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dán buori biillas | this.GENACC good.GENACC car.LOC | in this good car | nort2671 | uratyp_1 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Kás'sa lea beavddi vuolde | box be.3SG table.GEN under.LOC | The box is under the table | nort2671 | uratyp_2 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Máreha boađedettiin | Máret.GENACC come.CVB | nort2671 | uratyp_3 | uratyp | North Saami | ||||
Piera lea ~ le-i juhka-min vuola | Piera be.3SG ~ be-PST.3SG drink-ACTESS beer.GENACC | Piera is ~ was drinking beer | nort2671 | uratyp_4 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
Toga lea (aiddo) vuolgi-min | train be.3SG (just) leave-PROG | The train is about to leave | nort2671 | uratyp_5 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
le-imme geahčča-n | be-PST.1DU watch-PST.PTCP | we two had watched | nort2671 | uratyp_6 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
Dasgo jos muhtun makedonia-lačča-t boađá-š-edje mu fárus | for if some Macedonia-ADJ-PL come-COND-3PL 1SG.GENACC with | For if any Macedonians come with me […] | nort2671 | uratyp_7 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
Niillas leažžá boahti-me | Niillas be.POT.3SG come-PROG | Niillas might be coming | nort2671 | uratyp_9 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
Vulgos Máhtte baicce | leave.IMP.3SG Matthew instead | Let Matthew go instead | nort2671 | uratyp_10 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Norggas borret ollu guoli | Norway.LOC eat.3PL much fish.GENACC | People eat a lot of fish in Norway | nort2671 | uratyp_11 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Go gealat bániid guktii jándoris , dat váikkuha dearvvašvuhtii máŋgga ládje | when brush.2SG tooth.PL.GENACC twice day.LOC it affect.3SG health.ILL many.GENACC in.a.way | When you brush / one brushes teeth twice a day, it has many health effects | nort2671 | uratyp_12 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Mun vuolggán Ungárii oahppat ungáragiela | 1SG leave.1SG Hungary.ILL learn.INF Hungarian.GENACC | I am going to Hungary to learn Hungarian | nort2671 | uratyp_13 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Arvá | rain.3SG | It’s raining | nort2671 | uratyp_14 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Ruoksat lea mu fávorihttaivdni | red(.NOM) be.3SG 1SG.GEN favorite.color | Red is my favorite color | nort2671 | uratyp_15 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Máret lei ikte buohcci | Máret.NOM be.PST.3SG yesterday sick | nort2671 | uratyp_16 | uratyp | North Saami | ||||
diehtá : ii dieđe | know.3SG : NEG.3SG know.CNG | s/he knows : s/he does not know | nort2671 | uratyp_17 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Mun vuolggán ruoktot ama-n nohkka-t | 1SG leave.1SG home lest-1SG.POSS fall.asleep-INF | I will go home lest I fall asleep | nort2671 | uratyp_18 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
Piera daga-i rihkkos-a juga-keahttá vuola | Piera make-PST.3SG crime-GENACC drink-VABE beer.GA | Piera committed a crime without drinking beer | nort2671 | uratyp_19 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
Johan Turi čállin girji | Johan Turi.GENACC write.AG.PTCP book | the book written by Johan Turi | nort2671 | uratyp_20 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Vuosttažettiin namah-uvvo-jit nisson-ii-d bassal-keahtes buksa-hiitam-at dahje oapme-buvssa-t | first mention-PASS-3PL woman-PL-GENACC wash-keahtes pant-seat-PL or worn.out-pant-PL | The first things to be mentioned are the unwashed seats of women’s pants or worn-out pants | nort2671 | uratyp_21 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
– – ja son daja-i [issorasa-t geahpih-an] | – – and s/he say-PST.3SG terrible-ADV be_relieved-PTCP.PRF | – – und er sagte ungeheuer erleichtert | nort2671 | uratyp_22 | uratyp | stan1295 | yes | North Saami | German |
