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quant-ph/0404080 | Li Chunfang | Chun-Fang Li | Resonance-enhanced group delay times in an asymmetric single quantum
barrier | 9 pages, 3 figures. more references added | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | It is shown that the transmission and reflection group delay times in an
asymmetric single quantum barrier are greatly enhanced by the transmission
resonance when the energy of incident particles is larger than the height of
the barrier. The resonant transmission group delay is of the order of the
quasibound state lifetime in the barrier region. The reflection group delay can
be either positive or negative, depending on the relative height of the
potential energies on the two sides of the barrier. Its magnitude is much
larger than the quasibound state lifetime. These predictions have been observed
in a microwave experiment by H. Spieker of Braunschweig University.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 13 Apr 2004 09:52:37 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 5 Jan 2005 06:13:42 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404081 | Shlomo E. Sklarz | Shlomo E. Sklarz, David J. Tannor | Local control theory for unitary transformations: Application to quantum
computing without leakage | 5 pages | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We present a local optimal control strategy to produce desired unitary
transformations. Unitary transformations are central to all quantum
computational algorithms. Many realizations of quantum computation use a
submanifold of states, comprising the quantum register, coupled by an external
driving field to a collection of additional mediating excited states. Previous
attempts to apply control theory to induce unitary transformations on the
quantum register, while successful, produced pulses that drive the population
out of the computational register at intermediate times. Leakage of population
from the register is undesirable since often the states outside the register
are prone to decay and decoherence, and populating them causes a decrease in
the final fidelity. In this work we devise a local optimal control method for
achieving target unitary transformations on a quantum register, while avoiding
intermediate leakage out of the computational submanifold. The technique
exploits a phase locking of the field to the system such as to eliminate the
undesirable excitation. This method is then applied to produce an SU(6) Fourier
transform on the vibrational levels of the ground electronic state of the
Na$_2$ molecule. The emerging mechanism uses two photon resonances to create a
transformation on the quantum register while blocking one photon resonances to
excited states.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 13 Apr 2004 12:25:20 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Shlomo E.",
"David J.",
] |
quant-ph/0404082 | Panos Aliferis | Panos Aliferis, Debbie W. Leung | Computation by measurements: a unifying picture | 13 pages, 18 figures, REVTeX4 | Phys. Rev. A 70, 062314 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.062314 | null | quant-ph | null | The ability to perform a universal set of quantum operations based solely on
static resources and measurements presents us with a strikingly novel viewpoint
for thinking about quantum computation and its powers. We consider the two
major models for doing quantum computation by measurements that have hitherto
appeared in the literature and show that they are conceptually closely related
by demonstrating a systematic local mapping between them. This way we
effectively unify the two models, showing that they make use of interchangeable
primitives. With the tools developed for this mapping, we then construct more
resource-effective methods for performing computation within both models and
propose schemes for the construction of arbitrary graph states employing
two-qubit measurements alone.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 13 Apr 2004 20:04:36 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 16 Apr 2004 03:23:39 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Debbie W.",
] |
quant-ph/0404084 | Piotr Rozmej | M. Turek and P. Rozmej | Spin-orbit entanglement in time evolution of radial wave packets in
hydrogenic systems | 12 pages, 5 postscript figures, 1 jpg figure | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Time evolution of radial wave packets built from the eigenstates of Dirac
equation for a hydrogenic systems is considered. Radial wave packets are
constructed from the states of different $n$ quantum number and the same lowest
angular momentum. In general they exhibit a kind of breathing motion with
dispersion and (partial) revivals. Calculations show that for some particular
preparations of the wave packet one can observe interesting effects in spin
motion, coming from inherent entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of
freedom. These effects manifest themselves through some oscillations in the
mean values of spin operators and through changes of spatial probability
density carried by upper and lower components of the wave function. It is also
shown that the characteristic time scale of predicted effects (called
$T_{\mathrm{ls}}$) is for radial wave packets much smaller than in other cases,
reaching values comparable to (or even less than) the time scale for the wave
packet revival.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 14 Apr 2004 10:49:43 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404085 | Qing-Yu Cai | Qing-yu Cai | Eavesdropping on the Bostroem-Filbinger Communication Protocol in Noisy
Quantum Channel | 4 pages; PSCA, 03.67.Hk, 03.65.Ud | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We show an eavesdropping scheme on Bostr\UNICODE{0xf6}m-Felbinger
communication protocol (called ping-pong protocol) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 187902
(2002)] in an ideal quantum channel. A measurement attack can be perfectly used
to eavesdrop Alice's information instead of a most general quantum operation
attack. In a noisy quantum channel, the direct communication is forbidden. We
present a quantum key distribution protocol based on the ping-pong protocol,
which can be used in a low noisy quantum channel. And we give a weak upper
bound on the bit-error ratio that the detection probability $d$ should be lower
than 0.11, which is a requirement criterion when we utilize the ping-pong
protocol in a real communication.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:03:25 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404086 | Garbarino Gianni | A. Bramon, G. Garbarino and B. C. Hiesmayr | Passive Quantum Erasure for Neutral Kaons | 12 pages, contribution to the Festschrift in honor of Prof. Jose
Adolfo de Azcarraga for his 60th birthday, Salamanca (Spain), June 9-11, 2003 | "Symmetries in Gravity and Field Theory", ed. by V. Aldaya and J.
M. Cervero, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, 2004, p. 223 | null | null | quant-ph hep-ph | null | Quantum marking and quantum erasure are discussed for the neutral kaon
system. Contrary to other two-level systems, strangeness and lifetime of a
neutral kaon state can be alternatively measured via an "active" or a "passive"
procedure. This offers new quantum erasure possibilities. In particular, the
operation of a quantum eraser in the "delayed choice" mode is clearly
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 14 Apr 2004 16:59:49 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"B. C.",
] |
quant-ph/0404087 | Dimiter Trifonov | D.A. Trifonov | Position Uncertainty Measures on the Sphere | Latex, 9 pages, 5 figures; To appear in Proceedings of Int. Conf. on
Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, held in Varna 2003 | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Position uncertainty (delocalization) measures for a particle on the sphere
are proposed and illustrated on several examples of states. The new measures
are constructed using suitably the standard multiplication angle operator
variances. They are shown to depend solely on the state of the particle and to
obey uncertainty relations of the Schroedinger--Robertson type. A set of
Hermitian operators with continuous spectrum is pointed out the variances of
which are complementary to the longitudinal angle uncertainty measure.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 14 Apr 2004 17:47:19 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"D. A.",
] |
quant-ph/0404088 | Alexander Kyriakos | Alexander G. Kyriakos | The nonlinear field theory I. The Dirac electron theory as approximation
of the nonlinear electrodynamics | 13 pages, submitted | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | In the present paper it is shown that the Dirac electron theory is the
approximation of the special nonlinear electromagnetic field theory
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 14 Apr 2004 19:26:06 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Alexander G.",
] |
quant-ph/0404090 | Tomas Tyc | Tomas Tyc and Barry C. Sanders | Operational formulation of homodyne detection | 15 pages, notes about strong local oscillator condition and on
imperfections added, abstract changed slightly | J. Phys. A 37, 7341 (2004) | 10.1088/0305-4470/37/29/010 | null | quant-ph | null | We obtain the standard quadrature-phase positive operator-valued measure
(POVM) for homodyne detection directly and rigorously from the POVM for photon
counting without directly employing the mean field approximation for the local
oscillator. In addition we obtain correction terms for the quadrature-phase
POVM that are applicable for relatively weak local oscillator field strengths
and typical signal states.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 10:58:54 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 8 Jul 2004 15:50:12 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Barry C.",
] |
quant-ph/0404091 | Thomas Kr\"uger | Thomas Kr\"uger | Ensemble teleportation | 15 pages | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | The possibility of teleportation is by sure the most interesting consequence
of quantum non-separability. So far, however, teleportation schemes have been
formulated by use of state vectors and considering individual entities only. In
the present article the feasibility of teleportation is examined on the basis
of the rigorous ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics (not to be
confused with a mere treatment of noisy EPR pairs) leading to results which are
unexpected from the usual point of view.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 12:03:50 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404092 | Taksu Cheon | Taksu Cheon (Kochi Tech) | Locational Qubit Realization with One-dimensional Contact Interactions | Talk to be presented at 10th Quantum Information Technology Symposium
(QIT10), Gakushuin University, Tokyo, May 24-25, 2004 | null | null | null | quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall | null | We show that the U(2) group structure of thin barriers can be adopted for
quantum information processing when used in combination with environmental
potential whose bouncing modes are profile preserving. Qubits are realized as
wave functions localized in either side of the barrier which divides the
one-dimensional system into two regions. It is argued that this model is a
theoretical prototype of a robust and scalable quantum computing device.
