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20231101.en_13195952_17 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Tabloul de bord al conducătorului în profil teritorial - a VIII-a Sesiune de Creaţie Ştiinţifică şi Tehnică, Braşov 1979 |
20231101.en_13195952_18 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Despre câteva principii antientropice în evoluţia sistemelor de producţie – Universitatea Braşov, Sesiunea ştiinţifică a cadrelor didactice a Universităţii Braşov, 15-17 februarie 1974 |
20231101.en_13195952_19 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Simularea fabricaţiei cu aplicaţii în programarea producţiei - Universitatea Craiova, Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice 24-25 noiembrie 1973 |
20231101.en_13195952_20 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Algoritm şi program pentru rezolvarea matricelor simetrice puternic diagonale (criteriul Witmayer) - Studiu efectuat pentru Direcţia pentru Sistematizarea, Arhitectura şi Proiectarea Construcţiilor, judeţul Prahova, 1970 |
20231101.en_13195952_21 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Cibernetica evoluţiei sistemelor socio-teritoriale – comunicare ştiinţifică selectată în cartea „CIBERNETICA”, Editura Academiei, 1988 |
20231101.en_13195952_22 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Sistem expert în cobalto-terapia tumorilor maligne - Academia RSR, Rezumatele comunicărilor celui de al IV-lea„Colocviu de Sisteme şi Cibernetică”, București 19-20 octombrie 1987 |
20231101.en_13195952_23 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Principiul remanenţei informaţionale aplicat la conducerea sistemelor economice mari - Revista de Statistică nr. 8 –August 1981 |
20231101.en_13195952_24 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Modelarea şi simularea numerică a evoluţiei sistemelor sociale, Raport de cercetare - Institutul Central de Informatică,1980 |
20231101.en_13195952_25 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Modelarea şi simularea numerică a evoluţiei sistemelor economico-sociale, un punct de vedere - Buletinul Român de Informatică, I.C.I. București, nr. 6/1980 |
20231101.en_13195952_26 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Analiza evoluţiei principalilor indicatori economici la un set de întreprinderi - Buletinul Informatic al Casei de Ştiinţă şi Tehnică pentru Tineret, Braşov, 1980 |
20231101.en_13195952_27 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Tablou de bord pentru conducerea activităţilor economice în profil teritorial – Produse informatice S.I.T., Institutul Central de Informatică, 1980 |
20231101.en_13195952_28 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Programarea producţiei după o metodă dinamică – „Studii şi Cercetări de Calcul Economic şi Cibernetică Economică”, Academia de Studii Economice, București 1/1974 |
20231101.en_13195952_29 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | "The history of Science in Romania", Cybernetics, Publishing House of Romanian Academy, 1981, pg. 151, 205, 220 |
20231101.en_13195952_30 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | Romanian Literature. The Dictionary of Romanian Contemporary Authors, 2013 (Literatura romana. Dictionarul autorilor romani contemporani, Ed. "Arial", 2013) |
20231101.en_13195952_31 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | (ITACA-Dublin, Revista de cultura) |
20231101.en_13195952_32 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | - Singur printre americani |
20231101.en_13195952_33 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | - Intre doua idealuri |
20231101.en_13195952_34 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | |
20231101.en_13195952_35 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | |
20231101.en_13195952_36 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | |
20231101.en_13195952_37 | | Cristache Gheorghiu | |
20231101.en_13195955_0 | | Coppa Agostoni | The Coppa Ugo Agostoni is a semi classic European bicycle race held in Lissone, Italy. The race is held in memory of Italian cyclist Ugo Agostoni, winner of prestigious classic Milan–San Remo, killed during World War II. It is also called Giro della Brianza. Since 2005, the race has been organised as a 1.1 event on the UCI Europe Tour. |
20231101.en_13195955_1 | | Coppa Agostoni | It is the second race of Trittico Lombardo, which includes three races held around the region of Lombardy in three consecutive days. These races are Tre Valli Varesine, Coppa Ugo Agostoni and Coppa Bernocchi. |
