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East India-House.
IYetterday a Quarterly Genteral Court was held at the Eut Iudia. iste, wlen the CIIAIRtMAN laid before the Court several papers relating to the allowances, compensations, and superanruations, granted under the by-laws. he C-UAIRMA then put the qucstion of adjournment, when ee DOUGLAs KINNATIRD rose, and asked what progress had elln made by the Court of Directors, in the selection of the papers crdeted by the Courtof Proprietors, respecting the Mtarquis of Hast- 11s's administration of India. He was aware that some time was necessary to select such voluminous papers, and that it was advis- ab?e they should riot be distributed until the whole were printed in a Ollected form: but he thought that it would be very desirable, pend- bIsg the progress of selection. that some general information should e comunicated respecting their tenour, as it might be deemed ne- cessary to call for other rapers than those which were deemed suffi- cient by the Court of Directors. He of course supposed that the selection would comprise a general view of the mibtary, political, ZA fnanciaI adminiatration of the noble marquia. He begged also to ask if it were intended to print,among the others, an cxpose drawn up bytLord Hastings himself upon this subject. There were like- Wise some otherjpapers which had, he understood, been transmitted to the Court of Directors, and he was anxious to know whether they would be induded among the papers intended tobe printedl. The CRAIRMAN, in answer to the questions which had beenput, Said, that progress had been made in the selection of the papers al- l]ded to, and arrangements enteredl into for having them printed; but it was not intended to deliver any part until the whole were com- pleted. The paper or expose of the AMarquis of Hastinlgs would most undoubtedly be printed with the rest, as well as the other papers alluded to, if he understood the hon. proprietor to refer to certain papers sent in to the Court of Directors by an hon. baronet. The papers respecting Messrs. Palmer's house would be also fosthcoming-of course those relating to the Nepaul, Alahratta, and Pindarree wars, with political documents connected with those events, would be included among the others. The mili- tary part of the selection was nearly completed, and no doubt every facilitv would be affbrdedI to the hon.mover and his friends, to consi- der wheth.r any other papers besides those selected by the Court of Directors were necessary for his view of the subject. Mr. DOUGLAS KINNAIRD asked whether any idea could be formed of the time when the papers would be ready for delivery ? The CHAIRMAN was sorry to say that he could not define the time, for the political selection had not been yet determined upon; for some of the papers were in the possession of the secret commit- tee, and an application had been made to the Board of Control for permission to produce them. Until the answer was known, he could not say when these papers would be ready; but he could assure the hon. proprietor that tbe Court of Directors would lose no time in ompleting the necessarv selection. sMr. DOUGLA5 KINNAIRD said that it was very daesirable to know, as soon as possible, how far the Board of Control meant to complv with the rcquisition transmitted resDecting the secret docu- mnents; for if they were not forthcoming, the Court of Proprietors might be placed in an embarrassing situation when they came to dis- cuss the general q,iestion. The CHAIRMAN wished it to be distinctly understood, that he did riot say these papers woulI be withheld; but he could give no posi- tive answer until the opinion applied for was given. Mr. TRANrT said, that as financial papers were alluded to, he thought it would be desirable that a statement should be made, showing the revenues of the seded territories under the Bengal Ad- nnistration. at the time when the iMlarquis Wellesley was at the wad of the Indian Government, andl when the Marquis of Hast- ikgs was there. These papers might become material, althouglh at first view their connextion was not so apparent. The CrIAIJRIMAN replied, that every paper would be produced which was calculated to elucidate the Marquis of Hastings's Admi- nistration in India. On the question of adjournment being again put, (-eneral TieoRNTSON rose to submit a motion to the Court- The CHAIRMAN informed him that lie might put a question, but that no motion could supersede the one for adjournment, according to the practice of the court. General TiioRNToN. persisted in pressing upon the considera- tion of the Cuurt the following resolution ; his object being, he said. to have it put on record, to stand as a suggestion to the Court of Directors:- " RsolveA. That it be recommended to the Court of Directors to take into immediate consideration the propriety of giving the ne- cessary notice for the purpose of a reduction of the present annual interest of 3A percent. paid no India Bonds-a measure which, it ap- pears to this Court, would not only be beneficial to the proprietors, hut likewise advantageous to the public; the present premium per centum paid for India Bonds being about 80s., rendering ii manifest that the existing interest is unnecessarily high, and therefore Inju- TiouS to the pronrietors. whilst the public is deprived of that accom- modation whiclh India Bonds, at a moderate premium, are so well calculated to afford." A long conversation then took place between the CHAIRMAN, Dcputv CIAIRMiAN, Mllr. D. KINNAIRD, and General I'sHoRN- TON, upon the point of order, when at length the hon. General permitted his motion to stand as a notice for the next Court. ItAr,.EYBURY COLLEGE. Mr. D. KINNAIRD said, that as he hoped to have a large majo- rity upon the ballot respecting Haileyburv College (a laugh), he was anxious to know what ulterior steps the Court of Directors meant, in that event, to pursue. The CHcAIsRMAN said. that if that majorityshould unfortunately occur. it would be the dity of the Court of Directors to frame a peti- tion to Parliament. to give effect to the decision of the Court of Proprietors.-The Court then adjourned. LAST INDIA .HOUSE.
We have repeatedly spoken...
W\re have repCatedl!y spok.,ii with severity of Ihe CRsAN- CELLOR of the ExCj 1lE(2FR'S nC',V plai or finance, IIot for what it hals dor-c in allkviating taxawion, but for what it has left undoine-not for the principles of financial policy on 'vhich it' is gi onideticl. but for t: ying vecn a successful rxpleriment in fb:cign trad: or caimnervial regulation, to thle obs:ruction or po-tponcmncnt of that imute(diate relief from domlestic pressure, to which the expectation of the pub'lichlad be in so iittLiselv directedl, and to which their long patience under s"ffiring lhad given thein so just a claim. It calnnot, noreover, escape the attention of the muost careless, uor will it be left a se,ret to the C11AN- CELLor of .the ExcInE st m -or the Parliameent, that the benefits wlhiel may uhiltimtely result from the new sehemne are not purchased witho;lt couinterbalancinlg evils, and tliat wlile the pubiie is not sensibly benefite d as the re, venue is diminished, partial interests feel themselvcs severe- ly aggrieved. How wise. then, -would it have been to have abolished the winidow-tax in the Brst instance, an unde4 htiable ancl unequivocal advantagc, against which nothing CoSI1 habaie becnr said, and of Whicll no h.uman beilg co?Ud ha!ve complained,-and to have left to a futulre opportunity, or to a more propereltts period, the change in ,-Ur commercial system. It is already known, that meet- tngs of perscns engaged in the silk andc lVool trades have takern place. and have a.?opted. resolutions to peti- tion the Lrcgilature against th. finanacial plan, so far as it interfercs withi their interes's. To thc remonstrances of tITose bodir.s w.;Ill nrew, wve are assured,. he added that of the British ilistillers, hieow sidler themselves injured by the rediuction of the hn:v on ruin. As this latter class of persons ill be suppoite<l in I.rliiament by the landed gent'cmcn u-hose inc,me will bh affected hy any (liminution of the 'enanid for cor:i wh:i'h ii iy be ccasioned by the stic- -stul compi,i.i1in of riun in the spirit market, and. whio ((ii', kno-,;cl a-e ;1lwivs s!ufFiciently loitri in calling atten- 't tt tO f}eir ,u-z i!tore-ts, it would be superfluous in us { 't- - upi% o; anvy lcnbtiiene1 s-atement on the subject. P le followitfi. t '.t, ho xcver, will show that the distillers 3re not less plroi.lcdl wihit a ca.e fir the consideration of tl ii N- L1 AiiR'. of th(e EXCt EQCIER than the silk "wollenl-niantif.turers. to tvho-e representations we tilrzieerlv ailud, 1l. Thlle duity on \Vest Intlia ruin im- T`rtel inlo tl1j; cototry is at present Ils. 7T-d. at ll h ,of thvdrotinter proof, wvhile that on the cllln of e -rn spiriti ,istilled in E-iglanidI is lOs. Gd. at i|'smt. Rle ,lO b-hvIrMoneter proof. It has iitherto been }'i poliev of tTovernmettt to protect the British distiller i-ainc- r;n;. hy subli-ethig the latter to a rate of duty some- n-: ! tiglhcrt' anl ;a'a plv:ihleon spirits distille-i in England. "-ht . in '10. this pAoliev Aa partially aband'onQeI hy a;n Ono t Iuir on corn-Npirit is. .3%1d. pergallon, the Eng- f-h listillers -Iuly criplained, an,l were ablesilbsequent- 'M tO -an.l :?.,r - g-unl only lby the low price ofbarlev. I t inf, ri-r bar'-. t,wlneinilv. whicli is used in distillation ld it theO ma.rket fotr stich harley be lost hv a re- 0.1 o' i elitcnitih Oistilt%ries. the agricultural in- .re 1 w d'l f1e the c-n' -o!urnlcos. The (CHANCE SL.T.or of 7X Cu ! - in evepnjni :ll c heutiget gave notice, that hle 't-d- in fitotr. to allow hew introdtction of rmm at the <ITre rate ,fui:nt i a; thit on Itriti-!i spirits, or INs. 6d. a : lio. thius '^-a -ngv a reductiOn( of Is. I LAI. from lIs. TAd. ahl ints ri -ed,s to inentionl that itl the lIrest Intdies 'tk !X- fro-u surtar an1 molasses, anr that as a pro- :t irtlh arrhcu Ibtre the uSe of these articles - - h t-,! 'at PrI-Rent to the home distiller, thougil in 2 '' '-' Ir h colrn 1!a; somelim-s been prohibited, andl * .' :';. nit rial lerinittvd. Now, sty the dis- r' --.1.:, ir t I-:;I L in th.' \IYest Indies shiill be ad- i f X .uv kwoin :.ion iln l,anIzLnd upll oni an cquiality of : ;. n ufl ir-:i v 'rv prt-iniple of jiistic, that the :-. 1r-till l h allowed to use the satne r t dii ill 'r in tie ll cst Indies-nainely, Su- _l e.. inciple of equalization, in order ' - Vi ;-.;.9Oll a ll. should go the length of ad- : a ;u itn of nmaterial as wvell as of dilty, ': t ni?'" hC pus-'i.. ile the late rise in the price -' , - 1w . n n :.:- h i iistiller now pays 40s. or 42s. har le., wlhichl somne years back he - ::':t e lT. ;Te !tarter oi birley yields 18 gal- fr: -:'' t'nc ti in the price of the material, ~. :-ru. i: e.n c-l irtit to albout ens shitling a gallon on ;: a,i 1 a rehluct;on in the dluty of is. I-tl1 on '.*1]li.-,- spirit. '> the saine in effect as a farther ad- . - .-. ;',a: :nn ii: hic trice e-f harley ; or, in other words, : .' !; .i- i thB ritilh ilis ihler, if he is to keep htis ground - ;ip* &ttrio of turn, from giving so muclt for ' ' ..1:'trtir. as lie cotl(l have done ha(l the - :,, sinit( as hefore. The (listiller fart';er h is to ,av hi5l duties imme(liately on 1te*n;aliq, wNhereas rum may be bondledl, - i-.vars frce of duty. The quantity of lva riti;sutned in England is known to be : o ii0O gallons, 'ieldling a revcnue of about a I a half. The (niuntits of corn spirits made in {.i ~t. .1 intl ci i)rnult in n0 it trout Sicotlanil, is annually - - . i enlm r!ocN, leding to G lovernitent a duity of . b t. n!iest'u-sipion that t;creiduction ofthedtity r-:- a l-1. wit tha t on crrn spirit wvouldl eff.ct no =, e e n 1 ros qaunti v of spirits of all kintds used, and V -. ::'1 -d :fx nodihinhiuio' of rtvenite beyond the 1.50,0001. Ix. ,.r ::I'-ntil`'-tt nf tile (.1ANCE e.toRofthe ExcitE- r r,a ll no d mlit tOht on the abmve premises thfi ': . :*! i'Ir -. 'n scriotsh i ujiired, anl the cotn- : r- ltB-: i-! ahtrleo v-ry nouch lessened. After the 7. ) 'f acts. wve Ieave the Finance Minister, atiil *,.-a ',r- S !>nor uline te;S' y intores ced-the 13ritish lanoi- vni r-s a: -1 the WV-t India illanters-to settle the matter I.,:R:"I t}'I-in. w:!Ilt thes(, gle remark, that the abolition . w'v- 'w-:t ^sm'ilill have rcaresel among theimi no . i-:; I c- ;..n: 'etr, while it vwouldl have been imiver- - a:-. 1 as a hron lby an applaudling nation.
We have received the Pari...
WX-e have received the Paris morning and cvening pipers of Monday, together with private letters of' the same tlate. 'The contents of the latter, thouglh not very important, are not destitute of inttrcst. It would aplear that thc Frenchl Ministry, being unable to obtain any moniey fiom Spain as a compensation for the blessings of F'Ec s NAND'S restored Government, will be obliged to apply to the new Chambbes for leave to issue 34. millions of royal bonds, to defray some of the extraordiiiary expenses of the Spanish campaign. The demand of so small a sum for s.) brilliant an enter- prise, is not likely to meet wvith any obstruction from a body whichl the Quotidienne calls " the burning Chamber i'h rciambrc ardenieJ of royalism ;" an( thc anticipation of its being madc was not, tberefore, likely to: depress the French funds *2:1 per cent.-the ratc to winCh thev have fallen. Probably the materials of which this Charel,re ardente is composed, (anl the very namne would appear to be proplhetic of the lying-in-state (f dlefunct representa- tion, if derived, as it must be, from Chapelle ardente, where the Roman Catlholic dead are exposed beti:een their decease and interment), may hiave had mo)re effct on thle feelings of the fundholders, than the prospect of a little ad- diitional charge in the bill t'or the glories of the Peninisulhr war. MI. DE VILELE, it is appnreended. will he obligedl to vield to the force wvhicb he huimserChas levied: an(d thou-hi he has been ahle to exclule from its rank; ad tlhe liberafl ) - pities except about 20, anl all the formiier fanatical psrty except abont 23, will find that h.- has created a newv s-'t otr fanatics, equally violent an(l ungovernable, because Ulicoii- trolle(d or unchecked by any reasonable cons-itutional oppo- sition. I The Departmental College of Paris has returned; the four proposed Min:sterial candid(tes, OLLIVIER. BRE- TON, BONNET, anid BERTIER, b na io verv considerable ma- jority over their four antagonists, the following being tle state of the numbers at the close of the ballot on Sundyav -OLIIVIER, 1,282 ; BRETON, 1,267 ; BONNET, 1?.254 BZRTIER, 1,160;-DEr.ESSERr, 1,120; TERNAUX ; I,04t LAFITTE, 1,037 ; MANUEE,/ 7-2. M. DELAIOT, WiO;C| suipport of Vil.l.EI. and hiq frienls in th e session of t321 was one of the causes of the accession of the present menCI) to power, and whose opposition to them last session was so violent, because he conceivcd his firmer services overlbiok- ld, has lost his slection in the dewartmiont of the High Marrne. It may be regarded as a strong proof of the mannii- facturing influence in Alsace, that M1K. K L-L,,, the great manufacturer, wlho was last year persecuted and( impr sun- ed by the Ministry for having given a true account of the shameful conduet of the Authorities in the department, wshich ended in the apprehension of Co'onel CARROs, hsas been returned at Colmar for that tiepartmnent. In a letter from Mfadrid of the 26ci utlt., quoted by our Paris correspondent, it is stated that the late changes in the Council of State were brotight ab)ut without the in- terference, and contrary to the desirec, of the llinistry. 'Tihe Emperor ALEXAND ER is still said to be indisposed. The following are extracts from the Etoile of Tuestlay's date "CONSTANTINOPLE. FEB. 14. "All doubts respecting peace with Persia seemed Eo be cleared up. The Porte has received the official mntelligence that the Per- sian Envoy,co:ning to Gonstantinople.has passed the EuDhrates, an.l has already reached Erivan. As soon as the Turkish Envoy, who was expecting him at Ba:dad, heard this, he set out for Erivan." "ROME, FEa. 21. The news is circulated here that a volcano has arisen in the centre of the trading city of Aleppo. in Syria, and that this valcano has subsequently fonned a lake. Tiis intelligence needs confirmation. " A letter from 3Iol nella, in the legation of Bologna, of the 6th, says-' that within the few last days a great numnber oft meteoric stones have fallen in the neighbnuthood of the village of Arenazo. The largest of these stones is 121b. in weigiht. Its fall was preceded by claps of thunder of extreme violence, accompanied by wind-a phenomenon which mueb astonislied the inhabitants of the cozntry - The largest aerolite has been taken to the Observatory of Bologna.' FRENcII Fus DS, March 8.-Five per Cent. Colisols. Jouiss. dui 22d of March, opened at 101. 65.; closed at 10(. Bink Stock, 1.785. Neapolitan G per Cents., in ducats, 89.; in t'rancs, 95. 50. Rentes d'Espagne, 24.-Exchange on London, I mnonth, 25. 40 3 months, 25. 30-Corrs Aetiq,i.
Lent Assizes.
'l'his was, an, action on- the casc against miller, for unlawthrfuly andl &eceitfully returning to tieplaintiffaquantity of inferior flour,asalls prodde ot0wheatwhichlhadbetn sent byhim to theirmill to beground it was proved athat the plaintiff a farmer, was in the habit of send- ing corn to the defendant's mil to be ground; he had frequently occasion to complain that the qqality of the flour returned to him was inferior to whathe had a right to expect as the produce of his corn. On the oecasion which gave rise to the present action, he took precautions to detect what he suspected to be the result of de- sign; and accordingly he obtained decisive evidence that a fraud had been practised upon him. It was admitted, on crosseexamination of the vlaintiff's witness, that the parcel of wheut in question had begun to grow before it was sent to the defendant's mill. The fraud of which the plaintiff complalhed was stated to be one of not unfrequent occurrence. efoce the plaintiff's cuse dosed, Mr. G(u RawEY interposed, and admitted that the defendants must submit to a verdict against tbem. The transaction of which the plaintiff complained arose from mis- take, in deliveriuz to him other flour than that wvhich was the pro. dauce of his own corn. IHe had agreed with the counsel on the other side that averdict estered for 101. The Jury were directed to find a verdict for the plaintlff_Da. m-wes IOL SANDnA.Ml VY. 51AaS5ALL. This was an action on the case for the negligent conduct of the de- fendant's servant, in driving a waggon, vwhereby a gig, in which the plaintiff was riding, was upset, brokern, and his person injured. The plaintiff was upwards of 80 years of age, and on the 10th of Septenmber, 1S21, he was riding with his wife in a small one-horse chaisehbenween Little Hampton and Ferring, when he met tWO carts of the dlefendant's., driven by the servant of the latter. The carts were on the wrong side ofthe road, and in endeavouring to escape the d3nger which impended in passing, the gig was upset and smashed to pieces, and orn of the wheels of the nearest cart 'went over the fiesby part of the plaint!ffis left arm. Re was taken up in helpless state, and carried to the nearest house, and notwithstand- ing his advanced age, speedily recovered. For this injury the action was brought. The gig cost 611. or 71. in repairing, and the surgeon's bill caine to27s. Witnesses were exariined on both sides as to the cause of the accident, and on theresult, the Jury, under the learned Judge's tirections, found their verdict for the plaintiff-Damages 201. CROWN SIDE.-PoST-OrFICE x ROSECUTIO(. William Georgc Angej, a young mau, aged 17, son of the deputy postmaster of Chichester,' was indicted for stealing from the post- office of'that city, on the 8th of February, a letter containing bank- bills and notes to the amount of 1001., the propertv of Al essrs Win- ter and Ridge, iron.merchants at Bankside,* Surrey. The prisoner was also indicted at common law for the offence of stealing the same notes and biUs. To this latter indictment he pleauled " guilty," upon an understanding that he should not be prosecuted for the offence againist the statute, whereby his life would be in jeopardy Mir. Sergeant O0S2 ow (with wlhom was Alr. NOLAX, and fr. BOLLAND), for the prosecution, stated, that in consideration of the prisoner's youth, he was not instructed to offer any evidence upon the charge affecting the prisoner's lite, azd therefore upon that in- dictment the jury would find the prisoner " not guilty." Th; Jury fonid him No Guilty accordingl; and for the larceny he was sentenced to be transported for seven years. The prisoner was a young mnin of very respectable appearance. ' - -. L E ,''NT ASSI0gS. HONSIUAX1 I Aaci 22; -AllvlJL,lll)r.-ZEM2MTT V. CArFYW Allr-tl AIYWr?"-
Parish Of Chelsea.
Sir,-A psrinted copy of a report, prcsented .16vst3 of Chel- sea parish, by a cotnmittee of inhabitants Aepated bya7former ves- try to investigate the accounts ofrthe overseers -,f the poor for the year ending Lady-dav, 1822, is in general bircuTadtbi throughout the parish. The prominent facts to be collected from this report are- I hat the local magistrates haAl been 80 assured, by a tbrmer re- port of the committee, and by a partial inspection, that the accoun.s of the overseers would not bear the character of truth and accuracy, that they would not permit the officers to swearto them as such. That the conmmittee, being stopped by this bar, interposed by the consciences of the local magistrates,. suspended their direct measures for a time, and afterwards decided on a criminal prosecution against Cartwright, one - of the overseers on specific charges affecting his ac- counts, it the getting up of wihl prosecttion "ivarious impedi- ments and uncertainties were 'foun)d to exist, some of which were successfully mset and removed, while others, wlhichi could not be al- together reduced or cleared uD, were guarded against or counteract- ed by every means which prudence and professional judgment could That, in this stage of the business, the defendant, r. Cartwright, who was in a dangerous state of health, through the' mediation of the rector, applied to the committee for a compromuise, and offered to re- l]iquish the half, nay the whole, of a balance of 6201. and upvards, for which he had made the parish his debtor in his accounts, rather than that t he prosecution should be persevered in; and thst, ulti- mnately, the committee considered it not inconsistent witb justice, highly expedient as a protection against a possible failure in the pro- secution, and most in accordance wfiththe dictates of charity, to ac- cede to this ofter; and accordingly that, ia consideration of a nomi- nal sum, and the abandonment of the prosecution, dlr. Cartwright excuted a release to the parish of the aleged balance in his favoar. As regards Mr. Cartwright, these facts are strong enough to lead to conviction in the mind of everv impartial man that his accounts would not bear the light, and there ran be no doubt that the duty undertaken by the committee was ably conducted, and that their de- cision in favour of the compromise NvaS, under all the circum- stances, judicious; but, at the same time, I should have been glad to have seen a little less of vanity in the report of these achieve- ments-something short of an assamy'tion conveyed by the language of the report. and by the calculation at its close, tthat the " net sav- ings" resulting to the parish from the labours of the committee were 7701. 12s sL., as lithis rnoney (of which the grcater part was obviously wrung fromn the timidity of the valetudinarian defendant, and accepted mainly from an apprehension of failure in the prosecu- tion, to which a recent example of the uncertainty of session law might reasonably have given rise) was irrecovera,ble by the parish in any other way than by the means used by the committee, k,aeusua, flLarcn ij. _ I amn, Sir, vours, &c. C. D* - PA7?q , ^A-MI'It o"i,
Common Council.