Ale mu sivat ! | NEG.IMP.2SG 1SG.ACC blame.CNG | Don't blame me! | nort2671 | uratyp_23 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Vašálačča-i-d gávpog-a molle-n | enemy-PL-GENACC town-GENACC destruct-AN | Destruction of the city by the enemy/Destruction of the enemy's city? | nort2671 | uratyp_24 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
Báikki olbmo-t lea-t geafi-t | locality.GA human-PL be-3PL poor-PL | The local people are poor | nort2671 | uratyp_25 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
ovttáá-in stuárráá-muzzáá-in kárbáá-in | one-COM large-SPRL-COM boat-COM | with one of the largest boats | nort2671 | uratyp_26 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
Birra-met | around-1PL | around us | nort2671 | uratyp_27 | uratyp | stan1295 | yes | North Saami | German |
guhtta jagi | six year.GENACC | six years | nort2671 | uratyp_28 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
Anton-a | Anton-GEN | Anton's | nort2671 | uratyp_29 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
meahccá-i | forest-ILL | to the forest | nort2671 | uratyp_30 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
feastta-s | party-LOC | at a party / from a party | nort2671 | uratyp_31 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
guvtti-in gieđa-in | two-COM hand-COM | with both hands | nort2671 | uratyp_32 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | North Saami | English |
guolli-n | fish-ESS | nort2671 | uratyp_33 | uratyp | yes | North Saami | |||
Son/Dat lea mu skibir | 3SG/it be.3SG 1SG.GENACC friend | S/he/it is my friend | nort2671 | uratyp_34 | uratyp | stan1293 | North Saami | English |
kaunehe-šša koti-šša | beautiful-INE house-INE | in a beautiful house | nort2673 | uratyp_45 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
talo-n takana | house-GEN behind | behind the house | nort2673 | uratyp_46 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Läksi-mä meččä-h päivä-n noušše-šša | go.PST-1PL forest-ILL sun-GEN rise.INF-INE | We went to the forest when the sun came up | nort2673 | uratyp_47 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Poika näk-i kontie-n da juokš-i poiš | boy see-PST.3SG bear-GEN and run-PST.3SG away | The boy saw the bear and ran away | nort2673 | uratyp_48 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
juokše-n > juokše-ntele-n | run-1SG > run-FRQ-1SG | nort2673 | uratyp_49 | uratyp | yes | Northern Karelian | |||
Ošša-n kirja-n | buy-1SG book-GEN | I'll buy a book | nort2673 | uratyp_50 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Ole-n lähtö-mä-ššä | be-1SG go-SUP-INE | I am about to leave | nort2673 | uratyp_51 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Hiän ol-i jo män-nyt muata | 3SG be-PST.3SG already go-ACT.PST.PTCP sleep.INF | S/he had already now gone to bed | nort2673 | uratyp_52 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Sö-isi-n leivä-n | eat-COND-1SG bread-GEN | I would eat the bread | nort2673 | uratyp_53 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Jos paista-si-t leivä-n , ni mie sö-isi-n se-n | if bake-COND-2SG bread-GEN so 1SG eat-COND-1SG it-GEN | If you would bake a bread I would eat it | nort2673 | uratyp_54 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Kun ruohtin-ne-t lähti-e , ni läkkä meije-n kera | if dare-POT-2SG go-INF so go.IMP.2SG 1PL-GEN with | If you dare to go, so come with us | nort2673 | uratyp_55 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Hiän pais-kah , mie e-n välitä | 3SG speak-JUSS.3SG 1SG NEG-1SG care.CNG | Let him/her speak I don't care | nort2673 | uratyp_56 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Hyö šyy-vväh | 3PL eat-IPS.PRS.3PL | They eat | nort2673 | uratyp_57 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Kun kunnolla ruova-t , nii tulo-u palkka | if well work-2SG then come-3SG salary | If you work well then you get paid | nort2673 | uratyp_58 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Pihalla vihmuu | outside rain-3SG | It is raining outside | nort2673 | uratyp_59 | uratyp | stan1293 | Northern Karelian | English |