Keywords: Quantum Computation, Quantum Wire, Quantum Contact Interaction
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 16:11:16 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Kochi Tech"
] |
quant-ph/0404093 | Kam Wai Clifford Chan | K. W. Chan, J. H. Eberly | Observable Phase Entanglement | 4 pages, 1 figure, REVTeX | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Quantum entanglement can manifest itself in the narrowing of wavepackets. We
define the phenomenon of phase entanglement and describe its effect on the
interpretation of spatial localization experiments.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 19:34:54 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 16 Apr 2004 22:26:24 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"K. W.",
"J. H.",
] |
quant-ph/0404094 | Jiri Soucek | Jiri Soucek | Testing QM : the Uncertainty Principle | 5 pages, 3 figures | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We propose the experimental test of the uncertainty principle. From
sub-quantum models it follows that the uncertainty principle may be not true on
short time intervals of the order of a picosecond. The positive result of this
experiment would signify the limits of QM.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 23:59:35 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404098 | Toufik Djama | T. Djama | Contribution a la recherche des equations de Mouvement en Mecanique
quantique et a une interpretation deterministe | Tex, 79 pages, no figures | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | In this thesis, we present the deterministic approach of quantum mechanics
already presented in quant-ph/0103071 (Phys. lett. A 285 (2001) 27-33) of which
this thesis is the embryo.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 16 Apr 2004 15:46:05 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404104 | Emanuel Knill | E. Knill | Fault-Tolerant Postselected Quantum Computation: Threshold Analysis | 21 pages | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | The schemes for fault-tolerant postselected quantum computation given in
[Knill, Fault-Tolerant Postselected Quantum Computation: Schemes,] are analyzed to determine their
error-tolerance. The analysis is based on computer-assisted heuristics. It
indicates that if classical and quantum communication delays are negligible,
then scalable qubit-based quantum computation is possible with errors above 1%
per elementary quantum gate.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 19 Apr 2004 21:17:56 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404116 | Alexander Kyriakos | Alexander G. Kyriakos | The nonlinear field theory II. The field representation of the Dirac
electron theory | 13 pages, submitted | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | The present paper is the continuation of the paper "Nonlinear field theory
I". In the paper it is shown that a fully correspondence between the quantum
and the nonlinear electromagnetic forms of the Dirac electron theory exists, so
that each element of the Dirac theory acquires the known electrodynamics
meaning and reversely
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 20 Apr 2004 20:52:06 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Alexander G.",
] |
quant-ph/0404119 | Kunihiro Kojima | Kunihiro Kojima, Holger F. Hofmann, Shigeki Takeuchi, Keiji Sasaki | A study on the shape of two-photon wavefunctions after the nonlinear
interaction with a one-dimensional atom | Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics ocpscience. Accepted for publication | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We study the interaction of Gaussian one- and two-photon pulses with a single
two-level atom based on a one-dimensional model of pulse propagation to and
from the atom. The characteristic time scale of the atomic response is the
dipole relaxation time 1/Gamma. We therefore compare the effect of the
non-linear two-photon interaction for a long pulse length of 10/Gamma with a
short pulse of $1/\Gamma$. Our results indicate that the effect of the
non-linear interaction is particularly strong for the short pulse length of
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 21 Apr 2004 09:18:11 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Holger F.",
] |
quant-ph/0404121 | Christopher A. Fuchs | Abner Shimony | An Analysis of Stapp's "A Bell-type theorem without hidden variables" | 10 pages, no figures, for Asher Peres's festschrift | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | H. P. Stapp has proposed a number of demonstrations of a Bell-type theorem
which dispensed with an assumption of hidden variables, but relied only upon
locality together with an assumption that experimenters can choose freely which
of several incompatible observables to measure. In recent papers his strategy
has centered upon counterfactual conditionals. Stapp's paper in American
Journal of Physics, 2004, replies to objections raised against earlier
expositions of this strategy and proposes a simplified demonstration. The new
demonstration is criticized, several subtleties in the logic of counterfactuals
are pointed out, and the proofs of J. S. Bell and his followers are advocated.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 21 Apr 2004 10:54:26 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404122 | Christopher A. Fuchs | Christopher A. Fuchs | On the Quantumness of a Hilbert Space | 11 pages, no figures, for the Holevo festschrift | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We derive an exact expression for the quantumness of a Hilbert space (defined
in quant-ph/0302092), and show that in composite Hilbert spaces the signal
states must contain at least some entangled states in order to achieve such a
sensitivity. Furthermore, we establish that the accessible fidelity for
symmetric informationally complete signal ensembles is equal to the
quantumness. Though spelling the most trouble for an eavesdropper because of
this, it turns out that the accessible fidelity is nevertheless easy for her to
achieve in this case: Any measurement consisting of rank-one POVM elements is
an optimal measurement, and the simple procedure of reproducing the projector
associated with the measurement outcome is an optimal output strategy. Two and
epsilon elevator stories are added for entertainment.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 21 Apr 2004 11:41:06 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Christopher A.",
] |
quant-ph/0404130 | Bruno Galvan | Bruno Galvan | On probability, indeterminism and quantum paradoxes | 16 pages, 2 figures, minor changes | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | If the quantum mechanical description of reality is not complete and a hidden
variable theory is possible, what arises is the problem to explain where the
rates of the outcomes of statistical experiments come from, as already noticed
by Land\'e and Popper. In this paper this problem is investigated, and a new
"paradigm" about the nature of dynamical and statistical laws is proposed. This
paradigm proposes some concepts which contrast with the usual intuitive view of
evolution and of physical law, such as: initial conditions could play no
privileged role in determining the evolution of the universe; the statistical
distribution of the particles emitted by a source could depend on the future
interactions of the particles; indeterministic trajectories can be defined by
the least action principle.
This paradigm is applied to the analysis of the two-slit experiment and of
the EPR paradox, and a coherent picture for these phenomena is proposed; this
new picture shows how the well known difficulties in completing the quantum
mechanical description of reality could be overcome.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 22 Apr 2004 18:47:26 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 23 Apr 2004 16:26:09 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404134 | Roderich Tumulka | Sheldon Goldstein, James Taylor, Roderich Tumulka, Nino Zanghi | Are All Particles Real? | 11 pages LaTeX, no figures; v2 minor changes | Stud.Hist.Philos.Mod.Phys. 36 (2005) 103-112 | 10.1016/j.shpsb.2004.11.005 | null | quant-ph | null | In Bohmian mechanics elementary particles exist objectively, as point
particles moving according to a law determined by a wavefunction. In this
context, questions as to whether the particles of a certain species are
real--questions such as, Do photons exist? Electrons? Or just the quarks?--have
a clear meaning. We explain that, whatever the answer, there is a corresponding
Bohm-type theory, and no experiment can ever decide between these theories.
Another question that has a clear meaning is whether particles are
intrinsically distinguishable, i.e., whether particle world lines have labels
indicating the species. We discuss the intriguing possibility that the answer
is no, and particles are points--just points.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 23 Apr 2004 10:05:48 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 3 Feb 2005 10:12:01 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404143 | Jared Cole | J. H. Cole, L. C. L. Hollenberg and S. Prawer | An algorithm for simulating the Ising model on a type-II quantum
computer | 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Computer Physics
Communications | Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 161 (1-2), pg 18-26, 2004 | 10.1016/j.cpc.2004.04.003 | null | quant-ph | null | Presented here is an algorithm for a type-II quantum computer which simulates
the Ising model in one and two dimensions. It is equivalent to the Metropolis
Monte-Carlo method and takes advantage of quantum superposition for random
number generation. This algorithm does not require the ensemble of states to be
measured at the end of each iteration, as is required for other type-II
algorithms. Only the binary result is measured at each node which means this
algorithm could be implemented using a range of different quantum computing
architectures. The Ising model provides an example of how cellular automata
rules can be formulated to be run on a type-II quantum computer.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 26 Apr 2004 07:37:18 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"J. H.",
"L. C. L.",
] |
quant-ph/0404144 | Yury Bliokh P. | K. Yu. Bliokh and Yu. P. Bliokh | Spin Gauge Fields: from Berry Phase to Topological Spin Transport and
Hall Effects | 28 pages, the final (journal) version | Annals Phys. 319 (2005) 13-47 | 10.1016/j.aop.2005.03.001 | null | quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall | null | The paper examines the emergence of gauge fields during the evolution of a
particle with a spin that is described by a matrix Hamiltonian with n different
eigenvalues. It is shown that by introducing a spin gauge field a particle with
a spin can be described as a spin multiplet of scalar particles situated in a
non-Abelian pure gauge (forceless) field U(n). As the result, one can create a
theory of particle evolution that is gauge invariant with regards to the group
U^n(1). Due to this, in the adiabatic (Abelian) approximation the spin gauge
field is an analogue of n electromagnetic fields U(1) on the extended phase
space of the particle. These fields are force ones, and the forces of their
action enter the particle motion equations that are derived in the paper in the
general form. The motion equations describe the topological spin transport,
pumping and splitting. The Berry phase is represented in this theory
analogously to the Dirac phase of a particle in an electromagnetic field. Due
to the analogy with the electromagnetic field, the theory becomes natural in
the four-dimensional form. Besides the general theory the article considers a
number of important particular examples, both known and new.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 26 Apr 2004 08:32:28 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 25 Oct 2004 07:19:31 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 18 Feb 2005 11:49:24 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Fri, 29 Jul 2005 02:05:07 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"K. Yu.",
"Yu. P.",
] |
quant-ph/0404145 | Radim Filip | R. Filip and M. Gavenda | Knowledge excess duality and violation of Bell inequalities | 5 pages and 1 figure | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | A constraint on two complementary knowledge excesses by maximal violation of
Bell inequalities for a single copy of any mixed state of two qubits $S,M$ is
analyzed. The complementary knowledge excesses ${\bf \Delta K}(\Pi_{M}\to
\Pi_{S})$ and ${\bf \Delta K}(\Pi'_{M}\to \Pi'_{S})$ quantify an enhancement of
ability to predict results of the complementary projective measurements
$\Pi_{S},\Pi'_{S}$ on the qubit $S$ from the projective measurements
$\Pi_{M},\Pi'_{M}$ performed on the qubit $M$. For any state $\rho_{SM}$ and
for arbitrary $\Pi_{S},\Pi'_{S}$ and $\Pi_{M},\Pi'_{M}$, the knowledge excesses
satisfy the following inequality ${\bf \Delta K}^{2}(\Pi_{M}\to \Pi_{S})+{\bf
\Delta K}^{2} (\Pi'_{M}\to \Pi'_{S})\leq (B_{max}/2)^2$, where $B_{max}$ is
maximum of violation of Bell inequalities under single-copy local operations
(local filtering and unitary transformations). Particularly, for the
Bell-diagonal states only an appropriate choice of the measurements
$\Pi_{S},\Pi'_{S}$ and $\Pi_{M},\Pi'_{M}$ are sufficient to saturate the
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 26 Apr 2004 14:25:47 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404146 | Simon Perdrix | Simon Perdrix and Philippe Jorrand | Measurement-Based Quantum Turing Machines and their Universality | 13 pages, based upon quant-ph/0402156 with significant improvements | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Quantum measurement is universal for quantum computation. This universality
allows alternative schemes to the traditional three-step organisation of
quantum computation: initial state preparation, unitary transformation,
measurement. In order to formalize these other forms of computation, while
pointing out the role and the necessity of classical control in
measurement-based computation, and for establishing a new upper bound of the
minimal resources needed to quantum universality, a formal model is introduced
by means of Measurement-based Quantum Turing Machines.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 26 Apr 2004 14:53:15 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 27 Apr 2004 09:16:24 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404147 | Marcelo Sarandy | M. S. Sarandy, D. A. Lidar (Center for Quantum Information and Quantum
Control, University of Toronto) | Adiabatic approximation in open quantum systems | v4: 13 pages, 1 figure. Published version. v3: Time condition for
adiabaticity improved and references updated | Phys. Rev. A 71, 012331 (2005) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.012331 | null | quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech physics.chem-ph | null | We generalize the standard quantum adiabatic approximation to the case of
open quantum systems. We define the adiabatic limit of an open quantum system
as the regime in which its dynamical superoperator can be decomposed in terms
of independently evolving Jordan blocks. We then establish validity and
invalidity conditions for this approximation and discuss their applicability to
superoperators changing slowly in time. As an example, the adiabatic evolution
of a two-level open system is analysed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 26 Apr 2004 15:00:20 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 8 Jul 2004 20:06:42 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 26 Nov 2004 17:51:22 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 1 Feb 2005 20:20:55 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"M. S.",
"Center for Quantum Information and Quantum\n Control, University of Toronto"
"D. A.",
"Center for Quantum Information and Quantum\n Control, University of Toronto"
] |
quant-ph/0404148 | Ruanyao Duan | Runyao Duan, Yuan Feng, Xin Li, Mingsheng Ying | Multiple-copy entanglement transformation and entanglement catalysis | 11 pages, RevTex 4. Main results unchanged. Journal version | Phys. Rev. A 71, 042319 (2005) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.042319 | null | quant-ph | null | We prove that any multiple-copy entanglement transformation [S.