A Court of Common Council was yesterday held at Gumldlhall. It was agreed to petition Parliament a,gainst a bill now pending, fbr making a canal from the river Lea to the Regent's canal, on the ground that the measure would have the effect of depriving the city of London of certain ancient rights, dues, and tolls, to which it was entitled; and a petition to that effect was read and adopted. FLEET-31ARKET. The report of the improvement committee, recommending a loan to be effected to the amount of 1d0,0091., upon bonds under the city seal, for the purpose of carrying the inmprovements respecting Fleet- market into effect, was, after a short discussion, agreedl to. THIE LORD 5tAYOR. IUr. Drxox rose to call the attention of the Court to certain ex- pressionsattributedto the LordlMayor-(we understood that the worthy memberalluded to the report of a speech lately delivered bv his Lordship at ai wardmote, containing observutions uponI son.e of the present city members). The Lon DAlAYOR-1f the gentleman means, as I bave been given to unlderstand, to call the attention of the Court to what I am reported to have said in another place, I conceive that h:e is out of order. I have not read the report, and therefore do not know if it be correct or not; but if it be a correct report, it only contains ob- servations that I have frequently made before, but which cannot be brought under the cognizance of this Court. I exrnesseel no senti. ments upon that occasion but what I hlad frequently expressedl be- fore, and shall express again, whenever an occasion calls upon me to do so. Mr. Dixot.-I am only anxious that the Lord Mayor should be relieved from the imputation which the report in question casts upon him. The LonD MA'Yon.-Unless the gentleman means to complain of a breach of privilege, he is out of order. From any imputation at- tempted to be cast upon me, I will thank him to allow me to defend myself. if the gendemen think it worth their while to waste their time on the subject, I have no objection to enter into an explana- tion of wvhat I then stated, and to repeat here the rentiments I ex- pressed. Mr. FAVEL.-Our time is too precious to be wasted in tlLis way. AMr. DixoN..-I could have told my story in halftthe time- The LonD AlAYOR.-Sir, I do nor sit here to hear stories. You need not trouble yourself about my defence; you- may leave it to mvself. Mr. Dsxos-It is not the individual, but the lord Mayor of this city, I wish to defend. When I see expressions attributed tD him which I know he never could have uttered- Mlr. PtILLErX argued that the worthy memiber was out of order. Mr. -DsxoN justified the line of conduct he was pursuing, b) a reference to the complaint m&de of Alderman Bridiges, during his mayoralty. The LorD MAYOI.-I must set the gentleman right.- l1r. Dixow.-I sce I have touched upon a sore subject. The LOAD AIAYOR.-r must set the gentleman right: that was a complaint for a breach of privilege on the part of the Lord Mayor, in introducing armed men into the city. Withl respect to the report in question, I pledge my honour I have never seen it; having been shown only a few lines of an ex- tract from it by iNMr. Aldermai 'Wood, when I was officiaily engaged. if the report be correct, it only contains what I have saitl before, and shall repeat again; if it be incorrect, I wil only say that I have not taken the trouble to correct a report these 30 years. Fr. FAVELL moved the order of the day. 111r. Dixox was proceeding. Mr. FAVELL said he was out of order, in proceeding with a sub- ject after the Lord Aayor had expressed his opinion upon it. He again movel the order of the day. It then appeared that there was another question (of no import- ance) before the Court, which was put by the officer, and the present tnatter dropped. T11E SPASISH VOTE. AMr. JAUES rose to make a motion, of which he bad given notice some months ago, respcCting the usc to which the sum of 1,0001. voted in aid of the Spaniards, had been applied. Alr. ROWTHs aid, that he was a member of the committee, and could state that they had no objection to sadsfy the inquiry of the bon. gentleman. Alr. JAMES then took a review of the circumstances that had at- tended the Frencl istvasion of Spain, as contrasted with the results promised by the advocates of this loan when it was granted, and said that thvy ought to render the Court distrustful of such repre- sentations in future. He concluded by mnoving, that the committee be ordered to report to. the Court in what manner the grant had been applied bv them; and to whom, and by wlhat means, it had been remitted. AlMr. DIxoN seconded the motion. Mr. Alderman VENAULEs defended the prindple on wlich the grant had been made. Its success by no meansjustified the aggres. sion of the French upon the independence of Spain.. Mr. Dsxos said, the simple question was, not the policy or the impolicy of the vote- but what had been done with the money ? Mr. FAVELL alsojastified the principles on which the vote had been passed; and reprobated the insinuation conveyed by this mo. tion against the comunittee. 1Mr. ROwTH, on general principles, would bedisposed to oppose thiis motion, because it was not supported by a priva facie case- but hc ras on the present occa.ien anxious for the inquiry because he knew that the result weuld be most satisfactory both to the committee and the Coart. After a few observations from Mr. WErc;C1, Mr. TAYLOR, and Alr. JAMES, in reply. the motion wws agreed to unanimously. CUMMdfOwN COUiNCU.
Crown Side.
The interest excited by tile expectedt trials of the persons %m_ mitted for the alleged murder of James Grainge, it RableyJv,l,oo was considerably lessened by the returns made on the s5v5v1ai biil of indictment sent up to the GrandJury yesterday. By D neo'o,gk, however, the court was crowded, but there was litt]p exniess n ofr anxsiet or curiosity in the persons who comaposed the alditory; in. deed, little more was observable in the town thII7i on dinat,,ry occa- sions. At half-past eight o'clock, Captain (for Suri5on) Connolly and MIrs. Browvne were conveyed in a post-chaise rrrom the prison to the court-house. Trayers, Aloran, and Amelia_aMorgan, were conveyed on foot, under ans eseort of javelin-men. At9o'clock Dtr. Justice1EST entered the Courts when a petitjury was immediately sworn, and the trials of Janes JBean, Johkt Smtth, and Luke Brickliand, were callca on (for whijh see beldow): thix produced evident disappointment ia ihe Court, b,it wa" consid,ered as an indication that the trials of the first mentioned irjisers wouldl not occupy alon, tim'e, On inquiry we leArned that the delay wasoccasioned by a proeped- ing of rather an unusual nature. The bills of iz{dictAnent laid be- fore the Orahtl:Jury yesterday, and on wbich tley. rnadp the teturns, wera much blotted, scratched, obliterated, and interlined in couse- eucnce of wh(ch it was deemed important fo4dtijg cnds of jus4ice:that fresh bills of indictment againstihatrick olly,'~b61 . should be sent up to thee Grnd Jury, which aJ done zc odiogly. at nine o'clock this day. Witnesses were rugtfit bre tiem, and at a quarter to eleven o'clock, the Graiid lury appe'ed in court, and retdtrned a trte bill agairst Patriei. Connolly Mugh Moran for manslaughter. .' At s quarter pXast -i o'dlock the five~ ,orWrswqlrtbroUght to the bar in. the following orIer : hzliabeU *7X;o.mes 4aj4ur Mo,-oen, Patrick Cono7.lly; T/hl,t Mlrar, and EdvtRd a Travers. ,lIn Browneas a respecable-looking weiran, oF, 2 gq4 peron, bet not very bpdson?. 8h1e wWe a bilSbisiozetveU, dfeatbei%aa4^ silL shawl, and ap^proached the ar weithout the s8guhtest appea"anle I of alarm or trepidation. Annelia Mlorganl was alittle affected. Mr. I Connolly was dressed in black ; his demeanour evinced a portion of anxA*iety, but he ras quite collected. In the appearance of the other prisoner.s (llugh Mwloran and Edward Trayera) there was nothing re- mnarkable ner's Inquisition, for the wilful murder of James (}rainge, at Rub- I ley-house, in the county of HlertfDrd, on the 31st of December la-t to which indictment the prisoners severally pleaded " not guilty." Patrick Connolly and Hugh Moran were then indicted for man- slaughter nf the said James Grainge, at the time and place already mentioned. The Jury were then sworn. MIr. Etnapp, Clerk of the Arraigns, then stated the indictment against the prisoners. Air. Sergeant TArny then proceeded to state the case for the pro- sccution, but was interrupted by Mr. Dowt.iNo, counsel for the prisoners, whoobjected to the Coroner's Inquisition on the groind of informality, it having been signed by eleven of the jurors only. The learned gentleman cited several cases in support of his objection, and argued further, that the wound was not describeI with mifrlcient precision. The words used were, " about two inches and a half ;" but the law required that the wound should have been more fullv and accurately stated. MTr. ADOLPSCrrS followed on the same side, and quoted other cases in support oi the objection to the inquisition. Mr. Justice BEST admitted that it was necessary that a coroner's jury should consist of 12 persons. Mr. ADOLPHS-S then contended that the inquisition must bear thesignaturesofeachandeyery of the 12 jurors, withoutwhich proof of that number having been actuallv sworn upon such inquest, it must be nresumed that the law requiring the presence of such number ofjurors hal not been complied with. The learned gentle- mxn proceeled further to object to the loose and general terms in which the inquisition was framed. M r. Ser,.eant T.%DDY replied, and contended that the objections could not bc supported The allegation was, that the wound was given in theleft arm,and was of thelength of" about two inchcsand a half," which descriptlon was sufiiciently particular and full. !hIr. Justice BEST said it was desirable that tllese matters should be fixed bv act of Parliamnent; but, until they were, the law, as it stood at present, mlust be complied with. The learned Judge stated his opinion, that the word " about" was ton indefinite ani( uncertain, even in a special demurrer; antI surely that which couldi nat be nrsintained .n a special demurrer, must not 00 atimitte(t in a crimtinal case of so much inportanice as that before the Court. lie was therefore clearly of opinion, that for that remson the inquisition ought to be quashed. Witsh respect to the other ground, he should not deliver anv opinion upon it. The prisoncrs, Elizabeth Browne, Amelia ;lorgan, and Edward Trayers. were ordered to be removed from the bar, and the trials of Patrick Connolly and Hligh iiMoran, for manslaughter, wvas ordered to be proceeded withi. Mr. Sergeant TADDY stated the case for the prosecution, iudoing which he found it necessary to enter into some details of occurrences -which took place preyious to the date of the commnission of the crime for which the prisoners were then on their trial. It would appear that the prisoner Connolly had been assistant surgeon in the city of Duiblin -artillery, and subsequentlV resided in Regent-strect, Lon- don. It would also a ppear that a verdict for the sunm of 2501. with costs, amounung in the whole to upwards of 5001., had been obtain- ed against Connolly by a person of the name of Andrews. That atricT search was made fbr the prisoner in order to enforce payment of that verdict. but which search was for some tirise ineffectual : at Icntrth it was discorcred that the prisoner was livmng and concealed in in the county of Hertfontl, antid thither certain persons went for the purpose of arresting him, aAd in whicrl the transactions then about to be investigated had their origin. Tue learned ser- geant tihen proceeded to state the particuilars of the cmse wvhich our readers -ill find tietailed in the evidence; after which ne stated the law anplicabie to the case, and qguoted the case of the " King v. Cook." referre(d to by J,ord lfale, in which Cook had shot a bailiff who 'ttemnpted to break into a house to execute a wvrt of capias ad satio ficfira nn, and for which crime CoAke was convicted of man. slaughter. In another case, where a warrant was addressed generally - _ _ . .1t.t . & -i : i . . l]tet nutof hi,. own Jurisdiction but in the present instance the case was different as the constable was specially authoriUcdl to execute it in the parish. rin Cuirris's case. which was to be lound in Foster, page lQ(,. there was a difrercnce of opinion between the Judges, nine of them holding it to be sufficient to describe the warrant gene. rally toentitle them to force an entry. In the present case the p-i.ontr had been matde fullv aware of the authority by which the officers were arned vet he resisted, and the consequent death of Grainge was undoubtedly manslaughter, and manslaughter, t.o, of the nmos. aggravate(d charrcter, app)roaching closely to the con- finesofrnurder. The learned Sergeant then stated the law as ap- plicable tn lodgers and their rights, applying then to the case of the sirisoner Connolly, who was inot the tvowner of' but merely a visiter or lodrer in, Rable;-house. ile would not trouble the jury with any fusther observations. btit should proceed to call witnesses to prove t1,e case which he had stated. The persons concernied in the prosec .'ution had no ohiect in view but the attainment and furtherance of rublic justire, anid let the verdict of the jury be what it tmight, they would satisfied. W5itrneaws were the called; but their evidence was so similar to that already publishc in the report of the inquest, that it is not necessary to repeat it. iSlr. Connoliv was then called upon for his defence, and he put in 2 statenment. wihich was read by illr. KNAMP. Hlc then called the following vitnesses:- Thomas Locke. headborough of Ridge. proved distinctly that the , arrant w;s never roa-. -Iu triaL I,zn mu Li n' *f..iU di5h-ided between himself and the other constables, if he would break oncO the house and sscure Mr. Connolyv. tr. XWalmsley. a Middlesex sheriff s officer, proved that Mr. S:evenahad applied to himn to execute a warrant against Mlr.Coninoliv, in j!erdtordshire. wrhich lie refused to do. Th. learned JtnDGE thought this was inadmissible evidence unon t. c issue which the jury had to try-namcly, the question whether t,.e death of the deceased had been unlawfulIv occasioned. Captain N .stor proved that iAir. Connolly liad been an inmate in his houce at Rp.bley for three mosn hs preNious to this transaction. The 4loor which t'1ie Sberiff's nfficer had attempted to enter wvas the outer door ofthe ho2se. which was8only protected by external shut- ters. He had known IMr. Connoliv for 14 vears, and he alwavs bore the character of a h-:nxane. peaceable. and kind-hearted mnan. The prisoner :Joran had $jeen five years in his service prior to De- cember last. and he was a quoet and inoffensive man. AIr. Kitupton, the surveyor, pToduced a model of lablev-house. which was made under his direction; and lie had no hesitation in sa-ing that the hack door at which WVatson had attempted to enter wv;i the outer door. Sir Matthew Tierney, Dr. Bovton. Mr. Carpue, Lieutenant tMonticnmery, Lieutenant Art'.strorng, Lieutenant . edlicott. Lieute. nant .Jocs. Lieutenant Fletcher, Lieutenant Hautonville, and se- %eral otlier witnesses. mian' of whoinml had known Mr. Connolly for the la:st 14 years. spoke in thc highest tenns of his chiTracter, as a humane. kir1d-heartefid good teimpered niana. He was iLi every re. speLt a mnan of honour and a gerteiinan. The case for the defencebeing closed, Mir. Justice BEST summed up the case. The .luirv. after deliberating a lew niinutes, found both prisoners GuU WeS f Jlapiisla,i7btrr. ir. JuStiCe BEST ordered the prisoners to be brought up for jud r. nt to-motrow morning. Tnc tial was not over till nine o'clock in the eveninz. CROWNN SIDE. ALLEGED IMURDER AT RABLEY-IOTSE.
German papers have arrive...
German papers have arrived, in which appears an article extracted from the Picd7nootese Gazette, dated Cortu, Jan. 24, -iv- iog an account of the notification of the death of Sir Thomas Mait- land, by the Ionian authorities. The event having been made known by formal proclamation, the colours of the fortress and of all the ves- sels in the liarbouir were lowered half-way, and the batteries fired 65 minute guns, in carrespondence with the age of the deceased. The Senate subsequentlv issned a public notice, in which, after speaking in terms of high culogy of the late Hi6h Commissioner, it is ordered- " Art. 1. That from the date of the promulgation of these presents in aU the islands of these States, all public business shall be sus- pendled fbr three days, in the offices of the Uovernment, the courts of justice, and belore the magistrates. " 2. All places of public amusements, spectacles, circles, shops tc.. except those of the necessarics of lifc and of apothecaries, shall be closed for six days. "3. There shall be a general mnoarning throughout these States For one montb. ;'4. The funeral exequies shall be celebrated for three successive lays in all the churches of these islands. " 5. These presents shall be printed in the Greek and Italian .anguages for the general information. " By order of the Senate, "Corfu, Jan. 24, 1824. "SIDNEY G3. OSBORNE." Yesterdlay the despatches were closed at the Fast India- louse. anTd delivered to the pursers of the follosving ships-viz. lfarquis Camden, Captain Larkins, fur Bombay and China; and he Lady Mfelville, Captain Clifford, for Madras and Chine. CITY Bust?Ess.-Yesterday a Couirt of Aldermen was teld at (ruildhall for the despatch of public business. John Crowder. Esq., Alderman of the ward of Farringdon WIithin, attended, and vas translated from the Company of Makers of Playing Cards, to he Company of Stationers; an(d Mlr. Charles G. Ries was trains- ated from tlhe Companv of Stationers to the Company of Fisil- nongers. 1r. James Wi7ebb Southgate, and Mr. Thomias Crook ttet,deed, and were sworn in .as coal-meters in trust for the citv. rihe committee appointed in respect of thc sessions presented a report *n the prooJosed arrangements for the new courts of justice, and for ixing the 'month of June next fur opening the same, whichi was ap- The Budget appears to have spread great conrsternation n the north o.Scotland, where the principal manufactories of coarse inens are situated. Letters from Dandee state, that it is calculated .h,t 15,00t poor peopile will be thrown out of ernployment owing to he withdrawing of 4,e bounty on coarse linen. Mr. Abercromby's motion for traaiqferring the election of Irepresentative for Edinburghi from the Town Council to the res;- lent householders is coming on. We trust some of our Scottish gen- leinen will avoid the very unaccountable errors they fell into last vear. in speaking of our municipal concern,s. Much may, no deubt. .ie hazarded among English members as to matters of which they ire profoundly ignorant. Bitt some fragments of wlhat is spoken reach the people here, who, of course. have the privilege of being'esx LrTmelv surprised at the latitude of statement indulgedl in. Edin- burgh sent lio a petition last. year praying for this reform, and sub- icribed by fi.800 male houscholders out ot 9,000 or 10.000 who were 1ualified. Wel hope nobody will now have the hardihood to assert rhat there should have bren 40,000 names attached to a lietition cigned by houselolders only, in a town not containing more than 18,000 hor seholders altagether.-The SrotsMlal. lVe understand that the Aelmiral's flag at Leith is to be ;truck on the 1st of ilMarch, and that there is not to be anty naval ;tation in Scotland at present.--Caledoni'u Aferury. The D)ubtin Evening Poest ays, "1 It is rnmoured that t serious law-suit islikely to take place between his Grace the Datke if Devonshire and a Bench of Magistrates in the neiglhbourhood if Dungarvon. It is stated in the Irish pap)ers as a certain fact, that he alarquisof Ha%tings has declined theGoverrinientof Allata. The suhscriptioii in Liverpool, in aid of the Greek cause, low exce-ds 5001. On otonday an inquest was heldl before Mr. nTwn,, Coroner, at the tntmbeeland Head Tavern. City-road, oti the rc. niains of the bodies of .lohn l'eale. aged 3o, and Thomas Evans, cred Ii, who were victims to the ronffl:gration at Miears. Pick. 'ord's, on Thursday last. The Jnry viewed the remains of the ieccased persons, which l ay at St. Luke's workhouse in 0hells ; they were mere cinders. It appeatred from the evidence that the fire was wecasioned by the bursting of a catbov of spirits atid a botilman lighting a piece of paper to observei where it had run. The light ed paper set the %pirits in a bila7c. Verdict-.1cci&tlfl lDee... Yeesterday mfruning. ahout -V o clock. as Mr. anti MIrs.. Shaweross. residit,g in C.harlotte-street, Fitzrov.%quarc. uere re- turning homue from i Conbrook in a horse and chaise. iwhen near Ihleworth tltev were stoppel by three footpads. nne of vbhom seized the reins of the horse. whilst the other two sei2ed Mr. and Mlrs. Shawerns,s, and( after using them very rouhilv. and declaTing wvih horrid imprecations tilery -rould mnurder both if thiey did tot sur- rendar their property. thev robbed them of all ihey possessed, Consisting of seven sovereigns. :lr. and Mrs- Shaweross's watches, Mr. Sha;vcross's hat, and his wife's travelling cloak. After thus deprivitig the travelirrs of their property. thev escaped. 6l: rI.DntALL.-ThOMIlS Mutton wa3 committed for sterling some Fics and pieces 'of stecl, the property of his cmployer, Ir. Walker, ff Harp-alley, Fleet-market. t he trisoner, olio had enlv becn en- ngeed a week ago,vwas leaving the premises, when Mr. Walker, sus. peeringrlie bad something under his coat, desired himn to lift a hcavy I article from the floor. Upon stooping to do so, the files immediately protrudied fromn his coat, and be wvas given into custody. MIr. Walker said his loss frormi such depredations amountedl to 2001. every year. fGeorge e .olemaut. who has been some years living as a vorter at Mr. Liogg's, wholesale grocer, 18, Bread-street-hill. wr as yesterday brougtht before Sir C. FLoNVEU, Bart., chlaged with robbing his employer. Mr. Hngg,h%ring had an intimation that the prisoner w'as robbinz hiim, set Marchant, and another city officer, to watclm him, ana about seven o'clock yesterday morning, he was stopped ia Thamrns- street, wit sonme ptoperty concealed under his apron, bv the first roentionedl officer, wmo torld him bis stispicions, and that he must go back to his master's and bc searched. The prisoner shoved no aii'willingoiess to return, and wvenf into the stables , but when the officer attenmpteil to search him, h madec a violent resistance, got him doivi upon the ground, and hbing a coUsidlerabIc stronger trnan thaii Mearchant. might bavs overpowered him but for the timiely r- rival of his brother officer liisltire. Upon being jilaccil undc; the care of tne litter in onc of thc r'orms of the house. he suddenly madec a rthb through a door. and WVilshire. in following- him, near- yv hiad fi)e lirizers separated front his right hand, by the prisoncr's- closing then, in betw,en the door and the jamb. Fiis anxiety was in this instance. it seems, to get to his bed-room,. Gn seaTching which, about 6ils. of loaf sugar was feitnd concealed in his box. Mlarchant, ipon examining the dark part of the stable where thie struggle had ta.ekn place discovered a hole leading to a cellar, doivi W-hich the prisonerhad tirrown the goods hebad intender to carrv ofF, viz. 2 bags, containing Illb. sultanas, and 3Alb. currants. Mr. Hog; said, lie had heard that the prisinner lad admitted liav- ing robbed him to the extent of 300l. He was kept in the house, had it salarv of 22i. a vear, was regarded as a contiiteniial semvant, and partooki Of every comfort With the The prisoner was remanded at his own requesi. B9w-S'atcLEET.-131GAMY.-.-YcitcrdavU Wit/in, .JeatV7l, a vosmf trades,inan, was brought up in the custrody of Mason, a patrol charged vith felonlously interuiarryiitg with Mlary Arnt Lesiis, his lawful wifc bein-r itt the timne alive. BY the evidence for the lprosecstior it appemred, that ml the year 1819 the prisoner becantc acqiuainted with a young womani of the name of Mary Anne Todd, andi married iter, after a courtship of but short imttion. Verv soot after nmarriagc thev discoveredl--wbat per- baps they ought to have takten care tk ascertain beforehand- namely, thatt their temper and habitit were nitally uesuited to each othe-, and in a few mnonths a separation took pllace. Thev at first saw or heard of each other occasionally, but at lengtih all rotuimunication ceased, and she heard no more of hinm tntil Witl- in the hIist threc weeks. when site learned that he was married to another wonmati. 'ursuing tlhe inquiry, she found that he vaws mar- ried to Mlarv-Ante Ineivis, at the chttrch of St. James, Clerken- vrell, in .hn'tary, 1823. She could not at first find the prisoner, but a womari under such circmumstances .is not to be dismayed by ordinarr difficulties, anti slie discovered whtere he was to he found, and procured a warranit for his apprehension. The second wisfe re- fuserl tO attend, but the marriage was proved bv hier sister. The prisoner, in defence, said he tlhought h;s first wrife was dead, for that shle absconded from him, and he comid gain no tidngs of her. Sir R. Bli-twrE ra id that such a defence could only optriie else. where, and cbftmittet the prisoner for idal. [Ads'ertiscnmnt.I-;SrmiALsrwATaLAr READrrGs, by Mr. SMAuRI, a0, west sitle of Leicester-stttare, erCry Thursday evening, .ppie. tually ai eight. To-morrow*evwiiig, Vareh 4, Julius Ctesar, and r. scene fromt The Mlerrv Wives of Windsor. - Ticket4,5s eachi,maybe had arsbo;ve; at'Tookbwai's. Old Ro&eirstteot;* fd Ricl,ariIdon'si IRoyal Exchange, whorisprospectgioTtiay bg ob, tairued-gratig;e end where may likewise be: ltad 'lie TIheorf ai. Practice of E:lecution, 8vo, price 12s., boardi. 1idrernatic read,. lugs are given to pTivate partics, OR terms whETs niay be lmnosit of LT. Start.
WINDSOR, March 22.-On acc...