20231101.en_13195957_0 | | Konstanty Zakrzewski | Konstanty Zakrzewski (14 January 1876 in Warsaw – 19 January 1948 in Kraków) was a Polish physicist. He was a professor of the Jagiellonian University (1911–1913 and since 1917) and professor of the Lviv University (1913–1917), member of the Polish Academy of Learning (since 1920). |
20231101.en_13195957_1 | | Konstanty Zakrzewski | Zakrzewski was a researcher of electron theory of metals, optics, and dielectric properties of substances. He was an initiator of cosmic ray research in Poland (1947). |
20231101.en_13195972_0 | | Vedeggio | The Vedeggio is a river of the Swiss Canton Ticino which rises on the slopes of Monte Camoghè (2200m) between Bellinzona and Lugano, crosses the plain of Vedeggio (which takes its name from the river), and enters Lake Lugano at Agno. Its final section, from the outskirts of Agno until its emission into Lake Lugano has been cut into a straight channel for ease of civil planning in the town. |
20231101.en_13195996_0 | | Carlo Emery | Carlo Emery (25 October 1848, Naples – 11 May 1925) was an Italian entomologist. He is remembered for Emery's rule, which states that insect social parasites are often closely related to their hosts. |
20231101.en_13195996_1 | | Carlo Emery | Early in his career Carlo Emery pursued a course in general medicine, and in 1872 narrowed his interests to ophthalmology. In 1878 he was appointed Professor of Zoology at the University of Cagliari, remaining there for several years until 1881 when he took up an appointment at the University of Bologna as Professor of Zoology, remaining there for thirty-five years until his death. Emery specialised in Hymenoptera, but his early work was on Coleoptera. Prior to 1869, his earliest works were a textbook of general zoology and papers on fishes and molluscs. From 1869 to 1925 he devoted himself almost entirely to the study of ants. |
20231101.en_13195996_2 | | Carlo Emery | Emery published extensively between 1869 and 1926 describing 130 genera and 1057 species mainly in Wytsman's Genera Insectorum series. |
20231101.en_13195996_3 | | Carlo Emery | Emery’s collections of Hymenoptera are in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria in Genoa. His Coleoptera are in Rome's Museo Civico di Zoologia. He died at Bologna in 1925. |
20231101.en_13195996_4 | | Carlo Emery | Conci, C. 1975: Repertorio delle biografie e bibliografie degli scrittori e cultori italiani di entomologia. Mem. Soc. Ent. Ital. 48 1969(4) 904–905 |
20231101.en_13196019_0 | | Nikolai Kryukov (gymnast) | Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Kryukov (; born 11 November 1978 in Voronezh) is a Russian artistic gymnast. A three-time Olympian, he was also the all-around champion at the 1999 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Tianjin. |
20231101.en_13196024_0 | | Campodea aurunca | A Campodea (Monocampa) with lp (i.e., lateral posterior macrochaetae) on the urotergite VI; with la (i.e., lateral anterior macrochaetae) and lp on the urotergite VII; with bearded subapical dorsal setae on the tarsi. |
20231101.en_13196024_1 | | Campodea aurunca | Ramellini, P. 1989. I Diplura dei Monti Ausoni e Aurunci (Lazio): fauna ed ecologia. Boll. Ass. Romana Entomol., 44: 13-28 (1990). |
20231101.en_13196024_2 | | Campodea aurunca | Ramellini, P. 1995. Materiali per un catalogo topografico dei Dipluri italiani (Diplura). Fragm. entomol., 27(1): 15-50. |
20231101.en_13196024_3 | | Campodea aurunca | Dallai, R., E. Malatesta & P. Ramellini. 1995. Apterygota: Collembola, Protura, Microcoryphia e Zygentoma (= Thysanura s.l.), Diplura. In: Minelli, A., S. Ruffo & S. La Posta (eds.). Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 33. Bologna (IT), Calderini. |
20231101.en_13196053_0 | | Sentinel (building) | The Sentinel (sometimes The Sentinel or Sentinel Tower) is a luxury residential skyscraper in Takapuna, the central business area of North Shore City, New Zealand. The largest and currently only skyscraper in the city, it has 30 storeys. and is 120 m tall. It offers views over the Waitemata Harbour, the wider Hauraki Gulf as well as over to the Auckland CBD skyline. The Sentinel was opened to the first residents in February 2008. |
20231101.en_13196053_1 | | Sentinel (building) | The building contains 117 apartments, with the uppermost two levels forming a 675 m² penthouse, which was sold in 2007 for NZ$11 million. A communal area on level four includes a 25 m x 6 m heated swimming pool and spa, sauna and gym facilities as well as landscaped areas. |