Hiän on opaštaja | 3SG be.3SG teacher | S/he is a teacher | nort2673 | uratyp_60 | uratyp | stan1293 | Northern Karelian | English |
Hiän ol-i opaštaja | 3SG be-PST.3SG teacher | S/he was a teacher | nort2673 | uratyp_61 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
tule-n : e-n tule | come-1SG : NEG-1SG come.CNG | I come : I don't come | nort2673 | uratyp_62 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Opaštu-ma-tta on jykie šua-ha hyvy-ä työ-tä | learn-SUP-ABE be.3SG hard get-INF good-PRT work-PRT | It is hard to get a good job without learning | nort2673 | uratyp_63 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Täššä ruata-h hyvin | here work.IPS-PRS.3PL well | nort2673 | uratyp_64 | uratyp | yes | Northern Karelian | |||
juokši-ja heponi | run-ACT.PRS.PTCP horse | a horse that is running | nort2673 | uratyp_65 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Luve-tu-i-šta kirjo-i-šta | read-PASS.PST.PTCP-PL-ELA book-PL-ELA | of/about the books that have been read | nort2673 | uratyp_66 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Juo čajju-o ! | drink.IMP.2SG tea-PRT | Drink tea! | nort2673 | uratyp_67 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Elä ši-tä kirveš-tä ota | NEG.IMP.2SG this-PRT ax-PRT take.CNG | Don't take this ax! | nort2673 | uratyp_68 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
poja-n peže-mini | boy-GEN wash-NMLZ | washing of the boy / washing the boy | nort2673 | uratyp_69 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
poja-t olla-h pitä-t | boy-PL be.IPS-3PL tall-PL | The boys are tall | nort2673 | uratyp_70 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
ykši kirja : kolme kirju-a | one.NOM.SG book.NOM.SG : three.NOM.SG book-PRT.SG | one book : three books | nort2673 | uratyp_72 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
hepose-n | horse-GEN | horse's | nort2673 | uratyp_73 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
murkina-tta | breakfast-ABE | without breakfast | nort2673 | uratyp_75 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
štola-lta | table-ABL | from the table | nort2673 | uratyp_76 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
koira-lla | dog-ALL/ADE | to the dog, dog has [sth]… | nort2673 | uratyp_77 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
lehmi-neh | cow-COM | with a cow/cows | nort2673 | uratyp_78 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Tyttö muuttu jouččene-kši | girl turn.3SG swan-TRA | The girl turns into a swan | nort2673 | uratyp_79 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
Tuatto-ni ruata-u opaštaja-na | dad-POSS.1SG work-3SG teacher-ESS | My dad is working as a teacher | nort2673 | uratyp_80 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
še tulou | it come-3SG | S/he comes | nort2673 | uratyp_81 | uratyp | stan1293 | Northern Karelian | English |
koulu-loi-šša | school-PL-INE | in the schools | nort2673 | uratyp_82 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Northern Karelian | English |
pit͡ɕi-jez-tek pi-je-tek | small-DEF-ABE son-POSS.1SG-ABE | without my younger son | udmu1245 | uratyp_93 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
vuʒ korkɑ-n | old house-INE | in an old house | udmu1245 | uratyp_94 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
kor vɨlɨn puk-e pereɕ kɨʃnomurt | log on sit-PRS.3SG old woman | An old woman sits on a log | udmu1245 | uratyp_95 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
Fɑinɑ so-leɕ umm-e uɕ-em-ze ɘ-z ɲi ʃɘdɨ | Faina 3SG-ABL dream-INE drop-PTCP-ACC.3SG NEG.PST-3SG already feel.CNG.SG | Faina didn't feel any more that/how she [Tamara] fell asleep | udmu1245 | uratyp_96 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
pi nɨl-ez t͡ɕup-ɑz no bɨʑɨ-sɑ koʃk-iz | boy girl-ACC kiss-PST.3SG and run-CVB go.away-PST.3SG | The boy kissed the girl and ran away | udmu1245 | uratyp_97 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
