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But he takes exception to the notion: "If I do it with ulterior motives, then it's meaningless!" | 「如果我今天這麼做是另有目的,那就沒有什麼意義了!」 |
The Making of No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti | 影像,可以改變現實!──戴立忍與《不能沒有你》 |
8. Dong Zhao and Xue Ba were dispatched to escort Lin to prison. | 8. 府尹派董超、薛霸押解林沖。 |
All the new props, costumes and frequent backdrop changes were terribly expensive. | 全新的道具、服裝、更換頻繁的佈景,在聲勢上就夠嚇唬人的。 |
Casper Shih--Sowing the Seeds of Automation | 淘汰郎石滋宜卅二歲的林工程師英俊挺拔,但是當人向他提起婚事時,他卻說出這麼一段話:「沒辦法,顧不到了!我們老闆說,我們是要犧牲的一代。」 |
The expertise of its founders — Joey -Chung, Mario Yang, and Xavier Wang — has been crucial. | 關鍵就在 3 位創辦人鍾子偉、楊士範和王志中,都是箇中好手。 |
The occasional depression or loneliness of a child who feels excluded by peers and their families, cannot be eliminated. | 雖然孩子都瞭解阿姨對他們所花的心血,他們也都很喜歡阿姨,但母親的分量是誰也替代不了的,他們還是會想家。 |
But even bottles are more "fortunate." | 膨鬆、不腐爛、填土方式又太佔體積,焚化又有二次汙染的塑膠垃圾,已成為許多國家傷腦筋的問題,也變成今天世界各國科技人員的新挑戰,大家都全力研發塑膠圾垃能以極低成本再被利用的技術。 |
* The more the meat is kneaded, the more tender it will be. | 2. 絞肉加調味料後,宜多揉打,做出的丸子才有彈性。 |
Cheng Chih-jen-New Taiwanese Folk Legend | 「抱著咱的夢」﹘﹘醫生樂者鄭智仁 |
by Nancy Cheng Ing) | ﹘﹘選自《捉賊記》 |
"Warriors who commit seppuku." | 「大喝一聲、切腹自殺的武士。」 |
The Determination of Death--and of Honor | 「捐」與「不捐」之間 |
This is what Tsuchi Temple is most proud of. | 上白礁與其他地方廟會最大的不同,也在於這裡的蜈蚣陣堅持依照傳統古老走法,由人力一步一腳印進行,代表著對於活動的意志力與毅力,這也是慈濟宮最引以為豪的地方。 |
She became the instructor for Three-B. | 於是很快地,她就成為台南「三 B」的指導老師,將這批原就有良好基礎的小孩納入門下。 |
"Mama, all my classmates have Nintendo" "Is that so? | 「媽媽,我的同學都有任天堂!」「是嗎? |
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Academia--Interview with a "China Thumb" | 丟了博士、得到自由﹘﹘「中國半通」毛思迪 |
Nostalgia for a bygone era | 目前僅存較偏遠的地區還有少數「寄藥包」外務員,如桃園平鎮、新竹竹東、台中大肚山盆地、嘉義縣山區、花東地區的偏遠鄉鎮等。留與他年話夢痕 |
"I went from an old era to a new one," says Cheng. | 「我從一個舊時代,走入一個新時代。」 |
An ordinary fence has been converted into a colorful butterfly hedge. | 圍籬不只是圍籬,它是蝴蝶最愛的「彩蝶籬」。 |
Only when people's thinking has been liberated will new possibilities and new ways of solving problems emerge. | 唯有如此,人的思考被解放,新的可能性、新的解決問題的方式才會產生。 |
Unfortunately, many are not so lucky. | 和許多生活於山間野外動物一樣,台灣長鬃山羊最大的「天敵」是﹘﹘人類。 |
Was Columbus hero or invader? | 哥倫布又是英雄、海盜、罪犯,或是十惡不赦的侵略者? |
cabbage 1T butter or cheese 8oz. | 但須注意不宜選用味道太重的菜(如香菜、芹菜等)。 |