20231101.en_13196053_2 | | Sentinel (building) | The building contains a number of motifs, from the square (used extensively in the glass facade proportions and in smaller details), to a woven flax basket (hinted at in the latticework of the facade) to the spire on top of the building which evokes a sail, especially from further away across the Hauraki Gulf. |
20231101.en_13196053_3 | | Sentinel (building) | The Sentinel was built by Multiplex Constructions for NZ$60 million and was given a non-notified consent by North Shore City Council because the idea of having a landmark building in Takapuna was considered favourably when the developer Cornerstone Group first proposed it in 2003. The developer has also stated that the consenting regulations have since become onerous to a degree that he would not build such a building under current rules. |
20231101.en_13196057_0 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | The Palace of the Kings of Majorca (French: Palais des Rois de Majorque, Catalan: Palau dels Reis de Mallorca), is a palace and a fortress with gardens overlooking the city of Perpignan in Pyrenees-Orientales, France. |
20231101.en_13196057_1 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | In 1276, King James II of Majorca made Perpignan the capital of the Kingdom of Majorca. He started to build a palace with gardens on the hill of Puig del rey on the south of the town, the architects were Ramon Pau, Pons Descoll, and Bernat Quer with completion in 1309. |
20231101.en_13196057_2 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | In 1415, the Holy Roman Emperor, Sigismund of Luxemburg, organised a European summit in Perpignan, to convince the Avignon Antipope Benedict XIII to resign his office and take to an end the Western Schism through the Council of Constance. On 20 September 1415, the Emperor met with Pope Benedict XIII at the palace with the King Ferdinand I of Aragon and the delegations of the Counts of Foix, Provence, Savoy, Lorraine, the embassy of the Roman church for the Council of Constance, and embassies from the Kings of France, England, Hungary, Castille and Navarre. The pope refused to resign and to recognise the Pope that the Council had chosen, clashing with the emperor who left Perpignan on 5 November. |
20231101.en_13196057_3 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | Following the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659, France gained Roussillon, and proceed to develop the defensive features of the palace. |
20231101.en_13196057_4 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | The General Council of the Pyrénées-Orientales bought the Palace and the gardens in 1958, to the Ministry of Defence who keeps the Vauban bastions and 19th century buildings and courts as a garrison. |
20231101.en_13196057_5 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | The Palace of the Kings of Majorca is a fortified Palace in the Gothic style. It is organised around three courtyards 60 m square. The first foremen on the site were Ramon Pau and especially Pons Descoyl, very active in Perpignan and the Baleares. |
20231101.en_13196057_6 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | It has two chapels, one above the other: the lower is the Queen's Chapel, while the upper is Holy Cross with a pink marble door. |
20231101.en_13196057_7 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | Here we have together in the “Great Hall“, the seat of political power, the chapel and the royal residence. The position of the chapel in the heart the royal apartments, opposite the throne room, indicates the importance of the spiritual over the temporal. The plan of the palace was inspired by those of Majorca, and the chapel is like that of the earlier Sainte-Chapelle in Paris. |
20231101.en_13196057_8 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | Doors, corridors, stairs, armatures and the main towers are all made of cut stone: ochre stone from Les Fonts, Baixas Blue, Sandstone, Red Marble from Villefranche-de-Conflent, White and Blue Marble from Ceret. |
20231101.en_13196057_9 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | The Guitares au Palais, a free three-day guitar music festival, is held in the last weekend of August in the Palace and the gardens. |
