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This is some data: AWH Engineering College, country, India; AWH Engineering College, established, 2001; AWH Engineering College, state, Kerala; AWH Engineering College, city, "Kuttikkattoor"; India, river, Ganges. Generate a detailed description of this data
The AWH Engineering College in Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, India was established in 2001. The Ganges is a river in India.
Sentence: Ab Klink is from the Netherlands where Mark Rutte is the leader. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Ab Klink, nationality, Netherlands; Netherlands, leader, Mark Rutte Sentence: Alan Martin is a footballer for Ayr United FC. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alan Martin (footballer), club, Ayr United F.C. Sentence: The key person of brazilian company, Hypermarcas, is their CEO. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Hypermarcas, location, Brazil; Hypermarcas, keyPerson, CEO Sentence: The Atlantic City International Airport's runway surface is made of Asphalt and Concrete. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Atlantic City International Airport, runwaySurfaceType, "Asphalt/Concrete"
Sentence: The runway length of Alderney Airport is 877.0. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alderney Airport, runwayLength, 877.0 Sentence: Andrews County Airport is located in Texas and serves the city of Andrews. It is 973 above sea level and has a runway length of 8.0. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Andrews County Airport, location, Texas; Andrews County Airport, runwayLength, 8.0; Andrews County Airport, cityServed, Andrews, Texas; Andrews County Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevel, 973.0 Sentence: The Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority is the operating organisation of the Allama Iqbal International Airport and serves the city of Lahore. The Authority's location can be found at the Jinnah International Airport. Lahore is located in Pakistan whose leader is Mamnoon Hussain. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Allama Iqbal International Airport, operatingOrganisation, Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority; Pakistan, leader, Mamnoon Hussain; Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, location, Jinnah International Airport; Allama Iqbal International Airport, cityServed, Lahore; Lahore, country, Pakistan Sentence: The musical genre of Abradab is hip hop music which originated from funk music. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Abradab, genre, Hip hop music; Hip hop music, stylisticOrigin, Funk
Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Belgium, leader, Charles Michel; Belgium, leader, Philippe of Belgium; Antwerp International Airport, cityServed, Antwerp; Belgium, officialLanguage, French language; Antwerp, country, Belgium. Sentence:
Antwerp International Airport serves the popular tourist destination city of Antwerp. French is the main language of Belgium where Charles Michel and Philippe of Belgium are leaders.
Generate a sentence about this data: Republic of Ireland, currency, Euro
The Republic of Ireland's currency is the Euro.
Sentence: Massimo Drago manages A.C. Cesena and is a former player of Vigor Lamezia and S.S.D. Potenza Calcio. What data can be extracted from this sentence?
Massimo Drago, club, Vigor Lamezia; A.C. Cesena, manager, Massimo Drago; Massimo Drago, club, S.S.D. Potenza Calcio
Sentence: Ruth Ribicoff was the wife of Connecticut born Abraham A Ribicoff, who served as the Governor of Connecticut. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Abraham A. Ribicoff, office, "Governor of Connecticut"; Abraham A. Ribicoff, birthPlace, Connecticut; Abraham A. Ribicoff, spouse, "Ruth Ribicoff" Sentence: George Kapitan created the comic character Airman whose alter ego is Drake Stevens. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Airman (comicsCharacter), alternativeName, "Drake Stevens"; Airman (comicsCharacter), creator, George Kapitan input question: Sentence: Aaron Hunt played for Hamburger SV in the Bundesliga. He also represented SV Werder Bremen II - the manager of the first team there is Alexander Nouri. Structured data: Hamburger SV, league, Bundesliga; Aaron Hunt, club, Hamburger SV; SV Werder Bremen II, manager, Alexander Nouri; Aaron Hunt, club, SV Werder Bremen II Sentence: Ab Klink is a national of the Netherlands, a country that uses the Euro for currency and is ked by Mark Rutte. Erasmus University Rotterdam, affiliated with the Association of MBAs, is Klink's alma mater. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Ab Klink, almaMater, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Erasmus University Rotterdam, affiliation, Association of MBAs; Netherlands, currency, Euro; Ab Klink, nationality, Netherlands; Netherlands, leader, Mark Rutte Sentence: The Antares rocket made its first flight on October 28, 2014. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Antares (rocket), maidenFlight, 2014-10-28 Sentence: Solo singer, Andra, was born in 1986, in Campia Turzii. A singer for a living, Andra is a singer of Dance-pop music. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Andra (singer), background, "solo singer"; Andra (singer), birthYear, 1986; Andra (singer), genre, Dance-pop; Andra (singer), occupation, Singing; Andra (singer), birthPlace, Câmpia Turzii
Data: Alex Tyus, club, Pallacanestro Cantù; Alex Tyus, league, Turkish Basketball Super League Sentence about the following data: A: Alex Tyus plays with the club Pallacanestro Cantù in the Turkish Basketball Super League. Data: Aarhus Airport, location, Tirstrup; Tirstrup, isPartOf, Central Denmark Region; Tirstrup, isPartOf, Denmark Sentence about the following data: A: Aarhus Airport is in Tirstrup, Denmark which is part of the Central Denmark Region. Data: Administrative Science Quarterly, publisher, Cornell University; Cornell University, affiliation, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities; Cornell University, affiliation, Association of American Universities; Cornell University, state, New York; Cornell University, city, Ithaca, New York Sentence about the following data: A:
The Administrative Science Quarterly is published by Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Cornell University is affiliated with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Association of American Universities.
Sentence: Cape Town is the capital of South Africa where 11 Diagonal Street is located. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: 11 Diagonal Street, location, South Africa; South Africa, capital, Cape Town input question: Sentence: U.K. born acoustic musician Alex Day is associated with the Chameleon Circuit and Charlie McDonnell. He began performing in 2006. Structured data: Alex Day, birthPlace, United Kingdom; Alex Day, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Chameleon Circuit (band); Alex Day, genre, Acoustic music; Alex Day, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Charlie McDonnell; Alex Day, activeYearsStartYear, 2006 Sentence: The Four World Trade Center is the headquarters of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, who operate Atlantic City International Airport. The airport is located Egg Harbor Township, Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Atlantic City International Airport, operatingOrganisation, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, headquarter, Four World Trade Center; Atlantic City International Airport, location, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey; Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, country, United States; Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, isPartOf, Atlantic County, New Jersey Sentence: Gene Colan is an American. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Gene Colan, nationality, Americans Sentence: Alison O'Donnell was a member of the Flibbertigibbet band and a musician for the band United Bible Studies. She also played folk music of Ireland. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Alison O'Donnell, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Flibbertigibbet; Alison O'Donnell, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, United Bible Studies; Alison O'Donnell, genre, Folk music of Ireland Sentence: George Kapitan created the comic character Airman whose alter ego is Drake Stevens. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
Airman (comicsCharacter), alternativeName, "Drake Stevens"; Airman (comicsCharacter), creator, George Kapitan
Generate a sentence that describes the following data: Atlantic City International Airport, runwaySurfaceType, "Asphalt/Concrete"
The Atlantic City International Airport's runway surface is made of Asphalt and Concrete.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Administrative Science Quarterly, publisher, Cornell University; Cornell University, affiliation, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities; Cornell University, affiliation, Association of American Universities; Cornell University, state, New York; Cornell University, city, Ithaca, New York
The Administrative Science Quarterly is published by Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Cornell University is affiliated with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Association of American Universities.
Sentence: Abel Caballero was born in Spain and was part of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party. What structured data could we extract from this sentence?
Abel Caballero, birthPlace, Spain; Abel Caballero, party, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, numberOfStudents, 600 *** sentence: Six hundred students attend the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: A.C. Chievo Verona, manager, Rolando Maran; Rolando Maran, club, Unione Triestina 2012 S.S.D.; Rolando Maran, club, Carrarese Calcio *** sentence: Rolando Maran plays for Unione Triestina 2012 S.S.D and Carrarese Calcio. He has also managed AC Chievo Verona. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: United States, percentageOfAreaWater, 6.97; AmeriGas, country, United States; United States, foundingDate, 1776-07-04; AmeriGas, industry, Energy industry *** sentence: AmeriGas, an energy company, is operational in the US. The US was founded in 1776, on 4th July, and 6.97% of it is covered in water. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: A.F.C. Blackpool, manager, Stuart Parker (footballer); Stuart Parker (footballer), club, KV Mechelen; Blackpool, leader, Gordon Marsden; A.F.C. Blackpool, ground, Blackpool *** sentence:
Stuart Parker is part of the KV Mechelen Club and manager of A.F.C. Blackpool whose ground is in Blackpool. The leader of Blackpool is Gordon Marsden.
1634: The Bavarian Crisis, author, Eric Flint; 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, precededBy, The Grantville Gazettes; Eric Flint, birthPlace, Burbank, California; 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, precededBy, "DeMarce short stories in the The Grantville Gazettes" What is sentence that verbalizes this data?