XVj 1 w Mardogl?O ace-osrnii-f the continued fall of rain anti the severity of the weather, Hfis Majesty has not left the Royal Castle thi morning. A numerous party is e-I'ected to dinie uithi the King to-day: among the dlstin- ,-Iisbed characters expectedi are, the 'Russian Aynbas~adoir, ,he Dake of Wellington), the Mvarquis of Anglesea, Lord J. Pazet. Mr. Chailles Paget. thie Marquis of Grahami, Lord anAl Lady Maryborough, &c. Y t'sterdlav m-orning, the Earl of Cla .nearty, family, afid suiite. arrived in towvn from- his Embassy At the 'Netholtifds, vs hich office the noble Earl has fillcd since the restorati on I ' hle boinze of Orange after the usurpation of the Govern- iTnent hr Buonaparte. "The noble Earl, &c., proceeded to 'the Clarendon Hotel. Tuie Far] of Clancarty, soon after hiLs ar- neal. proceeded to the Sec-e!asy of Stare's Office for Fe- er-Tir Afflaim-, to) transacet business. Trhe Mabt,-rl, Fast Inidiaman, whiich hans arrivedl in the (Channel. ILeft Canton on the 9thi of December. This is a remarkably short v-oyage. Amity withi the Chinese was per ftW v ref-tored_. (AtDit-i. March 1.-Ats arm-ed vessel, under Colombian ,nlours. hat chiasedi a Sianiskh schiooner hack inito the har- h ,:r, which hadl sailed for the Havatiaah. The Colbombihri ct niiisr wvas in sight this morniing. She is a long schiooner. Lctttrs have beeni received fromn our sq iadron at Algiers ~. Msrrjles~ date4 MIarchi 2. which state that the Dey bad re- ne-'v h's enzagemeniq with Admiral Sir Hairy Neale, not to make (hris::an captives, and to -abide by the treaty made with Lord Ex. pmouth. Sir H. Neale was in consequence about to return to M1alta, sent, the Ht-neer. Naiad. &c. KtcvN(Jamaica), Jan. 31.-We learni 'that a Cu- ,Rsao -e-.el. pilnt.buult, hag been CaDtured by a piratical felucca, off pot-riRzm,. The virates afterwards scuttled their own vessel, having p'resicusly put the crew of the Curaqao vessel on board. As ~he n-i-tical fellecca was sinking, the Cura"ao sailors jumped over.. board, and attempted to save themselves; but they weere shotin the wti,er by the piratrs. One boy alone escaped to the shore; hne was rnearlr drownedi. He however'found his wrar by land to St. John'st, Port~-Rico. and gave inform7ationof the atroc'ious deed.. The pirates have satiledlin the captuired Curaqao vessel on acruise This vesisel v,s a Baltinnore pilot-built sclooner.with two top-masts, and boarded ---st Whets c:;pturted she had en board a considerable quastity of tqer~ie. WL, AMOt-TH, March 21.-t. is feared that the London, of Shields. was wrecked nesarAldernev', about the 17th inst. E X CIA, Feb. 16.-The Ne~ufilus, of iNew Bedford, R'delr. from 'New York to M1arseilles, was totally los%t on the 8th m-t_. in a tremendous gale from E., on the island of Alboran. Crew s,acd r te IYpf,",ofPoole. O)rchiard, and arrived here. TheJfwhatan(which is arrivedI at N-ew York) on the trh of .januarrs -. t. 48. lona. 21., at 10 p. in., and very dark, was rumn foul of bra ship or brig, and carried away her foremast anid cwsrit. The ut-kn ~own vesel immediately disappeared, and it is teaed he entdo n withi all on bo-ard. Lanterits were hung but, by.t all exertions to tird her were vain. The Manhattan was run. nirw NV. S. Wt.. at the rate of 10 knots the other vessel most have been %txcring E. hr N1. TFn- TE-raNif HSSA Rs.-Communicatietts bave tak-en pila e between him Royal Highness the Duke of York andi the rnili~ Taxrv authorities in Ireland, in connexion w-ith the late published let- ter of-NMr. Rattier. Last evening, despatches reached the hands of Lord tomibvrr-ere on the subject, and no doubt exists bur. that much -'ep are in course of adioption as will redeem the honour of the armyi. so fas. as, it could have b-en compromised by the folly ofa few unttvrnkine ivdividuals.-.P1141;n Star, Mlarch 18. Tste. TENTHu REGIMENT OF- HUSSARs.-TheTenth leave Dubl)n gar-riton. we believe, immedliately. They will. be ordered irt" the interior. It is the intention of his Royal I4ighnlets the Duke of Yolrk to rr-quire a certain number of the officers of this regiment to s-ell out, or ~cwhange into other regiments, and the new appoint. m-ents into the 10th are to be immediately resulting from his Royal Hlirchtess.-f)sbflin Star, ',March 19. Eytract from the Rotterdacm Con rat of the 18th of i)1srch. 1824:-" Batavia, Oct. 11, 1823.-The CommIssion here, ior the improvem-ent of the charts of the Indiani Sea, have made k-nown that a rock, has been dliscovered which has never been noticed r ans charts, in bdtr-..56mnm. 40sec. outhern latitude,and longitude front Greenwich 114 deg. 16 mmn. and 114 sec.. laying N. E. 4 E. six iee~off the s-outherly height of the islantd of Greatt Solomnbo. This rock appears like a smiall islandt, suirroundled by small pointed rocks above water. The soil of the island is a reddish sand, on the rt.iddle of which, with verdure, there stands a tree about six feet hisch."' MA 1,n)EN, March '21.-Yesterday morning, as the work- rren o'f Colonel Strutt, Al-P., of Tirling-place, Essex, were mak-ing a csa-nawe erive in that gentlemani's park, a little beneath the sur. .'ace of the ear-th they discoivered an, earthen vessel with silver cenin% There ware between 200 and 300. of the times of Constan- tine. V'alen-, Valentinian, Gratian Theotlosius, and Arcadius, who -ucceeded his father Theodosius, and died about 408. They ace in an x-celtent state of t're-eration, and probably have been concealed between 14.00 and i1100 years. These coins are now in the care of Mr. LE11--the Colonel's stew'ard. 'THFi REv. C. ?OLT.Os.-.(Froin the New Tork Dail y A~.v- -eIrfr cit Feb. 20. I-Fears were expressed in the London ppr somle time since, for the safety of thte Re.C.C olton, sat her of f.eo'&c. &c.. asi he had suddenly disappeared front Lon- don. The last time he appears to have been seen was in compan wi'h All. Alram-e who was shortlyv afterwards murd'ered by- Thur' :ell. Hunt. and Proberci. The editor of the ANew York Patriot lutely s;tated that a person answeringe the description of Mtr. Colton was in this citty some sltort time since; and, under, the name of Clinlton. had offered a work to a bookseller in thist city, at the same time declarioir he wag the author of " Lacwn," and that he lately left thiis city for Charleston. In addition to the above5 the.-Mallef-act'urc,re' .Joa'nal of Provideace. Rhode Island, says-"1 Mr. Colton arrived a' Neport, in September Last, in the sbit Day, fiom Bremen, and Treviously to his, visiting New York, passed several days at 14r. l4oiton%'-hotel. in this pLace, wherebhe wasremnarkedfor the eccen. trizitv of his manners,asoilaprofus3edisplayvef remarkable trink,ets, &(- He here, also0, assumned the name of Oiinton." It is state:l in a German Paper, that the University of L- 'sjc has lately lufl-ered by the d-eaths of its professors. in a degree al-mi-itunpazralleled. 'Withjinamooth it has lost three.of its most dit,unruished mnen, 'i.-.Professofs Cratmer, Spohn, and Gilbert. Thne latter had read his lecture, as usual, on the 6th, and was and. deav carried offon the 7th. He was between 60and 60years ofage A,: this momnent two other eminent Professors ( Beck and Haubold) are daneeroumly ill. That the latter miay not be disturbed in his rest, the strceet in which he lives is barricadoed (luring the aighi, and no carria.,e whatever aUlo-ved to pass-aa measiure which shows how hightly his fellow-.citizens honour this emninent law'yer, who, it is h- erverc feared cannot recover. T'he follnwing9 piece of joke or hium~btg (for it does not clpat-s- aTPpear whethter the writer meanistobe serious) is- from aflermnin p~arer --A t:G(sysr; Ru,hliarch 12.-ProfessorCrnhithuisen,athiunieh, hoeSdelenos.oic remarks aye know-n to-the learrned tromi Bode'. daroosia a.d,. and oine wriings a spken in that calen- dar,andin ne f his works, of the discovery which bts extremely qs.ick siebht, sided by a goot telesicope of Frsueeibofer's making, has bee-n enabled to make Of a collssal building, situated near the equator of the moon, resembling a frteress, with straight rampartsi -which are aryranged like the lateral fibres 'of an alder leaf, WVe now learn that b-e)has also discovered a great many regularly made rsads, altera. r,nn% evidently- matde by art sit natural walls, toe clearest tra~ces of c-u'invation in the surface of the moon (which Sebroeter affirmed to 4. and several other indications of ratiotial beinigs in that planet."1 5E'LDTrSCOnvst..It has long been a problem, to mnakc or find a kind of cement or mortar for general use, with the T-pet-F Of hardening under water, or enduring in buildings whose ft-urn,the M aediterden is marshy o'r wet ground., fto'r th Ale'tmaean,is nown to possess this property, and is conse~ently sed fo thi `purpse;, but, fromn the expense of trans., 1 r i not within general reach.' A Frenclt.evgirie~r (Al. Vicaty has lately discovered that lirne-stone, half burnt, or taken out of the fire before it is converted into quic-k.lime, will answer the samte end. When it has undergone this proce_si ay esas e riedin formed into a kind of Plaster whlc' t'MY har enslik ,beferruginosedath5 untler wa-ter. Ther-e is presentlv livirng at East Kilbtirte~ Lanarkghire, a vetern of the name of Thom-as Ruthven, aged i7 yearqs; Heet..' listed into the Royal ScOts Greyst in the year 1756 bei igthen 19 vearof awe; he served under Prince Ferdiyland fl;;t, a th ttl*of; second, at the battle of' )ibden;- thirid, at qte battle of Fellitighousie ; fourth, at thlebaatlof`War3burgb ; fifitlh,.at thellAitsle on the Plains of L-ows ; 'Fd sixth, at the battle of. Williamsburgh.' Besides thes-e general engagemnents, he was at 16 -diFtirent sk-ir-.- rnxe witht the e-nemy, all ini Germany, ailer whlich he was di4.. chargzed: he- agair. erlisted in the Argylest, or 98ffth ekimerntl eoft'n rmanded bv C-olonel Campbell, of Gochnei and: i3eneral Olark, under whomn he foa t at atgeneral engagemritn with. tlho enemsy a't the Calse of G~ood Whoie in te year 1794, besides bei ng' engaed in' several skirmishes. 'He seaslatterilrdischarged at tiseCede of Goaod Hop,,,g'Ir the yeat 179fi, with a pensIont of.onle shiliing.4~eifi ng a day. Durinp. hisl ]n~ ervie an the general engaennradser raishes-at -hi -he foiibt,ans before noticed, the vl woutid-here.. ceived'*sa from a s4bre in his groin, when engagedki; akfti,8ib -A &~-r-rrtiburgh. The said Thomm tasuthven is married iOa, dearly, good woman far' his third wife,, he also enjoys tolerable gotid he~alth, retains hiis tgaetlties almoat vtiinpaiei, walksa-~~ih n ih footed as the genierA part Of mankind at the age~ of 5o._ioGoaw&
London, Monday, March 1, ...
The Paris papers of Friday, which arrived last night, are more than usually curious to thos6 who take an interest in the internal politics of France. They contain the result of the first day's election in the capital-a result for which those only could be prepared svho have for the last two months been watching the manceuvres of the Government agents, or calculating the inflaence of Ministerial corrup- tion, in a kingdom where representative government is little understood, and where no independent bodies exist to op- pose Ministerial usurpations. It may be necessary to re- mind some of our readers, who are happily relieved'from the necessity of attending habitually to French politics, that in France there are two kinds of elective bodies-that of districts, and that of departments; that the former con- sists of all who pay direct taxes to the amount of 300 francr a year or upwards, and the latter of a certain proportion of the former who pay the highest census; that the electo- ral colleges of districts were convoked for the 25th of Fe- bruary, and those of departments for a subsequent day. The district or arrondissement colleges of Paris, or the depart- ment of the Seine, are eight in number, and the candidates pIJue~I iy je 14er-41, wrtit[, er! ejenerair oy, unt plUpUt=U Vy L"u 1,11), ilur LIICILI, r ena OY f late deputy; M. LAFITTE, the banker; M. CAssInals PER. raER, thebanker: M. BENJAMtINj CONSTANT, the politi- cal writer; M. BENJAMIN DELESSERT, the banker; M. DELABORDE, the author of the wvork on Spain; A. SALLE LON, and M. TERNAUX, the great manufacturer. The number of voters in each college was as follows :-in the first, 1,6502; in the second, 1,360; in the third, 1,305 in the fourth, 1,318 ; in the fifth, 1,080; in the sixth, 861 in the seventh, 1,118 ; and in the eighth, 456. In the first colloge General Foy, opposed to .MI. Le Bnuq, obtained 749 votes against 743, but neithex having gained the absolute majority of 752, the elcetion was declared incomplete, and a new scrutiny was fixed for the following day. A similar obstacle occurred to a perfect return from the second college, where iM. LAFITTE had 673 votes op. posed to 678, the absolute majority being 6S1. In the third, M. CASTMIL PaRRIERF was returned by a majority of 6i4 over his antagonist; and in the fourth .IM. B. C ONSTANT was declared deputy by a majority of 13S. But here the success of the Liberals was arrested. T.M. PELESSERT, DELABORDX, SALLERON, and TERN Aux, having lost their elections in favour of their respective antagonists, M. HARI- CART DE THURY, M. D? LAPANOUZF, Al. Coc111N, and IM. LEROY. WVho these latter persons are, with the ex. ception of M. de LArANOUztE, the government banker, we believe it would puzzle a skilful Parisian elector to state, but it is sufficient that they were proposed by the Treasury, and supported by the influence of AMinisterial corruption. Mlenaces, promises, direct interferenee, and even positive dishonesty in making out the list and returns, we are as- sured, have not been spared. The Quotidiennc tells us tnat the successful Ministerial candidates were proclaimed deputies amid cries of Vive le Roi. If tLe clainms ol their antagonists were thus to be considered as opposed to the existence of the throne, a republican, or an enemy of the BouRtoxs,could desire nothing better than afree election. It is stated in these papers that Ml. BERTIN DS VAUX has been returnedfor VersaiUes, and that General LArAYETTE has lost at Meaux. The following are extracts from the Afoniear of Friday, and the EIoile dated Saturday :- " PARTS, FEB. 26. L Ietters frorn Rorae of the 12th confirnm what is said in the Diario of the preceding day,in the amelioration of the Pope's health. His Holiness, kowever, still kept his bed, and was unable to go to the Vatican, as he intended. On the 12th, Cardinal Severoli had relapsed to sucl a degree, that his recovery was dcspaired of: he was said to be dying. Cardinals Rusconi and Fabrizio Ruffo are stiU in danger. Her Majesty the Duchess of Lucca received the ziaticum on the 11th, and it was expected that news would soon ar. rivc of her death. It is said that his Holiness wil make a promotion of Cardinals about the middle of Lent. ' DI. Paez de la Cadena, Mlinister Plenipotentiary from the Coart of Spain to his MIajesty the King of Great Britain, has arrived at Paris, and put ip at the great Hotcl of Castile, rue Richelieu. |From the 2toile, dated Saturday.] " FRANKFORT, FEB. 22. We have just received the Oriental Spcetator of the 15th Ja. nuary. It contradict the news of the landing of the Greeks at Scio, as well as that of a landing at Mitylene; and lastl., that of the tal;- ing of Caristo, which Odysseus was stated to have taken by storm on the 12th December. "TINO, DEC. 22. "Odysseus is before Caristo with 2.000 soldicrs. Oner Bey, who commanded it, has quitted it, leaving a sufficient number of mnen to defend it. Having been made Pacha of Negropont, be is marchiug againt Delyanopulo, in Attica. As the plague rages in the fortrcss of Caristo, Odysseus has caused a trench to be dug round it, to en- deavour to blow it up. Eight Ipsariot vessels blockade Negropoaqt. " SYRA, DEC. 23. " The Greeks hope to reduce Patras by famnine; but we know that it hasa good stock ofprovisions. Unless if be taken by storm, it will long remain in the handsof the Turks, as well as Coron and Modon. " ODESSA, JAN. 21. " By letters frbm Constantinople of the 26th of January, 1X. linriacky arrived there on the 17th, and was imeadiately com- plimented by an Oficer of the Foreign Department. The compli. rneflt'wss compeize4 nTith fioweraad preserved fruits, The ECeiS Efiendi is dangerously ilL The sultan has ordered his cbief phy- sician, on pain of his displeasure (that is to say, on pain of death) to cure the Minister without delay. The Physician is in consternation. "SEMLIN, JAN. 12. "Letters from Salonichi, of the 31st of January, say, that Cap- tain -Diamanti has landed for the third time at Cassa7ldra, with 3,000 men. He has cu: to pieces 800 Turks, apd returned to Volo with immense booty. - *, " SWITZERLANTD, Fell. 17. "The Kingof Spain hasordered the remains of the Swiss Re- giments to be re-organized, and placed again on the same footing as they were on the 7th of March, 1820. It is also desired to raise a Regimeat ofSwiss Guards." FREwcii FUNDS.-PARIS, Feb. 27.-Five per Cents. 100. 40.; Loan of 1823, 13.; Neapolitan 5 per Cents. 8G.t Rentes d'Esp. 24j. Exchange on London, one month, 25. 40.; three months, 25. 30.-Cou rs Autlcnt2ique. LONDON. MONDAY, MltARCH 1, 1824.
[Advertisement.]-Passing ...
[Advertisement l-Passing down Bond-street, our curiosity was attracted to an exnibition caUed the NATURORAMA, and having seen many things under the rame of ramw7, this bearing no re- semblance to them, we must confess that its merits are not to be described, ttS superiority s,trpassinr any thing that we have ever seen, and we i?eg .to recommend it as an object particularly worthy the notce of the puSieb4, Ioth for Its superiority and the chasteness of its arrangements. |AdVCrt;Senlent..l-.ELgNT COATS, LADIES' RIDiNG- ZAOITs, &c.-We are mnformed fiom yood authority (the fashion- able world), that the best place to get handsome, well-madie, supe- rior good-fitting Ladies' Habits, and also Gentlemen's blue and black coats, is at No. 27, Piccadilly, where immense quantitis3 are constantly makng for ladies and gentlemen of the first distinction, aud upon tJe most reasonable terms.-No. 27, Piccadilly. Another great idvaitsge s, h~t a whole suit can be made in 8 hours, if rct quired. I AdverLisement.1_The new-invented HASaL Brtuswr, twhich en- tirely supersedes the use of the small-tooth Comb.-Ross and So s, No. I 19, Binhopsegte-street, beg to infonn the Nobility an(i Gentry,thet tile above invention,, having been patronized for upwards of four years by some, of the first families in the kingdom, they take Ehis opportunity of making it generally known. As an article of the toilet for cleaning the hair, it will be found unrivalled; nor does it produce that uneasiness t the head occasioned ,y all other hard brushes, N.B. As the invention comnbines the old and new systems, tile proprirtors have samcd it the Union Brush. [ldvertisenment.1-CouGtIS of the most obstinats kind, wvhether arising from cold, asthmas, or constitutional disease, are cffectually cured by TOZER'S EXPECT6:aAN;T CoUOGH PILLS. These pills will be found to give speedy and permanent relief by allaying the irritation of the t roat, and Dy promoting easy expectoration will re- move accumulated phdegm, wheezing, and obstruction of the glands. The flattering approbation the proprietor lias received since he first offered them to thc attention o0 the public, and a daily increasing demand, are sufficient proofs thit he has not overrate( their effilcacy. Prepared and sold by William rozer, chytmist and druggist, Green- wich. in boxes, at 134d. and 2s. 9d. each. Sold wholesale by E. Ed- wardls, 67, St. Paul's churchyard, and Sanger. .150, Oxford-street, London; and retail by moat rispectable medicine venders through- out the united klngdom. O)f vihom also may be had, Tozer's Odon- taigic Tinctlre, an immediate sure for tooth-a,chl. _ _~~~~~~~~d
Suddtnly, ,t his hKe;sjseJ, ballfstrce Finisbu r,( gn Sdur- day ~ las,eo. cv ppwa.4j:A7 the gt1t yesr' 67 3s 4ge11M 'RvbertP&nanr yea.yetaeinvy sargonin that,ecbbonr -' - man whose cndua thu i HAm ure the esteem of many finds. avd Ih whome death tbejo6r havc 20rta generous bnefactor. On Su - Y HutIflP) F thc wife of Captain 3. Andrers %f.beeth Reimenee On the 2S1 of FEtbuis.y,i geA 47, 1r. Atkinwon, relit of tlhe late Rev.Joha4tkinamm C . ' .On Sntday amnorn l tf jXilotse gt gernIngtn, .mne Weddslc,hq... Qn the 6th ut., oSa9oplexy, Flower Freeman, Esq., of Ken- mnThton.hne, la?ebf *.e ,slatmb of Badbadoe9 -9n Sa?rday, the 6thb. t.,. lr. George Burbick Holland, 99, Hrgh Holbora, awd 3v ; ... _
House Of Lords, Wednesday...
PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGETCE. The revenue inquiry bill was read a third tine, and passed. I The Irish church rates bill was committed, and reported.- A I HOUSE OF LORDS. WEDNESDAY. iMlARCIH 10.
House Of Lords, Friday, M...
rJRLIAMENTAR r INTZ.&LIGENCE. BASTAIRD antd others fromn the Corhmons, brought up the silk daties bill, tie postage bill, the convicts' regulatiou bilt, anti several private bills. Mlr. CAxrxG brouyl~t up the save-trade piracy bill. The above bills were read a first dine, and the other bills on tho table were forwarded in their respective stages. A person fFoin the Commissioners of the Holyhead road present- ed their annual accounts at the bar.-Adjourned. HOUSE OF LORDS, FRIDAY,NLJCU 26,
House Of Commons, Monday,...