20231101.en_13196057_10 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | The festival's art director is Pedro Soler and opens the stage to an eclectic stream of guitar enthusiasts with performances in traditional acoustic guitar, flamenco, classical music, gypsy music, pop music and jazz. |
20231101.en_13196057_11 | | Palace of the Kings of Majorca | International guests includes the Rosenberg Trio, Tekamali and Paco Ibáñez in 2004, Montserrat Figueras, Rolf Lislevand and Manolo Sanlucar in 2005, The National and Sergio Lopez in 2006, Caetano Veloso in 2007, and the Rumberos Catalans, Bernardo Sandoval, Peter Finger and Aaron and Bryce Dessner in 2008. |
20231101.en_13196061_0 | | List of diplomatic missions in Antigua and Barbuda | This is a list of diplomatic missions in Antigua and Barbuda. The capital city of St. John's hosts 5 embassies/high commissions. Several other countries have honorary consuls to provide emergency services to their citizens. |
20231101.en_13196062_0 | | Wes Bialosuknia | Wesley John Bialosuknia (June 8, 1945 – October 23, 2013) was an American basketball player. He was a 6'2" (1.88 m) 185 lb (84 kg) guard, and played collegiately for the University of Connecticut Huskies. An accurate and prolific medium- and long-range jump shooter, Bialosuknia still holds the University of Connecticut season and career scoring average records: his 1966–67 average of 28.0 PPG ranked 5th in the nation. He also holds the UConn records for career scoring average of 23.6 pts per game and consecutive foul shots made (43). In 1967, he was the MVP of the annual North–South College All-Star Game. |
20231101.en_13196062_1 | | Wes Bialosuknia | He was selected by the St. Louis Hawks in the 4th round (37th pick overall) of the 1967 NBA draft and by the Oakland Oaks in the 1967 ABA Draft. |
20231101.en_13196062_2 | | Wes Bialosuknia | He played for the Oakland Oaks (1967–68) for 70 games and was variously nicknamed "The Mad Bomber" or "The Typographical Terror"; Bialosuknia finished 2nd in the league in 3-point shooting percentage, and his 9 consecutive 3-pointers made is tied for the most in NBA history. |
20231101.en_13196064_0 | | Willoughby Staples Brewster | Willoughby Staples Brewster (July 9, 1860 – December 28, 1932) was an Ontario lawyer and political figure. He represented Brant South in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario from 1908 to 1914 as a Conservative member. |
20231101.en_13196064_1 | | Willoughby Staples Brewster | He was born in Haldimand Township, Northumberland County, Canada West, the son of John Brewster, and was educated at Victoria College in Cobourg. He articled in law in Brantford and set up practice there. In 1887, he married Mary L. Horning. In 1898, he married Belle Roberts after the death of his first wife. Brewster served on the town council and the public school board. He was also president of the Brantford Chamber of Commerce. Brewster ran unsuccessfully for a seat in the provincial assembly in 1905. During his time in the assembly, he played an important role in the passing of the Ontario Workmen's Compensation Act. One of his children, Harold Staples Brewster (1893–1916) was attending Osgood Hall Law School when he joined the Royal Air Corp in May 1915. He died in Europe the following year on 6 Dec 1916. Willoughby died in Brantford in 1932. |
20231101.en_13196068_0 | | Fractional vortices | In a standard superconductor, described by a complex field fermionic condensate wave function (denoted ), vortices carry quantized magnetic fields because the condensate wave function is invariant to increments of the phase by . There a winding of the phase by creates a vortex which carries one flux quantum. See quantum vortex. |
20231101.en_13196068_1 | | Fractional vortices | The term Fractional vortex is used for two kinds of very different quantum vortices which occur when: |
20231101.en_13196068_2 | | Fractional vortices | (i) A physical system allows phase windings different from , i.e. non-integer or fractional phase winding. Quantum mechanics prohibits it in a uniform ordinary superconductor, but it becomes possible in an inhomogeneous system, for example, if a vortex is placed on a boundary between two superconductors which are connected only by an extremely weak link (also called a Josephson junction); such a situation also occurs on grain boundaries etc. At such superconducting boundaries the phase can have a discontinuous jump. Correspondingly, a vortex placed onto such a boundary acquires a fractional phase winding hence the term fractional vortex. A similar situation occurs in Spin-1 Bose condensate, where a vortex with phase winding can exist if it is combined with a domain of overturned spins. |
