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Kookon nii3ei'iniit he'ihtoko | just.any's.might NARRPAST-flee | He just ran away as fast as he could go . |
Ne'cei'P ce'inou'usee3i' | then-back-pause back-arrive-3PL | Then they arrived back here [ where I was with my mother and father ]. |
Hoxobeiitono nih'iiceeceibenou'u | rations, . PAST.IMPERF-REDUP-move-3PL | They would put some food aside . |
Noonoo3itoono' beh'eihehi' | REDUP-tell.a.story-1S | I am telling this old man stories . |
sooxe nih'iit | let's.go he | " Let's go ," he said . |
nih'oxonooni' in there nuhu' beniiinenno' | packed.tight.and.full-1PL in there this soldier-NA.PL | We were packed in tight an dfull in there , these soldiers . |
Yehei keetceebiiten he'ii3ou'u | gee.whiz ! 2S.FUT.INTERR-not.steal-12 something | " Hey , shall we steal something ?" |
He'ih'iinosouniini kooko'usii woowoti'enee nuh'uuno hihnoh'ooon | NARRPAST.IMPERF-still-DETACH REDUP-cut-3S REDUP-remove-3S this 3S.PAST-one.killed | He was still cutting off the meat and cleaning out what he had killed |
Heenei'towuuni3i' nih'ee3neebisnee'eesoo' | tell.things-3PL | They tell me about it . It really was all that way . |
Washakie nee'eesih'iinoo' nuhu' cee'eyeino'oowu' | Washakie this Ft..Washakie,.WY | [ Fort ] Washakie , that is what this agency is called . |
Niiyou nuhu' nih'oo3ouyeitiit heetniisiine'etii3i' nih'oo3ou'u nih'eenei3eino' | this English FUT-what-live-3PL White.people | Here is this English , how the white people lived , they told us . |
noh woow he'ihniiso'uuhu' beh'eihehiinino' | and now.PERF NARRPAST-both-ADV be.old-pers.PL | and both were getting on in years . |
wohei nii'P nii'iiP nii'cowo'oot | okay IC.good-pause IC.good-DETACH-pause IC.good-go-3.S | Well then good , good , he's going good . |
niiyou betee nih'ii3eh'eenetit nenitee | be.holy person | The heart here is where a person speaks from . |
Nihbisnou'usee3i' bisiihi' | PAST-all-arrive-3PL all-ADV | They call came , all of them [ the whole family ] [ to the party or gambling ]. |
Niine'eehek | | " Here it is !" |
Hohou | | Thank you . |
Noh he'ih'ihce'ein | and NARRPAST-look | He looked up , |
'oh ne'cihtii'eneit hikoobe' | but 3S-back-LOC | and then she touched him on his back . |
Hibiixuutooninoo nonoo3eit | 3S-dress+aff-pers.PL leave.things.behind-3.S | Yes , [ one of the children ] left her jacket/clothes . |
Yeah hii3oobein | yeah IC.corrrect-2S | Yeah , you are right . |
hi3oowu3ecoo beebeet | believe just | Only believe , |
Nuhu' hoo3itoo ceneeteenii'eihii | this story bluebird | This story , Bluebird . |
Ciinoteibi | stop.crying | " If you are going to keep on crying , |
ceecee'iheit neneenino hinenitee hinee koh'owuuteen | person-OBV.PL that Kiowa.Tribe | [ He told them about how ] the Kiowa people had given him many valuable things . |
hoonii hoonii hoonii ne'cesisnoh'ukotiit | after.a.long.time after.a.long.time after.a.long.time then-begin-gallop,.lope-3.S | Finally he started to kind of gallop . |
kei'in uhh nei'oohootowuni' nehe' ceesey niis neeso | you.know uhh this one two three | You know , uhh , we look at these [ days ], one , two , three . |
noh he'ne'nih'iistounineet | and that-PAST-what-capture-3.S | and that's how he was able to make conquests in battle . |
cesisih'ohuni' Ft Sill | Ft . Sill | We took off from Ft . Sill OK . |
wohei | okay | Okay |
noosouP noosouniiwo3eihinoo | IC.still-pause IC.still-horny,.lustful-1S | " I'm still , I'm still horny ." |
woteeniihi' noh hinee howoh'oowuu woneeneiteyei'i3i' | and that towns ALLAT-get.lots.of.things-3PL | In town , and at Lander , they went and got things . |
Woxhoox you know ceno'ooP wo'ei3 nuh'uuno bih'ihii niiceeceno'oo3i' | horse you know jump-pause or this mule.deer IMPERF-REDUP-jump-3PL | Horse you know , or these deer , they jump around . |
noo'oeP noh heetoustoo | around-pause and ? | And " what are you going to do ?" [ he said ] |
