibility of water droplets being produced and dispersed over a wide area, which can be inhaledOur legionella consultants are fully qualified & compliant in accordance with the HSE & HSC guidelines. With over 10 years’ experience in providing risk assessments, you can trust us with your assessment. Part 1 – cooling water systems Part 2 – hot and cold water systems Part 3 – other risk systems, Duty ho. A
ACOP L8 regulations suggest that the legionnaires’ risk assessment should be reviewed regularly. The guidance used to advise that 2 years, however they now suggest t
CGreen Zone Surveys can undertake any remedial works that we identify in our Risk Assessmentsclear report identifying all the relevent issues you should be aware of.
Our team offer Legionella risk assessments in all over the UK at various commercial and public buildings, for example: • Sports and leisure centers • Hotels, pubs and restaurants• Local Authority buildings • Healthcare practices, schooindustrial.
Implementation of maintenance and monitoring strategies.
Our Legionella risk assessment service includes thorough evaluation of the water systems and factors that may affect bacteria growth. We also offer iWe cover Legionella Risk Assessment L Legionella Risk Assessment , Legionella Risk Assessment Legionella risk assessment. Legionella Risk Assessment Legionella Risk Assessment Legionella Risk Assessmente. Legionella Risk AssessmentLegionella Risk Assessmente. |
en | N/A | N/A | This contrast applies to the US report on NBIC convergence for improving human performance and its European counterpart CTEKS (HLEG, 2004). CTEKS involve a process of agenda-setting that matches technical capability with social imagination. Of course, visions of human enhancement might enter into this agenda-setting process. But how likely is it that immortality, thought-controlled machines or individualistic enhancements of memory will rank highly among the needs of ageing societies in a world of scarce resources? Therefore, if the CTEKS report rejects engineering of the body or of the mind in favour of engineering for body and mind, this owes not primarily to ethical conservativism or considerations of technical feasibility. Rather it reflects the fact that engineering of body and mind represents an inefficient and unoriginal use of technology.
To be sure, as we mobilize scientific and technological resources to address urgent problems of today, this will have consequences for tomorrow's people. Even if we cannot foresee these consequences, they need to be a matter of concern and may even serve to motivate a responsive engineering practice. If, as James Martin suggested, we will better manage a planet with scarce resources by spreading literacy worldwide (and using cheap computers to do so), there is hardly a more positive vision for the creation of 'tomorrow's people'.
By sharply rejecting the second approach (confronting a merely imagined future) and endorsing instead a process of agenda-setting for technological development, I appear to be endorsing a European as opposed to an American approach: instead of individualistic consumerism, I recommend technologies with a defined societal benefit. In the place of technology as an avenue for human salvation and the achievement of transcendence, I view technology as a highly negotiated and ultimately political construct. Committed neither to ethical conservatism nor to economic neo-liberalism, I am recommending a democratic process that integrates social and technical change.
And yet, I fail to see in all of this a specifically European regionalism. The science-based development of technology is rooted in a tradition of truth-seeking, criticism and enlightenment, the same tradition that produced the political constitutions not only of the US and Europe. The critical recognition of limits of feasibility, the creation of spaces for political deliberation and agenda-setting, and the expectation of societal benefit from public investment hardly reflect merely regional commitments, but are valued in all parts of the world. The question is only whether these commitments are asserted in public debate and the formulation of sound science policy.
To be sure, the present reflections do not provide an argument why 'smart environments' belong among the currentwhy 'immortality' or 'brain implants' do not. Here, I can merely enjoin my readers at least to insist on such distinctions. I shall provide additional technical detail in the more extensive versions of this text.
Also, James Martin in his opening remarks to the James Martin Institute 2006 World Forum called for science and technology to respond to the big problems that are now facing humankind. To be sure, he also referred in his presentation to cognitive enhancements and the like. But he left open whether these can contribute to the solution of the global warming, water supply problems and so on. These enhancement technologies merely took their place on a generously conceived lists of 'things to come', a list that is not to be counted on as we begin to address the big challenges.
Interestingly, transhumanist visions do not normally begin by inviting public agenda-setting, but simply by postulating that the technology and thus the transhumanism will come.
# Personality Enhancement and Transfer
We can distinguish three interrelated tasks that lead step-by-step from simple tools assisting humans in their ordinary lives to
1 personality enhancement: increasing the cognitive, affective and social functioning and scope of a person through artificial means like information technology;
2 personality capture: entering substantial information about a person's mental and emotional functioning into a computer or information system, sufficiently detailed to permit a somewhat realistic simulation; and
3 personality emulation: allowing a captured personality to act and perceive in the world, by means of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, sensors or possible biological embodiment.
The convergence of cognitive and information technologies will promote the convergence of enhancement, capture and emulation. As human beings use ever more sophisticated information systems, their tools become extensions of themselves, their personalities expand into cyberspace and they can begin to transcend location in bodies that exist only briefly in a limited domain of space. Information technology applications must become knowledgeable about the user in order to serve him or her, so systems will perform personality capture incidentally to doing other work. This path leads in small, practical steps from minor human enhancements, to self-transformation, to cyberimmortality (Bainbridge, 2002a, 2002b, 2004a, 2004b and 2005).
Henry Kautz,, is a leader in developing computer systems for assistive cognition. The aim is to help people suffering from cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's disease, which requires the computer to become aware of the context surrounding the user, to learn how to interpret the user's behaviour and to offer appropriate help when it appears that the person is failing to reach a goal. One project employs a pocket computer with a global positioning system for users travelling around the city of Seattle, not merely to monitor where the user is but to deduce where he wants to go and guide him if he gets lost (Liao et al, 2005). Another research study employs a glove with radio frequency identification equipment to infer from the movements of a person's hand what activity he is engaged in (Patterson et al. 2005). And comparing sensor methodologies for mapping social interactions among a number of people, to understand the dynamics of their social network and their individual positions in it.
At the University of Michigan, Martha Pollack has been working with several colleagues in developing automatic methods for helping elderly people plan their activities, which requires the computer to learn the habits and preferences of the users (Pollack, 2005). Also at Michigan, Edmund Durfee has been involved in projects to develop computerized planning approaches and methods to coordinate the actions of multiple artificial intelligence agents. Now, with NSF support, Durfee and Pollack have teamed up to develop socio-cognitive orthotic systems, designed to help individuals and groups manage their social relations. The elderly have one set of problems with social relations, but young people who are strangers to each other have other problems. At the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Quentin Jones is developing a system for students that will map users in time and space, identifying opportunities to introduce students with similar interests to each other.
Rosalind Picard is a pioneer in the field of affective computing, developing artificial intelligence systems that sense and respond appropriately to human emotions, and she has established an affective computing research group Picard, 1997). Picard envisions a time when an artificial intelligence software agent might be able to help a recovering drug addict by providing constant attention, based on a deep understanding of the user's feelings and challenges. Picard's current NSF research grant supports development of a social-emotional intelligence prosthetic that would help people who have difficulty reading the feelings and reactions of other people or expressing themselves competently, who are sometimes (wrongly) diagnosed . A portable system that is alert to non-verbal cues would observe the user or people he or she is interacting with, then unobtrusively advise the user.
These are only a few of the research projects that are developing new technologies to assist the disabled, and potentially to assist anyone, in conducting some of the difficult personal business of life. Importantly, these systems, and the AI must adapt to the individual user. Thus, the intelligent agent in the device becomes a reflection of the user, possessing intimate information about the user's feelings and activities. A somewhat different approach involves systems designed to record everything a person experiences, while moving through the complex real world, either to gather information of practical value to other people or to assemble an archive of the individual's life.
The Experience on Demand Project, led by Howard Wactlar at Carnegie Mellon University in the late |
en | N/A | N/A | Oh, look hi, No, no, no, come in! Come in, no, no!This is what I wanted to show you. Yeah, now absolutely. |
en | N/A | N/A | For sure, you have already seen all of them— lists and articles praising the medicinal benefits of apple cider vinegar for an astonishing number of diseases. “ACV” has not been wrongly applauded. It’s clearly shown through its universal abilities like: balancing your pH, increasing good gut bacteria and helping youWhat this reveals, researchers assert, is that acetic acid can “turn on”fat, which prevents weight gain. It also helps you feel full.
A study in Japan coneach with a similar body weight, waist measurement and body mass index (BMI), and split the subjects into three groups.
Several test tube studies show that vinegar can kIf you’ve had problems such as colitis, ulcers or acid reflux (sometimes due to in apple cider vinegar with the added bonus of fermented veggies has the potential to ease several kinds of stomach problems.
A simple and yummincludes: 1 tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, 1/2Previous Spread Some Vicks Vaporub On A Garlic Clove. Why? You’ll Be Amazed Of What It Can Do!
Next I Wasn’t Aware I Was Showing Signs of Hypothyroidism…Thank Heaven I Found This Today! |
en | N/A | N/A | December 3, 1937 ~ December 24, 2022 (age 85) 85 Years Old
Ronald L. Ellis, 85, Gallipolis, passed away on Saturday, December 24, 2022. Born December 3, 1937 in Green Township of Hocking County, Ohio he was the son of the late Leverett Raymond and Violet Lillian Taylor Ellis. Ron was a graduate of the Raabe School of Pharmacy at the Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio. He was a well-known Gallipolis area pharmacist. Ron had a passion for golf and spent countless hours on golf courseouise Silbaugh and his brothers, Ray Ellis and Lawrence "Buck' Ellis.
I. Private interment will be on the family plot in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Logan, Ohio.
Arrangements are by the CremeensEllis, please visit our floral store.
December 3, 1937Ellis |
en | N/A | N/A | Christopher T. Dougherty
Email: [email protected]
As the child of academics, I use it every day when I speak to clients. In my view, educating my clients about their financial plan, their investments, and all of their options, is the value I bring to the table. It’s my goal to have my clients feel comfortable with their financial plan and provide them with wisdom and direction in reaching their goals.
I was raised mostly in Ann Arbor, Michigan where I was instilled with mid-western friendliness and a deep passion for Michigan football! When I was 15, my family moved to Miami, FL which was an incredible change to a thriving cosmopolitan city. Despite the lure of a tropical paradise, college took me to St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY where I was the captain of the track team and graduated in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science.
My first career out of college was I was taught I worked in Long Island, Albany, and White Plains, NY and was then tapped to develop the Multinational Claims Unit for the firm in Boston, MA.
My career as a Financial Advisor bega0 when my wife and I moved to Mainemy role includes management ofprojections, tax strategies, insurance review and estate planning.
In 2012, we founded 44 North Financial Partners to better serve our clients in an independent setting.
Currently, I am a member of the Kieve-Wavus Education Advisory Board, an amazing camp that focuses on character education through experiential programs and camps for children. I am also on the Board of Directors at the Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine, a wonderful place for kids to learn and grow,
My wife, Kolleen, and I live in Yarmouth, Maine with our four kids: Ellis, Frazier, Harry and Tessa. I am especially proud of my wife who not only manages our house, kids and dog, but is also a full time Anesthesiologist at Maine Medical Center.s the resident tickle monster, lacrosse & soccer coach, Harry Potter reader, Lego assembler, Princess Daddy and cleaner-upper. I also love to mountain bike, sea kayak, ski and golf. If I had to choose one activity on my bucket list, it would be heli-skiing in Alaska with my brothers.
When I graduated from college, I made a list of goals for myself. Among the items were how to invest money,ve with a core set of ethical values. The principals of working hard, helping people, and being ethical have over the years become ingrained in my life and my work.
Financial Advisor’s Corner
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en | N/A | N/A | VE your basket 😋
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U.S. Green Building Council announces that North Building Fieldhouse Addition project earned a LEED gold...
How Would a Student Design a Learning Environment?
I recently sat with my daughter to assist her with a school project: a student...
Neighborhood Schools are Good for Your Kids’ Health
This month, we've committed to spending 30 minutes a day in nature for 30 days....
This is the base mat for the running track going down.
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Debug Info Removed </s> The Albany–Fraser Orogen is located along the southern margin of the Yilgarn Craton and is host to the world-class Tropicana orogenic gold deposit and Nova–Bollinger mafic-hosted Ni–Cu deposit. Both deposits are associated with major crustal structures. With support from the Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS), an MT survey was conducted along four main profiles, their locations chosen to complement the deep crustal seismic reflection lines. A total of 163 magnetotelluric soundings was conducted in the Albany–Fraser Orogen during 2013. These soundings have provided 2D and 3D conductivity models of the crust and uppermost lithospheric mantle. The models reveal a resistive upper crust that is crosscut by several near-vertical low-resistivity zones, which in some cases can be correlated with the location of major shear zones. Preliminary results were presented at a workshop in 2014, with extended abstracts presented in GSWA Record 2014/6 Albany–Fraser extended abstracts.
[email protected] </s> See Minerals safety - guidance for more information.
Lead (inorganic) health surveillance for medical practitioners
Health surveillance guidance – Arsenic (inorganic) - 337 Kb
This guide assists industry in the preparation and development of a health and hygiene management plan
Health and hygiene management plan - Levy exempt mines template – guide - November 2019 - 401 Kb
Safety Regulation System (SRS) health and hygiene code index - |
en | N/A | N/A | In 1941, about 3,400 Jews lived in Szombathely, amounting to nearly 10% of the population. Jews were inducted into forced labour battalions in 1942. In May 1944, Jews were concentrated in the local ghettos. A few months later. About fifty Jews survived and returned after the Holocaust. |
en | N/A | N/A | packaging while allowing the user to catheterize with minimal touching of the catheter. It comes with a gripper and is easily pulled out using this sleeve. CompactCath® is a revolutionary pre-lubricated, non-touchustomers who are looking to try this out should contact us and ask for a free sample. CompactCath also has many other solutions for your everyday need. So feel free to give us a call and request your free sample today. Or click here to request your free sample online. |
en | N/A | N/A | will send "amount" assets from "sender" to "recipient"
txn, err = MakeAssetTransferTxn(sender, recipient, closeRemainderTo, amount, fee, firstRound, lastRound, note,
genesisID, genesisHash, assetIndex);
Revoke an asset: This allows an asset's revocation manager to transfer assets on behalf of another user. It will only work when
issued by the asset's revocation manager.
revocationManager := "<KEY>" // txn signed by this address
recipient := "<KEY>" // assets sent to this address
revocationTarget := "47YPQTIG<KEY>RTR2UNBQXBABEEGM72ESWDQNCQ52OPASU" // assets come from this address
fee := uint64(10)
firstRound := uint64(322575)
lastRound := uint64(322575)
note := nil
genesisID := ""
genesisHash := "SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI="
assetIndex := uint64(1234)
amount := uint64(10)
// signing and sending "txn" will send "amount" assets from "revocationTarget" to "recipient",
txn, err = MakeAssetRevocationTxn(revocationManager, recipient, revocationTarget, amount, fee, firstRound, lastRound, note,
``` </s> <reponame>xh286286/docs.zh-cn
title: 中断性变更:LastIndexOf 改进了对空搜索字符串的处理
description: 了解核心 .NET 库中的以下 .NET 5.0 中断性变更:在搜索零长度子字符串时,LastIndexOf 和相关 API 现在返回正确的值。
ms.locfileid: "95759091"
# 改进了对空搜索字符串的处理
在较大字符串中搜索零长度(或零长度等效项)子字符串时,和相关 API 现在返回正确的值。
在 .NET Framework 和 .NET Core 1.0-3.1 中,当调用方搜索零长度可能会返回不正确的值。
Console.WriteLine("Hello".LastIndexOf("")); // prints '4' (incorrect)
从 .NET 5.0 开始,这些 API 将返回 `LastIndexOf` 的正确值。
在这些示例中,`5` 为正确答案,因为 `"Hello".Substring(5)` 和 `"Hello".AsSpan().Slice(5)` 均生成一个空字符串,该字符串完全等同于所查找的空子字符串。
## <a name="reason-for-change"></a>更改原因
此更改是围绕 .NET 5 字符串处理的整体 bug 修复工作的一部分。 它还有助于统一 Windows 和非 Windows 平台的行为。 有关详细信息,请参阅 [dotnet/runtime#和 [dotnet/runtime##13382](。
## <a name="version-introduced"></a>引入的版本
你不必执行任何操作。 .NET 5.0 运行时自动提供新行为。
date: 2021-05-08T13:13:00.120Z
image: /images/team/ayaa.jpg
feature_image: /images/team/ayaa.jpg
<NAME>, une féministe panafricaine plusieurs fois récompensée. Elle s'est fait connaître en tant que porte-parole de la démocratie et a atteint une renommée mondiale en tant que blogueuse politique pendant la révolution tunisienne de 2010/2011. Elle a été la toute première envoyée spéciale de l'Union africaine pour la jeunesse et la plus jeune diplomate du cabinet (2018 - 2021). Elle a reçu le prix de la campagne Gates et a été nommée dans la liste des 50 femmes les plus puissantes d'Afrique de Forbes, dans la liste des 100 Africains les plus influents du New African Magazine et dans le Top 20 de la liste Apolitical 100t. Son histoire et ses conférences ont été saluées par la critique dans le Guardian, le Huffpost, Jeune Afrique, France24, Deutsche Welle et bien d'autres.
Dans son rôle d'envoyée de l'Union africaine pour la jeunesse, elle a rencontré plus de 30 chefs d'État et de gouvernement et plus de 190 dirigeants mondiaux pour leur parler de l'agenda de la jeunesse en Afrique et dans la diaspora, ce qui a entraîné des changements de politique à l'échelle continentale et mondiale et une augmentation des nominations de jeunes au niveau national. Elle a mobilisé la campagne "Youth Silencing the Guns", qui est devenue la plus grande campagne |
en | N/A | N/A | There are a variety of sports camps offered over the summer at ECU. There is a lot of work that goes into them, but those who attend and those who coach both get a lot out of the experience.