Burbank California is the birth place of Eric Flint who wrote 1634: The Bavarian Crisis which was preceded by the DeMarce short stories in the Grantville Gazettes.
Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: A.F.C. Blackpool, manager, Stuart Parker (footballer); Stuart Parker (footballer), club, KV Mechelen; Blackpool, leader, Gordon Marsden; A.F.C. Blackpool, ground, Blackpool
Stuart Parker is part of the KV Mechelen Club and manager of A.F.C. Blackpool whose ground is in Blackpool. The leader of Blackpool is Gordon Marsden.
Sentence: Meyer Werft was the builder of the AIDAluna which is owned by AIDA Cruises. What data can be extracted from this sentence?
AIDAluna, owner, AIDA Cruises; AIDAluna, builder, Meyer Werft
input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: United States, language, English language; Albany, Oregon, country, United States; United States, ethnicGroup, African Americans sentence: African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States which is where Albany, Oregon is located and they speak English. input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, academicDiscipline, Paleobiology; Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, abbreviation, "Acta Palaeontol. Pol." sentence: Paleobiology is the academic discipline of Acta Palaeontologica Polonica which has the abbreviated name of Acta Palaeontol. Pol. input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: AIDAluna, owner, AIDA Cruises; AIDAluna, builder, Meyer Werft sentence:
Meyer Werft was the builder of the AIDAluna which is owned by AIDA Cruises.
Data: Aleksandra Kovač, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, K2 (Kovač sisters duo); Aleksandra Kovač, genre, Pop music; Pop music, musicFusionGenre, Disco Sentence about the following data: A: Aleksandra Kovač is part of the K2 (Kovač sisters duo), in the musical genre Pop, of which Disco music is a fusion genre of. Data: Ajoblanco, ingredient, Almond; Almond, family, Rosaceae; Almond, order, Rosales Sentence about the following data: A: Almond, an ingredient in Ajoblanco, is part of the Rosaceae family and is a member of the Rosales order. Data: Chinabank, foundingDate, 1920-08-16; Chinabank, numberOfEmployees, 5594 Sentence about the following data: A:
Founded on 08-16-1920, Chinabank has 5594 employees.
input question: Sentence: The Atlas II originates from the United States and launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base. Structured data: Atlas II, countryOrigin, United States; Atlas II, launchSite, Vandenberg Air Force Base Sentence: Asher and Mary Isabelle Richardson House, built in 1911, is located at U.S. Route 83. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Asher and Mary Isabelle Richardson House, location, U.S. Route 83; Asher and Mary Isabelle Richardson House, yearOfConstruction, 1911 Sentence: Alan Shepard was a national of the United States. He was born in New Hampshire became a test pilot and died in California. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alan Shepard, deathPlace, California; Alan Shepard, occupation, Test pilot; Alan Shepard, birthPlace, New Hampshire; Alan Shepard, nationality, United States Sentence: The Acharya Institute of Technology is in Bangalore, Karnataka India. The institute's president is B.M. Reddy and it is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University. The campus is located in Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Acharya Institute of Technology, president, "B.M. Reddy"; Acharya Institute of Technology, city, Bangalore; Acharya Institute of Technology, country, "India"; Acharya Institute of Technology, state, Karnataka; Acharya Institute of Technology, campus, "In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090."; Acharya Institute of Technology, affiliation, Visvesvaraya Technological University input question: Sentence: The Ampara Hospital is situated in Ampara district, the Eastern Province state of Sri Lanka where Austin Fernando is the leader. Structured data: Ampara Hospital, country, Sri Lanka; Ampara Hospital, state, Eastern Province, Sri Lanka; Ampara Hospital, region, Ampara District; Eastern Province, Sri Lanka, leader, Austin Fernando input question: Sentence: Antioch, is part of Contra Costa County in the San Francisco Bay area, in California and it is led by the United States House of Representatives. The English language is spoken in this state. Structured data:
Contra Costa County, California, isPartOf, San Francisco Bay Area; Antioch, California, isPartOf, California; California, language, English language; Antioch, California, isPartOf, Contra Costa County, California; Antioch, California, leaderTitle, United States House of Representatives
question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: Duncan Rouleau, nationality, Americans; Baymax, creator, Duncan Rouleau; Baymax, creator, Steven T. Seagle *** sentence: Baymax was created by Steven T Seagle and the American, Duncan Rouleau. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: Airey Neave, deathPlace, "Westminster Hospital, London" *** sentence: Airey Neave died in the Westminster Hospital in London. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: Akeem Dent, formerTeam, Atlanta Falcons; Atlanta Falcons, coach, Dan Quinn (American football) *** sentence: Akeem Dent once played with the Atlanta Falcons whose coach was Dan Quinn. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: United States, foundingDate, 1776-07-04 *** sentence:
The United States was founded on July 4, 1776.
Sentence: Angola International Airport is in Icolo e Bengo and is 159 metres above sea level with a runway that's 4,000 feet long. What structured data could we extract from this sentence?
Angola International Airport, location, Ícolo e Bengo; Angola International Airport, runwayLength, 4000.0; Angola International Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevelInMetres, 159
input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Bionico, country, Mexico; Bionico, region, Guadalajara; Bionico, ingredient, Condensed milk sentence: Bionico (contains condensed milk) is found in Mexico and Guadalajara. input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: 11 Diagonal Street, location, South Africa; South Africa, ethnicGroup, Asian South Africans; South Africa, capital, Cape Town; South Africa, leader, Cyril Ramaphosa; South Africa, ethnicGroup, White South African sentence: The capital of South Africa is Cape town and the leader is Cyril Ramaphosa. There are various ethnic groups within South Africa which include both Asian South Africans and White South Africans. Additionally, 11 Diagonal Street is located in South Africa. input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: A Wizard of Mars, oclcNumber, 318875313 sentence:
The OCLC number of A Wizard of Mars is 318875313.
Data: Peñarol, league, Uruguayan Primera División; Abel Hernández, youthclub, Peñarol; U.S. Città di Palermo, manager, Giuseppe Iachini; Abel Hernández, club, U.S. Città di Palermo Sentence about the following data:
The Uruguayan Primera División is the league that Peñarol play in. That is the club Abel Hernandez played in his youth. He now plays for the club, U.S. Città di Palermo which is managed by, Giuseppe Iachini.
Agnes Kant, nationality, Netherlands; Netherlands, leader, Mark Rutte; Agnes Kant, office, "Member of the House of Representatives"; Agnes Kant, party, Socialist Party (Netherlands) What is sentence that verbalizes this data?
Agnes Kant is a member of the Socialist Party in the Netherlands and worked as a member of the House of Representatives. She is a national of the Netherlands, which is led by Mark Rutte.
Data: Abel Caballero, birthPlace, Ponteareas; Abel Caballero, party, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party Sentence about the following data:
Born in Ponteareas, Abel Caballero, is a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party.
Here is some data: 1099 Figneria, epoch, 2006-12-31; 1099 Figneria, mass, 2.7 (kilograms); 1099 Figneria, orbitalPeriod, 179942000.0. Write a sentence that describes this data
1099 Figneria's epoch date is the 31st of December, 2006. It has a mass of 2.7 kg and an orbital period of 179942000.0.
Here is some data: American Journal of Mathematics, abbreviation, "Am. J. Math."; American Journal of Mathematics, eissnNumber, 1080. Write a sentence that describes this data. Sentence:
Am. J. Math is the abbreviation for the American Journal of Mathematics, 1080 is the EISSN number.
This is some data: Ab Klink, almaMater, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ab Klink, office, "Member of the Senate"; Ab Klink, party, Christian Democratic Appeal; Ab Klink, birthPlace, Netherlands. Generate a detailed description of this data. Sentence:
Ab Klink was born in the Netherlands where he worked as a member of the senate. He belongs to the Christian Democratic Appeal party. Erasmus University in Rotterdam is his alma mater.
Generate a sentence about this data: Barny Cakes, country, France; France, leader, Gérard Larcher. Sentence:
The leader of France is Gerard Larcher and the country is home to the dish known as Barny cakes.
Generate a sentence that describes the following data: 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, author, Eric Flint; Eric Flint, influencedBy, Robert A. Heinlein; 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, precededBy, 1634: The Baltic War; Eric Flint, birthPlace, Burbank, California. Sentence:
Eric Flint was born in Burbank, California and was influenced by Robert A Heinlein. He is the author of 1634: The Bavarian Crisis which followed 1634: The Baltic War.