20231101.en_13196068_3 | | Fractional vortices | (ii) A different situation occurs in uniform multicomponent superconductors, which allow stable vortex solutions with integer phase winding , where , which however carry arbitrarily fractionally quantized magnetic flux. |
20231101.en_13196068_4 | | Fractional vortices | Josephson phase discontinuities may appear in specially designed long Josephson junctions (LJJ). For example, so-called 0-π LJJ have a discontinuity of the Josephson phase at the point where 0 and parts join. Physically, such LJJ can be fabricated using tailored ferromagnetic barrier or using d-wave superconductors. The Josephson phase discontinuities can also be introduced using artificial tricks, e.g., a pair of tiny current injectors attached to one of the superconducting electrodes of the LJJ. The value of the phase discontinuity is denoted by κ and, without losing generality, it is assumed that , because the phase is periodic. |
20231101.en_13196068_5 | | Fractional vortices | An LJJ reacts to the phase discontinuity by bending the Josephson phase in the vicinity of the discontinuity point, so that far away there are no traces of this perturbation. The bending of the Josephson phase inevitably results in appearance of a local magnetic field localized around the discontinuity ( boundary). It also results in the appearance of a supercurrent circulating around the discontinuity. The total magnetic flux Φ, carried by the localized magnetic field is proportional to the value of the discontinuity , namely , |
20231101.en_13196068_6 | | Fractional vortices | where is a magnetic flux quantum. For a π-discontinuity, , the vortex of the supercurrent is called a semifluxon. When , one speaks about arbitrary fractional Josephson vortices. This type of vortex is pinned at the phase discontinuity point, but may have two polarities, positive and negative, distinguished by the direction of the fractional flux and direction of the supercurrent (clockwise or counterclockwise) circulating around its center (discontinuity point). |
20231101.en_13196068_7 | | Fractional vortices | The semifluxon is a particular case of such a fractional vortex pinned at the phase discontinuity point. |
20231101.en_13196068_8 | | Fractional vortices | Although, such fractional Josephson vortices are pinned, if perturbed they may perform a small oscillations around the phase discontinuity point with an eigenfrequency, that depends on the value of κ. |
20231101.en_13196068_9 | | Fractional vortices | In the context of d-wave superconductivity, a fractional vortex (also known as splintered vortex) is a vortex of supercurrent carrying unquantized magnetic flux , which depends on parameters of the system. Physically, such vortices may appear at the grain boundary between two d-wave superconductors, which often looks like a regular or irregular sequence of 0 and π facets. One can also construct an artificial array of short 0 and π facets to achieve the same effect. These splintered vortices are solitons. They are able to move and preserve their shape similar to conventional integer Josephson vortices (fluxons). This is opposite to the fractional vortices pinned at phase discontinuity, e.g. semifluxons, which are pinned at the discontinuity and cannot move far from it. |
20231101.en_13196068_10 | | Fractional vortices | Theoretically, one can describe a grain boundary between d-wave superconductors (or an array of tiny 0 and π facets) by an effective equation for a large-scale phase ψ. Large scale means that the scale is much larger than the facet size. This equation is double sin-Gordon equation, which in normalized units reads |
20231101.en_13196068_11 | | Fractional vortices | where is a dimensionless constant resulting from averaging over tiny facets. The detailed mathematical procedure of averaging is similar to the one done for a parametrically driven pendulum, and can be extended to time-dependent phenomena. In essence, () described extended φ Josephson junction. |
20231101.en_13196068_12 | | Fractional vortices | For () has two stable equilibrium values (in each 2π interval): , where . They corresponding to two energy minima. Correspondingly, there are two fractional vortices (topological solitons): one with the phase going from to , while the other has the phase changing from to . The first vortex has a topological change of 2φ and carries the magnetic flux . The second vortex has a topological change of and carries the flux . |