Wootii he'ih'iinoohobee | like NARRPAST.IMPERF-see-1PL | He would see them . |
Hoh'onookee ne'3eiihcehit | rock,.stone then-jump.into.a.container-3.S | Then it jumped inside the rocks [ again ]. |
noh nee'eesiini noohoo3eihok nehe' nihceiteet beh'eihehiinen | and be.thus see.things-SUBJ this PAST-visit.people-3.S | And that's what this old man who came to visit saw . |
It's a good song nih'ii3i' | it's a good song they.said | \ 'ecIt's a good song ,\ 'ee they said . |
wootii nih'eeneisiini niiP niiyou nuh'uuno henei'towoo3eihiinoo' | like IMPERF-pause this IC.something.that.has.been.told.about-0S | for example the ways , the thing that is told about , |
hoowuuni | no | No . |
I should have called you nih'iit | I should have called you he | ... She said . |
Henee' tonoehit | who ? IC.feel.cold-3.S | Who is cold ? |
yeah niisiisinookuceihi3i' | yeah IMPERF-taste.sour-3PL | Yeah , 'they are sour white tasting' . |
Heetne'P niineeniiteheiwoono' nehe' hinen nih'ii3i' | FUT-then-pause IMPERF-REDUP-help-12 this man PAST-said-3PL | We are going to help out this man , they said . |
Wo'uuceh ni'iini nih'ii3o' |!? good-DETACH | I guess that will be okay , I said to him . |
heenoo nehe' biixonoo nih'entoot | oblig this plume | Customarily this plume would be present [ at ceremonies ]. |
Nih'iiP beebeet nihii nenee'eesinihiit ciitonounowuno'ohk | PAST.IMPERF-pause just well... thus-say-3.S NEG-to.use.s.t.-12-SUBJ | Just uhh , that's what [ Dickie ] said , if we don't use it , |
noh ne'nii'esnonee3i' | and that-when.IMPERF-angry-3PL | and that's when [ the parents ] get mad . |
praying in Arapaho kee'in Neneeninoo | praying in Arapaho you.know ? | Praying in Arapaho , you know ? Me . |
Woow he'cih'eeckoo: | now.PERF | He might be coming home now . |
Xonouu hii3e' woncebiihinee3i' | immediately over.there ALLAT-gamble-3PL | Right away , they go gamble over there . |
Teebe tih'etnihi'kuutiit teebe tih'etnihi'kuu ne'ce3koohut nehe' | IRREAL.PAST-fire.gun-3.S IRREALIS-INSTR-throw-3.S this | Just when he was going to pull the trigger , just as he was going to pull the trigger , this rabbit ran off . |
yeah Nihniiteheiwoot | yeah PAST-help-3S | Yeah . She helped them . |
huu3e' ne'P ne'iini hoo'eiso'oetiini' hinee nih'iisixohoo3i' hi'in wookecii | over.there then-pause then people.herd.or.round.up.animals-0S that PAST-how.take.s.o.,.area.through.which.take.s.o.-3PL that(aforementioned) cow-NA.PL.OBV | Over there then they herded those [ cattle ], where they took those cattle to . |
Noh ceniiP nuhu' niiciitoyou'uuwu3i' kookon noonohookeitoo3i' | and IC.NEG-pause this IMPERF-NEG-remember-3PL just.any REDUP-do.crazy.things-3PL | And the ones who don't remember it do all sorts of crazy things . |
Ce'P hikokuy ce'iiteno' | again-pause 3S-rifle again-get-3S | He grabbed his gun again . |
Huut henee3neewoo3eeni3i hi'in hiso'one' | here IC.very-be.many-4PL that(aforementioned) 3S-butt-loc | " There are really a lot of them here in his butt ." |
heetniiseekuu' nee'eesih'iinoo' nuhu' | this | Where two Sun Dance lodges stood is what it is called . |
noh hini'iit uhh | and that(aforementioned).there uhh | And those ... |
Nebesiibehe' nihbiineinoo nih'iit | 1S-grandfather PAST-give-3S he | " My grandfather , he gave it to me ," one says . |
nohuusoho' | like.that | that is how it was . |
Heetihneyeihceh'e3tiitowunee toonheetniisinihii3i' nuhu' hinono'eino' | INDEF-FUT-what-say-3PL this Arapahos | So that is why you try to listen to what these Arapahos will say . |
Hee hii3oobein nih'ii3i' | yes IC.corrrect-2S they.said | Yes , you're right , they said . |
Hiit nee'eeticenisinenoo nuhu' biito'owuu' niisoo' ceeseini' cecino | here that's.where-born-1S this twenty X+1 years | I was born at this place twenty one years ago . |