Bandyopadhyay, V. Roychowdhury, and U. Sen, Phys. Rev. A \textbf{65}, 052315
(2002)] can be implemented by a suitable entanglement-assisted local
transformation [D. Jonathan and M. B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{83},
3566 (1999)]. Furthermore, we show that the combination of multiple-copy
entanglement transformation and the entanglement-assisted one is still
equivalent to the pure entanglement-assisted one. The mathematical structure of
multiple-copy entanglement transformations then is carefully investigated. Many
interesting properties of multiple-copy entanglement transformations are
presented, which exactly coincide with those satisfied by the
entanglement-assisted ones. Most interestingly, we show that an arbitrarily
large number of copies of state should be considered in multiple-copy
entanglement transformations.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 26 Apr 2004 15:22:48 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 30 Dec 2004 17:58:49 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 13 Apr 2005 14:33:11 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404153 | Sergey Mayburov Nikolaevich | S.Mayburov (Lebedev Inst. of Physics, Moscow) | Information Systems Self-description and Quantum Measurement Problem | 11 pages, Latex, Talk given on VI Quantum structures Conference,
Vienna, July 2002, To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phys | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Information-Theoretical restrictions on the systems self-descriptions are
applied to Quantum Measurements Theory. For the quantum object S measurement by
information system O such restrictions are described by the restricted states
formalism by Breuer. The analogous restrictions obtained in Algebraic QM from
the analysis of Segal algebra U of O observables; O restricted states set is
defined as U dual space. From Segal theorem for the associative subalgebra it's
shown that such states describe the random pointer outcomes observed by O in
the individual events.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 27 Apr 2004 12:48:27 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Lebedev Inst. of Physics, Moscow"
] |
quant-ph/0404158 | Prabhakar Pradhan | A. Gangat, P. Pradhan, G. Pati, and M.S. Shahriar | Two-dimensional Nanolithography Using Atom Interferometry | 36 pages, 4 figures | Phys. Rev. A 71, 043606 (2005) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.043606 | null | quant-ph | null | We propose a novel scheme for the lithography of arbitrary, two-dimensional
nanostructures via matter-wave interference. The required quantum control is
provided by a pi/2-pi-pi/2 atom interferometer with an integrated atom lens
system. The lens system is developed such that it allows simultaneous control
over atomic wave-packet spatial extent, trajectory, and phase signature. We
demonstrate arbitrary pattern formations with two-dimensional 87Rb wavepackets
through numerical simulations of the scheme in a practical parameter space.
Prospects for experimental realizations of the lithography scheme are also
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 28 Apr 2004 00:02:22 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"M. S.",
] |
quant-ph/0404159 | Jinshan Wu | Jinshan Wu | A new mathematical representation of Game Theory, I | 26 pages, 3 figs, a long paper filled with mistakes and ideas | null | null | null | quant-ph math-ph math.MP | null | In this paper, we introduce a framework of new mathematical representation of
Game Theory, including static classical game and static quantum game. The idea
is to find a set of base vectors in every single-player strategy space and to
define their inner product so as to form them as a Hilbert space, and then form
a Hilbert space of system state. Basic ideas, concepts and formulas in Game
Theory have been reexpressed in such a space of system state. This space
provides more possible strategies than traditional classical game and
traditional quantum game. So besides those two games, more games have been
defined in different strategy spaces. All the games have been unified in the
new representation and their relation has been discussed. General Nash
Equilibrium for all the games has been proposed but without a general proof of
the existence. Besides the theoretical description, ideas and technics from
Statistical Physics, such as Kinetics Equation and Thermal Equilibrium can be
easily incorporated into Game Theory through such a representation. This
incorporation gives an endogenous method for refinement of Equilibrium State
and some hits to simplify the calculation of Equilibrium State. The more
privileges of this new representation depends on further application on more
theoretical and real games. Here, almost all ideas and conclusions are shown by
examples and argument, while, we wish, lately, we can give mathematical proof
for most results.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 28 Apr 2004 19:46:24 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 28 Apr 2004 22:23:27 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sat, 1 May 2004 06:48:08 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Thu, 6 May 2004 18:46:39 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Sun, 30 May 2004 06:09:32 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404161 | Ting Yu | Ting Yu and J. H. Eberly | Finite-Time Disentanglement via Spontaneous Emission | revtex, 4 pages, 2 figures | Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 140404 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.140404 | null | quant-ph | null | We show that under the influence of pure vacuum noise two entangled qubits
become completely disentangled in a finite time, and in a specific example we
find the time to be given by $\ln \Big(\frac{2 +\sqrt 2}{2}\Big)$ times the
usual spontaneous lifetime.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 28 Apr 2004 19:12:22 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:46:55 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"J. H.",
] |
quant-ph/0404163 | Chiu Fan Lee | Chiu Fan Lee, Neil F. Johnson | Efficient quantum computation within a disordered Heisenberg spin-chain | To appear in Phys. Rev. A | Phys. Rev. A 70, 052322 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.052322 | null | quant-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci | null | We show that efficient quantum computation is possible using a disordered
Heisenberg spin-chain with `always-on' couplings. Such disorder occurs
naturally in nanofabricated systems. Considering a simple chain setup, we show
that an arbitrary two-qubit gate can be implemented using just three
relaxations of a controlled qubit, which amounts to switching the on-site
energy terms at most twenty-one times.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 29 Apr 2004 12:08:33 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 1 May 2004 17:33:18 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 7 Sep 2004 16:19:27 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Chiu Fan",
"Neil F.",
] |
quant-ph/0404165 | Mikhail Shirokov I. | M. I. Shirokov | Interpretation of Uncertainty Relations for Three or More Observables | 6 pages | null | null | JINR preprint E 4-2003-84 | quant-ph | null | Conventional quantum uncertainty relations (URs) contain dispersions of two
observables. Generalized URs are known which contain three or more dispersions.
They are derived here starting with suitable generalized Cauchy inequalities.
It is shown what new information the generalized URs provide. Similar
interpretation is given to generalized Cauchy inequalities.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 29 Apr 2004 12:49:41 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"M. I.",
] |
quant-ph/0404166 | Shiv Vatsya Raj | S. R. Vatsya | Path integral formulation of quantized fields | Original version: 10 pages. New version: 11 pages. Changes made: 1.
Compensating errors in Eqs. (6) and (9) corrected. 2. Manuscript adjusted for
consistency with Eqs. (6) and (9). 3. Minor adjustments made to the text for
clarification | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Physical path integral formulation of motion of particles in Riemannian
spaces is outlined and extended to deduce the corresponding field theoretical
formulation. For the special case of a zero rest mass particle in Minkowski
manifold, it is shown that the underlying space can be reduced to
three-dimensional while similar formulation for a massive particle requires a
four-dimensional structure. The solutions obtained by the present procedure are
compared with the results obtained from its counterpart for a massive particle
by setting the mass equal to zero. Although similar, the present formulation
has some additional implications pertaining to the energy spectrum and the
associated free field quantization, particularly it yields zero vacuum energy.
The results are naturally extended to higher dimensions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 29 Apr 2004 12:58:53 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 7 Jan 2005 16:03:06 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"S. R.",
] |
quant-ph/0404167 | P. P. Divakaran | P.P.Divakaran | A General Criterion of Quantum Integrability Accommodating Central
Charges and Anomalies | 9 pages | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | A simple quantum generalisation of the Liouville-Arnold criterion of
classical integrability is proposed: A system is quantum-integrable if it has
an abelian Lie group of Wigner symmetries of dimension equal to the number of
degrees of freedom. The criterion goes significantly beyond the familiar case
of involutive conserved operators to cover systems with anomalies in which
involutivity is modified by central charges. "Anomalous" quantum integrability
is shown to have all the expected consequences including exact
diagonalisability. The approach throws new light on the origin of Weyl group
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 29 Apr 2004 13:42:05 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"P. P.",
] |
quant-ph/0404169 | Henry Stapp | Henry P. Stapp | Comments on Shimony's Analysis | For: Festschrift in honor of Asher Peres in Foundations of Physics | null | null | LBNL 54884 | quant-ph | null | Shimony's method of analysis does not distinguish adequately between a
legitimate assumption of no faster-than-light action in one direction and the
to-be-proved assertion of faster-than-light transfer of information in the
other direction. The virtue is noted of replacing the logical framework based
on counterfactual concepts by one based on the concept of fixed past open
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 29 Apr 2004 19:41:52 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Henry P.",
] |
quant-ph/0404171 | Shohini Ghose | Shohini Ghose and Barry C. Sanders | Entanglement dynamics in chaotic systems | 4 pages, 6 figures | Phys. Rev. A 70, 062315 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.062315 | null | quant-ph | null | We study quantum chaos for systems with more than one degree of freedom, for
which we present an analysis of the dynamics of entanglement. Our analysis
explains the main features of entanglement dynamics and identifies
entanglement-based signatures of quantum chaos. We discuss entanglement
dynamics for a feasible experiment involving an atom in a magneto-optical trap
and compare the results with entanglement dynamics for the well-studied quantum
kicked top.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 30 Apr 2004 00:44:53 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Barry C.",
] |
quant-ph/0404178 | Brian Seed | Brian Seed | Polarization Tensors and the Photon Field | 12 pages, no figures | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | A direct calculation of the elements of the photon polarization vector for
arbitrary momentum in the helicity basis shows that it is not a vector but a
complex bivector. The bivector real and imaginary parts can be directly equated
with electromagnetic field amplitudes and the associated field equations are
the Maxwell equations in time-imaginary space. The bivector field exhibits a
phase freedom (Berry, or geometric phase) dependent on the rotation history of
the field or observer. Phase freedom is not intrinsically present in the
longitudinal excitations of the field and a general argument connects
quantization of angular momentum with the observation of phase changes
associated with frame rotation. Current and translation operators can be
defined for bivector fields that are free of defects associated with a
quantized vector potential.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 30 Apr 2004 17:45:46 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0404180 | Bravyi Sergei | Sergey Bravyi | Lagrangian representation for fermionic linear optics | 12 pages, Revtex4, significantly improved version | Quantum Inf. and Comp., Vol. 5, No. 3 (2005) pp.216-238 | null | null | quant-ph | null | Notions of a Gaussian state and a Gaussian linear map are generalized to the
case of anticommuting (Grassmann) variables. Conditions under which a Gaussian
map is trace preserving and (or) completely positive are formulated. For any
Gaussian map an explicit formula relating correlation matrices of input and
output states is presented. This formalism allows to develop the Lagrangian
representation for fermionic linear optics (FLO). It covers both unitary
operations and the single-mode projectors associated with FLO measurements.
Using the Lagrangian representation we reduce a classical simulation of FLO to
a computation of Gaussian integrals over Grassmann variables. Explicit formulas
describing evolution of a quantum state under FLO operations are put forward.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 30 Apr 2004 19:58:28 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 20 Sep 2004 04:49:35 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405001 | Igor L. Markov | George F. Viamontes, Igor L. Markov, and John P. Hayes | Is Quantum Search Practical? | Comments, criticisms and suggestions for improvement are welcome | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Quantum algorithms and circuits can, in principle, outperform the best
non-quantum (classical) techniques for some hard computational problems.