20231101.en_13196068_13 | | Fractional vortices | Splintered vortices were first observed at the asymmetric 45° grain boundaries between two d-wave superconductors YBa2Cu3O7−δ. |
20231101.en_13196068_14 | | Fractional vortices | In certain states of spin-1 superfluids or Bose condensates, the condensate wavefunction is invariant if the superfluid phase changes by , along with a rotation of spin angle. This is in contrast to the invariance of condensate wavefunction in a spin-0 superfluid. A vortex resulting from such phase windings is called fractional or half-quantum vortex, in contrast to one-quantum vortex where a phase changes by . |
20231101.en_13196068_15 | | Fractional vortices | Different kinds of "Fractional vortices" appear in a different context in multi-component superconductivity where several independent charged condensates or superconducting components interact with each other electromagnetically. |
20231101.en_13196068_16 | | Fractional vortices | Such a situation occurs for example in the theories of the projected quantum states of liquid metallic hydrogen, where two order parameters originate from theoretically anticipated coexistence of electronic and protonic Cooper pairs. There topological defects with an (i.e. "integer") phase winding only in or only in a protonic condensate carries fractionally quantized magnetic flux: a consequence of electromagnetic interaction with the second condensate. Also these fractional vortices carry a superfluid momentum which does not obey Onsager-Feynman quantization |
20231101.en_13196068_17 | | Fractional vortices | Despite the integer phase winding, the basic properties of these kinds of fractional vortices are very different from the Abrikosov vortex solutions. For example, in contrast to the Abrikosov vortex, their magnetic field generically is not exponentially localized in space. Also in some cases the magnetic flux inverts its direction at a certain distance from the vortex center |
20231101.en_13196181_0 | | Ayerza | Abel Ayerza (1861–1918), Argentine doctor who gave his name to the cardiological condition Ayerza syndrome |
20231101.en_13196194_0 | | Albert Sanschagrin | Albert Sanschagrin, O.M.I. (August 5, 1911 – April 2, 2009) was Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada, and the oldest Canadian bishop of the Roman Catholic Church at the time of his death. |
20231101.en_13196194_1 | | Albert Sanschagrin | He was ordained a priest in the order of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate on May 5, 1936. He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Amos, Quebec, Canada on August 12, 1957. He was ordained Bishop of Bagis on September 14, 1957. He was appointed Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec on June 13, 1967. He retired on July 18, 1979. |
20231101.en_13196199_0 | | Tour of Slovenia | Between 2005 and 2018, it was organised as a 2.1 race on the UCI Europe Tour. The 2019 edition was classified as a 2.HC race. It became part of the UCI ProSeries in 2020. |
20231101.en_13196199_1 | | Tour of Slovenia | Race made a signicifant progress and importance with more and more international recognition over the years. From the unknown local third class race in the beginnings, it is now part of the world's second tier level of road cycling with world class athletes. In 2017, when Slovenian Tourist Organisation (STO) decided to start promoting country's trademark, its green landscape, on Eurosport 1 and 2, was a huge game changer. All five stages of the race are being broadcast live in about 120 countries all over the world. |
20231101.en_13196199_2 | | Tour of Slovenia | World class cyclists such as Rigoberto Urán, Rafał Majka, Primož Roglič, Jakob Fuglsang, Vincenzo Nibali and Tadej Pogačar competed here in the course of their careers and brought the international attention. |
20231101.en_13196199_3 | | Tour of Slovenia | In 2017, they introduced green jersey for general classification, representing country's green nature. |
20231101.en_13196199_4 | | Tour of Slovenia | Along with the Tour de Suisse, it is the last top level preparatory stage race before Tour de France. Mojca Novak (President of organizing committee) retired 2023, new President is Bogdan Fink. |