They are remembered--if at all--as "clay-baby maker Chang," "clay-baby maker Wang" and so on. | 我們幾乎可以想見勤樸的鄉民們,在農閒之時、節慶之日,與孩子們共享泥偶之樂的和諧景象。 |
That principle is sincerity. | 這個原則,就是「誠」。 |
The most obvious change was in appearance. | 最顯著的改變是外表,為了減少視覺上的文化好奇,不再被其他團體視為異類,他們逐漸改變惹眼的外觀,轉換成西式的面貌。 |
He works assiduously at his craft. | 李宗盛目前擔任滾石唱片公司的副總經理,「官」做得挺大的。成功不是僥倖從民歌時代的「木吉他合唱團」至今,李宗盛一直在國語歌壇耕耘。外人眼中,他一帆風順,從未嘗過敗績。 |
How the declaration was crafted | 饒戈平說,《開羅宣言》是具有里程碑意義的國際文件,是有遠見的大國高揚起國際社會懲惡揚善、匡扶正義的旗幟,為中國提供了維護國家權益的法律武器。 |
(Wang Jia-fong / tr. by Christopher Hughes) | 六月國殤,我們記取歷史的教訓,也遙祭千百年來每一代、為掙一個爭氣的中國而捐軀的烈士英魂。 |
(Yu Li-ching / tr. by christopher MacDonald) | (美國佛羅里達州,天氣濕熱,地多沼澤,Everglades 國家公園面積達兩百萬英畝,鱷魚為其中受保護的動物之一。) |
(Hsieh Shu-fen / tr.by Christopher MacDonald) | 「能載舟也能覆舟的創投公司最好趁這片熱浪冷靜下來之際,把舵掌好」,他說。 |
Or: A: Ah, Mr. Wei, you've been an actor for many years, haven't you? | 又如「先褒後貶」:甲:嗄,魏先生,您是老演員啦?乙:是是,干了很多年的戲了。 |
By the Han Dynasty, a new use had been found for the seal. | 印章自漢代起有了新的用途﹘ ﹘鈐蓋,作為封泥蓋印之用。 |
Their composition is only 80 % agate, 15 % other minerals and 5 % substances "that are not of this world." | 老天珠只有百分之八十是瑪瑙,百分之十五是其他礦石,還有百分之五的成分『不是人間的』」,納杰如是說。 |
But in Taiwan the mentally ill and their families are still a group hiding in the shadows. | 但是在台灣,精神病患與家屬仍是「躲在黑暗中的一群」。 |
In the Ching dynasty, scholars would frequent the temple in pursuit of study and inspiration. | 據傳,乾隆年間有位叫楊謙的青年,從老家嘉義到彰化謀生,在南郊的窯廠工作。他篤信佛教,把自家奉祀的媽祖香火供在工寮,並多次在夜裡看到五彩霞光,而且靈跡一一顯應。附近善男信女於是捐地築廟,原名「南窯宮」,後因「窯」字不雅,改為「南瑤宮」。 |
The other is the Yinshen temple. | 鹿港的村廟﹘ ﹘角頭廟有卅多間,由此可知有卅多個社群存在。 |
Buddhist monks were known to employ karate with considerable skill in defending their temples. | 這種拳術是空手技擊的始祖,特徵為不持武器,只以手、足、肘等部位來保護自己,並攻擊對方。「唐手道」變「空手道」 |
It is only Taida that has proven so seductive. | 綜觀各校相關係組,政大有小幅上揚,其他各校多在原地,唯有台大獨領風騷。 |
A mutant "purple cow" | 也因此,這個 4 月,原本就忙碌的艾思尼克幾乎日夜燈火通明。 |
Sincerely, Juan F. Yon Li, Peru | 秘魯 Juan F.Yon Li |
Vignette 3: Li Kwang-ming (a pseudonym). | 主角三:李光明(化名)。 |
Many people do not dare to think about it, refuse to think about, or even do not know where to begin thinking about it .... (Laura Li / tr. | 許多人不敢想,不願想,甚至不知如何去想… … |
Of all the Chen-t'ou in a procession, the one that takes the most skill is undoubtedly stilts. | 在所有的陣頭中,最需要「二步七」(本領)的,無疑是高蹺陣。 |
