Dataset Viewer
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stringlengths 10
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translate the following from english into hausa. | have the house!" | ki gaida mutan gidan!" | mmt | wmt22 | 1_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | "i want you to think about what the most important thing in your life is. | "hey mutane, ina so ku san game da muhimmin abu a rayuwata. | mmt | wmt22 | 2_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | the entire segment exists solely to cater to the needs of women | rabin haɗin duniya yana nufin kawai don saduwa da bukatun mata. | mmt | wmt22 | 3_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | gdpr is touted as 'the most important regulation change in years'. | ana bayyana hyperloop a matsayin "sabon babban yanayin safarar sufuri a cikin 100 shekaru. " | mmt | wmt22 | 4_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | "in the last two years, the commission has recorded a total of 41 incidents involving deliberate attacks on the commission's facilities. | "a cikin shekaru biyu da su ka gabata, hukumar ta lissafa jimillar hare-hare guda 41 da aka kai wa kadarorin ta. | mmt | wmt22 | 5_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | the general overseer of the redeemed christian church of god, pastor enoch adeboye, has said the naira will regain its strength among the league of currencies. | babban mai lura da cocin redeemed christian church of god, fasto enoch adeboye, ya ce naira za ta dawo da karfi a tsakanin hada-hadar kudade. | mmt | wmt22 | 6_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | ahhhh... the age old | wow - sun tsu - yaruka | mmt | wmt22 | 7_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | so he returned to his mother (and indeed his spirit was broken), | dawowarta gidan mamin ma bai hanata daina kukan da ya zame mata jiki ba domin kullum cikin yinsa take, | mmt | wmt22 | 8_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | q well, your main argument is that their argument is that they are doing this because they are afraid of putting off potential recruits to their universities. | gtk; wasu daga cikin jami\'an gwamnatin nan da ta gabata, suna cewa kuna yi masu wannan abu ne, don kuna tsoran adawar da suke yiwa wannan gwamnati taku. | mmt | wmt22 | 9_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | no one likes to be wrong | ba wanda yake son a gaya masa cewa bai yi daidai ba. | mmt | wmt22 | 10_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | the research now. | tdauki binciken yanzu. | mmt | wmt22 | 11_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | "i showed him the way. | na nuna masa hanyar tafi. | mmt | wmt22 | 12_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | this year is going to be no different." | haka wannan shekara ba za a samu wani banbanci ba." | mmt | wmt22 | 13_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | you may want to check out the con of the north which is in february in st. paul. | akwai yiyuwar asuu zata ci gaba da yajin aiki a watan fabrairu>>kamar yanda ta tabbatar - arewasound | mmt | wmt22 | 14_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | a.d.under the leadership of? | bs dominan ga ya?? | mmt | wmt22 | 15_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | it's also important to know about your rights as a pagan parent and the rights of pagan students. | har ila yau, yana da muhimmanci a san game da hakkinka a matsayin uba makiya da ' yancin abokan cin hanci . | mmt | wmt22 | 16_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | do you know any kids who are addicted to video games? | ka san 'yan wasan madrid da a ka gayyata buga wasannin kasashensu? | mmt | wmt22 | 17_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | sri lanka's pride: world's biggest children's hospital | comments on: za a sallami ma fi kankantar jariri a duniya daga asibiti | mmt | wmt22 | 18_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | also, we're looking forward to getting into the water to do some diving. | muna yin jiko na ciyawar ciyawa a kan ruwan dumi, to, tace. | mmt | wmt22 | 19_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | will alan ever get a chance to spread his wings and prove that he's not a little kid anymore? | shin ko yaushe nadal zai hakura ya barwa wasu ganin kamar ya zama bainu bakya tsufa? | mmt | wmt22 | 20_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | for additional information, timelines and historic photographs related to abraham lincoln, see the following resources: | don ƙarin bayani, lokuta da hotunan tarihi da suka shafi ibrahim lincoln, duba abubuwan da suke bi na | mmt | wmt22 | 21_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | husbands: 'be loving your wife as your own body.' - ephesians 5:28-30. | maza su ƙaunaci matansu kamar jikinsu. - afisawa 5:25-29. | mmt | wmt22 | 22_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | "betty took mom and me shopping, and i got you something." | "momy zamuje gidansu mufida zan karbi wani abu." | mmt | wmt22 | 23_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | any attempt to learn from the jewish | rashin