However, this does not necessarily lead to useful applications. To gauge the
practical significance of a quantum algorithm, one must weigh it against the
best conventional techniques applied to useful instances of the same problem.
Grover's quantum search algorithm is one of the most widely studied.
We identify requirements for Grover's algorithm to be useful in practice: (1)
a search application S where classical methods do not provide sufficient
scalability; (2) an instantiation of Grover's algorithm Q(S) for S that has a
smaller asymptotic worst-case runtime than any classical algorithm C(S) for S;
(3) Q(S) with smaller actual runtime for practical instances of S than that of
any C(S).
We show that several commonly-suggested applications fail to satisfy these
requirements, and outline directions for future work on quantum search.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 30 Apr 2004 22:29:54 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"George F.",
"Igor L.",
"John P.",
] |
quant-ph/0405002 | Tzu-Chieh Wei | Tzu-Chieh Wei (1), Marie Ericsson (1,2), Paul M. Goldbart (1), and
William J. Munro (3) ((1) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (2)
Institute for Quantum Computing, Department of Physics, University of
Waterloo, Canada (3) Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol, UK) | Connections between relative entropy of entanglement and geometric
measure of entanglement | 15 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Qic | Quantum Inform. Compu. v4, p252 (2004) | null | null | quant-ph | null | As two of the most important entanglement measures--the entanglement of
formation and the entanglement of distillation--have so far been limited to
bipartite settings, the study of other entanglement measures for multipartite
systems appears necessary. Here, connections between two other entanglement
measures--the relative entropy of entanglement and the geometric measure of
entanglement--are investigated. It is found that for arbitrary pure states the
latter gives rise to a lower bound on the former. For certain pure states, some
bipartite and some multipartite, this lower bound is saturated, and thus their
relative entropy of entanglement can be found analytically in terms of their
known geometric measure of entanglement. For certain mixed states, upper bounds
on the relative entropy of entanglement are also established. Numerical
evidence strongly suggests that these upper bounds are tight, i.e., they are
actually the relative entropy of entanglement.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 30 Apr 2004 23:04:17 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 3 Jul 2004 19:53:43 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Paul M.",
"William J.",
] |
quant-ph/0405003 | Jinshan Wu | Jinshan Wu | An artificial game with equilibrium state of entangled strategy | 6 pages, 1 figs, an application and development of the former paper
quant-ph/0404159, figures updated | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Using the representation introduced in \cite{frame}, an artificial game in
quantum strategy space is proposed and studied. Although it has well-known
classical correspondence, which has classical mixture strategy Nash Equilibrium
states, the equilibrium state of this quantum game is an entangled strategy
(operator) state of the two players. By discovering such behavior, it partially
shows the independent meaning of the new representation. The idea of
entanglement of strategies, instead of quantum states, is proposed, and in some
sense, such entangled strategy state can be regarded as a cooperative behavior
between game players.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 May 2004 19:28:20 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 5 Jun 2004 06:25:00 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405004 | Vladimir Korepin | Vladimir Korepin | Adiabatic Evolution in XXX Spin Chain is Fast | This paper has been withdrawn | null | null | null | quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech | null | This paper has been withdrawn.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 2 May 2004 23:40:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 8 May 2004 18:22:09 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 4 Aug 2004 00:02:30 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405005 | Chris Adami | Christoph Adami | The Physics of Information | Review. 28 pages, 3 figures, requires iopart.cls | null | null | null | quant-ph gr-qc | null | Information theory is a statistical theory concerned with the relative state
of detectors and physical systems. As a consequence, the classical framework of
Shannon needs to be extended to deal with quantum detectors, possibly moving at
relativistic speeds, conceivably within curved space-time. Considerable
progress toward such a theory has been achieved in the last ten years, while
much is still not understood. This review recapitulates some milestones along
this road, and speculates about future ones.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 May 2004 19:00:48 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405007 | Stefan Teufel | Detlef Duerr and Stefan Teufel | On the exit statistics theorem of many particle quantum scattering | 15 pages, 4 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the conference
"Multiscale methods in Quantum Mechanics", Accademia dei Lincei, Rome,
December 16-20, 2002 | null | null | null | quant-ph math-ph math.MP | null | We review the foundations of the scattering formalism for one particle
potential scattering and discuss the generalization to the simplest case of
many non interacting particles. We point out that the "straight path motion" of
the particles, which is achieved in the scattering regime, is at the heart of
the crossing statistics of surfaces, which should be thought of as detector
surfaces. We sketch a proof of the relevant version of the many particle flux
across surfaces theorem and discuss what needs to be proven for the foundations
of scattering theory in this context.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 May 2004 09:28:01 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405008 | Reinaldo O. Vianna | Fernando. G. S. L. Brandao and Reinaldo O. Vianna | A Robust Semidefinite Programming Approach to the Separability Problem | Revised version (minor spell corrections) . 6 pages; submitted to
Physical Review A | Phys. Rev. A 70, 062309 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.062309 | null | quant-ph | null | We express the optimization of entanglement witnesses for arbitrary bipartite
states in terms of a class of convex optimization problems known as Robust
Semidefinite Programs (RSDP). We propose, using well known properties of RSDP,
several new sufficient tests for the separability of mixed states. Our results
are then generalized to multipartite density operators.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 May 2004 12:42:35 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 23 Jul 2004 15:17:12 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Fernando. G. S. L.",
"Reinaldo O.",
] |
quant-ph/0405009 | Andr\'e Carvalho R. R. | A.R.R. Carvalho, R. L. de Matos Filho and L. Davidovich | Environmental effects in the quantum-classical transition for the
delta-kicked harmonic oscillator | 16 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E | Phys. Rev. E 70, 026211 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevE.70.026211 | mpi-pks/0312013 | quant-ph nlin.CD | null | We discuss the roles of the macroscopic limit and of different
system-environment interactions in the quantum-classical transition for a
chaotic system. We consider the kicked harmonic oscillator subject to
reservoirs that correspond in the classical case to purely dissipative or
purely diffusive behavior, in a situation that can be implemented in ion trap
experiments. In the dissipative case, we derive an expression for the time at
which quantum and classical predictions become different (breaking time) and
show that a complete quantum-classical correspondence is not possible in the
chaotic regime. For the diffusive environment we estimate the minimum value of
the diffusion coefficient necessary to retrieve the classical limit and also
show numerical evidence that, for diffusion below this threshold, the breaking
time behaves, essentially, as in the case of the system without a reservoir.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 May 2004 13:25:37 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"A. R. R.",
"R. L. de Matos",
] |
quant-ph/0405018 | Boleslaw Kacewicz | Boleslaw Kacewicz | Improved Bounds on the Randomized and Quantum Complexity of
Initial-Value Problems | 17 pages, extended version (new section added), to appear in the
Journal of Complexity | Journal of Complexity 21 (2005), 740-756 | null | null | quant-ph | null | We deal with the problem, initiated in [8], of finding randomized and quantum
complexity of initial-value problems. We showed in [8] that a speed-up in both
settings over the worst-case deterministic complexity is possible. In the
present paper we prove, by defining new algorithms, that further improvement in
upper bounds on the randomized and quantum complexity can be achieved. In the
H\"older class of right-hand side functions with r continuous bounded partial
derivatives, with r-th derivative being a H\"older function with exponent \rho,
the \epsilon-complexity is shown to be O((1/\epsilon)^{1/(r+\rho+1/3)}) in the
randomized setting, and O((1/\epsilon)^{1/(r+\rho+1/2)}) on a quantum computer
(up to logarithmic factors). This is an improvement for the general problem
over the results from [8]. The gap still remaining between upper and lower
bounds on the complexity is further discussed for a special problem. We
consider scalar autonomous problems, with the aim of computing the solution at
the end point of the interval of integration. For this problem, we fill up the
gap by establishing (essentially) matching upper and lower complexity bounds.
We show that the complexity in this case is of order
(1/\epsilon)^{1/(r+\rho+1/2)} in the randomized setting, and
(1/\epsilon)^{1/(r+\rho+1)} in the quantum setting (again up to logarithmic
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 May 2004 14:21:32 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 11 Jun 2005 10:02:55 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405019 | Alem Mebrahtu | Alem Mebrahtu | Parametric Oscillation with Squeezed Vacuum Reservoirs | 16 pages | Journal of Modern Optics Volume 52, Number 6 / 15 April 2005,
Pages 813 - 832 | 10.1080/0950034042000275414 | null | quant-ph | null | Employing the quantum Hamiltonian describing the interaction of two-mode
light (signal-idler modes) generated by a nondegenerate parametric oscillator
(NDPO) with two uncorrelated squeezed vacuum reservoirs (USVR), we derive the
master equation. The corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for the Q-function is
then solved employing a propagator method developed in Ref. \cite{1}. Making
use of this Q-function, we calculate the quadrature fluctuations of the optical
system. From these results we infer that the signal-idler modes are in squeezed
states and the squeezing occurs in the first quadrature. When the NDPO operates
below threshold we show that, for a large squeezing parameter, a squeezing
amounting to a noise suppression approaching 100% below the vacuum level in the
first quadrature can be achieved.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 May 2004 15:11:38 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 26 Jul 2005 16:32:46 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405022 | M. O. Terra Cunha | A. R. Bosco de Magalhaes, S. G. Mokarzel, M. C. Nemes, M. O. Terra
Cunha | Decay rate and decoherence control in coupled dissipative cavities | 19 pages, 1 table, accepted by Physica A | Physica A 341 (2004) 234-250 | 10.1016/j.physa.2004.03.096 | null | quant-ph | null | We give a detailed account of the derivation of a master equation for two
coupled cavities in the presence of dissipation. The analytical solution is
presented and physical limits of interest are discussed. Firstly we show that
the decay rate of initial coherent states can be significantly modified if the
two cavities have different decay rates and are weakly coupled through a wire.
Moreover, we show that also decoherence rates can be substantially altered by
manipulation of physical parameters. Conditions for experimental realizations
are discussed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 May 2004 21:02:50 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"de Magalhaes",
"A. R. Bosco",
"S. G.",
"M. C.",
"M. O. Terra",
] |
quant-ph/0405024 | Christian Jaekel | Christian Jaekel | Some Comments on Entanglement and Local Thermofield Theory | plain-tex, 14p | Found.Phys.Lett. 14 (2001) 1-16 | null | null | quant-ph | null | We combine recent results of Clifton and Halvorson [1] with structural
results of the author [2--5] concerning the local observables in thermofield
theory. An number of interesting consequences are discussed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 10:04:58 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405026 | Bassano Vacchini | C. Carmeli, G. Cassinelli, E. DeVito, A. Toigo and B. Vacchini | A complete characterization of phase space measurements | 11 pages, latex, no figures, iopart style | J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) 5057-5066 | 10.1088/0305-4470/37/18/010 | null | quant-ph math-ph math.MP | null | We characterize all the phase space measurements for a non-relativistic
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 14:52:31 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405027 | Yury Bliokh P. | K.Yu. Bliokh, V.D. Freilikher, and N.M. Makarov | Scattering by one-dimensional smooth potentials: between WKB and Born
approximation | 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Physica E | Physica E 27, 262 (2005) | 10.1016/j.physe.2004.11.008 | null | quant-ph | null | The paper discusses the applicability of WKB and Born (small perturbations)
approximations in the problem of the backscattering of quantum particles and
classical waves by one-dimensional smooth potentials with amplitudes small
compared to the energy of the incident particle (above-barrier scattering).