ECU is not raising as much money as some might think. This has led to new campaign by the university to raise $200 million for various programs and scholarships.
ECU has become liberal in its political stances percentage wise. 36 percent of high-paid employees are registered as Democrats. Even just looking at the bumper stickers on cars, there seem to be more Democrat than Republican supporters.
Over the past five years, the average teacher salary at ECU has increased by about twenty percent. Even still, ECU teacher salaries are about at the center of the list of average university instructor salaries by university.
Steve Tuttle outlines the top ten things a freshmen should know before starting their first semester at ECU. |
en | N/A | N/A | This batter makes the perfect waffles!
My Other Genius Idea for the cookies; I heat up my panini press (it has a smooth surface) and spread the batter directly on the flat surface. It all happens in front of me!Thanks Deb for my forever expanding repertoire in the kitchen!
I just made these yesterday and left in an airtight container overnight. I planned to dip them now and they are all really soft!Is it supposed to be spongey?Help!
Putting this dough together now and it occurred to me…wouldn’t these be amped up delicious if made with browned butter?Has anyone tried?I’m going to go with as written for the first batch but may venture to try it next time! |
en | N/A | N/A | Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says he "couldn't believe" he found himself rooting for his franchise's most bitter rival, this week. |
en | N/A | N/A | The post had received 11,000 “likes” and more than a thousand comments by Wednesday evening.
couple said.
Brueckner is set to be charged with the 2004 rape of an Irish tour rep who was working in the area at that time, the Sun reported last week. |
en | N/A | N/A | March 5, 2021 Daily LIfe
GAO spotlights FDA’s COVID-related drug inspection backlog
o complete more than 1,000 of its drug inspections, putting the quality of drugs sold on the US market at riskeport to a House subcommittee yesterday.
Concerns over this backlogpandemic has continued, and in GAO’s testimony it underscores its inspection-related recommendations from January while adding further insights into inspection trends and potential barriers.
“… .”
Pre-COVID efforts to increase inspections
GAO has been warning about deficiencies in FDA drug inspections for years. In 2009, it flagged inspection quantities, particularly foreign ones, as a high-risk issue, so the FDA worked to increase its output, peaking in 2016 with 1,917 inspections (1,035 foreign, 882 domestic). The proportion of foreign inspections also increased, overtaking domestic ones beginning in 2015 with much of the focus on China (31.2% of 2019’s foreign inspections) and India (17.1%).
From then on, though, inspections flagged. In 2019, the agency reported 977 foreign inspections and 694 domestic ones, for a total of 1,671—a 12.8% overall decrease but still above the 1,500 capacity it projected. Part of the reason for the decline, the FDA said, was because of staffing vacancies.
Then COVID-19 hit, and to protect its workers, the FDA stopped almost all inspections in March 2020. While alternatives were used for partial or substitute inspections, the testimony reiterates the January report’s recommendation of not only conducting a comprehensive assessment of these alternatives but also creating a concrete plan to make up the backlog.
Fifty-two domestic inspections were able to occur from March to October 2020, but investigators conducted only three foreign inspections, each considered critical. One was in India for a preapproval of chloroquine phosphate tablets, but two were for-cause inspections in Canada and Germany for hand sanitizer and the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for nifurtimox, respectively. Nifurtimox is a drug used to treat Chagas disease and sleeping sickness.
In March to October of each of the previous 2 years, the FDA has been able to conduct more than 600 foreign inspections.
As of May 2020, the FDA says that 74% of API manufacturers and 54% of finished drugs are made overseas before being sold in the US market.
“If inspections continue to be postponed, the backlog of mandatory inspections this will create could both FDA’s 5-year policy and reduce the resources available in fiscal year 2022 for inspecting the other highest priority establishments identified by its [risk-based] model,” GAO writes, reiterating its January report.
Barriers to smooth, credible inspections
The GAO testimony says that, since the January report came out, the FDA has been working on assessing inspection alternatives. However, announcing inspections up to 12 weeks in advance, another issue the report brought up, has not been resolved in a standardized way.
Pre-COVID, GAO was concerned about the equity of these announcements, because, at the time, the FDA was commonly giving foreign manufacturers up to 12 weeks to prepare while showing up for surprise inspections at domestic manufacturing sites. The FDA said this was partially because foreign inspections required more coordination, but in accordance with GAO’s advice, it earmarked $3.5 million to enable more unannounced foreign inspections in fiscal year 2021.
The implementation of such a pilot program is on hold because of the pandemic, but the GAO testimony clarifies that a few unannounced foreign inspections already happen in normal fiscal years. In fiscal year 2018, investigators from the China office accounted for 27% of FDA inspections in the country and usually gave between 0 to 5 days’ notice, and in the same year, India office investigators accounted for 10% of the country’s inspections and gave the same notice range.
Other barriers the GAO testimony pointed out—inadequate staffing, language barriers, and schedules too packed to allow for investigation extensions—were not connected with pandemic disruptions. For instance, although the FDA in June reaffirmed its goal to fill those vacancies by the end of 2020, openings remain. According to the agency, finding suitable candidates can be difficult in part because it prefers to use people who have 2 to 3 years of experience.
“It will be important for FDA to utilize lessons that it haits foreign drug inspection program, including efforts to identify alternative mechanisms to satisfy foreign inspection requirements and plans to address its growing backlog of inspections,” GAO concludes. |
en | N/A | N/A | a.
But just over the Hollywood Hills, the situation is even worse.
Td]:. </s> this case, the bill sale will prove that the seller is the true owner (of the artwork).
Moreover, the information about the previous seller written in the bill sale will also be beneficial, at least if you are the buyer who want to buy the artwork from the previous owner (or the buyer in that bill sale) and you are willing to trace the truth of the bill.
Content to be filled in Artwork Bill of Sale
The term Artwork Bill of Sale can be interpreted literally. The work starting word clearly stated that the bill sale is specifically used for artwork transaction only. What can you find in such bill sale?
The main point of an Artwork Bill of Sale is the admission made by the seller and buyer about the truth. The seller will state that the artwork is truly hers/his. On the other hands, the buyer states that he/she really buys the artwork from the mentioned seller.
• signature of the seller and buyer
• the date of transaction
Artwork Bill of Sale is generally available in a form with some blank spaces. To make use of it, you will need to fulfill the blank spaces with the required data: yours and your partner of transaction’s personal data, details on the purchased artwork, and others. Once you have completed it, do not forget to sign the form.
Artwork Bill of Sale Template (32.0 KiB, 207 hits) </s> During our brief debate, my relative said, "people should be able to do whatever they want, they just shouldn't be able to shove it in my face". What I took this to at first was that LGBTQ people can do what they want, just don't hold hands/kiss/hug in public. However, I realized that my cousin was not just talking about LGBTQ people. He would prefer it if no one showed any signs of physical affection in public. He is not the first person I ever met that finds public displays of affection (PDA) uncomfortable, so I just dropped the subject.
The next day we were discussing movies. My cousin said that he highly recommends the new Quentin Tarantino movie, Django Unchained. I said that I do not like most Tarantino movies because I do not like gore for the sake of gore in movies. My cousin could not disagree more. He told me that he loves great action movies and that violence does not bother him. And just like my cousin, millions, upon millions love to go watch action movies full of gore and violence. I myself like a good action movie, or war movie if I think it is made well and has a good story. And just like my cousin, society at large has less of a problem with violence than they do with PDA. And when I thought about it like that, I became quite annoyed.
If a movie has a a scene where a bunch of people are shot, or blown up, it will get a PG-13 rating (meaning the movie is suited for 13 year old teens and up). If a movie has a minimal about of sexuality in it, it will be given a rating of R (meaning the movie is suited for 17 year old people and up). Why is it that violence and killing is less offensive to children and the public at large than love and sex? Why is is that America has a culture that guns are passed down from father to son, but many parents cannot accept that their teenagers and young adult children might be sexually active? Why is it that graphic slasher movies are main stream, but pornography is considered one of the most offensive things in society? Why is violence glorified and sex and love are shunned?
Hey - just stumbled on your blog from 20-something bloggers. Interesting point you bring up here and it annoys me too. If the argument was to live and let live, I don't see why someone's public display of affection should affect anyone but the people publicly displaying affection.
And yes, the world is obsessed with violence. I guess people believe it makes for better stories, but I don't see why love can't cause the same reactions.
I;m so glad you came across my blog and thanks for commenting. I agree. I also do not get why those that say they want small government and that is why they need guns are also the people that say the government should stop me from getting married.
People I find will twist their religious/political/philosophical beliefs to fit whatever feelings they might have at that moment about any subject.
i actually ironically enuf agree with you fully. i often have talks with him about his beliefs and esp the way he sees other people- he has obviously never seen you in a sitch of PDA, so i am speaking more about movies, tv etc. i feel like people can behave how they like, and esp our family members, we need to support their lives and whatever they want to do- we do not agree on everything, but still have a great marriage.
i dont want to defend him, or speak on his behalf, bc i honestly dont know what his response is to what you've written.
i do know that at the end of the night, he told you that he was sorry if he offended you. i feel like he is just trying to wrap his head around it all, in light of your parents passing. he def isnt trying to be disrespectful to u. he loves you.
im blabbing, its normal to defend your husband, but i know what you're saying. sry ami!
Seriously, this was not meant as an attack on anyone, especially not Yitz. It was just an observation that the conversation lead me to.
And it is OK to disagree. Not everyone will agree with everyone. That is just life.
I do find this dichotomy particularly strong in the United States. Canadian standards are slightly more accepting of nudity/sex, and slightly less of violence. Europeans are even more tolerant of nudity. [Since I'm a nerd, I bought an international selection of pregnancy magazines during my first pregnancy. American women, it seems, are expected to breastfeed and birth babies without any photos actually showing the process.] |
en | N/A | N/A | What Are the Elements of Nonfiction? |
en | N/A | N/A | Outside of polygamy, the Book of Abraham is probably my biggest barrier to faith in Joseph Smith's work. The LDS church has recently released an essay discussing issues with the translation of the Book of Abraham that can be found here. I'll summarize what the highlights were for me:
We don't have any recorded accounts of how the translation took place.
Joseph Smith's 'Egyptian Grammar' document is not accurate.
"Long before the fragments were published by the Church, some Egyptologists had said that Joseph Smith’s exs." I will discuss this below.
Egyptologists state that all surviving fragments are funerary texts that date much later than the time of Abraham.
The essay states that there might be a broader definition of the word 'translate', suggesting that Joseph may have just studied the papyri and received a revelation. Maybe so, but I think that if we can broaden definitions of words that far, words pretty much cease to have much meaning.
The essay states that, "e" The essay then cites the example of human sacrifices in Chaldea or as the Book of Abraham calls it the "land of the Chaldeans." This is an odd example to cite to support the Book of Abraham's authenticity since the Chaldeans were a people that only existed between the 10th and 6th centuries BC, more than a thousand years after the life of Abraham, and after the flood was supposed to have occurred around 2300 BC.
But anyway, the real problem for me with respect to the Book of Abraham's authenticity is Facsimile 3, and I'll explain why. The issue is that Joseph Smith makes claims about what specific characters mean in the picture. For example, the explanation for Figure 2 states, The explanation for Figure 4 says, "" Figure 5 says, " Now it turns out that Figure 2 is really Isis, Figure 4 is really Maat, and Figure 5 is really Hor, the dead guy for whom the scrolls were made. The characters above them actually do say who each one of them is, but it does not match what Joseph Smith said. The problem is that Joseph Smith, working in his prophetic capacity, makes falsifiable claims that are indeed false. If he can be wrong about the translation of characters in Facsimile 3, this implies to me that he could be wrong about other things.
As historical context, when Joseph was working on the Book of Abraham, the fact that these characters could be deciphered was largely unknown in the American frontier. The Rosetta Stone had been deciphered about 10 years previous to the publication of the Book of Abraham, but that probably would not have been known to Joseph Smith. Had Joseph been making the book up, he would have probably thought that he could make whatever claims he wanted about the meaning of Egyptian characters and nobody could prove them false.
At some point in my questioning of my Mormon faith I decided to honestly ask myself the question, "what would it look like if Joseph Smith had made up the Book of Abraham?" I had to admit to myself that it would probably look a lot like it does, with Joseph overreaching and making some claims that could be proven false. It was not a happy thing to realize.
Another thing that I thought about was that if the Book of Abraham was the work of God, why would God want to have so much confusion surrounding its provenance and the validity of its translation? It would seem like he was purposely making it look like fraud. In fact, I think that if you asked random non-Mormons what they thought of all of this they would overwhelmingly say that the mistranslation of the characters in facsimile by Joseph would make it seem like he made it up.
For my LDS friends, to imagine how a non-Mormon would view this, imagine that David Koresh came into possession of some Sumerian clay tablets and claimed that they were were engraved by King David's own hand and contain a prophecy that David Koresh would be a great prophet. When scientists examine and translate the tablets, they turn out to be a fragment of the Epic of Gilgamesh that dates to more than 1000 years before the life of King David. Would we not sit and wonder why Koresh's followers can't see that there is something really wrong here?
It seems like a God that would want truth to appear false would be what is referred to as a trickster God, and I can't bring myself to believe in a trickster God, a God who plants contrary evidence and expects you to believe unbelievable things just to see if you will follow along.
You see, I have a hobby interest in cults. I find it interesting how they work psychologically. A lot of cults have beliefs that are crazy to normal people. When followers start to detect how crazy things are and ask too many questions, the go-to answer from cult leadership is frequently some variation of "God is testing you, you need to have faith despite the fact that this is very difficult to believe and doesn't make sense to you." T works extremely well to keep people in belief systems that are obviously false, like the Heaven's Gate cult or David Koresh's cult, etc. I want my tools that I use to discover truth to be tools that would be effective no matter where I started, not tools that would only be effective at keeping me from changing my beliefs no matter what. I mean, what if I were born into the Heaven's Gate cult? Hopefully I would question that religion like crazy and notice that it doesn't make sense and leave, right?
For me, there is something majorly not right about the notes in Facsimile 3 not matching their actual translation. There have been various explanations given by apologists for why this could possibly not be a problem but all of them pretty much boil down to ignoring what seems extremely probable (that Joseph Smith simply made them up) and focusing on some very improbable but possible explanation. I was raised in a church that claimed that God wanted everybody to be a part of this church. Why place these types of barriers to faith before us? Would that not stop many honest people from joining God's true church? The common response is that it is a test of faith. If that type of test of faith is good, why not make things completely absurd? If that is how God operates, maybe Heaven's Gate was his true church. I mean it is the most difficult thing I can imagine to have faith in, so if I did manage to have faith in it wouldn't that prove that I was awesome at having faith?
What it comes down to for me is that the only God I could believe in would be one who gives tests with a purpose and I cannot detect a purpose in God requiring me to believe in the translation of the Book of Abraham. You can believe unbelievable things and still be a horrible person and you can have no faith in anything supernatural and be kind and compassionate. If I hypothetically assume that God wants me to believe in this, I guess it all seems like a huge distraction from what I think would be the primary goal of a just and loving God: getting people to behave better and show more kindness, compassion, and understanding to their fellow man.
Posted by Heath Workman at 8:13 PM
Bradicus September 15, 2014 at 8:55 PM
witney December 31, 2016 at 10:47 AM
Oh my goodness YES! You wrote everything Ive been thinking, but you did it way more eloquently. |
en | N/A | N/A | "A significant number of our clients are homeless or under-housed and many will be served by our infirmary, health buses and clinic," said Suzanne Boggild (pictured), chief executive officer. "By ensuring that each patient has a single, accurate and up-to-date record, shared across all our care settings, we greatly enhance care and reduce the chance for errors or inefficiencies."
Infoway's president and CEO, Richard Alvarez, said: "We' Across the country, countless errors occur because care providers lack critical information on patients. Sharing information across care settings – like Sherbourne will do —can help improve patient safety significantly."
"This new and important investment by Canada Health Infoway provides the Sherbourne Health Centre with a vital and innovative e-health solution that enables healthcare providers to continue providing consistent, quality care in each of the Centre's treatment settings," saidOur gCentre, most recently through an investment of more than $2.5 million to increase access to services."
Dr. James Read, Sherbourne medical director says, "by having an integrated system, all providers can access a client's health record and be part of creating and managing one plan, thus increasing the likelihood of providing more comprehensive and better care."
Sherbourne's chief information officer, Brad Harrington, says "the creation of an integrated EMR will be challenging, but can be achieved by utilizing existing systems and technology and linking them with new innovations." |
en | N/A | N/A | We have taken this X-Type in as part exchange. Its MOT expired in december 2018, there were no advisories on its previous MOT in 2017. It came in to us early December and the car was running very well. We didn't do anything with the car until 8th January this year and its now running with what appears to be a misfire. Due to the age of the car and no MOT we have decided to sell the car as it is at a very, very low price. You are more than welcome to carry out any inspections of the car that you would like to do but please note we are listing this vehicle as spares or repair. Please call Graham on 01661 886882 for a chat about the vehicle. Currently we would advise that the car is taken away by a transporter due to the misfire. (Its as if one of the coil packs have failed symptoms), Blac1,000
- 201901093779438
- zSd9ORsyx. |
en | N/A | N/A | 5) Start annoying your neighbors by making your windows look like you've opened up a nightclub, while you figure out exactly what shades of purple or mauve you like best…
The Hue's software is sparse, but more than functional. Each of the three bundled bulbs can be controlled individually, each turned to the color and brightness level of your choice. Profiles can be saved for calling up color combinations later…
Software and hardware engineered to work together—that's the future of technology. That's what Jobs was talking about when he warned about the dangers of failing to "think about an integrated product" and of simply assuming "the software will somehow take care of itself" and will "just come alive on this product that you're dreaming of." |
en | N/A | N/A | they are so cute!i wish i had a pinata too at home!