Mr. HUSKISSON presented a petition from an individual re- siding in Liverpool, againist the bankrup: laws' amendment bill. Mr. Alderman WOOD presented a petition from a considerable number ot' watenren, who ply at the '1 ower stairs, against the St. Catherine Dock bill. .Mr. T. WILSON presen:cd a petition from certain watermen plying below London bridge, against the proposed new iron bridge. Mlr. II USKISSON presentedi a petitioni from certain importers of wo,l, preying that the duty on the importation of foreign wool might be reducedl to the same rate at wlhch it stood before it was last advanced. 3Mr. H. G. BENNET took that opportunity of com plaining that thc Chancellor of the Exchequer had consented at a late hour on a formner evening to raise the dutv on exported raw wool from Id. to 2d. Mr. C[, RNES said a f'ew 'words to the same effect. Lord MI L,TON thought that the agricultural interest would not be injured by the change which had taken placc. Sir E. K'NATCHBULL said, that t%c duty of two-pence a pound on raw wool would amount to a prohibition of the exporta- tioni of that article. After a few words from Mr. WORTLEY, Sir I. PARNELL, and M3r. BlLtciGT, the petition was ordered to lie on the table. Mlr. II USMISSON presented a similar pctition from the wool growers of the countv of Durham. Mr. ST ULART WORTLEY said a few words which were in- jaudible in the gallery. 31r. HIUMiI E complalined of a breach of faith in the introduction at a late hour of the night of the duty of 2d. per lb. MIr. BENNET said that he had no objection to the Chancellor of the Exchequer hearing the representations of all parties interest- ed. although lie could nOt approve of what had been done in this rnatter.-The petition was laid on the table. Mr. IiUShlSSON presented a petition fromi the wveavers of I Manchester against the combination laws. Mr. DAVENPORT presented a petition from several licensed victuallersacainst thie licence duties. ir. PETER3100RE presented a petition from a number of journcyimin brass-tounders against the conmbination laws. Mr. MACPHERSOX G(RANT presented a petition from the wool-growers of Sutherland against any alteration in the wool duties. Mr. M. A. TA YLOR presented a pctition from else curriers and tanners of' Durham against the hides and skins' bill. Mr. I,A.MBTO.N presented a sinmilar petition from the tanners and( curriersof' South Shields. lie also presented a petition trom Suiderland against siavery its the Xi'est Indies. IND)IAN PRESS. M11r. LAMBTON gave notice, that soon after the recess, he meant to present to that house a petition from Mr. Buskingham, latc of Calcutta, complaining of severe grievances which he had en- i dured froiii the Govcrunient of India, and stating a case of oppres- sion swhich seriously affected the condition of the public press in that empire. Sir WS'ILLIAM INGILBY presented two petitions from dis- tricts in the countv of Y'ork. against slavery in the IVest Indies. Mlr. Alderman WOOD presented a petition troiti 2,000 irndivi- duals in the tow-n ot Hlalifax agaillst tlle conibination laws. (O) the issotiols of the lion. Alderman, an account Vwas ordered of the nurnber of vessels employed at sea by the Post-office. lIord EBRINGTON presensted a petition froisi the licensed vic- tualiers of Tavistock, agtdnst thc licence duties. The noble lord, in preFenting two petitions front Atlierley, aisd another place in the county of Devon. against tli coasting coal duties, conmplained of their oppressive operation. Ir. BUCIIANAN presented a lietition from the ship-builders of the port of Greenock agains; the duty on hemp. illr. LINDSAY presented a petition from the Notaries of Dun- dee, aea.i.nst the tax upon their profession. On the mlotion of Mr. CURNVEN,aceounts were ordered to show the ansount atsd qaalitsn ot the exports of different kinds of grain from Ireland atsd Scotland, during the last five years, specifying the ports to andl froni. Sir R6BERT SHAW presented a petition from 31r. Jeremiah Houghton, a woollet nmanufacturer of Celbridge, in the county of Dublin, against any alterations in the wool duties. Mr. EVAN'S presented two petitions froiss places in the counties of York and Rutland, againist slavery in the West Indies. Mr. KE ITH DOUG LAS presented a petition from the notaries of Kircudbriglht, against the tax on their profession. Sir E. KNATCH BULL presented a petition from the parish of St. P'aul, Deptford, agaiiist the coal dutics ; one from the sanse body against the house and window tax; and also a petition from Mlr. ArglesBishop, of laidstotse, against the present disti2lery laws. :\lr. COURTENAY presented a petition from a port in Devon. shire against the repeal of the fishery bounties. The hon. member also presetsted a petitinii from Exeter, praying for some alteration in the coal duties, owing to their partial and unfair operation. iMlr. NEWMAN earnestly called the Chiancellor of the Ex- chequer's attention to the justice and necessity of attending to the pratyer of this petition. Air. H. G. BE NNET said, that the repeal of unjust taxes ought fronm day to day to be forced upon the consideration of his lajesty's ministers. Lord 31ILTON concurred in Isis hon. friettl's geiieral recom- mendation, altliough lie doubted if sea-borne coal was the tax which ouglit first to be taken off: They ought rather to call for the reduction of those taxes which more generally affected the country at large. Lle admitte(d that the coal-tax was in its origin impolitic, but us- terests had grown up under it, which might require consideration: at dll eventst, the reduction of the window tax ought first to be considered. Mr. GRENFELL said, that the inequalitv of this coal-tax was a sufficient reason to cal. tor its repeal. Mr. N. CALVERT concurred in this opinion. lfr. W. SMI2TH strongly urged the repeal of the tax. The CHANCELLOR 6f the EXCHEQUER said, that as so many appeals liad beeni made to hin, he was afraid that the ground of his proceeding respectitig this tax had been misunderstood. In the first place. lie had never affected to maintain that titis tax was not unequal in its operation, and did not press with severity upon parts of t'le couintry. But as it was a duty which had subsisted for up- wards of a century, and one, therefore, for the introduction of which the present gencration were not responsible itwas necessary to con- sider a little the various interests which had grown up with the mea- sure. He d4id not mean to say that those interests ought to operate as a bar to the reduction of the tax, but merely that they were entitled to some consideration. He thought, therefore, that this was not, consideing the other taxes of the country, one which ought at once to be repealed. He thought himself right hi the course which he had begun to take respecting this tax, and he felt that in taking off the 3s. 4d., which affected the population of this great metropolis, they wvere administering essential relief, whichl they would not have been doing had they taken off the same aniount by spreading it over a larger surface at one shilling, or some such sten. He thought it riglt to begin wvith reducing what he deemed the more aggravated part of this tax, which certainly was felt by the inhabitants of Lon- don. He could not admit the priniciple of regulating taxation, upon the supposition that those were tthe wealthier part of the community, and could best bear a larger sum of taxes: the tax affected them more severely, and he had begun with repealing the most objection- able part of' it. Sir Al. *Y. RIDLEY rose to protest against the injustice with which the Chancellor of the Exchequer was treating the coal-owners of the north. The alteration which he had announcead his inteation of making gave the inina coal-owner advantages in. the niatlcet fgar superiorto those which it gave to those of the,north. The duty on inland coal, which haad formherly been 7s. 6d., was now reduce to1 Is. a ton; wbiltethe,du on gea-borne coal, which had. formerly been 9s. 4d., wita only reduced to 6s. a chaldron. He did not washi to have any additional burden placed on the inland coal, but he did wish the northern coal to come into the market on equal terms with it. The house would see, that under tie exi!sting arrangementst .that was completely impossible. He now gave notice, that immie- diately after the recess, he should move for the repeal of all the duties on coals carried co letwise. Mvr. LITTLETON declared his intention of supporting the pro- pition of his right hen. friend the Chancellor of- the Exchiequer, and contended that even the duty of Is. a ton on iniland coal was- more than ouglht to be imposed upon it. Mr. S. WORTLF~Y considered the proposition of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to be unfair to the coal-owners of the north, as it allowed their opponents to bring into the mnarket, at an easy- rate, ai cheaper andI an iriferior article. Alir. HUMIE said that hie couldI suggest a p an to the right hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, by which ble could get rid of the difficulty which his proposition appeared to have created. That plan was to take ofFaIllthe dulty on bothkinds of coal. (A laugh.) Indeed, he wondtered how the right hon. gent. could allow a sinking fund of 5,000,0001. to continue for the mere purpose of purchiasing 3 per cent. stock at 95, when, by putting an, end to it, he could allow the coal-duties, the window..ta:i, and all the assessed taxes to be re- pealed immediately. He trusted that thebhon. gentlemen who com- piLained so much of'the pressure of the coal-duties, would at length see the necessity of compelling the right hon. gentleman to give up his darling scheme of a sinking fu nd. The petition was then brought Up. On the question that it be laid on the table, u Lord MILTON took the opportunity of complaining of the policy whiichi Government had pursued upon thais question. They had given up a revenue amauinting to 800,0001. annually, and in so doing had benefited a Particular class of the community residing withiin cer- tain limiited geographical boundaries. Now, when Government re- mitted taxation, they should take care that the relief which, they grantedl shouldi be of a general, and not of a partial description. Sir JOHN NEWPTORT could not agree with the noble lord who had spoken last. Hlis noble friend seemted to have forgotten that the particular class of the comniunity to which he had alluded had, for nearly, a century past, been aggrieved by the unjust anid par- tial operation of the coal duties ; and surely his noble friend would not argue that it was not entitled to relief, becauise it had submitred for many years to tke grievance which had been imposed uponit.He cntededthattheChacellor of the Exchequer was onl peforingan ct f jstie i eqalizing the operation of the Mr. M BERLYthougt tha thecouxntry gentlemen were not dealng airl wih te Chnceler f te Echeqer ponthis occa- sion Itwasrater ncosistnt n tosewhohadsupp~orted the system of a sanking fund, now to come fowrdade thie adviser of it that they wouldl not bear the taxes hy which that sinking futnd was to be supported. It was consistent enoughi in his lionourable friend the member for Aberdeen to press for a repeal of taxes, be- cause he had always oprosed the scheme of' a sinking fund; but as for the honourable gentlemen who now called for a repeal of ta,ces, after supporting the sinking fund, whiere, he would ask, was their consistency? The CHIANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER satid, that he should have no objection to let the resolutions regarding tie coal du- ties he re-comoiitted, in order to giv-e the hon. baronet an opportu- nity of stating hiis views regarding thecm. Trhere were: no bills to be considered on Thursday next, r%nd if the hon. baronet would that evening mnove that the house do resolve itself into a committee oni the coal duties on Thiursday next, lie would not offer the slightest opposition to the motion. Mir. Alderman WlOOD said a few words in favour of the Chian- cellor of thec Excheqerspln Sir Al. AV. RIDLYhdn beto to entering upon the dis-- cussion of this subjc nTusa et He only desired it to be distinctly understo, thttog, o h ake of rcratinig a debate. lie miight hiave to oeteipsto of a larger duty on inland coal it was not hisws,nrrsto h coal-owners of the north, to have' such dutyplcdoinadols They only wishied to hlave their own coal afhmitted to the ysarket on equal terms. After a slhort discussion, betwecan the SPEAtERn, the CJHALbCPL- LOR. of the ExcHrEquER-, anld SirAM. NV. RtDr.xY, as to the fornsi of bringinig forward the subject on Thursday next, the petition was laid on the table, and ordered to be PTinted. ABOLITION OF SLjAVERY. Petitions were presented praying for thie gradual abolition of sla- very- in our W1est India colonies,by Lord NV. BENITrICKc from the tow~n of Worksop, and also from the town of --, in the county of Nottingham ; by Air. Alderman HETGArxE fromi the town ofCHCIerIESTER ; by Mr. Al AIEIERLY from theC borouigh of Abinglon ; and by Air. S. WORTLEY from the towvn of Sedbergh, itt Yorkshire.-.Ordered to be printed. Mr. MABERLY presented a petition from the borouigh ofAbing- don, praying for a repe-al of the assessed taxes..-.Orderech to be prin ted. Mlr. AMABERLY presented a petition fromn thle trustees of the county of Tipperary, against the reduction of the bounities on Irish linien. MAl. S. RICE presented a siminlar petition fromi the inhabitants of Doneratle (we believe in the county of Cork.) Sir R1. FERGUSSON trusted that tile Chiancellor of the Ex- chequer would persist in the p lan wltich lie hiad announced. r.C. HUTCHINSON spoke in favour of the c-ontinuance of the bounties. Sir J. NEWPORT observed, that the spreading of the linen trade in Limerick and Cork ought to be looked at as mainly conitri- buting to the suppression of disturbances in those counties. The lisuse ought to recollect that thez had to deal with a country much imoerished alad distressed, an, he was sorry to say, for a consi- deabe timne in a state of insubordination to the law's. in his opi- nion, the best way so make the people hiappy was to give themn the means of employment. They wanted detnind for t e prodluce of their labour; and if that were given to them, they would become quit ad cntetedin hos ditritswliere insubordination now previle.-Lid n te tale,andordredto be printed. Mr.S. iCEpreened peltin fomthe inhabitats of Ross. Carerr, aaint te rducionof he uties oat linen.-Laid on this Mir. CURTEIS presentedt a petition from CIie licensed victuallers of Brighton, against the excise licences.-Laid on the table. Lord BELGRAVE pre-sented a petition from Chester, against the intended new sorvey of the hiouse and window tax.-Laid on the table. Alr. KENNEDY moved for an account of the number of gallons of spirits on which duty had been paid, distilled in England, Scotland, and Ireland, fromn the 5th of October, 1821, to the 5th of .~Iach, 822-nd fom te 5t of ctober, 11122. to the 5th of Marc, 123 thequatit of pirts eize bythepreventive guad, urig te amepero;andth toal xpeseof prosecutionsi insttutd i coseqenc ofspiitsseied y te uevetive establish- COLDTES. Sir AL. IV. RIDLEY gave notice, that he wotuld on Thiursday next more that the house resolve itself into a commtittee of time whole houtse, to consider of the duty on coals. LEATH ER-DUTY. Mr. CALCRAFT gave notice, that he would on the 18thi of Alay move for the entire repeal of the daty on leather. BURIALS IN IRk:LAN,D. Mir. PLUNKETT rose to miove tIme order of the day for the second reading of "1the burials in Irelanid bill."' The right hon. gentleinan observed, that he would not have brouglht it torward at that moment, if he hiad not had somie reason to flatter himiself, f'rom the general opinion which hie had collected fromn all sides of time hiouse on the measure, that there was ino likelihood of any nsaterial objection being offered to it, nor of any discussion arising that would be at all calculated to produce a? protracted debate. Thec house was already aware of'tlie general scope and object of the bill. It related to the burials, in Ireland, of persons diss-enting fromi the doctrines and disciplineof'theEstablishiedChu rch,with thoscformss anal cereniionies which wvere peculiar to the religion professed by thetiis. Every onermustfeel that tisis was asubject of extreme imipottance, as it related to the moral feelings, passions, and prejudices, of the grcat bulk of the population of' Ireland ; arid they mirust also perceive, that it was a question ofthtle greatest delicricy, because, as it referredt to circumstances which must occur its the pirecincts of Protestant church-yards, it would naturally excite the attention of those who felt an interest in the Protestant establishiment. He therefore ap. roachoeld the subject withi a considerable degree of' caution, woul not say of alarm, becauise the ieasure had been so umaturely considered, and so nicely prepared, withi reference to both sides of the question, that while it would make the law easy as to the burial of dissenters, it would not create any just alarm in tire minds of those who were connacted with the Established Church. (Hear.) When lie stated that it was a subject of great difficulty and delicacy, he begged to observe. that it was not on that account that he had taken it out of the handfs in whiichi it had been previously placed. Wlhether he coiasidered the question with a view to its inm- portance, its difficulty, or its delicacy, he knew of no hands better suited te brin it forward effectually thans those of his right hon. fred(Sir.5 Newport.) The course whiich his righit hon. friend took in the debate relative to education in Ire- land, which occurredl a few evenings since--the tone of temper and moderation withi whichl he introduced that sub- ject, proved very clearly that no man was more fit to concdliate the opinions and sooth the passions of all parties. (Hear.) Still, hiow- rever, he thought it would be felt that it was better tliis question slsould be taken up by one who spoke the opinions of' the Giovern- ment of the country, rather thian by any, individual uinconnected with the Government. MAn:y reasons could be adduced in support of this position. Itwas right, mn the firs4~lace, that the public sliould know the anxious solicitude which the Government entertained with respect to the welfare of the people of Irelandl; and next, it was impor- tant that the question shoutld be now brought forward in such a manner as to reconcile all classes to it. This end could be mocha better attained by the Government, than if the mieasure were introduced by any individual, however respectable. Having saidI so.nuch to excuse the Government of the country for entertaining this measure, it would perhaps be expected that he should state some reason for its not haviug been taken u sooner. Many cir- cumstances existed in Iceland, which would hoave made it uniwise Iin Gonvernment to have intrfered with a --etln of this kind at an earlier period. Whatever inconveniencies existed in the actual state of the law, (and he admitted those inconveniencies were immany 4nd considerable), yet still it was found that very few of them were of a practical nature. Government tbterefbre did not think it neces- sary to legislate on theoretical principles, so long as tele existing law appeared to work well. Bat a new state of things haR sprung up, and it was now found expedient to make some change in the Law. The first thinz it was proposed to do was, to repeal the act of the 9th William 1f. cap. 7. He believed rwithi respect to this point, there was an universal consent, on the part of every person con- cerned. He would now state what the object of the act of William was. It was probably known to most gentlemen in that house, that there were in Ireland a number of abbeys and convents, the sites of places formerly used for religious worship, and vested in eccle- siastical persons: those places were looked on with considerable respect, if not reverence, by all classes of people in Ireland. They had been founded from motives of piety, and though soinetimes teranted by superstition and bigotrv, yet it could not be denied that they were often the abodes of religion and charity. From them, in former times, the blessaings of hospitality had been dis- seminated amongst the poor and needy. Those places had long since been taken out of the possession of the ecclesiastical pro- prietora,and vested int the several members of the state. But they were still viewed by the people with feelings of respect and veneratipn. Though no longer u;sed as laces of religious worship they were much resorted to as places of burial, not merely for the ioman Ca- tholics Of the country, but very frequently for the Protestantsi; and he felt that the remasLins of those ancient edifices were not the least interesting objects of contemplation to those persons who visited Ireland. Looking to the disturbances, religious andl political, by which that country was torn, it was a point on which the mind re- posed witb some degreeofpleasure,whenit refleted that in those ceme. telies the~Pctstntahtrd the Catisole, petsortg of alml Tab ud sezsua 5iofls,wereburicain common. However they mighthavedilfraredinilife, 'in death they were suifered to rePose together :and thec pOae of their interment was not made a scene for the display of acrinionious feel- tng and unseemly asperity. This stale of things had prevailed, he believed, more or less, ever gince the Reformato.I utse exItrrdnaaryp tat, under these circumstances,teacofhe9hf ilimwa passed, by which burials in those places were forbid- den as well to Protestants as to Catholics. It seemed extraordinary, when the oractice was carried on without offeince to any party that it sliould have been interfered witi lby this law. He" believed it was not with a view to any direct interference with the rights of sepulture of any religious sect thiat the law was enacted, but that it was framed in a spirit of jealousy, which could not bcar that any religious feeling should be kept alive with respect to those old places of worship. Certainly, whatever might hiave been the object of the act, its provisions were opposed to those aff'ections a-nd decen- cies, with reference to the deceased, which ought always to be re- -spected. The act was framed, but it fell still-born, as all mneasures must do when opposed to the feelings anid sentiments of a c-ountry. in no one instance, for a series of y'ears? had the custom w-ich had so lon~ prevailed been interfered with-in no one instance had this obnoxious law been carried into effect. If, then, there was an act on their statute-book, to enforce which would be con- sidiered a crime, anid to infringe it would be looked on as a duty, it ought not to be suffered to remain (hear); and ore M~eet of the nmeasure now before the house was to repeal this act. (er.) The house would, however, observe, that there was a clause regulating and narrowing that repeal. Tfhe reason of this; was;, that many of those places were diverted from their original pur- pose, and were possessed by individuals; and care should be takcen that no interference with private property was admitted under this measure, which would be the case if persons who were not in the habit of usinig particular places of this description for bury- ing grounds were suffered to do so now. He would now, as shortly as he could, aDply himself to the more import- ant provisions of t Is Ill so far as it professed to give the right of burial in Protestant cliurchyards, according to the reli- gious ceremonies of the parties whouse friends were broughit there f'or interment. The noble lord who presided over the Governmnent of I reland, and who had applied himsel2f to thiis, as well as to every other subject connected withi the intere-sts of' that country felt the deepast anxietty for the success of thisi measure; and he (M1r. Plun- kett) knew of nio other reason why he now adtdressed the h.ouse ext rpt thiast from hiis intercour-se with the noble lurd he liad the best means of learning his views on the subje-ct. This mneasure originated with. the nioble lord, and hadl re- celved the unanimous sanction of his Mlajesty's Govern. ment. The twvo grcat objects of thie bill were these-to secure to dissenters of every denomination the righit of intermient ac- cording to their own forms and ceremonies, and to take care, at the same time. that nothing was done otffensive to the dignity or sub- versive of tile security of the Protestanit reli on. Before hie pro- ceeded furthier, it was necessary that he shoulfoddescribe what was tire actual state of the lawv on this subject as, it now existed. In the first place, hie wouild endeavour to put the house in possession of what was the situation of the Protestant parson as to the right of burial. Gentlemnen, doubtless, knew that the free- hold of the chiurchyvard was vested in the rector. The churclhyard was hiis' freehold, andI no person could enter it, unless by Iiis leave, withiout commnitting a trespass. But,' besides the right tvhich belonged to hiim as the possessor of the soil, he wvas, as the parson, empowered by law to superintend the mode of' grunting ChristiaLn burial in the church-yard. He was to grant she right ofrintermient; and, by the Act of Uniiformiity, he was to read thie burial service of the Cfiurch of Ireland, by law established, and no other. He could not, hiimself, read any other service; neither could he depute any person to read a different service in the church- yard. lie could emnploy another gentleman in orders to readthe ser- vice of the ChUrCh ot Irelanid; but he could not ailowv any laymian, of a mnemiber of any, other coninisinity, to read it. If this law were acted on, antd the Protestant clergy, were in eviry instance to insist on reading this service, andl going through the rites and ceremio- niies prescribed by the Chiurch of Irelaind. it 'would virtuially, deprive the great body of the people of the right 'of interment. Considering what thei tigiouis opinions were, such . rciewudaeutt actual exclusion. He did not mean to argue whether their f'eeling on this subject wras a righit one or not: it was his duty merely to state the fact. The opinions, fecelings, anti prejudices, of thec people of Ireland were such, that if thie principle were insisted on, it would actually amount to an exclusion froLn thie right of interment of all the Catholics at least, if not of al the dissenters. This was the situation of the law, on one side, now let the hiouse miark what it was on the othier. Every peson hiad a righit to interinent in the Protestant churchyard ofth parishi whiere lie died. His relaitives had a right to claimi it : but they were entitled to claim it, subject to that right of' the Protestant parson whicli lie hind juxst mention. d. But, sup pose he perf'ormedl the rites ot the P'rotestant churcli, or that he waved their perfoniiance, there was no law which2 in either case, prohbitd th peformnceof dsseting rites in a Protestant' churcyard.Therewas n law herethe Protestaxt parson had dishared isfuntios, r avr thm,to prevent Roman Catholic cereonie fro beig peformd inthe clhurchlyard, however ostetatousy clebate, o hoeve cacultedto roduice feelings of ainin he in oftheProesantclegymn.There were a numbier of laws passed in Ireland, afe teRfration, on the subject of the Catholic priests. By tlaose laws, besidies inflicting penalties on priests coming from abaroad,teewr others whicts also imposed penalties on all priests wowr o registered in a regular mnanner. By the 21st and 22doftelt ig greater part of these penialties wyere rensoved, udrcrinesicdions and condlitionis. Onieofthens was, that thiebenefit of those actsshiould not extend to any Catholic priest who officiated in a Prot,estant church- yard. It was; supposed, that under this clause it was a crimiinal or pensl act for a priest to perf'orns the burial service in a Protestanit chiurchiyard; but time supposition was entirely erroneous it had no other eff"ect than saying, that thie Catholic priest who per. foirned the service in a Prote'stant churchyard, shiould not have the benefit of that particular law. He was liable to be indicted, not for