Some had been thrown out. | 「本來父親公司拍的片子全都在,可是片子多,太佔地方,所以後來搬一次家就淘汰一批」,賴宗佑說。 |
The latter is the oldest extant school in Taiwan. | ﹘﹘招呼客人,也是傾其所有,只要來客愉快、盡興。 |
Amid the burning incense and crowds at Paoankung, people tend to their own affairs: The worshippers worship and the restorers restore. | 好在保安宮香火鼎盛,往來人潮各守其分:燒香的燒香,修復的修復。 |
When they did have disagreements, Chang Chin-man's temper was somewhat the hotter. | 偶有爭執,張至滿脾氣較大,辛啟明有時受不了,就會回娘家告狀。 |
(Sophia Lin / tr. | (文.林麗雪/圖.張良綱) |
(Tsai Wen-ting / tr. | 且許一個「金龍獻千禧,萬福歸蒼生」。 |
(Lu Jingsong, mainland China / tr. | 人們為紀念沙山子和月牙兒這對情人,就把這座山叫成了鳴沙山,把這湖叫成了月牙泉,到了現在,還這樣叫著。 |
(Chuang Po-ho / tr. | 果實之功,豈止「三多」。 |
(Pu Nai-fu / tr. | 夢痕?我是綠?非綠?龍井茶香在口。 |
(sunny Hsiao / tr. | 中國式的勞資關係還在演進與變化中,究竟在以「信」與「恩」為兩端的直線上,會停在那一點? |
(Chrissie Lu / tr. | 他預測,台灣、香港和南韓,將成為新的經濟領袖。 |
As psychologist Gardner puts it: 'The time has come, to broaden our notion of the spectrum of talents. | 就像心理學家嘉納所說:「時代已經不同了,我們對才華的定義應該擴大。 |
"It's okay." | ﹘ ﹘「還好啦!」 |
Okay, that's it for now. | 畢竟,題材太多了,取之不盡、用之不竭。 |
Some have even come to study Chinese or celebrate Chinese New Year to be closer to the child. | 解慧珍說,有些父母還特地去學中文、過中國新年,只為了與孩子更親近。 |
From 13 to 21, Kao had to give up his studies entirely. | 身為老二的高正勝負起了照顧父親的責任,從十三歲直到二十一歲,長達八年的時間,高正勝完全沒有就學。 |
Who after all is Arthur Liu? | Arthur Liu,或是劉恕,究竟何許人也? |
The uneasy, tumultuous, and confused atmosphere of the times permeates Yeh's work. | 不安、騷動、紛亂的社會氛圍,瀰漫在葉清芳的作品裡。 |
The atmosphere was frenetic. | 雖然這是蕭昭君生命中的唯一一次(主祭年年換人做),然而,「人生處處是性別的戰場,行動隨時可以展開。」 |
What is "an atmosphere in which the arts can flourish"? | 問:什麼又是「使藝術發榮滋長的環境」呢? |
From overseas: 886-800-024-111 | 國外:886-800-024-111 |
Kao Ming-hung: Spokesman for "Taiwanese Overseas Chinese" | 「台灣華僑」的代言人﹘﹘高銘鴻 |
(Sharon Wu / tr. by Phil Newell) | 至於大陸隊,則在殘障奧運中也獲得不少金牌,尤以游泳項目最為突出,包括董啟明、朱紅艷、何軍權三面金牌,還有三級跳遠選手黃文濤,也在此次比賽中打破殘障奧運會的紀錄,令人刮目相看。 |
(Marlene Chen / tr. by Phil Newell) | 但無疑的,「五五憲改」將成為中華民國歷史上的重要一筆。 |
(Daisy Hsieh / tr. by Phil Newell) | 且拭目以待……(謝淑芬) |
http: / / www.underworld-taipei.blogspot.com | http : / / www.underworld-taipei.blogspot.com |
You can find Yeh Yilan at: http: / / www.yilan.com.tw. | http : / / www.yilan.com.tw/ |
http: / / www.the-wall.com.tw | http : / / www.the-wall.com.tw |
http: / / hohaiyan.com | 海洋音樂祭 http : // hohaiyan.com |
http: / / www.witchhouse.org | http : / / www.witchhouse.org |