Sentence: A Loyal Character Dancer is published in the United States, where the leader is known as the President. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: A Loyal Character Dancer, country, United States; United States, leaderTitle, President of the United States Sentence: Cookies and Baked Alaska are types of dessert. The latter is from France where Gerard Larcher is a leader. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Baked Alaska, course, Dessert; Dessert, dishVariation, Cookie; Baked Alaska, country, France; France, leader, Gérard Larcher Sentence: The Javanese people are an ethnic group in Java, where the dish ayam penyet can be found. The dish is from Singapore, where Standard Chinese is spoken. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Java, ethnicGroup, Javanese people; Ayam penyet, region, Singapore; Singapore, language, Standard Chinese; Ayam penyet, country, Java input question: Sentence: Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, which is elevated 610 meters above sea level, is located in Madrid, Paracuellos de Jarama, San Sebastian de los Reyes and Alcobendas. ENAIRE is the operating organization of the airport. The runway, which measures 3500.0 is named 18R/36L. Structured data: Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, runwayName, "18R/36L"; Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, runwayLength, 3500.0; Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, location, "Madrid, Paracuellos de Jarama, San Sebastián de los Reyes and Alcobendas"; Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevel, 610.0; Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, operatingOrganisation, ENAIRE Sentence: "A Glastonbury Romance," by John Cowper Powys, was preceded by "Wolf Solent". What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: A Glastonbury Romance, precededBy, Wolf Solent; A Glastonbury Romance, author, John Cowper Powys Sentence: Michele Marcolini has been manager of AC Lumezzane and was at FC Bari 1908. He is in the Vicenza Calcio club. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
A.C. Lumezzane, manager, Michele Marcolini; Michele Marcolini, club, F.C. Bari 1908; Michele Marcolini, club, Vicenza Calcio
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: 108 St Georges Terrace, floorCount, 50 A: There are 50 floors at 108 St Georges Terrace. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Adam Koc, battle, Polish–Soviet War; Adam Koc, award, Virtuti Militari A: Adam Koc fought in the Polish-Soviet War and was awarded the Virtuti Militari award. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Alison O'Donnell, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, The Owl Service (band); Alison O'Donnell, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, United Bible Studies A: Alison O'Donnell is a musician for the band United Bible Studies and has collaborated with the band The Owl Service. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Angola International Airport, location, Ícolo e Bengo; Angola International Airport, runwayLength, 4000.0; Angola International Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevelInMetres, 159 A:
Angola International Airport is in Icolo e Bengo and is 159 metres above sea level with a runway that's 4,000 feet long.
Sentence: Abdul Taib Mahmud's birthplace was Kingdom of Sarawak and he resides in Sarawak. He is a member of the Parti Bumiputera Sarawak Party and he represented Asajaya. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Abdul Taib Mahmud, residence, Sarawak; Abdul Taib Mahmud, region, Asajaya; Abdul Taib Mahmud, birthPlace, Kingdom of Sarawak; Abdul Taib Mahmud, party, "Parti Bumiputera Sarawak" Sentence: Ampara Hospital is in the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka. Its leader is Ranil Wickremesinghe and its capital is Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Ampara Hospital, country, Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka, leader, Ranil Wickremesinghe; Ampara Hospital, state, Eastern Province, Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka, capital, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte input question: Sentence: Airey Neave, who was born in Knightsbridge, London, fought in the Battle of France. His career lasted only five years beginning March 4th, 1974 and ending on the 30th of the same month in 1979. Structured data: Airey Neave, battle, Battle of France; Airey Neave, birthPlace, "Knightsbridge, London"; Airey Neave, activeYearsStartDate, 1974-03-04; Airey Neave, activeYearsEndDate, 1979-03-30 Sentence: The dessert of bakewell pudding can be served warm (freshly baked) or cold and has the ingredients, almond, jam, butter and eggs. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Bakewell pudding, servingTemperature, "Warm (freshly baked) or cold"; Bakewell pudding, course, "Dessert"; Bakewell pudding, mainIngredient, "Ground almond, jam, butter, eggs" Sentence: (410777) 2009 FD has a mass of 8.3 kilograms. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: (410777) 2009 FD, mass, 8.3 (kilograms) Sentence: Ashgabat International Airport is operated by Turkmenistan Airlines whose hub is Turkmenbashi International airport and has headquarters in Turkmenistan. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Ashgabat International Airport, operatingOrganisation, Turkmenistan Airlines; Turkmenistan Airlines, headquarter, Turkmenistan; Turkmenistan Airlines, hubAirport, Turkmenbashi International Airport
Q: ALCO RS-3, builder, American Locomotive Company; ALCO RS-3, powerType, Diesel-electric transmission A: The ALCO RS-3 was built by the American Locomotive Company and has a diesel-electric transmission. Q: Alan B. Miller Hall, owner, College of William & Mary; College of William & Mary, chancellor, Robert Gates; Mason School of Business, country, United States; Alan B. Miller Hall, currentTenants, Mason School of Business A: Robert Gates served as chancellor of the College of William and Mary who own the Alan B. Miller Hall in the United States .The current tenants are The Mason School of Business. Q: Arem-arem, country, Indonesia; Indonesia, leader, Jusuf Kalla; Indonesia, language, Indonesian language A: In Indonesia; Jusuf Kalla is the leader, Indonesian is the language, and Arem-arem is commonly served. Q: Agnes Kant, nationality, Netherlands; Netherlands, leader, Mark Rutte; Agnes Kant, office, "Member of the House of Representatives"; Agnes Kant, party, Socialist Party (Netherlands) A:
Agnes Kant is a member of the Socialist Party in the Netherlands and worked as a member of the House of Representatives. She is a national of the Netherlands, which is led by Mark Rutte.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Allama Iqbal International Airport, location, Pakistan; Allama Iqbal International Airport, runwayLength, 3310.0; Allama Iqbal International Airport, operatingOrganisation, Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority; Allama Iqbal International Airport, cityServed, Lahore; Allama Iqbal International Airport, runwayName, "18R/36L". Sentence:
Allama Iqbal International Airport, which serves the city of Lahore and is governed by the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, is located in Pakistan. The name of the airport's runway is 18R/36L and it is 3,310 long.
Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Angola, Indiana, areaTotal, 16.55 (square kilometres). Sentence:
The total area of Angola, Indiana, is 16.55 square kilometres.
This is some data: Angola International Airport, location, Ícolo e Bengo; Angola International Airport, cityServed, Luanda; Angola International Airport, runwayLength, 4000.0; Angola International Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevelInMetres, 159; Angola International Airport, runwayName, "South Runway". Generate a detailed description of this data
Angola International Airport, which serves the city of Luanda, is located at Ícolo e Bengo. The airport is 159 metres above sea level, has a runway named South Runway and it is 4,000 feet long.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Amatriciana sauce, region, Lazio; Amatriciana sauce, ingredient, Guanciale A: An ingredient of amatriciana sauce is guanciale, the sauce comes from the Lazio region. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Alan Frew, birthPlace, Scotland; Alan Frew, background, "solo singer" A: Alan Frew is a solo singer born in Scotland. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Bionico, country, Mexico; Mexico, leader, Silvano Aureoles Conejo; Mexico, language, Mexican Spanish; Bionico, dishVariation, Cottage cheese; Bionico, course, Dessert A: Bionico, that can be varied by using cottage cheese, is a dish served for dessert in Mexico. The leader in Mexico is Silvano Aureoles Conejo and the spoken language is Mexican Spanish. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Aston Martin V8, relatedMeanOfTransportation, Aston Martin DBS; Aston Martin V8, bodyStyle, Convertible; Aston Martin V8, assembly, "Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom"; Aston Martin V8, engine, 5.3 (litres); Aston Martin V8, relatedMeanOfTransportation, Aston Martin RHAM/1 A:
The convertible Aston Martin V8 has a 5.3 litre engine volume and was assembled in Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom. It is a related means of transport to the Aston Martin DBS and the Aston Martin RHAM/1.
Q: Adonis Georgiadis, inOfficeWhilePrimeMinister, Antonis Samaras; Antonis Samaras, inOfficeWhilePrimeMinister, Konstantinos Mitsotakis; New Democracy (Greece), colour, Blue; Adonis Georgiadis, party, New Democracy (Greece); Adonis Georgiadis, successor, Makis Voridis A: Adonis Georgiadis, who was succeeded by Makis Voridis, belonged to the New Democracy Party in Greece which is represented by the colour blue. He was in office while Antonis Samaras was Prime Minister who in turned served in office when Konstantinos Mitsotakis was Prime Minister of Greece. Q: United States, leaderTitle, President of the United States; English language, spokenIn, Great Britain; United States, ethnicGroup, Asian Americans; United States, language, English language; Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians, country, United States A: Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is from The United States, a country with a president, many Asian Americans, and the English language (also spoken in Great Britain). Q: Buzz Aldrin, birthPlace, Glen Ridge, New Jersey; Buzz Aldrin, mission, Apollo 11; Buzz Aldrin, status, "Retired"; Buzz Aldrin, nationality, United States; Buzz Aldrin, selectedByNasa, 1963; Buzz Aldrin, occupation, Fighter pilot; Apollo 11, operator, NASA A: Buzz Aldrin is now retired. A US national he was born in Glen Ridge, New Jersey and became a fighter pilot. In 1963 he was selected by NASA to serve as a crew member on Apollo 11. Q: Alfa Romeo 164, relatedMeanOfTransportation, Fiat Croma; Alfa Romeo 164, assembly, Italy; Alfa Romeo 164, relatedMeanOfTransportation, Saab 9000 A:
The Italy assembled Alfa Romeo 164, the Fiat Croma and the Saab 9000 are all related.