sa hijabi koyi ne da yahudawa | mmt | wmt22 | 24_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | the tendency in the danish survey | sa'an nan kuma tushen ya yi girma a hankali a cikin bincike na danshi; | mmt | wmt22 | 25_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | i don't have access to a mac, so won't able to able with mac specific issues here. | ban sami jerin wuraren aiki ba, don haka ba zan iya samun mac ɗin da zan zaɓa ba. | mmt | wmt22 | 26_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | if the blush is not enough, repeat it. | idan launi ba cikakken isa ba, sake maimaita shi. | mmt | wmt22 | 27_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | i think it's time to ask wwjd? | maada time ho gaya sawah sadh ke | mmt | wmt22 | 28_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | b) committee meetings will be publicised in the newsletter, by email and on the website. | bayani game da makaranta tarurruka misali, za a posted a kan yanar da kuma e-akan aikawa wasiku. | mmt | wmt22 | 29_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | second was 35 days. | yi san 235 days ago | mmt | wmt22 | 30_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | here's the proo | yanzu, a nan ne rubutun zane-zane. | mmt | wmt22 | 31_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | "for those who endure chronic suffering, i would say: this is your ministry. | "ga wadanda ke taimaka wa rashin tsaro a jihar nan, ina ce muku ya isa haka. | mmt | wmt22 | 32_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | u.s. president donald trump's visit to beijing now offers a chance to achieve more depth for the bilateral relations between the two countries. | wannan muhimmin mataki da shugaban ƙasar amurka donald trump ya ɗauka ya haifar da wata dama da zai inganta dangantakar kasashen biyu. wato turkiyya da amurkan. | mmt | wmt22 | 33_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | before they commenced, we were entertained with a preliminary | kafin mu yi hidima, mun yi ado da sauté tare da yankakken ganye. | mmt | wmt22 | 34_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | the cat's eyeslooks like she's about to cry | ɗan buɗe idonsa yana juyi da kansa kaman zaiyi kuka. | mmt | wmt22 | 35_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | came near, jesus asked him, what do you want me | k'arba a dak'ile, ta tambayesu me suke so ta | mmt | wmt22 | 36_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | the rally continues, with each player hitting the ball, then running around the net. | hakan ya ci gaba, tare da kowane mai kunna buga kwallon, sannan yana gudana a kan yanar gizo. | mmt | wmt22 | 37_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | get more exposure, attract customers and increase your engagements. | sanya tallace-tallace ta atomatik, burge abokan cinikin ku kuma sami ƙarin kasuwanci. | mmt | wmt22 | 38_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | i love the ad's! | muna ƙaunakwali kayan wa a! | mmt | wmt22 | 39_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | when i started to read it, i couldn't stop. | lokacin da na fara karanta shi ba zan iya dakatar. | mmt | wmt22 | 40_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | real-time synchronization - integrate with multiple systems of record (crm, erp, hcm) to dynamically synchronize any changes in organizational hierarchies and relationships in real-time. | aiki tare na lokaci - haɗa tare da tsarin rikodin da yawa (crm, erp, hcm) don daidaita aiki tare da canje-canje a cikin tsarin tsari da alaƙa a cikin lokaci-lokaci. | mmt | wmt22 | 41_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | are you referring to the tablet? | lar da ane: tablet?? | mmt | wmt22 | 42_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | the truth is that a lot of volunteers can in fact do their jobs as well paid staff. | a zahiri, mutane da yawa tabbas basa iya kimanta matsayin haƙƙin su na kyakkyawa sosai. | mmt | wmt22 | 43_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | for the love of god please release an abridged version. | dan allah aboki ka dan bar yar mutane takara hutawa sosai please inji cewar fk . | mmt | wmt22 | 44_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | "the two presidents and i will only meet to pray, and i believe that prayer is important, and doing this helps. | "kaya guda biyu na dauka kawai, sai ruwa, sai kuma addu'o'i da jama'a ke mini, kuma wadannan addu'o'i sun bani kwarin gwiwa." | mmt | wmt22 | 45_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | from now on - let it go | daga - bari | mmt | wmt22 | 46_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | apple black friday 2018 deals (including iphone xr & xs) | tallace-tallace na ebay black friday sun hada da iphone xs da iphone xr - bgr | mmt | wmt22 | 47_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | instead, you'll have to purchase a new fridge. | a cikin mafi munin yanayi, dole ka sayi sabon firiji. | mmt | wmt22 | 48_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | go tell the vatican it didn't fly. | ku je ku gaya wa mai nasara cewa bai harbe shark din ba. | mmt | wmt22 | 