havinig perfornied the service, but for not having dulyvregistered him. self under the former act, wvhich he was not- requre to do, provided he obeyeI the restrictions enumerated in the 21st anid 22d of' Geo. III. rut whiatever miight have been the state of thie law on this subject, growing out of' the 21st and 22d of tao'. ItI., All difficulty was removed, in Ireland, by ttie law of 17914. By that lawv, it was not an illegal act for the Catholic priest to officiate. He could not be itidicted for it-he coulmt not be prevented fromn doing it. If the contrary wvere admiitted-if thie Protestant clergy. nman h'ad a right to insist on) performning the secrvice of the Church of freland-it would totally exclude the whiole body of' Romani Catho- lics from internient. If the Protestant clergymnan chose to come in and perfornm his service, or if he waved his right to officiate, there % as no law to prevent the Catholic priest front exercisinig his func- tions. This was the state of the law ; and, considlerinig the [situation of the parties. it was fraught wvith all the serds and elements of discord and dissension. (Hear, hear.) But thoughi stichi was the fact, thoughi the state of the law was calculated to prodlue conflictions and collisions between those opposing parties, it was pleasing to state. that, wvith very fewadreecetos thiose elemients of disLord and dissenision hadotreed nyf those effects whichk might ha-ve beeti expectedfo im n would, inileed, almnost praise this state of the law, since it gave an oppiortunity to people of all sects, and of all religious opinions, to display feelinigs thec most liberal and charitable. He must say, anid lie saidl it wvith great retspect for the parochiial clergy, that, until of late yeats, they had not, in the smsllest degree, interfered withl the right of intermuetit in Protestant chiurchyards. They hlad forborne to exercise a dluty which wag imposed on them by the common law of the country, and by the Act of Uniformity, because thiey felt that it would crea te uneasiness and dissatisfacti'on. The Catholic clergy. mien also conductedI themselves in a moat exemplary mianner. He believed the Catholic body in geneial were buried without any ceremoniy; but it was customary, on the interment of Catholics of th,e better orders, to have, more or less, a sort of service performed by the priest. &onietimes he appeared in. the stole, a sort of black robe, and soinetitiies he olliiaated in his plain clothies, but he ntever presminmed to offer any thing offlensive to the Protestant chiurch. This was the way in which the niatter remained, i:ntil lately, without any degree of off'ence being taken by the Protestant clergy. This should be particularly statd, becauise it proved that thiere was not thiat unmneal tex ture in tire sentimncits of thiose who held different reliiuoiins in Ireland, th)at ought to shutout allhIoPeof accom sdtin n tatoughkt to lead themi to believe thlat it was impossible to smooth dowii those religious feelings, thte asperity of whlich had been the bane and curse of Ireland. (Hear, hear.) Wlhen matters remained tlius-wlien, on die one hantd, there wvas no interference, and on the other, no offence, he thought it would have beets unwise if Government had legislated for prospective eytls that perliaVs mighit never hiave arisen. But about four or five years back, thie pdfi formance of religious ecrens onies by a, Catholic priest, in a Protestant chiurchvard, was resisted. At the tinre this took ~place, 4uch occurrences were cexremely unfrequent ; and Go- vermen thugh itbeter o gt rd of themi by giving con- cilatoy avic,rahertliss y eertngthe strong hiand of nuttiority, or y cllng n Prlamet t rke hebusiness up. In the course of lst ear thecomlaits n ths sbjet wre greatly increased. Whehertherigt ws mre reqcisly laisedby the Catholic clegy,r cntnde fo i a iffren dgre ormaner from what had bencustomAary, he coul not say; bu a ood deal of alarm had cer- tany been excited. Vnethter that alar a just or not, he could not discover, and he believed it would evr difficult to ascertain the fact. If one person were asked wh,ether the ceremiony was the same as was heretofore perfonnied, the answer was in the af- firmative; but the next individual of whomn inquiry was miade would state cxactly the severse. In feet, inidividuals s'eemed to be guided rather by their prejudices, than by anyv desire to elicit the truth. H e therefore thoughlt it would be niuchi better to leave the circumstances out of which tins alarmi had arisen in the amibiguity in wich hey ere lace at reset,than to attempt to explore them (Her, har.)Whatver ad ben done by tke Protestanit clegy,was hefel covined,peroried in the discharge of a conscentios dut. He aid mostread and willing liomiuge to the orbarace aniestd b tie geatbod'y of the parochial clergy of Ielad; nd h wa cetain whrevr 'they had recourse to re- sistanice, they were impelled by a ses f duty -alone. Thie (Iversi- ment, as he had arayosre,wr anxious to 9ssoth all diiffer- ecires, by friendlyadcniitr advice; but it at length be- caine nemesst? to emiewathreal state of the law was on thist subject. If tne law were clear and plain-if its operation appeared calculated to produce peace and union-then it was right that the people sheuld know it : buit the case was greatly altered wher the law carried withil itself the elements of hostility. wheni ttie con- cord which had so long prevailed arose, not fromn a knowledge of the state of tie law, but fro,n an ignoraxce of it. It would have been productive of the most unpleasant consequences, if it had been bold- ly stated, " Youi, the priest, have a right to burv this man-you may enter the churchyard with bell, book, and candle, and perform the service in the most offensive manner possible." If the priest had the power to exclaim to the Protestant clergynian, " I an doing this by the authority of the Governmnent, who have told me what the law is on the subject," it would be the cause of constant feuds. 'his er- nicious knowvledge of their rights mulst end in continual conflicts between the liarties; and there fore it wvas necessary that the law should not remain in its present situation. Hieretofore, |the lair had not been insisted on-the proceedings of the Catholic clergy had been little interfered With. Had it been other- wise, the Catholics of Ireland would be driven from the tonibs of their ancestors. (Hear, hear.) It was not a claiimi of ambition which they put forward-it wims not a political privilege which they demanded. What they contended for was the off'spring-of those feelings of devotion and piety, which were inherent in the nature of man, which were wholly independent of adventitious circuisii stances. There was no clime so barbarous, no igniorarce so pro- tound, nophilosophy so arrogant, as to deny the just:ee of that feeling which wasimplantedin thenature of man, and which induced him to look with affectionate regret to the spot where the remains of Ihis an- cestry were deposited. It was not thie creature of philosophy: it was the Yoice of that Being, who, wheni he has doomed us to the grave, inspires our hearts with the confident hope that our affections and feelings will exist beyond that goal. (Hear.) If, howeyer, the Ro- man 6athoric priest were openly told that he might perform his ce- remonies in the most ostentatious manner, such a proceeding would gkVe Alsz3, ahid not suijatidally, to t'he Protestant. It WAS there.. fare neceasry that some alteration should 'be-uade iwttlsh Ilswr ' ni1 the question was,whichwes thebestm'nodeof deaiingwjtb thesubjcC5 There were three mods, the hon. and learnedjentlesna,,icojtiield- in which the existing law rmight be altered. rFlirst, it would be pos-' sible to give separate burial-grounds to the Roman Catholicg anid &h Protetatads; and this idea had, in fact, occurred to some Catholmds of influence; but he thought, for his own part, and he was con- vinced the house would go along with him in the feeing, tha of all remedies for the present evil, no other so objectionabi coul 2he found. The allotmnent of separate burial-places would not only, like the givinig asepaate places of education, tend to streng~0thea line of dentarcatioti talready subsisting between the two reli- gzions, sand to peeclude for ever all hope of that union in hieart and political opinion which every sincere lover Of Ire- land must bope f1r, whatever he might think as to its im-. mediate probability, but it wouild go to outrage the very com-. monest and yet msnot sacred feclinqs of humanity. Is would have the effect, the house would see, in many cases, of selsaraitti. families as to their place of buriaL. A. husband could not be buriea rith his wife-.a brother near his brotsher..a father by the side of his son ; it would hardly be necessary to say more upon the iXmpracslc.. bility of introducing such an arrangement. The next proposition, then, he would supppoee to be this-to make the right o'f case of interment to the dissenter in Irelandi an absolute right-to have it a stern and unbending mandate upon the Protestant parson to admit him to burial, and then to restrict the exercise of this absolute right, so as to prevent its heij,7 used in a manner ofFensive to the feelings of the Protestant. Thi. plan, certainly did not carry, upon the I'c of it, so mnuch positive unfitness as the forrmer; but still the bouse would hardlv find it to, be a wise one, even if it was practicable, which he dou-bted:. for the great difficulty in the way of such a regulation woslld be, not the unIllingn ofte Protestant parson to give up the absolute right, busis isailiytdoso. By theActofIJniformity,,andthemno0I lawofthecontr, ie asbousdtoperform the ritehimself, and could not akeoverabslut powr t anthier to do it. This,however,war as. the aw ow sood thenewactauthiorized the parson to give the desied prmision;but if it was said. that the. spirit andi tne terms of he ct ugh sobe-not he stuzy give permission, but-he thoU71 giveperissin, e (M. Puuker) enie the fitness of that course, becase te hose wuld e awre,that, even for the audniission olf a Proestant tbuilthewanothiing upon the parson mnanda. tory. The Protestant hmself could not he buried without pertmis. sion from the parson. Treih asnmight not withihold hiis permnissiorn, unless uo oestsatr reason ; but even if htc did withhold it wronflyhecudotb indicted, or miade liable to a civil action forsdon;h could only be censured in the Spi_. ritual Court. Cai mihth put hwver, in aL moment, in whichi the parson wsette to refuse. He was not bound to. bury a person wode excommunicated ; or one who hadl never been baptized; or one who had commnitted isuicide. In fact, he was generally to judge of the time, the convenience, and the fitness of the thtug being done; andifrhbeassent wasnot compulsory in the case of a Protestant, there were additional reasons in shun. dance whv it should not be so in the case of a Roman Catholic. When a dissenting clergyman applied to a Protestant clergyman for termission to bury, the Protestant clergyman was bound to judge, rst whether st were one of the- applicant's flock. Hie mutst ascer- taiti whether the deceased was really a Roman Catholic or not; he-. cause there hafl bcen case, and not verY uncommonlY, in whitih tliat pointlitad been disputed. T'here were othercitrcumnstances to becon- sidered. 'Who was the applicant, for instance ? Was he, as lite Professed himself, a Protestant clergyman? He uaiight be some mad fianatic jumnper, whio had no right to mak-e any such applics-a tion. All these were matters of whicl the Pro~testatclet,,-ivtnanhad to judg:e; and, if anabsolute mandateuwas tobegiven, t4ey~wouldI all be bpecial matters to be provided for. Further specist)u,...~eUld hiave to be considered-the mode and rnanner of pcrfbrmbiqt9~cere- mony, the tapers, and other circumstances of ostentation in thie Ca- tliolic, whlich went "ceyond the modestyv of the Protestant church. But slt prsn blae arrangements which could hardly fail to satsfyallparie; for, as its avowed intention was to gire the dis- senter the benefit of intermenit according to the rites of his o%at church, in aPratestant cliurchyard, the Protestant clergYman could no longer allege the difference of religion as a reason for wvithlitold.. ing the permission to bury. He repiiated, that the present act was, one for which the Catholics of Irelanid ought to feel most grateful; for it was in fact a charter of toleration, a direct declaration that every person in Ireland, of wrhatever religious belief, was entitled to thec ease of intermecnt accoding to the rites of his ownt persuasion. The law, asrgarded its efrects, was Put into the- strongest practical shape.TePoetn lrya a to be applied to. If lie thiought fit to refuse permission, he was hound to state in writing to the applicant, and immediately, the cause of' hiis refusal; and mnoreover, forLhwith to certify, the same camuse to, his ordlisary-, or the bishop of his diocess, who forwarded it again, without delay, to the Lord Lieutenant, or chief government af' the country. Titus there could beno reason to apprehend refusal onthie existing ready ground-.-that of the diffierence of religion in ithe party making application; and stiUl less would there be any danre,- of a light or frivolous objection, because it would be known that that obj:ction was at gobefore authority-. And farther, with regard to the extent of the act, it was v-irtually mandatory, thiough not man- datory in terms ; for he stated it as x principle o'f law, and if he was wrong lie ulighit be contradicted., that where a'public futnCtiOnarv' was. legally etabled to do certaitn acts which were for the goodi of the commnunity, the law wliich inade it laswful for himn to do those acts, in fact made it his duty to do them. So that, on the onie hand], the acet was atandatory, for the dlergymian stood bound (in such a case) to do that which it was lawvful tor hint to do ; and, on the other handl, it would he observed, that in the provision for the service to be performed, there was no permission for the buriatl service generally, but specially for the service of the grave-an important potnt, b;ecause, in thie Roman liturgy, the "1 service of the grav-e" wvas not the " burial service ;- the " buriaL service" involving the mustatpompous display of the Sites of the Catholic religion; and tha " service of the grave" being merely a short prayer and psalmn, at- tended with no parade of ceremony whatever. Still the law, no doubt, as it would stand, might by possibility be abused. HIe did not de- ny tat t miht.It ws pssibe, n te one hiand, that a Protes- tant clrgymanmight, n defince ofconsequiences, capriciously withold is ermision an, onthe the han, thre ight cases arie, n wichthepriilee raned igh betakn gos advantage of. ~ut t wa no, inhis iew,thespirt ofratisallegislation, to mke awsto eetextemeandbarly ossblecases. B e rathr pefered,in all arrangemients to leave such cases to he deal wit as heyarose; and he ha no fear, iupon the present quesin u htte laiw would wor perfectly well. Wlith regard to thie Protestant Establishment, he was net surprised that they shouldi feel some alarm as to the new law at first. It was certainly, up to a certain pointt, the introduction of' a new right and pwF it was giving the Catholic church a right in the churchyardowfetrhe Prote-stunt chiurch; but a great dea of this objection vanished when gentlemien considered, that the law in fact only took away atI right which the Protestant clergyiiian had never exercised. If it was said that the Protestant paisbon had only abstainedl froiii using his right, because the ceremony performed 'hail been performied in the private honics of the Catholic, and not openly, as it would be now, in tie Protestant churchyard-this might be said, and the case stUi would be exactly, where it was before : for the very avowal conceded a principle just as strong as ilata lie now contended for. The cereiilony wvas performed in the private house? Tme ; but the Protestanit clergyman knew that it was perfornied there. Hie not only knew it, but lie mnust, of nrces. sity be taken (by his owvn act) to be cognizant of it; because ho coufd never be suppoe-d to be permitting hod ies to be interred with- out any ceremony of Chrisitian burial. WVe could not bera that the Protestant parsoni had bean permitting human bodies to be thrown into the ground like so many dogs; he c-ould only stand justified its liis forbearing to perforni the rites oth Christian burial according to Ids own religion, by the ktiowledge that those rites, according to another form, had been performed already; so that, in fact, lie ac- knowledged that the per?ormance of' certain rites according to the manner of the Catholic faith, gave a body- that title to coi.e into his Protestant church-yardl, which, without those rites, it could not have had. The act before the bouse went, in principle, no tarther~ than this.-.there wa nothing new in the effect of what it did, the novelty was only In the forns. No rational Protestant parson would complain of being permnitted by law to wave that right, which he had been all along accustomed to wave, w4ith the law azgainst hiim in so doing. And he (Mtr. Plunkett), in the confidence that his measure would satisfy all parties, should sit down by movi'ng that die bill shouldl be read a seroead time. Bill re2~&a second diane. M1ILTON'S MANUSCRIPT. ,---n the motion tha-t the hiouse shiould resolve itself intoactom- M1r. W. MI LIA MS begged to put a question to) the righit bonourable Hlome Stcretary, withi respiect to a MS. lately discover- ed, and said to be the undoubted work oF' Milton. He utiderstoeti that there was no question whatever as to the genuineniess o h work ; that it was in the hand-writing partly of Philldg, Alilton's nephew, and bore otherwise sufficient marks Of authenticity ; and ite wa desirous, therefore, of knowing how it liad been disposed of, and whether it was to be printed. Mlr. PEEL said, that the 11S. in question had been found amnong some state papers. It was a theological work, de Dei Cuitu, tretin ofthetrths of the Christian religicun and nit doubt, as far ase evdnecudg, uhni.Hwse MS. had come into the situation where it hiad been discovered, it was imnpossible to guess; bitt it had been submaitted to the Xing, who at once had said that it - was fititEshould be given to. the pulilic. Accordingly, it was placed in comnpetent buds, and would shoLtly be printed, under sthe auspices of his Majesty M1r. W. W LIMS merely mentioiied it as a subjec,t which had exgited very general cuiriosity. POSSESSIONS IN INDIA. Mr. HUMIE, alluding to a tieaty whic-h he understood to bave been entereid inLo with the Netherlands, by which England gave up some valuable islandsi in the Indian Archipelago, in return for soine territory, of whatever value, ceded to her on the continent of' India, requested to know when the particulars of that transaction were. likely to be laid before the hiouse ? Mlr. WYNNsaid that such a treaty had been entered into, bv whic Sinapor hadbpencede tothe nglisih. As we understodE thehon getlepa, h sad tat hepaprs n qestonwould nor be AIr.flU E sid,tha azerdig t reors Be cle hd been layourt 01tne itnividusis who had been so long our subjects tbere. Mr. WY1NN declined atpresent entering into particulars; but he believed that when the papers came to be laid before the house, the hon. gentleman would see that the subjects as to which he inquired had been attended to. The house then resolved itself inte a committee of supply. BRITISH MUSEUM. ?4,547 being asketl for the British Mluseum for the year 1824- Mr. BENNET rose to make a general coinplaintof the sate of the Museumn, and of the manner in which it was managed. He had read with much attention an article which some time since appeared in The Ediaburg,h Review upon the subject; and upon exattination ho found the statements contained in that article substantially true. It' he was not entirely mistakensoiend he had taken sonepains to iiiforn- himself-thewholedepartment ofnatura history in the IA3useunt was in the moss disCacetul state imaginable. The Herbarium was totally destroyed, he birds beasts and insects, were entirely gone. In short, the vaults ofth British Museumwere ik-ethe vault of a common church or chapel-they contained only the dead an buried, and there was no resurrection from them. The hon. gentle nian then proceeded to state particular instances in which the collec tion formerly held by the Mltuscum had become dilapidated. Th insects, which belongae to Sir Hlans Sloane's collection, bat dwindled fromx 5,000 to about 300. This was not the effects of time insects would last, preserved, formore than aO years. Again, it the department of anima:ls, a distinguished traveller some year since had presented his whole most valuable accumulation to th lUaseum: on going somne time after to look at the specimens, he ha been informcd that they were no longer in existence. The want room wvas no excuse to the tristseesforhaving allowee this destructlo of property to go on; theycould havc come to Parlisientfor fuAs -5d it WM3 their duty to bBl'e done so. The hon. member then cast- Vaima the manner in~ whnich the collection. of Sir Joseph Thrnki hlai been neglected by the Aluseum; and qutoted a statement from the ar- ticle to which he liad before alluded in the Edislbur.hl Review, fromr which, it appeared that some of the properties lett bv Sir Joseph Ba.&tiksto e Muitseum, had beeni given away by its offcers,'luinex- atmined, totbe College of Surgeons; that those properties hail been) exchanged by the miembers of the Cnlle.'c of Surgeonas, for certain ODther articles (which they wantedl) out of Bullock's- Iluseumn; and that, fisally, upon the breaking up of Bullock's Muiseum, the samne specimens, being destined to chatnge hands again, hadl beer Purchased by the trustees of the Britiish Museum, who had, in thle first instance, given them away,; and that, at an expense 'Of not less than :several hundred pounds. Nothing was more ne- ces-SrY, to prevent the recurrence of such mismanagement, than an Intrle changLe in the system of malcing trustees. lie bjectedl to mak- mng trustees eax-officio.-trustees of straw-trustees Merely for the s6ake of theic %aames. T he Lord Clhancellor -.vs a truistee, and had never been in the Museum, he (M1r. Bennet) understoodl, but once; stud then only because some matter of form com*pcled him to go. NoW suchi trustees were quite useless mieni of activity were wanted. It wa really disgraceful to the counitry, the state of our B~ritisli 2lsun,we compared with thne condition of similar institutions on the continent. The utter carelessness exhibited towards all pro- felties intrusted to its care, hiad the effct o1f benefitting private col.I lections,-here gentlemen knew theirspecimnens would be attended to,. and properlv Put before the public. He repeated,thatthe want of rooni Wa ntanamissible excuise. Mlore might have beendoewt the space, narrow as it was ; 'or some of" the properties m`ight have been Placed in the apartments occupied by the officeras of thie e~sta- blishment. At all events, if room was necessary, room ouglit at Oncae to be provided ; for it would be better iiot to attemnpt any national colUection at all, than to support such an institution as assuml ed the name of a museumo, without possessing any of the distinctive pro- perties of ope. Sir C. LONG wislhed that the hon. member for Shrewsbury had madle inquiry before lie gave credit to the Edintburglh Review ; lie w'ould then fiave found that man', of its statemnents were utterly de- void of foundation, and the re-t generally so exaggerated as to be quite undeserving of credit. As Sir Hanis Sloane had beeni dead 70 year, ad mch f hs clletiv ha ben accumulating for 50 yearts befoe, t ws nt srpriingt'et sme f the srtricles in it should have isapeared; bu evey speimenleftby Sir HJans Sloane (inot the dentcalinset) as i th Musum;aiid the total numbver of fur. BENET ased wher they ere ? Sir C LONtj said, that they wvere in the M7%useum, niot exposed to Public view, certainly. V'ery frw were exposed to public view, be- canse the light destroyed tieir colour. With respect to the class of iLliammalia, the honou'rable member for Shirewsbury was consider- abl. mnistaken.. The lion. mcmber put a certaiti collection at 2,000 specimens. Mr. BEN NET.-Eiehlteen hundIred, Sir C. LON'G. -Well, 1,800. The fact was, that it had consist- ed of 1,800 animals, or pzrts of animnali ; and the parts had been isa the Proportion of abh3-t i50 to one. The lion. bart. then ardverted to the collection beqiteathed to the Mluseum by the late Sir .Joseph Banks. I nidoubtedlylie looked to Sir J. Banks as the best,iudge and adviser wbom lie couldi consult upon the suibject of preserving lils (sir J. Banks's) zoological specimnens, and hail given his (Sir C. Long's) orders to the officer's of the 'Museum accordiur to the d!irections which lie received. To mieet the facts allegedl by the liononirable niember for Shrewsbury. together witns many .other staternients of the samie nature, which were to be found in that ar- ticle of the EdinzbuighelReview- fronm whence the hioti. gent. had derivedi thie areatest part of his statement, he read thec answers given to tlhose assertions, upon ain inquiiry whichi lie himself inztituted, by li_11r Henry, Ellis, a vecry valuable'officer of the liluseurns, and Mr.i .qullock, whose namne was also brouight into question; whiceh aiiswers' amnounted to positive dlenials of thie substantive part of the Edlin- bureh reviewer's chiarges against thie cstablishnuieiit. Ilie thiought thiat the honourable gentlemnan had been miost unnecessarily severe upon the Officers of thie fuuscurns; especiallY with respect to his charge "ot their gross neglect of' the zoolnicical departinent, anid thec plea'ent ac- count be gave of some of their misnomners of the animials. True facte was, that the labourers and servanits had, in one or two inst-aners. misplaced the labels, so that a hear hiad the label which was imiade for a tiger cat: buit this. was puire accident, and the honourable gentleman would be fully as nutuch justifiedi in interring ignorance against tiie officers. bsecause somei one wvith little dlelicacv or avati art. thoughi there wats an evidezti in tention to joke, hiad taken a label from a wil(i beast, ar~alihung it about tise neck of Sir Joseph Banks. To justify the trustees, lie statedi to thfe house, that there were four mieetings. of the officers called, and they were severally- required to give an account of -Ahat each in his dlepartnment had tione since thie last sittine. Trhere wrere then, sub-cotiimiiaees forimed of~ the triuste. s and officers, to examine the contents of those repiorts ;and la.stly, the trustees madle their annual visit in autumn, to whiomi thlese anti sub-committees reported, tacit for the departMent over which it hiad been appointed. He kneic or no real usefulness in thip institution ot public boarus, except thley WOUld adopt this plan of dividing the duties anriong themii aniti at Clue same timne lie was per- suaded that it liudl entirely savedl the trustees fromi descrying the cent- sures cast Oiltt ielse, of sonsle of whichi censuires he needh only say, that they emanated from tuec disappointmnent of a candtidate' for a sabae in Cite trust and management of' that institution, to) show how much credit thevideserved. Thie hon. gentlenman weished him to say something 1ipon Mr. Burchell's collection, thoughi the liotil. gentle- iman had left thlat topic nut of his own argcurrcnt. (The lion. baro- net then read a report of the coininitte otrustees oti M1r. Burcliell's collection of zoological specimlens frcomi South Africa, andl the direc- tions given by AI r. Burchtll for p reservinig thiem ; in wehich the coni- saittee. after'suitable thanks atid praises to the collector for liis gift, decide against niaking the preparations required by him in the pree- sent state of their rieins, both as to room anti( money, and confine the expense of preparations to the smaller anid rarer collections of Cap- tains Ross and Parry, anti that of rite Hudson's Bay, Company. tile whole charge beingr taken at 93S. II-,. l)Id., whereas thos direct'ed by, jlhr. hlurchell coul[d not be effected tinder 5001.) As to the generail question of the neglect of the zoological deptirtmneni, the hotn. gen- ticinan would not venture to, say, that if, three years ago. they hiad come down to ParliamenAt to ask for a consirierable sumi Of Miory7 to enclose and fit up a large space of gtound for the reception of zool6gy, thit they would have. had it as matter of course, the liberality shown by Parliamnent was niach ; but tile hon. gent. imust be quits- sure that he himself wvould llave been promnpt in oppositig such a Prisnosittornto say nothing of' the lionourable miemiber who wouild have put on One of his moast terrific econoinical aspects. arid Perhaps woul Ithave conitrived to get the support of somie dis- pleased ceuntry gentlerman. It was easy to talk of Fra-nce, Holland, atid other states' as exa-nples : the fact was, that altlsog we ex- pielled them from the extent of ettupire, anti th-e freqjuec of Comn- snercial iuliercosrse in the means of' collecting,teexledisn the facilities of space and building',. After at short allusion to ihe vorks going on for tiec reception of ithe munificent glift of a royal li- brary front time King, he concluded bv declaring,' that tile' iton. member hiad slitown ijo good grounds, fei liis attack, oni the Muliseium. Mir. ii. GUIRNEY t+adi sortie allusion to tile Egyptian fraguient.; sent lioniie by .ml r. Salt antI Belezousi. whiclh were not clearly hecard iii the gallerv.' .1ir. BANKES justifieti the contduct. chiaracter, and intelligence of the officers by whosin rthe public ivere so ably mcrveil in thec va- riouis departmTents of that Mtost imiportanrt institiution. .1r. GEORGE BANKES spoke to the hard treaturient whichi Salt and Btelzoni had sufferedt in the purchiase of' atid payment for the Ecvptiati antiques renriitiedl from Alexandria. Mlr' CROKER thioughit that the library- was 'pretty well managed, but lie coinIlained loudly of tlhe state of the cataloguie. Titevalue of a public library mlust depend in a grreat degree upon the ca- talogue, anti the chlief usefulness ,of it ivas to poor scholars, who certainlv could never affordi eighit or nine guinets, the prce at which the catalogue miust be new purchased. lie thouight that it would be a trost dlesirable point of' inquiry, icr th e trstes to ascertaiti if t'jere could not be a cheaper edition of the catalogue issuied for cthe use of' thle country at large. If the expense were too great to be repaid by Ithe sale of copies, no doitbe, but that Parliament wottild clieerf'ully gratit a smiall sumn in aid of it, perhaps to the amount of 1001. a-year. Ilie tliouglht that tIlt present buildlings were very weli a1dapted to thle purposeS of the library aiid the scientific collections; but lie objected to fixing the natiotnal gatllery- there. ~l'orks of art were especially calculated to civilize and humanize the public at large, and ought to be placedl, as it were, in the gang-way of' society, to be nor oitlv Opetn, but of ready anti inviting access to th public curiosity. B3ut Chiefly he insistedi on the neccasity of'reforming the catalogue of thle library. and Putting it out in a cheaper anti closer shaple. It mnatteredI hlttl for such a work how coarse thle pair or how poor the printing: thec general tiseulness of it weas alottcite consideration. Air. W. AlITII sproved of' the institution getierallv. and thought the objectiuons i tile catalogue niot very, ounil. Ti irr 'as for reference More than f,or stud~y, n oi coas as['he ibary othe>,- might look in the catalogue whcn poor wtou sc olars as w hella e,xpense :Ia catalogue,.hr,wtotgigt h Mvr. CROhsUY sai'd that was certaiiily true ; hut if the poor scholar could furnish himself with a euataloguie at a low rate, he would not have- to waste his valuable time by goinig to the M1useumn to dis- cover that the book wllich he sought was not to be found there. 