Sentence: Beef kway teow, which contains palm sugar, is a dish made in Singapore and Indonesia. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Beef kway teow, region, Singapore; Beef kway teow, ingredient, Palm sugar; Beef kway teow, country, "Singapore and Indonesia" input question: Sentence: Alison O'Donnell plays jazz music and was once signed to Deram Records. Structured data: Alison O'Donnell, genre, Jazz; Alison O'Donnell, recordLabel, Deram Records Sentence: England, where the capital is London, is the home of the Cornish language and the established religion of the Church of England. It is also the location of Dead Mans Plack which is dedicated to Aethelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Dead Man's Plack, location, England; England, capital, London; Dead Man's Plack, dedicatedTo, Æthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia; England, language, Cornish language; England, religion, Church of England Sentence: (66391) 1999 KW4 has a rotation period of 9953.28. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: (66391) 1999 KW4, rotationPeriod, 9953.28 Sentence: The Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense is nicknamed Asa Gigante. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense, nickname, "Asa Gigante ''" Sentence: The orbital period of 1036 Ganymed is 374976 seconds. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
1036 Ganymed, orbitalPeriod, 374976.0 (seconds)
Generate a sentence about this data: Arem-arem, country, Indonesia; Indonesia, leader, Jusuf Kalla; Indonesia, language, Indonesian language
In Indonesia; Jusuf Kalla is the leader, Indonesian is the language, and Arem-arem is commonly served.
Sentence: Alan Shepard was a national of the United States. He was born in New Hampshire became a test pilot and died in California. What data can be extracted from this sentence?
Alan Shepard, deathPlace, California; Alan Shepard, occupation, Test pilot; Alan Shepard, birthPlace, New Hampshire; Alan Shepard, nationality, United States
input question: Sentence: Abel Caballero was born in Spain and was part of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party. Structured data: Abel Caballero, birthPlace, Spain; Abel Caballero, party, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party Sentence: Ashgabat International Airport is located Ashgabat and is operated by Turkmenistan Airlines. It is 211 metres above sea level and has a runway length of 3800.0. It has a runway named 12R/30L. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Ashgabat International Airport, operatingOrganisation, Turkmenistan Airlines; Ashgabat International Airport, location, Ashgabat; Ashgabat International Airport, runwayLength, 3800.0; Ashgabat International Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevelInMetres, 211; Ashgabat International Airport, runwayName, "12R/30L" Sentence: The Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense (nicknamed Asa Gigante) has 17000 members and play in 2015. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense, nickname, "Asa Gigante ''"; Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense, season, 2015; Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense, numberOfMembers, 17000 Sentence: Stellendam was the birthplace of Ab Klink; who belongs to the Christian Democratic Appeal party, worked as a Member of the House of Representatives, and has Erasmus University in Rotterdam for an alma mater. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Ab Klink, almaMater, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ab Klink, office, "Member of the House of Representatives"; Ab Klink, party, Christian Democratic Appeal; Ab Klink, birthPlace, Stellendam input question: Sentence: Abner W. Sibal was born in Ridgewood, Queens and was a member of the Republican party of the United States. He was also a member of the Connecticut Senate from the 26th District and was succeeded by Marjorie Farmer. Structured data: Abner W. Sibal, office, "Member of the Connecticut Senate from the 26th District"; Abner W. Sibal, party, Republican Party (United States); Abner W. Sibal, successor, Marjorie Farmer; Abner W. Sibal, birthPlace, Ridgewood, Queens input question: Sentence: Albert B White was born on September 22nd 1856. He died in 1941. Structured data:
Albert B. White, birthYear, 1856; Albert B. White, deathYear, 1941; Albert B. White, birthDate, 1856-09-22
Generate a sentence that describes the following data: Agustín Barboza, birthPlace, Paraguay
The birth place of Agustin Barboza is Paraguay.
Sentence: A.C. Cesena, whose ground is located in Italy, are in the Serie B league. What structured data could we extract from this sentence?
A.C. Cesena, ground, Italy; A.C. Cesena, league, Serie B
Data: A Severed Wasp, country, United States; United States, ethnicGroup, African Americans A Severed Wasp is from the United States, which counts African Americans among its ethnic groups. Data: A.D. Isidro Metapán, ground, Estadio Jorge Calero Suárez; A.D. Isidro Metapán, numberOfMembers, 10000 A.D. Isidro Metapán, are at Estadio Jorge Calero Suárez and have 10000 members. Data: Abel Caballero, birthPlace, Ponteareas; Abel Caballero, party, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
Born in Ponteareas, Abel Caballero, is a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party.
Beef kway teow, region, Singapore; Singapore, leader, Halimah Yacob What is sentence that verbalizes this data?
Beef kway teow is a dish of Singapore and the country's leader is Halimah Yacob.
Data: Alan Shepard, title, Chief of the Astronaut Office; Alan Shepard, birthPlace, New Hampshire Sentence about the following data:
Alan Shepard, who was born in New Hampshire, held the position of the Chief of the Astronaut Office.
Here is some data: Aleksandr Prudnikov, birthDate, 1989-02-24; Aleksandr Prudnikov, height, 185.0 (centimetres); Aleksandr Prudnikov, club, FC Kuban Krasnodar; Aleksandr Prudnikov, club, FC Tom Tomsk. Write a sentence that describes this data. Sentence:
Aleksandr Prudnikov, who is 185cm in height and was born on 24 February 1989, plays for both FC Tom Tomsk and FC Kuban Krasnodar.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Buzz Aldrin, birthPlace, Glen Ridge, New Jersey; Buzz Aldrin, mission, Apollo 11; Buzz Aldrin, nationality, United States; Glen Ridge, New Jersey, isPartOf, Essex County, New Jersey; Apollo 11, backupPilot, William Anders; Apollo 11, operator, NASA
American Buzz Aldrin was part of NASA's Apollo 11 mission which had William Anders as its backup pilot. Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge, New jersey which is in Essex County.
Data: Acharya Institute of Technology, president, "B.M. Reddy"; Acharya Institute of Technology, city, Bangalore; Acharya Institute of Technology, director, "Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar"; Acharya Institute of Technology, established, 2000; Acharya Institute of Technology, state, Karnataka; Acharya Institute of Technology, country, "India"; Acharya Institute of Technology, affiliation, Visvesvaraya Technological University The Acharya Institute of Technology is located in Bangalore, in the state of Karnataka in India. Its director is Dr. G.P. Prabhukumar and its president is B.M. Reddy. The Institute was founded in 2000 and is affiliated to the Visvesvaraya Technological University. Data: Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, isPartOf, New Jersey; Atlantic City International Airport, runwayName, "13/31"; Atlantic City International Airport, location, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey; Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, country, United States; Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey, isPartOf, Atlantic County, New Jersey Atlantic City International Airport in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey is part of Atlantic County in the U.S.A. Its runway name is 13/31. Data: Alvah Sabin, office, Secretary of State of Vermont; Alvah Sabin, region, Vermont's 3rd congressional district; Alvah Sabin, successor, Homer Elihu Royce; Alvah Sabin, birthPlace, Georgia, Vermont; Alvah Sabin, activeYearsEndDate, 1857-03-03
Alvah Sabin was born in Georgia Vermont on 3 March 1857. He worked as the Secretary of State for Vermont and represented the 3rd Congressional District before being succeeded by Homer Elihu Royce.
Sentence: Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport is found in San Sebastián de los Reyes, Spain. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, location, San Sebastián de los Reyes; San Sebastián de los Reyes, country, Spain Sentence: In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090 is the location of the Acharya Institute of Technology in India. The Director of the Institute which was established in the year 2000 is Dr G P Prabhukumar and there are 700 postgraduate students. The Institute is affiliated with the Visvesvaraya Technological University. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Acharya Institute of Technology, city, Bangalore; Acharya Institute of Technology, director, "Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar"; Acharya Institute of Technology, established, 2000; Acharya Institute of Technology, country, "India"; Acharya Institute of Technology, numberOfPostgraduateStudents, 700; Acharya Institute of Technology, campus, "In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090."; Acharya Institute of Technology, affiliation, Visvesvaraya Technological University Sentence: The footballer Abner was born on 30/05/1996. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Abner (footballer), birthDate, 1996-05-30 Sentence: The birth place of Alfredo Zitarrosa is Montevideo, where the leader is the politician Daniel Martínez. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Alfredo Zitarrosa, birthPlace, Montevideo; Montevideo, leader, Daniel Martínez (politician)
This is some data: 1036 Ganymed, discoverer, Walter Baade; Walter Baade, birthPlace, Preußisch Oldendorf; Walter Baade, almaMater, University of Göttingen; Walter Baade, doctoralStudent, Allan Sandage. Generate a detailed description of this data. Sentence:
1036 Ganymed was discovered by Walter Baade, who was born in Preussisch Oldendorf. The university of Gottingen was where Walter Baade studied and his doctoral student was, Allan Sandage.
Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Belgium, leader, Charles Michel; Belgium, leader, Philippe of Belgium; Antwerp International Airport, cityServed, Antwerp; Belgium, officialLanguage, French language; Antwerp, country, Belgium
Antwerp International Airport serves the popular tourist destination city of Antwerp. French is the main language of Belgium where Charles Michel and Philippe of Belgium are leaders.
Generate a sentence about this data: Dead Man's Plack, location, England; England, capital, London; Dead Man's Plack, dedicatedTo, Æthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia; England, language, Cornish language; England, religion, Church of England. Sentence:
England, where the capital is London, is the home of the Cornish language and the established religion of the Church of England. It is also the location of Dead Mans Plack which is dedicated to Aethelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia.
Sentence: Ayam Penyet is a fried chicken dish from Malaysia and Java. The Banyumasan people are an ethnic group from Java. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Ayam penyet, region, Malaysia; Ayam penyet, ingredient, Fried chicken; Java, ethnicGroup, Banyumasan people; Ayam penyet, country, Java Sentence: 101 Helena has an orbital period of 1516.6700000000003 days and its epoch is 2006-12-31. Additionally, 101 Helena, has an escape velocity of 0.0348 kilometres per second and an apoapsis of 441092000.0 kilometres. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: 101 Helena, epoch, 2006-12-31; 101 Helena, orbitalPeriod, 1516.6700000000003 (days); 101 Helena, escapeVelocity, 0.0348 (kilometrePerSeconds); 101 Helena, apoapsis, 441092000.0 (kilometres) Sentence: Wolters Kluwer is the parent company of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins which publishes AIDS (journal) in the UK. The capital city of the UK is London and one of the leaders is Elizabeth II. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: AIDS (journal), country, United Kingdom; United Kingdom, capital, London; AIDS (journal), publisher, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, parentCompany, Wolters Kluwer; United Kingdom, leader, Elizabeth II Sentence: 1099 Figneria's epoch date is the 31st of December, 2006. It has a mass of 2.7 kg and an orbital period of 179942000.0. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
1099 Figneria, epoch, 2006-12-31; 1099 Figneria, mass, 2.7 (kilograms); 1099 Figneria, orbitalPeriod, 179942000.0
Sentence: English is spoken in the United States, where Americans live and where African Americans are one of the ethnic groups. The US is where you will find Albany, which is part of Dougherty County in Georgia. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: United States, demonym, Americans; Albany, Georgia, isPartOf, Dougherty County, Georgia; United States, language, English language; Albany, Georgia, country, United States; United States, ethnicGroup, African Americans Sentence: A Wizard of Mars was published in English (language of Great Britain) in the United States. The president of the US was previously Barack Obama and many Asian Americans live there. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: United States, leader, Barack Obama; A Wizard of Mars, language, English language; English language, spokenIn, Great Britain; United States, ethnicGroup, Asian Americans; A Wizard of Mars, country, United States Sentence: Mauricio Macri is the leader of Argentina and the people of Argentina, the Argentines. The ARA Veinticinco De mayo (V-2) comes from Argentina where the captital city is Buenos Aires. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Argentina, capital, Buenos Aires; Argentina, leader, Mauricio Macri; Argentina, demonym, Argentines; ARA Veinticinco de Mayo (V-2), country, Argentina input question: Sentence: Italians inhabit Italy. Structured data: Italy, demonym, Italians Sentence: 103 Colmore Row at Colmore Row was completed in 1976. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: 103 Colmore Row, completionDate, 1976; 103 Colmore Row, location, Colmore Row Sentence: (410777) 2009 FD has a mass of 8.3 kilograms. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
(410777) 2009 FD, mass, 8.3 (kilograms)
Sentence: The printed book Above The Veil is 248 pages long and the author is Garth Nix. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Above the Veil, numberOfPages, "248"; Above the Veil, author, Garth Nix; Above the Veil, mediaType, "Print" Sentence: Fried egg is one of the ingredients of Bandeja paisa. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Bandeja paisa, ingredient, Fried egg Sentence: Angola International Airport, which serves the city of Luanda, is located at Ícolo e Bengo. The airport is 159 metres above sea level, has a runway named South Runway and it is 4,000 feet long. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
Angola International Airport, location, Ícolo e Bengo; Angola International Airport, cityServed, Luanda; Angola International Airport, runwayLength, 4000.0; Angola International Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevelInMetres, 159; Angola International Airport, runwayName, "South Runway"
Sentence: Massimo Drago manages A.C. Cesena and is a former player of Vigor Lamezia and S.S.D. Potenza Calcio. What data can be extracted from this sentence?
Massimo Drago, club, Vigor Lamezia; A.C. Cesena, manager, Massimo Drago; Massimo Drago, club, S.S.D. Potenza Calcio
input question: Sentence: The National Assembly (Azerbaijan) is the source of legislature in Azerbaijan. Structured data: Azerbaijan, legislature, National Assembly (Azerbaijan) input question: Sentence: Allen Forrest started his hip hop career in 2005 and hip hop originated from funk music and disco and drum and bass is a derivative of hip hop. Structured data: Hip hop music, stylisticOrigin, Disco; Allen Forrest, activeYearsStartYear, 2005; Allen Forrest, genre, Hip hop music; Hip hop music, stylisticOrigin, Funk; Hip hop music, derivative, Drum and bass input question: Sentence: Aleksandr Prudnikov, who is 185cm in height and was born on 24 February 1989, plays for both FC Tom Tomsk and FC Kuban Krasnodar. Structured data: Aleksandr Prudnikov, birthDate, 1989-02-24; Aleksandr Prudnikov, height, 185.0 (centimetres); Aleksandr Prudnikov, club, FC Kuban Krasnodar; Aleksandr Prudnikov, club, FC Tom Tomsk input question: Sentence: In Indonesia; Jusuf Kalla is the leader, Indonesian is the language, and Arem-arem is commonly served. Structured data:
Arem-arem, country, Indonesia; Indonesia, leader, Jusuf Kalla; Indonesia, language, Indonesian language
Sentence: The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece where the Greek language is spoken. Alexis Tsipras heads Greece which has the capital city of Athens. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis, location, Greece; Greece, leader, Alexis Tsipras; Greece, capital, Athens; Greece, language, Greek language Sentence: Aermacchi MB-339 is a trainer Aircraft used by the Nigerian Air -Force. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Nigerian Air Force, trainerAircraft, Aermacchi MB-339 Sentence: The AWH Engineering College in Kuttikkattoor, Kerala, India was established in 2001. The Ganges is a river in India. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
AWH Engineering College, country, India; AWH Engineering College, established, 2001; AWH Engineering College, state, Kerala; AWH Engineering College, city, "Kuttikkattoor"; India, river, Ganges
Sentence: Abel Caballero was born in Spain and was part of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party. What structured data could we extract from this sentence?
Abel Caballero, birthPlace, Spain; Abel Caballero, party, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
1634: The Bavarian Crisis, author, Eric Flint; 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, precededBy, The Grantville Gazettes; Eric Flint, birthPlace, Burbank, California; 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, precededBy, "DeMarce short stories in the The Grantville Gazettes" What is sentence that verbalizes this data?
Burbank California is the birth place of Eric Flint who wrote 1634: The Bavarian Crisis which was preceded by the DeMarce short stories in the Grantville Gazettes.