20231101.en_13196199_5 | | Tour of Slovenia | Jersey colors changed many times over the years. There were also Best Slovenian (1993) and Delo's sprints (1996) classifications. |
20231101.en_13196215_0 | | Eddie Biedenbach | Edward Joseph Biedenbach (born August 12, 1945) is an American former basketball player and college basketball coach. |
20231101.en_13196215_1 | | Eddie Biedenbach | Born in Pittsburgh, Biedenbach attended Edgewood High School in nearby Edgewood. He played collegiately for the North Carolina State University and was selected first-team All-ACC twice. |
20231101.en_13196215_2 | | Eddie Biedenbach | He was selected by the St. Louis Hawks in the 9th round (106th pick overall) of the 1967 NBA draft and by the Los Angeles Lakers in the 4th round (45th pick overall) of the 1968 NBA draft. In the 1968–69 season, Biedenbach played seven games for the Phoenix Suns. |
20231101.en_13196215_3 | | Eddie Biedenbach | Biedenbach coached at Davidson College and the University of North Carolina at Asheville. He led Asheville to three NCAA tournament appearances. In 2003, they lost to Texas in the first round. |
20231101.en_13196215_4 | | Eddie Biedenbach | In 2007–08, the UNC Asheville Bulldogs garnered national spotlight attention because of 7'7" center Kenny George. UNCA went 23–10 that season and was runner-up in the Big South tournament. UNCA made the NIT and lost in the first round to Ohio State 84–66. |
20231101.en_13196215_5 | | Eddie Biedenbach | In 2011, UNCA qualified for the NCAA tournament after winning the Big South tournament. UNCA beat Arkansas-Little Rock in the First Four before losing to Pittsburgh in the Round of 64. |
20231101.en_13196215_6 | | Eddie Biedenbach | The 2011–2012 season was the most successful season in Asheville basketball history. Led by four seniors (J.P. Primm, Matt Dickey, Chris Stephenson, and Quinard Jackson), the Bulldogs won a school record 24 wins. UNCA won the Big South regular season title. By virtue of winning the Big South tournament, UNCA earned a 16 seed in the NCAA tournament and led 1 seed Syracuse for the majority of the game but lost 72–65 and fell short of becoming the first 16 seed to upset a 1 seed. |
20231101.en_13196215_7 | | Eddie Biedenbach | On April 2, 2013, Biedenbach resigned from UNC Asheville to take an assistant coaching job under Buzz Peterson at UNC Wilmington. After Peterson was fired, Biedenbach became interim head coach until UNCW hired Kevin Keatts, who did not retain Biedenbach on staff. |
20231101.en_13196215_8 | | Eddie Biedenbach | Biedenbach is the father-in-law of Carolina Hurricanes head coach Rod Brind'Amour. Brind'Amour is married to Biedenbach's daughter, Amy. |
20231101.en_13196219_0 | | I Belong to Glasgow | "I Belong to Glasgow" is a song written and recorded by the music hall entertainer Will Fyffe in 1920. It has been performed by Danny Kaye, Eartha Kitt, Gracie Fields and Kirk Douglas. |
20231101.en_13196219_1 | | I Belong to Glasgow | According to Albert Mackie's The Scotch Comedians (1973), Fyffe got the inspiration for the song from a drunk he met at Glasgow Central Station. The drunk was "genial and demonstrative" and "laying off about Karl Marx and John Barleycorn with equal enthusiasm". Fyffe asked him "Do you belong to Glasgow?", and the man replied "At the moment, at the moment, Glasgow belongs to me." |
20231101.en_13196219_2 | | I Belong to Glasgow | The song speaks of drink in a period where temperance campaigns were prevalent, and it shows a typical music hall attitude to the supposedly tyrannical wife. The monologue accompanying the song is the origin of several popular humorous catch phrases, including "under the affluence of incohol". The entertainer Harry Lauder was offered the song, but declined because it praised strong drink. |
20231101.en_13196219_3 | | I Belong to Glasgow | As a result of this song, Will Fyffe became forever associated with Glasgow, but he was born away in the east coast city of Dundee. |
20231101.en_13196219_4 | | I Belong to Glasgow | The song was used in the 1955 film The Colditz Story, but the lyric was modified to "I Belong to Colditz". |
20231101.en_13196249_0 | | Jesuit Church, Warsaw | The Jesuit Church (), also known as Church of the Gracious Mother of God (Kościół Matki Bożej Łaskawej), is an ornate church within the Old Town precinct in Warsaw, Poland. The temple stands on , adjacent to St John's Cathedral, and is one of the most notable mannerist-style churches in Warsaw. |
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