AWE!so cute. my girls get all shy at parties too, but i KNOW they are not shy at all!
Pinatas are fun to make, too!We blow up a big balloon, get out the papier mache and have some gloopy fun!
oh, wow, your blog is an inspiration for it!
Your girls seem so full of love and life!
How fun!It looks like a successful pinata party!I am relatively new to your blog and love it. I'd love it if you'd stop by the Southern Institute and say hello! |
en | N/A | N/A | You are downloading YouCam Makeup 5.62.2 APK developed by Perfect Corp.. File size 90.1 MB.
Before installing YouCam Makeup 5.62 YouCam Makeup 5.62). |
en | N/A | N/A | Individual users can choose the language that Confluence will use to display screen text and messages. Note that the list of supported languages depends on the language packs installed on your Confluence site.
The language used for your session will depend on the settings below, in the following order of priority from highest to lowest:
The language preference defined in your user profile. Note that you need to be logged in for this setting to take effect.
The language that you choose by clicking an option at the bottom of the Confluence login screen. Confluence stores this value in a cookie. When the cookie expires, the setting will expire too.
The language set in your browser. The browser sends a header with a prioritized list of languages. Confluence will use the first supported language in that list. Confluence administrators can disable this option by setting the confluence.browser.language.enabled system property to false.
The default language for your site, as defined by your Confluence site administrator. |
en | N/A | N/A | Update! I answered my own question....I found that this motor controller has a max PWM of 127 not 255. Once I changed that, I was okay!
r a few weeks now. I am brand new to the world of robots and Arduino. I bought my first Arduino in September and I'm just starting my first robot! My robot's name is Herbert...named after H.G. Wells and kind of an homage to Star Trek.... |
en | N/A | N/A | LEIA optics can be used to create very different kind of lighting effects either by itself or by with the additional sublens. It's an excellent choise for e.g. wall-grazing applications.
LEIA-S: Ideal for wall-grazing on smooth surfaces from a close distance.
Designed to be used with single chip 3535 size high-power LED package.
For further installation directions, please see the 2D mechanical drawing here. |
en | N/A | N/A | Two city councillors say it’s time to consider reopening a police station in Victoria Park in light of an uptick in crime and disorder in the area.
The satellite station in Victoria Park, located just north of Stampede Park on 11th Avenue S.E., closed in late 2017. At the time, the Calgary Police Service argued the station was one of its slowest, receiving an average of only 17,000 visits annually.
While Calgary police deployed a mobile command vehicle to roam the inner city, the closure forced those wanting to report a crime in person to travel to the District 1 office in Ramsay or the Chinook Centre community station.
“Two years through, we’ve seen huge increases in crime, break-and-enters, violence in the downtown core, and I think now more than ever this decision needs to be reviewed,” said Farkas.
Calgary police statistics show calls for service have continued to rise since the Safeworks supervised dbecame fully operational in April 2018.
But Farkas said the mobile unit is not as “approachable” as the old station.
“I do grant that it is effective in a certain way, but I don’t think you can beat having that brick and mortar police station,” he said.
Calgary police commission chair Brian Thiessen, meanwhile, said the city is showing poor financial planning.
Farkas and Farrell plan to present an administrative inquiry to council at next Monday’s meeting, asking city staff as well as Calgary police commission board members Jyoti Gondek and Ward Sutherland for information about whether a physical station would be feasible.
“We remain the only major city in North America without a police station in our downtown,” Woolley said. |
en | N/A | N/A | McLeod Governance recentlyin the US automotive magazine Edmunds.
The journalist spent time in two dealerships in the Los Angeles area – firstly a high volume, high pressure dealership selling Japanese cars. Then he changed to a smaller car lot that sold domestic cars at a “no haggle” price.
Even if you read nothing more of this McLeod Governance post (and we sure hope you do read more!), we would (yes we know that we are sending you away from our site to someone else’s intellectual property but we know that you will remember us and think fondly of us!).
The series of articles got McLeod Governance thinking.
Now – before you get on your stirrups and mount the proverbial high horse – we are not sitting here in our tower of green ivory advocating that Internal Audit should become or revert to being a covert policeman role.
What we are actually holding out as a suggestion is that Internal Audit forgets about the mantra of “Internal Audit as a Business Partner” that is in everyone’s mandate and actually consider whetherinternal audit skill set to be anonymously embedded into high risks functions under the guise of another role description.
Lets deal with the first question first. The second question is for you, dear kind reader, to determine.
In our mind, the Internal Auditor as a Policeman openly seeks to enforce policies, procedures and guidelines that others have devised.
Just as with real life cops – the Internal Auditor as a Policeman can know no subjectivity.
A rule is a rule. And ultimately that is this approach’s downfall. It has no flexibility.
(That – and the fact that just as with real cops – people tend to be scared or at least act differently around such figures of conferred authority).
Conversely, the Internal Auditor as a Business Partner (aahhh … 1994 … the first time that a consultant dreamt up this phrase … happy 20th Anniversary!) seeks to work with the business to encourage compliance based on a call to the best angels of Management’s intentions.
The problem with the Internal Auditor as a Business Partner is that the person and the role can be captured by a devious Management seeking to avoid greater scrutiny of a function or a process.
The key tenement of Internal Audit – independence of judgment – is tainted by definition if you are partnering when that partnering takes the form of the creation and sustainment of joint goals.
Hence McLeod Governance is putting forward another alternative today in this never ending democracy of ideas.
We are not actually sure how we would engineer it (ie – how do you get someone into a role and then tell them that they actually have two hats one of which can never be seen) … but if we could … we think that there would be enormous benefits in Internal Auditors being embedded into business units.
It would be their role to see what is happening when the intense, pre-scheduled light of independent assurance is not present.
It would be their role to document precisely the processes by (Everyone knows that a process as defined to Internal Audit by Management is rarely exactly how the process works in real time).
It would be their role to seek to improve processes where the processes needed improving.
It would be their role to promulgate best practices where such endeavours are noted.
One that has so many logical, philosophical and legal challenges that it doesn’t bode well already?
However, just when you think that it is not worth pursuing.
And if the answer is yes – then you have your answer.
The only reason that you now know what you know about buying and selling cars is that someone did what we are now suggesting.
An anonymous embed. |
en | N/A | N/A | Intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma are uncommon. Preoperative diagnosis of parotid tumour as schwannoma is difficult when facial nerve function is normal. A rare case of solitary schwannoma involving the upper branch of the facial nerve is described and the literature on the subject is reviewed.
Keywords: Adult, Case Report, Facial Nerve Diseases, pathology,surgery,Female, Human, Neurilemmoma, pathology,surgery,Parotid Neoplasms, pathology,surgery,
Shah H K, Kantharia C, Shenoy A S. Intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma. J Postgrad Med 1997;43:14
A schwannoma is an ectodermal benign encapsulated tumour arising from Schwann cells[1]. Neurogenic neoplasms of the facial nerve are uncommon[2]. Schwannoma of the acoustic or VIIIth nerve are the well described[2]. Very few originate from the facial nerve and in the majority of these cases, the tumour involves the intratemporal seventh nerve[3]. The following case is presented because it appeared as a non-symptomatic parotid tumour with normal seventh nerve function and intraoperatively as a cystic tumour involving the upper branch of facial nerve.
A 30-year-old female presented with a six month history of a gradually enlarging left parotid mass. She denied any facial weakness, twitching or pain. Examination revealed a 3 x 4 cm cystic non-tender mobile mass over the masseter muscle. Facial nerve function as well as the remainder of head and neck examination was normal. Intraoperatively, the parotid gland was normal. A cystic swelling of 3x4 cm was located at the anterior part of parotid gland. The main trunk of the facial nerve was normal and was dissected anteriorly. Extreme peripheral and upper branches had become incarcerated into the mass. Electrical stimulation of the mass elicited facial motion. The mass was removed and a superficial parotidectomy was performed. Postoperatively, the patient developed facial weakness of upper half of the face, which improved partially in a week. Histological examination revealed a benign schwannoma [Figure - 1]. Three months postoperatively, facial nerve function improved significantly.
Benign schwannoma is a slow growing encapsulated tumour arising from the neuroectodermal sheath of Schwann. Approximately 25-30% of all reported schwannomas occur in the head and neck and most of these in the eighth nerve[2]. Among 802 parotid tumours Eneroth[4] could demonstrate two cases with neurogenic origin and in a review of 700 parotidectomies Nussbaum[5] found only one case of neurilemmoma of the facial nerve.
Neurilemmomas of the facial nerve may arise from its extratemporal or intratemporal course. The main symptoms are usually of facial weakness or paralysis[1],[3]. Much attention has been given to intratemporal seventh nerve neurilemmomas. In our case, the tumour was involving the upper branch of the facial nerve with normal facial nerve function.
The difficulty in establishing a correct preoperative diagnosis has been pointed out by Conley and Janecka[6] because this tumour is infrequent and generally unsuspected. Preoperative facial nerve paresis or paralysis was found in 20% of all cases[6]. This is remarkable because it is well known that facial nerve paresis or paralysis is associated with a malignant parotid tumour.
Neurogenic tumours should be suspected intraoperatively when they are inseparable from the nerve and electrical stimulation of the tumour elicits facial movement. Surgical resection remains the definitive treatment although benign tumours associated with normal facial function may be carefully followed with serial electroneurography and computerized tomography when electrical testing reveals minimal evidence of progressive neural degeneration[7].
On gross examination, the tumour is well encapsulated. The cut surface is relatively homogenous, glistening, tan or gray with irregular yellow areas and variable cystic degeneration. The tumour is often adherent to the nerve. Microscopically, the tumour shows two patterns, Antoni Type A i.e. cells are spindle shaped, compactly arranged with long oval nuclei oriented with their long axis parallel to each other (nuclear palisading) and Antoni Type B i.e. with less cellular areas, reticular, with cells showing vacuolation and xanthomatous change. The blood vessels show hyalinised walls.
Preservation of facial nerve function is of paramount importance when dealing with these benign tumours. Occasionally, the schwannoma is mistaken for fibrosarcoma on frozen section[8] and unwarranted radical surgery is performed. For this reason the surgeon should await the permanent section before proceeding with a radical procedure. Rarely, sacrifice of the nerve may be necessary to achieve complete resection. Such a surgery may be followed by nerve grafting with the hypoglossal nerve or greater auricular nerve[6].
We thank the Dean of Seth GS Medical College, Dr. PM Pai for her permission to publish the hospital data.
Kettel K. Neurinoma of the facial nerve. Arch Otolaryngol 1946; 44:253-261.
Putney FJ, Morran JJ, Thomas GK. Neurogenic tumours of the head and neck. Laryngoscope 1964; 74:1037-1059.
Horn KL, Cromley RL, Schndler RA. Facial neurilemmomas. Laryngoscope 1981; 91:1326-1331.
Eneroth CM, Hamberger CA. Principles of treatment of different types of parotid tumours. Laryngoscope 1974; 84:1732-1740.
Nussbaum M, Cho HT, Som ML. Parotid spaces tumors of non-salivary origin. Ann Surg 1976; 184:10-12.
Conley J, Janecka I. Neurilemmoma of the facial nerve. Plast Reconstr Surg 1973; 52:55-60.
Sullivan MJ, Babyak JW, Kartush JM. Intraparotid facial neurofibroma Laryngoscope 1987; 97:219-223.
Ross DB, Byars LT, Ackerman LV. Neurilemmomas of the facial nerve presenting as parotid gland tumours. Ann Surg 1956; 144:258-262.
Recurrent facial paresis with facial neurinoma
Scholz E, Langer J, Begall K
LARYNGO-RHINO-OTOLOGIE. 2007; 86 (6): 443-447
Intraparotid facial nerve schwannoma. What to do?
Kreeft A, Schellekens PPA, Leverstein H
CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY. 2007; 32 (2): 125-129 |
en | N/A | N/A | Following the example of that candidate, let's say you have over forty candidates with proof of their formal qualifications applying for your legal job, versus this one schmuck who swears he's "really, really good at law."
But what if French is your second language, or a language you feel advanced and almost fluent in, but not completely confident?
So where should I pursue these additional language qualifications?
The whole reason to take additional language qualifications (besides the obvious extended benefit to your career and your life in general), is to be appealing and have your language credentials recognised by a recruiter. Sorry- no recruiter or principal is going to trust "French-certificate-dot-com." |
en | N/A | N/A | Gil Artist Residency is open for applications for one month stays in January to December 2023. Application deadline is August 1st 2022.
We can accommodate one or two artists, in a private apartment with a studio, fully equipped kitchen & bathroom and a gallery for final events & exhibitions. Our exhibition space Deiglan is next door and has an internal access from the studio. |
en | N/A | N/A | Polio is a viral disease. Many people contract it and don't have symptoms, and about a quarter of all cases have mild flu-like...
There are two ways to become immune to an infectious disease: to catch it and fight it off so that the body forms antibodies, and... |
en | N/A | N/A | Can specially-designed playgrounds for older people really make a difference to how we exercise and keep fit? We sent along writer Nick Smurthwaite to test one out
London’s first ever “senior playground” – a custom-made outdoor gym for the over-60s – has opened in Hyde Park - an oasis of calm amid the hubbub of the capital. A stone’s throw from the Serpentine, this facility is the brainchild of the Knightsbridge Association, with the financial backing of Westminster Council and the Royal Parks.
This follows in the footsteps of the UK’s first senior playground, which opened in Blackley, Manchester in 2008, while similar playgrounds are already proving popular in Europe and China.
The small roped-off area on the south side of Hyde Park is surrounded by trees, shrubs and flowers, making it surely the most idyllic setting of any fitness centre in London. There are just half a dozen pieces of equipment – actually five when I went along with my brother Paul and sister-in-law Caroline as the free runner was out of action – including a cross-trainer, a body-flexer, a sit-up bench and an exercise bike.
A welcome alternative to the traditional gym
The thinking behind the exercise area was to encourage older people to exercise in a pleasant, peaceful and lycra-free environment, many of whom find indoor gyms expensive and intimidating.
'People need to stay active and maintain their independence,' says Madeline Elsdon from the Knightsbridge Association. 'As well as the physical and mental benefits, we hope the playground will encourage users to socialise and have fun together.'
There was certainly a friendly atmosphere, and the three of us soon got chatting with sisters Naseem and Najma Malik-Noor, local residents for many years, who have been regulars since the playground opened in May 2010.
Najma, at 62 the younger of the two, said she was about to cancel her fitness club membership because the new playground offers her a perfectly adequate 30-minute workout for free.
The sisters only complaint was that it was not possible to restrict admission to those for whom it was intended – older people. They felt the Royal Parks, who are charged with managing the project, should make it clearer that this is a specifically allocated space for seniors.
In an article for the Daily Mail about the senior playground, Michael Winner said in jest that the benches were 'for adventurous oldies to rest on while they recoup, nurse their twisted ligaments and wait for the ambulance to arrive'.
He may be joking, but it would probably be quite helpful to have a fitness instructor on call in the nearby pavilion to help those with minor physical disabilities, or those who are wary of the idea of fitness machinery.
My golf-playing brother did come away from our session complaining of hip pain after doing twisting exercises on the body-flexer. But after we’d had a beer and a bite to eat in the nearby Lido Café he made a miraculous recovery…
So what was the verdict? Would we make use of a similar fitness facility if it was on our doorstep?
'Definitely,' said Caroline. 'I wish there was one in our local park in Surrey. To describe this as a playground for the elderly implies a bunch of oldies hanging around on the swings like so many bored teenagers. In fact, used correctly, the equipment gives a very good total body workout. I’m sure regular use would be of great benefit to the more mature adult.'
I would also jump at the chance to use it if my local London council decided to install one. I’ve always loathed commercially-run gyms, but at the same time I’m anxious to stay reasonably fit.
Senior playgrounds seem like the perfect solution, although we might have to wait until the economy has recovered before more local authorities can afford such non-essentials.
What do you think? Would you like your local council to build a 'senior playground', or is it just a waste of money?
Finding and using health services
Walking tips and advice |
en | N/A | N/A | Ie bit wider at first.
Start slowly lifting the stick above your head and then down in front of your body. You will now feel a quite intense stretch in your elbows and wrists. Go slowly, the whole way down to your hips. Hold this position for a few seconds and enjoy the stretch. Your dominant arm may be much tighter.
When you get more flexible—and be patient, it will take time—start moving the hands closer to each other. Just a half inch. Then another tiny bit. Eventually add a little extra weight (1–3 lbs) on the stick, get your grip wider and start over. Slowly work the hands closer to each other again. Eventually, add another weight.
Do 10 repetitions in a nice and slow manner.
If you focus on the dislocates for the next few weeks, you will see huge results. Do an experiment, try it, and let me know. |
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en | N/A | N/A | on "August 14, 2018 9:09 am"
This signature golf event partners with Children's Miracle Network and tournament proceeds directly benefit of the children of Kauai. The Wilcox Health Foundation for Pediatric Services on Kauai has used funds raised in past golf tournaments for equipment upgrades and enhancing the level of pediatric care on Kauai. This allows medically fragile or injured children to receive treatment on Kauai, close to home and their families. Your generous support ensures this level of care continues for our island keiki. |
en | N/A | N/A | "It's never really one person that is 'impressive' so to say when you have a win against a team that big," Pfiefer said. "It's all about us just playing for each other and playing together. This rivalry meant so much to all of us it was just us being a team and playing to win as a team." |
en | N/A | N/A | December 6th, 2018 | Events
Go to Rockefeller Center
Your first stop should be ) to admire the grand Christmas tree. Every year, the tree lighting tree will remain lit until 9pm on January 7, 2019.
Rockefeller Center is regarded by many as the heart of New York’s Christmas celebrations. Walking around the plaza and snapping photos is a must. But if you really want to absorb the holiday spirit, go ice-skating on The Rink — probably the most famous ice rink in the world!