Sentence: Baymax first appeared in the film Big Hero 6 and was created by Steven T Seagle and the American, Duncan Rouleau. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Baymax, firstAppearanceInFilm, Big Hero 6 (film); Duncan Rouleau, nationality, Americans; Baymax, creator, Duncan Rouleau; Baymax, creator, Steven T. Seagle Sentence: The architect of Adare Manor is Augustus Pugin, who also designed the Palace Of Westminster. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Adare Manor, architect, Augustus Pugin; Augustus Pugin, significantBuilding, Palace of Westminster input question: Sentence: The Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport is in San Sebastián de los Reyes, Spain, and has an elevation of 610.0 metres above sea level. Structured data: Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevel, 610.0; Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, location, San Sebastián de los Reyes; San Sebastián de los Reyes, country, Spain Sentence: Albany is a city in Dougherty County, Georgia, U.S.The president is the leader of the United States and its inhabitants are called Americans. The Asian Americans are an ethnic group of the United States. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: United States, leaderTitle, President of the United States; United States, demonym, Americans; Albany, Georgia, isPartOf, Dougherty County, Georgia; United States, ethnicGroup, Asian Americans; Albany, Georgia, country, United States Sentence: A Fortress of Grey Ice is from the United States. Here and in Great Britain the language spoken is English. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: United States, language, English language; English language, spokenIn, Great Britain; A Fortress of Grey Ice, country, United States Sentence: Bhajji come from the Karnataka region of India and include vegetables. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Bhajji, country, India; Bhajji, region, Karnataka; Bhajji, ingredient, Vegetable
Generate a sentence that describes the following data: Alan Bean, occupation, Test pilot; Alan Bean, birthDate, "1932-03-15"; Alan Bean, almaMater, "UT Austin, B.S. 1955"; Alan Bean, mission, Apollo 12; Alan Bean, birthPlace, Wheeler, Texas; Alan Bean, timeInSpace, "100305.0"(minutes). Sentence:
Test pilot Alan Bean was part of the Apollo 12 mission and spent 100305.0 minutes in space. Bean was born in Wheeler, Texas on March 15th, 1932 and in 1955 graduated from the University of Texas in Austin with a Bachelor of Science degree.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: A.S. Roma, league, Serie A. Sentence:
A.S. Roma plays in the Serie A.
input question: Sentence: Peter Stöger is at the FK Austria Wien club. Structured data: Peter Stöger, club, FK Austria Wien input question: Sentence: Abner W. Sibal, who was born in Ridgewood, Queens, was a member of the Connecticut Senate from the 26th District and was succeeded by Donald J. Irwin. Structured data: Abner W. Sibal, office, "Member of the Connecticut Senate from the 26th District"; Abner W. Sibal, successor, Donald J. Irwin; Abner W. Sibal, birthPlace, Ridgewood, Queens input question: Sentence: Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport is located in Madrid, Paracuellos de Jarama, San Sebastian de los Reyes and Alcobendas. It is operated by ENAIRE and its runway name is 14L/32R. The runway length is 3500.0. Structured data: Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, runwayLength, 3500.0; Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, location, "Madrid, Paracuellos de Jarama, San Sebastián de los Reyes and Alcobendas"; Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, operatingOrganisation, ENAIRE; Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, runwayName, "14L/32R" input question: Sentence: The Republic of Ireland's currency is the Euro. Structured data:
Republic of Ireland, currency, Euro
Sentence: Ab Klink is from the Netherlands where Mark Rutte is the leader. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Ab Klink, nationality, Netherlands; Netherlands, leader, Mark Rutte Sentence: Alan Martin is a footballer for Ayr United FC. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alan Martin (footballer), club, Ayr United F.C. Sentence: The key person of brazilian company, Hypermarcas, is their CEO. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Hypermarcas, location, Brazil; Hypermarcas, keyPerson, CEO Sentence: The Atlantic City International Airport's runway surface is made of Asphalt and Concrete. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Atlantic City International Airport, runwaySurfaceType, "Asphalt/Concrete"
Sentence: 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, located in Adams County, Pennsylvania, northwest of Carroll County, Maryland is categorised as a contributing property. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Adams County, Pennsylvania, hasToItsSoutheast, Carroll County, Maryland; 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, category, Contributing property; 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, location, Adams County, Pennsylvania input question: Sentence: Adare Manor is located in Adare, County Limerick and was completed in 1862 being designed by the architects James Pain and George Richard Pain. Structured data: Adare Manor, location, Adare; Adare Manor, architect, "James Pain and George Richard Pain,"; Adare Manor, completionDate, 1862; Adare Manor, location, County Limerick Sentence: The Liberal Democrats lead Birmingham, home town of architect John Madin, who designed 103 Colmore Row. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Birmingham, leader, Liberal Democrats; 103 Colmore Row, architect, John Madin; John Madin, origin, Birmingham Sentence: Alan Shepard has died in California. A United States national, he was born on 18 November 1923 in New Hampshire. He graduated from NWC in 1957 with an MA and became a crew member aboard Apollo 14. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alan Shepard, status, "Deceased"; Alan Shepard, almaMater, "NWC, M.A. 1957"; Alan Shepard, mission, Apollo 14; Alan Shepard, deathPlace, California; Alan Shepard, birthPlace, New Hampshire; Alan Shepard, nationality, United States; Alan Shepard, birthDate, "1923-11-18" Sentence: The Trane industry is building materials, and the company makes building management systems. Trane is located in Europe or more specifically, Ireland, and manufactures HVAC equipment. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Trane, location, Ireland; Trane, product, HVAC; Ireland, location, Europe; Trane, product, Building Management System; Trane, industry, Building materials Sentence: Madeleine L'Engle is an author, influenced by George MacDonald, who wrote A Severed Wasp. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
A Severed Wasp, author, Madeleine L'Engle; Madeleine L'Engle, influencedBy, George MacDonald
Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Alfons Gorbach, birthPlace, Imst; Alfons Gorbach, birthPlace, Austria. Sentence:
Alfons Gorbach's birthplace is Imst, in Austria.
Data: Alex Tyus, club, Pallacanestro Cantù; Alex Tyus, league, Turkish Basketball Super League Sentence about the following data: A: Alex Tyus plays with the club Pallacanestro Cantù in the Turkish Basketball Super League. Data: Aarhus Airport, location, Tirstrup; Tirstrup, isPartOf, Central Denmark Region; Tirstrup, isPartOf, Denmark Sentence about the following data: A: Aarhus Airport is in Tirstrup, Denmark which is part of the Central Denmark Region. Data: Administrative Science Quarterly, publisher, Cornell University; Cornell University, affiliation, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities; Cornell University, affiliation, Association of American Universities; Cornell University, state, New York; Cornell University, city, Ithaca, New York Sentence about the following data: A:
The Administrative Science Quarterly is published by Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Cornell University is affiliated with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Association of American Universities.
Sentence: Discovered by Sergey Belyavsky, 1001 Gaussia has an orbital period of 5.75 days. this asteroid's epoch date is on 31 July 2016, and it has a periapsis of 419113394.55312 kilometres. What data can be extracted from this sentence?
1001 Gaussia, discoverer, Sergey Belyavsky; 1001 Gaussia, epoch, 2015-06-27; 1001 Gaussia, orbitalPeriod, 5.75 (days); 1001 Gaussia, periapsis, 419113394.55312 (kilometres)
Sentence: The journal Addiction, which is abbreviated to Addicition, had the ISSN number 0965-2140 and LCCN number 93645978 and is published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Society for the Study of Addiction. What structured data could we extract from this sentence?
Addiction (journal), issnNumber, "0965-2140"; Addiction (journal), LCCN number, 93645978; Addiction (journal), abbreviation, "Addiction"; Addiction (journal), publisher, "Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Society for the Study of Addiction"
Amatriciana sauce, ingredient, Guanciale What is sentence that verbalizes this data?
Guanciale is an ingredient of Amatriciana sauce.
Data: Battle of Chancellorsville, isPartOfMilitaryConflict, American Civil War; Alfred Moore Scales, battle, Battle of Chancellorsville; American Civil War, commander, Jefferson Davis Sentence about the following data:
Jefferson Davis was a commander during the American Civil War where Alfred Moore Scales participated in the Battle of Chancellorsville.
Data: Peñarol, league, Uruguayan Primera División; Abel Hernández, youthclub, Peñarol; U.S. Città di Palermo, manager, Giuseppe Iachini; Abel Hernández, club, U.S. Città di Palermo Sentence about the following data:
The Uruguayan Primera División is the league that Peñarol play in. That is the club Abel Hernandez played in his youth. He now plays for the club, U.S. Città di Palermo which is managed by, Giuseppe Iachini.