gurt-ɨn ulɨ-ku-z ataj-e ɲulesk-ɨ vetlɨ-l-o-z val | country-INE live-CVB-POSS.3SG father-POSS.1SG forest-ILL go-FRQ-FUT-3SG AUX | When my father lived in the country he used to go to the forest | udmu1245 | uratyp_98 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
juɑ-ʎʎɑ | ask-FRQ | to ask repeatedly | udmu1245 | uratyp_99 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
anaj-e vuɨ-ku mon ɕiɕk-iɕko val | mother-POSS.1SG come-CVB 1SG eat-PRS.1SG AUX | When my mother came, I was eating | udmu1245 | uratyp_100 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
koʃk-iɕko mon | leave-PRS.1SG 1SG | I'm leaving | udmu1245 | uratyp_101 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
mi lɨktɨ-ku so koʃk-emɨn ɲi vɑl | 1PL come-CVB 3SG leave-PASS already AUX | S/he had already left before we arrived | udmu1245 | uratyp_102 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
bɨgɑtɨ-sɑl ke , gurt-ɨn ulɨ-sɑl | can-COND if village-INE live-COND | I would live in the countryside if I could | udmu1245 | uratyp_103 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
biskɨʎi pɨʒɨ-sɑl ke , ɕiɨ-sɑl so-je | cake[ACC] bake-COND if eat-COND it-ACC | If I baked a cake, I would eat it | udmu1245 | uratyp_104 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
mɨnɨm gurt-e mɨn-ono | 1SG.DAT house-ILL go-PTCP | I must go home | udmu1245 | uratyp_105 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
so vera-z mar mon kar-om | 3SG say-PST.3SG what 1SG do-OPT.1SG | S/he told what I should do | udmu1245 | uratyp_106 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
kuno-os vu-emɨn | guest-PL arive-PASS | Guests arrived | udmu1245 | uratyp_107 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
ʃɨd-ez puɲɨ-jen ɕij-o | soup-ACC spoon-INS eat-PRS.3PL | Soup is eaten with a spoon | udmu1245 | uratyp_108 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
mon mɨn-iɕko vengri-je mɑɟjɑr kɨl-ez dɨʃet-ɨnɨ | 1SG go-PRS.1SG Hungary-ILL hungarian language-ACC study-INF | I’m going to Hungary in order to study Hungarian | udmu1245 | uratyp_109 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
zor-e | rain-PRS.3SG | It is raining | udmu1245 | uratyp_110 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
mon dɨʃet-ɨɕ vɑl/lu-o | 1SG teach-NMLZ be.PST/be-FUT.1SG | I was/will be a teacher | udmu1245 | uratyp_111 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
mon gurt-ɨn | 1SG home-INE | I am at home | udmu1245 | uratyp_112 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
me ɘvɘl ʃuʑi | 1SG NEG stupid | I am not stupid | udmu1245 | uratyp_113 | uratyp | stan1293 | Udmurt | English |
mon uʒɑ-ɕko : mon u-g uʒɑ-ɕk-ɨ | 1SG work-PRS.1SG : 1SG NEG.PRS-1SG work-PRS-NEG.SG | udmu1245 | uratyp_114 | uratyp | yes | Udmurt | |||
dɨrtɨ-tek lɨd͡d͡ʑ-e | hurry-CVB.NEG read-PRS.3SG | S/he is reading without hurry | udmu1245 | uratyp_115 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
goʒjɑɕk-ɨɕ pi | write-PTCP boy | writing boy | udmu1245 | uratyp_116 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
val-ez š’už’ja-n sǝ̑na-n-z-e Vaš’a ǝ̑st-i-z | horse-ACC clean-PTCP comb-3-ACC Vasya lose-PST-3 | Vasya lost the comb with which he used to clean the horse | udmu1245 | uratyp_117 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
lɨd͡d͡ʑɨ-mte kɲigɑ | read-PTCP.NEG book | unread book | udmu1245 | uratyp_118 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
lɨd͡d͡ʑ-ono kɲigɑ | read-PTCP book | the book which must be read | udmu1245 | uratyp_119 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
gurt-e mɨn-ono-e | home-ILL go-PTCP-POSS.1SG | I must go home | udmu1245 | uratyp_120 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
kiʑ-em-az busɨ-ɨn | sow-PTCP-DEF.INE field-INE | in the sowed field | udmu1245 | uratyp_121 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
t͡ɕɑj ju | tea[ACC] drink.IMP.2SG | drink tea | udmu1245 | uratyp_122 | uratyp | stan1293 | Udmurt | English |
gurt-jos bɑd͡d͡ʑɨm-eɕ | village-PL large-PL | The villages are large | udmu1245 | uratyp_123 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Udmurt | English |
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