49_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | whatever mood you're in when you start watching room, you'll be in a different state when the final credits roll. | komai inda za a fara farawa cikin slot din, za ku ji tafi ayaba lokacin da kake buga miliyoyin miliyoyin. | mmt | wmt22 | 50_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | definitely the best beard. | tabbas, mafi kyawon nama. | mmt | wmt22 | 51_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | for the benefit of your heirs. | kuma da ni'imõmin kabilunku. | mmt | wmt22 | 52_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | for a long time, the two old men said | zakaji da yawan samari na ce ma yan | mmt | wmt22 | 53_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | the decision was what to do? | menene hukuncin yin | mmt | wmt22 | 54_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | my father is a god? | is baba yaga a god? | mmt | wmt22 | 55_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | reports from england reveal that the player... | wasu rahotanni daga kasar ingila sun bayyana cewa kungiyar kwallon... | mmt | wmt22 | 56_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | marriages are not easy. | aure ba abu ne mai sauki ba. | mmt | wmt22 | 57_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | he said the print shop will always argue with you that it can't be done, but they're always amazed with the results. | ya ce ma'aikata koyaushe za su ba ka mamaki idan ka ba su damar yin nasara. | mmt | wmt22 | 58_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | get the listener's attention before speaking. | sami hankalin mai sauraro kafin magana | mmt | wmt22 | 59_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | regionalisation in europe: the state of affairs | gudun kankara a turai: farashin | mmt | wmt22 | 60_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | set up 9.8 million jobs are answered. | sannan akwai wasu ayyukan da za su ci naira miliyan 219.8. | mmt | wmt22 | 61_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | we've never had the chance 'cause they always happen at night. | "ba za mu iya gane kowa cikin su ba, domin da dare ne suka zo." | mmt | wmt22 | 62_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | the art of extempore speaking or how to attain fluency of speech | - rayuwa juyi-juyi; wai kwado ya fada ruwan zafi, in ji masu iya magana | mmt | wmt22 | 63_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | "should we keep standing here or go inside?" | "fahad zamu shiga ne ko kana jirana anan?" | mmt | wmt22 | 64_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | when was the declaration of independence approved? | yaushe ne aka karɓa dokar independence ? | mmt | wmt22 | 65_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | (this is wishful thinking) but maybe krista de-committed and that's why she's not here/didn't get a wc. | yana iya zama cewa ssd (sandisk) bai dace ba kuma wannan shine dalilin da ya sa yake ba da wannan kuskuren ko bai bar ni in girka ba? | mmt | wmt22 | 66_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | 44: "woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it." | 44"kaitonku, domin ku kamar kaburbura ne da ba a sa musu alama ba, waɗanda mutane suke takawa don rashin sani." | mmt | wmt22 | 67_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | schaal responds, "either the earth or in space." | asmeeey tace"ai wlh ko sama da kasa zasu hade sae ta daura min shi" | mmt | wmt22 | 68_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | and, that while children should be allowed to ask questions and so on, they must be polite about it." | idan ma mutane basu da hankali har zasu dinga tambayoyi akan irin wannan, kune ya kamata ku wayar musu da kai" | mmt | wmt22 | 69_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | "ooh, you're laughing at a text, who's it from?" | au haba?, dariya sukayi tare da tafawa sannan sadiq yace" | mmt | wmt22 | 70_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | do you want your customers to be able to place bets over the phone? | kuna son abokan ciniki su kasance a kan shafin ku don biyan kuɗi? | mmt | wmt22 | 71_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | today if our prominent government officials go to egypt and no restrictions are imposed, the same things would happen there too. the same is true of sudan and all other muslim countries. | a yau idan har manyan jami'an kasar mu suka tafi masar, matukar dai mahukuntan kasar suka bari to irin wannan yanayi ne zai faru, idan suka tafi sudan ma idan dai har an bari abin da zai faru kenan. | mmt | mafand | 72_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | the self-styled godman was held guilty on friday. | an sako shugaban kungiyar miyetti allah da ake zargin an sace a ranar talatan makon da ya gabata. | mmt | wmt22 | 73_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | god's love motivates everything he does. | ƙaunar allah tana motsa duk abin da yake yi. | mmt | wmt22 | 74_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | chili powder - isn't this the same as cayenne pepper? | main - haaye itna pyar karogi? | mmt | wmt22 | 