Take Photos of Fifth Avenue Window Displays
When New Yorkers want to celebrate something, they go all out! This is the case of the iconic holiday window displays along Fifth Avenue. Year after year, the most popular and luxurious stores in the city put together extraordinary window displays, with different themes each year. These are the best window displays in the city:
Macy's Herald Square (151 W 34th Street). 2018 Theme: Believe in the Wonder of Giving
Saks Fifth Avenue (611 5th Avenue). 2018 Theme: Theater of Dreams
Bergdorf Goodman (754 5th Avenue). 2018 Theme: Candy Cane Lane
Tiffany & Co. (727 5th Avenue). 2018 Theme: Believe in Dreams
After taking photos of the most festive spots in the city, it’s time to get your holiday shopping done. New York has many beautiful holiday markets, selling everything from luxurious ornaments, handmade jewelry, seasonal food, crafts and much more. Read all about it in our post on top holiday markets in New York.
Spending the last day of the year in New York is an unforgettable experience. You go to Times Square to see the world-famous ball drop at the stroke of midnight or attend a lively party just blocks from Times Square. We have put together useful tips on what to do in Times Square on New Year’s Eve.
Are you counting the days for Christmas and New Year’s Eve? So are we! Manhattan at Times Square blog!
Group Travel & Sales |
en | N/A | N/A | The cemetery is open to the public for visitation everyday during daylight hours. Cemeteryay and Sunday from 9:00am thru 3:00pm a grounds employee will be available to assist families in locating grave and or cremation sites. The cemetery administrative office may be reached at (804) 561-1475.
After normal business hours funeral directors can call (757)-272-2283 to schedule interment services.
Provisions for pre-application
For expediency, the veteran may apply prior to death to determine eligibility for interment in the cemetery.
Outer burial containers are required for in-ground casketed burials at the Virginia Veterans Cemetery. An outer burial container is an enclosure (made of reinforced concrete with a domed lid or a steel unit) in which caskets are placed.
Concrete outer burial containers (standard size pre-installed double depth concrete crypts) are provided by the cemetery at no cost for the veteran, spouse and eligible dependents.
Concrete outer burial containers (standard single units) will be provided as DVS funding permits in the pre occupied burial garden sections for the second interment. The first interment must have occurred before January 1, 2014.
The cemetery will hold an open house event from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Veterans Day, November 11, 2016 pre-applications, benefits of burial in one of Virginia’s state-operated veterans cemeteries, and cemetery operation procedures. E with locating grave sites. The cemetery will be in full dress with the Avenue of Flags flying and individual flags on each grave site. Grave site flags will be placed mid morning on Thursday November 10th cements.
Pre-application form (68KB) |
en | N/A | N/A | Vlogging is here and it is so vibrant, upbeat and fresh with every post better by the day. There are so many things in the world that you can always Vlog about at any given time. But it all relies on your passion. Everyone has one and that is why you find so many Vloggers everywhere walking with ready-to use camcorders just to capture all those interesting moments they love to talk about. Everyone want to capture everything in their surrounding so that the can get enough material to Vlog about.
Vlogging is always better with the right kind of equipment. But always make sure you have your camcorder ready in case of a spontaneous event or Vlog. Make sure the battery is full and the spare one intact. You can even have the camera man on speed dial and ready at all times. Vlogging at times can be time-consuming and hard to achieve especially if you are working solo or with unreliable people.
As much as you are talking to strangers on the internet always try to be yourself. Everyone is different and brings in a different aura about them. So make your Vlog is more personalized by being real. You cannot fake it or be different all the time. The more you do so, the less people will find you interesting.
4. Always Look At the Lens and Not the Screen of the Camera
Categories Daily VloggingTags affordable video cameras, camera tips, conssitency, earn income online, effective vlogging, how to start a vlog, how to vlog, learn to vlog, make money online, make money vlogging, online income, passive income, passive income online, residual income, video camera tips, video tips, vlog today, vlogging for income, vlogging for money, vlogging ideas, vlogging tips, ways to vlogLeave a comment
Most viewers often do not search for specific products or items they often try to use general terms to search for information. This is to enable them find loads of information related to the topic they want. So the more you invest in search engine keywords the more you get traffic to your Vlog channel.
It might seem easy but if you have no idea of the kinds of keywords that are mostly searched in relation to your topic then get ready for zero site traffic.
It also helps the viewer know and anticipate the direction in which the Vlog will take them. On the same note, it helps them stay in tune with the post. |
en | N/A | N/A | MY glory is all around you and I AM responsible for keeping the flame. It is not your duty to be the light, your role is to reflect the light. You are not the source, your job is to be the resource. Your task is not to be the answer, but to point men towards ME, because I AM the answer.
Calm down, take a breath and understand this is stewardship. Playing your position and playing your part, will alleviate the pressure of being something, you were not create or called to do.
This is the challenge, you will always be pressured to step outside of your calling. It is exciting and a temptation, but this is towards your detriment. In the end, you will be stretched beyond capacity and will eventually fail.
The defeat is not in failure to fight, the defeat is in fighting beyond your scope. People are perishing, because they are exhausted, have no boundaries and have not exercised, the ability to say no. |
en | N/A | N/A | A name beginning 9G7G must be easy-to-read, easy-to-pronounce and must have good perception. If the question is about a tradename, the company is going to be in the market, you should to learn all the appeared ideas and place their supposed influence on sales, reputation and the possibilities of company promotion.
9G7GA * 9G7GB * 9G7GC * 9G7GD * 9G7GE * 9G7GF * 9G7GG * 9G7GH * 9G7GI * 9G7GJ * 9G7GK * 9G7GL * 9G7GM * 9G7GN * 9G7GO * 9G7GP * 9G7GQ * 9G7GR * 9G7GS * 9G7GT * 9G7GU * 9G7GV * 9G7GW * 9G7GX * 9G7GY * 9G7GZ * 9G7G0 * 9G7G1 * 9G7G2 * 9G7G3 * 9G7G4 * 9G7G5 * 9G7G6 * 9G7G7 * 9G7G8 * 9G7G9 * |
en | N/A | N/A | Knowing the Past, Observing the Present, and Changing the Future...
To perfectly clip or eclipse how far we have come, that is, to decide if Nigeria has moved in development in par with other Africa States that were granted Independence at the same time; Countries like Ghana (1957), Togo (1960), Cameroon (1960), Mali (1960), Kenya (1963), and The Gambia (1965) just to mention but few.
It is pertinent for us to know that, it is true that colonialism has done to us more evil than good, but it is not sufficient enough for us to continue blaming others for our woes, instead of trying to find a way to raise our country out of the quicksand of underdevelopment. I can say plainly, that the colonialist most successful impact in Nigeria that can be applaud is teaching us the kleptomaniac trick, of siphoning the black's money to worship at the whiteman's feet.
A search through memory lane and historical records will reveal that,Nigeria,as well as other Africa countries Past and present Leaders are responsible for most of Africa's woes; starting with the coup, misgovernance, autocratic rule, embezzlement etc. The first military coup in Africa was staged in Egypt in 1952.
In 1958, there was another coup in Sudan. In 1963, a coup took place in Togo. In 1966, there was a coup in Nigeria that toppled the Government of Aguiyi Ironsi. Throughout 1970's, Africa became a master planner and Lord of coups, whose Government is formed by Coupist. The military as well as their Civilian counterpart have a lot in common; the military pretending to be the people's Messiah took over power from the civilian Government who were then very corrupt, they embezzled the nation's wealth.
When the military first came into power in their respective Africa State, the people applauded them as the Politicians were imprisoned. But the music changes, and the tune became an unpleasant one, that matches no dance step, because the military who took over power was soon found in same shoes wore by the Civilian Government. Later, there was countless counter-coup; then, it Dawn on the people that the military are just power thirsty people, who also want to take a slice from the national cake.
The Crux of the matter is yet unsolved, because though we claim to be practicing democracy, but in real sense, it is an adulterated one; due to the sit-tight syndrome of our Leaders.
To this end, when we look at the issues surfacing in our respective society most of all Ondo state, the electorate need to decide fast and good to reject a fascist government and bring in a working government who has leadership character and crested with the love of the people.
Endorse Banji Benjamin Okunomo for Governor, Ondo state. With him we can all share the dividends of democracy.
PDP! power to the people
#BBO 2020 |
en | N/A | N/A | Dr. Ukatu’s office is located at 12001 South Freeway, Suite 209 on 5. The office may be reached at Call682-385-7010. Dr. Ukatu. |
en | N/A | N/A | grow some crush on Hwangbo, but in one of the interview that JoongBoSkiittles03 has captured, Hwangbo mentioned that the couple are the type who only concern about life and death. sob sob…
LOLS i actually thought the baby part was my favouriteee.. the baby in the green was so adorablee < <33333
The shows are getting boring esp. AnBi couple when they were put in a farm and doing nothing, no interaction between them! So sad…:(
Anybody know where can I download the show other than CLUBBOX? I don’t use clubbox, it’s way too slow, like 5kb/sec? LOL!
thanks for the summary! kamsahamida </s>
Russia swooped in and united the Kurds and Assad, while Washington and Ankara were busy squabbling over who should control Manbij.
Russia has always been interested in uniting Kurdish YPG forces and Assad in order to push Turkey and its „moderate“ rebels out of northern Syria15:.: </s> October 11-17
7. Ugly Betty is back too. 7:00 Friday Oct 16 on ABC </s> Touted as a miracle product for its ability to be used for everything from deodorizing homes to making facials, diatomaceous earth has countless applications. However, for cottage owners, it’s most notably a great pesticide bug-killing sand.
Diatomaceous earth is naturally occurring
Diatomaceous earth works to kills insects by absorbing the lipids (or oils and fats)dehydration. However, unlike chemical pesticides, it’s non-toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates and is not known to be harmful to animals and wildlife. (In fact, sometimes it’s even uk.)
It’s food-grade
Sprinkled beneath your plants on the soil’s surface, diatomaceous earth will keep bugs at bay
On the downside, it’s dangerous to bees
Unfortunately, diatomaceous earth is so effective that it will kill beneficial insects as well. Either avoid putting the powder near plants that bees are attracted to, or cover treated plants with a sheet. Later, remove the sheet and wash the plants with water to remove any traces of the powder
In addition to acting as a pesticide, it can also be used as a soil conditioner
It can also be used within your house to control pests
If you want to avoid the use of harsh chemicals indoors, you can use diatomaceous earth to combat bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, and fleas. </s> Colombo: Pakistan coach Dav Whatmore was quite downcast after the team’s defeat at the hands of India on Sunday, and had to immediately switch to planning ahead for the crucial clash with the Australians.
The biggest headache for Pakistan will be how to stop Shane Watson from winning his fifth man of the match award in five games, since he looks to be in the form of his life with bat and ball.
- Dominant Watson leads Aussie charge
The margin of their defeat to India means that Pakistan’s destiny is no longer in their hands, despite it being the only slip-up of their tournament so far.
The Aussie bowlers have been largely successful in their four games, coming under the cosh just once when they conceded 190-plus against the West Indies.
Pacers Pat Cummins and Mitchell Starc have done the job, while Xavier Doherty was a revelation with three wickets against South Africa.
For Pakistan, it’s the batsmen who need to step up after their collective failure against India.
But the key figure in the match could be off-spinner Saeed Ajmal, who has been a thorn in Australia’s flesh, and after a couple of lacklustre performances |
en | N/A | N/A | Utah: 12-3 ATS in home games in non-conference gamince Jim Boylan took over as interim coach of the Bucks on January 6, Milwaukee is riding a crazy 11-4 run to the 'over.' Six of those nine 'overs' have come away from the BMO Harris Bradley Center, while scoring at least 100 points in four of the last five road games. The Bucks have struggled on the second end of a back-to-back this season, cashing in just four of 12 opportunitiCity - Over 211.5 500 Portland - 8:30 PM ET Dallas -4.5 500 Dallas - Under 202 500 San Antonio - 9:00 PM ET San Antonio -4.5 500 Minnesota - Over 196 500 Milwaukee - 9:00 PM ET Milwaukee + LAKERS (23-26, 20-28-1 ATS): Gasol was largely responsible for helping Los Angeles snap an eight-game road losing streak, averaging 20 points during the current three-game run. He was starting in place of Dwight Howard, who has sat out the last three gamesin a loss at Phoenix on Jan. 30. Howard is listed as day-to-day, but Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant let it be known that the day should come soon. "You have to play through where you have to manage the pain," Bryant said. "When you go through those things you learn your body and what you can push through."
Game Score Status Pick Amount L.A. Lakers - 8:00 PM ET L.A. Lakers +1.5 500 Boston - Under 194 500 Chicago - 10:30 PM ET Denver -6 500 Denver - Over 19Blazers continue their trek through the Lone Star State tonight after getting tripped up by the Mavericks on Wednesday night, 105-99, snapping a two-game winning streak. Portland owns a 5-2 SU and 4-2-1 ATS the last seven contests off a road loss, but both ATS losses came in the home favorite role to Cleveland and Dallas. The offense has picked up recently by topping the 99-point mark in six of the last eight games, resulting in five 'overs.'
In spite of consecutive road losses, the Bulls still own the best away record in the East at 14-9. However, the defense needs to get fixed up after allowing 128 and 111 points in these two defeats, after a span of nine games of giving up 93 points or fewer. Chicago is still a solid bet as a road 'dog, cashing in seven of the last 10 opportunities when receiving points away from the UnitedThe Bobcats are 0-9 ATS (-10.1 ppg) since December 14, 2004 when they are at home after at least four road loss. |
en | N/A | N/A | ← Be yourself – what choice do you have?
There are only a few lucky enough to have run the Comrades marathon (89 km from Durban to Pietermaritzburg or vice versa) – in the history of the race, spanning back to the 1920’s, only 80 000 people have ever completed the race. Lucky, because there are many who do not have the time, resources or health to contemplate this insanity.
Many people will have a mental image of young, fit and slim people doing it, but it’s just not true – the event has a full spectrum of all sorts, shapes and sizes. Almost anybody could run it – all it takes is training and willpower.
One year’s motto – “It comes from within” got me thinking about why people are willing to submit themselves to such voluntary adversity, and what we hope to achieve by this submission, because certainly only a few have a realistic chance of winning the prize monen.
In the face of difficulty, some are defeated and some rise above it. Any of the runners that start will tell you that they reached a point, beyond which they truly felt they could not go on. One of the leading contenders experienced this recently as he slowed to a walk barely 8 kilometres from the finish with victory in sight, but the body defeated.
This pursuit of transcendence – moving beyond ourselves – is what makes the experience unique and worth the effort.
This entry was posted in Motivation, Personal, Running, Sport. Bookmark the permalink. |
en | N/A | N/A | Is it possible to use a function call within the brace initializer that’s used to define the keymap in the sketch file? I’m thinking of trying an alternative to the somewhat awkward way of defining Qukeys that exists now, but it would require a function call that would take two Key values as parameters, and return a special Key value that encodes a serial number (via an incremented static variable), and as a side effect, defines an entry in an array that stores the two parameter values in an object. This would let someone write something like this as a keymap entry:
…and which defines the appropriate object in the Qukeys array as a side effect. I just don’t know if this is possible in C++ (and I don’t currently have access to a machine that can test this out).
algernon (Gergely Nagy) December 22, 2017, 9:01pm #2
It is possible to place function pointers in data structures. It is not possible to do so on the keymap, because pointers are 16bit wide, and would take up the entire key, and you would not be able to distinguish a pointer from any other value.
You could do this, but then you’d have to make all keys functions. That’s probably not the fastest thing…
merlin (Michael Richters) December 22, 2017, 11:41pm #3
I don’t think I made myself clear. What I would like to do, if possible, is call a function to define a key at compile time, setting Key.raw for that entry to the return value of that function.
jesse (Jesse) December 23, 2017, 1:21am #4
Long term, I think it’s something that would be very, very powerful, if we can figure out a way to make it not hurt too badly.
merlin (Michael Richters) December 23, 2017, 1:48am #5
It does sound like an interesting idea, but not especially different from Kaleidoscope-Macros, from a user point of view. It’s also not at all what I’m trying to ask about. I don’t want to store a function pointer in the keymap; I want to set the value of a keymap entry by calling a function at compile time, and set up other things with that function’s side effects. If that’s possible (I’m pessimistic about the compiler allowing it, though).
Long-term, I think it makes more sense to use a sketch-builder program to work around the limitations of the compiler, and to vastly improve the readability of the keymap configuration.
If you’re willing to share, it’d be useful to understand your specific desired end behavior.
In its current incarnation, Qukeys are configured outside the keymap, with a separate declaration, so (for example) the keymap entry might look like this:
…and the qukey constructor is in a separate place:
Qukey(QWERTY, 2, 1, Key_LeftShift);
@algernon had the idea that we could use the DualUse declarations in the keymap as Qukeys, which would work, but would be more limited than the separate definition:
I’m thinking of trying to put this in the keymap:
…or some abbreviated equivalent:
…where QK() is a macro that expands to some function call, such as:
#define QK(pri, alt) defineQukey
That function would be defined earlier, like so:
Key defineQukey(Key pri, Key alt) {
// create the entry in an external array
qukeys[i] = Qukey(pri, alt);
// mark the keymap entry as a qukey, with an indexed offset
return (Key){ .raw = ranges::QK_FIRST + i++ };
Then I’m back to the problem of getting the size of the array correct in its declaration, but right now I’m just wondering if this is feasible. I wouldn’t use a static variable in the function, of course; that index would end up being the size of the array, so it would be a class variable instead, but I hope that conveys the idea.