Both deterministic and random potentials are considered. The dependence of the
reflection coefficient and localization length on the amplitude and the
longitudinal scale of the scattering potential is investigated. It is shown
that perturbation and WKB theories are inconsistent in the above-barrier
backscattering problem. Not only the solutions but the regions of validity of
both methods as well depend strongly on the details of the potential profile,
and are individual for each potential. A simple criterion that allows
determining the boundary between the applicability domains of WKB and Born
approximations is found.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 23:46:21 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 13 May 2004 12:53:00 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sun, 14 Nov 2004 21:11:42 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"K. Yu.",
"V. D.",
"N. M.",
] |
quant-ph/0405028 | Nikolai Chuprikov | N. L. Chuprikov | Wave functions and characteristic times for transmission and reflection | 26 pages, Latex, 8 eps-figures | null | null | null | quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall | null | We present a renewed wave-packet analysis based on the following ideas: if a
quantum one-particle scattering process and the corresponding state are
described by an indivisible wave packet to move as a whole at all stages of
scattering, then they are elementary; otherwise, they are combined; each
combined process consists from several alternative elementary ones to proceed
simultaneously; the corresponding (normed) state can be uniquely presented as
the sum of elementary ones whose (constant) norms give unit, in sum; Born's
formula intended for calculating the {\it expectation} values of physical
observables, as well as the standard timing procedure are valid only for
elementary states and processes; only an elementary time-dependent state can be
considered as the quantum counterpart to some classical one-particle rajectory.
By our approach, tunneling a non-relativistic particle through a static
one-dimensional potential barrier is a combined process consisting from two
elementary ones, transmission and reflection. In the standard setting of the
problem, we find an unique pair of solutions to the Schr\"odinger equation,
which describe separately transmission and reflection. On this basis we
introduce (exact and asymptotic) characteristic times for transmission and
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 May 2004 11:18:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 20 Jul 2004 13:31:18 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sat, 13 Nov 2004 15:11:40 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"N. L.",
] |
quant-ph/0405029 | Matthias Christandl | Claudio Albanese, Matthias Christandl, Nilanjana Datta, Artur Ekert | Mirror Inversion of Quantum States in Linear Registers | 4 pages | Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 230502 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.230502 | null | quant-ph | null | Transfer of data in linear quantum registers can be significantly simplified
with pre-engineered but not dynamically controlled inter-qubit couplings. We
show how to implement a mirror inversion of the state of the register in each
excitation subspace with respect to the centre of the register. Our
construction is especially appealing as it requires no dynamical control over
individual inter-qubit interactions. If, however, individual control of the
interactions is available then the mirror inversion operation can be performed
on any substring of qubits in the register. In this case a sequence of mirror
inversions can generate any permutation of a quantum state of the involved
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 May 2004 11:25:53 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 6 Dec 2004 00:03:53 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405032 | Jinshan Wu | Jinshan Wu | Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma in the new representation | An application and development of quant-ph/0404159. QPD game here is
not the exact same form with the one from Jens. New update will depends on
further communication, comments welcome | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Using the representation introduced in our another paper\cite{frame}, the
well-known Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma proposed in \cite{jens}, is reexpressed
and calculated. By this example and the works in \cite{frame} on classical
games and Quantum Penny Flip game, which first proposed in \cite{meyer}, we
show that our new representation can be a general framework for games
originally in different forms.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 May 2004 04:09:10 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 6 Jun 2004 00:23:51 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405033 | Miroslaw Kozlowski | J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski | Quantum thermal waves in quantum corrals | 11 pages, 4 figures | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | In this paper the possibility of the generation of the thermal waves in 2D
electron gas is investigated. In the frame of the quantum heat transport theory
the 2D quantum hyperbolic heat transfer equation is formulated and numerically
solved. The obtained solutions are the thermal waves in electron 2D gases. As
an exapmle the thermal waves in quantum corrals are described.
Key words: 2D electron gas, quantum corrals, thermal waves.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 May 2004 11:44:34 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405038 | Che-Ming Li | Jin-Yuan Hsieh and Che-Ming Li | Creating Boolean Functions for the Five-EPR-Pair,
Single-Error-Correcting Code | 19 pages, 10 figures | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | A quantum single-error-correcting scheme can be derived from a one-way
entanglement purification protocol in purifying one Bell state from a finite
block of five Bell states. The main issue to be concerned with in the theory of
such an error-correction is to create specific linear Boolean functions that
can transform the sixteen error syndromes occurring in the error-correcting
code onto their mappings so that one Bell state is corrected whenever the other
four in the finite block are measured. The Boolean function is performed under
the effect of its associated sequence of basic quantum unilateral and bilateral
operations. Previously, the Boolean function is created in use of the Monte
Carlo computer search method. We introduce here a systematic scenario for
creating the Boolean function and its associated sequence of operations so that
we can do the job in an analytical way without any trial and error effort.
Consequently, all possible Boolean functions can in principle be created by
using our method. Furthermore, for a deduced Boolean function, we can also in
the spirit of our method derive its best associated sequence of operations
which may contain the least number of total operations or the least number of
the bilateral XOR operations alone. Some results obtained in this work show the
capability of our method in creating the Boolean function and its sequence of
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 8 May 2004 03:15:00 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 20 Jun 2004 23:06:51 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405052 | Karl-Peter Marzlin | K.-P. Marzlin, S. Ghose, and B.C. Sanders | Geometric phase distributions for open quantum systems | Some minor revisions, references updated | Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, p. 260402 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.260402 | null | quant-ph | null | In an open system, the geometric phase should be described by a distribution.
We show that a geometric phase distribution for open system dynamics is in
general ambiguous, but the imposition of reasonable physical constraints on the
environment and its coupling with the system yields a unique geometric phase
distribution that applies even for mixed states, non-unitary dynamics, and
non-cyclic evolutions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 May 2004 16:28:13 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 25 Aug 2004 23:47:38 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"K. -P.",
"B. C.",
] |
quant-ph/0405053 | Yaakov S. Weinstein | Yaakov S. Weinstein, C. Stephen Hellberg | Matrix Element Randomness, Entanglement, and Quantum Chaos | 5 pages, 3 figures | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We demonstrate the connection between an operator's matrix element
distribution and entangling power via numerical simulations of random,
pseudo-random, and quantum chaotic operators. Creating operators with a random
distribution of matrix elements is more difficult than creating operators that
reproduce other statistical properties of random matrices. Thus, operators that
fulfill many random matrix statistical properties may not generate states of
high multi-partite entanglement. To quantify the randomness of various
statistical distributions and, by extension, entangling power, we use
properties of interpolating ensembles that transition between integrable and
random matrix ensembles.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 May 2004 16:42:24 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Yaakov S.",
"C. Stephen",
] |
quant-ph/0405055 | Richard Pakula | Richard A. Pakula | Realistic model for radiation-matter interaction | 55 pages including 2 figures. Version 2: added Table of Contents and
a relativistic generalization of the model | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | This paper presents a realistic model that describes radiation-matter
interactions. This is achieved by a generalization of first quantization, where
the Maxwell equations are interpreted as the electromagnetic component of the
Schroedinger equation. This picture is complemented by the consideration of
electrons and photons as real particles in three-dimensional space, following
guiding conditions derived from the particle-wave-functions to which they are
associated. The guiding condition for the electron is taken from Bohmian
mechanics, while the photon velocity is defined as the ratio between the
Poynting vector and the electromagnetic energy density. The case of many
particles is considered, taking into account their statistical properties. The
formalism is applied to a two level system, providing a satisfactory
description for spontaneous emission, Lamb shift, scattering, absorption,
dispersion, resonance fluorescence and vacuum fields. This model adequately
describes quantum jumps by the entanglement between the photon and the atomic
system and it will prove to be very useful in the simulation of quantum devices
for quantum computers and quantum information systems. A possible relativistic
generalization is presented, together with its relationship to QED.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 May 2004 17:39:06 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 21 Jun 2004 16:07:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Richard A.",
] |
quant-ph/0405056 | Alessandra Gatti | A. Gatti, E.Brambilla, M. Bache and L. A.Lugiato | Ghost imaging, quantum and classical aspects | 9 pages, 6 figures, in press in Phys. Rev. A (May 2004) | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We analytically show that it is possible to perform coherent imaging by using
the classical correlation of two beams obtained by splitting incoherent thermal
radiation. A formal analogy is demonstrated between two such classically
correlated beams and two entangled beams produced by parametric
down-conversion. Because of this analogy, the classical beams can mimic
qualitatively all the imaging properties of the entangled beams, even in ways
which up to now were not believed possible. A key feature is that these
classical beams are spatially correlated both in the near-field and in the
far-field. Using realistic numerical simulations the performances of a
quasi-thermal and a parametric down-conversion source are shown to be closely
similar, both for what concerns the resolution and statistical properties. The
results of this paper provide a new scenario for the discussion of what role
the entanglement plays in correlated imaging.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 May 2004 18:19:09 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"L. A.",
] |
quant-ph/0405058 | K. A. Kirkpatrick | K. A. Kirkpatrick | Error in an argument regarding "improper" mixtures | 2 pp. Contains the substantive part of quant-ph/0109146, which it
replaces | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | An argument, perhaps originating with Feyerabend a half century ago, and
repeated many times since, purporting to establish that an "ignorance
interpretation" of a bipartite pure entangled state leads to logical
inconsistency, is incorrect: the argument fails to account for the effects of
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 May 2004 22:39:41 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"K. A.",
] |
quant-ph/0405059 | Daniel A. Lidar | M.S. Sarandy, L.-A. Wu, D.A. Lidar (Center for Quantum Information and
Quantum Control, University of Toronto) | Consistency of the Adiabatic Theorem | v3: 11 pages, no figures. Published version. This pedagogical work is
part comment on, part simplification of the paper "Inconsistency in the
application of the adiabatic theorem" by K.-P. Marzlin and B.C. Sanders,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 160408 (2004) | Quantum Information Processing 3, 331 (2004) | null | null | quant-ph | null | We review the quantum adiabatic approximation for closed systems, and its
recently introduced generalization to open systems (M.S. Sarandy and D.A.