75_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | nosh: will be edible. | tagi: cin cin | mmt | wmt22 | 76_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | it's mainly water... | hasashe ya nuna ruwan... | mmt | wmt22 | 77_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | hosea 8:12 i shall write to him my manifold laws, which have been accounted as foreign. | 8:12 zan rubuta masa ta m dokokin, wanda aka bi da kamar baƙi. | mmt | wmt22 | 78_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | in praise of luddites | yabba dabba darts | mmt | wmt22 | 79_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | the state of ohio does not regulate phlebotomy... | us ke sath he tou mahsoos kiya hai ... | mmt | wmt22 | 80_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | first of all, you can have more than one registry with more than one store. | a cikin farko taga, za ka iya samun fiye da ɗaya records ga na'urarka. | mmt | wmt22 | 81_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | he said while he agreed with the principles put forth by | ya ce idan sun bi ka'ida suma zasu bi ka'ida. | mmt | wmt22 | 82_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | like all the girls of that time, she knew how to stand in front of men. | kamar dukkan girlsan matan wannan lokacin, ta san yadda ake tsayawa a gaban mutane. | mmt | wmt22 | 83_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | it's about the art and the artists." | yana da game da sararin samaniya da kayan abu. " | mmt | wmt22 | 84_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | mcconnell suggested an annual observance to remind people of their shared responsibility as environmental stewards. | mcconnell ya ba da shawarar yin bikin shekara-shekara domin tunatar da mutanen duniya da nauyin da suke da ita a matsayin masu kula da muhalli. | mmt | wmt22 | 85_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | in 2011, hyundai redesigned the sonata. | a shekarar 2011, adeyami ya sake takarar 'dan | mmt | wmt22 | 86_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | growling, the warrior relented the jibe and smiled. where the hell have you been? | da hajiya da wanda ya kawo keken sukayi ta dariya...... kai wai baka da hankali ne ? | mmt | wmt22 | 87_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | wolsey and henry pursued a diplomatic and military policy designed to raise england's (and thus henry's) profile in european affairs, which was dominated by the spanish-franco-habsburg rivalry. | wolsey da henry sun bi manufar diflomasiyya da soja da aka tsara don tada ingila-kuma ta haka ne henry ya fadi a cikin harkokin turai, wanda rinjayen mutanen espanya da franco-habsburg suka mamaye. | mmt | wmt22 | 88_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | lucie running along the pathway. | susan lucci walks the runway. | mmt | wmt22 | 89_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | "we will continue to pressure north korea to abandon all its weapons of mass destruction and programs and installations related to ballistic missiles. | "zamu cigaba da aikin kwace makamai daga hannun duk wasu miyagun mutane tare da kakkabe yan fashi da makami da masu garkuwa da mutane daga jahar gaba daya." | mmt | wmt22 | 90_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | the big finish | malisa babbin | mmt | wmt22 | 91_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | in co-operation with corona film | su da yanar filmi konusu | mmt | wmt22 | 92_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | women in front of a rose | rose mata gabin | mmt | wmt22 | 93_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | we have lots of things to learn about what works. | "akwai darussa da dama da muke so mu koyi daga wannan tsari game da abin da ke aiki. | mmt | wmt22 | 94_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
could you convert this english text to hausa? | on january 11, 1831, a brief article in a new england newspaper, the rhode island american and gazette, announced the new venture while praising garrison's reputation: | ranar 11 ga watan janairun 1831, wani ɗan gajeren labarin a jaridar new ingila, rhode island american da gazette, ya sanar da sabon kamfani yayin yana yabon sunan garrison: | mmt | wmt22 | 95_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | hmmm, can't figure out a logical way to add music to google music. | amma google ba ya samar da mai sauki hanya a raba google music library. | mmt | wmt22 | 96_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | laughed at the intro. | darin inyart | mmt | wmt22 | 97_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
translate the following from english into hausa. | read the entire w. va. | karanta cikakken babi w. w. 6 | mmt | wmt22 | 98_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | if you can make the interest only payment, you can have it. | idan baka iya biyan kudinsa hakuri anka yi kawai. | mmt | wmt22 | 99_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
please convert this english content into hausa. | what is $25? | hakami tara25 ttu | mmt | wmt22 | 100_dev_mt_eng-hau | eng-hau |
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