input question: Sentence: Alfred Garth Jones is from the UK and died in Sidcup, in London. The city which is led by Boris Johnson and the European Parliament. Structured data: Alfred Garth Jones, deathPlace, Sidcup; Alfred Garth Jones, deathPlace, London; Alfred Garth Jones, nationality, United Kingdom; London, leaderTitle, European Parliament; London, leader, Boris Johnson Sentence: Alex Day was born in the London Borough of Havering. He is an acoustic musician who plays with Chameleon Circuit and is associated with Charlie McDonnell. He began his career in 2006. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alex Day, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Chameleon Circuit (band); Alex Day, genre, Acoustic music; Alex Day, birthPlace, London Borough of Havering; Alex Day, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Charlie McDonnell; Alex Day, activeYearsStartYear, 2006 Sentence: Paulo Sousa club is Juventus. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Paulo Sousa, club, Juventus F.C. Sentence: Spanish language is spoken in Uruguay. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Uruguay, language, Spanish language input question: Sentence: Isaac Rojas was the successor to Alberto Teisaire, who was born in Mendoza, Argentina. Alberto Teisaire was a Rear Admiral by profession and worked as a Provisional President of the Argentine Senate. Structured data: Alberto Teisaire, office, "Provisional President of the Argentine Senate"; Alberto Teisaire, profession, Rear admiral; Alberto Teisaire, successor, Isaac Rojas; Alberto Teisaire, birthPlace, Mendoza, Argentina input question: Sentence: Albany, Benton County, Oregon is part of The United States. The U.S. is home to African Americans and boasts its capital as Washington, DC. People living in the U.S. are called Americans. Structured data:
United States, demonym, Americans; United States, capital, Washington, D.C.; Albany, Oregon, isPartOf, Benton County, Oregon; Albany, Oregon, country, United States; United States, ethnicGroup, African Americans
Sentence: Akron is part of Summit County, Ohio in the United States. The country, which has the capital of Washington DC, includes the ethnic group of Asian Americans among the population of Americans. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: United States, ethnicGroup, Asian Americans; United States, demonym, Americans; United States, capital, Washington, D.C.; Akron, Ohio, country, United States; Akron, Ohio, isPartOf, Summit County, Ohio Sentence: The average speed of 1089 Tama is 19.94 km per sec. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: 1089 Tama, averageSpeed, 19.94 (kilometrePerSeconds) Sentence: AWH Engineering College in India has a staff size of 250 people. The Ganges River and Mumbai, the largest city, are also found in India. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: India, largestCity, Mumbai; AWH Engineering College, country, India; AWH Engineering College, academicStaffSize, 250; India, river, Ganges input question: Sentence: The Vietnamese people are an ethnic group in Japan which is the location of the Akita Museum of Art in Akita, Akita Prefecture. Structured data: Akita Museum of Art, country, Japan; Akita Museum of Art, location, Akita, Akita; Akita, Akita, isPartOf, Akita Prefecture; Japan, ethnicGroup, Vietnamese people in Japan Sentence: The tenant of the AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen is Marriott International, one of whose key people is Bill Marriott. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen, tenant, Marriott International; Marriott International, keyPerson, Bill Marriott Sentence: Alex Day plays with the Chameleon Circuit band, associated with musical artist Charlie McDonnell and plays acoustic music. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Alex Day, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Chameleon Circuit (band); Alex Day, genre, Acoustic music; Alex Day, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Charlie McDonnell
Here is some data: William Anders, occupation, Fighter pilot; William Anders, mission, Apollo 8; William Anders, birthPlace, British Hong Kong; Apollo 8, backupPilot, Buzz Aldrin; Apollo 8, crewMembers, Frank Borman; Apollo 8, operator, NASA; William Anders, status, "Retired". Write a sentence that describes this data. Sentence:
William Anders was born in British Hong Kong. He is a retired fighter pilot who served on the NASA operated Apollo 8. Frank Borman was also a crew member of Apollo 8 and Buzz Aldrin was a backup pilot.
question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, numberOfStudents, 600 *** sentence: Six hundred students attend the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: A.C. Chievo Verona, manager, Rolando Maran; Rolando Maran, club, Unione Triestina 2012 S.S.D.; Rolando Maran, club, Carrarese Calcio *** sentence: Rolando Maran plays for Unione Triestina 2012 S.S.D and Carrarese Calcio. He has also managed AC Chievo Verona. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: United States, percentageOfAreaWater, 6.97; AmeriGas, country, United States; United States, foundingDate, 1776-07-04; AmeriGas, industry, Energy industry *** sentence: AmeriGas, an energy company, is operational in the US. The US was founded in 1776, on 4th July, and 6.97% of it is covered in water. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: A.F.C. Blackpool, manager, Stuart Parker (footballer); Stuart Parker (footballer), club, KV Mechelen; Blackpool, leader, Gordon Marsden; A.F.C. Blackpool, ground, Blackpool *** sentence:
Stuart Parker is part of the KV Mechelen Club and manager of A.F.C. Blackpool whose ground is in Blackpool. The leader of Blackpool is Gordon Marsden.
input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: United States, language, English language; Albany, Oregon, country, United States; United States, ethnicGroup, African Americans sentence: African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States which is where Albany, Oregon is located and they speak English. input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, academicDiscipline, Paleobiology; Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, abbreviation, "Acta Palaeontol. Pol." sentence: Paleobiology is the academic discipline of Acta Palaeontologica Polonica which has the abbreviated name of Acta Palaeontol. Pol. input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: AIDAluna, owner, AIDA Cruises; AIDAluna, builder, Meyer Werft sentence:
Meyer Werft was the builder of the AIDAluna which is owned by AIDA Cruises.
This is some data: AIDA Cruises, location, Germany; Caterpillar Inc., keyPerson, Douglas R. Oberhelman; AIDAluna, owner, AIDA Cruises; AIDAluna, powerType, Caterpillar Inc.. Generate a detailed description of this data. Sentence:
AIDAluna, owned by German company AIDA Cruises, uses a Caterpillar Inc. engine. Caterpillar Inc. includes key member Douglas R. Oberhelman.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: 108 St Georges Terrace, floorCount, 50 A: There are 50 floors at 108 St Georges Terrace. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Adam Koc, battle, Polish–Soviet War; Adam Koc, award, Virtuti Militari A: Adam Koc fought in the Polish-Soviet War and was awarded the Virtuti Militari award. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Alison O'Donnell, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, The Owl Service (band); Alison O'Donnell, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, United Bible Studies A: Alison O'Donnell is a musician for the band United Bible Studies and has collaborated with the band The Owl Service. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Angola International Airport, location, Ícolo e Bengo; Angola International Airport, runwayLength, 4000.0; Angola International Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevelInMetres, 159 A:
Angola International Airport is in Icolo e Bengo and is 159 metres above sea level with a runway that's 4,000 feet long.
Sentence: Abner W. Sibal was born in Ridgewood, Queens and was a member of the U.S. Republican party. He was a member of the Connecticut Senate from the 26th District and his successor was, Marjorie Farmer. Abner W. Sibal died in Alexandria, Virginia. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Abner W. Sibal, office, "Member of the Connecticut Senate from the 26th District"; Abner W. Sibal, party, Republican Party (United States); Abner W. Sibal, successor, Marjorie Farmer; Abner W. Sibal, deathPlace, Alexandria, Virginia; Abner W. Sibal, birthPlace, Ridgewood, Queens Sentence: Ann Arbor is part of Washtenaw County in Michigan. The state is located within the United States and its largest city is Detroit. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Michigan, largestCity, Detroit; Michigan, country, United States; Ann Arbor, Michigan, isPartOf, Washtenaw County, Michigan; Ann Arbor, Michigan, isPartOf, Michigan Sentence: Alvah Sabin, who represented Vermont, ended his career on 3rd of March, 1857. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alvah Sabin, region, Vermont; Alvah Sabin, activeYearsEndDate, 1857-03-03 Sentence: The birth place of Agustin Barboza is Paraguay. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Agustín Barboza, birthPlace, Paraguay
Data: Abdul Taib Mahmud, birthPlace, Miri, Malaysia; Abdul Taib Mahmud, residence, "Demak Jaya, Jalan Bako, Kuching, Sarawak"; Abdul Taib Mahmud, successor, Abdul Rahman Ya'kub Sentence about the following data: A: Abdul Taib Mahmud, who was born in Miri, Malaysia and lives in Demak Jaya, Jalan Bako, Kuching, Sarawak, was followed in office by Abdul Rahman Ya'kub. Data: Anderson, Indiana, isPartOf, Lafayette Township, Madison County, Indiana; Lafayette Township, Madison County, Indiana, country, United States Sentence about the following data: A: Anderson, Indiana is part of Lafayette Township, Madison County, Indiana, United States. Data: Buzz Aldrin, birthPlace, Glen Ridge, New Jersey; Buzz Aldrin, mission, Apollo 11; Buzz Aldrin, nationality, United States; Glen Ridge, New Jersey, isPartOf, Essex County, New Jersey; Apollo 11, backupPilot, William Anders; Apollo 11, operator, NASA Sentence about the following data: A:
American Buzz Aldrin was part of NASA's Apollo 11 mission which had William Anders as its backup pilot. Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge, New jersey which is in Essex County.
question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, location, Seminary Ridge; 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, location, Adams County, Pennsylvania; 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, state, "Pennsylvania"; 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, established, 2000; 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, category, Contributing property; 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument, municipality, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania *** sentence: The 11th Mississippi Infantry Monument is located in the Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It was established in 2000 and it is categorised as a contributing property. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: A.S. Roma, numberOfMembers, 70634; A.S. Roma, fullName, "Associazione Sportiva Roma S.p.A."; A.S. Roma, ground, Stadio Olimpico *** sentence: Associazione Sportiva Roma S.p.A., or A.S Roma for short, has the Stadio Olimpico as its ground and 70634 members. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: Andrew Rayel, associatedBand/associatedMusicalArtist, Mark Sixma *** sentence: Andrew Rayel is associated with Mark Sixma. question: What is sentence that verbalizes this data: Belgium, leader, Charles Michel; Belgium, leader, Philippe of Belgium; Antwerp International Airport, cityServed, Antwerp; Belgium, officialLanguage, French language; Antwerp, country, Belgium *** sentence:
Antwerp International Airport serves the popular tourist destination city of Antwerp. French is the main language of Belgium where Charles Michel and Philippe of Belgium are leaders.