It’s like the DualUse declarations in the keymap, but would allow for the full range of possible Key values for both the primary and alternate Keys. I’m interested in the question of whether or not this idea is feasible (I’d be surprised if I tried this example and it worked), setting aside the issue of getting the size of the static qukeys[] array correct for the moment. I’m not convinced that this is a good solution to the problem (I’m pretty skeptical, myself) — I just want to know what’s possible at this point.
algernon (Gergely Nagy) December 23, 2017, 6:17am #8
What I would like to do, if possible, is call a function to define a key at compile time, setting Key.raw for that entry to the return value of that function.
Oh, my bad. Sorry for the misunderstanding! I do not know of a way to achieve running a custom function at compile time, though. Highly doubt it is possible, and definitely not with side effects.
Yeah, that’s not possible in C++.
If we used a Lisp… if we had a Lisp that can create efficient AVR code, now that would be amazing. And with Lisp macros, you could do something like this.
noseglasses (Noseglasses) December 23, 2017, 6:55am #9
constexpr functions can run at compile time, but C++11 does not allow them to have local static variables. It isn’t possible using a class either, even if it had constexpr methods, because a constexpr object cannot be altered after construction.
noseglasses (Noseglasses) December 23, 2017, 7:23am #10
This idea must be handled with care. Even if it wasn’t a problem of distinction for Keys, it would be definitely non-portable. It would e.g. already break Kaleidoscope-Hardware-Virtual as this would require storing a 32/64 bit address in a 16 bit integer
merlin (Michael Richters) December 23, 2017, 1:19pm #11
Thanks, everyone. I expected as much.
constexpr functions can run at compile time, but C++11 does not allow them to have local static variables.
I doubt this would change anything, but what if it was a plain global variable?
noseglasses (Noseglasses) December 23, 2017, 4:19pm #12
because a constexpr object cannot be altered after construction.
This can be generalized to any constexpr intrinsic or objects variables except for local variables of constexpr functions. Also to global constexpr variables of any type. I am afraid, the answer is no.
What about a non-constexpr global variable?
Not accessible at compiletime.
I’ll just have to write a sketch builder, then. There’s so much that’s known at compile time (or before) that C++ doesn’t provide any way to set…
I know how you feel. I were at this point a hundred times before. Wishing that the C++ pre-processor was a proper programming language that would enable global stateful variables at compiletime.
arthurvl (arthurvl) December 29, 2017, 9:08am #17
Hm. Call me crazy, but isn’t the template metaprogramming language of C++ turing-capable? That might allow solving the conundrum, by having e.g. QK<Key_LeftShift>(Key_A) as syntax, but it’d require representing all keys at the type level as wel. Not the prettiest solution, I admit
algernon (Gergely Nagy) December 29, 2017, 9:18am #18
Call me crazy, but isn’t the template metaprogramming language of C++ turing-capable?
I think that adequately expresses my feelings.
TMP is absolutely not the solution to this problem. Python & Perl are also Turing-complete, and in those languages, it’s actually possible to write comprehensible code that could generate a sketch file (or the sections of it that would be necessary to make the keymap more readable, anyway).
The turing machine is also turing complete, and much more simple than TMP. Why not…
All jokes asside. It would be fairly simple to code the keymap as A std::tuple template type. But that does not make the information available in other compilation units. It would require to define the keymap in a header file and include it in all places where the information would be required. But this helps only at compile time. There are no types at runtime! The information would need to be mapped to bits and bytes to be available at runtime…say, an array, and there we are back again.
There would yet be some benefit in such a solution. Different entries in the keymap could have different bitness and @merlin could easily store his qukey function pointer. |
en | N/A | N/A | “We had 500,000 people using it very quickly, but didn’t feel we were getting the traction we needed.
There is still a Bebo app in the app store but we’ve effectively parked it.”
His first idea was a self-updating address book, something which was great in theory, but failed to take off.
“It’s suicide to try and be a better Facebook, ” Michael Birch sayste Bebo in 2005.
The platform has high retention rates with the average user spending 64 minutes a day watching livestreams.
“It’s an online chat show that anyone can create, and where viewers can partake, either by joining the video chat or commenting on the side of the live stream.” The next step will be to monetise the site, a necessary step, though that’s not a word Birch likes.
Facebook ultimately won the social networking battle, and the couple decided to sell Bebo.
“We could see chitchat about Facebook on Bebo and noticed a shift happening. They couldn’t afford Facebook as it had gotten so big. ’ I would have rather gone on and been really successful with it. It was the right thing to do, though, especially because the Lehman Brothers collapse happened two months after we closed the deal.” Michael and Xochi began looking for other projects following the sale, and bought a building in San Francisco in 2009 to convert into a private members’ club.
A .
If they break the contract then there will be a strike from 21 May. .
They were together for more than one decade and they also had three children together but in July 2007, they announced their final broke up.. |
en | N/A | N/A | Neustrelitz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with its 22,291 habitants is located in Germany - roughly 60 mi (or 97 km) Northn Neustrelitz is 12:50 AM Laage Airport with a distance of 49.8 mi (or 80.1 km) south-east of the centre of Neustrelitz. NeustrelitzSachsenhausen concentration camp: . The camp is sometimes referred to as "Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg". Td literally. From 1936 to 1945 it was run by the National Socialist regime in Germany as a camp for mainly political prisoners, from 1945 ...
Waldsiedlung: later "Volvograd" after the ...
12:00 AM: Evita
12:00 AM: 10. Philharmonisches Konzert |
en | N/A | N/A | Sometimes I hate men. Let me re-word that–
To live after certain death…and your FACE COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED for it.
Connies' new face. Although it's easier on the eye, it still won't be able to cover up the permanent scar of Domestic Abuse.
« The Soloist My Lifetime with MICHAEL JACKSON, A Homage to the ‘Moonwalker’ »
Spirhaunt (19:10:30) :
This “scum” will forever burn for what he has done. I hope this poor women finds peace, and I pray her views towards all men is not tarnished.
Carolyn (22:19:22) :
I can only imagine what Connie had to go through. I to am a survivor of domestic violence, my ex pulled a 12 gauge and put it to my head, stabbed me while I was pregnant, and refuse to let me out of his sight. This has left some very deep wounds that is taking years to heal and some will always be there. I am a survivor, you can see my full story at http://www.victimtosurvivor,com along with many others from across the country. My motto “ONE VOICE, ONE STAND, ONE DIFFERENCE, and SAVE ONE LIFE” We CAN do this!!! |
en | N/A | N/A | LAHORE: L-N lawmaker the judicial magistrate,d after the ANF said the force didn’t need the accused on physical remandhis client Sana was arrested to settle political scores.
A large number of the PML-N supporters gathered to express solidarity with Sana. They chanted the slogan ‘lion lion’ in the courtroom.
Strict security arrangements were made ahead of Sanaullah’s appearance before the court. A large contingent of police was deployed inside and outside the court premises.
The ANF, which arrested former Punjab law ministerrway, had said that drugs were recovered from the MNA’s vehicle.
“A huge quantity of drugs was recovered from Sanaullah’s car,” the statement had
The politician was travelhad added.
Sanaullah’s“political victimization”.
“PM” he adde’s arrest was
The government, in a late night statement, had said that it had nothing to with the arrest. In n “authentic information” that the PML-N leader’. |
en | N/A | N/A | And thereâs a way of reasonably parsing it so that makes good sense. Why or why not? T .is âPEverybody desires to achieve happiness by succesfully implementing his or her life-planBentham thus created a “hedonic calculus” to measure the utility of proposed actions according to the conditions of intensity, duration, certainty, and the probability that a certain consequence would result. Even if Lucy knows P wonât be as good for her as some alternative, sheâ. That was how tyranny started. For example, if a reckless driver today irresponsibly exceeds the speed limit, crashes into a concrete abutment, and kills himself while totaling his vehicle (which he owns), utilitarianism would hold that in the absence of physical harm to others, no one suffers except the driveWhat do you think of Bentham’s final request? . (It later became University College London.). So weâre thinking about each person His preserved head is also kept at the college, separate from the rest of the body.) But whatnUtilitarianism, therefore, emphasizes the consequences or ultimate purpose of an act rather than the character of the actor, … To be sure, there are limitations to Mill’s Mill’s teaching on the role of free speech in society can be a starting point and a reminder of the importance of civil debate and freedo The university agreed, and Bentham’s body has been on display ever since. . All stakeholders? First, happiness is each personâs moral goal(1772–1834) accused Bentham of mixing up morality with law.When facing a decision toWhat is utility?. According to the average principle ofutu Got it?Is there a right or wrong answer?es).In consequentialism, a. This utility function measures in “utils” the value of a good, service, or proposed action relative to the utilitarian principle of the greater good, that is, increasing happiness or decreasing pain. ANo* C. Of College Level Course Work Greatest good for the greatest numbA. If. Utilitarianism could motivate individuals within the organization to take initiative, become more responsible, and act in ways that enhance the organization’s reputation rather than tarnish i Etc. Oact. * B. Th… On Sidgwickâsle.. ?. utilitarianism Any good ethics textbook will tell you thatâimagine a gazelle with the legs of a tunaLetâS the greatest for... And think again an average of 5 on our scale motivating. Others we must consider so P doesnât promote the greatest number ” principle seems to say want. Preference satisfactionâophelimity! ) loss a.harm is not feelings, depicted! Feelings, as depicted here by H.Hpain that happiness an! So much the quantity of happines especially with the of. NozickâS separateness of persons criticisms get it right be translated into decision-making, risk,! Use to make your decision about what to do weâre all deliberating about. 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en | N/A | N/A | SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN. "Mirror Mirror" took a whimsical, family-friendly approach to the Snow White fairy tale. Director Rupert Sanders' twist is much darker and brutal. Kris?
HEATH LEDGER AS THE JOKER IN "THE DARK KNIGHT": "ONE OF THE BLOCKBUSTER'S WEAKEST LINKS." Whoa, hold on there!n't say it. I don't late actor's (Oscar-winning, mind you) performance "glaringly showy," "scenery-scarfing
SUMMER MOVIES: BIGGER NOT BETTER?Monday was Memorial Day, long even if the unofficial kickoff has been creeping back for the past several years. (Witness this year's May 4 opener, "The Avengers," now the fourth biggest .) But with that holiday benchmark in mind, I got to thinking: how often do the blockbusters of summer end up on year-end top 10 lists? |
en | N/A | N/A | Peek-Squeak fun is in store with this soft, cuddly and entertaining soft monkey activity toy. talk editor's pick for its whimsical design.
- Measures 8H in
- Measures 20.32H cm |
en | N/A | N/A | ity". Her belief is that, above everything, her team needs to be cared for and feel cared for. They are working on the front line during a pandemic — their mental and physical health is important. CPNI risk assessments need to be in place and built into SOPs to ensure they are a priority.
Claire discussed some improvements we can all look at making to improve campus security, including properly assessing the CCTV we have in place, as this is essential to the security of the campus. We can also utilise up-to-date technologies such as SafeZone from CriticalArc, which helps track and communicate with students and staff, and provides the security team greater situational awareness.
We would love you to join us for our next ProtectED Reflections event, which will be held on Thursday 25 June at 11.00 BST, and is entitled:
Minding the Student Mind -Student mental health support challenges and changes during lockdown—and beyond
Lisa Bayliss-Pratt –ro Vice-Chancellor at Coventry University – a ProtectED Founder Member
Nick Bennett – Co-Founder & Co-CEO at Fika. The Mental Fitness Platform
Lisa and Nick will be discussing the structures and practices they are putting in place to support student and staff mental health in this time of Covid-19. As well as speaking about their current responses during the lockdown, they will discuss the impact of the crisis on future practice, and what changes they envision for future student and staff support provision.
PE s– save the date!
Look out for updatesReviewisa at [email protected] </s> Thank you everyone that donated during August. We are thrilled because we met our Angel Donor’s challenge grant of $10,000. We so appreciate your generosity!
We have several updates below about:
- the September 25th Board of Supervisors meeting;
- the need for speech readers; and,
- a possible Town Hall with Supervisor Spitzer.
This is our chance to make a big impression. We need everyone at the September 25th hearing. Tell two neighbors. Share the posts on Facebook. Reach out via Next Door. Leave no stone unturned. </s> I'm begIt's hard work for dogs to play dumb for humans all of the time.
Wolf packs are cooperative societies, say Range and Virányi, with non-rigid hierarchies that are nonetheless capable of lethal collective action. Wolves take their cues from each other, Range and Virányi say, and do not pay much heed to social standing when it comes to something fundamental, like eating—not the way dogs do anyway. But according to them, dogs in a pack rigorously enforce their linear dominance hierarchy with teeth if necessary, and humans stand at the head of the dog chain of command. tnd |
en | N/A | N/A | A Desperation for the Move of God is Needed
Spiritual People Avoid Natural Inclinations
Walk by the Spirit and you will NOT fulfill the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16
- Gal 5:15-18 NKJV
When our lives are submitted to the Holy Spirit of God working in us these things will be evidenWhat a lie! It should not surprise us when the enemy of our souls takes such a precious truth and counterfeits it with this type of lie. I have met so many people who say they are spiritual and not religious, I was one of them, but the truth for me was that I wasn’t either one. I knew the truth was Jesus Christ but didn’t make an effort to live in His Spirit as to be spiritually led; my flesh ruled my life and as such so did Satan. So many people that confess spirituality use it as an excuse not to go to Church because they think going to church is religious. It is, but it is also spiritual5
Lastly, a spiritual person has a desire to follow the word of God because they have received His Spirit and understand the importance of obedience. They understand obedience brings blessings whereby the opposite is true, disobedience to God’s word allows curses to be effective in our lives. God said He gives life and death and we have a choice; choose life (Deut. 30:19).
Hedwell within Your people. I realize that I am equipped for every good work through Your Spirit but that I have failed to present myself to the Body of Christ in unity so that I could fulfill the destiny You have planned for me. I confess that I have sinned against You by manipulating the truth of Your word and have called myself a spiritual person when in fact I have not attended church service or classes nor have I done the spiritual work You have called me to. I have become downhearted with the church, and in my wounds, I have neglected the fellowshipping with others. I ask for Your help today to forgive and heal me in this area so that I can begin afresh. I thank You for the grace and mercy that You release to me, in Jesus name, Amen.
#spirituality #religion |
en | N/A | N/A | Cact home metaskills to develop. U. In aqueous solutions metathesis reactions and net ionic equations lab answersExperiment 20 reactions in aqueous solution: metathesis reactions and net ionic equations objective to become familiar with writing equations for net ionic equations. Download and read reactions in aqueous solutions metathesis and net ionic equations.
View notes - chemistry1 from science chemistry at negaunee high school reactions in aqueous solutions: metathesis reactions and net ionic equations rylee whitford. Water as a solvent not only indicates “green chemistry” but is also inevitable in biochemical reactions as well as syntheses of olefin metathesis in aqueouscome into contact for reactions in aqueous s.
Aqueous olefin metat | according to popular belief, oxygen and water are the natural enemies of organometallic reactions and therefore must be excluded rigorously. Rexperiment 21 page 227 dr scott buzby , phd objectives to become familiar with. |
en | N/A | N/A | Hello, lovelies. Hugh Harrison here.
News has reached me about bizarre happenings on Earth. People hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer, trying to avoid the plague while hunkering down in their homes. Drive-in churches, drive-in restaurants, drive-in everything. But where are the flying cars?
When I used to dream about what 2020 would be like, that’s what I imagined, something from The Jetsons, not Bill Gates running around scaring people with syringes. That chap still can’t keep viruses off his blasted computers, and he’s been at it for decades. Can’t he work on the flying cars instead?
As for me, I’m still stuck on another planet, waiting for Dale to finish his cumbersome calculations so we can head home.
Meanwhile, our author, Kim, is homebound and busy schooling children, one of which has special needs. This has slowed down work on the series significantly, but we press onward and upward. Stiff upper lip and all! The re-edit of Unlucky Charm is almost done and it’s turning out very well. We’ll send out a special newsletter with a free download link when it’s finished.
Part 1 of Black Kat 4: Playing with Fire, is available for anyone who joins our ARC list. Response so far has been very good. Thank you to everyone who has read and sent in their comments! Part 2 should be done shortly.
People have made peace with the demons, worshipping them like celebrities. No one wants to believe that the beautiful creatures who brought magic to humans could be causing the disappearance of so many.
When Nadira’s father goes missing, she refuses to play nice. Gloves off. She has to do what she does best. Fight.
Viewed as an outcast, Tristan soon discovers a plot to overthrow his new home by a mysterious group of supervillains, known as The Legion.
Discover your next favorite superhero!
This sampler of superhero novels will have you geeking out all over the place! Discover some of today’s hottest authors that are writing original heroes that you will love and villains that you will love to hate.
All bear shifter, Griff, has to do is get through one party.
If he does that then the people in charge of Underworld Reformatory will see that he’s reformed…and he’ll be free. But Griff isn’t the only one with plans for this evening. When the god Hermes shows up to cause trouble—all bets are off.
This is a short story prequel to Squad Goals: Underworld Reformatory Book 1.
Until next month, lovelies! I hope you have a happy and healthy April.
Remember to Keep Calm and Super on! |
en | N/A | N/A | Inspiration: Margherita Missoni
Yesd's mita''s patterns and bright colors, something it''se''s's brand. She'ss.
The Lacquer Factor August 29, 2011 at 11:41 PM
Margherita is fabulous! I can't wait for Missoni to come to Target!
Maya September 6, 2011 at 12:56 AM
She is the cutest girl ever. I love how Missoni really is a family business. |
en | N/A | N/A | Cristiano Ronaldo decided to take the role of a ball boy during his son’s soccer match.
Ronaldo often shares pictures of him and his son on social media. We son, but he does not push Cristiano Jnr. to be a soccer player.
“. B. Hll,” said Ronaldo.