Lidar, e-print quant-ph/0404147). We also critically examine a recent argument
claiming that there is an inconsistency in the adiabatic theorem for closed
quantum systems [K.P. Marzlin and B.C. Sanders, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 160408
(2004)] and point out how an incorrect manipulation of the adiabatic theorem
may lead one to obtain such an inconsistent result.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 May 2004 01:53:00 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 25 Nov 2004 20:33:50 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 2 Feb 2005 19:02:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"M. S.",
"Center for Quantum Information and\n Quantum Control, University of Toronto"
"L. -A.",
"Center for Quantum Information and\n Quantum Control, University of Toronto"
"D. A.",
"Center for Quantum Information and\n Quantum Control, University of Toronto"
] |
quant-ph/0405063 | Reinaldo O. Vianna | Fernando G. S. L. Brandao and Reinaldo O. Vianna | Separable Multipartite Mixed States - Operational Asymptotically
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions | 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters. Revised
version with new calculations | Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 220503 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.220503 | null | quant-ph | null | We introduce an operational procedure to determine, with arbitrary
probability and accuracy, optimal entanglement witness for every multipartite
entangled state. This method provides an operational criterion for separability
which is asymptotically necessary and sufficient. Our results are also
generalized to detect all different types of multipartite entanglement.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 May 2004 21:27:00 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 9 Sep 2004 13:44:06 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Fernando G. S. L.",
"Reinaldo O.",
] |
quant-ph/0405064 | Richard Barnes II | Richard L. Barnes | Stabilizer Codes for Continuous-variable Quantum Error Correction | null | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | A generalization of the stabilizer code construction presented by Gottesman
is described, which allows for the construction of quantum error-correcting
codes for continuous-variable systems. This formalism describes all
continuous-variable codes presented to date, and can be used to construct new
codes based on discrete-variable codes or classical codes. We use it to
describe the nine-mode code given by Lloyd and Slotine, and a five-mode code
described by Braunstein. In addition, we construct a new continuous-variable
code based an code of Gottesman which encodes three logical modes of
information into eight physical modes and corrects one error. This
generalization is a step toward an independent understanding of
continuous-variable quantum information and a theory of fault-tolerant quantum
information processing.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 13 May 2004 02:45:45 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Richard L.",
] |
quant-ph/0405069 | Eijiro Sakai | Eijiro Sakai | On the principles of quantum mechanics | 38 pages, slightly revised | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We propose six principles as the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics:
principle of space and time, Galilean principle of relativity, Hamilton's
principle, wave principle, probability principle, and principle of
indestructibility and increatiblity of particles. We deductively develop the
formalism of quantum mechanics on the basis of them: we determine the form of
the Lagrangian that satisfies requirements of these principles, and obtain the
Schroedinger equation from the Lagrangian. We also derive the canonical
commutation relations. Then we adopt the following four guide lines. First, we
do not premise the relations between dynamical variables in classical
mechanics. Second, we define energy, momentum, and angular momentum as the
constants of motion that are derived from homogeneity and isotropy in space and
time on the basis of principle of space and time. Since energy and momentum are
quantitatively defined in classical mechanics, we define them in quantum
mechanics so that the corresponding conservation laws are satisfied in a
coupling system of a quantum particle and a classical particle. Third, we
define Planck's constant and the mass of a particle as proportionality
constants between energy and frequency due to one of Einstein-de Broglie
formulas and between momentum and velocity, respectively. We shall obtain the
canonical commutation relations and the Schroedinger equation for a particle in
an external field in the definitive form. We shall also prove that relations
between dynamical variables in quantum mechanics have the same forms for those
in classical mechanics.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 13 May 2004 09:41:28 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 31 May 2004 07:06:58 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 26 Jul 2005 08:12:50 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 30 Aug 2005 02:11:50 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405070 | Ernesto F. Galvao | Ernesto F. Galvao | Discrete Wigner functions and quantum computational speedup | 7 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX. v2: clarified discussion on dynamics,
added refs., published version | Phys. Rev. A 71, 042302 (2005) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.042302 | null | quant-ph | null | In [Phys. Rev. A 70, 062101 (2004)] Gibbons et al. defined a class of
discrete Wigner functions W to represent quantum states in a finite Hilbert
space dimension d. I characterize a set C_d of states having non-negative W
simultaneously in all definitions of W in this class. For d<6 I show C_d is the
convex hull of stabilizer states. This supports the conjecture that negativity
of W is necessary for exponential speedup in pure-state quantum computation.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 13 May 2004 17:23:57 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 5 Apr 2005 22:12:51 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Ernesto F.",
] |
quant-ph/0405071 | Roberta Rodriquez | Roberta Rodriquez and Jiannis K. Pachos | Conditional Aharonov-Bohm Phases with Double Quantum Dots | 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to "Progress in Quantum Dot Research",
Nova Science Publishers, Inc | null | null | null | quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall | null | A quantum dot proposal for the implementation of topological quantum
computation is presented. The coupling of the electron charge to an external
magnetic field via the Aharonov-Bohm effect, combined with the control dynamics
of a double dot, results in a two-qubit control phase gate. The physical
mechanisms of the system are analysed in detail and the conditions for
performing quantum computation resilient to control errors are outlined and
found to be realisable with present technology.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 13 May 2004 18:44:50 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Jiannis K.",
] |
quant-ph/0405074 | Kazuya Yuasa | G. Compagno, A. Messina, H. Nakazato, A. Napoli, M. Unoki, K. Yuasa | Distillation of Entanglement between Distant Systems by Repeated
Measurements on Entanglement Mediator | 11 pages, 2 figures; the version accepted for publication in Phys.
Rev. A | Phys. Rev. A 70 (2004) 052316 | 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.052316 | null | quant-ph | null | A recently proposed purification method, in which the Zeno-like measurements
of a subsystem can bring about a distillation of another subsystem in
interaction with the former, is utilized to yield entangled states between
distant systems. It is shown that the measurements of a two-level system
locally interacting with other two spatially separated not coupled subsystems,
can distill entangled states from the latter irrespectively of the initial
states of the two subsystems.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 14 May 2004 05:28:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 13 Sep 2004 02:55:16 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405076 | Suresh Tiwari dr | S C Tiwari | Remarks on Aharanov-Bohm effect and geometric phase | Short note prior to work on frequency shifts | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Recently the physical mechanism for geometric phase in optics has been
elucidated in terms of the angular momentum holonomy proposed in 1992. Aharonov
and Kaufherr (PRL, 92, 070404, 2004) revisit the Aharonov-Bohm effect, and
propose non-local exchange of a conserved, gauge invariant quantity that
changes the modular momentum of the particle that is responsible for the AB
phase shift. We suggest that the net angular momentum shifts proposed for GP
may be analogous to the shift in the modulus momentum for the AB effect. At a
single photon or electron level such non-trivial, geometric effects seem to
hint at a new physics.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 14 May 2004 08:23:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"S C",
] |
quant-ph/0405077 | Kalyanapuram R. Parthasarathy | K. R. Parthasarathy | On the maximal dimension of a completely entangled subspace for finite
level quantum systems | null | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Let $\mathcal{H}_i$ be a finite dimensional complex Hilbert space of
dimension $d_i$ associated with a finite level quantum system $A_i$ for $i = i,
1,2, ..., k$. A subspace $S \subset \mathcal{H} = \mathcal{H}_{A_{1}
A_{2}... A_{k}} = \mathcal{H}_1 \otimes \mathcal{H}_2 \otimes ... \otimes
\mathcal{H}_k $ is said to be {\it completely entangled} if it has no nonzero
product vector of the form $u_1 \otimes u_2 \otimes ... \otimes u_k$ with $u_i$
in $\mathcal{H}_i$ for each $i$. Using the methods of elementary linear algebra
and the intersection theorem for projective varieties in basic algebraic
geometry we prove that $$\max_{S \in \mathcal{E}} \dim S = d_1 d_2... d_k -
(d_1 + ... + d_k) + k - 1$$ where $\mathcal{E} $ is the collection of all
completely entangled subspaces.
When $\mathcal{H}_1 = \mathcal{H}_2 $ and $k = 2$ an explicit orthonormal
basis of a maximal completely entangled subspace of $\mathcal{H}_1 \otimes
\mathcal{H}_2$ is given.
We also introduce a more delicate notion of a {\it perfectly entangled}
subspace for a multipartite quantum system, construct an example using the
theory of stabilizer quantum codes and pose a problem.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 14 May 2004 09:17:30 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"K. R.",
] |
quant-ph/0405081 | Wim van Dam | Wim van Dam (MIT) | Quantum Computing and Zeroes of Zeta Functions | 18 pages, AMS-LaTeX | null | null | null | quant-ph math.AG | null | A possible connection between quantum computing and Zeta functions of finite
field equations is described. Inspired by the 'spectral approach' to the
Riemann conjecture, the assumption is that the zeroes of such Zeta functions
correspond to the eigenvalues of finite dimensional unitary operators of
natural quantum mechanical systems. The notion of universal, efficient quantum
computation is used to model the desired quantum systems.