Sentence: The Battle of Cold Harbor took place during the American Civil War and Aaron S. Daggett fought in that battle. Jefferson Davis was a commander in the American Civil War. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Battle of Cold Harbor, isPartOfMilitaryConflict, American Civil War; Aaron S. Daggett, battle, Battle of Cold Harbor; American Civil War, commander, Jefferson Davis Sentence: Akeem Adams club is Ferencvarosi TC and he plays for the T&TEC Sports Club. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Akeem Adams, club, Ferencvárosi TC; Akeem Adams, club, T&TEC Sports Club input question: Sentence: Pakistan is led by Nawaz Sharif. Punjab, a major region, contains Allama Iqbal International Airport within the city of Lahore. Structured data: Allama Iqbal International Airport, location, Punjab, Pakistan; Allama Iqbal International Airport, cityServed, Lahore; Punjab, Pakistan, country, Pakistan; Pakistan, leader, Nawaz Sharif Sentence: Alliant Techsystems produces the ALV X-1 and the XM25 CDTE. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: ALV X-1, manufacturer, Alliant Techsystems; Alliant Techsystems, product, XM25 CDTE Sentence: N.R. Pogson (born in Nottingham) discovered 107 Camilla on 1 March 2001. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: 107 Camilla, discoverer, N. R. Pogson; N. R. Pogson, birthPlace, Nottingham; 107 Camilla, discovered, 2001-03-01 Sentence: The School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University in Denmark is also where the Church of Denmark is located. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
School of Business and Social Sciences at the Aarhus University, country, Denmark; Denmark, religion, Church of Denmark
Generate a sentence about this data: Flemish Government, jurisdiction, Flanders. Sentence:
Flanders is the jurisdiction of the Flemish Government.
input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Alex Day, genre, Synthpop; Synthpop, stylisticOrigin, Pop music; Synthpop, stylisticOrigin, New wave music sentence: The musical genre of Alex Day, is Synthpop, which has its stylistic origins in pop music and new wave music. input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: United States, capital, Washington, D.C.; United States, leaderTitle, President of the United States; 250 Delaware Avenue, location, United States; United States, leader, Barack Obama sentence: Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA where the leader is President Barack Obama. 250 Delaware Avenue is located in the United States. input: Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Massimo Drago, club, Vigor Lamezia; A.C. Cesena, manager, Massimo Drago; Massimo Drago, club, S.S.D. Potenza Calcio sentence:
Massimo Drago manages A.C. Cesena and is a former player of Vigor Lamezia and S.S.D. Potenza Calcio.
Here is some data: American Journal of Mathematics, abbreviation, "Am. J. Math."; American Journal of Mathematics, eissnNumber, 1080. Write a sentence that describes this data
Am. J. Math is the abbreviation for the American Journal of Mathematics, 1080 is the EISSN number.
Generate a sentence that describes the following data: Arem-arem, country, Indonesia; Indonesia, leader, Jusuf Kalla; Arem-arem, region, Javanese cuisine; Indonesia, currency, Indonesian rupiah; Indonesia, language, Indonesian language. Sentence:
Arem-arem is a Javanese dish found in Indonesia where Indonesian is spoken and Jusuf Kalla is a leader. Indonesia's currency is the rupiah.
This is some data: Ab Klink, almaMater, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ab Klink, office, "Member of the Senate"; Ab Klink, party, Christian Democratic Appeal; Ab Klink, birthPlace, Netherlands. Generate a detailed description of this data
Ab Klink was born in the Netherlands where he worked as a member of the senate. He belongs to the Christian Democratic Appeal party. Erasmus University in Rotterdam is his alma mater.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: (66063) 1998 RO1, discoverer, Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research; (66063) 1998 RO1, epoch, 2013-11-04; (66063) 1998 RO1, formerName, "1999 SN5"; (66063) 1998 RO1, orbitalPeriod, 360.29 (days); (66063) 1998 RO1, periapsis, 41498400000.0. Sentence:
The Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research centre discovered asteroid 66063 1998 RO1 and used to be called 1999 SN5. It has an epoch date of November 4th, 2013 and an orbital period of 360.29 days and a periapsis of 41,498,400,000 kilometres.
Generate a sentence about this data: Barny Cakes, country, France; France, leader, Gérard Larcher
The leader of France is Gerard Larcher and the country is home to the dish known as Barny cakes.
Generate a sentence that describes the following data: 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, author, Eric Flint; Eric Flint, influencedBy, Robert A. Heinlein; 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, precededBy, 1634: The Baltic War; Eric Flint, birthPlace, Burbank, California
Eric Flint was born in Burbank, California and was influenced by Robert A Heinlein. He is the author of 1634: The Bavarian Crisis which followed 1634: The Baltic War.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Allama Iqbal International Airport, location, Pakistan; Allama Iqbal International Airport, runwayLength, 3310.0; Allama Iqbal International Airport, operatingOrganisation, Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority; Allama Iqbal International Airport, cityServed, Lahore; Allama Iqbal International Airport, runwayName, "18R/36L"
Allama Iqbal International Airport, which serves the city of Lahore and is governed by the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, is located in Pakistan. The name of the airport's runway is 18R/36L and it is 3,310 long.
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, dean, Mario Botta; Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, academicStaffSize, 100 A: The Dean of Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio is Mario Botta and the school has an academic staff size of 100 people. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Binignit, ingredient, Banana A: Banana is an ingredient in binignit. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Appleton International Airport, location, Greenville, Wisconsin; Greenville, Wisconsin, isPartOf, Menasha (town), Wisconsin; Appleton International Airport, cityServed, Appleton, Wisconsin; Greenville, Wisconsin, isPartOf, Grand Chute, Wisconsin A: Appleton, Wisconsin is a city served by Appleton International airport in Greenville. Greenville is part of Menasha (town) and Grand Chute, Wisconsin. Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Abel Caballero, birthPlace, Spain; Abel Caballero, party, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party A:
Abel Caballero was born in Spain and was part of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party.
Generate an approximately fifteen-word sentence that describes all this data: Abradab, genre, Hip hop music; Hip hop music, stylisticOrigin, Disco. Sentence:
The musical genre of Abradab is hip hop music, the stylistic origins of which, is disco.
Q: Birmingham, postalCode, B postcode area; 103 Colmore Row, architect, John Madin; John Madin, origin, Birmingham; Birmingham, leader, Andrew Mitchell A: Led by Andrew Mitchell and with the postcode area 'B', Birmingham is the hometown of architect John Madin, who designed 103 Colmore Row. Q: Al Kharaitiyat SC, league, Qatar Stars League A: The league that Al Kharaitiyat SC play in is the Qatar Stars League. Q: 200 Public Square, location, Cleveland; Cleveland, country, United States; Cleveland, governingBody, Cleveland City Council A: 200 Public square is in Cleveland, United States and the governing body is Cleveland City Council. Q: 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, author, Eric Flint; 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, precededBy, The Grantville Gazettes; Eric Flint, birthPlace, Burbank, California; 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, precededBy, "DeMarce short stories in the The Grantville Gazettes" A:
Burbank California is the birth place of Eric Flint who wrote 1634: The Bavarian Crisis which was preceded by the DeMarce short stories in the Grantville Gazettes.
Q: ALCO RS-3, builder, American Locomotive Company; ALCO RS-3, powerType, Diesel-electric transmission A: The ALCO RS-3 was built by the American Locomotive Company and has a diesel-electric transmission. Q: Alan B. Miller Hall, owner, College of William & Mary; College of William & Mary, chancellor, Robert Gates; Mason School of Business, country, United States; Alan B. Miller Hall, currentTenants, Mason School of Business A: Robert Gates served as chancellor of the College of William and Mary who own the Alan B. Miller Hall in the United States .The current tenants are The Mason School of Business. Q: Arem-arem, country, Indonesia; Indonesia, leader, Jusuf Kalla; Indonesia, language, Indonesian language A: In Indonesia; Jusuf Kalla is the leader, Indonesian is the language, and Arem-arem is commonly served. Q: Agnes Kant, nationality, Netherlands; Netherlands, leader, Mark Rutte; Agnes Kant, office, "Member of the House of Representatives"; Agnes Kant, party, Socialist Party (Netherlands) A:
Agnes Kant is a member of the Socialist Party in the Netherlands and worked as a member of the House of Representatives. She is a national of the Netherlands, which is led by Mark Rutte.