The COVID19 pandemic had us all stuck in our homes for a very long time. Suddenly, many of us had too much free time... |
en | N/A | N/A | ohnar village is 0%. 0 out of total 7Hikohnar village is 46 still 8 are un-employed. And out of 46 employed individual 42 peoples are totally dependent on farming. </s> First!
South America = $9.95. </s> Resources
Is AI the right tool for your project?
Would you benefit from automatizing the analysis of the information?
Have a look at the following publicly available AI tools that people are using in conservation*
Sharing ideas is the best way to initiate those collaborations that are crucial for your project
Engage with citizen scientists to get people involved in your project and label large amounts of data </s> Skepticism over tourist turbine
The Pincher Creek Chamber of Economic Development member brought photos of such a turbine right in the middle of Toronto to show such an attraction is possible in an urban setting.
However, many councillors worried such a turbine could have a large setback zone which would infringe on the town’s main growth area. They also worried about having turbine noise in an area with restaurant patios, and possibly bird-killing turbine blades next to a future wetland park. They wanted to know how close people would be able to get to the turbine and how arrangements would work between the municipality and a private company. They ultimately worried about setting a precedent as well, with other wind power companies pushing to put turbines north of town.
A chicken-and-egg scenario developed, in which many councillors were reluctant to approve a location with so many questions and – according to Elle – Wind Power wanted an approved location before they started researching answers. Councillors Sharon Smith and Roy Smyth, who are Town representatives on the tourist turbine committee, seemed caught in the middle. They joked that Councillor Trevor Birkmann, who had an especially long list of questions, should have been on the committee.
Some councillors felt a tourist turbine might be better off by the lagoon where the eggbeaters used to be, though Elle doubted such a location would actually draw people into town to spend money. Alternate locations also lacked services. Some councillors also felt a non-working turbine with an observation deck would eliminate a lot of logistical hurdles, though it’s not clear who would pay to build such a turbine without the prospect of revenue from electricity generation.
By Ben Curtietech industry that has genuinely changed the game over the years. It's never been plain sailing, and there are tales of controversy, of failure, of epic success, and everything inbetween.
If you want to hear about Microsoft then who better to talk about it than current CEO, Satya Nadella, in his new book Hit Refresh.
Either way, it's a great read to get some real insight into one of the tech industries greatest names.
Game of X: Vol. 1 and 2
Microsoft didn't always make a games console, and honestly. it surprised many when the company pushed out its first Xbox console. Over the years Xbox has gained millions of fans, and Game of X is a terrific look at how it all came aboutClub Newsletter - February 2018
♫ I Left My (credit) Card . . . ♪ in San Francisco ♬
We e |
en | N/A | N/A | What is your experience when working with influencers?What are the benefits and challenges for you as an organisation? |
en | N/A | N/A | The data from a recent survey has revealed that spending is increasing rapidly over smartphones and tablets.
According to the results of a recent study, consumers continue to love everything about their mobile devices and are using them on an increasing basis as a part of their overall shopping experiences through mobile commerce.
Consumers are using their smartphones to help them to interact with their favorite retailers.
This, according to a mobile commerce report that was recently released in a partnership between the Partnering Group and comScore. What it revealed was that 55 percent of all time spent online on retail had originated from a smartphone device, compared with only 45 percent stemming from a desktop or laptop device.
In June 2013, mobile commerce from smartphones made up 44 percent of the time spent on retailer sites.
This was a considerable increase over the same month two years before. In June 2010, smartphone mobile commerce time at retailer sites had made up only 17 percent of the time. In terms of the time originating from tablets, it accounted for 11 percent of the total minutes spent on retail sites in June of this year.
During this year’s second quarter, the mobile commerce dollar figure reached $4.7 billion, which was the equivalent to 8.6 percent of the total online shipping dollars that were spent in that quarter in the United States. Furthermore, when the second quarter from last year is compared to that of this year, smartphone and tablet based shopping rose by 24 percent, compared to the growth of 16 percent that was experienced to online shopping as a whole.
According to Vicki Cantrell, the executive director of, which released the data when it was first unveiled, s.” She added that retailers must continue their investment into mobile commerce to make sure that they get it right over that channel, or they will increase their risk of alienating their customers. |
en | N/A | N/A | An annual international writing competition fundraising for Tourette Canada. The 2022 Contest is now open!
/ what is tourette syndrome?
In running Do Wha(TS) Write, Julie hopes to not only raise money for Tourette Canada, but also to raise awareness about a condition often ridiculed and dismissed in popular culture. Click here to learn more about common misconceptions surrounding Tourette Syndrome,contest!
/ What is Tourette Canada? |
en | N/A | N/A | Particularly, since 10 March 2008, Tibetan people have shown their courage and determination by carrying out many peaceful protests throughout the three provinces of Tibet. Even today Tibetans inside Tibet are carrying out resistance movements using high level of non-violent methods. Lest the Tibetans in exile fail in our endeavor, the grit, determination, courage and sincerity of the Tibetans inside Tibet are self evident from their recent initiatives.
The steadfast position of the Tibetans in Tibet andathe Tibet issue that is based on truth. The presence of our Chinese friends here today, who have traveled long distances, is also an indication of the growing support from the Chinese people.
The Tibetan government in eximade earnest and enduring efforts to resolve the Sino-Tibetan problem that is mutually beneficial. However, the issue still remains unresolved due to the lack of concrete and constructive response from the Chinese leadership. The whole responsibility for the deadlock rests with the Chinese leadership. If China is sincere about resolving the Tibetan issue, they must take it up in the ongoing meetings of the Chineseto discuss and decide on ways to fulfill the aspiration of the Tibetan people.
Sustaining the Tibetan communities in exile is directly related to furthering the cause of Tibet. Towards this end, promoting a healthy system of education, political awareness, strengthening democratic polity at the grassroots, sustainable development of the settlements and prevention of dispersal of the communities are extremely essential. For that purpose, the Tibetan Parliament in Exile in a departure from the past, have allocated territorial constituencies for members to visit their respective constituencies at least twice a year. The members have been notified to this effectand all our supporters worldwide for their consistent support. A.
To conclude, may His Holiness the Dalai Lama live for eternity for the sake of all living beings and may all His wishes be fulfilled. We also pray for the speedy resolution of the Tibetan Issue. </s> President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan on the 28th August 2014, forme State House, Abuja.
IGEJ said at the event. </s> InThis video, although fairly recent, , too.
So, what did you think? Pretty powerful, right? It truly was a pivotal video for me. I even shared it with my teenage daughter, and she *felt* the message, too.
But there’s a question that arises..
A of your online business then you’ll never get anything off the ground.
It’. </s> Does today’s culture leave you wanting something different? Do you long for the days when; when Machiavelli was putting the final touches on The Prince, and when da Vinci was jotting down invention ideas in his famous notebooks? Wo the Italian Renaissance, you can at least wear an authentic Italian Renaissance dress and feel like a part of history, from an elite woman of the high class to a lowly commoner and everything in between.
During the Italian Renaissance, fashion underwent a complete overhaul. Coming out of the Dark Ages, Europe suddenly had a newfound interest in fashion. The affluent people of |
en | N/A | N/A | “I have been riding and training with Justin at Club MX for the past two seasons. He is an inspiration and offers great advice and support.
Mcadoo had his best finish to Motocross this year finishing as high as 4th and will be a strong competitor in Sydney.
Team director Yarrive Konsky considered all options for the teams SX2 replacement, but felt this was the best outcome.
“Faith, Blose and Taft have proven how strong our 250 is, even though the overall championship finishes don’t show it. Faith and Blose combined won most of the races last year and Taft qualified on top in 3 of the 4 first rounds. It’s frustrating as everyone is working hard to showcase this amazing bike and the overall results aren’t showing that.
We will continue to work hard to put it on top,” said Konsky. |
en | N/A | N/A | The interven and Machine Learning have changed the course of human life towards rapid progression. However, this intervention also gives birth to a very high scope of job losses and a negative impact on the manual testing community. It... |
en | N/A | N/A | I love thcustom interiors that reflect their tastes. Also, I absolutely adore fabrics, and playing with color, pattern, and scale.
My mother was my first tastemaker. She has the innate ability to create beauty at a mundane lunch or a fabulous dinner party. She is always true to her style. I learned to cultivate my own individual style through costumes, color and pattern at a young age. We also grew up running around antique stores in the northeast which probably developed my love of antique furniture.
Can you tell us about your personal brand?
The Design & Decoration building is one of my most cherished resources in NYC. I derive so much inspiration from fabric and wallpaper shopping in this building. It is one of my most favorite parts of design!In addition, I love Instagram! It is a great way to see what other designers are using in their interiors.
DesignerInc is a wonderful sourcing tool and helps us to work in a more time efficient way for our clients. Although we also love to see the product in person, there is enormous value to online sourcing. |
en | N/A | N/A | Do so The added advantage is you will lose your unwanted fat dancing your strategy to well being. If your accomplice shares your curiosity, take him alongside. A class of salsa will deliver your romance! Of course that didn’t remedy something or make it go away; the strain just constructed up over time, finally exploding like an erupting volcano.
Learn Every Night time. Warmest:o)Jill Darceyone of the most painful days of my life – I was only sixteen on the time and until that pointn’t go so far as to say that he was excellent, though at sixteen, I positive thought so. He actually did find the illusive fountain of youth, due to the admirable approach he lived his life which allowed him to go away a long-lasting impression. His thoughts, his abilities, and his creativity – the best wayspace and time. |
en | N/A | N/A | Home / Run and Grow / Operations / Hiring In-House vs. Outsourcing: Which is Suitable for Your Business Growth?
To increase staff count is always a tricky question. Especially true for small businesses, any change in staff count wis not just the consideration of salary, but also other benefits such as healthcare, insurance, and even office space and equipment.
There is also the question of the level of expertise—if you take on highly experienced staff to meet your requirements, their level of pay will likely commensurate with that experience. You are also taking on the risk of hiring the right staff to do the job since the employment process itself will take time and money.
On the other hand, finding the right staff can bring you long term support with people who are of the same mind as you in your business. You can control the exact priorities they place on work-related tasks and be able to make any changes you may decide on more rapidly.
Also, because web development may not be an ongoing thing for your organization, what happens when the project is over? Will you be left with an extra headcount that has no real relevance to your core business operations?
The buy-in cost for outsourced projects is generally higher than what your typical staff salary may be. This is because you are paying a premium for very specific talent and a deliverable project. Of course, costs can vary greatly depending on where and whom you outsource the project to.
There may also be logistical challenges if you outsource to another part of the world that might have time zones vastly different than your own. This could lead to delivery timeline issues or in a worst-case scenario, even difficulties in communication.
As you can expect, outsourcing will be approached on a per-project basis and this helps you control cost by maintaining operational costs while allocating a special budget for the project.
Definitely! Another approach to the situation would be to work with outsourcing combined with an additional consultant who will have enough expertise to work with the outsourced project. This can help you evaluate potential outsourcing candidates and pre-empt problems with them further down the line.
Another idea would be to find a partner to collaborate with. This is more difficult as it takes significant investment from both companies involved and a possible diversion from your core business. By working with a technical partner to create a basic platform, you can both then market that platform together and monetize it even as you use it for your own company.
Whether you choose to outsource your web development or not, that is a key consideration you should consider before embarking on your project. The website today is more than just a digital presence, it i, collect data for analysis, lead generation and eventually monetize from it.
Jason Chow is a digital marketer and WordPress fan. He likes to connect with startups and bloggers. t. |
en | N/A | N/A | Ben Needham: police to begin new dig on Kos
Ben Needham disappeared 25 years ago
toddler Ben Needham will begin excavation work on the Greek island of
Ben's mother Kerry Needham, fromt" by South Yorkshire Police who suspect he may have died in an accident 25 years ago.
But M.
Earlier this year, South Yorkshire Police rec for Ben.
Ms Needham has been forthright in her support of Mr Fenwick's investigation. |
en | N/A | N/A | Roland Park going to the same market that her characters go to, so there’s this way in which I’m just paying tribute to her.” </s> James Gregory
Fantastic Show! My husband and had a great time, laughed so much, we were achy! The venue is awesome, we will be back for another show this year.Cary, NC@Raleigh Improv
Share Event </s> COLUMBIA FALLS, Maine — A New Hampshire man suffered head injuries and lacerations and was taken by airlate Thursday after the vehicle he was riding in struck a cow moose.
standing in the roadway when struck, and since the animals are dark-colored and their eyes do not reflect, drivers often cannot discern them until seconds before impact.
Willey said a landing zone for LifeFlight of Maine was set up alongside the highway. H and Pleasant River Ambulance. </s> LINX© Reflux Management System
LINX© Reflux Management System Main Content
LINX the beads to temporarily separat.
Who can benefit from LINX?
- Upper Endoscopy (EGD): using an endoscope (a ), doctors look down your mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, and into your duodenum.
- Video Esophagram (VEG) for Dysmotility: a barium swallow test, followed by a swallow of a piece of a bagel, followed by a swallow of a piece of marshmallow.
- High Resolution Manometry (HRM): to measure the pressure in your esophagus a thin, small computerized tube, after you are numbed, is placed from your nose to your lower-esophageal sphincter while 10 swallows of water are evaluated in a resting positionAccording to LINX:
LINX has been used as a treatment for GERD for more than 10 years, with the first U.S. implants being done in 2008-2009 as part research needed to gain FDA approval. It was approved by the FDA in March of 2012. More detail about thLINX device and procedure can be found on the LINX website. </s> looking for company that build palm oil mill in india
Medium Scale Palm Oil Mill Plant Profreshly cut palm fruit per hour are c احصل على السعر </s> We.
On time and did a great job. Lovely clean oven
Very good. Pleased with the result
The man who attempted to clean the oven could not get the screws off in order to clean the fan. The oven itself has been given a good clean.
Friendly good service oven cleaned up very eell
Simon took parts of my oven to his van to clean, returned with them with lots of dried grease still on them. He returned to the van to try again.
I did not receive a bill/invoice and paid by bank transfer.....not very professional. More...
Simon came and did the job. He was punctual,efficient and I’ve got a sparkling clean oven and grill. Many Thanks😀
Stephanie lloyd
We were charged £275 for the deep clean of our kitchen by this company. I would leave no stars if possible. The clean was appalling - and they are now ignoring us. AVOID.
Every thing went perfect. Recommend !
Tech was very friendly and explained in full about cleaning my o |
en | N/A | N/A | good idea, Apple's iPhone 4S had done some good stuff with the optics, i find no reason why they won't want the same technology to come their next most sold gadget. A similar looking iPad with a better display, camera and screen would be my pick for the 3rd generation iPad.
In terms of software, it might be iOS 5.1 which is obviously the long awaited minor update to the iOS that is in beta stages currently but who knows Apple might have iOS 6 under the wraps. Now iOS 6 also sounds plausible, after all it's not every year that they can afford to 'announce' a new OS at the WWDC, WWDC being their annual developers conference and developers expect both hardware and software from it, not 'just' announcing software. But let's not deviate from the point. Whatever this new OS will be, what exactly will it have? The answer lies in Apple's Mountain Lion update. So first of all I'd like to highlight those features which the iOS is going to borrow from Mac OS X 10.8. First up, is the update to Notes. Notes are definitely set to have Picture embedding capabilities in them. Last month Apple showed us Notes coming for the Mac and it showed us how they synced well with the iCloud. So they definitely won't want to leave other devices behind in terms of the basic built in Capabilities. The next one is going to be Messages. Yes, Messages for the iOS is set to drop i from the name and become messages. It might also become more of a multi-purpose chat client, something that apple has envisioned to do with the OS X app of the same name. FaceTime will also get an HD update, that's something we had in the new OS X Lion but didn't in iOS5 so if iPad is going to get truly HD with all the retina display and airplay to HDTV's in HD, it should have FaceTime HD too. Safari is the next on the list. Apple had updated Safari last month, and now it sports a giant common search and address bar followed by a permanent Reader button. Frankly speaking Safari has never been better and the same will have to come on the iPad. All the above features will surely come on the iPad, but it all depends on how Apple plans to release its iOS and Mountain Lion. They may come later this year or they may be in your hands by the next week. And Now let's come to the iPad 2S (or 3) only features. Siri is highly possible. It might also drop the beta from the name. ILife and iWork are already present but Photos might get more Sharing options. If there is something new in works, I don't know it. I can only guess that it will either be an App Store App (which means it'll cost anything from $4.99 to $9.99) or an inbuilt app. But a few new apps are customary and will come for the next iPad only, this is certain. At the moment the best i can predict is Aperture and Final Cut Pro for iPad.
As for the name. I don't really think it is going to be iPad 3. iPad 2S, iPad, iPad HD are a few names I think the next generation iPad could be called.
That's all there is to the mysterious new iPad. It will have no more or no less. Apple won't be showing off a 7 inch iPad. You won't be paying more for a retina display, though you might end up paying less if you are a student and the iPad won't be bulkier or have a small battery life, in short it won't have anything less than the iPad 2.
And One More Thing, The next iPad also will come with a heart melting video! </s> The DCS Ambassadors is a student organization that represents the Division of Continuing Studies to members of the community, guests of the Division, and prospective students.
Tt in DCS, have completed at least one semester in DCS, and have at least a 2.5 UNO cumulative GPA. </s> Cardiac health is one of the most prominent spheres of investigative medicine worldwide. Firmly linked with obesity, and because it has an overall bad impact on our general wellbeing, there are a number of studies out there which continue to seek answers as to how we can improve our heart healththeir latest findings. But have they got it right?
The AHA is, deservedly, a much respected body. And whilst the benefits that come from having a large association devoted to the health of the most important organ in the body are undeniable, what happens when they get it wrong? It’s certainly is not a question America has asked in the last few years. Until now, when the AHA have suddenly decided that coconut oil should be vilified.