11lr. BAN iES thought that none of the objections, either to thle institution or the management of it, were very well founcied. As to the inconvenience and difficulty of adniissioii, that coulil hiarthly be alleged, seeing that in the course of la,st Year it Was visited by 1 00,000 persons. AS tO the of room, it was; true that thiey litad nor enough for all the subj cts- which wFere ptresented. and they had been obliged to buiild for the reception oih the King' s ' library. [lot if gentlernen would only consider that these collections, a~fter the comrpletion of the new buildings, woitil( cover a space ratlier larger than Hanover-square, they wouldI scarcely persist in the objection1 w,ith seriousness. For the cataogue of'Erit library, he did nut know how it couild be better Txanaged thiati at presenit, becattse of the continiual accessions to the library, which of course required con- tinual enlargements of the catalogue-a circuisistance utterly at va- riance with the plan of a cheap cataltigue. 31ir. R. SMTl-I [H loped, that nothing which hadl passed in the discussiorn of thiis evenin woul have thie effect of precluding the trustees fromn appyn oPalaetfor any further suin wliici liglit be necessary forteupotfth Britishi IIuseuni. Sir C. LONGwsqiedpod to colicur ini tie hope expressred by his honourabl Ired ihrspect to what hatil been observed as to the sum pai toC.Sl o h sarcophagus, ise could only e.state, that 1Ir. BigtmRcad,te agent of' that gentleisian, muneration, and lie had replied in ithe affirmnative. The trustees who were disposirg of the public money irould hardly, therefore, as he (Sir C. Long) thought, have been justifiel-he was sure thev would not have escaped censure-if they had offeredI 5001., or any other sum beyond thlat which vwas expected bv Al r. Salt. He thought the public was much indebted to Mr. Salt, and he had no doubt. as well from the restult of hlis inquiries among persons who were acquainted with the value of such things, as from his own opinion, that the articles furnished by Mir. Salt were wvorth much more than he had been paid. He even believed tbsev had cost that gentlenian more. ,W7ith the elecdon of the trustees he had nothing to do, but as a body he felt himself obliged to say lie had never iriet witlh zny set of men more anxious to dtscharge their duty to the public. They consisted of a great variety of persons, and amiong thmeni were in- dividuals of the highest rank and talent in the country. When it was remembereth that there was every reason to expect the institution would be benefitted materially bythebounity ofsonie and the exertions of all of them, he thought he did not say too much when he asserted thlat it would be hardly possible to find any mets who could be more safely or advantageously placed in the stations they occupied. This he said in mere justice to gentlemeni whose services had lieen very useful to the public, and for which lie was sorry they had had but little credit. Mr. H. GURNE V said a few words, which were inaudible, and to which Sir C. LOCNG replied, that he wished by no means to be under- stood to say, that the trustees would not very willingly, under the authority of the house, revise their decision as to Alr. Salt's remu- neration.-The vote was then carrie. On the motion of ML. (OUxL.lay), a sum of 4,4781. was granted for the support of the society for discountenancing vice in lreland. On the motion that 22%000l., be granted for promoting the Sducg. cto o th porin Icelanid, 'Ar. UMrE said, tbAt althoughi the full discuission. which-the~ subject to which this vote related had undergont' on a former evenin,g zendleredl it unDnecessary to go into it at any lenkth, he could not refrain fromt- expressing a hope that something wvould be done speedily upon a matter of so much importance. He was aware that great difference of opinion prevailed on this subject, bust he was sure almost all personis agreed -that it was highly desir- able to edlucate the Cathiolic and Protestanit children in the same school. He doubted, however, the possibility of effecting the object, the great miass of the poor children beilng Catholie, unless the funds dlestined for the purpose should be placed, not exclu. sively under thie direction of Protestants, but that even the larger part shouldI be under the control of Catholics. This Opinioni was supported by the undeniable fact that a great number of Catholics refusedI to receive the benefits of education uipon the terms on whichi they were tendlered to them, and also by, statemeuts which he had received from various part of' Ireland. Ile had thle authiority of a Catholic bishop for stating, that in the 36 parishes of his diocess, there were 10,000 children, all of whomn were fit to go to schiool, but were not able to pay, and who were yet restrained frem- availing; themselves of the schools which were open, ott atccount of the Scriptures being read in them withiout note or comment. This stiplation had induced mane Persons to withdraw their children fromp. thle srhools supiported 13y the Kildlare-street society, and of those whio continued the greater part did so under the inifluencee of fear. The hon. gent. disclaimed any initention of meddling withi the sctbject of religion h e wished that the poor of Ireland shiouldl be taught only to read, and that they should then be left to the clergymen to be taught. the tenets of their respective persuasions. Hle did niot intend to oppose the present miotion, and hie coiicluded be expressing a hope, that in the next session the house wouldi be' in possession of such information on the sub- ject. as would enable it to rendler the advanitage of education in ire- land as genieral as it was necessary. r.- J.L.FORSTER rose, for the purpose of making a few obser- vations respecting the elffect whiich hiad been produiced in the educa- tion of the poor in Ireland by thec Kildare-strect Society. The ho- nouable gnlemani referredI to thle 14th report of that society, whbich, he sad xibait an in' eirestine comparison between the state of educa- tion befo re the establishmnent of that society and since it had been in operatioti. Notwitlistanding the numiber of schiools erhich existedl previously, such was their natuire, andI sunsl the mletl&<d in which they w'ere carried on, that so fa: from educatien being a blessing, i: was onec of the mnain sprinigs of all the evil that prevailed. The Irish peasant was not the victi.m of igniorance, but of misdirected eduication. Gte of the most pernicious practices was, the introdluction of hooks of a diangelrous tenidency into the schools. .llany liersons emrploved their capitals and their intdustry in dissemi- naigb0ookS PUrprPting to be the hiistories and adventures of' rebels, trios, and enterpris,ingnmalef'aciors- TIhe object of thel Kildare-street Society liad been to check this evil practice, and they had so far suc- ceededl, withi the niuntifient. as'istance of Parliamnent.7, that the same persons whio hiad formerly been employed in thtis trade, were now eng-aged in, furnishingz the same schools wvithi books of' a more Useful tenidencv. The Society, feelin that to providle pro- Per miasters for the various schools coninected withi themro was an- I ilier most important noint, had estahlished a model school ini Dub- lin, which. besidres thi~ local goodl which it did its educating 300 of the chiildreni of the artisans of Dublin, preseitted ani opportuniity for qualifvina persons initendinig to become masters, anti fo nhg themn acqiuaintetd withi the principles of the society. Ile nset cite statemnent whichi hiad been made dieit the Catholics did not benefit by theFre schools, by mierely saying, tliat of the number of imasters in lie schools beittiging to ithe secietir One half were Catholics, atild of ithc children, three-fourths were of tile sante persutasion. It zvas true Ithat the digiiitaries of that chutrclh objected to thie society, but hie (M1r. Fors%tcr) dlid hiot know on whiat -rounds; andi( he wished tchat thle COMMittee which ha.l been appointc~ tnight be inf'ormied of the rea- sons on whichi their objections; were fouindedi. It hind been saidI that ithe subscriptions raised] in Ireland fortlitesupport of rthe society were only 2001., buit intt fct thecy amounited to 10,0001. Its the vear 1812,tdie nttmber of gcriptural schiools in lreland amnounted to 238; att present thiey were 4,150. In thie courTse of she last year, 800 had tjeent added to thleir numiber ; anti lie was bappy to state titere was eyery prospect, if' the present grant should be a'reread to, of adding 1,000 niece in thie course of the prese.nt y-ear. Ile would only adtd, that in supportinig the Kildare-street Society, the liouse wouldi niost e(fectually aid the generatl education of .the poor in irelaitid. Any othier society tsinehltsend thecirinasters to theKiidare-streetschool,where thley wousld participtate in all its advantages, acud the books of that societ' were freely furnished toall theothtersocieties, howvever titeir principleys mih ii'r I he education of the femnale peasantry, seitiL h was kniown by all persons acquaintedI with the state of I'reland to be of the utmost itiportance, had lately occupied cthe earnest attentilon of the society, and the co-operation of sotnic benevolent ladies led thlemr to forti Ithe warimest hoepe of suocess. lie trusted the facts lie lied nientioned, anti which before iwhere not before suifilcietittly known to the htout4e anti tile public, would at least prove that the Kildlare- street Society was enEtited in the present occasion to that contfl. deuce it htad htithierto enjoyed ard lie did not doubt that the in. quiry about to lie mad byv the comminittee iwould Prove the utility of their lati,uttr. Sir J. NEWPO RT regrettedt that thssbect hiad been intro. dluced before tite committee appoitnted by the house hiaul miade their report. He hail abstained from expressitig his oipinlion until that repo; t shotild have furnishteth a ntore certain btasis tipoit wvhich a conclusionl miighit be forined. Seinie points of' the lison. gent.'s speeh imighit be disputed ;but in tite ilrescrnt state of the stibject, and as lie dtdI not mean to contravene t1he proposed grant, lie slioul(i also decline sayiiig any niore upon the subject than' that lie wished thlings to be left as thiey ieere. Ailr. C. HlUTCHIN~SON regrettedi, for causes as well known so the honourable gentleiman as to hiimself', that this sub- ject.'however ably treatedl. hiatd been touched upon at this time. He would go the whole length with the lion, member, of beliet ine that thie Kildare-street Society lhad done a great deal of goodi, antd 'had nieant to do still more. L'hie commnittee must not conceal irozii themselves that the object pursued on this occasion was the education of a Cath.olic popuilation. Any indisposition on the rt of thte Catholics to htave their chlildren edlucatced togethier with VIro.testan us he sliould exceeesirinel deprecate. At the same tilne, if tile objection was,o a conscientious one, lie really thiought that the joint education ofProtestants; an(i Catholics, or a scriptural edmiica- tion (as it htmd been termneti), oughit not to be niade a conidition of suchi a grant ttftli pitblic monoy/as that note, proposed. Azlr. J. II. NdRTII, inl a miaiden speeell of soi-ie lengthi, thecn aiddres~sed the cominmittee. The honoura6le gentleman oppiosite hail Obijected to the application of his liomiourable frietid, because lie hiad broughit forwartd, it wras said, soine mnatters Iliat might lead to a dis- cuission of a delicate niature, and such as was, theref'ore, to be avoitI(- eel. For his owni part, he (Mr. Northi) had no such apiprehensions; if' lie knew lils coun.tryment a_tall lie thioughit thecy wvould be anxious, whether thieir wishes were Ocniedh or acceded to, that thecy slhould lie sutbmtitted so a fair atilJ full diiseuss5ion. Let Parliament trUSt to their cantlour-chere was no miore candidl people ; to their intelli- gence-for tFirs', no class Of Hiis Majestv's subjects who pes- sessti larer i~e f ntura inellgence. The objections, of lioutotirable ~ however,extendled not mierely to the warii. nimaed,pet-ump angy tlsessioni to whiich the topics in questiu migt giverise; ut to heir cltit, dispassionate, ant I even, (if ie igh he lloed o us tie trm,anti certanlv in no olTehi- siveb se ), their cold examiination. Theb Irishi people, jiltmmough they were etited to lie considered as an inteligent, were also a suispici. ou1s1 peoptle atid they wouldi feel te miost uneasy dloubt as to the mnotives of suoll a siletice asthat whiceh it was pro- Posed to observe. (The hononrreble member then entered into a gelieral stateinent of the object, the proceedings, and the effects of the Kildare-street Society ; but our linsit's will not allow us to repor.t it.) Wlhen the society was first formed, the whlole country, wihI the single exception of' the Plovinre of Ulster. I(he behaEvedi lie was speaking advisedily), was involved it, the mcosi thic an tilpale arkessandignrance ; and the Piotestant clegvuidetoo th edcaton f te per,whose etducation thie Catl4li clegy ad oo lng eglctet. AtOng the roadiside, anti in lnesantihetges,as t wee, hereexitedindeed a few mi-,serable schols ;buttheyseee geeraly shoos of licentitiousnes, and vice, ari somitines fsditon Helie hnsslfseen, conimonly, among the hooks vhibids were pitt into the litdso thec youthi who resorteti to theni, "1 Tuie History of Mfoli Fladr "front twlich circum. stancee tile committee nsight infer how dfcie thec system' of educa- tion tlitlist be as to moral and religious intruction and " TIte Battle of Auehrim," a story in whichs the most seditious ptrinciples were Ienforectl by the fascination of poetry ; such was the atixiety to in-. culcate sentimnents of' loyalty that 'prevailed in schools, which the lion, gent. oippostite was so disinclined co believe could m-erit the appellation of seditious. Thuis oni thec one side the most n'ischiievous activitv was emnployed to disseminate the tiiost dangerous opinions ottth otlier hand,' there teas the most toipied stalriation of iitiiid as to the attainti1ent or influence of krotwledge. IWlhat was thte effect of thit compound operation of the sys- Itein whichi thie Kildare-Street Society propased to remtove atid Ito repliace?e Every gentleman who had resided in Irelandi niust .know that time ra'nks Of hler thickening Stopulation were array- Ielt aLgatnst order *and good miorals, an sendilng forthi fiorn the abyss ofthieir nitsery, a voice of defiatice to ani alniost Oppressed gentry, atiud ani almost appalled Qtaevernmnent. The blioourable mnember, after ciilargimig or thie benefits of the Kildare-sgtreet Irsti- ttation.. and contrasting thieni with the obstacles that had at first op. pIOsed themselves so its progress, concludeth by expressing lils grati- itide to Goverunient for thie interest thee hiael nmanifestedl in behialf of Irish edlucation, and by apologizing to the house for the length at whlichl lie hiad felt it neces4ary on this occasion to adtdress them. (lie was wamcmlv dimeereul at die conclusion of his speechi.) Sir JOHfN NEWVPORT, in explanation, stated that he never inteittledi to cast any imnputation upon so respectable a body as the Kildare-street Societ)., teho liad certaiiily done much in the cauise of the edlucations of thle Irish poor.-The resolution w-as then agreed to. ?P27,000 was then proposed for the Foundling Hospital, Dublin. lIlr-. 1IIUMIE doubted WhEther there was any en(I really betievo- lent or humaiie answered bil titlse grant. Mr. GOULBLTIJ si thatfin a country -without poor laws, it was extremTely difficult to dislpense wvithi sonse such institutionl as tlhe 1oiie ill question for tie reception of chiildren, or the greatest nmisery Iwoultl, at tinses, arise. After a f'ew weords fromi SirJonyx NEWvPORT and Mlr. HmIaaE, the gratit was agreed to. On tle vote of l0.!001. in aid of schools elablizheid bv voluntary subscription being proposed, Mr.H[J ME wished to know to ehm m the grantwas given? Air. GOULBURN sald it was given to those persons who either gave a suiII of money, or funmished land on which schools might ne erected. Mr. JOHN SMITH wished to know tvhether any distinction was itmasle between the Catholics and Protestants. Ir. (;GOUI,BURN saiti the hoti. rentlemanis question involved tivo questions-one of fact, and one oi principle. As to tlie question of principle, no resteiction existed as against either Catholic or Pro. testant receiving the grant, though in fact the greater number of ap- plications svere made from thc Protestants. Mr. SPRING RICE said there was an evil in the obligation which existed, that the bishop of the diocess should be a partv to the lease; and in one case the bishop refused to becomne a panty to it, unless the itidividual agreed that the patronage of the school (the nontinating the master) should be in the Protestant itiaister of the p arisli. Sir JOHN NEWPORT stated another instance of the same nature, but in wlhich the Government took it upon themselves to vary from the rile. Ailr. GOULXBURN said, that by the act of the 50th George III. the bishop wvas required to be a party to the lease, but no inconvenience resulted from it, as the trustees were permitted to be named by the person who gave the ground, although, in the form of the lea.,e wvhich was foi narded to thein,tlle names of the minister and churchwardens were inserted. M'r. HUAIE said he was quite satisfied that the grant was not applied indiscriminatelv, as it was intended, to both Catholics and Protestants, but went rmerely to increase the patronage of the Pro- testant church. lie hoped an account of the application of the last year's grant would be laid on the table, which would show in what manner it was distributed. Mv1r. GOULBURN gaid, that for 22,0001, Which the public had psid, tberebhd been 24,0001 famished by voluntary subscriptions. wIr. C. GRANT supported the vote, .*he wassatisjle4 thb Go. vernment had been rnxious to apply the grant as'It was intended,in- ditcriminately, withiout regard tO religious differences. The grant was then agreea to. On the motioa of tr. BENs ET the CnRmktAw eeported pro- gress, and (the house being resumed) obtained leave to mit again. Mr. GOULB URN moved for le-ve to bring in a bill for declaring the stealing of records to be larceny. After a few words from 3iMr. HUorE and MIr. BUTTERWORTH, leave was given to bring in the bill. The other orders of the day were then disposed of, and the house adourned at a QUARTER PAST WTVELVE O'CLOCK. HO TSE OF C03I3IONS, MONDAY, MIARCH 29.
Lent Asszes.
This was an sction of trespass for forcibly compeHing the plaintiff and his family from a lodging, and for unlawfully taking his furnl. tare.-Plea, not gnilty. The plaintiff was stated to be a captain in the army who had served at the battle of WVaterloo; aiad the defetidants, father and son, were described to be carpenters, living at Greenwich. The plaintiff, who had become embarrassed in his aftairs, was obliged to go into the King's Bench prison. In the meantime his wife and her sister, Miss (Oharlotte State, and his three children and two servats, took lodgings in the honse of the elder defendant, at 11. Is. per week. Somne rent having become due, the defendant dis- trained upon the plnintiff's goods, which were released by Mr. State, the plaintiff's brother-in-law, who gave his note of hand for the amount dae. This trn.saction took place in May last year. In about a fortnightafterwards,the defendant entered the aintift I apartments, and completely gutted the roos ot al the furnituire At this time Airs. Foster was extremely ill, having been recendtl confined in child-birth, and was then in bed. It was alleged,that this proceeding was a mere pretext to force the -plaintiff's family to qtuit the house, under a colourable distress for rent, supposed to be due from the defendant for rent. It was proved by Aliss State; the plaintiff's' sister-in-law, and a femile servant, thlat when the defendants entered the apartment, the plaintiff's wife was ill in bed, and that one of the trespasmers had forced his way into lIrs Foster's bed-room, and retused to quit whilst she dressed herself, and actually remained whilst she put on her 8othes. The same witnesses proved that the defendants seized Xlr.. Foster's. Aliss State's, aund the children's wearing apparel, al. though the broker said they were at liberty to take such property away. In order to force the plaintiff's family to quit, it was proved thatafter the rooms had been cleared of the furniture to the bare walls, the defendants took the doors off the minges, and threw up the windows. In the evening of the same day, Mrs. Foster and her family left the houge, and took refuge in other lodgings. On the crosa-examination of the plaintiff'8 witnesses, it was ad- mitted that the plaintiff was a prisoner in the King's Bench Prison, and during the time his wife was in the lodgings, had sometimes visited his family with an3d without a day rule; that presioug to isis cmiag to Greenwaich, he had been Etving with his family at Rams- gate, in a gay style, with a carriage, and had left that place so much in debt, tha he eouldnot get a loaf of btead on credit; thet he had afterwards taken the benefit of the Insolvent Act, and had been remanded for six mouiths. It was proved on the part of the defendants, that the plaintiff's wife rwas in so much distress whilst she wasin the lodgitns tliat the defendant's wife- had provided her with baby-linen .uring hebr con6fnenient, and procured a meadiceil gentleman to ittend het dur- ing her illness * that notice to quitbhad 4een giveni; thal the. .Vlin- tiff's wife on the dLy in question was extremely abui'e, and had quitted the house in the evening in qncstion in- a state of inebriet Ifrom large quantities of !malt liquor which had been sEn for; that there was no property in the lodgings beloring to the plintif but a ffCViixeib'fr&,,',sa iQnte .cit2{r, ppard5 wvhich Mrs. FNkterx bhaddtiied ratight be taken care of for her. and which was`aecozrd ingl1tAincareofs and was readyto be delivered'whenrset-f6r 'iid thait tle removal of the futniture of the apartments 6asiit-*n2 i4uencE'of a,foonal&dr distress put fito the hoixsilfor rcnt due to'.thg def&nmYajit's landlo2d. ... 'This wis' a general outline of the ease on both sides. Tliecaserent to the julry underthe learned Judge's directib't and if ter retiring for alhont a qgaa2ter, of an hour, they found rbei'; verdi'ct for the piaintift-Vamages, 40$- TRtZRS1DAY, .MAitcU 18. noWE v. YOUNG AND &NOTHEIA. This was an nction of trespass and false imprisonment. Theplain. tifF was an engraver, carrying on business in Cornhill, London, anti in the srnmmer of last year occupied a house at Stroud, near Rochester, where his wife and fami)l resided. The defendantYoiug was an inn' keeper at Strond. On the 23d of July the iplaintilf's wife sentherser. vant girl tothedefendantshouse to geta pint of brardy,for which she Xave her the monay. The gir] instead of L5iri,r her mistress's money7 tendered a gilt fariking, wkich so resembled a rej,-ereigi, that tbe de. fendant in the hurry of busines.s took it as such, and gpZYe the chaxge accordingly. Next mornivn,discovering the trick which ,ad beeit played, ana supposing that Mrs. Rowe WaR privy to it, he wClit 2. er house, and with great vehemence demanded his change. His condiiti greatly alarmed trs. Rove, who was then far advanced inpreg.anc- and was attending a child who hadlhad a leg broken. Mlrs. Rowe ssa she knew nothing of the farthing, and told dte defendant that tbe girl was then out on an errand, but would return immediatdy, and. she should insist upon her returning the money. The defendant, who was accomupanied by another person, named Medhuist, and wYho was joined in the action then vwent away. Shortly after- wards the girl returned, when Air. Young was sent for, andtbe.girl Immnediately restored the change. saying she had got the farihing from her brother. Mr. Sergeant ONSLOIr, who appeared for the defendants, called witnesses as to the latter part of the transaction, in which it ap- jcared that the defendant had behaved with great mildness, and civility. The case went to the iurp under the LoRD CHIEFF BARON'S directi a, and they tbund tieir verdiet for the plaintiff'.Damages 2vl, LFT ASSZES. MAIDSTONE. WEDNESDAY. MACS 17. CIVIL SIDE. .7 roSTEIt V. ELY &AND ANOTHER.