Wootii toh'uusiixoohoo3iheit kooxhe'ihyoo3oniisibein | like since-PERF-show-4 yet.again-NARRPAST-five-put.down-OBV.S | After the friend had showed [ nih'oo3oo' ] how it worked , [ the friend ] put down five more . |
Wonoowo'tenowuno' what we need | IC.REDUP-pick.s.t..up,.gather,.harvest-12 what we need | We [ will ] gather up everything , what we need ... |
Yeheihoo heetneessibein nih'ii3o' | gee.whiz ! | " Gee , it will throw you down and hurt you ," I said to him . |
Wohei ceenoku' | okay sit.down-2PL.IMPER | Sit down |
Hiiwoonhehe' | now | Now . |
a certain you know nih'iino'oxuuheihit Nih'iinee'eestootiini' | a certain you know | a certain [ way ], you know , he got there eventually . That's how they acted . |
kooP koohooxobeibe | INTERR-pause INTERR-2S-feed-3 | Did they feed you ? |
hee | yes | yes . |
yeah niibi'noxootoohobei3i' | yes,.yeah IMPERF-just-stare-4 | Yeah , they just stare at them . |
Koo'oh neniitouuhut | coyote IC.holler-3.S | Coyote is howling . |
hee hee'inowoo wonoo3ei'i | yes IC.know-1S | Yes , I know , there are a lot of them . |
ciintii nih'iit | quit he | Leave that ( idea ) alone , her mother said . |
wootii nonoh'oeseitei'i noh'u3eeyoo niibiineinee hiisi' | like IC.illumation-0.ITER candle IMPERF-give-3 day | as when a lamp gives you light with its rays ." |
hmm | hmm | hmm . |
"wohei ci'ne'niistoon ," hee3eihok nuhu' koo'ohwuu | okay too-that do-2S . this coyote | " Wohei you do it like that too ," this coyote told him . |
'oh nih'iibeteeet | but PAST.IMPERF-dance-3.S | And he was dancing . |
Too'uhcehi heetnouuceno'oonoo | FUT-outside-jump-1S | Stop , I'm going to jump out [ you said ]. |
'oh nihco'ouu3i'i konoo'nihcihceeP ceentou'u'u nuh'uuno nih'iikou'unou'u | but PAST-high-3PL not.present-0.PL this PAST.IMPERF-pick-3PL | They were high , but anyway they grabbed the branch to pull them down and pick them . |
yeah | yeah | yeah . |
kooheihcooP coo3itoo3oo | INTERR-2S.PAST-REDUP-pause not.tell.story.about.s.o.-3S | Do you ever tell stories about him ? |
'oh neihoowuni'iiniihoo nono'oteihit | but 1.NEG-able-pay.back-3S IC.tough-3.S | " I cannot do anything to that Crow chief , because he is too powerful ." |
noh ne'ini noh ne'iini noh ne'heeneisciiciinohowooni' bii3wo | and then-DETACH and then and then-PERF-REDUP-pour.for.self-1PL food | then , and then , and then we served ourselves , food , |
Wohei nuhu' hitonih'inoo hoowuni'iini he'inoneeno' heetniini hii'oxowooninoo | okay this 3S-horse-pers.PL NEG-able-DETACH know-3PL FUT-DETACH 3S-INSTR-thing.fed-pers.PL | Well , they didn't even know what they would feed their riding horses . |
Nii'oe'en yeah | yeah | You are a good shot , yeah . |
heetP heetbeexo'uni hoonotooneenoo bii3wo | FUT-pause FUT-only-DETACH REDUP-buy.things-1S food | I will just buy food . |
wohei kooxhe'ne'cihce'ce3ei'oot | okay | Wohei once again he started off in this direction . |
kooxtohnooke' he'ih'iise3ebisee nuhu' niittonoxohei'it | yet.again-since-be.light-0S NARRPAST-PERF-go.there this where-dig.hole-3.S | Where she had dug the hole . |
Noh nee'ei'ise' nuhu' hoo3itoo | and that' this story | And this is the end of the story . |
Nihteesciiyei'it ne3iihoho | PAST-step.on-3.S 1S-index.finger | He stepped on my forefinger . |
Neisonoo howoo hitonih'o nihbeesei3ei'i | 1S-father also 3S-horse PAST-have.big.body-3PL | My father's horses were big ones too .[ should be beesei3i-ni3i ] |
'oo | yes | yes . |
wo'ei3 hi'in niibeebeneetiini' niscih'ebiitono nii'otoonee3i' | or that(aforementioned) IMPERF-REDUP-people.drink-0S soda.pop-NI.PL sell-3PL | or things to drink such as soda pops , they sell it . |
ne'nih'ii3P ne'nih'ii3eino' | | She was the one who told us about it . |
niiboootono beebeet nih'eentou'u'u | song-NI.PL just PAST.IMPERF-present-0.PL | There were just songs . |
beenhehe' cei'soo' | a.little different-0S | They are a little bit different . |
kookon niiP | just.any IMPERF-pause | They just ... |
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