As far as most nutritionists and medical scientists are concerned, currently we lack scientific evidence to claim that coconut oil is definitely detrimental even in small amounts. So the AHA’s categorical assertion that coconut oil is nothing but bad for you seems to be an oversimplification of the facts. </s> A n.
A03 |
en | N/A | N/A | “With the way the game is played now, I don't think any lead is safe. We needed to stay in the game, but unfortunately, they were playing better than us.”
“We wanted to give a special effort, we wanted to win this game for him. We talked about it, and came out playing the game we wanted to play.”
“This night is for Ronnie, raising his number into the rafters. We wanted to give a special effort, wanted to win this one for him.”
“He has represented everything in this community for hockey. He has carried this franchise on his back.”
“I think the thing that has been a big part of our success against Atlanta these last two games is that penalty killing. It's a lot of hard work ... you can't give these guys time to make a play because they are so good.”
“Just to have the opportunity to go back to the Olympics and have another shot at a medal is a dream come true.”
“We have a new baby (a second daughter born in November) so it's a little bit tough for her right now, but she is going to try and make it over.”
“They had a lot of chances, but not many second chances. Martin just seems to be in the right spots and he makes the big saves with the game on the line. I can't tell you how much he means to this team.”
“It doesn't mean a thing. We've got to bring our best game to win in the playoffs, no matter who we play.”
“When you're down 2-0 or 3-1, you have to remember it takes four games to win a series. It's a matter of going up there and having 20 guys doing it together.”
Submit a New Bret Hedican quote
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en | N/A | N/A | Nitish Kumar : ‘Chanakya of Bihar politics’
WORKING’s ‘A‘Bahari’ (outsideEv. Hfter the JD(U)’s ‘Sushashan Babu’ (Good governance man) and ‘Vikas Purush’,
Following the age-old proverb enemy’s enemy is friend, the’s 40 seats in the Lok Sabha poll, joined hands with Prasad to halt bete noire Narendra Modi’s juggernaut in Bihar in the 2015 Assembly polls. Prasad
Though Prasad electrical ee. TPrasad prime m.
the lower house in 1991, 1996, 1998 and 1999. He became minister of state for agricrailway mlike In
Toccurred during his tenure at rail bhavan. Th
Bihar became a completely ‘dry state’ last year banning sale and consumption of all kinds of liquor in a move seen as fulfillment of a poll promise to women by Kumar. KumaAssembly polls. He reiterated his commitment while announcing the ban.
Kumar’s backing to BJP presidential candidate and former Bihar Governor R N Kovind by breaking ranks with the opposition and his support of the Modi government’s demonetisation drive had triggered speculation that he was warming up to the saffron party.
FROM : Social Media |
en | N/A | N/A | Windows areecuring a property. But they're such an easy target for intruders, they should be given just as ...
If you want to ensure your first line of security is solid, that means looking at all the doors. But you can't just assume any old lock is suitable for..then the actual front ...
e. Here are three common mistakes I see ... |
en | N/A | N/A | Beachwood Hair Clinic INC
3690 Orange Pl Ste 115
Beachwood Hair Clinic Inc practices at 3690 Orange Place Suite 115, Beachwood, OH 44122
Do not be fooled by the helpful staffhave a problem, they ignore your calls. The person answering the phone always told me Mike the owner was with a client. What crooks. SCAM SCAM SCAM.....AVOID THIS PLACE OR YOU'LL GET BURN!
by judysbook on March 19, 2015 from
PRP Hair Replacement. We'll soon be your favorite Beachwood, OH Hair Restoration Clinic.
by openlist on May 10, 2014 from |
en | N/A | N/A | ARTICLE NUMBER: FRB28-3226
Log measurements: 320×260 cm
Door opening measurements: 151×175 cm
Roof area: 11 m2 |
en | N/A | N/A | alford nr Ross for Mrs A.L. Darley.
Proposed bungalow to be erected at Whitehill, Lower Hurst, Weobley, Herefordshire, for H.E. Powell esq.
Proposed building on the Ryelands Building Estate for Miss A.E.Parry, 89 Edgar Street, Hereford.
Re-erection of timber framed prefabricated building for G. Digmar esq, at Little Birch, Herefordshire.
Dore & Bredwardine R.D.C. Housing
Proposed reconstruction of the Racehorse Inn, [Newtown Road,] Hereford for Messrs Flower & Sons.
New Vicarage at Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire
Alterations to the Ludlow Arms Hotel, Ludlow, Shropshire. Including electrical installations etc.
Barons Cross B.C.C. Hospital. Foxley Hospital. U.S.A. Kington Hospital
Extension to Bulmer’s Cider Works, Hereford, [Ryelands Street.]
Conversion of premises in West Street, Hereford for H.R. Rogers and Son.
Conversion of premises in Commercial Road, Hereford for A Gardner Esq.
Proposed pairs of houses for Game Cock Estate, Holme Lacy Road, Hereford.
Proposed dwelling house at Kings Thorn.
Shrine of Blessed John Kemble in Saint Francis Xavier Church, Hereford. (Broad Street).
Diagram of office furniture – desks, counters etc., and and interior fittings at the .
Bungalow at Holme Lacy Road, Hereford for Mr. GW. Buckeridge.
Proposed lay-out of Hereford Municipal Charities Almshouses at Whitecross Road, Hereford
Maps of the location of proposed 5000 gallon water storage tank on Brickhouse Farm, Tillington, Hfds for A.H.M Helme esq.
Proposed additions and alterations to Hopton Arms, Ashperton, Herefordshire.
Proposed institute for the Garden City for Hereford Co-operative Housing Ltd.
Proposed Parish Room at Putley Green, Herefordshire.
Proposed re-erection of play hut removed from Fayre Oaks, for A. Wallis esq.
Erection of timber bungalow, Abbeydore, Herefordshire, for R. Baker.
Rectory, How Caple, How Caple for Mr L.B. Lee esq.
Proposed bungalow at Bullingham, Herefordshire, for Col. Harrison.
Plan of h.
Proposed house to be erected at Brockhill Road, West Malvern, Worcestershire.
Proposed new offices at junction of Bath Street and Kyrle Street, Hereford, for Hereford Flour Mills Ltd.
Racehorse Inn [Newtown Road, Hereford].. Interior designs Public Bar (c.)
Racehorse Inn [Newtown Road, Hereford]. Interior designs. Smoke Room
Proposed alterations to houses in Newmarket Street, Hereford.
Kings Head Hotel, Hereford. (Broad Street).
Drawings of capitals from Ledbury Church and Salisbury Cathedral.
Hereford- Garden City - see also: -
Pair of semi-detached houses at Barrs Court for Hereford Co-operative Housing.
Brook Hall, Leominster.
Proposed new wall and rebuilding of boundary wall at Bowling Green Inn, Bewell Street, Hereford, for Flower & Sons, Ltd.
Dinmore Manor, Hope-under Dinmore, Herefordshire. Especially Garden Cloister.
Proposed cottage in Bewell Street, Hereford.
Proposed house in Oxford Street, Hereford.
Proposed house for Mrs Horton on Penn Grove Est |
en | N/A | N/A |
Memorial on Tower Hill to those executed there. |
en | N/A | N/A | Do you want to buy cheap Magique Remixed Tickets? We are here to provide you discount Magique Remixegique Remixegique Remixed tickets cheap.
Magique Remixeagique Remixegique Remixed tour, Magique Remixed schedule and seating chart map and seating plan. |
en | N/A | N/A | was written down later... as if that were something other than a Deflection to what he was saying about your isolationist tendencies.... is merely another of your absurd obfuscations as you seem to be perpetually walking back the stupid .... you say to a lot of different people here.
Which is why you get called on it so often by so many.
#44 | Posted by Corky at 2017-04-20 04:34 PM | Reply
Privacy | </s> Madison Scouts VIP Tickets On Sale Now For Major DCI Events
Posted by News Editor on Friday, DecWorkers' compensation is designed to do more than just replace your wages. It must also pay for your medical care and any vocational training you may need to get another job. These payments do much more than replace the check that your employer used to send you. So, what happens to those payments if you are offered your old job with reduced hours or a new one because you can't do your old job? Do you have to take the new job? Or can you wait until you heal up more?
Workers' compensation is generally divided into two, rough kinds of payments: partial and total disability. Partial disability is given when you are still able to work, just not to the same degree as before. It replaces a percentage of your income. On the other hand, total payments are designed to replace your income because yohurt while on the job, then you might want to speak with an employment law attorney. Understanding whether or not you are total or partially disabled can be complicated. It depends upon the nature of your job, the extent of your injuries and ability to recover. Workers' compensation is designed to protect you should you be too injured to work, so you don't need to worry. </s> How different parts of the same worksheet into view.
To split the worksheet window into panes, position the cell pointer in the worksheet in the cell whose top border marks the place where you want the horizontal division to take place and whose left border marks the place where you want the vertical division to take place before clicking the Split button on the View tab of the Ribbon (or pressing Alt+WS).
Excel then splits the window into four panes (two vertical and two horizontal) so that the cell pointer is in the upper-left corner of the pane on the lower right.
When you split a window into two vertical panes, the situation is reversed. The worksheet window contains a single vertical scroll bar and two separate horizontal scroll bars. This means that all vertical scrolling of the two panes is synchronized, while horizontal scrolling of each pane remains independent.
When you split a window into two horizontal and two vertical panes, the worksheet window contains two horizontal scroll bars and two separate vertical scroll bars. This means that vertical scrolling is synchronized in the top two window panes when you use the top vertical scroll bar and synchronized for the bottom two window panes when you use the bottom vertical scroll bar.
Likewise, horizontal scrolling is synchronized for the left two window panes when you use the horizontal scroll bar on the left, and it’s synchronized for the righright.
To remove all panes from a window when you no longer need them, you simply click the Split button on the View tab of the Ribbon, press Alt+WS, or drag the dividing bar (with the black double-headed split arrow cursor) either for the horizontal or vertical pane until you reach one of the edges of the worksheet window.
You can also remove a pane by positioning the mouse pointer on a pane-dividing bar and then, when it changes to a double-headed split arrow, double-clicking it.
Keep in mind that you can freeze panes in the window so that information in the upper pane and/or in the leftmost pane remains in the worksheet window at all times, no matter what other columns and rows you scroll to or how much you zoom in and out on the data. </s> rld'
Author: Spencer Kimball (KNA, dpa1) </s> Ultrafire E14 5W 5730 27-LED 780lm 220V Hight Bright Ceramic LED Light Cold White
Ultrafire E14 5W 2835 SMD 33-LED 660lm Warm White Light Bulb (220V)
Ultrafire E14 3W 20-SMD LED 3000K Warm White Light Refrigerator Bulb
Ultrafire E14 3W |
en | N/A | N/A | But which one of these marketing software application solutions is best for your company? Let'reay look
On the planet of many websites as today, making your sites exceptional and strong is absolutely not a simple find out how to make that occur.
The whole job might seem complicated and massive but let me tell you one little trick. You just have to discover the right tool to help t Company Platform Review. This tool will provide you everything you ever have to construct a website in just minutes.
product and for that reason provides you the very best result really budget friendly rate.
There are many unique functions I 'd like restricted space, I will simply call a few of the most exceptional:.
The first unique feature I wish to discuss is its e-mail marketing system. Builderall enables you to find brand-new clients in addition tounexpected . |
en | N/A | N/A | der led. You can see a comprehensive solder tutorial here by noahw.
Step 4: Plan Where Your Components Are Going to Be on the Garment
Step 6: Sew the LED Onto the Individual Trims
1. The reflective nylon trimming you can purchase in fashion supply stores.
2. Conductive fabric tape sold by Tinker Sphere in New York City. You can also find other suppliers online.
Step 7: Sew the Touch Points Onto the Pattern
You can do the same or directly peel the back of the conductive fabric tape and tape the ideal length onto your garment.
Make sure to add a layer between the circuit and the wearer's back so that the wearer's back doesn't accidentally turn on all the lights. This also helps to protect your circuit.
Great idea! Thank you for the inspiration. :)
Cool concept, nice effect!
Thank you, Becky! It's amazing to get a comment from you! </s> Introduction: Side Stand / Table
Side Stand / table for gadgets charging
i had used broken speaker box for making a side stand / table for charging gadgets.
i had put the box upside down and used as a table.
Please be positive and constructive. </s> 58031Views22Replies
I found this blog online with instructions, I might try this myself.
Also there is another one on youtube;
Let me know if anyone tries these how well they work for you.
Has anyone created a SELF CLEANING potty patch/patio potty using DRIP IRRIGATION connected to your AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM? I finally discovered how you can water your potted plants thru those little black tubes connected to the sprinklers, like restaurants do; there HAS to be a way to adapt this to the puppy potty.
The individual parts are dirt cheap at Home Depot/Lowes ($1-$5) & can pump out 0-20 gallons per HOUR (enuf to flood astroturf)
If you haven't seen them in the irrigation/sprinklers isle, it's life changing..otherwise I kill everything-lol. You can do this easy & NOT LOSE your sprinkler, it just diverts a little water to the pots when they run--so cool! FYI you don't need a pressure regulator or a punch for small applications like these. Just need plain ole scissors.
-If you have a pop up sprinkler head, unscrew it & replace it with a riser (about $.65). -Then screw on the 1/2" riser adapter with 1/4" micro drip irrigation ($1.86), -Screw the sprinkler spray head on top (sometimes you can use the one from your popup sprinkler, or the part is about $.60).
-Push the tubes onto the adapter & run the 1/4" tubes to your pots & their sprayer/dripper stakes .
It's such an easy setup, there HAS to be a way to use this for the puppy potty. There are 1/4" & 1/2" tubing parts & various types of drip irrigation sprinklers/sprayers heads...or maybe use without a head & just let the water flow from the 1/4" tube right onto the AstroTurf. Ideas??? I'm creative, but know my limits, so I'm starting with a purchased "potty patch" & plan to adapt it. Now I just need to figure out how??? I'm thinking drill hole in bottom & somehow add 1/2" drain tube, then run a 1/4" tube thru the side for the water to flood it. You can see the drainage hose in the $$$ patio potty to see my goal.
I luv all the creative ideas here; anyone tried this or have input? Tks |
en | N/A | N/A | I embraced Islam after graduating from Cambridge. Prior to that I was a skeptical Catholic; a believer in God but with a mistrust of organized religion.
In the Prophet Muhammad, I recognized a man who was tasked with a momentous mission, like his predecessors, Moses, Jesus and Abraham. I had to pick apart much of the Orientalist libel surrounding him in order to obtain accurate information, since the historical relativism which people apply to some degree when studying other historical figures, is often completely absent, in what is a clear attempt to disparage his person.
She has recently contributed to a series of videos on Islam produced in the UK titled (Inspired by Muhammad).
Tags: British Muslims, European Muslims, Myriam Francois-Cerrah, Prophet Muhammad
KemppiOY: Haddad and Esposito state that "although Islam is often crit… |
en | N/A | N/A | Accelerate your move to the cloud with Citrix Ready Citrix provides update on Citrix ADC, Citrix Gateway vulnerability
Unrivaled endpoint management with Stratodesk and Citrix
By citrix-support On 10. stycznia 2020 · Add Comment
This is a guest post by Joseph Anderson, Content Creator and Digital Marketing Manager, Stratodesk.
You’ll see many innovations on display at Citrix Summit. What exactly? You’ll have to wait to see. As always, though, you can expect … |
en | N/A | N/A | James Yancey, commonly known as J Dilla, is an exceptional individual that needs no introduction to hip-hop fans. The Detroit-based producer, DJ, and MC is responsible for many influential sounds in the urban music scene. To commemorate the passing of this legend, Stussy has designed this World Tour t-shirt for Dilla Day 2013. Rightfully so, a crown is placed above his name, with the titles of his albums listed underneath it. Dilla fans should take note, as these t-shirts will go on sale this Friday, February 8, at Stussy online shop and Stussy Chapter stores across the globe. |
en | N/A | N/A | The data derives from TechTarget’s “” of 666 IT professionals that have deployed or are evaluating virtualization. DTo no one’. |
en | N/A | N/A | Planned Parenthood helps women get information and help to prevent...
pregnancies and yet, the pro life crowd went after them to cut funding, etc.
And you are not going to change any minds here...maybe you need to find a way to talk to young people and give them good information that will prevent unwanted pregnancies. |
en | N/A | N/A | Do you like Collectibles ?
BONJOUR my lovely readers!
Some of my friends asked me about my job. Surely and proudly, I'm gonna introduce my job!
Do you know which country is this?It's Zimbabwe's banknote. Spot its numeric numbers!
Ever seen a gold banknote before?Here it is! |
en | N/A | N/A | You are here: Home / Blog / LRANY First Annual Open House Tonight!
LRANY First Annual Open House Tonight!
The day has finally arrived (and so has the beer)!
Tonight the Lawsuit Reform Alliance of New York will hold its First Annual Open House.
We look forward to spending this evening with all attending and sharing our accomplishments and priorities.
Join us at our offices located at 19 Dove Street, Suite 201. Albany, NY 12210 from 5:30pm-7:00pm. We have plenty of room for those who have not RSVP’d, so please feel free to stop by5-08 16:13:332012-05-08 16:13:33LRANY First Annual Open House Tonight! |
en | N/A | N/A | Global Graphics publishes 2019 a
Mike Rottenborn, Global Graphics CEO comments, “As forecast, profitability was lower in 2019 due to investment in additional personnel and new product development. Revenue declined more than expected, primarily due to a slowdown in ceramic tiles and industrial printing that adversely affected our Printhead Solutions sales. For 2020, we look for continued growth in our Software segment fuelled by tighter integration between Global Graphics Software and Meteor Inkjet, as well as the late-2019 acquisition of Xitron, our largest reseller partner. We have started to see some recovery in industrial printing for 2020, alton this segment and the overall business.”