TWO excellent well built ...
ritWvo excellenlt well bui t lFAIILY HOUSES, in coni- plete repair, adoining each other, with large gardens, to be LR1' or SO.D, remarkably low, thc proprietor residing in the country. rell adapted tor a sehool or any conevrl reqxirig room. Iniquire on the premises, 28 and 29, East.street, Wal rorth. r O DHAPERS, Grocers, Pc.-An eligible OPP(R- 11 TUNITY now Offers to anty Person in the General Line. vish- inig to enter inito business at one of the seaports 1R the county, of Suissex. For particulars apply (If by letter, post :aid) at 15, lK:ig- street, Cheapside. r o0 be SOLD, the LEASE of a HOUSE and SHOP, T situiate vithin I mileand a lalfof the thr-phridges, In the high and much isprovlng ro,ad leading to Camlberwrell l'eckhannNorwv<od, &c. : the premises are replete in every respect, anid calculated for any business requiring room and show a an unexpected circumstanae affords this oppt rtunity, as wvill be ftt:ly explained ; therefore nonle need applywho will object to th sumn of 2501. Inquire at Mr.Burn;byls, cheesemonger, 4, Ralcer'.4-rowv, Walworth-road. G RtOCERY and CHEESEMO)NGEIRY LINE.-To be G LET, and the LEASE to be DISIPOSED OF, a comlmanding double-fronted SHOP, near dining room, bedroom, parlour, kitchen. wasbhouse, shed, garden, &c. in excellenit repair; returns *n trade xpw-ards of 6001. per year; renlt and tatxes 321.: comning-i, for lease and fdxtures wvhich are moderni and good, about 1511. Particulars at the olce of C. Stansfjeld, auctioneer anid house agenit, 98,Whitechapel- road, opposite the Mow nt. T DRUGGISTS, Mferchants, &c.-A young Man of T respectable connexions, 22 years of age, who writes a good plain hand. anid ha:s beets accustomed to b-okkeeping. vishes to ,,btain a SITUATIO.N in a Countinghouse. Warehouse, or WVarf, as JUNIOR CLERK, ,r to nmake himnself generally usenil. Security and unideniable re ferences can be given. The advertiser has also been acCustomned to the drug business. Letters addressed to A. B. C. at MIr. Whelpdalex, 3, Rosomnan-8treet, Clrktenroll, wlll be inmne- dlate;y nttelided to. ~JEXfCAN` LOAN for ?,0O,Wo,oo Sterling.-Messirg. LVJ1. lA.G(O01DSCRU!DT and Co. give Notice, thait those Persoons "Aho have paid uip Mfexican Scrip may receive thie Br,nde on Monday, the 29thi instant, and ever, sue"'edingday, on the Scrlp receipts beiriC returned: and that tbeINTERtESTonl theliONIDSdue on thielst of Aprl'i next, wvill ire paid onL thiat cutd every followlng day. between the houirs of 10 xnd 2 o'clock, atc their Countinghouse, No. 5, Great St. Helen's- passage. Blsbopsgate-etreetI Tro the PROPRIETORt5 of KEAST INDIA STOCK.- Ladies r.nd Gentlemen, CONSIDERIN'~G the very extensive nature of' the canvass for a seat In the East India Direction, and the sbortnegs of the period iii which I have had an. opportunity of enterinig uponi that canvass, anie of becomling: acquatinted wvith the great and Inde- pendent bordv of Proprietors of East India Stock, I feel no lees gratified than encouruged by the result of the ballot on the 2.3d Instant. I avail mnyseifof this, cthe earliet opportunity, to return my sincere thtanks to the inumerous antd kind Friends who came forward in my favour on tirat occasi,on, arrd at the samne titne grartefiuTly to ack-now- ledge tite marty flattering assurances I have received of that addi-. tiotral suipport on tire xtext vacaLncy, whichi psevlous engagemente prevented nmy being ho~n-ured with at thie tast. Having already sub,mitted to youi the public grounds upon wvhieBl I presented nmyselif before youi as a Candidate for the honnurable si tuation1 of an East lttdia Director, it only, remiains for mne nowg to renew my exert Ions to,secure y(,ur eossfldenice and your support, aind to repeat my, pledge of going to ti;e ballot on the f1r5t vacauicy. I h1av' the honour to be, writh great respect, Ladies anid G entlemnen. Your stroat obedient anid huimble -servant 13, ilrutoni-street, 24hMac,184 oIIRT T. FAR(U4TIIA, RIUMP11 of INDEPENDENCE--The itJ- JL lOLDERtt r4 the COUNTY of MIDDLESEX Will hold their ANIVEItSAFItV DIN'NEIII at the Mermatid Tavyerni, hackney, on Wed itesday. March 31. 1824. to celebirate the return of C. Btyxg and S. C. Whlitbresd. Parliartnent. CIHARLES SHAW LEFEVItR., Esq. in the chair. STEW kRDS. ~;ir Francils Burdett, bart. M.P. I Sir Robert Wilson. MI.P. Sir Janies Macrintosh, MI.P. J. C. ilobhouse. earl. M.P. Lord Nu ent. M..P. I E. Ellice. esq. MI.P. Hon. 14i. ,.Bennt I.. T. cireavet', esq. M.P. J. Haue eAst I Sir R. C. Ferguson, NtP.? Llctienai Col&,. T orreuis Ml. Wood, esq. NI.?. J. Bsttler-, eeq. S.Lincoln, esq. I,. Brownri Cesq. J. Mlartineau. e.rq. W. Bacon. e,rt. G. Mlitchell. esq. IT. Buirrow., e-q. J. Ross, esq. A. Blmenear. esi. l?i. filiciardson. esrt. C. Carrots. csq. WV. Ssweeny, e,tj. J1 Culluti,r e-q. t J. V. Tricker, esq. i.IDsn e-q. 3.if%qvnp, esq. W. Eaat, e-q. W. , eaq J. f.. Ford. e'rq. J1. %Vright, es,q. TI. Gilson. esq. Tickets. I :,9..tth. to i.e had of tite stewards; of Mjr. Ylge%'enla,. 4, Rislro)psgate-srreet-.sritlrout; aitd at tlite bar of the tavern. Dininer on Wa l t' rcl.sck preciely. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JNG's THEAT1'RE.-6ignor BEE eSpCt- totcfrtly begs leave to Inform the N'obilftN ardGnr,Strerihers OPera. ardtire Prrtlic, that tire. FOt?TC ONETSPIRI- TUEL. of ANCIENT and MODERN MUI,smlrto the Concerts Sprirituels at Paris. vill tnke place ottfria et Part I.-]. Newv Ovrertutre. iv ' Mr. t.e Catmus, who trill hts pride at the piaLno- t'orte; Le Canris. 2.' Ariai 'A h Grsti cirnO. ySgo rroni. and Frtll Cltrirts; Nf,rzart. 2. Rleeitative andAriO trn , by MiEllrrr ;Itenetti :Mayer. 4. Oucttrs Inst rtrronui foI apLid lirlith~iars'y irs' darlane Pallig artd Signor Cetttrntii:~acetu.5 Air. * l,r. blow, ye gentle Gales.' by Miss LUwet WaFr$& 6. ietto. fron' zldelaslo e Alerarnr'r' trySignora Caradt,ri. and Sipfor Cutriotrii .Nayer. 7. Ar'ia, hy Mlad-me Vestrrs. 8. Recitative and A.ria, hi, Nlssdatne Csrtajaill R,rssttrl. Part 11.-I. Syruploiny. by Mlr. Mluzie ('li-rtre,ti, who whi Iittoself prcsi.le at ttite Piatnf.,rte t Clemen tl. 2- tlar't'ti5llt: frrrsn * Tihe Mess.%;ir.' with Ftil) Ch'sus; Hiandel. ?. Air. rn~ v tn.' by Miss- Lr,vc Winiter. 4I. Solo-ot thte Freneii lirIrn. ty SigntrorPtc Puz7i. .Aria, by Signora Caradori. 6.I Otubra, adoraut aspetza,' I,y Madama2 C;rtalauti; Ziiigarelli. 7. Duetto, I Deli 'ecrlon:r al rioArpes.'fort, * Cleenctza di Tito,' by- Signors, Crar;dms i andrl igrrur curi'.sti : M,zRcrt. R. I Great tiod,' lLuther'a Hlytrnrr tryM;radtre t"rtalarni. witht Trnmbetra 0"ligato, by, Mr. Harper, '1rgatt anda Futll Ch!orus, L.uther. Signtor Crr,ceia will preside at the i'srirt.Lea'lcr of thie flaird, 'Mr. Spsagn.letti. F,or the Solos- 'lsr U .ndl,'v, Wiltoiati. Ptizzt. Centron 1, Nlonzanl. sod Kies-ewetter. Mlr..I. 'f. II!rris will preside at the Orgatn. The orchestra aesd cbo- russes wsiil he selected fromi the first perforiters, and consist of up- wartNs of 21 Personrs. 'Il'e ertaning coteerts, to heo,n the remaining Frisl:ts, lin L.crt. P'erforrmers whlo wrill slog at tthe en4ungnconeertF-' Nigrtora Bontiz de Regttis, Sienrsra Mlagirtli. Signora Marinoni, Signora, C- (tetli. SISCTre de lBeeriis. Mir. Atkins'. Signor Placci, -and Mir. Kellner. Apl.aitsresprecting-boxes :r' be tmade rr Mr. Seguiit, Opera Offie, 10), ttcgcnt-street. Bo,xes, 3 guinecas eachi. Admission to tirta Ios. Gd. Pit, 7s. G allery, 3s,. 6d. Tise concert-s wvill hegi;n rW' LINTENDRAPERS. H-aberdashaers, &C.-To be FLT,,t iL.ease. ai H(SUSE', ini the arove line, wrisere a successfiul t rade has been carried on some y-eses, situate lit r,te of the lettdlng th,r.rruhfarcs, in the eastern part of Ithe iity. The abvt- it, an ieIigitnie'rrl,portunitv for atny young ntatt to ,otttttenpte biusiness. Fur- tier particulars maiy ire obtaitr.d ,rt appllcatiott t,.r Messrs. G. Jobhsotn atrd Co.- 65, Fridtty-srtieet. N.Bi. No stock required to he taken, attd inamieduiate posessirrn ?otay be htad. I TINE aitd SPIRIT TRADE.-To be DISPOSED (t'F, theGOOD WILL of atl est.ahlishiedBiUSIN'ESS. One branch of it can be carried on :rUtooSt exclUMTralY ft.r ready tnsoney, and ad- -i rtts or tire striurual advantage of being easilv and rapil~y pushed to x .rear extent. Srrti,fa-ctory-reaso~ns cartbe giv-en iforitsheing:tobeparted xr.tb. The capital reqrt;redrl ront 60111. to 84001. which will include Ire .1cerhrse price, part of' which rudyv be paid by ittstalmetrts. if any 1 tccorsarardati-ni to a prtirhaser. Letters, with reatl itame and address. dlrcetod, 1p!.9t p-aid, to 0. 0. V. G2,, will uteet an '5- N1r 11 THEA TRE-OYA.4 ,rflF YL! THIS, EVE'NING, Matrch 24, a Grand PerfoianeoANt.'IVNT an'd MODERtN MUSIC. tinrder the directiont of M.oca,par't ,1. A S E- LF.CTItsN st SACRIED MU11SIC. Betw~een the first atrd secondi lpY~t5. f'rrtihe lait timie. Fautaian, Lomtbardo Miandollir, Signor Virnercas%, ileMi. elI Aria. Miss Ilatnn; 2 u cli' treceudi, thy partictilair desirer. tt's:r.Part l1. For tIre first time, a Manurscript Sacred Orato-rio, en- titled TI-IF PRIOPi-iECX'. the wo,rds from IPoyC. Betweeni the Aecond. t,atd thircd Parts. Concerto Claririet, Mr. Williatos. Part 111. A GRAND NMlSCELL.-NE0tS AtT. Principal Vocal Performers-Mrs. Salmoicn. Mliss Stephens, MlisslM. Trree ; MAis~s Paton, 41las G,erdall, Mfiss Vettes. arrd MisMelville. (Pupil of S~igtor Rosesinti. sincN his rrival In thisi courntrys; Mr. lBraiharn, M1r. Plyne, Mlr. Phillips, Mr. Hiawe-s, Master Lolglisurst, and SIr. Bellamy. THrEATRF ROAL ?0 IS! PR.-Ff UE Strcd oppotite lf`aferloobrideseT. ITHISI. EVE.NITNG, and on Wednesdaxys artd Fridays in Lent.- I LECTURE tnA.;TRIONt)MI and the PHtiEITNsNA of the HEAVENS artl1 of tire EI 'l The lecture to h~ detis'sre-d by l1r. BARTILEY-' Begirls at 7. C'oncludes at I 0. Tiekets, of admission for famnilies to THEA TRE ROYAL, EN;,LIS,'- OPERA-7U0fTSE?,SI road. M'r. NI.TIIEW.S will be"AT HOME"'To-niorrowv. MaLrchi25,and on Niorid,ys. ,Thriradava. htrsd Srrturrlaya,switlrir)is ANNUAL LECTUrEoen Pacl'e"art es, Ctrarrrcter. anrd 'lantuer-. fouinded or. 01,,ervations anti %vnuedurirse, h:s late TRIP TOl AMERICA, Part Ill. A Mlonipo- lrr'Zcu e.tallcrd ALY. WELt. A,T NATCHIlIOCHES. All the characrera ,if tite cseuerrg-s eC.tertainment to he represenited try 'Mr. Mlathews. Doors tr ir oprrrd at h.rl-Past 7: perfi,rmatlce cormmencees at trlc oxes, places, tickets, and private and familly boxes, tr5 be taket rrf Mr.stes'eis-on. at rice brx-rfldce,Strarrd entrarscc,from 10 till 5. Ni CIER P 11.S'TR,AND. Mhi HEN'hctr has tlre honour to arnnotnue, thrat he irill repeat at di ' Tc rTIIlS EVENING, nrsd e"crylvVedrre.sdvand Friday dutrfnF Lerrt, hlis asattuishrlng arrd nmagnifricent digplay of U!NCNIIMMON lILLI.- SIGNS. worrderfrul Mietamorphorses, and interesting Iilrustratirrns in Experrmnesta! Chyrytistry. Parts I and II. NI. Henry will exhibit hiss netwasnrd as-trnishirsg feats, of Manuial Dexterity, antazing CrornbinA- tir,rrs, Trantsf,-rrriatisnrs, &c. Plart Ill1. Nlovel arrd Interesting Experi- rrVcrtr ott Gas.. Part IV. li. H-errrv wi'll attempt sev.ral mselodies, Iairs, &ce.. ,rr tIre Nrrsicrrt Glasses. Part V. Ni. itanry's celebrated Opti- ical lOusioits. Drrrrrsopert at 6,anticerrrnrnence at7. 1 _.a 'Te Pubrlicartiron at ire 'irs,rr' C-jrurtisced at 6 o'clock ycster-
DI1ED. ~ At Bath, on the 22d inst., universally beloved, ini her 81st year Eli7abeth, the pious relict of Petcr Turquand, Esq., fonnerly of the Old Jewry, London, merchant. On Sunday, the 21st instarit, at Streatham-park, Thomas Harri- Son, Esq. On the 22d inst., at his house at Stockwell, Hugh Stan er, Esq. On Tuesday, 23d inst., deeply lamented, Pnebe, wite of llr. Benjann Hanbury. of Temple-place, Blackfriars-road, and eldest daughter (if the late Ir. Henry 1,ea, of Kidderminster. On Tuesday, 23d inst., aged 73, Alillicent, widow of john Hall, late commander of the Worcester East Tndiaman. At the Cape of Good Hope. on the 2;6thofNovember last, whither he had repaired fromn ;atlae'ras, for the benefit of his health, Peter Cherry, Esq., First Judgeof the Provincial Court of Circuit at Chit. toor, in th~ew 5st year of his age. On the l9th inst., Henry Swann l,owe, Esq., of Silvester-row,
From the LONDON GAZETTE, ...
C *'.Mrl',tKreturnedtt%.erve Ile this present PAlLIAMIENT. utyonf LouthEs hn resliq Fester, of Rathescar, ir} the countY n Loutil Esq., tthe-room of the Riglht lion. Thomas Henn Skef- fi lto W kro iscoUnt Ferrard, a Peer ofthe U ited Klingdolr.). BANRRUPTCV ENLARGED. Anthony Gatenby, Manchester, wholesale grucer, from March 13 to Mtarch 26. Janla Mntrra1-,lane1ester, joiner. to surrender March 6,8.April 13. t tlle Spread Eagle I nlt, hlanchester: solicitor, Mr. Taylor, Clement s Wiliam Dorririgton, Corqhill, broker, harell 6. 13. Apr1l 13. at the naTkrupt.s Court, Dasingbau.-street: sollcitor, Mr. Jarues, NValbrook. Thnrnas Glover, John Oakden, Ralph Lomas, John Dethiek, axnd Johnl Qreeni Derby flax-manufaeturers. Mlarch 1 5,16. April 33, at the tfin' Armns Tavern. Derby: aolicltor, Mr. WVolston, Furnival's-Inn. ChatVes MAo'enger, Oxford, cahinet-maker, March 12. 13, Aurri 13, stthen o3seofRoAiInson Bartram. Oxford: solicitors, Messrs Philpot -od Stobe.:Soutrhanptor>stret, lloonlsbllry.squate. Henry Yest, orthing, llnendraper; Mlarch 13.0. April 13, at the Oainnkt*u' eClodurt,laslnghaf-reet: solicitor, Xr. Richard3on, Lin- iWllahs R1ichard Colbert, htaldstone, brewer, March 9, 20, April 13, ati . the ?taninpt' Court, Sas in)ghra'lltraLt: solicitors, Messrs. Heetham and Son, Freman's-court, Coronhill. ro-m the LONDONr GAZRTTE, neodav,March 2. ------ ___ CROWi.opQFuTm xf-h '
Stutgard, March 5.
Hi -Maijstv thle Kineoi Slveden has c.u;-e( a project of law to be iaid b re the Storthing. proposinre to abolish the ancient laws rc- lative to the duties of custo &s. &c. According :o this new plan. the ordinances forbidding the inmortatiol of French, Spanish, anti Por- tuguese wines, except iinnlediatelV from tlhe rCs-CCLtVe Ccountries, woiild be abolished, and lrumi, which was ira ected to the samne re- strictions. he aiolved to be iui;por:-'i from E:Elislr port-. Atier tire expiration of a certahi period, coflee is not to he imported in ary kind oft brles or psrlba-s l!itm do not exceed! a hun.'r-d French brandy and nxits irs ca.k- ztr enrrg abse 120 Ipot-. 'fThe plall pro- pnses to redilcc the import dutiris on srme g.prods. and to auLiemtrr tshem upon others amnongst the lazter are crffee. su.:ar. and tobacco. Ol)ESSAA. FEi. ii;. Accounts fro: Conrxstaitinrsple ot' the 7ti of Feuriacy ar - that l,iord Strangford had announced to ali tire 'Tirrtsb urnieriers t'e ar. rival of M11r. Minzieaciw, whio appv-arcd rrarelrv in the eb-aracter of a R:issian Co:msellor of State. But as t'le nelv Reis Ei. Saida t Efferdi, through wlron -,II such rreirarrtmltnq rust be carried on. was ill, and the Siultan appxeareil to be i- J10 hno ariy ni suly his place, no communication *r- 1tie subject had bren rreeivel fromn the Grand lriz:er, or any other roirnster. Lord Straneford appears to have made soene urgent iepresentations ul the l)ivanr at least it is currently reported that !:e late Reis Effendi liad received orders to take the irelinninary official steps. We belitve. ho-seyer, that it these negjotiatiors shoul;d vern contihie some years, the pol:tical It- rizen would be no msore obscared, but that tbie desired result would be obtained. S-1 T, i-NlAr' 3I ARC . i.