Using eigenvalue estimation, such quantum circuits would be able to
approximately count the number of solutions of finite field equations with an
accuracy that does not appear to be feasible with a classical computer. For
certain equations (Fermat hypersurfaces) it is show that one can indeed model
their Zeta functions with efficient quantum algorithms, which gives some
evidence in favor of the proposal of this article.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 May 2004 19:50:47 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"van Dam",
] |
quant-ph/0405086 | Joshua Von Korff | Joshua Von Korff and Julia Kempe | Quantum Color-Coding Is Better | 4 pages | Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 93 (26), 260502 (2004); new title "Quantum
Advantage in Transmitting a Permutation" | null | null | quant-ph | null | We describe a quantum scheme to ``color-code'' a set of objects in order to
record which one is which. In the classical case, N distinct colors are
required to color-code N objects. We show that in the quantum case, only N/e
distinct ``colors'' are required, where e = 2.71828 . . . If the number of
colors is less than optimal, the objects may still be correctly distinguished
with some success probability less than 1. We show that the success probability
of the quantum scheme is better than the corresponding classical one and is
information-theoretically optimal.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 16 May 2004 06:18:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Von Korff",
] |
quant-ph/0405088 | Jiaxiang Wang | Jiaxiang Wang, Sabre Kais, F. Remacle and R. D. Levine | Size effects in the electronic properties of finite arrays of exchange
coupled quantum dots: A renormalization group approach | null | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Transport properties of arrays of metallic quantum dots are governed by the
distance-dependent exchange coupling between the dots. It is shown that the
effective value of the exchange coupling, as measured by the charging energy
per dot, depends monotonically on the size of the array. The effect saturates
for hexagonal arrays of over 7^5 unit cells. The discussion uses a multi-stage
block renormalization group approach applied to the Hubbard Hamiltonian. A
first order phase transition occurs upon compression of the lattice and the
size dependence is qualitatively different for the two phases.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 16 May 2004 14:15:42 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"R. D.",
] |
quant-ph/0405089 | Sudhir Kumar Singh | Sudhir Kumar Singh | Combinatorial Approaches in Quantum Information Theory | MSc Thesis, Dept. of Mathematics, IIT Kharagpur, India; Recommended
for the "Best Project Award" of the dept | null | null | null | quant-ph cs.CR math.CO | null | We investigate the exploitation of various combinatorial properties of graphs
and set systems to study several issues in quantum information theory. We
characterize the combinatorics of distributed EPR pairs for preparing
multi-partite entanglement in a real communication network. This combinatorics
helps in the study of various problems in multi-party case by just reducing to
the two-party case. Particularly, we use this combinatorics to (1) study
various possible and impossible transformations of multi-partite states under
LOCC, thus presenting an entirely new approach, not based on entropic
criterion, to study such state transformations. (2) present a protocol and
proof of its unconditional security for quantum key distribution amongst
several trusted parties. (3) propose an idea to combine the features of quantum
key distribution and quantum secret sharing. We investigate all the above
issues in great detail and finally conclude briefly with some open research
directions based on our research.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 16 May 2004 16:51:20 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Sudhir Kumar",
] |
quant-ph/0405090 | Paolo Amore Dr | Paolo Amore, Jorge Lopez | The spectrum of a quantum potential | 9 pages, 6 figures | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We apply a method recently devised by one of the authors to obtain an
approximate analytical formula for the spectrum of a quantum anharmonic
potential. Due to its general features the method can be applied with minimal
effort to general quantum potentials thus allowing very promising applications.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 May 2004 00:58:34 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 29 Jul 2004 14:45:52 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405093 | Gleb V. Klimovitch | Gleb V. Klimovitch | How Quantum Entanglement Helps to Coordinate Non-Communicating Players | 3 pages, no figures | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We consider a coalitional game with the same payoff for all players. To
maximize the payoff, the players need to use one collective strategy, if all
players are in certain states, and the other strategy otherwise. The current
state of each player changes according to external conditions and is not known
to the other players. In one example of such a game, quantum entanglement
between players results in the optimal payoff thrice the maximal payoff for
unentangled players.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 May 2004 08:38:21 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Gleb V.",
] |
quant-ph/0405095 | Massimiliano Federico Sacchi | G. Chiribella, G. M. D'Ariano, P. Perinotti, M. F. Sacchi | Efficient use of quantum resources for the transmission of a reference
frame | 4 pages, no figures; added new references and improved introduction.
Accepted for publication on PRL | Phys. Rev. Lett 93, 180503 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.180503 | null | quant-ph | null | We propose a covariant protocol for transmitting reference frames encoded on
$N$ spins, achieving sensitivity $N^{-2}$ without the need of a pre-established
reference frame and without using entanglement between sender and receiver. The
protocol exploits the use of equivalent representations, which were overlooked
in the previous literature.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 May 2004 12:22:07 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:46:31 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"G. M.",
"M. F.",
] |
quant-ph/0405096 | Reinaldo O. Vianna | Fernando G. S. L. Brandao and Reinaldo O. Vianna | Witnessed Entanglement | Revised version. 7 pages and one figure | International Journal of Quantun Information 4, 331 (2006) | 10.1142/S0219749906001803 | null | quant-ph | null | We present a new measure of entanglement for mixed states. It can be
approximately computable for every state and can be used to quantify all
different types of multipartite entanglement. We show that it satisfies the
usual properties of a good entanglement quantifier and derive relations between
it and other entanglement measures.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 May 2004 20:28:42 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 23 Jul 2004 15:26:41 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 12:42:02 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 11:06:46 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Sat, 29 Jul 2006 08:32:26 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Fernando G. S. L.",
"Reinaldo O.",
] |
quant-ph/0405104 | Dov Bai | Dov Bai | Multigrid solution of a path integral formulation for the hydrogen atom | 9 pages | null | null | 92-3, Mathematical Sciences Institute, 1993, Cornell University | quant-ph | null | An efficient multigrid Monte-Carlo algorithm for calculating the ground state
of the hydrogen atom using path integral is presented. The algorithm uses a
unigrid approach. The action integral near r=0 is modified so that the correct
values of observables are obtained. It is demonstrated that the critical slow
down (CSD) is eliminated. Finally, the algorithm is compared to the staging
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 May 2004 22:46:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405107 | Tohya Hiroshima | Tohya Hiroshima and Masahito Hayashi | Finding a maximally correlated state - Simultaneous Schmidt
decomposition of bipartite pure states | 5 pages, no figures, REVTEX 4, Some new results on generalized Bell
states added; a few typos corrected in v3 | Phys. Rev. A 70, 030302(R) (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.030302 | null | quant-ph | null | We consider a bipartite mixed state of the form, $\rho =\sum_{\alpha, \beta
=1}^{l}a_{\alpha \beta} | \psi_{\alpha}> < \psi_ \beta}| $, where $|
\psi_{\alpha}>$ are normalized bipartite state vectors, and matrix $(a_{\alpha
\beta})$ is positive semidefinite. We provide a necessary and sufficient
condition for the state $\rho $ taking the form of maximally correlated states
by a local unitary transformation. More precisely, we give a criterion for
simultaneous Schmidt decomposability of $| \psi_{\alpha}>$ for $\alpha
=1,2,..., l$. Using this criterion, we can judge completely whether or not the
state $\rho $ is equivalent to the maximally correlated state, in which the
distillable entanglement is given by a simple formula. For generalized Bell
states, this criterion is written as a simple algebraic relation between
indices of the states. We also discuss the local distinguishability of the
generalized Bell states that are simultaneously Schmidt decomposable.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 19 May 2004 10:50:19 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 12 Jul 2004 05:04:04 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 5 Aug 2004 07:47:02 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405111 | Barbara M. Terhal | D.P. DiVincenzo, J.A. Smolin and B.M. Terhal | Security Trade-offs in Ancilla-Free Quantum Bit Commitment in the
Presence of Superselection Rules | 7 pages Latex; v2 has 8 pages and additional references and
clarifications, this paper is to appear in the New Journal of Physics | New Journal of Physics 6, 80 (2004) | 10.1088/1367-2630/6/1/080 | null | quant-ph | null | Security trade-offs have been established for one-way bit commitment in
quant-ph/0106019. We study this trade-off in two superselection settings. We
show that for an `abelian' superselection rule (exemplified by particle
conservation) the standard trade-off between sealing and binding properties
still holds. For the non-abelian case (exemplified by angular momentum
conservation) the security trade-off can be more subtle, which we illustrate by
showing that if the bit-commitment is forced to be ancilla-free an
asymptotically secure quantum bit commitment is possible.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 19 May 2004 17:02:57 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 17 Jun 2004 17:37:48 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"D. P.",
"J. A.",
"B. M.",
] |
quant-ph/0405112 | Marcus Silva | Marcus Silva | Erasure Thresholds for Efficient Linear Optics Quantum Computation | 96 pages, 23 figures, LaTeX. University of Waterloo M.Sc. Thesis | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Using an error models motivated by the Knill, Laflamme, Milburn proposal for
efficient linear optics quantum computing [Nature 409,46--52, 2001], error rate
thresholds for erasure errors caused by imperfect photon detectors using a 7
qubit code are derived and verified through simulation. A novel method -- based
on a Markov chain description of the erasure correction procedure -- is
developed and used to calculate the recursion relation describing the error
rate at different encoding levels from which the threshold is derived, matching
threshold predictions by Knill, Laflamme and Milburn [quant-ph/0006120, 2000].
In particular, the erasure threshold for gate failure rate in the same order as
the measurement failure rate is found to be above 1.78%.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 19 May 2004 19:14:48 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405113 | M. Vincent Bretin | Zoran Hadzibabic (LKB - Lhomond), Sabine Stock (LKB - Lhomond),
Baptiste Battelier (LKB - Lhomond), Vincent Bretin (LKB - Lhomond), Jean
Dalibard (LKB - Lhomond) | Interference of an array of independent Bose-Einstein condensates | null | Physical Review Letters 93 (2004) 180403 | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.180403 | null | quant-ph cond-mat.soft | null | We have observed high-contrast matter wave interference between 30
Bose-Einstein condensates with uncorrelated phases. Interference patterns were
observed after independent condensates were released from a one-dimensional
optical lattice and allowed to expand and overlap. This initially surprising
phenomenon is explained with a simple theoretical model which generalizes the
analysis of the interference of two independent condensates.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 19 May 2004 19:32:23 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 18 Nov 2004 07:05:07 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"LKB - Lhomond"
"LKB - Lhomond"
"LKB - Lhomond"
"LKB - Lhomond"
"LKB - Lhomond"
] |
quant-ph/0405114 | Paul Slater | Paul B. Slater | Volumes and hyperareas of the spaces of separable and nonseparable
qubit-qutrit systems: Initial numerical analyses | 12 pages, 7 tables | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Paralleling our recent computationally-intensive work for the case N=4
(quant-ph/0308037), we undertake the task for N=6 of computing to high
numerical accuracy, the formulas of Sommers and Zyczkowski (quant-ph/0304041)
for the (N^2-1)-dimensional volume and (N^2-2)-dimensional hyperarea of the
(separable and nonseparable) N x N density matrices, based on the Bures
(minimal monotone) metric. At the same time, we estimate the unknown volumes
and hyperareas based on a number of other monotone metrics of interest.