For the year ending 31 December
In thousands of euros 2019 2018 Change
Revenue 22,508 23,922 (1,414)
Operating profit 983 2,808 (1,825)
Profit before tax 721 2,873 (2,152)
Tax expense (269) (504) 235452 2,369 (1,917)
EBITDA 4,377 5,720 (1,343)
Adjusted operating profit 2,666 4,759 (2,093)
Adjusted net profit 1,819 3,981 (2,162)
Basic earnings per share 0.04 0.20 (0.16)
Adjusted earnings per share 0.16 0.34 (0.18)
Available cash 4,995 5,650 (655)
The consolidated pre-tax result was a profit of €0.72 million compared with a profit of €2.87 million in 2018. The reduction in profitability of €2.15 million is due to:
a decrease in revenue of €1.41 million;
a decrease in cost of sales of €0.69 million;
a decrease in other income of €0.02 million;.77 million;
0.29 million;
an increase in other operating expenses of €0.02 million;
an increase in net finance expenses of €0.15 million; and23 million (2018: €1.16.15 million (2018: €0.31 million) related to share-based payment expenses.
2020-03-11 2019 annual report announcement |
en | N/A | N/A | “We’re excited about the opportunities this new bridge to Silicon Valley will bring for Sacramento startups,” said StartupSac president Jeff Bennett. “Since we announced this new opportunity on the StartupSac website we’ve seen some very positive response from the local startup Tech Futures Group, not only to refer local startups but to tap into Tech Futures Group’s pool of mentors and advisors and hopefully bring them here to Sacramento for workshops and events.”
“Lendsnap is building a set of tools for an industry that is mind-bogglingly stuck in the past. It doesn’t make sense that applying for a mortgage should involve sequentially finding, downloading, and faxing dozens of documents, but the industry is so large, and the process so deeply ingrained, that it is hard to change. That’s why I love Lendsnap’s approach of building software to help Loan Officers. They’re doing one of the things software does best - helping people do their jobs better. In the process, they’ll also save prospective home owners countless hours of wasted effort.”
It's !
Tacolist founder Rafael Barragan felt strongly about stepping up & lending full support to such a great event. “It was very important for Classifieds to be involved with Carnaval SF. We see ourselves as more than a flat on-line classified site so we are very active in the community. Uniting and empowering the Latino community has always been the cornerstone of Tacolist. Whether it’s through events, our free on-line classifieds or our new banner adverting system our goal is to bring strength, recognition & success to the Latino people.” worked closely with the producers of Carnaval SF to bring this inaugural 50 foot Photo Zone to light. Besides social media, promoted the Photo Zone and Tacolist itself by having founder Rafael Barragan featured on KTVU FOX 2 ‘Bay Area People,’ which was very helpful for spreading the word.acolist was honored to be a part of Carnaval San Francisco. Not only was it an excellent branding opportunity for, but it also brought something new and exciting to Carnaval. Classifieds is proud that their Photo Zone is now a new tradition of Carnaval SF and they cannot wait for next year!
“Working with Tech Futures Group and Ashwin Gulati has been an essential part of our success,” said Vinit Modi, founder of Campusly. “TFG has been proven to be a great recourse for any tech company and their group of advisors have amazing experience.” |
en | N/A | N/A | WebhookUserUserCreatedAllOf`
NewWebhookUserUserCreatedAllOf instantiates a new WebhookUserUserCreatedAllOf object
### NewWebhookUserUserCreatedAllOfWithDefaults
`func NewWebhookUserUserCreatedAllOfWithDefaults() *WithDefaultsGetObjUser
`func (o *WebhookUserUserCreatedAllOf) GetObjUser() UserResponse`
GetObjUser returns the ObjUsObjUserOkOk() (*UserResponse, bool)`
`func (o *WebhookUserUserCreatedAllOf) SetObjUser(v UserResponse)`
value: 85
# glogClient
Front End Client for the Glog API
TOCTms:assetid: c5971350-4212-4193-a91f-883a735d978335(v=AX.60)
ms:contentKeyID: 36207232
- product configurator
- constraint-based
- setting up product configuration models
This topic contains information about s.
<td><p>Create a product master</p></td>
<td><p>Create a product masterm. A product master which is used in a product configuration model or as a subcomponent must have <strong>Constraint-based configuration</strong> selected for the <strong>Configuration technology</strong> and the configuration dimension selected for the product dimension group. For more information, see <a href="">Key tasks: Define products</a>.</p></td>
<td><p>Create components</p></td>
<td><p>Create components in the <strong>Components</strong> form. Components are the building blocks of a product configuration model and can be reused in multiple product configuration models. For more information, see <a href="">Create components</a>.</p></td>
<td><p>Create attribute types</p></td>
<td><p>Create attribute types in the <strong>Attribute types</strong> form. Attribute types are defined to specify the set of data types for all attributes that are used in product configuration models. Booleans, texts with fixed lists and integers with ranges, list the set of values are available when you configure a product configuration model. <a href="">Create attribute types</a>.</p></td>
<td><p>Create a product configuration model in the <strong>New product configuration model</strong> form.</p></td>
<td><p>Create attributes</p></td>
<td><p>Create an attribute in the <strong></strong> form on the <strong>Attributes</strong> FastTab. Attributes describe the features of the product configuration model.</p></td>
<td><p>Create constraints</p></td>
<td><p>Create constraintsConstraints</strong> FastTab. Constraints are conditions that the product configuration model must satisfy. Constraints are either expression constraints or table constraints. For more information, see <a href="">About system-defined and user-defined table constraints</a> and <a href="">Create an expression constraint for a product component</a>.</p></td>
<td><p>Create subcomponents</p></td>
<td><p>Create subcomponeSubcomponents</strong> FastTab. Subcomponents are related to components and they are linked to items that represent the subcomponent. For more information, see <a href="">Create a subcomponent for a component</a>.</p></td>
<td><p>Add user requirements to a product configuration model</p></td>
<td><p>User requirements are used to represent preselected options for a product configuration model. For example, the person who took the sales order can ask the customer where the home theater system is to be installed. The room size could be a configuration requirement that is used to select a value for a specific component.</p></td>
<td><p>Add BOM lineBOM lineBOM lines</strong> FastTab. BOM lines represent a part required to build the product. For more information, see <a href="">Add a BOM line to a component</a>.</p></td>
<td><p>Add route operationroute operationRoute operations</strong> FastTab. Route operations represent a step in a sequence of steps performed to">Add a route operation to a component</a>.</p></td>
<td><p>Create an active version forn active version of the product configuration model in the <strong>Versions</strong> form. A version is the relationship between a product configuration model and a product master. A product configuration model that has an active version can be configured from a sales order, sales quotation, purchase order or production order. For more information, see |
en | N/A | N/A | Another exciting KPOP event will happen in the Philippines on July 28th. Once again, on its 4th succ...
Super Junior tops Oricon’s Album Chart with ‘Hero’
Author - handa sari Date - 7:00 AM 2PM Junho oricon super junior U-Kiss
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[Lyrics] U-KISS 'Inside of Me'
Author - handa sari Date - 5:30 AM Info Japanese Single lyrics U-Kiss
Here's the lyrics of U-Kiss newest Japanese single 'Inside of Me'. Please note the origi...
U-KISS unveils 'Inside of Me' full PV
Author - handa sari Date - 1:30 AM full PV Inside of Me U-Kiss
U-KISS unveiled the full version of their ' Inside of Me ' PV. The video was shot in a run...
U-Kiss releases short MV for “Inside Me”
Author - handa sari Date - 7:27 PM MV U-Kiss
U-Kiss has just released the short version music video for their upcoming Japanese track “Inside Me”...
U-KISS wraps up Latin American Tour
Author - handa sari Date - 1:30 AM Latin American Tour photos U-Kiss
U-Kiss just wrapped up their Latin America Tour . They performed in three different countries: Peru...
U-KISS' Kevin flying experience
Author - handa sari Date - 6:00 PM photo/twitter U-Kiss U-KISS' Kevin
내일 남미 투어의 마지막 공연~ 저는 이제 꿈나라로! I'll be swinging away to Neverland now~ who wants to come with me? Good night KISS ME
U-Kiss to embark on South America tour
Author - handa sari Date - 5:30 AM NEWS U-Kiss
U-Kiss headed off to South America to embark on a three-country concert tour to Peru, Colombia and M...
U-Kiss featured on credit cards in Japan
Author - handa sari Date - 5:01 AM NEWS U-Kiss
A special credit card featuring the U-Kiss members will be issued exclusively in Japan. According to...
Author - handa sari Date - 5:30 AM 2PM Happy Sunday-Mamma Mia kevin kyuhyun NEWS nickhun niel Seo In Guk super junior Teen Top U-Kiss
The May 26th episode of Happy Sunday Mamma Mia turned into a battle between handsome idols who appea...
U-KISS Latin American Tour Details!
Author - handa sari Date - 5:30 PM NEWS south american tour U-Kiss
Idol group U-KISS is confirmed to start their South American Tour in June. They will be having conce...
U-KISS' Hoon & KiSeop Goong Musical Information!
Author - handa sari Date - 8:30 AM goong musical hoon kiseop NEWS U-Kiss
It seems U-KISS members are busy with their individual activities as 4 of the group members which ar...
U-KISS' SooHyun & Kevin's Summer Snow Musical Information
Author - handa sari Date - 6:30 PM kevin musical NEWS soohyun U-Kiss
Idol group U-KISS members SooHyun and Kevin will appear in a musical in Japan called 'Summer Sno...
U-KISS to Release 2nd Japanese Album!
Author - handa sari Date - 8:30 AM NEWS U-Kiss
U-KISS will be releasing their 2nd Japanese album in July. Idol group U-KISS will be making their co...
Performances from 2013 Kpop Dream Concert
Author - handa sari Date - 9:00 PM 2013 Dream Concert 2AM 4-minute BEAST boyfriend EXO Featured Girl's Day girls generation huh gak KARA news/photos Rainbow Secret SHINee SISTAR snsd t-ara U-Kiss
Relive the awesome and exciting performances of your favorite idol groups from 2013 Kpop Dream Conc...
Photos from 2013 Kpop Dream Concert! |
en | N/A | N/A | Mec prepared by transfer printing method
K. T. Eun, W. J. Hwang, B. K. Sharma, J. H. Ahn, Y. K. Lee, S. H. Choa
In the present study, we demonstrate the performance of Zinc oxide thin film transistors (ZnO TFTs) array subjected to the strain under high bending test and the reliability of TFTs was confirmed for the bending fatigue test of 2000 cycles. Initially, ZnO TFTs were fabricated on Si substrate and subsequently transferred on flexible PET substrate using transfer printing process. It was observed that when the bending radius reached < 11 mm then cracks start to initiate first at SiO 2 bridges, acting as interconnecting layers among individual TFT. Whatever the strain is applied to the devices, it is almost equivalently adopted by the SiO 2 bridges, as they are relatively weak compared to rest of the part. The initial cracking of destructed SiO 2 bridge leads to the secondary cracks to the ITO electrodes upon further increment of bending radius. Numerical simulation suggested that the strain of SiO 2 layer reached to fracture level of 0.55% which was concentrated at the edge of SiO 2 bridge layer. It also suggests that the round shape of SiO 2 bridge can be more fruitful to compensate the stress concentration and to prevent failure of device.
Published - 2012 May 20
Eun, K. T., Hwang, W. J., Sharma, B. K., Ahn, J. H., Lee, Y. K., & Choa, S. H. (2012). . Modern Physics Letters B, 26(12), [12500777].
Eun, K. T. ; Hwang, W. J. ; Sharma, B. K. ; Ahn, J. H. ; Lee, Y. K. ; Choa, S. H. /In: Modern Physics Letters B. 2012 ; Vol. 26, No. 12.
title = "",
abstract = "{\%}",
author = "Eun, {K. T.} and Hwang, {W. J.} and Sharma, {B. K.} and Ahn, {J. H.} and Lee, {Y. K.} and Choa, {S. H.}",
Eun, KT, Hwang, WJ, Sharma, BK, Ahn, JH, Lee, YK & Choa, SH 2012, '', Modern Physics Letters B, vol. 26, no. 12, 12500777.
/ Eun, K. T.; Hwang, W. J.; Sharma, B. K.; Ahn, J. H.; Lee, Y. K.; Choa, S. H.
In: Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 26, No. 12, 12500777, 20.05.2012.
T1 -AU - Eun, K. T.
N2 - ABM1 - 12500777
Eun KT, Hwang WJ, Sharma BK, Ahn JH, Lee YK, Choa SH. 2012 May 20;26(12).7 |
en | N/A | N/A | In his book, The Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Permaculture , Christopher Shein said, “Although there will be failed experiments, the permaculture gardener sees these as normal events in the dynamic process of all living environments. Mistakes are a learning tool and a sign you’re continuing to improve your process.” I couldn’t agree more.
This entry was posted in Garden Coach TV, Gardening, Urban Farming on April 22, 2013 by Stacy Davison.
No, you’re not going crazy. My weekly video post is up one day early. I won’t be available to post tomorrow, so I thought it best to put it up today! I had fun with pumpkins this weekend – a little carving, some puree, a loaf of pumpkin bread, a pumpkin doughnut…that all happened. Tis the season, I guess.
In this week’s video, I share with you just how easy it is to make your own pumpkin puree. I will concede that opening a can is indeed easier, but with about 15 minutes of hands-on time, you can make your own from scratch – delicious, unprocessed, in-season pumpkin puree.
Now, I will warn you that there is about a 20 second segment in this video that is horribly unfocused. If only I could be behind the camera and in front of it at once! The content just wouldn’t make sense if I left it out and since I had already roasted and pureed both of my pumpkins, I couldn’t reshoot. So, in the loop it stayed – in all its imperfect glory. It’s human. And clearly, I’m rolling with it. I hope you all have a lovely week! Get yourself a pumpkin!
Pumpkin Bread with Crystallized Ginger
Pumpkin Streusel Pie (one of my all-time favorite pies!!)
What’s your favorite way to use pumpkin puree?
So rather than putting off the idea or scraping it all together, I’ve decided to give you just a snippet, a piece of something I’ve wanted to share with you. It’s probably no coincidence that it’s the thing that greets me every time I walk in or out my front door.
Video: Renovate Your Strawberry Patch!
Time is of the essence, folks! Now that you’ve harvested all your strawberries, it’s time to renovate your June-bearing strawberry patch so you have an abundant crop of fruit and flourishing strawberry plants next season. In this timely video, I’ll show you how to renovate, or prune your strawberry patch and transplant runners so it will be as good as new!
Have you signed up for my monthly newsletter yet? I want you to have it! I’m working on a good one to be delivered promptly to your inbox on the 1st! One thing I’m super excited to share with you is a super simple technique for preserving fresh herbs and a little something about DIY Herbs de Provence. I’ll also give you a ton of links for great things to do with all these summer cherries we’ve got right now. It’s easy to sign up for this free resource! Just enter your name and email into the box on the right. I think you’ll be glad you did!
Lots of love this week, friends!
Speaking of strawberries…this is a great beginners’ guide to gardening, especially for my friends with smaller spaces. Andrea’s also got a great blog, Heavy Petal. |
en | N/A | N/A | One intriguing aspect about the skyrocketing use of Facebook and Twitter for businesses and organizations is how local it has become.
To borrow from the old nursery rhyme, the butcher, the banker and the equivalent of the candlestick maker are taking the social media leap and surprising themselves by the results.
“It’s a way to develop loyalty as well as receive feedback from our customer base,” said Justin Rosberg, a co-founder of the successful The Meat House butcher shop chain who now leads the company’s franchising arm. He said The Meat House started its Facebook page six months ago and now has over 2,300 fans.
Recent Meat House entries include supplying the ingredients of what became the world’s largest meatball (cooked by the Concord restaurant Nonni’s) and a call for customers to share their favorite fall recipes.
Since it relaunched its Facebook page in April and decided to give it much more attention with frequent updates, Franklin Savings has gathered more than 690 followers. The page has become an important marketing tool for current and future promotions, including a launch of the bank’s new Web site in the coming months.
“The speed which this (social media) has been embraced is revolutionary,” said Savage, who has 30 years in the industry.
Social media is revolutionary and fast becoming mainstream, said Chuck Martin, chief executive of Madbury-based NFI Research and an author of several books about business trends.
“It has happened lightning fast,” said Martin, who also teaches marketing at the University of New Hampshire.
Martin’s class, in fact, will show how local businesses are using Facebook and Twitter in real time while students offer class crtitiquescritiques and suggestions, Martin said.
Martin’s latest book, which will published next year, is about social media, how businesses are using it and the marketing peril that businesses could face if they don’t employ the various tools in the social media bag.
He doesn’t hesitate when asked who can benefit the most.
“Small local businesses are where it’s at,” Martin said, in part because they can have the immediate impact on customers who are already open to communication about sales, new products or the latest buzz.
At Franklin Savings, Facebook has helped it develop what Savage called “a business relationship portal” that mixes bank products with photos and cash drawings — and incorporates the bank’s commercial customers with coupons and direct links.
Savage said the bank also sees Facebook as a means of communicating with younger customers, especially younger women who often handle pocketbook issues in the home.
The social media explosion is still at the liftoff stage, said Kchief executive of Berlin-based KDPaine & Partners.
Paine said that governmental and nonprofit organizations are ahead of the curve — due to their ability to experiment more freely — but businesses are catching up fast. |
en | N/A | N/A | ***5/4/10 - QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY!
I listen to Pandora Radio while I work out, and my favorite station right now is the Mindless Self Indulgence station. It plays MSI, and System of a Down, Birthday Massacre, Emily Autumn (whom I'm liking a lot more these days) and a bunch of others. It's totally great for a really hard pushing myself sort of workout. At least for me! |
Subsets and Splits