http: / / www.riverside.com.tw | http : / / www.riverside.com.tw |
http: / / formoz.com | 野台開唱 http : // formoz.com |
http: / / www.eastcoreasia.com | 台灣魂 http : // www.eastcoreasia.com |
http: / / tcrock.network.com.tw | 台客搖滾嘉年華 http : // tcrock.network.com.tw |
http: / / www.nuno.idv.tw / | http : / / www.nuno.idv.tw/ |
http: / / blog.yam.com / samlai | http : / / blog.yam.com/samlai |
http: / / academic.reed.edu. / formosa | http : / / academic.reed.edu./formosa |
So that made it acceptable to Chinese scholars. | 問:在一般印象中,西方傳教士總是在窮鄉僻壤做慈善工作兼佈道,這是後來的做法嗎?答:是的。當時的教廷政策是進入領導階層,包括文人學者、官員大臣,甚至皇族、太監,並沒有普及到一般大眾。 |
But they are glad to do it. | 但儘管如此,這些自己「迷失」過的青年,仍樂此不疲。 |
Keelung's Chup'ut'an Ceremony--Lanterns For Lonely Ghosts | 這是基隆地區「主普祭」活動的高潮﹘ ﹘放水燈。 |
Nevertheless this wealthy boss still has the mindset of a farmer. | 然而這位身價上億的老闆,卻仍懷藏著「農夫情結」。 |
For a Chinese it may be pride in the achievements of his ancestors; for a foreigner, awe at a magnificent civilization. | 比中國皇帝更幸運?「找到證據啊!」故宮元老那志良笑說:「我們不是成天朗朗上口,說我們有五千年文化嗎?」證據在商周銅器的銘文上,在漢代的玉圭、玉璧上;也在唐宋元明清的書畫、瓷器、文獻… … 裡。 |
These reporters naturally work in some trepidation. | 結果因中共當局沒人受理而作罷。人身安全為第一要件中共當局不承認亦不否認港澳台的記者身分,這是否意味著愈是曖昧,將來若要強硬處理起來,可加的「罪名」更富彈性? |
He personally abides by this humble tenet. | 無論如何,我最在意的,還是自己的畫。」他開始帶著老伴,展開雲遊四海的寫生生活。 |
「 SeQ-1 」 V-Bot robot vacuum cleaner | 「SeQ-1」機器人吸塵器「趴趴走」小檔案 |
Chen Tsai-ching, Taipei (tr. by Jonathan Barnard) | 聯絡電話:(02)2392-2256 轉分機 29 卜華志 |
(Marlene Chen and Chang Chin-ju / tr. by Jonathan Barnard) | 她也強調,這次新編教材費時八年始編成,九月開始試用,未來仍有修正和檢討的空間,希望各界理性看待該課程與教材。 |
This set off a "charity paranoia" epidemic. | 她為自己不得已必須「鐵石心腸」,心中充滿了不安。 |
Dr. Alfonz Lengyel, Hungary | 解鈴還須繫鈴人,為了中歐的穩定與繁榮,中歐秩序的藍圖必須由當地所有少數民族共同執筆籌畫,以締造出一個美好的願景。匈牙利雷恩葉博士 |
Is Locke "lucky"? | 在舊金山,知道樂居的人多半喚它「Lucky Town」,而不知道鎮名其實是 Locke。「樂居」究竟樂不樂居? |
In 1924 Wang formally set up shop--The Wang Yuanhsing Drum Factory--and began to make drums. | 1924 年,王阿塗正式掛起「王源興鼓廠」的招牌,開始製作皮鼓。 |
"I'm afraid the only things still made in Taiwan are the drums." | 雕、銅爐等,幾乎都從中國進口,唯一看得到的台灣工藝品,恐怕只剩下鼓了。」 |
"I'm more delighted than they are," she says with a smile. | 「我比孩子還開心」,她笑著說。 |
Or divorce with custody of the children and alimony? | 還是離婚並拿到「子女監護權」與「贍養費」? |
31.67 % of the respondents were married, 66.35 % were unmarried and 1.97 % were divorced. | 至於婚姻狀況,已婚者佔百分之三十一.六七;未婚者佔百分之六十六.三五;離婚者則佔百分之一.九七。 |
Subsets and Splits