Additionally, we estimate -- but with perhaps unavoidably diminished accuracy
-- all these volume and hyperarea quantities, when restricted to the ``small''
subset of 6 x 6 density matrices that are separable (classically correlated) in
nature. The ratios of separable to separable plus nonseparable volumes, then,
yield corresponding estimates of the ``probabilities of separability''. We are
particularly interested in exploring the possibility that a number of the
various 35-dimensional volumes and 34-dimensional hyperareas, possess exact
values -- which we had, in fact, conjectured to be the case for the qubit-qubit
systems (N=4), with the ``silver mean'', sqrt{2}-1, appearing to play a
fundamental role as regards the separable states.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 May 2004 16:35:36 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Paul B.",
] |
quant-ph/0405120 | Andrew M. Childs | Andrew M. Childs, Jeffrey Goldstone | Spatial search and the Dirac equation | 5 pages, 1 figure | Phys. Rev. A 70, 042312 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.042312 | MIT-CTP #3495 | quant-ph | null | We consider the problem of searching a d-dimensional lattice of N sites for a
single marked location. We present a Hamiltonian that solves this problem in
time of order sqrt(N) for d>2 and of order sqrt(N) log(N) in the critical
dimension d=2. This improves upon the performance of our previous quantum walk
search algorithm (which has a critical dimension of d=4), and matches the
performance of a corresponding discrete-time quantum walk algorithm. The
improvement uses a lattice version of the Dirac Hamiltonian, and thus requires
the introduction of spin (or coin) degrees of freedom.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 May 2004 16:10:21 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Andrew M.",
] |
quant-ph/0405122 | Eugenio Roldan | G.J. de Valcarcel and Eugenio Roldan | A semiclassical derivation of Einstein's rate equations for light-matter
interaction | 6 pages, no figures. Tutorial article | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Einstein's rate equations are derived from the semiclassical Bloch equations
describing the interaction of a classical broadband light field with a
two--level system.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 May 2004 08:29:37 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"de Valcarcel",
"G. J.",
] |
quant-ph/0405124 | Claudio Altafini | Claudio Altafini | Characterizing 3-qubit UPB states: violations of LHV models, preparation
via nonlocal unitaries and PPT entangled nonlocal orbits | 4 pages | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | For the 3-qubit UPB state, i.e., the bound entangled state constructed from
an Unextendable Product Basis of Bennett et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 82:5385,
1999), we provide a set of violations of Local Hidden Variable (LHV) models
based on the particular type of reflection symmetry encoded in this state. The
explicit nonlocal unitary operation needed to prepare the state from its
reflected separable mixture of pure states is given, as well as a nonlocal
one-parameter orbit of states with Positive Partial Transpositions (PPT) which
swaps the entanglement between a state and its reflection twice during a
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 May 2004 10:40:42 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405129 | Dr Arun K. Pati | A. K. Pati and A. K. Rajagopal | Inconsistencies of the Adiabatic Theorem and the Berry Phase | Latex, 4 + pages, No figures, Resolution of the MS inconsistency
given inquant-ph/0404022 and much more, This version now expanded to 6 pages | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | The adiabatic theorem states that if we prepare a quantum system in one of
the instantaneous eigenstates then the quantum number is an adiabatic invariant
and the state at a later time is equivalent to the instantaneous eigenstate at
that time apart from phase factors. Recently, Marzlin and Sanders have pointed
out that this could lead to apparent violation of unitarity. We resolve the
Marzlin-Sanders inconsistency within the quantum adiabatic theorem. Yet, our
resolution points to another inconsistency, namely, that the cyclic as well as
non-cyclic adiabatic Berry phases may vanish under strict adiabatic condition.
We resolve this inconsistency and develop an unitary operator decomposition
method to argue for the validity of the adiabatic approximation.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 May 2004 16:09:00 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 13 May 2005 16:01:21 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"A. K.",
"A. K.",
] |
quant-ph/0405132 | Tao Hong | Tao Hong | Spatial weak-light solitons in an electro-magnetically induced nonlinear
waveguide | 5 pages, 5 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 183901 (2003) | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We show that a weak probe light beam can form spatial solitons in an
electro-magnetically induced transparency (EIT) medium composed of four-level
atoms and a coupling light field. We find that the coupling light beam can
induce a highly controllable nonlinear waveguide and exert very strong effects
on the dynamical behavior of the solitons. Hence, in the EIT medium, it is not
only possible to produce spatial solitons at very low light intensities but
also simultaneously control these solitons by using the coupling-light-induced
nonlinear waveguide.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 22 May 2004 05:43:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405138 | Ray-Kuang Lee | R.-K. Lee, Y. Lai, and B. A. Malomed | Generation of photon-number entangled soliton pairs through interactions | 4 pages | Physical Review A 71, 013816 (2005) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.013816 | null | quant-ph | null | Two new simple schemes for generating macroscopic (many-photon)
continuous-variable entangled states by means of continuous interactions
(rather than collisions) between solitons in optical fibers are proposed.
First, quantum fluctuations around two time-separated single-component temporal
solitons are considered. Almost perfect correlation between the photon-number
fluctuations can be achieved after propagating a certain distance, with a
suitable initial separation between the solitons. The photon-number correlation
can also be achieved in a pair of vectorial solitons with two polarization
components. In the latter case, the photon-number-entangled pulses can be
easily separated by a polarization beam splitter. These results offer novel
possibilities to produce entangled sources for quantum communication and
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 24 May 2004 06:31:17 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"R. -K.",
"B. A.",
] |
quant-ph/0405157 | Daniel E. Browne | Daniel E. Browne and Terry Rudolph | Resource-efficient linear optical quantum computation | 5 pages, 6 figures. In this new version we have corrected typos and
minor errors, emphasised the scheme's robustness against phase-instability
and improved readability by restructuring the introduction | Physical Review Letters 95, 010501 (2005) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.010501 | null | quant-ph | null | We introduce a scheme for linear optics quantum computation, that makes no
use of teleported gates, and requires stable interferometry over only the
coherence length of the photons. We achieve a much greater degree of efficiency
and a simpler implementation than previous proposals. We follow the "cluster
state" measurement based quantum computational approach, and show how cluster
states may be efficiently generated from pairs of maximally polarization
entangled photons using linear optical elements. We demonstrate the
universality and usefulness of generic parity measurements, as well as
introducing the use of redundant encoding of qubits to enable utilization of
destructive measurements - both features of use in a more general context.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 26 May 2004 13:30:26 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 9 Feb 2005 14:55:35 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Daniel E.",
] |
quant-ph/0405158 | Alexander Karnakov B. | B.M.Karnakov, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov | Comment on the paper "Semiclassical Dirac Theory of Tunnel Ionization"
(by N.Milosevic, V.P.Krainov, and T.Brabec) | 4 pages | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | Some remarks are made on the articles by N.Milosevic, V.P.Krainov, T.Brabec
and our papers are about problem of semiclassical theory of tunnel ionization.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 26 May 2004 18:29:07 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"B. M.",
"V. D.",
"V. S.",
] |
quant-ph/0405159 | Renzo Rubele | P.A. Marchetti and R. Rubele | Quantum Logic and Non-Commutative Geometry | 16 pages, to be published in the International Journal of Theoretical
Physics, without Appendix | Int.J.Theor.Phys. 46 (2007) 49-62 | null | null | quant-ph hep-th math-ph math.MP | null | We propose a general scheme for the "logic" of elementary propositions of
physical systems, encompassing both classical and quantum cases, in the
framework given by Non Commutative Geometry. It involves Baire*-algebras, the
non-commutative version of measurable functions, arising as envelope of the
C*-algebras identifying the topology of the (non-commutative) phase space. We
outline some consequences of this proposal in different physical systems. This
approach in particular avoids some problematic features appearing in the
definition of the state of "initial conditions" in the standard W*-algebraic
approach to classical systems.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 26 May 2004 15:55:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"P. A.",
] |
quant-ph/0405160 | Paulo Maia Neto | P. A. Maia Neto and C. Farina | Comment on "Universal Thermal Radiation Drag on Neutral Objects" | 1 page, to appear in Physical Review Letters | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | In a recent letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 220801 (2003)], V. Mkrtchian and
co-workers calculated the radiation pressure force on a moving body, assuming
the electromagnetic field to be at temperature $T,$ and the velocity to be much
smaller than $c.$ They considered both dielectrics and conductors, and related
the effect to Casimir dissipative forces. Here we claim that their approach may
only apply in the Rayleigh-Ganz scattering regime, which corresponds to very
small particles and/or electromagnetically rarefied media.
Moreover, we argue that their interpretation in terms of the Casimir effect
is misleading, since vacuum fluctuations do not contribute in the (implicitly
assumed) regime of uniform motion.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 26 May 2004 20:40:48 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"P. A. Maia",
] |
quant-ph/0405163 | Galina L. Klimchitskaya | J. F. Babb, G. L. Klimchitskaya, V. M. Mostepanenko | Casimir-Polder interaction between an atom and a cavity wall under the
influence of real conditions | 23 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; minor corrections. Phys. Rev. A, to
appear | Phys. Rev. A 70, 042901 (2004) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.042901 | null | quant-ph | null | The Casimir-Polder interaction between an atom and a metal wall is
investigated under the influence of real conditions including the dynamic
polarizability of the atom, finite conductivity of the wall metal and nonzero
temperature of the system. Both analytical and numerical results for the free
energy and force are obtained over a wide range of the atom-wall distances.
Numerical computations are performed for an Au wall and metastable
He${}^{\ast}$, Na and Cs atoms. For the He${}^{\ast}$ atom we demonstrate, as
an illustration, that at short separations of about the Au plasma wavelength at
room temperature the free energy deviates up to 35% and the force up to 57%
from the classical Casimir-Polder result. Accordingly, such large deviations
should be taken into account in precision experiments on atom-wall
interactions. The combined account of different corrections to the
Casimir-Polder interaction leads to the conclusion that at short separations
the corrections due to the dynamic polarizability of an atom play a more
important role than -- and suppress -- the corrections due to the nonideality
of the metal wall. By the comparison of the exact atomic polarizabilities with
those in the framework of the single oscillator model, it is shown that the
obtained asymptotic expressions enable calculation of the free energy and force
for the atom-wall interaction under real conditions with a precision of one
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 May 2004 18:16:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 19 Jul 2004 18:54:02 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"J. F.",
"G. L.",
"V. M.",
] |
quant-ph/0405165 | Geza Toth | Geza Toth, Otfried Guehne | Detecting Genuine Multipartite Entanglement with Two Local Measurements | 4 pages including 1 figure, revtex4; changes before publication in
PRL; discussion about Mermin's inequality added in Ref. 22 | Physical Review Letters 94, 060501 (2005) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.060501 | null | quant-ph | null | We present entanglement witness operators for detecting genuine multipartite
entanglement. These witnesses are robust against noise and require only two
local measurement settings when used in an experiment, independent from the
number of qubits. This allows detection of entanglement for an increasing
number of parties without a corresponding increase in effort. The witnesses
presented detect states close to GHZ, cluster and graph states. Connections to
Bell inequalities are also discussed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 May 2004 16:28:13 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 26 Jan 2005 18:02:09 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405166 | Hajime Moriya | Hajime Moriya | On separable states for composite systems of distinguishable fermions | 13 pages, no figure. revised | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | We study characterization of separable (classically correlated) states for
composite systems of distinguishable fermions that are represented as CAR
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 May 2004 14:08:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 5 Sep 2005 08:08:41 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sun, 11 Dec 2005 15:09:27 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
quant-ph/0405168 | Hilary Carteret | Hilary A. Carteret | Rethinking Renormalization for Quantum Phase Transitions | 23 pages RevTeX, with 6 figures in encapsulated PostScript. Feedback
welcome. (If the paper prints with a vertical displacement, there's a
\voffset command in the topmatter that will fix this.) v2: improvements in
the renormalization procedure and references added | null | null | null | quant-ph | null | This is a conceptual paper that re-examines the principles underlying the
application of renormalization theory to quantum phase transitions in the light
of quantum information theory. We start by describing the intuitive argument
known as the Kadanoff ``block-spin'' construction for spins fixed on a lattice
and then outline some subsequent ideas by Wilson and White. We then reconstruct
these concepts for quantum phase transitions from first principles. This new
perspective offers some very natural explanations for some features of
renormalization theory that had previously seemed rather mysterious, even
contrived. It also offers some suggestions as to how we might modify
renormalization methods to make them more successful. We then discuss some
possible order parameters and a class of functionals that are analogues of the
correlation length in such systems.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 28 May 2004 19:15:53 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 1 Jun 2004 18:56:30 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Hilary A.",
] |