Horrible Murder.
untIe Ula we imagine, wflen we penned the article for our last in reprobation of the protection afforded to an armed ruffian, and ,n avowed murderer in Galnmot, that a horrible acsassination would be perpetrated in that ill- ated barony, before the parazraph was printed off at press. The gentleman to whose melancholy fate we allude was a Roman Catholic, and his murder afibrds a singular illustration of the principles of NWrhitebeyismn. He dared to extend his possessions, in despite of that system, of numerous tireatenings, and of several attempts on his life, but the inimediate cause of his assassination is said to have been his having latelv taken some land formerly held, for more than a century, by a Protestant family, whose present representative, we are told, is an Orangeman ! Tric following is an extract of a letter from Galmoy . Galmoy, Mfarclh 18, 1824. " About seven o'clock on the evening of Tuesday last, as John AMarum, of lount Stopford, Esq., accompanied by his son Edmond (whose marriage you so lately announcedl), wvas returning, by the Wirke road, from a house he had lately built at Rathpatrick, to their dwelling at White's-wall, in this barony, he was, within half a mile of the latter place, way-laid and tfred on by a party of ruffians, who were concealed behind a hedgc, at a sand-pit. The son, being nearest the ditch, received most of the charge (which wasA'nipe-slhot) on the side of Iiis face and head. His horse immediately ran off, by which means, most probably. his life was saved. He, however, lost his scaton the satddle, andrl hung by the stirrup-leather until he canie to a cabin, when he extricated hiimself, and went into it for protection. On the shot being fired, the father's horse, it is supposedl, plunged and threvr him, or that he was knocked off by the blowof a stone, ol which the sanguinary villains leapt the ditch and most barbarouslv murdered him. He received five desperate bayonet wounds in the region of the heart, ome cut at the back of the neek, and his skull was literally broken to pieces. Two or three grains of the shot fronm the blunderbuss were also lodged in lbis shoulder. He had riot been abroad - "r sunset betore fbr several years, nor dluring the same pe- riod, unW that day, had he travelied without pistols. " On Icaving thenew house, Mlr. Marum directed his servant-boy to go to M'hite's-wall before hiRi, to announce tiat they were coming home. The boy having observeti some persons suspiciously assem- bled near the road, doubled his speed towvards honie and havitg ar- rived there, obtained his master's pistols, and returned with them hoping to meet hini; but, unfortunately, Mlr. Marum and his son had takeii another road, milthough iMlr. Illaruin had told his servant he would go home by that which the boy had traced in the hopes of meeting his master. " On tlhe night of the murder, the police searched several houses in the inimediate neighbourhood of the tatal spot, and in the cabiH of a man niamed Delaney they got a blunderbuss whiclh appeared to have been very reccntly discharged, and whiclh was broken acrgss the but-end, .ust at the guard. It answers the description given bv voung Mr. Alaruin who distinctly saw the piece levelled by which he was wounded. In another house they apprehendetd a mali naimsed Keffe, rith whom was found a threateninguotice, which lie attempt ed to swallow, but one of the police very opportunely gave him a punch in the bac with the bitt-end of his piece, which knocked the paper out of the fellow's mouth. He is at preseit in custody. " A few nights since, two other nost inflammatory tlreateniDg notices werc posted on the doors of two houses in this barony. " On Alondthv niglit, a house near this town, on the Spa-hiOl, wras maliciously burned to the ground, and the unfortunate innmates only escaped destruction through the clementcy of one of the incendiaries. "Unfortunately, we have no magistrates in this turbulent barony, and as for our police magistrate, we have very seldom the benefit of his presence. An inquest was held yesterday. It was adjourned to this dy, so tbat I amn not able to send you the result." The inquest WaS adjourned to yesterday at Jobnstown. Several rather sluspicious characters have been arrcsted by the police; but we have not learned that the atroIous deedof blood hasheertbronght bomse te any of them. Under the skilful attentions of Dr. Purcell, of this city,who reached White's-vwall at five o'clock on the merning of the 7th, Mr. E.1i1arum is, we are happy to say, in a fair way of recovery. Since writing the above, we have obtained a copy of the verdict. After a close investiFation of two days, the jury, which was highly res ectable. returneo_" 'Wilful Mlurder against persons unknown." e are deeply grieved to have to state, that another murder was perpetrated in this county, on the same day, and in an adjoining barony. No correspondent has furnished us with the particulars of this melancholy ease; but we learn, that Edward Long, a process- server, residing in Callan, went out on that day to distrain, urlder a decree, for tithes, obiained nine months aDo against a farmer of the name of Delaney, since deceased. He seized soiins cattle belonging to the deceased's son, but was set upon by a mob who rescued the cattle, compelled him to swallow his decrees, anA beat him so un- mercifully, that though lhe wasable to crawl into Kilmanagh, he ex- pired the&next (Thursday) morning. Captain Barry, of the Iverk police, sent into the countv gaol, yesterdav afiernoon, twvo prisoners, one of whom is committed a an accomplice in tbe atrocious butchery of the Sheas, and the other under circumstances wlhich require silence ?br the present.-Leinster Jouirnal. HORRIBLE M[URDER. KILKENNY, AMAnci! 20.
Maidstone, March 16.
'ine bent Assizes bor this eou:tty commenced here to-day. The LoaRD CHIEF JUSTICE presided on the Civil side, and the Ho}I Xlr. Justice BEST on the Crown side. WELLS V. SYGULDEN. This was an action on the 55th Geo. .Il, to recover penalties agains-t tne defendant, as an overseer, for supplying the pDoor Of the parish of Cranboume with butcher's meat, for his own profit, and while fn office. It appeared in evidence that the defendant had been in office two years, as overseer of Cranbourne and durlng that time had, in his busiaess of a butcher, supplied tihe workhouse witn meat for 'ts in- mates, and was paid the amount. It was suggested that on one oc- casion he had sent part of the carcass of a calf which had been pre. maturely lhilled in consequence of disease, but of 'this there was no distinct proof. For the defence, the only point taken wass that as there was an- ,.ssistant overseer in theparish,who received asalar for his trouble, and as the latter had ordered the meat of the detendant, the case was not within the statute. The Loirr) CsiRxEp B]lRo2f was of opinion that the case was clearly withinF the aat but said he would reserve the point, if the defendant's counsel had any confidence in it. The jury were directed to find for the plaintiff, for one penaliy of 1001.- TWISLETrOfl V. LOCKE-E. This was an action by theffon. Mr. Win.Thomas Twisleton son of Lord Say ant Sele to recover 101 money bhad ad roceiveA by' thedeferidantto the plaintiff's use. It appeared in evidence, that the defend nt, a gamekeeper, had sold the plaintiff' a pointer dog, at the price of 101., which was paid upon an understanding that the dog was a good pointer. Upon trial the animal was found deficieAt in manv requisites of a sporting dog; it woald not point, nor back his hrother dogs. At the enid of three weeksl he was retuned to the defendant, whio sent two other dogs to the plaintiff, in the hope that he might suit himself; but without success. The monev paid to the defendant was requested to be re- turned, and he promised to repav it, deduc inv hi' expenses, which the plaint ff agreed to allow; and, by Mr. Walker, at length agreed to take five guineas, if paid by a given time. The defendant was unable to perform his engagement at the appointed time, and this action was brought for the whole demand. The Jury, under thc learned Judge's directions, found their ver- dict for the platntiff-Damnagesi 51. .5s. _ }IAIDSTONE, MIARCH M6.
O0- the 8th instant. at COrom's-hill. Gyreenwich, Mrs. Thomas Alartnr. of a soil.
Navy Pay Office, March 25...
Pe iieNcLapKiSta The, COUTeNTYortace M thisla OVeMMUt he 1,4.I4 e"purio it ofc an adequcesth ,)per OnIes sle cdpflacxt(In cTtbgl~Wnjr tuatItV ud rsnFof eihp1~ore bintnai VyIt be1etrt.-KsiC0t ,e WrlU'i tdpll ai4the irets~f.tirn-, tjeami surplus, toth cnrsttEr ftlWyl losse and iffi ellent Teizolne ttiJIrVlTCl sEkuy x7ic-,ltRlis nt-d It wheque ne ihlices hof Ide ruted .tlliWliC cl!eso'hbfvl, ue,ai ils laytesele t iO..the Claimstherett-li h no'll,teule h -slur t3,rthi ln1ellStSpX soshv aCainbeinty x ein~gtl ih ltre q?xreduced ofhichrai e ofeqstlatae of dramoP Somel new rufiO c - C.intp181, taIdc mioutbrnlltR Sod t pwards. -on liae beltty-eulh thsnd the r, ae eeIi aoerif l-h Cqointy riehr.h origInaXe lod eSI. laimtits ofve 5end pa0 tero .itye ID Oo'O eatiln Paid t,ul Personst expnse bar ~.nlnwueitn,urd.sel-L fronP-rt5ytetdfir ofanzl" A eioreloss enplss'n Setoni peoiiis, ato whichhsm rnew ofaices 113cc beenmade. In tese, X4ersols who n , io5ure partci3te. ini this wa:,, to abouit 25.000 persons Insured. withinil the lasit tet 'cars, an imuportant advantage which no other insurtaDct- 0111c e-et Ine hatt affioTde'1. Bonus,es of 131. di. anii 26%12sId. per cent. have bean pa'id orn lifik p. tilcics. Agents_ar~e at,prn,lldi in all thze principal.toirn-. price SO guine?as. A'lay hc een atpenels IveyStabnles. Eacle- street, Red Lilin-'quart, every day (Suda exeeII,betwe(al. the bowjr'-Of 12 and 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Very usieful GIG or RUPD1ING IIORSE, tr be 1SOLD, t-1 l5bndF hligh, In gonl eondition, and I years; old In May'lcxt. Ae,plfv to Mr. J. Musgrove. Chtirchestreer, Hacknei. Pkrlce 25gtiLiness, The ieasuni fir parting with hi[nt Is ont account of his ndt behig Power- ft.l eTnOUgh1 f`or1the ornerls irork. N~'O be SOLD), a lZreat, bai-gain,avr ardne BAY CO. 'CoCI IlOTISE, atouat 15 bends 3inhehgh t ePa execel- lexit coliar horse. free fronm vice. st roxora daeulsd is?1eod only ont account of his sighit: the pr1'eI oe.310b cl to.-:unsrrow.aHny-tinae from 10 till It, syr.pplynt ,L.selrke- strei't..Portmal.vIlilare. He is not ini a deae'had,syong and has- done hotHlttle work. E' ESSS. AARONNS aniif ALBXA-NDR b to in- fornothcir friends ,lId the Public ini generiLd,ta hyh arTried from WALDEN FAIR withi SIXTE ueir on rs iflE, shwinga t~al o blod5 ivera godhccIys oi' r-,ewed Y.,ilth Aindlevatreet. tile property of . Gentle'018n learing Eng- lanid, CEIISTNIY'T GFLDINII, by Fyldene', is haudg-, 2 incei,; high, coming 7 sears oldRsow a ret deal of bre nlilISale atdo AnreoarKhbNy filled acrionel lioreqe, A fdret rate hunoter, likely t make; erycieer gigorte.Al-son Gray, Gelding, by U'GI d.lf(ird, 1I hanos. 2 Inches and~t half iitgi. coining 8 years old. shows a 5.Cat dleat o,f l,refdtog.alld bus very pre,ttyactioni, is a clever littliter, hasq 1. ven re- ;niuar;y br-bec as a ch-rirgr, arnd catrried a lady; warralited 5uflnd Apply to the groom fIr further paI tlktllari. __________ A j-)LFRCs RSEPOSI TORY.-DAVI D SADLER begs I 1avjeCY to) ri-ur hi best thtankit to Ilis Friends And the Puiblic for the Itatrellage. and support he ha,t received for t;pWards of L0 yeazrx a: hides G,lewell-stleet, fin the Sade of Horses anTd Car- riagez, and alsol t6 Inforni theti hie hIas RUItCiQUISIriC the iCisINE,c.9 of the feitcpIltnrymtir fatoutr If.T. ii. GO WAR slid Co. wbere he hopes their favours will be c,totmuedt.__________ E- S[' A R T1B11O111va Co. bafvlflg puTchast d. the Rep,uettoec, )aICI el,, cd:icte, "fpr. David Saeler, respect- I ii acuint ithe NoiiliffrvandGenltry,Cecltse5 elr,ad tlii.t:It thea' initend to et:ntilltle t 't cnern. with thre a-me r-ego- sailty and attention to tIle ijlleres~tS commited to thieir care bv whTit-, It h:as been hiithierto i stinElishedl : and h)bglaet adj.rb-it havig dterine ro SI gel ii litt5s o thir .e arnst, ei,h-r C?lldilenCre ' n ..el.; 'itl lY sti L~hr.- ,v t inn tIC City-,tOld as theIr hlg EtIdlii!hei :lIt' s I;l & jy eXtnidelIttt, tietti xri t I lt i slittoll of the rrsto-tt,r) * itt tiWc centre -f A tcItlIs iCtal 'ihod nsoirea eon- 1tOlit d?iiyIIld f--r hir.sen aLitl' c;art11,!sc -: ct-crv descrfiutjtol. there ar,e id n-si-s a, grt,n n t-lji, al t-tinstinc tn piivain- 'ale. biesides %vi0h piui-llHe 'aljesarc :,- tuia i.y held every Toe-.-lav andl Friday, at 12 o'clock p-e- IVs,l. Tl1e I!eniad teitnl a! tilis seasli itnILS,nt,il large. aild ltrzyne- 10.15 llt'pti,taitrils ll5f~bc.'n alreadly tadefor tilloiry horses,sutnlticr lIc.'CI't. Ditelit ho,rscs, and lig, t e:Irragea. Gentlemeit hxiSn;rl property ofthat ic.-tripti.-,'. to diI.. a-' rel y' on 1 :ii viYntIitg"'5Is5 1es l,Y sendint thben) fIr A h h' I it nV iis oy N. 5. A1-I t51'tc5 tiiler'1rh madve on plrliert"-i ~n~'ded fo,r Immediale sale'-.Gis- Wes-t Rtirh-field. i1aIIS4 Q~ A DLE' jfTS f T ) lC 7}r~wejl_5 treet.--Superior I- well kiots-n fast Macl; itn H orses. off th,C Royal ChaIpkn Pi Liv-er- PsIl Coach. the gt-nlllle property ofMes. ,lepIIS een CI. an hav'e bell) collsnintly ivi',rkvd (in i-hat heavy r 'ad 1-tren lol fralfrd hxi laennr-y._-ro be OIDby A-UC.-ION, bly hMes,srs. Ol0SVAR and Co. ot1 Fridlay, April 2, THI-ITV unc,.lrnm0llly elev Voting well hred fast seasoned 1-tSIlSE-i. ili hig,h conn.2t5Il r i h al,.ieec,Intir, which clairm the Particular attenition ef ltt ntlefllell In tai-an of fast tilhllry or- stanhope, job, or stagetil,St'5 bitrilg aIenlline stock eItIlI x 11:llle or atiditio,n. and cup l.". it to sulrpass ally othler stt.-k Isately-'.lI-rcdl for publiv sale: are inos4tly5 Ki II ear od, ron a ant i alhalf to ir, hanlls hich: colours. ItS'-, I'.Wi5 liecStintIt, anid grrays. -id will be -I,d wltI,,ont ally re,SrVe- lso 3 s~tIs of liarlless in good pIrcservadionl To be vicvedd dltlS prior toI the sale. linti caitalogules had. N) h SOLD, the l'HRES followinig HOR1SES, horsesS of a zsuperillr description, at reasonallble prices, etnd fit f,,r inl- mediate use:-t. A Cleietntlt Gtelding. ofxtrand figlre. With extr-IIr- dinarv litle seion; he is~ r, years old, stands 13 hands 21itnlcho hIgh, aL mowst perfect tilbury or stanhope hlorse. rides tech, Iind ina.ntter of gcreet steight. 2. Averr hinhs',inte B:,y Gel.lio,g, .5 years 111d, 13 hitnvd, I *ne h iigh. a xlartlollarlv clever horsle Inl :ll his paces, rides, to an M~. cellenit moth,il alid Is elitiaL tol12 stone. Aliso one of the conlphpe.'ts nitasle horses in ttile king"itni. 6 years old, good bay, Stands 15 hands!4 highi, aIdalted' for eithier tlbury, tanbhope,, or 4-wheel Chaise, berng s0 temarkabily steady and Irtiet, well bre, wvith ri-eat suhtiititle5. Att& exlraordillary fine shape; a very superior hors.eeithzrtod di'er Carry xveight, as he can wralk .4 miles a11 hour with 20 stone on his tiack. The above Art wrarran ted sound and triaNalsalowed * at 11noY, lIvery stable 43. Cheliies-nmet575 Gower-street, tiled frd-squlare. ______ 0 be SOLD, a hind-mline single ho--rse CHAISE, newv Tlasts'l:lnter.~ficee2.51. Forfirither~parcicularsapidyatl 2,t,ower Wilitecrosis-strect, t rippleglite. ~H A ET'0N.-'lro be SO)LI), the property of a G-en tle_ ni oan, a vecry Oltat anid strong P-f AETO N1, writh Improved patetri axles; it fillaiws remarkably light, anid liay he uised wIrth oile lit tsvo hossor galsa-s:-trie 45 uineas Tob een at 1tor;tby's livery arid p tiv-ate stables, S t. Mtar tin'a-lane, Caigens r Obe SOLD, -Ea ~handso-me P AETO'(N, vvith sha'ts and. P"epole 111? Our - lft11 horses, painltedi yellow atud liied sivth dark t-ile cloth. And red morocco squans, the prioperty of a gezttleman de- ceased. To he scn at Mr. Co-g's, 2, Ropemraker-street, neoar Chiswcoll- Street, Finislairy-tliltare. It-JO 0 e SOLD wa rael OlCt?5,a and stlyslan- i1- tial SET-OUT cosstn f a piofcitlbroIwn cobs. 14 laifids hith well aeed adhas' i tgte fcr Dmor tilan t ie laSt. I" onh also a brass liartlegscmlt.ln a low phactrin the vihole are warranted by the Propitr Fo iaew51 of the-o inqluire I,f Mr. Stllrrdy, s-IrnI-handler, llIlth vn,St-ickwell, S;ur- r -cn in the llttlring,before 10 olnk in the afterastlti after 4 ok-c1 tck. UILDING LANID to be SOLD, 2 iniles north west of a Lonldont, cosstn f 211~ acres: rho land-tax is redeemned: the lwnd is hidden of rtte mtanor of lalinpstead. litqu;re at Mr. Watee's iqTwe, 1, 3 john-street, A tellPhi. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 5-( - lbe psU D7P ith imnediate possessionl, a 14HOUSE-, Fllrnitlire. altdi Fixturcs, sitliare In Nelson-sqularr, F,r Particuiars apply to Messrs. Parker aind Watkints. 6'ret 'I'r- 'io MA EU UR ER mal Othiers.-T i be RDISPOSED OF. a very iilperiar 110O4E EN,GINE~. wvith faci,g .-pjltsratlls. (tVli. eLcceltr;c, anid varit,us otlier chuleks a111 ti,O!s, &c. \sql:. at Mlr. 'ass L atesre,teicester-squ4re, oipposite I ranbtolrn-strept. , C t '() 1 .rVFT -ER -Ta __ b eI DI SP S, I- I) OF. t IIc ~LP,. SE .Land G(IODSV I L L ofr%1 a L'OS 7, In a emool t tirol-uIth fare, h itil1 -'t o 'tIItI ,y I4 hMt,le. I'ie l'i11555 lassha interea-dl seer,' e%tr. Troe .erm,ls m1ax hr k;loIt I)w. aptliei(tiOlttt 10 es,rs. WIllIer a111a mi''il11lO. 16 BedfiId--,~r. 1:nmed,iiIe 1-.ies1 lzit may be. had. YIfTAGEl" VILLA.-T_o hr- SOLD). bv Privat' n- IC( tract, it ?~ ind~oln CIIlTTI;l. VII,TIA.Abwtso 7 1otdcA mn the llOrtt ritad to Blannel, plleat6itly it- i llate a garden. snmall 1501ditli, It-stlt. stal,le Sri Ill -,.achhlullsS. at I othler c11:vellticIies. Foir price alId further liartietdtst itlrtl of Ntt. laIrrup, stationer, iiorth eide o~f tIle Royal ExiXl'5lC 0 S BAKER ,creittlrnMsatlnell, a-d ( )tlt'si.- ,, To be SOt1. ), tl i.5E nodestablished 1B tEEms 51-11. in a Yet7crrowded nighlhO ldgratl,ncifare.Thesdwoestic colIveIlences Are exeln,tl ilpciaadng, alid detached b akeliousc, wTitlt sitab cnelecs pl oMr. Sliutbey, 121, TooleFystreet, Soutblawark.____________ - GROCE;RS, ChTecselnongcrs,, &c.-To lie DIS- TPORED OF. svith immediate poi4etiiorz. An evcellent douible- fronted SHOItP, and old-estaliIsbed BUlSINESS. writ.h very, convenieat. ttack pretnki,e, Situat in oIle of- he liest thorarl47hfitrei nearLndn For cards of address apply to Mr. Smielt, 1, Mile-endl-rotid; or to Mtr. I`Pylor. 32. HIlO-streeti Whitehablipe. ~XFORDS I-RE-r.~C 1WiaTIUIEI Shop. withi isxtefl- -F tllit-eb hck prenihecsand excellent ThvlllOiig.-ro be DISPOSED Or, by Private Cointracti the long LEISE of A Capital 6H-OP azid PPRE-IIISES',ln the pr.eferable part ofoxLf,ard-5treet,betOgKa ,ituaiottounit- able for anv IASIlnesea'equiring chowand publleity,or wholesatle concern. A ev ltI- lgtre, i-nbc taken hy valuatlion. inqizi're of Mr. JIsi. Miliet, aillnd I. Mnoorfielids. To veiew Apply at49lti-te,tto-qjLe ~~~ENT.--To be SOL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D, by Privat-e Cnrc,ad r E~ bl 5itRHO,OFAM-ILrY RESIDENCR, ait Welling, conitain- i ing tillinIg roocts, drawing r,oorn, Sbdrooms, good kitchen, wxailS- bo,e al srsiit' taul oven-r it; anaIpte isIdled garden. souitheri. aspect. giand greenhue, t. For partlcultissoltotea nctl sante apply (i Ib1Y letter, pos,t paidi to Miessrs. lirles and Selby, solii-, tore.,,Slirrey-_screet,Sf1rAn, LoIdon. L DWLIP-OUSE. consisting of 8 roomis an~ waC;hotOlse, let or4i,golt et 201. per a0111n01; termn of lease 96 years;a situate nt h o-srtStingo. St. Msarytlehone. PsIce 250L. 'Apply, lv letrxoa ad tiX, V. 16 iletead-street. Sponers-toWfl. TO caosi- de,a oaitlet sNill be mtade. 'i"O e DIPOSE OF,withimmeiatdposse-ssion, the *~ LASE0fa~JS~ nsvlXflll~u.iluess ia the-getseral trade Of LincndraPlr llabdtdish,tr, and ikuecrer, fia a very p,nltiu neih 1ouhiod il bdilSSiia bencoinducted entirely fr6rp~eady ato ea. od asadean xtnsie etun.tkiadgt Slightly attended xzd has Ill ~ el.o hestc nCed lie taken. Apply t-- Tl renlt iIna--'.at88 Wis-h1 AieronalW. or by letter, pORt Pa ag.itrect. 0 DRA PERS, H,aberdashers, &c.-o be DISPOSED NO, 'vltb Immediate PIsSezSiOI the LE Sirnd PREntISES of at,o e 11 n tilei t an old establishied coCer.i h nlbOlfdo odn Inte- abiove line, nose inl fAptae,phlrcytponesI soIicdt c linquisli businleSs gleotensterfeeet ndsxtttb,Apl (it 1iy latter, post 1d)tdse.SpneaiC 0.In-re, ChCspsidt. V0 BU IiJOE RS ant ()thers iiavinw; Eroperty for Sae.- A verv conriderable SU1 oF MONEY 1seadr to beV -INVESTED i la thepURClASEo(,fFRl.FH(YLb PROPRRTY or Leseeholds for a lang orabort term,.provided the same atr ilr a goo% Situation &ad let Aptly to Mescre, pieldnr,Battles, an ddFnioelftdei splistit.r nn neoftge; GrosveggT-squnre, . . BLE -REWIElRY to be DISPOSED -OF, byv Mr. A ,. rV. atMl'SO$ veA5crs favou1-ablC 9Pp6rt5,ilty offers to In- vetasmo 101S noeo h lavoStOaPeld l bly altuate W n qio n jhonee.Lonston. , er f. -5 . I - t 'O be LgT oin nease, on elegant Voil-I,dCIigbt!ully - Jnitlte it noneglord Nateh tD F f inthrr m,.,t suce--ful et;utrn t,ljld tint1Y'' ~iIte 1t~ fairiand coillitY oIV. Smpson, 24. gil e6b~ta-i t ralpr x-t-witia-.hbvCllIlAaA 'atrdon.hil -rooms,withse,' an el-egmlant deligt'ghatriee daiy Il-eaS taiaticaertfl ~ iJ~g~-.ha inothad .~,ihtoyedAaltpitfl~tthbtgtfl~O oc1 $5Tjj ThnddI&ing ~~ Ia d..eQnlpXiiI j.;;h llet'11iI1tl halrs us'tl a litiIOt'~~ ajoilo -- ,p~n5lnn 4~'btlA i L4ydair D~~SZ LofldOIl,btt14IamotIl &C
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

The Times Archive Dataset (1824)

This dataset contains text extracted at the article level from The Times. The newspaper articles in the dataset were published in 1824.

The dataset contains text generated from Optical Character Recognition software on digitised newspaper pages. This dataset includes the plain text from the OCR alongside some minimal metadata associated with the newspaper from which the text is derived.

This dataset can be used for:

historical research and digital humanities research
training language models
training historic language models


  • Dataset Name: The Times Archive Dataset (1824)

  • Description: Dataset containing articles from The Times Archive for the year 1824.

  • License: The newspaper in this dataset are in the public domain. The dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license.

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